New Complete Guide to Make an Intro Video

New Complete Guide to Make an Intro Video

Chloe Lv12

Complete Guide to Make an Intro Video

You scroll through different social media platforms which lead you to different bloggers and content creators who introduce themselves through the precise intro videos. It the point where a viewer either turns towards or turns away from a person presenting a brand or a business. Intro videos are a must, particularly when you are new in business and promotions. Bringing your story to life in your intro video requires a propaganda to ensure that it evokes feelings of trust, confidence, and curiosity among your target viewers.

The pillar on which a striking intro videos stands is not just a monotonous visualization with poor graphics and music. It requires expertise and moreover, it requires a ‘point’. Your boring intro video would be purposeless for the people who’re watching it. Each second, you express something new, yet filled with intricate details about your work and brand. Let’s dig in a little deeper to know how exactly your introduction video will generate leads and connects you with your target audience.

Part 1: Why Intro Video is Important

An intro video, just like it sounds, is an introduction of your brand, your content or anything that you’re promoting. It appears as soon as the viewers are all set to explore your content and brand. To make the viewer’s first glimpse of your work worthwhile, it is crucial that you explain your value preposition through a precise and appealing intro video. It is through the intro videos that your work is noticed and promoted. It is important to create a story highlight for your viewers while you’re setting the decorum of your business, brand or other content.

Additionally, your video must fulfill components of a striking intro video. Whatever you are trying to say should be clear in your video. Besides being clear enough, your intro video must be short, precise and goal-oriented. You are attracting viewers so make their view purposeful with your intro video which should tell your story. The intro video, if presented flawlessly, can captivate the visitors to interact with you and can even inspire them to add into the growth of your business/content. In a nutshell, an intro video brings your business to life, increase your boost and grabs your visitors’ attention.

Part 2: When to Use Intro Video

Apart from a variety of benefits it offers, the intro video basically forms the balusters of your brand or content. Intro videos are commonly used in the following domains:

Boost Sales : Incorporating a precise piece of work in the form of an intro video can help you boost sales magically. It is far the most effective strategy you company or brand can adopt. Your brief intro video can tell your story and convey your message in an emotional and dramatic way, which consequently attracts more viewers and ultimately, results in the boost of your sales. It is just as similar to you playing with the minds of your audience. A higher audience engagement due to your intro video can definitely prove that intro video is an asset which you can offer in addition to your marketing strategies.

boost sales intro video

More Social Shares: Social media is undoubtedly far the most highly competitive space for your brands and businesses to work like magic. It is insane how brands and businesses are promoted on the tip of your fingers by sharing the gist of your work. That gist, is of course what we are talking about here in this article. Intro videos are brief and appealing which can easily by shared over multiple platforms. The more the social shares of your intro video, the more you receive the nectar of your input.

more social shares intro video

Build Personality: If you’re socially awkward or on the contrary, a social freak; the intro video covers you all. Whoever you are and whatever you do, is most creatively presented through a precise intro video. The intricately woven description of your work in an intro video definitely does wonders. People see you through your work and they see your work and you simultaneously through an intro video, then why risk creating it conventionally?

build personality intro video

Increase Brand Awareness: Creating a brand awareness video which narrates your story in a presentable manner is like wining the internet’s mode of lottery. A thoroughly considered and precise piece of your intro video can go viral at an unbelievable pace and before you even know, your marketing has done wonders all over the digital media. What is your brand, what it offers, how it benefits you and who is the target audience; all these queries are explained through a short intro video which would ultimately result in your brand recognition and thus the growth.

increase brand awareness intro video

Part 3: Best Intro Video Maker

Out there, the market is jam-packed with people witnessing millions of videos on different media platforms every day. This only leads to crowded digital market but only your intro video can stand out and flaunt your work charmingly. Filmora is one best choice to professionally craft your intro video which can give your brand a head start in no time.

Wondershare Filmora is a time effective and easy to use video editing software that enable the users to create variety of videos by choosing among some great presets and powerful editing tools. Maintaining and improving the quality of videos, Filmora enables the users to choose across a variety of different video editing features. This video editing software is developed by Wondershare and it includes features for a range of users from beginner to intermediate levels.

add titles win 2

For a composition of your intro video, Filmora is the best go-to software so why wait another minute? Currently, Filmora is compatible with Windows and macOS computers. Some of the features offered by Filmora include the following:

Rich Intro Templates

A wide variety of professionally crafted templates are available on your fingertips so instead of conventionally editing your videos, get your hands on the stunning templates offered by Filmora. Filmora is equipped with multiple templates which provide the users a plethora of options when it comes to customizing videos. These templates are easy to use and your intro videos can turn into a magic movie with presets offered by Filmora so grab your setup today and enjoy the affordable software now.

rich intro templates

Numerous Video Effects

Importing media and editing it on the timeline to create a compelling tale is the first step in a video editor’s post-production process. Following those foundational steps, an editor applies various effects to the video in order to fix issues, improve mood, intensify suspense, and add magic to the video. Filmora offers a great variety of customizable filters, effects, transitions and the best part? You don’t even have to be a pro to use these effects.

effects 1

Title Editing

Filmora enables the intro video makers to adorn the titles of their videos by selecting among multiple text editing options. Both short videos and full-length movies must have opening titles and closing credits. You may catch the audience’s attention from the first frame of your video by coming up with inventive methods to employ text which precisely conveys the tale of your film. You may utilize more than a hundred text settings in Filmora’s Titles tab to add text to the video.

types of titles win1

Text to Speech/STT

Speaking in your videos may increase engagement and make it simpler for viewers to grasp what you’re saying. But how can you add audio without first recording it? Are you considering hiring a voice actor? Don’t worry! Filmora got your back by offering Text to Speech (TTS) function, which enables the users to add voice to your video. Filmora automatically transcripts your text files into speech on the click of a button.

text to speech stt

Audio Editing

Filmora additionally offers an audio panel where the software helps to manipulate audio added to your intro videos. The audio editing feature of Filmora enables users to improve the quality of the audio, to remove unwanted noises, balance pitch or change the length of a particular audio file.

add audio fade in fade out

Part 4: How to Create Intro Videos

To maintain consistency and to provide your brand with a unique identity, it is essential to carefully craft an intro video. Following is a step-by-step guide through which you can get your hands on this effective video editing software:

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Step1Download and Install the Software

The first step in creating an intro video requires the user to download and install the Filmora software in Windows or MacOS computers. To download the setup, go to and click ‘Download’. Afterwards, when the setup is downloaded, run the setup and install Filmora on your computer:

startup window 01

Step2Add Color Templates

After installing, wait until the installation is finished. Launch Wondershare Filmora and go to MEDIA tab at the top left of the interface and select the best suitable background color for your intro video from the dropdown menu in the MEDIA tab. Drag your cursor over the tile of the color you wish to use as a background and click to add the icon that appears in the center to add it to the timeline.

media for use 01

Additionally, if you don’t prefer the preset backgrounds and colors, Filmora lets you use your own background image or video clip. For this, select PROJECT MEDIA > click anywhere inside the media window > import media file of your choice. After importing the file, click on the imported file to add it to the timeline.

