New 2024 Approved 4K Videos Are the in Thing because of Their Flexibility and High Resolution. Stick Around to Learn How to Choose the Best Frame Rate for 4K Videos

New 2024 Approved 4K Videos Are the in Thing because of Their Flexibility and High Resolution. Stick Around to Learn How to Choose the Best Frame Rate for 4K Videos

Chloe Lv12

4K Videos Are the in Thing because of Their Flexibility and High Resolution. Stick Around to Learn How to Choose the Best Frame Rate for 4K Videos

People in the videography ad filmmaking world use complicated terminology like Ultra High Def to describe 4K videos. Even though you are not a complete stranger to the term 4K, you might still be unaware of what it means.

In a nutshell, 4K is the highest resolution you can watch your movies and videos. The details are incredibly crisp, meaning you can see pimples or the pores on an actor’s face through the screen. However, the frame rate will significantly affect how you enjoy a 4K video. Therefore, it would be wise to learn how to choose the ideal frame rate to suit your needs.

Keep reading this article to learn more about frame rates and which is suitable for a 4K video.

4k video frame rate

How Do Frame Rates Affect Video Viewing?

The motion will appear smoother if your video contains more frames per second. Even though your viewers are not tech-savvy, they will definitely notice the difference.

Consider a video of a duck drinking water from a pond. If you film and playback the same video in 24, 30, and 60fps, you will see a noticeable difference, assuming your shutter speed is set according to the 180-degree shutter rule.

If you are filming quicker motions of wildlife and birds, you are better off sticking to higher resolutions to give the viewer a pleasant experience and ensure the motion is fluid.

On the other hand, lower frame rates like 24fps are ideal for human movements, which are not as smooth as wildlife. Suppose you used 60fps for a cinematic film or a TV show. The video would look a bit odd because that is not how we see things in the natural world. In addition, your viewers aren’t used to such smoothness.

Viewing Requirements of 4K Videos

You may have heard about 4K videos and wondered what people mean by that term. In simple terms, a 4K video is a high-resolution video that is four times the usual 1080p HD video. When it comes to 4K videos, there are two standard resolutions. One of them is the standard for Digital Cinema which is 4096*2160 pixels. The other is for television and is 3840*2160 pixels.

To stream 4K content, you need a bandwidth between 10 and 20 Mbps. On the other hand, streaming platforms like Netflix require higher bandwidths of not less than 15 Mbps. In addition to the bandwidth we mentioned earlier, you need a 4KTV or 4K monitor.

This specification was brought up at the UHD Alliance, a union of more than 50 tech companies working together to support 4K content. Tech companies ought to ensure the devices they produce are compatible with 4K videos, which are becoming increasingly popular.

Below is a list of requirements any electronic device should fulfill before being termed a 4KTV or 4K monitor.

requirements of 4k videos

  • A resolution of not less than 3840*2160.
  • A 10-bit color depth that allows for 1,024 shades of red, yellow, and blue.
  • A high dynamic range for color accuracy.
  • An excellent combination of black level and peak brightness. The peak brightness should not exceed 1,000 nits, and the black level shouldn’t go below 0.5 nits. Alternatively, the peak brightness shouldn’t exceed 540 nits; neither should the black level plummet below 0.0005 nits.

Best Frame Rate for 4K Video

We all know that the frame rate you choose for your video will significantly impact the viewer’s experience and the overall style of your video. The frame rate will also affect how the video looks. For instance, a frame rate lower than 24fps will make your video look unprofessional and of poor quality. The content will also flicker because there aren’t many still images per second.

On the other hand, a lower FPS causes the file size to be smaller, causing it to consume a lower bandwidth. The vice versa is also true. Now that you understand these facts, you might wonder which frame rate would be best for your 4K videos.

Research reveals that the most acceptable frame rate is 30fps and 60fps. This is because the motion will appear natural to the human eye without being too fast or unrealistic.

If you are wondering what is the best frame rate for 4k videos, we urge you to select 60fps because it contains more detail. The higher frame rate also makes the motion look very smooth and crisp. Perhaps you want to shoot a slow-motion video. In that case, an even higher frame rate of 120fps would be ideal.

How To Choose The Base Frame Rates for Your Next Video

Choosing a frame rate for your videos is not complicated. However, it is not a straightforward process either. There are numerous moving parts that ought to work harmoniously for your video to turn out perfect and guarantee your audience will have a pleasant viewing experience. Before we dive into choosing the best frame rate for your 4K videos, let’s help you understand the filmmaking process.

Most filmmakers and videographers see it fit to shoot videos in 120p or 4K. This step makes their work easier during the editing process. If the raw footage is in 4K, they can de-emphasize or retain specific plot points that would look great in the final video. However, not everyone is shooting a video for Hollywood. Therefore, shooting in 4K on your laptop for your YouTube channel might be difficult.

Below are some factors you should consider when choosing the best frame rate for a 4k video.

factors for choosing frame rate for videos

File size

Shooting your video at a higher frame rate means more still images are packed into a single second of the video. Therefore, you will end up with a larger file size. If you want to shoot a video for your YouTube channel, it would be wise to stick to a smaller frame rate.


It wouldn’t make sense to shoot a talking head video at more than 24fps. However, a higher frame rate would be ideal for a travel vlog, where the details need to be crisp.

Medium of delivery

The standard frame rate for television is 24fps. On the other hand, it would be best to stick to a higher frame rate of 60fps if you intend to shoot content for the silver screen.

Motion in the video

Lastly, the movement within the video will play a massive role in the frame rate you choose. The faster the motion, the higher the frame rate needs to be. For instance, action movies don’t do well in frame rates of less than 60 fps.

How To Set the Frame Rate of Your Editing Tools

Even though you didn’t use the ideal frame rate for 4k video during filming, you could use an editing tool to tweak the frame rate to where you need it to be. In our opinion, Wondershare Filmora is an excellent editing tool to set the ideal frame rate and take your videos to the next level.

Wondershare Filmora is a feature-rich platform that takes the tedium out of editing your videos and makes the outcome look spectacular. People won’t believe you when you say you edited the video yourself!

The platform is user-friendly, eliminating the need for a learning curve. You also don’t need to be an experienced editor or graphic designer to use this platform. Here is a list of nifty features you might find helpful on this platform.

  • GIF support
  • Audio equalizer
  • Advanced text editing
  • Noise removal
  • Scene detection
  • Audio mixer
  • Color tuning

Out of all the wonderful features mentioned above, we will zero in on 4K editing support for now. You can use this feature to edit and export videos up to 4K without breaking a sweat.

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Wondershare Filmora allows you to customize your 4K videos by zooming in on a particular scene, tilting the video, or incorporating panning to give it a serene effect. We guarantee you will have fun using this platform and will get better at creating exquisite 4K content for your channel.

Below is a simple guide on using Wondershare Filmora to set the 4k video frame rate.

Step1 Launch the platform on your device and select the “File” tab. After a drop-down menu appears, select “Project Settings.”

filmora project settings

Step2 In the dialogue box, select “Frame Rate” and choose the frame rate you think is ideal for your video.

export video frame rate

Step3 Click “OK” and edit the videos as you like.


4K is the trend of the era, and it would be a shame if you got left behind. The viewer’s expectations are rising steadily, and they would rather skip your video to watch another if the quality is not up to par. In addition to giving you a competitive edge, 4K videos are very crisp and allow you to enjoy deep, vibrant colors.

You can also capture still photos from the video without compromising on quality. We can go on and on about the benefits of adopting 4K resolution in your videos. Therefore, it would be wise to increase your knowledge base and learn everything there is to know about 4K videos and how to set the best frame rates.

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Wondershare Filmora allows you to customize your 4K videos by zooming in on a particular scene, tilting the video, or incorporating panning to give it a serene effect. We guarantee you will have fun using this platform and will get better at creating exquisite 4K content for your channel.

Below is a simple guide on using Wondershare Filmora to set the 4k video frame rate.

Step1 Launch the platform on your device and select the “File” tab. After a drop-down menu appears, select “Project Settings.”

filmora project settings

Step2 In the dialogue box, select “Frame Rate” and choose the frame rate you think is ideal for your video.

export video frame rate

Step3 Click “OK” and edit the videos as you like.


4K is the trend of the era, and it would be a shame if you got left behind. The viewer’s expectations are rising steadily, and they would rather skip your video to watch another if the quality is not up to par. In addition to giving you a competitive edge, 4K videos are very crisp and allow you to enjoy deep, vibrant colors.

You can also capture still photos from the video without compromising on quality. We can go on and on about the benefits of adopting 4K resolution in your videos. Therefore, it would be wise to increase your knowledge base and learn everything there is to know about 4K videos and how to set the best frame rates.

How to Create Datamoshing Effect to Your Footage in After Effects?

Experimenting with new effects and filters has become part and parcel of life, especially for creative professionals. Datamoshing is a similar effect that displays errors and flaws in the video clips to leave an impression on the audience. In most terms, the datamoshing effect shares similarities with the glitch effect.

Henceforth, the write-up shall focus on the introduction of this effect along with its workability. The procedure to create datamosh After Effects would also be covered. So, let us begin!

In this article

01 What is the Datamoshing Effect?

02 How Does Datamoshing Effect Work?

03 Step by Step to Create Datamoshing Effect in After Effects (Without Plugin)

04 How to Do Datamoshing Effect with Datamosh Plugin in After Effects

Part 1: What is the Datamoshing Effect?

Before going into the depths of workability and operation of the datamoshing effect in After Effects, let us understand the effect in detail. The datamoshing effect plays with the video compression to corrupt the pixels of the footage.

In this effect, the pixels glitch and appear to melt, duplicate, and create a projection organically. Also known as databending, it is a complicated technique in which movement of one layer is introduced to another layer of the video clip.

Lossy compression and removed frames help develop a psychedelic result effortlessly. Presently, datamosh After Effects has gained popularity as it helps bring change to the video and engages the audience.

Part 2: How Does Datamoshing Effect Work?

The sub-section informs the content creators and creative professionals regarding the workability of the datamoshing effect in video clips. Hence, let us commence this.

Datamoshing eliminates the new picture frame and keeps those frames that control the movement of the pixels. It leads to the picture pixels going into different directions instead of the usual one, thus, creating a glitch effect. These glitch effects are used in unique mediums to create a classy yet ancient vibe.

The datamoshing effect can be noticed between the cuts and motion. It is the process of corrupting the imagery in which the I-frames are replaced and P-frames are applied in the wrong picture. Let us dive right into two types of datamoshing.

The first type of datamoshing is created when the I-frame of the video is removed. In this scenario, the pixels from the previous scene are projected into the next scene smoothly. It gives the impression that the pixels have been tracked into the next shot.

The second kind of datamoshing, known to humankind, is when the d-frame of the video is duplicated. It leads the footage to show images and colors being bloomed together as the pixels are equivalent, coming through the same motion path.

Part 3: Step by Step to Create Datamoshing Effect in After Effects (Without Plugin)

Understanding the datamosh After Effects is one thing, and incorporating it in your footage is another. The section shall walk you through the step-by-step guide to create the After Effects’ datamoshing effect without a plugin. So, let’s go, shall we?

