New How to Edit A Time Lapse Video on iPhone for 2024

New How to Edit A Time Lapse Video on iPhone for 2024

Chloe Lv12

How to Edit A Time Lapse Video on iPhone?

Versatile Video Editor - Wondershare Filmora

An easy and powerful editor

Numerous effects to choose from

Detailed tutorials provided by the official channel

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Do you want to edit a time lapse video on an iPhone or want to know how to shoot a time-lapse video? If so, you’ve come to the right place.

Time-lapses, which show how much something changes over a period of time are some of the coolest videos you can make.

They aren’t exactly easy to make and edit at first, but we’ve put together this guide to take you through the steps. We’ll give you a few time lapse video ideas, steps to shoot them, and good practices for managing your footage after you’ve shot it.

Let’s get started.

What Is A Time Lapse Video?

In its simplest definition, a time lapse video is a cinematography technique where the frequency at which film frames are captured (the frame rate) is much lower than that used to view the sequence.

When played at normal speed, time appears to be moving faster and thus lapsing. For example, an image of a scene may be captured once every second, then played back at 30 frames per second; the result is an apparent 30 times speed increase.

Time-lapse photography can be considered to be the opposite of slow motion.

How to Shoot A Time-Lapse Video?

Subjects to shoot in a time-lapse video

Wondering what can be shot in a time-lapse video? The answer is any subject that moves, grows, decays, or changes. But what’s more important than the subject is the motion and change that it goes through.

When shooting a time-lapse video, you are composing not only the shot but also the movement of the subject. If a subject doesn’t move or change throughout your film, then it is just a regular video. So try to think of subjects that are constantly moving or changing.

Time-Lapse videos are visually appealing and easy to make. When it comes to subjects that can be chosen to shoot in a time-lapse video, the possibilities are endless. But if you’re stuck for ideas, here are 10 suggestions to get you started:

1. Sunset/Sunrise

These are quite possibly the most common subjects for timelapse videos, but there’s a reason for it! Watching the sun go up and down is always mesmerizing.

2. Clouds

Clouds move very slowly most of the time, making them perfect for time-lapse sequences. You can shoot a single cloud passing overhead, or record a passing storm front as it sweeps across the sky. Depending on the weather conditions and movement of clouds, this can look stunning or simply spectacular!

3. Starry sky

Probably one of the most fascinating time lapse videos is the ones with stars on the move. Time-lapses that capture the Milky Way or starry sky are becoming increasingly popular as camera technology improves. There are even some cameras now that have built-in settings specifically for capturing stars and other celestial bodies.

4. Flowers

Flowers blooming is another fantastic subject for time-lapse photography. The change can be incredibly subtle; however, if you shoot a timelapse over several days or weeks, you will be amazed at just how much they grow and change!

5. Season changing

The most obvious example is trees budding and shedding leaves, but all sorts of plants and animals follow seasonal cycles. You can see flowers blooming, grasses growing, and migrating birds. Even if you don’t have a chance to go somewhere exotic for your subject matter, you can find something interesting right outside your own door.

6. Cars or Pedestrians

If you want something a little more exciting then you can choose things like cars passing by or people walking on the street.

7. Cooking dinner

Got a recipe for dinner that has lots of steps? Rather than just snap photos of the process, why not make a time-lapse video instead? It’s easy and fun to do, especially if you have kids who can help you out!

8. DIY projects

Are you building something? Whether it’s a new table, shelves, or whatever else, set up your camera and take photos as you go along in a time lapse mode and you’ll get a fun time lapse video. It works well to show people how it all came together.

9. Construction work in progress

If you’re watching construction work being done on your property or nearby, consider recording its time lapse video. It’s hard to imagine the amount of resources it takes to construct an office building or skyscraper before it’s finished. Time-lapse videos have helped reveal just how much work goes into something like that.

10. A fun art project

Capturing a time lapse video of an art project can make a mesmerizing video. Whether it’s you or someone else doing the artwork, always capture its time lapse video to show to others what goes into completing an art project. All you need to do is to set your camera up on a tripod aimed at the canvas and capture one or two frames per second to get an excellent time lapse video.

Steps to shoot a time-lapse video

Time-lapse videography is something that most photographers and videographers are familiar with. But, shooting a time-lapse video needs more than setting the camera on a tripod and waiting for it to shoot for several hours.

The amazing thing about time-lapse videos is that they can be shot using your smartphone. There are apps and built-in camera settings to capture time lapse videos with just a click of the button.

If you want to create a time-lapse video that is high quality, you have to use professional cameras, and learn some important steps.

1. Decide on a subject

The movement of clouds, a sunrise or sunset, waves crashing at the beach, cars coming and going in your parking lot, people walking around your office building — all of these subjects can yield great time-lapse sequences.

2. Find a place to set up your camera on tripod

While recording a time-lapse video, it’s important to keep the camera as stable as possible. It ensures a smooth video, making it visually appealing and easy to edit post-shooting. Typically, a tripod is needed for stable recording. If you are not using a tripod, find something steady and level to set it upon.

Important tip: Shoot only with manual settings. You don’t want the camera to adjust for you; rather, you should adjust the camera settings so that it takes optimal pictures. Even if you use auto mode, make sure you take control of the camera and push it to its limits to get great shots.

3. Set the camera focus

Use either autofocus or manual focus to make sure the camera is focused on what you want to be the main subject of the video.

4. Set your exposure settings

Depending on how much the light is going to change over time, you may want to use aperture priority or shutter priority so that the camera will automatically adjust for changes in light. Or, if you know exactly how much light will be changing over time, you could set all exposure settings manually.

5. Calculate how many frames and shots are needed

For example, if you are shooting at 10 frames per second and want a total of 30 seconds of video at 24 fps (which is standard), you will need 720 frames/photos (30 seconds x 24 fps = 720 frames).

6. Import and stitch together

Once you’ve captured the images, import them into a video editing software, stitch them together, and perform necessary editing.

How to Edit The Time Lapse on iPhone?

Now that you’ve recorded a time-lapse video, you might watch it and think it’s slower or faster than you want it to be. Fortunately, you can speed up and slow down the time lapse video on iPhone using iMovie.

Let’s see how to slow down time lapse on iPhone iMovie.

1. Speed up The Time Lapse on iPhone

So you’ve taken a time lapse video on your iPhone and now you’re trying to get it to speed up in iMovie but it looks a little jumpy or there is too much footage. Here’s how to do it in iMovie for iOS.

  • Launch iMovie on your iPhone and start a new project to speed up the captured time-lapse video.
  • Now, tap the plus sign visible at the start of the Projects screen, then select Movie.

tap the plus button

  • From the next window, find and select the recorded time-lapse video you want to speed up.

tap Movie in the New Project window

  • Tap Create Movie button at the center-bottom of the screen.

tap Create Movie at the bottom

  • Now move the playhead to the start of the timeline and tap to select the video. At this point, you’ll see the timeline highlighted in yellow color.
  • Look at the bottom of the screen and you’ll find the Speed icon. Tap the Speed icon and a sliding bar will appear with tortoise on its left side and hare on the right side.

tap the Speed icon

  • To speed up the time-lapse video, move the slider to the right side and you’ll see the duration of the video reduced, indicating time-lapse video has been sped up.

Move the slider forward to increase speed

  • Now click the Play button to preview and then tap Done.

Once you’ve increased the speed of time-lapse video, you can share it and post it where you want.

2. Slow Down The Time Lapse on iPhone

Just like you can speed up the time-lapse video on an iPhone, iMovie lets you slow down the time-lapse video.

Here’s how you can do it:

  • Launch iMovie on your iPhone and start a new project to speed up the captured time-lapse video.
  • Now, tap the plus sign visible at the start of the Projects screen, then select Movie.

tap the plus button in the Projects screen

  • From the next window, find and select your recorded time-lapse video you want to speed up.

Select Movie in the New Project screen

  • Tap Create Movie button at the center-bottom of the screen.

tap Create Movie

  • Now move the playhead to the start of the timeline and tap to select the video. At this point, you’ll see the timeline highlighted in yellow color.
  • Look at the bottom of the screen and you’ll find the Speed icon. Tap the Speed icon and a sliding bar will appear with tortoise on its left side and hare on the right side.

tap the Speed icon

  • To slow down the time-lapse video, move the slider to the left side and you’ll see the duration of the video increased, indicating time-lapse video has been slowed down.

Move the slider backward to slow down

  • Now click the Play button to preview and then tap Done.

Advanced Software: Edit A Time Lapse Video in Wondershare Filmora

If you have professionally captured RAW images of the time-lapse video, you need to use advanced software to stitch them together. That’s where Wondershare Filmora comes into play.

Wondershare Filmore is a professional video editing software with a wide variety of basic to advanced-level editing tools. It allows for turning RAW videos into fun, engaging, and professional videos.

If you need to refine your time-lapse video, you can use it and benefit from its capabilities. Similarly, you can use it to speed up or slow down your time-lapse video.

Let’s see how you can do both with Filmora.

Speed up your time-lapse video

Why speed up a time-lapse in the first place? There are a couple of reasons you might want to speed up your time-lapse.

When shooting with a fast lens, you might want to dial down the shutter speed to achieve more motion blur, to make the scenes more interesting. However, doing so can also create motion blur on time-lapse footage when sped up.

Another reason you might want to speed up your time-lapse is when you have too many frames. When you shoot at low frame rate (e.g. 15 FPS), not everyone will experience the same viewing quality if they don’t have high frame rate monitors. Speeding up the footage is one way to reduce the number of frames without compromising the quality of your video.

Follow these steps to speed up the time-lapse video using Filmora:

  • Download and install Wondershare Filmora on your computer.
  • Launch Filmora and click the New project button to open the video editor or drag and drop the file directly.

tap the New Project button and open the Video Editor

  • Once imported, drag the file to the timeline.

drag the media file to the timeline

  • Click the Speed icon and select the Fast option. Select 2x, 4x, 8x, etc, depending on how much you want to speed up.

tap the Speed button

  • Save the file and use it the way you want.

Slow down your time-lapse video

As the speed at which your time-lapse moves increases, so does the amount of motion blur. This can make for an undesirable look, especially in shots where there is already a lot of movement.

The best way to avoid this is to slow down your time-lapse as much as possible while still maintaining an interesting level of movement within your shot.

You can slow down your time-lapse video in Filmora following the same process as you’d do for speeding-up the video (Explained above). However, there’s only one catch; instead of opting for the Fast option choose Slow when you’re at step 4.


Hopefully, this guide has provided a good knowledge of how to put together your own time lapse video – and how to edit it on iPhone and Wondershare Filmora. It’s easier than you may think, and the resulting videos are quite impressive.

Take your time with it, record your movies from different angles, and don’t be afraid to create something unique and experimental.

Try It Free Try It Free

Try It Free Try It Free

Do you want to edit a time lapse video on an iPhone or want to know how to shoot a time-lapse video? If so, you’ve come to the right place.

Time-lapses, which show how much something changes over a period of time are some of the coolest videos you can make.

They aren’t exactly easy to make and edit at first, but we’ve put together this guide to take you through the steps. We’ll give you a few time lapse video ideas, steps to shoot them, and good practices for managing your footage after you’ve shot it.

