In 2024, 7 Tips to Create Teaching Videos

In 2024, 7 Tips to Create Teaching Videos

Chloe Lv12

7 Tips to Create Teaching Videos

For many teachers, online classes begin with a live recording of their lectures or lessons. Sending the recorded lectures to the students allows them to pause the video and rewatch it multiple times.

Recording lectures before class can assist lecturers in filling gaps that may arise due to your absence. You don’t have to worry about missing lessons if you’re going on vacation or to be sick for an extended time.

create teaching video

You can keep the class continuing even if you are absent by using pre-recorded lectures and sending the file to the class, so they know the lesson. With the help of an online lecture software or tool available on the internet, you can download it free.

These are the steps in creating an instructional video in your classes:

Know Your Target Audience

Before you record the video to present in your classes, you need to know your target audience. We all know that some teachers handle grade school, and some handle high school level. We need to discover what kind of knowledge or skills your students hope to gain in your class learning the topic you presented. Try to use your book, or maybe add some research and then use that information to help you discuss with your students.

know your target audience

Things you need to remember before you proceed to the next step:

  • Who is your audience? We, educators, already know our audience. It depends on the school and what level we are going to handle. It’s either grade school level or high school level.
  • What is your topic/s? There are a lot of topics and subjects in the field of teaching but try to pick only one topic or subject to present to your class. For example, Computer Subject because I’m a computer teacher. I will be using this subject or topic about computers to create my instructional video for the class.
  • What is the learning objective or learning outcome of your video? The learning objective of your video is the outcome that captures precisely what knowledge, skills, and attitudes the students should be able to exhibit following the instructions.
  • How will your video benefit your audience? The students will learn and understand the lesson you are discussing, helping them gain knowledge of that subject to answer all the assignments, quizzes, or maybe an activity you will give them.

Write a Script

Once you know your audience and have the topic you need, it’s time to write a script. Think about your plan for presenting your video in your classes.

write video script

  • Here are a few more writing script tips to help you in your classes:

Go to the mirror and practice. This tip may help some teachers instead of calling their loved ones and getting feedback about the script they write.

  • Explain what you’re doing and why you’re doing it. You are not only presenting the topic and explaining it but also showing the class what the topic is all about, which will be suitable for your students. Present some examples, pictures, or videos for them to know better what your discussion is all about.
  • Knowing your script 100% is important. Make sure that you already know your script before you record. If you forget something or make a mistake, go back to the beginning and repeat it correctly. Remember as a teacher that we are not allowed to make mistakes in the eyes of the students. So, double-check everything before you record it and show it to the class.

Record the Narration

After writing your script, let’s try to record the narration. You don’t need any application software where you can record the narration. Simply using your mobile phone and having a good background is enough.

record narration

Using a microphone to record the narration is necessary. Getting those headphones with one connected microphone is good. Some of that has noise cancellation, providing a much better sound quality while recording and ensuring that your videos don’t contain background noise. Then, find a quiet place to record. Explain to your family members that no one will ever talk loud or shout while you are recording the narration.

Once you are ready to hit that record button, speak clearly. Nobody is perfect, so it’s ok if you make a mistake. You don’t need to start over, just pause and start again. You can remove the error or mistake by editing your finished product. Make sure your narration will be the same on the screen while recording your video.

Record and Edit your Video

The first thing you need to do in recording your video is to clean up your computer screen and close all the unnecessary applications. You need to turn off also the notifications that will pop up on your computer before you start recording. You can also add your recorded narration to your video.

Here are a few simple tips for editing your video:

  • Add some interactive elements like motions to highlight key points of your video.
  • Adding music to your video is optional but may elevate a decent video to the next level. Pick something cheery. You want your audience to feel good while learning.

The Video Duration

I’d say it’s one of the first things students look at before they click the ‘play’ button of the video. It will benefit both teacher and the students if the video is brief and direct to the point. Some students are more likely to want a short video, or maybe let’s focus on the time between 20 - 30 minutes video, where they can watch and learn on any platform, anytime. After that, you can add time by adding other pieces of information and giving activities and assignments.

Be Yourself

Be yourself, and don’t be afraid to make mistakes sometimes. Make sure that your personality shines throughout the video. Try to research how some teachers or maybe some speakers speak naturally and have a conversational manner with an enthusiastic tone.

When you are recording yourself talking, look right at the camera so students can feel eye contact with you, even if it is online. Sometimes we forget the words we need to say to the class, so try to prepare a note next to your webcam. The messages you prepare will help you don’t look away from the camera all the time. Don’t pretend to the class that you’re reading something, just talk naturally as you would in real classrooms.

Sharing your Video

Instead of sharing your recorded video with your students, you can also share it directly to online video platforms like YouTube, Facebook, and Vimeo or save the video as a local file to upload on a social media platform. They can go there and watch the video. You can also upload your file to the school learning management system like Google Classroom. Please take note of this; before sending the recorded video to your students, share it with first to a few people to get some video feedback about what you created. This might help you ensure that your message is clear and that your video accomplishes your goals for your students.

There’s a chance that your recorded video doesn’t meet your requirements or you are not satisfied with that for the first time. Don’t worry; try it again, even if you recorded it once or several times. You need to trust yourself by doing it because we are teachers; we are doing our best for the students to learn something from us.

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

How to Make Subtitle Videos

Subtitles are very common for people who watch videos very often. It is simply the text or dialogue usually displayed at the base of the screen of a video. We often use subtitles to watch movies or television programs, play video games, etc. The subtitle makes all the difference when you are watching a video in a language different from the one you know and understand.

A lot of videos will be really difficult to watch when there is no knowledge of the language which the producers used in creating the video. That is where the need for subtitles is seen. It breaks language barriers to publicity of a video i.e it tries to bridge that gap of understanding that exists when you watch a video. It also assists in as little as helping you understand a video that is recorded in a language you speak but in a different accent. An American might find it a bit difficult to understand the accent used in a British movie. So basically, what subtitles do is make understanding better and easier.

1. Types of Subtitle Videos

There are two (2) broad types of subtitling

  1. Open Subtitles
  2. Closed subtitles

Open Subtitles

Open subtitles are subtitles that are included and incorporated as part of the original video and cannot be removed from the screen. No additional program or tool is required before they are activated and ready for use. Also, no additional tool is needed to edit or remove it. This is because they are part and parcel of the original video and cannot be edited. They are rooted in the original video as part of it and not just as an extension. An example of where it is used is karaoke. These subtitles cannot be switched on and off by the user.

Close Subtitles

Closed subtitles are more malleable than open subtitles. It is relatively easier to add or remove when compared to the open subtitles. They are substantially separate from the original video. They are usually encoded in the transmission signal of the cable or satellite technology and sent separately from the original broadcast, in this case, video. This makes it possible to remove it from the video. They are mostly found on DVDs.

