How to Use Blender Green Screen

How to Use Blender Green Screen

Chloe Lv12

How to Use Blender Green Screen

Blender is an open-source cross-platform 3D graphics program, but this doesn’t mean it’s a low-rent option. Just like commercial packages like Lightwave 3D, it is also a very capable compositing package. Unlike Lightwave, it is a modern node-based compositor like Nuke or Fusion. It’s not what the software is designed for, but it does a bangup job of green screen compositing, as you will soon see.

Blender green screen uses technique of the chroma key a color is isolated (in our case the green of thegreen screen), or a particular luminance, it is removed and the area that was occupied by it becomes transparent, thus becoming part of the alpha channel. The transparent parts will thus show the video or the image below, which will thus define the environment in which the subject of the first movie will act.

How to Use Green Screen in Blender

So we need to pull these two elements into Blender and pull a key on the green bits to make the background show through in as naturalistic a way as possible. Blender is a node-based compositor which means the control mechanism is nodes or little LEGO blocks of love which you place on the screen and link with little strings which form your signal path.


Locate the drop-down (it goes up, actually, but you know what we mean) at the bottom of the view, and select “Movie Clip Editor.”

Click the “Open” button and choose and load your green screen footage. (You can also load sequences of images for uncompressed keys in this step if you have the space, and the footage is the right size.)

Once the clip is loaded, go back to the drop-down and select Node Editor.

The screen will be blank, but just go to the bottom of the view and click the middle button marked “Node Tree Type” to Display, and then check the Use Nodes and Backdrop buttons.

Select the “Render Layers” node, and because we won’t need it you can delete it (on the Mac this is the Forward Delete key). Then move the Compositing node out of the way because we won’t need it yet.

**Note: to zoom in and out of the nodes, use the centre scroll wheel of the mouse if you have it. To zoom in and out of the images you are working on, use the V and Alt-V keys.

**Compositing Nodes

Click the Add menu in the bar at the bottom of the view and select “Input -> Movie Clip.” Select the green screen clip you added in the Movie Clip Editor. This is the input. We have to push this through a keyer to remove the green and make those areas transparent.

**Important: in this program flow goes from left to right, so node inputs are on the left of a node, and outputs are on the right of a node.

Now select “Add -> Matte -> Keying” to add a keying node. Also “Add -> Output -> Viewer” to make the output from the key visible. Click on the little yellow dot next to Image output on the Input node, and drag it to Image input on the Keying node. Then drag the little dot next to Image output on the keying node, and drag it to the image input on the viewer node.

You now have to select the key colour, the colour which the keyer is changing to transparent. Click the Key Colour button on the Keying node, and this displays a colour selector. Click the eyedropper, and click on the image in the background somewhere on the green screen.

If you look carefully, you will see that there are some areas which still have a bit of colour and are not fully transparent. You can check this more accurately by dragging the string from the Matte output on the Keying node and linking to the input on the viewer. This is the key you have made. As you can see, the dark bits are supposed to be totally black, and there are still greys showing through. (This is because the source material wasn’t perfect.)

There are many different ways to fix this depending on the shot, but if it’s a reasonably well-shot green screen, all you will need to do is the following.

Adjust the Black Clip slider to expand the amount of greens which turn to black. Then adjust the White Clip to push the whites to prevent them from becoming transparent.

Once you have pure white and pure black, reconnect the image output of the keying node to the image input on the viewer, and you’ll see you have a decent key.

You can adjust the amount of fringing and spill (reflections from the green screen on the model), but generally the keyer does a good job of guessing that for you with a decently-shot green screen.

**Adding the background

After this, adding the background is more of the same with a slight twist. “Add -> Input -> Movie Clip,” navigate to your background clip and load it.

To blend the two layers, you have to make a mix of the two clips so that the background shows through the now transparent bits of the foreground.

“Add -> Colour -> Mix node”. Take the output from the background clip, and feed it to the top image input of the mix node. Take the output from the keying node, and feed it into the lower image input on the mix node.

Click the Alpha channel button next to the drop-down on the mix node.

And finally we have our key. The background is way too sharp and makes the green screen footage look really soft and crappy, so we need to soften the background. There is a really nice Bokeh Blur filter in blender for just this purpose to make the background look out of focus and add lots of gorgeous Bokeh blobs.

“Add -> Filter -> Bokeh Blur” and put it between the background clip and the mix. In Blender, if you add a node and place it over a string between two nodes, the string goes yellow, and dropping it will automatically insert the new node into the signal path connecting inputs and outputs.

Finally add an image to the Bokeh Blur for the shape you want the bokeh to be; we opted for a donut-shaped iris pattern.

To render out your video, connect the output of the Mix node to the input of the compositing node we left lying about earlier. It’s okay for this output to be connected to the input node of the viewer, too, as this means we see progress while rendering.

Make sure you are set up to render the right amount of frames at 30fps in the render panel on the far right. 30fps for 5 seconds (the duration of our clip) is 150 frames. Insert 150 where it says End Fr.

Select a place and a filename to output to in the Output panel further down the right-hand side. Then to render, select the info menu bar from the top-left drop-down, and finally choose “Render Menu -> Render Animation,” and the render will begin.

Wondershare Filmora

If you’re just starting out with video editing, or just want a simple program that works, Wondershare Filmora might be what you’re looking for. It has the essential tools, and anyone can learn to use it easily.

Wondershare Filmora is the one of best video editing software with cool features that compares to other competing video editing Softwares. Many video editing programs claim to offer professional results; Filmora is one of a few consumer-level tools that actually delivers.

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

Installation Steps

  1. Click the icon in the center of the Media Library to add files directly.
  2. Go File > Import Media > Import Media Files.
  3. Drag and drop to the Media Library directly.

While importing a media file, Wondershar Filmora may ask you if you wish to create a proxy file to accelerate the editing process. Select “Yes” to have a fast video editing experience.

drag green screen

You can also import video clips using your Touch Bar controls if your computer has Touch Bar.

How do I get rid of the green screen in blender?

This is achieved by Compositing Nodes: Click the Add menu in the bar at the bottom of the view and select “Input -> Movie Clip.” Select the green screen clip you added in the Movie Clip Editor. This is the input. We have to push this through a keyer to remove the green and make those areas transparent.

How do I get rid of objects in green screen?

This can be done by following these prompts: Select “Add -> Matte -> Keying” to add a keying node. Also “Add -> Output -> Viewer” to make the output from the key visible. Click on the little yellow dot next to Image output on the Input node, and drag it to Image input on the Keying node. Then drag the little dot next to Image output on the keying node, and drag it to the image input on the viewer node.


Obviously, to get the best green screen composites you have to shoot good “plates.” “Plates” are the main bits of the shot that you bolt together in movie visual effects. You have the foreground plate and the green screen bit with an actor filmed in front of a green screen. Then you have the background plate which is the bit you want to show through the green bits of the foreground, making the whole thing look as though the background and foreground were filmed at the same time.

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

Installation Steps

  1. Click the icon in the center of the Media Library to add files directly.
  2. Go File > Import Media > Import Media Files.
  3. Drag and drop to the Media Library directly.

While importing a media file, Wondershar Filmora may ask you if you wish to create a proxy file to accelerate the editing process. Select “Yes” to have a fast video editing experience.

drag green screen

You can also import video clips using your Touch Bar controls if your computer has Touch Bar.

How do I get rid of the green screen in blender?

This is achieved by Compositing Nodes: Click the Add menu in the bar at the bottom of the view and select “Input -> Movie Clip.” Select the green screen clip you added in the Movie Clip Editor. This is the input. We have to push this through a keyer to remove the green and make those areas transparent.

How do I get rid of objects in green screen?

This can be done by following these prompts: Select “Add -> Matte -> Keying” to add a keying node. Also “Add -> Output -> Viewer” to make the output from the key visible. Click on the little yellow dot next to Image output on the Input node, and drag it to Image input on the Keying node. Then drag the little dot next to Image output on the keying node, and drag it to the image input on the viewer node.


