If You Are a Marketer Who Want to Create Facebook Ads to Boost Your Business, You Are Coming to the Right Place. Well Share You some Useful Tips to Start Your First FB Ads Campaign

If You Are a Marketer Who Want to Create Facebook Ads to Boost Your Business, You Are Coming to the Right Place. Well Share You some Useful Tips to Start Your First FB Ads Campaign

Chloe Lv12

If You Are a Marketer Who Want to Create Facebook Ads to Boost Your Business, You Are Coming to the Right Place. We’ll Share You some Useful Tips to Start Your First FB Ads Campaign

Facebook ads can be an effective channel for reaching the right customers, but only if you have a strong strategy in place. If you are new to Facebook ads, don’t rush into creating your first campaign without fully understanding the risks and rewards of advertising on Facebook.

facebook ads campaign tips

Before you launch your first Facebook ad campaign, here are six tips to keep in mind:

Part1. Define the purpose of your ad

This can be a long-form or short-form question. If a user is browsing Facebook and sees your ad, you want them to know why they should click on it. Is it an offer? If so, what are they getting in return? Is the ad simply a call to action? You may want to include a “Learn more” button that links back to your website so that users can learn more about whatever they need to know before taking the next steps.

There are 11 Facebook Ads campaign objectives to choose from, and you should choose the one that best aligns with your goals.

create new fb campaign


  • Brand awareness - Show your advertisements to individuals who are most likely to recall them.
  • Reach - Show your ad to as many people as possible


  • Traffic - Send people to your website or app
  • Engagement - Increase the number of times people see and interact with your ad.
  • App installs - Advertise to individuals who are more likely than others to download and use your app.
  • Video views - Increase the number of times people see and interact with your video
  • Lead generation - Use forms, calls, or chats to obtain information from people eager in your business.
  • Messages - Get more people to message you on Facebook Messenger


  • Conversions - Advertise to people who have a higher likelihood of taking action, such as buying something or calling you from your website.
  • Catalog sales -Show your potential customers ads for items in your catalog that match their interests, so they are more likely to buy from you.
  • Store traffic - This allows you to use your Facebook page as a marketing platform. If you want to run store traffic ads on Facebook, include your shop information there.

Whatever the case, make sure you have a clear goal from start to finish to understand what exactly it is you are trying to accomplish for any given campaign.

Part2. Know your target audience

Before you create any ads, it’s important to define who will see them. You’ll want to think carefully about the type of person who would be interested in what you’re offering and how they would respond when they see the ad. If you can’t answer these questions, it’s time to start considering different audiences.

know your target audience

But how do we begin defining a target audience? To start, let’s look at the different terms used by advertisers:

Customer: The person who has already bought from your company. For example, if you sell coffee makers on Amazon and have an existing customer base from those sales (customers), then this would be the most relevant term for you when deciding who should see specific ads for new products or services that may interest them based on past purchases or interests shown through other online activity such as browsing history or social media engagement with similar content/products/services.

Prospect: A lead that has expressed interest in buying something, but has not yet purchased anything from your company. A prospect does not necessarily mean someone has signed up for an email list or asked for more info; keeping leads fresh is just as important as nurturing prospects into customers later down the road so don’t forget that part!

Now that you know who you are targeting, it’s time to create an avatar for your target customer. An avatar is a fictional character that represents your target customer. This will help you to better understand their needs and wants, and it will also make it easier to create targeted ads.

create an avatar for target customer

There are a few different ways to create an avatar:

1.) Customer profile: This is a simple way to gather information about your target customer. Start by creating a list of demographic information such as age, location, gender, education level, and income level. You can also include interests and behaviors, such as what they like to do for fun, what type of music they listen to, and what type of products they buy.

2.) Persona: A persona is very similar to a customer profile, but it takes things a step further by giving each target customer a name and backstory. This can be helpful if you are targeting a specific niche audience.

3.) Mind-map: If you want to get creative, you can create a mind-map of your target customer. This will allow you to brainstorm everything that you know about them and come up with new ideas.

Once you have created your avatar, make sure that you keep it in mind when creating your Facebook ad campaign. This will help to ensure that your ads are relevant and interesting to your target customer.

Part3. Prepare a decent image for your audience to click on

Images are the most important part of any ad. A good image will help your customers understand what it is that they’re clicking on, and they may even want to share it with their friends. However, if your image is poor quality or irrelevant then, it won’t do as well as it could have done.

You should start by picking a relevant image that shows off your product in the best light possible. If possible, try and get some type of testimonial from customers using your product so that other people can see how great your product really is!

create decent image for fb ads

If you don’t have good images available yet, don’t worry! You can always hire a professional photographer who knows what kind of shots work best for advertising purposes but even if this isn’t something that suits every business, there are still plenty of free resources out there too like Unsplash which offers high-quality stock photography under Creative Commons licenses under various conditions such as attribution when used commercially, so make sure whatever method you choose fits within these guidelines!

