Learn to Use Montage with These Movies for 2024

Learn to Use Montage with These Movies for 2024

Chloe Lv12

Learn to Use Montage with These Movies

As with many new things in life, Montage isn’t your best friend right off the bat. So, if you want to learn to use montages with movies, they need to be the right ones. If you don’t know what Montage is, it is a way of compressing an action or series of actions into a short amount of time. We look at movies because they are a common type of entertainment everyone has seen before, which makes them easier to understand as a concept.

Using Montage is a great way to create engaging video content. There are many people interested in the topic of Montage, so if you get that video out there, you can easily find an audience. When used in conjunction with YouTube advertising, creating videos about Montage could be an excellent business idea for you.

Learning how to use Montage properly can be challenging. The process isn’t intuitive, and using it can feel like hiding random pieces around your page. But, when you watch the right movies, they can help you understand how to use this tool effectively. So, take some time, check out these movies, and learn how to get the most out of Montage!

What Is A Montage?

The definition of a montage is a “series of short scenes or episodes forming a unified whole.” That definition can lead to different interpretations of a montage and can be applied to any art medium. A “montage” isn’t just for movies. Music artists use montages to tell stories that often describe their emotions and experiences; writers create poetry and prose contained in such an artistic form, and painters often use this art form. However, many people are most familiar with the term associated with movies: a montage is essentially a collection of images or scenes that populate a movie with music.

If you’ve seen any blockbuster Hollywood films in the last ten years, you’ve probably seen some Montage. The Montage is a sequence that takes place over a set period and shows us how the lead character goes from being an ordinary person to an extraordinary one. The difference between these two states is dramatic, so we see so many montages in movies. They are meant to grab your attention and excitingly introduce a character.

Purpose of Montage

Montage movies are made up of a compilation of short yet powerful scenes put together to make one movie or project. Even though these types of movies have become a common genre, there’s a list of reasons why this is popular in movies today.

  • Montage has several uses in movies. Of course, Montage can be used to show events such as battles or dancing. It can also describe emotions, including sadness, happiness, and sarcasm. These different uses of Montage do come with their styles, but they all share a few common traits.
  • They’re often used to condense periods of storytime into much smaller but more entertaining segments. The word montage is French for “to construct from many parts .”Montages can now be seen everywhere in film and television, from silent films to blockbuster action movies.
  • This is frequently used in narratives when the story needs to advance quickly. The characters are going somewhere or doing something else not within the context of the moment in time that represents them. A great example of a montage was used in Rocky when Rocky was training for his fight with Apollo Creed.
  • A montage allows filmmakers to explore a theme using several sequential shots that can’t be covered in a single shot.

Learn To Use Montage With These Movies

1. Rocky (1976)

The training montage is popular in cinema. A montage like this helps us follow how the protagonist prepares himself for a life-threatening fight and claims honor in society. Sylvester Stallone plays Robert “Rocky” Balboa, going through the rigorous preparations for his fight. A song by Bill Conti called “Gonna Fly Now” is playing in the background, contributing to the scene’s energy.

Rocky (1976)

2. Scarface (1983)

A fictional Cuban Tony (Al Pacino) becomes a gangster in Brian De Palma’s 1983 film Scarface against the backdrop of the cocaine boom of the 1980s. He is portrayed as a criminal rising to the echelons of the underworld and slowly falling. In this montage sequence, Tony becomes the biggest drug lord in Miami and controls nearly all the cocaine that comes through the city.

Scarface (1983)

3. Goodfellas (1990)

Martin Scorsese’s Goodfellas is a gangster film set in 1950s New York City, one of the best. In it, Irish-Italian Henry Hill (Ray Liotta) is portrayed as he rises through the ranks of the crime branch of his Brooklyn neighborhood. As we watch this Montage, we see Henry and his gang members viciously murdering anyone who stands in their path. This edit is beautifully complemented by Eric Clapton’s “Layla.” voice-over.

Goodfellas (1990)

4. Trainspotting (1996)

Ewan McGregor stars in Danny Boyle’s black comedy, which tells the tale of drug addict Mark Renton (Danny Boyle). Mark tries to get clean and get back on his feet. Despite this, drug enticements and friend influence are major deterrents. Through this introductory Montage, we are introduced to the protagonist’s lifestyle. In addition, the film explores the themes of drug abuse, addiction, and nihilism.

Trainspotting (1996)

5. Run Lola Run (1998)

In his movie Run Lola Run (1998), Tom Tykwer tells the story of Lola (Franka Potente) and Mani (Moritz Bleibtreu) as they face the different possibilities that arise from a single event in their lives. This Montage shows Lola bumping into various people as she begins to sprint. Her encounter has a profound impact on their lives. Through Montage, the film is given a sense of exhilarating pace and multi-layered visual design.

Run Lola Run (1998)

6. Requiem for a Dream (2000)

Hubert Selby Jr.’s titular novel is the source material for Darren Aronofsky’s psychological drama. Four people trapped by their addictions are the focus of the narrative. By watching this Montage, a viewer can get a better sense of the world or the film’s characters. As a result of their drug addictions, four ambitious people will eventually have their dreams dashed. As a result, we gain insight into how addiction takes hold of the characters’ minds and bodies.

Requiem for a Dream (2000)

7. Swades (2004)

Songs have played an integral role in bringing the story of the film to life in the hands of some of India’s most thoughtful filmmakers. Among them is Ashutosh Gowariker. Montage techniques are used to create the title song sequence of his film Swades. The fictional Indian village of Charanpur, where the protagonist Mohan Bhargava (Shahrukh Khan) has lived, is a source of great trauma for the protagonist. As he ends up returning to India, the song signifies his development psychologically.

Swades (2004)

8. Whiplash (2014)

Miles Teller plays Andrew Neiman, a promising young drummer who enrolls in a tough music conservatory. Damien Chazelle directs the film. Terence Fletcher (J. K. Simmons) mentors him, and he is determined to see his students’ dreams come true. Neiman pushes himself to his limits in this Montage, suffering a breakdown as a result. Edited shots and tempo match the visual images to accentuate the protagonist’s mental state.

Whiplash (2014)

9. Gone Girl (2014)

Gillian Flynn’s eponymous novel is the basis for David Fincher’s psychological crime drama. On their fifth wedding anniversary, Amy Elliott Dunne (Rosamund Pike) disappears, and Nicholas Dunne (Ben Affleck) becomes the prime suspect. Amy carefully crafts her new identity in this Montage as we learn she is alive. The Montage ends as Amy sets up her cabin and begins purchasing supplies. After hitting herself with a hammer, the sequence ends.

Whiplash (2014)

10. Parasite (2019)

In Bong Joon-ho’s Oscar-winning dark comedy thriller, the Kim family lives on the edge of poverty. They are suddenly thrown into a world of affluence when a family member gets a job at an affluent family. Moon-Gwang (Lee Jung-Eun) is a long-time housekeeper for the Kim family. The family comes up with a cunning plan to exploit her allergy to peaches. In the closing montage, they convince Mrs. Park (Cho Yeo-Jeong) that Moon-Gwang has tuberculosis.

Whiplash (2014)

Wondershare Filmora11 Express Better
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If you’re thinking about using Montage, check out movies and trailers in the Action and Comedy genres. Keep in mind that finding material that works well with montages is no accident. They are filled with some of the best soundtracks, action scenes, and comedy routines that can help guide your project through its rough spots. Montage can do amazing things for any movie, so it’s important to learn when and where it should be used.

Rocky (1976)

2. Scarface (1983)

A fictional Cuban Tony (Al Pacino) becomes a gangster in Brian De Palma’s 1983 film Scarface against the backdrop of the cocaine boom of the 1980s. He is portrayed as a criminal rising to the echelons of the underworld and slowly falling. In this montage sequence, Tony becomes the biggest drug lord in Miami and controls nearly all the cocaine that comes through the city.

Scarface (1983)

3. Goodfellas (1990)

Martin Scorsese’s Goodfellas is a gangster film set in 1950s New York City, one of the best. In it, Irish-Italian Henry Hill (Ray Liotta) is portrayed as he rises through the ranks of the crime branch of his Brooklyn neighborhood. As we watch this Montage, we see Henry and his gang members viciously murdering anyone who stands in their path. This edit is beautifully complemented by Eric Clapton’s “Layla.” voice-over.

Goodfellas (1990)

4. Trainspotting (1996)

Ewan McGregor stars in Danny Boyle’s black comedy, which tells the tale of drug addict Mark Renton (Danny Boyle). Mark tries to get clean and get back on his feet. Despite this, drug enticements and friend influence are major deterrents. Through this introductory Montage, we are introduced to the protagonist’s lifestyle. In addition, the film explores the themes of drug abuse, addiction, and nihilism.

Trainspotting (1996)

5. Run Lola Run (1998)

In his movie Run Lola Run (1998), Tom Tykwer tells the story of Lola (Franka Potente) and Mani (Moritz Bleibtreu) as they face the different possibilities that arise from a single event in their lives. This Montage shows Lola bumping into various people as she begins to sprint. Her encounter has a profound impact on their lives. Through Montage, the film is given a sense of exhilarating pace and multi-layered visual design.

Run Lola Run (1998)

6. Requiem for a Dream (2000)

Hubert Selby Jr.’s titular novel is the source material for Darren Aronofsky’s psychological drama. Four people trapped by their addictions are the focus of the narrative. By watching this Montage, a viewer can get a better sense of the world or the film’s characters. As a result of their drug addictions, four ambitious people will eventually have their dreams dashed. As a result, we gain insight into how addiction takes hold of the characters’ minds and bodies.

Requiem for a Dream (2000)

7. Swades (2004)

Songs have played an integral role in bringing the story of the film to life in the hands of some of India’s most thoughtful filmmakers. Among them is Ashutosh Gowariker. Montage techniques are used to create the title song sequence of his film Swades. The fictional Indian village of Charanpur, where the protagonist Mohan Bhargava (Shahrukh Khan) has lived, is a source of great trauma for the protagonist. As he ends up returning to India, the song signifies his development psychologically.

Swades (2004)

8. Whiplash (2014)

Miles Teller plays Andrew Neiman, a promising young drummer who enrolls in a tough music conservatory. Damien Chazelle directs the film. Terence Fletcher (J. K. Simmons) mentors him, and he is determined to see his students’ dreams come true. Neiman pushes himself to his limits in this Montage, suffering a breakdown as a result. Edited shots and tempo match the visual images to accentuate the protagonist’s mental state.

Whiplash (2014)

9. Gone Girl (2014)

Gillian Flynn’s eponymous novel is the basis for David Fincher’s psychological crime drama. On their fifth wedding anniversary, Amy Elliott Dunne (Rosamund Pike) disappears, and Nicholas Dunne (Ben Affleck) becomes the prime suspect. Amy carefully crafts her new identity in this Montage as we learn she is alive. The Montage ends as Amy sets up her cabin and begins purchasing supplies. After hitting herself with a hammer, the sequence ends.

Whiplash (2014)

10. Parasite (2019)

In Bong Joon-ho’s Oscar-winning dark comedy thriller, the Kim family lives on the edge of poverty. They are suddenly thrown into a world of affluence when a family member gets a job at an affluent family. Moon-Gwang (Lee Jung-Eun) is a long-time housekeeper for the Kim family. The family comes up with a cunning plan to exploit her allergy to peaches. In the closing montage, they convince Mrs. Park (Cho Yeo-Jeong) that Moon-Gwang has tuberculosis.

Whiplash (2014)

Wondershare Filmora11 Express Better
Achieve More
Grow Together

Free Download Free Download Learn More

Filmora Windows Filmora Mac


If you’re thinking about using Montage, check out movies and trailers in the Action and Comedy genres. Keep in mind that finding material that works well with montages is no accident. They are filled with some of the best soundtracks, action scenes, and comedy routines that can help guide your project through its rough spots. Montage can do amazing things for any movie, so it’s important to learn when and where it should be used.

Looking for the Best Quiz-Making Tools? Read Our Full Review to Find Out the 10 Best Video Quiz Makers Available

Nowadays, quiz videos are frequently used in different scenarios, such as business education, academic research, and social media, as they play an essential role in teaching, presenting, and covering many other aspects.

But how to make quiz videos for YouTube? To answer this, we’ve provided a list of the 10 best YouTube video quiz makers.

Let’s get started with our review without any further delay!

  1. Camtasia
  2. Kaltura
  3. iSpring QuizMaker
  1. Drimify
  2. EducaPlay
  3. Flexclip
  4. Edpuzzle
  5. Panopto
  6. Canva
  7. Flexiquiz

Part I. 4 Tips To Make A Quiz Video

Here are three tips to help you make a quiz video that will engage your audience and get them to participate.

1. The Order Of Quiz Questions

The first tip is to make sure you order your quiz questions correctly. You don’t want to start with the easy ones and then gradually get harder - this will make your quiz too easy and boring.

Instead, start with the most challenging questions and then work your way down to keep your audience engaged and challenged throughout the video.

2. Valid bases for questions

Make sure you have a valid basis for your questions. This means researching and ensuring that they are based on factual information.

3. Clear questions and answers

Keep your questions short, to the point, clear, and grammatically correct. Also, avoid jargon, slang, or “trick” questions in your quiz designed to trip up your viewers. This will help ensure that your audience understands them and can answer correctly.

4. Check out the final work

Always ensure that you check your final work before posting it on YouTube. Avoid misspelled characters or confusing sentences, and add an element of fun to make your quiz interesting.

Part II. Best 3 Quiz Video Makers On Desktops

Here are the 3 best YouTube video quiz makers available for desktops that can help you make exciting quizzes every time:


Price: US$299.99 per user.

Support System: Windows and macOS

Camtasia is an all-in-one video editor and screen recorder that can enable you to create fun and engaging quizzes on your Windows or Mac system. You can use this software to test viewer knowledge, gauge interest in a topic, or collect grades using unlimited surveys, true/false, or other types of content.

camtasia for making quiz videos


  • Offers 30 answers per question
  • Provides quiz scores through Camtasia Quiz Service
  • Supports grading or upgrading the quiz
  • Unlimited surveys, fill-in-the-blanks, and questions
  • Easy to use


  • Extremely expensive


Price: Free trial and quote-based pricing plan

Support System: Chrome, Safari, iOS, and Android

With Kaltura, founded by Ron Yekutiel, you can enhance your educational videos by adding a quiz to improve the learning experience. The platform also allows you to measure the participants’ understanding/interest and assess their comprehension through grade book integration.

kaltura for making quiz videos


  • Easy-to-use creator interface
  • Enable you to create quizzes in multiple formats, including true/false, MCQs, and reflection points
  • Features mobile playback
  • Can record from PowerPoint and webcam simultaneously
  • Integrated with the Kaltura video player
  • Supports unlimited questions


  • Customer support is not up to the par

3.iSpring QuizMaker

Price: 14 days free trial and $370/year

Support System: Windows

iSpring QuizMaker is a powerful and easy-to-use desktop video quiz maker that lets you quickly design graded quizzes and surveys. With its intuitive interface, both professionals and newbies can create assessments with multiple question types, add multimedia, and randomize questions that can be published to LMS or the web.

ispring quizmaker for making quiz videos


  • Lets you add media files to the quiz
  • Excellent UI and easy-to-use
  • Can publish to mobile-ready HTML5 content
  • Compatible with most LMS systems
  • Works with PowerPoint interface


  • Only available for Windows

Part III. Best 7 Online Quiz Video Makers

Compared with desktop software programs, online quiz video makers are more convenient and can be accessed on multiple devices such as Windows PC, Mac System, iOS, and Android devices.

