If Youre Not Using Video yet, Now Is the Time to Start. In This Post, Well Discuss the Benefits of Using Video for Social Media Marketing and Provide Tips for Getting Started. Keep Reading to Learn More

If Youre Not Using Video yet, Now Is the Time to Start. In This Post, Well Discuss the Benefits of Using Video for Social Media Marketing and Provide Tips for Getting Started. Keep Reading to Learn More

Chloe Lv12

If You’re Not Using Video yet, Now Is the Time to Start. In This Post, We’ll Discuss the Benefits of Using Video for Social Media Marketing and Provide Tips for Getting Started. Keep Reading to Learn More

When it comes to social media marketing, video is one of the most powerful tools at your disposal. Videos can be used to create engaging content that draws in new followers, and they can also be used to promote your products or services. In fact, videos are so effective that nearly 90% of businesses now use them as part of their social media marketing strategy. So, if you’re not using video yet, now is the time to start. In this post, we’ll discuss the benefits of using video for social media marketing and provide tips for getting started. Keep reading to learn more!

1. More Engaging Than Text or Images

When you’re scrolling through your feed, what’s more, likely to stop you in your tracks: a picture or a video? For most people, the answer is video. In general, video is more engaging than image because it captures our attention more effectively and holds it for longer. Studies have shown that the human brain processes video 60,000 times faster than text, and that viewers retain 95% of a message when they watch it in a video, as opposed to 10% when they read it in text. Furthermore, video is more likely to evoke an emotional response than an image. We can’t help but be drawn in by the movement, sound, and facial expressions of the people in the video, which makes us more likely to feel connected to them. So next time you’re trying to capture someone’s attention, think about using video instead of a still image.

Video Format

Video Format

2. Build a Relationship with Audience

Video can help you build a relationship with your audience on social media. That’s because people like to watch videos. They’re fun and interesting. You can show people what you’re doing and what’s going on in your life. And people can leave comments and talk to you on the video. The more you interact with your audience, the more they’ll like you.

Plus, video is a great way to show off your products or services. You can give people a tour of your store or office. Or show them how to use your product. If you have a new product, you can create a video to show it off. People are more likely to buy a product if they can see it in action.

Videos Help You Build a Relationship

Videos Help You Build a Relationship

3. Promote Your Brand or Product

Video allows you to show, rather than just tell, potential customers what your brand is all about. You can give them a behind-the-scenes look at your company, or showcase your products in action. And because people are more likely to watch a video than read an article or blog post, you’re more likely to reach a wider audience with your message.

Creating a video doesn’t have to be expensive or time-consuming. You can use your smartphone or a simple video camera to get started. And there are plenty of free or low-cost video editing software programs available if you want to get fancier with your finished product.

If you’re not sure where to start, try creating a short video that introduces your brand and tells viewers what they can expect from your products or services. Then post it on your website and social media channels and see how it goes! You might be surprised at how well it performs.

Videos Help Promote Your Brand

Videos Help Promote Your Brand

4. Drive Traffic to Your Website

Website traffic refers to the number of visitors who visit a website. This can be measured in a number of ways, including the number of unique visitors, the number of page views, and the amount of time spent on the site.

If you’re looking for a way to give your website a boost, you may want to consider using videos. By posting engaging videos on social media sites, you can drive traffic to your site and increase your visibility. And, with more people visiting your site, you’ll have a better chance of converting visitors into customers. Of course, creating videos can be time-consuming and requires some level of creative talent. But it’s worth the effort if you’re looking for a way to improve your web traffic.

So, if you’re ready to take your social media marketing to the next level, why not give video a try?

Videos Help Drive Traffic

Videos Help Drive Traffic

5. Increase Your Social Media Reach

Social media reach is the number of people who see your content. It’s the potential audience for your message. The more people who see it, the more likely it is that someone will engage with it. The size of your reach depends on the platform you’re using and how many followers you have. Some platforms, like Facebook, make it easy to reach a large audience.

The best way to increase your reach is to create compelling video content that people want to share. Videos are highly shareable, and if they are well-made and engaging, they can quickly attract a large audience. In addition, videos are a great way to build brand awareness and show potential customers what your business is all about. By including videos in your social media marketing strategy, you can reach a wider audience and create more opportunities for customer engagement.

Videos Help Increase Social Media Reach

Videos Help Drive Traffic

6. Boost your SEO

SEO is an acronym that stands for “search engine optimization.” It is a process of improving the visibility and ranking of a website or web page in search engine results pages (SERPs). The higher a website or web page appears in the SERPs, the more likely it is to be clicked by users.

If you’re like most people, you probably spend a good chunk of your day scrolling through social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. And when you’re not scrolling through your feed, you’re probably watching videos. Whether it’s a funny cat video or a cooking tutorial, chances are you’ve watched a video online in the past 24 hours. What you may not realize is that videos can also be used to boost your SEO.

That’s right - by creating and posting engaging videos, you can attract more visitors to your website and improve your search engine ranking. Here’s how it works: when people watch your videos and share them with their friends, they are effectively giving your website a “vote” of approval. This helps to improve your visibility on search engines and attracts more visitors to your site. In addition, videos help to keep people on your website for longer periods of time, which is also a positive signal to search engines. So if you’re looking for a new way to improve your SEO, consider adding videos to your website. You might just be surprised at the results.

Videos Help Boost Your SEO

Videos Help Boost Your SEO

Wrap Up

  • Now that you know the importance of using video for your social media marketing, it’s time to start planning your next campaign.
  • Keep in mind the different ways you can use video to engage with your audience and think about what kind of content will resonate best with them.
  • Don’t be afraid to try something new – after all, that’s how we learn and grow. What are some ideas you have for using video in your social media marketing? We want to hear from you! Comment down below and let us know.

Videos Conclusion

Videos Conclusion

When it comes to social media marketing, video is one of the most powerful tools at your disposal. Videos can be used to create engaging content that draws in new followers, and they can also be used to promote your products or services. In fact, videos are so effective that nearly 90% of businesses now use them as part of their social media marketing strategy. So, if you’re not using video yet, now is the time to start. In this post, we’ll discuss the benefits of using video for social media marketing and provide tips for getting started. Keep reading to learn more!

1. More Engaging Than Text or Images

When you’re scrolling through your feed, what’s more, likely to stop you in your tracks: a picture or a video? For most people, the answer is video. In general, video is more engaging than image because it captures our attention more effectively and holds it for longer. Studies have shown that the human brain processes video 60,000 times faster than text, and that viewers retain 95% of a message when they watch it in a video, as opposed to 10% when they read it in text. Furthermore, video is more likely to evoke an emotional response than an image. We can’t help but be drawn in by the movement, sound, and facial expressions of the people in the video, which makes us more likely to feel connected to them. So next time you’re trying to capture someone’s attention, think about using video instead of a still image.

Video Format

Video Format

2. Build a Relationship with Audience

Video can help you build a relationship with your audience on social media. That’s because people like to watch videos. They’re fun and interesting. You can show people what you’re doing and what’s going on in your life. And people can leave comments and talk to you on the video. The more you interact with your audience, the more they’ll like you.

Plus, video is a great way to show off your products or services. You can give people a tour of your store or office. Or show them how to use your product. If you have a new product, you can create a video to show it off. People are more likely to buy a product if they can see it in action.

