2024 Approved If You Want to Color Grading Your Video, Final Cut Pro Can Be One of the Best Choices. However, Its Not Easy for Everyone to Use Color Grading Feature, and in This Guide Well Show You How to Do That

2024 Approved If You Want to Color Grading Your Video, Final Cut Pro Can Be One of the Best Choices. However, Its Not Easy for Everyone to Use Color Grading Feature, and in This Guide Well Show You How to Do That

Chloe Lv12

If You Want to Color Grading Your Video, Final Cut Pro Can Be One of the Best Choices. However, It’s Not Easy for Everyone to Use Color Grading Feature, and in This Guide We’ll Show You How to Do That

Have you ever questioned the purpose of those odd video scopes or how to build super grades from the start in Final Cut Pro? In contrast to editing talents, color grading is a technical and difficult ability that takes practice.

In order to help, we decided to compile a thorough beginner’s article to color grading in Final Cut Pro.

With that said, let’s begin!

1. Discover how you color grade in Final Cut Pro

Color grading may be a tedious and time-consuming operation, therefore it’s a skill set that calls for a lot of patience. Some editors won’t conduct any color grading or correction beyond the bare minimum. But even mundane-looking film may look remarkable if you know how to give it a dramatic touch.

A more cinematic grade requires a number of procedures, and there is no one method that works for all situations. We’ll therefore walk you through the process of creating a cinematic color grade in Final Cut Pro, but depending on your material, you might need to add or omit some phases.


Since the raw video is essential for producing a cinematic image, an outstanding grade begins with the camera.

Use the greatest quality settings your camera offers while recording your video; the more information in your picture, the more you can manipulate it during grading.

While it may seem preferable to shoot with as much color as you can, using a duller color profile is very necessary. Your camera will have color settings, and although the washed-out, drab appearance may not inspire confidence in you, it will offer you a lot more editing possibility.

Step2Create a color profile

After importing your film, you may be concerned about the general dull look of your recordings. The reason for that is because you have not yet matched the color profile of your sequence to the one of your camera. To start on this process, it goes as follows.

  • Drag your clip onto your timeline and make sure it is selected. Click on the Inspector icon.
  • Then click on the Information tab of the clip.
  • Navigate all the way down through the options to find the Color LUT option.
  • Then choose the Color profile that matches your clip based on the camera it is filmed with.
  • You’re done!
Step3Checking the scopes

The Scopes in Final Cut Pro are panels that display the color information of your shots. They are quite complicated and can be difficult to comprehend if you did not use them ever before. You can activate Video Scopes by clicking View > Show in Viewer > Video Scopes from the View menu. The three components of grading are the highlights, mid-tones, and shadows. Your highlights are shown at the top and your shadows are at the bottom in all grading tools and scopes.

2. Include Color Wheels

Now that your setup is complete, you can begin grading your footage. Grading is done in multiple layers stacked on top of each other. It may take multiple levels to create the desired look. Follow the instructions below to modify your settings to match your clip if you want to give your footage a cinematic look.

You may access a wider range of color manipulation tools with the built-in color wheels, exposure adjustments, including isolation of color selection, RGB modifications across tone ranges, and simple masking.

3. Color board

A vertical color spectrum is shown on the Color Board, and it is intersected by a horizontal line that features four nodes. These are the ranges of the footage that are designated as the Highlights, Midtones, and Shadows, respectively.

Adjusting a node to a new color space has an immediate and noticeable impact on the corresponding section of the image. If you move above the horizontal line, it will increase, and if you go below the line, it will decrease.

You also have control over the Saturation and Exposure settings. These are wonderful to have if you want to increase the contrast in your photographs and make particular colors more vivid or muted.

4. Masks

Using the Shape Masks feature, each of these individual effects can be perfect for particular regions of your footage. In addition, by utilizing a Color Mask, you can alter the appearance of a specific color. It is possible to apply multiple iterations of each color adjustment to a clip and find it listed under the Effect heading.

The order can be changed by dragging and dropping, and either method can be disabled or enabled. Utilizing keyframes allows for the effects of color grading to be specifically timed as well. Last but not least, keep in mind that the quality and color sample depth of the clips determine how much of an overall adjustment you are capable of making to a color.

5. Color Curves

If you are experienced with more advanced picture editing software, such as Adobe Photoshop, you will benefit greatly from using color curves. Adjustments can be made independently to both the Luma (the brightest areas) and the primary composite colors (red, blue, and green).

6. Match Colors

Match Color is an additional choice that may be made from the improvement’s menu. This function will try to replicate the visual style of one video clip in another. First, choose the clip whose color you want to change, click on that clip that has the desired appearance, and last, choose Match Color.

You will still be able to utilize these settings as shortcuts even after you have gained more experience with manual grading and are comfortable making finer adjustments manually. It is important to keep in mind that while using Final Cut Pro X for color grading, effects can be layered on top of one another.

It’s not likely that a single tool or adjustment will solve an issue or produce the desired result; rather, it’s more likely that a number of different impacts will be required. In the same way that different visual effects in Final Cut Pro X may be toggled on and off, any layers that you add to a clip can have their visibility controlled from the Inspector window.


In Final Cut Pro X, you may choose from a wide variety of grading plugins, ranging from more affordable solutions like FCPeffects to more expensive ones like Magic Bullet Looks, which are designed specifically for feature film-style grades.

Additionally, there is a variety of stand-alone applications for color grading, such as DaVinci Resolve and FilmConvert. You might be comfortable with their gear, but you should also know that their professional-grade color package includes some rather complex editing options.

Beginning to experiment with all of Final Cut Pro X’s functions and determining which ones are most useful to you is the best method to gain an understanding of the program’s color grading capabilities. If you don’t currently have a project that requires your attention, you can download stock footage and experiment with it.

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Best Video Title Generators

The ranking of videos in search results depends on the quality of their titles; making video title maker an essentiality. Similar to metadata, titles provide important information about your video, like its genre, subject, etc., to YouTube, Google, and TikTok viewers. The likelihood that the audience will locate and watch your film will rise if you provide the appropriate titles. To assist you in choosing which option will work best for you, we have included video title makers online in this post.

The process of making video titles may be laborious and time-consuming. However, not with the video title maker online free. You can utilize one of the title video makers online for free and your social media videos might rank higher and get more views altogether. But even when you know where to start, there are so many different factors that it may be perplexing. Fortunately, the fantastic video title generator provided in this post will make the process fast and simple.

  1. TubeRanker Title Generator
  2. TunePocket Title Generator

Part 1. Tools to Generate Video Titles

1. TubeRanker Title Generator

A collection of YouTube SEO tools called TubeRanker may be used to optimize videos on Facebook, YouTube, and TikTok. Creators may utilize the short bursts of video title suggestions provided by the TubeRanker Title Generator in the names of their YouTube videos. Creators of videos may arrange and produce flawless, SEO-optimized video descriptions with the aid of the TubeRanker Video Description Generator. With the help of its title generator tool, TubeRanker can extract and display the meta tags connected to any public movie.

