2024 Approved Have You Ever Heard Bokeh Effects for Videos? Do You Know that You Can Make Your Own Bokeh Video Easily with some Software. This Article Will Introduce You How to Make a Bokeh Effect Video with Steps

2024 Approved Have You Ever Heard Bokeh Effects for Videos? Do You Know that You Can Make Your Own Bokeh Video Easily with some Software. This Article Will Introduce You How to Make a Bokeh Effect Video with Steps

Chloe Lv12

Have You Ever Heard Bokeh Effects for Videos? Do You Know that You Can Make Your Own Bokeh Video Easily with some Software. This Article Will Introduce You How to Make a Bokeh Effect Video with Steps

There’s a strong chance you’ve heard about bokeh before if you frequently visit photography websites or have friends who are photographers. What exactly is this optical effect that camera aficionados frequently discuss? Bokeh, who is derived from the Japanese word for “blur,” is a term used in photography to describe how a lens presents an out-of-focus background.

  1. Paintshop Pro
  2. Blur n Bokeh
  3. PhotoDirector
  4. Tadaa SLR

Part 1. What is a Bokeh Effect?

The Japanese word boke, which meaning “blur,” “haze,” or “boke-aji,” the “blur quality,” is where the term “bokeh” originates. The pronunciation of bokeh is BOH-K or BOH-kay. You can find a lot of people discussing the beautiful bokeh that their favorite fast lenses allow on any photography website or forum.

Bokeh is characterized by the words “smooth,” “amazing,” “superb,” “good,” “beautiful,” “sweet,” “silky,” and “great.” But what is it exactly? When using a fast lens and the widest aperture possible, such as f/2.8 or wider, you can create bokeh, which is described as “the effect of a fuzzy out-of-focus background.” Bokeh is the appealing or aesthetically pleasant aspect of out-of-focus blur in a shot, to put it simply.

Part 2. What is a Bokeh effect used for?

Most often, bokeh is employed for artistic purposes. You might occasionally desire a little background blur so that the viewer’s attention is drawn to the subject. In other cases, you can want it to completely detract from the subject, as in portraiture when you want to concentrate on the individual’s eyes or mouth while blurring the rest of the image. It’s true that some people use bokeh inadvertently, like looking for photos with excellent bokeh that they may use as free images on their websites or blogs. This isn’t advised, though, as it’s against the law and usually frowned upon in the photographic community as a whole to steal someone else’s image in this manner.

Part 3. How do you create a Bokeh effect?

Bokeh’s smooth, organic texture is among its most lovely features. The major goal in producing this effect is to distinguish the subject from the backdrop by employing a shallow depth of field. You will learn how to create beautiful bokeh for your photos in this video. One of the most alluring photographic effects, particularly for portraits, is bokeh. It can impart a sense of perfection to everything in a photo, making it look lot more appealing and engaging. Bokeh helps to create a dreamy backdrop that gives the image a whole new level of depth and perspective.

Using a camera lens with a shallow depth of focus is one of the many methods for achieving bokeh in photography. You need a short depth of field so that your lens aperture can be opened up as wide as possible to achieve beautiful bokeh. You can take pictures with shallow depth of field, often known as bokeh, with a point and shoot or a DSLR. A common photography technique used to make the subject stand out from the backdrop is called bokeh.

It can be used to draw attention to the topic by blurring or losing focus on the background. Three different kinds of lenses can create beautiful bokeh: prime lenses with a wide aperture The best lenses for bokeh are often wide-aperture prime lenses. Although they are frequently more expensive and heavier than zoom lenses, they offer a wider field of view. Since there is a greater difference in depth between the foreground and background when using a wide-open aperture, wide aperture prime lenses make blurring the background easier.

Part 4. What software do you need for a Bokeh effect?

Bokeh is one of the best techniques for creating a soft out-of-focus background and emphasizing a certain spot in a shot. Utilizing a fast lens and modifying the camera’s aperture settings are the typical methods for obtaining bokeh. Still, using software for both Windows and Mac, even amateur photographers may enhance their photographs with a fantastic bokeh effect.

It might be challenging to determine which photo editing software is ideal for producing high-quality bokeh effects without trying them all out, which isn’t always an option. The top five Bokeh Effect Makers will be discussed in this post in order to improve your photographs’ visual appeal and set them apart from the competition.

# Paintshop Pro

With a comprehensive toolkit created for users of all ability levels, Paintshop Pro enables you to edit, enhance, and repair your photos. A touch-friendly photography option with a distinctive split-screen before-and-after function was recently added to the software. Paintshop Pro is a good option if you’re searching for a reasonably priced photo editor that lets you tack on extra premium capabilities as you go.

Depending on your degree of competence, the software offers three distinct workspaces for you to choose from. Essential editing tools and cutting-edge technologies like AI Upsampling and AI Style Transfer can be found in the Photography Workspace, which is intended for beginners or those making short alterations.

All of the common editing and retouching tools are present in the Essentials Workspace, but only a limited number of tools and palettes are visible. You may also change the available settings to display or hide the controls you need. Last but not least, Paintshop Pro’s Complete Workspace shows all of its tools and features.

# Blur n Bokeh

The focus of Blur & Bokeh for Mac is blurring an image’s backdrop and foreground. It has the ability to boost the saturation, brightness, and warmth of the highlighted areas, as well as masking with edge detection. The clever edge-preserving method is one of the software’s strongest components. It offers excellent outcomes for creating realistic-looking image output.

You may modify the foreground and background of your photographs using a variety of filters. Although Blur n Bokeh is excellent at producing bokeh, it’s not the ideal choice if you’re searching for software that provides a variety of additional picture editing features.

# PhotoDirector

All skill levels will benefit greatly from using PhotoDirector, a complete photo editor that is free to download and simple to use. Express Mode, who is great for making quick edits, or Full Mode, which offers preset and manual photo alteration options along with creative effects, overlays, and beauty options, are two ways the program lets you access the editor.

The best part is that there is a special bokeh tool that lets you add bokeh lights and blur a specific section of an image with just one click. PhotoDirector employs an image’s natural light sources to create the bokeh effects, in contrast to other tools. Having said that, you may select a shape from 25 options and even enable live animation.

Both beginning and experienced photographers will find PhotoDirector to be a desirable alternative. PhotoDirector is unquestionably at the top of the list if you’re seeking for reliable post-processing software with a large range of features.

# Tadaa SLR

Although there are many amazing things about your iPhone, its camera will never be able to take pictures with the same wonderfully shallow depth of field as your DSLR. That will always be the case unless Apple manages to get a much, much larger sensor into the phone.

Software, however, may mimic that lavish, shallow depth of field appearance. Tadaa SLR accomplishes this. Actually, Tadaa allows you to alter the photo’s focus point in addition to artificially adjusting the depth of field. Similar to what you can accomplish with the cutting-edge Lytro camera, it does it after you take the picture.

Tadaa is launched in camera mode, and you compose and snap your picture. Alternately, you can pick a picture from your camera roll if you wish to start with an existing image. A few widgets are as follows: Switch between a square or wide shot, show a line of thirds grid, and turn the flash on and off. Even access to the front and back cameras is provided by Tadaa.


Many popular photo editing programs require intermediate-level photo editing knowledge and can be a bit on the expensive side, but there are a few programs out there that cater to all skill levels and have free versions

that don’t cut corners on quality.

While each photo editor comes with various pros and cons, only one strikes a balance between offering a wide range of editing tools and being easy to navigate, and that’s PhotoDirector.

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Part 1. What is a Bokeh Effect?

