In 2024, How to Create Video Contents That Convert Sales

In 2024, How to Create Video Contents That Convert Sales

Chloe Lv12

How to Create Video Contents That Convert Sales

It is no secret that videos are a powerful marketing tool. In fact, studies have shown that including video on a landing page can increase conversion rates by up to 80%.

Powerful Marketing Tool

Powerful Marketing Tool

Sales videos are all about encouraging potential customers to buy a product or service. They usually include persuasive tactics, such as an authoritative voice, logical arguments, and emotional appeals. By effectively communicating the benefits of a product or service, sales videos can be highly effective in influencing someone to make a purchase.

Sales videos

Sales videos

A sales video is a powerful tool that can help you to generate sales leads and close more deals. By providing potential customers with an overview of your products or services, you can give them the information they need to make an informed purchase decision. In addition, a sales video can help to build trust and credibility with your audience. By featuring testimonials from satisfied customers, you can show potential buyers that your products or services deliver on their promises.

Moreover, a sales video can be an excellent way to showcase your company’s unique strengths and capabilities. By highlighting your company’s unique selling points, you can give potential customers a good reason to choose your business over the competition. When used effectively, a sales video can be a powerful tool for generating new sales and increasing your bottom line.

But maybe you are wondering what’s the key to creating videos that actually generate sales?

Key to Creating Videos

1. Understand Audience

The first thing that you need to do when creating a sales video is to understand your audience. Who are they? What do they want? What are their problems?

Once you know who your target audience is, it’ll be a lot easier to create a video that will appeal to them and sell your product or service.

2. Explain What It is and How It Works

Now, let’s say that you’re selling a new type of product or service. In this case, it’s best to create a video that introduces your product or service and explains what it is and how it works.

3. Case Studies

You can also use case studies or testimonials from happy customers to help boost the credibility of your product or service and convince potential buyers that it’s worth investing in.

4. Create Video Content

Once you know who your target audience are, then it’s time for you to create a video content

Target Audience

Target Audience

1. Start with a Strong Hook

A strong hook is the key to creating a video that converts into sales. You have to make sure that your video is engaging and informative, while also offering something that viewers can’t find elsewhere. A good hook will grab attention and keep viewers engaged throughout the entire video. There are a few different things you can do to create a strong hook for your video such as:

Strong Hook

Strong Hook

  • Attention-grabbing headline. This should be something that makes viewers want to learn more.
  • Give a brief overview of what they can expect from the video.
  • Targeting the most common pain of your audience.

Attention-Grabbing Headline

Attention-Grabbing Headline

You only have a few seconds to make a strong impression. Use a strong wisely and you’ll soon see your sales start to climb.

2. Keep It Short And Sweet

In a fast-paced world, it can be tempting to try and pack as much information into a video as possible. However, when it comes to creating a video that converts into sales, less is definitely more. Keep your video short and sweet, focusing on one key message that you want your viewers to remember. Highlight the features and benefits of your product or service, and include a call to action that is clear and concise. By keeping your video focused and to the point, you will be more likely to engage your viewers and persuade them to take the next step.

Keep Short and Sweet

Keep Short and Sweet

3. Focus on the Viewer

When creating a video that is designed to convert viewers into paying customers, it is important to focus on the needs and wants of the viewer. What problem are they trying to solve? What are they looking for in a solution? How can your product or service help them achieve their goals? Answering these questions will help you create a video that resonates with viewers and helps guide them through the purchase process. In addition, make sure to include a call to action at the end of the video so that viewers know how to take the next step. By focusing on the viewer and providing them with the information they need, you can create a video that leads to sales.

Focus on the Viewer

Focus on the Viewer

4. Use Persuasive Language

There’s no denying it – persuasive language is a powerful tool for sales. By speaking in a way that encourages your audience to take action, you can convince them to buy your product or service. And when it comes to sales, every little bit counts.

But what exactly is persuasive language? In essence, it’s a way of speaking that inspires your listeners to take action. It can be used to encourage people to buy something, sign up for a service, or even vote for a particular candidate. But whatever the goal may be, persuasive language is an incredibly effective tool.

So how can you use it effectively in your own sales pitches? Here are 35 words customers love to hear when making a decision:

Use Persuasive Language

Use Persuasive Language

  • Free
  • You
  • 100%
  • Value
  • Opportunity
  • Limited (Implies scarcity)
  • Only
  • Life Time
  • Best Selling
  • New
  • Revealed
  • Immediately
  • Special
  • Now
  • Easy-to-use
  • How to
  • Extraordinary
  • Best
  • Proven Tested
  • Risk-free
  • Money back
  • Guarantee
  • Help
  • One-time payment
  • Without
  • Results
  • Discover
  • Bonus
  • Exclusive
  • Today
  • Secret
  • Receive/Get
  • Discount
  • Cancel anytime

5. Include a Strong Call to Action

Tell audience exactly what you want them to do after watching your video - such as subscribing to your channel, visiting your website or sending a message to your social media page. Make it easy for them to take action by including clickable links.

Call to Action

Call to Action

The right call to action can mean the difference between a successful sale and a missed opportunity. Choose your words carefully to ensure that your message is clear and powerful. manipulate or coerce your customers into buying from you.

Below are some of the most common call to action verbs broken down by intention. Simply pair them with the offering of your business.

Ecommerce Buy, Shop, Order, Reserve, Save, Add to Cart, Pick, View
Non-Profit Conversion Donate, Commit, Volunteer, Adopt, Give, Support
Newsletter or Community Subscribe, Join, Sign Up, Refer
Freebie Giveaway Download, Get, Grab, Claim, Take Advantage of
General Message us now, Learn More, See More, See How, Start, Find out, Check it Out, Click here, Continue, Swipe

Wrap Up

  • Creating a video that covertly sells can be an effective way to improve your product sales.
  • By starting with a strong hook, keeping the video short, and focusing on the viewer, you can create a persuasive video that encourages people to buy your product.
  • Make sure to include a strong call to action so viewers know what they need to do next. Have you tried creating videos like this? What results did you see?

Powerful Marketing Tool

Powerful Marketing Tool

Sales videos are all about encouraging potential customers to buy a product or service. They usually include persuasive tactics, such as an authoritative voice, logical arguments, and emotional appeals. By effectively communicating the benefits of a product or service, sales videos can be highly effective in influencing someone to make a purchase.

Sales videos

Sales videos

A sales video is a powerful tool that can help you to generate sales leads and close more deals. By providing potential customers with an overview of your products or services, you can give them the information they need to make an informed purchase decision. In addition, a sales video can help to build trust and credibility with your audience. By featuring testimonials from satisfied customers, you can show potential buyers that your products or services deliver on their promises.

Moreover, a sales video can be an excellent way to showcase your company’s unique strengths and capabilities. By highlighting your company’s unique selling points, you can give potential customers a good reason to choose your business over the competition. When used effectively, a sales video can be a powerful tool for generating new sales and increasing your bottom line.

But maybe you are wondering what’s the key to creating videos that actually generate sales?

Key to Creating Videos

1. Understand Audience

The first thing that you need to do when creating a sales video is to understand your audience. Who are they? What do they want? What are their problems?

