In 2024, How to Color Grade Your Picture in LightRoom

In 2024, How to Color Grade Your Picture in LightRoom

Chloe Lv12

How to Color Grade Your Picture in LightRoom

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Every budding photographer knows what Photoshop is Adobe Lightroom (officially Adobe Photoshop Lightroom) is the newer and more advanced version of Photoshop. Compared with other alternatives of Lightroom , Lightroom helps photographers import, modify, manipulate, find, organize, and manage their images as an image editing software. Lightroom combines photo management and photo editing in one.

One of the most amazing things about Lightroom is its autosave or nondestructive feature. Once you edit your photos, Lightroom instantly saves and stores them in your Lightroom catalog. With its inbuilt-presets, Lightroom makes working on your project so much easy and fun.

You can leverage Lightroom’s unique features to perform different types of tasks. However, in this article, you’ll learn color grading in Lightroom and how to make it work.

In this article

01 What Is Color Grading?

02 Color Grading in LightRoom

03 How To Color Grade Your Picture in LightRoom

What Is Color Grading?

Color grading is one of the essential processes for creating the perfect video and image content. Like with color correction, color grading helps enhance the appearance of your image or video and makes it appealing to viewers. However, unlike color correction, it focuses on creating stylistic or cinematic effects rather than rectifying mistakes in the image.

Color grading enhances an already edited or otherwise perfect image or video. So, in color grading, you are not trying to balance out colors or make your pictures look natural to the human eyes. Color correction does all that. Instead, with color grading, you aim to “paint over” a color-corrected content to evoke specific emotions or moods in the viewers.

Colors carry different emotions or visual tones. So, they’re essential in the post-production process to manipulate viewers into specific moods that tell your story best. In other words, color grading aligns your viewer’s emotions to the central theme in your story.

color grading in lightroom

For example, if your image or video’s theme is passion, power, violence, or danger, red portrays them perfectly. Meanwhile, blue does it when you wish to evoke calmness and melancholy in your viewers.

Other examples include:

  • pink for beauty, innocence, and femininity,
  • Green for nature, darkness, and corruption
  • Purple for fantasies, and the mystical
  • Yellow for obsession, sickness, and naivety
  • Orange for warmth, friendliness, youth, and happiness

Have you noticed that turning your pictures black and white makes them look timeless? That’s color grading in action.

Color Grading in LightRoom

Are you amazed by the thrilling power of color grading to manipulate viewers’ emotions? Are you wondering how you can achieve that effect seamlessly? Then, you don’t need to worry about it. With Adobe Photoshop Lightroom, you too can make magic.

Since Lightroom is an advanced photo editor, it has a lot to offer in features. Unfortunately, this may also mean that it can be complex to understand, especially if you’re new to photo editing. So, first things first, you must understand the color grading panel in Lightroom to appreciate it better.

Lightroom’s color grading panel is right beneath the HSL panel in the Develop Panel. It serves as a replacement for the Split Toning Panel from earlier versions, so it’s pretty easy to find.

The color grading panel comprises five small icons, three color wheels, and a blending/balance slider:

● The Five Small Icons

Lightroom’s small icons are a 3-way default layout, shadows, mid-tones, highlights, and global. With 3-way, you can manipulate the highlights, shadows, and mid-tones. Mid-tones, highlights, and shadows hide all color wheels, excluding the necessary ones that adjust them.

Meanwhile, Global combines and blends the highlights, mid-tones, and shadow adjustments no matter the luminosity. Global ensures that the color wheels work harmoniously.

When adjusting icons, it’s best to use each color wheel one after another one. You’ll get better and more precise outcomes that way compared to using them together.

● Lightroom’s Color Wheels

You can view Lightroom’s three-color wheels through the 3-way default layout. The color wheels help to enhance distinct image parts by providing various color hues. It also allows you to introduce saturation through an adjustable knob.

Each lightroom’s color wheels feature a luminance slide beneath them that adjusts color brightness. Between the luminance slide and the wheel is a visible eye icon that you can use to turn the effects on or off.

● The Blending and Balance Slider

The blending and balance sliders offer you advanced control over how your colors look after introducing them. With the blending slider, you can control the color distinctiveness between highlights and shadows. In other words, this feature helps to merge colors to produce a much more balanced and beautiful result.

The balance slider adjusts altered mid-tones, highlights, and shadows to balance the effects. By default, the slider is set at 0 in the middle and allows you to move it in opposite directions for distinct effects. For example, you can use this tool to balance shadows with over-concentrated colors.

While the above features are visible to everyone in the 3-way view, there are two more hidden sliders. You may only view them when editing highlights, shadows, mid-tones, or the global color wheels. They’re the hue and saturation sliders that you can only uncover by clicking on the arrow below the eye icon.

There’s no idea why the hue and saturation sliders aren’t visible in the 3-way view. That’s especially when you discover that they do the all-important job of making minor but precise changes to final adjustments. This produces an excellent fine-tuned outcome and gives your image a professional finish.

colour grading lightroom

How To Color Grade Your Picture in LightRoom

If you wish to use the color grading Lightroom tool to enhance photos, here’s a comprehensive guide for you. You’ll learn the best practices to apply when using the specific Lightroom features to produce your desired effects:

● Pick Your Color Scheme

What’s color grading without the right colors? Choosing an appropriate color scheme is one of the essential steps in Lightroom color grading. That’s because it sets the tone for the next steps. If you choose the wrong colors, you won’t get the excellent result you desire no matter how hard you try.

First, take a good look at your picture and its visible colors. Then think of the colors that compliment or contrast with them. For example, you should base images with red highlights around red. You can also try colors close to red in the color wheel, like orange.

Once you’ve found the colors that suit your image, you’re ready for the next steps in your color grading process. However, more than just adding colors, you must also pay attention to contrasting colors during processing. If you find such unwanted colors, use the HSL panel to pale them out.

● Prioritize Precision

In earlier paragraphs, you learned that working with the highlights, shadows, and mid-tones individually is best. That’s because individual adjustments are a painstaking process that guarantees the most accurate results. This makes a lot of difference in the final product compared to when you work with the wheel.

Working on the shadows, highlights, and mid-tones individually also connects to the hue and saturation sliders. So you remember how vital these hidden sliders are? You wouldn’t be able to access them by working on the tools one after another. Take that as your reward for being detail-oriented.

● Increase Saturation Values

Sometimes, the effect of one tool tells on another. For example, leaving your saturation values below may render your hue slider ineffective. To avoid that confusion, it’s best to increase your saturation levels to some values higher than your preferred one.

Yes, it wouldn’t look nice initially as you adjust the hue. However, it will ensure that you get the perfect color for your image. You can always go back to adjust the saturation to your choice values later on.

● Use Color Wheels To Find Color, Use Shadows to Refine

When discussing how to choose your color scheme, you must have understood how vital the color wheel is in finding harmonious hues. However, picking your preferred color isn’t the complete process. You must learn to fine-tune your chosen color by using the hue slider. Do this after adjusting the saturation to your preferred level as in the previous step. The result is always mind-blowing.

how to use color grading in lightroom

● Learn the Short Cuts

There are some shortcuts to learn when color grading in Lightroom to enhance accuracy and convenience. For example, option (Mac)/Alt (Windows) gives you better control over your image’s outcomes. Option/Alt + Up will increase saturation by one while the shift key adjusts it. You can use Command (Mac)/Ctrl (Windows) to adjust the hue. Also, the reset button on the right side of your panel takes you back to your initial image.

● Extra Tips

These best practices will help you to achieve excellent results:

  1. Don’t color grade without understanding the psychology of colors. Know what colors convey different moods or emotions.
  2. Be sure to work with high-quality pictures. Color grading isn’t magic; it wouldn’t correct an already lousy image.
  3. Shooting your pictures in RAW gives you more color control.


● Now that you’ve learned how to color grade using Lightroom, there’s no limit to what you can achieve. You can now explore your creative side with so much fun. However, know that you will likely not get it right the first time. Perfection comes with consistent practice or trial and error.

Try It Free Try It Free

Every budding photographer knows what Photoshop is Adobe Lightroom (officially Adobe Photoshop Lightroom) is the newer and more advanced version of Photoshop. Compared with other alternatives of Lightroom , Lightroom helps photographers import, modify, manipulate, find, organize, and manage their images as an image editing software. Lightroom combines photo management and photo editing in one.

One of the most amazing things about Lightroom is its autosave or nondestructive feature. Once you edit your photos, Lightroom instantly saves and stores them in your Lightroom catalog. With its inbuilt-presets, Lightroom makes working on your project so much easy and fun.

You can leverage Lightroom’s unique features to perform different types of tasks. However, in this article, you’ll learn color grading in Lightroom and how to make it work.

In this article

01 What Is Color Grading?

02 Color Grading in LightRoom

03 How To Color Grade Your Picture in LightRoom

What Is Color Grading?

Color grading is one of the essential processes for creating the perfect video and image content. Like with color correction, color grading helps enhance the appearance of your image or video and makes it appealing to viewers. However, unlike color correction, it focuses on creating stylistic or cinematic effects rather than rectifying mistakes in the image.

Color grading enhances an already edited or otherwise perfect image or video. So, in color grading, you are not trying to balance out colors or make your pictures look natural to the human eyes. Color correction does all that. Instead, with color grading, you aim to “paint over” a color-corrected content to evoke specific emotions or moods in the viewers.

Colors carry different emotions or visual tones. So, they’re essential in the post-production process to manipulate viewers into specific moods that tell your story best. In other words, color grading aligns your viewer’s emotions to the central theme in your story.

color grading in lightroom

For example, if your image or video’s theme is passion, power, violence, or danger, red portrays them perfectly. Meanwhile, blue does it when you wish to evoke calmness and melancholy in your viewers.

Other examples include:

  • pink for beauty, innocence, and femininity,
  • Green for nature, darkness, and corruption
  • Purple for fantasies, and the mystical
  • Yellow for obsession, sickness, and naivety
  • Orange for warmth, friendliness, youth, and happiness

Have you noticed that turning your pictures black and white makes them look timeless? That’s color grading in action.

Color Grading in LightRoom

Are you amazed by the thrilling power of color grading to manipulate viewers’ emotions? Are you wondering how you can achieve that effect seamlessly? Then, you don’t need to worry about it. With Adobe Photoshop Lightroom, you too can make magic.

Since Lightroom is an advanced photo editor, it has a lot to offer in features. Unfortunately, this may also mean that it can be complex to understand, especially if you’re new to photo editing. So, first things first, you must understand the color grading panel in Lightroom to appreciate it better.

Lightroom’s color grading panel is right beneath the HSL panel in the Develop Panel. It serves as a replacement for the Split Toning Panel from earlier versions, so it’s pretty easy to find.

