Here, You Will Learn How to Add a Realistic Fire Effect Using Wondershare Filmora. That Will Help to Boost Your Channel and Decorate Your YouTube Channel with Creative and Unique Effects

Here, You Will Learn How to Add a Realistic Fire Effect Using Wondershare Filmora. That Will Help to Boost Your Channel and Decorate Your YouTube Channel with Creative and Unique Effects

Chloe Lv12

Here, You Will Learn How to Add a Realistic Fire Effect Using Wondershare Filmora. That Will Help to Boost Your Channel and Decorate Your YouTube Channel with Creative and Unique Effects

Do you know that many cinema films and big-budget companies use visual effects to create realistic fires? It saves them from potential danger in production and helps them manage the time required to create a project. In this article, you will get pro tips and easy ways to add Fire effects by Wondershare Filmora.

Note: let’s not count Michael Bay and Christopher Nolan productions because their movies have a higher budget, and creating fake fire is easy.

Part 1. What do you need to create fire effects?

Using simple tools such as Filmora and visual effects, you can create a realistic fire effect with an easy setup. For filming the effect, we will need

  1. A good camera
  2. A light source
  3. Video editing software - Wondershare Filmora
  4. Basic editing skills

However, the light source is key to the fire effects. It will be beneficial if you have a warmer color light or a light that can change its temperature. You can use tungsten light bulbs or small circular LEDs that are pretty famous with Vloggers and tick-tock users.

Part 2. How to make a realistic effect fire?

After getting prepared, it’s time to do the real things. Follow the steps below to create a realistic fire effect like a pro.

Step1 Record your footage

While recording the video, you can slightly shake your light source, which will give it the flickering effect of the flame. Here, you can do this in two ways.

Shaking the light manually

Just make sure when you are shaking the light, it is not shaken aggressively, or it will lose its realism to a real fire.

shaking the light source

Shaking the light using a dimmer

You can also use some skills to create the flickering effect of the fire without literally shaking the LED light. Dimmers come to help. A dimmer is a device that enables you to change the temperature of the LED light. If you have a dimmer, your work will be more accessible.

A regulator on the dimmer will help you switch between low and high tones. It will flicker the light on the object like a flame and make it look like it was placed in front of a real fire.

dimmer for shaking

Step2 Record the object

Our next step will be to record the object on which the effect is taking place. Ensure the camera is placed under a good light source so that the picture is not dim and the object is exposed. Make sure the camera is placed at the level of the eye so that it will help you record your video clearly and accurately.

Also, keep in mind to zoom out the camera lens, which will fix the frame of the video so that the object or the person is entirely on the screen. Another tip for creating a realistic fire effect would be the person acting as the object. The more natural the acting is, the more realistic would be the fire effect.

Step3 Edit the footage

We are being safe and saving time by not using actual fire. The goal of creating a fake fire would be the effect and reaction of the object or the actor.

1. Download a professional video editing software - Wondershare Filmora

Visit Wondershare Filmora official site if you haven’t already downloaded it.

Note: download the latest version of filmora. It will give you a pro version and help you to create more realistic fire effects.

2. Create a new project and import the recorded clips

Before adding the fire effects to your video, you must ensure that you are familiar with the editing software. Your first step would be to add your clips to the timeline. Drag the footage from the library and enter it into the timeline.

import footage

3. create the fire effect more realistic by adding smoke

The next step would be to add smoke to the fire. As it is only fair that the fire makes the smoke so. Adding the smoke will create the fire effect more realistic. Follow the below steps to get your cinematic video!

#Step1 Search for smoke effects

To add the smoke effect, click on the element’s icon on the bar above and search for smokescreen 2.

#Step2 Add a smoke effect

Once you have searched and found the smoke screen 2 effects, then import that effect onto your timeline so that you can begin editing.

adding smokescreen2 effect

Once you’ve added the fire effect, you will notice the change on the screen in the top right corner.

#Step3 Add duration

The next step would be to set the duration of the smokescreen effect so that it matches the length of the video. To do so,

  • Click on the edge of the smoke screen effect.
  • Drag it to the right if the effect appears smaller than the video clip.
  • And drag it to the left if it is larger than the video clip.
  • As soon as it matches the length of the video, leave the drag, and it will fit right into place.
#Step4 Make some changes to the smoke effect

Once you have matched the duration of the smoke screen effect to the video clip, our next step would be to make some changes. These changes will make the smokescreen appear more pleasingdouble-click on the smokescreen effect, which will open the transform menu.

We would first focus on the transform panel. Here you would have many options, but our focus would be on rotation, scale, and position.

Note: make sure to rotate the smoke screen effect by simply sliding the slider or dragging the slider right or left to your desire.

  • You would have created an angle of the smokescreen to make it more natural.
  • Now, we would have to adjust the scale of the smokescreen effect.
  • Drag the slider to the right to expand the smoke to spread on the screen. It will help the smoke screen do appear more natural.
  • You can adjust how much the smoke screen is visible on the screen by decreasing the opacity.

Adjust the slider to the left so it blends in with the flickering of the light we created. Now playback the video from the big screen to get an idea of the effect you added. And here are our parameters for reference.

adjust the slider

Cool, isn’t it? Now we have added smoke to our timeline. Combined with the flickering light effect, we are closer to our goal.

Step4 Add flames or sparks

To mimic a real fire, we also have one more element that is missing, And that will be the sparks and the flames. And if you want to bring the fire effect of your video to the pro level, we would have to use the film stock effects. Flames and sparks are also available in the Wondershare Filmora.

#Step1 Search for Fire Tab search for fire tab
  • To do so, click on the bar above the element’s icon.
  • Once you have opened the elements tab, look to your left window, where further options are available.
  • From these options, click on the fire tab.
  • A new window will pop up in the library panel.
#Step2 Add the flame to the timeline

Click on a large scale 14 and drag it into your timeline above the smoke effect and the clip. Doing so would have created two extra layers after the video tab.

adding flame effect

#Step3 Adjust the flame effect

Now, we have to do steps similar to the ones above the first job. But first, you have to click on the edges of the effect. Then, match it to the length of your video.

Now, remember if the length of the effect is more than that of the video clip. You can adjust it by clicking on the edge and dragging it to the left. And if it appears to be smaller than the video clip, drag the edge to the right to match the length.

#Step4 Blend the video

When you look at the effect as you play the video from the start, you will notice that the effect is a little more intense than we want. To change it to your desires, you can follow the following steps.

  • First of all, double-click and open the transform
  • Experiment with the rotation and the scale and position; make your choice.
  • Then move on to the compositing panel and focus on the blending mode.
  • Here, you will notice a drop-down panel and select the screen option from all the other options.
  • Doing so would help you blend the spark effect video much better.

If you focus on the spark effect that appears on the screen, you will notice that it seems to be much more intense than we require. If you want to blend it further, you can use the opacity adjuster and decrease the transparency. Then, adjust the slider till you feel it to be just right.

And the following are ideal parameters of our adjustment just for you to refer to.

ideal parameters

Final results

Now can easily create a realistic-looking fire effect by Wondershare Filmora.

final preview of fire effect

Best editing views

See how easy it was to create a fire effect without using real fire. A fire effect you can use:

  • To make your car catch on fire.
  • You are screaming at the top of your lungs in a yard where your garden is on fire.
  • Act like your husband forgot to watch the stove on with the dish in the kitchen.

You can create all these scenarios by using camera tricks and lighting effects. And a few skills in video editing, easily! How cool is that?

If you are a beginner or a frequent user of Wondershare Filmora, following the steps explained above will help you quickly get the hang of how to add fire effects to your videos.

Also, if you have a YouTube channel or a content creator, adding these effects will add unique creativity to your videos and ultimately boost your approach.

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Part 1. What do you need to create fire effects?

Using simple tools such as Filmora and visual effects, you can create a realistic fire effect with an easy setup. For filming the effect, we will need

  1. A good camera
  2. A light source
  3. Video editing software - Wondershare Filmora
  4. Basic editing skills

However, the light source is key to the fire effects. It will be beneficial if you have a warmer color light or a light that can change its temperature. You can use tungsten light bulbs or small circular LEDs that are pretty famous with Vloggers and tick-tock users.

Part 2. How to make a realistic effect fire?

After getting prepared, it’s time to do the real things. Follow the steps below to create a realistic fire effect like a pro.

Step1 Record your footage

While recording the video, you can slightly shake your light source, which will give it the flickering effect of the flame. Here, you can do this in two ways.

Shaking the light manually

Just make sure when you are shaking the light, it is not shaken aggressively, or it will lose its realism to a real fire.

shaking the light source

Shaking the light using a dimmer

You can also use some skills to create the flickering effect of the fire without literally shaking the LED light. Dimmers come to help. A dimmer is a device that enables you to change the temperature of the LED light. If you have a dimmer, your work will be more accessible.

A regulator on the dimmer will help you switch between low and high tones. It will flicker the light on the object like a flame and make it look like it was placed in front of a real fire.

dimmer for shaking

Step2 Record the object

Our next step will be to record the object on which the effect is taking place. Ensure the camera is placed under a good light source so that the picture is not dim and the object is exposed. Make sure the camera is placed at the level of the eye so that it will help you record your video clearly and accurately.

Also, keep in mind to zoom out the camera lens, which will fix the frame of the video so that the object or the person is entirely on the screen. Another tip for creating a realistic fire effect would be the person acting as the object. The more natural the acting is, the more realistic would be the fire effect.

Step3 Edit the footage

We are being safe and saving time by not using actual fire. The goal of creating a fake fire would be the effect and reaction of the object or the actor.

1. Download a professional video editing software - Wondershare Filmora

Visit Wondershare Filmora official site if you haven’t already downloaded it.

Note: download the latest version of filmora. It will give you a pro version and help you to create more realistic fire effects.

2. Create a new project and import the recorded clips

Before adding the fire effects to your video, you must ensure that you are familiar with the editing software. Your first step would be to add your clips to the timeline. Drag the footage from the library and enter it into the timeline.

import footage

3. create the fire effect more realistic by adding smoke

The next step would be to add smoke to the fire. As it is only fair that the fire makes the smoke so. Adding the smoke will create the fire effect more realistic. Follow the below steps to get your cinematic video!

#Step1 Search for smoke effects

To add the smoke effect, click on the element’s icon on the bar above and search for smokescreen 2.

#Step2 Add a smoke effect

Once you have searched and found the smoke screen 2 effects, then import that effect onto your timeline so that you can begin editing.

adding smokescreen2 effect

Once you’ve added the fire effect, you will notice the change on the screen in the top right corner.

#Step3 Add duration

The next step would be to set the duration of the smokescreen effect so that it matches the length of the video. To do so,

  • Click on the edge of the smoke screen effect.
  • Drag it to the right if the effect appears smaller than the video clip.
  • And drag it to the left if it is larger than the video clip.
  • As soon as it matches the length of the video, leave the drag, and it will fit right into place.
#Step4 Make some changes to the smoke effect

Once you have matched the duration of the smoke screen effect to the video clip, our next step would be to make some changes. These changes will make the smokescreen appear more pleasingdouble-click on the smokescreen effect, which will open the transform menu.

We would first focus on the transform panel. Here you would have many options, but our focus would be on rotation, scale, and position.

Note: make sure to rotate the smoke screen effect by simply sliding the slider or dragging the slider right or left to your desire.

  • You would have created an angle of the smokescreen to make it more natural.
  • Now, we would have to adjust the scale of the smokescreen effect.
  • Drag the slider to the right to expand the smoke to spread on the screen. It will help the smoke screen do appear more natural.
  • You can adjust how much the smoke screen is visible on the screen by decreasing the opacity.

Adjust the slider to the left so it blends in with the flickering of the light we created. Now playback the video from the big screen to get an idea of the effect you added. And here are our parameters for reference.

adjust the slider

Cool, isn’t it? Now we have added smoke to our timeline. Combined with the flickering light effect, we are closer to our goal.

Step4 Add flames or sparks

To mimic a real fire, we also have one more element that is missing, And that will be the sparks and the flames. And if you want to bring the fire effect of your video to the pro level, we would have to use the film stock effects. Flames and sparks are also available in the Wondershare Filmora.

#Step1 Search for Fire Tab search for fire tab
  • To do so, click on the bar above the element’s icon.
  • Once you have opened the elements tab, look to your left window, where further options are available.
  • From these options, click on the fire tab.
  • A new window will pop up in the library panel.
#Step2 Add the flame to the timeline

Click on a large scale 14 and drag it into your timeline above the smoke effect and the clip. Doing so would have created two extra layers after the video tab.

adding flame effect

#Step3 Adjust the flame effect

Now, we have to do steps similar to the ones above the first job. But first, you have to click on the edges of the effect. Then, match it to the length of your video.

