2024 Approved Color Finale Is a Color Grading Plugin for Final Cur Pro. It Allows Users to Make Cinematic Looking Video Scenes by Adjusting the Color. Here Well Share You some Basic Information About This Plugin

2024 Approved Color Finale Is a Color Grading Plugin for Final Cur Pro. It Allows Users to Make Cinematic Looking Video Scenes by Adjusting the Color. Here Well Share You some Basic Information About This Plugin

Chloe Lv12

Color Finale Is a Color Grading Plugin for Final Cur Pro. It Allows Users to Make Cinematic Looking Video Scenes by Adjusting the Color. Here We’ll Share You some Basic Information About This Plugin

The question of which is superior between Color Finale and DaVinci Resolve may have crossed your mind if you’re considering upgrading your color grading software. That’s very natural, too! These two programs for color grading and color correction are among the best options for intermediate to advanced video editors. And with good cause. But what distinguishes each piece of software? Keep reading to find out.

1. What is color finale?

One of the best color grading and correction programs is Color Finale from Color Trix. It can only be used with Final Cut Pro X at the moment and is downloaded as a plug-in. Therefore, Color Finale is something you should definitely think about employing if you’re currently using FCPX to edit your video. Color Finale 2, the most recent edition, is incredibly potent. Compared to the default Final Cut Pro coloring tools, it offers a significantly more detailed coloring experience. It’s also shockingly simple to use. After installing it, Color Finale 2 will be accessible under “Video Effects.” Simply drag and drop it onto the desired clips to use it. Alternately, make an adjustment layer and apply it to your entire video.

The use of curves, vectors, color wheels, and HSL curves will be available to editors. These can all be utilized in layers. Additionally, rearranging and modifying the layers is simple. The masking and an enhanced LUTs browser are two of Color Finale 2’s finest additions. Masks are easy to handle and apply to video clips, and they have a great tracking capability. This makes it simpler for editors to isolate particular colors or sections inside film for intricate coloring.

Additionally, with Color Finale 1, the LUTs browser has been improved. LUTs are now much simpler to go through and preview. Additionally, Color Finale can be shown the location of your computer’s favorite LUTs for rapid application. Alternately, you might make your own LUTs and store them for use in later projects. These resources offer a wide range of color options.

The nicest part about it all, though, is how easy Color Finale is to use. Numerous excellent Color Finale instructions may also be found on their YouTube channel. The base version of Color Finale 2 software costs $99 to buy. Alternately, spend $149 once to get the full feature set of Color Finale 2 Pro.

2. Ease of use color finale 2.0

In this division, Color Finale 2 is the undisputed champion. All you have to do to use FCPX editors is download the software. It will be accessible when you launch FCPX the following time. Additionally, editors more experienced with Premiere Pro will still find Color Finale to be simpler to use than DaVinci Resolve. This is due to the fact that DaVinci Resolve uses an entirely unique method than other tools for editing videos. With Resolve, there is a very high learning curve. But with Color Finale 2, you can get started after watching a few tutorials.

3. Features

On the timeline of your Final Cut Pro project, a comprehensive range of professional color grading tools.

Image quality: Avoid problems with color management or image compression that could cause degradation between the editing and grading systems.

Speed: When compared to the conventional color tools found in Final Cut Pro, the color toolset in this extension has been fine-tuned and their user interface has been optimized for a speedier grading workflow.

Efficiency: Keep your project in Final Cut Pro for all of your high-end color grading needs, and there will be no need for round-tripping.

Transcoder: Color Finale Transcoder is an FCPX addon that lets you preview, alter, and transcode RAW files. BRAW, ARRIRAW, and CinemaDNG are supported. As Final Cut Pro X natively supports R3D/ProRes RAW files, there’s no necessity to support them. Inside the extension, you can change the transcoding codec, color space, output file resolution, delayering mode, and highlight recovery. Color Finale Transcoder lets you change RAW files’ color temperature/tint, ISO, and sharpness/detail. Import a preview LUT to see how your film will look.

Value: Included are brand new tools for image processing as well as picture analysis - there is no requirement to buy any other plugins.

4. Color Finale 2

The color correction tool known as Color Finale 2 is a plug-in that can only be used with Apple’s Final Cut Pro software. It is superior to the color correcting capabilities that are incorporated into Final Cut Pro and transform the software into a professional grading solution. There is a Standard version and a Pro version of Color Finale 2 available for purchase.

This article may refer to some features that are only available in the Pro edition; thus, please visit our website for a comparison of the features included in each of the two versions. Color Finale 2 Pro will interact with Tangent hardware control surfaces, in addition to the differences in features that are already there. Both Final Cut Pro and Motion have an option to install Color Finale 2 as a video effect filter, known as a plug-in. It also installs a separate Color Finale application, which is necessary for the program to function properly within the framework of macOS. This application is only used to check for and apply updates to Color Finale 2, therefore the user will not ordinarily need to access it. The Color Finale 2 effect can be applied to any video clip, compound clip, title, generator, or adjustment layer (title effect) on the timeline by dragging and dropping the Color Finale 2 or Color Finale 2 Pro** effect from the effects panel in Final Cut Pro.

The interface of Color Finale 2 is split into two sections: a control panel that can be found in the Final Cut Pro inspector and a layer editing panel that can be moved around and resized. These panels make use of a design language for the interface that is similar to that of Final Cut Pro. Both have contextual pulldown pickers and contextual menus, in addition to return arrows that are located next to the majority of the parameters in order to reset their values to the default (identified by three vertical dots).

5. Minimum system requirements?

Apple Mac 2012 or newer OS X 10.13 and later Requires graphics card sold by Apple supporting Graphics card with Metal support Final Cut Pro X 10.4 or later 4 GB of RAM.

6. Availability and price

The ability to produce high-quality results within Color Finale without the need to round-trip to another program is the primary advantage of utilizing this software. Doing all of your editing, grading, and finishing work right within FCPX may save you a ton of time and effort, which is especially helpful when you’re working under strict time constraints. The price of Color Finale is only $99, which is very affordable.


Color Finale includes several high-end color suite capabilities. Color Finale includes standard color tools including 3-way color wheels and RGB curves, plus a basic LUT option and a six-channel vector grading feature. Using this vector tool, it’s easy to brighten skies, adjust building colors, or enhance skin tones.

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Finding The Best Ways To Replace Sky in Lightroom

People look for sky replacements in their images to improve their appearance. Sometimes, we need to do this because of overexposed images in sunlight. Replacing the surroundings of images is a common post-processing technique in photography. For this purpose, advanced editing tools like Lightroom and Adobe Photoshop are required.

Lightroom Sky replacement requires certain editing skills to effectively edit the media. This article will help you to learn how to do sky replacement in Lightroom. Before delving into the steps, read the first part to know the reason for changing the surroundings in Lightroom to replace the sky system.

Sky Replacement A cross-platform works like magic for background removal or sky replacement photos!

Free Download Free Download Learn More

Wondershare Filmora

Part 1: Why Do Creators Look Forward to Changing the Environment Across Their Recorded or Captured Media?

Humans love to show creativity and express themselves from different perspectives. Creative works provide entertainment and prove therapeutic in some way. That’s why creators and artists try to change the surroundings of recorded media. Such changes make the captured media virtually stunning and creative. Let’s explore more reasons that push creators towards sky replacement in Lightroom:

  • Artistic Storytelling: A creative art piece shows a story of a thousand words. Thus, artists look for visual elements to convey particular moods and messages in their media.
  • Symbolism: In many art competitions, creators are asked to show symbolic media. For this purpose, they might replace Sky in Lightroom to symbolize rebirth and growth.
  • World-Building: The science fiction and fantasy genre needs such changes to build another world. Creators turn the media into imaginative settings to inspire the audience.
  • Entertainment: Another aim of the creator is to provide new and exciting content to the audience. It allows them to temporarily escape their world and enjoy it.
  • Discovery: You might have seen virtual landscapes in video games that uncover hidden secrets. Such backgrounds are designed to facilitate adventure through media.

Part 2: A Guide to Replace Sky in Lightroom: Step-by-Step

As discussed earlier, changing the sky in Lightroom proves fruitful for many reasons. Altering media scenes can also create a powerful emotional impact. Likewise, shifting from a green meadow to a messy landscape can turn a calm mood into chaos. If you intend to replace your current media background, then let us help you. Here are the steps below to change the environment in Lightroom:

Step 1: Lightroom can enhance your surroundings by using certain effects. To replace the sky, right-click on your image and select the “Edit in Photoshop” option. Before that, ensure that you have Adobe Photoshop installed on your system.

open image in photoshop

Step 2: Now, go to the top toolbar and press the “Edit” option next to “File.” From the drop-down list, access the “Sky Replacement” option. Head to the “Sky Replacement” panel and click the downward icon next to the sky preview. Scroll to pick one sky of your choice and hit the “OK” button.

access sky replacement feature

Step 3: To import more skies, press the “Settings” icon on the Sky Replacement panel. Select the first option of “Get More Skies” and click on “Import Images.” You can explore skies from the Blue Skies, Spectacular, and Sunsets folders from that panel.

try other skies

Step 4: Bring this picture back to the Lightroom and go to its right-side panel. There, use the Exposure, Contrast, and Highlights sliders below the “Light” downward icon. After enhancing your image, right-click on it and look for the “Export” option to save the file.

change image parameters in lightroom

Part 3: Make Background Changing Easy with Wondershare Filmora

Sky Replacement in Lightroom and Photoshop requires some basic editing skills. Not everyone has such skills, so they have to acquire skills from video tutorials. It wastes a lot of time and effort just to learn editing from scratch. As an easier solution, they should try Wondershare Filmora to change image surroundings.

Notably, it’s a better solution that accommodates all users from beginner professionals. You can use Filmora for video editing to effortlessly expand your creativity. This tool is available online for Desktop, macOS, mobile, and online with the latest AI features.

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Key Features Marking Filmora’s Importance

Instantly remove or change your videos and image backgrounds with Filmora. Reimagine your world by knowing the given key features of Filmora in changing backgrounds:

1. Chroma Key (Green Screen)

Applying green-screen in effect in video and images will generate professional content. With AI support, you can remove a certain color from overlay images and videos. It can make your chosen colors transparent in the imported media. To fine-tune the media, you can use Tolerance, Edge Thickness, and Feather sliders.

chroma key filmora

2. AI Portrait

If you want to focus on the portrait while ignoring the background, use this feature. It can remove the background with accuracy by recognizing the main object. Filmora detects humans with AI and allows manual adjustments after removing the background. You can change the Edge Thickness and Edge Feature to the required extent.

ai portrait filmora

3. Basic Background

While editing any media, you might require a blur option to hide distortion in the background. Filmora offers background blur options with different types and styles in them. You can opt for a Pattern, Color, and blur option from blur types. Then, it allows you to choose from blur styles like Grainy, Direction, and Radial. Afterward, users can select the level of blur as per their choice.

background changing filmora

4. AI Image Stylizer

Aside from changing background, you can unleash your creativity with an AI Image stylizer. It’s the latest feature of Filmora that can turn your image into a devil, clown, or zombie. If you want to follow certain social media trends of making anime, explore this feature. You can find 19 styles that also include soft image looks like Flower and Angel image styles.

ai image filmora

Steps to Change Background with Different Ways Using Filmora

Instead of lightroom sky replacement, Filmora offers the simplest way to edit images and videos. Let’s explore the quickest ways to change backgrounds using Filmora.

Method 1: Using Chroma Key

Step 1: Get the Latest Version of Filmora in Your system

Successfully launch the latest version of Filmora in your system. Double-tap on it to enter the home screen. Click on “New Project” and access the editing screen of Filmora.

opening new project filmora

Step 2: Use the Chroma Key and Change the Background

From the media panel, use “Import” and bring your media to the Timeline section. Place the background video first and then bring the Main Clip below it. Head to the right-side panel and press the “AI Tools” option from the top. Now enable the “Chroma Key” option, and the background will be replaced. You can adjust the edges through “Edge Thickness” and “Edge Feather” sliders.

using chroma key feature

Step 3: Continue Editing or Export Media at Desired Location

When you have finished the editing, move to the “Export” option at the top right. Using the “Export” window, define parameters and export the file wherever you want.

export final video

Method 2: Accessing AI Portrait

Step 1: Set the Videos at the Correct Place in the Timeline

Import your Background video and main clips in the media panel. Drag the main video in the second track and the background video in the first track, respectively.

adding clips in filmora

Step 2: Explore and Utilize AI Portrait for Changing Background

Head to the right-side panel and access the AI tools option for choosing “AI Portrait.” Toggle this option and get the background automatically changed. To further enhance, you can use “Edge Thickness” and “Edge Feather” sliders.

using ai portrait feature

Method 3: Change the Background through Masking

Step 1: Get Stock Media and Place it in the Timeline

Drag your main video in the timeline. Then, tap the “Stock Media” icon from the toolbar of the media panel. Browse one background clip and bring it to the timeline at the second track.

adding background from stock media

Step 2: Draw a Mask to Replace the Background with Stock Media

Look for the “Mask” option before the “AI tools” option on the right-side panel. Pick the “Draw Mask” icon and try to draw the lines around the main figure. When you finish drawing, the background will be replaced. You can use the “Blur Strength” slider to give a natural look.

using mask to change background


In short, sky replacement is a feature of Adobe Photoshop that turns clear skies into sunsets. To do so, you can follow the steps highlighted in this article. Changing sky in the Lightroom needs some editing skills in Photoshop, and not everyone has it. Thus, you should use Wondershare Filmora as the top-notch solution. It can change your media’s background with AI and other manual changing options.

Free Download Free Download Learn More

Wondershare Filmora

Part 1: Why Do Creators Look Forward to Changing the Environment Across Their Recorded or Captured Media?