The Japanese word boke, which meaning “blur,” “haze,” or “boke-aji,” the “blur quality,” is where the term “bokeh” originates. The pronunciation of bokeh is BOH-K or BOH-kay. You can find a lot of people discussing the beautiful bokeh that their favorite fast lenses allow on any photography website or forum.

Bokeh is characterized by the words “smooth,” “amazing,” “superb,” “good,” “beautiful,” “sweet,” “silky,” and “great.” But what is it exactly? When using a fast lens and the widest aperture possible, such as f/2.8 or wider, you can create bokeh, which is described as “the effect of a fuzzy out-of-focus background.” Bokeh is the appealing or aesthetically pleasant aspect of out-of-focus blur in a shot, to put it simply.

Part 2. What is a Bokeh effect used for?

Most often, bokeh is employed for artistic purposes. You might occasionally desire a little background blur so that the viewer’s attention is drawn to the subject. In other cases, you can want it to completely detract from the subject, as in portraiture when you want to concentrate on the individual’s eyes or mouth while blurring the rest of the image. It’s true that some people use bokeh inadvertently, like looking for photos with excellent bokeh that they may use as free images on their websites or blogs. This isn’t advised, though, as it’s against the law and usually frowned upon in the photographic community as a whole to steal someone else’s image in this manner.

Part 3. How do you create a Bokeh effect?

Bokeh’s smooth, organic texture is among its most lovely features. The major goal in producing this effect is to distinguish the subject from the backdrop by employing a shallow depth of field. You will learn how to create beautiful bokeh for your photos in this video. One of the most alluring photographic effects, particularly for portraits, is bokeh. It can impart a sense of perfection to everything in a photo, making it look lot more appealing and engaging. Bokeh helps to create a dreamy backdrop that gives the image a whole new level of depth and perspective.

Using a camera lens with a shallow depth of focus is one of the many methods for achieving bokeh in photography. You need a short depth of field so that your lens aperture can be opened up as wide as possible to achieve beautiful bokeh. You can take pictures with shallow depth of field, often known as bokeh, with a point and shoot or a DSLR. A common photography technique used to make the subject stand out from the backdrop is called bokeh.

It can be used to draw attention to the topic by blurring or losing focus on the background. Three different kinds of lenses can create beautiful bokeh: prime lenses with a wide aperture The best lenses for bokeh are often wide-aperture prime lenses. Although they are frequently more expensive and heavier than zoom lenses, they offer a wider field of view. Since there is a greater difference in depth between the foreground and background when using a wide-open aperture, wide aperture prime lenses make blurring the background easier.

Part 4. What software do you need for a Bokeh effect?

Bokeh is one of the best techniques for creating a soft out-of-focus background and emphasizing a certain spot in a shot. Utilizing a fast lens and modifying the camera’s aperture settings are the typical methods for obtaining bokeh. Still, using software for both Windows and Mac, even amateur photographers may enhance their photographs with a fantastic bokeh effect.

It might be challenging to determine which photo editing software is ideal for producing high-quality bokeh effects without trying them all out, which isn’t always an option. The top five Bokeh Effect Makers will be discussed in this post in order to improve your photographs’ visual appeal and set them apart from the competition.

# Paintshop Pro

With a comprehensive toolkit created for users of all ability levels, Paintshop Pro enables you to edit, enhance, and repair your photos. A touch-friendly photography option with a distinctive split-screen before-and-after function was recently added to the software. Paintshop Pro is a good option if you’re searching for a reasonably priced photo editor that lets you tack on extra premium capabilities as you go.

Depending on your degree of competence, the software offers three distinct workspaces for you to choose from. Essential editing tools and cutting-edge technologies like AI Upsampling and AI Style Transfer can be found in the Photography Workspace, which is intended for beginners or those making short alterations.

All of the common editing and retouching tools are present in the Essentials Workspace, but only a limited number of tools and palettes are visible. You may also change the available settings to display or hide the controls you need. Last but not least, Paintshop Pro’s Complete Workspace shows all of its tools and features.

# Blur n Bokeh

The focus of Blur & Bokeh for Mac is blurring an image’s backdrop and foreground. It has the ability to boost the saturation, brightness, and warmth of the highlighted areas, as well as masking with edge detection. The clever edge-preserving method is one of the software’s strongest components. It offers excellent outcomes for creating realistic-looking image output.

You may modify the foreground and background of your photographs using a variety of filters. Although Blur n Bokeh is excellent at producing bokeh, it’s not the ideal choice if you’re searching for software that provides a variety of additional picture editing features.

# PhotoDirector

All skill levels will benefit greatly from using PhotoDirector, a complete photo editor that is free to download and simple to use. Express Mode, who is great for making quick edits, or Full Mode, which offers preset and manual photo alteration options along with creative effects, overlays, and beauty options, are two ways the program lets you access the editor.

The best part is that there is a special bokeh tool that lets you add bokeh lights and blur a specific section of an image with just one click. PhotoDirector employs an image’s natural light sources to create the bokeh effects, in contrast to other tools. Having said that, you may select a shape from 25 options and even enable live animation.

Both beginning and experienced photographers will find PhotoDirector to be a desirable alternative. PhotoDirector is unquestionably at the top of the list if you’re seeking for reliable post-processing software with a large range of features.

# Tadaa SLR

Although there are many amazing things about your iPhone, its camera will never be able to take pictures with the same wonderfully shallow depth of field as your DSLR. That will always be the case unless Apple manages to get a much, much larger sensor into the phone.

Software, however, may mimic that lavish, shallow depth of field appearance. Tadaa SLR accomplishes this. Actually, Tadaa allows you to alter the photo’s focus point in addition to artificially adjusting the depth of field. Similar to what you can accomplish with the cutting-edge Lytro camera, it does it after you take the picture.

Tadaa is launched in camera mode, and you compose and snap your picture. Alternately, you can pick a picture from your camera roll if you wish to start with an existing image. A few widgets are as follows: Switch between a square or wide shot, show a line of thirds grid, and turn the flash on and off. Even access to the front and back cameras is provided by Tadaa.


Many popular photo editing programs require intermediate-level photo editing knowledge and can be a bit on the expensive side, but there are a few programs out there that cater to all skill levels and have free versions

that don’t cut corners on quality.

While each photo editor comes with various pros and cons, only one strikes a balance between offering a wide range of editing tools and being easy to navigate, and that’s PhotoDirector.

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Video Inspiration for Birthday Slideshow

Video Inspiration for Birthday Slideshow

An easy yet powerful editor

Numerous effects to choose from

Detailed tutorials provided by the official channel

Try It Free Try It Free

Birthdays come only once a year, and at this time of the year, we want to make our loved ones feel special and loved by praying for them, wishing them well, getting them presents, throwing parties, and other stuff people do to celebrate birthdays. You can also make the best of this celebration by doing something special. A birthday slideshow showing all of the celebrant’s fondest moments sounds like a perfect gift to me. A birthday photo slideshow has all the celebrant’s favorite memories, vacation photos, favorite pets, and interests. It combines several images put together using a free or paid birthday slide photo creator. It can be displayed on a computer or Tv screen depending on the creator’s choice.

In this article

01 [What you should put in a birthday slideshow](#Part 1)

02 [Top 5 video templates for happy birthday slideshow](#Part 2)

03 [How to make a birthday slideshow](#Part 3)

Part 1 What You Should Put in A Birthday Slideshow

A birthday slideshow combines several images in a chosen software program. But it is not the only thing that makes a fantastic birthday photo slideshow. This amazing slideshow doesn’t have to be just photos, and you can also create a birthday wishes slideshow. For a lasting impression on the celebrant, consider adding these when you create a birthday slideshow. A birthday slideshow should have the following:

Background music

Lighten up your video with some background music. A slideshow just displaying photos without music isn’t a good idea.

