Updated How to Add a Lower Third to Your Video for 2024

Updated How to Add a Lower Third to Your Video for 2024

Chloe Lv12

How to Add a Lower Third to Your Video

Want to bump up the quality and level of your videos? Adding a lower third is one of the easiest ways to impress your audience and improve the quality of your videos. It makes it look like you spent a ton of money on video editing, but in reality, it’s really easy to do.

When you first start video editing, it may seem like a daunting task with so much to learn. The good news is you can cut that learning curve down significantly by using intuitive editing software like Wondershare’s Filmora. Clear and streamlined, Filmora is the choice of many filmmakers.

Until recently, you needed expensive enterprise level software like Sony Vegas or Final Cut Pro to create lower thirds, especially lower thirds with movement. But Filmora makes it easier than ever.

  1. Use Readable Font
  2. Don’t Make It Too Long
  3. Use Branding
  4. Use Templates
  5. Keep It Simple
  6. Emphasize With Your Lower Third
  • Step By Step To Explain Filmora
  1. Step 1: Import The Media
  2. Step 2: Find Title Option
  3. Step 3: Choose a Lower Third Template

1. What is a Lower Third?

What is a Lower Third

What is a Lower Third

A lower third is text and/or a graphical element put on top of your video for the purpose of sharing information with your audience.

A lower third provides important information but is done without distracting from the actual video content.

Take a look at the shot below. The lower third is used to convey the speaker’s name and profession. This is a type of lower third often used in documentary films and newscasts.

2. Why Add A Lower Third

So the next question a new filmmaker might ask is, “Why add a lower third?”

Funnily enough, despite its name, a lower third does not have to be in the lower third of the video but can be found in other areas of the screen.

In the shot below, the viewer automatically knows he is looking at the rooftops of Alfama, a neighborhood in Lisbon, without someone having to say it - no distractions from the video content.

Why Add A Lower Third

Why Add A Lower Third

Lower thirds can also create movement. Many lower thirds come gliding onto the screen and add visual interest to a plain shot.

As simple as it may sound, seeing an overlay on a screen or a moving lower third adds professionalism to even the simplest videos. It gives the audience a sense of polish and high perceived value.

Filmora Note

Tips: A lower third lasts approximately 3-6 seconds and is placed in the “title safe area” of your video. A quick explanation of the “title safe area” is that if the video is cropped to fit certain resolutions, your lower third will still appear without the fear of it being cropped out and losing pertinent information for the audience.

3. 6 Quick Tips to Add A Lower Third

As simple as putting in a lower third sounds, here are 6 quick tips to ensure a lower third is effective and conveys the right message.

Wondershare Filmora Video Editor comes equipped with pre-built video-based lower thirds in a ton of unique styles and colors. The cool thing is that you can customize the text easily and quickly, including changing the text color and font style – so you can match your style perfectly.

Tip #1

Use Readable Font

Part of communicating information without distraction is to make sure the font used in the lower third is readable. A lower third only graces the screen for 3-6 seconds, so you want it to be short and easy to read at a glance.

Tip #2

Don’t Make It Too Long

There is a limited amount of space to use. If you need to communicate more information, consider using a title slide instead which will give you more space to communicate your ideas. Less is more when it comes to lower thirds.

Tip #3

Use Branding

A lower third is another way to have people remember and recognize your brand. If you have your own branding colors and logo, use it in your lower third.

Tip #4

Use Templates

Pick one style and stick with it. Consistency in video editing helps communicate trust to your audience. It’s fun to use different styles sometimes, but it can be disjointed. With Filmora you can add elements like lower thirds and title to your favorites – so they are easy to use on your different video projects.

Tip #5

Keep It Simple

Remember the purpose of your lower third - to convey information without being distracting. Don’t use a lot of text. Brevity is the key. Usually, lower thirds are used to detail a name, profession or a location. The most you want is 2 lines of text. Sometimes you may want to use just one line.

Tip #6

Emphasize With Your Lower Third

Often, I might use a lower third to emphasize a certain point, or to use different wording (than I used in my video) if I think it makes the point clearer. This can be helpful if you make a small mistake in your original video and it makes more sense than adding b-roll over the video.

4. Step By Step To Explain Filmora

Using Wondershare Filmora Video Editor it is extremely easy to create a lower third for your video.

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

The following step-by-step tutorial already assumes that you are familiar with some of the workings of Filmora like how to start a project and how to place your media onto the empty timeline.

So here’s how simple it is to add a lower third.

Step 1: Import The Media

In this step, you will create a new project and then import the media and place it on your timeline.

Import The Media

Import The Media

Step 2: Find Title Option

Once you have placed your media onto the project, you will go to the top navigation and click on titles.

It will then open up and you will see a number of choices for titles, including “lower thirds.”

Find Title Option

Find Title Option

For lower thirds you want to choose the template that will best compliment your video.

Things to consider are your branding colors and the information you want to convey.

Currently, there are many options to choose from with 43 lower third templates to choose from in Filmora.

Step 3: Choose a Lower Third Template

Choose a lower third template and drag it on top of your media in the timeline. The next step is to edit the template.

Double click on the template and it will allow you to edit the text.

Choose a Lower Third Template

Choose a Lower Third Template

Choose a Lower Third Template2

Choose a Lower Third Template2

Also, when deciding how often you need to use a lower third, you only need to use the lower third once - if the speaker appears on the screen again, it only needs to be shown that one time.

You did it. With this new skill you’ve now mastered the quickest way to impress your audience and increase the quality of your videos.

The key is to practice and you’ll get better quickly.

5. Start Using Lower Thirds Today

Lower thirds are a simple but powerful way to enhance your videos.

Using the tips above, start adding lower thirds to your video.