Humans love to show creativity and express themselves from different perspectives. Creative works provide entertainment and prove therapeutic in some way. That’s why creators and artists try to change the surroundings of recorded media. Such changes make the captured media virtually stunning and creative. Let’s explore more reasons that push creators towards sky replacement in Lightroom:

  • Artistic Storytelling: A creative art piece shows a story of a thousand words. Thus, artists look for visual elements to convey particular moods and messages in their media.
  • Symbolism: In many art competitions, creators are asked to show symbolic media. For this purpose, they might replace Sky in Lightroom to symbolize rebirth and growth.
  • World-Building: The science fiction and fantasy genre needs such changes to build another world. Creators turn the media into imaginative settings to inspire the audience.
  • Entertainment: Another aim of the creator is to provide new and exciting content to the audience. It allows them to temporarily escape their world and enjoy it.
  • Discovery: You might have seen virtual landscapes in video games that uncover hidden secrets. Such backgrounds are designed to facilitate adventure through media.

Part 2: A Guide to Replace Sky in Lightroom: Step-by-Step

As discussed earlier, changing the sky in Lightroom proves fruitful for many reasons. Altering media scenes can also create a powerful emotional impact. Likewise, shifting from a green meadow to a messy landscape can turn a calm mood into chaos. If you intend to replace your current media background, then let us help you. Here are the steps below to change the environment in Lightroom:

Step 1: Lightroom can enhance your surroundings by using certain effects. To replace the sky, right-click on your image and select the “Edit in Photoshop” option. Before that, ensure that you have Adobe Photoshop installed on your system.

open image in photoshop

Step 2: Now, go to the top toolbar and press the “Edit” option next to “File.” From the drop-down list, access the “Sky Replacement” option. Head to the “Sky Replacement” panel and click the downward icon next to the sky preview. Scroll to pick one sky of your choice and hit the “OK” button.

access sky replacement feature

Step 3: To import more skies, press the “Settings” icon on the Sky Replacement panel. Select the first option of “Get More Skies” and click on “Import Images.” You can explore skies from the Blue Skies, Spectacular, and Sunsets folders from that panel.

try other skies

Step 4: Bring this picture back to the Lightroom and go to its right-side panel. There, use the Exposure, Contrast, and Highlights sliders below the “Light” downward icon. After enhancing your image, right-click on it and look for the “Export” option to save the file.

change image parameters in lightroom

Part 3: Make Background Changing Easy with Wondershare Filmora

Sky Replacement in Lightroom and Photoshop requires some basic editing skills. Not everyone has such skills, so they have to acquire skills from video tutorials. It wastes a lot of time and effort just to learn editing from scratch. As an easier solution, they should try Wondershare Filmora to change image surroundings.

Notably, it’s a better solution that accommodates all users from beginner professionals. You can use Filmora for video editing to effortlessly expand your creativity. This tool is available online for Desktop, macOS, mobile, and online with the latest AI features.

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Key Features Marking Filmora’s Importance

Instantly remove or change your videos and image backgrounds with Filmora. Reimagine your world by knowing the given key features of Filmora in changing backgrounds:

1. Chroma Key (Green Screen)

Applying green-screen in effect in video and images will generate professional content. With AI support, you can remove a certain color from overlay images and videos. It can make your chosen colors transparent in the imported media. To fine-tune the media, you can use Tolerance, Edge Thickness, and Feather sliders.

chroma key filmora

2. AI Portrait

If you want to focus on the portrait while ignoring the background, use this feature. It can remove the background with accuracy by recognizing the main object. Filmora detects humans with AI and allows manual adjustments after removing the background. You can change the Edge Thickness and Edge Feature to the required extent.

ai portrait filmora

3. Basic Background

While editing any media, you might require a blur option to hide distortion in the background. Filmora offers background blur options with different types and styles in them. You can opt for a Pattern, Color, and blur option from blur types. Then, it allows you to choose from blur styles like Grainy, Direction, and Radial. Afterward, users can select the level of blur as per their choice.

background changing filmora

4. AI Image Stylizer

Aside from changing background, you can unleash your creativity with an AI Image stylizer. It’s the latest feature of Filmora that can turn your image into a devil, clown, or zombie. If you want to follow certain social media trends of making anime, explore this feature. You can find 19 styles that also include soft image looks like Flower and Angel image styles.

ai image filmora

Steps to Change Background with Different Ways Using Filmora

Instead of lightroom sky replacement, Filmora offers the simplest way to edit images and videos. Let’s explore the quickest ways to change backgrounds using Filmora.

Method 1: Using Chroma Key

Step 1: Get the Latest Version of Filmora in Your system

Successfully launch the latest version of Filmora in your system. Double-tap on it to enter the home screen. Click on “New Project” and access the editing screen of Filmora.

opening new project filmora

Step 2: Use the Chroma Key and Change the Background

From the media panel, use “Import” and bring your media to the Timeline section. Place the background video first and then bring the Main Clip below it. Head to the right-side panel and press the “AI Tools” option from the top. Now enable the “Chroma Key” option, and the background will be replaced. You can adjust the edges through “Edge Thickness” and “Edge Feather” sliders.

using chroma key feature

Step 3: Continue Editing or Export Media at Desired Location

When you have finished the editing, move to the “Export” option at the top right. Using the “Export” window, define parameters and export the file wherever you want.

export final video

Method 2: Accessing AI Portrait

Step 1: Set the Videos at the Correct Place in the Timeline

Import your Background video and main clips in the media panel. Drag the main video in the second track and the background video in the first track, respectively.

adding clips in filmora

Step 2: Explore and Utilize AI Portrait for Changing Background

Head to the right-side panel and access the AI tools option for choosing “AI Portrait.” Toggle this option and get the background automatically changed. To further enhance, you can use “Edge Thickness” and “Edge Feather” sliders.

using ai portrait feature

Method 3: Change the Background through Masking

Step 1: Get Stock Media and Place it in the Timeline

Drag your main video in the timeline. Then, tap the “Stock Media” icon from the toolbar of the media panel. Browse one background clip and bring it to the timeline at the second track.

adding background from stock media

Step 2: Draw a Mask to Replace the Background with Stock Media

Look for the “Mask” option before the “AI tools” option on the right-side panel. Pick the “Draw Mask” icon and try to draw the lines around the main figure. When you finish drawing, the background will be replaced. You can use the “Blur Strength” slider to give a natural look.

using mask to change background


In short, sky replacement is a feature of Adobe Photoshop that turns clear skies into sunsets. To do so, you can follow the steps highlighted in this article. Changing sky in the Lightroom needs some editing skills in Photoshop, and not everyone has it. Thus, you should use Wondershare Filmora as the top-notch solution. It can change your media’s background with AI and other manual changing options.

How to Create an Instant Slideshow on Mac

An easy yet powerful editor

Numerous effects to choose from

Detailed tutorials provided by the official channel

Try It Free Try It Free

Instant slideshows on Mac devices are elusive graphic elements to creatively convey your information to the target audience. Stay here to have a complete knowhow of the design process!

In this article

01 [How to Create a Slideshow in Photos on Mac](#Part 1)

02 [How to Create a Slideshow in Video on Mac](#Part 2)

03 [How to Make a Slideshow on Mac in Preview](#Part 3)

04 [How to Create Slideshows Online](#Part 4)

05 [FAQs About Slideshows on Mac](#Part 5)

Part 1 How to Create a Slideshow in Photos on Mac

Creating a slideshow is an intuitive exploration of your graphic design skills, either just for a fun-filled entertainment, or catering to some specific information delivery on the professional front. When aiming to create Mac photos slideshow presentations, you can affordably pick any of your preferred devices and a suitable slideshow creator tool.

Speaking in the light of the fact, it is an equally amazing experience to design exemplary movies and presentations for a slide show MacBook, thanks to the high end technical abilities of such devices that work together to facilitate a remarkable and classic slideshow output. Having said that, let us proceed with discussing about the process of creating slideshow Mac presentations in the ‘Photos’ app of a Mac supported device in the following section:

User’s Guide to Create a Slideshow in the Photos App of a Mac Device

Step 1: Launch the App

Open the apps gallery of your Mac device and navigate to the ‘Photos’ app. Launch the same to be greeted by the latter’s welcome screen. Next, head to the sidebar in the left and hit the ‘Library’ option under the ‘Photos’ tab.

Creating a Mac Slideshow in the ‘Photos’ Application- Launching the Program

Step 2: Select Your Images

Within the ‘Library’ tab, hit the ‘Days’ or ‘All Photos’ subcategory to choose the desired images and videos that you wish to include in your presentation to create slideshow on Mac.

Creating a Mac Slideshow in the ‘Photos’ Application- Image Selection

Step 3: View the Presentation

The ‘Photos’ app has a feature to automatically transform your selections in the previous step into an impressive slideshow. You can take a look at the created Mac photo slideshow by navigating to the ‘Menu Bar’ at the top of the app screen and hitting the ‘File’ tab, followed by selecting the ‘Play Slideshow’ option from the dropdown menu that appears next.

Creating a Mac Slideshow in the ‘Photos’ Application- Presentation Preview

Step 4: Customize Your Slideshow

Completion of Step 3 causes a customization window to pop up, where you can select a vibrant theme and background music for your presentation. Once you have made your choices, you can visualize their appearance in the ‘Preview’ window at the right side of the screen.

About the selection of background music, you can either choose an audio track from the in-built music app of your iPad, or go with the inline complementary music of the presentation theme that you have already selected.

Creating a Mac Slideshow in the ‘Photos’ Application- Customizing the

Step 5: It’s Time to Play!

When everything seems fine and you are satisfied with your efforts, head to the ‘File’ tab again and select the ‘Play Slideshow’ from the list of options that drops down to start your MacBook Photos slideshow. Once the slideshow begins to run, you can use the ‘Arrow Keys’ on your device to navigate forward and backward within the presentation, or press the ‘Spacebar’ to pause/resume the slideshow. If you want to stop playing the slideshow, press either of the ‘Escape’ or ‘X’ keys on your system’s keyboard.

Creating a Mac Slideshow in the ‘Photos’ Application- Playing the Slideshow

Part 2 How to Create a Slideshow in Video on Mac

While image centered slideshows add life to still photos, video editions of the same are highly effective in integrating motion with visual excellence. Creating a slideshow on Mac is easy enough. However, if you wish to design elusive video presentations on the device, it is no difficult either. Having understood the credibility and design process of still presentations, let us move ahead with getting an insight into crafting classic masterpieces of video slideshows on a Mac device in what follows next:

User’s Guide to Create a Video Slideshow in a Mac Device

Step 1: Download and Install a Suitable Video Editor Application

Browsing the IT market, you can easily pick your preferred Mac compatible video editing software to address the concern of how to make a slideshow on Mac. As of now, let us try hands at understanding the creation process through the Movavi Slideshow Maker application.

Start with navigating to and downloading the Movavi Slideshow Maker software from the latter’s official website. Having done that, proceed to install the program in your Mac device by following the on screen instructions to run the installation files.

Step 2: Select a Working Mode

After a successful installation of the program, proceed to launch it in your Mac device and wait for the app’s welcome screen to appear. Choosing the Movavi Slideshow Maker program for creating Mac slideshow presentations, you are allowed to work in 2 different creation modes.

If you wish to explicitly convert still images into stunning slideshows, select the ‘Slideshow Wizard’ mode. On the contrary, if you have a task of designing a high end, professional presentation with a series of elements, prefer choosing the ‘Create a Movie in Manual Mode’ option.

Having talked enough about how to create slideshow presentations with images on a Mac device in the previous section, let us now dive into making a classic video presentation on the same, in what follows next. As already stated; select ‘Create a Movie in Manual Mode’ from the software’s main interface to begin with the creation process.

Creating a Video Slideshow on Mac in Movavi- Working Mode Selection

Step 3: Import Media Files

Browse through the local media gallery on your Mac device to select the required image and video files that you wish to create the slideshow presentation from. To do this, navigate to the ‘Elements Panel’ at the left and hit the ‘Import’ tab, followed by clicking on the ‘Add Files’ option in the software’s editor timeline and navigate through your locally saved media files.

When you have selected everything, your choices will automatically appear in the app’s editing workspace. You can alternatively, prefer dragging and dropping the associated files directly to the software timeline.

Creating a Video Slideshow on Mac in Movavi- Media Import Interface

Step 4: Include Transitions

Adding a suitable transition effect gives the perfect flow to your presentation, while eliminating distortions in between successive slides. To supplement your slideshow with the same, navigate to the ‘Elements Panel’ at the left of the editor timeline and hit the ‘Transitions’ tab. You can choose any preferred transition style from the variety of available options in line with the theme of your presentation.

When you have made your choice, drag the same in between the desired pair of consecutive slides within the editor workspace. If you require supplementing all the presentation slides with a particular transition effect, click on the icon beside the ‘Transitions’ tab to automatically add a selected transition effect to all the slides together.

Creating a Video Slideshow on Mac in Movavi- Including Transitions

Step 5: Add an Upbeat Background Music

To add a preferred background audio, head to the ‘Import’ tab in the left side ‘Elements Panel’ and click on the same to see the ‘Add Files’ option. Here, you can traverse through your device’s media gallery and select a desired soundtrack. Click on the track’s thumbnail to automatically include it within the ‘Audio Track’ of the software timeline.

Creating a Video Slideshow on Mac in Movavi- Adding a Background Music

Step 6: Include Titles and Captions

To add text customizations within your presentations, head to the ‘Elements Panel’ at the left and hit the ‘Titles’ tab to open the program’s preset title options. You can select any suitable annotation for your slideshow, followed by dragging and dropping the same to the editor workspace to include it in the presentation.

Creating a Video Slideshow on Mac in Movavi- Adding Titles and Captions

You can customize the added title by double clicking on the same, either in the ‘Preview’ window above the editor timeline, or within the timeline itself. Next, double click within the text box in the ‘Preview’ window to type the desired text for including it into the slideshow.

