How To Be A Successful YouTuber

How To Be A Successful YouTuber

Chloe Lv12

How To Be A Successful YouTuber

Over the last few years, YouTube has gone from being a small video website containing funny videos, to the world’s second-largest search engine. YouTube currently boasts more than 2 billion video views per week. It can also provide a low-cost to no-cost solution to making a social marketing channel for your hobby or business. Most of the time, success is not achieved overnight.

Creating a YouTube channel that will be successful takes a lot of time, effort, planning, and work to kickstart it from zero. In this article, we will be covering the most important topics you have to remember when becoming a successful YouTube star.

  1. Watch Time
  2. Average view duration
  3. Audience Retention
  • Promotion and Marketing
  1. YouTube’s Community Tab
  2. Social Media Advertisements

With that said, let’s get into it!

Successful YouTuber

Successful YouTuber

1. Understand ‘Success’ Means

YouTube’s success is based on the premise that all visitors need the same thing. Search, find, and leave as fast as possible. Kind of like a store. But YouTube visitors have much more diverse needs than you might think. Some come to watch short clips of cats doing silly things, others to view TV shows or how to learn an instrument, cooking, maintain a car, and so much more.

The way your success is measured is by the number of viewers you get onto your channel. No matter what kind of content you upload, whether it’s about music, education, when you turn viewers into subscribers, dedicated fans, and supporters, that is how you can measure your success and how you can get as many new people through the door and make them stick around because they love what you do and what value you are to them. We are going more in-depth in the other stages of this article about analytics and measurements.

Understanding What 'Success' Means

Understand What ‘Success’ Means

2. Create Your Plan

When it comes to building a successful YouTube channel, consistency is super important. You are more likely to gain success if you have a well-thought-out plan and a strategy for uploading content. Instead of uploading once per month, try once per week if your time schedule allows it so your new viewers know when to expect a new video. Planning is super important because it will allow you to stick to a schedule. If you have a lot of time to create videos, people tend to get used to that schedule. Once you’re planning becomes less structured because of lack of time, it can confuse viewers as consistency is important. People do not like change, or it will take time for them to get used to a new schedule, especially if it changes often.

Creating Your Plan

Create Your Plan

3. Make Your YouTube Videos

After you created your plan, your strategy, and all the preparation, it is time to start filming! We highly recommend working with an upload schedule, so you know which videos to create and when they have to be finished. Try to have a good overall layout and theme for your videos from the start so people know who you are and what you do. Once you started filming you can continue the process and keep producing.

Filmora Note

Note: If you have less time, you can create more videos in one filming session so you have a bulk library you can release over the period when you don’t have time for creating content.

Making Your YouTube Videos

Make Your YouTube Videos

It’s highly recommended to write down a list of topics for videos so you can have your same recording set ready to go for whenever you start shooting. If you are able to keep a dedicated space to keep your set, that’s a huge plus instead of having to tear everything down and setting up again each time you film and it gives your viewers a consistent idea of what they can expect any time new video releases onto your YouTube channel.

4. Use Analytics to Improve

Some marketers could have an unhealthy relationship with analytics. They track too many of the numbers. Maybe we think we can prove any marketing campaign is producing results if there’s an eye-catching percentage. But we all know that some metrics are a lot more revealing than other types of statistics.

We have listed 3 important types of metrics you have to study to truly understand your audience.

❶ Watch Time

The Watch Time is the total amount of minutes viewers have spent watching your content. It’s a key metric because YouTube pushes videos and channels with higher Watch Times in their search results and recommendations section. YouTube does this because the more Watch Time a video has, the more engaging their algorithm knows it is and YouTube like to recommend videos that keep viewers as long as possible on the platform.

Watch Time

Watch Time

In the Watch Time section, you can see the amount of Watch Time your videos have generated. You can also rank each of your videos by Watch Time and group your videos by styles, lengths and themes to determine your most engaging videos.

❷ Average view duration

Your Average view duration is the total Watch Time of your video divided by the total number of video playbacks, also including replays. This metric measures your video’s ability to engage people. If your video can’t engage new visitors, they’ll jump off from your video quite fast, leaving you with an unimpressive average view duration. If you create a high-performing video, your Average view duration and total Watch Time will increase over time and boost your search and recommendations rankings by a lot.

Average view duration

Average View Duration

❸ Audience Retention

Let’s talk about Audience Retention. If your video is longer than five minutes, and Audience Retention is more than 50%, you are going in the right direction. A hook is something that grabs a viewer’s attention and will result in them staying longer on your video or browsing your other content. We recommend regularly reviewing your videos to ensure you aren’t attracting visitors to outdated content. Older videos can turn them away and they may view your YouTube channel as less trustworthy or valuable as a source for the information that they are looking for. Updated videos are high-quality videos.

Audience Retention

Audience Retention

5. Promotion and Marketing

Now it is time to let all your hard work pay off! There is one last thing to focus on so your videos will generate your desired results. Promoting your video is important when it comes to letting it find the target audience. We have listed a few options for promoting and marketing your content.

Promotion and marketing

Promotion and Marketing

❶ YouTube’s Community Tab

Tips for You

1. Make a Post

To create a YouTube Community post on your computer or smartphone, go navigate to your YouTube channel, and look for the tab called “Community.”

2. Tag Content Creators

Now you can make a post and add either an image or a video to it to promote it! You can also tag other content creators by writing an @ symbol in front of the channel’s name.

To create a YouTube Community post on your computer or smartphone, go navigate to your YouTube channel, and look for the tab called “Community.” Now you can make a post and add either an image or a video to it to promote it! You can also tag other content creators by writing an @ symbol in front of the channel’s name.

❷ Social Media Advertisements

Tips for You

1. Targeting Teens at Tiktok

When choosing where to place your advertisements, it’s helpful to understand which networks are most popular with your target audience. Targeting teens? TikTok is where to find them. Older generations love Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, and Instagram.

2. Find Social Networks for Your Brand

Try looking at which social networks perform well organically for your brand. Where does your content naturally strike a chord with fans? This is an obvious choice for your first social ad campaign.

With that said, let’s get into it!

Successful YouTuber

Successful YouTuber

1. Understand ‘Success’ Means

YouTube’s success is based on the premise that all visitors need the same thing. Search, find, and leave as fast as possible. Kind of like a store. But YouTube visitors have much more diverse needs than you might think. Some come to watch short clips of cats doing silly things, others to view TV shows or how to learn an instrument, cooking, maintain a car, and so much more.