Meaningful Quotes and greetings

You can spice up the birthday video by adding greetings, quotes, and well wishes to let the celebrant know you want to them feel fantastic.

Make the video personal

Add a personal touch to the clip by adding things that matter to the celebrant, whether pictures of them taken while performing a hobby or a favorite place. You can also use photos of their achievements from the time of their last birthday to the present one.

Keep it short and simple

You don’t want to drag your audience with too many photos. I think the video would have the most impact when it is short, to the point, and keeps the viewers longing for more.

Part 2 Top 5 Video Templates for Happy Birthday Slideshow

Sometimes starting to create a slideshow from scratch can be very hectic and confusing as you might run out of designs to work with. There are other ways to create an impressive and mind-blowing slideshow without starting from scratch. There’s no need to worry cause we have a list of birthday slideshow templates to cover you. Also, tons of mobile apps, websites, and software possess tools to help you with your design.

If you’re still confused about how to go about it, we’ve compiled the top 5 video templates for a birthday photo slideshow to make your work easier.

01birthday cake template.

Developed for, After Effects, this 3D birthday cake is a top-notch birthday video template for free download. With easy customization, it’s among the first choice to consider! A birthday party can never be without cake, so using this template gives the slideshow a little bit of everything. There are photos, cakes, and music.

3D birthday cake template

02Happy Birthday Slideshow Template

This Happy Birthday slideshow template from Renderforest has a customer rating of 4.5, which is a pretty high rating. This is why it is no two on our list. It gathers all your choice memories in the form of an album and is easy and fast to create. You cannot go wrong with this fantastic template. It is sure to impress the celebrant, friends, and relatives.

Happy Birthday slideshow

03Happy Birthday, Mom!

As its name implies, this particular video template is to celebrate your mom’s birthday. Let your mom know how much you care and value her by using this birthday video template. It is available on Canva but not on the free plan and is downloadable by Pro users of Canva. You can customize it to suit your choice by adding your mom’s favorite photos, pet photos, birthday music, and even animation.

Happy Birthday Mom

04Kid’s Birthday Slideshow Template.

This birthday template is best suited for kids’ birthday parties. Its bold and lively background, wrapped gifts, ribbons, streams of confetti, and bordered slides makes it a perfect choice for your child’s birthdays videos slideshow. The above birthday video template is offered by filmii. Kids love colorful things, so add a little more to their birthday photo slideshow by using this template.

Kids Birthday Slideshow

05Awesome Birthday Template

“You get more awesome as the year goes by.”This excellent video template provided by Vimeo is perfect for wishing the celebrant a fantastic birthday. It comes with an aspect ratio that is easily customizable, a transitioning background, and a lively background combination. Consider using this for your birthday video.

Awesome Birthday Template

Part 3 How To Make A Birthday Slideshow

Creating a free birthday video has never been easier with various birthday video templates to choose from and numerous software and mobile apps to work it. With these tools available, we can create our birthday slideshow. I’ll show you how in these steps below.

Step1: Create Video

To get started, click the Create a Video or View Templates buttons.


Creat Video

Step 2: Upload media files

Go to the Media section and upload all of the video clips and photographs you’ll need to construct a birthday slideshow. Then apply them straight to the storyboard or use them to replace the resources in templates.

Upload media file

Step 3: Create Slideshow

Add text, music, a filter, change the speed, tweak the settings, split the slideshow, and make your birthday slideshow more professional.

Create Slideshow

You’ve now completed a fantastic free birthday slideshow. So, save it to your PC or share it directly on YouTube.

Wondershare Filmora Video Editor template Mode is the first best birthday slideshow creator for newbies and professionals, among numerous others. It has a comprehensive and customizable set of birthday slideshow templates.

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

Filmora’s advanced video editing tools, simple and elegant image frames, modern fonts, eye-catching color combinations, and addons make it an excellent tool for a perfect birthday video. Adding, removing, and adjusting clips using effects is made more accessible and less stressful. Next time you wish to surprise your family with a birthday wishes slideshow or a birthday photo slideshow, use the Filmora software for an effortless experience and impressive slideshow turnout.

Ending Thoughts

So, we’ve looked at the best birthday video inspiration templates for the birthday slideshow. I’m sure that after reading this blog, you will be able to know what to do when next you want to create a birthday slideshow.

Hence, pick the template of your choice, upload images, edit the video, preview, and then export. Go ahead with any of the mentioned templates and a free birthday slideshow creator like Fimora to create magic**.**

Try It Free Try It Free

Birthdays come only once a year, and at this time of the year, we want to make our loved ones feel special and loved by praying for them, wishing them well, getting them presents, throwing parties, and other stuff people do to celebrate birthdays. You can also make the best of this celebration by doing something special. A birthday slideshow showing all of the celebrant’s fondest moments sounds like a perfect gift to me. A birthday photo slideshow has all the celebrant’s favorite memories, vacation photos, favorite pets, and interests. It combines several images put together using a free or paid birthday slide photo creator. It can be displayed on a computer or Tv screen depending on the creator’s choice.

In this article

01 [What you should put in a birthday slideshow](#Part 1)

02 [Top 5 video templates for happy birthday slideshow](#Part 2)

03 [How to make a birthday slideshow](#Part 3)

Part 1 What You Should Put in A Birthday Slideshow

A birthday slideshow combines several images in a chosen software program. But it is not the only thing that makes a fantastic birthday photo slideshow. This amazing slideshow doesn’t have to be just photos, and you can also create a birthday wishes slideshow. For a lasting impression on the celebrant, consider adding these when you create a birthday slideshow. A birthday slideshow should have the following:

Background music

Lighten up your video with some background music. A slideshow just displaying photos without music isn’t a good idea.

Meaningful Quotes and greetings

You can spice up the birthday video by adding greetings, quotes, and well wishes to let the celebrant know you want to them feel fantastic.

Make the video personal

Add a personal touch to the clip by adding things that matter to the celebrant, whether pictures of them taken while performing a hobby or a favorite place. You can also use photos of their achievements from the time of their last birthday to the present one.

Keep it short and simple

You don’t want to drag your audience with too many photos. I think the video would have the most impact when it is short, to the point, and keeps the viewers longing for more.

Part 2 Top 5 Video Templates for Happy Birthday Slideshow

Sometimes starting to create a slideshow from scratch can be very hectic and confusing as you might run out of designs to work with. There are other ways to create an impressive and mind-blowing slideshow without starting from scratch. There’s no need to worry cause we have a list of birthday slideshow templates to cover you. Also, tons of mobile apps, websites, and software possess tools to help you with your design.

If you’re still confused about how to go about it, we’ve compiled the top 5 video templates for a birthday photo slideshow to make your work easier.

01birthday cake template.

Developed for, After Effects, this 3D birthday cake is a top-notch birthday video template for free download. With easy customization, it’s among the first choice to consider! A birthday party can never be without cake, so using this template gives the slideshow a little bit of everything. There are photos, cakes, and music.

3D birthday cake template

02Happy Birthday Slideshow Template

This Happy Birthday slideshow template from Renderforest has a customer rating of 4.5, which is a pretty high rating. This is why it is no two on our list. It gathers all your choice memories in the form of an album and is easy and fast to create. You cannot go wrong with this fantastic template. It is sure to impress the celebrant, friends, and relatives.

Happy Birthday slideshow

03Happy Birthday, Mom!

As its name implies, this particular video template is to celebrate your mom’s birthday. Let your mom know how much you care and value her by using this birthday video template. It is available on Canva but not on the free plan and is downloadable by Pro users of Canva. You can customize it to suit your choice by adding your mom’s favorite photos, pet photos, birthday music, and even animation.

Happy Birthday Mom

04Kid’s Birthday Slideshow Template.