To adjust text parameters like, size, font, color of the added title, double click on the same within the program’s timeline to open the title customization interface in the ‘Preview’ window, where you get the liberty to make desired modifications in the preset parameter values. When you have made the required changes, hit ‘Apply’ to confirm them.

Creating a Video Slideshow on Mac in Movavi- Applying the Selected

Step 7: Export Your Slideshow

When you are satisfied with your efforts till here, proceed to save the presentation by navigating to and hitting the ‘Export’ tab at the right side of the editor workspace. This will direct you to the slideshow export interface, where you can choose from a variety of file saving options according to your specific needs.

Creating a Video Slideshow on Mac in Movavi- Slideshow Export Interface

Click on ‘Save Video File’ to add the presentation to your device’s local media gallery, or hit the ‘Save for Devices’ option to preserve your creation for an external device export. For a direct export of the slideshow to your ‘YouTube’ channel, click on ‘Upload to YouTube’, or choose to save the presentation in any of the MP4, OGV and WebM media file formats for an online sharing purpose. Once you are done with making all the selections and adjustments, head to and tap the ‘Start’ button.

Creating a Video Slideshow on Mac in Movavi- Selecting the Export Format

Part 3 How to Make a Slideshow on Mac in Preview

When the question is how to create a slideshow on Mac devices, the answer can have a diverse range of aspects. You can work with the ‘Photos’ app, create a video slideshow, and much more. Exploring the domain, let us proceed with learning to create a Mac slideshow in the Preview feature of the device in the following section:

User’s Guide to Create a Slideshow in the Preview App of a Mac Device

Step 1: Launch the Application

In the launchpad of your Mac device, head to and tap the ‘Preview’ app icon frame to open the same.

Step 2: Choose Your Photos

Browse through the local media gallery of your device and select the desired images that you wish to include within the presentation. Click the ‘Open’ button, once you have made your choices.

Step 3: Play the Presentation

Navigate to the ‘Functions Toolbar’ at the top of the app’s main interface and hit the ‘View’ tab, followed by clicking on the ‘Slideshow’ option from the dropdown list that appears next.

Step 4: That’s It!

You can now watch and control the automatically created slideshow through the respective buttons that appear on the screen.

Creating a Slideshow on Mac in Preview

Part 4 How to Create Slideshows Online

As is evident by now that MacBook slideshow presentations have a diversity of creation processes and platforms, you can conveniently pick the one that suits your specific design concerns and portability requirements. After discussing about the ways to make Mac compatible slideshow presentations on external software platforms, as well as on the device itself, let us now have an insight into the process of creating slideshows on online utilities in the following section:

User’s Guide to Create Online Slideshow Presentations

Step 1: Launch a Preferred Online Tool

In any of your favorite web browsers, navigate to and launch any desired online slideshow creator tool from its official website. As of now, let us proceed with using the Kapwing video slideshow maker.

Step 2: Upload Media Files

Browse through the media gallery of your device to select and upload the desired set of images, GIFs and videos to the Kapwing video slideshow maker online tool. You can also ‘Drag and Drop’ the media directly to the tool’s editor workspace.

Creating an Online Slideshow on Mac in Kapwing- Media Upload Interface

In addition to choosing media files from your device, you can directly import the same from online sources, like, YouTube, Twitter, etc., by copying the media link and pasting it within the tool’s media URL box. The Kapwing slideshow maker allows you to work with a series of media file formats, such as, MOV, JPG, GIF, MP4, PNG, among others.

Step 3: Sort and Edit Your Presentation

Once all the media files are imported to the workspace, you can use the ‘Slideshow Preview’ to sort the Images and videos within the presentation in a desired sequence of appearance. As far as editing the slideshow is concerned, you can set the orientation of the slides to landscape, square or a 9:16 aspect ratio.

There are options to crop the images and videos to include specific sections, while simultaneously adjusting their screen time. You can further, complement the presentation with a cohesive soundtrack in the background and include different graphic elements, like, stickers, titles and text annotations to craft the perfect slideshow.

Creating an Online Slideshow on Mac in Kapwing- Customizing the

Step 4: Time to Share!

When you are happy with your work, proceed to the top right corner of the editor workspace and click on the ‘Export’ tab. The Kapwing video maker will now transform your media into an MP4 slideshow presentation, which you are free to either save locally in your device, or share with your social media peers.

Part 5 FAQs About Slideshows on Mac

How to delete a slideshow?

To delete a saved slideshow for MacBook, navigate to the latter’s destination folder in your device and browse for the particular presentation you wish to remove. Once found, right click on the same, followed by selecting the ‘Delete’ option from the dropdown menu that appears next. A ‘Delete Slideshow’ conformation box pops up, where you need to click on the ‘Yes’ button to move the presentation to your device’s ‘Trash Can’.

How to include animations within a slideshow presentation?

If you are working on the concern of how to create a slideshow on Mac in the Photo apps of a Mac device, there is no provision for including animations within the slideshow. If at all you choose to add live images and animation files, they will appear as still images when you run the presentation.

How to export a slideshow in the video format?

For exporting a created slideshow in the video format, all you need to do is, open the slideshow and navigate to the ‘Export’ button at the top right corner. As you hit the tab, the slideshow export interface pops up, where you can select the desired video format and destination of your slideshow. When you have made your choice, click ‘Save’ at the bottom right corner.

How to create slideshows for Facebook?

To create a slideshow on Facebook, launch the app to login to your Facebook account in your device and head to the ‘Status Update’ tab. From the list of options that follows next, choose ‘Photo/Video’, succeeded by ‘Create a Slideshow’. You can now add the desired media files and adjust the different slideshow parameters to create a presentation.

How to upload slideshow presentations on Instagram?

To create and upload a slideshow on Instagram, launch the app in your device and click on the ‘+’ icon in the latter’s welcome screen. You now need to hit the ‘Select Multiple’ button and choose the desired images and videos up to a maximum of 10 files from your device to add to the presentation. You can sort the order and add filter customizations before posting your creation. When you are done, click ‘Upload’ and follow the upcoming instructions.

Creating Slideshow Presentations on a Mac Device With Wondershare Filmora Video Editor

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

The credibility of the Filmora video editor package does not need an introduction in the graphic design world. When the talk is about how to do a slideshow on Mac, the franchise presents its exclusive, Mac compatible slideshow creator program for designing professional quality slideshow movies. The software is handy enough to be easily worked upon by amateurs, casual creators and experienced professionals.

When it comes to the editing flexibility, the program’s inbuilt library is there to deliver a hoard of upgraded and high tech audio-visual and design effects, filters, elements at your disposal. Whether create a presentation from scratch or customize a premade slideshow template, Filmora lets you do everything to generate a slideshow output that is no less than a visual masterpiece. Talking of the output quality, you can safely leave everything to this high resolution program.

Ending Thoughts

Mac devices have a diversity of utilities and in-built apps to automatically create beautiful and stunning slideshow presentations within just a few clicks.

When addressing the concern of how to make slides on MacBook, you can choose from working with a range of media files to design and customize a classic piece o0f graphic artwork.

If the talk is about choosing the most reliable Mac slideshow creator alternative, you can pick the Wondershare Filmora slideshow maker application without a second thought.

Try It Free Try It Free

Instant slideshows on Mac devices are elusive graphic elements to creatively convey your information to the target audience. Stay here to have a complete knowhow of the design process!

In this article

01 [How to Create a Slideshow in Photos on Mac](#Part 1)

02 [How to Create a Slideshow in Video on Mac](#Part 2)

03 [How to Make a Slideshow on Mac in Preview](#Part 3)

04 [How to Create Slideshows Online](#Part 4)

05 [FAQs About Slideshows on Mac](#Part 5)

Part 1 How to Create a Slideshow in Photos on Mac

Creating a slideshow is an intuitive exploration of your graphic design skills, either just for a fun-filled entertainment, or catering to some specific information delivery on the professional front. When aiming to create Mac photos slideshow presentations, you can affordably pick any of your preferred devices and a suitable slideshow creator tool.

Speaking in the light of the fact, it is an equally amazing experience to design exemplary movies and presentations for a slide show MacBook, thanks to the high end technical abilities of such devices that work together to facilitate a remarkable and classic slideshow output. Having said that, let us proceed with discussing about the process of creating slideshow Mac presentations in the ‘Photos’ app of a Mac supported device in the following section:

User’s Guide to Create a Slideshow in the Photos App of a Mac Device

Step 1: Launch the App

Open the apps gallery of your Mac device and navigate to the ‘Photos’ app. Launch the same to be greeted by the latter’s welcome screen. Next, head to the sidebar in the left and hit the ‘Library’ option under the ‘Photos’ tab.

Creating a Mac Slideshow in the ‘Photos’ Application- Launching the Program

Step 2: Select Your Images

Within the ‘Library’ tab, hit the ‘Days’ or ‘All Photos’ subcategory to choose the desired images and videos that you wish to include in your presentation to create slideshow on Mac.

Creating a Mac Slideshow in the ‘Photos’ Application- Image Selection

Step 3: View the Presentation

The ‘Photos’ app has a feature to automatically transform your selections in the previous step into an impressive slideshow. You can take a look at the created Mac photo slideshow by navigating to the ‘Menu Bar’ at the top of the app screen and hitting the ‘File’ tab, followed by selecting the ‘Play Slideshow’ option from the dropdown menu that appears next.

Creating a Mac Slideshow in the ‘Photos’ Application- Presentation Preview

Step 4: Customize Your Slideshow

Completion of Step 3 causes a customization window to pop up, where you can select a vibrant theme and background music for your presentation. Once you have made your choices, you can visualize their appearance in the ‘Preview’ window at the right side of the screen.

About the selection of background music, you can either choose an audio track from the in-built music app of your iPad, or go with the inline complementary music of the presentation theme that you have already selected.

Creating a Mac Slideshow in the ‘Photos’ Application- Customizing the

Step 5: It’s Time to Play!

When everything seems fine and you are satisfied with your efforts, head to the ‘File’ tab again and select the ‘Play Slideshow’ from the list of options that drops down to start your MacBook Photos slideshow. Once the slideshow begins to run, you can use the ‘Arrow Keys’ on your device to navigate forward and backward within the presentation, or press the ‘Spacebar’ to pause/resume the slideshow. If you want to stop playing the slideshow, press either of the ‘Escape’ or ‘X’ keys on your system’s keyboard.

Creating a Mac Slideshow in the ‘Photos’ Application- Playing the Slideshow

Part 2 How to Create a Slideshow in Video on Mac

While image centered slideshows add life to still photos, video editions of the same are highly effective in integrating motion with visual excellence. Creating a slideshow on Mac is easy enough. However, if you wish to design elusive video presentations on the device, it is no difficult either. Having understood the credibility and design process of still presentations, let us move ahead with getting an insight into crafting classic masterpieces of video slideshows on a Mac device in what follows next:

User’s Guide to Create a Video Slideshow in a Mac Device

Step 1: Download and Install a Suitable Video Editor Application

Browsing the IT market, you can easily pick your preferred Mac compatible video editing software to address the concern of how to make a slideshow on Mac. As of now, let us try hands at understanding the creation process through the Movavi Slideshow Maker application.

Start with navigating to and downloading the Movavi Slideshow Maker software from the latter’s official website. Having done that, proceed to install the program in your Mac device by following the on screen instructions to run the installation files.

Step 2: Select a Working Mode

After a successful installation of the program, proceed to launch it in your Mac device and wait for the app’s welcome screen to appear. Choosing the Movavi Slideshow Maker program for creating Mac slideshow presentations, you are allowed to work in 2 different creation modes.

If you wish to explicitly convert still images into stunning slideshows, select the ‘Slideshow Wizard’ mode. On the contrary, if you have a task of designing a high end, professional presentation with a series of elements, prefer choosing the ‘Create a Movie in Manual Mode’ option.

Having talked enough about how to create slideshow presentations with images on a Mac device in the previous section, let us now dive into making a classic video presentation on the same, in what follows next. As already stated; select ‘Create a Movie in Manual Mode’ from the software’s main interface to begin with the creation process.

Creating a Video Slideshow on Mac in Movavi- Working Mode Selection

Step 3: Import Media Files

Browse through the local media gallery on your Mac device to select the required image and video files that you wish to create the slideshow presentation from. To do this, navigate to the ‘Elements Panel’ at the left and hit the ‘Import’ tab, followed by clicking on the ‘Add Files’ option in the software’s editor timeline and navigate through your locally saved media files.

When you have selected everything, your choices will automatically appear in the app’s editing workspace. You can alternatively, prefer dragging and dropping the associated files directly to the software timeline.

Creating a Video Slideshow on Mac in Movavi- Media Import Interface

Step 4: Include Transitions

Adding a suitable transition effect gives the perfect flow to your presentation, while eliminating distortions in between successive slides. To supplement your slideshow with the same, navigate to the ‘Elements Panel’ at the left of the editor timeline and hit the ‘Transitions’ tab. You can choose any preferred transition style from the variety of available options in line with the theme of your presentation.

When you have made your choice, drag the same in between the desired pair of consecutive slides within the editor workspace. If you require supplementing all the presentation slides with a particular transition effect, click on the icon beside the ‘Transitions’ tab to automatically add a selected transition effect to all the slides together.

Creating a Video Slideshow on Mac in Movavi- Including Transitions

Step 5: Add an Upbeat Background Music

To add a preferred background audio, head to the ‘Import’ tab in the left side ‘Elements Panel’ and click on the same to see the ‘Add Files’ option. Here, you can traverse through your device’s media gallery and select a desired soundtrack. Click on the track’s thumbnail to automatically include it within the ‘Audio Track’ of the software timeline.