Step 1: Preliminary Process

The first step is easy. Open After Effects from your system. Import the targeted video that needs the datamosh effect. After that, head to the “Content-Aware Fill” to begin the process.

tap on content aware fill option

Step 2: Creating the Reference Frame

Use the playhead where you wish to create the effect, and then click on “Create Reference Frame.” The picture frame opens in Photoshop, and the user is expected to save it. Now, go back to the After Effects.

create reference frame

Step 3: Smearing Process

Now, hide the top layer so that the smearing can occur. Turn the Masks to “None” so that you can perform the masking. Split the second layer to duplicate the layer as we make changes to it. Set the “Masks” to “Subtract and then add a refine soft matte.

smearing process

Step 4: Pre-composing the Clip

It is important to pre-compose the clip, so right-click on the timeline and hit “Pre-compose” to the menu list that appears. Tick mark “Move all attributes into the new composition” and rename the clip afterward. Hit “OK.”

pre-compose clip

Step 5: Rendering Queue

Double-click on the timeline, hold shift and drag it until the clip snaps. Press “B” on your keyboard and “N” on the other side to snap the work area. Navigate to “File” and “Export” and then click on “Render Queue.”

render queue

Step 6: Generating Fill Layer

Import the file when it is done rendering and drag it to the timeline. Trim the work area again using B and N buttons from the keyboard. Ensure that the fill method is “Surface,” and the range is “Work Area.” Click on “Generate Fill Layer” to start the analyzing process.

generate fill layer

Step 7: Creating the Transition

The user is expected to create a transition between the two shots. Use the track matte to make solid and fractal noise. In the “Noise and Grain” section, click on “Fractal noise” and then switch the fractal type to “Basic.” Now, keyframe the “Brightness” and simultaneously turn its level to black and white to create a transition.

create transition

Step 8: Achieving a Glitchy Effect

To give the glitchy effect, head to the “Effects and Presets” and hit “Posterize,” and reduce its level to a couple of integers. Pull the transition down to the fill layer and set it to “Luma Matte.” It will showcase the halo sign that we masked around the image.

create glitch effect

Step 9: Have a Finer Imprint

To eliminate it, use the “Set Matte” channel and alter its layer to the one we pre-composed. Now, invert the matte. Moving on, navigate to the “Simple Choker” and reduce it to one pixel. For perfection, duplicate it and get a finer imprint.

customize simple choker

Step 10: Final Process

Duplicate the grey solid and then extend the second clip to our fill. In the last step, change the layer of the second clip to “Luma Matte” and save the video. You are done with the process.

change to luma matte

Part 4: How to Do Datamoshing Effect with Datamosh Plugin in After Effects

With its plugin, this sub-section revolves around creating the datamosh effect in After Effects. So, let us begin!

Step 1: Rendering the Work Area

Open After Effects and click on the (+) sign to set the in and out points. Click on the “Datamosh” to render the work area. The timeline will showcase the clip. Click on “Remove Frames” from the left panel and add a new mosh marker by pressing the (+) button beside “Remove Frames.”

add mosh maker

Step 2: I-Frame Removal

The new remove frame marker will be on the timeline. Drag it to the new scene and then hit “Datamosh.” The I-frame removal effect can be shown on the screen. Again, click on (+) to add a new mosh module. Press “Multiply” and then “Average” from the menus that appear. Hit “Average previous 3” afterward.

i-frame removal

Step 3: Using the Hold Frames Function

Set the in and out points of this mosh marker and again hit “Datamosh.” The work area will be rendered. Now, open the mosh module and toggle on the “Hold Frames” feature. Also, toggle on the previous render. Press the “Datamosh” again.

use hold frames function

Step 4: Injecting the Frames

Toggle the “Inject Frames” on and press use previous render. Hit “Datamosh” afterward. In this way, the clip will hold the frames and inject them into the transition. Enhance the intensity of the moshing algorithm and eliminate “Remove Frames” and “Inject Frames.” Use the previous render and again hit “Datamosh.”

inject frames

Step 5: Playing with the Acceleration

Increase the acceleration and bring the intensity back to what it was. Again, use the previous render and click “Datamosh.” Now, improve the intensity and set the acceleration back to 0. Alter the “Blend” as much you need to mix the original and present motion of the transition. Press the “Datamosh.”

play with acceleration

Step 6: Changing the Threshold

Moving on to the threshold feature, this function is a gatekeeper and decides if a pixel will be moshed. Inverse the intensity of the clip, change the blend to be 0, and set the threshold to be a small integer to find out the impact first. It can be enhanced later on. Uncheck the previous render if you are using the new clip for threshold. Hit “Datamosh” again. Now, export the video, and you are done with the datamoshing.

change threshold


YouTubers and content creators use the Datamoshing effect to offer magic to the workplace. The article offered an extensive guide to effortlessly adding this effect in After Effects. The foundation and workability of the datamosh effect were also the cruces of the article. It is recommended that the user properly know the software before getting into the process.

02 How Does Datamoshing Effect Work?

03 Step by Step to Create Datamoshing Effect in After Effects (Without Plugin)

04 How to Do Datamoshing Effect with Datamosh Plugin in After Effects

Part 1: What is the Datamoshing Effect?

Before going into the depths of workability and operation of the datamoshing effect in After Effects, let us understand the effect in detail. The datamoshing effect plays with the video compression to corrupt the pixels of the footage.

In this effect, the pixels glitch and appear to melt, duplicate, and create a projection organically. Also known as databending, it is a complicated technique in which movement of one layer is introduced to another layer of the video clip.

Lossy compression and removed frames help develop a psychedelic result effortlessly. Presently, datamosh After Effects has gained popularity as it helps bring change to the video and engages the audience.

Part 2: How Does Datamoshing Effect Work?

The sub-section informs the content creators and creative professionals regarding the workability of the datamoshing effect in video clips. Hence, let us commence this.

Datamoshing eliminates the new picture frame and keeps those frames that control the movement of the pixels. It leads to the picture pixels going into different directions instead of the usual one, thus, creating a glitch effect. These glitch effects are used in unique mediums to create a classy yet ancient vibe.

The datamoshing effect can be noticed between the cuts and motion. It is the process of corrupting the imagery in which the I-frames are replaced and P-frames are applied in the wrong picture. Let us dive right into two types of datamoshing.

The first type of datamoshing is created when the I-frame of the video is removed. In this scenario, the pixels from the previous scene are projected into the next scene smoothly. It gives the impression that the pixels have been tracked into the next shot.

The second kind of datamoshing, known to humankind, is when the d-frame of the video is duplicated. It leads the footage to show images and colors being bloomed together as the pixels are equivalent, coming through the same motion path.

Part 3: Step by Step to Create Datamoshing Effect in After Effects (Without Plugin)

Understanding the datamosh After Effects is one thing, and incorporating it in your footage is another. The section shall walk you through the step-by-step guide to create the After Effects’ datamoshing effect without a plugin. So, let’s go, shall we?

Step 1: Preliminary Process

The first step is easy. Open After Effects from your system. Import the targeted video that needs the datamosh effect. After that, head to the “Content-Aware Fill” to begin the process.

tap on content aware fill option

Step 2: Creating the Reference Frame

Use the playhead where you wish to create the effect, and then click on “Create Reference Frame.” The picture frame opens in Photoshop, and the user is expected to save it. Now, go back to the After Effects.

create reference frame

Step 3: Smearing Process

Now, hide the top layer so that the smearing can occur. Turn the Masks to “None” so that you can perform the masking. Split the second layer to duplicate the layer as we make changes to it. Set the “Masks” to “Subtract and then add a refine soft matte.

smearing process

Step 4: Pre-composing the Clip

It is important to pre-compose the clip, so right-click on the timeline and hit “Pre-compose” to the menu list that appears. Tick mark “Move all attributes into the new composition” and rename the clip afterward. Hit “OK.”

pre-compose clip

Step 5: Rendering Queue

Double-click on the timeline, hold shift and drag it until the clip snaps. Press “B” on your keyboard and “N” on the other side to snap the work area. Navigate to “File” and “Export” and then click on “Render Queue.”

render queue

Step 6: Generating Fill Layer

Import the file when it is done rendering and drag it to the timeline. Trim the work area again using B and N buttons from the keyboard. Ensure that the fill method is “Surface,” and the range is “Work Area.” Click on “Generate Fill Layer” to start the analyzing process.

generate fill layer

Step 7: Creating the Transition

The user is expected to create a transition between the two shots. Use the track matte to make solid and fractal noise. In the “Noise and Grain” section, click on “Fractal noise” and then switch the fractal type to “Basic.” Now, keyframe the “Brightness” and simultaneously turn its level to black and white to create a transition.

create transition

Step 8: Achieving a Glitchy Effect

To give the glitchy effect, head to the “Effects and Presets” and hit “Posterize,” and reduce its level to a couple of integers. Pull the transition down to the fill layer and set it to “Luma Matte.” It will showcase the halo sign that we masked around the image.

create glitch effect

Step 9: Have a Finer Imprint

To eliminate it, use the “Set Matte” channel and alter its layer to the one we pre-composed. Now, invert the matte. Moving on, navigate to the “Simple Choker” and reduce it to one pixel. For perfection, duplicate it and get a finer imprint.

customize simple choker

Step 10: Final Process

Duplicate the grey solid and then extend the second clip to our fill. In the last step, change the layer of the second clip to “Luma Matte” and save the video. You are done with the process.

change to luma matte

Part 4: How to Do Datamoshing Effect with Datamosh Plugin in After Effects

With its plugin, this sub-section revolves around creating the datamosh effect in After Effects. So, let us begin!

Step 1: Rendering the Work Area

Open After Effects and click on the (+) sign to set the in and out points. Click on the “Datamosh” to render the work area. The timeline will showcase the clip. Click on “Remove Frames” from the left panel and add a new mosh marker by pressing the (+) button beside “Remove Frames.”

add mosh maker

Step 2: I-Frame Removal

The new remove frame marker will be on the timeline. Drag it to the new scene and then hit “Datamosh.” The I-frame removal effect can be shown on the screen. Again, click on (+) to add a new mosh module. Press “Multiply” and then “Average” from the menus that appear. Hit “Average previous 3” afterward.

i-frame removal

Step 3: Using the Hold Frames Function

Set the in and out points of this mosh marker and again hit “Datamosh.” The work area will be rendered. Now, open the mosh module and toggle on the “Hold Frames” feature. Also, toggle on the previous render. Press the “Datamosh” again.

use hold frames function

Step 4: Injecting the Frames

Toggle the “Inject Frames” on and press use previous render. Hit “Datamosh” afterward. In this way, the clip will hold the frames and inject them into the transition. Enhance the intensity of the moshing algorithm and eliminate “Remove Frames” and “Inject Frames.” Use the previous render and again hit “Datamosh.”

inject frames

Step 5: Playing with the Acceleration

Increase the acceleration and bring the intensity back to what it was. Again, use the previous render and click “Datamosh.” Now, improve the intensity and set the acceleration back to 0. Alter the “Blend” as much you need to mix the original and present motion of the transition. Press the “Datamosh.”

play with acceleration

Step 6: Changing the Threshold

Moving on to the threshold feature, this function is a gatekeeper and decides if a pixel will be moshed. Inverse the intensity of the clip, change the blend to be 0, and set the threshold to be a small integer to find out the impact first. It can be enhanced later on. Uncheck the previous render if you are using the new clip for threshold. Hit “Datamosh” again. Now, export the video, and you are done with the datamoshing.

change threshold


YouTubers and content creators use the Datamoshing effect to offer magic to the workplace. The article offered an extensive guide to effortlessly adding this effect in After Effects. The foundation and workability of the datamosh effect were also the cruces of the article. It is recommended that the user properly know the software before getting into the process.

