2024 Approved 8 Tips to Apply Cinematic Color Grading to Your Video

2024 Approved 8 Tips to Apply Cinematic Color Grading to Your Video

Chloe Lv12

8 Tips to Apply Cinematic Color Grading to Your Video

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After a successful video shoot, video editing tends to wrap up the video production process. However, a video cannot be enlivened by using simple video editing tools, i.e., cut, crop, and trim, but rather tools such as cinematic color grading. Usually, directors want their video to evoke their intended ambiance and appear more realistic – This can only be achieved through cinematic color grading.

Color grading is the alteration and enhancement of color in a video, motion picture, or still image. Color grading is an essential tool for videographers since it enables them to enhance the mood or tone. Stick to this article and learn about the eight tips to apply cinematic color grading to your video.

In this article

01 Don’t Make These Mistakes!

02 8 Tips to Apply Cinematic Color Grading to Your Video

Don’t Make These Mistakes

Even though to err is human, there are some mistakes that colorists and video editors need to avoid at all costs. It is not only because they will make them look amateurish but also undermines the message and impact of the video.

Some people assume color grading is as simple as adding filters to their Instagram photos which they are absolutely wrong. Color grading is a long and frustrating process, and it only requires “persons with a thick skin.”

Some mistakes are not only committed by amateurs alone but also professional colorists who are in a rush to complete their projects on due time. Usually, these mistakes degrade the quality output. Some of the mistakes that one needs not make include:

1. Using a Poorly Calibrated Monitor

Almost every videographer and colorist’s goal is to design footages that distinctively display their primary colors and decipher the intended message. And this can only be achieved using a properly calibrated monitor.

Before working on a project, you ought to crosscheck your monitor calibration. Most people assume that the calibration is accurate since they possess a new, out-of-the-box monitor. It is utterly wrong since retailer shops usually adjust the monitor settings to overblown saturation and contrast to attract customers.

Furthermore, if you opt to edit your videos without adjusting your monitor calibration, you will have a poor footage.

2. Poor Prepping of the Video Footage

One major mistake that videographers often make is not prepping their video correctly. A poorly prepped footage is one that has a bad color space conversion. Usually, the outcome result of poorly prepped footage is an imbalanced image.

Prepping footage is not as easy as an apple pie. Besides, most videographers tend to follow a shortcut by starting messing with the gains and individual nodes, forgetting that a shortcut is often a wrong cut.

The best way of prepping a video is to start by making separate nodes and labeling them differently.

3. Imbalancing the Shadow

Have you ever seen video footage with partially opaque shadows? And when you look keenly, you see tinted greens and reds. Usually, this is a result of an imbalanced shadow.

This mistake is not only carried out by beginner videographers but also professionals who are always in a hurry to complete a project. When you look at your scope, you see the shadows are lifted or down in other scenarios – This is also a result of shadow imbalance.

4. Overusing LUTs

A mistake that beginner editors often make is overusing LUTs. Footages with overly used LUTs often appear to be dull. A thing that videographers need to observe when using LUTs is consistency.

When using LUTs, you need to ensure that your project has similar saturation, colors, and contrast throughout your video project. Moreover, it would be best to choose your LUTs based on the film color palette and your story.

5. Having Limited break

Having enough break enables one’s eyes to recalibrate. As a colorist, your eyes are often considered the main asset. Sitting for long periods in your workstation and staring for long hours at your monitor may cause one to add more saturation and contrast, thus making the video dull. Therefore the best remedy is to take a break from your monitor.

Besides, coming from a break enables one to have another different perspective about the color grading of the project.

8 Tips to Apply Cinematic Color Grading to Your Video

When it comes to creating cinematic looks in video footage, the camera type is usually non-essential. What matters is that you capture quality videos with the right angles then leave the rest to color grading.

For a video clip to look more cinematic, a couple of elements are put together. Here, we will look at those elements and create stunning videos.

1. Use Lumetri Color to adjust brightness, contrast, and saturation

The Lumeri color is an essential color grading functionality in most premiere software, including Wondershare Filmora, Adobe After Effects, and Davinci Resolve 17. With this functionality tool, you can carry out a wide range of customizable settings such as hue, saturation, contrasts, brightness, and tone.

The lumetri panel contains a histogram, vectorscope, parade scope, and waveform monitor. In your lumetri panel, you can measure the brightness and tonal values using a histogram, the light intensity with a waveform monitor, saturation and hue using vectorscope, and color channel using parade scope.

Adjusting the brightness, contrast, hue, saturation, and tone to moderate levels will give your video clip that cinematic look.

apply cinemtatic color grading

2. Use Cosmo functionality to adjust skin tones

Due to the light effect, shots taken during the day will have inconsistent color matches, especially skin tone. In the post-production process, one needs to make uniformity in skin tone and the clip. To rectify this, you need to involve a professional color grading functionality, Cosmo.

With cosmo, you can adjust the skin color, squeeze the skin, and soften the skin. Generally, Cosmo makes people in video clips look their best.

apply cinemtatic color grading to your video

3. Use Highlights and Shadows adjustment

A clip will look more cinematic when the shadows and highlights are brought out as separate entities. The shadows become more vivid when adjusted to either teal, purple or blue. You can go a mile and adjust the highlights to become crystal clear by making the footage become yellow, red, or orange.

When carrying out color grading, you need to know the various video demands, such as the horror clips demand more of the dark shadow.

apply cinemtatic color grading to video

4. Use Vectorscope to get the accurate adjustment

Naked eyes cannot effectively see all the errors in a video project, which is the essence of having a vectorscope. A vectorscope provides all the quantitative information about a video image – This lessens work for video editors.

Vectorscope provides extensive details, such as how intense a given color is – This will help you make necessary adjustments to your footage.

apply cinemtatic color grading to video - use vectorscope

5. Use the black and white functionality to change the opacity

Even though you can change your footage to black and white using the hue and saturation functionality, the black and white tool gives you more control.

This functionality feature can make your footage blend with the soft light part. Besides, it is best to first lower the contrast of your image or video to black and white to be able to highlight the unclear parts.

apply cinemtatic color grading to video - change opacity

6. Use levels to unveil the whites, blacks, and mids of an image

Levels is a functionality feature that displays the blacks, whites, and mids of footage. With this functionality, you can make the highlight parts lighter and the shadows appear darker, which is essential in making cinematic videos.

In the levels histogram, the left slider defines the darkest part, the right defines the brightest part, and the top defines distributions.

In software such as Adobe After Effects, you can set this functionality to automatic or customize it based on your preference.

apply cinemtatic color grading to video - use levels

7. Use Vibrance to control other levels of saturation

The saturation of video footage or a clip can be regulated using vibrance functionality. With vibrance, you can alter the saturation levels of your clip while simultaneously minimizing clippings for the colors to approach complete saturation.

When you want to use this functionality in After Effects, you drag and drop it right on top of your footage – The exact part you want to apply it.

apply cinemtatic color grading to video - use vibrance

8. Use a Vignette to fade edges

To increase the point of focus, you need to fade your edges. In color grading, you can only fade your edges with a vignette.

This functionality allows you to center images or certain video parts and make the edges unclear. Your emphasis will be more on the central region.

apply cinemtatic color grading to video - use a vignette

Bottom line

● Color grading is not a piece of cake. Besides, you should not use it as an excuse for making simple mistakes such as the ones highlighted above. You need to pay close attention when color grading your films, and you will have your video project mapping out its intended meaning.

● Moreover, you need not be a pro to carry out cinematic color grading. You need to follow the above eight tips altogether to apply color grading to your video. You will create stunning video files that leave your viewers’ eyes gorged out.

Try It Free Try It Free

After a successful video shoot, video editing tends to wrap up the video production process. However, a video cannot be enlivened by using simple video editing tools, i.e., cut, crop, and trim, but rather tools such as cinematic color grading. Usually, directors want their video to evoke their intended ambiance and appear more realistic – This can only be achieved through cinematic color grading.

Color grading is the alteration and enhancement of color in a video, motion picture, or still image. Color grading is an essential tool for videographers since it enables them to enhance the mood or tone. Stick to this article and learn about the eight tips to apply cinematic color grading to your video.

In this article

01 Don’t Make These Mistakes!

02 8 Tips to Apply Cinematic Color Grading to Your Video

Don’t Make These Mistakes

Even though to err is human, there are some mistakes that colorists and video editors need to avoid at all costs. It is not only because they will make them look amateurish but also undermines the message and impact of the video.

Some people assume color grading is as simple as adding filters to their Instagram photos which they are absolutely wrong. Color grading is a long and frustrating process, and it only requires “persons with a thick skin.”

Some mistakes are not only committed by amateurs alone but also professional colorists who are in a rush to complete their projects on due time. Usually, these mistakes degrade the quality output. Some of the mistakes that one needs not make include:

1. Using a Poorly Calibrated Monitor

Almost every videographer and colorist’s goal is to design footages that distinctively display their primary colors and decipher the intended message. And this can only be achieved using a properly calibrated monitor.

Before working on a project, you ought to crosscheck your monitor calibration. Most people assume that the calibration is accurate since they possess a new, out-of-the-box monitor. It is utterly wrong since retailer shops usually adjust the monitor settings to overblown saturation and contrast to attract customers.

Furthermore, if you opt to edit your videos without adjusting your monitor calibration, you will have a poor footage.

2. Poor Prepping of the Video Footage

One major mistake that videographers often make is not prepping their video correctly. A poorly prepped footage is one that has a bad color space conversion. Usually, the outcome result of poorly prepped footage is an imbalanced image.

Prepping footage is not as easy as an apple pie. Besides, most videographers tend to follow a shortcut by starting messing with the gains and individual nodes, forgetting that a shortcut is often a wrong cut.

The best way of prepping a video is to start by making separate nodes and labeling them differently.

3. Imbalancing the Shadow

Have you ever seen video footage with partially opaque shadows? And when you look keenly, you see tinted greens and reds. Usually, this is a result of an imbalanced shadow.

This mistake is not only carried out by beginner videographers but also professionals who are always in a hurry to complete a project. When you look at your scope, you see the shadows are lifted or down in other scenarios – This is also a result of shadow imbalance.

4. Overusing LUTs

A mistake that beginner editors often make is overusing LUTs. Footages with overly used LUTs often appear to be dull. A thing that videographers need to observe when using LUTs is consistency.

When using LUTs, you need to ensure that your project has similar saturation, colors, and contrast throughout your video project. Moreover, it would be best to choose your LUTs based on the film color palette and your story.

5. Having Limited break

Having enough break enables one’s eyes to recalibrate. As a colorist, your eyes are often considered the main asset. Sitting for long periods in your workstation and staring for long hours at your monitor may cause one to add more saturation and contrast, thus making the video dull. Therefore the best remedy is to take a break from your monitor.

Besides, coming from a break enables one to have another different perspective about the color grading of the project.