Now, remember if the length of the effect is more than that of the video clip. You can adjust it by clicking on the edge and dragging it to the left. And if it appears to be smaller than the video clip, drag the edge to the right to match the length.

#Step4 Blend the video

When you look at the effect as you play the video from the start, you will notice that the effect is a little more intense than we want. To change it to your desires, you can follow the following steps.

  • First of all, double-click and open the transform
  • Experiment with the rotation and the scale and position; make your choice.
  • Then move on to the compositing panel and focus on the blending mode.
  • Here, you will notice a drop-down panel and select the screen option from all the other options.
  • Doing so would help you blend the spark effect video much better.

If you focus on the spark effect that appears on the screen, you will notice that it seems to be much more intense than we require. If you want to blend it further, you can use the opacity adjuster and decrease the transparency. Then, adjust the slider till you feel it to be just right.

And the following are ideal parameters of our adjustment just for you to refer to.

ideal parameters

Final results

Now can easily create a realistic-looking fire effect by Wondershare Filmora.

final preview of fire effect

Best editing views

See how easy it was to create a fire effect without using real fire. A fire effect you can use:

  • To make your car catch on fire.
  • You are screaming at the top of your lungs in a yard where your garden is on fire.
  • Act like your husband forgot to watch the stove on with the dish in the kitchen.

You can create all these scenarios by using camera tricks and lighting effects. And a few skills in video editing, easily! How cool is that?

If you are a beginner or a frequent user of Wondershare Filmora, following the steps explained above will help you quickly get the hang of how to add fire effects to your videos.

Also, if you have a YouTube channel or a content creator, adding these effects will add unique creativity to your videos and ultimately boost your approach.

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Exploring the Best Slow-Motion App

In today’s era, plain and boring views do not get as much audience attention. Effects and presets are important for creating Instagram-worthy reels or content for other social platforms. Adding a slow-motion effect to your videos is one of the tactics to enhance engagement. However, the question comes to downloading slow-motion apps for this purpose.

The Android and iOS devices offer a built-in slo-mo feature for users’ ease. However, when it comes to going to the next level, there are slow-motion video apps downloaded. These apps permit seamless editing tools and techniques for creating effective slo-mos. This article will discuss the top video slow-motion app downloads for both Android and iOS. Ultimately, we’ll give you a tip on creating slo-mos using an alternative.

Slow Motion Video Maker Slow your video’s speed with better control of your keyframes to create unique cinematic effects Make A Slow Motion Video Make A Slow Motion Video More Features

Wondershare Filmora

Part 1: Leading Down to The Top Slow-Motion App to Download Right Now

This section will cover both users, whether you prefer an Android interface or an iPhone camera. Find the top video editing apps for slow motion for both devices. The brief review and key features of applications are discussed below for your ease:

Slow Motion Applications for Android

Google Play is a versatile platform for downloading slo-mo video apps. However, out of so many options, it might become hard for you to select an app. Hence, in this section, we’ll discuss some reliable Android apps for that purpose:

1. Slow Motion: Slow mo, Fast mo

To want an editing application with multiple slow-motion settings is natural. This slow-motion app bestows users with 10 precise playback speed options for creating slow-mos. The playback speed range is from 0.1x to 0.95x, which means a detailed slow-motion appearance. In addition, users can fashion the slo-mos effects at different speeds on different video fragments within a clip.

slow motion slow mo fast mo

Key Features
  • You can curate a multi-effect video by adding a fast-speed effect at specific frames.
  • Trim and cut videos to add different effects to different segments while maintaining quality.
  • Enables the previewing option to analyze and alter any mistakes or make further adjustments.

2. Slow Motion Video Fast&Slow Mo

This is a video editing app for slow motion where the creation possibilities do not stop. The application not only offers video speed change options but also audio speed change. This app lets you add funny voices and edit pranking videos easily. The simple settings enable slo-mo on complete video, while the advanced settings can separate video frames.

slow motion video fast&slow mo

Key Features
  • Add both slow-motion and high-speed effects at once in your dancing videos for inspiration.
  • You can slow down a video to 1/2nd, 1/3rd, and 1/5th of its original speed.
  • Adding any speed effect doesn’t change video quality, and you can export them in HD quality.

3. Slow Motion Video Editor

Create first-rate slo-mos using this slo-mo video editor app and embed multiple effects in them. This application is curated for content creators to inspire their audience. There are four speed change options for fashioning a slow motion:- 2x,- 4x,- 8x, and 16x. This means the app enables you to decelerate a video to 1/16th of its original speed.

slow motion video editor

Key Features
  • Frame split options to apply slow motion effect to distinct video segments.
  • Ability to apply and adjust music tracks on your video within the app.
  • Multiple video and image frames enhance the visual stability of your videos.

4. Slow Motion Video Maker

Get a completely creative and innovative package with this app to slow down video. The application enables the reduction of video speed along with the option to apply music. You can even record a video in slow motion or add the slow motion to a pre-recorded one. Adjust your video duration according to the requirements using the Trim tool.

slow motion video maker

Key Features
  • Add the element of laughter to your videos using the high playback speed options 2x, 3x, and 4x.
  • Avoid losing video pixels and publish videos directly to Instagram, Facebook, and more.
  • Speed up your videos at different durations to express your artistic ideas.

5. Slow Motion Editor

Instead of completing the formality of creating a slow motion, use this app to create compelling slow motion. The video editor offers multiple filters and effects to uplift a video and make it worthy of viewing. The app offers professional tools to cut and customize videos according to your taste. If your phone’s Slomo camera doesn’t respond, utilize this app to capture scenes in slow motion.

slow motion editor

Key Features
  • Add diverse speed effects like time-lapse, reverse speed, and live camera capturing.
  • This slow-motion app is compatible with Android 4.0 and higher versions.
  • The application offers special slow-motion effects like Hair Flips, Baseball Swings, and more.

Slow Motion Applications for iPhone

The app store choices may confuse the audience when choosing a suitable app. This section reflects some reliable iPhone applications tailored to fulfill slo-mo creation:

1. SloMo Slow Motion Video Editor

Step into epic creativity with this slow video app to craft high-quality slo-mos. The application creates smooth slow motion by manipulating the frame rate to 120 or 240 fps. You can manipulate frames at specific durations to add craft to a cinematic scene. Change the video playback speed for slow motion up to 12x and add a freeze frame effect for highlighting several points.

slomo slow motion video editor

Key Features
  • Share your creation directly on social apps to gain popularity.
  • Multiple video export ratios to fulfill the requirements for each application.
  • Bring the best out of your creation via colors by employing 40+ built-in features.

2. Slow Motion Video Editor

Say goodbye to the manual methods of creating slow motions and use this automated slow video app. It offers various speed templates to add uniqueness to your content. To create a pure slow-motion video, you can use the custom playback option. While creating slow motion, the app offers an audio speed adjustment option to optimize the video.

slow motion video editor

Key Features
  • Immerse your videos with this application’s amazing and interactive built-in music collection.
  • Use this app as a source to directly share your creations with friends and audience.
  • This app is accessible on iOS 11.0 and newer versions with support for other Apple devices.

3. Slow Mo & Fast Motion

Shoot slow-motion videos directly with this slow-motion video maker app. Along with a Slomo recorder, the app also has a speed changer that transforms basic videos into slow motion. Its multiple ranged speed options can add details to your videos. The timeline interface enables users to seamlessly add slow-motion effects to some scenes.

slow mot & fast motion

Key Features
  • Trim your videos to eliminate any unnecessary or glitched scenes.
  • Turn up the fastest speed for a scene and give it a funny effect.
  • The application is only available for iOS 14.0, macOS 14.0, and higher versions.

4. Slow Motion Video Fx Editor

Utilize the powers of this iOS app to create the slowest slow-motioned video on 12x playback speed along with 240 fps framerate. This Slomo video editor app can turn the whole video upside down with its amazing live speed control action. In addition, there are no limits to its other editing features to enhance the video graphics.

slow motion video fx editor

Key Features
  • Liberates you from low-quality content and offers the high-resolution export option.
  • Works seamlessly with social platforms to help you showcase your creations.
  • A laid-back user interface to help both skilled and seasoned editors to craft perfection.

5. TimeFreeze

This is one of the best slow-motion apps to fashion smooth, slow-motion videos. TimeFreeze uses frame rate functioning to curate slow motion in a professional manner. Users can select from 4 frame rate options: 24 fps, 60 fps, 120 fps, and 240 fps. The 120 and 240 fps are usually integrated framerates of professional cameras to record with precision.


Key Features
  • Simple and intuitive interface crafted specifically for the creation of slo-mo videos.
  • Supports iOS 12.1 and higher versions to craft slow motions seamlessly.
  • The application is free to utilize and takes up only 25.3 MB of your iOS storage.

Part 2: Desktop Alternative: Make Better Slow-Motion Videos with Wondershare Filmora

Filmora is considered the best slow-motion app for making videos in slow motion with just a few clicks. The speed ramping feature is user-friendly and caters to both beginners and seasoned video editors. It provides the flexibility to select various speeds for your videos to grant precise control. Moreover, the software lets you edit video by highlighting a serene moment or adding excitement to an action scene.

Additionally, this feature simplifies the process of crafting professional-looking videos. Filmora offers an array of templates, filters, and transitions to add cinematic quality. Plus, it works with different types of video files, and you can export high-quality videos. This slow-motion app is nothing but a game changer for those who like to use speed effects.

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Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Steps to Slow Down Video with Speed Ramping

Speed Ramping lets you smoothly switch between fast and slow motion in one video. It’s not just fancy but helps you make certain parts stand out or show off details. Now, let’s learn the detailed steps to slow down video by utilizing this feature of Filmora:

Step 1Download the Software and Import the Video File

Initiate the process by downloading Filmora’s latest version, 13, from your favorite web browser. Now, complete the installation process and launch the software at your end. Then, proceed further by accessing the main interface of the tool and selecting the “New Project.” This action will lead you to a new window and allow you to import media from your system.

hit the new project button

Step 2Access the Speed Ramping Feature and Choose Template

Once you have imported your video file, drag it to the timeline section. Now, navigate to the video and right-click to access the “Speed Ramping” feature by searching a drop-down menu. Then, you will find an editing panel on the right of the same window. Here, you can choose any of the templates according to your requirements for seamless speed ramping.

access the speed ramping option

Step 3Personalize Video via Speed Ramping Adjustments

In addition to choosing preset templates, you can click on the “Customize” tab and move downward. Afterward, visit the editing panel and place the dots to move downward to slow down the speed. Plus, if you hold the dots upward, this action will speed up the playback speed of the video. After making all required changes, preview your changes and move forward to save changes through the “Export” button.

customize the speed ramping settings

Exclusive AI Video Editing Features of Wondershare Filmora

Wondershare Filmora is a modern video editing application that is capable of much more than just being a slow video app. The below section contains a brief introduction to a few of its AI editing features. Read the following segment to enhance your video editing experience in Filmora:

1. Remove Background

Filmora’s intuitive background remover feature removes unwanted backgrounds from your videos. You can say goodbye to the green screen as it also provides various visual effects. Moreover, create exotic compositions by transporting yourself to different locations. This tool is perfect for vloggers as they can unlock endless editing possibilities. You can also make unforgettable storylines with your videos and amaze your audience.

2. Motion Tracking

The motion tracking feature brings magic to videos by tracking down moving objects. Consider capturing a stunning scenic view with your camera. With the help of motion tracking, you can add various texts along the waterfall. Furthermore, imagine highlighting the special moments in an epic advantage with dynamic effects. Therefore, take a leap of faith by captivating the audience with your stunning videos.

3. Auto Beat Sync

Auto beat sync by Filmora is like having a personal DJ that helps edit your videos. This tool perfectly matches the music to the rhythm of your moving video. Additionally, create an epic montage with the beat syncing with your video. The feature adds professionalism to your videos and makes them note-worthy. That is why you take your videos to the next level with auto beta sync.

4. Auto Reframe

The auto reframe feature adjusts your footage to fit various ratios perfectly. Say you want to upload that landscape image you took to other mediums. Therefore, with auto reframe, you can select the desired aspect ratio. It crops and pans out the video within the respect frame of choice. Furthermore, you can save a lot of time and resources and ensure a stunning video.


