A Complete Guide to the Best Brand Story Videos for 2024

A Complete Guide to the Best Brand Story Videos for 2024

Chloe Lv12

A Complete Guide to the Best Brand Story Videos |2023|

With the advent of streaming content accessible anytime, anywhere, conventional marketing has somewhat lost grip on its performance. Consumers are now savvy as they now take a step further, like using ad blockers or tuning out ads.

However, it doesn’t imply the end of advertising as a brand promotion tool altogether. Individuals still desire best-in-class deals and products and spend their money shopping. All they need is to get informed about the product or service more entertainingly and innovatively.

This is one of the reasons why many established brands are now shifting toward their brand storytelling. And there’s no better and highly effective way to portray your brand story than with video. Simply making a video resembling any conventional TV commercial ad with an irritating ‘Call Today’ voiceover won’t be enough to get results.

Modern-day consumers are much more educated and sophisticated than before. You must learn how many creative and successful brands are infusing their branding and storytelling strategies to engage their customers. If you’re reading this article, you’re aiming to build your own brand storytelling video and are wondering how to make it a successful one.

Take no worries as the further sections will clear all your doubts and give you the perfect answer. So, let’s start.

best brand story videos 1

Source : https://www.pexels.com/photo/business-plan-printed-on-paper-on-a-clipboard-8970679/

  1. Spotify - All Ears On You
  2. Airbnb - The Story of a Symbol of Belonging
  3. Apple - Chase
  4. Nike - Most Powerful Brand Story Videos
  5. Bells - Reader
  6. Dove - You’re More Beautiful Than You Think
  7. El Gordo - The Spanish Christmas Lottery Ad 2021

Part I. The Most Successful Video Practises of Brand Storytelling

1. Spotify - All Ears On You

Since 2008, Spotify has continued gathering as much information (personal preferences, likes, and dislikes) about their audiences as possible. It has helped them set personalized ad campaigns that will best fit their customers’ interests.

One of their latest, popular campaigns is ‘All Ears On You.’ Take a glimpse of this video to check how the video ad appears. Launched in June, this campaign focuses on celebrating your weird listening habits. It leveraged the users’ in-app experience to let them be proud of their unique choices. This helped Spotify to strengthen its emotional relationship with its listeners.

Learn From Spotify’s Famous Marketing Practices:

  • Get the Most Out of Big Data: The customer insights and data helped Spotify make precise, on-point ads. Your firm should also acquire customers’ data and later leverage it to amplify the user experience and make marketing campaigns more relatable.
  • Leverage User-Generated Content: Your audience is more interested in what other customers think and say about your business. The most successful video ads don’t involve facts about the company but the customers instead. Make a video using clips where your customers tell a story about themselves and their experience with your brand.
  • Utilize The Trending Hashtags & Topics: Social medial trends and news feed is what attracts today’s customers the most. Spotify’s advertisement team always wraps their ad campaigns into a package of top-events-and-stories. Find the most popular and trending hashtags and topics related to your business niche and incorporate them in your brand storytelling video.

Some other marketing practices that teach valuable lessons to businesses for brand video marketing include:

  • Leveraging the mentions on social media platforms
  • Going for a customer-centric marketing approach with personalized interactions

2. Airbnb - The Story of a Symbol of Belonging

The center of focus of Airbnb’s brand story revolves around the basic ideology of ‘belonging.’ The brand found its mission - to shape the world into a place where individuals can ‘belong anywhere.’

Their official tagline also turned out to be ‘Belong Anywhere,’ which eventually led to the development of their whole brand story and new logo. This symbol was created to make sure it’s instantly recognizable.

Valuable Storytelling Lessons From Airbnb’s Marketing Practices:

  • Let Your Customers Be At The Heart Of Your Organization: After interviewing users, Airbnb found out that no one can better inform them about their company than the community of their regular users. The conversations and interviews with such users helped Airbnb to prepare its entire brand story. Thus, you should, too, keep your customers at your core.
  • It’s Never Too Late To Discover Your Story: Although launched in 2008, the company Airbnb realized they’d need to discover their business mission to scale and progress. They are an example that it’s never too late for your brand to find the brand story.
  • Content Is The King: Airbnb always keeps posting content on its own blog and YouTube channel. Most of their content is based on user experiences and revolves around stories from within the brand’s community. Such high-quality content helped them to engage with the customers more efficiently.

3. Apple - Chase

Chase recently announced via email their latest introduction to the market - Apple Pay. They introduced it in collaboration with Apple as the new mode to pay. Chase leveraged this email communication to inform people about their latest collaboration with Apple.

They also used email to reinforce their commitment to helping people to buy Apple products like the iPhone 14 pro with accessible funds. While ensuring to align with Apple’s marketing strategy for the Apple Pay service announcement (primarily based on social media), Chase put more emphasis on real-time media.

Their marketing practice used direct, real-time media to connect with the on-the-go audience seemingly ready to buy an Apple product with a quick source of funds. Their brand story ad focused more on the ‘on-the-go’ audience who would readily agree to make such a purchase.

4. Nike - Most Powerful Brand Story Videos

If you’ve watched a Nike video ad featuring LeBron James or others, you’ll know how much emphasis on emotions and inspiration. They don’t go for the direct marketing of their brand and products. Instead, they produce video ads with a powerful message drawn from a compelling storyline.

This makes Nike unique from numerous other brands as it has been an expert in brand storytelling for years now. Every piece of video ad from their collection triggers the audience’s feelings and emotions, which can only be met and satisfied by using Nike products.

There’s a lot of power within emotional branding, and Nike has shaped and transformed its whole marketing model into a storytelling form that motivates the audience to take action - ‘Just do it with Nike products. Some of the marketing strategies that have helped them grow over the years include the following:

  • They promote the advantages of their product’s features rather than simply highlighting and promoting the features. This is called benefit-based marketing practice.
  • They sell brand stories more than their products, which has always been their primary marketing strategy.
  • Nike is very strong in the social media game. They leverage user-generated content to create their video ads.
  • Collaborating with influencers like LeBron James and Cristiano Ronaldo has always been at the core of their marketing strategy.

5. Bells - Reader

The marketing manager of Bell - Thami Silwana - revealed that the idea behind the ‘Bells-Reader’ campaign is to assist men in acknowledging, comprehending, and speaking about their personal victories.