8 Tips to Apply Cinematic Color Grading to Your Video

When it comes to creating cinematic looks in video footage, the camera type is usually non-essential. What matters is that you capture quality videos with the right angles then leave the rest to color grading.

For a video clip to look more cinematic, a couple of elements are put together. Here, we will look at those elements and create stunning videos.

1. Use Lumetri Color to adjust brightness, contrast, and saturation

The Lumeri color is an essential color grading functionality in most premiere software, including Wondershare Filmora, Adobe After Effects, and Davinci Resolve 17. With this functionality tool, you can carry out a wide range of customizable settings such as hue, saturation, contrasts, brightness, and tone.

The lumetri panel contains a histogram, vectorscope, parade scope, and waveform monitor. In your lumetri panel, you can measure the brightness and tonal values using a histogram, the light intensity with a waveform monitor, saturation and hue using vectorscope, and color channel using parade scope.

Adjusting the brightness, contrast, hue, saturation, and tone to moderate levels will give your video clip that cinematic look.

apply cinemtatic color grading

2. Use Cosmo functionality to adjust skin tones

Due to the light effect, shots taken during the day will have inconsistent color matches, especially skin tone. In the post-production process, one needs to make uniformity in skin tone and the clip. To rectify this, you need to involve a professional color grading functionality, Cosmo.

With cosmo, you can adjust the skin color, squeeze the skin, and soften the skin. Generally, Cosmo makes people in video clips look their best.

apply cinemtatic color grading to your video

3. Use Highlights and Shadows adjustment

A clip will look more cinematic when the shadows and highlights are brought out as separate entities. The shadows become more vivid when adjusted to either teal, purple or blue. You can go a mile and adjust the highlights to become crystal clear by making the footage become yellow, red, or orange.

When carrying out color grading, you need to know the various video demands, such as the horror clips demand more of the dark shadow.

apply cinemtatic color grading to video

4. Use Vectorscope to get the accurate adjustment

Naked eyes cannot effectively see all the errors in a video project, which is the essence of having a vectorscope. A vectorscope provides all the quantitative information about a video image – This lessens work for video editors.

Vectorscope provides extensive details, such as how intense a given color is – This will help you make necessary adjustments to your footage.

apply cinemtatic color grading to video - use vectorscope

5. Use the black and white functionality to change the opacity

Even though you can change your footage to black and white using the hue and saturation functionality, the black and white tool gives you more control.

This functionality feature can make your footage blend with the soft light part. Besides, it is best to first lower the contrast of your image or video to black and white to be able to highlight the unclear parts.

apply cinemtatic color grading to video - change opacity

6. Use levels to unveil the whites, blacks, and mids of an image

Levels is a functionality feature that displays the blacks, whites, and mids of footage. With this functionality, you can make the highlight parts lighter and the shadows appear darker, which is essential in making cinematic videos.

In the levels histogram, the left slider defines the darkest part, the right defines the brightest part, and the top defines distributions.

In software such as Adobe After Effects, you can set this functionality to automatic or customize it based on your preference.

apply cinemtatic color grading to video - use levels

7. Use Vibrance to control other levels of saturation

The saturation of video footage or a clip can be regulated using vibrance functionality. With vibrance, you can alter the saturation levels of your clip while simultaneously minimizing clippings for the colors to approach complete saturation.

When you want to use this functionality in After Effects, you drag and drop it right on top of your footage – The exact part you want to apply it.

apply cinemtatic color grading to video - use vibrance

8. Use a Vignette to fade edges

To increase the point of focus, you need to fade your edges. In color grading, you can only fade your edges with a vignette.

This functionality allows you to center images or certain video parts and make the edges unclear. Your emphasis will be more on the central region.

apply cinemtatic color grading to video - use a vignette

Bottom line

● Color grading is not a piece of cake. Besides, you should not use it as an excuse for making simple mistakes such as the ones highlighted above. You need to pay close attention when color grading your films, and you will have your video project mapping out its intended meaning.

● Moreover, you need not be a pro to carry out cinematic color grading. You need to follow the above eight tips altogether to apply color grading to your video. You will create stunning video files that leave your viewers’ eyes gorged out.

Try It Free Try It Free

After a successful video shoot, video editing tends to wrap up the video production process. However, a video cannot be enlivened by using simple video editing tools, i.e., cut, crop, and trim, but rather tools such as cinematic color grading. Usually, directors want their video to evoke their intended ambiance and appear more realistic – This can only be achieved through cinematic color grading.

Color grading is the alteration and enhancement of color in a video, motion picture, or still image. Color grading is an essential tool for videographers since it enables them to enhance the mood or tone. Stick to this article and learn about the eight tips to apply cinematic color grading to your video.

In this article

01 Don’t Make These Mistakes!

02 8 Tips to Apply Cinematic Color Grading to Your Video

Don’t Make These Mistakes

Even though to err is human, there are some mistakes that colorists and video editors need to avoid at all costs. It is not only because they will make them look amateurish but also undermines the message and impact of the video.

Some people assume color grading is as simple as adding filters to their Instagram photos which they are absolutely wrong. Color grading is a long and frustrating process, and it only requires “persons with a thick skin.”

Some mistakes are not only committed by amateurs alone but also professional colorists who are in a rush to complete their projects on due time. Usually, these mistakes degrade the quality output. Some of the mistakes that one needs not make include:

1. Using a Poorly Calibrated Monitor

Almost every videographer and colorist’s goal is to design footages that distinctively display their primary colors and decipher the intended message. And this can only be achieved using a properly calibrated monitor.

Before working on a project, you ought to crosscheck your monitor calibration. Most people assume that the calibration is accurate since they possess a new, out-of-the-box monitor. It is utterly wrong since retailer shops usually adjust the monitor settings to overblown saturation and contrast to attract customers.

Furthermore, if you opt to edit your videos without adjusting your monitor calibration, you will have a poor footage.

2. Poor Prepping of the Video Footage

One major mistake that videographers often make is not prepping their video correctly. A poorly prepped footage is one that has a bad color space conversion. Usually, the outcome result of poorly prepped footage is an imbalanced image.

Prepping footage is not as easy as an apple pie. Besides, most videographers tend to follow a shortcut by starting messing with the gains and individual nodes, forgetting that a shortcut is often a wrong cut.

The best way of prepping a video is to start by making separate nodes and labeling them differently.

3. Imbalancing the Shadow

Have you ever seen video footage with partially opaque shadows? And when you look keenly, you see tinted greens and reds. Usually, this is a result of an imbalanced shadow.

This mistake is not only carried out by beginner videographers but also professionals who are always in a hurry to complete a project. When you look at your scope, you see the shadows are lifted or down in other scenarios – This is also a result of shadow imbalance.

4. Overusing LUTs

A mistake that beginner editors often make is overusing LUTs. Footages with overly used LUTs often appear to be dull. A thing that videographers need to observe when using LUTs is consistency.

When using LUTs, you need to ensure that your project has similar saturation, colors, and contrast throughout your video project. Moreover, it would be best to choose your LUTs based on the film color palette and your story.

5. Having Limited break

Having enough break enables one’s eyes to recalibrate. As a colorist, your eyes are often considered the main asset. Sitting for long periods in your workstation and staring for long hours at your monitor may cause one to add more saturation and contrast, thus making the video dull. Therefore the best remedy is to take a break from your monitor.

Besides, coming from a break enables one to have another different perspective about the color grading of the project.

8 Tips to Apply Cinematic Color Grading to Your Video

When it comes to creating cinematic looks in video footage, the camera type is usually non-essential. What matters is that you capture quality videos with the right angles then leave the rest to color grading.

For a video clip to look more cinematic, a couple of elements are put together. Here, we will look at those elements and create stunning videos.

1. Use Lumetri Color to adjust brightness, contrast, and saturation

The Lumeri color is an essential color grading functionality in most premiere software, including Wondershare Filmora, Adobe After Effects, and Davinci Resolve 17. With this functionality tool, you can carry out a wide range of customizable settings such as hue, saturation, contrasts, brightness, and tone.

The lumetri panel contains a histogram, vectorscope, parade scope, and waveform monitor. In your lumetri panel, you can measure the brightness and tonal values using a histogram, the light intensity with a waveform monitor, saturation and hue using vectorscope, and color channel using parade scope.

Adjusting the brightness, contrast, hue, saturation, and tone to moderate levels will give your video clip that cinematic look.

apply cinemtatic color grading

2. Use Cosmo functionality to adjust skin tones

Due to the light effect, shots taken during the day will have inconsistent color matches, especially skin tone. In the post-production process, one needs to make uniformity in skin tone and the clip. To rectify this, you need to involve a professional color grading functionality, Cosmo.

With cosmo, you can adjust the skin color, squeeze the skin, and soften the skin. Generally, Cosmo makes people in video clips look their best.

apply cinemtatic color grading to your video

3. Use Highlights and Shadows adjustment

A clip will look more cinematic when the shadows and highlights are brought out as separate entities. The shadows become more vivid when adjusted to either teal, purple or blue. You can go a mile and adjust the highlights to become crystal clear by making the footage become yellow, red, or orange.

When carrying out color grading, you need to know the various video demands, such as the horror clips demand more of the dark shadow.

apply cinemtatic color grading to video

4. Use Vectorscope to get the accurate adjustment

Naked eyes cannot effectively see all the errors in a video project, which is the essence of having a vectorscope. A vectorscope provides all the quantitative information about a video image – This lessens work for video editors.

Vectorscope provides extensive details, such as how intense a given color is – This will help you make necessary adjustments to your footage.

apply cinemtatic color grading to video - use vectorscope

5. Use the black and white functionality to change the opacity

Even though you can change your footage to black and white using the hue and saturation functionality, the black and white tool gives you more control.

This functionality feature can make your footage blend with the soft light part. Besides, it is best to first lower the contrast of your image or video to black and white to be able to highlight the unclear parts.

apply cinemtatic color grading to video - change opacity

6. Use levels to unveil the whites, blacks, and mids of an image

Levels is a functionality feature that displays the blacks, whites, and mids of footage. With this functionality, you can make the highlight parts lighter and the shadows appear darker, which is essential in making cinematic videos.

In the levels histogram, the left slider defines the darkest part, the right defines the brightest part, and the top defines distributions.

In software such as Adobe After Effects, you can set this functionality to automatic or customize it based on your preference.

apply cinemtatic color grading to video - use levels

7. Use Vibrance to control other levels of saturation

The saturation of video footage or a clip can be regulated using vibrance functionality. With vibrance, you can alter the saturation levels of your clip while simultaneously minimizing clippings for the colors to approach complete saturation.

When you want to use this functionality in After Effects, you drag and drop it right on top of your footage – The exact part you want to apply it.

apply cinemtatic color grading to video - use vibrance

8. Use a Vignette to fade edges

To increase the point of focus, you need to fade your edges. In color grading, you can only fade your edges with a vignette.