Therefore, we’ve compiled a list of the 7 best online video quiz makers to help you pick one that best suits your questioning requirements.

1. Drimify

Price: $119/per application and $179 per month

Priced at $119 per application, Drimify is an interactive HTML5 content-creation platform offering robust video quiz-making capabilities. The tool is super easy-to-use and helps you create, integrate, and share quizzes within minutes.

drimify for making quiz videos


  • Offers all forms of interactive formats to create quizzes, surveys, and personality tests
  • Lets you analyze your quiz stats
  • Supports data export
  • Rated as 4.9 on Capterra
  • Free demos are available


  • Not much customizable


Price: Free and 4.00 ERU per month

EducaPlay - a free educational games-generating web platform where you can quickly design quizzes with multiple choice, true/false, and fill-in-the-blank questions. You can also add images, videos, and audio to your assessments to make them more engaging.

educaplay for making quiz videos


  • Free to use
  • Can create educational games
  • Supports map quizzes, video quizzes, and riddles
  • Affordable pricing plan
  • Easy integration with Google Classroom, Microsoft Team, and Canvas


  • Some features are limited in their use


Price: Free

Flexclip is a robust online video editor that offers a free video quiz maker, having stylish fonts, text overlays, royalty-free stock images, backgrounds, and preset video quiz templates for you to use.

To create a quiz, you only need to follow three main steps: Add a media file, customize the content, and finally, export your file in various formats or share it online directly.

flexclip for making quiz videos


  • Free to use
  • Intuitive user interface
  • Quick file export and sharing feature
  • Extensive media library and preset templates
  • Text animations and overlays


  • Offers only basic editing tools


Price: 100% free for students and teachers

Making quizzes was never as simple and easy before as with the Edpuzzle platform. This free assessment-centered web tool lets you create interactive video quizzes that can be quickly integrated into the LMS or shared online.

edpuzzle for making quiz videos


  • Free to use
  • Quickly integrates with LMS
  • Flexible and self-paced
  • Data-driven and provides instant feedback on responses


  • Experiences glitches while integrating with Canvas


Price: Free and $14.99/month

Panopto is trusted by several universities and other educational institutes for designing educational content. This online tool offers video content management, visual classrooms, video accessibility, screen recording, video editing, and interactive online video quiz-making capabilities.

panopto for making quiz videos


  • Interactive and flexible quizzes
  • Lets you create MCQs, true/false, and checkboxes
  • Has an excellent online video editor
  • Quick and simple configuration
  • Instant assessment feedback


  • Confusing interface for beginners


Price: Free

Creating quizzes with Canva is simple and easy because the platform offers a wide range of templates, simple customization tools, royalty-free images, and other media files, as well as various text styles and fonts. Furthermore, you can quickly export and share your quiz file in different formats.

Canva for making quiz videos


  • Free and easy-to-use
  • Professionally designed templates
  • Highly customizable
  • Royalty-free media files, stickers, and graphics
  • Available for desktop and smartphones


  • Adds a watermark to some files


Price: Free, paid plans start from $180/year

FlexiQuiz is a cloud-based solution for creating, sharing, and grading quizzes in one app. The platform offers auto-grading, test scheduling, powerful reports, timed test, and many more robust features.

flexiquiz for making quiz videos


  • Real-time powerful results and live analytics
  • Automatically quiz assign completion certificate
  • Access from anywhere
  • Offers public and private tests
  • Comes with advanced configuration options


  • Some features are limited in the free version

Bonus Tips: How To Make A General Knowledge Quiz Video In Filmora?

Do you want to add a little extra excitement to your quiz videos with more effects and animations? We’ll recommend using Wondershare Filmora to enhance your content.

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Here’s a complete step-by-step guide to using Filmora to make a general knowledge quiz video:

Step1 Upload Your Materials

Gather your quiz questions and answers and launch the Filmora software on your PC/laptop. Click “Create New Project,” upload your video and drop it in the timeline.

creating quiz video in filmora

Step2 Make An Intro

Now, to create an intro, select the template you want from the “Media” tab and drop it in the timeline. Go to the “Titles” tab, select and drop the text style in the timeline.

Click the titles track in the timeline, add the intro text telling the audience your quiz’s topic, and set the text color and font. Click “OK” to apply the changes.

Step3 Add A Quiz To The Timeline

Next, use the “Titles” tab to start adding questions and answers to the quiz background video, and make sure to adjust the display time.

adding quiz media to the timeline

Step4 Increase Interactivity In Your Quiz Video

Head to the “Transition” tab and add an effect to your video for a smooth transition. You can also add animations, effects, and countdown elements to make your quiz more engaging.

Step5 Repeat The Process And Export Your Final Video

Repeat the process until you complete creating your quiz and click the “Export” icon. You can save the file on your device or export it directly to your YouTube channel.


In this guide, we’ve provided a comprehensive review of the 3 best desktop video quiz makers and the 7 best online quiz tools. We’ve discussed what they are, their prices, pros, and cons to assist you in selecting the best one.

We’ve also recommended Filmora to enhance your quiz videos and add an extra flair to keep your audience interested until the end.

Hopefully, you’ve enjoyed reading this review and can now decide which software program or online tool to create interactive quiz videos.

Part I. 4 Tips To Make A Quiz Video

Here are three tips to help you make a quiz video that will engage your audience and get them to participate.

1. The Order Of Quiz Questions

The first tip is to make sure you order your quiz questions correctly. You don’t want to start with the easy ones and then gradually get harder - this will make your quiz too easy and boring.

Instead, start with the most challenging questions and then work your way down to keep your audience engaged and challenged throughout the video.

2. Valid bases for questions

Make sure you have a valid basis for your questions. This means researching and ensuring that they are based on factual information.

3. Clear questions and answers

Keep your questions short, to the point, clear, and grammatically correct. Also, avoid jargon, slang, or “trick” questions in your quiz designed to trip up your viewers. This will help ensure that your audience understands them and can answer correctly.

4. Check out the final work

Always ensure that you check your final work before posting it on YouTube. Avoid misspelled characters or confusing sentences, and add an element of fun to make your quiz interesting.

Part II. Best 3 Quiz Video Makers On Desktops

Here are the 3 best YouTube video quiz makers available for desktops that can help you make exciting quizzes every time:


Price: US$299.99 per user.

Support System: Windows and macOS

Camtasia is an all-in-one video editor and screen recorder that can enable you to create fun and engaging quizzes on your Windows or Mac system. You can use this software to test viewer knowledge, gauge interest in a topic, or collect grades using unlimited surveys, true/false, or other types of content.

camtasia for making quiz videos


  • Offers 30 answers per question
  • Provides quiz scores through Camtasia Quiz Service
  • Supports grading or upgrading the quiz
  • Unlimited surveys, fill-in-the-blanks, and questions
  • Easy to use


  • Extremely expensive


Price: Free trial and quote-based pricing plan

Support System: Chrome, Safari, iOS, and Android

With Kaltura, founded by Ron Yekutiel, you can enhance your educational videos by adding a quiz to improve the learning experience. The platform also allows you to measure the participants’ understanding/interest and assess their comprehension through grade book integration.

kaltura for making quiz videos


  • Easy-to-use creator interface
  • Enable you to create quizzes in multiple formats, including true/false, MCQs, and reflection points
  • Features mobile playback
  • Can record from PowerPoint and webcam simultaneously
  • Integrated with the Kaltura video player
  • Supports unlimited questions


  • Customer support is not up to the par

3.iSpring QuizMaker

Price: 14 days free trial and $370/year

Support System: Windows

iSpring QuizMaker is a powerful and easy-to-use desktop video quiz maker that lets you quickly design graded quizzes and surveys. With its intuitive interface, both professionals and newbies can create assessments with multiple question types, add multimedia, and randomize questions that can be published to LMS or the web.

ispring quizmaker for making quiz videos


  • Lets you add media files to the quiz
  • Excellent UI and easy-to-use
  • Can publish to mobile-ready HTML5 content
  • Compatible with most LMS systems
  • Works with PowerPoint interface


  • Only available for Windows

Part III. Best 7 Online Quiz Video Makers

Compared with desktop software programs, online quiz video makers are more convenient and can be accessed on multiple devices such as Windows PC, Mac System, iOS, and Android devices.

Therefore, we’ve compiled a list of the 7 best online video quiz makers to help you pick one that best suits your questioning requirements.

1. Drimify

Price: $119/per application and $179 per month

Priced at $119 per application, Drimify is an interactive HTML5 content-creation platform offering robust video quiz-making capabilities. The tool is super easy-to-use and helps you create, integrate, and share quizzes within minutes.

drimify for making quiz videos


  • Offers all forms of interactive formats to create quizzes, surveys, and personality tests
  • Lets you analyze your quiz stats
  • Supports data export
  • Rated as 4.9 on Capterra
  • Free demos are available


  • Not much customizable


Price: Free and 4.00 ERU per month

EducaPlay - a free educational games-generating web platform where you can quickly design quizzes with multiple choice, true/false, and fill-in-the-blank questions. You can also add images, videos, and audio to your assessments to make them more engaging.

educaplay for making quiz videos


  • Free to use
  • Can create educational games
  • Supports map quizzes, video quizzes, and riddles
  • Affordable pricing plan
  • Easy integration with Google Classroom, Microsoft Team, and Canvas


  • Some features are limited in their use


Price: Free

Flexclip is a robust online video editor that offers a free video quiz maker, having stylish fonts, text overlays, royalty-free stock images, backgrounds, and preset video quiz templates for you to use.

To create a quiz, you only need to follow three main steps: Add a media file, customize the content, and finally, export your file in various formats or share it online directly.

flexclip for making quiz videos


  • Free to use
  • Intuitive user interface
  • Quick file export and sharing feature
  • Extensive media library and preset templates
  • Text animations and overlays


  • Offers only basic editing tools


Price: 100% free for students and teachers

Making quizzes was never as simple and easy before as with the Edpuzzle platform. This free assessment-centered web tool lets you create interactive video quizzes that can be quickly integrated into the LMS or shared online.

edpuzzle for making quiz videos


  • Free to use
  • Quickly integrates with LMS
  • Flexible and self-paced
  • Data-driven and provides instant feedback on responses


  • Experiences glitches while integrating with Canvas


Price: Free and $14.99/month

Panopto is trusted by several universities and other educational institutes for designing educational content. This online tool offers video content management, visual classrooms, video accessibility, screen recording, video editing, and interactive online video quiz-making capabilities.

panopto for making quiz videos


  • Interactive and flexible quizzes
  • Lets you create MCQs, true/false, and checkboxes
  • Has an excellent online video editor
  • Quick and simple configuration
  • Instant assessment feedback


  • Confusing interface for beginners


Price: Free

Creating quizzes with Canva is simple and easy because the platform offers a wide range of templates, simple customization tools, royalty-free images, and other media files, as well as various text styles and fonts. Furthermore, you can quickly export and share your quiz file in different formats.

Canva for making quiz videos


  • Free and easy-to-use
  • Professionally designed templates
  • Highly customizable
  • Royalty-free media files, stickers, and graphics
  • Available for desktop and smartphones


  • Adds a watermark to some files


Price: Free, paid plans start from $180/year

FlexiQuiz is a cloud-based solution for creating, sharing, and grading quizzes in one app. The platform offers auto-grading, test scheduling, powerful reports, timed test, and many more robust features.

flexiquiz for making quiz videos


  • Real-time powerful results and live analytics
  • Automatically quiz assign completion certificate
  • Access from anywhere
  • Offers public and private tests
  • Comes with advanced configuration options


  • Some features are limited in the free version

Bonus Tips: How To Make A General Knowledge Quiz Video In Filmora?

Do you want to add a little extra excitement to your quiz videos with more effects and animations? We’ll recommend using Wondershare Filmora to enhance your content.

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Here’s a complete step-by-step guide to using Filmora to make a general knowledge quiz video:

Step1 Upload Your Materials

Gather your quiz questions and answers and launch the Filmora software on your PC/laptop. Click “Create New Project,” upload your video and drop it in the timeline.

creating quiz video in filmora

Step2 Make An Intro

Now, to create an intro, select the template you want from the “Media” tab and drop it in the timeline. Go to the “Titles” tab, select and drop the text style in the timeline.

Click the titles track in the timeline, add the intro text telling the audience your quiz’s topic, and set the text color and font. Click “OK” to apply the changes.

Step3 Add A Quiz To The Timeline

Next, use the “Titles” tab to start adding questions and answers to the quiz background video, and make sure to adjust the display time.

adding quiz media to the timeline

Step4 Increase Interactivity In Your Quiz Video

Head to the “Transition” tab and add an effect to your video for a smooth transition. You can also add animations, effects, and countdown elements to make your quiz more engaging.

Step5 Repeat The Process And Export Your Final Video

Repeat the process until you complete creating your quiz and click the “Export” icon. You can save the file on your device or export it directly to your YouTube channel.


In this guide, we’ve provided a comprehensive review of the 3 best desktop video quiz makers and the 7 best online quiz tools. We’ve discussed what they are, their prices, pros, and cons to assist you in selecting the best one.

We’ve also recommended Filmora to enhance your quiz videos and add an extra flair to keep your audience interested until the end.

Hopefully, you’ve enjoyed reading this review and can now decide which software program or online tool to create interactive quiz videos.

How to Make Video Slow Motion?

Slow-motion videos are in trend now, especially when shooting for Instagram Reels , TikTok videos, or YouTube Shorts . While many users record the entire video in slow motion, there are others who need only a particular section of a clip to play at a reduced speed. Nevertheless, slowing down footage is no longer rocket science, thanks to the advancements in technology, and the availability and ease of access to relevant apps.

That said, here you will learn what is needed to record a video in slow motion, and how to get the job done in a simple way. In addition, you will also learn how to reduce the playback speed of an already existing video if it was recorded at a normal pace.

In this article

01 How to Make Slow Motion Videos via Recording?

02 How to Apply the Smooth Slow-Motion Effect in Post-Production?

03 When to Use Slow Motion?

Part 1: How to Make Slow Motion Videos via Recording?

The fact is, the playback speed of a video is inversely proportional to the frames per second (FPS) it has been recorded in. Usually, to have a video play at normal speed, it is recorded at 24 FPS or 30 FPS. On the other hand, if you increase the frame rate (FPS) to 120 or 240, the playback speed slows down. You can easily check this if you have access to a DSLR camera or an iPhone. These devices allow you to adjust the FPS so the videos can be recorded in slow motion.

For your convenience and learning, the step-by-step procedure on how to record a video in slow motion using an iPhone is explained below:

Step 1: Get to the SLO-MO Mode

Launch the Camera app on your iPhone (iPhone 13 Pro Max is used here for illustrations), and swipe the screen to the left to get to the SLO-MO mode.

iphone slow motion capture mode

Step 2: Adjust Recording Preferences

Tap the number at the top-right corner to switch between 120 FPS and 240 FPS as needed. Tap 1x from the lower-middle section of the screen, and use the rotator to adjust your preferred zoom level.

adjust slow motion zoom level iphone

Step 3: Start and Stop Recording

Tap the Record button from the bottom-center of the screen to begin recording the video in slow motion. Tap Stop when you are done. You can access the recorded video from the Videos container of the Photos app in your iPhone.

