How To Film a Slow Motion Video for 2024

How To Film a Slow Motion Video for 2024

Chloe Lv12

How To Film a Slow Motion Video

Scenes that might otherwise be monotonous can be made more interesting by the use of slow-motion photography in movies and television shows. For instance, a battle sequence between two characters can be portrayed in its entirety, but if it is later replayed in slow motion, the intensity of the action is amplified significantly.

Let’s dive in!

1. What is slow motion?

Filmmakers use the slow-motion effect to create the illusion that the passage of time has been slowed down on the screen. In the early 20th century, an Austrian priest named August Musger was the one who came up with the idea. Playing normally recorded material at a slower pace is another method for creating the illusion of slow motion.

When a film is recorded at 25 frames per second, but played back at 24 frames per second, it will seem as if it is being shown in slow motion because all of the movements will be slightly slower than when they were actually performed. This is because the film was recorded at 25 frames per second, but the playback was done at 24 frames per second.

Because there are not enough frames to show all of the details of each frame when a 24-frame animation is played at a 25-frame rate (or a 30-frame animation at a 32-frame rate), certain frames have to be repeated (every 5th one in this case). When there is a dramatic event taking place, this manipulation of the film speed makes the action on screen appear even more dramatic or “tensioned.”

what is a slow motion video

2. Understanding frame rates

When filming video, there are a set number of frames per second that you can choose from. One picture is all you get when you take a still photograph. Click. That is only one example. A frame is the name of that picture. With video, however, you take 30 or 24 images per second, which you then combine. You now have footage.

The video is a combination of tens of thousands of frames or images that are flashing before your eyes. With a normal frame rate of 24 frames per second, you are essentially taking 24 pictures per second and stitching them together to create video. When you stretch it out in post for slow motion, you double or triple the frame rate, which results in more images per second and eliminates empty gaps and jarring actions.

This is how video that has been sped up for slow motion may still preserve its quality. But you can’t just choose a frame rate based on taste. Frame rates vary depending on the different types of emotions. 60 fps will do if the video is a slo-mo of a person’s emotion. However, if your shot contains a lot of movement and you want to show it, such as when automobiles collide or explode, you may require a higher frame rate, such as 120 fps.

understand frame rates

3. Post processing

This is when it gets a bit complicated. Some cameras come equipped with a slow-motion feature. To capture the video in slow motion at a higher frame rate, go to your settings. You might not have this built-in slow-motion feature in other models.

Therefore, even though the footage was taken at a higher frame rate, the camera is playing the movie back at the same pace it was shot at, so when you shoot at a higher frame rate, you end up with footage of a normal speed. There is a solution to that. The footage’s speed can be adjusted during post-production.

The 24/30 fps editing timelines are pre-set. The majority of the video you capture at this frame rate plays back just nicely on this timeline. You must stretch out video that was shot at a higher frame rate to match this timeline, though. That effectively doubles or triples the length of a video, depending on the multiple of the timeline’s typical frame rate.

post processing filmora

4. Lighting

While watching TV or movies, you might have observed anything. The majority of the extremely slow photos happen in broad daylight. Not after dark or in dimly lit areas. The reason for this is that sufficient lighting is required in order to capture motion. Lighting becomes crucial as your frame rate exceeds 300 frames per second. Therefore, if you must take these pictures, you must do so in a studio environment with lots of artificial lighting.

To create that cinematic magic, you can use high CRI lighting. On the screen, a flickering light may spell doom. Flickering lights have the potential to damage slow-motion film even though they would be OK for any other scene. Because there is no risk of voltage fluctuation, LED lights are a safe bet. The reason for this is that some models do not require an electrical outlet to function. Prior to departure, make sure you have checked each and every light.

If you are filming during the day and you point your camera toward the sun, you may end up with a significant amount of glare that cannot be hidden up in the post-production stage nor can it be ignored. This is not merely a problem that occurs throughout the daytime. Flares can also be obtained from moving vehicles and various other sources of light. If you use a flat lens when you’re out at night, you can eliminate the risk of something like that happening.

choose light for slow motion video

5. Why use slow motion?

When you first begin working with slow-motion video, you need to ask yourself, “What exactly is the purpose behind me choosing this effect?” Once you have an answer to that question, you may move on to the next step.

In most cases, there are often two primary causes for it.

1. It makes sense to present emotions on the screen for a longer period of time in order for the audience to be able to absorb and comprehend it in its whole if they are shown for a longer period of time since moments that are packed with emotions seem to endure longer than ordinary ones.

2. The second strategy is to draw attention to striking visuals that you might have overlooked in other circumstances and that contribute significantly to the aesthetic value of your setting. A flutter of the eyelid, a butterfly stretching its wings, rains falling on a flower petal, shards of fire breaking free, etc. are all examples of how quickly things may happen. You need to have a good reason for using slow motion, and you shouldn’t abuse the effect too much too. You should only do so at those moments where it makes logical sense to do so.

draw attention with slow motion video

Subconscious slow-motion. Overusing or misusing a function ruins its appeal. Filming isn’t an exact science, but it does nothing unnecessary. For a cinematic effect, slow-motion should be introduced carefully.

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Cropping a Video in Davinci Resolve [Step by Step]

Sometimes, when it comes to editing a video, we don’t even know where to start, because there are too many options –online platforms which instantly help us edit our clips, without lengthy process of downloading and installing computer programs;

Mobile applications with user-friendly interface, allowing us to manipulate the footage quickly, easily choose our preferred formats and effects and adjust the clips according to the requirements our target platforms set; more time-consuming and advanced software with even more options, but which seem to require us to be more skilled and experienced in editing.

Even though editing, as other innovative and creative actions, is limitless in its possibilities, sometimes we just need to make a little change in our project and it’s quite enough for us to be satisfied with our work and material. One of the things which is rather simple to do, but sometimes essential, when it comes to making our clips better and more picturesque for the audience, is cropping a video.

