In 2024, Top 5 Video Filter Software Improve Your Videos with Filters

In 2024, Top 5 Video Filter Software Improve Your Videos with Filters

Chloe Lv12

Top 5 Video Filter Software: Improve Your Videos with Filters

In today’s tech-savvy world, whether you’re a budding content creator or a seasoned pro, creating eye-catching videos is a must.

And what’s the secret sauce to make your videos stand out? You guessed it – video filters! These nifty tools can transform your raw footage into a visual masterpiece.

So, if you’re ready to take your video editing game up a notch, you’re in the right place.

In this article, we’ll dig into the top 5 video filter software of 2024 that are worth your attention.

Before we jump into the juicy details, let’s get down to basics.

Part 1: Introduction

What exactly are video filters, you ask?

Well, video filters are like Instagram filters for your videos but with much more finesse.

They allow you to tweak various aspects of your video’s appearance, such as color, contrast, saturation, and more, to achieve the desired visual style.

The beauty of video filter software lies in its ability to enhance your video’s overall look and feel. Let’s explore the top contenders in the video filter software arena.

Part 2: Top 5 Video Filter Software

01 Filmora


Our first contender in the world of video filter software is Filmora. Designed with a user-friendly interface, Filmora is the ideal choice for those who want to enhance their videos effortlessly. Let’s take a closer look at what makes it stand out.


  1. Filmora’s intuitive interface makes it a breeze for beginners to get started. You don’t need to be a tech whiz to dive into video editing; Filmora guides you through the process seamlessly.
  2. Filmora boasts an extensive library of video presets and color grading presets. This treasure trove of pre-made styles allows you to give your videos that extra flair without the need for in-depth editing skills.
  3. Time is precious, and Filmora respects that. It offers quick rendering speeds, so you can see the results of your editing efforts in no time.
  4. Filmora’s simplicity is its strength, but it doesn’t mean it lacks creative potential. You can still go into more advanced features when you’re ready to level up your video editing game. This software gracefully balances accessibility and functionality.


So, you might be wondering, what about the downsides? Well, Filmora is so user-friendly that it can make you addicted to editing!

You might find yourself spending hours perfecting your videos, which, to be honest, is more of an advantage disguised as a disadvantage. Who wouldn’t want to get lost in the world of video editing, creating stunning content effortlessly?

02 DaVinci Resolve


When it comes to professional video editing and color correction, DaVinci Resolve stands as a true powerhouse in the world of video filter software.

Renowned for its robust feature set and precision, it’s the go-to choice for filmmakers, colorists, and anyone who demands the highest level of control over their video projects.


  1. DaVinci Resolve is unrivaled in its color correction and grading capabilities. Whether you’re aiming for a cinematic look or a specific color scheme, the software provides an extensive suite of tools to fine-tune every detail. Its color wheels, curves, and advanced grading panels allow you to achieve the exact visual style you envision.
  2. It provides a lot of cool stuff for editing sound and video, like fancy tools for fixing audio, working with multiple cameras, and working together with others on the same project. This makes it an all-in-one solution for every aspect of video post-production.
  3. In a world where teamwork is essential, DaVinci Resolve shines with its collaboration features. Many people can work on a project together at the same time, making it easier for teams working on big video projects to edit smoothly.


DaVinci Resolve can be resource-intensive, demanding a powerful computer setup for smooth operation. This could be a great advantage for people with really good computers, but it might be a bit tough for folks with older or less powerful ones.

03 HitFilm Express


If you’re an aspiring filmmaker or content creator looking to dive into the world of video editing and visual effects, HitFilm Express is your ticket to boundless creativity.

This versatile software combines video editing and visual effects seamlessly, allowing you to create stunning, professional-quality videos without breaking the bank.


  1. HitFilm Express excels in merging video editing and visual effects into one unified platform. This means you can effortlessly incorporate jaw-dropping visual effects into your videos without the need for additional software. Whether you’re adding explosions, futuristic CGI, or enchanting motion graphics, HitFilm Express has you covered.
  2. It offers a free version that provides access to its fundamental video filter features and VFX capabilities. This is a fantastic opportunity for budding content creators to dip their toes into the world of video editing without any financial commitment.
  3. HitFilm Express comes with an extensive library of tutorials, making it incredibly user-friendly for those who are new to video editing or visual effects. These tutorials guide you through the software’s features and help you create eye-catching effects like a pro.


As for potential downsides, the free version of HitFilm Express may have some limitations compared to the paid version.

While it provides access to essential features, you may find certain advanced options restricted.

However, this can be seen as an advantage because it allows you to explore the software without any upfront costs.

04 Adobe Premiere Pro


Adobe Premiere Pro is a name that resonates deeply within the video editing community. It’s renowned for its versatility and rich feature set, making it a go-to choice for professional video editors and content creators alike.


  1. When it comes to customization, Adobe Premiere Pro truly shines. The software offers an extensive library of plugins and extensions, allowing you to tailor your video filter effects to your precise liking. Whether you’re into color grading, visual effects, or audio enhancement, you’ll find the tools you need within Adobe’s vast ecosystem.
  2. If you’re already a part of the Adobe Creative family, you’ll appreciate Premiere Pro’s seamless integration with other Adobe software. Easily import and export assets from Adobe Photoshop or Adobe After Effects, enhancing your workflow and saving you time.
  3. Adobe is committed to keeping Premiere Pro at the forefront of video editing technology. With regular updates, you can expect a constant influx of new features, improvements, and bug fixes. This ensures that your editing experience remains cutting-edge.


There are a few considerations to keep in mind. Adobe Premiere Pro operates on a subscription-based model, which means you’ll need to pay a monthly or annual fee to access the software. While this provides you with ongoing updates and support, it might not be the best fit for those on a strict budget.

Adobe Premiere Pro’s extensive feature set can be overwhelming for beginners. If you’re new to video editing, you may find the learning curve a bit steep. However, with dedication and a wealth of online tutorials available, mastering the software is within reach.

05 Final Cut Pro


If you’re a proud owner of a Mac, Final Cut Pro should be on your radar as the ultimate video filter software. This Apple-exclusive gem is tailored to take your video editing experience to the next level, offering seamless integration with the macOS ecosystem.


  1. A standout feature of Final Cut Pro is how well it works together with other Apple devices and software, making everything run smoothly. Whether you’re working on your Macbook, iPad, or iPhone, Final Cut Pro keeps your workflow smooth and consistent. This synergy allows you to transfer projects effortlessly between devices, making it a go-to choice for Apple enthusiasts.
  2. Final Cut Pro is a powerhouse when it comes to handling high-resolution videos. Whether you’re working with 4K or 8K footage, this software handles it with grace and precision. Expect smooth playback and rapid rendering, even with the most demanding video projects.
  3. Mac users will feel right at home with Final Cut Pro’s sleek and user-friendly interface. The software’s design prioritizes ease of use without compromising on functionality. You can focus on your creative vision rather than wrestling with a complex interface.


It’s important to mention that Final Cut Pro is quite expensive, which might not be affordable for people on a tight budget.

Final Cut Pro is exclusive to macOS, which means Windows users will have to explore alternative software options. If you’re committed to the Apple ecosystem and prioritize top-notch video editing, Final Cut Pro is a wise investment.

Part 3: Summary

In a world where visual content rules supreme, having the right video filter software can make all the difference.

Your choice depends on your skill level, preferences, and budget. Whether you’re a newbie or a seasoned pro, there’s a video filter software out there that’s perfect for you. Feel free to dive in, experiment, and let your creativity sparkle in your videos!

Part 1: Introduction

What exactly are video filters, you ask?

Well, video filters are like Instagram filters for your videos but with much more finesse.

They allow you to tweak various aspects of your video’s appearance, such as color, contrast, saturation, and more, to achieve the desired visual style.

The beauty of video filter software lies in its ability to enhance your video’s overall look and feel. Let’s explore the top contenders in the video filter software arena.

Part 2: Top 5 Video Filter Software

01 Filmora


Our first contender in the world of video filter software is Filmora. Designed with a user-friendly interface, Filmora is the ideal choice for those who want to enhance their videos effortlessly. Let’s take a closer look at what makes it stand out.


  1. Filmora’s intuitive interface makes it a breeze for beginners to get started. You don’t need to be a tech whiz to dive into video editing; Filmora guides you through the process seamlessly.
  2. Filmora boasts an extensive library of video presets and color grading presets. This treasure trove of pre-made styles allows you to give your videos that extra flair without the need for in-depth editing skills.
  3. Time is precious, and Filmora respects that. It offers quick rendering speeds, so you can see the results of your editing efforts in no time.
  4. Filmora’s simplicity is its strength, but it doesn’t mean it lacks creative potential. You can still go into more advanced features when you’re ready to level up your video editing game. This software gracefully balances accessibility and functionality.


So, you might be wondering, what about the downsides? Well, Filmora is so user-friendly that it can make you addicted to editing!

You might find yourself spending hours perfecting your videos, which, to be honest, is more of an advantage disguised as a disadvantage. Who wouldn’t want to get lost in the world of video editing, creating stunning content effortlessly?

02 DaVinci Resolve


When it comes to professional video editing and color correction, DaVinci Resolve stands as a true powerhouse in the world of video filter software.

Renowned for its robust feature set and precision, it’s the go-to choice for filmmakers, colorists, and anyone who demands the highest level of control over their video projects.


  1. DaVinci Resolve is unrivaled in its color correction and grading capabilities. Whether you’re aiming for a cinematic look or a specific color scheme, the software provides an extensive suite of tools to fine-tune every detail. Its color wheels, curves, and advanced grading panels allow you to achieve the exact visual style you envision.
  2. It provides a lot of cool stuff for editing sound and video, like fancy tools for fixing audio, working with multiple cameras, and working together with others on the same project. This makes it an all-in-one solution for every aspect of video post-production.
  3. In a world where teamwork is essential, DaVinci Resolve shines with its collaboration features. Many people can work on a project together at the same time, making it easier for teams working on big video projects to edit smoothly.


DaVinci Resolve can be resource-intensive, demanding a powerful computer setup for smooth operation. This could be a great advantage for people with really good computers, but it might be a bit tough for folks with older or less powerful ones.

03 HitFilm Express


If you’re an aspiring filmmaker or content creator looking to dive into the world of video editing and visual effects, HitFilm Express is your ticket to boundless creativity.

This versatile software combines video editing and visual effects seamlessly, allowing you to create stunning, professional-quality videos without breaking the bank.


  1. HitFilm Express excels in merging video editing and visual effects into one unified platform. This means you can effortlessly incorporate jaw-dropping visual effects into your videos without the need for additional software. Whether you’re adding explosions, futuristic CGI, or enchanting motion graphics, HitFilm Express has you covered.
  2. It offers a free version that provides access to its fundamental video filter features and VFX capabilities. This is a fantastic opportunity for budding content creators to dip their toes into the world of video editing without any financial commitment.
  3. HitFilm Express comes with an extensive library of tutorials, making it incredibly user-friendly for those who are new to video editing or visual effects. These tutorials guide you through the software’s features and help you create eye-catching effects like a pro.


As for potential downsides, the free version of HitFilm Express may have some limitations compared to the paid version.

While it provides access to essential features, you may find certain advanced options restricted.

However, this can be seen as an advantage because it allows you to explore the software without any upfront costs.

04 Adobe Premiere Pro


Adobe Premiere Pro is a name that resonates deeply within the video editing community. It’s renowned for its versatility and rich feature set, making it a go-to choice for professional video editors and content creators alike.


  1. When it comes to customization, Adobe Premiere Pro truly shines. The software offers an extensive library of plugins and extensions, allowing you to tailor your video filter effects to your precise liking. Whether you’re into color grading, visual effects, or audio enhancement, you’ll find the tools you need within Adobe’s vast ecosystem.
  2. If you’re already a part of the Adobe Creative family, you’ll appreciate Premiere Pro’s seamless integration with other Adobe software. Easily import and export assets from Adobe Photoshop or Adobe After Effects, enhancing your workflow and saving you time.
  3. Adobe is committed to keeping Premiere Pro at the forefront of video editing technology. With regular updates, you can expect a constant influx of new features, improvements, and bug fixes. This ensures that your editing experience remains cutting-edge.


There are a few considerations to keep in mind. Adobe Premiere Pro operates on a subscription-based model, which means you’ll need to pay a monthly or annual fee to access the software. While this provides you with ongoing updates and support, it might not be the best fit for those on a strict budget.

Adobe Premiere Pro’s extensive feature set can be overwhelming for beginners. If you’re new to video editing, you may find the learning curve a bit steep. However, with dedication and a wealth of online tutorials available, mastering the software is within reach.

05 Final Cut Pro


If you’re a proud owner of a Mac, Final Cut Pro should be on your radar as the ultimate video filter software. This Apple-exclusive gem is tailored to take your video editing experience to the next level, offering seamless integration with the macOS ecosystem.


  1. A standout feature of Final Cut Pro is how well it works together with other Apple devices and software, making everything run smoothly. Whether you’re working on your Macbook, iPad, or iPhone, Final Cut Pro keeps your workflow smooth and consistent. This synergy allows you to transfer projects effortlessly between devices, making it a go-to choice for Apple enthusiasts.
  2. Final Cut Pro is a powerhouse when it comes to handling high-resolution videos. Whether you’re working with 4K or 8K footage, this software handles it with grace and precision. Expect smooth playback and rapid rendering, even with the most demanding video projects.
  3. Mac users will feel right at home with Final Cut Pro’s sleek and user-friendly interface. The software’s design prioritizes ease of use without compromising on functionality. You can focus on your creative vision rather than wrestling with a complex interface.


It’s important to mention that Final Cut Pro is quite expensive, which might not be affordable for people on a tight budget.

Final Cut Pro is exclusive to macOS, which means Windows users will have to explore alternative software options. If you’re committed to the Apple ecosystem and prioritize top-notch video editing, Final Cut Pro is a wise investment.

Part 3: Summary

In a world where visual content rules supreme, having the right video filter software can make all the difference.