Wrap Up

  1. Step 1: Import The Media
  2. Step 2: Find Title Option
  3. Step 3: Choose a Lower Third Template

1. What is a Lower Third?

What is a Lower Third

What is a Lower Third

A lower third is text and/or a graphical element put on top of your video for the purpose of sharing information with your audience.

A lower third provides important information but is done without distracting from the actual video content.

Take a look at the shot below. The lower third is used to convey the speaker’s name and profession. This is a type of lower third often used in documentary films and newscasts.

2. Why Add A Lower Third

So the next question a new filmmaker might ask is, “Why add a lower third?”

Funnily enough, despite its name, a lower third does not have to be in the lower third of the video but can be found in other areas of the screen.

In the shot below, the viewer automatically knows he is looking at the rooftops of Alfama, a neighborhood in Lisbon, without someone having to say it - no distractions from the video content.

Why Add A Lower Third

Why Add A Lower Third

Lower thirds can also create movement. Many lower thirds come gliding onto the screen and add visual interest to a plain shot.

As simple as it may sound, seeing an overlay on a screen or a moving lower third adds professionalism to even the simplest videos. It gives the audience a sense of polish and high perceived value.

Filmora Note

Tips: A lower third lasts approximately 3-6 seconds and is placed in the “title safe area” of your video. A quick explanation of the “title safe area” is that if the video is cropped to fit certain resolutions, your lower third will still appear without the fear of it being cropped out and losing pertinent information for the audience.

3. 6 Quick Tips to Add A Lower Third

As simple as putting in a lower third sounds, here are 6 quick tips to ensure a lower third is effective and conveys the right message.

Wondershare Filmora Video Editor comes equipped with pre-built video-based lower thirds in a ton of unique styles and colors. The cool thing is that you can customize the text easily and quickly, including changing the text color and font style – so you can match your style perfectly.

Tip #1

Use Readable Font

Part of communicating information without distraction is to make sure the font used in the lower third is readable. A lower third only graces the screen for 3-6 seconds, so you want it to be short and easy to read at a glance.

Tip #2

Don’t Make It Too Long

There is a limited amount of space to use. If you need to communicate more information, consider using a title slide instead which will give you more space to communicate your ideas. Less is more when it comes to lower thirds.

Tip #3

Use Branding

A lower third is another way to have people remember and recognize your brand. If you have your own branding colors and logo, use it in your lower third.

Tip #4

Use Templates

Pick one style and stick with it. Consistency in video editing helps communicate trust to your audience. It’s fun to use different styles sometimes, but it can be disjointed. With Filmora you can add elements like lower thirds and title to your favorites – so they are easy to use on your different video projects.

Tip #5

Keep It Simple

Remember the purpose of your lower third - to convey information without being distracting. Don’t use a lot of text. Brevity is the key. Usually, lower thirds are used to detail a name, profession or a location. The most you want is 2 lines of text. Sometimes you may want to use just one line.

Tip #6

Emphasize With Your Lower Third

Often, I might use a lower third to emphasize a certain point, or to use different wording (than I used in my video) if I think it makes the point clearer. This can be helpful if you make a small mistake in your original video and it makes more sense than adding b-roll over the video.

4. Step By Step To Explain Filmora

Using Wondershare Filmora Video Editor it is extremely easy to create a lower third for your video.

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

The following step-by-step tutorial already assumes that you are familiar with some of the workings of Filmora like how to start a project and how to place your media onto the empty timeline.

So here’s how simple it is to add a lower third.

Step 1: Import The Media

In this step, you will create a new project and then import the media and place it on your timeline.

Import The Media

Import The Media

Step 2: Find Title Option

Once you have placed your media onto the project, you will go to the top navigation and click on titles.

It will then open up and you will see a number of choices for titles, including “lower thirds.”

Find Title Option

Find Title Option

For lower thirds you want to choose the template that will best compliment your video.

Things to consider are your branding colors and the information you want to convey.

Currently, there are many options to choose from with 43 lower third templates to choose from in Filmora.

Step 3: Choose a Lower Third Template

Choose a lower third template and drag it on top of your media in the timeline. The next step is to edit the template.

Double click on the template and it will allow you to edit the text.

Choose a Lower Third Template

Choose a Lower Third Template

Choose a Lower Third Template2

Choose a Lower Third Template2

Also, when deciding how often you need to use a lower third, you only need to use the lower third once - if the speaker appears on the screen again, it only needs to be shown that one time.

You did it. With this new skill you’ve now mastered the quickest way to impress your audience and increase the quality of your videos.

The key is to practice and you’ll get better quickly.

5. Start Using Lower Thirds Today

Lower thirds are a simple but powerful way to enhance your videos.

Using the tips above, start adding lower thirds to your video.

Wrap Up

  • Whether you are a new filmmaker/editor or a seasoned pro, Wondershare’s Filmora can help take your video editing to the next level. It’s packed with pro-level features that are easy and intuitive to use.
  • If you’re not using Filmora, download it today and discover how to make your videos look better as you build your audience.

The Benefits Of Using Video For Social Media Marketing

When it comes to social media marketing, video is one of the most powerful tools at your disposal. Videos can be used to create engaging content that draws in new followers, and they can also be used to promote your products or services. In fact, videos are so effective that nearly 90% of businesses now use them as part of their social media marketing strategy. So, if you’re not using video yet, now is the time to start. In this post, we’ll discuss the benefits of using video for social media marketing and provide tips for getting started. Keep reading to learn more!