This birthday template is best suited for kids’ birthday parties. Its bold and lively background, wrapped gifts, ribbons, streams of confetti, and bordered slides makes it a perfect choice for your child’s birthdays videos slideshow. The above birthday video template is offered by filmii. Kids love colorful things, so add a little more to their birthday photo slideshow by using this template.

Kids Birthday Slideshow

05Awesome Birthday Template

“You get more awesome as the year goes by.”This excellent video template provided by Vimeo is perfect for wishing the celebrant a fantastic birthday. It comes with an aspect ratio that is easily customizable, a transitioning background, and a lively background combination. Consider using this for your birthday video.

Awesome Birthday Template

Part 3 How To Make A Birthday Slideshow

Creating a free birthday video has never been easier with various birthday video templates to choose from and numerous software and mobile apps to work it. With these tools available, we can create our birthday slideshow. I’ll show you how in these steps below.

Step1: Create Video

To get started, click the Create a Video or View Templates buttons.


Creat Video

Step 2: Upload media files

Go to the Media section and upload all of the video clips and photographs you’ll need to construct a birthday slideshow. Then apply them straight to the storyboard or use them to replace the resources in templates.

Upload media file

Step 3: Create Slideshow

Add text, music, a filter, change the speed, tweak the settings, split the slideshow, and make your birthday slideshow more professional.

Create Slideshow

You’ve now completed a fantastic free birthday slideshow. So, save it to your PC or share it directly on YouTube.

Wondershare Filmora Video Editor template Mode is the first best birthday slideshow creator for newbies and professionals, among numerous others. It has a comprehensive and customizable set of birthday slideshow templates.

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

Filmora’s advanced video editing tools, simple and elegant image frames, modern fonts, eye-catching color combinations, and addons make it an excellent tool for a perfect birthday video. Adding, removing, and adjusting clips using effects is made more accessible and less stressful. Next time you wish to surprise your family with a birthday wishes slideshow or a birthday photo slideshow, use the Filmora software for an effortless experience and impressive slideshow turnout.

Ending Thoughts

So, we’ve looked at the best birthday video inspiration templates for the birthday slideshow. I’m sure that after reading this blog, you will be able to know what to do when next you want to create a birthday slideshow.

Hence, pick the template of your choice, upload images, edit the video, preview, and then export. Go ahead with any of the mentioned templates and a free birthday slideshow creator like Fimora to create magic**.**

Try It Free Try It Free

Birthdays come only once a year, and at this time of the year, we want to make our loved ones feel special and loved by praying for them, wishing them well, getting them presents, throwing parties, and other stuff people do to celebrate birthdays. You can also make the best of this celebration by doing something special. A birthday slideshow showing all of the celebrant’s fondest moments sounds like a perfect gift to me. A birthday photo slideshow has all the celebrant’s favorite memories, vacation photos, favorite pets, and interests. It combines several images put together using a free or paid birthday slide photo creator. It can be displayed on a computer or Tv screen depending on the creator’s choice.

In this article

01 [What you should put in a birthday slideshow](#Part 1)

02 [Top 5 video templates for happy birthday slideshow](#Part 2)

03 [How to make a birthday slideshow](#Part 3)

Part 1 What You Should Put in A Birthday Slideshow

A birthday slideshow combines several images in a chosen software program. But it is not the only thing that makes a fantastic birthday photo slideshow. This amazing slideshow doesn’t have to be just photos, and you can also create a birthday wishes slideshow. For a lasting impression on the celebrant, consider adding these when you create a birthday slideshow. A birthday slideshow should have the following:

Background music

Lighten up your video with some background music. A slideshow just displaying photos without music isn’t a good idea.

Meaningful Quotes and greetings

You can spice up the birthday video by adding greetings, quotes, and well wishes to let the celebrant know you want to them feel fantastic.

Make the video personal

Add a personal touch to the clip by adding things that matter to the celebrant, whether pictures of them taken while performing a hobby or a favorite place. You can also use photos of their achievements from the time of their last birthday to the present one.

Keep it short and simple

You don’t want to drag your audience with too many photos. I think the video would have the most impact when it is short, to the point, and keeps the viewers longing for more.

Part 2 Top 5 Video Templates for Happy Birthday Slideshow

Sometimes starting to create a slideshow from scratch can be very hectic and confusing as you might run out of designs to work with. There are other ways to create an impressive and mind-blowing slideshow without starting from scratch. There’s no need to worry cause we have a list of birthday slideshow templates to cover you. Also, tons of mobile apps, websites, and software possess tools to help you with your design.

If you’re still confused about how to go about it, we’ve compiled the top 5 video templates for a birthday photo slideshow to make your work easier.

01birthday cake template.

Developed for, After Effects, this 3D birthday cake is a top-notch birthday video template for free download. With easy customization, it’s among the first choice to consider! A birthday party can never be without cake, so using this template gives the slideshow a little bit of everything. There are photos, cakes, and music.

3D birthday cake template

02Happy Birthday Slideshow Template

This Happy Birthday slideshow template from Renderforest has a customer rating of 4.5, which is a pretty high rating. This is why it is no two on our list. It gathers all your choice memories in the form of an album and is easy and fast to create. You cannot go wrong with this fantastic template. It is sure to impress the celebrant, friends, and relatives.

Happy Birthday slideshow

03Happy Birthday, Mom!

As its name implies, this particular video template is to celebrate your mom’s birthday. Let your mom know how much you care and value her by using this birthday video template. It is available on Canva but not on the free plan and is downloadable by Pro users of Canva. You can customize it to suit your choice by adding your mom’s favorite photos, pet photos, birthday music, and even animation.

Happy Birthday Mom

04Kid’s Birthday Slideshow Template.

This birthday template is best suited for kids’ birthday parties. Its bold and lively background, wrapped gifts, ribbons, streams of confetti, and bordered slides makes it a perfect choice for your child’s birthdays videos slideshow. The above birthday video template is offered by filmii. Kids love colorful things, so add a little more to their birthday photo slideshow by using this template.

Kids Birthday Slideshow

05Awesome Birthday Template

“You get more awesome as the year goes by.”This excellent video template provided by Vimeo is perfect for wishing the celebrant a fantastic birthday. It comes with an aspect ratio that is easily customizable, a transitioning background, and a lively background combination. Consider using this for your birthday video.

Awesome Birthday Template

Part 3 How To Make A Birthday Slideshow

Creating a free birthday video has never been easier with various birthday video templates to choose from and numerous software and mobile apps to work it. With these tools available, we can create our birthday slideshow. I’ll show you how in these steps below.

Step1: Create Video

To get started, click the Create a Video or View Templates buttons.


Creat Video

Step 2: Upload media files

Go to the Media section and upload all of the video clips and photographs you’ll need to construct a birthday slideshow. Then apply them straight to the storyboard or use them to replace the resources in templates.

Upload media file

Step 3: Create Slideshow

Add text, music, a filter, change the speed, tweak the settings, split the slideshow, and make your birthday slideshow more professional.

Create Slideshow

You’ve now completed a fantastic free birthday slideshow. So, save it to your PC or share it directly on YouTube.

Wondershare Filmora Video Editor template Mode is the first best birthday slideshow creator for newbies and professionals, among numerous others. It has a comprehensive and customizable set of birthday slideshow templates.

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

Filmora’s advanced video editing tools, simple and elegant image frames, modern fonts, eye-catching color combinations, and addons make it an excellent tool for a perfect birthday video. Adding, removing, and adjusting clips using effects is made more accessible and less stressful. Next time you wish to surprise your family with a birthday wishes slideshow or a birthday photo slideshow, use the Filmora software for an effortless experience and impressive slideshow turnout.