The color grading panel comprises five small icons, three color wheels, and a blending/balance slider:

● The Five Small Icons

Lightroom’s small icons are a 3-way default layout, shadows, mid-tones, highlights, and global. With 3-way, you can manipulate the highlights, shadows, and mid-tones. Mid-tones, highlights, and shadows hide all color wheels, excluding the necessary ones that adjust them.

Meanwhile, Global combines and blends the highlights, mid-tones, and shadow adjustments no matter the luminosity. Global ensures that the color wheels work harmoniously.

When adjusting icons, it’s best to use each color wheel one after another one. You’ll get better and more precise outcomes that way compared to using them together.

● Lightroom’s Color Wheels

You can view Lightroom’s three-color wheels through the 3-way default layout. The color wheels help to enhance distinct image parts by providing various color hues. It also allows you to introduce saturation through an adjustable knob.

Each lightroom’s color wheels feature a luminance slide beneath them that adjusts color brightness. Between the luminance slide and the wheel is a visible eye icon that you can use to turn the effects on or off.

● The Blending and Balance Slider

The blending and balance sliders offer you advanced control over how your colors look after introducing them. With the blending slider, you can control the color distinctiveness between highlights and shadows. In other words, this feature helps to merge colors to produce a much more balanced and beautiful result.

The balance slider adjusts altered mid-tones, highlights, and shadows to balance the effects. By default, the slider is set at 0 in the middle and allows you to move it in opposite directions for distinct effects. For example, you can use this tool to balance shadows with over-concentrated colors.

While the above features are visible to everyone in the 3-way view, there are two more hidden sliders. You may only view them when editing highlights, shadows, mid-tones, or the global color wheels. They’re the hue and saturation sliders that you can only uncover by clicking on the arrow below the eye icon.

There’s no idea why the hue and saturation sliders aren’t visible in the 3-way view. That’s especially when you discover that they do the all-important job of making minor but precise changes to final adjustments. This produces an excellent fine-tuned outcome and gives your image a professional finish.

colour grading lightroom

How To Color Grade Your Picture in LightRoom

If you wish to use the color grading Lightroom tool to enhance photos, here’s a comprehensive guide for you. You’ll learn the best practices to apply when using the specific Lightroom features to produce your desired effects:

● Pick Your Color Scheme

What’s color grading without the right colors? Choosing an appropriate color scheme is one of the essential steps in Lightroom color grading. That’s because it sets the tone for the next steps. If you choose the wrong colors, you won’t get the excellent result you desire no matter how hard you try.

First, take a good look at your picture and its visible colors. Then think of the colors that compliment or contrast with them. For example, you should base images with red highlights around red. You can also try colors close to red in the color wheel, like orange.

Once you’ve found the colors that suit your image, you’re ready for the next steps in your color grading process. However, more than just adding colors, you must also pay attention to contrasting colors during processing. If you find such unwanted colors, use the HSL panel to pale them out.

● Prioritize Precision

In earlier paragraphs, you learned that working with the highlights, shadows, and mid-tones individually is best. That’s because individual adjustments are a painstaking process that guarantees the most accurate results. This makes a lot of difference in the final product compared to when you work with the wheel.

Working on the shadows, highlights, and mid-tones individually also connects to the hue and saturation sliders. So you remember how vital these hidden sliders are? You wouldn’t be able to access them by working on the tools one after another. Take that as your reward for being detail-oriented.

● Increase Saturation Values

Sometimes, the effect of one tool tells on another. For example, leaving your saturation values below may render your hue slider ineffective. To avoid that confusion, it’s best to increase your saturation levels to some values higher than your preferred one.

Yes, it wouldn’t look nice initially as you adjust the hue. However, it will ensure that you get the perfect color for your image. You can always go back to adjust the saturation to your choice values later on.

● Use Color Wheels To Find Color, Use Shadows to Refine

When discussing how to choose your color scheme, you must have understood how vital the color wheel is in finding harmonious hues. However, picking your preferred color isn’t the complete process. You must learn to fine-tune your chosen color by using the hue slider. Do this after adjusting the saturation to your preferred level as in the previous step. The result is always mind-blowing.

how to use color grading in lightroom

● Learn the Short Cuts

There are some shortcuts to learn when color grading in Lightroom to enhance accuracy and convenience. For example, option (Mac)/Alt (Windows) gives you better control over your image’s outcomes. Option/Alt + Up will increase saturation by one while the shift key adjusts it. You can use Command (Mac)/Ctrl (Windows) to adjust the hue. Also, the reset button on the right side of your panel takes you back to your initial image.

● Extra Tips

These best practices will help you to achieve excellent results:

  1. Don’t color grade without understanding the psychology of colors. Know what colors convey different moods or emotions.
  2. Be sure to work with high-quality pictures. Color grading isn’t magic; it wouldn’t correct an already lousy image.
  3. Shooting your pictures in RAW gives you more color control.


● Now that you’ve learned how to color grade using Lightroom, there’s no limit to what you can achieve. You can now explore your creative side with so much fun. However, know that you will likely not get it right the first time. Perfection comes with consistent practice or trial and error.

Try It Free Try It Free

Every budding photographer knows what Photoshop is Adobe Lightroom (officially Adobe Photoshop Lightroom) is the newer and more advanced version of Photoshop. Compared with other alternatives of Lightroom , Lightroom helps photographers import, modify, manipulate, find, organize, and manage their images as an image editing software. Lightroom combines photo management and photo editing in one.

One of the most amazing things about Lightroom is its autosave or nondestructive feature. Once you edit your photos, Lightroom instantly saves and stores them in your Lightroom catalog. With its inbuilt-presets, Lightroom makes working on your project so much easy and fun.

You can leverage Lightroom’s unique features to perform different types of tasks. However, in this article, you’ll learn color grading in Lightroom and how to make it work.

In this article

01 What Is Color Grading?

02 Color Grading in LightRoom

03 How To Color Grade Your Picture in LightRoom

What Is Color Grading?

Color grading is one of the essential processes for creating the perfect video and image content. Like with color correction, color grading helps enhance the appearance of your image or video and makes it appealing to viewers. However, unlike color correction, it focuses on creating stylistic or cinematic effects rather than rectifying mistakes in the image.

Color grading enhances an already edited or otherwise perfect image or video. So, in color grading, you are not trying to balance out colors or make your pictures look natural to the human eyes. Color correction does all that. Instead, with color grading, you aim to “paint over” a color-corrected content to evoke specific emotions or moods in the viewers.

Colors carry different emotions or visual tones. So, they’re essential in the post-production process to manipulate viewers into specific moods that tell your story best. In other words, color grading aligns your viewer’s emotions to the central theme in your story.

color grading in lightroom

For example, if your image or video’s theme is passion, power, violence, or danger, red portrays them perfectly. Meanwhile, blue does it when you wish to evoke calmness and melancholy in your viewers.

Other examples include:

  • pink for beauty, innocence, and femininity,
  • Green for nature, darkness, and corruption
  • Purple for fantasies, and the mystical
  • Yellow for obsession, sickness, and naivety
  • Orange for warmth, friendliness, youth, and happiness

Have you noticed that turning your pictures black and white makes them look timeless? That’s color grading in action.

Color Grading in LightRoom

Are you amazed by the thrilling power of color grading to manipulate viewers’ emotions? Are you wondering how you can achieve that effect seamlessly? Then, you don’t need to worry about it. With Adobe Photoshop Lightroom, you too can make magic.

Since Lightroom is an advanced photo editor, it has a lot to offer in features. Unfortunately, this may also mean that it can be complex to understand, especially if you’re new to photo editing. So, first things first, you must understand the color grading panel in Lightroom to appreciate it better.

Lightroom’s color grading panel is right beneath the HSL panel in the Develop Panel. It serves as a replacement for the Split Toning Panel from earlier versions, so it’s pretty easy to find.

The color grading panel comprises five small icons, three color wheels, and a blending/balance slider:

● The Five Small Icons

Lightroom’s small icons are a 3-way default layout, shadows, mid-tones, highlights, and global. With 3-way, you can manipulate the highlights, shadows, and mid-tones. Mid-tones, highlights, and shadows hide all color wheels, excluding the necessary ones that adjust them.

Meanwhile, Global combines and blends the highlights, mid-tones, and shadow adjustments no matter the luminosity. Global ensures that the color wheels work harmoniously.

When adjusting icons, it’s best to use each color wheel one after another one. You’ll get better and more precise outcomes that way compared to using them together.

● Lightroom’s Color Wheels

You can view Lightroom’s three-color wheels through the 3-way default layout. The color wheels help to enhance distinct image parts by providing various color hues. It also allows you to introduce saturation through an adjustable knob.

Each lightroom’s color wheels feature a luminance slide beneath them that adjusts color brightness. Between the luminance slide and the wheel is a visible eye icon that you can use to turn the effects on or off.

● The Blending and Balance Slider

The blending and balance sliders offer you advanced control over how your colors look after introducing them. With the blending slider, you can control the color distinctiveness between highlights and shadows. In other words, this feature helps to merge colors to produce a much more balanced and beautiful result.

The balance slider adjusts altered mid-tones, highlights, and shadows to balance the effects. By default, the slider is set at 0 in the middle and allows you to move it in opposite directions for distinct effects. For example, you can use this tool to balance shadows with over-concentrated colors.

While the above features are visible to everyone in the 3-way view, there are two more hidden sliders. You may only view them when editing highlights, shadows, mid-tones, or the global color wheels. They’re the hue and saturation sliders that you can only uncover by clicking on the arrow below the eye icon.

There’s no idea why the hue and saturation sliders aren’t visible in the 3-way view. That’s especially when you discover that they do the all-important job of making minor but precise changes to final adjustments. This produces an excellent fine-tuned outcome and gives your image a professional finish.

colour grading lightroom

How To Color Grade Your Picture in LightRoom

If you wish to use the color grading Lightroom tool to enhance photos, here’s a comprehensive guide for you. You’ll learn the best practices to apply when using the specific Lightroom features to produce your desired effects:

● Pick Your Color Scheme

What’s color grading without the right colors? Choosing an appropriate color scheme is one of the essential steps in Lightroom color grading. That’s because it sets the tone for the next steps. If you choose the wrong colors, you won’t get the excellent result you desire no matter how hard you try.

First, take a good look at your picture and its visible colors. Then think of the colors that compliment or contrast with them. For example, you should base images with red highlights around red. You can also try colors close to red in the color wheel, like orange.

Once you’ve found the colors that suit your image, you’re ready for the next steps in your color grading process. However, more than just adding colors, you must also pay attention to contrasting colors during processing. If you find such unwanted colors, use the HSL panel to pale them out.

