In 2024, Read on to Learn About OpenCV Object Tracking, What It Is, and How to Implement It in Python, and OpenCV

In 2024, Read on to Learn About OpenCV Object Tracking, What It Is, and How to Implement It in Python, and OpenCV

Chloe Lv12

Read on to Learn About OpenCV Object Tracking, What It Is, and How to Implement It in Python, and OpenCV

OpenCV Tracking is a popular method used for tracking objects in a video in real-time. OpenCV is a powerful library used for image processing and computer vision applications.

From real-time video analysis to Augmented Reality, OpenCV Tracking has a wide range of uses and can help both private and public sectors to detect and track the desired object in an image or video.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore OpenCV Tracking and its pre-built trackers**.** We will use the OpenCV library and Python to implement this Object Tracking application.

  1. SOT & MOT
  2. The Difference Between Tracking And Detection
  1. Image Tracking
  2. Video Tracking
  1. Stages Of The Object Tracking Process
  2. Methods Of Object Tracking
  1. What Is OpenCV
  2. The Pre-Built Algorithms OpenCV Offers For Object Tracking
  3. Implementation In Python And OpenCV

Part 1. What Is Object Tracking?

Object Tracking determines the location of an object in a video and can be used for a variety of purposes, including surveillance, security, traffic control, digital forensics, anomaly detection, gesture recognition, visual surveillance, human-computer interaction, augmented reality, and robot vision.

Even though it may seem easy for an average person, object tracking is quite complex for computers because they have to analyze a set of frames and estimate the object’s trajectory based on numbers instead of images.

Because of how complicated it is, Object Tracking is considered one of the most difficult tasks in computer vision. Even though it’s a challenge, it’s not impossible to accomplish.

And there are two levels of Object Tracking that you should learn about:

1. SOT & MOT

  1. Single Object Tracking (SOT): SOT is a tracking algorithm that creates advanced appearance models and/or motion models to manage difficult issues like out-of-plane rotations, illumination variations, or scale changes.
  2. Multiple Object Tracking (MOT): MOT tracks every part of a video and is mainly concerned with mid-level tasks and serves as a foundation for high-level tasks.

2. The Difference Between Tracking And Detection

After knowing what Object Tracking is, there is another concept you should also be aware of - Object Detection.

The Object Tracking and Object Detection are two important methods in computer vision. Object Tracking tracks the position of a given object in an image in real-time, while Object Detection identifies and localizes objects in an image or video. That is the difference.

Part 2. Types Of Object Tracking

Image Tracking

Image tracking allows users to interact with digital content more naturally and helps users move and interact with digital objects in the same manner as they will with real-world physical objects.

Image tracking can be used in various augmented reality (AR) applications, such as AR gaming, shopping, and navigation. Moreover, you can also use it for educational purposes, such as teaching anatomy or providing instructions for a difficult task.

Video Tracking

Video tracking is the process of tracking objects in a video sequence and can be used for various applications, such as detecting and counting objects in a scene, understanding their motions, and recognizing activities.

Part 3. What Are The Difficulties Of Object Tracking?

As what has been mentioned above, the use of object tracking is versatile. However, there are some challenges associated with Object Tracking, such as:

Background Clutter: The background can impact extracting an object’s features. If the background is more densely populated, detecting or tracking the object of interest can be more difficult.

Occlusion: This is a phenomenon where the object being tracked is affected by the background or foreground. This causes the tracking algorithm to get confused due to multiple objects coming close together, hence, losing track of the object.

Varying spatial scales: Varying spatial scales refer to the target object being of a different size or shape, which can confuse the algorithm, leading to errors.

Training and Tracking Speed: If the object is moving too fast or is too small, it can be difficult to track. Therefore, the tracking module has to be designed to track, identify, and localize objects in a matter of seconds.

Part 4. Stages Of The Object Tracking Process

After the introduction of object tracking technically, let’s learn about its mechanism of it from two sides: periods of the working process and the way it tracks.

1. Stages Of The Object Tracking Process

Following are the stages of the Object Tracking process:

Target Initialization

Target initialization is the first step in Object Tracking and involves defining the targets or objects of interest and drawing a bounding box around them in the initial frame. After that, the tracker has to detect the position of the object in the frame while drawing the bounding box.

Appearance Modeling

Appearance modeling is important for understanding how an object will look under different circumstances. If the object being tracked changes appearance due to different lighting, angle, or speed, the tracking algorithm may lose its information and the object itself. Therefore, it has to be conducted to let the algorithm detect the changes and distortion.

Motion Estimation

Motion estimation entails the capacity of the model to anticipate an object’s future position with precision.

Target Positioning

Motion estimation is a process of approximating the most likely region where an object could be present. After the object’s location is approximated, a visual model can be used to determine the target’s location more accurately.

2. Methods Of Object Tracking

Here’re some methods of Object Tracking:

OpenCV-Based Object Tracking

OpenCV Object Tracking method is widely used because it offers several built-in functions designed specifically for this purpose, such as GOTURN, MIL, MediandFlow, and CSRT. The tracker type you select will depend on your specific application design. Each tracker has its pros and cons, so there is not a single type of tracker ideal for all applications.


Multi-Domain Convolutional Neural Network Tracker is a convolutional neural-based visual tracker and has won the VOT2015 challenge. Moreover, it is composed of domain-specific layers, branches, and multiple shared layers.

The MDNetT tracker is a deep neural network that is trained on numerous Object Tracking datasets. The tracker is designed to work in multiple domains, including video, text, and images.


DeepSort algorithm can track objects in real-time and uses YOLO v3 to compute the bounding boxes around the objects in a frame.

DeepSort uses Kalman filter from Simple Online and Realtime Tracking algorithm and an identification model, ReID to interlink bounding boxes and object tracks.


ROLO is a novel Object Tracking method that uses recurrent neural networks (RNNs) to learn object-specific Spatio-temporal representations. This method works with YOLO, an object detection algorithm, and an LTSM for determining the trajectory of an object.

Part 5. The powerful backup: OpenCV

We have demonstrated how powerful OpenCV Tracking is and how it works. However, do you wonder what OpenCV is? How it supports the tracking goals being achieved? In this part, we will focus on OpenCV and help you better understand the the underlying mechanisms.

1. What Is OpenCV?

OpenCV is a powerful library that allows you to perform image processing, deep learning, machine learning, and computer vision tasks on live video feeds. Moreover, it can be used to detect objects, track their movements, and recognize faces.

It can help process the data that have videos and images and has been used in various applications, such as object recognition and detection, autonomous cars, robots, medical image analysis, automated surveillance, and anomaly detection.

2. The Pre-Built Algorithms OpenCV Offers For Object Tracking

There are 8 pre-built algorithms that OpenCV offers for Objects Tracking. All of them have their uniquility and here we will present their pros and cons for your better understadning.

Tracker Pros Cons
BOOSTING Tracker Track objects accurately. Relatively slow. Unable to stop when an object is lost.
MIL Tracker Strong resistance to noise. Gives accurate results. Low speed. Unable to stop tracking once the object is lost.
KCF Tracker High speed and accuracy. Stops tracking when the object is lost. Inability to continue tracking objects once lost.
TLD Tracker Resistance to overlapping and object scaling. Unstable in object detection and tracking. Constantly loses object.
MEDIANFLOW Tracker High accuracy and speed. Accurate in determining the object’s loss. Loses object quickly due to high speed.
GOTURN Tracker Shows resistance to obstructions and noise. If the speed of an object is high, it shifts to another object.
MOSSE Tracker Able to continue tracking after the object is lost. High speed. Loses object easily if very high speed.
CSRT Tracker Good resistance to overlapping. High accuracy. Low speed. Unstable when an object is lost.