Step3Select and add audio effect to your Intro Video

Your video automatically grasps a lot of viewers’ attention with a spice of some music/audio in the background. To adorn your intro video further, you can add audio/music effect to your intro video using the inbuilt music and sound effects from the library. If you want to listen to a track from the inbuilt library collection of audio and music, double click on the thumbnail.

types of audio win1

Click the AUDIO tab. Choose from Recommended audio files or import your own audio. Once, you find your desired audio/music file, drag and drop it to the audio track below the video.

Step4Add Text/Logo to your Intro Video

Click the ‘TITLE’ tab. To customize, choose title options from Recommended or add your own custom design. To change, format, and animate the text as needed, click on your desired preset or custom title and double click or drag it to the bottom area of the main library to insert a title.

add titles win

Also, you need to adjust the position and duration of the title to get a better view. In the intro video, it is recommended to add your logo or slogan as well. To add your logo, drag and drop it to the track above the video, and adjust its position and size.

Step5Add Effects to your Intro Video

Go to ‘EFFECTS’ tab, choose a category from the top-left pane, and click and drag your preferred effect from the Effects library to the timeline. Adjust the playback duration by dragging the right handle of the track in the timeline as explained above. Optionally, double-click the Effects track to customize the appearance as needed.

Step6Export the Intro and Add to Shared Media

Once you’re done making your intro video, click on the ‘EXPORT’ tab in the center > go to LOCAL tab on export box > choose your preferred output format (e.g., MP4) > adjust other preferences such as destination location, resolution etc. from the right pane of the box > Click EXPORT.

overview export win3

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Step1Download and Install the Software

The first step in creating an intro video requires the user to download and install the Filmora software in Windows or MacOS computers. To download the setup, go to and click ‘Download’. Afterwards, when the setup is downloaded, run the setup and install Filmora on your computer:

startup window 01

Step2Add Color Templates

After installing, wait until the installation is finished. Launch Wondershare Filmora and go to MEDIA tab at the top left of the interface and select the best suitable background color for your intro video from the dropdown menu in the MEDIA tab. Drag your cursor over the tile of the color you wish to use as a background and click to add the icon that appears in the center to add it to the timeline.

media for use 01

Additionally, if you don’t prefer the preset backgrounds and colors, Filmora lets you use your own background image or video clip. For this, select PROJECT MEDIA > click anywhere inside the media window > import media file of your choice. After importing the file, click on the imported file to add it to the timeline.

Step3Select and add audio effect to your Intro Video

Your video automatically grasps a lot of viewers’ attention with a spice of some music/audio in the background. To adorn your intro video further, you can add audio/music effect to your intro video using the inbuilt music and sound effects from the library. If you want to listen to a track from the inbuilt library collection of audio and music, double click on the thumbnail.

types of audio win1

Click the AUDIO tab. Choose from Recommended audio files or import your own audio. Once, you find your desired audio/music file, drag and drop it to the audio track below the video.

Step4Add Text/Logo to your Intro Video

Click the ‘TITLE’ tab. To customize, choose title options from Recommended or add your own custom design. To change, format, and animate the text as needed, click on your desired preset or custom title and double click or drag it to the bottom area of the main library to insert a title.

add titles win

Also, you need to adjust the position and duration of the title to get a better view. In the intro video, it is recommended to add your logo or slogan as well. To add your logo, drag and drop it to the track above the video, and adjust its position and size.

Step5Add Effects to your Intro Video

Go to ‘EFFECTS’ tab, choose a category from the top-left pane, and click and drag your preferred effect from the Effects library to the timeline. Adjust the playback duration by dragging the right handle of the track in the timeline as explained above. Optionally, double-click the Effects track to customize the appearance as needed.

Step6Export the Intro and Add to Shared Media

Once you’re done making your intro video, click on the ‘EXPORT’ tab in the center > go to LOCAL tab on export box > choose your preferred output format (e.g., MP4) > adjust other preferences such as destination location, resolution etc. from the right pane of the box > Click EXPORT.

overview export win3

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Step1Download and Install the Software

The first step in creating an intro video requires the user to download and install the Filmora software in Windows or MacOS computers. To download the setup, go to and click ‘Download’. Afterwards, when the setup is downloaded, run the setup and install Filmora on your computer:

startup window 01

Step2Add Color Templates

After installing, wait until the installation is finished. Launch Wondershare Filmora and go to MEDIA tab at the top left of the interface and select the best suitable background color for your intro video from the dropdown menu in the MEDIA tab. Drag your cursor over the tile of the color you wish to use as a background and click to add the icon that appears in the center to add it to the timeline.

media for use 01

Additionally, if you don’t prefer the preset backgrounds and colors, Filmora lets you use your own background image or video clip. For this, select PROJECT MEDIA > click anywhere inside the media window > import media file of your choice. After importing the file, click on the imported file to add it to the timeline.

Step3Select and add audio effect to your Intro Video

Your video automatically grasps a lot of viewers’ attention with a spice of some music/audio in the background. To adorn your intro video further, you can add audio/music effect to your intro video using the inbuilt music and sound effects from the library. If you want to listen to a track from the inbuilt library collection of audio and music, double click on the thumbnail.

types of audio win1

Click the AUDIO tab. Choose from Recommended audio files or import your own audio. Once, you find your desired audio/music file, drag and drop it to the audio track below the video.

Step4Add Text/Logo to your Intro Video

Click the ‘TITLE’ tab. To customize, choose title options from Recommended or add your own custom design. To change, format, and animate the text as needed, click on your desired preset or custom title and double click or drag it to the bottom area of the main library to insert a title.

add titles win

Also, you need to adjust the position and duration of the title to get a better view. In the intro video, it is recommended to add your logo or slogan as well. To add your logo, drag and drop it to the track above the video, and adjust its position and size.

Step5Add Effects to your Intro Video

Go to ‘EFFECTS’ tab, choose a category from the top-left pane, and click and drag your preferred effect from the Effects library to the timeline. Adjust the playback duration by dragging the right handle of the track in the timeline as explained above. Optionally, double-click the Effects track to customize the appearance as needed.