If you are using Android phone, you can check this article to find out more details about How to Record Super Slow Motion Videos on Your Phone.

You may also like: Best Slo-mo Camera Apps for Android And iPhone

Part 2: How to Apply the Smooth Slow-Motion Effect in Post-Production?

If you don’t have access to a camera that can record videos in slow motion, or in case you want to capture the footage at normal playback speed and then slow it down later, you need a dedicated tool to get the job done. Even though several post-production applications are available in the market, the one that is most versatile, has an intuitive interface, and is quite easy to use is Filmora video editor from Wondershare .

The latest version of the app, i.e., Wondershare Filmora 11 has a new feature called Speed Ramping that enables you to graphically manage the speed of the clips. While using the feature, you can either slow down the entire video or certain parts of it according to your requirements. For your learning, both the methods are explained below:

Method 1: Add Slow Motion Effect to the Whole Clip

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

Step 1: Import the Source Video and Add to Timeline

Launch Wondershare Filmora on your Windows or Mac computer (a Windows 11 PC is used here for illustrations), click New Project from the first screen that appears. Make sure that the Media tool is selected from the standard tool bar at the top, click anywhere inside the Media window, and select and import the source clip to the program.

wondershare filmora start interface

Next, hover the mouse over the thumbnail of the imported video in the Media window, and click the + icon present at its bottom-right corner. When the confirmation box comes up, click the Match to Media or Keep Project Settings button to change the project settings to match the resolution of the video, or change the footage to meet the project settings respectively.

import video to slow down filmora

Step 2: Add Slow Motion Effect to the Whole Clip

Once the media is added to the timeline, click on it and then click the Speed icon on the toolbar. Scroll down to the Slow menu and then you will see 0.5x, 0.25x, 0.1x, 0.05x and 0.01x presets. Select one to add slo-mo effects to the whole select clip. and click Speed Ramping from the menu that drops down.

filmora video editor speed slow down

You can also right click the video in the timeline, and hover over to Speed option to select Uniform Speed to adjust the speed of the video to make a slo-mo effect video. Drag the speed slider to the left to slow down the video and you will see how many times it slowed down in the next field.

filmora uniform speed slow down

Method 2: Use Speed Ramping to Add Slow Motion Effect

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

Speed Ramping enables you to add the slow-motion effect at different parts of a video and even freeze the screen for the duration that you specify. The processes to get these done are given below in detail:

Step 1: Add Source Video to Timeline and Get to the Speed Ramping Window

Use the process given in the previous method to import a source video to Wondershare Filmora 11 and add it to the Timeline. Then use the process given in the second step of the previous method to get to the Speed Ramping window.

Step 2: Add Slow Motion Effect to Different Parts of the Clip

Go to the Speed Ramping tab if it is not already selected, click Custom from the available options, and drag the adjustment points below the center line to reduce the playback speed for that particular section of the clip. Optionally, you can click any of the available presets to automatically add the slow-motion effect to the video.

Note: You can also drag the adjustment points above the line to increase the playback speed.

To add an adjustment point on the frame where it is not already present, place the playhead (skimmer) at the correct position, and click Add Adjust Point from the left of the Speed Ramping window itself. Once added, you can drag it downward to reduce the playback speed of that part of the clip.

use filmora speed ramping slow down video

Step 3: Freeze the Video

Place the skimmer on the frame where you want to freeze the video for a while, and click Add Freeze Frame from the left of the Speed Ramping window. When the time box appears, in the Freeze Time field, enter the duration in seconds you want to freeze the screen for, and click OK.

add freeze frame speed ramping filmora

After adding a freeze point, optionally, you can drag and reposition it in the Speed Ramping timeline as needed. Finally, click OK from the bottom-right area to save the changes.

Part 3: When to Use Slow Motion?

There could be many instances when you want to add a slow-motion effect to your videos. Some of the most common ones include:

  • Add Focus

If there is a particular scene in a clip that you want the audience to focus on, it would be a good idea to add the slow-motion effect right before that action appears on the screen, and bring the speed back to normal when the section is over.

  • Skill or Style Demonstration

When a clip is playing at a normal speed, many times, the audience isn’t able to see the skills that you want to display. This is where you may want to add the slow-motion effect so that every detail can be noticed clearly and in detail.

  • Replays

Mostly used for tournaments and matches where the actual action is to replayed so the audience, umpires, and other viewers can see the movements in detail before making the right decision.

  • Observation

Some natural phenomena such as a deer running in the woods, a balloon full of water bursting, etc. occur quite quickly. If you want to witness such things clearly and in detail, it would be good to record them, and then reduce the playback speed for better viewing.

  • Add Suspense

When you add the slow-motion effect to a scene, the impulse of the audience is automatically increased, and they take that particular section more seriously and with a thrill.


The slow-motion effect is inversely proportional to the framerate, i.e., frames per second or FPS. Almost all DSLR cameras that are available nowadays allow you to switch between different FPS values (typically 120 and 240) before recording. Also, if you have access to an iPhone, its Camera app has a built-in SLO-MO mode that can capture the footage in slow motion.

In addition, if you already have a video that has been recorded at a normal speed, you can use an efficient post-production software like Wondershare Filmora 11, and exploit its Speed Ramping feature to add the slow-motion effect at different scenes of a clip.

02 How to Apply the Smooth Slow-Motion Effect in Post-Production?

03 When to Use Slow Motion?

Part 1: How to Make Slow Motion Videos via Recording?

The fact is, the playback speed of a video is inversely proportional to the frames per second (FPS) it has been recorded in. Usually, to have a video play at normal speed, it is recorded at 24 FPS or 30 FPS. On the other hand, if you increase the frame rate (FPS) to 120 or 240, the playback speed slows down. You can easily check this if you have access to a DSLR camera or an iPhone. These devices allow you to adjust the FPS so the videos can be recorded in slow motion.

For your convenience and learning, the step-by-step procedure on how to record a video in slow motion using an iPhone is explained below:

Step 1: Get to the SLO-MO Mode

Launch the Camera app on your iPhone (iPhone 13 Pro Max is used here for illustrations), and swipe the screen to the left to get to the SLO-MO mode.

iphone slow motion capture mode

Step 2: Adjust Recording Preferences

Tap the number at the top-right corner to switch between 120 FPS and 240 FPS as needed. Tap 1x from the lower-middle section of the screen, and use the rotator to adjust your preferred zoom level.

adjust slow motion zoom level iphone

Step 3: Start and Stop Recording

Tap the Record button from the bottom-center of the screen to begin recording the video in slow motion. Tap Stop when you are done. You can access the recorded video from the Videos container of the Photos app in your iPhone.

If you are using Android phone, you can check this article to find out more details about How to Record Super Slow Motion Videos on Your Phone.

You may also like: Best Slo-mo Camera Apps for Android And iPhone

Part 2: How to Apply the Smooth Slow-Motion Effect in Post-Production?

If you don’t have access to a camera that can record videos in slow motion, or in case you want to capture the footage at normal playback speed and then slow it down later, you need a dedicated tool to get the job done. Even though several post-production applications are available in the market, the one that is most versatile, has an intuitive interface, and is quite easy to use is Filmora video editor from Wondershare .

The latest version of the app, i.e., Wondershare Filmora 11 has a new feature called Speed Ramping that enables you to graphically manage the speed of the clips. While using the feature, you can either slow down the entire video or certain parts of it according to your requirements. For your learning, both the methods are explained below:

Method 1: Add Slow Motion Effect to the Whole Clip

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

Step 1: Import the Source Video and Add to Timeline

Launch Wondershare Filmora on your Windows or Mac computer (a Windows 11 PC is used here for illustrations), click New Project from the first screen that appears. Make sure that the Media tool is selected from the standard tool bar at the top, click anywhere inside the Media window, and select and import the source clip to the program.

wondershare filmora start interface

Next, hover the mouse over the thumbnail of the imported video in the Media window, and click the + icon present at its bottom-right corner. When the confirmation box comes up, click the Match to Media or Keep Project Settings button to change the project settings to match the resolution of the video, or change the footage to meet the project settings respectively.

import video to slow down filmora

Step 2: Add Slow Motion Effect to the Whole Clip

Once the media is added to the timeline, click on it and then click the Speed icon on the toolbar. Scroll down to the Slow menu and then you will see 0.5x, 0.25x, 0.1x, 0.05x and 0.01x presets. Select one to add slo-mo effects to the whole select clip. and click Speed Ramping from the menu that drops down.

filmora video editor speed slow down

You can also right click the video in the timeline, and hover over to Speed option to select Uniform Speed to adjust the speed of the video to make a slo-mo effect video. Drag the speed slider to the left to slow down the video and you will see how many times it slowed down in the next field.

filmora uniform speed slow down

Method 2: Use Speed Ramping to Add Slow Motion Effect

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

Speed Ramping enables you to add the slow-motion effect at different parts of a video and even freeze the screen for the duration that you specify. The processes to get these done are given below in detail:

Step 1: Add Source Video to Timeline and Get to the Speed Ramping Window

Use the process given in the previous method to import a source video to Wondershare Filmora 11 and add it to the Timeline. Then use the process given in the second step of the previous method to get to the Speed Ramping window.

Step 2: Add Slow Motion Effect to Different Parts of the Clip

Go to the Speed Ramping tab if it is not already selected, click Custom from the available options, and drag the adjustment points below the center line to reduce the playback speed for that particular section of the clip. Optionally, you can click any of the available presets to automatically add the slow-motion effect to the video.

Note: You can also drag the adjustment points above the line to increase the playback speed.

To add an adjustment point on the frame where it is not already present, place the playhead (skimmer) at the correct position, and click Add Adjust Point from the left of the Speed Ramping window itself. Once added, you can drag it downward to reduce the playback speed of that part of the clip.

use filmora speed ramping slow down video

Step 3: Freeze the Video

Place the skimmer on the frame where you want to freeze the video for a while, and click Add Freeze Frame from the left of the Speed Ramping window. When the time box appears, in the Freeze Time field, enter the duration in seconds you want to freeze the screen for, and click OK.

add freeze frame speed ramping filmora

After adding a freeze point, optionally, you can drag and reposition it in the Speed Ramping timeline as needed. Finally, click OK from the bottom-right area to save the changes.

Part 3: When to Use Slow Motion?

There could be many instances when you want to add a slow-motion effect to your videos. Some of the most common ones include:

  • Add Focus

If there is a particular scene in a clip that you want the audience to focus on, it would be a good idea to add the slow-motion effect right before that action appears on the screen, and bring the speed back to normal when the section is over.

  • Skill or Style Demonstration

When a clip is playing at a normal speed, many times, the audience isn’t able to see the skills that you want to display. This is where you may want to add the slow-motion effect so that every detail can be noticed clearly and in detail.

  • Replays

Mostly used for tournaments and matches where the actual action is to replayed so the audience, umpires, and other viewers can see the movements in detail before making the right decision.

  • Observation

Some natural phenomena such as a deer running in the woods, a balloon full of water bursting, etc. occur quite quickly. If you want to witness such things clearly and in detail, it would be good to record them, and then reduce the playback speed for better viewing.

  • Add Suspense

When you add the slow-motion effect to a scene, the impulse of the audience is automatically increased, and they take that particular section more seriously and with a thrill.


The slow-motion effect is inversely proportional to the framerate, i.e., frames per second or FPS. Almost all DSLR cameras that are available nowadays allow you to switch between different FPS values (typically 120 and 240) before recording. Also, if you have access to an iPhone, its Camera app has a built-in SLO-MO mode that can capture the footage in slow motion.

In addition, if you already have a video that has been recorded at a normal speed, you can use an efficient post-production software like Wondershare Filmora 11, and exploit its Speed Ramping feature to add the slow-motion effect at different scenes of a clip.

02 How to Apply the Smooth Slow-Motion Effect in Post-Production?

03 When to Use Slow Motion?

Part 1: How to Make Slow Motion Videos via Recording?

The fact is, the playback speed of a video is inversely proportional to the frames per second (FPS) it has been recorded in. Usually, to have a video play at normal speed, it is recorded at 24 FPS or 30 FPS. On the other hand, if you increase the frame rate (FPS) to 120 or 240, the playback speed slows down. You can easily check this if you have access to a DSLR camera or an iPhone. These devices allow you to adjust the FPS so the videos can be recorded in slow motion.

For your convenience and learning, the step-by-step procedure on how to record a video in slow motion using an iPhone is explained below:

Step 1: Get to the SLO-MO Mode

Launch the Camera app on your iPhone (iPhone 13 Pro Max is used here for illustrations), and swipe the screen to the left to get to the SLO-MO mode.

iphone slow motion capture mode

Step 2: Adjust Recording Preferences

Tap the number at the top-right corner to switch between 120 FPS and 240 FPS as needed. Tap 1x from the lower-middle section of the screen, and use the rotator to adjust your preferred zoom level.

adjust slow motion zoom level iphone

Step 3: Start and Stop Recording

Tap the Record button from the bottom-center of the screen to begin recording the video in slow motion. Tap Stop when you are done. You can access the recorded video from the Videos container of the Photos app in your iPhone.

If you are using Android phone, you can check this article to find out more details about How to Record Super Slow Motion Videos on Your Phone.

You may also like: Best Slo-mo Camera Apps for Android And iPhone

Part 2: How to Apply the Smooth Slow-Motion Effect in Post-Production?

If you don’t have access to a camera that can record videos in slow motion, or in case you want to capture the footage at normal playback speed and then slow it down later, you need a dedicated tool to get the job done. Even though several post-production applications are available in the market, the one that is most versatile, has an intuitive interface, and is quite easy to use is Filmora video editor from Wondershare .

The latest version of the app, i.e., Wondershare Filmora 11 has a new feature called Speed Ramping that enables you to graphically manage the speed of the clips. While using the feature, you can either slow down the entire video or certain parts of it according to your requirements. For your learning, both the methods are explained below:

Method 1: Add Slow Motion Effect to the Whole Clip

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

Step 1: Import the Source Video and Add to Timeline

Launch Wondershare Filmora on your Windows or Mac computer (a Windows 11 PC is used here for illustrations), click New Project from the first screen that appears. Make sure that the Media tool is selected from the standard tool bar at the top, click anywhere inside the Media window, and select and import the source clip to the program.

wondershare filmora start interface

Next, hover the mouse over the thumbnail of the imported video in the Media window, and click the + icon present at its bottom-right corner. When the confirmation box comes up, click the Match to Media or Keep Project Settings button to change the project settings to match the resolution of the video, or change the footage to meet the project settings respectively.

import video to slow down filmora

Step 2: Add Slow Motion Effect to the Whole Clip

Once the media is added to the timeline, click on it and then click the Speed icon on the toolbar. Scroll down to the Slow menu and then you will see 0.5x, 0.25x, 0.1x, 0.05x and 0.01x presets. Select one to add slo-mo effects to the whole select clip. and click Speed Ramping from the menu that drops down.

filmora video editor speed slow down

You can also right click the video in the timeline, and hover over to Speed option to select Uniform Speed to adjust the speed of the video to make a slo-mo effect video. Drag the speed slider to the left to slow down the video and you will see how many times it slowed down in the next field.

filmora uniform speed slow down

Method 2: Use Speed Ramping to Add Slow Motion Effect

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

Speed Ramping enables you to add the slow-motion effect at different parts of a video and even freeze the screen for the duration that you specify. The processes to get these done are given below in detail:

Step 1: Add Source Video to Timeline and Get to the Speed Ramping Window

Use the process given in the previous method to import a source video to Wondershare Filmora 11 and add it to the Timeline. Then use the process given in the second step of the previous method to get to the Speed Ramping window.

