In 2024, Have You Ever Heard Bokeh Effects for Videos? Do You Know that You Can Make Your Own Bokeh Video Easily with some Software. This Article Will Introduce You How to Make a Bokeh Effect Video with Steps

In 2024, Have You Ever Heard Bokeh Effects for Videos? Do You Know that You Can Make Your Own Bokeh Video Easily with some Software. This Article Will Introduce You How to Make a Bokeh Effect Video with Steps

Chloe Lv12

Have You Ever Heard Bokeh Effects for Videos? Do You Know that You Can Make Your Own Bokeh Video Easily with some Software. This Article Will Introduce You How to Make a Bokeh Effect Video with Steps

There’s a strong chance you’ve heard about bokeh before if you frequently visit photography websites or have friends who are photographers. What exactly is this optical effect that camera aficionados frequently discuss? Bokeh, who is derived from the Japanese word for “blur,” is a term used in photography to describe how a lens presents an out-of-focus background.

  1. Paintshop Pro
  2. Blur n Bokeh
  3. PhotoDirector
  4. Tadaa SLR

Part 1. What is a Bokeh Effect?

The Japanese word boke, which meaning “blur,” “haze,” or “boke-aji,” the “blur quality,” is where the term “bokeh” originates. The pronunciation of bokeh is BOH-K or BOH-kay. You can find a lot of people discussing the beautiful bokeh that their favorite fast lenses allow on any photography website or forum.

Bokeh is characterized by the words “smooth,” “amazing,” “superb,” “good,” “beautiful,” “sweet,” “silky,” and “great.” But what is it exactly? When using a fast lens and the widest aperture possible, such as f/2.8 or wider, you can create bokeh, which is described as “the effect of a fuzzy out-of-focus background.” Bokeh is the appealing or aesthetically pleasant aspect of out-of-focus blur in a shot, to put it simply.

Part 2. What is a Bokeh effect used for?

Most often, bokeh is employed for artistic purposes. You might occasionally desire a little background blur so that the viewer’s attention is drawn to the subject. In other cases, you can want it to completely detract from the subject, as in portraiture when you want to concentrate on the individual’s eyes or mouth while blurring the rest of the image. It’s true that some people use bokeh inadvertently, like looking for photos with excellent bokeh that they may use as free images on their websites or blogs. This isn’t advised, though, as it’s against the law and usually frowned upon in the photographic community as a whole to steal someone else’s image in this manner.

Part 3. How do you create a Bokeh effect?

Bokeh’s smooth, organic texture is among its most lovely features. The major goal in producing this effect is to distinguish the subject from the backdrop by employing a shallow depth of field. You will learn how to create beautiful bokeh for your photos in this video. One of the most alluring photographic effects, particularly for portraits, is bokeh. It can impart a sense of perfection to everything in a photo, making it look lot more appealing and engaging. Bokeh helps to create a dreamy backdrop that gives the image a whole new level of depth and perspective.

Using a camera lens with a shallow depth of focus is one of the many methods for achieving bokeh in photography. You need a short depth of field so that your lens aperture can be opened up as wide as possible to achieve beautiful bokeh. You can take pictures with shallow depth of field, often known as bokeh, with a point and shoot or a DSLR. A common photography technique used to make the subject stand out from the backdrop is called bokeh.

It can be used to draw attention to the topic by blurring or losing focus on the background. Three different kinds of lenses can create beautiful bokeh: prime lenses with a wide aperture The best lenses for bokeh are often wide-aperture prime lenses. Although they are frequently more expensive and heavier than zoom lenses, they offer a wider field of view. Since there is a greater difference in depth between the foreground and background when using a wide-open aperture, wide aperture prime lenses make blurring the background easier.

Part 4. What software do you need for a Bokeh effect?

Bokeh is one of the best techniques for creating a soft out-of-focus background and emphasizing a certain spot in a shot. Utilizing a fast lens and modifying the camera’s aperture settings are the typical methods for obtaining bokeh. Still, using software for both Windows and Mac, even amateur photographers may enhance their photographs with a fantastic bokeh effect.

It might be challenging to determine which photo editing software is ideal for producing high-quality bokeh effects without trying them all out, which isn’t always an option. The top five Bokeh Effect Makers will be discussed in this post in order to improve your photographs’ visual appeal and set them apart from the competition.

# Paintshop Pro

With a comprehensive toolkit created for users of all ability levels, Paintshop Pro enables you to edit, enhance, and repair your photos. A touch-friendly photography option with a distinctive split-screen before-and-after function was recently added to the software. Paintshop Pro is a good option if you’re searching for a reasonably priced photo editor that lets you tack on extra premium capabilities as you go.

Depending on your degree of competence, the software offers three distinct workspaces for you to choose from. Essential editing tools and cutting-edge technologies like AI Upsampling and AI Style Transfer can be found in the Photography Workspace, which is intended for beginners or those making short alterations.

All of the common editing and retouching tools are present in the Essentials Workspace, but only a limited number of tools and palettes are visible. You may also change the available settings to display or hide the controls you need. Last but not least, Paintshop Pro’s Complete Workspace shows all of its tools and features.

# Blur n Bokeh

The focus of Blur & Bokeh for Mac is blurring an image’s backdrop and foreground. It has the ability to boost the saturation, brightness, and warmth of the highlighted areas, as well as masking with edge detection. The clever edge-preserving method is one of the software’s strongest components. It offers excellent outcomes for creating realistic-looking image output.

You may modify the foreground and background of your photographs using a variety of filters. Although Blur n Bokeh is excellent at producing bokeh, it’s not the ideal choice if you’re searching for software that provides a variety of additional picture editing features.

# PhotoDirector

All skill levels will benefit greatly from using PhotoDirector, a complete photo editor that is free to download and simple to use. Express Mode, who is great for making quick edits, or Full Mode, which offers preset and manual photo alteration options along with creative effects, overlays, and beauty options, are two ways the program lets you access the editor.

The best part is that there is a special bokeh tool that lets you add bokeh lights and blur a specific section of an image with just one click. PhotoDirector employs an image’s natural light sources to create the bokeh effects, in contrast to other tools. Having said that, you may select a shape from 25 options and even enable live animation.