Step6Export the Intro and Add to Shared Media

Once you’re done making your intro video, click on the ‘EXPORT’ tab in the center > go to LOCAL tab on export box > choose your preferred output format (e.g., MP4) > adjust other preferences such as destination location, resolution etc. from the right pane of the box > Click EXPORT.

overview export win3

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Step1Download and Install the Software

The first step in creating an intro video requires the user to download and install the Filmora software in Windows or MacOS computers. To download the setup, go to and click ‘Download’. Afterwards, when the setup is downloaded, run the setup and install Filmora on your computer:

startup window 01

Step2Add Color Templates

After installing, wait until the installation is finished. Launch Wondershare Filmora and go to MEDIA tab at the top left of the interface and select the best suitable background color for your intro video from the dropdown menu in the MEDIA tab. Drag your cursor over the tile of the color you wish to use as a background and click to add the icon that appears in the center to add it to the timeline.

media for use 01

Additionally, if you don’t prefer the preset backgrounds and colors, Filmora lets you use your own background image or video clip. For this, select PROJECT MEDIA > click anywhere inside the media window > import media file of your choice. After importing the file, click on the imported file to add it to the timeline.

Step3Select and add audio effect to your Intro Video

Your video automatically grasps a lot of viewers’ attention with a spice of some music/audio in the background. To adorn your intro video further, you can add audio/music effect to your intro video using the inbuilt music and sound effects from the library. If you want to listen to a track from the inbuilt library collection of audio and music, double click on the thumbnail.

types of audio win1

Click the AUDIO tab. Choose from Recommended audio files or import your own audio. Once, you find your desired audio/music file, drag and drop it to the audio track below the video.

Step4Add Text/Logo to your Intro Video

Click the ‘TITLE’ tab. To customize, choose title options from Recommended or add your own custom design. To change, format, and animate the text as needed, click on your desired preset or custom title and double click or drag it to the bottom area of the main library to insert a title.

add titles win

Also, you need to adjust the position and duration of the title to get a better view. In the intro video, it is recommended to add your logo or slogan as well. To add your logo, drag and drop it to the track above the video, and adjust its position and size.

Step5Add Effects to your Intro Video

Go to ‘EFFECTS’ tab, choose a category from the top-left pane, and click and drag your preferred effect from the Effects library to the timeline. Adjust the playback duration by dragging the right handle of the track in the timeline as explained above. Optionally, double-click the Effects track to customize the appearance as needed.

Step6Export the Intro and Add to Shared Media

Once you’re done making your intro video, click on the ‘EXPORT’ tab in the center > go to LOCAL tab on export box > choose your preferred output format (e.g., MP4) > adjust other preferences such as destination location, resolution etc. from the right pane of the box > Click EXPORT.

overview export win3

Extracting Audio From Videos Is a Key to Better Storytelling. Learn How Filmora’s Audio Removal Feature Can Enhance Your Video Stories

Extracting audio from video lets you focus on the main video. Moreover, it also protects privacy and addresses copyright problems. Thus, controlling the audio is a crucial skill for video editors. One approach to making the video seem better is to remove the noise. Well, it isn’t just about reducing background noise. Instead, it’s a calculated move to make your editing more precise. So, how do you remove audio from a video? Don’t worry if you are a newcomer in the video editing field! This post is your go-to guide to effortlessly eliminating audio from your video content.

Extracting audio from video lets you focus on the main video. Moreover, it also protects privacy and addresses copyright problems. Thus, controlling the audio is a crucial skill for video editors. One approach to making the video seem better is to remove the noise. Well, it isn’t just about reducing background noise. Instead, it’s a calculated move to make your editing more precise. So, how do you remove audio from a video? Don’t worry if you are a newcomer in the video editing field! This post is your go-to guide to effortlessly eliminating audio from your video content.

In this article
  1. Part 1: Why Is It Necessary to Remove Audio from a Video?
  2. Part 2: How Can You Improve Storytelling With Silent Videos?
  3. Part 3: How to Use Filmora to Remove Audio from Your Video?

Remove Audio Now For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Remove Audio Now For macOS 10.14 or later

Why Is It Necessary to Remove Audio from a Video?

You can make a video far more versatile and successful for many different things by removing the audio.

Your Video Becomes Multipurpose

Taking the audio out of a video makes it more versatile. Presentations, slide decks, and instructional videos may all benefit from this. The original audio or background noise might be too distracting in such videos.

No Language Issues

The muted or removed audio lets you reach viewers who speak a different language. By removing the original audio, the video becomes language-neutral. Thus, you save time adding subtitles or dubbing without disturbing the narration.

Place Emphasis on the Video Itself

Cutting off the sound may make the video’s visuals the main attraction. It may be beneficial when creating tutorials or instructional videos. That’s because viewers may prefer to see the demos without the sound.

Eliminating Excessive Background Noise

The video might get dull with background noises, echoes, or unwanted sounds. Deleting the audio stream helps to eliminate distractions. As a result, viewers get a cleaner viewing experience.

Businesses can avoid copyright infringement problems by eliminating audio from videos. Removing someone’s audio work before using it in public venues is necessary. It supports copyright laws on audio material by limiting display to visual components.

Content Personalization

Creators can let viewers add their soundtracks or voiceovers by removing audio. Thus, it can make the watching experience more customized. It suits projects that need a high degree of personalization or user-generated content.

Confidential Data Security

Sometimes, a video might capture sensitive conversations or information. So, it’s essential to remove the audio to protect privacy. Remember, sharing the visual footage does not compromise confidentiality. It hides the crucial discussions or data from the original audio.

As you can see, removing audio from a video has several benefits. Many options are available when you mute the audio in a video. By eliminating background noise, you’re freeing your imagination.

So, how do silent videos improve your video production strategies? Let’s find out!

How Can You Improve Storytelling With Silent Videos?

There is a much unrealized narrative potential in silent videos. Most videos rely only on visual elements to convey narratives. Thus, mute clips have a unique ability to captivate audiences. It also offers many possibilities for storytelling, allowing for a more immersive experience.

Setting a Narrative

Videos without sound force viewers to rely more on their visual perception of the tale. It can draw your viewers closer to the visuals. Moreover, it also heightens their involvement with the story as it develops.

Improving Stories

Silence directs the viewer’s attention to certain visual aspects. When you remove all sound distractions, the audience can focus on the pictures. It helps you highlight essential story aspects.