Videos Help You Build a Relationship

Videos Help You Build a Relationship

3. Promote Your Brand or Product

Video allows you to show, rather than just tell, potential customers what your brand is all about. You can give them a behind-the-scenes look at your company, or showcase your products in action. And because people are more likely to watch a video than read an article or blog post, you’re more likely to reach a wider audience with your message.

Creating a video doesn’t have to be expensive or time-consuming. You can use your smartphone or a simple video camera to get started. And there are plenty of free or low-cost video editing software programs available if you want to get fancier with your finished product.

If you’re not sure where to start, try creating a short video that introduces your brand and tells viewers what they can expect from your products or services. Then post it on your website and social media channels and see how it goes! You might be surprised at how well it performs.

Videos Help Promote Your Brand

Videos Help Promote Your Brand

4. Drive Traffic to Your Website

Website traffic refers to the number of visitors who visit a website. This can be measured in a number of ways, including the number of unique visitors, the number of page views, and the amount of time spent on the site.

If you’re looking for a way to give your website a boost, you may want to consider using videos. By posting engaging videos on social media sites, you can drive traffic to your site and increase your visibility. And, with more people visiting your site, you’ll have a better chance of converting visitors into customers. Of course, creating videos can be time-consuming and requires some level of creative talent. But it’s worth the effort if you’re looking for a way to improve your web traffic.

So, if you’re ready to take your social media marketing to the next level, why not give video a try?

Videos Help Drive Traffic

Videos Help Drive Traffic

5. Increase Your Social Media Reach

Social media reach is the number of people who see your content. It’s the potential audience for your message. The more people who see it, the more likely it is that someone will engage with it. The size of your reach depends on the platform you’re using and how many followers you have. Some platforms, like Facebook, make it easy to reach a large audience.

The best way to increase your reach is to create compelling video content that people want to share. Videos are highly shareable, and if they are well-made and engaging, they can quickly attract a large audience. In addition, videos are a great way to build brand awareness and show potential customers what your business is all about. By including videos in your social media marketing strategy, you can reach a wider audience and create more opportunities for customer engagement.

Videos Help Increase Social Media Reach

Videos Help Drive Traffic

6. Boost your SEO

SEO is an acronym that stands for “search engine optimization.” It is a process of improving the visibility and ranking of a website or web page in search engine results pages (SERPs). The higher a website or web page appears in the SERPs, the more likely it is to be clicked by users.

If you’re like most people, you probably spend a good chunk of your day scrolling through social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. And when you’re not scrolling through your feed, you’re probably watching videos. Whether it’s a funny cat video or a cooking tutorial, chances are you’ve watched a video online in the past 24 hours. What you may not realize is that videos can also be used to boost your SEO.

That’s right - by creating and posting engaging videos, you can attract more visitors to your website and improve your search engine ranking. Here’s how it works: when people watch your videos and share them with their friends, they are effectively giving your website a “vote” of approval. This helps to improve your visibility on search engines and attracts more visitors to your site. In addition, videos help to keep people on your website for longer periods of time, which is also a positive signal to search engines. So if you’re looking for a new way to improve your SEO, consider adding videos to your website. You might just be surprised at the results.

Videos Help Boost Your SEO

Videos Help Boost Your SEO

Wrap Up

  • Now that you know the importance of using video for your social media marketing, it’s time to start planning your next campaign.
  • Keep in mind the different ways you can use video to engage with your audience and think about what kind of content will resonate best with them.
  • Don’t be afraid to try something new – after all, that’s how we learn and grow. What are some ideas you have for using video in your social media marketing? We want to hear from you! Comment down below and let us know.

Videos Conclusion

Videos Conclusion

Master Premiere Pro: Custom Sequence Presets

You’ve probably heard of Adobe Premiere Pro – it’s a top-tier video editing software that’s widely recognized in the market. But have you delved into the nitty-gritty of sequence presets? A custom sequence preset is your best friend for maintaining consistency across projects.

It allows users to save specific settings for sequence attributes like frame rate, resolution, and audio settings. Instead of reconfiguring these settings for each new project, a custom sequence preset lets you jump right into editing. Now, how do you create one? Keep reading!

Part 1: How to Create a Custom Sequence in Premiere Pro

Creating a custom sequence is like tailoring a shirt to fit you perfectly. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you do just that:

Step 1: Displays the New Sequence Window

Begin by launching Adobe Premiere Pro. Once opened, navigate to the top menu and select File > New > Sequence. This will open up the New Sequence window, where all the magic happens!

Step 2: Change the Editing Mode to Custom in the Settings Panel

You’ll see several tabs in the New Sequence window, but we will focus on the “Settings” tab for our purposes. Click on it.

Here, you’ll find the ‘Editing Mode’ dropdown menu. By default, it’s set to a specific format like ‘DSLR’ or ‘AVCHD.’ Change this to ‘Custom.’ This will unlock a plethora of options for you to play with.

Deep Dive into Settings:

  1. Frame Size: Define your video’s width and height. Remember, 1920x1080 is Full HD, and 3840x2160 is 4K. Choose based on your project needs.
  2. Frame Rate: 24fps is the cinematic standard, but if you’re creating content for TV or web, 30fps or 60fps might be more suitable.
  3. Pixel Aspect Ratio: Stick with ‘Square Pixels’ unless you have a specific reason to do otherwise.
  4. Fields: Choose ‘No Fields’ for progressive footage. If you’re unsure, this is a safe bet.
  5. Audio Settings: Here, you can configure the sample rate, among other things. 48000Hz is standard for video.

Step 3: Give the New Preset a Name and Save It

Once you’ve customized the settings to your satisfaction, it’s time to save this configuration for future use. At the bottom of the New Sequence window, you’ll see a ‘Save Preset’ button. Click on it.

A pop-up window will show up, requesting you to provide a name for your new preset. Choose something descriptive so you can easily recognize it later. Once named, click ‘OK’.

Your custom sequence preset is now saved and will appear under the ‘Custom’ folder in the ‘Sequence Presets’ tab.

Part 2: Why Custom Sequence Presets are Essential for Efficient Editing

As you delve deeper into video editing, you’ll begin to appreciate the little things that shave off minutes from your workflow, allowing you to dedicate more time to the creative process. This is precisely where the utility of custom sequence presets in Premiere Pro comes into play. But why are these presets so crucial?

  • Consistency Across Projects: If you’re managing multiple projects or a series of videos, having a standard format ensures that all your content has a uniform look and feel. Consistency is a hallmark of professional-grade content. It’s not just about the visuals – maintaining a uniform audio quality and format is equally significant. With a preset, you no longer need to remember the minutiae of each setting, ensuring consistency effortlessly.
  • Speed Up Your Workflow: Every minute you spend adjusting the sequence settings is a minute less you have for cutting, color correcting, audio mixing, or adding those special effects that make your videos pop. Over time, those minutes can add up to hours. By using a custom sequence preset, you can jump straight into the creative part of editing without the preliminary setup.
  • Avoid Common Mistakes: Have you ever rendered an entire project only to find that the frame rate was off or the audio was set to the wrong sample rate? These kinds of errors can occur when setting up a new sequence from scratch each time. By relying on a preset, you mitigate the risks of such oversights.
  • Personalized Templates for Different Platforms: Different platforms may have varying preferred settings. For instance, the ideal video format for YouTube might differ from that of Instagram or TikTok. Instead of Googling these settings each time, you can have a custom sequence preset ready for each platform, ensuring your content is optimized wherever it’s destined.
  • Ease of Collaboration: If you’re working as part of a team, having standard sequence presets ensures everyone is on the same page. This is particularly handy when multiple editors are working on different segments of the same project. With custom presets, you’re not just aligning sequences but also visions.