1. More Engaging Than Text or Images

When you’re scrolling through your feed, what’s more, likely to stop you in your tracks: a picture or a video? For most people, the answer is video. In general, video is more engaging than image because it captures our attention more effectively and holds it for longer. Studies have shown that the human brain processes video 60,000 times faster than text, and that viewers retain 95% of a message when they watch it in a video, as opposed to 10% when they read it in text. Furthermore, video is more likely to evoke an emotional response than an image. We can’t help but be drawn in by the movement, sound, and facial expressions of the people in the video, which makes us more likely to feel connected to them. So next time you’re trying to capture someone’s attention, think about using video instead of a still image.

Video Format

Video Format

2. Build a Relationship with Audience

Video can help you build a relationship with your audience on social media. That’s because people like to watch videos. They’re fun and interesting. You can show people what you’re doing and what’s going on in your life. And people can leave comments and talk to you on the video. The more you interact with your audience, the more they’ll like you.

Plus, video is a great way to show off your products or services. You can give people a tour of your store or office. Or show them how to use your product. If you have a new product, you can create a video to show it off. People are more likely to buy a product if they can see it in action.

Videos Help You Build a Relationship

Videos Help You Build a Relationship

3. Promote Your Brand or Product

Video allows you to show, rather than just tell, potential customers what your brand is all about. You can give them a behind-the-scenes look at your company, or showcase your products in action. And because people are more likely to watch a video than read an article or blog post, you’re more likely to reach a wider audience with your message.

Creating a video doesn’t have to be expensive or time-consuming. You can use your smartphone or a simple video camera to get started. And there are plenty of free or low-cost video editing software programs available if you want to get fancier with your finished product.

If you’re not sure where to start, try creating a short video that introduces your brand and tells viewers what they can expect from your products or services. Then post it on your website and social media channels and see how it goes! You might be surprised at how well it performs.

Videos Help Promote Your Brand

Videos Help Promote Your Brand

4. Drive Traffic to Your Website

Website traffic refers to the number of visitors who visit a website. This can be measured in a number of ways, including the number of unique visitors, the number of page views, and the amount of time spent on the site.

If you’re looking for a way to give your website a boost, you may want to consider using videos. By posting engaging videos on social media sites, you can drive traffic to your site and increase your visibility. And, with more people visiting your site, you’ll have a better chance of converting visitors into customers. Of course, creating videos can be time-consuming and requires some level of creative talent. But it’s worth the effort if you’re looking for a way to improve your web traffic.

So, if you’re ready to take your social media marketing to the next level, why not give video a try?

Videos Help Drive Traffic

Videos Help Drive Traffic

5. Increase Your Social Media Reach

Social media reach is the number of people who see your content. It’s the potential audience for your message. The more people who see it, the more likely it is that someone will engage with it. The size of your reach depends on the platform you’re using and how many followers you have. Some platforms, like Facebook, make it easy to reach a large audience.

The best way to increase your reach is to create compelling video content that people want to share. Videos are highly shareable, and if they are well-made and engaging, they can quickly attract a large audience. In addition, videos are a great way to build brand awareness and show potential customers what your business is all about. By including videos in your social media marketing strategy, you can reach a wider audience and create more opportunities for customer engagement.

Videos Help Increase Social Media Reach

Videos Help Drive Traffic

6. Boost your SEO

SEO is an acronym that stands for “search engine optimization.” It is a process of improving the visibility and ranking of a website or web page in search engine results pages (SERPs). The higher a website or web page appears in the SERPs, the more likely it is to be clicked by users.

If you’re like most people, you probably spend a good chunk of your day scrolling through social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. And when you’re not scrolling through your feed, you’re probably watching videos. Whether it’s a funny cat video or a cooking tutorial, chances are you’ve watched a video online in the past 24 hours. What you may not realize is that videos can also be used to boost your SEO.

That’s right - by creating and posting engaging videos, you can attract more visitors to your website and improve your search engine ranking. Here’s how it works: when people watch your videos and share them with their friends, they are effectively giving your website a “vote” of approval. This helps to improve your visibility on search engines and attracts more visitors to your site. In addition, videos help to keep people on your website for longer periods of time, which is also a positive signal to search engines. So if you’re looking for a new way to improve your SEO, consider adding videos to your website. You might just be surprised at the results.

Videos Help Boost Your SEO

Videos Help Boost Your SEO

Wrap Up

  • Now that you know the importance of using video for your social media marketing, it’s time to start planning your next campaign.
  • Keep in mind the different ways you can use video to engage with your audience and think about what kind of content will resonate best with them.
  • Don’t be afraid to try something new – after all, that’s how we learn and grow. What are some ideas you have for using video in your social media marketing? We want to hear from you! Comment down below and let us know.

Videos Conclusion

Videos Conclusion

When it comes to social media marketing, video is one of the most powerful tools at your disposal. Videos can be used to create engaging content that draws in new followers, and they can also be used to promote your products or services. In fact, videos are so effective that nearly 90% of businesses now use them as part of their social media marketing strategy. So, if you’re not using video yet, now is the time to start. In this post, we’ll discuss the benefits of using video for social media marketing and provide tips for getting started. Keep reading to learn more!

1. More Engaging Than Text or Images

When you’re scrolling through your feed, what’s more, likely to stop you in your tracks: a picture or a video? For most people, the answer is video. In general, video is more engaging than image because it captures our attention more effectively and holds it for longer. Studies have shown that the human brain processes video 60,000 times faster than text, and that viewers retain 95% of a message when they watch it in a video, as opposed to 10% when they read it in text. Furthermore, video is more likely to evoke an emotional response than an image. We can’t help but be drawn in by the movement, sound, and facial expressions of the people in the video, which makes us more likely to feel connected to them. So next time you’re trying to capture someone’s attention, think about using video instead of a still image.

Video Format

Video Format

2. Build a Relationship with Audience

Video can help you build a relationship with your audience on social media. That’s because people like to watch videos. They’re fun and interesting. You can show people what you’re doing and what’s going on in your life. And people can leave comments and talk to you on the video. The more you interact with your audience, the more they’ll like you.