This functionality allows you to center images or certain video parts and make the edges unclear. Your emphasis will be more on the central region.

apply cinemtatic color grading to video - use a vignette

Bottom line

● Color grading is not a piece of cake. Besides, you should not use it as an excuse for making simple mistakes such as the ones highlighted above. You need to pay close attention when color grading your films, and you will have your video project mapping out its intended meaning.

● Moreover, you need not be a pro to carry out cinematic color grading. You need to follow the above eight tips altogether to apply color grading to your video. You will create stunning video files that leave your viewers’ eyes gorged out.

Try It Free Try It Free

After a successful video shoot, video editing tends to wrap up the video production process. However, a video cannot be enlivened by using simple video editing tools, i.e., cut, crop, and trim, but rather tools such as cinematic color grading. Usually, directors want their video to evoke their intended ambiance and appear more realistic – This can only be achieved through cinematic color grading.

Color grading is the alteration and enhancement of color in a video, motion picture, or still image. Color grading is an essential tool for videographers since it enables them to enhance the mood or tone. Stick to this article and learn about the eight tips to apply cinematic color grading to your video.

In this article

01 Don’t Make These Mistakes!

02 8 Tips to Apply Cinematic Color Grading to Your Video

Don’t Make These Mistakes

Even though to err is human, there are some mistakes that colorists and video editors need to avoid at all costs. It is not only because they will make them look amateurish but also undermines the message and impact of the video.

Some people assume color grading is as simple as adding filters to their Instagram photos which they are absolutely wrong. Color grading is a long and frustrating process, and it only requires “persons with a thick skin.”

Some mistakes are not only committed by amateurs alone but also professional colorists who are in a rush to complete their projects on due time. Usually, these mistakes degrade the quality output. Some of the mistakes that one needs not make include:

1. Using a Poorly Calibrated Monitor

Almost every videographer and colorist’s goal is to design footages that distinctively display their primary colors and decipher the intended message. And this can only be achieved using a properly calibrated monitor.

Before working on a project, you ought to crosscheck your monitor calibration. Most people assume that the calibration is accurate since they possess a new, out-of-the-box monitor. It is utterly wrong since retailer shops usually adjust the monitor settings to overblown saturation and contrast to attract customers.

Furthermore, if you opt to edit your videos without adjusting your monitor calibration, you will have a poor footage.

2. Poor Prepping of the Video Footage

One major mistake that videographers often make is not prepping their video correctly. A poorly prepped footage is one that has a bad color space conversion. Usually, the outcome result of poorly prepped footage is an imbalanced image.

Prepping footage is not as easy as an apple pie. Besides, most videographers tend to follow a shortcut by starting messing with the gains and individual nodes, forgetting that a shortcut is often a wrong cut.

The best way of prepping a video is to start by making separate nodes and labeling them differently.

3. Imbalancing the Shadow

Have you ever seen video footage with partially opaque shadows? And when you look keenly, you see tinted greens and reds. Usually, this is a result of an imbalanced shadow.

This mistake is not only carried out by beginner videographers but also professionals who are always in a hurry to complete a project. When you look at your scope, you see the shadows are lifted or down in other scenarios – This is also a result of shadow imbalance.

4. Overusing LUTs

A mistake that beginner editors often make is overusing LUTs. Footages with overly used LUTs often appear to be dull. A thing that videographers need to observe when using LUTs is consistency.

When using LUTs, you need to ensure that your project has similar saturation, colors, and contrast throughout your video project. Moreover, it would be best to choose your LUTs based on the film color palette and your story.

5. Having Limited break

Having enough break enables one’s eyes to recalibrate. As a colorist, your eyes are often considered the main asset. Sitting for long periods in your workstation and staring for long hours at your monitor may cause one to add more saturation and contrast, thus making the video dull. Therefore the best remedy is to take a break from your monitor.

Besides, coming from a break enables one to have another different perspective about the color grading of the project.

8 Tips to Apply Cinematic Color Grading to Your Video

When it comes to creating cinematic looks in video footage, the camera type is usually non-essential. What matters is that you capture quality videos with the right angles then leave the rest to color grading.

For a video clip to look more cinematic, a couple of elements are put together. Here, we will look at those elements and create stunning videos.

1. Use Lumetri Color to adjust brightness, contrast, and saturation

The Lumeri color is an essential color grading functionality in most premiere software, including Wondershare Filmora, Adobe After Effects, and Davinci Resolve 17. With this functionality tool, you can carry out a wide range of customizable settings such as hue, saturation, contrasts, brightness, and tone.

The lumetri panel contains a histogram, vectorscope, parade scope, and waveform monitor. In your lumetri panel, you can measure the brightness and tonal values using a histogram, the light intensity with a waveform monitor, saturation and hue using vectorscope, and color channel using parade scope.

Adjusting the brightness, contrast, hue, saturation, and tone to moderate levels will give your video clip that cinematic look.

apply cinemtatic color grading

2. Use Cosmo functionality to adjust skin tones

Due to the light effect, shots taken during the day will have inconsistent color matches, especially skin tone. In the post-production process, one needs to make uniformity in skin tone and the clip. To rectify this, you need to involve a professional color grading functionality, Cosmo.

With cosmo, you can adjust the skin color, squeeze the skin, and soften the skin. Generally, Cosmo makes people in video clips look their best.

apply cinemtatic color grading to your video

3. Use Highlights and Shadows adjustment

A clip will look more cinematic when the shadows and highlights are brought out as separate entities. The shadows become more vivid when adjusted to either teal, purple or blue. You can go a mile and adjust the highlights to become crystal clear by making the footage become yellow, red, or orange.

When carrying out color grading, you need to know the various video demands, such as the horror clips demand more of the dark shadow.

apply cinemtatic color grading to video

4. Use Vectorscope to get the accurate adjustment

Naked eyes cannot effectively see all the errors in a video project, which is the essence of having a vectorscope. A vectorscope provides all the quantitative information about a video image – This lessens work for video editors.

Vectorscope provides extensive details, such as how intense a given color is – This will help you make necessary adjustments to your footage.

apply cinemtatic color grading to video - use vectorscope

5. Use the black and white functionality to change the opacity

Even though you can change your footage to black and white using the hue and saturation functionality, the black and white tool gives you more control.

This functionality feature can make your footage blend with the soft light part. Besides, it is best to first lower the contrast of your image or video to black and white to be able to highlight the unclear parts.

apply cinemtatic color grading to video - change opacity

6. Use levels to unveil the whites, blacks, and mids of an image

Levels is a functionality feature that displays the blacks, whites, and mids of footage. With this functionality, you can make the highlight parts lighter and the shadows appear darker, which is essential in making cinematic videos.

In the levels histogram, the left slider defines the darkest part, the right defines the brightest part, and the top defines distributions.

In software such as Adobe After Effects, you can set this functionality to automatic or customize it based on your preference.

apply cinemtatic color grading to video - use levels

7. Use Vibrance to control other levels of saturation

The saturation of video footage or a clip can be regulated using vibrance functionality. With vibrance, you can alter the saturation levels of your clip while simultaneously minimizing clippings for the colors to approach complete saturation.

When you want to use this functionality in After Effects, you drag and drop it right on top of your footage – The exact part you want to apply it.

apply cinemtatic color grading to video - use vibrance

8. Use a Vignette to fade edges

To increase the point of focus, you need to fade your edges. In color grading, you can only fade your edges with a vignette.

This functionality allows you to center images or certain video parts and make the edges unclear. Your emphasis will be more on the central region.

apply cinemtatic color grading to video - use a vignette

Bottom line

● Color grading is not a piece of cake. Besides, you should not use it as an excuse for making simple mistakes such as the ones highlighted above. You need to pay close attention when color grading your films, and you will have your video project mapping out its intended meaning.

● Moreover, you need not be a pro to carry out cinematic color grading. You need to follow the above eight tips altogether to apply color grading to your video. You will create stunning video files that leave your viewers’ eyes gorged out.

How To Create The Best AI Thumbnail Using The Right Tools?

Thumbnails are a small visual preview of the images, videos, and documents to represent the linked content. They are mostly used in web pages, video playlists, and photo galleries to offer a visual preview to the users. Furthermore, professional YouTube content creators put extra effort into making captivating thumbnails for the videos. Such thumbnails help in click-baiting and gaining maximum viewership on YouTube.

In this article, we will highlight some competent AI thumbnail makers in detail. With such AI tools, you can create desired AI thumbnails in the best visual quality. Hence, consider this guide to use AI thumbnail creator for your YouTube videos without putting in manual effort.

AI Thumbnail Creator Generate template-driven video thumbnails with the help of AI in Filmora.

Free Download Free Download Learn More

Wondershare Filmora

Part 1: Some Other Top-Rated Solutions For Generating AI Thumbnails (Online)

Although Filmora provides a wonderful experience creating thumbnails, you must know about other online options. In this section, we will highlight some reliable online AI thumbnail generators with their key features.

1. VEED.io

VEED.io is an efficient tool that uses AI-powered algorithms to create thumbnails. These intelligent algorithms bring authentic results within a few minutes. To use this thumbnail generator AI, describe the thumbnail through the text field. You can write multiple words by adding commas to provide a comprehensive description. Once done, click the “Generate” button to craft the AI thumbnail.

veed io ai thumnail maker

Key Features

  • io can function as a video editor to alter the settings of your video. Using this tool, you can add subtitles to your video in your preferred language.
  • It includes a screen recorder to capture your screen activities in high resolution. Afterward, modify the screen recording with its editing tools.
  • To generate vibrant images for your work projects, try its AI image generator. With this tool, describe your imagination through words to craft convincing images.

2. Simplified

Simplified is a famous platform offering unique features to generate videos and images. By navigating to its AI thumbnail maker, you can select the size of your thumbnail. Once done, explain your video content in the given box. Moreover, you can add personalized colors, text, and images without hassle. This online thumbnail maker AI also offers different options for thumbnail templates to generate attractive results.

simplified ai thumnail maker

Key Features

  • This tool offers an AI Writer through which you can create outlines and scripts for the videos. Craft compelling captions for your social media posts with this feature.
  • It contains a free graphic design tool on which you can create posts and illustrations in real time. Once done, publish the created design on this online platform.
  • To make excellent presentations within a few minutes, try its AI presentation maker. Describe your topic in the text field, and the tool will use AI technology to create presentations.

3. Thumbnail.AI

Thumbnail.AI is a basic tool with a beginner-friendly interface. It’s a specialized tool in which you can make both manual and AI thumbnails. For AI generation, you have to add text and additional explanations in the given boxes. Moreover, it offers three thumbnail sizes: square, rectangle, and vertical. To craft more captivating thumbnails, insert images relevant to your content. Thus, this thumbnail generator is the best option for beginners.

thumnail ai ai thumnail maker

Key Features

  • To add images to your thumbnail, this tool provides three options. You can search, link, or upload images on this thumbnail AI tool easily.
  • While creating thumbnails, the tool allows you to incorporate different elements. You can add icons, shapes, people, and social media banners.
  • The customization options let you change the background color of the thumbnail. It also displays multiple options for font presets.