Both beginning and experienced photographers will find PhotoDirector to be a desirable alternative. PhotoDirector is unquestionably at the top of the list if you’re seeking for reliable post-processing software with a large range of features.

# Tadaa SLR

Although there are many amazing things about your iPhone, its camera will never be able to take pictures with the same wonderfully shallow depth of field as your DSLR. That will always be the case unless Apple manages to get a much, much larger sensor into the phone.

Software, however, may mimic that lavish, shallow depth of field appearance. Tadaa SLR accomplishes this. Actually, Tadaa allows you to alter the photo’s focus point in addition to artificially adjusting the depth of field. Similar to what you can accomplish with the cutting-edge Lytro camera, it does it after you take the picture.

Tadaa is launched in camera mode, and you compose and snap your picture. Alternately, you can pick a picture from your camera roll if you wish to start with an existing image. A few widgets are as follows: Switch between a square or wide shot, show a line of thirds grid, and turn the flash on and off. Even access to the front and back cameras is provided by Tadaa.


Many popular photo editing programs require intermediate-level photo editing knowledge and can be a bit on the expensive side, but there are a few programs out there that cater to all skill levels and have free versions

that don’t cut corners on quality.

While each photo editor comes with various pros and cons, only one strikes a balance between offering a wide range of editing tools and being easy to navigate, and that’s PhotoDirector.

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Part 1. What is a Bokeh Effect?

The Japanese word boke, which meaning “blur,” “haze,” or “boke-aji,” the “blur quality,” is where the term “bokeh” originates. The pronunciation of bokeh is BOH-K or BOH-kay. You can find a lot of people discussing the beautiful bokeh that their favorite fast lenses allow on any photography website or forum.

Bokeh is characterized by the words “smooth,” “amazing,” “superb,” “good,” “beautiful,” “sweet,” “silky,” and “great.” But what is it exactly? When using a fast lens and the widest aperture possible, such as f/2.8 or wider, you can create bokeh, which is described as “the effect of a fuzzy out-of-focus background.” Bokeh is the appealing or aesthetically pleasant aspect of out-of-focus blur in a shot, to put it simply.

Part 2. What is a Bokeh effect used for?

Most often, bokeh is employed for artistic purposes. You might occasionally desire a little background blur so that the viewer’s attention is drawn to the subject. In other cases, you can want it to completely detract from the subject, as in portraiture when you want to concentrate on the individual’s eyes or mouth while blurring the rest of the image. It’s true that some people use bokeh inadvertently, like looking for photos with excellent bokeh that they may use as free images on their websites or blogs. This isn’t advised, though, as it’s against the law and usually frowned upon in the photographic community as a whole to steal someone else’s image in this manner.

Part 3. How do you create a Bokeh effect?

Bokeh’s smooth, organic texture is among its most lovely features. The major goal in producing this effect is to distinguish the subject from the backdrop by employing a shallow depth of field. You will learn how to create beautiful bokeh for your photos in this video. One of the most alluring photographic effects, particularly for portraits, is bokeh. It can impart a sense of perfection to everything in a photo, making it look lot more appealing and engaging. Bokeh helps to create a dreamy backdrop that gives the image a whole new level of depth and perspective.

Using a camera lens with a shallow depth of focus is one of the many methods for achieving bokeh in photography. You need a short depth of field so that your lens aperture can be opened up as wide as possible to achieve beautiful bokeh. You can take pictures with shallow depth of field, often known as bokeh, with a point and shoot or a DSLR. A common photography technique used to make the subject stand out from the backdrop is called bokeh.

It can be used to draw attention to the topic by blurring or losing focus on the background. Three different kinds of lenses can create beautiful bokeh: prime lenses with a wide aperture The best lenses for bokeh are often wide-aperture prime lenses. Although they are frequently more expensive and heavier than zoom lenses, they offer a wider field of view. Since there is a greater difference in depth between the foreground and background when using a wide-open aperture, wide aperture prime lenses make blurring the background easier.

Part 4. What software do you need for a Bokeh effect?

Bokeh is one of the best techniques for creating a soft out-of-focus background and emphasizing a certain spot in a shot. Utilizing a fast lens and modifying the camera’s aperture settings are the typical methods for obtaining bokeh. Still, using software for both Windows and Mac, even amateur photographers may enhance their photographs with a fantastic bokeh effect.

It might be challenging to determine which photo editing software is ideal for producing high-quality bokeh effects without trying them all out, which isn’t always an option. The top five Bokeh Effect Makers will be discussed in this post in order to improve your photographs’ visual appeal and set them apart from the competition.

# Paintshop Pro

With a comprehensive toolkit created for users of all ability levels, Paintshop Pro enables you to edit, enhance, and repair your photos. A touch-friendly photography option with a distinctive split-screen before-and-after function was recently added to the software. Paintshop Pro is a good option if you’re searching for a reasonably priced photo editor that lets you tack on extra premium capabilities as you go.

Depending on your degree of competence, the software offers three distinct workspaces for you to choose from. Essential editing tools and cutting-edge technologies like AI Upsampling and AI Style Transfer can be found in the Photography Workspace, which is intended for beginners or those making short alterations.

All of the common editing and retouching tools are present in the Essentials Workspace, but only a limited number of tools and palettes are visible. You may also change the available settings to display or hide the controls you need. Last but not least, Paintshop Pro’s Complete Workspace shows all of its tools and features.

# Blur n Bokeh

The focus of Blur & Bokeh for Mac is blurring an image’s backdrop and foreground. It has the ability to boost the saturation, brightness, and warmth of the highlighted areas, as well as masking with edge detection. The clever edge-preserving method is one of the software’s strongest components. It offers excellent outcomes for creating realistic-looking image output.

You may modify the foreground and background of your photographs using a variety of filters. Although Blur n Bokeh is excellent at producing bokeh, it’s not the ideal choice if you’re searching for software that provides a variety of additional picture editing features.

# PhotoDirector

All skill levels will benefit greatly from using PhotoDirector, a complete photo editor that is free to download and simple to use. Express Mode, who is great for making quick edits, or Full Mode, which offers preset and manual photo alteration options along with creative effects, overlays, and beauty options, are two ways the program lets you access the editor.