Other classifications sometimes include a third known as soft subtitles. They usually need player support to work effectively. They are the easiest to use because of the flexibility in adding and editing.

2. Subtitle Formats

Subtitle formats are often represented funnily. You see extensions like .srt, .sub, .stl, .mtv, etc. They are the extensions of different subtitle formats. Let’s talk about some of them.

SubRip: This is one of the most common formats for subtitles. Its extension is ‘.srt’ and they are also the most widely used by modern video subtitling technology. It is stored sequentially along a line with its basic timing and in a human-readable format.

SubViewer: The sub viewer format is another popular subtitle format. It stores information about periods with tag information. Its extension is ‘.sub’.

Micro DVD: This subtitle format is compatible with digital videos. They equally carry the ‘. sub’ extension.

Spruce subtitle format: They usually operate in sequential periods and frames. They have the ‘.stl’ format.

3. What Are Subtitles Used For?

Now that we’ve known what subtitles are and the various formats they exist in, let’s take a deeper dive into what they’re used for.


You’re probably wondering what marketing is doing at the top of this list. If you work in a multi-national company which branches in different countries and continents, you will find subtitles very helpful in promotional videos for your company. On the other hand, you may not work in a multi-national company but have your business in a multi-ethnic country like Nigeria, New Guinea, Chad, etc. instead of creating videos in all the languages which apply to the people you hope to reach, you can produce one video, add subtitles for the various languages and save cost.


Educational videos can be produced alongside subtitles in various languages to aid learning, especially for campuses that attract foreign students who might have little to no knowledge of how to speak the language of the school.

Understanding better deaf people:

Subtitle for Deaf or hard-of-hearing (SDH) was introduced by the movie industry specifically made for people with hearing deficiencies. This allows them access to information they would normally be unable to hear or listen to.


As already mentioned earlier, some videos are produced in languages other than the ones we understand. Subtitles help to understand what is being said in the video irrespective of the language in which it was originally produced.

Low-quality speakers:

Watching a video with low quality or faulty speakers can be a bit frustrating without subtitles.

Watching videos in a noisy environment:

We have all been in places that are noisy and we have had the need to watch a video or listen to an audio file. Subtitles come in handy at this point. They are also useful when we do not want to distract others while watching a video.

Learn foreign languages:

Subtitles are a very good way to learn new languages, sometimes consciously, other times it happens with any conscious effort. While watching a movie discovered ‘Lo Siento’ means I’m sorry in Spanish while ‘_Arigatou_’ means ‘thank you in Japanese.

Reading speed:

If you want to improve your reading speed, subtitles equally help you do that.

4. Subtitle Tips and Tricks

Subtitle software applications let you add captions to videos, edit them, translate them to languages of your choice, etc. Let us look at a few of them below:

Subtitle Edit:

Subtitle Edit is largely free software that allows users to create timecoded subtitles. Users can also import and convert subtitles from one format to another format. If you’re new to subtitling, this is a good place to start before moving up to other advanced software applications.

Annotation Edit:

Annotation Edit is another application but it is specific to mac users. It has a very good user-friendly interface which makes it easy software to use.

Other software applications are equally very useful in subtitling.

When creating subtitles, ensure they are automated so as not to make it difficult to read when certain colors are displayed on the screen. Timing is very important. Make sure the subtitle is properly synchronized with the actual sound being produced.

Use a user-friendly font style. Each font style is unique for each viewing and it speaks volumes of what the video has to say or the message it wants to pass. So, it is expedient to learn more about font style, font color, font size etc. for a better-subtitled video.

The Bottom Line

Subtitled videos are more likely to be used than videos without subtitles. So as a content creator, entrepreneur or in any field where you work with videos, adding a subtitle to your videos could be the turning point even for your organization for a wider audience.

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Learn How to Create Your Own Unique Video in Cinematic Text Intro in Filmora. It’s a Simple Process that Will Offer Professional-Level Intros of Your Own


What you need to prepare:

  • A computer (Windows or macOS)
  • Your video materials.
  • Filmora video editor

Free Download Free Download

Step 1

Visit and download the Filmora video editor . Hit Install. When it’s done installing, the app will start automatically. When it does, click on New Project.

Step 2

Before we start editing, go to File from the navigation panel at the top and select Project Settings. Then, set the resolution settings like in the example here.

project settings filmora

Step 3

Now, download any background image you want. Make sure its resolution is 1920x1080. Import it and drag it to the Timeline.

Step 4

From the Timeline, double-click on the Background clip and decrease its opacity to 70%. Then, click on Color from the upper-left corner and change the settings as you wish.

color settings

Step 5

Go to the Titles tab and drag the Default Title to the Timeline. Double-click on the Default Title clip and change fonts, type in your text, etc.

default title filmora

Step 6

Drag the text to enlarge it so it fits the entire screen. Then, change its color to green. Press OK. Now, Export this clip and name it “1st Text”.

change text color

Step 7

Now, open a new Filmora project and edit the Project Settings like we did before. Then, go to Sample Color and drag the white color to the Timeline.

sample color

Step 8

Drag the Playhead to the 2-second marker. Drag the same Background image as before to this point. Then, double-click on the Background clip and increase the Brightness and Saturation bars to 50. Click OK.

drag image

Step 9

Go to Transitions and type in “Push”. Drag the Push transition between the White layer and your Background image. Click on Export once again and name this clip “Transition”.

push transition filmora

Step 10

Open a new Filmora project and adjust the Project Settings like we did the first time. Then, go to Sample Color and drag the White color to the Timeline once more.

Step 11

Go to Titles and drag the Default Title to the Timeline, above the White Sample Color clip. Now, double-click the Default Title clip and go to ADVANCED. Here, set the text color to green, choose a font you like, and increase the text size. Click OK. Export it and name it “Temporary”.

edit text in filmora

Step 12

Open a new project in Filmora. Import and Drag the same background image you used before to the Timeline. Double-click on it and drag the Saturation bar to -100. Now, drag the file you named “Temporary” into the Timeline.

drag file into timeline

Step 13

Double-click on the Temporary clip, scroll down when the new window appears, and find the Chroma key section. Enable this. Now, drag the Edge Feather bar to 0. Export this video and name it “2nd Text”.

green screen in filmora

Step 14

Open one more new project in Filmora and import the following files. There should be four, titled “Background”, “Transition”, “1st Text”, and “2nd Text”.

