Denoise Video in Adobe Premiere Pro – Audio and Video Noise Removal

Denoise Video in Adobe Premiere Pro – Audio and Video Noise Removal

Chloe Lv12

Denoise Video in Adobe Premiere Pro – Audio and Video Noise Removal

What’s the key to our success? And what’s the process that it takes us? How can we attract audiences and guarantee the viewers’ transition to loyalty? – these are the questions that people in the professions connected to the technology should ask. There is no recipe, but at least, we know what NOT to do – DO NOT create bad content! You will never have a desired amount of listeners for your podcasts if the voice of the actor or noise of the whole track is annoying, you will struggle to have success on Youtube if your shots are unpleasant to watch, and the list goes on – there are just too many things you should not do!

But sometimes bad quality just happens. It happens when you know you have a problem and it happens when you think everything is going well in producing. You might come back from the production and find out that every shot you took had bad lightning, or there was an almost naked guy running on the background, or there is a noise on the background that just makes the whole experience of watching and listening not worthwhile! This might be something that sinks your heart…

But the mistakes we make don’t ensure that there has been a verdict cast for our failure. Nowadays, the will is everything – if you are really willing to make something work, you will just have to find the right tools, and learn a little about them, and, Voila! – Maybe you can turn bad into something good? Unacceptable into something acceptable? Annoying into interesting, and unpleasant into enjoyable?

This is called EDITING. And Editing covers different, almost endless days – too many computer programs, too many tools, too many opportunities to modify almost anything you want to make look and sound better - All of this feels like magic!

Among many instruments and techniques, there is one thing called denoising, with two different meaning. You might find noise in two areas – video and audio. Audio denoising means to remove or reduce the background noise, such as air conditioner hum, someone screaming from far away, birds chirping, the waves, etc. the noise in photo and video terms means that the scene we are looking at is grainy and makes watching the scene a little more difficult, with a less clear picture. And whenever these kind of things appear, mostly out of the blue, – because no one wants to take a bad video or record a bad voice-over, - our magical tools and abilities come to play…

One of those is called Adobe Premiere Pro, using for video editing, viewed as the most sophisticated video editor software. So, in this article, we will learn how to handle bot noise-s – in video as well as audio terms, and how to create a better viewer/listener experience in this very program. Lastly, we’ll touch upon an alternative for background noise removal, so, there’s nothing left but tuning in!

Video denoising in Adobe Premiere Pro

Reducing the noise in the video in this software can be achieved through using effect which is called Median. Before discovering it, without any doubt, we need to add our footage into the Timeline in Premiere Pro. Then, we can proceed to finding the Effects Panel, where our wanted Median can be found – just drag and drop the effect to your clip.


In order to make sure that the Median touches the grainiest parts of the whole clip, we need to use something called masks. In the Effects Control panel, we can select the mask shape for our clip –either choose rectangle, circle, or pen tool. Pen tool is something with which we move the Mask around the screen and resize it to include the desired area and cover it.


Changing Feather setting to 100 will make sure that the effect loses a visible edge and there is some smoothness added to those edges.


There might be the need to repeat this process and create several masks, if that means to have covered all of the grainy area of the scene.

Lastly, tom reduce the noise, adjusting the effect settings is needed.


Technically, what the Median effect does is just blurring the graininess, not exactly “taking it away”. And if we play with the Radius settings there, we can find our desired look!

How to remove background noise in Adobe Premiere Pro

Removing background noise in Adobe Premiere Pro can be a pretty simple process and lead to much better results. First of all, of course, import the desired material into your software so you can see the video and audio in the sequence visually. After having the project set up, you will need to find the Efffects Panel, which might be hidden a little, but it must be on the left and bottom of the program layout; or, you can find it on the top, in the navbar.


After having located the Effects panel, go for the search bar and type: denoise, and you’ll see that DeNoise effect is under Audio Effects.


You hold onto the effect, drag and drop it on the audio track in the timeline itself! Then, you just click on the audio in the sequence and on the top right Effect Controls will appear, which we need to concentrate on. You will scroll down a little there and below Audio notice: fx DeNoise, where you hit on the Edit button. This will open the Clip Fx Editor for the Audio denoising.


Basically, it only has one, Amount scale, and if you drag the slider of it to the right at 100%, it will remove the whole noise, but setting it on 0% will not remove any noise at all. So, you need to choose your preferred percentage! Just listen what is acceptable for you, but the general suggestion here would be that you can choose as high percent as you want, but if the effect starts taking out the voice and actually wanted parts, then you will have to stop and keep it that way. So, that’s actually it!

Bonus tip: how to remove audio noise in video with Wondershare Filmora

What we have promised in the beginning in the video, we like to offer now – the alternative to reduce or remove audio noise in the video is called Wondershare Filmora, which functions in a very simple way. So, we can start using these guides:

Drag and drop your video into the timeline. Right-clicking on the video and hitting Detach Audio will enable us to separate audio and video from one another, getting us a chance to work on them individually.


Double-click on the audio track shows the editing panel, where we see Remove background noise – choosing this option removes the noise!


Though, there is another way to do this too. If you don’t want to detach the audio, then first, double-click on the video clip in the timeline and when the editing panel opens, switch to Audio. If you check the box next to Remove background noise, you will see that there are three levels – weak, mid, and strong, which determine the strength of how toe noise is going to be reduced. Choosing one of them is up to you!

In case you find that the voice sounds a little robotics, you’ll need to make it sound more natural, of course. For it, you will need to click Customize, which will take you into the Customize Equalizer department.


The low tunes are on the left, while the highs are on the right. Background noises are often the low ones, so we better lower them even more, but we would raise the middle ones to achieve a natural sound.


And, that’s it – you are done with audio background noise removal!

So, in this article, we learned how to remove the video noise and grain and audio background noise using the software Adobe Premire Pro, while we also discussed how to do the latter using Wondershare Filmora – hope you can start using your new knowledge and tools very soon and create the content you never thought you could have created!

In order to make sure that the Median touches the grainiest parts of the whole clip, we need to use something called masks. In the Effects Control panel, we can select the mask shape for our clip –either choose rectangle, circle, or pen tool. Pen tool is something with which we move the Mask around the screen and resize it to include the desired area and cover it.


Changing Feather setting to 100 will make sure that the effect loses a visible edge and there is some smoothness added to those edges.


There might be the need to repeat this process and create several masks, if that means to have covered all of the grainy area of the scene.

Lastly, tom reduce the noise, adjusting the effect settings is needed.


Technically, what the Median effect does is just blurring the graininess, not exactly “taking it away”. And if we play with the Radius settings there, we can find our desired look!

How to remove background noise in Adobe Premiere Pro

Removing background noise in Adobe Premiere Pro can be a pretty simple process and lead to much better results. First of all, of course, import the desired material into your software so you can see the video and audio in the sequence visually. After having the project set up, you will need to find the Efffects Panel, which might be hidden a little, but it must be on the left and bottom of the program layout; or, you can find it on the top, in the navbar.


After having located the Effects panel, go for the search bar and type: denoise, and you’ll see that DeNoise effect is under Audio Effects.


You hold onto the effect, drag and drop it on the audio track in the timeline itself! Then, you just click on the audio in the sequence and on the top right Effect Controls will appear, which we need to concentrate on. You will scroll down a little there and below Audio notice: fx DeNoise, where you hit on the Edit button. This will open the Clip Fx Editor for the Audio denoising.


Basically, it only has one, Amount scale, and if you drag the slider of it to the right at 100%, it will remove the whole noise, but setting it on 0% will not remove any noise at all. So, you need to choose your preferred percentage! Just listen what is acceptable for you, but the general suggestion here would be that you can choose as high percent as you want, but if the effect starts taking out the voice and actually wanted parts, then you will have to stop and keep it that way. So, that’s actually it!

Bonus tip: how to remove audio noise in video with Wondershare Filmora

What we have promised in the beginning in the video, we like to offer now – the alternative to reduce or remove audio noise in the video is called Wondershare Filmora, which functions in a very simple way. So, we can start using these guides:

Drag and drop your video into the timeline. Right-clicking on the video and hitting Detach Audio will enable us to separate audio and video from one another, getting us a chance to work on them individually.


Double-click on the audio track shows the editing panel, where we see Remove background noise – choosing this option removes the noise!


Though, there is another way to do this too. If you don’t want to detach the audio, then first, double-click on the video clip in the timeline and when the editing panel opens, switch to Audio. If you check the box next to Remove background noise, you will see that there are three levels – weak, mid, and strong, which determine the strength of how toe noise is going to be reduced. Choosing one of them is up to you!

In case you find that the voice sounds a little robotics, you’ll need to make it sound more natural, of course. For it, you will need to click Customize, which will take you into the Customize Equalizer department.


The low tunes are on the left, while the highs are on the right. Background noises are often the low ones, so we better lower them even more, but we would raise the middle ones to achieve a natural sound.


And, that’s it – you are done with audio background noise removal!

So, in this article, we learned how to remove the video noise and grain and audio background noise using the software Adobe Premire Pro, while we also discussed how to do the latter using Wondershare Filmora – hope you can start using your new knowledge and tools very soon and create the content you never thought you could have created!

