2024 Approved This Article Shares Valuable Insight Into the Best Brand Story Videos. Also, It Highlights the Importance of a Video Maker in Your Brand Story Video Ad-Making Process and Why Filmora Should Be Your Go-To Choice

2024 Approved This Article Shares Valuable Insight Into the Best Brand Story Videos. Also, It Highlights the Importance of a Video Maker in Your Brand Story Video Ad-Making Process and Why Filmora Should Be Your Go-To Choice

Chloe Lv12

This Article Shares Valuable Insight Into the Best Brand Story Videos. Also, It Highlights the Importance of a Video Maker in Your Brand Story Video Ad-Making Process and Why Filmora Should Be Your Go-To Choice

With the advent of streaming content accessible anytime, anywhere, conventional marketing has somewhat lost grip on its performance. Consumers are now savvy as they now take a step further, like using ad blockers or tuning out ads.

However, it doesn’t imply the end of advertising as a brand promotion tool altogether. Individuals still desire best-in-class deals and products and spend their money shopping. All they need is to get informed about the product or service more entertainingly and innovatively.

This is one of the reasons why many established brands are now shifting toward their brand storytelling. And there’s no better and highly effective way to portray your brand story than with video. Simply making a video resembling any conventional TV commercial ad with an irritating ‘Call Today’ voiceover won’t be enough to get results.

Modern-day consumers are much more educated and sophisticated than before. You must learn how many creative and successful brands are infusing their branding and storytelling strategies to engage their customers. If you’re reading this article, you’re aiming to build your own brand storytelling video and are wondering how to make it a successful one.

Take no worries as the further sections will clear all your doubts and give you the perfect answer. So, let’s start.

best brand story videos 1

Source : https://www.pexels.com/photo/business-plan-printed-on-paper-on-a-clipboard-8970679/

  1. Spotify - All Ears On You
  2. Airbnb - The Story of a Symbol of Belonging
  3. Apple - Chase
  4. Nike - Most Powerful Brand Story Videos
  5. Bells - Reader
  6. Dove - You’re More Beautiful Than You Think
  7. El Gordo - The Spanish Christmas Lottery Ad 2021

Part I. The Most Successful Video Practises of Brand Storytelling

1. Spotify - All Ears On You

Since 2008, Spotify has continued gathering as much information (personal preferences, likes, and dislikes) about their audiences as possible. It has helped them set personalized ad campaigns that will best fit their customers’ interests.

One of their latest, popular campaigns is ‘All Ears On You.’ Take a glimpse of this video to check how the video ad appears. Launched in June, this campaign focuses on celebrating your weird listening habits. It leveraged the users’ in-app experience to let them be proud of their unique choices. This helped Spotify to strengthen its emotional relationship with its listeners.

Learn From Spotify’s Famous Marketing Practices:

  • Get the Most Out of Big Data: The customer insights and data helped Spotify make precise, on-point ads. Your firm should also acquire customers’ data and later leverage it to amplify the user experience and make marketing campaigns more relatable.
  • Leverage User-Generated Content: Your audience is more interested in what other customers think and say about your business. The most successful video ads don’t involve facts about the company but the customers instead. Make a video using clips where your customers tell a story about themselves and their experience with your brand.
  • Utilize The Trending Hashtags & Topics: Social medial trends and news feed is what attracts today’s customers the most. Spotify’s advertisement team always wraps their ad campaigns into a package of top-events-and-stories. Find the most popular and trending hashtags and topics related to your business niche and incorporate them in your brand storytelling video.

Some other marketing practices that teach valuable lessons to businesses for brand video marketing include:

  • Leveraging the mentions on social media platforms
  • Going for a customer-centric marketing approach with personalized interactions

2. Airbnb - The Story of a Symbol of Belonging

The center of focus of Airbnb’s brand story revolves around the basic ideology of ‘belonging.’ The brand found its mission - to shape the world into a place where individuals can ‘belong anywhere.’

Their official tagline also turned out to be ‘Belong Anywhere,’ which eventually led to the development of their whole brand story and new logo. This symbol was created to make sure it’s instantly recognizable.

Valuable Storytelling Lessons From Airbnb’s Marketing Practices:

  • Let Your Customers Be At The Heart Of Your Organization: After interviewing users, Airbnb found out that no one can better inform them about their company than the community of their regular users. The conversations and interviews with such users helped Airbnb to prepare its entire brand story. Thus, you should, too, keep your customers at your core.
  • It’s Never Too Late To Discover Your Story: Although launched in 2008, the company Airbnb realized they’d need to discover their business mission to scale and progress. They are an example that it’s never too late for your brand to find the brand story.
  • Content Is The King: Airbnb always keeps posting content on its own blog and YouTube channel. Most of their content is based on user experiences and revolves around stories from within the brand’s community. Such high-quality content helped them to engage with the customers more efficiently.

3. Apple - Chase

Chase recently announced via email their latest introduction to the market - Apple Pay. They introduced it in collaboration with Apple as the new mode to pay. Chase leveraged this email communication to inform people about their latest collaboration with Apple.

They also used email to reinforce their commitment to helping people to buy Apple products like the iPhone 14 pro with accessible funds. While ensuring to align with Apple’s marketing strategy for the Apple Pay service announcement (primarily based on social media), Chase put more emphasis on real-time media.

Their marketing practice used direct, real-time media to connect with the on-the-go audience seemingly ready to buy an Apple product with a quick source of funds. Their brand story ad focused more on the ‘on-the-go’ audience who would readily agree to make such a purchase.

4. Nike - Most Powerful Brand Story Videos

If you’ve watched a Nike video ad featuring LeBron James or others, you’ll know how much emphasis on emotions and inspiration. They don’t go for the direct marketing of their brand and products. Instead, they produce video ads with a powerful message drawn from a compelling storyline.

This makes Nike unique from numerous other brands as it has been an expert in brand storytelling for years now. Every piece of video ad from their collection triggers the audience’s feelings and emotions, which can only be met and satisfied by using Nike products.

There’s a lot of power within emotional branding, and Nike has shaped and transformed its whole marketing model into a storytelling form that motivates the audience to take action - ‘Just do it with Nike products. Some of the marketing strategies that have helped them grow over the years include the following:

  • They promote the advantages of their product’s features rather than simply highlighting and promoting the features. This is called benefit-based marketing practice.
  • They sell brand stories more than their products, which has always been their primary marketing strategy.
  • Nike is very strong in the social media game. They leverage user-generated content to create their video ads.
  • Collaborating with influencers like LeBron James and Cristiano Ronaldo has always been at the core of their marketing strategy.

5. Bells - Reader

The marketing manager of Bell - Thami Silwana - revealed that the idea behind the ‘Bells-Reader’ campaign is to assist men in acknowledging, comprehending, and speaking about their personal victories.

They realized that sometimes it could be troublesome for men to interact with one another and acknowledge their inside feeling and emotions when one of them have achieved something. Their tagline, ‘Give That Man a Bell, ’ best fits in terms of a man-to-man acknowledging something worth the celebration.

Here is what the video ad director Greg incorporated in the video to make it hit the marketing campaign’s motto:


  • Greg incorporated an excellent blend of drama, emotion, and sentimentality in this two minutes video ad, which was as good as a two-hour Hollywood movie.
  • The video hit the emotions on so many levels that you’ll feel like drinking a glass of whisky at the end of the ad.
  • Your brand should also create a brand story video where you help your customers to acknowledge themselves by hitting their emotions at different levels.
  • To know how just take a look at the ad yourself: https://www.youtube.com/watch .

6. Dove - You’re More Beautiful Than You Think

The Real Beauty Ad Campaign by Dove focuses on women’s natural charisma and beauty. The ad emphasizes promoting the self-esteem of every woman. In their ‘Dove Real Beauty Sketches’ video ad, you’ll find the events to be chosen, arranged, connected, and assessed as meaningful for a specific set of audience.

Although the video ad’s primary focus is women’s empowerment, it’s still a commercial that promotes Dove products. The ad ends with the phrase ‘you’re more beautiful than you think,’ and a Dove brand logo appears.

Significantly, Dove desires women to know that they are always encouraged, supported, and acknowledged for their real beauty. This storytelling helped Dove boost its product sales without making any direct references.

7. El Gordo - The Spanish Christmas Lottery Ad 2021

Conventionally, you’ll get to know about the arrival of Christmas in Spain when you’ll find the Spanish Christmas Lottery hitting the screens as a commercial. The Christmas Lottery’s 2021 ad version was recorded and created in the picturesque and snowy town of Elizondo.

The ad signifies the spirit of the Christmas festive season and amazingly resonates with the motto of El Gordo - the greatest prize is to share it. They used aesthetics and scenic beauty to allure the viewers and drive them into buying the lottery.

They used the marketing practice of hitting people’s emotions during Christmas when they could truly immerse themselves into enjoying things like winning the lottery.