Once you know who your target audience is, it’ll be a lot easier to create a video that will appeal to them and sell your product or service.

2. Explain What It is and How It Works

Now, let’s say that you’re selling a new type of product or service. In this case, it’s best to create a video that introduces your product or service and explains what it is and how it works.

3. Case Studies

You can also use case studies or testimonials from happy customers to help boost the credibility of your product or service and convince potential buyers that it’s worth investing in.

4. Create Video Content

Once you know who your target audience are, then it’s time for you to create a video content

Target Audience

Target Audience

1. Start with a Strong Hook

A strong hook is the key to creating a video that converts into sales. You have to make sure that your video is engaging and informative, while also offering something that viewers can’t find elsewhere. A good hook will grab attention and keep viewers engaged throughout the entire video. There are a few different things you can do to create a strong hook for your video such as:

Strong Hook

Strong Hook

  • Attention-grabbing headline. This should be something that makes viewers want to learn more.
  • Give a brief overview of what they can expect from the video.
  • Targeting the most common pain of your audience.

Attention-Grabbing Headline

Attention-Grabbing Headline

You only have a few seconds to make a strong impression. Use a strong wisely and you’ll soon see your sales start to climb.

2. Keep It Short And Sweet

In a fast-paced world, it can be tempting to try and pack as much information into a video as possible. However, when it comes to creating a video that converts into sales, less is definitely more. Keep your video short and sweet, focusing on one key message that you want your viewers to remember. Highlight the features and benefits of your product or service, and include a call to action that is clear and concise. By keeping your video focused and to the point, you will be more likely to engage your viewers and persuade them to take the next step.

Keep Short and Sweet

Keep Short and Sweet

3. Focus on the Viewer

When creating a video that is designed to convert viewers into paying customers, it is important to focus on the needs and wants of the viewer. What problem are they trying to solve? What are they looking for in a solution? How can your product or service help them achieve their goals? Answering these questions will help you create a video that resonates with viewers and helps guide them through the purchase process. In addition, make sure to include a call to action at the end of the video so that viewers know how to take the next step. By focusing on the viewer and providing them with the information they need, you can create a video that leads to sales.

Focus on the Viewer

Focus on the Viewer

4. Use Persuasive Language

There’s no denying it – persuasive language is a powerful tool for sales. By speaking in a way that encourages your audience to take action, you can convince them to buy your product or service. And when it comes to sales, every little bit counts.

But what exactly is persuasive language? In essence, it’s a way of speaking that inspires your listeners to take action. It can be used to encourage people to buy something, sign up for a service, or even vote for a particular candidate. But whatever the goal may be, persuasive language is an incredibly effective tool.

So how can you use it effectively in your own sales pitches? Here are 35 words customers love to hear when making a decision:

Use Persuasive Language

Use Persuasive Language

  • Free
  • You
  • 100%
  • Value
  • Opportunity
  • Limited (Implies scarcity)
  • Only
  • Life Time
  • Best Selling
  • New
  • Revealed
  • Immediately
  • Special
  • Now
  • Easy-to-use
  • How to
  • Extraordinary
  • Best
  • Proven Tested
  • Risk-free
  • Money back
  • Guarantee
  • Help
  • One-time payment
  • Without
  • Results
  • Discover
  • Bonus
  • Exclusive
  • Today
  • Secret
  • Receive/Get
  • Discount
  • Cancel anytime

5. Include a Strong Call to Action

Tell audience exactly what you want them to do after watching your video - such as subscribing to your channel, visiting your website or sending a message to your social media page. Make it easy for them to take action by including clickable links.

Call to Action

Call to Action

The right call to action can mean the difference between a successful sale and a missed opportunity. Choose your words carefully to ensure that your message is clear and powerful. manipulate or coerce your customers into buying from you.

Below are some of the most common call to action verbs broken down by intention. Simply pair them with the offering of your business.

Ecommerce Buy, Shop, Order, Reserve, Save, Add to Cart, Pick, View
Non-Profit Conversion Donate, Commit, Volunteer, Adopt, Give, Support
Newsletter or Community Subscribe, Join, Sign Up, Refer
Freebie Giveaway Download, Get, Grab, Claim, Take Advantage of
General Message us now, Learn More, See More, See How, Start, Find out, Check it Out, Click here, Continue, Swipe

Wrap Up

  • Creating a video that covertly sells can be an effective way to improve your product sales.
  • By starting with a strong hook, keeping the video short, and focusing on the viewer, you can create a persuasive video that encourages people to buy your product.
  • Make sure to include a strong call to action so viewers know what they need to do next. Have you tried creating videos like this? What results did you see?

10 Best Sony LUT for Different Purposes

If you’ve ever worked in the color grading profession, you’re aware of how time-consuming and labor-intensive it is to achieve a specific look on a scene. To master color grading, you must practice constantly, one of the reasons for the existence of specialists in this field. While everybody can color grade, not everyone can do it well. People in this business have devised remedies to make the editing workflow considerably more accessible and less time-consuming.

Achieving a specific ambiance in a scene demands ongoing effort and naturally takes longer. LUTs, or Lookup Tables, were created as a result. LUTs are ideal for storing a set of colors to use later or in another program. A LUT is the most effective technique to color or alters your image’s colors.

Benefits of using LUTs

There are numerous advantages to using lookup tables to edit your footage. We’ve already discussed that it helps to give your films a more polished and professional appearance, which is one of the primary explanations why individuals use LUTs, but there are many more.

1. A beginning towards professionalism

This is a fantastic approach for beginners to have a good idea of how to build their own trademark looks in their videos. The time it takes to develop your color grading craft is unavoidable. So, as a novice, LUTs will come in useful for you to establish your approach and save your ass, big time.

You’ll eventually come up with a blend of your own LUTs to use, resulting in your own LUT. Not only will LUTs aid in color grading learning, but they will also save funds and resources. You will not only devote time to learning color grading, but you will also spend a significant amount of money on color grading tools and equipment, such as software and color panels. You’ll see why color grading equipment is necessary when you get to this point.

However, for the time being, employing LUTs is the most cost-effective way to obtain a cinematic look.

2. It saves your time

Because LUTs are predefined colors used to establish a specific look on a picture, they save you time. Having a trustworthy LUT to use for video will save the life of freelance editors who are constantly meeting commitments and modifications. Isn’t the purpose of color grading to generate a visual emotion for your movie? So, with LUTs, you can create one without going through the time-consuming process of manual color correction. Only one-color preset will be applied to all scenes in a single LUT.

However, there’s a good probability that it won’t look the same in all of the images. This is where you’ll adjust the colors to make them more evenly match the film. It’s nothing significant most of the time, just some little saturation adjustments, etc.

3. Work on a budget

Time spent in a color-grade suite may be highly costly, and it can lead your films to go over budget in order to achieve a specific aesthetic. LUTs, on the other hand, are available for free online or for a fee for more complex versions. Even if you buy your LUTs, you could save thousands of dollars based on the size of your film. LUTs can also assist you in meeting tight deadlines, and setting targets too optimistically is something I’m sure we’ve all done at some point.

