In 2024, How to Make a Bokeh Effect

In 2024, How to Make a Bokeh Effect

Chloe Lv12

How to Make a Bokeh Effect

There’s a strong chance you’ve heard about bokeh before if you frequently visit photography websites or have friends who are photographers. What exactly is this optical effect that camera aficionados frequently discuss? Bokeh, who is derived from the Japanese word for “blur,” is a term used in photography to describe how a lens presents an out-of-focus background.

  1. Paintshop Pro
  2. Blur n Bokeh
  3. PhotoDirector
  4. Tadaa SLR

Part 1. What is a Bokeh Effect?

The Japanese word boke, which meaning “blur,” “haze,” or “boke-aji,” the “blur quality,” is where the term “bokeh” originates. The pronunciation of bokeh is BOH-K or BOH-kay. You can find a lot of people discussing the beautiful bokeh that their favorite fast lenses allow on any photography website or forum.

Bokeh is characterized by the words “smooth,” “amazing,” “superb,” “good,” “beautiful,” “sweet,” “silky,” and “great.” But what is it exactly? When using a fast lens and the widest aperture possible, such as f/2.8 or wider, you can create bokeh, which is described as “the effect of a fuzzy out-of-focus background.” Bokeh is the appealing or aesthetically pleasant aspect of out-of-focus blur in a shot, to put it simply.

Part 2. What is a Bokeh effect used for?

Most often, bokeh is employed for artistic purposes. You might occasionally desire a little background blur so that the viewer’s attention is drawn to the subject. In other cases, you can want it to completely detract from the subject, as in portraiture when you want to concentrate on the individual’s eyes or mouth while blurring the rest of the image. It’s true that some people use bokeh inadvertently, like looking for photos with excellent bokeh that they may use as free images on their websites or blogs. This isn’t advised, though, as it’s against the law and usually frowned upon in the photographic community as a whole to steal someone else’s image in this manner.

Part 3. How do you create a Bokeh effect?

Bokeh’s smooth, organic texture is among its most lovely features. The major goal in producing this effect is to distinguish the subject from the backdrop by employing a shallow depth of field. You will learn how to create beautiful bokeh for your photos in this video. One of the most alluring photographic effects, particularly for portraits, is bokeh. It can impart a sense of perfection to everything in a photo, making it look lot more appealing and engaging. Bokeh helps to create a dreamy backdrop that gives the image a whole new level of depth and perspective.

Using a camera lens with a shallow depth of focus is one of the many methods for achieving bokeh in photography. You need a short depth of field so that your lens aperture can be opened up as wide as possible to achieve beautiful bokeh. You can take pictures with shallow depth of field, often known as bokeh, with a point and shoot or a DSLR. A common photography technique used to make the subject stand out from the backdrop is called bokeh.

It can be used to draw attention to the topic by blurring or losing focus on the background. Three different kinds of lenses can create beautiful bokeh: prime lenses with a wide aperture The best lenses for bokeh are often wide-aperture prime lenses. Although they are frequently more expensive and heavier than zoom lenses, they offer a wider field of view. Since there is a greater difference in depth between the foreground and background when using a wide-open aperture, wide aperture prime lenses make blurring the background easier.

Part 4. What software do you need for a Bokeh effect?

Bokeh is one of the best techniques for creating a soft out-of-focus background and emphasizing a certain spot in a shot. Utilizing a fast lens and modifying the camera’s aperture settings are the typical methods for obtaining bokeh. Still, using software for both Windows and Mac, even amateur photographers may enhance their photographs with a fantastic bokeh effect.

It might be challenging to determine which photo editing software is ideal for producing high-quality bokeh effects without trying them all out, which isn’t always an option. The top five Bokeh Effect Makers will be discussed in this post in order to improve your photographs’ visual appeal and set them apart from the competition.

# Paintshop Pro

With a comprehensive toolkit created for users of all ability levels, Paintshop Pro enables you to edit, enhance, and repair your photos. A touch-friendly photography option with a distinctive split-screen before-and-after function was recently added to the software. Paintshop Pro is a good option if you’re searching for a reasonably priced photo editor that lets you tack on extra premium capabilities as you go.

Depending on your degree of competence, the software offers three distinct workspaces for you to choose from. Essential editing tools and cutting-edge technologies like AI Upsampling and AI Style Transfer can be found in the Photography Workspace, which is intended for beginners or those making short alterations.

All of the common editing and retouching tools are present in the Essentials Workspace, but only a limited number of tools and palettes are visible. You may also change the available settings to display or hide the controls you need. Last but not least, Paintshop Pro’s Complete Workspace shows all of its tools and features.

# Blur n Bokeh

The focus of Blur & Bokeh for Mac is blurring an image’s backdrop and foreground. It has the ability to boost the saturation, brightness, and warmth of the highlighted areas, as well as masking with edge detection. The clever edge-preserving method is one of the software’s strongest components. It offers excellent outcomes for creating realistic-looking image output.

You may modify the foreground and background of your photographs using a variety of filters. Although Blur n Bokeh is excellent at producing bokeh, it’s not the ideal choice if you’re searching for software that provides a variety of additional picture editing features.

# PhotoDirector

All skill levels will benefit greatly from using PhotoDirector, a complete photo editor that is free to download and simple to use. Express Mode, who is great for making quick edits, or Full Mode, which offers preset and manual photo alteration options along with creative effects, overlays, and beauty options, are two ways the program lets you access the editor.

The best part is that there is a special bokeh tool that lets you add bokeh lights and blur a specific section of an image with just one click. PhotoDirector employs an image’s natural light sources to create the bokeh effects, in contrast to other tools. Having said that, you may select a shape from 25 options and even enable live animation.

Both beginning and experienced photographers will find PhotoDirector to be a desirable alternative. PhotoDirector is unquestionably at the top of the list if you’re seeking for reliable post-processing software with a large range of features.

# Tadaa SLR

Although there are many amazing things about your iPhone, its camera will never be able to take pictures with the same wonderfully shallow depth of field as your DSLR. That will always be the case unless Apple manages to get a much, much larger sensor into the phone.

Software, however, may mimic that lavish, shallow depth of field appearance. Tadaa SLR accomplishes this. Actually, Tadaa allows you to alter the photo’s focus point in addition to artificially adjusting the depth of field. Similar to what you can accomplish with the cutting-edge Lytro camera, it does it after you take the picture.

Tadaa is launched in camera mode, and you compose and snap your picture. Alternately, you can pick a picture from your camera roll if you wish to start with an existing image. A few widgets are as follows: Switch between a square or wide shot, show a line of thirds grid, and turn the flash on and off. Even access to the front and back cameras is provided by Tadaa.


Many popular photo editing programs require intermediate-level photo editing knowledge and can be a bit on the expensive side, but there are a few programs out there that cater to all skill levels and have free versions

that don’t cut corners on quality.

