New How to Use Blender Green Screen

New How to Use Blender Green Screen

Chloe Lv12

How to Use Blender Green Screen

Blender is an open-source cross-platform 3D graphics program, but this doesn’t mean it’s a low-rent option. Just like commercial packages like Lightwave 3D, it is also a very capable compositing package. Unlike Lightwave, it is a modern node-based compositor like Nuke or Fusion. It’s not what the software is designed for, but it does a bangup job of green screen compositing, as you will soon see.

Blender green screen uses technique of the chroma key a color is isolated (in our case the green of thegreen screen), or a particular luminance, it is removed and the area that was occupied by it becomes transparent, thus becoming part of the alpha channel. The transparent parts will thus show the video or the image below, which will thus define the environment in which the subject of the first movie will act.

How to Use Green Screen in Blender

So we need to pull these two elements into Blender and pull a key on the green bits to make the background show through in as naturalistic a way as possible. Blender is a node-based compositor which means the control mechanism is nodes or little LEGO blocks of love which you place on the screen and link with little strings which form your signal path.


Locate the drop-down (it goes up, actually, but you know what we mean) at the bottom of the view, and select “Movie Clip Editor.”

Click the “Open” button and choose and load your green screen footage. (You can also load sequences of images for uncompressed keys in this step if you have the space, and the footage is the right size.)

Once the clip is loaded, go back to the drop-down and select Node Editor.

The screen will be blank, but just go to the bottom of the view and click the middle button marked “Node Tree Type” to Display, and then check the Use Nodes and Backdrop buttons.

Select the “Render Layers” node, and because we won’t need it you can delete it (on the Mac this is the Forward Delete key). Then move the Compositing node out of the way because we won’t need it yet.

**Note: to zoom in and out of the nodes, use the centre scroll wheel of the mouse if you have it. To zoom in and out of the images you are working on, use the V and Alt-V keys.

**Compositing Nodes

Click the Add menu in the bar at the bottom of the view and select “Input -> Movie Clip.” Select the green screen clip you added in the Movie Clip Editor. This is the input. We have to push this through a keyer to remove the green and make those areas transparent.

**Important: in this program flow goes from left to right, so node inputs are on the left of a node, and outputs are on the right of a node.

Now select “Add -> Matte -> Keying” to add a keying node. Also “Add -> Output -> Viewer” to make the output from the key visible. Click on the little yellow dot next to Image output on the Input node, and drag it to Image input on the Keying node. Then drag the little dot next to Image output on the keying node, and drag it to the image input on the viewer node.

You now have to select the key colour, the colour which the keyer is changing to transparent. Click the Key Colour button on the Keying node, and this displays a colour selector. Click the eyedropper, and click on the image in the background somewhere on the green screen.

If you look carefully, you will see that there are some areas which still have a bit of colour and are not fully transparent. You can check this more accurately by dragging the string from the Matte output on the Keying node and linking to the input on the viewer. This is the key you have made. As you can see, the dark bits are supposed to be totally black, and there are still greys showing through. (This is because the source material wasn’t perfect.)

There are many different ways to fix this depending on the shot, but if it’s a reasonably well-shot green screen, all you will need to do is the following.

Adjust the Black Clip slider to expand the amount of greens which turn to black. Then adjust the White Clip to push the whites to prevent them from becoming transparent.

Once you have pure white and pure black, reconnect the image output of the keying node to the image input on the viewer, and you’ll see you have a decent key.

You can adjust the amount of fringing and spill (reflections from the green screen on the model), but generally the keyer does a good job of guessing that for you with a decently-shot green screen.

**Adding the background

After this, adding the background is more of the same with a slight twist. “Add -> Input -> Movie Clip,” navigate to your background clip and load it.

To blend the two layers, you have to make a mix of the two clips so that the background shows through the now transparent bits of the foreground.

“Add -> Colour -> Mix node”. Take the output from the background clip, and feed it to the top image input of the mix node. Take the output from the keying node, and feed it into the lower image input on the mix node.

Click the Alpha channel button next to the drop-down on the mix node.

And finally we have our key. The background is way too sharp and makes the green screen footage look really soft and crappy, so we need to soften the background. There is a really nice Bokeh Blur filter in blender for just this purpose to make the background look out of focus and add lots of gorgeous Bokeh blobs.

“Add -> Filter -> Bokeh Blur” and put it between the background clip and the mix. In Blender, if you add a node and place it over a string between two nodes, the string goes yellow, and dropping it will automatically insert the new node into the signal path connecting inputs and outputs.

Finally add an image to the Bokeh Blur for the shape you want the bokeh to be; we opted for a donut-shaped iris pattern.

To render out your video, connect the output of the Mix node to the input of the compositing node we left lying about earlier. It’s okay for this output to be connected to the input node of the viewer, too, as this means we see progress while rendering.

Make sure you are set up to render the right amount of frames at 30fps in the render panel on the far right. 30fps for 5 seconds (the duration of our clip) is 150 frames. Insert 150 where it says End Fr.

Select a place and a filename to output to in the Output panel further down the right-hand side. Then to render, select the info menu bar from the top-left drop-down, and finally choose “Render Menu -> Render Animation,” and the render will begin.

Wondershare Filmora

If you’re just starting out with video editing, or just want a simple program that works, Wondershare Filmora might be what you’re looking for. It has the essential tools, and anyone can learn to use it easily.

Wondershare Filmora is the one of best video editing software with cool features that compares to other competing video editing Softwares. Many video editing programs claim to offer professional results; Filmora is one of a few consumer-level tools that actually delivers.

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

Installation Steps

  1. Click the icon in the center of the Media Library to add files directly.
  2. Go File > Import Media > Import Media Files.
  3. Drag and drop to the Media Library directly.

While importing a media file, Wondershar Filmora may ask you if you wish to create a proxy file to accelerate the editing process. Select “Yes” to have a fast video editing experience.

drag green screen

You can also import video clips using your Touch Bar controls if your computer has Touch Bar.

How do I get rid of the green screen in blender?

This is achieved by Compositing Nodes: Click the Add menu in the bar at the bottom of the view and select “Input -> Movie Clip.” Select the green screen clip you added in the Movie Clip Editor. This is the input. We have to push this through a keyer to remove the green and make those areas transparent.

How do I get rid of objects in green screen?

This can be done by following these prompts: Select “Add -> Matte -> Keying” to add a keying node. Also “Add -> Output -> Viewer” to make the output from the key visible. Click on the little yellow dot next to Image output on the Input node, and drag it to Image input on the Keying node. Then drag the little dot next to Image output on the keying node, and drag it to the image input on the viewer node.


Obviously, to get the best green screen composites you have to shoot good “plates.” “Plates” are the main bits of the shot that you bolt together in movie visual effects. You have the foreground plate and the green screen bit with an actor filmed in front of a green screen. Then you have the background plate which is the bit you want to show through the green bits of the foreground, making the whole thing look as though the background and foreground were filmed at the same time.

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

Installation Steps

  1. Click the icon in the center of the Media Library to add files directly.
  2. Go File > Import Media > Import Media Files.
  3. Drag and drop to the Media Library directly.

While importing a media file, Wondershar Filmora may ask you if you wish to create a proxy file to accelerate the editing process. Select “Yes” to have a fast video editing experience.

drag green screen

You can also import video clips using your Touch Bar controls if your computer has Touch Bar.

How do I get rid of the green screen in blender?

This is achieved by Compositing Nodes: Click the Add menu in the bar at the bottom of the view and select “Input -> Movie Clip.” Select the green screen clip you added in the Movie Clip Editor. This is the input. We have to push this through a keyer to remove the green and make those areas transparent.

How do I get rid of objects in green screen?

This can be done by following these prompts: Select “Add -> Matte -> Keying” to add a keying node. Also “Add -> Output -> Viewer” to make the output from the key visible. Click on the little yellow dot next to Image output on the Input node, and drag it to Image input on the Keying node. Then drag the little dot next to Image output on the keying node, and drag it to the image input on the viewer node.


Obviously, to get the best green screen composites you have to shoot good “plates.” “Plates” are the main bits of the shot that you bolt together in movie visual effects. You have the foreground plate and the green screen bit with an actor filmed in front of a green screen. Then you have the background plate which is the bit you want to show through the green bits of the foreground, making the whole thing look as though the background and foreground were filmed at the same time.

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

Installation Steps

  1. Click the icon in the center of the Media Library to add files directly.
  2. Go File > Import Media > Import Media Files.
  3. Drag and drop to the Media Library directly.

While importing a media file, Wondershar Filmora may ask you if you wish to create a proxy file to accelerate the editing process. Select “Yes” to have a fast video editing experience.

drag green screen

You can also import video clips using your Touch Bar controls if your computer has Touch Bar.

How do I get rid of the green screen in blender?

This is achieved by Compositing Nodes: Click the Add menu in the bar at the bottom of the view and select “Input -> Movie Clip.” Select the green screen clip you added in the Movie Clip Editor. This is the input. We have to push this through a keyer to remove the green and make those areas transparent.

How do I get rid of objects in green screen?

This can be done by following these prompts: Select “Add -> Matte -> Keying” to add a keying node. Also “Add -> Output -> Viewer” to make the output from the key visible. Click on the little yellow dot next to Image output on the Input node, and drag it to Image input on the Keying node. Then drag the little dot next to Image output on the keying node, and drag it to the image input on the viewer node.


Obviously, to get the best green screen composites you have to shoot good “plates.” “Plates” are the main bits of the shot that you bolt together in movie visual effects. You have the foreground plate and the green screen bit with an actor filmed in front of a green screen. Then you have the background plate which is the bit you want to show through the green bits of the foreground, making the whole thing look as though the background and foreground were filmed at the same time.

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

Installation Steps

  1. Click the icon in the center of the Media Library to add files directly.
  2. Go File > Import Media > Import Media Files.
  3. Drag and drop to the Media Library directly.

While importing a media file, Wondershar Filmora may ask you if you wish to create a proxy file to accelerate the editing process. Select “Yes” to have a fast video editing experience.

drag green screen

You can also import video clips using your Touch Bar controls if your computer has Touch Bar.

How do I get rid of the green screen in blender?

This is achieved by Compositing Nodes: Click the Add menu in the bar at the bottom of the view and select “Input -> Movie Clip.” Select the green screen clip you added in the Movie Clip Editor. This is the input. We have to push this through a keyer to remove the green and make those areas transparent.

How do I get rid of objects in green screen?

This can be done by following these prompts: Select “Add -> Matte -> Keying” to add a keying node. Also “Add -> Output -> Viewer” to make the output from the key visible. Click on the little yellow dot next to Image output on the Input node, and drag it to Image input on the Keying node. Then drag the little dot next to Image output on the keying node, and drag it to the image input on the viewer node.


Obviously, to get the best green screen composites you have to shoot good “plates.” “Plates” are the main bits of the shot that you bolt together in movie visual effects. You have the foreground plate and the green screen bit with an actor filmed in front of a green screen. Then you have the background plate which is the bit you want to show through the green bits of the foreground, making the whole thing look as though the background and foreground were filmed at the same time.

11 Apps To Speed Up A Video On iPhone

As a content creator or a video editor, you may deal with many different aspects of editing. It may go from basic editing to VFX and so on. Speed ramping is also an important feature of editing. Creators who make cinematics or B-rolls often may have used this feature.

Changing the speed of the whole video doesn’t look good in most situations therefore speed ramping feature was created. Speed Ramping means gradually changing the speed of a clip over time. It isn’t a complex thing but doing it correctly in the right amount at the right time can change the feel of the whole video. It catches the attention of viewers through different scenes of a clip.

So, here we have mentioned some iPhone video editing softwares that can at least do basic speed changes. but most of them can also do advanced speed ramping. These are as follows:

Filmora Go:

It is available on IOS and Android both.

Want to do speed ramping? use Filmora Go. But are you a content creator and want to do more than just video editing? I would still recommend “Filmora Go”. Because it is such a versatile and easy-to-use software made by Wondershare. Like its PC software, it is also packed with many cool features such as chroma key, mask, keyframing, blending, e.t.c. It also supports multiple layers. It has built-in effects, transitions, and presets to speed up the editing process.

It is a paid video editor but you can try it for free, free trial includes most of the features but it leaves a watermark on export.


  • Has speed curves for smooth speed ramping.
  • Supports multiple images and video layers.
  • Have many presets and filters for fast pace editing.
  • Have cool features like chroma key, masking, keyframing, e.t.c.
  • Supports “Pixabay’s” stock library.


  • Its UI doesn’t support editing in landscape orientation.
  • It doesn’t support 4k video resolution.




Import: Open Filmora Go, Click “New project” to start a new project, or Choose the previous one from the “Draft” portion. Select videos or images to import to your timeline. Hold and drag the clip to change its arrangement.

Edit: You can add text, effects, stickers, layers, e.t.c. by clicking their icon, present on the bar at the bottom.

Click and Drag a clip from the corner to trim it.

Click the “PiP” icon to add image or video layers, you also can add multiple layers.

Select a clip to edit it. Different editing tools appear on the bottom bar. Here you can change its opacity, its speed, or add animations.

Click the diamond icon above the timeline to add keyframes. Zoom, move, or rotate the clip to add keyframes with the passage of time.

Speed Ramping: To Change the speed of a clip, select it then click the “Speed” icon on the bottom bar of the screen. Move the slider to change the speed of the whole clip. To do speed ramping, click the “curves” option to choose a preset or create your own. Click a preset to apply it, and click again to open its edit menu. drag the beats up and down to change speed or add or delete a beat if you want.

Effects: Click the “Effects” icon to open the effects menu. Select an effect to apply to your clip.

Click the white box between two clips to add transitions.

Export: Click the “Export” button to export your file. Select your desired resolution and frame rate to export your clip.



Some Free Video speeding Softwares for iPhone:

If you are short on budget or don’t want to spend much on video editing softwares then you can try these free softwares. They are free that doesn’t mean that they are useless, they are quite good for beginners or moderate users although some of them are designed for professionals also. If you don’t believe me, go and try it yourself. Apart from just changing the speed, they are good in other editing aspects also.

Adobe Premiere Rush:

It is available on IOS and Android both.

If you are looking for free but good speed ramping software then why go anywhere also when you have an amazing video editor made by a well-known software company “Adobe”. Like premiere pro, they have designed a compact version for phones named “Premiere Rush”.

It is a free video editor that has all the tools needed for video editing, from video effects to color grading and audio editing. Its UI is a bit similar to PC video editors. It is a free video editor with no watermarks. Although it takes some time to understand it. But once mastered, you can do editing quickly.


  • It is a free video editor with no watermark.
  • It supports up to 4K resolution at 60fps.
  • You can extract audio and can do voiceover directly from the software.
  • It has hundreds of filters, overlays, and title designs.
  • It has basic color grading tools.
  • It also has a motion tracking feature. (in Paid version)
  • It supports multiple audio, video, and text layers.




  • It only runs on high-end devices. ( It is not supported in most mid-range phones)
  • Not suitable for beginners. Its UI is quite hard to understand.
  • Doesn’t have common features like the chroma key, masking, e.t.c.




Its Premium version is available for 9.99/month. It includes some premium features. Or you can purchase the “All Apps Bundle” at $54.99/month for the annual plan.


Import: Open “Adobe Premiere Rush”, Click the “+” sign at the bottom to create a new project. in the media location, select the clips, then click the blue “create” button to start editing.

Click the blue “+” button at the bottom-left corner to add clips, audio, or graphics.

Hold and drag the clips upward to add them as a layer.

Edit: Scroll over a clip to select it. Clicking again shows a pop-up above the selected clip. Here you get 4 options: split, duplicate, separate audio, and delete.

A number of edit options appear on the bottom line of the screen:

Graphics: Click the “Graphics” button to add animated titles, transition graphics, and overlays as a layer. Select to customize its design.

Effects: Click the “Effects” button to add transitions or motion effect. Select a clip to apply transition at both ends. or select a corner of the clip to apply on it only. And change the duration of transition if you want.

Color: Here you can color grade your clips, Apply a preset or color grade manually by using sliders. You can also create your presets.

Transform: Here you can resize, rotate, crop, or change the position of the clip.

Audio: Here you can edit the audio, select a clip to edit its audio.

Speed Ramping: Click the “Speed” button to edit its speed. Select the range option to speed ramp a specific part of the clip. Select the ramp option to create a smooth speed curve. Or Set the clip duration to change its speed accordingly.

Export: To Export your clip, click the “Export” icon on top of the screen. Click “Quality Settings” to adjust export settings then click “Export” to save your file.


It is available on IOS and Android both.

If you are looking for a free but good speed ramping software to help you create slo-mo videos easily anywhere, anytime you want, then “CapCut” can be the right choice for you. It is a free mobile video editing software with many interesting features like keyframing, chroma-key, masking e.t.c. It also supports video and image layers. It has one of the best speed ramping features among other mobile video editors. It provides curves to smoothly speed ramp your clips. It can edit landscape, portrait, and even square video formats. It has many amazing effects and filters, it also has some stock clips.




  • It is completely free and has no watermarks.
  • It supports up to 4K video resolution.
  • Has curves for speed ramping.
  • Has keyframes for animation.
  • It has hundreds of effects, overlays, and titles.




  • Its UI doesn’t support editing in landscape orientation.
  • Lacks some common editing tools.


Import: Open Capcut, then click “New Project” to start a new project. Select files then click “Add” to import them. Click the white box with the “+” sign to add more clips. Hold and drag to rearrange the clips.

Click the “Add overlay” button to add photos or videos as layers.

Edit: On the bottom of the screen, you can find a bunch of tools for editing. From here you can add overlays, effects, filters, titles e.t.c to the timeline.

Select a clip to open the edit menu situated at the bottom of the screen. Here you can do the following tasks:

Split the clip; Change its speed, remove background, edit audio, do color correction, apply filters, stabilize the clip, e.t.c.

We have more edit features for the layers only which include: Spice (Blending), Animation, Masking, Chroma key, freeze frame, change opacity e.t.c.

Click the “Keyframe” icon (Diamond shaped) below the playback screen to apply keyframes to the layer. Pinch and zoom or rotate to transform the clip. Use the “Graphs” button in the edit menu to customize the keyframe animation.

Speed Ramping: To Change the speed of a clip, select it then click the “Speed” icon on the bottom bar of the screen. Move the slider to change the speed of the whole clip. To do speed ramping, click the “curves” option to choose a preset or create your own. Click a preset to apply it, and click again to open its edit menu. drag the beats up and down to change speed or add or delete a beat if you want.

Effects: Click the “+” sign between the two clips to add a transition between them, and drag the slider to change its duration.

Select the effects, filters, or titles icon to add them as a layer.

Export: Click the “Export” button on the top-right side of the screen to export your clip. Or click the button, left to the “Export” button to change its resolution and frame rate.


It is available on IOS and Mac.

If you are an Apple fan and own everything Apple then what’s better than getting your hands on a video editor designed by Apple. It is simple and easy to use. It has all the basic editing tools to enhance your video like crop, trim, transitions, effects, e.t.c. It also has a speed ramping feature which let you change the speed at different points of a clip. It’s AI mode “Magic Movie” lets you select clips and a style and software will make the final product for you.

Its “Storyboards” mode is a creative way of learning production and post-production skills. It lets you choose a theme from many famous Genres available, then it will guide you through the production process like capturing footage, arranging your shots, and creating cinematic titles to enhance your story.




  • It is free and easy to use.
  • Let you do speed ramping by changing the speed of different parts of the clip .
  • Supports Raw files.
  • It’s AI mode creates videos for you on its own.
  • The “Storyboarding” feature helps you through the production process.




  • It only works on IOS and Mac.
  • Not suitable for professional projects.


Import: Open “iMovie” then click “Start New Project” and select one of the 3 following modes to start editing:

  • Magic Movie: Select the clips for editing, then click “Create Magic Movie” to let iMovie create a movie for you, which you can customize according to your liking.
  • Storyboard: Click “Storyboard” then select Template and a genre or a style then click “Create” to start the project. iMovie will guide you and let you add the clip or title according to the pattern.
  • Movie: In “Movie” mode, select the clips from the media browser then click “Create Movie” to start editing.

Edit: Select a clip to edit it. A bunch of tools will appear at the bottom of the screen.

Click the “scissors” icon to split, duplicate, delete the clip, or to detach the audio.

Click the “volume” icon to change the volume of the clip.

Click the “Title” icon to add a title design. Click the text (on the playback window) to edit it.

Click the “Filters” icon to apply it to the selected clip and move the slider to change its intensity.

Speed Ramping: Click the “Speed” icon to change its speed. Move the yellow slider to change the speed of the whole clip. Or click the “Add” button to add partitions (in yellow color) to the selected clip. Select a partition to change its speed only. And click the “Freeze” button to add a freeze-frame.

Effects: Select the black box between two clips to add a transition. Select a transition to apply it and change its time duration if you want.

Export: Click the “Done” button on the top-left corner of the screen to save the clip, then click the “Export” icon on the bottom of the screen to save your file.

Some Paid Video speeding Softwares for iPhone:

If you do most of your video editing from your phone and want to invest some money in it then you should check the softwares mentioned below. They are quite affordable and are worthy of investment. As they are packed with many cool features. But if you aren’t sure which software to use then don’t worry as most of these softwares have a free version to try on but they have some limited features and they provide a watermark on export. But it is a great option to get your hands on new software and once you are comfortable with it, you can purchase its premium version.


It is available on IOS and Android both.

If you want to do more than just trimming and cropping to your videos then you should try Kinemaster. For editors, who want to do some advanced-level video editing on their phone, then you must have Kinemaster on your phone. It is a paid software, which is packed with many useful features. It has many video and audio effects. It also has an amazing audio editor. It also has many title designs and basic color correction tools. It has hundreds of effects and transitions + more can be downloaded from its asset store. Its UI is suitable for beginners and content creators both. It is a paid software, but all its features are completely free to use, but the free version leaves a watermark on export.



