New 2024 Approved Create A Freeze Frame Sequence In Your Videos

New 2024 Approved Create A Freeze Frame Sequence In Your Videos

Chloe Lv12

Create A Freeze Frame Sequence In Your Videos

Are you considering getting your video editing skills to a new high level? Are you worried about spicing your videos with stylish shots and bringing attention to particular aspects of your video?

Freeze frame sequence is one the most stunning effects that can help you greatly. The freeze frame sequence has been used in many classic and present-day movies. And it will never go out of fashion.

Here, we will guide you on creating freeze frame sequences in your videos using Filmora. It is critical here to know what exactly the freeze frame sequence is. So let’s jump right into it!

Part 1. What Is A Freeze Frame?

A freeze frame is a specific single frame of the video clip shown repeatedly in the video. It gives the illusion of a static picture. It is used to draw the viewers’ attention to the minute details of a specific moment, to set up a powerful narrative, or to introduce your main characters.

freeze frame effect

Content creators can also use the freeze-frame effect on fast-moving objects to draw the viewers’ attention. Have a few examples of the most popular freeze frames used in the movies.

Alfred Hitchcock used the first-ever freeze-frame in his film Champagne (1928). There is a long list of many famous tv shows and movies in which the freeze frame effect has been used since then. But to count a few, three examples are given here.

1. Pulp Fiction (1994)

In the beginning scene of Pulp Fiction, where robbery is about to occur, a freeze-frame effect is used to engage the audience. Later in the movie, it was relieved what would happen next. It was a dramatic pause to draw attention. It is a strong example of the freeze-frame effect.

pulp fiction's freeze frame

2. The Breakfast Club (1985)

The ending of Breakfast Club is an iconic example of the freeze-frame effect. With a powerful narration, the freeze frame conveys the movie’s central idea to the audience.

the breakfast club's freeze frame

3. Suicide Squad (2016)

In the trailer of Suicide Squad, freeze frames were used by the director to introduce the characters. This trailer used stylish animations to give relevant information about the film’s main characters.

suicide squad's freeze frame

Having discussed the famous examples, let’s learn about the power of freeze frames.

The power of freeze frame

The old freeze frames give a retro vibe. However, with the advancement in editing technology, this special effect has proved that there is no end. Furthermore, it has shown that you can do many things with pauses.

Especially when you are a content creator, this effect empowers you by advertising your skills impressively. It also conveys your message convincingly.

Being a content creator, you always want to reach the maximum audience. This special effect will serve this too. It will ultimately get you more viewership, more likes, and more subscriptions. But how to create a freeze frame?

Part 2. How To Create Freeze Frame Sequence? [Step-Wise Guide]

Let’s see how to add a freeze frame sequence in your video step-wise and get started.

Step1 Download Wondershare Filmora

Wondershare Filmora is an all-in-one video editing platform. It is enhanced with multiple practical media resources. You can head to Wondershare Filmora official site to download or upgrade your Filmora.

filmora interface

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Step2 Import your clips and add them to the timeline

Open Filmora and create a new project. Import your clip into the media library. Add your clips to the first video layer on the timeline.

import your video clip and add it to the timeline

Step3 Apply color correction to the footage

Before we start our edit, let’s color correct our footage, so the corrected color is already applied when we take the screenshots.

apply color correction to your clip

Step4 Find your first action frame

Next, scrub through the clip to find your first action frame. For example, in this video, this is our first action frame.

select the first action frame

Step5 Take a screenshot of the action frame

Let’s head to the camera icon under the preview screen and click the icon. It will take a screenshot of the current frame that the playhead is on the timeline.

take a screenshot of the action frame

Make sure to keep the playhead the same after you’ve taken the snapshot. You can find your screenshot in the media tab.

Step6 Add the screenshot to timeline

Let’s drag your screenshot onto video layer 2 and align it on the right side of the playhead. Then extend the screenshot so it lasts as long as your central clip.

extend the screenshot

Step7 Apply masks to the screenshot

Now, double-click on the screenshot. It will open the “Video” menu, then go into the “Mask” menu. Choose a mask shape and edit it so that it only covers where your subject is in the screenshot. For example, we choose the **”**Circle” mask shape in this video.

choose your mask shape

If you need help seeing what you’re masking, hide the main video layer and edit your mask like this.

hide the main video layer

Move the playhead forward and clean up your “mask.” Next, Increase the blur to soften the edges. But not too much because it may become visible on your subject.

editing of the mask

Step8 Hide the first screenshot

Let’s layer a couple more action frames! First, hide the first screenshot so it doesn’t appear in your new screenshot.

hide the first screenshot

Step9 Select your second action frame

Then, pick a new frame.

select a new frame

  • Click the camera icon.
  • Drag the screenshot at the new playhead spot.
  • Extend the clip.

repeat the steps

  • Double-click to mask this frame.
  • And play it back to make sure it looks good.
  • It would help if you did this a couple more times until you have several frames.

Please have a look at the final product and how it looks!

sreeze frame sequence

And that’s how you create a freeze-frame video effect in Filmora.

Part 3. Tips To Use Freeze Frame Sequence

You’ve known how to make the freeze frame sequence. However, don’t miss essential tips to improve your video at the next stage.

Tip 1: Making a steady shot is important

First, ensure a steady shot with no camera shake while filming. You can use a tripod or a stable surface to keep your camera still.

keep your camera still

Why is it necessary to make a steady shot?

  • It helps you to make smooth, fluid shots.
  • It is much more professional.
  • It will take your editing skills to a new level.
  • It grabs the attention of the viewers.
  • It makes your editing easier.

Tip 2: No crossing over

Make sure your subject only crosses the same spot once. Otherwise, you would need help editing the video.

crossing over should be avoided

Why is it necessary to avoid crossing the same spot?

  • It prevents misalignment of the shots, and your print won’t get damaged, primarily when you use pieces of the same image.
  • It helps to create an illusion of holding specific moments.

Final Words

The Freeze Frame Sequence looks professional but much more manageable. The creator’s confidence gets to the next level when they learn how to create it. This step-wise guide using Wondershare Filmora is all for your ease.

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Step2 Import your clips and add them to the timeline

Open Filmora and create a new project. Import your clip into the media library. Add your clips to the first video layer on the timeline.

import your video clip and add it to the timeline

Step3 Apply color correction to the footage

Before we start our edit, let’s color correct our footage, so the corrected color is already applied when we take the screenshots.

apply color correction to your clip

Step4 Find your first action frame

Next, scrub through the clip to find your first action frame. For example, in this video, this is our first action frame.

select the first action frame

Step5 Take a screenshot of the action frame

Let’s head to the camera icon under the preview screen and click the icon. It will take a screenshot of the current frame that the playhead is on the timeline.

take a screenshot of the action frame

Make sure to keep the playhead the same after you’ve taken the snapshot. You can find your screenshot in the media tab.

Step6 Add the screenshot to timeline

Let’s drag your screenshot onto video layer 2 and align it on the right side of the playhead. Then extend the screenshot so it lasts as long as your central clip.

extend the screenshot

Step7 Apply masks to the screenshot

Now, double-click on the screenshot. It will open the “Video” menu, then go into the “Mask” menu. Choose a mask shape and edit it so that it only covers where your subject is in the screenshot. For example, we choose the **”**Circle” mask shape in this video.

choose your mask shape

If you need help seeing what you’re masking, hide the main video layer and edit your mask like this.

hide the main video layer

Move the playhead forward and clean up your “mask.” Next, Increase the blur to soften the edges. But not too much because it may become visible on your subject.

editing of the mask

Step8 Hide the first screenshot

Let’s layer a couple more action frames! First, hide the first screenshot so it doesn’t appear in your new screenshot.

hide the first screenshot

Step9 Select your second action frame

Then, pick a new frame.

select a new frame

  • Click the camera icon.
  • Drag the screenshot at the new playhead spot.
  • Extend the clip.

repeat the steps

  • Double-click to mask this frame.
  • And play it back to make sure it looks good.
  • It would help if you did this a couple more times until you have several frames.

Please have a look at the final product and how it looks!

sreeze frame sequence

And that’s how you create a freeze-frame video effect in Filmora.

Part 3. Tips To Use Freeze Frame Sequence

You’ve known how to make the freeze frame sequence. However, don’t miss essential tips to improve your video at the next stage.

Tip 1: Making a steady shot is important

First, ensure a steady shot with no camera shake while filming. You can use a tripod or a stable surface to keep your camera still.

keep your camera still

Why is it necessary to make a steady shot?

  • It helps you to make smooth, fluid shots.
  • It is much more professional.
  • It will take your editing skills to a new level.
  • It grabs the attention of the viewers.
  • It makes your editing easier.

Tip 2: No crossing over

Make sure your subject only crosses the same spot once. Otherwise, you would need help editing the video.

crossing over should be avoided

Why is it necessary to avoid crossing the same spot?

  • It prevents misalignment of the shots, and your print won’t get damaged, primarily when you use pieces of the same image.
  • It helps to create an illusion of holding specific moments.

Final Words

The Freeze Frame Sequence looks professional but much more manageable. The creator’s confidence gets to the next level when they learn how to create it. This step-wise guide using Wondershare Filmora is all for your ease.

How to Easily Convert SRT to VTT

While there are numerous subtitle formats, two of the most commonly used formats are SRT and Web VTT. SRT is also known as SubRip. The format got its name from a DVD ripping software that extracted subtitles from DVDs.

Web VTT stands for Web Video Text Track. Web VTT is a W3C standard that allows you to display the text in sync with the HTML 5 element.

Both of them are quite similar; however, slight differences might make you choose one over the other.

  1. What Does It Look Like
  2. Timecode Format
  3. Metadata
  4. Basic Text Formats (Bold, Italic, Underline)
  5. Advanced Styling Fonts
  6. Support Changing The Position Of Subtitles
  7. Summary
  1. Go Transcript
  3. Subtitle Edit
  4. How to Convert SRT to Web VTT usingGoTranscript
  1. Wondershare Filmora

Is Web VTT the Same as SRT?

While SRT is a popular text file used for captions, Web VTT is not far behind. Web VTT is similar to SRT but includes more styling options and editing. Web VTT works exceptionally well with media players but might not work efficiently on social media platforms.

Besides that, it also contains metadata making it more robust than SRT. But this is not all that is different between SRT and Web VTT. Let’s dive into the details of how both are different even though they are sometimes used interchangeably:

What Does It Look Like

Mostly, SRT and Web VTT files are similar, so one can easily be converted to another or edited. A Web VTT file starts with Web VTT at the top and the file’s title next to it. An SRT file does not have any of that. Then the caption sequences are separated with blank lines in Web VTT files. The SRT file is messy, with captions not separated by lines but all clustered together.

difference between srt vs vtt

Features/Subtitle Formats SRT VTT
Timesconde Format Hours:minutes: seconds. milliseconds minutes: seconds. milliseconds
Metadata No Yes
Title No Yes
A Numbering of The Subtitle Lines Yes No
Basic Text Formats Not supported Yes
Advanced Styling Fonts Simple More robust styling including bold, italics, etc
Support Changing the position of subtitles No Yes

Timecode Format

The timecode format for an SRT file begins with hours:minutes: seconds. milliseconds. On the other hand, the timecode format for a Web VTT file is minutes: seconds. milliseconds. This difference in timecode is extremely important to keep in mind while manually editing SRT or Web VTT files.


A web VTT file includes metadata, unlike an SRT file. This means that a web VTT file includes extra information like author, title, and additional comments.

Basic Text Formats (Bold, Italic, Underline)

Web VTT is equipped with basic styling formats like bold italic and underline, which makes it more robust than SRT. Its styling formats are supported by all browsers. On the other hand, SRT files do not support any styling.

Advanced Styling Fonts

Web VTT supports a more robust format that includes whistles and bells, distinguishing it from the simpler SRT format. This adds a very nice touch, especially if the text file is for a tv episode.

Support Changing The Position Of Subtitles

Along with all its other fantastic features, Web VTT files also allow you to change the position of the subtitles easily. SRT files do not give you the liberty to do that.


So, in short, Web VTT is more user friendly offering a lot more than what a simple SRT file may offer. Apart from differences in styling, time, and text formats, Web VTT files are incredibly easier to read and edit. You can also add comments which will remain hidden from the display.

How to Generate VTT Subtitles from SRT using an Online subtitle converter

If you want a quick solution to convert SRT files to Web VTT, then there are a lot of converters available online that will convert your SRT file in seconds, however long it many be. Some notable converters online are given below. Depending on their features and results, you can use the one that suits you the most.

Go Transcript

go transcript interface

Go Transcript is an excellent online service that is mainly known for providing transcriptions for audio and videos. Their human transcribers provide transcriptions with almost 100% accuracy, even when the voices are heavily accented.

Apart from that, GoTranscript allows you to convert files into 15 different text formats including csv, srt, vtt, sbv and rt. The website is extremely easy to navigate, and you can upload your file and convert it within minutes.


  • Mobile app is available for use
  • Easy to navigate interface
  • Free conversions to different file types


  • Lots of extra costs if purchasing premium services
  • Web editor is not very great is another excellent website for converting SRT files to Web VTT format. The website has a very intuitive interface with everything in front of you. By clicking on the upload button, you can upload your file and convert it. Other than that, you can also download closed captions from the website, as it allows you to transcribe audios and edit videos.

veed io user interface


  • Easy to Use
  • Can be easily integrated with Youtube
  • Can download closed captions and use them for other purposes


  • No mobile app is available

Subtitle Edit

Subtitle Edit is also an online SRT to Web VTT convertor that has an extremely user-friendly interface. Subtitle edit is free of any ads or distractions, allowing you to work on your file with your complete focus. Subtitle Edit also provides transcription and video editing services along with free file conversions.

subtitle edit user interface


  • User-friendly
  • No clutter or distractions


  • Only creates and edits SRT files
  • Expensive premium services

How to Convert SRT to Web VTT using GoTranscript

As mentioned above, GoTranscript is extremely easy to navigate and allows you to quickly convert your files from one format to the other. Here is a detailed process that shows how you can convert your SRT file to Web VTT in GoTranscript.