Obviously, to get the best green screen composites you have to shoot good “plates.” “Plates” are the main bits of the shot that you bolt together in movie visual effects. You have the foreground plate and the green screen bit with an actor filmed in front of a green screen. Then you have the background plate which is the bit you want to show through the green bits of the foreground, making the whole thing look as though the background and foreground were filmed at the same time.

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

Installation Steps

  1. Click the icon in the center of the Media Library to add files directly.
  2. Go File > Import Media > Import Media Files.
  3. Drag and drop to the Media Library directly.

While importing a media file, Wondershar Filmora may ask you if you wish to create a proxy file to accelerate the editing process. Select “Yes” to have a fast video editing experience.

drag green screen

You can also import video clips using your Touch Bar controls if your computer has Touch Bar.

How do I get rid of the green screen in blender?

This is achieved by Compositing Nodes: Click the Add menu in the bar at the bottom of the view and select “Input -> Movie Clip.” Select the green screen clip you added in the Movie Clip Editor. This is the input. We have to push this through a keyer to remove the green and make those areas transparent.

How do I get rid of objects in green screen?

This can be done by following these prompts: Select “Add -> Matte -> Keying” to add a keying node. Also “Add -> Output -> Viewer” to make the output from the key visible. Click on the little yellow dot next to Image output on the Input node, and drag it to Image input on the Keying node. Then drag the little dot next to Image output on the keying node, and drag it to the image input on the viewer node.


Obviously, to get the best green screen composites you have to shoot good “plates.” “Plates” are the main bits of the shot that you bolt together in movie visual effects. You have the foreground plate and the green screen bit with an actor filmed in front of a green screen. Then you have the background plate which is the bit you want to show through the green bits of the foreground, making the whole thing look as though the background and foreground were filmed at the same time.

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

Installation Steps

  1. Click the icon in the center of the Media Library to add files directly.
  2. Go File > Import Media > Import Media Files.
  3. Drag and drop to the Media Library directly.

While importing a media file, Wondershar Filmora may ask you if you wish to create a proxy file to accelerate the editing process. Select “Yes” to have a fast video editing experience.

drag green screen

You can also import video clips using your Touch Bar controls if your computer has Touch Bar.

How do I get rid of the green screen in blender?

This is achieved by Compositing Nodes: Click the Add menu in the bar at the bottom of the view and select “Input -> Movie Clip.” Select the green screen clip you added in the Movie Clip Editor. This is the input. We have to push this through a keyer to remove the green and make those areas transparent.

How do I get rid of objects in green screen?

This can be done by following these prompts: Select “Add -> Matte -> Keying” to add a keying node. Also “Add -> Output -> Viewer” to make the output from the key visible. Click on the little yellow dot next to Image output on the Input node, and drag it to Image input on the Keying node. Then drag the little dot next to Image output on the keying node, and drag it to the image input on the viewer node.


Obviously, to get the best green screen composites you have to shoot good “plates.” “Plates” are the main bits of the shot that you bolt together in movie visual effects. You have the foreground plate and the green screen bit with an actor filmed in front of a green screen. Then you have the background plate which is the bit you want to show through the green bits of the foreground, making the whole thing look as though the background and foreground were filmed at the same time.

How to Crop a Video in Windows Media Player

In this generation, we are so much engaged in social media forms. We loved to upload and post some pictures and videos. To show the happiness that we had. But sometimes, we are not satisfied with our videos and photos. That is why we gave time to edit, put some effects , transitions and other forms of editing. It is such a big help, especially if you are running some online business. To get and gain the interest and attention of your viewers and costumers, your videos and pictures must be catchy and have some good edits. By doing some basic editing skills can help you boost your social media platform. And also by taking away some unwanted things in your videos and pictures can improved the focus of your video.

One of the basic way of editing is cropping.

Need to modify the point of interest of your video clipped? you don’t need to re-shoot your footage. The crop device can help!

Cropping is the manner of shifting or adjusting the rims of a photograph or video clip.Often used for image modifying, it’s also useful whilst modifying video. With cropping, you may take away pointless or distracting quantities of a video clip or alternate its dimensions to in shape inside a positive area.Whether you’re running with pictures from a digital digicam or display video, you’ll in all likelihood run into instances whilst you want to crop those clips.

In this article you will learn how to crop a video through windows media player and with Filmora Wondershare. Here are ways to crop your video clip.

How to crop a video in Windows Media Player

Actually, Windows Media Player can not crop a video directly. However plug-ins including the SolveigMM WMP Trimmer may be set up and used to cut or edit videos in Windows Media Player for free. Detailed steps are furnished right here to train you a way to deployation and use this unique plug-in.

As said earlier, the Windows Media Player isn’t always a video editor and can not be used immediately to trim or crop your films until with the assist of plug-ins. However, the stages underneath offer info on how to use Windows Media Player to make the edit. Please follow carefully with the steps below and use the SolveigMM WMP Trimmer to your device/Windows Media Player to make an easy edits in your video file.

Step 1: Download and install the SolveigMM WMP Trimmer plug-in. To download the plugin, click this link:

Step 3: On Windows Media Player, click on the principle menu object and navigate to Tools Plug-ins SolveigMM WMP Trimmer Plugin.


Your plug-in will be enabled after selecting it from the menu.

Step 4: While playingthe document you need to edit, flow the blue slider to the segment of the film you need to trim/reduce and click “Start”. Manually type the time of the video you need to begin deciding on into the Start box in case you discover the usage of the slider difficult. Click the “End” button on the factor you need the trimming to end.


Step 5: Find and press the “In” button to trim the chosen component; The “Out” button to reduce the chosen component out of the authentic media document.

Note that SolveigMM WMP Trimmer Plugin supports to edit videos including cutting or trimming, however, it doesn’t offer an option to crop video.

An alternative way to crop video on Windows by Wondershare Filmora

Wondershare Filmora Video Editor is one of the great video enhancing software program with cool functions that compares to different competing video enhancing Softwares program. Many video enhancing applications claimed to provide expert results; Filmora is one in every of some consumer-stage equipment that definitely delivers.

Free Download

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Free Download

For macOS 10.14 or later

Here in Filmora, it is not just trimming but this tool can help you to adjust the focus of your video clip. Here are steps on how to crop a video using wondershare filmora.

1. Install and launch your Filmora Wondershare app.


2. Find the import media. Click it and choose your preferred video fromyour files that you want to edit. Wait a second until the video is finished importing.


3. Drag the video to the lower left side. After dragging ,right-click yourmouse and choose video and then click “crop and zoom.”




4. Now, you can adjust the focus of your video.


5. After cropping, if you are satisfied with your edit you can now save your project by clicking the save project icon.



In this guide, you have acquired some knowledge about using crop on a video clip. Though this process or step could be very difficult but using Filmora Wondershare you can easily follow the steps provided above.

Therefore, cropping video is necessary. It is one of the basic editing skill that you need to know. It is functional to your online business, work projects, school projects and other related stuffs. Cropping will help you to emphasize more about your subject.

It is easier for you to do the edit if you used some software programs. You can used Filmora Wondershare or any of the best editing software programs. While you are giving the best videos and photos of your costumer and viewers you are also improving and enhancing your editing skills.

However, you also need to be careful in doing some edits. Before you save your project you need to make sure that you are cropping the right portion of your video.

Your plug-in will be enabled after selecting it from the menu.

Step 4: While playingthe document you need to edit, flow the blue slider to the segment of the film you need to trim/reduce and click “Start”. Manually type the time of the video you need to begin deciding on into the Start box in case you discover the usage of the slider difficult. Click the “End” button on the factor you need the trimming to end.


Step 5: Find and press the “In” button to trim the chosen component; The “Out” button to reduce the chosen component out of the authentic media document.

Note that SolveigMM WMP Trimmer Plugin supports to edit videos including cutting or trimming, however, it doesn’t offer an option to crop video.

An alternative way to crop video on Windows by Wondershare Filmora

Wondershare Filmora Video Editor is one of the great video enhancing software program with cool functions that compares to different competing video enhancing Softwares program. Many video enhancing applications claimed to provide expert results; Filmora is one in every of some consumer-stage equipment that definitely delivers.