Part4. Practice Your copywriting skills

You can have the best-developed ad in the world, but if it doesn’t have strong copywriting, your ads won’t work as well. It’s important to know what you’re getting into before spending time and money on Facebook ads.

practice copywriting skills fb ads

The following are just some of the ways you can improve your copywriting skills:

  • Read other people’s ads and see how they write their copy
  • Read books about writing persuasive copy.

Try writing your own copy. Then have someone read it and give feedback on what they like and what they don’t like about it. Try to learn from their suggestions.

There are also many different ways to write copy for a Facebook ad. Some people like to use specific formulas for their ads, such as: AIDA (attention, interest, desire, action). This formula was developed by an American businessman named Claude C. Hopkins in 1898 and is still widely used today. If you’re not sure which method is best for you, it might be worth trying a few different ones. Have someone read your ad and give their opinion on which method was the most effective at convincing them that they should click on your ad.

You can also hire a copywriter to help you with your ad. However, if you don’t have the budget for it at this point in time or just want to try writing your own first before hiring someone else, there are many different apps and websites that will help you to create an ad copy.

Part5. Decide what type of ad format will you use

It is a carousel ad, or single image/video ad, or a combination of both?

choose ad type format

If you are going to use a carousel ad, you need at least three images. If you’re using a single image or video ads, then you only need one image or video.

As always, if your budget allows it, try to increase the number of ad sets that are running at once so as not to cannibalize each other’s reach—it’s better to have multiple ads winning than just one.

If you’re running a single video ad for example and your budget is $100 per day, it’s best practice to have to create multiple versions of this single video ad so that they don’t cannibalize each other.

Part6. Plan your ad budget

You need to determine how much you’re willing to spend on your Facebook ads. This will help you to create a budget and also to decide how often you want your ad to be shown.

plan your fb ad budget

The average Facebook ad spends between $5 and $10 per day. However, this can vary depending on the type of product or service that you’re promoting, as well as the size of your target audience.

If you have a large target audience, it might be worth increasing your ad budget so that your ad is seen by more people. On the other hand, if you have a smaller target audience, you might want to decrease your ad budget so that you don’t spend too much money on ads that aren’t being seen by as many people.

It’s also important to consider how often you want your ad to be shown. If you want your ad to be seen by as many people as possible, it’s best to have it shown more than once. However, if you only want your ad to be shown to a select group of people, it’s best to have it shown less often.

Both of these factors will help you to determine your Facebook ad spend.

The Bottom Line

If you’re ready to get started with Facebook ads, we encourage you to put these tips into practice. I believe that they will help you make the most of your budget and achieve your goals, whether they be brand awareness, lead generation or sales.

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Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

How to Uue Adobe Lightroom Color Grading

The main focus of color grading is changing the colors and tones in your photographs. Recent updates to Lightroom and Photoshop’s color grading functionality have improved its use and increased its capabilities. Color grading is ideal for giving your photograph a bit extra interest and improving the lighting.

All forms of photography benefit from and depend on color grading. The color grading tools in Lightroom and Photoshop will be especially appreciated by landscape and portrait photographers. If you’re wondering what happened to split toning, it was replaced by the Color Grading module, which is why split toning is now referred to as color grading.

1. Getting to Color Grading

Select the photo you want to modify and go to the develop module in Lightroom to access the Color Grading tool. Then, move your cursor down to the Color Grading menu on the right side of the screen. To see three separate color wheels, choose this.

The same choices are available in Photoshop’s Camera Raw Filter. Simply scroll down on the right side of the screen once you’ve opened a photo in the Camera Raw Filter until you see Color Grading. The process of color grading is identical in Photoshop and Lightroom. I’ll be using Lightroom to demonstrate the example photographs for the purposes of this blog article.

2. How to Use Color Grading

The first thing you’ll notice is that there are actually three identical color wheels. Each color wheel, though, has a distinct purpose. Midtones are controlled by the top wheel, shadows, and highlights by the left and right wheels, respectively.

Before moving on to the color grading stage, it’s crucial to notice that you should balance the temperature and tint of your image. Instead of balancing the colors to create the image, color grading is a technique for enhancing the colors in the image.

Avoid using the midtones color wheel when using the Color Grading tool for the first time. First, try modifying only the highlights and shadows wheel. Warm hues in the highlights and cold colors in the shadows appear great in the majority of photographs. However, when using these sliders to create some truly incredible photos, you may let your creativity run wild!

I’ve added some yellow (warmth) to the highlights and some blue (coolness) to the shadows in this particular example. As a result, the sunlight in my image appears to be very warm and inviting, and the shadows take on a colder, bluer appearance.

The color wheels are actually fairly easy to use. To select a color, merely click and drag it anywhere on the color wheel. The color will become stronger the further you are from the circle’s center. Each circle has a hidden slider bar underneath it. This modifies the related color wheel’s brightness value. In other words, you can brighten or darken the highlights by adjusting the bar underneath the highlights color wheel. The ability to quickly change the brightness levels in the highlights, shadows, or midtones is a convenient feature.