  • It supports up to 4K resolution at 60fps. (depending on mobile configuration)
  • Have amazing features like chroma key, keyframing, blend e.t.c
  • Has built-in audio and video recorder.
  • Supports multiple texts and video layers with different resolutions depending on the capability of the mobile phone.
  • Has UI like a PC video editor and supports landscape orientation for editing.
  • Have an asset store with 100s of free effects, transitions, and stock material.




  • Can’t export 4K videos on most devices.
  • Can’t apply keyframes and chroma key to the main video. (can be done on layers only)


Its Premium version is available for $4.9/month or $39.9/year. It also includes all the premium assets.



Import: Open Kinemaster, then click “New Project” to start a new project. Select the desired aspect ratio then click “Create” to start editing. Or click the “import” button on top to import an existing file to continue editing.

Media Browser will be opened. Select the clips to add them to the timeline. Click the “X” button on the top-right corner to close the media browser.

Edit: Drag the clip from the corner to trim it. Select a clip to open its editing menu. Here you can change its speed, add filters, do color correction, edit its audio, e.t.c.

On the right side, you will see a bunch of icons. Click the “Layer” button to add a media file, text, or effect as a layer. Click the “Audio” button to add an audio file. Or click the “Rec” button to do a voice-over.

Click the “+” symbol between two clips to add a transition between them, then adjust its time duration if you want.

Speed Ramping: Select the “Speed” option to change its speed. Here you can only do linear speed change. To create a speed ramp effect, split the clip into different parts and then change their speed according to your liking. Apply a crossfade transition of about 0.1 sec to smooth the jump cut between clips.

Effects: Select a clip then click “Clip Graphics” to apply the effect to your clip. Your clip will be highlighted with a yellow box, adjust it to set the time duration of the effect.

Click the “Shop” icon to visit the Asset store. Here you can find many cool Effects, clip graphics, transitions, and sound effects. Download them to use in your project.

Click the Layer clip to edit it. Here you can do chroma key, keyframing, or apply animation.

Export: Click the “Export” icon on the top-right corner of the app to open the export screen. Select the desired resolution and frame rate then click “Save as video” to export it.

Power Director:

It is available on IOS and Android both.

It is a paid but quite advanced video editor available for androids and IOS both. Like its PC version mobile version is also packed with many great features. It is compact and easy to use. It supports multiple video and audio layers. Have many cool filters and transitions. Can also do basic color corrections. To complete post-production work it also has audio editing tools and effects. It also has hundreds of title designs. Its UI is easy to use and supports both portrait and landscape orientation for editing. Most of its features can be used for free with a watermark on export. To remove the watermark you need to purchase the premium version.




  • It supports up to 4K resolution at 60fps. (compatible on most devices)
  • Supports both Portrait and Landscape orientation for editing.
  • Supports Key framing and video stabilization also.
  • Supports multiple audio and video layers.
  • Can edit videos in different aspect ratios.
  • Have a vast stock library.




  • Can’t export 4K videos on many devices.
  • Can apply keyframing and chroma key to layers only.
  • Software lags sometimes.


Its Premium version is available for $4.9/month or $29.9/year.


Import: Open “Power Director”. Click “New Project” then select Aspect Ratio to start editing. Select clips from the media library Then click the “blue tick” button to add them to the timeline. Click the “+” icon to import more clips. From the bottom bar (in portrait mode), Select the video, image, audio, or effect icon to add them as a layer. In Landscape Mode bar it is situated on the left side of the screen.

Edit: Select and drag the clip from the corner to trim it. Select a clip to open edit tools. From here you can do audio editing, color correction, cropping, stabilization, and speed change.

Here you get more features to edit a layer or an overlay such as chroma key, masking, transform keyframe, e.t.c. To do keyframing, select a layer, then click the “diamond” icon located on the right side above the timeline to add keyframes then rotate, zoom or change the position of the clip with time to add more keyframes. You can also do keyframing for other features like adjustment, mask, blend, and opacity.

Speed Ramping: To Change speed, select a clip or a layer click the “speed” button then move the slider to change its speed. To do speed ramping split the clip into small parts and change their speed respectively. Click the “ease-in” and “ease-out” buttons to smooth the jump between the clips.

Effects: Click the grey box between the clips to add a transition and move the slider to change its duration if you want.

Select a clip, then choose a filter or an effect to apply to the selected clip.

Export: To Export the finished product, click the “export” icon on the top-right side of the screen then click “Produce and Share” to select the video resolution or click the “Settings” icon to change the storage path and frame rate. Then click “Produce”.


It is available on IOS and Mac (with an m1 processor).

As a content creator, have you ever wished for creating your own cinematic masterpiece, but the thing holding you back is that you don’t have a powerful workstation or expensive software then don’t worry. You can do professional-level editing on your iPhone with the software named “LumaFusion. It is one of the most powerful and advanced video editors available for your iPhone or iPad.

It is a multi-track video editor with many useful features like the Chroma key, keyframing, color grading, and color LUTs. Have powerful color grading tools and an audio editor. It also has a lock and load stabilizer. You have to purchase the software before using it. It doesn’t have any free version to try.


Credits: Pic by Luma touch website.


  • It supports up to 4K video resolution at a max of 240 fps.
  • Can also edit and export 360 videos.
  • Have powerful color correction tools. You can also import your own color LUTs.
  • Supports Keyframing on almost all the editing tools within the software.
  • You can add some third-party audio plugins.
  • Supports up to 6 audio and video layers.
  • Have “Storyblock” stock library. (Many of its contents are free to use)
  • Supports external monitor for display.


Credits: Pic by Luma touch website.


  • Not available for Android devices.
  • Being an advanced software, it doesn’t have masking and speed ramping features.
  • Doesn’t have a free version to try on.


It is available for purchase at $29.99.


Import: Click the “+” button on the bottom of the screen to start a new project. A small tab will appear, change the settings if you want, then click the “+” button on the top-right side of the tab to start your project.

Click the “flower icon” on the top-right side of the screen to open the source menu (Its icon changes depending on the present tab), Click “Photos” to open folders and files. Click and drag files to add them to the timeline. Click and drag the clips on the top of the primary clip to add them as a layer.

Edit: Click and drag the clips from the corner to trim them. On the bar at the bottom of the screen, you will find basic tools. Click the clip, to open editing tools on the same bar.

Click the “+” icon on the bottom bar or select “Titles” on the source menu to open the Titles menu. Drag and drop the titles to use them. Double-click the text to open the edit menu.

Double-click the clip to open the edit menu. Here you can transform the clip, change its speed, Stabilize your clips, do color grading, add an effect and perform audio editing.

Speed Ramping: In the edit mode, click the “speed and reverse” button and move the slider back or forth to change the speed of the whole video. To do speed ramping, split the video into parts and apply different speeds to create a speed ramp effect. This method is not perfect but it gets the job done.

Effects: Select the “Transitions” icon on the source menu to open the transition menu. Drag and drop a transition on a clip to use it.

Double click a clip to open the edit menu. Then in the “Color & Effects” tab select any effects and apply them to your clip.

To do keyframing, on the edit menu, click the “circle” icon on the bottom-right side below the display to start keyframing. then change the settings with time to add further keyframes.

Export: To Export your file, click the “Export” icon on the bottom-right corner of the screen to open the export menu then click the “movie” icon to select the file destination. Select the desired export settings then click the “Export” icon on the top of the menu to export your finished product.

Which One Should I Choose Free or Paid iPhone Video speeding Softwares?

It usually depends on your needs. If you just want a speed editor to make slow-mo or timelapse videos for your social media then you should go for free video editors, as they are easy to use and provide better speed ramping features than some paid video editors mentioned here.

But as a content creator if you want more features alongside speed ramping then you should go for paid softwares mentioned above. As mobile video editors are quite affordable and some of them have features like that of some PC softwares.

FAQs about Speed ramping feature and softwares:

  1. Q) What is Speed Ramping and where it is used?

Speed Ramping is different from just changing the speed of the whole clip. It means changing the speed of the video gradually, so the clip doesn’t feel jumpy.

It is done to give viewers a smooth experience between different parts of the clip. like the fast-forward clip is used to show the passage of time. and the slow-mo is used to emphasize something or produce tension, while a mix of both is used in ads and action scenes, e.t.c.

  1. Q) How to do Speed Ramping?

Speed Ramping methods vary from software to software. Either you can do it by adding keyframes and changing speed with time or you can add or adjust curves for speed change. If your software doesn’t support the speed ramping feature, you can split a clip into parts and apply speed change to them differently. For some of the best iPhone softwares, we have mentioned the speed ramping steps above.

  1. Q) What FPS is best for Slo-mo videos?

Shooting at 60 Fps is ideal as it gives a smooth and crisp video and you can make slow motion easily if required, you can slow it down up to 40% of its speed while maintaining the quality. It is supported in almost most devices nowadays. And if you want to create super slo-mo for your cinematics or product video then 120 or 240 fps is preferable. But higher fps often have disadvantages as it is harder to apply visual effects or masks. So choose the frame rate according to your requirements.

  1. Q) Does changing the speed of video affect its audio?

Yes, changing the speed of video affects the audio, It affects its pitch (tempo). Increasing its speed increases the pitch of the audio making it sound shrill while decreasing the speed of the video or making slow-mo decreases the pitch making it sound deep.

Although, some softwares provide the feature to maintain the pitch while changing the speed of the clip.


  • Its UI doesn’t support editing in landscape orientation.
  • It doesn’t support 4k video resolution.




Import: Open Filmora Go, Click “New project” to start a new project, or Choose the previous one from the “Draft” portion. Select videos or images to import to your timeline. Hold and drag the clip to change its arrangement.

Edit: You can add text, effects, stickers, layers, e.t.c. by clicking their icon, present on the bar at the bottom.

Click and Drag a clip from the corner to trim it.

Click the “PiP” icon to add image or video layers, you also can add multiple layers.

Select a clip to edit it. Different editing tools appear on the bottom bar. Here you can change its opacity, its speed, or add animations.

Click the diamond icon above the timeline to add keyframes. Zoom, move, or rotate the clip to add keyframes with the passage of time.

Speed Ramping: To Change the speed of a clip, select it then click the “Speed” icon on the bottom bar of the screen. Move the slider to change the speed of the whole clip. To do speed ramping, click the “curves” option to choose a preset or create your own. Click a preset to apply it, and click again to open its edit menu. drag the beats up and down to change speed or add or delete a beat if you want.

Effects: Click the “Effects” icon to open the effects menu. Select an effect to apply to your clip.

Click the white box between two clips to add transitions.

Export: Click the “Export” button to export your file. Select your desired resolution and frame rate to export your clip.



Some Free Video speeding Softwares for iPhone:

If you are short on budget or don’t want to spend much on video editing softwares then you can try these free softwares. They are free that doesn’t mean that they are useless, they are quite good for beginners or moderate users although some of them are designed for professionals also. If you don’t believe me, go and try it yourself. Apart from just changing the speed, they are good in other editing aspects also.

Adobe Premiere Rush:

It is available on IOS and Android both.

If you are looking for free but good speed ramping software then why go anywhere also when you have an amazing video editor made by a well-known software company “Adobe”. Like premiere pro, they have designed a compact version for phones named “Premiere Rush”.

It is a free video editor that has all the tools needed for video editing, from video effects to color grading and audio editing. Its UI is a bit similar to PC video editors. It is a free video editor with no watermarks. Although it takes some time to understand it. But once mastered, you can do editing quickly.


  • It is a free video editor with no watermark.
  • It supports up to 4K resolution at 60fps.
  • You can extract audio and can do voiceover directly from the software.
  • It has hundreds of filters, overlays, and title designs.
  • It has basic color grading tools.
  • It also has a motion tracking feature. (in Paid version)
  • It supports multiple audio, video, and text layers.




  • It only runs on high-end devices. ( It is not supported in most mid-range phones)
  • Not suitable for beginners. Its UI is quite hard to understand.
  • Doesn’t have common features like the chroma key, masking, e.t.c.




Its Premium version is available for 9.99/month. It includes some premium features. Or you can purchase the “All Apps Bundle” at $54.99/month for the annual plan.


Import: Open “Adobe Premiere Rush”, Click the “+” sign at the bottom to create a new project. in the media location, select the clips, then click the blue “create” button to start editing.

Click the blue “+” button at the bottom-left corner to add clips, audio, or graphics.

Hold and drag the clips upward to add them as a layer.

Edit: Scroll over a clip to select it. Clicking again shows a pop-up above the selected clip. Here you get 4 options: split, duplicate, separate audio, and delete.

A number of edit options appear on the bottom line of the screen:

Graphics: Click the “Graphics” button to add animated titles, transition graphics, and overlays as a layer. Select to customize its design.

Effects: Click the “Effects” button to add transitions or motion effect. Select a clip to apply transition at both ends. or select a corner of the clip to apply on it only. And change the duration of transition if you want.

Color: Here you can color grade your clips, Apply a preset or color grade manually by using sliders. You can also create your presets.

Transform: Here you can resize, rotate, crop, or change the position of the clip.

Audio: Here you can edit the audio, select a clip to edit its audio.

Speed Ramping: Click the “Speed” button to edit its speed. Select the range option to speed ramp a specific part of the clip. Select the ramp option to create a smooth speed curve. Or Set the clip duration to change its speed accordingly.

Export: To Export your clip, click the “Export” icon on top of the screen. Click “Quality Settings” to adjust export settings then click “Export” to save your file.


It is available on IOS and Android both.

If you are looking for a free but good speed ramping software to help you create slo-mo videos easily anywhere, anytime you want, then “CapCut” can be the right choice for you. It is a free mobile video editing software with many interesting features like keyframing, chroma-key, masking e.t.c. It also supports video and image layers. It has one of the best speed ramping features among other mobile video editors. It provides curves to smoothly speed ramp your clips. It can edit landscape, portrait, and even square video formats. It has many amazing effects and filters, it also has some stock clips.




  • It is completely free and has no watermarks.
  • It supports up to 4K video resolution.
  • Has curves for speed ramping.
  • Has keyframes for animation.
  • It has hundreds of effects, overlays, and titles.




  • Its UI doesn’t support editing in landscape orientation.
  • Lacks some common editing tools.


Import: Open Capcut, then click “New Project” to start a new project. Select files then click “Add” to import them. Click the white box with the “+” sign to add more clips. Hold and drag to rearrange the clips.

Click the “Add overlay” button to add photos or videos as layers.

Edit: On the bottom of the screen, you can find a bunch of tools for editing. From here you can add overlays, effects, filters, titles e.t.c to the timeline.

Select a clip to open the edit menu situated at the bottom of the screen. Here you can do the following tasks:

Split the clip; Change its speed, remove background, edit audio, do color correction, apply filters, stabilize the clip, e.t.c.

We have more edit features for the layers only which include: Spice (Blending), Animation, Masking, Chroma key, freeze frame, change opacity e.t.c.

Click the “Keyframe” icon (Diamond shaped) below the playback screen to apply keyframes to the layer. Pinch and zoom or rotate to transform the clip. Use the “Graphs” button in the edit menu to customize the keyframe animation.

Speed Ramping: To Change the speed of a clip, select it then click the “Speed” icon on the bottom bar of the screen. Move the slider to change the speed of the whole clip. To do speed ramping, click the “curves” option to choose a preset or create your own. Click a preset to apply it, and click again to open its edit menu. drag the beats up and down to change speed or add or delete a beat if you want.

Effects: Click the “+” sign between the two clips to add a transition between them, and drag the slider to change its duration.

Select the effects, filters, or titles icon to add them as a layer.

Export: Click the “Export” button on the top-right side of the screen to export your clip. Or click the button, left to the “Export” button to change its resolution and frame rate.


It is available on IOS and Mac.

If you are an Apple fan and own everything Apple then what’s better than getting your hands on a video editor designed by Apple. It is simple and easy to use. It has all the basic editing tools to enhance your video like crop, trim, transitions, effects, e.t.c. It also has a speed ramping feature which let you change the speed at different points of a clip. It’s AI mode “Magic Movie” lets you select clips and a style and software will make the final product for you.

Its “Storyboards” mode is a creative way of learning production and post-production skills. It lets you choose a theme from many famous Genres available, then it will guide you through the production process like capturing footage, arranging your shots, and creating cinematic titles to enhance your story.




  • It is free and easy to use.
  • Let you do speed ramping by changing the speed of different parts of the clip .
  • Supports Raw files.
  • It’s AI mode creates videos for you on its own.
  • The “Storyboarding” feature helps you through the production process.




  • It only works on IOS and Mac.
  • Not suitable for professional projects.


Import: Open “iMovie” then click “Start New Project” and select one of the 3 following modes to start editing:

  • Magic Movie: Select the clips for editing, then click “Create Magic Movie” to let iMovie create a movie for you, which you can customize according to your liking.
  • Storyboard: Click “Storyboard” then select Template and a genre or a style then click “Create” to start the project. iMovie will guide you and let you add the clip or title according to the pattern.
  • Movie: In “Movie” mode, select the clips from the media browser then click “Create Movie” to start editing.

Edit: Select a clip to edit it. A bunch of tools will appear at the bottom of the screen.

Click the “scissors” icon to split, duplicate, delete the clip, or to detach the audio.

Click the “volume” icon to change the volume of the clip.

Click the “Title” icon to add a title design. Click the text (on the playback window) to edit it.

Click the “Filters” icon to apply it to the selected clip and move the slider to change its intensity.

Speed Ramping: Click the “Speed” icon to change its speed. Move the yellow slider to change the speed of the whole clip. Or click the “Add” button to add partitions (in yellow color) to the selected clip. Select a partition to change its speed only. And click the “Freeze” button to add a freeze-frame.

Effects: Select the black box between two clips to add a transition. Select a transition to apply it and change its time duration if you want.

Export: Click the “Done” button on the top-left corner of the screen to save the clip, then click the “Export” icon on the bottom of the screen to save your file.

Some Paid Video speeding Softwares for iPhone:

If you do most of your video editing from your phone and want to invest some money in it then you should check the softwares mentioned below. They are quite affordable and are worthy of investment. As they are packed with many cool features. But if you aren’t sure which software to use then don’t worry as most of these softwares have a free version to try on but they have some limited features and they provide a watermark on export. But it is a great option to get your hands on new software and once you are comfortable with it, you can purchase its premium version.


It is available on IOS and Android both.

If you want to do more than just trimming and cropping to your videos then you should try Kinemaster. For editors, who want to do some advanced-level video editing on their phone, then you must have Kinemaster on your phone. It is a paid software, which is packed with many useful features. It has many video and audio effects. It also has an amazing audio editor. It also has many title designs and basic color correction tools. It has hundreds of effects and transitions + more can be downloaded from its asset store. Its UI is suitable for beginners and content creators both. It is a paid software, but all its features are completely free to use, but the free version leaves a watermark on export.



  • It supports up to 4K resolution at 60fps. (depending on mobile configuration)
  • Have amazing features like chroma key, keyframing, blend e.t.c
  • Has built-in audio and video recorder.
  • Supports multiple texts and video layers with different resolutions depending on the capability of the mobile phone.
  • Has UI like a PC video editor and supports landscape orientation for editing.
  • Have an asset store with 100s of free effects, transitions, and stock material.




  • Can’t export 4K videos on most devices.
  • Can’t apply keyframes and chroma key to the main video. (can be done on layers only)


Its Premium version is available for $4.9/month or $39.9/year. It also includes all the premium assets.



Import: Open Kinemaster, then click “New Project” to start a new project. Select the desired aspect ratio then click “Create” to start editing. Or click the “import” button on top to import an existing file to continue editing.

Media Browser will be opened. Select the clips to add them to the timeline. Click the “X” button on the top-right corner to close the media browser.

Edit: Drag the clip from the corner to trim it. Select a clip to open its editing menu. Here you can change its speed, add filters, do color correction, edit its audio, e.t.c.

On the right side, you will see a bunch of icons. Click the “Layer” button to add a media file, text, or effect as a layer. Click the “Audio” button to add an audio file. Or click the “Rec” button to do a voice-over.

Click the “+” symbol between two clips to add a transition between them, then adjust its time duration if you want.

Speed Ramping: Select the “Speed” option to change its speed. Here you can only do linear speed change. To create a speed ramp effect, split the clip into different parts and then change their speed according to your liking. Apply a crossfade transition of about 0.1 sec to smooth the jump cut between clips.

Effects: Select a clip then click “Clip Graphics” to apply the effect to your clip. Your clip will be highlighted with a yellow box, adjust it to set the time duration of the effect.

Click the “Shop” icon to visit the Asset store. Here you can find many cool Effects, clip graphics, transitions, and sound effects. Download them to use in your project.

Click the Layer clip to edit it. Here you can do chroma key, keyframing, or apply animation.

Export: Click the “Export” icon on the top-right corner of the app to open the export screen. Select the desired resolution and frame rate then click “Save as video” to export it.

Power Director:

It is available on IOS and Android both.

It is a paid but quite advanced video editor available for androids and IOS both. Like its PC version mobile version is also packed with many great features. It is compact and easy to use. It supports multiple video and audio layers. Have many cool filters and transitions. Can also do basic color corrections. To complete post-production work it also has audio editing tools and effects. It also has hundreds of title designs. Its UI is easy to use and supports both portrait and landscape orientation for editing. Most of its features can be used for free with a watermark on export. To remove the watermark you need to purchase the premium version.




  • It supports up to 4K resolution at 60fps. (compatible on most devices)
  • Supports both Portrait and Landscape orientation for editing.
  • Supports Key framing and video stabilization also.
  • Supports multiple audio and video layers.
  • Can edit videos in different aspect ratios.
  • Have a vast stock library.




  • Can’t export 4K videos on many devices.
  • Can apply keyframing and chroma key to layers only.
  • Software lags sometimes.


Its Premium version is available for $4.9/month or $29.9/year.


Import: Open “Power Director”. Click “New Project” then select Aspect Ratio to start editing. Select clips from the media library Then click the “blue tick” button to add them to the timeline. Click the “+” icon to import more clips. From the bottom bar (in portrait mode), Select the video, image, audio, or effect icon to add them as a layer. In Landscape Mode bar it is situated on the left side of the screen.

Edit: Select and drag the clip from the corner to trim it. Select a clip to open edit tools. From here you can do audio editing, color correction, cropping, stabilization, and speed change.