Step 15

Click on Sample Color and drag the Black color to the 1st Track of the Timeline. Then, move the Playhead to the 1-second marker and drag the “Transition” clip to the same Track within the Timeline.

transition clip

Step 16

From the Transitions tab, select the Push transition and drag it to the Timeline.

add transition in filmora

Step 17

Set the Playhead at the 1-second marker once again. First, add the “1st Text” clip into Track 2 of the Timeline. Then, add another Push transition at the beginning of this clip.

add clip in timeline filmora

Step 18

Now, double-click on the “1st Text” clip and enable the Chroma Key option. Then, set the Edge Thickness and Edge Feather bars to 0.

edit chroma key options filmora

Step 19

Set the Playhead at 4.5 seconds. Snip the Timeline. Then, add a new Default Title on the right side of the Playhead on Track 2.

insert new title in filmora

Step 20

Double-click on the Default Title and go to Advanced settings. From there, delete the default text and click on the highlighted button like in the image below to add a new background to this clip. Add the same background you’ve used throughout the entire video.

add background to title filmora

Step 21

Add a new text here and customize it to match the text style in your “2nd Text” clip you exported earlier. Click OK.

add text

Step 22

Next, go to the Transitions tab and drag the “Row Split” transition clip between Track 2 and the New Default Title you just created. Then, double-click on the transition and change its duration to 1 second.

row split transition

Step 23

Set the Playhead to the 5.5 seconds marker. Drag the “2nd Text” clip you exported earlier here. Then, simply add another Row Split transition between this clip and the Default Title.

drag new clip in timeline

Step 24

That’s it! You’re done. All that’s left is to Render and export the video. Congratulations on creating a video in text cinematic intro in Filmora.


What you’ve learned:

  • How to make advanced edits on titles in Filmora
  • Basics of using green screen effects on text
  • Using transitions in Filmora
  • Exporting and re-using edited clips
  • Creating a unique video in text cinematic intro

Free Download Free Download

What you need to prepare:

  • A computer (Windows or macOS)
  • Your video materials.
  • Filmora video editor

Free Download Free Download

Step 1

Visit and download the Filmora video editor . Hit Install. When it’s done installing, the app will start automatically. When it does, click on New Project.

Step 2

Before we start editing, go to File from the navigation panel at the top and select Project Settings. Then, set the resolution settings like in the example here.

project settings filmora

Step 3

Now, download any background image you want. Make sure its resolution is 1920x1080. Import it and drag it to the Timeline.

Step 4

From the Timeline, double-click on the Background clip and decrease its opacity to 70%. Then, click on Color from the upper-left corner and change the settings as you wish.

color settings

Step 5

Go to the Titles tab and drag the Default Title to the Timeline. Double-click on the Default Title clip and change fonts, type in your text, etc.

default title filmora

Step 6

Drag the text to enlarge it so it fits the entire screen. Then, change its color to green. Press OK. Now, Export this clip and name it “1st Text”.

change text color

Step 7

Now, open a new Filmora project and edit the Project Settings like we did before. Then, go to Sample Color and drag the white color to the Timeline.

sample color

Step 8

Drag the Playhead to the 2-second marker. Drag the same Background image as before to this point. Then, double-click on the Background clip and increase the Brightness and Saturation bars to 50. Click OK.

drag image

Step 9

Go to Transitions and type in “Push”. Drag the Push transition between the White layer and your Background image. Click on Export once again and name this clip “Transition”.

push transition filmora

Step 10

Open a new Filmora project and adjust the Project Settings like we did the first time. Then, go to Sample Color and drag the White color to the Timeline once more.

Step 11

Go to Titles and drag the Default Title to the Timeline, above the White Sample Color clip. Now, double-click the Default Title clip and go to ADVANCED. Here, set the text color to green, choose a font you like, and increase the text size. Click OK. Export it and name it “Temporary”.

edit text in filmora

Step 12

Open a new project in Filmora. Import and Drag the same background image you used before to the Timeline. Double-click on it and drag the Saturation bar to -100. Now, drag the file you named “Temporary” into the Timeline.

drag file into timeline

Step 13

Double-click on the Temporary clip, scroll down when the new window appears, and find the Chroma key section. Enable this. Now, drag the Edge Feather bar to 0. Export this video and name it “2nd Text”.

green screen in filmora

Step 14

Open one more new project in Filmora and import the following files. There should be four, titled “Background”, “Transition”, “1st Text”, and “2nd Text”.

Step 15

Click on Sample Color and drag the Black color to the 1st Track of the Timeline. Then, move the Playhead to the 1-second marker and drag the “Transition” clip to the same Track within the Timeline.

transition clip

Step 16

From the Transitions tab, select the Push transition and drag it to the Timeline.

add transition in filmora

Step 17

Set the Playhead at the 1-second marker once again. First, add the “1st Text” clip into Track 2 of the Timeline. Then, add another Push transition at the beginning of this clip.

add clip in timeline filmora

Step 18

Now, double-click on the “1st Text” clip and enable the Chroma Key option. Then, set the Edge Thickness and Edge Feather bars to 0.

edit chroma key options filmora

Step 19

Set the Playhead at 4.5 seconds. Snip the Timeline. Then, add a new Default Title on the right side of the Playhead on Track 2.

insert new title in filmora

Step 20

Double-click on the Default Title and go to Advanced settings. From there, delete the default text and click on the highlighted button like in the image below to add a new background to this clip. Add the same background you’ve used throughout the entire video.

add background to title filmora

Step 21

Add a new text here and customize it to match the text style in your “2nd Text” clip you exported earlier. Click OK.

add text

Step 22

Next, go to the Transitions tab and drag the “Row Split” transition clip between Track 2 and the New Default Title you just created. Then, double-click on the transition and change its duration to 1 second.

row split transition

Step 23

Set the Playhead to the 5.5 seconds marker. Drag the “2nd Text” clip you exported earlier here. Then, simply add another Row Split transition between this clip and the Default Title.

drag new clip in timeline

Step 24

That’s it! You’re done. All that’s left is to Render and export the video. Congratulations on creating a video in text cinematic intro in Filmora.


What you’ve learned:

  • How to make advanced edits on titles in Filmora
  • Basics of using green screen effects on text
  • Using transitions in Filmora
  • Exporting and re-using edited clips
  • Creating a unique video in text cinematic intro

Free Download Free Download

What you need to prepare:

  • A computer (Windows or macOS)
  • Your video materials.
  • Filmora video editor

Free Download Free Download

Step 1

Visit and download the Filmora video editor . Hit Install. When it’s done installing, the app will start automatically. When it does, click on New Project.

Step 2

Before we start editing, go to File from the navigation panel at the top and select Project Settings. Then, set the resolution settings like in the example here.

project settings filmora

Step 3

Now, download any background image you want. Make sure its resolution is 1920x1080. Import it and drag it to the Timeline.