Creating a Video Slideshow on Mac in Movavi- Adding a Background Music

Step 6: Include Titles and Captions

To add text customizations within your presentations, head to the ‘Elements Panel’ at the left and hit the ‘Titles’ tab to open the program’s preset title options. You can select any suitable annotation for your slideshow, followed by dragging and dropping the same to the editor workspace to include it in the presentation.

Creating a Video Slideshow on Mac in Movavi- Adding Titles and Captions

You can customize the added title by double clicking on the same, either in the ‘Preview’ window above the editor timeline, or within the timeline itself. Next, double click within the text box in the ‘Preview’ window to type the desired text for including it into the slideshow.

To adjust text parameters like, size, font, color of the added title, double click on the same within the program’s timeline to open the title customization interface in the ‘Preview’ window, where you get the liberty to make desired modifications in the preset parameter values. When you have made the required changes, hit ‘Apply’ to confirm them.

Creating a Video Slideshow on Mac in Movavi- Applying the Selected

Step 7: Export Your Slideshow

When you are satisfied with your efforts till here, proceed to save the presentation by navigating to and hitting the ‘Export’ tab at the right side of the editor workspace. This will direct you to the slideshow export interface, where you can choose from a variety of file saving options according to your specific needs.

Creating a Video Slideshow on Mac in Movavi- Slideshow Export Interface

Click on ‘Save Video File’ to add the presentation to your device’s local media gallery, or hit the ‘Save for Devices’ option to preserve your creation for an external device export. For a direct export of the slideshow to your ‘YouTube’ channel, click on ‘Upload to YouTube’, or choose to save the presentation in any of the MP4, OGV and WebM media file formats for an online sharing purpose. Once you are done with making all the selections and adjustments, head to and tap the ‘Start’ button.

Creating a Video Slideshow on Mac in Movavi- Selecting the Export Format

Part 3 How to Make a Slideshow on Mac in Preview

When the question is how to create a slideshow on Mac devices, the answer can have a diverse range of aspects. You can work with the ‘Photos’ app, create a video slideshow, and much more. Exploring the domain, let us proceed with learning to create a Mac slideshow in the Preview feature of the device in the following section:

User’s Guide to Create a Slideshow in the Preview App of a Mac Device

Step 1: Launch the Application

In the launchpad of your Mac device, head to and tap the ‘Preview’ app icon frame to open the same.

Step 2: Choose Your Photos

Browse through the local media gallery of your device and select the desired images that you wish to include within the presentation. Click the ‘Open’ button, once you have made your choices.

Step 3: Play the Presentation

Navigate to the ‘Functions Toolbar’ at the top of the app’s main interface and hit the ‘View’ tab, followed by clicking on the ‘Slideshow’ option from the dropdown list that appears next.

Step 4: That’s It!

You can now watch and control the automatically created slideshow through the respective buttons that appear on the screen.

Creating a Slideshow on Mac in Preview

Part 4 How to Create Slideshows Online

As is evident by now that MacBook slideshow presentations have a diversity of creation processes and platforms, you can conveniently pick the one that suits your specific design concerns and portability requirements. After discussing about the ways to make Mac compatible slideshow presentations on external software platforms, as well as on the device itself, let us now have an insight into the process of creating slideshows on online utilities in the following section:

User’s Guide to Create Online Slideshow Presentations

Step 1: Launch a Preferred Online Tool

In any of your favorite web browsers, navigate to and launch any desired online slideshow creator tool from its official website. As of now, let us proceed with using the Kapwing video slideshow maker.

Step 2: Upload Media Files

Browse through the media gallery of your device to select and upload the desired set of images, GIFs and videos to the Kapwing video slideshow maker online tool. You can also ‘Drag and Drop’ the media directly to the tool’s editor workspace.

Creating an Online Slideshow on Mac in Kapwing- Media Upload Interface

In addition to choosing media files from your device, you can directly import the same from online sources, like, YouTube, Twitter, etc., by copying the media link and pasting it within the tool’s media URL box. The Kapwing slideshow maker allows you to work with a series of media file formats, such as, MOV, JPG, GIF, MP4, PNG, among others.

Step 3: Sort and Edit Your Presentation

Once all the media files are imported to the workspace, you can use the ‘Slideshow Preview’ to sort the Images and videos within the presentation in a desired sequence of appearance. As far as editing the slideshow is concerned, you can set the orientation of the slides to landscape, square or a 9:16 aspect ratio.

There are options to crop the images and videos to include specific sections, while simultaneously adjusting their screen time. You can further, complement the presentation with a cohesive soundtrack in the background and include different graphic elements, like, stickers, titles and text annotations to craft the perfect slideshow.

Creating an Online Slideshow on Mac in Kapwing- Customizing the

Step 4: Time to Share!

When you are happy with your work, proceed to the top right corner of the editor workspace and click on the ‘Export’ tab. The Kapwing video maker will now transform your media into an MP4 slideshow presentation, which you are free to either save locally in your device, or share with your social media peers.

Part 5 FAQs About Slideshows on Mac

How to delete a slideshow?

To delete a saved slideshow for MacBook, navigate to the latter’s destination folder in your device and browse for the particular presentation you wish to remove. Once found, right click on the same, followed by selecting the ‘Delete’ option from the dropdown menu that appears next. A ‘Delete Slideshow’ conformation box pops up, where you need to click on the ‘Yes’ button to move the presentation to your device’s ‘Trash Can’.

How to include animations within a slideshow presentation?

If you are working on the concern of how to create a slideshow on Mac in the Photo apps of a Mac device, there is no provision for including animations within the slideshow. If at all you choose to add live images and animation files, they will appear as still images when you run the presentation.

How to export a slideshow in the video format?

For exporting a created slideshow in the video format, all you need to do is, open the slideshow and navigate to the ‘Export’ button at the top right corner. As you hit the tab, the slideshow export interface pops up, where you can select the desired video format and destination of your slideshow. When you have made your choice, click ‘Save’ at the bottom right corner.

How to create slideshows for Facebook?

To create a slideshow on Facebook, launch the app to login to your Facebook account in your device and head to the ‘Status Update’ tab. From the list of options that follows next, choose ‘Photo/Video’, succeeded by ‘Create a Slideshow’. You can now add the desired media files and adjust the different slideshow parameters to create a presentation.

How to upload slideshow presentations on Instagram?

To create and upload a slideshow on Instagram, launch the app in your device and click on the ‘+’ icon in the latter’s welcome screen. You now need to hit the ‘Select Multiple’ button and choose the desired images and videos up to a maximum of 10 files from your device to add to the presentation. You can sort the order and add filter customizations before posting your creation. When you are done, click ‘Upload’ and follow the upcoming instructions.

Creating Slideshow Presentations on a Mac Device With Wondershare Filmora Video Editor

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

The credibility of the Filmora video editor package does not need an introduction in the graphic design world. When the talk is about how to do a slideshow on Mac, the franchise presents its exclusive, Mac compatible slideshow creator program for designing professional quality slideshow movies. The software is handy enough to be easily worked upon by amateurs, casual creators and experienced professionals.

When it comes to the editing flexibility, the program’s inbuilt library is there to deliver a hoard of upgraded and high tech audio-visual and design effects, filters, elements at your disposal. Whether create a presentation from scratch or customize a premade slideshow template, Filmora lets you do everything to generate a slideshow output that is no less than a visual masterpiece. Talking of the output quality, you can safely leave everything to this high resolution program.

Ending Thoughts

Mac devices have a diversity of utilities and in-built apps to automatically create beautiful and stunning slideshow presentations within just a few clicks.

When addressing the concern of how to make slides on MacBook, you can choose from working with a range of media files to design and customize a classic piece o0f graphic artwork.

If the talk is about choosing the most reliable Mac slideshow creator alternative, you can pick the Wondershare Filmora slideshow maker application without a second thought.

Try It Free Try It Free

Instant slideshows on Mac devices are elusive graphic elements to creatively convey your information to the target audience. Stay here to have a complete knowhow of the design process!

In this article

01 [How to Create a Slideshow in Photos on Mac](#Part 1)

02 [How to Create a Slideshow in Video on Mac](#Part 2)

03 [How to Make a Slideshow on Mac in Preview](#Part 3)

04 [How to Create Slideshows Online](#Part 4)

05 [FAQs About Slideshows on Mac](#Part 5)

Part 1 How to Create a Slideshow in Photos on Mac

Creating a slideshow is an intuitive exploration of your graphic design skills, either just for a fun-filled entertainment, or catering to some specific information delivery on the professional front. When aiming to create Mac photos slideshow presentations, you can affordably pick any of your preferred devices and a suitable slideshow creator tool.

Speaking in the light of the fact, it is an equally amazing experience to design exemplary movies and presentations for a slide show MacBook, thanks to the high end technical abilities of such devices that work together to facilitate a remarkable and classic slideshow output. Having said that, let us proceed with discussing about the process of creating slideshow Mac presentations in the ‘Photos’ app of a Mac supported device in the following section:

User’s Guide to Create a Slideshow in the Photos App of a Mac Device

Step 1: Launch the App

Open the apps gallery of your Mac device and navigate to the ‘Photos’ app. Launch the same to be greeted by the latter’s welcome screen. Next, head to the sidebar in the left and hit the ‘Library’ option under the ‘Photos’ tab.

Creating a Mac Slideshow in the ‘Photos’ Application- Launching the Program

Step 2: Select Your Images

Within the ‘Library’ tab, hit the ‘Days’ or ‘All Photos’ subcategory to choose the desired images and videos that you wish to include in your presentation to create slideshow on Mac.

Creating a Mac Slideshow in the ‘Photos’ Application- Image Selection

Step 3: View the Presentation

The ‘Photos’ app has a feature to automatically transform your selections in the previous step into an impressive slideshow. You can take a look at the created Mac photo slideshow by navigating to the ‘Menu Bar’ at the top of the app screen and hitting the ‘File’ tab, followed by selecting the ‘Play Slideshow’ option from the dropdown menu that appears next.

Creating a Mac Slideshow in the ‘Photos’ Application- Presentation Preview

Step 4: Customize Your Slideshow

Completion of Step 3 causes a customization window to pop up, where you can select a vibrant theme and background music for your presentation. Once you have made your choices, you can visualize their appearance in the ‘Preview’ window at the right side of the screen.

About the selection of background music, you can either choose an audio track from the in-built music app of your iPad, or go with the inline complementary music of the presentation theme that you have already selected.

Creating a Mac Slideshow in the ‘Photos’ Application- Customizing the

Step 5: It’s Time to Play!

When everything seems fine and you are satisfied with your efforts, head to the ‘File’ tab again and select the ‘Play Slideshow’ from the list of options that drops down to start your MacBook Photos slideshow. Once the slideshow begins to run, you can use the ‘Arrow Keys’ on your device to navigate forward and backward within the presentation, or press the ‘Spacebar’ to pause/resume the slideshow. If you want to stop playing the slideshow, press either of the ‘Escape’ or ‘X’ keys on your system’s keyboard.

Creating a Mac Slideshow in the ‘Photos’ Application- Playing the Slideshow

Part 2 How to Create a Slideshow in Video on Mac

While image centered slideshows add life to still photos, video editions of the same are highly effective in integrating motion with visual excellence. Creating a slideshow on Mac is easy enough. However, if you wish to design elusive video presentations on the device, it is no difficult either. Having understood the credibility and design process of still presentations, let us move ahead with getting an insight into crafting classic masterpieces of video slideshows on a Mac device in what follows next:

User’s Guide to Create a Video Slideshow in a Mac Device

Step 1: Download and Install a Suitable Video Editor Application

Browsing the IT market, you can easily pick your preferred Mac compatible video editing software to address the concern of how to make a slideshow on Mac. As of now, let us try hands at understanding the creation process through the Movavi Slideshow Maker application.

Start with navigating to and downloading the Movavi Slideshow Maker software from the latter’s official website. Having done that, proceed to install the program in your Mac device by following the on screen instructions to run the installation files.

Step 2: Select a Working Mode

After a successful installation of the program, proceed to launch it in your Mac device and wait for the app’s welcome screen to appear. Choosing the Movavi Slideshow Maker program for creating Mac slideshow presentations, you are allowed to work in 2 different creation modes.

If you wish to explicitly convert still images into stunning slideshows, select the ‘Slideshow Wizard’ mode. On the contrary, if you have a task of designing a high end, professional presentation with a series of elements, prefer choosing the ‘Create a Movie in Manual Mode’ option.

Having talked enough about how to create slideshow presentations with images on a Mac device in the previous section, let us now dive into making a classic video presentation on the same, in what follows next. As already stated; select ‘Create a Movie in Manual Mode’ from the software’s main interface to begin with the creation process.

Creating a Video Slideshow on Mac in Movavi- Working Mode Selection

Step 3: Import Media Files

Browse through the local media gallery on your Mac device to select the required image and video files that you wish to create the slideshow presentation from. To do this, navigate to the ‘Elements Panel’ at the left and hit the ‘Import’ tab, followed by clicking on the ‘Add Files’ option in the software’s editor timeline and navigate through your locally saved media files.

When you have selected everything, your choices will automatically appear in the app’s editing workspace. You can alternatively, prefer dragging and dropping the associated files directly to the software timeline.

Creating a Video Slideshow on Mac in Movavi- Media Import Interface

Step 4: Include Transitions

Adding a suitable transition effect gives the perfect flow to your presentation, while eliminating distortions in between successive slides. To supplement your slideshow with the same, navigate to the ‘Elements Panel’ at the left of the editor timeline and hit the ‘Transitions’ tab. You can choose any preferred transition style from the variety of available options in line with the theme of your presentation.

When you have made your choice, drag the same in between the desired pair of consecutive slides within the editor workspace. If you require supplementing all the presentation slides with a particular transition effect, click on the icon beside the ‘Transitions’ tab to automatically add a selected transition effect to all the slides together.