The best part is that there is a special bokeh tool that lets you add bokeh lights and blur a specific section of an image with just one click. PhotoDirector employs an image’s natural light sources to create the bokeh effects, in contrast to other tools. Having said that, you may select a shape from 25 options and even enable live animation.

Both beginning and experienced photographers will find PhotoDirector to be a desirable alternative. PhotoDirector is unquestionably at the top of the list if you’re seeking for reliable post-processing software with a large range of features.

# Tadaa SLR

Although there are many amazing things about your iPhone, its camera will never be able to take pictures with the same wonderfully shallow depth of field as your DSLR. That will always be the case unless Apple manages to get a much, much larger sensor into the phone.

Software, however, may mimic that lavish, shallow depth of field appearance. Tadaa SLR accomplishes this. Actually, Tadaa allows you to alter the photo’s focus point in addition to artificially adjusting the depth of field. Similar to what you can accomplish with the cutting-edge Lytro camera, it does it after you take the picture.

Tadaa is launched in camera mode, and you compose and snap your picture. Alternately, you can pick a picture from your camera roll if you wish to start with an existing image. A few widgets are as follows: Switch between a square or wide shot, show a line of thirds grid, and turn the flash on and off. Even access to the front and back cameras is provided by Tadaa.


Many popular photo editing programs require intermediate-level photo editing knowledge and can be a bit on the expensive side, but there are a few programs out there that cater to all skill levels and have free versions

that don’t cut corners on quality.

While each photo editor comes with various pros and cons, only one strikes a balance between offering a wide range of editing tools and being easy to navigate, and that’s PhotoDirector.

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

How to Split a Video Into Parts on All Platforms

Digitalization and increased competition on social media platforms have significantly increased the demand for video editing software to split videos into multiple parts. Despite the introduction and availability of numerous software, you might find it challenging to decide on one software that fits your video editing criteria.

This guide will introduce some powerful software that can be used for different systems, such as Android, Mac, Windows, Linux, iPhone, etc., to split your videos into parts.

Part 1: How to split a video into parts on Windows?

Some video editors can help you accomplish your goal of easily splitting videos on your computer with half the work! Next, we’ll suggest a few light and user-friendly video editors for the Windows operating system.

1. Wondershare Filmora

Filmora is a video editor for Windows that makes creating beautiful and compelling videos simple. It only takes a few easy steps to create videos using Filmora’s built-in editing features.

To cut your video into clips, you have to follow the steps:

Step1Install the Filmora video cutter on your PC.

Step2Launch Filmora, click on the New Project and import the video you need to split.

Step3Once you have uploaded the video, drag the video mark to the point you want the video to split. Now, click on the split icon or press Ctrl+B to automatically divide it into parts.

split icon

Step4Select the part you want to delete and click on the Delete icon; your unnecessary parts will be cut.

Step5Apply filters and transitions if required. Then, export and save the split video.

2. Wondershare UniConverter

Along with helping you convert different video formats, UniConverter also supports you in completing the video’s first editing. It removes extras and gives it an elegant appearance. You need to follow the instructions to obtain your preferred video. These videos can be shared on YouTube and other websites.

You can use the following steps to divide your video into parts on Windows:

Step1Download and launch Wondershare UniConverter and click on Editor to start editing the video.

editing the video

Step2From the options that appear on your screen, select trim to cut and edit the video.

cut and edit the video

Step3To split a video, select the clip you don’t want and click the scissor icon.

click the scissor icon

Step4Once you have split the videos into different parts, you can move to the final step to export and save the video file.

save the video file

Part 2: How to split a video into parts on Mac?

If you want to edit your video and trim, you can do it by Filmora on Mac. They are

1. Wondershare Filmora for Mac

Wondershare Filmora is a video editing program with a delightfully user-friendly interface that enables anyone to become an excellent video editor. With the help of various strong editing tools and Wondershare Filmora, users may quickly and easily make great videos.

You can easily split the video into different parts by following these steps:

Step1Install the Filmora video editor on your Mac.

Step2Start Filmora, select New Project, then import the video you want to split.

Step3On the timeline, drag the red scissor icon to the place where you wish to split it, then right-click on it. Click the “Split” option when you see it now.


Or choose the video from the timeline, slide the red line to the target dot, and then click the red scissor or the scissor at the top of the timeline to split it.

red scissor

Step4You can export your video after finishing all the editing.

2. iMovie

iMovie is a video editing software designed and built by Apple Inc. for their products, such as Mac. This video editing software involves a wide range of features that include the modification and enhancement of video quality, split, trimming, or crop videos, adding transitions, and some other valuable and useful features.

There are steps to get your edited video by iMovie.

Step1Download and launch iMovie on your device.

download and launch imovie

Step2Upload the video for editing by clicking on Create Project.

clicking on create project

Step3Trim or Split the video.

trim or split the video

Step4Export and save the video.

export and save the video

Part 3: How to split a video into parts on Linux?

OpenShot is a potent free video editor that supports more than 70 languages and has a variety of useful functions, including video motion effects. It is unquestionably a simple, quick-to-learn, yet surprisingly effective video editor.

We can be done this by using OpenShot on Linux after going through the steps below:

Step1Install the OpenShot on your Linux and launch it.

Step2Import the video files, then select Split Clip from the context menu by right-clicking. You can also use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + X.

Step3In the preview window, select the start screen and click Start (the end screen and click End). When finished, press Create. This video will then be extracted and show up in your media library as a separate clip.

Part 4: How to split the video into parts on iPhone?

1. Built-in Photos App

We advise using the editing feature in the iPhone’s built-in Photo app if you only want to do basic video editing.

Step1Open the Photos App and press the Edit button to split the video.

Step2Move the pointer on the desired clip to modify the selection, then click the Done button in the bottom right corner to save the video.

Step3You have the option of immediately replacing the original or selecting Save Video as New Clip.

selecting save video

2. Filmora

You can cut your video by iPhone by the following method:

Step1Install the Filmora application from the play store and launch it. Click on New Project to upload the video.

Step2To split a frame, you must drag the video clip onto the timeline while allowing the playhead to remain where you want it. To finish separating, tap the Split button.

Step3Tap the Export button once you’ve finished editing the video.

tap the export button

Part 5: How to split the video into parts on Android?

There is the easiest way to divide your videos into multiple parts by Android. You can cut it into pieces or edit a video by using this one.