The way your success is measured is by the number of viewers you get onto your channel. No matter what kind of content you upload, whether it’s about music, education, when you turn viewers into subscribers, dedicated fans, and supporters, that is how you can measure your success and how you can get as many new people through the door and make them stick around because they love what you do and what value you are to them. We are going more in-depth in the other stages of this article about analytics and measurements.

Understanding What 'Success' Means

Understand What ‘Success’ Means

2. Create Your Plan

When it comes to building a successful YouTube channel, consistency is super important. You are more likely to gain success if you have a well-thought-out plan and a strategy for uploading content. Instead of uploading once per month, try once per week if your time schedule allows it so your new viewers know when to expect a new video. Planning is super important because it will allow you to stick to a schedule. If you have a lot of time to create videos, people tend to get used to that schedule. Once you’re planning becomes less structured because of lack of time, it can confuse viewers as consistency is important. People do not like change, or it will take time for them to get used to a new schedule, especially if it changes often.

Creating Your Plan

Create Your Plan

3. Make Your YouTube Videos

After you created your plan, your strategy, and all the preparation, it is time to start filming! We highly recommend working with an upload schedule, so you know which videos to create and when they have to be finished. Try to have a good overall layout and theme for your videos from the start so people know who you are and what you do. Once you started filming you can continue the process and keep producing.

Filmora Note

Note: If you have less time, you can create more videos in one filming session so you have a bulk library you can release over the period when you don’t have time for creating content.

Making Your YouTube Videos

Make Your YouTube Videos

It’s highly recommended to write down a list of topics for videos so you can have your same recording set ready to go for whenever you start shooting. If you are able to keep a dedicated space to keep your set, that’s a huge plus instead of having to tear everything down and setting up again each time you film and it gives your viewers a consistent idea of what they can expect any time new video releases onto your YouTube channel.

4. Use Analytics to Improve

Some marketers could have an unhealthy relationship with analytics. They track too many of the numbers. Maybe we think we can prove any marketing campaign is producing results if there’s an eye-catching percentage. But we all know that some metrics are a lot more revealing than other types of statistics.

We have listed 3 important types of metrics you have to study to truly understand your audience.

❶ Watch Time

The Watch Time is the total amount of minutes viewers have spent watching your content. It’s a key metric because YouTube pushes videos and channels with higher Watch Times in their search results and recommendations section. YouTube does this because the more Watch Time a video has, the more engaging their algorithm knows it is and YouTube like to recommend videos that keep viewers as long as possible on the platform.

Watch Time

Watch Time

In the Watch Time section, you can see the amount of Watch Time your videos have generated. You can also rank each of your videos by Watch Time and group your videos by styles, lengths and themes to determine your most engaging videos.

❷ Average view duration

Your Average view duration is the total Watch Time of your video divided by the total number of video playbacks, also including replays. This metric measures your video’s ability to engage people. If your video can’t engage new visitors, they’ll jump off from your video quite fast, leaving you with an unimpressive average view duration. If you create a high-performing video, your Average view duration and total Watch Time will increase over time and boost your search and recommendations rankings by a lot.

Average view duration

Average View Duration

❸ Audience Retention

Let’s talk about Audience Retention. If your video is longer than five minutes, and Audience Retention is more than 50%, you are going in the right direction. A hook is something that grabs a viewer’s attention and will result in them staying longer on your video or browsing your other content. We recommend regularly reviewing your videos to ensure you aren’t attracting visitors to outdated content. Older videos can turn them away and they may view your YouTube channel as less trustworthy or valuable as a source for the information that they are looking for. Updated videos are high-quality videos.

Audience Retention

Audience Retention

5. Promotion and Marketing

Now it is time to let all your hard work pay off! There is one last thing to focus on so your videos will generate your desired results. Promoting your video is important when it comes to letting it find the target audience. We have listed a few options for promoting and marketing your content.

Promotion and marketing

Promotion and Marketing

❶ YouTube’s Community Tab

Tips for You

1. Make a Post

To create a YouTube Community post on your computer or smartphone, go navigate to your YouTube channel, and look for the tab called “Community.”

2. Tag Content Creators

Now you can make a post and add either an image or a video to it to promote it! You can also tag other content creators by writing an @ symbol in front of the channel’s name.

To create a YouTube Community post on your computer or smartphone, go navigate to your YouTube channel, and look for the tab called “Community.” Now you can make a post and add either an image or a video to it to promote it! You can also tag other content creators by writing an @ symbol in front of the channel’s name.

❷ Social Media Advertisements

Tips for You

1. Targeting Teens at Tiktok

When choosing where to place your advertisements, it’s helpful to understand which networks are most popular with your target audience. Targeting teens? TikTok is where to find them. Older generations love Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, and Instagram.

2. Find Social Networks for Your Brand

Try looking at which social networks perform well organically for your brand. Where does your content naturally strike a chord with fans? This is an obvious choice for your first social ad campaign.

Best Frame Rate for 4K Video

People in the videography ad filmmaking world use complicated terminology like Ultra High Def to describe 4K videos. Even though you are not a complete stranger to the term 4K, you might still be unaware of what it means.

In a nutshell, 4K is the highest resolution you can watch your movies and videos. The details are incredibly crisp, meaning you can see pimples or the pores on an actor’s face through the screen. However, the frame rate will significantly affect how you enjoy a 4K video. Therefore, it would be wise to learn how to choose the ideal frame rate to suit your needs.

Keep reading this article to learn more about frame rates and which is suitable for a 4K video.

4k video frame rate

How Do Frame Rates Affect Video Viewing?

The motion will appear smoother if your video contains more frames per second. Even though your viewers are not tech-savvy, they will definitely notice the difference.

Consider a video of a duck drinking water from a pond. If you film and playback the same video in 24, 30, and 60fps, you will see a noticeable difference, assuming your shutter speed is set according to the 180-degree shutter rule.

If you are filming quicker motions of wildlife and birds, you are better off sticking to higher resolutions to give the viewer a pleasant experience and ensure the motion is fluid.

On the other hand, lower frame rates like 24fps are ideal for human movements, which are not as smooth as wildlife. Suppose you used 60fps for a cinematic film or a TV show. The video would look a bit odd because that is not how we see things in the natural world. In addition, your viewers aren’t used to such smoothness.