3. Implementation In Python And OpenCV

Now, after theoretical explanation of OpenCV and OpenCV Tracking, let’s learn Object Tracking OpenCV Python with coding and our simple and step-by-step instructions:

Install The Dependencies

Install the pycharm app on your PC, and launch it. Create a new project and go to Terminal. Install the opencv-contrib-python package by pasting the following command into the Terminal.

Set Up the Trackers

Now, create a Jupyter-notebook and set up the trackers with this code:


  • cv2. version returns the OpenCV library version number.
  • Save the name of the eight trackers.
  • Check the list for the version you are working on and create a tracker object based on the number.

Capture The Video Input

For capturing the video input, write the following lines of code:


  • Use the VideoCapture class to capture a video via the webcam or get a saved one from your PC.
  • In VideoCapture - line 2, give the path to your video.
  • Comment on the second line to use the webcam for tracking and uncomment the third one.

Creating The Bounding Box And Initializing The Tracker

Define an initial random bounding box or select the choices for the object you want to track with the following code:

Start The Tracker And Check The Output

Finally, write the below code lines to start the tracker:


  • Read each video frame.
  • Start the timer and, through the tracker, determine the trajectory of the object.
  • Use the trajectory to draw the bounding box.
  • The program will start tracking. Afterward, press the space bar to stop tracking.

Video – Object Tracking with Opencv and Python


In this article, we’ve discussed Object Tracking in detail and how it compares with Object Detection. Furthermore, we explored the methods used for tracking objects and provided complete guidance on the OpenCV Tracking method and its built-in functionalities.

Hopefully, you find this guide helpful, and you can now track objects in real-time without any issues.

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  1. Stages Of The Object Tracking Process
  2. Methods Of Object Tracking
  1. What Is OpenCV
  2. The Pre-Built Algorithms OpenCV Offers For Object Tracking
  3. Implementation In Python And OpenCV

Part 1. What Is Object Tracking?

Object Tracking determines the location of an object in a video and can be used for a variety of purposes, including surveillance, security, traffic control, digital forensics, anomaly detection, gesture recognition, visual surveillance, human-computer interaction, augmented reality, and robot vision.

Even though it may seem easy for an average person, object tracking is quite complex for computers because they have to analyze a set of frames and estimate the object’s trajectory based on numbers instead of images.

Because of how complicated it is, Object Tracking is considered one of the most difficult tasks in computer vision. Even though it’s a challenge, it’s not impossible to accomplish.

And there are two levels of Object Tracking that you should learn about:

1. SOT & MOT

  1. Single Object Tracking (SOT): SOT is a tracking algorithm that creates advanced appearance models and/or motion models to manage difficult issues like out-of-plane rotations, illumination variations, or scale changes.
  2. Multiple Object Tracking (MOT): MOT tracks every part of a video and is mainly concerned with mid-level tasks and serves as a foundation for high-level tasks.

2. The Difference Between Tracking And Detection

After knowing what Object Tracking is, there is another concept you should also be aware of - Object Detection.

The Object Tracking and Object Detection are two important methods in computer vision. Object Tracking tracks the position of a given object in an image in real-time, while Object Detection identifies and localizes objects in an image or video. That is the difference.

Part 2. Types Of Object Tracking

Image Tracking

Image tracking allows users to interact with digital content more naturally and helps users move and interact with digital objects in the same manner as they will with real-world physical objects.

Image tracking can be used in various augmented reality (AR) applications, such as AR gaming, shopping, and navigation. Moreover, you can also use it for educational purposes, such as teaching anatomy or providing instructions for a difficult task.

Video Tracking

Video tracking is the process of tracking objects in a video sequence and can be used for various applications, such as detecting and counting objects in a scene, understanding their motions, and recognizing activities.

Part 3. What Are The Difficulties Of Object Tracking?

As what has been mentioned above, the use of object tracking is versatile. However, there are some challenges associated with Object Tracking, such as:

Background Clutter: The background can impact extracting an object’s features. If the background is more densely populated, detecting or tracking the object of interest can be more difficult.

Occlusion: This is a phenomenon where the object being tracked is affected by the background or foreground. This causes the tracking algorithm to get confused due to multiple objects coming close together, hence, losing track of the object.

Varying spatial scales: Varying spatial scales refer to the target object being of a different size or shape, which can confuse the algorithm, leading to errors.

Training and Tracking Speed: If the object is moving too fast or is too small, it can be difficult to track. Therefore, the tracking module has to be designed to track, identify, and localize objects in a matter of seconds.

Part 4. Stages Of The Object Tracking Process

After the introduction of object tracking technically, let’s learn about its mechanism of it from two sides: periods of the working process and the way it tracks.

1. Stages Of The Object Tracking Process

Following are the stages of the Object Tracking process:

Target Initialization

Target initialization is the first step in Object Tracking and involves defining the targets or objects of interest and drawing a bounding box around them in the initial frame. After that, the tracker has to detect the position of the object in the frame while drawing the bounding box.

Appearance Modeling

Appearance modeling is important for understanding how an object will look under different circumstances. If the object being tracked changes appearance due to different lighting, angle, or speed, the tracking algorithm may lose its information and the object itself. Therefore, it has to be conducted to let the algorithm detect the changes and distortion.

Motion Estimation

Motion estimation entails the capacity of the model to anticipate an object’s future position with precision.

Target Positioning

Motion estimation is a process of approximating the most likely region where an object could be present. After the object’s location is approximated, a visual model can be used to determine the target’s location more accurately.

2. Methods Of Object Tracking

Here’re some methods of Object Tracking:

OpenCV-Based Object Tracking

OpenCV Object Tracking method is widely used because it offers several built-in functions designed specifically for this purpose, such as GOTURN, MIL, MediandFlow, and CSRT. The tracker type you select will depend on your specific application design. Each tracker has its pros and cons, so there is not a single type of tracker ideal for all applications.


Multi-Domain Convolutional Neural Network Tracker is a convolutional neural-based visual tracker and has won the VOT2015 challenge. Moreover, it is composed of domain-specific layers, branches, and multiple shared layers.

The MDNetT tracker is a deep neural network that is trained on numerous Object Tracking datasets. The tracker is designed to work in multiple domains, including video, text, and images.


DeepSort algorithm can track objects in real-time and uses YOLO v3 to compute the bounding boxes around the objects in a frame.

DeepSort uses Kalman filter from Simple Online and Realtime Tracking algorithm and an identification model, ReID to interlink bounding boxes and object tracks.


ROLO is a novel Object Tracking method that uses recurrent neural networks (RNNs) to learn object-specific Spatio-temporal representations. This method works with YOLO, an object detection algorithm, and an LTSM for determining the trajectory of an object.

Part 5. The powerful backup: OpenCV

We have demonstrated how powerful OpenCV Tracking is and how it works. However, do you wonder what OpenCV is? How it supports the tracking goals being achieved? In this part, we will focus on OpenCV and help you better understand the the underlying mechanisms.

1. What Is OpenCV?

OpenCV is a powerful library that allows you to perform image processing, deep learning, machine learning, and computer vision tasks on live video feeds. Moreover, it can be used to detect objects, track their movements, and recognize faces.

It can help process the data that have videos and images and has been used in various applications, such as object recognition and detection, autonomous cars, robots, medical image analysis, automated surveillance, and anomaly detection.

2. The Pre-Built Algorithms OpenCV Offers For Object Tracking

There are 8 pre-built algorithms that OpenCV offers for Objects Tracking. All of them have their uniquility and here we will present their pros and cons for your better understadning.