Ending Thoughts

So, we’ve looked at the best birthday video inspiration templates for the birthday slideshow. I’m sure that after reading this blog, you will be able to know what to do when next you want to create a birthday slideshow.

Hence, pick the template of your choice, upload images, edit the video, preview, and then export. Go ahead with any of the mentioned templates and a free birthday slideshow creator like Fimora to create magic**.**

Try It Free Try It Free

Birthdays come only once a year, and at this time of the year, we want to make our loved ones feel special and loved by praying for them, wishing them well, getting them presents, throwing parties, and other stuff people do to celebrate birthdays. You can also make the best of this celebration by doing something special. A birthday slideshow showing all of the celebrant’s fondest moments sounds like a perfect gift to me. A birthday photo slideshow has all the celebrant’s favorite memories, vacation photos, favorite pets, and interests. It combines several images put together using a free or paid birthday slide photo creator. It can be displayed on a computer or Tv screen depending on the creator’s choice.

In this article

01 [What you should put in a birthday slideshow](#Part 1)

02 [Top 5 video templates for happy birthday slideshow](#Part 2)

03 [How to make a birthday slideshow](#Part 3)

Part 1 What You Should Put in A Birthday Slideshow

A birthday slideshow combines several images in a chosen software program. But it is not the only thing that makes a fantastic birthday photo slideshow. This amazing slideshow doesn’t have to be just photos, and you can also create a birthday wishes slideshow. For a lasting impression on the celebrant, consider adding these when you create a birthday slideshow. A birthday slideshow should have the following:

Background music

Lighten up your video with some background music. A slideshow just displaying photos without music isn’t a good idea.

Meaningful Quotes and greetings

You can spice up the birthday video by adding greetings, quotes, and well wishes to let the celebrant know you want to them feel fantastic.

Make the video personal

Add a personal touch to the clip by adding things that matter to the celebrant, whether pictures of them taken while performing a hobby or a favorite place. You can also use photos of their achievements from the time of their last birthday to the present one.

Keep it short and simple

You don’t want to drag your audience with too many photos. I think the video would have the most impact when it is short, to the point, and keeps the viewers longing for more.

Part 2 Top 5 Video Templates for Happy Birthday Slideshow

Sometimes starting to create a slideshow from scratch can be very hectic and confusing as you might run out of designs to work with. There are other ways to create an impressive and mind-blowing slideshow without starting from scratch. There’s no need to worry cause we have a list of birthday slideshow templates to cover you. Also, tons of mobile apps, websites, and software possess tools to help you with your design.

If you’re still confused about how to go about it, we’ve compiled the top 5 video templates for a birthday photo slideshow to make your work easier.

01birthday cake template.

Developed for, After Effects, this 3D birthday cake is a top-notch birthday video template for free download. With easy customization, it’s among the first choice to consider! A birthday party can never be without cake, so using this template gives the slideshow a little bit of everything. There are photos, cakes, and music.

3D birthday cake template

02Happy Birthday Slideshow Template

This Happy Birthday slideshow template from Renderforest has a customer rating of 4.5, which is a pretty high rating. This is why it is no two on our list. It gathers all your choice memories in the form of an album and is easy and fast to create. You cannot go wrong with this fantastic template. It is sure to impress the celebrant, friends, and relatives.

Happy Birthday slideshow

03Happy Birthday, Mom!

As its name implies, this particular video template is to celebrate your mom’s birthday. Let your mom know how much you care and value her by using this birthday video template. It is available on Canva but not on the free plan and is downloadable by Pro users of Canva. You can customize it to suit your choice by adding your mom’s favorite photos, pet photos, birthday music, and even animation.

Happy Birthday Mom

04Kid’s Birthday Slideshow Template.

This birthday template is best suited for kids’ birthday parties. Its bold and lively background, wrapped gifts, ribbons, streams of confetti, and bordered slides makes it a perfect choice for your child’s birthdays videos slideshow. The above birthday video template is offered by filmii. Kids love colorful things, so add a little more to their birthday photo slideshow by using this template.

Kids Birthday Slideshow

05Awesome Birthday Template

“You get more awesome as the year goes by.”This excellent video template provided by Vimeo is perfect for wishing the celebrant a fantastic birthday. It comes with an aspect ratio that is easily customizable, a transitioning background, and a lively background combination. Consider using this for your birthday video.

Awesome Birthday Template

Part 3 How To Make A Birthday Slideshow

Creating a free birthday video has never been easier with various birthday video templates to choose from and numerous software and mobile apps to work it. With these tools available, we can create our birthday slideshow. I’ll show you how in these steps below.

Step1: Create Video

To get started, click the Create a Video or View Templates buttons.


Creat Video

Step 2: Upload media files

Go to the Media section and upload all of the video clips and photographs you’ll need to construct a birthday slideshow. Then apply them straight to the storyboard or use them to replace the resources in templates.

Upload media file

Step 3: Create Slideshow

Add text, music, a filter, change the speed, tweak the settings, split the slideshow, and make your birthday slideshow more professional.

Create Slideshow

You’ve now completed a fantastic free birthday slideshow. So, save it to your PC or share it directly on YouTube.

Wondershare Filmora Video Editor template Mode is the first best birthday slideshow creator for newbies and professionals, among numerous others. It has a comprehensive and customizable set of birthday slideshow templates.

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

Filmora’s advanced video editing tools, simple and elegant image frames, modern fonts, eye-catching color combinations, and addons make it an excellent tool for a perfect birthday video. Adding, removing, and adjusting clips using effects is made more accessible and less stressful. Next time you wish to surprise your family with a birthday wishes slideshow or a birthday photo slideshow, use the Filmora software for an effortless experience and impressive slideshow turnout.

Ending Thoughts

So, we’ve looked at the best birthday video inspiration templates for the birthday slideshow. I’m sure that after reading this blog, you will be able to know what to do when next you want to create a birthday slideshow.

Hence, pick the template of your choice, upload images, edit the video, preview, and then export. Go ahead with any of the mentioned templates and a free birthday slideshow creator like Fimora to create magic**.**

Adjust Background to Black for Your Product Review Video

Are you planning to make a product review video but wondering how to set up your background? If so, then you’re in the right place. This post will show you how to adjust the background to black for your product review video.

It’s essential to have a smooth black background without texture for your product review videos. Having a clean background is visually appealing and enhances the video. It will make sure that your viewers can see the product clearly without any distractions.

Do the following steps to change the background to black for your product review video:

background to black

Part 1. How to change the parameters in Filmora

For this tutorial, we will do it using Wondershare Filmora . So, if you haven’t installed it yet, you can download it here:

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Step1 Right-click the clip in the editing timeline > Edit Properties.

right-click the clip

Step2 Select the Color menu > Advanced.

select the color menu

Step3 Setting the color parameters.

Click the adjust button in the upper left, scroll down to the vignette, and then decrease the amount and size value until the oval surrounds the subject.

click the adjust button

Scroll up to the color options and increase the contrast to 100.

scroll up to the color options

Go to the light menu, then decrease the shadows to cover any remaining light spots.

go to the light menu

Part 2. Tips: How to improve product review video

Following these tips will help you improve the quality of your product review videos and make them more enjoyable for your audience.

1) Make sure your video has the correct resolution and scale

Having the correct resolution and scale for your video will make sure that it has a high-definition (HD) or high-quality resolution. Also, it will ensure that your video is the correct size when exporting.

If the scale is different from the resolution, then the empty space will be filled with black, and you will get black bars border that makes your video smaller.

2) Use proper lighting to ensure your video looks clear and bright

To get proper lighting, you should use natural lighting whenever possible, such as sunlight. However, if you can’t shoot during the day or it’s difficult to get natural light, you will need to use artificial lighting.