In order to make sure that the Median touches the grainiest parts of the whole clip, we need to use something called masks. In the Effects Control panel, we can select the mask shape for our clip –either choose rectangle, circle, or pen tool. Pen tool is something with which we move the Mask around the screen and resize it to include the desired area and cover it.


Changing Feather setting to 100 will make sure that the effect loses a visible edge and there is some smoothness added to those edges.


There might be the need to repeat this process and create several masks, if that means to have covered all of the grainy area of the scene.

Lastly, tom reduce the noise, adjusting the effect settings is needed.


Technically, what the Median effect does is just blurring the graininess, not exactly “taking it away”. And if we play with the Radius settings there, we can find our desired look!

How to remove background noise in Adobe Premiere Pro

Removing background noise in Adobe Premiere Pro can be a pretty simple process and lead to much better results. First of all, of course, import the desired material into your software so you can see the video and audio in the sequence visually. After having the project set up, you will need to find the Efffects Panel, which might be hidden a little, but it must be on the left and bottom of the program layout; or, you can find it on the top, in the navbar.


After having located the Effects panel, go for the search bar and type: denoise, and you’ll see that DeNoise effect is under Audio Effects.


You hold onto the effect, drag and drop it on the audio track in the timeline itself! Then, you just click on the audio in the sequence and on the top right Effect Controls will appear, which we need to concentrate on. You will scroll down a little there and below Audio notice: fx DeNoise, where you hit on the Edit button. This will open the Clip Fx Editor for the Audio denoising.


Basically, it only has one, Amount scale, and if you drag the slider of it to the right at 100%, it will remove the whole noise, but setting it on 0% will not remove any noise at all. So, you need to choose your preferred percentage! Just listen what is acceptable for you, but the general suggestion here would be that you can choose as high percent as you want, but if the effect starts taking out the voice and actually wanted parts, then you will have to stop and keep it that way. So, that’s actually it!

Bonus tip: how to remove audio noise in video with Wondershare Filmora

What we have promised in the beginning in the video, we like to offer now – the alternative to reduce or remove audio noise in the video is called Wondershare Filmora, which functions in a very simple way. So, we can start using these guides:

Drag and drop your video into the timeline. Right-clicking on the video and hitting Detach Audio will enable us to separate audio and video from one another, getting us a chance to work on them individually.


Double-click on the audio track shows the editing panel, where we see Remove background noise – choosing this option removes the noise!


Though, there is another way to do this too. If you don’t want to detach the audio, then first, double-click on the video clip in the timeline and when the editing panel opens, switch to Audio. If you check the box next to Remove background noise, you will see that there are three levels – weak, mid, and strong, which determine the strength of how toe noise is going to be reduced. Choosing one of them is up to you!

In case you find that the voice sounds a little robotics, you’ll need to make it sound more natural, of course. For it, you will need to click Customize, which will take you into the Customize Equalizer department.


The low tunes are on the left, while the highs are on the right. Background noises are often the low ones, so we better lower them even more, but we would raise the middle ones to achieve a natural sound.


And, that’s it – you are done with audio background noise removal!

So, in this article, we learned how to remove the video noise and grain and audio background noise using the software Adobe Premire Pro, while we also discussed how to do the latter using Wondershare Filmora – hope you can start using your new knowledge and tools very soon and create the content you never thought you could have created!

In order to make sure that the Median touches the grainiest parts of the whole clip, we need to use something called masks. In the Effects Control panel, we can select the mask shape for our clip –either choose rectangle, circle, or pen tool. Pen tool is something with which we move the Mask around the screen and resize it to include the desired area and cover it.


Changing Feather setting to 100 will make sure that the effect loses a visible edge and there is some smoothness added to those edges.


There might be the need to repeat this process and create several masks, if that means to have covered all of the grainy area of the scene.

Lastly, tom reduce the noise, adjusting the effect settings is needed.


Technically, what the Median effect does is just blurring the graininess, not exactly “taking it away”. And if we play with the Radius settings there, we can find our desired look!

How to remove background noise in Adobe Premiere Pro

Removing background noise in Adobe Premiere Pro can be a pretty simple process and lead to much better results. First of all, of course, import the desired material into your software so you can see the video and audio in the sequence visually. After having the project set up, you will need to find the Efffects Panel, which might be hidden a little, but it must be on the left and bottom of the program layout; or, you can find it on the top, in the navbar.


After having located the Effects panel, go for the search bar and type: denoise, and you’ll see that DeNoise effect is under Audio Effects.


You hold onto the effect, drag and drop it on the audio track in the timeline itself! Then, you just click on the audio in the sequence and on the top right Effect Controls will appear, which we need to concentrate on. You will scroll down a little there and below Audio notice: fx DeNoise, where you hit on the Edit button. This will open the Clip Fx Editor for the Audio denoising.


Basically, it only has one, Amount scale, and if you drag the slider of it to the right at 100%, it will remove the whole noise, but setting it on 0% will not remove any noise at all. So, you need to choose your preferred percentage! Just listen what is acceptable for you, but the general suggestion here would be that you can choose as high percent as you want, but if the effect starts taking out the voice and actually wanted parts, then you will have to stop and keep it that way. So, that’s actually it!

Bonus tip: how to remove audio noise in video with Wondershare Filmora

What we have promised in the beginning in the video, we like to offer now – the alternative to reduce or remove audio noise in the video is called Wondershare Filmora, which functions in a very simple way. So, we can start using these guides:

Drag and drop your video into the timeline. Right-clicking on the video and hitting Detach Audio will enable us to separate audio and video from one another, getting us a chance to work on them individually.


Double-click on the audio track shows the editing panel, where we see Remove background noise – choosing this option removes the noise!


Though, there is another way to do this too. If you don’t want to detach the audio, then first, double-click on the video clip in the timeline and when the editing panel opens, switch to Audio. If you check the box next to Remove background noise, you will see that there are three levels – weak, mid, and strong, which determine the strength of how toe noise is going to be reduced. Choosing one of them is up to you!

In case you find that the voice sounds a little robotics, you’ll need to make it sound more natural, of course. For it, you will need to click Customize, which will take you into the Customize Equalizer department.


The low tunes are on the left, while the highs are on the right. Background noises are often the low ones, so we better lower them even more, but we would raise the middle ones to achieve a natural sound.


And, that’s it – you are done with audio background noise removal!

So, in this article, we learned how to remove the video noise and grain and audio background noise using the software Adobe Premire Pro, while we also discussed how to do the latter using Wondershare Filmora – hope you can start using your new knowledge and tools very soon and create the content you never thought you could have created!

A well-personalized video is an effective way to get your way around the viewers easily. Besides, you can also easily impress them with your products or services by uniquely pressing them.

create url for videos

Now, imagine if you have an easier way to share your videos with audiences on different platforms! Well, this way you will save a lot of time. For this, you need to upload the video to the link, and then you can share the URL link on various platforms. Keep reading to understand the entire process.

Part 1: Method1: Upload videos to a video hosting platform

The method to upload the video to the link will vary based on the video-sharing platform you are using. Let’s understand this with an example. If you are using YouTube, then you need to follow the below-given steps to upload and generate a link for your video.

  • First of all, you need to log into your YouTube channel or account.
  • Now, you need to click on the video icon. You can find it on the right-hand side of the screen.
  • Then, click on the Upload a Video option.
  • Click on the Select Files option and choose the video that you want to upload. You can also drag and drop the video to upload it.
  • Once done, click on Publish option to complete the process.

Now, to complete your YouTube video upload share, you need to find the link to your video. For this, you need to click on the pause button and then right-click on the video. Now choose the Copy video URL. Now, you can share that video on other platforms just by pasting the video link.

How To Make Video Private and Public?

  • Sign in to your YouTube account.
  • Choose the Videos option.
  • Now choose the video that you want to update.
  • Then you need to click on the down arrow located under Visibility and select Private or Public based on your preference and then click on the Save option.

make video private and public

Different Video Hosting Platforms that You can Use

1. Vimeo

One of the best alternatives to YouTube is Vimeo. This platform allows the user to create, manage and enjoy an easy video upload share process. This platform has more than 250 million active users. It offers different subscription plans, and for unlimited upload limits, webinars, live streaming and more, you can go for its premium package. Some of the impressive features of this platform are:

  • Custom CTAs- Calls to Actions
  • Support video hosting in 8K quality.
  • Easy access to different video editing templates
  • CRM- Customer Relationship Management integrations
  • Supports content analytics
  • video upload share option for social media

2. Streamable


Speaking about Streamable, this is a video editing as well as sharing tool that will allow you to stream videos in 4K quality, and you can even embed the videos. You will have the freedom to upload your videos in different formats and can also resize them in vertical, landscape and square formats. Some unique features of Streamable are:

  • Content management tool
  • Brand overlay
  • Easy-to-customize templates
  • Content Library
  • Audio capture
  • Faster data export and import and more

3. Uscreen

This is an excellent all-in-one platform that helps video creators to sell, manage and market their content while expanding their business. Besides, the platform also helps the users to create mobile and TV apps and offers tools to market the videos. Some features for Uscreen to consider are:

  • Different membership options.
  • Support offline viewing of content, including videos.
  • A professional video player
  • You will enjoy full ownership of your audience’s data
  • Supports different retention and marketing tools.
  • Supports more than 150 hours of video storage and more.

