In 2024, How to Make Boring Videos Look Cool By B Rolls

In 2024, How to Make Boring Videos Look Cool By B Rolls

Chloe Lv12

How to Make Boring Videos Look Cool By B Rolls

Everyone is bored after watching a simple recorded video in which a character explains or tells a story. No one will watch it for more than 4 minutes!

After looking through this article, you will make your video more fascinating and get more views instantly. It’s all just due to B-roll, which will act as a ninja feature in your video. In this regard, Wondershare Filmora will handle everything.

Scroll more to discover two different types of B-roll videos and get an idea of how to make fascinating B-roll videos.

Part 1. What Is a B-roll?

B-roll is alternative or supplementary video footage that editors can use to intercut in between their main video. In that way, B-roll can add more information to a scene.

An additional footage

It is added as a supplementary video to interact with viewers more closely. This feature helps to give more details of a scene.

Visual representation

When the main explanatory video is too boring, you can add a b-roll to represent the movie’s story visually. It can also add to spice up and beat the energy of the narrative.

Without sound

The B-roll shots are mostly without audio or with little background sound. In most cases, the sound of the primary video is continued while the B-roll footage is just shown.

Act as a filler

The criteria for the B-roll is to provide the situation of the storyline. Additionally, it could be utilized as filler in between scenes in a movie or television program. B-roll may be found almost anywhere!

In this article, you will learn about two main kinds of B-rolls and the steps to edit them on Wondershare Filmora . Stick with us to the end!

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Part 2. Two Types of B-rolls: Explanation Video B-rolls

When recording any explanatory video, the audience may leave it in the middle of a video if a character explains without any visual representation. When explaining something new, showing the object in B-roll can be more effective than just verbally explaining what the audience is seeing.

Let’s take the video we made about microphones as an example. Instead of just verbally introduce the various mics, we inserted B-roll footage to display what they look like and how they can be used. The combination of the visual footage and the background voiceover presents the mic in a more vivid way. Also, it keeps the audience’s attention.

explanation b roll of microphone

Goal of the explanation B-roll video

The main goal of this type of B-roll is to show your audience what you are talking about instead of just telling them in a dull way.

Part 3. How to Edit Explanation B-roll Footage on Filmora?

After getting the footage and recording shots for B-roll videos, you need to edit it on the Wondershare Filmora. For this, follow the below-mentioned steps:

Step1Download the Wondershare Filmora

There is no need to do any complex process for editing on any platform. Because we have one platform on which every tool is available.

  • First of all, you have to download the Wondershare Filmora .
  • Then get access to the entire features.

The premium version has new features and effects plugins that make editing more filmy and fun!

Step2Stock media in Filmora

After downloading, it’s time to edit the B-roll video. If you can’t film your own B-roll, you can use stock footage but make sure you have the license to use them.

Filmora has a unique “stock media” option that enables us to use all these elements and more to boost our videos! To add stock media, follow the below steps:

  • Open the app or window of Filmora, which you have installed.
  • Head towards the tab on the top right side.
  • Then click on the Stock Media option and open it.
  • A long list of stock videos and images will pop up.

stock media of filmora

  • Select whatever you want, and download it.
  • Then drag and drop it in the timeline and insert it between your video.


Note: Only premium customers will get access to the stock media of the Wondershare Filmora.

Step3Add B-roll in between the main video

The most difficult and frequent asking situation is how you know when to cut to B-roll. To get to know when to insert B-roll, follow the following steps:

  • Watch your edits back and check out where you need.
  • Sense about the dull and complex points and cut the main video from there.
  • The points can be easily fixed with visual aids.

complex and dull points in the primary video

Part 4. Two Types of B-rolls: Storytelling Video B-rolls

During the creation of short films or any storytelling videos, if a person sits and speaks without showing any character or anything else, it will turn boring. Due to this, you have more chances to lose your audience and viewers.

In visual storytelling, if you will insert more clips with close shots, it will make the environment cool. The crazy thing is that you can make mimic shots easily at home by utilizing household objects. Let’s check out one of the examples.

Example 1. Film B-roll footage with food

So let’s add some b-roll to give it more context even if you have a master shot of yourself looking off frame alone.

Step1Write a script

Before making any video, the first step is to write a script for the whole video. If you will have more than two characters, then make dialogues for everyone and practice it again and again to give a fascinating look.

Then speak to your audience, make sure that what you are speaking is vivid and make everything simple and crystal clear.

Step2Shot a primary video

First of all, make a primary video according to your script by implementing a camera at one side, or you can also change the angle of the camera lens during shooting to have a look from all sides.

primary footage of a video

As you can see that it’s kind of boring for the audience, but we will make it more unique by implementing closer shots. For this, follow the last step:

Step3Make B-roll shots

Make closer shots of things which the character have to select and pick up. Check out two B-roll shots for the main video:

  • First, make a closer shot of the object (Snacks) that the character is noticing prior.

b roll footage number 1

  • Second, create more intimate footage of the second object (Banana) which the character will select and grab.

b roll footage number 2

Step4Edit both B-roll footages in Main Video

Now, in the last, insert the B-roll footage in between the primary video from the Filmora and get your results. Enjoy it with your viewers!

final video after adding b roll footage

Now experiment at home with more daily life activities and create all on Filmora. Check out one more example to create B-roll footage!

Example 2. Make B-roll shots with a cardboard

Try using readily accessible cardboard to create light effects in different shapes and give the film a fantastical place. These methods frequently produce artistic videos that transmit unique moods to viewers.

Only experienced photographers and videographers understand how to use these fundamental tricks to gain viewers into the photos.

The intriguing thing is that if the light is more shaped, it will more accurately reflect the image’s background, setting, and context. Try it out!

Step1Cut the cardboard

You may shape the cardboard any way you desire. We’ll experiment with this by cutting cardboard into the shape of window shades.

make shapes of the cardboard

Step2Make B-roll footage

Create B-roll footage by moving the cardboard around the light source after giving it shape. The person appears to be seated close to the window and conveys aesthetic vibrancy.

final result of b roll footage

Now, use this B-roll footage in your video and give it a more professional look. The more creative you are, the more audience will attract to you.


