New In 2024, A Complete Guide to the Best Brand Story Videos

New In 2024, A Complete Guide to the Best Brand Story Videos

Chloe Lv12

A Complete Guide to the Best Brand Story Videos

With the advent of streaming content accessible anytime, anywhere, conventional marketing has somewhat lost grip on its performance. Consumers are now savvy as they now take a step further, like using ad blockers or tuning out ads.

However, it doesn’t imply the end of advertising as a brand promotion tool altogether. Individuals still desire best-in-class deals and products and spend their money shopping. All they need is to get informed about the product or service more entertainingly and innovatively.

This is one of the reasons why many established brands are now shifting toward their brand storytelling. And there’s no better and highly effective way to portray your brand story than with video. Simply making a video resembling any conventional TV commercial ad with an irritating ‘Call Today’ voiceover won’t be enough to get results.

Modern-day consumers are much more educated and sophisticated than before. You must learn how many creative and successful brands are infusing their branding and storytelling strategies to engage their customers. If you’re reading this article, you’re aiming to build your own brand storytelling video and are wondering how to make it a successful one.

Take no worries as the further sections will clear all your doubts and give you the perfect answer. So, let’s start.

best brand story videos 1

Source :

  1. Spotify - All Ears On You
  2. Airbnb - The Story of a Symbol of Belonging
  3. Apple - Chase
  4. Nike - Most Powerful Brand Story Videos
  5. Bells - Reader
  6. Dove - You’re More Beautiful Than You Think
  7. El Gordo - The Spanish Christmas Lottery Ad 2021

Part I. The Most Successful Video Practises of Brand Storytelling

1. Spotify - All Ears On You

Since 2008, Spotify has continued gathering as much information (personal preferences, likes, and dislikes) about their audiences as possible. It has helped them set personalized ad campaigns that will best fit their customers’ interests.

One of their latest, popular campaigns is ‘All Ears On You.’ Take a glimpse of this video to check how the video ad appears. Launched in June, this campaign focuses on celebrating your weird listening habits. It leveraged the users’ in-app experience to let them be proud of their unique choices. This helped Spotify to strengthen its emotional relationship with its listeners.

Learn From Spotify’s Famous Marketing Practices:

  • Get the Most Out of Big Data: The customer insights and data helped Spotify make precise, on-point ads. Your firm should also acquire customers’ data and later leverage it to amplify the user experience and make marketing campaigns more relatable.
  • Leverage User-Generated Content: Your audience is more interested in what other customers think and say about your business. The most successful video ads don’t involve facts about the company but the customers instead. Make a video using clips where your customers tell a story about themselves and their experience with your brand.
  • Utilize The Trending Hashtags & Topics: Social medial trends and news feed is what attracts today’s customers the most. Spotify’s advertisement team always wraps their ad campaigns into a package of top-events-and-stories. Find the most popular and trending hashtags and topics related to your business niche and incorporate them in your brand storytelling video.

Some other marketing practices that teach valuable lessons to businesses for brand video marketing include:

  • Leveraging the mentions on social media platforms
  • Going for a customer-centric marketing approach with personalized interactions

2. Airbnb - The Story of a Symbol of Belonging

The center of focus of Airbnb’s brand story revolves around the basic ideology of ‘belonging.’ The brand found its mission - to shape the world into a place where individuals can ‘belong anywhere.’

Their official tagline also turned out to be ‘Belong Anywhere,’ which eventually led to the development of their whole brand story and new logo. This symbol was created to make sure it’s instantly recognizable.

Valuable Storytelling Lessons From Airbnb’s Marketing Practices:

  • Let Your Customers Be At The Heart Of Your Organization: After interviewing users, Airbnb found out that no one can better inform them about their company than the community of their regular users. The conversations and interviews with such users helped Airbnb to prepare its entire brand story. Thus, you should, too, keep your customers at your core.
  • It’s Never Too Late To Discover Your Story: Although launched in 2008, the company Airbnb realized they’d need to discover their business mission to scale and progress. They are an example that it’s never too late for your brand to find the brand story.
  • Content Is The King: Airbnb always keeps posting content on its own blog and YouTube channel. Most of their content is based on user experiences and revolves around stories from within the brand’s community. Such high-quality content helped them to engage with the customers more efficiently.

3. Apple - Chase

Chase recently announced via email their latest introduction to the market - Apple Pay. They introduced it in collaboration with Apple as the new mode to pay. Chase leveraged this email communication to inform people about their latest collaboration with Apple.

They also used email to reinforce their commitment to helping people to buy Apple products like the iPhone 14 pro with accessible funds. While ensuring to align with Apple’s marketing strategy for the Apple Pay service announcement (primarily based on social media), Chase put more emphasis on real-time media.

Their marketing practice used direct, real-time media to connect with the on-the-go audience seemingly ready to buy an Apple product with a quick source of funds. Their brand story ad focused more on the ‘on-the-go’ audience who would readily agree to make such a purchase.

4. Nike - Most Powerful Brand Story Videos

If you’ve watched a Nike video ad featuring LeBron James or others, you’ll know how much emphasis on emotions and inspiration. They don’t go for the direct marketing of their brand and products. Instead, they produce video ads with a powerful message drawn from a compelling storyline.

This makes Nike unique from numerous other brands as it has been an expert in brand storytelling for years now. Every piece of video ad from their collection triggers the audience’s feelings and emotions, which can only be met and satisfied by using Nike products.

There’s a lot of power within emotional branding, and Nike has shaped and transformed its whole marketing model into a storytelling form that motivates the audience to take action - ‘Just do it with Nike products. Some of the marketing strategies that have helped them grow over the years include the following:

  • They promote the advantages of their product’s features rather than simply highlighting and promoting the features. This is called benefit-based marketing practice.
  • They sell brand stories more than their products, which has always been their primary marketing strategy.
  • Nike is very strong in the social media game. They leverage user-generated content to create their video ads.
  • Collaborating with influencers like LeBron James and Cristiano Ronaldo has always been at the core of their marketing strategy.

5. Bells - Reader

The marketing manager of Bell - Thami Silwana - revealed that the idea behind the ‘Bells-Reader’ campaign is to assist men in acknowledging, comprehending, and speaking about their personal victories.

They realized that sometimes it could be troublesome for men to interact with one another and acknowledge their inside feeling and emotions when one of them have achieved something. Their tagline, ‘Give That Man a Bell, ’ best fits in terms of a man-to-man acknowledging something worth the celebration.

Here is what the video ad director Greg incorporated in the video to make it hit the marketing campaign’s motto:


  • Greg incorporated an excellent blend of drama, emotion, and sentimentality in this two minutes video ad, which was as good as a two-hour Hollywood movie.
  • The video hit the emotions on so many levels that you’ll feel like drinking a glass of whisky at the end of the ad.
  • Your brand should also create a brand story video where you help your customers to acknowledge themselves by hitting their emotions at different levels.
  • To know how just take a look at the ad yourself: .

6. Dove - You’re More Beautiful Than You Think

The Real Beauty Ad Campaign by Dove focuses on women’s natural charisma and beauty. The ad emphasizes promoting the self-esteem of every woman. In their ‘Dove Real Beauty Sketches’ video ad, you’ll find the events to be chosen, arranged, connected, and assessed as meaningful for a specific set of audience.

Although the video ad’s primary focus is women’s empowerment, it’s still a commercial that promotes Dove products. The ad ends with the phrase ‘you’re more beautiful than you think,’ and a Dove brand logo appears.

Significantly, Dove desires women to know that they are always encouraged, supported, and acknowledged for their real beauty. This storytelling helped Dove boost its product sales without making any direct references.

7. El Gordo - The Spanish Christmas Lottery Ad 2021

Conventionally, you’ll get to know about the arrival of Christmas in Spain when you’ll find the Spanish Christmas Lottery hitting the screens as a commercial. The Christmas Lottery’s 2021 ad version was recorded and created in the picturesque and snowy town of Elizondo.

The ad signifies the spirit of the Christmas festive season and amazingly resonates with the motto of El Gordo - the greatest prize is to share it. They used aesthetics and scenic beauty to allure the viewers and drive them into buying the lottery.

They used the marketing practice of hitting people’s emotions during Christmas when they could truly immerse themselves into enjoying things like winning the lottery.

Part 2. Need Pro-Quality Video Result From Your Video Maker? Try Filmora - The Best in the Market

If you seek pro-quality video results from your video maker for the ‘best-in-class’ brand story videos, use Filmora. It has emerged as the leading video-making tool for global marketers where you can create, edit, and save all sorts of ‘state-of-the-art,’ ‘next-level’ marketing brand videos.

best brand story videos 2

Try Filmora to ensure brand awareness, advertise your business, introduce the audience to your brand and its products, and boost sales. One software, multiple benefits. Here are some features of Filmora that can effectively help you make your brand story videos.