Part 2. Need Pro-Quality Video Result From Your Video Maker? Try Filmora - The Best in the Market

If you seek pro-quality video results from your video maker for the ‘best-in-class’ brand story videos, use Filmora. It has emerged as the leading video-making tool for global marketers where you can create, edit, and save all sorts of ‘state-of-the-art,’ ‘next-level’ marketing brand videos.

best brand story videos 2

Try Filmora to ensure brand awareness, advertise your business, introduce the audience to your brand and its products, and boost sales. One software, multiple benefits. Here are some features of Filmora that can effectively help you make your brand story videos.

  • Numerous Resources: Filmora is an excellent platform to explore your inner creativity as it has thousands of video assets accessible to its users. The widespread availability of unique advanced and basic features will help you create the most appealing brand story video.
  • Green Screen: Your brand storytelling videos will become bland if you miss out on adding a unique background. Thanks to the Green Screen feature by Filmora, it takes only a few simple clicks to add such attractive backgrounds to your videos.
  • Split Screen: When making your brand story video, it’s more likely that you’ll want to show a comparison of two products side-by-side. In that case, the Split Screen feature from Filmora comes in handy. It lets you incorporate two or more video footage or clips in the video.
  • Audio Ducking: Your brand story will involve several key pointers that you’ll want to highlight for the audience. With Filmora’s Audio Ducking feature, you can easily highlight the dialogues and speeches during the video. This will help you to emphasize those video parts so that the audience can hear them with clarity. Of course, the feature fades the background music for those speech and dialogue parts.
  • Color Grading: The more appealing the brand story video, the more the viewers. That’s precisely what the color grading feature does for you. It allows you to adjust the tint, 3D Luts, temperature, and lights in all your marketing videos. Introduce mesmerizing cinematographic effects in your videos with Fimora’s ‘state-of-the-art’ color tuning features.

Telling your brand story via videos has just become simpler and faster than ever with Filmora. Try the software for magical results.

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later


Telling your brand story is more crucial than ever as it lets you reach new levels of personalization and establish deeper bonds and connections with your clients or customers.

With the ideal brand storytelling strategy and the best video maker tool, you can easily connect with the audience and let them know all about your brand, its products, and its purpose. So, get started today!

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Part I. The Most Successful Video Practises of Brand Storytelling

1. Spotify - All Ears On You

Since 2008, Spotify has continued gathering as much information (personal preferences, likes, and dislikes) about their audiences as possible. It has helped them set personalized ad campaigns that will best fit their customers’ interests.

One of their latest, popular campaigns is ‘All Ears On You.’ Take a glimpse of this video to check how the video ad appears. Launched in June, this campaign focuses on celebrating your weird listening habits. It leveraged the users’ in-app experience to let them be proud of their unique choices. This helped Spotify to strengthen its emotional relationship with its listeners.

Learn From Spotify’s Famous Marketing Practices:

  • Get the Most Out of Big Data: The customer insights and data helped Spotify make precise, on-point ads. Your firm should also acquire customers’ data and later leverage it to amplify the user experience and make marketing campaigns more relatable.
  • Leverage User-Generated Content: Your audience is more interested in what other customers think and say about your business. The most successful video ads don’t involve facts about the company but the customers instead. Make a video using clips where your customers tell a story about themselves and their experience with your brand.
  • Utilize The Trending Hashtags & Topics: Social medial trends and news feed is what attracts today’s customers the most. Spotify’s advertisement team always wraps their ad campaigns into a package of top-events-and-stories. Find the most popular and trending hashtags and topics related to your business niche and incorporate them in your brand storytelling video.

Some other marketing practices that teach valuable lessons to businesses for brand video marketing include:

  • Leveraging the mentions on social media platforms
  • Going for a customer-centric marketing approach with personalized interactions

2. Airbnb - The Story of a Symbol of Belonging

The center of focus of Airbnb’s brand story revolves around the basic ideology of ‘belonging.’ The brand found its mission - to shape the world into a place where individuals can ‘belong anywhere.’

Their official tagline also turned out to be ‘Belong Anywhere,’ which eventually led to the development of their whole brand story and new logo. This symbol was created to make sure it’s instantly recognizable.

Valuable Storytelling Lessons From Airbnb’s Marketing Practices:

  • Let Your Customers Be At The Heart Of Your Organization: After interviewing users, Airbnb found out that no one can better inform them about their company than the community of their regular users. The conversations and interviews with such users helped Airbnb to prepare its entire brand story. Thus, you should, too, keep your customers at your core.
  • It’s Never Too Late To Discover Your Story: Although launched in 2008, the company Airbnb realized they’d need to discover their business mission to scale and progress. They are an example that it’s never too late for your brand to find the brand story.
  • Content Is The King: Airbnb always keeps posting content on its own blog and YouTube channel. Most of their content is based on user experiences and revolves around stories from within the brand’s community. Such high-quality content helped them to engage with the customers more efficiently.

3. Apple - Chase

Chase recently announced via email their latest introduction to the market - Apple Pay. They introduced it in collaboration with Apple as the new mode to pay. Chase leveraged this email communication to inform people about their latest collaboration with Apple.

They also used email to reinforce their commitment to helping people to buy Apple products like the iPhone 14 pro with accessible funds. While ensuring to align with Apple’s marketing strategy for the Apple Pay service announcement (primarily based on social media), Chase put more emphasis on real-time media.

Their marketing practice used direct, real-time media to connect with the on-the-go audience seemingly ready to buy an Apple product with a quick source of funds. Their brand story ad focused more on the ‘on-the-go’ audience who would readily agree to make such a purchase.

4. Nike - Most Powerful Brand Story Videos

If you’ve watched a Nike video ad featuring LeBron James or others, you’ll know how much emphasis on emotions and inspiration. They don’t go for the direct marketing of their brand and products. Instead, they produce video ads with a powerful message drawn from a compelling storyline.

This makes Nike unique from numerous other brands as it has been an expert in brand storytelling for years now. Every piece of video ad from their collection triggers the audience’s feelings and emotions, which can only be met and satisfied by using Nike products.

There’s a lot of power within emotional branding, and Nike has shaped and transformed its whole marketing model into a storytelling form that motivates the audience to take action - ‘Just do it with Nike products. Some of the marketing strategies that have helped them grow over the years include the following:

  • They promote the advantages of their product’s features rather than simply highlighting and promoting the features. This is called benefit-based marketing practice.
  • They sell brand stories more than their products, which has always been their primary marketing strategy.
  • Nike is very strong in the social media game. They leverage user-generated content to create their video ads.
  • Collaborating with influencers like LeBron James and Cristiano Ronaldo has always been at the core of their marketing strategy.

5. Bells - Reader

The marketing manager of Bell - Thami Silwana - revealed that the idea behind the ‘Bells-Reader’ campaign is to assist men in acknowledging, comprehending, and speaking about their personal victories.

They realized that sometimes it could be troublesome for men to interact with one another and acknowledge their inside feeling and emotions when one of them have achieved something. Their tagline, ‘Give That Man a Bell, ’ best fits in terms of a man-to-man acknowledging something worth the celebration.

Here is what the video ad director Greg incorporated in the video to make it hit the marketing campaign’s motto:


  • Greg incorporated an excellent blend of drama, emotion, and sentimentality in this two minutes video ad, which was as good as a two-hour Hollywood movie.
  • The video hit the emotions on so many levels that you’ll feel like drinking a glass of whisky at the end of the ad.
  • Your brand should also create a brand story video where you help your customers to acknowledge themselves by hitting their emotions at different levels.
  • To know how just take a look at the ad yourself: https://www.youtube.com/watch .

6. Dove - You’re More Beautiful Than You Think

The Real Beauty Ad Campaign by Dove focuses on women’s natural charisma and beauty. The ad emphasizes promoting the self-esteem of every woman. In their ‘Dove Real Beauty Sketches’ video ad, you’ll find the events to be chosen, arranged, connected, and assessed as meaningful for a specific set of audience.

Although the video ad’s primary focus is women’s empowerment, it’s still a commercial that promotes Dove products. The ad ends with the phrase ‘you’re more beautiful than you think,’ and a Dove brand logo appears.

Significantly, Dove desires women to know that they are always encouraged, supported, and acknowledged for their real beauty. This storytelling helped Dove boost its product sales without making any direct references.

7. El Gordo - The Spanish Christmas Lottery Ad 2021

Conventionally, you’ll get to know about the arrival of Christmas in Spain when you’ll find the Spanish Christmas Lottery hitting the screens as a commercial. The Christmas Lottery’s 2021 ad version was recorded and created in the picturesque and snowy town of Elizondo.

The ad signifies the spirit of the Christmas festive season and amazingly resonates with the motto of El Gordo - the greatest prize is to share it. They used aesthetics and scenic beauty to allure the viewers and drive them into buying the lottery.

They used the marketing practice of hitting people’s emotions during Christmas when they could truly immerse themselves into enjoying things like winning the lottery.