Your choice depends on your skill level, preferences, and budget. Whether you’re a newbie or a seasoned pro, there’s a video filter software out there that’s perfect for you. Feel free to dive in, experiment, and let your creativity sparkle in your videos!

Part 1: Introduction

What exactly are video filters, you ask?

Well, video filters are like Instagram filters for your videos but with much more finesse.

They allow you to tweak various aspects of your video’s appearance, such as color, contrast, saturation, and more, to achieve the desired visual style.

The beauty of video filter software lies in its ability to enhance your video’s overall look and feel. Let’s explore the top contenders in the video filter software arena.

Part 2: Top 5 Video Filter Software

01 Filmora


Our first contender in the world of video filter software is Filmora. Designed with a user-friendly interface, Filmora is the ideal choice for those who want to enhance their videos effortlessly. Let’s take a closer look at what makes it stand out.


  1. Filmora’s intuitive interface makes it a breeze for beginners to get started. You don’t need to be a tech whiz to dive into video editing; Filmora guides you through the process seamlessly.
  2. Filmora boasts an extensive library of video presets and color grading presets. This treasure trove of pre-made styles allows you to give your videos that extra flair without the need for in-depth editing skills.
  3. Time is precious, and Filmora respects that. It offers quick rendering speeds, so you can see the results of your editing efforts in no time.
  4. Filmora’s simplicity is its strength, but it doesn’t mean it lacks creative potential. You can still go into more advanced features when you’re ready to level up your video editing game. This software gracefully balances accessibility and functionality.


So, you might be wondering, what about the downsides? Well, Filmora is so user-friendly that it can make you addicted to editing!

You might find yourself spending hours perfecting your videos, which, to be honest, is more of an advantage disguised as a disadvantage. Who wouldn’t want to get lost in the world of video editing, creating stunning content effortlessly?

02 DaVinci Resolve


When it comes to professional video editing and color correction, DaVinci Resolve stands as a true powerhouse in the world of video filter software.

Renowned for its robust feature set and precision, it’s the go-to choice for filmmakers, colorists, and anyone who demands the highest level of control over their video projects.


  1. DaVinci Resolve is unrivaled in its color correction and grading capabilities. Whether you’re aiming for a cinematic look or a specific color scheme, the software provides an extensive suite of tools to fine-tune every detail. Its color wheels, curves, and advanced grading panels allow you to achieve the exact visual style you envision.
  2. It provides a lot of cool stuff for editing sound and video, like fancy tools for fixing audio, working with multiple cameras, and working together with others on the same project. This makes it an all-in-one solution for every aspect of video post-production.
  3. In a world where teamwork is essential, DaVinci Resolve shines with its collaboration features. Many people can work on a project together at the same time, making it easier for teams working on big video projects to edit smoothly.


DaVinci Resolve can be resource-intensive, demanding a powerful computer setup for smooth operation. This could be a great advantage for people with really good computers, but it might be a bit tough for folks with older or less powerful ones.

03 HitFilm Express


If you’re an aspiring filmmaker or content creator looking to dive into the world of video editing and visual effects, HitFilm Express is your ticket to boundless creativity.

This versatile software combines video editing and visual effects seamlessly, allowing you to create stunning, professional-quality videos without breaking the bank.


  1. HitFilm Express excels in merging video editing and visual effects into one unified platform. This means you can effortlessly incorporate jaw-dropping visual effects into your videos without the need for additional software. Whether you’re adding explosions, futuristic CGI, or enchanting motion graphics, HitFilm Express has you covered.
  2. It offers a free version that provides access to its fundamental video filter features and VFX capabilities. This is a fantastic opportunity for budding content creators to dip their toes into the world of video editing without any financial commitment.
  3. HitFilm Express comes with an extensive library of tutorials, making it incredibly user-friendly for those who are new to video editing or visual effects. These tutorials guide you through the software’s features and help you create eye-catching effects like a pro.


As for potential downsides, the free version of HitFilm Express may have some limitations compared to the paid version.

While it provides access to essential features, you may find certain advanced options restricted.

However, this can be seen as an advantage because it allows you to explore the software without any upfront costs.

04 Adobe Premiere Pro


Adobe Premiere Pro is a name that resonates deeply within the video editing community. It’s renowned for its versatility and rich feature set, making it a go-to choice for professional video editors and content creators alike.


  1. When it comes to customization, Adobe Premiere Pro truly shines. The software offers an extensive library of plugins and extensions, allowing you to tailor your video filter effects to your precise liking. Whether you’re into color grading, visual effects, or audio enhancement, you’ll find the tools you need within Adobe’s vast ecosystem.
  2. If you’re already a part of the Adobe Creative family, you’ll appreciate Premiere Pro’s seamless integration with other Adobe software. Easily import and export assets from Adobe Photoshop or Adobe After Effects, enhancing your workflow and saving you time.
  3. Adobe is committed to keeping Premiere Pro at the forefront of video editing technology. With regular updates, you can expect a constant influx of new features, improvements, and bug fixes. This ensures that your editing experience remains cutting-edge.


There are a few considerations to keep in mind. Adobe Premiere Pro operates on a subscription-based model, which means you’ll need to pay a monthly or annual fee to access the software. While this provides you with ongoing updates and support, it might not be the best fit for those on a strict budget.

Adobe Premiere Pro’s extensive feature set can be overwhelming for beginners. If you’re new to video editing, you may find the learning curve a bit steep. However, with dedication and a wealth of online tutorials available, mastering the software is within reach.

05 Final Cut Pro


If you’re a proud owner of a Mac, Final Cut Pro should be on your radar as the ultimate video filter software. This Apple-exclusive gem is tailored to take your video editing experience to the next level, offering seamless integration with the macOS ecosystem.


  1. A standout feature of Final Cut Pro is how well it works together with other Apple devices and software, making everything run smoothly. Whether you’re working on your Macbook, iPad, or iPhone, Final Cut Pro keeps your workflow smooth and consistent. This synergy allows you to transfer projects effortlessly between devices, making it a go-to choice for Apple enthusiasts.
  2. Final Cut Pro is a powerhouse when it comes to handling high-resolution videos. Whether you’re working with 4K or 8K footage, this software handles it with grace and precision. Expect smooth playback and rapid rendering, even with the most demanding video projects.
  3. Mac users will feel right at home with Final Cut Pro’s sleek and user-friendly interface. The software’s design prioritizes ease of use without compromising on functionality. You can focus on your creative vision rather than wrestling with a complex interface.


It’s important to mention that Final Cut Pro is quite expensive, which might not be affordable for people on a tight budget.

Final Cut Pro is exclusive to macOS, which means Windows users will have to explore alternative software options. If you’re committed to the Apple ecosystem and prioritize top-notch video editing, Final Cut Pro is a wise investment.

Part 3: Summary

In a world where visual content rules supreme, having the right video filter software can make all the difference.

Your choice depends on your skill level, preferences, and budget. Whether you’re a newbie or a seasoned pro, there’s a video filter software out there that’s perfect for you. Feel free to dive in, experiment, and let your creativity sparkle in your videos!

Part 1: Introduction

What exactly are video filters, you ask?

Well, video filters are like Instagram filters for your videos but with much more finesse.

They allow you to tweak various aspects of your video’s appearance, such as color, contrast, saturation, and more, to achieve the desired visual style.

The beauty of video filter software lies in its ability to enhance your video’s overall look and feel. Let’s explore the top contenders in the video filter software arena.

Part 2: Top 5 Video Filter Software

01 Filmora


Our first contender in the world of video filter software is Filmora. Designed with a user-friendly interface, Filmora is the ideal choice for those who want to enhance their videos effortlessly. Let’s take a closer look at what makes it stand out.


  1. Filmora’s intuitive interface makes it a breeze for beginners to get started. You don’t need to be a tech whiz to dive into video editing; Filmora guides you through the process seamlessly.
  2. Filmora boasts an extensive library of video presets and color grading presets. This treasure trove of pre-made styles allows you to give your videos that extra flair without the need for in-depth editing skills.
  3. Time is precious, and Filmora respects that. It offers quick rendering speeds, so you can see the results of your editing efforts in no time.
  4. Filmora’s simplicity is its strength, but it doesn’t mean it lacks creative potential. You can still go into more advanced features when you’re ready to level up your video editing game. This software gracefully balances accessibility and functionality.


So, you might be wondering, what about the downsides? Well, Filmora is so user-friendly that it can make you addicted to editing!

You might find yourself spending hours perfecting your videos, which, to be honest, is more of an advantage disguised as a disadvantage. Who wouldn’t want to get lost in the world of video editing, creating stunning content effortlessly?

02 DaVinci Resolve


When it comes to professional video editing and color correction, DaVinci Resolve stands as a true powerhouse in the world of video filter software.

Renowned for its robust feature set and precision, it’s the go-to choice for filmmakers, colorists, and anyone who demands the highest level of control over their video projects.


  1. DaVinci Resolve is unrivaled in its color correction and grading capabilities. Whether you’re aiming for a cinematic look or a specific color scheme, the software provides an extensive suite of tools to fine-tune every detail. Its color wheels, curves, and advanced grading panels allow you to achieve the exact visual style you envision.
  2. It provides a lot of cool stuff for editing sound and video, like fancy tools for fixing audio, working with multiple cameras, and working together with others on the same project. This makes it an all-in-one solution for every aspect of video post-production.
  3. In a world where teamwork is essential, DaVinci Resolve shines with its collaboration features. Many people can work on a project together at the same time, making it easier for teams working on big video projects to edit smoothly.


DaVinci Resolve can be resource-intensive, demanding a powerful computer setup for smooth operation. This could be a great advantage for people with really good computers, but it might be a bit tough for folks with older or less powerful ones.

03 HitFilm Express


If you’re an aspiring filmmaker or content creator looking to dive into the world of video editing and visual effects, HitFilm Express is your ticket to boundless creativity.

This versatile software combines video editing and visual effects seamlessly, allowing you to create stunning, professional-quality videos without breaking the bank.


  1. HitFilm Express excels in merging video editing and visual effects into one unified platform. This means you can effortlessly incorporate jaw-dropping visual effects into your videos without the need for additional software. Whether you’re adding explosions, futuristic CGI, or enchanting motion graphics, HitFilm Express has you covered.
  2. It offers a free version that provides access to its fundamental video filter features and VFX capabilities. This is a fantastic opportunity for budding content creators to dip their toes into the world of video editing without any financial commitment.
  3. HitFilm Express comes with an extensive library of tutorials, making it incredibly user-friendly for those who are new to video editing or visual effects. These tutorials guide you through the software’s features and help you create eye-catching effects like a pro.


As for potential downsides, the free version of HitFilm Express may have some limitations compared to the paid version.

While it provides access to essential features, you may find certain advanced options restricted.

However, this can be seen as an advantage because it allows you to explore the software without any upfront costs.

04 Adobe Premiere Pro


Adobe Premiere Pro is a name that resonates deeply within the video editing community. It’s renowned for its versatility and rich feature set, making it a go-to choice for professional video editors and content creators alike.


  1. When it comes to customization, Adobe Premiere Pro truly shines. The software offers an extensive library of plugins and extensions, allowing you to tailor your video filter effects to your precise liking. Whether you’re into color grading, visual effects, or audio enhancement, you’ll find the tools you need within Adobe’s vast ecosystem.
  2. If you’re already a part of the Adobe Creative family, you’ll appreciate Premiere Pro’s seamless integration with other Adobe software. Easily import and export assets from Adobe Photoshop or Adobe After Effects, enhancing your workflow and saving you time.
  3. Adobe is committed to keeping Premiere Pro at the forefront of video editing technology. With regular updates, you can expect a constant influx of new features, improvements, and bug fixes. This ensures that your editing experience remains cutting-edge.


There are a few considerations to keep in mind. Adobe Premiere Pro operates on a subscription-based model, which means you’ll need to pay a monthly or annual fee to access the software. While this provides you with ongoing updates and support, it might not be the best fit for those on a strict budget.

Adobe Premiere Pro’s extensive feature set can be overwhelming for beginners. If you’re new to video editing, you may find the learning curve a bit steep. However, with dedication and a wealth of online tutorials available, mastering the software is within reach.

05 Final Cut Pro


If you’re a proud owner of a Mac, Final Cut Pro should be on your radar as the ultimate video filter software. This Apple-exclusive gem is tailored to take your video editing experience to the next level, offering seamless integration with the macOS ecosystem.


  1. A standout feature of Final Cut Pro is how well it works together with other Apple devices and software, making everything run smoothly. Whether you’re working on your Macbook, iPad, or iPhone, Final Cut Pro keeps your workflow smooth and consistent. This synergy allows you to transfer projects effortlessly between devices, making it a go-to choice for Apple enthusiasts.
  2. Final Cut Pro is a powerhouse when it comes to handling high-resolution videos. Whether you’re working with 4K or 8K footage, this software handles it with grace and precision. Expect smooth playback and rapid rendering, even with the most demanding video projects.
  3. Mac users will feel right at home with Final Cut Pro’s sleek and user-friendly interface. The software’s design prioritizes ease of use without compromising on functionality. You can focus on your creative vision rather than wrestling with a complex interface.


It’s important to mention that Final Cut Pro is quite expensive, which might not be affordable for people on a tight budget.

Final Cut Pro is exclusive to macOS, which means Windows users will have to explore alternative software options. If you’re committed to the Apple ecosystem and prioritize top-notch video editing, Final Cut Pro is a wise investment.

Part 3: Summary

In a world where visual content rules supreme, having the right video filter software can make all the difference.

Your choice depends on your skill level, preferences, and budget. Whether you’re a newbie or a seasoned pro, there’s a video filter software out there that’s perfect for you. Feel free to dive in, experiment, and let your creativity sparkle in your videos!

How to Create Liquid Water Reveal Intro?

Introduction to any video content should be short, crisp, and impressive simultaneously. Hence, video content creators look for the best techniques to create fantastic introduction effects. Wondershare Filmora is the leading video editor equipped with built-in editing features with more than 200 instant modes and preset templates.