Viewing Requirements of 4K Videos

You may have heard about 4K videos and wondered what people mean by that term. In simple terms, a 4K video is a high-resolution video that is four times the usual 1080p HD video. When it comes to 4K videos, there are two standard resolutions. One of them is the standard for Digital Cinema which is 4096*2160 pixels. The other is for television and is 3840*2160 pixels.

To stream 4K content, you need a bandwidth between 10 and 20 Mbps. On the other hand, streaming platforms like Netflix require higher bandwidths of not less than 15 Mbps. In addition to the bandwidth we mentioned earlier, you need a 4KTV or 4K monitor.

This specification was brought up at the UHD Alliance, a union of more than 50 tech companies working together to support 4K content. Tech companies ought to ensure the devices they produce are compatible with 4K videos, which are becoming increasingly popular.

Below is a list of requirements any electronic device should fulfill before being termed a 4KTV or 4K monitor.

requirements of 4k videos

  • A resolution of not less than 3840*2160.
  • A 10-bit color depth that allows for 1,024 shades of red, yellow, and blue.
  • A high dynamic range for color accuracy.
  • An excellent combination of black level and peak brightness. The peak brightness should not exceed 1,000 nits, and the black level shouldn’t go below 0.5 nits. Alternatively, the peak brightness shouldn’t exceed 540 nits; neither should the black level plummet below 0.0005 nits.

Best Frame Rate for 4K Video

We all know that the frame rate you choose for your video will significantly impact the viewer’s experience and the overall style of your video. The frame rate will also affect how the video looks. For instance, a frame rate lower than 24fps will make your video look unprofessional and of poor quality. The content will also flicker because there aren’t many still images per second.

On the other hand, a lower FPS causes the file size to be smaller, causing it to consume a lower bandwidth. The vice versa is also true. Now that you understand these facts, you might wonder which frame rate would be best for your 4K videos.

Research reveals that the most acceptable frame rate is 30fps and 60fps. This is because the motion will appear natural to the human eye without being too fast or unrealistic.

If you are wondering what is the best frame rate for 4k videos, we urge you to select 60fps because it contains more detail. The higher frame rate also makes the motion look very smooth and crisp. Perhaps you want to shoot a slow-motion video. In that case, an even higher frame rate of 120fps would be ideal.

How To Choose The Base Frame Rates for Your Next Video

Choosing a frame rate for your videos is not complicated. However, it is not a straightforward process either. There are numerous moving parts that ought to work harmoniously for your video to turn out perfect and guarantee your audience will have a pleasant viewing experience. Before we dive into choosing the best frame rate for your 4K videos, let’s help you understand the filmmaking process.

Most filmmakers and videographers see it fit to shoot videos in 120p or 4K. This step makes their work easier during the editing process. If the raw footage is in 4K, they can de-emphasize or retain specific plot points that would look great in the final video. However, not everyone is shooting a video for Hollywood. Therefore, shooting in 4K on your laptop for your YouTube channel might be difficult.

Below are some factors you should consider when choosing the best frame rate for a 4k video.

factors for choosing frame rate for videos

File size

Shooting your video at a higher frame rate means more still images are packed into a single second of the video. Therefore, you will end up with a larger file size. If you want to shoot a video for your YouTube channel, it would be wise to stick to a smaller frame rate.


It wouldn’t make sense to shoot a talking head video at more than 24fps. However, a higher frame rate would be ideal for a travel vlog, where the details need to be crisp.

Medium of delivery

The standard frame rate for television is 24fps. On the other hand, it would be best to stick to a higher frame rate of 60fps if you intend to shoot content for the silver screen.

Motion in the video

Lastly, the movement within the video will play a massive role in the frame rate you choose. The faster the motion, the higher the frame rate needs to be. For instance, action movies don’t do well in frame rates of less than 60 fps.

How To Set the Frame Rate of Your Editing Tools

Even though you didn’t use the ideal frame rate for 4k video during filming, you could use an editing tool to tweak the frame rate to where you need it to be. In our opinion, Wondershare Filmora is an excellent editing tool to set the ideal frame rate and take your videos to the next level.

Wondershare Filmora is a feature-rich platform that takes the tedium out of editing your videos and makes the outcome look spectacular. People won’t believe you when you say you edited the video yourself!

The platform is user-friendly, eliminating the need for a learning curve. You also don’t need to be an experienced editor or graphic designer to use this platform. Here is a list of nifty features you might find helpful on this platform.

  • GIF support
  • Audio equalizer
  • Advanced text editing
  • Noise removal
  • Scene detection
  • Audio mixer
  • Color tuning

Out of all the wonderful features mentioned above, we will zero in on 4K editing support for now. You can use this feature to edit and export videos up to 4K without breaking a sweat.

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Wondershare Filmora allows you to customize your 4K videos by zooming in on a particular scene, tilting the video, or incorporating panning to give it a serene effect. We guarantee you will have fun using this platform and will get better at creating exquisite 4K content for your channel.

Below is a simple guide on using Wondershare Filmora to set the 4k video frame rate.

Step1 Launch the platform on your device and select the “File” tab. After a drop-down menu appears, select “Project Settings.”

filmora project settings

Step2 In the dialogue box, select “Frame Rate” and choose the frame rate you think is ideal for your video.

export video frame rate

Step3 Click “OK” and edit the videos as you like.


4K is the trend of the era, and it would be a shame if you got left behind. The viewer’s expectations are rising steadily, and they would rather skip your video to watch another if the quality is not up to par. In addition to giving you a competitive edge, 4K videos are very crisp and allow you to enjoy deep, vibrant colors.

You can also capture still photos from the video without compromising on quality. We can go on and on about the benefits of adopting 4K resolution in your videos. Therefore, it would be wise to increase your knowledge base and learn everything there is to know about 4K videos and how to set the best frame rates.

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Wondershare Filmora allows you to customize your 4K videos by zooming in on a particular scene, tilting the video, or incorporating panning to give it a serene effect. We guarantee you will have fun using this platform and will get better at creating exquisite 4K content for your channel.

Below is a simple guide on using Wondershare Filmora to set the 4k video frame rate.

Step1 Launch the platform on your device and select the “File” tab. After a drop-down menu appears, select “Project Settings.”

filmora project settings

Step2 In the dialogue box, select “Frame Rate” and choose the frame rate you think is ideal for your video.

export video frame rate

Step3 Click “OK” and edit the videos as you like.