● Prioritize Precision

In earlier paragraphs, you learned that working with the highlights, shadows, and mid-tones individually is best. That’s because individual adjustments are a painstaking process that guarantees the most accurate results. This makes a lot of difference in the final product compared to when you work with the wheel.

Working on the shadows, highlights, and mid-tones individually also connects to the hue and saturation sliders. So you remember how vital these hidden sliders are? You wouldn’t be able to access them by working on the tools one after another. Take that as your reward for being detail-oriented.

● Increase Saturation Values

Sometimes, the effect of one tool tells on another. For example, leaving your saturation values below may render your hue slider ineffective. To avoid that confusion, it’s best to increase your saturation levels to some values higher than your preferred one.

Yes, it wouldn’t look nice initially as you adjust the hue. However, it will ensure that you get the perfect color for your image. You can always go back to adjust the saturation to your choice values later on.

● Use Color Wheels To Find Color, Use Shadows to Refine

When discussing how to choose your color scheme, you must have understood how vital the color wheel is in finding harmonious hues. However, picking your preferred color isn’t the complete process. You must learn to fine-tune your chosen color by using the hue slider. Do this after adjusting the saturation to your preferred level as in the previous step. The result is always mind-blowing.

how to use color grading in lightroom

● Learn the Short Cuts

There are some shortcuts to learn when color grading in Lightroom to enhance accuracy and convenience. For example, option (Mac)/Alt (Windows) gives you better control over your image’s outcomes. Option/Alt + Up will increase saturation by one while the shift key adjusts it. You can use Command (Mac)/Ctrl (Windows) to adjust the hue. Also, the reset button on the right side of your panel takes you back to your initial image.

● Extra Tips

These best practices will help you to achieve excellent results:

  1. Don’t color grade without understanding the psychology of colors. Know what colors convey different moods or emotions.
  2. Be sure to work with high-quality pictures. Color grading isn’t magic; it wouldn’t correct an already lousy image.
  3. Shooting your pictures in RAW gives you more color control.


● Now that you’ve learned how to color grade using Lightroom, there’s no limit to what you can achieve. You can now explore your creative side with so much fun. However, know that you will likely not get it right the first time. Perfection comes with consistent practice or trial and error.

Try It Free Try It Free

Every budding photographer knows what Photoshop is Adobe Lightroom (officially Adobe Photoshop Lightroom) is the newer and more advanced version of Photoshop. Compared with other alternatives of Lightroom , Lightroom helps photographers import, modify, manipulate, find, organize, and manage their images as an image editing software. Lightroom combines photo management and photo editing in one.

One of the most amazing things about Lightroom is its autosave or nondestructive feature. Once you edit your photos, Lightroom instantly saves and stores them in your Lightroom catalog. With its inbuilt-presets, Lightroom makes working on your project so much easy and fun.

You can leverage Lightroom’s unique features to perform different types of tasks. However, in this article, you’ll learn color grading in Lightroom and how to make it work.

In this article

01 What Is Color Grading?

02 Color Grading in LightRoom

03 How To Color Grade Your Picture in LightRoom

What Is Color Grading?

Color grading is one of the essential processes for creating the perfect video and image content. Like with color correction, color grading helps enhance the appearance of your image or video and makes it appealing to viewers. However, unlike color correction, it focuses on creating stylistic or cinematic effects rather than rectifying mistakes in the image.

Color grading enhances an already edited or otherwise perfect image or video. So, in color grading, you are not trying to balance out colors or make your pictures look natural to the human eyes. Color correction does all that. Instead, with color grading, you aim to “paint over” a color-corrected content to evoke specific emotions or moods in the viewers.

Colors carry different emotions or visual tones. So, they’re essential in the post-production process to manipulate viewers into specific moods that tell your story best. In other words, color grading aligns your viewer’s emotions to the central theme in your story.

color grading in lightroom

For example, if your image or video’s theme is passion, power, violence, or danger, red portrays them perfectly. Meanwhile, blue does it when you wish to evoke calmness and melancholy in your viewers.

Other examples include:

  • pink for beauty, innocence, and femininity,
  • Green for nature, darkness, and corruption
  • Purple for fantasies, and the mystical
  • Yellow for obsession, sickness, and naivety
  • Orange for warmth, friendliness, youth, and happiness

Have you noticed that turning your pictures black and white makes them look timeless? That’s color grading in action.

Color Grading in LightRoom

Are you amazed by the thrilling power of color grading to manipulate viewers’ emotions? Are you wondering how you can achieve that effect seamlessly? Then, you don’t need to worry about it. With Adobe Photoshop Lightroom, you too can make magic.

Since Lightroom is an advanced photo editor, it has a lot to offer in features. Unfortunately, this may also mean that it can be complex to understand, especially if you’re new to photo editing. So, first things first, you must understand the color grading panel in Lightroom to appreciate it better.

Lightroom’s color grading panel is right beneath the HSL panel in the Develop Panel. It serves as a replacement for the Split Toning Panel from earlier versions, so it’s pretty easy to find.

The color grading panel comprises five small icons, three color wheels, and a blending/balance slider:

● The Five Small Icons

Lightroom’s small icons are a 3-way default layout, shadows, mid-tones, highlights, and global. With 3-way, you can manipulate the highlights, shadows, and mid-tones. Mid-tones, highlights, and shadows hide all color wheels, excluding the necessary ones that adjust them.

Meanwhile, Global combines and blends the highlights, mid-tones, and shadow adjustments no matter the luminosity. Global ensures that the color wheels work harmoniously.

When adjusting icons, it’s best to use each color wheel one after another one. You’ll get better and more precise outcomes that way compared to using them together.

● Lightroom’s Color Wheels

You can view Lightroom’s three-color wheels through the 3-way default layout. The color wheels help to enhance distinct image parts by providing various color hues. It also allows you to introduce saturation through an adjustable knob.

Each lightroom’s color wheels feature a luminance slide beneath them that adjusts color brightness. Between the luminance slide and the wheel is a visible eye icon that you can use to turn the effects on or off.

● The Blending and Balance Slider

The blending and balance sliders offer you advanced control over how your colors look after introducing them. With the blending slider, you can control the color distinctiveness between highlights and shadows. In other words, this feature helps to merge colors to produce a much more balanced and beautiful result.

The balance slider adjusts altered mid-tones, highlights, and shadows to balance the effects. By default, the slider is set at 0 in the middle and allows you to move it in opposite directions for distinct effects. For example, you can use this tool to balance shadows with over-concentrated colors.

While the above features are visible to everyone in the 3-way view, there are two more hidden sliders. You may only view them when editing highlights, shadows, mid-tones, or the global color wheels. They’re the hue and saturation sliders that you can only uncover by clicking on the arrow below the eye icon.

There’s no idea why the hue and saturation sliders aren’t visible in the 3-way view. That’s especially when you discover that they do the all-important job of making minor but precise changes to final adjustments. This produces an excellent fine-tuned outcome and gives your image a professional finish.

colour grading lightroom

How To Color Grade Your Picture in LightRoom

If you wish to use the color grading Lightroom tool to enhance photos, here’s a comprehensive guide for you. You’ll learn the best practices to apply when using the specific Lightroom features to produce your desired effects:

● Pick Your Color Scheme

What’s color grading without the right colors? Choosing an appropriate color scheme is one of the essential steps in Lightroom color grading. That’s because it sets the tone for the next steps. If you choose the wrong colors, you won’t get the excellent result you desire no matter how hard you try.

First, take a good look at your picture and its visible colors. Then think of the colors that compliment or contrast with them. For example, you should base images with red highlights around red. You can also try colors close to red in the color wheel, like orange.

Once you’ve found the colors that suit your image, you’re ready for the next steps in your color grading process. However, more than just adding colors, you must also pay attention to contrasting colors during processing. If you find such unwanted colors, use the HSL panel to pale them out.

● Prioritize Precision

In earlier paragraphs, you learned that working with the highlights, shadows, and mid-tones individually is best. That’s because individual adjustments are a painstaking process that guarantees the most accurate results. This makes a lot of difference in the final product compared to when you work with the wheel.

Working on the shadows, highlights, and mid-tones individually also connects to the hue and saturation sliders. So you remember how vital these hidden sliders are? You wouldn’t be able to access them by working on the tools one after another. Take that as your reward for being detail-oriented.

● Increase Saturation Values

Sometimes, the effect of one tool tells on another. For example, leaving your saturation values below may render your hue slider ineffective. To avoid that confusion, it’s best to increase your saturation levels to some values higher than your preferred one.

Yes, it wouldn’t look nice initially as you adjust the hue. However, it will ensure that you get the perfect color for your image. You can always go back to adjust the saturation to your choice values later on.

● Use Color Wheels To Find Color, Use Shadows to Refine

When discussing how to choose your color scheme, you must have understood how vital the color wheel is in finding harmonious hues. However, picking your preferred color isn’t the complete process. You must learn to fine-tune your chosen color by using the hue slider. Do this after adjusting the saturation to your preferred level as in the previous step. The result is always mind-blowing.

how to use color grading in lightroom

● Learn the Short Cuts

There are some shortcuts to learn when color grading in Lightroom to enhance accuracy and convenience. For example, option (Mac)/Alt (Windows) gives you better control over your image’s outcomes. Option/Alt + Up will increase saturation by one while the shift key adjusts it. You can use Command (Mac)/Ctrl (Windows) to adjust the hue. Also, the reset button on the right side of your panel takes you back to your initial image.

● Extra Tips

These best practices will help you to achieve excellent results:

  1. Don’t color grade without understanding the psychology of colors. Know what colors convey different moods or emotions.
  2. Be sure to work with high-quality pictures. Color grading isn’t magic; it wouldn’t correct an already lousy image.
  3. Shooting your pictures in RAW gives you more color control.


● Now that you’ve learned how to color grade using Lightroom, there’s no limit to what you can achieve. You can now explore your creative side with so much fun. However, know that you will likely not get it right the first time. Perfection comes with consistent practice or trial and error.

Convert Slow Motion Videos to Regular Videos in Your iOS Device |A How

Thanks to the eccentric and offbeat elements, slow-motion videos have become the super-fun, state-of-the-art trend. Whether you’re in the bar trying to click the aesthetic, cinematic video or capture cool, unique, and enticing birthday moments, you can always rely on the slow-mo feature.

slow mo feature

But do you ever feel like converting the slow-motion video in your iOS device to a normal video? Perhaps you thought the slow-mo video would be more attractive, but it’s not, or maybe you want to determine how to remove slow-motion from a video iPhone.