Let’s get started.

What Is A Time Lapse Video?

In its simplest definition, a time lapse video is a cinematography technique where the frequency at which film frames are captured (the frame rate) is much lower than that used to view the sequence.

When played at normal speed, time appears to be moving faster and thus lapsing. For example, an image of a scene may be captured once every second, then played back at 30 frames per second; the result is an apparent 30 times speed increase.

Time-lapse photography can be considered to be the opposite of slow motion.

How to Shoot A Time-Lapse Video?

Subjects to shoot in a time-lapse video

Wondering what can be shot in a time-lapse video? The answer is any subject that moves, grows, decays, or changes. But what’s more important than the subject is the motion and change that it goes through.

When shooting a time-lapse video, you are composing not only the shot but also the movement of the subject. If a subject doesn’t move or change throughout your film, then it is just a regular video. So try to think of subjects that are constantly moving or changing.

Time-Lapse videos are visually appealing and easy to make. When it comes to subjects that can be chosen to shoot in a time-lapse video, the possibilities are endless. But if you’re stuck for ideas, here are 10 suggestions to get you started:

1. Sunset/Sunrise

These are quite possibly the most common subjects for timelapse videos, but there’s a reason for it! Watching the sun go up and down is always mesmerizing.

2. Clouds

Clouds move very slowly most of the time, making them perfect for time-lapse sequences. You can shoot a single cloud passing overhead, or record a passing storm front as it sweeps across the sky. Depending on the weather conditions and movement of clouds, this can look stunning or simply spectacular!

3. Starry sky

Probably one of the most fascinating time lapse videos is the ones with stars on the move. Time-lapses that capture the Milky Way or starry sky are becoming increasingly popular as camera technology improves. There are even some cameras now that have built-in settings specifically for capturing stars and other celestial bodies.

4. Flowers

Flowers blooming is another fantastic subject for time-lapse photography. The change can be incredibly subtle; however, if you shoot a timelapse over several days or weeks, you will be amazed at just how much they grow and change!

5. Season changing

The most obvious example is trees budding and shedding leaves, but all sorts of plants and animals follow seasonal cycles. You can see flowers blooming, grasses growing, and migrating birds. Even if you don’t have a chance to go somewhere exotic for your subject matter, you can find something interesting right outside your own door.

6. Cars or Pedestrians

If you want something a little more exciting then you can choose things like cars passing by or people walking on the street.

7. Cooking dinner

Got a recipe for dinner that has lots of steps? Rather than just snap photos of the process, why not make a time-lapse video instead? It’s easy and fun to do, especially if you have kids who can help you out!

8. DIY projects

Are you building something? Whether it’s a new table, shelves, or whatever else, set up your camera and take photos as you go along in a time lapse mode and you’ll get a fun time lapse video. It works well to show people how it all came together.

9. Construction work in progress

If you’re watching construction work being done on your property or nearby, consider recording its time lapse video. It’s hard to imagine the amount of resources it takes to construct an office building or skyscraper before it’s finished. Time-lapse videos have helped reveal just how much work goes into something like that.

10. A fun art project

Capturing a time lapse video of an art project can make a mesmerizing video. Whether it’s you or someone else doing the artwork, always capture its time lapse video to show to others what goes into completing an art project. All you need to do is to set your camera up on a tripod aimed at the canvas and capture one or two frames per second to get an excellent time lapse video.

Steps to shoot a time-lapse video

Time-lapse videography is something that most photographers and videographers are familiar with. But, shooting a time-lapse video needs more than setting the camera on a tripod and waiting for it to shoot for several hours.

The amazing thing about time-lapse videos is that they can be shot using your smartphone. There are apps and built-in camera settings to capture time lapse videos with just a click of the button.

If you want to create a time-lapse video that is high quality, you have to use professional cameras, and learn some important steps.

1. Decide on a subject

The movement of clouds, a sunrise or sunset, waves crashing at the beach, cars coming and going in your parking lot, people walking around your office building — all of these subjects can yield great time-lapse sequences.

2. Find a place to set up your camera on tripod

While recording a time-lapse video, it’s important to keep the camera as stable as possible. It ensures a smooth video, making it visually appealing and easy to edit post-shooting. Typically, a tripod is needed for stable recording. If you are not using a tripod, find something steady and level to set it upon.

Important tip: Shoot only with manual settings. You don’t want the camera to adjust for you; rather, you should adjust the camera settings so that it takes optimal pictures. Even if you use auto mode, make sure you take control of the camera and push it to its limits to get great shots.

3. Set the camera focus

Use either autofocus or manual focus to make sure the camera is focused on what you want to be the main subject of the video.

4. Set your exposure settings

Depending on how much the light is going to change over time, you may want to use aperture priority or shutter priority so that the camera will automatically adjust for changes in light. Or, if you know exactly how much light will be changing over time, you could set all exposure settings manually.

5. Calculate how many frames and shots are needed

For example, if you are shooting at 10 frames per second and want a total of 30 seconds of video at 24 fps (which is standard), you will need 720 frames/photos (30 seconds x 24 fps = 720 frames).

6. Import and stitch together

Once you’ve captured the images, import them into a video editing software, stitch them together, and perform necessary editing.

How to Edit The Time Lapse on iPhone?

Now that you’ve recorded a time-lapse video, you might watch it and think it’s slower or faster than you want it to be. Fortunately, you can speed up and slow down the time lapse video on iPhone using iMovie.

Let’s see how to slow down time lapse on iPhone iMovie.

1. Speed up The Time Lapse on iPhone

So you’ve taken a time lapse video on your iPhone and now you’re trying to get it to speed up in iMovie but it looks a little jumpy or there is too much footage. Here’s how to do it in iMovie for iOS.

  • Launch iMovie on your iPhone and start a new project to speed up the captured time-lapse video.
  • Now, tap the plus sign visible at the start of the Projects screen, then select Movie.

tap the plus button

  • From the next window, find and select the recorded time-lapse video you want to speed up.

tap Movie in the New Project window

  • Tap Create Movie button at the center-bottom of the screen.

tap Create Movie at the bottom

  • Now move the playhead to the start of the timeline and tap to select the video. At this point, you’ll see the timeline highlighted in yellow color.
  • Look at the bottom of the screen and you’ll find the Speed icon. Tap the Speed icon and a sliding bar will appear with tortoise on its left side and hare on the right side.

tap the Speed icon

  • To speed up the time-lapse video, move the slider to the right side and you’ll see the duration of the video reduced, indicating time-lapse video has been sped up.

Move the slider forward to increase speed

  • Now click the Play button to preview and then tap Done.

Once you’ve increased the speed of time-lapse video, you can share it and post it where you want.

2. Slow Down The Time Lapse on iPhone

Just like you can speed up the time-lapse video on an iPhone, iMovie lets you slow down the time-lapse video.

Here’s how you can do it:

  • Launch iMovie on your iPhone and start a new project to speed up the captured time-lapse video.
  • Now, tap the plus sign visible at the start of the Projects screen, then select Movie.

tap the plus button in the Projects screen

  • From the next window, find and select your recorded time-lapse video you want to speed up.

Select Movie in the New Project screen

  • Tap Create Movie button at the center-bottom of the screen.

tap Create Movie

  • Now move the playhead to the start of the timeline and tap to select the video. At this point, you’ll see the timeline highlighted in yellow color.
  • Look at the bottom of the screen and you’ll find the Speed icon. Tap the Speed icon and a sliding bar will appear with tortoise on its left side and hare on the right side.

tap the Speed icon

  • To slow down the time-lapse video, move the slider to the left side and you’ll see the duration of the video increased, indicating time-lapse video has been slowed down.

Move the slider backward to slow down

  • Now click the Play button to preview and then tap Done.

Advanced Software: Edit A Time Lapse Video in Wondershare Filmora

If you have professionally captured RAW images of the time-lapse video, you need to use advanced software to stitch them together. That’s where Wondershare Filmora comes into play.

Wondershare Filmore is a professional video editing software with a wide variety of basic to advanced-level editing tools. It allows for turning RAW videos into fun, engaging, and professional videos.

If you need to refine your time-lapse video, you can use it and benefit from its capabilities. Similarly, you can use it to speed up or slow down your time-lapse video.

Let’s see how you can do both with Filmora.

Speed up your time-lapse video

Why speed up a time-lapse in the first place? There are a couple of reasons you might want to speed up your time-lapse.

When shooting with a fast lens, you might want to dial down the shutter speed to achieve more motion blur, to make the scenes more interesting. However, doing so can also create motion blur on time-lapse footage when sped up.

Another reason you might want to speed up your time-lapse is when you have too many frames. When you shoot at low frame rate (e.g. 15 FPS), not everyone will experience the same viewing quality if they don’t have high frame rate monitors. Speeding up the footage is one way to reduce the number of frames without compromising the quality of your video.

Follow these steps to speed up the time-lapse video using Filmora:

  • Download and install Wondershare Filmora on your computer.
  • Launch Filmora and click the New project button to open the video editor or drag and drop the file directly.

tap the New Project button and open the Video Editor

  • Once imported, drag the file to the timeline.

drag the media file to the timeline

  • Click the Speed icon and select the Fast option. Select 2x, 4x, 8x, etc, depending on how much you want to speed up.

tap the Speed button

  • Save the file and use it the way you want.

Slow down your time-lapse video

As the speed at which your time-lapse moves increases, so does the amount of motion blur. This can make for an undesirable look, especially in shots where there is already a lot of movement.

The best way to avoid this is to slow down your time-lapse as much as possible while still maintaining an interesting level of movement within your shot.

You can slow down your time-lapse video in Filmora following the same process as you’d do for speeding-up the video (Explained above). However, there’s only one catch; instead of opting for the Fast option choose Slow when you’re at step 4.


Hopefully, this guide has provided a good knowledge of how to put together your own time lapse video – and how to edit it on iPhone and Wondershare Filmora. It’s easier than you may think, and the resulting videos are quite impressive.

Take your time with it, record your movies from different angles, and don’t be afraid to create something unique and experimental.

Try It Free Try It Free

Try It Free Try It Free

Do you want to edit a time lapse video on an iPhone or want to know how to shoot a time-lapse video? If so, you’ve come to the right place.

Time-lapses, which show how much something changes over a period of time are some of the coolest videos you can make.

They aren’t exactly easy to make and edit at first, but we’ve put together this guide to take you through the steps. We’ll give you a few time lapse video ideas, steps to shoot them, and good practices for managing your footage after you’ve shot it.

Let’s get started.

What Is A Time Lapse Video?

In its simplest definition, a time lapse video is a cinematography technique where the frequency at which film frames are captured (the frame rate) is much lower than that used to view the sequence.

When played at normal speed, time appears to be moving faster and thus lapsing. For example, an image of a scene may be captured once every second, then played back at 30 frames per second; the result is an apparent 30 times speed increase.

Time-lapse photography can be considered to be the opposite of slow motion.

How to Shoot A Time-Lapse Video?

Subjects to shoot in a time-lapse video

Wondering what can be shot in a time-lapse video? The answer is any subject that moves, grows, decays, or changes. But what’s more important than the subject is the motion and change that it goes through.