Free Download

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Free Download

For macOS 10.14 or later

Here in Filmora, it is not just trimming but this tool can help you to adjust the focus of your video clip. Here are steps on how to crop a video using wondershare filmora.

1. Install and launch your Filmora Wondershare app.


2. Find the import media. Click it and choose your preferred video fromyour files that you want to edit. Wait a second until the video is finished importing.


3. Drag the video to the lower left side. After dragging ,right-click yourmouse and choose video and then click “crop and zoom.”




4. Now, you can adjust the focus of your video.


5. After cropping, if you are satisfied with your edit you can now save your project by clicking the save project icon.



In this guide, you have acquired some knowledge about using crop on a video clip. Though this process or step could be very difficult but using Filmora Wondershare you can easily follow the steps provided above.

Therefore, cropping video is necessary. It is one of the basic editing skill that you need to know. It is functional to your online business, work projects, school projects and other related stuffs. Cropping will help you to emphasize more about your subject.

It is easier for you to do the edit if you used some software programs. You can used Filmora Wondershare or any of the best editing software programs. While you are giving the best videos and photos of your costumer and viewers you are also improving and enhancing your editing skills.

However, you also need to be careful in doing some edits. Before you save your project you need to make sure that you are cropping the right portion of your video.

Your plug-in will be enabled after selecting it from the menu.

Step 4: While playingthe document you need to edit, flow the blue slider to the segment of the film you need to trim/reduce and click “Start”. Manually type the time of the video you need to begin deciding on into the Start box in case you discover the usage of the slider difficult. Click the “End” button on the factor you need the trimming to end.


Step 5: Find and press the “In” button to trim the chosen component; The “Out” button to reduce the chosen component out of the authentic media document.

Note that SolveigMM WMP Trimmer Plugin supports to edit videos including cutting or trimming, however, it doesn’t offer an option to crop video.

An alternative way to crop video on Windows by Wondershare Filmora

Wondershare Filmora Video Editor is one of the great video enhancing software program with cool functions that compares to different competing video enhancing Softwares program. Many video enhancing applications claimed to provide expert results; Filmora is one in every of some consumer-stage equipment that definitely delivers.

Free Download

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Free Download

For macOS 10.14 or later

Here in Filmora, it is not just trimming but this tool can help you to adjust the focus of your video clip. Here are steps on how to crop a video using wondershare filmora.

1. Install and launch your Filmora Wondershare app.


2. Find the import media. Click it and choose your preferred video fromyour files that you want to edit. Wait a second until the video is finished importing.


3. Drag the video to the lower left side. After dragging ,right-click yourmouse and choose video and then click “crop and zoom.”




4. Now, you can adjust the focus of your video.


5. After cropping, if you are satisfied with your edit you can now save your project by clicking the save project icon.



In this guide, you have acquired some knowledge about using crop on a video clip. Though this process or step could be very difficult but using Filmora Wondershare you can easily follow the steps provided above.

Therefore, cropping video is necessary. It is one of the basic editing skill that you need to know. It is functional to your online business, work projects, school projects and other related stuffs. Cropping will help you to emphasize more about your subject.

It is easier for you to do the edit if you used some software programs. You can used Filmora Wondershare or any of the best editing software programs. While you are giving the best videos and photos of your costumer and viewers you are also improving and enhancing your editing skills.

However, you also need to be careful in doing some edits. Before you save your project you need to make sure that you are cropping the right portion of your video.

Your plug-in will be enabled after selecting it from the menu.

Step 4: While playingthe document you need to edit, flow the blue slider to the segment of the film you need to trim/reduce and click “Start”. Manually type the time of the video you need to begin deciding on into the Start box in case you discover the usage of the slider difficult. Click the “End” button on the factor you need the trimming to end.


Step 5: Find and press the “In” button to trim the chosen component; The “Out” button to reduce the chosen component out of the authentic media document.

Note that SolveigMM WMP Trimmer Plugin supports to edit videos including cutting or trimming, however, it doesn’t offer an option to crop video.

An alternative way to crop video on Windows by Wondershare Filmora

Wondershare Filmora Video Editor is one of the great video enhancing software program with cool functions that compares to different competing video enhancing Softwares program. Many video enhancing applications claimed to provide expert results; Filmora is one in every of some consumer-stage equipment that definitely delivers.

Free Download

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Free Download

For macOS 10.14 or later

Here in Filmora, it is not just trimming but this tool can help you to adjust the focus of your video clip. Here are steps on how to crop a video using wondershare filmora.

1. Install and launch your Filmora Wondershare app.


2. Find the import media. Click it and choose your preferred video fromyour files that you want to edit. Wait a second until the video is finished importing.


3. Drag the video to the lower left side. After dragging ,right-click yourmouse and choose video and then click “crop and zoom.”




4. Now, you can adjust the focus of your video.


5. After cropping, if you are satisfied with your edit you can now save your project by clicking the save project icon.



In this guide, you have acquired some knowledge about using crop on a video clip. Though this process or step could be very difficult but using Filmora Wondershare you can easily follow the steps provided above.

Therefore, cropping video is necessary. It is one of the basic editing skill that you need to know. It is functional to your online business, work projects, school projects and other related stuffs. Cropping will help you to emphasize more about your subject.

It is easier for you to do the edit if you used some software programs. You can used Filmora Wondershare or any of the best editing software programs. While you are giving the best videos and photos of your costumer and viewers you are also improving and enhancing your editing skills.

However, you also need to be careful in doing some edits. Before you save your project you need to make sure that you are cropping the right portion of your video.

Wish to Rock on YouTube, but Lacking Tricks? Here, We Will Tell You Everything About How the YouTube Algorithm AI Works and How You Can Perform Well According to AI

How Does the YouTube AI Algorithm Work - AI EXPLAINED

An easy yet powerful editor

Numerous effects to choose from

Detailed tutorials provided by the official channel

Try It Free Try It Free

YouTube is a video sharing platform that is popular among people of all age groups. It was launched back in the year 2007 by 3 PayPal employees. Now, it has become the world’s largest search engine and visited websites after Google. It is the abode of the modern world that has something for everyone.

Per day, people spend approximately 1 billion hours watching videos on YouTube. At the same time, the users of YouTube upload approximately 300 hours of video per minute. But, do you know like Google, this video platform works on a technique known as the YouTube AI algorithm? The platform highly depends on these algorithms to deliver content to the viewers. As YouTube is overloaded with content, AI is a powerful weapon that helps to decide the video recommendation for the huge number of users. This recommendation system for YouTube works on certain factors.

In this article

01 [The Aim of YouTube’s Algorithm](#Part 1)

02 [How the YouTube Algorithm Works](#Part 2)

03 [Ways to Improve the Odds of Your Video = Ranking Well With the YouTube Algorithm](#Part 3)

04 [Ways to Improve Your Video Quality](#Part 4)

Part 1 The Aim of YouTube’s Algorithm

YouTube’s algorithms work with 2 major aims. Its first aim is helping the viewers easily get what they want to watch. The second aim of YouTube’s algorithm is to maximize the satisfaction rate of viewers which ultimately leads to long term engagement.

Part 2 How the YouTube Algorithm Works

YouTube has a well defined AI-based algorithm. The working of the YouTube algorithm AI depends on several factors. It decides the position of videos at 6 different places as per the viewer’s interest. These locations include:

Notifications, Channel subscriptions, Trending streams, YouTube’s homepage, Recommended streams, and Search results.

Let’s understand some more facts about the working of the YouTube algorithm.