Cropping, in its essence, is great to “hide” some unnecessary objects in our video, and/or highlight the main ones. In this article, we discuss how to crop a video in a software called DaVinci Resolve, in simple little steps, how to export our work and lastly, what would be the alternate way to do the same in other computer program.

Part 1. How to crop a video in Davinci Resolve

First and foremost, let’s get to know Davinci Resolve! As mentioned above, it is a software, so let’s be well-aware that we have to download and install it on our computer systems. Of course, it takes a bit of time, but to be able to use an advanced software, it’s totally worth it. If we are to search for the information about Davinci Resolve, we come across the following description: “color grading and non-linear video editing application for macOS, Windows, and Linux”. So, no matter which system we have, we can count on this software, which is a real advantage!


To touch upon the functions, Davinci Resolve includes modules for video editing, color correction, audio mixing and effects, and visual effects. The interface of it is quite advanced, but would be well and soon understandable for someone who has ever used a similar editing software, such as Adobe Premiere Pro. If you are interested in everything the software has to offer, we recommend watching this very viral beginner tutorial .

Now, back to cropping – so, you want to crop the video you took or got somehow, and you also think about using Davinci Resolve? Cropping, in most cases, meaning different applications, platforms and software, is not a complicated task at all, and you can do it in a very short amount of time in Davinci Resolve, too. Therefore, let’s delve into the steps on how to do it!

First, download and install the software, and when it is finished, launch it. You will see a totally clean program, until you add the video you want to work on. To do so, you have to find File in the top menu, find Import and then choose Media.


Then it will open a new window where you can choose your file…


Your chosen file will be added in Media Pool, and to direct it into the sequence, you have to drag and drop it there.



And then you might have difficulty to find the crop button. But here it is – below the screen, on the left, there are two icons, and the second one says – Tools…


Click on the Tools button and more options will appear down the screen where the video clip is shown. And there, you will notice the famous Crop icon, just the second one, which will put your clip in a new window with the option below to crop each side, plus, to add feather around the cropped video.


When you are ready to make a video bigger and adjust it to a frame size, you need to choose Transform button, left to the Crop icon. You can “touch” the dots on the video and manually manage the size of your cropped clip.



When you are ready to save the video you cropped, find Quick Export – you will see the button above the clip, on the right. A little window with settings will appear, so you can choose the format you want to save your video in, and then, of course, click on Export for the last time.



The video will be saved where you wanted to, so, you have just learned – how to crop a video in Davinci Resolve!

Part 2. An easier way to crop a video in Wondershare Filmora

Even though it’s quite easy to crop a video in Davinci Resolve, who knows, maybe for you, other software is preferable? It doesn’t always come down to which is best, but rather, it also boils down to an individual choice – which one do YOU prefer? Especially, let’s say, when it comes to a “cosy” one like Filmora Video Editor is, it’s worth a thought –a pleasant interface and great tools and features attract users and video enthusiasts from all around the world. Filmora is considered as one of the best, the most easy-to-use and, at the same time, advanced software for video editing. So, why not give it a try? Let’s discuss how to crop a video in Wondershare Filmora then, step by step.

Free Download

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Free Download

For macOS 10.14 or later

First off, we start in the same way – download and install Wondershare Filmora X. Oh – maybe, that is the step you have already taken?..

Click on Import Media Files Here, which will let you add the file(s) you are going to crop.


You will choose your clip(s) you would like to crop and then drag and drop it in the sequence.


Above your video in the sequence you will see little icons and find a Crop one.


After clicking on it, a new window will open – it’s for Crop and Zoom, where you can choose a needed ratio or do it manually (for it, you have to select Custom first).


After clicking OK, your video will be cropped as you like. Then, you can proceed with exporting it – click on Export, choose your preferred settings, and save the video where you want it to be accessible later.


So, in this article, we have discussed software Davinci Resolve and how to crop a video there. A step by step, written guides help you make the best out of your video clips and never lose track of what you are doing, also, comparing different video editing platforms and tools will make you understand which one works best for you or/and your company. Another part of this article was Wondershare Filmora X and how to crop a video there, also, with a detailed guide there. We hope you know a little more about programs, editing, and your own choice!

To touch upon the functions, Davinci Resolve includes modules for video editing, color correction, audio mixing and effects, and visual effects. The interface of it is quite advanced, but would be well and soon understandable for someone who has ever used a similar editing software, such as Adobe Premiere Pro. If you are interested in everything the software has to offer, we recommend watching this very viral beginner tutorial .

Now, back to cropping – so, you want to crop the video you took or got somehow, and you also think about using Davinci Resolve? Cropping, in most cases, meaning different applications, platforms and software, is not a complicated task at all, and you can do it in a very short amount of time in Davinci Resolve, too. Therefore, let’s delve into the steps on how to do it!

First, download and install the software, and when it is finished, launch it. You will see a totally clean program, until you add the video you want to work on. To do so, you have to find File in the top menu, find Import and then choose Media.


Then it will open a new window where you can choose your file…


Your chosen file will be added in Media Pool, and to direct it into the sequence, you have to drag and drop it there.



And then you might have difficulty to find the crop button. But here it is – below the screen, on the left, there are two icons, and the second one says – Tools…


Click on the Tools button and more options will appear down the screen where the video clip is shown. And there, you will notice the famous Crop icon, just the second one, which will put your clip in a new window with the option below to crop each side, plus, to add feather around the cropped video.


When you are ready to make a video bigger and adjust it to a frame size, you need to choose Transform button, left to the Crop icon. You can “touch” the dots on the video and manually manage the size of your cropped clip.



When you are ready to save the video you cropped, find Quick Export – you will see the button above the clip, on the right. A little window with settings will appear, so you can choose the format you want to save your video in, and then, of course, click on Export for the last time.