To convert an SRT file to Web VTT using GoTranscript, follow the steps below:

upload the file to the website

  • From the second section, select the file format you want to convert it in. Since you want to convert it to Web VTT format, select “.

select the file format

  • Lastly, click on Convert to convert your file. Once your file is converted, press download to download the file.

Now the file will be downloaded to your computer and you can use it as you desire.

Online converters are an extremely easy way to convert your SRT files to Web VTT. However, sometimes you might want to manually edit them if you are not satisfied with the results of the online converter.

How to Convert SRT to VTT Manually?

Both SRT and Web VTT files are easily editable in Notepad or TextEdit if you are using Mac, so you can manually change both of them there when needed. SRT and Web VTT files are mostly the same, with just a few distinguishable differences.

By understanding those differences between them, you can easily convert an SRT file to Web VTT or a Web VTT file to SRT. Here is how you can convert an SRT to VTT manually:

Step-by-step guidelines to Convert SRT to VTT Manually

Open in Notepad:

  • In order to convert SRT files into VTT manually, search the SRT file in file explorer and open it in Notepad.

Edit the File and save:

  • When you open the file, you will see that all the text is quite close together with no black lines to separate sequences. If the file is small, putting blank lines in between would not be too difficult. However, it can be quite a time taking process if the file is large.

open it in notepad

  • To do it manually, you can add spaces between sequences.
  • Replace all the periods with commas. Press Crtl+H on your keyboard to open the replace toolbar and select replace all to replace all periods with commas.
  • The next step is adding WebVTT to the top of the file. You can also add a comment or title for the file right next to it.

adding webvtt

  • Lastly, remove 1 from the start of each time code. For example, if the time code is “100:00:11.580,” write “00:00:11.580”.

replace option

Change the extension from SRT to VVT:

  • Now save all the changes, rename it by replacing the suffix “SRT ‘’ with “VVT .’’

If you do not see the extension in the name of the file,

  • Go to the top menu in Windows Explorer
  • Go to view
  • Click on the check box for “File name extensions”

check file name extensions

Now you can easily change the extension from SRT to VVT.

hit yes and the extension will be changed

The manual process is not too difficult. It can be extremely time taking to change each time code and adding blank lines in between. However, this is an easy fix when you cannot access a converter.

Video Guide Tutorial to easily Convert SRT to VTT with Subtitle Edit

Here is a video tutorial to guide you to convert SRT to VTT:

How to Easily Convert SRT to VTT and VTT to SRT

Pro Tip: The Best Way to Edit the Styling of Your SRT file and Merge Subtitles with Videos

While we have discussed most of the solutions with you, the easiest and the best solution is saved for the last. You must be aware of Wondershare Filmora , but did you know that you can easily edit your SRT file there and merge the subtitles with your video! Filmora offers you to edit SRT files and conveniently arrange the captions however you want.

Wondershare Filmora

Filmora is truly a work of art that allows beginners and professionals to create and edit world class videos. With an easy to navigate interface, you can find everything within seconds, even if you are a novice at video editing.

wondershare filmora user interface

Filmora is especiially useful in creating YouTube videos, instagram reels, or TikToks that will wow your audience. With such an incredible video editing tool at your hand, all you need to worry about is good content, and Filmora will enhance the rest of the things with its spectacular video editing.

For that part, Filmora offers a range of tools, effects, stickers, and transitions that will give you a professional quality video.

You can also add subtitles, text, or animations to your videos.

As this article focuses on editing your SRT file in Filmora, we will dive directly into that. Here is how you can edit your SRT file in Filmora:

Step-by-step guidelines

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

  • Open Wondershare Fimora on your PC. If you do not have the Filmora app on your PC, you can download it from here .
  • The first step is uploading the SRT file directly into the media resource area. You can directly import the file using the import media files option.

uploading the srt file

  • The next step is editing the file. Drag the SRT file to the timeline and right click on it. Now, select Advanced Edit. You can also double click on the SRT file in the timeline to open Advanced Edit options.

select advanced edit

There will be multiple options for you to edit your SRT file in Filmora including:

  1. Edit Time Code: Here, you can edit the time code and change the placement of your captions depending on when you want them to appear.
  2. Change Subtitles: You can add new subtitles, remove any or edit a few to make them more accurate.
  3. Subtitle Style: This option allows you to edit the font and size of your captions. You can change the style to fit your video.
  4. Merge Subtitles: This option allows you to merge subtitles.

change subtitle style

  • Once you are done editing the SRT file, right click on the file and click on the Export Subtitle file.

export subtitle file

By following the simple steps above you can edit your SRT file conveniently in no time.

Final Words

So, here is all you need to know about converting an SRT file to Web VTT. Hopefully, you will find these methods helpful and easy to convert SRT files to Web VTT on daily basis. Don’t forget to give Filmora a try! Editing your SRT file in Filmora is effortless with all the advanced tools available. You can edit your videos and captions and then download them to your computer in no time.

  1. Wondershare Filmora

Is Web VTT the Same as SRT?

While SRT is a popular text file used for captions, Web VTT is not far behind. Web VTT is similar to SRT but includes more styling options and editing. Web VTT works exceptionally well with media players but might not work efficiently on social media platforms.

Besides that, it also contains metadata making it more robust than SRT. But this is not all that is different between SRT and Web VTT. Let’s dive into the details of how both are different even though they are sometimes used interchangeably:

What Does It Look Like

Mostly, SRT and Web VTT files are similar, so one can easily be converted to another or edited. A Web VTT file starts with Web VTT at the top and the file’s title next to it. An SRT file does not have any of that. Then the caption sequences are separated with blank lines in Web VTT files. The SRT file is messy, with captions not separated by lines but all clustered together.

difference between srt vs vtt

Features/Subtitle Formats SRT VTT
Timesconde Format Hours:minutes: seconds. milliseconds minutes: seconds. milliseconds
Metadata No Yes
Title No Yes
A Numbering of The Subtitle Lines Yes No
Basic Text Formats Not supported Yes
Advanced Styling Fonts Simple More robust styling including bold, italics, etc
Support Changing the position of subtitles No Yes

Timecode Format

The timecode format for an SRT file begins with hours:minutes: seconds. milliseconds. On the other hand, the timecode format for a Web VTT file is minutes: seconds. milliseconds. This difference in timecode is extremely important to keep in mind while manually editing SRT or Web VTT files.


A web VTT file includes metadata, unlike an SRT file. This means that a web VTT file includes extra information like author, title, and additional comments.

Basic Text Formats (Bold, Italic, Underline)

Web VTT is equipped with basic styling formats like bold italic and underline, which makes it more robust than SRT. Its styling formats are supported by all browsers. On the other hand, SRT files do not support any styling.

Advanced Styling Fonts

Web VTT supports a more robust format that includes whistles and bells, distinguishing it from the simpler SRT format. This adds a very nice touch, especially if the text file is for a tv episode.

Support Changing The Position Of Subtitles

Along with all its other fantastic features, Web VTT files also allow you to change the position of the subtitles easily. SRT files do not give you the liberty to do that.


So, in short, Web VTT is more user friendly offering a lot more than what a simple SRT file may offer. Apart from differences in styling, time, and text formats, Web VTT files are incredibly easier to read and edit. You can also add comments which will remain hidden from the display.

How to Generate VTT Subtitles from SRT using an Online subtitle converter

If you want a quick solution to convert SRT files to Web VTT, then there are a lot of converters available online that will convert your SRT file in seconds, however long it many be. Some notable converters online are given below. Depending on their features and results, you can use the one that suits you the most.

Go Transcript

go transcript interface

Go Transcript is an excellent online service that is mainly known for providing transcriptions for audio and videos. Their human transcribers provide transcriptions with almost 100% accuracy, even when the voices are heavily accented.

Apart from that, GoTranscript allows you to convert files into 15 different text formats including csv, srt, vtt, sbv and rt. The website is extremely easy to navigate, and you can upload your file and convert it within minutes.


  • Mobile app is available for use
  • Easy to navigate interface
  • Free conversions to different file types


  • Lots of extra costs if purchasing premium services
  • Web editor is not very great is another excellent website for converting SRT files to Web VTT format. The website has a very intuitive interface with everything in front of you. By clicking on the upload button, you can upload your file and convert it. Other than that, you can also download closed captions from the website, as it allows you to transcribe audios and edit videos.

veed io user interface


  • Easy to Use
  • Can be easily integrated with Youtube
  • Can download closed captions and use them for other purposes


  • No mobile app is available

Subtitle Edit

Subtitle Edit is also an online SRT to Web VTT convertor that has an extremely user-friendly interface. Subtitle edit is free of any ads or distractions, allowing you to work on your file with your complete focus. Subtitle Edit also provides transcription and video editing services along with free file conversions.

subtitle edit user interface


  • User-friendly
  • No clutter or distractions


  • Only creates and edits SRT files
  • Expensive premium services

How to Convert SRT to Web VTT using GoTranscript

As mentioned above, GoTranscript is extremely easy to navigate and allows you to quickly convert your files from one format to the other. Here is a detailed process that shows how you can convert your SRT file to Web VTT in GoTranscript.

To convert an SRT file to Web VTT using GoTranscript, follow the steps below:

upload the file to the website

  • From the second section, select the file format you want to convert it in. Since you want to convert it to Web VTT format, select “.

select the file format

  • Lastly, click on Convert to convert your file. Once your file is converted, press download to download the file.

Now the file will be downloaded to your computer and you can use it as you desire.

Online converters are an extremely easy way to convert your SRT files to Web VTT. However, sometimes you might want to manually edit them if you are not satisfied with the results of the online converter.

How to Convert SRT to VTT Manually?

Both SRT and Web VTT files are easily editable in Notepad or TextEdit if you are using Mac, so you can manually change both of them there when needed. SRT and Web VTT files are mostly the same, with just a few distinguishable differences.

By understanding those differences between them, you can easily convert an SRT file to Web VTT or a Web VTT file to SRT. Here is how you can convert an SRT to VTT manually:

Step-by-step guidelines to Convert SRT to VTT Manually

Open in Notepad:

  • In order to convert SRT files into VTT manually, search the SRT file in file explorer and open it in Notepad.

Edit the File and save:

  • When you open the file, you will see that all the text is quite close together with no black lines to separate sequences. If the file is small, putting blank lines in between would not be too difficult. However, it can be quite a time taking process if the file is large.

open it in notepad

  • To do it manually, you can add spaces between sequences.
  • Replace all the periods with commas. Press Crtl+H on your keyboard to open the replace toolbar and select replace all to replace all periods with commas.
  • The next step is adding WebVTT to the top of the file. You can also add a comment or title for the file right next to it.

adding webvtt

  • Lastly, remove 1 from the start of each time code. For example, if the time code is “100:00:11.580,” write “00:00:11.580”.

replace option

Change the extension from SRT to VVT:

  • Now save all the changes, rename it by replacing the suffix “SRT ‘’ with “VVT .’’

If you do not see the extension in the name of the file,

  • Go to the top menu in Windows Explorer
  • Go to view
  • Click on the check box for “File name extensions”

check file name extensions

Now you can easily change the extension from SRT to VVT.

hit yes and the extension will be changed

The manual process is not too difficult. It can be extremely time taking to change each time code and adding blank lines in between. However, this is an easy fix when you cannot access a converter.

Video Guide Tutorial to easily Convert SRT to VTT with Subtitle Edit

Here is a video tutorial to guide you to convert SRT to VTT:

How to Easily Convert SRT to VTT and VTT to SRT

Pro Tip: The Best Way to Edit the Styling of Your SRT file and Merge Subtitles with Videos

While we have discussed most of the solutions with you, the easiest and the best solution is saved for the last. You must be aware of Wondershare Filmora , but did you know that you can easily edit your SRT file there and merge the subtitles with your video! Filmora offers you to edit SRT files and conveniently arrange the captions however you want.

Wondershare Filmora

Filmora is truly a work of art that allows beginners and professionals to create and edit world class videos. With an easy to navigate interface, you can find everything within seconds, even if you are a novice at video editing.

wondershare filmora user interface

Filmora is especiially useful in creating YouTube videos, instagram reels, or TikToks that will wow your audience. With such an incredible video editing tool at your hand, all you need to worry about is good content, and Filmora will enhance the rest of the things with its spectacular video editing.

For that part, Filmora offers a range of tools, effects, stickers, and transitions that will give you a professional quality video.

You can also add subtitles, text, or animations to your videos.

As this article focuses on editing your SRT file in Filmora, we will dive directly into that. Here is how you can edit your SRT file in Filmora:

Step-by-step guidelines

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

  • Open Wondershare Fimora on your PC. If you do not have the Filmora app on your PC, you can download it from here .
  • The first step is uploading the SRT file directly into the media resource area. You can directly import the file using the import media files option.

uploading the srt file

  • The next step is editing the file. Drag the SRT file to the timeline and right click on it. Now, select Advanced Edit. You can also double click on the SRT file in the timeline to open Advanced Edit options.

select advanced edit

There will be multiple options for you to edit your SRT file in Filmora including:

  1. Edit Time Code: Here, you can edit the time code and change the placement of your captions depending on when you want them to appear.
  2. Change Subtitles: You can add new subtitles, remove any or edit a few to make them more accurate.
  3. Subtitle Style: This option allows you to edit the font and size of your captions. You can change the style to fit your video.
  4. Merge Subtitles: This option allows you to merge subtitles.

change subtitle style

  • Once you are done editing the SRT file, right click on the file and click on the Export Subtitle file.

export subtitle file

By following the simple steps above you can edit your SRT file conveniently in no time.

Final Words

So, here is all you need to know about converting an SRT file to Web VTT. Hopefully, you will find these methods helpful and easy to convert SRT files to Web VTT on daily basis. Don’t forget to give Filmora a try! Editing your SRT file in Filmora is effortless with all the advanced tools available. You can edit your videos and captions and then download them to your computer in no time.

