In 2024, Create A Freeze Frame Sequence In Your Videos

In 2024, Create A Freeze Frame Sequence In Your Videos

Chloe Lv12

Create A Freeze Frame Sequence In Your Videos

Are you considering getting your video editing skills to a new high level? Are you worried about spicing your videos with stylish shots and bringing attention to particular aspects of your video?

Freeze frame sequence is one the most stunning effects that can help you greatly. The freeze frame sequence has been used in many classic and present-day movies. And it will never go out of fashion.

Here, we will guide you on creating freeze frame sequences in your videos using Filmora. It is critical here to know what exactly the freeze frame sequence is. So let’s jump right into it!

Part 1. What Is A Freeze Frame?

A freeze frame is a specific single frame of the video clip shown repeatedly in the video. It gives the illusion of a static picture. It is used to draw the viewers’ attention to the minute details of a specific moment, to set up a powerful narrative, or to introduce your main characters.

freeze frame effect

Content creators can also use the freeze-frame effect on fast-moving objects to draw the viewers’ attention. Have a few examples of the most popular freeze frames used in the movies.

Alfred Hitchcock used the first-ever freeze-frame in his film Champagne (1928). There is a long list of many famous tv shows and movies in which the freeze frame effect has been used since then. But to count a few, three examples are given here.

1. Pulp Fiction (1994)

In the beginning scene of Pulp Fiction, where robbery is about to occur, a freeze-frame effect is used to engage the audience. Later in the movie, it was relieved what would happen next. It was a dramatic pause to draw attention. It is a strong example of the freeze-frame effect.

pulp fiction's freeze frame

2. The Breakfast Club (1985)

The ending of Breakfast Club is an iconic example of the freeze-frame effect. With a powerful narration, the freeze frame conveys the movie’s central idea to the audience.

the breakfast club's freeze frame

3. Suicide Squad (2016)

In the trailer of Suicide Squad, freeze frames were used by the director to introduce the characters. This trailer used stylish animations to give relevant information about the film’s main characters.

suicide squad's freeze frame

Having discussed the famous examples, let’s learn about the power of freeze frames.

The power of freeze frame

The old freeze frames give a retro vibe. However, with the advancement in editing technology, this special effect has proved that there is no end. Furthermore, it has shown that you can do many things with pauses.

Especially when you are a content creator, this effect empowers you by advertising your skills impressively. It also conveys your message convincingly.

Being a content creator, you always want to reach the maximum audience. This special effect will serve this too. It will ultimately get you more viewership, more likes, and more subscriptions. But how to create a freeze frame?

Part 2. How To Create Freeze Frame Sequence? [Step-Wise Guide]

Let’s see how to add a freeze frame sequence in your video step-wise and get started.

Step1 Download Wondershare Filmora

Wondershare Filmora is an all-in-one video editing platform. It is enhanced with multiple practical media resources. You can head to Wondershare Filmora official site to download or upgrade your Filmora.

filmora interface

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Step2 Import your clips and add them to the timeline

Open Filmora and create a new project. Import your clip into the media library. Add your clips to the first video layer on the timeline.

import your video clip and add it to the timeline

Step3 Apply color correction to the footage

Before we start our edit, let’s color correct our footage, so the corrected color is already applied when we take the screenshots.

apply color correction to your clip

Step4 Find your first action frame

Next, scrub through the clip to find your first action frame. For example, in this video, this is our first action frame.

select the first action frame

Step5 Take a screenshot of the action frame

Let’s head to the camera icon under the preview screen and click the icon. It will take a screenshot of the current frame that the playhead is on the timeline.

take a screenshot of the action frame

Make sure to keep the playhead the same after you’ve taken the snapshot. You can find your screenshot in the media tab.

Step6 Add the screenshot to timeline

Let’s drag your screenshot onto video layer 2 and align it on the right side of the playhead. Then extend the screenshot so it lasts as long as your central clip.

extend the screenshot

Step7 Apply masks to the screenshot

Now, double-click on the screenshot. It will open the “Video” menu, then go into the “Mask” menu. Choose a mask shape and edit it so that it only covers where your subject is in the screenshot. For example, we choose the **”**Circle” mask shape in this video.

choose your mask shape

If you need help seeing what you’re masking, hide the main video layer and edit your mask like this.

hide the main video layer

Move the playhead forward and clean up your “mask.” Next, Increase the blur to soften the edges. But not too much because it may become visible on your subject.

editing of the mask

Step8 Hide the first screenshot

Let’s layer a couple more action frames! First, hide the first screenshot so it doesn’t appear in your new screenshot.

hide the first screenshot

Step9 Select your second action frame

Then, pick a new frame.

select a new frame

  • Click the camera icon.
  • Drag the screenshot at the new playhead spot.
  • Extend the clip.

repeat the steps

  • Double-click to mask this frame.
  • And play it back to make sure it looks good.
  • It would help if you did this a couple more times until you have several frames.

Please have a look at the final product and how it looks!

sreeze frame sequence

And that’s how you create a freeze-frame video effect in Filmora.

Part 3. Tips To Use Freeze Frame Sequence

You’ve known how to make the freeze frame sequence. However, don’t miss essential tips to improve your video at the next stage.

Tip 1: Making a steady shot is important

First, ensure a steady shot with no camera shake while filming. You can use a tripod or a stable surface to keep your camera still.

keep your camera still

Why is it necessary to make a steady shot?

  • It helps you to make smooth, fluid shots.
  • It is much more professional.
  • It will take your editing skills to a new level.
  • It grabs the attention of the viewers.
  • It makes your editing easier.

Tip 2: No crossing over

Make sure your subject only crosses the same spot once. Otherwise, you would need help editing the video.

crossing over should be avoided

Why is it necessary to avoid crossing the same spot?

  • It prevents misalignment of the shots, and your print won’t get damaged, primarily when you use pieces of the same image.
  • It helps to create an illusion of holding specific moments.

Final Words

The Freeze Frame Sequence looks professional but much more manageable. The creator’s confidence gets to the next level when they learn how to create it. This step-wise guide using Wondershare Filmora is all for your ease.

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Step2 Import your clips and add them to the timeline

Open Filmora and create a new project. Import your clip into the media library. Add your clips to the first video layer on the timeline.

import your video clip and add it to the timeline

Step3 Apply color correction to the footage

Before we start our edit, let’s color correct our footage, so the corrected color is already applied when we take the screenshots.

apply color correction to your clip

Step4 Find your first action frame

Next, scrub through the clip to find your first action frame. For example, in this video, this is our first action frame.

select the first action frame

Step5 Take a screenshot of the action frame

Let’s head to the camera icon under the preview screen and click the icon. It will take a screenshot of the current frame that the playhead is on the timeline.

take a screenshot of the action frame

Make sure to keep the playhead the same after you’ve taken the snapshot. You can find your screenshot in the media tab.

Step6 Add the screenshot to timeline

Let’s drag your screenshot onto video layer 2 and align it on the right side of the playhead. Then extend the screenshot so it lasts as long as your central clip.

extend the screenshot

Step7 Apply masks to the screenshot

Now, double-click on the screenshot. It will open the “Video” menu, then go into the “Mask” menu. Choose a mask shape and edit it so that it only covers where your subject is in the screenshot. For example, we choose the **”**Circle” mask shape in this video.

choose your mask shape

If you need help seeing what you’re masking, hide the main video layer and edit your mask like this.

hide the main video layer

Move the playhead forward and clean up your “mask.” Next, Increase the blur to soften the edges. But not too much because it may become visible on your subject.

editing of the mask

Step8 Hide the first screenshot

Let’s layer a couple more action frames! First, hide the first screenshot so it doesn’t appear in your new screenshot.

hide the first screenshot

Step9 Select your second action frame

Then, pick a new frame.

select a new frame

  • Click the camera icon.
  • Drag the screenshot at the new playhead spot.
  • Extend the clip.

repeat the steps

  • Double-click to mask this frame.
  • And play it back to make sure it looks good.
  • It would help if you did this a couple more times until you have several frames.

Please have a look at the final product and how it looks!

sreeze frame sequence

And that’s how you create a freeze-frame video effect in Filmora.

Part 3. Tips To Use Freeze Frame Sequence

You’ve known how to make the freeze frame sequence. However, don’t miss essential tips to improve your video at the next stage.

Tip 1: Making a steady shot is important

First, ensure a steady shot with no camera shake while filming. You can use a tripod or a stable surface to keep your camera still.

keep your camera still

Why is it necessary to make a steady shot?

  • It helps you to make smooth, fluid shots.
  • It is much more professional.
  • It will take your editing skills to a new level.
  • It grabs the attention of the viewers.
  • It makes your editing easier.

Tip 2: No crossing over

Make sure your subject only crosses the same spot once. Otherwise, you would need help editing the video.

crossing over should be avoided

Why is it necessary to avoid crossing the same spot?

  • It prevents misalignment of the shots, and your print won’t get damaged, primarily when you use pieces of the same image.
  • It helps to create an illusion of holding specific moments.

Final Words

The Freeze Frame Sequence looks professional but much more manageable. The creator’s confidence gets to the next level when they learn how to create it. This step-wise guide using Wondershare Filmora is all for your ease.

7 Best MP4 Video Editors on Mac: Edit MP4 Videos Easily

There are a lot of individuals out there who want to know what the most exemplary video editing application for Mac is. Well, it all relies on what you need to accomplish. Do you need free video editing software? Are you planning to use the software for business or solely for personal use as a pastime?

You may need to get your hands on the most complex video editing software you can access on Mac, or you might prefer something simple to use and free to install. There is no need to worry because I will usher you through some of these below.

We’ve conducted a significant study into what some believe to be the video editing programs currently available for Mac, and we’re ready to share what we’ve discovered.

Getting Started

It can be challenging to locate a video editing app that meets your requirements. It’s simple to see why: software developers are torn between making home films and developing Hollywood-quality films.

The finest applications don’t force you to pick between “powerful” and “easy-to-use” instead of focusing on providing you with tools to help you accomplish your vision while being intuitive and simple to use.

Keep reading as I show you the best MP4 video editing software that is available on Mac:

#1: Filmora – Overall Best

It is available in Mac Os and Windows.

Wondershare’s recently released professional editing software perfect for individuals who want to edit videos quickly but professionally. Filmora Video Editor is perfect for achieving the “greatest of both worlds” outcome. It has all of the features you’ll need to make a video. Plus, you won’t have to waste a lot of time surfing YouTube tutorials to study how to use it. This enables you to concentrate on your creativity rather than learning how to utilize the program.

Free Download

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Free Download

For macOS 10.14 or later



  • Free Included Video Effects
  • Motion Tracking
  • Animation Keyframing
  • Color Matching
  • Motion Elements
  • Green Screen
  • Direct Upload to Leading Social and Sharing Platforms


  • The free edition has a watermark.
  • Large-scale content editing can be slow at times.

How to Edit MP4 Video in Filmora

You never know what you’ll want in the video editing room, and that is why you must equip yourself thoroughly for all of the obstacles that will arise during the video editing process. Since post-production may take several days, sometimes months, prepare yourself patiently and remember that you are not in a race; take it slowly.

To start making your first video in Filmora, follow the instructions below:

  1. Start Filmora and Choose Your Preferred Aspect Ratio

When you’re ready to get started on a new video, double-click Filmora’s desktop icon. The software’s greeting screen will prompt you to create a new project or open an existing one. You can also select the aspect ratio here to save time when editing.


  1. Make a New Project

Allow the editor to load after clicking New Project on the software’s welcome screen. After gaining access to Fillmora’s video editor, you may hit the Register button to activate the software.


Select the aspect ratio for the final edit of your video by going to the File menu and selecting Project Settings. You’ll be able to choose from various dimensions, including the typical 16:9 or 4:3 ratios, the less popular 9:16 aspect ratio for vertically oriented films, and the 1:1 aspect ratio for square-shaped videos. You may also adjust the aspect ratio to suit your requirements.

  1. Import Your Files

You can find the Import button in the upper left corner of the film editor; hit it and choose Import Media Files. Next, navigate to the folder on your hard drive where the material you wish to edit is located. Select the Import button after selecting the video, audio, or photo files you wish to utilize in your project.


Import with Instant Cutter Tool is now available in the Import menu. The Instant Cutter Tool was created to make trimming 4K and other huge video files simple. Filmora also can quickly edit videos captured with action cameras. You may easily enhance your films with the lens correction tools or the Fish Eye Distortion feature.

  1. Organize Your Clips


Filmora’s Media tab, underneath the Load button, will hold the documents you import into the interface. When you have to seek the videos and photos you want to add to the timeline, working with several different files in a single project becomes considerably more difficult. You can utilize the My Album feature to create folders and organize your files to reduce clutter and frustration.

Click the Add a New Folder icon at the bottom of the “My Project” section in the upper right corner of the screen. You can sort the footage numerically or in another way that improves your productivity and reduces the hassle you spend looking through files.

  1. Arrange The Video and Audio Files on The Timeline

Since raw footage frequently contains errors orbits that don’t belong in your video, simply drag them from the Media tab and place them on the timeline if you want to delete or trim your videos. You may add as many clips as you would like, but each additional one will be added after the last one, and you must drag the files to the proper position on the timeline to reorganize them.


To evaluate the video clips you’ve uploaded to the timeline, press Play or use the Spacebar. You may also use the playhead to navigate to a specific place in the film. Place the playhead at the precise location where the segment of the video you want to cut begins, then repeat the process on the other end.

  1. Apply Visual Effects

You may now separate the audio and video files, add music, make transitions between the clips, or apply one of Filmora’s many graphic effects after deleting all the undesirable sections from your video clips.


If you want to place opening titles, end credits, or subtitles on your video, click the Text /Credit icon. The software includes a variety of text templates that you can use for various reasons. Drag and drop the theme you chose to the proper spot on the timeline, then use the software’s preview box to add the required text.

  1. Export Your Final Output


Hit the Export button when you’re sure there’s nothing further you want to do with your project. You can quickly select the video file type in the Format section in the Output window and customize the video for Smartphones, iPads, or gaming consoles like the PS4 or Xbox One.

Choose the type that better serves the project you’re working on from the Format tab, then provide the video a title and choose the location on your storage device where it will be exported. You may choose the video resolution, modify the frame rate, and choose an encoder by clicking the Settings button.

Users who do not want to preserve their videos on their storage devices can export them to Vimeo or YouTube. Because the rendering and uploading procedures occur simultaneously, exporting videos helps users save time waiting to submit the video online. To properly distribute your films on these social media networks, you’ll need a YouTube channel or a Facebook account.

#2: iMovie

It is available in Windows and Mac OS.

This software is a consumer-grade video editor that is available for free. Users who would like to produce videos with material from their Photos library quickly will benefit from the app. iMovie has a more straightforward timeline editor that excludes multi-track editing to make things easier.

Picture-in-picture video and slow-motion or fast-forward special effects are also supported. With iMovie, you can create titles, drag-and-drop effects, and insert motion graphics like 3D globes or travel maps. You can find ready-to-use music and sound effects in the program.



  • Compatible with 4K resolution.
  • It can save all the original files into one file.
  • You can switch across different devices anytime.
  • Advanced video editing capabilities.
  • Drag and drop with ease.
  • It is easy to use.


  • It necessitates a large amount of HDD space.
  • It’s time-consuming to import MP4 files for processing.
  • Before importing, you must convert MP4 files to codecs for best results.

#3: DaVinci Resolve

It is available in Mac OS, Windows, and Linux.

DaVinci Resolve is a non-linear movie editing and color grading. It is the only software application globally that includes editing, color grading, special effects, motion graphics, and sound editing. Its attractive, sleek interface is simple to learn and use for new users yet powerful for experienced ones.