4K is the trend of the era, and it would be a shame if you got left behind. The viewer’s expectations are rising steadily, and they would rather skip your video to watch another if the quality is not up to par. In addition to giving you a competitive edge, 4K videos are very crisp and allow you to enjoy deep, vibrant colors.

You can also capture still photos from the video without compromising on quality. We can go on and on about the benefits of adopting 4K resolution in your videos. Therefore, it would be wise to increase your knowledge base and learn everything there is to know about 4K videos and how to set the best frame rates.

How to Make Video Fade to Black in Movie Maker Easily

Windows Movie Maker is a simple video editing tool included with most Windows machines. You can download Movie Maker here if you don’t already have it or want to update to the latest version.

To avoid your video appearing choppy, you should use transitions between segments when creating a movie. A simple and inconspicuous approach is to fade out to a neutral white or black screen.

Fading out a video on a neutral white or black screen is a simple and discreet approach to generating a striking transition between two video clips. You can use the feature to fade out audio files and video files. Adding Fade effects is not difficult; you can find the capabilities in Windows Movie Maker.

With Windows Movie Maker, how do you fade out a video? Though fading out is a beneficial effect for decorating and improving the appearance of your film.

Part 1. In Windows Movie Maker, how to fade to black

When fading out a video on Windows, Windows Movie Maker is a robust and professional option. It offers several capabilities, including the ability to import and create films, as well as the ability to add your photos to create a photo presentation. Additionally, this tool allows you to add effects, titles, and credits while editing. It may also export the altered video into other formats and share it on various social media platforms. It’s vital to note that this software is best suited for beginners with limited editing skills. As a result, advanced editors will find that the capabilities in this package fall short of their expectations. You do not need to download any additional software on Windows if you use Windows Movie Maker to apply a fade-out effect to a video.

Step 1: Locate the section on visual effects.

It is necessary first to download Windows Movie Maker from a reputable website. Then, in the upper portion of the movie maker’s interface, find the “Visual effects” tab. Go to the “Visual effects” section and click the “More” button. After then, the “Available effects” column on the left will appear. You’ve completed approximately half of the steps to fade a video out thus far.


Step 2: For video, add a fade-out effect.

Now that you’ve found the “Available effects,” scroll the slider down until you reach the fade-out selections. To fade out a video with Windows Movie Maker, select the “Fade out” effect and click the “Add” button beneath it. To apply the fade-out effect, remember to click “Apply” afterward. So the “Fade out” effect on the video has been added.


The third step is the wind-up procedure.

Finally, this movie maker allows you to preview the video to check the effects by using the “Play” button to complete the process. All stages have now been completed, and you can save the film to your folder. This software also allows you to post it on social media sites. It’s now your turn to show off your great video, and I hope it’ll be an eye-catching clip that complements your décor. That concludes the entire procedure of fading a video out in Windows Movie Maker.


Part 2. In Windows Movie Maker, how to fade to black

Fade in and out: The “Fade” effects turn a video clip into a black-and-white, sepia, or dreamy image.

Create a “Fade” effect.

  1. Right-click the video clip in the timeline and choose “Edit/Fading.”


  1. Drag the slider to set the timing for the Fade in and out.


  1. To confirm, click the “Return” button.


In Filmora, there are several ways to add fade-in and fade-out effects to video.

If you’re using the current version of Filmora, you can fade in and out clips in various ways.


Drag video clips into the timeline after being imported into Filmora.

Under the Basic category on the Transition menu, look for Dissolve. If you didn’t see it, you could use the search bar to find it if you didn’t see it.

Drag the Dissolve transition to the beginning of the footage, then back to the finish of the clip.

How to make video fade to black in movie maker Mac, online, Windows, phone

  1. iMovie Fade to Black: Desktop

Adding a fade to black transition in iMovie is simple and quick. The following simple guidelines can assist you in adding a fade to black transition at the end of a video. Let’s look at how to make an iMovie fade to black.

Method 1: Finish with a fade to black transition:

Step 1

Select a project. Select “Projects” from the drop-down menu. Drag and drop a video into the editing area after selecting it.

Step 2

Select “Settings.” A drop-down menu will appear after that.


Step 3: Select Fade out to black from the drop-down menu. The video will then fade to black.

  1. How to Use FlexClip to Fade to Black Online

Most online video editors, aside from iMovie, allow you to apply the Fade to Black transition. FlexClip is one of the highest-rated video creators among them. With this video editor, adding a Fade to Black transition is simple and quick.

It offers a straightforward interface that allows you to add transitions to video in minutes, even if you are new to video editing. Meanwhile, you have access to the great majority of transitions, such as Fade, Wipe, Blur, Zoom, Wrap, and so on. With a few simple clicks, you can simply alter and eliminate the transition.

You can use a variety of resources to enhance your film, including text animation, pre-made intro and outro videos, dazzling effects, royalty-free stock music, and more. Click the button below to get started right away.

Step 1

Add your videos to the media section by uploading them.

Step 2

Wherever you wish the Fade to Black effect to appear, click the “Transitions” button.


Step 3

Choose the Fade to Black option. Select “Fade” and then “Fade to Black.”


Step 4

Select “Apply” from the drop-down menu. The Fade to Black transition has now been added to the video.

  1. In iMovie, how do you fade to black? (mobile)

A fade to black effect is simple to implement, similar to the desktop.

Method 1: At the end of a project, fade to black


Step 1: Create a new project. Select the videos you require by tapping “Projects” at the top of your screen.

Step 2

Go to the “Settings” menu. At the bottom-right corner of the screen, tap the gear symbol. Then a pop-up menu will appear.

Step 3

Turn on the “Fade out to black” switch.

Step 2: For video, add a fade-out effect.

Now that you’ve found the “Available effects,” scroll the slider down until you reach the fade-out selections. To fade out a video with Windows Movie Maker, select the “Fade out” effect and click the “Add” button beneath it. To apply the fade-out effect, remember to click “Apply” afterward. So the “Fade out” effect on the video has been added.


The third step is the wind-up procedure.

Finally, this movie maker allows you to preview the video to check the effects by using the “Play” button to complete the process. All stages have now been completed, and you can save the film to your folder. This software also allows you to post it on social media sites. It’s now your turn to show off your great video, and I hope it’ll be an eye-catching clip that complements your décor. That concludes the entire procedure of fading a video out in Windows Movie Maker.