They realized that sometimes it could be troublesome for men to interact with one another and acknowledge their inside feeling and emotions when one of them have achieved something. Their tagline, ‘Give That Man a Bell, ’ best fits in terms of a man-to-man acknowledging something worth the celebration.

Here is what the video ad director Greg incorporated in the video to make it hit the marketing campaign’s motto:


  • Greg incorporated an excellent blend of drama, emotion, and sentimentality in this two minutes video ad, which was as good as a two-hour Hollywood movie.
  • The video hit the emotions on so many levels that you’ll feel like drinking a glass of whisky at the end of the ad.
  • Your brand should also create a brand story video where you help your customers to acknowledge themselves by hitting their emotions at different levels.
  • To know how just take a look at the ad yourself: https://www.youtube.com/watch .

6. Dove - You’re More Beautiful Than You Think

The Real Beauty Ad Campaign by Dove focuses on women’s natural charisma and beauty. The ad emphasizes promoting the self-esteem of every woman. In their ‘Dove Real Beauty Sketches’ video ad, you’ll find the events to be chosen, arranged, connected, and assessed as meaningful for a specific set of audience.

Although the video ad’s primary focus is women’s empowerment, it’s still a commercial that promotes Dove products. The ad ends with the phrase ‘you’re more beautiful than you think,’ and a Dove brand logo appears.

Significantly, Dove desires women to know that they are always encouraged, supported, and acknowledged for their real beauty. This storytelling helped Dove boost its product sales without making any direct references.

7. El Gordo - The Spanish Christmas Lottery Ad 2021

Conventionally, you’ll get to know about the arrival of Christmas in Spain when you’ll find the Spanish Christmas Lottery hitting the screens as a commercial. The Christmas Lottery’s 2021 ad version was recorded and created in the picturesque and snowy town of Elizondo.

The ad signifies the spirit of the Christmas festive season and amazingly resonates with the motto of El Gordo - the greatest prize is to share it. They used aesthetics and scenic beauty to allure the viewers and drive them into buying the lottery.

They used the marketing practice of hitting people’s emotions during Christmas when they could truly immerse themselves into enjoying things like winning the lottery.

Part 2. Need Pro-Quality Video Result From Your Video Maker? Try Filmora - The Best in the Market

If you seek pro-quality video results from your video maker for the ‘best-in-class’ brand story videos, use Filmora. It has emerged as the leading video-making tool for global marketers where you can create, edit, and save all sorts of ‘state-of-the-art,’ ‘next-level’ marketing brand videos.

best brand story videos 2

Try Filmora to ensure brand awareness, advertise your business, introduce the audience to your brand and its products, and boost sales. One software, multiple benefits. Here are some features of Filmora that can effectively help you make your brand story videos.

  • Numerous Resources: Filmora is an excellent platform to explore your inner creativity as it has thousands of video assets accessible to its users. The widespread availability of unique advanced and basic features will help you create the most appealing brand story video.
  • Green Screen: Your brand storytelling videos will become bland if you miss out on adding a unique background. Thanks to the Green Screen feature by Filmora, it takes only a few simple clicks to add such attractive backgrounds to your videos.
  • Split Screen: When making your brand story video, it’s more likely that you’ll want to show a comparison of two products side-by-side. In that case, the Split Screen feature from Filmora comes in handy. It lets you incorporate two or more video footage or clips in the video.
  • Audio Ducking: Your brand story will involve several key pointers that you’ll want to highlight for the audience. With Filmora’s Audio Ducking feature, you can easily highlight the dialogues and speeches during the video. This will help you to emphasize those video parts so that the audience can hear them with clarity. Of course, the feature fades the background music for those speech and dialogue parts.
  • Color Grading: The more appealing the brand story video, the more the viewers. That’s precisely what the color grading feature does for you. It allows you to adjust the tint, 3D Luts, temperature, and lights in all your marketing videos. Introduce mesmerizing cinematographic effects in your videos with Fimora’s ‘state-of-the-art’ color tuning features.

Telling your brand story via videos has just become simpler and faster than ever with Filmora. Try the software for magical results.

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later


Telling your brand story is more crucial than ever as it lets you reach new levels of personalization and establish deeper bonds and connections with your clients or customers.

With the ideal brand storytelling strategy and the best video maker tool, you can easily connect with the audience and let them know all about your brand, its products, and its purpose. So, get started today!

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Part I. The Most Successful Video Practises of Brand Storytelling

1. Spotify - All Ears On You

Since 2008, Spotify has continued gathering as much information (personal preferences, likes, and dislikes) about their audiences as possible. It has helped them set personalized ad campaigns that will best fit their customers’ interests.

One of their latest, popular campaigns is ‘All Ears On You.’ Take a glimpse of this video to check how the video ad appears. Launched in June, this campaign focuses on celebrating your weird listening habits. It leveraged the users’ in-app experience to let them be proud of their unique choices. This helped Spotify to strengthen its emotional relationship with its listeners.

Learn From Spotify’s Famous Marketing Practices:

  • Get the Most Out of Big Data: The customer insights and data helped Spotify make precise, on-point ads. Your firm should also acquire customers’ data and later leverage it to amplify the user experience and make marketing campaigns more relatable.
  • Leverage User-Generated Content: Your audience is more interested in what other customers think and say about your business. The most successful video ads don’t involve facts about the company but the customers instead. Make a video using clips where your customers tell a story about themselves and their experience with your brand.
  • Utilize The Trending Hashtags & Topics: Social medial trends and news feed is what attracts today’s customers the most. Spotify’s advertisement team always wraps their ad campaigns into a package of top-events-and-stories. Find the most popular and trending hashtags and topics related to your business niche and incorporate them in your brand storytelling video.

Some other marketing practices that teach valuable lessons to businesses for brand video marketing include:

  • Leveraging the mentions on social media platforms
  • Going for a customer-centric marketing approach with personalized interactions

2. Airbnb - The Story of a Symbol of Belonging

The center of focus of Airbnb’s brand story revolves around the basic ideology of ‘belonging.’ The brand found its mission - to shape the world into a place where individuals can ‘belong anywhere.’

Their official tagline also turned out to be ‘Belong Anywhere,’ which eventually led to the development of their whole brand story and new logo. This symbol was created to make sure it’s instantly recognizable.