The video will be saved where you wanted to, so, you have just learned – how to crop a video in Davinci Resolve!

Part 2. An easier way to crop a video in Wondershare Filmora

Even though it’s quite easy to crop a video in Davinci Resolve, who knows, maybe for you, other software is preferable? It doesn’t always come down to which is best, but rather, it also boils down to an individual choice – which one do YOU prefer? Especially, let’s say, when it comes to a “cosy” one like Filmora Video Editor is, it’s worth a thought –a pleasant interface and great tools and features attract users and video enthusiasts from all around the world. Filmora is considered as one of the best, the most easy-to-use and, at the same time, advanced software for video editing. So, why not give it a try? Let’s discuss how to crop a video in Wondershare Filmora then, step by step.

Free Download

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Free Download

For macOS 10.14 or later

First off, we start in the same way – download and install Wondershare Filmora X. Oh – maybe, that is the step you have already taken?..

Click on Import Media Files Here, which will let you add the file(s) you are going to crop.


You will choose your clip(s) you would like to crop and then drag and drop it in the sequence.


Above your video in the sequence you will see little icons and find a Crop one.


After clicking on it, a new window will open – it’s for Crop and Zoom, where you can choose a needed ratio or do it manually (for it, you have to select Custom first).


After clicking OK, your video will be cropped as you like. Then, you can proceed with exporting it – click on Export, choose your preferred settings, and save the video where you want it to be accessible later.


So, in this article, we have discussed software Davinci Resolve and how to crop a video there. A step by step, written guides help you make the best out of your video clips and never lose track of what you are doing, also, comparing different video editing platforms and tools will make you understand which one works best for you or/and your company. Another part of this article was Wondershare Filmora X and how to crop a video there, also, with a detailed guide there. We hope you know a little more about programs, editing, and your own choice!

To touch upon the functions, Davinci Resolve includes modules for video editing, color correction, audio mixing and effects, and visual effects. The interface of it is quite advanced, but would be well and soon understandable for someone who has ever used a similar editing software, such as Adobe Premiere Pro. If you are interested in everything the software has to offer, we recommend watching this very viral beginner tutorial .

Now, back to cropping – so, you want to crop the video you took or got somehow, and you also think about using Davinci Resolve? Cropping, in most cases, meaning different applications, platforms and software, is not a complicated task at all, and you can do it in a very short amount of time in Davinci Resolve, too. Therefore, let’s delve into the steps on how to do it!

First, download and install the software, and when it is finished, launch it. You will see a totally clean program, until you add the video you want to work on. To do so, you have to find File in the top menu, find Import and then choose Media.


Then it will open a new window where you can choose your file…


Your chosen file will be added in Media Pool, and to direct it into the sequence, you have to drag and drop it there.



And then you might have difficulty to find the crop button. But here it is – below the screen, on the left, there are two icons, and the second one says – Tools…


Click on the Tools button and more options will appear down the screen where the video clip is shown. And there, you will notice the famous Crop icon, just the second one, which will put your clip in a new window with the option below to crop each side, plus, to add feather around the cropped video.


When you are ready to make a video bigger and adjust it to a frame size, you need to choose Transform button, left to the Crop icon. You can “touch” the dots on the video and manually manage the size of your cropped clip.



When you are ready to save the video you cropped, find Quick Export – you will see the button above the clip, on the right. A little window with settings will appear, so you can choose the format you want to save your video in, and then, of course, click on Export for the last time.



The video will be saved where you wanted to, so, you have just learned – how to crop a video in Davinci Resolve!

Part 2. An easier way to crop a video in Wondershare Filmora

Even though it’s quite easy to crop a video in Davinci Resolve, who knows, maybe for you, other software is preferable? It doesn’t always come down to which is best, but rather, it also boils down to an individual choice – which one do YOU prefer? Especially, let’s say, when it comes to a “cosy” one like Filmora Video Editor is, it’s worth a thought –a pleasant interface and great tools and features attract users and video enthusiasts from all around the world. Filmora is considered as one of the best, the most easy-to-use and, at the same time, advanced software for video editing. So, why not give it a try? Let’s discuss how to crop a video in Wondershare Filmora then, step by step.

Free Download

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Free Download

For macOS 10.14 or later

First off, we start in the same way – download and install Wondershare Filmora X. Oh – maybe, that is the step you have already taken?..

Click on Import Media Files Here, which will let you add the file(s) you are going to crop.


You will choose your clip(s) you would like to crop and then drag and drop it in the sequence.


Above your video in the sequence you will see little icons and find a Crop one.


After clicking on it, a new window will open – it’s for Crop and Zoom, where you can choose a needed ratio or do it manually (for it, you have to select Custom first).


After clicking OK, your video will be cropped as you like. Then, you can proceed with exporting it – click on Export, choose your preferred settings, and save the video where you want it to be accessible later.


So, in this article, we have discussed software Davinci Resolve and how to crop a video there. A step by step, written guides help you make the best out of your video clips and never lose track of what you are doing, also, comparing different video editing platforms and tools will make you understand which one works best for you or/and your company. Another part of this article was Wondershare Filmora X and how to crop a video there, also, with a detailed guide there. We hope you know a little more about programs, editing, and your own choice!

To touch upon the functions, Davinci Resolve includes modules for video editing, color correction, audio mixing and effects, and visual effects. The interface of it is quite advanced, but would be well and soon understandable for someone who has ever used a similar editing software, such as Adobe Premiere Pro. If you are interested in everything the software has to offer, we recommend watching this very viral beginner tutorial .

Now, back to cropping – so, you want to crop the video you took or got somehow, and you also think about using Davinci Resolve? Cropping, in most cases, meaning different applications, platforms and software, is not a complicated task at all, and you can do it in a very short amount of time in Davinci Resolve, too. Therefore, let’s delve into the steps on how to do it!