Making B-roll shots is creative and fun! You can make all the footage at home by following easy steps. Try out different ones to make your video viral and boost the target audience!

You can easily use Wondershare Filmora during editing and their stock media to save your time in video making. Share your hacks with your audience to get more experience!

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Part 2. Two Types of B-rolls: Explanation Video B-rolls

When recording any explanatory video, the audience may leave it in the middle of a video if a character explains without any visual representation. When explaining something new, showing the object in B-roll can be more effective than just verbally explaining what the audience is seeing.

Let’s take the video we made about microphones as an example. Instead of just verbally introduce the various mics, we inserted B-roll footage to display what they look like and how they can be used. The combination of the visual footage and the background voiceover presents the mic in a more vivid way. Also, it keeps the audience’s attention.

explanation b roll of microphone

Goal of the explanation B-roll video

The main goal of this type of B-roll is to show your audience what you are talking about instead of just telling them in a dull way.

Part 3. How to Edit Explanation B-roll Footage on Filmora?

After getting the footage and recording shots for B-roll videos, you need to edit it on the Wondershare Filmora. For this, follow the below-mentioned steps:

Step1Download the Wondershare Filmora

There is no need to do any complex process for editing on any platform. Because we have one platform on which every tool is available.

  • First of all, you have to download the Wondershare Filmora .
  • Then get access to the entire features.

The premium version has new features and effects plugins that make editing more filmy and fun!

Step2Stock media in Filmora

After downloading, it’s time to edit the B-roll video. If you can’t film your own B-roll, you can use stock footage but make sure you have the license to use them.

Filmora has a unique “stock media” option that enables us to use all these elements and more to boost our videos! To add stock media, follow the below steps:

  • Open the app or window of Filmora, which you have installed.
  • Head towards the tab on the top right side.
  • Then click on the Stock Media option and open it.
  • A long list of stock videos and images will pop up.

stock media of filmora

  • Select whatever you want, and download it.
  • Then drag and drop it in the timeline and insert it between your video.


Note: Only premium customers will get access to the stock media of the Wondershare Filmora.

Step3Add B-roll in between the main video

The most difficult and frequent asking situation is how you know when to cut to B-roll. To get to know when to insert B-roll, follow the following steps:

  • Watch your edits back and check out where you need.
  • Sense about the dull and complex points and cut the main video from there.
  • The points can be easily fixed with visual aids.

complex and dull points in the primary video

Part 4. Two Types of B-rolls: Storytelling Video B-rolls

During the creation of short films or any storytelling videos, if a person sits and speaks without showing any character or anything else, it will turn boring. Due to this, you have more chances to lose your audience and viewers.

In visual storytelling, if you will insert more clips with close shots, it will make the environment cool. The crazy thing is that you can make mimic shots easily at home by utilizing household objects. Let’s check out one of the examples.

Example 1. Film B-roll footage with food

So let’s add some b-roll to give it more context even if you have a master shot of yourself looking off frame alone.

Step1Write a script

Before making any video, the first step is to write a script for the whole video. If you will have more than two characters, then make dialogues for everyone and practice it again and again to give a fascinating look.

Then speak to your audience, make sure that what you are speaking is vivid and make everything simple and crystal clear.

Step2Shot a primary video

First of all, make a primary video according to your script by implementing a camera at one side, or you can also change the angle of the camera lens during shooting to have a look from all sides.

primary footage of a video

As you can see that it’s kind of boring for the audience, but we will make it more unique by implementing closer shots. For this, follow the last step:

Step3Make B-roll shots

Make closer shots of things which the character have to select and pick up. Check out two B-roll shots for the main video:

  • First, make a closer shot of the object (Snacks) that the character is noticing prior.

b roll footage number 1

  • Second, create more intimate footage of the second object (Banana) which the character will select and grab.

b roll footage number 2

Step4Edit both B-roll footages in Main Video

Now, in the last, insert the B-roll footage in between the primary video from the Filmora and get your results. Enjoy it with your viewers!

final video after adding b roll footage

Now experiment at home with more daily life activities and create all on Filmora. Check out one more example to create B-roll footage!

Example 2. Make B-roll shots with a cardboard

Try using readily accessible cardboard to create light effects in different shapes and give the film a fantastical place. These methods frequently produce artistic videos that transmit unique moods to viewers.

Only experienced photographers and videographers understand how to use these fundamental tricks to gain viewers into the photos.

The intriguing thing is that if the light is more shaped, it will more accurately reflect the image’s background, setting, and context. Try it out!

Step1Cut the cardboard

You may shape the cardboard any way you desire. We’ll experiment with this by cutting cardboard into the shape of window shades.

make shapes of the cardboard

Step2Make B-roll footage

Create B-roll footage by moving the cardboard around the light source after giving it shape. The person appears to be seated close to the window and conveys aesthetic vibrancy.

final result of b roll footage

Now, use this B-roll footage in your video and give it a more professional look. The more creative you are, the more audience will attract to you.


Making B-roll shots is creative and fun! You can make all the footage at home by following easy steps. Try out different ones to make your video viral and boost the target audience!

You can easily use Wondershare Filmora during editing and their stock media to save your time in video making. Share your hacks with your audience to get more experience!

3 Best Effects to Appear on Camera

We all want to improve our video editing skills and give them more of a wow factor. A fantastic method of achieving this is using different effects and tricks on Filmora .

Appearance effects are optical illusions used to replicate imagined occurrences in a narrative or made-up universe. These effects can be effective narrative devices. As a result, they are widely employed in the theater, film, television, and video game industries. Here is what you need to do to add appearance effects to your videos:

Part 1: Why are Appearance Effects Important?

A good branding and advertising strategy must include video. You can raise the caliber of clients who utilize your product by improving the image you provide.