While each photo editor comes with various pros and cons, only one strikes a balance between offering a wide range of editing tools and being easy to navigate, and that’s PhotoDirector.

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Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Part 1. What is a Bokeh Effect?

The Japanese word boke, which meaning “blur,” “haze,” or “boke-aji,” the “blur quality,” is where the term “bokeh” originates. The pronunciation of bokeh is BOH-K or BOH-kay. You can find a lot of people discussing the beautiful bokeh that their favorite fast lenses allow on any photography website or forum.

Bokeh is characterized by the words “smooth,” “amazing,” “superb,” “good,” “beautiful,” “sweet,” “silky,” and “great.” But what is it exactly? When using a fast lens and the widest aperture possible, such as f/2.8 or wider, you can create bokeh, which is described as “the effect of a fuzzy out-of-focus background.” Bokeh is the appealing or aesthetically pleasant aspect of out-of-focus blur in a shot, to put it simply.

Part 2. What is a Bokeh effect used for?

Most often, bokeh is employed for artistic purposes. You might occasionally desire a little background blur so that the viewer’s attention is drawn to the subject. In other cases, you can want it to completely detract from the subject, as in portraiture when you want to concentrate on the individual’s eyes or mouth while blurring the rest of the image. It’s true that some people use bokeh inadvertently, like looking for photos with excellent bokeh that they may use as free images on their websites or blogs. This isn’t advised, though, as it’s against the law and usually frowned upon in the photographic community as a whole to steal someone else’s image in this manner.

Part 3. How do you create a Bokeh effect?

Bokeh’s smooth, organic texture is among its most lovely features. The major goal in producing this effect is to distinguish the subject from the backdrop by employing a shallow depth of field. You will learn how to create beautiful bokeh for your photos in this video. One of the most alluring photographic effects, particularly for portraits, is bokeh. It can impart a sense of perfection to everything in a photo, making it look lot more appealing and engaging. Bokeh helps to create a dreamy backdrop that gives the image a whole new level of depth and perspective.

Using a camera lens with a shallow depth of focus is one of the many methods for achieving bokeh in photography. You need a short depth of field so that your lens aperture can be opened up as wide as possible to achieve beautiful bokeh. You can take pictures with shallow depth of field, often known as bokeh, with a point and shoot or a DSLR. A common photography technique used to make the subject stand out from the backdrop is called bokeh.

It can be used to draw attention to the topic by blurring or losing focus on the background. Three different kinds of lenses can create beautiful bokeh: prime lenses with a wide aperture The best lenses for bokeh are often wide-aperture prime lenses. Although they are frequently more expensive and heavier than zoom lenses, they offer a wider field of view. Since there is a greater difference in depth between the foreground and background when using a wide-open aperture, wide aperture prime lenses make blurring the background easier.

Part 4. What software do you need for a Bokeh effect?

Bokeh is one of the best techniques for creating a soft out-of-focus background and emphasizing a certain spot in a shot. Utilizing a fast lens and modifying the camera’s aperture settings are the typical methods for obtaining bokeh. Still, using software for both Windows and Mac, even amateur photographers may enhance their photographs with a fantastic bokeh effect.

It might be challenging to determine which photo editing software is ideal for producing high-quality bokeh effects without trying them all out, which isn’t always an option. The top five Bokeh Effect Makers will be discussed in this post in order to improve your photographs’ visual appeal and set them apart from the competition.

# Paintshop Pro

With a comprehensive toolkit created for users of all ability levels, Paintshop Pro enables you to edit, enhance, and repair your photos. A touch-friendly photography option with a distinctive split-screen before-and-after function was recently added to the software. Paintshop Pro is a good option if you’re searching for a reasonably priced photo editor that lets you tack on extra premium capabilities as you go.

Depending on your degree of competence, the software offers three distinct workspaces for you to choose from. Essential editing tools and cutting-edge technologies like AI Upsampling and AI Style Transfer can be found in the Photography Workspace, which is intended for beginners or those making short alterations.

All of the common editing and retouching tools are present in the Essentials Workspace, but only a limited number of tools and palettes are visible. You may also change the available settings to display or hide the controls you need. Last but not least, Paintshop Pro’s Complete Workspace shows all of its tools and features.

# Blur n Bokeh

The focus of Blur & Bokeh for Mac is blurring an image’s backdrop and foreground. It has the ability to boost the saturation, brightness, and warmth of the highlighted areas, as well as masking with edge detection. The clever edge-preserving method is one of the software’s strongest components. It offers excellent outcomes for creating realistic-looking image output.

You may modify the foreground and background of your photographs using a variety of filters. Although Blur n Bokeh is excellent at producing bokeh, it’s not the ideal choice if you’re searching for software that provides a variety of additional picture editing features.

# PhotoDirector

All skill levels will benefit greatly from using PhotoDirector, a complete photo editor that is free to download and simple to use. Express Mode, who is great for making quick edits, or Full Mode, which offers preset and manual photo alteration options along with creative effects, overlays, and beauty options, are two ways the program lets you access the editor.

The best part is that there is a special bokeh tool that lets you add bokeh lights and blur a specific section of an image with just one click. PhotoDirector employs an image’s natural light sources to create the bokeh effects, in contrast to other tools. Having said that, you may select a shape from 25 options and even enable live animation.

Both beginning and experienced photographers will find PhotoDirector to be a desirable alternative. PhotoDirector is unquestionably at the top of the list if you’re seeking for reliable post-processing software with a large range of features.

# Tadaa SLR

Although there are many amazing things about your iPhone, its camera will never be able to take pictures with the same wonderfully shallow depth of field as your DSLR. That will always be the case unless Apple manages to get a much, much larger sensor into the phone.

Software, however, may mimic that lavish, shallow depth of field appearance. Tadaa SLR accomplishes this. Actually, Tadaa allows you to alter the photo’s focus point in addition to artificially adjusting the depth of field. Similar to what you can accomplish with the cutting-edge Lytro camera, it does it after you take the picture.

Tadaa is launched in camera mode, and you compose and snap your picture. Alternately, you can pick a picture from your camera roll if you wish to start with an existing image. A few widgets are as follows: Switch between a square or wide shot, show a line of thirds grid, and turn the flash on and off. Even access to the front and back cameras is provided by Tadaa.


Many popular photo editing programs require intermediate-level photo editing knowledge and can be a bit on the expensive side, but there are a few programs out there that cater to all skill levels and have free versions

that don’t cut corners on quality.

While each photo editor comes with various pros and cons, only one strikes a balance between offering a wide range of editing tools and being easy to navigate, and that’s PhotoDirector.