  • Numerous Resources: Filmora is an excellent platform to explore your inner creativity as it has thousands of video assets accessible to its users. The widespread availability of unique advanced and basic features will help you create the most appealing brand story video.
  • Green Screen: Your brand storytelling videos will become bland if you miss out on adding a unique background. Thanks to the Green Screen feature by Filmora, it takes only a few simple clicks to add such attractive backgrounds to your videos.
  • Split Screen: When making your brand story video, it’s more likely that you’ll want to show a comparison of two products side-by-side. In that case, the Split Screen feature from Filmora comes in handy. It lets you incorporate two or more video footage or clips in the video.
  • Audio Ducking: Your brand story will involve several key pointers that you’ll want to highlight for the audience. With Filmora’s Audio Ducking feature, you can easily highlight the dialogues and speeches during the video. This will help you to emphasize those video parts so that the audience can hear them with clarity. Of course, the feature fades the background music for those speech and dialogue parts.
  • Color Grading: The more appealing the brand story video, the more the viewers. That’s precisely what the color grading feature does for you. It allows you to adjust the tint, 3D Luts, temperature, and lights in all your marketing videos. Introduce mesmerizing cinematographic effects in your videos with Fimora’s ‘state-of-the-art’ color tuning features.

Telling your brand story via videos has just become simpler and faster than ever with Filmora. Try the software for magical results.

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later


Telling your brand story is more crucial than ever as it lets you reach new levels of personalization and establish deeper bonds and connections with your clients or customers.

With the ideal brand storytelling strategy and the best video maker tool, you can easily connect with the audience and let them know all about your brand, its products, and its purpose. So, get started today!

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Part I. The Most Successful Video Practises of Brand Storytelling

1. Spotify - All Ears On You

Since 2008, Spotify has continued gathering as much information (personal preferences, likes, and dislikes) about their audiences as possible. It has helped them set personalized ad campaigns that will best fit their customers’ interests.

One of their latest, popular campaigns is ‘All Ears On You.’ Take a glimpse of this video to check how the video ad appears. Launched in June, this campaign focuses on celebrating your weird listening habits. It leveraged the users’ in-app experience to let them be proud of their unique choices. This helped Spotify to strengthen its emotional relationship with its listeners.

Learn From Spotify’s Famous Marketing Practices:

  • Get the Most Out of Big Data: The customer insights and data helped Spotify make precise, on-point ads. Your firm should also acquire customers’ data and later leverage it to amplify the user experience and make marketing campaigns more relatable.
  • Leverage User-Generated Content: Your audience is more interested in what other customers think and say about your business. The most successful video ads don’t involve facts about the company but the customers instead. Make a video using clips where your customers tell a story about themselves and their experience with your brand.
  • Utilize The Trending Hashtags & Topics: Social medial trends and news feed is what attracts today’s customers the most. Spotify’s advertisement team always wraps their ad campaigns into a package of top-events-and-stories. Find the most popular and trending hashtags and topics related to your business niche and incorporate them in your brand storytelling video.

Some other marketing practices that teach valuable lessons to businesses for brand video marketing include:

  • Leveraging the mentions on social media platforms
  • Going for a customer-centric marketing approach with personalized interactions

2. Airbnb - The Story of a Symbol of Belonging

The center of focus of Airbnb’s brand story revolves around the basic ideology of ‘belonging.’ The brand found its mission - to shape the world into a place where individuals can ‘belong anywhere.’

Their official tagline also turned out to be ‘Belong Anywhere,’ which eventually led to the development of their whole brand story and new logo. This symbol was created to make sure it’s instantly recognizable.

Valuable Storytelling Lessons From Airbnb’s Marketing Practices:

  • Let Your Customers Be At The Heart Of Your Organization: After interviewing users, Airbnb found out that no one can better inform them about their company than the community of their regular users. The conversations and interviews with such users helped Airbnb to prepare its entire brand story. Thus, you should, too, keep your customers at your core.
  • It’s Never Too Late To Discover Your Story: Although launched in 2008, the company Airbnb realized they’d need to discover their business mission to scale and progress. They are an example that it’s never too late for your brand to find the brand story.
  • Content Is The King: Airbnb always keeps posting content on its own blog and YouTube channel. Most of their content is based on user experiences and revolves around stories from within the brand’s community. Such high-quality content helped them to engage with the customers more efficiently.

3. Apple - Chase

Chase recently announced via email their latest introduction to the market - Apple Pay. They introduced it in collaboration with Apple as the new mode to pay. Chase leveraged this email communication to inform people about their latest collaboration with Apple.

They also used email to reinforce their commitment to helping people to buy Apple products like the iPhone 14 pro with accessible funds. While ensuring to align with Apple’s marketing strategy for the Apple Pay service announcement (primarily based on social media), Chase put more emphasis on real-time media.

Their marketing practice used direct, real-time media to connect with the on-the-go audience seemingly ready to buy an Apple product with a quick source of funds. Their brand story ad focused more on the ‘on-the-go’ audience who would readily agree to make such a purchase.

4. Nike - Most Powerful Brand Story Videos

If you’ve watched a Nike video ad featuring LeBron James or others, you’ll know how much emphasis on emotions and inspiration. They don’t go for the direct marketing of their brand and products. Instead, they produce video ads with a powerful message drawn from a compelling storyline.

This makes Nike unique from numerous other brands as it has been an expert in brand storytelling for years now. Every piece of video ad from their collection triggers the audience’s feelings and emotions, which can only be met and satisfied by using Nike products.

There’s a lot of power within emotional branding, and Nike has shaped and transformed its whole marketing model into a storytelling form that motivates the audience to take action - ‘Just do it with Nike products. Some of the marketing strategies that have helped them grow over the years include the following:

  • They promote the advantages of their product’s features rather than simply highlighting and promoting the features. This is called benefit-based marketing practice.
  • They sell brand stories more than their products, which has always been their primary marketing strategy.
  • Nike is very strong in the social media game. They leverage user-generated content to create their video ads.
  • Collaborating with influencers like LeBron James and Cristiano Ronaldo has always been at the core of their marketing strategy.

5. Bells - Reader

The marketing manager of Bell - Thami Silwana - revealed that the idea behind the ‘Bells-Reader’ campaign is to assist men in acknowledging, comprehending, and speaking about their personal victories.

They realized that sometimes it could be troublesome for men to interact with one another and acknowledge their inside feeling and emotions when one of them have achieved something. Their tagline, ‘Give That Man a Bell, ’ best fits in terms of a man-to-man acknowledging something worth the celebration.

Here is what the video ad director Greg incorporated in the video to make it hit the marketing campaign’s motto:


  • Greg incorporated an excellent blend of drama, emotion, and sentimentality in this two minutes video ad, which was as good as a two-hour Hollywood movie.
  • The video hit the emotions on so many levels that you’ll feel like drinking a glass of whisky at the end of the ad.
  • Your brand should also create a brand story video where you help your customers to acknowledge themselves by hitting their emotions at different levels.
  • To know how just take a look at the ad yourself: .

6. Dove - You’re More Beautiful Than You Think

The Real Beauty Ad Campaign by Dove focuses on women’s natural charisma and beauty. The ad emphasizes promoting the self-esteem of every woman. In their ‘Dove Real Beauty Sketches’ video ad, you’ll find the events to be chosen, arranged, connected, and assessed as meaningful for a specific set of audience.

Although the video ad’s primary focus is women’s empowerment, it’s still a commercial that promotes Dove products. The ad ends with the phrase ‘you’re more beautiful than you think,’ and a Dove brand logo appears.

Significantly, Dove desires women to know that they are always encouraged, supported, and acknowledged for their real beauty. This storytelling helped Dove boost its product sales without making any direct references.

7. El Gordo - The Spanish Christmas Lottery Ad 2021

Conventionally, you’ll get to know about the arrival of Christmas in Spain when you’ll find the Spanish Christmas Lottery hitting the screens as a commercial. The Christmas Lottery’s 2021 ad version was recorded and created in the picturesque and snowy town of Elizondo.

The ad signifies the spirit of the Christmas festive season and amazingly resonates with the motto of El Gordo - the greatest prize is to share it. They used aesthetics and scenic beauty to allure the viewers and drive them into buying the lottery.

They used the marketing practice of hitting people’s emotions during Christmas when they could truly immerse themselves into enjoying things like winning the lottery.

Part 2. Need Pro-Quality Video Result From Your Video Maker? Try Filmora - The Best in the Market

If you seek pro-quality video results from your video maker for the ‘best-in-class’ brand story videos, use Filmora. It has emerged as the leading video-making tool for global marketers where you can create, edit, and save all sorts of ‘state-of-the-art,’ ‘next-level’ marketing brand videos.

best brand story videos 2

Try Filmora to ensure brand awareness, advertise your business, introduce the audience to your brand and its products, and boost sales. One software, multiple benefits. Here are some features of Filmora that can effectively help you make your brand story videos.

  • Numerous Resources: Filmora is an excellent platform to explore your inner creativity as it has thousands of video assets accessible to its users. The widespread availability of unique advanced and basic features will help you create the most appealing brand story video.
  • Green Screen: Your brand storytelling videos will become bland if you miss out on adding a unique background. Thanks to the Green Screen feature by Filmora, it takes only a few simple clicks to add such attractive backgrounds to your videos.
  • Split Screen: When making your brand story video, it’s more likely that you’ll want to show a comparison of two products side-by-side. In that case, the Split Screen feature from Filmora comes in handy. It lets you incorporate two or more video footage or clips in the video.
  • Audio Ducking: Your brand story will involve several key pointers that you’ll want to highlight for the audience. With Filmora’s Audio Ducking feature, you can easily highlight the dialogues and speeches during the video. This will help you to emphasize those video parts so that the audience can hear them with clarity. Of course, the feature fades the background music for those speech and dialogue parts.
  • Color Grading: The more appealing the brand story video, the more the viewers. That’s precisely what the color grading feature does for you. It allows you to adjust the tint, 3D Luts, temperature, and lights in all your marketing videos. Introduce mesmerizing cinematographic effects in your videos with Fimora’s ‘state-of-the-art’ color tuning features.