4. Hotpot.AI

If you want a comprehensive tool to create AI YouTube thumbnails, try Hotpot. It’s a free tool containing hundreds of YouTube thumbnail templates. After choosing the template, you can edit it without any skills. On the editing window, alter the width, height, and background color of the template. Furthermore, apply unique patterns and brand logos to the thumbnail for more effective results.

hotpot ai thumnail maker

Key Features

  • Are you annoyed by the unwanted people in the background of your videos? If yes, use the AI background remover of this tool to eradicate unnecessary objects from the background in an effective way.
  • If you have a collection of vintage or old photos, colorize them with this online tool. With its colorizer feature, you can apply natural colors and shades to old images.
  • This tool also includes an option to enhance the quality of facial images. It can remove blurriness, scratches, and tears from the uploaded images.

5. Canva

Canva is an all-one tool providing a robust interface to create designs, photos, and videos. By accessing its interface, you can find thousands of templates of multiple categories. You can filter the templates by choosing a specific style and theme. There are different themes for YouTube thumbnails on Canva, such as illustration, company, and business. Furthermore, select a thumbnail designed in your favorite color.

canva ai thumnail maker

Key Features

  • On this thumbnail AI generator, the thumbnail templates are 100% customizable. After editing them, you can download them quickly.
  • Canva offers a PDF editor to edit and manage your PDF documents. Perform basic and advanced editing on your PDF files through this tool.
  • Using this tool, make photo collages by combining desired photos. You can select attractive borders and styling boards to create collages.

6. Appy Pie

This AI thumbnail generator offers up to 47 thumbnail templates for your YouTube channel. You can preview and edit the thumbnail template within a few clicks. Furthermore, you can also design your own thumbnail by entering the text prompt. On its interface, it gives you the option to drag and drop the relevant images. By doing so, the tool will insert the relevant images on your thumbnail to generate the best results.

appy pie ai thumnail maker

Key Features

  • Do you want to create captivating avatars? You can try the AI avatar generator of this tool to create a personalized avatar by uploading your own photo.
  • This tool consists of an AI text-to-video generator to craft stunning visuals. By using your textual prompt, generate a flawless video. Afterward, you can customize it from the given options.
  • Using this online platform, add voiceovers to the videos with AI technology. You can write the narration in text and choose a preferred language. The tool will create a voiceover in natural voices.

7. AI YouTube Thumbnails

Do you want a professional and expert tool for creating AI thumbnails? This online tool is able to create 5 thumbnails for your video within five minutes. You can enter your video’s title or description in the text field as instructions. Afterward, the tool will email you with five attractive and relevant thumbnails for your video. Hence, it’s an easy-to-use tool to generate eye-catching thumbnails in minimal time.

ai youtube thumbnails tool

Key Features

  • Using advanced algorithms, this tool can convert the text into AI slides in an efficient manner. You can copy-paste the text, and the tool will generate an AI presentation with a single click.
  • It offers advanced options to edit your Google slides to generate compelling results. You can remix layouts and content to create astonishing slides.
  • This tool can help you collaborate with your team by sharing custom themes and styles. This will help you to stay on board while designing for your brand or company.

8. Snappa

Snappa is widely used to craft high-resolution images in desired colors and styles. Using this AI platform, create YouTube thumbnails with many templates. You can also start from scratch to display your creativity to the world. Moreover, upload a frame from your video to add a background in the thumbnail. It also offers thousands of royalty-free images, which you can utilize in the creation of thumbnails.

snappa ai thumnail maker

Key Features

  • In this AI thumbnail creator, choose different dimensions to create images for social media posts. You can create Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and other posts through this tool.
  • To customize the template, add different elements from the options. You can add background, shapes, and effects to personalize the template.
  • It provides multiple options to add graphics while designing a thumbnail. Add icons, vectors, photos, and uploads from your PC.

9. Picmaker

Picmaker offers the easiest way to create YouTube thumbnails in the desired manner. In this thumbnail AI maker, you can get perfectly sized YouTube thumbnails in the correct dimensions. You can use fancy colors and stylish text fonts in personalizing the thumbnail templates. Furthermore, download the thumbnail in many formats, such as SVG, PNG, PDF, and JPEG.

picmaker ai thumnail maker

Key Features

  • To create perfect online graphics, try its image resizer tool. Using this tool, you can resize the created digital designs according to the requirements of a particular platform.
  • This AI thumbnail generator allows you to create customized brand kits. Create a brand kit by uploading fonts, colors, and logos effectively.
  • By using its free photo editor, enhance the visual appearance of your images. You can apply captivating effects to the photos from the listed options. Also, blur the specific parts of the photo to add an aesthetic appeal.

Part 2: What Are The Benefits of Using Thumbnails in Generating Online Content?

Using thumbnails in creating online content can bring you many benefits. More specifically, if you want to generate thumbnails for YouTube videos, it can help you gain massive viewership. To know more about the benefits of thumbnail AI tools, read the below part:

1. Promotion of Brand

If you want to do your brand marketing, adding thumbnails in the videos can make an impact. You can add logos associated with your brand colors and fonts. This will help in gaining trust and credibility from your audience. Furthermore, it will display your professionalism by adding thumbnails relevant to your brand or company.

2. Enhanced Visual Representation

Thumbnails in a video help users browse and locate the content. With improved visibility of the content, users would be able to identify the content of your video. Moreover, it can increase your click-through rate (CTR), which can positively influence your viewership.

3. Offering Aesthetic Value

If you want to grow your YouTube channel or a website, YouTube thumbnail AI can help. They add an aesthetic appeal to your content, which can grasp the attention of viewers. Additionally, it will compel the viewers to explore your channel. As a result, build a strong community on your platform that can influence future progress.

4. Making Your Content Stands Out

In this competitive era, there are millions of channels and websites on online platforms. To gain a competitive edge among other channels, adding professional thumbnails is essential. Hence, make a prominent identity in the crowded online space through thumbnails.

5. Better SEO Ranking

Some online sites encourage the usage of thumbnails in the content. The reason is that thumbnails provide a preview to the users before clicking the video. In such a way, users can browse the content effortlessly. Hence, it can provide an improved SEO ranking that can highlight your content.

Part 3: Wondershare Filmora: The First-Base Solution To AI Thumbnail Making

If you want to experience a desktop-based solution for thumbnail AI creation, Wondershare Filmora is there for you. By launching this tool on Windows or macOS, you can execute professional video editing in its robust interface. Along with basic editing features like trimming and rearranging, utilize its AI tools.

It uses AI technology to provide the best performance in editing videos. It not only boosts your overall productivity but also brings perfection in editing videos. With the latest Filmora V13 launch, you can avail yourself of many game-changing features for video editing.

After this launch, you can modify your videos with the upgraded interface and intuitive controls. The new features include AI Copilot editing, AI copywriting, AI vocal remover, etc. Furthermore, it has also introduced an AI thumbnail maker to craft aesthetic thumbnails for the videos smartly.

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

AI Thumbnail Creator Feature of Filmora

The AI Thumbnail feature of Filmora uses advanced algorithms to recognize the best shots from your video. By doing so, it can capture three thumbnails from your video that are linked to your video content. It also provides many customization options to meet your requirements for generating thumbnails. You can apply desired color schemes, fonts, and design elements.

Filmora also consists of up to 58 thumbnail templates to provide you with inspiring ideas. Moreover, it also supports advanced text and image editing to create flawless thumbnails. Thus, you must try the AI thumbnail generator of this tool for automated results.

Step-by-Step Guide To Use the AI Thumbnail Feature

Do you know how to use the AI thumbnail maker of Filmora? Here are the relevant instructions that can help you in this regard:

Step 1: Access the Thumbnail Generator

Launch Filmora on your PC and import the desired video. Once done with editing your video, hit the “Export” option. It will instantly open the Export window on your screen. From there, click the “Edit” option in the top left corner. This will open the thumbnail generator of Filmora on your screen.

access export section and edit thumbnail

Step 2: Determine the Desired Video Frame

After accessing the thumbnail generator, you can see the best frames of your video on the left side. These frames are gathered by AI technology to bring you the best frame options. While keeping in the “From Video” section, choose your preferred frame and then tap on “Edit.”

select desired ai generated thumbnail

Step 3: Choose a Suitable Template

Now, the tool will display the thumbnail templates of different categories. Specify your category and then select the required thumbnail template from the listed options. Once done, tap on the “Save” button.

set template on thumbnail and save

Step 4: Convert the Frame into a Thumbnail

Once you have saved the thumbnail template, the “Export” window will appear. From this window, click “Export” to convert the video frame into a thumbnail. After the conversion, check the AI-generated thumbnail by clicking the “Open Folder” option.

export final video


To make your YouTube videos look aesthetic, you should add relevant thumbnails. This will engage the viewers and help them to locate your content. Thus, being a content creator, you should know about some compelling thumbnail AI tools. By using AI-supported thumbnail creators, you can make attractive and high-quality thumbnails with little effort. Therefore, we highly recommend Filmora, which can create flawless thumbnails with up to 58 templates.

Free Download Free Download Learn More

Wondershare Filmora

Part 1: Some Other Top-Rated Solutions For Generating AI Thumbnails (Online)

Although Filmora provides a wonderful experience creating thumbnails, you must know about other online options. In this section, we will highlight some reliable online AI thumbnail generators with their key features.

1. VEED.io

VEED.io is an efficient tool that uses AI-powered algorithms to create thumbnails. These intelligent algorithms bring authentic results within a few minutes. To use this thumbnail generator AI, describe the thumbnail through the text field. You can write multiple words by adding commas to provide a comprehensive description. Once done, click the “Generate” button to craft the AI thumbnail.

veed io ai thumnail maker

Key Features

  • io can function as a video editor to alter the settings of your video. Using this tool, you can add subtitles to your video in your preferred language.
  • It includes a screen recorder to capture your screen activities in high resolution. Afterward, modify the screen recording with its editing tools.
  • To generate vibrant images for your work projects, try its AI image generator. With this tool, describe your imagination through words to craft convincing images.

2. Simplified

Simplified is a famous platform offering unique features to generate videos and images. By navigating to its AI thumbnail maker, you can select the size of your thumbnail. Once done, explain your video content in the given box. Moreover, you can add personalized colors, text, and images without hassle. This online thumbnail maker AI also offers different options for thumbnail templates to generate attractive results.

simplified ai thumnail maker

Key Features

  • This tool offers an AI Writer through which you can create outlines and scripts for the videos. Craft compelling captions for your social media posts with this feature.
  • It contains a free graphic design tool on which you can create posts and illustrations in real time. Once done, publish the created design on this online platform.
  • To make excellent presentations within a few minutes, try its AI presentation maker. Describe your topic in the text field, and the tool will use AI technology to create presentations.