With more than 10+ billion stock media, plugin effects, advanced editing functions, etc., it is the first choice of many content creators. Wondershare Filmora comes with a built-in installer that can be quickly downloaded from the official website . Beginners and professionals can start using this creative video editing tool to make videos for personal and professional purposes.

Out of all the amazing effects available in this editing tool, it is easy to go with the liquid water reveal intro effect. It offers unique and engaging video content. Let us understand the detailed steps to create this effect in your next video easily and quickly.

liquid water reveal intro effect

Steps to create liquid water reveal intro

Wondershare Filmora offers multiple advanced capabilities to content creators. There are multiple options when it comes to creating impressive introductions. Let us explore the liquid water text reveal intro option in this section. We’ve bifurcated the different steps for quick understanding of our readers in an easy and effective way.

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Step1Launching Wondershare Filmora

Before starting to edit the videos with the liquid water text reveal intro, it is necessary to download, install, and launch Wondershare Filmora. It is dedicated software that can be used for Windows or Mac devices. All you need to do is go to the official website of Wondershare Filmora and start the downloading process. The quick steps for the same are:

  1. Go to the official website of Wondershare Filmora on your Windows or Mac device.
  2. Select the Windows or Mac version according to your available device.
  3. Next, locate the “Free Download” button on the official website. It is located on the left side of the web page. It is easy to select the version type and initiate the download process.
  4. Once downloaded, the Wondershare Filmora Installer package will be available on your device.
  5. All you need to do is double-click on the installer package and start the installation process.
  6. Press yes for all the pop-ups initiated, including the “Agree” on the terms and conditions pop-up.
  7. The installation process will start quickly.
  8. Once completed, Wondershare Filmora will start and run automatically on your device.

downloading wondershare filmora

Step2Importing and select the stock video

Once Wondershare Filmora is running on your system, you can start by importing and selecting the stock video. The quick steps for the same are:

  1. It is easy to download the stock video from any available source.
  2. Now, import the stock video from the source to the Wondershare Filmora.
  3. Locate the “Titles” option in the menu bar located next to the “Audio” option.
  4. Then, drop the default title on track two.

importing and selecting the stock video

Step3Entering the text

After the successful uploading of the stock video, it is time to add text to the intro. In this step, you can change the font style, and font size, and maintain the text spacing. The quick steps for the same are:

  1. Start by double-clicking on the default title.
  2. Enter the text in the space provided, e.g., here, we’ve entered “Liquid.”
  3. Start text editing by changing the font to “Billion Dreams.”
  4. Now, change the font size to 250.
  5. Then, increase the text spacing by five.
  6. Last, you have to rotate the text according to the needs and align its position accordingly.

entering the text

Step4Selecting the color

After making the text settings according to your liking or as required in the video, the next step is to select the color. It is easy to select it from the range of options available in the “Sample Color” menu of the tool. The quick steps for the same are:

  1. Go to the “My Media” option.
  2. Here, locate the “Sample Color” option and select it.
  3. Drop black color on track one and take a quick screenshot of it.
  4. Then, delete both these files from the timeline.

selecting the color

Step5Adding water effect

Now is the time to create the water text effect. It is located in the “Effects” section of Wondershare Filmora, along with numerous other options. You can select it by searching for it in the search bar. The quick steps for the same are:

  1. Drop the stock video on track one.
  2. Now, double-click on this video and bring it to half of the screen.
  3. Next, go to the “Effects” option.
  4. Search for “Water” and apply the water effect on track two.
  5. Lastly, extend the duration of this track.

adding the water effect

Step6Completing the water effect settings

After adding the water effect to the video, you can adjust the settings like “Emboss” and “Steps” for a realistic and creative feel. The quick steps to complete the water effect settings in the video are:

  1. Double-click on “Effects.”
  2. Increase the “Emboss” settings to 0.53.
  3. Decrease the “Steps” settings to seven.
  4. Press “OK” to apply changes.

completing the water effect settings

Step7Enabling the Chroma Key and other settings

Next, you have to enable the “Chroma Key” effect in the video. Further, the color pick logo and other settings are adjusted in this step only. The detailed steps for the same are:

  • Go to “My Media.”
  • Drop the screenshot on track three.
  • Now, increase the duration of this track.
  • Double-click on it and go to the “Videos” section.
  • Locate the “Chroma Key (Green Screen)” effect and enable it.
  • Go to the color pick logo and select the white color from the previous screen.
  • Reduce the “Edge Thickness” to negative 3.3
  • Reduce the “Edge Feather” to 1.1
  • Press “OK” to apply these settings.

enabling the chroma key and other settings

Step8Adding the stock video clip

The next step in the process of creating liquid water text reveal intro is to add the stock video clip. Here, you can adjust the clip position also. The quick steps for the same are:

  1. Start by selecting the stock video clip.
  2. Now, double-click on the stock video clip.
  3. Open the “Videos” option.
  4. Next, change the “Y” axis position and drag the clip out of the text.

adding the stock video clip

Step9Adding keyframes and adjusting playheads

Next, you have to add the keyframes and adjust the playheads in the video. In this step, it is easy to add the keyframes from the “Animations” option in Wondershare Filmora. The stock video is incorporated in this step, and playheads are added accordingly. Further, all the clips are made uniform in this step only. The quick steps for completing these features are:

  1. Start by opening the “Animations” tab.
  2. Go to the “Add” option to add a keyframe.
  3. Now, place the playhead at the three seconds position on the timeline.
  4. Then, bring the stock video to half of the text.
  5. Next, place the playhead in the eight seconds position and fill the text with the stock footage at the end.
  6. Again, place playhead but now at the ten seconds position.
  7. Locate the “Opacity” option and decrease it to zero.
  8. Last but not least, reduce all clips’ duration to ten seconds for uniformity.

adding keyframes and adjusting playheads

Step10Previewing and export the video

Once done with all the necessary effects and settings, it is time for a quick preview of the created video. The “Render Preview” option in the Wondershare Filmora offers a fast rendering of the made video to help users with a brief overview of the file. It reduces the preview lag, as observed in other tools due to the application of heavy effects and features. After previewing, you can quickly export the video. The quick steps for the same are:

  1. Click the “Render Preview” option.
  2. Go through the preview of the created file in detail. Check for any issues or changes required.
  3. Now, go to the “Export” option for quick exporting of the file with the liquid water text reveal intro.

previewing and exporting the video

So, you’re done with creating a liquid water text reveal intro in this way. It is easy to save these steps for quick future reference.

Wrapping Up

Hence, it is easy for Wondershare Filmora users to create liquid water reveal intro in their videos. All you need to do is quickly download and install Wondershare Filmora on your Windows or Mac devices. Once done, it will launch automatically on your system. Next, you can follow all the steps mentioned above one by one to incorporate liquid water text reveal intro in videos.

So, download Wondershare Filmora for your system right now and start creating professional-grade videos today!

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Step1Launching Wondershare Filmora

Before starting to edit the videos with the liquid water text reveal intro, it is necessary to download, install, and launch Wondershare Filmora. It is dedicated software that can be used for Windows or Mac devices. All you need to do is go to the official website of Wondershare Filmora and start the downloading process. The quick steps for the same are:

  1. Go to the official website of Wondershare Filmora on your Windows or Mac device.
  2. Select the Windows or Mac version according to your available device.
  3. Next, locate the “Free Download” button on the official website. It is located on the left side of the web page. It is easy to select the version type and initiate the download process.
  4. Once downloaded, the Wondershare Filmora Installer package will be available on your device.
  5. All you need to do is double-click on the installer package and start the installation process.
  6. Press yes for all the pop-ups initiated, including the “Agree” on the terms and conditions pop-up.
  7. The installation process will start quickly.
  8. Once completed, Wondershare Filmora will start and run automatically on your device.

downloading wondershare filmora

Step2Importing and select the stock video

Once Wondershare Filmora is running on your system, you can start by importing and selecting the stock video. The quick steps for the same are:

  1. It is easy to download the stock video from any available source.
  2. Now, import the stock video from the source to the Wondershare Filmora.
  3. Locate the “Titles” option in the menu bar located next to the “Audio” option.
  4. Then, drop the default title on track two.

importing and selecting the stock video

Step3Entering the text

After the successful uploading of the stock video, it is time to add text to the intro. In this step, you can change the font style, and font size, and maintain the text spacing. The quick steps for the same are:

  1. Start by double-clicking on the default title.
  2. Enter the text in the space provided, e.g., here, we’ve entered “Liquid.”
  3. Start text editing by changing the font to “Billion Dreams.”
  4. Now, change the font size to 250.
  5. Then, increase the text spacing by five.
  6. Last, you have to rotate the text according to the needs and align its position accordingly.

entering the text

Step4Selecting the color

After making the text settings according to your liking or as required in the video, the next step is to select the color. It is easy to select it from the range of options available in the “Sample Color” menu of the tool. The quick steps for the same are:

  1. Go to the “My Media” option.
  2. Here, locate the “Sample Color” option and select it.
  3. Drop black color on track one and take a quick screenshot of it.
  4. Then, delete both these files from the timeline.

selecting the color

Step5Adding water effect

Now is the time to create the water text effect. It is located in the “Effects” section of Wondershare Filmora, along with numerous other options. You can select it by searching for it in the search bar. The quick steps for the same are:

  1. Drop the stock video on track one.
  2. Now, double-click on this video and bring it to half of the screen.
  3. Next, go to the “Effects” option.
  4. Search for “Water” and apply the water effect on track two.
  5. Lastly, extend the duration of this track.

adding the water effect

Step6Completing the water effect settings

After adding the water effect to the video, you can adjust the settings like “Emboss” and “Steps” for a realistic and creative feel. The quick steps to complete the water effect settings in the video are:

  1. Double-click on “Effects.”
  2. Increase the “Emboss” settings to 0.53.
  3. Decrease the “Steps” settings to seven.
  4. Press “OK” to apply changes.

completing the water effect settings

Step7Enabling the Chroma Key and other settings

Next, you have to enable the “Chroma Key” effect in the video. Further, the color pick logo and other settings are adjusted in this step only. The detailed steps for the same are:

  • Go to “My Media.”
  • Drop the screenshot on track three.
  • Now, increase the duration of this track.
  • Double-click on it and go to the “Videos” section.
  • Locate the “Chroma Key (Green Screen)” effect and enable it.
  • Go to the color pick logo and select the white color from the previous screen.
  • Reduce the “Edge Thickness” to negative 3.3
  • Reduce the “Edge Feather” to 1.1
  • Press “OK” to apply these settings.

enabling the chroma key and other settings

Step8Adding the stock video clip

The next step in the process of creating liquid water text reveal intro is to add the stock video clip. Here, you can adjust the clip position also. The quick steps for the same are:

  1. Start by selecting the stock video clip.
  2. Now, double-click on the stock video clip.
  3. Open the “Videos” option.
  4. Next, change the “Y” axis position and drag the clip out of the text.

adding the stock video clip

Step9Adding keyframes and adjusting playheads

Next, you have to add the keyframes and adjust the playheads in the video. In this step, it is easy to add the keyframes from the “Animations” option in Wondershare Filmora. The stock video is incorporated in this step, and playheads are added accordingly. Further, all the clips are made uniform in this step only. The quick steps for completing these features are:

  1. Start by opening the “Animations” tab.
  2. Go to the “Add” option to add a keyframe.
  3. Now, place the playhead at the three seconds position on the timeline.
  4. Then, bring the stock video to half of the text.
  5. Next, place the playhead in the eight seconds position and fill the text with the stock footage at the end.
  6. Again, place playhead but now at the ten seconds position.
  7. Locate the “Opacity” option and decrease it to zero.
  8. Last but not least, reduce all clips’ duration to ten seconds for uniformity.

adding keyframes and adjusting playheads

Step10Previewing and export the video

Once done with all the necessary effects and settings, it is time for a quick preview of the created video. The “Render Preview” option in the Wondershare Filmora offers a fast rendering of the made video to help users with a brief overview of the file. It reduces the preview lag, as observed in other tools due to the application of heavy effects and features. After previewing, you can quickly export the video. The quick steps for the same are:

  1. Click the “Render Preview” option.
  2. Go through the preview of the created file in detail. Check for any issues or changes required.
  3. Now, go to the “Export” option for quick exporting of the file with the liquid water text reveal intro.

previewing and exporting the video

So, you’re done with creating a liquid water text reveal intro in this way. It is easy to save these steps for quick future reference.

Wrapping Up

Hence, it is easy for Wondershare Filmora users to create liquid water reveal intro in their videos. All you need to do is quickly download and install Wondershare Filmora on your Windows or Mac devices. Once done, it will launch automatically on your system. Next, you can follow all the steps mentioned above one by one to incorporate liquid water text reveal intro in videos.

So, download Wondershare Filmora for your system right now and start creating professional-grade videos today!

What Are the Best 10 GIF Creator?

What are the 10 Best GIF Creator?

An easy yet powerful editor

Numerous effects to choose from

Detailed tutorials provided by the official channel

Try It Free Try It Free

Stay tuned to find the most affordable GIF creator solutions.

In this article

01 [Why Gifs Are Essential for Every Marketer?](#Part 1)

02 [How to Make Your Own GIF?](#Part 2)

03 [What Are 10 Best GIF Creator to Find Brilliant Pre-made Gifs?](#Part 3)

Part 1 Why Gifs Are Essential for Every Marketer?

Everyone around you today is accustomed with the fact that GIFs are an interesting and impactful means of content sharing. These 3-5 second snippets are highly preferred and convenient ways to deliver information that is precise, clear and to the point. When it comes to time frames, short and quick GIFs are obvious choices over lengthy videos. Additionally, GIFs are eye-catchy and keep you captivated to see though the entire content within seconds, contradictory to those monotonous and often dull videos that sound more like a long, boring lecture.

These are an effective media tool that is not limited to sharing information that is chiefly entertainment based or fun centered. You can use them to deliver important content that addresses a specific purpose or audience. Owing to this, GIFs have become an essential marketing utility, here’s why:

Improve Product Branding:

GIFs can serve as impressive branding tools for your products in the market. Markets today are considerably impacted by the ‘What You See is What You Buy’ concept, which puts forward the need to lay added stress on effective branding.