Tracker Pros Cons
BOOSTING Tracker Track objects accurately. Relatively slow. Unable to stop when an object is lost.
MIL Tracker Strong resistance to noise. Gives accurate results. Low speed. Unable to stop tracking once the object is lost.
KCF Tracker High speed and accuracy. Stops tracking when the object is lost. Inability to continue tracking objects once lost.
TLD Tracker Resistance to overlapping and object scaling. Unstable in object detection and tracking. Constantly loses object.
MEDIANFLOW Tracker High accuracy and speed. Accurate in determining the object’s loss. Loses object quickly due to high speed.
GOTURN Tracker Shows resistance to obstructions and noise. If the speed of an object is high, it shifts to another object.
MOSSE Tracker Able to continue tracking after the object is lost. High speed. Loses object easily if very high speed.
CSRT Tracker Good resistance to overlapping. High accuracy. Low speed. Unstable when an object is lost.

3. Implementation In Python And OpenCV

Now, after theoretical explanation of OpenCV and OpenCV Tracking, let’s learn Object Tracking OpenCV Python with coding and our simple and step-by-step instructions:

Install The Dependencies

Install the pycharm app on your PC, and launch it. Create a new project and go to Terminal. Install the opencv-contrib-python package by pasting the following command into the Terminal.

Set Up the Trackers

Now, create a Jupyter-notebook and set up the trackers with this code:


  • cv2. version returns the OpenCV library version number.
  • Save the name of the eight trackers.
  • Check the list for the version you are working on and create a tracker object based on the number.

Capture The Video Input

For capturing the video input, write the following lines of code:


  • Use the VideoCapture class to capture a video via the webcam or get a saved one from your PC.
  • In VideoCapture - line 2, give the path to your video.
  • Comment on the second line to use the webcam for tracking and uncomment the third one.

Creating The Bounding Box And Initializing The Tracker

Define an initial random bounding box or select the choices for the object you want to track with the following code:

Start The Tracker And Check The Output

Finally, write the below code lines to start the tracker:


  • Read each video frame.
  • Start the timer and, through the tracker, determine the trajectory of the object.
  • Use the trajectory to draw the bounding box.
  • The program will start tracking. Afterward, press the space bar to stop tracking.

Video – Object Tracking with Opencv and Python


In this article, we’ve discussed Object Tracking in detail and how it compares with Object Detection. Furthermore, we explored the methods used for tracking objects and provided complete guidance on the OpenCV Tracking method and its built-in functionalities.

Hopefully, you find this guide helpful, and you can now track objects in real-time without any issues.

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CapCut Lenta Template: How It Benefits Slow Motion Video

Slow-motion videos in black and white filters are trending on social media these days. You might be curious how everyone creates such cool videos. It is possible with CapCut, a video editor associated with TikTok. The question arises: is it difficult to achieve perfection in such slow-motion videos? Then, let us tell you there is a camera Lenta CapCut template for this purpose.

Using it, you just have to import the media of your choice and leave the process on CapCut. This article will guide you on making a slow-motion video with customization. Also, you will learn more about Camera Lenta CapCut to explore it quickly. Keep reading to create perfect slow motion by identifying the most powerful alternative.

Slow Motion Video Maker Slow your video’s speed with better control of your keyframes to create unique cinematic effects!

Make A Slow Motion Video Make A Slow Motion Video More Features

Wondershare Filmora

Part 1. An Introductory Review of CapCut Video Editor

CapCut is a smart and high-efficiency tool to ease your content creation journey. Beginners and professionals use this platform for captivating social media content. It’s a handy tool to collaborate with teammates on projects within a secure workspace. Unfortunately, it’s a full-featured software but still far from many major video editing software.

capcut video editor

Key Features of CapCut

This versatile tool simplifies complex editing tasks with its straightforward interface. It’s a default video editor for TikTok, the most popular video-sharing platform. You can download CapCut on Windows, macOS, and smartphones or use it online. If you want to explore its functionalities before using it, then keep reading.

  • Predesigned Templates: CapCut is trending on TikTok due to its templates. It offers predesigned templates in which users do nothing except import videos. Such templates contain pre-existing music, effects, text, and transitions. You can browse desired templates by tapping on categories like For You, Meme, and Beat.
  • Editing Functions: Like other editing platforms, CapCut offers common trimming and merging features. You can annotate videos and add customized text with adjustable font sizes and shapes. Besides, users can adjust the speed of video to create slow-mo or fast-forward clips. It allows you to reverse footage to add a fun factor to the content.
  • Audio Editing: This video editor makes copyrighted music library accessible to users. You can import audio from your gallery if you fail to find your desired music. Also, it allows you to extract a soundtrack from a video. Users can cut down audio parts to adjust their duration with the video. You will also get the flexibility to improve the audio quality of your added sound.
  • Keyframe and Tracking: With AI integration, this tool detects the motion of video objects. Afterward, it changes the background of the video while retaining the main objects. Plus, you can create stunning motion graphics and animated effects with its keyframe option. It can adjust the color, opacity, shape, and position of the added keyframe animations.

Part 2. CapCut Lenta Template: What Is It and How It Benefits Slow Motion Video Creation?

As highlighted above, CapCut is widely famous for its video templates. Among some popular and massively used templates is the Lenta video template. It shows blurry faces and objects at first glance with a black-and-white filter. Moving forward with this, you will see an unblur video revealing with a beat. The Lenta template format is now available in 10 more options added by famous creators.

Camera Lenta CapCut has crossed the usage of over 500 million. The video created with such a template provides a cool look and glorifies your social persona. Anyone without a basic knowledge of video editing can make slow-motion videos by adding clips. This template has enabled you to create a slow-motion video with effects quickly.

capcut lenta slow motion template

Part 3. A Simple Guide to Creating Slow Motion Videos with CapCut

Despite using the Camera Lenta CapCut Template, you can also create slow motion . If the template does not emphasize details in slow-mo, edit it yourself. In this regard, you should follow the steps below to access and use the slow-motion option.

Step 1: Launch the CapCut application in your system and access its main interface. Click on the “New Project” to enter the editing window of this platform. Go to the media panel and tap “Add” to select media for the process. Drag material to the timeline section below and begin the editing.

add media to capcut

Step 2: After dropping the video, you will see the editing panel on the right side. Move there and hit the “Speed” option next to the “Split.” Then, choose “Curve” and find speed ramping templates. You can pick one otherwise, tap “Customize” and find a graph below. Adjust the dots on the graph downward to slow down or upward to fast forward the video smoothly.

access curve section and adjust speed

Step 3: After making the desired slow motion, go to the top right corner to hit the “Export” button. Set parameters from the “Export” screen and press the “Export” again to get the video in the gallery.

export final video capcut

Part 4. The Perfect Desktop Alternative in the Form of Wondershare Filmora for Slow Motion Videos

There is a need to manually edit the video for desired changes. Shifting video in slow motion effect by Camera Lenta CapCut is time-consuming and difficult. The best alternative to this slow-motion video app is Wondershare Filmora . It is easily available on the desktop rather than browsing the apps on the internet. Filmora is an AI-powered video editing tool that gives high-quality results.

Users can get screen recording, AI text-to-speech, and many other benefits from this tool. They can apply the slow-motion effect in video with its Uniform Speed feature. Plus, these AI features make the editing process easier than the CapCut video editor.

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How to Create Slow-Motion Video by Filmora

Filmora makes the slow-motion video process easy due to advanced features. You do not need to be a professional editor to edit the video on Filmora. It has easy-to-follow steps to create a slow-motion video. So, let’s go through the steps to understand the video editing process.