Blending and balancing are the other two parameters that you can modify. You can alter how well the color in the highlights, midtones, or shadows blend with one another with the blending slider. The colors will blend in more naturally by moving the blending slider higher.

The amount of the image that is judged to be in the highlights, shadows, or midtones can be changed with the balance slider. For instance, if I move the balance slider to the right, less of the highlights will show the adjustment. Only the highlights with the highest brightness will be affected by the change.

3. HSL/Color Panel

Move to the HSL/Color Panel, which stands for Hue, Saturation, and Luminance, after your image is ready to use. It is located under Tone Curve in the Develop Panel. This adjustment panel, in contrast to the ones stated before, will let you change different colors in your image independently of one another. Hue, Saturation, and Luminance are the three modifications that each color will receive.

4. Hue

Hue is measured in terms of the color wheel’s degrees. It’s possible to change the color’s real shade in this panel. For instance, you can modify the turquoise or blue to a more greenish tone if your scenario is a beach (as in our example photo). It’s advisable to begin making adjustments to your panel’s Hue before moving on to the others.

5. Saturation

The strength of the hue is known as saturation. (Remember that this HSL panel modification only affects the saturation of individual colors, not the saturation of the entire image.) In order to achieve a more subdued, muted appearance for this example, I reduced the Saturation on the aqua, blue, and green hues. To increase the intensity of your shot, you can do the exact reverse. Find the tweaks that suit your photo and the appearance you want to achieve best.

6. Luminance

Each color’s luminance measures how brightly it reflects light. Use this tool to brighten or darken specific areas of your image (it works especially well to provide contrast to black and white images). To make the water and sky behind the model darker in this example photograph, I decreased the Luminance setting on the aqua panel.

7. Adjustment Brush

Further isolate a section of your image using the Adjustment Brush so that you can change the Hue and any other parameters you like. Your Adjustment Brush is the final brush icon on the top of your editing panel. Adjust your Hue and begin painting on your image where you wish to change the color to begin color grading.(At the bottom of the Adjustment Brush Panel, you can adjust the brush’s size or feathering.)

This is perfect if you only want to edit one part of your shot. You can keep using the adjustments after you’ve painted your image to witness more changes as they happen in real time.

Here are a few tips to set you on the correct course because color grading might take some time and practice to master. Shooting in RAW will give you the most dynamic control over your colors, so be sure to do this. Try your best to start with a good photograph and to alter your default settings so that the canvas is even. Use color psychology to visually transmit the mood or feeling you wish to portray through color grading.

Utilize each panel to practice and experiment. There is no right or wrong method to color grade; it all depends on how you want your photographs to look stylistically. Press the Reset button in the right -hand corner of your panel to return to your original image.

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Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Split Videos in the Lightworks [Step by Step]

Lightworks is among the best programs for editing the videos available for the Windows and Mac operating systems with no watermark. Through the accessible version of Lightworks, it is easy to export the videos into the MP4 format along with the resolution of 720p. There are different tools available in Lightworks so you can make videos for your YouTube channels, Vimeo, film making projects and different social media platforms.

Lightworks has become famous because it has been used for editing the popular movies of Hollywood. Along with the videos, it is straightforward to enhance the images by blending the colours. This article has a detailed description of how you can split the videos in Lightworks including the the discussion of splitting the Wondershare Filmora as an alternative. It is also a suitable choice.

How can you split the video clips in Lightworks?

Lightworks is software based on the cloud that consists of particular functionalities. It only includes editing and trimming, cutting, and splitting your video clips according to your requirements. Following are the easy-to-follow steps for splitting the clips in Lightworks:

Part1 - Splitting of one clip:

Step 1: The first step is importing the video into the timeline. It is simply through dragging the file on which you have to work.

split a clip in lightworks

Step 2: When the uploading is complete, you can cut and split the clips depending on your needs. Now, keep moving the play head in the specific direction from where you have to cut the clips—Press “C” on your keyboard.

split a clip in lightworks

Step 3: After getting the split clip, you can delete the remaining part that is not in use. For this, selecting the particular part is necessary and selecting the option of “Delete”. Even, you can press the “delete” key on your keyboard.

split a clip in lightworks

Step 4: When your video is ready, simply export the video by clicking right on the option of “All”. On the left lower side of the timeline, it is now clicked on “Export”.

split a clip in lightworks

split a clip in lightworks

Part 2- trimming of the clips in Lightworks

To trim the video clips in Lightworks, you require to hover the mouse towards the last of the video clip. Keep moving until and unless that part of the clip gets highlighted. After this step, start dragging till the previous where you want it.

split a clip in lightworks

split a clip in lightworks

An easier way to split the video clip

Even though Lightworks is a wonderful software for editing videos and images, its interface is easy to handle. But it is not supportive of different formats and 4K videos. For a few features, you might need the paid version of Lightworks. The most acquired solution to resolve this issue is Filmora Video Editor . It is freely available, and use all the tools according to your needs. That’s why it is gaining popularity, and users are increasing day by day. The latest versions of the Wondershare Filmora are available to enhance user experiences. You can export the outcome with ease from the tools.