  • Tons of extra video effects
  • It offers 10bit video at 120 fps and resolutions higher than 4K.
  • It includes numerous controls for photos, logos, text, and transitions.
  • A color warper based on mesh and grids offers a completely new way to manipulate color.
  • The DaVinci Neural Engine powers the magic mask’s automated object separation.
  • High-speed audio production with new context-sensitive keyboard and mouse features


  • Its learning curve is steep.
  • There is no external software compatibility.
  • Allows you to export MKV files but not import them.
  • Only the premium version includes audio noise reduction.
  • Some advanced grading and tracking tools are disabled in the free edition.

#3: OpenShot

It is available in Linux, Mac Os, and Windows.

OpenShot Video Editor gives you an endless number of tracks to make your edits look natural, making it simple to get started putting together clips. After you’ve imported the necessary files, all you have to do now is organize the various films, photographs, or sounds within those tracks in any way you want. You may easily edit and crop these clips at any point and add effects and animations to improve your final product.



  • Several videos, audio, and image formats are supported.
  • Keyframe animations with powerful curves.
  • Desktop synchronization (drag and drop capability).
  • Endless tracks or layers.
  • Real-time previews of media transitions.
  • Advanced Timeline feature.
  • Frame accuracy.


  • It might have a shaky performance.
  • It has limited video editing features.
  • Hardware acceleration is less sophisticated.
  • It may not be as cutting-edge as other modern software.


It is available in Windows and Mac OS.

For experts and aspiring video enthusiasts, EDIUS is the best editing program. EDIUS is a paid video editing software that arose from a collection of Adobe Premiere Plus plugins. It has no subscription fees — you pay for it and keep it with a permanent license. It is the recommended software of choice for many broadcasters throughout the world, thanks to its versatility in dealing with numerous video formats as well as its ease of use when contrasted to some of its rivals.



  • It has Nikon Z9 “N-RAW” support
  • It is compatible with N-RAW and ProRes RAW files shot by Nikon cameras.
  • It supports 8K editing and exporting.
  • You can paste improvements to clip attributes.
  • You can copy and paste attributes between clips.
  • It offers a “clip color” feature for pasting objects.
  • It includes Mync updates.
  • It has a superior 4K workflow.
  • It has a flexible user interface.


  • It does not have a free trial version.

#5: Autodesk Smoke

It is available in Mac OS only.

By merging workflows with node-based blending capabilities in a timeline-centered editing interface, the Autodesk Smoke video editing tool helps production companies improve productivity. Autodesk Smoke is a video editing software that combines advanced video effects with an intuitive interface. Most folks assume Smoke as a finalizing tool, but it’s also a complete editing kit with a built-in node-based compositor.



  • It has an innovative timeline workflow base
  • Compositing with ConnectFX nodes
  • It is supported with Powerful Compositing
  • It has 3D Text and geometry
  • Trimming in motion
  • It is supported with FCP X and Smoke


  • Only Macs are supported, and a very powerful system is required.
  • You cannot use smoke on multiple monitors.

#6: Adobe Premiere Pro CC

It is available in Mac OS and Windows.

Adobe Premiere Pro CC is a powerful, professional-level digital video editing suite with excellent collaboration tools suitable for even the most demanding users. This program, which is both economical and straightforward, has been at the high end of the market for several years and shows no signs of slowing down, as new upgrades are continuously made available for free download. If you want to master how to edit videos professionally with little to no expertise, Adobe Premiere Pro CC might be the right tool for you.



  • Motion Graphics Templates are available.
  • Graphics and video titling.
  • Its user interface is extremely responsive.
  • It is supported by Immersive Virtual Reality (VR).
  • Workflow Integration.
  • Effortless and continuous editing.
  • Multiple file formats are supported.
  • You may install plugins to add extras.


  • You may need to pay monthly or yearly payments in this subscription-based model.
  • It’s pretty complicated, and you might get lost in it.
  • Strong computer specifications are required.
  • It necessitates a large amount of RAM.


Which Should I Choose, Free or Paid MP4 Editor?

If you need to work on videos on a regular basis, or if you wish to edit films for your own Facebook or Instagram use, paid software is probably not necessary. However, keep in mind that video editor tools cannot compete with paid software. Based on our own experience, they’re generally limited in terms of capabilities and performance, and they often have other annoyances like advertisements or export restrictions.

That said, if you simply need to make minor edits or aren’t planning on editing films for a long time, the most exemplary free video editing programs listed above can be handy. However, if you use video editing software regularly or for work, I strongly advise you to invest in professional video editing software.

What Editing Tools Do Professionals Use?

Several people are curious about the software used by professionals. On the other hand, professional editors use various tools to improve their video editing productivity. Many use Adobe Audition for audio editing. Many users prefer Final Cut Pro for color grading. They often use Premiere Pro and Lightworks for film editing. And semi-pros use Filmora to speed up the video editing process.

What Software Do YouTubers Are Using to Make Their Videos?

Several YouTubers prefer simple video software to create YouTube content. They chose Filmora because of its built-in effects, flash animations, graphics, and transitions, which total over 300.

Furthermore, several YouTubers with advanced video editing talents use Premiere Pro.

What MP4 Video Editor Is Best for Beginners?

One of the most significant aspects to consider for beginners is convenience and affordability. On the Mac, users choose Filmora, Movavi, Powerdirector, and iMovie.

What Should I Think About Before Buying Professional Video Editing Tools?

If you are reading this, you might be wondering, “What persuades me to c a professional video editor?” Is it because you’ve seen other YouTubers utilizing them?

Is there enough time in your schedule to study these expert video editors? If this is the situation, think about the price you are investing in and if those high-end features and functionalities are really what you need. Well, I have something to recommend for you.

Filmora can handle 95 percent of your video editing needs for just $49.99 a year, thanks to its absurdly short learning curve and user-friendly design. You won’t have to waste time studying a tiresome manual with Filmora, and you can start editing videos straight away because everything is set up for it.

Free Download

For macOS 10.14 or later



  • Free Included Video Effects
  • Motion Tracking
  • Animation Keyframing
  • Color Matching
  • Motion Elements
  • Green Screen
  • Direct Upload to Leading Social and Sharing Platforms


  • The free edition has a watermark.
  • Large-scale content editing can be slow at times.

How to Edit MP4 Video in Filmora

You never know what you’ll want in the video editing room, and that is why you must equip yourself thoroughly for all of the obstacles that will arise during the video editing process. Since post-production may take several days, sometimes months, prepare yourself patiently and remember that you are not in a race; take it slowly.

To start making your first video in Filmora, follow the instructions below:

  1. Start Filmora and Choose Your Preferred Aspect Ratio

When you’re ready to get started on a new video, double-click Filmora’s desktop icon. The software’s greeting screen will prompt you to create a new project or open an existing one. You can also select the aspect ratio here to save time when editing.


  1. Make a New Project

Allow the editor to load after clicking New Project on the software’s welcome screen. After gaining access to Fillmora’s video editor, you may hit the Register button to activate the software.


Select the aspect ratio for the final edit of your video by going to the File menu and selecting Project Settings. You’ll be able to choose from various dimensions, including the typical 16:9 or 4:3 ratios, the less popular 9:16 aspect ratio for vertically oriented films, and the 1:1 aspect ratio for square-shaped videos. You may also adjust the aspect ratio to suit your requirements.

  1. Import Your Files

You can find the Import button in the upper left corner of the film editor; hit it and choose Import Media Files. Next, navigate to the folder on your hard drive where the material you wish to edit is located. Select the Import button after selecting the video, audio, or photo files you wish to utilize in your project.


Import with Instant Cutter Tool is now available in the Import menu. The Instant Cutter Tool was created to make trimming 4K and other huge video files simple. Filmora also can quickly edit videos captured with action cameras. You may easily enhance your films with the lens correction tools or the Fish Eye Distortion feature.

  1. Organize Your Clips


Filmora’s Media tab, underneath the Load button, will hold the documents you import into the interface. When you have to seek the videos and photos you want to add to the timeline, working with several different files in a single project becomes considerably more difficult. You can utilize the My Album feature to create folders and organize your files to reduce clutter and frustration.

Click the Add a New Folder icon at the bottom of the “My Project” section in the upper right corner of the screen. You can sort the footage numerically or in another way that improves your productivity and reduces the hassle you spend looking through files.

  1. Arrange The Video and Audio Files on The Timeline

Since raw footage frequently contains errors orbits that don’t belong in your video, simply drag them from the Media tab and place them on the timeline if you want to delete or trim your videos. You may add as many clips as you would like, but each additional one will be added after the last one, and you must drag the files to the proper position on the timeline to reorganize them.


To evaluate the video clips you’ve uploaded to the timeline, press Play or use the Spacebar. You may also use the playhead to navigate to a specific place in the film. Place the playhead at the precise location where the segment of the video you want to cut begins, then repeat the process on the other end.

  1. Apply Visual Effects

You may now separate the audio and video files, add music, make transitions between the clips, or apply one of Filmora’s many graphic effects after deleting all the undesirable sections from your video clips.


If you want to place opening titles, end credits, or subtitles on your video, click the Text /Credit icon. The software includes a variety of text templates that you can use for various reasons. Drag and drop the theme you chose to the proper spot on the timeline, then use the software’s preview box to add the required text.

  1. Export Your Final Output


Hit the Export button when you’re sure there’s nothing further you want to do with your project. You can quickly select the video file type in the Format section in the Output window and customize the video for Smartphones, iPads, or gaming consoles like the PS4 or Xbox One.

Choose the type that better serves the project you’re working on from the Format tab, then provide the video a title and choose the location on your storage device where it will be exported. You may choose the video resolution, modify the frame rate, and choose an encoder by clicking the Settings button.

Users who do not want to preserve their videos on their storage devices can export them to Vimeo or YouTube. Because the rendering and uploading procedures occur simultaneously, exporting videos helps users save time waiting to submit the video online. To properly distribute your films on these social media networks, you’ll need a YouTube channel or a Facebook account.

#2: iMovie

It is available in Windows and Mac OS.

This software is a consumer-grade video editor that is available for free. Users who would like to produce videos with material from their Photos library quickly will benefit from the app. iMovie has a more straightforward timeline editor that excludes multi-track editing to make things easier.

Picture-in-picture video and slow-motion or fast-forward special effects are also supported. With iMovie, you can create titles, drag-and-drop effects, and insert motion graphics like 3D globes or travel maps. You can find ready-to-use music and sound effects in the program.



  • Compatible with 4K resolution.
  • It can save all the original files into one file.
  • You can switch across different devices anytime.
  • Advanced video editing capabilities.
  • Drag and drop with ease.
  • It is easy to use.


  • It necessitates a large amount of HDD space.
  • It’s time-consuming to import MP4 files for processing.
  • Before importing, you must convert MP4 files to codecs for best results.

#3: DaVinci Resolve

It is available in Mac OS, Windows, and Linux.

DaVinci Resolve is a non-linear movie editing and color grading. It is the only software application globally that includes editing, color grading, special effects, motion graphics, and sound editing. Its attractive, sleek interface is simple to learn and use for new users yet powerful for experienced ones.



  • Tons of extra video effects
  • It offers 10bit video at 120 fps and resolutions higher than 4K.
  • It includes numerous controls for photos, logos, text, and transitions.
  • A color warper based on mesh and grids offers a completely new way to manipulate color.
  • The DaVinci Neural Engine powers the magic mask’s automated object separation.
  • High-speed audio production with new context-sensitive keyboard and mouse features


  • Its learning curve is steep.
  • There is no external software compatibility.
  • Allows you to export MKV files but not import them.
  • Only the premium version includes audio noise reduction.
  • Some advanced grading and tracking tools are disabled in the free edition.

#3: OpenShot

It is available in Linux, Mac Os, and Windows.

OpenShot Video Editor gives you an endless number of tracks to make your edits look natural, making it simple to get started putting together clips. After you’ve imported the necessary files, all you have to do now is organize the various films, photographs, or sounds within those tracks in any way you want. You may easily edit and crop these clips at any point and add effects and animations to improve your final product.



  • Several videos, audio, and image formats are supported.
  • Keyframe animations with powerful curves.
  • Desktop synchronization (drag and drop capability).
  • Endless tracks or layers.
  • Real-time previews of media transitions.
  • Advanced Timeline feature.
  • Frame accuracy.


  • It might have a shaky performance.
  • It has limited video editing features.
  • Hardware acceleration is less sophisticated.
  • It may not be as cutting-edge as other modern software.


It is available in Windows and Mac OS.

For experts and aspiring video enthusiasts, EDIUS is the best editing program. EDIUS is a paid video editing software that arose from a collection of Adobe Premiere Plus plugins. It has no subscription fees — you pay for it and keep it with a permanent license. It is the recommended software of choice for many broadcasters throughout the world, thanks to its versatility in dealing with numerous video formats as well as its ease of use when contrasted to some of its rivals.



  • It has Nikon Z9 “N-RAW” support
  • It is compatible with N-RAW and ProRes RAW files shot by Nikon cameras.
  • It supports 8K editing and exporting.
  • You can paste improvements to clip attributes.
  • You can copy and paste attributes between clips.
  • It offers a “clip color” feature for pasting objects.
  • It includes Mync updates.
  • It has a superior 4K workflow.
  • It has a flexible user interface.


  • It does not have a free trial version.

#5: Autodesk Smoke

It is available in Mac OS only.

By merging workflows with node-based blending capabilities in a timeline-centered editing interface, the Autodesk Smoke video editing tool helps production companies improve productivity. Autodesk Smoke is a video editing software that combines advanced video effects with an intuitive interface. Most folks assume Smoke as a finalizing tool, but it’s also a complete editing kit with a built-in node-based compositor.



  • It has an innovative timeline workflow base
  • Compositing with ConnectFX nodes
  • It is supported with Powerful Compositing
  • It has 3D Text and geometry
  • Trimming in motion
  • It is supported with FCP X and Smoke


  • Only Macs are supported, and a very powerful system is required.
  • You cannot use smoke on multiple monitors.

#6: Adobe Premiere Pro CC

It is available in Mac OS and Windows.

Adobe Premiere Pro CC is a powerful, professional-level digital video editing suite with excellent collaboration tools suitable for even the most demanding users. This program, which is both economical and straightforward, has been at the high end of the market for several years and shows no signs of slowing down, as new upgrades are continuously made available for free download. If you want to master how to edit videos professionally with little to no expertise, Adobe Premiere Pro CC might be the right tool for you.



  • Motion Graphics Templates are available.
  • Graphics and video titling.
  • Its user interface is extremely responsive.
  • It is supported by Immersive Virtual Reality (VR).
  • Workflow Integration.
  • Effortless and continuous editing.
  • Multiple file formats are supported.
  • You may install plugins to add extras.


  • You may need to pay monthly or yearly payments in this subscription-based model.
  • It’s pretty complicated, and you might get lost in it.
  • Strong computer specifications are required.
  • It necessitates a large amount of RAM.


Which Should I Choose, Free or Paid MP4 Editor?

If you need to work on videos on a regular basis, or if you wish to edit films for your own Facebook or Instagram use, paid software is probably not necessary. However, keep in mind that video editor tools cannot compete with paid software. Based on our own experience, they’re generally limited in terms of capabilities and performance, and they often have other annoyances like advertisements or export restrictions.

That said, if you simply need to make minor edits or aren’t planning on editing films for a long time, the most exemplary free video editing programs listed above can be handy. However, if you use video editing software regularly or for work, I strongly advise you to invest in professional video editing software.

What Editing Tools Do Professionals Use?

Several people are curious about the software used by professionals. On the other hand, professional editors use various tools to improve their video editing productivity. Many use Adobe Audition for audio editing. Many users prefer Final Cut Pro for color grading. They often use Premiere Pro and Lightworks for film editing. And semi-pros use Filmora to speed up the video editing process.

