Rules of Three or Thirds Is a Classic Trick in Photography, and the Result of Video and Photo Is Really Great. This Article Will Show You How to Use Rule of Thirds to Make a Better Video for 2024

Rules of Three or Thirds Is a Classic Trick in Photography, and the Result of Video and Photo Is Really Great. This Article Will Show You How to Use Rule of Thirds to Make a Better Video for 2024

Chloe Lv12

Rules of Three or Thirds Is a Classic Trick in Photography, and the Result of Video and Photo Is Really Great. This Article Will Show You How to Use Rule of Thirds to Make a Better Video

So you have your work flow sorted out and you’re well on your way with Filmora but you’re not quite happy with your results or something just seems off when you watch your videos back. You may be missing an important element of all visual media and that’s composition. This is where the building blocks of every frame come together to make a visually pleasing piece for the viewer and helps the eyes concentrate on the content rather than trying to figure out what they are looking at.

I’m sure you may have heard of the rule of thirds for art or photography and you may not know or understand what it is. You may even be wondering how the rule of thirds can help you with your video creation. Well, that is what I’m going to show and explain to you today.

What is the rule of thirds

At its core the rule of thirds is a guide to follow whenever you create something visual.

You break an image into thirds both horizontally and vertically, in doing this you are left with nine boxes and four gridlines, the rule states that by placing key elements in line with gridlines you will have an overall better composition.

To gain a better understanding of this here is a visual example of the gridlines and nine boxes.

rule of thirds gridline

This may seem simple but is often overlooked due to time restraints and eagerness to get that video out there. By following these guidelines your overall composition will gain interesting and pleasing results that can help with viewer engagement. This is only one piece of the puzzle but as any photography professional or artist will tell you, It’s the small things that add up.

How to use the rule of thirds

To show how to use the rule of thirds I will be showing an image with and without the use of the guidelines. In doing this you will be able to see how impactful this system is and how it can help with your own creations within Filmora .

This will be our scene example, you can see buildings, boats, water and skyline. This may be typical of a backdrop or an insert for a holiday picture amongst many other things.

I will now show this picture with no compositional thought and without the use of the thirds system.

shoot a scene with three thirds

Notice how all the elements are in the scene but it just looks interesting and something just seems off when you look at it. You may find yourself searching for understanding of the image rather than taking the image in and concentrating on what the creator intended. This is seen commonly due to the need to fit every element in the scene but sometimes it is best to sacrifice something you may see as important for the sake of the whole picture.

We will now look at the example image with the rule of thirds in place and see if overall this makes a more interesting scene.

place thirds points in photo

We have aligned the skyline with the first horizontal grid line and aligned the boats with the vertical grid lines. We have sacrificed the crane in the scene but overall I’m sure you can agree that this is more pleasing and makes more sense when you’re viewing this. The whole middle section of the scene now has information within it and the contrast between the middle and the rest of the scene directs your eyes to what was intended to be viewed, This is called effect use of empty space. In doing this you save yourself time from adding more information to direct the viewer.

Placing key elements directly in the center of your scene can seem static and boring but by placing elements to one side or using the first and second horizontal grid lines you create something called Dynamism , where the viewer sees an element along the grid and takes a journey through the rest of the image.

Studies have shown that this is the humans natural way of viewing imagery, we first find something interesting to look at and then journey around that. So by using this rule you are creating a more natural process for your viewer.

Tips when starting using the rule of thirds

The first tip I would say is to view other videos, YouTube is a good starting point. Watch interviews and notice where the chairs are aligned. Watch reviewers and notice where they position themselves in the scene. Lastly watch movies and pause on an interesting scene and try to deconstruct where everything is placed and why they chose that composition.

The idea with the rule is to have it become something you do naturally, by always considering the form you save yourself time in the editing process. The key things you have in your mind whenever you make a scene should be.

1. What is the key element in my scene or what am I trying to make the viewer focus on.

2. where do I intend to place these in my scene?

3. Have I created a balanced scene with enough negative space to direct the eye.

If you consider this with every video you make then in time this will become as natural as drinking water on a hot day. As a practice you could open some old projects and apply this rule to your video to see the results and you may find yourself impressed with the change.

When is it best to not use the rule of thirds?

The rule is very useful when you’re aiming to grab the attention towards a certain element but that being said, when you have a symmetrical scene you can get away with not using the rule as your eyes can make sense of symmetry very well.

Even when working with a symmetrical scene you can incorporate the rule within for elements such as people or key figures but in this situation it is down to the creator to figure what they feel is best in any given shot.

How to Use Rule of Thirds in Filmora

The tools provided within Filmora are generous and one great feature is the crop and size tool.

When inserting an image or movie file you can right click on the timeline and select crop and size bringing up a handy screen with the gridlines already there for you. It’s just a matter of aligning your shot for the best composition.

For reference I will show you what this looks like.

First right click the timeline on the image you want to reposition. Alternatively you can select the desired insert and press Alt+C this will also bring up the same editing box.

crop rule of thirds video

Now click on the crop and zoom option and this editor will appear.

crop rule of thirds filmora

As you can see you are able to align the shot and change the aspect ratio to align with your project. For a better look at the built in grid lines see image below.

rule of thirds final video


To conclude, the rule of thirds is very important within visual media and is tough within the fundamentals of art and photography from beginner level right up to the highest point of education, Practice thinking about your placement of key elements within your videos and how this affects your overall composition. The goal is to have this as an automatic thought when shooting your videos or still images. This is a small change you can make but has a big impact on how a viewer engages your content and in return leaves a positive opinion towards your creativity and eye for detail.

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Learning The Details Of How To Replace Sky in Lightroom

People look for sky replacements in their images to improve their appearance. Sometimes, we need to do this because of overexposed images in sunlight. Replacing the surroundings of images is a common post-processing technique in photography. For this purpose, advanced editing tools like Lightroom and Adobe Photoshop are required.

Lightroom Sky replacement requires certain editing skills to effectively edit the media. This article will help you to learn how to do sky replacement in Lightroom. Before delving into the steps, read the first part to know the reason for changing the surroundings in Lightroom to replace the sky system.

Sky Replacement A cross-platform works like magic for background removal or sky replacement photos!

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Wondershare Filmora

Part 1: Why Do Creators Look Forward to Changing the Environment Across Their Recorded or Captured Media?

Humans love to show creativity and express themselves from different perspectives. Creative works provide entertainment and prove therapeutic in some way. That’s why creators and artists try to change the surroundings of recorded media. Such changes make the captured media virtually stunning and creative. Let’s explore more reasons that push creators towards sky replacement in Lightroom:

  • Artistic Storytelling: A creative art piece shows a story of a thousand words. Thus, artists look for visual elements to convey particular moods and messages in their media.
  • Symbolism: In many art competitions, creators are asked to show symbolic media. For this purpose, they might replace Sky in Lightroom to symbolize rebirth and growth.
  • World-Building: The science fiction and fantasy genre needs such changes to build another world. Creators turn the media into imaginative settings to inspire the audience.
  • Entertainment: Another aim of the creator is to provide new and exciting content to the audience. It allows them to temporarily escape their world and enjoy it.
  • Discovery: You might have seen virtual landscapes in video games that uncover hidden secrets. Such backgrounds are designed to facilitate adventure through media.

Part 2: A Guide to Replace Sky in Lightroom: Step-by-Step

As discussed earlier, changing the sky in Lightroom proves fruitful for many reasons. Altering media scenes can also create a powerful emotional impact. Likewise, shifting from a green meadow to a messy landscape can turn a calm mood into chaos. If you intend to replace your current media background, then let us help you. Here are the steps below to change the environment in Lightroom:

Step 1: Lightroom can enhance your surroundings by using certain effects. To replace the sky, right-click on your image and select the “Edit in Photoshop” option. Before that, ensure that you have Adobe Photoshop installed on your system.

open image in photoshop

Step 2: Now, go to the top toolbar and press the “Edit” option next to “File.” From the drop-down list, access the “Sky Replacement” option. Head to the “Sky Replacement” panel and click the downward icon next to the sky preview. Scroll to pick one sky of your choice and hit the “OK” button.

access sky replacement feature

Step 3: To import more skies, press the “Settings” icon on the Sky Replacement panel. Select the first option of “Get More Skies” and click on “Import Images.” You can explore skies from the Blue Skies, Spectacular, and Sunsets folders from that panel.

try other skies

Step 4: Bring this picture back to the Lightroom and go to its right-side panel. There, use the Exposure, Contrast, and Highlights sliders below the “Light” downward icon. After enhancing your image, right-click on it and look for the “Export” option to save the file.

change image parameters in lightroom

Part 3: Make Background Changing Easy with Wondershare Filmora

Sky Replacement in Lightroom and Photoshop requires some basic editing skills. Not everyone has such skills, so they have to acquire skills from video tutorials. It wastes a lot of time and effort just to learn editing from scratch. As an easier solution, they should try Wondershare Filmora to change image surroundings.

Notably, it’s a better solution that accommodates all users from beginner professionals. You can use Filmora for video editing to effortlessly expand your creativity. This tool is available online for Desktop, macOS, mobile, and online with the latest AI features.