3. Thumbnail.AI

Thumbnail.AI is a basic tool with a beginner-friendly interface. It’s a specialized tool in which you can make both manual and AI thumbnails. For AI generation, you have to add text and additional explanations in the given boxes. Moreover, it offers three thumbnail sizes: square, rectangle, and vertical. To craft more captivating thumbnails, insert images relevant to your content. Thus, this thumbnail generator is the best option for beginners.

thumnail ai ai thumnail maker

Key Features

  • To add images to your thumbnail, this tool provides three options. You can search, link, or upload images on this thumbnail AI tool easily.
  • While creating thumbnails, the tool allows you to incorporate different elements. You can add icons, shapes, people, and social media banners.
  • The customization options let you change the background color of the thumbnail. It also displays multiple options for font presets.

4. Hotpot.AI

If you want a comprehensive tool to create AI YouTube thumbnails, try Hotpot. It’s a free tool containing hundreds of YouTube thumbnail templates. After choosing the template, you can edit it without any skills. On the editing window, alter the width, height, and background color of the template. Furthermore, apply unique patterns and brand logos to the thumbnail for more effective results.

hotpot ai thumnail maker

Key Features

  • Are you annoyed by the unwanted people in the background of your videos? If yes, use the AI background remover of this tool to eradicate unnecessary objects from the background in an effective way.
  • If you have a collection of vintage or old photos, colorize them with this online tool. With its colorizer feature, you can apply natural colors and shades to old images.
  • This tool also includes an option to enhance the quality of facial images. It can remove blurriness, scratches, and tears from the uploaded images.

5. Canva

Canva is an all-one tool providing a robust interface to create designs, photos, and videos. By accessing its interface, you can find thousands of templates of multiple categories. You can filter the templates by choosing a specific style and theme. There are different themes for YouTube thumbnails on Canva, such as illustration, company, and business. Furthermore, select a thumbnail designed in your favorite color.

canva ai thumnail maker

Key Features

  • On this thumbnail AI generator, the thumbnail templates are 100% customizable. After editing them, you can download them quickly.
  • Canva offers a PDF editor to edit and manage your PDF documents. Perform basic and advanced editing on your PDF files through this tool.
  • Using this tool, make photo collages by combining desired photos. You can select attractive borders and styling boards to create collages.

6. Appy Pie

This AI thumbnail generator offers up to 47 thumbnail templates for your YouTube channel. You can preview and edit the thumbnail template within a few clicks. Furthermore, you can also design your own thumbnail by entering the text prompt. On its interface, it gives you the option to drag and drop the relevant images. By doing so, the tool will insert the relevant images on your thumbnail to generate the best results.

appy pie ai thumnail maker

Key Features

  • Do you want to create captivating avatars? You can try the AI avatar generator of this tool to create a personalized avatar by uploading your own photo.
  • This tool consists of an AI text-to-video generator to craft stunning visuals. By using your textual prompt, generate a flawless video. Afterward, you can customize it from the given options.
  • Using this online platform, add voiceovers to the videos with AI technology. You can write the narration in text and choose a preferred language. The tool will create a voiceover in natural voices.

7. AI YouTube Thumbnails

Do you want a professional and expert tool for creating AI thumbnails? This online tool is able to create 5 thumbnails for your video within five minutes. You can enter your video’s title or description in the text field as instructions. Afterward, the tool will email you with five attractive and relevant thumbnails for your video. Hence, it’s an easy-to-use tool to generate eye-catching thumbnails in minimal time.

ai youtube thumbnails tool

Key Features

  • Using advanced algorithms, this tool can convert the text into AI slides in an efficient manner. You can copy-paste the text, and the tool will generate an AI presentation with a single click.
  • It offers advanced options to edit your Google slides to generate compelling results. You can remix layouts and content to create astonishing slides.
  • This tool can help you collaborate with your team by sharing custom themes and styles. This will help you to stay on board while designing for your brand or company.

8. Snappa

Snappa is widely used to craft high-resolution images in desired colors and styles. Using this AI platform, create YouTube thumbnails with many templates. You can also start from scratch to display your creativity to the world. Moreover, upload a frame from your video to add a background in the thumbnail. It also offers thousands of royalty-free images, which you can utilize in the creation of thumbnails.

snappa ai thumnail maker

Key Features

  • In this AI thumbnail creator, choose different dimensions to create images for social media posts. You can create Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and other posts through this tool.
  • To customize the template, add different elements from the options. You can add background, shapes, and effects to personalize the template.
  • It provides multiple options to add graphics while designing a thumbnail. Add icons, vectors, photos, and uploads from your PC.

9. Picmaker

Picmaker offers the easiest way to create YouTube thumbnails in the desired manner. In this thumbnail AI maker, you can get perfectly sized YouTube thumbnails in the correct dimensions. You can use fancy colors and stylish text fonts in personalizing the thumbnail templates. Furthermore, download the thumbnail in many formats, such as SVG, PNG, PDF, and JPEG.

picmaker ai thumnail maker

Key Features

  • To create perfect online graphics, try its image resizer tool. Using this tool, you can resize the created digital designs according to the requirements of a particular platform.
  • This AI thumbnail generator allows you to create customized brand kits. Create a brand kit by uploading fonts, colors, and logos effectively.
  • By using its free photo editor, enhance the visual appearance of your images. You can apply captivating effects to the photos from the listed options. Also, blur the specific parts of the photo to add an aesthetic appeal.

Part 2: What Are The Benefits of Using Thumbnails in Generating Online Content?

Using thumbnails in creating online content can bring you many benefits. More specifically, if you want to generate thumbnails for YouTube videos, it can help you gain massive viewership. To know more about the benefits of thumbnail AI tools, read the below part:

1. Promotion of Brand

If you want to do your brand marketing, adding thumbnails in the videos can make an impact. You can add logos associated with your brand colors and fonts. This will help in gaining trust and credibility from your audience. Furthermore, it will display your professionalism by adding thumbnails relevant to your brand or company.

2. Enhanced Visual Representation

Thumbnails in a video help users browse and locate the content. With improved visibility of the content, users would be able to identify the content of your video. Moreover, it can increase your click-through rate (CTR), which can positively influence your viewership.

3. Offering Aesthetic Value

If you want to grow your YouTube channel or a website, YouTube thumbnail AI can help. They add an aesthetic appeal to your content, which can grasp the attention of viewers. Additionally, it will compel the viewers to explore your channel. As a result, build a strong community on your platform that can influence future progress.

4. Making Your Content Stands Out

In this competitive era, there are millions of channels and websites on online platforms. To gain a competitive edge among other channels, adding professional thumbnails is essential. Hence, make a prominent identity in the crowded online space through thumbnails.

5. Better SEO Ranking

Some online sites encourage the usage of thumbnails in the content. The reason is that thumbnails provide a preview to the users before clicking the video. In such a way, users can browse the content effortlessly. Hence, it can provide an improved SEO ranking that can highlight your content.

Part 3: Wondershare Filmora: The First-Base Solution To AI Thumbnail Making

If you want to experience a desktop-based solution for thumbnail AI creation, Wondershare Filmora is there for you. By launching this tool on Windows or macOS, you can execute professional video editing in its robust interface. Along with basic editing features like trimming and rearranging, utilize its AI tools.

It uses AI technology to provide the best performance in editing videos. It not only boosts your overall productivity but also brings perfection in editing videos. With the latest Filmora V13 launch, you can avail yourself of many game-changing features for video editing.

After this launch, you can modify your videos with the upgraded interface and intuitive controls. The new features include AI Copilot editing, AI copywriting, AI vocal remover, etc. Furthermore, it has also introduced an AI thumbnail maker to craft aesthetic thumbnails for the videos smartly.

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

AI Thumbnail Creator Feature of Filmora

The AI Thumbnail feature of Filmora uses advanced algorithms to recognize the best shots from your video. By doing so, it can capture three thumbnails from your video that are linked to your video content. It also provides many customization options to meet your requirements for generating thumbnails. You can apply desired color schemes, fonts, and design elements.

Filmora also consists of up to 58 thumbnail templates to provide you with inspiring ideas. Moreover, it also supports advanced text and image editing to create flawless thumbnails. Thus, you must try the AI thumbnail generator of this tool for automated results.

Step-by-Step Guide To Use the AI Thumbnail Feature

Do you know how to use the AI thumbnail maker of Filmora? Here are the relevant instructions that can help you in this regard:

Step 1: Access the Thumbnail Generator

Launch Filmora on your PC and import the desired video. Once done with editing your video, hit the “Export” option. It will instantly open the Export window on your screen. From there, click the “Edit” option in the top left corner. This will open the thumbnail generator of Filmora on your screen.

access export section and edit thumbnail

Step 2: Determine the Desired Video Frame

After accessing the thumbnail generator, you can see the best frames of your video on the left side. These frames are gathered by AI technology to bring you the best frame options. While keeping in the “From Video” section, choose your preferred frame and then tap on “Edit.”

select desired ai generated thumbnail

Step 3: Choose a Suitable Template

Now, the tool will display the thumbnail templates of different categories. Specify your category and then select the required thumbnail template from the listed options. Once done, tap on the “Save” button.

set template on thumbnail and save

Step 4: Convert the Frame into a Thumbnail

Once you have saved the thumbnail template, the “Export” window will appear. From this window, click “Export” to convert the video frame into a thumbnail. After the conversion, check the AI-generated thumbnail by clicking the “Open Folder” option.

export final video


To make your YouTube videos look aesthetic, you should add relevant thumbnails. This will engage the viewers and help them to locate your content. Thus, being a content creator, you should know about some compelling thumbnail AI tools. By using AI-supported thumbnail creators, you can make attractive and high-quality thumbnails with little effort. Therefore, we highly recommend Filmora, which can create flawless thumbnails with up to 58 templates.

Best iOS Slow Motion Apps To Work With

iPhone is undoubtedly an awesome device to capture moments. Regardless of the iOS you are using; it has better lens and resolution sensors than Android. The launch of the iPhone 5S enables users to record video in slow motion with their smartphones. Although it is best in capturing and editing slow-mo, people still look for third-party apps .

The reason might be that the iPhone slow motion app offers certain additional features. Maybe they provide more advanced settings and personalization. To find an answer, you should read this article, which lists the best iPhone slow-mo apps.

Slow Motion Video Maker Slow your video’s speed with better control of your keyframes to create unique cinematic effects!

Make A Slow Motion Video Make A Slow Motion Video More Features

Wondershare Filmora

Part 1: [Top 10] Slowing Down Videos With Finest iPhone Slow Motion Apps

Are you an enthusiastic user of the iPhone and want to create videos across it to save time? Provided are some quick and effective iPhone slow-motion apps that you can go with. These applications will help you create the best slow-motion content without taking up much effort:

1. Slow Motion Video Fx Editor

If you are seeking an iPhone slo-mo app, then this application holds all the relevant features. The application is designed to assist users in achieving slow motion and other speed effects. For precise and accurate slow motion, it offers basic slider and timeline settings. You can slow down a video at any scene by incorporating Advanced or Basic options.

slow motion video fx editor

Key Features

  • The application offers to manipulate frame rate by 240 fps and 12x slower.
  • Users can improve videos by incorporating music using its music library of 170+ tracks.
  • The platform provides sharing options along social platforms like Instagram and Facebook.