GIFs are ready to sort this out with their exciting range of features. From video editing choices to sound and color customization, GIFs are loaded with everything you need to improvise your product branding. All you have to do is explore your creativity to make the most of the GIF branding choices.

Explain it Better

On a preference poll, most of us would shift to ‘watch’ over ‘read’ for a comprehensive understanding. An attractive motion visual is an even better treat. GIFs are pivotal in making viewers relate to the concept and message behind your product in a more enhanced manner.

Additionally, these are a continent means to introduce emotional mobility among your target audience with depictive emojis. You can use GIFs to develop effective content approaches to make the audience connect with your product viability, both practically band emotionally.

Increase Visitor Attraction

Today’s changing times have brought about a rapid outlook towards everything. All of us are bounded by time constraints and when browsing the web, the prime need is to look for quick and accurate solutions to everything concerned.

Short and exact information delivery of GIFs is something that would keep visitors glued to your site because they will be assured of getting exactly what they search for and that too in an interesting and entertaining way.

Part 2 How to Make Your Own GIF?

Now that you are familiar with the creative marketing credibility of GIFs, you might naturally feel motivated towards creating a GIF of your own. In case you are, see through the following section of this article to find out interesting ways of creating interesting and catchy GIFs, either for impressive product marketing or just to make your social media posts leave your community peers in awe!

Looking for the best GIF creator solutions on the web, you can rely on GIPHY, one of the most preferred and convenient databases to create GIFs quickly. This is a smartphone compatible tool and works well with almost any device. Follow the steps given below to make GIFs with this tool:

Step 1:

Download and install the GIPHY app in your device.

Step 2:

Click on ‘Create’ in the app’s welcome screen. This will change (+) icon at the top-right corner to the ‘Camera’ symbol. You can also navigate to the ‘Profile’ at the bottom-right and tap the (+) or ‘Camera’ icon in the app’s account page.

Step 3:

Click on ‘Allow Camera Access’. You will receive two successive prompt messages from the app. Click on ‘Allow’ to grant access permissions to your device media. When you are done, click on ‘I Agree’.

Step 4:

GIFHY uses your device’s front camera for GIF creation. However, if you need to go for a camera switch, click on the ‘Camera’ sign at the bottom-right.

Step 5:

Choose a desired filter and effect for your GIF with a left or right swipe on the live feed toolbar. The app has 11 amazing and realistic effects, including VHS Static, 3D Glasses, etc.

GIPHY- GIF Editing Effects and Filters

Step 6:

You can take up either of the following:

Press either of the ‘Filter’ or ‘Effect’ buttons to take static shots to create GIF from images, or press and hold the same to create animated GIF. For simply using effects, tap the white button.

In case you choose to create a motion GIF, the app forms a ‘visual timer’ around the editor screen. The motion recording stops once the line is in sync with the screen edges.

GIPHY- GIF Creation

Step 7:

Having captured your perfect shot, you have the liberty to merge it with an image or video. However, do consider the following options to add some more elements to your capture: You can add relatable text in 9 color choices.

Enhance your graphic presentation with 8 amazing effects like, ‘rainbow overlays’, BW film grains, etc.

Choose from a never ending list of suitable stickers to add the feel through connect to your GIFs.

Trim your animated GIFs to the ‘just perfect’ portion by adjusting the editing markers.

Relax; that’s no rocket science. Just tap on the respective buttons and there you go!

GIPHY- Text Editor

Step 8:

Set your GIF in a desired size frame by choosing the ‘Crop’ tool from the top-right corner of the editing screen. You are given a size flexibility of 1:1, 3:2, 16:9, 4:5 and 9:16.

GIPHY- Image Resizer

Step 9:

Once you are satisfied with your creation, tap the ‘Right Arrow’ icon. In the interface that follows, add suitable share tags to the GIF.

Step 10:

Tap ‘Share GIF’ to post your creation on social media platforms or share it through popular IM apps. To save your initially captured clip, click on ‘Save Video’ or tap ‘Save GIF’ to save your creation in your smartphone’s memory.

GIPHY- GIF Share Interface

Part 1 What Are 10 Best GIF Creator to Find Brilliant Pre-made Gifs?

Having talked about GIF creation on the go, let’s take a dive into the best GIF creator solutions that are a storehouse of exciting pre-made GIFs. When browsing the web for an affordable GIF maker tool, you land across a pool of choices. Read through the further sections of this article to find out what’s best for you.

Described below are 10 best alternatives to get amazing pre-made GIFs:

Wondershare Filmora Video Editor

This one is a popular, preferred and top rated application where you get to choose from an exciting range of pre-made GIFs under a variety of specific categories. All you need to do is, visit the app’s official site, browse to your favorite GIF category and select a desired GIF. Follow a few app instructions to save your selection and that’s it! Your selected GIF reaches your device memory within seconds.

Wondershare Filmora - Best Video Editor for Mac/Windows

Try It Free Try It Free

5,481,435 people have downloaded it.

Build unique custom animations without breaking a sweat.

Focus on creating epic stories and leave the details to Filmora’s auto features.

Start a creative adventure with drag & drop effects and endless possibilities.

Filmora simplifies advanced features to save you time and effort.

Filmora cuts out repetition so you can move on to your next creative breakthrough.

Key Features

This app is available to you absolutely free of cost.

Has an intelligent and user cohesive interface.

Loaded with tons of brilliant GIFs to choose from.

The app supports GIF customization.


Launched in 2013, this one is probably the best GIF maker and downloader tool available on the web today. It is a free tool, packed with enormous varieties of GIFs to choose from. What’s more interesting about the app is that you are free to play with your editing creativity to enhance your downloaded GIFs in the GIPHY editor.

Key Features

It comes with an easy to use, convenient interface.

You can edit downloaded GIFs with hundreds of effects and filters.

The app provides you a direct sharing platform, allowing you to post GIFs to various social media platforms and also go for sharing via Instant Messaging applications.

This is a fast processing tool that allows you to escape the notch of annoying and delayed download processes.


You can conveniently regard this one as the closest competitor to the GIPHY GIF creator and downloader tool. Needless to say, both are quite similar to each other in interface and usage respects. However, focusing on search results for a common keyword, you find diverse variations to your obvious surprise.

Key Features

This is a free to use, interactive interface tool.

It introduces a GIF Keyboard that allows you to search the most specific and relatable GIFs.

It ensures a speedy and high quality GIF download.

You can explore your editing skills to your heart’s content to improvise the downloaded GIFs with this tool.

This tool gives you the liberty to directly share GIFs across different platforms.


If you like to spend ample time on choosing what’s perfect for you, refer this online tool for your GIF download solutions. It caters to your love of diversity with the most deep rooted and broad GIF range. However, this one comes with a little messy interface, demanding some patience from you to get to the right thing.

Key Features

This tool provides you with almost all possible choices for a GIF category.

It is available to you free of cost

The tool site is loaded with rich and quality GIF content.

This one is a direct save and export tool for your downloaded GIFs.


You can prefer this one as a GIF hosting tool. Developed with a view to launch a common medium for GIF and HTML contents, this app ensures in-time and hassle free downloads and delivery. Though lacking a refined search bar, this tool promises you of excellence in content quality.

Key Features

This comes to you as one of the most reliable GIF hosting tools.

It is a free and quick content delivery tool.

You are allowed to select the most suitable one from a variety of playback choices.

This tool also gives you the flexibility of direct media sharing.


If you are hung-over decade old nostalgia and the fever doesn’t seem to go away, you can check this site for some really satisfying retro and other similar content. This would definitely make you take a toll back to the times when MSN and Limewire were unparalleled market leaders in content sharing.

Key Features

GIFbin is a storehouse of the best animated GIFs, that is on a continuous update to facilitate fresh and quality based content, every time you visit the site.

It has an advanced, API enabled search mechanism.

It boasts of having the handiest and convenient user interface.

If you prefer GIFs of the comic genre, this tool is heaven for you.


This is another GIF download site, commonly preferred for comedy and fun oriented content. Using this site, you can download and create a variety of GIF based memes that have the potential to flood your social media posts with likes and comments. This one is a complete GIF basket, suited to vast content varieties and user preferences. You will find the site’s official watermark on all its contents.

Key Features

The site stands among the most preferred GIF-meme creation and sharing platforms.

The tool is packed with loads of quality content under specific categories

You can improvise the dimensions of your editing skills to modify downloaded GIFs.

This site has a default media export feature that you can use to share your GIFs on social media.


Launched in 2009, this is among the most visited GIF sites, originally created for sharing meme based contents on social media. Its extensive search filters are dedicated to fetch the exact GIFs and memes you are looking for. If you are tired of browsing sites for particular content requirements, your search spree will definitely end here.

Key Features

The site is known for its extensive and diversified content quality.

It is a free, convenient and dependable GIF download tool.

Imgur is highly preferred for content export across various media platforms.

It is equipped with an advanced and updated search filter that assures you of getting fresh and top quality GIFs on almost every possible keyword.


Claiming a launch date of 13 years back, this is quite a good GIF download option. You can find excellent quality GIF content on the site, particularly in the comic genre. Though not as popular as its online counterparts today, the site definitely enjoyed commendable visitor preferences at the time of its launch. You can certainly visit this site for a filling entertainment dose.

Key Features

Tumblr is a free download site with a user friendly interface.

The site is loaded with notable content varieties.

You can go for direct media sharing through this site.

Its comic GIFs are quite hilarious.

Know Your Meme

This site uses the Wiki software to stock an inventory of classic GIFs and memes. Using this database for GIF downloads means that you don’t need to compromise on content and image quality. The site contents are periodically updated to ensure that visitors are not exposed to stale and outdated content.

Key Features

The site offers fresh content having catchy and latest GIFs.

This is a complete storehouse of GIFs and memes that can definitely keep you rolling.

The site comes as a free tool and gas a user cohesive interface

It hast the most efficient search filters that are regularly improvised to ensure quality content delivery.

Key Takeaways from This Episode

GIFs are an effective and captivating means of quality content sharing and message delivery. Take them as a hilarious entertainment source or use them to enhance your marketing policies, GIFs can do it all.

Influenced by the user credibility of GIFs, there are loads of GIF creator and download tools available online; among which Filmora by Wondershare is the current market leader. You can use this app to explore your GIF editing skills or download and share latest GIFs across media sharing platforms.

Try It Free Try It Free

Stay tuned to find the most affordable GIF creator solutions.

In this article

01 [Why Gifs Are Essential for Every Marketer?](#Part 1)

02 [How to Make Your Own GIF?](#Part 2)

03 [What Are 10 Best GIF Creator to Find Brilliant Pre-made Gifs?](#Part 3)

Part 1 Why Gifs Are Essential for Every Marketer?

Everyone around you today is accustomed with the fact that GIFs are an interesting and impactful means of content sharing. These 3-5 second snippets are highly preferred and convenient ways to deliver information that is precise, clear and to the point. When it comes to time frames, short and quick GIFs are obvious choices over lengthy videos. Additionally, GIFs are eye-catchy and keep you captivated to see though the entire content within seconds, contradictory to those monotonous and often dull videos that sound more like a long, boring lecture.

These are an effective media tool that is not limited to sharing information that is chiefly entertainment based or fun centered. You can use them to deliver important content that addresses a specific purpose or audience. Owing to this, GIFs have become an essential marketing utility, here’s why:

Improve Product Branding:

GIFs can serve as impressive branding tools for your products in the market. Markets today are considerably impacted by the ‘What You See is What You Buy’ concept, which puts forward the need to lay added stress on effective branding.

GIFs are ready to sort this out with their exciting range of features. From video editing choices to sound and color customization, GIFs are loaded with everything you need to improvise your product branding. All you have to do is explore your creativity to make the most of the GIF branding choices.

Explain it Better

On a preference poll, most of us would shift to ‘watch’ over ‘read’ for a comprehensive understanding. An attractive motion visual is an even better treat. GIFs are pivotal in making viewers relate to the concept and message behind your product in a more enhanced manner.

Additionally, these are a continent means to introduce emotional mobility among your target audience with depictive emojis. You can use GIFs to develop effective content approaches to make the audience connect with your product viability, both practically band emotionally.

Increase Visitor Attraction

Today’s changing times have brought about a rapid outlook towards everything. All of us are bounded by time constraints and when browsing the web, the prime need is to look for quick and accurate solutions to everything concerned.

Short and exact information delivery of GIFs is something that would keep visitors glued to your site because they will be assured of getting exactly what they search for and that too in an interesting and entertaining way.

Part 2 How to Make Your Own GIF?

Now that you are familiar with the creative marketing credibility of GIFs, you might naturally feel motivated towards creating a GIF of your own. In case you are, see through the following section of this article to find out interesting ways of creating interesting and catchy GIFs, either for impressive product marketing or just to make your social media posts leave your community peers in awe!

Looking for the best GIF creator solutions on the web, you can rely on GIPHY, one of the most preferred and convenient databases to create GIFs quickly. This is a smartphone compatible tool and works well with almost any device. Follow the steps given below to make GIFs with this tool:

Step 1:

Download and install the GIPHY app in your device.

Step 2:

Click on ‘Create’ in the app’s welcome screen. This will change (+) icon at the top-right corner to the ‘Camera’ symbol. You can also navigate to the ‘Profile’ at the bottom-right and tap the (+) or ‘Camera’ icon in the app’s account page.

Step 3:

Click on ‘Allow Camera Access’. You will receive two successive prompt messages from the app. Click on ‘Allow’ to grant access permissions to your device media. When you are done, click on ‘I Agree’.

Step 4:

GIFHY uses your device’s front camera for GIF creation. However, if you need to go for a camera switch, click on the ‘Camera’ sign at the bottom-right.

Step 5:

Choose a desired filter and effect for your GIF with a left or right swipe on the live feed toolbar. The app has 11 amazing and realistic effects, including VHS Static, 3D Glasses, etc.

GIPHY- GIF Editing Effects and Filters

Step 6:

You can take up either of the following:

Press either of the ‘Filter’ or ‘Effect’ buttons to take static shots to create GIF from images, or press and hold the same to create animated GIF. For simply using effects, tap the white button.