For instance, rely on more than just dialogue to convey emotion. Instead, you can take a modest close-up of the character’s face.

Build Emotions With No Audio

One effective method of building intense emotions is the complete absence of sound. Remember, silent clips can keep viewers on the top of their seats. The audience may get more invested in the story’s raw essence when a scene unfolds in silence. In short, this technique aims to evoke a range of emotions in the audience.

Add Metaphor

The lack of audio permits the use of symbolic language only via visual representations. You can use each picture to convey information. It eliminates the need for dialogue or background music.

The audience can interact with the story on a deeper level via interpretation. Here, video scenes, objects, or actions work as symbols.

Simplify Complex Stories

Silent videos let storytellers elicit strong emotional reactions from audiences. They can co-create the story by deciphering visual cues. Besides, they can also add thoughts, emotions, and interpretations in silent videos. Without words, silent videos can help you convey stories that captivate audiences.

How to Use Filmora to Remove Audio from Your Video?

Two main approaches are available for using this software. You can start by downloading Wondershare Filmora for free to try it out. Here is how to remove audio in a video editor.

Remove Audio Now For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Remove Audio Now For macOS 10.14 or later

Method 1: Use the “Mute” Button

The first method is using the “Mute” function available in Filmora. You can start by importing the local video file into this software.

Drop the file into Filmora’s video editing timeline. You can mute the file by right-clicking on it. Once you’ve finished, choose a format to save the file in.

As you can see, the mute option stands out as a fantastic one-click feature. It removes the necessity for specialized video editing skills. Anyone can effortlessly remove audio from their videos with ease.

mute audio feature in filmora v13

Method 2: Use the Audio Detach feature

Now, let’s turn our focus to a different, efficient way. The Audio Detach function becomes a potent feature for separating audio from videos. Let’s check out its detailed instructions for precisely separating audio and video.

Step1Upload Your Video

First, select the video clip whose audio you want to extract. You can start by clicking “Import” and then navigating to the relevant folder on your hard drive.

While you pick more files, keep the “Ctrl” button down to select them all at once. The main editing dashboard will show thumbnails of all the currently loaded files. You can see a preview in the right-hand window when you double-click them.

import media in filmora v13

Step2Cut Out the Music

Now, you should drag videos from the dashboard into the Video Timeline. After that, you can right-click the video to choose the “Audio Detach” option.

The Music Timeline will immediately display a new audio file. Here, you can see the original video’s soundtrack. Now, pressing the “Delete” button can remove the sounds.

You can also detach audio from multiple video files. Remember, all the files will mesh together perfectly on the Video Timeline.

Thus, you need to click the application icon on the left-hand side of the screen and choose “Save As…” to create new project files if you need to extract audio from more than one file. Then, export each output file individually after reloading the project file.

audio detach in filmora v13

Step3Download the Video

To be sure this is what you need, double-tap the file in the Video Timeline. You can add suitable music files to the clip if needed. To save only the video track, click the “Create” option directly. A popup will open up, asking you to choose a format before you can save it to your PC.

export video in filmora v13

The Music Timeline will immediately display a new audio file. Here, you can see the original video’s soundtrack. Now, pressing the “Delete” button can remove the sounds.

You can also detach audio from multiple video files. Remember, all the files will mesh together perfectly on the Video Timeline.

Thus, you need to click the application icon on the left-hand side of the screen and choose “Save As…” to create new project files if you need to extract audio from more than one file. Then, export each output file individually after reloading the project file.

Now you know how to remove audio from videos in Wondershare Filmora. As you can see, removing background noise from videos is a breeze using Filmora. You don’t need extensive experience or expensive software packages.

Follow the simple steps outlined above, even if this is your first time. You may remove distracting or unnecessary audio from your file in just a few minutes.


As you can see, your ability to control the audio in video editing defines the viewing experience. It is about not just transforming video material but also expanding possibilities. This silent space is where imagination soars.

It’s a technique to make your video clips more adaptable. Thus, they can transcend language obstacles, legal limitations, and distractions.

Think of a vacation video where the beautiful sights and sounds of the busy streets are in front. It will allow the audience to lose themselves in the lively atmosphere completely. If you remove the audio from this clip, it can become livelier.

In short, sound removal is crucial in creating a more engaging story. It changes the viewer’s experience by focusing on visuals and increasing engagement. You can use Filmora’s powerful audio removal features. The software streamlines the editing process without compromising the quality of the video. Learn to use silence as a tool to tell stories and make people feel things in your videos.

Remove Audio Now For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Remove Audio Now For macOS 10.14 or later

Why Is It Necessary to Remove Audio from a Video?

You can make a video far more versatile and successful for many different things by removing the audio.

Your Video Becomes Multipurpose

Taking the audio out of a video makes it more versatile. Presentations, slide decks, and instructional videos may all benefit from this. The original audio or background noise might be too distracting in such videos.

No Language Issues

The muted or removed audio lets you reach viewers who speak a different language. By removing the original audio, the video becomes language-neutral. Thus, you save time adding subtitles or dubbing without disturbing the narration.

Place Emphasis on the Video Itself

Cutting off the sound may make the video’s visuals the main attraction. It may be beneficial when creating tutorials or instructional videos. That’s because viewers may prefer to see the demos without the sound.

Eliminating Excessive Background Noise

The video might get dull with background noises, echoes, or unwanted sounds. Deleting the audio stream helps to eliminate distractions. As a result, viewers get a cleaner viewing experience.

Businesses can avoid copyright infringement problems by eliminating audio from videos. Removing someone’s audio work before using it in public venues is necessary. It supports copyright laws on audio material by limiting display to visual components.

Content Personalization

Creators can let viewers add their soundtracks or voiceovers by removing audio. Thus, it can make the watching experience more customized. It suits projects that need a high degree of personalization or user-generated content.

Confidential Data Security

Sometimes, a video might capture sensitive conversations or information. So, it’s essential to remove the audio to protect privacy. Remember, sharing the visual footage does not compromise confidentiality. It hides the crucial discussions or data from the original audio.

As you can see, removing audio from a video has several benefits. Many options are available when you mute the audio in a video. By eliminating background noise, you’re freeing your imagination.

So, how do silent videos improve your video production strategies? Let’s find out!

How Can You Improve Storytelling With Silent Videos?

There is a much unrealized narrative potential in silent videos. Most videos rely only on visual elements to convey narratives. Thus, mute clips have a unique ability to captivate audiences. It also offers many possibilities for storytelling, allowing for a more immersive experience.