Upon reaching a conclusion, this article has provided users with some insights into the significance of slow-motion apps. The article took into consideration some of the download slow-motion apps that show compatibility with iPhone and Android.

In times when you need to create professional slo-mos, we suggest using Wondershare Filmora. This editing software isn’t just compatible with iOS and Android but also with macOS, Windows, and Linux systems. In addition, the application offers multiple editing tools and techniques to create and enhance slo-mos.

Make A Slow Motion Video Make A Slow Motion Video More Features

Wondershare Filmora

Part 1: Leading Down to The Top Slow-Motion App to Download Right Now

This section will cover both users, whether you prefer an Android interface or an iPhone camera. Find the top video editing apps for slow motion for both devices. The brief review and key features of applications are discussed below for your ease:

Slow Motion Applications for Android

Google Play is a versatile platform for downloading slo-mo video apps. However, out of so many options, it might become hard for you to select an app. Hence, in this section, we’ll discuss some reliable Android apps for that purpose:

1. Slow Motion: Slow mo, Fast mo

To want an editing application with multiple slow-motion settings is natural. This slow-motion app bestows users with 10 precise playback speed options for creating slow-mos. The playback speed range is from 0.1x to 0.95x, which means a detailed slow-motion appearance. In addition, users can fashion the slo-mos effects at different speeds on different video fragments within a clip.

slow motion slow mo fast mo

Key Features
  • You can curate a multi-effect video by adding a fast-speed effect at specific frames.
  • Trim and cut videos to add different effects to different segments while maintaining quality.
  • Enables the previewing option to analyze and alter any mistakes or make further adjustments.

2. Slow Motion Video Fast&Slow Mo

This is a video editing app for slow motion where the creation possibilities do not stop. The application not only offers video speed change options but also audio speed change. This app lets you add funny voices and edit pranking videos easily. The simple settings enable slo-mo on complete video, while the advanced settings can separate video frames.

slow motion video fast&slow mo

Key Features
  • Add both slow-motion and high-speed effects at once in your dancing videos for inspiration.
  • You can slow down a video to 1/2nd, 1/3rd, and 1/5th of its original speed.
  • Adding any speed effect doesn’t change video quality, and you can export them in HD quality.

3. Slow Motion Video Editor

Create first-rate slo-mos using this slo-mo video editor app and embed multiple effects in them. This application is curated for content creators to inspire their audience. There are four speed change options for fashioning a slow motion:- 2x,- 4x,- 8x, and 16x. This means the app enables you to decelerate a video to 1/16th of its original speed.

slow motion video editor

Key Features
  • Frame split options to apply slow motion effect to distinct video segments.
  • Ability to apply and adjust music tracks on your video within the app.
  • Multiple video and image frames enhance the visual stability of your videos.

4. Slow Motion Video Maker

Get a completely creative and innovative package with this app to slow down video. The application enables the reduction of video speed along with the option to apply music. You can even record a video in slow motion or add the slow motion to a pre-recorded one. Adjust your video duration according to the requirements using the Trim tool.

slow motion video maker

Key Features
  • Add the element of laughter to your videos using the high playback speed options 2x, 3x, and 4x.
  • Avoid losing video pixels and publish videos directly to Instagram, Facebook, and more.
  • Speed up your videos at different durations to express your artistic ideas.

5. Slow Motion Editor

Instead of completing the formality of creating a slow motion, use this app to create compelling slow motion. The video editor offers multiple filters and effects to uplift a video and make it worthy of viewing. The app offers professional tools to cut and customize videos according to your taste. If your phone’s Slomo camera doesn’t respond, utilize this app to capture scenes in slow motion.

slow motion editor

Key Features
  • Add diverse speed effects like time-lapse, reverse speed, and live camera capturing.
  • This slow-motion app is compatible with Android 4.0 and higher versions.
  • The application offers special slow-motion effects like Hair Flips, Baseball Swings, and more.

Slow Motion Applications for iPhone

The app store choices may confuse the audience when choosing a suitable app. This section reflects some reliable iPhone applications tailored to fulfill slo-mo creation:

1. SloMo Slow Motion Video Editor

Step into epic creativity with this slow video app to craft high-quality slo-mos. The application creates smooth slow motion by manipulating the frame rate to 120 or 240 fps. You can manipulate frames at specific durations to add craft to a cinematic scene. Change the video playback speed for slow motion up to 12x and add a freeze frame effect for highlighting several points.

slomo slow motion video editor

Key Features
  • Share your creation directly on social apps to gain popularity.
  • Multiple video export ratios to fulfill the requirements for each application.
  • Bring the best out of your creation via colors by employing 40+ built-in features.

2. Slow Motion Video Editor

Say goodbye to the manual methods of creating slow motions and use this automated slow video app. It offers various speed templates to add uniqueness to your content. To create a pure slow-motion video, you can use the custom playback option. While creating slow motion, the app offers an audio speed adjustment option to optimize the video.

slow motion video editor

Key Features
  • Immerse your videos with this application’s amazing and interactive built-in music collection.
  • Use this app as a source to directly share your creations with friends and audience.
  • This app is accessible on iOS 11.0 and newer versions with support for other Apple devices.

3. Slow Mo & Fast Motion

Shoot slow-motion videos directly with this slow-motion video maker app. Along with a Slomo recorder, the app also has a speed changer that transforms basic videos into slow motion. Its multiple ranged speed options can add details to your videos. The timeline interface enables users to seamlessly add slow-motion effects to some scenes.

slow mot & fast motion

Key Features
  • Trim your videos to eliminate any unnecessary or glitched scenes.
  • Turn up the fastest speed for a scene and give it a funny effect.
  • The application is only available for iOS 14.0, macOS 14.0, and higher versions.

4. Slow Motion Video Fx Editor

Utilize the powers of this iOS app to create the slowest slow-motioned video on 12x playback speed along with 240 fps framerate. This Slomo video editor app can turn the whole video upside down with its amazing live speed control action. In addition, there are no limits to its other editing features to enhance the video graphics.

slow motion video fx editor

Key Features
  • Liberates you from low-quality content and offers the high-resolution export option.
  • Works seamlessly with social platforms to help you showcase your creations.
  • A laid-back user interface to help both skilled and seasoned editors to craft perfection.

5. TimeFreeze

This is one of the best slow-motion apps to fashion smooth, slow-motion videos. TimeFreeze uses frame rate functioning to curate slow motion in a professional manner. Users can select from 4 frame rate options: 24 fps, 60 fps, 120 fps, and 240 fps. The 120 and 240 fps are usually integrated framerates of professional cameras to record with precision.


Key Features
  • Simple and intuitive interface crafted specifically for the creation of slo-mo videos.
  • Supports iOS 12.1 and higher versions to craft slow motions seamlessly.
  • The application is free to utilize and takes up only 25.3 MB of your iOS storage.

Part 2: Desktop Alternative: Make Better Slow-Motion Videos with Wondershare Filmora

Filmora is considered the best slow-motion app for making videos in slow motion with just a few clicks. The speed ramping feature is user-friendly and caters to both beginners and seasoned video editors. It provides the flexibility to select various speeds for your videos to grant precise control. Moreover, the software lets you edit video by highlighting a serene moment or adding excitement to an action scene.

Additionally, this feature simplifies the process of crafting professional-looking videos. Filmora offers an array of templates, filters, and transitions to add cinematic quality. Plus, it works with different types of video files, and you can export high-quality videos. This slow-motion app is nothing but a game changer for those who like to use speed effects.

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Steps to Slow Down Video with Speed Ramping

Speed Ramping lets you smoothly switch between fast and slow motion in one video. It’s not just fancy but helps you make certain parts stand out or show off details. Now, let’s learn the detailed steps to slow down video by utilizing this feature of Filmora:

Step 1Download the Software and Import the Video File

Initiate the process by downloading Filmora’s latest version, 13, from your favorite web browser. Now, complete the installation process and launch the software at your end. Then, proceed further by accessing the main interface of the tool and selecting the “New Project.” This action will lead you to a new window and allow you to import media from your system.

hit the new project button

Step 2Access the Speed Ramping Feature and Choose Template

Once you have imported your video file, drag it to the timeline section. Now, navigate to the video and right-click to access the “Speed Ramping” feature by searching a drop-down menu. Then, you will find an editing panel on the right of the same window. Here, you can choose any of the templates according to your requirements for seamless speed ramping.

access the speed ramping option

Step 3Personalize Video via Speed Ramping Adjustments

In addition to choosing preset templates, you can click on the “Customize” tab and move downward. Afterward, visit the editing panel and place the dots to move downward to slow down the speed. Plus, if you hold the dots upward, this action will speed up the playback speed of the video. After making all required changes, preview your changes and move forward to save changes through the “Export” button.

customize the speed ramping settings

Exclusive AI Video Editing Features of Wondershare Filmora

Wondershare Filmora is a modern video editing application that is capable of much more than just being a slow video app. The below section contains a brief introduction to a few of its AI editing features. Read the following segment to enhance your video editing experience in Filmora:

1. Remove Background

Filmora’s intuitive background remover feature removes unwanted backgrounds from your videos. You can say goodbye to the green screen as it also provides various visual effects. Moreover, create exotic compositions by transporting yourself to different locations. This tool is perfect for vloggers as they can unlock endless editing possibilities. You can also make unforgettable storylines with your videos and amaze your audience.

2. Motion Tracking

The motion tracking feature brings magic to videos by tracking down moving objects. Consider capturing a stunning scenic view with your camera. With the help of motion tracking, you can add various texts along the waterfall. Furthermore, imagine highlighting the special moments in an epic advantage with dynamic effects. Therefore, take a leap of faith by captivating the audience with your stunning videos.

3. Auto Beat Sync

Auto beat sync by Filmora is like having a personal DJ that helps edit your videos. This tool perfectly matches the music to the rhythm of your moving video. Additionally, create an epic montage with the beat syncing with your video. The feature adds professionalism to your videos and makes them note-worthy. That is why you take your videos to the next level with auto beta sync.

4. Auto Reframe

The auto reframe feature adjusts your footage to fit various ratios perfectly. Say you want to upload that landscape image you took to other mediums. Therefore, with auto reframe, you can select the desired aspect ratio. It crops and pans out the video within the respect frame of choice. Furthermore, you can save a lot of time and resources and ensure a stunning video.


Upon reaching a conclusion, this article has provided users with some insights into the significance of slow-motion apps. The article took into consideration some of the download slow-motion apps that show compatibility with iPhone and Android.

In times when you need to create professional slo-mos, we suggest using Wondershare Filmora. This editing software isn’t just compatible with iOS and Android but also with macOS, Windows, and Linux systems. In addition, the application offers multiple editing tools and techniques to create and enhance slo-mos.

How to Make Boring Videos Look Cool By B Rolls

Everyone is bored after watching a simple recorded video in which a character explains or tells a story. No one will watch it for more than 4 minutes!

After looking through this article, you will make your video more fascinating and get more views instantly. It’s all just due to B-roll, which will act as a ninja feature in your video. In this regard, Wondershare Filmora will handle everything.

Scroll more to discover two different types of B-roll videos and get an idea of how to make fascinating B-roll videos.

Part 1. What Is a B-roll?

B-roll is alternative or supplementary video footage that editors can use to intercut in between their main video. In that way, B-roll can add more information to a scene.

An additional footage

It is added as a supplementary video to interact with viewers more closely. This feature helps to give more details of a scene.

Visual representation

When the main explanatory video is too boring, you can add a b-roll to represent the movie’s story visually. It can also add to spice up and beat the energy of the narrative.

Without sound

The B-roll shots are mostly without audio or with little background sound. In most cases, the sound of the primary video is continued while the B-roll footage is just shown.

Act as a filler

The criteria for the B-roll is to provide the situation of the storyline. Additionally, it could be utilized as filler in between scenes in a movie or television program. B-roll may be found almost anywhere!

In this article, you will learn about two main kinds of B-rolls and the steps to edit them on Wondershare Filmora . Stick with us to the end Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Part 2. Two Types of B-rolls: Explanation Video B-rolls

When recording any explanatory video, the audience may leave it in the middle of a video if a character explains without any visual representation. When explaining something new, showing the object in B-roll can be more effective than just verbally explaining what the audience is seeing.

Let’s take the video we made about microphones as an example. Instead of just verbally introduce the various mics, we inserted B-roll footage to display what they look like and how they can be used. The combination of the visual footage and the background voiceover presents the mic in a more vivid way. Also, it keeps the audience’s attention.

explanation b roll of microphone

Goal of the explanation B-roll video

The main goal of this type of B-roll is to show your audience what you are talking about instead of just telling them in a dull way.

