New 6 Tips for Your First Facebook Ads

New 6 Tips for Your First Facebook Ads

Chloe Lv12

6 Tips for Your First Facebook Ads

Facebook ads can be an effective channel for reaching the right customers, but only if you have a strong strategy in place. If you are new to Facebook ads, don’t rush into creating your first campaign without fully understanding the risks and rewards of advertising on Facebook.

facebook ads campaign tips

Before you launch your first Facebook ad campaign, here are six tips to keep in mind:

Part1. Define the purpose of your ad

This can be a long-form or short-form question. If a user is browsing Facebook and sees your ad, you want them to know why they should click on it. Is it an offer? If so, what are they getting in return? Is the ad simply a call to action? You may want to include a “Learn more” button that links back to your website so that users can learn more about whatever they need to know before taking the next steps.

There are 11 Facebook Ads campaign objectives to choose from, and you should choose the one that best aligns with your goals.

create new fb campaign


  • Brand awareness - Show your advertisements to individuals who are most likely to recall them.
  • Reach - Show your ad to as many people as possible


  • Traffic - Send people to your website or app
  • Engagement - Increase the number of times people see and interact with your ad.
  • App installs - Advertise to individuals who are more likely than others to download and use your app.
  • Video views - Increase the number of times people see and interact with your video
  • Lead generation - Use forms, calls, or chats to obtain information from people eager in your business.
  • Messages - Get more people to message you on Facebook Messenger


  • Conversions - Advertise to people who have a higher likelihood of taking action, such as buying something or calling you from your website.
  • Catalog sales -Show your potential customers ads for items in your catalog that match their interests, so they are more likely to buy from you.
  • Store traffic - This allows you to use your Facebook page as a marketing platform. If you want to run store traffic ads on Facebook, include your shop information there.

Whatever the case, make sure you have a clear goal from start to finish to understand what exactly it is you are trying to accomplish for any given campaign.

Part2. Know your target audience

Before you create any ads, it’s important to define who will see them. You’ll want to think carefully about the type of person who would be interested in what you’re offering and how they would respond when they see the ad. If you can’t answer these questions, it’s time to start considering different audiences.

know your target audience

But how do we begin defining a target audience? To start, let’s look at the different terms used by advertisers:

Customer: The person who has already bought from your company. For example, if you sell coffee makers on Amazon and have an existing customer base from those sales (customers), then this would be the most relevant term for you when deciding who should see specific ads for new products or services that may interest them based on past purchases or interests shown through other online activity such as browsing history or social media engagement with similar content/products/services.

Prospect: A lead that has expressed interest in buying something, but has not yet purchased anything from your company. A prospect does not necessarily mean someone has signed up for an email list or asked for more info; keeping leads fresh is just as important as nurturing prospects into customers later down the road so don’t forget that part!

Now that you know who you are targeting, it’s time to create an avatar for your target customer. An avatar is a fictional character that represents your target customer. This will help you to better understand their needs and wants, and it will also make it easier to create targeted ads.

create an avatar for target customer

There are a few different ways to create an avatar:

1.) Customer profile: This is a simple way to gather information about your target customer. Start by creating a list of demographic information such as age, location, gender, education level, and income level. You can also include interests and behaviors, such as what they like to do for fun, what type of music they listen to, and what type of products they buy.

2.) Persona: A persona is very similar to a customer profile, but it takes things a step further by giving each target customer a name and backstory. This can be helpful if you are targeting a specific niche audience.

3.) Mind-map: If you want to get creative, you can create a mind-map of your target customer. This will allow you to brainstorm everything that you know about them and come up with new ideas.

Once you have created your avatar, make sure that you keep it in mind when creating your Facebook ad campaign. This will help to ensure that your ads are relevant and interesting to your target customer.

Part3. Prepare a decent image for your audience to click on

Images are the most important part of any ad. A good image will help your customers understand what it is that they’re clicking on, and they may even want to share it with their friends. However, if your image is poor quality or irrelevant then, it won’t do as well as it could have done.

You should start by picking a relevant image that shows off your product in the best light possible. If possible, try and get some type of testimonial from customers using your product so that other people can see how great your product really is!

create decent image for fb ads

If you don’t have good images available yet, don’t worry! You can always hire a professional photographer who knows what kind of shots work best for advertising purposes but even if this isn’t something that suits every business, there are still plenty of free resources out there too like Unsplash which offers high-quality stock photography under Creative Commons licenses under various conditions such as attribution when used commercially, so make sure whatever method you choose fits within these guidelines!

Part4. Practice Your copywriting skills

You can have the best-developed ad in the world, but if it doesn’t have strong copywriting, your ads won’t work as well. It’s important to know what you’re getting into before spending time and money on Facebook ads.

practice copywriting skills fb ads

The following are just some of the ways you can improve your copywriting skills:

  • Read other people’s ads and see how they write their copy
  • Read books about writing persuasive copy.

Try writing your own copy. Then have someone read it and give feedback on what they like and what they don’t like about it. Try to learn from their suggestions.

There are also many different ways to write copy for a Facebook ad. Some people like to use specific formulas for their ads, such as: AIDA (attention, interest, desire, action). This formula was developed by an American businessman named Claude C. Hopkins in 1898 and is still widely used today. If you’re not sure which method is best for you, it might be worth trying a few different ones. Have someone read your ad and give their opinion on which method was the most effective at convincing them that they should click on your ad.

You can also hire a copywriter to help you with your ad. However, if you don’t have the budget for it at this point in time or just want to try writing your own first before hiring someone else, there are many different apps and websites that will help you to create an ad copy.

Part5. Decide what type of ad format will you use

It is a carousel ad, or single image/video ad, or a combination of both?

choose ad type format

If you are going to use a carousel ad, you need at least three images. If you’re using a single image or video ads, then you only need one image or video.

As always, if your budget allows it, try to increase the number of ad sets that are running at once so as not to cannibalize each other’s reach—it’s better to have multiple ads winning than just one.

If you’re running a single video ad for example and your budget is $100 per day, it’s best practice to have to create multiple versions of this single video ad so that they don’t cannibalize each other.

Part6. Plan your ad budget

You need to determine how much you’re willing to spend on your Facebook ads. This will help you to create a budget and also to decide how often you want your ad to be shown.

plan your fb ad budget

The average Facebook ad spends between $5 and $10 per day. However, this can vary depending on the type of product or service that you’re promoting, as well as the size of your target audience.

If you have a large target audience, it might be worth increasing your ad budget so that your ad is seen by more people. On the other hand, if you have a smaller target audience, you might want to decrease your ad budget so that you don’t spend too much money on ads that aren’t being seen by as many people.

It’s also important to consider how often you want your ad to be shown. If you want your ad to be seen by as many people as possible, it’s best to have it shown more than once. However, if you only want your ad to be shown to a select group of people, it’s best to have it shown less often.

Both of these factors will help you to determine your Facebook ad spend.

The Bottom Line

If you’re ready to get started with Facebook ads, we encourage you to put these tips into practice. I believe that they will help you make the most of your budget and achieve your goals, whether they be brand awareness, lead generation or sales.

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[Complete Guide 2024] A Review On 3D LUT Creator

We know the importance of color grading to improve the look and feel of your digital content. That’s why LUTs are essential, as they color-correct our media files. LUTs are pre-defined color transformations you can apply to your footage to achieve a specific aesthetic or mood. With LUTs, you can make your photos and videos look more cinematic, vibrant, or vintage, among other possibilities.

Besides this, your editing software also makes a huge difference. Therefore, use the 3D LUT Creator Pro tool for color correction and adjustments. It allows you to create custom LUTs and use pre-made LUTs from a vast library.

Part 1: Introduction to 3D LUTs Creator - How Is It Good in The LUTs Market

Lookup Tables (LUTs) are powerful tools that allow you to adjust and enhance the color and tone of your digital media. They are mathematical formulas that map the colors of your footage to new values to change the tone. Additionally, many LUTs are available for you to choose and use.