When shooting a time-lapse video, you are composing not only the shot but also the movement of the subject. If a subject doesn’t move or change throughout your film, then it is just a regular video. So try to think of subjects that are constantly moving or changing.

Time-Lapse videos are visually appealing and easy to make. When it comes to subjects that can be chosen to shoot in a time-lapse video, the possibilities are endless. But if you’re stuck for ideas, here are 10 suggestions to get you started:

1. Sunset/Sunrise

These are quite possibly the most common subjects for timelapse videos, but there’s a reason for it! Watching the sun go up and down is always mesmerizing.

2. Clouds

Clouds move very slowly most of the time, making them perfect for time-lapse sequences. You can shoot a single cloud passing overhead, or record a passing storm front as it sweeps across the sky. Depending on the weather conditions and movement of clouds, this can look stunning or simply spectacular!

3. Starry sky

Probably one of the most fascinating time lapse videos is the ones with stars on the move. Time-lapses that capture the Milky Way or starry sky are becoming increasingly popular as camera technology improves. There are even some cameras now that have built-in settings specifically for capturing stars and other celestial bodies.

4. Flowers

Flowers blooming is another fantastic subject for time-lapse photography. The change can be incredibly subtle; however, if you shoot a timelapse over several days or weeks, you will be amazed at just how much they grow and change!

5. Season changing

The most obvious example is trees budding and shedding leaves, but all sorts of plants and animals follow seasonal cycles. You can see flowers blooming, grasses growing, and migrating birds. Even if you don’t have a chance to go somewhere exotic for your subject matter, you can find something interesting right outside your own door.

6. Cars or Pedestrians

If you want something a little more exciting then you can choose things like cars passing by or people walking on the street.

7. Cooking dinner

Got a recipe for dinner that has lots of steps? Rather than just snap photos of the process, why not make a time-lapse video instead? It’s easy and fun to do, especially if you have kids who can help you out!

8. DIY projects

Are you building something? Whether it’s a new table, shelves, or whatever else, set up your camera and take photos as you go along in a time lapse mode and you’ll get a fun time lapse video. It works well to show people how it all came together.

9. Construction work in progress

If you’re watching construction work being done on your property or nearby, consider recording its time lapse video. It’s hard to imagine the amount of resources it takes to construct an office building or skyscraper before it’s finished. Time-lapse videos have helped reveal just how much work goes into something like that.

10. A fun art project

Capturing a time lapse video of an art project can make a mesmerizing video. Whether it’s you or someone else doing the artwork, always capture its time lapse video to show to others what goes into completing an art project. All you need to do is to set your camera up on a tripod aimed at the canvas and capture one or two frames per second to get an excellent time lapse video.

Steps to shoot a time-lapse video

Time-lapse videography is something that most photographers and videographers are familiar with. But, shooting a time-lapse video needs more than setting the camera on a tripod and waiting for it to shoot for several hours.

The amazing thing about time-lapse videos is that they can be shot using your smartphone. There are apps and built-in camera settings to capture time lapse videos with just a click of the button.

If you want to create a time-lapse video that is high quality, you have to use professional cameras, and learn some important steps.

1. Decide on a subject

The movement of clouds, a sunrise or sunset, waves crashing at the beach, cars coming and going in your parking lot, people walking around your office building — all of these subjects can yield great time-lapse sequences.

2. Find a place to set up your camera on tripod

While recording a time-lapse video, it’s important to keep the camera as stable as possible. It ensures a smooth video, making it visually appealing and easy to edit post-shooting. Typically, a tripod is needed for stable recording. If you are not using a tripod, find something steady and level to set it upon.

Important tip: Shoot only with manual settings. You don’t want the camera to adjust for you; rather, you should adjust the camera settings so that it takes optimal pictures. Even if you use auto mode, make sure you take control of the camera and push it to its limits to get great shots.

3. Set the camera focus

Use either autofocus or manual focus to make sure the camera is focused on what you want to be the main subject of the video.

4. Set your exposure settings

Depending on how much the light is going to change over time, you may want to use aperture priority or shutter priority so that the camera will automatically adjust for changes in light. Or, if you know exactly how much light will be changing over time, you could set all exposure settings manually.

5. Calculate how many frames and shots are needed

For example, if you are shooting at 10 frames per second and want a total of 30 seconds of video at 24 fps (which is standard), you will need 720 frames/photos (30 seconds x 24 fps = 720 frames).

6. Import and stitch together

Once you’ve captured the images, import them into a video editing software, stitch them together, and perform necessary editing.

How to Edit The Time Lapse on iPhone?

Now that you’ve recorded a time-lapse video, you might watch it and think it’s slower or faster than you want it to be. Fortunately, you can speed up and slow down the time lapse video on iPhone using iMovie.

Let’s see how to slow down time lapse on iPhone iMovie.

1. Speed up The Time Lapse on iPhone

So you’ve taken a time lapse video on your iPhone and now you’re trying to get it to speed up in iMovie but it looks a little jumpy or there is too much footage. Here’s how to do it in iMovie for iOS.

  • Launch iMovie on your iPhone and start a new project to speed up the captured time-lapse video.
  • Now, tap the plus sign visible at the start of the Projects screen, then select Movie.

tap the plus button

  • From the next window, find and select the recorded time-lapse video you want to speed up.

tap Movie in the New Project window

  • Tap Create Movie button at the center-bottom of the screen.

tap Create Movie at the bottom

  • Now move the playhead to the start of the timeline and tap to select the video. At this point, you’ll see the timeline highlighted in yellow color.
  • Look at the bottom of the screen and you’ll find the Speed icon. Tap the Speed icon and a sliding bar will appear with tortoise on its left side and hare on the right side.

tap the Speed icon

  • To speed up the time-lapse video, move the slider to the right side and you’ll see the duration of the video reduced, indicating time-lapse video has been sped up.

Move the slider forward to increase speed

  • Now click the Play button to preview and then tap Done.

Once you’ve increased the speed of time-lapse video, you can share it and post it where you want.

2. Slow Down The Time Lapse on iPhone

Just like you can speed up the time-lapse video on an iPhone, iMovie lets you slow down the time-lapse video.

Here’s how you can do it:

  • Launch iMovie on your iPhone and start a new project to speed up the captured time-lapse video.
  • Now, tap the plus sign visible at the start of the Projects screen, then select Movie.

tap the plus button in the Projects screen

  • From the next window, find and select your recorded time-lapse video you want to speed up.

Select Movie in the New Project screen

  • Tap Create Movie button at the center-bottom of the screen.

tap Create Movie

  • Now move the playhead to the start of the timeline and tap to select the video. At this point, you’ll see the timeline highlighted in yellow color.
  • Look at the bottom of the screen and you’ll find the Speed icon. Tap the Speed icon and a sliding bar will appear with tortoise on its left side and hare on the right side.

tap the Speed icon

  • To slow down the time-lapse video, move the slider to the left side and you’ll see the duration of the video increased, indicating time-lapse video has been slowed down.

Move the slider backward to slow down

  • Now click the Play button to preview and then tap Done.

Advanced Software: Edit A Time Lapse Video in Wondershare Filmora

If you have professionally captured RAW images of the time-lapse video, you need to use advanced software to stitch them together. That’s where Wondershare Filmora comes into play.

Wondershare Filmore is a professional video editing software with a wide variety of basic to advanced-level editing tools. It allows for turning RAW videos into fun, engaging, and professional videos.

If you need to refine your time-lapse video, you can use it and benefit from its capabilities. Similarly, you can use it to speed up or slow down your time-lapse video.

Let’s see how you can do both with Filmora.

Speed up your time-lapse video

Why speed up a time-lapse in the first place? There are a couple of reasons you might want to speed up your time-lapse.

When shooting with a fast lens, you might want to dial down the shutter speed to achieve more motion blur, to make the scenes more interesting. However, doing so can also create motion blur on time-lapse footage when sped up.

Another reason you might want to speed up your time-lapse is when you have too many frames. When you shoot at low frame rate (e.g. 15 FPS), not everyone will experience the same viewing quality if they don’t have high frame rate monitors. Speeding up the footage is one way to reduce the number of frames without compromising the quality of your video.

Follow these steps to speed up the time-lapse video using Filmora:

  • Download and install Wondershare Filmora on your computer.
  • Launch Filmora and click the New project button to open the video editor or drag and drop the file directly.

tap the New Project button and open the Video Editor

  • Once imported, drag the file to the timeline.

drag the media file to the timeline

  • Click the Speed icon and select the Fast option. Select 2x, 4x, 8x, etc, depending on how much you want to speed up.

tap the Speed button

  • Save the file and use it the way you want.

Slow down your time-lapse video

As the speed at which your time-lapse moves increases, so does the amount of motion blur. This can make for an undesirable look, especially in shots where there is already a lot of movement.

The best way to avoid this is to slow down your time-lapse as much as possible while still maintaining an interesting level of movement within your shot.

You can slow down your time-lapse video in Filmora following the same process as you’d do for speeding-up the video (Explained above). However, there’s only one catch; instead of opting for the Fast option choose Slow when you’re at step 4.


Hopefully, this guide has provided a good knowledge of how to put together your own time lapse video – and how to edit it on iPhone and Wondershare Filmora. It’s easier than you may think, and the resulting videos are quite impressive.

Take your time with it, record your movies from different angles, and don’t be afraid to create something unique and experimental.

Try It Free Try It Free

Try It Free Try It Free

Do you want to edit a time lapse video on an iPhone or want to know how to shoot a time-lapse video? If so, you’ve come to the right place.

Time-lapses, which show how much something changes over a period of time are some of the coolest videos you can make.

They aren’t exactly easy to make and edit at first, but we’ve put together this guide to take you through the steps. We’ll give you a few time lapse video ideas, steps to shoot them, and good practices for managing your footage after you’ve shot it.

Let’s get started.

What Is A Time Lapse Video?

In its simplest definition, a time lapse video is a cinematography technique where the frequency at which film frames are captured (the frame rate) is much lower than that used to view the sequence.

When played at normal speed, time appears to be moving faster and thus lapsing. For example, an image of a scene may be captured once every second, then played back at 30 frames per second; the result is an apparent 30 times speed increase.

Time-lapse photography can be considered to be the opposite of slow motion.

How to Shoot A Time-Lapse Video?

Subjects to shoot in a time-lapse video

Wondering what can be shot in a time-lapse video? The answer is any subject that moves, grows, decays, or changes. But what’s more important than the subject is the motion and change that it goes through.

When shooting a time-lapse video, you are composing not only the shot but also the movement of the subject. If a subject doesn’t move or change throughout your film, then it is just a regular video. So try to think of subjects that are constantly moving or changing.

Time-Lapse videos are visually appealing and easy to make. When it comes to subjects that can be chosen to shoot in a time-lapse video, the possibilities are endless. But if you’re stuck for ideas, here are 10 suggestions to get you started:

1. Sunset/Sunrise

These are quite possibly the most common subjects for timelapse videos, but there’s a reason for it! Watching the sun go up and down is always mesmerizing.

2. Clouds

Clouds move very slowly most of the time, making them perfect for time-lapse sequences. You can shoot a single cloud passing overhead, or record a passing storm front as it sweeps across the sky. Depending on the weather conditions and movement of clouds, this can look stunning or simply spectacular!