How can video help you build your brand? How well do you look? Although there is no quick fix to seem nice on-screen instantly, you can employ several appearance effects to enhance the general flow of your videos. Appearance effects are significant because they add a slight twist to your videos. They can help you stand out, add some humor and draw attention from your audience. These simple tricks could add extra fun and Spark to your videos.

Part 2: How to Make Cloth Appearance

Let’s start with the first one. Before you start, make sure you put the camera on a tripod or a steady surface, so it doesn’t move while filming.

Step1 For the first shot, you must throw a jacket on a stool. Make sure it lands on the stool or wherever your talent is going to sit.

throw a jacket on a stool

Step2 Make a shot of your talent appearing from where the jacket landed. You can add some acting skills to make this shot more realistic.

make a shot of your talent appearing

Step3 Download Filmora to edit your footage. You can get started by going to their official website.

download filmora

Step4 Now split the first clip on the frame where your jacket lands on the stool. Place it on the first track.

split the first clip on the frame

Step5 Trim the second shot until the talents start acting and place it on the second track to match the first clip.

trim the second shot

Part 3: How to Make an Explosion Appearance

Step1 This effect is the easiest. You need to film the empty plate with just a background. Then let the talent enter the frame and jump into the place.

let the talent enter the frame

Step2 Now import the clip into Filmora and place it onto the first video track.

Step3 Freeze the frame of the empty plate with just the background and extend it as necessary. Place the clip onto the second video track and trim it until the action of the talent jump starts.

freeze the frame of the empty plate

Step4 Delete the rest on the left. The trick is to use some explosion or smoke effect to hide the transition.

Step5 Use the green screen sample in the default menu here. Add some smoke effects available in film stock. Place it on the third video track and move it to hide the transition.

use the green screen sample

Part 4: How to Make Roof Appearance

The last trick here is combining the techniques from the two previous effects.

Step1 First, record the empty plate with just a background. Let the talent jump in the frame and set up a green screen for the talent to jump in front of it. It will look like they’re falling from the ceiling.

record the empty plate

Step2 Now import the clip into Filmora again. Follow the steps from the second example so we have the subject appearing on the screen like this.

import the clip into filmora again

Step3 Add the green screenshot onto the third video track.

add the green screenshot onto the third video track

Step4 Double-click on it, activate the setting window and then key out the background using the chroma key feature.

activate the setting window

Step5 Move the clip until it covers only the first frame of the appearing clip. Now keyframe the following subject from the outer frame to the final position.

move the clip

Step6 Now search for some smoke effects and put it upside down. So it looks like the ceiling is broken when the subject falls. Then add some camera shake to the fall.

search for some smoke effects

Step7 Drag the camera shake effect back to the top track and shorten it to an ideal length. You can also add some sound effects if you want to this video.

drag the camera shake effect back to the top track

Part 5: Tips to Look Good in Your Next Video

1. Be Clear About the Topic

Intellectuals frequently complain that everyone has attention deficit disorder due to the Internet. According to studies, we only have an attention span of 8 seconds today. You need a punchy, concise message to keep viewers watching your video.

2. Don’t Forget to Smile

Individuals who smile frequently are perceived to be more confident and successful. Therefore, showing your audience that you are confident in your company and services is the best method to gain their trust.

3. Look into the Camera

Direct eye contact with the camera lens is essential. Although it may seem enticing, your sole audience is the person directly in front of you when you’re speaking.

Be mindful of the camera’s confined area. Bring it up to eye level and keep your gaze there rather than elsewhere.


There are several fantastic camera effects that you can experiment with in your videos. While some are well-known, others are less well-known and often used. We have mentioned the three fun ways to appear on camera above. We suggest using video editing software like Filmora to use these effects more effectively. You can use these appearance effects to create an atmosphere, make your story more understandable, or spice up the video.

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Funny Content Ideas for YouTube Videos and Funny Music Background

When it comes to entertainment, YouTube always makes it to the top of the list. You can find any type of video on YouTube. Talking about entertainment, funny videos are among the most-watched. There are various types of funny videos.

Sometimes the compilation of pranks makes us laugh. Sometimes it’s the comedy that makes us laugh. In any case, we love watching funny videos. If you are in a bad mood, these videos help lighten your mood. Many YouTube channels create funny content. They are the reason you laugh and enjoy spending time on YouTube. PewDiePie, Liza Koshy is among the famous channels.

The article below will discuss more funny videos. You will also learn about funny background music from this article.

In this article

01 5 Funny Content Ideas for YouTube Videos

02 2 Tutorial to Help You Create Funny Videos for YouTube

03 Recommendation about Funny Background Music

Part 1. 5 Funny Content Ideas for YouTube Videos

Is there any constant video type that you watch daily? Any video that ever bores you? Funny videos are the answer to all these questions. Not every kind of video is watched daily except funny videos. We entertain ourselves with these fun videos.

youtube funny video ideas

If you ever plan to create funny videos, what are you going to do? What type of content will you make? The following section of this article will bring 5 ideas to you. With these ideas, you can create funny videos for YouTube.

1. Prank Videos

Who doesn’t enjoy pranking others? Well, we all love to play safe pranks on our loved ones. Surprisingly, people love to watch these pranks. This is the perfect idea for funny videos. You can set a hiding camera, prank someone and record it. By sharing the prank, you can make someone laugh. Pranks are not always planned. Sometimes candid things can also do the job.

2. Baby and Kids Videos

Who doesn’t like babies? One idea for funny videos is sharing your baby’s or kid’s activities. Babies and kids are very cute, adorable, and innocent. They always do cute little disasters, which are fun to watch. You can share their funny and cute moments with everyone. Kids and babies can easily make everyone laugh. Their cuteness will attract the audience.

3. Challenge Videos

Challenge videos are another type of video which are fun to watch. Simple challenges which do not harm anyone in any way are encouraged. Challenge videos automatically become funny. Things get funny when someone can’t complete the challenge and is desperate to get it done. Completing the challenge and struggling to get things done seems funny.