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Key Features Marking Filmora’s Importance

Instantly remove or change your videos and image backgrounds with Filmora. Reimagine your world by knowing the given key features of Filmora in changing backgrounds:

1. Chroma Key (Green Screen)

Applying green-screen in effect in video and images will generate professional content. With AI support, you can remove a certain color from overlay images and videos. It can make your chosen colors transparent in the imported media. To fine-tune the media, you can use Tolerance, Edge Thickness, and Feather sliders.

chroma key filmora

2. AI Portrait

If you want to focus on the portrait while ignoring the background, use this feature. It can remove the background with accuracy by recognizing the main object. Filmora detects humans with AI and allows manual adjustments after removing the background. You can change the Edge Thickness and Edge Feature to the required extent.

ai portrait filmora

3. Basic Background

While editing any media, you might require a blur option to hide distortion in the background. Filmora offers background blur options with different types and styles in them. You can opt for a Pattern, Color, and blur option from blur types. Then, it allows you to choose from blur styles like Grainy, Direction, and Radial. Afterward, users can select the level of blur as per their choice.

background changing filmora

4. AI Image Stylizer

Aside from changing background, you can unleash your creativity with an AI Image stylizer. It’s the latest feature of Filmora that can turn your image into a devil, clown, or zombie. If you want to follow certain social media trends of making anime, explore this feature. You can find 19 styles that also include soft image looks like Flower and Angel image styles.

ai image filmora

Steps to Change Background with Different Ways Using Filmora

Instead of lightroom sky replacement, Filmora offers the simplest way to edit images and videos. Let’s explore the quickest ways to change backgrounds using Filmora.

Method 1: Using Chroma Key

Step 1: Get the Latest Version of Filmora in Your system

Successfully launch the latest version of Filmora in your system. Double-tap on it to enter the home screen. Click on “New Project” and access the editing screen of Filmora.

opening new project filmora

Step 2: Use the Chroma Key and Change the Background

From the media panel, use “Import” and bring your media to the Timeline section. Place the background video first and then bring the Main Clip below it. Head to the right-side panel and press the “AI Tools” option from the top. Now enable the “Chroma Key” option, and the background will be replaced. You can adjust the edges through “Edge Thickness” and “Edge Feather” sliders.

using chroma key feature

Step 3: Continue Editing or Export Media at Desired Location

When you have finished the editing, move to the “Export” option at the top right. Using the “Export” window, define parameters and export the file wherever you want.

export final video

Method 2: Accessing AI Portrait

Step 1: Set the Videos at the Correct Place in the Timeline

Import your Background video and main clips in the media panel. Drag the main video in the second track and the background video in the first track, respectively.

adding clips in filmora

Step 2: Explore and Utilize AI Portrait for Changing Background

Head to the right-side panel and access the AI tools option for choosing “AI Portrait.” Toggle this option and get the background automatically changed. To further enhance, you can use “Edge Thickness” and “Edge Feather” sliders.

using ai portrait feature

Method 3: Change the Background through Masking

Step 1: Get Stock Media and Place it in the Timeline

Drag your main video in the timeline. Then, tap the “Stock Media” icon from the toolbar of the media panel. Browse one background clip and bring it to the timeline at the second track.

adding background from stock media

Step 2: Draw a Mask to Replace the Background with Stock Media

Look for the “Mask” option before the “AI tools” option on the right-side panel. Pick the “Draw Mask” icon and try to draw the lines around the main figure. When you finish drawing, the background will be replaced. You can use the “Blur Strength” slider to give a natural look.

using mask to change background


In short, sky replacement is a feature of Adobe Photoshop that turns clear skies into sunsets. To do so, you can follow the steps highlighted in this article. Changing sky in the Lightroom needs some editing skills in Photoshop, and not everyone has it. Thus, you should use Wondershare Filmora as the top-notch solution. It can change your media’s background with AI and other manual changing options.

Free Download Free Download Learn More

Wondershare Filmora

Part 1: Why Do Creators Look Forward to Changing the Environment Across Their Recorded or Captured Media?

Humans love to show creativity and express themselves from different perspectives. Creative works provide entertainment and prove therapeutic in some way. That’s why creators and artists try to change the surroundings of recorded media. Such changes make the captured media virtually stunning and creative. Let’s explore more reasons that push creators towards sky replacement in Lightroom:

  • Artistic Storytelling: A creative art piece shows a story of a thousand words. Thus, artists look for visual elements to convey particular moods and messages in their media.
  • Symbolism: In many art competitions, creators are asked to show symbolic media. For this purpose, they might replace Sky in Lightroom to symbolize rebirth and growth.
  • World-Building: The science fiction and fantasy genre needs such changes to build another world. Creators turn the media into imaginative settings to inspire the audience.
  • Entertainment: Another aim of the creator is to provide new and exciting content to the audience. It allows them to temporarily escape their world and enjoy it.
  • Discovery: You might have seen virtual landscapes in video games that uncover hidden secrets. Such backgrounds are designed to facilitate adventure through media.

Part 2: A Guide to Replace Sky in Lightroom: Step-by-Step

As discussed earlier, changing the sky in Lightroom proves fruitful for many reasons. Altering media scenes can also create a powerful emotional impact. Likewise, shifting from a green meadow to a messy landscape can turn a calm mood into chaos. If you intend to replace your current media background, then let us help you. Here are the steps below to change the environment in Lightroom:

Step 1: Lightroom can enhance your surroundings by using certain effects. To replace the sky, right-click on your image and select the “Edit in Photoshop” option. Before that, ensure that you have Adobe Photoshop installed on your system.

open image in photoshop

Step 2: Now, go to the top toolbar and press the “Edit” option next to “File.” From the drop-down list, access the “Sky Replacement” option. Head to the “Sky Replacement” panel and click the downward icon next to the sky preview. Scroll to pick one sky of your choice and hit the “OK” button.

access sky replacement feature

Step 3: To import more skies, press the “Settings” icon on the Sky Replacement panel. Select the first option of “Get More Skies” and click on “Import Images.” You can explore skies from the Blue Skies, Spectacular, and Sunsets folders from that panel.

try other skies

Step 4: Bring this picture back to the Lightroom and go to its right-side panel. There, use the Exposure, Contrast, and Highlights sliders below the “Light” downward icon. After enhancing your image, right-click on it and look for the “Export” option to save the file.

change image parameters in lightroom

Part 3: Make Background Changing Easy with Wondershare Filmora

Sky Replacement in Lightroom and Photoshop requires some basic editing skills. Not everyone has such skills, so they have to acquire skills from video tutorials. It wastes a lot of time and effort just to learn editing from scratch. As an easier solution, they should try Wondershare Filmora to change image surroundings.

Notably, it’s a better solution that accommodates all users from beginner professionals. You can use Filmora for video editing to effortlessly expand your creativity. This tool is available online for Desktop, macOS, mobile, and online with the latest AI features.

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Key Features Marking Filmora’s Importance

Instantly remove or change your videos and image backgrounds with Filmora. Reimagine your world by knowing the given key features of Filmora in changing backgrounds:

1. Chroma Key (Green Screen)

Applying green-screen in effect in video and images will generate professional content. With AI support, you can remove a certain color from overlay images and videos. It can make your chosen colors transparent in the imported media. To fine-tune the media, you can use Tolerance, Edge Thickness, and Feather sliders.

chroma key filmora

2. AI Portrait

If you want to focus on the portrait while ignoring the background, use this feature. It can remove the background with accuracy by recognizing the main object. Filmora detects humans with AI and allows manual adjustments after removing the background. You can change the Edge Thickness and Edge Feature to the required extent.

ai portrait filmora

3. Basic Background

While editing any media, you might require a blur option to hide distortion in the background. Filmora offers background blur options with different types and styles in them. You can opt for a Pattern, Color, and blur option from blur types. Then, it allows you to choose from blur styles like Grainy, Direction, and Radial. Afterward, users can select the level of blur as per their choice.

background changing filmora

4. AI Image Stylizer

Aside from changing background, you can unleash your creativity with an AI Image stylizer. It’s the latest feature of Filmora that can turn your image into a devil, clown, or zombie. If you want to follow certain social media trends of making anime, explore this feature. You can find 19 styles that also include soft image looks like Flower and Angel image styles.

ai image filmora

Steps to Change Background with Different Ways Using Filmora

Instead of lightroom sky replacement, Filmora offers the simplest way to edit images and videos. Let’s explore the quickest ways to change backgrounds using Filmora.

Method 1: Using Chroma Key

Step 1: Get the Latest Version of Filmora in Your system

Successfully launch the latest version of Filmora in your system. Double-tap on it to enter the home screen. Click on “New Project” and access the editing screen of Filmora.

opening new project filmora

Step 2: Use the Chroma Key and Change the Background

From the media panel, use “Import” and bring your media to the Timeline section. Place the background video first and then bring the Main Clip below it. Head to the right-side panel and press the “AI Tools” option from the top. Now enable the “Chroma Key” option, and the background will be replaced. You can adjust the edges through “Edge Thickness” and “Edge Feather” sliders.

using chroma key feature

Step 3: Continue Editing or Export Media at Desired Location

When you have finished the editing, move to the “Export” option at the top right. Using the “Export” window, define parameters and export the file wherever you want.

export final video

Method 2: Accessing AI Portrait

Step 1: Set the Videos at the Correct Place in the Timeline

Import your Background video and main clips in the media panel. Drag the main video in the second track and the background video in the first track, respectively.

adding clips in filmora

Step 2: Explore and Utilize AI Portrait for Changing Background

Head to the right-side panel and access the AI tools option for choosing “AI Portrait.” Toggle this option and get the background automatically changed. To further enhance, you can use “Edge Thickness” and “Edge Feather” sliders.

using ai portrait feature

Method 3: Change the Background through Masking

Step 1: Get Stock Media and Place it in the Timeline

Drag your main video in the timeline. Then, tap the “Stock Media” icon from the toolbar of the media panel. Browse one background clip and bring it to the timeline at the second track.

adding background from stock media

Step 2: Draw a Mask to Replace the Background with Stock Media

Look for the “Mask” option before the “AI tools” option on the right-side panel. Pick the “Draw Mask” icon and try to draw the lines around the main figure. When you finish drawing, the background will be replaced. You can use the “Blur Strength” slider to give a natural look.

using mask to change background


In short, sky replacement is a feature of Adobe Photoshop that turns clear skies into sunsets. To do so, you can follow the steps highlighted in this article. Changing sky in the Lightroom needs some editing skills in Photoshop, and not everyone has it. Thus, you should use Wondershare Filmora as the top-notch solution. It can change your media’s background with AI and other manual changing options.