3. Starry sky

Probably one of the most fascinating time lapse videos is the ones with stars on the move. Time-lapses that capture the Milky Way or starry sky are becoming increasingly popular as camera technology improves. There are even some cameras now that have built-in settings specifically for capturing stars and other celestial bodies.

4. Flowers

Flowers blooming is another fantastic subject for time-lapse photography. The change can be incredibly subtle; however, if you shoot a timelapse over several days or weeks, you will be amazed at just how much they grow and change!

5. Season changing

The most obvious example is trees budding and shedding leaves, but all sorts of plants and animals follow seasonal cycles. You can see flowers blooming, grasses growing, and migrating birds. Even if you don’t have a chance to go somewhere exotic for your subject matter, you can find something interesting right outside your own door.

6. Cars or Pedestrians

If you want something a little more exciting then you can choose things like cars passing by or people walking on the street.

7. Cooking dinner

Got a recipe for dinner that has lots of steps? Rather than just snap photos of the process, why not make a time-lapse video instead? It’s easy and fun to do, especially if you have kids who can help you out!

8. DIY projects

Are you building something? Whether it’s a new table, shelves, or whatever else, set up your camera and take photos as you go along in a time lapse mode and you’ll get a fun time lapse video. It works well to show people how it all came together.

9. Construction work in progress

If you’re watching construction work being done on your property or nearby, consider recording its time lapse video. It’s hard to imagine the amount of resources it takes to construct an office building or skyscraper before it’s finished. Time-lapse videos have helped reveal just how much work goes into something like that.

10. A fun art project

Capturing a time lapse video of an art project can make a mesmerizing video. Whether it’s you or someone else doing the artwork, always capture its time lapse video to show to others what goes into completing an art project. All you need to do is to set your camera up on a tripod aimed at the canvas and capture one or two frames per second to get an excellent time lapse video.

Steps to shoot a time-lapse video

Time-lapse videography is something that most photographers and videographers are familiar with. But, shooting a time-lapse video needs more than setting the camera on a tripod and waiting for it to shoot for several hours.

The amazing thing about time-lapse videos is that they can be shot using your smartphone. There are apps and built-in camera settings to capture time lapse videos with just a click of the button.

If you want to create a time-lapse video that is high quality, you have to use professional cameras, and learn some important steps.

1. Decide on a subject

The movement of clouds, a sunrise or sunset, waves crashing at the beach, cars coming and going in your parking lot, people walking around your office building — all of these subjects can yield great time-lapse sequences.

2. Find a place to set up your camera on tripod

While recording a time-lapse video, it’s important to keep the camera as stable as possible. It ensures a smooth video, making it visually appealing and easy to edit post-shooting. Typically, a tripod is needed for stable recording. If you are not using a tripod, find something steady and level to set it upon.

Important tip: Shoot only with manual settings. You don’t want the camera to adjust for you; rather, you should adjust the camera settings so that it takes optimal pictures. Even if you use auto mode, make sure you take control of the camera and push it to its limits to get great shots.

3. Set the camera focus

Use either autofocus or manual focus to make sure the camera is focused on what you want to be the main subject of the video.

4. Set your exposure settings

Depending on how much the light is going to change over time, you may want to use aperture priority or shutter priority so that the camera will automatically adjust for changes in light. Or, if you know exactly how much light will be changing over time, you could set all exposure settings manually.

5. Calculate how many frames and shots are needed

For example, if you are shooting at 10 frames per second and want a total of 30 seconds of video at 24 fps (which is standard), you will need 720 frames/photos (30 seconds x 24 fps = 720 frames).

6. Import and stitch together

Once you’ve captured the images, import them into a video editing software, stitch them together, and perform necessary editing.

How to Edit The Time Lapse on iPhone?

Now that you’ve recorded a time-lapse video, you might watch it and think it’s slower or faster than you want it to be. Fortunately, you can speed up and slow down the time lapse video on iPhone using iMovie.

Let’s see how to slow down time lapse on iPhone iMovie.

1. Speed up The Time Lapse on iPhone

So you’ve taken a time lapse video on your iPhone and now you’re trying to get it to speed up in iMovie but it looks a little jumpy or there is too much footage. Here’s how to do it in iMovie for iOS.

  • Launch iMovie on your iPhone and start a new project to speed up the captured time-lapse video.
  • Now, tap the plus sign visible at the start of the Projects screen, then select Movie.

tap the plus button

  • From the next window, find and select the recorded time-lapse video you want to speed up.

tap Movie in the New Project window

  • Tap Create Movie button at the center-bottom of the screen.

tap Create Movie at the bottom

  • Now move the playhead to the start of the timeline and tap to select the video. At this point, you’ll see the timeline highlighted in yellow color.
  • Look at the bottom of the screen and you’ll find the Speed icon. Tap the Speed icon and a sliding bar will appear with tortoise on its left side and hare on the right side.

tap the Speed icon

  • To speed up the time-lapse video, move the slider to the right side and you’ll see the duration of the video reduced, indicating time-lapse video has been sped up.

Move the slider forward to increase speed

  • Now click the Play button to preview and then tap Done.

Once you’ve increased the speed of time-lapse video, you can share it and post it where you want.

2. Slow Down The Time Lapse on iPhone

Just like you can speed up the time-lapse video on an iPhone, iMovie lets you slow down the time-lapse video.

Here’s how you can do it:

  • Launch iMovie on your iPhone and start a new project to speed up the captured time-lapse video.
  • Now, tap the plus sign visible at the start of the Projects screen, then select Movie.

tap the plus button in the Projects screen

  • From the next window, find and select your recorded time-lapse video you want to speed up.

Select Movie in the New Project screen

  • Tap Create Movie button at the center-bottom of the screen.

tap Create Movie

  • Now move the playhead to the start of the timeline and tap to select the video. At this point, you’ll see the timeline highlighted in yellow color.
  • Look at the bottom of the screen and you’ll find the Speed icon. Tap the Speed icon and a sliding bar will appear with tortoise on its left side and hare on the right side.

tap the Speed icon

  • To slow down the time-lapse video, move the slider to the left side and you’ll see the duration of the video increased, indicating time-lapse video has been slowed down.

Move the slider backward to slow down

  • Now click the Play button to preview and then tap Done.

Advanced Software: Edit A Time Lapse Video in Wondershare Filmora

If you have professionally captured RAW images of the time-lapse video, you need to use advanced software to stitch them together. That’s where Wondershare Filmora comes into play.

Wondershare Filmore is a professional video editing software with a wide variety of basic to advanced-level editing tools. It allows for turning RAW videos into fun, engaging, and professional videos.

If you need to refine your time-lapse video, you can use it and benefit from its capabilities. Similarly, you can use it to speed up or slow down your time-lapse video.

Let’s see how you can do both with Filmora.

Speed up your time-lapse video

Why speed up a time-lapse in the first place? There are a couple of reasons you might want to speed up your time-lapse.

When shooting with a fast lens, you might want to dial down the shutter speed to achieve more motion blur, to make the scenes more interesting. However, doing so can also create motion blur on time-lapse footage when sped up.

Another reason you might want to speed up your time-lapse is when you have too many frames. When you shoot at low frame rate (e.g. 15 FPS), not everyone will experience the same viewing quality if they don’t have high frame rate monitors. Speeding up the footage is one way to reduce the number of frames without compromising the quality of your video.

Follow these steps to speed up the time-lapse video using Filmora:

  • Download and install Wondershare Filmora on your computer.
  • Launch Filmora and click the New project button to open the video editor or drag and drop the file directly.

tap the New Project button and open the Video Editor

  • Once imported, drag the file to the timeline.

drag the media file to the timeline

  • Click the Speed icon and select the Fast option. Select 2x, 4x, 8x, etc, depending on how much you want to speed up.

tap the Speed button

  • Save the file and use it the way you want.

Slow down your time-lapse video

As the speed at which your time-lapse moves increases, so does the amount of motion blur. This can make for an undesirable look, especially in shots where there is already a lot of movement.

The best way to avoid this is to slow down your time-lapse as much as possible while still maintaining an interesting level of movement within your shot.

You can slow down your time-lapse video in Filmora following the same process as you’d do for speeding-up the video (Explained above). However, there’s only one catch; instead of opting for the Fast option choose Slow when you’re at step 4.


Hopefully, this guide has provided a good knowledge of how to put together your own time lapse video – and how to edit it on iPhone and Wondershare Filmora. It’s easier than you may think, and the resulting videos are quite impressive.

Take your time with it, record your movies from different angles, and don’t be afraid to create something unique and experimental.

Try It Free Try It Free

How to Loop Video in Canva

Looping a video is a great way to make your content stand out from the competition. The looped video will repeat the same section of the video, which gives it an eerie feeling like an old-timely music box. For example, if you are creating a series of videos about a product launch, you could use loops to create anticipation for when the product will be available.

You can use this feature on Canva to create an eye-catching looped video that you can use in your social media posts and ads. It is great if you need to use a video in your project, but don’t have time to do the editing. In this article, we’ll walk you through how to Loop a video on Canva.

Part 1: How to Loop Video in Canva

Canva is a great video editing tool that allows users to create stunning videos. It has a simple interface that makes it easy to use even for beginners. Looping a video is a great way to make your content more engaging. You can add a looping effect to any video, whether it’s yours or one you find online. Creating the looping video is super easy!

Canva is a great way to create custom designs for your business. It’s also a great way to make a video for your brand. The looping feature in Canva is a great way to create more engaging infographics. By using this feature, you can create a custom loop, which allows you to create an infographic that repeats itself in the same or different sizes.

Step 1: Create an account on Canva and select the video:

Log in to Canva and click on “Create a design”. Import your video into Canva. You can find the import button on the right side of the screen when you’re editing a new project or opening an existing project by clicking “Open.”, then click on the “Add Video” button. The new video will appear underneath your other assets.

create a design in canva

Step 2: Choose the “Present” option by clicking on Share:

Click on the drop-down arrow next to the title bar and select “Present” from the list of available options. Then you can select the feature of Present that how your video will appear in front of you or your audience.

select present in canva

Step 3: Loop your video by choosing the feature “Start auto play”:

A new window will pop up and allow you to customize where in your project this loop will be placed: by default, it will start at 0 seconds and play until it reaches 500 seconds; however, you can change this if needed!

start auto play in canva

Why should we need the Loop video in Canva?

If you’re looking for a way to make your video stand out from the crowd, then you’ve come to the right place! Here are three ways that you can use looping videos in Canva software to create a more compelling piece of content.

  • It adds more value to your content because viewers can watch it over and over again without having to do anything else.
  • It helps attract new viewers because they’ll feel compelled to watch the whole thing or at least take action after watching part of it (like clicking on a button).
  • It increases retention rates because people will remember something much better than just a static image or text string because there’s movement involved in each frame of the image.

Part 2: Alternative Way to Loop a Video

If you’re using a video editing software like Adobe Premiere or Final Cut Pro, it is likely that you have seen the generic technique of looping a video is by splitting it in two and pasting it together again. What if you need to put on repeat just one individual cut? This is where Filmora steps in! It is a handy tool for trimming and adding clips into your recordings.