Plus, video is a great way to show off your products or services. You can give people a tour of your store or office. Or show them how to use your product. If you have a new product, you can create a video to show it off. People are more likely to buy a product if they can see it in action.

Videos Help You Build a Relationship

Videos Help You Build a Relationship

3. Promote Your Brand or Product

Video allows you to show, rather than just tell, potential customers what your brand is all about. You can give them a behind-the-scenes look at your company, or showcase your products in action. And because people are more likely to watch a video than read an article or blog post, you’re more likely to reach a wider audience with your message.

Creating a video doesn’t have to be expensive or time-consuming. You can use your smartphone or a simple video camera to get started. And there are plenty of free or low-cost video editing software programs available if you want to get fancier with your finished product.

If you’re not sure where to start, try creating a short video that introduces your brand and tells viewers what they can expect from your products or services. Then post it on your website and social media channels and see how it goes! You might be surprised at how well it performs.

Videos Help Promote Your Brand

Videos Help Promote Your Brand

4. Drive Traffic to Your Website

Website traffic refers to the number of visitors who visit a website. This can be measured in a number of ways, including the number of unique visitors, the number of page views, and the amount of time spent on the site.

If you’re looking for a way to give your website a boost, you may want to consider using videos. By posting engaging videos on social media sites, you can drive traffic to your site and increase your visibility. And, with more people visiting your site, you’ll have a better chance of converting visitors into customers. Of course, creating videos can be time-consuming and requires some level of creative talent. But it’s worth the effort if you’re looking for a way to improve your web traffic.

So, if you’re ready to take your social media marketing to the next level, why not give video a try?

Videos Help Drive Traffic

Videos Help Drive Traffic

5. Increase Your Social Media Reach

Social media reach is the number of people who see your content. It’s the potential audience for your message. The more people who see it, the more likely it is that someone will engage with it. The size of your reach depends on the platform you’re using and how many followers you have. Some platforms, like Facebook, make it easy to reach a large audience.

The best way to increase your reach is to create compelling video content that people want to share. Videos are highly shareable, and if they are well-made and engaging, they can quickly attract a large audience. In addition, videos are a great way to build brand awareness and show potential customers what your business is all about. By including videos in your social media marketing strategy, you can reach a wider audience and create more opportunities for customer engagement.

Videos Help Increase Social Media Reach

Videos Help Drive Traffic

6. Boost your SEO

SEO is an acronym that stands for “search engine optimization.” It is a process of improving the visibility and ranking of a website or web page in search engine results pages (SERPs). The higher a website or web page appears in the SERPs, the more likely it is to be clicked by users.

If you’re like most people, you probably spend a good chunk of your day scrolling through social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. And when you’re not scrolling through your feed, you’re probably watching videos. Whether it’s a funny cat video or a cooking tutorial, chances are you’ve watched a video online in the past 24 hours. What you may not realize is that videos can also be used to boost your SEO.

That’s right - by creating and posting engaging videos, you can attract more visitors to your website and improve your search engine ranking. Here’s how it works: when people watch your videos and share them with their friends, they are effectively giving your website a “vote” of approval. This helps to improve your visibility on search engines and attracts more visitors to your site. In addition, videos help to keep people on your website for longer periods of time, which is also a positive signal to search engines. So if you’re looking for a new way to improve your SEO, consider adding videos to your website. You might just be surprised at the results.

Videos Help Boost Your SEO

Videos Help Boost Your SEO

Wrap Up

  • Now that you know the importance of using video for your social media marketing, it’s time to start planning your next campaign.
  • Keep in mind the different ways you can use video to engage with your audience and think about what kind of content will resonate best with them.
  • Don’t be afraid to try something new – after all, that’s how we learn and grow. What are some ideas you have for using video in your social media marketing? We want to hear from you! Comment down below and let us know.

Videos Conclusion

Videos Conclusion

Detailed Tutorial to Resize Your Video in VLC

Videos are one of the most popular types of content on the internet. There are millions of videos uploaded to YouTube, Facebook, and other video-sharing sites each day. Sharing your videos with others is possible when you know how to resize them in VLC. VLC is a free media player that allows you to convert or compress your videos in order to make them smaller for uploading or downloading.

Videos are a great way to showcase your business, company, or product on social media sites like Facebook and Twitter. But what happens when you use the wrong size for your video? The whole thing looks distorted and low quality. It’s not very appealing.

Luckily, resizing videos in VLC is simple. All you need is the right software and the right steps.

This blog post will walk you through how to resize videos using VLC. We’ll cover what the default settings are for video resolutions, how to change them, and why it’s important to know what size of video you’re uploading before uploading it.

So without further ado, let’s get started!

Step by step to resize your video in VLC

Anyone who has a lot of videos on their computer knows how frustrating it can be to find the video you want among the hundreds of ones you have. Well, VLC makes it possible to resize your videos so they’ll fit onto your desktop. Here’s how:

Resizing by converting to a smaller file size

Because some video formats, such as MKV and AVI, take up too much space, it’s a good idea to convert videos to smaller formats, such as FLV, WMV, and so on. To lower the video size, you’ll be pleased to learn that VLC allows you to convert video/audio files without the need to install any other software. The video conversion guide for VLC can be found below.

Step 1: Launch the VLC Media Player.


Step 2: Go to the menu and pick Media > Convert/Save from the drop-down menu, then Add > Convert/Save from the drop-down menu.


Step 3: Choose a profile for the video you wish to convert.


Step 4: Select the Start button to start VLC video compression.

Resizing by cutting unnecessary video segment

Step 1: Launch the VLC Media Player


Step 2: Go to Menu > View Menu > Advanced Controls in VLC Media Player and select it from the menu.