Here you get more features to edit a layer or an overlay such as chroma key, masking, transform keyframe, e.t.c. To do keyframing, select a layer, then click the “diamond” icon located on the right side above the timeline to add keyframes then rotate, zoom or change the position of the clip with time to add more keyframes. You can also do keyframing for other features like adjustment, mask, blend, and opacity.

Speed Ramping: To Change speed, select a clip or a layer click the “speed” button then move the slider to change its speed. To do speed ramping split the clip into small parts and change their speed respectively. Click the “ease-in” and “ease-out” buttons to smooth the jump between the clips.

Effects: Click the grey box between the clips to add a transition and move the slider to change its duration if you want.

Select a clip, then choose a filter or an effect to apply to the selected clip.

Export: To Export the finished product, click the “export” icon on the top-right side of the screen then click “Produce and Share” to select the video resolution or click the “Settings” icon to change the storage path and frame rate. Then click “Produce”.


It is available on IOS and Mac (with an m1 processor).

As a content creator, have you ever wished for creating your own cinematic masterpiece, but the thing holding you back is that you don’t have a powerful workstation or expensive software then don’t worry. You can do professional-level editing on your iPhone with the software named “LumaFusion. It is one of the most powerful and advanced video editors available for your iPhone or iPad.

It is a multi-track video editor with many useful features like the Chroma key, keyframing, color grading, and color LUTs. Have powerful color grading tools and an audio editor. It also has a lock and load stabilizer. You have to purchase the software before using it. It doesn’t have any free version to try.


Credits: Pic by Luma touch website.


  • It supports up to 4K video resolution at a max of 240 fps.
  • Can also edit and export 360 videos.
  • Have powerful color correction tools. You can also import your own color LUTs.
  • Supports Keyframing on almost all the editing tools within the software.
  • You can add some third-party audio plugins.
  • Supports up to 6 audio and video layers.
  • Have “Storyblock” stock library. (Many of its contents are free to use)
  • Supports external monitor for display.


Credits: Pic by Luma touch website.


  • Not available for Android devices.
  • Being an advanced software, it doesn’t have masking and speed ramping features.
  • Doesn’t have a free version to try on.


It is available for purchase at $29.99.


Import: Click the “+” button on the bottom of the screen to start a new project. A small tab will appear, change the settings if you want, then click the “+” button on the top-right side of the tab to start your project.

Click the “flower icon” on the top-right side of the screen to open the source menu (Its icon changes depending on the present tab), Click “Photos” to open folders and files. Click and drag files to add them to the timeline. Click and drag the clips on the top of the primary clip to add them as a layer.

Edit: Click and drag the clips from the corner to trim them. On the bar at the bottom of the screen, you will find basic tools. Click the clip, to open editing tools on the same bar.

Click the “+” icon on the bottom bar or select “Titles” on the source menu to open the Titles menu. Drag and drop the titles to use them. Double-click the text to open the edit menu.

Double-click the clip to open the edit menu. Here you can transform the clip, change its speed, Stabilize your clips, do color grading, add an effect and perform audio editing.

Speed Ramping: In the edit mode, click the “speed and reverse” button and move the slider back or forth to change the speed of the whole video. To do speed ramping, split the video into parts and apply different speeds to create a speed ramp effect. This method is not perfect but it gets the job done.

Effects: Select the “Transitions” icon on the source menu to open the transition menu. Drag and drop a transition on a clip to use it.

Double click a clip to open the edit menu. Then in the “Color & Effects” tab select any effects and apply them to your clip.

To do keyframing, on the edit menu, click the “circle” icon on the bottom-right side below the display to start keyframing. then change the settings with time to add further keyframes.

Export: To Export your file, click the “Export” icon on the bottom-right corner of the screen to open the export menu then click the “movie” icon to select the file destination. Select the desired export settings then click the “Export” icon on the top of the menu to export your finished product.

Which One Should I Choose Free or Paid iPhone Video speeding Softwares?

It usually depends on your needs. If you just want a speed editor to make slow-mo or timelapse videos for your social media then you should go for free video editors, as they are easy to use and provide better speed ramping features than some paid video editors mentioned here.

But as a content creator if you want more features alongside speed ramping then you should go for paid softwares mentioned above. As mobile video editors are quite affordable and some of them have features like that of some PC softwares.

FAQs about Speed ramping feature and softwares:

  1. Q) What is Speed Ramping and where it is used?

Speed Ramping is different from just changing the speed of the whole clip. It means changing the speed of the video gradually, so the clip doesn’t feel jumpy.

It is done to give viewers a smooth experience between different parts of the clip. like the fast-forward clip is used to show the passage of time. and the slow-mo is used to emphasize something or produce tension, while a mix of both is used in ads and action scenes, e.t.c.

  1. Q) How to do Speed Ramping?

Speed Ramping methods vary from software to software. Either you can do it by adding keyframes and changing speed with time or you can add or adjust curves for speed change. If your software doesn’t support the speed ramping feature, you can split a clip into parts and apply speed change to them differently. For some of the best iPhone softwares, we have mentioned the speed ramping steps above.

  1. Q) What FPS is best for Slo-mo videos?

Shooting at 60 Fps is ideal as it gives a smooth and crisp video and you can make slow motion easily if required, you can slow it down up to 40% of its speed while maintaining the quality. It is supported in almost most devices nowadays. And if you want to create super slo-mo for your cinematics or product video then 120 or 240 fps is preferable. But higher fps often have disadvantages as it is harder to apply visual effects or masks. So choose the frame rate according to your requirements.

  1. Q) Does changing the speed of video affect its audio?

Yes, changing the speed of video affects the audio, It affects its pitch (tempo). Increasing its speed increases the pitch of the audio making it sound shrill while decreasing the speed of the video or making slow-mo decreases the pitch making it sound deep.

Although, some softwares provide the feature to maintain the pitch while changing the speed of the clip.


  • Its UI doesn’t support editing in landscape orientation.
  • It doesn’t support 4k video resolution.




Import: Open Filmora Go, Click “New project” to start a new project, or Choose the previous one from the “Draft” portion. Select videos or images to import to your timeline. Hold and drag the clip to change its arrangement.

Edit: You can add text, effects, stickers, layers, e.t.c. by clicking their icon, present on the bar at the bottom.

Click and Drag a clip from the corner to trim it.

Click the “PiP” icon to add image or video layers, you also can add multiple layers.

Select a clip to edit it. Different editing tools appear on the bottom bar. Here you can change its opacity, its speed, or add animations.

Click the diamond icon above the timeline to add keyframes. Zoom, move, or rotate the clip to add keyframes with the passage of time.

Speed Ramping: To Change the speed of a clip, select it then click the “Speed” icon on the bottom bar of the screen. Move the slider to change the speed of the whole clip. To do speed ramping, click the “curves” option to choose a preset or create your own. Click a preset to apply it, and click again to open its edit menu. drag the beats up and down to change speed or add or delete a beat if you want.

Effects: Click the “Effects” icon to open the effects menu. Select an effect to apply to your clip.

Click the white box between two clips to add transitions.

Export: Click the “Export” button to export your file. Select your desired resolution and frame rate to export your clip.



Some Free Video speeding Softwares for iPhone:

If you are short on budget or don’t want to spend much on video editing softwares then you can try these free softwares. They are free that doesn’t mean that they are useless, they are quite good for beginners or moderate users although some of them are designed for professionals also. If you don’t believe me, go and try it yourself. Apart from just changing the speed, they are good in other editing aspects also.

Adobe Premiere Rush:

It is available on IOS and Android both.

If you are looking for free but good speed ramping software then why go anywhere also when you have an amazing video editor made by a well-known software company “Adobe”. Like premiere pro, they have designed a compact version for phones named “Premiere Rush”.

It is a free video editor that has all the tools needed for video editing, from video effects to color grading and audio editing. Its UI is a bit similar to PC video editors. It is a free video editor with no watermarks. Although it takes some time to understand it. But once mastered, you can do editing quickly.


  • It is a free video editor with no watermark.
  • It supports up to 4K resolution at 60fps.
  • You can extract audio and can do voiceover directly from the software.
  • It has hundreds of filters, overlays, and title designs.
  • It has basic color grading tools.
  • It also has a motion tracking feature. (in Paid version)
  • It supports multiple audio, video, and text layers.




  • It only runs on high-end devices. ( It is not supported in most mid-range phones)
  • Not suitable for beginners. Its UI is quite hard to understand.
  • Doesn’t have common features like the chroma key, masking, e.t.c.




Its Premium version is available for 9.99/month. It includes some premium features. Or you can purchase the “All Apps Bundle” at $54.99/month for the annual plan.


Import: Open “Adobe Premiere Rush”, Click the “+” sign at the bottom to create a new project. in the media location, select the clips, then click the blue “create” button to start editing.

Click the blue “+” button at the bottom-left corner to add clips, audio, or graphics.

Hold and drag the clips upward to add them as a layer.

Edit: Scroll over a clip to select it. Clicking again shows a pop-up above the selected clip. Here you get 4 options: split, duplicate, separate audio, and delete.

A number of edit options appear on the bottom line of the screen:

Graphics: Click the “Graphics” button to add animated titles, transition graphics, and overlays as a layer. Select to customize its design.

Effects: Click the “Effects” button to add transitions or motion effect. Select a clip to apply transition at both ends. or select a corner of the clip to apply on it only. And change the duration of transition if you want.

Color: Here you can color grade your clips, Apply a preset or color grade manually by using sliders. You can also create your presets.

Transform: Here you can resize, rotate, crop, or change the position of the clip.

Audio: Here you can edit the audio, select a clip to edit its audio.

Speed Ramping: Click the “Speed” button to edit its speed. Select the range option to speed ramp a specific part of the clip. Select the ramp option to create a smooth speed curve. Or Set the clip duration to change its speed accordingly.

Export: To Export your clip, click the “Export” icon on top of the screen. Click “Quality Settings” to adjust export settings then click “Export” to save your file.


It is available on IOS and Android both.

If you are looking for a free but good speed ramping software to help you create slo-mo videos easily anywhere, anytime you want, then “CapCut” can be the right choice for you. It is a free mobile video editing software with many interesting features like keyframing, chroma-key, masking e.t.c. It also supports video and image layers. It has one of the best speed ramping features among other mobile video editors. It provides curves to smoothly speed ramp your clips. It can edit landscape, portrait, and even square video formats. It has many amazing effects and filters, it also has some stock clips.




  • It is completely free and has no watermarks.
  • It supports up to 4K video resolution.
  • Has curves for speed ramping.
  • Has keyframes for animation.
  • It has hundreds of effects, overlays, and titles.




  • Its UI doesn’t support editing in landscape orientation.
  • Lacks some common editing tools.


Import: Open Capcut, then click “New Project” to start a new project. Select files then click “Add” to import them. Click the white box with the “+” sign to add more clips. Hold and drag to rearrange the clips.

Click the “Add overlay” button to add photos or videos as layers.

Edit: On the bottom of the screen, you can find a bunch of tools for editing. From here you can add overlays, effects, filters, titles e.t.c to the timeline.

Select a clip to open the edit menu situated at the bottom of the screen. Here you can do the following tasks:

Split the clip; Change its speed, remove background, edit audio, do color correction, apply filters, stabilize the clip, e.t.c.

We have more edit features for the layers only which include: Spice (Blending), Animation, Masking, Chroma key, freeze frame, change opacity e.t.c.

Click the “Keyframe” icon (Diamond shaped) below the playback screen to apply keyframes to the layer. Pinch and zoom or rotate to transform the clip. Use the “Graphs” button in the edit menu to customize the keyframe animation.

Speed Ramping: To Change the speed of a clip, select it then click the “Speed” icon on the bottom bar of the screen. Move the slider to change the speed of the whole clip. To do speed ramping, click the “curves” option to choose a preset or create your own. Click a preset to apply it, and click again to open its edit menu. drag the beats up and down to change speed or add or delete a beat if you want.

Effects: Click the “+” sign between the two clips to add a transition between them, and drag the slider to change its duration.

Select the effects, filters, or titles icon to add them as a layer.

Export: Click the “Export” button on the top-right side of the screen to export your clip. Or click the button, left to the “Export” button to change its resolution and frame rate.


It is available on IOS and Mac.

If you are an Apple fan and own everything Apple then what’s better than getting your hands on a video editor designed by Apple. It is simple and easy to use. It has all the basic editing tools to enhance your video like crop, trim, transitions, effects, e.t.c. It also has a speed ramping feature which let you change the speed at different points of a clip. It’s AI mode “Magic Movie” lets you select clips and a style and software will make the final product for you.

Its “Storyboards” mode is a creative way of learning production and post-production skills. It lets you choose a theme from many famous Genres available, then it will guide you through the production process like capturing footage, arranging your shots, and creating cinematic titles to enhance your story.




  • It is free and easy to use.
  • Let you do speed ramping by changing the speed of different parts of the clip .
  • Supports Raw files.
  • It’s AI mode creates videos for you on its own.
  • The “Storyboarding” feature helps you through the production process.




  • It only works on IOS and Mac.
  • Not suitable for professional projects.


Import: Open “iMovie” then click “Start New Project” and select one of the 3 following modes to start editing:

  • Magic Movie: Select the clips for editing, then click “Create Magic Movie” to let iMovie create a movie for you, which you can customize according to your liking.
  • Storyboard: Click “Storyboard” then select Template and a genre or a style then click “Create” to start the project. iMovie will guide you and let you add the clip or title according to the pattern.
  • Movie: In “Movie” mode, select the clips from the media browser then click “Create Movie” to start editing.

Edit: Select a clip to edit it. A bunch of tools will appear at the bottom of the screen.

Click the “scissors” icon to split, duplicate, delete the clip, or to detach the audio.

Click the “volume” icon to change the volume of the clip.

Click the “Title” icon to add a title design. Click the text (on the playback window) to edit it.

Click the “Filters” icon to apply it to the selected clip and move the slider to change its intensity.

Speed Ramping: Click the “Speed” icon to change its speed. Move the yellow slider to change the speed of the whole clip. Or click the “Add” button to add partitions (in yellow color) to the selected clip. Select a partition to change its speed only. And click the “Freeze” button to add a freeze-frame.

Effects: Select the black box between two clips to add a transition. Select a transition to apply it and change its time duration if you want.

Export: Click the “Done” button on the top-left corner of the screen to save the clip, then click the “Export” icon on the bottom of the screen to save your file.

Some Paid Video speeding Softwares for iPhone:

If you do most of your video editing from your phone and want to invest some money in it then you should check the softwares mentioned below. They are quite affordable and are worthy of investment. As they are packed with many cool features. But if you aren’t sure which software to use then don’t worry as most of these softwares have a free version to try on but they have some limited features and they provide a watermark on export. But it is a great option to get your hands on new software and once you are comfortable with it, you can purchase its premium version.


It is available on IOS and Android both.

If you want to do more than just trimming and cropping to your videos then you should try Kinemaster. For editors, who want to do some advanced-level video editing on their phone, then you must have Kinemaster on your phone. It is a paid software, which is packed with many useful features. It has many video and audio effects. It also has an amazing audio editor. It also has many title designs and basic color correction tools. It has hundreds of effects and transitions + more can be downloaded from its asset store. Its UI is suitable for beginners and content creators both. It is a paid software, but all its features are completely free to use, but the free version leaves a watermark on export.



  • It supports up to 4K resolution at 60fps. (depending on mobile configuration)
  • Have amazing features like chroma key, keyframing, blend e.t.c
  • Has built-in audio and video recorder.
  • Supports multiple texts and video layers with different resolutions depending on the capability of the mobile phone.
  • Has UI like a PC video editor and supports landscape orientation for editing.
  • Have an asset store with 100s of free effects, transitions, and stock material.




  • Can’t export 4K videos on most devices.
  • Can’t apply keyframes and chroma key to the main video. (can be done on layers only)


Its Premium version is available for $4.9/month or $39.9/year. It also includes all the premium assets.



Import: Open Kinemaster, then click “New Project” to start a new project. Select the desired aspect ratio then click “Create” to start editing. Or click the “import” button on top to import an existing file to continue editing.

Media Browser will be opened. Select the clips to add them to the timeline. Click the “X” button on the top-right corner to close the media browser.

Edit: Drag the clip from the corner to trim it. Select a clip to open its editing menu. Here you can change its speed, add filters, do color correction, edit its audio, e.t.c.

On the right side, you will see a bunch of icons. Click the “Layer” button to add a media file, text, or effect as a layer. Click the “Audio” button to add an audio file. Or click the “Rec” button to do a voice-over.

Click the “+” symbol between two clips to add a transition between them, then adjust its time duration if you want.

Speed Ramping: Select the “Speed” option to change its speed. Here you can only do linear speed change. To create a speed ramp effect, split the clip into different parts and then change their speed according to your liking. Apply a crossfade transition of about 0.1 sec to smooth the jump cut between clips.

Effects: Select a clip then click “Clip Graphics” to apply the effect to your clip. Your clip will be highlighted with a yellow box, adjust it to set the time duration of the effect.

Click the “Shop” icon to visit the Asset store. Here you can find many cool Effects, clip graphics, transitions, and sound effects. Download them to use in your project.

Click the Layer clip to edit it. Here you can do chroma key, keyframing, or apply animation.

Export: Click the “Export” icon on the top-right corner of the app to open the export screen. Select the desired resolution and frame rate then click “Save as video” to export it.

Power Director:

It is available on IOS and Android both.

It is a paid but quite advanced video editor available for androids and IOS both. Like its PC version mobile version is also packed with many great features. It is compact and easy to use. It supports multiple video and audio layers. Have many cool filters and transitions. Can also do basic color corrections. To complete post-production work it also has audio editing tools and effects. It also has hundreds of title designs. Its UI is easy to use and supports both portrait and landscape orientation for editing. Most of its features can be used for free with a watermark on export. To remove the watermark you need to purchase the premium version.




  • It supports up to 4K resolution at 60fps. (compatible on most devices)
  • Supports both Portrait and Landscape orientation for editing.
  • Supports Key framing and video stabilization also.
  • Supports multiple audio and video layers.
  • Can edit videos in different aspect ratios.
  • Have a vast stock library.




  • Can’t export 4K videos on many devices.
  • Can apply keyframing and chroma key to layers only.
  • Software lags sometimes.


Its Premium version is available for $4.9/month or $29.9/year.


Import: Open “Power Director”. Click “New Project” then select Aspect Ratio to start editing. Select clips from the media library Then click the “blue tick” button to add them to the timeline. Click the “+” icon to import more clips. From the bottom bar (in portrait mode), Select the video, image, audio, or effect icon to add them as a layer. In Landscape Mode bar it is situated on the left side of the screen.

Edit: Select and drag the clip from the corner to trim it. Select a clip to open edit tools. From here you can do audio editing, color correction, cropping, stabilization, and speed change.

Here you get more features to edit a layer or an overlay such as chroma key, masking, transform keyframe, e.t.c. To do keyframing, select a layer, then click the “diamond” icon located on the right side above the timeline to add keyframes then rotate, zoom or change the position of the clip with time to add more keyframes. You can also do keyframing for other features like adjustment, mask, blend, and opacity.

Speed Ramping: To Change speed, select a clip or a layer click the “speed” button then move the slider to change its speed. To do speed ramping split the clip into small parts and change their speed respectively. Click the “ease-in” and “ease-out” buttons to smooth the jump between the clips.

Effects: Click the grey box between the clips to add a transition and move the slider to change its duration if you want.

Select a clip, then choose a filter or an effect to apply to the selected clip.

Export: To Export the finished product, click the “export” icon on the top-right side of the screen then click “Produce and Share” to select the video resolution or click the “Settings” icon to change the storage path and frame rate. Then click “Produce”.


It is available on IOS and Mac (with an m1 processor).

As a content creator, have you ever wished for creating your own cinematic masterpiece, but the thing holding you back is that you don’t have a powerful workstation or expensive software then don’t worry. You can do professional-level editing on your iPhone with the software named “LumaFusion. It is one of the most powerful and advanced video editors available for your iPhone or iPad.

It is a multi-track video editor with many useful features like the Chroma key, keyframing, color grading, and color LUTs. Have powerful color grading tools and an audio editor. It also has a lock and load stabilizer. You have to purchase the software before using it. It doesn’t have any free version to try.


Credits: Pic by Luma touch website.


  • It supports up to 4K video resolution at a max of 240 fps.
  • Can also edit and export 360 videos.
  • Have powerful color correction tools. You can also import your own color LUTs.
  • Supports Keyframing on almost all the editing tools within the software.
  • You can add some third-party audio plugins.
  • Supports up to 6 audio and video layers.
  • Have “Storyblock” stock library. (Many of its contents are free to use)
  • Supports external monitor for display.


Credits: Pic by Luma touch website.


  • Not available for Android devices.
  • Being an advanced software, it doesn’t have masking and speed ramping features.
  • Doesn’t have a free version to try on.


It is available for purchase at $29.99.


Import: Click the “+” button on the bottom of the screen to start a new project. A small tab will appear, change the settings if you want, then click the “+” button on the top-right side of the tab to start your project.

Click the “flower icon” on the top-right side of the screen to open the source menu (Its icon changes depending on the present tab), Click “Photos” to open folders and files. Click and drag files to add them to the timeline. Click and drag the clips on the top of the primary clip to add them as a layer.

Edit: Click and drag the clips from the corner to trim them. On the bar at the bottom of the screen, you will find basic tools. Click the clip, to open editing tools on the same bar.

Click the “+” icon on the bottom bar or select “Titles” on the source menu to open the Titles menu. Drag and drop the titles to use them. Double-click the text to open the edit menu.

Double-click the clip to open the edit menu. Here you can transform the clip, change its speed, Stabilize your clips, do color grading, add an effect and perform audio editing.

Speed Ramping: In the edit mode, click the “speed and reverse” button and move the slider back or forth to change the speed of the whole video. To do speed ramping, split the video into parts and apply different speeds to create a speed ramp effect. This method is not perfect but it gets the job done.

Effects: Select the “Transitions” icon on the source menu to open the transition menu. Drag and drop a transition on a clip to use it.