Step 4

From the Timeline, double-click on the Background clip and decrease its opacity to 70%. Then, click on Color from the upper-left corner and change the settings as you wish.

color settings

Step 5

Go to the Titles tab and drag the Default Title to the Timeline. Double-click on the Default Title clip and change fonts, type in your text, etc.

default title filmora

Step 6

Drag the text to enlarge it so it fits the entire screen. Then, change its color to green. Press OK. Now, Export this clip and name it “1st Text”.

change text color

Step 7

Now, open a new Filmora project and edit the Project Settings like we did before. Then, go to Sample Color and drag the white color to the Timeline.

sample color

Step 8

Drag the Playhead to the 2-second marker. Drag the same Background image as before to this point. Then, double-click on the Background clip and increase the Brightness and Saturation bars to 50. Click OK.

drag image

Step 9

Go to Transitions and type in “Push”. Drag the Push transition between the White layer and your Background image. Click on Export once again and name this clip “Transition”.

push transition filmora

Step 10

Open a new Filmora project and adjust the Project Settings like we did the first time. Then, go to Sample Color and drag the White color to the Timeline once more.

Step 11

Go to Titles and drag the Default Title to the Timeline, above the White Sample Color clip. Now, double-click the Default Title clip and go to ADVANCED. Here, set the text color to green, choose a font you like, and increase the text size. Click OK. Export it and name it “Temporary”.

edit text in filmora

Step 12

Open a new project in Filmora. Import and Drag the same background image you used before to the Timeline. Double-click on it and drag the Saturation bar to -100. Now, drag the file you named “Temporary” into the Timeline.

drag file into timeline

Step 13

Double-click on the Temporary clip, scroll down when the new window appears, and find the Chroma key section. Enable this. Now, drag the Edge Feather bar to 0. Export this video and name it “2nd Text”.

green screen in filmora

Step 14

Open one more new project in Filmora and import the following files. There should be four, titled “Background”, “Transition”, “1st Text”, and “2nd Text”.

Step 15

Click on Sample Color and drag the Black color to the 1st Track of the Timeline. Then, move the Playhead to the 1-second marker and drag the “Transition” clip to the same Track within the Timeline.

transition clip

Step 16

From the Transitions tab, select the Push transition and drag it to the Timeline.

add transition in filmora

Step 17

Set the Playhead at the 1-second marker once again. First, add the “1st Text” clip into Track 2 of the Timeline. Then, add another Push transition at the beginning of this clip.

add clip in timeline filmora

Step 18

Now, double-click on the “1st Text” clip and enable the Chroma Key option. Then, set the Edge Thickness and Edge Feather bars to 0.

edit chroma key options filmora

Step 19

Set the Playhead at 4.5 seconds. Snip the Timeline. Then, add a new Default Title on the right side of the Playhead on Track 2.

insert new title in filmora

Step 20

Double-click on the Default Title and go to Advanced settings. From there, delete the default text and click on the highlighted button like in the image below to add a new background to this clip. Add the same background you’ve used throughout the entire video.

add background to title filmora

Step 21

Add a new text here and customize it to match the text style in your “2nd Text” clip you exported earlier. Click OK.

add text

Step 22

Next, go to the Transitions tab and drag the “Row Split” transition clip between Track 2 and the New Default Title you just created. Then, double-click on the transition and change its duration to 1 second.

row split transition

Step 23

Set the Playhead to the 5.5 seconds marker. Drag the “2nd Text” clip you exported earlier here. Then, simply add another Row Split transition between this clip and the Default Title.

drag new clip in timeline

Step 24

That’s it! You’re done. All that’s left is to Render and export the video. Congratulations on creating a video in text cinematic intro in Filmora.


What you’ve learned:

  • How to make advanced edits on titles in Filmora
  • Basics of using green screen effects on text
  • Using transitions in Filmora
  • Exporting and re-using edited clips
  • Creating a unique video in text cinematic intro

Free Download Free Download

What you need to prepare:

  • A computer (Windows or macOS)
  • Your video materials.
  • Filmora video editor

Free Download Free Download

Step 1

Visit and download the Filmora video editor . Hit Install. When it’s done installing, the app will start automatically. When it does, click on New Project.

Step 2

Before we start editing, go to File from the navigation panel at the top and select Project Settings. Then, set the resolution settings like in the example here.

project settings filmora

Step 3

Now, download any background image you want. Make sure its resolution is 1920x1080. Import it and drag it to the Timeline.

Step 4

From the Timeline, double-click on the Background clip and decrease its opacity to 70%. Then, click on Color from the upper-left corner and change the settings as you wish.

color settings

Step 5

Go to the Titles tab and drag the Default Title to the Timeline. Double-click on the Default Title clip and change fonts, type in your text, etc.

default title filmora

Step 6

Drag the text to enlarge it so it fits the entire screen. Then, change its color to green. Press OK. Now, Export this clip and name it “1st Text”.

change text color

Step 7

Now, open a new Filmora project and edit the Project Settings like we did before. Then, go to Sample Color and drag the white color to the Timeline.

sample color

Step 8

Drag the Playhead to the 2-second marker. Drag the same Background image as before to this point. Then, double-click on the Background clip and increase the Brightness and Saturation bars to 50. Click OK.

drag image

Step 9

Go to Transitions and type in “Push”. Drag the Push transition between the White layer and your Background image. Click on Export once again and name this clip “Transition”.

push transition filmora

Step 10

Open a new Filmora project and adjust the Project Settings like we did the first time. Then, go to Sample Color and drag the White color to the Timeline once more.

Step 11

Go to Titles and drag the Default Title to the Timeline, above the White Sample Color clip. Now, double-click the Default Title clip and go to ADVANCED. Here, set the text color to green, choose a font you like, and increase the text size. Click OK. Export it and name it “Temporary”.

edit text in filmora

Step 12

Open a new project in Filmora. Import and Drag the same background image you used before to the Timeline. Double-click on it and drag the Saturation bar to -100. Now, drag the file you named “Temporary” into the Timeline.

drag file into timeline

Step 13

Double-click on the Temporary clip, scroll down when the new window appears, and find the Chroma key section. Enable this. Now, drag the Edge Feather bar to 0. Export this video and name it “2nd Text”.

green screen in filmora

Step 14

Open one more new project in Filmora and import the following files. There should be four, titled “Background”, “Transition”, “1st Text”, and “2nd Text”.