No matter the reason, there are numerous ways to remove slow motion from iPhone video. In this article, you’ll learn the various methods to convert slow-motion video into a regular video on your iPhone or iPad. Also, learn the steps involved in achieving it.

So, let’s start.

How To Convert Slow Motion Video to Normal on iPhone and iPad

Due to the slow-motion and Time-lapse modes that are built into the iPhone, people may quickly record slo-mo and time-lapse clips using their iOS smartphone cameras.

Access the iPhone camera, select Slo-mo, press the Record icon once to begin filming, and then press it once more to stop. This will create a slo-mo video.

Do you ever wish to get your video’s slow motion removed? How to convert slow-motion video to normal on an iPhone? Well, here’s your answer.

Method 1. Using the Photos App

The Photos app is an in-built app for iPhone and iPad that features editing capabilities like rotation, resizing, and auto-enhancement, in addition to helping you manage videos and images.

using the photos app

You may quickly and effortlessly turn a slow-mo video into a regular-speed one with the Photos app’s tucked-away slow-motion converter feature. Additionally, there won’t be any quality loss in your video.

And here are the steps on how to remove slow-mo from iPhone video using the Photos app on an iPad or iPhone to turn it to normal speed.

Step1: Take your iPad or iPhone, navigate to the Photos app, open it, and then go to the bottom to hit the Albums tab.

Step2: Choose the Slo-mo option, and subsequently select the video you wish to turn into a regular speed video. Go to the top right corner of the screen and hit the Edit button.

select the video

Step3: If you look under the timeline, you’ll find vertical lines. Here, the area with apart spaces signifies slow motion.

find vertical lines

Step4: To learn how to remove slow mo from iPhone video is to learn how to turn it into regular speed. To do so, select the slow-motion bar and drag it towards the other one to position the lines at a close distance.

Step5: When finished, hit the Done button and save this video. However, if you think this change was unnecessary or incorrect, you can discard it by clicking on Edit → Revert → Revert To Original.

hit the done button

Editing Tip

  • The Photos app on iPhone doesn’t allow you to convert any video shot at 24fps or 30fps to slow motion.
  • You cannot reduce or decrease the overall size of the video after conversion.

Pros & Cons


  • It is a built-in app on every iOS device.
  • Saves the hassle of downloading any third-party app.
  • No charges are applicable for using this app.
  • Excellent slow-mo video convertor.


  • Limited speed adjustment for the conversion of slow-mo videos into regular videos.

Method 2: Using Other Converter Apps

You may think that converting slow-mo video to a regular speed video on your iPad or iPhone is convenient, but there’s a drawback too. The method mentioned above can only help you with minimalistic speed changes, which may not give you the desired result.

However, other converter apps also help you change slow-mo video to regular iPhone video. These apps work seamlessly on your PC or Mac to turn your slow-mo videos on the iPhone or Mac to normal-speed video using customized and high-resolution settings.

Overview of The Apps

Particulars iMovie Slow-Fast Motion Video Editor
Type (versatile or specialized) Versatile Specialized
Supported OS iOS, Mac iOS, Mac
Average Rating 3.9/5 4.7/5
Price Free Free
Best for Video editing with cinematic effects Slo-mo video conversion

1) iMovie


iMovie is an excellent option if you’re looking for an application to modify a video with additional tools and convert the slow-mo to a regular pace. Among the top video converters for the iPhone is iMovie.

It offers a wide range of tools and capabilities that allow you to change the video transition, audio, and speed, add music, animated text, video overlay effects, normal video effects, and more. Additionally, it aids users in producing stunning films and commercials in a Cinematic manner.

iMovie could convert slow-mo footage to normal speed, in case you didn’t know. Did you ever attempt to change slow mot to regular speed in iMovie? With the use of iMovie, how can slow-motion video be made normally on an iPhone?

Here are the instructions.

Step1: Open the iMovie app, click on the ‘Create Project’ option, → tap on ‘Movie → Media → Video.

open the imovie app

Step2: Tap on the slow-mo option, select the slow-motion video you want to convert and hit the ‘Create Movie’ option.

create movie

Step3: Get to know the editing options by clicking on the timeline. Then, click on the clock (speed) icon. At the beginning of the lines, you’ll find a turtle. It demonstrates slow motion. Plus, the number right behind the rabbit at the end signifies the speed.

clicking on the timeline

Step4: To turn this slow-motion video into a regular speed video, drag and slide the speed control slider until the number turns 1x.

Step5: To save the changes, tap on the Done option. Subsequently, edit the video as per your preference.

2) Slow-Fast Motion Video Editor

slow fast motion video editor

This slow-mo video converter app helps you slow down or speed up any slow-motion video without any watermark and charges. This free app supports both landscape or portrait operation, unlimited video length, and corrected audio pitch.

The application is convenient to use and seamless to speed up or slow down any parts or clips of your videos. Without charging a penny, this app meets the users’ expectations. If you’re wondering how to use this converter app, here’s a step-by-step guide:

Method 3. Using Third-Party Online Tools

The smartphone sector’s most cutting-edge functionalities can be found on iPhones. Users may capture slow-motion videos, for instance. However, you may consider accelerating the slo-mo movie to regular video speed once it has been recorded.

Using your smartphone, how would you go about doing that? Well, we have seen that using the built-in Photos app and converter apps like iMovie can help, but can they really provide the level of customization and outcomes you need?

When things get professional and the expectations are too high, it’s best to use third-party online tools. So, here are a few practical choices:

Overview of the Online Tools

Particulars KAPWING Clideo EZGIF
Supported File Format .AVI, .FLV, 3GP, and other edge file types. MP4, MOV, WMV, AVI, WEBM, FLV, MKV, MPG, MPEG, MTS. MNG files
Watermark Not Available Only in Free version Not Available
Available Speed Option As fast as 4x for an accelerated video 0.25 times to 2 times 0.25 times to 2 times
Time Consuming No Moderate No



Kapwing is a tool for group film editing that enables people to collaborate to produce original videos. For individuals to create the ideal video, Kapwing offers a collection of pre-built themes, stock footage, and materials.

Kapwing acts as a digital office solution that enables individuals to organize all of their resources in one location and work together on projects utilizing sharing features. Amid its vast range of features, its slow-mo converter is the most famous and widely used one.

  • Rating: 4.1/5
  • Price: Plan starts at $20 per month

Step-By-Step Guide To Convert Slow-Mo on Iphone Using Kapwing App

Step1: First, download and install the Kapwing app from the App Store.

Step2: Upload the slow-mo video that you want to speed up.

Note: Kapwing also lets you speed up any slow-mo video present on TikTok, Twitter, or YouTube.

upload the slow mo video

Step3: Perform the video clip speed adjustment by utilizing the Kapwing sidebar. You can accelerate the video clip speed up to four times the original speed. If not, you can play in every level in between.

video clip speed adjustment

Step4: Finally, click on the Export option, and the final video clip with all speed adjustments will be generated within a few seconds.

click on the export option

2) Clideo


Among the finest free tools for rapid photo or video editing is Clideo. You can start upgrading your material by uploading files in a wide range of formats to their site.

Limitless customization is possible with the paid version for just $9 a month. The capabilities, though, aren’t as varied as those offered by rivals, and there aren’t any mobile apps for people who want to generate material while on the go.

  • Ratings: 4.3/5
  • Price: Starts at $9 per month

Step-By-Step Guide To Convert Slow-Mo on Iphone Using Clideo App:

Step1: From your computer (Mac) or mobile device (iPhone), upload a video. You can also add from a Dropbox or Google Drive account.

upload a video

Step2: Select to speed up the video after it has been recorded. Then, if required, muffle its sound and alter the file type.

select to speed up the video

alter the file type

Step3: The video can be seen directly in your browser. Click “Download” after you are finished and delighted with your creation.

finished and delighted with your creation



EZGIF is a free online editing tool that enables individuals to change the playback speed of any video. Not only does it effectively convert your slow-mo video on an iOS device to a normal speed video, but it also comes with many other features (later on that). The website has a simple, outdated interface, but except for that, it’s a fine app for beginners.

Step-By-Step Guide To Convert Slow-Mo on Iphone Using Clideo App:

Step1: Upload the video clip and choose a speed multiplier to start using this program.

upload the video clip

Step2: A number less than one will slow down playback; a number greater than one will quicken it.

Step3: Thus, input 0.5 to run the program at 1/2 its normal speed, and so forth.

normal speed

Step4: You can preserve the audio track’s original tempo, vary the speed along with the video, or silence the audio entirely.

Convert Your Slo-Mo Videos Into Regular Ones In a Few Simple Steps With Filmora

Filmora is a leading online video editing software that has become the preferred choice of all professionals and amateurs. From everyday needs to something formal, it helps you edit videos for every occasion.

You can change pace swiftly or consistently in Filmora and vary the pace of the audio or video recordings. Use the Speed Ramping tool in Filmora. If you want to remove slow-mo or add it, you can use Filmora’s speed ramping feature anytime.

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

We will share some details on how to use this feature here, but for a comprehensive, detailed guide, read to the end.

Step-By-Step Guide to Speed Changing

Step1Launch the Video

Activate Wondershare Filmora on your computer. To increase the speed and runtime of the movie, explore the desired video and enter it into the software. You can drag and drop the movie onto the interface as well.

Step2Speed Adjustment

speed adjustment

Press the left mouse button as soon as the video shows on the screen. And click the speed tab in the toolbar. There is then a contextual menu displayed. To double the rate, select 2x from the “Fast” menu. The participant may use any fundamental that has more than one.

Step3Save & Export

When finished, select “Save Project” from the list of available options in the “File” panel. Press “Save” after renaming the project.

Using Filmora’s “Export” feature, selecting “Export,” and then modifying the file name is the alternative way to export the video. A device, a system, or even YouTube can receive the exported video. Next, click “Export.”

Bonus Tips. 2 More Methods to Normalize Your Video Speed

Filmora offers you 2 more advanced methods to increase or decrease the speed of the video, one is uniform speed and the other, is speed ramping . Want to learn more about changing speed in Filmora, watch this video tutorial to get a quick start on using them.


That’s basically it! So that’s how you turn any slow-motion video into a regular one.

This article covers all major techniques to convert videos to slow motion on iOS and Mac. You can pick one of them to convert video to slow motion or to slow down slow motion.

So, are you now prepared to convert slow-motion videos on your iPad or iPhone device to ordinary speed? Try the Filmora video editor if you’re looking for something really professional.

It makes it much easier to convert slow-motion videos from your smartphone or tablet to regular speed. It has powerful video editing features and is more comfortable to use. So, get started today!