Telling your brand story via videos has just become simpler and faster than ever with Filmora. Try the software for magical results.

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later


Telling your brand story is more crucial than ever as it lets you reach new levels of personalization and establish deeper bonds and connections with your clients or customers.

With the ideal brand storytelling strategy and the best video maker tool, you can easily connect with the audience and let them know all about your brand, its products, and its purpose. So, get started today!

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Best 7 Color Match Paint Apps

Best 7 Color Match Paint Apps

An easy yet powerful editor

Numerous effects to choose from

Detailed tutorials provided by the official channel

Try It Free Try It Free

In today’s digital world, applications make tax more manageable, efficient, and labor-intensive. In addition, when it comes to the painting of the house or paint match, this application will allow you to do everything digitally by testing out different colors on your own to match a color in your favorite picture.

color match paint

You can find paint color from photos to make your choice on matching paint color, and also, there are several ways you can match paints to your desired color. There is a famous saying that Color is Life, and the house is the place where you live in your life. So, the proper color matching will bring brightness to your life. Isn’t that? Using the appropriate paint color finder will enable you to make a wise choice to paint your house effectively.

In this article

01 [Steps for Matching a Paint Color](#Part 1)

02 [What’s the Best 7 Color Match Paint Apps](#Part 2)

Part 1 Steps for Matching a Paint Color

Become a paint match Pro by following these steps below to match paint color. Here are five steps. Paying attention to these steps shall make choosing the correct color control system much more accessible and provide a more comprehensive understanding of matching colors:

matching a paint color

01Step 1: Identify the desired color/hue

Eyeball the color and choose a match closest to the color you want, but this method is likely to match existing paint in a noticeable area. In addition, it is a perfectly acceptable option when you want to choose a closer color.

02Step 2: Select an Application

Please make use of paint matching applications to make it easier. Oh, they work differently but provide the same solution.

Just download the application to your smartphone,

Take a picture of the painted surface you want to match in natural light,

Upload it to the heart.

The app will get you the closest cousin, and more so you can preview recommended accent color and design from the comfort of your home.

Alternatively, you can take a picture with your phone in natural light without using a caller app and take the photo to your favorite paint store. They will match the color very closely with their installed spectrophotometer. Although there might be variations in color display on phone cameras, we most assuredly get a satisfactory result.

03Step 3: Paint store

When you are out of options or other options to use and need a perfect match for an already painted wall, you need to collect samples and take them to the paint store. Using a sharp utility blade, scrape a small square on a section of the painted drywall

if you want to match a pale yellow, bright blue, or stormy sky grey furniture or wall. All you need is to head to your favorite paint store and gather up a selection of paint chips close to the hue you are trying to match. After that, bring the trip home and hang them on the surface which color you want to duplicate, then observe multiple lights using lamp light and daylight, whichever chip matches most closely.

Part 2 What’s the Best 7 Color Match Paint Apps

One of the essential tips to making a design come alive is choosing the right color combination, and when you want to make your audience feel something, you can achieve this with the use of color. Whether you choose the perfect color combination for your logo or website or choose a color for a flyer, business card, and photograph, everything remains the same. Most times, it isn’t easy to match colors together. Thus, we compiled a list of the best mobile application you can use in matching colors at a go.

Here are seven (7) auto paint matching applications that we recommend when you want to tackle an exterior and interior painting Project:

01Paint My Place

color match paint apps 01

The Paint My Place application is a fantastic virtual reality for Android and iPhone devices. It allows you to experience different colors on your walls without picking up a brush. You need to upload an image of your space, choose your paint brand, and swipe with your fingers.

Cost: Basic Free, advanced $2.99


Access to thousands of color palette

The app is handy

Easy to use


Painting around furniture or design details is difficult

It is sometimes not accurate

Advanced features need a subscription

02ColorView Finder

color match paint apps 02

ColorView Finder is handy for iPad and iPhone users. It is used for the first house painting stage when looking for an inspirational area of color palettes. Focus your camera on an object that dries the attention, and the app will automatically generate an array of five color combinations.

Cost: Basic (Free), $1.99 (Pro)


Provides you with a continuous selection of color palettes to mature image inspiration

Lots of customization feature

It has a creative layout feature


The free version has a watermark

To access the thousands of features, you will need to upgrade to the pro version

Auto-generation sometimes avoid selecting color choices

03Paint My Wall

color match paint apps 03

Paint My Wall is an effortless and easy-to-use application available for iOS devices and allows you to use images to explore color options or upload your photo to test. It will enable you to paint with your finger digitally or use the intelligent feel to feel a wall completely.

Cost: free


It is easy to use

It is quick to test various color option

The nice erase function gives a chance for modification.


There are a few ads that you must skip to move on

It has limited customization features

Edge detection does not working properly


color match paint apps 04

ColorSnap is the best color palette creator that allows you to explore all of the paint colors and gives you the ability to create your color palette. Choose the color you like and see coordinating and similar colors to take it to the next level. Accessible to both Android and iOS devices.

Cost: free


It is easy to use

It is the best color palette creator

It is a good app for getting started on your painting project


The amount of paint options available in the application is a bit overwhelming

It has limited customization features

It does not give a real vision of the color as compared to digitalized look.

04Paint Tester

color match paint apps 05

The Paint Tester app is available on Android and iOS devices and provides a quick way to find my paint color and purchase it right away. Choose your paint color from the two options, test the color on your surface and then select the cut button to be taken to the retailer.

Cost: $2.99


The app is easy to use

It is quick to use for fast projects and to find a paint color

Can save color combination to photo album.


It has limited customization features

Ads showed up in between.

Contain certain bugs

05Home Harmony

color match paint apps 06

Home Harmony is a perfect all in 1 tool for iOS devices for designing an exterior room. The app is straightforward to use and makes switching between paint brands easier.

Cost: Free


The app is easy to use

Lots of customization options

You can try multiple color options.


The app is a bit slow compared to others

Ads under Free Version.

Sometimes crash or freeze out.


color match paint apps 07

ColorPic is a color hub for Amazon lovers and is available on Android and iOS devices. It gives you a view of your new paint and an easy order button straight from Amazon. A building loan calculator tells you the total number of cans you should purchase for your project.

Cost: $2.99


You can explore the entire color from the main menu

The before and after images shows how pressure paints look

Color-changing wheels give a quick option to choose from.


The sample images in the harp gallery are not downloadable

No free version

Sometimes color changing does not work well

07The New Filmora 11

Note: If you want to have a color match function from your PC, there is one ultimate solution. Yes, we are talking about the latest Wondershare launch, Filmora 11. The new Filmora 11 can do color correction, matching in a batch.

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

You can opt for customized color correction

The color setting, degree adjustment

Comparison preview function and a lot more.

Key Takeaways from This Episode

The article covers how to get paint color matching

Steps to match paint color

Some of the prime application that assists in color matching.

The color match in Filmora allows you to color correct the clip as a badge instead of editing it individually.

Try It Free Try It Free

In today’s digital world, applications make tax more manageable, efficient, and labor-intensive. In addition, when it comes to the painting of the house or paint match, this application will allow you to do everything digitally by testing out different colors on your own to match a color in your favorite picture.

color match paint

You can find paint color from photos to make your choice on matching paint color, and also, there are several ways you can match paints to your desired color. There is a famous saying that Color is Life, and the house is the place where you live in your life. So, the proper color matching will bring brightness to your life. Isn’t that? Using the appropriate paint color finder will enable you to make a wise choice to paint your house effectively.

In this article

01 [Steps for Matching a Paint Color](#Part 1)

02 [What’s the Best 7 Color Match Paint Apps](#Part 2)

Part 1 Steps for Matching a Paint Color

Become a paint match Pro by following these steps below to match paint color. Here are five steps. Paying attention to these steps shall make choosing the correct color control system much more accessible and provide a more comprehensive understanding of matching colors:

matching a paint color

01Step 1: Identify the desired color/hue

Eyeball the color and choose a match closest to the color you want, but this method is likely to match existing paint in a noticeable area. In addition, it is a perfectly acceptable option when you want to choose a closer color.

02Step 2: Select an Application

Please make use of paint matching applications to make it easier. Oh, they work differently but provide the same solution.

Just download the application to your smartphone,

Take a picture of the painted surface you want to match in natural light,

Upload it to the heart.

The app will get you the closest cousin, and more so you can preview recommended accent color and design from the comfort of your home.

Alternatively, you can take a picture with your phone in natural light without using a caller app and take the photo to your favorite paint store. They will match the color very closely with their installed spectrophotometer. Although there might be variations in color display on phone cameras, we most assuredly get a satisfactory result.

03Step 3: Paint store

When you are out of options or other options to use and need a perfect match for an already painted wall, you need to collect samples and take them to the paint store. Using a sharp utility blade, scrape a small square on a section of the painted drywall

if you want to match a pale yellow, bright blue, or stormy sky grey furniture or wall. All you need is to head to your favorite paint store and gather up a selection of paint chips close to the hue you are trying to match. After that, bring the trip home and hang them on the surface which color you want to duplicate, then observe multiple lights using lamp light and daylight, whichever chip matches most closely.