Setting a Narrative

Videos without sound force viewers to rely more on their visual perception of the tale. It can draw your viewers closer to the visuals. Moreover, it also heightens their involvement with the story as it develops.

Improving Stories

Silence directs the viewer’s attention to certain visual aspects. When you remove all sound distractions, the audience can focus on the pictures. It helps you highlight essential story aspects.

For instance, rely on more than just dialogue to convey emotion. Instead, you can take a modest close-up of the character’s face.

Build Emotions With No Audio

One effective method of building intense emotions is the complete absence of sound. Remember, silent clips can keep viewers on the top of their seats. The audience may get more invested in the story’s raw essence when a scene unfolds in silence. In short, this technique aims to evoke a range of emotions in the audience.

Add Metaphor

The lack of audio permits the use of symbolic language only via visual representations. You can use each picture to convey information. It eliminates the need for dialogue or background music.

The audience can interact with the story on a deeper level via interpretation. Here, video scenes, objects, or actions work as symbols.

Simplify Complex Stories

Silent videos let storytellers elicit strong emotional reactions from audiences. They can co-create the story by deciphering visual cues. Besides, they can also add thoughts, emotions, and interpretations in silent videos. Without words, silent videos can help you convey stories that captivate audiences.

How to Use Filmora to Remove Audio from Your Video?

Two main approaches are available for using this software. You can start by downloading Wondershare Filmora for free to try it out. Here is how to remove audio in a video editor.

Remove Audio Now For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Remove Audio Now For macOS 10.14 or later

Method 1: Use the “Mute” Button

The first method is using the “Mute” function available in Filmora. You can start by importing the local video file into this software.

Drop the file into Filmora’s video editing timeline. You can mute the file by right-clicking on it. Once you’ve finished, choose a format to save the file in.

As you can see, the mute option stands out as a fantastic one-click feature. It removes the necessity for specialized video editing skills. Anyone can effortlessly remove audio from their videos with ease.

mute audio feature in filmora v13

Method 2: Use the Audio Detach feature

Now, let’s turn our focus to a different, efficient way. The Audio Detach function becomes a potent feature for separating audio from videos. Let’s check out its detailed instructions for precisely separating audio and video.

Step1Upload Your Video

First, select the video clip whose audio you want to extract. You can start by clicking “Import” and then navigating to the relevant folder on your hard drive.

While you pick more files, keep the “Ctrl” button down to select them all at once. The main editing dashboard will show thumbnails of all the currently loaded files. You can see a preview in the right-hand window when you double-click them.

import media in filmora v13

Step2Cut Out the Music

Now, you should drag videos from the dashboard into the Video Timeline. After that, you can right-click the video to choose the “Audio Detach” option.

The Music Timeline will immediately display a new audio file. Here, you can see the original video’s soundtrack. Now, pressing the “Delete” button can remove the sounds.

You can also detach audio from multiple video files. Remember, all the files will mesh together perfectly on the Video Timeline.

Thus, you need to click the application icon on the left-hand side of the screen and choose “Save As…” to create new project files if you need to extract audio from more than one file. Then, export each output file individually after reloading the project file.

audio detach in filmora v13

Step3Download the Video

To be sure this is what you need, double-tap the file in the Video Timeline. You can add suitable music files to the clip if needed. To save only the video track, click the “Create” option directly. A popup will open up, asking you to choose a format before you can save it to your PC.

export video in filmora v13

The Music Timeline will immediately display a new audio file. Here, you can see the original video’s soundtrack. Now, pressing the “Delete” button can remove the sounds.

You can also detach audio from multiple video files. Remember, all the files will mesh together perfectly on the Video Timeline.

Thus, you need to click the application icon on the left-hand side of the screen and choose “Save As…” to create new project files if you need to extract audio from more than one file. Then, export each output file individually after reloading the project file.

Now you know how to remove audio from videos in Wondershare Filmora. As you can see, removing background noise from videos is a breeze using Filmora. You don’t need extensive experience or expensive software packages.

Follow the simple steps outlined above, even if this is your first time. You may remove distracting or unnecessary audio from your file in just a few minutes.


As you can see, your ability to control the audio in video editing defines the viewing experience. It is about not just transforming video material but also expanding possibilities. This silent space is where imagination soars.

It’s a technique to make your video clips more adaptable. Thus, they can transcend language obstacles, legal limitations, and distractions.

Think of a vacation video where the beautiful sights and sounds of the busy streets are in front. It will allow the audience to lose themselves in the lively atmosphere completely. If you remove the audio from this clip, it can become livelier.

In short, sound removal is crucial in creating a more engaging story. It changes the viewer’s experience by focusing on visuals and increasing engagement. You can use Filmora’s powerful audio removal features. The software streamlines the editing process without compromising the quality of the video. Learn to use silence as a tool to tell stories and make people feel things in your videos.

Remove Audio Now For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Remove Audio Now For macOS 10.14 or later

Why Is It Necessary to Remove Audio from a Video?

You can make a video far more versatile and successful for many different things by removing the audio.

Your Video Becomes Multipurpose

Taking the audio out of a video makes it more versatile. Presentations, slide decks, and instructional videos may all benefit from this. The original audio or background noise might be too distracting in such videos.

No Language Issues

The muted or removed audio lets you reach viewers who speak a different language. By removing the original audio, the video becomes language-neutral. Thus, you save time adding subtitles or dubbing without disturbing the narration.

Place Emphasis on the Video Itself

Cutting off the sound may make the video’s visuals the main attraction. It may be beneficial when creating tutorials or instructional videos. That’s because viewers may prefer to see the demos without the sound.

Eliminating Excessive Background Noise

The video might get dull with background noises, echoes, or unwanted sounds. Deleting the audio stream helps to eliminate distractions. As a result, viewers get a cleaner viewing experience.

Businesses can avoid copyright infringement problems by eliminating audio from videos. Removing someone’s audio work before using it in public venues is necessary. It supports copyright laws on audio material by limiting display to visual components.

Content Personalization

Creators can let viewers add their soundtracks or voiceovers by removing audio. Thus, it can make the watching experience more customized. It suits projects that need a high degree of personalization or user-generated content.

Confidential Data Security

Sometimes, a video might capture sensitive conversations or information. So, it’s essential to remove the audio to protect privacy. Remember, sharing the visual footage does not compromise confidentiality. It hides the crucial discussions or data from the original audio.

As you can see, removing audio from a video has several benefits. Many options are available when you mute the audio in a video. By eliminating background noise, you’re freeing your imagination.

So, how do silent videos improve your video production strategies? Let’s find out!

How Can You Improve Storytelling With Silent Videos?