Method 2: Using Other Converter Apps

You may think that converting slow-mo video to a regular speed video on your iPad or iPhone is convenient, but there’s a drawback too. The method mentioned above can only help you with minimalistic speed changes, which may not give you the desired result.

However, other converter apps also help you change slow-mo video to regular iPhone video. These apps work seamlessly on your PC or Mac to turn your slow-mo videos on the iPhone or Mac to normal-speed video using customized and high-resolution settings.

Overview of The Apps

Particulars iMovie Slow-Fast Motion Video Editor
Type (versatile or specialized) Versatile Specialized
Supported OS iOS, Mac iOS, Mac
Average Rating 3.9/5 4.7/5
Price Free Free
Best for Video editing with cinematic effects Slo-mo video conversion

1) iMovie


iMovie is an excellent option if you’re looking for an application to modify a video with additional tools and convert the slow-mo to a regular pace. Among the top video converters for the iPhone is iMovie.

It offers a wide range of tools and capabilities that allow you to change the video transition, audio, and speed, add music, animated text, video overlay effects, normal video effects, and more. Additionally, it aids users in producing stunning films and commercials in a Cinematic manner.

iMovie could convert slow-mo footage to normal speed, in case you didn’t know. Did you ever attempt to change slow mot to regular speed in iMovie? With the use of iMovie, how can slow-motion video be made normally on an iPhone?

Here are the instructions.

Step1: Open the iMovie app, click on the ‘Create Project’ option, → tap on ‘Movie → Media → Video.

open the imovie app

Step2: Tap on the slow-mo option, select the slow-motion video you want to convert and hit the ‘Create Movie’ option.

create movie

Step3: Get to know the editing options by clicking on the timeline. Then, click on the clock (speed) icon. At the beginning of the lines, you’ll find a turtle. It demonstrates slow motion. Plus, the number right behind the rabbit at the end signifies the speed.

clicking on the timeline

Step4: To turn this slow-motion video into a regular speed video, drag and slide the speed control slider until the number turns 1x.

Step5: To save the changes, tap on the Done option. Subsequently, edit the video as per your preference.

2) Slow-Fast Motion Video Editor

slow fast motion video editor

This slow-mo video converter app helps you slow down or speed up any slow-motion video without any watermark and charges. This free app supports both landscape or portrait operation, unlimited video length, and corrected audio pitch.

The application is convenient to use and seamless to speed up or slow down any parts or clips of your videos. Without charging a penny, this app meets the users’ expectations. If you’re wondering how to use this converter app, here’s a step-by-step guide:

Method 3. Using Third-Party Online Tools

The smartphone sector’s most cutting-edge functionalities can be found on iPhones. Users may capture slow-motion videos, for instance. However, you may consider accelerating the slo-mo movie to regular video speed once it has been recorded.

Using your smartphone, how would you go about doing that? Well, we have seen that using the built-in Photos app and converter apps like iMovie can help, but can they really provide the level of customization and outcomes you need?

When things get professional and the expectations are too high, it’s best to use third-party online tools. So, here are a few practical choices:

Overview of the Online Tools

Particulars KAPWING Clideo EZGIF
Supported File Format .AVI, .FLV, 3GP, and other edge file types. MP4, MOV, WMV, AVI, WEBM, FLV, MKV, MPG, MPEG, MTS. MNG files
Watermark Not Available Only in Free version Not Available
Available Speed Option As fast as 4x for an accelerated video 0.25 times to 2 times 0.25 times to 2 times
Time Consuming No Moderate No



Kapwing is a tool for group film editing that enables people to collaborate to produce original videos. For individuals to create the ideal video, Kapwing offers a collection of pre-built themes, stock footage, and materials.

Kapwing acts as a digital office solution that enables individuals to organize all of their resources in one location and work together on projects utilizing sharing features. Amid its vast range of features, its slow-mo converter is the most famous and widely used one.

  • Rating: 4.1/5
  • Price: Plan starts at $20 per month

Step-By-Step Guide To Convert Slow-Mo on Iphone Using Kapwing App

Step1: First, download and install the Kapwing app from the App Store.

Step2: Upload the slow-mo video that you want to speed up.

Note: Kapwing also lets you speed up any slow-mo video present on TikTok, Twitter, or YouTube.

upload the slow mo video

Step3: Perform the video clip speed adjustment by utilizing the Kapwing sidebar. You can accelerate the video clip speed up to four times the original speed. If not, you can play in every level in between.

video clip speed adjustment

Step4: Finally, click on the Export option, and the final video clip with all speed adjustments will be generated within a few seconds.

click on the export option

2) Clideo


Among the finest free tools for rapid photo or video editing is Clideo. You can start upgrading your material by uploading files in a wide range of formats to their site.

Limitless customization is possible with the paid version for just $9 a month. The capabilities, though, aren’t as varied as those offered by rivals, and there aren’t any mobile apps for people who want to generate material while on the go.

  • Ratings: 4.3/5
  • Price: Starts at $9 per month

Step-By-Step Guide To Convert Slow-Mo on Iphone Using Clideo App:

Step1: From your computer (Mac) or mobile device (iPhone), upload a video. You can also add from a Dropbox or Google Drive account.

upload a video

Step2: Select to speed up the video after it has been recorded. Then, if required, muffle its sound and alter the file type.

select to speed up the video

alter the file type

Step3: The video can be seen directly in your browser. Click “Download” after you are finished and delighted with your creation.

finished and delighted with your creation



EZGIF is a free online editing tool that enables individuals to change the playback speed of any video. Not only does it effectively convert your slow-mo video on an iOS device to a normal speed video, but it also comes with many other features (later on that). The website has a simple, outdated interface, but except for that, it’s a fine app for beginners.

Step-By-Step Guide To Convert Slow-Mo on Iphone Using Clideo App:

Step1: Upload the video clip and choose a speed multiplier to start using this program.

upload the video clip

Step2: A number less than one will slow down playback; a number greater than one will quicken it.

Step3: Thus, input 0.5 to run the program at 1/2 its normal speed, and so forth.

normal speed

Step4: You can preserve the audio track’s original tempo, vary the speed along with the video, or silence the audio entirely.

Convert Your Slo-Mo Videos Into Regular Ones In a Few Simple Steps With Filmora

Filmora is a leading online video editing software that has become the preferred choice of all professionals and amateurs. From everyday needs to something formal, it helps you edit videos for every occasion.

You can change pace swiftly or consistently in Filmora and vary the pace of the audio or video recordings. Use the Speed Ramping tool in Filmora. If you want to remove slow-mo or add it, you can use Filmora’s speed ramping feature anytime.

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

We will share some details on how to use this feature here, but for a comprehensive, detailed guide, read to the end.

Step-By-Step Guide to Speed Changing

Step1Launch the Video

Activate Wondershare Filmora on your computer. To increase the speed and runtime of the movie, explore the desired video and enter it into the software. You can drag and drop the movie onto the interface as well.

Step2Speed Adjustment

speed adjustment

Press the left mouse button as soon as the video shows on the screen. And click the speed tab in the toolbar. There is then a contextual menu displayed. To double the rate, select 2x from the “Fast” menu. The participant may use any fundamental that has more than one.

Step3Save & Export

When finished, select “Save Project” from the list of available options in the “File” panel. Press “Save” after renaming the project.

Using Filmora’s “Export” feature, selecting “Export,” and then modifying the file name is the alternative way to export the video. A device, a system, or even YouTube can receive the exported video. Next, click “Export.”

Bonus Tips. 2 More Methods to Normalize Your Video Speed

Filmora offers you 2 more advanced methods to increase or decrease the speed of the video, one is uniform speed and the other, is speed ramping . Want to learn more about changing speed in Filmora, watch this video tutorial to get a quick start on using them.


That’s basically it! So that’s how you turn any slow-motion video into a regular one.

This article covers all major techniques to convert videos to slow motion on iOS and Mac. You can pick one of them to convert video to slow motion or to slow down slow motion.

So, are you now prepared to convert slow-motion videos on your iPad or iPhone device to ordinary speed? Try the Filmora video editor if you’re looking for something really professional.

It makes it much easier to convert slow-motion videos from your smartphone or tablet to regular speed. It has powerful video editing features and is more comfortable to use. So, get started today!

Are You Looking to Make a Thumbnail for Your Fortnite Video? This Article Features a Guide Explaining Creating a Fortnite Motion Blur Thumbnail

Motion blur has been a provocative effect used in filming and video making. The effect has made a popular mark globally for its realistic base. This is why motion blur is integrated into every other platform directed at creativity. The motion blur effect in creating thumbnails is another highlight of this effect. While many tools provide this service, finding the best one is essential.

In this article, we will work on the best methods to make a Fortnite motion blur thumbnail. With the help of these methods, you will be able to design the perfect Fortnite thumbnail for your video.

fortnite thumbnail with motion blur

Part 1: How to Add Motion Blur to Fortnite Thumbnail?

There are many ways to add motion blur to Fortnite thumbnails, as stated above. In this article, we will be providing appropriate methods for users of all types. From smartphone to online and desktop solutions, this article has it all.

Way 1: Make Motion Blur Fortnite Thumbnail with Picsart (Smartphone)

For the first method, we will be discussing an appropriate way that can be used to make motion blur in Fortnite thumbnails. Picsart is a known mobile application providing unique photo editing services. This photo editor is a complete package containing some of the best tools. Integrated with artificial intelligence, this tool presents a perfect platform to perform motion blur on Fortnite thumbnails.

Steps to Perform Motion Blur on Fortnite Thumbnail with Picsart

We will proceed to observe the step-by-step guide on performing motion blur on Fortnite thumbnails with the help of Picsart:

Step1 Launch Picsart on Smartphone

Download and install Picsart on your phone and proceed to launch it. As it opens, sign in to the tool, if required, and redirect to the next screen.

create a picsart account if needed

Step2 Proceed to Effects Tab After Importing Thumbnail

You will have to import the created Fortnite thumbnail that is to be edited. After importing the thumbnail, select “Effects” from the bottom panel of the application.

choose the effects tool

Step3 Add Motion Blur and Export

On the next screen, look for the “Blur” section from the bottom and find the “Motion Blur” effect. As it is added, you can use the “Erase” button on the top to adjust the motion blur effect on the image according to the objects. Once done, tap on the “Apply” button to conclude by adding motion blur.

apply the motion blur

Way 2: Make Motion Blur Fortnite Thumbnail with Fotor (Online)

If you are not a fan of smartphone applications, you can consider opting for online methods. While these platforms do not require installing anything on your desktop, they are easy to manage. Fotor is a great online photo editor featuring exceptional services for enhancing photos. It allows you to make all appropriate edits by including effects, transitions, and other photo enhancements. You can also find its designer for improving your Fortnite thumbnails.