2. SloMo Slow Motion Video Editor

This iPhone slow-motion app has all the abilities to slow down videos and enhance them. It provides two options to slow down a video via playback speed or video frame rate. The playback speed slows a video instantly while the frame rates smoothen it. You can also choose a specific period for adding the slow-motion effect.

slomo slow motion video editor

Key Features

  • The frame manipulation goes up to 120 fps, and the playback speed goes 12x.
  • The application offers 40 color filters to enhance your video’s visual outlook.
  • There are multiple ratio options to export a video to upload it to different platforms.

3. Slow Motion Video Editor

Create ultra-slow motion or ultra-high motion videos with this iPhone slo-mo app. It offers distinct speed manipulation options, such as up to 10x to slow down a video. In addition, the application offers built-in speed templates to help you add speed effects to dance videos. Users can also retain the original audio of the videos after speed alteration.

slow motion video editor

Key Features

  • An intuitive user interface that offers a seamless slo-mo editing method.
  • Import music from iTunes into this iPhone slo-mo app and add it to your videos.
  • Publish your slo-mos directly to other editing apps like GoPro and InShot for additional editing.

4. Slow Motion’ Video Editor

Make professional-grade slow-motion videos using this iPhone slow-motion app. The application can record and edit videos at 60 to 240 fps, ensuring smooth, slow motions. With its modern and accessible user interface, achieving slow motions is easy. Other speed settings include split-second freezing frames and time-lapse videos.

slow motion video editor ios

Key Features

  • The application passes subscription charges via iTunes for a seamless and trusted process.
  • You can trim the unnecessary parts of the video using its Trim tool.
  • Offers one-click functionality to share videos across Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, or Email.

5. Slow Motion Video FX Edit

Do you want to be in control of your slow-motion videos while editing? This iPhone slow motion app offers custom speed manipulation options like 12x and 240 fps. You can add freeze frames if you want to highlight a specific part of the video. With its interface, speed manipulation is just as simple as dragging a slider.

slow motion video fx edit

Key Features

  • Enhance your video’s visuals with up to 40 stunning visual filters to enhance colors.
  • The application offers weekly, monthly, and yearly plans to suit your requirements.
  • You can add music from your library to videos or specific scenes via this app.

6. Slow Fast Motion Video Editor

Apply slow motion effect to the specific parts of your videos using this iPhone slow motion app. You can access it on the app store; the application is free to download. It features a timeline editing interface and a playback speed of up to 8x for Slomo. It separates the video frames, and you can change their speed, and afterward, it merges them.

slow fast motion video editor ios

Key Features

  • The ability to incorporate music from your music library into videos with this app.
  • You can manually trim out video segments and merge them back.
  • Showcase your creativity to other social platforms directly from the app.

7. Slow-Fast Motion Video Editor

This iPhone slow-motion app download unlocks a professional way of creating slo-mos. The user interface is professional and accessible for all types of editors. It displays a velocity graph to change the playback speed to 8x at specific video frames. This application slows down video to 1/10th of its actual speed. It also maintains the pitch of audio while creating fast or slow-motion videos.

slow fast motion video editor

Key Features

  • There is no restriction on video length to edit in this iPhone slow-motion app.
  • It doesn’t export video with Watermark addition, which is remarkable for branding.
  • You can edit and export a video in Portrait or Landscape display.

8. TimeFreeze

If you want to create slow-motion videos effectively, then this iPhone slow-motion app can do it. It works by manipulating the video frame rates from 24 fps to 120 fps. Along with slowing down videos, you can slow down high-motion video to normal as well. The user interface is basic and lacks technicalities to be accessed by skilled people.

timefreeze slow motion ios

Key Features

  • The application supports all iOS 12.1, macOS 12.1, and newer versions.
  • Uses advanced image processing algorithms for video frame manipulation.
  • The application is free to use and only takes up 25.3 MB of your iPhone’s storage.

9. Vidma - Video Editor Music

You have read about many applications that offer to transform normal videos into slow motions. However, this iPhone slo-mo app is much more than just a speed changer. It slows down your videos via a velocity graph and maintains the audio pitch during the process. Using this application, you can slow down videos to 0.1x while also having video reverse options.

vidma video editor music

Key Features

  • With 1000+ music tracks and hundreds of visual effects and filters, your videos can stand out.
  • Along with the slow motion, you can also create time-lapse and apply speed ramping presets.
  • Export your video in high-quality 4K resolution without any quality loss.

10. Vizmato: Video Editor & Maker

Vizmato stands as a multipurpose video editing app with slow-motion capabilities. Beyond the creation of compelling slow-motion scenes, Vizmato adds dramatic flair by reversing the speed. Furthermore, the software extends the speed manipulation feature via a custom option. In this way, everyone gets a chance to design their videos per their preferences.

vizmato video editor and maker

Key Features

  • It offers 20+ visual themes, 40+ effects, and 140+ music assets to uplift your videos.
  • The tool can transform images into slideshows, making a video of your memories.
  • You can record and add voiceovers with this iPhone slow-motion app.

Bonus Part: Wondershare Filmora and Slow Motion Video Making: A Simple Connection

Having no fun while editing video with the iPhone slow-motion app? It’s obvious because such applications are limited to slowing down your videos. So, using Wondershare Filmora could change the game in video editing of all types. Users from every field can rely on Filmora to get unique and polished content. This editing platform is available online for Windows, macOS, and mobile phone users.

Wondershare Filmora is integrated with artificial intelligence to boost your productivity in editing. You can use Filmora’s asset library to get media or create your own with AI. Using Filmora will amaze you at every step of editing and creating engaging media.

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Steps to Slow Down Video with Speed Ramping in Filmora

Speed ramping is a way to slow down or speed up videos smoothly. A slow change in videos gives a more professional outlook to videos. Have you observed this feature in any of the above-discussed iPhone slow-motion apps? The answer is no, so let’s benefit from speed ramping in Filmora by following the given steps.

Step 1Start Working on the New Project

Begin your video editing journey after downloading Filmora on your device. After downloading, open this platform and select “New Project.” This way, you will access its editing screen to begin working. Start with importing your video and bringing it to the timeline.

add media to filmora timeline

Step 2Discover the Speed Ramping Option with Templates

Place your cursor on the video and right-click to choose “Speed Ramping” from the list. Now, you can see an editing screen on your right. Pick any of the templates for effortless speed ramping.

look for speed ramping section

Step 3Customize Speed Ramping to Smoothly Slow Down Videos

Otherwise, hit the “Customize” and direct downward. Go to the editing panel and hold the dots to move downward if you want to slow down. You can speed up video portions by holding the dots upward. Meanwhile, you can play the video to see the changes.

customize speed ramping function

Step 4Use Optical Flow for Good Quality and Move to Save Changes

Extend the “AI Frame Interpolation” menu and hit the “Optical Flow.” That’s how you will get a high-quality video with slow speed. Keep editing or save changes through the “Export” button on the upper right.

perform optical flow and export

Find Core Functionalities of Wondershare Filmora

Before using Filmora, it’s important to explore it to avoid confusion. Considering this point, you should discover some of its main features below:

1. AI Copywriting

Except for AI, no one can provide you with an engaging script on short notice. Thus, Filmora integrates an AI copywriting feature for generating the desired script within seconds. It accepts natural language prompts, not limiting experts to giving commands. This feature is considered professional in creating YouTube descriptions to rank the content.

2. AI Copilot Editing

Humans typically need suggestions in editing, whether they are beginners or professionals. What could be better than having an AI as your personal editing assistant? Filmora offers an AI copilot editor that answers your editing-related queries. Besides, it navigates you toward practical solutions by providing links or buttons.

3. AI Audio Denoise

Sometimes, background noises ruin the vocals of the audio. Remove that noise with the help of AI, which can detect the noise type for exact results. This feature can enhance your audio by performing reverb reduction. It can make the voice clear that is present in surroundings, like electrical voices from devices. Audio denoise proves vital in recording podcasts and online course recording scenarios.

4. AI Portrait

It’s a human urge to look beautiful, and video editing apps are not denying it. Filmora also provides more than 70 AI portrait effects to beautify facial features. Moreover, it can assist you in removing the background and keeping humans in video frames. Some AI stickers include Heart eyes, Emojis, and Sunglasses that can evoke humorous emotions.


Until now, you might find your answer about using iPhone slow-motion apps. The overview of such premium apps has guided you to select an app that best aligns with your needs. If you are still confused, use Wondershare Filmora, an incredible video editor. This platform is available for iPhone, Android, Windows, and macOS with its limitless editing tools.

Make A Slow Motion Video Make A Slow Motion Video More Features

Wondershare Filmora

Part 1: [Top 10] Slowing Down Videos With Finest iPhone Slow Motion Apps

Are you an enthusiastic user of the iPhone and want to create videos across it to save time? Provided are some quick and effective iPhone slow-motion apps that you can go with. These applications will help you create the best slow-motion content without taking up much effort:

1. Slow Motion Video Fx Editor

If you are seeking an iPhone slo-mo app, then this application holds all the relevant features. The application is designed to assist users in achieving slow motion and other speed effects. For precise and accurate slow motion, it offers basic slider and timeline settings. You can slow down a video at any scene by incorporating Advanced or Basic options.

slow motion video fx editor

Key Features

  • The application offers to manipulate frame rate by 240 fps and 12x slower.
  • Users can improve videos by incorporating music using its music library of 170+ tracks.
  • The platform provides sharing options along social platforms like Instagram and Facebook.

2. SloMo Slow Motion Video Editor

This iPhone slow-motion app has all the abilities to slow down videos and enhance them. It provides two options to slow down a video via playback speed or video frame rate. The playback speed slows a video instantly while the frame rates smoothen it. You can also choose a specific period for adding the slow-motion effect.

slomo slow motion video editor

Key Features

  • The frame manipulation goes up to 120 fps, and the playback speed goes 12x.
  • The application offers 40 color filters to enhance your video’s visual outlook.
  • There are multiple ratio options to export a video to upload it to different platforms.

3. Slow Motion Video Editor

Create ultra-slow motion or ultra-high motion videos with this iPhone slo-mo app. It offers distinct speed manipulation options, such as up to 10x to slow down a video. In addition, the application offers built-in speed templates to help you add speed effects to dance videos. Users can also retain the original audio of the videos after speed alteration.

slow motion video editor

Key Features

  • An intuitive user interface that offers a seamless slo-mo editing method.
  • Import music from iTunes into this iPhone slo-mo app and add it to your videos.
  • Publish your slo-mos directly to other editing apps like GoPro and InShot for additional editing.