02 How Does Datamoshing Effect Work?

03 Step by Step to Create Datamoshing Effect in After Effects (Without Plugin)

04 How to Do Datamoshing Effect with Datamosh Plugin in After Effects

Part 1: What is the Datamoshing Effect?

Before going into the depths of workability and operation of the datamoshing effect in After Effects, let us understand the effect in detail. The datamoshing effect plays with the video compression to corrupt the pixels of the footage.

In this effect, the pixels glitch and appear to melt, duplicate, and create a projection organically. Also known as databending, it is a complicated technique in which movement of one layer is introduced to another layer of the video clip.

Lossy compression and removed frames help develop a psychedelic result effortlessly. Presently, datamosh After Effects has gained popularity as it helps bring change to the video and engages the audience.

Part 2: How Does Datamoshing Effect Work?

The sub-section informs the content creators and creative professionals regarding the workability of the datamoshing effect in video clips. Hence, let us commence this.

Datamoshing eliminates the new picture frame and keeps those frames that control the movement of the pixels. It leads to the picture pixels going into different directions instead of the usual one, thus, creating a glitch effect. These glitch effects are used in unique mediums to create a classy yet ancient vibe.

The datamoshing effect can be noticed between the cuts and motion. It is the process of corrupting the imagery in which the I-frames are replaced and P-frames are applied in the wrong picture. Let us dive right into two types of datamoshing.

The first type of datamoshing is created when the I-frame of the video is removed. In this scenario, the pixels from the previous scene are projected into the next scene smoothly. It gives the impression that the pixels have been tracked into the next shot.

The second kind of datamoshing, known to humankind, is when the d-frame of the video is duplicated. It leads the footage to show images and colors being bloomed together as the pixels are equivalent, coming through the same motion path.

Part 3: Step by Step to Create Datamoshing Effect in After Effects (Without Plugin)

Understanding the datamosh After Effects is one thing, and incorporating it in your footage is another. The section shall walk you through the step-by-step guide to create the After Effects’ datamoshing effect without a plugin. So, let’s go, shall we?

Step 1: Preliminary Process

The first step is easy. Open After Effects from your system. Import the targeted video that needs the datamosh effect. After that, head to the “Content-Aware Fill” to begin the process.

tap on content aware fill option

Step 2: Creating the Reference Frame

Use the playhead where you wish to create the effect, and then click on “Create Reference Frame.” The picture frame opens in Photoshop, and the user is expected to save it. Now, go back to the After Effects.

create reference frame

Step 3: Smearing Process

Now, hide the top layer so that the smearing can occur. Turn the Masks to “None” so that you can perform the masking. Split the second layer to duplicate the layer as we make changes to it. Set the “Masks” to “Subtract and then add a refine soft matte.

smearing process

Step 4: Pre-composing the Clip

It is important to pre-compose the clip, so right-click on the timeline and hit “Pre-compose” to the menu list that appears. Tick mark “Move all attributes into the new composition” and rename the clip afterward. Hit “OK.”

pre-compose clip

Step 5: Rendering Queue

Double-click on the timeline, hold shift and drag it until the clip snaps. Press “B” on your keyboard and “N” on the other side to snap the work area. Navigate to “File” and “Export” and then click on “Render Queue.”

render queue

Step 6: Generating Fill Layer

Import the file when it is done rendering and drag it to the timeline. Trim the work area again using B and N buttons from the keyboard. Ensure that the fill method is “Surface,” and the range is “Work Area.” Click on “Generate Fill Layer” to start the analyzing process.

generate fill layer

Step 7: Creating the Transition

The user is expected to create a transition between the two shots. Use the track matte to make solid and fractal noise. In the “Noise and Grain” section, click on “Fractal noise” and then switch the fractal type to “Basic.” Now, keyframe the “Brightness” and simultaneously turn its level to black and white to create a transition.

create transition

Step 8: Achieving a Glitchy Effect

To give the glitchy effect, head to the “Effects and Presets” and hit “Posterize,” and reduce its level to a couple of integers. Pull the transition down to the fill layer and set it to “Luma Matte.” It will showcase the halo sign that we masked around the image.

create glitch effect

Step 9: Have a Finer Imprint

To eliminate it, use the “Set Matte” channel and alter its layer to the one we pre-composed. Now, invert the matte. Moving on, navigate to the “Simple Choker” and reduce it to one pixel. For perfection, duplicate it and get a finer imprint.

customize simple choker

Step 10: Final Process

Duplicate the grey solid and then extend the second clip to our fill. In the last step, change the layer of the second clip to “Luma Matte” and save the video. You are done with the process.

change to luma matte

Part 4: How to Do Datamoshing Effect with Datamosh Plugin in After Effects

With its plugin, this sub-section revolves around creating the datamosh effect in After Effects. So, let us begin!

Step 1: Rendering the Work Area

Open After Effects and click on the (+) sign to set the in and out points. Click on the “Datamosh” to render the work area. The timeline will showcase the clip. Click on “Remove Frames” from the left panel and add a new mosh marker by pressing the (+) button beside “Remove Frames.”

add mosh maker

Step 2: I-Frame Removal

The new remove frame marker will be on the timeline. Drag it to the new scene and then hit “Datamosh.” The I-frame removal effect can be shown on the screen. Again, click on (+) to add a new mosh module. Press “Multiply” and then “Average” from the menus that appear. Hit “Average previous 3” afterward.

i-frame removal

Step 3: Using the Hold Frames Function

Set the in and out points of this mosh marker and again hit “Datamosh.” The work area will be rendered. Now, open the mosh module and toggle on the “Hold Frames” feature. Also, toggle on the previous render. Press the “Datamosh” again.

use hold frames function

Step 4: Injecting the Frames

Toggle the “Inject Frames” on and press use previous render. Hit “Datamosh” afterward. In this way, the clip will hold the frames and inject them into the transition. Enhance the intensity of the moshing algorithm and eliminate “Remove Frames” and “Inject Frames.” Use the previous render and again hit “Datamosh.”

inject frames

Step 5: Playing with the Acceleration

Increase the acceleration and bring the intensity back to what it was. Again, use the previous render and click “Datamosh.” Now, improve the intensity and set the acceleration back to 0. Alter the “Blend” as much you need to mix the original and present motion of the transition. Press the “Datamosh.”

play with acceleration

Step 6: Changing the Threshold

Moving on to the threshold feature, this function is a gatekeeper and decides if a pixel will be moshed. Inverse the intensity of the clip, change the blend to be 0, and set the threshold to be a small integer to find out the impact first. It can be enhanced later on. Uncheck the previous render if you are using the new clip for threshold. Hit “Datamosh” again. Now, export the video, and you are done with the datamoshing.

change threshold


YouTubers and content creators use the Datamoshing effect to offer magic to the workplace. The article offered an extensive guide to effortlessly adding this effect in After Effects. The foundation and workability of the datamosh effect were also the cruces of the article. It is recommended that the user properly know the software before getting into the process.

02 How Does Datamoshing Effect Work?

03 Step by Step to Create Datamoshing Effect in After Effects (Without Plugin)

04 How to Do Datamoshing Effect with Datamosh Plugin in After Effects

Part 1: What is the Datamoshing Effect?

Before going into the depths of workability and operation of the datamoshing effect in After Effects, let us understand the effect in detail. The datamoshing effect plays with the video compression to corrupt the pixels of the footage.

In this effect, the pixels glitch and appear to melt, duplicate, and create a projection organically. Also known as databending, it is a complicated technique in which movement of one layer is introduced to another layer of the video clip.

Lossy compression and removed frames help develop a psychedelic result effortlessly. Presently, datamosh After Effects has gained popularity as it helps bring change to the video and engages the audience.

Part 2: How Does Datamoshing Effect Work?

The sub-section informs the content creators and creative professionals regarding the workability of the datamoshing effect in video clips. Hence, let us commence this.

Datamoshing eliminates the new picture frame and keeps those frames that control the movement of the pixels. It leads to the picture pixels going into different directions instead of the usual one, thus, creating a glitch effect. These glitch effects are used in unique mediums to create a classy yet ancient vibe.

The datamoshing effect can be noticed between the cuts and motion. It is the process of corrupting the imagery in which the I-frames are replaced and P-frames are applied in the wrong picture. Let us dive right into two types of datamoshing.

The first type of datamoshing is created when the I-frame of the video is removed. In this scenario, the pixels from the previous scene are projected into the next scene smoothly. It gives the impression that the pixels have been tracked into the next shot.

The second kind of datamoshing, known to humankind, is when the d-frame of the video is duplicated. It leads the footage to show images and colors being bloomed together as the pixels are equivalent, coming through the same motion path.

Part 3: Step by Step to Create Datamoshing Effect in After Effects (Without Plugin)

Understanding the datamosh After Effects is one thing, and incorporating it in your footage is another. The section shall walk you through the step-by-step guide to create the After Effects’ datamoshing effect without a plugin. So, let’s go, shall we?

Step 1: Preliminary Process

The first step is easy. Open After Effects from your system. Import the targeted video that needs the datamosh effect. After that, head to the “Content-Aware Fill” to begin the process.

tap on content aware fill option

Step 2: Creating the Reference Frame

Use the playhead where you wish to create the effect, and then click on “Create Reference Frame.” The picture frame opens in Photoshop, and the user is expected to save it. Now, go back to the After Effects.

create reference frame

Step 3: Smearing Process

Now, hide the top layer so that the smearing can occur. Turn the Masks to “None” so that you can perform the masking. Split the second layer to duplicate the layer as we make changes to it. Set the “Masks” to “Subtract and then add a refine soft matte.

smearing process

Step 4: Pre-composing the Clip

It is important to pre-compose the clip, so right-click on the timeline and hit “Pre-compose” to the menu list that appears. Tick mark “Move all attributes into the new composition” and rename the clip afterward. Hit “OK.”

pre-compose clip

Step 5: Rendering Queue

Double-click on the timeline, hold shift and drag it until the clip snaps. Press “B” on your keyboard and “N” on the other side to snap the work area. Navigate to “File” and “Export” and then click on “Render Queue.”

render queue

Step 6: Generating Fill Layer

Import the file when it is done rendering and drag it to the timeline. Trim the work area again using B and N buttons from the keyboard. Ensure that the fill method is “Surface,” and the range is “Work Area.” Click on “Generate Fill Layer” to start the analyzing process.

generate fill layer

Step 7: Creating the Transition

The user is expected to create a transition between the two shots. Use the track matte to make solid and fractal noise. In the “Noise and Grain” section, click on “Fractal noise” and then switch the fractal type to “Basic.” Now, keyframe the “Brightness” and simultaneously turn its level to black and white to create a transition.

create transition

Step 8: Achieving a Glitchy Effect

To give the glitchy effect, head to the “Effects and Presets” and hit “Posterize,” and reduce its level to a couple of integers. Pull the transition down to the fill layer and set it to “Luma Matte.” It will showcase the halo sign that we masked around the image.

create glitch effect

Step 9: Have a Finer Imprint

To eliminate it, use the “Set Matte” channel and alter its layer to the one we pre-composed. Now, invert the matte. Moving on, navigate to the “Simple Choker” and reduce it to one pixel. For perfection, duplicate it and get a finer imprint.

customize simple choker

Step 10: Final Process

Duplicate the grey solid and then extend the second clip to our fill. In the last step, change the layer of the second clip to “Luma Matte” and save the video. You are done with the process.

change to luma matte

Part 4: How to Do Datamoshing Effect with Datamosh Plugin in After Effects

With its plugin, this sub-section revolves around creating the datamosh effect in After Effects. So, let us begin!