The Filmora software can be used to quickly create continual sequences of any duration, irrespective of how long the footage is. It makes possible to synchronize sound and video clips, splice them into one another, and even add titles and motion graphics for a special effect. If you utilize Filmora, you do not need to be an expert in video editing to make professional-looking results. Let us explore why Filmora is necessary for video editing.

Filmora is a video editing software that allows you to make professional-looking videos from your footage. It has a loop feature that lets you create seamless loops where each clip in the sequence plays over and over until you stop it. This can be useful for creating music videos, for example, or for creating small clips that loop seamlessly through the whole video.

The loop feature in Filmora software is a great way to put your video editing skills to the test. It allows you to edit a clip of any length and then play it back over and over again, which can be useful when you’re looking for an ideal looping point or want to see how long a clip is before going back to find out why it didn’t work.

Let’s have a look that how can we loop the video on Filmora:

Step 1: Download Filmora for free and Create a project in it:

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Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Download the Filmora software from any browser. After installation opens the software and clicks on create a project. Just add a video in your timeline that you would like to loop. With the Loop tool, you can easily add titles and credits, as well as transitions and effects to your videos.

create a project in filmora

Step 2: Select the video and make copies of it:

Move the play head to the end of your clip and press right-click to copy the video then use CTRL + V to paste the clip and continue pasting as many copies as you want to create.

make copy of video filmora

Step 3: Add Transition to the video to make it more seamless

Lastly, If you want to make your loop more seamless then go to the Transitions tab and type dissolve in the search bar. Drag the dissolve transition between the two clips on the timeline. This can be useful when you want viewers to watch the video repeatedly.

loop video in filmora editor

Part 3: FAQs About Video Loop

1. Can you loop animation in Canva?

Yes, we can make loop animation in Canva. Looping animation in Canva software is not difficult, but it does require a little bit of practice. To loop animation in Canva, follow these steps:

  • Go to the Animation tab on the left side of the screen.
  • Click on the New Animation button in the top right corner of your screen.
  • Select the type of animation you want to create from the drop-down menu next to “Create New Animation From.” This will open up a window that allows you to select between several different options for how your animation will appear, choose one that appeals most to you!

2. How do I loop an mp4 video?

Looping the mp4 video is a fairly simple process. First, you need to import the video into your computer. The easiest way to do this is using the .mp4 files that come with your camera or phone. You can also use any other audio file or a preview of the video as an indicator of where you want to start and end your looping.

Once you have imported your video, you can begin looping it. To do this, click on the “play” button and wait until all the videos have been played. Then, click on one of the two buttons below. The bottom button will play one frame forward in time while the top button will play one frame backward in time.

3. How do I make Canva videos longer?

We’ve got a special function in Canva that lets you crop your video while making it longer. Here’s how:

  • Go to the video editor by clicking the cog icon on the top right of your screen.
  • Select “Crop Video” from the menu.
  • Choose how much footage you want to cut out and press “OK.”
  • You’re done! Your video is now cropped and longer than before!

Wondershare Filmora Easy Video Looper Software for PC and Mac Users.

Free Download Free Download Learn More


Looping video generates interest and emotion in the minds of viewers and it is a great tool. According to research, over 80% of internet users watch videos online to get information or because they want to gain knowledge. People’s attention span has diminished significantly, since the invention of gadgets and all these must-have devices. The video will seem like you are editing the video in real-time.

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Download the Filmora software from any browser. After installation opens the software and clicks on create a project. Just add a video in your timeline that you would like to loop. With the Loop tool, you can easily add titles and credits, as well as transitions and effects to your videos.

create a project in filmora

Step 2: Select the video and make copies of it:

Move the play head to the end of your clip and press right-click to copy the video then use CTRL + V to paste the clip and continue pasting as many copies as you want to create.

make copy of video filmora

Step 3: Add Transition to the video to make it more seamless

Lastly, If you want to make your loop more seamless then go to the Transitions tab and type dissolve in the search bar. Drag the dissolve transition between the two clips on the timeline. This can be useful when you want viewers to watch the video repeatedly.

loop video in filmora editor

Part 3: FAQs About Video Loop

1. Can you loop animation in Canva?

Yes, we can make loop animation in Canva. Looping animation in Canva software is not difficult, but it does require a little bit of practice. To loop animation in Canva, follow these steps:

  • Go to the Animation tab on the left side of the screen.
  • Click on the New Animation button in the top right corner of your screen.
  • Select the type of animation you want to create from the drop-down menu next to “Create New Animation From.” This will open up a window that allows you to select between several different options for how your animation will appear, choose one that appeals most to you!

2. How do I loop an mp4 video?

Looping the mp4 video is a fairly simple process. First, you need to import the video into your computer. The easiest way to do this is using the .mp4 files that come with your camera or phone. You can also use any other audio file or a preview of the video as an indicator of where you want to start and end your looping.

Once you have imported your video, you can begin looping it. To do this, click on the “play” button and wait until all the videos have been played. Then, click on one of the two buttons below. The bottom button will play one frame forward in time while the top button will play one frame backward in time.

3. How do I make Canva videos longer?

We’ve got a special function in Canva that lets you crop your video while making it longer. Here’s how:

  • Go to the video editor by clicking the cog icon on the top right of your screen.
  • Select “Crop Video” from the menu.
  • Choose how much footage you want to cut out and press “OK.”
  • You’re done! Your video is now cropped and longer than before!

Wondershare Filmora Easy Video Looper Software for PC and Mac Users.

Free Download Free Download Learn More


Looping video generates interest and emotion in the minds of viewers and it is a great tool. According to research, over 80% of internet users watch videos online to get information or because they want to gain knowledge. People’s attention span has diminished significantly, since the invention of gadgets and all these must-have devices. The video will seem like you are editing the video in real-time.

Mastering FFmpeg: How to Merge Audio and Video with Ease

Welcome to the world of video production! Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced video creator, one of the most important skills to master is merging audio and video seamlessly. In this article, we’ll focus on FFmpeg, a powerful command-line tool that can help you easily merge audio and video.

FFmpeg is open-source software that allows you to convert, edit, and stream multimedia files. It’s widely used by professionals and enthusiasts and has many capabilities, including merging audio and video files. This guide will walk you through merging audio and video using FFmpeg. So, whether you’re creating a YouTube video, a podcast, or a movie, you’ll have the skills to make it sound and look great.

merge audio and video with ffmpeg


Are you ready to master the art of merging audio and video? Then let’s dive into the world of FFmpeg, a powerful and versatile tool that can help you achieve professional results.

With FFmpeg, you can record, convert, and stream audio and video files in any format, making it a complete and cross-platform solution. It’s also a great tool for decoding, encoding, transcoding, muxing, demuxing, streaming, filtering, and playing any media type.

But before we start merging video files using FFmpeg, it’s important to understand the basics of container formats and video codecs. These are the building blocks of your videos, and the specific types you’re working with will determine the method you’ll use to merge them. So, buckle up, and let’s get started!

How To Combine Video With Two Audio Using FFmpeg

Are you looking to add multiple audio tracks to your video? With FFmpeg, you can easily combine video with two audio streams. Whether creating a foreign-language version of your video or adding an alternate audio track, this method will help you achieve professional results. This section will guide you through combining video with two audio streams using FFmpeg’s command-line interface. So, let’s get started!

Mixing Two Audios Into a Video

Combining multiple audio tracks into one video can be done easily with FFmpeg’s command-line interface. In this example, we will combine two audio tracks into one video so that the voiceover will play over the background music. Here’s the step-by-step process:

Step1 Open your command prompt or terminal and navigate to the directory where your video and audio files are located.

Step2 Replacevideo1.mp4“ and “audio1.mp3“ with the names of your actual video and audio files.

ffmpeg \

-i video1.mp4 -i audio1.mp3 \

Step3 The -c:v copy flag tells FFmpeg to copy the video stream from the source file without re-encoding it. This helps to speed up the process and avoid quality loss.

-c:v copy \

-filter_complex “ \

Step4 The command “amix=inputs=2:duration=longest“ tells amix to accept 2 inputs (0:a and 1:a) and combine them into an output stream called audio_out, with the duration of the longest input.

[0:a][1:a] amix=inputs=2:duration=longest [audio_out] \

Step5 Map the video stream (0:v) and the mixed audio stream (audio_out) into the final output video.

-map 0:v -map “[audio_out]“ \

Step6 The -y flag tells FFmpeg to overwrite the output file if it already exists.

-y output.mp4

Once complete, you’ll find the newly created video file with the mixed audio in the specified output location.

Mixing Two Audios Into a Video Adjusting Volume

We will be taking a step further and show you how to merge two audio tracks into a video while adjusting the volume of one of the audio tracks. This can be useful when you want to emphasize one audio track over the other, for example, to make the voiceover more prominent in a video.

And here’s the step-by-step process:

Step1 Start the command by specifying the input files.

ffmpeg \

-i video1.mp4 -i audio1.mp3 \

Step2 Use the filter_complex option to specify a filter graph.

-filter_complex “ \

[0:a] volume=0.5 [music];

Step3 Use the amix filter to take the “music“ stream and audio1.mp3 and mix them.

[music][1:a] amix=inputs=2:duration=longest [audio_out] \

“ \

Step4 Use the map option to specify which streams from the input files should be included in the output file.

-map 0:v -map “[audio_out]“ \

Step5 Specify the output file name as “output.mp4“ and the -y flag to overwrite the output file without asking for confirmation if it already exists.

-y output.mp4

Mixing Two Audios Into a Video With Delay

When creating videos, sometimes the audio needs to be synced with the video, or you want to add a delay to the audio track. Here’s how to add delay to an audio track using FFmpeg.

Step1 Use the adelay filter to add delay to the audio track.

[1:a] adelay=2100|2100 [voice];

Step2 Mix the delayed audio track with the original audio track

[0:a][voice] amix=inputs=2:duration=longest [audio_out]

Step3 Map the video and audio tracks to the output file

-map 0:v -map “[audio_out]“

Step4 Use the -y flag to overwrite the output file

-y output.mp4

The final command would look like this:

ffmpeg \

-i video1.mp4 -i audio1.mp3 \

-filter_complex “ \

[1:a] adelay=2100|2100 [voice]; \

[0:a][voice] amix=inputs=2:duration=longest [audio_out] \

“ \

-map 0:v -map “[audio_out]“ \

-y output.mp4

This command will delay the audio track by 2100 milliseconds and then mix it with the original audio track, resulting in a new video file with the delayed audio.

It May Interest You - Merge Audio and Video Files With Filmora

While FFmpeg is a powerful tool for merging audio and video files, its learning curve can be steep for some users. If you’re looking for an easier option, you may consider using video editing software like Filmora.

What Is Filmora?

Wondershare Filmora is a video editing software that allows users to create professional-looking videos easily. It offers a user-friendly interface, making it an excellent option for those needing a more extensive video editing experience.

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

This software offers an intuitive interface and a wide range of features that make it easy to merge audio and video files, even for beginners. In addition, Filmora provides various options for editing and enhancing the audio and video files, giving you more control over the final output. Filmora is a great alternative to FFmpeg for those who want to merge audio and video files quickly and easily.