Double click a clip to open the edit menu. Then in the “Color & Effects” tab select any effects and apply them to your clip.

To do keyframing, on the edit menu, click the “circle” icon on the bottom-right side below the display to start keyframing. then change the settings with time to add further keyframes.

Export: To Export your file, click the “Export” icon on the bottom-right corner of the screen to open the export menu then click the “movie” icon to select the file destination. Select the desired export settings then click the “Export” icon on the top of the menu to export your finished product.

Which One Should I Choose Free or Paid iPhone Video speeding Softwares?

It usually depends on your needs. If you just want a speed editor to make slow-mo or timelapse videos for your social media then you should go for free video editors, as they are easy to use and provide better speed ramping features than some paid video editors mentioned here.

But as a content creator if you want more features alongside speed ramping then you should go for paid softwares mentioned above. As mobile video editors are quite affordable and some of them have features like that of some PC softwares.

FAQs about Speed ramping feature and softwares:

  1. Q) What is Speed Ramping and where it is used?

Speed Ramping is different from just changing the speed of the whole clip. It means changing the speed of the video gradually, so the clip doesn’t feel jumpy.

It is done to give viewers a smooth experience between different parts of the clip. like the fast-forward clip is used to show the passage of time. and the slow-mo is used to emphasize something or produce tension, while a mix of both is used in ads and action scenes, e.t.c.

  1. Q) How to do Speed Ramping?

Speed Ramping methods vary from software to software. Either you can do it by adding keyframes and changing speed with time or you can add or adjust curves for speed change. If your software doesn’t support the speed ramping feature, you can split a clip into parts and apply speed change to them differently. For some of the best iPhone softwares, we have mentioned the speed ramping steps above.

  1. Q) What FPS is best for Slo-mo videos?

Shooting at 60 Fps is ideal as it gives a smooth and crisp video and you can make slow motion easily if required, you can slow it down up to 40% of its speed while maintaining the quality. It is supported in almost most devices nowadays. And if you want to create super slo-mo for your cinematics or product video then 120 or 240 fps is preferable. But higher fps often have disadvantages as it is harder to apply visual effects or masks. So choose the frame rate according to your requirements.

  1. Q) Does changing the speed of video affect its audio?

Yes, changing the speed of video affects the audio, It affects its pitch (tempo). Increasing its speed increases the pitch of the audio making it sound shrill while decreasing the speed of the video or making slow-mo decreases the pitch making it sound deep.

Although, some softwares provide the feature to maintain the pitch while changing the speed of the clip.


  • Its UI doesn’t support editing in landscape orientation.
  • It doesn’t support 4k video resolution.




Import: Open Filmora Go, Click “New project” to start a new project, or Choose the previous one from the “Draft” portion. Select videos or images to import to your timeline. Hold and drag the clip to change its arrangement.

Edit: You can add text, effects, stickers, layers, e.t.c. by clicking their icon, present on the bar at the bottom.

Click and Drag a clip from the corner to trim it.

Click the “PiP” icon to add image or video layers, you also can add multiple layers.

Select a clip to edit it. Different editing tools appear on the bottom bar. Here you can change its opacity, its speed, or add animations.

Click the diamond icon above the timeline to add keyframes. Zoom, move, or rotate the clip to add keyframes with the passage of time.

Speed Ramping: To Change the speed of a clip, select it then click the “Speed” icon on the bottom bar of the screen. Move the slider to change the speed of the whole clip. To do speed ramping, click the “curves” option to choose a preset or create your own. Click a preset to apply it, and click again to open its edit menu. drag the beats up and down to change speed or add or delete a beat if you want.

Effects: Click the “Effects” icon to open the effects menu. Select an effect to apply to your clip.

Click the white box between two clips to add transitions.

Export: Click the “Export” button to export your file. Select your desired resolution and frame rate to export your clip.



Some Free Video speeding Softwares for iPhone:

If you are short on budget or don’t want to spend much on video editing softwares then you can try these free softwares. They are free that doesn’t mean that they are useless, they are quite good for beginners or moderate users although some of them are designed for professionals also. If you don’t believe me, go and try it yourself. Apart from just changing the speed, they are good in other editing aspects also.

Adobe Premiere Rush:

It is available on IOS and Android both.

If you are looking for free but good speed ramping software then why go anywhere also when you have an amazing video editor made by a well-known software company “Adobe”. Like premiere pro, they have designed a compact version for phones named “Premiere Rush”.

It is a free video editor that has all the tools needed for video editing, from video effects to color grading and audio editing. Its UI is a bit similar to PC video editors. It is a free video editor with no watermarks. Although it takes some time to understand it. But once mastered, you can do editing quickly.


  • It is a free video editor with no watermark.
  • It supports up to 4K resolution at 60fps.
  • You can extract audio and can do voiceover directly from the software.
  • It has hundreds of filters, overlays, and title designs.
  • It has basic color grading tools.
  • It also has a motion tracking feature. (in Paid version)
  • It supports multiple audio, video, and text layers.




  • It only runs on high-end devices. ( It is not supported in most mid-range phones)
  • Not suitable for beginners. Its UI is quite hard to understand.
  • Doesn’t have common features like the chroma key, masking, e.t.c.




Its Premium version is available for 9.99/month. It includes some premium features. Or you can purchase the “All Apps Bundle” at $54.99/month for the annual plan.


Import: Open “Adobe Premiere Rush”, Click the “+” sign at the bottom to create a new project. in the media location, select the clips, then click the blue “create” button to start editing.

Click the blue “+” button at the bottom-left corner to add clips, audio, or graphics.

Hold and drag the clips upward to add them as a layer.

Edit: Scroll over a clip to select it. Clicking again shows a pop-up above the selected clip. Here you get 4 options: split, duplicate, separate audio, and delete.

A number of edit options appear on the bottom line of the screen:

Graphics: Click the “Graphics” button to add animated titles, transition graphics, and overlays as a layer. Select to customize its design.

Effects: Click the “Effects” button to add transitions or motion effect. Select a clip to apply transition at both ends. or select a corner of the clip to apply on it only. And change the duration of transition if you want.

Color: Here you can color grade your clips, Apply a preset or color grade manually by using sliders. You can also create your presets.

Transform: Here you can resize, rotate, crop, or change the position of the clip.

Audio: Here you can edit the audio, select a clip to edit its audio.

Speed Ramping: Click the “Speed” button to edit its speed. Select the range option to speed ramp a specific part of the clip. Select the ramp option to create a smooth speed curve. Or Set the clip duration to change its speed accordingly.

Export: To Export your clip, click the “Export” icon on top of the screen. Click “Quality Settings” to adjust export settings then click “Export” to save your file.


It is available on IOS and Android both.

If you are looking for a free but good speed ramping software to help you create slo-mo videos easily anywhere, anytime you want, then “CapCut” can be the right choice for you. It is a free mobile video editing software with many interesting features like keyframing, chroma-key, masking e.t.c. It also supports video and image layers. It has one of the best speed ramping features among other mobile video editors. It provides curves to smoothly speed ramp your clips. It can edit landscape, portrait, and even square video formats. It has many amazing effects and filters, it also has some stock clips.




  • It is completely free and has no watermarks.
  • It supports up to 4K video resolution.
  • Has curves for speed ramping.
  • Has keyframes for animation.
  • It has hundreds of effects, overlays, and titles.




  • Its UI doesn’t support editing in landscape orientation.
  • Lacks some common editing tools.


Import: Open Capcut, then click “New Project” to start a new project. Select files then click “Add” to import them. Click the white box with the “+” sign to add more clips. Hold and drag to rearrange the clips.

Click the “Add overlay” button to add photos or videos as layers.

Edit: On the bottom of the screen, you can find a bunch of tools for editing. From here you can add overlays, effects, filters, titles e.t.c to the timeline.

Select a clip to open the edit menu situated at the bottom of the screen. Here you can do the following tasks:

Split the clip; Change its speed, remove background, edit audio, do color correction, apply filters, stabilize the clip, e.t.c.

We have more edit features for the layers only which include: Spice (Blending), Animation, Masking, Chroma key, freeze frame, change opacity e.t.c.

Click the “Keyframe” icon (Diamond shaped) below the playback screen to apply keyframes to the layer. Pinch and zoom or rotate to transform the clip. Use the “Graphs” button in the edit menu to customize the keyframe animation.

Speed Ramping: To Change the speed of a clip, select it then click the “Speed” icon on the bottom bar of the screen. Move the slider to change the speed of the whole clip. To do speed ramping, click the “curves” option to choose a preset or create your own. Click a preset to apply it, and click again to open its edit menu. drag the beats up and down to change speed or add or delete a beat if you want.

Effects: Click the “+” sign between the two clips to add a transition between them, and drag the slider to change its duration.

Select the effects, filters, or titles icon to add them as a layer.

Export: Click the “Export” button on the top-right side of the screen to export your clip. Or click the button, left to the “Export” button to change its resolution and frame rate.


It is available on IOS and Mac.

If you are an Apple fan and own everything Apple then what’s better than getting your hands on a video editor designed by Apple. It is simple and easy to use. It has all the basic editing tools to enhance your video like crop, trim, transitions, effects, e.t.c. It also has a speed ramping feature which let you change the speed at different points of a clip. It’s AI mode “Magic Movie” lets you select clips and a style and software will make the final product for you.

Its “Storyboards” mode is a creative way of learning production and post-production skills. It lets you choose a theme from many famous Genres available, then it will guide you through the production process like capturing footage, arranging your shots, and creating cinematic titles to enhance your story.




  • It is free and easy to use.
  • Let you do speed ramping by changing the speed of different parts of the clip .
  • Supports Raw files.
  • It’s AI mode creates videos for you on its own.
  • The “Storyboarding” feature helps you through the production process.




  • It only works on IOS and Mac.
  • Not suitable for professional projects.


Import: Open “iMovie” then click “Start New Project” and select one of the 3 following modes to start editing:

  • Magic Movie: Select the clips for editing, then click “Create Magic Movie” to let iMovie create a movie for you, which you can customize according to your liking.
  • Storyboard: Click “Storyboard” then select Template and a genre or a style then click “Create” to start the project. iMovie will guide you and let you add the clip or title according to the pattern.
  • Movie: In “Movie” mode, select the clips from the media browser then click “Create Movie” to start editing.

Edit: Select a clip to edit it. A bunch of tools will appear at the bottom of the screen.

Click the “scissors” icon to split, duplicate, delete the clip, or to detach the audio.

Click the “volume” icon to change the volume of the clip.

Click the “Title” icon to add a title design. Click the text (on the playback window) to edit it.

Click the “Filters” icon to apply it to the selected clip and move the slider to change its intensity.

Speed Ramping: Click the “Speed” icon to change its speed. Move the yellow slider to change the speed of the whole clip. Or click the “Add” button to add partitions (in yellow color) to the selected clip. Select a partition to change its speed only. And click the “Freeze” button to add a freeze-frame.

Effects: Select the black box between two clips to add a transition. Select a transition to apply it and change its time duration if you want.

Export: Click the “Done” button on the top-left corner of the screen to save the clip, then click the “Export” icon on the bottom of the screen to save your file.

Some Paid Video speeding Softwares for iPhone:

If you do most of your video editing from your phone and want to invest some money in it then you should check the softwares mentioned below. They are quite affordable and are worthy of investment. As they are packed with many cool features. But if you aren’t sure which software to use then don’t worry as most of these softwares have a free version to try on but they have some limited features and they provide a watermark on export. But it is a great option to get your hands on new software and once you are comfortable with it, you can purchase its premium version.


It is available on IOS and Android both.

If you want to do more than just trimming and cropping to your videos then you should try Kinemaster. For editors, who want to do some advanced-level video editing on their phone, then you must have Kinemaster on your phone. It is a paid software, which is packed with many useful features. It has many video and audio effects. It also has an amazing audio editor. It also has many title designs and basic color correction tools. It has hundreds of effects and transitions + more can be downloaded from its asset store. Its UI is suitable for beginners and content creators both. It is a paid software, but all its features are completely free to use, but the free version leaves a watermark on export.



  • It supports up to 4K resolution at 60fps. (depending on mobile configuration)
  • Have amazing features like chroma key, keyframing, blend e.t.c
  • Has built-in audio and video recorder.
  • Supports multiple texts and video layers with different resolutions depending on the capability of the mobile phone.
  • Has UI like a PC video editor and supports landscape orientation for editing.
  • Have an asset store with 100s of free effects, transitions, and stock material.




  • Can’t export 4K videos on most devices.
  • Can’t apply keyframes and chroma key to the main video. (can be done on layers only)


Its Premium version is available for $4.9/month or $39.9/year. It also includes all the premium assets.



Import: Open Kinemaster, then click “New Project” to start a new project. Select the desired aspect ratio then click “Create” to start editing. Or click the “import” button on top to import an existing file to continue editing.

Media Browser will be opened. Select the clips to add them to the timeline. Click the “X” button on the top-right corner to close the media browser.

Edit: Drag the clip from the corner to trim it. Select a clip to open its editing menu. Here you can change its speed, add filters, do color correction, edit its audio, e.t.c.

On the right side, you will see a bunch of icons. Click the “Layer” button to add a media file, text, or effect as a layer. Click the “Audio” button to add an audio file. Or click the “Rec” button to do a voice-over.

Click the “+” symbol between two clips to add a transition between them, then adjust its time duration if you want.

Speed Ramping: Select the “Speed” option to change its speed. Here you can only do linear speed change. To create a speed ramp effect, split the clip into different parts and then change their speed according to your liking. Apply a crossfade transition of about 0.1 sec to smooth the jump cut between clips.

Effects: Select a clip then click “Clip Graphics” to apply the effect to your clip. Your clip will be highlighted with a yellow box, adjust it to set the time duration of the effect.

Click the “Shop” icon to visit the Asset store. Here you can find many cool Effects, clip graphics, transitions, and sound effects. Download them to use in your project.

Click the Layer clip to edit it. Here you can do chroma key, keyframing, or apply animation.

Export: Click the “Export” icon on the top-right corner of the app to open the export screen. Select the desired resolution and frame rate then click “Save as video” to export it.

Power Director:

It is available on IOS and Android both.

It is a paid but quite advanced video editor available for androids and IOS both. Like its PC version mobile version is also packed with many great features. It is compact and easy to use. It supports multiple video and audio layers. Have many cool filters and transitions. Can also do basic color corrections. To complete post-production work it also has audio editing tools and effects. It also has hundreds of title designs. Its UI is easy to use and supports both portrait and landscape orientation for editing. Most of its features can be used for free with a watermark on export. To remove the watermark you need to purchase the premium version.




  • It supports up to 4K resolution at 60fps. (compatible on most devices)
  • Supports both Portrait and Landscape orientation for editing.
  • Supports Key framing and video stabilization also.
  • Supports multiple audio and video layers.
  • Can edit videos in different aspect ratios.
  • Have a vast stock library.




  • Can’t export 4K videos on many devices.
  • Can apply keyframing and chroma key to layers only.
  • Software lags sometimes.


Its Premium version is available for $4.9/month or $29.9/year.


Import: Open “Power Director”. Click “New Project” then select Aspect Ratio to start editing. Select clips from the media library Then click the “blue tick” button to add them to the timeline. Click the “+” icon to import more clips. From the bottom bar (in portrait mode), Select the video, image, audio, or effect icon to add them as a layer. In Landscape Mode bar it is situated on the left side of the screen.

Edit: Select and drag the clip from the corner to trim it. Select a clip to open edit tools. From here you can do audio editing, color correction, cropping, stabilization, and speed change.

Here you get more features to edit a layer or an overlay such as chroma key, masking, transform keyframe, e.t.c. To do keyframing, select a layer, then click the “diamond” icon located on the right side above the timeline to add keyframes then rotate, zoom or change the position of the clip with time to add more keyframes. You can also do keyframing for other features like adjustment, mask, blend, and opacity.

Speed Ramping: To Change speed, select a clip or a layer click the “speed” button then move the slider to change its speed. To do speed ramping split the clip into small parts and change their speed respectively. Click the “ease-in” and “ease-out” buttons to smooth the jump between the clips.

Effects: Click the grey box between the clips to add a transition and move the slider to change its duration if you want.

Select a clip, then choose a filter or an effect to apply to the selected clip.

Export: To Export the finished product, click the “export” icon on the top-right side of the screen then click “Produce and Share” to select the video resolution or click the “Settings” icon to change the storage path and frame rate. Then click “Produce”.


It is available on IOS and Mac (with an m1 processor).

As a content creator, have you ever wished for creating your own cinematic masterpiece, but the thing holding you back is that you don’t have a powerful workstation or expensive software then don’t worry. You can do professional-level editing on your iPhone with the software named “LumaFusion. It is one of the most powerful and advanced video editors available for your iPhone or iPad.

It is a multi-track video editor with many useful features like the Chroma key, keyframing, color grading, and color LUTs. Have powerful color grading tools and an audio editor. It also has a lock and load stabilizer. You have to purchase the software before using it. It doesn’t have any free version to try.


Credits: Pic by Luma touch website.


  • It supports up to 4K video resolution at a max of 240 fps.
  • Can also edit and export 360 videos.
  • Have powerful color correction tools. You can also import your own color LUTs.
  • Supports Keyframing on almost all the editing tools within the software.
  • You can add some third-party audio plugins.
  • Supports up to 6 audio and video layers.
  • Have “Storyblock” stock library. (Many of its contents are free to use)
  • Supports external monitor for display.


Credits: Pic by Luma touch website.


  • Not available for Android devices.
  • Being an advanced software, it doesn’t have masking and speed ramping features.
  • Doesn’t have a free version to try on.


It is available for purchase at $29.99.


Import: Click the “+” button on the bottom of the screen to start a new project. A small tab will appear, change the settings if you want, then click the “+” button on the top-right side of the tab to start your project.

Click the “flower icon” on the top-right side of the screen to open the source menu (Its icon changes depending on the present tab), Click “Photos” to open folders and files. Click and drag files to add them to the timeline. Click and drag the clips on the top of the primary clip to add them as a layer.

Edit: Click and drag the clips from the corner to trim them. On the bar at the bottom of the screen, you will find basic tools. Click the clip, to open editing tools on the same bar.

Click the “+” icon on the bottom bar or select “Titles” on the source menu to open the Titles menu. Drag and drop the titles to use them. Double-click the text to open the edit menu.

Double-click the clip to open the edit menu. Here you can transform the clip, change its speed, Stabilize your clips, do color grading, add an effect and perform audio editing.

Speed Ramping: In the edit mode, click the “speed and reverse” button and move the slider back or forth to change the speed of the whole video. To do speed ramping, split the video into parts and apply different speeds to create a speed ramp effect. This method is not perfect but it gets the job done.

Effects: Select the “Transitions” icon on the source menu to open the transition menu. Drag and drop a transition on a clip to use it.

Double click a clip to open the edit menu. Then in the “Color & Effects” tab select any effects and apply them to your clip.

To do keyframing, on the edit menu, click the “circle” icon on the bottom-right side below the display to start keyframing. then change the settings with time to add further keyframes.

Export: To Export your file, click the “Export” icon on the bottom-right corner of the screen to open the export menu then click the “movie” icon to select the file destination. Select the desired export settings then click the “Export” icon on the top of the menu to export your finished product.

Which One Should I Choose Free or Paid iPhone Video speeding Softwares?

It usually depends on your needs. If you just want a speed editor to make slow-mo or timelapse videos for your social media then you should go for free video editors, as they are easy to use and provide better speed ramping features than some paid video editors mentioned here.

But as a content creator if you want more features alongside speed ramping then you should go for paid softwares mentioned above. As mobile video editors are quite affordable and some of them have features like that of some PC softwares.

FAQs about Speed ramping feature and softwares:

  1. Q) What is Speed Ramping and where it is used?

Speed Ramping is different from just changing the speed of the whole clip. It means changing the speed of the video gradually, so the clip doesn’t feel jumpy.

It is done to give viewers a smooth experience between different parts of the clip. like the fast-forward clip is used to show the passage of time. and the slow-mo is used to emphasize something or produce tension, while a mix of both is used in ads and action scenes, e.t.c.

  1. Q) How to do Speed Ramping?

Speed Ramping methods vary from software to software. Either you can do it by adding keyframes and changing speed with time or you can add or adjust curves for speed change. If your software doesn’t support the speed ramping feature, you can split a clip into parts and apply speed change to them differently. For some of the best iPhone softwares, we have mentioned the speed ramping steps above.

  1. Q) What FPS is best for Slo-mo videos?

Shooting at 60 Fps is ideal as it gives a smooth and crisp video and you can make slow motion easily if required, you can slow it down up to 40% of its speed while maintaining the quality. It is supported in almost most devices nowadays. And if you want to create super slo-mo for your cinematics or product video then 120 or 240 fps is preferable. But higher fps often have disadvantages as it is harder to apply visual effects or masks. So choose the frame rate according to your requirements.

  1. Q) Does changing the speed of video affect its audio?

Yes, changing the speed of video affects the audio, It affects its pitch (tempo). Increasing its speed increases the pitch of the audio making it sound shrill while decreasing the speed of the video or making slow-mo decreases the pitch making it sound deep.

Although, some softwares provide the feature to maintain the pitch while changing the speed of the clip.

Final Cut Pro for iPad- Is It Available?

Final Cut Pro by Apple is the most popular premium video editor among macOS users. Starting from social media videos to short films and movies, Final Cut Pro is a popular choice. Even though video editing using FCP is mostly done on Mac, there are many who prefer video editing on their powerful phones. It is quite shocking that Final Cut Pro for Android and iOS users is not yet available.

Since it is an Apple-exclusive application, you would have expected FCP mobile app for iPhone and iPad. But Apple is yet to develop a mobile app for Final Cut Pro. Naturally, we have to look for Final Cut Pro alternative mobile apps for smartphone users. The alternatives need to be as feature-rich and powerful as FCP. Here is the list of the best Final Cut Pro alternative apps for Android and iOS users.