Creating a Video Slideshow on Mac in Movavi- Including Transitions

Step 5: Add an Upbeat Background Music

To add a preferred background audio, head to the ‘Import’ tab in the left side ‘Elements Panel’ and click on the same to see the ‘Add Files’ option. Here, you can traverse through your device’s media gallery and select a desired soundtrack. Click on the track’s thumbnail to automatically include it within the ‘Audio Track’ of the software timeline.

Creating a Video Slideshow on Mac in Movavi- Adding a Background Music

Step 6: Include Titles and Captions

To add text customizations within your presentations, head to the ‘Elements Panel’ at the left and hit the ‘Titles’ tab to open the program’s preset title options. You can select any suitable annotation for your slideshow, followed by dragging and dropping the same to the editor workspace to include it in the presentation.

Creating a Video Slideshow on Mac in Movavi- Adding Titles and Captions

You can customize the added title by double clicking on the same, either in the ‘Preview’ window above the editor timeline, or within the timeline itself. Next, double click within the text box in the ‘Preview’ window to type the desired text for including it into the slideshow.

To adjust text parameters like, size, font, color of the added title, double click on the same within the program’s timeline to open the title customization interface in the ‘Preview’ window, where you get the liberty to make desired modifications in the preset parameter values. When you have made the required changes, hit ‘Apply’ to confirm them.

Creating a Video Slideshow on Mac in Movavi- Applying the Selected

Step 7: Export Your Slideshow

When you are satisfied with your efforts till here, proceed to save the presentation by navigating to and hitting the ‘Export’ tab at the right side of the editor workspace. This will direct you to the slideshow export interface, where you can choose from a variety of file saving options according to your specific needs.

Creating a Video Slideshow on Mac in Movavi- Slideshow Export Interface

Click on ‘Save Video File’ to add the presentation to your device’s local media gallery, or hit the ‘Save for Devices’ option to preserve your creation for an external device export. For a direct export of the slideshow to your ‘YouTube’ channel, click on ‘Upload to YouTube’, or choose to save the presentation in any of the MP4, OGV and WebM media file formats for an online sharing purpose. Once you are done with making all the selections and adjustments, head to and tap the ‘Start’ button.

Creating a Video Slideshow on Mac in Movavi- Selecting the Export Format

Part 3 How to Make a Slideshow on Mac in Preview

When the question is how to create a slideshow on Mac devices, the answer can have a diverse range of aspects. You can work with the ‘Photos’ app, create a video slideshow, and much more. Exploring the domain, let us proceed with learning to create a Mac slideshow in the Preview feature of the device in the following section:

User’s Guide to Create a Slideshow in the Preview App of a Mac Device

Step 1: Launch the Application

In the launchpad of your Mac device, head to and tap the ‘Preview’ app icon frame to open the same.

Step 2: Choose Your Photos

Browse through the local media gallery of your device and select the desired images that you wish to include within the presentation. Click the ‘Open’ button, once you have made your choices.

Step 3: Play the Presentation

Navigate to the ‘Functions Toolbar’ at the top of the app’s main interface and hit the ‘View’ tab, followed by clicking on the ‘Slideshow’ option from the dropdown list that appears next.

Step 4: That’s It!

You can now watch and control the automatically created slideshow through the respective buttons that appear on the screen.

Creating a Slideshow on Mac in Preview

Part 4 How to Create Slideshows Online

As is evident by now that MacBook slideshow presentations have a diversity of creation processes and platforms, you can conveniently pick the one that suits your specific design concerns and portability requirements. After discussing about the ways to make Mac compatible slideshow presentations on external software platforms, as well as on the device itself, let us now have an insight into the process of creating slideshows on online utilities in the following section:

User’s Guide to Create Online Slideshow Presentations

Step 1: Launch a Preferred Online Tool

In any of your favorite web browsers, navigate to and launch any desired online slideshow creator tool from its official website. As of now, let us proceed with using the Kapwing video slideshow maker.

Step 2: Upload Media Files

Browse through the media gallery of your device to select and upload the desired set of images, GIFs and videos to the Kapwing video slideshow maker online tool. You can also ‘Drag and Drop’ the media directly to the tool’s editor workspace.

Creating an Online Slideshow on Mac in Kapwing- Media Upload Interface

In addition to choosing media files from your device, you can directly import the same from online sources, like, YouTube, Twitter, etc., by copying the media link and pasting it within the tool’s media URL box. The Kapwing slideshow maker allows you to work with a series of media file formats, such as, MOV, JPG, GIF, MP4, PNG, among others.

Step 3: Sort and Edit Your Presentation

Once all the media files are imported to the workspace, you can use the ‘Slideshow Preview’ to sort the Images and videos within the presentation in a desired sequence of appearance. As far as editing the slideshow is concerned, you can set the orientation of the slides to landscape, square or a 9:16 aspect ratio.

There are options to crop the images and videos to include specific sections, while simultaneously adjusting their screen time. You can further, complement the presentation with a cohesive soundtrack in the background and include different graphic elements, like, stickers, titles and text annotations to craft the perfect slideshow.

Creating an Online Slideshow on Mac in Kapwing- Customizing the

Step 4: Time to Share!

When you are happy with your work, proceed to the top right corner of the editor workspace and click on the ‘Export’ tab. The Kapwing video maker will now transform your media into an MP4 slideshow presentation, which you are free to either save locally in your device, or share with your social media peers.

Part 5 FAQs About Slideshows on Mac

How to delete a slideshow?

To delete a saved slideshow for MacBook, navigate to the latter’s destination folder in your device and browse for the particular presentation you wish to remove. Once found, right click on the same, followed by selecting the ‘Delete’ option from the dropdown menu that appears next. A ‘Delete Slideshow’ conformation box pops up, where you need to click on the ‘Yes’ button to move the presentation to your device’s ‘Trash Can’.

How to include animations within a slideshow presentation?

If you are working on the concern of how to create a slideshow on Mac in the Photo apps of a Mac device, there is no provision for including animations within the slideshow. If at all you choose to add live images and animation files, they will appear as still images when you run the presentation.

How to export a slideshow in the video format?

For exporting a created slideshow in the video format, all you need to do is, open the slideshow and navigate to the ‘Export’ button at the top right corner. As you hit the tab, the slideshow export interface pops up, where you can select the desired video format and destination of your slideshow. When you have made your choice, click ‘Save’ at the bottom right corner.

How to create slideshows for Facebook?

To create a slideshow on Facebook, launch the app to login to your Facebook account in your device and head to the ‘Status Update’ tab. From the list of options that follows next, choose ‘Photo/Video’, succeeded by ‘Create a Slideshow’. You can now add the desired media files and adjust the different slideshow parameters to create a presentation.

How to upload slideshow presentations on Instagram?

To create and upload a slideshow on Instagram, launch the app in your device and click on the ‘+’ icon in the latter’s welcome screen. You now need to hit the ‘Select Multiple’ button and choose the desired images and videos up to a maximum of 10 files from your device to add to the presentation. You can sort the order and add filter customizations before posting your creation. When you are done, click ‘Upload’ and follow the upcoming instructions.

Creating Slideshow Presentations on a Mac Device With Wondershare Filmora Video Editor

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

The credibility of the Filmora video editor package does not need an introduction in the graphic design world. When the talk is about how to do a slideshow on Mac, the franchise presents its exclusive, Mac compatible slideshow creator program for designing professional quality slideshow movies. The software is handy enough to be easily worked upon by amateurs, casual creators and experienced professionals.

When it comes to the editing flexibility, the program’s inbuilt library is there to deliver a hoard of upgraded and high tech audio-visual and design effects, filters, elements at your disposal. Whether create a presentation from scratch or customize a premade slideshow template, Filmora lets you do everything to generate a slideshow output that is no less than a visual masterpiece. Talking of the output quality, you can safely leave everything to this high resolution program.

Ending Thoughts

Mac devices have a diversity of utilities and in-built apps to automatically create beautiful and stunning slideshow presentations within just a few clicks.

When addressing the concern of how to make slides on MacBook, you can choose from working with a range of media files to design and customize a classic piece o0f graphic artwork.

If the talk is about choosing the most reliable Mac slideshow creator alternative, you can pick the Wondershare Filmora slideshow maker application without a second thought.

Try It Free Try It Free

Instant slideshows on Mac devices are elusive graphic elements to creatively convey your information to the target audience. Stay here to have a complete knowhow of the design process!

In this article

01 [How to Create a Slideshow in Photos on Mac](#Part 1)

02 [How to Create a Slideshow in Video on Mac](#Part 2)

03 [How to Make a Slideshow on Mac in Preview](#Part 3)

04 [How to Create Slideshows Online](#Part 4)

05 [FAQs About Slideshows on Mac](#Part 5)

Part 1 How to Create a Slideshow in Photos on Mac

Creating a slideshow is an intuitive exploration of your graphic design skills, either just for a fun-filled entertainment, or catering to some specific information delivery on the professional front. When aiming to create Mac photos slideshow presentations, you can affordably pick any of your preferred devices and a suitable slideshow creator tool.

Speaking in the light of the fact, it is an equally amazing experience to design exemplary movies and presentations for a slide show MacBook, thanks to the high end technical abilities of such devices that work together to facilitate a remarkable and classic slideshow output. Having said that, let us proceed with discussing about the process of creating slideshow Mac presentations in the ‘Photos’ app of a Mac supported device in the following section:

User’s Guide to Create a Slideshow in the Photos App of a Mac Device

Step 1: Launch the App

Open the apps gallery of your Mac device and navigate to the ‘Photos’ app. Launch the same to be greeted by the latter’s welcome screen. Next, head to the sidebar in the left and hit the ‘Library’ option under the ‘Photos’ tab.

Creating a Mac Slideshow in the ‘Photos’ Application- Launching the Program

Step 2: Select Your Images

Within the ‘Library’ tab, hit the ‘Days’ or ‘All Photos’ subcategory to choose the desired images and videos that you wish to include in your presentation to create slideshow on Mac.

Creating a Mac Slideshow in the ‘Photos’ Application- Image Selection

Step 3: View the Presentation

The ‘Photos’ app has a feature to automatically transform your selections in the previous step into an impressive slideshow. You can take a look at the created Mac photo slideshow by navigating to the ‘Menu Bar’ at the top of the app screen and hitting the ‘File’ tab, followed by selecting the ‘Play Slideshow’ option from the dropdown menu that appears next.

Creating a Mac Slideshow in the ‘Photos’ Application- Presentation Preview

Step 4: Customize Your Slideshow

Completion of Step 3 causes a customization window to pop up, where you can select a vibrant theme and background music for your presentation. Once you have made your choices, you can visualize their appearance in the ‘Preview’ window at the right side of the screen.

About the selection of background music, you can either choose an audio track from the in-built music app of your iPad, or go with the inline complementary music of the presentation theme that you have already selected.

Creating a Mac Slideshow in the ‘Photos’ Application- Customizing the

Step 5: It’s Time to Play!

When everything seems fine and you are satisfied with your efforts, head to the ‘File’ tab again and select the ‘Play Slideshow’ from the list of options that drops down to start your MacBook Photos slideshow. Once the slideshow begins to run, you can use the ‘Arrow Keys’ on your device to navigate forward and backward within the presentation, or press the ‘Spacebar’ to pause/resume the slideshow. If you want to stop playing the slideshow, press either of the ‘Escape’ or ‘X’ keys on your system’s keyboard.

Creating a Mac Slideshow in the ‘Photos’ Application- Playing the Slideshow

Part 2 How to Create a Slideshow in Video on Mac

While image centered slideshows add life to still photos, video editions of the same are highly effective in integrating motion with visual excellence. Creating a slideshow on Mac is easy enough. However, if you wish to design elusive video presentations on the device, it is no difficult either. Having understood the credibility and design process of still presentations, let us move ahead with getting an insight into crafting classic masterpieces of video slideshows on a Mac device in what follows next:

User’s Guide to Create a Video Slideshow in a Mac Device

Step 1: Download and Install a Suitable Video Editor Application

Browsing the IT market, you can easily pick your preferred Mac compatible video editing software to address the concern of how to make a slideshow on Mac. As of now, let us try hands at understanding the creation process through the Movavi Slideshow Maker application.

Start with navigating to and downloading the Movavi Slideshow Maker software from the latter’s official website. Having done that, proceed to install the program in your Mac device by following the on screen instructions to run the installation files.

Step 2: Select a Working Mode

After a successful installation of the program, proceed to launch it in your Mac device and wait for the app’s welcome screen to appear. Choosing the Movavi Slideshow Maker program for creating Mac slideshow presentations, you are allowed to work in 2 different creation modes.

If you wish to explicitly convert still images into stunning slideshows, select the ‘Slideshow Wizard’ mode. On the contrary, if you have a task of designing a high end, professional presentation with a series of elements, prefer choosing the ‘Create a Movie in Manual Mode’ option.

Having talked enough about how to create slideshow presentations with images on a Mac device in the previous section, let us now dive into making a classic video presentation on the same, in what follows next. As already stated; select ‘Create a Movie in Manual Mode’ from the software’s main interface to begin with the creation process.

Creating a Video Slideshow on Mac in Movavi- Working Mode Selection

Step 3: Import Media Files

Browse through the local media gallery on your Mac device to select the required image and video files that you wish to create the slideshow presentation from. To do this, navigate to the ‘Elements Panel’ at the left and hit the ‘Import’ tab, followed by clicking on the ‘Add Files’ option in the software’s editor timeline and navigate through your locally saved media files.

When you have selected everything, your choices will automatically appear in the app’s editing workspace. You can alternatively, prefer dragging and dropping the associated files directly to the software timeline.

Creating a Video Slideshow on Mac in Movavi- Media Import Interface

Step 4: Include Transitions

Adding a suitable transition effect gives the perfect flow to your presentation, while eliminating distortions in between successive slides. To supplement your slideshow with the same, navigate to the ‘Elements Panel’ at the left of the editor timeline and hit the ‘Transitions’ tab. You can choose any preferred transition style from the variety of available options in line with the theme of your presentation.