Incorporating this practice into your editing routine might initially seem trivial, but its benefits compound with time.

Part 3: Summary

Creating a custom sequence preset in Adobe Premiere Pro isn’t just about streamlining your workflow – it’s about ensuring consistency across your projects.

By saving your most-used settings, you’re creating a base template that can be pulled up any time, granting you more time for the creative process.

Adobe Premiere Pro’s interface is designed to make tasks like these intuitive, so even if you’re a beginner, with a bit of practice, you’ll be creating custom sequence presets like a pro.

You’ve probably heard of Adobe Premiere Pro – it’s a top-tier video editing software that’s widely recognized in the market. But have you delved into the nitty-gritty of sequence presets? A custom sequence preset is your best friend for maintaining consistency across projects.

It allows users to save specific settings for sequence attributes like frame rate, resolution, and audio settings. Instead of reconfiguring these settings for each new project, a custom sequence preset lets you jump right into editing. Now, how do you create one? Keep reading!

Part 1: How to Create a Custom Sequence in Premiere Pro

Creating a custom sequence is like tailoring a shirt to fit you perfectly. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you do just that:

Step 1: Displays the New Sequence Window

Begin by launching Adobe Premiere Pro. Once opened, navigate to the top menu and select File > New > Sequence. This will open up the New Sequence window, where all the magic happens!

Step 2: Change the Editing Mode to Custom in the Settings Panel

You’ll see several tabs in the New Sequence window, but we will focus on the “Settings” tab for our purposes. Click on it.

Here, you’ll find the ‘Editing Mode’ dropdown menu. By default, it’s set to a specific format like ‘DSLR’ or ‘AVCHD.’ Change this to ‘Custom.’ This will unlock a plethora of options for you to play with.

Deep Dive into Settings:

  1. Frame Size: Define your video’s width and height. Remember, 1920x1080 is Full HD, and 3840x2160 is 4K. Choose based on your project needs.
  2. Frame Rate: 24fps is the cinematic standard, but if you’re creating content for TV or web, 30fps or 60fps might be more suitable.
  3. Pixel Aspect Ratio: Stick with ‘Square Pixels’ unless you have a specific reason to do otherwise.
  4. Fields: Choose ‘No Fields’ for progressive footage. If you’re unsure, this is a safe bet.
  5. Audio Settings: Here, you can configure the sample rate, among other things. 48000Hz is standard for video.

Step 3: Give the New Preset a Name and Save It

Once you’ve customized the settings to your satisfaction, it’s time to save this configuration for future use. At the bottom of the New Sequence window, you’ll see a ‘Save Preset’ button. Click on it.

A pop-up window will show up, requesting you to provide a name for your new preset. Choose something descriptive so you can easily recognize it later. Once named, click ‘OK’.

Your custom sequence preset is now saved and will appear under the ‘Custom’ folder in the ‘Sequence Presets’ tab.

Part 2: Why Custom Sequence Presets are Essential for Efficient Editing

As you delve deeper into video editing, you’ll begin to appreciate the little things that shave off minutes from your workflow, allowing you to dedicate more time to the creative process. This is precisely where the utility of custom sequence presets in Premiere Pro comes into play. But why are these presets so crucial?

  • Consistency Across Projects: If you’re managing multiple projects or a series of videos, having a standard format ensures that all your content has a uniform look and feel. Consistency is a hallmark of professional-grade content. It’s not just about the visuals – maintaining a uniform audio quality and format is equally significant. With a preset, you no longer need to remember the minutiae of each setting, ensuring consistency effortlessly.
  • Speed Up Your Workflow: Every minute you spend adjusting the sequence settings is a minute less you have for cutting, color correcting, audio mixing, or adding those special effects that make your videos pop. Over time, those minutes can add up to hours. By using a custom sequence preset, you can jump straight into the creative part of editing without the preliminary setup.
  • Avoid Common Mistakes: Have you ever rendered an entire project only to find that the frame rate was off or the audio was set to the wrong sample rate? These kinds of errors can occur when setting up a new sequence from scratch each time. By relying on a preset, you mitigate the risks of such oversights.
  • Personalized Templates for Different Platforms: Different platforms may have varying preferred settings. For instance, the ideal video format for YouTube might differ from that of Instagram or TikTok. Instead of Googling these settings each time, you can have a custom sequence preset ready for each platform, ensuring your content is optimized wherever it’s destined.
  • Ease of Collaboration: If you’re working as part of a team, having standard sequence presets ensures everyone is on the same page. This is particularly handy when multiple editors are working on different segments of the same project. With custom presets, you’re not just aligning sequences but also visions.

Incorporating this practice into your editing routine might initially seem trivial, but its benefits compound with time.

Part 3: Summary

Creating a custom sequence preset in Adobe Premiere Pro isn’t just about streamlining your workflow – it’s about ensuring consistency across your projects.

By saving your most-used settings, you’re creating a base template that can be pulled up any time, granting you more time for the creative process.

Adobe Premiere Pro’s interface is designed to make tasks like these intuitive, so even if you’re a beginner, with a bit of practice, you’ll be creating custom sequence presets like a pro.

AR, or Augmented Reality, Is One of the Most Significant Technological Inventions. This Technology Is Used in Many Applications that We Use Daily, Like, Maps, Music, Video Games, Tourism, Sightseeing, Etc

Top 8 AR Apps for Android and Ios Help You See the World of AR

An easy yet powerful editor

Numerous effects to choose from

Detailed tutorials provided by the official channel

Try It Free Try It Free

Suppose you want to buy a pair of eyeglasses and don’t know which pair would suit your look. Now you might wish to look at how your face would look on different frames. Here you can use AR and see which pair of glasses would fit you using AR. AR can be used to share and receive various kinds of tacit knowledge. Augmented Reality is often synonymously used for “Computed-mediated reality” and “Mixed- Reality.”

Despite such an exceptional concept, many users raised questions about the privacy issues of this app. AR technology constantly needs to record the real environment, which involves real human beings. Recording their movement breaches their privacy which can cause legal trouble for the user. If the videos are recorded with consent, they will not harm anyone.

In this article

01 [What Is Augmented Reality?](#Part 1)

02 [The 4 Best Augmented Reality Apps for iPhone](#Part 2)

03 [The 4 Best Augmented Reality Apps for Android](#Part 3)

Part 1 What Is Augmented Reality?

Augmented Reality is a technology that uses the real-world environment where virtual objects reside. This process involves an experience where the real or physical world interweaves with virtually created objects. It interweaves so perfectly that the artificial seems a part of the natural. This is an artificial experience, and it adds to the real environment. AR gained popularity in the fields of entertainment and video games.