Whether it’s a client or a personal project, things can often get pushed to the last minute, so having something in your arsenal that can save you time is always a good bonus. There are, however, projects where you need to appear competent without investing a lot of time on them due to budget limits; this is where a lookup table comes in handy because you can modify the complete style of your movie in a matter of seconds by pressing a few buttons. Even complicated editing can be completed quickly, giving you more time to work on other tasks that will earn you more money.

4. It provides an artistic approach

LUTs are beneficial because they allow videos shot with cameras that shoot very dark, discolored images to have more vivid tones and contrast. This is excellent for grabbing viewers’ attention and making videos more intriguing and engaging. LUTs add an artistic element to videos and can help you develop a visual artistic identity for your videos if you use the same colors. Another advantage of LUTs is that they enhance the color quality of videos shot on smartphones with particular color schemes. Although this varies significantly from brand to brand, you can use LUTs to make a Smartphone video more vibrant and appealing.

Top 10 Sony LUT for Different Purposes

The highlights in your videos will seem smooth with this set of Free Sony LUTs, while the shadows will add intensity and depth without sacrificing any details. It’s easy to use Sony LUTs in.CUBE and.LOOK versions, and they help you get the cinematic appearance you want.

1. SLog2 & SLog3 to Enhanced Rec709 LUTs

The Sony Natural Enhanced LUT pack was created to address Sony’s color science-related difficulties with skin tones and hue levels. These LUTs correct and fix the colors in your S-Log2 and S-Log3 videos, giving them a colorful natural look.

Sony Lut - SLog2 & SLog3 to Enhanced Rec709 LUTs

SLog2 & SLog3 to Enhanced Rec709 LUTs

2. Filmic Tone Creative LUTs

One of our choices is the Filmic Tone LUT set. It enhances your creativity by adding a cinematic tone to your footage. These LUTs were created to convert the green color hues to a dark shade reminiscent of a Bali Instagram-type color while keeping the warmth of the mid-tones and highlights.

Sony Lut - Filmic Tone Creative LUTs

Filmic Tone Creative LUTs

3. Sony Nature LUTs

Nature has influenced it. Nature LUTs are designed to complement the natural environs in which we live. Bali, woods, forests, greenery, streams, and beaches are all excellent choices for this design.

Sony Lut - Sony Nature LUTs

Sony Nature LUTs

4. Sony A7S III, FX3 & A7 IV – S-Log 3 Correction LUTs

Three correction LUTs are explicitly created for S-Log 3 footage. They are compatible with Sony a7S III, FX4, and a7 IV footage. They use a simple and clean style that is a wonderful place to start with your film. Following the application of these correction LUTs, we suggest boosting saturation, correcting exposure, and improving contrast. Then you may personalize it. The main goal of these Sony LUTs is to give your videos a new lease on life by enhancing saturation and overall color temperature. When utilized for the environment, lifestyle, and event videos, they also make the picture sharper and more stunning.

Sony Lut - Sony A7S III, FX3 & A7 IV – S-Log 3 Correction LUTs

Sony A7S III, FX3 & A7 IV – S-Log 3 Correction LUTs

5. Sony Cine-4 Film and Standard LUTs

There are 24 Sony Cine-4 Film LUTs and 24 Rec 709 LUTs in this LUTs set. They can be used in films and television shows, social videos, presentations, and more. They’re also quite simple to operate. To apply stunning color grading to your film, import the preset file or simply drag & drop the LUT over it. It works with any resolution. Make your films, social media posts, documentaries, and images look sleek and modern.

Sony Lut - Sony Cine-4 Film and Standard LUTs

Sony Cine-4 Film and Standard LUTs

6. Sony Urban Dark LUT

The Urban Dark LUT pack aims to provide users with some dark, fascinating tones that work well with urban landscapes. These LUTs have a dark vibe that complements skin tones well.

Sony Lut - Sony Urban Dark LUT

Sony Urban Dark LUT

7. LUT Sony Vegas “Adventure”

This is one of the best Sony LUTs for adding drama and depth to the video. It also makes the image moodier and more attention-grabbing, which is ideal if your film focuses on people, architecture, or scenic landscapes because it draws attention to the topics.

Sony Lut - LUT Sony Vegas Adventure

LUT Sony Vegas “Adventure”

8. Sony LUT “Dessert”

This Sony LUT adds a creamy feel to the video, making it more appealing while also boosting the color palette. It’s suitable for indoor footage and works particularly well with family and love stories.

Sony Lut - Sony LUT Dessert

Sony LUT “Dessert”

9. Sony LUTs for the premiere

If you want to make your video clip look professional without the color grading being too obvious, Sony LUTs for Premiere is one of the best options available. It cools down the image and enhances the contrast slightly to make the topic stand out without being overpowering. This LUT is particularly well suited to business, real estate, and action-oriented videos.

Sony Lut - Sony LUTs for the premiere

Sony LUTs for the premiere

10. Sony Base LUT pack

The Sony Base LUT Pack replaces Sony’s rec709 LUT and color space. These LUTs have a wonderful warm tone to them and more accurate green colors, and these LUTs are merely a starting point or base for your grading. We recommend grading beyond the simple use of the LUT if you want the best results. Each LUT in this bundle was built with the Sony S-log2 color profile in mind. These LUTs are intended to assist you in achieving proper exposure during filming and grading while maintaining a pleasant image.

Sony Lut - Sony Base LUT pack

Sony Base LUT pack

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Closing Thoughts:

LUTs should be present in every videographer’s toolbox since they may save time and money and produce a consistent and professional result. In comparison to color grading suites, LUTs are also less expensive. LUTs are helpful for both beginner and seasoned filmmakers and can aid when you run out of innovative ideas.

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Closing Thoughts:

LUTs should be present in every videographer’s toolbox since they may save time and money and produce a consistent and professional result. In comparison to color grading suites, LUTs are also less expensive. LUTs are helpful for both beginner and seasoned filmmakers and can aid when you run out of innovative ideas.

How to Overlay Video in Premiere Pro

In order to make it simple to combine the shot’s components into a sequence, video overlays are pieces of film that are often recorded in a dark studio. Using image overlays on a video production is fairly frequent. However, adding pictures to every video you export might be tiresome and time-consuming if you have several films to send. For instance, an overlay video in Premiere Pro might be preferred by you rather than a manual addition of the overlay media.

There is a quick and easy method to know how to overlay a video on a video in Premiere Pro and we’ve got it covered. However, depending on the kind of element, there may be some color blending that affects the components themselves. Overlays may be filmed on either a green screen or a blue screen. Snow components photographed against a green screen may have a green hue shift, necessitating further color grading before the footage might be used.

Part 1. How to Overlay Video in Premiere Pro

Videos sometimes need a splash of color to elevate them. With the built-in color effects in Adobe Premiere Pro, you can apply overlays to any video, whether you want to add a little drama to a clip or a splash of color to a social media post. We’ll demonstrate how to overlay videos in this article. To liven up your intros, make your outros stand out, and spruce up your summer social media posts, add a gradient video overlay effect. Adobe Premiere Pro and gorgeous video clips are all you need.