Step 1: Rendering the Work Area

Open After Effects and click on the (+) sign to set the in and out points. Click on the “Datamosh” to render the work area. The timeline will showcase the clip. Click on “Remove Frames” from the left panel and add a new mosh marker by pressing the (+) button beside “Remove Frames.”

add mosh maker

Step 2: I-Frame Removal

The new remove frame marker will be on the timeline. Drag it to the new scene and then hit “Datamosh.” The I-frame removal effect can be shown on the screen. Again, click on (+) to add a new mosh module. Press “Multiply” and then “Average” from the menus that appear. Hit “Average previous 3” afterward.

i-frame removal

Step 3: Using the Hold Frames Function

Set the in and out points of this mosh marker and again hit “Datamosh.” The work area will be rendered. Now, open the mosh module and toggle on the “Hold Frames” feature. Also, toggle on the previous render. Press the “Datamosh” again.

use hold frames function

Step 4: Injecting the Frames

Toggle the “Inject Frames” on and press use previous render. Hit “Datamosh” afterward. In this way, the clip will hold the frames and inject them into the transition. Enhance the intensity of the moshing algorithm and eliminate “Remove Frames” and “Inject Frames.” Use the previous render and again hit “Datamosh.”

inject frames

Step 5: Playing with the Acceleration

Increase the acceleration and bring the intensity back to what it was. Again, use the previous render and click “Datamosh.” Now, improve the intensity and set the acceleration back to 0. Alter the “Blend” as much you need to mix the original and present motion of the transition. Press the “Datamosh.”

play with acceleration

Step 6: Changing the Threshold

Moving on to the threshold feature, this function is a gatekeeper and decides if a pixel will be moshed. Inverse the intensity of the clip, change the blend to be 0, and set the threshold to be a small integer to find out the impact first. It can be enhanced later on. Uncheck the previous render if you are using the new clip for threshold. Hit “Datamosh” again. Now, export the video, and you are done with the datamoshing.

change threshold


YouTubers and content creators use the Datamoshing effect to offer magic to the workplace. The article offered an extensive guide to effortlessly adding this effect in After Effects. The foundation and workability of the datamosh effect were also the cruces of the article. It is recommended that the user properly know the software before getting into the process.

Best Guide of 8 Photo Collage Apps for PC

2024 Guide of 8 Photo Collage Apps for PC

An easy yet powerful editor

Numerous effects to choose from

Detailed tutorials provided by the official channel

Try It Free Try It Free

There are plenty of photo collage makers for PC that you can try Some, you’ll have to download. Some, you can use directly online through a browser. We’ll be introducing several below that you might want to try out before you end up picking out one that you think will work best for the kind of projects that you have in mind.

As a bonus, we’ve also included a beginning ‘guide’ of sorts for pic collage PC apps that you can use in order to figure out what the benefits of using a pic collage for PC.

In this article

01 [What Are the Benefits of Using Collage Software?](#Part 1)

02 [The Best 8 Free Collage Makers at a Glance](#Part 2)

Part 1 What Are the Benefits of Using Collage Software?

We start this off with the short guide we promised for using a photo collage app for PC What are the benefits? Well, the main benefit is that you can get something fun and interest out of it, of course.

And, unlike with traditional collages — which are messy and require lots of prep-work and glue — you can go create pic collages with a photo collage app for PC relatively easily. All you have to do most of the time is to choose a layout that you like and then fill it with the photographs, videos, GIFs, etc. that you want. Most programs also give you the choice to add things like text (for making the collage more meaningful), stickers, frames, and so on, so that you can fully deck out your photo collages exactly how you want to.

Traditional Collage vs. Digital Collage

Part 2 The Best 8 Free Collage Makers at a Glance

Now onto our recommended list for all the different photo collage makers FREE for PC that you can try. This list will include a variety of different free collage makers for PC with different benefits. So, make sure to give each one some careful consideration We’ve added not only the specifications of each photo collage for PC but also a debrief description on why you might want to buy one over the other.

01** Wondershare Filmora Video Editor

Specifications: Windows 7 | 8.1 | 10 | 11 (64 bit OS only)

Filmora is primarily a video editor. One that is actually used by a lot of the more popular content creators on the internet (it’s especially popular with people on YouTube, as an example, but also for corporations and entrepreneurs that need a reliable way of creating high-quality videos for every occasion.)

We included it here on our list of the best photo collages for PC because it comes with something called ‘Stock Media’ where you source images, videos, music, etc. directly — for your photo collages, video projects, etc. It also comes with a lot of fun layouts, themes, filters, and so on. So, if you’re not up for creating a custom collage, you can always depend on those to make a quick and easy one

Reasons to Buy:

Stock Media Library for direct source of images, videos, etc.

Layouts and templates available for quick content creation

Lots of fun Fonts, Stickers, etc. for decorating photo collages

Advanced Video editing tools (can be used to create video collages)

Filmora - Photo Collage Software for PC

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

02Express It

Specifications: ONLINE

Express It is an online tool that you can use as a photo collage maker (FREE) for PC. It was made by Adobe, so from that alone, you can certain of its reliability. But, even more than this, it’s generally just incredibly useful. The tool comes with a resource library that you can tap into for your projects, and it takes ‘Free Style’ Collage making to the next level with all the different customizations that it provides

Reasons to Buy:

Large resource library with lots of stickers, clipart, images, etc.

Photo collage templates are available for designing quick pic collages

‘Free-style’ mode available for creating fully unique collage

Express It - Photo Collage for PC


Specifications: ONLINE

FotoJet, much like Express It, is an online photo collage tool that you use for your PC It’s primarily a photo editor, but it has ‘collage maker’ functionalities that will allow you to easily create pic collages on your laptop to be shared on social media or used for whatever projects you might have in mind.

Reasons to Buy:

No download needed for use (FREE trial available)

Tons of collage layouts for quick collage-making

Photo editing functions for adding text, clipart, etc.

Fotojet - PicCollage PC


Specifications: ONLINE

We continue our recommendations for the best tools for creating pic collage for PC with Canva Pro This online program is great because it comes with a very reliable resources library (which has just about everything that you need.) There are also tons of templates that you can use — not even just for creating collages (of which there are plenty of stylish templates, if that’s all you’re looking for), but just about everything from posters, infographics, ads, etc.

Reasons to Buy:

Canva Pro has lots of premium resources for decorating Pic Collages

The premium version unlocks some of the photo editing tools that are not available with the FREE version

Templates are available for just about any project you can think of (with plenty for collages of all variety)

Canva Pro — Photo Collage Maker for PC


Specifications: ONLINE

Fotor is a great online editor that comes with a lot of ‘collage-making’ tools. That includes grid layouts for creating quick photo collages This, along with the tool’s established advanced photo editing functionalities, makes it very easy to create photo collages of all kinds — whether you’re creating them for the sake of creating something to remember an event by or for some special project for work.

Reasons to Buy:

The advanced version unlocks some of the functions unavailable in the FREE version (both layouts and photo editing tools)

Comes with lots of easy-to-use layouts for creating collages

No download or installation required; just a quick Sign-Up

Fotor - Free Photo Collage Maker for PC


Specifications: ONLINE

PiZap is the last of the online photo collage apps for PC that we have on this list. It’s quite a bit more basic than some of the other online photo editors that we’ve introduced thus far, but that may be all you need It comes with the usual collage grids as well as some handy photo editing functions so that you can be sure to get the end-product to look how you want it to

Reasons to Buy:

Lots of photo collage grits for your to try

Easy-to-use photo editing functions

UI is intuitive and lots of the features are set for beginners

PiZap — FREE Photo Collage App for PC

07Phototastic Collage

Specifications: Windows 10

Phototastic Collage is a photo collage app for PC that you can download and used for quick collage projects. It’s quite simplistic, but it can get the job done As a collage maker, it comes with a selection of layouts that you can use from in order to create your photo collages. Adding to this, the usual customization features are also available (i.e., frames, text, etc.)

Reasons to Buy:

Microsoft App with a very simple UI

Lots of layouts for grid making

Customizable layouts (i.e., adjust borders, frames, etc.)

Phototastic Collage — Collage App for PC


Specifications: Windows XP|Vista|7|8|8.1|10|11

PhotoPad is an old-school photo collage editor for PC that’s been around for a while. It’s a particularly good choice for those who choose to stick to the older versions of Windows (like XP or Vista), as you don’t see a lot of the newer software supporting those anymore.

Much like many of the other software that we included in this list, this one is more of a general photo editor than one strictly made for collages. However, it does come with functionalities for that, so you shouldn’t miss out on anything

Reasons to Buy:

Supports older Windows OS Systems

Advanced photo editing functions

Collage Feature for creating quick and easy collages

Photopad - Photo Collage Software for PC

Final Words: 2024 Guide of 8 Photo Collage Apps for PC

What’s the benefit of using a photo collage? What can it actually do for you? We answered these questions in the first section of this article

As for the recommendations that we promised for the best photo collage apps, software, etc. for 2024, we chose to include a wide variety so that you can have plenty to choose form.

If you want a general recommendation from the list that we included, we recommend using something like Filmora, Canva Pro, Express It, etc. that comes with a built-in resource library that you can take advantage of for filling up your future collage projects.

Try It Free Try It Free

There are plenty of photo collage makers for PC that you can try Some, you’ll have to download. Some, you can use directly online through a browser. We’ll be introducing several below that you might want to try out before you end up picking out one that you think will work best for the kind of projects that you have in mind.

As a bonus, we’ve also included a beginning ‘guide’ of sorts for pic collage PC apps that you can use in order to figure out what the benefits of using a pic collage for PC.

In this article

01 [What Are the Benefits of Using Collage Software?](#Part 1)

02 [The Best 8 Free Collage Makers at a Glance](#Part 2)

Part 1 What Are the Benefits of Using Collage Software?

We start this off with the short guide we promised for using a photo collage app for PC What are the benefits? Well, the main benefit is that you can get something fun and interest out of it, of course.