4. Dailymotion


This platform is also called “the home for videos that matter”. Dailymotion is used by many well-known clients such as MLB, CNN and more to host video content. If you are a creator, you can easily upload your videos on this platform for free. Creators can utilize different features available on the platform, such as:

  • Easily embeddable and shareable videos
  • Easy video sharing using your video link on social media platforms
  • You can upload videos of up to 4K quality.
  • Password-protected videos

Part 2: Upload your videos to a cloud disk and share to others

As per some studies, more than 85 percent of businesses utilize videos for marketing strategy. Video content is entertaining, easy to understand and can offer better ROI as you can reuse it. However, with the huge volume of these files, it has become more challenging to find a good storage option.

a good storage option

This is where cloud storage comes to play. There are different cloud disk or storage platforms where you can upload video to link and share your videos with others. For example, Google storage or Google Drive. So, let’s know the process of uploading a video to Google Drive.

  • First, visit your Google Drive Account and then click on the new option.
  • Now, you need to click on File Upload and then select the video that you want to upload.
  • You can now see the selected video uploading in the screen’s lower left corner. It will take some time.
  • Once done, Google Drive will begin processing the video.
  • Once your video is available on Google Drive, you can move it to different folders or change the name.

Now, let’s talk about how to generate a link to your video and share that link with others.

  • Open your Google Drive account.
  • Choose the video that you want to share and right-click on it.
  • Now, you need to click on the Get Link option.
  • Then, choose the Anyone with the Link option from the viewer option.
  • Now, click on the Copy Link option, and you can now share that link with anyone you want.

There are different reasons that make cloud storage options a perfect choice for video creators or other users. For example:

  • You don’t have to worry about data loss.
  • Cloud storage is highly scalable.
  • There will be no space or storage limit
  • The users can enjoy real-time video content updates
  • One can access and share videos using any device.

However, some of the cloud storage platforms are not free to use. You will get up to 10GB to 20GB for free. For more storage limits, you will have to buy a subscription plan. For example, if you are using Dropbox, then you will have to pay around USD 20 per month to get up to 3TB of storage.

Besides, there are some content restrictions that you will have to consider. You are not allowed to upload videos that support malicious attacks, hate speech, graphic violence, predatory behavior or videos that promote any dangerous behavior. Besides, the platforms support certain types of video formats, such as OGG, WebM files, WMV, MTS, AVI, and WMV. FLV, 3GPP, MPEG 4, MOV and other file formats.

If you are looking for some free cloud storage platforms, then you can give Google Drive, Dropbox, Box, NeXT cloud, pCloud, Amazon Cloud Drive and OneDrive a try.

Part 3: How to Make Videos That Go Viral?

To make your videos go viral, you will have to make stunning videos by adding some unique special effects. And for this, you can use the Filmora tool. This is a creative video editing tool for a video creator. The platform offers some great features to vloggers, gamers and others. For example, it supports 4K editing, noise removal, advanced text editor, GIF support, video stabilization, equalizer and more. Now, let’s talk about how to use this platform to make or edit a video.

  • Open Filmora and choose the desired aspect ratio. Now, click on the New Project option and import the video.
  • Then you need to choose the frame rate and resolution for the video.
  • Once done, you can go on and transition music between your video clips, or you can use different visual effects.
  • Once you are done with editing, you can then explore the videos and then share the videos on different platforms directly from Filmora.

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The first reason to consider here is when upload video to link, you can easily share the videos in various formats. Besides, you can share it without worrying about the video size. The video can be shared on multiple platforms and social media channels. It is a faster way to share your video content.

How To Locate the URL of Your Video?

To locate your video URL, you can open the video online. The link that you will see in the browser’s address bar will be the URL of your video. You can then copy the URL and paste it or share it on other platforms. It also applies to YouTube and other video-sharing platforms.

How Do I Get My YouTube Channel’s URL?

You need to sign in to your YouTube Studio. Then from the left Menu, choose Customization and then choose the Basic info. Under the Channel URL option, you can see the URL of your YouTube channel. Now you can copy the Channel URL and share it with others.

To make your videos go viral, you will have to make stunning videos by adding some unique special effects. And for this, you can use the Filmora tool. This is a creative video editing tool for a video creator. The platform offers some great features to vloggers, gamers and others. For example, it supports 4K editing, noise removal, advanced text editor, GIF support, video stabilization, equalizer and more. Now, let’s talk about how to use this platform to make or edit a video.

  • Open Filmora and choose the desired aspect ratio. Now, click on the New Project option and import the video.
  • Then you need to choose the frame rate and resolution for the video.
  • Once done, you can go on and transition music between your video clips, or you can use different visual effects.
  • Once you are done with editing, you can then explore the videos and then share the videos on different platforms directly from Filmora.

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later


The first reason to consider here is when upload video to link, you can easily share the videos in various formats. Besides, you can share it without worrying about the video size. The video can be shared on multiple platforms and social media channels. It is a faster way to share your video content.

How To Locate the URL of Your Video?

To locate your video URL, you can open the video online. The link that you will see in the browser’s address bar will be the URL of your video. You can then copy the URL and paste it or share it on other platforms. It also applies to YouTube and other video-sharing platforms.

How Do I Get My YouTube Channel’s URL?

You need to sign in to your YouTube Studio. Then from the left Menu, choose Customization and then choose the Basic info. Under the Channel URL option, you can see the URL of your YouTube channel. Now you can copy the Channel URL and share it with others.

Experience Time Differently with The Top Slow-Motion Applications

In today’s era, plain and boring views do not get as much audience attention. Effects and presets are important for creating Instagram-worthy reels or content for other social platforms. Adding a slow-motion effect to your videos is one of the tactics to enhance engagement. However, the question comes to downloading slow-motion apps for this purpose.

The Android and iOS devices offer a built-in slo-mo feature for users’ ease. However, when it comes to going to the next level, there are slow-motion video apps downloaded. These apps permit seamless editing tools and techniques for creating effective slo-mos. This article will discuss the top video slow-motion app downloads for both Android and iOS. Ultimately, we’ll give you a tip on creating slo-mos using an alternative.

Slow Motion Video Maker Slow your video’s speed with better control of your keyframes to create unique cinematic effects!

Make A Slow Motion Video Make A Slow Motion Video More Features

Wondershare Filmora

Part 1: Leading Down to The Top Slow-Motion App to Download Right Now

This section will cover both users, whether you prefer an Android interface or an iPhone camera. Find the top video editing apps for slow motion for both devices. The brief review and key features of applications are discussed below for your ease:

Slow Motion Applications for Android

Google Play is a versatile platform for downloading slo-mo video apps. However, out of so many options, it might become hard for you to select an app. Hence, in this section, we’ll discuss some reliable Android apps for that purpose:

1. Slow Motion: Slow mo, Fast mo

To want an editing application with multiple slow-motion settings is natural. This slow-motion app bestows users with 10 precise playback speed options for creating slow-mos. The playback speed range is from 0.1x to 0.95x, which means a detailed slow-motion appearance. In addition, users can fashion the slo-mos effects at different speeds on different video fragments within a clip.

slow motion slow mo fast mo

Key Features
  • You can curate a multi-effect video by adding a fast-speed effect at specific frames.
  • Trim and cut videos to add different effects to different segments while maintaining quality.
  • Enables the previewing option to analyze and alter any mistakes or make further adjustments.

2. Slow Motion Video Fast&Slow Mo

This is a video editing app for slow motion where the creation possibilities do not stop. The application not only offers video speed change options but also audio speed change. This app lets you add funny voices and edit pranking videos easily. The simple settings enable slo-mo on complete video, while the advanced settings can separate video frames.

slow motion video fast&slow mo

Key Features
  • Add both slow-motion and high-speed effects at once in your dancing videos for inspiration.
  • You can slow down a video to 1/2nd, 1/3rd, and 1/5th of its original speed.
  • Adding any speed effect doesn’t change video quality, and you can export them in HD quality.

3. Slow Motion Video Editor

Create first-rate slo-mos using this slo-mo video editor app and embed multiple effects in them. This application is curated for content creators to inspire their audience. There are four speed change options for fashioning a slow motion:- 2x,- 4x,- 8x, and 16x. This means the app enables you to decelerate a video to 1/16th of its original speed.

slow motion video editor

Key Features
  • Frame split options to apply slow motion effect to distinct video segments.
  • Ability to apply and adjust music tracks on your video within the app.
  • Multiple video and image frames enhance the visual stability of your videos.

4. Slow Motion Video Maker

Get a completely creative and innovative package with this app to slow down video. The application enables the reduction of video speed along with the option to apply music. You can even record a video in slow motion or add the slow motion to a pre-recorded one. Adjust your video duration according to the requirements using the Trim tool.

slow motion video maker

Key Features
  • Add the element of laughter to your videos using the high playback speed options 2x, 3x, and 4x.
  • Avoid losing video pixels and publish videos directly to Instagram, Facebook, and more.
  • Speed up your videos at different durations to express your artistic ideas.