Step1Open gallery on your phone and tap on the item you need to split. Then, click on the Pencil icon.

Step2Edit the video by touching on the scissor i.e., allowing you to split the video.

Step3Once you have completed editing the video, save the video.

save the video

2. Filmora on Android

As in iPhone, Filmora also helps to cut, delete, or edit the video according to our choice in Android. It makes the clip of the movie short or pure. To get all the processes keenly study the steps below:

Step1Install the Filmora application from the play store and launch it. Click on New Project to upload the video.

Step2Upload the video.

Step3Split the video into as many parts as you want. Delete the other parts if you do not need them.

Step4Once you have edited the video, export and save it.

edited video

Part 6: How to split the video into parts online?

All the above methods are possible if we install and download the software or apps. But in the online method, you go to the website and can get your video in trimmed form any time. No need to download it before work. They are:

Users can make video and audio playlists using the online video editor VEED and then share them on social media websites. Moreover, it has a lot of editing options that might help you realize more potential for your videos.

Use the following instructions:

Step1Open on Google and click Choose video.

choose video

Step2Upload your video item**, then** drag and splice your video in the timeline.

upload video

Step3The video will be divided into many parts as you want

divide video into many parts

Step4Delete them by clicking Split or S on the keyboard

clicking split or s

Step5Click the Export to save the edited video.


Today, we recommend the most user-friendly video editors available for each platform, in which Filmora is one of the best editing software which can be used easily. It can be used on many devices, as discussed above. They can cut and make our videos better for you. Usually, you guys need to edit your videos according to your will. Filmora helps you in it and makes your presentation well.

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Part 4: How to split the video into parts on iPhone?

1. Built-in Photos App

We advise using the editing feature in the iPhone’s built-in Photo app if you only want to do basic video editing.

Step1Open the Photos App and press the Edit button to split the video.

Step2Move the pointer on the desired clip to modify the selection, then click the Done button in the bottom right corner to save the video.

Step3You have the option of immediately replacing the original or selecting Save Video as New Clip.

selecting save video

2. Filmora

You can cut your video by iPhone by the following method:

Step1Install the Filmora application from the play store and launch it. Click on New Project to upload the video.

Step2To split a frame, you must drag the video clip onto the timeline while allowing the playhead to remain where you want it. To finish separating, tap the Split button.

Step3Tap the Export button once you’ve finished editing the video.

tap the export button

Part 5: How to split the video into parts on Android?

There is the easiest way to divide your videos into multiple parts by Android. You can cut it into pieces or edit a video by using this one.

Step1Open gallery on your phone and tap on the item you need to split. Then, click on the Pencil icon.

Step2Edit the video by touching on the scissor i.e., allowing you to split the video.

Step3Once you have completed editing the video, save the video.

save the video

2. Filmora on Android

As in iPhone, Filmora also helps to cut, delete, or edit the video according to our choice in Android. It makes the clip of the movie short or pure. To get all the processes keenly study the steps below:

Step1Install the Filmora application from the play store and launch it. Click on New Project to upload the video.

Step2Upload the video.

Step3Split the video into as many parts as you want. Delete the other parts if you do not need them.

Step4Once you have edited the video, export and save it.

edited video

Part 6: How to split the video into parts online?

All the above methods are possible if we install and download the software or apps. But in the online method, you go to the website and can get your video in trimmed form any time. No need to download it before work. They are:

Users can make video and audio playlists using the online video editor VEED and then share them on social media websites. Moreover, it has a lot of editing options that might help you realize more potential for your videos.

Use the following instructions:

Step1Open on Google and click Choose video.

choose video

Step2Upload your video item**, then** drag and splice your video in the timeline.

upload video

Step3The video will be divided into many parts as you want

divide video into many parts

Step4Delete them by clicking Split or S on the keyboard

clicking split or s

Step5Click the Export to save the edited video.


Today, we recommend the most user-friendly video editors available for each platform, in which Filmora is one of the best editing software which can be used easily. It can be used on many devices, as discussed above. They can cut and make our videos better for you. Usually, you guys need to edit your videos according to your will. Filmora helps you in it and makes your presentation well.

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Premiere Pro Best Slow Motion Effects To Use

Adobe Premiere Pro is a famous video editing program in the media industry. It includes professional-quality features that enable advanced video editing. Due to its impressive performance, many content creators use this tool to add slow-motion effects to the videos. If you are at a beginner stage of video editing, you may not know how to operate Premiere Pro slow-motion effects. Thus, this guide will provide you with basic yet accurate instructions.

To create slow-motion effects in Premiere Pro, the guide will describe the instructions in a simple way. We will also highlight the templates of this tool providing slow-motion effects in Premiere Pro for videos. Hence, keep discovering this guide to learn more details.

Slow Motion Video Maker Slow your video’s speed with better control of your keyframes to create unique cinematic effects!

Make A Slow Motion Video Make A Slow Motion Video More Features

Wondershare Filmora

Part 1: How To Perform Slow Motion on Adobe Premiere Pro?

Adobe Premiere Pro offers an advanced user interface to perform complex functions. It contains a wide range of features supporting non-destructive video editing. Its auto-correct feature lets you adjust the color patterns of the video in a smart way. Moreover, it contains a comparison view to analyze the before and after visual effects. You can also add adjustment layers in the timeline to change many clips at once.

On Premiere Pro, you can also connect third-party plugins for more features. It also supports many professional-grade formats to offer flexibility for video editors. Among other features, it can also apply slow-motion effects to the video. To make Premiere Pro slow-motion effects, you can use the following steps:

Step 1: On Premiere Pro, upload the video in which you want to create a slow-motion effect. To proceed, drag it to the timeline with your cursor. At the start of the timeline, right-click on the small icon saying FX on the left side. From there, select “Time Remapping” and then “Speed.”

access speed settings

Step 2: Now, add the keyframe where you want to begin and end the slow-motion effect. To do so, press “CTRL + Click” on the timeline. To add a ramp, click on the added keyframes and drag them a little to the right side.

add keyframe for speed adjustment

Step 3: To proceed, move to the central part of the two added keyframes. Afterward, click on the central part and drag it downwards. By doing so, you can see the reduced percentage number on the timeline. To add a more slow-motion effect, pull down the central part of the timeline. For more adjustments in the length within the keyframes, you can go to the effects control. By doing so, you can determine how smoothly you want to create a slow-motion effect.