You might think that AR (Augmented Reality) is the same as VR (Virtual Reality). They are not the same. When someone looks through a VR, everything, including the object’s environment, is virtual or an illusion. When AR is used, the object is virtual, but the environment is real. Suppose you want to buy an item of furniture and you do not know whether it would match your home décor; here, you can use AR to see whether the furniture would fit your décor or not.

Part 2 The 4 Best Augmented Reality Apps for iPhone

Have you ever wondered how it would be to purchase furniture sitting in your bedroom? How would it be like to not worry about which color would fit the home décor o which position would be the best for the product? You can experience these exciting features using this Augmented Reality or AR powered apps. These four apps will give you the best iPhone ar video experience.


Amikasa is basically a home furnishing AR app. It is exclusive to iOS users only. You can use this app to view products from different brands and websites. This app will improve your shopping experience without going to different stores to get the right product for your room. You can just walk around your house and find the best-fitted product for your house using AR models of the products. Since there are no boundaries to websites and brands, it gives you more opportunity to choose your product wisely. The most interesting part about this app is that you can make your purchases without exiting from this app.


02Wanna Kicks

Wanna Kicks is a fashion-based AR app. To be precise, this app focuses on footwear. This app is also exclusive to iOS users only. You can look into different brands and websites and choose the best footwear for yourself. You can virtually look at how a pair of shoes would look on you when you wear them. You do not browse around to find the most suitable footwear and do it sitting on your bed. These interesting features of this app have gained people’s attention from various countries. This app can push your apple ar video experience to a different level.

wanna kicks


Augment is a home furnishing goods-based AR app. The app needs to be purchased at $10/month for corporate uses. This app mainly targets e-commerce store owners to make their selling process smooth by creating AR pictures of their products. The seller creates 3D images or models of products that the customers can use to find the best fit for their house. The images created by this app are uploaded for common people’s Augmented Reality experience through mobile apps, websites, or some other source. It comes to great use when the products are sold in the field like event sales, pop-up shops, e-commerce markets, etc.



Roar is another AR technology-based app that needs to be purchased at $49 by the creators or hosts. This app aims at business owners. Business owners can use this app in many ways possible, like creating an online store using AR technology using which the consumers can scan the product packages from their homes, using AR technology in advertisements, and many other ways possible.

This app can be used by car sellers to show 3D models or AR images of different cars. Roar is a very popular app used by educators to make educational videos more game-like and make the process of learning fun by including animations and models for teaching.


Part 3 The 4 Best Augmented Reality Apps for Android

Augmented Reality or AR is a very interesting technology, and anybody would want to have this feature in their phone. So here are some apps mentioned below which will help you get ar video app android experience. These four apps top the list of best AR videos for android.

01Google Lens

Google Lens is an image-recognizing application based on AR technology developed by Google, which can be used for free. This app top the list of best Augmented Reality apps. This app can be used to identify objects, texts, images, landmarks, and so much more. Instead of typing your query, you can just scan the product you want to know about.

If you want to buy a product you searched for, the app will provide you with websites selling that particular product. The object needs to be placed in front of the mobile’s camera, and the app uses its Augmented Reality technology to recognize the object and gives appropriate results. You can access Google Lenses by downloading the app or the Google Photos app itself.

google lens


Snapchat is a very popular app, especially among the youngsters. Snapchat is a free app with very minimum system requirements and thus can be accessed by anyone. It has some cool features like fun image effects and exciting texting features. This app offers quirky face filters where the Augmented Reality technology comes to use.

You can transform into anything like a cat, dog, or even another person using this app’s appropriate filter. You can also send funny videos of yourself using those quirky filters through this app. This app gives you a fun and silly experience with taking pictures of yourself or taking a selfie, as popularly known.


03IKEA Place

IKEA Place is a free home décor-based Augmented Reality app. This app is a bridge between Swedish furniture retailers and shoppers. The shoppers or the consumers get the opportunity to place or put out the furniture in their house and decide whether it is suitable for the room or the house. The app considers the whole area and shows the product concerning the space of the area of the room where the product is to be kept. This “drag-and-drop” function helps the users select colors according to the place where they want to keep the product. These features make the shoppers’ experience smooth and hustle-free. This app is one of the best apps for ar video app android users.



Houzz is a home furnishing goods or furniture selling app that uses Augmented Reality for advertising its goods. This app can be used to do interior planning to decide on designs, positions, or layouts of the products. You can view products of different brands and buy the products without exiting the app because of its e-commerce functionality.

This app has an interesting feature: the “View in My Room,” an Augmented Reality powered feature. You can decide the product’s position by virtually placing it in your room. You might not get the most accurate result, but you can get a slight idea of the product and how it would look in your house.

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

Ending Thoughts

I hope now you know what Augmented Reality is and in which fields it is used.

It has gained popularity in the marketing industry because it gives a multi-dimensional opportunity to buy and sell products.

Most importantly, you know how Augmented Reality is different from Virtual Reality.

This article also highlights the best apple ar video apps and ar video apps android. The apps mentioned in this article are very easy to use. These apps can give you a smooth AR using experience and take it to a different level.

Try It Free Try It Free

Suppose you want to buy a pair of eyeglasses and don’t know which pair would suit your look. Now you might wish to look at how your face would look on different frames. Here you can use AR and see which pair of glasses would fit you using AR. AR can be used to share and receive various kinds of tacit knowledge. Augmented Reality is often synonymously used for “Computed-mediated reality” and “Mixed- Reality.”

Despite such an exceptional concept, many users raised questions about the privacy issues of this app. AR technology constantly needs to record the real environment, which involves real human beings. Recording their movement breaches their privacy which can cause legal trouble for the user. If the videos are recorded with consent, they will not harm anyone.

In this article

01 [What Is Augmented Reality?](#Part 1)

02 [The 4 Best Augmented Reality Apps for iPhone](#Part 2)

03 [The 4 Best Augmented Reality Apps for Android](#Part 3)

Part 1 What Is Augmented Reality?

Augmented Reality is a technology that uses the real-world environment where virtual objects reside. This process involves an experience where the real or physical world interweaves with virtually created objects. It interweaves so perfectly that the artificial seems a part of the natural. This is an artificial experience, and it adds to the real environment. AR gained popularity in the fields of entertainment and video games.

You might think that AR (Augmented Reality) is the same as VR (Virtual Reality). They are not the same. When someone looks through a VR, everything, including the object’s environment, is virtual or an illusion. When AR is used, the object is virtual, but the environment is real. Suppose you want to buy an item of furniture and you do not know whether it would match your home décor; here, you can use AR to see whether the furniture would fit your décor or not.

Part 2 The 4 Best Augmented Reality Apps for iPhone

Have you ever wondered how it would be to purchase furniture sitting in your bedroom? How would it be like to not worry about which color would fit the home décor o which position would be the best for the product? You can experience these exciting features using this Augmented Reality or AR powered apps. These four apps will give you the best iPhone ar video experience.


Amikasa is basically a home furnishing AR app. It is exclusive to iOS users only. You can use this app to view products from different brands and websites. This app will improve your shopping experience without going to different stores to get the right product for your room. You can just walk around your house and find the best-fitted product for your house using AR models of the products. Since there are no boundaries to websites and brands, it gives you more opportunity to choose your product wisely. The most interesting part about this app is that you can make your purchases without exiting from this app.