Camtasia Vs Captivate Which Is Better

Being a video editor, it’s critical to keep ahead of the curve in our fast-changing global world. From small enterprises to major corporations, eLearning applications have shown to be a significant tool for cutting expenses and increasing profits. Software like Camtasia and Captivate are in high demand as e-learning becomes a more vital aspect of our life. When it comes to creating a course or video instruction, these two applications are quite quick and useful. Whether you should choose a Camtasia or a Captivate relies entirely on your industry and what you want to accomplish with this application.

Often times between Camtasia vs Captivate, the question arises: “Which software is superior?” As a result, we’ve compared Camtasia and Captivate based on the software packages themselves, as well as some important features, similarities, and differences. Software stimulation, production, demonstration screencasts, and translation of PowerPoint presentations into various formats are all possible using TechSmith Camtasia and Adobe Captivate. Camtasia offers fewer online learning alternatives, but it boasts incredible screen and video capture, as well as video editing facilities. This application allows you to alter the sound and visual characteristics manually. Video artists may improve video quality by using auxiliary microphones and cameras. The editing of the video is Camtasia’s most impressive function. It allows you to cut and paste films, add transitions and subtitles to them, as well as do color grading and color correction.

Part 1. Overall Comparison

Each piece of software may be used to create eLearning and lesson material. Despite the fact that Adobe Captivate offers amazing transitional features and visual effect tools, it does not include video editing, which is, in my view, the backbone of developing eLearning material that adheres to the learning management system. As a result, Adobe Captivate needs the use of Adobe Premiere to edit and correct any problems in your films. Adobe Captivate, on the other hand, is the greatest alternative for developing quality eLearning and lesson software material. It’s an excellent tool for developing online courses and tutorials. However, as previously said, Adobe Captivate is not simple to use and is not recommended for novices. Camtasia, on the other hand, seems to be the most economical and practical alternative for you based on your abilities if you are an entry-level editor and want to master the fundamentals of video editing and lesson production on your own.

Attributes360-degree Learning Experience

| | Camtasia | Adobe Captivate | |
| ——————- | ———————————————————————- | ———————————————————————- |
| Ease of Use | Easy and simple User Interface | User-friendly and simple gestures for adding and creating |
| Requirement | Camtasia supports a dual-core processor with a clock speed of 2.0GHz. | A 1.0GHz CPU can run Captivate. |
| Special Feature | Annotations for Multi-Track Timelines Learning in all directions | |
| Support system | Camtasia is only compatible with 64-bit operating systems. | Captivate is compatible with both 32-bit and 64-bit operating systems. |
| Price | Camtasia costs $249 | Captivate comes for $34/month. |
| Best for | Best for professional video editing and production | It’s great for transferring and watching videos. |
| Value For Money | Value for Money is a bit high | It provides both monthly and one-time subscription options. |
| Recording | Camtasia features a function that allows you to record screens. | Captivate has a clever function that enables you to capture videos. |
| Overall Rating | Less than Adobe Captivate in terms of overall rating and user reviews. | Higher Rating and user feedbacks. |

Part 2. Camtasia Software Review

Camtasia by TechSmith is a straightforward video editing and screen recording application. Camtasia was created with novices in mind, allowing designers to quickly and easily make excellent instructional films. Both Windows and MacOS are supported. Camtasia is one of the most popular video editing applications on the market. Camtasia is available for both Windows and iOS. Camtasia is simple to use and supports a wide range of media formats. This software package has several features and controls. On the same platform, you can capture screens and edit movies with Camtasia. The benefits don’t stop there; you can also share your work with others through YouTube and Google Drive.



  • Camtasia is designed for video-editing novices, with a simple setup and user interface.
  • The screen capture capability is fantastic. Not only is the resolution excellent, but it is also simple to operate.
  • Camtasia’s built-in effects are, on the whole, minimal. Their cursor effects, on the other hand, are spectacular.
  • You may use Camtasia to add interactive quizzes to your videos.
  • Camtasia provides many of the fundamentals you’ll need if you’re short on time and need to search assets straight immediately.
  • TechSmith is a free app for iOS and Android that allows you to make screen recordings from your smartphone or tablet.
  • TechSmith offers an excellent customer service department.


  • Crashing and bugs very often
  • Many instructions are missing, despite the fact that they have restricted keyboard controls.
  • Camtasia is designed for novices; therefore, it does not allow for much modification.
  • Camtasia makes it tough to move and animate things.
  • Camtasia video encoding and exporting difficulties have been reported by certain users.

Part 3. Adobe Captivate Review

Captivate is an Adobe tool designed to make online learning more engaging and interactive. Students save time since they can take their classes with them. Captivate has no built-in video editing tools. To do so, you’ll need to use additional Adobe applications. Captivate allows students to study at any time and from any location. However, if you’re the one creating the course, Adobe Captivate could be a little frightening since it requires Adobe experience to utilize.

adobe captivate review


  • It’s quite simple to use! Each frame may be easily shortened or lengthened.
  • It’s simple to record motions onscreen, and it comes with a range of choices for recording various things (the application smooths down mouse movements).
  • When the user is through shooting, the video is divided into multiple frames to make editing easy.
  • A built-in editor enables users to manipulate audio by cutting, pasting, altering levels, and adding silences.
  • Captivate can capture what’s occurring onscreen and provide step-by-step subtitles for popular menu actions automatically.
  • Captivate has some fantastic interactive elements. Tutorials may be created so that users can follow along with pre-recorded comments on the screen.
  • Adding audio or importing from another source is simple.


  • The sound’s bit rate was automatically reduced, making it seem more robotic and muffled.
  • It might take a long time to preview and save works-in-progress.
  • The finished flash flicks are fairly big.

Part 4. Alternative Way to Edit Videos [The Best Method]

Wondershare Filmora is a robust screen capture tool that allows you to manually alter all video and audio parameters, as well as edit your recordings in the software’s video editor. By tweaking a few basic parameters and exporting your eLearning material in MP4, MOV, or GIF file formats, you may make PIP movies. Filmora is a less expensive alternative to Camtasia 9 or Adobe Captivate for creating high-quality screen recordings. Filmora has the resources to make it possible. It’s both sound and video editing software that comes with a lot of instructions and activities to help you handle the fundamentals and create excellent recordings.

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

This video editorial manager for PC and Mac comes with a natural point of connection that makes it simple to use for both new and experienced users. Because it is a freemium instrument, the free version will allow you to examine all of the components, albeit the final video will include a watermark. Change over, chop, change the examining rate, add effects, and that’s only the beginning of what you can do with your digital recording on the app’s schedule. Wondershare Filmora is simple to use and maintains the best sound and video toolkit. It’s best suited for novice and intermediate users since it allows you to create professional recordings in seconds and supports all of the popular designs.

Steps to Edit Video using Filmora

Step 1: Download and install Filmora Toolkit.

To begin using Filmora for editing, go to the official website and download the most current version of Wondershare Filmora. Launch the software when the download is complete and click the New Project button to see the product’s underlying window interface.

import video

Step 2: Remove Any Unnecessary Background Sounds

Filmora Audio Editor, in addition to the video editor, allowing you to enhance the sound of your video. If your voice-over has any background noise, you may simply eliminate it from the whole clip or a segment of the video where the sound is inappropriate. In Filmora, you may also add your favourite ones to the videos by importing the files and adding them to the timeline. You may also isolate the audio from your video clips and chop or sync it with the video using the timeline of this video editor.

filmora remove bg sounds

Step 3: Perform Professional Video Editing

Right-click the video and choose edit from the menu. Then, by hitting the proper effects buttons, you may rotate the movie. You may also swivel 90 degrees anticlockwise/clockwise, flip level, or go vertical, depending on your requirements. Then, in that instance. You can also add a variety of video effects, and the greatest part is that you can use others from the standard library as well, allowing you to put it with greater adjustment. The Editor in Filmora allows you to add Animated Titles, amazing effects, Audio Enhancements, and more to your recorded video.

edited and saved

Step 4: Enhance Audio Quality

The Wondershare Filmora Audio Editor allows you to change the volume, add fade-in and fade-out effects, and silence audio in certain parts of the video. All of the options are easily accessible on the right side of the software interface when you click on the audio component of the movie in Wondershare Filmora’s timeline. You may check the audio sound within the application to see whether it’s in sync with your recorded video clip once you’ve made any necessary edits to your audio.

filmora remove bg sounds

Step 5: Download/Share the video

Click “Export” in the Toolbar to export the video to the specified format and also, you may share it on-spot. Finally, when you’ve done the video editing, you may completely utilize the Filmora editor as above. And, to publish your work of art immediately to YouTube or another well-known site, select the Export option and pick the platform where you want to share your video clip. You may even alter the movie before sharing it if you desire.

export the project


Camtasia’s technique of making a presentation using an individual movie works well for developers who are knowledgeable with video applications. Developers inexperienced with the method may have significant trouble with the editing operation in Camtasia since screen grabs occur in real time. Editing material using slides in Captivate 2 is often less onerous than the video format utilized in Camtasia. The biggest issue is that long presentations might result in a large number of slides that can be time consuming to look through and result in a greater file size for the Flash file that user’s access. Hence, we like to advocate Filmora as a reasonable method between these two.