When you have made your choice, drag the same in between the desired pair of consecutive slides within the editor workspace. If you require supplementing all the presentation slides with a particular transition effect, click on the icon beside the ‘Transitions’ tab to automatically add a selected transition effect to all the slides together.

Creating a Video Slideshow on Mac in Movavi- Including Transitions

Step 5: Add an Upbeat Background Music

To add a preferred background audio, head to the ‘Import’ tab in the left side ‘Elements Panel’ and click on the same to see the ‘Add Files’ option. Here, you can traverse through your device’s media gallery and select a desired soundtrack. Click on the track’s thumbnail to automatically include it within the ‘Audio Track’ of the software timeline.

Creating a Video Slideshow on Mac in Movavi- Adding a Background Music

Step 6: Include Titles and Captions

To add text customizations within your presentations, head to the ‘Elements Panel’ at the left and hit the ‘Titles’ tab to open the program’s preset title options. You can select any suitable annotation for your slideshow, followed by dragging and dropping the same to the editor workspace to include it in the presentation.

Creating a Video Slideshow on Mac in Movavi- Adding Titles and Captions

You can customize the added title by double clicking on the same, either in the ‘Preview’ window above the editor timeline, or within the timeline itself. Next, double click within the text box in the ‘Preview’ window to type the desired text for including it into the slideshow.

To adjust text parameters like, size, font, color of the added title, double click on the same within the program’s timeline to open the title customization interface in the ‘Preview’ window, where you get the liberty to make desired modifications in the preset parameter values. When you have made the required changes, hit ‘Apply’ to confirm them.

Creating a Video Slideshow on Mac in Movavi- Applying the Selected

Step 7: Export Your Slideshow

When you are satisfied with your efforts till here, proceed to save the presentation by navigating to and hitting the ‘Export’ tab at the right side of the editor workspace. This will direct you to the slideshow export interface, where you can choose from a variety of file saving options according to your specific needs.

Creating a Video Slideshow on Mac in Movavi- Slideshow Export Interface

Click on ‘Save Video File’ to add the presentation to your device’s local media gallery, or hit the ‘Save for Devices’ option to preserve your creation for an external device export. For a direct export of the slideshow to your ‘YouTube’ channel, click on ‘Upload to YouTube’, or choose to save the presentation in any of the MP4, OGV and WebM media file formats for an online sharing purpose. Once you are done with making all the selections and adjustments, head to and tap the ‘Start’ button.

Creating a Video Slideshow on Mac in Movavi- Selecting the Export Format

Part 3 How to Make a Slideshow on Mac in Preview

When the question is how to create a slideshow on Mac devices, the answer can have a diverse range of aspects. You can work with the ‘Photos’ app, create a video slideshow, and much more. Exploring the domain, let us proceed with learning to create a Mac slideshow in the Preview feature of the device in the following section:

User’s Guide to Create a Slideshow in the Preview App of a Mac Device

Step 1: Launch the Application

In the launchpad of your Mac device, head to and tap the ‘Preview’ app icon frame to open the same.

Step 2: Choose Your Photos

Browse through the local media gallery of your device and select the desired images that you wish to include within the presentation. Click the ‘Open’ button, once you have made your choices.

Step 3: Play the Presentation

Navigate to the ‘Functions Toolbar’ at the top of the app’s main interface and hit the ‘View’ tab, followed by clicking on the ‘Slideshow’ option from the dropdown list that appears next.

Step 4: That’s It!

You can now watch and control the automatically created slideshow through the respective buttons that appear on the screen.

Creating a Slideshow on Mac in Preview

Part 4 How to Create Slideshows Online

As is evident by now that MacBook slideshow presentations have a diversity of creation processes and platforms, you can conveniently pick the one that suits your specific design concerns and portability requirements. After discussing about the ways to make Mac compatible slideshow presentations on external software platforms, as well as on the device itself, let us now have an insight into the process of creating slideshows on online utilities in the following section:

User’s Guide to Create Online Slideshow Presentations

Step 1: Launch a Preferred Online Tool

In any of your favorite web browsers, navigate to and launch any desired online slideshow creator tool from its official website. As of now, let us proceed with using the Kapwing video slideshow maker.

Step 2: Upload Media Files

Browse through the media gallery of your device to select and upload the desired set of images, GIFs and videos to the Kapwing video slideshow maker online tool. You can also ‘Drag and Drop’ the media directly to the tool’s editor workspace.

Creating an Online Slideshow on Mac in Kapwing- Media Upload Interface

In addition to choosing media files from your device, you can directly import the same from online sources, like, YouTube, Twitter, etc., by copying the media link and pasting it within the tool’s media URL box. The Kapwing slideshow maker allows you to work with a series of media file formats, such as, MOV, JPG, GIF, MP4, PNG, among others.

Step 3: Sort and Edit Your Presentation

Once all the media files are imported to the workspace, you can use the ‘Slideshow Preview’ to sort the Images and videos within the presentation in a desired sequence of appearance. As far as editing the slideshow is concerned, you can set the orientation of the slides to landscape, square or a 9:16 aspect ratio.

There are options to crop the images and videos to include specific sections, while simultaneously adjusting their screen time. You can further, complement the presentation with a cohesive soundtrack in the background and include different graphic elements, like, stickers, titles and text annotations to craft the perfect slideshow.

Creating an Online Slideshow on Mac in Kapwing- Customizing the

Step 4: Time to Share!

When you are happy with your work, proceed to the top right corner of the editor workspace and click on the ‘Export’ tab. The Kapwing video maker will now transform your media into an MP4 slideshow presentation, which you are free to either save locally in your device, or share with your social media peers.

Part 5 FAQs About Slideshows on Mac

How to delete a slideshow?

To delete a saved slideshow for MacBook, navigate to the latter’s destination folder in your device and browse for the particular presentation you wish to remove. Once found, right click on the same, followed by selecting the ‘Delete’ option from the dropdown menu that appears next. A ‘Delete Slideshow’ conformation box pops up, where you need to click on the ‘Yes’ button to move the presentation to your device’s ‘Trash Can’.

How to include animations within a slideshow presentation?

If you are working on the concern of how to create a slideshow on Mac in the Photo apps of a Mac device, there is no provision for including animations within the slideshow. If at all you choose to add live images and animation files, they will appear as still images when you run the presentation.

How to export a slideshow in the video format?

For exporting a created slideshow in the video format, all you need to do is, open the slideshow and navigate to the ‘Export’ button at the top right corner. As you hit the tab, the slideshow export interface pops up, where you can select the desired video format and destination of your slideshow. When you have made your choice, click ‘Save’ at the bottom right corner.

How to create slideshows for Facebook?

To create a slideshow on Facebook, launch the app to login to your Facebook account in your device and head to the ‘Status Update’ tab. From the list of options that follows next, choose ‘Photo/Video’, succeeded by ‘Create a Slideshow’. You can now add the desired media files and adjust the different slideshow parameters to create a presentation.

How to upload slideshow presentations on Instagram?

To create and upload a slideshow on Instagram, launch the app in your device and click on the ‘+’ icon in the latter’s welcome screen. You now need to hit the ‘Select Multiple’ button and choose the desired images and videos up to a maximum of 10 files from your device to add to the presentation. You can sort the order and add filter customizations before posting your creation. When you are done, click ‘Upload’ and follow the upcoming instructions.

Creating Slideshow Presentations on a Mac Device With Wondershare Filmora Video Editor

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

The credibility of the Filmora video editor package does not need an introduction in the graphic design world. When the talk is about how to do a slideshow on Mac, the franchise presents its exclusive, Mac compatible slideshow creator program for designing professional quality slideshow movies. The software is handy enough to be easily worked upon by amateurs, casual creators and experienced professionals.

When it comes to the editing flexibility, the program’s inbuilt library is there to deliver a hoard of upgraded and high tech audio-visual and design effects, filters, elements at your disposal. Whether create a presentation from scratch or customize a premade slideshow template, Filmora lets you do everything to generate a slideshow output that is no less than a visual masterpiece. Talking of the output quality, you can safely leave everything to this high resolution program.

Ending Thoughts

Mac devices have a diversity of utilities and in-built apps to automatically create beautiful and stunning slideshow presentations within just a few clicks.

When addressing the concern of how to make slides on MacBook, you can choose from working with a range of media files to design and customize a classic piece o0f graphic artwork.

If the talk is about choosing the most reliable Mac slideshow creator alternative, you can pick the Wondershare Filmora slideshow maker application without a second thought.

How to Create Discord Logo GIF

How to Make Discord Logo GIF

An easy yet powerful editor

Numerous effects to choose from

Detailed tutorials provided by the official channel

Try It Free Try It Free

The craze to get a personalized Discord animated icon is increasing with time. As it can deliver your favorite vibe to you and your friends, it’s exciting. Moreover, there are so many options in logos to choose from.

But what if you want a Discord GIF icon for your account? Maybe you’ve seen your friends using it and it’s stunning, isn’t it? That’s why this article is containing all the latest and easiest tricks to make the desired GIF icons Discord. Get the three best ways to make your own Discord logo. And let your friends ask you for the secret.

In this article

01 [Why Discord GIF Become Popular Recently?](#Part 1)

02 [How to Make an Animated Discord Logo Icon (Free Template)](#Part 2)

03 [How to Get Animated Discord PFP](#Part 3)

04 [How to Make Your Discord PFP a GIF on Wondershare Filmora](#Part 4)

Think of one online entertainment that Discord is not serving right now. It’s hard to get one in mind. From chatting with friends to watching a movie together, from listening to music to playing together, all the entertainment is under a roof. And who doesn’t want the best appearance on such an engaging platform?

On the other hand, animated icons Discord is immensely popular as they can replicate your expression and mood as you want. Normal profile pictures are back-dated now as these GIFs can make the profile more interesting. You can pick any character or Discord animated icon as per your wish. Moreover, many of these are for free. While using these GIFs on multiple online chatting platforms, users can express their exact thoughts behind a message or reaction. Similarly, by using Discord icons GIFs, people can make their profile more lively and personalized.

Not sure of using GIFs? Imagine your Discord profile with your favorite anime character or a suitable clip. On some social media platforms, we need to be formal out of the profession. But on Discord, you can chill, so your profile. So, why not give it a try?

If you’re here to know the quick guide to set your Discord logo GIF or if you’re facing any error while setting the logo, this article will help you in no time.

Part 2 How to Make an Animated Discord Logo Icon (Free Template)

If you have already decided what will be the type of GIF icon Discord you want, that’s great. Otherwise, decide whether you need something funny or relaxed or it depends on a brand. This decision would help you to pick the template. Similarly, you can make the best Discord GIF icon with the following steps.

Download Win Version Download Mac Version

To make a GIF with your choice, use this tool and click on “Edit this template”. This will let you make a customized GIF from any video from your personal collection or download from the Internet.

edit the template

In the next step, you have to choose the template size from the right-hand side of the window. You can keep to the custom 512x512 size as well.

Now, on the topmost bar in the window, you can find an option named “Upload”. Click on this option to upload the video from where you want to make your Discord icon GIF.

upload video

You can upload the video from the gallery or drag-and-drop to the uploader window. You can also get videos from Google Drive.

Now, as the video gets uploaded, you need to edit within the edit window. You can set the frame, time, and size from the tools highlighted in the image.

edit the video

Now, from the top-right side of the window, get the “Export Video” button. Click on the green arrow beside the button to get a drop-down list. From there click on the “Export as GIF” button to save your Discord icon GIF.

export as gif

You can check the download status from the next window.

see progress

To save the recent GIF, click on “Download”. It will take some seconds to get saved to your system.

download gif

Now, open Discord in your system and right-click on your “Server” icon from the left-hand side of the window. As a drop-down menu appears, select “Server Settings” followed by “Overview”.

open discord

A new window will be opened with the existing profile picture of the server. To add the GIF icon Discord, click on “Upload Image”.

add gif

From the location where you’ve saved the GIF, select it. Then, click on “Apply” to upload the GIF icon to the server profile.

apply gif

When uploading is completed, click on the green button named “Save Changes” to save the GIF icons Discord. Make sure that your GIF file size is less than 10.24 MB. Otherwise, you cannot save the GIF and have to resize it again.

save changes

Part 3 How to Get Animated Discord PFP

To set an exciting avatar in your Discord profile, you need to go through the following quick steps. Firstly, note that you need to have Discord Nitro to set a Discord logo GIF in your user profile. Without Nitro, GIF cannot be used as a PFP. Get all the answers for how to use Discord Nitro or how to get animated Discord PFP here.

Open Discord and from the bottom-left side panel, click on the “Gear” icon that is the “User Settings”. It will present beside your user name on the “Home” window itself.

open user settings

As the new window gets opened, go to “Discord Nitro” under “Payment Settings”.

go to nitro

If you don’t have activated Nitro, then click on “Subscribe” to get a suitable subscription to initiate animated icons Discord for your profile.

subscribe nitro

Then, you’ll be redirected to the subscription options. Choose “Monthly” or “Yearly” subscription and to confirm it, click “Select”. If you choose the yearly plan, you’ll get an additional 16% off.

select nitro plan

As Discord Nitro is activated after payment and agreeing to the terms and conditions, you can see a pop-up window. Click on “Sweet” to get started.

nitro activated

To set your profile avatar with GIF icon Discord, you need some GIFs downloaded to your system. So, make your GIF according to the last technique we mentioned. Or you can search for GIFs on the Internet like Giphy”, “Tenor”, or “Gfycat”. Save the GIFs as images to the system.