5. Slow Motion Editor

Instead of completing the formality of creating a slow motion, use this app to create compelling slow motion. The video editor offers multiple filters and effects to uplift a video and make it worthy of viewing. The app offers professional tools to cut and customize videos according to your taste. If your phone’s Slomo camera doesn’t respond, utilize this app to capture scenes in slow motion.

slow motion editor

Key Features
  • Add diverse speed effects like time-lapse, reverse speed, and live camera capturing.
  • This slow-motion app is compatible with Android 4.0 and higher versions.
  • The application offers special slow-motion effects like Hair Flips, Baseball Swings, and more.

Slow Motion Applications for iPhone

The app store choices may confuse the audience when choosing a suitable app. This section reflects some reliable iPhone applications tailored to fulfill slo-mo creation:

1. SloMo Slow Motion Video Editor

Step into epic creativity with this slow video app to craft high-quality slo-mos. The application creates smooth slow motion by manipulating the frame rate to 120 or 240 fps. You can manipulate frames at specific durations to add craft to a cinematic scene. Change the video playback speed for slow motion up to 12x and add a freeze frame effect for highlighting several points.

slomo slow motion video editor

Key Features
  • Share your creation directly on social apps to gain popularity.
  • Multiple video export ratios to fulfill the requirements for each application.
  • Bring the best out of your creation via colors by employing 40+ built-in features.

2. Slow Motion Video Editor

Say goodbye to the manual methods of creating slow motions and use this automated slow video app. It offers various speed templates to add uniqueness to your content. To create a pure slow-motion video, you can use the custom playback option. While creating slow motion, the app offers an audio speed adjustment option to optimize the video.

slow motion video editor

Key Features
  • Immerse your videos with this application’s amazing and interactive built-in music collection.
  • Use this app as a source to directly share your creations with friends and audience.
  • This app is accessible on iOS 11.0 and newer versions with support for other Apple devices.

3. Slow Mo & Fast Motion

Shoot slow-motion videos directly with this slow-motion video maker app. Along with a Slomo recorder, the app also has a speed changer that transforms basic videos into slow motion. Its multiple ranged speed options can add details to your videos. The timeline interface enables users to seamlessly add slow-motion effects to some scenes.

slow mot & fast motion

Key Features
  • Trim your videos to eliminate any unnecessary or glitched scenes.
  • Turn up the fastest speed for a scene and give it a funny effect.
  • The application is only available for iOS 14.0, macOS 14.0, and higher versions.

4. Slow Motion Video Fx Editor

Utilize the powers of this iOS app to create the slowest slow-motioned video on 12x playback speed along with 240 fps framerate. This Slomo video editor app can turn the whole video upside down with its amazing live speed control action. In addition, there are no limits to its other editing features to enhance the video graphics.

slow motion video fx editor

Key Features
  • Liberates you from low-quality content and offers the high-resolution export option.
  • Works seamlessly with social platforms to help you showcase your creations.
  • A laid-back user interface to help both skilled and seasoned editors to craft perfection.

5. TimeFreeze

This is one of the best slow-motion apps to fashion smooth, slow-motion videos. TimeFreeze uses frame rate functioning to curate slow motion in a professional manner. Users can select from 4 frame rate options: 24 fps, 60 fps, 120 fps, and 240 fps. The 120 and 240 fps are usually integrated framerates of professional cameras to record with precision.


Key Features
  • Simple and intuitive interface crafted specifically for the creation of slo-mo videos.
  • Supports iOS 12.1 and higher versions to craft slow motions seamlessly.
  • The application is free to utilize and takes up only 25.3 MB of your iOS storage.

Part 2: Desktop Alternative: Make Better Slow-Motion Videos with Wondershare Filmora

Filmora is considered the best slow-motion app for making videos in slow motion with just a few clicks. The speed ramping feature is user-friendly and caters to both beginners and seasoned video editors. It provides the flexibility to select various speeds for your videos to grant precise control. Moreover, the software lets you edit video by highlighting a serene moment or adding excitement to an action scene.

Additionally, this feature simplifies the process of crafting professional-looking videos. Filmora offers an array of templates, filters, and transitions to add cinematic quality. Plus, it works with different types of video files, and you can export high-quality videos. This slow-motion app is nothing but a game changer for those who like to use speed effects.

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Steps to Slow Down Video with Speed Ramping

Speed Ramping lets you smoothly switch between fast and slow motion in one video. It’s not just fancy but helps you make certain parts stand out or show off details. Now, let’s learn the detailed steps to slow down video by utilizing this feature of Filmora:

Step 1Download the Software and Import the Video File

Initiate the process by downloading Filmora’s latest version, 13, from your favorite web browser. Now, complete the installation process and launch the software at your end. Then, proceed further by accessing the main interface of the tool and selecting the “New Project.” This action will lead you to a new window and allow you to import media from your system.

hit the new project button

Step 2Access the Speed Ramping Feature and Choose Template

Once you have imported your video file, drag it to the timeline section. Now, navigate to the video and right-click to access the “Speed Ramping” feature by searching a drop-down menu. Then, you will find an editing panel on the right of the same window. Here, you can choose any of the templates according to your requirements for seamless speed ramping.

access the speed ramping option

Step 3Personalize Video via Speed Ramping Adjustments

In addition to choosing preset templates, you can click on the “Customize” tab and move downward. Afterward, visit the editing panel and place the dots to move downward to slow down the speed. Plus, if you hold the dots upward, this action will speed up the playback speed of the video. After making all required changes, preview your changes and move forward to save changes through the “Export” button.

customize the speed ramping settings

Exclusive AI Video Editing Features of Wondershare Filmora

Wondershare Filmora is a modern video editing application that is capable of much more than just being a slow video app. The below section contains a brief introduction to a few of its AI editing features. Read the following segment to enhance your video editing experience in Filmora:

1. Remove Background

Filmora’s intuitive background remover feature removes unwanted backgrounds from your videos. You can say goodbye to the green screen as it also provides various visual effects. Moreover, create exotic compositions by transporting yourself to different locations. This tool is perfect for vloggers as they can unlock endless editing possibilities. You can also make unforgettable storylines with your videos and amaze your audience.

2. Motion Tracking

The motion tracking feature brings magic to videos by tracking down moving objects. Consider capturing a stunning scenic view with your camera. With the help of motion tracking, you can add various texts along the waterfall. Furthermore, imagine highlighting the special moments in an epic advantage with dynamic effects. Therefore, take a leap of faith by captivating the audience with your stunning videos.

3. Auto Beat Sync

Auto beat sync by Filmora is like having a personal DJ that helps edit your videos. This tool perfectly matches the music to the rhythm of your moving video. Additionally, create an epic montage with the beat syncing with your video. The feature adds professionalism to your videos and makes them note-worthy. That is why you take your videos to the next level with auto beta sync.

4. Auto Reframe

The auto reframe feature adjusts your footage to fit various ratios perfectly. Say you want to upload that landscape image you took to other mediums. Therefore, with auto reframe, you can select the desired aspect ratio. It crops and pans out the video within the respect frame of choice. Furthermore, you can save a lot of time and resources and ensure a stunning video.


Upon reaching a conclusion, this article has provided users with some insights into the significance of slow-motion apps. The article took into consideration some of the download slow-motion apps that show compatibility with iPhone and Android.

In times when you need to create professional slo-mos, we suggest using Wondershare Filmora. This editing software isn’t just compatible with iOS and Android but also with macOS, Windows, and Linux systems. In addition, the application offers multiple editing tools and techniques to create and enhance slo-mos.

Make A Slow Motion Video Make A Slow Motion Video More Features

Wondershare Filmora

Part 1: Leading Down to The Top Slow-Motion App to Download Right Now

This section will cover both users, whether you prefer an Android interface or an iPhone camera. Find the top video editing apps for slow motion for both devices. The brief review and key features of applications are discussed below for your ease:

Slow Motion Applications for Android

Google Play is a versatile platform for downloading slo-mo video apps. However, out of so many options, it might become hard for you to select an app. Hence, in this section, we’ll discuss some reliable Android apps for that purpose:

1. Slow Motion: Slow mo, Fast mo

To want an editing application with multiple slow-motion settings is natural. This slow-motion app bestows users with 10 precise playback speed options for creating slow-mos. The playback speed range is from 0.1x to 0.95x, which means a detailed slow-motion appearance. In addition, users can fashion the slo-mos effects at different speeds on different video fragments within a clip.

slow motion slow mo fast mo

Key Features
  • You can curate a multi-effect video by adding a fast-speed effect at specific frames.
  • Trim and cut videos to add different effects to different segments while maintaining quality.
  • Enables the previewing option to analyze and alter any mistakes or make further adjustments.

2. Slow Motion Video Fast&Slow Mo

This is a video editing app for slow motion where the creation possibilities do not stop. The application not only offers video speed change options but also audio speed change. This app lets you add funny voices and edit pranking videos easily. The simple settings enable slo-mo on complete video, while the advanced settings can separate video frames.

slow motion video fast&slow mo

Key Features
  • Add both slow-motion and high-speed effects at once in your dancing videos for inspiration.
  • You can slow down a video to 1/2nd, 1/3rd, and 1/5th of its original speed.
  • Adding any speed effect doesn’t change video quality, and you can export them in HD quality.