First, download and install the software, and when it is finished, launch it. You will see a totally clean program, until you add the video you want to work on. To do so, you have to find File in the top menu, find Import and then choose Media.


Then it will open a new window where you can choose your file…


Your chosen file will be added in Media Pool, and to direct it into the sequence, you have to drag and drop it there.



And then you might have difficulty to find the crop button. But here it is – below the screen, on the left, there are two icons, and the second one says – Tools…


Click on the Tools button and more options will appear down the screen where the video clip is shown. And there, you will notice the famous Crop icon, just the second one, which will put your clip in a new window with the option below to crop each side, plus, to add feather around the cropped video.


When you are ready to make a video bigger and adjust it to a frame size, you need to choose Transform button, left to the Crop icon. You can “touch” the dots on the video and manually manage the size of your cropped clip.



When you are ready to save the video you cropped, find Quick Export – you will see the button above the clip, on the right. A little window with settings will appear, so you can choose the format you want to save your video in, and then, of course, click on Export for the last time.



The video will be saved where you wanted to, so, you have just learned – how to crop a video in Davinci Resolve!

Part 2. An easier way to crop a video in Wondershare Filmora

Even though it’s quite easy to crop a video in Davinci Resolve, who knows, maybe for you, other software is preferable? It doesn’t always come down to which is best, but rather, it also boils down to an individual choice – which one do YOU prefer? Especially, let’s say, when it comes to a “cosy” one like Filmora Video Editor is, it’s worth a thought –a pleasant interface and great tools and features attract users and video enthusiasts from all around the world. Filmora is considered as one of the best, the most easy-to-use and, at the same time, advanced software for video editing. So, why not give it a try? Let’s discuss how to crop a video in Wondershare Filmora then, step by step.

Free Download

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Free Download

For macOS 10.14 or later

First off, we start in the same way – download and install Wondershare Filmora X. Oh – maybe, that is the step you have already taken?..

Click on Import Media Files Here, which will let you add the file(s) you are going to crop.


You will choose your clip(s) you would like to crop and then drag and drop it in the sequence.


Above your video in the sequence you will see little icons and find a Crop one.


After clicking on it, a new window will open – it’s for Crop and Zoom, where you can choose a needed ratio or do it manually (for it, you have to select Custom first).


After clicking OK, your video will be cropped as you like. Then, you can proceed with exporting it – click on Export, choose your preferred settings, and save the video where you want it to be accessible later.


So, in this article, we have discussed software Davinci Resolve and how to crop a video there. A step by step, written guides help you make the best out of your video clips and never lose track of what you are doing, also, comparing different video editing platforms and tools will make you understand which one works best for you or/and your company. Another part of this article was Wondershare Filmora X and how to crop a video there, also, with a detailed guide there. We hope you know a little more about programs, editing, and your own choice!

Elevate Your Designs with Feather Shapes in After Effects

Feathering shapes in After Effects can greatly enhance your designs’ overall look and feel. This technique involves creating a soft, blurred edge around the shapes, which adds a sense of depth and dimension. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced After Effects user, understanding how to feather shapes is a valuable skill to have in your arsenal.

This guide will cover everything you need about feathering shapes in After Effects. From the basics to advanced techniques, you’ll learn how to add a professional touch to your designs and take your skills to the next level.

Whether you’re creating a logo, animation, or visual effect, the ability to feather shapes will help you achieve the desired look and feel for your project. So, let’s dive in and explore the world of feathering in After Effects!

What Is Mask Edge Feather in After Effects?

Mask Edge Feather in After Effects is a feature that enables you to create a soft or blurred transition between the masked and unmasked areas of your composition. The mask feather setting can be found in the properties and is measured in pixels. Increasing the feather value increases the softness or blurriness of the mask’s edges, creating a smoother transition between the masked and unmasked parts of the image.

One of the key benefits of feathering masks is that it allows you to blend the masked object with its background, making the effect look more natural and convincing. The mask feather tool can also create custom feather shapes anywhere along the edge of the mask. To access the mask feather tool, switch to the pen tool by pressing the “G“ key and selecting the feather pen.

The mask edge feather feature in After Effects is a powerful and versatile tool that can help you achieve a wide range of creative effects. Whether you’re creating an animation or visual effect, or want to add a professional touch to your designs, understanding how to use the mask feather tool is an essential skill in your After Effects toolkit.

How To Feather a Shape in After Effects?

Feathering a shape in After Effects is a simple process that can greatly enhance the look and feel of your designs. By following these steps, you’ll be able to easily feather shapes in After Effects and add a professional touch to your designs.

Keep in mind that the feather value can be adjusted to your preference and the needs of your project, so feel free to experiment and see what works best for you.

There are two options to feather the edge in After Effects:

A. Adding a Mask to Shape Layer

Step1 Add a mask to create a feathered edge.

after effects shape layer mask

Step2 Edit the feather parameter under the mask in the composition panel.

after effects feather parameter editing

B. Applying Fast Box Blur Effect

Step1 Go to the “Effects and Preset“ tab and search for the “Fast Box Blur“ effect.

after effects fast box blur effect

Step2 Increase the “Blur Radius“ to see the edges feather.

after effects editing the blur radius

How To Use Variable Mask Feather in After Effects?

Variable mask feather in After Effects allows you to create masks with variable feathering. It means you can have different feather values for different parts of the same mask. This feature gives you greater control and flexibility over your masks, allowing you to easily create complex effects and transitions.

With variable mask feathers, you can create complex effects, such as a shape that feathers more in one direction than the other. Or you can create a mask with a soft transition in one area and a hard transition in another.