Part 3. How to Edit Explanation B-roll Footage on Filmora?

After getting the footage and recording shots for B-roll videos, you need to edit it on the Wondershare Filmora. For this, follow the below-mentioned steps:

Step1Download the Wondershare Filmora

There is no need to do any complex process for editing on any platform. Because we have one platform on which every tool is available.

  • First of all, you have to download the Wondershare Filmora .
  • Then get access to the entire features.

The premium version has new features and effects plugins that make editing more filmy and fun!

Step2Stock media in Filmora

After downloading, it’s time to edit the B-roll video. If you can’t film your own B-roll, you can use stock footage but make sure you have the license to use them.

Filmora has a unique “stock media” option that enables us to use all these elements and more to boost our videos! To add stock media, follow the below steps:

  • Open the app or window of Filmora, which you have installed.
  • Head towards the tab on the top right side.
  • Then click on the Stock Media option and open it.
  • A long list of stock videos and images will pop up.

stock media of filmora

  • Select whatever you want, and download it.
  • Then drag and drop it in the timeline and insert it between your video.


Note: Only premium customers will get access to the stock media of the Wondershare Filmora.

Step3Add B-roll in between the main video

The most difficult and frequent asking situation is how you know when to cut to B-roll. To get to know when to insert B-roll, follow the following steps:

  • Watch your edits back and check out where you need.
  • Sense about the dull and complex points and cut the main video from there.
  • The points can be easily fixed with visual aids.

complex and dull points in the primary video

Part 4. Two Types of B-rolls: Storytelling Video B-rolls

During the creation of short films or any storytelling videos, if a person sits and speaks without showing any character or anything else, it will turn boring. Due to this, you have more chances to lose your audience and viewers.

In visual storytelling, if you will insert more clips with close shots, it will make the environment cool. The crazy thing is that you can make mimic shots easily at home by utilizing household objects. Let’s check out one of the examples.

Example 1. Film B-roll footage with food

So let’s add some b-roll to give it more context even if you have a master shot of yourself looking off frame alone.

Step1Write a script

Before making any video, the first step is to write a script for the whole video. If you will have more than two characters, then make dialogues for everyone and practice it again and again to give a fascinating look.

Then speak to your audience, make sure that what you are speaking is vivid and make everything simple and crystal clear.

Step2Shot a primary video

First of all, make a primary video according to your script by implementing a camera at one side, or you can also change the angle of the camera lens during shooting to have a look from all sides.

primary footage of a video

As you can see that it’s kind of boring for the audience, but we will make it more unique by implementing closer shots. For this, follow the last step:

Step3Make B-roll shots

Make closer shots of things which the character have to select and pick up. Check out two B-roll shots for the main video:

  • First, make a closer shot of the object (Snacks) that the character is noticing prior.

b roll footage number 1

  • Second, create more intimate footage of the second object (Banana) which the character will select and grab.

b roll footage number 2

Step4Edit both B-roll footages in Main Video

Now, in the last, insert the B-roll footage in between the primary video from the Filmora and get your results. Enjoy it with your viewers!

final video after adding b roll footage

Now experiment at home with more daily life activities and create all on Filmora. Check out one more example to create B-roll footage!

Example 2. Make B-roll shots with a cardboard

Try using readily accessible cardboard to create light effects in different shapes and give the film a fantastical place. These methods frequently produce artistic videos that transmit unique moods to viewers.

Only experienced photographers and videographers understand how to use these fundamental tricks to gain viewers into the photos.

The intriguing thing is that if the light is more shaped, it will more accurately reflect the image’s background, setting, and context. Try it out!

Step1Cut the cardboard

You may shape the cardboard any way you desire. We’ll experiment with this by cutting cardboard into the shape of window shades.

make shapes of the cardboard

Step2Make B-roll footage

Create B-roll footage by moving the cardboard around the light source after giving it shape. The person appears to be seated close to the window and conveys aesthetic vibrancy.

final result of b roll footage

Now, use this B-roll footage in your video and give it a more professional look. The more creative you are, the more audience will attract to you.


Making B-roll shots is creative and fun! You can make all the footage at home by following easy steps. Try out different ones to make your video viral and boost the target audience!

You can easily use Wondershare Filmora during editing and their stock media to save your time in video making. Share your hacks with your audience to get more experience Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Part 2. Two Types of B-rolls: Explanation Video B-rolls

When recording any explanatory video, the audience may leave it in the middle of a video if a character explains without any visual representation. When explaining something new, showing the object in B-roll can be more effective than just verbally explaining what the audience is seeing.

Let’s take the video we made about microphones as an example. Instead of just verbally introduce the various mics, we inserted B-roll footage to display what they look like and how they can be used. The combination of the visual footage and the background voiceover presents the mic in a more vivid way. Also, it keeps the audience’s attention.

explanation b roll of microphone

Goal of the explanation B-roll video

The main goal of this type of B-roll is to show your audience what you are talking about instead of just telling them in a dull way.

Part 3. How to Edit Explanation B-roll Footage on Filmora?

After getting the footage and recording shots for B-roll videos, you need to edit it on the Wondershare Filmora. For this, follow the below-mentioned steps:

Step1Download the Wondershare Filmora

There is no need to do any complex process for editing on any platform. Because we have one platform on which every tool is available.

  • First of all, you have to download the Wondershare Filmora .
  • Then get access to the entire features.

The premium version has new features and effects plugins that make editing more filmy and fun!

Step2Stock media in Filmora

After downloading, it’s time to edit the B-roll video. If you can’t film your own B-roll, you can use stock footage but make sure you have the license to use them.

Filmora has a unique “stock media” option that enables us to use all these elements and more to boost our videos! To add stock media, follow the below steps:

  • Open the app or window of Filmora, which you have installed.
  • Head towards the tab on the top right side.
  • Then click on the Stock Media option and open it.
  • A long list of stock videos and images will pop up.

stock media of filmora

  • Select whatever you want, and download it.
  • Then drag and drop it in the timeline and insert it between your video.


Note: Only premium customers will get access to the stock media of the Wondershare Filmora.

Step3Add B-roll in between the main video

The most difficult and frequent asking situation is how you know when to cut to B-roll. To get to know when to insert B-roll, follow the following steps:

  • Watch your edits back and check out where you need.
  • Sense about the dull and complex points and cut the main video from there.
  • The points can be easily fixed with visual aids.

complex and dull points in the primary video

Part 4. Two Types of B-rolls: Storytelling Video B-rolls

During the creation of short films or any storytelling videos, if a person sits and speaks without showing any character or anything else, it will turn boring. Due to this, you have more chances to lose your audience and viewers.

In visual storytelling, if you will insert more clips with close shots, it will make the environment cool. The crazy thing is that you can make mimic shots easily at home by utilizing household objects. Let’s check out one of the examples.

Example 1. Film B-roll footage with food

So let’s add some b-roll to give it more context even if you have a master shot of yourself looking off frame alone.

Step1Write a script

Before making any video, the first step is to write a script for the whole video. If you will have more than two characters, then make dialogues for everyone and practice it again and again to give a fascinating look.

Then speak to your audience, make sure that what you are speaking is vivid and make everything simple and crystal clear.

Step2Shot a primary video

First of all, make a primary video according to your script by implementing a camera at one side, or you can also change the angle of the camera lens during shooting to have a look from all sides.

primary footage of a video

As you can see that it’s kind of boring for the audience, but we will make it more unique by implementing closer shots. For this, follow the last step:

Step3Make B-roll shots

Make closer shots of things which the character have to select and pick up. Check out two B-roll shots for the main video:

  • First, make a closer shot of the object (Snacks) that the character is noticing prior.

b roll footage number 1

  • Second, create more intimate footage of the second object (Banana) which the character will select and grab.

b roll footage number 2

Step4Edit both B-roll footages in Main Video

Now, in the last, insert the B-roll footage in between the primary video from the Filmora and get your results. Enjoy it with your viewers!

final video after adding b roll footage

Now experiment at home with more daily life activities and create all on Filmora. Check out one more example to create B-roll footage!

Example 2. Make B-roll shots with a cardboard

Try using readily accessible cardboard to create light effects in different shapes and give the film a fantastical place. These methods frequently produce artistic videos that transmit unique moods to viewers.

Only experienced photographers and videographers understand how to use these fundamental tricks to gain viewers into the photos.

The intriguing thing is that if the light is more shaped, it will more accurately reflect the image’s background, setting, and context. Try it out!

Step1Cut the cardboard

You may shape the cardboard any way you desire. We’ll experiment with this by cutting cardboard into the shape of window shades.

make shapes of the cardboard

Step2Make B-roll footage

Create B-roll footage by moving the cardboard around the light source after giving it shape. The person appears to be seated close to the window and conveys aesthetic vibrancy.

final result of b roll footage

Now, use this B-roll footage in your video and give it a more professional look. The more creative you are, the more audience will attract to you.


Making B-roll shots is creative and fun! You can make all the footage at home by following easy steps. Try out different ones to make your video viral and boost the target audience!

You can easily use Wondershare Filmora during editing and their stock media to save your time in video making. Share your hacks with your audience to get more experience!

How to Create a Clideo Slideshow

How to Create a Clideo Slideshow

An easy yet powerful editor

Numerous effects to choose from

Detailed tutorials provided by the official channel

Try It Free Try It Free

A clideo slideshow is an interesting trend of precise content delivery. Stay here to understand the working essentials of creating Clideo presentations with utmost ease!

In this article

01 [How Do You Make a Slideshow on Clideo?](#Part 1)

02 [Best 5 Tip to Make a Slideshow with Music](#Part 2)

03 [How to Make a Photo Slideshow on Mac?](#Part 3)

Part 1 How Do You Make a Slideshow on Clideo?

Deciding to create slideshow presentations for a graphic design oriented personal or professional concern lands you across a plethora of choices in the IT market in the shape of high end application software program and tools. No doubt, these are leaders in their task; however, the online slideshow makers available across the web are no less.

Paying attention to the same, let us focus our discussion on how does the Clideo slideshow maker tool work to adhere the aforesaid concern. Talking a bit about the credibility of the online program, the tool grants you the flexibility of creating amazing slideshow movies and presentations from images, video clips and recordings, while allowing you to complement the same with the most upbeat and suitable background music.

Additional appeals of the online include the latter’s free availability and extensive device compatibility to work affordably well with all your Windows and MacOS supported desktops, laptops and PCs, along with Android and iOS compatible smartphones and tablets. All you need is an internet connection to launch the tool in your favorite web browser and that’s how you can step into the creation process right away.

Let us now look through the process of creating slideshows in the Clideo tool using a set of still images in the following section:

Step 1: Launch the Tool

Start with navigating to the official Clideo website in any of your preferred web browsers and launch the online slideshow maker tool in your device.

Clideo Online Slideshow Creator

Step 2: Upload Image Files

The tool’s launch screen displays the ‘Choose Files’ tab in blue, which you can click on to upload the desired image files to the Clideo timeline while selecting them from your device gallery. To select and upload images from your Dropbox or Google Drive accounts, click on the ‘Upside Arrow’ in the ‘Choose Files’ tab.

Clideo Online Slideshow Creator- Media Upload Interface

The tool supports a decent variety of image formats to work with, like, JPG, JPEG, PNG, GIF, TIFF, etc., thus letting you escape the notch of sticking to a specific file format. You can also choose to either upload the image files all at once, or add them at a later stage, as per your requirement.

Step 3: Let’s Get Creating!

Once the selected images get uploaded on the editor timeline of the tool, you can preview them in the editor workspace. You can change the sequence of appearance of the images by dragging and dropping their thumbnails at respective places within the editor timeline or delete them by selecting the image and clicking the ‘X’ symbol.

You can additionally, choose to add extra clips by tapping the ‘Add More Videos’ option in the timeline. As an alternative, navigate to the panel at the right and hit the ‘Add More Files’ button at the top.

Clideo Online Slideshow Creator- Editor Timeline and Workspace

Step 4: Crop the Media Files

Below the ‘Add More Files’ option in the right panel, you can see the ‘Crop Options’ tab. You can work with the crop tool to adjust the size of the added videos and images so that they fit in the borders of the media frames. You are further allowed to select a suitable aspect ratio and zoom the media files in and out to obtain the affordable screen size. This would come handy when you proceed to share your slideshow across various media platforms, like, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, etc., each of which has a different screen resolution and size.