What Software Do YouTubers Are Using to Make Their Videos?

Several YouTubers prefer simple video software to create YouTube content. They chose Filmora because of its built-in effects, flash animations, graphics, and transitions, which total over 300.

Furthermore, several YouTubers with advanced video editing talents use Premiere Pro.

What MP4 Video Editor Is Best for Beginners?

One of the most significant aspects to consider for beginners is convenience and affordability. On the Mac, users choose Filmora, Movavi, Powerdirector, and iMovie.

What Should I Think About Before Buying Professional Video Editing Tools?

If you are reading this, you might be wondering, “What persuades me to c a professional video editor?” Is it because you’ve seen other YouTubers utilizing them?

Is there enough time in your schedule to study these expert video editors? If this is the situation, think about the price you are investing in and if those high-end features and functionalities are really what you need. Well, I have something to recommend for you.

Filmora can handle 95 percent of your video editing needs for just $49.99 a year, thanks to its absurdly short learning curve and user-friendly design. You won’t have to waste time studying a tiresome manual with Filmora, and you can start editing videos straight away because everything is set up for it.

Free Download

For macOS 10.14 or later



  • Free Included Video Effects
  • Motion Tracking
  • Animation Keyframing
  • Color Matching
  • Motion Elements
  • Green Screen
  • Direct Upload to Leading Social and Sharing Platforms


  • The free edition has a watermark.
  • Large-scale content editing can be slow at times.

How to Edit MP4 Video in Filmora

You never know what you’ll want in the video editing room, and that is why you must equip yourself thoroughly for all of the obstacles that will arise during the video editing process. Since post-production may take several days, sometimes months, prepare yourself patiently and remember that you are not in a race; take it slowly.

To start making your first video in Filmora, follow the instructions below:

  1. Start Filmora and Choose Your Preferred Aspect Ratio

When you’re ready to get started on a new video, double-click Filmora’s desktop icon. The software’s greeting screen will prompt you to create a new project or open an existing one. You can also select the aspect ratio here to save time when editing.


  1. Make a New Project

Allow the editor to load after clicking New Project on the software’s welcome screen. After gaining access to Fillmora’s video editor, you may hit the Register button to activate the software.


Select the aspect ratio for the final edit of your video by going to the File menu and selecting Project Settings. You’ll be able to choose from various dimensions, including the typical 16:9 or 4:3 ratios, the less popular 9:16 aspect ratio for vertically oriented films, and the 1:1 aspect ratio for square-shaped videos. You may also adjust the aspect ratio to suit your requirements.

  1. Import Your Files

You can find the Import button in the upper left corner of the film editor; hit it and choose Import Media Files. Next, navigate to the folder on your hard drive where the material you wish to edit is located. Select the Import button after selecting the video, audio, or photo files you wish to utilize in your project.


Import with Instant Cutter Tool is now available in the Import menu. The Instant Cutter Tool was created to make trimming 4K and other huge video files simple. Filmora also can quickly edit videos captured with action cameras. You may easily enhance your films with the lens correction tools or the Fish Eye Distortion feature.

  1. Organize Your Clips


Filmora’s Media tab, underneath the Load button, will hold the documents you import into the interface. When you have to seek the videos and photos you want to add to the timeline, working with several different files in a single project becomes considerably more difficult. You can utilize the My Album feature to create folders and organize your files to reduce clutter and frustration.

Click the Add a New Folder icon at the bottom of the “My Project” section in the upper right corner of the screen. You can sort the footage numerically or in another way that improves your productivity and reduces the hassle you spend looking through files.

  1. Arrange The Video and Audio Files on The Timeline

Since raw footage frequently contains errors orbits that don’t belong in your video, simply drag them from the Media tab and place them on the timeline if you want to delete or trim your videos. You may add as many clips as you would like, but each additional one will be added after the last one, and you must drag the files to the proper position on the timeline to reorganize them.


To evaluate the video clips you’ve uploaded to the timeline, press Play or use the Spacebar. You may also use the playhead to navigate to a specific place in the film. Place the playhead at the precise location where the segment of the video you want to cut begins, then repeat the process on the other end.

  1. Apply Visual Effects

You may now separate the audio and video files, add music, make transitions between the clips, or apply one of Filmora’s many graphic effects after deleting all the undesirable sections from your video clips.


If you want to place opening titles, end credits, or subtitles on your video, click the Text /Credit icon. The software includes a variety of text templates that you can use for various reasons. Drag and drop the theme you chose to the proper spot on the timeline, then use the software’s preview box to add the required text.

  1. Export Your Final Output


Hit the Export button when you’re sure there’s nothing further you want to do with your project. You can quickly select the video file type in the Format section in the Output window and customize the video for Smartphones, iPads, or gaming consoles like the PS4 or Xbox One.

Choose the type that better serves the project you’re working on from the Format tab, then provide the video a title and choose the location on your storage device where it will be exported. You may choose the video resolution, modify the frame rate, and choose an encoder by clicking the Settings button.

Users who do not want to preserve their videos on their storage devices can export them to Vimeo or YouTube. Because the rendering and uploading procedures occur simultaneously, exporting videos helps users save time waiting to submit the video online. To properly distribute your films on these social media networks, you’ll need a YouTube channel or a Facebook account.

#2: iMovie

It is available in Windows and Mac OS.

This software is a consumer-grade video editor that is available for free. Users who would like to produce videos with material from their Photos library quickly will benefit from the app. iMovie has a more straightforward timeline editor that excludes multi-track editing to make things easier.

Picture-in-picture video and slow-motion or fast-forward special effects are also supported. With iMovie, you can create titles, drag-and-drop effects, and insert motion graphics like 3D globes or travel maps. You can find ready-to-use music and sound effects in the program.



  • Compatible with 4K resolution.
  • It can save all the original files into one file.
  • You can switch across different devices anytime.
  • Advanced video editing capabilities.
  • Drag and drop with ease.
  • It is easy to use.


  • It necessitates a large amount of HDD space.
  • It’s time-consuming to import MP4 files for processing.
  • Before importing, you must convert MP4 files to codecs for best results.

#3: DaVinci Resolve

It is available in Mac OS, Windows, and Linux.

DaVinci Resolve is a non-linear movie editing and color grading. It is the only software application globally that includes editing, color grading, special effects, motion graphics, and sound editing. Its attractive, sleek interface is simple to learn and use for new users yet powerful for experienced ones.



  • Tons of extra video effects
  • It offers 10bit video at 120 fps and resolutions higher than 4K.
  • It includes numerous controls for photos, logos, text, and transitions.
  • A color warper based on mesh and grids offers a completely new way to manipulate color.
  • The DaVinci Neural Engine powers the magic mask’s automated object separation.
  • High-speed audio production with new context-sensitive keyboard and mouse features


  • Its learning curve is steep.
  • There is no external software compatibility.
  • Allows you to export MKV files but not import them.
  • Only the premium version includes audio noise reduction.
  • Some advanced grading and tracking tools are disabled in the free edition.

#3: OpenShot

It is available in Linux, Mac Os, and Windows.

OpenShot Video Editor gives you an endless number of tracks to make your edits look natural, making it simple to get started putting together clips. After you’ve imported the necessary files, all you have to do now is organize the various films, photographs, or sounds within those tracks in any way you want. You may easily edit and crop these clips at any point and add effects and animations to improve your final product.



  • Several videos, audio, and image formats are supported.
  • Keyframe animations with powerful curves.
  • Desktop synchronization (drag and drop capability).
  • Endless tracks or layers.
  • Real-time previews of media transitions.
  • Advanced Timeline feature.
  • Frame accuracy.


  • It might have a shaky performance.
  • It has limited video editing features.
  • Hardware acceleration is less sophisticated.
  • It may not be as cutting-edge as other modern software.


It is available in Windows and Mac OS.

For experts and aspiring video enthusiasts, EDIUS is the best editing program. EDIUS is a paid video editing software that arose from a collection of Adobe Premiere Plus plugins. It has no subscription fees — you pay for it and keep it with a permanent license. It is the recommended software of choice for many broadcasters throughout the world, thanks to its versatility in dealing with numerous video formats as well as its ease of use when contrasted to some of its rivals.



  • It has Nikon Z9 “N-RAW” support
  • It is compatible with N-RAW and ProRes RAW files shot by Nikon cameras.
  • It supports 8K editing and exporting.
  • You can paste improvements to clip attributes.
  • You can copy and paste attributes between clips.
  • It offers a “clip color” feature for pasting objects.
  • It includes Mync updates.
  • It has a superior 4K workflow.
  • It has a flexible user interface.


  • It does not have a free trial version.

#5: Autodesk Smoke

It is available in Mac OS only.

By merging workflows with node-based blending capabilities in a timeline-centered editing interface, the Autodesk Smoke video editing tool helps production companies improve productivity. Autodesk Smoke is a video editing software that combines advanced video effects with an intuitive interface. Most folks assume Smoke as a finalizing tool, but it’s also a complete editing kit with a built-in node-based compositor.



  • It has an innovative timeline workflow base
  • Compositing with ConnectFX nodes
  • It is supported with Powerful Compositing
  • It has 3D Text and geometry
  • Trimming in motion
  • It is supported with FCP X and Smoke


  • Only Macs are supported, and a very powerful system is required.
  • You cannot use smoke on multiple monitors.

#6: Adobe Premiere Pro CC

It is available in Mac OS and Windows.

Adobe Premiere Pro CC is a powerful, professional-level digital video editing suite with excellent collaboration tools suitable for even the most demanding users. This program, which is both economical and straightforward, has been at the high end of the market for several years and shows no signs of slowing down, as new upgrades are continuously made available for free download. If you want to master how to edit videos professionally with little to no expertise, Adobe Premiere Pro CC might be the right tool for you.



  • Motion Graphics Templates are available.
  • Graphics and video titling.
  • Its user interface is extremely responsive.
  • It is supported by Immersive Virtual Reality (VR).
  • Workflow Integration.
  • Effortless and continuous editing.
  • Multiple file formats are supported.
  • You may install plugins to add extras.


  • You may need to pay monthly or yearly payments in this subscription-based model.
  • It’s pretty complicated, and you might get lost in it.
  • Strong computer specifications are required.
  • It necessitates a large amount of RAM.


Which Should I Choose, Free or Paid MP4 Editor?

If you need to work on videos on a regular basis, or if you wish to edit films for your own Facebook or Instagram use, paid software is probably not necessary. However, keep in mind that video editor tools cannot compete with paid software. Based on our own experience, they’re generally limited in terms of capabilities and performance, and they often have other annoyances like advertisements or export restrictions.

That said, if you simply need to make minor edits or aren’t planning on editing films for a long time, the most exemplary free video editing programs listed above can be handy. However, if you use video editing software regularly or for work, I strongly advise you to invest in professional video editing software.

What Editing Tools Do Professionals Use?

Several people are curious about the software used by professionals. On the other hand, professional editors use various tools to improve their video editing productivity. Many use Adobe Audition for audio editing. Many users prefer Final Cut Pro for color grading. They often use Premiere Pro and Lightworks for film editing. And semi-pros use Filmora to speed up the video editing process.

What Software Do YouTubers Are Using to Make Their Videos?

Several YouTubers prefer simple video software to create YouTube content. They chose Filmora because of its built-in effects, flash animations, graphics, and transitions, which total over 300.

Furthermore, several YouTubers with advanced video editing talents use Premiere Pro.

What MP4 Video Editor Is Best for Beginners?

One of the most significant aspects to consider for beginners is convenience and affordability. On the Mac, users choose Filmora, Movavi, Powerdirector, and iMovie.

What Should I Think About Before Buying Professional Video Editing Tools?

If you are reading this, you might be wondering, “What persuades me to c a professional video editor?” Is it because you’ve seen other YouTubers utilizing them?

Is there enough time in your schedule to study these expert video editors? If this is the situation, think about the price you are investing in and if those high-end features and functionalities are really what you need. Well, I have something to recommend for you.

Filmora can handle 95 percent of your video editing needs for just $49.99 a year, thanks to its absurdly short learning curve and user-friendly design. You won’t have to waste time studying a tiresome manual with Filmora, and you can start editing videos straight away because everything is set up for it.

Free Download

For macOS 10.14 or later



  • Free Included Video Effects
  • Motion Tracking
  • Animation Keyframing
  • Color Matching
  • Motion Elements
  • Green Screen
  • Direct Upload to Leading Social and Sharing Platforms


  • The free edition has a watermark.
  • Large-scale content editing can be slow at times.

How to Edit MP4 Video in Filmora

You never know what you’ll want in the video editing room, and that is why you must equip yourself thoroughly for all of the obstacles that will arise during the video editing process. Since post-production may take several days, sometimes months, prepare yourself patiently and remember that you are not in a race; take it slowly.

To start making your first video in Filmora, follow the instructions below:

  1. Start Filmora and Choose Your Preferred Aspect Ratio

When you’re ready to get started on a new video, double-click Filmora’s desktop icon. The software’s greeting screen will prompt you to create a new project or open an existing one. You can also select the aspect ratio here to save time when editing.


  1. Make a New Project

Allow the editor to load after clicking New Project on the software’s welcome screen. After gaining access to Fillmora’s video editor, you may hit the Register button to activate the software.


Select the aspect ratio for the final edit of your video by going to the File menu and selecting Project Settings. You’ll be able to choose from various dimensions, including the typical 16:9 or 4:3 ratios, the less popular 9:16 aspect ratio for vertically oriented films, and the 1:1 aspect ratio for square-shaped videos. You may also adjust the aspect ratio to suit your requirements.

  1. Import Your Files

You can find the Import button in the upper left corner of the film editor; hit it and choose Import Media Files. Next, navigate to the folder on your hard drive where the material you wish to edit is located. Select the Import button after selecting the video, audio, or photo files you wish to utilize in your project.


Import with Instant Cutter Tool is now available in the Import menu. The Instant Cutter Tool was created to make trimming 4K and other huge video files simple. Filmora also can quickly edit videos captured with action cameras. You may easily enhance your films with the lens correction tools or the Fish Eye Distortion feature.

  1. Organize Your Clips


Filmora’s Media tab, underneath the Load button, will hold the documents you import into the interface. When you have to seek the videos and photos you want to add to the timeline, working with several different files in a single project becomes considerably more difficult. You can utilize the My Album feature to create folders and organize your files to reduce clutter and frustration.

Click the Add a New Folder icon at the bottom of the “My Project” section in the upper right corner of the screen. You can sort the footage numerically or in another way that improves your productivity and reduces the hassle you spend looking through files.

  1. Arrange The Video and Audio Files on The Timeline

Since raw footage frequently contains errors orbits that don’t belong in your video, simply drag them from the Media tab and place them on the timeline if you want to delete or trim your videos. You may add as many clips as you would like, but each additional one will be added after the last one, and you must drag the files to the proper position on the timeline to reorganize them.


To evaluate the video clips you’ve uploaded to the timeline, press Play or use the Spacebar. You may also use the playhead to navigate to a specific place in the film. Place the playhead at the precise location where the segment of the video you want to cut begins, then repeat the process on the other end.

  1. Apply Visual Effects

You may now separate the audio and video files, add music, make transitions between the clips, or apply one of Filmora’s many graphic effects after deleting all the undesirable sections from your video clips.


If you want to place opening titles, end credits, or subtitles on your video, click the Text /Credit icon. The software includes a variety of text templates that you can use for various reasons. Drag and drop the theme you chose to the proper spot on the timeline, then use the software’s preview box to add the required text.

  1. Export Your Final Output


Hit the Export button when you’re sure there’s nothing further you want to do with your project. You can quickly select the video file type in the Format section in the Output window and customize the video for Smartphones, iPads, or gaming consoles like the PS4 or Xbox One.