4. Plan a Skit

Skits are very successful. The factors that help in making unique skits are the idea and the humor. If both things are amazing and well presented, your skit will shine. The fact because skits are short comedy films, they effortlessly attract the audience. So, creating skits is another fantastic idea for funny YouTube content.

5. Blooper Videos

Blooper videos are naturally funny. You don’t have to put extra effort to make them funny. Bloopers are the funny things that take place while you try to record something. Bloopers never make it to the final video, but they are always fun to watch. So instead of watching and enjoying them alone, you can share them on YouTube so that everyone can enjoy the fun behind the scenes.

Part 2. 2 Tutorial to Help You Create Funny Videos for YouTube

Sharing ideas for funny videos is not enough. There might be people out there who don’t have a clue about creating and editing videos. For any such person, Wondershare Filmora is the best tool they will ever come across. It doesn’t matter if you are a beginner or a professional. You can easily use Filmora because of its simple process.

The following section of this article will teach you how you can create funny videos. Take help from the 2 shared tutorials below and make your own stunning funny YouTube video.

Create a Cute and Funny Pet Intro

Suppose you are a YouTuber and you want to introduce your pet on the channel. What could be the best way? Sharing a basic introduction is too mainstream. Have you ever tried to introduce someone with the coolest editing? If not, learn from us about introducing your pet in the cutest way.

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Step 1: To create cute pet intros, first of all, open Filmora. Then head to the ‘Titles’ tab. You can search for any pet-related title template. Select a template that you like and drag it onto the timeline. You can double-click on the template to edit and customize it as you want.

access filmora titles

Step 2: After that, it’s time to add the media file. For that, you need to import the media file. After importing it, drag it to the timeline so that it can be edited. The media file can also be edited. You have to double-click on it to open the editing settings.

open video settings

Step 3: As we are teaching to edit a cute yet funny introduction so what is editing without elements? To add cute little elements to your video, head over to the ‘Elements’ tab. Select an element and drag it to the timeline. You can also edit the element by double-clicking on it.

click elements tab

Step 4: Lastly, you can add background music to your video. You can either import the background music or also use the music from Filmora’s library.

add music to video

Create a Funny Baby Laser Meme Video

Are you not a meme fan? It’s strange if you don’t like memes. This is because memes are entertaining and funny. The next tutorial that we are going to discuss is related to memes. We will tell you about creating a baby laser meme funny video.

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For macOS 10.12 or later

Step 1: To edit a funny meme video, first of all, import a baby video to Filmora. Then, you need to drag it to the timeline to start the editing.

add video to timeline

Step 2: Now, let the fun begin. Start by double-clicking on the video part that you want to edit and animate. Then enable the ‘Motion Tracking’ option and adjust the tracker on the screen where you want the scene.

use motion tracking feature

Step 3: Let us make the editing enjoyable. For that, head to the ‘Elements’ tab. Search for laser-related elements. Then, drag your selected element to the timeline. You can adjust the element in the preview window by double-clicking on it.

add elements to video

Step 4: Finish off by adding a cool transition to your funny meme video. This could be done from the ‘Transition’ section. You can add as many Elements and Transitions as you want.

access filmora transitions

Part 3. Recommendation about Funny Background Music

Is something left to share about funny videos? Now that you have ideas for funny videos and know how to edit them, what is left? The only missing part is suitable funny background music. Let us help you with this. In this section, we will share the best funny video background music for your videos.

Song Name Artist Name Year of Publication
Subway System Jimothy Lacoste 2018
Gangnam Style PSY 2012
Amazing Horse Jonti Picking 2010
I’m on a Boat The Lonely Island 2009
The Duck Song Bryant Oden 2009

Bottom Line

This article holds so much information regarding funny YouTube videos. You can take help from this article to create stunning funny videos. We have also shared tutorials for making cute and funny videos. Not just this, but the best funny background music has also been discussed.

Wondershare Filmora

Get started easily with Filmora’s powerful performance, intuitive interface, and countless effects!

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02 2 Tutorial to Help You Create Funny Videos for YouTube

03 Recommendation about Funny Background Music

Part 1. 5 Funny Content Ideas for YouTube Videos

Is there any constant video type that you watch daily? Any video that ever bores you? Funny videos are the answer to all these questions. Not every kind of video is watched daily except funny videos. We entertain ourselves with these fun videos.

youtube funny video ideas

If you ever plan to create funny videos, what are you going to do? What type of content will you make? The following section of this article will bring 5 ideas to you. With these ideas, you can create funny videos for YouTube.

1. Prank Videos

Who doesn’t enjoy pranking others? Well, we all love to play safe pranks on our loved ones. Surprisingly, people love to watch these pranks. This is the perfect idea for funny videos. You can set a hiding camera, prank someone and record it. By sharing the prank, you can make someone laugh. Pranks are not always planned. Sometimes candid things can also do the job.

2. Baby and Kids Videos

Who doesn’t like babies? One idea for funny videos is sharing your baby’s or kid’s activities. Babies and kids are very cute, adorable, and innocent. They always do cute little disasters, which are fun to watch. You can share their funny and cute moments with everyone. Kids and babies can easily make everyone laugh. Their cuteness will attract the audience.

3. Challenge Videos

Challenge videos are another type of video which are fun to watch. Simple challenges which do not harm anyone in any way are encouraged. Challenge videos automatically become funny. Things get funny when someone can’t complete the challenge and is desperate to get it done. Completing the challenge and struggling to get things done seems funny.

4. Plan a Skit

Skits are very successful. The factors that help in making unique skits are the idea and the humor. If both things are amazing and well presented, your skit will shine. The fact because skits are short comedy films, they effortlessly attract the audience. So, creating skits is another fantastic idea for funny YouTube content.

5. Blooper Videos

Blooper videos are naturally funny. You don’t have to put extra effort to make them funny. Bloopers are the funny things that take place while you try to record something. Bloopers never make it to the final video, but they are always fun to watch. So instead of watching and enjoying them alone, you can share them on YouTube so that everyone can enjoy the fun behind the scenes.