Clideo Online Slideshow Creator- Media Crop Options

Step 5: Time Your Slides

You can decide play duration for your media files by navigating to the same right panel and hitting the ‘Image Duration’ tab and setting the required parameters in the dropdown list that appears next. Here, you can adjust the time settings of the images in your slideshow presentations, however, the video play durations are preset and you are not allowed to change them. If you wish to have a smooth play of the presentation slides, do not forget to tick the ‘Crossfade’ checkbox.

Clideo Online Slideshow Creator- Image Play Duration Setting

Step 6: Add a Suitable Background Music

The last one in the right panel is the ‘Add Audio’ option which you can use to supplement your presentation with the coolest and the most suitable background music. All you need to do is, hit the aforesaid tab and browse through your device’s media gallery to select an audio file of your choice. To add a music file that’s belongs to your online storage, click on the ‘Upside Arrow’ in the tab and proceed to make a selection or add a link of the desired audio file.

Clideo Online Slideshow Creator- Adding Background Music

Once you have added the track, you are permitted to trim, adjust volume settings and loop the track if required under the ‘Audio Options’ tab.

Clideo Online Slideshow Creator- ‘Audio Options’ Window

Step 7: Duration, Size and Format Adjustments

Navigate to the left side ‘Options Panel’ at the bottom of the editor workspace, where you can set the different parameters of your slideshow size and run time. You can also choose to generate the output presentation in a specific file format if required, using the ‘Format Picker’ tool. When you are satisfied with everything, reach to and hit the ‘Export’ button at the extreme right.

Clideo Online Slideshow Creator- ‘Format Picker’ Tool

Step 8: Save Your Creation

Completion of Step 7 will take you to the ‘Slideshow Save’ interface of the video editor tool. Here, you can preview your slideshow and save it to your device if everything seems fine. To save your output file, click on the ‘Download’ tab. If however, you need to make any further changes to the presentation, hit the ‘Edit’ tab to get directed back to the editor workspace.

Clideo Online Slideshow Creator- Slideshow ‘Preview and Save’ Interface

Part 2 Best 5 Tip to Make a Slideshow with Music

While the visual elements count to be the major attractions of a slideshow presentation, subtle background music can work to bind the audience with the rhythm and flow of the presentation. Having learnt about the fundamentals of creating over the top slideshows with Clideo, let us move ahead with working on some of the best tips to complement your already awesome graphic slideshow artwork with the most appealing audio in the following section:

01Select a Royalty Free Music Plan

Adding suitable background music can uplift the appeal of your slideshow presentation to greater extents. While most of the slideshow creator programs available today are equipped with extensive varieties of inbuilt audio for visibly any presentation setting, you can also opt to choose your own music plan in case you don’t get anything specific.

However, you do need to take care of certain factors when deciding on your music plan, most importantly, the pricing concerns. Go for selecting a royalty free, unlimited audio license via an affordable paid subscription from recognized and leading music hubs and online audio websites.

When looking through the diversity of music options available on any audio website, do not forget to pay attention to the user and website recommended playlists and music categories. These tend to have a collection of the most preferred audio choices and there are high chances of you getting your exact music piece from within these playlists.

You can further, refine your search within these categories by setting filters of genre and style, in case you have a clear idea of what you exactly need, thus rescuing you from the hustle of browsing through a never ending list of audio files.

Recommended Audio Choices

03Synchronize the Slideshow Music and the Contents

The credibility of your background audio lies in adding additional spark and integrity to the stills and videos of the presentation. When selecting the music elements for your slideshow, make sure that your choices are well in accordance with the content and mood of your creation. The most important aspect here is that the music you choose to add should complement the story being depicted, while captivating the viewer’s attention.

Avoid choosing a random audio just because you have heard a buzz of the same on popular platforms or a peer recommendation, lest the contents and background score of your presentation may take opposite paths and disrupt the information flow, while resulting in a distracted audience. To escape the hustle, you may seek help from the diversity of stock audio websites for a keyword and category oriented music search.

If you are interested in adding depth to your background audio, consider using the stem files of a selected song to obtain the latter’s instrumental note recordings. This will help to add a unique layer to the song, while uplifting its mood to a different level.

Selecting the Appropriate Background Music

04Curate and Test

When you are done with creating the perfect soundtrack for your presentation with the choicest of music, proceed to narrow down your list to a finer selection via curating the elements of the soundtrack. All you need to do is, add each track to the presentation elements, while taking care that every inclusion matches with the content it is supposed to complement.

Take care to restrict your choices in line with the length of the slideshow; else you may end up stuffing the footage with too many music pieces, leading to a miscoordinated arrangement. Check if you need just a single song or a complete soundtrack.

Slideshow Curating and Testing

Sound Proof the Final Selection

When you are happy with your work, move ahead with running a mock slideshow to have an assurance of everything being at its respective place. Take note of the music flow to be in cohesion with the other elements of the presentation, check the audio quality, resolution, etc., properties and make changes where necessary. When all seems well, you are ready to share your Clideo slideshow with friends and family on social media handles and communities.

Part 3 How to Make a Photo Slideshow on Mac?

Creating a slideshow is among the most recent trends of infotainment and content sharing. Talking of the creation tools, while most of them turn to be platform specific, others tend to have limitless device compatibility. The Clideo Slideshow maker online tool is one such utility that allows you to design slideshow presentations on any device of your exclusive preference.

Having said that, let us try hands at understanding the slideshow creation process of the aforesaid tool on a MacOs supported device in the following section:

Step 1: Launch the Clideo Online Tool

In any of your preferred Mac supported device, navigate to the home site of the Clideo slideshow maker tool using your desired web browser and move ahead with launching the same in your system.

Clideo Online Slideshow Creator for Mac

Step 2: Upload Your Media

In the aforesaid slideshow maker’s opening interface, click on the ‘Choose Files’ tab to select and add the required media files from your Mac device’s local gallery. You can also opt for a ‘Drag and Drop’ of the desired files from your system to the tool’s editor workspace. However, if you wish to make an upload from your online storage accounts like that of Google Drive or Dropbox, hover to the ‘Upside Arrow within the ‘Choose Files’ tab.

Clideo Online Slideshow Creator for Mac- Media Selection Choices

Step 3: Adding Extra Files

If you want to add some more media files to the slideshow, navigate to the ‘Options Panel’ to the right of the editing workspace and click on ‘Add More Files’ at the top. Repeat Step 1 here to upload the image and video files in a similar way. Once finished, you can proceed to change the file sequence, delete any unwanted selection or click on ‘Add More Videos’ in the timeline to directly add more video files to your presentation.

Clideo Online Slideshow Creator for Mac- Adding More Media Files

Step 4: Crop Your Selections

The left side ‘Options Panel’ further consists of ‘Crop Options’ from where you can adjust the size of your images and videos to a particular aspect ratio, or fit them to a custom screen size using the ‘Crop and Zoom’ option. To add borders to the sides of your slideshow images, click on the ‘Fit With Border’ option.

Clideo Online Slideshow Creator for Mac- Media Crop Options

Step 5: Play Duration Adjustments

Below the ‘Crop Options’, lies the ‘Image Duration’ tab, which you can click on to set the time frames of at will be applicable to all the media files. Also, click within the ‘Crossfade’ checkbox to ensure a seamless transition between successive slides.

Clideo Online Slideshow Creator for Mac- Media Play Duration Adjustments

Step 6: Add a Background Audio

Once again, navigate to the left side ‘Options Panel’ and tap the ‘Add Audio’ tab at the bottom to upload the desired audio files from your system to the editor timeline. You can also add music files from your online storage accounts, such as, Dropbox, Google Drive, etc.

Clideo Online Slideshow Creator for Mac- ‘Add Audio’ Tab

To extract a piece of the audio for slideshow inclusion, click on the ‘Trim Audio’ tab under ‘Audio Options’. You can now select the desired audio fragment either by adjusting the yellow markers at the ends of the music clip, or specify the time stamps of the required fragment in the respective fields. The volume adjustments for both audio as well as video tracks can be made using the ‘Volume Bars’ icon.

Clideo Online Slideshow Creator for Mac- Audio Customization Panel

Step 7: Output Format Selection and Export

Navigate to the format options beneath the editor timeline to select a desired output format for your slideshow. You can choose from MOV, API, MKV, MP4, WMV, and a number of other file formats. When you are happy with your work, navigate to and tap the ‘Export’ button at the extreme right corner of the editor workspace.

Clideo Online Slideshow Creator for Mac- Output Format Selection

Step 8: Preview and Download Your Presentation

When you are done with everything, move ahead to watch a preview of your work to ascertain that all the aspects of the slideshow are just perfect. If you need to add further changes, hit the ‘Edit’ tab to head back to the editing workspace. In an otherwsise case, proceed to tap the ‘Download’ button for saving the slideshow either to your device gallery or an online storage account.

Clideo Online Slideshow Creator for Mac- Presentation ‘Preview and
        Download’ Interface

Designing Stunning Slideshow Presentataions in Filmora

When browsing through reliable software alternatiaves ez start your slideshow creation streak, picking any member of the Wondershare Filmora Video Editor franchise would indeed be a smart choice, owing tso the fact that, the aforesaid program promises to adhere to the most specificuser needs and the large scale disverity in creator preferences.

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

Diving into the feature rich library of the software, you get to access a plethora of preset and custsomizable audio-visual effects, transitions, filters, background themes and templates; and a huge storehouse of additional elements, that are all set to add the jaw dropping spark to your otherwise customary slideshows.

The later versions of the editor program are upgraged to include a divserity of high end editing effects, like the Green Screen and AI based transitions that wosrk towards delivering a high quality professional slideshow output to enure an auadience appraisal that is simply wow!

Ending Thoughts

The Clideo slideshow maker tool is anexcellent choice to design over the top slideshow presentations on an online platform.

> Using Clideo, you can choose to create slideshows on any of your preferred devices, like, Mac, Windows, etc.

If you are interested in looking for additional alternatives of slideshow creator software, the Wondershare Filmora franchise is something to count upon.

Try It Free Try It Free

A clideo slideshow is an interesting trend of precise content delivery. Stay here to understand the working essentials of creating Clideo presentations with utmost ease!

In this article

01 [How Do You Make a Slideshow on Clideo?](#Part 1)

02 [Best 5 Tip to Make a Slideshow with Music](#Part 2)

03 [How to Make a Photo Slideshow on Mac?](#Part 3)

Part 1 How Do You Make a Slideshow on Clideo?

Deciding to create slideshow presentations for a graphic design oriented personal or professional concern lands you across a plethora of choices in the IT market in the shape of high end application software program and tools. No doubt, these are leaders in their task; however, the online slideshow makers available across the web are no less.

Paying attention to the same, let us focus our discussion on how does the Clideo slideshow maker tool work to adhere the aforesaid concern. Talking a bit about the credibility of the online program, the tool grants you the flexibility of creating amazing slideshow movies and presentations from images, video clips and recordings, while allowing you to complement the same with the most upbeat and suitable background music.

Additional appeals of the online include the latter’s free availability and extensive device compatibility to work affordably well with all your Windows and MacOS supported desktops, laptops and PCs, along with Android and iOS compatible smartphones and tablets. All you need is an internet connection to launch the tool in your favorite web browser and that’s how you can step into the creation process right away.

Let us now look through the process of creating slideshows in the Clideo tool using a set of still images in the following section:

Step 1: Launch the Tool

Start with navigating to the official Clideo website in any of your preferred web browsers and launch the online slideshow maker tool in your device.

Clideo Online Slideshow Creator

Step 2: Upload Image Files

The tool’s launch screen displays the ‘Choose Files’ tab in blue, which you can click on to upload the desired image files to the Clideo timeline while selecting them from your device gallery. To select and upload images from your Dropbox or Google Drive accounts, click on the ‘Upside Arrow’ in the ‘Choose Files’ tab.

Clideo Online Slideshow Creator- Media Upload Interface

The tool supports a decent variety of image formats to work with, like, JPG, JPEG, PNG, GIF, TIFF, etc., thus letting you escape the notch of sticking to a specific file format. You can also choose to either upload the image files all at once, or add them at a later stage, as per your requirement.

Step 3: Let’s Get Creating!

Once the selected images get uploaded on the editor timeline of the tool, you can preview them in the editor workspace. You can change the sequence of appearance of the images by dragging and dropping their thumbnails at respective places within the editor timeline or delete them by selecting the image and clicking the ‘X’ symbol.