Step 2: Add Slow Motion Effect to Different Parts of the Clip

Go to the Speed Ramping tab if it is not already selected, click Custom from the available options, and drag the adjustment points below the center line to reduce the playback speed for that particular section of the clip. Optionally, you can click any of the available presets to automatically add the slow-motion effect to the video.

Note: You can also drag the adjustment points above the line to increase the playback speed.

To add an adjustment point on the frame where it is not already present, place the playhead (skimmer) at the correct position, and click Add Adjust Point from the left of the Speed Ramping window itself. Once added, you can drag it downward to reduce the playback speed of that part of the clip.

use filmora speed ramping slow down video

Step 3: Freeze the Video

Place the skimmer on the frame where you want to freeze the video for a while, and click Add Freeze Frame from the left of the Speed Ramping window. When the time box appears, in the Freeze Time field, enter the duration in seconds you want to freeze the screen for, and click OK.

add freeze frame speed ramping filmora

After adding a freeze point, optionally, you can drag and reposition it in the Speed Ramping timeline as needed. Finally, click OK from the bottom-right area to save the changes.

Part 3: When to Use Slow Motion?

There could be many instances when you want to add a slow-motion effect to your videos. Some of the most common ones include:

  • Add Focus

If there is a particular scene in a clip that you want the audience to focus on, it would be a good idea to add the slow-motion effect right before that action appears on the screen, and bring the speed back to normal when the section is over.

  • Skill or Style Demonstration

When a clip is playing at a normal speed, many times, the audience isn’t able to see the skills that you want to display. This is where you may want to add the slow-motion effect so that every detail can be noticed clearly and in detail.

  • Replays

Mostly used for tournaments and matches where the actual action is to replayed so the audience, umpires, and other viewers can see the movements in detail before making the right decision.

  • Observation

Some natural phenomena such as a deer running in the woods, a balloon full of water bursting, etc. occur quite quickly. If you want to witness such things clearly and in detail, it would be good to record them, and then reduce the playback speed for better viewing.

  • Add Suspense

When you add the slow-motion effect to a scene, the impulse of the audience is automatically increased, and they take that particular section more seriously and with a thrill.


The slow-motion effect is inversely proportional to the framerate, i.e., frames per second or FPS. Almost all DSLR cameras that are available nowadays allow you to switch between different FPS values (typically 120 and 240) before recording. Also, if you have access to an iPhone, its Camera app has a built-in SLO-MO mode that can capture the footage in slow motion.

In addition, if you already have a video that has been recorded at a normal speed, you can use an efficient post-production software like Wondershare Filmora 11, and exploit its Speed Ramping feature to add the slow-motion effect at different scenes of a clip.

02 How to Apply the Smooth Slow-Motion Effect in Post-Production?

03 When to Use Slow Motion?

Part 1: How to Make Slow Motion Videos via Recording?

The fact is, the playback speed of a video is inversely proportional to the frames per second (FPS) it has been recorded in. Usually, to have a video play at normal speed, it is recorded at 24 FPS or 30 FPS. On the other hand, if you increase the frame rate (FPS) to 120 or 240, the playback speed slows down. You can easily check this if you have access to a DSLR camera or an iPhone. These devices allow you to adjust the FPS so the videos can be recorded in slow motion.

For your convenience and learning, the step-by-step procedure on how to record a video in slow motion using an iPhone is explained below:

Step 1: Get to the SLO-MO Mode

Launch the Camera app on your iPhone (iPhone 13 Pro Max is used here for illustrations), and swipe the screen to the left to get to the SLO-MO mode.

iphone slow motion capture mode

Step 2: Adjust Recording Preferences

Tap the number at the top-right corner to switch between 120 FPS and 240 FPS as needed. Tap 1x from the lower-middle section of the screen, and use the rotator to adjust your preferred zoom level.

adjust slow motion zoom level iphone

Step 3: Start and Stop Recording

Tap the Record button from the bottom-center of the screen to begin recording the video in slow motion. Tap Stop when you are done. You can access the recorded video from the Videos container of the Photos app in your iPhone.

If you are using Android phone, you can check this article to find out more details about How to Record Super Slow Motion Videos on Your Phone.

You may also like: Best Slo-mo Camera Apps for Android And iPhone

Part 2: How to Apply the Smooth Slow-Motion Effect in Post-Production?

If you don’t have access to a camera that can record videos in slow motion, or in case you want to capture the footage at normal playback speed and then slow it down later, you need a dedicated tool to get the job done. Even though several post-production applications are available in the market, the one that is most versatile, has an intuitive interface, and is quite easy to use is Filmora video editor from Wondershare .

The latest version of the app, i.e., Wondershare Filmora 11 has a new feature called Speed Ramping that enables you to graphically manage the speed of the clips. While using the feature, you can either slow down the entire video or certain parts of it according to your requirements. For your learning, both the methods are explained below:

Method 1: Add Slow Motion Effect to the Whole Clip

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

Step 1: Import the Source Video and Add to Timeline

Launch Wondershare Filmora on your Windows or Mac computer (a Windows 11 PC is used here for illustrations), click New Project from the first screen that appears. Make sure that the Media tool is selected from the standard tool bar at the top, click anywhere inside the Media window, and select and import the source clip to the program.

wondershare filmora start interface

Next, hover the mouse over the thumbnail of the imported video in the Media window, and click the + icon present at its bottom-right corner. When the confirmation box comes up, click the Match to Media or Keep Project Settings button to change the project settings to match the resolution of the video, or change the footage to meet the project settings respectively.

import video to slow down filmora

Step 2: Add Slow Motion Effect to the Whole Clip

Once the media is added to the timeline, click on it and then click the Speed icon on the toolbar. Scroll down to the Slow menu and then you will see 0.5x, 0.25x, 0.1x, 0.05x and 0.01x presets. Select one to add slo-mo effects to the whole select clip. and click Speed Ramping from the menu that drops down.

filmora video editor speed slow down

You can also right click the video in the timeline, and hover over to Speed option to select Uniform Speed to adjust the speed of the video to make a slo-mo effect video. Drag the speed slider to the left to slow down the video and you will see how many times it slowed down in the next field.

filmora uniform speed slow down

Method 2: Use Speed Ramping to Add Slow Motion Effect

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

Speed Ramping enables you to add the slow-motion effect at different parts of a video and even freeze the screen for the duration that you specify. The processes to get these done are given below in detail:

Step 1: Add Source Video to Timeline and Get to the Speed Ramping Window

Use the process given in the previous method to import a source video to Wondershare Filmora 11 and add it to the Timeline. Then use the process given in the second step of the previous method to get to the Speed Ramping window.

Step 2: Add Slow Motion Effect to Different Parts of the Clip

Go to the Speed Ramping tab if it is not already selected, click Custom from the available options, and drag the adjustment points below the center line to reduce the playback speed for that particular section of the clip. Optionally, you can click any of the available presets to automatically add the slow-motion effect to the video.

Note: You can also drag the adjustment points above the line to increase the playback speed.

To add an adjustment point on the frame where it is not already present, place the playhead (skimmer) at the correct position, and click Add Adjust Point from the left of the Speed Ramping window itself. Once added, you can drag it downward to reduce the playback speed of that part of the clip.

use filmora speed ramping slow down video

Step 3: Freeze the Video

Place the skimmer on the frame where you want to freeze the video for a while, and click Add Freeze Frame from the left of the Speed Ramping window. When the time box appears, in the Freeze Time field, enter the duration in seconds you want to freeze the screen for, and click OK.

add freeze frame speed ramping filmora

After adding a freeze point, optionally, you can drag and reposition it in the Speed Ramping timeline as needed. Finally, click OK from the bottom-right area to save the changes.

Part 3: When to Use Slow Motion?

There could be many instances when you want to add a slow-motion effect to your videos. Some of the most common ones include:

  • Add Focus

If there is a particular scene in a clip that you want the audience to focus on, it would be a good idea to add the slow-motion effect right before that action appears on the screen, and bring the speed back to normal when the section is over.

  • Skill or Style Demonstration

When a clip is playing at a normal speed, many times, the audience isn’t able to see the skills that you want to display. This is where you may want to add the slow-motion effect so that every detail can be noticed clearly and in detail.

  • Replays

Mostly used for tournaments and matches where the actual action is to replayed so the audience, umpires, and other viewers can see the movements in detail before making the right decision.

  • Observation

Some natural phenomena such as a deer running in the woods, a balloon full of water bursting, etc. occur quite quickly. If you want to witness such things clearly and in detail, it would be good to record them, and then reduce the playback speed for better viewing.

  • Add Suspense

When you add the slow-motion effect to a scene, the impulse of the audience is automatically increased, and they take that particular section more seriously and with a thrill.


The slow-motion effect is inversely proportional to the framerate, i.e., frames per second or FPS. Almost all DSLR cameras that are available nowadays allow you to switch between different FPS values (typically 120 and 240) before recording. Also, if you have access to an iPhone, its Camera app has a built-in SLO-MO mode that can capture the footage in slow motion.

In addition, if you already have a video that has been recorded at a normal speed, you can use an efficient post-production software like Wondershare Filmora 11, and exploit its Speed Ramping feature to add the slow-motion effect at different scenes of a clip.

12 Best GIF Editors to Use

A lot we see on internet memers sharing short playing pictures about their joke. You would have probably wondered about this short animated playing picture that is not a video. Well, this short animated video-like graphical material is known as GIF.

To be more specific, GIF (standing for Graphics Interchange Format) is an extension file package established in 1987 by CompuServe. GIF is now among the top popular photographs on the Web. It has a lot of versions published namely GIF87, this version was the first official publication of the GIF format. In 1989, CompuServe developed an upgraded version called GIF89a, which superseded the GIF87a versions. Animation and translucent pictures were handled in this upgraded version.


01 [Types of GIFs ](#Part 1)

02 [Editor’s Top Picks ](#Part 2)

03 [Gif Editors for PC and Mac](#Part 3)

04 [Gif Editors for Mobile ](#Part 4)

05 [How to Choose the Suitable GIF Editor](#Part 5)

06 [Frequently Asked Questions](#Part 6)

Part 1: Types of GIFs

There are several types of the GIF we usually see on the internet. These GIFs have multiple purposes, let us discuss a few of them in the coming section and know the difference between them.

Video-based GIF: Video-based GIFs are the most common type of GIF on the internet. This type of GIF contains short clips of videos. It is the favorite choice of online memers. It is mostly used as an attachment in online chatting platforms such as Whatsapp, Messenger, and emails as well. In other words, it is used as a reaction GIF in online chats and messages.

Animation-based GIF: Another type of commonly used GIF is animated GIFs, they are very similar to that video GIFs but it is loaded with animated graphics. They are usually hard to design animated GIFs. It is the best way to describe your message in a more vibrant and presentable way. It is most commonly used for brand advertisement and promotional purposes.

GIF Stickers: Sticker GIFs are a lot different from that video-based and animated GIFs. They are also called rectangular gifs. They are not only used for messaging purposes but they also served many other purposes such as placing them on stories. The best example for a sticker GIF may be a location tag, good morning, and vibes tags on Snapchat.

Part 2: Editor’s Top 3 Picks

There may be a lot of GIF editors out there. Based on our research, the most popular GIF editors that GIF designers love to use are listed below.

#. Filmora

Fimlmora WonderShare comes with an amazing GIF editors tool. The online memers, business owners, and designers prefer Filmora to edit GIFs with its editor. Filmora GIF editing capabilities are considered the modern and easy approach to convert videos into GIF format with its editor and impose a lot more animation into it.

#. Ezgif

Another amazing pick by GIF designers is Ezgif. It is an online and simple GIF editing tool set for basic animation. With this editor, you can create, resize, crop, and apply a lot of effects to GIFs. The basic advantage of using this editor is it’s online-based and can be used without downloading anything for it.

#. Giphy

Giphy is the common choice of GIF editors due to its large repository for a variety of GIFs. It is also an online-based GIF editor which can be accessed from anywhere and it’s equipped with amazing tools to create your GIFs. It also comes in website, application, and API form which serves multiple platform users.

Part 3: Gif Editors for PC and Mac

After our thorough research, let us put the most commonly used GIF editors used on PC and Mac systems.

1. Filmora

User rating: 4.5/5.0

System compatibility: Windows 7/Windows 8.1/Windows 10/Windows 11 ( 64 bit OS). macOS V12 (Monterey), macOS v11 (Big Sur), macOS v10.15 (Catalina), macOS v10.14 (Mojave).

filmora editor

Wondershare Filmora is a video editing tool that allows users to quickly and simply create outstanding videos, and GIFs using several advanced editing capabilities.

Wondershare Filmora is a video editing tool that allows users to quickly and simply create outstanding videos using several advanced editing capabilities. Wondershare Filmora offers a user-friendly interface that makes it simple for anybody to become a great video editor. It is a free video editing software to download and use. So go ahead and get yours for video editing.

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

Reason to Choose:-

  • For difficult tasks, the simplest interface.
  • Software Updates Frequently
  • Editor, recorder, encoder, and much more in one package
  • Contains a large number of GIFs in its repositories.

Reason to Avoid:-

  • The rendering time is a little long.
  • The auto-edit feature is missing in the new version.

2. Easy GIF Animator

User rating: 4.0/5.0

System compatibility: Windows 7, 8, 10, 11.

easy gif animator

Easy GIF Animator is a great way of making animated graphics, posters, icons, and GIF films. The application gets you a lot of animated customization options, animation effects, and unrivaled picture quality and web performance.

Easy GIF Animator is so famous since no GIF animation program compares to its features and simplicity of use. It is equipped with a lot of amazing features such as a few unique optimization capabilities and HTML code generators.

Reason to Choose:-

  • Easy to Operate
  • Numerous Features
  • Affordable for features offered

Reason to Avoid:-

  • Offer a limited-time free trial
  • Suitable for beginners but not professionals

3. ScreenToGif

User rating: 4.3/5.0

System compatibility: Windows 10 version 14393.0 or higher, Windows 10 version 17763.0 or higher, Xbox

screen to gif

Screen To GIF is an amazing editing tool that lets you capture your PC screen, webcam, and any picture to convert it to GIF. Its editor is equipped with various tools to cut, crop, animate, and save any picture to GIF format.

The editor also edits your recording and export it to many other formats such as apng, video, images, and psd, etc. Its editor works live with your screen you can record any activity on screen and make it a GIF with Screen to GIF.

Reason to Choose:-

  • Screen Capture Capabilities
  • Support many formats
  • Multi-Functionalities for editing

Reason to Avoid:-

  • Sometime Crashes on Windows

4. SSuite Gif Animator

User rating: 4.0/5.0

System compatibility: Windows XP/SP3/Vista/7/8/10

ssuite gif animator

SSuite Gif Animator is one of the most commonly used gif editors. It is considered an easy-to-use animator, movie creator, and slide show creator. All you have to do is just load some images in the application and press create you will get a GIF.