Part 2. Camtasia Software Review

Camtasia by TechSmith is a straightforward video editing and screen recording application. Camtasia was created with novices in mind, allowing designers to quickly and easily make excellent instructional films. Both Windows and MacOS are supported. Camtasia is one of the most popular video editing applications on the market. Camtasia is available for both Windows and iOS. Camtasia is simple to use and supports a wide range of media formats. This software package has several features and controls. On the same platform, you can capture screens and edit movies with Camtasia. The benefits don’t stop there; you can also share your work with others through YouTube and Google Drive.



  • Camtasia is designed for video-editing novices, with a simple setup and user interface.
  • The screen capture capability is fantastic. Not only is the resolution excellent, but it is also simple to operate.
  • Camtasia’s built-in effects are, on the whole, minimal. Their cursor effects, on the other hand, are spectacular.
  • You may use Camtasia to add interactive quizzes to your videos.
  • Camtasia provides many of the fundamentals you’ll need if you’re short on time and need to search assets straight immediately.
  • TechSmith is a free app for iOS and Android that allows you to make screen recordings from your smartphone or tablet.
  • TechSmith offers an excellent customer service department.


  • Crashing and bugs very often
  • Many instructions are missing, despite the fact that they have restricted keyboard controls.
  • Camtasia is designed for novices; therefore, it does not allow for much modification.
  • Camtasia makes it tough to move and animate things.
  • Camtasia video encoding and exporting difficulties have been reported by certain users.

Part 3. Adobe Captivate Review

Captivate is an Adobe tool designed to make online learning more engaging and interactive. Students save time since they can take their classes with them. Captivate has no built-in video editing tools. To do so, you’ll need to use additional Adobe applications. Captivate allows students to study at any time and from any location. However, if you’re the one creating the course, Adobe Captivate could be a little frightening since it requires Adobe experience to utilize.

adobe captivate review


  • It’s quite simple to use! Each frame may be easily shortened or lengthened.
  • It’s simple to record motions onscreen, and it comes with a range of choices for recording various things (the application smooths down mouse movements).
  • When the user is through shooting, the video is divided into multiple frames to make editing easy.
  • A built-in editor enables users to manipulate audio by cutting, pasting, altering levels, and adding silences.
  • Captivate can capture what’s occurring onscreen and provide step-by-step subtitles for popular menu actions automatically.
  • Captivate has some fantastic interactive elements. Tutorials may be created so that users can follow along with pre-recorded comments on the screen.
  • Adding audio or importing from another source is simple.


  • The sound’s bit rate was automatically reduced, making it seem more robotic and muffled.
  • It might take a long time to preview and save works-in-progress.
  • The finished flash flicks are fairly big.

Part 4. Alternative Way to Edit Videos [The Best Method]

Wondershare Filmora is a robust screen capture tool that allows you to manually alter all video and audio parameters, as well as edit your recordings in the software’s video editor. By tweaking a few basic parameters and exporting your eLearning material in MP4, MOV, or GIF file formats, you may make PIP movies. Filmora is a less expensive alternative to Camtasia 9 or Adobe Captivate for creating high-quality screen recordings. Filmora has the resources to make it possible. It’s both sound and video editing software that comes with a lot of instructions and activities to help you handle the fundamentals and create excellent recordings.

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

This video editorial manager for PC and Mac comes with a natural point of connection that makes it simple to use for both new and experienced users. Because it is a freemium instrument, the free version will allow you to examine all of the components, albeit the final video will include a watermark. Change over, chop, change the examining rate, add effects, and that’s only the beginning of what you can do with your digital recording on the app’s schedule. Wondershare Filmora is simple to use and maintains the best sound and video toolkit. It’s best suited for novice and intermediate users since it allows you to create professional recordings in seconds and supports all of the popular designs.

Steps to Edit Video using Filmora

Step 1: Download and install Filmora Toolkit.

To begin using Filmora for editing, go to the official website and download the most current version of Wondershare Filmora. Launch the software when the download is complete and click the New Project button to see the product’s underlying window interface.

import video

Step 2: Remove Any Unnecessary Background Sounds

Filmora Audio Editor, in addition to the video editor, allowing you to enhance the sound of your video. If your voice-over has any background noise, you may simply eliminate it from the whole clip or a segment of the video where the sound is inappropriate. In Filmora, you may also add your favourite ones to the videos by importing the files and adding them to the timeline. You may also isolate the audio from your video clips and chop or sync it with the video using the timeline of this video editor.

filmora remove bg sounds

Step 3: Perform Professional Video Editing

Right-click the video and choose edit from the menu. Then, by hitting the proper effects buttons, you may rotate the movie. You may also swivel 90 degrees anticlockwise/clockwise, flip level, or go vertical, depending on your requirements. Then, in that instance. You can also add a variety of video effects, and the greatest part is that you can use others from the standard library as well, allowing you to put it with greater adjustment. The Editor in Filmora allows you to add Animated Titles, amazing effects, Audio Enhancements, and more to your recorded video.

edited and saved

Step 4: Enhance Audio Quality

The Wondershare Filmora Audio Editor allows you to change the volume, add fade-in and fade-out effects, and silence audio in certain parts of the video. All of the options are easily accessible on the right side of the software interface when you click on the audio component of the movie in Wondershare Filmora’s timeline. You may check the audio sound within the application to see whether it’s in sync with your recorded video clip once you’ve made any necessary edits to your audio.

filmora remove bg sounds

Step 5: Download/Share the video

Click “Export” in the Toolbar to export the video to the specified format and also, you may share it on-spot. Finally, when you’ve done the video editing, you may completely utilize the Filmora editor as above. And, to publish your work of art immediately to YouTube or another well-known site, select the Export option and pick the platform where you want to share your video clip. You may even alter the movie before sharing it if you desire.

export the project


Camtasia’s technique of making a presentation using an individual movie works well for developers who are knowledgeable with video applications. Developers inexperienced with the method may have significant trouble with the editing operation in Camtasia since screen grabs occur in real time. Editing material using slides in Captivate 2 is often less onerous than the video format utilized in Camtasia. The biggest issue is that long presentations might result in a large number of slides that can be time consuming to look through and result in a greater file size for the Flash file that user’s access. Hence, we like to advocate Filmora as a reasonable method between these two.

Part 2. Camtasia Software Review

Camtasia by TechSmith is a straightforward video editing and screen recording application. Camtasia was created with novices in mind, allowing designers to quickly and easily make excellent instructional films. Both Windows and MacOS are supported. Camtasia is one of the most popular video editing applications on the market. Camtasia is available for both Windows and iOS. Camtasia is simple to use and supports a wide range of media formats. This software package has several features and controls. On the same platform, you can capture screens and edit movies with Camtasia. The benefits don’t stop there; you can also share your work with others through YouTube and Google Drive.



  • Camtasia is designed for video-editing novices, with a simple setup and user interface.
  • The screen capture capability is fantastic. Not only is the resolution excellent, but it is also simple to operate.
  • Camtasia’s built-in effects are, on the whole, minimal. Their cursor effects, on the other hand, are spectacular.
  • You may use Camtasia to add interactive quizzes to your videos.
  • Camtasia provides many of the fundamentals you’ll need if you’re short on time and need to search assets straight immediately.
  • TechSmith is a free app for iOS and Android that allows you to make screen recordings from your smartphone or tablet.
  • TechSmith offers an excellent customer service department.


  • Crashing and bugs very often
  • Many instructions are missing, despite the fact that they have restricted keyboard controls.
  • Camtasia is designed for novices; therefore, it does not allow for much modification.
  • Camtasia makes it tough to move and animate things.
  • Camtasia video encoding and exporting difficulties have been reported by certain users.

Part 3. Adobe Captivate Review

Captivate is an Adobe tool designed to make online learning more engaging and interactive. Students save time since they can take their classes with them. Captivate has no built-in video editing tools. To do so, you’ll need to use additional Adobe applications. Captivate allows students to study at any time and from any location. However, if you’re the one creating the course, Adobe Captivate could be a little frightening since it requires Adobe experience to utilize.

adobe captivate review


  • It’s quite simple to use! Each frame may be easily shortened or lengthened.
  • It’s simple to record motions onscreen, and it comes with a range of choices for recording various things (the application smooths down mouse movements).
  • When the user is through shooting, the video is divided into multiple frames to make editing easy.
  • A built-in editor enables users to manipulate audio by cutting, pasting, altering levels, and adding silences.
  • Captivate can capture what’s occurring onscreen and provide step-by-step subtitles for popular menu actions automatically.
  • Captivate has some fantastic interactive elements. Tutorials may be created so that users can follow along with pre-recorded comments on the screen.
  • Adding audio or importing from another source is simple.


  • The sound’s bit rate was automatically reduced, making it seem more robotic and muffled.
  • It might take a long time to preview and save works-in-progress.
  • The finished flash flicks are fairly big.