In case you choose to create a motion GIF, the app forms a ‘visual timer’ around the editor screen. The motion recording stops once the line is in sync with the screen edges.

GIPHY- GIF Creation

Step 7:

Having captured your perfect shot, you have the liberty to merge it with an image or video. However, do consider the following options to add some more elements to your capture: You can add relatable text in 9 color choices.

Enhance your graphic presentation with 8 amazing effects like, ‘rainbow overlays’, BW film grains, etc.

Choose from a never ending list of suitable stickers to add the feel through connect to your GIFs.

Trim your animated GIFs to the ‘just perfect’ portion by adjusting the editing markers.

Relax; that’s no rocket science. Just tap on the respective buttons and there you go!

GIPHY- Text Editor

Step 8:

Set your GIF in a desired size frame by choosing the ‘Crop’ tool from the top-right corner of the editing screen. You are given a size flexibility of 1:1, 3:2, 16:9, 4:5 and 9:16.

GIPHY- Image Resizer

Step 9:

Once you are satisfied with your creation, tap the ‘Right Arrow’ icon. In the interface that follows, add suitable share tags to the GIF.

Step 10:

Tap ‘Share GIF’ to post your creation on social media platforms or share it through popular IM apps. To save your initially captured clip, click on ‘Save Video’ or tap ‘Save GIF’ to save your creation in your smartphone’s memory.

GIPHY- GIF Share Interface

Part 1 What Are 10 Best GIF Creator to Find Brilliant Pre-made Gifs?

Having talked about GIF creation on the go, let’s take a dive into the best GIF creator solutions that are a storehouse of exciting pre-made GIFs. When browsing the web for an affordable GIF maker tool, you land across a pool of choices. Read through the further sections of this article to find out what’s best for you.

Described below are 10 best alternatives to get amazing pre-made GIFs:

Wondershare Filmora Video Editor

This one is a popular, preferred and top rated application where you get to choose from an exciting range of pre-made GIFs under a variety of specific categories. All you need to do is, visit the app’s official site, browse to your favorite GIF category and select a desired GIF. Follow a few app instructions to save your selection and that’s it! Your selected GIF reaches your device memory within seconds.

Wondershare Filmora - Best Video Editor for Mac/Windows

Try It Free Try It Free

5,481,435 people have downloaded it.

Build unique custom animations without breaking a sweat.

Focus on creating epic stories and leave the details to Filmora’s auto features.

Start a creative adventure with drag & drop effects and endless possibilities.

Filmora simplifies advanced features to save you time and effort.

Filmora cuts out repetition so you can move on to your next creative breakthrough.

Key Features

This app is available to you absolutely free of cost.

Has an intelligent and user cohesive interface.

Loaded with tons of brilliant GIFs to choose from.

The app supports GIF customization.


Launched in 2013, this one is probably the best GIF maker and downloader tool available on the web today. It is a free tool, packed with enormous varieties of GIFs to choose from. What’s more interesting about the app is that you are free to play with your editing creativity to enhance your downloaded GIFs in the GIPHY editor.

Key Features

It comes with an easy to use, convenient interface.

You can edit downloaded GIFs with hundreds of effects and filters.

The app provides you a direct sharing platform, allowing you to post GIFs to various social media platforms and also go for sharing via Instant Messaging applications.

This is a fast processing tool that allows you to escape the notch of annoying and delayed download processes.


You can conveniently regard this one as the closest competitor to the GIPHY GIF creator and downloader tool. Needless to say, both are quite similar to each other in interface and usage respects. However, focusing on search results for a common keyword, you find diverse variations to your obvious surprise.

Key Features

This is a free to use, interactive interface tool.

It introduces a GIF Keyboard that allows you to search the most specific and relatable GIFs.

It ensures a speedy and high quality GIF download.

You can explore your editing skills to your heart’s content to improvise the downloaded GIFs with this tool.

This tool gives you the liberty to directly share GIFs across different platforms.


If you like to spend ample time on choosing what’s perfect for you, refer this online tool for your GIF download solutions. It caters to your love of diversity with the most deep rooted and broad GIF range. However, this one comes with a little messy interface, demanding some patience from you to get to the right thing.

Key Features

This tool provides you with almost all possible choices for a GIF category.

It is available to you free of cost

The tool site is loaded with rich and quality GIF content.

This one is a direct save and export tool for your downloaded GIFs.


You can prefer this one as a GIF hosting tool. Developed with a view to launch a common medium for GIF and HTML contents, this app ensures in-time and hassle free downloads and delivery. Though lacking a refined search bar, this tool promises you of excellence in content quality.

Key Features

This comes to you as one of the most reliable GIF hosting tools.

It is a free and quick content delivery tool.

You are allowed to select the most suitable one from a variety of playback choices.

This tool also gives you the flexibility of direct media sharing.


If you are hung-over decade old nostalgia and the fever doesn’t seem to go away, you can check this site for some really satisfying retro and other similar content. This would definitely make you take a toll back to the times when MSN and Limewire were unparalleled market leaders in content sharing.

Key Features

GIFbin is a storehouse of the best animated GIFs, that is on a continuous update to facilitate fresh and quality based content, every time you visit the site.

It has an advanced, API enabled search mechanism.

It boasts of having the handiest and convenient user interface.

If you prefer GIFs of the comic genre, this tool is heaven for you.


This is another GIF download site, commonly preferred for comedy and fun oriented content. Using this site, you can download and create a variety of GIF based memes that have the potential to flood your social media posts with likes and comments. This one is a complete GIF basket, suited to vast content varieties and user preferences. You will find the site’s official watermark on all its contents.

Key Features

The site stands among the most preferred GIF-meme creation and sharing platforms.

The tool is packed with loads of quality content under specific categories

You can improvise the dimensions of your editing skills to modify downloaded GIFs.

This site has a default media export feature that you can use to share your GIFs on social media.


Launched in 2009, this is among the most visited GIF sites, originally created for sharing meme based contents on social media. Its extensive search filters are dedicated to fetch the exact GIFs and memes you are looking for. If you are tired of browsing sites for particular content requirements, your search spree will definitely end here.

Key Features

The site is known for its extensive and diversified content quality.

It is a free, convenient and dependable GIF download tool.

Imgur is highly preferred for content export across various media platforms.

It is equipped with an advanced and updated search filter that assures you of getting fresh and top quality GIFs on almost every possible keyword.


Claiming a launch date of 13 years back, this is quite a good GIF download option. You can find excellent quality GIF content on the site, particularly in the comic genre. Though not as popular as its online counterparts today, the site definitely enjoyed commendable visitor preferences at the time of its launch. You can certainly visit this site for a filling entertainment dose.

Key Features

Tumblr is a free download site with a user friendly interface.

The site is loaded with notable content varieties.

You can go for direct media sharing through this site.

Its comic GIFs are quite hilarious.

Know Your Meme

This site uses the Wiki software to stock an inventory of classic GIFs and memes. Using this database for GIF downloads means that you don’t need to compromise on content and image quality. The site contents are periodically updated to ensure that visitors are not exposed to stale and outdated content.

Key Features

The site offers fresh content having catchy and latest GIFs.

This is a complete storehouse of GIFs and memes that can definitely keep you rolling.

The site comes as a free tool and gas a user cohesive interface

It hast the most efficient search filters that are regularly improvised to ensure quality content delivery.

Key Takeaways from This Episode

GIFs are an effective and captivating means of quality content sharing and message delivery. Take them as a hilarious entertainment source or use them to enhance your marketing policies, GIFs can do it all.

Influenced by the user credibility of GIFs, there are loads of GIF creator and download tools available online; among which Filmora by Wondershare is the current market leader. You can use this app to explore your GIF editing skills or download and share latest GIFs across media sharing platforms.

Try It Free Try It Free

Stay tuned to find the most affordable GIF creator solutions.

In this article

01 [Why Gifs Are Essential for Every Marketer?](#Part 1)

02 [How to Make Your Own GIF?](#Part 2)

03 [What Are 10 Best GIF Creator to Find Brilliant Pre-made Gifs?](#Part 3)

Part 1 Why Gifs Are Essential for Every Marketer?

Everyone around you today is accustomed with the fact that GIFs are an interesting and impactful means of content sharing. These 3-5 second snippets are highly preferred and convenient ways to deliver information that is precise, clear and to the point. When it comes to time frames, short and quick GIFs are obvious choices over lengthy videos. Additionally, GIFs are eye-catchy and keep you captivated to see though the entire content within seconds, contradictory to those monotonous and often dull videos that sound more like a long, boring lecture.

These are an effective media tool that is not limited to sharing information that is chiefly entertainment based or fun centered. You can use them to deliver important content that addresses a specific purpose or audience. Owing to this, GIFs have become an essential marketing utility, here’s why:

Improve Product Branding:

GIFs can serve as impressive branding tools for your products in the market. Markets today are considerably impacted by the ‘What You See is What You Buy’ concept, which puts forward the need to lay added stress on effective branding.

GIFs are ready to sort this out with their exciting range of features. From video editing choices to sound and color customization, GIFs are loaded with everything you need to improvise your product branding. All you have to do is explore your creativity to make the most of the GIF branding choices.

Explain it Better

On a preference poll, most of us would shift to ‘watch’ over ‘read’ for a comprehensive understanding. An attractive motion visual is an even better treat. GIFs are pivotal in making viewers relate to the concept and message behind your product in a more enhanced manner.

Additionally, these are a continent means to introduce emotional mobility among your target audience with depictive emojis. You can use GIFs to develop effective content approaches to make the audience connect with your product viability, both practically band emotionally.

Increase Visitor Attraction

Today’s changing times have brought about a rapid outlook towards everything. All of us are bounded by time constraints and when browsing the web, the prime need is to look for quick and accurate solutions to everything concerned.

Short and exact information delivery of GIFs is something that would keep visitors glued to your site because they will be assured of getting exactly what they search for and that too in an interesting and entertaining way.

Part 2 How to Make Your Own GIF?

Now that you are familiar with the creative marketing credibility of GIFs, you might naturally feel motivated towards creating a GIF of your own. In case you are, see through the following section of this article to find out interesting ways of creating interesting and catchy GIFs, either for impressive product marketing or just to make your social media posts leave your community peers in awe!

Looking for the best GIF creator solutions on the web, you can rely on GIPHY, one of the most preferred and convenient databases to create GIFs quickly. This is a smartphone compatible tool and works well with almost any device. Follow the steps given below to make GIFs with this tool:

Step 1:

Download and install the GIPHY app in your device.

Step 2:

Click on ‘Create’ in the app’s welcome screen. This will change (+) icon at the top-right corner to the ‘Camera’ symbol. You can also navigate to the ‘Profile’ at the bottom-right and tap the (+) or ‘Camera’ icon in the app’s account page.

Step 3:

Click on ‘Allow Camera Access’. You will receive two successive prompt messages from the app. Click on ‘Allow’ to grant access permissions to your device media. When you are done, click on ‘I Agree’.

Step 4:

GIFHY uses your device’s front camera for GIF creation. However, if you need to go for a camera switch, click on the ‘Camera’ sign at the bottom-right.

Step 5:

Choose a desired filter and effect for your GIF with a left or right swipe on the live feed toolbar. The app has 11 amazing and realistic effects, including VHS Static, 3D Glasses, etc.

GIPHY- GIF Editing Effects and Filters

Step 6:

You can take up either of the following:

Press either of the ‘Filter’ or ‘Effect’ buttons to take static shots to create GIF from images, or press and hold the same to create animated GIF. For simply using effects, tap the white button.

In case you choose to create a motion GIF, the app forms a ‘visual timer’ around the editor screen. The motion recording stops once the line is in sync with the screen edges.

GIPHY- GIF Creation

Step 7:

Having captured your perfect shot, you have the liberty to merge it with an image or video. However, do consider the following options to add some more elements to your capture: You can add relatable text in 9 color choices.

Enhance your graphic presentation with 8 amazing effects like, ‘rainbow overlays’, BW film grains, etc.

Choose from a never ending list of suitable stickers to add the feel through connect to your GIFs.

Trim your animated GIFs to the ‘just perfect’ portion by adjusting the editing markers.

Relax; that’s no rocket science. Just tap on the respective buttons and there you go!

GIPHY- Text Editor

Step 8:

Set your GIF in a desired size frame by choosing the ‘Crop’ tool from the top-right corner of the editing screen. You are given a size flexibility of 1:1, 3:2, 16:9, 4:5 and 9:16.

GIPHY- Image Resizer

Step 9:

Once you are satisfied with your creation, tap the ‘Right Arrow’ icon. In the interface that follows, add suitable share tags to the GIF.

Step 10:

Tap ‘Share GIF’ to post your creation on social media platforms or share it through popular IM apps. To save your initially captured clip, click on ‘Save Video’ or tap ‘Save GIF’ to save your creation in your smartphone’s memory.

GIPHY- GIF Share Interface

Part 1 What Are 10 Best GIF Creator to Find Brilliant Pre-made Gifs?

Having talked about GIF creation on the go, let’s take a dive into the best GIF creator solutions that are a storehouse of exciting pre-made GIFs. When browsing the web for an affordable GIF maker tool, you land across a pool of choices. Read through the further sections of this article to find out what’s best for you.

Described below are 10 best alternatives to get amazing pre-made GIFs:

Wondershare Filmora Video Editor

This one is a popular, preferred and top rated application where you get to choose from an exciting range of pre-made GIFs under a variety of specific categories. All you need to do is, visit the app’s official site, browse to your favorite GIF category and select a desired GIF. Follow a few app instructions to save your selection and that’s it! Your selected GIF reaches your device memory within seconds.

Wondershare Filmora - Best Video Editor for Mac/Windows

Try It Free Try It Free

5,481,435 people have downloaded it.

Build unique custom animations without breaking a sweat.

Focus on creating epic stories and leave the details to Filmora’s auto features.

Start a creative adventure with drag & drop effects and endless possibilities.

Filmora simplifies advanced features to save you time and effort.