3. Slow Motion Video Editor

Create first-rate slo-mos using this slo-mo video editor app and embed multiple effects in them. This application is curated for content creators to inspire their audience. There are four speed change options for fashioning a slow motion:- 2x,- 4x,- 8x, and 16x. This means the app enables you to decelerate a video to 1/16th of its original speed.

slow motion video editor

Key Features
  • Frame split options to apply slow motion effect to distinct video segments.
  • Ability to apply and adjust music tracks on your video within the app.
  • Multiple video and image frames enhance the visual stability of your videos.

4. Slow Motion Video Maker

Get a completely creative and innovative package with this app to slow down video. The application enables the reduction of video speed along with the option to apply music. You can even record a video in slow motion or add the slow motion to a pre-recorded one. Adjust your video duration according to the requirements using the Trim tool.

slow motion video maker

Key Features
  • Add the element of laughter to your videos using the high playback speed options 2x, 3x, and 4x.
  • Avoid losing video pixels and publish videos directly to Instagram, Facebook, and more.
  • Speed up your videos at different durations to express your artistic ideas.

5. Slow Motion Editor

Instead of completing the formality of creating a slow motion, use this app to create compelling slow motion. The video editor offers multiple filters and effects to uplift a video and make it worthy of viewing. The app offers professional tools to cut and customize videos according to your taste. If your phone’s Slomo camera doesn’t respond, utilize this app to capture scenes in slow motion.

slow motion editor

Key Features
  • Add diverse speed effects like time-lapse, reverse speed, and live camera capturing.
  • This slow-motion app is compatible with Android 4.0 and higher versions.
  • The application offers special slow-motion effects like Hair Flips, Baseball Swings, and more.

Slow Motion Applications for iPhone

The app store choices may confuse the audience when choosing a suitable app. This section reflects some reliable iPhone applications tailored to fulfill slo-mo creation:

1. SloMo Slow Motion Video Editor

Step into epic creativity with this slow video app to craft high-quality slo-mos. The application creates smooth slow motion by manipulating the frame rate to 120 or 240 fps. You can manipulate frames at specific durations to add craft to a cinematic scene. Change the video playback speed for slow motion up to 12x and add a freeze frame effect for highlighting several points.

slomo slow motion video editor

Key Features
  • Share your creation directly on social apps to gain popularity.
  • Multiple video export ratios to fulfill the requirements for each application.
  • Bring the best out of your creation via colors by employing 40+ built-in features.

2. Slow Motion Video Editor

Say goodbye to the manual methods of creating slow motions and use this automated slow video app. It offers various speed templates to add uniqueness to your content. To create a pure slow-motion video, you can use the custom playback option. While creating slow motion, the app offers an audio speed adjustment option to optimize the video.

slow motion video editor

Key Features
  • Immerse your videos with this application’s amazing and interactive built-in music collection.
  • Use this app as a source to directly share your creations with friends and audience.
  • This app is accessible on iOS 11.0 and newer versions with support for other Apple devices.

3. Slow Mo & Fast Motion

Shoot slow-motion videos directly with this slow-motion video maker app. Along with a Slomo recorder, the app also has a speed changer that transforms basic videos into slow motion. Its multiple ranged speed options can add details to your videos. The timeline interface enables users to seamlessly add slow-motion effects to some scenes.

slow mot & fast motion

Key Features
  • Trim your videos to eliminate any unnecessary or glitched scenes.
  • Turn up the fastest speed for a scene and give it a funny effect.
  • The application is only available for iOS 14.0, macOS 14.0, and higher versions.

4. Slow Motion Video Fx Editor

Utilize the powers of this iOS app to create the slowest slow-motioned video on 12x playback speed along with 240 fps framerate. This Slomo video editor app can turn the whole video upside down with its amazing live speed control action. In addition, there are no limits to its other editing features to enhance the video graphics.

slow motion video fx editor

Key Features
  • Liberates you from low-quality content and offers the high-resolution export option.
  • Works seamlessly with social platforms to help you showcase your creations.
  • A laid-back user interface to help both skilled and seasoned editors to craft perfection.

5. TimeFreeze

This is one of the best slow-motion apps to fashion smooth, slow-motion videos. TimeFreeze uses frame rate functioning to curate slow motion in a professional manner. Users can select from 4 frame rate options: 24 fps, 60 fps, 120 fps, and 240 fps. The 120 and 240 fps are usually integrated framerates of professional cameras to record with precision.


Key Features
  • Simple and intuitive interface crafted specifically for the creation of slo-mo videos.
  • Supports iOS 12.1 and higher versions to craft slow motions seamlessly.
  • The application is free to utilize and takes up only 25.3 MB of your iOS storage.

Part 2: Desktop Alternative: Make Better Slow-Motion Videos with Wondershare Filmora

Filmora is considered the best slow-motion app for making videos in slow motion with just a few clicks. The speed ramping feature is user-friendly and caters to both beginners and seasoned video editors. It provides the flexibility to select various speeds for your videos to grant precise control. Moreover, the software lets you edit video by highlighting a serene moment or adding excitement to an action scene.

Additionally, this feature simplifies the process of crafting professional-looking videos. Filmora offers an array of templates, filters, and transitions to add cinematic quality. Plus, it works with different types of video files, and you can export high-quality videos. This slow-motion app is nothing but a game changer for those who like to use speed effects.

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Steps to Slow Down Video with Speed Ramping

Speed Ramping lets you smoothly switch between fast and slow motion in one video. It’s not just fancy but helps you make certain parts stand out or show off details. Now, let’s learn the detailed steps to slow down video by utilizing this feature of Filmora:

Step 1Download the Software and Import the Video File

Initiate the process by downloading Filmora’s latest version, 13, from your favorite web browser. Now, complete the installation process and launch the software at your end. Then, proceed further by accessing the main interface of the tool and selecting the “New Project.” This action will lead you to a new window and allow you to import media from your system.

hit the new project button

Step 2Access the Speed Ramping Feature and Choose Template

Once you have imported your video file, drag it to the timeline section. Now, navigate to the video and right-click to access the “Speed Ramping” feature by searching a drop-down menu. Then, you will find an editing panel on the right of the same window. Here, you can choose any of the templates according to your requirements for seamless speed ramping.

access the speed ramping option

Step 3Personalize Video via Speed Ramping Adjustments

In addition to choosing preset templates, you can click on the “Customize” tab and move downward. Afterward, visit the editing panel and place the dots to move downward to slow down the speed. Plus, if you hold the dots upward, this action will speed up the playback speed of the video. After making all required changes, preview your changes and move forward to save changes through the “Export” button.

customize the speed ramping settings

Exclusive AI Video Editing Features of Wondershare Filmora

Wondershare Filmora is a modern video editing application that is capable of much more than just being a slow video app. The below section contains a brief introduction to a few of its AI editing features. Read the following segment to enhance your video editing experience in Filmora:

1. Remove Background

Filmora’s intuitive background remover feature removes unwanted backgrounds from your videos. You can say goodbye to the green screen as it also provides various visual effects. Moreover, create exotic compositions by transporting yourself to different locations. This tool is perfect for vloggers as they can unlock endless editing possibilities. You can also make unforgettable storylines with your videos and amaze your audience.

2. Motion Tracking

The motion tracking feature brings magic to videos by tracking down moving objects. Consider capturing a stunning scenic view with your camera. With the help of motion tracking, you can add various texts along the waterfall. Furthermore, imagine highlighting the special moments in an epic advantage with dynamic effects. Therefore, take a leap of faith by captivating the audience with your stunning videos.

3. Auto Beat Sync

Auto beat sync by Filmora is like having a personal DJ that helps edit your videos. This tool perfectly matches the music to the rhythm of your moving video. Additionally, create an epic montage with the beat syncing with your video. The feature adds professionalism to your videos and makes them note-worthy. That is why you take your videos to the next level with auto beta sync.

4. Auto Reframe

The auto reframe feature adjusts your footage to fit various ratios perfectly. Say you want to upload that landscape image you took to other mediums. Therefore, with auto reframe, you can select the desired aspect ratio. It crops and pans out the video within the respect frame of choice. Furthermore, you can save a lot of time and resources and ensure a stunning video.


Upon reaching a conclusion, this article has provided users with some insights into the significance of slow-motion apps. The article took into consideration some of the download slow-motion apps that show compatibility with iPhone and Android.

In times when you need to create professional slo-mos, we suggest using Wondershare Filmora. This editing software isn’t just compatible with iOS and Android but also with macOS, Windows, and Linux systems. In addition, the application offers multiple editing tools and techniques to create and enhance slo-mos.

How To Remove Audio From Video

Extracting audio from video lets you focus on the main video. Moreover, it also protects privacy and addresses copyright problems. Thus, controlling the audio is a crucial skill for video editors. One approach to making the video seem better is to remove the noise. Well, it isn’t just about reducing background noise. Instead, it’s a calculated move to make your editing more precise. So, how do you remove audio from a video? Don’t worry if you are a newcomer in the video editing field! This post is your go-to guide to effortlessly eliminating audio from your video content.

Extracting audio from video lets you focus on the main video. Moreover, it also protects privacy and addresses copyright problems. Thus, controlling the audio is a crucial skill for video editors. One approach to making the video seem better is to remove the noise. Well, it isn’t just about reducing background noise. Instead, it’s a calculated move to make your editing more precise. So, how do you remove audio from a video? Don’t worry if you are a newcomer in the video editing field! This post is your go-to guide to effortlessly eliminating audio from your video content.