You can additionally, choose to add extra clips by tapping the ‘Add More Videos’ option in the timeline. As an alternative, navigate to the panel at the right and hit the ‘Add More Files’ button at the top.

Clideo Online Slideshow Creator- Editor Timeline and Workspace

Step 4: Crop the Media Files

Below the ‘Add More Files’ option in the right panel, you can see the ‘Crop Options’ tab. You can work with the crop tool to adjust the size of the added videos and images so that they fit in the borders of the media frames. You are further allowed to select a suitable aspect ratio and zoom the media files in and out to obtain the affordable screen size. This would come handy when you proceed to share your slideshow across various media platforms, like, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, etc., each of which has a different screen resolution and size.

Clideo Online Slideshow Creator- Media Crop Options

Step 5: Time Your Slides

You can decide play duration for your media files by navigating to the same right panel and hitting the ‘Image Duration’ tab and setting the required parameters in the dropdown list that appears next. Here, you can adjust the time settings of the images in your slideshow presentations, however, the video play durations are preset and you are not allowed to change them. If you wish to have a smooth play of the presentation slides, do not forget to tick the ‘Crossfade’ checkbox.

Clideo Online Slideshow Creator- Image Play Duration Setting

Step 6: Add a Suitable Background Music

The last one in the right panel is the ‘Add Audio’ option which you can use to supplement your presentation with the coolest and the most suitable background music. All you need to do is, hit the aforesaid tab and browse through your device’s media gallery to select an audio file of your choice. To add a music file that’s belongs to your online storage, click on the ‘Upside Arrow’ in the tab and proceed to make a selection or add a link of the desired audio file.

Clideo Online Slideshow Creator- Adding Background Music

Once you have added the track, you are permitted to trim, adjust volume settings and loop the track if required under the ‘Audio Options’ tab.

Clideo Online Slideshow Creator- ‘Audio Options’ Window

Step 7: Duration, Size and Format Adjustments

Navigate to the left side ‘Options Panel’ at the bottom of the editor workspace, where you can set the different parameters of your slideshow size and run time. You can also choose to generate the output presentation in a specific file format if required, using the ‘Format Picker’ tool. When you are satisfied with everything, reach to and hit the ‘Export’ button at the extreme right.

Clideo Online Slideshow Creator- ‘Format Picker’ Tool

Step 8: Save Your Creation

Completion of Step 7 will take you to the ‘Slideshow Save’ interface of the video editor tool. Here, you can preview your slideshow and save it to your device if everything seems fine. To save your output file, click on the ‘Download’ tab. If however, you need to make any further changes to the presentation, hit the ‘Edit’ tab to get directed back to the editor workspace.

Clideo Online Slideshow Creator- Slideshow ‘Preview and Save’ Interface

Part 2 Best 5 Tip to Make a Slideshow with Music

While the visual elements count to be the major attractions of a slideshow presentation, subtle background music can work to bind the audience with the rhythm and flow of the presentation. Having learnt about the fundamentals of creating over the top slideshows with Clideo, let us move ahead with working on some of the best tips to complement your already awesome graphic slideshow artwork with the most appealing audio in the following section:

01Select a Royalty Free Music Plan

Adding suitable background music can uplift the appeal of your slideshow presentation to greater extents. While most of the slideshow creator programs available today are equipped with extensive varieties of inbuilt audio for visibly any presentation setting, you can also opt to choose your own music plan in case you don’t get anything specific.

However, you do need to take care of certain factors when deciding on your music plan, most importantly, the pricing concerns. Go for selecting a royalty free, unlimited audio license via an affordable paid subscription from recognized and leading music hubs and online audio websites.

When looking through the diversity of music options available on any audio website, do not forget to pay attention to the user and website recommended playlists and music categories. These tend to have a collection of the most preferred audio choices and there are high chances of you getting your exact music piece from within these playlists.

You can further, refine your search within these categories by setting filters of genre and style, in case you have a clear idea of what you exactly need, thus rescuing you from the hustle of browsing through a never ending list of audio files.

Recommended Audio Choices

03Synchronize the Slideshow Music and the Contents

The credibility of your background audio lies in adding additional spark and integrity to the stills and videos of the presentation. When selecting the music elements for your slideshow, make sure that your choices are well in accordance with the content and mood of your creation. The most important aspect here is that the music you choose to add should complement the story being depicted, while captivating the viewer’s attention.

Avoid choosing a random audio just because you have heard a buzz of the same on popular platforms or a peer recommendation, lest the contents and background score of your presentation may take opposite paths and disrupt the information flow, while resulting in a distracted audience. To escape the hustle, you may seek help from the diversity of stock audio websites for a keyword and category oriented music search.

If you are interested in adding depth to your background audio, consider using the stem files of a selected song to obtain the latter’s instrumental note recordings. This will help to add a unique layer to the song, while uplifting its mood to a different level.

Selecting the Appropriate Background Music

04Curate and Test

When you are done with creating the perfect soundtrack for your presentation with the choicest of music, proceed to narrow down your list to a finer selection via curating the elements of the soundtrack. All you need to do is, add each track to the presentation elements, while taking care that every inclusion matches with the content it is supposed to complement.

Take care to restrict your choices in line with the length of the slideshow; else you may end up stuffing the footage with too many music pieces, leading to a miscoordinated arrangement. Check if you need just a single song or a complete soundtrack.

Slideshow Curating and Testing

Sound Proof the Final Selection

When you are happy with your work, move ahead with running a mock slideshow to have an assurance of everything being at its respective place. Take note of the music flow to be in cohesion with the other elements of the presentation, check the audio quality, resolution, etc., properties and make changes where necessary. When all seems well, you are ready to share your Clideo slideshow with friends and family on social media handles and communities.

Part 3 How to Make a Photo Slideshow on Mac?

Creating a slideshow is among the most recent trends of infotainment and content sharing. Talking of the creation tools, while most of them turn to be platform specific, others tend to have limitless device compatibility. The Clideo Slideshow maker online tool is one such utility that allows you to design slideshow presentations on any device of your exclusive preference.

Having said that, let us try hands at understanding the slideshow creation process of the aforesaid tool on a MacOs supported device in the following section:

Step 1: Launch the Clideo Online Tool

In any of your preferred Mac supported device, navigate to the home site of the Clideo slideshow maker tool using your desired web browser and move ahead with launching the same in your system.

Clideo Online Slideshow Creator for Mac

Step 2: Upload Your Media

In the aforesaid slideshow maker’s opening interface, click on the ‘Choose Files’ tab to select and add the required media files from your Mac device’s local gallery. You can also opt for a ‘Drag and Drop’ of the desired files from your system to the tool’s editor workspace. However, if you wish to make an upload from your online storage accounts like that of Google Drive or Dropbox, hover to the ‘Upside Arrow within the ‘Choose Files’ tab.

Clideo Online Slideshow Creator for Mac- Media Selection Choices

Step 3: Adding Extra Files

If you want to add some more media files to the slideshow, navigate to the ‘Options Panel’ to the right of the editing workspace and click on ‘Add More Files’ at the top. Repeat Step 1 here to upload the image and video files in a similar way. Once finished, you can proceed to change the file sequence, delete any unwanted selection or click on ‘Add More Videos’ in the timeline to directly add more video files to your presentation.

Clideo Online Slideshow Creator for Mac- Adding More Media Files

Step 4: Crop Your Selections

The left side ‘Options Panel’ further consists of ‘Crop Options’ from where you can adjust the size of your images and videos to a particular aspect ratio, or fit them to a custom screen size using the ‘Crop and Zoom’ option. To add borders to the sides of your slideshow images, click on the ‘Fit With Border’ option.

Clideo Online Slideshow Creator for Mac- Media Crop Options

Step 5: Play Duration Adjustments

Below the ‘Crop Options’, lies the ‘Image Duration’ tab, which you can click on to set the time frames of at will be applicable to all the media files. Also, click within the ‘Crossfade’ checkbox to ensure a seamless transition between successive slides.

Clideo Online Slideshow Creator for Mac- Media Play Duration Adjustments

Step 6: Add a Background Audio

Once again, navigate to the left side ‘Options Panel’ and tap the ‘Add Audio’ tab at the bottom to upload the desired audio files from your system to the editor timeline. You can also add music files from your online storage accounts, such as, Dropbox, Google Drive, etc.

Clideo Online Slideshow Creator for Mac- ‘Add Audio’ Tab

To extract a piece of the audio for slideshow inclusion, click on the ‘Trim Audio’ tab under ‘Audio Options’. You can now select the desired audio fragment either by adjusting the yellow markers at the ends of the music clip, or specify the time stamps of the required fragment in the respective fields. The volume adjustments for both audio as well as video tracks can be made using the ‘Volume Bars’ icon.

Clideo Online Slideshow Creator for Mac- Audio Customization Panel

Step 7: Output Format Selection and Export

Navigate to the format options beneath the editor timeline to select a desired output format for your slideshow. You can choose from MOV, API, MKV, MP4, WMV, and a number of other file formats. When you are happy with your work, navigate to and tap the ‘Export’ button at the extreme right corner of the editor workspace.

Clideo Online Slideshow Creator for Mac- Output Format Selection

Step 8: Preview and Download Your Presentation

When you are done with everything, move ahead to watch a preview of your work to ascertain that all the aspects of the slideshow are just perfect. If you need to add further changes, hit the ‘Edit’ tab to head back to the editing workspace. In an otherwsise case, proceed to tap the ‘Download’ button for saving the slideshow either to your device gallery or an online storage account.

Clideo Online Slideshow Creator for Mac- Presentation ‘Preview and
        Download’ Interface

Designing Stunning Slideshow Presentataions in Filmora

When browsing through reliable software alternatiaves ez start your slideshow creation streak, picking any member of the Wondershare Filmora Video Editor franchise would indeed be a smart choice, owing tso the fact that, the aforesaid program promises to adhere to the most specificuser needs and the large scale disverity in creator preferences.

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

Diving into the feature rich library of the software, you get to access a plethora of preset and custsomizable audio-visual effects, transitions, filters, background themes and templates; and a huge storehouse of additional elements, that are all set to add the jaw dropping spark to your otherwise customary slideshows.

The later versions of the editor program are upgraged to include a divserity of high end editing effects, like the Green Screen and AI based transitions that wosrk towards delivering a high quality professional slideshow output to enure an auadience appraisal that is simply wow!

Ending Thoughts

The Clideo slideshow maker tool is anexcellent choice to design over the top slideshow presentations on an online platform.

> Using Clideo, you can choose to create slideshows on any of your preferred devices, like, Mac, Windows, etc.

If you are interested in looking for additional alternatives of slideshow creator software, the Wondershare Filmora franchise is something to count upon.

Try It Free Try It Free

A clideo slideshow is an interesting trend of precise content delivery. Stay here to understand the working essentials of creating Clideo presentations with utmost ease!

In this article

01 [How Do You Make a Slideshow on Clideo?](#Part 1)

02 [Best 5 Tip to Make a Slideshow with Music](#Part 2)

03 [How to Make a Photo Slideshow on Mac?](#Part 3)

Part 1 How Do You Make a Slideshow on Clideo?

Deciding to create slideshow presentations for a graphic design oriented personal or professional concern lands you across a plethora of choices in the IT market in the shape of high end application software program and tools. No doubt, these are leaders in their task; however, the online slideshow makers available across the web are no less.

Paying attention to the same, let us focus our discussion on how does the Clideo slideshow maker tool work to adhere the aforesaid concern. Talking a bit about the credibility of the online program, the tool grants you the flexibility of creating amazing slideshow movies and presentations from images, video clips and recordings, while allowing you to complement the same with the most upbeat and suitable background music.

Additional appeals of the online include the latter’s free availability and extensive device compatibility to work affordably well with all your Windows and MacOS supported desktops, laptops and PCs, along with Android and iOS compatible smartphones and tablets. All you need is an internet connection to launch the tool in your favorite web browser and that’s how you can step into the creation process right away.

Let us now look through the process of creating slideshows in the Clideo tool using a set of still images in the following section:

Step 1: Launch the Tool

Start with navigating to the official Clideo website in any of your preferred web browsers and launch the online slideshow maker tool in your device.

Clideo Online Slideshow Creator

Step 2: Upload Image Files

The tool’s launch screen displays the ‘Choose Files’ tab in blue, which you can click on to upload the desired image files to the Clideo timeline while selecting them from your device gallery. To select and upload images from your Dropbox or Google Drive accounts, click on the ‘Upside Arrow’ in the ‘Choose Files’ tab.