Filmora cuts out repetition so you can move on to your next creative breakthrough.

Key Features

This app is available to you absolutely free of cost.

Has an intelligent and user cohesive interface.

Loaded with tons of brilliant GIFs to choose from.

The app supports GIF customization.


Launched in 2013, this one is probably the best GIF maker and downloader tool available on the web today. It is a free tool, packed with enormous varieties of GIFs to choose from. What’s more interesting about the app is that you are free to play with your editing creativity to enhance your downloaded GIFs in the GIPHY editor.

Key Features

It comes with an easy to use, convenient interface.

You can edit downloaded GIFs with hundreds of effects and filters.

The app provides you a direct sharing platform, allowing you to post GIFs to various social media platforms and also go for sharing via Instant Messaging applications.

This is a fast processing tool that allows you to escape the notch of annoying and delayed download processes.


You can conveniently regard this one as the closest competitor to the GIPHY GIF creator and downloader tool. Needless to say, both are quite similar to each other in interface and usage respects. However, focusing on search results for a common keyword, you find diverse variations to your obvious surprise.

Key Features

This is a free to use, interactive interface tool.

It introduces a GIF Keyboard that allows you to search the most specific and relatable GIFs.

It ensures a speedy and high quality GIF download.

You can explore your editing skills to your heart’s content to improvise the downloaded GIFs with this tool.

This tool gives you the liberty to directly share GIFs across different platforms.


If you like to spend ample time on choosing what’s perfect for you, refer this online tool for your GIF download solutions. It caters to your love of diversity with the most deep rooted and broad GIF range. However, this one comes with a little messy interface, demanding some patience from you to get to the right thing.

Key Features

This tool provides you with almost all possible choices for a GIF category.

It is available to you free of cost

The tool site is loaded with rich and quality GIF content.

This one is a direct save and export tool for your downloaded GIFs.


You can prefer this one as a GIF hosting tool. Developed with a view to launch a common medium for GIF and HTML contents, this app ensures in-time and hassle free downloads and delivery. Though lacking a refined search bar, this tool promises you of excellence in content quality.

Key Features

This comes to you as one of the most reliable GIF hosting tools.

It is a free and quick content delivery tool.

You are allowed to select the most suitable one from a variety of playback choices.

This tool also gives you the flexibility of direct media sharing.


If you are hung-over decade old nostalgia and the fever doesn’t seem to go away, you can check this site for some really satisfying retro and other similar content. This would definitely make you take a toll back to the times when MSN and Limewire were unparalleled market leaders in content sharing.

Key Features

GIFbin is a storehouse of the best animated GIFs, that is on a continuous update to facilitate fresh and quality based content, every time you visit the site.

It has an advanced, API enabled search mechanism.

It boasts of having the handiest and convenient user interface.

If you prefer GIFs of the comic genre, this tool is heaven for you.


This is another GIF download site, commonly preferred for comedy and fun oriented content. Using this site, you can download and create a variety of GIF based memes that have the potential to flood your social media posts with likes and comments. This one is a complete GIF basket, suited to vast content varieties and user preferences. You will find the site’s official watermark on all its contents.

Key Features

The site stands among the most preferred GIF-meme creation and sharing platforms.

The tool is packed with loads of quality content under specific categories

You can improvise the dimensions of your editing skills to modify downloaded GIFs.

This site has a default media export feature that you can use to share your GIFs on social media.


Launched in 2009, this is among the most visited GIF sites, originally created for sharing meme based contents on social media. Its extensive search filters are dedicated to fetch the exact GIFs and memes you are looking for. If you are tired of browsing sites for particular content requirements, your search spree will definitely end here.

Key Features

The site is known for its extensive and diversified content quality.

It is a free, convenient and dependable GIF download tool.

Imgur is highly preferred for content export across various media platforms.

It is equipped with an advanced and updated search filter that assures you of getting fresh and top quality GIFs on almost every possible keyword.


Claiming a launch date of 13 years back, this is quite a good GIF download option. You can find excellent quality GIF content on the site, particularly in the comic genre. Though not as popular as its online counterparts today, the site definitely enjoyed commendable visitor preferences at the time of its launch. You can certainly visit this site for a filling entertainment dose.

Key Features

Tumblr is a free download site with a user friendly interface.

The site is loaded with notable content varieties.

You can go for direct media sharing through this site.

Its comic GIFs are quite hilarious.

Know Your Meme

This site uses the Wiki software to stock an inventory of classic GIFs and memes. Using this database for GIF downloads means that you don’t need to compromise on content and image quality. The site contents are periodically updated to ensure that visitors are not exposed to stale and outdated content.

Key Features

The site offers fresh content having catchy and latest GIFs.

This is a complete storehouse of GIFs and memes that can definitely keep you rolling.

The site comes as a free tool and gas a user cohesive interface

It hast the most efficient search filters that are regularly improvised to ensure quality content delivery.

Key Takeaways from This Episode

GIFs are an effective and captivating means of quality content sharing and message delivery. Take them as a hilarious entertainment source or use them to enhance your marketing policies, GIFs can do it all.

Influenced by the user credibility of GIFs, there are loads of GIF creator and download tools available online; among which Filmora by Wondershare is the current market leader. You can use this app to explore your GIF editing skills or download and share latest GIFs across media sharing platforms.

Try It Free Try It Free

Stay tuned to find the most affordable GIF creator solutions.

In this article

01 [Why Gifs Are Essential for Every Marketer?](#Part 1)

02 [How to Make Your Own GIF?](#Part 2)

03 [What Are 10 Best GIF Creator to Find Brilliant Pre-made Gifs?](#Part 3)

Part 1 Why Gifs Are Essential for Every Marketer?

Everyone around you today is accustomed with the fact that GIFs are an interesting and impactful means of content sharing. These 3-5 second snippets are highly preferred and convenient ways to deliver information that is precise, clear and to the point. When it comes to time frames, short and quick GIFs are obvious choices over lengthy videos. Additionally, GIFs are eye-catchy and keep you captivated to see though the entire content within seconds, contradictory to those monotonous and often dull videos that sound more like a long, boring lecture.

These are an effective media tool that is not limited to sharing information that is chiefly entertainment based or fun centered. You can use them to deliver important content that addresses a specific purpose or audience. Owing to this, GIFs have become an essential marketing utility, here’s why:

Improve Product Branding:

GIFs can serve as impressive branding tools for your products in the market. Markets today are considerably impacted by the ‘What You See is What You Buy’ concept, which puts forward the need to lay added stress on effective branding.

GIFs are ready to sort this out with their exciting range of features. From video editing choices to sound and color customization, GIFs are loaded with everything you need to improvise your product branding. All you have to do is explore your creativity to make the most of the GIF branding choices.

Explain it Better

On a preference poll, most of us would shift to ‘watch’ over ‘read’ for a comprehensive understanding. An attractive motion visual is an even better treat. GIFs are pivotal in making viewers relate to the concept and message behind your product in a more enhanced manner.

Additionally, these are a continent means to introduce emotional mobility among your target audience with depictive emojis. You can use GIFs to develop effective content approaches to make the audience connect with your product viability, both practically band emotionally.

Increase Visitor Attraction

Today’s changing times have brought about a rapid outlook towards everything. All of us are bounded by time constraints and when browsing the web, the prime need is to look for quick and accurate solutions to everything concerned.

Short and exact information delivery of GIFs is something that would keep visitors glued to your site because they will be assured of getting exactly what they search for and that too in an interesting and entertaining way.

Part 2 How to Make Your Own GIF?

Now that you are familiar with the creative marketing credibility of GIFs, you might naturally feel motivated towards creating a GIF of your own. In case you are, see through the following section of this article to find out interesting ways of creating interesting and catchy GIFs, either for impressive product marketing or just to make your social media posts leave your community peers in awe!

Looking for the best GIF creator solutions on the web, you can rely on GIPHY, one of the most preferred and convenient databases to create GIFs quickly. This is a smartphone compatible tool and works well with almost any device. Follow the steps given below to make GIFs with this tool:

Step 1:

Download and install the GIPHY app in your device.

Step 2:

Click on ‘Create’ in the app’s welcome screen. This will change (+) icon at the top-right corner to the ‘Camera’ symbol. You can also navigate to the ‘Profile’ at the bottom-right and tap the (+) or ‘Camera’ icon in the app’s account page.

Step 3:

Click on ‘Allow Camera Access’. You will receive two successive prompt messages from the app. Click on ‘Allow’ to grant access permissions to your device media. When you are done, click on ‘I Agree’.

Step 4:

GIFHY uses your device’s front camera for GIF creation. However, if you need to go for a camera switch, click on the ‘Camera’ sign at the bottom-right.

Step 5:

Choose a desired filter and effect for your GIF with a left or right swipe on the live feed toolbar. The app has 11 amazing and realistic effects, including VHS Static, 3D Glasses, etc.

GIPHY- GIF Editing Effects and Filters

Step 6:

You can take up either of the following:

Press either of the ‘Filter’ or ‘Effect’ buttons to take static shots to create GIF from images, or press and hold the same to create animated GIF. For simply using effects, tap the white button.

In case you choose to create a motion GIF, the app forms a ‘visual timer’ around the editor screen. The motion recording stops once the line is in sync with the screen edges.

GIPHY- GIF Creation

Step 7:

Having captured your perfect shot, you have the liberty to merge it with an image or video. However, do consider the following options to add some more elements to your capture: You can add relatable text in 9 color choices.

Enhance your graphic presentation with 8 amazing effects like, ‘rainbow overlays’, BW film grains, etc.

Choose from a never ending list of suitable stickers to add the feel through connect to your GIFs.

Trim your animated GIFs to the ‘just perfect’ portion by adjusting the editing markers.

Relax; that’s no rocket science. Just tap on the respective buttons and there you go!

GIPHY- Text Editor

Step 8:

Set your GIF in a desired size frame by choosing the ‘Crop’ tool from the top-right corner of the editing screen. You are given a size flexibility of 1:1, 3:2, 16:9, 4:5 and 9:16.

GIPHY- Image Resizer

Step 9:

Once you are satisfied with your creation, tap the ‘Right Arrow’ icon. In the interface that follows, add suitable share tags to the GIF.

Step 10:

Tap ‘Share GIF’ to post your creation on social media platforms or share it through popular IM apps. To save your initially captured clip, click on ‘Save Video’ or tap ‘Save GIF’ to save your creation in your smartphone’s memory.

GIPHY- GIF Share Interface

Part 1 What Are 10 Best GIF Creator to Find Brilliant Pre-made Gifs?

Having talked about GIF creation on the go, let’s take a dive into the best GIF creator solutions that are a storehouse of exciting pre-made GIFs. When browsing the web for an affordable GIF maker tool, you land across a pool of choices. Read through the further sections of this article to find out what’s best for you.

Described below are 10 best alternatives to get amazing pre-made GIFs:

Wondershare Filmora Video Editor

This one is a popular, preferred and top rated application where you get to choose from an exciting range of pre-made GIFs under a variety of specific categories. All you need to do is, visit the app’s official site, browse to your favorite GIF category and select a desired GIF. Follow a few app instructions to save your selection and that’s it! Your selected GIF reaches your device memory within seconds.

Wondershare Filmora - Best Video Editor for Mac/Windows

Try It Free Try It Free

5,481,435 people have downloaded it.

Build unique custom animations without breaking a sweat.

Focus on creating epic stories and leave the details to Filmora’s auto features.

Start a creative adventure with drag & drop effects and endless possibilities.

Filmora simplifies advanced features to save you time and effort.

Filmora cuts out repetition so you can move on to your next creative breakthrough.

Key Features

This app is available to you absolutely free of cost.

Has an intelligent and user cohesive interface.

Loaded with tons of brilliant GIFs to choose from.

The app supports GIF customization.


Launched in 2013, this one is probably the best GIF maker and downloader tool available on the web today. It is a free tool, packed with enormous varieties of GIFs to choose from. What’s more interesting about the app is that you are free to play with your editing creativity to enhance your downloaded GIFs in the GIPHY editor.

Key Features

It comes with an easy to use, convenient interface.

You can edit downloaded GIFs with hundreds of effects and filters.

The app provides you a direct sharing platform, allowing you to post GIFs to various social media platforms and also go for sharing via Instant Messaging applications.

This is a fast processing tool that allows you to escape the notch of annoying and delayed download processes.


You can conveniently regard this one as the closest competitor to the GIPHY GIF creator and downloader tool. Needless to say, both are quite similar to each other in interface and usage respects. However, focusing on search results for a common keyword, you find diverse variations to your obvious surprise.

Key Features

This is a free to use, interactive interface tool.

It introduces a GIF Keyboard that allows you to search the most specific and relatable GIFs.

It ensures a speedy and high quality GIF download.

You can explore your editing skills to your heart’s content to improvise the downloaded GIFs with this tool.

This tool gives you the liberty to directly share GIFs across different platforms.


If you like to spend ample time on choosing what’s perfect for you, refer this online tool for your GIF download solutions. It caters to your love of diversity with the most deep rooted and broad GIF range. However, this one comes with a little messy interface, demanding some patience from you to get to the right thing.

Key Features

This tool provides you with almost all possible choices for a GIF category.

It is available to you free of cost

The tool site is loaded with rich and quality GIF content.

This one is a direct save and export tool for your downloaded GIFs.


You can prefer this one as a GIF hosting tool. Developed with a view to launch a common medium for GIF and HTML contents, this app ensures in-time and hassle free downloads and delivery. Though lacking a refined search bar, this tool promises you of excellence in content quality.

Key Features

This comes to you as one of the most reliable GIF hosting tools.

It is a free and quick content delivery tool.

You are allowed to select the most suitable one from a variety of playback choices.

This tool also gives you the flexibility of direct media sharing.


If you are hung-over decade old nostalgia and the fever doesn’t seem to go away, you can check this site for some really satisfying retro and other similar content. This would definitely make you take a toll back to the times when MSN and Limewire were unparalleled market leaders in content sharing.

Key Features

GIFbin is a storehouse of the best animated GIFs, that is on a continuous update to facilitate fresh and quality based content, every time you visit the site.