Valuable Storytelling Lessons From Airbnb’s Marketing Practices:

  • Let Your Customers Be At The Heart Of Your Organization: After interviewing users, Airbnb found out that no one can better inform them about their company than the community of their regular users. The conversations and interviews with such users helped Airbnb to prepare its entire brand story. Thus, you should, too, keep your customers at your core.
  • It’s Never Too Late To Discover Your Story: Although launched in 2008, the company Airbnb realized they’d need to discover their business mission to scale and progress. They are an example that it’s never too late for your brand to find the brand story.
  • Content Is The King: Airbnb always keeps posting content on its own blog and YouTube channel. Most of their content is based on user experiences and revolves around stories from within the brand’s community. Such high-quality content helped them to engage with the customers more efficiently.

3. Apple - Chase

Chase recently announced via email their latest introduction to the market - Apple Pay. They introduced it in collaboration with Apple as the new mode to pay. Chase leveraged this email communication to inform people about their latest collaboration with Apple.

They also used email to reinforce their commitment to helping people to buy Apple products like the iPhone 14 pro with accessible funds. While ensuring to align with Apple’s marketing strategy for the Apple Pay service announcement (primarily based on social media), Chase put more emphasis on real-time media.

Their marketing practice used direct, real-time media to connect with the on-the-go audience seemingly ready to buy an Apple product with a quick source of funds. Their brand story ad focused more on the ‘on-the-go’ audience who would readily agree to make such a purchase.

4. Nike - Most Powerful Brand Story Videos

If you’ve watched a Nike video ad featuring LeBron James or others, you’ll know how much emphasis on emotions and inspiration. They don’t go for the direct marketing of their brand and products. Instead, they produce video ads with a powerful message drawn from a compelling storyline.

This makes Nike unique from numerous other brands as it has been an expert in brand storytelling for years now. Every piece of video ad from their collection triggers the audience’s feelings and emotions, which can only be met and satisfied by using Nike products.

There’s a lot of power within emotional branding, and Nike has shaped and transformed its whole marketing model into a storytelling form that motivates the audience to take action - ‘Just do it with Nike products. Some of the marketing strategies that have helped them grow over the years include the following:

  • They promote the advantages of their product’s features rather than simply highlighting and promoting the features. This is called benefit-based marketing practice.
  • They sell brand stories more than their products, which has always been their primary marketing strategy.
  • Nike is very strong in the social media game. They leverage user-generated content to create their video ads.
  • Collaborating with influencers like LeBron James and Cristiano Ronaldo has always been at the core of their marketing strategy.

5. Bells - Reader

The marketing manager of Bell - Thami Silwana - revealed that the idea behind the ‘Bells-Reader’ campaign is to assist men in acknowledging, comprehending, and speaking about their personal victories.

They realized that sometimes it could be troublesome for men to interact with one another and acknowledge their inside feeling and emotions when one of them have achieved something. Their tagline, ‘Give That Man a Bell, ’ best fits in terms of a man-to-man acknowledging something worth the celebration.

Here is what the video ad director Greg incorporated in the video to make it hit the marketing campaign’s motto:


  • Greg incorporated an excellent blend of drama, emotion, and sentimentality in this two minutes video ad, which was as good as a two-hour Hollywood movie.
  • The video hit the emotions on so many levels that you’ll feel like drinking a glass of whisky at the end of the ad.
  • Your brand should also create a brand story video where you help your customers to acknowledge themselves by hitting their emotions at different levels.
  • To know how just take a look at the ad yourself: https://www.youtube.com/watch .

6. Dove - You’re More Beautiful Than You Think

The Real Beauty Ad Campaign by Dove focuses on women’s natural charisma and beauty. The ad emphasizes promoting the self-esteem of every woman. In their ‘Dove Real Beauty Sketches’ video ad, you’ll find the events to be chosen, arranged, connected, and assessed as meaningful for a specific set of audience.

Although the video ad’s primary focus is women’s empowerment, it’s still a commercial that promotes Dove products. The ad ends with the phrase ‘you’re more beautiful than you think,’ and a Dove brand logo appears.

Significantly, Dove desires women to know that they are always encouraged, supported, and acknowledged for their real beauty. This storytelling helped Dove boost its product sales without making any direct references.

7. El Gordo - The Spanish Christmas Lottery Ad 2021

Conventionally, you’ll get to know about the arrival of Christmas in Spain when you’ll find the Spanish Christmas Lottery hitting the screens as a commercial. The Christmas Lottery’s 2021 ad version was recorded and created in the picturesque and snowy town of Elizondo.

The ad signifies the spirit of the Christmas festive season and amazingly resonates with the motto of El Gordo - the greatest prize is to share it. They used aesthetics and scenic beauty to allure the viewers and drive them into buying the lottery.

They used the marketing practice of hitting people’s emotions during Christmas when they could truly immerse themselves into enjoying things like winning the lottery.

Part 2. Need Pro-Quality Video Result From Your Video Maker? Try Filmora - The Best in the Market

If you seek pro-quality video results from your video maker for the ‘best-in-class’ brand story videos, use Filmora. It has emerged as the leading video-making tool for global marketers where you can create, edit, and save all sorts of ‘state-of-the-art,’ ‘next-level’ marketing brand videos.

best brand story videos 2

Try Filmora to ensure brand awareness, advertise your business, introduce the audience to your brand and its products, and boost sales. One software, multiple benefits. Here are some features of Filmora that can effectively help you make your brand story videos.

  • Numerous Resources: Filmora is an excellent platform to explore your inner creativity as it has thousands of video assets accessible to its users. The widespread availability of unique advanced and basic features will help you create the most appealing brand story video.
  • Green Screen: Your brand storytelling videos will become bland if you miss out on adding a unique background. Thanks to the Green Screen feature by Filmora, it takes only a few simple clicks to add such attractive backgrounds to your videos.
  • Split Screen: When making your brand story video, it’s more likely that you’ll want to show a comparison of two products side-by-side. In that case, the Split Screen feature from Filmora comes in handy. It lets you incorporate two or more video footage or clips in the video.
  • Audio Ducking: Your brand story will involve several key pointers that you’ll want to highlight for the audience. With Filmora’s Audio Ducking feature, you can easily highlight the dialogues and speeches during the video. This will help you to emphasize those video parts so that the audience can hear them with clarity. Of course, the feature fades the background music for those speech and dialogue parts.
  • Color Grading: The more appealing the brand story video, the more the viewers. That’s precisely what the color grading feature does for you. It allows you to adjust the tint, 3D Luts, temperature, and lights in all your marketing videos. Introduce mesmerizing cinematographic effects in your videos with Fimora’s ‘state-of-the-art’ color tuning features.