Choose the type that better serves the project you’re working on from the Format tab, then provide the video a title and choose the location on your storage device where it will be exported. You may choose the video resolution, modify the frame rate, and choose an encoder by clicking the Settings button.

Users who do not want to preserve their videos on their storage devices can export them to Vimeo or YouTube. Because the rendering and uploading procedures occur simultaneously, exporting videos helps users save time waiting to submit the video online. To properly distribute your films on these social media networks, you’ll need a YouTube channel or a Facebook account.

#2: iMovie

It is available in Windows and Mac OS.

This software is a consumer-grade video editor that is available for free. Users who would like to produce videos with material from their Photos library quickly will benefit from the app. iMovie has a more straightforward timeline editor that excludes multi-track editing to make things easier.

Picture-in-picture video and slow-motion or fast-forward special effects are also supported. With iMovie, you can create titles, drag-and-drop effects, and insert motion graphics like 3D globes or travel maps. You can find ready-to-use music and sound effects in the program.



  • Compatible with 4K resolution.
  • It can save all the original files into one file.
  • You can switch across different devices anytime.
  • Advanced video editing capabilities.
  • Drag and drop with ease.
  • It is easy to use.


  • It necessitates a large amount of HDD space.
  • It’s time-consuming to import MP4 files for processing.
  • Before importing, you must convert MP4 files to codecs for best results.

#3: DaVinci Resolve

It is available in Mac OS, Windows, and Linux.

DaVinci Resolve is a non-linear movie editing and color grading. It is the only software application globally that includes editing, color grading, special effects, motion graphics, and sound editing. Its attractive, sleek interface is simple to learn and use for new users yet powerful for experienced ones.



  • Tons of extra video effects
  • It offers 10bit video at 120 fps and resolutions higher than 4K.
  • It includes numerous controls for photos, logos, text, and transitions.
  • A color warper based on mesh and grids offers a completely new way to manipulate color.
  • The DaVinci Neural Engine powers the magic mask’s automated object separation.
  • High-speed audio production with new context-sensitive keyboard and mouse features


  • Its learning curve is steep.
  • There is no external software compatibility.
  • Allows you to export MKV files but not import them.
  • Only the premium version includes audio noise reduction.
  • Some advanced grading and tracking tools are disabled in the free edition.

#3: OpenShot

It is available in Linux, Mac Os, and Windows.

OpenShot Video Editor gives you an endless number of tracks to make your edits look natural, making it simple to get started putting together clips. After you’ve imported the necessary files, all you have to do now is organize the various films, photographs, or sounds within those tracks in any way you want. You may easily edit and crop these clips at any point and add effects and animations to improve your final product.



  • Several videos, audio, and image formats are supported.
  • Keyframe animations with powerful curves.
  • Desktop synchronization (drag and drop capability).
  • Endless tracks or layers.
  • Real-time previews of media transitions.
  • Advanced Timeline feature.
  • Frame accuracy.


  • It might have a shaky performance.
  • It has limited video editing features.
  • Hardware acceleration is less sophisticated.
  • It may not be as cutting-edge as other modern software.


It is available in Windows and Mac OS.

For experts and aspiring video enthusiasts, EDIUS is the best editing program. EDIUS is a paid video editing software that arose from a collection of Adobe Premiere Plus plugins. It has no subscription fees — you pay for it and keep it with a permanent license. It is the recommended software of choice for many broadcasters throughout the world, thanks to its versatility in dealing with numerous video formats as well as its ease of use when contrasted to some of its rivals.



  • It has Nikon Z9 “N-RAW” support
  • It is compatible with N-RAW and ProRes RAW files shot by Nikon cameras.
  • It supports 8K editing and exporting.
  • You can paste improvements to clip attributes.
  • You can copy and paste attributes between clips.
  • It offers a “clip color” feature for pasting objects.
  • It includes Mync updates.
  • It has a superior 4K workflow.
  • It has a flexible user interface.


  • It does not have a free trial version.

#5: Autodesk Smoke

It is available in Mac OS only.

By merging workflows with node-based blending capabilities in a timeline-centered editing interface, the Autodesk Smoke video editing tool helps production companies improve productivity. Autodesk Smoke is a video editing software that combines advanced video effects with an intuitive interface. Most folks assume Smoke as a finalizing tool, but it’s also a complete editing kit with a built-in node-based compositor.



  • It has an innovative timeline workflow base
  • Compositing with ConnectFX nodes
  • It is supported with Powerful Compositing
  • It has 3D Text and geometry
  • Trimming in motion
  • It is supported with FCP X and Smoke


  • Only Macs are supported, and a very powerful system is required.
  • You cannot use smoke on multiple monitors.

#6: Adobe Premiere Pro CC

It is available in Mac OS and Windows.

Adobe Premiere Pro CC is a powerful, professional-level digital video editing suite with excellent collaboration tools suitable for even the most demanding users. This program, which is both economical and straightforward, has been at the high end of the market for several years and shows no signs of slowing down, as new upgrades are continuously made available for free download. If you want to master how to edit videos professionally with little to no expertise, Adobe Premiere Pro CC might be the right tool for you.



  • Motion Graphics Templates are available.
  • Graphics and video titling.
  • Its user interface is extremely responsive.
  • It is supported by Immersive Virtual Reality (VR).
  • Workflow Integration.
  • Effortless and continuous editing.
  • Multiple file formats are supported.
  • You may install plugins to add extras.


  • You may need to pay monthly or yearly payments in this subscription-based model.
  • It’s pretty complicated, and you might get lost in it.
  • Strong computer specifications are required.
  • It necessitates a large amount of RAM.


Which Should I Choose, Free or Paid MP4 Editor?

If you need to work on videos on a regular basis, or if you wish to edit films for your own Facebook or Instagram use, paid software is probably not necessary. However, keep in mind that video editor tools cannot compete with paid software. Based on our own experience, they’re generally limited in terms of capabilities and performance, and they often have other annoyances like advertisements or export restrictions.

That said, if you simply need to make minor edits or aren’t planning on editing films for a long time, the most exemplary free video editing programs listed above can be handy. However, if you use video editing software regularly or for work, I strongly advise you to invest in professional video editing software.

What Editing Tools Do Professionals Use?

Several people are curious about the software used by professionals. On the other hand, professional editors use various tools to improve their video editing productivity. Many use Adobe Audition for audio editing. Many users prefer Final Cut Pro for color grading. They often use Premiere Pro and Lightworks for film editing. And semi-pros use Filmora to speed up the video editing process.

What Software Do YouTubers Are Using to Make Their Videos?

Several YouTubers prefer simple video software to create YouTube content. They chose Filmora because of its built-in effects, flash animations, graphics, and transitions, which total over 300.

Furthermore, several YouTubers with advanced video editing talents use Premiere Pro.

What MP4 Video Editor Is Best for Beginners?

One of the most significant aspects to consider for beginners is convenience and affordability. On the Mac, users choose Filmora, Movavi, Powerdirector, and iMovie.

What Should I Think About Before Buying Professional Video Editing Tools?

If you are reading this, you might be wondering, “What persuades me to c a professional video editor?” Is it because you’ve seen other YouTubers utilizing them?

Is there enough time in your schedule to study these expert video editors? If this is the situation, think about the price you are investing in and if those high-end features and functionalities are really what you need. Well, I have something to recommend for you.

Filmora can handle 95 percent of your video editing needs for just $49.99 a year, thanks to its absurdly short learning curve and user-friendly design. You won’t have to waste time studying a tiresome manual with Filmora, and you can start editing videos straight away because everything is set up for it.

Easily Cut Large Video Faster on Mac

Finding a video cutter that can easily cut large videos on Mac can be difficult. The right video cutter for Mac will make it easy to cut and share videos. It will also be easy to use and offer basic and advanced editing features. Fortunately, some video editing software we found can help you cut and easily edit your videos. These video cutters reviewed in this article cut across different experience levels and are categorized between free and paid. Let’s take a look at the best video cutter for large videos on Mac we could find.

Best Large Video Cutter on Mac - Filmroa Video Editor


Supported System: Mac and Windows

Cutting large videos is not easy if you don’t have the right tools to achieve that. That’s where Filmora Video Editor enters the picture. It combines simplicity and several excellent features to offer you the best video cutter for Mac. It doesn’t just provide you with the basic cutting features but also several editing tools to create fantastic videos. In addition, its user interface is intuitive and easy to navigate by new editors and professionals.

Filmora Video Editor offers several customization features and advanced features to make your video look sleek and professional. This means it provides motion tracking, the addition of images, filters, effects, texts, and several other tools. When exporting your files, you have a wide variety of options as this large video cutter offers different output formats to select from. It also allows you to share your video directly to any social media network you would prefer. Most importantly, it is compatible with every version of MacOS.

Free Download

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Free Download

For macOS 10.14 or later


  • It supports various video formats like AVI, MOV, MP4, MKV, and several others
  • It only takes a few clicks to cut, trim, and split videos
  • Impressive video editing features
  • Intuitive and user-friendly interface that ensures a gentle learning curve
  • You can cut your video without losing the quality level
  • Several video effects to make your video stunning
  • It offers additional features like transitions, motion elements, color corrections, animated titles, etc.
  • Allows you to burn video to DVD or share directly


  • It might not have the most advanced features

Steps to Easily Cut Large Videos On Mac Using Filmora Video Editor

Cutting large videos on Filmora is relatively easy when you follow the proper steps. Below, we’ve outlined the steps you should take when you want to cut large videos on Mac using Filmora Video Editor.

· Step One: Import Large Video


Once you Install Filmora on your Mac, launch and click ‘new project’ on the home screen to start your video cutting journey. Now, import the video you want to cut by selecting ‘import’ on the main interface and selecting the files from your computer. Alternatively, you can drag the large video to your timeline.


· Step Two: Manually Cut the Large Video


After adding the video to the timeline, drag the playhead at the beginning to the part you would like your large video to begin and right-click on it. You can then select ‘trim start to playhead to cut your video to your preference. Repeat this with the end of your video but select ‘trim end to playhead’ this time.

· Step Three: Export Your Newly Cut Video


After cutting your video and carrying out basic editing on your video, you can now save your video. Next, click the ‘export’ button, and you can choose the output format of your video, frame rate, and resolution. You can also share directly to YouTube, Vimeo, and other social media platforms or burn the video to a DVD.

More Free Large Video Cutter on Mac to Cut Large Videos Faster

The first large video cutters we’ll be reviewing in this article are available for free. Although they’re not professional video editing software, they can help you easily cut large videos on Mac in just a few minutes. Therefore, if you’re looking for a free video cutter for Mac, you should keep reading.

GihoSoft Free Video Cutter


Supported System: Mac and Windows

This free video cutting software helps you cut large video files within a few minutes. You can either cut the video into smaller clips or eliminate all other clips reducing the video into one little clip. This large video cutter is relatively easy to use, and it comes with a friendly user interface which makes it ideal for beginners. The best part is that it supports varying video formats and resolutions. However, as the name implies, you can only use it to cut videos. It doesn’t offer other video editing features.

Gihosoft Video cutter offers a fast processing speed and supports popular video formats like AVI, MOV, FLV, MP4, etc. It also saves your video in the same input format to maintain its quality. You can also cut different clips and join them using this video cutting software for free.


  • It is free to use
  • It offers a clean and intuitive user interface
  • Ideal for beginners
  • Supports different input and output video formats
  • Allows you to join clips from various videos


  • There are no editing features
  • The saving process can be slow

Steps to Cut Large Videos on Mac Using Gihosoft Free Video Cutter

Gihosoft Video Cutter is relatively easy to use. Below, you’ll find the steps to cut large videos on Mac with this free cutter quickly.

  • Firstly, download and install this free video cutter on your Mac. Once you do this, launch the software, and you can begin.
  • Add files to the timeline by clicking the ‘add files’ to import a large video file to this video cutter.


  • Next, set the start and endpoint of your video by moving the two sliders in the timeline. Alternatively, you can manually enter the beginning and end times you want.


  • Hit the ‘cut’ button once you’re satisfied with the timing.
  • After cutting, you can save your video in your preferred location on your PC




Supported System: Mac

iMovie is a household name in the Apple family due to its popularity amongst Mac owners. Apple device owners commonly use it for editing videos. It is pretty functional and great for making your video clips look professional. Cutting large videos on Mac using iMovie is quite a simple process. This is the best option if you’re using Mac and looking for a free and straightforward video cutter.

One of the reasons this large video cutter is a good choice because it supports high resolutions. This Mac video cutter supports up to 4k video resolution. It also supports different input and output video formats. In addition, its intuitive and user-friendly interface makes it an excellent choice for beginners. However, it lacks advanced editing features if that’s what you’re looking for.


  • It is free to use
  • It supports high video resolutions
  • Its simple user interface makes it ideal for beginners
  • It offers various preset templates to enhance your video
  • It supports several input and output formats


  • Lacks advanced editing features

Steps to Cut Large Video on Mac Using iMovie

iMovie is quite a simple editing software that makes it easy for users with little editing experience to cut large videos on Mac. Follow the steps below to cut videos on Mac easily.

  • Open iMovie on your Mac and select ‘file’ on the menu; choose ‘open project’ from the dropdown menu.


  • Next, select the video you would like to cut. Alternatively, you can simply drag it to the timeline to start editing.


  • Drag the playhead to mark off where you would like to cut; repeat this process at the end of the video.


  • Afterward, click ‘edit’ and choose ‘split video clip’ to split the clip.


  • Next, select the parts you don’t want and hit ‘delete’ on your keyword.
  • You can split and delete clips ad many times as you want till you have the portion you’re looking for.
  • Afterward, save your file, and you can also share it directly to your social media accounts.




Supported System: Mac and Windows

A free video cutter that’s quite useful for cutting large video files is Tuneskit. It is free to use and allows you to cut large video files into smaller clips while maintaining its high quality. It is easy to utilize, and you can cut and trim your videos within a few minutes. The best bast is the lossless quality feature after cutting or combining several clips.

This video cutting tool supports various popular formats like AVI, MP4, FLV, MPEG, etc. The video joining feature also allows you to merge multiple videos you cut without losing the quality of the original quality. You can also convert the video to a new format when saving your video. Tuneskit also allows users to share cut videos to user platforms. You can also utilize its editing tools to customize your videos and add a personalized touch. However, this video cutter only offers essential editing tools, which is ideal for beginners.


  • Superfast video processing
  • It supports several input and output video format
  • Maintains video quality after editing
  • Offers basic editing video
  • Simple user interface for easy navigation


  • It only offers basic editing features

Steps to Cut Large Videos on Mac Using Tuneskit

You have to download Tuneskit on your Mac device to get started. Next, install the app and then launch it to begin. Once you launch the app, follow the steps below to cut large videos on Mac.

  • Firstly, you have to import the video you want to cut by clicking ‘import’ on the file tab.


  • Next, edit the file by clicking ‘edit,’ which is an icon you can find next to every video segment.
  • Now, move the slider at the beginning of the video to your preference. Carry out the same action for the end of the video till you have your desired cut.


  • Now, click ‘cut’ to cut your video. Afterward, save the video and choose the output format you want.


More Paid Large Video Cutter on Mac to Cut Large Videos Faster

Now that you know the best free large video cutter on Mac to cut large videos faster, below are the top three paid large video cutters on Mac.

Final Cut Pro


Supported System: Mac and Windows

Final Cut Pro is a video cutting software released by Apple, and it is one of the best professional large video cutters you can find. Despite its professionalism, it offers you a basic user interface that makes it easy to navigate the video editor. It is also relatively easy and allows users to efficiently advance their skills to a professional level while using the editing software. Additionally, you can easily add your social media accounts to share edited videos to each platform directly.