How to Add Slideshow in PowerPoint

How to Add a Slideshow in PowerPoint

An easy yet powerful editor

Numerous effects to choose from

Detailed tutorials provided by the official channel

Try It Free Try It Free

A slideshow view fills the entire computer screen, much like a real slide show. The presentation is exhibited in full-screen mode, as the audience will see it. Graphics, timings, videos, animated elements, and transition effects get displayed in the same way they appear on stage. PowerPoint is an excellent tool for preparing presentations on the fly, whether for a seminar, classroom, lecture hall, conference, or even a contract pitch. With PowerPoint software, you can never go wrong. We’ll show you how to do a slideshow presentation in this post, even if you’re a complete novice who has never used it before.

In this article

01 How to Add Slideshow in PowerPoint

02 [How to Prepare a slideshow in PowerPoint](#Part 2)

03 [How to Play Slideshow in PowerPoint Automatically](#Part 3)

04 [How to Add Sound to a PowerPoint Slideshow](#Part 4)

05 [How to View Slideshow PowerPoint](#Part 5)

05 [How to Add Audio to the Slideshow](#Part 5)

Part 1 How to Add Slideshow in PowerPoint

Below are the steps on how to prepare a slideshow in PowerPoint

Step 1: Open New

Click on open new presentation in Microsoft PowerPoint.

Open New

Step 2: Add Photo

Add a new photo album to your presentation.

Add photo

Step 3: Add Transition

Customize your presentation by adding transitions and effects to your slideshow.

Add Transition

Step 4: Advanced Settings

Set the slides to advance automatically.

Advance Settings

Step 5: Set Slideshow Loop

To make the slideshow loop continuously, go to the “ set up” group on the “slide show” tap and check the box next to “Loop continuously until Esc .”Then click OK. The slide will start from the beginning after displaying the last slide.

Set Slideshow loop

Now, your slideshow has been created and is ready for viewing.

Part 2 How to Prepare Slideshows in PowerPoint

Learning how to do a slideshow in PowerPoint is a relatively simple process that anyone can accomplish.

Ready to make aslideshow? Let us get you started.

Step 1: Create New Presentation

To do so:

Go to your browser and click on the PowerPoint icon.

When PowerPoint opens, go to the upper left-hand corner and choose “File,” then “New,” listed under “File.”

Choose “New Presentation” from the drop-down menu, which will create a new slide show for you to begin uploading photos to.

Create New Presentation

Step 2: Save PowerPoint

Go to the top right-hand side of the presentation screen and click on the flash drive icon. After that, you’ll be able to name your presentation and pick where to save it.

Remember to save your presentation after something that will remind you of the images in the File. This act will make it easier for you to find them later.

Save PowerPoint

Step 3: Name the Page

Consider a title and type it in the box. Your title page can include a name, date, or image.

Choose an image-friendly arrangement, such as a slide with a title box and an image box, a slide with only an image box, or even a blank slide.

Name the Page

Step 4: Add Slides

You can choose from a variety of slide layouts and visuals. You can select “New Slide” from either “Home” or “Insert.” You may also right-click any slide in the left-hand panel and select “New Slide.” [1]

Add Slides

Step 5: Import Images

You have the option add one or multiple pictures to each slide. It’s all up to you. Double-click inside the picture box (or select Insert > Picture > From File from the Insert menu) and click OK.

Import Images

Step 6: Rearrange the Photo

You will find it easier to decide the optimum order for the slides if you use the slide sorter.

Bear the bottom of the image pane, and look for the “Slide Sorter” button. Then, using your mouse, drag the slides to their preferred locations.

Rearrange photo

Step 7: Add Transitions

Transitions are essential for tying the presentation together and allowing it to flow smoothly from one image to the next. Go to the “Transitions” tab at the top of the bar and experiment with the various possibilities.

Add Transition

Step 8: Add a Background.

If the white space around the edges of your photographs bothers you, right-click on any slide, choose “Format Background,” and then adjust the background fill. You may change the hue, direction, and transparency of a solid fill, a gradient fill, etc. To make your slides look more professional,

Add Background

Step 9: Save your PowerPoint

Before exiting, save your show once you’ve finished adding photos and graphics. If you named and saved your presentation at the start, all you have to do now is click the flash drive icon in the upper left corner.

Save PowerPoint

Now your Powerpoint is ready to be displayed, and you can also view your slideshow automatically. Read the next part for details.

Part 3 How to Play Slideshow in PowerPoint Automatically

Before you can play a slideshow automatically**,** you have to make sure to save the presentation.

This is how to play a slideshow automatically in PowerPoint. Follow these simple steps, and your slideshow will auto-play when you double-click it.

Step 1: Save File and Visit More Option

After creating your slideshow, select file,” save as,” or “save as a copy.” Click on More options.

Step 2: Save in Desired Folder

Reach the folder where you want to save your presentation.

Step 3: Name your Presentation

Type a name for your presentation in the file name box

Step 4: Select Format

Select PowerPoint slideshow under the Save as type. This indicates what format you want to save your presentation as.

Save the File as a .ppsx file. After saving, double click the File, and it will open up as a slideshow.

Select Format

Now, you can automatically play your slideshow on PowerPoint.

Part 4 How to Add Sound to a PowerPoint Slideshow

Sounds make your PowerPoint presentation more lively. Sound helps to widen your audience’s attention span. If you want your presentation to have sound:

Open your presentation and click the slide to which you want to add a sound. Then, visit the Insert tab, click on the Media group, and select the arrow under Audio.

Now, from the list displayed, click Audio from File. Locate the Audio you want to use and then select the audio clip you want.

Finally, click Insert.

Your audio icon and controls will appear on the slide.

Add Sound

Part 5 How to View Slide Show in PowerPoint

Viewing an already created slideshow in PowerPoint is easy. Following these steps below, you will be able to do it without stress.

Step 1: Open your PowerPoint presentation.

Open and go to the bottom of the PowerPoint window and click on the view slideshow command.

Step 2: Visit the More Options Tab

Navigate to the slideshow tab on the ribbon to access even more options.

Step 3: Start your Presentation

You can start the presentation from here and view the current slide.

How to View Slideshow

Thus, that is how you can video slideshow in Microsoft PowerPoint

Now, we will move on to adding sound to your Slideshow to make it more attractive.

Part 6 How to Add Audio to a Slideshow

You can add audio, music, narration, and soundbites to your PowerPoint presentation. But to record and hear any audio, the computer you are using must have a sound card, microphone, and speakers.

To add audio from your computer:

Step 1: Select insert

Select audio on your computer.

Select Insert

Step 2: Select Desired Audio

An insert audio dialog box will pop up. Select the desired audio file and click insert.

Select Desired Audio

To record audio

Step 1: Select Record Audio

Select insert>Audio> record audio

Select Record Audio

Step 2: Name Audio

Type in the name you want your audio file to be saved as.

Name Audio

Step 3: Start Recording

Select the record and start speaking.

Start Recording

Step 4: Review Recordings

Select a stop and then play to listen to and review your recording.

Review Recordings

If you arent satisfied, you can select a record to re-record your audio or click OK if you are satisfied.

To place the audio at your desired location in the slide, select and drag the audio icon to where you want it. If you’re going to use numerous audio per slide, it is better to put the voice icon in the same place on the slide to be easily discoverable.

Note that you must enable a microphone on your device to start recording audio.

Bonus Tip with Wondershare Filmora Video Editor


If you are looking to present your message to a large audience using slideshows, Filmora software has covered you. Whether you’re a professional at making slideshows or a beginner who wants to try it out for the first time, it has an easy-to-use interface.

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

Filmora software also creates photo and video slideshows and can add music, texts, filters, different transition effects, and even animation to your slideshow.

Many tools can help you create these kinds of videos, and Filmora is one of the best in them with its latest upgrade.

Its ready-to-use templates and unique features, like split-screen, freeze-frame, etc., make it one of the best slideshow makers.

The Filmora software has the flexibility to suit whatever kind of slideshow you want to make, whether it is a photo slideshow or video slideshow.

Ending Thoughts

Many people use PowerPoint cause of its simplicity, flexible function, easy sharing and conversion, reliability, and vast template library. So, after going through this, you would know how to add slides in PowerPoint and many more.

Thus, we believe creating a slideshow in PowerPoint is now a bit easier with this guide to walk you through it.

Try It Free Try It Free

A slideshow view fills the entire computer screen, much like a real slide show. The presentation is exhibited in full-screen mode, as the audience will see it. Graphics, timings, videos, animated elements, and transition effects get displayed in the same way they appear on stage. PowerPoint is an excellent tool for preparing presentations on the fly, whether for a seminar, classroom, lecture hall, conference, or even a contract pitch. With PowerPoint software, you can never go wrong. We’ll show you how to do a slideshow presentation in this post, even if you’re a complete novice who has never used it before.

In this article

01 How to Add Slideshow in PowerPoint

02 [How to Prepare a slideshow in PowerPoint](#Part 2)

03 [How to Play Slideshow in PowerPoint Automatically](#Part 3)

04 [How to Add Sound to a PowerPoint Slideshow](#Part 4)

05 [How to View Slideshow PowerPoint](#Part 5)

05 [How to Add Audio to the Slideshow](#Part 5)

Part 1 How to Add Slideshow in PowerPoint

Below are the steps on how to prepare a slideshow in PowerPoint

Step 1: Open New

Click on open new presentation in Microsoft PowerPoint.

Open New

Step 2: Add Photo

Add a new photo album to your presentation.

Add photo

Step 3: Add Transition

Customize your presentation by adding transitions and effects to your slideshow.

Add Transition

Step 4: Advanced Settings

Set the slides to advance automatically.

Advance Settings

Step 5: Set Slideshow Loop

To make the slideshow loop continuously, go to the “ set up” group on the “slide show” tap and check the box next to “Loop continuously until Esc .”Then click OK. The slide will start from the beginning after displaying the last slide.

Set Slideshow loop

Now, your slideshow has been created and is ready for viewing.

Part 2 How to Prepare Slideshows in PowerPoint

Learning how to do a slideshow in PowerPoint is a relatively simple process that anyone can accomplish.

Ready to make aslideshow? Let us get you started.

Step 1: Create New Presentation

To do so:

Go to your browser and click on the PowerPoint icon.

When PowerPoint opens, go to the upper left-hand corner and choose “File,” then “New,” listed under “File.”

Choose “New Presentation” from the drop-down menu, which will create a new slide show for you to begin uploading photos to.

Create New Presentation

Step 2: Save PowerPoint

Go to the top right-hand side of the presentation screen and click on the flash drive icon. After that, you’ll be able to name your presentation and pick where to save it.

Remember to save your presentation after something that will remind you of the images in the File. This act will make it easier for you to find them later.

Save PowerPoint

Step 3: Name the Page

Consider a title and type it in the box. Your title page can include a name, date, or image.

Choose an image-friendly arrangement, such as a slide with a title box and an image box, a slide with only an image box, or even a blank slide.

Name the Page

Step 4: Add Slides

You can choose from a variety of slide layouts and visuals. You can select “New Slide” from either “Home” or “Insert.” You may also right-click any slide in the left-hand panel and select “New Slide.” [1]

Add Slides

Step 5: Import Images

You have the option add one or multiple pictures to each slide. It’s all up to you. Double-click inside the picture box (or select Insert > Picture > From File from the Insert menu) and click OK.

Import Images

Step 6: Rearrange the Photo

You will find it easier to decide the optimum order for the slides if you use the slide sorter.

Bear the bottom of the image pane, and look for the “Slide Sorter” button. Then, using your mouse, drag the slides to their preferred locations.

Rearrange photo

Step 7: Add Transitions

Transitions are essential for tying the presentation together and allowing it to flow smoothly from one image to the next. Go to the “Transitions” tab at the top of the bar and experiment with the various possibilities.

Add Transition

Step 8: Add a Background.

If the white space around the edges of your photographs bothers you, right-click on any slide, choose “Format Background,” and then adjust the background fill. You may change the hue, direction, and transparency of a solid fill, a gradient fill, etc. To make your slides look more professional,

Add Background

Step 9: Save your PowerPoint

Before exiting, save your show once you’ve finished adding photos and graphics. If you named and saved your presentation at the start, all you have to do now is click the flash drive icon in the upper left corner.

Save PowerPoint

Now your Powerpoint is ready to be displayed, and you can also view your slideshow automatically. Read the next part for details.

Part 3 How to Play Slideshow in PowerPoint Automatically

Before you can play a slideshow automatically**,** you have to make sure to save the presentation.

This is how to play a slideshow automatically in PowerPoint. Follow these simple steps, and your slideshow will auto-play when you double-click it.

Step 1: Save File and Visit More Option

After creating your slideshow, select file,” save as,” or “save as a copy.” Click on More options.

Step 2: Save in Desired Folder

Reach the folder where you want to save your presentation.

Step 3: Name your Presentation

Type a name for your presentation in the file name box

Step 4: Select Format

Select PowerPoint slideshow under the Save as type. This indicates what format you want to save your presentation as.

Save the File as a .ppsx file. After saving, double click the File, and it will open up as a slideshow.

Select Format

Now, you can automatically play your slideshow on PowerPoint.

Part 4 How to Add Sound to a PowerPoint Slideshow

Sounds make your PowerPoint presentation more lively. Sound helps to widen your audience’s attention span. If you want your presentation to have sound:

Open your presentation and click the slide to which you want to add a sound. Then, visit the Insert tab, click on the Media group, and select the arrow under Audio.

Now, from the list displayed, click Audio from File. Locate the Audio you want to use and then select the audio clip you want.

Finally, click Insert.

Your audio icon and controls will appear on the slide.

Add Sound

Part 5 How to View Slide Show in PowerPoint

Viewing an already created slideshow in PowerPoint is easy. Following these steps below, you will be able to do it without stress.

Step 1: Open your PowerPoint presentation.

Open and go to the bottom of the PowerPoint window and click on the view slideshow command.

Step 2: Visit the More Options Tab

Navigate to the slideshow tab on the ribbon to access even more options.

Step 3: Start your Presentation

You can start the presentation from here and view the current slide.

How to View Slideshow

Thus, that is how you can video slideshow in Microsoft PowerPoint

Now, we will move on to adding sound to your Slideshow to make it more attractive.

Part 6 How to Add Audio to a Slideshow

You can add audio, music, narration, and soundbites to your PowerPoint presentation. But to record and hear any audio, the computer you are using must have a sound card, microphone, and speakers.