Clideo Online Slideshow Creator- Media Upload Interface

The tool supports a decent variety of image formats to work with, like, JPG, JPEG, PNG, GIF, TIFF, etc., thus letting you escape the notch of sticking to a specific file format. You can also choose to either upload the image files all at once, or add them at a later stage, as per your requirement.

Step 3: Let’s Get Creating!

Once the selected images get uploaded on the editor timeline of the tool, you can preview them in the editor workspace. You can change the sequence of appearance of the images by dragging and dropping their thumbnails at respective places within the editor timeline or delete them by selecting the image and clicking the ‘X’ symbol.

You can additionally, choose to add extra clips by tapping the ‘Add More Videos’ option in the timeline. As an alternative, navigate to the panel at the right and hit the ‘Add More Files’ button at the top.

Clideo Online Slideshow Creator- Editor Timeline and Workspace

Step 4: Crop the Media Files

Below the ‘Add More Files’ option in the right panel, you can see the ‘Crop Options’ tab. You can work with the crop tool to adjust the size of the added videos and images so that they fit in the borders of the media frames. You are further allowed to select a suitable aspect ratio and zoom the media files in and out to obtain the affordable screen size. This would come handy when you proceed to share your slideshow across various media platforms, like, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, etc., each of which has a different screen resolution and size.

Clideo Online Slideshow Creator- Media Crop Options

Step 5: Time Your Slides

You can decide play duration for your media files by navigating to the same right panel and hitting the ‘Image Duration’ tab and setting the required parameters in the dropdown list that appears next. Here, you can adjust the time settings of the images in your slideshow presentations, however, the video play durations are preset and you are not allowed to change them. If you wish to have a smooth play of the presentation slides, do not forget to tick the ‘Crossfade’ checkbox.

Clideo Online Slideshow Creator- Image Play Duration Setting

Step 6: Add a Suitable Background Music

The last one in the right panel is the ‘Add Audio’ option which you can use to supplement your presentation with the coolest and the most suitable background music. All you need to do is, hit the aforesaid tab and browse through your device’s media gallery to select an audio file of your choice. To add a music file that’s belongs to your online storage, click on the ‘Upside Arrow’ in the tab and proceed to make a selection or add a link of the desired audio file.

Clideo Online Slideshow Creator- Adding Background Music

Once you have added the track, you are permitted to trim, adjust volume settings and loop the track if required under the ‘Audio Options’ tab.

Clideo Online Slideshow Creator- ‘Audio Options’ Window

Step 7: Duration, Size and Format Adjustments

Navigate to the left side ‘Options Panel’ at the bottom of the editor workspace, where you can set the different parameters of your slideshow size and run time. You can also choose to generate the output presentation in a specific file format if required, using the ‘Format Picker’ tool. When you are satisfied with everything, reach to and hit the ‘Export’ button at the extreme right.

Clideo Online Slideshow Creator- ‘Format Picker’ Tool

Step 8: Save Your Creation

Completion of Step 7 will take you to the ‘Slideshow Save’ interface of the video editor tool. Here, you can preview your slideshow and save it to your device if everything seems fine. To save your output file, click on the ‘Download’ tab. If however, you need to make any further changes to the presentation, hit the ‘Edit’ tab to get directed back to the editor workspace.

Clideo Online Slideshow Creator- Slideshow ‘Preview and Save’ Interface

Part 2 Best 5 Tip to Make a Slideshow with Music

While the visual elements count to be the major attractions of a slideshow presentation, subtle background music can work to bind the audience with the rhythm and flow of the presentation. Having learnt about the fundamentals of creating over the top slideshows with Clideo, let us move ahead with working on some of the best tips to complement your already awesome graphic slideshow artwork with the most appealing audio in the following section:

01Select a Royalty Free Music Plan

Adding suitable background music can uplift the appeal of your slideshow presentation to greater extents. While most of the slideshow creator programs available today are equipped with extensive varieties of inbuilt audio for visibly any presentation setting, you can also opt to choose your own music plan in case you don’t get anything specific.

However, you do need to take care of certain factors when deciding on your music plan, most importantly, the pricing concerns. Go for selecting a royalty free, unlimited audio license via an affordable paid subscription from recognized and leading music hubs and online audio websites.

When looking through the diversity of music options available on any audio website, do not forget to pay attention to the user and website recommended playlists and music categories. These tend to have a collection of the most preferred audio choices and there are high chances of you getting your exact music piece from within these playlists.

You can further, refine your search within these categories by setting filters of genre and style, in case you have a clear idea of what you exactly need, thus rescuing you from the hustle of browsing through a never ending list of audio files.

Recommended Audio Choices

03Synchronize the Slideshow Music and the Contents

The credibility of your background audio lies in adding additional spark and integrity to the stills and videos of the presentation. When selecting the music elements for your slideshow, make sure that your choices are well in accordance with the content and mood of your creation. The most important aspect here is that the music you choose to add should complement the story being depicted, while captivating the viewer’s attention.

Avoid choosing a random audio just because you have heard a buzz of the same on popular platforms or a peer recommendation, lest the contents and background score of your presentation may take opposite paths and disrupt the information flow, while resulting in a distracted audience. To escape the hustle, you may seek help from the diversity of stock audio websites for a keyword and category oriented music search.

If you are interested in adding depth to your background audio, consider using the stem files of a selected song to obtain the latter’s instrumental note recordings. This will help to add a unique layer to the song, while uplifting its mood to a different level.

Selecting the Appropriate Background Music

04Curate and Test

When you are done with creating the perfect soundtrack for your presentation with the choicest of music, proceed to narrow down your list to a finer selection via curating the elements of the soundtrack. All you need to do is, add each track to the presentation elements, while taking care that every inclusion matches with the content it is supposed to complement.

Take care to restrict your choices in line with the length of the slideshow; else you may end up stuffing the footage with too many music pieces, leading to a miscoordinated arrangement. Check if you need just a single song or a complete soundtrack.

Slideshow Curating and Testing

Sound Proof the Final Selection

When you are happy with your work, move ahead with running a mock slideshow to have an assurance of everything being at its respective place. Take note of the music flow to be in cohesion with the other elements of the presentation, check the audio quality, resolution, etc., properties and make changes where necessary. When all seems well, you are ready to share your Clideo slideshow with friends and family on social media handles and communities.

Part 3 How to Make a Photo Slideshow on Mac?

Creating a slideshow is among the most recent trends of infotainment and content sharing. Talking of the creation tools, while most of them turn to be platform specific, others tend to have limitless device compatibility. The Clideo Slideshow maker online tool is one such utility that allows you to design slideshow presentations on any device of your exclusive preference.

Having said that, let us try hands at understanding the slideshow creation process of the aforesaid tool on a MacOs supported device in the following section:

Step 1: Launch the Clideo Online Tool

In any of your preferred Mac supported device, navigate to the home site of the Clideo slideshow maker tool using your desired web browser and move ahead with launching the same in your system.

Clideo Online Slideshow Creator for Mac

Step 2: Upload Your Media

In the aforesaid slideshow maker’s opening interface, click on the ‘Choose Files’ tab to select and add the required media files from your Mac device’s local gallery. You can also opt for a ‘Drag and Drop’ of the desired files from your system to the tool’s editor workspace. However, if you wish to make an upload from your online storage accounts like that of Google Drive or Dropbox, hover to the ‘Upside Arrow within the ‘Choose Files’ tab.

Clideo Online Slideshow Creator for Mac- Media Selection Choices

Step 3: Adding Extra Files

If you want to add some more media files to the slideshow, navigate to the ‘Options Panel’ to the right of the editing workspace and click on ‘Add More Files’ at the top. Repeat Step 1 here to upload the image and video files in a similar way. Once finished, you can proceed to change the file sequence, delete any unwanted selection or click on ‘Add More Videos’ in the timeline to directly add more video files to your presentation.

Clideo Online Slideshow Creator for Mac- Adding More Media Files

Step 4: Crop Your Selections

The left side ‘Options Panel’ further consists of ‘Crop Options’ from where you can adjust the size of your images and videos to a particular aspect ratio, or fit them to a custom screen size using the ‘Crop and Zoom’ option. To add borders to the sides of your slideshow images, click on the ‘Fit With Border’ option.

Clideo Online Slideshow Creator for Mac- Media Crop Options

Step 5: Play Duration Adjustments

Below the ‘Crop Options’, lies the ‘Image Duration’ tab, which you can click on to set the time frames of at will be applicable to all the media files. Also, click within the ‘Crossfade’ checkbox to ensure a seamless transition between successive slides.

Clideo Online Slideshow Creator for Mac- Media Play Duration Adjustments

Step 6: Add a Background Audio

Once again, navigate to the left side ‘Options Panel’ and tap the ‘Add Audio’ tab at the bottom to upload the desired audio files from your system to the editor timeline. You can also add music files from your online storage accounts, such as, Dropbox, Google Drive, etc.

Clideo Online Slideshow Creator for Mac- ‘Add Audio’ Tab

To extract a piece of the audio for slideshow inclusion, click on the ‘Trim Audio’ tab under ‘Audio Options’. You can now select the desired audio fragment either by adjusting the yellow markers at the ends of the music clip, or specify the time stamps of the required fragment in the respective fields. The volume adjustments for both audio as well as video tracks can be made using the ‘Volume Bars’ icon.

Clideo Online Slideshow Creator for Mac- Audio Customization Panel

Step 7: Output Format Selection and Export

Navigate to the format options beneath the editor timeline to select a desired output format for your slideshow. You can choose from MOV, API, MKV, MP4, WMV, and a number of other file formats. When you are happy with your work, navigate to and tap the ‘Export’ button at the extreme right corner of the editor workspace.

Clideo Online Slideshow Creator for Mac- Output Format Selection

Step 8: Preview and Download Your Presentation

When you are done with everything, move ahead to watch a preview of your work to ascertain that all the aspects of the slideshow are just perfect. If you need to add further changes, hit the ‘Edit’ tab to head back to the editing workspace. In an otherwsise case, proceed to tap the ‘Download’ button for saving the slideshow either to your device gallery or an online storage account.

Clideo Online Slideshow Creator for Mac- Presentation ‘Preview and
        Download’ Interface

Designing Stunning Slideshow Presentataions in Filmora

When browsing through reliable software alternatiaves ez start your slideshow creation streak, picking any member of the Wondershare Filmora Video Editor franchise would indeed be a smart choice, owing tso the fact that, the aforesaid program promises to adhere to the most specificuser needs and the large scale disverity in creator preferences.

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

Diving into the feature rich library of the software, you get to access a plethora of preset and custsomizable audio-visual effects, transitions, filters, background themes and templates; and a huge storehouse of additional elements, that are all set to add the jaw dropping spark to your otherwise customary slideshows.

The later versions of the editor program are upgraged to include a divserity of high end editing effects, like the Green Screen and AI based transitions that wosrk towards delivering a high quality professional slideshow output to enure an auadience appraisal that is simply wow!

Ending Thoughts

The Clideo slideshow maker tool is anexcellent choice to design over the top slideshow presentations on an online platform.

> Using Clideo, you can choose to create slideshows on any of your preferred devices, like, Mac, Windows, etc.

If you are interested in looking for additional alternatives of slideshow creator software, the Wondershare Filmora franchise is something to count upon.

Try It Free Try It Free

A clideo slideshow is an interesting trend of precise content delivery. Stay here to understand the working essentials of creating Clideo presentations with utmost ease!

In this article

01 [How Do You Make a Slideshow on Clideo?](#Part 1)

02 [Best 5 Tip to Make a Slideshow with Music](#Part 2)

03 [How to Make a Photo Slideshow on Mac?](#Part 3)

Part 1 How Do You Make a Slideshow on Clideo?

Deciding to create slideshow presentations for a graphic design oriented personal or professional concern lands you across a plethora of choices in the IT market in the shape of high end application software program and tools. No doubt, these are leaders in their task; however, the online slideshow makers available across the web are no less.

Paying attention to the same, let us focus our discussion on how does the Clideo slideshow maker tool work to adhere the aforesaid concern. Talking a bit about the credibility of the online program, the tool grants you the flexibility of creating amazing slideshow movies and presentations from images, video clips and recordings, while allowing you to complement the same with the most upbeat and suitable background music.

Additional appeals of the online include the latter’s free availability and extensive device compatibility to work affordably well with all your Windows and MacOS supported desktops, laptops and PCs, along with Android and iOS compatible smartphones and tablets. All you need is an internet connection to launch the tool in your favorite web browser and that’s how you can step into the creation process right away.