Next, adjust the white balance on your camera. You can also edit the color grading to finalize the look and improve the overall color of your video.

3) Make sure the audio quality of your video is good

Poor audio can make your video harder to listen to and turn off viewers.


It is essential to know how to adjust the background to black in your product review video. This is because it can help to make your video content more professional and stand out. By the end of this tutorial, you can now try and create a professional-looking video with a black background to improve your product review video.

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Step1 Right-click the clip in the editing timeline > Edit Properties.

right-click the clip

Step2 Select the Color menu > Advanced.

select the color menu

Step3 Setting the color parameters.

Click the adjust button in the upper left, scroll down to the vignette, and then decrease the amount and size value until the oval surrounds the subject.

click the adjust button

Scroll up to the color options and increase the contrast to 100.

scroll up to the color options

Go to the light menu, then decrease the shadows to cover any remaining light spots.

go to the light menu

Part 2. Tips: How to improve product review video

Following these tips will help you improve the quality of your product review videos and make them more enjoyable for your audience.

1) Make sure your video has the correct resolution and scale

Having the correct resolution and scale for your video will make sure that it has a high-definition (HD) or high-quality resolution. Also, it will ensure that your video is the correct size when exporting.

If the scale is different from the resolution, then the empty space will be filled with black, and you will get black bars border that makes your video smaller.

2) Use proper lighting to ensure your video looks clear and bright

To get proper lighting, you should use natural lighting whenever possible, such as sunlight. However, if you can’t shoot during the day or it’s difficult to get natural light, you will need to use artificial lighting.

Next, adjust the white balance on your camera. You can also edit the color grading to finalize the look and improve the overall color of your video.

3) Make sure the audio quality of your video is good

Poor audio can make your video harder to listen to and turn off viewers.


It is essential to know how to adjust the background to black in your product review video. This is because it can help to make your video content more professional and stand out. By the end of this tutorial, you can now try and create a professional-looking video with a black background to improve your product review video.

12 Best Marketing Slideshow Templates

12 Best Marketing Slideshow Templates

An easy yet powerful editor

Numerous effects to choose from

Detailed tutorials provided by the official channel

Try It Free Try It Free

For any kind of business or organization, marketing plays a major role in the brand introduction, awareness, driving sales, and other purposes. A good marketing plan involves a good slideshow and for creating one, the help of a template can be taken.

Marketing Slideshow

So, if you too want to create a marketing template for your business or a brand, keep reading the content below to know about the best places to get templates, tools for creating a marketing plan slideshow, and other related content.

In this article

01 [Importance of a good marketing slideshow](#Part 1)

02 [Tips for creating an effective slideshow](#Part 2)

03 [Best places to search for marketing slideshow templates](#Part 3)

04 [Hassle-free tool for creating an impressive marketing slideshow- Wondershare Filmora](#Part 4)

Part 1 Importance of a good marketing slideshow

A good marketing slideshow serves several benefits and some of them are listed below.

01Building brand awareness and reputation

One of the major purposes and benefits of creating a marketing slideshow is creating brand awareness and recognition among prospective buyers and clients. Using a slideshow, you can present your products and services to your clients and buyers in an interesting and attractive manner.

02Helps in boosting sales

Using a good marketing slideshow presentation, a company can better market their products and reach more clients and prospective buyers which in turn helps in boosting the sales and revenues of the company.

03Helps in creating a reputation

Through a good slideshow, a company can market their products effectively, help the client know about their benefits, and also how it is better than the competitors. Moreover, through a slideshow, you can display the caption, images, and the logo of the company which altogether helps in creating a brand reputation.

04Reaching a wider audience

A slideshow is a technical piece of marketing that can be shared with a huge number of people online. So not only the clients and customers in your vicinity, a marketing slideshow can be sent through mails and other online means which all, in turn, help you to reach people all across the country as well as worldwide.

Part 2 Tips for creating an effective slideshow

As discussed above, there are several benefits of a good marketing slideshow. Now, next comes how can one create an impressive slideshow to get the attention of the clients. Below listed are some useful tips.

01Attractive and impressive

The most important aspect of any slideshow is its presentation and thus while creating one ensure that it is impressive to catch the attention of the clients. An effective presentation must be created to stir the client’s and prospective buyers’ interests in the product and services.

02Powerful message

To strongly build your brand and reputation, the slideshow presentation must have a strong message that holds the attention. The message can revolve around the product, services, or any other relevant thing.

03Make the presentation memorable

It is important for a presentation to be memorable in the minds of the clients and prospective buyers so that it can turn into sales. Ensure that even people with a short attention span can relate to your product and services for a long time.

04Reaching out to a wider audience

Depending on the type of product or service you are promoting, the slideshow presentation is created. Still, try to make a slideshow that can reach out to the maximum number of people in the selected community. The slideshow should be targeted to a wider audience.

05Add multiple elements

To make your slideshow interesting, multiple elements like photos, videos, text, and other elements can be used. With the advanced technology these days there are several tools and software available that can help you get this task done in no time.

06Use templates

Readymade templates in different categories are available for creating a slideshow presentation. These templates not only save time and effort but will also help you create a professional-looking presentation with interesting elements. There are several sites from which you can download the templates of your choice.

Marketing Template

Part 3 Best places to search for marketing slideshow templates

There are several sites that have a collection of marketing templates in different styles and designs. Depending on your product, services, and theme, you can choose between these templates and sites. To make your search a little easier, below listed are some of the sites where you can look for a good marketing slideshow presentation template.







Wondershare Filmora

Marketing Template Sites

Part 4 Hassle-free tool for creating an impressive marketing slideshow- Wondershare Filmora

Creating an impressive slideshow can be done in a hassle-free manner using professional software and here we recommend Wondershare Filmora Video Editor as the best choice. This versatile video editing tool is packed in with an array of video customization as well as other functions which also includes creating a slideshow.

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

A marketing, as well as other templates, can be created in a few simple steps using the software that also has a collection of templates in different categories. There is also a huge collection of stock footage with the tool that can be added to your presentation to make it interesting.

Videos, images, audio, text, as well as other elements, can be added to the slideshow using the software. Some other key features of the software include support for all key formats, multiple editing functions, visual effects, and transitions, split-screen function, speed ramping, masking, audio-beat sync, and many more.

Wondersahre Filmora

Steps for creating a slideshow using Wondershare Filmora

Step 1. Download, install and launch the Wondershare Filmora software on your system. Tap on the New Project button for creating a new slideshow.

Step 2. Import and add the images, videos, and music files from your system to the Media Library of the software. These files then need to be added to the timeline. As needed, the order and the duration of the files can be changed at the timeline. You can even rotate, and crop the files.

Step 3. Next, you can add the transitions from the wide range of options available. As needed, add a transition between each slide or between selected ones.

Step 4. Add the music or the sound effect to your slideshow. A file from the built-in library can also be selected.

Step 5. Finally, save and export the slideshow created. You can save the presentation to your system, CD, DVD, or can even share it directly to YouTube or Vimeo.

Ending Thoughts

A marketing slideshow is one of the key elements of an overall marketing campaign or a strategy.

An array of templates is available for creating a marketing slideshow in a hassle-free manner.

Wondershare Filmora is an excellent tool to check out the templates as well as for creating an eye-catchy slideshow.

Try It Free Try It Free

For any kind of business or organization, marketing plays a major role in the brand introduction, awareness, driving sales, and other purposes. A good marketing plan involves a good slideshow and for creating one, the help of a template can be taken.

Marketing Slideshow

So, if you too want to create a marketing template for your business or a brand, keep reading the content below to know about the best places to get templates, tools for creating a marketing plan slideshow, and other related content.