01How YouTube Determines The Algorithm

The traffic source for each video might be different. But YouTube’s approach to determine the algorithm for video recommendation is decided by:

External factors i.e. the overall audience or market

Performance i.e. the success rate of video

Personalization i.e. the history and preferences of viewers

02How YouTube Determines Its Homepage Algorithm

You might have found a large array of videos when you type or open the app. YouTube shows these videos thinking that person might be interested in watching any video from the list. The selection of these videos is based on performance and personalization. Performance is measured depending on the metrics such as viewer surveys, likes, dislikes, average percentage viewed, average view duration, and click-through rates. Personalization means the selection of videos based on the past behavior of the viewers.

youtube home page

03How YouTube Determines Its Suggested Video Algorithm

When a person watches any video on YouTube, they always find some video options to watch on the right side. These videos are decided by the suggested videos algorithm. Such videos are decided by AI based on the viewer’s interest in a particular visit. The recommendations for these videos are decided by the following:



Videos watched by the user in the past

Topically related videos

Videos that are often watched together

youtube suggested videos

04How YouTube Determines Its Search Algorithm

Just like Google, YouTube is also a search engine. Its search algorithm works when a user comes to search for a particular video or keyword. When the viewer types something on the search bar, it decides the recommendation based on:

Keywords used on the metadata of video

Performance of the video

youtube trending page

Part 3 Ways to Improve the Odds of Your Video = Ranking Well With the YouTube Algorithm

Algorithms work following the actions of the audience and the creator’s intelligence. If you are planning to do YouTube marketing or are struggling to get your video ranked or appear trending, then let us help you with it. Here, we will let you know about the ways to increase the views. These ways will increase the odds of your video ranking well with the YouTube algorithm. So, let’s understand what all you need to do:

01Keyword Research Is Important

YouTube decides the recommendations based on the user’s action. What they type to search for a particular video keyword plays a very important role. So, you need to understand your target audience and research the keyword that the target audience might be interested in.

The YouTube AI algorithm follows the metadata to decide the category of your video and the target audience. Use the language which the people are using while explaining your video to the AI.

Do proper keyword research and put the keywords in the following places:

The filename of the video

Title of the video

Description of the video (first 2 lines)

Script of the video (subtitle and closed caption)

Note: It is not required to put the keyword in the video tags.

Methods to Identify Right Keywords

There are numerous techniques available to do keyword research, both free as well as paid. Here, we will discuss some of the options to find keywords for YouTube videos:

YouTube’s Search Bar

Go to YouTube’s search bar and enter the word or term of your interest. The autocomplete feature of YouTube will present the list of related keywords. These are the terms that people are searching for and you can use them in your future videos.

View Page Source

Look for a video that contains the terms that you wish to rank for. Load it on the desktop computer. Tap on “view source” by right-clicking on the page. The HTML code of the YouTube page will appear on your screen. Press CTRL + F, and enter the “Keywords” on the search bar. You will get the list of keywords for that particular video.


Tubebuddy is a browser extension that is available both for paid and free. It is useful for the optimization of YouTube videos.

02Optimize Video Titles

Optimization of YouTube video titles is very essential to get more clicks. There are 4 key elements that make a title effective. These 4 key elements are Urgency, Useful, Unique, and Ultra-specific. Use at least 3 among them to create an attractive and powerful title.

03Create a Compelling Description

The description of YouTube videos is the write-ups that details the content of your video. It contains the information that makes the viewer understand the content of your video. Creating a compelling description is easy, you just need to put the details.

04Transcribe Your Videos

Transcription is the process of converting video into text. It is very beneficial to include a transcript or subtitles in the video. According to the researchers, approximately 69% of viewers watch videos by muting them. They understand the video through the subtitles. You can add a transcript to the video both while and after uploading the video.

05Create Custom Thumbnails

Custom thumbnails are necessary to enhance the experience of the video. There are some steps that are required to follow to create a custom thumbnail. These steps are as follows:

Capture an action-driven still image from the video

Use a human face to express emotions

Pique curiosity

Add color contrast

Brand your videos

Following these steps, you will be able to create interesting as well as captivating thumbnails.

06Use Pattern Interrupts

Watch time is an important factor to rank your videos on YouTube. The viewers should watch the video wholly, which means it should appeal to the audience throughout. Pattern interrupts are the perfect key for this purpose. It makes the viewers pause the video and pay more attention in between binge-watching. Pattern interrupt is just the method of introducing graphics, B-roll footage, full shot, close-up shot, etc in between the video.

07Include Call to Action

Call to action sounds like something which is not so important. But it plays a crucial role that triggers actions from the viewers. It should be added at the conclusion part of the video. There are many ways to ask the users to take calls to action, according to your particular aim. For example, you can ask them to like, share, subscribe, etc.

08Promote, promote, promote

Promotion is the most important step to getting your work noticed by the audience. Promote the video as much as possible. Some of the techniques for video promotion are:

Cross-pollinate on social media

Send to email subscribers

Add videos to your website

09Engage Your Audience

To grow on YouTube as a brand, you must plan for the long term engagement of the viewers. Also, you can engage the audience by asking questions, answers and commenting on the comments. There are 3 quick tips that are essential to engage your viewers and they are:

Dedicate time

Always keep it positive

Answer all questions

10Pay Attention to Your Analytics

YouTube analytics gives the overall information about the performance of your video or channel. The analytics show results based on Revenue, Audience, Engagement, and Reach. It will help you to understand where you need to invest your time for better performance.

Part 4 Ways to Improve Your Video Quality

The quality of a video has a great impact on its performance as well as user engagement. There are many tools available using which you can enhance the quality of your video. Some of the good video editing software options are Adobe Premiere Pro CC, PowerDirector, Studio, etc. But, Wondershare Filmora is the best of all the tools.

Wondershare Filmora Video Editor is an easy to use tool with lots of features that help to make your video look great. One can use it for free or buy a paid version. Its features such as saturation controls, tint, contrast, brightness, and stabilization help to enhance the video quality. The software also offers a lot of title templates, motion graphics, overlays, etc. Moreover, Filmora supports various video formats. You can export the video in an optimized format to post on YouTube.

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

Ending Thoughts

So, we have shared all the required information when it comes to YouTube and YouTube algorithm AI.

You might get an idea of what you need to do to impress the AI of YouTube and appear on the user YouTube page.

It is very easy to perform well and get success if you understand the working of AI correctly.

Moreover, never compromise on the quality of the video as it is a vital factor.

Wondershare Filmora is a handy tool that will enhance your video quality like a pro.

Try It Free Try It Free

YouTube is a video sharing platform that is popular among people of all age groups. It was launched back in the year 2007 by 3 PayPal employees. Now, it has become the world’s largest search engine and visited websites after Google. It is the abode of the modern world that has something for everyone.

Per day, people spend approximately 1 billion hours watching videos on YouTube. At the same time, the users of YouTube upload approximately 300 hours of video per minute. But, do you know like Google, this video platform works on a technique known as the YouTube AI algorithm? The platform highly depends on these algorithms to deliver content to the viewers. As YouTube is overloaded with content, AI is a powerful weapon that helps to decide the video recommendation for the huge number of users. This recommendation system for YouTube works on certain factors.

In this article

01 [The Aim of YouTube’s Algorithm](#Part 1)

02 [How the YouTube Algorithm Works](#Part 2)

03 [Ways to Improve the Odds of Your Video = Ranking Well With the YouTube Algorithm](#Part 3)

04 [Ways to Improve Your Video Quality](#Part 4)

Part 1 The Aim of YouTube’s Algorithm

YouTube’s algorithms work with 2 major aims. Its first aim is helping the viewers easily get what they want to watch. The second aim of YouTube’s algorithm is to maximize the satisfaction rate of viewers which ultimately leads to long term engagement.

Part 2 How the YouTube Algorithm Works

YouTube has a well defined AI-based algorithm. The working of the YouTube algorithm AI depends on several factors. It decides the position of videos at 6 different places as per the viewer’s interest. These locations include:

Notifications, Channel subscriptions, Trending streams, YouTube’s homepage, Recommended streams, and Search results.

Let’s understand some more facts about the working of the YouTube algorithm.