Steps to Use TubeRanker:

Step1 Visit the Website

In the first step, refer to the TubeRanker official website and you will be shown to the following UI. As a result, it’s a good idea to start with some keyword research instructions; you can read the TubeRanker title generator instructions to do so.

open tuberank website

Step2 Launch the Title Generator

Your video’s ranking on search engine results pages in TubeRanker depends heavily on your keywords, which also assist viewers determine if the post is relevant to them. From the webpage, refer to the title generator as shown here:

launch title generator tool

Step3 Generate Video Title

Simply enter your keyword into the title generator and press the red button to complete this phase. You’ll see many titles as soon as you do that and begin reading the headlines. Write down the ones that make sense as you go down. Make a few minor edits to ensure that they are grammatically sound. Run a search using the niche and after that the automatically created titles are getting in the way as shown here:

generate video title

Step4 Copy the Title (s)

After that, you’ll have a lot of options from which to choose. Some individuals push for names that are SEO-friendly, while others try for titles that are distinctive to stand out from the throng. maintain a careful balance. Both include a powerful keyword and making your title stand out should be your goals.

copy titles from generator tool

2. TunePocket Title Generator

For background music for your video and YouTube video SEO, TunePocket might be a top-notch tool. Additionally, the fact that it is free to use and that no account creation is necessary is beneficial. A stock music library, TunePocket provides a variety of music services. Additionally, we have discovered some incredible YouTube tools, such as YouTube tag generators. The fact that you can use this tag generator on YouTube without creating an account is what made us appreciate it even more.

Steps to Use TunePocket:

Step1 Visit the Website

The title generating procedure for your films may be started by first visiting the official TunePocket website, as illustrated here:
image name: visit-tunepocket.jpg

Step2 Launch the Title Generator

While on the webpage, you can refer to the YouTube title generator section. This will let you enter the topic of your video in the referred box as shown here:

enter video topic to generate

Step3 Generate Video Title

You may save a lot of time by using TunePocket title generator to create creative titles. Simply type in your target term, choose your desired region, and language, then click “Get Titles.” There will be a list of useful keywords returned by TunePocket. You can run again the generator in order to get the desired results. For that, click on the Run again button down the line as shown here:

title ideas suggestions

Step4 Copy the Title to Clipboard

A title generator may be processed in a matter of seconds and a few clicks. You don’t need to spend hours and hours coming up with numerous titles; you can copy more than one in a matter of minutes. Simply hit the Copy to Clipboard and get done with the title:

copy title to clipboard

Part 2. Tips to Create Video Titles

Whether you’ve been video marketing for years or are just starting out, coming up with catchy video titles might be the most difficult aspect of the process. The title of a video has a significant role in whether or not viewers choose to click the play button, making it more than simply a minor feature. Poor titles make it difficult to attract views and expand your following, regardless of how fantastic your videos are. Here are the best scrutinized tips for creating best ranking titles for your videos:

1. Optimize the title using keywords for improved SEO

It might be difficult to come up with a title that is original, concise, and descriptive. However, a strong video title stays something original. Keywords are crucial for more than simply your website. They are important for video titles, too. If you want people to see your videos when they search for certain phrases, those keywords should be in the title because Google and YouTube can’t watch videos and grasp the content (yet).

2. Perfectly Match the Content

A excellent video title explains to viewers what to anticipate from the video. It’s unambiguous, straightforward, and sincere. Additionally, if you are familiar with your target demographic, you will be able to generate a lot more hits to your videos. Using a vague or confusing title is problematic as people are busy and need a reason to watch your movie. Similar to false content, misleading headlines deceive viewers and damage your reputation.

3. Attempt to pique interest

Keep in mind that compelling video titles are an art form that appeals to viewers’ emotions rather than being a precise SEO science. Try answering the questions on your own to get a catchy video title. People are more inclined to watch a video if you make reference to a secret or exceptional knowledge that you will disclose in it. Keep in mind that your goal is not to deceive viewers into viewing your video.

4. Increase the Click Through Rate

The finest titles are those that best expose the vulnerabilities of the reader. Consider it a little preview for your video. If you are creating a how-to or instructive video that answers a question or gives information, you may want to consider include the question in the title. It also makes it simple to think up video concept.

5. Attempt to utilize cue (triggering) words

Your title and description should both include your target keyword. You’ll probably start to generate some ideas for a real video title after you begin your keyword research. To determine how persuasive these concepts are, use a trigger analyzer. You’ll need to do study in order to accomplish this. As for the knowledge gap, consider how your target audience would respond.

The Bottom Line

In this article, we’ve compiled a list of the best tag generators for videos, including everything from video names and descriptions to titles, thumbnail design elements, and video ideas. You may get some useful tips as well for creating the greatest video titles by using this guide to the video title generator to obtain the ideal title for your social media videos. Find out the best suitable video title maker online free in the post above and tweak your video titles for social platforms rankings.

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

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1. TubeRanker Title Generator

A collection of YouTube SEO tools called TubeRanker may be used to optimize videos on Facebook, YouTube, and TikTok. Creators may utilize the short bursts of video title suggestions provided by the TubeRanker Title Generator in the names of their YouTube videos. Creators of videos may arrange and produce flawless, SEO-optimized video descriptions with the aid of the TubeRanker Video Description Generator. With the help of its title generator tool, TubeRanker can extract and display the meta tags connected to any public movie.

Steps to Use TubeRanker:

Step1 Visit the Website

In the first step, refer to the TubeRanker official website and you will be shown to the following UI. As a result, it’s a good idea to start with some keyword research instructions; you can read the TubeRanker title generator instructions to do so.

open tuberank website

Step2 Launch the Title Generator

Your video’s ranking on search engine results pages in TubeRanker depends heavily on your keywords, which also assist viewers determine if the post is relevant to them. From the webpage, refer to the title generator as shown here:

launch title generator tool

Step3 Generate Video Title

Simply enter your keyword into the title generator and press the red button to complete this phase. You’ll see many titles as soon as you do that and begin reading the headlines. Write down the ones that make sense as you go down. Make a few minor edits to ensure that they are grammatically sound. Run a search using the niche and after that the automatically created titles are getting in the way as shown here:

generate video title

Step4 Copy the Title (s)

After that, you’ll have a lot of options from which to choose. Some individuals push for names that are SEO-friendly, while others try for titles that are distinctive to stand out from the throng. maintain a careful balance. Both include a powerful keyword and making your title stand out should be your goals.

copy titles from generator tool

2. TunePocket Title Generator

For background music for your video and YouTube video SEO, TunePocket might be a top-notch tool. Additionally, the fact that it is free to use and that no account creation is necessary is beneficial. A stock music library, TunePocket provides a variety of music services. Additionally, we have discovered some incredible YouTube tools, such as YouTube tag generators. The fact that you can use this tag generator on YouTube without creating an account is what made us appreciate it even more.

Steps to Use TunePocket:

Step1 Visit the Website

The title generating procedure for your films may be started by first visiting the official TunePocket website, as illustrated here:
image name: visit-tunepocket.jpg

Step2 Launch the Title Generator

While on the webpage, you can refer to the YouTube title generator section. This will let you enter the topic of your video in the referred box as shown here:

enter video topic to generate

Step3 Generate Video Title

You may save a lot of time by using TunePocket title generator to create creative titles. Simply type in your target term, choose your desired region, and language, then click “Get Titles.” There will be a list of useful keywords returned by TunePocket. You can run again the generator in order to get the desired results. For that, click on the Run again button down the line as shown here:

title ideas suggestions

Step4 Copy the Title to Clipboard

A title generator may be processed in a matter of seconds and a few clicks. You don’t need to spend hours and hours coming up with numerous titles; you can copy more than one in a matter of minutes. Simply hit the Copy to Clipboard and get done with the title:

copy title to clipboard

Part 2. Tips to Create Video Titles

Whether you’ve been video marketing for years or are just starting out, coming up with catchy video titles might be the most difficult aspect of the process. The title of a video has a significant role in whether or not viewers choose to click the play button, making it more than simply a minor feature. Poor titles make it difficult to attract views and expand your following, regardless of how fantastic your videos are. Here are the best scrutinized tips for creating best ranking titles for your videos:

1. Optimize the title using keywords for improved SEO

It might be difficult to come up with a title that is original, concise, and descriptive. However, a strong video title stays something original. Keywords are crucial for more than simply your website. They are important for video titles, too. If you want people to see your videos when they search for certain phrases, those keywords should be in the title because Google and YouTube can’t watch videos and grasp the content (yet).