Step 15

Click on Sample Color and drag the Black color to the 1st Track of the Timeline. Then, move the Playhead to the 1-second marker and drag the “Transition” clip to the same Track within the Timeline.

transition clip

Step 16

From the Transitions tab, select the Push transition and drag it to the Timeline.

add transition in filmora

Step 17

Set the Playhead at the 1-second marker once again. First, add the “1st Text” clip into Track 2 of the Timeline. Then, add another Push transition at the beginning of this clip.

add clip in timeline filmora

Step 18

Now, double-click on the “1st Text” clip and enable the Chroma Key option. Then, set the Edge Thickness and Edge Feather bars to 0.

edit chroma key options filmora

Step 19

Set the Playhead at 4.5 seconds. Snip the Timeline. Then, add a new Default Title on the right side of the Playhead on Track 2.

insert new title in filmora

Step 20

Double-click on the Default Title and go to Advanced settings. From there, delete the default text and click on the highlighted button like in the image below to add a new background to this clip. Add the same background you’ve used throughout the entire video.

add background to title filmora

Step 21

Add a new text here and customize it to match the text style in your “2nd Text” clip you exported earlier. Click OK.

add text

Step 22

Next, go to the Transitions tab and drag the “Row Split” transition clip between Track 2 and the New Default Title you just created. Then, double-click on the transition and change its duration to 1 second.

row split transition

Step 23

Set the Playhead to the 5.5 seconds marker. Drag the “2nd Text” clip you exported earlier here. Then, simply add another Row Split transition between this clip and the Default Title.

drag new clip in timeline

Step 24

That’s it! You’re done. All that’s left is to Render and export the video. Congratulations on creating a video in text cinematic intro in Filmora.


What you’ve learned:

  • How to make advanced edits on titles in Filmora
  • Basics of using green screen effects on text
  • Using transitions in Filmora
  • Exporting and re-using edited clips
  • Creating a unique video in text cinematic intro

Free Download Free Download

Tiktok Aspect Ratio Is a Crucial Element to Succeeding in the Tiktok Algorithm. Here Are some Suggestions to Improve Video Quality and Land on the for You Page

Versatile Video Editor - Wondershare Filmora

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TikTok is one of the most popular social media apps for short-form video sharing. Its popularity has been well received by those under thirty. A Beijing-based company, ByteDance, owns it. It has been downloaded over 315 million times by users worldwide. It generates over $50 million in revenue from users.

This leads us towards a discussion of how the platform works and, more specifically, how to create a video with the correct TikTok aspect ratios to gain popularity. This article covers essential tips about video size ratio and other little tricks to make your videos better.

In this article

01 [TikTok: Brief Definition ](#Part 1)

02 [TikTok Video Tips You Should Know](#Part 2)

Part 1 TikTok: Brief Definition

Social media is one of the fastest ways to gain popularity. Using TikTok challenges and trends, content creators and businesses can drive their profits, popularity, and high visibility. The app allows users to create, edit and share short videos, which are made more entertaining with filters and music, dancing, and lipsyncing.

Tiktok has a certain prescribed video width and height to make videos. This TikTok ratio allows users to be perceived favorably in the program algorithm. The main reason why users are drawn to TikTok is for entertainment and to foster a sense of community.

The brief 15-60 second videos can offer entertainment for any duration, no matter how short. It remains a popular site frequented by teenagers and young adults. Thanks to the popularity of challenge videos and honest product reviews, it becomes a go-to haven for them. This makes Tiktok an ideal platform for marketing aimed at that demographic.

Part 2 TikTok Video Tips You Should Know

In TikTok, the video creation editing process goes hand in hand. You can edit a video as you create it. As you start and stop your video, your videos are going to be automatically ‘stitched’ together. This does not mean you can’t trim the videos and edit them after they are made.

Similarly, if you’re not happy with how the video turned out, you can select the backspace button to delete the video on the app. Now let’s dive into the TikTok Video ratios that will make your videos shine.

Another thing that helps you form video ratios for TikTok is to know the audience. The TikTok gender ratio among US viewers is skewed to be 61% female and 39% male.

2.1 TikTok Video Format

There is a difference in the specification of videos for android and ios. For example, TikTok allows 72 MB on Android or 287.6 MB in size for iOS. The videos are designed to be viewed on mobile so aiming for vertical videos helps promote your videos on the algorithm.

The frame size for a TikTok video should be 1080 x1920 pixels. This gives the highest quality video output. As a content creator, it is advised to record videos in the .mp4 file format. Ad-creators should look into the .avi and .gif formats for better placements.

You can use premium video editing software like Wondershare Filmora to edit your videos. It offers cutting-edge features like motion tracking, color matching videos, and offering a split screen in the same video. This can help push your creativity to its full potential.

Wondershare Filmora

Get started easily with Filmora’s powerful performance, intuitive interface, and countless effects!

Try It Free Try It Free Try It Free Learn More about Filmora>


2.2 Titktok Video Aspect Ratios & How To Resize It

The width of an image or video frame in relation to its height is known as the aspect ratio. It defines the proportion of your content asset. This can be important as it influences how nice the video turns out when viewed. It determines the final shape of your video.

Finding the correct video dimensions for TikTok can be a challenge. This section deals with the aspect ratios of video and what you can do to have the perfect video ratio for TikTok.

Finding the proper aspect ratio is important because it influences how your videos look on different platforms, which drives your TikTok like to follower ratio. Users prefer videos that offer a pleasant viewing experience.

You can use software like Wondershare Filmora to change the aspect ratio without any image or video distortion. This makes the video quality a lot better. By learning the video aspect ratio, you can avoid image and video distortion. This can boost your video’s rating in the algorithm and, in turn, skyrocket your popularity on the platform.

Let’s say a creator is in possession of a video they made. They realize that the video is not in the correct TikTok video ratio. The algorithm approves a specific TikTok video width and height.

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They can do one of two things, upload the video as is, and hope for the best. They can also choose to resize the aspect ratio using the Filmora software so they can get the best quality output and get featured on the For You Page. Adobe AfterEffects for tikTok is an alternative you can use to change the video aspect ratio as well.

2.3 Change Tiktok Video From Landscape To Portrait

Tiktok can support videos made in portrait or landscape mode. However, creators should focus on creating videos in portrait mode. This is because TikTok’s algorithm favors vertical videos over horizontal ones.

Considering TikTok users use their mobiles to view the video, this makes portrait mode the better option for ensuring video success.

Tiktok allows users to create a video in portrait mode and editing after. You can also create a video in landscape mode for TikTok. Tiktok also enables users to upload a video in landscape mode.

Alternatively, you can use a video editing app like Wondershare Filmora. This video editing app makes it easy to convert the file from your previous aspect ratio to those favored by TikTok, YouTube, or Instagram.

It helps retain the high definition with smaller file size and better effects. If you want to post across platforms, using Filmora video editing can help you save valuable editing time. Thanks to its auto-editing options, even beginners can create professional-level videos.

Another way to change the TikTok size is to use Adobe Premiere Pro. Premiere Pro is capable of performing all of the everyday video editing operations required to create high-definition footage. It allows inputs that can then be exported to the appropriate medium and format different platforms.

Tiktok logo

2.4 Make Fullscreen Tiktok Video

It can be a frustrating experience to watch a Tiktok video when you have the For you tab at the top, blocking your video. The like button and share buttons all do a number on your valuable screen space at the sides. The comment section with the scrolling ribbons of comments is the worst offender at making the TikTok video seem unappealing.