Apart from the easy cutting of large videos on Mac, Final Cut Pro offers cutting-edge editing tools that ensure smooth and professional results. Final Cut Pro’s features include project workflow, color correction, trimming, closed caption, audio enhancement, etc. In addition, Final Cut Pro supports various video formats and resolutions to work with. However, it is not a suitable option if you have no previous video editing, as there’s a steep learning curve involved.


  • It provides users with 360-degree video editing
  • Final Cut Pro supports various video formats and resolutions
  • It offers an intuitive user interface
  • It offers fast video processing and saving process
  • It provides basic and advanced editing tools


  • It is quite pricey
  • It is not the best choice for beginners

Steps to Easily Cut Large Videos on Mac Using Final Cut Pro

  • First, download and install Final Cut Pro on your device, and then launch to start the video cutting process.
  • Next, import the media you would like to cut by clicking ‘import media file’ and choosing the file you want to edit. You can also drag the video directly to your timeline to start editing.


  • Once you identify the part you would like to edit, drag the tail of the clip to where you would prefer. Repeat this process at the beginning and the end of the video. Afterward, click ‘cut’ to cut the clip.


  • Now you can save the cut video to your Mac by clicking ‘file’ and choosing ‘save’ from the dropdown menu.


You can also share your cut video directly from Final Cut Pro to your preferred destination. You can change the output video format if you prefer.

VideoPad Video Editor


Supported System: Mac and Windows

Some large video cutters can be frustrating for new editors; you won’t have that problem with VideoPad. This tool is easy to use even with no prior editing experience. It contains all the essential tools to cut and edit your video. It also supports different file types, including AVI, MOV, MP4, MPEG, etc. It also allows you to change the output format of your video and share it directly on social media platforms. You can also burn the newly cut video to DVD or CD.

With VideoPad Video Editor, you don’t have to worry about losing the quality of your large video after cutting. It offers impressive video editing features like transitions, color correcting, speed adjustment, and various visual elements. You can split large videos easily with its fast-processing system. Its intuitive user interface makes it quite easy to navigate.

Apart from basic editing, professionals would also find this large video cutter impressive as it offers 3D editing, green screen support, 360-degree editing, and video stabilization. Overall, this is an excellent video cutter if you want a versatile editor that offers tools to enhance your video.


  • Ideal for beginners and professionals
  • It supports common file types
  • Intuitive user interface
  • Offers basic and advanced editing tools


  • Relatively high price

Steps to Easily Cut Large Videos on Mac Using VideoPad Video Editor

  • First, you have to download and install VideoPad on your device.
  • Next, launch the app and click ‘open’ on the home tab. This will allow you to add the video you would like to edit. Alternatively, click Cmd+O or drag the video to the media bin.


  • After adding the video, drag it to the sequence timeline to start cutting your large video.
  • To cut a part of the video, select it by placing a cursor at the start of the video. Hover over the red line till it changes to a double-sided arrow. Drag the pointer to where you would like the video to begin; repeat this for the end of the video. Right-click over the region and click ‘split’ to separate the clip from other parts.


  • Select the fragments and click the trash can button next to the cursor to delete them. Repeat this for all pieces till only your video is left.


  • Once you’re done, click ‘save project’ to save the newly edited video. You can also export the video by clicking ‘export video’ and choosing the platform to which you would like to export.


Adobe Premiere Pro


Supported System: Windows and Mac

One of the best large video cutters for Mac that you’ll find out there is Adobe Premiere Pro. This video cutting software supports a vast number of video formats and resolutions. It also offers users built-in editing tools that you can use to enhance your video. Most cinematographers find this tool quite useful due to its advanced editing features. It also ensures your video quality is not lost after editing.

Adobe Premiere Pro allows you to add filters, trim audio and video, and add texts and other visual elements to your video. It has an impressive media library that gives you access to a vast range of effects. You can also modify the output format of your video or use any of the existing presets to enhance your video. However, Adobe Premiere Pro has a steep learning curve and might not be suitable for beginners.


  • It offers high-quality tools to edit your video
  • Fast processing feature
  • Supports vast video formats and resolutions
  • Offers basic and advanced editing tools
  • Allows you to share your video directly to social media platforms


  • It is too advanced for beginners

Steps for Cutting Large Video on Mac Using Adobe Premiere Pro

Cutting large videos on Adobe Premiere Pro is relatively easy with the steps below.

  • Firstly, download and install Adobe Premiere Pro on your Mac. After installation, launch the app to begin.
  • Next, create a new Premiere Pro project and create the right name you would like to save it as.


  • Now, import the large video you want to cut into Adobe Premiere Pro. You can either drag the video into the project clip tab or go to ‘file’ and choose ‘import’ from the menu. Navigate to the file’s location and choose the video.


  • Now select the video on the timeline; a white border will appear around the clip to show your selection.


  • Pick the razor tool on the menu or press C on your keyboard to start cutting the large file.


  • To cut the video clip, hover the razor over any part of the video and split wherever you prefer. You can make multiple cuts on the video. However, if you want an accurate cut, simply move the playhead to the part you’ll like to begin the cut and then use the razor to cut.


  • Now you can delete any fragment you want by selecting it and pressing delete on your PC.


Once you have a clean-cut, you can save or share your video.


Which Should I Choose, Free or Paid Large Video Cutter on Mac?

There are different video-cutting software available that offer varying editing features to enhance your video. However, some are free, while others require a subscription. Therefore, it can be pretty challenging to figure out the best option for your video cutting needs. Below are some factors to consider when choosing between a paid or free video cutter on Mac.

· Intuitive Workflow

Some software is quite difficult to operate, and you could spend hours figuring out how each tool works. An efficient video cutting software makes all tools easy to use. Ensure the large video cutter you choose ensures a seamless workflow to improve your efficiency. In addition, a fast-processing feature is necessary to reduce the editing time significantly.

· Budget

Another factor that’s important to consider is your budget. You can use free software, but you need to note that the features are limited. If the tool doesn’t offer you the features you’re looking for, you might need to subscribe to a paid video cutter. Always choose a video cutter that falls within your budget.

· Experience Level

Are you looking to develop your editing skills? Then a paid large video cutter is the best option for you. There are usually advanced and basic tools available to help you edit your skills. However, a paid video cutter also offers you more functionality that can help you learn how to create impressive edited videos.

Overall, you want a video editor with an easy learning curve and one that meets your needs effectively. The goal is to get a video editor that will provide you with more editing tools to enhance your video. It is pretty easy to outgrow free video cutters because of their limited features. However, if you’re choosing a paid video cutter, ensure it isn’t made for professionals and, therefore, is challenging to navigate.

FAQs About Cutting Large Videos

  • What is video cutting software? This software allows you cut a video into different parts without changing the video quality. This type of software will enable you to cut large-sized videos in no time; you can choose from the video cutters above.
  • Does cutting videos affect its quality? This depends on the video cutter used. While some video cutters allow a loss of video quality when cutting videos, some ensure the video quality remains the same throughout the cutting process.
  • Are video cutters safe? Yes, most video cutters are safe. The options above are secure and prevent malware attacks on your PC.

Final Thoughts

You’ll find the best large video cutters to cut videos on your Mac above. Most of the video cutters above support various video formats and ensure your video remains in the original quality after saving. Several software reviewed above also offers additional features you can use to upgrade your videos. Finally, we recommend Filmora Video Editor as it provides several basic and advanced features to help you create the best videos.

Supported System: Mac and Windows

Cutting large videos is not easy if you don’t have the right tools to achieve that. That’s where Filmora Video Editor enters the picture. It combines simplicity and several excellent features to offer you the best video cutter for Mac. It doesn’t just provide you with the basic cutting features but also several editing tools to create fantastic videos. In addition, its user interface is intuitive and easy to navigate by new editors and professionals.

Filmora Video Editor offers several customization features and advanced features to make your video look sleek and professional. This means it provides motion tracking, the addition of images, filters, effects, texts, and several other tools. When exporting your files, you have a wide variety of options as this large video cutter offers different output formats to select from. It also allows you to share your video directly to any social media network you would prefer. Most importantly, it is compatible with every version of MacOS.

Free Download

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Free Download

For macOS 10.14 or later


  • It supports various video formats like AVI, MOV, MP4, MKV, and several others
  • It only takes a few clicks to cut, trim, and split videos
  • Impressive video editing features
  • Intuitive and user-friendly interface that ensures a gentle learning curve
  • You can cut your video without losing the quality level
  • Several video effects to make your video stunning
  • It offers additional features like transitions, motion elements, color corrections, animated titles, etc.
  • Allows you to burn video to DVD or share directly


  • It might not have the most advanced features

Steps to Easily Cut Large Videos On Mac Using Filmora Video Editor

Cutting large videos on Filmora is relatively easy when you follow the proper steps. Below, we’ve outlined the steps you should take when you want to cut large videos on Mac using Filmora Video Editor.

· Step One: Import Large Video


Once you Install Filmora on your Mac, launch and click ‘new project’ on the home screen to start your video cutting journey. Now, import the video you want to cut by selecting ‘import’ on the main interface and selecting the files from your computer. Alternatively, you can drag the large video to your timeline.


· Step Two: Manually Cut the Large Video


After adding the video to the timeline, drag the playhead at the beginning to the part you would like your large video to begin and right-click on it. You can then select ‘trim start to playhead to cut your video to your preference. Repeat this with the end of your video but select ‘trim end to playhead’ this time.

· Step Three: Export Your Newly Cut Video


After cutting your video and carrying out basic editing on your video, you can now save your video. Next, click the ‘export’ button, and you can choose the output format of your video, frame rate, and resolution. You can also share directly to YouTube, Vimeo, and other social media platforms or burn the video to a DVD.

More Free Large Video Cutter on Mac to Cut Large Videos Faster

The first large video cutters we’ll be reviewing in this article are available for free. Although they’re not professional video editing software, they can help you easily cut large videos on Mac in just a few minutes. Therefore, if you’re looking for a free video cutter for Mac, you should keep reading.

GihoSoft Free Video Cutter


Supported System: Mac and Windows

This free video cutting software helps you cut large video files within a few minutes. You can either cut the video into smaller clips or eliminate all other clips reducing the video into one little clip. This large video cutter is relatively easy to use, and it comes with a friendly user interface which makes it ideal for beginners. The best part is that it supports varying video formats and resolutions. However, as the name implies, you can only use it to cut videos. It doesn’t offer other video editing features.

Gihosoft Video cutter offers a fast processing speed and supports popular video formats like AVI, MOV, FLV, MP4, etc. It also saves your video in the same input format to maintain its quality. You can also cut different clips and join them using this video cutting software for free.


  • It is free to use
  • It offers a clean and intuitive user interface
  • Ideal for beginners
  • Supports different input and output video formats
  • Allows you to join clips from various videos


  • There are no editing features
  • The saving process can be slow

Steps to Cut Large Videos on Mac Using Gihosoft Free Video Cutter

Gihosoft Video Cutter is relatively easy to use. Below, you’ll find the steps to cut large videos on Mac with this free cutter quickly.

  • Firstly, download and install this free video cutter on your Mac. Once you do this, launch the software, and you can begin.
  • Add files to the timeline by clicking the ‘add files’ to import a large video file to this video cutter.


  • Next, set the start and endpoint of your video by moving the two sliders in the timeline. Alternatively, you can manually enter the beginning and end times you want.


  • Hit the ‘cut’ button once you’re satisfied with the timing.
  • After cutting, you can save your video in your preferred location on your PC




Supported System: Mac

iMovie is a household name in the Apple family due to its popularity amongst Mac owners. Apple device owners commonly use it for editing videos. It is pretty functional and great for making your video clips look professional. Cutting large videos on Mac using iMovie is quite a simple process. This is the best option if you’re using Mac and looking for a free and straightforward video cutter.

One of the reasons this large video cutter is a good choice because it supports high resolutions. This Mac video cutter supports up to 4k video resolution. It also supports different input and output video formats. In addition, its intuitive and user-friendly interface makes it an excellent choice for beginners. However, it lacks advanced editing features if that’s what you’re looking for.


  • It is free to use
  • It supports high video resolutions
  • Its simple user interface makes it ideal for beginners
  • It offers various preset templates to enhance your video
  • It supports several input and output formats


  • Lacks advanced editing features

Steps to Cut Large Video on Mac Using iMovie

iMovie is quite a simple editing software that makes it easy for users with little editing experience to cut large videos on Mac. Follow the steps below to cut videos on Mac easily.

  • Open iMovie on your Mac and select ‘file’ on the menu; choose ‘open project’ from the dropdown menu.


  • Next, select the video you would like to cut. Alternatively, you can simply drag it to the timeline to start editing.


  • Drag the playhead to mark off where you would like to cut; repeat this process at the end of the video.


  • Afterward, click ‘edit’ and choose ‘split video clip’ to split the clip.


  • Next, select the parts you don’t want and hit ‘delete’ on your keyword.
  • You can split and delete clips ad many times as you want till you have the portion you’re looking for.
  • Afterward, save your file, and you can also share it directly to your social media accounts.




Supported System: Mac and Windows

A free video cutter that’s quite useful for cutting large video files is Tuneskit. It is free to use and allows you to cut large video files into smaller clips while maintaining its high quality. It is easy to utilize, and you can cut and trim your videos within a few minutes. The best bast is the lossless quality feature after cutting or combining several clips.

This video cutting tool supports various popular formats like AVI, MP4, FLV, MPEG, etc. The video joining feature also allows you to merge multiple videos you cut without losing the quality of the original quality. You can also convert the video to a new format when saving your video. Tuneskit also allows users to share cut videos to user platforms. You can also utilize its editing tools to customize your videos and add a personalized touch. However, this video cutter only offers essential editing tools, which is ideal for beginners.


  • Superfast video processing
  • It supports several input and output video format
  • Maintains video quality after editing
  • Offers basic editing video
  • Simple user interface for easy navigation


  • It only offers basic editing features

Steps to Cut Large Videos on Mac Using Tuneskit

You have to download Tuneskit on your Mac device to get started. Next, install the app and then launch it to begin. Once you launch the app, follow the steps below to cut large videos on Mac.

  • Firstly, you have to import the video you want to cut by clicking ‘import’ on the file tab.


  • Next, edit the file by clicking ‘edit,’ which is an icon you can find next to every video segment.
  • Now, move the slider at the beginning of the video to your preference. Carry out the same action for the end of the video till you have your desired cut.


  • Now, click ‘cut’ to cut your video. Afterward, save the video and choose the output format you want.


More Paid Large Video Cutter on Mac to Cut Large Videos Faster

Now that you know the best free large video cutter on Mac to cut large videos faster, below are the top three paid large video cutters on Mac.

Final Cut Pro


Supported System: Mac and Windows

Final Cut Pro is a video cutting software released by Apple, and it is one of the best professional large video cutters you can find. Despite its professionalism, it offers you a basic user interface that makes it easy to navigate the video editor. It is also relatively easy and allows users to efficiently advance their skills to a professional level while using the editing software. Additionally, you can easily add your social media accounts to share edited videos to each platform directly.

Apart from the easy cutting of large videos on Mac, Final Cut Pro offers cutting-edge editing tools that ensure smooth and professional results. Final Cut Pro’s features include project workflow, color correction, trimming, closed caption, audio enhancement, etc. In addition, Final Cut Pro supports various video formats and resolutions to work with. However, it is not a suitable option if you have no previous video editing, as there’s a steep learning curve involved.


  • It provides users with 360-degree video editing
  • Final Cut Pro supports various video formats and resolutions
  • It offers an intuitive user interface
  • It offers fast video processing and saving process
  • It provides basic and advanced editing tools


  • It is quite pricey
  • It is not the best choice for beginners

Steps to Easily Cut Large Videos on Mac Using Final Cut Pro

  • First, download and install Final Cut Pro on your device, and then launch to start the video cutting process.
  • Next, import the media you would like to cut by clicking ‘import media file’ and choosing the file you want to edit. You can also drag the video directly to your timeline to start editing.