2. Perfectly Match the Content

A excellent video title explains to viewers what to anticipate from the video. It’s unambiguous, straightforward, and sincere. Additionally, if you are familiar with your target demographic, you will be able to generate a lot more hits to your videos. Using a vague or confusing title is problematic as people are busy and need a reason to watch your movie. Similar to false content, misleading headlines deceive viewers and damage your reputation.

3. Attempt to pique interest

Keep in mind that compelling video titles are an art form that appeals to viewers’ emotions rather than being a precise SEO science. Try answering the questions on your own to get a catchy video title. People are more inclined to watch a video if you make reference to a secret or exceptional knowledge that you will disclose in it. Keep in mind that your goal is not to deceive viewers into viewing your video.

4. Increase the Click Through Rate

The finest titles are those that best expose the vulnerabilities of the reader. Consider it a little preview for your video. If you are creating a how-to or instructive video that answers a question or gives information, you may want to consider include the question in the title. It also makes it simple to think up video concept.

5. Attempt to utilize cue (triggering) words

Your title and description should both include your target keyword. You’ll probably start to generate some ideas for a real video title after you begin your keyword research. To determine how persuasive these concepts are, use a trigger analyzer. You’ll need to do study in order to accomplish this. As for the knowledge gap, consider how your target audience would respond.

The Bottom Line

In this article, we’ve compiled a list of the best tag generators for videos, including everything from video names and descriptions to titles, thumbnail design elements, and video ideas. You may get some useful tips as well for creating the greatest video titles by using this guide to the video title generator to obtain the ideal title for your social media videos. Find out the best suitable video title maker online free in the post above and tweak your video titles for social platforms rankings.

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Take Your Video Editing to the Next Level with Video Scopes

All video editors have been there. You edit and color-correct your video project only to find out that the final product is not what you expected. The contract and colors dramatically shift when viewed on a different device. In most cases, this is caused by improperly calibrated monitors, but it could also be your eyes playing tricks on you. Video scopes help in preventing this problem ensuring that the color in your video is consistent across devices. With video editing scope, you get the exact representation of the elements that make up your image, including lightness and color values. In this article, we explain what video scopes are and how you can use them in your editing projects.

Color Correction Editor An easy-to-use video editor helps you make color correction and color grading experience for videos!

Free Download Use Vectorscope in Filmora Try Color Correction

Wondershare Filmora

Part 1. Introduction to Video Scopes: What are They and Why You Should Use them

When grading and color correcting your videos, it is important to accurately assess your video signal. This allows you to know whether you’re crushing the blacks in the night shot or clipping the whites in the clouds. You also get to know the exact saturation and hue your logo has. Video scopes are simply monitoring tools and measurements that are used during video editing to analyze and optimize the technical quality of video signals.

video scopes

Video scopes are important because your monitor may not be properly calibrated. It will likely give you inaccurate results and cannot be trusted with the video editing process. Since our eyes will naturally adapt to the image, they cannot be trusted either. However, video scopes never lie and will let you know the exact status of your video. In fact, the scope of video editing is beneficial in several ways:

  • Increased Accuracy: Color correction and grading require accurate information that cannot be guaranteed by our eyes. Video scopes are highly accurate, confirming the true color and assuring you are making the correct adjustments
  • Reliability: Video scopes provide reliable verification by ensuring you are not influenced by perception or what may appear as the right color grading.
  • Professional Editing: The use of scopes in video editing is professional and allows you to make precise corrections of colors.
  • Matching Color Between Shots: You can easily use video scopes to match your work and access various shots.

Video scopes are indeed useful in video editing. They give you the extra reassurance that your color grading and correction are accurate and representative of what you want. While they may sound intimidating for beginners, video scopes are a useful addition to video editing once you learn how to interpret them.

Part 2. Essential Video Scopes for Beginners: A List of the Most Common Ones

Scope in video editing can be a lifesaver, especially when you know what you are doing. Some are readily available for adjustment while recording, but the post-production ones are equally important. They ensure you are making the right adjustments without being interfered with by the appearance of your monitor. The scope of video editing ensures that our video will look the same across all devices. Here are the most commonly used video scopes:

1. Waveform Scopes

Waveform video scope allows you to see how dark or light your image is. In other words, the waveform represents the luminance distribution across your image, allowing you to easily identify the bright and dark elements of your image. The lightness of the picture of the image is represented as a waveform. The rule of thumb is that black is 0 while white is 100 when you are editing HD. Levels below 0 at the bottom of the scope and those above 100 near the top of the scope will be clipped. So, you have to keep your levels within the 0-100 range, which is also the true Standard Dynamic Range (SDR) video. With Ultra-HD standard, the whites can go up to 10,000, which is the High Dynamic Range.


2. Histogram

The histogram video scope allows you to see the tonal value of your clip. Most people associate histograms with still photography, but it is also useful for video work. Specifically, the histogram represents the highlights, shadows, and midtones of your image. For a standard 8-bit image, pure white has a value of 255 while dark black has a value of 0. The histogram gives you the distribution of colored pixels in every value of lightness or darkness. Although other video scopes like the waveform and vectorscope will do much of the work, a histogram is still a useful measure in video editing.


3. RGB Parade

This is one of the most common post-production video scopes. The RGB parade allows you to see all three colors in one scope. It shows the waveform of the three colors side by side, and not on top of each other. This way, the RGB parade measures the saturation of the colors red, green, and blue in an image. It becomes clear which colors are more saturated compared to others in different areas of the image. To achieve a well-balanced image, keep each color within the lower and upper limits of the video scope. This ensures that the colors are not under or over-saturated.

rgb parade

4. Vector Scopes

This is another common visual post-production scope. It measures the color and color saturation of your image or video on a six-point color wheel. When working with vector scopes, you have two options to choose from: YUV and HLS vector scopes. The YUV vector scopes display the saturation and hue of the colors in the image on the circular graph. The colors in the graph include red, blue, magenta, yellow, and cyan-green. Color becomes more saturated the further it is from the center. On the other hand, the HLS vector scopes show saturation and hue, but in a more detailed picture of the number of pixels that fall into each area of the video scope.


Part 3. Unlock the Power of Video Scopes with Filmora

The use of scope in video editing will up your game and improve the overall quality of your videos. They give you an effective way of balancing and correcting colors. For pro video scopes for Mac and Windows, Wondashare Filmora is a great choice. The professional video editor comes with four types of video scopes that provide exceptional results. In addition to a histogram, Filmora V13 offers more options for color balancing and correcting. Let’s have a look at how to use video scopes on Filmora.

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Using Video Scopes in Filmora

Filmora has made it easy for users to utilize video scopes in their editing projects. Once you have launched Filmora and started a New Project, video scopes are easily accessible via the highlighted icon.

filmora videoscopes

The four video scopes offered by Filmora allow you to achieve specific color adjustments in your video projects. Let’s have a look at how each can be used in video editing.