Part 2. In Windows Movie Maker, how to fade to black

Fade in and out: The “Fade” effects turn a video clip into a black-and-white, sepia, or dreamy image.

Create a “Fade” effect.

  1. Right-click the video clip in the timeline and choose “Edit/Fading.”


  1. Drag the slider to set the timing for the Fade in and out.


  1. To confirm, click the “Return” button.


In Filmora, there are several ways to add fade-in and fade-out effects to video.

If you’re using the current version of Filmora, you can fade in and out clips in various ways.


Drag video clips into the timeline after being imported into Filmora.

Under the Basic category on the Transition menu, look for Dissolve. If you didn’t see it, you could use the search bar to find it if you didn’t see it.

Drag the Dissolve transition to the beginning of the footage, then back to the finish of the clip.

How to make video fade to black in movie maker Mac, online, Windows, phone

  1. iMovie Fade to Black: Desktop

Adding a fade to black transition in iMovie is simple and quick. The following simple guidelines can assist you in adding a fade to black transition at the end of a video. Let’s look at how to make an iMovie fade to black.

Method 1: Finish with a fade to black transition:

Step 1

Select a project. Select “Projects” from the drop-down menu. Drag and drop a video into the editing area after selecting it.

Step 2

Select “Settings.” A drop-down menu will appear after that.


Step 3: Select Fade out to black from the drop-down menu. The video will then fade to black.

  1. How to Use FlexClip to Fade to Black Online

Most online video editors, aside from iMovie, allow you to apply the Fade to Black transition. FlexClip is one of the highest-rated video creators among them. With this video editor, adding a Fade to Black transition is simple and quick.

It offers a straightforward interface that allows you to add transitions to video in minutes, even if you are new to video editing. Meanwhile, you have access to the great majority of transitions, such as Fade, Wipe, Blur, Zoom, Wrap, and so on. With a few simple clicks, you can simply alter and eliminate the transition.

You can use a variety of resources to enhance your film, including text animation, pre-made intro and outro videos, dazzling effects, royalty-free stock music, and more. Click the button below to get started right away.

Step 1

Add your videos to the media section by uploading them.

Step 2

Wherever you wish the Fade to Black effect to appear, click the “Transitions” button.


Step 3

Choose the Fade to Black option. Select “Fade” and then “Fade to Black.”


Step 4

Select “Apply” from the drop-down menu. The Fade to Black transition has now been added to the video.

  1. In iMovie, how do you fade to black? (mobile)

A fade to black effect is simple to implement, similar to the desktop.

Method 1: At the end of a project, fade to black


Step 1: Create a new project. Select the videos you require by tapping “Projects” at the top of your screen.

Step 2

Go to the “Settings” menu. At the bottom-right corner of the screen, tap the gear symbol. Then a pop-up menu will appear.

Step 3

Turn on the “Fade out to black” switch.

Step 2: For video, add a fade-out effect.

Now that you’ve found the “Available effects,” scroll the slider down until you reach the fade-out selections. To fade out a video with Windows Movie Maker, select the “Fade out” effect and click the “Add” button beneath it. To apply the fade-out effect, remember to click “Apply” afterward. So the “Fade out” effect on the video has been added.


The third step is the wind-up procedure.

Finally, this movie maker allows you to preview the video to check the effects by using the “Play” button to complete the process. All stages have now been completed, and you can save the film to your folder. This software also allows you to post it on social media sites. It’s now your turn to show off your great video, and I hope it’ll be an eye-catching clip that complements your décor. That concludes the entire procedure of fading a video out in Windows Movie Maker.


Part 2. In Windows Movie Maker, how to fade to black

Fade in and out: The “Fade” effects turn a video clip into a black-and-white, sepia, or dreamy image.

Create a “Fade” effect.

  1. Right-click the video clip in the timeline and choose “Edit/Fading.”


  1. Drag the slider to set the timing for the Fade in and out.


  1. To confirm, click the “Return” button.


In Filmora, there are several ways to add fade-in and fade-out effects to video.

If you’re using the current version of Filmora, you can fade in and out clips in various ways.


Drag video clips into the timeline after being imported into Filmora.

Under the Basic category on the Transition menu, look for Dissolve. If you didn’t see it, you could use the search bar to find it if you didn’t see it.

Drag the Dissolve transition to the beginning of the footage, then back to the finish of the clip.

How to make video fade to black in movie maker Mac, online, Windows, phone

  1. iMovie Fade to Black: Desktop

Adding a fade to black transition in iMovie is simple and quick. The following simple guidelines can assist you in adding a fade to black transition at the end of a video. Let’s look at how to make an iMovie fade to black.

Method 1: Finish with a fade to black transition:

Step 1

Select a project. Select “Projects” from the drop-down menu. Drag and drop a video into the editing area after selecting it.

Step 2

Select “Settings.” A drop-down menu will appear after that.


Step 3: Select Fade out to black from the drop-down menu. The video will then fade to black.

  1. How to Use FlexClip to Fade to Black Online

Most online video editors, aside from iMovie, allow you to apply the Fade to Black transition. FlexClip is one of the highest-rated video creators among them. With this video editor, adding a Fade to Black transition is simple and quick.

It offers a straightforward interface that allows you to add transitions to video in minutes, even if you are new to video editing. Meanwhile, you have access to the great majority of transitions, such as Fade, Wipe, Blur, Zoom, Wrap, and so on. With a few simple clicks, you can simply alter and eliminate the transition.

You can use a variety of resources to enhance your film, including text animation, pre-made intro and outro videos, dazzling effects, royalty-free stock music, and more. Click the button below to get started right away.

Step 1

Add your videos to the media section by uploading them.

Step 2

Wherever you wish the Fade to Black effect to appear, click the “Transitions” button.


Step 3

Choose the Fade to Black option. Select “Fade” and then “Fade to Black.”


Step 4

Select “Apply” from the drop-down menu. The Fade to Black transition has now been added to the video.

  1. In iMovie, how do you fade to black? (mobile)

A fade to black effect is simple to implement, similar to the desktop.

Method 1: At the end of a project, fade to black


Step 1: Create a new project. Select the videos you require by tapping “Projects” at the top of your screen.

Step 2

Go to the “Settings” menu. At the bottom-right corner of the screen, tap the gear symbol. Then a pop-up menu will appear.

Step 3

Turn on the “Fade out to black” switch.

Step 2: For video, add a fade-out effect.