  • Once you identify the part you would like to edit, drag the tail of the clip to where you would prefer. Repeat this process at the beginning and the end of the video. Afterward, click ‘cut’ to cut the clip.


  • Now you can save the cut video to your Mac by clicking ‘file’ and choosing ‘save’ from the dropdown menu.


You can also share your cut video directly from Final Cut Pro to your preferred destination. You can change the output video format if you prefer.

VideoPad Video Editor


Supported System: Mac and Windows

Some large video cutters can be frustrating for new editors; you won’t have that problem with VideoPad. This tool is easy to use even with no prior editing experience. It contains all the essential tools to cut and edit your video. It also supports different file types, including AVI, MOV, MP4, MPEG, etc. It also allows you to change the output format of your video and share it directly on social media platforms. You can also burn the newly cut video to DVD or CD.

With VideoPad Video Editor, you don’t have to worry about losing the quality of your large video after cutting. It offers impressive video editing features like transitions, color correcting, speed adjustment, and various visual elements. You can split large videos easily with its fast-processing system. Its intuitive user interface makes it quite easy to navigate.

Apart from basic editing, professionals would also find this large video cutter impressive as it offers 3D editing, green screen support, 360-degree editing, and video stabilization. Overall, this is an excellent video cutter if you want a versatile editor that offers tools to enhance your video.


  • Ideal for beginners and professionals
  • It supports common file types
  • Intuitive user interface
  • Offers basic and advanced editing tools


  • Relatively high price

Steps to Easily Cut Large Videos on Mac Using VideoPad Video Editor

  • First, you have to download and install VideoPad on your device.
  • Next, launch the app and click ‘open’ on the home tab. This will allow you to add the video you would like to edit. Alternatively, click Cmd+O or drag the video to the media bin.


  • After adding the video, drag it to the sequence timeline to start cutting your large video.
  • To cut a part of the video, select it by placing a cursor at the start of the video. Hover over the red line till it changes to a double-sided arrow. Drag the pointer to where you would like the video to begin; repeat this for the end of the video. Right-click over the region and click ‘split’ to separate the clip from other parts.


  • Select the fragments and click the trash can button next to the cursor to delete them. Repeat this for all pieces till only your video is left.


  • Once you’re done, click ‘save project’ to save the newly edited video. You can also export the video by clicking ‘export video’ and choosing the platform to which you would like to export.


Adobe Premiere Pro


Supported System: Windows and Mac

One of the best large video cutters for Mac that you’ll find out there is Adobe Premiere Pro. This video cutting software supports a vast number of video formats and resolutions. It also offers users built-in editing tools that you can use to enhance your video. Most cinematographers find this tool quite useful due to its advanced editing features. It also ensures your video quality is not lost after editing.

Adobe Premiere Pro allows you to add filters, trim audio and video, and add texts and other visual elements to your video. It has an impressive media library that gives you access to a vast range of effects. You can also modify the output format of your video or use any of the existing presets to enhance your video. However, Adobe Premiere Pro has a steep learning curve and might not be suitable for beginners.


  • It offers high-quality tools to edit your video
  • Fast processing feature
  • Supports vast video formats and resolutions
  • Offers basic and advanced editing tools
  • Allows you to share your video directly to social media platforms


  • It is too advanced for beginners

Steps for Cutting Large Video on Mac Using Adobe Premiere Pro

Cutting large videos on Adobe Premiere Pro is relatively easy with the steps below.

  • Firstly, download and install Adobe Premiere Pro on your Mac. After installation, launch the app to begin.
  • Next, create a new Premiere Pro project and create the right name you would like to save it as.


  • Now, import the large video you want to cut into Adobe Premiere Pro. You can either drag the video into the project clip tab or go to ‘file’ and choose ‘import’ from the menu. Navigate to the file’s location and choose the video.


  • Now select the video on the timeline; a white border will appear around the clip to show your selection.


  • Pick the razor tool on the menu or press C on your keyboard to start cutting the large file.


  • To cut the video clip, hover the razor over any part of the video and split wherever you prefer. You can make multiple cuts on the video. However, if you want an accurate cut, simply move the playhead to the part you’ll like to begin the cut and then use the razor to cut.


  • Now you can delete any fragment you want by selecting it and pressing delete on your PC.


Once you have a clean-cut, you can save or share your video.


Which Should I Choose, Free or Paid Large Video Cutter on Mac?

There are different video-cutting software available that offer varying editing features to enhance your video. However, some are free, while others require a subscription. Therefore, it can be pretty challenging to figure out the best option for your video cutting needs. Below are some factors to consider when choosing between a paid or free video cutter on Mac.

· Intuitive Workflow

Some software is quite difficult to operate, and you could spend hours figuring out how each tool works. An efficient video cutting software makes all tools easy to use. Ensure the large video cutter you choose ensures a seamless workflow to improve your efficiency. In addition, a fast-processing feature is necessary to reduce the editing time significantly.

· Budget

Another factor that’s important to consider is your budget. You can use free software, but you need to note that the features are limited. If the tool doesn’t offer you the features you’re looking for, you might need to subscribe to a paid video cutter. Always choose a video cutter that falls within your budget.

· Experience Level

Are you looking to develop your editing skills? Then a paid large video cutter is the best option for you. There are usually advanced and basic tools available to help you edit your skills. However, a paid video cutter also offers you more functionality that can help you learn how to create impressive edited videos.

Overall, you want a video editor with an easy learning curve and one that meets your needs effectively. The goal is to get a video editor that will provide you with more editing tools to enhance your video. It is pretty easy to outgrow free video cutters because of their limited features. However, if you’re choosing a paid video cutter, ensure it isn’t made for professionals and, therefore, is challenging to navigate.

FAQs About Cutting Large Videos

  • What is video cutting software? This software allows you cut a video into different parts without changing the video quality. This type of software will enable you to cut large-sized videos in no time; you can choose from the video cutters above.
  • Does cutting videos affect its quality? This depends on the video cutter used. While some video cutters allow a loss of video quality when cutting videos, some ensure the video quality remains the same throughout the cutting process.
  • Are video cutters safe? Yes, most video cutters are safe. The options above are secure and prevent malware attacks on your PC.

Final Thoughts

You’ll find the best large video cutters to cut videos on your Mac above. Most of the video cutters above support various video formats and ensure your video remains in the original quality after saving. Several software reviewed above also offers additional features you can use to upgrade your videos. Finally, we recommend Filmora Video Editor as it provides several basic and advanced features to help you create the best videos.

Supported System: Mac and Windows

Cutting large videos is not easy if you don’t have the right tools to achieve that. That’s where Filmora Video Editor enters the picture. It combines simplicity and several excellent features to offer you the best video cutter for Mac. It doesn’t just provide you with the basic cutting features but also several editing tools to create fantastic videos. In addition, its user interface is intuitive and easy to navigate by new editors and professionals.

Filmora Video Editor offers several customization features and advanced features to make your video look sleek and professional. This means it provides motion tracking, the addition of images, filters, effects, texts, and several other tools. When exporting your files, you have a wide variety of options as this large video cutter offers different output formats to select from. It also allows you to share your video directly to any social media network you would prefer. Most importantly, it is compatible with every version of MacOS.

Free Download

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Free Download

For macOS 10.14 or later


  • It supports various video formats like AVI, MOV, MP4, MKV, and several others
  • It only takes a few clicks to cut, trim, and split videos
  • Impressive video editing features
  • Intuitive and user-friendly interface that ensures a gentle learning curve
  • You can cut your video without losing the quality level
  • Several video effects to make your video stunning
  • It offers additional features like transitions, motion elements, color corrections, animated titles, etc.
  • Allows you to burn video to DVD or share directly


  • It might not have the most advanced features

Steps to Easily Cut Large Videos On Mac Using Filmora Video Editor

Cutting large videos on Filmora is relatively easy when you follow the proper steps. Below, we’ve outlined the steps you should take when you want to cut large videos on Mac using Filmora Video Editor.

· Step One: Import Large Video


Once you Install Filmora on your Mac, launch and click ‘new project’ on the home screen to start your video cutting journey. Now, import the video you want to cut by selecting ‘import’ on the main interface and selecting the files from your computer. Alternatively, you can drag the large video to your timeline.


· Step Two: Manually Cut the Large Video


After adding the video to the timeline, drag the playhead at the beginning to the part you would like your large video to begin and right-click on it. You can then select ‘trim start to playhead to cut your video to your preference. Repeat this with the end of your video but select ‘trim end to playhead’ this time.

· Step Three: Export Your Newly Cut Video


After cutting your video and carrying out basic editing on your video, you can now save your video. Next, click the ‘export’ button, and you can choose the output format of your video, frame rate, and resolution. You can also share directly to YouTube, Vimeo, and other social media platforms or burn the video to a DVD.

More Free Large Video Cutter on Mac to Cut Large Videos Faster

The first large video cutters we’ll be reviewing in this article are available for free. Although they’re not professional video editing software, they can help you easily cut large videos on Mac in just a few minutes. Therefore, if you’re looking for a free video cutter for Mac, you should keep reading.

GihoSoft Free Video Cutter


Supported System: Mac and Windows

This free video cutting software helps you cut large video files within a few minutes. You can either cut the video into smaller clips or eliminate all other clips reducing the video into one little clip. This large video cutter is relatively easy to use, and it comes with a friendly user interface which makes it ideal for beginners. The best part is that it supports varying video formats and resolutions. However, as the name implies, you can only use it to cut videos. It doesn’t offer other video editing features.

Gihosoft Video cutter offers a fast processing speed and supports popular video formats like AVI, MOV, FLV, MP4, etc. It also saves your video in the same input format to maintain its quality. You can also cut different clips and join them using this video cutting software for free.


  • It is free to use
  • It offers a clean and intuitive user interface
  • Ideal for beginners
  • Supports different input and output video formats
  • Allows you to join clips from various videos


  • There are no editing features
  • The saving process can be slow

Steps to Cut Large Videos on Mac Using Gihosoft Free Video Cutter

Gihosoft Video Cutter is relatively easy to use. Below, you’ll find the steps to cut large videos on Mac with this free cutter quickly.

  • Firstly, download and install this free video cutter on your Mac. Once you do this, launch the software, and you can begin.
  • Add files to the timeline by clicking the ‘add files’ to import a large video file to this video cutter.


  • Next, set the start and endpoint of your video by moving the two sliders in the timeline. Alternatively, you can manually enter the beginning and end times you want.


  • Hit the ‘cut’ button once you’re satisfied with the timing.
  • After cutting, you can save your video in your preferred location on your PC




Supported System: Mac

iMovie is a household name in the Apple family due to its popularity amongst Mac owners. Apple device owners commonly use it for editing videos. It is pretty functional and great for making your video clips look professional. Cutting large videos on Mac using iMovie is quite a simple process. This is the best option if you’re using Mac and looking for a free and straightforward video cutter.

One of the reasons this large video cutter is a good choice because it supports high resolutions. This Mac video cutter supports up to 4k video resolution. It also supports different input and output video formats. In addition, its intuitive and user-friendly interface makes it an excellent choice for beginners. However, it lacks advanced editing features if that’s what you’re looking for.


  • It is free to use
  • It supports high video resolutions
  • Its simple user interface makes it ideal for beginners
  • It offers various preset templates to enhance your video
  • It supports several input and output formats


  • Lacks advanced editing features

Steps to Cut Large Video on Mac Using iMovie

iMovie is quite a simple editing software that makes it easy for users with little editing experience to cut large videos on Mac. Follow the steps below to cut videos on Mac easily.

  • Open iMovie on your Mac and select ‘file’ on the menu; choose ‘open project’ from the dropdown menu.


  • Next, select the video you would like to cut. Alternatively, you can simply drag it to the timeline to start editing.


  • Drag the playhead to mark off where you would like to cut; repeat this process at the end of the video.


  • Afterward, click ‘edit’ and choose ‘split video clip’ to split the clip.


  • Next, select the parts you don’t want and hit ‘delete’ on your keyword.
  • You can split and delete clips ad many times as you want till you have the portion you’re looking for.
  • Afterward, save your file, and you can also share it directly to your social media accounts.




Supported System: Mac and Windows

A free video cutter that’s quite useful for cutting large video files is Tuneskit. It is free to use and allows you to cut large video files into smaller clips while maintaining its high quality. It is easy to utilize, and you can cut and trim your videos within a few minutes. The best bast is the lossless quality feature after cutting or combining several clips.

This video cutting tool supports various popular formats like AVI, MP4, FLV, MPEG, etc. The video joining feature also allows you to merge multiple videos you cut without losing the quality of the original quality. You can also convert the video to a new format when saving your video. Tuneskit also allows users to share cut videos to user platforms. You can also utilize its editing tools to customize your videos and add a personalized touch. However, this video cutter only offers essential editing tools, which is ideal for beginners.


  • Superfast video processing
  • It supports several input and output video format
  • Maintains video quality after editing
  • Offers basic editing video
  • Simple user interface for easy navigation


  • It only offers basic editing features

Steps to Cut Large Videos on Mac Using Tuneskit

You have to download Tuneskit on your Mac device to get started. Next, install the app and then launch it to begin. Once you launch the app, follow the steps below to cut large videos on Mac.

  • Firstly, you have to import the video you want to cut by clicking ‘import’ on the file tab.


  • Next, edit the file by clicking ‘edit,’ which is an icon you can find next to every video segment.
  • Now, move the slider at the beginning of the video to your preference. Carry out the same action for the end of the video till you have your desired cut.


  • Now, click ‘cut’ to cut your video. Afterward, save the video and choose the output format you want.


More Paid Large Video Cutter on Mac to Cut Large Videos Faster

Now that you know the best free large video cutter on Mac to cut large videos faster, below are the top three paid large video cutters on Mac.

Final Cut Pro


Supported System: Mac and Windows

Final Cut Pro is a video cutting software released by Apple, and it is one of the best professional large video cutters you can find. Despite its professionalism, it offers you a basic user interface that makes it easy to navigate the video editor. It is also relatively easy and allows users to efficiently advance their skills to a professional level while using the editing software. Additionally, you can easily add your social media accounts to share edited videos to each platform directly.

Apart from the easy cutting of large videos on Mac, Final Cut Pro offers cutting-edge editing tools that ensure smooth and professional results. Final Cut Pro’s features include project workflow, color correction, trimming, closed caption, audio enhancement, etc. In addition, Final Cut Pro supports various video formats and resolutions to work with. However, it is not a suitable option if you have no previous video editing, as there’s a steep learning curve involved.


  • It provides users with 360-degree video editing
  • Final Cut Pro supports various video formats and resolutions
  • It offers an intuitive user interface
  • It offers fast video processing and saving process
  • It provides basic and advanced editing tools


  • It is quite pricey
  • It is not the best choice for beginners

Steps to Easily Cut Large Videos on Mac Using Final Cut Pro

  • First, download and install Final Cut Pro on your device, and then launch to start the video cutting process.
  • Next, import the media you would like to cut by clicking ‘import media file’ and choosing the file you want to edit. You can also drag the video directly to your timeline to start editing.


  • Once you identify the part you would like to edit, drag the tail of the clip to where you would prefer. Repeat this process at the beginning and the end of the video. Afterward, click ‘cut’ to cut the clip.


  • Now you can save the cut video to your Mac by clicking ‘file’ and choosing ‘save’ from the dropdown menu.


You can also share your cut video directly from Final Cut Pro to your preferred destination. You can change the output video format if you prefer.

VideoPad Video Editor


Supported System: Mac and Windows

Some large video cutters can be frustrating for new editors; you won’t have that problem with VideoPad. This tool is easy to use even with no prior editing experience. It contains all the essential tools to cut and edit your video. It also supports different file types, including AVI, MOV, MP4, MPEG, etc. It also allows you to change the output format of your video and share it directly on social media platforms. You can also burn the newly cut video to DVD or CD.