The application supports a variety of picture formats such as jpg, png, jpeg, and bmp images. Its producing gif is also widely compatible with a lot of browsers. The sharing option lets you share your gif with your friends and family.

Reason to Choose:-

  • Wide support of picture formats
  • Small download Size
  • Great for beginners
  • Very Simple to use

Reason to Avoid:-

  • Few Features
  • Not suitable for professionals

5. Photoscape

User rating: 4.2/5.0

System compatibility: Operating system: Windows 10/ 8/7,macOS 10.12 or later, Sierra 10.12, High Sierra 10.13, Mojave 10.14, Catalina 10.15, Big Sur 11, Monterey 12.

photo scpe

Photscape is one of the graphics editing tools for a gif that lets you edit photographs taken from mobile or digital devices. It has a simple interface to deal with a varity of tools to edit photos and convert them into gifs. The application comes with tons of features.

You can edit multiple photos at a time with Photoscape. All you have to do is to upload a few pictures together and start editing them. The main features are collage creator, gif animation, screen capture, face finder, and box screen capture.

Reason to Choose:-

  • Edit Multiple photos at a time
  • Screen Capture capability
  • Face Search Capability
  • Tons of features

Reason to Avoid:-

  • Redundant interface. Most of the interface can be accessed from multiple tabs.
  • Large downloadable size

6. Gifted Motion

Best for: Gamers, Youtubers, Small business owners, entrepreneurs, and graphic designers.

User rating: 4.2/5.0

System compatibility: Runs on every platform, Mac, and Windows.

gifed motion

Gifted motion is a simple interfaced free gif editor tool. It is based on java programming allowing you to easily create Gifs out of your pictures. The application supports a lot of formats such as png, gif, jpeg, and bmp, etc.

You just need to upload pictures to it and apply some animation using its tools. PNG is a recommended format for a better experience, just adjust the timing settings in the animation tab and press convert and you will get an amazing gif.

Reason to Choose:-

  • Extremely Simple Interface
  • Best for Beginners
  • Platform Independent
  • Standalone application, just copy and paste the application.

Reason to Avoid:-

  • Lack of advanced animation tools
  • Limited features

Part 4: Gif Editors for Mobile

1. Gif Me! Camera

Gif Me is an android application that lets you capture your photos using your android phone camera. The Gif Me is available on the play store to be downloaded. All you have to do is open the play store and search for Gif Me to create some amazing gifs. Once you have taken the picture, you will see a variety of tools ready to be used on the pictures and converted into GIFs.

You can different types of gifs, create back and forth looped videos and gifs as well, jitter, widgets, time-lapses, and slideshow videos/gifs. The interface of the application is also very intuitive and simple. The users have very positively rated this application which is 4.3 out of 5 on the play store. The reviewer’s comments on the application also are very positive and they are satisfied with this application.

gifme camera


  • Make a stop and start sequence with your android phone’s camera.
  • Import any video to be converted into GIF.
  • Import images more than 150 in number.
  • Import saved GIFs
  • Change the speed of animation and add text, borders, and stickers
  • Apply different filters to the image
  • Share your generated gifs on different social media platforms with clicks away.
  • Enjoy the Intuitive interface.

2. ImgPlay – GIF Maker

ImgPlay is the easiest way to create vibrant gifs. You can use your videos, and images on your android phones to apply some cool animated effects and convert them to the Gif of your choosing. It is known to be the easiest one to use since of its user-friendly interface. To make every moment of life live and presentable, then ImgPLay can be the best choice for you. The application also comes in both IOS and android. Coming to the authenticity of this application, we can decide by its rating. ImgPlay is highly rated on the play store, and most of the users have positively commented on its capabilities. It has been rated as 4.8 out of 5 by 37.6 k users. This proves that this application is undoubtedly better than its competitors.

The application comes with a variety of powerful tools such as creating gifs, videos to gifs, photos to gifs, and also editing them in its amazing editor. Moreover, you can apply filters and create more funny gifs just with a few steps and also share them with your friends. The frame rates can also be adjusted in the application as well as the playback direction of to and fro like a boomerang.



  • Create the gifs in a lot of ways such as photos to gif features.
  • Convert Videos to gif.
  • Editing of photos and videos.
  • Use Camera mode for live pictures.
  • If you are a memer, then making a funny gif is easy with its various filters
  • Edit section of frames, speed control, playback direction, and add captions capabilities.
  • You can save and share the gif using the save as gif, and video to my galleries on your phone.
  • The repeat save feature lets you save repeated savings.

3. GIF Toaster

Another application that is available on android and IOS is GIF toaster. GIF toaster is used to create animated GIFs. You can use existing pictures and videos on your mobile phone to convert them into gifs of your choosing. It is very simple and straightforward to use. This capability makes it superior to others. The number of features and the result of reviews is the best way to determine the Genuity of the application and the GIF toaster is leading in this role.

This gif editor is also popular among its user both on android and IOS platforms. Due to its simplicity of easy to use for conversion of photos and video into GIFs it has been rated as 3.2 on the play store and 4.6 on the apple store. Creating gifs is such an easy task to do here that all you have to do is select a photo, set encoding options, and select start encoding. Visit the GIF center in the application for its output.

gif toaster


  • The application comes with a gif editor tool.
  • It can convert any format into a gif such as a video to gif, photo to gif, etc
  • The application also comes with a collage editor.
  • Choose different sizes for your gif with its variety of options
  • The app lets you choose the fps.
  • The application also comes with timelapse options.
  • Choose multiple photographs for the gif.

4. GIF Studio

GIF Studio is also one of the best gif editors available both on android and IOS to convert your photos and video to gifs. The GIF studio comes with an intuitive interface that beginners can easily learn and create their gifs. The application let you use your camera to create live gif out of your smartphone camera.

You can easily convert live photos to gifs as well as covert any gif into video. The face swap option of the application can swap any face with another face. The application comes with sharing option to different social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram. You can also add different animations to your gifs such as coffin dance, snow, love, valentine, family, and birthday built-in gifs.

gif toaster


  • Crete GIF form photos and videos.
  • Edit photos and videos. Customize and build your Gifs.
  • Add GIF effects to your photos and videos
  • Use the live camera of the smartphone.
  • A variety of filters are to be applied to photos.
  • The live draw option let you draw on your photos. Save as gif file lets you choose the format.
  • Contains almost 250+ gif effects. Contains over 150+ filters.
  • Download and rebuild gif. Share your gif on different social media platforms directly.

5. Motion Stills

Motion Stills is indeed a Google Research tool that allows you to shoot short movies and use our powerful stabilization and processing technologies to turn them into gorgeous cinematography or sweeping cinematic pans. Make looping GIFs or put clips together into movies to share with your friends. The application can be used on both platforms android and IOS. The users have very positive feedback on both platforms with a good rating of 3.7 out of 5 on the play store.

You can use it to capture short 3s clips with a simple condense up to a minute video into an easy watchable clip using fast forwarding mode. Moreover, the application lets you share your generated gif or videos with your friends online. You can also combine clips with a simple swipe to the right functionalities. Also, browse and record clip in a streaming format or flip them one at a time and watch it later using the auto-play option.

motion stills


  • 3s Capturing of a clip with a simple tap.
  • Sharing capability from your android phone or ios to the social media platforms.
  • Movies create capabilities with a simple swipe to the right options.
  • Browsing recorded clips in a stream.
  • Fliping the clips one by one by one and playing them through the auto-play options.
  • The easy-to-use interface lets you interact with the application with a better experience.
  • Live shot and camera mix capabilities.

6. Memeshots

Memeshots is a free meme creation software for Android and other mobile devices. Memeshots allows you to make memes by combining several photos and phrases, and then share them via an app. Memeshot is the best choice for the memers who post online memes for their social media pages. It is also available on the IOS platform which makes it a perfect choice for those who use gif editing tools on their smartphones.

The Memegrab comes with freely add images and text. Memeshots free you from the constraints of typical meme layouts. Build your customized meme designs by adding any amount of pictures and phrases, resizing, repositioning, and duplicating them everywhere within your meme. It supports a lot of the image formats JPG, PNG, BMP, and WebP.



  • Customization colors capabilities of the application let you change the background color of your meme gif.
  • The styles, text, and image customization enable the changing of contrast, brightness, saturation, and opacity of images on your smartphone.
  • Choose different text styles and adjust text size, color, outline, thickness, and much more.
  • With the exporting feature, export your memes as images, and download and save it to your device.
  • Share your memes to any of the apps of your choice with its wide compatibility options.
  • The best feature of the Memgrab is its no watermark on its generated gif.
  • The easy-to-use interface makes it a perfect choice for those who have just started designing their gifs.
  • Every tool of the Memegraber contains an advanced option for more creativity and quality memes.

Part 5: How to Choose the Suitable GIF Editor

The advantages of employing GIFs in advertising are widely known. Animated GIFs may increase click-through rates, views, and purchases whenever done correctly. Further information regarding those statistics may be found in different online sources. But it is very challenging for a Gif editor based on the work you do with it.

Whether you want to use it for a hilarious purpose or are you using it for an advertisement purpose. These factors decide the best gif editing tool to pick from the internet. Moreover, there may be a lot of other factors that you need to see through while choosing. We discusses a lot of features in the above paragraphs. So far you must have familiarized yourself with abundance of them. Let’s put the main points or features to look through while choosing a perfect gif editor for yourself.

The main features that make one gif editor over another are GIF library, photos to GIF, videos to GIF, Add text to GIF capabilities, Crop and Resize functions, and other maker tools. More importantly, it is mandatory to check for usability, that is where you are using this application should match the real purpose.

Another point to keep in your mind is that many of these gif editors place watermarks on the generated gif. If you are using it for advertising then choose a gif editor that doesn’t put watermarks on its generated gif. These are the point that you should keep in your mind before opting for a gif editor.

How do I edit an existing GIF?

To edit an existing gif with an editor you must have a gif editor that is capable of supporting gif as its input. Once you upload the gif into its editor you will be capable of editing a gif and applying more effects and amending it the way you want to. Many of the applications above listed are capable of editing the existing gif, all you have to do is choose a gif format and you are good to go.

What is a good GIF editor?

A good GIF editor is one that can convert any video, photo, and any other multimedia into a gif. A good GIF editor should have a large gif library to choose a perfect template from its repository. Once you have a choose a perfect template for your gif then it gets very easy to modify the gif to your own liking. Moreover, the more the features of the GIF editor the more it can be rated under the scale of goodness. The online rating is also an important factor in choosing a good video editor.

Where can I edit a GIF for free?

A lot of gif editors offer free gif editing capabilities such as Filmora, Memegrab and gimp are free editing tools for the job you do. Particularly, the Fimlora is the best choice to edit your gifs since it offers a lot of other features as well. It is not necessary that you always stick to the application that is paid but like here in this article, we mentioned a lot of gif editors that you can avail yourself freely for any of your platforms. So just go and check for freemium gif editors in this article and enjoy gif editing for free.

Which is the best GIF maker app?

After thorough research into the world of gif editing tools, it is easy for us to distinguish between GIF-making tools. Depending upon the functionalities, features, and easy-to-use capabilities it is clear that Filmora being a reputable application is the best GIF maker application available for a designer using PC and MAC. However, in online platforms for gif editing the best application considered is Media.io since it is a ready and available online platform with the best rating and functionalities a gif editing application should have.

02 [Editor’s Top Picks ](#Part 2)

03 [Gif Editors for PC and Mac](#Part 3)

04 [Gif Editors for Mobile ](#Part 4)

05 [How to Choose the Suitable GIF Editor](#Part 5)

06 [Frequently Asked Questions](#Part 6)

Part 1: Types of GIFs

There are several types of the GIF we usually see on the internet. These GIFs have multiple purposes, let us discuss a few of them in the coming section and know the difference between them.

Video-based GIF: Video-based GIFs are the most common type of GIF on the internet. This type of GIF contains short clips of videos. It is the favorite choice of online memers. It is mostly used as an attachment in online chatting platforms such as Whatsapp, Messenger, and emails as well. In other words, it is used as a reaction GIF in online chats and messages.

Animation-based GIF: Another type of commonly used GIF is animated GIFs, they are very similar to that video GIFs but it is loaded with animated graphics. They are usually hard to design animated GIFs. It is the best way to describe your message in a more vibrant and presentable way. It is most commonly used for brand advertisement and promotional purposes.

GIF Stickers: Sticker GIFs are a lot different from that video-based and animated GIFs. They are also called rectangular gifs. They are not only used for messaging purposes but they also served many other purposes such as placing them on stories. The best example for a sticker GIF may be a location tag, good morning, and vibes tags on Snapchat.

Part 2: Editor’s Top 3 Picks

There may be a lot of GIF editors out there. Based on our research, the most popular GIF editors that GIF designers love to use are listed below.

#. Filmora

Fimlmora WonderShare comes with an amazing GIF editors tool. The online memers, business owners, and designers prefer Filmora to edit GIFs with its editor. Filmora GIF editing capabilities are considered the modern and easy approach to convert videos into GIF format with its editor and impose a lot more animation into it.

#. Ezgif

Another amazing pick by GIF designers is Ezgif. It is an online and simple GIF editing tool set for basic animation. With this editor, you can create, resize, crop, and apply a lot of effects to GIFs. The basic advantage of using this editor is it’s online-based and can be used without downloading anything for it.

#. Giphy

Giphy is the common choice of GIF editors due to its large repository for a variety of GIFs. It is also an online-based GIF editor which can be accessed from anywhere and it’s equipped with amazing tools to create your GIFs. It also comes in website, application, and API form which serves multiple platform users.

Part 3: Gif Editors for PC and Mac

After our thorough research, let us put the most commonly used GIF editors used on PC and Mac systems.

1. Filmora

User rating: 4.5/5.0

System compatibility: Windows 7/Windows 8.1/Windows 10/Windows 11 ( 64 bit OS). macOS V12 (Monterey), macOS v11 (Big Sur), macOS v10.15 (Catalina), macOS v10.14 (Mojave).

filmora editor

Wondershare Filmora is a video editing tool that allows users to quickly and simply create outstanding videos, and GIFs using several advanced editing capabilities.

Wondershare Filmora is a video editing tool that allows users to quickly and simply create outstanding videos using several advanced editing capabilities. Wondershare Filmora offers a user-friendly interface that makes it simple for anybody to become a great video editor. It is a free video editing software to download and use. So go ahead and get yours for video editing.

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

Reason to Choose:-

  • For difficult tasks, the simplest interface.
  • Software Updates Frequently
  • Editor, recorder, encoder, and much more in one package
  • Contains a large number of GIFs in its repositories.

Reason to Avoid:-

  • The rendering time is a little long.
  • The auto-edit feature is missing in the new version.

2. Easy GIF Animator

User rating: 4.0/5.0

System compatibility: Windows 7, 8, 10, 11.

easy gif animator

Easy GIF Animator is a great way of making animated graphics, posters, icons, and GIF films. The application gets you a lot of animated customization options, animation effects, and unrivaled picture quality and web performance.

Easy GIF Animator is so famous since no GIF animation program compares to its features and simplicity of use. It is equipped with a lot of amazing features such as a few unique optimization capabilities and HTML code generators.