4. Slow Motion’ Video Editor

Make professional-grade slow-motion videos using this iPhone slow-motion app. The application can record and edit videos at 60 to 240 fps, ensuring smooth, slow motions. With its modern and accessible user interface, achieving slow motions is easy. Other speed settings include split-second freezing frames and time-lapse videos.

slow motion video editor ios

Key Features

  • The application passes subscription charges via iTunes for a seamless and trusted process.
  • You can trim the unnecessary parts of the video using its Trim tool.
  • Offers one-click functionality to share videos across Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, or Email.

5. Slow Motion Video FX Edit

Do you want to be in control of your slow-motion videos while editing? This iPhone slow motion app offers custom speed manipulation options like 12x and 240 fps. You can add freeze frames if you want to highlight a specific part of the video. With its interface, speed manipulation is just as simple as dragging a slider.

slow motion video fx edit

Key Features

  • Enhance your video’s visuals with up to 40 stunning visual filters to enhance colors.
  • The application offers weekly, monthly, and yearly plans to suit your requirements.
  • You can add music from your library to videos or specific scenes via this app.

6. Slow Fast Motion Video Editor

Apply slow motion effect to the specific parts of your videos using this iPhone slow motion app. You can access it on the app store; the application is free to download. It features a timeline editing interface and a playback speed of up to 8x for Slomo. It separates the video frames, and you can change their speed, and afterward, it merges them.

slow fast motion video editor ios

Key Features

  • The ability to incorporate music from your music library into videos with this app.
  • You can manually trim out video segments and merge them back.
  • Showcase your creativity to other social platforms directly from the app.

7. Slow-Fast Motion Video Editor

This iPhone slow-motion app download unlocks a professional way of creating slo-mos. The user interface is professional and accessible for all types of editors. It displays a velocity graph to change the playback speed to 8x at specific video frames. This application slows down video to 1/10th of its actual speed. It also maintains the pitch of audio while creating fast or slow-motion videos.

slow fast motion video editor

Key Features

  • There is no restriction on video length to edit in this iPhone slow-motion app.
  • It doesn’t export video with Watermark addition, which is remarkable for branding.
  • You can edit and export a video in Portrait or Landscape display.

8. TimeFreeze

If you want to create slow-motion videos effectively, then this iPhone slow-motion app can do it. It works by manipulating the video frame rates from 24 fps to 120 fps. Along with slowing down videos, you can slow down high-motion video to normal as well. The user interface is basic and lacks technicalities to be accessed by skilled people.

timefreeze slow motion ios

Key Features

  • The application supports all iOS 12.1, macOS 12.1, and newer versions.
  • Uses advanced image processing algorithms for video frame manipulation.
  • The application is free to use and only takes up 25.3 MB of your iPhone’s storage.

9. Vidma - Video Editor Music

You have read about many applications that offer to transform normal videos into slow motions. However, this iPhone slo-mo app is much more than just a speed changer. It slows down your videos via a velocity graph and maintains the audio pitch during the process. Using this application, you can slow down videos to 0.1x while also having video reverse options.

vidma video editor music

Key Features

  • With 1000+ music tracks and hundreds of visual effects and filters, your videos can stand out.
  • Along with the slow motion, you can also create time-lapse and apply speed ramping presets.
  • Export your video in high-quality 4K resolution without any quality loss.

10. Vizmato: Video Editor & Maker

Vizmato stands as a multipurpose video editing app with slow-motion capabilities. Beyond the creation of compelling slow-motion scenes, Vizmato adds dramatic flair by reversing the speed. Furthermore, the software extends the speed manipulation feature via a custom option. In this way, everyone gets a chance to design their videos per their preferences.

vizmato video editor and maker

Key Features

  • It offers 20+ visual themes, 40+ effects, and 140+ music assets to uplift your videos.
  • The tool can transform images into slideshows, making a video of your memories.
  • You can record and add voiceovers with this iPhone slow-motion app.

Bonus Part: Wondershare Filmora and Slow Motion Video Making: A Simple Connection

Having no fun while editing video with the iPhone slow-motion app? It’s obvious because such applications are limited to slowing down your videos. So, using Wondershare Filmora could change the game in video editing of all types. Users from every field can rely on Filmora to get unique and polished content. This editing platform is available online for Windows, macOS, and mobile phone users.

Wondershare Filmora is integrated with artificial intelligence to boost your productivity in editing. You can use Filmora’s asset library to get media or create your own with AI. Using Filmora will amaze you at every step of editing and creating engaging media.

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Steps to Slow Down Video with Speed Ramping in Filmora

Speed ramping is a way to slow down or speed up videos smoothly. A slow change in videos gives a more professional outlook to videos. Have you observed this feature in any of the above-discussed iPhone slow-motion apps? The answer is no, so let’s benefit from speed ramping in Filmora by following the given steps.

Step 1Start Working on the New Project

Begin your video editing journey after downloading Filmora on your device. After downloading, open this platform and select “New Project.” This way, you will access its editing screen to begin working. Start with importing your video and bringing it to the timeline.

add media to filmora timeline

Step 2Discover the Speed Ramping Option with Templates

Place your cursor on the video and right-click to choose “Speed Ramping” from the list. Now, you can see an editing screen on your right. Pick any of the templates for effortless speed ramping.

look for speed ramping section

Step 3Customize Speed Ramping to Smoothly Slow Down Videos

Otherwise, hit the “Customize” and direct downward. Go to the editing panel and hold the dots to move downward if you want to slow down. You can speed up video portions by holding the dots upward. Meanwhile, you can play the video to see the changes.

customize speed ramping function

Step 4Use Optical Flow for Good Quality and Move to Save Changes

Extend the “AI Frame Interpolation” menu and hit the “Optical Flow.” That’s how you will get a high-quality video with slow speed. Keep editing or save changes through the “Export” button on the upper right.

perform optical flow and export

Find Core Functionalities of Wondershare Filmora

Before using Filmora, it’s important to explore it to avoid confusion. Considering this point, you should discover some of its main features below:

1. AI Copywriting

Except for AI, no one can provide you with an engaging script on short notice. Thus, Filmora integrates an AI copywriting feature for generating the desired script within seconds. It accepts natural language prompts, not limiting experts to giving commands. This feature is considered professional in creating YouTube descriptions to rank the content.

2. AI Copilot Editing

Humans typically need suggestions in editing, whether they are beginners or professionals. What could be better than having an AI as your personal editing assistant? Filmora offers an AI copilot editor that answers your editing-related queries. Besides, it navigates you toward practical solutions by providing links or buttons.

3. AI Audio Denoise

Sometimes, background noises ruin the vocals of the audio. Remove that noise with the help of AI, which can detect the noise type for exact results. This feature can enhance your audio by performing reverb reduction. It can make the voice clear that is present in surroundings, like electrical voices from devices. Audio denoise proves vital in recording podcasts and online course recording scenarios.

4. AI Portrait

It’s a human urge to look beautiful, and video editing apps are not denying it. Filmora also provides more than 70 AI portrait effects to beautify facial features. Moreover, it can assist you in removing the background and keeping humans in video frames. Some AI stickers include Heart eyes, Emojis, and Sunglasses that can evoke humorous emotions.


Until now, you might find your answer about using iPhone slow-motion apps. The overview of such premium apps has guided you to select an app that best aligns with your needs. If you are still confused, use Wondershare Filmora, an incredible video editor. This platform is available for iPhone, Android, Windows, and macOS with its limitless editing tools.

Splitting Clips in Adobe After Effects [Step by Step]

Adobe After Effects is a complete software that is helpful in composition and animations, particularly for designers, web developers and animators. You can depend on Adobe After Effects to apply a number of effects and the availability of templates related to the motion graphics. It is among the tools of Adobe Creative Cloud and declared as the standard in videography.

Being a user offers a number of amazing effects that bring your images and videos into reality. This article is regarding the guideline for splitting the video clips in Adobe After Effects. Here, you will also know about the most appropriate substitute, Wondershare Filmora. Being economical, you can also use it practically.

How you can split the video clips in After Effects

The After Effects is versatile in terms of tools and complete potential for creating high-quality content. It can be the addition of the animation, making the effects of virtual reality, immersion of the graphics and improvement in the text input.

It is challenging to do editing in After Effects, but the tool kit is indeed powerful. You need to use this to create beautiful effects, and still, you need proper guidelines for several functionalities. Such as trimming and splitting of the video clips. Following are the easy steps to split the videos in the After Effects:

Step 1: After Effects, the main menu appears on the screen that consists of different projects. Now, you can proceed towards the number of settings after selecting “New Composition”. Adjust the frame rate, duration, resolution, background colour, and various options available to create your composition.

splitting the clips in adobe after effects

You can import the required video file. Simply click on “File”à ImportàFile. Now, this is the time to drag your video file on the timeline.

splitting the clips in adobe after effects

Step 2: After the first step, you need to drag the video file from the file box of “Project” that is on the top-left to the “Composition” box. Now, the video clip is visible on the new layer on the frame of the “Composition”.

splitting the clips in adobe after effects

Step 4: This is the actual step of selecting that point in the timings where you are looking for splitting the clip in After Effects. If you are using a PC, simply press CTRL +SHIFT+D. According to the selection, your required split video clip is now in two layers.

splitting the clips in adobe after effects

One more technique for splitting the videos in After Effects:

Splitting the video clips is also easily possible by duplicating and pressing CTRL+D. Do this action when it is in your timeline. Now there are similar copies of the clips and present in two layers. To cut down the layer according to the timeline marker, press ALT + or [ either].

An easier way to split the video clips

After Effects is, of course, a wonderful tool for editing videos and images, but the users are finding the pricing of After Effects unsuitable. Luckily, similar software is available that Filmora Video Editor considered an alternative.

It is capable of splitting the videos without losing their quality. The most important point about Wondershare Filmora is its assistance in completing all the tasks in a perfect manner. Apart from being a powerful tool, Wondershare Filmora can also split the video into different famous formats such as MP4, AVI, MPG, FLV and others. Export the videos after adding the effects of your own choice.

Free Download

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Free Download

For macOS 10.14 or later


  • Editing of the text from advanced tools
  • Controls available for controlling the speed of video and audio
  • Importing the files to the social networking websites
  • Splitting and layering of the video clips
  • Mixing of the audio
  • Recording of the screen and removing the noise

Wondershare Filmora is a proper selection if you are looking for trimming or want to split your videos. Following are the steps in complete detail regarding cutting the videos simply and a short time:

Step 1: Your video clips are on your timeline when you click on “Import” and drag them.