01How YouTube Determines The Algorithm

The traffic source for each video might be different. But YouTube’s approach to determine the algorithm for video recommendation is decided by:

External factors i.e. the overall audience or market

Performance i.e. the success rate of video

Personalization i.e. the history and preferences of viewers

02How YouTube Determines Its Homepage Algorithm

You might have found a large array of videos when you type or open the app. YouTube shows these videos thinking that person might be interested in watching any video from the list. The selection of these videos is based on performance and personalization. Performance is measured depending on the metrics such as viewer surveys, likes, dislikes, average percentage viewed, average view duration, and click-through rates. Personalization means the selection of videos based on the past behavior of the viewers.

youtube home page

03How YouTube Determines Its Suggested Video Algorithm

When a person watches any video on YouTube, they always find some video options to watch on the right side. These videos are decided by the suggested videos algorithm. Such videos are decided by AI based on the viewer’s interest in a particular visit. The recommendations for these videos are decided by the following:



Videos watched by the user in the past

Topically related videos

Videos that are often watched together

youtube suggested videos

04How YouTube Determines Its Search Algorithm

Just like Google, YouTube is also a search engine. Its search algorithm works when a user comes to search for a particular video or keyword. When the viewer types something on the search bar, it decides the recommendation based on:

Keywords used on the metadata of video

Performance of the video

youtube trending page

Part 3 Ways to Improve the Odds of Your Video = Ranking Well With the YouTube Algorithm

Algorithms work following the actions of the audience and the creator’s intelligence. If you are planning to do YouTube marketing or are struggling to get your video ranked or appear trending, then let us help you with it. Here, we will let you know about the ways to increase the views. These ways will increase the odds of your video ranking well with the YouTube algorithm. So, let’s understand what all you need to do:

01Keyword Research Is Important

YouTube decides the recommendations based on the user’s action. What they type to search for a particular video keyword plays a very important role. So, you need to understand your target audience and research the keyword that the target audience might be interested in.

The YouTube AI algorithm follows the metadata to decide the category of your video and the target audience. Use the language which the people are using while explaining your video to the AI.

Do proper keyword research and put the keywords in the following places:

The filename of the video

Title of the video

Description of the video (first 2 lines)

Script of the video (subtitle and closed caption)

Note: It is not required to put the keyword in the video tags.

Methods to Identify Right Keywords

There are numerous techniques available to do keyword research, both free as well as paid. Here, we will discuss some of the options to find keywords for YouTube videos:

YouTube’s Search Bar

Go to YouTube’s search bar and enter the word or term of your interest. The autocomplete feature of YouTube will present the list of related keywords. These are the terms that people are searching for and you can use them in your future videos.

View Page Source

Look for a video that contains the terms that you wish to rank for. Load it on the desktop computer. Tap on “view source” by right-clicking on the page. The HTML code of the YouTube page will appear on your screen. Press CTRL + F, and enter the “Keywords” on the search bar. You will get the list of keywords for that particular video.


Tubebuddy is a browser extension that is available both for paid and free. It is useful for the optimization of YouTube videos.

02Optimize Video Titles

Optimization of YouTube video titles is very essential to get more clicks. There are 4 key elements that make a title effective. These 4 key elements are Urgency, Useful, Unique, and Ultra-specific. Use at least 3 among them to create an attractive and powerful title.

03Create a Compelling Description

The description of YouTube videos is the write-ups that details the content of your video. It contains the information that makes the viewer understand the content of your video. Creating a compelling description is easy, you just need to put the details.

04Transcribe Your Videos

Transcription is the process of converting video into text. It is very beneficial to include a transcript or subtitles in the video. According to the researchers, approximately 69% of viewers watch videos by muting them. They understand the video through the subtitles. You can add a transcript to the video both while and after uploading the video.

05Create Custom Thumbnails

Custom thumbnails are necessary to enhance the experience of the video. There are some steps that are required to follow to create a custom thumbnail. These steps are as follows:

Capture an action-driven still image from the video

Use a human face to express emotions

Pique curiosity

Add color contrast

Brand your videos

Following these steps, you will be able to create interesting as well as captivating thumbnails.

06Use Pattern Interrupts

Watch time is an important factor to rank your videos on YouTube. The viewers should watch the video wholly, which means it should appeal to the audience throughout. Pattern interrupts are the perfect key for this purpose. It makes the viewers pause the video and pay more attention in between binge-watching. Pattern interrupt is just the method of introducing graphics, B-roll footage, full shot, close-up shot, etc in between the video.

07Include Call to Action

Call to action sounds like something which is not so important. But it plays a crucial role that triggers actions from the viewers. It should be added at the conclusion part of the video. There are many ways to ask the users to take calls to action, according to your particular aim. For example, you can ask them to like, share, subscribe, etc.

08Promote, promote, promote

Promotion is the most important step to getting your work noticed by the audience. Promote the video as much as possible. Some of the techniques for video promotion are:

Cross-pollinate on social media

Send to email subscribers

Add videos to your website

09Engage Your Audience

To grow on YouTube as a brand, you must plan for the long term engagement of the viewers. Also, you can engage the audience by asking questions, answers and commenting on the comments. There are 3 quick tips that are essential to engage your viewers and they are:

Dedicate time

Always keep it positive

Answer all questions

10Pay Attention to Your Analytics

YouTube analytics gives the overall information about the performance of your video or channel. The analytics show results based on Revenue, Audience, Engagement, and Reach. It will help you to understand where you need to invest your time for better performance.

Part 4 Ways to Improve Your Video Quality

The quality of a video has a great impact on its performance as well as user engagement. There are many tools available using which you can enhance the quality of your video. Some of the good video editing software options are Adobe Premiere Pro CC, PowerDirector, Studio, etc. But, Wondershare Filmora is the best of all the tools.

Wondershare Filmora Video Editor is an easy to use tool with lots of features that help to make your video look great. One can use it for free or buy a paid version. Its features such as saturation controls, tint, contrast, brightness, and stabilization help to enhance the video quality. The software also offers a lot of title templates, motion graphics, overlays, etc. Moreover, Filmora supports various video formats. You can export the video in an optimized format to post on YouTube.

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

Ending Thoughts

So, we have shared all the required information when it comes to YouTube and YouTube algorithm AI.

You might get an idea of what you need to do to impress the AI of YouTube and appear on the user YouTube page.

It is very easy to perform well and get success if you understand the working of AI correctly.

Moreover, never compromise on the quality of the video as it is a vital factor.

Wondershare Filmora is a handy tool that will enhance your video quality like a pro.

Try It Free Try It Free

YouTube is a video sharing platform that is popular among people of all age groups. It was launched back in the year 2007 by 3 PayPal employees. Now, it has become the world’s largest search engine and visited websites after Google. It is the abode of the modern world that has something for everyone.

Per day, people spend approximately 1 billion hours watching videos on YouTube. At the same time, the users of YouTube upload approximately 300 hours of video per minute. But, do you know like Google, this video platform works on a technique known as the YouTube AI algorithm? The platform highly depends on these algorithms to deliver content to the viewers. As YouTube is overloaded with content, AI is a powerful weapon that helps to decide the video recommendation for the huge number of users. This recommendation system for YouTube works on certain factors.

In this article

01 [The Aim of YouTube’s Algorithm](#Part 1)

02 [How the YouTube Algorithm Works](#Part 2)

03 [Ways to Improve the Odds of Your Video = Ranking Well With the YouTube Algorithm](#Part 3)

04 [Ways to Improve Your Video Quality](#Part 4)

Part 1 The Aim of YouTube’s Algorithm

YouTube’s algorithms work with 2 major aims. Its first aim is helping the viewers easily get what they want to watch. The second aim of YouTube’s algorithm is to maximize the satisfaction rate of viewers which ultimately leads to long term engagement.

Part 2 How the YouTube Algorithm Works

YouTube has a well defined AI-based algorithm. The working of the YouTube algorithm AI depends on several factors. It decides the position of videos at 6 different places as per the viewer’s interest. These locations include:

Notifications, Channel subscriptions, Trending streams, YouTube’s homepage, Recommended streams, and Search results.

Let’s understand some more facts about the working of the YouTube algorithm.