To add audio from your computer:

Step 1: Select insert

Select audio on your computer.

Select Insert

Step 2: Select Desired Audio

An insert audio dialog box will pop up. Select the desired audio file and click insert.

Select Desired Audio

To record audio

Step 1: Select Record Audio

Select insert>Audio> record audio

Select Record Audio

Step 2: Name Audio

Type in the name you want your audio file to be saved as.

Name Audio

Step 3: Start Recording

Select the record and start speaking.

Start Recording

Step 4: Review Recordings

Select a stop and then play to listen to and review your recording.

Review Recordings

If you arent satisfied, you can select a record to re-record your audio or click OK if you are satisfied.

To place the audio at your desired location in the slide, select and drag the audio icon to where you want it. If you’re going to use numerous audio per slide, it is better to put the voice icon in the same place on the slide to be easily discoverable.

Note that you must enable a microphone on your device to start recording audio.

Bonus Tip with Wondershare Filmora Video Editor


If you are looking to present your message to a large audience using slideshows, Filmora software has covered you. Whether you’re a professional at making slideshows or a beginner who wants to try it out for the first time, it has an easy-to-use interface.

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

Filmora software also creates photo and video slideshows and can add music, texts, filters, different transition effects, and even animation to your slideshow.

Many tools can help you create these kinds of videos, and Filmora is one of the best in them with its latest upgrade.

Its ready-to-use templates and unique features, like split-screen, freeze-frame, etc., make it one of the best slideshow makers.

The Filmora software has the flexibility to suit whatever kind of slideshow you want to make, whether it is a photo slideshow or video slideshow.

Ending Thoughts

Many people use PowerPoint cause of its simplicity, flexible function, easy sharing and conversion, reliability, and vast template library. So, after going through this, you would know how to add slides in PowerPoint and many more.

Thus, we believe creating a slideshow in PowerPoint is now a bit easier with this guide to walk you through it.

Try It Free Try It Free

A slideshow view fills the entire computer screen, much like a real slide show. The presentation is exhibited in full-screen mode, as the audience will see it. Graphics, timings, videos, animated elements, and transition effects get displayed in the same way they appear on stage. PowerPoint is an excellent tool for preparing presentations on the fly, whether for a seminar, classroom, lecture hall, conference, or even a contract pitch. With PowerPoint software, you can never go wrong. We’ll show you how to do a slideshow presentation in this post, even if you’re a complete novice who has never used it before.

In this article

01 How to Add Slideshow in PowerPoint

02 [How to Prepare a slideshow in PowerPoint](#Part 2)

03 [How to Play Slideshow in PowerPoint Automatically](#Part 3)

04 [How to Add Sound to a PowerPoint Slideshow](#Part 4)

05 [How to View Slideshow PowerPoint](#Part 5)

05 [How to Add Audio to the Slideshow](#Part 5)

Part 1 How to Add Slideshow in PowerPoint

Below are the steps on how to prepare a slideshow in PowerPoint

Step 1: Open New

Click on open new presentation in Microsoft PowerPoint.

Open New

Step 2: Add Photo

Add a new photo album to your presentation.

Add photo

Step 3: Add Transition

Customize your presentation by adding transitions and effects to your slideshow.

Add Transition

Step 4: Advanced Settings

Set the slides to advance automatically.

Advance Settings

Step 5: Set Slideshow Loop

To make the slideshow loop continuously, go to the “ set up” group on the “slide show” tap and check the box next to “Loop continuously until Esc .”Then click OK. The slide will start from the beginning after displaying the last slide.

Set Slideshow loop

Now, your slideshow has been created and is ready for viewing.

Part 2 How to Prepare Slideshows in PowerPoint

Learning how to do a slideshow in PowerPoint is a relatively simple process that anyone can accomplish.

Ready to make aslideshow? Let us get you started.

Step 1: Create New Presentation

To do so:

Go to your browser and click on the PowerPoint icon.

When PowerPoint opens, go to the upper left-hand corner and choose “File,” then “New,” listed under “File.”

Choose “New Presentation” from the drop-down menu, which will create a new slide show for you to begin uploading photos to.

Create New Presentation

Step 2: Save PowerPoint

Go to the top right-hand side of the presentation screen and click on the flash drive icon. After that, you’ll be able to name your presentation and pick where to save it.

Remember to save your presentation after something that will remind you of the images in the File. This act will make it easier for you to find them later.

Save PowerPoint

Step 3: Name the Page

Consider a title and type it in the box. Your title page can include a name, date, or image.

Choose an image-friendly arrangement, such as a slide with a title box and an image box, a slide with only an image box, or even a blank slide.

Name the Page

Step 4: Add Slides

You can choose from a variety of slide layouts and visuals. You can select “New Slide” from either “Home” or “Insert.” You may also right-click any slide in the left-hand panel and select “New Slide.” [1]

Add Slides

Step 5: Import Images

You have the option add one or multiple pictures to each slide. It’s all up to you. Double-click inside the picture box (or select Insert > Picture > From File from the Insert menu) and click OK.

Import Images

Step 6: Rearrange the Photo

You will find it easier to decide the optimum order for the slides if you use the slide sorter.

Bear the bottom of the image pane, and look for the “Slide Sorter” button. Then, using your mouse, drag the slides to their preferred locations.

Rearrange photo

Step 7: Add Transitions

Transitions are essential for tying the presentation together and allowing it to flow smoothly from one image to the next. Go to the “Transitions” tab at the top of the bar and experiment with the various possibilities.

Add Transition

Step 8: Add a Background.

If the white space around the edges of your photographs bothers you, right-click on any slide, choose “Format Background,” and then adjust the background fill. You may change the hue, direction, and transparency of a solid fill, a gradient fill, etc. To make your slides look more professional,

Add Background

Step 9: Save your PowerPoint

Before exiting, save your show once you’ve finished adding photos and graphics. If you named and saved your presentation at the start, all you have to do now is click the flash drive icon in the upper left corner.

Save PowerPoint

Now your Powerpoint is ready to be displayed, and you can also view your slideshow automatically. Read the next part for details.

Part 3 How to Play Slideshow in PowerPoint Automatically

Before you can play a slideshow automatically**,** you have to make sure to save the presentation.

This is how to play a slideshow automatically in PowerPoint. Follow these simple steps, and your slideshow will auto-play when you double-click it.

Step 1: Save File and Visit More Option

After creating your slideshow, select file,” save as,” or “save as a copy.” Click on More options.

Step 2: Save in Desired Folder

Reach the folder where you want to save your presentation.

Step 3: Name your Presentation

Type a name for your presentation in the file name box

Step 4: Select Format

Select PowerPoint slideshow under the Save as type. This indicates what format you want to save your presentation as.

Save the File as a .ppsx file. After saving, double click the File, and it will open up as a slideshow.

Select Format

Now, you can automatically play your slideshow on PowerPoint.

Part 4 How to Add Sound to a PowerPoint Slideshow

Sounds make your PowerPoint presentation more lively. Sound helps to widen your audience’s attention span. If you want your presentation to have sound:

Open your presentation and click the slide to which you want to add a sound. Then, visit the Insert tab, click on the Media group, and select the arrow under Audio.

Now, from the list displayed, click Audio from File. Locate the Audio you want to use and then select the audio clip you want.

Finally, click Insert.

Your audio icon and controls will appear on the slide.

Add Sound

Part 5 How to View Slide Show in PowerPoint

Viewing an already created slideshow in PowerPoint is easy. Following these steps below, you will be able to do it without stress.

Step 1: Open your PowerPoint presentation.

Open and go to the bottom of the PowerPoint window and click on the view slideshow command.

Step 2: Visit the More Options Tab

Navigate to the slideshow tab on the ribbon to access even more options.

Step 3: Start your Presentation

You can start the presentation from here and view the current slide.

How to View Slideshow

Thus, that is how you can video slideshow in Microsoft PowerPoint

Now, we will move on to adding sound to your Slideshow to make it more attractive.

Part 6 How to Add Audio to a Slideshow

You can add audio, music, narration, and soundbites to your PowerPoint presentation. But to record and hear any audio, the computer you are using must have a sound card, microphone, and speakers.

To add audio from your computer:

Step 1: Select insert

Select audio on your computer.

Select Insert

Step 2: Select Desired Audio

An insert audio dialog box will pop up. Select the desired audio file and click insert.

Select Desired Audio

To record audio

Step 1: Select Record Audio

Select insert>Audio> record audio

Select Record Audio

Step 2: Name Audio

Type in the name you want your audio file to be saved as.

Name Audio

Step 3: Start Recording

Select the record and start speaking.

Start Recording

Step 4: Review Recordings

Select a stop and then play to listen to and review your recording.

Review Recordings

If you arent satisfied, you can select a record to re-record your audio or click OK if you are satisfied.

To place the audio at your desired location in the slide, select and drag the audio icon to where you want it. If you’re going to use numerous audio per slide, it is better to put the voice icon in the same place on the slide to be easily discoverable.

Note that you must enable a microphone on your device to start recording audio.

Bonus Tip with Wondershare Filmora Video Editor


If you are looking to present your message to a large audience using slideshows, Filmora software has covered you. Whether you’re a professional at making slideshows or a beginner who wants to try it out for the first time, it has an easy-to-use interface.

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

Filmora software also creates photo and video slideshows and can add music, texts, filters, different transition effects, and even animation to your slideshow.

Many tools can help you create these kinds of videos, and Filmora is one of the best in them with its latest upgrade.

Its ready-to-use templates and unique features, like split-screen, freeze-frame, etc., make it one of the best slideshow makers.

The Filmora software has the flexibility to suit whatever kind of slideshow you want to make, whether it is a photo slideshow or video slideshow.

Ending Thoughts

Many people use PowerPoint cause of its simplicity, flexible function, easy sharing and conversion, reliability, and vast template library. So, after going through this, you would know how to add slides in PowerPoint and many more.

Thus, we believe creating a slideshow in PowerPoint is now a bit easier with this guide to walk you through it.

Try It Free Try It Free

A slideshow view fills the entire computer screen, much like a real slide show. The presentation is exhibited in full-screen mode, as the audience will see it. Graphics, timings, videos, animated elements, and transition effects get displayed in the same way they appear on stage. PowerPoint is an excellent tool for preparing presentations on the fly, whether for a seminar, classroom, lecture hall, conference, or even a contract pitch. With PowerPoint software, you can never go wrong. We’ll show you how to do a slideshow presentation in this post, even if you’re a complete novice who has never used it before.

In this article

01 How to Add Slideshow in PowerPoint

02 [How to Prepare a slideshow in PowerPoint](#Part 2)

03 [How to Play Slideshow in PowerPoint Automatically](#Part 3)

04 [How to Add Sound to a PowerPoint Slideshow](#Part 4)

05 [How to View Slideshow PowerPoint](#Part 5)

05 [How to Add Audio to the Slideshow](#Part 5)

Part 1 How to Add Slideshow in PowerPoint

Below are the steps on how to prepare a slideshow in PowerPoint

Step 1: Open New

Click on open new presentation in Microsoft PowerPoint.

Open New

Step 2: Add Photo

Add a new photo album to your presentation.

Add photo

Step 3: Add Transition

Customize your presentation by adding transitions and effects to your slideshow.

Add Transition

Step 4: Advanced Settings

Set the slides to advance automatically.

Advance Settings

Step 5: Set Slideshow Loop

To make the slideshow loop continuously, go to the “ set up” group on the “slide show” tap and check the box next to “Loop continuously until Esc .”Then click OK. The slide will start from the beginning after displaying the last slide.

Set Slideshow loop

Now, your slideshow has been created and is ready for viewing.

Part 2 How to Prepare Slideshows in PowerPoint

Learning how to do a slideshow in PowerPoint is a relatively simple process that anyone can accomplish.

Ready to make aslideshow? Let us get you started.

Step 1: Create New Presentation

To do so:

Go to your browser and click on the PowerPoint icon.

When PowerPoint opens, go to the upper left-hand corner and choose “File,” then “New,” listed under “File.”

Choose “New Presentation” from the drop-down menu, which will create a new slide show for you to begin uploading photos to.

Create New Presentation

Step 2: Save PowerPoint

Go to the top right-hand side of the presentation screen and click on the flash drive icon. After that, you’ll be able to name your presentation and pick where to save it.

Remember to save your presentation after something that will remind you of the images in the File. This act will make it easier for you to find them later.

Save PowerPoint

Step 3: Name the Page

Consider a title and type it in the box. Your title page can include a name, date, or image.

Choose an image-friendly arrangement, such as a slide with a title box and an image box, a slide with only an image box, or even a blank slide.

Name the Page

Step 4: Add Slides

You can choose from a variety of slide layouts and visuals. You can select “New Slide” from either “Home” or “Insert.” You may also right-click any slide in the left-hand panel and select “New Slide.” [1]

Add Slides

Step 5: Import Images

You have the option add one or multiple pictures to each slide. It’s all up to you. Double-click inside the picture box (or select Insert > Picture > From File from the Insert menu) and click OK.

Import Images

Step 6: Rearrange the Photo

You will find it easier to decide the optimum order for the slides if you use the slide sorter.

Bear the bottom of the image pane, and look for the “Slide Sorter” button. Then, using your mouse, drag the slides to their preferred locations.

Rearrange photo

Step 7: Add Transitions

Transitions are essential for tying the presentation together and allowing it to flow smoothly from one image to the next. Go to the “Transitions” tab at the top of the bar and experiment with the various possibilities.

Add Transition

Step 8: Add a Background.

If the white space around the edges of your photographs bothers you, right-click on any slide, choose “Format Background,” and then adjust the background fill. You may change the hue, direction, and transparency of a solid fill, a gradient fill, etc. To make your slides look more professional,

Add Background

Step 9: Save your PowerPoint

Before exiting, save your show once you’ve finished adding photos and graphics. If you named and saved your presentation at the start, all you have to do now is click the flash drive icon in the upper left corner.

Save PowerPoint

Now your Powerpoint is ready to be displayed, and you can also view your slideshow automatically. Read the next part for details.

Part 3 How to Play Slideshow in PowerPoint Automatically

Before you can play a slideshow automatically**,** you have to make sure to save the presentation.