Part 2. Need Pro-Quality Video Result From Your Video Maker? Try Filmora - The Best in the Market

If you seek pro-quality video results from your video maker for the ‘best-in-class’ brand story videos, use Filmora. It has emerged as the leading video-making tool for global marketers where you can create, edit, and save all sorts of ‘state-of-the-art,’ ‘next-level’ marketing brand videos.

best brand story videos 2

Try Filmora to ensure brand awareness, advertise your business, introduce the audience to your brand and its products, and boost sales. One software, multiple benefits. Here are some features of Filmora that can effectively help you make your brand story videos.

  • Numerous Resources: Filmora is an excellent platform to explore your inner creativity as it has thousands of video assets accessible to its users. The widespread availability of unique advanced and basic features will help you create the most appealing brand story video.
  • Green Screen: Your brand storytelling videos will become bland if you miss out on adding a unique background. Thanks to the Green Screen feature by Filmora, it takes only a few simple clicks to add such attractive backgrounds to your videos.
  • Split Screen: When making your brand story video, it’s more likely that you’ll want to show a comparison of two products side-by-side. In that case, the Split Screen feature from Filmora comes in handy. It lets you incorporate two or more video footage or clips in the video.
  • Audio Ducking: Your brand story will involve several key pointers that you’ll want to highlight for the audience. With Filmora’s Audio Ducking feature, you can easily highlight the dialogues and speeches during the video. This will help you to emphasize those video parts so that the audience can hear them with clarity. Of course, the feature fades the background music for those speech and dialogue parts.
  • Color Grading: The more appealing the brand story video, the more the viewers. That’s precisely what the color grading feature does for you. It allows you to adjust the tint, 3D Luts, temperature, and lights in all your marketing videos. Introduce mesmerizing cinematographic effects in your videos with Fimora’s ‘state-of-the-art’ color tuning features.

Telling your brand story via videos has just become simpler and faster than ever with Filmora. Try the software for magical results.

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later


Telling your brand story is more crucial than ever as it lets you reach new levels of personalization and establish deeper bonds and connections with your clients or customers.

With the ideal brand storytelling strategy and the best video maker tool, you can easily connect with the audience and let them know all about your brand, its products, and its purpose. So, get started today!

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Add VHS Effects to Videos for Free: A 2024 Guide

2023 has ushered in a wave of nostalgia, sweeping across various domains, from fashion to technology. Amidst this, videos have become a powerful medium to relive the past. If you’re aiming to infuse your videos with a touch of the ‘90s, look no further than the VHS effect.

For those who need a quick trip down memory lane, VHS tapes were once the cornerstone of home entertainment. These clunky plastic cassettes captured countless memories, from family gatherings to favorite films and TV shows. While they might be alien to newer generations, they hold a special place in the chronicles of video evolution.

The VHS effect isn’t just about mimicking the look of these tapes. It’s about encapsulating their essence—grainy visuals, occasional jitters, and that characteristic static. Incorporating these imperfections into today’s high-definition videos imparts a distinctive vintage flair. It’s akin to applying an Instagram filter to a photo, where a simple touch can transport a viewer back in time. Dive in as we guide you on adding this retro charm to your free videos.

Part 1: Free VHS overlay video resource download website

In today’s digital age, with so many resources out there, finding the right ones for our specific needs can be quite challenging, like searching for a needle in a haystack.

To achieve that authentic VHS look for your videos, starting with the right VHS overlays is crucial. Here are some websites that offer free VHS overlay video resources:


Renowned for its seemingly endless library of graphic resources, Freepik is not just about captivating images and vectors. Dive deeper into their platform and uncover a treasure trove of VHS video overlays. For those unfamiliar with the platform, the search functionality is intuitive.

Enter “VHS overlay video,” and you’re instantly presented with nostalgic results, each ready to seamlessly integrate into your project. Freepik’s resources are often high-quality, ensuring that your video doesn’t just look retro but feels authentic.

02Color grading central

Primarily catered to the more seasoned video editors, Color Grading Central is not your average overlay repository.

It’s an immersive platform that delves deep into the art of video editing. Beyond their remarkable VHS overlays, which promise a genuine vintage touch, the website is a haven for tips and tutorials on color grading.

This is your go-to platform for those keen on mastering the art of video editing while achieving the VHS look. The overlays here, particularly the VHS ones, have been meticulously crafted, ensuring every pixel exudes the 90s charm.


If you’ve spent some time in the video editing, you’ve likely stumbled upon or actively sought out Vecteezy. Lauded as a video editor’s dream, Vecteezy doesn’t disappoint regarding VHS effects.

Their vast collection ensures that you’re not limited to one generic VHS look but have the luxury to pick and choose, ensuring your video remains unique. Input “VHS filter video” in their search bar, and you’re met with a smorgasbord of overlays, each bringing its flavor of the past. From subtle grains to pronounced static lines, the choice is all yours.


A designer’s paradise for its exquisite collection of Photoshop brushes, Brusheezy has recently expanded its offerings. Recognizing the growing trend of video content, they’ve ventured into video overlays, and it’s no surprise they’ve added VHS effects to their roster.

Their overlays capture the essence of VHS, ensuring videos are tinged with a touch of the past. For those who trust Brusheezy for design resources, this is a familiar and reliable platform to source your VHS video overlays.

Part 2: Use Filmora’s built-in VHS effects presets

For those unfamiliar, Filmora is more than just another video editing tool. It’s a platform that has been applauded by beginners and professionals alike for its intuitive interface and powerful editing capabilities.

Among its vast array of features is a collection of built-in VHS effects presets, ensuring that users can achieve that much-coveted retro look without relying on external resources.

Here’s a comprehensive guide:

VHS Effects Editor

VHS Effects Editor For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

VHS Effects Editor For macOS 10.14 or later

Step 1: Navigate to the Filters Feature

Kickstart your editing journey by launching your desired project within Filmora. As you familiarize yourself with the interface, direct your attention to the left sidebar. You’ll spot the ‘Filters’ option among the various icons, symbolized by an artistic palette. This section houses a myriad of filters ready to elevate your video content. Give it a click to delve deeper into the world of Filmora filters.

Step 2: Dive into the Retro Realm with VHS and Glitch Effects

Now that you’re in the Filters section, the search bar at the top beckons. This feature ensures you can quickly access desired effects without sifting through the extensive collection. Begin by typing “VHS” or “Glitch.”

As you type, the list below starts to populate with related effects. These aren’t just your run-of-the-mill effects. Each has been crafted to bring a distinct vintage vibe, ensuring that every video has its unique touch of the past.

Step 3: Instantly Apply the Chosen Effect with a Double Click

With the list of VHS effects now at your disposal, take a moment to preview each one by hovering over them. Found one that captures the essence of your vision?

It’s time to apply the magic. Simply double-click on your chosen effect. Like that, your video segment, currently active on the timeline, gets transported back in time, imbued with all the charm of the VHS era.

For those who wish to refine the effect further, Filmora offers adjustment tools, allowing you to tweak the intensity, hue, and other parameters of the filter, ensuring your video looks just the way you envisioned.

Part 3: Summary

Giving your videos a vintage VHS look has never been easier. With the availability of free resources online and built-in presets in editing software like Filmora, you’re only a few clicks away from transporting your audience back to the 90s.

Whether for aesthetic or nostalgic reasons, the VHS effect is a fun way to spice up your videos. So, grab your camcorder (or smartphone) and start filming!

Part 1: Free VHS overlay video resource download website

In today’s digital age, with so many resources out there, finding the right ones for our specific needs can be quite challenging, like searching for a needle in a haystack.

To achieve that authentic VHS look for your videos, starting with the right VHS overlays is crucial. Here are some websites that offer free VHS overlay video resources:


Renowned for its seemingly endless library of graphic resources, Freepik is not just about captivating images and vectors. Dive deeper into their platform and uncover a treasure trove of VHS video overlays. For those unfamiliar with the platform, the search functionality is intuitive.

Enter “VHS overlay video,” and you’re instantly presented with nostalgic results, each ready to seamlessly integrate into your project. Freepik’s resources are often high-quality, ensuring that your video doesn’t just look retro but feels authentic.

02Color grading central

Primarily catered to the more seasoned video editors, Color Grading Central is not your average overlay repository.

It’s an immersive platform that delves deep into the art of video editing. Beyond their remarkable VHS overlays, which promise a genuine vintage touch, the website is a haven for tips and tutorials on color grading.

This is your go-to platform for those keen on mastering the art of video editing while achieving the VHS look. The overlays here, particularly the VHS ones, have been meticulously crafted, ensuring every pixel exudes the 90s charm.


If you’ve spent some time in the video editing, you’ve likely stumbled upon or actively sought out Vecteezy. Lauded as a video editor’s dream, Vecteezy doesn’t disappoint regarding VHS effects.