It has an advanced, API enabled search mechanism.

It boasts of having the handiest and convenient user interface.

If you prefer GIFs of the comic genre, this tool is heaven for you.


This is another GIF download site, commonly preferred for comedy and fun oriented content. Using this site, you can download and create a variety of GIF based memes that have the potential to flood your social media posts with likes and comments. This one is a complete GIF basket, suited to vast content varieties and user preferences. You will find the site’s official watermark on all its contents.

Key Features

The site stands among the most preferred GIF-meme creation and sharing platforms.

The tool is packed with loads of quality content under specific categories

You can improvise the dimensions of your editing skills to modify downloaded GIFs.

This site has a default media export feature that you can use to share your GIFs on social media.


Launched in 2009, this is among the most visited GIF sites, originally created for sharing meme based contents on social media. Its extensive search filters are dedicated to fetch the exact GIFs and memes you are looking for. If you are tired of browsing sites for particular content requirements, your search spree will definitely end here.

Key Features

The site is known for its extensive and diversified content quality.

It is a free, convenient and dependable GIF download tool.

Imgur is highly preferred for content export across various media platforms.

It is equipped with an advanced and updated search filter that assures you of getting fresh and top quality GIFs on almost every possible keyword.


Claiming a launch date of 13 years back, this is quite a good GIF download option. You can find excellent quality GIF content on the site, particularly in the comic genre. Though not as popular as its online counterparts today, the site definitely enjoyed commendable visitor preferences at the time of its launch. You can certainly visit this site for a filling entertainment dose.

Key Features

Tumblr is a free download site with a user friendly interface.

The site is loaded with notable content varieties.

You can go for direct media sharing through this site.

Its comic GIFs are quite hilarious.

Know Your Meme

This site uses the Wiki software to stock an inventory of classic GIFs and memes. Using this database for GIF downloads means that you don’t need to compromise on content and image quality. The site contents are periodically updated to ensure that visitors are not exposed to stale and outdated content.

Key Features

The site offers fresh content having catchy and latest GIFs.

This is a complete storehouse of GIFs and memes that can definitely keep you rolling.

The site comes as a free tool and gas a user cohesive interface

It hast the most efficient search filters that are regularly improvised to ensure quality content delivery.

Key Takeaways from This Episode

GIFs are an effective and captivating means of quality content sharing and message delivery. Take them as a hilarious entertainment source or use them to enhance your marketing policies, GIFs can do it all.

Influenced by the user credibility of GIFs, there are loads of GIF creator and download tools available online; among which Filmora by Wondershare is the current market leader. You can use this app to explore your GIF editing skills or download and share latest GIFs across media sharing platforms.

Tiktok Video Aspect Ratio

Versatile Video Editor - Wondershare Filmora

Try It Free Try It Free

TikTok is one of the most popular social media apps for short-form video sharing. Its popularity has been well received by those under thirty. A Beijing-based company, ByteDance, owns it. It has been downloaded over 315 million times by users worldwide. It generates over $50 million in revenue from users.

This leads us towards a discussion of how the platform works and, more specifically, how to create a video with the correct TikTok aspect ratios to gain popularity. This article covers essential tips about video size ratio and other little tricks to make your videos better.

In this article

01 [TikTok: Brief Definition ](#Part 1)

02 [TikTok Video Tips You Should Know](#Part 2)

Part 1 TikTok: Brief Definition

Social media is one of the fastest ways to gain popularity. Using TikTok challenges and trends, content creators and businesses can drive their profits, popularity, and high visibility. The app allows users to create, edit and share short videos, which are made more entertaining with filters and music, dancing, and lipsyncing.

Tiktok has a certain prescribed video width and height to make videos. This TikTok ratio allows users to be perceived favorably in the program algorithm. The main reason why users are drawn to TikTok is for entertainment and to foster a sense of community.

The brief 15-60 second videos can offer entertainment for any duration, no matter how short. It remains a popular site frequented by teenagers and young adults. Thanks to the popularity of challenge videos and honest product reviews, it becomes a go-to haven for them. This makes Tiktok an ideal platform for marketing aimed at that demographic.

Part 2 TikTok Video Tips You Should Know

In TikTok, the video creation editing process goes hand in hand. You can edit a video as you create it. As you start and stop your video, your videos are going to be automatically ‘stitched’ together. This does not mean you can’t trim the videos and edit them after they are made.

Similarly, if you’re not happy with how the video turned out, you can select the backspace button to delete the video on the app. Now let’s dive into the TikTok Video ratios that will make your videos shine.

Another thing that helps you form video ratios for TikTok is to know the audience. The TikTok gender ratio among US viewers is skewed to be 61% female and 39% male.

2.1 TikTok Video Format

There is a difference in the specification of videos for android and ios. For example, TikTok allows 72 MB on Android or 287.6 MB in size for iOS. The videos are designed to be viewed on mobile so aiming for vertical videos helps promote your videos on the algorithm.

The frame size for a TikTok video should be 1080 x1920 pixels. This gives the highest quality video output. As a content creator, it is advised to record videos in the .mp4 file format. Ad-creators should look into the .avi and .gif formats for better placements.

You can use premium video editing software like Wondershare Filmora to edit your videos. It offers cutting-edge features like motion tracking, color matching videos, and offering a split screen in the same video. This can help push your creativity to its full potential.

Wondershare Filmora

Get started easily with Filmora’s powerful performance, intuitive interface, and countless effects!

Try It Free Try It Free Try It Free Learn More about Filmora>


2.2 Titktok Video Aspect Ratios & How To Resize It

The width of an image or video frame in relation to its height is known as the aspect ratio. It defines the proportion of your content asset. This can be important as it influences how nice the video turns out when viewed. It determines the final shape of your video.

Finding the correct video dimensions for TikTok can be a challenge. This section deals with the aspect ratios of video and what you can do to have the perfect video ratio for TikTok.

Finding the proper aspect ratio is important because it influences how your videos look on different platforms, which drives your TikTok like to follower ratio. Users prefer videos that offer a pleasant viewing experience.

You can use software like Wondershare Filmora to change the aspect ratio without any image or video distortion. This makes the video quality a lot better. By learning the video aspect ratio, you can avoid image and video distortion. This can boost your video’s rating in the algorithm and, in turn, skyrocket your popularity on the platform.

Let’s say a creator is in possession of a video they made. They realize that the video is not in the correct TikTok video ratio. The algorithm approves a specific TikTok video width and height.

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They can do one of two things, upload the video as is, and hope for the best. They can also choose to resize the aspect ratio using the Filmora software so they can get the best quality output and get featured on the For You Page. Adobe AfterEffects for tikTok is an alternative you can use to change the video aspect ratio as well.

2.3 Change Tiktok Video From Landscape To Portrait

Tiktok can support videos made in portrait or landscape mode. However, creators should focus on creating videos in portrait mode. This is because TikTok’s algorithm favors vertical videos over horizontal ones.

Considering TikTok users use their mobiles to view the video, this makes portrait mode the better option for ensuring video success.

Tiktok allows users to create a video in portrait mode and editing after. You can also create a video in landscape mode for TikTok. Tiktok also enables users to upload a video in landscape mode.

Alternatively, you can use a video editing app like Wondershare Filmora. This video editing app makes it easy to convert the file from your previous aspect ratio to those favored by TikTok, YouTube, or Instagram.

It helps retain the high definition with smaller file size and better effects. If you want to post across platforms, using Filmora video editing can help you save valuable editing time. Thanks to its auto-editing options, even beginners can create professional-level videos.

Another way to change the TikTok size is to use Adobe Premiere Pro. Premiere Pro is capable of performing all of the everyday video editing operations required to create high-definition footage. It allows inputs that can then be exported to the appropriate medium and format different platforms.

Tiktok logo

2.4 Make Fullscreen Tiktok Video

It can be a frustrating experience to watch a Tiktok video when you have the For you tab at the top, blocking your video. The like button and share buttons all do a number on your valuable screen space at the sides. The comment section with the scrolling ribbons of comments is the worst offender at making the TikTok video seem unappealing.

One way you can make your TikTok experience better is through full-screen viewing of your TikTok video. You can do this by simply saving the video to your phone. Save the video by pressing the share button. In the second half of the share section, you have the “save video” option, and you can select this for a blissful video viewing experience.

One other way users can view TikTok on full screen is to go to their android’s ‘settings’ page. Go into the ‘Display and Brightness’ settings. Look for the tab titled ‘Full-Screen Display”. In this section, scroll down to TikTok and select. Once there, enable ‘Notch Area Display.’

There you go, your TikTok account can now be graced with full-screen videos. This will make the user experience a lot better.


One of the keys to creating high-quality content for your brand on social media is recognizing how much aspect ratio brings to the table and how to apply it to your videos and images. There is no doubt that using videos for promotion is the most effective technique to increase brand engagement nowadays.

To make it easy to cut, edit, and even design your images and movies for the most outstanding performance, use an excellent online video editor like Wondershare Filmora. It’s one of the best video editors for both beginners and experienced professionals.

Try It Free Try It Free

TikTok is one of the most popular social media apps for short-form video sharing. Its popularity has been well received by those under thirty. A Beijing-based company, ByteDance, owns it. It has been downloaded over 315 million times by users worldwide. It generates over $50 million in revenue from users.

This leads us towards a discussion of how the platform works and, more specifically, how to create a video with the correct TikTok aspect ratios to gain popularity. This article covers essential tips about video size ratio and other little tricks to make your videos better.

In this article

01 [TikTok: Brief Definition ](#Part 1)

02 [TikTok Video Tips You Should Know](#Part 2)

Part 1 TikTok: Brief Definition

Social media is one of the fastest ways to gain popularity. Using TikTok challenges and trends, content creators and businesses can drive their profits, popularity, and high visibility. The app allows users to create, edit and share short videos, which are made more entertaining with filters and music, dancing, and lipsyncing.

Tiktok has a certain prescribed video width and height to make videos. This TikTok ratio allows users to be perceived favorably in the program algorithm. The main reason why users are drawn to TikTok is for entertainment and to foster a sense of community.

The brief 15-60 second videos can offer entertainment for any duration, no matter how short. It remains a popular site frequented by teenagers and young adults. Thanks to the popularity of challenge videos and honest product reviews, it becomes a go-to haven for them. This makes Tiktok an ideal platform for marketing aimed at that demographic.

Part 2 TikTok Video Tips You Should Know

In TikTok, the video creation editing process goes hand in hand. You can edit a video as you create it. As you start and stop your video, your videos are going to be automatically ‘stitched’ together. This does not mean you can’t trim the videos and edit them after they are made.

Similarly, if you’re not happy with how the video turned out, you can select the backspace button to delete the video on the app. Now let’s dive into the TikTok Video ratios that will make your videos shine.

Another thing that helps you form video ratios for TikTok is to know the audience. The TikTok gender ratio among US viewers is skewed to be 61% female and 39% male.

2.1 TikTok Video Format

There is a difference in the specification of videos for android and ios. For example, TikTok allows 72 MB on Android or 287.6 MB in size for iOS. The videos are designed to be viewed on mobile so aiming for vertical videos helps promote your videos on the algorithm.

The frame size for a TikTok video should be 1080 x1920 pixels. This gives the highest quality video output. As a content creator, it is advised to record videos in the .mp4 file format. Ad-creators should look into the .avi and .gif formats for better placements.

You can use premium video editing software like Wondershare Filmora to edit your videos. It offers cutting-edge features like motion tracking, color matching videos, and offering a split screen in the same video. This can help push your creativity to its full potential.

Wondershare Filmora

Get started easily with Filmora’s powerful performance, intuitive interface, and countless effects!

Try It Free Try It Free Try It Free Learn More about Filmora>


2.2 Titktok Video Aspect Ratios & How To Resize It

The width of an image or video frame in relation to its height is known as the aspect ratio. It defines the proportion of your content asset. This can be important as it influences how nice the video turns out when viewed. It determines the final shape of your video.

Finding the correct video dimensions for TikTok can be a challenge. This section deals with the aspect ratios of video and what you can do to have the perfect video ratio for TikTok.

Finding the proper aspect ratio is important because it influences how your videos look on different platforms, which drives your TikTok like to follower ratio. Users prefer videos that offer a pleasant viewing experience.

You can use software like Wondershare Filmora to change the aspect ratio without any image or video distortion. This makes the video quality a lot better. By learning the video aspect ratio, you can avoid image and video distortion. This can boost your video’s rating in the algorithm and, in turn, skyrocket your popularity on the platform.

Let’s say a creator is in possession of a video they made. They realize that the video is not in the correct TikTok video ratio. The algorithm approves a specific TikTok video width and height.

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They can do one of two things, upload the video as is, and hope for the best. They can also choose to resize the aspect ratio using the Filmora software so they can get the best quality output and get featured on the For You Page. Adobe AfterEffects for tikTok is an alternative you can use to change the video aspect ratio as well.

2.3 Change Tiktok Video From Landscape To Portrait

Tiktok can support videos made in portrait or landscape mode. However, creators should focus on creating videos in portrait mode. This is because TikTok’s algorithm favors vertical videos over horizontal ones.

Considering TikTok users use their mobiles to view the video, this makes portrait mode the better option for ensuring video success.

Tiktok allows users to create a video in portrait mode and editing after. You can also create a video in landscape mode for TikTok. Tiktok also enables users to upload a video in landscape mode.

Alternatively, you can use a video editing app like Wondershare Filmora. This video editing app makes it easy to convert the file from your previous aspect ratio to those favored by TikTok, YouTube, or Instagram.

It helps retain the high definition with smaller file size and better effects. If you want to post across platforms, using Filmora video editing can help you save valuable editing time. Thanks to its auto-editing options, even beginners can create professional-level videos.

Another way to change the TikTok size is to use Adobe Premiere Pro. Premiere Pro is capable of performing all of the everyday video editing operations required to create high-definition footage. It allows inputs that can then be exported to the appropriate medium and format different platforms.