Steps to Add Motion Blur on Fortnite Thumbnail with Fotor

For those who want to know how to create the Fortnite thumbnail motion blur effect with Fotor. The following steps are proper directions for them to follow:

Step1 Open Fotor on the Web

You must open the Fotor Photo Editor on your web browser. Then, proceed to import the thumbnail template that you want to edit.

upload the fortnite thumbnail

Step2 Add Motion Blur on Photo

In the “Adjust” tab, look for the “Blur” option for including motion blur within the photo. You can select “Circular” or “Linear” blur, per the requirements.

select the blur type

Step3 Manage Intensity and Download

Continue to set the “Blur Intensity” and make changes by clicking “Apply.” If you wish to blur your background, consider using the “Background Blur” option in the list. Once the editing completes, click “Download” to export the Fortnite thumbnail.

adjust the blur intensity

Way 3: Make Motion Blur Fortnite Thumbnail with Photoshop (Desktop)

Adobe Photoshop stands among one of the best and most professional tools designed to enhance the quality of your photos. Although it is based on users who are professionals in editing, it gives a detailed set of options to make the most creative idea out of a photo. While adjusting the blur effect, it offers multiple settings for highlighting the image’s objects and colors.

Steps to Implement Motion Blur Effect on Fortnite Thumbnail with Photoshop

You might have come to know much about Photoshop. We will now see a guide explaining how to add a Fortnite motion blur thumbnail using Photoshop:

Step1 Start Adobe Photoshop and Add Thumbnail

You must start Adobe Photoshop on your desktop after downloading and installing it. Proceed to import the thumbnail that you wish to edit. Make the initial adjustments on the photo to continue adding motion blur.

import the fortnite thumbnail

Step2 Create a Separate Object Layer

To start with the process, right-click and create a duplicate layer by selecting the respective option from the drop-down menu. Use the “Polygonal Lasso” tool to mark the object you want to exempt from the motion blur. Once done, use the “Layer Mask” button to isolate the object.

create the duplicate layer

Step3 Add Motion Blur to Object

Create another duplicate layer and proceed to the “Filter” tab. Look for “Blur Gallery” in the options and select “Motion Blur” from the following menu. You must set the “Angle,” “Distance,” and other appropriate settings to continue. Once done, save the Fortnite thumbnail with the added motion blur.

choose the motion blur

Last Words

Many tools can be used to add motion blur within photos and videos. As you create a thumbnail for Fortnite, you will need a proper tool to help you add motion blur. We have discussed several tools in this article for adding motion blur.

Also, these applications serve their purpose for a respective device or platform. This is why they can be considered the best way to add a Fortnite motion blur thumbnail. You can select any option to add the respective effect for perfect results.

Motion blur has been a provocative effect used in filming and video making. The effect has made a popular mark globally for its realistic base. This is why motion blur is integrated into every other platform directed at creativity. The motion blur effect in creating thumbnails is another highlight of this effect. While many tools provide this service, finding the best one is essential.

In this article, we will work on the best methods to make a Fortnite motion blur thumbnail. With the help of these methods, you will be able to design the perfect Fortnite thumbnail for your video.

fortnite thumbnail with motion blur

Part 1: How to Add Motion Blur to Fortnite Thumbnail?

There are many ways to add motion blur to Fortnite thumbnails, as stated above. In this article, we will be providing appropriate methods for users of all types. From smartphone to online and desktop solutions, this article has it all.

Way 1: Make Motion Blur Fortnite Thumbnail with Picsart (Smartphone)

For the first method, we will be discussing an appropriate way that can be used to make motion blur in Fortnite thumbnails. Picsart is a known mobile application providing unique photo editing services. This photo editor is a complete package containing some of the best tools. Integrated with artificial intelligence, this tool presents a perfect platform to perform motion blur on Fortnite thumbnails.

Steps to Perform Motion Blur on Fortnite Thumbnail with Picsart

We will proceed to observe the step-by-step guide on performing motion blur on Fortnite thumbnails with the help of Picsart:

Step1 Launch Picsart on Smartphone

Download and install Picsart on your phone and proceed to launch it. As it opens, sign in to the tool, if required, and redirect to the next screen.

create a picsart account if needed

Step2 Proceed to Effects Tab After Importing Thumbnail

You will have to import the created Fortnite thumbnail that is to be edited. After importing the thumbnail, select “Effects” from the bottom panel of the application.

choose the effects tool

Step3 Add Motion Blur and Export

On the next screen, look for the “Blur” section from the bottom and find the “Motion Blur” effect. As it is added, you can use the “Erase” button on the top to adjust the motion blur effect on the image according to the objects. Once done, tap on the “Apply” button to conclude by adding motion blur.

apply the motion blur

Way 2: Make Motion Blur Fortnite Thumbnail with Fotor (Online)

If you are not a fan of smartphone applications, you can consider opting for online methods. While these platforms do not require installing anything on your desktop, they are easy to manage. Fotor is a great online photo editor featuring exceptional services for enhancing photos. It allows you to make all appropriate edits by including effects, transitions, and other photo enhancements. You can also find its designer for improving your Fortnite thumbnails.

Steps to Add Motion Blur on Fortnite Thumbnail with Fotor

For those who want to know how to create the Fortnite thumbnail motion blur effect with Fotor. The following steps are proper directions for them to follow:

Step1 Open Fotor on the Web

You must open the Fotor Photo Editor on your web browser. Then, proceed to import the thumbnail template that you want to edit.

upload the fortnite thumbnail

Step2 Add Motion Blur on Photo

In the “Adjust” tab, look for the “Blur” option for including motion blur within the photo. You can select “Circular” or “Linear” blur, per the requirements.

select the blur type

Step3 Manage Intensity and Download

Continue to set the “Blur Intensity” and make changes by clicking “Apply.” If you wish to blur your background, consider using the “Background Blur” option in the list. Once the editing completes, click “Download” to export the Fortnite thumbnail.

adjust the blur intensity

Way 3: Make Motion Blur Fortnite Thumbnail with Photoshop (Desktop)

Adobe Photoshop stands among one of the best and most professional tools designed to enhance the quality of your photos. Although it is based on users who are professionals in editing, it gives a detailed set of options to make the most creative idea out of a photo. While adjusting the blur effect, it offers multiple settings for highlighting the image’s objects and colors.

Steps to Implement Motion Blur Effect on Fortnite Thumbnail with Photoshop

You might have come to know much about Photoshop. We will now see a guide explaining how to add a Fortnite motion blur thumbnail using Photoshop:

Step1 Start Adobe Photoshop and Add Thumbnail

You must start Adobe Photoshop on your desktop after downloading and installing it. Proceed to import the thumbnail that you wish to edit. Make the initial adjustments on the photo to continue adding motion blur.

import the fortnite thumbnail

Step2 Create a Separate Object Layer

To start with the process, right-click and create a duplicate layer by selecting the respective option from the drop-down menu. Use the “Polygonal Lasso” tool to mark the object you want to exempt from the motion blur. Once done, use the “Layer Mask” button to isolate the object.

create the duplicate layer

Step3 Add Motion Blur to Object

Create another duplicate layer and proceed to the “Filter” tab. Look for “Blur Gallery” in the options and select “Motion Blur” from the following menu. You must set the “Angle,” “Distance,” and other appropriate settings to continue. Once done, save the Fortnite thumbnail with the added motion blur.

choose the motion blur

Last Words

Many tools can be used to add motion blur within photos and videos. As you create a thumbnail for Fortnite, you will need a proper tool to help you add motion blur. We have discussed several tools in this article for adding motion blur.

Also, these applications serve their purpose for a respective device or platform. This is why they can be considered the best way to add a Fortnite motion blur thumbnail. You can select any option to add the respective effect for perfect results.

The Definite Guide to Craig Bot Discord

The Definite Guide to Craig Bot Discord

An easy yet powerful editor

Numerous effects to choose from

Detailed tutorials provided by the official channel

Try It Free Try It Free

Discord is a free text and audio communication tool for gamers and other communities. The voice channel in the Discord server allows users to speak with many people. On the other hand, Discord does not have a voice recording feature. Users can use third-party solutions to capture their discord audio when speaking via voice chat. When recording someone else’s discussion, be sure you have their permission. We’ll show you how to record discord audio with the Craig Discord bot and record discord audio using Craig in this article. Craig can record discord calls also. Let’s get started!

In this article

01 [What is Craig Bot Discord?](#Part 1)

02 [Is Craig Discord Bot Safe?](#Part 2)

03 [How Do I Enable Craig in Discord?](#Part 3)

04 [How to Record Discord Audio Using Craig](#Part 4)

05 [Craig Bot Discord Q&A](#Part 5)

Part 1 What is Craig Bot Discord?

Craig is a “Discord voice channel recording bot” with multi-track/multi-channel recording capabilities. In short, that means each speaker gets their audio file when Craig records your Discord voice channel.

Craig Recorder keeps track of all your recordings. You may use Craig Bot to record your calls in high-quality audio and video as a server owner.

Craig will record continuously for up to six hours. You can download a copy of the audio to examine the status of a recording until you download the file. The Craig website has a complete set of Craig bot commands, which you may immediately access by typing: Craig, help in a Discord channel.

Part 2 Is Craig Discord Bot Safe?

All Craig web services, like most websites, log all users’ IP addresses to identify and prevent criminal activity. Craig does not keep track of anyone who does not speak in a recorded channel, use any Craig bot commands, or participate in an EnnuiCastr recording.

Part 3 How Do I Enable Craig in Discord?

All Craig web services, like most websites, log all users’ IP addresses to identify and prevent criminal activity. Anyone who does not talk in a recorded channel, use any Discord Craig commands, or engage in a recording using the Craig web app is anonymous to Craig.

Part 4 How to Record Discord Audio Using Craig

Craig will not record without a visible label indicating that it is getting recorded. It records your conversation with others, but it also records each user as a unique audio track, making it much easier to edit or remove specific speakers if necessary.

Follow these simple steps to use a Discord recording bot.

Step 1: Invite Craig

You must first invite Craig to your server to use him. Visit Craig’s website and click the “Invite Craig to Your Discord Server” option to get started.

Now, begin the joining procedure by pressing Invite Craig to your Discord Server. This action will take you to the authorization page for the Discord server. However, before using your server, you must first grant Craig permission to join it.

Invite Craig

Step 2: Go to “Add Bot To”

Go to the “Add Bot To” section and select your server, then click “Authorize” to allow the bot to join. Select your Discord server, then click Authorize to enable the Craig bot to join.

Add Bot To

Step 3: Join Craig

You should notice a join notification for “Craig” in your server if the process is successful. That’s it! You don’t have to do more; you may start recording your audio channels right away with Craig.