In this article
  1. Part 1: Why Is It Necessary to Remove Audio from a Video?
  2. Part 2: How Can You Improve Storytelling With Silent Videos?
  3. Part 3: How to Use Filmora to Remove Audio from Your Video?

Remove Audio Now For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Remove Audio Now For macOS 10.14 or later

Why Is It Necessary to Remove Audio from a Video?

You can make a video far more versatile and successful for many different things by removing the audio.

Your Video Becomes Multipurpose

Taking the audio out of a video makes it more versatile. Presentations, slide decks, and instructional videos may all benefit from this. The original audio or background noise might be too distracting in such videos.

No Language Issues

The muted or removed audio lets you reach viewers who speak a different language. By removing the original audio, the video becomes language-neutral. Thus, you save time adding subtitles or dubbing without disturbing the narration.

Place Emphasis on the Video Itself

Cutting off the sound may make the video’s visuals the main attraction. It may be beneficial when creating tutorials or instructional videos. That’s because viewers may prefer to see the demos without the sound.

Eliminating Excessive Background Noise

The video might get dull with background noises, echoes, or unwanted sounds. Deleting the audio stream helps to eliminate distractions. As a result, viewers get a cleaner viewing experience.

Businesses can avoid copyright infringement problems by eliminating audio from videos. Removing someone’s audio work before using it in public venues is necessary. It supports copyright laws on audio material by limiting display to visual components.

Content Personalization

Creators can let viewers add their soundtracks or voiceovers by removing audio. Thus, it can make the watching experience more customized. It suits projects that need a high degree of personalization or user-generated content.

Confidential Data Security

Sometimes, a video might capture sensitive conversations or information. So, it’s essential to remove the audio to protect privacy. Remember, sharing the visual footage does not compromise confidentiality. It hides the crucial discussions or data from the original audio.

As you can see, removing audio from a video has several benefits. Many options are available when you mute the audio in a video. By eliminating background noise, you’re freeing your imagination.

So, how do silent videos improve your video production strategies? Let’s find out!

How Can You Improve Storytelling With Silent Videos?

There is a much unrealized narrative potential in silent videos. Most videos rely only on visual elements to convey narratives. Thus, mute clips have a unique ability to captivate audiences. It also offers many possibilities for storytelling, allowing for a more immersive experience.

Setting a Narrative

Videos without sound force viewers to rely more on their visual perception of the tale. It can draw your viewers closer to the visuals. Moreover, it also heightens their involvement with the story as it develops.

Improving Stories

Silence directs the viewer’s attention to certain visual aspects. When you remove all sound distractions, the audience can focus on the pictures. It helps you highlight essential story aspects.

For instance, rely on more than just dialogue to convey emotion. Instead, you can take a modest close-up of the character’s face.

Build Emotions With No Audio

One effective method of building intense emotions is the complete absence of sound. Remember, silent clips can keep viewers on the top of their seats. The audience may get more invested in the story’s raw essence when a scene unfolds in silence. In short, this technique aims to evoke a range of emotions in the audience.

Add Metaphor

The lack of audio permits the use of symbolic language only via visual representations. You can use each picture to convey information. It eliminates the need for dialogue or background music.

The audience can interact with the story on a deeper level via interpretation. Here, video scenes, objects, or actions work as symbols.

Simplify Complex Stories

Silent videos let storytellers elicit strong emotional reactions from audiences. They can co-create the story by deciphering visual cues. Besides, they can also add thoughts, emotions, and interpretations in silent videos. Without words, silent videos can help you convey stories that captivate audiences.

How to Use Filmora to Remove Audio from Your Video?

Two main approaches are available for using this software. You can start by downloading Wondershare Filmora for free to try it out. Here is how to remove audio in a video editor.

Remove Audio Now For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Remove Audio Now For macOS 10.14 or later

Method 1: Use the “Mute” Button

The first method is using the “Mute” function available in Filmora. You can start by importing the local video file into this software.

Drop the file into Filmora’s video editing timeline. You can mute the file by right-clicking on it. Once you’ve finished, choose a format to save the file in.

As you can see, the mute option stands out as a fantastic one-click feature. It removes the necessity for specialized video editing skills. Anyone can effortlessly remove audio from their videos with ease.

mute audio feature in filmora v13

Method 2: Use the Audio Detach feature

Now, let’s turn our focus to a different, efficient way. The Audio Detach function becomes a potent feature for separating audio from videos. Let’s check out its detailed instructions for precisely separating audio and video.

Step1Upload Your Video

First, select the video clip whose audio you want to extract. You can start by clicking “Import” and then navigating to the relevant folder on your hard drive.

While you pick more files, keep the “Ctrl” button down to select them all at once. The main editing dashboard will show thumbnails of all the currently loaded files. You can see a preview in the right-hand window when you double-click them.

import media in filmora v13

Step2Cut Out the Music

Now, you should drag videos from the dashboard into the Video Timeline. After that, you can right-click the video to choose the “Audio Detach” option.

The Music Timeline will immediately display a new audio file. Here, you can see the original video’s soundtrack. Now, pressing the “Delete” button can remove the sounds.

You can also detach audio from multiple video files. Remember, all the files will mesh together perfectly on the Video Timeline.

Thus, you need to click the application icon on the left-hand side of the screen and choose “Save As…” to create new project files if you need to extract audio from more than one file. Then, export each output file individually after reloading the project file.

audio detach in filmora v13

Step3Download the Video

To be sure this is what you need, double-tap the file in the Video Timeline. You can add suitable music files to the clip if needed. To save only the video track, click the “Create” option directly. A popup will open up, asking you to choose a format before you can save it to your PC.

export video in filmora v13

The Music Timeline will immediately display a new audio file. Here, you can see the original video’s soundtrack. Now, pressing the “Delete” button can remove the sounds.

You can also detach audio from multiple video files. Remember, all the files will mesh together perfectly on the Video Timeline.

Thus, you need to click the application icon on the left-hand side of the screen and choose “Save As…” to create new project files if you need to extract audio from more than one file. Then, export each output file individually after reloading the project file.

Now you know how to remove audio from videos in Wondershare Filmora. As you can see, removing background noise from videos is a breeze using Filmora. You don’t need extensive experience or expensive software packages.

Follow the simple steps outlined above, even if this is your first time. You may remove distracting or unnecessary audio from your file in just a few minutes.


As you can see, your ability to control the audio in video editing defines the viewing experience. It is about not just transforming video material but also expanding possibilities. This silent space is where imagination soars.

It’s a technique to make your video clips more adaptable. Thus, they can transcend language obstacles, legal limitations, and distractions.

Think of a vacation video where the beautiful sights and sounds of the busy streets are in front. It will allow the audience to lose themselves in the lively atmosphere completely. If you remove the audio from this clip, it can become livelier.

In short, sound removal is crucial in creating a more engaging story. It changes the viewer’s experience by focusing on visuals and increasing engagement. You can use Filmora’s powerful audio removal features. The software streamlines the editing process without compromising the quality of the video. Learn to use silence as a tool to tell stories and make people feel things in your videos.

Remove Audio Now For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Remove Audio Now For macOS 10.14 or later

Why Is It Necessary to Remove Audio from a Video?

You can make a video far more versatile and successful for many different things by removing the audio.

Your Video Becomes Multipurpose

Taking the audio out of a video makes it more versatile. Presentations, slide decks, and instructional videos may all benefit from this. The original audio or background noise might be too distracting in such videos.

No Language Issues

The muted or removed audio lets you reach viewers who speak a different language. By removing the original audio, the video becomes language-neutral. Thus, you save time adding subtitles or dubbing without disturbing the narration.

Place Emphasis on the Video Itself

Cutting off the sound may make the video’s visuals the main attraction. It may be beneficial when creating tutorials or instructional videos. That’s because viewers may prefer to see the demos without the sound.

Eliminating Excessive Background Noise

The video might get dull with background noises, echoes, or unwanted sounds. Deleting the audio stream helps to eliminate distractions. As a result, viewers get a cleaner viewing experience.

Businesses can avoid copyright infringement problems by eliminating audio from videos. Removing someone’s audio work before using it in public venues is necessary. It supports copyright laws on audio material by limiting display to visual components.

Content Personalization

Creators can let viewers add their soundtracks or voiceovers by removing audio. Thus, it can make the watching experience more customized. It suits projects that need a high degree of personalization or user-generated content.

Confidential Data Security

Sometimes, a video might capture sensitive conversations or information. So, it’s essential to remove the audio to protect privacy. Remember, sharing the visual footage does not compromise confidentiality. It hides the crucial discussions or data from the original audio.

As you can see, removing audio from a video has several benefits. Many options are available when you mute the audio in a video. By eliminating background noise, you’re freeing your imagination.

So, how do silent videos improve your video production strategies? Let’s find out!

How Can You Improve Storytelling With Silent Videos?

There is a much unrealized narrative potential in silent videos. Most videos rely only on visual elements to convey narratives. Thus, mute clips have a unique ability to captivate audiences. It also offers many possibilities for storytelling, allowing for a more immersive experience.

Setting a Narrative

Videos without sound force viewers to rely more on their visual perception of the tale. It can draw your viewers closer to the visuals. Moreover, it also heightens their involvement with the story as it develops.