Part 2. 2 Tutorial to Help You Create Funny Videos for YouTube

Sharing ideas for funny videos is not enough. There might be people out there who don’t have a clue about creating and editing videos. For any such person, Wondershare Filmora is the best tool they will ever come across. It doesn’t matter if you are a beginner or a professional. You can easily use Filmora because of its simple process.

The following section of this article will teach you how you can create funny videos. Take help from the 2 shared tutorials below and make your own stunning funny YouTube video.

Create a Cute and Funny Pet Intro

Suppose you are a YouTuber and you want to introduce your pet on the channel. What could be the best way? Sharing a basic introduction is too mainstream. Have you ever tried to introduce someone with the coolest editing? If not, learn from us about introducing your pet in the cutest way.

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For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

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For macOS 10.12 or later

Step 1: To create cute pet intros, first of all, open Filmora. Then head to the ‘Titles’ tab. You can search for any pet-related title template. Select a template that you like and drag it onto the timeline. You can double-click on the template to edit and customize it as you want.

access filmora titles

Step 2: After that, it’s time to add the media file. For that, you need to import the media file. After importing it, drag it to the timeline so that it can be edited. The media file can also be edited. You have to double-click on it to open the editing settings.

open video settings

Step 3: As we are teaching to edit a cute yet funny introduction so what is editing without elements? To add cute little elements to your video, head over to the ‘Elements’ tab. Select an element and drag it to the timeline. You can also edit the element by double-clicking on it.

click elements tab

Step 4: Lastly, you can add background music to your video. You can either import the background music or also use the music from Filmora’s library.

add music to video

Create a Funny Baby Laser Meme Video

Are you not a meme fan? It’s strange if you don’t like memes. This is because memes are entertaining and funny. The next tutorial that we are going to discuss is related to memes. We will tell you about creating a baby laser meme funny video.

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

Step 1: To edit a funny meme video, first of all, import a baby video to Filmora. Then, you need to drag it to the timeline to start the editing.

add video to timeline

Step 2: Now, let the fun begin. Start by double-clicking on the video part that you want to edit and animate. Then enable the ‘Motion Tracking’ option and adjust the tracker on the screen where you want the scene.

use motion tracking feature

Step 3: Let us make the editing enjoyable. For that, head to the ‘Elements’ tab. Search for laser-related elements. Then, drag your selected element to the timeline. You can adjust the element in the preview window by double-clicking on it.

add elements to video

Step 4: Finish off by adding a cool transition to your funny meme video. This could be done from the ‘Transition’ section. You can add as many Elements and Transitions as you want.

access filmora transitions

Part 3. Recommendation about Funny Background Music

Is something left to share about funny videos? Now that you have ideas for funny videos and know how to edit them, what is left? The only missing part is suitable funny background music. Let us help you with this. In this section, we will share the best funny video background music for your videos.

Song Name Artist Name Year of Publication
Subway System Jimothy Lacoste 2018
Gangnam Style PSY 2012
Amazing Horse Jonti Picking 2010
I’m on a Boat The Lonely Island 2009
The Duck Song Bryant Oden 2009

Bottom Line

This article holds so much information regarding funny YouTube videos. You can take help from this article to create stunning funny videos. We have also shared tutorials for making cute and funny videos. Not just this, but the best funny background music has also been discussed.

Wondershare Filmora

Get started easily with Filmora’s powerful performance, intuitive interface, and countless effects!

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02 2 Tutorial to Help You Create Funny Videos for YouTube

03 Recommendation about Funny Background Music

Part 1. 5 Funny Content Ideas for YouTube Videos

Is there any constant video type that you watch daily? Any video that ever bores you? Funny videos are the answer to all these questions. Not every kind of video is watched daily except funny videos. We entertain ourselves with these fun videos.

youtube funny video ideas

If you ever plan to create funny videos, what are you going to do? What type of content will you make? The following section of this article will bring 5 ideas to you. With these ideas, you can create funny videos for YouTube.

1. Prank Videos

Who doesn’t enjoy pranking others? Well, we all love to play safe pranks on our loved ones. Surprisingly, people love to watch these pranks. This is the perfect idea for funny videos. You can set a hiding camera, prank someone and record it. By sharing the prank, you can make someone laugh. Pranks are not always planned. Sometimes candid things can also do the job.

2. Baby and Kids Videos

Who doesn’t like babies? One idea for funny videos is sharing your baby’s or kid’s activities. Babies and kids are very cute, adorable, and innocent. They always do cute little disasters, which are fun to watch. You can share their funny and cute moments with everyone. Kids and babies can easily make everyone laugh. Their cuteness will attract the audience.

3. Challenge Videos

Challenge videos are another type of video which are fun to watch. Simple challenges which do not harm anyone in any way are encouraged. Challenge videos automatically become funny. Things get funny when someone can’t complete the challenge and is desperate to get it done. Completing the challenge and struggling to get things done seems funny.

4. Plan a Skit

Skits are very successful. The factors that help in making unique skits are the idea and the humor. If both things are amazing and well presented, your skit will shine. The fact because skits are short comedy films, they effortlessly attract the audience. So, creating skits is another fantastic idea for funny YouTube content.

5. Blooper Videos

Blooper videos are naturally funny. You don’t have to put extra effort to make them funny. Bloopers are the funny things that take place while you try to record something. Bloopers never make it to the final video, but they are always fun to watch. So instead of watching and enjoying them alone, you can share them on YouTube so that everyone can enjoy the fun behind the scenes.

Part 2. 2 Tutorial to Help You Create Funny Videos for YouTube

Sharing ideas for funny videos is not enough. There might be people out there who don’t have a clue about creating and editing videos. For any such person, Wondershare Filmora is the best tool they will ever come across. It doesn’t matter if you are a beginner or a professional. You can easily use Filmora because of its simple process.

The following section of this article will teach you how you can create funny videos. Take help from the 2 shared tutorials below and make your own stunning funny YouTube video.