The options are endless, with so many options, from modern cinematic styles to vintage film looks. The content creators select from various LUTs to make their digital content look unique and professional.

Introducing 3D LUT Creator

3D LUT Creator is considered one of the best color grading and color correction tools. It helps you to create, adjust, and apply free 3D LUTs to your photos and videos. With this tool, you can get consistent color grading results, even when dealing with complex lighting situations. Besides LUTs, this tool offers other color correction features to make your content look unique.

Additionally, this professional tool offers plugins for multiple editing software. The integration helps with multiple tools, making your content look more professional. Furthermore, this tool has a store with different LUTs packs to download.

3d lut creator interface

Empower your videos with a new mood using different LUTs. Filmora now offers 100+ top-quality 3D LUTs cover a broad range of scenarios. Transform your videos with Filmora’s powerful 3D LUTs.

Apply LUT on Videos Apply LUT on Videos Learn More

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Wondershare Filmora 12

Part 2: Reviewing The Features of 3D LUT Creator

The 3D LUT Creator Pro is a tool packed with some amazing features for color correction to your digital media files. Some of the most prominent features related to 3D LUT Creator are discussed here.

  • Plugins: This tool offers plugin support for different photo and video editing software. 3D LUT Creator free download is available for Premiere, DaVinci Resolve, Final Cut, and more. These plugins are available for both Mac and Windows.
  • Colors of RGB Space: 3D LUT Creator has a great feature that changes your media file’s tone. The RGB feature allows you to toggle up and down or slide left and right to change the saturation and hue.
  • Gradients: This amazing feature comes with seven color gradients to play with. You can use this feature to change and distribute these colors according to your preference. It also has a linear gradient for gray shades.
  • Color Wheel: Another useful feature for color enhancement is the color wheel option. Its features can create a color scheme for you with its color matrix. Users can create their color scheme by changing and enhancing different colors.
  • A/B Grid: It is another color correction option that you can use. This feature lets you change any color into a different one by changing hue and saturation.
  • C/L Grids: This unique feature lets you set the tone of a specific color to your media file. It gives a particular color tint to your photos and videos.
  • 2-D Curves: With this feature, you can change and modify the color toning of your images and videos. Moreover, you can play with the RGB wheel to give the desired color tone to your files.
  • Volume: It is another impressive feature that allows you to adjust the brightness of your media content. Furthermore, you can highlight the subject in the image using this option.
  • AI Retouch: AI Retouching plugin is a unique option that uses artificial intelligence to retouch and beautify your image. This option smoothens your skin and gives it a flawless look with no spots, dark circles, or blemishes.

Part 3: Testing The Advanced Functionalities of 3D LUT Creator

Apart from basic features, 3D LUT Creator is powered by advanced features. Here are some of the unique advanced features highlighted below.

  • Complex Linear Gradient: One of the key features of 3D LUT Creator is the Complex Linear Gradient tool. The tool allows you to create complex color gradients with combinations. Moreover, you can even adjust RGB curves with this tool.
  • Hald Images: 3D LUT Creator allows you to import and export Hald images, making working with other color grading software and tools easy. You can use these images to create complex color modifications and changes.
  • Advanced Color Wheel: The Advanced Color Wheel is another powerful feature of 3D LUT Creator. It allows you to select and adjust colors in your digital media files. The wheel supports multiple color spaces for color correction, including RGB, HSL, and more.
  • Technical 3D LUTs: Finally, 3D LUT Creator Pro includes a range of technical 3D LUTs. It can be used to adjust white balance and exposure composition. These LUTs are designed to help you achieve the perfect color and exposure balance in your images and videos.

Part 4: How to Utilize LUTs in Photoshop and 3D LUT Creator: Step-by-Step Guide

If you have trouble integrating this free 3D LUTs plugin with Photoshop, follow this guide. This step-by-step guide will navigate you and tell you how to use this tool in Photoshop.

Step 1Open The Tool to Integrate

The first step is to open the tool and click the File button after the tool is running. Once clicked, go to the Preference option to launch a new window.

start integrating lut to photoshop

Step 2Integrate the Photoshop

After selecting the integration option, a new window will pop up that allows you to select your Photoshop version. Make sure to use CS6 or newer versions to integrate the 3D LUT Creator to use color adjustment layers.

If you don’t find your version in the options, then you can choose the “Custom Photoshop” option and browse the path of your Photoshop.

select photoshop version

Part 5: Top 3D LUTs Available in Store

The 3D LUT Creator is a professional tool with a LUT store on its website. This store has different LUT packs according to your style and taste. Download them and use them to make your content stand out from others.

1. GoPro LUTs Color Grading Pack

If you want to add a professional touch to your GoPro videos, the GoPro LUTs Color Grading Pack might be a good option. With over 50 LUTs, you can color impressively grade your videos. Furthermore, you can add warmth to your footage, enhance the contrast, or create a specific mood. The GoPro LUTs Color Grading Pack has a wide variety of options.

gopro luts color grading pack

2. Psychedelia LUTs Pack

Give your photos and videos a unique and eye-catching look by trying out the Psychedelia LUTs Pack. This pack contains multiple LUTs that you can use for color correction and grading. The output results resemble infrared photography, giving your content a unique look. Moreover, these LUTs are perfect for enhancing your photos and videos on social media platforms like Instagram.

psychedelia luts pack

3. Winter Pack

Winter Pack is a LUT that you can use to give your media files a cold winter look. It highlights the color blue and gives a bluish tint to your media to make it look like it was shot during winter. Similarly, you can give your photos or videos a chilly and snowy appearance, perfect for winter-themed content. It is a simple and effective way to enhance the mood and atmosphere of your media files.

winter pack

4. Zoan Cinematic Pack

Cinematic Pack lets you add a cinematic touch to your digital media files. This pack contains 8 LUTs that help you achieve a rich cinematic feel in your footage. It creates a dramatic look by darkening the colors and underexposing your photos and videos. With these LUTs, you can easily transform your digital media files to have a more cinematic feel.

zoan cinematic pack

5. Travel LUT Pack

Another amazing LUT pack that gives your photos and videos a more natural look is the Travel LUT Pack. It gives your media content a warm and natural look. These LUTs highlight the orange and brown colors to give your digital files a more earthy feel. Moreover, these LUTs add grains to your photos and videos for a perfect travel look.

travel lut pack


In conclusion, LUTs are an essential tool in the editing process. They help you achieve consistent color grading across your footage or images, saving time and effort. LUTs allow you to easily apply specific color grading styles and look at your media. Furthermore, the 3D LUT Creator free download will let you edit LUTs and apply them to your Photoshop projects.

Try Filmora to apply 3D Luts on your video!

Add LUTs on Video For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Add LUTs on Video For macOS 10.14 or later

iOS Android

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Apply LUT on Videos Apply LUT on Videos Learn More

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Wondershare Filmora 12

Part 2: Reviewing The Features of 3D LUT Creator

The 3D LUT Creator Pro is a tool packed with some amazing features for color correction to your digital media files. Some of the most prominent features related to 3D LUT Creator are discussed here.

  • Plugins: This tool offers plugin support for different photo and video editing software. 3D LUT Creator free download is available for Premiere, DaVinci Resolve, Final Cut, and more. These plugins are available for both Mac and Windows.
  • Colors of RGB Space: 3D LUT Creator has a great feature that changes your media file’s tone. The RGB feature allows you to toggle up and down or slide left and right to change the saturation and hue.
  • Gradients: This amazing feature comes with seven color gradients to play with. You can use this feature to change and distribute these colors according to your preference. It also has a linear gradient for gray shades.
  • Color Wheel: Another useful feature for color enhancement is the color wheel option. Its features can create a color scheme for you with its color matrix. Users can create their color scheme by changing and enhancing different colors.
  • A/B Grid: It is another color correction option that you can use. This feature lets you change any color into a different one by changing hue and saturation.
  • C/L Grids: This unique feature lets you set the tone of a specific color to your media file. It gives a particular color tint to your photos and videos.
  • 2-D Curves: With this feature, you can change and modify the color toning of your images and videos. Moreover, you can play with the RGB wheel to give the desired color tone to your files.
  • Volume: It is another impressive feature that allows you to adjust the brightness of your media content. Furthermore, you can highlight the subject in the image using this option.
  • AI Retouch: AI Retouching plugin is a unique option that uses artificial intelligence to retouch and beautify your image. This option smoothens your skin and gives it a flawless look with no spots, dark circles, or blemishes.