Improving Stories

Silence directs the viewer’s attention to certain visual aspects. When you remove all sound distractions, the audience can focus on the pictures. It helps you highlight essential story aspects.

For instance, rely on more than just dialogue to convey emotion. Instead, you can take a modest close-up of the character’s face.

Build Emotions With No Audio

One effective method of building intense emotions is the complete absence of sound. Remember, silent clips can keep viewers on the top of their seats. The audience may get more invested in the story’s raw essence when a scene unfolds in silence. In short, this technique aims to evoke a range of emotions in the audience.

Add Metaphor

The lack of audio permits the use of symbolic language only via visual representations. You can use each picture to convey information. It eliminates the need for dialogue or background music.

The audience can interact with the story on a deeper level via interpretation. Here, video scenes, objects, or actions work as symbols.

Simplify Complex Stories

Silent videos let storytellers elicit strong emotional reactions from audiences. They can co-create the story by deciphering visual cues. Besides, they can also add thoughts, emotions, and interpretations in silent videos. Without words, silent videos can help you convey stories that captivate audiences.

How to Use Filmora to Remove Audio from Your Video?

Two main approaches are available for using this software. You can start by downloading Wondershare Filmora for free to try it out. Here is how to remove audio in a video editor.

Remove Audio Now For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Remove Audio Now For macOS 10.14 or later

Method 1: Use the “Mute” Button

The first method is using the “Mute” function available in Filmora. You can start by importing the local video file into this software.

Drop the file into Filmora’s video editing timeline. You can mute the file by right-clicking on it. Once you’ve finished, choose a format to save the file in.

As you can see, the mute option stands out as a fantastic one-click feature. It removes the necessity for specialized video editing skills. Anyone can effortlessly remove audio from their videos with ease.

mute audio feature in filmora v13

Method 2: Use the Audio Detach feature

Now, let’s turn our focus to a different, efficient way. The Audio Detach function becomes a potent feature for separating audio from videos. Let’s check out its detailed instructions for precisely separating audio and video.

Step1Upload Your Video

First, select the video clip whose audio you want to extract. You can start by clicking “Import” and then navigating to the relevant folder on your hard drive.

While you pick more files, keep the “Ctrl” button down to select them all at once. The main editing dashboard will show thumbnails of all the currently loaded files. You can see a preview in the right-hand window when you double-click them.

import media in filmora v13

Step2Cut Out the Music

Now, you should drag videos from the dashboard into the Video Timeline. After that, you can right-click the video to choose the “Audio Detach” option.

The Music Timeline will immediately display a new audio file. Here, you can see the original video’s soundtrack. Now, pressing the “Delete” button can remove the sounds.

You can also detach audio from multiple video files. Remember, all the files will mesh together perfectly on the Video Timeline.

Thus, you need to click the application icon on the left-hand side of the screen and choose “Save As…” to create new project files if you need to extract audio from more than one file. Then, export each output file individually after reloading the project file.

audio detach in filmora v13

Step3Download the Video

To be sure this is what you need, double-tap the file in the Video Timeline. You can add suitable music files to the clip if needed. To save only the video track, click the “Create” option directly. A popup will open up, asking you to choose a format before you can save it to your PC.

export video in filmora v13

The Music Timeline will immediately display a new audio file. Here, you can see the original video’s soundtrack. Now, pressing the “Delete” button can remove the sounds.

You can also detach audio from multiple video files. Remember, all the files will mesh together perfectly on the Video Timeline.

Thus, you need to click the application icon on the left-hand side of the screen and choose “Save As…” to create new project files if you need to extract audio from more than one file. Then, export each output file individually after reloading the project file.

Now you know how to remove audio from videos in Wondershare Filmora. As you can see, removing background noise from videos is a breeze using Filmora. You don’t need extensive experience or expensive software packages.

Follow the simple steps outlined above, even if this is your first time. You may remove distracting or unnecessary audio from your file in just a few minutes.


As you can see, your ability to control the audio in video editing defines the viewing experience. It is about not just transforming video material but also expanding possibilities. This silent space is where imagination soars.

It’s a technique to make your video clips more adaptable. Thus, they can transcend language obstacles, legal limitations, and distractions.

Think of a vacation video where the beautiful sights and sounds of the busy streets are in front. It will allow the audience to lose themselves in the lively atmosphere completely. If you remove the audio from this clip, it can become livelier.

In short, sound removal is crucial in creating a more engaging story. It changes the viewer’s experience by focusing on visuals and increasing engagement. You can use Filmora’s powerful audio removal features. The software streamlines the editing process without compromising the quality of the video. Learn to use silence as a tool to tell stories and make people feel things in your videos.

Remove Audio Now For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Remove Audio Now For macOS 10.14 or later

Why Is It Necessary to Remove Audio from a Video?

You can make a video far more versatile and successful for many different things by removing the audio.

Your Video Becomes Multipurpose

Taking the audio out of a video makes it more versatile. Presentations, slide decks, and instructional videos may all benefit from this. The original audio or background noise might be too distracting in such videos.

No Language Issues

The muted or removed audio lets you reach viewers who speak a different language. By removing the original audio, the video becomes language-neutral. Thus, you save time adding subtitles or dubbing without disturbing the narration.

Place Emphasis on the Video Itself

Cutting off the sound may make the video’s visuals the main attraction. It may be beneficial when creating tutorials or instructional videos. That’s because viewers may prefer to see the demos without the sound.

Eliminating Excessive Background Noise

The video might get dull with background noises, echoes, or unwanted sounds. Deleting the audio stream helps to eliminate distractions. As a result, viewers get a cleaner viewing experience.

Businesses can avoid copyright infringement problems by eliminating audio from videos. Removing someone’s audio work before using it in public venues is necessary. It supports copyright laws on audio material by limiting display to visual components.

Content Personalization

Creators can let viewers add their soundtracks or voiceovers by removing audio. Thus, it can make the watching experience more customized. It suits projects that need a high degree of personalization or user-generated content.

Confidential Data Security

Sometimes, a video might capture sensitive conversations or information. So, it’s essential to remove the audio to protect privacy. Remember, sharing the visual footage does not compromise confidentiality. It hides the crucial discussions or data from the original audio.

As you can see, removing audio from a video has several benefits. Many options are available when you mute the audio in a video. By eliminating background noise, you’re freeing your imagination.

So, how do silent videos improve your video production strategies? Let’s find out!

How Can You Improve Storytelling With Silent Videos?

There is a much unrealized narrative potential in silent videos. Most videos rely only on visual elements to convey narratives. Thus, mute clips have a unique ability to captivate audiences. It also offers many possibilities for storytelling, allowing for a more immersive experience.

Setting a Narrative

Videos without sound force viewers to rely more on their visual perception of the tale. It can draw your viewers closer to the visuals. Moreover, it also heightens their involvement with the story as it develops.

Improving Stories

Silence directs the viewer’s attention to certain visual aspects. When you remove all sound distractions, the audience can focus on the pictures. It helps you highlight essential story aspects.

For instance, rely on more than just dialogue to convey emotion. Instead, you can take a modest close-up of the character’s face.

Build Emotions With No Audio

One effective method of building intense emotions is the complete absence of sound. Remember, silent clips can keep viewers on the top of their seats. The audience may get more invested in the story’s raw essence when a scene unfolds in silence. In short, this technique aims to evoke a range of emotions in the audience.

Add Metaphor

The lack of audio permits the use of symbolic language only via visual representations. You can use each picture to convey information. It eliminates the need for dialogue or background music.

The audience can interact with the story on a deeper level via interpretation. Here, video scenes, objects, or actions work as symbols.

Simplify Complex Stories

Silent videos let storytellers elicit strong emotional reactions from audiences. They can co-create the story by deciphering visual cues. Besides, they can also add thoughts, emotions, and interpretations in silent videos. Without words, silent videos can help you convey stories that captivate audiences.

How to Use Filmora to Remove Audio from Your Video?

Two main approaches are available for using this software. You can start by downloading Wondershare Filmora for free to try it out. Here is how to remove audio in a video editor.

Remove Audio Now For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Remove Audio Now For macOS 10.14 or later

Method 1: Use the “Mute” Button

The first method is using the “Mute” function available in Filmora. You can start by importing the local video file into this software.

Drop the file into Filmora’s video editing timeline. You can mute the file by right-clicking on it. Once you’ve finished, choose a format to save the file in.

As you can see, the mute option stands out as a fantastic one-click feature. It removes the necessity for specialized video editing skills. Anyone can effortlessly remove audio from their videos with ease.

mute audio feature in filmora v13

Method 2: Use the Audio Detach feature

Now, let’s turn our focus to a different, efficient way. The Audio Detach function becomes a potent feature for separating audio from videos. Let’s check out its detailed instructions for precisely separating audio and video.

Step1Upload Your Video

First, select the video clip whose audio you want to extract. You can start by clicking “Import” and then navigating to the relevant folder on your hard drive.

While you pick more files, keep the “Ctrl” button down to select them all at once. The main editing dashboard will show thumbnails of all the currently loaded files. You can see a preview in the right-hand window when you double-click them.

import media in filmora v13

Step2Cut Out the Music

Now, you should drag videos from the dashboard into the Video Timeline. After that, you can right-click the video to choose the “Audio Detach” option.