Enter an audio channel and type: Craig:; join to get started.

Join Craig

Step 4: Begin Your Recording

Craig will join the channel and start recording the audio instantly and the bot’s username will update to confirm this. Besides, you’ll also hear an voice from the bot saying, “now recording.”

Begin your recording

Step 5: Exit to End Recording

Type: Craig, exit to end a Craig recording. It will force Craig to quit the current channel and stop recording. However, recordings in other channels will continue.

Exit to end recording

Step 6: Type “: Craig:, Stop”

If you wish to compel Craig to cease recording on all channels, type: Craig:, stop.

You can use this instead of the leave command to end a Craig recording if you’re only recording in one channel.

type :Craig:,stop

Step 7: Download or Delete Link

The Craig bot will send you a private message with links to download or delete your talks when you start recording.

download or delete link

Craig will record continuously for up to six hours. You can download a copy of the audio to examine the status of a recording until you download the file.

Part 5 Craig Bot Discord Q&A

Here are some frequently asked questions you need to go through to explore Craig discord bot:

Q: Is Craig bot capable of recording video?

A: Craig recorder keeps track of all your recordings. You may use Craig bot to record your calls in high-quality audio and video as a server owner.

Q: On Discord, how can I record my calls?

A: Select ‘Start Recording’ from the ‘Controls’ area. Discord now allows you to record calls.

Q: How do I make Craig active?

A: Enter an audio channel and type: Craig:, join to get started. Craig will join the channel and begin recording right away; update the bot’s username to reflect this. To confirm, you’ll hear an audio notice from the bot saying, “now recording.” Type: Craig:, exit to end a Craig recording.

Q: Is Craig safe?

A: Craig is in the 17th percentile for safety, which means that 83 percent of cities are safer while 17 percent are riskier. Only Craig’s appropriate borders are considered in this analysis. For a list of adjacent towns, see the table below. During a particular year, the crime rate in Craig is 48.61 per 1,000 residents.

Q: What is the best option to stop a Craig bot?

A: First, type in the audio channel and type: Craig:, join to begin. Craig will join the channel and start recording the bot immediately. You must see the updated bot’s username. After that, you’ll hear an audio note from the bot saying, “now recording.” Type: Craig:, leave to stop a Craig recording bot from all channels**.**


Wondershare Filmora Video Editor doesn’t feature multi-cam support or the latest VR technologies. However, its friendly UI and many effects can help you edit your Discord videos.

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later


User-friendly interface


There are numerous effects and overlays.

Good text and title tools

In the test, the rendering is quick.

Regular updates with new effects for video-making and tweaking tools.

Try it for free option before purchasing.


The user interface is not touch-friendly.

There is no DVD menu authoring or chapter authoring.

Ending Thoughts

What Craig bot is, is it safe to use, and how you can activate it.

Besides, you also went through the steps to use the Craig bot on Discord and some FAQs.

Finally, we introduced Filmora, the best video editing software to get excellent results for the Discord platform.

Thus, now with Discord Craig bot you can make recordings easily using the simple laud down steps. Ensure that you get familiar with the Craig bot commands for a seamless process. Also, get a fantastic video editor by Wondershare; this video editor helps you create amazing videos with effects giving your video that professional touch.

Try It Free Try It Free

Discord is a free text and audio communication tool for gamers and other communities. The voice channel in the Discord server allows users to speak with many people. On the other hand, Discord does not have a voice recording feature. Users can use third-party solutions to capture their discord audio when speaking via voice chat. When recording someone else’s discussion, be sure you have their permission. We’ll show you how to record discord audio with the Craig Discord bot and record discord audio using Craig in this article. Craig can record discord calls also. Let’s get started!

In this article

01 [What is Craig Bot Discord?](#Part 1)

02 [Is Craig Discord Bot Safe?](#Part 2)

03 [How Do I Enable Craig in Discord?](#Part 3)

04 [How to Record Discord Audio Using Craig](#Part 4)

05 [Craig Bot Discord Q&A](#Part 5)

Part 1 What is Craig Bot Discord?

Craig is a “Discord voice channel recording bot” with multi-track/multi-channel recording capabilities. In short, that means each speaker gets their audio file when Craig records your Discord voice channel.

Craig Recorder keeps track of all your recordings. You may use Craig Bot to record your calls in high-quality audio and video as a server owner.

Craig will record continuously for up to six hours. You can download a copy of the audio to examine the status of a recording until you download the file. The Craig website has a complete set of Craig bot commands, which you may immediately access by typing: Craig, help in a Discord channel.

Part 2 Is Craig Discord Bot Safe?

All Craig web services, like most websites, log all users’ IP addresses to identify and prevent criminal activity. Craig does not keep track of anyone who does not speak in a recorded channel, use any Craig bot commands, or participate in an EnnuiCastr recording.

Part 3 How Do I Enable Craig in Discord?

All Craig web services, like most websites, log all users’ IP addresses to identify and prevent criminal activity. Anyone who does not talk in a recorded channel, use any Discord Craig commands, or engage in a recording using the Craig web app is anonymous to Craig.

Part 4 How to Record Discord Audio Using Craig

Craig will not record without a visible label indicating that it is getting recorded. It records your conversation with others, but it also records each user as a unique audio track, making it much easier to edit or remove specific speakers if necessary.

Follow these simple steps to use a Discord recording bot.

Step 1: Invite Craig

You must first invite Craig to your server to use him. Visit Craig’s website and click the “Invite Craig to Your Discord Server” option to get started.

Now, begin the joining procedure by pressing Invite Craig to your Discord Server. This action will take you to the authorization page for the Discord server. However, before using your server, you must first grant Craig permission to join it.

Invite Craig

Step 2: Go to “Add Bot To”

Go to the “Add Bot To” section and select your server, then click “Authorize” to allow the bot to join. Select your Discord server, then click Authorize to enable the Craig bot to join.

Add Bot To

Step 3: Join Craig

You should notice a join notification for “Craig” in your server if the process is successful. That’s it! You don’t have to do more; you may start recording your audio channels right away with Craig.

Enter an audio channel and type: Craig:; join to get started.

Join Craig

Step 4: Begin Your Recording

Craig will join the channel and start recording the audio instantly and the bot’s username will update to confirm this. Besides, you’ll also hear an voice from the bot saying, “now recording.”

Begin your recording

Step 5: Exit to End Recording

Type: Craig, exit to end a Craig recording. It will force Craig to quit the current channel and stop recording. However, recordings in other channels will continue.

Exit to end recording

Step 6: Type “: Craig:, Stop”

If you wish to compel Craig to cease recording on all channels, type: Craig:, stop.

You can use this instead of the leave command to end a Craig recording if you’re only recording in one channel.

type :Craig:,stop

Step 7: Download or Delete Link

The Craig bot will send you a private message with links to download or delete your talks when you start recording.

download or delete link

Craig will record continuously for up to six hours. You can download a copy of the audio to examine the status of a recording until you download the file.

Part 5 Craig Bot Discord Q&A

Here are some frequently asked questions you need to go through to explore Craig discord bot:

Q: Is Craig bot capable of recording video?

A: Craig recorder keeps track of all your recordings. You may use Craig bot to record your calls in high-quality audio and video as a server owner.

Q: On Discord, how can I record my calls?

A: Select ‘Start Recording’ from the ‘Controls’ area. Discord now allows you to record calls.

Q: How do I make Craig active?

A: Enter an audio channel and type: Craig:, join to get started. Craig will join the channel and begin recording right away; update the bot’s username to reflect this. To confirm, you’ll hear an audio notice from the bot saying, “now recording.” Type: Craig:, exit to end a Craig recording.

Q: Is Craig safe?

A: Craig is in the 17th percentile for safety, which means that 83 percent of cities are safer while 17 percent are riskier. Only Craig’s appropriate borders are considered in this analysis. For a list of adjacent towns, see the table below. During a particular year, the crime rate in Craig is 48.61 per 1,000 residents.

Q: What is the best option to stop a Craig bot?

A: First, type in the audio channel and type: Craig:, join to begin. Craig will join the channel and start recording the bot immediately. You must see the updated bot’s username. After that, you’ll hear an audio note from the bot saying, “now recording.” Type: Craig:, leave to stop a Craig recording bot from all channels**.**


Wondershare Filmora Video Editor doesn’t feature multi-cam support or the latest VR technologies. However, its friendly UI and many effects can help you edit your Discord videos.

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later


User-friendly interface


There are numerous effects and overlays.

Good text and title tools

In the test, the rendering is quick.

Regular updates with new effects for video-making and tweaking tools.

Try it for free option before purchasing.


The user interface is not touch-friendly.

There is no DVD menu authoring or chapter authoring.

Ending Thoughts

What Craig bot is, is it safe to use, and how you can activate it.

Besides, you also went through the steps to use the Craig bot on Discord and some FAQs.

Finally, we introduced Filmora, the best video editing software to get excellent results for the Discord platform.

Thus, now with Discord Craig bot you can make recordings easily using the simple laud down steps. Ensure that you get familiar with the Craig bot commands for a seamless process. Also, get a fantastic video editor by Wondershare; this video editor helps you create amazing videos with effects giving your video that professional touch.

Try It Free Try It Free

Discord is a free text and audio communication tool for gamers and other communities. The voice channel in the Discord server allows users to speak with many people. On the other hand, Discord does not have a voice recording feature. Users can use third-party solutions to capture their discord audio when speaking via voice chat. When recording someone else’s discussion, be sure you have their permission. We’ll show you how to record discord audio with the Craig Discord bot and record discord audio using Craig in this article. Craig can record discord calls also. Let’s get started!

In this article

01 [What is Craig Bot Discord?](#Part 1)

02 [Is Craig Discord Bot Safe?](#Part 2)

03 [How Do I Enable Craig in Discord?](#Part 3)

04 [How to Record Discord Audio Using Craig](#Part 4)

05 [Craig Bot Discord Q&A](#Part 5)

Part 1 What is Craig Bot Discord?

Craig is a “Discord voice channel recording bot” with multi-track/multi-channel recording capabilities. In short, that means each speaker gets their audio file when Craig records your Discord voice channel.

Craig Recorder keeps track of all your recordings. You may use Craig Bot to record your calls in high-quality audio and video as a server owner.

Craig will record continuously for up to six hours. You can download a copy of the audio to examine the status of a recording until you download the file. The Craig website has a complete set of Craig bot commands, which you may immediately access by typing: Craig, help in a Discord channel.

Part 2 Is Craig Discord Bot Safe?