Now that you’ve found the “Available effects,” scroll the slider down until you reach the fade-out selections. To fade out a video with Windows Movie Maker, select the “Fade out” effect and click the “Add” button beneath it. To apply the fade-out effect, remember to click “Apply” afterward. So the “Fade out” effect on the video has been added.


The third step is the wind-up procedure.

Finally, this movie maker allows you to preview the video to check the effects by using the “Play” button to complete the process. All stages have now been completed, and you can save the film to your folder. This software also allows you to post it on social media sites. It’s now your turn to show off your great video, and I hope it’ll be an eye-catching clip that complements your décor. That concludes the entire procedure of fading a video out in Windows Movie Maker.


Part 2. In Windows Movie Maker, how to fade to black

Fade in and out: The “Fade” effects turn a video clip into a black-and-white, sepia, or dreamy image.

Create a “Fade” effect.

  1. Right-click the video clip in the timeline and choose “Edit/Fading.”


  1. Drag the slider to set the timing for the Fade in and out.


  1. To confirm, click the “Return” button.


In Filmora, there are several ways to add fade-in and fade-out effects to video.

If you’re using the current version of Filmora, you can fade in and out clips in various ways.


Drag video clips into the timeline after being imported into Filmora.

Under the Basic category on the Transition menu, look for Dissolve. If you didn’t see it, you could use the search bar to find it if you didn’t see it.

Drag the Dissolve transition to the beginning of the footage, then back to the finish of the clip.

How to make video fade to black in movie maker Mac, online, Windows, phone

  1. iMovie Fade to Black: Desktop

Adding a fade to black transition in iMovie is simple and quick. The following simple guidelines can assist you in adding a fade to black transition at the end of a video. Let’s look at how to make an iMovie fade to black.

Method 1: Finish with a fade to black transition:

Step 1

Select a project. Select “Projects” from the drop-down menu. Drag and drop a video into the editing area after selecting it.

Step 2

Select “Settings.” A drop-down menu will appear after that.


Step 3: Select Fade out to black from the drop-down menu. The video will then fade to black.

  1. How to Use FlexClip to Fade to Black Online

Most online video editors, aside from iMovie, allow you to apply the Fade to Black transition. FlexClip is one of the highest-rated video creators among them. With this video editor, adding a Fade to Black transition is simple and quick.

It offers a straightforward interface that allows you to add transitions to video in minutes, even if you are new to video editing. Meanwhile, you have access to the great majority of transitions, such as Fade, Wipe, Blur, Zoom, Wrap, and so on. With a few simple clicks, you can simply alter and eliminate the transition.

You can use a variety of resources to enhance your film, including text animation, pre-made intro and outro videos, dazzling effects, royalty-free stock music, and more. Click the button below to get started right away.

Step 1

Add your videos to the media section by uploading them.

Step 2

Wherever you wish the Fade to Black effect to appear, click the “Transitions” button.


Step 3

Choose the Fade to Black option. Select “Fade” and then “Fade to Black.”


Step 4

Select “Apply” from the drop-down menu. The Fade to Black transition has now been added to the video.

  1. In iMovie, how do you fade to black? (mobile)

A fade to black effect is simple to implement, similar to the desktop.

Method 1: At the end of a project, fade to black


Step 1: Create a new project. Select the videos you require by tapping “Projects” at the top of your screen.

Step 2

Go to the “Settings” menu. At the bottom-right corner of the screen, tap the gear symbol. Then a pop-up menu will appear.

Step 3

Turn on the “Fade out to black” switch.

Learn How to Add Dynamic Shake Effects to Your Videos Using Alight Motion. Our Step-by-Step Guide Makes It Easy to Create Cinematic Footage

Are you looking to add some dynamic effects to your videos? Have you ever wanted to create footage that feels like shaking but didn’t know how to do it? Well, you’re in luck! This guide will show you how to use Alight Motion, a video editing app, to add shake effects to your videos.

Whether you’re a professional videographer or a hobbyist, this guide will take you step-by-step through adding shake effects with Alight Motion. With its easy-to-use interface and powerful features, Alight Motion makes it simple to take your videos to the next level. So, let’s get started and shake things up!

shake effect in alight motion

Overview of Alight Motion

Alight Motion is a powerful video editing app that allows users to create dynamic and engaging videos. It offers many features, including motion graphics, visual effects, and animation tools. With Alight Motion, you can easily add shake effects to your videos and other dynamic effects such as panning, zooming, and rotation.

One of the great things about Alight Motion is its user-friendly interface. The app is designed to be intuitive and easy to use, making it accessible to users of all skill levels.

Alight Motion has everything you need to create high-quality, cinematic footage, whether you’re a professional videographer or just getting started with video editing. So, if you want to take your videos to the next level, give Alight Motion a try!

How To Add Shake Effects to Your Video in Alight Motion?

By following these simple steps, you’ll be able to create footage that feels like shaking, adding a sense of dynamic movement to your videos. Shake effects can be a great addition to any video if you want to create a dramatic effect or add visual interest to your footage. So, let’s learn how to add shake effects to your videos in Alight Motion.

Step1 Open the Alight Motion app and tapNew Project.”

alight motion new project

Step2 Import your video clip.

alight motion import clip

Step3 Adjust the length of your clip, then tapAdd Effect.”

alight motion add effect

Step4 Search for the video effect. In this case, searchTiles.”

alight motion video effect

Step5 Adjust the video using the effect settings.

alight motion adjust effect

Step6 Search for the blur effect. In this case, searchMotion Blur.”

alight motion blur effect

Step7 Search for the shake effect. In this case, search “Auto-Shake.”

alight motion shake effect

Step8 Adjust the speed, magnitude, and other elements and effects of the video clip.

alight motion edit elements

Step9 Preview the video and tapSave.”

alight motion save video

[Bonus] Filmora for Mobile – Best Alternative to Alight Motion

Filmora for mobile is a powerful video editing app that can be an alternative to Alight Motion. It has a user-friendly interface and offers a wide range of features that allow users to create professional-looking videos easily. Some of the key features of Filmora for mobile include:

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  • Motion graphics and visual effects: Filmora for mobile has a wide range of motion graphics and visual effects that you can use to enhance your videos, including shake effects.
  • Video trimming, merging, and splitting: The app allows you to trim, merge and split your videos to create the perfect footage.
  • Music and audio editing: Filmora for mobile has a built-in music library and audio editing tools that you can use to add music and sound effects to your videos.
  • Text and title overlays: You can add text and title overlays to your videos to create captions, subtitles, and more.
  • Speed control: Adjust the speed of your videos to create fast-paced or slow-motion footage.