  1. Filmora
  2. InShot
  3. KineMaster
  4. Funimate
  5. Splice
  1. iMovie
  2. Quik
  3. Magisto
  4. VivaVideo
  5. Adobe Premiere Rush

Part 1. Final Cut Pro Alternative App for Android

There is no Final Cut Pro app available for Android users. It is not surprising because Final Cut Pro is an Apple product. When you search for Final Cut Pro on Play Store, you will come across an FCP app. But it is a fake app and not developed by Apple. Here is our recommendation of the best Final Cut Pro alternative app for Android users.

1. Filmora

Filmora is the best alternative to Final Cut Pro for Android users. The app has a super high rating on Play Store. Filmora is available for free and you can create amazing HD videos. You can add stunning effects, animations, texts, filters, backgrounds, and much more. You can obviously perform the basic video edits such as trim, cut, join, and likewise. The app allows easy sharing of edited videos on social media platforms.

You can add keyframes for personalized creativity animations. There is a wide range of music available to pick from. Besides, there are amazing stickers and emojis available to apply to your video. The user interface is super intuitive for everyone to use easily without prior experience. The free version attaches a watermark and you can remove it by upgrading to VIP membership.

download filmorago android app

Link –\_IN&gl=US

2. InShot

InShot is an extremely popular video editor app among Android users. It is featured as the Editor’s Choice on Play Store. The app has all the features and functionalities you need for basic and advanced video editing. In spite of being a powerful app, the graphical interface is user-friendly.

There are beautiful transitions, stickers, text effects, voice effects, and frames available. You can make picture-in-picture videos, slideshow videos, and slow-motion videos. You can also create stories and GIFs for social media. Besides, there is a keyframe option for texts and stickers. You can easily add voiceover, music, and voice effect to enhance the video content.

download inshot app android

Link –\_IN&gl=US

3. KineMaster

KineMaster is a popular video editing app among beginners. You can create your video from scratch using its video templates. KineMaster has a wide range of different categories of video templates to get started. Starting from basic adjustments to adding filters and effects, everything is available on KineMaster.

The user interface is super easy to operate. The app comes with an incredible collection of assets such as animations and clip graphics. You can remove the background from your video or photo instantly. Besides, you can save the edited video in desired video quality and share it instantly on social media platforms.

kinemaster video editor download

Link –\_IN&gl=US

4. Funimate

Funimate is a relatively new video editing app. But in a short time, the app has managed to become a top video editor app on Play Store. This is because it is extremely powerful and it is comparable to Final Cut Pro in terms of features. The app has a stunning collection of video and text effects that will enhance video content. You can work with multiple video layers just like Final Cut Pro.

The keyframe effect is a strong point for customized and personalized animations. You can choose from the different transitions, overlays, and backgrounds. Besides, there is a wide range of chic effects and filters to go with modern video trends. There is a dedicated 3D space available to experiment with object and text animations. You can sync music and choose AI effects and video masks.

funimate video editor download

Link –\_IN&gl=US

5. Splice

This is another relatively new video editor app but has a superb rating from users. The powerful video editor app makes it easy for beginners to edit videos comfortably. It has a dedicated timeline to work on your video clip and edit as per your requirements. There are beautiful text effects and overlays available.

Besides, you can add and sync music perfectly. Moreover, you can adjust the speed of your video to get the slow-motion effect. The basic video editing tools are available and you can create videos from your photos. There are amazing transitions and video effects present to apply to your photos and video clips. Overall, the video editor is suitable for beginners as well as professionals.

splice video editor download android

Link –\_IN&gl=US

Part 2. Final Cut Pro Alternative App for iPhone

Since Final Cut Pro is from Apple, you would have expected an FCP app for iPhone and iPad. Unfortunately, Apple has no plan yet to launch Final Cut Pro mobile app. Here are the Final Cut Pro alternative apps for iPhone and iPad users.

1. iMovie

iMovie by Apple is considered to be an ideal alternative to Final Cut Pro. Even though it is not as advanced as FCP, but there are powerful features for professionals as well. You can create videos from scratch and there are beautiful templates available to get started. You can also make Hollywood-style cinematic trailers to get your viewers excited.

Apart from templates of different categories, there are different text styles and textures available to pick from. You can get the popular picture-in-picture, split screen, and green screen effect options. It supports editing 4K videos at 60 fps. You can send your video projects to iPad and Mac conveniently.

open imovie app iphone

Link –

2. Quik

Quik by GoPro is one of the most popular video editors. GoPro is the leading action camera brand. Naturally, there is huge traction for its video editor. First of all, its speed adjustment feature is the highlight of the app. You can go for super slow, regular slow, freeze, timelapse, hyper-lapse, and fast motion.

Select from a wide range of themes to get started. There is no dearth of filters, transitions, and effects. Some of the filters are super exclusive to the app. You can share your edited video on social media platforms instantly. The multi-selection timeline is suitable for advanced video editors. The app has exclusive features for GoPro owners.

download quik app iphone

Link –

3. Magisto

If you are into storytelling with your videos, this is the best app to edit your videos. It has all the features and options to make your video look classic and eye-catching. As a matter of fact, it is arguably the best video editor for social media video creators. You can use its artificial intelligence feature to select the best parts of your video automatically.

There are ready-made templates available to make your video look professional as well as entertaining. You can perform all the basic video editing tasks swiftly. You can work with the music part comfortably so that your video content enhances. Starting from slideshow videos to short videos for social media, the app is perfect for different genres of video making.

magisto app download iphone

Link –

4. VivaVideo

VivaVideo is a highly rated video editing app. The app lets you change video speed, supports high-resolution output, and comes with dynamic effects. You can make short videos with your photos. You can decorate them beautifully with frames and objects available.

There are several cinematic filters available to enhance video quality. Apart from these, you get to select from a wide collection of text effects and emojis. You can work with keyframes and export video in 4k resolution. You can also create GIFs for social media platforms instantly.

vivavideo app download iphone

Link –

5. Adobe Premiere Rush

Adobe Premiere is the biggest competitor of Final Cut Pro. But Adobe has gone one step ahead of FCP by releasing its mobile app. Adobe Premiere Rush is undoubtedly a powerful video editor. It is true that all the features of the Adobe Premiere desktop application are not available. But it is still great for a professional video creator.

There are multi-track timeline, customizable animated templates, and stunning video and text effects. The app has AI sensors for automated color balancing. The premium content library has everything you need. There are different aspect ratios available for creating videos for all devices. You can export edited videos in 4K resolution.

adobe premiere rush app download

Link –

1. Is Final Cut Pro a free app?

No, Final Cut Pro is not a free app. It is a paid app that costs $299.99 for lifetime access. However, you can download the free trial version of Final Cut Pro. You can use the trial version for 90 days before purchasing the product.

2. Does Final Cut Pro have a mobile app?

No, Final Cut Pro does not have any mobile app as of now. It is exclusively for iMac and MacBook users. You can use Filmora mobile app if you are looking for an FCP alternative.

3. Is Final Cut Pro Apple only?

Apple is the developer of Final Cut Pro. Therefore, it is an Apple-exclusive product. Naturally, it works only on macOS-based devices such as iMac and MacBook.

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Part 1. Final Cut Pro Alternative App for Android

There is no Final Cut Pro app available for Android users. It is not surprising because Final Cut Pro is an Apple product. When you search for Final Cut Pro on Play Store, you will come across an FCP app. But it is a fake app and not developed by Apple. Here is our recommendation of the best Final Cut Pro alternative app for Android users.

1. Filmora

Filmora is the best alternative to Final Cut Pro for Android users. The app has a super high rating on Play Store. Filmora is available for free and you can create amazing HD videos. You can add stunning effects, animations, texts, filters, backgrounds, and much more. You can obviously perform the basic video edits such as trim, cut, join, and likewise. The app allows easy sharing of edited videos on social media platforms.

You can add keyframes for personalized creativity animations. There is a wide range of music available to pick from. Besides, there are amazing stickers and emojis available to apply to your video. The user interface is super intuitive for everyone to use easily without prior experience. The free version attaches a watermark and you can remove it by upgrading to VIP membership.

download filmorago android app

Link –\_IN&gl=US

2. InShot

InShot is an extremely popular video editor app among Android users. It is featured as the Editor’s Choice on Play Store. The app has all the features and functionalities you need for basic and advanced video editing. In spite of being a powerful app, the graphical interface is user-friendly.

There are beautiful transitions, stickers, text effects, voice effects, and frames available. You can make picture-in-picture videos, slideshow videos, and slow-motion videos. You can also create stories and GIFs for social media. Besides, there is a keyframe option for texts and stickers. You can easily add voiceover, music, and voice effect to enhance the video content.

download inshot app android

Link –\_IN&gl=US

3. KineMaster

KineMaster is a popular video editing app among beginners. You can create your video from scratch using its video templates. KineMaster has a wide range of different categories of video templates to get started. Starting from basic adjustments to adding filters and effects, everything is available on KineMaster.

The user interface is super easy to operate. The app comes with an incredible collection of assets such as animations and clip graphics. You can remove the background from your video or photo instantly. Besides, you can save the edited video in desired video quality and share it instantly on social media platforms.

kinemaster video editor download

Link –\_IN&gl=US

4. Funimate

Funimate is a relatively new video editing app. But in a short time, the app has managed to become a top video editor app on Play Store. This is because it is extremely powerful and it is comparable to Final Cut Pro in terms of features. The app has a stunning collection of video and text effects that will enhance video content. You can work with multiple video layers just like Final Cut Pro.

The keyframe effect is a strong point for customized and personalized animations. You can choose from the different transitions, overlays, and backgrounds. Besides, there is a wide range of chic effects and filters to go with modern video trends. There is a dedicated 3D space available to experiment with object and text animations. You can sync music and choose AI effects and video masks.

funimate video editor download

Link –\_IN&gl=US

5. Splice

This is another relatively new video editor app but has a superb rating from users. The powerful video editor app makes it easy for beginners to edit videos comfortably. It has a dedicated timeline to work on your video clip and edit as per your requirements. There are beautiful text effects and overlays available.

Besides, you can add and sync music perfectly. Moreover, you can adjust the speed of your video to get the slow-motion effect. The basic video editing tools are available and you can create videos from your photos. There are amazing transitions and video effects present to apply to your photos and video clips. Overall, the video editor is suitable for beginners as well as professionals.

splice video editor download android

Link –\_IN&gl=US

Part 2. Final Cut Pro Alternative App for iPhone

Since Final Cut Pro is from Apple, you would have expected an FCP app for iPhone and iPad. Unfortunately, Apple has no plan yet to launch Final Cut Pro mobile app. Here are the Final Cut Pro alternative apps for iPhone and iPad users.

1. iMovie

iMovie by Apple is considered to be an ideal alternative to Final Cut Pro. Even though it is not as advanced as FCP, but there are powerful features for professionals as well. You can create videos from scratch and there are beautiful templates available to get started. You can also make Hollywood-style cinematic trailers to get your viewers excited.

Apart from templates of different categories, there are different text styles and textures available to pick from. You can get the popular picture-in-picture, split screen, and green screen effect options. It supports editing 4K videos at 60 fps. You can send your video projects to iPad and Mac conveniently.

open imovie app iphone

Link –

2. Quik

Quik by GoPro is one of the most popular video editors. GoPro is the leading action camera brand. Naturally, there is huge traction for its video editor. First of all, its speed adjustment feature is the highlight of the app. You can go for super slow, regular slow, freeze, timelapse, hyper-lapse, and fast motion.

Select from a wide range of themes to get started. There is no dearth of filters, transitions, and effects. Some of the filters are super exclusive to the app. You can share your edited video on social media platforms instantly. The multi-selection timeline is suitable for advanced video editors. The app has exclusive features for GoPro owners.

download quik app iphone

Link –

3. Magisto

If you are into storytelling with your videos, this is the best app to edit your videos. It has all the features and options to make your video look classic and eye-catching. As a matter of fact, it is arguably the best video editor for social media video creators. You can use its artificial intelligence feature to select the best parts of your video automatically.

There are ready-made templates available to make your video look professional as well as entertaining. You can perform all the basic video editing tasks swiftly. You can work with the music part comfortably so that your video content enhances. Starting from slideshow videos to short videos for social media, the app is perfect for different genres of video making.

magisto app download iphone

Link –

4. VivaVideo

VivaVideo is a highly rated video editing app. The app lets you change video speed, supports high-resolution output, and comes with dynamic effects. You can make short videos with your photos. You can decorate them beautifully with frames and objects available.

There are several cinematic filters available to enhance video quality. Apart from these, you get to select from a wide collection of text effects and emojis. You can work with keyframes and export video in 4k resolution. You can also create GIFs for social media platforms instantly.

vivavideo app download iphone

Link –

5. Adobe Premiere Rush

Adobe Premiere is the biggest competitor of Final Cut Pro. But Adobe has gone one step ahead of FCP by releasing its mobile app. Adobe Premiere Rush is undoubtedly a powerful video editor. It is true that all the features of the Adobe Premiere desktop application are not available. But it is still great for a professional video creator.

There are multi-track timeline, customizable animated templates, and stunning video and text effects. The app has AI sensors for automated color balancing. The premium content library has everything you need. There are different aspect ratios available for creating videos for all devices. You can export edited videos in 4K resolution.

adobe premiere rush app download

Link –

1. Is Final Cut Pro a free app?

No, Final Cut Pro is not a free app. It is a paid app that costs $299.99 for lifetime access. However, you can download the free trial version of Final Cut Pro. You can use the trial version for 90 days before purchasing the product.

2. Does Final Cut Pro have a mobile app?

No, Final Cut Pro does not have any mobile app as of now. It is exclusively for iMac and MacBook users. You can use Filmora mobile app if you are looking for an FCP alternative.

3. Is Final Cut Pro Apple only?

Apple is the developer of Final Cut Pro. Therefore, it is an Apple-exclusive product. Naturally, it works only on macOS-based devices such as iMac and MacBook.

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Top 10 Video Editing Online Makers Is Worth Your Attention

Which 10 Best Video Editing Online Makers is Worth Your Attention in 2022

An easy yet powerful editor

Numerous effects to choose from

Detailed tutorials provided by the official channel

Try It Free Try It Free

In this article

01 [Best 10 Free Video Editing Software Online](#Part 1)

02 [Video Editing Online Q&A](#Part 2)

Part 1 Best 10 Free Video Editing Software Online

Video editing and customization is an essential aspect of graphic design and allied applications. Entering into the domain, the IT and software market presents a diverse range of solutions to work on the concern. While there are numerous software alternatives and programs to download and use, such utilities may sometime come up with a time consuming and rigorous editing process.

Another aspect that stops editors, especially beginners and newbies from picking the software alternatives is their high end working interface that may often be difficult to understand and navigate through. Sorting out all the aforesaid issues, there comes the extensive range of online and web based video editing utilities to perfectly cater to all the video customization needs in a spic and span process.

In the light of the aforesaid merits that you get to access with an online video editing program, let us try hands at having an insight into some of the best online alternatives to customize your videos in what follows next:

Adaptable Systems: All common operating systems

Inaugurating the list, here is the online editing website that you can work with to create, edit, share and host video footages and clips. The best utility of the program is that it caters a diverse range of film customization requirements, from personal, candid creations to high end professional editing needs of business enterprises, media enthusiasts, blogging and entrepreneurship platforms and a variety of other sectors.

Talking of the platform workability, you get to access a responsive and non-messy editing interface, with a convenient navigation for newbies and non tech savvy users. Going through the demos and informative articles, tutorials and blogs, you can design professionally sound presentations with utmost ease. The platform houses the widest video template library with over 400 million preset customizable stock videos to choose from.

The utility expands a range of customization choices to spark up your edits, such as including self-created logos, fonts and watermarks on the videos. Talking of video export options, the platform grants you the liberty to directly share your video edits across all popular media sharing handles and online storage accounts, like, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Dropbox, Google Drive, etc. in more than 30 different file formats.

You can also save the customized video to the local media gallery of your device in the MP4 file format. An exclusive video sharing feature of the site works to create an editable ‘Video Landing Page’ consisting of the created video edit, its title and a call-to-action button. You can also embed your creation to blogs and websites from the platforms. You can work with the program absolutely free of cost.


Tons of stock videos, music and fun elements to complement your footage.

Most convenient editing timeline for an enjoyable editing experience.

The customization process is very fast.


The video uploading process is quite time consuming.

Some features have a confusing work pattern.

The program leaves its watermark on the customized clips.

Best 10 Free Video Editing Software Online-


Adaptable Systems: All popular operating systems

The InVideo online editing tool is probably the best alternative you can get for a quick customization of your video footage. The utility houses a series of tools and features to create classic masterpieces of clip edits. The program’s library allows you to expand your graphic design creativity with its extensive variety of in built editing templates. The add-on elements are no less with an appealing range of masks, stickers and vector shapes to spark up your creations.

The tool has a paid collection of more than 3 million preset templates, which get reduced to a count of 1 million for free version users. This is however, a cumulative figure with an addition of premium features. The free template options, though limited, are appealing to work with. As far as the customization options are concerned, the utility recommends you to create your brand prior to beginning with the editing process.

You can set a brand by adding the name and logo of your company, along with specific colors to a preferred default template. This causes your brand elements to stay in the tool’s editing dashboard for an instant access in times of need. The tool allows you to create video edits in the vertical, square and wide aspect ratios, which you can switch between, while customizing the preset video template.

When it comes to exporting your creation, the free version of the tool limits you to a local save of the edits in your device’s media gallery in a 720 pixel resolution, along with a direct sharing facility for Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. The utility additionally leaves its watermark on the output video. The aforesaid limitations can however be overcome by availing a paid subscription of the online editing program.


The program undergoes a regular update in line with user feedback.

You are granted a complete control on the video customization process to add the elements of your choice.

The program’s back end user support is highly active with a 24 x 7 chat service.


You cannot add sound elements to the video edits.

The tool’s Text-to-speech recognition abilities are somewhat of the mediocre level.

The free version of the tool has a limited number of video export options.

Best 10 Free Video Editing Software Online- InVideo

03Adobe Spark

Adaptable Systems: All popular operating systems

Presently known as Adobe Creative Cloud Express, this one is a sophisticated video customization tool, suited best for experienced users to address the needs of creating professionally sound video, graphic and web page edits. The tool greets you with a quite upgraded interface, although the workability and template selection is not that complex. Working with the tool, you can create customized videos in landscape and square formats with respective aspect ratios of 16:9 and 1:1.

Talking of the customization options, you get to access and work with tons of preset video customization templates within the Adobe Stock library of the tool. The templates are free to use, but however, leave a watermark on the final edited output. As far as other editing elements are concerned, the tool presents a huge set of choices to match the feel, flavor, theme and style of your videos and graphic footages.

You are also allowed to edit a brand with the aforesaid tool, but catering to the concern however, requires a paid subscription of the utility. Moving into the tool’s creation export facility, you may face a downside with respect to the time constraint of the video upload process. The export interface takes a sufficient time to fetch a download of the customized video, while compressing the output file.


The output quality of the customized video is quite impressive.

The tool’s working interface is simple, with stepwise, onscreen usage instructions guiding you through the editing process.

The utility is known to create excellent web design projects in a minimal amount of time.


The software does not allow you to embed your video edits on blogs and websites.

The video export process takes a considerable amount of time.

The free version leaves the tool’s watermark on the customized video output.

Best 10 Free Video Editing Software Online- Adobe Spark


Adaptable Platforms: All popular operating systems

Moving ahead with the list, there is the Animoto online video editor program that lets you work towards creating customized video edits in 2 separate modes, depending on your requirement niche. If you are keen on making customized video edits from personal or family centered events to share on social media handles, it would be great to pick the ‘Animoto Memories’ customization service. On the contrary, the ‘Animoto Marketing’ service is best suited to create professional video edits.

To have an in-depth understanding of the customization process within each of the editing modes, you can refer the inbuilt tutorials offered by the tool. The program interface additionally guides you through the customization process with stepwise on screen instructions when you are using the tool to create your first ever video edit. The interface is clean, responsive and easy to navigate.

Talking of the video customization facilities, you are allowed to access a refined audio and template library with a host of thematic choices to select and work upon. The tool lets you upload and edit video files from the local media gallery of your system, as well as import the same from a preferred online or external platform. You can even capture fresh video clips and begin editing them with the program.

The preset template library of the program houses a decent range of 60 different options to create amazing video edits that suit a diversity of purposes, like that of social and professional events, photography sessions, short content clips, recipes, YouTube ads and much more. You can work to customize the font, size, color and segments of the footage.

As of the editing formats, you are permitted to create landscape and square artworks in 16:9 and 1:1 aspect ratio respectively. When proceeding to export your creation, the tool presents before you with HD and SD resolutions, with 720 and 1080 pixels in the former, while 360 and 480 pixels in the latter. You can easily share your creations across popular media platforms and online storage accounts, or host them on websites, and also save them locally to your device.


The tool caters to generate high quality edited video outputs.

You can customize the videos with personalized tags.

The program lets you create advertisement videos with ease.


The editing process takes enough time to make you feel distracted.

You cannot cancel the paid subscription at a later stage.

The free version has a limited set of features, and premium version is too pricey.

Best 10 Free Video Editing Software Online- Animoto


Adaptable Platforms: All popular operating systems

For those who are keen on following social media trends, or looking for high end business presentation ideas, Flyr is the just perfect choice. The elegantly professional pre designed template options within the tool’s library are effortless dedicated towards helping you create top class customized video footages and presentations. With millions of HD video backgrounds and templates to pick from, this program literally has everything to address the most expanded editing requirements.

Moving towards the workability convenience, the program greets you with an elementary interface, and the simplest of customization processes. To edit videos with this online tool, all you need to do is, sign up to the utility, pick an editable template, add a desired text in the message field and scale up the video background, if required. You will however, get to access a limited number of templates with a one-time download facility, when using the tool’s free version.

Extending the dimensions of customization flexibilities, you can complement the video edits with vibrant shades of your choice to render them with a personalized appearance. You are further, allowed to make a choice among the portrait, landscape and square formats for generating the customized output footage. While permitting you to export the edited footage in a variety of file formats with a 1080 pixel HD or SD resolution, the tool facilitates a local save of the generated clip exclusively to its paid subscribers.