Part 2 What’s the Best 7 Color Match Paint Apps

One of the essential tips to making a design come alive is choosing the right color combination, and when you want to make your audience feel something, you can achieve this with the use of color. Whether you choose the perfect color combination for your logo or website or choose a color for a flyer, business card, and photograph, everything remains the same. Most times, it isn’t easy to match colors together. Thus, we compiled a list of the best mobile application you can use in matching colors at a go.

Here are seven (7) auto paint matching applications that we recommend when you want to tackle an exterior and interior painting Project:

01Paint My Place

color match paint apps 01

The Paint My Place application is a fantastic virtual reality for Android and iPhone devices. It allows you to experience different colors on your walls without picking up a brush. You need to upload an image of your space, choose your paint brand, and swipe with your fingers.

Cost: Basic Free, advanced $2.99


Access to thousands of color palette

The app is handy

Easy to use


Painting around furniture or design details is difficult

It is sometimes not accurate

Advanced features need a subscription

02ColorView Finder

color match paint apps 02

ColorView Finder is handy for iPad and iPhone users. It is used for the first house painting stage when looking for an inspirational area of color palettes. Focus your camera on an object that dries the attention, and the app will automatically generate an array of five color combinations.

Cost: Basic (Free), $1.99 (Pro)


Provides you with a continuous selection of color palettes to mature image inspiration

Lots of customization feature

It has a creative layout feature


The free version has a watermark

To access the thousands of features, you will need to upgrade to the pro version

Auto-generation sometimes avoid selecting color choices

03Paint My Wall

color match paint apps 03

Paint My Wall is an effortless and easy-to-use application available for iOS devices and allows you to use images to explore color options or upload your photo to test. It will enable you to paint with your finger digitally or use the intelligent feel to feel a wall completely.

Cost: free


It is easy to use

It is quick to test various color option

The nice erase function gives a chance for modification.


There are a few ads that you must skip to move on

It has limited customization features

Edge detection does not working properly


color match paint apps 04

ColorSnap is the best color palette creator that allows you to explore all of the paint colors and gives you the ability to create your color palette. Choose the color you like and see coordinating and similar colors to take it to the next level. Accessible to both Android and iOS devices.

Cost: free


It is easy to use

It is the best color palette creator

It is a good app for getting started on your painting project


The amount of paint options available in the application is a bit overwhelming

It has limited customization features

It does not give a real vision of the color as compared to digitalized look.

04Paint Tester

color match paint apps 05

The Paint Tester app is available on Android and iOS devices and provides a quick way to find my paint color and purchase it right away. Choose your paint color from the two options, test the color on your surface and then select the cut button to be taken to the retailer.

Cost: $2.99


The app is easy to use

It is quick to use for fast projects and to find a paint color

Can save color combination to photo album.


It has limited customization features

Ads showed up in between.

Contain certain bugs

05Home Harmony

color match paint apps 06

Home Harmony is a perfect all in 1 tool for iOS devices for designing an exterior room. The app is straightforward to use and makes switching between paint brands easier.

Cost: Free


The app is easy to use

Lots of customization options

You can try multiple color options.


The app is a bit slow compared to others

Ads under Free Version.

Sometimes crash or freeze out.


color match paint apps 07

ColorPic is a color hub for Amazon lovers and is available on Android and iOS devices. It gives you a view of your new paint and an easy order button straight from Amazon. A building loan calculator tells you the total number of cans you should purchase for your project.

Cost: $2.99


You can explore the entire color from the main menu

The before and after images shows how pressure paints look

Color-changing wheels give a quick option to choose from.


The sample images in the harp gallery are not downloadable

No free version

Sometimes color changing does not work well

07The New Filmora 11

Note: If you want to have a color match function from your PC, there is one ultimate solution. Yes, we are talking about the latest Wondershare launch, Filmora 11. The new Filmora 11 can do color correction, matching in a batch.

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

You can opt for customized color correction

The color setting, degree adjustment

Comparison preview function and a lot more.

Key Takeaways from This Episode

The article covers how to get paint color matching

Steps to match paint color

Some of the prime application that assists in color matching.

The color match in Filmora allows you to color correct the clip as a badge instead of editing it individually.

Try It Free Try It Free

In today’s digital world, applications make tax more manageable, efficient, and labor-intensive. In addition, when it comes to the painting of the house or paint match, this application will allow you to do everything digitally by testing out different colors on your own to match a color in your favorite picture.

color match paint

You can find paint color from photos to make your choice on matching paint color, and also, there are several ways you can match paints to your desired color. There is a famous saying that Color is Life, and the house is the place where you live in your life. So, the proper color matching will bring brightness to your life. Isn’t that? Using the appropriate paint color finder will enable you to make a wise choice to paint your house effectively.

In this article

01 [Steps for Matching a Paint Color](#Part 1)

02 [What’s the Best 7 Color Match Paint Apps](#Part 2)

Part 1 Steps for Matching a Paint Color

Become a paint match Pro by following these steps below to match paint color. Here are five steps. Paying attention to these steps shall make choosing the correct color control system much more accessible and provide a more comprehensive understanding of matching colors:

matching a paint color

01Step 1: Identify the desired color/hue

Eyeball the color and choose a match closest to the color you want, but this method is likely to match existing paint in a noticeable area. In addition, it is a perfectly acceptable option when you want to choose a closer color.

02Step 2: Select an Application

Please make use of paint matching applications to make it easier. Oh, they work differently but provide the same solution.

Just download the application to your smartphone,

Take a picture of the painted surface you want to match in natural light,

Upload it to the heart.

The app will get you the closest cousin, and more so you can preview recommended accent color and design from the comfort of your home.

Alternatively, you can take a picture with your phone in natural light without using a caller app and take the photo to your favorite paint store. They will match the color very closely with their installed spectrophotometer. Although there might be variations in color display on phone cameras, we most assuredly get a satisfactory result.

03Step 3: Paint store

When you are out of options or other options to use and need a perfect match for an already painted wall, you need to collect samples and take them to the paint store. Using a sharp utility blade, scrape a small square on a section of the painted drywall

if you want to match a pale yellow, bright blue, or stormy sky grey furniture or wall. All you need is to head to your favorite paint store and gather up a selection of paint chips close to the hue you are trying to match. After that, bring the trip home and hang them on the surface which color you want to duplicate, then observe multiple lights using lamp light and daylight, whichever chip matches most closely.

Part 2 What’s the Best 7 Color Match Paint Apps

One of the essential tips to making a design come alive is choosing the right color combination, and when you want to make your audience feel something, you can achieve this with the use of color. Whether you choose the perfect color combination for your logo or website or choose a color for a flyer, business card, and photograph, everything remains the same. Most times, it isn’t easy to match colors together. Thus, we compiled a list of the best mobile application you can use in matching colors at a go.

Here are seven (7) auto paint matching applications that we recommend when you want to tackle an exterior and interior painting Project:

01Paint My Place

color match paint apps 01

The Paint My Place application is a fantastic virtual reality for Android and iPhone devices. It allows you to experience different colors on your walls without picking up a brush. You need to upload an image of your space, choose your paint brand, and swipe with your fingers.

Cost: Basic Free, advanced $2.99


Access to thousands of color palette

The app is handy

Easy to use


Painting around furniture or design details is difficult

It is sometimes not accurate

Advanced features need a subscription

02ColorView Finder

color match paint apps 02

ColorView Finder is handy for iPad and iPhone users. It is used for the first house painting stage when looking for an inspirational area of color palettes. Focus your camera on an object that dries the attention, and the app will automatically generate an array of five color combinations.

Cost: Basic (Free), $1.99 (Pro)


Provides you with a continuous selection of color palettes to mature image inspiration

Lots of customization feature

It has a creative layout feature


The free version has a watermark

To access the thousands of features, you will need to upgrade to the pro version

Auto-generation sometimes avoid selecting color choices

03Paint My Wall

color match paint apps 03

Paint My Wall is an effortless and easy-to-use application available for iOS devices and allows you to use images to explore color options or upload your photo to test. It will enable you to paint with your finger digitally or use the intelligent feel to feel a wall completely.

Cost: free


It is easy to use

It is quick to test various color option

The nice erase function gives a chance for modification.


There are a few ads that you must skip to move on

It has limited customization features

Edge detection does not working properly


color match paint apps 04

ColorSnap is the best color palette creator that allows you to explore all of the paint colors and gives you the ability to create your color palette. Choose the color you like and see coordinating and similar colors to take it to the next level. Accessible to both Android and iOS devices.

Cost: free


It is easy to use

It is the best color palette creator

It is a good app for getting started on your painting project


The amount of paint options available in the application is a bit overwhelming

It has limited customization features

It does not give a real vision of the color as compared to digitalized look.

04Paint Tester

color match paint apps 05

The Paint Tester app is available on Android and iOS devices and provides a quick way to find my paint color and purchase it right away. Choose your paint color from the two options, test the color on your surface and then select the cut button to be taken to the retailer.

Cost: $2.99


The app is easy to use

It is quick to use for fast projects and to find a paint color

Can save color combination to photo album.


It has limited customization features

Ads showed up in between.

Contain certain bugs

05Home Harmony

color match paint apps 06

Home Harmony is a perfect all in 1 tool for iOS devices for designing an exterior room. The app is straightforward to use and makes switching between paint brands easier.

Cost: Free


The app is easy to use

Lots of customization options

You can try multiple color options.


The app is a bit slow compared to others

Ads under Free Version.