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Knowing All Ways To Slow Down Video With Adobe Premiere Pro

Play with time and craft an epic action sequence in videos. Speed ramping is a technique that video editors use for this purpose. You might be thinking that it’s a simple slow-motion effect, but it’s slightly different. In reality, speed ramping is the process of ensuring a smoother transition in speed of scenes. Countless movies and sports videos use slow and fast motion for several reasons.

Premiere Pro Slow Motion allows creative expression in videos. To do so, editors rely on Adobe Premiere Pro software for well-crafted videos. Careful editing is required to maintain continuity and cohesiveness in clips through motion Adobe. This article will guide you on how to use slow motion on Adobe Premiere. Explore this feature and all the necessary details for a polished video outlook.

Slow Motion Video Maker Slow your video’s speed with better control of your keyframes to create unique cinematic effects!

Make A Slow Motion Video Make A Slow Motion Video More Features

Wondershare Filmora

Part 1: Explaining the Slow-Motion Feature of Adobe Premiere Pro

Adobe Premiere Pro is a video editing software part of Adobe Creative Suite. Professional editors and beginners both use this tool to make their content creative. Whether you are reworking a previous art piece or a new project, it can alter colors for good. You can insert background music, animations, and other forms of multimedia using Adobe.

Among its limitless features is a speed-ramping or slow-motion function. To unlock Adobe Premiere slow-motion in detail, you can head into the below details:

  • Using this option, you can adjust the speed of the video as required. For instance, if you set it to 50%, your video will play at half speed compared to the original clips.
  • Apart from the speed, users can adjust the duration of slow motion. This adjustment delivers a stylized and customized look to your clips.
  • Make the slow-motion transition smoother with the optical flow feature. It can intelligently generate new frames to make your clips look like shots at a higher frame rate.
  • Not all clips are worth slowing down, so there are many frame rates to do this. You can set the frame rate from 30fps, 120fps, 240fps, and 960fps.

Part 2: Understanding the Operations of Performing Slow Motion on Adobe Premiere Pro

If you want to perform speed ramping in videos, first access Adobe Premiere Pro. Many users find video editing difficult in Adobe. For their ease, this section will explain the slow-mo Adobe Premiere in simple steps:

Step 1

After getting into the Adobe Premiere Pro, enter to its editing screen. Import your video clip and move towards its timeline section. There, right-click on the FX icon and choose “Time Remapping” to go to “Speed.” Now, you can see the white speed ramping line.

access speed remapping options

Step 2

Add the keyframe by clicking the left-side circle icon next to the speed ramping line. Zoom in the section and add another keyframe.

add keyframe to your video

Step 3

Click on the middle of the keyframe and pull it down slowly. To add a slow ramp instead of an abrupt change in speed, hit on the start and drag towards the right. Repeat the same to the other end of the keyframe. You can see a slow shift in speed. Later, you can adjust the speed and the ramp.

add more keyframes and adjust line

Part 3: What Are Some Potential Disadvantages of Using Adobe Premiere Pro for Performing Such Operations?

Many people might initially find the above steps intense and difficult to understand. Slow motion in Premiere Pro is useful in speed ramping, but you can face some issues using it. As everything has some bad side, this operation also does. You should read forward and know such disadvantages to avoid any inconvenience:

  • Playback Lagging: Adobe causes lagging and major issues in playback. If you don’t use optical flow and render frames freeze, you cannot make any speed ramps.
  • System Compatibility Issues: Speed ramping requires a system with a good GPU. Otherwise, problems might occur when it doesn’t interact well with the computer’s GPU.
  • Complex Processing: This feature will interrupt your workflow if you are not a professional editor. As you will have to watch several tutorial videos to use just one feature.
  • Frame Rate Adjustment Problems: Premiere Pro can show bugs if you use a high frame rate. It will start troubling when you use 120fps slow motion in clips.

Generally, it also requires strong computer specs and uses RAM of at least 8GB. The majority of editors look for an alternative due to its high learning curve and system requirements.

Part 5: Wondershare Filmora: Comprehending the Best Ways to Slow Down Videos

In search of a substitute, there could be many options on the internet. If someone is looking for easy-to-use software, they should use Wondershare Filmora . This video editor is the real game changer in adjusting speed ramping without laggings. Surprisingly, it does not require system requirements, and you can quickly launch it.

Filmora uses AI for a smooth optical flow compared with Adobe Premiere slow motion. It also ensures high quality and optimization of videos. With new AI features, you don’t need any help from experts, as AI can do it for you.

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Step-by-Step Guide to Slow Down Video Using Filmora

If you want more creative slow-motion videos, then keep reading. Here, you will find the easiest way to slow down videos in Filmora:

Step 1Install Filmora and Import Your Project in the Timeline

Launch the Filmora 13 in your system within simple steps. Access its main interface and hit the “New Project” button. Enter the editing window and import your project. Press the “Ctrl + I” keys from your keyboard to import the video. Browse the video and click “Open” to bring the video to Filmora. Then, drag and drop the video in the timeline section.

import media to timeline

Step 2Explore Speed Ramping to Make Videos Super Slow

Place your cursor on the video and right-click on it. From the list, choose “Speed Ramping” and navigate toward the right-side panel. There, tap on “Customize” to open the further settings. Look for the “AI Frame Interpolation” and expand it to choose the “Optical Flow” option. You can adjust the speed manually from the graphical section on the right.

access speed ramping and optical flow

Step 3Get Render Review and Look for Export Button

Go to the timeline section toolbar for a smoother playback. Explore the “Render Preview” icon next to a green robotic icon. Finally, you can click the “Export” button at the top right corner to shift the video to your computer.

render and export final video


To conclude, speed ramping is a unique way to slow down video scenes. In this regard, professional video editors prefer Adobe Premiere Pro Slow Motion. On the contrary, this software is not a good choice for beginners and non-tech persons. That’s where Wondershare Filmora can make the process easier for all users. The plus point is it ensures quality with dedicated customization.

Make A Slow Motion Video Make A Slow Motion Video More Features

Wondershare Filmora

Part 1: Explaining the Slow-Motion Feature of Adobe Premiere Pro

Adobe Premiere Pro is a video editing software part of Adobe Creative Suite. Professional editors and beginners both use this tool to make their content creative. Whether you are reworking a previous art piece or a new project, it can alter colors for good. You can insert background music, animations, and other forms of multimedia using Adobe.

Among its limitless features is a speed-ramping or slow-motion function. To unlock Adobe Premiere slow-motion in detail, you can head into the below details:

  • Using this option, you can adjust the speed of the video as required. For instance, if you set it to 50%, your video will play at half speed compared to the original clips.
  • Apart from the speed, users can adjust the duration of slow motion. This adjustment delivers a stylized and customized look to your clips.
  • Make the slow-motion transition smoother with the optical flow feature. It can intelligently generate new frames to make your clips look like shots at a higher frame rate.
  • Not all clips are worth slowing down, so there are many frame rates to do this. You can set the frame rate from 30fps, 120fps, 240fps, and 960fps.