Telling your brand story via videos has just become simpler and faster than ever with Filmora. Try the software for magical results.

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later


Telling your brand story is more crucial than ever as it lets you reach new levels of personalization and establish deeper bonds and connections with your clients or customers.

With the ideal brand storytelling strategy and the best video maker tool, you can easily connect with the audience and let them know all about your brand, its products, and its purpose. So, get started today!

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

How to Clone Yourself in Videos with Filmora?

With the help of video editing programs like Filmora , you can create clones of yourself. Whether you’re looking to create a funny skit or a serious video, cloning yourself can add much production value to your project.

In this article, we’ll walk you through the process of how to clone yourself in videos using Filmora.

Part 1: How to Film Clips for Cloning Effects?

To make cloning effects, you will need to take two different shots and use a tripod to place the camera, so the frame doesn’t change.

Shooting the first clip

For the first shot, stay on one side of the frame and do the first action. For example, you can pretend to yank and take off your jacket. Then, drop the jacket to the other side of the frame.

shooting the first clip

To make it more realistic, make an interaction by reacting to the “clone” while facing the other direction.

make an interaction

Shooting the second clip

Then, shoot for the second clip without changing the frame. You will have to go to the place where you dropped the jacket from the first shot.

shooting the second clip

Act as if you have just appeared there and give a reaction to the other side as well.

Part 2: How to Do the Clone Effect with Filmora?

After you have shot the necessary film clips, bring the clips into Filmora 11. If you haven’t installed Filmora yet, you can go to their website and download it here:

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Once you have opened Filmora 11, follow the steps below:

Step1 Bring the first clip to the timeline and cut the clip where you pretend to yank and take off the jacket. Select and delete the unnecessary clip.

bring the first clip to the timeline

Step2 After you have the first part of the effect ready, let’s start working on the clone part using masking.

First, place the second clip on a different window track, and the starting point is where you react to the “clone.”

place the second clip on a different window track

Then, double-click the second clip and go to the Filmora setting window. Tap on the Mask section > Single line.

tap on mask section

On the preview screen, adjust the position of the mask to only show “the clone.”

adjust the position of the mask

Set the blur strength on the setting to make a smoother edge transition.

Step3 If the timing of the two clips doesn’t match, you can fix it using the speed ramping feature on Filmora 11. To use it, double-click the second clip and select Speed > Speed Ramping > Customize.

double-click the second clip

Move the keyframe up to increase the speed. You can adjust it according to your needs.

adjust keyframe

Step4 Once you are satisfied, adjust the clip length on the timeline and make sure that both clips finish at the same time.

adjust the clip length

Extra tip: Add one more effect to make it more magical.

Step1 Open the Effects window and search for “up down 1.”

open the effects window

Step2 Drag and drop the effect onto the timeline where the first cut is set. Adjust the effect length to match the action.

drag and drop the effect onto the timeline

Then, drag and drop the effect again in the transition between the first and the second clip. Adjust it to the appropriate length, then it will give a more dramatic effect.

Step3 You can playback and see how it looks on the preview screen.


Making a clone effect on video is easy using Filmora. You can use the same trick to create a fashion lookbook video or other creative content to make them more engaging. Let us know if you want to see more tutorials.

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Once you have opened Filmora 11, follow the steps below:

Step1 Bring the first clip to the timeline and cut the clip where you pretend to yank and take off the jacket. Select and delete the unnecessary clip.

bring the first clip to the timeline

Step2 After you have the first part of the effect ready, let’s start working on the clone part using masking.

First, place the second clip on a different window track, and the starting point is where you react to the “clone.”

place the second clip on a different window track

Then, double-click the second clip and go to the Filmora setting window. Tap on the Mask section > Single line.

tap on mask section

On the preview screen, adjust the position of the mask to only show “the clone.”

adjust the position of the mask

Set the blur strength on the setting to make a smoother edge transition.

Step3 If the timing of the two clips doesn’t match, you can fix it using the speed ramping feature on Filmora 11. To use it, double-click the second clip and select Speed > Speed Ramping > Customize.

double-click the second clip

Move the keyframe up to increase the speed. You can adjust it according to your needs.

adjust keyframe

Step4 Once you are satisfied, adjust the clip length on the timeline and make sure that both clips finish at the same time.

adjust the clip length

Extra tip: Add one more effect to make it more magical.

Step1 Open the Effects window and search for “up down 1.”

open the effects window

Step2 Drag and drop the effect onto the timeline where the first cut is set. Adjust the effect length to match the action.

drag and drop the effect onto the timeline

Then, drag and drop the effect again in the transition between the first and the second clip. Adjust it to the appropriate length, then it will give a more dramatic effect.

Step3 You can playback and see how it looks on the preview screen.


Making a clone effect on video is easy using Filmora. You can use the same trick to create a fashion lookbook video or other creative content to make them more engaging. Let us know if you want to see more tutorials.

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

How to Change Video Resolution in Filmora

With the vast number of devices available in the market today, storing data and video files has become difficult. Frequently in cases where the devices share different forms of resolution, it makes sharing videos a hassle.

In those situations, changing the resolution of your video can be a great idea. It will also allow you to save storage. In this article, you’ll adjust the resolution in just a few clicks by Wondershare Filmora. But before we learn how to change a video’s resolution, let’s look into what a video resolution is!

Part 1. What Is a Video Resolution?

A video resolution, in short, is the quality of the video visible. A video is rendered at a specific rate whenever you watch a movie or go to a cinema. A screen is made up of tiny pixels and arranged in an order that determines the resolution of a screen.

Video resolution is rendered in a vertical and horizontal orientation. Therefore, whenever you play a video on YouTube, the resolution scale is available for you to choose from, i.e., 480p, 720p, 1080p, etc.