01How YouTube Determines The Algorithm

The traffic source for each video might be different. But YouTube’s approach to determine the algorithm for video recommendation is decided by:

External factors i.e. the overall audience or market

Performance i.e. the success rate of video

Personalization i.e. the history and preferences of viewers

02How YouTube Determines Its Homepage Algorithm

You might have found a large array of videos when you type or open the app. YouTube shows these videos thinking that person might be interested in watching any video from the list. The selection of these videos is based on performance and personalization. Performance is measured depending on the metrics such as viewer surveys, likes, dislikes, average percentage viewed, average view duration, and click-through rates. Personalization means the selection of videos based on the past behavior of the viewers.

youtube home page

03How YouTube Determines Its Suggested Video Algorithm

When a person watches any video on YouTube, they always find some video options to watch on the right side. These videos are decided by the suggested videos algorithm. Such videos are decided by AI based on the viewer’s interest in a particular visit. The recommendations for these videos are decided by the following:



Videos watched by the user in the past

Topically related videos

Videos that are often watched together

youtube suggested videos

04How YouTube Determines Its Search Algorithm

Just like Google, YouTube is also a search engine. Its search algorithm works when a user comes to search for a particular video or keyword. When the viewer types something on the search bar, it decides the recommendation based on:

Keywords used on the metadata of video

Performance of the video

youtube trending page

Part 3 Ways to Improve the Odds of Your Video = Ranking Well With the YouTube Algorithm

Algorithms work following the actions of the audience and the creator’s intelligence. If you are planning to do YouTube marketing or are struggling to get your video ranked or appear trending, then let us help you with it. Here, we will let you know about the ways to increase the views. These ways will increase the odds of your video ranking well with the YouTube algorithm. So, let’s understand what all you need to do:

01Keyword Research Is Important

YouTube decides the recommendations based on the user’s action. What they type to search for a particular video keyword plays a very important role. So, you need to understand your target audience and research the keyword that the target audience might be interested in.

The YouTube AI algorithm follows the metadata to decide the category of your video and the target audience. Use the language which the people are using while explaining your video to the AI.

Do proper keyword research and put the keywords in the following places:

The filename of the video

Title of the video

Description of the video (first 2 lines)

Script of the video (subtitle and closed caption)

Note: It is not required to put the keyword in the video tags.

Methods to Identify Right Keywords

There are numerous techniques available to do keyword research, both free as well as paid. Here, we will discuss some of the options to find keywords for YouTube videos:

YouTube’s Search Bar

Go to YouTube’s search bar and enter the word or term of your interest. The autocomplete feature of YouTube will present the list of related keywords. These are the terms that people are searching for and you can use them in your future videos.

View Page Source

Look for a video that contains the terms that you wish to rank for. Load it on the desktop computer. Tap on “view source” by right-clicking on the page. The HTML code of the YouTube page will appear on your screen. Press CTRL + F, and enter the “Keywords” on the search bar. You will get the list of keywords for that particular video.


Tubebuddy is a browser extension that is available both for paid and free. It is useful for the optimization of YouTube videos.

02Optimize Video Titles

Optimization of YouTube video titles is very essential to get more clicks. There are 4 key elements that make a title effective. These 4 key elements are Urgency, Useful, Unique, and Ultra-specific. Use at least 3 among them to create an attractive and powerful title.

03Create a Compelling Description

The description of YouTube videos is the write-ups that details the content of your video. It contains the information that makes the viewer understand the content of your video. Creating a compelling description is easy, you just need to put the details.

04Transcribe Your Videos

Transcription is the process of converting video into text. It is very beneficial to include a transcript or subtitles in the video. According to the researchers, approximately 69% of viewers watch videos by muting them. They understand the video through the subtitles. You can add a transcript to the video both while and after uploading the video.

05Create Custom Thumbnails

Custom thumbnails are necessary to enhance the experience of the video. There are some steps that are required to follow to create a custom thumbnail. These steps are as follows:

Capture an action-driven still image from the video

Use a human face to express emotions

Pique curiosity

Add color contrast

Brand your videos

Following these steps, you will be able to create interesting as well as captivating thumbnails.

06Use Pattern Interrupts

Watch time is an important factor to rank your videos on YouTube. The viewers should watch the video wholly, which means it should appeal to the audience throughout. Pattern interrupts are the perfect key for this purpose. It makes the viewers pause the video and pay more attention in between binge-watching. Pattern interrupt is just the method of introducing graphics, B-roll footage, full shot, close-up shot, etc in between the video.

07Include Call to Action

Call to action sounds like something which is not so important. But it plays a crucial role that triggers actions from the viewers. It should be added at the conclusion part of the video. There are many ways to ask the users to take calls to action, according to your particular aim. For example, you can ask them to like, share, subscribe, etc.

08Promote, promote, promote

Promotion is the most important step to getting your work noticed by the audience. Promote the video as much as possible. Some of the techniques for video promotion are:

Cross-pollinate on social media

Send to email subscribers

Add videos to your website

09Engage Your Audience

To grow on YouTube as a brand, you must plan for the long term engagement of the viewers. Also, you can engage the audience by asking questions, answers and commenting on the comments. There are 3 quick tips that are essential to engage your viewers and they are:

Dedicate time

Always keep it positive

Answer all questions

10Pay Attention to Your Analytics

YouTube analytics gives the overall information about the performance of your video or channel. The analytics show results based on Revenue, Audience, Engagement, and Reach. It will help you to understand where you need to invest your time for better performance.

Part 4 Ways to Improve Your Video Quality

The quality of a video has a great impact on its performance as well as user engagement. There are many tools available using which you can enhance the quality of your video. Some of the good video editing software options are Adobe Premiere Pro CC, PowerDirector, Studio, etc. But, Wondershare Filmora is the best of all the tools.

Wondershare Filmora Video Editor is an easy to use tool with lots of features that help to make your video look great. One can use it for free or buy a paid version. Its features such as saturation controls, tint, contrast, brightness, and stabilization help to enhance the video quality. The software also offers a lot of title templates, motion graphics, overlays, etc. Moreover, Filmora supports various video formats. You can export the video in an optimized format to post on YouTube.

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

Ending Thoughts

So, we have shared all the required information when it comes to YouTube and YouTube algorithm AI.

You might get an idea of what you need to do to impress the AI of YouTube and appear on the user YouTube page.

It is very easy to perform well and get success if you understand the working of AI correctly.

Moreover, never compromise on the quality of the video as it is a vital factor.

Wondershare Filmora is a handy tool that will enhance your video quality like a pro.

Try It Free Try It Free

YouTube is a video sharing platform that is popular among people of all age groups. It was launched back in the year 2007 by 3 PayPal employees. Now, it has become the world’s largest search engine and visited websites after Google. It is the abode of the modern world that has something for everyone.

Per day, people spend approximately 1 billion hours watching videos on YouTube. At the same time, the users of YouTube upload approximately 300 hours of video per minute. But, do you know like Google, this video platform works on a technique known as the YouTube AI algorithm? The platform highly depends on these algorithms to deliver content to the viewers. As YouTube is overloaded with content, AI is a powerful weapon that helps to decide the video recommendation for the huge number of users. This recommendation system for YouTube works on certain factors.

In this article

01 [The Aim of YouTube’s Algorithm](#Part 1)

02 [How the YouTube Algorithm Works](#Part 2)

03 [Ways to Improve the Odds of Your Video = Ranking Well With the YouTube Algorithm](#Part 3)

04 [Ways to Improve Your Video Quality](#Part 4)

Part 1 The Aim of YouTube’s Algorithm

YouTube’s algorithms work with 2 major aims. Its first aim is helping the viewers easily get what they want to watch. The second aim of YouTube’s algorithm is to maximize the satisfaction rate of viewers which ultimately leads to long term engagement.

Part 2 How the YouTube Algorithm Works

YouTube has a well defined AI-based algorithm. The working of the YouTube algorithm AI depends on several factors. It decides the position of videos at 6 different places as per the viewer’s interest. These locations include:

Notifications, Channel subscriptions, Trending streams, YouTube’s homepage, Recommended streams, and Search results.

Let’s understand some more facts about the working of the YouTube algorithm.