Part 3: Testing The Advanced Functionalities of 3D LUT Creator

Apart from basic features, 3D LUT Creator is powered by advanced features. Here are some of the unique advanced features highlighted below.

  • Complex Linear Gradient: One of the key features of 3D LUT Creator is the Complex Linear Gradient tool. The tool allows you to create complex color gradients with combinations. Moreover, you can even adjust RGB curves with this tool.
  • Hald Images: 3D LUT Creator allows you to import and export Hald images, making working with other color grading software and tools easy. You can use these images to create complex color modifications and changes.
  • Advanced Color Wheel: The Advanced Color Wheel is another powerful feature of 3D LUT Creator. It allows you to select and adjust colors in your digital media files. The wheel supports multiple color spaces for color correction, including RGB, HSL, and more.
  • Technical 3D LUTs: Finally, 3D LUT Creator Pro includes a range of technical 3D LUTs. It can be used to adjust white balance and exposure composition. These LUTs are designed to help you achieve the perfect color and exposure balance in your images and videos.

Part 4: How to Utilize LUTs in Photoshop and 3D LUT Creator: Step-by-Step Guide

If you have trouble integrating this free 3D LUTs plugin with Photoshop, follow this guide. This step-by-step guide will navigate you and tell you how to use this tool in Photoshop.

Step 1Open The Tool to Integrate

The first step is to open the tool and click the File button after the tool is running. Once clicked, go to the Preference option to launch a new window.

start integrating lut to photoshop

Step 2Integrate the Photoshop

After selecting the integration option, a new window will pop up that allows you to select your Photoshop version. Make sure to use CS6 or newer versions to integrate the 3D LUT Creator to use color adjustment layers.

If you don’t find your version in the options, then you can choose the “Custom Photoshop” option and browse the path of your Photoshop.

select photoshop version

Part 5: Top 3D LUTs Available in Store

The 3D LUT Creator is a professional tool with a LUT store on its website. This store has different LUT packs according to your style and taste. Download them and use them to make your content stand out from others.

1. GoPro LUTs Color Grading Pack

If you want to add a professional touch to your GoPro videos, the GoPro LUTs Color Grading Pack might be a good option. With over 50 LUTs, you can color impressively grade your videos. Furthermore, you can add warmth to your footage, enhance the contrast, or create a specific mood. The GoPro LUTs Color Grading Pack has a wide variety of options.

gopro luts color grading pack

2. Psychedelia LUTs Pack

Give your photos and videos a unique and eye-catching look by trying out the Psychedelia LUTs Pack. This pack contains multiple LUTs that you can use for color correction and grading. The output results resemble infrared photography, giving your content a unique look. Moreover, these LUTs are perfect for enhancing your photos and videos on social media platforms like Instagram.

psychedelia luts pack

3. Winter Pack

Winter Pack is a LUT that you can use to give your media files a cold winter look. It highlights the color blue and gives a bluish tint to your media to make it look like it was shot during winter. Similarly, you can give your photos or videos a chilly and snowy appearance, perfect for winter-themed content. It is a simple and effective way to enhance the mood and atmosphere of your media files.

winter pack

4. Zoan Cinematic Pack

Cinematic Pack lets you add a cinematic touch to your digital media files. This pack contains 8 LUTs that help you achieve a rich cinematic feel in your footage. It creates a dramatic look by darkening the colors and underexposing your photos and videos. With these LUTs, you can easily transform your digital media files to have a more cinematic feel.

zoan cinematic pack

5. Travel LUT Pack

Another amazing LUT pack that gives your photos and videos a more natural look is the Travel LUT Pack. It gives your media content a warm and natural look. These LUTs highlight the orange and brown colors to give your digital files a more earthy feel. Moreover, these LUTs add grains to your photos and videos for a perfect travel look.

travel lut pack


In conclusion, LUTs are an essential tool in the editing process. They help you achieve consistent color grading across your footage or images, saving time and effort. LUTs allow you to easily apply specific color grading styles and look at your media. Furthermore, the 3D LUT Creator free download will let you edit LUTs and apply them to your Photoshop projects.

Try Filmora to apply 3D Luts on your video!

Add LUTs on Video For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Add LUTs on Video For macOS 10.14 or later

iOS Android

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Guide of 8 Photo Collage Apps for PC

2024 Guide of 8 Photo Collage Apps for PC

An easy yet powerful editor

Numerous effects to choose from

Detailed tutorials provided by the official channel

Try It Free Try It Free

There are plenty of photo collage makers for PC that you can try Some, you’ll have to download. Some, you can use directly online through a browser. We’ll be introducing several below that you might want to try out before you end up picking out one that you think will work best for the kind of projects that you have in mind.

As a bonus, we’ve also included a beginning ‘guide’ of sorts for pic collage PC apps that you can use in order to figure out what the benefits of using a pic collage for PC.

In this article

01 [What Are the Benefits of Using Collage Software?](#Part 1)

02 [The Best 8 Free Collage Makers at a Glance](#Part 2)

Part 1 What Are the Benefits of Using Collage Software?

We start this off with the short guide we promised for using a photo collage app for PC What are the benefits? Well, the main benefit is that you can get something fun and interest out of it, of course.

And, unlike with traditional collages — which are messy and require lots of prep-work and glue — you can go create pic collages with a photo collage app for PC relatively easily. All you have to do most of the time is to choose a layout that you like and then fill it with the photographs, videos, GIFs, etc. that you want. Most programs also give you the choice to add things like text (for making the collage more meaningful), stickers, frames, and so on, so that you can fully deck out your photo collages exactly how you want to.

Traditional Collage vs. Digital Collage

Part 2 The Best 8 Free Collage Makers at a Glance

Now onto our recommended list for all the different photo collage makers FREE for PC that you can try. This list will include a variety of different free collage makers for PC with different benefits. So, make sure to give each one some careful consideration We’ve added not only the specifications of each photo collage for PC but also a debrief description on why you might want to buy one over the other.

01**Wondershare Filmora Video Editor **

Specifications: Windows 7 | 8.1 | 10 | 11 (64 bit OS only)

Filmora is primarily a video editor. One that is actually used by a lot of the more popular content creators on the internet (it’s especially popular with people on YouTube, as an example, but also for corporations and entrepreneurs that need a reliable way of creating high-quality videos for every occasion.)

We included it here on our list of the best photo collages for PC because it comes with something called ‘Stock Media’ where you source images, videos, music, etc. directly — for your photo collages, video projects, etc. It also comes with a lot of fun layouts, themes, filters, and so on. So, if you’re not up for creating a custom collage, you can always depend on those to make a quick and easy one

Reasons to Buy:

Stock Media Library for direct source of images, videos, etc.

Layouts and templates available for quick content creation

Lots of fun Fonts, Stickers, etc. for decorating photo collages

Advanced Video editing tools (can be used to create video collages)

Filmora - Photo Collage Software for PC

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

02Express It

Specifications: ONLINE

Express It is an online tool that you can use as a photo collage maker (FREE) for PC. It was made by Adobe, so from that alone, you can certain of its reliability. But, even more than this, it’s generally just incredibly useful. The tool comes with a resource library that you can tap into for your projects, and it takes ‘Free Style’ Collage making to the next level with all the different customizations that it provides

Reasons to Buy:

Large resource library with lots of stickers, clipart, images, etc.