And, unlike with traditional collages — which are messy and require lots of prep-work and glue — you can go create pic collages with a photo collage app for PC relatively easily. All you have to do most of the time is to choose a layout that you like and then fill it with the photographs, videos, GIFs, etc. that you want. Most programs also give you the choice to add things like text (for making the collage more meaningful), stickers, frames, and so on, so that you can fully deck out your photo collages exactly how you want to.

Traditional Collage vs. Digital Collage

Part 2 The Best 8 Free Collage Makers at a Glance

Now onto our recommended list for all the different photo collage makers FREE for PC that you can try. This list will include a variety of different free collage makers for PC with different benefits. So, make sure to give each one some careful consideration We’ve added not only the specifications of each photo collage for PC but also a debrief description on why you might want to buy one over the other.

01** Wondershare Filmora Video Editor

Specifications: Windows 7 | 8.1 | 10 | 11 (64 bit OS only)

Filmora is primarily a video editor. One that is actually used by a lot of the more popular content creators on the internet (it’s especially popular with people on YouTube, as an example, but also for corporations and entrepreneurs that need a reliable way of creating high-quality videos for every occasion.)

We included it here on our list of the best photo collages for PC because it comes with something called ‘Stock Media’ where you source images, videos, music, etc. directly — for your photo collages, video projects, etc. It also comes with a lot of fun layouts, themes, filters, and so on. So, if you’re not up for creating a custom collage, you can always depend on those to make a quick and easy one

Reasons to Buy:

Stock Media Library for direct source of images, videos, etc.

Layouts and templates available for quick content creation

Lots of fun Fonts, Stickers, etc. for decorating photo collages

Advanced Video editing tools (can be used to create video collages)

Filmora - Photo Collage Software for PC

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

02Express It

Specifications: ONLINE

Express It is an online tool that you can use as a photo collage maker (FREE) for PC. It was made by Adobe, so from that alone, you can certain of its reliability. But, even more than this, it’s generally just incredibly useful. The tool comes with a resource library that you can tap into for your projects, and it takes ‘Free Style’ Collage making to the next level with all the different customizations that it provides

Reasons to Buy:

Large resource library with lots of stickers, clipart, images, etc.

Photo collage templates are available for designing quick pic collages

‘Free-style’ mode available for creating fully unique collage

Express It - Photo Collage for PC


Specifications: ONLINE

FotoJet, much like Express It, is an online photo collage tool that you use for your PC It’s primarily a photo editor, but it has ‘collage maker’ functionalities that will allow you to easily create pic collages on your laptop to be shared on social media or used for whatever projects you might have in mind.

Reasons to Buy:

No download needed for use (FREE trial available)

Tons of collage layouts for quick collage-making

Photo editing functions for adding text, clipart, etc.

Fotojet - PicCollage PC


Specifications: ONLINE

We continue our recommendations for the best tools for creating pic collage for PC with Canva Pro This online program is great because it comes with a very reliable resources library (which has just about everything that you need.) There are also tons of templates that you can use — not even just for creating collages (of which there are plenty of stylish templates, if that’s all you’re looking for), but just about everything from posters, infographics, ads, etc.

Reasons to Buy:

Canva Pro has lots of premium resources for decorating Pic Collages

The premium version unlocks some of the photo editing tools that are not available with the FREE version

Templates are available for just about any project you can think of (with plenty for collages of all variety)

Canva Pro — Photo Collage Maker for PC


Specifications: ONLINE

Fotor is a great online editor that comes with a lot of ‘collage-making’ tools. That includes grid layouts for creating quick photo collages This, along with the tool’s established advanced photo editing functionalities, makes it very easy to create photo collages of all kinds — whether you’re creating them for the sake of creating something to remember an event by or for some special project for work.

Reasons to Buy:

The advanced version unlocks some of the functions unavailable in the FREE version (both layouts and photo editing tools)

Comes with lots of easy-to-use layouts for creating collages

No download or installation required; just a quick Sign-Up

Fotor - Free Photo Collage Maker for PC


Specifications: ONLINE

PiZap is the last of the online photo collage apps for PC that we have on this list. It’s quite a bit more basic than some of the other online photo editors that we’ve introduced thus far, but that may be all you need It comes with the usual collage grids as well as some handy photo editing functions so that you can be sure to get the end-product to look how you want it to

Reasons to Buy:

Lots of photo collage grits for your to try

Easy-to-use photo editing functions

UI is intuitive and lots of the features are set for beginners

PiZap — FREE Photo Collage App for PC

07Phototastic Collage

Specifications: Windows 10

Phototastic Collage is a photo collage app for PC that you can download and used for quick collage projects. It’s quite simplistic, but it can get the job done As a collage maker, it comes with a selection of layouts that you can use from in order to create your photo collages. Adding to this, the usual customization features are also available (i.e., frames, text, etc.)

Reasons to Buy:

Microsoft App with a very simple UI

Lots of layouts for grid making

Customizable layouts (i.e., adjust borders, frames, etc.)

Phototastic Collage — Collage App for PC


Specifications: Windows XP|Vista|7|8|8.1|10|11

PhotoPad is an old-school photo collage editor for PC that’s been around for a while. It’s a particularly good choice for those who choose to stick to the older versions of Windows (like XP or Vista), as you don’t see a lot of the newer software supporting those anymore.

Much like many of the other software that we included in this list, this one is more of a general photo editor than one strictly made for collages. However, it does come with functionalities for that, so you shouldn’t miss out on anything

Reasons to Buy:

Supports older Windows OS Systems

Advanced photo editing functions

Collage Feature for creating quick and easy collages

Photopad - Photo Collage Software for PC

Final Words: 2024 Guide of 8 Photo Collage Apps for PC

What’s the benefit of using a photo collage? What can it actually do for you? We answered these questions in the first section of this article

As for the recommendations that we promised for the best photo collage apps, software, etc. for 2024, we chose to include a wide variety so that you can have plenty to choose form.

If you want a general recommendation from the list that we included, we recommend using something like Filmora, Canva Pro, Express It, etc. that comes with a built-in resource library that you can take advantage of for filling up your future collage projects.

Try It Free Try It Free

There are plenty of photo collage makers for PC that you can try Some, you’ll have to download. Some, you can use directly online through a browser. We’ll be introducing several below that you might want to try out before you end up picking out one that you think will work best for the kind of projects that you have in mind.

As a bonus, we’ve also included a beginning ‘guide’ of sorts for pic collage PC apps that you can use in order to figure out what the benefits of using a pic collage for PC.

In this article

01 [What Are the Benefits of Using Collage Software?](#Part 1)

02 [The Best 8 Free Collage Makers at a Glance](#Part 2)

Part 1 What Are the Benefits of Using Collage Software?

We start this off with the short guide we promised for using a photo collage app for PC What are the benefits? Well, the main benefit is that you can get something fun and interest out of it, of course.

And, unlike with traditional collages — which are messy and require lots of prep-work and glue — you can go create pic collages with a photo collage app for PC relatively easily. All you have to do most of the time is to choose a layout that you like and then fill it with the photographs, videos, GIFs, etc. that you want. Most programs also give you the choice to add things like text (for making the collage more meaningful), stickers, frames, and so on, so that you can fully deck out your photo collages exactly how you want to.

Traditional Collage vs. Digital Collage

Part 2 The Best 8 Free Collage Makers at a Glance

Now onto our recommended list for all the different photo collage makers FREE for PC that you can try. This list will include a variety of different free collage makers for PC with different benefits. So, make sure to give each one some careful consideration We’ve added not only the specifications of each photo collage for PC but also a debrief description on why you might want to buy one over the other.

01** Wondershare Filmora Video Editor

Specifications: Windows 7 | 8.1 | 10 | 11 (64 bit OS only)

Filmora is primarily a video editor. One that is actually used by a lot of the more popular content creators on the internet (it’s especially popular with people on YouTube, as an example, but also for corporations and entrepreneurs that need a reliable way of creating high-quality videos for every occasion.)

We included it here on our list of the best photo collages for PC because it comes with something called ‘Stock Media’ where you source images, videos, music, etc. directly — for your photo collages, video projects, etc. It also comes with a lot of fun layouts, themes, filters, and so on. So, if you’re not up for creating a custom collage, you can always depend on those to make a quick and easy one

Reasons to Buy:

Stock Media Library for direct source of images, videos, etc.

Layouts and templates available for quick content creation

Lots of fun Fonts, Stickers, etc. for decorating photo collages

Advanced Video editing tools (can be used to create video collages)

Filmora - Photo Collage Software for PC

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

02Express It

Specifications: ONLINE

Express It is an online tool that you can use as a photo collage maker (FREE) for PC. It was made by Adobe, so from that alone, you can certain of its reliability. But, even more than this, it’s generally just incredibly useful. The tool comes with a resource library that you can tap into for your projects, and it takes ‘Free Style’ Collage making to the next level with all the different customizations that it provides

Reasons to Buy:

Large resource library with lots of stickers, clipart, images, etc.

Photo collage templates are available for designing quick pic collages

‘Free-style’ mode available for creating fully unique collage

Express It - Photo Collage for PC


Specifications: ONLINE

FotoJet, much like Express It, is an online photo collage tool that you use for your PC It’s primarily a photo editor, but it has ‘collage maker’ functionalities that will allow you to easily create pic collages on your laptop to be shared on social media or used for whatever projects you might have in mind.

Reasons to Buy:

No download needed for use (FREE trial available)

Tons of collage layouts for quick collage-making

Photo editing functions for adding text, clipart, etc.

Fotojet - PicCollage PC


Specifications: ONLINE

We continue our recommendations for the best tools for creating pic collage for PC with Canva Pro This online program is great because it comes with a very reliable resources library (which has just about everything that you need.) There are also tons of templates that you can use — not even just for creating collages (of which there are plenty of stylish templates, if that’s all you’re looking for), but just about everything from posters, infographics, ads, etc.

Reasons to Buy:

Canva Pro has lots of premium resources for decorating Pic Collages

The premium version unlocks some of the photo editing tools that are not available with the FREE version

Templates are available for just about any project you can think of (with plenty for collages of all variety)

Canva Pro — Photo Collage Maker for PC


Specifications: ONLINE

Fotor is a great online editor that comes with a lot of ‘collage-making’ tools. That includes grid layouts for creating quick photo collages This, along with the tool’s established advanced photo editing functionalities, makes it very easy to create photo collages of all kinds — whether you’re creating them for the sake of creating something to remember an event by or for some special project for work.

Reasons to Buy:

The advanced version unlocks some of the functions unavailable in the FREE version (both layouts and photo editing tools)

Comes with lots of easy-to-use layouts for creating collages

No download or installation required; just a quick Sign-Up

Fotor - Free Photo Collage Maker for PC


Specifications: ONLINE

PiZap is the last of the online photo collage apps for PC that we have on this list. It’s quite a bit more basic than some of the other online photo editors that we’ve introduced thus far, but that may be all you need It comes with the usual collage grids as well as some handy photo editing functions so that you can be sure to get the end-product to look how you want it to

Reasons to Buy:

Lots of photo collage grits for your to try

Easy-to-use photo editing functions

UI is intuitive and lots of the features are set for beginners

PiZap — FREE Photo Collage App for PC

07Phototastic Collage

Specifications: Windows 10

Phototastic Collage is a photo collage app for PC that you can download and used for quick collage projects. It’s quite simplistic, but it can get the job done As a collage maker, it comes with a selection of layouts that you can use from in order to create your photo collages. Adding to this, the usual customization features are also available (i.e., frames, text, etc.)