Free Download

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Free Download

For macOS 10.14 or later


  • Availability of drag and drag feature
  • Can preview the functionalities you apply
  • Easy to customize the images and videos
  • Involvement of the animation
  • Huge library available for the effects of visual and audio
  • Splitting and merging the clips

Wondershare Filmora always offers to split the clips from the creative techniques. This tool is extremely useful, particularly when creating commentaries, tutorials, or interviews. The exact footage has to be on the timeline. All the options are on the main panel. Add anything you like, such as animation, text, images, or other media, to make an outstanding outcome. These are very easy to understand, so go through the following steps for splitting the video clips. Two ways are trimming and splitting the clips in Wondershare Filmora.

First method: splitting on the timeline

Step 1. Selection of the clip in the timeline that you want to split. Your play head should be precisely at this particular place from where you need the splitting.

split a clip in lightworks

Step 2. When your play head is on the correct point of the timeline, right-click on the clip for opening the menu. Select the option of “Split” or click on the scissor icon in red colour.

split a clip in lightworks

There is also a possibility of hiding the red icon of the scissor present. You can do it by tapping on the options of Wondershare Filmora. Then go to Preferencesàediting. Now uncheck the button of Split.

split a clip in lightworks

Second method: detection of the scene

If there are different shots in your clips or separation in the scenes, you can use the tool of “scene detection” in the Wondershare Filmora.

Step 1. Select your video clip from the media library that you want to split. After right-clicking on it, select the option of “Scene detection” from the menu.

split a clip in lightworks

Step 2. The new window of the scene detection appears and then click on “Detect”. Depending on the transitions of the video clips, it is divided into different parts.

split a clip in lightworks

There are hundreds of editing software present in the marketplace, but Wondershare Filmora’s success rate is the highest. It is just because of its simplicity and advanced tools that fulfil the users’ needs. The whole interface is hassle-free and clean no matter which operating system you use. It is also helpful in saving your time in terms of applying the settings of colour correction on more than one clip at all at once.

Exploration of the transition effects with the filters allows motion elements in your images and videos. Even you can split the screens to present your videos in a different style. Must discover the Wondershare Filmora whether you are using it casually or professionally. Keep going with the flow and go through the available guidelines. You will definitely consider Wondershare Filmora the best software for your managing and editing tasks.

Step 2: When the uploading is complete, you can cut and split the clips depending on your needs. Now, keep moving the play head in the specific direction from where you have to cut the clips—Press “C” on your keyboard.

split a clip in lightworks

Step 3: After getting the split clip, you can delete the remaining part that is not in use. For this, selecting the particular part is necessary and selecting the option of “Delete”. Even, you can press the “delete” key on your keyboard.

split a clip in lightworks

Step 4: When your video is ready, simply export the video by clicking right on the option of “All”. On the left lower side of the timeline, it is now clicked on “Export”.

split a clip in lightworks

split a clip in lightworks

Part 2- trimming of the clips in Lightworks

To trim the video clips in Lightworks, you require to hover the mouse towards the last of the video clip. Keep moving until and unless that part of the clip gets highlighted. After this step, start dragging till the previous where you want it.

split a clip in lightworks

split a clip in lightworks

An easier way to split the video clip

Even though Lightworks is a wonderful software for editing videos and images, its interface is easy to handle. But it is not supportive of different formats and 4K videos. For a few features, you might need the paid version of Lightworks. The most acquired solution to resolve this issue is Filmora Video Editor . It is freely available, and use all the tools according to your needs. That’s why it is gaining popularity, and users are increasing day by day. The latest versions of the Wondershare Filmora are available to enhance user experiences. You can export the outcome with ease from the tools.

Free Download

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Free Download

For macOS 10.14 or later


  • Availability of drag and drag feature
  • Can preview the functionalities you apply
  • Easy to customize the images and videos
  • Involvement of the animation
  • Huge library available for the effects of visual and audio
  • Splitting and merging the clips

Wondershare Filmora always offers to split the clips from the creative techniques. This tool is extremely useful, particularly when creating commentaries, tutorials, or interviews. The exact footage has to be on the timeline. All the options are on the main panel. Add anything you like, such as animation, text, images, or other media, to make an outstanding outcome. These are very easy to understand, so go through the following steps for splitting the video clips. Two ways are trimming and splitting the clips in Wondershare Filmora.