Step 1Install the Filmora to Import Media

Install the Filmora on your desktop and open it to explore it. After that, click on the “New Project” option from the main interface. This option helps to access the editing screen to import the required file by pressing the “Ctrl+I” keys.

import video to timeline

Step 2Use the Uniform Speed Feature to Slow Down the Video

After importing the file, drag the file to the timeline panel and hit “Ctrl + R” on the video to access the speed options. From the displayed “Uniform Speed” panel, Slow down the video with the “Speed” slider. Retain the quality of the video by heading to the “AI Frame Interpolation” drop-down list. Click on the “AI Frame Interpolation” downward icon to choose the “Optical Flow” option.

change video speed filmora

Step 3Finalize the Process and Save it

Make further editing if required or get a final preview to see the applied changes. After finalizing, save the project by selecting the “Export” button in the top right corner.

export video from filmora

Key Features of Filmora in Video Editing

The key functionalities of this editing tool have been discussed in this part. You can go through this to understand the workings of this editor and get maximum benefits:

1. AI Image

Users can visualize their words through the AI Image generator feature of Filmora. In this regard, they should add a proper description in the text to generate the image. The description should include the composition, content, and other details for the exact image. It also offers aspect ratio and image style options to generate accurate AI images.

2. AI Thumbnail Creator

Influencers and social media activists post videos regularly. Thumbnails boost viewer engagement, so they add the thumbnail after finalizing the video. Filmora offers the AI Thumbnail feature to generate template-driven thumbnails for video. AI generates the thumbnail automatically by analyzing the best shots from the content.

3. AI Portrait

CapCut is used to change the background of the video. This background-changing process can cause errors in the final video. Filmora has an AI portrait feature to change the background accurately. It also offers versatility by offering 70+ stickers and AR effects. AI integration tracks the main object and facial features to add effects frame-by-frame.


CapCut is famous because it provides ease in editing to non-tech persons. As highlighted, the camera Lenta CapCut template requires clips to generate slow-mo videos. In this regard, users don’t need to put any effort and get appealing content automatically. Besides, this article has shown the steps to slow down video manually.

CapCut proves difficult for beginners to slow down video with speed ramping. So, if you need an easier but more advanced solution, you can benefit from Wondershare Filmora. It can ease your tasks and take your video editing to a professional level.

Make A Slow Motion Video Make A Slow Motion Video More Features

Wondershare Filmora

Part 1. An Introductory Review of CapCut Video Editor

CapCut is a smart and high-efficiency tool to ease your content creation journey. Beginners and professionals use this platform for captivating social media content. It’s a handy tool to collaborate with teammates on projects within a secure workspace. Unfortunately, it’s a full-featured software but still far from many major video editing software.

capcut video editor

Key Features of CapCut

This versatile tool simplifies complex editing tasks with its straightforward interface. It’s a default video editor for TikTok, the most popular video-sharing platform. You can download CapCut on Windows, macOS, and smartphones or use it online. If you want to explore its functionalities before using it, then keep reading.

  • Predesigned Templates: CapCut is trending on TikTok due to its templates. It offers predesigned templates in which users do nothing except import videos. Such templates contain pre-existing music, effects, text, and transitions. You can browse desired templates by tapping on categories like For You, Meme, and Beat.
  • Editing Functions: Like other editing platforms, CapCut offers common trimming and merging features. You can annotate videos and add customized text with adjustable font sizes and shapes. Besides, users can adjust the speed of video to create slow-mo or fast-forward clips. It allows you to reverse footage to add a fun factor to the content.
  • Audio Editing: This video editor makes copyrighted music library accessible to users. You can import audio from your gallery if you fail to find your desired music. Also, it allows you to extract a soundtrack from a video. Users can cut down audio parts to adjust their duration with the video. You will also get the flexibility to improve the audio quality of your added sound.
  • Keyframe and Tracking: With AI integration, this tool detects the motion of video objects. Afterward, it changes the background of the video while retaining the main objects. Plus, you can create stunning motion graphics and animated effects with its keyframe option. It can adjust the color, opacity, shape, and position of the added keyframe animations.

Part 2. CapCut Lenta Template: What Is It and How It Benefits Slow Motion Video Creation?

As highlighted above, CapCut is widely famous for its video templates. Among some popular and massively used templates is the Lenta video template. It shows blurry faces and objects at first glance with a black-and-white filter. Moving forward with this, you will see an unblur video revealing with a beat. The Lenta template format is now available in 10 more options added by famous creators.

Camera Lenta CapCut has crossed the usage of over 500 million. The video created with such a template provides a cool look and glorifies your social persona. Anyone without a basic knowledge of video editing can make slow-motion videos by adding clips. This template has enabled you to create a slow-motion video with effects quickly.

capcut lenta slow motion template

Part 3. A Simple Guide to Creating Slow Motion Videos with CapCut

Despite using the Camera Lenta CapCut Template, you can also create slow motion . If the template does not emphasize details in slow-mo, edit it yourself. In this regard, you should follow the steps below to access and use the slow-motion option.

Step 1: Launch the CapCut application in your system and access its main interface. Click on the “New Project” to enter the editing window of this platform. Go to the media panel and tap “Add” to select media for the process. Drag material to the timeline section below and begin the editing.

add media to capcut

Step 2: After dropping the video, you will see the editing panel on the right side. Move there and hit the “Speed” option next to the “Split.” Then, choose “Curve” and find speed ramping templates. You can pick one otherwise, tap “Customize” and find a graph below. Adjust the dots on the graph downward to slow down or upward to fast forward the video smoothly.

access curve section and adjust speed

Step 3: After making the desired slow motion, go to the top right corner to hit the “Export” button. Set parameters from the “Export” screen and press the “Export” again to get the video in the gallery.

export final video capcut

Part 4. The Perfect Desktop Alternative in the Form of Wondershare Filmora for Slow Motion Videos

There is a need to manually edit the video for desired changes. Shifting video in slow motion effect by Camera Lenta CapCut is time-consuming and difficult. The best alternative to this slow-motion video app is Wondershare Filmora . It is easily available on the desktop rather than browsing the apps on the internet. Filmora is an AI-powered video editing tool that gives high-quality results.

Users can get screen recording, AI text-to-speech, and many other benefits from this tool. They can apply the slow-motion effect in video with its Uniform Speed feature. Plus, these AI features make the editing process easier than the CapCut video editor.

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How to Create Slow-Motion Video by Filmora

Filmora makes the slow-motion video process easy due to advanced features. You do not need to be a professional editor to edit the video on Filmora. It has easy-to-follow steps to create a slow-motion video. So, let’s go through the steps to understand the video editing process.

Step 1Install the Filmora to Import Media

Install the Filmora on your desktop and open it to explore it. After that, click on the “New Project” option from the main interface. This option helps to access the editing screen to import the required file by pressing the “Ctrl+I” keys.

import video to timeline

Step 2Use the Uniform Speed Feature to Slow Down the Video

After importing the file, drag the file to the timeline panel and hit “Ctrl + R” on the video to access the speed options. From the displayed “Uniform Speed” panel, Slow down the video with the “Speed” slider. Retain the quality of the video by heading to the “AI Frame Interpolation” drop-down list. Click on the “AI Frame Interpolation” downward icon to choose the “Optical Flow” option.

change video speed filmora

Step 3Finalize the Process and Save it

Make further editing if required or get a final preview to see the applied changes. After finalizing, save the project by selecting the “Export” button in the top right corner.

export video from filmora

Key Features of Filmora in Video Editing

The key functionalities of this editing tool have been discussed in this part. You can go through this to understand the workings of this editor and get maximum benefits:

1. AI Image

Users can visualize their words through the AI Image generator feature of Filmora. In this regard, they should add a proper description in the text to generate the image. The description should include the composition, content, and other details for the exact image. It also offers aspect ratio and image style options to generate accurate AI images.