Create a Cute and Funny Pet Intro

Suppose you are a YouTuber and you want to introduce your pet on the channel. What could be the best way? Sharing a basic introduction is too mainstream. Have you ever tried to introduce someone with the coolest editing? If not, learn from us about introducing your pet in the cutest way.

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

Step 1: To create cute pet intros, first of all, open Filmora. Then head to the ‘Titles’ tab. You can search for any pet-related title template. Select a template that you like and drag it onto the timeline. You can double-click on the template to edit and customize it as you want.

access filmora titles

Step 2: After that, it’s time to add the media file. For that, you need to import the media file. After importing it, drag it to the timeline so that it can be edited. The media file can also be edited. You have to double-click on it to open the editing settings.

open video settings

Step 3: As we are teaching to edit a cute yet funny introduction so what is editing without elements? To add cute little elements to your video, head over to the ‘Elements’ tab. Select an element and drag it to the timeline. You can also edit the element by double-clicking on it.

click elements tab

Step 4: Lastly, you can add background music to your video. You can either import the background music or also use the music from Filmora’s library.

add music to video

Create a Funny Baby Laser Meme Video

Are you not a meme fan? It’s strange if you don’t like memes. This is because memes are entertaining and funny. The next tutorial that we are going to discuss is related to memes. We will tell you about creating a baby laser meme funny video.

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

Step 1: To edit a funny meme video, first of all, import a baby video to Filmora. Then, you need to drag it to the timeline to start the editing.

add video to timeline

Step 2: Now, let the fun begin. Start by double-clicking on the video part that you want to edit and animate. Then enable the ‘Motion Tracking’ option and adjust the tracker on the screen where you want the scene.

use motion tracking feature

Step 3: Let us make the editing enjoyable. For that, head to the ‘Elements’ tab. Search for laser-related elements. Then, drag your selected element to the timeline. You can adjust the element in the preview window by double-clicking on it.

add elements to video

Step 4: Finish off by adding a cool transition to your funny meme video. This could be done from the ‘Transition’ section. You can add as many Elements and Transitions as you want.

access filmora transitions

Part 3. Recommendation about Funny Background Music

Is something left to share about funny videos? Now that you have ideas for funny videos and know how to edit them, what is left? The only missing part is suitable funny background music. Let us help you with this. In this section, we will share the best funny video background music for your videos.

Song Name Artist Name Year of Publication
Subway System Jimothy Lacoste 2018
Gangnam Style PSY 2012
Amazing Horse Jonti Picking 2010
I’m on a Boat The Lonely Island 2009
The Duck Song Bryant Oden 2009

Bottom Line

This article holds so much information regarding funny YouTube videos. You can take help from this article to create stunning funny videos. We have also shared tutorials for making cute and funny videos. Not just this, but the best funny background music has also been discussed.

Wondershare Filmora

Get started easily with Filmora’s powerful performance, intuitive interface, and countless effects!

Try It Free Try It Free Try It Free Learn More >

02 2 Tutorial to Help You Create Funny Videos for YouTube

03 Recommendation about Funny Background Music

Part 1. 5 Funny Content Ideas for YouTube Videos

Is there any constant video type that you watch daily? Any video that ever bores you? Funny videos are the answer to all these questions. Not every kind of video is watched daily except funny videos. We entertain ourselves with these fun videos.

youtube funny video ideas

If you ever plan to create funny videos, what are you going to do? What type of content will you make? The following section of this article will bring 5 ideas to you. With these ideas, you can create funny videos for YouTube.

1. Prank Videos

Who doesn’t enjoy pranking others? Well, we all love to play safe pranks on our loved ones. Surprisingly, people love to watch these pranks. This is the perfect idea for funny videos. You can set a hiding camera, prank someone and record it. By sharing the prank, you can make someone laugh. Pranks are not always planned. Sometimes candid things can also do the job.

2. Baby and Kids Videos

Who doesn’t like babies? One idea for funny videos is sharing your baby’s or kid’s activities. Babies and kids are very cute, adorable, and innocent. They always do cute little disasters, which are fun to watch. You can share their funny and cute moments with everyone. Kids and babies can easily make everyone laugh. Their cuteness will attract the audience.

3. Challenge Videos

Challenge videos are another type of video which are fun to watch. Simple challenges which do not harm anyone in any way are encouraged. Challenge videos automatically become funny. Things get funny when someone can’t complete the challenge and is desperate to get it done. Completing the challenge and struggling to get things done seems funny.

4. Plan a Skit

Skits are very successful. The factors that help in making unique skits are the idea and the humor. If both things are amazing and well presented, your skit will shine. The fact because skits are short comedy films, they effortlessly attract the audience. So, creating skits is another fantastic idea for funny YouTube content.

5. Blooper Videos

Blooper videos are naturally funny. You don’t have to put extra effort to make them funny. Bloopers are the funny things that take place while you try to record something. Bloopers never make it to the final video, but they are always fun to watch. So instead of watching and enjoying them alone, you can share them on YouTube so that everyone can enjoy the fun behind the scenes.

Part 2. 2 Tutorial to Help You Create Funny Videos for YouTube

Sharing ideas for funny videos is not enough. There might be people out there who don’t have a clue about creating and editing videos. For any such person, Wondershare Filmora is the best tool they will ever come across. It doesn’t matter if you are a beginner or a professional. You can easily use Filmora because of its simple process.

The following section of this article will teach you how you can create funny videos. Take help from the 2 shared tutorials below and make your own stunning funny YouTube video.

Create a Cute and Funny Pet Intro

Suppose you are a YouTuber and you want to introduce your pet on the channel. What could be the best way? Sharing a basic introduction is too mainstream. Have you ever tried to introduce someone with the coolest editing? If not, learn from us about introducing your pet in the cutest way.