There is a much unrealized narrative potential in silent videos. Most videos rely only on visual elements to convey narratives. Thus, mute clips have a unique ability to captivate audiences. It also offers many possibilities for storytelling, allowing for a more immersive experience.

Setting a Narrative

Videos without sound force viewers to rely more on their visual perception of the tale. It can draw your viewers closer to the visuals. Moreover, it also heightens their involvement with the story as it develops.

Improving Stories

Silence directs the viewer’s attention to certain visual aspects. When you remove all sound distractions, the audience can focus on the pictures. It helps you highlight essential story aspects.

For instance, rely on more than just dialogue to convey emotion. Instead, you can take a modest close-up of the character’s face.

Build Emotions With No Audio

One effective method of building intense emotions is the complete absence of sound. Remember, silent clips can keep viewers on the top of their seats. The audience may get more invested in the story’s raw essence when a scene unfolds in silence. In short, this technique aims to evoke a range of emotions in the audience.

Add Metaphor

The lack of audio permits the use of symbolic language only via visual representations. You can use each picture to convey information. It eliminates the need for dialogue or background music.

The audience can interact with the story on a deeper level via interpretation. Here, video scenes, objects, or actions work as symbols.

Simplify Complex Stories

Silent videos let storytellers elicit strong emotional reactions from audiences. They can co-create the story by deciphering visual cues. Besides, they can also add thoughts, emotions, and interpretations in silent videos. Without words, silent videos can help you convey stories that captivate audiences.

How to Use Filmora to Remove Audio from Your Video?

Two main approaches are available for using this software. You can start by downloading Wondershare Filmora for free to try it out. Here is how to remove audio in a video editor.

Remove Audio Now For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Remove Audio Now For macOS 10.14 or later

Method 1: Use the “Mute” Button

The first method is using the “Mute” function available in Filmora. You can start by importing the local video file into this software.

Drop the file into Filmora’s video editing timeline. You can mute the file by right-clicking on it. Once you’ve finished, choose a format to save the file in.

As you can see, the mute option stands out as a fantastic one-click feature. It removes the necessity for specialized video editing skills. Anyone can effortlessly remove audio from their videos with ease.

mute audio feature in filmora v13

Method 2: Use the Audio Detach feature

Now, let’s turn our focus to a different, efficient way. The Audio Detach function becomes a potent feature for separating audio from videos. Let’s check out its detailed instructions for precisely separating audio and video.

Step1Upload Your Video

First, select the video clip whose audio you want to extract. You can start by clicking “Import” and then navigating to the relevant folder on your hard drive.

While you pick more files, keep the “Ctrl” button down to select them all at once. The main editing dashboard will show thumbnails of all the currently loaded files. You can see a preview in the right-hand window when you double-click them.

import media in filmora v13

Step2Cut Out the Music

Now, you should drag videos from the dashboard into the Video Timeline. After that, you can right-click the video to choose the “Audio Detach” option.

The Music Timeline will immediately display a new audio file. Here, you can see the original video’s soundtrack. Now, pressing the “Delete” button can remove the sounds.

You can also detach audio from multiple video files. Remember, all the files will mesh together perfectly on the Video Timeline.

Thus, you need to click the application icon on the left-hand side of the screen and choose “Save As…” to create new project files if you need to extract audio from more than one file. Then, export each output file individually after reloading the project file.

audio detach in filmora v13

Step3Download the Video

To be sure this is what you need, double-tap the file in the Video Timeline. You can add suitable music files to the clip if needed. To save only the video track, click the “Create” option directly. A popup will open up, asking you to choose a format before you can save it to your PC.

export video in filmora v13

The Music Timeline will immediately display a new audio file. Here, you can see the original video’s soundtrack. Now, pressing the “Delete” button can remove the sounds.

You can also detach audio from multiple video files. Remember, all the files will mesh together perfectly on the Video Timeline.

Thus, you need to click the application icon on the left-hand side of the screen and choose “Save As…” to create new project files if you need to extract audio from more than one file. Then, export each output file individually after reloading the project file.

Now you know how to remove audio from videos in Wondershare Filmora. As you can see, removing background noise from videos is a breeze using Filmora. You don’t need extensive experience or expensive software packages.

Follow the simple steps outlined above, even if this is your first time. You may remove distracting or unnecessary audio from your file in just a few minutes.


As you can see, your ability to control the audio in video editing defines the viewing experience. It is about not just transforming video material but also expanding possibilities. This silent space is where imagination soars.

It’s a technique to make your video clips more adaptable. Thus, they can transcend language obstacles, legal limitations, and distractions.

Think of a vacation video where the beautiful sights and sounds of the busy streets are in front. It will allow the audience to lose themselves in the lively atmosphere completely. If you remove the audio from this clip, it can become livelier.

In short, sound removal is crucial in creating a more engaging story. It changes the viewer’s experience by focusing on visuals and increasing engagement. You can use Filmora’s powerful audio removal features. The software streamlines the editing process without compromising the quality of the video. Learn to use silence as a tool to tell stories and make people feel things in your videos.

Remove Audio Now For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Remove Audio Now For macOS 10.14 or later

Why Is It Necessary to Remove Audio from a Video?

You can make a video far more versatile and successful for many different things by removing the audio.

Your Video Becomes Multipurpose

Taking the audio out of a video makes it more versatile. Presentations, slide decks, and instructional videos may all benefit from this. The original audio or background noise might be too distracting in such videos.

No Language Issues

The muted or removed audio lets you reach viewers who speak a different language. By removing the original audio, the video becomes language-neutral. Thus, you save time adding subtitles or dubbing without disturbing the narration.

Place Emphasis on the Video Itself

Cutting off the sound may make the video’s visuals the main attraction. It may be beneficial when creating tutorials or instructional videos. That’s because viewers may prefer to see the demos without the sound.

Eliminating Excessive Background Noise

The video might get dull with background noises, echoes, or unwanted sounds. Deleting the audio stream helps to eliminate distractions. As a result, viewers get a cleaner viewing experience.

Businesses can avoid copyright infringement problems by eliminating audio from videos. Removing someone’s audio work before using it in public venues is necessary. It supports copyright laws on audio material by limiting display to visual components.

Content Personalization

Creators can let viewers add their soundtracks or voiceovers by removing audio. Thus, it can make the watching experience more customized. It suits projects that need a high degree of personalization or user-generated content.

Confidential Data Security

Sometimes, a video might capture sensitive conversations or information. So, it’s essential to remove the audio to protect privacy. Remember, sharing the visual footage does not compromise confidentiality. It hides the crucial discussions or data from the original audio.