Part 4. Alternative Way to Edit Videos [The Best Method]

Wondershare Filmora is a robust screen capture tool that allows you to manually alter all video and audio parameters, as well as edit your recordings in the software’s video editor. By tweaking a few basic parameters and exporting your eLearning material in MP4, MOV, or GIF file formats, you may make PIP movies. Filmora is a less expensive alternative to Camtasia 9 or Adobe Captivate for creating high-quality screen recordings. Filmora has the resources to make it possible. It’s both sound and video editing software that comes with a lot of instructions and activities to help you handle the fundamentals and create excellent recordings.

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

This video editorial manager for PC and Mac comes with a natural point of connection that makes it simple to use for both new and experienced users. Because it is a freemium instrument, the free version will allow you to examine all of the components, albeit the final video will include a watermark. Change over, chop, change the examining rate, add effects, and that’s only the beginning of what you can do with your digital recording on the app’s schedule. Wondershare Filmora is simple to use and maintains the best sound and video toolkit. It’s best suited for novice and intermediate users since it allows you to create professional recordings in seconds and supports all of the popular designs.

Steps to Edit Video using Filmora

Step 1: Download and install Filmora Toolkit.

To begin using Filmora for editing, go to the official website and download the most current version of Wondershare Filmora. Launch the software when the download is complete and click the New Project button to see the product’s underlying window interface.

import video

Step 2: Remove Any Unnecessary Background Sounds

Filmora Audio Editor, in addition to the video editor, allowing you to enhance the sound of your video. If your voice-over has any background noise, you may simply eliminate it from the whole clip or a segment of the video where the sound is inappropriate. In Filmora, you may also add your favourite ones to the videos by importing the files and adding them to the timeline. You may also isolate the audio from your video clips and chop or sync it with the video using the timeline of this video editor.

filmora remove bg sounds

Step 3: Perform Professional Video Editing

Right-click the video and choose edit from the menu. Then, by hitting the proper effects buttons, you may rotate the movie. You may also swivel 90 degrees anticlockwise/clockwise, flip level, or go vertical, depending on your requirements. Then, in that instance. You can also add a variety of video effects, and the greatest part is that you can use others from the standard library as well, allowing you to put it with greater adjustment. The Editor in Filmora allows you to add Animated Titles, amazing effects, Audio Enhancements, and more to your recorded video.

edited and saved

Step 4: Enhance Audio Quality

The Wondershare Filmora Audio Editor allows you to change the volume, add fade-in and fade-out effects, and silence audio in certain parts of the video. All of the options are easily accessible on the right side of the software interface when you click on the audio component of the movie in Wondershare Filmora’s timeline. You may check the audio sound within the application to see whether it’s in sync with your recorded video clip once you’ve made any necessary edits to your audio.

filmora remove bg sounds

Step 5: Download/Share the video

Click “Export” in the Toolbar to export the video to the specified format and also, you may share it on-spot. Finally, when you’ve done the video editing, you may completely utilize the Filmora editor as above. And, to publish your work of art immediately to YouTube or another well-known site, select the Export option and pick the platform where you want to share your video clip. You may even alter the movie before sharing it if you desire.

export the project


Camtasia’s technique of making a presentation using an individual movie works well for developers who are knowledgeable with video applications. Developers inexperienced with the method may have significant trouble with the editing operation in Camtasia since screen grabs occur in real time. Editing material using slides in Captivate 2 is often less onerous than the video format utilized in Camtasia. The biggest issue is that long presentations might result in a large number of slides that can be time consuming to look through and result in a greater file size for the Flash file that user’s access. Hence, we like to advocate Filmora as a reasonable method between these two.

Part 2. Camtasia Software Review

Camtasia by TechSmith is a straightforward video editing and screen recording application. Camtasia was created with novices in mind, allowing designers to quickly and easily make excellent instructional films. Both Windows and MacOS are supported. Camtasia is one of the most popular video editing applications on the market. Camtasia is available for both Windows and iOS. Camtasia is simple to use and supports a wide range of media formats. This software package has several features and controls. On the same platform, you can capture screens and edit movies with Camtasia. The benefits don’t stop there; you can also share your work with others through YouTube and Google Drive.



  • Camtasia is designed for video-editing novices, with a simple setup and user interface.
  • The screen capture capability is fantastic. Not only is the resolution excellent, but it is also simple to operate.
  • Camtasia’s built-in effects are, on the whole, minimal. Their cursor effects, on the other hand, are spectacular.
  • You may use Camtasia to add interactive quizzes to your videos.
  • Camtasia provides many of the fundamentals you’ll need if you’re short on time and need to search assets straight immediately.
  • TechSmith is a free app for iOS and Android that allows you to make screen recordings from your smartphone or tablet.
  • TechSmith offers an excellent customer service department.


  • Crashing and bugs very often
  • Many instructions are missing, despite the fact that they have restricted keyboard controls.
  • Camtasia is designed for novices; therefore, it does not allow for much modification.
  • Camtasia makes it tough to move and animate things.
  • Camtasia video encoding and exporting difficulties have been reported by certain users.

Part 3. Adobe Captivate Review

Captivate is an Adobe tool designed to make online learning more engaging and interactive. Students save time since they can take their classes with them. Captivate has no built-in video editing tools. To do so, you’ll need to use additional Adobe applications. Captivate allows students to study at any time and from any location. However, if you’re the one creating the course, Adobe Captivate could be a little frightening since it requires Adobe experience to utilize.

adobe captivate review


  • It’s quite simple to use! Each frame may be easily shortened or lengthened.
  • It’s simple to record motions onscreen, and it comes with a range of choices for recording various things (the application smooths down mouse movements).
  • When the user is through shooting, the video is divided into multiple frames to make editing easy.
  • A built-in editor enables users to manipulate audio by cutting, pasting, altering levels, and adding silences.
  • Captivate can capture what’s occurring onscreen and provide step-by-step subtitles for popular menu actions automatically.
  • Captivate has some fantastic interactive elements. Tutorials may be created so that users can follow along with pre-recorded comments on the screen.
  • Adding audio or importing from another source is simple.


  • The sound’s bit rate was automatically reduced, making it seem more robotic and muffled.
  • It might take a long time to preview and save works-in-progress.
  • The finished flash flicks are fairly big.

Part 4. Alternative Way to Edit Videos [The Best Method]

Wondershare Filmora is a robust screen capture tool that allows you to manually alter all video and audio parameters, as well as edit your recordings in the software’s video editor. By tweaking a few basic parameters and exporting your eLearning material in MP4, MOV, or GIF file formats, you may make PIP movies. Filmora is a less expensive alternative to Camtasia 9 or Adobe Captivate for creating high-quality screen recordings. Filmora has the resources to make it possible. It’s both sound and video editing software that comes with a lot of instructions and activities to help you handle the fundamentals and create excellent recordings.

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

This video editorial manager for PC and Mac comes with a natural point of connection that makes it simple to use for both new and experienced users. Because it is a freemium instrument, the free version will allow you to examine all of the components, albeit the final video will include a watermark. Change over, chop, change the examining rate, add effects, and that’s only the beginning of what you can do with your digital recording on the app’s schedule. Wondershare Filmora is simple to use and maintains the best sound and video toolkit. It’s best suited for novice and intermediate users since it allows you to create professional recordings in seconds and supports all of the popular designs.

Steps to Edit Video using Filmora

Step 1: Download and install Filmora Toolkit.

To begin using Filmora for editing, go to the official website and download the most current version of Wondershare Filmora. Launch the software when the download is complete and click the New Project button to see the product’s underlying window interface.

import video

Step 2: Remove Any Unnecessary Background Sounds

Filmora Audio Editor, in addition to the video editor, allowing you to enhance the sound of your video. If your voice-over has any background noise, you may simply eliminate it from the whole clip or a segment of the video where the sound is inappropriate. In Filmora, you may also add your favourite ones to the videos by importing the files and adding them to the timeline. You may also isolate the audio from your video clips and chop or sync it with the video using the timeline of this video editor.

filmora remove bg sounds

Step 3: Perform Professional Video Editing

Right-click the video and choose edit from the menu. Then, by hitting the proper effects buttons, you may rotate the movie. You may also swivel 90 degrees anticlockwise/clockwise, flip level, or go vertical, depending on your requirements. Then, in that instance. You can also add a variety of video effects, and the greatest part is that you can use others from the standard library as well, allowing you to put it with greater adjustment. The Editor in Filmora allows you to add Animated Titles, amazing effects, Audio Enhancements, and more to your recorded video.

edited and saved

Step 4: Enhance Audio Quality

The Wondershare Filmora Audio Editor allows you to change the volume, add fade-in and fade-out effects, and silence audio in certain parts of the video. All of the options are easily accessible on the right side of the software interface when you click on the audio component of the movie in Wondershare Filmora’s timeline. You may check the audio sound within the application to see whether it’s in sync with your recorded video clip once you’ve made any necessary edits to your audio.

filmora remove bg sounds

Step 5: Download/Share the video

Click “Export” in the Toolbar to export the video to the specified format and also, you may share it on-spot. Finally, when you’ve done the video editing, you may completely utilize the Filmora editor as above. And, to publish your work of art immediately to YouTube or another well-known site, select the Export option and pick the platform where you want to share your video clip. You may even alter the movie before sharing it if you desire.

export the project


Camtasia’s technique of making a presentation using an individual movie works well for developers who are knowledgeable with video applications. Developers inexperienced with the method may have significant trouble with the editing operation in Camtasia since screen grabs occur in real time. Editing material using slides in Captivate 2 is often less onerous than the video format utilized in Camtasia. The biggest issue is that long presentations might result in a large number of slides that can be time consuming to look through and result in a greater file size for the Flash file that user’s access. Hence, we like to advocate Filmora as a reasonable method between these two.