adjust keyframes and finalize

Part 2:Leading Templates Offering Quick Slow Motion Effect in Premiere Pro

In this section, you can find popular slow-motion effect Premiere Pro templates. After accessing the templates, you can customize them as per your needs. Hence, let’s dig into the details below:

This template is perfect for use in the intros of videos, presentations, slideshows, etc. It contains 9 different scenes of outdoor areas. Moreover, it offers 16 media placeholders and 7 text placeholders to add custom content. You can promote your brand by using its 2 placeholder logos. Hence, it’s a perfect slow-motion video template with HD-quality resolution.

slow motion short opener template

The slow-motion explosion logo opener is an attractive template featuring vibrant colors. It contains a hand-drawn animated logo with suitable backgrounds. Along with the logo reveal, it includes background music that matches the theme of the video. It also offers media and text placeholders to let you introduce your brand.

slow motion explosion logo opener template

Do you want to create a modern video on Premiere Pro? Well, this slow-motion template features freeze frames to offer viewers a unique look. The template gives a glimpse of urban life with energetic background music. It’s available in full HD resolution with eye-catching urban locations. Hence, try this template for demos, fashion, and action videos.

urban freeze frame template

Dynamic Sport is one of the famous slow-motion Premiere Pro templates. With a modern outlook, it includes simple text animation. Moreover, it uses many transitioning effects to produce a stunning video. You can insert extra content with its 8 editable text placeholders. Thus, download this template and customize it in Premiere Pro.

dynamic sport template

This planet-themed template introduces cinematic spinning planets. With 8 text placeholders, you can write content related to your shows, movies, and events. It contains intriguing background music that can grasp the attention of your audience. In full HD resolution, this template can help you produce cinematic slow-motion videos with minimal effort.

planet titles template

Part 3: Tutorial: Perform Slow Motion in Filmora Video Editing

Are you ready to perform slow-motion effects in Premiere Pro in Filmora? Check the directions below to add a slow-motion effect to your video .

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Step 1Browse and Import the File

After the launch of Filmora, click on the “New Project” button. Click on the “Import Media” section to browse the video file. Once done, drag the video to the timeline to start the editing process.

add file to filmora

Step 2Open Speed Ramping Settings

Go to the right panel of the screen to open the settings. From there, go to the “Speed” tab and select “Speed Ramping”. It will display the speed ramping settings below.

access speed ramping settings

Step 3Adjust the Video Speed

The presets are available for speed ramping in the above section. Choose “Customize” and then proceed to the small graph given below. Here, you can move the points to adjust the video’s speed. By pulling down the points, you can reduce the video’s speed. Continue the process until you achieve your desired speed.

select preset or customize

Step 4Render the Video

Expand the option of “AI Frame Interpolation” and choose “Optical Flow.” Once done, click on “Render Preview” from the timeline’s toolbar to see the highest-quality results.

introduce optical flow and export


Slow-motion effect Premiere Pro can produce high-end results for professionals. Yet, this tool is not ideal for every kind of user. In contrast, Filmora is the most flexible tool due to its friendly user interface. Without extensive manual efforts, you can produce slow-motion videos within a few clicks. Moreover, it features many AI options to let you increase your productivity.

Make A Slow Motion Video Make A Slow Motion Video More Features

Wondershare Filmora

Part 1: How To Perform Slow Motion on Adobe Premiere Pro?

Adobe Premiere Pro offers an advanced user interface to perform complex functions. It contains a wide range of features supporting non-destructive video editing. Its auto-correct feature lets you adjust the color patterns of the video in a smart way. Moreover, it contains a comparison view to analyze the before and after visual effects. You can also add adjustment layers in the timeline to change many clips at once.

On Premiere Pro, you can also connect third-party plugins for more features. It also supports many professional-grade formats to offer flexibility for video editors. Among other features, it can also apply slow-motion effects to the video. To make Premiere Pro slow-motion effects, you can use the following steps:

Step 1: On Premiere Pro, upload the video in which you want to create a slow-motion effect. To proceed, drag it to the timeline with your cursor. At the start of the timeline, right-click on the small icon saying FX on the left side. From there, select “Time Remapping” and then “Speed.”

access speed settings

Step 2: Now, add the keyframe where you want to begin and end the slow-motion effect. To do so, press “CTRL + Click” on the timeline. To add a ramp, click on the added keyframes and drag them a little to the right side.

add keyframe for speed adjustment

Step 3: To proceed, move to the central part of the two added keyframes. Afterward, click on the central part and drag it downwards. By doing so, you can see the reduced percentage number on the timeline. To add a more slow-motion effect, pull down the central part of the timeline. For more adjustments in the length within the keyframes, you can go to the effects control. By doing so, you can determine how smoothly you want to create a slow-motion effect.

adjust keyframes and finalize

Part 2:Leading Templates Offering Quick Slow Motion Effect in Premiere Pro

In this section, you can find popular slow-motion effect Premiere Pro templates. After accessing the templates, you can customize them as per your needs. Hence, let’s dig into the details below:

This template is perfect for use in the intros of videos, presentations, slideshows, etc. It contains 9 different scenes of outdoor areas. Moreover, it offers 16 media placeholders and 7 text placeholders to add custom content. You can promote your brand by using its 2 placeholder logos. Hence, it’s a perfect slow-motion video template with HD-quality resolution.

slow motion short opener template

The slow-motion explosion logo opener is an attractive template featuring vibrant colors. It contains a hand-drawn animated logo with suitable backgrounds. Along with the logo reveal, it includes background music that matches the theme of the video. It also offers media and text placeholders to let you introduce your brand.

slow motion explosion logo opener template

Do you want to create a modern video on Premiere Pro? Well, this slow-motion template features freeze frames to offer viewers a unique look. The template gives a glimpse of urban life with energetic background music. It’s available in full HD resolution with eye-catching urban locations. Hence, try this template for demos, fashion, and action videos.

urban freeze frame template

Dynamic Sport is one of the famous slow-motion Premiere Pro templates. With a modern outlook, it includes simple text animation. Moreover, it uses many transitioning effects to produce a stunning video. You can insert extra content with its 8 editable text placeholders. Thus, download this template and customize it in Premiere Pro.

dynamic sport template

This planet-themed template introduces cinematic spinning planets. With 8 text placeholders, you can write content related to your shows, movies, and events. It contains intriguing background music that can grasp the attention of your audience. In full HD resolution, this template can help you produce cinematic slow-motion videos with minimal effort.

planet titles template

Part 3: Tutorial: Perform Slow Motion in Filmora Video Editing

Are you ready to perform slow-motion effects in Premiere Pro in Filmora? Check the directions below to add a slow-motion effect to your video .