One way you can make your TikTok experience better is through full-screen viewing of your TikTok video. You can do this by simply saving the video to your phone. Save the video by pressing the share button. In the second half of the share section, you have the “save video” option, and you can select this for a blissful video viewing experience.

One other way users can view TikTok on full screen is to go to their android’s ‘settings’ page. Go into the ‘Display and Brightness’ settings. Look for the tab titled ‘Full-Screen Display”. In this section, scroll down to TikTok and select. Once there, enable ‘Notch Area Display.’

There you go, your TikTok account can now be graced with full-screen videos. This will make the user experience a lot better.


One of the keys to creating high-quality content for your brand on social media is recognizing how much aspect ratio brings to the table and how to apply it to your videos and images. There is no doubt that using videos for promotion is the most effective technique to increase brand engagement nowadays.

To make it easy to cut, edit, and even design your images and movies for the most outstanding performance, use an excellent online video editor like Wondershare Filmora. It’s one of the best video editors for both beginners and experienced professionals.

Try It Free Try It Free

TikTok is one of the most popular social media apps for short-form video sharing. Its popularity has been well received by those under thirty. A Beijing-based company, ByteDance, owns it. It has been downloaded over 315 million times by users worldwide. It generates over $50 million in revenue from users.

This leads us towards a discussion of how the platform works and, more specifically, how to create a video with the correct TikTok aspect ratios to gain popularity. This article covers essential tips about video size ratio and other little tricks to make your videos better.

In this article

01 [TikTok: Brief Definition ](#Part 1)

02 [TikTok Video Tips You Should Know](#Part 2)

Part 1 TikTok: Brief Definition

Social media is one of the fastest ways to gain popularity. Using TikTok challenges and trends, content creators and businesses can drive their profits, popularity, and high visibility. The app allows users to create, edit and share short videos, which are made more entertaining with filters and music, dancing, and lipsyncing.

Tiktok has a certain prescribed video width and height to make videos. This TikTok ratio allows users to be perceived favorably in the program algorithm. The main reason why users are drawn to TikTok is for entertainment and to foster a sense of community.

The brief 15-60 second videos can offer entertainment for any duration, no matter how short. It remains a popular site frequented by teenagers and young adults. Thanks to the popularity of challenge videos and honest product reviews, it becomes a go-to haven for them. This makes Tiktok an ideal platform for marketing aimed at that demographic.

Part 2 TikTok Video Tips You Should Know

In TikTok, the video creation editing process goes hand in hand. You can edit a video as you create it. As you start and stop your video, your videos are going to be automatically ‘stitched’ together. This does not mean you can’t trim the videos and edit them after they are made.

Similarly, if you’re not happy with how the video turned out, you can select the backspace button to delete the video on the app. Now let’s dive into the TikTok Video ratios that will make your videos shine.

Another thing that helps you form video ratios for TikTok is to know the audience. The TikTok gender ratio among US viewers is skewed to be 61% female and 39% male.

2.1 TikTok Video Format

There is a difference in the specification of videos for android and ios. For example, TikTok allows 72 MB on Android or 287.6 MB in size for iOS. The videos are designed to be viewed on mobile so aiming for vertical videos helps promote your videos on the algorithm.

The frame size for a TikTok video should be 1080 x1920 pixels. This gives the highest quality video output. As a content creator, it is advised to record videos in the .mp4 file format. Ad-creators should look into the .avi and .gif formats for better placements.

You can use premium video editing software like Wondershare Filmora to edit your videos. It offers cutting-edge features like motion tracking, color matching videos, and offering a split screen in the same video. This can help push your creativity to its full potential.

Wondershare Filmora

Get started easily with Filmora’s powerful performance, intuitive interface, and countless effects!

Try It Free Try It Free Try It Free Learn More about Filmora>


2.2 Titktok Video Aspect Ratios & How To Resize It

The width of an image or video frame in relation to its height is known as the aspect ratio. It defines the proportion of your content asset. This can be important as it influences how nice the video turns out when viewed. It determines the final shape of your video.

Finding the correct video dimensions for TikTok can be a challenge. This section deals with the aspect ratios of video and what you can do to have the perfect video ratio for TikTok.

Finding the proper aspect ratio is important because it influences how your videos look on different platforms, which drives your TikTok like to follower ratio. Users prefer videos that offer a pleasant viewing experience.

You can use software like Wondershare Filmora to change the aspect ratio without any image or video distortion. This makes the video quality a lot better. By learning the video aspect ratio, you can avoid image and video distortion. This can boost your video’s rating in the algorithm and, in turn, skyrocket your popularity on the platform.

Let’s say a creator is in possession of a video they made. They realize that the video is not in the correct TikTok video ratio. The algorithm approves a specific TikTok video width and height.

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They can do one of two things, upload the video as is, and hope for the best. They can also choose to resize the aspect ratio using the Filmora software so they can get the best quality output and get featured on the For You Page. Adobe AfterEffects for tikTok is an alternative you can use to change the video aspect ratio as well.

2.3 Change Tiktok Video From Landscape To Portrait

Tiktok can support videos made in portrait or landscape mode. However, creators should focus on creating videos in portrait mode. This is because TikTok’s algorithm favors vertical videos over horizontal ones.

Considering TikTok users use their mobiles to view the video, this makes portrait mode the better option for ensuring video success.

Tiktok allows users to create a video in portrait mode and editing after. You can also create a video in landscape mode for TikTok. Tiktok also enables users to upload a video in landscape mode.

Alternatively, you can use a video editing app like Wondershare Filmora. This video editing app makes it easy to convert the file from your previous aspect ratio to those favored by TikTok, YouTube, or Instagram.

It helps retain the high definition with smaller file size and better effects. If you want to post across platforms, using Filmora video editing can help you save valuable editing time. Thanks to its auto-editing options, even beginners can create professional-level videos.

Another way to change the TikTok size is to use Adobe Premiere Pro. Premiere Pro is capable of performing all of the everyday video editing operations required to create high-definition footage. It allows inputs that can then be exported to the appropriate medium and format different platforms.

Tiktok logo

2.4 Make Fullscreen Tiktok Video

It can be a frustrating experience to watch a Tiktok video when you have the For you tab at the top, blocking your video. The like button and share buttons all do a number on your valuable screen space at the sides. The comment section with the scrolling ribbons of comments is the worst offender at making the TikTok video seem unappealing.

One way you can make your TikTok experience better is through full-screen viewing of your TikTok video. You can do this by simply saving the video to your phone. Save the video by pressing the share button. In the second half of the share section, you have the “save video” option, and you can select this for a blissful video viewing experience.

One other way users can view TikTok on full screen is to go to their android’s ‘settings’ page. Go into the ‘Display and Brightness’ settings. Look for the tab titled ‘Full-Screen Display”. In this section, scroll down to TikTok and select. Once there, enable ‘Notch Area Display.’