Reasons to Buy:

Microsoft App with a very simple UI

Lots of layouts for grid making

Customizable layouts (i.e., adjust borders, frames, etc.)

Phototastic Collage — Collage App for PC


Specifications: Windows XP|Vista|7|8|8.1|10|11

PhotoPad is an old-school photo collage editor for PC that’s been around for a while. It’s a particularly good choice for those who choose to stick to the older versions of Windows (like XP or Vista), as you don’t see a lot of the newer software supporting those anymore.

Much like many of the other software that we included in this list, this one is more of a general photo editor than one strictly made for collages. However, it does come with functionalities for that, so you shouldn’t miss out on anything

Reasons to Buy:

Supports older Windows OS Systems

Advanced photo editing functions

Collage Feature for creating quick and easy collages

Photopad - Photo Collage Software for PC

Final Words: 2024 Guide of 8 Photo Collage Apps for PC

What’s the benefit of using a photo collage? What can it actually do for you? We answered these questions in the first section of this article

As for the recommendations that we promised for the best photo collage apps, software, etc. for 2024, we chose to include a wide variety so that you can have plenty to choose form.

If you want a general recommendation from the list that we included, we recommend using something like Filmora, Canva Pro, Express It, etc. that comes with a built-in resource library that you can take advantage of for filling up your future collage projects.

Try It Free Try It Free

There are plenty of photo collage makers for PC that you can try Some, you’ll have to download. Some, you can use directly online through a browser. We’ll be introducing several below that you might want to try out before you end up picking out one that you think will work best for the kind of projects that you have in mind.

As a bonus, we’ve also included a beginning ‘guide’ of sorts for pic collage PC apps that you can use in order to figure out what the benefits of using a pic collage for PC.

In this article

01 [What Are the Benefits of Using Collage Software?](#Part 1)

02 [The Best 8 Free Collage Makers at a Glance](#Part 2)

Part 1 What Are the Benefits of Using Collage Software?

We start this off with the short guide we promised for using a photo collage app for PC What are the benefits? Well, the main benefit is that you can get something fun and interest out of it, of course.

And, unlike with traditional collages — which are messy and require lots of prep-work and glue — you can go create pic collages with a photo collage app for PC relatively easily. All you have to do most of the time is to choose a layout that you like and then fill it with the photographs, videos, GIFs, etc. that you want. Most programs also give you the choice to add things like text (for making the collage more meaningful), stickers, frames, and so on, so that you can fully deck out your photo collages exactly how you want to.

Traditional Collage vs. Digital Collage

Part 2 The Best 8 Free Collage Makers at a Glance

Now onto our recommended list for all the different photo collage makers FREE for PC that you can try. This list will include a variety of different free collage makers for PC with different benefits. So, make sure to give each one some careful consideration We’ve added not only the specifications of each photo collage for PC but also a debrief description on why you might want to buy one over the other.

01** Wondershare Filmora Video Editor

Specifications: Windows 7 | 8.1 | 10 | 11 (64 bit OS only)

Filmora is primarily a video editor. One that is actually used by a lot of the more popular content creators on the internet (it’s especially popular with people on YouTube, as an example, but also for corporations and entrepreneurs that need a reliable way of creating high-quality videos for every occasion.)

We included it here on our list of the best photo collages for PC because it comes with something called ‘Stock Media’ where you source images, videos, music, etc. directly — for your photo collages, video projects, etc. It also comes with a lot of fun layouts, themes, filters, and so on. So, if you’re not up for creating a custom collage, you can always depend on those to make a quick and easy one

Reasons to Buy:

Stock Media Library for direct source of images, videos, etc.

Layouts and templates available for quick content creation

Lots of fun Fonts, Stickers, etc. for decorating photo collages

Advanced Video editing tools (can be used to create video collages)

Filmora - Photo Collage Software for PC

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

02Express It

Specifications: ONLINE

Express It is an online tool that you can use as a photo collage maker (FREE) for PC. It was made by Adobe, so from that alone, you can certain of its reliability. But, even more than this, it’s generally just incredibly useful. The tool comes with a resource library that you can tap into for your projects, and it takes ‘Free Style’ Collage making to the next level with all the different customizations that it provides

Reasons to Buy:

Large resource library with lots of stickers, clipart, images, etc.

Photo collage templates are available for designing quick pic collages

‘Free-style’ mode available for creating fully unique collage

Express It - Photo Collage for PC


Specifications: ONLINE

FotoJet, much like Express It, is an online photo collage tool that you use for your PC It’s primarily a photo editor, but it has ‘collage maker’ functionalities that will allow you to easily create pic collages on your laptop to be shared on social media or used for whatever projects you might have in mind.

Reasons to Buy:

No download needed for use (FREE trial available)

Tons of collage layouts for quick collage-making

Photo editing functions for adding text, clipart, etc.

Fotojet - PicCollage PC


Specifications: ONLINE

We continue our recommendations for the best tools for creating pic collage for PC with Canva Pro This online program is great because it comes with a very reliable resources library (which has just about everything that you need.) There are also tons of templates that you can use — not even just for creating collages (of which there are plenty of stylish templates, if that’s all you’re looking for), but just about everything from posters, infographics, ads, etc.

Reasons to Buy:

Canva Pro has lots of premium resources for decorating Pic Collages

The premium version unlocks some of the photo editing tools that are not available with the FREE version

Templates are available for just about any project you can think of (with plenty for collages of all variety)

Canva Pro — Photo Collage Maker for PC


Specifications: ONLINE

Fotor is a great online editor that comes with a lot of ‘collage-making’ tools. That includes grid layouts for creating quick photo collages This, along with the tool’s established advanced photo editing functionalities, makes it very easy to create photo collages of all kinds — whether you’re creating them for the sake of creating something to remember an event by or for some special project for work.

Reasons to Buy:

The advanced version unlocks some of the functions unavailable in the FREE version (both layouts and photo editing tools)

Comes with lots of easy-to-use layouts for creating collages

No download or installation required; just a quick Sign-Up

Fotor - Free Photo Collage Maker for PC


Specifications: ONLINE

PiZap is the last of the online photo collage apps for PC that we have on this list. It’s quite a bit more basic than some of the other online photo editors that we’ve introduced thus far, but that may be all you need It comes with the usual collage grids as well as some handy photo editing functions so that you can be sure to get the end-product to look how you want it to

Reasons to Buy:

Lots of photo collage grits for your to try

Easy-to-use photo editing functions

UI is intuitive and lots of the features are set for beginners

PiZap — FREE Photo Collage App for PC

07Phototastic Collage

Specifications: Windows 10

Phototastic Collage is a photo collage app for PC that you can download and used for quick collage projects. It’s quite simplistic, but it can get the job done As a collage maker, it comes with a selection of layouts that you can use from in order to create your photo collages. Adding to this, the usual customization features are also available (i.e., frames, text, etc.)

Reasons to Buy:

Microsoft App with a very simple UI

Lots of layouts for grid making

Customizable layouts (i.e., adjust borders, frames, etc.)

Phototastic Collage — Collage App for PC


Specifications: Windows XP|Vista|7|8|8.1|10|11

PhotoPad is an old-school photo collage editor for PC that’s been around for a while. It’s a particularly good choice for those who choose to stick to the older versions of Windows (like XP or Vista), as you don’t see a lot of the newer software supporting those anymore.

Much like many of the other software that we included in this list, this one is more of a general photo editor than one strictly made for collages. However, it does come with functionalities for that, so you shouldn’t miss out on anything

Reasons to Buy:

Supports older Windows OS Systems

Advanced photo editing functions

Collage Feature for creating quick and easy collages

Photopad - Photo Collage Software for PC

Final Words: 2024 Guide of 8 Photo Collage Apps for PC

What’s the benefit of using a photo collage? What can it actually do for you? We answered these questions in the first section of this article

As for the recommendations that we promised for the best photo collage apps, software, etc. for 2024, we chose to include a wide variety so that you can have plenty to choose form.

If you want a general recommendation from the list that we included, we recommend using something like Filmora, Canva Pro, Express It, etc. that comes with a built-in resource library that you can take advantage of for filling up your future collage projects.

How to Stabilize Videos for Free with Google Photos App

While recording a video, it is pretty normal if you don’t end up having a stabilized clip due to camera shakes or movements on an unstable and unpaved road. This is where the Google stabilizer video editing feature comes into play. You can stabilize a video with the Google Photos app that has a built-in video stabilizer and other editing tools to give a finishing touch to your media files before they are shared online or with family, friends, and/or colleagues.

In this article, we will show you how to use Google Photos as a stabilizer video Google offers to its consumer. In addition, you will also learn about one of the most trusted and efficient third-party tools to stabilize the clips if Google video stabilizer fails to produce quality output.

In this article

01 What is Google Photos and How Does It Work?

02 How to Stabilize Videos with Google Photos on Android and iPhone?

03 How to Stabilize Videos with Google Photos Online?

04 How to Use Google Photos to Edit Video?

Part 1: What is Google Photos and How Does It Work?

Google Photos is an app that can be obtained from Play Store or App Store to be installed on an Android-based smartphone or iPhone or iPad respectively.

The program can store photos and videos from your phone, and ensures that those media files are well-backed up so they can be recovered easily if/when lost due to some mishaps. Furthermore, the tool even lets you edit, customize, and share your photos and videos with ease.

1. History and Current Policies

Earlier, Google Photos used to offer unlimited storage to the users where they can save as many photos as they want, as long as the images were saved in ‘high-quality’ resolution. However, from June 01, 2021, Google changed its policies of using the app, and now the tool offers limited storage. If more space is needed, the users must subscribe to a paid plan.

2. Accessibility

Google Photos can be accessed from a web browser, Google Drive desktop program, and smartphone app. While you can make only minor changes to the videos such as editing date, time, and location when accessing Google Photos via a web browser, the smartphone app allows you to edit the clips comparatively more sophisticatedly.

3. Deletion

The files that are stored in Google Photos remain there for an indefinite duration, of course until the entire space is completely consumed. When you delete something, it is moved to the Trash and stays there for another 60 days, after which it is automatically deleted from the Cloud forever.

Part 2: How to Stabilize Videos with Google Photos on Android and iPhone?

Google Photos is available for both Android and iPhone smartphones, and as explained earlier, the app can be downloaded from Play Store and App Store respectively. Using the built-in Google stabilizer video editor of the Photos app on both platforms is almost identical and extremely easy.

You can learn how to work with Google video stabilizer to stabilize a video by following the steps that are given below:

Step 1: Locate and Open the Source Video in Google Photos

Download and install Google Photos on your smartphone (Samsung Galaxy Note 10+ is used here for illustrations). Launch the app, tap Library from the bottom-right corner of the interface, and tap to open the source video that you want to stabilize with Google video stabilizer.

open video to stabilize

Step 2: Stabilize the Video

After the video opens in the app and the playback begins, tap Edit from the bottom. On the next screen, ensure that the Video section is selected. Tap the Stabilize icon from the lower-left area of the window, and wait while Google Photos stabilize video.

stabilize video with google photos

Step 3: Save the Video

Once the stabilization process is complete, click Save copy from the bottom-right corner to save the modified video as a separate copy, thus leaving the original instance intact.

save stabilized video in google photos

Part 3: How to Stabilize Videos with Google Photos Online?