Their vast collection ensures that you’re not limited to one generic VHS look but have the luxury to pick and choose, ensuring your video remains unique. Input “VHS filter video” in their search bar, and you’re met with a smorgasbord of overlays, each bringing its flavor of the past. From subtle grains to pronounced static lines, the choice is all yours.


A designer’s paradise for its exquisite collection of Photoshop brushes, Brusheezy has recently expanded its offerings. Recognizing the growing trend of video content, they’ve ventured into video overlays, and it’s no surprise they’ve added VHS effects to their roster.

Their overlays capture the essence of VHS, ensuring videos are tinged with a touch of the past. For those who trust Brusheezy for design resources, this is a familiar and reliable platform to source your VHS video overlays.

Part 2: Use Filmora’s built-in VHS effects presets

For those unfamiliar, Filmora is more than just another video editing tool. It’s a platform that has been applauded by beginners and professionals alike for its intuitive interface and powerful editing capabilities.

Among its vast array of features is a collection of built-in VHS effects presets, ensuring that users can achieve that much-coveted retro look without relying on external resources.

Here’s a comprehensive guide:

VHS Effects Editor

VHS Effects Editor For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

VHS Effects Editor For macOS 10.14 or later

Step 1: Navigate to the Filters Feature

Kickstart your editing journey by launching your desired project within Filmora. As you familiarize yourself with the interface, direct your attention to the left sidebar. You’ll spot the ‘Filters’ option among the various icons, symbolized by an artistic palette. This section houses a myriad of filters ready to elevate your video content. Give it a click to delve deeper into the world of Filmora filters.

Step 2: Dive into the Retro Realm with VHS and Glitch Effects

Now that you’re in the Filters section, the search bar at the top beckons. This feature ensures you can quickly access desired effects without sifting through the extensive collection. Begin by typing “VHS” or “Glitch.”

As you type, the list below starts to populate with related effects. These aren’t just your run-of-the-mill effects. Each has been crafted to bring a distinct vintage vibe, ensuring that every video has its unique touch of the past.

Step 3: Instantly Apply the Chosen Effect with a Double Click

With the list of VHS effects now at your disposal, take a moment to preview each one by hovering over them. Found one that captures the essence of your vision?

It’s time to apply the magic. Simply double-click on your chosen effect. Like that, your video segment, currently active on the timeline, gets transported back in time, imbued with all the charm of the VHS era.

For those who wish to refine the effect further, Filmora offers adjustment tools, allowing you to tweak the intensity, hue, and other parameters of the filter, ensuring your video looks just the way you envisioned.

Part 3: Summary

Giving your videos a vintage VHS look has never been easier. With the availability of free resources online and built-in presets in editing software like Filmora, you’re only a few clicks away from transporting your audience back to the 90s.

Whether for aesthetic or nostalgic reasons, the VHS effect is a fun way to spice up your videos. So, grab your camcorder (or smartphone) and start filming!

Tactics to Make Transparent Image in Minimal Steps

Tactics to Make Transparent Image in Minimal Steps

An easy yet powerful editor

Numerous effects to choose from

Detailed tutorials provided by the official channel

Try It Free Try It Free

We always want to have the images that give us the power to do customizations as needed. Until and unless an image with appropriate adjustments is not there, we cannot think of editing them as wanted. But how can we forget sometimes the images are already occupied that we cannot make the changes. This sometimes makes us feel annoyed too. But don’t worry about it as now different tools to make pictures transparent are available. After making the image transparent, you can add on the effects as needed.

If you are having confusion how to use these tools or anything else, then keep reading till the last. In this read, we are discussing some transparent image makers that will help you to do it seamlessly. Let’s get started!

In this article

01 [Similarities and Differences Between PNG Vs. JPG Vs. GIF](#Part 1)

02 [Minimal Steps to Make Background Transparent](#Part 2)

03 [How to Insert Transparent Image in Video](#Part 3)

Part 1 Similarities and Differences Between PNG Vs. JPG Vs. GIF

As we all know, there are so many formats in which these images are available. But sometimes it happens we are not aware of the similarities and differences corresponding to them. This confusion sometimes let us chooses the wrong format. But not anymore, and in this section, we are discussing the similarities and differences between PNG Vs. JPG Vs. GIF.


PNG is a lossless compression format which means that it can be compressed without losing any data. It also supports transparency. The compression ratio is usually higher than JPG and GIF.


JPG is a lossy compression format which means that it can be compressed without losing any data, but the image quality will suffer because of the loss of information. It supports transparency but is not as good as PNG.


GIF is a lossless or lossy compression format which means that it can be compressed without losing any data or quality respectively. It does not support transparency and has a limited color range compared to PNG or JPG.

Part 2 Minimal Steps to Make Background Transparent

In this section, we are discussing the steps that you need to follow with transparent image-makers. Here we discuss some of the best tools available so that you can feel a bit confident in utilizing them for editing. This list includes:-


Canva is a graphic design tool that helps users creates professional-quality designs. It has easy to use templates and fonts that are free to use. Users can also customize their own templates and fonts, add images and videos, make collages, infographics, and other designs.

Steps to Make in Canva

Step 1: Get “Canva” available on your system and open it.

open canva

Step 2: Mode to “Edit Image” and “upload the image” in which you wish to make the background transparent.

upload image canva

Step 3: Choose the “Effect tab” and select the “background remover” option.

effect tab canva

select background remover canva

Step 4: If you wish to add on any other effect, do it.

Step 5: Click on the “Download icon” and save it for future use.


Photoshop can be used to edit video footage and create special effects. You can cut video clips together and shape them into a movie sequence by adding transitions and overlays to visualize the actions between shots. You can also use it to add graphics or other visual elements, like animations or even text. But don’t forget this tool also gives you the option to make the backgrounds transparent.

Steps to Make in Photoshop

Step 1: Get Photoshop o your system and import the image you wish to edit.

Step 2: Press Ctrl+J in order to create duplicate layers. (This is important in order to keep an eye on the section you are doing for making the editing.)

create duplicate layer photoshop

Step 3: Move to “Windows” and click on “Properties”

click properties photoshop

Step 4: From the list of options, hit on “Remove Background”

remove background photoshop

Step 5: Click on the “Eye icon” to view the transparent image.

eye icon photoshop

Step 6: Save the image for future use.


Picsart is a robust photo editing app which has features such as filters, stickers, and overlays. It also has the ability to create collages and videos. The app also has a feature called “edit & share” which allows the user to edit the photo right in the app, then share it with their friends on social media. Picsart doesn’t require any special knowledge or expertise in photography; so anyone can pick up the basics of using it in no time.

Steps to use Picsart

Step 1: Get the Picsart app in your device or visit the online portal.

Step 2: Upload the image you wish to edit.

upload image picsart

Step 3: Click on “Start Editing” button and then choose either of the option from “Behind Person” or “Behind Object” as per your situation.


change background picsart

Step 4: The tool will automatically remove the background and make it transparent. Download the image now.

download image picsart

Part 3 How to Insert Transparent Image in Video

After creating outstanding video content, there is a possibility that you might be looking forward to integrating any transparent image into it. Well, in this case, it is important that you have access to the best tool. Until and unless the best software or tool is not here, you cannot think of getting the task done. Don’t worry because for catering to this need, Filmora is one of the best options to choose.

Wondershare Filmora Video Editor is all-in-one video editing software to help people edit their videos and make them look professional. The best thing about this software is that it doesn’t require any expertise or knowledge of video editing before using it. The user can create a video from scratch just by importing the photos and videos from their camera roll, which are automatically combined into a single video with transitions and music in just a few steps.

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

Also, this software is both intuitive and easy to use. It also provides many features that you can customize depending on what outcome you want. In addition, this tool also includes tutorials and support services via phone, email or chat line, so all your questions are answered quickly and efficiently.

Furthermore, this allows you to make your videos better by inserting transparent images or graphics in them. You can achieve amazing effects and superimpose without having to spend hours editing your video. With Filmora, it’s simple to create professional-quality videos without using any other software and spending too much time on the editing process.

Steps to use Filmora

Step 1: After browsing all these features, you might be curious to try out the features integrated into it. The steps you need to follow are:-

Step 2: Get Filmora available on your system. It is compatible with Windows and Mac both.

Step 3: Open Filmora and select “Import-Import Media Files”.

import mdeia file filmora

Step 4: Add the imported images. You can do this by doing the right-click and selecting the insert image option. Alternatively you can do it u drag and drop option too.

import images in timeline filmora

Step 5: The inserted images will appear in the timeline, and double click on them. The settings menu appear to select the “Chroma key” and enable it.

enable chroma key filmora

Step 6: The image will get transparent in no time. If you wish to add on any extra colour or effect to the image, choose it from the editing menu available. The “Color Picker” option is also there that will be helpful in adding the colors.

Step 7: Click on “Ok” to make the changes saved.

click ok filmora

Step 7: After getting the expected transparent image, you can simply overlay it into the video.

export filmora

Ending Thoughts

Transparent images give you the chance to make the editing as required. This simply means there will be no need for you to occupy the image with unnecessary stuff because after making the image transparent only the required content will have a pace on it.