1. Parade RGB

The parade RGB video scope is used to change the color channel of your visual images from RBG to YCbCr or YRGB. It displays the red, green, and blue channels of the video signal, which can be helpful when you are identifying areas of the video that are too dark or too bright. You can also use the parade to check the color balance of the video.


2. Waveform

The Waveform video scope in Filmora is used to adjust the color channels of your images or videos in different ways. It displays the brightness of the video signal, allowing you to heck the contrast level.


3. Vectorscope

The vectorscope helps to identify and adjust the skin tone of your subjects. It displays the color saturation of the video signal, helping you identify areas that are too saturated or desaturated. This way, you can easily check the skin tones in the video.


4. Histogram

The histogram, and video scope display multiple adjustments graphically while adjusting color channels. It displays the distribution of brightness values in the video, allowing you to check the overall brightness level.



Video scopes are important measures for tracing color elements when color correcting and enhancing your video. For an accurate and easy way of using video scopes in your projects, we highly recommend Wondershar Filmora. With the recent upgrades on Filmora, users now have access to pro video scopes that give you professional editing experience. Explore the four available video scopes, including waveform and Histogram. Parade, and vectorscope to achieve better color grading and quality of your videos.

Free Download Use Vectorscope in Filmora Try Color Correction

Wondershare Filmora

Part 1. Introduction to Video Scopes: What are They and Why You Should Use them

When grading and color correcting your videos, it is important to accurately assess your video signal. This allows you to know whether you’re crushing the blacks in the night shot or clipping the whites in the clouds. You also get to know the exact saturation and hue your logo has. Video scopes are simply monitoring tools and measurements that are used during video editing to analyze and optimize the technical quality of video signals.

video scopes

Video scopes are important because your monitor may not be properly calibrated. It will likely give you inaccurate results and cannot be trusted with the video editing process. Since our eyes will naturally adapt to the image, they cannot be trusted either. However, video scopes never lie and will let you know the exact status of your video. In fact, the scope of video editing is beneficial in several ways:

  • Increased Accuracy: Color correction and grading require accurate information that cannot be guaranteed by our eyes. Video scopes are highly accurate, confirming the true color and assuring you are making the correct adjustments
  • Reliability: Video scopes provide reliable verification by ensuring you are not influenced by perception or what may appear as the right color grading.
  • Professional Editing: The use of scopes in video editing is professional and allows you to make precise corrections of colors.
  • Matching Color Between Shots: You can easily use video scopes to match your work and access various shots.

Video scopes are indeed useful in video editing. They give you the extra reassurance that your color grading and correction are accurate and representative of what you want. While they may sound intimidating for beginners, video scopes are a useful addition to video editing once you learn how to interpret them.

Part 2. Essential Video Scopes for Beginners: A List of the Most Common Ones

Scope in video editing can be a lifesaver, especially when you know what you are doing. Some are readily available for adjustment while recording, but the post-production ones are equally important. They ensure you are making the right adjustments without being interfered with by the appearance of your monitor. The scope of video editing ensures that our video will look the same across all devices. Here are the most commonly used video scopes:

1. Waveform Scopes

Waveform video scope allows you to see how dark or light your image is. In other words, the waveform represents the luminance distribution across your image, allowing you to easily identify the bright and dark elements of your image. The lightness of the picture of the image is represented as a waveform. The rule of thumb is that black is 0 while white is 100 when you are editing HD. Levels below 0 at the bottom of the scope and those above 100 near the top of the scope will be clipped. So, you have to keep your levels within the 0-100 range, which is also the true Standard Dynamic Range (SDR) video. With Ultra-HD standard, the whites can go up to 10,000, which is the High Dynamic Range.


2. Histogram

The histogram video scope allows you to see the tonal value of your clip. Most people associate histograms with still photography, but it is also useful for video work. Specifically, the histogram represents the highlights, shadows, and midtones of your image. For a standard 8-bit image, pure white has a value of 255 while dark black has a value of 0. The histogram gives you the distribution of colored pixels in every value of lightness or darkness. Although other video scopes like the waveform and vectorscope will do much of the work, a histogram is still a useful measure in video editing.


3. RGB Parade

This is one of the most common post-production video scopes. The RGB parade allows you to see all three colors in one scope. It shows the waveform of the three colors side by side, and not on top of each other. This way, the RGB parade measures the saturation of the colors red, green, and blue in an image. It becomes clear which colors are more saturated compared to others in different areas of the image. To achieve a well-balanced image, keep each color within the lower and upper limits of the video scope. This ensures that the colors are not under or over-saturated.

rgb parade

4. Vector Scopes

This is another common visual post-production scope. It measures the color and color saturation of your image or video on a six-point color wheel. When working with vector scopes, you have two options to choose from: YUV and HLS vector scopes. The YUV vector scopes display the saturation and hue of the colors in the image on the circular graph. The colors in the graph include red, blue, magenta, yellow, and cyan-green. Color becomes more saturated the further it is from the center. On the other hand, the HLS vector scopes show saturation and hue, but in a more detailed picture of the number of pixels that fall into each area of the video scope.


Part 3. Unlock the Power of Video Scopes with Filmora

The use of scope in video editing will up your game and improve the overall quality of your videos. They give you an effective way of balancing and correcting colors. For pro video scopes for Mac and Windows, Wondashare Filmora is a great choice. The professional video editor comes with four types of video scopes that provide exceptional results. In addition to a histogram, Filmora V13 offers more options for color balancing and correcting. Let’s have a look at how to use video scopes on Filmora.

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Using Video Scopes in Filmora

Filmora has made it easy for users to utilize video scopes in their editing projects. Once you have launched Filmora and started a New Project, video scopes are easily accessible via the highlighted icon.

filmora videoscopes

The four video scopes offered by Filmora allow you to achieve specific color adjustments in your video projects. Let’s have a look at how each can be used in video editing.

1. Parade RGB

The parade RGB video scope is used to change the color channel of your visual images from RBG to YCbCr or YRGB. It displays the red, green, and blue channels of the video signal, which can be helpful when you are identifying areas of the video that are too dark or too bright. You can also use the parade to check the color balance of the video.


2. Waveform

The Waveform video scope in Filmora is used to adjust the color channels of your images or videos in different ways. It displays the brightness of the video signal, allowing you to heck the contrast level.


3. Vectorscope

The vectorscope helps to identify and adjust the skin tone of your subjects. It displays the color saturation of the video signal, helping you identify areas that are too saturated or desaturated. This way, you can easily check the skin tones in the video.


4. Histogram

The histogram, and video scope display multiple adjustments graphically while adjusting color channels. It displays the distribution of brightness values in the video, allowing you to check the overall brightness level.



Video scopes are important measures for tracing color elements when color correcting and enhancing your video. For an accurate and easy way of using video scopes in your projects, we highly recommend Wondershar Filmora. With the recent upgrades on Filmora, users now have access to pro video scopes that give you professional editing experience. Explore the four available video scopes, including waveform and Histogram. Parade, and vectorscope to achieve better color grading and quality of your videos.

How to Color Correct in OBS

Create High-Quality Video - Wondershare Filmora

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Numerous video and audio effects to choose from

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Color Correction is an outstanding functionality that allows editing photos and videos by altering their consistency to match a particular standard. Besides, color correction is available in the premium tool and free applications. And one of the established free software tools with color correction is the OBS.

Even though the Open Broadcaster Software is mainly known for live streaming and offline video recording, it also offers color correction functionality from its open canvas. Read this article to completion and get to the bottom line of how to do color correction in OBS.