Steps to Overlay Video in Premiere Pro

Step1Activate Premiere Pro

To build a new sequence, start a new project in Premiere, import your footage, then drag your clip onto the timeline. The clip’s parameters will be reflected in the sequence.

activitate premiere pro

Step2Select Overlay Effect

Secondly, choose the Effects workspace (located near the top of your window). This will guarantee that the tools we need are accessible. Alternately, you may go to Window > Workspaces > Effects.

select overlay effects pr

Step3Create a layer of adjustments

Go to File > New > Adjustment Layer to begin. Make sure your Project panel is chosen if the option is not accessible. Your clip and sequence will show up in your Project panel with the adjustment layer. Add the timeline with the adjustment layer selected.

create a layer adjustment pr

Step4Create the Video Overlay

Transitions, generators, audio effects, and video effects are all included under the Effects panel. We’ll begin by selecting the 4-Color Gradient from the “Generate” folder, which contains generators for patterns and gradients, to produce the video overlay effect. Right-click on the adjustment layer in the timeline and drag the appropriate effect there.

create the video overlay pr

Step5Change the Effect Control

In the Effect Controls panel, you may manage and adjust effects. You may change the default effect settings for each element in your timeline, such as size and opacity, under the Effect Controls panel along with any additional effects you’ve added. To access an item’s effect controls, click on it in the timeline.

change effects control pr

By selecting the ‘Show all properties’ next to the adjustment layer in your timeline, you can get a before-and-after comparison. Increase the value by selecting “blend with original.” To change the effect’s strength, move this up and down.

Step6Save the Project

Try switching the linear mode to radial. You can make a color transition for circles by doing this. You will be able to highlight various things with color after this transition. The circle’s starting point may be animated to follow a certain item in the scene.

save the project pr

To the right of the Presets drop-down menu, choose the Auto Save button. Check the Save Effects Settings box when the Choose a Name dialog box appears. Future exports made with this preset will automatically take into account any Image Overlay settings you’ve configured.

Part 2. Premiere Pro Easy Alternative to Overlay Video [Filmora ]

Any professional video editor may be interested in it since it offers the strength, complexity, and adaptability they need. Users need to be well-versed in a variety of editing techniques in order to use the tools properly. Therefore, it’s not really the best option for a novice or someone who hasn’t mastered video editing. We advise using Filmora as a substitute because of this. It is user-friendly for all users and is crammed with numerous theme effects shops to spruce up your video effects, such as transitions, filters, overlays, titles, etc.

Filmora is a powerful and creative video editing program that is really simple to use. With a wide variety of sophisticated video editing tools, Filmora boasts a highly user-friendly interface. Both novice and experienced video editors may utilize the many creative features that Filmora offers. Filmora is the best option if you’re looking for a video editing program that’s not only inexpensive but also offers a variety of features and functions. The program not only has a fantastic user interface, but it also offers strong capabilities that let video editors create precisely the films they desire.

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Steps to Use Filmora to Overlay Videos:

Step1Launch Filmora

Run the software and switch to Video editor mode. Next, add the image or movie to the media library. Now drag and drop the primary video into the video track or click the “Import Media” button to add it.

launch filmora

Step2Import Media to Overlay

Find the image or video in the media library that you want to overlay over the backdrop video and right-click on it. The image or video overlay may be resized and positioned here as desired.

import media to overly

Step3Spice up with Effects

There are several choices available for adding extra effects to the video. By selecting the effect tab, you may look for more effects as well. The decision to switch to a green screen or include other components into the film is entirely up to you.

spice up with effects

Step4Customize Effects and Save

Inside the Effects window, press Ok and once you have applied the required effects to see the modifications appear on the screen. You may also add element movements to make the video seem more entertaining. Once the editing and effect adding are complete, you may export the video on the go.


An image or animation that you contribute to your movies as a video overlay will display below the video and cover the video. Overlay editing is the kind of editing that is most often utilized. It just covers over whatever is in the timeline at the location where you wish to add that clip. If necessary, you may also review the comprehensive instructions for adding images or movies as an overlay to a video, which helps in improving the video quality. With Filmora , video overlays allow for the sharing of additional information without interfering with the viewing of the video.

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Steps to Use Filmora to Overlay Videos:

Step1Launch Filmora

Run the software and switch to Video editor mode. Next, add the image or movie to the media library. Now drag and drop the primary video into the video track or click the “Import Media” button to add it.

launch filmora

Step2Import Media to Overlay

Find the image or video in the media library that you want to overlay over the backdrop video and right-click on it. The image or video overlay may be resized and positioned here as desired.

import media to overly

Step3Spice up with Effects

There are several choices available for adding extra effects to the video. By selecting the effect tab, you may look for more effects as well. The decision to switch to a green screen or include other components into the film is entirely up to you.

spice up with effects

Step4Customize Effects and Save

Inside the Effects window, press Ok and once you have applied the required effects to see the modifications appear on the screen. You may also add element movements to make the video seem more entertaining. Once the editing and effect adding are complete, you may export the video on the go.


An image or animation that you contribute to your movies as a video overlay will display below the video and cover the video. Overlay editing is the kind of editing that is most often utilized. It just covers over whatever is in the timeline at the location where you wish to add that clip. If necessary, you may also review the comprehensive instructions for adding images or movies as an overlay to a video, which helps in improving the video quality. With Filmora , video overlays allow for the sharing of additional information without interfering with the viewing of the video.

How to Get VHS Filter and Glitch Filter to Your Images or Videos?

A glitch in the video or an image gives the notion of an error in the video recording process, and it was not accepted in the media industry. However, presently, creative professionals are incorporating the VHS filters to give a vintage impression. The visual distortions are used by gamers and streaming creators extensively.

For this very reason, the article discusses the procedure to create a glitch filter in Photoshop, Instagram, TikTok, and in one of your impeccable travel videos. Time to start!

In this article

01 How to Make VHS Filter in Photoshop?

02 How to Get VHS Filter in Instagram?

03 How to Get VHS Filter in TikTok?

04 How to Add VHS Effects to your Travel Video?

Part 1: How to Make VHS Filter in Photoshop?

There are a lot of steps associated with VHS filter Photoshop. The procedure can be tricky for a beginner in the industry. Therefore, we have sketched out a guide to make a VHS image filter in Photoshop. Follow it carefully to have desirable results.

Step 1: Open Photoshop

Open Photoshop from your computer and click on “New.” Use the “Custom” option from the windows that appear. After that, click on “File” and launch the imagery. Drag and drop that picture to the customized workspace.

![import your image]( glitch-filter-1.jpg)

Step 2: Apply the Transformation

Head to the “Edit” from the top panel and press “Transform” from there. Click on “Scale” from the context menu. The user is recommended to set the scale as required using arrows from the mouse. After that, apply the transformation.

![edit transform scale]( glitch-filter-2.jpg)

Step 3: Changing the Parameters

Now, right-click on your layer to click on “Brightness and Contrast.” Change it as you need. After that, move on to the “Curves” and play with the graphs of the picture. Change the “Solid Color” as well. Make the color white and change the opacity levels.