In most cases, a resolution is dictated by the full abbreviation. So, for example, a 720p video is 1280 x 720, and a 1080p video is a 1920 x 1080 resolution.

a video resolution dimensions

Note: The number written before is the number of horizontal pixels in a video. And the number written after is the vertical pixels in a video.

Before we adjust the resolution of a video, let’s look at a comparison between different types of video resolution.

Part 2. 7 Different Types of Video Resolution

It has been established that a video resolution is not a constant number and changes according to the screen. Scroll below to look at the different forms of video resolutions available!


The full resolution is 480 x 360. This resolution is a minimal video resolution. On a big screen, 360p will look blurry. That is why a 360p resolution is the best for smaller devices such as Mobile phones.


The full resolution is 853 x 480. Although an upgrade from the latter, this resolution is available on many devices. It’s mainly used in devices such as smaller TVs, laptops, and Desktop computers. It is also available for Burn-in DVDs.


The full version of the resolution is 1280 x 720. This resolution is called HD, short for High Definition. 720p quality looks good almost on every device and is also reasonably available.

Most modern devices, such as Mobile phones, Touch Tablets, Laptops, and PCs, are calibrated in 720p Resolution.

high definition resolution


The resolution in its complete form is 1920 x 1080. This resolution is also known as FHD, short for Full High Definition. 1080p resolution is the quality in which many high-quality devices are constructed. As a result, the screens of these devices have a clear and clean display.

a youtube video in fhd resolution

Note: It is usually recommended to share videos on social media in 1080p resolution.


This resolution is also called QHD (Quad HD). The length and width of this resolution are 2560 x 1440. As the name suggests, its quality is quad (four times) than that of a standard 720p resolution.

The screens of devices constructed in this resolution usually have a high-end purpose. For example, this resolution is commonly used in Gaming monitors and High-end smartphones.

a gaming monitor in 1440p resolution


The screens constructed in this resolution are considered among the best available in the market. 2160p (3840 x 2160) is also known as UHD, which is short for Ultra High Definition. It is also known as 4K because it offers four times the power of 1080p or FHD (Full High Definition.)

These screens are usually available for high-end competitive gaming monitors or big screen LCD and LED Television. In addition, some of the flagship smartphones are also built with 4K resolution.

difference between hd fhd and 4k resolution


This resolution is also known as 8K. The length and width of the pixel arrangement are 7680 x 4320. The pixels are arranged in these screens to offer sixteen times the average power of a 1080p (FHD) monitor.

This resolution is only available on several devices, such as commercial TVs and monitors. However, this is the most significant resolution available in the modern market. Therefore, even if your monitor cannot support a larger resolution, you can test whether your PC can render an 8K resolution.

difference between a 4k and 8k resolution

Part 3. Why Do You Need to Change a Video Resolution?

There are numerous cases where you will want to change the resolution of a video. Some of them are described below.

Decreasing a Video Resolution

Sometimes, you are trying to upload a video from a smartphone. Or, in general, you want to transfer videos to a smartphone. The resolution of your video can play a significant role in the transfer process.

If your video file has a higher resolution, it will take up more space on your phone. As well as, if your PC has a higher resolution, say a 4K resolution, and your phone is of 1080p resolution. You might not be able to play it.

To counter situations like these, you need to change the resolution of your video.

Increasing a Video Resolution

Similarly, there are instances where you would need to change the resolution of your video to increase it.

A good example would be to burn a low-quality DVD. To maintain good quality on a DVD, you need to increase its resolution before transfer.

Changing the exact resolution of a video is only possible in some cases because you cannot change the precise pixel of the video it is recorded in. But software like Wondershare Filmora allows you to change the resolution of your video easily.

Now let’s move to understanding the steps involved in changing the resolution of a video!

Part 4. Steps to Change Video Resolution in Filmora

To change the resolution of a video, you would need a basic video editor. This video editor needs to support the features that enable you to adjust a video resolution. In this case, Filmora is the best option.

Wondershare Filmora

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

It has an attractive system UI that allows inexperienced users to learn how to use it quickly. It also has a diverse stock media collection. Not only that, but It gives you access to dependable features for changing the speed of a video.

wondershare filmora home interface

Scroll below to learn how to download the latest version!

Step1 Download Filmora

Begin by installing the latest version of Wondershare Filmora if you don’t do already. Then, run the installer of this app on your PC or Mac.

Now that you have downloaded the app let’s change the resolution!

Step2 Import Video Clips

Your next step after launching Filmora is to import video clips you want to resize. To accomplish this, follow the steps outlined below:

  • Locate and select the Import icon on the top left side of the Filmora Home Interface.
  • It will take you to your computer’s library.
  • Select the videos to be edited and then click OK.

wondershare filmora selecting files to import

If you need clarification about the resolution of the video that you imported, you can also check them before adding it to the timeline.

  • Right-Click on the video in the import window.
  • In the pop-up column, go to Properties.

It opens a window that will tell you the basic info about your video clips. Here you can also preview the resolution.

wondershare filmora previewing a video's resolution

Now that we have our clips imported, it is time to add them to the timeline below!

Step3 Add The Video Clips to Timeline

To add Video clips to the timeline, go through the steps as guided:

  • Hold Right click to drag and select the video clips in the import window.
  • Release Right-click when in the timeline.

wondershare filmora importing clips to the timeline

Doing so would have added the video clips to the timeline. Instead, it has created a workplace to edit our videos.

You can trim, add effects, and join multiple clips in this process. After finishing the editing process, it’s time to select an export format.

Step4 Export Your Video

You can export into video formats in two ways with Filmora. It can be either selecting a format for your video. Or you can also choose to export your video to a particular device.

Video Format Resolution

Wondershare Filmora is a fantastic software that allows you to access a variety of formats for your videos. These export formats include MP4, WMV, F4V, MOV, TS, 3GP, and more. To select a format for your video, follow the steps as guided:

  • Click on Export.
  • In the left column, click on the video format you need.
  • Click Export on the bottom right corner of the window.

wondershare filmora selecting video format

Exporting a video in a specific format not only allows you to change the format of a video but also allows you to change the resolution simultaneously.

Default Resolution Settings

Some formats have a built-in resolution. Whenever you choose a specific format for a video, the resolution of the video will be shifted to the resolution of that format, i.e., TS has a default 1080p resolution.

Note: Another thing to remember is that most video formats have defaulted to 1080p. But there are some formats whose resolutions vary according to their style. A good example is a 3GP format, which is set to 352 x 488 by default.