More about OBS

In this article

01 What is OBS?

02 Color Grade in OBS

03 How to Apply LUTs in OBS

What is OBS?

Open Broadcaster Software (OBS) is free and open-source software that allows users to record videos and live stream events right at their comfort. The software functions effectively on Mac, Windows, and Linux computers.

Open Broadcaster Software (OBS) is free and open-source software that allows users to record videos and live stream events right at their comfort. The software functions effectively on Mac, Windows, and Linux computers.

Since its initial launch in 2012, OBS has made tremendous moves – This is not only from the constant release of its new versions but also the relentless increase in the functionality features. Besides, OBS is equipped with a robust API that enables plugins and scripts which provide extensive customization to precisely suit one’s needs.

However, OBS being a free application can function to date due to enough support from sponsors and backers.

How to Apply Color Correction in OBS

When you carry out basic edits to your videos or images with OBS and realize that your project has poor shade, color, or tone, you don’t have to export it to another software to correct it. Instead, you can use filters for color correction in OBS.

Apart from using OBS filters to color correct video clips and images, you can correct games, browser sources, and video capture devices.

There are various aspects of color correction in OBS. It includes:

1. Gamma

Gamma is a fundamental aspect in OBS that functions by balancing the brightness of an image through contrast. To be precise, Gamma works almost similarly to change in brightness while simultaneously increasing or decreasing the contrast.

In editing, Gamma is applicable mainly for removing shiny foreheads and webcam footage in gaming and browsing.

High Gamma is represented by “L,” whereas low Gamm is represented by “R.”

2. Contrast

Contrast is the difference in the degree of colors and tones in an image. Usually, the low contrast image has a narrow color range, whereas the high contrast images have dark shadows and bright highlights.

“L” represents high contrast in OBS contrast, whereas “R” represents low contrast.

3. Brightness

Brightness is the degree to how light or dark a picture is. To be able to understand an image clearly, it is best to correct its brightness. A change in brightness of a picture has a simultaneous change in pixels of that image.

High brightness in OBS is denounced by the letter “L,” whereas Low brightness is denounced by “R.”

4. Saturation

Saturation is the intensity of colors in a video or an image. High saturated images are bright, strong, and are rich, whereas the low saturated photos appear washed out. Black and white (grayscale) photos have no color saturation. In OBS, high saturation and low saturation are represented as “L” and “R.”

5. Hue Shift

Hue shift is the change in an image’s saturation, lightness, and hue colors. Hue shifting occurs when highlighting or shading images. In OBS, you can use the hue shift functionality to reimage your image with a completely different color palette.

With the hue shift functionality in OBS, you can place the image on top of another and have an 80% opacity. It means that you will still see the first image when you place the second one on top of it.

The “L” sign in the OBS hue shift represents 50% opacity, while the “R” represents 100% Opacity.

Color Grade in OBS

Color grading is the process of enhancing the appearance of an image through attributes such as contrast, saturation, and color, making them enchanting for presentations. Color grading is not only done for still images but also for motion pictures and images.

Color grading functionality in OBS is encompassed with several tools – This includes:

1. Lift tool

As the name suggests, lift tools are used in lifting or removing specific colors from an image. It does so without necessarily affecting other colors in an image.

With this tool, you can selectively remove unwanted colors from your image or video, replace them with your desired ones, and create astonishing results.

2. Offset

Offset is another outstanding tool in OBS color grading that controls the blacks/Shadows of an image. It functions by altering the brightness levels and leaving the highlights and the mid-tones unaffected.

3. Gain

A gain is a tool in OBS color correction that functions by only adjusting the white levels in an image. With the gain tool, brighter colors become brighter or darker.

Many people, especially beginner editors, experience difficulty differentiating between the Gamma and Offset tools. Yes, there is a closer similarity between the two, and for you to be on the safe side, you need to know that Gamma goes with the mid-tones (middle gray levels) whereas the Gain goes with highlights/whites.

How to Apply LUTs in OBS

Look up tables (LUTs) is a functionality feature that allows editors, colorists, and filmmakers to save certain colors as their templates. Therefore, when working on a particular project, they don’t have to create new working color grades; instead, you pick it from your LUT.

Using LUTs OBS is not rocket science. With LUTs, you can create unique projects with a vibrant feel. Here are the simple steps of using LUTs in OBS.

Step 1. Prepare your LUT

First, check and establish whether you have your LUT ready. If you don’t have it, you can download one from the internet. Make sure you download it as a folder. Even though OBS has LUT, It has limited color grades; therefore, it is best to download one. You can extract it to an OBS folder if you downloaded it in a zip file.

Step 2. Add your project to the OBS timeline

Open your OBS software and add your project file. Drag and drop your file to the OBS timeline.

obs color correction

Step 3. Add LUTs to your project

Right-click on the area in your project that you wish to apply LUTs, then click on “Filters.” Select “Apply LUT” from the drop-down menu,” which is usually at the top of the list.

obs color correction - add luts

Step 4. Apply your LUT as a filter

On the LUTs section, click on the browser, then open your downloaded LUT folder. Usually, the LUT is in the form of a .cube file. You can adjust your LUT by simply clicking on the “Adjust” option.

Bonus! How to Apply Color Correction for Webcam and Camera

People who primarily use their computers for recording sessions often find it difficult to capture quality videos. It is because most computer cameras are not straightforward. To do away with purchasing a new camera due to poor quality video capture, they can freely use OBS LUTs. For their camera and webcam. LUTs for webcam play a vital role in correcting the quality of photos and videos by using filters.

Here are the simple steps on how to use LUTs for color correction in webcam and camera

Step 1. Check whether your camera has additional software

Most webcams and cameras are controlled by external software, so you first need to check whether yours is also controlled. A thing with these cameras are controlled by their software is that the software determines the color settings and the specific image.

Double click on camera source and select “Configure video.” Computers with external software cameras will have a pop-up window that displays various customizable settings. Here, you can adjust the different settings based on your preference.

color correction in webcam

Step 2. Download your LUTs

Download online the LUTs you want to use. Download them as folders and extract the files you downloaded as zip files. Save them in the OBS folder.

Step 3. Apply your LUTs

Still, in your OBS software, open your camera and then right-click on it. From the displayed menu, click on “Filters.”

On the bottom left corner of your interface, hit the “+” sign, then select “Apply LUTs” > “Browse.”

Open your already downloaded OBS files. Usually, there is an “Adjust” that allows you to regulate the intensity of the LUT by sliding it.

color correction in webcam - apply luts

Step 4. Start recording with LUTs on

After turning on your LUT, you can start recording videos and taking photos. There is an eye icon on the left-hand side of your screen. You can use it to turn on or off LUT.


And that is how to do color correction in OBS. Besides, you do not have to go to the extremes of getting a new camera because of your webcam faultiness. With OBS, you can correct your camera and webcam and get outstanding results.

Download LUTs from the internet and use them as a template in OBS. Besides, you don’t have to pay for the LUTs, but you can use the free ones.

Try It Free Try It Free

Color Correction is an outstanding functionality that allows editing photos and videos by altering their consistency to match a particular standard. Besides, color correction is available in the premium tool and free applications. And one of the established free software tools with color correction is the OBS.

Even though the Open Broadcaster Software is mainly known for live streaming and offline video recording, it also offers color correction functionality from its open canvas. Read this article to completion and get to the bottom line of how to do color correction in OBS.

More about OBS

In this article

01 What is OBS?

02 Color Grade in OBS

03 How to Apply LUTs in OBS

What is OBS?