Reason to Choose:-

  • Easy to Operate
  • Numerous Features
  • Affordable for features offered

Reason to Avoid:-

  • Offer a limited-time free trial
  • Suitable for beginners but not professionals

3. ScreenToGif

User rating: 4.3/5.0

System compatibility: Windows 10 version 14393.0 or higher, Windows 10 version 17763.0 or higher, Xbox

screen to gif

Screen To GIF is an amazing editing tool that lets you capture your PC screen, webcam, and any picture to convert it to GIF. Its editor is equipped with various tools to cut, crop, animate, and save any picture to GIF format.

The editor also edits your recording and export it to many other formats such as apng, video, images, and psd, etc. Its editor works live with your screen you can record any activity on screen and make it a GIF with Screen to GIF.

Reason to Choose:-

  • Screen Capture Capabilities
  • Support many formats
  • Multi-Functionalities for editing

Reason to Avoid:-

  • Sometime Crashes on Windows

4. SSuite Gif Animator

User rating: 4.0/5.0

System compatibility: Windows XP/SP3/Vista/7/8/10

ssuite gif animator

SSuite Gif Animator is one of the most commonly used gif editors. It is considered an easy-to-use animator, movie creator, and slide show creator. All you have to do is just load some images in the application and press create you will get a GIF.

The application supports a variety of picture formats such as jpg, png, jpeg, and bmp images. Its producing gif is also widely compatible with a lot of browsers. The sharing option lets you share your gif with your friends and family.

Reason to Choose:-

  • Wide support of picture formats
  • Small download Size
  • Great for beginners
  • Very Simple to use

Reason to Avoid:-

  • Few Features
  • Not suitable for professionals

5. Photoscape

User rating: 4.2/5.0

System compatibility: Operating system: Windows 10/ 8/7,macOS 10.12 or later, Sierra 10.12, High Sierra 10.13, Mojave 10.14, Catalina 10.15, Big Sur 11, Monterey 12.

photo scpe

Photscape is one of the graphics editing tools for a gif that lets you edit photographs taken from mobile or digital devices. It has a simple interface to deal with a varity of tools to edit photos and convert them into gifs. The application comes with tons of features.

You can edit multiple photos at a time with Photoscape. All you have to do is to upload a few pictures together and start editing them. The main features are collage creator, gif animation, screen capture, face finder, and box screen capture.

Reason to Choose:-

  • Edit Multiple photos at a time
  • Screen Capture capability
  • Face Search Capability
  • Tons of features

Reason to Avoid:-

  • Redundant interface. Most of the interface can be accessed from multiple tabs.
  • Large downloadable size

6. Gifted Motion

Best for: Gamers, Youtubers, Small business owners, entrepreneurs, and graphic designers.

User rating: 4.2/5.0

System compatibility: Runs on every platform, Mac, and Windows.

gifed motion

Gifted motion is a simple interfaced free gif editor tool. It is based on java programming allowing you to easily create Gifs out of your pictures. The application supports a lot of formats such as png, gif, jpeg, and bmp, etc.

You just need to upload pictures to it and apply some animation using its tools. PNG is a recommended format for a better experience, just adjust the timing settings in the animation tab and press convert and you will get an amazing gif.

Reason to Choose:-

  • Extremely Simple Interface
  • Best for Beginners
  • Platform Independent
  • Standalone application, just copy and paste the application.

Reason to Avoid:-

  • Lack of advanced animation tools
  • Limited features

Part 4: Gif Editors for Mobile

1. Gif Me! Camera

Gif Me is an android application that lets you capture your photos using your android phone camera. The Gif Me is available on the play store to be downloaded. All you have to do is open the play store and search for Gif Me to create some amazing gifs. Once you have taken the picture, you will see a variety of tools ready to be used on the pictures and converted into GIFs.

You can different types of gifs, create back and forth looped videos and gifs as well, jitter, widgets, time-lapses, and slideshow videos/gifs. The interface of the application is also very intuitive and simple. The users have very positively rated this application which is 4.3 out of 5 on the play store. The reviewer’s comments on the application also are very positive and they are satisfied with this application.

gifme camera


  • Make a stop and start sequence with your android phone’s camera.
  • Import any video to be converted into GIF.
  • Import images more than 150 in number.
  • Import saved GIFs
  • Change the speed of animation and add text, borders, and stickers
  • Apply different filters to the image
  • Share your generated gifs on different social media platforms with clicks away.
  • Enjoy the Intuitive interface.

2. ImgPlay – GIF Maker

ImgPlay is the easiest way to create vibrant gifs. You can use your videos, and images on your android phones to apply some cool animated effects and convert them to the Gif of your choosing. It is known to be the easiest one to use since of its user-friendly interface. To make every moment of life live and presentable, then ImgPLay can be the best choice for you. The application also comes in both IOS and android. Coming to the authenticity of this application, we can decide by its rating. ImgPlay is highly rated on the play store, and most of the users have positively commented on its capabilities. It has been rated as 4.8 out of 5 by 37.6 k users. This proves that this application is undoubtedly better than its competitors.

The application comes with a variety of powerful tools such as creating gifs, videos to gifs, photos to gifs, and also editing them in its amazing editor. Moreover, you can apply filters and create more funny gifs just with a few steps and also share them with your friends. The frame rates can also be adjusted in the application as well as the playback direction of to and fro like a boomerang.



  • Create the gifs in a lot of ways such as photos to gif features.
  • Convert Videos to gif.
  • Editing of photos and videos.
  • Use Camera mode for live pictures.
  • If you are a memer, then making a funny gif is easy with its various filters
  • Edit section of frames, speed control, playback direction, and add captions capabilities.
  • You can save and share the gif using the save as gif, and video to my galleries on your phone.
  • The repeat save feature lets you save repeated savings.

3. GIF Toaster

Another application that is available on android and IOS is GIF toaster. GIF toaster is used to create animated GIFs. You can use existing pictures and videos on your mobile phone to convert them into gifs of your choosing. It is very simple and straightforward to use. This capability makes it superior to others. The number of features and the result of reviews is the best way to determine the Genuity of the application and the GIF toaster is leading in this role.

This gif editor is also popular among its user both on android and IOS platforms. Due to its simplicity of easy to use for conversion of photos and video into GIFs it has been rated as 3.2 on the play store and 4.6 on the apple store. Creating gifs is such an easy task to do here that all you have to do is select a photo, set encoding options, and select start encoding. Visit the GIF center in the application for its output.

gif toaster


  • The application comes with a gif editor tool.
  • It can convert any format into a gif such as a video to gif, photo to gif, etc
  • The application also comes with a collage editor.
  • Choose different sizes for your gif with its variety of options
  • The app lets you choose the fps.
  • The application also comes with timelapse options.
  • Choose multiple photographs for the gif.

4. GIF Studio

GIF Studio is also one of the best gif editors available both on android and IOS to convert your photos and video to gifs. The GIF studio comes with an intuitive interface that beginners can easily learn and create their gifs. The application let you use your camera to create live gif out of your smartphone camera.

You can easily convert live photos to gifs as well as covert any gif into video. The face swap option of the application can swap any face with another face. The application comes with sharing option to different social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram. You can also add different animations to your gifs such as coffin dance, snow, love, valentine, family, and birthday built-in gifs.

gif toaster


  • Crete GIF form photos and videos.
  • Edit photos and videos. Customize and build your Gifs.
  • Add GIF effects to your photos and videos
  • Use the live camera of the smartphone.
  • A variety of filters are to be applied to photos.
  • The live draw option let you draw on your photos. Save as gif file lets you choose the format.
  • Contains almost 250+ gif effects. Contains over 150+ filters.
  • Download and rebuild gif. Share your gif on different social media platforms directly.

5. Motion Stills

Motion Stills is indeed a Google Research tool that allows you to shoot short movies and use our powerful stabilization and processing technologies to turn them into gorgeous cinematography or sweeping cinematic pans. Make looping GIFs or put clips together into movies to share with your friends. The application can be used on both platforms android and IOS. The users have very positive feedback on both platforms with a good rating of 3.7 out of 5 on the play store.

You can use it to capture short 3s clips with a simple condense up to a minute video into an easy watchable clip using fast forwarding mode. Moreover, the application lets you share your generated gif or videos with your friends online. You can also combine clips with a simple swipe to the right functionalities. Also, browse and record clip in a streaming format or flip them one at a time and watch it later using the auto-play option.

motion stills


  • 3s Capturing of a clip with a simple tap.
  • Sharing capability from your android phone or ios to the social media platforms.
  • Movies create capabilities with a simple swipe to the right options.
  • Browsing recorded clips in a stream.
  • Fliping the clips one by one by one and playing them through the auto-play options.
  • The easy-to-use interface lets you interact with the application with a better experience.
  • Live shot and camera mix capabilities.

6. Memeshots

Memeshots is a free meme creation software for Android and other mobile devices. Memeshots allows you to make memes by combining several photos and phrases, and then share them via an app. Memeshot is the best choice for the memers who post online memes for their social media pages. It is also available on the IOS platform which makes it a perfect choice for those who use gif editing tools on their smartphones.

The Memegrab comes with freely add images and text. Memeshots free you from the constraints of typical meme layouts. Build your customized meme designs by adding any amount of pictures and phrases, resizing, repositioning, and duplicating them everywhere within your meme. It supports a lot of the image formats JPG, PNG, BMP, and WebP.



  • Customization colors capabilities of the application let you change the background color of your meme gif.
  • The styles, text, and image customization enable the changing of contrast, brightness, saturation, and opacity of images on your smartphone.
  • Choose different text styles and adjust text size, color, outline, thickness, and much more.
  • With the exporting feature, export your memes as images, and download and save it to your device.
  • Share your memes to any of the apps of your choice with its wide compatibility options.
  • The best feature of the Memgrab is its no watermark on its generated gif.
  • The easy-to-use interface makes it a perfect choice for those who have just started designing their gifs.
  • Every tool of the Memegraber contains an advanced option for more creativity and quality memes.

Part 5: How to Choose the Suitable GIF Editor

The advantages of employing GIFs in advertising are widely known. Animated GIFs may increase click-through rates, views, and purchases whenever done correctly. Further information regarding those statistics may be found in different online sources. But it is very challenging for a Gif editor based on the work you do with it.

Whether you want to use it for a hilarious purpose or are you using it for an advertisement purpose. These factors decide the best gif editing tool to pick from the internet. Moreover, there may be a lot of other factors that you need to see through while choosing. We discusses a lot of features in the above paragraphs. So far you must have familiarized yourself with abundance of them. Let’s put the main points or features to look through while choosing a perfect gif editor for yourself.

The main features that make one gif editor over another are GIF library, photos to GIF, videos to GIF, Add text to GIF capabilities, Crop and Resize functions, and other maker tools. More importantly, it is mandatory to check for usability, that is where you are using this application should match the real purpose.

Another point to keep in your mind is that many of these gif editors place watermarks on the generated gif. If you are using it for advertising then choose a gif editor that doesn’t put watermarks on its generated gif. These are the point that you should keep in your mind before opting for a gif editor.

How do I edit an existing GIF?

To edit an existing gif with an editor you must have a gif editor that is capable of supporting gif as its input. Once you upload the gif into its editor you will be capable of editing a gif and applying more effects and amending it the way you want to. Many of the applications above listed are capable of editing the existing gif, all you have to do is choose a gif format and you are good to go.

What is a good GIF editor?

A good GIF editor is one that can convert any video, photo, and any other multimedia into a gif. A good GIF editor should have a large gif library to choose a perfect template from its repository. Once you have a choose a perfect template for your gif then it gets very easy to modify the gif to your own liking. Moreover, the more the features of the GIF editor the more it can be rated under the scale of goodness. The online rating is also an important factor in choosing a good video editor.

Where can I edit a GIF for free?

A lot of gif editors offer free gif editing capabilities such as Filmora, Memegrab and gimp are free editing tools for the job you do. Particularly, the Fimlora is the best choice to edit your gifs since it offers a lot of other features as well. It is not necessary that you always stick to the application that is paid but like here in this article, we mentioned a lot of gif editors that you can avail yourself freely for any of your platforms. So just go and check for freemium gif editors in this article and enjoy gif editing for free.

Which is the best GIF maker app?

After thorough research into the world of gif editing tools, it is easy for us to distinguish between GIF-making tools. Depending upon the functionalities, features, and easy-to-use capabilities it is clear that Filmora being a reputable application is the best GIF maker application available for a designer using PC and MAC. However, in online platforms for gif editing the best application considered is Media.io since it is a ready and available online platform with the best rating and functionalities a gif editing application should have.

02 [Editor’s Top Picks ](#Part 2)

03 [Gif Editors for PC and Mac](#Part 3)

04 [Gif Editors for Mobile ](#Part 4)

05 [How to Choose the Suitable GIF Editor](#Part 5)

06 [Frequently Asked Questions](#Part 6)

Part 1: Types of GIFs

There are several types of the GIF we usually see on the internet. These GIFs have multiple purposes, let us discuss a few of them in the coming section and know the difference between them.

Video-based GIF: Video-based GIFs are the most common type of GIF on the internet. This type of GIF contains short clips of videos. It is the favorite choice of online memers. It is mostly used as an attachment in online chatting platforms such as Whatsapp, Messenger, and emails as well. In other words, it is used as a reaction GIF in online chats and messages.

Animation-based GIF: Another type of commonly used GIF is animated GIFs, they are very similar to that video GIFs but it is loaded with animated graphics. They are usually hard to design animated GIFs. It is the best way to describe your message in a more vibrant and presentable way. It is most commonly used for brand advertisement and promotional purposes.

GIF Stickers: Sticker GIFs are a lot different from that video-based and animated GIFs. They are also called rectangular gifs. They are not only used for messaging purposes but they also served many other purposes such as placing them on stories. The best example for a sticker GIF may be a location tag, good morning, and vibes tags on Snapchat.

Part 2: Editor’s Top 3 Picks

There may be a lot of GIF editors out there. Based on our research, the most popular GIF editors that GIF designers love to use are listed below.

#. Filmora

Fimlmora WonderShare comes with an amazing GIF editors tool. The online memers, business owners, and designers prefer Filmora to edit GIFs with its editor. Filmora GIF editing capabilities are considered the modern and easy approach to convert videos into GIF format with its editor and impose a lot more animation into it.

#. Ezgif

Another amazing pick by GIF designers is Ezgif. It is an online and simple GIF editing tool set for basic animation. With this editor, you can create, resize, crop, and apply a lot of effects to GIFs. The basic advantage of using this editor is it’s online-based and can be used without downloading anything for it.

#. Giphy

Giphy is the common choice of GIF editors due to its large repository for a variety of GIFs. It is also an online-based GIF editor which can be accessed from anywhere and it’s equipped with amazing tools to create your GIFs. It also comes in website, application, and API form which serves multiple platform users.

Part 3: Gif Editors for PC and Mac

After our thorough research, let us put the most commonly used GIF editors used on PC and Mac systems.

1. Filmora

User rating: 4.5/5.0

System compatibility: Windows 7/Windows 8.1/Windows 10/Windows 11 ( 64 bit OS). macOS V12 (Monterey), macOS v11 (Big Sur), macOS v10.15 (Catalina), macOS v10.14 (Mojave).

filmora editor

Wondershare Filmora is a video editing tool that allows users to quickly and simply create outstanding videos, and GIFs using several advanced editing capabilities.