02Wanna Kicks

Wanna Kicks is a fashion-based AR app. To be precise, this app focuses on footwear. This app is also exclusive to iOS users only. You can look into different brands and websites and choose the best footwear for yourself. You can virtually look at how a pair of shoes would look on you when you wear them. You do not browse around to find the most suitable footwear and do it sitting on your bed. These interesting features of this app have gained people’s attention from various countries. This app can push your apple ar video experience to a different level.

wanna kicks


Augment is a home furnishing goods-based AR app. The app needs to be purchased at $10/month for corporate uses. This app mainly targets e-commerce store owners to make their selling process smooth by creating AR pictures of their products. The seller creates 3D images or models of products that the customers can use to find the best fit for their house. The images created by this app are uploaded for common people’s Augmented Reality experience through mobile apps, websites, or some other source. It comes to great use when the products are sold in the field like event sales, pop-up shops, e-commerce markets, etc.



Roar is another AR technology-based app that needs to be purchased at $49 by the creators or hosts. This app aims at business owners. Business owners can use this app in many ways possible, like creating an online store using AR technology using which the consumers can scan the product packages from their homes, using AR technology in advertisements, and many other ways possible.

This app can be used by car sellers to show 3D models or AR images of different cars. Roar is a very popular app used by educators to make educational videos more game-like and make the process of learning fun by including animations and models for teaching.


Part 3 The 4 Best Augmented Reality Apps for Android

Augmented Reality or AR is a very interesting technology, and anybody would want to have this feature in their phone. So here are some apps mentioned below which will help you get ar video app android experience. These four apps top the list of best AR videos for android.

01Google Lens

Google Lens is an image-recognizing application based on AR technology developed by Google, which can be used for free. This app top the list of best Augmented Reality apps. This app can be used to identify objects, texts, images, landmarks, and so much more. Instead of typing your query, you can just scan the product you want to know about.

If you want to buy a product you searched for, the app will provide you with websites selling that particular product. The object needs to be placed in front of the mobile’s camera, and the app uses its Augmented Reality technology to recognize the object and gives appropriate results. You can access Google Lenses by downloading the app or the Google Photos app itself.

google lens


Snapchat is a very popular app, especially among the youngsters. Snapchat is a free app with very minimum system requirements and thus can be accessed by anyone. It has some cool features like fun image effects and exciting texting features. This app offers quirky face filters where the Augmented Reality technology comes to use.

You can transform into anything like a cat, dog, or even another person using this app’s appropriate filter. You can also send funny videos of yourself using those quirky filters through this app. This app gives you a fun and silly experience with taking pictures of yourself or taking a selfie, as popularly known.


03IKEA Place

IKEA Place is a free home décor-based Augmented Reality app. This app is a bridge between Swedish furniture retailers and shoppers. The shoppers or the consumers get the opportunity to place or put out the furniture in their house and decide whether it is suitable for the room or the house. The app considers the whole area and shows the product concerning the space of the area of the room where the product is to be kept. This “drag-and-drop” function helps the users select colors according to the place where they want to keep the product. These features make the shoppers’ experience smooth and hustle-free. This app is one of the best apps for ar video app android users.



Houzz is a home furnishing goods or furniture selling app that uses Augmented Reality for advertising its goods. This app can be used to do interior planning to decide on designs, positions, or layouts of the products. You can view products of different brands and buy the products without exiting the app because of its e-commerce functionality.

This app has an interesting feature: the “View in My Room,” an Augmented Reality powered feature. You can decide the product’s position by virtually placing it in your room. You might not get the most accurate result, but you can get a slight idea of the product and how it would look in your house.

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

Ending Thoughts

I hope now you know what Augmented Reality is and in which fields it is used.

It has gained popularity in the marketing industry because it gives a multi-dimensional opportunity to buy and sell products.

Most importantly, you know how Augmented Reality is different from Virtual Reality.

This article also highlights the best apple ar video apps and ar video apps android. The apps mentioned in this article are very easy to use. These apps can give you a smooth AR using experience and take it to a different level.

Try It Free Try It Free

Suppose you want to buy a pair of eyeglasses and don’t know which pair would suit your look. Now you might wish to look at how your face would look on different frames. Here you can use AR and see which pair of glasses would fit you using AR. AR can be used to share and receive various kinds of tacit knowledge. Augmented Reality is often synonymously used for “Computed-mediated reality” and “Mixed- Reality.”

Despite such an exceptional concept, many users raised questions about the privacy issues of this app. AR technology constantly needs to record the real environment, which involves real human beings. Recording their movement breaches their privacy which can cause legal trouble for the user. If the videos are recorded with consent, they will not harm anyone.

In this article

01 [What Is Augmented Reality?](#Part 1)

02 [The 4 Best Augmented Reality Apps for iPhone](#Part 2)

03 [The 4 Best Augmented Reality Apps for Android](#Part 3)

Part 1 What Is Augmented Reality?

Augmented Reality is a technology that uses the real-world environment where virtual objects reside. This process involves an experience where the real or physical world interweaves with virtually created objects. It interweaves so perfectly that the artificial seems a part of the natural. This is an artificial experience, and it adds to the real environment. AR gained popularity in the fields of entertainment and video games.

You might think that AR (Augmented Reality) is the same as VR (Virtual Reality). They are not the same. When someone looks through a VR, everything, including the object’s environment, is virtual or an illusion. When AR is used, the object is virtual, but the environment is real. Suppose you want to buy an item of furniture and you do not know whether it would match your home décor; here, you can use AR to see whether the furniture would fit your décor or not.

Part 2 The 4 Best Augmented Reality Apps for iPhone

Have you ever wondered how it would be to purchase furniture sitting in your bedroom? How would it be like to not worry about which color would fit the home décor o which position would be the best for the product? You can experience these exciting features using this Augmented Reality or AR powered apps. These four apps will give you the best iPhone ar video experience.


Amikasa is basically a home furnishing AR app. It is exclusive to iOS users only. You can use this app to view products from different brands and websites. This app will improve your shopping experience without going to different stores to get the right product for your room. You can just walk around your house and find the best-fitted product for your house using AR models of the products. Since there are no boundaries to websites and brands, it gives you more opportunity to choose your product wisely. The most interesting part about this app is that you can make your purchases without exiting from this app.


02Wanna Kicks

Wanna Kicks is a fashion-based AR app. To be precise, this app focuses on footwear. This app is also exclusive to iOS users only. You can look into different brands and websites and choose the best footwear for yourself. You can virtually look at how a pair of shoes would look on you when you wear them. You do not browse around to find the most suitable footwear and do it sitting on your bed. These interesting features of this app have gained people’s attention from various countries. This app can push your apple ar video experience to a different level.

wanna kicks


Augment is a home furnishing goods-based AR app. The app needs to be purchased at $10/month for corporate uses. This app mainly targets e-commerce store owners to make their selling process smooth by creating AR pictures of their products. The seller creates 3D images or models of products that the customers can use to find the best fit for their house. The images created by this app are uploaded for common people’s Augmented Reality experience through mobile apps, websites, or some other source. It comes to great use when the products are sold in the field like event sales, pop-up shops, e-commerce markets, etc.