With Filmora for mobile, you can easily create high-quality, professional-looking videos with shake effects and all the other features that Alight Motion offers. The app has a simple and intuitive interface that makes it easy for users of all skill levels to create stunning videos.

Effects in Filmora for Mobile

Filmora for mobile offers a wide variety of effects that you can use to enhance your videos and make them stand out. The shaking effect is one popular effect that adds a sense of movement and drama to your footage. With Filmora, you can easily adjust the intensity of the shake effect to create a subtle or more pronounced effect.

Another great effect that Filmora for mobile offers is the split-screen effect. This allows you to split your screen into multiple sections and play different videos or images in each section. This can be useful for creating a sense of simultaneity and storytelling.

Additionally, Filmora for mobile offers a wide variety of transition effects that you can use to transition between different clips in your video smoothly. These effects include wipes, fades, and more. With these effects, you can take your videos to the next level.

How To Add Shake Effects in Filmora for Mobile

Shake effects can be a great addition to any video if you want to create a dramatic effect or add visual interest to your footage. By following the simple steps outlined in this guide, you’ll be able to add shake effects to your videos in Filmora for mobile and take your videos to the next level. So, let’s get started and learn how to add shake effects in Filmora for mobile.

Step1 Open the Filmora mobile app and tapMore.”

filmora mobile interface

Step2 Select the effect in the list of effects loaded.

filmora mobile effects

Step3 Click the “Use“ button to make the effect present in your clip.

filmora mobile use effects

Step4 Select the video clip from your device that you want to edit.

filmora mobile add video

Step5 Select the shake effect you want to use and tap the check icon.

filmora mobile shake effect

Step6 Adjust the duration of the effect to your desired length.

filmora mobile adjust duration

Step7 Tap the “Export“ button to save your video.

After following the steps outlined in this guide, you can easily add shake effects to your videos in Filmora for mobile. However, if you’re still having trouble, we recommend watching the following video for more detailed instructions:

Which Is Better? Alight Motion or Filmora for Mobile?

It ultimately depends on your specific needs and preferences when deciding between Alight Motion and Filmora for mobile. Both apps are powerful video editing tools that offer many features and effects but have their strengths and weaknesses.

| | Alight Motion | Filmora | |
| —————————- | ————————————————————————————————— | ——————————————————– |
| Operating System | Android and iOS | Android and iOS |
| App Store Rating | 4.4 out of 5 | 4.7 out of 5 |
| Google Play Store Rating | 3.6 out of 5 | 4.7 out of 5 |
| Pricing | Free with In-app Purchases | Free with In-app Purchases |
| Number of Shake Effects | 100+ shake effects | 8 different camera shake |

Alight Motion is a powerful video editing app that offers many features and effects, including 100+ shake effects. The app is available for Android and iOS and has received a 4.4 out of 5 rating on the App Store and a 3.6 out of 5 rating on the Google Play Store. Alight Motion is free to download and use, but some features and effects may require in-app purchases.

One of the standout features of Alight Motion is its motion graphics and visual effects capabilities. The app has a wide range of shake effects that you can use to add a sense of movement and drama to your footage.

Alight Motion is suitable for professional videographers who want to create high-quality and professional-looking videos. The app is also great for those who want to create videos for social media platforms, especially those who want to create dynamic and visually engaging videos.

On the other hand, Filmora for mobile is also a powerful video editing app that offers a wide range of features and effects, including 8 different camera shake effects.

The app is available for Android and iOS and has received a 4.7 out of 5 rating on the App Store and a 4.7 out of 5 rating on the Google Play Store. Filmora is free to download and use, but some features and effects may require in-app purchases.

The shake effect feature in Filmora for mobile is simple and allows you to add a subtle or more pronounced shake effect to your footage. Additionally, Filmora for mobile offers a wide range of other effects, including visual effects, transition effects, and color correction tools, that you can use to enhance your videos.

Filmora for mobile is suitable as a user-friendly and easy-to-use video editing app. The app is perfect for hobbyists, YouTubers, or social media content creators who want to create high-quality videos with various effects. It’s also great for those seeking a mobile-based alternative to desktop video editing software.

People Also Ask

Here are some questions that people commonly ask concerning the topic of adding shake effects to videos using Alight Motion.

Q1. How Do You Add Effects to Alight Motion?

To add effects to Alight Motion, you can follow these steps:

Step1 Open the Alight Motion app and create a new project or open an existing one.

alight motion open project

Step2 Select the layer to which you want to add the effect, then tap on the “Effects“ button.

alight motion select layer

Step3 Browse the available effects and tap on the desired effect to apply it to the selected layer.

alight motion browse effects

Step4 You can add multiple layers to your video.

alight motion multiple layer

Q2. How Many Effects Are in Alight Motion?

As of now, Alight Motion offers 100+ effects that you can use to enhance your videos and make them stand out. These effects include a wide range of motion graphics, visual effects, and animation tools. Some of the effects available in Alight Motion include shaking effects, panning, zooming, rotation, color correction, and many more.

The app is regularly updated, so the number of effects available may increase over time. The wide range of effects gives you the power to create dynamic and visually engaging videos. With Alight Motion, the possibilities are endless.

Q3. Is 8GB RAM Enough for Alight Motion?

8GB of RAM is generally enough for running Alight Motion, although the app’s recommended minimum is 2GB of RAM. Having more RAM would allow for smoother performance and the ability to handle larger and more complex projects. However, with 8GB of RAM, you should still be able to run Alight Motion without any major issues.


Alight Motion and Filmora for mobile are powerful video editing apps that offer a wide range of features and effects. Each app has its strengths and weaknesses, and it ultimately depends on your specific needs and preferences.

Alight Motion offers more shake effects, while Filmora for mobile offers more simplicity. Both apps can be used to create high-quality and professional-looking videos. It’s recommended to try both apps and see which one works best for you.