Filmora is the best tool to insert transparent images in the video. This tool have innovative interface and let users have the best options to make the editing in the video they are creating. Along with making the background transparent, this tool has other editing features too.

Making transparent images is just a matter of a few steps. One just needs to be sure of the right tools. If they are not having the right tool gett9ing the expected outcome will not be their thing.

Try It Free Try It Free

We always want to have the images that give us the power to do customizations as needed. Until and unless an image with appropriate adjustments is not there, we cannot think of editing them as wanted. But how can we forget sometimes the images are already occupied that we cannot make the changes. This sometimes makes us feel annoyed too. But don’t worry about it as now different tools to make pictures transparent are available. After making the image transparent, you can add on the effects as needed.

If you are having confusion how to use these tools or anything else, then keep reading till the last. In this read, we are discussing some transparent image makers that will help you to do it seamlessly. Let’s get started!

In this article

01 [Similarities and Differences Between PNG Vs. JPG Vs. GIF](#Part 1)

02 [Minimal Steps to Make Background Transparent](#Part 2)

03 [How to Insert Transparent Image in Video](#Part 3)

Part 1 Similarities and Differences Between PNG Vs. JPG Vs. GIF

As we all know, there are so many formats in which these images are available. But sometimes it happens we are not aware of the similarities and differences corresponding to them. This confusion sometimes let us chooses the wrong format. But not anymore, and in this section, we are discussing the similarities and differences between PNG Vs. JPG Vs. GIF.


PNG is a lossless compression format which means that it can be compressed without losing any data. It also supports transparency. The compression ratio is usually higher than JPG and GIF.


JPG is a lossy compression format which means that it can be compressed without losing any data, but the image quality will suffer because of the loss of information. It supports transparency but is not as good as PNG.


GIF is a lossless or lossy compression format which means that it can be compressed without losing any data or quality respectively. It does not support transparency and has a limited color range compared to PNG or JPG.

Part 2 Minimal Steps to Make Background Transparent

In this section, we are discussing the steps that you need to follow with transparent image-makers. Here we discuss some of the best tools available so that you can feel a bit confident in utilizing them for editing. This list includes:-


Canva is a graphic design tool that helps users creates professional-quality designs. It has easy to use templates and fonts that are free to use. Users can also customize their own templates and fonts, add images and videos, make collages, infographics, and other designs.

Steps to Make in Canva

Step 1: Get “Canva” available on your system and open it.

open canva

Step 2: Mode to “Edit Image” and “upload the image” in which you wish to make the background transparent.

upload image canva

Step 3: Choose the “Effect tab” and select the “background remover” option.

effect tab canva

select background remover canva

Step 4: If you wish to add on any other effect, do it.

Step 5: Click on the “Download icon” and save it for future use.


Photoshop can be used to edit video footage and create special effects. You can cut video clips together and shape them into a movie sequence by adding transitions and overlays to visualize the actions between shots. You can also use it to add graphics or other visual elements, like animations or even text. But don’t forget this tool also gives you the option to make the backgrounds transparent.

Steps to Make in Photoshop

Step 1: Get Photoshop o your system and import the image you wish to edit.

Step 2: Press Ctrl+J in order to create duplicate layers. (This is important in order to keep an eye on the section you are doing for making the editing.)

create duplicate layer photoshop

Step 3: Move to “Windows” and click on “Properties”

click properties photoshop

Step 4: From the list of options, hit on “Remove Background”

remove background photoshop

Step 5: Click on the “Eye icon” to view the transparent image.

eye icon photoshop

Step 6: Save the image for future use.


Picsart is a robust photo editing app which has features such as filters, stickers, and overlays. It also has the ability to create collages and videos. The app also has a feature called “edit & share” which allows the user to edit the photo right in the app, then share it with their friends on social media. Picsart doesn’t require any special knowledge or expertise in photography; so anyone can pick up the basics of using it in no time.

Steps to use Picsart

Step 1: Get the Picsart app in your device or visit the online portal.

Step 2: Upload the image you wish to edit.

upload image picsart

Step 3: Click on “Start Editing” button and then choose either of the option from “Behind Person” or “Behind Object” as per your situation.


change background picsart

Step 4: The tool will automatically remove the background and make it transparent. Download the image now.

download image picsart

Part 3 How to Insert Transparent Image in Video

After creating outstanding video content, there is a possibility that you might be looking forward to integrating any transparent image into it. Well, in this case, it is important that you have access to the best tool. Until and unless the best software or tool is not here, you cannot think of getting the task done. Don’t worry because for catering to this need, Filmora is one of the best options to choose.

Wondershare Filmora Video Editor is all-in-one video editing software to help people edit their videos and make them look professional. The best thing about this software is that it doesn’t require any expertise or knowledge of video editing before using it. The user can create a video from scratch just by importing the photos and videos from their camera roll, which are automatically combined into a single video with transitions and music in just a few steps.

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

Also, this software is both intuitive and easy to use. It also provides many features that you can customize depending on what outcome you want. In addition, this tool also includes tutorials and support services via phone, email or chat line, so all your questions are answered quickly and efficiently.

Furthermore, this allows you to make your videos better by inserting transparent images or graphics in them. You can achieve amazing effects and superimpose without having to spend hours editing your video. With Filmora, it’s simple to create professional-quality videos without using any other software and spending too much time on the editing process.

Steps to use Filmora

Step 1: After browsing all these features, you might be curious to try out the features integrated into it. The steps you need to follow are:-

Step 2: Get Filmora available on your system. It is compatible with Windows and Mac both.

Step 3: Open Filmora and select “Import-Import Media Files”.

import mdeia file filmora

Step 4: Add the imported images. You can do this by doing the right-click and selecting the insert image option. Alternatively you can do it u drag and drop option too.

import images in timeline filmora

Step 5: The inserted images will appear in the timeline, and double click on them. The settings menu appear to select the “Chroma key” and enable it.

enable chroma key filmora

Step 6: The image will get transparent in no time. If you wish to add on any extra colour or effect to the image, choose it from the editing menu available. The “Color Picker” option is also there that will be helpful in adding the colors.

Step 7: Click on “Ok” to make the changes saved.

click ok filmora

Step 7: After getting the expected transparent image, you can simply overlay it into the video.

export filmora

Ending Thoughts

Transparent images give you the chance to make the editing as required. This simply means there will be no need for you to occupy the image with unnecessary stuff because after making the image transparent only the required content will have a pace on it.

Filmora is the best tool to insert transparent images in the video. This tool have innovative interface and let users have the best options to make the editing in the video they are creating. Along with making the background transparent, this tool has other editing features too.

Making transparent images is just a matter of a few steps. One just needs to be sure of the right tools. If they are not having the right tool gett9ing the expected outcome will not be their thing.

Try It Free Try It Free

We always want to have the images that give us the power to do customizations as needed. Until and unless an image with appropriate adjustments is not there, we cannot think of editing them as wanted. But how can we forget sometimes the images are already occupied that we cannot make the changes. This sometimes makes us feel annoyed too. But don’t worry about it as now different tools to make pictures transparent are available. After making the image transparent, you can add on the effects as needed.

If you are having confusion how to use these tools or anything else, then keep reading till the last. In this read, we are discussing some transparent image makers that will help you to do it seamlessly. Let’s get started!

In this article

01 [Similarities and Differences Between PNG Vs. JPG Vs. GIF](#Part 1)

02 [Minimal Steps to Make Background Transparent](#Part 2)

03 [How to Insert Transparent Image in Video](#Part 3)

Part 1 Similarities and Differences Between PNG Vs. JPG Vs. GIF

As we all know, there are so many formats in which these images are available. But sometimes it happens we are not aware of the similarities and differences corresponding to them. This confusion sometimes let us chooses the wrong format. But not anymore, and in this section, we are discussing the similarities and differences between PNG Vs. JPG Vs. GIF.


PNG is a lossless compression format which means that it can be compressed without losing any data. It also supports transparency. The compression ratio is usually higher than JPG and GIF.


JPG is a lossy compression format which means that it can be compressed without losing any data, but the image quality will suffer because of the loss of information. It supports transparency but is not as good as PNG.


GIF is a lossless or lossy compression format which means that it can be compressed without losing any data or quality respectively. It does not support transparency and has a limited color range compared to PNG or JPG.

Part 2 Minimal Steps to Make Background Transparent

In this section, we are discussing the steps that you need to follow with transparent image-makers. Here we discuss some of the best tools available so that you can feel a bit confident in utilizing them for editing. This list includes:-


Canva is a graphic design tool that helps users creates professional-quality designs. It has easy to use templates and fonts that are free to use. Users can also customize their own templates and fonts, add images and videos, make collages, infographics, and other designs.