This is how to play a slideshow automatically in PowerPoint. Follow these simple steps, and your slideshow will auto-play when you double-click it.

Step 1: Save File and Visit More Option

After creating your slideshow, select file,” save as,” or “save as a copy.” Click on More options.

Step 2: Save in Desired Folder

Reach the folder where you want to save your presentation.

Step 3: Name your Presentation

Type a name for your presentation in the file name box

Step 4: Select Format

Select PowerPoint slideshow under the Save as type. This indicates what format you want to save your presentation as.

Save the File as a .ppsx file. After saving, double click the File, and it will open up as a slideshow.

Select Format

Now, you can automatically play your slideshow on PowerPoint.

Part 4 How to Add Sound to a PowerPoint Slideshow

Sounds make your PowerPoint presentation more lively. Sound helps to widen your audience’s attention span. If you want your presentation to have sound:

Open your presentation and click the slide to which you want to add a sound. Then, visit the Insert tab, click on the Media group, and select the arrow under Audio.

Now, from the list displayed, click Audio from File. Locate the Audio you want to use and then select the audio clip you want.

Finally, click Insert.

Your audio icon and controls will appear on the slide.

Add Sound

Part 5 How to View Slide Show in PowerPoint

Viewing an already created slideshow in PowerPoint is easy. Following these steps below, you will be able to do it without stress.

Step 1: Open your PowerPoint presentation.

Open and go to the bottom of the PowerPoint window and click on the view slideshow command.

Step 2: Visit the More Options Tab

Navigate to the slideshow tab on the ribbon to access even more options.

Step 3: Start your Presentation

You can start the presentation from here and view the current slide.

How to View Slideshow

Thus, that is how you can video slideshow in Microsoft PowerPoint

Now, we will move on to adding sound to your Slideshow to make it more attractive.

Part 6 How to Add Audio to a Slideshow

You can add audio, music, narration, and soundbites to your PowerPoint presentation. But to record and hear any audio, the computer you are using must have a sound card, microphone, and speakers.

To add audio from your computer:

Step 1: Select insert

Select audio on your computer.

Select Insert

Step 2: Select Desired Audio

An insert audio dialog box will pop up. Select the desired audio file and click insert.

Select Desired Audio

To record audio

Step 1: Select Record Audio

Select insert>Audio> record audio

Select Record Audio

Step 2: Name Audio

Type in the name you want your audio file to be saved as.

Name Audio

Step 3: Start Recording

Select the record and start speaking.

Start Recording

Step 4: Review Recordings

Select a stop and then play to listen to and review your recording.

Review Recordings

If you arent satisfied, you can select a record to re-record your audio or click OK if you are satisfied.

To place the audio at your desired location in the slide, select and drag the audio icon to where you want it. If you’re going to use numerous audio per slide, it is better to put the voice icon in the same place on the slide to be easily discoverable.

Note that you must enable a microphone on your device to start recording audio.

Bonus Tip with Wondershare Filmora Video Editor


If you are looking to present your message to a large audience using slideshows, Filmora software has covered you. Whether you’re a professional at making slideshows or a beginner who wants to try it out for the first time, it has an easy-to-use interface.

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

Filmora software also creates photo and video slideshows and can add music, texts, filters, different transition effects, and even animation to your slideshow.

Many tools can help you create these kinds of videos, and Filmora is one of the best in them with its latest upgrade.

Its ready-to-use templates and unique features, like split-screen, freeze-frame, etc., make it one of the best slideshow makers.

The Filmora software has the flexibility to suit whatever kind of slideshow you want to make, whether it is a photo slideshow or video slideshow.

Ending Thoughts

Many people use PowerPoint cause of its simplicity, flexible function, easy sharing and conversion, reliability, and vast template library. So, after going through this, you would know how to add slides in PowerPoint and many more.

Thus, we believe creating a slideshow in PowerPoint is now a bit easier with this guide to walk you through it.

How to Create a Slideshow with Icecream Slideshow Maker

How to Make a Slideshow with Icecream Slideshow Maker

An easy yet powerful editor

Numerous effects to choose from

Detailed tutorials provided by the official channel

Try It Free Try It Free

The Icecream slideshow creator software is a known name in the domain of graphic design applications. Keep reading ahead to learn the knowhow of creating Icecream presentations!

In this article

01 [What is Icecream Slideshow Maker?](#Part 1)

02 [How to Use an Ice Cream Slideshow Maker?](#Part 2)

03 [How Do You Add Music to an Icecream Slideshow?](#Part 3)

Part 1 What is Icecream Slideshow Maker?

Slideshows are interesting content presentation tools that have the potential to deliver even the most customary information in a manner that is engaging enough to hold your audience captive. Browsing across the web or the IT market, you can easily encounter a cluster of slideshow builder software and tools that are ready to cater to your requirement of making top quality slideshow presentations that suit a diversity of personal and professional needs.

Moving ahead with the discussion, let us have a talk about the Icecream slide show maker program, which can definitely be a great choice to design graphic artworks of professional excellence, thanks to the latter’s upgraded features and graphic editing utilities. You can pick the tool to create fun-filled slideshows of cherished personal events, or craft elusive and explanatory business presentations to deliver the most precise company and product information to your clients.

Let us now dive deeper into the program specifications and proceed to take a look at the distinguishing features of the Icecream slideshow maker program in the following section:

The software grants you the liberty to adjust the screen time and the transition play duration of each of the slide contents.

You can uplift the feel of your presentations with an upbeat background audio, while choosing the same from the editor’s preset media library in a preferred file format.

You are allowed to customize the presentation slides with matching text annotations and adjust its font, size, orientation, color and animation.

Working with the program lets you ensure a seamless presentation flow with a diverse range of inbuilt transition effects.

Before you set into the final creation process, the software facilitates you with a preview of your work, with all the applied effects, element inclusions and parameter variations introduced. You can thus, observe and modify the presentation if required.

You can save the slideshows midway of the creation process and resume whenever you like, and prefer to sort the presentation slides in a definite or random sequence.

The software allows you to create and export high resolution 4K slideshows by burning them to CDs and DVDs.

The created slideshows can be uploaded to online storage accounts and shared across a variety of social media platforms, in almost any common output file format.

The software is a Windows exclusive program and works effectively well with the Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1 and 10 operating system versions.

Part 2 How to Use an Ice Cream Slideshow Maker?

By now, you must have become quite familiar with the credibility of designing slideshow presentations with the Icecream slideshow creator software. However, the real essence lies in taking a practical experience of working with the program to comprehensively understand the slideshow design process in detail.

Adhering to the aforesaid concern, let us try hands at having an in depth understanding of different aspects of working on a slideshow presentation within the program interface through the following stepwise tutorial guide:

User’s Guide to Work With the Icecream Slideshow Maker Program

Step 1: Download and Install Icecream Slideshow Creator

To begin with, visit the official website of the program to download the same in your Windows device. Once the download is successful, you will need to save and run the program’s installation files sin your system. Having done that, you will be directed to the software’s ‘Installation Wizard’ to initiate a quick an easy installation process.

Icecream Slideshow Maker

Step 2: Import Media Files

Post a successful installation, proceed to launch the program and wait for the latter’s welcome screen to appear. In the launch screen, navigate to and tap any one of the ‘Add Photo’ or ‘Add Folder’ buttons at the top left corner to import either a single media file, or an entire media folder to the program’s editing workspace.

Instead of using the ‘Add Folder’ option at the top left, you can also select multiple files by pressing and holding the ‘Ctrl’ key son your system’s keyboard and import them to the editor timeline, all at once. You can alternatively, click on the ‘Add Files to Start Your Photostory’ tab in the center of the software’s welcome screen to import the required media files.

Icecream Slideshow Maker- Media Selection Interface

Clicking on any of the aforesaid buttons or tabs will direct you to a ‘File Explorer’ window, where you can make the desired media selections. Your choices are however; filtered according to their respective file formats and only those in line with the formats supported by the Icecream Slideshow creator program are imported to the timeline.

Step 3: Configure the Presentation Settings

As soon as you finish the media import process, the editing workspace bifurcates to present the ‘Queue’ window at the left and ‘Preview and Settings’ window at the right side of the screen. This is the space where you can proceed to configure your presentation settings.

File Sorting

To sort the arrangement of a media file, navigate to the ‘File Queue Panel’ at the left and click on the desired file, while using the ‘Arrow Keys’ at the right to change the latter’s position in the queue, or choose to delete it from the queue by tapping the ‘Recycle Bin’ icon beside the file.

Duration and Transition Adjustments

Proceeding further, you can try hands at customizing the duration and transition effects for each of the added media files within the queue. All you need to do is, navigate to and click on the respective tabs within the window. Hit the ‘Time’ button to adjust the screen time of the slides or click on the ‘Transitions’ tab to include suitable animation effects between successive slides for a smooth presentation flow.

You can even stick with a random transition effect to add to the slides, or choose to add no transition effect at all. The inbuilt slideshow player the right side of the editor workspace automatically plays the preview of the applied transition effects. The ‘Transition’ and ‘Time’ settings are the sole customizations that you can apply individually to the slides, the rest of the effects being universally applicable to all the presentation slides together.

If you are interested to apply a particular transition and play duration to all the slides, navigate to and click within the gray bar at the bottom of the file queue to apply the same transition and time characteristics to all the slides of the presentation. You can even opt to delete all the added media files at the same time by tapping the ‘Clear List’ button.

Icecream Slideshow Maker- Slide Screen Time and Transition Settings

Media Resolution

Working with the Icecream slideshow creator program, you are allowed to adjust the output resolution of your slideshow in the preview window at the right side of the editor timeline. The resolution range lies between 640 x 480 to 1600 x 1200 pixels. Moving further, you can set common play duration for all the transition effects within different slides of the presentation that you have included within the queue.

Aspect Ratio

You can choose to either keep the actual aspect ratio of the media files or customize the same to fit into the screen size. To go with the former choice, click within the ‘Scale to Fit’ checkbox. In case you wish to stick to the latter option, click inside the ‘Original Ratio’ checkbox. To learn more about working with any of the aforesaid settings, navigate to and click on the ‘Question Mark’ icon alongside each setting.

Audio Settings

To add upbeat background music to your presentation, navigate to and tap the ‘Add Audio’ button at the bottom left corner of the ‘Preview’ window. You can choose a desired audio track from your system and use the same as the background sound of the slideshow.

You are additionally, permitted to configure the added music track in line with your specific preferences using the ‘Fade’ and ‘Offset’ settings at the right side of the selected music file. To play the audio track immediately with a time shift, choose to set a negative offset value. Likewise, enter a positive offset value to start playing the track after the lapse of a specified time period.

Icecream Slideshow Maker- Media Resolution, Aspect Ratio and Audio Settings

When you are done with adjusting all the settings and adding the desired effects, proceed to watch a preview of the same in the right side ‘Preview Pane’ of the editor workspace and move ahead with creating the slideshow presentation.

Step 4: Create Your Slideshow

If the slideshow preview ensures that everything is at the right place, navigate to the bottom right corner of the editing timeline and click on the ‘Create’ button start building your presentation. You can tap on the ‘Pause/Resume’ and ‘Cancel’ buttons at the bottom of the screen at any time throughout the project creation process. A pop up window will notify you the completion of the design process, while asking you to click on the ‘Open Folder’ button to view your creation in the latter’s destination folder.

Icecream Slideshow Maker- Slideshow Creation Tab

Part 3 How Do You Add Music to an Icecream Slideshow?

Supplementing your slideshow presentations with appealing background music adds that extra spark to your creation, while making them stand out of the crowd. A cohesive audio works to create a perfect sync between the contents and mood of your presentation. Having said that, let us look through the process to add suitable background music to your Icecream slideshow in the following section:

User’s Guide for Adding Music to an Icecream Slideshow

Step 1: Download and Install the Program

Navigate to the home website of the Icecream Slideshow maker program to initiate a free download of the software into your system and proceed to install the same to start the slideshow creation process.

Icecream Slideshow Maker Official Download Link:

Making an Icecream Slideshow With Music

Step 2: Import Media Files

Begin with importing the selected media files to the editor workspace of the program in either of the following ways:

Add the images directly from your system to the editor timeline through the conventional ‘Drag and Drop’ method.

Navigate to and hit the ‘Add Photo’ button at the top left corner of the program’s main workspace to browse for the media files in the ‘Windows Explorer’.

Click on the ‘Add Folder’ button to import all the media files within a selected folder.

Making an Icecream Slideshow With Music- Media Import Interface

Step 3: Sort the Imported Files

Once you are done with importing all the media files, you can see them appear within the ‘File Queue’ at the left window of the slideshow creator program. Use the ‘Up/Down’ arrow keys to sort the media files in your preferred order, for example, arranging them according to their specific file names. The file sorting options are available at the right side of the ‘File Queue’.

Step 4: Include Text Customizations

Navigate to the ‘Text Column’ of the ‘File Queue’ and tap the ‘Add Text’ button to include text annotations within each slide of your presentation. A ‘Text Panel’ will pop up, where you can choose to add color, position and font customizations to the included text, followed by previewing the effect on every slide within the ‘Text Panel’ itself.

Making an Icecream Slideshow With Music- Adding Text Customizations

Step 5: Add a Desired Background Music

The Icecream Slideshow maker pro allows you to include a background music track within your presentation. For working towards the inclusion process, you will have to import the desired audio files to the program’s editor timeline. The software works well with the WAV, WMA, FLAC, M4A, MP3 and OGG audio file formats. Navigate to and hit the ‘Add Audio’ button in the editor workspace to ‘Drag and Drop’ the desired music files within the software’s timeline.

There is an option to create a playlist of the selected audio tracks, along with dragging the files to set them in a preferred sequence within the playlist. You are also granted the liberty to try hands at looping the audio playback and uplift the tracks with fade and offset effects within the playlist pane.

Making an Icecream Slideshow With Music- Adding Background Music

Step 6: Tweak Some Extra Settings

If you are keen towards making your presentation more impressive, try experimenting with including transition effects within the slides. Though the Icecream slideshow maker full version supports the application of default random transitions, you are allowed to add and customize the same as per your will, both, separately for each slide, as well as to the entre presentation as a whole.