By experimenting with different feather values and mask shapes, you can achieve a wide range of creative effects in After Effects. To use variable mask feather in After Effects, you’ll need to follow these steps:

Step1 Use the pen tool to create corner points.

after effects pen tool

Step2 Create the Mask Feather points.

after effects creating mask feather points

Step3 Adjust the Feather Parameter.

after effects adjusting feather parameter

Step4 Go to “Pen Tool“ > “Mask Feather Tool“ and click anywhere on the mask path.

after effects mask feather tool

Step5 Drag the mask point feathering around the focus.

after effects adjusting the mask feathering points

This tutorial came from Crish Design . For more tutorials about After Effects tips and techniques, you can refer to the Crish Design YouTube channel.

Need an Alternative? Try Wondershare Filmora

If you’re looking for a more accessible and user-friendly alternative to After Effects, consider using Wondershare Filmora . Filmora is a powerful video editing software that offers many of the same features as After Effects, including an edge feather feature that’s a great alternative to the mask edge feather in After Effects.

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

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The edge feather in Filmora is known as the “Blur Strength” and can be found in the “Masks” tab of the editor. Like the mask edge feather in After Effects, the Blur Strength in Filmora is measured in pixels and determines the softness or blurriness of the edges of the mask.

filmora software

Filmora also offers a wide range of other features that make it a great choice for video editings, such as a user-friendly interface, an extensive library of special effects, and support for multiple file formats. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced editor, Filmora has everything you need to create professional-quality videos.

So, if you’re looking for an alternative to After Effects that’s easier to use and more accessible, consider giving Wondershare Filmora a try. Its powerful edge-feature feature and user-friendly interface make it the perfect choice for creating professional-quality videos without the hassle of using complex and time-consuming software.

How To Use Shape Feather Tool in Wondershare Filmora?

The Shape Feather Tool in Wondershare Filmora is a great way to create a soft, gradual transition between different shapes in your video. This tool can be used to create a variety of effects, from gentle fades to complex animations.

Whether creating a simple animation or a complex visual effect, this tool gives you the control and flexibility you need to create professional-quality videos. To use the Shape Feather Tool in Filmora, follow these steps:

Step1 Open Wondershare Filmora and create a new project. Import the video and drag it to the timeline.

filmora add media

Step2 Double-click the video in the Player Window. In the editing window, click “Video“> “Mask“ and add a shape mask.

filmora adding a shape mask

Step3 Scroll down to find the “Blur Strength“ option, and adjust the blur value.

filmora adjusting the blur strength value

How To Use Variable Mask Feather in Wondershare Filmora?

Wondershare Filmora also allows you to use variable mask feathers to create a smooth, gradual transition between different parts of your video.

But first, understand the process of using the pen tool. When using the pen tool to draw shapes in Filmora, you can customize the shape and feather to your specifications. To do this, select the pen tool and use it to draw the shape you want. You can adjust the feathering by moving the feathering control points and fine-tuning the Blur Strength in the “Mask“ tab.

To use Variable Mask Feather in Filmora, follow these steps:

Step1 Select the “Draw Mask“ option under the Mask tab, and use the pen tool to draw whatever shape you like in the video.

filmora draw mask

Step2 Adjust the “Blur Strength“ value.

filmora adjusting the blur strength value 1


Feathering shapes in After Effects and Wondershare Filmora are powerful tools for creating smooth, seamless transitions in your videos. With the mask feather setting in After Effects and the Shape Feather Tool in Filmora, you have the flexibility and control you need to create the exact look you want.

Whether you’re looking to feather shapes in After Effects or prefer the convenience of using Wondershare Filmora, there’s a solution for you. So why wait? Start feathering your shapes today and bring your video editing skills to the next level!

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

The edge feather in Filmora is known as the “Blur Strength” and can be found in the “Masks” tab of the editor. Like the mask edge feather in After Effects, the Blur Strength in Filmora is measured in pixels and determines the softness or blurriness of the edges of the mask.

filmora software

Filmora also offers a wide range of other features that make it a great choice for video editings, such as a user-friendly interface, an extensive library of special effects, and support for multiple file formats. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced editor, Filmora has everything you need to create professional-quality videos.

So, if you’re looking for an alternative to After Effects that’s easier to use and more accessible, consider giving Wondershare Filmora a try. Its powerful edge-feature feature and user-friendly interface make it the perfect choice for creating professional-quality videos without the hassle of using complex and time-consuming software.

How To Use Shape Feather Tool in Wondershare Filmora?

The Shape Feather Tool in Wondershare Filmora is a great way to create a soft, gradual transition between different shapes in your video. This tool can be used to create a variety of effects, from gentle fades to complex animations.

Whether creating a simple animation or a complex visual effect, this tool gives you the control and flexibility you need to create professional-quality videos. To use the Shape Feather Tool in Filmora, follow these steps:

Step1 Open Wondershare Filmora and create a new project. Import the video and drag it to the timeline.

filmora add media

Step2 Double-click the video in the Player Window. In the editing window, click “Video“> “Mask“ and add a shape mask.

filmora adding a shape mask

Step3 Scroll down to find the “Blur Strength“ option, and adjust the blur value.

filmora adjusting the blur strength value

How To Use Variable Mask Feather in Wondershare Filmora?

Wondershare Filmora also allows you to use variable mask feathers to create a smooth, gradual transition between different parts of your video.

But first, understand the process of using the pen tool. When using the pen tool to draw shapes in Filmora, you can customize the shape and feather to your specifications. To do this, select the pen tool and use it to draw the shape you want. You can adjust the feathering by moving the feathering control points and fine-tuning the Blur Strength in the “Mask“ tab.

To use Variable Mask Feather in Filmora, follow these steps:

Step1 Select the “Draw Mask“ option under the Mask tab, and use the pen tool to draw whatever shape you like in the video.

filmora draw mask

Step2 Adjust the “Blur Strength“ value.

filmora adjusting the blur strength value 1


Feathering shapes in After Effects and Wondershare Filmora are powerful tools for creating smooth, seamless transitions in your videos. With the mask feather setting in After Effects and the Shape Feather Tool in Filmora, you have the flexibility and control you need to create the exact look you want.