In this article

01 [Importance of a good marketing slideshow](#Part 1)

02 [Tips for creating an effective slideshow](#Part 2)

03 [Best places to search for marketing slideshow templates](#Part 3)

04 [Hassle-free tool for creating an impressive marketing slideshow- Wondershare Filmora](#Part 4)

Part 1 Importance of a good marketing slideshow

A good marketing slideshow serves several benefits and some of them are listed below.

01Building brand awareness and reputation

One of the major purposes and benefits of creating a marketing slideshow is creating brand awareness and recognition among prospective buyers and clients. Using a slideshow, you can present your products and services to your clients and buyers in an interesting and attractive manner.

02Helps in boosting sales

Using a good marketing slideshow presentation, a company can better market their products and reach more clients and prospective buyers which in turn helps in boosting the sales and revenues of the company.

03Helps in creating a reputation

Through a good slideshow, a company can market their products effectively, help the client know about their benefits, and also how it is better than the competitors. Moreover, through a slideshow, you can display the caption, images, and the logo of the company which altogether helps in creating a brand reputation.

04Reaching a wider audience

A slideshow is a technical piece of marketing that can be shared with a huge number of people online. So not only the clients and customers in your vicinity, a marketing slideshow can be sent through mails and other online means which all, in turn, help you to reach people all across the country as well as worldwide.

Part 2 Tips for creating an effective slideshow

As discussed above, there are several benefits of a good marketing slideshow. Now, next comes how can one create an impressive slideshow to get the attention of the clients. Below listed are some useful tips.

01Attractive and impressive

The most important aspect of any slideshow is its presentation and thus while creating one ensure that it is impressive to catch the attention of the clients. An effective presentation must be created to stir the client’s and prospective buyers’ interests in the product and services.

02Powerful message

To strongly build your brand and reputation, the slideshow presentation must have a strong message that holds the attention. The message can revolve around the product, services, or any other relevant thing.

03Make the presentation memorable

It is important for a presentation to be memorable in the minds of the clients and prospective buyers so that it can turn into sales. Ensure that even people with a short attention span can relate to your product and services for a long time.

04Reaching out to a wider audience

Depending on the type of product or service you are promoting, the slideshow presentation is created. Still, try to make a slideshow that can reach out to the maximum number of people in the selected community. The slideshow should be targeted to a wider audience.

05Add multiple elements

To make your slideshow interesting, multiple elements like photos, videos, text, and other elements can be used. With the advanced technology these days there are several tools and software available that can help you get this task done in no time.

06Use templates

Readymade templates in different categories are available for creating a slideshow presentation. These templates not only save time and effort but will also help you create a professional-looking presentation with interesting elements. There are several sites from which you can download the templates of your choice.

Marketing Template

Part 3 Best places to search for marketing slideshow templates

There are several sites that have a collection of marketing templates in different styles and designs. Depending on your product, services, and theme, you can choose between these templates and sites. To make your search a little easier, below listed are some of the sites where you can look for a good marketing slideshow presentation template.







Wondershare Filmora

Marketing Template Sites

Part 4 Hassle-free tool for creating an impressive marketing slideshow- Wondershare Filmora

Creating an impressive slideshow can be done in a hassle-free manner using professional software and here we recommend Wondershare Filmora Video Editor as the best choice. This versatile video editing tool is packed in with an array of video customization as well as other functions which also includes creating a slideshow.

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

A marketing, as well as other templates, can be created in a few simple steps using the software that also has a collection of templates in different categories. There is also a huge collection of stock footage with the tool that can be added to your presentation to make it interesting.

Videos, images, audio, text, as well as other elements, can be added to the slideshow using the software. Some other key features of the software include support for all key formats, multiple editing functions, visual effects, and transitions, split-screen function, speed ramping, masking, audio-beat sync, and many more.

Wondersahre Filmora

Steps for creating a slideshow using Wondershare Filmora

Step 1. Download, install and launch the Wondershare Filmora software on your system. Tap on the New Project button for creating a new slideshow.

Step 2. Import and add the images, videos, and music files from your system to the Media Library of the software. These files then need to be added to the timeline. As needed, the order and the duration of the files can be changed at the timeline. You can even rotate, and crop the files.

Step 3. Next, you can add the transitions from the wide range of options available. As needed, add a transition between each slide or between selected ones.

Step 4. Add the music or the sound effect to your slideshow. A file from the built-in library can also be selected.

Step 5. Finally, save and export the slideshow created. You can save the presentation to your system, CD, DVD, or can even share it directly to YouTube or Vimeo.

Ending Thoughts

A marketing slideshow is one of the key elements of an overall marketing campaign or a strategy.

An array of templates is available for creating a marketing slideshow in a hassle-free manner.

Wondershare Filmora is an excellent tool to check out the templates as well as for creating an eye-catchy slideshow.

Try It Free Try It Free

For any kind of business or organization, marketing plays a major role in the brand introduction, awareness, driving sales, and other purposes. A good marketing plan involves a good slideshow and for creating one, the help of a template can be taken.

Marketing Slideshow

So, if you too want to create a marketing template for your business or a brand, keep reading the content below to know about the best places to get templates, tools for creating a marketing plan slideshow, and other related content.

In this article

01 [Importance of a good marketing slideshow](#Part 1)

02 [Tips for creating an effective slideshow](#Part 2)

03 [Best places to search for marketing slideshow templates](#Part 3)

04 [Hassle-free tool for creating an impressive marketing slideshow- Wondershare Filmora](#Part 4)

Part 1 Importance of a good marketing slideshow

A good marketing slideshow serves several benefits and some of them are listed below.

01Building brand awareness and reputation

One of the major purposes and benefits of creating a marketing slideshow is creating brand awareness and recognition among prospective buyers and clients. Using a slideshow, you can present your products and services to your clients and buyers in an interesting and attractive manner.

02Helps in boosting sales

Using a good marketing slideshow presentation, a company can better market their products and reach more clients and prospective buyers which in turn helps in boosting the sales and revenues of the company.

03Helps in creating a reputation

Through a good slideshow, a company can market their products effectively, help the client know about their benefits, and also how it is better than the competitors. Moreover, through a slideshow, you can display the caption, images, and the logo of the company which altogether helps in creating a brand reputation.

04Reaching a wider audience

A slideshow is a technical piece of marketing that can be shared with a huge number of people online. So not only the clients and customers in your vicinity, a marketing slideshow can be sent through mails and other online means which all, in turn, help you to reach people all across the country as well as worldwide.

Part 2 Tips for creating an effective slideshow

As discussed above, there are several benefits of a good marketing slideshow. Now, next comes how can one create an impressive slideshow to get the attention of the clients. Below listed are some useful tips.

01Attractive and impressive

The most important aspect of any slideshow is its presentation and thus while creating one ensure that it is impressive to catch the attention of the clients. An effective presentation must be created to stir the client’s and prospective buyers’ interests in the product and services.

02Powerful message

To strongly build your brand and reputation, the slideshow presentation must have a strong message that holds the attention. The message can revolve around the product, services, or any other relevant thing.

03Make the presentation memorable

It is important for a presentation to be memorable in the minds of the clients and prospective buyers so that it can turn into sales. Ensure that even people with a short attention span can relate to your product and services for a long time.

04Reaching out to a wider audience

Depending on the type of product or service you are promoting, the slideshow presentation is created. Still, try to make a slideshow that can reach out to the maximum number of people in the selected community. The slideshow should be targeted to a wider audience.

05Add multiple elements

To make your slideshow interesting, multiple elements like photos, videos, text, and other elements can be used. With the advanced technology these days there are several tools and software available that can help you get this task done in no time.