Unfortunately, Google Photos doesn’t have many editing options when accessed via a web browser, and therefore, at the time of this writing, you cannot stabilize a video with the tool’s web interface. But if you are using a Windows or Mac computer, you can try some free online video stabilization software , or use Wondershare Filmora video editor to stabilize video with one click.

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

Wondershare Filmora video editor is available for Windows and Mac platforms, and gives a tough competition to other industry-standard video editing applications like Final Cut Pro X and Adobe Premiere Pro, etc. You can learn how to stabilize a clip with Filmora instead of using Google stabilizer video editor by following the step-by-step instructions that are explained below:

Step 1: Add the Source Video to the Timeline

After downloading and installing Wondershare Filmora on your Mac or Windows computer (a Windows 11 PC is used here for illustrations), launch the program, and click the New Project tile from the first screen that appears.

filmora start screen

When on the main interface, ensure that Media is selected from the standard toolbar at the top, and click anywhere inside the Media window that is present at the upper-left corner. Next, locate, select, and import the source video from your PC that you want to stabilize.

media library interface filmora

Now, drag and drop the video to the timeline, or hover the mouse over the clip’s thumbnail in the Media window, click the + icon from the bottom-right area. Click the button under the Match to Media or Keep Project Settings label when the confirmation box comes up to add the film to the Timeline using the preferences that you selected.

import video to stabilize timeline

Step 2: Stabilize the Video

Double click the video in the timeline, and then enable the Stabilization category under video editing pane. Wait while Filmora video editor stabilizes the video without Google video stabilizer. Click OK when done.

enable stabilize video filmora video editor

Step 3: Export the Stabilized Video

Back on the main interface, click Export from the center-top. On the Export box that opens up next, go to your preferred tab, pick an output format, define output preferences, and click Export from the bottom-right corner to export the stabilized clip without even using Google stabilizer video.

export stabilized video filmora

Part 4: How to Use Google Photos to Edit Video?

Google Photos doesn’t only work as a Google video stabilizer app but it also enables you to edit your media clips much more professionally. Some post-production tasks that you can perform while using Google Photos include:

1. Trimming

The trimming handles can be seen when you are on the ‘Video’ section after tapping ‘Edit’ in Google Photos after opening the video. You can drag these handles inwards to get rid of the unwanted starting and ending parts of a clip.

google photos trim video

2. Cropping

The ‘Crop’ section enables you to crop the videos in a particular aspect ratio that can be selected from the available list, or drag the handles manually to get custom results.

google photos crop video

3. Rotating

The ‘Crop’ section also has an option to rotate the video. Each time you tap the ‘Rotate’ icon, the screen rotates 90o in the counterclockwise direction.

rotate video google photos

4. Color Correction

The ‘Adjust’ section allows you to adjust the display of a video such as its brightness, contrast, shadows, etc.

video color correction google photos

5. Filters

You can even add a filter using the presets available in the ‘Filters’ section.

filters google photos

6. Annotations

The ‘Markup’ section enables you to annotate the video. You can either use the ‘Pen’ tool or ‘Highlighter’ to write text on the video or give the screen a different shade respectively.

video markup google photos

Depending on the type of modifications you want in your video, you can use Google Photos to get the job done easily and quickly.


Google video stabilizer is a built-in tool in Google Photos. Google Photos can be obtained from Play Store or App Store for your Android or iOS smart devices respectively. In addition to stabilizing your videos, Google Photos app also enables you to make other modifications such as trimming, cropping, applying filters, and much more.

02 How to Stabilize Videos with Google Photos on Android and iPhone?

03 How to Stabilize Videos with Google Photos Online?

04 How to Use Google Photos to Edit Video?

Part 1: What is Google Photos and How Does It Work?

Google Photos is an app that can be obtained from Play Store or App Store to be installed on an Android-based smartphone or iPhone or iPad respectively.

The program can store photos and videos from your phone, and ensures that those media files are well-backed up so they can be recovered easily if/when lost due to some mishaps. Furthermore, the tool even lets you edit, customize, and share your photos and videos with ease.

1. History and Current Policies

Earlier, Google Photos used to offer unlimited storage to the users where they can save as many photos as they want, as long as the images were saved in ‘high-quality’ resolution. However, from June 01, 2021, Google changed its policies of using the app, and now the tool offers limited storage. If more space is needed, the users must subscribe to a paid plan.

2. Accessibility

Google Photos can be accessed from a web browser, Google Drive desktop program, and smartphone app. While you can make only minor changes to the videos such as editing date, time, and location when accessing Google Photos via a web browser, the smartphone app allows you to edit the clips comparatively more sophisticatedly.

3. Deletion

The files that are stored in Google Photos remain there for an indefinite duration, of course until the entire space is completely consumed. When you delete something, it is moved to the Trash and stays there for another 60 days, after which it is automatically deleted from the Cloud forever.

Part 2: How to Stabilize Videos with Google Photos on Android and iPhone?

Google Photos is available for both Android and iPhone smartphones, and as explained earlier, the app can be downloaded from Play Store and App Store respectively. Using the built-in Google stabilizer video editor of the Photos app on both platforms is almost identical and extremely easy.

You can learn how to work with Google video stabilizer to stabilize a video by following the steps that are given below:

Step 1: Locate and Open the Source Video in Google Photos

Download and install Google Photos on your smartphone (Samsung Galaxy Note 10+ is used here for illustrations). Launch the app, tap Library from the bottom-right corner of the interface, and tap to open the source video that you want to stabilize with Google video stabilizer.

open video to stabilize

Step 2: Stabilize the Video

After the video opens in the app and the playback begins, tap Edit from the bottom. On the next screen, ensure that the Video section is selected. Tap the Stabilize icon from the lower-left area of the window, and wait while Google Photos stabilize video.

stabilize video with google photos

Step 3: Save the Video

Once the stabilization process is complete, click Save copy from the bottom-right corner to save the modified video as a separate copy, thus leaving the original instance intact.

save stabilized video in google photos

Part 3: How to Stabilize Videos with Google Photos Online?

Unfortunately, Google Photos doesn’t have many editing options when accessed via a web browser, and therefore, at the time of this writing, you cannot stabilize a video with the tool’s web interface. But if you are using a Windows or Mac computer, you can try some free online video stabilization software , or use Wondershare Filmora video editor to stabilize video with one click.

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

Wondershare Filmora video editor is available for Windows and Mac platforms, and gives a tough competition to other industry-standard video editing applications like Final Cut Pro X and Adobe Premiere Pro, etc. You can learn how to stabilize a clip with Filmora instead of using Google stabilizer video editor by following the step-by-step instructions that are explained below:

Step 1: Add the Source Video to the Timeline

After downloading and installing Wondershare Filmora on your Mac or Windows computer (a Windows 11 PC is used here for illustrations), launch the program, and click the New Project tile from the first screen that appears.

filmora start screen

When on the main interface, ensure that Media is selected from the standard toolbar at the top, and click anywhere inside the Media window that is present at the upper-left corner. Next, locate, select, and import the source video from your PC that you want to stabilize.

media library interface filmora

Now, drag and drop the video to the timeline, or hover the mouse over the clip’s thumbnail in the Media window, click the + icon from the bottom-right area. Click the button under the Match to Media or Keep Project Settings label when the confirmation box comes up to add the film to the Timeline using the preferences that you selected.

import video to stabilize timeline

Step 2: Stabilize the Video

Double click the video in the timeline, and then enable the Stabilization category under video editing pane. Wait while Filmora video editor stabilizes the video without Google video stabilizer. Click OK when done.

enable stabilize video filmora video editor

Step 3: Export the Stabilized Video

Back on the main interface, click Export from the center-top. On the Export box that opens up next, go to your preferred tab, pick an output format, define output preferences, and click Export from the bottom-right corner to export the stabilized clip without even using Google stabilizer video.

export stabilized video filmora

Part 4: How to Use Google Photos to Edit Video?

Google Photos doesn’t only work as a Google video stabilizer app but it also enables you to edit your media clips much more professionally. Some post-production tasks that you can perform while using Google Photos include:

1. Trimming

The trimming handles can be seen when you are on the ‘Video’ section after tapping ‘Edit’ in Google Photos after opening the video. You can drag these handles inwards to get rid of the unwanted starting and ending parts of a clip.

google photos trim video

2. Cropping

The ‘Crop’ section enables you to crop the videos in a particular aspect ratio that can be selected from the available list, or drag the handles manually to get custom results.

google photos crop video

3. Rotating

The ‘Crop’ section also has an option to rotate the video. Each time you tap the ‘Rotate’ icon, the screen rotates 90o in the counterclockwise direction.

rotate video google photos

4. Color Correction

The ‘Adjust’ section allows you to adjust the display of a video such as its brightness, contrast, shadows, etc.

video color correction google photos

5. Filters

You can even add a filter using the presets available in the ‘Filters’ section.

filters google photos

6. Annotations

The ‘Markup’ section enables you to annotate the video. You can either use the ‘Pen’ tool or ‘Highlighter’ to write text on the video or give the screen a different shade respectively.

video markup google photos

Depending on the type of modifications you want in your video, you can use Google Photos to get the job done easily and quickly.


Google video stabilizer is a built-in tool in Google Photos. Google Photos can be obtained from Play Store or App Store for your Android or iOS smart devices respectively. In addition to stabilizing your videos, Google Photos app also enables you to make other modifications such as trimming, cropping, applying filters, and much more.

02 How to Stabilize Videos with Google Photos on Android and iPhone?

03 How to Stabilize Videos with Google Photos Online?

04 How to Use Google Photos to Edit Video?

Part 1: What is Google Photos and How Does It Work?

Google Photos is an app that can be obtained from Play Store or App Store to be installed on an Android-based smartphone or iPhone or iPad respectively.

The program can store photos and videos from your phone, and ensures that those media files are well-backed up so they can be recovered easily if/when lost due to some mishaps. Furthermore, the tool even lets you edit, customize, and share your photos and videos with ease.

1. History and Current Policies

Earlier, Google Photos used to offer unlimited storage to the users where they can save as many photos as they want, as long as the images were saved in ‘high-quality’ resolution. However, from June 01, 2021, Google changed its policies of using the app, and now the tool offers limited storage. If more space is needed, the users must subscribe to a paid plan.

2. Accessibility

Google Photos can be accessed from a web browser, Google Drive desktop program, and smartphone app. While you can make only minor changes to the videos such as editing date, time, and location when accessing Google Photos via a web browser, the smartphone app allows you to edit the clips comparatively more sophisticatedly.

3. Deletion

The files that are stored in Google Photos remain there for an indefinite duration, of course until the entire space is completely consumed. When you delete something, it is moved to the Trash and stays there for another 60 days, after which it is automatically deleted from the Cloud forever.