There you go, your TikTok account can now be graced with full-screen videos. This will make the user experience a lot better.


One of the keys to creating high-quality content for your brand on social media is recognizing how much aspect ratio brings to the table and how to apply it to your videos and images. There is no doubt that using videos for promotion is the most effective technique to increase brand engagement nowadays.

To make it easy to cut, edit, and even design your images and movies for the most outstanding performance, use an excellent online video editor like Wondershare Filmora. It’s one of the best video editors for both beginners and experienced professionals.

Try It Free Try It Free

TikTok is one of the most popular social media apps for short-form video sharing. Its popularity has been well received by those under thirty. A Beijing-based company, ByteDance, owns it. It has been downloaded over 315 million times by users worldwide. It generates over $50 million in revenue from users.

This leads us towards a discussion of how the platform works and, more specifically, how to create a video with the correct TikTok aspect ratios to gain popularity. This article covers essential tips about video size ratio and other little tricks to make your videos better.

In this article

01 [TikTok: Brief Definition ](#Part 1)

02 [TikTok Video Tips You Should Know](#Part 2)

Part 1 TikTok: Brief Definition

Social media is one of the fastest ways to gain popularity. Using TikTok challenges and trends, content creators and businesses can drive their profits, popularity, and high visibility. The app allows users to create, edit and share short videos, which are made more entertaining with filters and music, dancing, and lipsyncing.

Tiktok has a certain prescribed video width and height to make videos. This TikTok ratio allows users to be perceived favorably in the program algorithm. The main reason why users are drawn to TikTok is for entertainment and to foster a sense of community.

The brief 15-60 second videos can offer entertainment for any duration, no matter how short. It remains a popular site frequented by teenagers and young adults. Thanks to the popularity of challenge videos and honest product reviews, it becomes a go-to haven for them. This makes Tiktok an ideal platform for marketing aimed at that demographic.

Part 2 TikTok Video Tips You Should Know

In TikTok, the video creation editing process goes hand in hand. You can edit a video as you create it. As you start and stop your video, your videos are going to be automatically ‘stitched’ together. This does not mean you can’t trim the videos and edit them after they are made.

Similarly, if you’re not happy with how the video turned out, you can select the backspace button to delete the video on the app. Now let’s dive into the TikTok Video ratios that will make your videos shine.

Another thing that helps you form video ratios for TikTok is to know the audience. The TikTok gender ratio among US viewers is skewed to be 61% female and 39% male.

2.1 TikTok Video Format

There is a difference in the specification of videos for android and ios. For example, TikTok allows 72 MB on Android or 287.6 MB in size for iOS. The videos are designed to be viewed on mobile so aiming for vertical videos helps promote your videos on the algorithm.

The frame size for a TikTok video should be 1080 x1920 pixels. This gives the highest quality video output. As a content creator, it is advised to record videos in the .mp4 file format. Ad-creators should look into the .avi and .gif formats for better placements.

You can use premium video editing software like Wondershare Filmora to edit your videos. It offers cutting-edge features like motion tracking, color matching videos, and offering a split screen in the same video. This can help push your creativity to its full potential.

Wondershare Filmora

Get started easily with Filmora’s powerful performance, intuitive interface, and countless effects!

Try It Free Try It Free Try It Free Learn More about Filmora>


2.2 Titktok Video Aspect Ratios & How To Resize It

The width of an image or video frame in relation to its height is known as the aspect ratio. It defines the proportion of your content asset. This can be important as it influences how nice the video turns out when viewed. It determines the final shape of your video.

Finding the correct video dimensions for TikTok can be a challenge. This section deals with the aspect ratios of video and what you can do to have the perfect video ratio for TikTok.

Finding the proper aspect ratio is important because it influences how your videos look on different platforms, which drives your TikTok like to follower ratio. Users prefer videos that offer a pleasant viewing experience.

You can use software like Wondershare Filmora to change the aspect ratio without any image or video distortion. This makes the video quality a lot better. By learning the video aspect ratio, you can avoid image and video distortion. This can boost your video’s rating in the algorithm and, in turn, skyrocket your popularity on the platform.

Let’s say a creator is in possession of a video they made. They realize that the video is not in the correct TikTok video ratio. The algorithm approves a specific TikTok video width and height.

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For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

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For macOS 10.12 or later

They can do one of two things, upload the video as is, and hope for the best. They can also choose to resize the aspect ratio using the Filmora software so they can get the best quality output and get featured on the For You Page. Adobe AfterEffects for tikTok is an alternative you can use to change the video aspect ratio as well.

2.3 Change Tiktok Video From Landscape To Portrait

Tiktok can support videos made in portrait or landscape mode. However, creators should focus on creating videos in portrait mode. This is because TikTok’s algorithm favors vertical videos over horizontal ones.

Considering TikTok users use their mobiles to view the video, this makes portrait mode the better option for ensuring video success.

Tiktok allows users to create a video in portrait mode and editing after. You can also create a video in landscape mode for TikTok. Tiktok also enables users to upload a video in landscape mode.

Alternatively, you can use a video editing app like Wondershare Filmora. This video editing app makes it easy to convert the file from your previous aspect ratio to those favored by TikTok, YouTube, or Instagram.

It helps retain the high definition with smaller file size and better effects. If you want to post across platforms, using Filmora video editing can help you save valuable editing time. Thanks to its auto-editing options, even beginners can create professional-level videos.

Another way to change the TikTok size is to use Adobe Premiere Pro. Premiere Pro is capable of performing all of the everyday video editing operations required to create high-definition footage. It allows inputs that can then be exported to the appropriate medium and format different platforms.

Tiktok logo

2.4 Make Fullscreen Tiktok Video

It can be a frustrating experience to watch a Tiktok video when you have the For you tab at the top, blocking your video. The like button and share buttons all do a number on your valuable screen space at the sides. The comment section with the scrolling ribbons of comments is the worst offender at making the TikTok video seem unappealing.

One way you can make your TikTok experience better is through full-screen viewing of your TikTok video. You can do this by simply saving the video to your phone. Save the video by pressing the share button. In the second half of the share section, you have the “save video” option, and you can select this for a blissful video viewing experience.

One other way users can view TikTok on full screen is to go to their android’s ‘settings’ page. Go into the ‘Display and Brightness’ settings. Look for the tab titled ‘Full-Screen Display”. In this section, scroll down to TikTok and select. Once there, enable ‘Notch Area Display.’

There you go, your TikTok account can now be graced with full-screen videos. This will make the user experience a lot better.


One of the keys to creating high-quality content for your brand on social media is recognizing how much aspect ratio brings to the table and how to apply it to your videos and images. There is no doubt that using videos for promotion is the most effective technique to increase brand engagement nowadays.

To make it easy to cut, edit, and even design your images and movies for the most outstanding performance, use an excellent online video editor like Wondershare Filmora. It’s one of the best video editors for both beginners and experienced professionals.