2. AI Thumbnail Creator

Influencers and social media activists post videos regularly. Thumbnails boost viewer engagement, so they add the thumbnail after finalizing the video. Filmora offers the AI Thumbnail feature to generate template-driven thumbnails for video. AI generates the thumbnail automatically by analyzing the best shots from the content.

3. AI Portrait

CapCut is used to change the background of the video. This background-changing process can cause errors in the final video. Filmora has an AI portrait feature to change the background accurately. It also offers versatility by offering 70+ stickers and AR effects. AI integration tracks the main object and facial features to add effects frame-by-frame.


CapCut is famous because it provides ease in editing to non-tech persons. As highlighted, the camera Lenta CapCut template requires clips to generate slow-mo videos. In this regard, users don’t need to put any effort and get appealing content automatically. Besides, this article has shown the steps to slow down video manually.

CapCut proves difficult for beginners to slow down video with speed ramping. So, if you need an easier but more advanced solution, you can benefit from Wondershare Filmora. It can ease your tasks and take your video editing to a professional level.

Templates Increase the Editing Possibilities for Beginners and Professionals. Read This Article to Learn About some Customizable Slow-Motion CapCut Templates

Editing from scratch is a time-consuming process, especially when you’re a beginner. Even skilled editors opt for different ways to maintain productivity. One of the means to save time is the use of templates for creating or editing videos. Slow-motion videos require the manipulation of speed or framerate to produce results. Slow-motion CapCut templates prove to be a valuable source.

In this article, readers will learn about slow-mo CapCut templates for crafting slow-motion videos. For those unfamiliar with CapCut, a brief overview of its functions will be provided. In addition, we’ll introduce some remarkable slow-mo CapCut templates. Moreover, you can learn about an extraordinary alternative for fashioning amazing slow-motion videos.

Slow Motion Video Maker Slow your video’s speed with better control of your keyframes to create unique cinematic effects!

Make A Slow Motion Video Make A Slow Motion Video More Features

Wondershare Filmora

Part 1. CapCut Video Editor for Smartphone: Reading Out the Detailed Review

CapCut is a content editing platform that acts as a smartphone application and computing software. The application serves in various video editing tasks while giving professional outcomes. Most of CapCut’s features are free to use; however, there is an affordable subscription plan.

It has AI and manual functioning features to help you edit how you like. In its “Explore” section, you can find various effects, text styles, stickers, and audio tracks. Moreover, you can also introduce subtitles and captions with its “Caption” tool. Plus, it offers camera recording where you can adjust record time, effects, multi-clip options, and more. Here are some of CapCut’s limitless editing features:

capcut video editor dashboard

  • Templates: CapCut enables you to access its pre-built templates for distinct purposes. You can access it all from there, be it fast-motion, cinematic effect, or CapCut slow-mo template. Moreover, when you add the keyword for search, it can show you trending templates and hashtags.
  • Remove Background: If you couldn’t decide on a good background while recording, CapCut has got you covered. This feature not only removes the background but also offers a setting for bringing precision. You can adjust the edge setting or intensity of these settings accordingly.
  • Smart User-Interface: This application has an intuitive, clean, and smart smartphone interface. The themes and the positioning of features are done minimally, where nothing looks stuffed. In addition, you can expand or collapse the display menu accordingly.
  • Image Enhancement: As discussed before, CapCut is a content editing app that offers image enhancements as well. The feature automatically compresses your content quality to 1080p. Moreover, you can resize the image post-enhancement and add an AI background to it.
  • Cloud Storage and Collaboration: You can edit without any prior account information in CapCut. However, signing up comes with various benefits, such as accessing pre-edited projects. In addition, you can connect with other editors on CapCut and take your editing up a notch.

Part 2. Some Top-Rated CapCut Templates to Try for Creating Perfect Slow-Motion Videos

With a wide range of features and effects, CapCut also has the power to turn videos into slow-mos. You can craft a slow-motion video via manual speed change or be smart with its templates. CapCut slow-motion templates are easily accessible in its Template section. While there are hundreds of slow-mo templates CapCut, take a look at these that we’ve compiled for you:

1. Slowmo

This template is reachable via the CapCut slow-mo edit template gallery and is open for access. The template possesses an aspect ratio of 9:16 and is a suitable fit for your Instagram reels and YouTube shorts. It only requires a video of 16 seconds to get started with this trending template. The template slows down your video at specific durations, giving it a majestic resonance.

slowmo capcut template

2. Slowmotion Smooth

With a catchy song and visually striking filter, this is perfect for aesthetic dress-up videos. This CapCut video slow motion template applies to a single clip of 14 seconds duration. With its 9:16 aspect ratio, it is well-fitted for a majority of social platforms. The template has over 316.3K uses, and you can replace its background song using CapCut.

slowmotion smooth capcut template

3. Trend Slowmo

Use this trending slow-motion song CapCut template with over 1.1 million uses to make viral slo-mos. It doesn’t offer a basic Slomo effect but has a trendy background song. In addition, the template is a collaboration between slow motion and blur effect. Users only require a video to employ this effect, offering a 9:16 aspect ratio.

trend slowmo capcut template

4. Slowmo Aesthetic

Make your modeling and dress-up video look aesthetic with this slow-mo CapCut template. It is a beautiful blend of slow-motion effects on specific scenes with an aesthetic filter. The video will start with a black-and-white look with a smooth transition toward colors and slo-mo. With its 9:16 aspect ratio and 6-second duration, it is perfect for showcasing dresses and fashion.

slowmo aesthetic capcut template

5. Healing Slowmo

Craft aesthetic travel videos and capture landscapes using this CapCut slow-mo template. It appears as a combination of slow motion and blur effect at multiple periods. You only require a portrait clip to use this template in an efficient way. You can fashion captivating Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest reels with its 9:16 ratio.

healing slowmo capcut template

Part 3. How to Create Proper Slow-Motion Videos on CapCut Video Editor?

CapCut slow-mo edit not only slows down video but also helps in post-editing. The user interface is self-explanatory, and you can find the features with ease. However, this section will provide you with a detailed guide on using the template CapCut slow-mo. Here is a step-by-step guide to creating a slo-mo in CapCut via its templates collection:

Step 1. After downloading CapCut on your smartphone, launch it to access its main menu. From there, navigate towards the downward bar and click the “Templates” option.

look for templates in capcut

Step 2. In the templates collection, go to the search bar and type slow motion. Multiple options will appear on the screen in the Trending section. From there, select a template to employ it. Once you have selected the template, observe if it is right for your video. Afterward, click the “Use template” button to start editing with it.

select and add a template

Step 3. Once you have selected a video, click the “Preview” button. Notice that you can only select the number of videos the template offers.

preview media for editing

Step 4. Afterward, click on the “Text” option and add text if you want. After all the editing is done, click on the “Export” button to download the video.

add text and export final video

Part 4. Smartphone Alternative: Creating Slow Motion Videos with Wondershare Filmora App

Wondershare Filmora is a versatile platform for creating or editing slow motions with smartphone services. You can access the application from the Play Store or App Store and start editing instantly. The Filmora app displays a clearly laid out interface with easy access to features. Here, you can use advanced and basic speed editing to create a slow motion:

filmora app for smartphones

Method 1. Using the Normal Speed Option

The normal method in this CapCut slow-mo edit alternative uses playback speed. It involves a simple slider positioning and some enhancement options. Here is how to create a slow motion in the Filmora app using the standard approach:

Step 1. After downloading the Filmora application, navigate towards the top tools. From there, select the “Speed” option and choose a clip for import.

open app and access speed section

Step 2. Select the “Normal” section and drag the playback towards the left. This will slow down the video, and you can set the speed up to 0.2x for slo-mo. After speed settings, click the “ü” icon, and if you want, do other settings.

select normal speed adjustment

Step 3. Once you are done with post-slow motion settings, click the “Export” button.

export final video filmora

Method 2. Using the Speed Curve Option

This method involves slightly advanced speed settings for slow-motion creation. This method features many templates alternative to CapCut slow-mo templates. Further, you can use the custom setting template to edit as per your taste. Here is how to create a slow motion using Filmora’s speed curve:

Step 1. Repeat the same process of importing the video and go to the “Curve” section. Select a pre-designed speed template if it fits your video. If not, go for the “Customize” template, and a panel will display.

access curve speed section

Step 2. In this panel, adjust the slider position in the downward direction. This will slow down your video at specific durations. You can also enable the “+ Add beat” option for audio adjustments.

adjust speed ramp graph

Step 3. Click the “ü” icon a couple of times in the respective panels to finalize settings. Afterward, export the video by opting for the “Export” button.

export final ramped video

Bonus Part. Make Your Video Editing Perfect with Wondershare Filmora

For beginners, smartphone editing might be satisfactory. However, for a skilled professional with a passion for editing, it’s not enough. For more precise editing and smooth slow motions, we recommend a desktop solution. This CapCut slow-motion edit alternative is Wondershare Filmora’s computing software.