Roar is another AR technology-based app that needs to be purchased at $49 by the creators or hosts. This app aims at business owners. Business owners can use this app in many ways possible, like creating an online store using AR technology using which the consumers can scan the product packages from their homes, using AR technology in advertisements, and many other ways possible.

This app can be used by car sellers to show 3D models or AR images of different cars. Roar is a very popular app used by educators to make educational videos more game-like and make the process of learning fun by including animations and models for teaching.


Part 3 The 4 Best Augmented Reality Apps for Android

Augmented Reality or AR is a very interesting technology, and anybody would want to have this feature in their phone. So here are some apps mentioned below which will help you get ar video app android experience. These four apps top the list of best AR videos for android.

01Google Lens

Google Lens is an image-recognizing application based on AR technology developed by Google, which can be used for free. This app top the list of best Augmented Reality apps. This app can be used to identify objects, texts, images, landmarks, and so much more. Instead of typing your query, you can just scan the product you want to know about.

If you want to buy a product you searched for, the app will provide you with websites selling that particular product. The object needs to be placed in front of the mobile’s camera, and the app uses its Augmented Reality technology to recognize the object and gives appropriate results. You can access Google Lenses by downloading the app or the Google Photos app itself.

google lens


Snapchat is a very popular app, especially among the youngsters. Snapchat is a free app with very minimum system requirements and thus can be accessed by anyone. It has some cool features like fun image effects and exciting texting features. This app offers quirky face filters where the Augmented Reality technology comes to use.

You can transform into anything like a cat, dog, or even another person using this app’s appropriate filter. You can also send funny videos of yourself using those quirky filters through this app. This app gives you a fun and silly experience with taking pictures of yourself or taking a selfie, as popularly known.


03IKEA Place

IKEA Place is a free home décor-based Augmented Reality app. This app is a bridge between Swedish furniture retailers and shoppers. The shoppers or the consumers get the opportunity to place or put out the furniture in their house and decide whether it is suitable for the room or the house. The app considers the whole area and shows the product concerning the space of the area of the room where the product is to be kept. This “drag-and-drop” function helps the users select colors according to the place where they want to keep the product. These features make the shoppers’ experience smooth and hustle-free. This app is one of the best apps for ar video app android users.



Houzz is a home furnishing goods or furniture selling app that uses Augmented Reality for advertising its goods. This app can be used to do interior planning to decide on designs, positions, or layouts of the products. You can view products of different brands and buy the products without exiting the app because of its e-commerce functionality.

This app has an interesting feature: the “View in My Room,” an Augmented Reality powered feature. You can decide the product’s position by virtually placing it in your room. You might not get the most accurate result, but you can get a slight idea of the product and how it would look in your house.

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

Ending Thoughts

I hope now you know what Augmented Reality is and in which fields it is used.

It has gained popularity in the marketing industry because it gives a multi-dimensional opportunity to buy and sell products.

Most importantly, you know how Augmented Reality is different from Virtual Reality.

This article also highlights the best apple ar video apps and ar video apps android. The apps mentioned in this article are very easy to use. These apps can give you a smooth AR using experience and take it to a different level.

Try It Free Try It Free

Suppose you want to buy a pair of eyeglasses and don’t know which pair would suit your look. Now you might wish to look at how your face would look on different frames. Here you can use AR and see which pair of glasses would fit you using AR. AR can be used to share and receive various kinds of tacit knowledge. Augmented Reality is often synonymously used for “Computed-mediated reality” and “Mixed- Reality.”

Despite such an exceptional concept, many users raised questions about the privacy issues of this app. AR technology constantly needs to record the real environment, which involves real human beings. Recording their movement breaches their privacy which can cause legal trouble for the user. If the videos are recorded with consent, they will not harm anyone.

In this article

01 [What Is Augmented Reality?](#Part 1)

02 [The 4 Best Augmented Reality Apps for iPhone](#Part 2)

03 [The 4 Best Augmented Reality Apps for Android](#Part 3)

Part 1 What Is Augmented Reality?

Augmented Reality is a technology that uses the real-world environment where virtual objects reside. This process involves an experience where the real or physical world interweaves with virtually created objects. It interweaves so perfectly that the artificial seems a part of the natural. This is an artificial experience, and it adds to the real environment. AR gained popularity in the fields of entertainment and video games.

You might think that AR (Augmented Reality) is the same as VR (Virtual Reality). They are not the same. When someone looks through a VR, everything, including the object’s environment, is virtual or an illusion. When AR is used, the object is virtual, but the environment is real. Suppose you want to buy an item of furniture and you do not know whether it would match your home décor; here, you can use AR to see whether the furniture would fit your décor or not.

Part 2 The 4 Best Augmented Reality Apps for iPhone

Have you ever wondered how it would be to purchase furniture sitting in your bedroom? How would it be like to not worry about which color would fit the home décor o which position would be the best for the product? You can experience these exciting features using this Augmented Reality or AR powered apps. These four apps will give you the best iPhone ar video experience.


Amikasa is basically a home furnishing AR app. It is exclusive to iOS users only. You can use this app to view products from different brands and websites. This app will improve your shopping experience without going to different stores to get the right product for your room. You can just walk around your house and find the best-fitted product for your house using AR models of the products. Since there are no boundaries to websites and brands, it gives you more opportunity to choose your product wisely. The most interesting part about this app is that you can make your purchases without exiting from this app.


02Wanna Kicks

Wanna Kicks is a fashion-based AR app. To be precise, this app focuses on footwear. This app is also exclusive to iOS users only. You can look into different brands and websites and choose the best footwear for yourself. You can virtually look at how a pair of shoes would look on you when you wear them. You do not browse around to find the most suitable footwear and do it sitting on your bed. These interesting features of this app have gained people’s attention from various countries. This app can push your apple ar video experience to a different level.

wanna kicks


Augment is a home furnishing goods-based AR app. The app needs to be purchased at $10/month for corporate uses. This app mainly targets e-commerce store owners to make their selling process smooth by creating AR pictures of their products. The seller creates 3D images or models of products that the customers can use to find the best fit for their house. The images created by this app are uploaded for common people’s Augmented Reality experience through mobile apps, websites, or some other source. It comes to great use when the products are sold in the field like event sales, pop-up shops, e-commerce markets, etc.



Roar is another AR technology-based app that needs to be purchased at $49 by the creators or hosts. This app aims at business owners. Business owners can use this app in many ways possible, like creating an online store using AR technology using which the consumers can scan the product packages from their homes, using AR technology in advertisements, and many other ways possible.

This app can be used by car sellers to show 3D models or AR images of different cars. Roar is a very popular app used by educators to make educational videos more game-like and make the process of learning fun by including animations and models for teaching.


Part 3 The 4 Best Augmented Reality Apps for Android

Augmented Reality or AR is a very interesting technology, and anybody would want to have this feature in their phone. So here are some apps mentioned below which will help you get ar video app android experience. These four apps top the list of best AR videos for android.

01Google Lens

Google Lens is an image-recognizing application based on AR technology developed by Google, which can be used for free. This app top the list of best Augmented Reality apps. This app can be used to identify objects, texts, images, landmarks, and so much more. Instead of typing your query, you can just scan the product you want to know about.