Tiktok logo

2.4 Make Fullscreen Tiktok Video

It can be a frustrating experience to watch a Tiktok video when you have the For you tab at the top, blocking your video. The like button and share buttons all do a number on your valuable screen space at the sides. The comment section with the scrolling ribbons of comments is the worst offender at making the TikTok video seem unappealing.

One way you can make your TikTok experience better is through full-screen viewing of your TikTok video. You can do this by simply saving the video to your phone. Save the video by pressing the share button. In the second half of the share section, you have the “save video” option, and you can select this for a blissful video viewing experience.

One other way users can view TikTok on full screen is to go to their android’s ‘settings’ page. Go into the ‘Display and Brightness’ settings. Look for the tab titled ‘Full-Screen Display”. In this section, scroll down to TikTok and select. Once there, enable ‘Notch Area Display.’

There you go, your TikTok account can now be graced with full-screen videos. This will make the user experience a lot better.


One of the keys to creating high-quality content for your brand on social media is recognizing how much aspect ratio brings to the table and how to apply it to your videos and images. There is no doubt that using videos for promotion is the most effective technique to increase brand engagement nowadays.

To make it easy to cut, edit, and even design your images and movies for the most outstanding performance, use an excellent online video editor like Wondershare Filmora. It’s one of the best video editors for both beginners and experienced professionals.

Try It Free Try It Free

TikTok is one of the most popular social media apps for short-form video sharing. Its popularity has been well received by those under thirty. A Beijing-based company, ByteDance, owns it. It has been downloaded over 315 million times by users worldwide. It generates over $50 million in revenue from users.

This leads us towards a discussion of how the platform works and, more specifically, how to create a video with the correct TikTok aspect ratios to gain popularity. This article covers essential tips about video size ratio and other little tricks to make your videos better.

In this article

01 [TikTok: Brief Definition ](#Part 1)

02 [TikTok Video Tips You Should Know](#Part 2)

Part 1 TikTok: Brief Definition

Social media is one of the fastest ways to gain popularity. Using TikTok challenges and trends, content creators and businesses can drive their profits, popularity, and high visibility. The app allows users to create, edit and share short videos, which are made more entertaining with filters and music, dancing, and lipsyncing.

Tiktok has a certain prescribed video width and height to make videos. This TikTok ratio allows users to be perceived favorably in the program algorithm. The main reason why users are drawn to TikTok is for entertainment and to foster a sense of community.

The brief 15-60 second videos can offer entertainment for any duration, no matter how short. It remains a popular site frequented by teenagers and young adults. Thanks to the popularity of challenge videos and honest product reviews, it becomes a go-to haven for them. This makes Tiktok an ideal platform for marketing aimed at that demographic.

Part 2 TikTok Video Tips You Should Know

In TikTok, the video creation editing process goes hand in hand. You can edit a video as you create it. As you start and stop your video, your videos are going to be automatically ‘stitched’ together. This does not mean you can’t trim the videos and edit them after they are made.

Similarly, if you’re not happy with how the video turned out, you can select the backspace button to delete the video on the app. Now let’s dive into the TikTok Video ratios that will make your videos shine.

Another thing that helps you form video ratios for TikTok is to know the audience. The TikTok gender ratio among US viewers is skewed to be 61% female and 39% male.

2.1 TikTok Video Format

There is a difference in the specification of videos for android and ios. For example, TikTok allows 72 MB on Android or 287.6 MB in size for iOS. The videos are designed to be viewed on mobile so aiming for vertical videos helps promote your videos on the algorithm.

The frame size for a TikTok video should be 1080 x1920 pixels. This gives the highest quality video output. As a content creator, it is advised to record videos in the .mp4 file format. Ad-creators should look into the .avi and .gif formats for better placements.

You can use premium video editing software like Wondershare Filmora to edit your videos. It offers cutting-edge features like motion tracking, color matching videos, and offering a split screen in the same video. This can help push your creativity to its full potential.

Wondershare Filmora

Get started easily with Filmora’s powerful performance, intuitive interface, and countless effects!

Try It Free Try It Free Try It Free Learn More about Filmora>


2.2 Titktok Video Aspect Ratios & How To Resize It

The width of an image or video frame in relation to its height is known as the aspect ratio. It defines the proportion of your content asset. This can be important as it influences how nice the video turns out when viewed. It determines the final shape of your video.

Finding the correct video dimensions for TikTok can be a challenge. This section deals with the aspect ratios of video and what you can do to have the perfect video ratio for TikTok.

Finding the proper aspect ratio is important because it influences how your videos look on different platforms, which drives your TikTok like to follower ratio. Users prefer videos that offer a pleasant viewing experience.

You can use software like Wondershare Filmora to change the aspect ratio without any image or video distortion. This makes the video quality a lot better. By learning the video aspect ratio, you can avoid image and video distortion. This can boost your video’s rating in the algorithm and, in turn, skyrocket your popularity on the platform.

Let’s say a creator is in possession of a video they made. They realize that the video is not in the correct TikTok video ratio. The algorithm approves a specific TikTok video width and height.

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They can do one of two things, upload the video as is, and hope for the best. They can also choose to resize the aspect ratio using the Filmora software so they can get the best quality output and get featured on the For You Page. Adobe AfterEffects for tikTok is an alternative you can use to change the video aspect ratio as well.

2.3 Change Tiktok Video From Landscape To Portrait

Tiktok can support videos made in portrait or landscape mode. However, creators should focus on creating videos in portrait mode. This is because TikTok’s algorithm favors vertical videos over horizontal ones.

Considering TikTok users use their mobiles to view the video, this makes portrait mode the better option for ensuring video success.

Tiktok allows users to create a video in portrait mode and editing after. You can also create a video in landscape mode for TikTok. Tiktok also enables users to upload a video in landscape mode.

Alternatively, you can use a video editing app like Wondershare Filmora. This video editing app makes it easy to convert the file from your previous aspect ratio to those favored by TikTok, YouTube, or Instagram.

It helps retain the high definition with smaller file size and better effects. If you want to post across platforms, using Filmora video editing can help you save valuable editing time. Thanks to its auto-editing options, even beginners can create professional-level videos.

Another way to change the TikTok size is to use Adobe Premiere Pro. Premiere Pro is capable of performing all of the everyday video editing operations required to create high-definition footage. It allows inputs that can then be exported to the appropriate medium and format different platforms.

Tiktok logo

2.4 Make Fullscreen Tiktok Video

It can be a frustrating experience to watch a Tiktok video when you have the For you tab at the top, blocking your video. The like button and share buttons all do a number on your valuable screen space at the sides. The comment section with the scrolling ribbons of comments is the worst offender at making the TikTok video seem unappealing.

One way you can make your TikTok experience better is through full-screen viewing of your TikTok video. You can do this by simply saving the video to your phone. Save the video by pressing the share button. In the second half of the share section, you have the “save video” option, and you can select this for a blissful video viewing experience.

One other way users can view TikTok on full screen is to go to their android’s ‘settings’ page. Go into the ‘Display and Brightness’ settings. Look for the tab titled ‘Full-Screen Display”. In this section, scroll down to TikTok and select. Once there, enable ‘Notch Area Display.’

There you go, your TikTok account can now be graced with full-screen videos. This will make the user experience a lot better.


One of the keys to creating high-quality content for your brand on social media is recognizing how much aspect ratio brings to the table and how to apply it to your videos and images. There is no doubt that using videos for promotion is the most effective technique to increase brand engagement nowadays.

To make it easy to cut, edit, and even design your images and movies for the most outstanding performance, use an excellent online video editor like Wondershare Filmora. It’s one of the best video editors for both beginners and experienced professionals.

Try It Free Try It Free

TikTok is one of the most popular social media apps for short-form video sharing. Its popularity has been well received by those under thirty. A Beijing-based company, ByteDance, owns it. It has been downloaded over 315 million times by users worldwide. It generates over $50 million in revenue from users.

This leads us towards a discussion of how the platform works and, more specifically, how to create a video with the correct TikTok aspect ratios to gain popularity. This article covers essential tips about video size ratio and other little tricks to make your videos better.

In this article

01 [TikTok: Brief Definition ](#Part 1)

02 [TikTok Video Tips You Should Know](#Part 2)

Part 1 TikTok: Brief Definition

Social media is one of the fastest ways to gain popularity. Using TikTok challenges and trends, content creators and businesses can drive their profits, popularity, and high visibility. The app allows users to create, edit and share short videos, which are made more entertaining with filters and music, dancing, and lipsyncing.

Tiktok has a certain prescribed video width and height to make videos. This TikTok ratio allows users to be perceived favorably in the program algorithm. The main reason why users are drawn to TikTok is for entertainment and to foster a sense of community.

The brief 15-60 second videos can offer entertainment for any duration, no matter how short. It remains a popular site frequented by teenagers and young adults. Thanks to the popularity of challenge videos and honest product reviews, it becomes a go-to haven for them. This makes Tiktok an ideal platform for marketing aimed at that demographic.

Part 2 TikTok Video Tips You Should Know

In TikTok, the video creation editing process goes hand in hand. You can edit a video as you create it. As you start and stop your video, your videos are going to be automatically ‘stitched’ together. This does not mean you can’t trim the videos and edit them after they are made.

Similarly, if you’re not happy with how the video turned out, you can select the backspace button to delete the video on the app. Now let’s dive into the TikTok Video ratios that will make your videos shine.

Another thing that helps you form video ratios for TikTok is to know the audience. The TikTok gender ratio among US viewers is skewed to be 61% female and 39% male.

2.1 TikTok Video Format

There is a difference in the specification of videos for android and ios. For example, TikTok allows 72 MB on Android or 287.6 MB in size for iOS. The videos are designed to be viewed on mobile so aiming for vertical videos helps promote your videos on the algorithm.

The frame size for a TikTok video should be 1080 x1920 pixels. This gives the highest quality video output. As a content creator, it is advised to record videos in the .mp4 file format. Ad-creators should look into the .avi and .gif formats for better placements.

You can use premium video editing software like Wondershare Filmora to edit your videos. It offers cutting-edge features like motion tracking, color matching videos, and offering a split screen in the same video. This can help push your creativity to its full potential.

Wondershare Filmora

Get started easily with Filmora’s powerful performance, intuitive interface, and countless effects!

Try It Free Try It Free Try It Free Learn More about Filmora>


2.2 Titktok Video Aspect Ratios & How To Resize It

The width of an image or video frame in relation to its height is known as the aspect ratio. It defines the proportion of your content asset. This can be important as it influences how nice the video turns out when viewed. It determines the final shape of your video.

Finding the correct video dimensions for TikTok can be a challenge. This section deals with the aspect ratios of video and what you can do to have the perfect video ratio for TikTok.

Finding the proper aspect ratio is important because it influences how your videos look on different platforms, which drives your TikTok like to follower ratio. Users prefer videos that offer a pleasant viewing experience.

You can use software like Wondershare Filmora to change the aspect ratio without any image or video distortion. This makes the video quality a lot better. By learning the video aspect ratio, you can avoid image and video distortion. This can boost your video’s rating in the algorithm and, in turn, skyrocket your popularity on the platform.

Let’s say a creator is in possession of a video they made. They realize that the video is not in the correct TikTok video ratio. The algorithm approves a specific TikTok video width and height.

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For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

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For macOS 10.12 or later

They can do one of two things, upload the video as is, and hope for the best. They can also choose to resize the aspect ratio using the Filmora software so they can get the best quality output and get featured on the For You Page. Adobe AfterEffects for tikTok is an alternative you can use to change the video aspect ratio as well.

2.3 Change Tiktok Video From Landscape To Portrait

Tiktok can support videos made in portrait or landscape mode. However, creators should focus on creating videos in portrait mode. This is because TikTok’s algorithm favors vertical videos over horizontal ones.

Considering TikTok users use their mobiles to view the video, this makes portrait mode the better option for ensuring video success.

Tiktok allows users to create a video in portrait mode and editing after. You can also create a video in landscape mode for TikTok. Tiktok also enables users to upload a video in landscape mode.

Alternatively, you can use a video editing app like Wondershare Filmora. This video editing app makes it easy to convert the file from your previous aspect ratio to those favored by TikTok, YouTube, or Instagram.

It helps retain the high definition with smaller file size and better effects. If you want to post across platforms, using Filmora video editing can help you save valuable editing time. Thanks to its auto-editing options, even beginners can create professional-level videos.

Another way to change the TikTok size is to use Adobe Premiere Pro. Premiere Pro is capable of performing all of the everyday video editing operations required to create high-definition footage. It allows inputs that can then be exported to the appropriate medium and format different platforms.

Tiktok logo

2.4 Make Fullscreen Tiktok Video

It can be a frustrating experience to watch a Tiktok video when you have the For you tab at the top, blocking your video. The like button and share buttons all do a number on your valuable screen space at the sides. The comment section with the scrolling ribbons of comments is the worst offender at making the TikTok video seem unappealing.

One way you can make your TikTok experience better is through full-screen viewing of your TikTok video. You can do this by simply saving the video to your phone. Save the video by pressing the share button. In the second half of the share section, you have the “save video” option, and you can select this for a blissful video viewing experience.

One other way users can view TikTok on full screen is to go to their android’s ‘settings’ page. Go into the ‘Display and Brightness’ settings. Look for the tab titled ‘Full-Screen Display”. In this section, scroll down to TikTok and select. Once there, enable ‘Notch Area Display.’

There you go, your TikTok account can now be graced with full-screen videos. This will make the user experience a lot better.


One of the keys to creating high-quality content for your brand on social media is recognizing how much aspect ratio brings to the table and how to apply it to your videos and images. There is no doubt that using videos for promotion is the most effective technique to increase brand engagement nowadays.

To make it easy to cut, edit, and even design your images and movies for the most outstanding performance, use an excellent online video editor like Wondershare Filmora. It’s one of the best video editors for both beginners and experienced professionals.

Also read:

  • Title: In 2024, Top 5 Video Filter Software Improve Your Videos with Filters
  • Author: Chloe
  • Created at : 2024-05-20 03:38:20
  • Updated at : 2024-05-21 03:38:20
  • Link:
  • License: This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.
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In 2024, Top 5 Video Filter Software Improve Your Videos with Filters