Step 3: Play the video you want to crop and then click the Record button on the scene you want to crop and then the same button to pause the video where you want to crop it.


Step 4: In Windows 7, 8, and XP, the film will automatically save in Library > Videos, and in My Documents > My Videos in Windows 7.

VLC Media Player is unquestionably one of the greatest video players available for free. Nonetheless, it isn’t the finest video reduction because it just reduces the size of videos by using certain simple parameters rather than complex ones. As a result, we offer Fimora, an all-in-one video toolbox that can convert, compress, download, record, edit, burn, and more, as a better video compressor. You can change the video resolution, bit rate, encoder, format, and other settings to compress video and audio files in a variety of formats. Follow the simple steps below to get this VLC compressor replacement on your Windows/Mac for free.

An easier way to resize videos using Filmora

Filmora Video Editor is a powerful, yet easy to use video editor for PC and Mac. With the most intuitive and streamlined editing process out there, Filmora lets you cut and resize videos with just a few clicks of your mouse.

Through this part, we’ll show you how to resize videos using Filmora’s three-step process: import video files, select video clips, and edit them. We’ll also teach you some shortcuts for making the editing process as quick as possible!

A common challenge for beginner video editors is knowing where to start. With Filmora, you begin by importing your video files, selecting the clip you want to cut, and then editing it. It’s a three-step process that takes less than five minutes!

Once you have finished editing your video clip, Filmora will give you the option to share it on social media or export it in MP4 or AVI format.

Keep reading to learn more about how to cut and resize videos using Filmora’s three-step process!

Free Download

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Free Download

For macOS 10.14 or later

Step by Step on How to Resize Videos using Filmora

Resizing videos in Filmora is a quick and easy process. To resize videos, first make sure you have imported your video file into the editor.

Resizing by changing the dimensions

Step 1: To import a video file, either drag and drop the file on the screen or click on “Import Files” in the toolbar.


Step 2: Once you’ve imported your video, select the video clips that you want to resize by clicking on them; then, resizing them is as simple as dragging their borders!


Step 3: You can also use the size fields at the bottom of the frame to change their dimensions.

Step 4: Keep in mind that changing one dimension of a video clip will affect both its width and height proportionally. For example, if you enlarge a 16:9 widescreen clip to 720p (from 480p), it will be double its original proportions (720x480).

Resizing by shrinking video file size.

Step 1: To import a video file, either drag and drop it onto the screen or use the toolbar’s “Import Files” option.


Step 2: Open the video shrinker’s output window by clicking the “Export” button.


Step 3: Select the Format tab and keep the video in its original format as a result. Then, in the “Settings” panel, click the triangle button below to downsize the video by choosing a lower video resolution, frame rate, or bit rate. When it comes to video formats, you can choose among FLV, MP4, and other similar formats, which normally result in smaller files.


Step 4: The shrunk file should be exported.


So you’ve got this beautiful video you want to post on your social media page or website, but the dimensions are all wrong. No worries! There’s an easy solution to your problem. Filmora is a video editing software that is easy to use and versatile and powerful at the same time. Whether you’re just starting out or are a pro, Filmora is the perfect tool for the job. You don’t need to be an expert to edit videos in Filmora; it’s easy enough for beginners. With Filmora, you can resize your videos in seconds by following these simple steps above.

Step 2: Go to the menu and pick Media > Convert/Save from the drop-down menu, then Add > Convert/Save from the drop-down menu.


Step 3: Choose a profile for the video you wish to convert.


Step 4: Select the Start button to start VLC video compression.

Resizing by cutting unnecessary video segment

Step 1: Launch the VLC Media Player


Step 2: Go to Menu > View Menu > Advanced Controls in VLC Media Player and select it from the menu.


Step 3: Play the video you want to crop and then click the Record button on the scene you want to crop and then the same button to pause the video where you want to crop it.


Step 4: In Windows 7, 8, and XP, the film will automatically save in Library > Videos, and in My Documents > My Videos in Windows 7.

VLC Media Player is unquestionably one of the greatest video players available for free. Nonetheless, it isn’t the finest video reduction because it just reduces the size of videos by using certain simple parameters rather than complex ones. As a result, we offer Fimora, an all-in-one video toolbox that can convert, compress, download, record, edit, burn, and more, as a better video compressor. You can change the video resolution, bit rate, encoder, format, and other settings to compress video and audio files in a variety of formats. Follow the simple steps below to get this VLC compressor replacement on your Windows/Mac for free.

An easier way to resize videos using Filmora

Filmora Video Editor is a powerful, yet easy to use video editor for PC and Mac. With the most intuitive and streamlined editing process out there, Filmora lets you cut and resize videos with just a few clicks of your mouse.

Through this part, we’ll show you how to resize videos using Filmora’s three-step process: import video files, select video clips, and edit them. We’ll also teach you some shortcuts for making the editing process as quick as possible!

A common challenge for beginner video editors is knowing where to start. With Filmora, you begin by importing your video files, selecting the clip you want to cut, and then editing it. It’s a three-step process that takes less than five minutes!

Once you have finished editing your video clip, Filmora will give you the option to share it on social media or export it in MP4 or AVI format.

Keep reading to learn more about how to cut and resize videos using Filmora’s three-step process!

Free Download

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

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For macOS 10.14 or later

Step by Step on How to Resize Videos using Filmora

Resizing videos in Filmora is a quick and easy process. To resize videos, first make sure you have imported your video file into the editor.

Resizing by changing the dimensions

Step 1: To import a video file, either drag and drop the file on the screen or click on “Import Files” in the toolbar.


Step 2: Once you’ve imported your video, select the video clips that you want to resize by clicking on them; then, resizing them is as simple as dragging their borders!