How To Create Transparent Background On Picsart

How To Make Transparent Background On Picsart

An easy yet powerful editor

Numerous effects to choose from

Detailed tutorials provided by the official channel

Try It Free Try It Free

Here you can find various ways of making a transparent logo using different video editors. Choosing a video creator and using simple steps for transparent image making is really a fun.

In this article

01 [Easy Steps to create Transparent PNG Image in Picsart](#Part 1)

02 [3 Cool Ways To Make A Transparent Logo](#Part 2)

03 [How To Make Transparent Background On Phone; Three Simple Ways](#Part 3)

Part 1 Easy Steps to create Transparent PNG Image in Picsart

<strong>Easy Steps to create Transparent PNG Image in Picsart</strong>

There are times when you feel the need of creating a transparent image. With the rapidly changing scenario regarding picture collage, graphic designing and logo designing for branding, the requirement of making transparent background Picsartis increasing day by day. Although, there are many good video editing apps online for designing transparent images but you will love using Picsart for its simple and easy processing.

Picsart is one of the easiest and advance picture editors to meet your demands.

Here is the whole process of creating transparent PNG image in Picsart –

Step 1

Choose a photo and select it to make particular areas transparent

Step 2

Click picture Tools>recolor>set transparent color.

Step 3

You can click particular colors in the picture to make them transparent

In case a picture has transparent areas, the areas can be changed to opaque or opaque to transparent again for setting back the background color. But the limitation is that opacity can’t be used for creating a semi-opaque background.

Now, changing the transparent picture into opaque one is so easy that you just need to press CTRL+T after selecting the picture.

You will find your transparent picture converted into opaque. Lets create your picsart bike background with this cool trick.

cool ways to make a transparent logo

You can feel the requirement of generating a transparent logo while creation of graphics for promotional purpose. Although, making a transparent logo is not a tough task and can be done easily with any random video editor but using an efficient and reputed app with lots of features is a better option. So, know here how u can make a transparent logo without wasting much time. Whether you want to make a happy birthday sticker or graphics for branding, this simple process will help you.

Online tool –Pixcut, create fully transparent logo

Do you want to achieve the result with an intelligent tool? If yes, use wondershare Pixcut as t is capable of removing all kind of background from the picture. You can use this app for editing of portrait, picture, logos and even regular landscapes. So, here you go –

Step 1

Visit and upload an image by clicking on ‘upload’. You can select the image from your local storage as well as prefer drag and drop method too according to your choice.

Step 2

Once your image gets upload, you will see the Pixcut app that it’s removing the background automatically. The final result can be seen on the right side of the screen.

Step 3

Click on ‘download’ in the top of the right corner and save the transparent logo generated this way. Find the image in ‘download’ folder of your device.

So you can see how quick and effective is the process of background removing with Pixcut.

Use Canva, have control on the level of transparency

Another well known name in the world of video editors is Canva. This extremely effective video editing and graphic designing tool helps you to bring the along with a transparent slider. If you don’t want to spend money for making transparent logo and want to make it balanced and beautiful, go with Canva without second thought.

Step 1

Go to Canva site. Start a new project. You can select your project regardless to shape and size here. The app redirects you to the project window and you just need to click on upload in the menu given in left. Pick the logo you want to make transparent.

Step 2

After uploading the logo in editing window (which you can also drag and drop), click on your logo. Go to the top right corner of the screen and check transparency feature below the download option. You will see the transparency option has a slider here and you can select the percentage of transparency here. Go to the highest level of the slider if you need to create fully transparent logo.

You can create an impressive picsaart background banner also this way.

Step 3

So, making a transparent logo using Canva is this much easy. Now download the logo and use it however you need. Interesting, isn’t it?

Use Wondershare Filmora, add transparent logo to video directly

Want to work on an really interesting platform with a variety of tools and features? Well, use Wondershare Filmora. It gives you easy, free and quick way of generating transparent logo. Let’s know how to create a transparent logo in Wondershare Filmora Video Editor

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

Step 1

Download Filmora app in your device and install it. The app can easily be downloaded and installed in windows or Mac computer. Then, open the app and visit file import media. Import the logo and video file you want from here or drag and drop your file to media library.

Step 2

Next you need to drag and drop the video file and logo both on the timeline simultaneously. Put your cursor on logo and right click, you will find the green screen option. Select it.

Step 3

You will find Chroma key settings and your logo overlaying the video in the preview window.

Just enable the Chroma key and your logo becomes transparent. The background found this way will be green and you can change the color of the background by picking an color from the color icon.

Step 4

Finally, you can change the size of the logo and add it to your video. It’s too easy, right?

Part 3 How To Make Transparent Background On Phone; Three Simple Ways

ways to make background transparent on phone

So, you are planning to create your own logo and havepicsart background hd downloadfor promoting your brand. Well there are many attractive ideas to make transparent images and logo but making background transparent is important when you want to layer the logos.

Here find out the idea of generating transparent background with 3 different video editors –

Apowersoft Background Eraser

The best app to make a transparent background on phone is Apowersoft background eraser. It works on iOS and android platform both. Removing a background is so easy with this app. Here is stepwise guideline for creating transparent background on Apowersoft –

Step 1

Install the app apowersoft background eraser and let the app allow you to upload a photo by tapping on recognition.

Step 2

Upload the photo and the app will delete the background automatically.

Step 3

Save the file by tapping on ‘save’ button

Step 4

Download the file for use.

The entire process is automated and keeps your photo with original quality despite editing.

The app is compatible for android and iOS both platforms but sometimes you can face delay in the process of background removal.

Black picsart background will look cool too.


Another good tool for easy background removal is Lunapic. It is known for making transparent background for free. You need nothing but to visit official website of lunapic and upload the file that you want to make transparent. Then click on the background that you want to remove and great, you will find your file with transparent background. D

Download the file and save it to apply for the purpose you want.

Adobe photoshop mix

Adobe photoshop is a fool proof editof for making transparent background on your phone. The app is known for its quick processing and lots of designs. The procedure of background removal or making transparent background is so easy. Go through the steps mentioned here –

Step 1

Open your logo file.

Step 2

Go to menu and Select ‘layer’ and add a transparent layer by clicking on new layer. A dialog box will appear and ask to rename the layer. If you don’t want to rename, just leave the layer default as layer 0 and click OK.

Step 3

This is how you unlock the background layer and make anything transparent by deleting it.

Step 4

Now you can create your selection by using magic wand too. Check the left hand side of your app screen and go to ‘select subject’. Then visit ‘options’ bar at the top of the screen. Using this tool, you can remove the background of selection. The clearness of the background and beauty of the picture depends upon the efficiency of using this tool.

Step 5

After selecting the product, type SHIFT + CTRL+ I and use this short key to select the inverse from dropdown menu at top application.

Step 6

You can deselect the selection by typing CTRL + D

Step 7

This is the entire process for creating transparent background. Save the product image in proper format so that you can display it online easily. PNG – 24 is known to be the best suitable format for this purpose.

Ending Thoughts

Check the list of video creators and pick the one that suits you the most from operation point of view.

Go with the trend and select design of picsart background.

Use the easiest application if features are not important.

Try It Free Try It Free

Here you can find various ways of making a transparent logo using different video editors. Choosing a video creator and using simple steps for transparent image making is really a fun.

In this article

01 [Easy Steps to create Transparent PNG Image in Picsart](#Part 1)

02 [3 Cool Ways To Make A Transparent Logo](#Part 2)

03 [How To Make Transparent Background On Phone; Three Simple Ways](#Part 3)

Part 1 Easy Steps to create Transparent PNG Image in Picsart

<strong>Easy Steps to create Transparent PNG Image in Picsart</strong>

There are times when you feel the need of creating a transparent image. With the rapidly changing scenario regarding picture collage, graphic designing and logo designing for branding, the requirement of making transparent background Picsartis increasing day by day. Although, there are many good video editing apps online for designing transparent images but you will love using Picsart for its simple and easy processing.

Picsart is one of the easiest and advance picture editors to meet your demands.

Here is the whole process of creating transparent PNG image in Picsart –

Step 1

Choose a photo and select it to make particular areas transparent

Step 2

Click picture Tools>recolor>set transparent color.

Step 3

You can click particular colors in the picture to make them transparent

In case a picture has transparent areas, the areas can be changed to opaque or opaque to transparent again for setting back the background color. But the limitation is that opacity can’t be used for creating a semi-opaque background.

Now, changing the transparent picture into opaque one is so easy that you just need to press CTRL+T after selecting the picture.

You will find your transparent picture converted into opaque. Lets create your picsart bike background with this cool trick.

Part 2 Cool Ways To Make A Transparent Logo

cool ways to make a transparent logo

You can feel the requirement of generating a transparent logo while creation of graphics for promotional purpose. Although, making a transparent logo is not a tough task and can be done easily with any random video editor but using an efficient and reputed app with lots of features is a better option. So, know here how u can make a transparent logo without wasting much time. Whether you want to make a happy birthday sticker or graphics for branding, this simple process will help you.

Online tool –Pixcut, create fully transparent logo

Do you want to achieve the result with an intelligent tool? If yes, use wondershare Pixcut as t is capable of removing all kind of background from the picture. You can use this app for editing of portrait, picture, logos and even regular landscapes. So, here you go –

Step 1

Visit and upload an image by clicking on ‘upload’. You can select the image from your local storage as well as prefer drag and drop method too according to your choice.

Step 2

Once your image gets upload, you will see the Pixcut app that it’s removing the background automatically. The final result can be seen on the right side of the screen.