How To Combine Audio and Video Files Using Filmora

Filmora is a user-friendly video editing software that allows you to easily combine audio and video files to create a polished and professional final product. So here’s the step-by-step process of combining audio and video files using Filmora.

Step1 Import audio and video files into Filmora using drag-and-drop or the “Import Media“ button.

filmora import media

Step2 Place the media files in the timeline and align the video with the audio.

filmora align media

Step3 Replace the original audio by right-clicking the video, selectingDetach Audio,” deleting the original audio, and replacing it with new audio.

filmora detach audio

Step4 Export the final video by selecting a format and clickingExport,” or publish directly to YouTube or burn to DVD.

filmora export video

People Also Ask

Here are some frequently asked questions regarding the merging function of FFmpeg and other related topics:

Q1. How To Merge Image and Video in FFmpeg?

To merge an image and a video using FFmpeg, first, use the -loop option on the image to loop it for the duration of the video, then use the overlay filter to overlay the image on the video. The command would look like this:

ffmpeg -i video.mp4 -i image.jpg -filter_complex “[0:v][1:v] overlay=0:0” -pix_fmt yuv420p -c:a copy output.mp4

This command takes the input video and image, applies the overlay filter to overlay the image on the video starting at the top left corner (0:0), and outputs the result to output.mp4. The -pix_fmt yuv420p and -c:a copy options ensure compatibility with most devices.

Q2. Can I Merge 2 MP4 Files Into 1?

Yes, you can merge two MP4 files into one using Filmora. To do this, follow these steps:

Step1 Open Filmora and import the video files

Step2 Drag the videos to the timeline

Step3 Align the second video with the first without leaving any gaps

Step4 ClickExport“ and select desired settings

Step5 ClickExport“ again to save the combined video on your computer.

Q3. How Can I Merge the Video and Subtitle?

To merge video and subtitle in Filmora, follow these steps:

Step1 Open Filmora and import your SRT subtitle file.

Step2 Place the SRT file on the timeline and right-click on it. Select “Advanced Edit“ from the options.

Step3 Adjust the subtitle’s time code, text, color, font, and other settings. When finished, chooseExport Subtitle file“ to save the changes.

Still want to learn more tricks about adding subtitles to your video? Check out the video below:


Using FFmpeg and Filmora, you can easily combine video with audio, merge multiple video files, and add subtitles to your videos. Both tools offer different features and learning curves, so it’s important to understand what you need before choosing one. Filmora is a great option for beginners and those who want a user-friendly interface, while FFmpeg is a powerful command-line tool for advanced users.

  • -i INPUT_FILE.mp4“ flag specifies INPUT_FILE.mp4 as the input source.
  • -i AUDIO.wav,” tells FFmpeg to take AUDIO.wav as an input source.
  • The “-c:v copy“ flag is a short form of “-codec:v copy,” which means to copy the video stream from the source files to the destination file.
  • The “-c:a aac“ flag means selecting all the audio streams from the source files and then encoding them with the AAC encoder.
  • mp4“ specifies the name of the output file.

Step3 In case you don’t want any audio conversion, drop the aac part in the command and replace it with copy; the command would look like this:

ffmpeg -i INPUT_FILE.mp4 -i AUDIO.aac -c:v copy -c:a copy OUTPUT_FILE.mp4


How To Combine Video With Two Audio Using FFmpeg

Are you looking to add multiple audio tracks to your video? With FFmpeg, you can easily combine video with two audio streams. Whether creating a foreign-language version of your video or adding an alternate audio track, this method will help you achieve professional results. This section will guide you through combining video with two audio streams using FFmpeg’s command-line interface. So, let’s get started!

Mixing Two Audios Into a Video

Combining multiple audio tracks into one video can be done easily with FFmpeg’s command-line interface. In this example, we will combine two audio tracks into one video so that the voiceover will play over the background music. Here’s the step-by-step process:

Step1 Open your command prompt or terminal and navigate to the directory where your video and audio files are located.

Step2 Replacevideo1.mp4“ and “audio1.mp3“ with the names of your actual video and audio files.

ffmpeg \

-i video1.mp4 -i audio1.mp3 \

Step3 The -c:v copy flag tells FFmpeg to copy the video stream from the source file without re-encoding it. This helps to speed up the process and avoid quality loss.

-c:v copy \

-filter_complex “ \

Step4 The command “amix=inputs=2:duration=longest“ tells amix to accept 2 inputs (0:a and 1:a) and combine them into an output stream called audio_out, with the duration of the longest input.

[0:a][1:a] amix=inputs=2:duration=longest [audio_out] \

Step5 Map the video stream (0:v) and the mixed audio stream (audio_out) into the final output video.

-map 0:v -map “[audio_out]“ \

Step6 The -y flag tells FFmpeg to overwrite the output file if it already exists.

-y output.mp4

Once complete, you’ll find the newly created video file with the mixed audio in the specified output location.

Mixing Two Audios Into a Video Adjusting Volume

We will be taking a step further and show you how to merge two audio tracks into a video while adjusting the volume of one of the audio tracks. This can be useful when you want to emphasize one audio track over the other, for example, to make the voiceover more prominent in a video.

And here’s the step-by-step process:

Step1 Start the command by specifying the input files.

ffmpeg \

-i video1.mp4 -i audio1.mp3 \

Step2 Use the filter_complex option to specify a filter graph.

-filter_complex “ \

[0:a] volume=0.5 [music];

Step3 Use the amix filter to take the “music“ stream and audio1.mp3 and mix them.

[music][1:a] amix=inputs=2:duration=longest [audio_out] \

“ \

Step4 Use the map option to specify which streams from the input files should be included in the output file.

-map 0:v -map “[audio_out]“ \

Step5 Specify the output file name as “output.mp4“ and the -y flag to overwrite the output file without asking for confirmation if it already exists.

-y output.mp4

Mixing Two Audios Into a Video With Delay

When creating videos, sometimes the audio needs to be synced with the video, or you want to add a delay to the audio track. Here’s how to add delay to an audio track using FFmpeg.

Step1 Use the adelay filter to add delay to the audio track.

[1:a] adelay=2100|2100 [voice];

Step2 Mix the delayed audio track with the original audio track

[0:a][voice] amix=inputs=2:duration=longest [audio_out]

Step3 Map the video and audio tracks to the output file

-map 0:v -map “[audio_out]“

Step4 Use the -y flag to overwrite the output file

-y output.mp4

The final command would look like this:

ffmpeg \

-i video1.mp4 -i audio1.mp3 \

-filter_complex “ \

[1:a] adelay=2100|2100 [voice]; \

[0:a][voice] amix=inputs=2:duration=longest [audio_out] \

“ \

-map 0:v -map “[audio_out]“ \

-y output.mp4

This command will delay the audio track by 2100 milliseconds and then mix it with the original audio track, resulting in a new video file with the delayed audio.

It May Interest You - Merge Audio and Video Files With Filmora

While FFmpeg is a powerful tool for merging audio and video files, its learning curve can be steep for some users. If you’re looking for an easier option, you may consider using video editing software like Filmora.

What Is Filmora?

Wondershare Filmora is a video editing software that allows users to create professional-looking videos easily. It offers a user-friendly interface, making it an excellent option for those needing a more extensive video editing experience.

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

This software offers an intuitive interface and a wide range of features that make it easy to merge audio and video files, even for beginners. In addition, Filmora provides various options for editing and enhancing the audio and video files, giving you more control over the final output. Filmora is a great alternative to FFmpeg for those who want to merge audio and video files quickly and easily.

How To Combine Audio and Video Files Using Filmora

Filmora is a user-friendly video editing software that allows you to easily combine audio and video files to create a polished and professional final product. So here’s the step-by-step process of combining audio and video files using Filmora.

Step1 Import audio and video files into Filmora using drag-and-drop or the “Import Media“ button.

filmora import media

Step2 Place the media files in the timeline and align the video with the audio.

filmora align media

Step3 Replace the original audio by right-clicking the video, selectingDetach Audio,” deleting the original audio, and replacing it with new audio.

filmora detach audio

Step4 Export the final video by selecting a format and clickingExport,” or publish directly to YouTube or burn to DVD.

filmora export video

People Also Ask

Here are some frequently asked questions regarding the merging function of FFmpeg and other related topics:

Q1. How To Merge Image and Video in FFmpeg?

To merge an image and a video using FFmpeg, first, use the -loop option on the image to loop it for the duration of the video, then use the overlay filter to overlay the image on the video. The command would look like this:

ffmpeg -i video.mp4 -i image.jpg -filter_complex “[0:v][1:v] overlay=0:0” -pix_fmt yuv420p -c:a copy output.mp4

This command takes the input video and image, applies the overlay filter to overlay the image on the video starting at the top left corner (0:0), and outputs the result to output.mp4. The -pix_fmt yuv420p and -c:a copy options ensure compatibility with most devices.

Q2. Can I Merge 2 MP4 Files Into 1?

Yes, you can merge two MP4 files into one using Filmora. To do this, follow these steps:

Step1 Open Filmora and import the video files

Step2 Drag the videos to the timeline

Step3 Align the second video with the first without leaving any gaps

Step4 ClickExport“ and select desired settings

Step5 ClickExport“ again to save the combined video on your computer.

Q3. How Can I Merge the Video and Subtitle?

To merge video and subtitle in Filmora, follow these steps:

Step1 Open Filmora and import your SRT subtitle file.

Step2 Place the SRT file on the timeline and right-click on it. Select “Advanced Edit“ from the options.

Step3 Adjust the subtitle’s time code, text, color, font, and other settings. When finished, chooseExport Subtitle file“ to save the changes.

Still want to learn more tricks about adding subtitles to your video? Check out the video below:


Using FFmpeg and Filmora, you can easily combine video with audio, merge multiple video files, and add subtitles to your videos. Both tools offer different features and learning curves, so it’s important to understand what you need before choosing one. Filmora is a great option for beginners and those who want a user-friendly interface, while FFmpeg is a powerful command-line tool for advanced users.

How to Make A Fantastic Café Vlog

Cafes are believed to be an inclusive part of a society that interconnects people with each other. As it is considered a spot for long sittings, café vlogs are considered relatively common among such individuals.

With some specialty in the menu for specials, a café vlog can be helpful in pointing out the greatness in this individual. This article will portray how to make a perfect café vlog without putting yourself in difficulty.

In this article

01 What Does an Attractive Café Vlog Look Like?

02 Inspiration for Creating a Café Vlog

03 How to Make a Café Vlog?

04 5 Most Popular Café Vlog on YouTube

Part 1: What Does an Attractive Café Vlog Look Like?

A perfect café vlog needs to have the traits that would make it be accounted as one attractive piece of work. This, however, does not always depend on the elements used across developing a vlog. It can also vary in the form of any particular announcement of operation, which lets it become creative and attractive in the eyes of other users. To make your café vlogs look attractive like this, you need to:

ideas for café vlog

Follow the Theme of the Café

Your café vlog should be highly relevant to the theme of your café. Everything represented should be done under professional terms and would reflect a similar idea. This would bring up the attention of the fans of such themes, leading towards a better attractive viewership.