Open Broadcaster Software (OBS) is free and open-source software that allows users to record videos and live stream events right at their comfort. The software functions effectively on Mac, Windows, and Linux computers.

Open Broadcaster Software (OBS) is free and open-source software that allows users to record videos and live stream events right at their comfort. The software functions effectively on Mac, Windows, and Linux computers.

Since its initial launch in 2012, OBS has made tremendous moves – This is not only from the constant release of its new versions but also the relentless increase in the functionality features. Besides, OBS is equipped with a robust API that enables plugins and scripts which provide extensive customization to precisely suit one’s needs.

However, OBS being a free application can function to date due to enough support from sponsors and backers.

How to Apply Color Correction in OBS

When you carry out basic edits to your videos or images with OBS and realize that your project has poor shade, color, or tone, you don’t have to export it to another software to correct it. Instead, you can use filters for color correction in OBS.

Apart from using OBS filters to color correct video clips and images, you can correct games, browser sources, and video capture devices.

There are various aspects of color correction in OBS. It includes:

1. Gamma

Gamma is a fundamental aspect in OBS that functions by balancing the brightness of an image through contrast. To be precise, Gamma works almost similarly to change in brightness while simultaneously increasing or decreasing the contrast.

In editing, Gamma is applicable mainly for removing shiny foreheads and webcam footage in gaming and browsing.

High Gamma is represented by “L,” whereas low Gamm is represented by “R.”

2. Contrast

Contrast is the difference in the degree of colors and tones in an image. Usually, the low contrast image has a narrow color range, whereas the high contrast images have dark shadows and bright highlights.

“L” represents high contrast in OBS contrast, whereas “R” represents low contrast.

3. Brightness

Brightness is the degree to how light or dark a picture is. To be able to understand an image clearly, it is best to correct its brightness. A change in brightness of a picture has a simultaneous change in pixels of that image.

High brightness in OBS is denounced by the letter “L,” whereas Low brightness is denounced by “R.”

4. Saturation

Saturation is the intensity of colors in a video or an image. High saturated images are bright, strong, and are rich, whereas the low saturated photos appear washed out. Black and white (grayscale) photos have no color saturation. In OBS, high saturation and low saturation are represented as “L” and “R.”

5. Hue Shift

Hue shift is the change in an image’s saturation, lightness, and hue colors. Hue shifting occurs when highlighting or shading images. In OBS, you can use the hue shift functionality to reimage your image with a completely different color palette.

With the hue shift functionality in OBS, you can place the image on top of another and have an 80% opacity. It means that you will still see the first image when you place the second one on top of it.

The “L” sign in the OBS hue shift represents 50% opacity, while the “R” represents 100% Opacity.

Color Grade in OBS

Color grading is the process of enhancing the appearance of an image through attributes such as contrast, saturation, and color, making them enchanting for presentations. Color grading is not only done for still images but also for motion pictures and images.

Color grading functionality in OBS is encompassed with several tools – This includes:

1. Lift tool

As the name suggests, lift tools are used in lifting or removing specific colors from an image. It does so without necessarily affecting other colors in an image.

With this tool, you can selectively remove unwanted colors from your image or video, replace them with your desired ones, and create astonishing results.

2. Offset

Offset is another outstanding tool in OBS color grading that controls the blacks/Shadows of an image. It functions by altering the brightness levels and leaving the highlights and the mid-tones unaffected.

3. Gain

A gain is a tool in OBS color correction that functions by only adjusting the white levels in an image. With the gain tool, brighter colors become brighter or darker.

Many people, especially beginner editors, experience difficulty differentiating between the Gamma and Offset tools. Yes, there is a closer similarity between the two, and for you to be on the safe side, you need to know that Gamma goes with the mid-tones (middle gray levels) whereas the Gain goes with highlights/whites.

How to Apply LUTs in OBS

Look up tables (LUTs) is a functionality feature that allows editors, colorists, and filmmakers to save certain colors as their templates. Therefore, when working on a particular project, they don’t have to create new working color grades; instead, you pick it from your LUT.

Using LUTs OBS is not rocket science. With LUTs, you can create unique projects with a vibrant feel. Here are the simple steps of using LUTs in OBS.

Step 1. Prepare your LUT

First, check and establish whether you have your LUT ready. If you don’t have it, you can download one from the internet. Make sure you download it as a folder. Even though OBS has LUT, It has limited color grades; therefore, it is best to download one. You can extract it to an OBS folder if you downloaded it in a zip file.

Step 2. Add your project to the OBS timeline

Open your OBS software and add your project file. Drag and drop your file to the OBS timeline.

obs color correction

Step 3. Add LUTs to your project

Right-click on the area in your project that you wish to apply LUTs, then click on “Filters.” Select “Apply LUT” from the drop-down menu,” which is usually at the top of the list.

obs color correction - add luts

Step 4. Apply your LUT as a filter

On the LUTs section, click on the browser, then open your downloaded LUT folder. Usually, the LUT is in the form of a .cube file. You can adjust your LUT by simply clicking on the “Adjust” option.

Bonus! How to Apply Color Correction for Webcam and Camera

People who primarily use their computers for recording sessions often find it difficult to capture quality videos. It is because most computer cameras are not straightforward. To do away with purchasing a new camera due to poor quality video capture, they can freely use OBS LUTs. For their camera and webcam. LUTs for webcam play a vital role in correcting the quality of photos and videos by using filters.

Here are the simple steps on how to use LUTs for color correction in webcam and camera

Step 1. Check whether your camera has additional software

Most webcams and cameras are controlled by external software, so you first need to check whether yours is also controlled. A thing with these cameras are controlled by their software is that the software determines the color settings and the specific image.

Double click on camera source and select “Configure video.” Computers with external software cameras will have a pop-up window that displays various customizable settings. Here, you can adjust the different settings based on your preference.

color correction in webcam

Step 2. Download your LUTs

Download online the LUTs you want to use. Download them as folders and extract the files you downloaded as zip files. Save them in the OBS folder.

Step 3. Apply your LUTs

Still, in your OBS software, open your camera and then right-click on it. From the displayed menu, click on “Filters.”

On the bottom left corner of your interface, hit the “+” sign, then select “Apply LUTs” > “Browse.”

Open your already downloaded OBS files. Usually, there is an “Adjust” that allows you to regulate the intensity of the LUT by sliding it.

color correction in webcam - apply luts

Step 4. Start recording with LUTs on

After turning on your LUT, you can start recording videos and taking photos. There is an eye icon on the left-hand side of your screen. You can use it to turn on or off LUT.


And that is how to do color correction in OBS. Besides, you do not have to go to the extremes of getting a new camera because of your webcam faultiness. With OBS, you can correct your camera and webcam and get outstanding results.

Download LUTs from the internet and use them as a template in OBS. Besides, you don’t have to pay for the LUTs, but you can use the free ones.

Try It Free Try It Free

Color Correction is an outstanding functionality that allows editing photos and videos by altering their consistency to match a particular standard. Besides, color correction is available in the premium tool and free applications. And one of the established free software tools with color correction is the OBS.

Even though the Open Broadcaster Software is mainly known for live streaming and offline video recording, it also offers color correction functionality from its open canvas. Read this article to completion and get to the bottom line of how to do color correction in OBS.

More about OBS

In this article

01 What is OBS?

02 Color Grade in OBS

03 How to Apply LUTs in OBS

What is OBS?