Part 2: Understanding the Operations of Performing Slow Motion on Adobe Premiere Pro

If you want to perform speed ramping in videos, first access Adobe Premiere Pro. Many users find video editing difficult in Adobe. For their ease, this section will explain the slow-mo Adobe Premiere in simple steps:

Step 1

After getting into the Adobe Premiere Pro, enter to its editing screen. Import your video clip and move towards its timeline section. There, right-click on the FX icon and choose “Time Remapping” to go to “Speed.” Now, you can see the white speed ramping line.

access speed remapping options

Step 2

Add the keyframe by clicking the left-side circle icon next to the speed ramping line. Zoom in the section and add another keyframe.

add keyframe to your video

Step 3

Click on the middle of the keyframe and pull it down slowly. To add a slow ramp instead of an abrupt change in speed, hit on the start and drag towards the right. Repeat the same to the other end of the keyframe. You can see a slow shift in speed. Later, you can adjust the speed and the ramp.

add more keyframes and adjust line

Part 3: What Are Some Potential Disadvantages of Using Adobe Premiere Pro for Performing Such Operations?

Many people might initially find the above steps intense and difficult to understand. Slow motion in Premiere Pro is useful in speed ramping, but you can face some issues using it. As everything has some bad side, this operation also does. You should read forward and know such disadvantages to avoid any inconvenience:

  • Playback Lagging: Adobe causes lagging and major issues in playback. If you don’t use optical flow and render frames freeze, you cannot make any speed ramps.
  • System Compatibility Issues: Speed ramping requires a system with a good GPU. Otherwise, problems might occur when it doesn’t interact well with the computer’s GPU.
  • Complex Processing: This feature will interrupt your workflow if you are not a professional editor. As you will have to watch several tutorial videos to use just one feature.
  • Frame Rate Adjustment Problems: Premiere Pro can show bugs if you use a high frame rate. It will start troubling when you use 120fps slow motion in clips.

Generally, it also requires strong computer specs and uses RAM of at least 8GB. The majority of editors look for an alternative due to its high learning curve and system requirements.

Part 5: Wondershare Filmora: Comprehending the Best Ways to Slow Down Videos

In search of a substitute, there could be many options on the internet. If someone is looking for easy-to-use software, they should use Wondershare Filmora . This video editor is the real game changer in adjusting speed ramping without laggings. Surprisingly, it does not require system requirements, and you can quickly launch it.

Filmora uses AI for a smooth optical flow compared with Adobe Premiere slow motion. It also ensures high quality and optimization of videos. With new AI features, you don’t need any help from experts, as AI can do it for you.

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Step-by-Step Guide to Slow Down Video Using Filmora

If you want more creative slow-motion videos, then keep reading. Here, you will find the easiest way to slow down videos in Filmora:

Step 1Install Filmora and Import Your Project in the Timeline

Launch the Filmora 13 in your system within simple steps. Access its main interface and hit the “New Project” button. Enter the editing window and import your project. Press the “Ctrl + I” keys from your keyboard to import the video. Browse the video and click “Open” to bring the video to Filmora. Then, drag and drop the video in the timeline section.

import media to timeline

Step 2Explore Speed Ramping to Make Videos Super Slow

Place your cursor on the video and right-click on it. From the list, choose “Speed Ramping” and navigate toward the right-side panel. There, tap on “Customize” to open the further settings. Look for the “AI Frame Interpolation” and expand it to choose the “Optical Flow” option. You can adjust the speed manually from the graphical section on the right.

access speed ramping and optical flow

Step 3Get Render Review and Look for Export Button

Go to the timeline section toolbar for a smoother playback. Explore the “Render Preview” icon next to a green robotic icon. Finally, you can click the “Export” button at the top right corner to shift the video to your computer.

render and export final video


To conclude, speed ramping is a unique way to slow down video scenes. In this regard, professional video editors prefer Adobe Premiere Pro Slow Motion. On the contrary, this software is not a good choice for beginners and non-tech persons. That’s where Wondershare Filmora can make the process easier for all users. The plus point is it ensures quality with dedicated customization.

How To Split Videos in Premier Pro

You might regularly split and cut clips while doing video editing to find the perfect tempo for your video or removes portions of recordings you might not want. When you first begin using Adobe Premiere for video editing, it is highly possible that you will feel overwhelmed by the number of options at your disposal and question how to divide your footage quickly.

Premiere Pro is the most popular video editing program for movies, television, and online. You may edit the footage into polished films and videos with the aid of creative tools and interaction with other apps and services.

Part 1. How to split a clip in premiere pro?

1. The Razor tool

The Razor tool in Premiere is the simplest way to split or cut clips. This enables you to separate clips from the project timeline during your chosen clip. This technique is useful for making the first rough cut of your clips, with the sole drawback being that it can be less exact.

You can use the following steps to split a clip using the Razor tool:

Step1By pressing Cmd+I or Ctrl+I or by choosing File > Import, you can import it into Premiere Pro.

Step2Drag the clip onto the timeline if there is an existing sequence. If not, use the right-click menu to choose New Sequence From Clip. The video will now appear as a single block.

new sequence from clip

Step3Choose the Razor tool from the panel next to the timeline to split the clip.

Step4To split a video clip, click on the section you want to split.

Step5Now that you have two segments from the same video file, you can edit them separately.

2. Current-Time Indicator

A blue triangular indication called the Current Time Indicator (CTI) lets you know where you are in the timeline. CTIs are employed in a variety of panels.

You can follow these steps to split the clip using Current-Time Indicator:

Step1Select the section of the clip you want to split by moving the Current-Time Indicator there.

Step2Ensure that the video layer you want to split is highlighted on the timeline’s left side.

Step3Use the keyboard shortcuts Cmd+K or Ctrl+K to split the clip.

3. Source Panel

Individual clips are played back on the Source Monitor. You prepare clips for a sequence in the Source Monitor. You designate the clip’s source tracks, In points, and Out points. In a Timeline panel, you may add clips to a sequence and place clip markers.

How to split video clips with source panel in premiere pro :

For the clip, you want to split to appear in the Source panel, choose it from the Project panel. Then take these actions.

Step1First, locate the arrow-shaped marker at the start of the clip’s time bar in the Source Panel to navigate and indicate the In and Out points.

Step2Wherever you want the In and Out indicators to appear, press the I or O key. I stand for inside, and O for outside.

Step3Select Insert from the Source panel’s tools once your marks are in place.

Part 2. How to split audio from video in premiere pro?

1. The Razor tool

You can use the following steps to split an audio clip using the Razor tool:

Step1You can import it into Premiere Pro by selecting File > Import, or pressing Ctrl+I or Cmd+I.