First method: splitting on the timeline

Step 1. Selection of the clip in the timeline that you want to split. Your play head should be precisely at this particular place from where you need the splitting.

split a clip in lightworks

Step 2. When your play head is on the correct point of the timeline, right-click on the clip for opening the menu. Select the option of “Split” or click on the scissor icon in red colour.

split a clip in lightworks

There is also a possibility of hiding the red icon of the scissor present. You can do it by tapping on the options of Wondershare Filmora. Then go to Preferencesàediting. Now uncheck the button of Split.

split a clip in lightworks

Second method: detection of the scene

If there are different shots in your clips or separation in the scenes, you can use the tool of “scene detection” in the Wondershare Filmora.

Step 1. Select your video clip from the media library that you want to split. After right-clicking on it, select the option of “Scene detection” from the menu.

split a clip in lightworks

Step 2. The new window of the scene detection appears and then click on “Detect”. Depending on the transitions of the video clips, it is divided into different parts.

split a clip in lightworks

There are hundreds of editing software present in the marketplace, but Wondershare Filmora’s success rate is the highest. It is just because of its simplicity and advanced tools that fulfil the users’ needs. The whole interface is hassle-free and clean no matter which operating system you use. It is also helpful in saving your time in terms of applying the settings of colour correction on more than one clip at all at once.

Exploration of the transition effects with the filters allows motion elements in your images and videos. Even you can split the screens to present your videos in a different style. Must discover the Wondershare Filmora whether you are using it casually or professionally. Keep going with the flow and go through the available guidelines. You will definitely consider Wondershare Filmora the best software for your managing and editing tasks.

Step 2: When the uploading is complete, you can cut and split the clips depending on your needs. Now, keep moving the play head in the specific direction from where you have to cut the clips—Press “C” on your keyboard.

split a clip in lightworks

Step 3: After getting the split clip, you can delete the remaining part that is not in use. For this, selecting the particular part is necessary and selecting the option of “Delete”. Even, you can press the “delete” key on your keyboard.

split a clip in lightworks

Step 4: When your video is ready, simply export the video by clicking right on the option of “All”. On the left lower side of the timeline, it is now clicked on “Export”.

split a clip in lightworks

split a clip in lightworks

Part 2- trimming of the clips in Lightworks

To trim the video clips in Lightworks, you require to hover the mouse towards the last of the video clip. Keep moving until and unless that part of the clip gets highlighted. After this step, start dragging till the previous where you want it.

split a clip in lightworks

split a clip in lightworks

An easier way to split the video clip

Even though Lightworks is a wonderful software for editing videos and images, its interface is easy to handle. But it is not supportive of different formats and 4K videos. For a few features, you might need the paid version of Lightworks. The most acquired solution to resolve this issue is Filmora Video Editor . It is freely available, and use all the tools according to your needs. That’s why it is gaining popularity, and users are increasing day by day. The latest versions of the Wondershare Filmora are available to enhance user experiences. You can export the outcome with ease from the tools.

Free Download

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Free Download

For macOS 10.14 or later


  • Availability of drag and drag feature
  • Can preview the functionalities you apply
  • Easy to customize the images and videos
  • Involvement of the animation
  • Huge library available for the effects of visual and audio
  • Splitting and merging the clips

Wondershare Filmora always offers to split the clips from the creative techniques. This tool is extremely useful, particularly when creating commentaries, tutorials, or interviews. The exact footage has to be on the timeline. All the options are on the main panel. Add anything you like, such as animation, text, images, or other media, to make an outstanding outcome. These are very easy to understand, so go through the following steps for splitting the video clips. Two ways are trimming and splitting the clips in Wondershare Filmora.

First method: splitting on the timeline

Step 1. Selection of the clip in the timeline that you want to split. Your play head should be precisely at this particular place from where you need the splitting.

split a clip in lightworks

Step 2. When your play head is on the correct point of the timeline, right-click on the clip for opening the menu. Select the option of “Split” or click on the scissor icon in red colour.

split a clip in lightworks

There is also a possibility of hiding the red icon of the scissor present. You can do it by tapping on the options of Wondershare Filmora. Then go to Preferencesàediting. Now uncheck the button of Split.

split a clip in lightworks

Second method: detection of the scene

If there are different shots in your clips or separation in the scenes, you can use the tool of “scene detection” in the Wondershare Filmora.

Step 1. Select your video clip from the media library that you want to split. After right-clicking on it, select the option of “Scene detection” from the menu.

split a clip in lightworks

Step 2. The new window of the scene detection appears and then click on “Detect”. Depending on the transitions of the video clips, it is divided into different parts.

split a clip in lightworks

There are hundreds of editing software present in the marketplace, but Wondershare Filmora’s success rate is the highest. It is just because of its simplicity and advanced tools that fulfil the users’ needs. The whole interface is hassle-free and clean no matter which operating system you use. It is also helpful in saving your time in terms of applying the settings of colour correction on more than one clip at all at once.