If you want to buy a product you searched for, the app will provide you with websites selling that particular product. The object needs to be placed in front of the mobile’s camera, and the app uses its Augmented Reality technology to recognize the object and gives appropriate results. You can access Google Lenses by downloading the app or the Google Photos app itself.

google lens


Snapchat is a very popular app, especially among the youngsters. Snapchat is a free app with very minimum system requirements and thus can be accessed by anyone. It has some cool features like fun image effects and exciting texting features. This app offers quirky face filters where the Augmented Reality technology comes to use.

You can transform into anything like a cat, dog, or even another person using this app’s appropriate filter. You can also send funny videos of yourself using those quirky filters through this app. This app gives you a fun and silly experience with taking pictures of yourself or taking a selfie, as popularly known.


03IKEA Place

IKEA Place is a free home décor-based Augmented Reality app. This app is a bridge between Swedish furniture retailers and shoppers. The shoppers or the consumers get the opportunity to place or put out the furniture in their house and decide whether it is suitable for the room or the house. The app considers the whole area and shows the product concerning the space of the area of the room where the product is to be kept. This “drag-and-drop” function helps the users select colors according to the place where they want to keep the product. These features make the shoppers’ experience smooth and hustle-free. This app is one of the best apps for ar video app android users.



Houzz is a home furnishing goods or furniture selling app that uses Augmented Reality for advertising its goods. This app can be used to do interior planning to decide on designs, positions, or layouts of the products. You can view products of different brands and buy the products without exiting the app because of its e-commerce functionality.

This app has an interesting feature: the “View in My Room,” an Augmented Reality powered feature. You can decide the product’s position by virtually placing it in your room. You might not get the most accurate result, but you can get a slight idea of the product and how it would look in your house.

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

Ending Thoughts

I hope now you know what Augmented Reality is and in which fields it is used.

It has gained popularity in the marketing industry because it gives a multi-dimensional opportunity to buy and sell products.

Most importantly, you know how Augmented Reality is different from Virtual Reality.

This article also highlights the best apple ar video apps and ar video apps android. The apps mentioned in this article are very easy to use. These apps can give you a smooth AR using experience and take it to a different level.

How to Use OBS Chroma Key With/Without Green Screen

Whether you’re someone new to the world of streaming or just seeking to enhance the aesthetic of your existing stream, a green screen is a terrific way to add some quality to your broadcasts. A green screen is a terrific tool for broadcasters and video makers who wish to cover their backdrop or change it with something else completely. Once you have one, it might be tough to understand how to set up a green screen, but once you get the directions down, you’ll be able to seem like you are wherever you desire! The procedure of setting up your chroma key settings in OBS is pretty straightforward and can be done within a few minutes.

These days most live streaming software packages support chroma keying as a feature. The first thing to do with any live broadcast is to arrange your shot. Will the camera stay stationary, or will you be moving it? Once you’ve determined the shot, you can calculate approximately how much green screen you need. It’s recommended to provide for a little additional green screen around the subject to prevent having them clipped outside of the chroma keyed region. When inserting a chroma key OBS will automatically produce certain baseline settings. In most circumstances, you’ll need to fine-adjust these parameters. In this post, we’ll teach you how to accomplish this fantastic look using OBS. You should remember, however, that you will want to set up your equipment and switch on your illumination before modifying the settings in OBS Studio. This way, you won’t have to alter them again after you go live.

1. How to Add Green Screen with OBS

Learning to use chroma key in OBS allows you to remove and change backgrounds, giving your stream a Learning to utilize chroma key in OBS enables you to remove and modify backdrops, giving your broadcast a much better production quality and feel. If you are employing various backgrounds or a sequence of green things behind you. You may utilize the chroma key source more than once to remove various hues, enabling you to obtain better background removal. Not only can OBS Studio erase the backdrop of your live video streams, but you can also remove the backgrounds on pre-recorded movies and still photographs. Chroma keying has become quite popular lately. People utilize it not simply for gaming, but also in Zoom conferences, live interviews, talk shows, etc. Although it may appear hard, at first sight, setting up Chroma Key in OBS Studio is quite straightforward. Let’s look at the easy steps you need to follow to set up a green screen in OBS.

Steps to Add Green Screen with OBS

**Step 1: Install and open OBS. From your main screen, hit the “Plus” symbol situated beneath the sources box. Foremost things first, you need a green screen. If you already have one, skip this step and proceed.

A green screen is merely a backdrop of one single brilliant hue that may be taken off in post-processing. It offers a ‘canvas’ on which a topic may perform and will subsequently display with a translucent backdrop. Add it simply via your webcam.

install and open obs

**Step 2: Select “Video Capture Device from the available choices and then select the Filter as shown below. Name is anything you would want to keep track of your sources. Chroma keying is a visual effects method that eliminates a color backdrop from still or moving pictures and is also included as a filter in OBS.

video capture device

**Step 3: If your camera is installed, it should auto-populate in the forms. If it doesn’t, or you have many cameras, choose the relevant camera manually. Select the color of your screen, then change the similarity and smoothness bars until you settle on the parameters you require. Adjustments will vary from person to person based on light, green screen quality, and the distance you are from the screen.


**Step 4: Ensure that the Video Capture Device is at the top of the Window capture scene. Use the up-down arrow to move it in the Source area after highlighting it. This will place the Video Capture Device scene at the top Save your settings when you’re done. You should be ready to start streaming.

window capture scene

2. Best Green Screen Video Editor to Use

Even while OBS Studio is stable and has a large variety of capabilities and tools, it may be better suitable for game recording. A program that is more comprehensive and supports video editing and chroma keying tools. This program features an easy-to-use interface and a lot more functions. You may also download films and distribute them immediately on social media or email. It provides more than simply a live streaming green screen software tool like OBS Studio. This program is more of a professional-grade green screen recorder and video editor, for both Mac and Windows platforms. Here we propose Filmora. It is a strong and excellent green screen video producer and editor with a professional touch to the animation video creating quality. Studio-quality movement used to be something only large businesses could accomplish. Today, due to Filmora, they’re easy, inexpensive, and enjoyable to produce.

Filmora features a well-designed user interface, a decent balance of control and would provide you high-quality output every time. It is better ideal for professional videographers and those who are online content creators due to its distinctive and professional appearing productions. It can handle all the contemporary video formats, including video editing and output for HD and 4K. It offers a broad selection of easy-to-use capabilities that may assist you to produce lesson films, editing action camera footage and building viral movies like those used on social networking websites, and more. If you have various shades of green, you may chroma key a source many times, each time specifying a distinct shade of green. Without any correction, merely putting on the Chroma Key filter will probably look quite horrible. But happily, there is a variety of options where you may fine-tune the chroma key removal. So, with Filmora, it is better appropriate for short films and it is giving you the most value for its pricing.