The program comes to you with the simplest of interfaces to work with.

You can export your creations in a diversity of aspect ratios and output formats.

The tool has some AI based features to cater a quick and smart video output.


The tool’s subscription plans cannot be customized.

The free version of the program houses a restricted number of customization features.

The output generation process may ask you to wait a bit longer than usual.

Best 10 Free Video Editing Software Online- Flyr


Adaptable Systems: All popular operating systems

This one is a reliable online video editing app that caters to the most diverse customization requirements, all with its elementary set of utilities and features. Though the program interface may appear a bit chuncked up and messy, the featuristic viability of the platform is a convenient compensation of the same. Some of the choicest appeals of the program include a diverse range of clip aspect ratios and an instant video playback facility.

Compensating for its crowded interface to a further extent, Kizoa works to walk you through the footage customization process via step wise on screen instructions. If you ever find it difficult to navigate through the tool’s editing workspace, additional help is catered by a series of reminder prompts. As of the inbuilt customization utilities, the platform opens up a huge library of preset template options to pick and use.

The photo album and music library are however, a downside with about 20 default images and a limited number of royalty free audio tracks. While there is an additional range of surplus audio tracks, you are permitted to access the same only through a paid subscription of the program. Talking of the available video formats to work with editing your videos, you can pick from the 4:3, 3:2 and 16:9 landscape options, 9:16, 2:3 and 3:4 portrait choices, or a 1:1 square format.

Exploring the customization features to a deeper extent, you get to work with a decent and updated variety of fonts and color switches. When it comes to exporting your creation, the tool offers an expanded set of choices to present your artwork across popular social media and networking platforms and online media storage accounts, such as, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, E-mail, Google Drive, etc.

You can additionally, download the edited footage to your device, host it on a on a website or blog, and burn the same to an external disk. The tool comes with a ‘Pay Once’ premium subscription to access hidden features.


The tool backs up your editing queries with a 24 x 7 responsive customer support system.

You can avail a lifetime membership of the program to avoid periodic renewal.

The export facility of the tool is quite expanded.


The tool often encounters content mismanagement.

The working interface is quite crowded.

Uploading videos to the program’s workspace is a time taking process.

Best 10 Free Video Editing Software Online- Kizoa


Adaptable Systems: All popular operating systems

If you are a newbie in the arena of graphic and video editing applications, this one is a perfect choice to proceed with the task of video customization. The aforesaid online utility to edit clips and footages is extremely useful to the ones who have just landed into the creative domain and try hands at creating customized clips with an online aid. The tool facilitates you with a guided search and customization to let you create a visual masterpiece in a quick time span.

While the editing process is affordably simple, the working interface leaves nothing unturned to help you with a clean layout and prompting on screen instructions. The interface elements have a well-defined organization, displaying first things first, making it possible for you to conveniently design extensive video projects with a high end professional quality.

This online tool however, does not facilitate preset features and templates to free users. Although you can have a glimpse of the assorted range of sound effects, video templates, music tracks, animated themes and backgrounds, accessing the same essentially requires you to avail a paid subscription of the program. Additional customization features of the tool include an instant playback option, several title transitions and a decent font selection range.

As a free user of the tool, you are entitled to export your video edits in an affordably low resolution of 480 pixels. Premium users are however, benefited with a 720 pixel export facility, but the real element of surprise is that the platform does not allow a 1080 pixel export at all. While the tool does not present you with video export choices at all, you can anyway make a free download of your creation to the local media gallery of your system.


The utility is one of the most preferred video customization programs for freelancers.

The working interface has a calming and easy to go outlook.

The program is quite suitable to be used by beginners.


As reported by premium users, the media import process is not so welcoming.

The project media gets stored in your device’s internal memory instead of a cloud space.

Output quality for free users is disappointingly low.

Best 10 Free Video Editing Software Online- ClipChamp


Adaptable Systems: All popular operating systems

Launched as an extension to the Google Chrome web browser, the aforesaid online video editor program is chiefly designed to address the screen recording concerns of business and academic personnel, YouTubers and gamers. Ahead of the aforesaid facility, the tool is an excellent choice to sort out video customization needs as well. You can access the latter’s free tom use audio and image library to select and include these media into your video edits.

When addressing the concern of editing motion centered screen captures and video overlays, you can supplement the same with a single music piece, which is quite limiting. The program allows you to export your customized video edits to a variety of media sharing platforms, such as, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google, etc., through a sign up to the respective website. If however, you wish to make a direct share, there is an option to use the HippoVideo integration of these media sites.

You can further, stock up your creations to online storage accounts, like, Vimeo, Google Drive, etc. If you wish to export the edited videos exclusively on Slack, the program lets you do that by generating a direct share link. There is also a choice to save the edits locally to your system. Talking of the output formats; the utility keeps you devoid of any aspect ratio options, but facilitates a 720 and 1080 pixel video output resolution for free and paid users respectively.


The tool boasts of a responsive and dedicated customer support service.

The program greets you with a welcoming interface that is handy to use and navigate through.

The tool undergoes periodic bug fixes to further upgrade and improve its workability.


The output video quality is visibly limited.

The video upload process occasionally encounters an appreciable time lag.

The Google Chrome extension often causes the program to crash down.

Best 10 Free Video Editing Software Online- HippoVideo


Adaptable Systems: All popular operating systems

If you are looking for an affordable solution to customize videos online for academic purposes, this one is possibly the most suitable web based alternative that you can rely on. The tool facilitates the students with creating educational video edits within a protected cloud interface, under a convenient supervision of the educators. The tool further caters an extensive editing portability on your preferred time, device and place.

Your video edits remain safe with the tool, with the flexibility to avail them at your fingertips, as and when required. The seamless transition of the edits via a ‘Drag and Drop’ method creates the illusion of an instant playback. As of the preset editing facilities, you can at the most see teaser previews of the tool’s extensive media library that houses over 4.5 million images and 1 million music tracks as an unpaid user. You can however, pick one from the 22 free audio tracks.

Diving deeper into the customization features, the paid users get to work with transitions, text, overlays and music tracks. Picking up a preset template to create the video edits however, puts a limitation on the aforesaid self-customization flexibilities. Talking of the video formats, they are an absolute ‘No’ for the free users of the tool. The paid subscribers however, can switch between the 16:9 landscape and 1:1 square alternatives with the most economical purchase plan.

You can avail the free trial up to one customization and save your edited videos to the local media gallery of your system with the tool’s watermark. Exporting your creations to the popular media sharing platforms, like YouTube, Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, etc., relies on you paying for the utility. The watermark however remains with the paid subscription as well. The tool greatly compromises on the output video quality of the edits, with a mere 480 pixel resolution.


Though a paid feature, the tool houses an extensive library of preset video, image and audio templates.

The user interface is clean and responsive, with no messy presentation of elements around.

The transition flow within the created edits is effortlessly smooth.


The tool does not allow you to rotate and crop the video edits.

Publishing the edits with the tool sometimes gets confusing due to the difficultly of locating the videos within the program library.

Some of the customization features rendered by the tool are difficult to understand and work with.

Best 10 Free Video Editing Software Online- WeVideo

10**Wondershare Filmora Video Editor **

Adaptable Systems: Windows and MacOS

If you have been wondering lately of picking the best free video editing software of all times to create high end graphic masterpieces with footage customization, the Wondershare Filmora video editing program is here to end your worries. The software conveniently lands among the most preferred graphic design tool across the globe to address a series of editing and creation requirements. An obvious cause of the above is the latter’s extensive collection of editing tools and features.

The software’s editing library is known to house an updated diversity of video customization tools and effects that you can play with to create classic pieces of video artworks. Ahead of the basic editing tools to cut, trim, crop and rotate videos, the Filmora library houses some of the latest and advanced video customization features, such as, green screen, split screen, auto synchronization, motion tracking, color match, and lots more.

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

Diving a bit deeper into the expanse of editing features and effects, the software allows you to add a series of filters, animated elements, text customizations, lower thirds, titles, video and image combinations and graphic inclusions to the clip being edited. The program audio library is another content storehouse with a huge collection of free to use background music tracks to complement your videos with.

While you can customize and export videos in 4K resolution with Filmora, the software allows you to import and edit GIF videos. Additional utilities of the program are a noise attenuator to eliminate background noise, color tuner for adjusting the dynamic range and white balance, audio mixer and video stabilizer for respectively, changing the music track and removing camera shake effects, and a screen recorder for a high resolution capture of the webcam and system screens.


The software comes with a good number of video editing tutorials that explain the usage pattern diverse range of features and effects.

The video import and export process of the software is quick and efficient.

The program is known to possess one of the best working interfaces to guide you throughout the video editing process.


Importing media files can sometime pose format compatibility issues.

The text customization features offered by the program are somewhat basic.

You may encounter occasional software crashes while working with the program.

Best 10 Free Video Editing Software Online- WeVideo

Part 2 Video Editing Online Q&A

What is the fundamental concept behind online video editing?

When working with creating video footages, online editing comes at the end of the production agenda and is performed after the video has been customized at the offline level. As of today, the task of online video customization is efficiently taken care of by the most advanced and diverse range of video editing programs that work in line with nonlinear editing (NLE) systems.

What is the main benefit of using online video editing tools to customize videos?

Online video editing programs grant you the liberty to customize your footages and clips without the compulsion of downloading heavy and expensive software packages. You are further allowed to access and use a diverse range of editing effects and features with absolutely no or minimal subscription cost.

What are the essential applications of video editing?

Video editing refers to the art of creating a structured presentation of different elements within footages to showcase the required content in an engaging and interesting style. Talking of the content variations that can be edited, you can experiment with video essays, documentaries films and video advertisements.

What are the prerequisites of a professional quality video edit?

When aiming to create a professionally sound video edit, take care of the final output quality and prefer a fine video resolution of 4K or 1080 pixels. You should additionally, prefer using a reliable video hosting website to facilitate a quick loading of your video, while using the same as an effective SEO strategy.

What are the various categories of online video editing?

Speaking sin professional terms, you can categorize online video customization into 5 major types that are, mechanical editing, line editing, copy editing, structural editing and substantive, content or developmental editing. Using a mix and match of these customization categories renders a classic and fine quality video edit.

Ending Thoughts

Editing videos online is a quick and smart way of transforming your videos, clips and footages into graphic artworks without the hustle of downloading extensive software.

Browsing through the web, you can come across a plethora of online editing tools and platforms to create high quality video edits.

When looking for a reliable video editing software alternative, you can make an intelligent choice by picking the Wondershare Filmora video editor program.

Try It Free Try It Free

In this article

01 [Best 10 Free Video Editing Software Online](#Part 1)

02 [Video Editing Online Q&A](#Part 2)

Part 1 Best 10 Free Video Editing Software Online

Video editing and customization is an essential aspect of graphic design and allied applications. Entering into the domain, the IT and software market presents a diverse range of solutions to work on the concern. While there are numerous software alternatives and programs to download and use, such utilities may sometime come up with a time consuming and rigorous editing process.

Another aspect that stops editors, especially beginners and newbies from picking the software alternatives is their high end working interface that may often be difficult to understand and navigate through. Sorting out all the aforesaid issues, there comes the extensive range of online and web based video editing utilities to perfectly cater to all the video customization needs in a spic and span process.

In the light of the aforesaid merits that you get to access with an online video editing program, let us try hands at having an insight into some of the best online alternatives to customize your videos in what follows next:

Adaptable Systems: All common operating systems

Inaugurating the list, here is the online editing website that you can work with to create, edit, share and host video footages and clips. The best utility of the program is that it caters a diverse range of film customization requirements, from personal, candid creations to high end professional editing needs of business enterprises, media enthusiasts, blogging and entrepreneurship platforms and a variety of other sectors.

Talking of the platform workability, you get to access a responsive and non-messy editing interface, with a convenient navigation for newbies and non tech savvy users. Going through the demos and informative articles, tutorials and blogs, you can design professionally sound presentations with utmost ease. The platform houses the widest video template library with over 400 million preset customizable stock videos to choose from.

The utility expands a range of customization choices to spark up your edits, such as including self-created logos, fonts and watermarks on the videos. Talking of video export options, the platform grants you the liberty to directly share your video edits across all popular media sharing handles and online storage accounts, like, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Dropbox, Google Drive, etc. in more than 30 different file formats.

You can also save the customized video to the local media gallery of your device in the MP4 file format. An exclusive video sharing feature of the site works to create an editable ‘Video Landing Page’ consisting of the created video edit, its title and a call-to-action button. You can also embed your creation to blogs and websites from the platforms. You can work with the program absolutely free of cost.


Tons of stock videos, music and fun elements to complement your footage.

Most convenient editing timeline for an enjoyable editing experience.

The customization process is very fast.


The video uploading process is quite time consuming.

Some features have a confusing work pattern.

The program leaves its watermark on the customized clips.

Best 10 Free Video Editing Software Online-


Adaptable Systems: All popular operating systems

The InVideo online editing tool is probably the best alternative you can get for a quick customization of your video footage. The utility houses a series of tools and features to create classic masterpieces of clip edits. The program’s library allows you to expand your graphic design creativity with its extensive variety of in built editing templates. The add-on elements are no less with an appealing range of masks, stickers and vector shapes to spark up your creations.

The tool has a paid collection of more than 3 million preset templates, which get reduced to a count of 1 million for free version users. This is however, a cumulative figure with an addition of premium features. The free template options, though limited, are appealing to work with. As far as the customization options are concerned, the utility recommends you to create your brand prior to beginning with the editing process.

You can set a brand by adding the name and logo of your company, along with specific colors to a preferred default template. This causes your brand elements to stay in the tool’s editing dashboard for an instant access in times of need. The tool allows you to create video edits in the vertical, square and wide aspect ratios, which you can switch between, while customizing the preset video template.

When it comes to exporting your creation, the free version of the tool limits you to a local save of the edits in your device’s media gallery in a 720 pixel resolution, along with a direct sharing facility for Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. The utility additionally leaves its watermark on the output video. The aforesaid limitations can however be overcome by availing a paid subscription of the online editing program.


The program undergoes a regular update in line with user feedback.

You are granted a complete control on the video customization process to add the elements of your choice.

The program’s back end user support is highly active with a 24 x 7 chat service.


You cannot add sound elements to the video edits.

The tool’s Text-to-speech recognition abilities are somewhat of the mediocre level.

The free version of the tool has a limited number of video export options.

Best 10 Free Video Editing Software Online- InVideo

03Adobe Spark

Adaptable Systems: All popular operating systems

Presently known as Adobe Creative Cloud Express, this one is a sophisticated video customization tool, suited best for experienced users to address the needs of creating professionally sound video, graphic and web page edits. The tool greets you with a quite upgraded interface, although the workability and template selection is not that complex. Working with the tool, you can create customized videos in landscape and square formats with respective aspect ratios of 16:9 and 1:1.

Talking of the customization options, you get to access and work with tons of preset video customization templates within the Adobe Stock library of the tool. The templates are free to use, but however, leave a watermark on the final edited output. As far as other editing elements are concerned, the tool presents a huge set of choices to match the feel, flavor, theme and style of your videos and graphic footages.

You are also allowed to edit a brand with the aforesaid tool, but catering to the concern however, requires a paid subscription of the utility. Moving into the tool’s creation export facility, you may face a downside with respect to the time constraint of the video upload process. The export interface takes a sufficient time to fetch a download of the customized video, while compressing the output file.


The output quality of the customized video is quite impressive.

The tool’s working interface is simple, with stepwise, onscreen usage instructions guiding you through the editing process.

The utility is known to create excellent web design projects in a minimal amount of time.


The software does not allow you to embed your video edits on blogs and websites.

The video export process takes a considerable amount of time.

The free version leaves the tool’s watermark on the customized video output.

Best 10 Free Video Editing Software Online- Adobe Spark


Adaptable Platforms: All popular operating systems

Moving ahead with the list, there is the Animoto online video editor program that lets you work towards creating customized video edits in 2 separate modes, depending on your requirement niche. If you are keen on making customized video edits from personal or family centered events to share on social media handles, it would be great to pick the ‘Animoto Memories’ customization service. On the contrary, the ‘Animoto Marketing’ service is best suited to create professional video edits.

To have an in-depth understanding of the customization process within each of the editing modes, you can refer the inbuilt tutorials offered by the tool. The program interface additionally guides you through the customization process with stepwise on screen instructions when you are using the tool to create your first ever video edit. The interface is clean, responsive and easy to navigate.

Talking of the video customization facilities, you are allowed to access a refined audio and template library with a host of thematic choices to select and work upon. The tool lets you upload and edit video files from the local media gallery of your system, as well as import the same from a preferred online or external platform. You can even capture fresh video clips and begin editing them with the program.

The preset template library of the program houses a decent range of 60 different options to create amazing video edits that suit a diversity of purposes, like that of social and professional events, photography sessions, short content clips, recipes, YouTube ads and much more. You can work to customize the font, size, color and segments of the footage.

As of the editing formats, you are permitted to create landscape and square artworks in 16:9 and 1:1 aspect ratio respectively. When proceeding to export your creation, the tool presents before you with HD and SD resolutions, with 720 and 1080 pixels in the former, while 360 and 480 pixels in the latter. You can easily share your creations across popular media platforms and online storage accounts, or host them on websites, and also save them locally to your device.


The tool caters to generate high quality edited video outputs.

You can customize the videos with personalized tags.

The program lets you create advertisement videos with ease.


The editing process takes enough time to make you feel distracted.

You cannot cancel the paid subscription at a later stage.

The free version has a limited set of features, and premium version is too pricey.

Best 10 Free Video Editing Software Online- Animoto


Adaptable Platforms: All popular operating systems

For those who are keen on following social media trends, or looking for high end business presentation ideas, Flyr is the just perfect choice. The elegantly professional pre designed template options within the tool’s library are effortless dedicated towards helping you create top class customized video footages and presentations. With millions of HD video backgrounds and templates to pick from, this program literally has everything to address the most expanded editing requirements.

Moving towards the workability convenience, the program greets you with an elementary interface, and the simplest of customization processes. To edit videos with this online tool, all you need to do is, sign up to the utility, pick an editable template, add a desired text in the message field and scale up the video background, if required. You will however, get to access a limited number of templates with a one-time download facility, when using the tool’s free version.

Extending the dimensions of customization flexibilities, you can complement the video edits with vibrant shades of your choice to render them with a personalized appearance. You are further, allowed to make a choice among the portrait, landscape and square formats for generating the customized output footage. While permitting you to export the edited footage in a variety of file formats with a 1080 pixel HD or SD resolution, the tool facilitates a local save of the generated clip exclusively to its paid subscribers.


The program comes to you with the simplest of interfaces to work with.

You can export your creations in a diversity of aspect ratios and output formats.

The tool has some AI based features to cater a quick and smart video output.


The tool’s subscription plans cannot be customized.

The free version of the program houses a restricted number of customization features.

The output generation process may ask you to wait a bit longer than usual.

Best 10 Free Video Editing Software Online- Flyr


Adaptable Systems: All popular operating systems

This one is a reliable online video editing app that caters to the most diverse customization requirements, all with its elementary set of utilities and features. Though the program interface may appear a bit chuncked up and messy, the featuristic viability of the platform is a convenient compensation of the same. Some of the choicest appeals of the program include a diverse range of clip aspect ratios and an instant video playback facility.

Compensating for its crowded interface to a further extent, Kizoa works to walk you through the footage customization process via step wise on screen instructions. If you ever find it difficult to navigate through the tool’s editing workspace, additional help is catered by a series of reminder prompts. As of the inbuilt customization utilities, the platform opens up a huge library of preset template options to pick and use.

The photo album and music library are however, a downside with about 20 default images and a limited number of royalty free audio tracks. While there is an additional range of surplus audio tracks, you are permitted to access the same only through a paid subscription of the program. Talking of the available video formats to work with editing your videos, you can pick from the 4:3, 3:2 and 16:9 landscape options, 9:16, 2:3 and 3:4 portrait choices, or a 1:1 square format.

Exploring the customization features to a deeper extent, you get to work with a decent and updated variety of fonts and color switches. When it comes to exporting your creation, the tool offers an expanded set of choices to present your artwork across popular social media and networking platforms and online media storage accounts, such as, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, E-mail, Google Drive, etc.

You can additionally, download the edited footage to your device, host it on a on a website or blog, and burn the same to an external disk. The tool comes with a ‘Pay Once’ premium subscription to access hidden features.


The tool backs up your editing queries with a 24 x 7 responsive customer support system.

You can avail a lifetime membership of the program to avoid periodic renewal.

The export facility of the tool is quite expanded.


The tool often encounters content mismanagement.

The working interface is quite crowded.

Uploading videos to the program’s workspace is a time taking process.

Best 10 Free Video Editing Software Online- Kizoa


Adaptable Systems: All popular operating systems

If you are a newbie in the arena of graphic and video editing applications, this one is a perfect choice to proceed with the task of video customization. The aforesaid online utility to edit clips and footages is extremely useful to the ones who have just landed into the creative domain and try hands at creating customized clips with an online aid. The tool facilitates you with a guided search and customization to let you create a visual masterpiece in a quick time span.

While the editing process is affordably simple, the working interface leaves nothing unturned to help you with a clean layout and prompting on screen instructions. The interface elements have a well-defined organization, displaying first things first, making it possible for you to conveniently design extensive video projects with a high end professional quality.

This online tool however, does not facilitate preset features and templates to free users. Although you can have a glimpse of the assorted range of sound effects, video templates, music tracks, animated themes and backgrounds, accessing the same essentially requires you to avail a paid subscription of the program. Additional customization features of the tool include an instant playback option, several title transitions and a decent font selection range.

As a free user of the tool, you are entitled to export your video edits in an affordably low resolution of 480 pixels. Premium users are however, benefited with a 720 pixel export facility, but the real element of surprise is that the platform does not allow a 1080 pixel export at all. While the tool does not present you with video export choices at all, you can anyway make a free download of your creation to the local media gallery of your system.


The utility is one of the most preferred video customization programs for freelancers.

The working interface has a calming and easy to go outlook.

The program is quite suitable to be used by beginners.


As reported by premium users, the media import process is not so welcoming.