It is an adaptable editing software offering basic as well as advanced video editing features. The features rest on its intuitive interface and are reachable to all. It has a resource library that is filled with transition templates, effects, presets, and more. It has both visual and audio editing options along with AI abilities for production purposes. All in all, the software is an amazing pick for those who prefer high-quality results.

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AI-Backed Professional Video Editing Features of Filmora

If you are looking to create high-grade slow motions using speed templates, Filmora is for you. There are multiple settings to enhance visuals, audio tracks, and texts. You can do amazing color corrections or add mesmerizing effects to videos. Here are some of its video editing features to consider during editing:

1. AI Copilot Editing

For instance, you are using Filmora for slow motion and don’t know where to start. Employ its copilot assistant and ask it about slo-mo creation. It will direct you towards the speed options with insights on editing. Moreover, the copilot provides one-click access buttons for you to access the feature.

2. AI Text-to-Video

If you are a big fan of AI applications, then Filmora is the right stop for you. Its text-to-video AI allows you to generate videos via prompts or scripts. The function automatically adds graphics and AI voice to videos.

3. Remove Background

The video background remover of Filmora uses high-end AI technology to do the work. It analyzes and cuts out the background with accuracy while providing replacements. You employ three background options: solid color, gradients, and graphics. Users can also add a custom image or video in the timeline to use a background.

4. Instant Mode

If you are not familiar with video and need to start editing videos, this feature is for you. It is an automated video editor for you that uses AI algorithms to edit videos. It color-corrects or enhances any flaws and adds templates and beats to the video. Moreover, it has 115+ multi-contextual templates for diverse video editing.


Slow-motion CapCut templates serve as a powerful resource for creating slo-mos. The con is that with automated templates, there is no room for customizations. However, Wondershare Filmora is a powerful software application with no such limit. It offers visual, audio, and more custom options after some creation. Hence, if you are looking for an editor to broaden your editing game, use Filmora.

Make A Slow Motion Video Make A Slow Motion Video More Features

Wondershare Filmora

Part 1. CapCut Video Editor for Smartphone: Reading Out the Detailed Review

CapCut is a content editing platform that acts as a smartphone application and computing software. The application serves in various video editing tasks while giving professional outcomes. Most of CapCut’s features are free to use; however, there is an affordable subscription plan.

It has AI and manual functioning features to help you edit how you like. In its “Explore” section, you can find various effects, text styles, stickers, and audio tracks. Moreover, you can also introduce subtitles and captions with its “Caption” tool. Plus, it offers camera recording where you can adjust record time, effects, multi-clip options, and more. Here are some of CapCut’s limitless editing features:

capcut video editor dashboard

  • Templates: CapCut enables you to access its pre-built templates for distinct purposes. You can access it all from there, be it fast-motion, cinematic effect, or CapCut slow-mo template. Moreover, when you add the keyword for search, it can show you trending templates and hashtags.
  • Remove Background: If you couldn’t decide on a good background while recording, CapCut has got you covered. This feature not only removes the background but also offers a setting for bringing precision. You can adjust the edge setting or intensity of these settings accordingly.
  • Smart User-Interface: This application has an intuitive, clean, and smart smartphone interface. The themes and the positioning of features are done minimally, where nothing looks stuffed. In addition, you can expand or collapse the display menu accordingly.
  • Image Enhancement: As discussed before, CapCut is a content editing app that offers image enhancements as well. The feature automatically compresses your content quality to 1080p. Moreover, you can resize the image post-enhancement and add an AI background to it.
  • Cloud Storage and Collaboration: You can edit without any prior account information in CapCut. However, signing up comes with various benefits, such as accessing pre-edited projects. In addition, you can connect with other editors on CapCut and take your editing up a notch.

Part 2. Some Top-Rated CapCut Templates to Try for Creating Perfect Slow-Motion Videos

With a wide range of features and effects, CapCut also has the power to turn videos into slow-mos. You can craft a slow-motion video via manual speed change or be smart with its templates. CapCut slow-motion templates are easily accessible in its Template section. While there are hundreds of slow-mo templates CapCut, take a look at these that we’ve compiled for you:

1. Slowmo

This template is reachable via the CapCut slow-mo edit template gallery and is open for access. The template possesses an aspect ratio of 9:16 and is a suitable fit for your Instagram reels and YouTube shorts. It only requires a video of 16 seconds to get started with this trending template. The template slows down your video at specific durations, giving it a majestic resonance.

slowmo capcut template

2. Slowmotion Smooth

With a catchy song and visually striking filter, this is perfect for aesthetic dress-up videos. This CapCut video slow motion template applies to a single clip of 14 seconds duration. With its 9:16 aspect ratio, it is well-fitted for a majority of social platforms. The template has over 316.3K uses, and you can replace its background song using CapCut.

slowmotion smooth capcut template

3. Trend Slowmo

Use this trending slow-motion song CapCut template with over 1.1 million uses to make viral slo-mos. It doesn’t offer a basic Slomo effect but has a trendy background song. In addition, the template is a collaboration between slow motion and blur effect. Users only require a video to employ this effect, offering a 9:16 aspect ratio.

trend slowmo capcut template

4. Slowmo Aesthetic

Make your modeling and dress-up video look aesthetic with this slow-mo CapCut template. It is a beautiful blend of slow-motion effects on specific scenes with an aesthetic filter. The video will start with a black-and-white look with a smooth transition toward colors and slo-mo. With its 9:16 aspect ratio and 6-second duration, it is perfect for showcasing dresses and fashion.

slowmo aesthetic capcut template

5. Healing Slowmo

Craft aesthetic travel videos and capture landscapes using this CapCut slow-mo template. It appears as a combination of slow motion and blur effect at multiple periods. You only require a portrait clip to use this template in an efficient way. You can fashion captivating Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest reels with its 9:16 ratio.

healing slowmo capcut template

Part 3. How to Create Proper Slow-Motion Videos on CapCut Video Editor?