Steps to Make in Canva

Step 1: Get “Canva” available on your system and open it.

open canva

Step 2: Mode to “Edit Image” and “upload the image” in which you wish to make the background transparent.

upload image canva

Step 3: Choose the “Effect tab” and select the “background remover” option.

effect tab canva

select background remover canva

Step 4: If you wish to add on any other effect, do it.

Step 5: Click on the “Download icon” and save it for future use.


Photoshop can be used to edit video footage and create special effects. You can cut video clips together and shape them into a movie sequence by adding transitions and overlays to visualize the actions between shots. You can also use it to add graphics or other visual elements, like animations or even text. But don’t forget this tool also gives you the option to make the backgrounds transparent.

Steps to Make in Photoshop

Step 1: Get Photoshop o your system and import the image you wish to edit.

Step 2: Press Ctrl+J in order to create duplicate layers. (This is important in order to keep an eye on the section you are doing for making the editing.)

create duplicate layer photoshop

Step 3: Move to “Windows” and click on “Properties”

click properties photoshop

Step 4: From the list of options, hit on “Remove Background”

remove background photoshop

Step 5: Click on the “Eye icon” to view the transparent image.

eye icon photoshop

Step 6: Save the image for future use.


Picsart is a robust photo editing app which has features such as filters, stickers, and overlays. It also has the ability to create collages and videos. The app also has a feature called “edit & share” which allows the user to edit the photo right in the app, then share it with their friends on social media. Picsart doesn’t require any special knowledge or expertise in photography; so anyone can pick up the basics of using it in no time.

Steps to use Picsart

Step 1: Get the Picsart app in your device or visit the online portal.

Step 2: Upload the image you wish to edit.

upload image picsart

Step 3: Click on “Start Editing” button and then choose either of the option from “Behind Person” or “Behind Object” as per your situation.


change background picsart

Step 4: The tool will automatically remove the background and make it transparent. Download the image now.

download image picsart

Part 3 How to Insert Transparent Image in Video

After creating outstanding video content, there is a possibility that you might be looking forward to integrating any transparent image into it. Well, in this case, it is important that you have access to the best tool. Until and unless the best software or tool is not here, you cannot think of getting the task done. Don’t worry because for catering to this need, Filmora is one of the best options to choose.

Wondershare Filmora Video Editor is all-in-one video editing software to help people edit their videos and make them look professional. The best thing about this software is that it doesn’t require any expertise or knowledge of video editing before using it. The user can create a video from scratch just by importing the photos and videos from their camera roll, which are automatically combined into a single video with transitions and music in just a few steps.

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

Also, this software is both intuitive and easy to use. It also provides many features that you can customize depending on what outcome you want. In addition, this tool also includes tutorials and support services via phone, email or chat line, so all your questions are answered quickly and efficiently.

Furthermore, this allows you to make your videos better by inserting transparent images or graphics in them. You can achieve amazing effects and superimpose without having to spend hours editing your video. With Filmora, it’s simple to create professional-quality videos without using any other software and spending too much time on the editing process.

Steps to use Filmora

Step 1: After browsing all these features, you might be curious to try out the features integrated into it. The steps you need to follow are:-

Step 2: Get Filmora available on your system. It is compatible with Windows and Mac both.

Step 3: Open Filmora and select “Import-Import Media Files”.

import mdeia file filmora

Step 4: Add the imported images. You can do this by doing the right-click and selecting the insert image option. Alternatively you can do it u drag and drop option too.

import images in timeline filmora

Step 5: The inserted images will appear in the timeline, and double click on them. The settings menu appear to select the “Chroma key” and enable it.

enable chroma key filmora

Step 6: The image will get transparent in no time. If you wish to add on any extra colour or effect to the image, choose it from the editing menu available. The “Color Picker” option is also there that will be helpful in adding the colors.

Step 7: Click on “Ok” to make the changes saved.

click ok filmora

Step 7: After getting the expected transparent image, you can simply overlay it into the video.

export filmora

Ending Thoughts

Transparent images give you the chance to make the editing as required. This simply means there will be no need for you to occupy the image with unnecessary stuff because after making the image transparent only the required content will have a pace on it.

Filmora is the best tool to insert transparent images in the video. This tool have innovative interface and let users have the best options to make the editing in the video they are creating. Along with making the background transparent, this tool has other editing features too.

Making transparent images is just a matter of a few steps. One just needs to be sure of the right tools. If they are not having the right tool gett9ing the expected outcome will not be their thing.

Try It Free Try It Free

We always want to have the images that give us the power to do customizations as needed. Until and unless an image with appropriate adjustments is not there, we cannot think of editing them as wanted. But how can we forget sometimes the images are already occupied that we cannot make the changes. This sometimes makes us feel annoyed too. But don’t worry about it as now different tools to make pictures transparent are available. After making the image transparent, you can add on the effects as needed.

If you are having confusion how to use these tools or anything else, then keep reading till the last. In this read, we are discussing some transparent image makers that will help you to do it seamlessly. Let’s get started!

In this article

01 [Similarities and Differences Between PNG Vs. JPG Vs. GIF](#Part 1)

02 [Minimal Steps to Make Background Transparent](#Part 2)

03 [How to Insert Transparent Image in Video](#Part 3)

Part 1 Similarities and Differences Between PNG Vs. JPG Vs. GIF

As we all know, there are so many formats in which these images are available. But sometimes it happens we are not aware of the similarities and differences corresponding to them. This confusion sometimes let us chooses the wrong format. But not anymore, and in this section, we are discussing the similarities and differences between PNG Vs. JPG Vs. GIF.


PNG is a lossless compression format which means that it can be compressed without losing any data. It also supports transparency. The compression ratio is usually higher than JPG and GIF.


JPG is a lossy compression format which means that it can be compressed without losing any data, but the image quality will suffer because of the loss of information. It supports transparency but is not as good as PNG.


GIF is a lossless or lossy compression format which means that it can be compressed without losing any data or quality respectively. It does not support transparency and has a limited color range compared to PNG or JPG.

Part 2 Minimal Steps to Make Background Transparent

In this section, we are discussing the steps that you need to follow with transparent image-makers. Here we discuss some of the best tools available so that you can feel a bit confident in utilizing them for editing. This list includes:-


Canva is a graphic design tool that helps users creates professional-quality designs. It has easy to use templates and fonts that are free to use. Users can also customize their own templates and fonts, add images and videos, make collages, infographics, and other designs.

Steps to Make in Canva

Step 1: Get “Canva” available on your system and open it.

open canva

Step 2: Mode to “Edit Image” and “upload the image” in which you wish to make the background transparent.

upload image canva

Step 3: Choose the “Effect tab” and select the “background remover” option.

effect tab canva

select background remover canva

Step 4: If you wish to add on any other effect, do it.

Step 5: Click on the “Download icon” and save it for future use.


Photoshop can be used to edit video footage and create special effects. You can cut video clips together and shape them into a movie sequence by adding transitions and overlays to visualize the actions between shots. You can also use it to add graphics or other visual elements, like animations or even text. But don’t forget this tool also gives you the option to make the backgrounds transparent.

Steps to Make in Photoshop

Step 1: Get Photoshop o your system and import the image you wish to edit.

Step 2: Press Ctrl+J in order to create duplicate layers. (This is important in order to keep an eye on the section you are doing for making the editing.)

create duplicate layer photoshop

Step 3: Move to “Windows” and click on “Properties”

click properties photoshop

Step 4: From the list of options, hit on “Remove Background”

remove background photoshop

Step 5: Click on the “Eye icon” to view the transparent image.

eye icon photoshop

Step 6: Save the image for future use.


Picsart is a robust photo editing app which has features such as filters, stickers, and overlays. It also has the ability to create collages and videos. The app also has a feature called “edit & share” which allows the user to edit the photo right in the app, then share it with their friends on social media. Picsart doesn’t require any special knowledge or expertise in photography; so anyone can pick up the basics of using it in no time.

Steps to use Picsart

Step 1: Get the Picsart app in your device or visit the online portal.

Step 2: Upload the image you wish to edit.

upload image picsart

Step 3: Click on “Start Editing” button and then choose either of the option from “Behind Person” or “Behind Object” as per your situation.


change background picsart

Step 4: The tool will automatically remove the background and make it transparent. Download the image now.

download image picsart

Part 3 How to Insert Transparent Image in Video

After creating outstanding video content, there is a possibility that you might be looking forward to integrating any transparent image into it. Well, in this case, it is important that you have access to the best tool. Until and unless the best software or tool is not here, you cannot think of getting the task done. Don’t worry because for catering to this need, Filmora is one of the best options to choose.

Wondershare Filmora Video Editor is all-in-one video editing software to help people edit their videos and make them look professional. The best thing about this software is that it doesn’t require any expertise or knowledge of video editing before using it. The user can create a video from scratch just by importing the photos and videos from their camera roll, which are automatically combined into a single video with transitions and music in just a few steps.

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

Also, this software is both intuitive and easy to use. It also provides many features that you can customize depending on what outcome you want. In addition, this tool also includes tutorials and support services via phone, email or chat line, so all your questions are answered quickly and efficiently.