As you can see, removing audio from a video has several benefits. Many options are available when you mute the audio in a video. By eliminating background noise, you’re freeing your imagination.

So, how do silent videos improve your video production strategies? Let’s find out!

How Can You Improve Storytelling With Silent Videos?

There is a much unrealized narrative potential in silent videos. Most videos rely only on visual elements to convey narratives. Thus, mute clips have a unique ability to captivate audiences. It also offers many possibilities for storytelling, allowing for a more immersive experience.

Setting a Narrative

Videos without sound force viewers to rely more on their visual perception of the tale. It can draw your viewers closer to the visuals. Moreover, it also heightens their involvement with the story as it develops.

Improving Stories

Silence directs the viewer’s attention to certain visual aspects. When you remove all sound distractions, the audience can focus on the pictures. It helps you highlight essential story aspects.

For instance, rely on more than just dialogue to convey emotion. Instead, you can take a modest close-up of the character’s face.

Build Emotions With No Audio

One effective method of building intense emotions is the complete absence of sound. Remember, silent clips can keep viewers on the top of their seats. The audience may get more invested in the story’s raw essence when a scene unfolds in silence. In short, this technique aims to evoke a range of emotions in the audience.

Add Metaphor

The lack of audio permits the use of symbolic language only via visual representations. You can use each picture to convey information. It eliminates the need for dialogue or background music.

The audience can interact with the story on a deeper level via interpretation. Here, video scenes, objects, or actions work as symbols.

Simplify Complex Stories

Silent videos let storytellers elicit strong emotional reactions from audiences. They can co-create the story by deciphering visual cues. Besides, they can also add thoughts, emotions, and interpretations in silent videos. Without words, silent videos can help you convey stories that captivate audiences.

How to Use Filmora to Remove Audio from Your Video?

Two main approaches are available for using this software. You can start by downloading Wondershare Filmora for free to try it out. Here is how to remove audio in a video editor.

Remove Audio Now For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Remove Audio Now For macOS 10.14 or later

Method 1: Use the “Mute” Button

The first method is using the “Mute” function available in Filmora. You can start by importing the local video file into this software.

Drop the file into Filmora’s video editing timeline. You can mute the file by right-clicking on it. Once you’ve finished, choose a format to save the file in.

As you can see, the mute option stands out as a fantastic one-click feature. It removes the necessity for specialized video editing skills. Anyone can effortlessly remove audio from their videos with ease.

mute audio feature in filmora v13

Method 2: Use the Audio Detach feature

Now, let’s turn our focus to a different, efficient way. The Audio Detach function becomes a potent feature for separating audio from videos. Let’s check out its detailed instructions for precisely separating audio and video.

Step1Upload Your Video

First, select the video clip whose audio you want to extract. You can start by clicking “Import” and then navigating to the relevant folder on your hard drive.

While you pick more files, keep the “Ctrl” button down to select them all at once. The main editing dashboard will show thumbnails of all the currently loaded files. You can see a preview in the right-hand window when you double-click them.

import media in filmora v13

Step2Cut Out the Music

Now, you should drag videos from the dashboard into the Video Timeline. After that, you can right-click the video to choose the “Audio Detach” option.

The Music Timeline will immediately display a new audio file. Here, you can see the original video’s soundtrack. Now, pressing the “Delete” button can remove the sounds.

You can also detach audio from multiple video files. Remember, all the files will mesh together perfectly on the Video Timeline.

Thus, you need to click the application icon on the left-hand side of the screen and choose “Save As…” to create new project files if you need to extract audio from more than one file. Then, export each output file individually after reloading the project file.

audio detach in filmora v13

Step3Download the Video

To be sure this is what you need, double-tap the file in the Video Timeline. You can add suitable music files to the clip if needed. To save only the video track, click the “Create” option directly. A popup will open up, asking you to choose a format before you can save it to your PC.

export video in filmora v13

The Music Timeline will immediately display a new audio file. Here, you can see the original video’s soundtrack. Now, pressing the “Delete” button can remove the sounds.

You can also detach audio from multiple video files. Remember, all the files will mesh together perfectly on the Video Timeline.

Thus, you need to click the application icon on the left-hand side of the screen and choose “Save As…” to create new project files if you need to extract audio from more than one file. Then, export each output file individually after reloading the project file.

Now you know how to remove audio from videos in Wondershare Filmora. As you can see, removing background noise from videos is a breeze using Filmora. You don’t need extensive experience or expensive software packages.

Follow the simple steps outlined above, even if this is your first time. You may remove distracting or unnecessary audio from your file in just a few minutes.


As you can see, your ability to control the audio in video editing defines the viewing experience. It is about not just transforming video material but also expanding possibilities. This silent space is where imagination soars.

It’s a technique to make your video clips more adaptable. Thus, they can transcend language obstacles, legal limitations, and distractions.

Think of a vacation video where the beautiful sights and sounds of the busy streets are in front. It will allow the audience to lose themselves in the lively atmosphere completely. If you remove the audio from this clip, it can become livelier.

In short, sound removal is crucial in creating a more engaging story. It changes the viewer’s experience by focusing on visuals and increasing engagement. You can use Filmora’s powerful audio removal features. The software streamlines the editing process without compromising the quality of the video. Learn to use silence as a tool to tell stories and make people feel things in your videos.

How to Add Freeze Frame to Your Video From Any Device?

Adding effects is an essential part of video editing to make a regular video look extraordinary. There are literally unlimited video effects available in popular video editors. You need to apply a video effect as per the trend and requirements of your video. Freeze frame effect has become extremely popular among video creators in today’s world of social media. Use freeze frame effect to freeze a specific scene in your video so that you can draw the attention of your viewers to that particular moment.

For example, in a match highlight video, you freeze the frame moment before a goal to show the positioning of the players or strikers. Owing to the popularity of freeze frame effect, you will find the video effect in almost all popular video editor apps for computers and smartphones. In fact, even popular online video editors have included the effect in their video effects. We will illustrate how to add freeze frame effect to your video on any device.

Part 1. How to Add Freeze Frame Video Effect on PC

If you are a computer user and you are looking for a video editor to add freeze frame effect to your video, we recommend Wondershare Filmora. Filmora is extremely popular among video creators for its wide range of video effects as well as its intuitive user interface. Adding freeze frame effect is super easy in Filmora and here are the steps to follow.

Step1Download and install Filmora for Windows PC. Launch Filmora and click on New Project button.

Step2Import your video clip under Project Media and then drop it into Timeline.