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

  • Motion graphics and visual effects: Filmora for mobile has a wide range of motion graphics and visual effects that you can use to enhance your videos, including shake effects.
  • Video trimming, merging, and splitting: The app allows you to trim, merge and split your videos to create the perfect footage.
  • Music and audio editing: Filmora for mobile has a built-in music library and audio editing tools that you can use to add music and sound effects to your videos.
  • Text and title overlays: You can add text and title overlays to your videos to create captions, subtitles, and more.
  • Speed control: Adjust the speed of your videos to create fast-paced or slow-motion footage.

With Filmora for mobile, you can easily create high-quality, professional-looking videos with shake effects and all the other features that Alight Motion offers. The app has a simple and intuitive interface that makes it easy for users of all skill levels to create stunning videos.

Effects in Filmora for Mobile

Filmora for mobile offers a wide variety of effects that you can use to enhance your videos and make them stand out. The shaking effect is one popular effect that adds a sense of movement and drama to your footage. With Filmora, you can easily adjust the intensity of the shake effect to create a subtle or more pronounced effect.

Another great effect that Filmora for mobile offers is the split-screen effect. This allows you to split your screen into multiple sections and play different videos or images in each section. This can be useful for creating a sense of simultaneity and storytelling.

Additionally, Filmora for mobile offers a wide variety of transition effects that you can use to transition between different clips in your video smoothly. These effects include wipes, fades, and more. With these effects, you can take your videos to the next level.

How To Add Shake Effects in Filmora for Mobile

Shake effects can be a great addition to any video if you want to create a dramatic effect or add visual interest to your footage. By following the simple steps outlined in this guide, you’ll be able to add shake effects to your videos in Filmora for mobile and take your videos to the next level. So, let’s get started and learn how to add shake effects in Filmora for mobile.

Step1 Open the Filmora mobile app and tapMore.”

filmora mobile interface

Step2 Select the effect in the list of effects loaded.

filmora mobile effects

Step3 Click the “Use“ button to make the effect present in your clip.

filmora mobile use effects

Step4 Select the video clip from your device that you want to edit.

filmora mobile add video

Step5 Select the shake effect you want to use and tap the check icon.

filmora mobile shake effect

Step6 Adjust the duration of the effect to your desired length.

filmora mobile adjust duration

Step7 Tap the “Export“ button to save your video.

After following the steps outlined in this guide, you can easily add shake effects to your videos in Filmora for mobile. However, if you’re still having trouble, we recommend watching the following video for more detailed instructions:

Which Is Better? Alight Motion or Filmora for Mobile?

It ultimately depends on your specific needs and preferences when deciding between Alight Motion and Filmora for mobile. Both apps are powerful video editing tools that offer many features and effects but have their strengths and weaknesses.

| | Alight Motion | Filmora | |
| —————————- | ————————————————————————————————— | ——————————————————– |
| Operating System | Android and iOS | Android and iOS |
| App Store Rating | 4.4 out of 5 | 4.7 out of 5 |
| Google Play Store Rating | 3.6 out of 5 | 4.7 out of 5 |
| Pricing | Free with In-app Purchases | Free with In-app Purchases |
| Number of Shake Effects | 100+ shake effects | 8 different camera shake |

Alight Motion is a powerful video editing app that offers many features and effects, including 100+ shake effects. The app is available for Android and iOS and has received a 4.4 out of 5 rating on the App Store and a 3.6 out of 5 rating on the Google Play Store. Alight Motion is free to download and use, but some features and effects may require in-app purchases.

One of the standout features of Alight Motion is its motion graphics and visual effects capabilities. The app has a wide range of shake effects that you can use to add a sense of movement and drama to your footage.

Alight Motion is suitable for professional videographers who want to create high-quality and professional-looking videos. The app is also great for those who want to create videos for social media platforms, especially those who want to create dynamic and visually engaging videos.

On the other hand, Filmora for mobile is also a powerful video editing app that offers a wide range of features and effects, including 8 different camera shake effects.

The app is available for Android and iOS and has received a 4.7 out of 5 rating on the App Store and a 4.7 out of 5 rating on the Google Play Store. Filmora is free to download and use, but some features and effects may require in-app purchases.

The shake effect feature in Filmora for mobile is simple and allows you to add a subtle or more pronounced shake effect to your footage. Additionally, Filmora for mobile offers a wide range of other effects, including visual effects, transition effects, and color correction tools, that you can use to enhance your videos.

Filmora for mobile is suitable as a user-friendly and easy-to-use video editing app. The app is perfect for hobbyists, YouTubers, or social media content creators who want to create high-quality videos with various effects. It’s also great for those seeking a mobile-based alternative to desktop video editing software.

People Also Ask

Here are some questions that people commonly ask concerning the topic of adding shake effects to videos using Alight Motion.

Q1. How Do You Add Effects to Alight Motion?

To add effects to Alight Motion, you can follow these steps:

Step1 Open the Alight Motion app and create a new project or open an existing one.

alight motion open project

Step2 Select the layer to which you want to add the effect, then tap on the “Effects“ button.

alight motion select layer

Step3 Browse the available effects and tap on the desired effect to apply it to the selected layer.

alight motion browse effects

Step4 You can add multiple layers to your video.

alight motion multiple layer

Q2. How Many Effects Are in Alight Motion?

As of now, Alight Motion offers 100+ effects that you can use to enhance your videos and make them stand out. These effects include a wide range of motion graphics, visual effects, and animation tools. Some of the effects available in Alight Motion include shaking effects, panning, zooming, rotation, color correction, and many more.

The app is regularly updated, so the number of effects available may increase over time. The wide range of effects gives you the power to create dynamic and visually engaging videos. With Alight Motion, the possibilities are endless.

Q3. Is 8GB RAM Enough for Alight Motion?

8GB of RAM is generally enough for running Alight Motion, although the app’s recommended minimum is 2GB of RAM. Having more RAM would allow for smoother performance and the ability to handle larger and more complex projects. However, with 8GB of RAM, you should still be able to run Alight Motion without any major issues.


Alight Motion and Filmora for mobile are powerful video editing apps that offer a wide range of features and effects. Each app has its strengths and weaknesses, and it ultimately depends on your specific needs and preferences.

Alight Motion offers more shake effects, while Filmora for mobile offers more simplicity. Both apps can be used to create high-quality and professional-looking videos. It’s recommended to try both apps and see which one works best for you.

Also read:

  • Title: How To Be A Successful YouTuber
  • Author: Chloe
  • Created at : 2024-05-20 03:37:27
  • Updated at : 2024-05-21 03:37:27
  • Link:
  • License: This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.
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How To Be A Successful YouTuber