Step 3: You can also use the size fields at the bottom of the frame to change their dimensions.

Step 4: Keep in mind that changing one dimension of a video clip will affect both its width and height proportionally. For example, if you enlarge a 16:9 widescreen clip to 720p (from 480p), it will be double its original proportions (720x480).

Resizing by shrinking video file size.

Step 1: To import a video file, either drag and drop it onto the screen or use the toolbar’s “Import Files” option.


Step 2: Open the video shrinker’s output window by clicking the “Export” button.


Step 3: Select the Format tab and keep the video in its original format as a result. Then, in the “Settings” panel, click the triangle button below to downsize the video by choosing a lower video resolution, frame rate, or bit rate. When it comes to video formats, you can choose among FLV, MP4, and other similar formats, which normally result in smaller files.


Step 4: The shrunk file should be exported.


So you’ve got this beautiful video you want to post on your social media page or website, but the dimensions are all wrong. No worries! There’s an easy solution to your problem. Filmora is a video editing software that is easy to use and versatile and powerful at the same time. Whether you’re just starting out or are a pro, Filmora is the perfect tool for the job. You don’t need to be an expert to edit videos in Filmora; it’s easy enough for beginners. With Filmora, you can resize your videos in seconds by following these simple steps above.

Step 2: Go to the menu and pick Media > Convert/Save from the drop-down menu, then Add > Convert/Save from the drop-down menu.


Step 3: Choose a profile for the video you wish to convert.


Step 4: Select the Start button to start VLC video compression.

Resizing by cutting unnecessary video segment

Step 1: Launch the VLC Media Player


Step 2: Go to Menu > View Menu > Advanced Controls in VLC Media Player and select it from the menu.


Step 3: Play the video you want to crop and then click the Record button on the scene you want to crop and then the same button to pause the video where you want to crop it.


Step 4: In Windows 7, 8, and XP, the film will automatically save in Library > Videos, and in My Documents > My Videos in Windows 7.

VLC Media Player is unquestionably one of the greatest video players available for free. Nonetheless, it isn’t the finest video reduction because it just reduces the size of videos by using certain simple parameters rather than complex ones. As a result, we offer Fimora, an all-in-one video toolbox that can convert, compress, download, record, edit, burn, and more, as a better video compressor. You can change the video resolution, bit rate, encoder, format, and other settings to compress video and audio files in a variety of formats. Follow the simple steps below to get this VLC compressor replacement on your Windows/Mac for free.

An easier way to resize videos using Filmora

Filmora Video Editor is a powerful, yet easy to use video editor for PC and Mac. With the most intuitive and streamlined editing process out there, Filmora lets you cut and resize videos with just a few clicks of your mouse.

Through this part, we’ll show you how to resize videos using Filmora’s three-step process: import video files, select video clips, and edit them. We’ll also teach you some shortcuts for making the editing process as quick as possible!

A common challenge for beginner video editors is knowing where to start. With Filmora, you begin by importing your video files, selecting the clip you want to cut, and then editing it. It’s a three-step process that takes less than five minutes!

Once you have finished editing your video clip, Filmora will give you the option to share it on social media or export it in MP4 or AVI format.

Keep reading to learn more about how to cut and resize videos using Filmora’s three-step process!

Free Download

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Free Download

For macOS 10.14 or later

Step by Step on How to Resize Videos using Filmora

Resizing videos in Filmora is a quick and easy process. To resize videos, first make sure you have imported your video file into the editor.

Resizing by changing the dimensions

Step 1: To import a video file, either drag and drop the file on the screen or click on “Import Files” in the toolbar.


Step 2: Once you’ve imported your video, select the video clips that you want to resize by clicking on them; then, resizing them is as simple as dragging their borders!


Step 3: You can also use the size fields at the bottom of the frame to change their dimensions.

Step 4: Keep in mind that changing one dimension of a video clip will affect both its width and height proportionally. For example, if you enlarge a 16:9 widescreen clip to 720p (from 480p), it will be double its original proportions (720x480).

Resizing by shrinking video file size.

Step 1: To import a video file, either drag and drop it onto the screen or use the toolbar’s “Import Files” option.


Step 2: Open the video shrinker’s output window by clicking the “Export” button.


Step 3: Select the Format tab and keep the video in its original format as a result. Then, in the “Settings” panel, click the triangle button below to downsize the video by choosing a lower video resolution, frame rate, or bit rate. When it comes to video formats, you can choose among FLV, MP4, and other similar formats, which normally result in smaller files.


Step 4: The shrunk file should be exported.


So you’ve got this beautiful video you want to post on your social media page or website, but the dimensions are all wrong. No worries! There’s an easy solution to your problem. Filmora is a video editing software that is easy to use and versatile and powerful at the same time. Whether you’re just starting out or are a pro, Filmora is the perfect tool for the job. You don’t need to be an expert to edit videos in Filmora; it’s easy enough for beginners. With Filmora, you can resize your videos in seconds by following these simple steps above.

Step 2: Go to the menu and pick Media > Convert/Save from the drop-down menu, then Add > Convert/Save from the drop-down menu.


Step 3: Choose a profile for the video you wish to convert.


Step 4: Select the Start button to start VLC video compression.

Resizing by cutting unnecessary video segment

Step 1: Launch the VLC Media Player


Step 2: Go to Menu > View Menu > Advanced Controls in VLC Media Player and select it from the menu.


Step 3: Play the video you want to crop and then click the Record button on the scene you want to crop and then the same button to pause the video where you want to crop it.


Step 4: In Windows 7, 8, and XP, the film will automatically save in Library > Videos, and in My Documents > My Videos in Windows 7.