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Step 1Browse and Import the File

After the launch of Filmora, click on the “New Project” button. Click on the “Import Media” section to browse the video file. Once done, drag the video to the timeline to start the editing process.

add file to filmora

Step 2Open Speed Ramping Settings

Go to the right panel of the screen to open the settings. From there, go to the “Speed” tab and select “Speed Ramping”. It will display the speed ramping settings below.

access speed ramping settings

Step 3Adjust the Video Speed

The presets are available for speed ramping in the above section. Choose “Customize” and then proceed to the small graph given below. Here, you can move the points to adjust the video’s speed. By pulling down the points, you can reduce the video’s speed. Continue the process until you achieve your desired speed.

select preset or customize

Step 4Render the Video

Expand the option of “AI Frame Interpolation” and choose “Optical Flow.” Once done, click on “Render Preview” from the timeline’s toolbar to see the highest-quality results.

introduce optical flow and export


Slow-motion effect Premiere Pro can produce high-end results for professionals. Yet, this tool is not ideal for every kind of user. In contrast, Filmora is the most flexible tool due to its friendly user interface. Without extensive manual efforts, you can produce slow-motion videos within a few clicks. Moreover, it features many AI options to let you increase your productivity.

Detailed Tutorial to Crop a Video Using Openshot?

OPENSHOT is a free and open source video editing software that can be used to create or edit videos for various purposes. It provides the users with some special features like easy trimming, splitting and merging of clips, etc. By using Openshot, you can easily crop your short video (a clip) and also resize it.

OpenShot is freely available for Windows, Mac, and Linux platforms. You can download the software from Openshot official web page given below.

To install the program follow the steps mentioned below:

  1. OpenShot can be downloaded from the website <>. After opening your browser, you have to select your operating system (Windows, Mac, or Linux).

  2. Now you have to choose the correct download link for your computer. You can find 32 bit and 64-bit Openshot software there.

  3. Once you have downloaded this software, then open it using a double click on its icon.

  4. then a dialog box will open up on your screen, asking you to choose the language. You can select any of them based on your requirements.

  5. Now another dialog box will appear on your screen asking you to give the location where you want to install this software. To install it in the default location, simply click on the “Next” button.

  6. Now Openshot is successfully installed on your computer.

Openshot provides some special features like easy trimming, splitting and merging of clips, etc. You can easily cut or crop a part of your video by using its editing tools such as Crop (To remove unwanted black borders), Trim (To remove the unwanted front and end parts of your video clip).

Step-by-step on how to crop videos using Openshot?

To crop your short video (a clip) and also resize it, follow the steps given below:

Step 1: Open OpenShot Video Editor. Go to Applications> Education> OpenShot Video Editor.

Step 2: Import your video in Openshot. Under the “Project files” tab, you can either right click on your mouse and an Import Files command will show up, click it and choose the video that you want to import.


Step 3: Then, go to the “Effects” tab.


Step 4: From the list of options, you have to choose “Crop” option and drag it to the clip that you want to crop.


Step 5: After dragging it, you will see a letter ‘C’ on the clip which means crop. Right click on it and you will see few selections. Select ‘Properties’.


Step 6: Under ‘Properties’, you will see a ‘Selection’ drop down. Choose ‘Crop’. You can utilize it to adjust to your preferred video size, a video preview will show on the right side of the screen.


Step 7: You can also use the crop frame that will appear on your screen with some handles around it. You can drag these handles from four corners to resize the frame according to the content you want to crop.


Step 8: Once you have cropped your video, then go to the “File” tab in the uppermost part of the editor and select the “Save as” option and save your file.


In conclusion, follow the steps given above to crop your video, resize it and save your work.

There is a better way to do it which using Filmora. It is an online video editing software that allows its users to create videos for various purposes. It provides the users with some special features like easy trimming, splitting and merging of clips, etc. By using Filmora, you can easily crop your short video (a clip) and also resize it.

An easier way to crop video using Filmora

Wondershare Filmora Video Editor is a software created for use on Windows, designed to edit videos. It has many of the features of Adobe Premiere, but it is free.

It supports the following formats: AVI, MP4, WMV, MKV, MOV, FLV and 3GP.

Wondershare Filmora is different than most video editors in that it does not use timelines. Instead, the user edits clips in a storyboard and adds effects and titles to them. It also has an Audio Visualization feature that plays back music in your collection and shows what you’re listening to in real time. There is no voice-over tool and it is not possible to add an audio track.

Wondershare Filmora has a very large number of effects, all editable via keyframes. These include simple motion graphics such as fades and dissolves, but it also includes advanced options like motion blur and chroma-key. There are free downloadable effects, which are created by users.

Wondershare Filmora supports text editing and there is a large library of free fonts available for download on its website. It does not support green-screening/chroma-keying. This can be done in post production via Adobe Premiere or other software.

It also has the ability to add a number of different titles, which can be stacked and moved around in 3D space.

Wondershare Filmora allows you to import photos for use in slideshows and effects. Every clip or image can have its own effect applied to it if desired.

After editing, the project is rendered in real time with no waiting. You can also choose to render only part of the video by selecting the time range.

One final bonus is Wondershare Filmora’s media library, which allows users to add files from their computer and sort them by category. This makes finding your desired video a much easier task.

This software has a very simple interface that is easy to navigate, even for beginners. The design of the program makes it intuitive enough that you can start editing videos right away without having to go through tutorials. It is easy to create the desired effects and titles that you need for your video with just a few clicks. Its editing tools are powerful enough for professional use while still being easy to learn.

The one downside is that Wondershare Filmora does not support 4K resolution—the maximum output size is 1080p.