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

**Step 1: Import the media document, including the Chroma Video

After the download and installation of this program, now you’re in the software interface. The next procedure is to import your media documents. To accomplish so, press the Import button on the left part of the screen as follows: In the following step, add the files to the timeline as shown above, which will also include them for your media records area.

the chroma video

**Step 2: Editing Video Project File

Presently as you’ve just placed that video clip within the media library of Filmora. You may also adjust the video clips using its convenient editing capabilities. To accomplish so, choose the specific video clip in the timeline and you will see the video changing options available on the interface as follows:

editing video project file

****Step 3:**Edit the Green Screen

Inside the Filmora, once you’ve integrated the green screen video into your project. Select the Chroma key effect as shown here:

edit the green screen

**Step 4: Export the Project

After the successful creation and modification of your preferred video outro, now is the time to export it to your desired place or immediately post it to your YouTube channel, follow the instructions below to achieve so. Click on the Export button inside the Filmora Video Editor and you will see the Export window being launched as follows:

To submit your material straight to YouTube, hit your content directly to YouTube, Hit the YouTube menu at the menu bar of this window which brings you towards the YouTube export window as follow:

export the project


The usage of chroma keying has been increasingly popular in recent years, with various uses of this video effect employed for live streaming. Chroma keying is used to erase the backdrop of a video clip which is then composited over another scene or picture. The most apparent usage of this technology is for weather broadcasts when the presenter is composited over the top of a weather radar picture. In more recent times we’re seeing video game broadcasters chroma keying themselves into their live feeds. There are various sites to explore for streaming backdrops. Most come as overlay packages with distinct themes. A good location to look is Filmora. Else, if you want to add a new backdrop to your broadcast, you may simply add a new picture source to your scene in OBS. So, check out what best fits you and opt for the one.

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

**Step 1: Import the media document, including the Chroma Video

After the download and installation of this program, now you’re in the software interface. The next procedure is to import your media documents. To accomplish so, press the Import button on the left part of the screen as follows: In the following step, add the files to the timeline as shown above, which will also include them for your media records area.

the chroma video

**Step 2: Editing Video Project File

Presently as you’ve just placed that video clip within the media library of Filmora. You may also adjust the video clips using its convenient editing capabilities. To accomplish so, choose the specific video clip in the timeline and you will see the video changing options available on the interface as follows:

editing video project file

****Step 3:**Edit the Green Screen

Inside the Filmora, once you’ve integrated the green screen video into your project. Select the Chroma key effect as shown here:

edit the green screen

**Step 4: Export the Project

After the successful creation and modification of your preferred video outro, now is the time to export it to your desired place or immediately post it to your YouTube channel, follow the instructions below to achieve so. Click on the Export button inside the Filmora Video Editor and you will see the Export window being launched as follows:

To submit your material straight to YouTube, hit your content directly to YouTube, Hit the YouTube menu at the menu bar of this window which brings you towards the YouTube export window as follow:

export the project


The usage of chroma keying has been increasingly popular in recent years, with various uses of this video effect employed for live streaming. Chroma keying is used to erase the backdrop of a video clip which is then composited over another scene or picture. The most apparent usage of this technology is for weather broadcasts when the presenter is composited over the top of a weather radar picture. In more recent times we’re seeing video game broadcasters chroma keying themselves into their live feeds. There are various sites to explore for streaming backdrops. Most come as overlay packages with distinct themes. A good location to look is Filmora. Else, if you want to add a new backdrop to your broadcast, you may simply add a new picture source to your scene in OBS. So, check out what best fits you and opt for the one.

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

**Step 1: Import the media document, including the Chroma Video

After the download and installation of this program, now you’re in the software interface. The next procedure is to import your media documents. To accomplish so, press the Import button on the left part of the screen as follows: In the following step, add the files to the timeline as shown above, which will also include them for your media records area.

the chroma video

**Step 2: Editing Video Project File

Presently as you’ve just placed that video clip within the media library of Filmora. You may also adjust the video clips using its convenient editing capabilities. To accomplish so, choose the specific video clip in the timeline and you will see the video changing options available on the interface as follows:

editing video project file

****Step 3:**Edit the Green Screen

Inside the Filmora, once you’ve integrated the green screen video into your project. Select the Chroma key effect as shown here:

edit the green screen

**Step 4: Export the Project

After the successful creation and modification of your preferred video outro, now is the time to export it to your desired place or immediately post it to your YouTube channel, follow the instructions below to achieve so. Click on the Export button inside the Filmora Video Editor and you will see the Export window being launched as follows:

To submit your material straight to YouTube, hit your content directly to YouTube, Hit the YouTube menu at the menu bar of this window which brings you towards the YouTube export window as follow:

export the project


The usage of chroma keying has been increasingly popular in recent years, with various uses of this video effect employed for live streaming. Chroma keying is used to erase the backdrop of a video clip which is then composited over another scene or picture. The most apparent usage of this technology is for weather broadcasts when the presenter is composited over the top of a weather radar picture. In more recent times we’re seeing video game broadcasters chroma keying themselves into their live feeds. There are various sites to explore for streaming backdrops. Most come as overlay packages with distinct themes. A good location to look is Filmora. Else, if you want to add a new backdrop to your broadcast, you may simply add a new picture source to your scene in OBS. So, check out what best fits you and opt for the one.

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

**Step 1: Import the media document, including the Chroma Video

After the download and installation of this program, now you’re in the software interface. The next procedure is to import your media documents. To accomplish so, press the Import button on the left part of the screen as follows: In the following step, add the files to the timeline as shown above, which will also include them for your media records area.

the chroma video

**Step 2: Editing Video Project File

Presently as you’ve just placed that video clip within the media library of Filmora. You may also adjust the video clips using its convenient editing capabilities. To accomplish so, choose the specific video clip in the timeline and you will see the video changing options available on the interface as follows:

editing video project file

****Step 3:**Edit the Green Screen

Inside the Filmora, once you’ve integrated the green screen video into your project. Select the Chroma key effect as shown here:

edit the green screen

**Step 4: Export the Project

After the successful creation and modification of your preferred video outro, now is the time to export it to your desired place or immediately post it to your YouTube channel, follow the instructions below to achieve so. Click on the Export button inside the Filmora Video Editor and you will see the Export window being launched as follows:

To submit your material straight to YouTube, hit your content directly to YouTube, Hit the YouTube menu at the menu bar of this window which brings you towards the YouTube export window as follow:

export the project


The usage of chroma keying has been increasingly popular in recent years, with various uses of this video effect employed for live streaming. Chroma keying is used to erase the backdrop of a video clip which is then composited over another scene or picture. The most apparent usage of this technology is for weather broadcasts when the presenter is composited over the top of a weather radar picture. In more recent times we’re seeing video game broadcasters chroma keying themselves into their live feeds. There are various sites to explore for streaming backdrops. Most come as overlay packages with distinct themes. A good location to look is Filmora. Else, if you want to add a new backdrop to your broadcast, you may simply add a new picture source to your scene in OBS. So, check out what best fits you and opt for the one.

Also read:

  • Title: If Youre Not Using Video yet, Now Is the Time to Start. In This Post, Well Discuss the Benefits of Using Video for Social Media Marketing and Provide Tips for Getting Started. Keep Reading to Learn More
  • Author: Chloe
  • Created at : 2024-05-20 03:37:35
  • Updated at : 2024-05-21 03:37:35
  • Link: https://ai-editing-video.techidaily.com/if-youre-not-using-video-yet-now-is-the-time-to-start-in-this-post-well-discuss-the-benefits-of-using-video-for-social-media-marketing-and-provide-tips-for-/
  • License: This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.
On this page
If Youre Not Using Video yet, Now Is the Time to Start. In This Post, Well Discuss the Benefits of Using Video for Social Media Marketing and Provide Tips for Getting Started. Keep Reading to Learn More