06Use templates

Readymade templates in different categories are available for creating a slideshow presentation. These templates not only save time and effort but will also help you create a professional-looking presentation with interesting elements. There are several sites from which you can download the templates of your choice.

Marketing Template

Part 3 Best places to search for marketing slideshow templates

There are several sites that have a collection of marketing templates in different styles and designs. Depending on your product, services, and theme, you can choose between these templates and sites. To make your search a little easier, below listed are some of the sites where you can look for a good marketing slideshow presentation template.







Wondershare Filmora

Marketing Template Sites

Part 4 Hassle-free tool for creating an impressive marketing slideshow- Wondershare Filmora

Creating an impressive slideshow can be done in a hassle-free manner using professional software and here we recommend Wondershare Filmora Video Editor as the best choice. This versatile video editing tool is packed in with an array of video customization as well as other functions which also includes creating a slideshow.

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

A marketing, as well as other templates, can be created in a few simple steps using the software that also has a collection of templates in different categories. There is also a huge collection of stock footage with the tool that can be added to your presentation to make it interesting.

Videos, images, audio, text, as well as other elements, can be added to the slideshow using the software. Some other key features of the software include support for all key formats, multiple editing functions, visual effects, and transitions, split-screen function, speed ramping, masking, audio-beat sync, and many more.

Wondersahre Filmora

Steps for creating a slideshow using Wondershare Filmora

Step 1. Download, install and launch the Wondershare Filmora software on your system. Tap on the New Project button for creating a new slideshow.

Step 2. Import and add the images, videos, and music files from your system to the Media Library of the software. These files then need to be added to the timeline. As needed, the order and the duration of the files can be changed at the timeline. You can even rotate, and crop the files.

Step 3. Next, you can add the transitions from the wide range of options available. As needed, add a transition between each slide or between selected ones.

Step 4. Add the music or the sound effect to your slideshow. A file from the built-in library can also be selected.

Step 5. Finally, save and export the slideshow created. You can save the presentation to your system, CD, DVD, or can even share it directly to YouTube or Vimeo.

Ending Thoughts

A marketing slideshow is one of the key elements of an overall marketing campaign or a strategy.

An array of templates is available for creating a marketing slideshow in a hassle-free manner.

Wondershare Filmora is an excellent tool to check out the templates as well as for creating an eye-catchy slideshow.

Try It Free Try It Free

For any kind of business or organization, marketing plays a major role in the brand introduction, awareness, driving sales, and other purposes. A good marketing plan involves a good slideshow and for creating one, the help of a template can be taken.

Marketing Slideshow

So, if you too want to create a marketing template for your business or a brand, keep reading the content below to know about the best places to get templates, tools for creating a marketing plan slideshow, and other related content.

In this article

01 [Importance of a good marketing slideshow](#Part 1)

02 [Tips for creating an effective slideshow](#Part 2)

03 [Best places to search for marketing slideshow templates](#Part 3)

04 [Hassle-free tool for creating an impressive marketing slideshow- Wondershare Filmora](#Part 4)

Part 1 Importance of a good marketing slideshow

A good marketing slideshow serves several benefits and some of them are listed below.

01Building brand awareness and reputation

One of the major purposes and benefits of creating a marketing slideshow is creating brand awareness and recognition among prospective buyers and clients. Using a slideshow, you can present your products and services to your clients and buyers in an interesting and attractive manner.

02Helps in boosting sales

Using a good marketing slideshow presentation, a company can better market their products and reach more clients and prospective buyers which in turn helps in boosting the sales and revenues of the company.

03Helps in creating a reputation

Through a good slideshow, a company can market their products effectively, help the client know about their benefits, and also how it is better than the competitors. Moreover, through a slideshow, you can display the caption, images, and the logo of the company which altogether helps in creating a brand reputation.

04Reaching a wider audience

A slideshow is a technical piece of marketing that can be shared with a huge number of people online. So not only the clients and customers in your vicinity, a marketing slideshow can be sent through mails and other online means which all, in turn, help you to reach people all across the country as well as worldwide.

Part 2 Tips for creating an effective slideshow

As discussed above, there are several benefits of a good marketing slideshow. Now, next comes how can one create an impressive slideshow to get the attention of the clients. Below listed are some useful tips.

01Attractive and impressive

The most important aspect of any slideshow is its presentation and thus while creating one ensure that it is impressive to catch the attention of the clients. An effective presentation must be created to stir the client’s and prospective buyers’ interests in the product and services.

02Powerful message

To strongly build your brand and reputation, the slideshow presentation must have a strong message that holds the attention. The message can revolve around the product, services, or any other relevant thing.

03Make the presentation memorable

It is important for a presentation to be memorable in the minds of the clients and prospective buyers so that it can turn into sales. Ensure that even people with a short attention span can relate to your product and services for a long time.

04Reaching out to a wider audience

Depending on the type of product or service you are promoting, the slideshow presentation is created. Still, try to make a slideshow that can reach out to the maximum number of people in the selected community. The slideshow should be targeted to a wider audience.

05Add multiple elements

To make your slideshow interesting, multiple elements like photos, videos, text, and other elements can be used. With the advanced technology these days there are several tools and software available that can help you get this task done in no time.

06Use templates

Readymade templates in different categories are available for creating a slideshow presentation. These templates not only save time and effort but will also help you create a professional-looking presentation with interesting elements. There are several sites from which you can download the templates of your choice.

Marketing Template

Part 3 Best places to search for marketing slideshow templates

There are several sites that have a collection of marketing templates in different styles and designs. Depending on your product, services, and theme, you can choose between these templates and sites. To make your search a little easier, below listed are some of the sites where you can look for a good marketing slideshow presentation template.







Wondershare Filmora

Marketing Template Sites

Part 4 Hassle-free tool for creating an impressive marketing slideshow- Wondershare Filmora

Creating an impressive slideshow can be done in a hassle-free manner using professional software and here we recommend Wondershare Filmora Video Editor as the best choice. This versatile video editing tool is packed in with an array of video customization as well as other functions which also includes creating a slideshow.

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

A marketing, as well as other templates, can be created in a few simple steps using the software that also has a collection of templates in different categories. There is also a huge collection of stock footage with the tool that can be added to your presentation to make it interesting.

Videos, images, audio, text, as well as other elements, can be added to the slideshow using the software. Some other key features of the software include support for all key formats, multiple editing functions, visual effects, and transitions, split-screen function, speed ramping, masking, audio-beat sync, and many more.

Wondersahre Filmora

Steps for creating a slideshow using Wondershare Filmora

Step 1. Download, install and launch the Wondershare Filmora software on your system. Tap on the New Project button for creating a new slideshow.

Step 2. Import and add the images, videos, and music files from your system to the Media Library of the software. These files then need to be added to the timeline. As needed, the order and the duration of the files can be changed at the timeline. You can even rotate, and crop the files.

Step 3. Next, you can add the transitions from the wide range of options available. As needed, add a transition between each slide or between selected ones.

Step 4. Add the music or the sound effect to your slideshow. A file from the built-in library can also be selected.

Step 5. Finally, save and export the slideshow created. You can save the presentation to your system, CD, DVD, or can even share it directly to YouTube or Vimeo.

Ending Thoughts

A marketing slideshow is one of the key elements of an overall marketing campaign or a strategy.

An array of templates is available for creating a marketing slideshow in a hassle-free manner.

Wondershare Filmora is an excellent tool to check out the templates as well as for creating an eye-catchy slideshow.

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  • License: This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.
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2024 Approved Have You Ever Heard Bokeh Effects for Videos? Do You Know that You Can Make Your Own Bokeh Video Easily with some Software. This Article Will Introduce You How to Make a Bokeh Effect Video with Steps