Open Broadcaster Software (OBS) is free and open-source software that allows users to record videos and live stream events right at their comfort. The software functions effectively on Mac, Windows, and Linux computers.

Open Broadcaster Software (OBS) is free and open-source software that allows users to record videos and live stream events right at their comfort. The software functions effectively on Mac, Windows, and Linux computers.

Since its initial launch in 2012, OBS has made tremendous moves – This is not only from the constant release of its new versions but also the relentless increase in the functionality features. Besides, OBS is equipped with a robust API that enables plugins and scripts which provide extensive customization to precisely suit one’s needs.

However, OBS being a free application can function to date due to enough support from sponsors and backers.

How to Apply Color Correction in OBS

When you carry out basic edits to your videos or images with OBS and realize that your project has poor shade, color, or tone, you don’t have to export it to another software to correct it. Instead, you can use filters for color correction in OBS.

Apart from using OBS filters to color correct video clips and images, you can correct games, browser sources, and video capture devices.

There are various aspects of color correction in OBS. It includes:

1. Gamma

Gamma is a fundamental aspect in OBS that functions by balancing the brightness of an image through contrast. To be precise, Gamma works almost similarly to change in brightness while simultaneously increasing or decreasing the contrast.

In editing, Gamma is applicable mainly for removing shiny foreheads and webcam footage in gaming and browsing.

High Gamma is represented by “L,” whereas low Gamm is represented by “R.”

2. Contrast

Contrast is the difference in the degree of colors and tones in an image. Usually, the low contrast image has a narrow color range, whereas the high contrast images have dark shadows and bright highlights.

“L” represents high contrast in OBS contrast, whereas “R” represents low contrast.

3. Brightness

Brightness is the degree to how light or dark a picture is. To be able to understand an image clearly, it is best to correct its brightness. A change in brightness of a picture has a simultaneous change in pixels of that image.

High brightness in OBS is denounced by the letter “L,” whereas Low brightness is denounced by “R.”

4. Saturation

Saturation is the intensity of colors in a video or an image. High saturated images are bright, strong, and are rich, whereas the low saturated photos appear washed out. Black and white (grayscale) photos have no color saturation. In OBS, high saturation and low saturation are represented as “L” and “R.”

5. Hue Shift

Hue shift is the change in an image’s saturation, lightness, and hue colors. Hue shifting occurs when highlighting or shading images. In OBS, you can use the hue shift functionality to reimage your image with a completely different color palette.

With the hue shift functionality in OBS, you can place the image on top of another and have an 80% opacity. It means that you will still see the first image when you place the second one on top of it.

The “L” sign in the OBS hue shift represents 50% opacity, while the “R” represents 100% Opacity.

Color Grade in OBS

Color grading is the process of enhancing the appearance of an image through attributes such as contrast, saturation, and color, making them enchanting for presentations. Color grading is not only done for still images but also for motion pictures and images.

Color grading functionality in OBS is encompassed with several tools – This includes:

1. Lift tool

As the name suggests, lift tools are used in lifting or removing specific colors from an image. It does so without necessarily affecting other colors in an image.

With this tool, you can selectively remove unwanted colors from your image or video, replace them with your desired ones, and create astonishing results.

2. Offset

Offset is another outstanding tool in OBS color grading that controls the blacks/Shadows of an image. It functions by altering the brightness levels and leaving the highlights and the mid-tones unaffected.

3. Gain

A gain is a tool in OBS color correction that functions by only adjusting the white levels in an image. With the gain tool, brighter colors become brighter or darker.

Many people, especially beginner editors, experience difficulty differentiating between the Gamma and Offset tools. Yes, there is a closer similarity between the two, and for you to be on the safe side, you need to know that Gamma goes with the mid-tones (middle gray levels) whereas the Gain goes with highlights/whites.

How to Apply LUTs in OBS

Look up tables (LUTs) is a functionality feature that allows editors, colorists, and filmmakers to save certain colors as their templates. Therefore, when working on a particular project, they don’t have to create new working color grades; instead, you pick it from your LUT.

Using LUTs OBS is not rocket science. With LUTs, you can create unique projects with a vibrant feel. Here are the simple steps of using LUTs in OBS.

Step 1. Prepare your LUT

First, check and establish whether you have your LUT ready. If you don’t have it, you can download one from the internet. Make sure you download it as a folder. Even though OBS has LUT, It has limited color grades; therefore, it is best to download one. You can extract it to an OBS folder if you downloaded it in a zip file.

Step 2. Add your project to the OBS timeline

Open your OBS software and add your project file. Drag and drop your file to the OBS timeline.

obs color correction

Step 3. Add LUTs to your project

Right-click on the area in your project that you wish to apply LUTs, then click on “Filters.” Select “Apply LUT” from the drop-down menu,” which is usually at the top of the list.

obs color correction - add luts

Step 4. Apply your LUT as a filter

On the LUTs section, click on the browser, then open your downloaded LUT folder. Usually, the LUT is in the form of a .cube file. You can adjust your LUT by simply clicking on the “Adjust” option.

Bonus! How to Apply Color Correction for Webcam and Camera

People who primarily use their computers for recording sessions often find it difficult to capture quality videos. It is because most computer cameras are not straightforward. To do away with purchasing a new camera due to poor quality video capture, they can freely use OBS LUTs. For their camera and webcam. LUTs for webcam play a vital role in correcting the quality of photos and videos by using filters.

Here are the simple steps on how to use LUTs for color correction in webcam and camera

Step 1. Check whether your camera has additional software

Most webcams and cameras are controlled by external software, so you first need to check whether yours is also controlled. A thing with these cameras are controlled by their software is that the software determines the color settings and the specific image.

Double click on camera source and select “Configure video.” Computers with external software cameras will have a pop-up window that displays various customizable settings. Here, you can adjust the different settings based on your preference.

color correction in webcam

Step 2. Download your LUTs

Download online the LUTs you want to use. Download them as folders and extract the files you downloaded as zip files. Save them in the OBS folder.

Step 3. Apply your LUTs

Still, in your OBS software, open your camera and then right-click on it. From the displayed menu, click on “Filters.”

On the bottom left corner of your interface, hit the “+” sign, then select “Apply LUTs” > “Browse.”

Open your already downloaded OBS files. Usually, there is an “Adjust” that allows you to regulate the intensity of the LUT by sliding it.

color correction in webcam - apply luts

Step 4. Start recording with LUTs on

After turning on your LUT, you can start recording videos and taking photos. There is an eye icon on the left-hand side of your screen. You can use it to turn on or off LUT.


And that is how to do color correction in OBS. Besides, you do not have to go to the extremes of getting a new camera because of your webcam faultiness. With OBS, you can correct your camera and webcam and get outstanding results.

Download LUTs from the internet and use them as a template in OBS. Besides, you don’t have to pay for the LUTs, but you can use the free ones.

Try It Free Try It Free

Color Correction is an outstanding functionality that allows editing photos and videos by altering their consistency to match a particular standard. Besides, color correction is available in the premium tool and free applications. And one of the established free software tools with color correction is the OBS.

Even though the Open Broadcaster Software is mainly known for live streaming and offline video recording, it also offers color correction functionality from its open canvas. Read this article to completion and get to the bottom line of how to do color correction in OBS.

More about OBS

In this article

01 What is OBS?

02 Color Grade in OBS

03 How to Apply LUTs in OBS

What is OBS?

Open Broadcaster Software (OBS) is free and open-source software that allows users to record videos and live stream events right at their comfort. The software functions effectively on Mac, Windows, and Linux computers.