Try It Free Try It Free

TikTok is one of the most popular social media apps for short-form video sharing. Its popularity has been well received by those under thirty. A Beijing-based company, ByteDance, owns it. It has been downloaded over 315 million times by users worldwide. It generates over $50 million in revenue from users.

This leads us towards a discussion of how the platform works and, more specifically, how to create a video with the correct TikTok aspect ratios to gain popularity. This article covers essential tips about video size ratio and other little tricks to make your videos better.

In this article

01 [TikTok: Brief Definition ](#Part 1)

02 [TikTok Video Tips You Should Know](#Part 2)

Part 1 TikTok: Brief Definition

Social media is one of the fastest ways to gain popularity. Using TikTok challenges and trends, content creators and businesses can drive their profits, popularity, and high visibility. The app allows users to create, edit and share short videos, which are made more entertaining with filters and music, dancing, and lipsyncing.

Tiktok has a certain prescribed video width and height to make videos. This TikTok ratio allows users to be perceived favorably in the program algorithm. The main reason why users are drawn to TikTok is for entertainment and to foster a sense of community.

The brief 15-60 second videos can offer entertainment for any duration, no matter how short. It remains a popular site frequented by teenagers and young adults. Thanks to the popularity of challenge videos and honest product reviews, it becomes a go-to haven for them. This makes Tiktok an ideal platform for marketing aimed at that demographic.

Part 2 TikTok Video Tips You Should Know

In TikTok, the video creation editing process goes hand in hand. You can edit a video as you create it. As you start and stop your video, your videos are going to be automatically ‘stitched’ together. This does not mean you can’t trim the videos and edit them after they are made.

Similarly, if you’re not happy with how the video turned out, you can select the backspace button to delete the video on the app. Now let’s dive into the TikTok Video ratios that will make your videos shine.

Another thing that helps you form video ratios for TikTok is to know the audience. The TikTok gender ratio among US viewers is skewed to be 61% female and 39% male.

2.1 TikTok Video Format

There is a difference in the specification of videos for android and ios. For example, TikTok allows 72 MB on Android or 287.6 MB in size for iOS. The videos are designed to be viewed on mobile so aiming for vertical videos helps promote your videos on the algorithm.

The frame size for a TikTok video should be 1080 x1920 pixels. This gives the highest quality video output. As a content creator, it is advised to record videos in the .mp4 file format. Ad-creators should look into the .avi and .gif formats for better placements.

You can use premium video editing software like Wondershare Filmora to edit your videos. It offers cutting-edge features like motion tracking, color matching videos, and offering a split screen in the same video. This can help push your creativity to its full potential.

Wondershare Filmora

Get started easily with Filmora’s powerful performance, intuitive interface, and countless effects!

Try It Free Try It Free Try It Free Learn More about Filmora>


2.2 Titktok Video Aspect Ratios & How To Resize It

The width of an image or video frame in relation to its height is known as the aspect ratio. It defines the proportion of your content asset. This can be important as it influences how nice the video turns out when viewed. It determines the final shape of your video.

Finding the correct video dimensions for TikTok can be a challenge. This section deals with the aspect ratios of video and what you can do to have the perfect video ratio for TikTok.

Finding the proper aspect ratio is important because it influences how your videos look on different platforms, which drives your TikTok like to follower ratio. Users prefer videos that offer a pleasant viewing experience.

You can use software like Wondershare Filmora to change the aspect ratio without any image or video distortion. This makes the video quality a lot better. By learning the video aspect ratio, you can avoid image and video distortion. This can boost your video’s rating in the algorithm and, in turn, skyrocket your popularity on the platform.

Let’s say a creator is in possession of a video they made. They realize that the video is not in the correct TikTok video ratio. The algorithm approves a specific TikTok video width and height.

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For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

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For macOS 10.12 or later

They can do one of two things, upload the video as is, and hope for the best. They can also choose to resize the aspect ratio using the Filmora software so they can get the best quality output and get featured on the For You Page. Adobe AfterEffects for tikTok is an alternative you can use to change the video aspect ratio as well.

2.3 Change Tiktok Video From Landscape To Portrait

Tiktok can support videos made in portrait or landscape mode. However, creators should focus on creating videos in portrait mode. This is because TikTok’s algorithm favors vertical videos over horizontal ones.

Considering TikTok users use their mobiles to view the video, this makes portrait mode the better option for ensuring video success.

Tiktok allows users to create a video in portrait mode and editing after. You can also create a video in landscape mode for TikTok. Tiktok also enables users to upload a video in landscape mode.

Alternatively, you can use a video editing app like Wondershare Filmora. This video editing app makes it easy to convert the file from your previous aspect ratio to those favored by TikTok, YouTube, or Instagram.

It helps retain the high definition with smaller file size and better effects. If you want to post across platforms, using Filmora video editing can help you save valuable editing time. Thanks to its auto-editing options, even beginners can create professional-level videos.

Another way to change the TikTok size is to use Adobe Premiere Pro. Premiere Pro is capable of performing all of the everyday video editing operations required to create high-definition footage. It allows inputs that can then be exported to the appropriate medium and format different platforms.

Tiktok logo

2.4 Make Fullscreen Tiktok Video

It can be a frustrating experience to watch a Tiktok video when you have the For you tab at the top, blocking your video. The like button and share buttons all do a number on your valuable screen space at the sides. The comment section with the scrolling ribbons of comments is the worst offender at making the TikTok video seem unappealing.

One way you can make your TikTok experience better is through full-screen viewing of your TikTok video. You can do this by simply saving the video to your phone. Save the video by pressing the share button. In the second half of the share section, you have the “save video” option, and you can select this for a blissful video viewing experience.

One other way users can view TikTok on full screen is to go to their android’s ‘settings’ page. Go into the ‘Display and Brightness’ settings. Look for the tab titled ‘Full-Screen Display”. In this section, scroll down to TikTok and select. Once there, enable ‘Notch Area Display.’

There you go, your TikTok account can now be graced with full-screen videos. This will make the user experience a lot better.


One of the keys to creating high-quality content for your brand on social media is recognizing how much aspect ratio brings to the table and how to apply it to your videos and images. There is no doubt that using videos for promotion is the most effective technique to increase brand engagement nowadays.

To make it easy to cut, edit, and even design your images and movies for the most outstanding performance, use an excellent online video editor like Wondershare Filmora. It’s one of the best video editors for both beginners and experienced professionals.

Also read:

  • Title: In 2024, 7 Tips to Create Teaching Videos
  • Author: Chloe
  • Created at : 2024-05-20 03:37:44
  • Updated at : 2024-05-21 03:37:44
  • Link:
  • License: This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.
On this page
In 2024, 7 Tips to Create Teaching Videos