The Music Timeline will immediately display a new audio file. Here, you can see the original video’s soundtrack. Now, pressing the “Delete” button can remove the sounds.

You can also detach audio from multiple video files. Remember, all the files will mesh together perfectly on the Video Timeline.

Thus, you need to click the application icon on the left-hand side of the screen and choose “Save As…” to create new project files if you need to extract audio from more than one file. Then, export each output file individually after reloading the project file.

audio detach in filmora v13

Step3Download the Video

To be sure this is what you need, double-tap the file in the Video Timeline. You can add suitable music files to the clip if needed. To save only the video track, click the “Create” option directly. A popup will open up, asking you to choose a format before you can save it to your PC.

export video in filmora v13

The Music Timeline will immediately display a new audio file. Here, you can see the original video’s soundtrack. Now, pressing the “Delete” button can remove the sounds.

You can also detach audio from multiple video files. Remember, all the files will mesh together perfectly on the Video Timeline.

Thus, you need to click the application icon on the left-hand side of the screen and choose “Save As…” to create new project files if you need to extract audio from more than one file. Then, export each output file individually after reloading the project file.

Now you know how to remove audio from videos in Wondershare Filmora. As you can see, removing background noise from videos is a breeze using Filmora. You don’t need extensive experience or expensive software packages.

Follow the simple steps outlined above, even if this is your first time. You may remove distracting or unnecessary audio from your file in just a few minutes.


As you can see, your ability to control the audio in video editing defines the viewing experience. It is about not just transforming video material but also expanding possibilities. This silent space is where imagination soars.

It’s a technique to make your video clips more adaptable. Thus, they can transcend language obstacles, legal limitations, and distractions.

Think of a vacation video where the beautiful sights and sounds of the busy streets are in front. It will allow the audience to lose themselves in the lively atmosphere completely. If you remove the audio from this clip, it can become livelier.

In short, sound removal is crucial in creating a more engaging story. It changes the viewer’s experience by focusing on visuals and increasing engagement. You can use Filmora’s powerful audio removal features. The software streamlines the editing process without compromising the quality of the video. Learn to use silence as a tool to tell stories and make people feel things in your videos.

Remove Audio Now For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Remove Audio Now For macOS 10.14 or later

Why Is It Necessary to Remove Audio from a Video?

You can make a video far more versatile and successful for many different things by removing the audio.

Your Video Becomes Multipurpose

Taking the audio out of a video makes it more versatile. Presentations, slide decks, and instructional videos may all benefit from this. The original audio or background noise might be too distracting in such videos.

No Language Issues

The muted or removed audio lets you reach viewers who speak a different language. By removing the original audio, the video becomes language-neutral. Thus, you save time adding subtitles or dubbing without disturbing the narration.

Place Emphasis on the Video Itself

Cutting off the sound may make the video’s visuals the main attraction. It may be beneficial when creating tutorials or instructional videos. That’s because viewers may prefer to see the demos without the sound.

Eliminating Excessive Background Noise

The video might get dull with background noises, echoes, or unwanted sounds. Deleting the audio stream helps to eliminate distractions. As a result, viewers get a cleaner viewing experience.

Businesses can avoid copyright infringement problems by eliminating audio from videos. Removing someone’s audio work before using it in public venues is necessary. It supports copyright laws on audio material by limiting display to visual components.

Content Personalization

Creators can let viewers add their soundtracks or voiceovers by removing audio. Thus, it can make the watching experience more customized. It suits projects that need a high degree of personalization or user-generated content.

Confidential Data Security

Sometimes, a video might capture sensitive conversations or information. So, it’s essential to remove the audio to protect privacy. Remember, sharing the visual footage does not compromise confidentiality. It hides the crucial discussions or data from the original audio.

As you can see, removing audio from a video has several benefits. Many options are available when you mute the audio in a video. By eliminating background noise, you’re freeing your imagination.

So, how do silent videos improve your video production strategies? Let’s find out!

How Can You Improve Storytelling With Silent Videos?

There is a much unrealized narrative potential in silent videos. Most videos rely only on visual elements to convey narratives. Thus, mute clips have a unique ability to captivate audiences. It also offers many possibilities for storytelling, allowing for a more immersive experience.

Setting a Narrative

Videos without sound force viewers to rely more on their visual perception of the tale. It can draw your viewers closer to the visuals. Moreover, it also heightens their involvement with the story as it develops.

Improving Stories

Silence directs the viewer’s attention to certain visual aspects. When you remove all sound distractions, the audience can focus on the pictures. It helps you highlight essential story aspects.

For instance, rely on more than just dialogue to convey emotion. Instead, you can take a modest close-up of the character’s face.

Build Emotions With No Audio

One effective method of building intense emotions is the complete absence of sound. Remember, silent clips can keep viewers on the top of their seats. The audience may get more invested in the story’s raw essence when a scene unfolds in silence. In short, this technique aims to evoke a range of emotions in the audience.

Add Metaphor

The lack of audio permits the use of symbolic language only via visual representations. You can use each picture to convey information. It eliminates the need for dialogue or background music.

The audience can interact with the story on a deeper level via interpretation. Here, video scenes, objects, or actions work as symbols.

Simplify Complex Stories

Silent videos let storytellers elicit strong emotional reactions from audiences. They can co-create the story by deciphering visual cues. Besides, they can also add thoughts, emotions, and interpretations in silent videos. Without words, silent videos can help you convey stories that captivate audiences.

How to Use Filmora to Remove Audio from Your Video?

Two main approaches are available for using this software. You can start by downloading Wondershare Filmora for free to try it out. Here is how to remove audio in a video editor.

Remove Audio Now For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Remove Audio Now For macOS 10.14 or later

Method 1: Use the “Mute” Button

The first method is using the “Mute” function available in Filmora. You can start by importing the local video file into this software.

Drop the file into Filmora’s video editing timeline. You can mute the file by right-clicking on it. Once you’ve finished, choose a format to save the file in.

As you can see, the mute option stands out as a fantastic one-click feature. It removes the necessity for specialized video editing skills. Anyone can effortlessly remove audio from their videos with ease.

mute audio feature in filmora v13

Method 2: Use the Audio Detach feature

Now, let’s turn our focus to a different, efficient way. The Audio Detach function becomes a potent feature for separating audio from videos. Let’s check out its detailed instructions for precisely separating audio and video.

Step1Upload Your Video

First, select the video clip whose audio you want to extract. You can start by clicking “Import” and then navigating to the relevant folder on your hard drive.

While you pick more files, keep the “Ctrl” button down to select them all at once. The main editing dashboard will show thumbnails of all the currently loaded files. You can see a preview in the right-hand window when you double-click them.

import media in filmora v13

Step2Cut Out the Music

Now, you should drag videos from the dashboard into the Video Timeline. After that, you can right-click the video to choose the “Audio Detach” option.

The Music Timeline will immediately display a new audio file. Here, you can see the original video’s soundtrack. Now, pressing the “Delete” button can remove the sounds.

You can also detach audio from multiple video files. Remember, all the files will mesh together perfectly on the Video Timeline.

Thus, you need to click the application icon on the left-hand side of the screen and choose “Save As…” to create new project files if you need to extract audio from more than one file. Then, export each output file individually after reloading the project file.

audio detach in filmora v13

Step3Download the Video

To be sure this is what you need, double-tap the file in the Video Timeline. You can add suitable music files to the clip if needed. To save only the video track, click the “Create” option directly. A popup will open up, asking you to choose a format before you can save it to your PC.

export video in filmora v13

The Music Timeline will immediately display a new audio file. Here, you can see the original video’s soundtrack. Now, pressing the “Delete” button can remove the sounds.

You can also detach audio from multiple video files. Remember, all the files will mesh together perfectly on the Video Timeline.

Thus, you need to click the application icon on the left-hand side of the screen and choose “Save As…” to create new project files if you need to extract audio from more than one file. Then, export each output file individually after reloading the project file.

Now you know how to remove audio from videos in Wondershare Filmora. As you can see, removing background noise from videos is a breeze using Filmora. You don’t need extensive experience or expensive software packages.

Follow the simple steps outlined above, even if this is your first time. You may remove distracting or unnecessary audio from your file in just a few minutes.


As you can see, your ability to control the audio in video editing defines the viewing experience. It is about not just transforming video material but also expanding possibilities. This silent space is where imagination soars.

It’s a technique to make your video clips more adaptable. Thus, they can transcend language obstacles, legal limitations, and distractions.

Think of a vacation video where the beautiful sights and sounds of the busy streets are in front. It will allow the audience to lose themselves in the lively atmosphere completely. If you remove the audio from this clip, it can become livelier.

In short, sound removal is crucial in creating a more engaging story. It changes the viewer’s experience by focusing on visuals and increasing engagement. You can use Filmora’s powerful audio removal features. The software streamlines the editing process without compromising the quality of the video. Learn to use silence as a tool to tell stories and make people feel things in your videos.

Also read:

  • Title: Denoise Video in Adobe Premiere Pro – Audio and Video Noise Removal
  • Author: Chloe
  • Created at : 2024-05-20 03:37:26
  • Updated at : 2024-05-21 03:37:26
  • Link:
  • License: This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.
On this page
Denoise Video in Adobe Premiere Pro – Audio and Video Noise Removal