Part 2: How to Stabilize Videos with Google Photos on Android and iPhone?

Google Photos is available for both Android and iPhone smartphones, and as explained earlier, the app can be downloaded from Play Store and App Store respectively. Using the built-in Google stabilizer video editor of the Photos app on both platforms is almost identical and extremely easy.

You can learn how to work with Google video stabilizer to stabilize a video by following the steps that are given below:

Step 1: Locate and Open the Source Video in Google Photos

Download and install Google Photos on your smartphone (Samsung Galaxy Note 10+ is used here for illustrations). Launch the app, tap Library from the bottom-right corner of the interface, and tap to open the source video that you want to stabilize with Google video stabilizer.

open video to stabilize

Step 2: Stabilize the Video

After the video opens in the app and the playback begins, tap Edit from the bottom. On the next screen, ensure that the Video section is selected. Tap the Stabilize icon from the lower-left area of the window, and wait while Google Photos stabilize video.

stabilize video with google photos

Step 3: Save the Video

Once the stabilization process is complete, click Save copy from the bottom-right corner to save the modified video as a separate copy, thus leaving the original instance intact.

save stabilized video in google photos

Part 3: How to Stabilize Videos with Google Photos Online?

Unfortunately, Google Photos doesn’t have many editing options when accessed via a web browser, and therefore, at the time of this writing, you cannot stabilize a video with the tool’s web interface. But if you are using a Windows or Mac computer, you can try some free online video stabilization software , or use Wondershare Filmora video editor to stabilize video with one click.

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

Wondershare Filmora video editor is available for Windows and Mac platforms, and gives a tough competition to other industry-standard video editing applications like Final Cut Pro X and Adobe Premiere Pro, etc. You can learn how to stabilize a clip with Filmora instead of using Google stabilizer video editor by following the step-by-step instructions that are explained below:

Step 1: Add the Source Video to the Timeline

After downloading and installing Wondershare Filmora on your Mac or Windows computer (a Windows 11 PC is used here for illustrations), launch the program, and click the New Project tile from the first screen that appears.

filmora start screen

When on the main interface, ensure that Media is selected from the standard toolbar at the top, and click anywhere inside the Media window that is present at the upper-left corner. Next, locate, select, and import the source video from your PC that you want to stabilize.

media library interface filmora

Now, drag and drop the video to the timeline, or hover the mouse over the clip’s thumbnail in the Media window, click the + icon from the bottom-right area. Click the button under the Match to Media or Keep Project Settings label when the confirmation box comes up to add the film to the Timeline using the preferences that you selected.

import video to stabilize timeline

Step 2: Stabilize the Video

Double click the video in the timeline, and then enable the Stabilization category under video editing pane. Wait while Filmora video editor stabilizes the video without Google video stabilizer. Click OK when done.

enable stabilize video filmora video editor

Step 3: Export the Stabilized Video

Back on the main interface, click Export from the center-top. On the Export box that opens up next, go to your preferred tab, pick an output format, define output preferences, and click Export from the bottom-right corner to export the stabilized clip without even using Google stabilizer video.

export stabilized video filmora

Part 4: How to Use Google Photos to Edit Video?

Google Photos doesn’t only work as a Google video stabilizer app but it also enables you to edit your media clips much more professionally. Some post-production tasks that you can perform while using Google Photos include:

1. Trimming

The trimming handles can be seen when you are on the ‘Video’ section after tapping ‘Edit’ in Google Photos after opening the video. You can drag these handles inwards to get rid of the unwanted starting and ending parts of a clip.

google photos trim video

2. Cropping

The ‘Crop’ section enables you to crop the videos in a particular aspect ratio that can be selected from the available list, or drag the handles manually to get custom results.

google photos crop video

3. Rotating

The ‘Crop’ section also has an option to rotate the video. Each time you tap the ‘Rotate’ icon, the screen rotates 90o in the counterclockwise direction.

rotate video google photos

4. Color Correction

The ‘Adjust’ section allows you to adjust the display of a video such as its brightness, contrast, shadows, etc.

video color correction google photos

5. Filters

You can even add a filter using the presets available in the ‘Filters’ section.

filters google photos

6. Annotations

The ‘Markup’ section enables you to annotate the video. You can either use the ‘Pen’ tool or ‘Highlighter’ to write text on the video or give the screen a different shade respectively.

video markup google photos

Depending on the type of modifications you want in your video, you can use Google Photos to get the job done easily and quickly.


Google video stabilizer is a built-in tool in Google Photos. Google Photos can be obtained from Play Store or App Store for your Android or iOS smart devices respectively. In addition to stabilizing your videos, Google Photos app also enables you to make other modifications such as trimming, cropping, applying filters, and much more.

02 How to Stabilize Videos with Google Photos on Android and iPhone?

03 How to Stabilize Videos with Google Photos Online?

04 How to Use Google Photos to Edit Video?

Part 1: What is Google Photos and How Does It Work?

Google Photos is an app that can be obtained from Play Store or App Store to be installed on an Android-based smartphone or iPhone or iPad respectively.

The program can store photos and videos from your phone, and ensures that those media files are well-backed up so they can be recovered easily if/when lost due to some mishaps. Furthermore, the tool even lets you edit, customize, and share your photos and videos with ease.

1. History and Current Policies

Earlier, Google Photos used to offer unlimited storage to the users where they can save as many photos as they want, as long as the images were saved in ‘high-quality’ resolution. However, from June 01, 2021, Google changed its policies of using the app, and now the tool offers limited storage. If more space is needed, the users must subscribe to a paid plan.

2. Accessibility

Google Photos can be accessed from a web browser, Google Drive desktop program, and smartphone app. While you can make only minor changes to the videos such as editing date, time, and location when accessing Google Photos via a web browser, the smartphone app allows you to edit the clips comparatively more sophisticatedly.

3. Deletion

The files that are stored in Google Photos remain there for an indefinite duration, of course until the entire space is completely consumed. When you delete something, it is moved to the Trash and stays there for another 60 days, after which it is automatically deleted from the Cloud forever.

Part 2: How to Stabilize Videos with Google Photos on Android and iPhone?

Google Photos is available for both Android and iPhone smartphones, and as explained earlier, the app can be downloaded from Play Store and App Store respectively. Using the built-in Google stabilizer video editor of the Photos app on both platforms is almost identical and extremely easy.

You can learn how to work with Google video stabilizer to stabilize a video by following the steps that are given below:

Step 1: Locate and Open the Source Video in Google Photos

Download and install Google Photos on your smartphone (Samsung Galaxy Note 10+ is used here for illustrations). Launch the app, tap Library from the bottom-right corner of the interface, and tap to open the source video that you want to stabilize with Google video stabilizer.

open video to stabilize

Step 2: Stabilize the Video

After the video opens in the app and the playback begins, tap Edit from the bottom. On the next screen, ensure that the Video section is selected. Tap the Stabilize icon from the lower-left area of the window, and wait while Google Photos stabilize video.

stabilize video with google photos

Step 3: Save the Video

Once the stabilization process is complete, click Save copy from the bottom-right corner to save the modified video as a separate copy, thus leaving the original instance intact.

save stabilized video in google photos

Part 3: How to Stabilize Videos with Google Photos Online?

Unfortunately, Google Photos doesn’t have many editing options when accessed via a web browser, and therefore, at the time of this writing, you cannot stabilize a video with the tool’s web interface. But if you are using a Windows or Mac computer, you can try some free online video stabilization software , or use Wondershare Filmora video editor to stabilize video with one click.

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

Wondershare Filmora video editor is available for Windows and Mac platforms, and gives a tough competition to other industry-standard video editing applications like Final Cut Pro X and Adobe Premiere Pro, etc. You can learn how to stabilize a clip with Filmora instead of using Google stabilizer video editor by following the step-by-step instructions that are explained below:

Step 1: Add the Source Video to the Timeline

After downloading and installing Wondershare Filmora on your Mac or Windows computer (a Windows 11 PC is used here for illustrations), launch the program, and click the New Project tile from the first screen that appears.

filmora start screen

When on the main interface, ensure that Media is selected from the standard toolbar at the top, and click anywhere inside the Media window that is present at the upper-left corner. Next, locate, select, and import the source video from your PC that you want to stabilize.

media library interface filmora

Now, drag and drop the video to the timeline, or hover the mouse over the clip’s thumbnail in the Media window, click the + icon from the bottom-right area. Click the button under the Match to Media or Keep Project Settings label when the confirmation box comes up to add the film to the Timeline using the preferences that you selected.

import video to stabilize timeline

Step 2: Stabilize the Video

Double click the video in the timeline, and then enable the Stabilization category under video editing pane. Wait while Filmora video editor stabilizes the video without Google video stabilizer. Click OK when done.

enable stabilize video filmora video editor

Step 3: Export the Stabilized Video

Back on the main interface, click Export from the center-top. On the Export box that opens up next, go to your preferred tab, pick an output format, define output preferences, and click Export from the bottom-right corner to export the stabilized clip without even using Google stabilizer video.

export stabilized video filmora

Part 4: How to Use Google Photos to Edit Video?

Google Photos doesn’t only work as a Google video stabilizer app but it also enables you to edit your media clips much more professionally. Some post-production tasks that you can perform while using Google Photos include:

1. Trimming

The trimming handles can be seen when you are on the ‘Video’ section after tapping ‘Edit’ in Google Photos after opening the video. You can drag these handles inwards to get rid of the unwanted starting and ending parts of a clip.

google photos trim video

2. Cropping

The ‘Crop’ section enables you to crop the videos in a particular aspect ratio that can be selected from the available list, or drag the handles manually to get custom results.

google photos crop video

3. Rotating

The ‘Crop’ section also has an option to rotate the video. Each time you tap the ‘Rotate’ icon, the screen rotates 90o in the counterclockwise direction.

rotate video google photos

4. Color Correction

The ‘Adjust’ section allows you to adjust the display of a video such as its brightness, contrast, shadows, etc.

video color correction google photos

5. Filters

You can even add a filter using the presets available in the ‘Filters’ section.

filters google photos

6. Annotations

The ‘Markup’ section enables you to annotate the video. You can either use the ‘Pen’ tool or ‘Highlighter’ to write text on the video or give the screen a different shade respectively.

video markup google photos

Depending on the type of modifications you want in your video, you can use Google Photos to get the job done easily and quickly.


Google video stabilizer is a built-in tool in Google Photos. Google Photos can be obtained from Play Store or App Store for your Android or iOS smart devices respectively. In addition to stabilizing your videos, Google Photos app also enables you to make other modifications such as trimming, cropping, applying filters, and much more.

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  • Title: New 2024 Approved 4K Videos Are the in Thing because of Their Flexibility and High Resolution. Stick Around to Learn How to Choose the Best Frame Rate for 4K Videos
  • Author: Chloe
  • Created at : 2024-06-18 14:31:19
  • Updated at : 2024-06-19 14:31:19
  • Link:
  • License: This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.
On this page
New 2024 Approved 4K Videos Are the in Thing because of Their Flexibility and High Resolution. Stick Around to Learn How to Choose the Best Frame Rate for 4K Videos