Wondershare Filmora is a video editing tool that allows users to quickly and simply create outstanding videos using several advanced editing capabilities. Wondershare Filmora offers a user-friendly interface that makes it simple for anybody to become a great video editor. It is a free video editing software to download and use. So go ahead and get yours for video editing.

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

Reason to Choose:-

  • For difficult tasks, the simplest interface.
  • Software Updates Frequently
  • Editor, recorder, encoder, and much more in one package
  • Contains a large number of GIFs in its repositories.

Reason to Avoid:-

  • The rendering time is a little long.
  • The auto-edit feature is missing in the new version.

2. Easy GIF Animator

User rating: 4.0/5.0

System compatibility: Windows 7, 8, 10, 11.

easy gif animator

Easy GIF Animator is a great way of making animated graphics, posters, icons, and GIF films. The application gets you a lot of animated customization options, animation effects, and unrivaled picture quality and web performance.

Easy GIF Animator is so famous since no GIF animation program compares to its features and simplicity of use. It is equipped with a lot of amazing features such as a few unique optimization capabilities and HTML code generators.

Reason to Choose:-

  • Easy to Operate
  • Numerous Features
  • Affordable for features offered

Reason to Avoid:-

  • Offer a limited-time free trial
  • Suitable for beginners but not professionals

3. ScreenToGif

User rating: 4.3/5.0

System compatibility: Windows 10 version 14393.0 or higher, Windows 10 version 17763.0 or higher, Xbox

screen to gif

Screen To GIF is an amazing editing tool that lets you capture your PC screen, webcam, and any picture to convert it to GIF. Its editor is equipped with various tools to cut, crop, animate, and save any picture to GIF format.

The editor also edits your recording and export it to many other formats such as apng, video, images, and psd, etc. Its editor works live with your screen you can record any activity on screen and make it a GIF with Screen to GIF.

Reason to Choose:-

  • Screen Capture Capabilities
  • Support many formats
  • Multi-Functionalities for editing

Reason to Avoid:-

  • Sometime Crashes on Windows

4. SSuite Gif Animator

User rating: 4.0/5.0

System compatibility: Windows XP/SP3/Vista/7/8/10

ssuite gif animator

SSuite Gif Animator is one of the most commonly used gif editors. It is considered an easy-to-use animator, movie creator, and slide show creator. All you have to do is just load some images in the application and press create you will get a GIF.

The application supports a variety of picture formats such as jpg, png, jpeg, and bmp images. Its producing gif is also widely compatible with a lot of browsers. The sharing option lets you share your gif with your friends and family.

Reason to Choose:-

  • Wide support of picture formats
  • Small download Size
  • Great for beginners
  • Very Simple to use

Reason to Avoid:-

  • Few Features
  • Not suitable for professionals

5. Photoscape

User rating: 4.2/5.0

System compatibility: Operating system: Windows 10/ 8/7,macOS 10.12 or later, Sierra 10.12, High Sierra 10.13, Mojave 10.14, Catalina 10.15, Big Sur 11, Monterey 12.

photo scpe

Photscape is one of the graphics editing tools for a gif that lets you edit photographs taken from mobile or digital devices. It has a simple interface to deal with a varity of tools to edit photos and convert them into gifs. The application comes with tons of features.

You can edit multiple photos at a time with Photoscape. All you have to do is to upload a few pictures together and start editing them. The main features are collage creator, gif animation, screen capture, face finder, and box screen capture.

Reason to Choose:-

  • Edit Multiple photos at a time
  • Screen Capture capability
  • Face Search Capability
  • Tons of features

Reason to Avoid:-

  • Redundant interface. Most of the interface can be accessed from multiple tabs.
  • Large downloadable size

6. Gifted Motion

Best for: Gamers, Youtubers, Small business owners, entrepreneurs, and graphic designers.

User rating: 4.2/5.0

System compatibility: Runs on every platform, Mac, and Windows.

gifed motion

Gifted motion is a simple interfaced free gif editor tool. It is based on java programming allowing you to easily create Gifs out of your pictures. The application supports a lot of formats such as png, gif, jpeg, and bmp, etc.

You just need to upload pictures to it and apply some animation using its tools. PNG is a recommended format for a better experience, just adjust the timing settings in the animation tab and press convert and you will get an amazing gif.

Reason to Choose:-

  • Extremely Simple Interface
  • Best for Beginners
  • Platform Independent
  • Standalone application, just copy and paste the application.

Reason to Avoid:-

  • Lack of advanced animation tools
  • Limited features

Part 4: Gif Editors for Mobile

1. Gif Me! Camera

Gif Me is an android application that lets you capture your photos using your android phone camera. The Gif Me is available on the play store to be downloaded. All you have to do is open the play store and search for Gif Me to create some amazing gifs. Once you have taken the picture, you will see a variety of tools ready to be used on the pictures and converted into GIFs.

You can different types of gifs, create back and forth looped videos and gifs as well, jitter, widgets, time-lapses, and slideshow videos/gifs. The interface of the application is also very intuitive and simple. The users have very positively rated this application which is 4.3 out of 5 on the play store. The reviewer’s comments on the application also are very positive and they are satisfied with this application.

gifme camera


  • Make a stop and start sequence with your android phone’s camera.
  • Import any video to be converted into GIF.
  • Import images more than 150 in number.
  • Import saved GIFs
  • Change the speed of animation and add text, borders, and stickers
  • Apply different filters to the image
  • Share your generated gifs on different social media platforms with clicks away.
  • Enjoy the Intuitive interface.

2. ImgPlay – GIF Maker

ImgPlay is the easiest way to create vibrant gifs. You can use your videos, and images on your android phones to apply some cool animated effects and convert them to the Gif of your choosing. It is known to be the easiest one to use since of its user-friendly interface. To make every moment of life live and presentable, then ImgPLay can be the best choice for you. The application also comes in both IOS and android. Coming to the authenticity of this application, we can decide by its rating. ImgPlay is highly rated on the play store, and most of the users have positively commented on its capabilities. It has been rated as 4.8 out of 5 by 37.6 k users. This proves that this application is undoubtedly better than its competitors.

The application comes with a variety of powerful tools such as creating gifs, videos to gifs, photos to gifs, and also editing them in its amazing editor. Moreover, you can apply filters and create more funny gifs just with a few steps and also share them with your friends. The frame rates can also be adjusted in the application as well as the playback direction of to and fro like a boomerang.



  • Create the gifs in a lot of ways such as photos to gif features.
  • Convert Videos to gif.
  • Editing of photos and videos.
  • Use Camera mode for live pictures.
  • If you are a memer, then making a funny gif is easy with its various filters
  • Edit section of frames, speed control, playback direction, and add captions capabilities.
  • You can save and share the gif using the save as gif, and video to my galleries on your phone.
  • The repeat save feature lets you save repeated savings.

3. GIF Toaster

Another application that is available on android and IOS is GIF toaster. GIF toaster is used to create animated GIFs. You can use existing pictures and videos on your mobile phone to convert them into gifs of your choosing. It is very simple and straightforward to use. This capability makes it superior to others. The number of features and the result of reviews is the best way to determine the Genuity of the application and the GIF toaster is leading in this role.

This gif editor is also popular among its user both on android and IOS platforms. Due to its simplicity of easy to use for conversion of photos and video into GIFs it has been rated as 3.2 on the play store and 4.6 on the apple store. Creating gifs is such an easy task to do here that all you have to do is select a photo, set encoding options, and select start encoding. Visit the GIF center in the application for its output.

gif toaster


  • The application comes with a gif editor tool.
  • It can convert any format into a gif such as a video to gif, photo to gif, etc
  • The application also comes with a collage editor.
  • Choose different sizes for your gif with its variety of options
  • The app lets you choose the fps.
  • The application also comes with timelapse options.
  • Choose multiple photographs for the gif.

4. GIF Studio

GIF Studio is also one of the best gif editors available both on android and IOS to convert your photos and video to gifs. The GIF studio comes with an intuitive interface that beginners can easily learn and create their gifs. The application let you use your camera to create live gif out of your smartphone camera.

You can easily convert live photos to gifs as well as covert any gif into video. The face swap option of the application can swap any face with another face. The application comes with sharing option to different social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram. You can also add different animations to your gifs such as coffin dance, snow, love, valentine, family, and birthday built-in gifs.

gif toaster


  • Crete GIF form photos and videos.
  • Edit photos and videos. Customize and build your Gifs.
  • Add GIF effects to your photos and videos
  • Use the live camera of the smartphone.
  • A variety of filters are to be applied to photos.
  • The live draw option let you draw on your photos. Save as gif file lets you choose the format.
  • Contains almost 250+ gif effects. Contains over 150+ filters.
  • Download and rebuild gif. Share your gif on different social media platforms directly.

5. Motion Stills

Motion Stills is indeed a Google Research tool that allows you to shoot short movies and use our powerful stabilization and processing technologies to turn them into gorgeous cinematography or sweeping cinematic pans. Make looping GIFs or put clips together into movies to share with your friends. The application can be used on both platforms android and IOS. The users have very positive feedback on both platforms with a good rating of 3.7 out of 5 on the play store.

You can use it to capture short 3s clips with a simple condense up to a minute video into an easy watchable clip using fast forwarding mode. Moreover, the application lets you share your generated gif or videos with your friends online. You can also combine clips with a simple swipe to the right functionalities. Also, browse and record clip in a streaming format or flip them one at a time and watch it later using the auto-play option.

motion stills


  • 3s Capturing of a clip with a simple tap.
  • Sharing capability from your android phone or ios to the social media platforms.
  • Movies create capabilities with a simple swipe to the right options.
  • Browsing recorded clips in a stream.
  • Fliping the clips one by one by one and playing them through the auto-play options.
  • The easy-to-use interface lets you interact with the application with a better experience.
  • Live shot and camera mix capabilities.

6. Memeshots

Memeshots is a free meme creation software for Android and other mobile devices. Memeshots allows you to make memes by combining several photos and phrases, and then share them via an app. Memeshot is the best choice for the memers who post online memes for their social media pages. It is also available on the IOS platform which makes it a perfect choice for those who use gif editing tools on their smartphones.

The Memegrab comes with freely add images and text. Memeshots free you from the constraints of typical meme layouts. Build your customized meme designs by adding any amount of pictures and phrases, resizing, repositioning, and duplicating them everywhere within your meme. It supports a lot of the image formats JPG, PNG, BMP, and WebP.



  • Customization colors capabilities of the application let you change the background color of your meme gif.
  • The styles, text, and image customization enable the changing of contrast, brightness, saturation, and opacity of images on your smartphone.
  • Choose different text styles and adjust text size, color, outline, thickness, and much more.
  • With the exporting feature, export your memes as images, and download and save it to your device.
  • Share your memes to any of the apps of your choice with its wide compatibility options.
  • The best feature of the Memgrab is its no watermark on its generated gif.
  • The easy-to-use interface makes it a perfect choice for those who have just started designing their gifs.
  • Every tool of the Memegraber contains an advanced option for more creativity and quality memes.

Part 5: How to Choose the Suitable GIF Editor

The advantages of employing GIFs in advertising are widely known. Animated GIFs may increase click-through rates, views, and purchases whenever done correctly. Further information regarding those statistics may be found in different online sources. But it is very challenging for a Gif editor based on the work you do with it.

Whether you want to use it for a hilarious purpose or are you using it for an advertisement purpose. These factors decide the best gif editing tool to pick from the internet. Moreover, there may be a lot of other factors that you need to see through while choosing. We discusses a lot of features in the above paragraphs. So far you must have familiarized yourself with abundance of them. Let’s put the main points or features to look through while choosing a perfect gif editor for yourself.

The main features that make one gif editor over another are GIF library, photos to GIF, videos to GIF, Add text to GIF capabilities, Crop and Resize functions, and other maker tools. More importantly, it is mandatory to check for usability, that is where you are using this application should match the real purpose.

Another point to keep in your mind is that many of these gif editors place watermarks on the generated gif. If you are using it for advertising then choose a gif editor that doesn’t put watermarks on its generated gif. These are the point that you should keep in your mind before opting for a gif editor.

How do I edit an existing GIF?

To edit an existing gif with an editor you must have a gif editor that is capable of supporting gif as its input. Once you upload the gif into its editor you will be capable of editing a gif and applying more effects and amending it the way you want to. Many of the applications above listed are capable of editing the existing gif, all you have to do is choose a gif format and you are good to go.

What is a good GIF editor?

A good GIF editor is one that can convert any video, photo, and any other multimedia into a gif. A good GIF editor should have a large gif library to choose a perfect template from its repository. Once you have a choose a perfect template for your gif then it gets very easy to modify the gif to your own liking. Moreover, the more the features of the GIF editor the more it can be rated under the scale of goodness. The online rating is also an important factor in choosing a good video editor.

Where can I edit a GIF for free?

A lot of gif editors offer free gif editing capabilities such as Filmora, Memegrab and gimp are free editing tools for the job you do. Particularly, the Fimlora is the best choice to edit your gifs since it offers a lot of other features as well. It is not necessary that you always stick to the application that is paid but like here in this article, we mentioned a lot of gif editors that you can avail yourself freely for any of your platforms. So just go and check for freemium gif editors in this article and enjoy gif editing for free.

Which is the best GIF maker app?

After thorough research into the world of gif editing tools, it is easy for us to distinguish between GIF-making tools. Depending upon the functionalities, features, and easy-to-use capabilities it is clear that Filmora being a reputable application is the best GIF maker application available for a designer using PC and MAC. However, in online platforms for gif editing the best application considered is Media.io since it is a ready and available online platform with the best rating and functionalities a gif editing application should have.

02 [Editor’s Top Picks ](#Part 2)

03 [Gif Editors for PC and Mac](#Part 3)

04 [Gif Editors for Mobile ](#Part 4)

05 [How to Choose the Suitable GIF Editor](#Part 5)

06 [Frequently Asked Questions](#Part 6)

Part 1: Types of GIFs

There are several types of the GIF we usually see on the internet. These GIFs have multiple purposes, let us discuss a few of them in the coming section and know the difference between them.

Video-based GIF: Video-based GIFs are the most common type of GIF on the internet. This type of GIF contains short clips of videos. It is the favorite choice of online memers. It is mostly used as an attachment in online chatting platforms such as Whatsapp, Messenger, and emails as well. In other words, it is used as a reaction GIF in online chats and messages.

Animation-based GIF: Another type of commonly used GIF is animated GIFs, they are very similar to that video GIFs but it is loaded with animated graphics. They are usually hard to design animated GIFs. It is the best way to describe your message in a more vibrant and presentable way. It is most commonly used for brand advertisement and promotional purposes.

GIF Stickers: Sticker GIFs are a lot different from that video-based and animated GIFs. They are also called rectangular gifs. They are not only used for messaging purposes but they also served many other purposes such as placing them on stories. The best example for a sticker GIF may be a location tag, good morning, and vibes tags on Snapchat.

Part 2: Editor’s Top 3 Picks

There may be a lot of GIF editors out there. Based on our research, the most popular GIF editors that GIF designers love to use are listed below.