01How YouTube Determines The Algorithm

The traffic source for each video might be different. But YouTube’s approach to determine the algorithm for video recommendation is decided by:

External factors i.e. the overall audience or market

Performance i.e. the success rate of video

Personalization i.e. the history and preferences of viewers

02How YouTube Determines Its Homepage Algorithm

You might have found a large array of videos when you type or open the app. YouTube shows these videos thinking that person might be interested in watching any video from the list. The selection of these videos is based on performance and personalization. Performance is measured depending on the metrics such as viewer surveys, likes, dislikes, average percentage viewed, average view duration, and click-through rates. Personalization means the selection of videos based on the past behavior of the viewers.

youtube home page

03How YouTube Determines Its Suggested Video Algorithm

When a person watches any video on YouTube, they always find some video options to watch on the right side. These videos are decided by the suggested videos algorithm. Such videos are decided by AI based on the viewer’s interest in a particular visit. The recommendations for these videos are decided by the following:



Videos watched by the user in the past

Topically related videos

Videos that are often watched together

youtube suggested videos

04How YouTube Determines Its Search Algorithm

Just like Google, YouTube is also a search engine. Its search algorithm works when a user comes to search for a particular video or keyword. When the viewer types something on the search bar, it decides the recommendation based on:

Keywords used on the metadata of video

Performance of the video

youtube trending page

Part 3 Ways to Improve the Odds of Your Video = Ranking Well With the YouTube Algorithm

Algorithms work following the actions of the audience and the creator’s intelligence. If you are planning to do YouTube marketing or are struggling to get your video ranked or appear trending, then let us help you with it. Here, we will let you know about the ways to increase the views. These ways will increase the odds of your video ranking well with the YouTube algorithm. So, let’s understand what all you need to do:

01Keyword Research Is Important

YouTube decides the recommendations based on the user’s action. What they type to search for a particular video keyword plays a very important role. So, you need to understand your target audience and research the keyword that the target audience might be interested in.

The YouTube AI algorithm follows the metadata to decide the category of your video and the target audience. Use the language which the people are using while explaining your video to the AI.

Do proper keyword research and put the keywords in the following places:

The filename of the video

Title of the video

Description of the video (first 2 lines)

Script of the video (subtitle and closed caption)

Note: It is not required to put the keyword in the video tags.

Methods to Identify Right Keywords

There are numerous techniques available to do keyword research, both free as well as paid. Here, we will discuss some of the options to find keywords for YouTube videos:

YouTube’s Search Bar

Go to YouTube’s search bar and enter the word or term of your interest. The autocomplete feature of YouTube will present the list of related keywords. These are the terms that people are searching for and you can use them in your future videos.

View Page Source

Look for a video that contains the terms that you wish to rank for. Load it on the desktop computer. Tap on “view source” by right-clicking on the page. The HTML code of the YouTube page will appear on your screen. Press CTRL + F, and enter the “Keywords” on the search bar. You will get the list of keywords for that particular video.


Tubebuddy is a browser extension that is available both for paid and free. It is useful for the optimization of YouTube videos.

02Optimize Video Titles

Optimization of YouTube video titles is very essential to get more clicks. There are 4 key elements that make a title effective. These 4 key elements are Urgency, Useful, Unique, and Ultra-specific. Use at least 3 among them to create an attractive and powerful title.

03Create a Compelling Description

The description of YouTube videos is the write-ups that details the content of your video. It contains the information that makes the viewer understand the content of your video. Creating a compelling description is easy, you just need to put the details.

04Transcribe Your Videos

Transcription is the process of converting video into text. It is very beneficial to include a transcript or subtitles in the video. According to the researchers, approximately 69% of viewers watch videos by muting them. They understand the video through the subtitles. You can add a transcript to the video both while and after uploading the video.

05Create Custom Thumbnails

Custom thumbnails are necessary to enhance the experience of the video. There are some steps that are required to follow to create a custom thumbnail. These steps are as follows:

Capture an action-driven still image from the video

Use a human face to express emotions

Pique curiosity

Add color contrast

Brand your videos

Following these steps, you will be able to create interesting as well as captivating thumbnails.

06Use Pattern Interrupts

Watch time is an important factor to rank your videos on YouTube. The viewers should watch the video wholly, which means it should appeal to the audience throughout. Pattern interrupts are the perfect key for this purpose. It makes the viewers pause the video and pay more attention in between binge-watching. Pattern interrupt is just the method of introducing graphics, B-roll footage, full shot, close-up shot, etc in between the video.

07Include Call to Action

Call to action sounds like something which is not so important. But it plays a crucial role that triggers actions from the viewers. It should be added at the conclusion part of the video. There are many ways to ask the users to take calls to action, according to your particular aim. For example, you can ask them to like, share, subscribe, etc.

08Promote, promote, promote

Promotion is the most important step to getting your work noticed by the audience. Promote the video as much as possible. Some of the techniques for video promotion are:

Cross-pollinate on social media

Send to email subscribers

Add videos to your website

09Engage Your Audience

To grow on YouTube as a brand, you must plan for the long term engagement of the viewers. Also, you can engage the audience by asking questions, answers and commenting on the comments. There are 3 quick tips that are essential to engage your viewers and they are:

Dedicate time

Always keep it positive

Answer all questions

10Pay Attention to Your Analytics

YouTube analytics gives the overall information about the performance of your video or channel. The analytics show results based on Revenue, Audience, Engagement, and Reach. It will help you to understand where you need to invest your time for better performance.

Part 4 Ways to Improve Your Video Quality

The quality of a video has a great impact on its performance as well as user engagement. There are many tools available using which you can enhance the quality of your video. Some of the good video editing software options are Adobe Premiere Pro CC, PowerDirector, Studio, etc. But, Wondershare Filmora is the best of all the tools.

Wondershare Filmora Video Editor is an easy to use tool with lots of features that help to make your video look great. One can use it for free or buy a paid version. Its features such as saturation controls, tint, contrast, brightness, and stabilization help to enhance the video quality. The software also offers a lot of title templates, motion graphics, overlays, etc. Moreover, Filmora supports various video formats. You can export the video in an optimized format to post on YouTube.

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

Ending Thoughts

So, we have shared all the required information when it comes to YouTube and YouTube algorithm AI.

You might get an idea of what you need to do to impress the AI of YouTube and appear on the user YouTube page.

It is very easy to perform well and get success if you understand the working of AI correctly.

Moreover, never compromise on the quality of the video as it is a vital factor.

Wondershare Filmora is a handy tool that will enhance your video quality like a pro.

Shotcut Review – Is It The Best Free Video Editor?

If you are looking for a free video editor, you should definitely opt for an open-source video editor. They come free of cost without locking any feature and they are compatible with all desktop operating systems. The user interface of Shotcut looks powerful still easy to operate. There are dockable panels and flexible layouts to customize the interface.

Coming to the features, there are plenty of video effects and filters to enhance video content. You can do all the standard video editing works comfortably. There are certain advanced features available such as keyframe, audio mixing and much more. However, can we consider Shotcut video editor the best for editing professional-quality videos? Find out the complete Shotcut reviews.

Part 1. How to Download and Install Shotcut

Shotcut is completely compatible with Windows, Mac and Linux. The company has discontinued Shotcut 32 bit version and the current version only supports 64 bit computer. Shotcut is safe to download and the installer is free of spyware and malware. Here are the steps to download and install Shotcut.

shortcut video editor

Step 1: From your web browser, visit “”. It automatically detects your operating system and provides you the installer to download Shotcut that could be compatible with your system.

Step 2: You can download the installer from Site 1(FossHub) or Site 2(GitHub). Besides, you can download the .exe file from Windows installer link or .zip file from Windows portable zip file.

Step 3: After downloading the installer file, install Shotcut from it by following the on-screen instructions.

Step 4: After installation, launch Shotcut and import all video and audio clips from Open File option. Bring them down to Timeline for basic editing.

Part 2. Key Features of Shotcut

Shotcut has all the standard features for basic video editing. Before downloading Shotcut, you should be aware of the features so that you can decide whether the video editor is suitable for your video editing purpose. Here are all the key features of Shotcut that stand out.

Video Capture – You can capture your screen as well as webcam video. Shotcut supports audio capture from the system as well as from the external mic. In fact, the software supports 4K resolution which is great being an open-source video editor.

Standard Editing – You can trim video clips and perform cut-copy-paste on clips. You can also append clips, insert clips in between, and extract audio from the videos. There are keyframes for video filters, presents, and markers. You can drag and drop files and keep notes. Besides, Shotcut uses proxy editing for handling high-resolution video files.