Sometimes crash or freeze out.


color match paint apps 07

ColorPic is a color hub for Amazon lovers and is available on Android and iOS devices. It gives you a view of your new paint and an easy order button straight from Amazon. A building loan calculator tells you the total number of cans you should purchase for your project.

Cost: $2.99


You can explore the entire color from the main menu

The before and after images shows how pressure paints look

Color-changing wheels give a quick option to choose from.


The sample images in the harp gallery are not downloadable

No free version

Sometimes color changing does not work well

07The New Filmora 11

Note: If you want to have a color match function from your PC, there is one ultimate solution. Yes, we are talking about the latest Wondershare launch, Filmora 11. The new Filmora 11 can do color correction, matching in a batch.

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

You can opt for customized color correction

The color setting, degree adjustment

Comparison preview function and a lot more.

Key Takeaways from This Episode

The article covers how to get paint color matching

Steps to match paint color

Some of the prime application that assists in color matching.

The color match in Filmora allows you to color correct the clip as a badge instead of editing it individually.

Try It Free Try It Free

In today’s digital world, applications make tax more manageable, efficient, and labor-intensive. In addition, when it comes to the painting of the house or paint match, this application will allow you to do everything digitally by testing out different colors on your own to match a color in your favorite picture.

color match paint

You can find paint color from photos to make your choice on matching paint color, and also, there are several ways you can match paints to your desired color. There is a famous saying that Color is Life, and the house is the place where you live in your life. So, the proper color matching will bring brightness to your life. Isn’t that? Using the appropriate paint color finder will enable you to make a wise choice to paint your house effectively.

In this article

01 [Steps for Matching a Paint Color](#Part 1)

02 [What’s the Best 7 Color Match Paint Apps](#Part 2)

Part 1 Steps for Matching a Paint Color

Become a paint match Pro by following these steps below to match paint color. Here are five steps. Paying attention to these steps shall make choosing the correct color control system much more accessible and provide a more comprehensive understanding of matching colors:

matching a paint color

01Step 1: Identify the desired color/hue

Eyeball the color and choose a match closest to the color you want, but this method is likely to match existing paint in a noticeable area. In addition, it is a perfectly acceptable option when you want to choose a closer color.

02Step 2: Select an Application

Please make use of paint matching applications to make it easier. Oh, they work differently but provide the same solution.

Just download the application to your smartphone,

Take a picture of the painted surface you want to match in natural light,

Upload it to the heart.

The app will get you the closest cousin, and more so you can preview recommended accent color and design from the comfort of your home.

Alternatively, you can take a picture with your phone in natural light without using a caller app and take the photo to your favorite paint store. They will match the color very closely with their installed spectrophotometer. Although there might be variations in color display on phone cameras, we most assuredly get a satisfactory result.

03Step 3: Paint store

When you are out of options or other options to use and need a perfect match for an already painted wall, you need to collect samples and take them to the paint store. Using a sharp utility blade, scrape a small square on a section of the painted drywall

if you want to match a pale yellow, bright blue, or stormy sky grey furniture or wall. All you need is to head to your favorite paint store and gather up a selection of paint chips close to the hue you are trying to match. After that, bring the trip home and hang them on the surface which color you want to duplicate, then observe multiple lights using lamp light and daylight, whichever chip matches most closely.

Part 2 What’s the Best 7 Color Match Paint Apps

One of the essential tips to making a design come alive is choosing the right color combination, and when you want to make your audience feel something, you can achieve this with the use of color. Whether you choose the perfect color combination for your logo or website or choose a color for a flyer, business card, and photograph, everything remains the same. Most times, it isn’t easy to match colors together. Thus, we compiled a list of the best mobile application you can use in matching colors at a go.

Here are seven (7) auto paint matching applications that we recommend when you want to tackle an exterior and interior painting Project:

01Paint My Place

color match paint apps 01

The Paint My Place application is a fantastic virtual reality for Android and iPhone devices. It allows you to experience different colors on your walls without picking up a brush. You need to upload an image of your space, choose your paint brand, and swipe with your fingers.

Cost: Basic Free, advanced $2.99


Access to thousands of color palette

The app is handy

Easy to use


Painting around furniture or design details is difficult

It is sometimes not accurate

Advanced features need a subscription

02ColorView Finder

color match paint apps 02

ColorView Finder is handy for iPad and iPhone users. It is used for the first house painting stage when looking for an inspirational area of color palettes. Focus your camera on an object that dries the attention, and the app will automatically generate an array of five color combinations.

Cost: Basic (Free), $1.99 (Pro)


Provides you with a continuous selection of color palettes to mature image inspiration

Lots of customization feature

It has a creative layout feature


The free version has a watermark

To access the thousands of features, you will need to upgrade to the pro version

Auto-generation sometimes avoid selecting color choices

03Paint My Wall

color match paint apps 03

Paint My Wall is an effortless and easy-to-use application available for iOS devices and allows you to use images to explore color options or upload your photo to test. It will enable you to paint with your finger digitally or use the intelligent feel to feel a wall completely.

Cost: free


It is easy to use

It is quick to test various color option

The nice erase function gives a chance for modification.


There are a few ads that you must skip to move on

It has limited customization features

Edge detection does not working properly


color match paint apps 04

ColorSnap is the best color palette creator that allows you to explore all of the paint colors and gives you the ability to create your color palette. Choose the color you like and see coordinating and similar colors to take it to the next level. Accessible to both Android and iOS devices.

Cost: free


It is easy to use

It is the best color palette creator

It is a good app for getting started on your painting project


The amount of paint options available in the application is a bit overwhelming

It has limited customization features

It does not give a real vision of the color as compared to digitalized look.

04Paint Tester

color match paint apps 05

The Paint Tester app is available on Android and iOS devices and provides a quick way to find my paint color and purchase it right away. Choose your paint color from the two options, test the color on your surface and then select the cut button to be taken to the retailer.

Cost: $2.99


The app is easy to use

It is quick to use for fast projects and to find a paint color

Can save color combination to photo album.


It has limited customization features

Ads showed up in between.

Contain certain bugs

05Home Harmony

color match paint apps 06

Home Harmony is a perfect all in 1 tool for iOS devices for designing an exterior room. The app is straightforward to use and makes switching between paint brands easier.

Cost: Free


The app is easy to use

Lots of customization options

You can try multiple color options.


The app is a bit slow compared to others

Ads under Free Version.

Sometimes crash or freeze out.


color match paint apps 07

ColorPic is a color hub for Amazon lovers and is available on Android and iOS devices. It gives you a view of your new paint and an easy order button straight from Amazon. A building loan calculator tells you the total number of cans you should purchase for your project.

Cost: $2.99


You can explore the entire color from the main menu

The before and after images shows how pressure paints look

Color-changing wheels give a quick option to choose from.


The sample images in the harp gallery are not downloadable

No free version

Sometimes color changing does not work well

07The New Filmora 11

Note: If you want to have a color match function from your PC, there is one ultimate solution. Yes, we are talking about the latest Wondershare launch, Filmora 11. The new Filmora 11 can do color correction, matching in a batch.

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

You can opt for customized color correction

The color setting, degree adjustment

Comparison preview function and a lot more.

Key Takeaways from This Episode

The article covers how to get paint color matching

Steps to match paint color

Some of the prime application that assists in color matching.

The color match in Filmora allows you to color correct the clip as a badge instead of editing it individually.

Do You Want Your Photo and Video Edits to Look Like Peter McKinnon’s? Color-Grade Your Media Files with Peter McKinnon LUTs to Make Your Content Stand Out

Peter McKinnon is a highly talented video editor and YouTuber. He gained widespread recognition for his amazing video editing skills. Furthermore, his content always stands out from others for his exceptional color-grading abilities. Additionally, he has a keen eye for choosing the perfect color tones and contrasts to make his videos look impressive.

One of the secrets behind Peter’s impressive color grading is his use of LUTs. Peter McKinnon has developed his collection of LUTs. By using Peter McKinnon LUTs, you can easily apply his signature color grading style to your videos. These LUTs can enhance the colors, add depth and dimension, and give your videos that cinematic feel.

Part 1: Why Should You Use LUTs in Video Editing?

If you need Peter McKinnon LUT packs, you must know how effective LUTs are. Using Look-Up Tables in video editing has several advantages that can make your editing process easier, which are discussed as follows:

Save Time on Color Grading

LUTs offer a quick way to adjust the colors in your videos. Instead of manually tweaking each color parameter, you can apply a LUT with a few clicks. It saves time and lets you easily try different styles. Moreover, it makes the color grading process more convenient for beginners.

Maintain Consistency

Applying the same LUT to multiple clips ensures a consistent look throughout your video. It is constructive when you have different scenes or shots. Furthermore, you don’t need to edit each clip separately. Moreover, you can save time and effort by applying the same LUT to your project.

Professional and Creative Looks

LUTs are created by experts and provide a range of creative styles. They can imitate the look of different films, genres, or specific grading techniques. Additionally, using LUTs helps you achieve a particular mood or style. Furthermore, LUTs enhance your storytelling or align with your creative vision.

Match Footage from Different Sources

When working with footage from different cameras or lighting conditions, LUTs can help. They can help match the color and tone of the clips. Each camera may capture colors; lighting variations can affect the overall look. However, applying a LUT gives you a consistent result throughout.