VLC Media Player is unquestionably one of the greatest video players available for free. Nonetheless, it isn’t the finest video reduction because it just reduces the size of videos by using certain simple parameters rather than complex ones. As a result, we offer Fimora, an all-in-one video toolbox that can convert, compress, download, record, edit, burn, and more, as a better video compressor. You can change the video resolution, bit rate, encoder, format, and other settings to compress video and audio files in a variety of formats. Follow the simple steps below to get this VLC compressor replacement on your Windows/Mac for free.

An easier way to resize videos using Filmora

Filmora Video Editor is a powerful, yet easy to use video editor for PC and Mac. With the most intuitive and streamlined editing process out there, Filmora lets you cut and resize videos with just a few clicks of your mouse.

Through this part, we’ll show you how to resize videos using Filmora’s three-step process: import video files, select video clips, and edit them. We’ll also teach you some shortcuts for making the editing process as quick as possible!

A common challenge for beginner video editors is knowing where to start. With Filmora, you begin by importing your video files, selecting the clip you want to cut, and then editing it. It’s a three-step process that takes less than five minutes!

Once you have finished editing your video clip, Filmora will give you the option to share it on social media or export it in MP4 or AVI format.

Keep reading to learn more about how to cut and resize videos using Filmora’s three-step process!

Free Download

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Free Download

For macOS 10.14 or later

Step by Step on How to Resize Videos using Filmora

Resizing videos in Filmora is a quick and easy process. To resize videos, first make sure you have imported your video file into the editor.

Resizing by changing the dimensions

Step 1: To import a video file, either drag and drop the file on the screen or click on “Import Files” in the toolbar.


Step 2: Once you’ve imported your video, select the video clips that you want to resize by clicking on them; then, resizing them is as simple as dragging their borders!


Step 3: You can also use the size fields at the bottom of the frame to change their dimensions.

Step 4: Keep in mind that changing one dimension of a video clip will affect both its width and height proportionally. For example, if you enlarge a 16:9 widescreen clip to 720p (from 480p), it will be double its original proportions (720x480).

Resizing by shrinking video file size.

Step 1: To import a video file, either drag and drop it onto the screen or use the toolbar’s “Import Files” option.


Step 2: Open the video shrinker’s output window by clicking the “Export” button.


Step 3: Select the Format tab and keep the video in its original format as a result. Then, in the “Settings” panel, click the triangle button below to downsize the video by choosing a lower video resolution, frame rate, or bit rate. When it comes to video formats, you can choose among FLV, MP4, and other similar formats, which normally result in smaller files.


Step 4: The shrunk file should be exported.


So you’ve got this beautiful video you want to post on your social media page or website, but the dimensions are all wrong. No worries! There’s an easy solution to your problem. Filmora is a video editing software that is easy to use and versatile and powerful at the same time. Whether you’re just starting out or are a pro, Filmora is the perfect tool for the job. You don’t need to be an expert to edit videos in Filmora; it’s easy enough for beginners. With Filmora, you can resize your videos in seconds by following these simple steps above.

[Tutorial] How To Add Motion Blur in Blender?

Motion blur effect, as a terminology, holds great significance in multiple industrial uses. From filmmaking to basic photography, the motion blur effect is consumed as a reality-setting standard, which defines its significance. Many platforms are providing this effect to enhance the creativity of their users. Blender is also known among these software providing such services while designing animations.

We will target a comprehensive guide on adding motion blur in Blender using the right way. Therefore, if you seek the appropriate way of adding motion blur in Blender, the following description is for you.

Part 1: What is Blender?

As we start our discussion, we will review Blender as a free and open-source software. Following this, we will continue realizing the benefits of adding motion blur through Blender:

Introduction to Blender

For those unaware of Blender, it is an open-source, free creativity software. You can find it as the perfect designing platform for your 3D content. This software has made itself accessible to the market with ease. This has made it quite famous among professionals, and is recommended for its high-quality, feature-rich design. From modeling to sculpting, Blender provides some great options to work with.

If you are up for editing some videos through Blender, it offers a great course of features, including motion blur. This Blender motion blur tutorial intends to bring you a similar insight into this great software. This will help you know the procedure of executing such facets to perfection.

blender interface

Benefits of Using Motion Blur Effect

There are many benefits of using the motion blur effect in creative work. The following points are the highlights and benefits of adding the motion blur effect:

· Perfect For Idolizing Speed

The use of the motion blur effect is the best way to show the speed of the object. Using such effects gives the viewer an experience of the swiftness that is contained in the object.

· Resolves Flickering

Rather than trying out fast motion, you can add such effects to your 3D content to enhance the motion blur. This also helps get over problems, including strobing and flickering clips.

· Attenuates Real-Effect

One great thing about our human eye is its ability to bring motion blur in fast-moving objects. Since this is a real-life experience, the motion blur effect highlights this particular effect and brings the edited content closer to reality.

Part 2: How Do You Motion Blur An Object in Blender?

As stated before, Blender can be a great option for adding motion blur to objects. Many properties are involved in setting up the motion blur effect on an object. It includes defining the position, shutter, separation, and several other parameters. In this part, we will be looking for a guide on how to add motion blur in Blender:

Step1 With the video opened on Blender, proceed to the “Render Properties.” Look to enable “Motion Blur” from the available options. Click on the arrowhead adjacent to it to access its advanced blur options.

enable the motion blur option

Step2 Start by setting its “Position” in the start, center, or end, according to the requirements. For those who are not sure of it, they can use “Center on Frame.” If the objects rapidly move in the video, reduce the “Shutter” value or vice versa.

adjust the shutter value

Step3 Following this, define the “Background Separation” according to how you require the foreground and background. Next, you will have to increase or decrease the “Max Blur” pixels to define the blur intensity in the video.

set background separation and max blur

Step4 For objects with complex topology, you might have to increase the “Steps,” hence the “Shutter” time. For simple objects, the value remains unity. To apply the motion blur effect, use the F12 key for rendering the video.

set the value for steps

Bonus Tips – Add Motion Blur to Animated Video with Filmora

Blender can become challenging to use, a no-go for basic video editors. This requires a simpler video editor that can help them add motion blurs. For applying this to a video, Wondershare Filmora is a great option. This video editor is known for its easy-going, conclusive, and diversifying features.