You can even choose to add no transition effect at all, or set the same transition value for all the media files within the queue, by navigating to and clicking on the ‘Common Image Settings in the ’File Queue’ window.

Making an Icecream Slideshow With Music- Including Additional Tweaks

Step 7: Output Resolution

Set a preferable output resolution to generate a premium quality slideshow presentation. To do this, navigate to the bottom left corner of the ‘Preview’ window at the right side of the editor workspace and choose a desired resolution for the slideshow from a range of values, such as, 1280 x 1024, 2560 x 1440, 1920 x 1080, etc., in the ‘Resolution’ tab.

Making an Icecream Slideshow With Music- Setting the Output Resolution

Step 8: Format Selection

The next thing you need to do is, select a convenient output file format for your presentation. You can pick anyone from the available AVI, WebM, MP4, MOV file formats. To make your choice, navigate to the bottom of the ‘File Queue’ window at the left and click on the ‘File Format’ dropdown arrow at the right. A list of the output formats supported by the program appears next, and you are free to pick the one you like.

Making an Icecream Slideshow With Music- Selecting the Output Format

Step 9: Create Your Icecream Slideshow

When you have finalized all the arrangements and settings, navigate to and hit the ‘Preview’ button at the bottom right corner of the ‘Preview’ window to initiate a mock run of your slideshow in the software’s inbuilt slideshow player. If everything seems fine, proceed to start the slideshow creation process by clicking on the ‘Create’ button.

Making an Icecream Slideshow With Music- Slideshow Creation Interface

The process may require you to wait for a few moments before the final presentation output is generated. Nonetheless, you can always keep a track of the creation process through the elapsed and remaining duration in the ‘Progress Bar’ at the bottom of the program’s editing workspace. A completion prompt will pop up as soon as the slideshow is ready.

Creating Music Slideshows in Filmora

When searching for an Icecream slideshow maker alternative to craft your slideshow presentations, you can move ahead with picking the Wondershare Filmora Video Editor slideshow creator program for high end and professional quality results. While the aforementioned software is an all in one package for almost any of your most diverse editing needs, music slideshows are a specialty of the same on account of the following reasons:

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

Within by the Filmora slideshow creator program.

Working on your music presentation in the software, you are allowed to cut and trim the music files automatically as well as manually to ward off undesired portions from the included audio.

You can pick the most suitable soundtrack from the hundreds of choices available within Filmora’s preset audio library and uplift them with a variety of audio effects.

Using the software, you can proceed with recording your voiceover, followed by applying fade in and fade out effects to the same.

The software allows you to design professional slideshows for personal media sharing across various platforms, along with catering to product marketing needs and company business concerns.

Ending Thoughts

Icecream slideshow maker review claims that the latter is an effective slideshow creator and graphic editor program.

Working with the program, you can easily create high quality photo, video and music slideshow presentations in a quick time span.

Mentioning about the alternatives to the aforesaid program, you can comfortably choose the Wondershare Filmora slideshow maker software to address the concern.

Try It Free Try It Free

The Icecream slideshow creator software is a known name in the domain of graphic design applications. Keep reading ahead to learn the knowhow of creating Icecream presentations!

In this article

01 [What is Icecream Slideshow Maker?](#Part 1)

02 [How to Use an Ice Cream Slideshow Maker?](#Part 2)

03 [How Do You Add Music to an Icecream Slideshow?](#Part 3)

Part 1 What is Icecream Slideshow Maker?

Slideshows are interesting content presentation tools that have the potential to deliver even the most customary information in a manner that is engaging enough to hold your audience captive. Browsing across the web or the IT market, you can easily encounter a cluster of slideshow builder software and tools that are ready to cater to your requirement of making top quality slideshow presentations that suit a diversity of personal and professional needs.

Moving ahead with the discussion, let us have a talk about the Icecream slide show maker program, which can definitely be a great choice to design graphic artworks of professional excellence, thanks to the latter’s upgraded features and graphic editing utilities. You can pick the tool to create fun-filled slideshows of cherished personal events, or craft elusive and explanatory business presentations to deliver the most precise company and product information to your clients.

Let us now dive deeper into the program specifications and proceed to take a look at the distinguishing features of the Icecream slideshow maker program in the following section:

The software grants you the liberty to adjust the screen time and the transition play duration of each of the slide contents.

You can uplift the feel of your presentations with an upbeat background audio, while choosing the same from the editor’s preset media library in a preferred file format.

You are allowed to customize the presentation slides with matching text annotations and adjust its font, size, orientation, color and animation.

Working with the program lets you ensure a seamless presentation flow with a diverse range of inbuilt transition effects.

Before you set into the final creation process, the software facilitates you with a preview of your work, with all the applied effects, element inclusions and parameter variations introduced. You can thus, observe and modify the presentation if required.

You can save the slideshows midway of the creation process and resume whenever you like, and prefer to sort the presentation slides in a definite or random sequence.

The software allows you to create and export high resolution 4K slideshows by burning them to CDs and DVDs.

The created slideshows can be uploaded to online storage accounts and shared across a variety of social media platforms, in almost any common output file format.

The software is a Windows exclusive program and works effectively well with the Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1 and 10 operating system versions.

Part 2 How to Use an Ice Cream Slideshow Maker?

By now, you must have become quite familiar with the credibility of designing slideshow presentations with the Icecream slideshow creator software. However, the real essence lies in taking a practical experience of working with the program to comprehensively understand the slideshow design process in detail.

Adhering to the aforesaid concern, let us try hands at having an in depth understanding of different aspects of working on a slideshow presentation within the program interface through the following stepwise tutorial guide:

User’s Guide to Work With the Icecream Slideshow Maker Program

Step 1: Download and Install Icecream Slideshow Creator

To begin with, visit the official website of the program to download the same in your Windows device. Once the download is successful, you will need to save and run the program’s installation files sin your system. Having done that, you will be directed to the software’s ‘Installation Wizard’ to initiate a quick an easy installation process.

Icecream Slideshow Maker

Step 2: Import Media Files

Post a successful installation, proceed to launch the program and wait for the latter’s welcome screen to appear. In the launch screen, navigate to and tap any one of the ‘Add Photo’ or ‘Add Folder’ buttons at the top left corner to import either a single media file, or an entire media folder to the program’s editing workspace.

Instead of using the ‘Add Folder’ option at the top left, you can also select multiple files by pressing and holding the ‘Ctrl’ key son your system’s keyboard and import them to the editor timeline, all at once. You can alternatively, click on the ‘Add Files to Start Your Photostory’ tab in the center of the software’s welcome screen to import the required media files.

Icecream Slideshow Maker- Media Selection Interface

Clicking on any of the aforesaid buttons or tabs will direct you to a ‘File Explorer’ window, where you can make the desired media selections. Your choices are however; filtered according to their respective file formats and only those in line with the formats supported by the Icecream Slideshow creator program are imported to the timeline.

Step 3: Configure the Presentation Settings

As soon as you finish the media import process, the editing workspace bifurcates to present the ‘Queue’ window at the left and ‘Preview and Settings’ window at the right side of the screen. This is the space where you can proceed to configure your presentation settings.

File Sorting

To sort the arrangement of a media file, navigate to the ‘File Queue Panel’ at the left and click on the desired file, while using the ‘Arrow Keys’ at the right to change the latter’s position in the queue, or choose to delete it from the queue by tapping the ‘Recycle Bin’ icon beside the file.

Duration and Transition Adjustments

Proceeding further, you can try hands at customizing the duration and transition effects for each of the added media files within the queue. All you need to do is, navigate to and click on the respective tabs within the window. Hit the ‘Time’ button to adjust the screen time of the slides or click on the ‘Transitions’ tab to include suitable animation effects between successive slides for a smooth presentation flow.

You can even stick with a random transition effect to add to the slides, or choose to add no transition effect at all. The inbuilt slideshow player the right side of the editor workspace automatically plays the preview of the applied transition effects. The ‘Transition’ and ‘Time’ settings are the sole customizations that you can apply individually to the slides, the rest of the effects being universally applicable to all the presentation slides together.

If you are interested to apply a particular transition and play duration to all the slides, navigate to and click within the gray bar at the bottom of the file queue to apply the same transition and time characteristics to all the slides of the presentation. You can even opt to delete all the added media files at the same time by tapping the ‘Clear List’ button.

Icecream Slideshow Maker- Slide Screen Time and Transition Settings

Media Resolution

Working with the Icecream slideshow creator program, you are allowed to adjust the output resolution of your slideshow in the preview window at the right side of the editor timeline. The resolution range lies between 640 x 480 to 1600 x 1200 pixels. Moving further, you can set common play duration for all the transition effects within different slides of the presentation that you have included within the queue.

Aspect Ratio

You can choose to either keep the actual aspect ratio of the media files or customize the same to fit into the screen size. To go with the former choice, click within the ‘Scale to Fit’ checkbox. In case you wish to stick to the latter option, click inside the ‘Original Ratio’ checkbox. To learn more about working with any of the aforesaid settings, navigate to and click on the ‘Question Mark’ icon alongside each setting.

Audio Settings

To add upbeat background music to your presentation, navigate to and tap the ‘Add Audio’ button at the bottom left corner of the ‘Preview’ window. You can choose a desired audio track from your system and use the same as the background sound of the slideshow.

You are additionally, permitted to configure the added music track in line with your specific preferences using the ‘Fade’ and ‘Offset’ settings at the right side of the selected music file. To play the audio track immediately with a time shift, choose to set a negative offset value. Likewise, enter a positive offset value to start playing the track after the lapse of a specified time period.

Icecream Slideshow Maker- Media Resolution, Aspect Ratio and Audio Settings

When you are done with adjusting all the settings and adding the desired effects, proceed to watch a preview of the same in the right side ‘Preview Pane’ of the editor workspace and move ahead with creating the slideshow presentation.

Step 4: Create Your Slideshow

If the slideshow preview ensures that everything is at the right place, navigate to the bottom right corner of the editing timeline and click on the ‘Create’ button start building your presentation. You can tap on the ‘Pause/Resume’ and ‘Cancel’ buttons at the bottom of the screen at any time throughout the project creation process. A pop up window will notify you the completion of the design process, while asking you to click on the ‘Open Folder’ button to view your creation in the latter’s destination folder.

Icecream Slideshow Maker- Slideshow Creation Tab

Part 3 How Do You Add Music to an Icecream Slideshow?

Supplementing your slideshow presentations with appealing background music adds that extra spark to your creation, while making them stand out of the crowd. A cohesive audio works to create a perfect sync between the contents and mood of your presentation. Having said that, let us look through the process to add suitable background music to your Icecream slideshow in the following section:

User’s Guide for Adding Music to an Icecream Slideshow

Step 1: Download and Install the Program

Navigate to the home website of the Icecream Slideshow maker program to initiate a free download of the software into your system and proceed to install the same to start the slideshow creation process.

Icecream Slideshow Maker Official Download Link:

Making an Icecream Slideshow With Music

Step 2: Import Media Files

Begin with importing the selected media files to the editor workspace of the program in either of the following ways:

Add the images directly from your system to the editor timeline through the conventional ‘Drag and Drop’ method.

Navigate to and hit the ‘Add Photo’ button at the top left corner of the program’s main workspace to browse for the media files in the ‘Windows Explorer’.

Click on the ‘Add Folder’ button to import all the media files within a selected folder.

Making an Icecream Slideshow With Music- Media Import Interface

Step 3: Sort the Imported Files

Once you are done with importing all the media files, you can see them appear within the ‘File Queue’ at the left window of the slideshow creator program. Use the ‘Up/Down’ arrow keys to sort the media files in your preferred order, for example, arranging them according to their specific file names. The file sorting options are available at the right side of the ‘File Queue’.

Step 4: Include Text Customizations

Navigate to the ‘Text Column’ of the ‘File Queue’ and tap the ‘Add Text’ button to include text annotations within each slide of your presentation. A ‘Text Panel’ will pop up, where you can choose to add color, position and font customizations to the included text, followed by previewing the effect on every slide within the ‘Text Panel’ itself.

Making an Icecream Slideshow With Music- Adding Text Customizations

Step 5: Add a Desired Background Music

The Icecream Slideshow maker pro allows you to include a background music track within your presentation. For working towards the inclusion process, you will have to import the desired audio files to the program’s editor timeline. The software works well with the WAV, WMA, FLAC, M4A, MP3 and OGG audio file formats. Navigate to and hit the ‘Add Audio’ button in the editor workspace to ‘Drag and Drop’ the desired music files within the software’s timeline.

There is an option to create a playlist of the selected audio tracks, along with dragging the files to set them in a preferred sequence within the playlist. You are also granted the liberty to try hands at looping the audio playback and uplift the tracks with fade and offset effects within the playlist pane.

Making an Icecream Slideshow With Music- Adding Background Music

Step 6: Tweak Some Extra Settings

If you are keen towards making your presentation more impressive, try experimenting with including transition effects within the slides. Though the Icecream slideshow maker full version supports the application of default random transitions, you are allowed to add and customize the same as per your will, both, separately for each slide, as well as to the entre presentation as a whole.

You can even choose to add no transition effect at all, or set the same transition value for all the media files within the queue, by navigating to and clicking on the ‘Common Image Settings in the ’File Queue’ window.

Making an Icecream Slideshow With Music- Including Additional Tweaks

Step 7: Output Resolution

Set a preferable output resolution to generate a premium quality slideshow presentation. To do this, navigate to the bottom left corner of the ‘Preview’ window at the right side of the editor workspace and choose a desired resolution for the slideshow from a range of values, such as, 1280 x 1024, 2560 x 1440, 1920 x 1080, etc., in the ‘Resolution’ tab.

Making an Icecream Slideshow With Music- Setting the Output Resolution

Step 8: Format Selection

The next thing you need to do is, select a convenient output file format for your presentation. You can pick anyone from the available AVI, WebM, MP4, MOV file formats. To make your choice, navigate to the bottom of the ‘File Queue’ window at the left and click on the ‘File Format’ dropdown arrow at the right. A list of the output formats supported by the program appears next, and you are free to pick the one you like.