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

Step 1: To create cute pet intros, first of all, open Filmora. Then head to the ‘Titles’ tab. You can search for any pet-related title template. Select a template that you like and drag it onto the timeline. You can double-click on the template to edit and customize it as you want.

access filmora titles

Step 2: After that, it’s time to add the media file. For that, you need to import the media file. After importing it, drag it to the timeline so that it can be edited. The media file can also be edited. You have to double-click on it to open the editing settings.

open video settings

Step 3: As we are teaching to edit a cute yet funny introduction so what is editing without elements? To add cute little elements to your video, head over to the ‘Elements’ tab. Select an element and drag it to the timeline. You can also edit the element by double-clicking on it.

click elements tab

Step 4: Lastly, you can add background music to your video. You can either import the background music or also use the music from Filmora’s library.

add music to video

Create a Funny Baby Laser Meme Video

Are you not a meme fan? It’s strange if you don’t like memes. This is because memes are entertaining and funny. The next tutorial that we are going to discuss is related to memes. We will tell you about creating a baby laser meme funny video.

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

Step 1: To edit a funny meme video, first of all, import a baby video to Filmora. Then, you need to drag it to the timeline to start the editing.

add video to timeline

Step 2: Now, let the fun begin. Start by double-clicking on the video part that you want to edit and animate. Then enable the ‘Motion Tracking’ option and adjust the tracker on the screen where you want the scene.

use motion tracking feature

Step 3: Let us make the editing enjoyable. For that, head to the ‘Elements’ tab. Search for laser-related elements. Then, drag your selected element to the timeline. You can adjust the element in the preview window by double-clicking on it.

add elements to video

Step 4: Finish off by adding a cool transition to your funny meme video. This could be done from the ‘Transition’ section. You can add as many Elements and Transitions as you want.

access filmora transitions

Part 3. Recommendation about Funny Background Music

Is something left to share about funny videos? Now that you have ideas for funny videos and know how to edit them, what is left? The only missing part is suitable funny background music. Let us help you with this. In this section, we will share the best funny video background music for your videos.

Song Name Artist Name Year of Publication
Subway System Jimothy Lacoste 2018
Gangnam Style PSY 2012
Amazing Horse Jonti Picking 2010
I’m on a Boat The Lonely Island 2009
The Duck Song Bryant Oden 2009

Bottom Line

This article holds so much information regarding funny YouTube videos. You can take help from this article to create stunning funny videos. We have also shared tutorials for making cute and funny videos. Not just this, but the best funny background music has also been discussed.

Wondershare Filmora

Get started easily with Filmora’s powerful performance, intuitive interface, and countless effects!

Try It Free Try It Free Try It Free Learn More >

MAGIX Vegas Pro Review: A Professional Video Editing Software

MAGIX Vegas Pro is a powerful and flexible solution for editing, creating, and adding a finishing touch to your videos. The software combines cutting-edge technology with a highly intuitive user interface, making it easy to use for newbies in the world of video production.

In this MAGIX Vegas Pro review, we’ll take a look at the software and tell you why it’s a great video editor. We’ll also provide a Sony Vegas vs. Adobe Premiere comparison to see how they stand against each other.

Part 1. What Is MAGIX Vegas Pro

Firstly, let’s have a deeper understanding of MAGIX Vegas Pro before we have a review in Part 2.

MAGIX is a computer software company that produces a variety of audio, video, and graphic design digital products. MAGIX has been in business for over 25 years, and its products are used by millions worldwide.

Vegas software was first released in 1999 by Sonic Foundry. Sony Creator Software purchased the program in 2003 and released its several versions till 2014. The company later sold it to MAGIX.

Sony Vegas History Series

Some of the Vegas software series released by Sony Creative Software are listed below:

  • Vegas 4.0e: Released in November 2003, the first version by Sony.
  • Vegas 5.0: Released in April 2004.
  • Vegas 6.0: Released in April 2005.
  • Vegas 7.0: Released in September 2006.
  • Vegas Pro 8.0: Released in September 2007.
  • Vegas Pro 8.1: First Sony Vegas version to support 64-bit.
  • Vegas Pro 9.0: Released in 2009 with greater support for digital cinema.
  • Vegas Pro 10: Released in 2010.
  • Vegas Pro 11: Released on 17 October 2011.
  • Vegas Pro 12: Released in November 2012.
  • Vegas Pro 13: Released in April 2014 with new collaboration tools, the last version by Sony.

MAGIX Vegas Pro 20

MAGIX Vegas Pro 20 is an industry-leading video editing software program owned by MAGIX. The software can help you manipulate, combine, and edit your video clips with various tools in an easy-to-use interface. Vegas Pro is well known among professionals who need to create high-quality videos.

Some basic functions of the Vegas Pro 20 include Speech to Text functionality, Audio production with VST3, Eight Preset Window Layouts, Track effect, Color grading, Optical Flow mode, Fade In/Out features, Honeycomb, and Color Plane presets for GL transitions, and Add and Arrange Media.

magix vegas pro 20

Part 2. MAGIX Vegas Pro Review

The Vegas Pro 20 is a tailor-made software for content creators with an optimized interface, fast rendering speed, and many features to help them create video projects that stand out.

The Score On G2

MAGIX Vegas Pro - a top-of-the-line video editing software that has received several positive reviews from critics and developers on the G2, a famous software review platform.

  • Ease of Use: 8.6 stars out of 10.
  • Ease of Setup: 9.2 stars.
  • Quality of Support: 7.2 stars.
  • Overall: 4.2 stars out of 5.


VEGAS editing software has three tiers that are each designed to fit your specific workflow requirements and budget:

  • VEGAS Edit: Includes a basic package that costs $12.99/ month or $249 for a perpetual license.
  • VEGAS Pro: Advanced package with SOUND FORGE Audio Studio and advanced video editing tools. The package is priced at $19.99/ month or $399 for a perpetual license.
  • VEGAS Post: Ultimate bundle with Vegas effects for high-end compositing and RAW image support. The package will cost you $29.99/ month or $599 for a perpetual license.

magix vegas pro pricing plan

Note: MAGIX Vegas Pro also offers a 30-day free trial that is only limited to basic features.

Functions Review

We’ll now review some of the most important features of MAGIX Vegas Pro 20 and see how they can be used to improve your video editing workflow.