Whether you’re looking to feather shapes in After Effects or prefer the convenience of using Wondershare Filmora, there’s a solution for you. So why wait? Start feathering your shapes today and bring your video editing skills to the next level!

Find The Best Free Canon LUTs

LUTs (look-up tables) enhance color grading within photos and videos. After all, they are special editing tools for upscaling visual content. There are different types of LUTs with unique characteristics and styling. One of these categories is Canon cinematic LUTs, an exceptional 3D LUT preset. In this article, you’ll find information about Canon LUTs with the best recommendations.

Part 1: What are 3D LUTs?

LUTs are important editing tools for upgrading color schemas of visual content. The 3D LUTs are special LUT presets used in color correction and enhancement. 3D LUT is a mathematical table that maps input and output colors. It helps adjust the color tones, textures, and intensity in an optimized way. So, while selecting any 3D LUT filter, it’s applied in a calculated way.

The 3D LUT is equipped with three-dimensional visual art that determines brightness, hue, and saturation. It has depicted its use cases in industries like gaming and film production. Thus, they play a crucial role in matching color content from different cameras. This develops more consistency with customized looks and appealing visualization.

Part 2: Top-Best Free Canon LUTs To Consider in 2024

The Internet is overloaded with amazing download Canon LUTs. Meanwhile, choosing the right LUTs for your task can be difficult. Don’t worry; you will find the list of best Canon LUTs here:

1.Cinema Canon C-Log3

Take your video concept to the next level with cinema Canon C-Log3 LUT. In this LUT pack, you will find 25 Cinema Rec 709 and 25 Cinema C-Log3 LUTs. If you’ve videos, clips, presentations, or social videos, this LUT pack is ideal. Such LUTs are very easy to use. You only need to drag or import them into your videos.

1. Cinema Canon C-Log3

2. City Building

Transform your city building with this free Canon LUT pack. There are exciting LUT preset filters for providing new looks into tall building structures. The combination of weather, greenery, traffic, and buildings demands upgraded looks, for which such LUTs are ideal. With special color orientation, this LUTs pack will optimize color schemes within the city.

2. City Building

3. Canon C-Log Blockbuster

Add special blockbusting looks to your important video clips. With the Canon C-Log Blockbuster LUTs pack, upgrade your videos with a cinematic touch. There are 20 Blockbuster C-Log LUTs that will extend the color grading of your videos. This also improves the quality of your clips, bringing more engagement. Thus, you can make your documentaries and social clips more enchanting.

Canon C-Log Blockbuster

4. Slight Warmth

Blend unique sunlight touch to your outdoor visual media with these free Canon LUTs. It helps you improve the standards of your images and videos with evening sunshine. Your important outdoor moments will become captured in attractive visual media with pleasing tranquility. The available LUT filter possesses a warm color gradient to initiate creativity.

Slight Warmth

5. Film Canon C-Log2

Using the film Canon C-Log2 pack, you will find amazing LUT color presets. You can use these LUT filters within your documented or personal clips and movies. Find some prominent LUTs, including the 22 Canon C-Log2 and 22 Rec 709 LUTs in the pack. All these LUTs are special and unique, with extensive color gradients. You can import the preset file or drag it into the video for magical effects.

Film Canon C-Log2

6. Sun Flare

Are your captured images or recorded videos in a dull location? There is an option to transform quality using this sun flare Canon LUT. With its bright color presets, this LUT can correct colors within dull visual content. This way, the color schemes would be upgraded with more light and brightness. So, don’t worry, even if your picture is captured within a dull environment.

Sun Flare

7. Vintage

You need not have any darker blueish effects on your outdoor visual media anymore. With vintage Canon LUT download, enhance color grading in an optimized way. The vintage LUT is backed with special color, tone, and style. When you apply these LUTs to your photo or video, the quality will improve. You will witness color enhancement in a quick time.


8. Blue Skies

The sky is blue as the water. Thus, if your visual content has natural landmarks, provide blue touch. After all, blueish effects will enlighten your visual content in an appealing way. With next-level color grading, you will feel special emotions and feelings vibes. The LUTs are easy to use and integrate into your images or videos.

Blue Skies

9. Filmic Style

Blend extraordinary filmy looks into your graphical media with Filmic Style Canon LUT. This LUT is special because it leverages top-level color grading with resolution enhancements. The colors of your visual content will rise, and quality will also improve. So if you’re inspired by the cinematic display, this LUT provides optimized colors.

filmic style luts

10. City Film

An aerial picture of your city determines its beauty. But the sandy or dusty atmosphere can ruin picture quality. Using this Canon LUT, you can upscale your city picture. There are unique color gradients that eliminate dust for clarity within the image. Meanwhile, with the correct color combination, you’ll see a clean environment overall.

city film luts

11. Dusty Light

Sometimes interior images look more attractive in dusty lighting. This LUT pack comes with diverse filter presets that add brownish dusty looks. Thus, your visual content will be enhanced with optimized resolutions within dusty lighting. The Canon LUT will adjust the color schemes within your visual content. Hence, you will have a visually appealing image with outstanding dusty contrast.

Dusty Light

12. Tinted Shades

Make your outings more attractive with stylish tints. By using this free Canon LUT, you can add faded tints to your images or videos. Meanwhile, the tinted shades will provide impressive looks within a dull atmosphere. For outdoor photography, this LUT is ideal because of its dark hues and saturated colors. The filter combines a range of color tools for the best output.