The project media gets stored in your device’s internal memory instead of a cloud space.

Output quality for free users is disappointingly low.

Best 10 Free Video Editing Software Online- ClipChamp


Adaptable Systems: All popular operating systems

Launched as an extension to the Google Chrome web browser, the aforesaid online video editor program is chiefly designed to address the screen recording concerns of business and academic personnel, YouTubers and gamers. Ahead of the aforesaid facility, the tool is an excellent choice to sort out video customization needs as well. You can access the latter’s free tom use audio and image library to select and include these media into your video edits.

When addressing the concern of editing motion centered screen captures and video overlays, you can supplement the same with a single music piece, which is quite limiting. The program allows you to export your customized video edits to a variety of media sharing platforms, such as, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google, etc., through a sign up to the respective website. If however, you wish to make a direct share, there is an option to use the HippoVideo integration of these media sites.

You can further, stock up your creations to online storage accounts, like, Vimeo, Google Drive, etc. If you wish to export the edited videos exclusively on Slack, the program lets you do that by generating a direct share link. There is also a choice to save the edits locally to your system. Talking of the output formats; the utility keeps you devoid of any aspect ratio options, but facilitates a 720 and 1080 pixel video output resolution for free and paid users respectively.


The tool boasts of a responsive and dedicated customer support service.

The program greets you with a welcoming interface that is handy to use and navigate through.

The tool undergoes periodic bug fixes to further upgrade and improve its workability.


The output video quality is visibly limited.

The video upload process occasionally encounters an appreciable time lag.

The Google Chrome extension often causes the program to crash down.

Best 10 Free Video Editing Software Online- HippoVideo


Adaptable Systems: All popular operating systems

If you are looking for an affordable solution to customize videos online for academic purposes, this one is possibly the most suitable web based alternative that you can rely on. The tool facilitates the students with creating educational video edits within a protected cloud interface, under a convenient supervision of the educators. The tool further caters an extensive editing portability on your preferred time, device and place.

Your video edits remain safe with the tool, with the flexibility to avail them at your fingertips, as and when required. The seamless transition of the edits via a ‘Drag and Drop’ method creates the illusion of an instant playback. As of the preset editing facilities, you can at the most see teaser previews of the tool’s extensive media library that houses over 4.5 million images and 1 million music tracks as an unpaid user. You can however, pick one from the 22 free audio tracks.

Diving deeper into the customization features, the paid users get to work with transitions, text, overlays and music tracks. Picking up a preset template to create the video edits however, puts a limitation on the aforesaid self-customization flexibilities. Talking of the video formats, they are an absolute ‘No’ for the free users of the tool. The paid subscribers however, can switch between the 16:9 landscape and 1:1 square alternatives with the most economical purchase plan.

You can avail the free trial up to one customization and save your edited videos to the local media gallery of your system with the tool’s watermark. Exporting your creations to the popular media sharing platforms, like YouTube, Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, etc., relies on you paying for the utility. The watermark however remains with the paid subscription as well. The tool greatly compromises on the output video quality of the edits, with a mere 480 pixel resolution.


Though a paid feature, the tool houses an extensive library of preset video, image and audio templates.

The user interface is clean and responsive, with no messy presentation of elements around.

The transition flow within the created edits is effortlessly smooth.


The tool does not allow you to rotate and crop the video edits.

Publishing the edits with the tool sometimes gets confusing due to the difficultly of locating the videos within the program library.

Some of the customization features rendered by the tool are difficult to understand and work with.

Best 10 Free Video Editing Software Online- WeVideo

10**Wondershare Filmora Video Editor **

Adaptable Systems: Windows and MacOS

If you have been wondering lately of picking the best free video editing software of all times to create high end graphic masterpieces with footage customization, the Wondershare Filmora video editing program is here to end your worries. The software conveniently lands among the most preferred graphic design tool across the globe to address a series of editing and creation requirements. An obvious cause of the above is the latter’s extensive collection of editing tools and features.

The software’s editing library is known to house an updated diversity of video customization tools and effects that you can play with to create classic pieces of video artworks. Ahead of the basic editing tools to cut, trim, crop and rotate videos, the Filmora library houses some of the latest and advanced video customization features, such as, green screen, split screen, auto synchronization, motion tracking, color match, and lots more.

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

Diving a bit deeper into the expanse of editing features and effects, the software allows you to add a series of filters, animated elements, text customizations, lower thirds, titles, video and image combinations and graphic inclusions to the clip being edited. The program audio library is another content storehouse with a huge collection of free to use background music tracks to complement your videos with.

While you can customize and export videos in 4K resolution with Filmora, the software allows you to import and edit GIF videos. Additional utilities of the program are a noise attenuator to eliminate background noise, color tuner for adjusting the dynamic range and white balance, audio mixer and video stabilizer for respectively, changing the music track and removing camera shake effects, and a screen recorder for a high resolution capture of the webcam and system screens.


The software comes with a good number of video editing tutorials that explain the usage pattern diverse range of features and effects.

The video import and export process of the software is quick and efficient.

The program is known to possess one of the best working interfaces to guide you throughout the video editing process.


Importing media files can sometime pose format compatibility issues.

The text customization features offered by the program are somewhat basic.

You may encounter occasional software crashes while working with the program.

Best 10 Free Video Editing Software Online- WeVideo

Part 2 Video Editing Online Q&A

What is the fundamental concept behind online video editing?

When working with creating video footages, online editing comes at the end of the production agenda and is performed after the video has been customized at the offline level. As of today, the task of online video customization is efficiently taken care of by the most advanced and diverse range of video editing programs that work in line with nonlinear editing (NLE) systems.

What is the main benefit of using online video editing tools to customize videos?

Online video editing programs grant you the liberty to customize your footages and clips without the compulsion of downloading heavy and expensive software packages. You are further allowed to access and use a diverse range of editing effects and features with absolutely no or minimal subscription cost.

What are the essential applications of video editing?

Video editing refers to the art of creating a structured presentation of different elements within footages to showcase the required content in an engaging and interesting style. Talking of the content variations that can be edited, you can experiment with video essays, documentaries films and video advertisements.

What are the prerequisites of a professional quality video edit?

When aiming to create a professionally sound video edit, take care of the final output quality and prefer a fine video resolution of 4K or 1080 pixels. You should additionally, prefer using a reliable video hosting website to facilitate a quick loading of your video, while using the same as an effective SEO strategy.

What are the various categories of online video editing?

Speaking sin professional terms, you can categorize online video customization into 5 major types that are, mechanical editing, line editing, copy editing, structural editing and substantive, content or developmental editing. Using a mix and match of these customization categories renders a classic and fine quality video edit.

Ending Thoughts

Editing videos online is a quick and smart way of transforming your videos, clips and footages into graphic artworks without the hustle of downloading extensive software.

Browsing through the web, you can come across a plethora of online editing tools and platforms to create high quality video edits.

When looking for a reliable video editing software alternative, you can make an intelligent choice by picking the Wondershare Filmora video editor program.

Try It Free Try It Free

In this article

01 [Best 10 Free Video Editing Software Online](#Part 1)

02 [Video Editing Online Q&A](#Part 2)

Part 1 Best 10 Free Video Editing Software Online

Video editing and customization is an essential aspect of graphic design and allied applications. Entering into the domain, the IT and software market presents a diverse range of solutions to work on the concern. While there are numerous software alternatives and programs to download and use, such utilities may sometime come up with a time consuming and rigorous editing process.

Another aspect that stops editors, especially beginners and newbies from picking the software alternatives is their high end working interface that may often be difficult to understand and navigate through. Sorting out all the aforesaid issues, there comes the extensive range of online and web based video editing utilities to perfectly cater to all the video customization needs in a spic and span process.

In the light of the aforesaid merits that you get to access with an online video editing program, let us try hands at having an insight into some of the best online alternatives to customize your videos in what follows next:

Adaptable Systems: All common operating systems

Inaugurating the list, here is the online editing website that you can work with to create, edit, share and host video footages and clips. The best utility of the program is that it caters a diverse range of film customization requirements, from personal, candid creations to high end professional editing needs of business enterprises, media enthusiasts, blogging and entrepreneurship platforms and a variety of other sectors.

Talking of the platform workability, you get to access a responsive and non-messy editing interface, with a convenient navigation for newbies and non tech savvy users. Going through the demos and informative articles, tutorials and blogs, you can design professionally sound presentations with utmost ease. The platform houses the widest video template library with over 400 million preset customizable stock videos to choose from.

The utility expands a range of customization choices to spark up your edits, such as including self-created logos, fonts and watermarks on the videos. Talking of video export options, the platform grants you the liberty to directly share your video edits across all popular media sharing handles and online storage accounts, like, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Dropbox, Google Drive, etc. in more than 30 different file formats.

You can also save the customized video to the local media gallery of your device in the MP4 file format. An exclusive video sharing feature of the site works to create an editable ‘Video Landing Page’ consisting of the created video edit, its title and a call-to-action button. You can also embed your creation to blogs and websites from the platforms. You can work with the program absolutely free of cost.


Tons of stock videos, music and fun elements to complement your footage.

Most convenient editing timeline for an enjoyable editing experience.

The customization process is very fast.


The video uploading process is quite time consuming.

Some features have a confusing work pattern.

The program leaves its watermark on the customized clips.

Best 10 Free Video Editing Software Online-


Adaptable Systems: All popular operating systems

The InVideo online editing tool is probably the best alternative you can get for a quick customization of your video footage. The utility houses a series of tools and features to create classic masterpieces of clip edits. The program’s library allows you to expand your graphic design creativity with its extensive variety of in built editing templates. The add-on elements are no less with an appealing range of masks, stickers and vector shapes to spark up your creations.

The tool has a paid collection of more than 3 million preset templates, which get reduced to a count of 1 million for free version users. This is however, a cumulative figure with an addition of premium features. The free template options, though limited, are appealing to work with. As far as the customization options are concerned, the utility recommends you to create your brand prior to beginning with the editing process.

You can set a brand by adding the name and logo of your company, along with specific colors to a preferred default template. This causes your brand elements to stay in the tool’s editing dashboard for an instant access in times of need. The tool allows you to create video edits in the vertical, square and wide aspect ratios, which you can switch between, while customizing the preset video template.

When it comes to exporting your creation, the free version of the tool limits you to a local save of the edits in your device’s media gallery in a 720 pixel resolution, along with a direct sharing facility for Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. The utility additionally leaves its watermark on the output video. The aforesaid limitations can however be overcome by availing a paid subscription of the online editing program.


The program undergoes a regular update in line with user feedback.

You are granted a complete control on the video customization process to add the elements of your choice.

The program’s back end user support is highly active with a 24 x 7 chat service.


You cannot add sound elements to the video edits.

The tool’s Text-to-speech recognition abilities are somewhat of the mediocre level.

The free version of the tool has a limited number of video export options.

Best 10 Free Video Editing Software Online- InVideo

03Adobe Spark

Adaptable Systems: All popular operating systems

Presently known as Adobe Creative Cloud Express, this one is a sophisticated video customization tool, suited best for experienced users to address the needs of creating professionally sound video, graphic and web page edits. The tool greets you with a quite upgraded interface, although the workability and template selection is not that complex. Working with the tool, you can create customized videos in landscape and square formats with respective aspect ratios of 16:9 and 1:1.

Talking of the customization options, you get to access and work with tons of preset video customization templates within the Adobe Stock library of the tool. The templates are free to use, but however, leave a watermark on the final edited output. As far as other editing elements are concerned, the tool presents a huge set of choices to match the feel, flavor, theme and style of your videos and graphic footages.

You are also allowed to edit a brand with the aforesaid tool, but catering to the concern however, requires a paid subscription of the utility. Moving into the tool’s creation export facility, you may face a downside with respect to the time constraint of the video upload process. The export interface takes a sufficient time to fetch a download of the customized video, while compressing the output file.


The output quality of the customized video is quite impressive.

The tool’s working interface is simple, with stepwise, onscreen usage instructions guiding you through the editing process.

The utility is known to create excellent web design projects in a minimal amount of time.


The software does not allow you to embed your video edits on blogs and websites.

The video export process takes a considerable amount of time.

The free version leaves the tool’s watermark on the customized video output.

Best 10 Free Video Editing Software Online- Adobe Spark


Adaptable Platforms: All popular operating systems

Moving ahead with the list, there is the Animoto online video editor program that lets you work towards creating customized video edits in 2 separate modes, depending on your requirement niche. If you are keen on making customized video edits from personal or family centered events to share on social media handles, it would be great to pick the ‘Animoto Memories’ customization service. On the contrary, the ‘Animoto Marketing’ service is best suited to create professional video edits.

To have an in-depth understanding of the customization process within each of the editing modes, you can refer the inbuilt tutorials offered by the tool. The program interface additionally guides you through the customization process with stepwise on screen instructions when you are using the tool to create your first ever video edit. The interface is clean, responsive and easy to navigate.

Talking of the video customization facilities, you are allowed to access a refined audio and template library with a host of thematic choices to select and work upon. The tool lets you upload and edit video files from the local media gallery of your system, as well as import the same from a preferred online or external platform. You can even capture fresh video clips and begin editing them with the program.

The preset template library of the program houses a decent range of 60 different options to create amazing video edits that suit a diversity of purposes, like that of social and professional events, photography sessions, short content clips, recipes, YouTube ads and much more. You can work to customize the font, size, color and segments of the footage.

As of the editing formats, you are permitted to create landscape and square artworks in 16:9 and 1:1 aspect ratio respectively. When proceeding to export your creation, the tool presents before you with HD and SD resolutions, with 720 and 1080 pixels in the former, while 360 and 480 pixels in the latter. You can easily share your creations across popular media platforms and online storage accounts, or host them on websites, and also save them locally to your device.


The tool caters to generate high quality edited video outputs.

You can customize the videos with personalized tags.

The program lets you create advertisement videos with ease.


The editing process takes enough time to make you feel distracted.

You cannot cancel the paid subscription at a later stage.

The free version has a limited set of features, and premium version is too pricey.

Best 10 Free Video Editing Software Online- Animoto


Adaptable Platforms: All popular operating systems

For those who are keen on following social media trends, or looking for high end business presentation ideas, Flyr is the just perfect choice. The elegantly professional pre designed template options within the tool’s library are effortless dedicated towards helping you create top class customized video footages and presentations. With millions of HD video backgrounds and templates to pick from, this program literally has everything to address the most expanded editing requirements.

Moving towards the workability convenience, the program greets you with an elementary interface, and the simplest of customization processes. To edit videos with this online tool, all you need to do is, sign up to the utility, pick an editable template, add a desired text in the message field and scale up the video background, if required. You will however, get to access a limited number of templates with a one-time download facility, when using the tool’s free version.

Extending the dimensions of customization flexibilities, you can complement the video edits with vibrant shades of your choice to render them with a personalized appearance. You are further, allowed to make a choice among the portrait, landscape and square formats for generating the customized output footage. While permitting you to export the edited footage in a variety of file formats with a 1080 pixel HD or SD resolution, the tool facilitates a local save of the generated clip exclusively to its paid subscribers.


The program comes to you with the simplest of interfaces to work with.

You can export your creations in a diversity of aspect ratios and output formats.

The tool has some AI based features to cater a quick and smart video output.


The tool’s subscription plans cannot be customized.

The free version of the program houses a restricted number of customization features.

The output generation process may ask you to wait a bit longer than usual.

Best 10 Free Video Editing Software Online- Flyr


Adaptable Systems: All popular operating systems

This one is a reliable online video editing app that caters to the most diverse customization requirements, all with its elementary set of utilities and features. Though the program interface may appear a bit chuncked up and messy, the featuristic viability of the platform is a convenient compensation of the same. Some of the choicest appeals of the program include a diverse range of clip aspect ratios and an instant video playback facility.

Compensating for its crowded interface to a further extent, Kizoa works to walk you through the footage customization process via step wise on screen instructions. If you ever find it difficult to navigate through the tool’s editing workspace, additional help is catered by a series of reminder prompts. As of the inbuilt customization utilities, the platform opens up a huge library of preset template options to pick and use.

The photo album and music library are however, a downside with about 20 default images and a limited number of royalty free audio tracks. While there is an additional range of surplus audio tracks, you are permitted to access the same only through a paid subscription of the program. Talking of the available video formats to work with editing your videos, you can pick from the 4:3, 3:2 and 16:9 landscape options, 9:16, 2:3 and 3:4 portrait choices, or a 1:1 square format.

Exploring the customization features to a deeper extent, you get to work with a decent and updated variety of fonts and color switches. When it comes to exporting your creation, the tool offers an expanded set of choices to present your artwork across popular social media and networking platforms and online media storage accounts, such as, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, E-mail, Google Drive, etc.

You can additionally, download the edited footage to your device, host it on a on a website or blog, and burn the same to an external disk. The tool comes with a ‘Pay Once’ premium subscription to access hidden features.


The tool backs up your editing queries with a 24 x 7 responsive customer support system.

You can avail a lifetime membership of the program to avoid periodic renewal.

The export facility of the tool is quite expanded.


The tool often encounters content mismanagement.

The working interface is quite crowded.

Uploading videos to the program’s workspace is a time taking process.

Best 10 Free Video Editing Software Online- Kizoa


Adaptable Systems: All popular operating systems

If you are a newbie in the arena of graphic and video editing applications, this one is a perfect choice to proceed with the task of video customization. The aforesaid online utility to edit clips and footages is extremely useful to the ones who have just landed into the creative domain and try hands at creating customized clips with an online aid. The tool facilitates you with a guided search and customization to let you create a visual masterpiece in a quick time span.

While the editing process is affordably simple, the working interface leaves nothing unturned to help you with a clean layout and prompting on screen instructions. The interface elements have a well-defined organization, displaying first things first, making it possible for you to conveniently design extensive video projects with a high end professional quality.

This online tool however, does not facilitate preset features and templates to free users. Although you can have a glimpse of the assorted range of sound effects, video templates, music tracks, animated themes and backgrounds, accessing the same essentially requires you to avail a paid subscription of the program. Additional customization features of the tool include an instant playback option, several title transitions and a decent font selection range.

As a free user of the tool, you are entitled to export your video edits in an affordably low resolution of 480 pixels. Premium users are however, benefited with a 720 pixel export facility, but the real element of surprise is that the platform does not allow a 1080 pixel export at all. While the tool does not present you with video export choices at all, you can anyway make a free download of your creation to the local media gallery of your system.


The utility is one of the most preferred video customization programs for freelancers.

The working interface has a calming and easy to go outlook.

The program is quite suitable to be used by beginners.


As reported by premium users, the media import process is not so welcoming.

The project media gets stored in your device’s internal memory instead of a cloud space.

Output quality for free users is disappointingly low.

Best 10 Free Video Editing Software Online- ClipChamp


Adaptable Systems: All popular operating systems

Launched as an extension to the Google Chrome web browser, the aforesaid online video editor program is chiefly designed to address the screen recording concerns of business and academic personnel, YouTubers and gamers. Ahead of the aforesaid facility, the tool is an excellent choice to sort out video customization needs as well. You can access the latter’s free tom use audio and image library to select and include these media into your video edits.

When addressing the concern of editing motion centered screen captures and video overlays, you can supplement the same with a single music piece, which is quite limiting. The program allows you to export your customized video edits to a variety of media sharing platforms, such as, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google, etc., through a sign up to the respective website. If however, you wish to make a direct share, there is an option to use the HippoVideo integration of these media sites.

You can further, stock up your creations to online storage accounts, like, Vimeo, Google Drive, etc. If you wish to export the edited videos exclusively on Slack, the program lets you do that by generating a direct share link. There is also a choice to save the edits locally to your system. Talking of the output formats; the utility keeps you devoid of any aspect ratio options, but facilitates a 720 and 1080 pixel video output resolution for free and paid users respectively.


The tool boasts of a responsive and dedicated customer support service.

The program greets you with a welcoming interface that is handy to use and navigate through.

The tool undergoes periodic bug fixes to further upgrade and improve its workability.


The output video quality is visibly limited.

The video upload process occasionally encounters an appreciable time lag.

The Google Chrome extension often causes the program to crash down.

Best 10 Free Video Editing Software Online- HippoVideo


Adaptable Systems: All popular operating systems

If you are looking for an affordable solution to customize videos online for academic purposes, this one is possibly the most suitable web based alternative that you can rely on. The tool facilitates the students with creating educational video edits within a protected cloud interface, under a convenient supervision of the educators. The tool further caters an extensive editing portability on your preferred time, device and place.

Your video edits remain safe with the tool, with the flexibility to avail them at your fingertips, as and when required. The seamless transition of the edits via a ‘Drag and Drop’ method creates the illusion of an instant playback. As of the preset editing facilities, you can at the most see teaser previews of the tool’s extensive media library that houses over 4.5 million images and 1 million music tracks as an unpaid user. You can however, pick one from the 22 free audio tracks.

Diving deeper into the customization features, the paid users get to work with transitions, text, overlays and music tracks. Picking up a preset template to create the video edits however, puts a limitation on the aforesaid self-customization flexibilities. Talking of the video formats, they are an absolute ‘No’ for the free users of the tool. The paid subscribers however, can switch between the 16:9 landscape and 1:1 square alternatives with the most economical purchase plan.

You can avail the free trial up to one customization and save your edited videos to the local media gallery of your system with the tool’s watermark. Exporting your creations to the popular media sharing platforms, like YouTube, Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, etc., relies on you paying for the utility. The watermark however remains with the paid subscription as well. The tool greatly compromises on the output video quality of the edits, with a mere 480 pixel resolution.


Though a paid feature, the tool houses an extensive library of preset video, image and audio templates.

The user interface is clean and responsive, with no messy presentation of elements around.

The transition flow within the created edits is effortlessly smooth.


The tool does not allow you to rotate and crop the video edits.

Publishing the edits with the tool sometimes gets confusing due to the difficultly of locating the videos within the program library.

Some of the customization features rendered by the tool are difficult to understand and work with.