![customize the parameters]( glitch-filter-3.jpg)

Step 4: Adding Noise

Moving on, click on the first layer and navigate to the “Filter” bar on the top of the interface. Hit “Noise” and then “Add Noise.” Make the necessary changes as you like and press “Enter.” Scroll up to the “File” and hit “Open Recent” to launch the VHS texture photo. Drag and drop the texture to the photo layer that we are working on.

![add noise]( glitch-filter-4.jpg)

Step 5: Inserting VHS Texture

Resize the VHS texture and then apply the transformation. By default, the blend mode is “Normal.” Change it to “Darken” from the right panel. The picture will get dark. Again, change the mode to “Screen.” Moving on, input another VHS Filter texture and drag and drop it to the layer we are working on. Resize it and apply the transformation.

![insert vhs texture]( glitch-filter-5.jpg)

Step 6: Altering the Blend Mode

Alter the blend mode to “Darker” and then to “Screen.” Apply another filter and then drag and drop the layer. Change the blend mode to “Screen.” Pick up the eraser from the left panel of tools and make necessary edits.

![change blend mode]( glitch-filter-6.jpg)

Step 7: Duplicating the Layer

Duplicate the photo layer and move it up. Again, click on “Filter” then “Noise” to add the noise as needed. Alter the blend mode to “Soft Light” and set the opacity value. After that, add any solid color and switch the blend mode back to Soft Light.

![duplicate image layer]( glitch-filter-7.jpg)

Step 8: Playing with the Layers

Duplicate the layer again to change the color. After that, double click the layer and deselect “R.” Move to left or right. Perform the same procedure for the rest of the layers. Use the erase tool to offer fine imprinting to the transition. Duplicate the final layer and deselect “R” and “C.” Move left and right.

![cusotmize layers]( glitch-filter-8.jpg)

Step 9: Final Process

Use the eraser tool one last time, and you are done with the VCR filter.

Part 2: How to Get VHS Filter in Instagram?

Now that you know how to add glitch filter Photoshop let us move on to Instagram. The sub-section of this write-up shall focus on VHS filter Instagram. If you are an Instagram user wishing to get a retro VHS filter, follow our lead.

Step 1: Finding the Filters

The first step revolves around clicking on the Instagram app to open it. Navigate to the “Story.” The user will find a number of filters in the top panel along a circle.

![access instagram story]( glitch-filter-9.jpg)

Step 2: Picking the Vintage Filter

Swipe right towards those filters until a “Search” option is seen. Type “Vintage DV” and press “Enter,” where several VHS video filters will be displayed. Pick one and save it to your camera roll.

![search vhs filter]( glitch-filter-10.jpg)

Step 3: Using the VHS Filter

Head back to the “Story” and select the “Effects” option. Select the filter that you saved and initiate the recording process. You have got the VHS filter for videos.

![apply saved filter]( glitch-filter-11.jpg)

Part 3: How to Get VHS Filter in TikTok?

The following section of the write-up shall highlight finding and getting the 90s VHS filter in TikTok. So, what are we waiting for? Let us start the procedure.

Find the VHS Filter in TikTok

Step 1: Navigate to the App

Use your computer to launch the TikTok application. As soon as the interface appears, click on “Trends” in the bottom left corner.

Step 2: Open the Effects

Type Retro VHS in the search bar and click on the second result that is displayed. Click on the “Effects” that says, “VHS Retro.”

Step 3: Add in Favorites

Add it to the favorites and then tap on the video icon located at the center of the screen.

![add filter to favorites]( glitch-filter-12.jpg)

Use the VHS Filter in TikTok

Step 1: Deactivating the Filter</p

With the camera open, click on “Effects” right next to the camera icon. The filter is activated, but we need to deactivate it by clicking on the stop icon with the effects. Click anywhere on the screen to exit the “Effects” panel.

Step 2: Recording Process

Now, click on the red video sign and begin recording for some seconds without the filter. It is important to record the video by pointing at the targeted person. After the first part of the video is recorded, head back to the “Effects” menu and navigate to the tab that says, “Add to Favorites.”

![apply tiktok vhs effect]( glitch-filter-13.jpg)

Step 3: Publishing the Video

Choose the Retro VHS Filter and point the camera at the person that needs the filter. Hit the “Register” button. Make the recording and press the red popcorn. Hit “Next” and “Publish” the video finally.

![record and publish video]( glitch-filter-14.jpg)

Part 4: How to Add VHS Effects to your Travel Video?

With vacation season on, bloggers are into adding VHS photo filters to their videos to be uploaded on YouTube channels. The section shall convey the detailed procedure of adding a glitch effect filter to the travel and vacation videos in Wondershare Filmora .

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

Step 1: Initiating the Process

Begin the process by launching Wondershare Filmora. For starters, let us work on the perfect music for the video. The Audio tab shows an awful collection. Choose the “Young and Bright” category for the music.

![select music category]( glitch-filter-15.jpg)

Step 2: Picking the Music

Select any music and drag and drop it to the timeline. Now, trim the music into 15 seconds long. Now, input the travel videos to start their editing. Set the order for the video afterward.

![ pick the music]( glitch-filter-16.jpg)

Step 3: Choosing the Overlays

Navigate to the “Effects” panel and search for VHS. The software would offer multiple choices to pick from. Choose different overlays and place them onto the video tracks as you like.

![select overlays]( glitch-filter-17.jpg)

Step 4: Adding the Transition

To add the transition, head to the “Transition” tab and find VHS. Drag and drop the transitions among the cuts between the video clips. Adjust their duration as needed. Preview the video, and the mission is accomplished.

![add transitions to video]( glitch-filter-18.jpg)

Final Thoughts

Grabbing the attention of the audience is not as easy as it sounds. The creative industry uses a vast range of effects to compel the viewers to be on the edge of their seats. The article introduced the VHS filter while covering its procedure. If you are a TikTok, Instagram, or Photoshop user, we have got you. Wondershare Filmora helps perfectly to add the glitch filter to the vacation videos.

Versatile Video Editor - Wondershare Filmora

An easy yet powerful editor

Numerous effects to choose from

Detailed tutorials provided by the official channel

Try It Free Try It Free

02 How to Get VHS Filter in Instagram?

03 How to Get VHS Filter in TikTok?

04 How to Add VHS Effects to your Travel Video?

Part 1: How to Make VHS Filter in Photoshop?

There are a lot of steps associated with VHS filter Photoshop. The procedure can be tricky for a beginner in the industry. Therefore, we have sketched out a guide to make a VHS image filter in Photoshop. Follow it carefully to have desirable results.

Step 1: Open Photoshop

Open Photoshop from your computer and click on “New.” Use the “Custom” option from the windows that appear. After that, click on “File” and launch the imagery. Drag and drop that picture to the customized workspace.

![import your image]( glitch-filter-1.jpg)

Step 2: Apply the Transformation

Head to the “Edit” from the top panel and press “Transform” from there. Click on “Scale” from the context menu. The user is recommended to set the scale as required using arrows from the mouse. After that, apply the transformation.