Let us now look through the process of creating slideshows in the Clideo tool using a set of still images in the following section:

Step 1: Launch the Tool

Start with navigating to the official Clideo website in any of your preferred web browsers and launch the online slideshow maker tool in your device.

Clideo Online Slideshow Creator

Step 2: Upload Image Files

The tool’s launch screen displays the ‘Choose Files’ tab in blue, which you can click on to upload the desired image files to the Clideo timeline while selecting them from your device gallery. To select and upload images from your Dropbox or Google Drive accounts, click on the ‘Upside Arrow’ in the ‘Choose Files’ tab.

Clideo Online Slideshow Creator- Media Upload Interface

The tool supports a decent variety of image formats to work with, like, JPG, JPEG, PNG, GIF, TIFF, etc., thus letting you escape the notch of sticking to a specific file format. You can also choose to either upload the image files all at once, or add them at a later stage, as per your requirement.

Step 3: Let’s Get Creating!

Once the selected images get uploaded on the editor timeline of the tool, you can preview them in the editor workspace. You can change the sequence of appearance of the images by dragging and dropping their thumbnails at respective places within the editor timeline or delete them by selecting the image and clicking the ‘X’ symbol.

You can additionally, choose to add extra clips by tapping the ‘Add More Videos’ option in the timeline. As an alternative, navigate to the panel at the right and hit the ‘Add More Files’ button at the top.

Clideo Online Slideshow Creator- Editor Timeline and Workspace

Step 4: Crop the Media Files

Below the ‘Add More Files’ option in the right panel, you can see the ‘Crop Options’ tab. You can work with the crop tool to adjust the size of the added videos and images so that they fit in the borders of the media frames. You are further allowed to select a suitable aspect ratio and zoom the media files in and out to obtain the affordable screen size. This would come handy when you proceed to share your slideshow across various media platforms, like, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, etc., each of which has a different screen resolution and size.

Clideo Online Slideshow Creator- Media Crop Options

Step 5: Time Your Slides

You can decide play duration for your media files by navigating to the same right panel and hitting the ‘Image Duration’ tab and setting the required parameters in the dropdown list that appears next. Here, you can adjust the time settings of the images in your slideshow presentations, however, the video play durations are preset and you are not allowed to change them. If you wish to have a smooth play of the presentation slides, do not forget to tick the ‘Crossfade’ checkbox.

Clideo Online Slideshow Creator- Image Play Duration Setting

Step 6: Add a Suitable Background Music

The last one in the right panel is the ‘Add Audio’ option which you can use to supplement your presentation with the coolest and the most suitable background music. All you need to do is, hit the aforesaid tab and browse through your device’s media gallery to select an audio file of your choice. To add a music file that’s belongs to your online storage, click on the ‘Upside Arrow’ in the tab and proceed to make a selection or add a link of the desired audio file.

Clideo Online Slideshow Creator- Adding Background Music

Once you have added the track, you are permitted to trim, adjust volume settings and loop the track if required under the ‘Audio Options’ tab.

Clideo Online Slideshow Creator- ‘Audio Options’ Window

Step 7: Duration, Size and Format Adjustments

Navigate to the left side ‘Options Panel’ at the bottom of the editor workspace, where you can set the different parameters of your slideshow size and run time. You can also choose to generate the output presentation in a specific file format if required, using the ‘Format Picker’ tool. When you are satisfied with everything, reach to and hit the ‘Export’ button at the extreme right.

Clideo Online Slideshow Creator- ‘Format Picker’ Tool

Step 8: Save Your Creation

Completion of Step 7 will take you to the ‘Slideshow Save’ interface of the video editor tool. Here, you can preview your slideshow and save it to your device if everything seems fine. To save your output file, click on the ‘Download’ tab. If however, you need to make any further changes to the presentation, hit the ‘Edit’ tab to get directed back to the editor workspace.

Clideo Online Slideshow Creator- Slideshow ‘Preview and Save’ Interface

Part 2 Best 5 Tip to Make a Slideshow with Music

While the visual elements count to be the major attractions of a slideshow presentation, subtle background music can work to bind the audience with the rhythm and flow of the presentation. Having learnt about the fundamentals of creating over the top slideshows with Clideo, let us move ahead with working on some of the best tips to complement your already awesome graphic slideshow artwork with the most appealing audio in the following section:

01Select a Royalty Free Music Plan

Adding suitable background music can uplift the appeal of your slideshow presentation to greater extents. While most of the slideshow creator programs available today are equipped with extensive varieties of inbuilt audio for visibly any presentation setting, you can also opt to choose your own music plan in case you don’t get anything specific.

However, you do need to take care of certain factors when deciding on your music plan, most importantly, the pricing concerns. Go for selecting a royalty free, unlimited audio license via an affordable paid subscription from recognized and leading music hubs and online audio websites.

When looking through the diversity of music options available on any audio website, do not forget to pay attention to the user and website recommended playlists and music categories. These tend to have a collection of the most preferred audio choices and there are high chances of you getting your exact music piece from within these playlists.

You can further, refine your search within these categories by setting filters of genre and style, in case you have a clear idea of what you exactly need, thus rescuing you from the hustle of browsing through a never ending list of audio files.

Recommended Audio Choices

03Synchronize the Slideshow Music and the Contents

The credibility of your background audio lies in adding additional spark and integrity to the stills and videos of the presentation. When selecting the music elements for your slideshow, make sure that your choices are well in accordance with the content and mood of your creation. The most important aspect here is that the music you choose to add should complement the story being depicted, while captivating the viewer’s attention.

Avoid choosing a random audio just because you have heard a buzz of the same on popular platforms or a peer recommendation, lest the contents and background score of your presentation may take opposite paths and disrupt the information flow, while resulting in a distracted audience. To escape the hustle, you may seek help from the diversity of stock audio websites for a keyword and category oriented music search.

If you are interested in adding depth to your background audio, consider using the stem files of a selected song to obtain the latter’s instrumental note recordings. This will help to add a unique layer to the song, while uplifting its mood to a different level.

Selecting the Appropriate Background Music

04Curate and Test

When you are done with creating the perfect soundtrack for your presentation with the choicest of music, proceed to narrow down your list to a finer selection via curating the elements of the soundtrack. All you need to do is, add each track to the presentation elements, while taking care that every inclusion matches with the content it is supposed to complement.

Take care to restrict your choices in line with the length of the slideshow; else you may end up stuffing the footage with too many music pieces, leading to a miscoordinated arrangement. Check if you need just a single song or a complete soundtrack.

Slideshow Curating and Testing

Sound Proof the Final Selection

When you are happy with your work, move ahead with running a mock slideshow to have an assurance of everything being at its respective place. Take note of the music flow to be in cohesion with the other elements of the presentation, check the audio quality, resolution, etc., properties and make changes where necessary. When all seems well, you are ready to share your Clideo slideshow with friends and family on social media handles and communities.

Part 3 How to Make a Photo Slideshow on Mac?

Creating a slideshow is among the most recent trends of infotainment and content sharing. Talking of the creation tools, while most of them turn to be platform specific, others tend to have limitless device compatibility. The Clideo Slideshow maker online tool is one such utility that allows you to design slideshow presentations on any device of your exclusive preference.

Having said that, let us try hands at understanding the slideshow creation process of the aforesaid tool on a MacOs supported device in the following section:

Step 1: Launch the Clideo Online Tool

In any of your preferred Mac supported device, navigate to the home site of the Clideo slideshow maker tool using your desired web browser and move ahead with launching the same in your system.

Clideo Online Slideshow Creator for Mac

Step 2: Upload Your Media

In the aforesaid slideshow maker’s opening interface, click on the ‘Choose Files’ tab to select and add the required media files from your Mac device’s local gallery. You can also opt for a ‘Drag and Drop’ of the desired files from your system to the tool’s editor workspace. However, if you wish to make an upload from your online storage accounts like that of Google Drive or Dropbox, hover to the ‘Upside Arrow within the ‘Choose Files’ tab.

Clideo Online Slideshow Creator for Mac- Media Selection Choices

Step 3: Adding Extra Files

If you want to add some more media files to the slideshow, navigate to the ‘Options Panel’ to the right of the editing workspace and click on ‘Add More Files’ at the top. Repeat Step 1 here to upload the image and video files in a similar way. Once finished, you can proceed to change the file sequence, delete any unwanted selection or click on ‘Add More Videos’ in the timeline to directly add more video files to your presentation.

Clideo Online Slideshow Creator for Mac- Adding More Media Files

Step 4: Crop Your Selections

The left side ‘Options Panel’ further consists of ‘Crop Options’ from where you can adjust the size of your images and videos to a particular aspect ratio, or fit them to a custom screen size using the ‘Crop and Zoom’ option. To add borders to the sides of your slideshow images, click on the ‘Fit With Border’ option.

Clideo Online Slideshow Creator for Mac- Media Crop Options

Step 5: Play Duration Adjustments

Below the ‘Crop Options’, lies the ‘Image Duration’ tab, which you can click on to set the time frames of at will be applicable to all the media files. Also, click within the ‘Crossfade’ checkbox to ensure a seamless transition between successive slides.

Clideo Online Slideshow Creator for Mac- Media Play Duration Adjustments

Step 6: Add a Background Audio

Once again, navigate to the left side ‘Options Panel’ and tap the ‘Add Audio’ tab at the bottom to upload the desired audio files from your system to the editor timeline. You can also add music files from your online storage accounts, such as, Dropbox, Google Drive, etc.

Clideo Online Slideshow Creator for Mac- ‘Add Audio’ Tab

To extract a piece of the audio for slideshow inclusion, click on the ‘Trim Audio’ tab under ‘Audio Options’. You can now select the desired audio fragment either by adjusting the yellow markers at the ends of the music clip, or specify the time stamps of the required fragment in the respective fields. The volume adjustments for both audio as well as video tracks can be made using the ‘Volume Bars’ icon.

Clideo Online Slideshow Creator for Mac- Audio Customization Panel

Step 7: Output Format Selection and Export

Navigate to the format options beneath the editor timeline to select a desired output format for your slideshow. You can choose from MOV, API, MKV, MP4, WMV, and a number of other file formats. When you are happy with your work, navigate to and tap the ‘Export’ button at the extreme right corner of the editor workspace.

Clideo Online Slideshow Creator for Mac- Output Format Selection

Step 8: Preview and Download Your Presentation

When you are done with everything, move ahead to watch a preview of your work to ascertain that all the aspects of the slideshow are just perfect. If you need to add further changes, hit the ‘Edit’ tab to head back to the editing workspace. In an otherwsise case, proceed to tap the ‘Download’ button for saving the slideshow either to your device gallery or an online storage account.

Clideo Online Slideshow Creator for Mac- Presentation ‘Preview and
        Download’ Interface

Designing Stunning Slideshow Presentataions in Filmora

When browsing through reliable software alternatiaves ez start your slideshow creation streak, picking any member of the Wondershare Filmora Video Editor franchise would indeed be a smart choice, owing tso the fact that, the aforesaid program promises to adhere to the most specificuser needs and the large scale disverity in creator preferences.

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

Diving into the feature rich library of the software, you get to access a plethora of preset and custsomizable audio-visual effects, transitions, filters, background themes and templates; and a huge storehouse of additional elements, that are all set to add the jaw dropping spark to your otherwise customary slideshows.

The later versions of the editor program are upgraged to include a divserity of high end editing effects, like the Green Screen and AI based transitions that wosrk towards delivering a high quality professional slideshow output to enure an auadience appraisal that is simply wow!

Ending Thoughts

The Clideo slideshow maker tool is anexcellent choice to design over the top slideshow presentations on an online platform.

> Using Clideo, you can choose to create slideshows on any of your preferred devices, like, Mac, Windows, etc.

If you are interested in looking for additional alternatives of slideshow creator software, the Wondershare Filmora franchise is something to count upon.

Also read:

  • Title: Here, You Will Learn How to Add a Realistic Fire Effect Using Wondershare Filmora. That Will Help to Boost Your Channel and Decorate Your YouTube Channel with Creative and Unique Effects
  • Author: Chloe
  • Created at : 2024-06-26 06:24:12
  • Updated at : 2024-06-27 06:24:12
  • Link:
  • License: This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.
On this page
Here, You Will Learn How to Add a Realistic Fire Effect Using Wondershare Filmora. That Will Help to Boost Your Channel and Decorate Your YouTube Channel with Creative and Unique Effects