Photo collage templates are available for designing quick pic collages

‘Free-style’ mode available for creating fully unique collage

Express It - Photo Collage for PC


Specifications: ONLINE

FotoJet, much like Express It, is an online photo collage tool that you use for your PC It’s primarily a photo editor, but it has ‘collage maker’ functionalities that will allow you to easily create pic collages on your laptop to be shared on social media or used for whatever projects you might have in mind.

Reasons to Buy:

No download needed for use (FREE trial available)

Tons of collage layouts for quick collage-making

Photo editing functions for adding text, clipart, etc.

Fotojet - PicCollage PC


Specifications: ONLINE

We continue our recommendations for the best tools for creating pic collage for PC with Canva Pro This online program is great because it comes with a very reliable resources library (which has just about everything that you need.) There are also tons of templates that you can use — not even just for creating collages (of which there are plenty of stylish templates, if that’s all you’re looking for), but just about everything from posters, infographics, ads, etc.

Reasons to Buy:

Canva Pro has lots of premium resources for decorating Pic Collages

The premium version unlocks some of the photo editing tools that are not available with the FREE version

Templates are available for just about any project you can think of (with plenty for collages of all variety)

Canva Pro — Photo Collage Maker for PC


Specifications: ONLINE

Fotor is a great online editor that comes with a lot of ‘collage-making’ tools. That includes grid layouts for creating quick photo collages This, along with the tool’s established advanced photo editing functionalities, makes it very easy to create photo collages of all kinds — whether you’re creating them for the sake of creating something to remember an event by or for some special project for work.

Reasons to Buy:

The advanced version unlocks some of the functions unavailable in the FREE version (both layouts and photo editing tools)

Comes with lots of easy-to-use layouts for creating collages

No download or installation required; just a quick Sign-Up

Fotor - Free Photo Collage Maker for PC


Specifications: ONLINE

PiZap is the last of the online photo collage apps for PC that we have on this list. It’s quite a bit more basic than some of the other online photo editors that we’ve introduced thus far, but that may be all you need It comes with the usual collage grids as well as some handy photo editing functions so that you can be sure to get the end-product to look how you want it to

Reasons to Buy:

Lots of photo collage grits for your to try

Easy-to-use photo editing functions

UI is intuitive and lots of the features are set for beginners

PiZap — FREE Photo Collage App for PC

07Phototastic Collage

Specifications: Windows 10

Phototastic Collage is a photo collage app for PC that you can download and used for quick collage projects. It’s quite simplistic, but it can get the job done As a collage maker, it comes with a selection of layouts that you can use from in order to create your photo collages. Adding to this, the usual customization features are also available (i.e., frames, text, etc.)

Reasons to Buy:

Microsoft App with a very simple UI

Lots of layouts for grid making

Customizable layouts (i.e., adjust borders, frames, etc.)

Phototastic Collage — Collage App for PC


Specifications: Windows XP|Vista|7|8|8.1|10|11

PhotoPad is an old-school photo collage editor for PC that’s been around for a while. It’s a particularly good choice for those who choose to stick to the older versions of Windows (like XP or Vista), as you don’t see a lot of the newer software supporting those anymore.

Much like many of the other software that we included in this list, this one is more of a general photo editor than one strictly made for collages. However, it does come with functionalities for that, so you shouldn’t miss out on anything

Reasons to Buy:

Supports older Windows OS Systems

Advanced photo editing functions

Collage Feature for creating quick and easy collages

Photopad - Photo Collage Software for PC

Final Words: 2024 Guide of 8 Photo Collage Apps for PC

What’s the benefit of using a photo collage? What can it actually do for you? We answered these questions in the first section of this article

As for the recommendations that we promised for the best photo collage apps, software, etc. for 2024, we chose to include a wide variety so that you can have plenty to choose form.

If you want a general recommendation from the list that we included, we recommend using something like Filmora, Canva Pro, Express It, etc. that comes with a built-in resource library that you can take advantage of for filling up your future collage projects.

Try It Free Try It Free

There are plenty of photo collage makers for PC that you can try Some, you’ll have to download. Some, you can use directly online through a browser. We’ll be introducing several below that you might want to try out before you end up picking out one that you think will work best for the kind of projects that you have in mind.

As a bonus, we’ve also included a beginning ‘guide’ of sorts for pic collage PC apps that you can use in order to figure out what the benefits of using a pic collage for PC.

In this article

01 [What Are the Benefits of Using Collage Software?](#Part 1)

02 [The Best 8 Free Collage Makers at a Glance](#Part 2)

Part 1 What Are the Benefits of Using Collage Software?

We start this off with the short guide we promised for using a photo collage app for PC What are the benefits? Well, the main benefit is that you can get something fun and interest out of it, of course.

And, unlike with traditional collages — which are messy and require lots of prep-work and glue — you can go create pic collages with a photo collage app for PC relatively easily. All you have to do most of the time is to choose a layout that you like and then fill it with the photographs, videos, GIFs, etc. that you want. Most programs also give you the choice to add things like text (for making the collage more meaningful), stickers, frames, and so on, so that you can fully deck out your photo collages exactly how you want to.

Traditional Collage vs. Digital Collage

Part 2 The Best 8 Free Collage Makers at a Glance

Now onto our recommended list for all the different photo collage makers FREE for PC that you can try. This list will include a variety of different free collage makers for PC with different benefits. So, make sure to give each one some careful consideration We’ve added not only the specifications of each photo collage for PC but also a debrief description on why you might want to buy one over the other.

01**Wondershare Filmora Video Editor **

Specifications: Windows 7 | 8.1 | 10 | 11 (64 bit OS only)

Filmora is primarily a video editor. One that is actually used by a lot of the more popular content creators on the internet (it’s especially popular with people on YouTube, as an example, but also for corporations and entrepreneurs that need a reliable way of creating high-quality videos for every occasion.)

We included it here on our list of the best photo collages for PC because it comes with something called ‘Stock Media’ where you source images, videos, music, etc. directly — for your photo collages, video projects, etc. It also comes with a lot of fun layouts, themes, filters, and so on. So, if you’re not up for creating a custom collage, you can always depend on those to make a quick and easy one

Reasons to Buy:

Stock Media Library for direct source of images, videos, etc.

Layouts and templates available for quick content creation

Lots of fun Fonts, Stickers, etc. for decorating photo collages

Advanced Video editing tools (can be used to create video collages)

Filmora - Photo Collage Software for PC

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

02Express It

Specifications: ONLINE

Express It is an online tool that you can use as a photo collage maker (FREE) for PC. It was made by Adobe, so from that alone, you can certain of its reliability. But, even more than this, it’s generally just incredibly useful. The tool comes with a resource library that you can tap into for your projects, and it takes ‘Free Style’ Collage making to the next level with all the different customizations that it provides

Reasons to Buy:

Large resource library with lots of stickers, clipart, images, etc.

Photo collage templates are available for designing quick pic collages

‘Free-style’ mode available for creating fully unique collage

Express It - Photo Collage for PC


Specifications: ONLINE

FotoJet, much like Express It, is an online photo collage tool that you use for your PC It’s primarily a photo editor, but it has ‘collage maker’ functionalities that will allow you to easily create pic collages on your laptop to be shared on social media or used for whatever projects you might have in mind.

Reasons to Buy:

No download needed for use (FREE trial available)

Tons of collage layouts for quick collage-making

Photo editing functions for adding text, clipart, etc.

Fotojet - PicCollage PC


Specifications: ONLINE

We continue our recommendations for the best tools for creating pic collage for PC with Canva Pro This online program is great because it comes with a very reliable resources library (which has just about everything that you need.) There are also tons of templates that you can use — not even just for creating collages (of which there are plenty of stylish templates, if that’s all you’re looking for), but just about everything from posters, infographics, ads, etc.