  • Color Touches: The interface has now got a new look that is a bit darker, sleeker, and more professional that lets the icons pop up and become more visible than before.
  • Color Grading: The color grading panel has also received some improvements and is redesigned into a range-limited color wheel, providing more functionalities.

color grading feature

  • Track Effects: The Vegas Pro 20 offers adjustment tracks that help apply effects to the entire track. You can also alter the intensity of these effects and use keyframes from the timeline.

adjustment tracks

  • Scene Detection: The new “Automatic Scene Detection” feature saves you the hassle of cutting your video clips manually before adding them to the timeline. The software does this in three ways: Analyse, Detect, and Split the scenes to add them to the timeline in a sequence.
  • Supported Formats: VEGAS Pro is compatible with Blackmagic RAW, MP4, Apple ProRes, MPEG-2, MPEG-1, AVI,AVC, Panasonic P2, and RED RAW video formats. The software also supports images and audio formats.

And we have prepared a video for you below, so that you can establish an overview of MAGIX Vegas Pro 20 better.

Video - Full Walkthrough of Vegas Pro 20

Part 3. MAGIX Vegas Pro Pros and Cons

Like any other software, MAGIX Vegas Pro also has pros and cons that you must be aware of before making any purchase.


  • Comes with improved and user-friendly color grading tools.
  • Offers free stock clips for the premium version.
  • Improved rendering performance.
  • Traditional nested timeline.
  • Offers social export options such as YouTube and Facebook.
  • Save your project automatically.
  • Supports chroma key and AI AIDs.
  • Has an advanced HDR color correction tool.


  • Expensive for some users.
  • Only supports Windows 10/11.
  • Lacks convenience found in similar software.
  • Unstable Multicam.
  • The startup does not offer a Welcome panel.
  • Lacks tutorials to help.
  • Some programs lack stability.
  • Do not support timely after-sale services.

Part 4. Sony Vegas VS Adobe Premiere, Which One is Better?

Both Sony Vegas and Adobe Premiere are powerful video editing software programs with their own unique strengths and weaknesses. As with any software decision, it ultimately comes down to the specific needs of the user to decide which one is better.

Here is our complete guide to the two software programs to help you decide which is best for your needs: Sony Vegas VS Adobe Premiere. Which One is Better ?

adobe premiere video editor


Vegas Pro 19 is an excellent video editor that offers robust features and a streamlined user experience. In addition, the software’s intuitive interface allows anyone to edit videos quickly and easily without having to know any complicated techniques.

In this article, we’ve provided the MAGIX Vegas Pro review to help you understand the features, pros, and cons and what the software has to offer for content creators. We’ve also explored the series of versions developed and released by Sony Vegas.

Hopefully, you find our Magix Vegas Pro 20 review helpful and can now make a better buying decision.

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Functions Review

We’ll now review some of the most important features of MAGIX Vegas Pro 20 and see how they can be used to improve your video editing workflow.

  • Color Touches: The interface has now got a new look that is a bit darker, sleeker, and more professional that lets the icons pop up and become more visible than before.
  • Color Grading: The color grading panel has also received some improvements and is redesigned into a range-limited color wheel, providing more functionalities.

color grading feature

  • Track Effects: The Vegas Pro 20 offers adjustment tracks that help apply effects to the entire track. You can also alter the intensity of these effects and use keyframes from the timeline.

adjustment tracks

  • Scene Detection: The new “Automatic Scene Detection” feature saves you the hassle of cutting your video clips manually before adding them to the timeline. The software does this in three ways: Analyse, Detect, and Split the scenes to add them to the timeline in a sequence.
  • Supported Formats: VEGAS Pro is compatible with Blackmagic RAW, MP4, Apple ProRes, MPEG-2, MPEG-1, AVI,AVC, Panasonic P2, and RED RAW video formats. The software also supports images and audio formats.

And we have prepared a video for you below, so that you can establish an overview of MAGIX Vegas Pro 20 better.

Video - Full Walkthrough of Vegas Pro 20

Part 3. MAGIX Vegas Pro Pros and Cons

Like any other software, MAGIX Vegas Pro also has pros and cons that you must be aware of before making any purchase.


  • Comes with improved and user-friendly color grading tools.
  • Offers free stock clips for the premium version.
  • Improved rendering performance.
  • Traditional nested timeline.
  • Offers social export options such as YouTube and Facebook.
  • Save your project automatically.
  • Supports chroma key and AI AIDs.
  • Has an advanced HDR color correction tool.


  • Expensive for some users.
  • Only supports Windows 10/11.
  • Lacks convenience found in similar software.
  • Unstable Multicam.
  • The startup does not offer a Welcome panel.
  • Lacks tutorials to help.
  • Some programs lack stability.
  • Do not support timely after-sale services.

Part 4. Sony Vegas VS Adobe Premiere, Which One is Better?

Both Sony Vegas and Adobe Premiere are powerful video editing software programs with their own unique strengths and weaknesses. As with any software decision, it ultimately comes down to the specific needs of the user to decide which one is better.

Here is our complete guide to the two software programs to help you decide which is best for your needs: Sony Vegas VS Adobe Premiere. Which One is Better ?

adobe premiere video editor


Vegas Pro 19 is an excellent video editor that offers robust features and a streamlined user experience. In addition, the software’s intuitive interface allows anyone to edit videos quickly and easily without having to know any complicated techniques.

In this article, we’ve provided the MAGIX Vegas Pro review to help you understand the features, pros, and cons and what the software has to offer for content creators. We’ve also explored the series of versions developed and released by Sony Vegas.

Hopefully, you find our Magix Vegas Pro 20 review helpful and can now make a better buying decision.

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Also read:

  • Title: In 2024, How to Make Boring Videos Look Cool By B Rolls
  • Author: Chloe
  • Created at : 2024-05-20 03:37:52
  • Updated at : 2024-05-21 03:37:52
  • Link:
  • License: This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.
On this page
In 2024, How to Make Boring Videos Look Cool By B Rolls