Go the the “Gear” icon like the 1st step and open “User Settings”. Then, Go to the second option under user settings, “User Profile”. In this window, you can find a blue button named “Change Avatar”. Click on this button to set the Discord icon GIF.

change avatar li

Now, you need to find the desired GIF from the “File Explorer” opened. Go to the folder where you saved the GIF file. Then, select it and click on “Open”.

select gif

You can edit the frame of your Discord animated icons in the “edit image’ pop-up window. Then, click on “Apply” to set it finally. If you don’t want to edit the size, click on “Skip” to save the GIF as your profile picture on Discord.

edit pf gif

Check your profile picture now and match it with your expectations. Then click on “Save Changes” to save the icon. If you want some changes, click on “Change Avatar” and select any GIF from the saved discord icons GIF from the file explorer.

save pfp

Part 4 How to Make Your Discord PFP a GIF on Wondershare Filmora

Wondershare Filmora Video Editor is the latest software where you can create a GIF easily to set as a discord GIF icon. Instead of using the same, existing GIFs, you can make your own now. It will help you to make a unique impression and be satisfied with your personalized account. Moreover, this software is just 4 KB in storage size. So, instan5 download and installation is not a problem at all.

Wondershare Filmora - Best Video Editor for Mac/Windows

Try It Free Try It Free

5,481,435 people have downloaded it.

Build unique custom animations without breaking a sweat.

Focus on creating epic stories and leave the details to Filmora’s auto features.

Start a creative adventure with drag & drop effects and endless possibilities.

Filmora simplifies advanced features to save you time and effort.

Filmora cuts out repetition so you can move on to your next creative breakthrough.

Let’s go through the steps to understand the procedure to make GIF icons discord on Wondershare Filmora.

Download and Install Wondershare Filmora in your system. It won’t take more than 10 minutes for the complete installation process. This software is available for both Windows and Mac OS.

install filmora

You can observe the installation status on your screen.

install process

As the installation is done, click on “Start Now” to open the software on the computer. A new black window will be opened on the screen.

start filmora

Click on the “Import Media Files Here” section to select an editable video file or a collection of photos to make the GIF.

import file

As you select the desired video or images to make a discord animated icon from, you can find plenty of editing tools in the bottom section of the window. You can “crop”, “edit”, change the “duration” or apply “chroma-key” to the selected file. You can observe the respective changes on the right-hand side of the window.

edit the gif

When you complete the editing process, move to the right-hand section to play the GIF with the triangular-shaped button. It will give you a preview of your edited GIF for discord.

set gif frame

If you want to add text to your GIF to make it more interactive, it’s possible with Wondershare Filmora. Firstly, select the “T” button or “Title” option from the menubar in the window. There’ll be multiple title templates available. Choose any one of them and click on the green “Down arrow” on the template.

select titles

The template will be loaded and then you can click on the small, green “+” button on the selected template to add it to your GIF. Now, click on the GIF frame to edit the text. Then click on “OK”.

add text to gif

Now, save the discord icon GIF with a proper gif extension and then upload it as your profile picture.

save gif

Ending Thoughts

This article includes three different ways to make discord icons GIF easily to make a customized avatar.

There’s no need to stick to the old profile picture in your discord account.

With these quick and easy steps, creating and setting a GIF as a profile icon would be very easy.

Try It Free Try It Free

The craze to get a personalized Discord animated icon is increasing with time. As it can deliver your favorite vibe to you and your friends, it’s exciting. Moreover, there are so many options in logos to choose from.

But what if you want a Discord GIF icon for your account? Maybe you’ve seen your friends using it and it’s stunning, isn’t it? That’s why this article is containing all the latest and easiest tricks to make the desired GIF icons Discord. Get the three best ways to make your own Discord logo. And let your friends ask you for the secret.

In this article

01 [Why Discord GIF Become Popular Recently?](#Part 1)

02 [How to Make an Animated Discord Logo Icon (Free Template)](#Part 2)

03 [How to Get Animated Discord PFP](#Part 3)

04 [How to Make Your Discord PFP a GIF on Wondershare Filmora](#Part 4)

Think of one online entertainment that Discord is not serving right now. It’s hard to get one in mind. From chatting with friends to watching a movie together, from listening to music to playing together, all the entertainment is under a roof. And who doesn’t want the best appearance on such an engaging platform?

On the other hand, animated icons Discord is immensely popular as they can replicate your expression and mood as you want. Normal profile pictures are back-dated now as these GIFs can make the profile more interesting. You can pick any character or Discord animated icon as per your wish. Moreover, many of these are for free. While using these GIFs on multiple online chatting platforms, users can express their exact thoughts behind a message or reaction. Similarly, by using Discord icons GIFs, people can make their profile more lively and personalized.

Not sure of using GIFs? Imagine your Discord profile with your favorite anime character or a suitable clip. On some social media platforms, we need to be formal out of the profession. But on Discord, you can chill, so your profile. So, why not give it a try?

If you’re here to know the quick guide to set your Discord logo GIF or if you’re facing any error while setting the logo, this article will help you in no time.

Part 2 How to Make an Animated Discord Logo Icon (Free Template)

If you have already decided what will be the type of GIF icon Discord you want, that’s great. Otherwise, decide whether you need something funny or relaxed or it depends on a brand. This decision would help you to pick the template. Similarly, you can make the best Discord GIF icon with the following steps.

Download Win Version Download Mac Version

To make a GIF with your choice, use this tool and click on “Edit this template”. This will let you make a customized GIF from any video from your personal collection or download from the Internet.

edit the template

In the next step, you have to choose the template size from the right-hand side of the window. You can keep to the custom 512x512 size as well.

Now, on the topmost bar in the window, you can find an option named “Upload”. Click on this option to upload the video from where you want to make your Discord icon GIF.

upload video

You can upload the video from the gallery or drag-and-drop to the uploader window. You can also get videos from Google Drive.

Now, as the video gets uploaded, you need to edit within the edit window. You can set the frame, time, and size from the tools highlighted in the image.

edit the video

Now, from the top-right side of the window, get the “Export Video” button. Click on the green arrow beside the button to get a drop-down list. From there click on the “Export as GIF” button to save your Discord icon GIF.

export as gif

You can check the download status from the next window.

see progress

To save the recent GIF, click on “Download”. It will take some seconds to get saved to your system.

download gif

Now, open Discord in your system and right-click on your “Server” icon from the left-hand side of the window. As a drop-down menu appears, select “Server Settings” followed by “Overview”.

open discord

A new window will be opened with the existing profile picture of the server. To add the GIF icon Discord, click on “Upload Image”.

add gif

From the location where you’ve saved the GIF, select it. Then, click on “Apply” to upload the GIF icon to the server profile.

apply gif

When uploading is completed, click on the green button named “Save Changes” to save the GIF icons Discord. Make sure that your GIF file size is less than 10.24 MB. Otherwise, you cannot save the GIF and have to resize it again.

save changes

Part 3 How to Get Animated Discord PFP

To set an exciting avatar in your Discord profile, you need to go through the following quick steps. Firstly, note that you need to have Discord Nitro to set a Discord logo GIF in your user profile. Without Nitro, GIF cannot be used as a PFP. Get all the answers for how to use Discord Nitro or how to get animated Discord PFP here.

Open Discord and from the bottom-left side panel, click on the “Gear” icon that is the “User Settings”. It will present beside your user name on the “Home” window itself.

open user settings

As the new window gets opened, go to “Discord Nitro” under “Payment Settings”.

go to nitro

If you don’t have activated Nitro, then click on “Subscribe” to get a suitable subscription to initiate animated icons Discord for your profile.

subscribe nitro

Then, you’ll be redirected to the subscription options. Choose “Monthly” or “Yearly” subscription and to confirm it, click “Select”. If you choose the yearly plan, you’ll get an additional 16% off.

select nitro plan

As Discord Nitro is activated after payment and agreeing to the terms and conditions, you can see a pop-up window. Click on “Sweet” to get started.

nitro activated

To set your profile avatar with GIF icon Discord, you need some GIFs downloaded to your system. So, make your GIF according to the last technique we mentioned. Or you can search for GIFs on the Internet like Giphy”, “Tenor”, or “Gfycat”. Save the GIFs as images to the system.

Go the the “Gear” icon like the 1st step and open “User Settings”. Then, Go to the second option under user settings, “User Profile”. In this window, you can find a blue button named “Change Avatar”. Click on this button to set the Discord icon GIF.

change avatar li

Now, you need to find the desired GIF from the “File Explorer” opened. Go to the folder where you saved the GIF file. Then, select it and click on “Open”.

select gif

You can edit the frame of your Discord animated icons in the “edit image’ pop-up window. Then, click on “Apply” to set it finally. If you don’t want to edit the size, click on “Skip” to save the GIF as your profile picture on Discord.

edit pf gif

Check your profile picture now and match it with your expectations. Then click on “Save Changes” to save the icon. If you want some changes, click on “Change Avatar” and select any GIF from the saved discord icons GIF from the file explorer.

save pfp

Part 4 How to Make Your Discord PFP a GIF on Wondershare Filmora

Wondershare Filmora Video Editor is the latest software where you can create a GIF easily to set as a discord GIF icon. Instead of using the same, existing GIFs, you can make your own now. It will help you to make a unique impression and be satisfied with your personalized account. Moreover, this software is just 4 KB in storage size. So, instan5 download and installation is not a problem at all.

Wondershare Filmora - Best Video Editor for Mac/Windows

Try It Free Try It Free

5,481,435 people have downloaded it.

Build unique custom animations without breaking a sweat.

Focus on creating epic stories and leave the details to Filmora’s auto features.

Start a creative adventure with drag & drop effects and endless possibilities.

Filmora simplifies advanced features to save you time and effort.

Filmora cuts out repetition so you can move on to your next creative breakthrough.

Let’s go through the steps to understand the procedure to make GIF icons discord on Wondershare Filmora.

Download and Install Wondershare Filmora in your system. It won’t take more than 10 minutes for the complete installation process. This software is available for both Windows and Mac OS.

install filmora

You can observe the installation status on your screen.

install process

As the installation is done, click on “Start Now” to open the software on the computer. A new black window will be opened on the screen.

start filmora

Click on the “Import Media Files Here” section to select an editable video file or a collection of photos to make the GIF.

import file

As you select the desired video or images to make a discord animated icon from, you can find plenty of editing tools in the bottom section of the window. You can “crop”, “edit”, change the “duration” or apply “chroma-key” to the selected file. You can observe the respective changes on the right-hand side of the window.

edit the gif

When you complete the editing process, move to the right-hand section to play the GIF with the triangular-shaped button. It will give you a preview of your edited GIF for discord.

set gif frame

If you want to add text to your GIF to make it more interactive, it’s possible with Wondershare Filmora. Firstly, select the “T” button or “Title” option from the menubar in the window. There’ll be multiple title templates available. Choose any one of them and click on the green “Down arrow” on the template.

select titles

The template will be loaded and then you can click on the small, green “+” button on the selected template to add it to your GIF. Now, click on the GIF frame to edit the text. Then click on “OK”.

add text to gif

Now, save the discord icon GIF with a proper gif extension and then upload it as your profile picture.

save gif

Ending Thoughts

This article includes three different ways to make discord icons GIF easily to make a customized avatar.

There’s no need to stick to the old profile picture in your discord account.

With these quick and easy steps, creating and setting a GIF as a profile icon would be very easy.

Try It Free Try It Free

The craze to get a personalized Discord animated icon is increasing with time. As it can deliver your favorite vibe to you and your friends, it’s exciting. Moreover, there are so many options in logos to choose from.

But what if you want a Discord GIF icon for your account? Maybe you’ve seen your friends using it and it’s stunning, isn’t it? That’s why this article is containing all the latest and easiest tricks to make the desired GIF icons Discord. Get the three best ways to make your own Discord logo. And let your friends ask you for the secret.

In this article

01 [Why Discord GIF Become Popular Recently?](#Part 1)

02 [How to Make an Animated Discord Logo Icon (Free Template)](#Part 2)

03 [How to Get Animated Discord PFP](#Part 3)

04 [How to Make Your Discord PFP a GIF on Wondershare Filmora](#Part 4)

Think of one online entertainment that Discord is not serving right now. It’s hard to get one in mind. From chatting with friends to watching a movie together, from listening to music to playing together, all the entertainment is under a roof. And who doesn’t want the best appearance on such an engaging platform?

On the other hand, animated icons Discord is immensely popular as they can replicate your expression and mood as you want. Normal profile pictures are back-dated now as these GIFs can make the profile more interesting. You can pick any character or Discord animated icon as per your wish. Moreover, many of these are for free. While using these GIFs on multiple online chatting platforms, users can express their exact thoughts behind a message or reaction. Similarly, by using Discord icons GIFs, people can make their profile more lively and personalized.

Not sure of using GIFs? Imagine your Discord profile with your favorite anime character or a suitable clip. On some social media platforms, we need to be formal out of the profession. But on Discord, you can chill, so your profile. So, why not give it a try?

If you’re here to know the quick guide to set your Discord logo GIF or if you’re facing any error while setting the logo, this article will help you in no time.

Part 2 How to Make an Animated Discord Logo Icon (Free Template)

If you have already decided what will be the type of GIF icon Discord you want, that’s great. Otherwise, decide whether you need something funny or relaxed or it depends on a brand. This decision would help you to pick the template. Similarly, you can make the best Discord GIF icon with the following steps.

Download Win Version Download Mac Version

To make a GIF with your choice, use this tool and click on “Edit this template”. This will let you make a customized GIF from any video from your personal collection or download from the Internet.

edit the template

In the next step, you have to choose the template size from the right-hand side of the window. You can keep to the custom 512x512 size as well.

Now, on the topmost bar in the window, you can find an option named “Upload”. Click on this option to upload the video from where you want to make your Discord icon GIF.

upload video

You can upload the video from the gallery or drag-and-drop to the uploader window. You can also get videos from Google Drive.