Exploration of the transition effects with the filters allows motion elements in your images and videos. Even you can split the screens to present your videos in a different style. Must discover the Wondershare Filmora whether you are using it casually or professionally. Keep going with the flow and go through the available guidelines. You will definitely consider Wondershare Filmora the best software for your managing and editing tasks.

Step 2: When the uploading is complete, you can cut and split the clips depending on your needs. Now, keep moving the play head in the specific direction from where you have to cut the clips—Press “C” on your keyboard.

split a clip in lightworks

Step 3: After getting the split clip, you can delete the remaining part that is not in use. For this, selecting the particular part is necessary and selecting the option of “Delete”. Even, you can press the “delete” key on your keyboard.

split a clip in lightworks

Step 4: When your video is ready, simply export the video by clicking right on the option of “All”. On the left lower side of the timeline, it is now clicked on “Export”.

split a clip in lightworks

split a clip in lightworks

Part 2- trimming of the clips in Lightworks

To trim the video clips in Lightworks, you require to hover the mouse towards the last of the video clip. Keep moving until and unless that part of the clip gets highlighted. After this step, start dragging till the previous where you want it.

split a clip in lightworks

split a clip in lightworks

An easier way to split the video clip

Even though Lightworks is a wonderful software for editing videos and images, its interface is easy to handle. But it is not supportive of different formats and 4K videos. For a few features, you might need the paid version of Lightworks. The most acquired solution to resolve this issue is Filmora Video Editor . It is freely available, and use all the tools according to your needs. That’s why it is gaining popularity, and users are increasing day by day. The latest versions of the Wondershare Filmora are available to enhance user experiences. You can export the outcome with ease from the tools.

Free Download

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Free Download

For macOS 10.14 or later


  • Availability of drag and drag feature
  • Can preview the functionalities you apply
  • Easy to customize the images and videos
  • Involvement of the animation
  • Huge library available for the effects of visual and audio
  • Splitting and merging the clips

Wondershare Filmora always offers to split the clips from the creative techniques. This tool is extremely useful, particularly when creating commentaries, tutorials, or interviews. The exact footage has to be on the timeline. All the options are on the main panel. Add anything you like, such as animation, text, images, or other media, to make an outstanding outcome. These are very easy to understand, so go through the following steps for splitting the video clips. Two ways are trimming and splitting the clips in Wondershare Filmora.

First method: splitting on the timeline

Step 1. Selection of the clip in the timeline that you want to split. Your play head should be precisely at this particular place from where you need the splitting.

split a clip in lightworks

Step 2. When your play head is on the correct point of the timeline, right-click on the clip for opening the menu. Select the option of “Split” or click on the scissor icon in red colour.

split a clip in lightworks

There is also a possibility of hiding the red icon of the scissor present. You can do it by tapping on the options of Wondershare Filmora. Then go to Preferencesàediting. Now uncheck the button of Split.

split a clip in lightworks

Second method: detection of the scene

If there are different shots in your clips or separation in the scenes, you can use the tool of “scene detection” in the Wondershare Filmora.

Step 1. Select your video clip from the media library that you want to split. After right-clicking on it, select the option of “Scene detection” from the menu.

split a clip in lightworks

Step 2. The new window of the scene detection appears and then click on “Detect”. Depending on the transitions of the video clips, it is divided into different parts.

split a clip in lightworks

There are hundreds of editing software present in the marketplace, but Wondershare Filmora’s success rate is the highest. It is just because of its simplicity and advanced tools that fulfil the users’ needs. The whole interface is hassle-free and clean no matter which operating system you use. It is also helpful in saving your time in terms of applying the settings of colour correction on more than one clip at all at once.

Exploration of the transition effects with the filters allows motion elements in your images and videos. Even you can split the screens to present your videos in a different style. Must discover the Wondershare Filmora whether you are using it casually or professionally. Keep going with the flow and go through the available guidelines. You will definitely consider Wondershare Filmora the best software for your managing and editing tasks.

6 Ways to Mimic Professional Filming Gears

The professional and expensive gears are primarily out of budget for starters. But there is no need to stop filming because household things will give good output.

In this article, you will learn 6 pro tips to make professional filming gear using cardboard, container, and tape. It will turn out into POV and barrel roll shots. Scroll more to learn the top ways, and then enjoy the rest with your audience.

Part 1. Things to Remember Before Making Gears

Before using tools for professional videos, you should remember some side effects and cautions to make everything reliable and simple. Read the below outlines!

Not Professional Results

You should remember that homemade tools will give you different results than professional gear because they are expensive for a purpose. But you can experiment and get fun during filming with these products.

Safety Measures

If you use any heavy or temperature-sensitive equipment, you should take safety before operating them.

Handle Carefully

Before experimenting, make sure that you are holding everything tightly. Ensure that no accident occurs during filming!

After taking precautions and understanding the output, it’s time to make tools and film!

Part 2. Smooth Camera Movement with A Door

With a simple mobile camera, you can make smooth shots of any action, like walking, running, and playing. There is no need to get any professional gear.