Step 2: In this step, selecting the clip is essential after dragging the video on the timeline. Keep moving the play head at the correct location from the ending of the first area and the starting of the other one. Now, you need to click on the “Split” button (the scissor icon is visible on the toolbar). It is for separating the videos into parts. You can also use this step with even larger video clips to make small video clips.

splitting the clips in adobe after effects

Step 3: After splitting the video, select any part of it and click on the Delete icon present on the toolbar for removing. Even, you can also add transitional effects at this stage.

splitting the clips in adobe after effects

Step 4: Save the video in the format of your choice. Select the format from the list available on the export window. After saving the clips from the complete video, it is easier to load the project again and export it individually.

splitting the clips in adobe after effects

Even though a number of editing software are available, Wondershare Filmora is the first choice for every user. No matter whether you are using it at the beginner or professional level. This is just due to the simplicity of the Wondershare Filmora. It also has advanced features that fulfil the demands and requirements of the user.

The whole interface is easy, straightforward, and suitable for Windows and Mac operating systems. There are a number of tools present in the Wondershare Filmora that is helpful in deleting the particular video clips, crop, changing the speed, and much more. Even, you can export your videos on your YouTube channels directly through the Wondershare Filmora. You can start using it without any assistance and proceed towards your editing tasks.

You can import the required video file. Simply click on “File”à ImportàFile. Now, this is the time to drag your video file on the timeline.

splitting the clips in adobe after effects

Step 2: After the first step, you need to drag the video file from the file box of “Project” that is on the top-left to the “Composition” box. Now, the video clip is visible on the new layer on the frame of the “Composition”.

splitting the clips in adobe after effects

Step 4: This is the actual step of selecting that point in the timings where you are looking for splitting the clip in After Effects. If you are using a PC, simply press CTRL +SHIFT+D. According to the selection, your required split video clip is now in two layers.

splitting the clips in adobe after effects

One more technique for splitting the videos in After Effects:

Splitting the video clips is also easily possible by duplicating and pressing CTRL+D. Do this action when it is in your timeline. Now there are similar copies of the clips and present in two layers. To cut down the layer according to the timeline marker, press ALT + or [ either].

An easier way to split the video clips

After Effects is, of course, a wonderful tool for editing videos and images, but the users are finding the pricing of After Effects unsuitable. Luckily, similar software is available that Filmora Video Editor considered an alternative.

It is capable of splitting the videos without losing their quality. The most important point about Wondershare Filmora is its assistance in completing all the tasks in a perfect manner. Apart from being a powerful tool, Wondershare Filmora can also split the video into different famous formats such as MP4, AVI, MPG, FLV and others. Export the videos after adding the effects of your own choice.

Free Download

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Free Download

For macOS 10.14 or later


  • Editing of the text from advanced tools
  • Controls available for controlling the speed of video and audio
  • Importing the files to the social networking websites
  • Splitting and layering of the video clips
  • Mixing of the audio
  • Recording of the screen and removing the noise

Wondershare Filmora is a proper selection if you are looking for trimming or want to split your videos. Following are the steps in complete detail regarding cutting the videos simply and a short time:

Step 1: Your video clips are on your timeline when you click on “Import” and drag them.

Step 2: In this step, selecting the clip is essential after dragging the video on the timeline. Keep moving the play head at the correct location from the ending of the first area and the starting of the other one. Now, you need to click on the “Split” button (the scissor icon is visible on the toolbar). It is for separating the videos into parts. You can also use this step with even larger video clips to make small video clips.

splitting the clips in adobe after effects

Step 3: After splitting the video, select any part of it and click on the Delete icon present on the toolbar for removing. Even, you can also add transitional effects at this stage.

splitting the clips in adobe after effects

Step 4: Save the video in the format of your choice. Select the format from the list available on the export window. After saving the clips from the complete video, it is easier to load the project again and export it individually.

splitting the clips in adobe after effects

Even though a number of editing software are available, Wondershare Filmora is the first choice for every user. No matter whether you are using it at the beginner or professional level. This is just due to the simplicity of the Wondershare Filmora. It also has advanced features that fulfil the demands and requirements of the user.

The whole interface is easy, straightforward, and suitable for Windows and Mac operating systems. There are a number of tools present in the Wondershare Filmora that is helpful in deleting the particular video clips, crop, changing the speed, and much more. Even, you can export your videos on your YouTube channels directly through the Wondershare Filmora. You can start using it without any assistance and proceed towards your editing tasks.

You can import the required video file. Simply click on “File”à ImportàFile. Now, this is the time to drag your video file on the timeline.

splitting the clips in adobe after effects

Step 2: After the first step, you need to drag the video file from the file box of “Project” that is on the top-left to the “Composition” box. Now, the video clip is visible on the new layer on the frame of the “Composition”.

splitting the clips in adobe after effects

Step 4: This is the actual step of selecting that point in the timings where you are looking for splitting the clip in After Effects. If you are using a PC, simply press CTRL +SHIFT+D. According to the selection, your required split video clip is now in two layers.

splitting the clips in adobe after effects

One more technique for splitting the videos in After Effects:

Splitting the video clips is also easily possible by duplicating and pressing CTRL+D. Do this action when it is in your timeline. Now there are similar copies of the clips and present in two layers. To cut down the layer according to the timeline marker, press ALT + or [ either].

An easier way to split the video clips

After Effects is, of course, a wonderful tool for editing videos and images, but the users are finding the pricing of After Effects unsuitable. Luckily, similar software is available that Filmora Video Editor considered an alternative.

It is capable of splitting the videos without losing their quality. The most important point about Wondershare Filmora is its assistance in completing all the tasks in a perfect manner. Apart from being a powerful tool, Wondershare Filmora can also split the video into different famous formats such as MP4, AVI, MPG, FLV and others. Export the videos after adding the effects of your own choice.

Free Download

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Free Download

For macOS 10.14 or later


  • Editing of the text from advanced tools
  • Controls available for controlling the speed of video and audio
  • Importing the files to the social networking websites
  • Splitting and layering of the video clips
  • Mixing of the audio
  • Recording of the screen and removing the noise

Wondershare Filmora is a proper selection if you are looking for trimming or want to split your videos. Following are the steps in complete detail regarding cutting the videos simply and a short time:

Step 1: Your video clips are on your timeline when you click on “Import” and drag them.

Step 2: In this step, selecting the clip is essential after dragging the video on the timeline. Keep moving the play head at the correct location from the ending of the first area and the starting of the other one. Now, you need to click on the “Split” button (the scissor icon is visible on the toolbar). It is for separating the videos into parts. You can also use this step with even larger video clips to make small video clips.

splitting the clips in adobe after effects

Step 3: After splitting the video, select any part of it and click on the Delete icon present on the toolbar for removing. Even, you can also add transitional effects at this stage.

splitting the clips in adobe after effects

Step 4: Save the video in the format of your choice. Select the format from the list available on the export window. After saving the clips from the complete video, it is easier to load the project again and export it individually.

splitting the clips in adobe after effects

Even though a number of editing software are available, Wondershare Filmora is the first choice for every user. No matter whether you are using it at the beginner or professional level. This is just due to the simplicity of the Wondershare Filmora. It also has advanced features that fulfil the demands and requirements of the user.

The whole interface is easy, straightforward, and suitable for Windows and Mac operating systems. There are a number of tools present in the Wondershare Filmora that is helpful in deleting the particular video clips, crop, changing the speed, and much more. Even, you can export your videos on your YouTube channels directly through the Wondershare Filmora. You can start using it without any assistance and proceed towards your editing tasks.

You can import the required video file. Simply click on “File”à ImportàFile. Now, this is the time to drag your video file on the timeline.

splitting the clips in adobe after effects

Step 2: After the first step, you need to drag the video file from the file box of “Project” that is on the top-left to the “Composition” box. Now, the video clip is visible on the new layer on the frame of the “Composition”.

splitting the clips in adobe after effects

Step 4: This is the actual step of selecting that point in the timings where you are looking for splitting the clip in After Effects. If you are using a PC, simply press CTRL +SHIFT+D. According to the selection, your required split video clip is now in two layers.

splitting the clips in adobe after effects

One more technique for splitting the videos in After Effects:

Splitting the video clips is also easily possible by duplicating and pressing CTRL+D. Do this action when it is in your timeline. Now there are similar copies of the clips and present in two layers. To cut down the layer according to the timeline marker, press ALT + or [ either].

An easier way to split the video clips

After Effects is, of course, a wonderful tool for editing videos and images, but the users are finding the pricing of After Effects unsuitable. Luckily, similar software is available that Filmora Video Editor considered an alternative.

It is capable of splitting the videos without losing their quality. The most important point about Wondershare Filmora is its assistance in completing all the tasks in a perfect manner. Apart from being a powerful tool, Wondershare Filmora can also split the video into different famous formats such as MP4, AVI, MPG, FLV and others. Export the videos after adding the effects of your own choice.

Free Download

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Free Download

For macOS 10.14 or later


  • Editing of the text from advanced tools
  • Controls available for controlling the speed of video and audio
  • Importing the files to the social networking websites
  • Splitting and layering of the video clips
  • Mixing of the audio
  • Recording of the screen and removing the noise

Wondershare Filmora is a proper selection if you are looking for trimming or want to split your videos. Following are the steps in complete detail regarding cutting the videos simply and a short time:

Step 1: Your video clips are on your timeline when you click on “Import” and drag them.

Step 2: In this step, selecting the clip is essential after dragging the video on the timeline. Keep moving the play head at the correct location from the ending of the first area and the starting of the other one. Now, you need to click on the “Split” button (the scissor icon is visible on the toolbar). It is for separating the videos into parts. You can also use this step with even larger video clips to make small video clips.

splitting the clips in adobe after effects

Step 3: After splitting the video, select any part of it and click on the Delete icon present on the toolbar for removing. Even, you can also add transitional effects at this stage.

splitting the clips in adobe after effects

Step 4: Save the video in the format of your choice. Select the format from the list available on the export window. After saving the clips from the complete video, it is easier to load the project again and export it individually.

splitting the clips in adobe after effects

Even though a number of editing software are available, Wondershare Filmora is the first choice for every user. No matter whether you are using it at the beginner or professional level. This is just due to the simplicity of the Wondershare Filmora. It also has advanced features that fulfil the demands and requirements of the user.

The whole interface is easy, straightforward, and suitable for Windows and Mac operating systems. There are a number of tools present in the Wondershare Filmora that is helpful in deleting the particular video clips, crop, changing the speed, and much more. Even, you can export your videos on your YouTube channels directly through the Wondershare Filmora. You can start using it without any assistance and proceed towards your editing tasks.

Also read:

  • Title: 2024 Approved 8 Tips to Apply Cinematic Color Grading to Your Video
  • Author: Chloe
  • Created at : 2024-05-20 03:37:44
  • Updated at : 2024-05-21 03:37:44
  • Link: https://ai-editing-video.techidaily.com/2024-approved-8-tips-to-apply-cinematic-color-grading-to-your-video/
  • License: This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.
On this page
2024 Approved 8 Tips to Apply Cinematic Color Grading to Your Video