CapCut slow-mo edit not only slows down video but also helps in post-editing. The user interface is self-explanatory, and you can find the features with ease. However, this section will provide you with a detailed guide on using the template CapCut slow-mo. Here is a step-by-step guide to creating a slo-mo in CapCut via its templates collection:

Step 1. After downloading CapCut on your smartphone, launch it to access its main menu. From there, navigate towards the downward bar and click the “Templates” option.

look for templates in capcut

Step 2. In the templates collection, go to the search bar and type slow motion. Multiple options will appear on the screen in the Trending section. From there, select a template to employ it. Once you have selected the template, observe if it is right for your video. Afterward, click the “Use template” button to start editing with it.

select and add a template

Step 3. Once you have selected a video, click the “Preview” button. Notice that you can only select the number of videos the template offers.

preview media for editing

Step 4. Afterward, click on the “Text” option and add text if you want. After all the editing is done, click on the “Export” button to download the video.

add text and export final video

Part 4. Smartphone Alternative: Creating Slow Motion Videos with Wondershare Filmora App

Wondershare Filmora is a versatile platform for creating or editing slow motions with smartphone services. You can access the application from the Play Store or App Store and start editing instantly. The Filmora app displays a clearly laid out interface with easy access to features. Here, you can use advanced and basic speed editing to create a slow motion:

filmora app for smartphones

Method 1. Using the Normal Speed Option

The normal method in this CapCut slow-mo edit alternative uses playback speed. It involves a simple slider positioning and some enhancement options. Here is how to create a slow motion in the Filmora app using the standard approach:

Step 1. After downloading the Filmora application, navigate towards the top tools. From there, select the “Speed” option and choose a clip for import.

open app and access speed section

Step 2. Select the “Normal” section and drag the playback towards the left. This will slow down the video, and you can set the speed up to 0.2x for slo-mo. After speed settings, click the “ü” icon, and if you want, do other settings.

select normal speed adjustment

Step 3. Once you are done with post-slow motion settings, click the “Export” button.

export final video filmora

Method 2. Using the Speed Curve Option

This method involves slightly advanced speed settings for slow-motion creation. This method features many templates alternative to CapCut slow-mo templates. Further, you can use the custom setting template to edit as per your taste. Here is how to create a slow motion using Filmora’s speed curve:

Step 1. Repeat the same process of importing the video and go to the “Curve” section. Select a pre-designed speed template if it fits your video. If not, go for the “Customize” template, and a panel will display.

access curve speed section

Step 2. In this panel, adjust the slider position in the downward direction. This will slow down your video at specific durations. You can also enable the “+ Add beat” option for audio adjustments.

adjust speed ramp graph

Step 3. Click the “ü” icon a couple of times in the respective panels to finalize settings. Afterward, export the video by opting for the “Export” button.

export final ramped video

Bonus Part. Make Your Video Editing Perfect with Wondershare Filmora

For beginners, smartphone editing might be satisfactory. However, for a skilled professional with a passion for editing, it’s not enough. For more precise editing and smooth slow motions, we recommend a desktop solution. This CapCut slow-motion edit alternative is Wondershare Filmora’s computing software.

It is an adaptable editing software offering basic as well as advanced video editing features. The features rest on its intuitive interface and are reachable to all. It has a resource library that is filled with transition templates, effects, presets, and more. It has both visual and audio editing options along with AI abilities for production purposes. All in all, the software is an amazing pick for those who prefer high-quality results.

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AI-Backed Professional Video Editing Features of Filmora

If you are looking to create high-grade slow motions using speed templates, Filmora is for you. There are multiple settings to enhance visuals, audio tracks, and texts. You can do amazing color corrections or add mesmerizing effects to videos. Here are some of its video editing features to consider during editing:

1. AI Copilot Editing

For instance, you are using Filmora for slow motion and don’t know where to start. Employ its copilot assistant and ask it about slo-mo creation. It will direct you towards the speed options with insights on editing. Moreover, the copilot provides one-click access buttons for you to access the feature.

2. AI Text-to-Video

If you are a big fan of AI applications, then Filmora is the right stop for you. Its text-to-video AI allows you to generate videos via prompts or scripts. The function automatically adds graphics and AI voice to videos.

3. Remove Background

The video background remover of Filmora uses high-end AI technology to do the work. It analyzes and cuts out the background with accuracy while providing replacements. You employ three background options: solid color, gradients, and graphics. Users can also add a custom image or video in the timeline to use a background.

4. Instant Mode

If you are not familiar with video and need to start editing videos, this feature is for you. It is an automated video editor for you that uses AI algorithms to edit videos. It color-corrects or enhances any flaws and adds templates and beats to the video. Moreover, it has 115+ multi-contextual templates for diverse video editing.


Slow-motion CapCut templates serve as a powerful resource for creating slo-mos. The con is that with automated templates, there is no room for customizations. However, Wondershare Filmora is a powerful software application with no such limit. It offers visual, audio, and more custom options after some creation. Hence, if you are looking for an editor to broaden your editing game, use Filmora.

Convert Time-Lapse to Normal Video

Ever since video cameras were invented, there have been various technological advancements in filming. And today people generally use smartphones or portable cameras to record videos. But one of the interesting ways in which smart devices can capture moments is using the timelapse feature. Timelapse files are a way of videography in which the camera or smart device captures frames in intervals of a few seconds or minutes.

In this way, you get a stop motion-like video at the end. This format of the video is both interesting and can be used to capture long hours of activities. But often we are needed to convert time-lapse to normal video to export or share them over a platform. For these requirements, there are different applications available across multiple operating systems.

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Part 1. Convert Time-lapse Video to Normal on Computer

Computer users aiming to conserve the value of their time-lapses as videos can resort to Filmora . The Filmora program is a fee-based software that furnishes very productive video editing capacities. As an alternative, one can choose its trial edition for free. Here is how to turn your time lapses into videos by means of Filmora:

First, go to the official website of Filmora and then click on “Try Filmora for free”. This will start the download of the Filmora trial version. For converting time-lapses into normal videos, the premium version is not necessary. After the application is downloaded and installed on your PC, open it by clicking its icon.

Wondershare Filmora Easily convert time-lapse video to normal speed on PC and Mac.

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When the Filmora interface opens, you will need to go to “project” and then select “New project”. This will create a new project for you. Alternatively, you can click on the “+” icon available on the screen to do the same. After a new project is opened, you need to click on “Import” to add the timelapse file you want to convert.

add new project filmora

Then from the tools menu, select the “Tools” option on the top of your screen. Here you will be able to access different features of Filmora. Click on the option that says “Speed” to go to speed settings. Change the speed from 1X to a lower speed by toggling across the drag bar.

change video speed filmora

After setting a preferred speed for your timelapse, you will notice that the timelapse will seem like a normal video. When you are satisfied with the preview video, go to “Export” and click on it. This will save your converted video to your device in the highest resolution. Then you will be able to share it instantly on any platform.

Part 2. Change Timelapse Video to Normal on iPhone

If you are an iPhone user then you must have discovered the timelapse feature which is present in the camera app. Using the camera app, Apple users have the choice to make stunning time lapses with customized duration and settings.

And if you have a timelapse that you want to convert to a normal video format, then you can follow these steps on how to convert time-lapse to normal video:

change timelapse on iphone

  • There are multiple ways and applications to convert timelapse videos to normal ones on iPhone. But the safest and most effective way to do that is by using iMovie. This application is mostly preinstalled on all iPhones and is free to use. If somehow you are missing this app, then visit the Apple store and install it on your device.
  • When iMovie is successfully installed on your iPhone, open the application and allow all the permissions that it asks for. Then click on the “+” icon in the middle of your screen to create a new project. If you want you can name your project when its created.
  • After opening your new project, you can tap on the “Import” option to add media files to the interface. Here it will open your files from which you will need to select the timelapse video that you want to edit. Click on it and it will be automatically added to iMovie.
  • You can also add multiple timelapse videos if you want to convert them all and merge them into one file. Then on the iMovie interface, there will be a timeline available at the bottom of your screen. You can adjust it to trim, replace or rearrange the clips.
  • Then on the bottom left corner of your screen, you will see a “speed” icon which is generally the second tool on the interface. Click on it and it will open the playback speed controls for you. Adjusting and dragging on the speed control, you will be able to change the playback speed of the timelapse.
  • You will need to slow down the playback speed by toggling the speed controls. Set it to a speed lower than 1X which can make it look like a normal video. When you are done, click on the tick mark to save the changes.
  • Now preview the video and make sure you are satisfied with the conversion. Then go to settings, and customize the video output settings as well as quality. When you are done with these changes, click on the “Export” option to save the video to your device or share it on any platform.