Step3Play the video and pause it where you want to freeze frame. Click on Snapshot icon to take photo of the frame. You will find the photo you have taken just now under Media library. In the meantime, you should split the video clip where you paused it to make space for the still image to get added and stay frozen.

Drag and drop the image on Timeline and stretch it to the duration up to which you want the frame to stay frozen. This image should be on top of the video clip in Timeline. You should place the image exactly where you paused the video.

Step4Double-click on the image in Timeline and adjust parameters as required. Play the video to notice the freeze frame effect. Click on Export button to save the video.

Part 2. How to Add Freeze Frame Video Effect on Mac

If you are a Mac user, the best video editor you can use to edit your video is Final Cut Pro. FCP is widely used by professional video creators and editors to edit their videos as per requirements. There are different categories of video effects available on FCP including freeze frame effect. Make sure your video is recorded with high frame rate and resolution for better outcomes. Here are the steps on how to add freeze frame in Final Cut Pro.

Step1Launch Final Cut Pro on your Mac. Go to File> Import> Files and select your video clip from the storage device. Drag it into the Timeline.

launch final cut pro on mac

Step2Grab and move the Playhead to the point where you want to freeze the frame. Click on the video clip in the Timeline.

click video frame final cut pro

Step3Go to Edit menu and click on Add Freeze Frame. This will split your video clip and add frozen frame where you have placed the Playhead.

add freeze frame fcpx

The default duration of the frozen freeze is four seconds. You can stretch it as per your requirements.

Just for information, both Windows and Mac users can also Premiere Pro add freeze frame effect if they already have Premiere Pro installed on their computers. The freeze frame feature in Premiere Pro is referred to as Add Frame Hold effect.

Part 3. How to Add Freeze Frame Video Effects Online

If you do not want to download and install a dedicated video editor on your computer, you can apply freeze frame effect to your video online as well. This will save your space as well as put less pressure on your CPU resource. We recommend Kapwing online video editor to use freeze frame effect on the go from any device directly from web browser. Here are the steps to add freeze frame effect to your video online.

Step1Open web browser on your device and visit “”. Click on Choose a video button.

kapwing freeze frame online

Step2Drop your video file into Timeline and click on the video clip. Move the Playhead to the point where you want to add freeze frame effect.

add freeze frame kapwing

Step3Go to Timing tab located in the top-right corner. Click on Freeze Frame button to add still image of the scene in the video. You can click multiple times to add more still images of the same scene. The more still images, the greater its duration will be.

edit freeze frame kapwing

Step4Play the video and you can have multiple freeze frame effects in the video clip.

This is undoubtedly the easiest way to add freeze frame effects for beginners.

Part 4. How to Add Freeze Frame Video Effects on Mobile

If you are using an Android smartphone or iPhone, you can apply freeze frame effect directly on your mobile instantly. In today’s world, people capture videos through their smartphones thanks to high-quality phone camera. You can use CapCut video editor app on both Android and iOS devices to add freeze frame effects. Here are the steps you need to follow.

Step1Install CapCut app on your phone. Launch the app and tap on New Project.

add new project capcut

Step2Go to Albums and select the video to which you want to add the frame freeze effect.

add freeze frame capcut

Step3Put the Playhead to the point where you want to add the effect. Tap on Edit option.

edit freeze frame capcut

Step4Search for Freeze option located at the bottom and tap on it to insert still image of the scene in Timeline.

search freeze frame capcut

Step5You can drag the duration of the frame freeze effect as per your requirement.

The Bottom Line

Adding freeze frame to your videos before and during impactful moments can enhance your video content. We have illustrated how to add a freeze frame in Final Cut Pro for Mac users. You can also add it to your video online using Kapwing video editor. You can use CapCut app to use the effect in your video on your smartphone. We recommend Filmora to add the effect quickly and conveniently on your PC.

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

How To Export Video in Filmora

After you edit your video with Filmora you may wonder how to export your video in Filmora Indeed, you can export your video in Filmora in various options. This article will show you the multiple options you can get if you want to export your video in Filmora.

Steps to export your video with Filmora

To open the export box, press “CTRL+E” on your keyboard. After that, you’ll see many export options you can do.

open the export box

Export Video Platform

If you want your video to end up on YouTube, you can click on the “YouTube” option, sign in, and enter all the basic metadata you need for your YouTube video. Then you can click “Export”, and the video will go straight to YouTube. Also, you can have all of your privacy settings, descriptions, and everything else.

export video platform

Similar to YouTube, you can do the same thing if you want to export your video on Vimeo.

export your video on vimeo

Export and Burn Video into DVD

You can also directly burn your video to a DVD. Even though video to DVD isn’t as common as it used to be, it’s still nice to be able to do it, especially if you like making DVDs.

export and burn video into dvd

Export Video to Other Devices

Go to the “Devices” option if you want to export your video to specific devices with everything looking good on that particular device. For instance, if you want to export your video to iPhone, you can see the size will be 41MB, and the resolution will be 1080p. All those things are going to look much better on an iPhone.

export video to other devices

You can also adjust the quality of your video based on your needs by clicking on “Setting.”

adjust the quality of video

Export Videos in High Res Quality

In the “Format” option you can choose the file extension, the format, or the codec. Exporting your video based on format is good if you prefer to save your video on your computer since maybe you may upload your video on YouTube, Instagram or other social media platforms.

export videos in high res quality

You can choose “Apple Prores” if you want the least amount of compression possible and don’t care about the file size. For example, if you want to export a video from Filmora and then import it into another video editor without losing too much quality, you should definitely choose “Apple Prores.”

choose apple prores

Before exporting, there is the option to upload to the cloud. If you do not know what it is, Wondershare has its own Drive, which allows you to save and remotely view your video files.

In the meantime, if you have a decent PC, you can enable “Hardware acceleration for video encoding.” This option will utilize as much computer power as you have to export the video and make the process significantly faster. Once everything is finished, click “Export.”

click export

When you click Export, you can see the progress with thumbnails and everything. Lastly, your video has been exported successfully when the exporting process reaches 100%.

finish exporting video


Indeed, there are many options to export your video using Filmora. If you wish to export your video directly to YouTube, simply select the YouTube option in the Export box. Meanwhile, if you want to export your video on your computer and upload it to various social media platforms, it’s much better to export it with a format option.

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Also read:

  • Title: New Complete Guide to Make an Intro Video
  • Author: Chloe
  • Created at : 2024-05-20 03:37:59
  • Updated at : 2024-05-21 03:37:59
  • Link:
  • License: This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.
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New Complete Guide to Make an Intro Video