Tinted Shades

13. W&B

Black and white is a vintage color combination that is beyond levels. With this LUTs pack, you can improvise your visual content with a W&B touch. This means LUTs will replace color gradients with stylish black-and-white displays. Meanwhile, the LUT will adjust hue, saturation, contrast, and brightness. As a final result, you will receive attractive W&B content.

w&b luts

14. Pink Grade

Red-brownish mountains look impressive in their original colors. A pink-grade LUT filter can bring originality to your captured videos or photos. This way, the LUT will accurately apply pink color grading with consistency. The mountain which you captured will start looking great again. Pink color schemes are also more attractive when it comes to outdoor visual content.

pink grade luts

15. Landscape

Landscapes look great in their clean yet natural colors. But if your photography or videography goes wrong, landscapes may look poor. In this scenario, using a landscape Canon LUT is a great thing to have. After all, the LUT has useful color preset filters that will provide refreshing looks. The greenery will be restored, and the blue sky will be back.


16. Landscape

The bright yet exceptional blue color of the sea is always mind-blowing. If you want to use the blueish sea filter effect, download this Canon cinematic LUTs. There are special filter effects that will enhance resoLUTions and optimize color schemas. The colors are transformed while keeping blueish sea effects in the process. The end result is always amazing, with naturally appealing graphics.

sea luts

Part 3: Using The Most Effective LUTs in Wondershare Filmora

In this digital age, the use of technology is revolutionizing video editing. An example is 3D Canon LUTs for upscaling and enhancing visual colors in media. The Canon LUTs are special because of their improvised color grading and schemas. Using Wondershare Filmora , you can download Canon LUTs within a range of filter presets. There are, in total, 200+ LUT filter presets to fulfill your video editing needs within this video editor by default.

In contrast, you can use Wondershare Filmora for other video editing tasks as well. You can edit your video, add music tracks, or correct background noises. You can also add different effects, stickers, and transitions. Let’s discover more useful features of Filmora.

wondershare filmora luts

Top Features of Wondershare Filmora

  • Stock Media: Filmora has the availability of 10 billion+ free stock media. So you if don’t have your pictures and videos, stock media can provide them. There are different categories of unique visual media.
  • Extended Plug-ins: For a better editing experience, you can add countless filter plug-ins. This includes NewBlue, BorisFX, and many others. With plug-ins, you can add a more extensive color enhancement.
  • Motion Tracking: The presence of motion tracking allows tracking of object movement in the video. Thus, you can pin media files, text, or graphics to that motion. Your content will look visually appealing with the use of this specific feature.
  • Speed Ramping: Using Filmora, you can change the speed of your video through speed ramping. The speed could be changed uniformly or speedily. It depends on your video requirements.

Empower your videos with a new mood using different LUTs. Filmora now offers 100+ top-quality 3D LUTs cover a broad range of scenarios. Transform your videos with Filmora’s powerful 3D LUTs.

Apply LUT on Videos Apply LUT on Videos Learn More

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Wondershare Filmora 12


Like other LUTs, Canon LUTs are also special and unique in their kind. They provide 3D cinematic looks with visually attractive color corrections. Meanwhile, in this article, you found the best Canon LUTs for editing visual media. You also learned about Wondershare Filmora, the best video editing and enhancement tool. The provided details of this video editing tool will make it easy for you to adapt to the 200+ available presets on the platform.

Part 1: What are 3D LUTs?

LUTs are important editing tools for upgrading color schemas of visual content. The 3D LUTs are special LUT presets used in color correction and enhancement. 3D LUT is a mathematical table that maps input and output colors. It helps adjust the color tones, textures, and intensity in an optimized way. So, while selecting any 3D LUT filter, it’s applied in a calculated way.

The 3D LUT is equipped with three-dimensional visual art that determines brightness, hue, and saturation. It has depicted its use cases in industries like gaming and film production. Thus, they play a crucial role in matching color content from different cameras. This develops more consistency with customized looks and appealing visualization.

Part 2: Top-Best Free Canon LUTs To Consider in 2024

The Internet is overloaded with amazing download Canon LUTs. Meanwhile, choosing the right LUTs for your task can be difficult. Don’t worry; you will find the list of best Canon LUTs here:

1.Cinema Canon C-Log3

Take your video concept to the next level with cinema Canon C-Log3 LUT. In this LUT pack, you will find 25 Cinema Rec 709 and 25 Cinema C-Log3 LUTs. If you’ve videos, clips, presentations, or social videos, this LUT pack is ideal. Such LUTs are very easy to use. You only need to drag or import them into your videos.

1. Cinema Canon C-Log3

2. City Building

Transform your city building with this free Canon LUT pack. There are exciting LUT preset filters for providing new looks into tall building structures. The combination of weather, greenery, traffic, and buildings demands upgraded looks, for which such LUTs are ideal. With special color orientation, this LUTs pack will optimize color schemes within the city.

2. City Building

3. Canon C-Log Blockbuster

Add special blockbusting looks to your important video clips. With the Canon C-Log Blockbuster LUTs pack, upgrade your videos with a cinematic touch. There are 20 Blockbuster C-Log LUTs that will extend the color grading of your videos. This also improves the quality of your clips, bringing more engagement. Thus, you can make your documentaries and social clips more enchanting.

Canon C-Log Blockbuster

4. Slight Warmth

Blend unique sunlight touch to your outdoor visual media with these free Canon LUTs. It helps you improve the standards of your images and videos with evening sunshine. Your important outdoor moments will become captured in attractive visual media with pleasing tranquility. The available LUT filter possesses a warm color gradient to initiate creativity.

Slight Warmth

5. Film Canon C-Log2

Using the film Canon C-Log2 pack, you will find amazing LUT color presets. You can use these LUT filters within your documented or personal clips and movies. Find some prominent LUTs, including the 22 Canon C-Log2 and 22 Rec 709 LUTs in the pack. All these LUTs are special and unique, with extensive color gradients. You can import the preset file or drag it into the video for magical effects.