Part 3. Time-lapse to Normal Video Online

There are situations where users don’t want to go installing extra applications when it comes to executing a task. And if you happen to be such a user who wants to convert your timelapse into a beautiful video, then you can do it online for free. is an online platform that allows users to upload and convert time-lapse to normal video online easily.

First, open your browser and enter “” i.e. “time-lapse to normal video converter online” in your search box. Then the first result that will be shown will be from its official website. Click on that and you will be directed to the online interface.

open video speed controller

The interface will have different options like “Sign Up, “Try Sample” etc. From the available options, click on “Upload Your Video”. This will allow you to edit your videos without even creating an account.

Then the interface will direct you to the video creation page. Here you will see a bunch of predefined templates to make videos. Click on the “Create Template” option and the interface will have a “Upload Your Media” box on the screen. Here you can click on it and select your timelapse file or drag and drop it from any source.

add project video speed controller

After the video is added to the page, it will take some time to upload it to the project menu. You can add multiple files by clicking on the “Add” option available on the screen. After a short while, you will see the video preview on the screen along with a timeline of the video.

preview video speed controller

Click on the timeline feature and there will be different tools from available at the bottom of the interface. Select the speedometer type icon on the screen and this will give you access to control the playback speed of timelapse.

You can drag the cursor from 1X to any desired speed here. Just click on the drag button and lower the speed below 1X to a desirable speed of your choice. In the preview window, check how the video is being rendered.

When you are satisfied with the changes and the video speed seems normal to you, go to the top right corner of the screen and click on the “Export” option. This will ask you to set your preferences for different video settings. Change them according to your requirement and then the video will be downloaded to your device.

Wondershare Filmora Easily convert time-lapse video to normal speed on PC and Mac.

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Time lapses are an amazing way to capture moments from any device. But there are situations where we need to convert them into video format for our requirements. Luckily there are some built-in features in different smartphone devices as well as applications available on others that can help you to do so. We have discussed some of these methods following which you will easily be able to convert your timelapse into videos on any device.

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Part 1. Convert Time-lapse Video to Normal on Computer

Computer users aiming to conserve the value of their time-lapses as videos can resort to Filmora . The Filmora program is a fee-based software that furnishes very productive video editing capacities. As an alternative, one can choose its trial edition for free. Here is how to turn your time lapses into videos by means of Filmora:

First, go to the official website of Filmora and then click on “Try Filmora for free”. This will start the download of the Filmora trial version. For converting time-lapses into normal videos, the premium version is not necessary. After the application is downloaded and installed on your PC, open it by clicking its icon.

Wondershare Filmora Easily convert time-lapse video to normal speed on PC and Mac.

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When the Filmora interface opens, you will need to go to “project” and then select “New project”. This will create a new project for you. Alternatively, you can click on the “+” icon available on the screen to do the same. After a new project is opened, you need to click on “Import” to add the timelapse file you want to convert.

add new project filmora

Then from the tools menu, select the “Tools” option on the top of your screen. Here you will be able to access different features of Filmora. Click on the option that says “Speed” to go to speed settings. Change the speed from 1X to a lower speed by toggling across the drag bar.

change video speed filmora

After setting a preferred speed for your timelapse, you will notice that the timelapse will seem like a normal video. When you are satisfied with the preview video, go to “Export” and click on it. This will save your converted video to your device in the highest resolution. Then you will be able to share it instantly on any platform.

Part 2. Change Timelapse Video to Normal on iPhone

If you are an iPhone user then you must have discovered the timelapse feature which is present in the camera app. Using the camera app, Apple users have the choice to make stunning time lapses with customized duration and settings.

And if you have a timelapse that you want to convert to a normal video format, then you can follow these steps on how to convert time-lapse to normal video:

change timelapse on iphone

  • There are multiple ways and applications to convert timelapse videos to normal ones on iPhone. But the safest and most effective way to do that is by using iMovie. This application is mostly preinstalled on all iPhones and is free to use. If somehow you are missing this app, then visit the Apple store and install it on your device.
  • When iMovie is successfully installed on your iPhone, open the application and allow all the permissions that it asks for. Then click on the “+” icon in the middle of your screen to create a new project. If you want you can name your project when its created.
  • After opening your new project, you can tap on the “Import” option to add media files to the interface. Here it will open your files from which you will need to select the timelapse video that you want to edit. Click on it and it will be automatically added to iMovie.
  • You can also add multiple timelapse videos if you want to convert them all and merge them into one file. Then on the iMovie interface, there will be a timeline available at the bottom of your screen. You can adjust it to trim, replace or rearrange the clips.
  • Then on the bottom left corner of your screen, you will see a “speed” icon which is generally the second tool on the interface. Click on it and it will open the playback speed controls for you. Adjusting and dragging on the speed control, you will be able to change the playback speed of the timelapse.
  • You will need to slow down the playback speed by toggling the speed controls. Set it to a speed lower than 1X which can make it look like a normal video. When you are done, click on the tick mark to save the changes.
  • Now preview the video and make sure you are satisfied with the conversion. Then go to settings, and customize the video output settings as well as quality. When you are done with these changes, click on the “Export” option to save the video to your device or share it on any platform.

Part 3. Time-lapse to Normal Video Online

There are situations where users don’t want to go installing extra applications when it comes to executing a task. And if you happen to be such a user who wants to convert your timelapse into a beautiful video, then you can do it online for free. is an online platform that allows users to upload and convert time-lapse to normal video online easily.

First, open your browser and enter “” i.e. “time-lapse to normal video converter online” in your search box. Then the first result that will be shown will be from its official website. Click on that and you will be directed to the online interface.

open video speed controller

The interface will have different options like “Sign Up, “Try Sample” etc. From the available options, click on “Upload Your Video”. This will allow you to edit your videos without even creating an account.

Then the interface will direct you to the video creation page. Here you will see a bunch of predefined templates to make videos. Click on the “Create Template” option and the interface will have a “Upload Your Media” box on the screen. Here you can click on it and select your timelapse file or drag and drop it from any source.

add project video speed controller

After the video is added to the page, it will take some time to upload it to the project menu. You can add multiple files by clicking on the “Add” option available on the screen. After a short while, you will see the video preview on the screen along with a timeline of the video.

preview video speed controller

Click on the timeline feature and there will be different tools from available at the bottom of the interface. Select the speedometer type icon on the screen and this will give you access to control the playback speed of timelapse.

You can drag the cursor from 1X to any desired speed here. Just click on the drag button and lower the speed below 1X to a desirable speed of your choice. In the preview window, check how the video is being rendered.

When you are satisfied with the changes and the video speed seems normal to you, go to the top right corner of the screen and click on the “Export” option. This will ask you to set your preferences for different video settings. Change them according to your requirement and then the video will be downloaded to your device.

Wondershare Filmora Easily convert time-lapse video to normal speed on PC and Mac.

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Time lapses are an amazing way to capture moments from any device. But there are situations where we need to convert them into video format for our requirements. Luckily there are some built-in features in different smartphone devices as well as applications available on others that can help you to do so. We have discussed some of these methods following which you will easily be able to convert your timelapse into videos on any device.

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  • Author: Chloe
  • Created at : 2024-04-24 07:08:22
  • Updated at : 2024-04-25 07:08:22
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  • License: This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.
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In 2024, Read on to Learn About OpenCV Object Tracking, What It Is, and How to Implement It in Python, and OpenCV