Customize the Resolution

But if you don’t find the resolution stable for your device, you can also change this default resolution in simple steps. In the export window, follow the steps mentioned ahead:

  • In the preset tab, go to > settings.
  • In the video tab, click on the resolution.
  • In the drop-down menu, select the resolution that you desire.

You can also select a custom resolution by these steps:

  • In the drop-down menu, click on Custom.
  • Here, you can change the height and width according to your wish.

wondershare filmora setting a custom resolution

Exporting a Video to a Specific Device

Selecting a format for your video can help if you want to change the resolution. But in cases where you want to export a video to a particular mobile device. Such as an iPhone or an iPad, you can select the device export option.

In the device export option, you can select a custom device. Filmora allows you to choose from a wide variety of machines available when you choose a custom device; the resolution will be set to optimal for that particular device.

Select a Folder to Export Your Video

After you are done calibrating the resolution settings, you can move on to select the export location for your video. You can do so by the steps mentioned:

  • In the main Export window, navigate to the Save
  • Click on the Folder
  • It will direct you to your PC library.
  • Select the directory you want to export your video to.
  • Click Select Folder.

wondershare filmora selects a custom folder for export

Final Step

The last step to export your video is clicking on the Export icon in the bottom right corner of the window. It opens up a render window. Wait for a few minutes until the video finishes exporting.

When the export is finished, a window will pop up as a reminder. You can also find the target folder by clicking on Find Target.

wondershare filmora post-export window

Congratulations! You have successfully learned how to change the resolution of a video using Wondershare Filmora.


Rapid video technology advancement is leading to the development of higher-resolution devices. The greatest resolution in the modern day is the 8K; soon, everyone will be using 8K devices. So, it is beneficial to learn how to change a video’s resolution.

By following the steps mentioned in this article, you can now change the resolution of your video using Filmora.

Before we adjust the resolution of a video, let’s look at a comparison between different types of video resolution.

Part 2. 7 Different Types of Video Resolution

It has been established that a video resolution is not a constant number and changes according to the screen. Scroll below to look at the different forms of video resolutions available!


The full resolution is 480 x 360. This resolution is a minimal video resolution. On a big screen, 360p will look blurry. That is why a 360p resolution is the best for smaller devices such as Mobile phones.


The full resolution is 853 x 480. Although an upgrade from the latter, this resolution is available on many devices. It’s mainly used in devices such as smaller TVs, laptops, and Desktop computers. It is also available for Burn-in DVDs.


The full version of the resolution is 1280 x 720. This resolution is called HD, short for High Definition. 720p quality looks good almost on every device and is also reasonably available.

Most modern devices, such as Mobile phones, Touch Tablets, Laptops, and PCs, are calibrated in 720p Resolution.

high definition resolution


The resolution in its complete form is 1920 x 1080. This resolution is also known as FHD, short for Full High Definition. 1080p resolution is the quality in which many high-quality devices are constructed. As a result, the screens of these devices have a clear and clean display.

a youtube video in fhd resolution

Note: It is usually recommended to share videos on social media in 1080p resolution.


This resolution is also called QHD (Quad HD). The length and width of this resolution are 2560 x 1440. As the name suggests, its quality is quad (four times) than that of a standard 720p resolution.

The screens of devices constructed in this resolution usually have a high-end purpose. For example, this resolution is commonly used in Gaming monitors and High-end smartphones.

a gaming monitor in 1440p resolution


The screens constructed in this resolution are considered among the best available in the market. 2160p (3840 x 2160) is also known as UHD, which is short for Ultra High Definition. It is also known as 4K because it offers four times the power of 1080p or FHD (Full High Definition.)

These screens are usually available for high-end competitive gaming monitors or big screen LCD and LED Television. In addition, some of the flagship smartphones are also built with 4K resolution.

difference between hd fhd and 4k resolution


This resolution is also known as 8K. The length and width of the pixel arrangement are 7680 x 4320. The pixels are arranged in these screens to offer sixteen times the average power of a 1080p (FHD) monitor.

This resolution is only available on several devices, such as commercial TVs and monitors. However, this is the most significant resolution available in the modern market. Therefore, even if your monitor cannot support a larger resolution, you can test whether your PC can render an 8K resolution.

difference between a 4k and 8k resolution

Part 3. Why Do You Need to Change a Video Resolution?

There are numerous cases where you will want to change the resolution of a video. Some of them are described below.

Decreasing a Video Resolution

Sometimes, you are trying to upload a video from a smartphone. Or, in general, you want to transfer videos to a smartphone. The resolution of your video can play a significant role in the transfer process.

If your video file has a higher resolution, it will take up more space on your phone. As well as, if your PC has a higher resolution, say a 4K resolution, and your phone is of 1080p resolution. You might not be able to play it.

To counter situations like these, you need to change the resolution of your video.

Increasing a Video Resolution

Similarly, there are instances where you would need to change the resolution of your video to increase it.

A good example would be to burn a low-quality DVD. To maintain good quality on a DVD, you need to increase its resolution before transfer.

Changing the exact resolution of a video is only possible in some cases because you cannot change the precise pixel of the video it is recorded in. But software like Wondershare Filmora allows you to change the resolution of your video easily.

Now let’s move to understanding the steps involved in changing the resolution of a video!

Part 4. Steps to Change Video Resolution in Filmora

To change the resolution of a video, you would need a basic video editor. This video editor needs to support the features that enable you to adjust a video resolution. In this case, Filmora is the best option.

Wondershare Filmora

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

It has an attractive system UI that allows inexperienced users to learn how to use it quickly. It also has a diverse stock media collection. Not only that, but It gives you access to dependable features for changing the speed of a video.

wondershare filmora home interface

Scroll below to learn how to download the latest version!

Step1 Download Filmora

Begin by installing the latest version of Wondershare Filmora if you don’t do already. Then, run the installer of this app on your PC or Mac.

Now that you have downloaded the app let’s change the resolution!

Step2 Import Video Clips

Your next step after launching Filmora is to import video clips you want to resize. To accomplish this, follow the steps outlined below:

  • Locate and select the Import icon on the top left side of the Filmora Home Interface.
  • It will take you to your computer’s library.
  • Select the videos to be edited and then click OK.

wondershare filmora selecting files to import

If you need clarification about the resolution of the video that you imported, you can also check them before adding it to the timeline.