Step2If there is an existing sequence, drag the clip onto it. If not, select New Sequence From Clip from the right-click menu. Now the video will play in a block format.

Step3Choose the moment at which you want to separate. To trim the movie, choose the “Razor” tool from the Tools area. Utilizing this tool, navigate to the timeline for the video or audio, left click on the video, and it will divide the file into two pieces.

Step4You can edit each part separately now that you have two from the same audio file.

2. Current-Time Indicator

You can follow these steps to split the audio clip using Current-Time Indicator:

Step1By dragging the Current-Time Indicator there, you can choose the part of the audio clip you want to separate.

Step2On the timeline’s left side, make sure the audio layer you want to split is highlighted.

Step3Use the keyboard commands Cmd+K or Ctrl+K to divide the audio clip.

Note: The methods to split a video/audio are the same. Splitting a video clip using this method will automatically be split if the audio has been highlighted.

Part 3. How to split video and audio in alternative to premiere pro?

As a professional video editing software, Premiere Pro offers a wide range of professional editing features. But, for a beginner, it might seem time-consuming to master the software. Because it requires a high-speed PC due to the video resolution and requirements. So, we suggest Wondershare Filmora because it is considerably easier to use. Products on Filmora are available for various users, from novice to expert. A timeline, preview window, and effects library are common features. These may be accessed and managed using a drag-and-drop interface.

You can follow these steps to split audio and video without any hassle:

Step1To add video files to the Timeline for trimming, first click “Import“ on the main windows and choose the video files you want from your computer. You can also just drag and drop movies into the Media Library.


Step2To eliminate an undesirable segment, move the playhead over it and select the scissor icon.

Step3”Detach Audio” from the context menu when you are ready to extract the audio track from a video file. You’ll see that an audio file immediately appears on the audio track.

detach audio

Step4Click “Export“ after you’re done trimming, then choose where you want to save the edited video.

save the edited video


Since we run out of time because of our busy schedules, you might find it inconvenient to use two different software programs when it can be done using Filmora. Due to the highly advanced and user-friendly tools introduced in Filmora , it is one of the best and most highly recommended video editing software.

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Part 3. How to split video and audio in alternative to premiere pro?

As a professional video editing software, Premiere Pro offers a wide range of professional editing features. But, for a beginner, it might seem time-consuming to master the software. Because it requires a high-speed PC due to the video resolution and requirements. So, we suggest Wondershare Filmora because it is considerably easier to use. Products on Filmora are available for various users, from novice to expert. A timeline, preview window, and effects library are common features. These may be accessed and managed using a drag-and-drop interface.

You can follow these steps to split audio and video without any hassle:

Step1To add video files to the Timeline for trimming, first click “Import“ on the main windows and choose the video files you want from your computer. You can also just drag and drop movies into the Media Library.


Step2To eliminate an undesirable segment, move the playhead over it and select the scissor icon.

Step3”Detach Audio” from the context menu when you are ready to extract the audio track from a video file. You’ll see that an audio file immediately appears on the audio track.

detach audio

Step4Click “Export“ after you’re done trimming, then choose where you want to save the edited video.

save the edited video


Since we run out of time because of our busy schedules, you might find it inconvenient to use two different software programs when it can be done using Filmora. Due to the highly advanced and user-friendly tools introduced in Filmora , it is one of the best and most highly recommended video editing software.

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

How to Use Canva Color Match

How to Perfectly Use Canva Color Match?

An easy yet powerful editor

Numerous effects to choose from

Detailed tutorials provided by the official channel

Try It Free Try It Free

Color combination is the essential thing that you need to keep in mind designing. It helps create eye-catchy designs and can create a positive impact on the target audience.


This is the greatest secret of creating attractive and wonderful designs. Reading further will help you to understand the Canva color match in detail. So, without any further dues, let’s get started!

In this article

01 [What is the Canva Color Picker?](#Part 1)

02 [Why Use the Color Match Tool?](#Part 2)

03 [How to Use Color Match in Canva to Match Your Brand](#Part 3)

04 [Alternative to Canva Color Match](#Part 4)

Part 1 What is the Canva Color Picker?

Canva is one of the simplest and easiest ways of creating great and eye-catchy graphic designs. Color combinations help us to make these designs more attractive. But earlier, there were some limitations in Canva regarding the color picker tool; designers had to use browser extensions like ColorZilla to match the color combinations perfectly. They faced many problems while selecting the perfect color of their choice while designing their pins, social media content, logos, online invitations, etc. They had to find the perfect color code of their choice from an external source and paste it into the Canva, which was simply very time-consuming.

The most-awaited color picker tool was introduced in Canva at the end of November 202This new design tool makes the design very convenient while using Canva for graphic designing. With this tool, you don’t need to spend hours searching for the right color that matches the background. Color picker helps you to find a perfect color match according to the image, logo, or anything else uploaded on Canva.

eyedropper tool

But before using this new color match tool, you must ensure that:

You are using the updated version of the Canva desktop app.

You have the latest version of the browsers like Chrome, Mozilla, Internet Explorer, etc.

Part 2 Why Use the Color Match Tool?

custom colors

This color match tool is the most-demanded feature that has been updated on Canva. It helps choose the perfect color match very efficiently without wasting time and effort. It works like an eyedropper tool available in graphic designing software like Photoshop. It is elementary and valuable to use, and it saves a lot of time in creating attractive and wonderful designs.

It helps determine the different colors available in a particular image uploaded on the Canva app. You can easily choose the appropriate color by placing the tool in the place that has your desired color. It is a compassionate tool, so you should be very careful while choosing the color of your choice. You can press the ‘Esc’ button to exit the command without choosing any color.

This color match tool magically helps select the desired color in seconds without using any external color picker browser extension. This tool is readily available on the color pallet in the updated version of the Canva desktop app.

Part 3 How to Use Color Match in Canva to Match Your Brand

The color match tool is now inbuilt in the Canva desktop app, which is very easy and convenient. You need to download the Canva desktop app to use this feature from the official website of Canva.

canvas desktop tool

The designers need to follow the simple steps given below to use the color match tool (eyedropper tool) in the updated version of the Canva desktop app:

First of all, open the Canva desktop app.

After this, open any design or image of your choice that you want to edit. This color match tool can work on any type of image, regardless of the shape and size.

Now, select the particular part of the image whose color you want to change.

After this, click on the color block available at the top corner to open the color customization options.

A color pallet will open.

On the top of the color pallet, you will see a ‘+’ (add new color) button, this button has a colorful square outline.

After this, a color chart will appear under that button. You will see the color code written over there and an eyedropper tool will be available next to that color code (hex code).

Click on this eyedropper tool and select the color of your choice either from the image or any other color available in Canva.