Making an Icecream Slideshow With Music- Selecting the Output Format

Step 9: Create Your Icecream Slideshow

When you have finalized all the arrangements and settings, navigate to and hit the ‘Preview’ button at the bottom right corner of the ‘Preview’ window to initiate a mock run of your slideshow in the software’s inbuilt slideshow player. If everything seems fine, proceed to start the slideshow creation process by clicking on the ‘Create’ button.

Making an Icecream Slideshow With Music- Slideshow Creation Interface

The process may require you to wait for a few moments before the final presentation output is generated. Nonetheless, you can always keep a track of the creation process through the elapsed and remaining duration in the ‘Progress Bar’ at the bottom of the program’s editing workspace. A completion prompt will pop up as soon as the slideshow is ready.

Creating Music Slideshows in Filmora

When searching for an Icecream slideshow maker alternative to craft your slideshow presentations, you can move ahead with picking the Wondershare Filmora Video Editor slideshow creator program for high end and professional quality results. While the aforementioned software is an all in one package for almost any of your most diverse editing needs, music slideshows are a specialty of the same on account of the following reasons:

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

Within by the Filmora slideshow creator program.

Working on your music presentation in the software, you are allowed to cut and trim the music files automatically as well as manually to ward off undesired portions from the included audio.

You can pick the most suitable soundtrack from the hundreds of choices available within Filmora’s preset audio library and uplift them with a variety of audio effects.

Using the software, you can proceed with recording your voiceover, followed by applying fade in and fade out effects to the same.

The software allows you to design professional slideshows for personal media sharing across various platforms, along with catering to product marketing needs and company business concerns.

Ending Thoughts

Icecream slideshow maker review claims that the latter is an effective slideshow creator and graphic editor program.

Working with the program, you can easily create high quality photo, video and music slideshow presentations in a quick time span.

Mentioning about the alternatives to the aforesaid program, you can comfortably choose the Wondershare Filmora slideshow maker software to address the concern.

Try It Free Try It Free

The Icecream slideshow creator software is a known name in the domain of graphic design applications. Keep reading ahead to learn the knowhow of creating Icecream presentations!

In this article

01 [What is Icecream Slideshow Maker?](#Part 1)

02 [How to Use an Ice Cream Slideshow Maker?](#Part 2)

03 [How Do You Add Music to an Icecream Slideshow?](#Part 3)

Part 1 What is Icecream Slideshow Maker?

Slideshows are interesting content presentation tools that have the potential to deliver even the most customary information in a manner that is engaging enough to hold your audience captive. Browsing across the web or the IT market, you can easily encounter a cluster of slideshow builder software and tools that are ready to cater to your requirement of making top quality slideshow presentations that suit a diversity of personal and professional needs.

Moving ahead with the discussion, let us have a talk about the Icecream slide show maker program, which can definitely be a great choice to design graphic artworks of professional excellence, thanks to the latter’s upgraded features and graphic editing utilities. You can pick the tool to create fun-filled slideshows of cherished personal events, or craft elusive and explanatory business presentations to deliver the most precise company and product information to your clients.

Let us now dive deeper into the program specifications and proceed to take a look at the distinguishing features of the Icecream slideshow maker program in the following section:

The software grants you the liberty to adjust the screen time and the transition play duration of each of the slide contents.

You can uplift the feel of your presentations with an upbeat background audio, while choosing the same from the editor’s preset media library in a preferred file format.

You are allowed to customize the presentation slides with matching text annotations and adjust its font, size, orientation, color and animation.

Working with the program lets you ensure a seamless presentation flow with a diverse range of inbuilt transition effects.

Before you set into the final creation process, the software facilitates you with a preview of your work, with all the applied effects, element inclusions and parameter variations introduced. You can thus, observe and modify the presentation if required.

You can save the slideshows midway of the creation process and resume whenever you like, and prefer to sort the presentation slides in a definite or random sequence.

The software allows you to create and export high resolution 4K slideshows by burning them to CDs and DVDs.

The created slideshows can be uploaded to online storage accounts and shared across a variety of social media platforms, in almost any common output file format.

The software is a Windows exclusive program and works effectively well with the Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1 and 10 operating system versions.

Part 2 How to Use an Ice Cream Slideshow Maker?

By now, you must have become quite familiar with the credibility of designing slideshow presentations with the Icecream slideshow creator software. However, the real essence lies in taking a practical experience of working with the program to comprehensively understand the slideshow design process in detail.

Adhering to the aforesaid concern, let us try hands at having an in depth understanding of different aspects of working on a slideshow presentation within the program interface through the following stepwise tutorial guide:

User’s Guide to Work With the Icecream Slideshow Maker Program

Step 1: Download and Install Icecream Slideshow Creator

To begin with, visit the official website of the program to download the same in your Windows device. Once the download is successful, you will need to save and run the program’s installation files sin your system. Having done that, you will be directed to the software’s ‘Installation Wizard’ to initiate a quick an easy installation process.

Icecream Slideshow Maker

Step 2: Import Media Files

Post a successful installation, proceed to launch the program and wait for the latter’s welcome screen to appear. In the launch screen, navigate to and tap any one of the ‘Add Photo’ or ‘Add Folder’ buttons at the top left corner to import either a single media file, or an entire media folder to the program’s editing workspace.

Instead of using the ‘Add Folder’ option at the top left, you can also select multiple files by pressing and holding the ‘Ctrl’ key son your system’s keyboard and import them to the editor timeline, all at once. You can alternatively, click on the ‘Add Files to Start Your Photostory’ tab in the center of the software’s welcome screen to import the required media files.

Icecream Slideshow Maker- Media Selection Interface

Clicking on any of the aforesaid buttons or tabs will direct you to a ‘File Explorer’ window, where you can make the desired media selections. Your choices are however; filtered according to their respective file formats and only those in line with the formats supported by the Icecream Slideshow creator program are imported to the timeline.

Step 3: Configure the Presentation Settings

As soon as you finish the media import process, the editing workspace bifurcates to present the ‘Queue’ window at the left and ‘Preview and Settings’ window at the right side of the screen. This is the space where you can proceed to configure your presentation settings.

File Sorting

To sort the arrangement of a media file, navigate to the ‘File Queue Panel’ at the left and click on the desired file, while using the ‘Arrow Keys’ at the right to change the latter’s position in the queue, or choose to delete it from the queue by tapping the ‘Recycle Bin’ icon beside the file.

Duration and Transition Adjustments

Proceeding further, you can try hands at customizing the duration and transition effects for each of the added media files within the queue. All you need to do is, navigate to and click on the respective tabs within the window. Hit the ‘Time’ button to adjust the screen time of the slides or click on the ‘Transitions’ tab to include suitable animation effects between successive slides for a smooth presentation flow.

You can even stick with a random transition effect to add to the slides, or choose to add no transition effect at all. The inbuilt slideshow player the right side of the editor workspace automatically plays the preview of the applied transition effects. The ‘Transition’ and ‘Time’ settings are the sole customizations that you can apply individually to the slides, the rest of the effects being universally applicable to all the presentation slides together.

If you are interested to apply a particular transition and play duration to all the slides, navigate to and click within the gray bar at the bottom of the file queue to apply the same transition and time characteristics to all the slides of the presentation. You can even opt to delete all the added media files at the same time by tapping the ‘Clear List’ button.

Icecream Slideshow Maker- Slide Screen Time and Transition Settings

Media Resolution

Working with the Icecream slideshow creator program, you are allowed to adjust the output resolution of your slideshow in the preview window at the right side of the editor timeline. The resolution range lies between 640 x 480 to 1600 x 1200 pixels. Moving further, you can set common play duration for all the transition effects within different slides of the presentation that you have included within the queue.

Aspect Ratio

You can choose to either keep the actual aspect ratio of the media files or customize the same to fit into the screen size. To go with the former choice, click within the ‘Scale to Fit’ checkbox. In case you wish to stick to the latter option, click inside the ‘Original Ratio’ checkbox. To learn more about working with any of the aforesaid settings, navigate to and click on the ‘Question Mark’ icon alongside each setting.

Audio Settings

To add upbeat background music to your presentation, navigate to and tap the ‘Add Audio’ button at the bottom left corner of the ‘Preview’ window. You can choose a desired audio track from your system and use the same as the background sound of the slideshow.

You are additionally, permitted to configure the added music track in line with your specific preferences using the ‘Fade’ and ‘Offset’ settings at the right side of the selected music file. To play the audio track immediately with a time shift, choose to set a negative offset value. Likewise, enter a positive offset value to start playing the track after the lapse of a specified time period.

Icecream Slideshow Maker- Media Resolution, Aspect Ratio and Audio Settings

When you are done with adjusting all the settings and adding the desired effects, proceed to watch a preview of the same in the right side ‘Preview Pane’ of the editor workspace and move ahead with creating the slideshow presentation.

Step 4: Create Your Slideshow

If the slideshow preview ensures that everything is at the right place, navigate to the bottom right corner of the editing timeline and click on the ‘Create’ button start building your presentation. You can tap on the ‘Pause/Resume’ and ‘Cancel’ buttons at the bottom of the screen at any time throughout the project creation process. A pop up window will notify you the completion of the design process, while asking you to click on the ‘Open Folder’ button to view your creation in the latter’s destination folder.

Icecream Slideshow Maker- Slideshow Creation Tab

Part 3 How Do You Add Music to an Icecream Slideshow?

Supplementing your slideshow presentations with appealing background music adds that extra spark to your creation, while making them stand out of the crowd. A cohesive audio works to create a perfect sync between the contents and mood of your presentation. Having said that, let us look through the process to add suitable background music to your Icecream slideshow in the following section:

User’s Guide for Adding Music to an Icecream Slideshow

Step 1: Download and Install the Program

Navigate to the home website of the Icecream Slideshow maker program to initiate a free download of the software into your system and proceed to install the same to start the slideshow creation process.

Icecream Slideshow Maker Official Download Link:

Making an Icecream Slideshow With Music

Step 2: Import Media Files

Begin with importing the selected media files to the editor workspace of the program in either of the following ways:

Add the images directly from your system to the editor timeline through the conventional ‘Drag and Drop’ method.

Navigate to and hit the ‘Add Photo’ button at the top left corner of the program’s main workspace to browse for the media files in the ‘Windows Explorer’.

Click on the ‘Add Folder’ button to import all the media files within a selected folder.

Making an Icecream Slideshow With Music- Media Import Interface

Step 3: Sort the Imported Files

Once you are done with importing all the media files, you can see them appear within the ‘File Queue’ at the left window of the slideshow creator program. Use the ‘Up/Down’ arrow keys to sort the media files in your preferred order, for example, arranging them according to their specific file names. The file sorting options are available at the right side of the ‘File Queue’.

Step 4: Include Text Customizations

Navigate to the ‘Text Column’ of the ‘File Queue’ and tap the ‘Add Text’ button to include text annotations within each slide of your presentation. A ‘Text Panel’ will pop up, where you can choose to add color, position and font customizations to the included text, followed by previewing the effect on every slide within the ‘Text Panel’ itself.

Making an Icecream Slideshow With Music- Adding Text Customizations

Step 5: Add a Desired Background Music

The Icecream Slideshow maker pro allows you to include a background music track within your presentation. For working towards the inclusion process, you will have to import the desired audio files to the program’s editor timeline. The software works well with the WAV, WMA, FLAC, M4A, MP3 and OGG audio file formats. Navigate to and hit the ‘Add Audio’ button in the editor workspace to ‘Drag and Drop’ the desired music files within the software’s timeline.

There is an option to create a playlist of the selected audio tracks, along with dragging the files to set them in a preferred sequence within the playlist. You are also granted the liberty to try hands at looping the audio playback and uplift the tracks with fade and offset effects within the playlist pane.

Making an Icecream Slideshow With Music- Adding Background Music

Step 6: Tweak Some Extra Settings

If you are keen towards making your presentation more impressive, try experimenting with including transition effects within the slides. Though the Icecream slideshow maker full version supports the application of default random transitions, you are allowed to add and customize the same as per your will, both, separately for each slide, as well as to the entre presentation as a whole.

You can even choose to add no transition effect at all, or set the same transition value for all the media files within the queue, by navigating to and clicking on the ‘Common Image Settings in the ’File Queue’ window.

Making an Icecream Slideshow With Music- Including Additional Tweaks

Step 7: Output Resolution

Set a preferable output resolution to generate a premium quality slideshow presentation. To do this, navigate to the bottom left corner of the ‘Preview’ window at the right side of the editor workspace and choose a desired resolution for the slideshow from a range of values, such as, 1280 x 1024, 2560 x 1440, 1920 x 1080, etc., in the ‘Resolution’ tab.

Making an Icecream Slideshow With Music- Setting the Output Resolution

Step 8: Format Selection

The next thing you need to do is, select a convenient output file format for your presentation. You can pick anyone from the available AVI, WebM, MP4, MOV file formats. To make your choice, navigate to the bottom of the ‘File Queue’ window at the left and click on the ‘File Format’ dropdown arrow at the right. A list of the output formats supported by the program appears next, and you are free to pick the one you like.

Making an Icecream Slideshow With Music- Selecting the Output Format

Step 9: Create Your Icecream Slideshow

When you have finalized all the arrangements and settings, navigate to and hit the ‘Preview’ button at the bottom right corner of the ‘Preview’ window to initiate a mock run of your slideshow in the software’s inbuilt slideshow player. If everything seems fine, proceed to start the slideshow creation process by clicking on the ‘Create’ button.

Making an Icecream Slideshow With Music- Slideshow Creation Interface

The process may require you to wait for a few moments before the final presentation output is generated. Nonetheless, you can always keep a track of the creation process through the elapsed and remaining duration in the ‘Progress Bar’ at the bottom of the program’s editing workspace. A completion prompt will pop up as soon as the slideshow is ready.

Creating Music Slideshows in Filmora

When searching for an Icecream slideshow maker alternative to craft your slideshow presentations, you can move ahead with picking the Wondershare Filmora Video Editor slideshow creator program for high end and professional quality results. While the aforementioned software is an all in one package for almost any of your most diverse editing needs, music slideshows are a specialty of the same on account of the following reasons:

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

Within by the Filmora slideshow creator program.