It easy to achieve by attaching a camera to the door. You can use duct or any other tape which is easily available in the home. Fasten the mobile phone to the side of the door with tape, as shown below!

attach mobile to door with tape

Moving the door while performing any action will result in smooth shots. Check out the final results below.

final look of smooth shots

Part 3. Film Shots of Underwater

Filming underwater is always a dream of any videographer, but we were limited to get shots from the water’s surface. So now it’s time to add more creativity to your video.

First, you need to take a transparent container or any glass container. Pour water according to your need in it.

Note: Ensure the container is light enough to put on the phone.

Then, place the container on the lens of the phone to make a video. Then, take care of the phone from the water.

filming underwater

Pro Tip: You can also shine light source in water and add glitter or colors to get more astonishing shots.

Part 4. Make Colourful Shots Without Coloured Lights

All filmmakers love party lights and want to add colors like that in the video. Different colored lights in videos usually represent different mood swings and enhance the creativity of storytellers.

Professional videographers use expensive lights to give these effects. But you don’t need to purchase any expensive gear. Because you can make colorful shots easily with colored plastic binder dividers, or you can also use cellophane wraps.

First, wrap the colored divider around the LED light or any light you use to shoot video.

Note: Check the light temperature after short intervals because it melts or burns the dividers when the light source gets hot.

wrap the led light with a green divider

Now make the video and try with different colors to add suspense, horror, and happy effects to the video.

final results after making colorful shots

The video still needs more creative effects and designs; scroll more to read exciting tips.

Part 5. Different Shapes of Light with Cardboard

To add a fantasy location in the video and make light effects in the form of shapes, try out easily available cardboard. Most of the time, aesthetic videos are made by these hacks, giving viewers different vibes.

Only a professional photographer and videographer know how to attract the audience to the shots by doing these simple hacks.

The interesting thing is that if light has more shape, it will precisely describe more about the scene’s backstory, location, and context. Give it a try!

Step1 Cutting of cardboards

Cut the cardboard in any shape, whatever you want. We will experiment by cutting cardboard in window blinds shape.

Note: There is no specific recommendation for the cardboard, you can use any size or shape which suits you the best.

shaping of cardboard

Step2 Make shots in different shapes of light

After giving shape, now move the cardboard around the light source and make a video. It seems like the subject is sitting near the window and has aesthetic vibes.

Note: The more precise the cutting of cardboard, the more professional it looks.

final preview

Become more creative and make more shapes with cardboard because the audience always prefers new content in the market.

Part 6. Create Point of View Shots

After adding colors and shapes, now it’s time to get some Point of View (POV) shots. Most of the time, viewers become bored by watching framing and filming coverages.

POV shots are mostly captured from a specific angle to show an object’s characters. They are mostly seen in food commercials, and videographers of snacks just love to make these shots.

To make POV shots, there is nothing specific required. You just have to make a suitable position for the lens. Follow the below guidelines and capture it!

Step1 Cut ends of packet

To create POV shots of your favorite snack, first of all, cut down both ends of the packets.

Step2 Attach packet on a camera

After cutting, attach the packet of snacks to the camera lens or phone with the help of old-fashioned tape.

Ensure the camera is turned on, and then make a POV shot. Now, it’s time to enjoy the rest part with the audience. Check out the final results, as shown below!

final preview of pov shot

Due to this, the food seems good, and you can notice the number of spices too. This one actually looks amazing!

What if we add the rotatory shots, too, in the video? For this, check out the last tip and try that!

Part 7. Create a Barrel Roll Shot

Barrel roll shots are the full axial shot by spinning the camera lens. Epic shots that formerly required costly gimbals and sophisticated techniques are now as simple as strolling.

It’s pretty easy to make a rotatory shot at 360° by using equipment easily available at home. Rolling may feel anxiety and disorientation. Filmmakers utilize it to confuse or unnerve audiences in movies.

There is no need to purchase expensive gambles to make barrel roll clips. Instead, try this hack by utilizing a power drill present at your home. Then, follow the below steps to give it a professional look!

Step1 Take equipment

First, take a camera lens or smartphone, whatever you are using to make a video, and a power drill as a gimbal.

Step2 Camera with drill

Attach the camera to the power drill with the help of old-fashioned tape.

Note: You should have a piece of square foam or soft block placed between the camera and drill to assist.

smartphone attached to the power drill

Now, it’s time to turn on the drill and ensure that the video option is “Turn On” in the camera. Then, enjoy the shots of 360° with your audience!

final result of barrel roll shot


Finally, you get a filmy video after performing above mentioned 6 DIY hacks without expensive gear. More creativity in a video attracts more audience, which makes you more prior in the videography industry.

You can also try more tools at home and share your ideas with others to get reviews on them and make better changes. Make sure that you are taking all safety measures and precautions.