Reasons to Buy:

Canva Pro has lots of premium resources for decorating Pic Collages

The premium version unlocks some of the photo editing tools that are not available with the FREE version

Templates are available for just about any project you can think of (with plenty for collages of all variety)

Canva Pro — Photo Collage Maker for PC


Specifications: ONLINE

Fotor is a great online editor that comes with a lot of ‘collage-making’ tools. That includes grid layouts for creating quick photo collages This, along with the tool’s established advanced photo editing functionalities, makes it very easy to create photo collages of all kinds — whether you’re creating them for the sake of creating something to remember an event by or for some special project for work.

Reasons to Buy:

The advanced version unlocks some of the functions unavailable in the FREE version (both layouts and photo editing tools)

Comes with lots of easy-to-use layouts for creating collages

No download or installation required; just a quick Sign-Up

Fotor - Free Photo Collage Maker for PC


Specifications: ONLINE

PiZap is the last of the online photo collage apps for PC that we have on this list. It’s quite a bit more basic than some of the other online photo editors that we’ve introduced thus far, but that may be all you need It comes with the usual collage grids as well as some handy photo editing functions so that you can be sure to get the end-product to look how you want it to

Reasons to Buy:

Lots of photo collage grits for your to try

Easy-to-use photo editing functions

UI is intuitive and lots of the features are set for beginners

PiZap — FREE Photo Collage App for PC

07Phototastic Collage

Specifications: Windows 10

Phototastic Collage is a photo collage app for PC that you can download and used for quick collage projects. It’s quite simplistic, but it can get the job done As a collage maker, it comes with a selection of layouts that you can use from in order to create your photo collages. Adding to this, the usual customization features are also available (i.e., frames, text, etc.)

Reasons to Buy:

Microsoft App with a very simple UI

Lots of layouts for grid making

Customizable layouts (i.e., adjust borders, frames, etc.)

Phototastic Collage — Collage App for PC


Specifications: Windows XP|Vista|7|8|8.1|10|11

PhotoPad is an old-school photo collage editor for PC that’s been around for a while. It’s a particularly good choice for those who choose to stick to the older versions of Windows (like XP or Vista), as you don’t see a lot of the newer software supporting those anymore.

Much like many of the other software that we included in this list, this one is more of a general photo editor than one strictly made for collages. However, it does come with functionalities for that, so you shouldn’t miss out on anything

Reasons to Buy:

Supports older Windows OS Systems

Advanced photo editing functions

Collage Feature for creating quick and easy collages

Photopad - Photo Collage Software for PC

Final Words: 2024 Guide of 8 Photo Collage Apps for PC

What’s the benefit of using a photo collage? What can it actually do for you? We answered these questions in the first section of this article

As for the recommendations that we promised for the best photo collage apps, software, etc. for 2024, we chose to include a wide variety so that you can have plenty to choose form.

If you want a general recommendation from the list that we included, we recommend using something like Filmora, Canva Pro, Express It, etc. that comes with a built-in resource library that you can take advantage of for filling up your future collage projects.

Try It Free Try It Free

There are plenty of photo collage makers for PC that you can try Some, you’ll have to download. Some, you can use directly online through a browser. We’ll be introducing several below that you might want to try out before you end up picking out one that you think will work best for the kind of projects that you have in mind.

As a bonus, we’ve also included a beginning ‘guide’ of sorts for pic collage PC apps that you can use in order to figure out what the benefits of using a pic collage for PC.

In this article

01 [What Are the Benefits of Using Collage Software?](#Part 1)

02 [The Best 8 Free Collage Makers at a Glance](#Part 2)

Part 1 What Are the Benefits of Using Collage Software?

We start this off with the short guide we promised for using a photo collage app for PC What are the benefits? Well, the main benefit is that you can get something fun and interest out of it, of course.

And, unlike with traditional collages — which are messy and require lots of prep-work and glue — you can go create pic collages with a photo collage app for PC relatively easily. All you have to do most of the time is to choose a layout that you like and then fill it with the photographs, videos, GIFs, etc. that you want. Most programs also give you the choice to add things like text (for making the collage more meaningful), stickers, frames, and so on, so that you can fully deck out your photo collages exactly how you want to.

Traditional Collage vs. Digital Collage

Part 2 The Best 8 Free Collage Makers at a Glance

Now onto our recommended list for all the different photo collage makers FREE for PC that you can try. This list will include a variety of different free collage makers for PC with different benefits. So, make sure to give each one some careful consideration We’ve added not only the specifications of each photo collage for PC but also a debrief description on why you might want to buy one over the other.

01**Wondershare Filmora Video Editor **

Specifications: Windows 7 | 8.1 | 10 | 11 (64 bit OS only)

Filmora is primarily a video editor. One that is actually used by a lot of the more popular content creators on the internet (it’s especially popular with people on YouTube, as an example, but also for corporations and entrepreneurs that need a reliable way of creating high-quality videos for every occasion.)

We included it here on our list of the best photo collages for PC because it comes with something called ‘Stock Media’ where you source images, videos, music, etc. directly — for your photo collages, video projects, etc. It also comes with a lot of fun layouts, themes, filters, and so on. So, if you’re not up for creating a custom collage, you can always depend on those to make a quick and easy one

Reasons to Buy:

Stock Media Library for direct source of images, videos, etc.

Layouts and templates available for quick content creation

Lots of fun Fonts, Stickers, etc. for decorating photo collages

Advanced Video editing tools (can be used to create video collages)

Filmora - Photo Collage Software for PC

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

02Express It

Specifications: ONLINE

Express It is an online tool that you can use as a photo collage maker (FREE) for PC. It was made by Adobe, so from that alone, you can certain of its reliability. But, even more than this, it’s generally just incredibly useful. The tool comes with a resource library that you can tap into for your projects, and it takes ‘Free Style’ Collage making to the next level with all the different customizations that it provides

Reasons to Buy:

Large resource library with lots of stickers, clipart, images, etc.

Photo collage templates are available for designing quick pic collages

‘Free-style’ mode available for creating fully unique collage

Express It - Photo Collage for PC


Specifications: ONLINE

FotoJet, much like Express It, is an online photo collage tool that you use for your PC It’s primarily a photo editor, but it has ‘collage maker’ functionalities that will allow you to easily create pic collages on your laptop to be shared on social media or used for whatever projects you might have in mind.

Reasons to Buy:

No download needed for use (FREE trial available)

Tons of collage layouts for quick collage-making

Photo editing functions for adding text, clipart, etc.

Fotojet - PicCollage PC


Specifications: ONLINE

We continue our recommendations for the best tools for creating pic collage for PC with Canva Pro This online program is great because it comes with a very reliable resources library (which has just about everything that you need.) There are also tons of templates that you can use — not even just for creating collages (of which there are plenty of stylish templates, if that’s all you’re looking for), but just about everything from posters, infographics, ads, etc.

Reasons to Buy:

Canva Pro has lots of premium resources for decorating Pic Collages

The premium version unlocks some of the photo editing tools that are not available with the FREE version

Templates are available for just about any project you can think of (with plenty for collages of all variety)

Canva Pro — Photo Collage Maker for PC


Specifications: ONLINE

Fotor is a great online editor that comes with a lot of ‘collage-making’ tools. That includes grid layouts for creating quick photo collages This, along with the tool’s established advanced photo editing functionalities, makes it very easy to create photo collages of all kinds — whether you’re creating them for the sake of creating something to remember an event by or for some special project for work.

Reasons to Buy:

The advanced version unlocks some of the functions unavailable in the FREE version (both layouts and photo editing tools)

Comes with lots of easy-to-use layouts for creating collages

No download or installation required; just a quick Sign-Up

Fotor - Free Photo Collage Maker for PC


Specifications: ONLINE

PiZap is the last of the online photo collage apps for PC that we have on this list. It’s quite a bit more basic than some of the other online photo editors that we’ve introduced thus far, but that may be all you need It comes with the usual collage grids as well as some handy photo editing functions so that you can be sure to get the end-product to look how you want it to

Reasons to Buy:

Lots of photo collage grits for your to try

Easy-to-use photo editing functions

UI is intuitive and lots of the features are set for beginners

PiZap — FREE Photo Collage App for PC

07Phototastic Collage

Specifications: Windows 10

Phototastic Collage is a photo collage app for PC that you can download and used for quick collage projects. It’s quite simplistic, but it can get the job done As a collage maker, it comes with a selection of layouts that you can use from in order to create your photo collages. Adding to this, the usual customization features are also available (i.e., frames, text, etc.)