#. Filmora

Fimlmora WonderShare comes with an amazing GIF editors tool. The online memers, business owners, and designers prefer Filmora to edit GIFs with its editor. Filmora GIF editing capabilities are considered the modern and easy approach to convert videos into GIF format with its editor and impose a lot more animation into it.

#. Ezgif

Another amazing pick by GIF designers is Ezgif. It is an online and simple GIF editing tool set for basic animation. With this editor, you can create, resize, crop, and apply a lot of effects to GIFs. The basic advantage of using this editor is it’s online-based and can be used without downloading anything for it.

#. Giphy

Giphy is the common choice of GIF editors due to its large repository for a variety of GIFs. It is also an online-based GIF editor which can be accessed from anywhere and it’s equipped with amazing tools to create your GIFs. It also comes in website, application, and API form which serves multiple platform users.

Part 3: Gif Editors for PC and Mac

After our thorough research, let us put the most commonly used GIF editors used on PC and Mac systems.

1. Filmora

User rating: 4.5/5.0

System compatibility: Windows 7/Windows 8.1/Windows 10/Windows 11 ( 64 bit OS). macOS V12 (Monterey), macOS v11 (Big Sur), macOS v10.15 (Catalina), macOS v10.14 (Mojave).

filmora editor

Wondershare Filmora is a video editing tool that allows users to quickly and simply create outstanding videos, and GIFs using several advanced editing capabilities.

Wondershare Filmora is a video editing tool that allows users to quickly and simply create outstanding videos using several advanced editing capabilities. Wondershare Filmora offers a user-friendly interface that makes it simple for anybody to become a great video editor. It is a free video editing software to download and use. So go ahead and get yours for video editing.

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

Reason to Choose:-

  • For difficult tasks, the simplest interface.
  • Software Updates Frequently
  • Editor, recorder, encoder, and much more in one package
  • Contains a large number of GIFs in its repositories.

Reason to Avoid:-

  • The rendering time is a little long.
  • The auto-edit feature is missing in the new version.

2. Easy GIF Animator

User rating: 4.0/5.0

System compatibility: Windows 7, 8, 10, 11.

easy gif animator

Easy GIF Animator is a great way of making animated graphics, posters, icons, and GIF films. The application gets you a lot of animated customization options, animation effects, and unrivaled picture quality and web performance.

Easy GIF Animator is so famous since no GIF animation program compares to its features and simplicity of use. It is equipped with a lot of amazing features such as a few unique optimization capabilities and HTML code generators.

Reason to Choose:-

  • Easy to Operate
  • Numerous Features
  • Affordable for features offered

Reason to Avoid:-

  • Offer a limited-time free trial
  • Suitable for beginners but not professionals

3. ScreenToGif

User rating: 4.3/5.0

System compatibility: Windows 10 version 14393.0 or higher, Windows 10 version 17763.0 or higher, Xbox

screen to gif

Screen To GIF is an amazing editing tool that lets you capture your PC screen, webcam, and any picture to convert it to GIF. Its editor is equipped with various tools to cut, crop, animate, and save any picture to GIF format.

The editor also edits your recording and export it to many other formats such as apng, video, images, and psd, etc. Its editor works live with your screen you can record any activity on screen and make it a GIF with Screen to GIF.

Reason to Choose:-

  • Screen Capture Capabilities
  • Support many formats
  • Multi-Functionalities for editing

Reason to Avoid:-

  • Sometime Crashes on Windows

4. SSuite Gif Animator

User rating: 4.0/5.0

System compatibility: Windows XP/SP3/Vista/7/8/10

ssuite gif animator

SSuite Gif Animator is one of the most commonly used gif editors. It is considered an easy-to-use animator, movie creator, and slide show creator. All you have to do is just load some images in the application and press create you will get a GIF.

The application supports a variety of picture formats such as jpg, png, jpeg, and bmp images. Its producing gif is also widely compatible with a lot of browsers. The sharing option lets you share your gif with your friends and family.

Reason to Choose:-

  • Wide support of picture formats
  • Small download Size
  • Great for beginners
  • Very Simple to use

Reason to Avoid:-

  • Few Features
  • Not suitable for professionals

5. Photoscape

User rating: 4.2/5.0

System compatibility: Operating system: Windows 10/ 8/7,macOS 10.12 or later, Sierra 10.12, High Sierra 10.13, Mojave 10.14, Catalina 10.15, Big Sur 11, Monterey 12.

photo scpe

Photscape is one of the graphics editing tools for a gif that lets you edit photographs taken from mobile or digital devices. It has a simple interface to deal with a varity of tools to edit photos and convert them into gifs. The application comes with tons of features.

You can edit multiple photos at a time with Photoscape. All you have to do is to upload a few pictures together and start editing them. The main features are collage creator, gif animation, screen capture, face finder, and box screen capture.

Reason to Choose:-

  • Edit Multiple photos at a time
  • Screen Capture capability
  • Face Search Capability
  • Tons of features

Reason to Avoid:-

  • Redundant interface. Most of the interface can be accessed from multiple tabs.
  • Large downloadable size

6. Gifted Motion

Best for: Gamers, Youtubers, Small business owners, entrepreneurs, and graphic designers.

User rating: 4.2/5.0

System compatibility: Runs on every platform, Mac, and Windows.

gifed motion

Gifted motion is a simple interfaced free gif editor tool. It is based on java programming allowing you to easily create Gifs out of your pictures. The application supports a lot of formats such as png, gif, jpeg, and bmp, etc.

You just need to upload pictures to it and apply some animation using its tools. PNG is a recommended format for a better experience, just adjust the timing settings in the animation tab and press convert and you will get an amazing gif.

Reason to Choose:-

  • Extremely Simple Interface
  • Best for Beginners
  • Platform Independent
  • Standalone application, just copy and paste the application.

Reason to Avoid:-

  • Lack of advanced animation tools
  • Limited features

Part 4: Gif Editors for Mobile

1. Gif Me! Camera

Gif Me is an android application that lets you capture your photos using your android phone camera. The Gif Me is available on the play store to be downloaded. All you have to do is open the play store and search for Gif Me to create some amazing gifs. Once you have taken the picture, you will see a variety of tools ready to be used on the pictures and converted into GIFs.

You can different types of gifs, create back and forth looped videos and gifs as well, jitter, widgets, time-lapses, and slideshow videos/gifs. The interface of the application is also very intuitive and simple. The users have very positively rated this application which is 4.3 out of 5 on the play store. The reviewer’s comments on the application also are very positive and they are satisfied with this application.

gifme camera


  • Make a stop and start sequence with your android phone’s camera.
  • Import any video to be converted into GIF.
  • Import images more than 150 in number.
  • Import saved GIFs
  • Change the speed of animation and add text, borders, and stickers
  • Apply different filters to the image
  • Share your generated gifs on different social media platforms with clicks away.
  • Enjoy the Intuitive interface.

2. ImgPlay – GIF Maker

ImgPlay is the easiest way to create vibrant gifs. You can use your videos, and images on your android phones to apply some cool animated effects and convert them to the Gif of your choosing. It is known to be the easiest one to use since of its user-friendly interface. To make every moment of life live and presentable, then ImgPLay can be the best choice for you. The application also comes in both IOS and android. Coming to the authenticity of this application, we can decide by its rating. ImgPlay is highly rated on the play store, and most of the users have positively commented on its capabilities. It has been rated as 4.8 out of 5 by 37.6 k users. This proves that this application is undoubtedly better than its competitors.

The application comes with a variety of powerful tools such as creating gifs, videos to gifs, photos to gifs, and also editing them in its amazing editor. Moreover, you can apply filters and create more funny gifs just with a few steps and also share them with your friends. The frame rates can also be adjusted in the application as well as the playback direction of to and fro like a boomerang.



  • Create the gifs in a lot of ways such as photos to gif features.
  • Convert Videos to gif.
  • Editing of photos and videos.
  • Use Camera mode for live pictures.
  • If you are a memer, then making a funny gif is easy with its various filters
  • Edit section of frames, speed control, playback direction, and add captions capabilities.
  • You can save and share the gif using the save as gif, and video to my galleries on your phone.
  • The repeat save feature lets you save repeated savings.

3. GIF Toaster

Another application that is available on android and IOS is GIF toaster. GIF toaster is used to create animated GIFs. You can use existing pictures and videos on your mobile phone to convert them into gifs of your choosing. It is very simple and straightforward to use. This capability makes it superior to others. The number of features and the result of reviews is the best way to determine the Genuity of the application and the GIF toaster is leading in this role.

This gif editor is also popular among its user both on android and IOS platforms. Due to its simplicity of easy to use for conversion of photos and video into GIFs it has been rated as 3.2 on the play store and 4.6 on the apple store. Creating gifs is such an easy task to do here that all you have to do is select a photo, set encoding options, and select start encoding. Visit the GIF center in the application for its output.

gif toaster


  • The application comes with a gif editor tool.
  • It can convert any format into a gif such as a video to gif, photo to gif, etc
  • The application also comes with a collage editor.
  • Choose different sizes for your gif with its variety of options
  • The app lets you choose the fps.
  • The application also comes with timelapse options.
  • Choose multiple photographs for the gif.

4. GIF Studio

GIF Studio is also one of the best gif editors available both on android and IOS to convert your photos and video to gifs. The GIF studio comes with an intuitive interface that beginners can easily learn and create their gifs. The application let you use your camera to create live gif out of your smartphone camera.

You can easily convert live photos to gifs as well as covert any gif into video. The face swap option of the application can swap any face with another face. The application comes with sharing option to different social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram. You can also add different animations to your gifs such as coffin dance, snow, love, valentine, family, and birthday built-in gifs.

gif toaster


  • Crete GIF form photos and videos.
  • Edit photos and videos. Customize and build your Gifs.
  • Add GIF effects to your photos and videos
  • Use the live camera of the smartphone.
  • A variety of filters are to be applied to photos.
  • The live draw option let you draw on your photos. Save as gif file lets you choose the format.
  • Contains almost 250+ gif effects. Contains over 150+ filters.
  • Download and rebuild gif. Share your gif on different social media platforms directly.

5. Motion Stills

Motion Stills is indeed a Google Research tool that allows you to shoot short movies and use our powerful stabilization and processing technologies to turn them into gorgeous cinematography or sweeping cinematic pans. Make looping GIFs or put clips together into movies to share with your friends. The application can be used on both platforms android and IOS. The users have very positive feedback on both platforms with a good rating of 3.7 out of 5 on the play store.

You can use it to capture short 3s clips with a simple condense up to a minute video into an easy watchable clip using fast forwarding mode. Moreover, the application lets you share your generated gif or videos with your friends online. You can also combine clips with a simple swipe to the right functionalities. Also, browse and record clip in a streaming format or flip them one at a time and watch it later using the auto-play option.

motion stills


  • 3s Capturing of a clip with a simple tap.
  • Sharing capability from your android phone or ios to the social media platforms.
  • Movies create capabilities with a simple swipe to the right options.
  • Browsing recorded clips in a stream.
  • Fliping the clips one by one by one and playing them through the auto-play options.
  • The easy-to-use interface lets you interact with the application with a better experience.
  • Live shot and camera mix capabilities.

6. Memeshots

Memeshots is a free meme creation software for Android and other mobile devices. Memeshots allows you to make memes by combining several photos and phrases, and then share them via an app. Memeshot is the best choice for the memers who post online memes for their social media pages. It is also available on the IOS platform which makes it a perfect choice for those who use gif editing tools on their smartphones.

The Memegrab comes with freely add images and text. Memeshots free you from the constraints of typical meme layouts. Build your customized meme designs by adding any amount of pictures and phrases, resizing, repositioning, and duplicating them everywhere within your meme. It supports a lot of the image formats JPG, PNG, BMP, and WebP.



  • Customization colors capabilities of the application let you change the background color of your meme gif.
  • The styles, text, and image customization enable the changing of contrast, brightness, saturation, and opacity of images on your smartphone.
  • Choose different text styles and adjust text size, color, outline, thickness, and much more.
  • With the exporting feature, export your memes as images, and download and save it to your device.
  • Share your memes to any of the apps of your choice with its wide compatibility options.
  • The best feature of the Memgrab is its no watermark on its generated gif.
  • The easy-to-use interface makes it a perfect choice for those who have just started designing their gifs.
  • Every tool of the Memegraber contains an advanced option for more creativity and quality memes.

Part 5: How to Choose the Suitable GIF Editor

The advantages of employing GIFs in advertising are widely known. Animated GIFs may increase click-through rates, views, and purchases whenever done correctly. Further information regarding those statistics may be found in different online sources. But it is very challenging for a Gif editor based on the work you do with it.

Whether you want to use it for a hilarious purpose or are you using it for an advertisement purpose. These factors decide the best gif editing tool to pick from the internet. Moreover, there may be a lot of other factors that you need to see through while choosing. We discusses a lot of features in the above paragraphs. So far you must have familiarized yourself with abundance of them. Let’s put the main points or features to look through while choosing a perfect gif editor for yourself.

The main features that make one gif editor over another are GIF library, photos to GIF, videos to GIF, Add text to GIF capabilities, Crop and Resize functions, and other maker tools. More importantly, it is mandatory to check for usability, that is where you are using this application should match the real purpose.

Another point to keep in your mind is that many of these gif editors place watermarks on the generated gif. If you are using it for advertising then choose a gif editor that doesn’t put watermarks on its generated gif. These are the point that you should keep in your mind before opting for a gif editor.

How do I edit an existing GIF?

To edit an existing gif with an editor you must have a gif editor that is capable of supporting gif as its input. Once you upload the gif into its editor you will be capable of editing a gif and applying more effects and amending it the way you want to. Many of the applications above listed are capable of editing the existing gif, all you have to do is choose a gif format and you are good to go.

What is a good GIF editor?

A good GIF editor is one that can convert any video, photo, and any other multimedia into a gif. A good GIF editor should have a large gif library to choose a perfect template from its repository. Once you have a choose a perfect template for your gif then it gets very easy to modify the gif to your own liking. Moreover, the more the features of the GIF editor the more it can be rated under the scale of goodness. The online rating is also an important factor in choosing a good video editor.

Where can I edit a GIF for free?

A lot of gif editors offer free gif editing capabilities such as Filmora, Memegrab and gimp are free editing tools for the job you do. Particularly, the Fimlora is the best choice to edit your gifs since it offers a lot of other features as well. It is not necessary that you always stick to the application that is paid but like here in this article, we mentioned a lot of gif editors that you can avail yourself freely for any of your platforms. So just go and check for freemium gif editors in this article and enjoy gif editing for free.

Which is the best GIF maker app?

After thorough research into the world of gif editing tools, it is easy for us to distinguish between GIF-making tools. Depending upon the functionalities, features, and easy-to-use capabilities it is clear that Filmora being a reputable application is the best GIF maker application available for a designer using PC and MAC. However, in online platforms for gif editing the best application considered is Media.io since it is a ready and available online platform with the best rating and functionalities a gif editing application should have.

Also read:

  • Title: Learn to Use Montage with These Movies for 2024
  • Author: Chloe
  • Created at : 2024-05-20 03:38:14
  • Updated at : 2024-05-21 03:38:14
  • Link: https://ai-editing-video.techidaily.com/learn-to-use-montage-with-these-movies-for-2024/
  • License: This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.
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Learn to Use Montage with These Movies for 2024