![edit transform scale]( glitch-filter-2.jpg)

Step 3: Changing the Parameters

Now, right-click on your layer to click on “Brightness and Contrast.” Change it as you need. After that, move on to the “Curves” and play with the graphs of the picture. Change the “Solid Color” as well. Make the color white and change the opacity levels.

![customize the parameters]( glitch-filter-3.jpg)

Step 4: Adding Noise

Moving on, click on the first layer and navigate to the “Filter” bar on the top of the interface. Hit “Noise” and then “Add Noise.” Make the necessary changes as you like and press “Enter.” Scroll up to the “File” and hit “Open Recent” to launch the VHS texture photo. Drag and drop the texture to the photo layer that we are working on.

![add noise]( glitch-filter-4.jpg)

Step 5: Inserting VHS Texture

Resize the VHS texture and then apply the transformation. By default, the blend mode is “Normal.” Change it to “Darken” from the right panel. The picture will get dark. Again, change the mode to “Screen.” Moving on, input another VHS Filter texture and drag and drop it to the layer we are working on. Resize it and apply the transformation.

![insert vhs texture]( glitch-filter-5.jpg)

Step 6: Altering the Blend Mode

Alter the blend mode to “Darker” and then to “Screen.” Apply another filter and then drag and drop the layer. Change the blend mode to “Screen.” Pick up the eraser from the left panel of tools and make necessary edits.

![change blend mode]( glitch-filter-6.jpg)

Step 7: Duplicating the Layer

Duplicate the photo layer and move it up. Again, click on “Filter” then “Noise” to add the noise as needed. Alter the blend mode to “Soft Light” and set the opacity value. After that, add any solid color and switch the blend mode back to Soft Light.

![duplicate image layer]( glitch-filter-7.jpg)

Step 8: Playing with the Layers

Duplicate the layer again to change the color. After that, double click the layer and deselect “R.” Move to left or right. Perform the same procedure for the rest of the layers. Use the erase tool to offer fine imprinting to the transition. Duplicate the final layer and deselect “R” and “C.” Move left and right.

![cusotmize layers]( glitch-filter-8.jpg)

Step 9: Final Process

Use the eraser tool one last time, and you are done with the VCR filter.

Part 2: How to Get VHS Filter in Instagram?

Now that you know how to add glitch filter Photoshop let us move on to Instagram. The sub-section of this write-up shall focus on VHS filter Instagram. If you are an Instagram user wishing to get a retro VHS filter, follow our lead.

Step 1: Finding the Filters

The first step revolves around clicking on the Instagram app to open it. Navigate to the “Story.” The user will find a number of filters in the top panel along a circle.

![access instagram story]( glitch-filter-9.jpg)

Step 2: Picking the Vintage Filter

Swipe right towards those filters until a “Search” option is seen. Type “Vintage DV” and press “Enter,” where several VHS video filters will be displayed. Pick one and save it to your camera roll.

![search vhs filter]( glitch-filter-10.jpg)

Step 3: Using the VHS Filter

Head back to the “Story” and select the “Effects” option. Select the filter that you saved and initiate the recording process. You have got the VHS filter for videos.

![apply saved filter]( glitch-filter-11.jpg)

Part 3: How to Get VHS Filter in TikTok?

The following section of the write-up shall highlight finding and getting the 90s VHS filter in TikTok. So, what are we waiting for? Let us start the procedure.

Find the VHS Filter in TikTok

Step 1: Navigate to the App

Use your computer to launch the TikTok application. As soon as the interface appears, click on “Trends” in the bottom left corner.

Step 2: Open the Effects

Type Retro VHS in the search bar and click on the second result that is displayed. Click on the “Effects” that says, “VHS Retro.”

Step 3: Add in Favorites

Add it to the favorites and then tap on the video icon located at the center of the screen.

![add filter to favorites]( glitch-filter-12.jpg)

Use the VHS Filter in TikTok

Step 1: Deactivating the Filter</p

With the camera open, click on “Effects” right next to the camera icon. The filter is activated, but we need to deactivate it by clicking on the stop icon with the effects. Click anywhere on the screen to exit the “Effects” panel.

Step 2: Recording Process

Now, click on the red video sign and begin recording for some seconds without the filter. It is important to record the video by pointing at the targeted person. After the first part of the video is recorded, head back to the “Effects” menu and navigate to the tab that says, “Add to Favorites.”

![apply tiktok vhs effect]( glitch-filter-13.jpg)

Step 3: Publishing the Video

Choose the Retro VHS Filter and point the camera at the person that needs the filter. Hit the “Register” button. Make the recording and press the red popcorn. Hit “Next” and “Publish” the video finally.

![record and publish video]( glitch-filter-14.jpg)

Part 4: How to Add VHS Effects to your Travel Video?

With vacation season on, bloggers are into adding VHS photo filters to their videos to be uploaded on YouTube channels. The section shall convey the detailed procedure of adding a glitch effect filter to the travel and vacation videos in Wondershare Filmora .

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

Step 1: Initiating the Process

Begin the process by launching Wondershare Filmora. For starters, let us work on the perfect music for the video. The Audio tab shows an awful collection. Choose the “Young and Bright” category for the music.

![select music category]( glitch-filter-15.jpg)

Step 2: Picking the Music

Select any music and drag and drop it to the timeline. Now, trim the music into 15 seconds long. Now, input the travel videos to start their editing. Set the order for the video afterward.

![ pick the music]( glitch-filter-16.jpg)

Step 3: Choosing the Overlays

Navigate to the “Effects” panel and search for VHS. The software would offer multiple choices to pick from. Choose different overlays and place them onto the video tracks as you like.

![select overlays]( glitch-filter-17.jpg)

Step 4: Adding the Transition

To add the transition, head to the “Transition” tab and find VHS. Drag and drop the transitions among the cuts between the video clips. Adjust their duration as needed. Preview the video, and the mission is accomplished.

![add transitions to video]( glitch-filter-18.jpg)

Final Thoughts

Grabbing the attention of the audience is not as easy as it sounds. The creative industry uses a vast range of effects to compel the viewers to be on the edge of their seats. The article introduced the VHS filter while covering its procedure. If you are a TikTok, Instagram, or Photoshop user, we have got you. Wondershare Filmora helps perfectly to add the glitch filter to the vacation videos.

Versatile Video Editor - Wondershare Filmora

An easy yet powerful editor

Numerous effects to choose from

Detailed tutorials provided by the official channel

Try It Free Try It Free

02 How to Get VHS Filter in Instagram?

03 How to Get VHS Filter in TikTok?

04 How to Add VHS Effects to your Travel Video?

Part 1: How to Make VHS Filter in Photoshop?

There are a lot of steps associated with VHS filter Photoshop. The procedure can be tricky for a beginner in the industry. Therefore, we have sketched out a guide to make a VHS image filter in Photoshop. Follow it carefully to have desirable results.

Step 1: Open Photoshop

Open Photoshop from your computer and click on “New.” Use the “Custom” option from the windows that appear. After that, click on “File” and launch the imagery. Drag and drop that picture to the customized workspace.