Now, as the video gets uploaded, you need to edit within the edit window. You can set the frame, time, and size from the tools highlighted in the image.

edit the video

Now, from the top-right side of the window, get the “Export Video” button. Click on the green arrow beside the button to get a drop-down list. From there click on the “Export as GIF” button to save your Discord icon GIF.

export as gif

You can check the download status from the next window.

see progress

To save the recent GIF, click on “Download”. It will take some seconds to get saved to your system.

download gif

Now, open Discord in your system and right-click on your “Server” icon from the left-hand side of the window. As a drop-down menu appears, select “Server Settings” followed by “Overview”.

open discord

A new window will be opened with the existing profile picture of the server. To add the GIF icon Discord, click on “Upload Image”.

add gif

From the location where you’ve saved the GIF, select it. Then, click on “Apply” to upload the GIF icon to the server profile.

apply gif

When uploading is completed, click on the green button named “Save Changes” to save the GIF icons Discord. Make sure that your GIF file size is less than 10.24 MB. Otherwise, you cannot save the GIF and have to resize it again.

save changes

Part 3 How to Get Animated Discord PFP

To set an exciting avatar in your Discord profile, you need to go through the following quick steps. Firstly, note that you need to have Discord Nitro to set a Discord logo GIF in your user profile. Without Nitro, GIF cannot be used as a PFP. Get all the answers for how to use Discord Nitro or how to get animated Discord PFP here.

Open Discord and from the bottom-left side panel, click on the “Gear” icon that is the “User Settings”. It will present beside your user name on the “Home” window itself.

open user settings

As the new window gets opened, go to “Discord Nitro” under “Payment Settings”.

go to nitro

If you don’t have activated Nitro, then click on “Subscribe” to get a suitable subscription to initiate animated icons Discord for your profile.

subscribe nitro

Then, you’ll be redirected to the subscription options. Choose “Monthly” or “Yearly” subscription and to confirm it, click “Select”. If you choose the yearly plan, you’ll get an additional 16% off.

select nitro plan

As Discord Nitro is activated after payment and agreeing to the terms and conditions, you can see a pop-up window. Click on “Sweet” to get started.

nitro activated

To set your profile avatar with GIF icon Discord, you need some GIFs downloaded to your system. So, make your GIF according to the last technique we mentioned. Or you can search for GIFs on the Internet like Giphy”, “Tenor”, or “Gfycat”. Save the GIFs as images to the system.

Go the the “Gear” icon like the 1st step and open “User Settings”. Then, Go to the second option under user settings, “User Profile”. In this window, you can find a blue button named “Change Avatar”. Click on this button to set the Discord icon GIF.

change avatar li

Now, you need to find the desired GIF from the “File Explorer” opened. Go to the folder where you saved the GIF file. Then, select it and click on “Open”.

select gif

You can edit the frame of your Discord animated icons in the “edit image’ pop-up window. Then, click on “Apply” to set it finally. If you don’t want to edit the size, click on “Skip” to save the GIF as your profile picture on Discord.

edit pf gif

Check your profile picture now and match it with your expectations. Then click on “Save Changes” to save the icon. If you want some changes, click on “Change Avatar” and select any GIF from the saved discord icons GIF from the file explorer.

save pfp

Part 4 How to Make Your Discord PFP a GIF on Wondershare Filmora

Wondershare Filmora Video Editor is the latest software where you can create a GIF easily to set as a discord GIF icon. Instead of using the same, existing GIFs, you can make your own now. It will help you to make a unique impression and be satisfied with your personalized account. Moreover, this software is just 4 KB in storage size. So, instan5 download and installation is not a problem at all.

Wondershare Filmora - Best Video Editor for Mac/Windows

Try It Free Try It Free

5,481,435 people have downloaded it.

Build unique custom animations without breaking a sweat.

Focus on creating epic stories and leave the details to Filmora’s auto features.

Start a creative adventure with drag & drop effects and endless possibilities.

Filmora simplifies advanced features to save you time and effort.

Filmora cuts out repetition so you can move on to your next creative breakthrough.

Let’s go through the steps to understand the procedure to make GIF icons discord on Wondershare Filmora.

Download and Install Wondershare Filmora in your system. It won’t take more than 10 minutes for the complete installation process. This software is available for both Windows and Mac OS.

install filmora

You can observe the installation status on your screen.

install process

As the installation is done, click on “Start Now” to open the software on the computer. A new black window will be opened on the screen.

start filmora

Click on the “Import Media Files Here” section to select an editable video file or a collection of photos to make the GIF.

import file

As you select the desired video or images to make a discord animated icon from, you can find plenty of editing tools in the bottom section of the window. You can “crop”, “edit”, change the “duration” or apply “chroma-key” to the selected file. You can observe the respective changes on the right-hand side of the window.

edit the gif

When you complete the editing process, move to the right-hand section to play the GIF with the triangular-shaped button. It will give you a preview of your edited GIF for discord.

set gif frame

If you want to add text to your GIF to make it more interactive, it’s possible with Wondershare Filmora. Firstly, select the “T” button or “Title” option from the menubar in the window. There’ll be multiple title templates available. Choose any one of them and click on the green “Down arrow” on the template.

select titles

The template will be loaded and then you can click on the small, green “+” button on the selected template to add it to your GIF. Now, click on the GIF frame to edit the text. Then click on “OK”.

add text to gif

Now, save the discord icon GIF with a proper gif extension and then upload it as your profile picture.

save gif

Ending Thoughts

This article includes three different ways to make discord icons GIF easily to make a customized avatar.

There’s no need to stick to the old profile picture in your discord account.

With these quick and easy steps, creating and setting a GIF as a profile icon would be very easy.

Try It Free Try It Free

The craze to get a personalized Discord animated icon is increasing with time. As it can deliver your favorite vibe to you and your friends, it’s exciting. Moreover, there are so many options in logos to choose from.

But what if you want a Discord GIF icon for your account? Maybe you’ve seen your friends using it and it’s stunning, isn’t it? That’s why this article is containing all the latest and easiest tricks to make the desired GIF icons Discord. Get the three best ways to make your own Discord logo. And let your friends ask you for the secret.

In this article

01 [Why Discord GIF Become Popular Recently?](#Part 1)

02 [How to Make an Animated Discord Logo Icon (Free Template)](#Part 2)

03 [How to Get Animated Discord PFP](#Part 3)

04 [How to Make Your Discord PFP a GIF on Wondershare Filmora](#Part 4)

Think of one online entertainment that Discord is not serving right now. It’s hard to get one in mind. From chatting with friends to watching a movie together, from listening to music to playing together, all the entertainment is under a roof. And who doesn’t want the best appearance on such an engaging platform?

On the other hand, animated icons Discord is immensely popular as they can replicate your expression and mood as you want. Normal profile pictures are back-dated now as these GIFs can make the profile more interesting. You can pick any character or Discord animated icon as per your wish. Moreover, many of these are for free. While using these GIFs on multiple online chatting platforms, users can express their exact thoughts behind a message or reaction. Similarly, by using Discord icons GIFs, people can make their profile more lively and personalized.

Not sure of using GIFs? Imagine your Discord profile with your favorite anime character or a suitable clip. On some social media platforms, we need to be formal out of the profession. But on Discord, you can chill, so your profile. So, why not give it a try?

If you’re here to know the quick guide to set your Discord logo GIF or if you’re facing any error while setting the logo, this article will help you in no time.

Part 2 How to Make an Animated Discord Logo Icon (Free Template)

If you have already decided what will be the type of GIF icon Discord you want, that’s great. Otherwise, decide whether you need something funny or relaxed or it depends on a brand. This decision would help you to pick the template. Similarly, you can make the best Discord GIF icon with the following steps.

Download Win Version Download Mac Version

To make a GIF with your choice, use this tool and click on “Edit this template”. This will let you make a customized GIF from any video from your personal collection or download from the Internet.

edit the template

In the next step, you have to choose the template size from the right-hand side of the window. You can keep to the custom 512x512 size as well.

Now, on the topmost bar in the window, you can find an option named “Upload”. Click on this option to upload the video from where you want to make your Discord icon GIF.

upload video

You can upload the video from the gallery or drag-and-drop to the uploader window. You can also get videos from Google Drive.

Now, as the video gets uploaded, you need to edit within the edit window. You can set the frame, time, and size from the tools highlighted in the image.

edit the video

Now, from the top-right side of the window, get the “Export Video” button. Click on the green arrow beside the button to get a drop-down list. From there click on the “Export as GIF” button to save your Discord icon GIF.

export as gif

You can check the download status from the next window.

see progress

To save the recent GIF, click on “Download”. It will take some seconds to get saved to your system.

download gif

Now, open Discord in your system and right-click on your “Server” icon from the left-hand side of the window. As a drop-down menu appears, select “Server Settings” followed by “Overview”.

open discord

A new window will be opened with the existing profile picture of the server. To add the GIF icon Discord, click on “Upload Image”.

add gif

From the location where you’ve saved the GIF, select it. Then, click on “Apply” to upload the GIF icon to the server profile.

apply gif

When uploading is completed, click on the green button named “Save Changes” to save the GIF icons Discord. Make sure that your GIF file size is less than 10.24 MB. Otherwise, you cannot save the GIF and have to resize it again.

save changes

Part 3 How to Get Animated Discord PFP

To set an exciting avatar in your Discord profile, you need to go through the following quick steps. Firstly, note that you need to have Discord Nitro to set a Discord logo GIF in your user profile. Without Nitro, GIF cannot be used as a PFP. Get all the answers for how to use Discord Nitro or how to get animated Discord PFP here.

Open Discord and from the bottom-left side panel, click on the “Gear” icon that is the “User Settings”. It will present beside your user name on the “Home” window itself.

open user settings

As the new window gets opened, go to “Discord Nitro” under “Payment Settings”.

go to nitro

If you don’t have activated Nitro, then click on “Subscribe” to get a suitable subscription to initiate animated icons Discord for your profile.

subscribe nitro

Then, you’ll be redirected to the subscription options. Choose “Monthly” or “Yearly” subscription and to confirm it, click “Select”. If you choose the yearly plan, you’ll get an additional 16% off.

select nitro plan

As Discord Nitro is activated after payment and agreeing to the terms and conditions, you can see a pop-up window. Click on “Sweet” to get started.

nitro activated

To set your profile avatar with GIF icon Discord, you need some GIFs downloaded to your system. So, make your GIF according to the last technique we mentioned. Or you can search for GIFs on the Internet like Giphy”, “Tenor”, or “Gfycat”. Save the GIFs as images to the system.

Go the the “Gear” icon like the 1st step and open “User Settings”. Then, Go to the second option under user settings, “User Profile”. In this window, you can find a blue button named “Change Avatar”. Click on this button to set the Discord icon GIF.

change avatar li

Now, you need to find the desired GIF from the “File Explorer” opened. Go to the folder where you saved the GIF file. Then, select it and click on “Open”.

select gif

You can edit the frame of your Discord animated icons in the “edit image’ pop-up window. Then, click on “Apply” to set it finally. If you don’t want to edit the size, click on “Skip” to save the GIF as your profile picture on Discord.

edit pf gif

Check your profile picture now and match it with your expectations. Then click on “Save Changes” to save the icon. If you want some changes, click on “Change Avatar” and select any GIF from the saved discord icons GIF from the file explorer.

save pfp

Part 4 How to Make Your Discord PFP a GIF on Wondershare Filmora

Wondershare Filmora Video Editor is the latest software where you can create a GIF easily to set as a discord GIF icon. Instead of using the same, existing GIFs, you can make your own now. It will help you to make a unique impression and be satisfied with your personalized account. Moreover, this software is just 4 KB in storage size. So, instan5 download and installation is not a problem at all.

Wondershare Filmora - Best Video Editor for Mac/Windows

Try It Free Try It Free

5,481,435 people have downloaded it.

Build unique custom animations without breaking a sweat.

Focus on creating epic stories and leave the details to Filmora’s auto features.

Start a creative adventure with drag & drop effects and endless possibilities.

Filmora simplifies advanced features to save you time and effort.

Filmora cuts out repetition so you can move on to your next creative breakthrough.

Let’s go through the steps to understand the procedure to make GIF icons discord on Wondershare Filmora.

Download and Install Wondershare Filmora in your system. It won’t take more than 10 minutes for the complete installation process. This software is available for both Windows and Mac OS.

install filmora

You can observe the installation status on your screen.

install process

As the installation is done, click on “Start Now” to open the software on the computer. A new black window will be opened on the screen.

start filmora

Click on the “Import Media Files Here” section to select an editable video file or a collection of photos to make the GIF.

import file

As you select the desired video or images to make a discord animated icon from, you can find plenty of editing tools in the bottom section of the window. You can “crop”, “edit”, change the “duration” or apply “chroma-key” to the selected file. You can observe the respective changes on the right-hand side of the window.

edit the gif

When you complete the editing process, move to the right-hand section to play the GIF with the triangular-shaped button. It will give you a preview of your edited GIF for discord.

set gif frame

If you want to add text to your GIF to make it more interactive, it’s possible with Wondershare Filmora. Firstly, select the “T” button or “Title” option from the menubar in the window. There’ll be multiple title templates available. Choose any one of them and click on the green “Down arrow” on the template.

select titles

The template will be loaded and then you can click on the small, green “+” button on the selected template to add it to your GIF. Now, click on the GIF frame to edit the text. Then click on “OK”.

add text to gif

Now, save the discord icon GIF with a proper gif extension and then upload it as your profile picture.

save gif

Ending Thoughts

This article includes three different ways to make discord icons GIF easily to make a customized avatar.

There’s no need to stick to the old profile picture in your discord account.

With these quick and easy steps, creating and setting a GIF as a profile icon would be very easy.

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2024 Approved Color Finale Is a Color Grading Plugin for Final Cur Pro. It Allows Users to Make Cinematic Looking Video Scenes by Adjusting the Color. Here Well Share You some Basic Information About This Plugin