Reasons to Buy:

Microsoft App with a very simple UI

Lots of layouts for grid making

Customizable layouts (i.e., adjust borders, frames, etc.)

Phototastic Collage — Collage App for PC


Specifications: Windows XP|Vista|7|8|8.1|10|11

PhotoPad is an old-school photo collage editor for PC that’s been around for a while. It’s a particularly good choice for those who choose to stick to the older versions of Windows (like XP or Vista), as you don’t see a lot of the newer software supporting those anymore.

Much like many of the other software that we included in this list, this one is more of a general photo editor than one strictly made for collages. However, it does come with functionalities for that, so you shouldn’t miss out on anything

Reasons to Buy:

Supports older Windows OS Systems

Advanced photo editing functions

Collage Feature for creating quick and easy collages

Photopad - Photo Collage Software for PC

Final Words: 2024 Guide of 8 Photo Collage Apps for PC

What’s the benefit of using a photo collage? What can it actually do for you? We answered these questions in the first section of this article

As for the recommendations that we promised for the best photo collage apps, software, etc. for 2024, we chose to include a wide variety so that you can have plenty to choose form.

If you want a general recommendation from the list that we included, we recommend using something like Filmora, Canva Pro, Express It, etc. that comes with a built-in resource library that you can take advantage of for filling up your future collage projects.

Try It Free Try It Free

There are plenty of photo collage makers for PC that you can try Some, you’ll have to download. Some, you can use directly online through a browser. We’ll be introducing several below that you might want to try out before you end up picking out one that you think will work best for the kind of projects that you have in mind.

As a bonus, we’ve also included a beginning ‘guide’ of sorts for pic collage PC apps that you can use in order to figure out what the benefits of using a pic collage for PC.

In this article

01 [What Are the Benefits of Using Collage Software?](#Part 1)

02 [The Best 8 Free Collage Makers at a Glance](#Part 2)

Part 1 What Are the Benefits of Using Collage Software?

We start this off with the short guide we promised for using a photo collage app for PC What are the benefits? Well, the main benefit is that you can get something fun and interest out of it, of course.

And, unlike with traditional collages — which are messy and require lots of prep-work and glue — you can go create pic collages with a photo collage app for PC relatively easily. All you have to do most of the time is to choose a layout that you like and then fill it with the photographs, videos, GIFs, etc. that you want. Most programs also give you the choice to add things like text (for making the collage more meaningful), stickers, frames, and so on, so that you can fully deck out your photo collages exactly how you want to.

Traditional Collage vs. Digital Collage

Part 2 The Best 8 Free Collage Makers at a Glance

Now onto our recommended list for all the different photo collage makers FREE for PC that you can try. This list will include a variety of different free collage makers for PC with different benefits. So, make sure to give each one some careful consideration We’ve added not only the specifications of each photo collage for PC but also a debrief description on why you might want to buy one over the other.

01**Wondershare Filmora Video Editor **

Specifications: Windows 7 | 8.1 | 10 | 11 (64 bit OS only)

Filmora is primarily a video editor. One that is actually used by a lot of the more popular content creators on the internet (it’s especially popular with people on YouTube, as an example, but also for corporations and entrepreneurs that need a reliable way of creating high-quality videos for every occasion.)

We included it here on our list of the best photo collages for PC because it comes with something called ‘Stock Media’ where you source images, videos, music, etc. directly — for your photo collages, video projects, etc. It also comes with a lot of fun layouts, themes, filters, and so on. So, if you’re not up for creating a custom collage, you can always depend on those to make a quick and easy one

Reasons to Buy:

Stock Media Library for direct source of images, videos, etc.

Layouts and templates available for quick content creation

Lots of fun Fonts, Stickers, etc. for decorating photo collages

Advanced Video editing tools (can be used to create video collages)

Filmora - Photo Collage Software for PC

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

02Express It

Specifications: ONLINE

Express It is an online tool that you can use as a photo collage maker (FREE) for PC. It was made by Adobe, so from that alone, you can certain of its reliability. But, even more than this, it’s generally just incredibly useful. The tool comes with a resource library that you can tap into for your projects, and it takes ‘Free Style’ Collage making to the next level with all the different customizations that it provides

Reasons to Buy:

Large resource library with lots of stickers, clipart, images, etc.

Photo collage templates are available for designing quick pic collages

‘Free-style’ mode available for creating fully unique collage

Express It - Photo Collage for PC


Specifications: ONLINE

FotoJet, much like Express It, is an online photo collage tool that you use for your PC It’s primarily a photo editor, but it has ‘collage maker’ functionalities that will allow you to easily create pic collages on your laptop to be shared on social media or used for whatever projects you might have in mind.

Reasons to Buy:

No download needed for use (FREE trial available)

Tons of collage layouts for quick collage-making

Photo editing functions for adding text, clipart, etc.

Fotojet - PicCollage PC


Specifications: ONLINE

We continue our recommendations for the best tools for creating pic collage for PC with Canva Pro This online program is great because it comes with a very reliable resources library (which has just about everything that you need.) There are also tons of templates that you can use — not even just for creating collages (of which there are plenty of stylish templates, if that’s all you’re looking for), but just about everything from posters, infographics, ads, etc.

Reasons to Buy:

Canva Pro has lots of premium resources for decorating Pic Collages

The premium version unlocks some of the photo editing tools that are not available with the FREE version

Templates are available for just about any project you can think of (with plenty for collages of all variety)

Canva Pro — Photo Collage Maker for PC


Specifications: ONLINE

Fotor is a great online editor that comes with a lot of ‘collage-making’ tools. That includes grid layouts for creating quick photo collages This, along with the tool’s established advanced photo editing functionalities, makes it very easy to create photo collages of all kinds — whether you’re creating them for the sake of creating something to remember an event by or for some special project for work.

Reasons to Buy:

The advanced version unlocks some of the functions unavailable in the FREE version (both layouts and photo editing tools)

Comes with lots of easy-to-use layouts for creating collages

No download or installation required; just a quick Sign-Up

Fotor - Free Photo Collage Maker for PC


Specifications: ONLINE

PiZap is the last of the online photo collage apps for PC that we have on this list. It’s quite a bit more basic than some of the other online photo editors that we’ve introduced thus far, but that may be all you need It comes with the usual collage grids as well as some handy photo editing functions so that you can be sure to get the end-product to look how you want it to

Reasons to Buy:

Lots of photo collage grits for your to try

Easy-to-use photo editing functions

UI is intuitive and lots of the features are set for beginners

PiZap — FREE Photo Collage App for PC

07Phototastic Collage

Specifications: Windows 10

Phototastic Collage is a photo collage app for PC that you can download and used for quick collage projects. It’s quite simplistic, but it can get the job done As a collage maker, it comes with a selection of layouts that you can use from in order to create your photo collages. Adding to this, the usual customization features are also available (i.e., frames, text, etc.)

Reasons to Buy:

Microsoft App with a very simple UI

Lots of layouts for grid making

Customizable layouts (i.e., adjust borders, frames, etc.)

Phototastic Collage — Collage App for PC


Specifications: Windows XP|Vista|7|8|8.1|10|11

PhotoPad is an old-school photo collage editor for PC that’s been around for a while. It’s a particularly good choice for those who choose to stick to the older versions of Windows (like XP or Vista), as you don’t see a lot of the newer software supporting those anymore.