Then, place the container on the lens of the phone to make a video. Then, take care of the phone from the water.

filming underwater

Pro Tip: You can also shine light source in water and add glitter or colors to get more astonishing shots.

Part 4. Make Colourful Shots Without Coloured Lights

All filmmakers love party lights and want to add colors like that in the video. Different colored lights in videos usually represent different mood swings and enhance the creativity of storytellers.

Professional videographers use expensive lights to give these effects. But you don’t need to purchase any expensive gear. Because you can make colorful shots easily with colored plastic binder dividers, or you can also use cellophane wraps.

First, wrap the colored divider around the LED light or any light you use to shoot video.

Note: Check the light temperature after short intervals because it melts or burns the dividers when the light source gets hot.

wrap the led light with a green divider

Now make the video and try with different colors to add suspense, horror, and happy effects to the video.

final results after making colorful shots

The video still needs more creative effects and designs; scroll more to read exciting tips.

Part 5. Different Shapes of Light with Cardboard

To add a fantasy location in the video and make light effects in the form of shapes, try out easily available cardboard. Most of the time, aesthetic videos are made by these hacks, giving viewers different vibes.

Only a professional photographer and videographer know how to attract the audience to the shots by doing these simple hacks.

The interesting thing is that if light has more shape, it will precisely describe more about the scene’s backstory, location, and context. Give it a try!

Step1 Cutting of cardboards

Cut the cardboard in any shape, whatever you want. We will experiment by cutting cardboard in window blinds shape.

Note: There is no specific recommendation for the cardboard, you can use any size or shape which suits you the best.

shaping of cardboard

Step2 Make shots in different shapes of light

After giving shape, now move the cardboard around the light source and make a video. It seems like the subject is sitting near the window and has aesthetic vibes.

Note: The more precise the cutting of cardboard, the more professional it looks.

final preview

Become more creative and make more shapes with cardboard because the audience always prefers new content in the market.

Part 6. Create Point of View Shots

After adding colors and shapes, now it’s time to get some Point of View (POV) shots. Most of the time, viewers become bored by watching framing and filming coverages.

POV shots are mostly captured from a specific angle to show an object’s characters. They are mostly seen in food commercials, and videographers of snacks just love to make these shots.

To make POV shots, there is nothing specific required. You just have to make a suitable position for the lens. Follow the below guidelines and capture it!

Step1 Cut ends of packet

To create POV shots of your favorite snack, first of all, cut down both ends of the packets.

Step2 Attach packet on a camera

After cutting, attach the packet of snacks to the camera lens or phone with the help of old-fashioned tape.

Ensure the camera is turned on, and then make a POV shot. Now, it’s time to enjoy the rest part with the audience. Check out the final results, as shown below!

final preview of pov shot

Due to this, the food seems good, and you can notice the number of spices too. This one actually looks amazing!

What if we add the rotatory shots, too, in the video? For this, check out the last tip and try that!

Part 7. Create a Barrel Roll Shot

Barrel roll shots are the full axial shot by spinning the camera lens. Epic shots that formerly required costly gimbals and sophisticated techniques are now as simple as strolling.

It’s pretty easy to make a rotatory shot at 360° by using equipment easily available at home. Rolling may feel anxiety and disorientation. Filmmakers utilize it to confuse or unnerve audiences in movies.

There is no need to purchase expensive gambles to make barrel roll clips. Instead, try this hack by utilizing a power drill present at your home. Then, follow the below steps to give it a professional look!

Step1 Take equipment

First, take a camera lens or smartphone, whatever you are using to make a video, and a power drill as a gimbal.

Step2 Camera with drill

Attach the camera to the power drill with the help of old-fashioned tape.

Note: You should have a piece of square foam or soft block placed between the camera and drill to assist.

smartphone attached to the power drill

Now, it’s time to turn on the drill and ensure that the video option is “Turn On” in the camera. Then, enjoy the shots of 360° with your audience!

final result of barrel roll shot


Finally, you get a filmy video after performing above mentioned 6 DIY hacks without expensive gear. More creativity in a video attracts more audience, which makes you more prior in the videography industry.

You can also try more tools at home and share your ideas with others to get reviews on them and make better changes. Make sure that you are taking all safety measures and precautions.

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  • Title: If You Are a Marketer Who Want to Create Facebook Ads to Boost Your Business, You Are Coming to the Right Place. Well Share You some Useful Tips to Start Your First FB Ads Campaign
  • Author: Chloe
  • Created at : 2024-05-20 03:37:35
  • Updated at : 2024-05-21 03:37:35
  • Link: https://ai-editing-video.techidaily.com/if-you-are-a-marketer-who-want-to-create-facebook-ads-to-boost-your-business-you-are-coming-to-the-right-place-well-share-you-some-useful-tips-to-start-your/
  • License: This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.
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If You Are a Marketer Who Want to Create Facebook Ads to Boost Your Business, You Are Coming to the Right Place. Well Share You some Useful Tips to Start Your First FB Ads Campaign