Open Broadcaster Software (OBS) is free and open-source software that allows users to record videos and live stream events right at their comfort. The software functions effectively on Mac, Windows, and Linux computers.

Since its initial launch in 2012, OBS has made tremendous moves – This is not only from the constant release of its new versions but also the relentless increase in the functionality features. Besides, OBS is equipped with a robust API that enables plugins and scripts which provide extensive customization to precisely suit one’s needs.

However, OBS being a free application can function to date due to enough support from sponsors and backers.

How to Apply Color Correction in OBS

When you carry out basic edits to your videos or images with OBS and realize that your project has poor shade, color, or tone, you don’t have to export it to another software to correct it. Instead, you can use filters for color correction in OBS.

Apart from using OBS filters to color correct video clips and images, you can correct games, browser sources, and video capture devices.

There are various aspects of color correction in OBS. It includes:

1. Gamma

Gamma is a fundamental aspect in OBS that functions by balancing the brightness of an image through contrast. To be precise, Gamma works almost similarly to change in brightness while simultaneously increasing or decreasing the contrast.

In editing, Gamma is applicable mainly for removing shiny foreheads and webcam footage in gaming and browsing.

High Gamma is represented by “L,” whereas low Gamm is represented by “R.”

2. Contrast

Contrast is the difference in the degree of colors and tones in an image. Usually, the low contrast image has a narrow color range, whereas the high contrast images have dark shadows and bright highlights.

“L” represents high contrast in OBS contrast, whereas “R” represents low contrast.

3. Brightness

Brightness is the degree to how light or dark a picture is. To be able to understand an image clearly, it is best to correct its brightness. A change in brightness of a picture has a simultaneous change in pixels of that image.

High brightness in OBS is denounced by the letter “L,” whereas Low brightness is denounced by “R.”

4. Saturation

Saturation is the intensity of colors in a video or an image. High saturated images are bright, strong, and are rich, whereas the low saturated photos appear washed out. Black and white (grayscale) photos have no color saturation. In OBS, high saturation and low saturation are represented as “L” and “R.”

5. Hue Shift

Hue shift is the change in an image’s saturation, lightness, and hue colors. Hue shifting occurs when highlighting or shading images. In OBS, you can use the hue shift functionality to reimage your image with a completely different color palette.

With the hue shift functionality in OBS, you can place the image on top of another and have an 80% opacity. It means that you will still see the first image when you place the second one on top of it.

The “L” sign in the OBS hue shift represents 50% opacity, while the “R” represents 100% Opacity.

Color Grade in OBS

Color grading is the process of enhancing the appearance of an image through attributes such as contrast, saturation, and color, making them enchanting for presentations. Color grading is not only done for still images but also for motion pictures and images.

Color grading functionality in OBS is encompassed with several tools – This includes:

1. Lift tool

As the name suggests, lift tools are used in lifting or removing specific colors from an image. It does so without necessarily affecting other colors in an image.

With this tool, you can selectively remove unwanted colors from your image or video, replace them with your desired ones, and create astonishing results.

2. Offset

Offset is another outstanding tool in OBS color grading that controls the blacks/Shadows of an image. It functions by altering the brightness levels and leaving the highlights and the mid-tones unaffected.

3. Gain

A gain is a tool in OBS color correction that functions by only adjusting the white levels in an image. With the gain tool, brighter colors become brighter or darker.

Many people, especially beginner editors, experience difficulty differentiating between the Gamma and Offset tools. Yes, there is a closer similarity between the two, and for you to be on the safe side, you need to know that Gamma goes with the mid-tones (middle gray levels) whereas the Gain goes with highlights/whites.

How to Apply LUTs in OBS

Look up tables (LUTs) is a functionality feature that allows editors, colorists, and filmmakers to save certain colors as their templates. Therefore, when working on a particular project, they don’t have to create new working color grades; instead, you pick it from your LUT.

Using LUTs OBS is not rocket science. With LUTs, you can create unique projects with a vibrant feel. Here are the simple steps of using LUTs in OBS.

Step 1. Prepare your LUT

First, check and establish whether you have your LUT ready. If you don’t have it, you can download one from the internet. Make sure you download it as a folder. Even though OBS has LUT, It has limited color grades; therefore, it is best to download one. You can extract it to an OBS folder if you downloaded it in a zip file.

Step 2. Add your project to the OBS timeline

Open your OBS software and add your project file. Drag and drop your file to the OBS timeline.

obs color correction

Step 3. Add LUTs to your project

Right-click on the area in your project that you wish to apply LUTs, then click on “Filters.” Select “Apply LUT” from the drop-down menu,” which is usually at the top of the list.

obs color correction - add luts

Step 4. Apply your LUT as a filter

On the LUTs section, click on the browser, then open your downloaded LUT folder. Usually, the LUT is in the form of a .cube file. You can adjust your LUT by simply clicking on the “Adjust” option.

Bonus! How to Apply Color Correction for Webcam and Camera

People who primarily use their computers for recording sessions often find it difficult to capture quality videos. It is because most computer cameras are not straightforward. To do away with purchasing a new camera due to poor quality video capture, they can freely use OBS LUTs. For their camera and webcam. LUTs for webcam play a vital role in correcting the quality of photos and videos by using filters.

Here are the simple steps on how to use LUTs for color correction in webcam and camera

Step 1. Check whether your camera has additional software

Most webcams and cameras are controlled by external software, so you first need to check whether yours is also controlled. A thing with these cameras are controlled by their software is that the software determines the color settings and the specific image.

Double click on camera source and select “Configure video.” Computers with external software cameras will have a pop-up window that displays various customizable settings. Here, you can adjust the different settings based on your preference.

color correction in webcam

Step 2. Download your LUTs

Download online the LUTs you want to use. Download them as folders and extract the files you downloaded as zip files. Save them in the OBS folder.

Step 3. Apply your LUTs

Still, in your OBS software, open your camera and then right-click on it. From the displayed menu, click on “Filters.”

On the bottom left corner of your interface, hit the “+” sign, then select “Apply LUTs” > “Browse.”

Open your already downloaded OBS files. Usually, there is an “Adjust” that allows you to regulate the intensity of the LUT by sliding it.

color correction in webcam - apply luts

Step 4. Start recording with LUTs on

After turning on your LUT, you can start recording videos and taking photos. There is an eye icon on the left-hand side of your screen. You can use it to turn on or off LUT.


And that is how to do color correction in OBS. Besides, you do not have to go to the extremes of getting a new camera because of your webcam faultiness. With OBS, you can correct your camera and webcam and get outstanding results.

Download LUTs from the internet and use them as a template in OBS. Besides, you don’t have to pay for the LUTs, but you can use the free ones.

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  • Title: 2024 Approved If You Want to Color Grading Your Video, Final Cut Pro Can Be One of the Best Choices. However, Its Not Easy for Everyone to Use Color Grading Feature, and in This Guide Well Show You How to Do That
  • Author: Chloe
  • Created at : 2024-04-24 07:08:20
  • Updated at : 2024-04-25 07:08:20
  • Link: https://ai-editing-video.techidaily.com/2024-approved-if-you-want-to-color-grading-your-video-final-cut-pro-can-be-one-of-the-best-choices-however-its-not-easy-for-everyone-to-use-color-grading-fe/
  • License: This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.
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2024 Approved If You Want to Color Grading Your Video, Final Cut Pro Can Be One of the Best Choices. However, Its Not Easy for Everyone to Use Color Grading Feature, and in This Guide Well Show You How to Do That