Film Canon C-Log2

6. Sun Flare

Are your captured images or recorded videos in a dull location? There is an option to transform quality using this sun flare Canon LUT. With its bright color presets, this LUT can correct colors within dull visual content. This way, the color schemes would be upgraded with more light and brightness. So, don’t worry, even if your picture is captured within a dull environment.

Sun Flare

7. Vintage

You need not have any darker blueish effects on your outdoor visual media anymore. With vintage Canon LUT download, enhance color grading in an optimized way. The vintage LUT is backed with special color, tone, and style. When you apply these LUTs to your photo or video, the quality will improve. You will witness color enhancement in a quick time.


8. Blue Skies

The sky is blue as the water. Thus, if your visual content has natural landmarks, provide blue touch. After all, blueish effects will enlighten your visual content in an appealing way. With next-level color grading, you will feel special emotions and feelings vibes. The LUTs are easy to use and integrate into your images or videos.

Blue Skies

9. Filmic Style

Blend extraordinary filmy looks into your graphical media with Filmic Style Canon LUT. This LUT is special because it leverages top-level color grading with resolution enhancements. The colors of your visual content will rise, and quality will also improve. So if you’re inspired by the cinematic display, this LUT provides optimized colors.

filmic style luts

10. City Film

An aerial picture of your city determines its beauty. But the sandy or dusty atmosphere can ruin picture quality. Using this Canon LUT, you can upscale your city picture. There are unique color gradients that eliminate dust for clarity within the image. Meanwhile, with the correct color combination, you’ll see a clean environment overall.

city film luts

11. Dusty Light

Sometimes interior images look more attractive in dusty lighting. This LUT pack comes with diverse filter presets that add brownish dusty looks. Thus, your visual content will be enhanced with optimized resolutions within dusty lighting. The Canon LUT will adjust the color schemes within your visual content. Hence, you will have a visually appealing image with outstanding dusty contrast.

Dusty Light

12. Tinted Shades

Make your outings more attractive with stylish tints. By using this free Canon LUT, you can add faded tints to your images or videos. Meanwhile, the tinted shades will provide impressive looks within a dull atmosphere. For outdoor photography, this LUT is ideal because of its dark hues and saturated colors. The filter combines a range of color tools for the best output.

Tinted Shades

13. W&B

Black and white is a vintage color combination that is beyond levels. With this LUTs pack, you can improvise your visual content with a W&B touch. This means LUTs will replace color gradients with stylish black-and-white displays. Meanwhile, the LUT will adjust hue, saturation, contrast, and brightness. As a final result, you will receive attractive W&B content.

w&b luts

14. Pink Grade

Red-brownish mountains look impressive in their original colors. A pink-grade LUT filter can bring originality to your captured videos or photos. This way, the LUT will accurately apply pink color grading with consistency. The mountain which you captured will start looking great again. Pink color schemes are also more attractive when it comes to outdoor visual content.

pink grade luts

15. Landscape

Landscapes look great in their clean yet natural colors. But if your photography or videography goes wrong, landscapes may look poor. In this scenario, using a landscape Canon LUT is a great thing to have. After all, the LUT has useful color preset filters that will provide refreshing looks. The greenery will be restored, and the blue sky will be back.


16. Landscape

The bright yet exceptional blue color of the sea is always mind-blowing. If you want to use the blueish sea filter effect, download this Canon cinematic LUTs. There are special filter effects that will enhance resoLUTions and optimize color schemas. The colors are transformed while keeping blueish sea effects in the process. The end result is always amazing, with naturally appealing graphics.

sea luts

Part 3: Using The Most Effective LUTs in Wondershare Filmora

In this digital age, the use of technology is revolutionizing video editing. An example is 3D Canon LUTs for upscaling and enhancing visual colors in media. The Canon LUTs are special because of their improvised color grading and schemas. Using Wondershare Filmora , you can download Canon LUTs within a range of filter presets. There are, in total, 200+ LUT filter presets to fulfill your video editing needs within this video editor by default.

In contrast, you can use Wondershare Filmora for other video editing tasks as well. You can edit your video, add music tracks, or correct background noises. You can also add different effects, stickers, and transitions. Let’s discover more useful features of Filmora.

wondershare filmora luts

Top Features of Wondershare Filmora

  • Stock Media: Filmora has the availability of 10 billion+ free stock media. So you if don’t have your pictures and videos, stock media can provide them. There are different categories of unique visual media.
  • Extended Plug-ins: For a better editing experience, you can add countless filter plug-ins. This includes NewBlue, BorisFX, and many others. With plug-ins, you can add a more extensive color enhancement.
  • Motion Tracking: The presence of motion tracking allows tracking of object movement in the video. Thus, you can pin media files, text, or graphics to that motion. Your content will look visually appealing with the use of this specific feature.
  • Speed Ramping: Using Filmora, you can change the speed of your video through speed ramping. The speed could be changed uniformly or speedily. It depends on your video requirements.

Empower your videos with a new mood using different LUTs. Filmora now offers 100+ top-quality 3D LUTs cover a broad range of scenarios. Transform your videos with Filmora’s powerful 3D LUTs.

Apply LUT on Videos Apply LUT on Videos Learn More

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Wondershare Filmora 12


Like other LUTs, Canon LUTs are also special and unique in their kind. They provide 3D cinematic looks with visually attractive color corrections. Meanwhile, in this article, you found the best Canon LUTs for editing visual media. You also learned about Wondershare Filmora, the best video editing and enhancement tool. The provided details of this video editing tool will make it easy for you to adapt to the 200+ available presets on the platform.

Also read:

  • Title: How To Film a Slow Motion Video for 2024
  • Author: Chloe
  • Created at : 2024-05-20 03:38:09
  • Updated at : 2024-05-21 03:38:09
  • Link:
  • License: This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.
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How To Film a Slow Motion Video for 2024