Step 3

Click on ‘download’ in the top of the right corner and save the transparent logo generated this way. Find the image in ‘download’ folder of your device.

So you can see how quick and effective is the process of background removing with Pixcut.

Use Canva, have control on the level of transparency

Another well known name in the world of video editors is Canva. This extremely effective video editing and graphic designing tool helps you to bring the along with a transparent slider. If you don’t want to spend money for making transparent logo and want to make it balanced and beautiful, go with Canva without second thought.

Step 1

Go to Canva site. Start a new project. You can select your project regardless to shape and size here. The app redirects you to the project window and you just need to click on upload in the menu given in left. Pick the logo you want to make transparent.

Step 2

After uploading the logo in editing window (which you can also drag and drop), click on your logo. Go to the top right corner of the screen and check transparency feature below the download option. You will see the transparency option has a slider here and you can select the percentage of transparency here. Go to the highest level of the slider if you need to create fully transparent logo.

You can create an impressive picsaart background banner also this way.

Step 3

So, making a transparent logo using Canva is this much easy. Now download the logo and use it however you need. Interesting, isn’t it?

Use Wondershare Filmora, add transparent logo to video directly

Want to work on an really interesting platform with a variety of tools and features? Well, use Wondershare Filmora. It gives you easy, free and quick way of generating transparent logo. Let’s know how to create a transparent logo in Wondershare Filmora Video Editor

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

Step 1

Download Filmora app in your device and install it. The app can easily be downloaded and installed in windows or Mac computer. Then, open the app and visit file import media. Import the logo and video file you want from here or drag and drop your file to media library.

Step 2

Next you need to drag and drop the video file and logo both on the timeline simultaneously. Put your cursor on logo and right click, you will find the green screen option. Select it.

Step 3

You will find Chroma key settings and your logo overlaying the video in the preview window.

Just enable the Chroma key and your logo becomes transparent. The background found this way will be green and you can change the color of the background by picking an color from the color icon.

Step 4

Finally, you can change the size of the logo and add it to your video. It’s too easy, right?

Part 3 How To Make Transparent Background On Phone; Three Simple Ways

ways to make background transparent on phone

So, you are planning to create your own logo and havepicsart background hd downloadfor promoting your brand. Well there are many attractive ideas to make transparent images and logo but making background transparent is important when you want to layer the logos.

Here find out the idea of generating transparent background with 3 different video editors –

Apowersoft Background Eraser

The best app to make a transparent background on phone is Apowersoft background eraser. It works on iOS and android platform both. Removing a background is so easy with this app. Here is stepwise guideline for creating transparent background on Apowersoft –

Step 1

Install the app apowersoft background eraser and let the app allow you to upload a photo by tapping on recognition.

Step 2

Upload the photo and the app will delete the background automatically.

Step 3

Save the file by tapping on ‘save’ button

Step 4

Download the file for use.

The entire process is automated and keeps your photo with original quality despite editing.

The app is compatible for android and iOS both platforms but sometimes you can face delay in the process of background removal.

Black picsart background will look cool too.


Another good tool for easy background removal is Lunapic. It is known for making transparent background for free. You need nothing but to visit official website of lunapic and upload the file that you want to make transparent. Then click on the background that you want to remove and great, you will find your file with transparent background. D

Download the file and save it to apply for the purpose you want.

Adobe photoshop mix

Adobe photoshop is a fool proof editof for making transparent background on your phone. The app is known for its quick processing and lots of designs. The procedure of background removal or making transparent background is so easy. Go through the steps mentioned here –

Step 1

Open your logo file.

Step 2

Go to menu and Select ‘layer’ and add a transparent layer by clicking on new layer. A dialog box will appear and ask to rename the layer. If you don’t want to rename, just leave the layer default as layer 0 and click OK.

Step 3

This is how you unlock the background layer and make anything transparent by deleting it.

Step 4

Now you can create your selection by using magic wand too. Check the left hand side of your app screen and go to ‘select subject’. Then visit ‘options’ bar at the top of the screen. Using this tool, you can remove the background of selection. The clearness of the background and beauty of the picture depends upon the efficiency of using this tool.

Step 5

After selecting the product, type SHIFT + CTRL+ I and use this short key to select the inverse from dropdown menu at top application.

Step 6

You can deselect the selection by typing CTRL + D

Step 7

This is the entire process for creating transparent background. Save the product image in proper format so that you can display it online easily. PNG – 24 is known to be the best suitable format for this purpose.

Ending Thoughts

Check the list of video creators and pick the one that suits you the most from operation point of view.

Go with the trend and select design of picsart background.

Use the easiest application if features are not important.

Try It Free Try It Free

Here you can find various ways of making a transparent logo using different video editors. Choosing a video creator and using simple steps for transparent image making is really a fun.

In this article

01 [Easy Steps to create Transparent PNG Image in Picsart](#Part 1)

02 [3 Cool Ways To Make A Transparent Logo](#Part 2)

03 [How To Make Transparent Background On Phone; Three Simple Ways](#Part 3)

Part 1 Easy Steps to create Transparent PNG Image in Picsart

<strong>Easy Steps to create Transparent PNG Image in Picsart</strong>

There are times when you feel the need of creating a transparent image. With the rapidly changing scenario regarding picture collage, graphic designing and logo designing for branding, the requirement of making transparent background Picsartis increasing day by day. Although, there are many good video editing apps online for designing transparent images but you will love using Picsart for its simple and easy processing.

Picsart is one of the easiest and advance picture editors to meet your demands.

Here is the whole process of creating transparent PNG image in Picsart –

Step 1

Choose a photo and select it to make particular areas transparent

Step 2

Click picture Tools>recolor>set transparent color.

Step 3

You can click particular colors in the picture to make them transparent

In case a picture has transparent areas, the areas can be changed to opaque or opaque to transparent again for setting back the background color. But the limitation is that opacity can’t be used for creating a semi-opaque background.

Now, changing the transparent picture into opaque one is so easy that you just need to press CTRL+T after selecting the picture.

You will find your transparent picture converted into opaque. Lets create your picsart bike background with this cool trick.

Part 2 Cool Ways To Make A Transparent Logo

cool ways to make a transparent logo

You can feel the requirement of generating a transparent logo while creation of graphics for promotional purpose. Although, making a transparent logo is not a tough task and can be done easily with any random video editor but using an efficient and reputed app with lots of features is a better option. So, know here how u can make a transparent logo without wasting much time. Whether you want to make a happy birthday sticker or graphics for branding, this simple process will help you.

Online tool –Pixcut, create fully transparent logo

Do you want to achieve the result with an intelligent tool? If yes, use wondershare Pixcut as t is capable of removing all kind of background from the picture. You can use this app for editing of portrait, picture, logos and even regular landscapes. So, here you go –

Step 1

Visit and upload an image by clicking on ‘upload’. You can select the image from your local storage as well as prefer drag and drop method too according to your choice.

Step 2

Once your image gets upload, you will see the Pixcut app that it’s removing the background automatically. The final result can be seen on the right side of the screen.

Step 3

Click on ‘download’ in the top of the right corner and save the transparent logo generated this way. Find the image in ‘download’ folder of your device.

So you can see how quick and effective is the process of background removing with Pixcut.

Use Canva, have control on the level of transparency

Another well known name in the world of video editors is Canva. This extremely effective video editing and graphic designing tool helps you to bring the along with a transparent slider. If you don’t want to spend money for making transparent logo and want to make it balanced and beautiful, go with Canva without second thought.

Step 1

Go to Canva site. Start a new project. You can select your project regardless to shape and size here. The app redirects you to the project window and you just need to click on upload in the menu given in left. Pick the logo you want to make transparent.

Step 2

After uploading the logo in editing window (which you can also drag and drop), click on your logo. Go to the top right corner of the screen and check transparency feature below the download option. You will see the transparency option has a slider here and you can select the percentage of transparency here. Go to the highest level of the slider if you need to create fully transparent logo.

You can create an impressive picsaart background banner also this way.

Step 3

So, making a transparent logo using Canva is this much easy. Now download the logo and use it however you need. Interesting, isn’t it?

Use Wondershare Filmora, add transparent logo to video directly

Want to work on an really interesting platform with a variety of tools and features? Well, use Wondershare Filmora. It gives you easy, free and quick way of generating transparent logo. Let’s know how to create a transparent logo in Wondershare Filmora Video Editor

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

Step 1

Download Filmora app in your device and install it. The app can easily be downloaded and installed in windows or Mac computer. Then, open the app and visit file import media. Import the logo and video file you want from here or drag and drop your file to media library.

Step 2

Next you need to drag and drop the video file and logo both on the timeline simultaneously. Put your cursor on logo and right click, you will find the green screen option. Select it.

Step 3

You will find Chroma key settings and your logo overlaying the video in the preview window.

Just enable the Chroma key and your logo becomes transparent. The background found this way will be green and you can change the color of the background by picking an color from the color icon.

Step 4

Finally, you can change the size of the logo and add it to your video. It’s too easy, right?

Part 3 How To Make Transparent Background On Phone; Three Simple Ways

ways to make background transparent on phone

So, you are planning to create your own logo and havepicsart background hd downloadfor promoting your brand. Well there are many attractive ideas to make transparent images and logo but making background transparent is important when you want to layer the logos.

Here find out the idea of generating transparent background with 3 different video editors –

Apowersoft Background Eraser

The best app to make a transparent background on phone is Apowersoft background eraser. It works on iOS and android platform both. Removing a background is so easy with this app. Here is stepwise guideline for creating transparent background on Apowersoft –

Step 1

Install the app apowersoft background eraser and let the app allow you to upload a photo by tapping on recognition.