Furthermore, this allows you to make your videos better by inserting transparent images or graphics in them. You can achieve amazing effects and superimpose without having to spend hours editing your video. With Filmora, it’s simple to create professional-quality videos without using any other software and spending too much time on the editing process.

Steps to use Filmora

Step 1: After browsing all these features, you might be curious to try out the features integrated into it. The steps you need to follow are:-

Step 2: Get Filmora available on your system. It is compatible with Windows and Mac both.

Step 3: Open Filmora and select “Import-Import Media Files”.

import mdeia file filmora

Step 4: Add the imported images. You can do this by doing the right-click and selecting the insert image option. Alternatively you can do it u drag and drop option too.

import images in timeline filmora

Step 5: The inserted images will appear in the timeline, and double click on them. The settings menu appear to select the “Chroma key” and enable it.

enable chroma key filmora

Step 6: The image will get transparent in no time. If you wish to add on any extra colour or effect to the image, choose it from the editing menu available. The “Color Picker” option is also there that will be helpful in adding the colors.

Step 7: Click on “Ok” to make the changes saved.

click ok filmora

Step 7: After getting the expected transparent image, you can simply overlay it into the video.

export filmora

Ending Thoughts

Transparent images give you the chance to make the editing as required. This simply means there will be no need for you to occupy the image with unnecessary stuff because after making the image transparent only the required content will have a pace on it.

Filmora is the best tool to insert transparent images in the video. This tool have innovative interface and let users have the best options to make the editing in the video they are creating. Along with making the background transparent, this tool has other editing features too.

Making transparent images is just a matter of a few steps. One just needs to be sure of the right tools. If they are not having the right tool gett9ing the expected outcome will not be their thing.

Premiere Pro Slow Playback Issues: Finding The Best Solutions

Video editors are massively relying on Adobe Premiere Pro for their professional projects. This tool ensures workflow in video production and relieves several complex editing tasks. Unfortunately, it does have some errors, like Premiere Pro playback slow, which users refer to as patience-testing. Apart from being the most stable video editor, Premiere Pro consumes many resources.

Due to this, users encounter Premiere playback issues during video editing. If your choppy playback and unexpected freeze have annoyed you, keep reading this article. Here, you will find the best 8 solutions to instantly fix Premiere Pro’s slow playback. Plus, there will be an alternative that you can consider for error-free video editing.

Slow Motion Video Maker Slow your video’s speed with better control of your keyframes to create unique cinematic effects!

Make A Slow Motion Video Make A Slow Motion Video More Features

Wondershare Filmora

Part 1: What Does a Video with a Slow Playback Mean?

Premiere Pro Playback Slow is a common issue faced by editors these days. It refers to playback slowness and choppiness of a fresh or edited video. Many users report a complete blackout in video footage during the playback. Lagging in playback might result from insufficient RAM or inadequate storage space. Maybe an outdated GPU, heavy video effects, or active background programs cause it.

Such playback lagging can prove incredibly frustrating or test your patience beyond limits. It can desync the audio and video components of files during the playback. You can consider it a sign that your computer does not have the right specs for Adobe Premiere Pro . Also, it could mean that this tool is dropping frames in the Playback of videos.

Part 2: Fixing the Premiere Pro Slow Playback Issue [100% Effective Solutions]

If your Premiere Pro is not smoothly playing the videos, this section is for you. Firstly, you should confirm that your playback is lagging or slowing down. To do so, analyze whether your playhead is making small jumps or playing smoothly. There are plenty of things that you can do to reduce or minimize the Premiere playback slow.

Solution 1: Disable High-Quality Playback

Adobe Premiere Pro enables a High-Quality playback option by default. It helps in watching videos clearly but causes trouble. Thus, turning it off can fix the playback lagging. Tap on the “Settings” icon, which is next to the playback resolution menu. From there, disable the “High-Quality Playback” option by selecting it.

disable high quality playback slow playback

Solution 2: Delete Media Cache Files

In Premiere Pro, the Media cache is a temporary storage space that keeps copies of files. It allows you to access the files faster and cause a good playback. If these media caches use hefty hard disk space, then to enhance playback performance.

To do so, open the Premiere Pro and go to the “Preferences” menu. From the list, select “Media Cache.” Now browse to select the media and tap on the “Delete Unused” next to the “Delete Unused Media Cache Files. After choosing the option to delete cache files, click on “OK and the files will be removed.

delete media cache files slow playback

Solution 3: Optimize Rendering for Performance

If Premiere Pro slow playback still exists, then use this method to fix it. Set the optimized rendering to fix the performance of playback. Press the “Edit” option from the top toolbar and choose the “Preferences.” Then, navigate toward “Memory” and find a pop-up window. From that screen, click on “Memory” dropdown and pick “Performance.” Finally, tap on “OK” and get a better playback.

optimize rendering for performance slow playback

Solution 4: Close Unnecessary Applications

Sometimes, lagging in playback occurs when you work on multiple applications. The system gets burdened and might slow down every process at that time. For a quick and effective solution, you should close the other tabs immediately. Only Adobe Premiere Pro and your file manager can remain open for continuous playback.

close unnecessary applications, slow playback

Solution 5: Turn on GPU Acceleration

There is another fix you can try to overcome Premiere Pro playback slow. Without any delay, ensure that the Render is set to GPU Acceleration. Simply go to the “File” option at the top toolbar and click on the “Project Settings.” Then, pick “General” and set it to “Mercury Playback Engine GPU Acceleration.” This option is under the Playback Section and Video Render.

turn on gpu acceleration slow playback

Solution 6: Change Playback Resolution

Due to the higher resolution of videos, playback lagging occurs. It has a quick solution: changing the playback resolution to a lower rate. For this purpose, go to “Settings” at the top right and choose the “Dynamic Quality” option. Select a lower resolution, like 1:2 or lower. You should look for options that can reduce resolution from the original resolution of the clip.

change playback resolution slow playback

Solution 7: Use Proxy Videos in Adobe

Proxy videos are proxy files that are compressed versions of original projects. They help users edit heavy and lengthy videos with any Premiere Playback slow. In your project panel, select your video and right-click on it. From the list, choose “Proxy” and explore “Create Proxies.”

Now, pick the “Codec” option from another window and tap “QuickTime.” Specify a location for proxies and try to keep them in a new folder with the original media. Lastly, click “OK,” and Adobe Media Encoder will instantly produce video proxies.

use proxy videos slow playback

Solution 8: Mute FX Effects

The working size of video files gets increased with visual and audio effects. If your videos are still lagging in playbacks, then head to mute those effects to fix this issue. From the playback toolbar, choose the “fx” button. Alternatively, click on the “+” icon at the top right side of Program Monitor. Drag it to the button panel and press the “fx” button to toggle it “Off.”

mute fx effects slow playback

Part 3: Make the Slow-Motion Video Making Easy with Wondershare Filmora

Apart from Premiere Pro’s slow playback, it’s a difficult tool to work with. Even professional video editors face several challenges and look for fix guides. As an effective solution, Wondershare Filmora is a good option for all users. It is a great video editor with AI-integrated features. Non-tech persons can even maintain smooth editing with Filmora’s AI assistant.

This software equips you with a complete video editing suit. Using any feature, you will not face laggings during the editing process. Many editors want to add slow motion or speed ramping in their videos to embrace creativity. They can freely use Filmora without fearing system crashes or playback slowing down.

Step-by-Step Guide to Perform Slow Motion Effect with Optical Flow

Without any playback, slow down and enjoy slow-motion effects in your videos. To add such an effect with optical flow, you can follow the steps below.

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Step 1Import Project in the Timeline Section

Successfully install Filmora and head to its main interface. Start working on your project by tapping “New Project” and importing the file into the timeline. You can press the “Ctrl + I” keys, browse the project to import, and drag it into the timeline.

add videos to filmora timeline

Step 2Slow Down Video with the Optical Flow Option

Right-click on your clip and pick “Speed Ramping” from the list. Now, choose the “Customize” option and move below to edit it. Hold the dots and adjust their location to change the video speed. You can select Montage and Jumper effects to change the speed of clips.

Now, scroll down and find “AI Frame Interpolation.” Click on the downward icon and tap “Optical Flow” for slow but high-quality video.

perform speed ramping and optical flow

Step 3Export After Finalizing

After making edits, look for the “Export” option at the top right side. Make changes in resolution, project name, and other aspects. Press “Export” to get the file to your assigned location.

finalize and export video

Effective Key Features of Filmora

Besides smooth playback, Filmora offers powerful AI features to edit videos. Let’s explore some of its dynamic and innovative options.

  • AI Copilot: This tool provides you with an AI assistant in case you are unfamiliar with editing basics. It can not only guide you but also navigate towards the respective features. Users can ask anything and find solutions with natural language prompts.