With VideoPad Video Editor, you don’t have to worry about losing the quality of your large video after cutting. It offers impressive video editing features like transitions, color correcting, speed adjustment, and various visual elements. You can split large videos easily with its fast-processing system. Its intuitive user interface makes it quite easy to navigate.

Apart from basic editing, professionals would also find this large video cutter impressive as it offers 3D editing, green screen support, 360-degree editing, and video stabilization. Overall, this is an excellent video cutter if you want a versatile editor that offers tools to enhance your video.


  • Ideal for beginners and professionals
  • It supports common file types
  • Intuitive user interface
  • Offers basic and advanced editing tools


  • Relatively high price

Steps to Easily Cut Large Videos on Mac Using VideoPad Video Editor

  • First, you have to download and install VideoPad on your device.
  • Next, launch the app and click ‘open’ on the home tab. This will allow you to add the video you would like to edit. Alternatively, click Cmd+O or drag the video to the media bin.


  • After adding the video, drag it to the sequence timeline to start cutting your large video.
  • To cut a part of the video, select it by placing a cursor at the start of the video. Hover over the red line till it changes to a double-sided arrow. Drag the pointer to where you would like the video to begin; repeat this for the end of the video. Right-click over the region and click ‘split’ to separate the clip from other parts.


  • Select the fragments and click the trash can button next to the cursor to delete them. Repeat this for all pieces till only your video is left.


  • Once you’re done, click ‘save project’ to save the newly edited video. You can also export the video by clicking ‘export video’ and choosing the platform to which you would like to export.


Adobe Premiere Pro


Supported System: Windows and Mac

One of the best large video cutters for Mac that you’ll find out there is Adobe Premiere Pro. This video cutting software supports a vast number of video formats and resolutions. It also offers users built-in editing tools that you can use to enhance your video. Most cinematographers find this tool quite useful due to its advanced editing features. It also ensures your video quality is not lost after editing.

Adobe Premiere Pro allows you to add filters, trim audio and video, and add texts and other visual elements to your video. It has an impressive media library that gives you access to a vast range of effects. You can also modify the output format of your video or use any of the existing presets to enhance your video. However, Adobe Premiere Pro has a steep learning curve and might not be suitable for beginners.


  • It offers high-quality tools to edit your video
  • Fast processing feature
  • Supports vast video formats and resolutions
  • Offers basic and advanced editing tools
  • Allows you to share your video directly to social media platforms


  • It is too advanced for beginners

Steps for Cutting Large Video on Mac Using Adobe Premiere Pro

Cutting large videos on Adobe Premiere Pro is relatively easy with the steps below.

  • Firstly, download and install Adobe Premiere Pro on your Mac. After installation, launch the app to begin.
  • Next, create a new Premiere Pro project and create the right name you would like to save it as.


  • Now, import the large video you want to cut into Adobe Premiere Pro. You can either drag the video into the project clip tab or go to ‘file’ and choose ‘import’ from the menu. Navigate to the file’s location and choose the video.


  • Now select the video on the timeline; a white border will appear around the clip to show your selection.


  • Pick the razor tool on the menu or press C on your keyboard to start cutting the large file.


  • To cut the video clip, hover the razor over any part of the video and split wherever you prefer. You can make multiple cuts on the video. However, if you want an accurate cut, simply move the playhead to the part you’ll like to begin the cut and then use the razor to cut.


  • Now you can delete any fragment you want by selecting it and pressing delete on your PC.


Once you have a clean-cut, you can save or share your video.


Which Should I Choose, Free or Paid Large Video Cutter on Mac?

There are different video-cutting software available that offer varying editing features to enhance your video. However, some are free, while others require a subscription. Therefore, it can be pretty challenging to figure out the best option for your video cutting needs. Below are some factors to consider when choosing between a paid or free video cutter on Mac.

· Intuitive Workflow

Some software is quite difficult to operate, and you could spend hours figuring out how each tool works. An efficient video cutting software makes all tools easy to use. Ensure the large video cutter you choose ensures a seamless workflow to improve your efficiency. In addition, a fast-processing feature is necessary to reduce the editing time significantly.

· Budget

Another factor that’s important to consider is your budget. You can use free software, but you need to note that the features are limited. If the tool doesn’t offer you the features you’re looking for, you might need to subscribe to a paid video cutter. Always choose a video cutter that falls within your budget.

· Experience Level

Are you looking to develop your editing skills? Then a paid large video cutter is the best option for you. There are usually advanced and basic tools available to help you edit your skills. However, a paid video cutter also offers you more functionality that can help you learn how to create impressive edited videos.

Overall, you want a video editor with an easy learning curve and one that meets your needs effectively. The goal is to get a video editor that will provide you with more editing tools to enhance your video. It is pretty easy to outgrow free video cutters because of their limited features. However, if you’re choosing a paid video cutter, ensure it isn’t made for professionals and, therefore, is challenging to navigate.

FAQs About Cutting Large Videos

  • What is video cutting software? This software allows you cut a video into different parts without changing the video quality. This type of software will enable you to cut large-sized videos in no time; you can choose from the video cutters above.
  • Does cutting videos affect its quality? This depends on the video cutter used. While some video cutters allow a loss of video quality when cutting videos, some ensure the video quality remains the same throughout the cutting process.
  • Are video cutters safe? Yes, most video cutters are safe. The options above are secure and prevent malware attacks on your PC.

Final Thoughts

You’ll find the best large video cutters to cut videos on your Mac above. Most of the video cutters above support various video formats and ensure your video remains in the original quality after saving. Several software reviewed above also offers additional features you can use to upgrade your videos. Finally, we recommend Filmora Video Editor as it provides several basic and advanced features to help you create the best videos.

Supported System: Mac and Windows

Cutting large videos is not easy if you don’t have the right tools to achieve that. That’s where Filmora Video Editor enters the picture. It combines simplicity and several excellent features to offer you the best video cutter for Mac. It doesn’t just provide you with the basic cutting features but also several editing tools to create fantastic videos. In addition, its user interface is intuitive and easy to navigate by new editors and professionals.

Filmora Video Editor offers several customization features and advanced features to make your video look sleek and professional. This means it provides motion tracking, the addition of images, filters, effects, texts, and several other tools. When exporting your files, you have a wide variety of options as this large video cutter offers different output formats to select from. It also allows you to share your video directly to any social media network you would prefer. Most importantly, it is compatible with every version of MacOS.

Free Download

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Free Download

For macOS 10.14 or later


  • It supports various video formats like AVI, MOV, MP4, MKV, and several others
  • It only takes a few clicks to cut, trim, and split videos
  • Impressive video editing features
  • Intuitive and user-friendly interface that ensures a gentle learning curve
  • You can cut your video without losing the quality level
  • Several video effects to make your video stunning
  • It offers additional features like transitions, motion elements, color corrections, animated titles, etc.
  • Allows you to burn video to DVD or share directly


  • It might not have the most advanced features

Steps to Easily Cut Large Videos On Mac Using Filmora Video Editor

Cutting large videos on Filmora is relatively easy when you follow the proper steps. Below, we’ve outlined the steps you should take when you want to cut large videos on Mac using Filmora Video Editor.

· Step One: Import Large Video


Once you Install Filmora on your Mac, launch and click ‘new project’ on the home screen to start your video cutting journey. Now, import the video you want to cut by selecting ‘import’ on the main interface and selecting the files from your computer. Alternatively, you can drag the large video to your timeline.


· Step Two: Manually Cut the Large Video


After adding the video to the timeline, drag the playhead at the beginning to the part you would like your large video to begin and right-click on it. You can then select ‘trim start to playhead to cut your video to your preference. Repeat this with the end of your video but select ‘trim end to playhead’ this time.

· Step Three: Export Your Newly Cut Video


After cutting your video and carrying out basic editing on your video, you can now save your video. Next, click the ‘export’ button, and you can choose the output format of your video, frame rate, and resolution. You can also share directly to YouTube, Vimeo, and other social media platforms or burn the video to a DVD.

More Free Large Video Cutter on Mac to Cut Large Videos Faster

The first large video cutters we’ll be reviewing in this article are available for free. Although they’re not professional video editing software, they can help you easily cut large videos on Mac in just a few minutes. Therefore, if you’re looking for a free video cutter for Mac, you should keep reading.

GihoSoft Free Video Cutter


Supported System: Mac and Windows

This free video cutting software helps you cut large video files within a few minutes. You can either cut the video into smaller clips or eliminate all other clips reducing the video into one little clip. This large video cutter is relatively easy to use, and it comes with a friendly user interface which makes it ideal for beginners. The best part is that it supports varying video formats and resolutions. However, as the name implies, you can only use it to cut videos. It doesn’t offer other video editing features.

Gihosoft Video cutter offers a fast processing speed and supports popular video formats like AVI, MOV, FLV, MP4, etc. It also saves your video in the same input format to maintain its quality. You can also cut different clips and join them using this video cutting software for free.


  • It is free to use
  • It offers a clean and intuitive user interface
  • Ideal for beginners
  • Supports different input and output video formats
  • Allows you to join clips from various videos


  • There are no editing features
  • The saving process can be slow

Steps to Cut Large Videos on Mac Using Gihosoft Free Video Cutter

Gihosoft Video Cutter is relatively easy to use. Below, you’ll find the steps to cut large videos on Mac with this free cutter quickly.

  • Firstly, download and install this free video cutter on your Mac. Once you do this, launch the software, and you can begin.
  • Add files to the timeline by clicking the ‘add files’ to import a large video file to this video cutter.


  • Next, set the start and endpoint of your video by moving the two sliders in the timeline. Alternatively, you can manually enter the beginning and end times you want.


  • Hit the ‘cut’ button once you’re satisfied with the timing.
  • After cutting, you can save your video in your preferred location on your PC




Supported System: Mac

iMovie is a household name in the Apple family due to its popularity amongst Mac owners. Apple device owners commonly use it for editing videos. It is pretty functional and great for making your video clips look professional. Cutting large videos on Mac using iMovie is quite a simple process. This is the best option if you’re using Mac and looking for a free and straightforward video cutter.

One of the reasons this large video cutter is a good choice because it supports high resolutions. This Mac video cutter supports up to 4k video resolution. It also supports different input and output video formats. In addition, its intuitive and user-friendly interface makes it an excellent choice for beginners. However, it lacks advanced editing features if that’s what you’re looking for.


  • It is free to use
  • It supports high video resolutions
  • Its simple user interface makes it ideal for beginners
  • It offers various preset templates to enhance your video
  • It supports several input and output formats


  • Lacks advanced editing features

Steps to Cut Large Video on Mac Using iMovie

iMovie is quite a simple editing software that makes it easy for users with little editing experience to cut large videos on Mac. Follow the steps below to cut videos on Mac easily.

  • Open iMovie on your Mac and select ‘file’ on the menu; choose ‘open project’ from the dropdown menu.


  • Next, select the video you would like to cut. Alternatively, you can simply drag it to the timeline to start editing.


  • Drag the playhead to mark off where you would like to cut; repeat this process at the end of the video.


  • Afterward, click ‘edit’ and choose ‘split video clip’ to split the clip.


  • Next, select the parts you don’t want and hit ‘delete’ on your keyword.
  • You can split and delete clips ad many times as you want till you have the portion you’re looking for.
  • Afterward, save your file, and you can also share it directly to your social media accounts.




Supported System: Mac and Windows

A free video cutter that’s quite useful for cutting large video files is Tuneskit. It is free to use and allows you to cut large video files into smaller clips while maintaining its high quality. It is easy to utilize, and you can cut and trim your videos within a few minutes. The best bast is the lossless quality feature after cutting or combining several clips.

This video cutting tool supports various popular formats like AVI, MP4, FLV, MPEG, etc. The video joining feature also allows you to merge multiple videos you cut without losing the quality of the original quality. You can also convert the video to a new format when saving your video. Tuneskit also allows users to share cut videos to user platforms. You can also utilize its editing tools to customize your videos and add a personalized touch. However, this video cutter only offers essential editing tools, which is ideal for beginners.


  • Superfast video processing
  • It supports several input and output video format
  • Maintains video quality after editing
  • Offers basic editing video
  • Simple user interface for easy navigation


  • It only offers basic editing features

Steps to Cut Large Videos on Mac Using Tuneskit

You have to download Tuneskit on your Mac device to get started. Next, install the app and then launch it to begin. Once you launch the app, follow the steps below to cut large videos on Mac.

  • Firstly, you have to import the video you want to cut by clicking ‘import’ on the file tab.


  • Next, edit the file by clicking ‘edit,’ which is an icon you can find next to every video segment.
  • Now, move the slider at the beginning of the video to your preference. Carry out the same action for the end of the video till you have your desired cut.


  • Now, click ‘cut’ to cut your video. Afterward, save the video and choose the output format you want.


More Paid Large Video Cutter on Mac to Cut Large Videos Faster

Now that you know the best free large video cutter on Mac to cut large videos faster, below are the top three paid large video cutters on Mac.

Final Cut Pro


Supported System: Mac and Windows

Final Cut Pro is a video cutting software released by Apple, and it is one of the best professional large video cutters you can find. Despite its professionalism, it offers you a basic user interface that makes it easy to navigate the video editor. It is also relatively easy and allows users to efficiently advance their skills to a professional level while using the editing software. Additionally, you can easily add your social media accounts to share edited videos to each platform directly.

Apart from the easy cutting of large videos on Mac, Final Cut Pro offers cutting-edge editing tools that ensure smooth and professional results. Final Cut Pro’s features include project workflow, color correction, trimming, closed caption, audio enhancement, etc. In addition, Final Cut Pro supports various video formats and resolutions to work with. However, it is not a suitable option if you have no previous video editing, as there’s a steep learning curve involved.


  • It provides users with 360-degree video editing
  • Final Cut Pro supports various video formats and resolutions
  • It offers an intuitive user interface
  • It offers fast video processing and saving process
  • It provides basic and advanced editing tools


  • It is quite pricey
  • It is not the best choice for beginners

Steps to Easily Cut Large Videos on Mac Using Final Cut Pro

  • First, download and install Final Cut Pro on your device, and then launch to start the video cutting process.
  • Next, import the media you would like to cut by clicking ‘import media file’ and choosing the file you want to edit. You can also drag the video directly to your timeline to start editing.


  • Once you identify the part you would like to edit, drag the tail of the clip to where you would prefer. Repeat this process at the beginning and the end of the video. Afterward, click ‘cut’ to cut the clip.


  • Now you can save the cut video to your Mac by clicking ‘file’ and choosing ‘save’ from the dropdown menu.


You can also share your cut video directly from Final Cut Pro to your preferred destination. You can change the output video format if you prefer.

VideoPad Video Editor


Supported System: Mac and Windows

Some large video cutters can be frustrating for new editors; you won’t have that problem with VideoPad. This tool is easy to use even with no prior editing experience. It contains all the essential tools to cut and edit your video. It also supports different file types, including AVI, MOV, MP4, MPEG, etc. It also allows you to change the output format of your video and share it directly on social media platforms. You can also burn the newly cut video to DVD or CD.

With VideoPad Video Editor, you don’t have to worry about losing the quality of your large video after cutting. It offers impressive video editing features like transitions, color correcting, speed adjustment, and various visual elements. You can split large videos easily with its fast-processing system. Its intuitive user interface makes it quite easy to navigate.

Apart from basic editing, professionals would also find this large video cutter impressive as it offers 3D editing, green screen support, 360-degree editing, and video stabilization. Overall, this is an excellent video cutter if you want a versatile editor that offers tools to enhance your video.