Much like many of the other software that we included in this list, this one is more of a general photo editor than one strictly made for collages. However, it does come with functionalities for that, so you shouldn’t miss out on anything

Reasons to Buy:

Supports older Windows OS Systems

Advanced photo editing functions

Collage Feature for creating quick and easy collages

Photopad - Photo Collage Software for PC

Final Words: 2024 Guide of 8 Photo Collage Apps for PC

What’s the benefit of using a photo collage? What can it actually do for you? We answered these questions in the first section of this article

As for the recommendations that we promised for the best photo collage apps, software, etc. for 2024, we chose to include a wide variety so that you can have plenty to choose form.

If you want a general recommendation from the list that we included, we recommend using something like Filmora, Canva Pro, Express It, etc. that comes with a built-in resource library that you can take advantage of for filling up your future collage projects.

Guiding Principles of Track Matte and Tracking in Adobe After Effects

The realm of video editing has seen significant progress in recent years. With premium tools such as Adobe After Effects, you can take your videos to the next level. However, not every tool is easy to navigate. Some features in popular video editing software can be hard to get around.

The following guide provides valuable insight on how to use Track Matte in After Effects. Explore the endless possibilities of Track Mattes After Effects and Mask Tracking in After Effects. Also, discover a simple alternative to make After Effects mask tracking easy.

AI Smart Masking Spice up your video content with the endless possibilities of AI masking functions!

Free Download Free Download Learn More

Wondershare Filmora

Part 1: How to Utilize Track Mattes in Adobe After Effects?

After Effects by Adobe is a software application dedicated to visual effects and motion graphics for videos. The tool is commonly used in the post-production process of videos. The wide toolset of After Effects can be useful in filmmaking, video gaming, and TV. After Effects offers everything you need to take your creative inspirations to the next level.

  • Motion Graphics: After Effects lets users animate characters and backgrounds in videos. You can generate 3-dimensional models from 2D animations. After Effects also supports the animation of logos to bring your elements to life.
  • Rotoscoping: You can remove elements or drop new ones in your video using After Effects. The Roto Brush Tool can easily separate the background and foreground. You can then replace unwanted objects and replace them with new elements.
  • Motion Tracking: Tracking the movement of an object is quite simple in After Effects. You can pin any element to a moving object. The smooth dynamics can enhance the overall result of the footage.
  • VFX and Special Effects: After Effects is the perfect tool to add special effects to your videos. Its VFX tool lets users add magic to the footage. You can make objects disappear, control the weather, stabilize your video, and more.

Using Track Mattes in After Effects

In Adobe After Effects, a track matte is a layer that defines the transparency of another layer. It acts as a stencil, determining which parts of the underlying layer are visible and which are transparent. Track mattes are used for creating various effects such as text animations, transitions, and seamlessly composing multiple layers. After Effects offers four Track Matte options:

alpha track matte

  • Alpha Matte: Alpha matte in After Effects allows white areas in the matte layer to become visible while black areas become transparent. Effectively, this helps the underlying layer to show through.
  • Alpha Inverted Matte: In an alpha inverted matte, black areas in the matte layer are visible, and white areas are transparent. It reverses the transparency values to create unique effects.
  • Luma Matte: A luma matte uses the brightness values of the matte layer to determine visibility. Bright areas in the matte layer are visible, while dark areas are transparent.
  • Luma Inverted Matte: The luma inverted matte works opposite to the luma matte. The top layer’s dark areas are visible, while bright areas are transparent.

luma track matte

You can use any of the track mattes in After Effects according to your requirements. Following is a step-by-step guide on how to use track mattes:

Step 1

To apply a track matte to your video, you must work with two layers. The top layer acts as the alpha or the luminance layer. The bottom layer acts as the fill. Once you have identified the layers, you can proceed to the next step.

Step 2

Go to the “Modes” column and open the dropdown menu next to “Layer List.” Here, select the layer you wish to use as the track matte.

select track matte layer

Step 3

You will see two toggle switches once you select your layer. You can use these switches and the available options to set the transparency for the Track Matte. You can add alpha matte in After Effects or other types from here.

use switches to add track matte

Part 2: Performing Mask Tracking With Adobe After Effects: Reviewing the Steps

Another remarkable feature that After Effects offers is mask tracking. Using After Effects mask tracking, you can automatically animate a mask’s position, shape, or path. This is done to match the movement of an object in a video clip. You can now easily deal with complex or fast-moving footage with this feature. To use Track Mask in After Effects, you can follow these steps:

Step 1

Import the footage you wish to edit in After Effects. Select the clip you wish to track from the timeline. Then, select the “Pen” tool from the top toolbar or press G on your keyboard. Select the area around the object you wish to mask in the footage.

use pen tool to mark boundary

Step 2

Now, open the layer and right-click on the mask name to select “Track Mask.” This will open the mask tracker in the tracker panel at the right. Open the dropdown menu next to the “Method” option. Here, you can find a range of options for tracking methods. Choose the one according to your requirements. If the object isn’t moving much, you can choose a simple option such as “Position.”

set method for tracking

Step 3

Tap the “Analyze Forward” icon and let the tracker analyze the frames in the clip. Once the process has finished, you can restart your clip and set “Mask Mode” from the timeline to “Subtract.” This will remove the selected object from the clip.

analyze and change mode

Step 4

To fill in the details, go to the “Window” menu from the top and select “Content Aware Fill.” Once you see the panel on the screen, set the “Alpha Extension” slider to a number of your choice and click on “Generate Fill Layer.”

use content fill properties

Part 3: How to Make Masking Easy? Try Wondershare Filmora

Although After Effects is a great tool for professional-quality video editing, it is not everyone’s cup of tea. Features such as motion track masks in After Effects are challenging to navigate. Novice users can face trouble getting around the complex masking process in After Effects. For a simpler alternative, you can try Wondershare Filmora .

Filmora is the complete solution when it comes to video editing. The multi-platform tool offers a range of useful features for video and audio manipulation. With thousands of built-in templates and presets, Filmora can help users kick-start their creative journey. You can use this easy-to-use tool as the perfect alternative to After Effects mask tracking.

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Main Highlights of Wondershare Filmora

Filmora offers a comprehensive toolset to help users make the most of their media files. Some useful resources provided by Wondershare Filmora include:

  • AI Text-Based Editing: Filmora allows users to convert audio from videos into editable text. This can help you easily modify your video content. The feature can be used for quick transcriptions, subtitles, and translations.

ai text based editing filmora

  • Speed Ramping: Using Filmora, users can apply professional speed effects in footage. You can adjust your video speed and create unique cinematic effects in no time. Filmora also helps maintain the audio pitch to avoid abrupt changes.

speed ramping filmora

  • Compound Clip: Filmora can help users merge multiple clips into a single footage. You can obtain complete control over the integrated clip for editing. This can help users manage and adjust multiple clips easily.

compound clip filmora

  • AI Vocal Remover: The Vocal Remover tool of Filmora offers AI power to separate vocals and music from any audio. You can get separate acapella and vocals for various purposes. From karaoke to creative dubs, everything is now possible with Filmora.

ai vocal remover filmora

Using AI Smart Masking in Filmora – A Step-by-Step Guide

Filmora offers an AI-powered masking feature for users. This allows automatic recognition and selection of objects in videos. You can create seamless transitions, color-correct elements, remove background, and more. The tool can easily detect and separate objects, so you don’t have to put in manual effort. Here is the step-by-step guide for AI smart masking using Filmora:

Step 1: Import Footage in Filmora

Install and launch Wondershare Filmora on your device. From the homepage, tap “New Project” and go to the “File” tab from the top. Tap “Import Media” in the dropdown menu and insert your video clips into the timeline.

add video to timeline

Step 2: Enable AI Mask

Select your clip in the timeline and go to the “Video” tab from the right panel. Select the “Mask” option and tap the “AI Mask” icon. Under the section, you can choose from options such as “Select Character” or “Smart Brush.” Select one according to your requirements and hit “Add Mask.”

apply ai masking

Step 3: Adjust Mask Settings and Export File

After you apply the masking option, you can adjust other mask settings. Filmora allows users to set the expansion range, blur strength, opacity, and other aspects. Once satisfied with the results, tap the “Export” button from the top-right corner and choose a pathway to save your video.

set masking and export

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

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Adobe After Effects is an industry-standard tool for video editing and manipulation. Track Mattes and Track Masks in After Effects are valuable tools that can help elevate your video’s potential. For a simple and effective alternative, you can try Wondershare Filmora. The tool uses smart masking using AI to make the process easier.