Working on your music presentation in the software, you are allowed to cut and trim the music files automatically as well as manually to ward off undesired portions from the included audio.

You can pick the most suitable soundtrack from the hundreds of choices available within Filmora’s preset audio library and uplift them with a variety of audio effects.

Using the software, you can proceed with recording your voiceover, followed by applying fade in and fade out effects to the same.

The software allows you to design professional slideshows for personal media sharing across various platforms, along with catering to product marketing needs and company business concerns.

Ending Thoughts

Icecream slideshow maker review claims that the latter is an effective slideshow creator and graphic editor program.

Working with the program, you can easily create high quality photo, video and music slideshow presentations in a quick time span.

Mentioning about the alternatives to the aforesaid program, you can comfortably choose the Wondershare Filmora slideshow maker software to address the concern.

Try It Free Try It Free

The Icecream slideshow creator software is a known name in the domain of graphic design applications. Keep reading ahead to learn the knowhow of creating Icecream presentations!

In this article

01 [What is Icecream Slideshow Maker?](#Part 1)

02 [How to Use an Ice Cream Slideshow Maker?](#Part 2)

03 [How Do You Add Music to an Icecream Slideshow?](#Part 3)

Part 1 What is Icecream Slideshow Maker?

Slideshows are interesting content presentation tools that have the potential to deliver even the most customary information in a manner that is engaging enough to hold your audience captive. Browsing across the web or the IT market, you can easily encounter a cluster of slideshow builder software and tools that are ready to cater to your requirement of making top quality slideshow presentations that suit a diversity of personal and professional needs.

Moving ahead with the discussion, let us have a talk about the Icecream slide show maker program, which can definitely be a great choice to design graphic artworks of professional excellence, thanks to the latter’s upgraded features and graphic editing utilities. You can pick the tool to create fun-filled slideshows of cherished personal events, or craft elusive and explanatory business presentations to deliver the most precise company and product information to your clients.

Let us now dive deeper into the program specifications and proceed to take a look at the distinguishing features of the Icecream slideshow maker program in the following section:

The software grants you the liberty to adjust the screen time and the transition play duration of each of the slide contents.

You can uplift the feel of your presentations with an upbeat background audio, while choosing the same from the editor’s preset media library in a preferred file format.

You are allowed to customize the presentation slides with matching text annotations and adjust its font, size, orientation, color and animation.

Working with the program lets you ensure a seamless presentation flow with a diverse range of inbuilt transition effects.

Before you set into the final creation process, the software facilitates you with a preview of your work, with all the applied effects, element inclusions and parameter variations introduced. You can thus, observe and modify the presentation if required.

You can save the slideshows midway of the creation process and resume whenever you like, and prefer to sort the presentation slides in a definite or random sequence.

The software allows you to create and export high resolution 4K slideshows by burning them to CDs and DVDs.

The created slideshows can be uploaded to online storage accounts and shared across a variety of social media platforms, in almost any common output file format.

The software is a Windows exclusive program and works effectively well with the Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1 and 10 operating system versions.

Part 2 How to Use an Ice Cream Slideshow Maker?

By now, you must have become quite familiar with the credibility of designing slideshow presentations with the Icecream slideshow creator software. However, the real essence lies in taking a practical experience of working with the program to comprehensively understand the slideshow design process in detail.

Adhering to the aforesaid concern, let us try hands at having an in depth understanding of different aspects of working on a slideshow presentation within the program interface through the following stepwise tutorial guide:

User’s Guide to Work With the Icecream Slideshow Maker Program

Step 1: Download and Install Icecream Slideshow Creator

To begin with, visit the official website of the program to download the same in your Windows device. Once the download is successful, you will need to save and run the program’s installation files sin your system. Having done that, you will be directed to the software’s ‘Installation Wizard’ to initiate a quick an easy installation process.

Icecream Slideshow Maker

Step 2: Import Media Files

Post a successful installation, proceed to launch the program and wait for the latter’s welcome screen to appear. In the launch screen, navigate to and tap any one of the ‘Add Photo’ or ‘Add Folder’ buttons at the top left corner to import either a single media file, or an entire media folder to the program’s editing workspace.

Instead of using the ‘Add Folder’ option at the top left, you can also select multiple files by pressing and holding the ‘Ctrl’ key son your system’s keyboard and import them to the editor timeline, all at once. You can alternatively, click on the ‘Add Files to Start Your Photostory’ tab in the center of the software’s welcome screen to import the required media files.

Icecream Slideshow Maker- Media Selection Interface

Clicking on any of the aforesaid buttons or tabs will direct you to a ‘File Explorer’ window, where you can make the desired media selections. Your choices are however; filtered according to their respective file formats and only those in line with the formats supported by the Icecream Slideshow creator program are imported to the timeline.

Step 3: Configure the Presentation Settings

As soon as you finish the media import process, the editing workspace bifurcates to present the ‘Queue’ window at the left and ‘Preview and Settings’ window at the right side of the screen. This is the space where you can proceed to configure your presentation settings.

File Sorting

To sort the arrangement of a media file, navigate to the ‘File Queue Panel’ at the left and click on the desired file, while using the ‘Arrow Keys’ at the right to change the latter’s position in the queue, or choose to delete it from the queue by tapping the ‘Recycle Bin’ icon beside the file.

Duration and Transition Adjustments

Proceeding further, you can try hands at customizing the duration and transition effects for each of the added media files within the queue. All you need to do is, navigate to and click on the respective tabs within the window. Hit the ‘Time’ button to adjust the screen time of the slides or click on the ‘Transitions’ tab to include suitable animation effects between successive slides for a smooth presentation flow.

You can even stick with a random transition effect to add to the slides, or choose to add no transition effect at all. The inbuilt slideshow player the right side of the editor workspace automatically plays the preview of the applied transition effects. The ‘Transition’ and ‘Time’ settings are the sole customizations that you can apply individually to the slides, the rest of the effects being universally applicable to all the presentation slides together.

If you are interested to apply a particular transition and play duration to all the slides, navigate to and click within the gray bar at the bottom of the file queue to apply the same transition and time characteristics to all the slides of the presentation. You can even opt to delete all the added media files at the same time by tapping the ‘Clear List’ button.

Icecream Slideshow Maker- Slide Screen Time and Transition Settings

Media Resolution

Working with the Icecream slideshow creator program, you are allowed to adjust the output resolution of your slideshow in the preview window at the right side of the editor timeline. The resolution range lies between 640 x 480 to 1600 x 1200 pixels. Moving further, you can set common play duration for all the transition effects within different slides of the presentation that you have included within the queue.

Aspect Ratio

You can choose to either keep the actual aspect ratio of the media files or customize the same to fit into the screen size. To go with the former choice, click within the ‘Scale to Fit’ checkbox. In case you wish to stick to the latter option, click inside the ‘Original Ratio’ checkbox. To learn more about working with any of the aforesaid settings, navigate to and click on the ‘Question Mark’ icon alongside each setting.

Audio Settings

To add upbeat background music to your presentation, navigate to and tap the ‘Add Audio’ button at the bottom left corner of the ‘Preview’ window. You can choose a desired audio track from your system and use the same as the background sound of the slideshow.

You are additionally, permitted to configure the added music track in line with your specific preferences using the ‘Fade’ and ‘Offset’ settings at the right side of the selected music file. To play the audio track immediately with a time shift, choose to set a negative offset value. Likewise, enter a positive offset value to start playing the track after the lapse of a specified time period.

Icecream Slideshow Maker- Media Resolution, Aspect Ratio and Audio Settings

When you are done with adjusting all the settings and adding the desired effects, proceed to watch a preview of the same in the right side ‘Preview Pane’ of the editor workspace and move ahead with creating the slideshow presentation.

Step 4: Create Your Slideshow

If the slideshow preview ensures that everything is at the right place, navigate to the bottom right corner of the editing timeline and click on the ‘Create’ button start building your presentation. You can tap on the ‘Pause/Resume’ and ‘Cancel’ buttons at the bottom of the screen at any time throughout the project creation process. A pop up window will notify you the completion of the design process, while asking you to click on the ‘Open Folder’ button to view your creation in the latter’s destination folder.

Icecream Slideshow Maker- Slideshow Creation Tab

Part 3 How Do You Add Music to an Icecream Slideshow?

Supplementing your slideshow presentations with appealing background music adds that extra spark to your creation, while making them stand out of the crowd. A cohesive audio works to create a perfect sync between the contents and mood of your presentation. Having said that, let us look through the process to add suitable background music to your Icecream slideshow in the following section:

User’s Guide for Adding Music to an Icecream Slideshow

Step 1: Download and Install the Program

Navigate to the home website of the Icecream Slideshow maker program to initiate a free download of the software into your system and proceed to install the same to start the slideshow creation process.

Icecream Slideshow Maker Official Download Link:

Making an Icecream Slideshow With Music

Step 2: Import Media Files

Begin with importing the selected media files to the editor workspace of the program in either of the following ways:

Add the images directly from your system to the editor timeline through the conventional ‘Drag and Drop’ method.

Navigate to and hit the ‘Add Photo’ button at the top left corner of the program’s main workspace to browse for the media files in the ‘Windows Explorer’.

Click on the ‘Add Folder’ button to import all the media files within a selected folder.

Making an Icecream Slideshow With Music- Media Import Interface

Step 3: Sort the Imported Files

Once you are done with importing all the media files, you can see them appear within the ‘File Queue’ at the left window of the slideshow creator program. Use the ‘Up/Down’ arrow keys to sort the media files in your preferred order, for example, arranging them according to their specific file names. The file sorting options are available at the right side of the ‘File Queue’.

Step 4: Include Text Customizations

Navigate to the ‘Text Column’ of the ‘File Queue’ and tap the ‘Add Text’ button to include text annotations within each slide of your presentation. A ‘Text Panel’ will pop up, where you can choose to add color, position and font customizations to the included text, followed by previewing the effect on every slide within the ‘Text Panel’ itself.

Making an Icecream Slideshow With Music- Adding Text Customizations

Step 5: Add a Desired Background Music

The Icecream Slideshow maker pro allows you to include a background music track within your presentation. For working towards the inclusion process, you will have to import the desired audio files to the program’s editor timeline. The software works well with the WAV, WMA, FLAC, M4A, MP3 and OGG audio file formats. Navigate to and hit the ‘Add Audio’ button in the editor workspace to ‘Drag and Drop’ the desired music files within the software’s timeline.

There is an option to create a playlist of the selected audio tracks, along with dragging the files to set them in a preferred sequence within the playlist. You are also granted the liberty to try hands at looping the audio playback and uplift the tracks with fade and offset effects within the playlist pane.

Making an Icecream Slideshow With Music- Adding Background Music

Step 6: Tweak Some Extra Settings

If you are keen towards making your presentation more impressive, try experimenting with including transition effects within the slides. Though the Icecream slideshow maker full version supports the application of default random transitions, you are allowed to add and customize the same as per your will, both, separately for each slide, as well as to the entre presentation as a whole.

You can even choose to add no transition effect at all, or set the same transition value for all the media files within the queue, by navigating to and clicking on the ‘Common Image Settings in the ’File Queue’ window.

Making an Icecream Slideshow With Music- Including Additional Tweaks

Step 7: Output Resolution

Set a preferable output resolution to generate a premium quality slideshow presentation. To do this, navigate to the bottom left corner of the ‘Preview’ window at the right side of the editor workspace and choose a desired resolution for the slideshow from a range of values, such as, 1280 x 1024, 2560 x 1440, 1920 x 1080, etc., in the ‘Resolution’ tab.

Making an Icecream Slideshow With Music- Setting the Output Resolution

Step 8: Format Selection

The next thing you need to do is, select a convenient output file format for your presentation. You can pick anyone from the available AVI, WebM, MP4, MOV file formats. To make your choice, navigate to the bottom of the ‘File Queue’ window at the left and click on the ‘File Format’ dropdown arrow at the right. A list of the output formats supported by the program appears next, and you are free to pick the one you like.

Making an Icecream Slideshow With Music- Selecting the Output Format

Step 9: Create Your Icecream Slideshow

When you have finalized all the arrangements and settings, navigate to and hit the ‘Preview’ button at the bottom right corner of the ‘Preview’ window to initiate a mock run of your slideshow in the software’s inbuilt slideshow player. If everything seems fine, proceed to start the slideshow creation process by clicking on the ‘Create’ button.

Making an Icecream Slideshow With Music- Slideshow Creation Interface

The process may require you to wait for a few moments before the final presentation output is generated. Nonetheless, you can always keep a track of the creation process through the elapsed and remaining duration in the ‘Progress Bar’ at the bottom of the program’s editing workspace. A completion prompt will pop up as soon as the slideshow is ready.

Creating Music Slideshows in Filmora

When searching for an Icecream slideshow maker alternative to craft your slideshow presentations, you can move ahead with picking the Wondershare Filmora Video Editor slideshow creator program for high end and professional quality results. While the aforementioned software is an all in one package for almost any of your most diverse editing needs, music slideshows are a specialty of the same on account of the following reasons:

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For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

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For macOS 10.12 or later

Within by the Filmora slideshow creator program.

Working on your music presentation in the software, you are allowed to cut and trim the music files automatically as well as manually to ward off undesired portions from the included audio.

You can pick the most suitable soundtrack from the hundreds of choices available within Filmora’s preset audio library and uplift them with a variety of audio effects.

Using the software, you can proceed with recording your voiceover, followed by applying fade in and fade out effects to the same.

The software allows you to design professional slideshows for personal media sharing across various platforms, along with catering to product marketing needs and company business concerns.

Ending Thoughts

Icecream slideshow maker review claims that the latter is an effective slideshow creator and graphic editor program.

Working with the program, you can easily create high quality photo, video and music slideshow presentations in a quick time span.

Mentioning about the alternatives to the aforesaid program, you can comfortably choose the Wondershare Filmora slideshow maker software to address the concern.

Also read:

  • Title: New 2024 Approved Create A Freeze Frame Sequence In Your Videos
  • Author: Chloe
  • Created at : 2024-04-24 07:08:32
  • Updated at : 2024-04-25 07:08:32
  • Link:
  • License: This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.
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New 2024 Approved Create A Freeze Frame Sequence In Your Videos