![import your image]( glitch-filter-1.jpg)

Step 2: Apply the Transformation

Head to the “Edit” from the top panel and press “Transform” from there. Click on “Scale” from the context menu. The user is recommended to set the scale as required using arrows from the mouse. After that, apply the transformation.

![edit transform scale]( glitch-filter-2.jpg)

Step 3: Changing the Parameters

Now, right-click on your layer to click on “Brightness and Contrast.” Change it as you need. After that, move on to the “Curves” and play with the graphs of the picture. Change the “Solid Color” as well. Make the color white and change the opacity levels.

![customize the parameters]( glitch-filter-3.jpg)

Step 4: Adding Noise

Moving on, click on the first layer and navigate to the “Filter” bar on the top of the interface. Hit “Noise” and then “Add Noise.” Make the necessary changes as you like and press “Enter.” Scroll up to the “File” and hit “Open Recent” to launch the VHS texture photo. Drag and drop the texture to the photo layer that we are working on.

![add noise]( glitch-filter-4.jpg)

Step 5: Inserting VHS Texture

Resize the VHS texture and then apply the transformation. By default, the blend mode is “Normal.” Change it to “Darken” from the right panel. The picture will get dark. Again, change the mode to “Screen.” Moving on, input another VHS Filter texture and drag and drop it to the layer we are working on. Resize it and apply the transformation.

![insert vhs texture]( glitch-filter-5.jpg)

Step 6: Altering the Blend Mode

Alter the blend mode to “Darker” and then to “Screen.” Apply another filter and then drag and drop the layer. Change the blend mode to “Screen.” Pick up the eraser from the left panel of tools and make necessary edits.

![change blend mode]( glitch-filter-6.jpg)

Step 7: Duplicating the Layer

Duplicate the photo layer and move it up. Again, click on “Filter” then “Noise” to add the noise as needed. Alter the blend mode to “Soft Light” and set the opacity value. After that, add any solid color and switch the blend mode back to Soft Light.

![duplicate image layer]( glitch-filter-7.jpg)

Step 8: Playing with the Layers

Duplicate the layer again to change the color. After that, double click the layer and deselect “R.” Move to left or right. Perform the same procedure for the rest of the layers. Use the erase tool to offer fine imprinting to the transition. Duplicate the final layer and deselect “R” and “C.” Move left and right.

![cusotmize layers]( glitch-filter-8.jpg)

Step 9: Final Process

Use the eraser tool one last time, and you are done with the VCR filter.

Part 2: How to Get VHS Filter in Instagram?

Now that you know how to add glitch filter Photoshop let us move on to Instagram. The sub-section of this write-up shall focus on VHS filter Instagram. If you are an Instagram user wishing to get a retro VHS filter, follow our lead.

Step 1: Finding the Filters

The first step revolves around clicking on the Instagram app to open it. Navigate to the “Story.” The user will find a number of filters in the top panel along a circle.

![access instagram story]( glitch-filter-9.jpg)

Step 2: Picking the Vintage Filter

Swipe right towards those filters until a “Search” option is seen. Type “Vintage DV” and press “Enter,” where several VHS video filters will be displayed. Pick one and save it to your camera roll.

![search vhs filter]( glitch-filter-10.jpg)

Step 3: Using the VHS Filter

Head back to the “Story” and select the “Effects” option. Select the filter that you saved and initiate the recording process. You have got the VHS filter for videos.

![apply saved filter]( glitch-filter-11.jpg)

Part 3: How to Get VHS Filter in TikTok?

The following section of the write-up shall highlight finding and getting the 90s VHS filter in TikTok. So, what are we waiting for? Let us start the procedure.

Find the VHS Filter in TikTok

Step 1: Navigate to the App

Use your computer to launch the TikTok application. As soon as the interface appears, click on “Trends” in the bottom left corner.

Step 2: Open the Effects

Type Retro VHS in the search bar and click on the second result that is displayed. Click on the “Effects” that says, “VHS Retro.”

Step 3: Add in Favorites

Add it to the favorites and then tap on the video icon located at the center of the screen.

![add filter to favorites]( glitch-filter-12.jpg)

Use the VHS Filter in TikTok

Step 1: Deactivating the Filter</p

With the camera open, click on “Effects” right next to the camera icon. The filter is activated, but we need to deactivate it by clicking on the stop icon with the effects. Click anywhere on the screen to exit the “Effects” panel.

Step 2: Recording Process

Now, click on the red video sign and begin recording for some seconds without the filter. It is important to record the video by pointing at the targeted person. After the first part of the video is recorded, head back to the “Effects” menu and navigate to the tab that says, “Add to Favorites.”

![apply tiktok vhs effect]( glitch-filter-13.jpg)

Step 3: Publishing the Video

Choose the Retro VHS Filter and point the camera at the person that needs the filter. Hit the “Register” button. Make the recording and press the red popcorn. Hit “Next” and “Publish” the video finally.

![record and publish video]( glitch-filter-14.jpg)

Part 4: How to Add VHS Effects to your Travel Video?

With vacation season on, bloggers are into adding VHS photo filters to their videos to be uploaded on YouTube channels. The section shall convey the detailed procedure of adding a glitch effect filter to the travel and vacation videos in Wondershare Filmora .

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

Step 1: Initiating the Process

Begin the process by launching Wondershare Filmora. For starters, let us work on the perfect music for the video. The Audio tab shows an awful collection. Choose the “Young and Bright” category for the music.

![select music category]( glitch-filter-15.jpg)

Step 2: Picking the Music

Select any music and drag and drop it to the timeline. Now, trim the music into 15 seconds long. Now, input the travel videos to start their editing. Set the order for the video afterward.

![ pick the music]( glitch-filter-16.jpg)

Step 3: Choosing the Overlays

Navigate to the “Effects” panel and search for VHS. The software would offer multiple choices to pick from. Choose different overlays and place them onto the video tracks as you like.

![select overlays]( glitch-filter-17.jpg)

Step 4: Adding the Transition

To add the transition, head to the “Transition” tab and find VHS. Drag and drop the transitions among the cuts between the video clips. Adjust their duration as needed. Preview the video, and the mission is accomplished.

![add transitions to video]( glitch-filter-18.jpg)

Final Thoughts

Grabbing the attention of the audience is not as easy as it sounds. The creative industry uses a vast range of effects to compel the viewers to be on the edge of their seats. The article introduced the VHS filter while covering its procedure. If you are a TikTok, Instagram, or Photoshop user, we have got you. Wondershare Filmora helps perfectly to add the glitch filter to the vacation videos.

Versatile Video Editor - Wondershare Filmora

An easy yet powerful editor

Numerous effects to choose from

Detailed tutorials provided by the official channel

Try It Free Try It Free

02 How to Get VHS Filter in Instagram?

03 How to Get VHS Filter in TikTok?

04 How to Add VHS Effects to your Travel Video?

Part 1: How to Make VHS Filter in Photoshop?

There are a lot of steps associated with VHS filter Photoshop. The procedure can be tricky for a beginner in the industry. Therefore, we have sketched out a guide to make a VHS image filter in Photoshop. Follow it carefully to have desirable results.