Highlights the Reality

People do believe that “Everything that glitters is not gold!” You should realize that the selection of content and the extent of highlighting it will present an attractive image of the café if presented perfectly.

Perfect Deals to Associate With

To make your vlogs exciting and interesting, it is considered to be perfect that the vlog should mainly give some special discount to enjoy from. These deals and discounts can bring and allure more viewers into the vlog.

Set up Competitions

Rewarding customers for being part of a greater cause is a perfect way of attracting viewers into watching your content. Café vlogs should be induced with such competitions that show the brighter side of the picture and show what brings greater loads of people into the abode.

Themed Campaigns

It is considered that the best thing to follow a professional way of interacting with such platforms is through themed campaigns. Any idea or belief backed with the platform set across the café will help the vlog target the region to the fullest.

Part 2: Inspiration for Creating a Café Vlog

How to make the perfect café vlog? This question can be covered coherently with an answer that would provoke you into making one yourself. This part shall provide some inspirations that need recognition for creating a café vlog to perfection.

Set Yourselves As a Brand

Before you put yourself in as an inspiration to the people, it is essential to develop a brand that would showcase its idea. An identity that helps people recognize the vlog; branding is believed to be the sole settlement of any particular motive that is started on different levels.

A Good Gear Is Equal to Good Video

Without a doubt, good gear would help a creator build a unique system for recording a café vlog. Rather than recording it from a primary mobile phone, a vlog is recorded with the best tools in mind, which initiate from the vlogging cameras. You need to be quite selective with your gear and select the best ones available in the market for the least possible price.

If something new is being covered across cafes and is observed across other videos, you should realize the importance of adopting such trends on a bigger scale. Café vlogs should definitely follow a particular trend that would increase the presence of users within the premises of the café.

Using Good Elements

Once you are done recording the café vlog, the next step towards vlog excellency is how the user has edited it. If the elements used across the vlogs are catchy and attractive to watch, it will induce an increased number of views across the vlog too.

Part 3: How to Make a Café Vlog?

If you are making a café vlog for your channel, you need to figure out the editing tool that would assist your work to perfection. This editing environment is presented by Wondershare Filmora , a tool that combines uniqueness with ease of use. Along with presenting such an expressive environment, Filmora is quite effective in editing a vlog perfectly. To understand the process, look into the steps as shown below:

Step 1: Import Café Vlog Video

Launch Wondershare Filmora on your device and click on “New Project” to start a new project across the platform. Access the “Media Tab” and import the video you’ve recorded on your camera to start editing by clicking on the “Arrow Head” icon.

import your video file

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

Step 2: Make Changes in Videos

Once you’ve added the video, drag it across the timeline to start editing. You can find the tabs of “Effects,” “Transitions,” and “Elements” that you can add within the vlog to make it more entertaining and attractive. The use of effects, filters, and transitions is believed to be catchy for the viewer’s eye. Along with that, you can include different stickers and emojis to bring the video to life with exceptional elements.

use filmora effects transitions or elements

Step 3: Add & Edit Audio

You can also add catchy audio effects to your vlog by clicking on the “Audio” tab of the Filmora. In this tab, you can get the audio effect of all categories and can also access the premium audio effects of Filmstock. For editing the video’s audio, you have to double-click on the audio track present on the timeline.

edit your video audio

Step 4: Export File

As you complete the editing across the platform, click on “Export” to open a new window. You can set up effective settings for your video before finalizing it and successfully rendering it across your device.

tap on export button

If you are out there searching for the popular café vlogs that have gained a lot of traction in society, this part will offer you a list of some popular options that you can view and get inspiration from.


Subscribers: 76K+

This individual has been around the corner for a while, where his love for coffee and barista has brought him into vlogging and sharing all ideas across social media. He has considered the use of different mediums for showcasing the idea of café and the elements that make up one.

realchrisbaca vlogger


Subscribers: 307K+

A cafe vlog known for its recipes, Coffictures has presented an exceptional set of recipes to its viewers across the vlogs and other videos it has posted. Being one of the most popular channels for baristas, they have included many café vlog for the sake of the user to enjoy their environment.

coffictures vlogger


Subscribers: 2.4M+

This Korean YouTuber works across her mother’s café and sets up café vlogs that outline everything that happens behind in a café. As many users are curious about the technical considerations, Zoe helps them figure out multiple things.

zoes cafe vlogger

European Coffee Trip

Subscribers: 212K+

As this presents a new narrative to café vlogs, The European Coffee Trip showcases different coffee used across different cafés. To provide users with cognitive information, this project aims to induce vlogs with subtle information.

european coffee trip vlogger


Subscribers: 549K+

This YouTuber has provided a quite different perspective of café vlogs to the viewers. With immersive recipes of different types that can be used across cafes, this channel presents a complete story to its users, combined with aesthetic stuff.

nebokgom cafe vlogger

Closing Words

Are you sure on how to create a café vlog? We hope that the tips and directions provided in the article were significant in guiding the users towards an excellent future. If you are looking forward to starting your own venture, you should definitely look across this.

02 Inspiration for Creating a Café Vlog

03 How to Make a Café Vlog?

04 5 Most Popular Café Vlog on YouTube

Part 1: What Does an Attractive Café Vlog Look Like?

A perfect café vlog needs to have the traits that would make it be accounted as one attractive piece of work. This, however, does not always depend on the elements used across developing a vlog. It can also vary in the form of any particular announcement of operation, which lets it become creative and attractive in the eyes of other users. To make your café vlogs look attractive like this, you need to:

ideas for café vlog

Follow the Theme of the Café

Your café vlog should be highly relevant to the theme of your café. Everything represented should be done under professional terms and would reflect a similar idea. This would bring up the attention of the fans of such themes, leading towards a better attractive viewership.

Highlights the Reality

People do believe that “Everything that glitters is not gold!” You should realize that the selection of content and the extent of highlighting it will present an attractive image of the café if presented perfectly.

Perfect Deals to Associate With

To make your vlogs exciting and interesting, it is considered to be perfect that the vlog should mainly give some special discount to enjoy from. These deals and discounts can bring and allure more viewers into the vlog.

Set up Competitions

Rewarding customers for being part of a greater cause is a perfect way of attracting viewers into watching your content. Café vlogs should be induced with such competitions that show the brighter side of the picture and show what brings greater loads of people into the abode.

Themed Campaigns

It is considered that the best thing to follow a professional way of interacting with such platforms is through themed campaigns. Any idea or belief backed with the platform set across the café will help the vlog target the region to the fullest.

Part 2: Inspiration for Creating a Café Vlog

How to make the perfect café vlog? This question can be covered coherently with an answer that would provoke you into making one yourself. This part shall provide some inspirations that need recognition for creating a café vlog to perfection.

Set Yourselves As a Brand

Before you put yourself in as an inspiration to the people, it is essential to develop a brand that would showcase its idea. An identity that helps people recognize the vlog; branding is believed to be the sole settlement of any particular motive that is started on different levels.

A Good Gear Is Equal to Good Video

Without a doubt, good gear would help a creator build a unique system for recording a café vlog. Rather than recording it from a primary mobile phone, a vlog is recorded with the best tools in mind, which initiate from the vlogging cameras. You need to be quite selective with your gear and select the best ones available in the market for the least possible price.

If something new is being covered across cafes and is observed across other videos, you should realize the importance of adopting such trends on a bigger scale. Café vlogs should definitely follow a particular trend that would increase the presence of users within the premises of the café.

Using Good Elements

Once you are done recording the café vlog, the next step towards vlog excellency is how the user has edited it. If the elements used across the vlogs are catchy and attractive to watch, it will induce an increased number of views across the vlog too.

Part 3: How to Make a Café Vlog?

If you are making a café vlog for your channel, you need to figure out the editing tool that would assist your work to perfection. This editing environment is presented by Wondershare Filmora , a tool that combines uniqueness with ease of use. Along with presenting such an expressive environment, Filmora is quite effective in editing a vlog perfectly. To understand the process, look into the steps as shown below:

Step 1: Import Café Vlog Video

Launch Wondershare Filmora on your device and click on “New Project” to start a new project across the platform. Access the “Media Tab” and import the video you’ve recorded on your camera to start editing by clicking on the “Arrow Head” icon.

import your video file

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

Step 2: Make Changes in Videos

Once you’ve added the video, drag it across the timeline to start editing. You can find the tabs of “Effects,” “Transitions,” and “Elements” that you can add within the vlog to make it more entertaining and attractive. The use of effects, filters, and transitions is believed to be catchy for the viewer’s eye. Along with that, you can include different stickers and emojis to bring the video to life with exceptional elements.

use filmora effects transitions or elements

Step 3: Add & Edit Audio

You can also add catchy audio effects to your vlog by clicking on the “Audio” tab of the Filmora. In this tab, you can get the audio effect of all categories and can also access the premium audio effects of Filmstock. For editing the video’s audio, you have to double-click on the audio track present on the timeline.

edit your video audio

Step 4: Export File

As you complete the editing across the platform, click on “Export” to open a new window. You can set up effective settings for your video before finalizing it and successfully rendering it across your device.

tap on export button

If you are out there searching for the popular café vlogs that have gained a lot of traction in society, this part will offer you a list of some popular options that you can view and get inspiration from.


Subscribers: 76K+

This individual has been around the corner for a while, where his love for coffee and barista has brought him into vlogging and sharing all ideas across social media. He has considered the use of different mediums for showcasing the idea of café and the elements that make up one.

realchrisbaca vlogger


Subscribers: 307K+

A cafe vlog known for its recipes, Coffictures has presented an exceptional set of recipes to its viewers across the vlogs and other videos it has posted. Being one of the most popular channels for baristas, they have included many café vlog for the sake of the user to enjoy their environment.

coffictures vlogger


Subscribers: 2.4M+

This Korean YouTuber works across her mother’s café and sets up café vlogs that outline everything that happens behind in a café. As many users are curious about the technical considerations, Zoe helps them figure out multiple things.

zoes cafe vlogger

European Coffee Trip

Subscribers: 212K+

As this presents a new narrative to café vlogs, The European Coffee Trip showcases different coffee used across different cafés. To provide users with cognitive information, this project aims to induce vlogs with subtle information.

european coffee trip vlogger


Subscribers: 549K+

This YouTuber has provided a quite different perspective of café vlogs to the viewers. With immersive recipes of different types that can be used across cafes, this channel presents a complete story to its users, combined with aesthetic stuff.

nebokgom cafe vlogger

Closing Words

Are you sure on how to create a café vlog? We hope that the tips and directions provided in the article were significant in guiding the users towards an excellent future. If you are looking forward to starting your own venture, you should definitely look across this.

02 Inspiration for Creating a Café Vlog

03 How to Make a Café Vlog?

04 5 Most Popular Café Vlog on YouTube

Part 1: What Does an Attractive Café Vlog Look Like?

A perfect café vlog needs to have the traits that would make it be accounted as one attractive piece of work. This, however, does not always depend on the elements used across developing a vlog. It can also vary in the form of any particular announcement of operation, which lets it become creative and attractive in the eyes of other users. To make your café vlogs look attractive like this, you need to:

ideas for café vlog

Follow the Theme of the Café

Your café vlog should be highly relevant to the theme of your café. Everything represented should be done under professional terms and would reflect a similar idea. This would bring up the attention of the fans of such themes, leading towards a better attractive viewership.