  • Right-Click on the video in the import window.
  • In the pop-up column, go to Properties.

It opens a window that will tell you the basic info about your video clips. Here you can also preview the resolution.

wondershare filmora previewing a video's resolution

Now that we have our clips imported, it is time to add them to the timeline below!

Step3 Add The Video Clips to Timeline

To add Video clips to the timeline, go through the steps as guided:

  • Hold Right click to drag and select the video clips in the import window.
  • Release Right-click when in the timeline.

wondershare filmora importing clips to the timeline

Doing so would have added the video clips to the timeline. Instead, it has created a workplace to edit our videos.

You can trim, add effects, and join multiple clips in this process. After finishing the editing process, it’s time to select an export format.

Step4 Export Your Video

You can export into video formats in two ways with Filmora. It can be either selecting a format for your video. Or you can also choose to export your video to a particular device.

Video Format Resolution

Wondershare Filmora is a fantastic software that allows you to access a variety of formats for your videos. These export formats include MP4, WMV, F4V, MOV, TS, 3GP, and more. To select a format for your video, follow the steps as guided:

  • Click on Export.
  • In the left column, click on the video format you need.
  • Click Export on the bottom right corner of the window.

wondershare filmora selecting video format

Exporting a video in a specific format not only allows you to change the format of a video but also allows you to change the resolution simultaneously.

Default Resolution Settings

Some formats have a built-in resolution. Whenever you choose a specific format for a video, the resolution of the video will be shifted to the resolution of that format, i.e., TS has a default 1080p resolution.

Note: Another thing to remember is that most video formats have defaulted to 1080p. But there are some formats whose resolutions vary according to their style. A good example is a 3GP format, which is set to 352 x 488 by default.

Customize the Resolution

But if you don’t find the resolution stable for your device, you can also change this default resolution in simple steps. In the export window, follow the steps mentioned ahead:

  • In the preset tab, go to > settings.
  • In the video tab, click on the resolution.
  • In the drop-down menu, select the resolution that you desire.

You can also select a custom resolution by these steps:

  • In the drop-down menu, click on Custom.
  • Here, you can change the height and width according to your wish.

wondershare filmora setting a custom resolution

Exporting a Video to a Specific Device

Selecting a format for your video can help if you want to change the resolution. But in cases where you want to export a video to a particular mobile device. Such as an iPhone or an iPad, you can select the device export option.

In the device export option, you can select a custom device. Filmora allows you to choose from a wide variety of machines available when you choose a custom device; the resolution will be set to optimal for that particular device.

Select a Folder to Export Your Video

After you are done calibrating the resolution settings, you can move on to select the export location for your video. You can do so by the steps mentioned:

  • In the main Export window, navigate to the Save
  • Click on the Folder
  • It will direct you to your PC library.
  • Select the directory you want to export your video to.
  • Click Select Folder.

wondershare filmora selects a custom folder for export

Final Step

The last step to export your video is clicking on the Export icon in the bottom right corner of the window. It opens up a render window. Wait for a few minutes until the video finishes exporting.

When the export is finished, a window will pop up as a reminder. You can also find the target folder by clicking on Find Target.

wondershare filmora post-export window

Congratulations! You have successfully learned how to change the resolution of a video using Wondershare Filmora.


Rapid video technology advancement is leading to the development of higher-resolution devices. The greatest resolution in the modern day is the 8K; soon, everyone will be using 8K devices. So, it is beneficial to learn how to change a video’s resolution.

By following the steps mentioned in this article, you can now change the resolution of your video using Filmora.

How to Make a TikTok Loop Video

Nowadays, many people like to make a lot of videos with their phone and share it on social media. But if you are not familiar with this social media, then you should check out TikTok. You probably know that TikTok videos can be looped. If users were unable to replay videos, they would lose interest quickly. Therefore, more than 1 billion people now use the app daily.

TikTok is an app that allows you to create short videos and share them on social media. The app is available on many platforms, including Android, iOS, and Windows Phone. The videos can be up to 15 seconds long. It’s also possible to loop videos in TikTok. Are you dreaming to make loop TikTok videos? But makes you feel it is not as simple as it looks.

That’s where looping comes in. Looping allows you to sell your videos on TikTok directly from within the app. This means that instead of running ads for other companies all over your Instagram feed or website, you can run them from within TikTok itself and keep all of your followers happy!

Part 1: How to Make a TikTok Loop

One of the best features of TikTok is the loop feature. It allows you to add your favorite song and turn it into a video. But, that’s not all. It also allows you to make a video and loop it. If you are looking for an app that allows you to loop videos, then TikTok is a good app to use.

There are many ways to monetize your content. If you’re already making videos, you know how much time and energy it takes to produce them. And if you’re not already making videos, it’s going to take a lot of time and energy before you get started. But what if there was a way to make money while you were still learning?

Step1 Download the TikTok app and create an account on it

Go to your play-store and type TikTok on its search bar. Install the app on your phone and create an account on it. You can sign up through your phone number, Gmail, or Facebook. After that, they will send you a code to verify your account.

download tiktok to create account

Step2 Make or select a video template

Click on the “+” symbol after that you can record your video or you can also select media from your gallery.

select a video template tiktok

Step3 Select a template and add a transition

After selecting the video you can add a template to your video or can add transitions to your video. Your video must have an authentic starting and ending. You can add a transition in the middle of your video. Keep your looping video clips shorter because it looks more real.

upload video add transition tiktok

Step4 Create a loop video and save it or publish it

If you want to merge the starting video with the ending video in one take. Now you can have to focus on the beginning video and split the starting and ending clips.

loop video on tiktok

Benefits of loop TikTok videos

TikTok loop includes the use of videos with a similar rhythm to create a special atmosphere that attracts people to participate and share them. The videos are made by those people who know how to make the video attractive to the public. The most used technique of communication is through a video that is shared on social networks like Facebook and Instagram.

One reason why loop TikTok videos are so popular is that they’re really easy to use. You don’t need to be an expert in video editing to create them. All you need is a smartphone. Also, loop TikTok videos are a great way to share a moment with your friends and followers. Plus, they can be posted on the go and shared instantly.