After selecting the color tap on the particular part of the image whose color you want to change.

This is how you can change the color using the new color picker tool available in Canva and enjoy editing your images using the new Canva desktop app.

Part 4 Alternative to Canva Color Match

As we all know, Canva is the most accessible online graphic designing platform used for image editing and video editing. But there are certain limitations of using it, so here we have listed some of the other graphic designing tools for both image and video editing that can be used as an alternative to the Canva app:

Visme: It is a drag and drops editing and graphic designing tool. Using; this tool is effortless to use, and you can easily create attractive presentations, infographics, social media graphics, logos, etc. This tool can be used by anyone like students (to create their school activities), educators (to create easy to learn infographics), business people (to create attractive presentations), graphic designers (to create different content), etc.

It contains a lot of features like:

Data Visualization Tools

Variety of Professionally Designed Easy to Use Templates

Infographic Maker

A Large Number of Editing Tools

Animation Feature with Hover Effects

Analytics Feature

Adobe Spark: It is an online tool launched by Adobe. Although it can’t compete with professional software like Photoshop and Illustrator, it can be treated as the best alternative for Canva. It is used to create social media posts, logos, and graphic designs easily and efficiently. The only limitation it has is that non-designers and newcomers can’t use it without any knowledge of graphic design.

PicMonkey: PicMonkey is another great alternative to Canva, just like Visme. It has many features that help both professional and non-professional designers create attractive and wonderful designs very easily and efficiently. It has many exciting features like photo re-toucher, pattern & effects tools, etc., just like Photoshop, but it is relatively easier to use and can be used by anyone who wants to create beautiful and creative graphic designs.

****Wondershare Filmora Video Editor **: Filmora is a video editing software and can be used as an alternative to Canva if you create and edit the videos to medium & advanced levels. It is used to create and edit short videos for social media and ad campaigns very quickly, with many features available in professional software like Adobe Premiere Pro. It is easy-to-use with an intuitive user interface that is very helpful for non-professional and less experienced video editors.

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

Key Takeaways from This Episode

It can be concluded that Canva is a fantastic graphic designing tool for all the non-professionals and newcomers in the field of design. It helps people create attractive and creative designs with less effort and less time consumption.

No doubt, everything has its pros and cons. Similarly, Canva also has certain limitations compared to the other professional graphic designing tools like Photoshop, Illustrator, etc.

But still, it is continuously updating and removing those limitations. For example- the new color match tool is introduced to this platform for easy and convenient graphic designing.

This color match tool (eyedropper tool) was demanded by the designers who use Canva for their graphics and creating attractive social media posts, infographics, video editing, etc.

Try It Free Try It Free

Color combination is the essential thing that you need to keep in mind designing. It helps create eye-catchy designs and can create a positive impact on the target audience.


This is the greatest secret of creating attractive and wonderful designs. Reading further will help you to understand the Canva color match in detail. So, without any further dues, let’s get started!

In this article

01 [What is the Canva Color Picker?](#Part 1)

02 [Why Use the Color Match Tool?](#Part 2)

03 [How to Use Color Match in Canva to Match Your Brand](#Part 3)

04 [Alternative to Canva Color Match](#Part 4)

Part 1 What is the Canva Color Picker?

Canva is one of the simplest and easiest ways of creating great and eye-catchy graphic designs. Color combinations help us to make these designs more attractive. But earlier, there were some limitations in Canva regarding the color picker tool; designers had to use browser extensions like ColorZilla to match the color combinations perfectly. They faced many problems while selecting the perfect color of their choice while designing their pins, social media content, logos, online invitations, etc. They had to find the perfect color code of their choice from an external source and paste it into the Canva, which was simply very time-consuming.

The most-awaited color picker tool was introduced in Canva at the end of November 202This new design tool makes the design very convenient while using Canva for graphic designing. With this tool, you don’t need to spend hours searching for the right color that matches the background. Color picker helps you to find a perfect color match according to the image, logo, or anything else uploaded on Canva.

eyedropper tool

But before using this new color match tool, you must ensure that:

You are using the updated version of the Canva desktop app.

You have the latest version of the browsers like Chrome, Mozilla, Internet Explorer, etc.

Part 2 Why Use the Color Match Tool?

custom colors

This color match tool is the most-demanded feature that has been updated on Canva. It helps choose the perfect color match very efficiently without wasting time and effort. It works like an eyedropper tool available in graphic designing software like Photoshop. It is elementary and valuable to use, and it saves a lot of time in creating attractive and wonderful designs.

It helps determine the different colors available in a particular image uploaded on the Canva app. You can easily choose the appropriate color by placing the tool in the place that has your desired color. It is a compassionate tool, so you should be very careful while choosing the color of your choice. You can press the ‘Esc’ button to exit the command without choosing any color.

This color match tool magically helps select the desired color in seconds without using any external color picker browser extension. This tool is readily available on the color pallet in the updated version of the Canva desktop app.

Part 3 How to Use Color Match in Canva to Match Your Brand

The color match tool is now inbuilt in the Canva desktop app, which is very easy and convenient. You need to download the Canva desktop app to use this feature from the official website of Canva.

canvas desktop tool

The designers need to follow the simple steps given below to use the color match tool (eyedropper tool) in the updated version of the Canva desktop app:

First of all, open the Canva desktop app.

After this, open any design or image of your choice that you want to edit. This color match tool can work on any type of image, regardless of the shape and size.

Now, select the particular part of the image whose color you want to change.

After this, click on the color block available at the top corner to open the color customization options.

A color pallet will open.

On the top of the color pallet, you will see a ‘+’ (add new color) button, this button has a colorful square outline.

After this, a color chart will appear under that button. You will see the color code written over there and an eyedropper tool will be available next to that color code (hex code).

Click on this eyedropper tool and select the color of your choice either from the image or any other color available in Canva.

After selecting the color tap on the particular part of the image whose color you want to change.

This is how you can change the color using the new color picker tool available in Canva and enjoy editing your images using the new Canva desktop app.

Part 4 Alternative to Canva Color Match

As we all know, Canva is the most accessible online graphic designing platform used for image editing and video editing. But there are certain limitations of using it, so here we have listed some of the other graphic designing tools for both image and video editing that can be used as an alternative to the Canva app:

Visme: It is a drag and drops editing and graphic designing tool. Using; this tool is effortless to use, and you can easily create attractive presentations, infographics, social media graphics, logos, etc. This tool can be used by anyone like students (to create their school activities), educators (to create easy to learn infographics), business people (to create attractive presentations), graphic designers (to create different content), etc.