All Craig web services, like most websites, log all users’ IP addresses to identify and prevent criminal activity. Craig does not keep track of anyone who does not speak in a recorded channel, use any Craig bot commands, or participate in an EnnuiCastr recording.

Part 3 How Do I Enable Craig in Discord?

All Craig web services, like most websites, log all users’ IP addresses to identify and prevent criminal activity. Anyone who does not talk in a recorded channel, use any Discord Craig commands, or engage in a recording using the Craig web app is anonymous to Craig.

Part 4 How to Record Discord Audio Using Craig

Craig will not record without a visible label indicating that it is getting recorded. It records your conversation with others, but it also records each user as a unique audio track, making it much easier to edit or remove specific speakers if necessary.

Follow these simple steps to use a Discord recording bot.

Step 1: Invite Craig

You must first invite Craig to your server to use him. Visit Craig’s website and click the “Invite Craig to Your Discord Server” option to get started.

Now, begin the joining procedure by pressing Invite Craig to your Discord Server. This action will take you to the authorization page for the Discord server. However, before using your server, you must first grant Craig permission to join it.

Invite Craig

Step 2: Go to “Add Bot To”

Go to the “Add Bot To” section and select your server, then click “Authorize” to allow the bot to join. Select your Discord server, then click Authorize to enable the Craig bot to join.

Add Bot To

Step 3: Join Craig

You should notice a join notification for “Craig” in your server if the process is successful. That’s it! You don’t have to do more; you may start recording your audio channels right away with Craig.

Enter an audio channel and type: Craig:; join to get started.

Join Craig

Step 4: Begin Your Recording

Craig will join the channel and start recording the audio instantly and the bot’s username will update to confirm this. Besides, you’ll also hear an voice from the bot saying, “now recording.”

Begin your recording

Step 5: Exit to End Recording

Type: Craig, exit to end a Craig recording. It will force Craig to quit the current channel and stop recording. However, recordings in other channels will continue.

Exit to end recording

Step 6: Type “: Craig:, Stop”

If you wish to compel Craig to cease recording on all channels, type: Craig:, stop.

You can use this instead of the leave command to end a Craig recording if you’re only recording in one channel.

type :Craig:,stop

Step 7: Download or Delete Link

The Craig bot will send you a private message with links to download or delete your talks when you start recording.

download or delete link

Craig will record continuously for up to six hours. You can download a copy of the audio to examine the status of a recording until you download the file.

Part 5 Craig Bot Discord Q&A

Here are some frequently asked questions you need to go through to explore Craig discord bot:

Q: Is Craig bot capable of recording video?

A: Craig recorder keeps track of all your recordings. You may use Craig bot to record your calls in high-quality audio and video as a server owner.

Q: On Discord, how can I record my calls?

A: Select ‘Start Recording’ from the ‘Controls’ area. Discord now allows you to record calls.

Q: How do I make Craig active?

A: Enter an audio channel and type: Craig:, join to get started. Craig will join the channel and begin recording right away; update the bot’s username to reflect this. To confirm, you’ll hear an audio notice from the bot saying, “now recording.” Type: Craig:, exit to end a Craig recording.

Q: Is Craig safe?

A: Craig is in the 17th percentile for safety, which means that 83 percent of cities are safer while 17 percent are riskier. Only Craig’s appropriate borders are considered in this analysis. For a list of adjacent towns, see the table below. During a particular year, the crime rate in Craig is 48.61 per 1,000 residents.

Q: What is the best option to stop a Craig bot?

A: First, type in the audio channel and type: Craig:, join to begin. Craig will join the channel and start recording the bot immediately. You must see the updated bot’s username. After that, you’ll hear an audio note from the bot saying, “now recording.” Type: Craig:, leave to stop a Craig recording bot from all channels**.**


Wondershare Filmora Video Editor doesn’t feature multi-cam support or the latest VR technologies. However, its friendly UI and many effects can help you edit your Discord videos.

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later


User-friendly interface


There are numerous effects and overlays.

Good text and title tools

In the test, the rendering is quick.

Regular updates with new effects for video-making and tweaking tools.

Try it for free option before purchasing.


The user interface is not touch-friendly.

There is no DVD menu authoring or chapter authoring.

Ending Thoughts

What Craig bot is, is it safe to use, and how you can activate it.

Besides, you also went through the steps to use the Craig bot on Discord and some FAQs.

Finally, we introduced Filmora, the best video editing software to get excellent results for the Discord platform.

Thus, now with Discord Craig bot you can make recordings easily using the simple laud down steps. Ensure that you get familiar with the Craig bot commands for a seamless process. Also, get a fantastic video editor by Wondershare; this video editor helps you create amazing videos with effects giving your video that professional touch.

Try It Free Try It Free

Discord is a free text and audio communication tool for gamers and other communities. The voice channel in the Discord server allows users to speak with many people. On the other hand, Discord does not have a voice recording feature. Users can use third-party solutions to capture their discord audio when speaking via voice chat. When recording someone else’s discussion, be sure you have their permission. We’ll show you how to record discord audio with the Craig Discord bot and record discord audio using Craig in this article. Craig can record discord calls also. Let’s get started!

In this article

01 [What is Craig Bot Discord?](#Part 1)

02 [Is Craig Discord Bot Safe?](#Part 2)

03 [How Do I Enable Craig in Discord?](#Part 3)

04 [How to Record Discord Audio Using Craig](#Part 4)

05 [Craig Bot Discord Q&A](#Part 5)

Part 1 What is Craig Bot Discord?

Craig is a “Discord voice channel recording bot” with multi-track/multi-channel recording capabilities. In short, that means each speaker gets their audio file when Craig records your Discord voice channel.

Craig Recorder keeps track of all your recordings. You may use Craig Bot to record your calls in high-quality audio and video as a server owner.

Craig will record continuously for up to six hours. You can download a copy of the audio to examine the status of a recording until you download the file. The Craig website has a complete set of Craig bot commands, which you may immediately access by typing: Craig, help in a Discord channel.

Part 2 Is Craig Discord Bot Safe?

All Craig web services, like most websites, log all users’ IP addresses to identify and prevent criminal activity. Craig does not keep track of anyone who does not speak in a recorded channel, use any Craig bot commands, or participate in an EnnuiCastr recording.

Part 3 How Do I Enable Craig in Discord?

All Craig web services, like most websites, log all users’ IP addresses to identify and prevent criminal activity. Anyone who does not talk in a recorded channel, use any Discord Craig commands, or engage in a recording using the Craig web app is anonymous to Craig.

Part 4 How to Record Discord Audio Using Craig

Craig will not record without a visible label indicating that it is getting recorded. It records your conversation with others, but it also records each user as a unique audio track, making it much easier to edit or remove specific speakers if necessary.

Follow these simple steps to use a Discord recording bot.

Step 1: Invite Craig

You must first invite Craig to your server to use him. Visit Craig’s website and click the “Invite Craig to Your Discord Server” option to get started.

Now, begin the joining procedure by pressing Invite Craig to your Discord Server. This action will take you to the authorization page for the Discord server. However, before using your server, you must first grant Craig permission to join it.

Invite Craig

Step 2: Go to “Add Bot To”

Go to the “Add Bot To” section and select your server, then click “Authorize” to allow the bot to join. Select your Discord server, then click Authorize to enable the Craig bot to join.

Add Bot To

Step 3: Join Craig

You should notice a join notification for “Craig” in your server if the process is successful. That’s it! You don’t have to do more; you may start recording your audio channels right away with Craig.

Enter an audio channel and type: Craig:; join to get started.

Join Craig

Step 4: Begin Your Recording

Craig will join the channel and start recording the audio instantly and the bot’s username will update to confirm this. Besides, you’ll also hear an voice from the bot saying, “now recording.”

Begin your recording

Step 5: Exit to End Recording

Type: Craig, exit to end a Craig recording. It will force Craig to quit the current channel and stop recording. However, recordings in other channels will continue.

Exit to end recording

Step 6: Type “: Craig:, Stop”

If you wish to compel Craig to cease recording on all channels, type: Craig:, stop.

You can use this instead of the leave command to end a Craig recording if you’re only recording in one channel.

type :Craig:,stop

Step 7: Download or Delete Link

The Craig bot will send you a private message with links to download or delete your talks when you start recording.

download or delete link

Craig will record continuously for up to six hours. You can download a copy of the audio to examine the status of a recording until you download the file.

Part 5 Craig Bot Discord Q&A

Here are some frequently asked questions you need to go through to explore Craig discord bot:

Q: Is Craig bot capable of recording video?

A: Craig recorder keeps track of all your recordings. You may use Craig bot to record your calls in high-quality audio and video as a server owner.

Q: On Discord, how can I record my calls?

A: Select ‘Start Recording’ from the ‘Controls’ area. Discord now allows you to record calls.

Q: How do I make Craig active?

A: Enter an audio channel and type: Craig:, join to get started. Craig will join the channel and begin recording right away; update the bot’s username to reflect this. To confirm, you’ll hear an audio notice from the bot saying, “now recording.” Type: Craig:, exit to end a Craig recording.

Q: Is Craig safe?

A: Craig is in the 17th percentile for safety, which means that 83 percent of cities are safer while 17 percent are riskier. Only Craig’s appropriate borders are considered in this analysis. For a list of adjacent towns, see the table below. During a particular year, the crime rate in Craig is 48.61 per 1,000 residents.

Q: What is the best option to stop a Craig bot?

A: First, type in the audio channel and type: Craig:, join to begin. Craig will join the channel and start recording the bot immediately. You must see the updated bot’s username. After that, you’ll hear an audio note from the bot saying, “now recording.” Type: Craig:, leave to stop a Craig recording bot from all channels**.**


Wondershare Filmora Video Editor doesn’t feature multi-cam support or the latest VR technologies. However, its friendly UI and many effects can help you edit your Discord videos.

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later


User-friendly interface


There are numerous effects and overlays.

Good text and title tools

In the test, the rendering is quick.

Regular updates with new effects for video-making and tweaking tools.

Try it for free option before purchasing.


The user interface is not touch-friendly.

There is no DVD menu authoring or chapter authoring.

Ending Thoughts

What Craig bot is, is it safe to use, and how you can activate it.

Besides, you also went through the steps to use the Craig bot on Discord and some FAQs.

Finally, we introduced Filmora, the best video editing software to get excellent results for the Discord platform.

Thus, now with Discord Craig bot you can make recordings easily using the simple laud down steps. Ensure that you get familiar with the Craig bot commands for a seamless process. Also, get a fantastic video editor by Wondershare; this video editor helps you create amazing videos with effects giving your video that professional touch.

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  • Updated at : 2024-05-21 03:38:06
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  • License: This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.
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In 2024, How to Color Grade Your Picture in LightRoom