Looping TikTok videos can have several positive impacts on your brand. Looping allows you to build a more consistent look for your content if you want to keep building brand equity. Second, it helps you maintain consistency in your storytelling across platforms. Third, it helps you avoid having to spend time creating new content because it gives viewers what they expect from you.

TikTok is one of the fastest-growing mobile apps in the world. It allows you to make short videos, which can be edited and shared with friends. As a plus, you can add cool music to your videos and customize them the way you want. You can also create short videos of yourself lip-syncing to the music. This article will guide you about the loop TikTok video.

Part 2: How to Edit Time-lapse Video on a Computer

Time-lapse video is a type of video that allows you to see a huge amount of change in a very short time. You can see it on all social media websites such as YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram. It can be used to make all kinds of videos, from simple scenes of nature to complex events. The first time-lapse video was made in France in 1872 by Léon Bouly.

There are a lot of steps to make a time-lapse video on a computer.

Step1 You need to download the free software that comes with the camera. You can find it on the manufacturer’s website or through a search engine.

Step2 You’ll want to plug in your phone’s charging cable and plug it in so that it can stay charged while filming.

Step3 You’ll need to find somewhere quiet where you can set up your camera and tripod. If possible, try to do this outside so that there’s no worry about getting dust or dirt on your lens.

Step4 Set up your phone so that it will record once every hour for an hour straight. This will give you enough time for each frame of video before switching over to the next one after an hour has passed.

Step5 Start recording!

Why we should make a time-lapse video on a computer?

Time lapses are also useful for showing how something changes over time. For example, if you want to show how an environment changes from day to night, or how a plant grows from seedlings into mature plants after being watered and nourished by sunlight, these videos would be perfect for demonstrating this change in real-time.

You can also create time-lapse videos that show the growth of plants or flowers over time. You could use this method to demonstrate how plants grow from seedlings into fully grown trees or bushes. You could even try creating a time-lapse video showing the growth of a weed from the seedling stage into full bloom with its seeds spread out across the ground below it!

You can make your videos more fun and engaging. By recording multiple angles at the same time, you can capture all the exciting moments, like when something unexpected happens. Or when something amazing turns out to be a total disaster in real life. You can easily share with friends and family members who might not be able to come to see you in person.

Why Filmora is the best option to make a time-lapse video?

Filmora is the best option to make time-lapse videos. The reason is simple: it has a lot of features that other editing programs don’t have, and it’s been designed by professional editors who know what they’re doing. In addition to offering full HD resolution, Filmora also allows you to easily customize the length of your time-lapse video.

In Filmora you can use your music while editing your video. This means you won’t need to worry about downloading any additional software or paying for expensive music licenses like you would with other editing programs out there. Filmora has an easy-to-use interface that makes it easy for beginners like yourself to get started right away without having any trouble understanding how everything works together.

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

How to edit video in Filmora

A time-lapse video is a great way to show the passage of time in a short video. By speeding up the video, you can show a long event, such as a day of travel, in a short amount of time. You can use it for other purposes as well. But how do you edit time-lapse videos? That’s easy with Filmora just follow the below steps:

Step1 Select a video clip you want to add

Install Filmora from Google Chrome or any browser you want. After that click on create a new project and select media from your gallery. Select the video you want to make a time-lapse.

select a video clip you want to add

Step2 Put the video on the timeline

Place your video on a timeline or just simply drag and drop your video clip on the timeline. Place the video header on the front of your video.

put the video on the timeline

Step3 Add effects and transitions

After putting the video on the timeline add some effects to your video. If you are combining two or more videos then must add a dissolve transition between the videos to show your video more seamlessly.

add effects and transitions

Step4 Edit the duration of the video then export it

After making all the editing videos, you can also select the duration according to your requirements. You can also edit the duration of your per video.

edit the duration of the video then export it

The Bottom Line

As a result, if you do make a TikTok Loop video, it’s important to get the “looping” right. If your end goal is more likes and followers, keep in mind that a short clip will get you there faster than trying to stretch out a single event over an entire song. It’s an easy, cost-free program to use, and it can provide tons of pleasure.

Covering everything from what a TikTok loop is to how to make one, we’ve compiled a guide for anyone looking for an informative and inspiring resource to take advantage of the app’s many features. If you want to edit your loop video, you must require the Filmora editing tool. Filmora is the best tool to customize your video. This software will give your video a professional look.

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

How to edit video in Filmora

A time-lapse video is a great way to show the passage of time in a short video. By speeding up the video, you can show a long event, such as a day of travel, in a short amount of time. You can use it for other purposes as well. But how do you edit time-lapse videos? That’s easy with Filmora just follow the below steps:

Step1 Select a video clip you want to add

Install Filmora from Google Chrome or any browser you want. After that click on create a new project and select media from your gallery. Select the video you want to make a time-lapse.

select a video clip you want to add

Step2 Put the video on the timeline

Place your video on a timeline or just simply drag and drop your video clip on the timeline. Place the video header on the front of your video.

put the video on the timeline

Step3 Add effects and transitions

After putting the video on the timeline add some effects to your video. If you are combining two or more videos then must add a dissolve transition between the videos to show your video more seamlessly.

add effects and transitions

Step4 Edit the duration of the video then export it

After making all the editing videos, you can also select the duration according to your requirements. You can also edit the duration of your per video.

edit the duration of the video then export it

The Bottom Line

As a result, if you do make a TikTok Loop video, it’s important to get the “looping” right. If your end goal is more likes and followers, keep in mind that a short clip will get you there faster than trying to stretch out a single event over an entire song. It’s an easy, cost-free program to use, and it can provide tons of pleasure.

Covering everything from what a TikTok loop is to how to make one, we’ve compiled a guide for anyone looking for an informative and inspiring resource to take advantage of the app’s many features. If you want to edit your loop video, you must require the Filmora editing tool. Filmora is the best tool to customize your video. This software will give your video a professional look.

Also read:

  • Title: A Complete Guide to the Best Brand Story Videos for 2024
  • Author: Chloe
  • Created at : 2024-05-20 03:37:45
  • Updated at : 2024-05-21 03:37:45
  • Link: https://ai-editing-video.techidaily.com/a-complete-guide-to-the-best-brand-story-videos-for-2024/
  • License: This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.
On this page
A Complete Guide to the Best Brand Story Videos for 2024