  • Ideal for beginners and professionals
  • It supports common file types
  • Intuitive user interface
  • Offers basic and advanced editing tools


  • Relatively high price

Steps to Easily Cut Large Videos on Mac Using VideoPad Video Editor

  • First, you have to download and install VideoPad on your device.
  • Next, launch the app and click ‘open’ on the home tab. This will allow you to add the video you would like to edit. Alternatively, click Cmd+O or drag the video to the media bin.


  • After adding the video, drag it to the sequence timeline to start cutting your large video.
  • To cut a part of the video, select it by placing a cursor at the start of the video. Hover over the red line till it changes to a double-sided arrow. Drag the pointer to where you would like the video to begin; repeat this for the end of the video. Right-click over the region and click ‘split’ to separate the clip from other parts.


  • Select the fragments and click the trash can button next to the cursor to delete them. Repeat this for all pieces till only your video is left.


  • Once you’re done, click ‘save project’ to save the newly edited video. You can also export the video by clicking ‘export video’ and choosing the platform to which you would like to export.


Adobe Premiere Pro


Supported System: Windows and Mac

One of the best large video cutters for Mac that you’ll find out there is Adobe Premiere Pro. This video cutting software supports a vast number of video formats and resolutions. It also offers users built-in editing tools that you can use to enhance your video. Most cinematographers find this tool quite useful due to its advanced editing features. It also ensures your video quality is not lost after editing.

Adobe Premiere Pro allows you to add filters, trim audio and video, and add texts and other visual elements to your video. It has an impressive media library that gives you access to a vast range of effects. You can also modify the output format of your video or use any of the existing presets to enhance your video. However, Adobe Premiere Pro has a steep learning curve and might not be suitable for beginners.


  • It offers high-quality tools to edit your video
  • Fast processing feature
  • Supports vast video formats and resolutions
  • Offers basic and advanced editing tools
  • Allows you to share your video directly to social media platforms


  • It is too advanced for beginners

Steps for Cutting Large Video on Mac Using Adobe Premiere Pro

Cutting large videos on Adobe Premiere Pro is relatively easy with the steps below.

  • Firstly, download and install Adobe Premiere Pro on your Mac. After installation, launch the app to begin.
  • Next, create a new Premiere Pro project and create the right name you would like to save it as.


  • Now, import the large video you want to cut into Adobe Premiere Pro. You can either drag the video into the project clip tab or go to ‘file’ and choose ‘import’ from the menu. Navigate to the file’s location and choose the video.


  • Now select the video on the timeline; a white border will appear around the clip to show your selection.


  • Pick the razor tool on the menu or press C on your keyboard to start cutting the large file.


  • To cut the video clip, hover the razor over any part of the video and split wherever you prefer. You can make multiple cuts on the video. However, if you want an accurate cut, simply move the playhead to the part you’ll like to begin the cut and then use the razor to cut.


  • Now you can delete any fragment you want by selecting it and pressing delete on your PC.


Once you have a clean-cut, you can save or share your video.


Which Should I Choose, Free or Paid Large Video Cutter on Mac?

There are different video-cutting software available that offer varying editing features to enhance your video. However, some are free, while others require a subscription. Therefore, it can be pretty challenging to figure out the best option for your video cutting needs. Below are some factors to consider when choosing between a paid or free video cutter on Mac.

· Intuitive Workflow

Some software is quite difficult to operate, and you could spend hours figuring out how each tool works. An efficient video cutting software makes all tools easy to use. Ensure the large video cutter you choose ensures a seamless workflow to improve your efficiency. In addition, a fast-processing feature is necessary to reduce the editing time significantly.

· Budget

Another factor that’s important to consider is your budget. You can use free software, but you need to note that the features are limited. If the tool doesn’t offer you the features you’re looking for, you might need to subscribe to a paid video cutter. Always choose a video cutter that falls within your budget.

· Experience Level

Are you looking to develop your editing skills? Then a paid large video cutter is the best option for you. There are usually advanced and basic tools available to help you edit your skills. However, a paid video cutter also offers you more functionality that can help you learn how to create impressive edited videos.

Overall, you want a video editor with an easy learning curve and one that meets your needs effectively. The goal is to get a video editor that will provide you with more editing tools to enhance your video. It is pretty easy to outgrow free video cutters because of their limited features. However, if you’re choosing a paid video cutter, ensure it isn’t made for professionals and, therefore, is challenging to navigate.

FAQs About Cutting Large Videos

  • What is video cutting software? This software allows you cut a video into different parts without changing the video quality. This type of software will enable you to cut large-sized videos in no time; you can choose from the video cutters above.
  • Does cutting videos affect its quality? This depends on the video cutter used. While some video cutters allow a loss of video quality when cutting videos, some ensure the video quality remains the same throughout the cutting process.
  • Are video cutters safe? Yes, most video cutters are safe. The options above are secure and prevent malware attacks on your PC.

Final Thoughts

You’ll find the best large video cutters to cut videos on your Mac above. Most of the video cutters above support various video formats and ensure your video remains in the original quality after saving. Several software reviewed above also offers additional features you can use to upgrade your videos. Finally, we recommend Filmora Video Editor as it provides several basic and advanced features to help you create the best videos.

How To Change Speed of Video in Final Cut Pro?

When there are certain boring but necessary parts in your video, you need to speed them up. Similarly, you may need to reduce the duration of the entire video. Speeding up the video is your only option when you do not want to cut any part. You must have also observed that certain videos look funny when you speed them up. To speed up videos, you will need a video editor that does not degrade the video quality.

Final Cut Pro is a popular choice to speed up video without distorting the pitch. Many think that the video quality can degrade when they change the speed of the video clip. This concern can be taken care of when you alter the video speed with Final Cut Pro. Instead of changing the speed of the entire video, you can change the speed of specific parts. We will illustrate how to speed up the video using Final Cut Pro and suggest a better choice than FCP.

speed up the video

Part I. Speed Up Video using Final Cut Pro

Final Cut Pro by Apple is one of Mac users’ most popular video editors. Many video creators purchase MacBooks for editing their videos in Final Cut Pro. The video editor is suitable for beginners as well as professionals. FCP, as a video editor, is super fast in rendering and processing video while exporting. Here are the steps for the Final Cut Pro speed-up clip.

Step1 Open FCP. Navigate to File>New> and tap Project to start a new project.

start a new project

Step2 Go to File>Import> Media and fetch your video clip. After that, drag/drop the video clip into the timeline.

clip into the timeline

Step3 Choose the video clip from the timeline. Click on the Speedometer(Retime) icon at the top of the timeline.

video clip

Step4 Tap the Speedometer icon, to get the drop-drop menu. For the Final Cut Pro speed-up video, go to Fast and select the speed. You get to choose from 2X to 20X.

tap the speedometer icon

If you want to customize the speed-up rate, you can click on the Custom option. Enter any desired percentage speed.

Step5 Now, play the video.

play the video

Part II. Tips for Speeding Up Video in Final Cut Pro

You have to keep a few points in mind when you speed up videos in Final Cut Pro. This ensures that the video does not get distorted while speeding up a section. Here are some tips to follow to speed up the video in FCP.

Adjust The Pitch of Sped-Up Clips -

By default, Final Cut Pro preserves the pitch of the audio even when you change the speed of the video. However, you may want to change the pitch per the video’s speed. This is because you might want to make the audio sound funny. You need to turn off the Preserve Pitch option from Retime menu. Once you do that, the pitch of the sped-up clip adjusts itself as per the change in speed.

Speeding Up Video by Adjusting Frame Rate -

You can shoot at a low frame rate for the scene you want to speed up. The frame rate should be lower than the overall video project’s frame rate.

You can add the scene to your video project on the timeline. Then you need to choose Automatic Speed from Retime menu. This will increase the frame rate from the scene to the video project frame rate. Once the frame rate increases, the video will speed up automatically.

speed up automatically

Smoothen Out the Sped-Up Video -

Sometimes, the overall video may look old when you speed up a particular portion. That is why there are two options available on Final Cut Pro. The first option is frame blending which is more suitable for the slow-motion clip.

The second option is the optical flow that smoothens out the sped-up clip. It adds in-between frames by analyzing the directional movement of pixels. You can find the option from Video Quality present in the Retime menu.

Part III. The Right Final Cut Pro Alternative for Changing Speed - Filmora

Final Cut Pro has a steep learning curve. Unless you have some experience in video editing, you will find the user interface slightly complicated. Besides, Final Cut Pro is only available for Mac users since it is an Apple product.

Many people look for a Final Cut Pro alternative to change the speed of the video. Wondershare Filmora is the best choice over Final Cut Pro to change the speed of video Final Cut Pro.

Wondershare Filmora is a professional video editor that is available for Windows and Mac users. The video editor is suitable for beginners as well as experienced video creators. The popularity of Filmora is due to its super intuitive user interface. You get almost all the features of FCP in Filmora.

In comparison, there are more video effects, elements, and stock media files available to enhance your videos. You get the latest effects from time to time so that you can have the trending elements in the video, you can also save the edited video in different video file formats as per your requirements, and even record video through a webcam and capture the screen using Filmora.

Several AI effects, stickers, and elements are available to enhance your videos. Most users find it easier to edit videos on Filmora over Final Cut Pro.

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

How to Change Video Speed in Filmora?

Changing video speed in Filmora is super easy. You can speed up your video as per your requirements in a number of ways. That is why Filmora happens to be a better option than Final Cut Pro. We will illustrate all the different methods to change video speed in Filmora.

You can watch this video to understand how to change video speed in Filmora.

Method 1. The Simplest Way - Click “2x-100x” Speed Options

Just like Final Cut Pro, you can choose from preset speed options to change video speed. This is undoubtedly the easiest way to change video speed instantly. While Final Cut Pro offers 2X to 20X speed options, Filmora has 2X to 100X speed presets. Here are the steps to speed up video by choosing a preset speed option.

Step1 Download, install and simply Launch Filmora. Tap Create New Project option.

install and simply launch filmora

Step2 Go to File> Import Media> Import Media Files and choose the video file. The selected video will be imported into the Project Media folder. Alternatively, you can also use the drag/drop function.

the project media folder

Step3 Drag and drop the video file onto the timeline. Select the video clip from the timeline and click on the Speed (timer icon) option at the top of the timeline. If you want to speed up a portion of the video, you need to split the video clip.

split the video clip

Step4 From the menu, go to Fast and select any speed option as per your requirements. Thereafter, play the video to see the changes.

select any speed option

Step5 Press Export to save the video file in your desired file format.

Method 2. Use Uniform Speed to Change Speed

If you want to customize the video speed uniformly, there is a dedicated option called Uniform Speed in Filmora. This means you do not want to choose from the preset speed options. You may want to set the speed of the video to 3X, but it is not available in the preset options.

That is where Uniform Speed comes in handy, and you can set any speed from 0.01X to 100X. Here are the steps to follow.

Step1 Once you have dropped the video file onto the timeline, click on the Speed(timer) icon.

Step2 Click on the Uniform Speed option. This will open the Uniform Speed tab above the timeline.

uniform speed option

Step3 Adjust the speed slider to set the desired speed as per your requirements. The duration will change as per the speed you set, and you can set the duration below the speed slider. Just like Final Cut Pro, you can turn on Ripple and Audio Pitch as per your preference.

Step4 Once you are satisfied with the speed, click on the Ok button. Thereafter, tap Export to save the edited video file.

Method 3. Use Speed Ramping to Change Speed

There is a unique way to change your video speed called speed ramping. You can speed up some parts and slow down the other parts, like crests and troughs in a graph.

The speed ramping feature comes with several graphical presets. You can choose from the presets and customize the speed as per your requirements. Check the steps to use speed ramping to change your video speed.

Step1 Drag and drop the video file onto the timeline. Click on the Speed(timer) icon at the top of the timeline.

Step2 Click on Speed Ramping option. This will open Speed Ramping above the timeline.

click on speed ramping option

Step3 Select from the available preset as per your requirements. Otherwise, you can select Customize option and edit the nodes as needed.

available preset

Step4 Once satisfied with the result, click on the Ok button. Finally, tap Export


There are some videos where you may have to speed up certain parts. In detail, we have illustrated how to speed up the video in Final Cut Pro. However, if you do not have Final Cut Pro or are unsatisfied with FCP, Wondershare Filmora is a great choice. Most importantly, the steps for all the different methods are very simple for everyone to follow.

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

How to Change Video Speed in Filmora?

Changing video speed in Filmora is super easy. You can speed up your video as per your requirements in a number of ways. That is why Filmora happens to be a better option than Final Cut Pro. We will illustrate all the different methods to change video speed in Filmora.

You can watch this video to understand how to change video speed in Filmora.

Method 1. The Simplest Way - Click “2x-100x” Speed Options

Just like Final Cut Pro, you can choose from preset speed options to change video speed. This is undoubtedly the easiest way to change video speed instantly. While Final Cut Pro offers 2X to 20X speed options, Filmora has 2X to 100X speed presets. Here are the steps to speed up video by choosing a preset speed option.

Step1 Download, install and simply Launch Filmora. Tap Create New Project option.

install and simply launch filmora

Step2 Go to File> Import Media> Import Media Files and choose the video file. The selected video will be imported into the Project Media folder. Alternatively, you can also use the drag/drop function.

the project media folder

Step3 Drag and drop the video file onto the timeline. Select the video clip from the timeline and click on the Speed (timer icon) option at the top of the timeline. If you want to speed up a portion of the video, you need to split the video clip.

split the video clip

Step4 From the menu, go to Fast and select any speed option as per your requirements. Thereafter, play the video to see the changes.

select any speed option

Step5 Press Export to save the video file in your desired file format.

Method 2. Use Uniform Speed to Change Speed

If you want to customize the video speed uniformly, there is a dedicated option called Uniform Speed in Filmora. This means you do not want to choose from the preset speed options. You may want to set the speed of the video to 3X, but it is not available in the preset options.

That is where Uniform Speed comes in handy, and you can set any speed from 0.01X to 100X. Here are the steps to follow.

Step1 Once you have dropped the video file onto the timeline, click on the Speed(timer) icon.

Step2 Click on the Uniform Speed option. This will open the Uniform Speed tab above the timeline.

uniform speed option

Step3 Adjust the speed slider to set the desired speed as per your requirements. The duration will change as per the speed you set, and you can set the duration below the speed slider. Just like Final Cut Pro, you can turn on Ripple and Audio Pitch as per your preference.

Step4 Once you are satisfied with the speed, click on the Ok button. Thereafter, tap Export to save the edited video file.

Method 3. Use Speed Ramping to Change Speed

There is a unique way to change your video speed called speed ramping. You can speed up some parts and slow down the other parts, like crests and troughs in a graph.

The speed ramping feature comes with several graphical presets. You can choose from the presets and customize the speed as per your requirements. Check the steps to use speed ramping to change your video speed.

Step1 Drag and drop the video file onto the timeline. Click on the Speed(timer) icon at the top of the timeline.

Step2 Click on Speed Ramping option. This will open Speed Ramping above the timeline.

click on speed ramping option

Step3 Select from the available preset as per your requirements. Otherwise, you can select Customize option and edit the nodes as needed.

available preset

Step4 Once satisfied with the result, click on the Ok button. Finally, tap Export


There are some videos where you may have to speed up certain parts. In detail, we have illustrated how to speed up the video in Final Cut Pro. However, if you do not have Final Cut Pro or are unsatisfied with FCP, Wondershare Filmora is a great choice. Most importantly, the steps for all the different methods are very simple for everyone to follow.

Also read:

  • Title: In 2024, Create A Freeze Frame Sequence In Your Videos
  • Author: Chloe
  • Created at : 2024-05-20 03:37:59
  • Updated at : 2024-05-21 03:37:59
  • Link:
  • License: This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.
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In 2024, Create A Freeze Frame Sequence In Your Videos