Step 2

Upload the photo and the app will delete the background automatically.

Step 3

Save the file by tapping on ‘save’ button

Step 4

Download the file for use.

The entire process is automated and keeps your photo with original quality despite editing.

The app is compatible for android and iOS both platforms but sometimes you can face delay in the process of background removal.

Black picsart background will look cool too.


Another good tool for easy background removal is Lunapic. It is known for making transparent background for free. You need nothing but to visit official website of lunapic and upload the file that you want to make transparent. Then click on the background that you want to remove and great, you will find your file with transparent background. D

Download the file and save it to apply for the purpose you want.

Adobe photoshop mix

Adobe photoshop is a fool proof editof for making transparent background on your phone. The app is known for its quick processing and lots of designs. The procedure of background removal or making transparent background is so easy. Go through the steps mentioned here –

Step 1

Open your logo file.

Step 2

Go to menu and Select ‘layer’ and add a transparent layer by clicking on new layer. A dialog box will appear and ask to rename the layer. If you don’t want to rename, just leave the layer default as layer 0 and click OK.

Step 3

This is how you unlock the background layer and make anything transparent by deleting it.

Step 4

Now you can create your selection by using magic wand too. Check the left hand side of your app screen and go to ‘select subject’. Then visit ‘options’ bar at the top of the screen. Using this tool, you can remove the background of selection. The clearness of the background and beauty of the picture depends upon the efficiency of using this tool.

Step 5

After selecting the product, type SHIFT + CTRL+ I and use this short key to select the inverse from dropdown menu at top application.

Step 6

You can deselect the selection by typing CTRL + D

Step 7

This is the entire process for creating transparent background. Save the product image in proper format so that you can display it online easily. PNG – 24 is known to be the best suitable format for this purpose.

Ending Thoughts

Check the list of video creators and pick the one that suits you the most from operation point of view.

Go with the trend and select design of picsart background.

Use the easiest application if features are not important.

Try It Free Try It Free

Here you can find various ways of making a transparent logo using different video editors. Choosing a video creator and using simple steps for transparent image making is really a fun.

In this article

01 [Easy Steps to create Transparent PNG Image in Picsart](#Part 1)

02 [3 Cool Ways To Make A Transparent Logo](#Part 2)

03 [How To Make Transparent Background On Phone; Three Simple Ways](#Part 3)

Part 1 Easy Steps to create Transparent PNG Image in Picsart

<strong>Easy Steps to create Transparent PNG Image in Picsart</strong>

There are times when you feel the need of creating a transparent image. With the rapidly changing scenario regarding picture collage, graphic designing and logo designing for branding, the requirement of making transparent background Picsartis increasing day by day. Although, there are many good video editing apps online for designing transparent images but you will love using Picsart for its simple and easy processing.

Picsart is one of the easiest and advance picture editors to meet your demands.

Here is the whole process of creating transparent PNG image in Picsart –

Step 1

Choose a photo and select it to make particular areas transparent

Step 2

Click picture Tools>recolor>set transparent color.

Step 3

You can click particular colors in the picture to make them transparent

In case a picture has transparent areas, the areas can be changed to opaque or opaque to transparent again for setting back the background color. But the limitation is that opacity can’t be used for creating a semi-opaque background.

Now, changing the transparent picture into opaque one is so easy that you just need to press CTRL+T after selecting the picture.

You will find your transparent picture converted into opaque. Lets create your picsart bike background with this cool trick.

Part 2 Cool Ways To Make A Transparent Logo

cool ways to make a transparent logo

You can feel the requirement of generating a transparent logo while creation of graphics for promotional purpose. Although, making a transparent logo is not a tough task and can be done easily with any random video editor but using an efficient and reputed app with lots of features is a better option. So, know here how u can make a transparent logo without wasting much time. Whether you want to make a happy birthday sticker or graphics for branding, this simple process will help you.

Online tool –Pixcut, create fully transparent logo

Do you want to achieve the result with an intelligent tool? If yes, use wondershare Pixcut as t is capable of removing all kind of background from the picture. You can use this app for editing of portrait, picture, logos and even regular landscapes. So, here you go –

Step 1

Visit and upload an image by clicking on ‘upload’. You can select the image from your local storage as well as prefer drag and drop method too according to your choice.

Step 2

Once your image gets upload, you will see the Pixcut app that it’s removing the background automatically. The final result can be seen on the right side of the screen.

Step 3

Click on ‘download’ in the top of the right corner and save the transparent logo generated this way. Find the image in ‘download’ folder of your device.

So you can see how quick and effective is the process of background removing with Pixcut.

Use Canva, have control on the level of transparency

Another well known name in the world of video editors is Canva. This extremely effective video editing and graphic designing tool helps you to bring the along with a transparent slider. If you don’t want to spend money for making transparent logo and want to make it balanced and beautiful, go with Canva without second thought.

Step 1

Go to Canva site. Start a new project. You can select your project regardless to shape and size here. The app redirects you to the project window and you just need to click on upload in the menu given in left. Pick the logo you want to make transparent.

Step 2

After uploading the logo in editing window (which you can also drag and drop), click on your logo. Go to the top right corner of the screen and check transparency feature below the download option. You will see the transparency option has a slider here and you can select the percentage of transparency here. Go to the highest level of the slider if you need to create fully transparent logo.

You can create an impressive picsaart background banner also this way.

Step 3

So, making a transparent logo using Canva is this much easy. Now download the logo and use it however you need. Interesting, isn’t it?

Use Wondershare Filmora, add transparent logo to video directly

Want to work on an really interesting platform with a variety of tools and features? Well, use Wondershare Filmora. It gives you easy, free and quick way of generating transparent logo. Let’s know how to create a transparent logo in Wondershare Filmora Video Editor

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

Step 1

Download Filmora app in your device and install it. The app can easily be downloaded and installed in windows or Mac computer. Then, open the app and visit file import media. Import the logo and video file you want from here or drag and drop your file to media library.

Step 2

Next you need to drag and drop the video file and logo both on the timeline simultaneously. Put your cursor on logo and right click, you will find the green screen option. Select it.

Step 3

You will find Chroma key settings and your logo overlaying the video in the preview window.

Just enable the Chroma key and your logo becomes transparent. The background found this way will be green and you can change the color of the background by picking an color from the color icon.

Step 4

Finally, you can change the size of the logo and add it to your video. It’s too easy, right?

Part 3 How To Make Transparent Background On Phone; Three Simple Ways

ways to make background transparent on phone

So, you are planning to create your own logo and havepicsart background hd downloadfor promoting your brand. Well there are many attractive ideas to make transparent images and logo but making background transparent is important when you want to layer the logos.

Here find out the idea of generating transparent background with 3 different video editors –

Apowersoft Background Eraser

The best app to make a transparent background on phone is Apowersoft background eraser. It works on iOS and android platform both. Removing a background is so easy with this app. Here is stepwise guideline for creating transparent background on Apowersoft –

Step 1

Install the app apowersoft background eraser and let the app allow you to upload a photo by tapping on recognition.

Step 2

Upload the photo and the app will delete the background automatically.

Step 3

Save the file by tapping on ‘save’ button

Step 4

Download the file for use.

The entire process is automated and keeps your photo with original quality despite editing.

The app is compatible for android and iOS both platforms but sometimes you can face delay in the process of background removal.

Black picsart background will look cool too.


Another good tool for easy background removal is Lunapic. It is known for making transparent background for free. You need nothing but to visit official website of lunapic and upload the file that you want to make transparent. Then click on the background that you want to remove and great, you will find your file with transparent background. D

Download the file and save it to apply for the purpose you want.

Adobe photoshop mix

Adobe photoshop is a fool proof editof for making transparent background on your phone. The app is known for its quick processing and lots of designs. The procedure of background removal or making transparent background is so easy. Go through the steps mentioned here –

Step 1

Open your logo file.

Step 2

Go to menu and Select ‘layer’ and add a transparent layer by clicking on new layer. A dialog box will appear and ask to rename the layer. If you don’t want to rename, just leave the layer default as layer 0 and click OK.

Step 3

This is how you unlock the background layer and make anything transparent by deleting it.

Step 4

Now you can create your selection by using magic wand too. Check the left hand side of your app screen and go to ‘select subject’. Then visit ‘options’ bar at the top of the screen. Using this tool, you can remove the background of selection. The clearness of the background and beauty of the picture depends upon the efficiency of using this tool.

Step 5

After selecting the product, type SHIFT + CTRL+ I and use this short key to select the inverse from dropdown menu at top application.

Step 6

You can deselect the selection by typing CTRL + D

Step 7

This is the entire process for creating transparent background. Save the product image in proper format so that you can display it online easily. PNG – 24 is known to be the best suitable format for this purpose.

Ending Thoughts

Check the list of video creators and pick the one that suits you the most from operation point of view.

Go with the trend and select design of picsart background.

Use the easiest application if features are not important.

Also read:

  • Title: Rules of Three or Thirds Is a Classic Trick in Photography, and the Result of Video and Photo Is Really Great. This Article Will Show You How to Use Rule of Thirds to Make a Better Video for 2024
  • Author: Chloe
  • Created at : 2024-04-24 07:08:22
  • Updated at : 2024-04-25 07:08:22
  • Link:
  • License: This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.
On this page
Rules of Three or Thirds Is a Classic Trick in Photography, and the Result of Video and Photo Is Really Great. This Article Will Show You How to Use Rule of Thirds to Make a Better Video for 2024