Preview and Communicate Ideas

Another advantage is that LUTs offer real-time previews of the final look as you edit. Moreover, it helps you visualize the aesthetic and make informed creative decisions. Sharing LUTs with your team or collaborators communicates your creative ideas. Furthermore, it ensures everyone understands the desired look of the project.

Streamline Workflow

LUTs can be integrated into your editing software, allowing you to apply and modify them. They can be combined with other adjustments like exposure, contrast, and saturation. In addition to this, it streamlines your workflow, freeing up time to focus on other editing tasks.

Empower your videos with a new mood using different LUTs. Filmora now offers 100+ top-quality 3D LUTs cover a broad range of scenarios. Transform your videos with Filmora’s powerful 3D LUTs.

Apply LUT on Videos Apply LUT on Videos Learn More

iOS Android

Try It Free >>

Wondershare Filmora 12

Part 2: Top Peter McKinnon Influenced LUTs for Videos

Peter McKinnon is a great content creator with exceptional video editing skills. Here is a list of Peter McKinnon LUT Pack free and paid ones, which you can download. Make your videos look like Peter McKinnon’s and get the praise you deserve.

1. Cine LUTS V2

Cine LUTS V2 is a pack of 15 cinematic-style LUTs to color grade your videos. With these LUTs, you can achieve various cinematic looks, such as Dawn, Dusk, Elemental, and Ember. Moreover, the Dawn LUT adds a warm and soft color tone to your video. However, the Elemental LUT brings out vibrant colors, making your content appear bold and impactful. Furthermore, each LUT in this pack offers a unique color grading style.

cine luts v2

2. Cine LUTS V1

With the Cine LUTs V1 pack, you’ll have access to 7 unique LUTs. This Peter McKinnon LUT pack gives your videos a cinematic look. Furthermore, this pack has different LUTs, including Orange & Teal and Noir. The Orange & Teal LUT adds a warm orange tone to the highlights and a cool teal tone to the shadows. However, you can use the Noir LUT to add a more dramatic look to your video.

cine luts v1

3. Arctic Shade

Arctic Shade LUT is a color grading tool inspired by Peter McKinnon’s technique. Applying this LUT adjusts the white balance to give your video a balanced white exposure. Furthermore, it increases saturation and enhances contrast to make your colors pop. It’s a great option to experiment with and matches the color grading style of Peter McKinnon.

arctic shade

4. Bleak Galaxy

Bleak Galaxy is a fantastic LUT pack inspired by Peter McKinnon. This LUT is perfect for enhancing your night sky footage. It amplifies the blue tones, making the night sky even more beautiful. Additionally, it boosts saturation, bringing out the vibrant colors in the scene. With Bleak Galaxy, you can capture the details of the stunning night sky in all its beauty.

bleak galaxy

Part 3: Wondershare Filmora: Get Free LUTs on an Alternative Platform

Are you a fan of Peter McKinnon and want to make your content look professional and cinematic? It would be best to use professional video editing software like Wondershare Filmora . Filmora is an excellent tool that helps you in editing videos. Moreover, Filmora offers simple enhancement and adjustment tools for more advanced AI features.

Add LUTs on Video For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Add LUTs on Video For macOS 10.14 or later

iOS Android

Try It Free >>

Besides video editing capabilities, you can color grade your videos like Peter McKinnon. In the same way, this tool offers paid and free LUTs that you can use. Additionally, Filmora has over 200 LUTs, each with a unique set of styles and color tones. You can download similar-looking Peter McKinnon LUTs free LUTs to apply on your digital media using Filmora.

wondershare filmora luts


In conclusion, Peter McKinnon is an impressive content creator and professional. There are many different LUTs inspired by Peter McKinnon LUT packs. Furthermore, these LUTs allow you to experiment and find the perfect color grading for your videos. Moreover, you can use these LUTs pack for a travel vlog, B-roll, or even a short film. With these LUTs, your videos will look better than ever.

Add LUTs on Video For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Add LUTs on Video For macOS 10.14 or later

iOS Android

Try It Free >>

Apply LUT on Videos Apply LUT on Videos Learn More

iOS Android

Try It Free >>

Wondershare Filmora 12

Part 2: Top Peter McKinnon Influenced LUTs for Videos

Peter McKinnon is a great content creator with exceptional video editing skills. Here is a list of Peter McKinnon LUT Pack free and paid ones, which you can download. Make your videos look like Peter McKinnon’s and get the praise you deserve.

1. Cine LUTS V2

Cine LUTS V2 is a pack of 15 cinematic-style LUTs to color grade your videos. With these LUTs, you can achieve various cinematic looks, such as Dawn, Dusk, Elemental, and Ember. Moreover, the Dawn LUT adds a warm and soft color tone to your video. However, the Elemental LUT brings out vibrant colors, making your content appear bold and impactful. Furthermore, each LUT in this pack offers a unique color grading style.

cine luts v2

2. Cine LUTS V1

With the Cine LUTs V1 pack, you’ll have access to 7 unique LUTs. This Peter McKinnon LUT pack gives your videos a cinematic look. Furthermore, this pack has different LUTs, including Orange & Teal and Noir. The Orange & Teal LUT adds a warm orange tone to the highlights and a cool teal tone to the shadows. However, you can use the Noir LUT to add a more dramatic look to your video.

cine luts v1

3. Arctic Shade

Arctic Shade LUT is a color grading tool inspired by Peter McKinnon’s technique. Applying this LUT adjusts the white balance to give your video a balanced white exposure. Furthermore, it increases saturation and enhances contrast to make your colors pop. It’s a great option to experiment with and matches the color grading style of Peter McKinnon.

arctic shade

4. Bleak Galaxy

Bleak Galaxy is a fantastic LUT pack inspired by Peter McKinnon. This LUT is perfect for enhancing your night sky footage. It amplifies the blue tones, making the night sky even more beautiful. Additionally, it boosts saturation, bringing out the vibrant colors in the scene. With Bleak Galaxy, you can capture the details of the stunning night sky in all its beauty.

bleak galaxy

Part 3: Wondershare Filmora: Get Free LUTs on an Alternative Platform

Are you a fan of Peter McKinnon and want to make your content look professional and cinematic? It would be best to use professional video editing software like Wondershare Filmora . Filmora is an excellent tool that helps you in editing videos. Moreover, Filmora offers simple enhancement and adjustment tools for more advanced AI features.

Add LUTs on Video For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Add LUTs on Video For macOS 10.14 or later

iOS Android

Try It Free >>

Besides video editing capabilities, you can color grade your videos like Peter McKinnon. In the same way, this tool offers paid and free LUTs that you can use. Additionally, Filmora has over 200 LUTs, each with a unique set of styles and color tones. You can download similar-looking Peter McKinnon LUTs free LUTs to apply on your digital media using Filmora.

wondershare filmora luts


In conclusion, Peter McKinnon is an impressive content creator and professional. There are many different LUTs inspired by Peter McKinnon LUT packs. Furthermore, these LUTs allow you to experiment and find the perfect color grading for your videos. Moreover, you can use these LUTs pack for a travel vlog, B-roll, or even a short film. With these LUTs, your videos will look better than ever.

Add LUTs on Video For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Add LUTs on Video For macOS 10.14 or later

iOS Android

Try It Free >>

3GP Video Format: What Is 3GP Format And How To Open It?

Everyone uses the internet nowadays as it is a necessary part of our lives. We exchange multimedia files and texts messages on various apps. The files that we share on the internet have a specific extension for the files. It is essential to know about the different available and widely used formats so that you can use and access the file easily.

The article below will focus on and share great details about the 3GP file format. The multimedia format is popularly used for its great benefits, such as audio and video transfer. Do you want to know more about the 3GP format? Let’s get started!

In this article

01 What Is 3GP Video Format?

02 Advantages and Disadvantages About Video Format?

03 How Can You Open and Play 3GP Video Format?

04 How Edit 3GP Video More Creatively?

Part 1. What Is 3GP Video Format?

The multimedia files that we share on the internet have the extension as ‘.3GP’. It is an audio and video container made under the proprietorship of the 3rd Generation Partnership Project. The 3GP format stores and transmits the data that is shared between 3G-enabled devices. All 3G devices, along with some 2G and 4G devices, support 3GP file format video recording and playback.

what is 3gp format

3GP format needs less broadband demand which makes the phone run fluently. Along with taking less space as compared to other formats, it saves multimedia content efficiently. 3GP file format was designed to match the high speed of data transition between 3G networks.

Part 2. Advantages and Disadvantages About Video Format?

The 3GP format was designed to work at a high level on 3G devices. The above section of this article sheds light on what the 3GP file format is. Now that you have adequate knowledge of the format, let’s proceed and talk about the pros and cons of the file format.

Advantages of 3GP Format

  • The biggest plus point of using the 3GP format is its size. The format is small in size but can store disk space. The small size of the format uses tiny amounts of data.
  • The format is great because it creates an environment for business connections and improves communication. You can share text messages, videos, and multimedia files with your team members.
  • 3GP file format is widely used because it has low bandwidth and also it has decreased mobile storage requirements.
  • 3GP files are transferred and shared very efficiently. Hence, sharing video files has become a lot easier with this format.
  • 3GP files are fast for both streaming and downloading, even if you have a weak or problematic internet connection.

Disadvantages of 3GP Format

  • The quality of the audio file is damaged while compressing the file to reduce its size, as compared to the original file.
  • Not every program supports 3GP file format; hence users face compatibility issues.
  • Compared to the original video, the 3GP video files, after compressing, lose their quality, and the resolution is also compromised.