Step 1: Open Photoshop

Open Photoshop from your computer and click on “New.” Use the “Custom” option from the windows that appear. After that, click on “File” and launch the imagery. Drag and drop that picture to the customized workspace.

![import your image]( glitch-filter-1.jpg)

Step 2: Apply the Transformation

Head to the “Edit” from the top panel and press “Transform” from there. Click on “Scale” from the context menu. The user is recommended to set the scale as required using arrows from the mouse. After that, apply the transformation.

![edit transform scale]( glitch-filter-2.jpg)

Step 3: Changing the Parameters

Now, right-click on your layer to click on “Brightness and Contrast.” Change it as you need. After that, move on to the “Curves” and play with the graphs of the picture. Change the “Solid Color” as well. Make the color white and change the opacity levels.

![customize the parameters]( glitch-filter-3.jpg)

Step 4: Adding Noise

Moving on, click on the first layer and navigate to the “Filter” bar on the top of the interface. Hit “Noise” and then “Add Noise.” Make the necessary changes as you like and press “Enter.” Scroll up to the “File” and hit “Open Recent” to launch the VHS texture photo. Drag and drop the texture to the photo layer that we are working on.

![add noise]( glitch-filter-4.jpg)

Step 5: Inserting VHS Texture

Resize the VHS texture and then apply the transformation. By default, the blend mode is “Normal.” Change it to “Darken” from the right panel. The picture will get dark. Again, change the mode to “Screen.” Moving on, input another VHS Filter texture and drag and drop it to the layer we are working on. Resize it and apply the transformation.

![insert vhs texture]( glitch-filter-5.jpg)

Step 6: Altering the Blend Mode

Alter the blend mode to “Darker” and then to “Screen.” Apply another filter and then drag and drop the layer. Change the blend mode to “Screen.” Pick up the eraser from the left panel of tools and make necessary edits.

![change blend mode]( glitch-filter-6.jpg)

Step 7: Duplicating the Layer

Duplicate the photo layer and move it up. Again, click on “Filter” then “Noise” to add the noise as needed. Alter the blend mode to “Soft Light” and set the opacity value. After that, add any solid color and switch the blend mode back to Soft Light.

![duplicate image layer]( glitch-filter-7.jpg)

Step 8: Playing with the Layers

Duplicate the layer again to change the color. After that, double click the layer and deselect “R.” Move to left or right. Perform the same procedure for the rest of the layers. Use the erase tool to offer fine imprinting to the transition. Duplicate the final layer and deselect “R” and “C.” Move left and right.

![cusotmize layers]( glitch-filter-8.jpg)

Step 9: Final Process

Use the eraser tool one last time, and you are done with the VCR filter.

Part 2: How to Get VHS Filter in Instagram?

Now that you know how to add glitch filter Photoshop let us move on to Instagram. The sub-section of this write-up shall focus on VHS filter Instagram. If you are an Instagram user wishing to get a retro VHS filter, follow our lead.

Step 1: Finding the Filters

The first step revolves around clicking on the Instagram app to open it. Navigate to the “Story.” The user will find a number of filters in the top panel along a circle.

![access instagram story]( glitch-filter-9.jpg)

Step 2: Picking the Vintage Filter

Swipe right towards those filters until a “Search” option is seen. Type “Vintage DV” and press “Enter,” where several VHS video filters will be displayed. Pick one and save it to your camera roll.

![search vhs filter]( glitch-filter-10.jpg)

Step 3: Using the VHS Filter

Head back to the “Story” and select the “Effects” option. Select the filter that you saved and initiate the recording process. You have got the VHS filter for videos.

![apply saved filter]( glitch-filter-11.jpg)

Part 3: How to Get VHS Filter in TikTok?

The following section of the write-up shall highlight finding and getting the 90s VHS filter in TikTok. So, what are we waiting for? Let us start the procedure.

Find the VHS Filter in TikTok

Step 1: Navigate to the App

Use your computer to launch the TikTok application. As soon as the interface appears, click on “Trends” in the bottom left corner.

Step 2: Open the Effects

Type Retro VHS in the search bar and click on the second result that is displayed. Click on the “Effects” that says, “VHS Retro.”

Step 3: Add in Favorites

Add it to the favorites and then tap on the video icon located at the center of the screen.

![add filter to favorites]( glitch-filter-12.jpg)

Use the VHS Filter in TikTok

Step 1: Deactivating the Filter</p

With the camera open, click on “Effects” right next to the camera icon. The filter is activated, but we need to deactivate it by clicking on the stop icon with the effects. Click anywhere on the screen to exit the “Effects” panel.

Step 2: Recording Process

Now, click on the red video sign and begin recording for some seconds without the filter. It is important to record the video by pointing at the targeted person. After the first part of the video is recorded, head back to the “Effects” menu and navigate to the tab that says, “Add to Favorites.”

![apply tiktok vhs effect]( glitch-filter-13.jpg)

Step 3: Publishing the Video

Choose the Retro VHS Filter and point the camera at the person that needs the filter. Hit the “Register” button. Make the recording and press the red popcorn. Hit “Next” and “Publish” the video finally.

![record and publish video]( glitch-filter-14.jpg)

Part 4: How to Add VHS Effects to your Travel Video?

With vacation season on, bloggers are into adding VHS photo filters to their videos to be uploaded on YouTube channels. The section shall convey the detailed procedure of adding a glitch effect filter to the travel and vacation videos in Wondershare Filmora .

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

Step 1: Initiating the Process

Begin the process by launching Wondershare Filmora. For starters, let us work on the perfect music for the video. The Audio tab shows an awful collection. Choose the “Young and Bright” category for the music.

![select music category]( glitch-filter-15.jpg)

Step 2: Picking the Music

Select any music and drag and drop it to the timeline. Now, trim the music into 15 seconds long. Now, input the travel videos to start their editing. Set the order for the video afterward.

![ pick the music]( glitch-filter-16.jpg)

Step 3: Choosing the Overlays

Navigate to the “Effects” panel and search for VHS. The software would offer multiple choices to pick from. Choose different overlays and place them onto the video tracks as you like.

![select overlays]( glitch-filter-17.jpg)

Step 4: Adding the Transition

To add the transition, head to the “Transition” tab and find VHS. Drag and drop the transitions among the cuts between the video clips. Adjust their duration as needed. Preview the video, and the mission is accomplished.

![add transitions to video]( glitch-filter-18.jpg)

Final Thoughts

Grabbing the attention of the audience is not as easy as it sounds. The creative industry uses a vast range of effects to compel the viewers to be on the edge of their seats. The article introduced the VHS filter while covering its procedure. If you are a TikTok, Instagram, or Photoshop user, we have got you. Wondershare Filmora helps perfectly to add the glitch filter to the vacation videos.

Versatile Video Editor - Wondershare Filmora

An easy yet powerful editor

Numerous effects to choose from

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Also read:

  • Title: In 2024, How to Create Video Contents That Convert Sales
  • Author: Chloe
  • Created at : 2024-05-20 03:38:35
  • Updated at : 2024-05-21 03:38:35
  • Link:
  • License: This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.
On this page
In 2024, How to Create Video Contents That Convert Sales