Best 10 Free Video Editing Software Online- WeVideo

10**Wondershare Filmora Video Editor **

Adaptable Systems: Windows and MacOS

If you have been wondering lately of picking the best free video editing software of all times to create high end graphic masterpieces with footage customization, the Wondershare Filmora video editing program is here to end your worries. The software conveniently lands among the most preferred graphic design tool across the globe to address a series of editing and creation requirements. An obvious cause of the above is the latter’s extensive collection of editing tools and features.

The software’s editing library is known to house an updated diversity of video customization tools and effects that you can play with to create classic pieces of video artworks. Ahead of the basic editing tools to cut, trim, crop and rotate videos, the Filmora library houses some of the latest and advanced video customization features, such as, green screen, split screen, auto synchronization, motion tracking, color match, and lots more.

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

Diving a bit deeper into the expanse of editing features and effects, the software allows you to add a series of filters, animated elements, text customizations, lower thirds, titles, video and image combinations and graphic inclusions to the clip being edited. The program audio library is another content storehouse with a huge collection of free to use background music tracks to complement your videos with.

While you can customize and export videos in 4K resolution with Filmora, the software allows you to import and edit GIF videos. Additional utilities of the program are a noise attenuator to eliminate background noise, color tuner for adjusting the dynamic range and white balance, audio mixer and video stabilizer for respectively, changing the music track and removing camera shake effects, and a screen recorder for a high resolution capture of the webcam and system screens.


The software comes with a good number of video editing tutorials that explain the usage pattern diverse range of features and effects.

The video import and export process of the software is quick and efficient.

The program is known to possess one of the best working interfaces to guide you throughout the video editing process.


Importing media files can sometime pose format compatibility issues.

The text customization features offered by the program are somewhat basic.

You may encounter occasional software crashes while working with the program.

Best 10 Free Video Editing Software Online- WeVideo

Part 2 Video Editing Online Q&A

What is the fundamental concept behind online video editing?

When working with creating video footages, online editing comes at the end of the production agenda and is performed after the video has been customized at the offline level. As of today, the task of online video customization is efficiently taken care of by the most advanced and diverse range of video editing programs that work in line with nonlinear editing (NLE) systems.

What is the main benefit of using online video editing tools to customize videos?

Online video editing programs grant you the liberty to customize your footages and clips without the compulsion of downloading heavy and expensive software packages. You are further allowed to access and use a diverse range of editing effects and features with absolutely no or minimal subscription cost.

What are the essential applications of video editing?

Video editing refers to the art of creating a structured presentation of different elements within footages to showcase the required content in an engaging and interesting style. Talking of the content variations that can be edited, you can experiment with video essays, documentaries films and video advertisements.

What are the prerequisites of a professional quality video edit?

When aiming to create a professionally sound video edit, take care of the final output quality and prefer a fine video resolution of 4K or 1080 pixels. You should additionally, prefer using a reliable video hosting website to facilitate a quick loading of your video, while using the same as an effective SEO strategy.

What are the various categories of online video editing?

Speaking sin professional terms, you can categorize online video customization into 5 major types that are, mechanical editing, line editing, copy editing, structural editing and substantive, content or developmental editing. Using a mix and match of these customization categories renders a classic and fine quality video edit.

Ending Thoughts

Editing videos online is a quick and smart way of transforming your videos, clips and footages into graphic artworks without the hustle of downloading extensive software.

Browsing through the web, you can come across a plethora of online editing tools and platforms to create high quality video edits.

When looking for a reliable video editing software alternative, you can make an intelligent choice by picking the Wondershare Filmora video editor program.

Try It Free Try It Free

In this article

01 [Best 10 Free Video Editing Software Online](#Part 1)

02 [Video Editing Online Q&A](#Part 2)

Part 1 Best 10 Free Video Editing Software Online

Video editing and customization is an essential aspect of graphic design and allied applications. Entering into the domain, the IT and software market presents a diverse range of solutions to work on the concern. While there are numerous software alternatives and programs to download and use, such utilities may sometime come up with a time consuming and rigorous editing process.

Another aspect that stops editors, especially beginners and newbies from picking the software alternatives is their high end working interface that may often be difficult to understand and navigate through. Sorting out all the aforesaid issues, there comes the extensive range of online and web based video editing utilities to perfectly cater to all the video customization needs in a spic and span process.

In the light of the aforesaid merits that you get to access with an online video editing program, let us try hands at having an insight into some of the best online alternatives to customize your videos in what follows next:

Adaptable Systems: All common operating systems

Inaugurating the list, here is the online editing website that you can work with to create, edit, share and host video footages and clips. The best utility of the program is that it caters a diverse range of film customization requirements, from personal, candid creations to high end professional editing needs of business enterprises, media enthusiasts, blogging and entrepreneurship platforms and a variety of other sectors.

Talking of the platform workability, you get to access a responsive and non-messy editing interface, with a convenient navigation for newbies and non tech savvy users. Going through the demos and informative articles, tutorials and blogs, you can design professionally sound presentations with utmost ease. The platform houses the widest video template library with over 400 million preset customizable stock videos to choose from.

The utility expands a range of customization choices to spark up your edits, such as including self-created logos, fonts and watermarks on the videos. Talking of video export options, the platform grants you the liberty to directly share your video edits across all popular media sharing handles and online storage accounts, like, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Dropbox, Google Drive, etc. in more than 30 different file formats.

You can also save the customized video to the local media gallery of your device in the MP4 file format. An exclusive video sharing feature of the site works to create an editable ‘Video Landing Page’ consisting of the created video edit, its title and a call-to-action button. You can also embed your creation to blogs and websites from the platforms. You can work with the program absolutely free of cost.


Tons of stock videos, music and fun elements to complement your footage.

Most convenient editing timeline for an enjoyable editing experience.

The customization process is very fast.


The video uploading process is quite time consuming.

Some features have a confusing work pattern.

The program leaves its watermark on the customized clips.

Best 10 Free Video Editing Software Online-


Adaptable Systems: All popular operating systems

The InVideo online editing tool is probably the best alternative you can get for a quick customization of your video footage. The utility houses a series of tools and features to create classic masterpieces of clip edits. The program’s library allows you to expand your graphic design creativity with its extensive variety of in built editing templates. The add-on elements are no less with an appealing range of masks, stickers and vector shapes to spark up your creations.

The tool has a paid collection of more than 3 million preset templates, which get reduced to a count of 1 million for free version users. This is however, a cumulative figure with an addition of premium features. The free template options, though limited, are appealing to work with. As far as the customization options are concerned, the utility recommends you to create your brand prior to beginning with the editing process.

You can set a brand by adding the name and logo of your company, along with specific colors to a preferred default template. This causes your brand elements to stay in the tool’s editing dashboard for an instant access in times of need. The tool allows you to create video edits in the vertical, square and wide aspect ratios, which you can switch between, while customizing the preset video template.

When it comes to exporting your creation, the free version of the tool limits you to a local save of the edits in your device’s media gallery in a 720 pixel resolution, along with a direct sharing facility for Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. The utility additionally leaves its watermark on the output video. The aforesaid limitations can however be overcome by availing a paid subscription of the online editing program.


The program undergoes a regular update in line with user feedback.

You are granted a complete control on the video customization process to add the elements of your choice.

The program’s back end user support is highly active with a 24 x 7 chat service.


You cannot add sound elements to the video edits.

The tool’s Text-to-speech recognition abilities are somewhat of the mediocre level.

The free version of the tool has a limited number of video export options.

Best 10 Free Video Editing Software Online- InVideo

03Adobe Spark

Adaptable Systems: All popular operating systems

Presently known as Adobe Creative Cloud Express, this one is a sophisticated video customization tool, suited best for experienced users to address the needs of creating professionally sound video, graphic and web page edits. The tool greets you with a quite upgraded interface, although the workability and template selection is not that complex. Working with the tool, you can create customized videos in landscape and square formats with respective aspect ratios of 16:9 and 1:1.

Talking of the customization options, you get to access and work with tons of preset video customization templates within the Adobe Stock library of the tool. The templates are free to use, but however, leave a watermark on the final edited output. As far as other editing elements are concerned, the tool presents a huge set of choices to match the feel, flavor, theme and style of your videos and graphic footages.

You are also allowed to edit a brand with the aforesaid tool, but catering to the concern however, requires a paid subscription of the utility. Moving into the tool’s creation export facility, you may face a downside with respect to the time constraint of the video upload process. The export interface takes a sufficient time to fetch a download of the customized video, while compressing the output file.


The output quality of the customized video is quite impressive.

The tool’s working interface is simple, with stepwise, onscreen usage instructions guiding you through the editing process.

The utility is known to create excellent web design projects in a minimal amount of time.


The software does not allow you to embed your video edits on blogs and websites.

The video export process takes a considerable amount of time.

The free version leaves the tool’s watermark on the customized video output.

Best 10 Free Video Editing Software Online- Adobe Spark


Adaptable Platforms: All popular operating systems

Moving ahead with the list, there is the Animoto online video editor program that lets you work towards creating customized video edits in 2 separate modes, depending on your requirement niche. If you are keen on making customized video edits from personal or family centered events to share on social media handles, it would be great to pick the ‘Animoto Memories’ customization service. On the contrary, the ‘Animoto Marketing’ service is best suited to create professional video edits.

To have an in-depth understanding of the customization process within each of the editing modes, you can refer the inbuilt tutorials offered by the tool. The program interface additionally guides you through the customization process with stepwise on screen instructions when you are using the tool to create your first ever video edit. The interface is clean, responsive and easy to navigate.

Talking of the video customization facilities, you are allowed to access a refined audio and template library with a host of thematic choices to select and work upon. The tool lets you upload and edit video files from the local media gallery of your system, as well as import the same from a preferred online or external platform. You can even capture fresh video clips and begin editing them with the program.

The preset template library of the program houses a decent range of 60 different options to create amazing video edits that suit a diversity of purposes, like that of social and professional events, photography sessions, short content clips, recipes, YouTube ads and much more. You can work to customize the font, size, color and segments of the footage.

As of the editing formats, you are permitted to create landscape and square artworks in 16:9 and 1:1 aspect ratio respectively. When proceeding to export your creation, the tool presents before you with HD and SD resolutions, with 720 and 1080 pixels in the former, while 360 and 480 pixels in the latter. You can easily share your creations across popular media platforms and online storage accounts, or host them on websites, and also save them locally to your device.


The tool caters to generate high quality edited video outputs.

You can customize the videos with personalized tags.

The program lets you create advertisement videos with ease.


The editing process takes enough time to make you feel distracted.

You cannot cancel the paid subscription at a later stage.

The free version has a limited set of features, and premium version is too pricey.

Best 10 Free Video Editing Software Online- Animoto


Adaptable Platforms: All popular operating systems

For those who are keen on following social media trends, or looking for high end business presentation ideas, Flyr is the just perfect choice. The elegantly professional pre designed template options within the tool’s library are effortless dedicated towards helping you create top class customized video footages and presentations. With millions of HD video backgrounds and templates to pick from, this program literally has everything to address the most expanded editing requirements.

Moving towards the workability convenience, the program greets you with an elementary interface, and the simplest of customization processes. To edit videos with this online tool, all you need to do is, sign up to the utility, pick an editable template, add a desired text in the message field and scale up the video background, if required. You will however, get to access a limited number of templates with a one-time download facility, when using the tool’s free version.

Extending the dimensions of customization flexibilities, you can complement the video edits with vibrant shades of your choice to render them with a personalized appearance. You are further, allowed to make a choice among the portrait, landscape and square formats for generating the customized output footage. While permitting you to export the edited footage in a variety of file formats with a 1080 pixel HD or SD resolution, the tool facilitates a local save of the generated clip exclusively to its paid subscribers.


The program comes to you with the simplest of interfaces to work with.

You can export your creations in a diversity of aspect ratios and output formats.

The tool has some AI based features to cater a quick and smart video output.


The tool’s subscription plans cannot be customized.

The free version of the program houses a restricted number of customization features.

The output generation process may ask you to wait a bit longer than usual.

Best 10 Free Video Editing Software Online- Flyr


Adaptable Systems: All popular operating systems

This one is a reliable online video editing app that caters to the most diverse customization requirements, all with its elementary set of utilities and features. Though the program interface may appear a bit chuncked up and messy, the featuristic viability of the platform is a convenient compensation of the same. Some of the choicest appeals of the program include a diverse range of clip aspect ratios and an instant video playback facility.

Compensating for its crowded interface to a further extent, Kizoa works to walk you through the footage customization process via step wise on screen instructions. If you ever find it difficult to navigate through the tool’s editing workspace, additional help is catered by a series of reminder prompts. As of the inbuilt customization utilities, the platform opens up a huge library of preset template options to pick and use.

The photo album and music library are however, a downside with about 20 default images and a limited number of royalty free audio tracks. While there is an additional range of surplus audio tracks, you are permitted to access the same only through a paid subscription of the program. Talking of the available video formats to work with editing your videos, you can pick from the 4:3, 3:2 and 16:9 landscape options, 9:16, 2:3 and 3:4 portrait choices, or a 1:1 square format.

Exploring the customization features to a deeper extent, you get to work with a decent and updated variety of fonts and color switches. When it comes to exporting your creation, the tool offers an expanded set of choices to present your artwork across popular social media and networking platforms and online media storage accounts, such as, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, E-mail, Google Drive, etc.

You can additionally, download the edited footage to your device, host it on a on a website or blog, and burn the same to an external disk. The tool comes with a ‘Pay Once’ premium subscription to access hidden features.


The tool backs up your editing queries with a 24 x 7 responsive customer support system.

You can avail a lifetime membership of the program to avoid periodic renewal.

The export facility of the tool is quite expanded.


The tool often encounters content mismanagement.

The working interface is quite crowded.

Uploading videos to the program’s workspace is a time taking process.

Best 10 Free Video Editing Software Online- Kizoa


Adaptable Systems: All popular operating systems

If you are a newbie in the arena of graphic and video editing applications, this one is a perfect choice to proceed with the task of video customization. The aforesaid online utility to edit clips and footages is extremely useful to the ones who have just landed into the creative domain and try hands at creating customized clips with an online aid. The tool facilitates you with a guided search and customization to let you create a visual masterpiece in a quick time span.

While the editing process is affordably simple, the working interface leaves nothing unturned to help you with a clean layout and prompting on screen instructions. The interface elements have a well-defined organization, displaying first things first, making it possible for you to conveniently design extensive video projects with a high end professional quality.

This online tool however, does not facilitate preset features and templates to free users. Although you can have a glimpse of the assorted range of sound effects, video templates, music tracks, animated themes and backgrounds, accessing the same essentially requires you to avail a paid subscription of the program. Additional customization features of the tool include an instant playback option, several title transitions and a decent font selection range.

As a free user of the tool, you are entitled to export your video edits in an affordably low resolution of 480 pixels. Premium users are however, benefited with a 720 pixel export facility, but the real element of surprise is that the platform does not allow a 1080 pixel export at all. While the tool does not present you with video export choices at all, you can anyway make a free download of your creation to the local media gallery of your system.


The utility is one of the most preferred video customization programs for freelancers.

The working interface has a calming and easy to go outlook.

The program is quite suitable to be used by beginners.


As reported by premium users, the media import process is not so welcoming.

The project media gets stored in your device’s internal memory instead of a cloud space.

Output quality for free users is disappointingly low.

Best 10 Free Video Editing Software Online- ClipChamp


Adaptable Systems: All popular operating systems

Launched as an extension to the Google Chrome web browser, the aforesaid online video editor program is chiefly designed to address the screen recording concerns of business and academic personnel, YouTubers and gamers. Ahead of the aforesaid facility, the tool is an excellent choice to sort out video customization needs as well. You can access the latter’s free tom use audio and image library to select and include these media into your video edits.

When addressing the concern of editing motion centered screen captures and video overlays, you can supplement the same with a single music piece, which is quite limiting. The program allows you to export your customized video edits to a variety of media sharing platforms, such as, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google, etc., through a sign up to the respective website. If however, you wish to make a direct share, there is an option to use the HippoVideo integration of these media sites.

You can further, stock up your creations to online storage accounts, like, Vimeo, Google Drive, etc. If you wish to export the edited videos exclusively on Slack, the program lets you do that by generating a direct share link. There is also a choice to save the edits locally to your system. Talking of the output formats; the utility keeps you devoid of any aspect ratio options, but facilitates a 720 and 1080 pixel video output resolution for free and paid users respectively.


The tool boasts of a responsive and dedicated customer support service.

The program greets you with a welcoming interface that is handy to use and navigate through.

The tool undergoes periodic bug fixes to further upgrade and improve its workability.


The output video quality is visibly limited.

The video upload process occasionally encounters an appreciable time lag.

The Google Chrome extension often causes the program to crash down.

Best 10 Free Video Editing Software Online- HippoVideo


Adaptable Systems: All popular operating systems

If you are looking for an affordable solution to customize videos online for academic purposes, this one is possibly the most suitable web based alternative that you can rely on. The tool facilitates the students with creating educational video edits within a protected cloud interface, under a convenient supervision of the educators. The tool further caters an extensive editing portability on your preferred time, device and place.

Your video edits remain safe with the tool, with the flexibility to avail them at your fingertips, as and when required. The seamless transition of the edits via a ‘Drag and Drop’ method creates the illusion of an instant playback. As of the preset editing facilities, you can at the most see teaser previews of the tool’s extensive media library that houses over 4.5 million images and 1 million music tracks as an unpaid user. You can however, pick one from the 22 free audio tracks.

Diving deeper into the customization features, the paid users get to work with transitions, text, overlays and music tracks. Picking up a preset template to create the video edits however, puts a limitation on the aforesaid self-customization flexibilities. Talking of the video formats, they are an absolute ‘No’ for the free users of the tool. The paid subscribers however, can switch between the 16:9 landscape and 1:1 square alternatives with the most economical purchase plan.

You can avail the free trial up to one customization and save your edited videos to the local media gallery of your system with the tool’s watermark. Exporting your creations to the popular media sharing platforms, like YouTube, Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, etc., relies on you paying for the utility. The watermark however remains with the paid subscription as well. The tool greatly compromises on the output video quality of the edits, with a mere 480 pixel resolution.


Though a paid feature, the tool houses an extensive library of preset video, image and audio templates.

The user interface is clean and responsive, with no messy presentation of elements around.

The transition flow within the created edits is effortlessly smooth.


The tool does not allow you to rotate and crop the video edits.

Publishing the edits with the tool sometimes gets confusing due to the difficultly of locating the videos within the program library.

Some of the customization features rendered by the tool are difficult to understand and work with.

Best 10 Free Video Editing Software Online- WeVideo

10**Wondershare Filmora Video Editor **

Adaptable Systems: Windows and MacOS

If you have been wondering lately of picking the best free video editing software of all times to create high end graphic masterpieces with footage customization, the Wondershare Filmora video editing program is here to end your worries. The software conveniently lands among the most preferred graphic design tool across the globe to address a series of editing and creation requirements. An obvious cause of the above is the latter’s extensive collection of editing tools and features.

The software’s editing library is known to house an updated diversity of video customization tools and effects that you can play with to create classic pieces of video artworks. Ahead of the basic editing tools to cut, trim, crop and rotate videos, the Filmora library houses some of the latest and advanced video customization features, such as, green screen, split screen, auto synchronization, motion tracking, color match, and lots more.

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

Diving a bit deeper into the expanse of editing features and effects, the software allows you to add a series of filters, animated elements, text customizations, lower thirds, titles, video and image combinations and graphic inclusions to the clip being edited. The program audio library is another content storehouse with a huge collection of free to use background music tracks to complement your videos with.

While you can customize and export videos in 4K resolution with Filmora, the software allows you to import and edit GIF videos. Additional utilities of the program are a noise attenuator to eliminate background noise, color tuner for adjusting the dynamic range and white balance, audio mixer and video stabilizer for respectively, changing the music track and removing camera shake effects, and a screen recorder for a high resolution capture of the webcam and system screens.


The software comes with a good number of video editing tutorials that explain the usage pattern diverse range of features and effects.

The video import and export process of the software is quick and efficient.

The program is known to possess one of the best working interfaces to guide you throughout the video editing process.


Importing media files can sometime pose format compatibility issues.

The text customization features offered by the program are somewhat basic.

You may encounter occasional software crashes while working with the program.

Best 10 Free Video Editing Software Online- WeVideo

Part 2 Video Editing Online Q&A

What is the fundamental concept behind online video editing?

When working with creating video footages, online editing comes at the end of the production agenda and is performed after the video has been customized at the offline level. As of today, the task of online video customization is efficiently taken care of by the most advanced and diverse range of video editing programs that work in line with nonlinear editing (NLE) systems.

What is the main benefit of using online video editing tools to customize videos?

Online video editing programs grant you the liberty to customize your footages and clips without the compulsion of downloading heavy and expensive software packages. You are further allowed to access and use a diverse range of editing effects and features with absolutely no or minimal subscription cost.

What are the essential applications of video editing?

Video editing refers to the art of creating a structured presentation of different elements within footages to showcase the required content in an engaging and interesting style. Talking of the content variations that can be edited, you can experiment with video essays, documentaries films and video advertisements.

What are the prerequisites of a professional quality video edit?

When aiming to create a professionally sound video edit, take care of the final output quality and prefer a fine video resolution of 4K or 1080 pixels. You should additionally, prefer using a reliable video hosting website to facilitate a quick loading of your video, while using the same as an effective SEO strategy.

What are the various categories of online video editing?

Speaking sin professional terms, you can categorize online video customization into 5 major types that are, mechanical editing, line editing, copy editing, structural editing and substantive, content or developmental editing. Using a mix and match of these customization categories renders a classic and fine quality video edit.

Ending Thoughts

Editing videos online is a quick and smart way of transforming your videos, clips and footages into graphic artworks without the hustle of downloading extensive software.

Browsing through the web, you can come across a plethora of online editing tools and platforms to create high quality video edits.

When looking for a reliable video editing software alternative, you can make an intelligent choice by picking the Wondershare Filmora video editor program.

Also read:

  • Title: New How to Use Blender Green Screen
  • Author: Chloe
  • Created at : 2024-05-20 03:38:12
  • Updated at : 2024-05-21 03:38:12
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  • License: This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.
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New How to Use Blender Green Screen