Part 3. How Can You Open and Play 3GP Video Format?

Do you know there are various file formats and different platforms support different formats? If we specifically talk about the 3GP format, it is supported by VLC Media Player, QuickTime Player, and 5KPlayer. Let’s discuss them:

VLC Media Player

VLC Media Player is a free open-source platform that can play 3GP file format. It is developed by the VideoLAN project. VLC Media Player is a cross-platform media player software and media streamer available for Windows, Mac, Linux, and Unix.

Mobile users can use it irrespective of the device type; Android, iPhone, iPad, and iPod users can use it. VLC can be used to play 3GP format along with any format that you may encounter.

vlc media player interface

QuickTime Player

QuickTime Player was made under Apple Inc. proprietorship. It is an extendible multimedia framework and can only be used on macOS devices because the Windows-supported version was ceased after 2016. It can handle picture and digital video formats, including a 3GP file format. Although, the MOV file extension represents the QuickTime Player. QuickTime Player is pre-installed on all Mac devices.

quicktime player for mac


5KPlayer is developed under the proprietorship of DearMob. It is a music and video player. 5KPlayer has built-in support for AirPlay. You can stream audio and video via AirPlay without any loss in the quality of the media file. It supports different formats for multimedia, including a 3GP file format. 5KPlayer provides you the facility to download videos from 300+ sites, including YouTube, Vimeo, and Dailymotion.

5kplayer 3gp player

3.1. Steps to Open and Play 3GP Format on VLC Media Player

Now that you know about the different platforms that support the 3GP format let us share the steps on how you can open and play 3GP video files on VLC Media Player.

Step 1: After you have installed VLC Media Player on your device, launch it. Head to the ‘Media’ tab from the main screen by accessing the top menu. Or else, simply open VLC Media Player to drag and drop the media file there.

access media tab

Step 2: Select the ‘Open File’ option from the Media section and locate the 3GP video file on your device. Add the file to VLC and enjoy watching it.

open 3gp video file

Part 4. How Edit 3GP Video More Creatively?

What else could be better for editing your videos than Wondershare Filmora ? Whenever you want a good video editor, you will find Filmora on top of the list. The video editor comes with an extensive range of features that you cannot even count. Moreover, it offers endless editing capabilities.

For editing unique and stunning 3GP format videos, try Filmora. It comes with both Basic and also Advanced editing features. Do you want to know more about it? Let us tell you. Filmora offers basic and standard editing tools like cut, trim, split, and join.

If we look at the advanced features, they include Green Screen, Scene Detection, Power Tool, Video Snapshot, and whatnot. Moreover, you also get various AI editing features like Auto Highlight, Auto Reframe, Auto Normalization, and much more than this.

What else does Filmora provide to its users? Let’s share a step-by-step guideline about how to edit 3GP file format videos on Filmora along with its other features.

Step 1: Import 3GP Video File

Start by launching Filmora Video Editor on your device and head to the ‘File’ tab from the top menu bar. There, hover on the ‘Import Media’ option; this will open a sub-menu with an option of ‘Import Media Files’; click on it.

add 3gp video file

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

Step 2: Drag to Timeline

You can locate the video file from the device and import it to the software. After a successful import, the media file will appear on the screen, drag and drop it to the ‘Timeline’ to start the editing.

add video to timeline

Step 3: Add Audio Effects

Start by adding audio effects to your video and making it more captivating. For this, head to the ‘Audio’ tab and select the most suitable sound from the provided options like Travel Vlog, Folk, Young & Bright, etc.

use catchy audio effects

Step 4: Use Interesting Elements

What kind of elements do you like? With Filmora, you get Countdown, Laser Eye, Subscription, Share, and a lot other cooler options are available under the ‘Elements’ section.

add countdown element

Step 5: Add Attractive Titles

Are you looking for title templates? Have you looked at the ‘Titles’ section in Filmora? You will get beautiful templates according to the latest trends and occasions.

use filmora travel titles

Step 6: Export 3GP File

Once you are done, export the 3GP format file. For this, click on the ‘Export’ button, select the output file format and proceed to save the file.

export 3gp edited video

Bottom Line

We hope that the above article has shared sufficient information with you regarding the 3GP file format. We discussed its pros and cons, ways to open it, and also edit it. As we are concluding, let’s talk a little more about Wondershare Filmora. The video editor is an excellent choice for editing and creating mind-blowing videos.

You get various Basic and also Advanced features that can enhance your video. With Filmora, you can efficiently work with features like Silence Detection, Keyframing, Advanced Color Tuning, and much more. If you wish to create fantastic videos, use Wondershare Filmora.

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

02 Advantages and Disadvantages About Video Format?

03 How Can You Open and Play 3GP Video Format?

04 How Edit 3GP Video More Creatively?

Part 1. What Is 3GP Video Format?

The multimedia files that we share on the internet have the extension as ‘.3GP’. It is an audio and video container made under the proprietorship of the 3rd Generation Partnership Project. The 3GP format stores and transmits the data that is shared between 3G-enabled devices. All 3G devices, along with some 2G and 4G devices, support 3GP file format video recording and playback.

what is 3gp format

3GP format needs less broadband demand which makes the phone run fluently. Along with taking less space as compared to other formats, it saves multimedia content efficiently. 3GP file format was designed to match the high speed of data transition between 3G networks.

Part 2. Advantages and Disadvantages About Video Format?

The 3GP format was designed to work at a high level on 3G devices. The above section of this article sheds light on what the 3GP file format is. Now that you have adequate knowledge of the format, let’s proceed and talk about the pros and cons of the file format.

Advantages of 3GP Format

  • The biggest plus point of using the 3GP format is its size. The format is small in size but can store disk space. The small size of the format uses tiny amounts of data.
  • The format is great because it creates an environment for business connections and improves communication. You can share text messages, videos, and multimedia files with your team members.
  • 3GP file format is widely used because it has low bandwidth and also it has decreased mobile storage requirements.
  • 3GP files are transferred and shared very efficiently. Hence, sharing video files has become a lot easier with this format.
  • 3GP files are fast for both streaming and downloading, even if you have a weak or problematic internet connection.

Disadvantages of 3GP Format

  • The quality of the audio file is damaged while compressing the file to reduce its size, as compared to the original file.
  • Not every program supports 3GP file format; hence users face compatibility issues.
  • Compared to the original video, the 3GP video files, after compressing, lose their quality, and the resolution is also compromised.

Part 3. How Can You Open and Play 3GP Video Format?

Do you know there are various file formats and different platforms support different formats? If we specifically talk about the 3GP format, it is supported by VLC Media Player, QuickTime Player, and 5KPlayer. Let’s discuss them:

VLC Media Player

VLC Media Player is a free open-source platform that can play 3GP file format. It is developed by the VideoLAN project. VLC Media Player is a cross-platform media player software and media streamer available for Windows, Mac, Linux, and Unix.

Mobile users can use it irrespective of the device type; Android, iPhone, iPad, and iPod users can use it. VLC can be used to play 3GP format along with any format that you may encounter.

vlc media player interface

QuickTime Player

QuickTime Player was made under Apple Inc. proprietorship. It is an extendible multimedia framework and can only be used on macOS devices because the Windows-supported version was ceased after 2016. It can handle picture and digital video formats, including a 3GP file format. Although, the MOV file extension represents the QuickTime Player. QuickTime Player is pre-installed on all Mac devices.

quicktime player for mac


5KPlayer is developed under the proprietorship of DearMob. It is a music and video player. 5KPlayer has built-in support for AirPlay. You can stream audio and video via AirPlay without any loss in the quality of the media file. It supports different formats for multimedia, including a 3GP file format. 5KPlayer provides you the facility to download videos from 300+ sites, including YouTube, Vimeo, and Dailymotion.

5kplayer 3gp player

3.1. Steps to Open and Play 3GP Format on VLC Media Player

Now that you know about the different platforms that support the 3GP format let us share the steps on how you can open and play 3GP video files on VLC Media Player.

Step 1: After you have installed VLC Media Player on your device, launch it. Head to the ‘Media’ tab from the main screen by accessing the top menu. Or else, simply open VLC Media Player to drag and drop the media file there.

access media tab

Step 2: Select the ‘Open File’ option from the Media section and locate the 3GP video file on your device. Add the file to VLC and enjoy watching it.

open 3gp video file

Part 4. How Edit 3GP Video More Creatively?

What else could be better for editing your videos than Wondershare Filmora ? Whenever you want a good video editor, you will find Filmora on top of the list. The video editor comes with an extensive range of features that you cannot even count. Moreover, it offers endless editing capabilities.

For editing unique and stunning 3GP format videos, try Filmora. It comes with both Basic and also Advanced editing features. Do you want to know more about it? Let us tell you. Filmora offers basic and standard editing tools like cut, trim, split, and join.

If we look at the advanced features, they include Green Screen, Scene Detection, Power Tool, Video Snapshot, and whatnot. Moreover, you also get various AI editing features like Auto Highlight, Auto Reframe, Auto Normalization, and much more than this.

What else does Filmora provide to its users? Let’s share a step-by-step guideline about how to edit 3GP file format videos on Filmora along with its other features.