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Wondershare Filmora can be a real deal for users who are looking for high-quality video editing. A simple interface gives a perfect option to bring creativity to your work. If you wish to know more about Filmora, the following features will help you out:

  • You can try out the Instant Mode offered on Filmora for creating videos in minutes.
  • You can adjust the video speed to get better control of the keyframes. With the help of this feature, you can easily create cinematic effects.
  • It also includes the feature of motion tracking to intensify your video creation.
  • Filmora’s ability to blend in effects in the videos is one of its major highlights. There are multiple modes available in Filmora to make things interesting.
  • Its AI Portrait mode helps identify humans in the video and helps them enhance their parameters.

How to Add Motion Blur to Animated Video with Wondershare Filmora

Since you are looking forward to a method explaining how to add motion blur to videos with Filmora, the following step-by-step guide is for you:

Step1 Launch Filmora and Import Animated Video

You must launch Wondershare Filmora after installing it successfully on your computer. Click the “Create New Project” button to lead to a new project screen. Here, tap on the “Folder” icon to import the animated video that is to be edited.

add your media file

Step2 Split the Video to Set Platform for Adding the Effect

Once uploaded, drag and drop it on the timeline. Use the play head and adjust it to the point where you want to start the motion blur. Click the “Scissor” icon to split the clip from the specific point.

split the media file

Step3 Look for the Blur Effect and Add

Move to the “Effects” tab from the top and look for “Video Effects” from the left section. Afterward, type “Blur” in the search bar of the effects. You will be led to a list of different blur options, which you can pick and add to the part of the video that was split.

search for blur effect

Step4 Include Transition for Smoothness and Export Video

After adjusting the parameters, find the “Dissolve” transition from the “Transition” tab for smoothening the effect. Once done, you can export the edited clip by clicking the “Export” button and setting the parameters.

export your video file


What does motion blur do in Blender?

There are two different techniques adopted in the Blender motion blur effect. The first is recognized as the “Sample Motion Blur” technique, an advanced, slower, and controlled way of adding motion blur. The other technique, known as “Vector Blur,” is faster but has drawbacks, which do not look professional.


With that, a complete guide on how to add motion blur in Blender has been presented and explained. The provided technique will help you include the motion blur effect to perfection. For a more straightforward and quicker procedure, Wondershare Filmora gives a perfect experience of adding motion blur in animated videos. The article helps guide you toward selecting the best option in the market.

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Wondershare Filmora can be a real deal for users who are looking for high-quality video editing. A simple interface gives a perfect option to bring creativity to your work. If you wish to know more about Filmora, the following features will help you out:

  • You can try out the Instant Mode offered on Filmora for creating videos in minutes.
  • You can adjust the video speed to get better control of the keyframes. With the help of this feature, you can easily create cinematic effects.
  • It also includes the feature of motion tracking to intensify your video creation.
  • Filmora’s ability to blend in effects in the videos is one of its major highlights. There are multiple modes available in Filmora to make things interesting.
  • Its AI Portrait mode helps identify humans in the video and helps them enhance their parameters.

How to Add Motion Blur to Animated Video with Wondershare Filmora

Since you are looking forward to a method explaining how to add motion blur to videos with Filmora, the following step-by-step guide is for you:

Step1 Launch Filmora and Import Animated Video

You must launch Wondershare Filmora after installing it successfully on your computer. Click the “Create New Project” button to lead to a new project screen. Here, tap on the “Folder” icon to import the animated video that is to be edited.

add your media file

Step2 Split the Video to Set Platform for Adding the Effect

Once uploaded, drag and drop it on the timeline. Use the play head and adjust it to the point where you want to start the motion blur. Click the “Scissor” icon to split the clip from the specific point.

split the media file

Step3 Look for the Blur Effect and Add

Move to the “Effects” tab from the top and look for “Video Effects” from the left section. Afterward, type “Blur” in the search bar of the effects. You will be led to a list of different blur options, which you can pick and add to the part of the video that was split.

search for blur effect

Step4 Include Transition for Smoothness and Export Video

After adjusting the parameters, find the “Dissolve” transition from the “Transition” tab for smoothening the effect. Once done, you can export the edited clip by clicking the “Export” button and setting the parameters.

export your video file


What does motion blur do in Blender?

There are two different techniques adopted in the Blender motion blur effect. The first is recognized as the “Sample Motion Blur” technique, an advanced, slower, and controlled way of adding motion blur. The other technique, known as “Vector Blur,” is faster but has drawbacks, which do not look professional.


With that, a complete guide on how to add motion blur in Blender has been presented and explained. The provided technique will help you include the motion blur effect to perfection. For a more straightforward and quicker procedure, Wondershare Filmora gives a perfect experience of adding motion blur in animated videos. The article helps guide you toward selecting the best option in the market.

Also read:

  • Title: Updated How to Add a Lower Third to Your Video for 2024
  • Author: Chloe
  • Created at : 2024-04-24 07:08:31
  • Updated at : 2024-04-25 07:08:31
  • Link: https://ai-editing-video.techidaily.com/1713954120976-updated-how-to-add-a-lower-third-to-your-video-for-2024/
  • License: This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.
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Updated How to Add a Lower Third to Your Video for 2024