Free Download

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Free Download

For macOS 10.14 or later

Step-by-step on how to crop videos using Filmora?

To crop your short video (a clip) and also resize it, follow the steps given below:

Step 1: Open Filmora video editor. Go to the ‘Home’ menu and click on ‘Open Project’ or go to File > Open Project. Now, select your *.AVI or *.MP4 file.


Step 2: Click Alt + C in your keyboard. A small pop-out will show, it is for the command Crop and Zoom.


Step 3: Drag the corners of the frame to resize the size of your video or adjust position by dragging the handles. You can crop off anything outside this frame and hit “OK”.


Step 4: Adjust the crop and zoom as you like and finally, click on ‘Save Project As’ to export your video.


You can download Filmora free video editor from the official website easily. Just visit the behind-the-link and click on ‘Download’ to get the installer file. Once you have downloaded it, you need to install Filmora software on your computer to start using it.

Step 3: Then, go to the “Effects” tab.


Step 4: From the list of options, you have to choose “Crop” option and drag it to the clip that you want to crop.


Step 5: After dragging it, you will see a letter ‘C’ on the clip which means crop. Right click on it and you will see few selections. Select ‘Properties’.


Step 6: Under ‘Properties’, you will see a ‘Selection’ drop down. Choose ‘Crop’. You can utilize it to adjust to your preferred video size, a video preview will show on the right side of the screen.


Step 7: You can also use the crop frame that will appear on your screen with some handles around it. You can drag these handles from four corners to resize the frame according to the content you want to crop.


Step 8: Once you have cropped your video, then go to the “File” tab in the uppermost part of the editor and select the “Save as” option and save your file.


In conclusion, follow the steps given above to crop your video, resize it and save your work.

There is a better way to do it which using Filmora. It is an online video editing software that allows its users to create videos for various purposes. It provides the users with some special features like easy trimming, splitting and merging of clips, etc. By using Filmora, you can easily crop your short video (a clip) and also resize it.

An easier way to crop video using Filmora

Wondershare Filmora Video Editor is a software created for use on Windows, designed to edit videos. It has many of the features of Adobe Premiere, but it is free.

It supports the following formats: AVI, MP4, WMV, MKV, MOV, FLV and 3GP.

Wondershare Filmora is different than most video editors in that it does not use timelines. Instead, the user edits clips in a storyboard and adds effects and titles to them. It also has an Audio Visualization feature that plays back music in your collection and shows what you’re listening to in real time. There is no voice-over tool and it is not possible to add an audio track.

Wondershare Filmora has a very large number of effects, all editable via keyframes. These include simple motion graphics such as fades and dissolves, but it also includes advanced options like motion blur and chroma-key. There are free downloadable effects, which are created by users.

Wondershare Filmora supports text editing and there is a large library of free fonts available for download on its website. It does not support green-screening/chroma-keying. This can be done in post production via Adobe Premiere or other software.

It also has the ability to add a number of different titles, which can be stacked and moved around in 3D space.

Wondershare Filmora allows you to import photos for use in slideshows and effects. Every clip or image can have its own effect applied to it if desired.

After editing, the project is rendered in real time with no waiting. You can also choose to render only part of the video by selecting the time range.

One final bonus is Wondershare Filmora’s media library, which allows users to add files from their computer and sort them by category. This makes finding your desired video a much easier task.

This software has a very simple interface that is easy to navigate, even for beginners. The design of the program makes it intuitive enough that you can start editing videos right away without having to go through tutorials. It is easy to create the desired effects and titles that you need for your video with just a few clicks. Its editing tools are powerful enough for professional use while still being easy to learn.

The one downside is that Wondershare Filmora does not support 4K resolution—the maximum output size is 1080p.

Free Download

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Free Download

For macOS 10.14 or later

Step-by-step on how to crop videos using Filmora?

To crop your short video (a clip) and also resize it, follow the steps given below:

Step 1: Open Filmora video editor. Go to the ‘Home’ menu and click on ‘Open Project’ or go to File > Open Project. Now, select your *.AVI or *.MP4 file.


Step 2: Click Alt + C in your keyboard. A small pop-out will show, it is for the command Crop and Zoom.


Step 3: Drag the corners of the frame to resize the size of your video or adjust position by dragging the handles. You can crop off anything outside this frame and hit “OK”.


Step 4: Adjust the crop and zoom as you like and finally, click on ‘Save Project As’ to export your video.


You can download Filmora free video editor from the official website easily. Just visit the behind-the-link and click on ‘Download’ to get the installer file. Once you have downloaded it, you need to install Filmora software on your computer to start using it.

Step 3: Then, go to the “Effects” tab.


Step 4: From the list of options, you have to choose “Crop” option and drag it to the clip that you want to crop.


Step 5: After dragging it, you will see a letter ‘C’ on the clip which means crop. Right click on it and you will see few selections. Select ‘Properties’.


Step 6: Under ‘Properties’, you will see a ‘Selection’ drop down. Choose ‘Crop’. You can utilize it to adjust to your preferred video size, a video preview will show on the right side of the screen.


Step 7: You can also use the crop frame that will appear on your screen with some handles around it. You can drag these handles from four corners to resize the frame according to the content you want to crop.


Step 8: Once you have cropped your video, then go to the “File” tab in the uppermost part of the editor and select the “Save as” option and save your file.


In conclusion, follow the steps given above to crop your video, resize it and save your work.

There is a better way to do it which using Filmora. It is an online video editing software that allows its users to create videos for various purposes. It provides the users with some special features like easy trimming, splitting and merging of clips, etc. By using Filmora, you can easily crop your short video (a clip) and also resize it.

An easier way to crop video using Filmora

Wondershare Filmora Video Editor is a software created for use on Windows, designed to edit videos. It has many of the features of Adobe Premiere, but it is free.

It supports the following formats: AVI, MP4, WMV, MKV, MOV, FLV and 3GP.

Wondershare Filmora is different than most video editors in that it does not use timelines. Instead, the user edits clips in a storyboard and adds effects and titles to them. It also has an Audio Visualization feature that plays back music in your collection and shows what you’re listening to in real time. There is no voice-over tool and it is not possible to add an audio track.

Wondershare Filmora has a very large number of effects, all editable via keyframes. These include simple motion graphics such as fades and dissolves, but it also includes advanced options like motion blur and chroma-key. There are free downloadable effects, which are created by users.