Highlights the Reality

People do believe that “Everything that glitters is not gold!” You should realize that the selection of content and the extent of highlighting it will present an attractive image of the café if presented perfectly.

Perfect Deals to Associate With

To make your vlogs exciting and interesting, it is considered to be perfect that the vlog should mainly give some special discount to enjoy from. These deals and discounts can bring and allure more viewers into the vlog.

Set up Competitions

Rewarding customers for being part of a greater cause is a perfect way of attracting viewers into watching your content. Café vlogs should be induced with such competitions that show the brighter side of the picture and show what brings greater loads of people into the abode.

Themed Campaigns

It is considered that the best thing to follow a professional way of interacting with such platforms is through themed campaigns. Any idea or belief backed with the platform set across the café will help the vlog target the region to the fullest.

Part 2: Inspiration for Creating a Café Vlog

How to make the perfect café vlog? This question can be covered coherently with an answer that would provoke you into making one yourself. This part shall provide some inspirations that need recognition for creating a café vlog to perfection.

Set Yourselves As a Brand

Before you put yourself in as an inspiration to the people, it is essential to develop a brand that would showcase its idea. An identity that helps people recognize the vlog; branding is believed to be the sole settlement of any particular motive that is started on different levels.

A Good Gear Is Equal to Good Video

Without a doubt, good gear would help a creator build a unique system for recording a café vlog. Rather than recording it from a primary mobile phone, a vlog is recorded with the best tools in mind, which initiate from the vlogging cameras. You need to be quite selective with your gear and select the best ones available in the market for the least possible price.

If something new is being covered across cafes and is observed across other videos, you should realize the importance of adopting such trends on a bigger scale. Café vlogs should definitely follow a particular trend that would increase the presence of users within the premises of the café.

Using Good Elements

Once you are done recording the café vlog, the next step towards vlog excellency is how the user has edited it. If the elements used across the vlogs are catchy and attractive to watch, it will induce an increased number of views across the vlog too.

Part 3: How to Make a Café Vlog?

If you are making a café vlog for your channel, you need to figure out the editing tool that would assist your work to perfection. This editing environment is presented by Wondershare Filmora , a tool that combines uniqueness with ease of use. Along with presenting such an expressive environment, Filmora is quite effective in editing a vlog perfectly. To understand the process, look into the steps as shown below:

Step 1: Import Café Vlog Video

Launch Wondershare Filmora on your device and click on “New Project” to start a new project across the platform. Access the “Media Tab” and import the video you’ve recorded on your camera to start editing by clicking on the “Arrow Head” icon.

import your video file

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

Step 2: Make Changes in Videos

Once you’ve added the video, drag it across the timeline to start editing. You can find the tabs of “Effects,” “Transitions,” and “Elements” that you can add within the vlog to make it more entertaining and attractive. The use of effects, filters, and transitions is believed to be catchy for the viewer’s eye. Along with that, you can include different stickers and emojis to bring the video to life with exceptional elements.

use filmora effects transitions or elements

Step 3: Add & Edit Audio

You can also add catchy audio effects to your vlog by clicking on the “Audio” tab of the Filmora. In this tab, you can get the audio effect of all categories and can also access the premium audio effects of Filmstock. For editing the video’s audio, you have to double-click on the audio track present on the timeline.

edit your video audio

Step 4: Export File

As you complete the editing across the platform, click on “Export” to open a new window. You can set up effective settings for your video before finalizing it and successfully rendering it across your device.

tap on export button

If you are out there searching for the popular café vlogs that have gained a lot of traction in society, this part will offer you a list of some popular options that you can view and get inspiration from.


Subscribers: 76K+

This individual has been around the corner for a while, where his love for coffee and barista has brought him into vlogging and sharing all ideas across social media. He has considered the use of different mediums for showcasing the idea of café and the elements that make up one.

realchrisbaca vlogger


Subscribers: 307K+

A cafe vlog known for its recipes, Coffictures has presented an exceptional set of recipes to its viewers across the vlogs and other videos it has posted. Being one of the most popular channels for baristas, they have included many café vlog for the sake of the user to enjoy their environment.

coffictures vlogger


Subscribers: 2.4M+

This Korean YouTuber works across her mother’s café and sets up café vlogs that outline everything that happens behind in a café. As many users are curious about the technical considerations, Zoe helps them figure out multiple things.

zoes cafe vlogger

European Coffee Trip

Subscribers: 212K+

As this presents a new narrative to café vlogs, The European Coffee Trip showcases different coffee used across different cafés. To provide users with cognitive information, this project aims to induce vlogs with subtle information.

european coffee trip vlogger


Subscribers: 549K+

This YouTuber has provided a quite different perspective of café vlogs to the viewers. With immersive recipes of different types that can be used across cafes, this channel presents a complete story to its users, combined with aesthetic stuff.

nebokgom cafe vlogger

Closing Words

Are you sure on how to create a café vlog? We hope that the tips and directions provided in the article were significant in guiding the users towards an excellent future. If you are looking forward to starting your own venture, you should definitely look across this.

02 Inspiration for Creating a Café Vlog

03 How to Make a Café Vlog?

04 5 Most Popular Café Vlog on YouTube

Part 1: What Does an Attractive Café Vlog Look Like?

A perfect café vlog needs to have the traits that would make it be accounted as one attractive piece of work. This, however, does not always depend on the elements used across developing a vlog. It can also vary in the form of any particular announcement of operation, which lets it become creative and attractive in the eyes of other users. To make your café vlogs look attractive like this, you need to:

ideas for café vlog

Follow the Theme of the Café

Your café vlog should be highly relevant to the theme of your café. Everything represented should be done under professional terms and would reflect a similar idea. This would bring up the attention of the fans of such themes, leading towards a better attractive viewership.

Highlights the Reality

People do believe that “Everything that glitters is not gold!” You should realize that the selection of content and the extent of highlighting it will present an attractive image of the café if presented perfectly.

Perfect Deals to Associate With

To make your vlogs exciting and interesting, it is considered to be perfect that the vlog should mainly give some special discount to enjoy from. These deals and discounts can bring and allure more viewers into the vlog.

Set up Competitions

Rewarding customers for being part of a greater cause is a perfect way of attracting viewers into watching your content. Café vlogs should be induced with such competitions that show the brighter side of the picture and show what brings greater loads of people into the abode.

Themed Campaigns

It is considered that the best thing to follow a professional way of interacting with such platforms is through themed campaigns. Any idea or belief backed with the platform set across the café will help the vlog target the region to the fullest.

Part 2: Inspiration for Creating a Café Vlog

How to make the perfect café vlog? This question can be covered coherently with an answer that would provoke you into making one yourself. This part shall provide some inspirations that need recognition for creating a café vlog to perfection.

Set Yourselves As a Brand

Before you put yourself in as an inspiration to the people, it is essential to develop a brand that would showcase its idea. An identity that helps people recognize the vlog; branding is believed to be the sole settlement of any particular motive that is started on different levels.

A Good Gear Is Equal to Good Video

Without a doubt, good gear would help a creator build a unique system for recording a café vlog. Rather than recording it from a primary mobile phone, a vlog is recorded with the best tools in mind, which initiate from the vlogging cameras. You need to be quite selective with your gear and select the best ones available in the market for the least possible price.

If something new is being covered across cafes and is observed across other videos, you should realize the importance of adopting such trends on a bigger scale. Café vlogs should definitely follow a particular trend that would increase the presence of users within the premises of the café.

Using Good Elements

Once you are done recording the café vlog, the next step towards vlog excellency is how the user has edited it. If the elements used across the vlogs are catchy and attractive to watch, it will induce an increased number of views across the vlog too.

Part 3: How to Make a Café Vlog?

If you are making a café vlog for your channel, you need to figure out the editing tool that would assist your work to perfection. This editing environment is presented by Wondershare Filmora , a tool that combines uniqueness with ease of use. Along with presenting such an expressive environment, Filmora is quite effective in editing a vlog perfectly. To understand the process, look into the steps as shown below:

Step 1: Import Café Vlog Video

Launch Wondershare Filmora on your device and click on “New Project” to start a new project across the platform. Access the “Media Tab” and import the video you’ve recorded on your camera to start editing by clicking on the “Arrow Head” icon.

import your video file

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

Step 2: Make Changes in Videos

Once you’ve added the video, drag it across the timeline to start editing. You can find the tabs of “Effects,” “Transitions,” and “Elements” that you can add within the vlog to make it more entertaining and attractive. The use of effects, filters, and transitions is believed to be catchy for the viewer’s eye. Along with that, you can include different stickers and emojis to bring the video to life with exceptional elements.

use filmora effects transitions or elements

Step 3: Add & Edit Audio

You can also add catchy audio effects to your vlog by clicking on the “Audio” tab of the Filmora. In this tab, you can get the audio effect of all categories and can also access the premium audio effects of Filmstock. For editing the video’s audio, you have to double-click on the audio track present on the timeline.

edit your video audio

Step 4: Export File

As you complete the editing across the platform, click on “Export” to open a new window. You can set up effective settings for your video before finalizing it and successfully rendering it across your device.

tap on export button

If you are out there searching for the popular café vlogs that have gained a lot of traction in society, this part will offer you a list of some popular options that you can view and get inspiration from.


Subscribers: 76K+

This individual has been around the corner for a while, where his love for coffee and barista has brought him into vlogging and sharing all ideas across social media. He has considered the use of different mediums for showcasing the idea of café and the elements that make up one.

realchrisbaca vlogger


Subscribers: 307K+

A cafe vlog known for its recipes, Coffictures has presented an exceptional set of recipes to its viewers across the vlogs and other videos it has posted. Being one of the most popular channels for baristas, they have included many café vlog for the sake of the user to enjoy their environment.

coffictures vlogger


Subscribers: 2.4M+

This Korean YouTuber works across her mother’s café and sets up café vlogs that outline everything that happens behind in a café. As many users are curious about the technical considerations, Zoe helps them figure out multiple things.

zoes cafe vlogger

European Coffee Trip

Subscribers: 212K+

As this presents a new narrative to café vlogs, The European Coffee Trip showcases different coffee used across different cafés. To provide users with cognitive information, this project aims to induce vlogs with subtle information.

european coffee trip vlogger


Subscribers: 549K+

This YouTuber has provided a quite different perspective of café vlogs to the viewers. With immersive recipes of different types that can be used across cafes, this channel presents a complete story to its users, combined with aesthetic stuff.

nebokgom cafe vlogger

Closing Words

Are you sure on how to create a café vlog? We hope that the tips and directions provided in the article were significant in guiding the users towards an excellent future. If you are looking forward to starting your own venture, you should definitely look across this.

Also read:

  • Title: New How to Edit A Time Lapse Video on iPhone for 2024
  • Author: Chloe
  • Created at : 2024-04-24 07:08:35
  • Updated at : 2024-04-25 07:08:35
  • Link:
  • License: This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.
On this page
New How to Edit A Time Lapse Video on iPhone for 2024