It contains a lot of features like:

Data Visualization Tools

Variety of Professionally Designed Easy to Use Templates

Infographic Maker

A Large Number of Editing Tools

Animation Feature with Hover Effects

Analytics Feature

Adobe Spark: It is an online tool launched by Adobe. Although it can’t compete with professional software like Photoshop and Illustrator, it can be treated as the best alternative for Canva. It is used to create social media posts, logos, and graphic designs easily and efficiently. The only limitation it has is that non-designers and newcomers can’t use it without any knowledge of graphic design.

PicMonkey: PicMonkey is another great alternative to Canva, just like Visme. It has many features that help both professional and non-professional designers create attractive and wonderful designs very easily and efficiently. It has many exciting features like photo re-toucher, pattern & effects tools, etc., just like Photoshop, but it is relatively easier to use and can be used by anyone who wants to create beautiful and creative graphic designs.

****Wondershare Filmora Video Editor **: Filmora is a video editing software and can be used as an alternative to Canva if you create and edit the videos to medium & advanced levels. It is used to create and edit short videos for social media and ad campaigns very quickly, with many features available in professional software like Adobe Premiere Pro. It is easy-to-use with an intuitive user interface that is very helpful for non-professional and less experienced video editors.

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

Key Takeaways from This Episode

It can be concluded that Canva is a fantastic graphic designing tool for all the non-professionals and newcomers in the field of design. It helps people create attractive and creative designs with less effort and less time consumption.

No doubt, everything has its pros and cons. Similarly, Canva also has certain limitations compared to the other professional graphic designing tools like Photoshop, Illustrator, etc.

But still, it is continuously updating and removing those limitations. For example- the new color match tool is introduced to this platform for easy and convenient graphic designing.

This color match tool (eyedropper tool) was demanded by the designers who use Canva for their graphics and creating attractive social media posts, infographics, video editing, etc.

Try It Free Try It Free

Color combination is the essential thing that you need to keep in mind designing. It helps create eye-catchy designs and can create a positive impact on the target audience.


This is the greatest secret of creating attractive and wonderful designs. Reading further will help you to understand the Canva color match in detail. So, without any further dues, let’s get started!

In this article

01 [What is the Canva Color Picker?](#Part 1)

02 [Why Use the Color Match Tool?](#Part 2)

03 [How to Use Color Match in Canva to Match Your Brand](#Part 3)

04 [Alternative to Canva Color Match](#Part 4)

Part 1 What is the Canva Color Picker?

Canva is one of the simplest and easiest ways of creating great and eye-catchy graphic designs. Color combinations help us to make these designs more attractive. But earlier, there were some limitations in Canva regarding the color picker tool; designers had to use browser extensions like ColorZilla to match the color combinations perfectly. They faced many problems while selecting the perfect color of their choice while designing their pins, social media content, logos, online invitations, etc. They had to find the perfect color code of their choice from an external source and paste it into the Canva, which was simply very time-consuming.

The most-awaited color picker tool was introduced in Canva at the end of November 202This new design tool makes the design very convenient while using Canva for graphic designing. With this tool, you don’t need to spend hours searching for the right color that matches the background. Color picker helps you to find a perfect color match according to the image, logo, or anything else uploaded on Canva.

eyedropper tool

But before using this new color match tool, you must ensure that:

You are using the updated version of the Canva desktop app.

You have the latest version of the browsers like Chrome, Mozilla, Internet Explorer, etc.

Part 2 Why Use the Color Match Tool?

custom colors

This color match tool is the most-demanded feature that has been updated on Canva. It helps choose the perfect color match very efficiently without wasting time and effort. It works like an eyedropper tool available in graphic designing software like Photoshop. It is elementary and valuable to use, and it saves a lot of time in creating attractive and wonderful designs.

It helps determine the different colors available in a particular image uploaded on the Canva app. You can easily choose the appropriate color by placing the tool in the place that has your desired color. It is a compassionate tool, so you should be very careful while choosing the color of your choice. You can press the ‘Esc’ button to exit the command without choosing any color.

This color match tool magically helps select the desired color in seconds without using any external color picker browser extension. This tool is readily available on the color pallet in the updated version of the Canva desktop app.

Part 3 How to Use Color Match in Canva to Match Your Brand

The color match tool is now inbuilt in the Canva desktop app, which is very easy and convenient. You need to download the Canva desktop app to use this feature from the official website of Canva.

canvas desktop tool

The designers need to follow the simple steps given below to use the color match tool (eyedropper tool) in the updated version of the Canva desktop app:

First of all, open the Canva desktop app.

After this, open any design or image of your choice that you want to edit. This color match tool can work on any type of image, regardless of the shape and size.

Now, select the particular part of the image whose color you want to change.

After this, click on the color block available at the top corner to open the color customization options.

A color pallet will open.

On the top of the color pallet, you will see a ‘+’ (add new color) button, this button has a colorful square outline.

After this, a color chart will appear under that button. You will see the color code written over there and an eyedropper tool will be available next to that color code (hex code).

Click on this eyedropper tool and select the color of your choice either from the image or any other color available in Canva.

After selecting the color tap on the particular part of the image whose color you want to change.

This is how you can change the color using the new color picker tool available in Canva and enjoy editing your images using the new Canva desktop app.

Part 4 Alternative to Canva Color Match

As we all know, Canva is the most accessible online graphic designing platform used for image editing and video editing. But there are certain limitations of using it, so here we have listed some of the other graphic designing tools for both image and video editing that can be used as an alternative to the Canva app:

Visme: It is a drag and drops editing and graphic designing tool. Using; this tool is effortless to use, and you can easily create attractive presentations, infographics, social media graphics, logos, etc. This tool can be used by anyone like students (to create their school activities), educators (to create easy to learn infographics), business people (to create attractive presentations), graphic designers (to create different content), etc.

It contains a lot of features like:

Data Visualization Tools

Variety of Professionally Designed Easy to Use Templates

Infographic Maker

A Large Number of Editing Tools

Animation Feature with Hover Effects

Analytics Feature

Adobe Spark: It is an online tool launched by Adobe. Although it can’t compete with professional software like Photoshop and Illustrator, it can be treated as the best alternative for Canva. It is used to create social media posts, logos, and graphic designs easily and efficiently. The only limitation it has is that non-designers and newcomers can’t use it without any knowledge of graphic design.

PicMonkey: PicMonkey is another great alternative to Canva, just like Visme. It has many features that help both professional and non-professional designers create attractive and wonderful designs very easily and efficiently. It has many exciting features like photo re-toucher, pattern & effects tools, etc., just like Photoshop, but it is relatively easier to use and can be used by anyone who wants to create beautiful and creative graphic designs.

****Wondershare Filmora Video Editor **: Filmora is a video editing software and can be used as an alternative to Canva if you create and edit the videos to medium & advanced levels. It is used to create and edit short videos for social media and ad campaigns very quickly, with many features available in professional software like Adobe Premiere Pro. It is easy-to-use with an intuitive user interface that is very helpful for non-professional and less experienced video editors.