Audio Features – Shotcut comes with several audio filters that you can apply on your audio clips to enhance them. There are options for volume control, audio mixing, tone generator, and pitch adjustment. The popular fade in and fade out effects are also available along with audio scopes.

Video Effects – There is no dearth of effects and filters on Shotcut. In fact, you can compare Shotcut with premium video editors when it comes to video filters. Besides, there are blending modes and track compositing. Moreover, there are several transitions and deinterlacing. You can opt for 360-degree filters and reverse video clips as well as use video scopes.

Wide Support – Shotcut supports almost all the different video and audio formats. In fact, you get to select different photo file formats. The multi-format timeline supports mixing video and audio of different parameters perfectly. The software also supports network streaming and alpha channel videos.

Part 3. How to Edit Videos with Shotcut

Shotcut is good as a free video editor for standard editing options. You can add texts and titles, crop and trim video clips, as well as split and join clips. Besides, you can control the speed of the video clips as well as add transitions. Thereafter, you can export the video and publish online. Here are the steps about Shotcut editing videos.

Step 1: Launch Shotcut and go to File> New. Select Projects Folder and Video Mode and enter Project Name. Finally, click on Start button to get started.

Step 2: Go to View> Layout> Timeline Project for the best editing layer.

shortcut layout

Step 3: To import media files, go to File> Open File> and select media files.

Step 4: To add texts, go to Filters> “+” icon> Video tab> select “Text:Simple”. Thereafter, type anything and choose a font and select any color.

shortcut text

Step 5: To crop any video, go to Filters> Video> and Crop option. You can select various geometry shapes as you think appropriate.

shortcut crop option

Step 6: To add transitions, keep two clips on the same track and get them overlapped. Choose a transition from Properties and apply to your video.

Step 7: Finally, go to File> Export Video option. You can choose from different option and select frame rate, video resolution, and others from Advanced option.

shortcut export

Part 4. Shotcut Alternative to Edit Videos

There are many reasons why you could be looking for a better alternative to Shotcut. First of all, there is a big lack of advanced video editing features. That is why editing professional-quality videos with Shotcut is not highly feasible. The user interface is not as robust as the standard user interface of video. The editing cannot be as fluent as any premium and professional video editor. That is why we recommend Wondershare Filmora as the best alternative to Shotcut.

Wondershare Filmora is a premium video editor where there is a perfect balance of standard and advanced features. You can also capture screen and webcam video. There are tons of transitions, effects, filters, elements, and much more. There is also a stock media library available. Filmora has wider support for different file formats. Here are the steps on how to edit videos with Filmora.

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

Step 1: Download and install Filmora as per your operating system. Launch Filmora and click on New Project option on the welcome screen. Drag and drop media files into Project Media folder.

Step 2: Drag and drop video clips and audio clips on the timeline in proper sequence. Thereafter, you can do basic editing such as trimming, cropping, splitting, and much more.

filmora arrange the photo

Step 3: Go to Transitions option and add your desired transitions in between clips. You can also opt for Titles for texts, Effects for animations, and Elements for objects.

filmora beautiful transition effects

Step 4: Once you are satisfied with the editing, click on Export button to save your video to your hard drive.

filmora export your video

Part 5. FAQs about Shotcut

**Is Shotcut totally free?

Yes, Shotcut is a completely free video editor as it belongs to the open-source software category. It is available for free for Windows, Mac, and Linux users. All the features are completely unlocked, and there is no premium version available.

**Is Openshot better than Shotcut?

Openshot is equally good as Shotcut in terms of features. But in terms of user experience and editing 4K videos, Shotcut scores better than Openshot. Shotcut is a more lightweight video editor, and hence, the chances of crashes are relatively low.

**Is Shotcut good for YouTube?

Shotcut is particularly good for YouTube if you need only basic editing on your videos. You can export the edited video file from Shotcut to YouTube after basic editing. You can get eh frame rate, video resolution, and aspect ratio as per your requirements.

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

Step 1: Download and install Filmora as per your operating system. Launch Filmora and click on New Project option on the welcome screen. Drag and drop media files into Project Media folder.

Step 2: Drag and drop video clips and audio clips on the timeline in proper sequence. Thereafter, you can do basic editing such as trimming, cropping, splitting, and much more.

filmora arrange the photo

Step 3: Go to Transitions option and add your desired transitions in between clips. You can also opt for Titles for texts, Effects for animations, and Elements for objects.

filmora beautiful transition effects

Step 4: Once you are satisfied with the editing, click on Export button to save your video to your hard drive.

filmora export your video

Part 5. FAQs about Shotcut

**Is Shotcut totally free?

Yes, Shotcut is a completely free video editor as it belongs to the open-source software category. It is available for free for Windows, Mac, and Linux users. All the features are completely unlocked, and there is no premium version available.

**Is Openshot better than Shotcut?

Openshot is equally good as Shotcut in terms of features. But in terms of user experience and editing 4K videos, Shotcut scores better than Openshot. Shotcut is a more lightweight video editor, and hence, the chances of crashes are relatively low.

**Is Shotcut good for YouTube?

Shotcut is particularly good for YouTube if you need only basic editing on your videos. You can export the edited video file from Shotcut to YouTube after basic editing. You can get eh frame rate, video resolution, and aspect ratio as per your requirements.

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

Step 1: Download and install Filmora as per your operating system. Launch Filmora and click on New Project option on the welcome screen. Drag and drop media files into Project Media folder.

Step 2: Drag and drop video clips and audio clips on the timeline in proper sequence. Thereafter, you can do basic editing such as trimming, cropping, splitting, and much more.

filmora arrange the photo

Step 3: Go to Transitions option and add your desired transitions in between clips. You can also opt for Titles for texts, Effects for animations, and Elements for objects.

filmora beautiful transition effects

Step 4: Once you are satisfied with the editing, click on Export button to save your video to your hard drive.

filmora export your video

Part 5. FAQs about Shotcut

**Is Shotcut totally free?

Yes, Shotcut is a completely free video editor as it belongs to the open-source software category. It is available for free for Windows, Mac, and Linux users. All the features are completely unlocked, and there is no premium version available.

**Is Openshot better than Shotcut?

Openshot is equally good as Shotcut in terms of features. But in terms of user experience and editing 4K videos, Shotcut scores better than Openshot. Shotcut is a more lightweight video editor, and hence, the chances of crashes are relatively low.

**Is Shotcut good for YouTube?

Shotcut is particularly good for YouTube if you need only basic editing on your videos. You can export the edited video file from Shotcut to YouTube after basic editing. You can get eh frame rate, video resolution, and aspect ratio as per your requirements.

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

Step 1: Download and install Filmora as per your operating system. Launch Filmora and click on New Project option on the welcome screen. Drag and drop media files into Project Media folder.

Step 2: Drag and drop video clips and audio clips on the timeline in proper sequence. Thereafter, you can do basic editing such as trimming, cropping, splitting, and much more.

filmora arrange the photo

Step 3: Go to Transitions option and add your desired transitions in between clips. You can also opt for Titles for texts, Effects for animations, and Elements for objects.

filmora beautiful transition effects

Step 4: Once you are satisfied with the editing, click on Export button to save your video to your hard drive.

filmora export your video

Part 5. FAQs about Shotcut

**Is Shotcut totally free?

Yes, Shotcut is a completely free video editor as it belongs to the open-source software category. It is available for free for Windows, Mac, and Linux users. All the features are completely unlocked, and there is no premium version available.

**Is Openshot better than Shotcut?

Openshot is equally good as Shotcut in terms of features. But in terms of user experience and editing 4K videos, Shotcut scores better than Openshot. Shotcut is a more lightweight video editor, and hence, the chances of crashes are relatively low.

**Is Shotcut good for YouTube?

Shotcut is particularly good for YouTube if you need only basic editing on your videos. You can export the edited video file from Shotcut to YouTube after basic editing. You can get eh frame rate, video resolution, and aspect ratio as per your requirements.

Also read:

  • Title: How to Use Blender Green Screen
  • Author: Chloe
  • Created at : 2024-05-20 03:37:23
  • Updated at : 2024-05-21 03:37:23
  • Link:
  • License: This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.
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How to Use Blender Green Screen