Wondershare Filmora supports text editing and there is a large library of free fonts available for download on its website. It does not support green-screening/chroma-keying. This can be done in post production via Adobe Premiere or other software.

It also has the ability to add a number of different titles, which can be stacked and moved around in 3D space.

Wondershare Filmora allows you to import photos for use in slideshows and effects. Every clip or image can have its own effect applied to it if desired.

After editing, the project is rendered in real time with no waiting. You can also choose to render only part of the video by selecting the time range.

One final bonus is Wondershare Filmora’s media library, which allows users to add files from their computer and sort them by category. This makes finding your desired video a much easier task.

This software has a very simple interface that is easy to navigate, even for beginners. The design of the program makes it intuitive enough that you can start editing videos right away without having to go through tutorials. It is easy to create the desired effects and titles that you need for your video with just a few clicks. Its editing tools are powerful enough for professional use while still being easy to learn.

The one downside is that Wondershare Filmora does not support 4K resolution—the maximum output size is 1080p.

Free Download

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Free Download

For macOS 10.14 or later

Step-by-step on how to crop videos using Filmora?

To crop your short video (a clip) and also resize it, follow the steps given below:

Step 1: Open Filmora video editor. Go to the ‘Home’ menu and click on ‘Open Project’ or go to File > Open Project. Now, select your *.AVI or *.MP4 file.


Step 2: Click Alt + C in your keyboard. A small pop-out will show, it is for the command Crop and Zoom.


Step 3: Drag the corners of the frame to resize the size of your video or adjust position by dragging the handles. You can crop off anything outside this frame and hit “OK”.


Step 4: Adjust the crop and zoom as you like and finally, click on ‘Save Project As’ to export your video.


You can download Filmora free video editor from the official website easily. Just visit the behind-the-link and click on ‘Download’ to get the installer file. Once you have downloaded it, you need to install Filmora software on your computer to start using it.

Step 3: Then, go to the “Effects” tab.


Step 4: From the list of options, you have to choose “Crop” option and drag it to the clip that you want to crop.


Step 5: After dragging it, you will see a letter ‘C’ on the clip which means crop. Right click on it and you will see few selections. Select ‘Properties’.


Step 6: Under ‘Properties’, you will see a ‘Selection’ drop down. Choose ‘Crop’. You can utilize it to adjust to your preferred video size, a video preview will show on the right side of the screen.


Step 7: You can also use the crop frame that will appear on your screen with some handles around it. You can drag these handles from four corners to resize the frame according to the content you want to crop.


Step 8: Once you have cropped your video, then go to the “File” tab in the uppermost part of the editor and select the “Save as” option and save your file.


In conclusion, follow the steps given above to crop your video, resize it and save your work.

There is a better way to do it which using Filmora. It is an online video editing software that allows its users to create videos for various purposes. It provides the users with some special features like easy trimming, splitting and merging of clips, etc. By using Filmora, you can easily crop your short video (a clip) and also resize it.

An easier way to crop video using Filmora

Wondershare Filmora Video Editor is a software created for use on Windows, designed to edit videos. It has many of the features of Adobe Premiere, but it is free.

It supports the following formats: AVI, MP4, WMV, MKV, MOV, FLV and 3GP.

Wondershare Filmora is different than most video editors in that it does not use timelines. Instead, the user edits clips in a storyboard and adds effects and titles to them. It also has an Audio Visualization feature that plays back music in your collection and shows what you’re listening to in real time. There is no voice-over tool and it is not possible to add an audio track.

Wondershare Filmora has a very large number of effects, all editable via keyframes. These include simple motion graphics such as fades and dissolves, but it also includes advanced options like motion blur and chroma-key. There are free downloadable effects, which are created by users.

Wondershare Filmora supports text editing and there is a large library of free fonts available for download on its website. It does not support green-screening/chroma-keying. This can be done in post production via Adobe Premiere or other software.

It also has the ability to add a number of different titles, which can be stacked and moved around in 3D space.

Wondershare Filmora allows you to import photos for use in slideshows and effects. Every clip or image can have its own effect applied to it if desired.

After editing, the project is rendered in real time with no waiting. You can also choose to render only part of the video by selecting the time range.

One final bonus is Wondershare Filmora’s media library, which allows users to add files from their computer and sort them by category. This makes finding your desired video a much easier task.

This software has a very simple interface that is easy to navigate, even for beginners. The design of the program makes it intuitive enough that you can start editing videos right away without having to go through tutorials. It is easy to create the desired effects and titles that you need for your video with just a few clicks. Its editing tools are powerful enough for professional use while still being easy to learn.

The one downside is that Wondershare Filmora does not support 4K resolution—the maximum output size is 1080p.

Free Download

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Free Download

For macOS 10.14 or later

Step-by-step on how to crop videos using Filmora?

To crop your short video (a clip) and also resize it, follow the steps given below:

Step 1: Open Filmora video editor. Go to the ‘Home’ menu and click on ‘Open Project’ or go to File > Open Project. Now, select your *.AVI or *.MP4 file.


Step 2: Click Alt + C in your keyboard. A small pop-out will show, it is for the command Crop and Zoom.


Step 3: Drag the corners of the frame to resize the size of your video or adjust position by dragging the handles. You can crop off anything outside this frame and hit “OK”.


Step 4: Adjust the crop and zoom as you like and finally, click on ‘Save Project As’ to export your video.


You can download Filmora free video editor from the official website easily. Just visit the behind-the-link and click on ‘Download’ to get the installer file. Once you have downloaded it, you need to install Filmora software on your computer to start using it.

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  • Title: In 2024, Have You Ever Heard Bokeh Effects for Videos? Do You Know that You Can Make Your Own Bokeh Video Easily with some Software. This Article Will Introduce You How to Make a Bokeh Effect Video with Steps
  • Author: Chloe
  • Created at : 2024-04-24 07:08:19
  • Updated at : 2024-04-25 07:08:19
  • Link:
  • License: This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.
On this page
In 2024, Have You Ever Heard Bokeh Effects for Videos? Do You Know that You Can Make Your Own Bokeh Video Easily with some Software. This Article Will Introduce You How to Make a Bokeh Effect Video with Steps