  • AI Music Generator: Are you tired of internet surfing but haven’t found perfect music? Filmora offers AI-generated music that perfectly aligns with your content needs. It allows you to choose the number of music tracks, moods, and duration of the videos.

  • AI Image: With Filmora, getting a copyright-free image is not a big deal. Users have to describe an image and pick one style to grab their dream image. Also, they can select an aspect ratio to start creating an image.

  • AI Smart Masking: Often, the best-captured media seems useless because of its messy background. AI masking comes to rescue your projects. You can use the Chroma key or AI portrait to remove or change the backgrounds of the media.


To wrap up, Adobe Premiere Pro’s slow playback can occur for several reasons. Many solutions are discussed above to tackle such errors and avoid frustration. Meanwhile, you can use Wondershare Filmora, which is much easier. Also, it does not cause any errors while working and ensures a smooth workflow. With AI features, users can effectively perform every kind of video editing task.

Make A Slow Motion Video Make A Slow Motion Video More Features

Wondershare Filmora

Part 1: What Does a Video with a Slow Playback Mean?

Premiere Pro Playback Slow is a common issue faced by editors these days. It refers to playback slowness and choppiness of a fresh or edited video. Many users report a complete blackout in video footage during the playback. Lagging in playback might result from insufficient RAM or inadequate storage space. Maybe an outdated GPU, heavy video effects, or active background programs cause it.

Such playback lagging can prove incredibly frustrating or test your patience beyond limits. It can desync the audio and video components of files during the playback. You can consider it a sign that your computer does not have the right specs for Adobe Premiere Pro . Also, it could mean that this tool is dropping frames in the Playback of videos.

Part 2: Fixing the Premiere Pro Slow Playback Issue [100% Effective Solutions]

If your Premiere Pro is not smoothly playing the videos, this section is for you. Firstly, you should confirm that your playback is lagging or slowing down. To do so, analyze whether your playhead is making small jumps or playing smoothly. There are plenty of things that you can do to reduce or minimize the Premiere playback slow.

Solution 1: Disable High-Quality Playback

Adobe Premiere Pro enables a High-Quality playback option by default. It helps in watching videos clearly but causes trouble. Thus, turning it off can fix the playback lagging. Tap on the “Settings” icon, which is next to the playback resolution menu. From there, disable the “High-Quality Playback” option by selecting it.

disable high quality playback slow playback

Solution 2: Delete Media Cache Files

In Premiere Pro, the Media cache is a temporary storage space that keeps copies of files. It allows you to access the files faster and cause a good playback. If these media caches use hefty hard disk space, then to enhance playback performance.

To do so, open the Premiere Pro and go to the “Preferences” menu. From the list, select “Media Cache.” Now browse to select the media and tap on the “Delete Unused” next to the “Delete Unused Media Cache Files. After choosing the option to delete cache files, click on “OK and the files will be removed.

delete media cache files slow playback

Solution 3: Optimize Rendering for Performance

If Premiere Pro slow playback still exists, then use this method to fix it. Set the optimized rendering to fix the performance of playback. Press the “Edit” option from the top toolbar and choose the “Preferences.” Then, navigate toward “Memory” and find a pop-up window. From that screen, click on “Memory” dropdown and pick “Performance.” Finally, tap on “OK” and get a better playback.

optimize rendering for performance slow playback

Solution 4: Close Unnecessary Applications

Sometimes, lagging in playback occurs when you work on multiple applications. The system gets burdened and might slow down every process at that time. For a quick and effective solution, you should close the other tabs immediately. Only Adobe Premiere Pro and your file manager can remain open for continuous playback.

close unnecessary applications, slow playback

Solution 5: Turn on GPU Acceleration

There is another fix you can try to overcome Premiere Pro playback slow. Without any delay, ensure that the Render is set to GPU Acceleration. Simply go to the “File” option at the top toolbar and click on the “Project Settings.” Then, pick “General” and set it to “Mercury Playback Engine GPU Acceleration.” This option is under the Playback Section and Video Render.

turn on gpu acceleration slow playback

Solution 6: Change Playback Resolution

Due to the higher resolution of videos, playback lagging occurs. It has a quick solution: changing the playback resolution to a lower rate. For this purpose, go to “Settings” at the top right and choose the “Dynamic Quality” option. Select a lower resolution, like 1:2 or lower. You should look for options that can reduce resolution from the original resolution of the clip.

change playback resolution slow playback

Solution 7: Use Proxy Videos in Adobe

Proxy videos are proxy files that are compressed versions of original projects. They help users edit heavy and lengthy videos with any Premiere Playback slow. In your project panel, select your video and right-click on it. From the list, choose “Proxy” and explore “Create Proxies.”

Now, pick the “Codec” option from another window and tap “QuickTime.” Specify a location for proxies and try to keep them in a new folder with the original media. Lastly, click “OK,” and Adobe Media Encoder will instantly produce video proxies.

use proxy videos slow playback

Solution 8: Mute FX Effects

The working size of video files gets increased with visual and audio effects. If your videos are still lagging in playbacks, then head to mute those effects to fix this issue. From the playback toolbar, choose the “fx” button. Alternatively, click on the “+” icon at the top right side of Program Monitor. Drag it to the button panel and press the “fx” button to toggle it “Off.”

mute fx effects slow playback

Part 3: Make the Slow-Motion Video Making Easy with Wondershare Filmora

Apart from Premiere Pro’s slow playback, it’s a difficult tool to work with. Even professional video editors face several challenges and look for fix guides. As an effective solution, Wondershare Filmora is a good option for all users. It is a great video editor with AI-integrated features. Non-tech persons can even maintain smooth editing with Filmora’s AI assistant.

This software equips you with a complete video editing suit. Using any feature, you will not face laggings during the editing process. Many editors want to add slow motion or speed ramping in their videos to embrace creativity. They can freely use Filmora without fearing system crashes or playback slowing down.

Step-by-Step Guide to Perform Slow Motion Effect with Optical Flow

Without any playback, slow down and enjoy slow-motion effects in your videos. To add such an effect with optical flow, you can follow the steps below.

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Step 1Import Project in the Timeline Section

Successfully install Filmora and head to its main interface. Start working on your project by tapping “New Project” and importing the file into the timeline. You can press the “Ctrl + I” keys, browse the project to import, and drag it into the timeline.

add videos to filmora timeline

Step 2Slow Down Video with the Optical Flow Option

Right-click on your clip and pick “Speed Ramping” from the list. Now, choose the “Customize” option and move below to edit it. Hold the dots and adjust their location to change the video speed. You can select Montage and Jumper effects to change the speed of clips.

Now, scroll down and find “AI Frame Interpolation.” Click on the downward icon and tap “Optical Flow” for slow but high-quality video.

perform speed ramping and optical flow

Step 3Export After Finalizing

After making edits, look for the “Export” option at the top right side. Make changes in resolution, project name, and other aspects. Press “Export” to get the file to your assigned location.

finalize and export video

Effective Key Features of Filmora

Besides smooth playback, Filmora offers powerful AI features to edit videos. Let’s explore some of its dynamic and innovative options.

  • AI Copilot: This tool provides you with an AI assistant in case you are unfamiliar with editing basics. It can not only guide you but also navigate towards the respective features. Users can ask anything and find solutions with natural language prompts.

  • AI Music Generator: Are you tired of internet surfing but haven’t found perfect music? Filmora offers AI-generated music that perfectly aligns with your content needs. It allows you to choose the number of music tracks, moods, and duration of the videos.

  • AI Image: With Filmora, getting a copyright-free image is not a big deal. Users have to describe an image and pick one style to grab their dream image. Also, they can select an aspect ratio to start creating an image.

  • AI Smart Masking: Often, the best-captured media seems useless because of its messy background. AI masking comes to rescue your projects. You can use the Chroma key or AI portrait to remove or change the backgrounds of the media.


To wrap up, Adobe Premiere Pro’s slow playback can occur for several reasons. Many solutions are discussed above to tackle such errors and avoid frustration. Meanwhile, you can use Wondershare Filmora, which is much easier. Also, it does not cause any errors while working and ensures a smooth workflow. With AI features, users can effectively perform every kind of video editing task.

Also read:

  • Title: 2024 Approved This Article Shares Valuable Insight Into the Best Brand Story Videos. Also, It Highlights the Importance of a Video Maker in Your Brand Story Video Ad-Making Process and Why Filmora Should Be Your Go-To Choice
  • Author: Chloe
  • Created at : 2024-04-24 07:08:23
  • Updated at : 2024-04-25 07:08:23
  • Link: https://ai-editing-video.techidaily.com/2024-approved-this-article-shares-valuable-insight-into-the-best-brand-story-videos-also-it-highlights-the-importance-of-a-video-maker-in-your-brand-story-v/
  • License: This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.
On this page
2024 Approved This Article Shares Valuable Insight Into the Best Brand Story Videos. Also, It Highlights the Importance of a Video Maker in Your Brand Story Video Ad-Making Process and Why Filmora Should Be Your Go-To Choice