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Wondershare Filmora

Part 1: How to Utilize Track Mattes in Adobe After Effects?

After Effects by Adobe is a software application dedicated to visual effects and motion graphics for videos. The tool is commonly used in the post-production process of videos. The wide toolset of After Effects can be useful in filmmaking, video gaming, and TV. After Effects offers everything you need to take your creative inspirations to the next level.

  • Motion Graphics: After Effects lets users animate characters and backgrounds in videos. You can generate 3-dimensional models from 2D animations. After Effects also supports the animation of logos to bring your elements to life.
  • Rotoscoping: You can remove elements or drop new ones in your video using After Effects. The Roto Brush Tool can easily separate the background and foreground. You can then replace unwanted objects and replace them with new elements.
  • Motion Tracking: Tracking the movement of an object is quite simple in After Effects. You can pin any element to a moving object. The smooth dynamics can enhance the overall result of the footage.
  • VFX and Special Effects: After Effects is the perfect tool to add special effects to your videos. Its VFX tool lets users add magic to the footage. You can make objects disappear, control the weather, stabilize your video, and more.

Using Track Mattes in After Effects

In Adobe After Effects, a track matte is a layer that defines the transparency of another layer. It acts as a stencil, determining which parts of the underlying layer are visible and which are transparent. Track mattes are used for creating various effects such as text animations, transitions, and seamlessly composing multiple layers. After Effects offers four Track Matte options:

alpha track matte

  • Alpha Matte: Alpha matte in After Effects allows white areas in the matte layer to become visible while black areas become transparent. Effectively, this helps the underlying layer to show through.
  • Alpha Inverted Matte: In an alpha inverted matte, black areas in the matte layer are visible, and white areas are transparent. It reverses the transparency values to create unique effects.
  • Luma Matte: A luma matte uses the brightness values of the matte layer to determine visibility. Bright areas in the matte layer are visible, while dark areas are transparent.
  • Luma Inverted Matte: The luma inverted matte works opposite to the luma matte. The top layer’s dark areas are visible, while bright areas are transparent.

luma track matte

You can use any of the track mattes in After Effects according to your requirements. Following is a step-by-step guide on how to use track mattes:

Step 1

To apply a track matte to your video, you must work with two layers. The top layer acts as the alpha or the luminance layer. The bottom layer acts as the fill. Once you have identified the layers, you can proceed to the next step.

Step 2

Go to the “Modes” column and open the dropdown menu next to “Layer List.” Here, select the layer you wish to use as the track matte.

select track matte layer

Step 3

You will see two toggle switches once you select your layer. You can use these switches and the available options to set the transparency for the Track Matte. You can add alpha matte in After Effects or other types from here.

use switches to add track matte

Part 2: Performing Mask Tracking With Adobe After Effects: Reviewing the Steps

Another remarkable feature that After Effects offers is mask tracking. Using After Effects mask tracking, you can automatically animate a mask’s position, shape, or path. This is done to match the movement of an object in a video clip. You can now easily deal with complex or fast-moving footage with this feature. To use Track Mask in After Effects, you can follow these steps:

Step 1

Import the footage you wish to edit in After Effects. Select the clip you wish to track from the timeline. Then, select the “Pen” tool from the top toolbar or press G on your keyboard. Select the area around the object you wish to mask in the footage.

use pen tool to mark boundary

Step 2

Now, open the layer and right-click on the mask name to select “Track Mask.” This will open the mask tracker in the tracker panel at the right. Open the dropdown menu next to the “Method” option. Here, you can find a range of options for tracking methods. Choose the one according to your requirements. If the object isn’t moving much, you can choose a simple option such as “Position.”

set method for tracking

Step 3

Tap the “Analyze Forward” icon and let the tracker analyze the frames in the clip. Once the process has finished, you can restart your clip and set “Mask Mode” from the timeline to “Subtract.” This will remove the selected object from the clip.

analyze and change mode

Step 4

To fill in the details, go to the “Window” menu from the top and select “Content Aware Fill.” Once you see the panel on the screen, set the “Alpha Extension” slider to a number of your choice and click on “Generate Fill Layer.”

use content fill properties

Part 3: How to Make Masking Easy? Try Wondershare Filmora

Although After Effects is a great tool for professional-quality video editing, it is not everyone’s cup of tea. Features such as motion track masks in After Effects are challenging to navigate. Novice users can face trouble getting around the complex masking process in After Effects. For a simpler alternative, you can try Wondershare Filmora .

Filmora is the complete solution when it comes to video editing. The multi-platform tool offers a range of useful features for video and audio manipulation. With thousands of built-in templates and presets, Filmora can help users kick-start their creative journey. You can use this easy-to-use tool as the perfect alternative to After Effects mask tracking.

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

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Main Highlights of Wondershare Filmora

Filmora offers a comprehensive toolset to help users make the most of their media files. Some useful resources provided by Wondershare Filmora include:

  • AI Text-Based Editing: Filmora allows users to convert audio from videos into editable text. This can help you easily modify your video content. The feature can be used for quick transcriptions, subtitles, and translations.

ai text based editing filmora

  • Speed Ramping: Using Filmora, users can apply professional speed effects in footage. You can adjust your video speed and create unique cinematic effects in no time. Filmora also helps maintain the audio pitch to avoid abrupt changes.

speed ramping filmora

  • Compound Clip: Filmora can help users merge multiple clips into a single footage. You can obtain complete control over the integrated clip for editing. This can help users manage and adjust multiple clips easily.

compound clip filmora

  • AI Vocal Remover: The Vocal Remover tool of Filmora offers AI power to separate vocals and music from any audio. You can get separate acapella and vocals for various purposes. From karaoke to creative dubs, everything is now possible with Filmora.

ai vocal remover filmora

Using AI Smart Masking in Filmora – A Step-by-Step Guide

Filmora offers an AI-powered masking feature for users. This allows automatic recognition and selection of objects in videos. You can create seamless transitions, color-correct elements, remove background, and more. The tool can easily detect and separate objects, so you don’t have to put in manual effort. Here is the step-by-step guide for AI smart masking using Filmora:

Step 1: Import Footage in Filmora

Install and launch Wondershare Filmora on your device. From the homepage, tap “New Project” and go to the “File” tab from the top. Tap “Import Media” in the dropdown menu and insert your video clips into the timeline.

add video to timeline

Step 2: Enable AI Mask

Select your clip in the timeline and go to the “Video” tab from the right panel. Select the “Mask” option and tap the “AI Mask” icon. Under the section, you can choose from options such as “Select Character” or “Smart Brush.” Select one according to your requirements and hit “Add Mask.”

apply ai masking

Step 3: Adjust Mask Settings and Export File

After you apply the masking option, you can adjust other mask settings. Filmora allows users to set the expansion range, blur strength, opacity, and other aspects. Once satisfied with the results, tap the “Export” button from the top-right corner and choose a pathway to save your video.

set masking and export

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later


Adobe After Effects is an industry-standard tool for video editing and manipulation. Track Mattes and Track Masks in After Effects are valuable tools that can help elevate your video’s potential. For a simple and effective alternative, you can try Wondershare Filmora. The tool uses smart masking using AI to make the process easier.

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  • Title: New 6 Tips for Your First Facebook Ads
  • Author: Chloe
  • Created at : 2024-05-20 03:37:43
  • Updated at : 2024-05-21 03:37:43
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  • License: This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.
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