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

Key Takeaways from This Episode

It can be concluded that Canva is a fantastic graphic designing tool for all the non-professionals and newcomers in the field of design. It helps people create attractive and creative designs with less effort and less time consumption.

No doubt, everything has its pros and cons. Similarly, Canva also has certain limitations compared to the other professional graphic designing tools like Photoshop, Illustrator, etc.

But still, it is continuously updating and removing those limitations. For example- the new color match tool is introduced to this platform for easy and convenient graphic designing.

This color match tool (eyedropper tool) was demanded by the designers who use Canva for their graphics and creating attractive social media posts, infographics, video editing, etc.

Try It Free Try It Free

Color combination is the essential thing that you need to keep in mind designing. It helps create eye-catchy designs and can create a positive impact on the target audience.


This is the greatest secret of creating attractive and wonderful designs. Reading further will help you to understand the Canva color match in detail. So, without any further dues, let’s get started!

In this article

01 [What is the Canva Color Picker?](#Part 1)

02 [Why Use the Color Match Tool?](#Part 2)

03 [How to Use Color Match in Canva to Match Your Brand](#Part 3)

04 [Alternative to Canva Color Match](#Part 4)

Part 1 What is the Canva Color Picker?

Canva is one of the simplest and easiest ways of creating great and eye-catchy graphic designs. Color combinations help us to make these designs more attractive. But earlier, there were some limitations in Canva regarding the color picker tool; designers had to use browser extensions like ColorZilla to match the color combinations perfectly. They faced many problems while selecting the perfect color of their choice while designing their pins, social media content, logos, online invitations, etc. They had to find the perfect color code of their choice from an external source and paste it into the Canva, which was simply very time-consuming.

The most-awaited color picker tool was introduced in Canva at the end of November 202This new design tool makes the design very convenient while using Canva for graphic designing. With this tool, you don’t need to spend hours searching for the right color that matches the background. Color picker helps you to find a perfect color match according to the image, logo, or anything else uploaded on Canva.

eyedropper tool

But before using this new color match tool, you must ensure that:

You are using the updated version of the Canva desktop app.

You have the latest version of the browsers like Chrome, Mozilla, Internet Explorer, etc.

Part 2 Why Use the Color Match Tool?

custom colors

This color match tool is the most-demanded feature that has been updated on Canva. It helps choose the perfect color match very efficiently without wasting time and effort. It works like an eyedropper tool available in graphic designing software like Photoshop. It is elementary and valuable to use, and it saves a lot of time in creating attractive and wonderful designs.

It helps determine the different colors available in a particular image uploaded on the Canva app. You can easily choose the appropriate color by placing the tool in the place that has your desired color. It is a compassionate tool, so you should be very careful while choosing the color of your choice. You can press the ‘Esc’ button to exit the command without choosing any color.

This color match tool magically helps select the desired color in seconds without using any external color picker browser extension. This tool is readily available on the color pallet in the updated version of the Canva desktop app.

Part 3 How to Use Color Match in Canva to Match Your Brand

The color match tool is now inbuilt in the Canva desktop app, which is very easy and convenient. You need to download the Canva desktop app to use this feature from the official website of Canva.

canvas desktop tool

The designers need to follow the simple steps given below to use the color match tool (eyedropper tool) in the updated version of the Canva desktop app:

First of all, open the Canva desktop app.

After this, open any design or image of your choice that you want to edit. This color match tool can work on any type of image, regardless of the shape and size.

Now, select the particular part of the image whose color you want to change.

After this, click on the color block available at the top corner to open the color customization options.

A color pallet will open.

On the top of the color pallet, you will see a ‘+’ (add new color) button, this button has a colorful square outline.

After this, a color chart will appear under that button. You will see the color code written over there and an eyedropper tool will be available next to that color code (hex code).

Click on this eyedropper tool and select the color of your choice either from the image or any other color available in Canva.

After selecting the color tap on the particular part of the image whose color you want to change.

This is how you can change the color using the new color picker tool available in Canva and enjoy editing your images using the new Canva desktop app.

Part 4 Alternative to Canva Color Match

As we all know, Canva is the most accessible online graphic designing platform used for image editing and video editing. But there are certain limitations of using it, so here we have listed some of the other graphic designing tools for both image and video editing that can be used as an alternative to the Canva app:

Visme: It is a drag and drops editing and graphic designing tool. Using; this tool is effortless to use, and you can easily create attractive presentations, infographics, social media graphics, logos, etc. This tool can be used by anyone like students (to create their school activities), educators (to create easy to learn infographics), business people (to create attractive presentations), graphic designers (to create different content), etc.

It contains a lot of features like:

Data Visualization Tools

Variety of Professionally Designed Easy to Use Templates

Infographic Maker

A Large Number of Editing Tools

Animation Feature with Hover Effects

Analytics Feature

Adobe Spark: It is an online tool launched by Adobe. Although it can’t compete with professional software like Photoshop and Illustrator, it can be treated as the best alternative for Canva. It is used to create social media posts, logos, and graphic designs easily and efficiently. The only limitation it has is that non-designers and newcomers can’t use it without any knowledge of graphic design.

PicMonkey: PicMonkey is another great alternative to Canva, just like Visme. It has many features that help both professional and non-professional designers create attractive and wonderful designs very easily and efficiently. It has many exciting features like photo re-toucher, pattern & effects tools, etc., just like Photoshop, but it is relatively easier to use and can be used by anyone who wants to create beautiful and creative graphic designs.

****Wondershare Filmora Video Editor **: Filmora is a video editing software and can be used as an alternative to Canva if you create and edit the videos to medium & advanced levels. It is used to create and edit short videos for social media and ad campaigns very quickly, with many features available in professional software like Adobe Premiere Pro. It is easy-to-use with an intuitive user interface that is very helpful for non-professional and less experienced video editors.

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

Key Takeaways from This Episode

It can be concluded that Canva is a fantastic graphic designing tool for all the non-professionals and newcomers in the field of design. It helps people create attractive and creative designs with less effort and less time consumption.

No doubt, everything has its pros and cons. Similarly, Canva also has certain limitations compared to the other professional graphic designing tools like Photoshop, Illustrator, etc.

But still, it is continuously updating and removing those limitations. For example- the new color match tool is introduced to this platform for easy and convenient graphic designing.

This color match tool (eyedropper tool) was demanded by the designers who use Canva for their graphics and creating attractive social media posts, infographics, video editing, etc.

Also read:

  • Title: In 2024, How to Make a Bokeh Effect
  • Author: Chloe
  • Created at : 2024-04-24 07:08:11
  • Updated at : 2024-04-25 07:08:11
  • Link:
  • License: This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.
On this page
In 2024, How to Make a Bokeh Effect