Step 1: Import 3GP Video File

Start by launching Filmora Video Editor on your device and head to the ‘File’ tab from the top menu bar. There, hover on the ‘Import Media’ option; this will open a sub-menu with an option of ‘Import Media Files’; click on it.

add 3gp video file

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

Step 2: Drag to Timeline

You can locate the video file from the device and import it to the software. After a successful import, the media file will appear on the screen, drag and drop it to the ‘Timeline’ to start the editing.

add video to timeline

Step 3: Add Audio Effects

Start by adding audio effects to your video and making it more captivating. For this, head to the ‘Audio’ tab and select the most suitable sound from the provided options like Travel Vlog, Folk, Young & Bright, etc.

use catchy audio effects

Step 4: Use Interesting Elements

What kind of elements do you like? With Filmora, you get Countdown, Laser Eye, Subscription, Share, and a lot other cooler options are available under the ‘Elements’ section.

add countdown element

Step 5: Add Attractive Titles

Are you looking for title templates? Have you looked at the ‘Titles’ section in Filmora? You will get beautiful templates according to the latest trends and occasions.

use filmora travel titles

Step 6: Export 3GP File

Once you are done, export the 3GP format file. For this, click on the ‘Export’ button, select the output file format and proceed to save the file.

export 3gp edited video

Bottom Line

We hope that the above article has shared sufficient information with you regarding the 3GP file format. We discussed its pros and cons, ways to open it, and also edit it. As we are concluding, let’s talk a little more about Wondershare Filmora. The video editor is an excellent choice for editing and creating mind-blowing videos.

You get various Basic and also Advanced features that can enhance your video. With Filmora, you can efficiently work with features like Silence Detection, Keyframing, Advanced Color Tuning, and much more. If you wish to create fantastic videos, use Wondershare Filmora.

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

02 Advantages and Disadvantages About Video Format?

03 How Can You Open and Play 3GP Video Format?

04 How Edit 3GP Video More Creatively?

Part 1. What Is 3GP Video Format?

The multimedia files that we share on the internet have the extension as ‘.3GP’. It is an audio and video container made under the proprietorship of the 3rd Generation Partnership Project. The 3GP format stores and transmits the data that is shared between 3G-enabled devices. All 3G devices, along with some 2G and 4G devices, support 3GP file format video recording and playback.

what is 3gp format

3GP format needs less broadband demand which makes the phone run fluently. Along with taking less space as compared to other formats, it saves multimedia content efficiently. 3GP file format was designed to match the high speed of data transition between 3G networks.

Part 2. Advantages and Disadvantages About Video Format?

The 3GP format was designed to work at a high level on 3G devices. The above section of this article sheds light on what the 3GP file format is. Now that you have adequate knowledge of the format, let’s proceed and talk about the pros and cons of the file format.

Advantages of 3GP Format

  • The biggest plus point of using the 3GP format is its size. The format is small in size but can store disk space. The small size of the format uses tiny amounts of data.
  • The format is great because it creates an environment for business connections and improves communication. You can share text messages, videos, and multimedia files with your team members.
  • 3GP file format is widely used because it has low bandwidth and also it has decreased mobile storage requirements.
  • 3GP files are transferred and shared very efficiently. Hence, sharing video files has become a lot easier with this format.
  • 3GP files are fast for both streaming and downloading, even if you have a weak or problematic internet connection.

Disadvantages of 3GP Format

  • The quality of the audio file is damaged while compressing the file to reduce its size, as compared to the original file.
  • Not every program supports 3GP file format; hence users face compatibility issues.
  • Compared to the original video, the 3GP video files, after compressing, lose their quality, and the resolution is also compromised.

Part 3. How Can You Open and Play 3GP Video Format?

Do you know there are various file formats and different platforms support different formats? If we specifically talk about the 3GP format, it is supported by VLC Media Player, QuickTime Player, and 5KPlayer. Let’s discuss them:

VLC Media Player

VLC Media Player is a free open-source platform that can play 3GP file format. It is developed by the VideoLAN project. VLC Media Player is a cross-platform media player software and media streamer available for Windows, Mac, Linux, and Unix.

Mobile users can use it irrespective of the device type; Android, iPhone, iPad, and iPod users can use it. VLC can be used to play 3GP format along with any format that you may encounter.

vlc media player interface

QuickTime Player

QuickTime Player was made under Apple Inc. proprietorship. It is an extendible multimedia framework and can only be used on macOS devices because the Windows-supported version was ceased after 2016. It can handle picture and digital video formats, including a 3GP file format. Although, the MOV file extension represents the QuickTime Player. QuickTime Player is pre-installed on all Mac devices.

quicktime player for mac


5KPlayer is developed under the proprietorship of DearMob. It is a music and video player. 5KPlayer has built-in support for AirPlay. You can stream audio and video via AirPlay without any loss in the quality of the media file. It supports different formats for multimedia, including a 3GP file format. 5KPlayer provides you the facility to download videos from 300+ sites, including YouTube, Vimeo, and Dailymotion.

5kplayer 3gp player

3.1. Steps to Open and Play 3GP Format on VLC Media Player

Now that you know about the different platforms that support the 3GP format let us share the steps on how you can open and play 3GP video files on VLC Media Player.

Step 1: After you have installed VLC Media Player on your device, launch it. Head to the ‘Media’ tab from the main screen by accessing the top menu. Or else, simply open VLC Media Player to drag and drop the media file there.

access media tab

Step 2: Select the ‘Open File’ option from the Media section and locate the 3GP video file on your device. Add the file to VLC and enjoy watching it.

open 3gp video file

Part 4. How Edit 3GP Video More Creatively?

What else could be better for editing your videos than Wondershare Filmora ? Whenever you want a good video editor, you will find Filmora on top of the list. The video editor comes with an extensive range of features that you cannot even count. Moreover, it offers endless editing capabilities.

For editing unique and stunning 3GP format videos, try Filmora. It comes with both Basic and also Advanced editing features. Do you want to know more about it? Let us tell you. Filmora offers basic and standard editing tools like cut, trim, split, and join.

If we look at the advanced features, they include Green Screen, Scene Detection, Power Tool, Video Snapshot, and whatnot. Moreover, you also get various AI editing features like Auto Highlight, Auto Reframe, Auto Normalization, and much more than this.

What else does Filmora provide to its users? Let’s share a step-by-step guideline about how to edit 3GP file format videos on Filmora along with its other features.

Step 1: Import 3GP Video File

Start by launching Filmora Video Editor on your device and head to the ‘File’ tab from the top menu bar. There, hover on the ‘Import Media’ option; this will open a sub-menu with an option of ‘Import Media Files’; click on it.

add 3gp video file

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

Step 2: Drag to Timeline

You can locate the video file from the device and import it to the software. After a successful import, the media file will appear on the screen, drag and drop it to the ‘Timeline’ to start the editing.

add video to timeline

Step 3: Add Audio Effects

Start by adding audio effects to your video and making it more captivating. For this, head to the ‘Audio’ tab and select the most suitable sound from the provided options like Travel Vlog, Folk, Young & Bright, etc.

use catchy audio effects

Step 4: Use Interesting Elements

What kind of elements do you like? With Filmora, you get Countdown, Laser Eye, Subscription, Share, and a lot other cooler options are available under the ‘Elements’ section.

add countdown element

Step 5: Add Attractive Titles

Are you looking for title templates? Have you looked at the ‘Titles’ section in Filmora? You will get beautiful templates according to the latest trends and occasions.

use filmora travel titles

Step 6: Export 3GP File

Once you are done, export the 3GP format file. For this, click on the ‘Export’ button, select the output file format and proceed to save the file.

export 3gp edited video

Bottom Line

We hope that the above article has shared sufficient information with you regarding the 3GP file format. We discussed its pros and cons, ways to open it, and also edit it. As we are concluding, let’s talk a little more about Wondershare Filmora. The video editor is an excellent choice for editing and creating mind-blowing videos.

You get various Basic and also Advanced features that can enhance your video. With Filmora, you can efficiently work with features like Silence Detection, Keyframing, Advanced Color Tuning, and much more. If you wish to create fantastic videos, use Wondershare Filmora.

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

02 Advantages and Disadvantages About Video Format?

03 How Can You Open and Play 3GP Video Format?

04 How Edit 3GP Video More Creatively?

Part 1. What Is 3GP Video Format?

The multimedia files that we share on the internet have the extension as ‘.3GP’. It is an audio and video container made under the proprietorship of the 3rd Generation Partnership Project. The 3GP format stores and transmits the data that is shared between 3G-enabled devices. All 3G devices, along with some 2G and 4G devices, support 3GP file format video recording and playback.

what is 3gp format

3GP format needs less broadband demand which makes the phone run fluently. Along with taking less space as compared to other formats, it saves multimedia content efficiently. 3GP file format was designed to match the high speed of data transition between 3G networks.

Part 2. Advantages and Disadvantages About Video Format?

The 3GP format was designed to work at a high level on 3G devices. The above section of this article sheds light on what the 3GP file format is. Now that you have adequate knowledge of the format, let’s proceed and talk about the pros and cons of the file format.

Advantages of 3GP Format

  • The biggest plus point of using the 3GP format is its size. The format is small in size but can store disk space. The small size of the format uses tiny amounts of data.
  • The format is great because it creates an environment for business connections and improves communication. You can share text messages, videos, and multimedia files with your team members.
  • 3GP file format is widely used because it has low bandwidth and also it has decreased mobile storage requirements.
  • 3GP files are transferred and shared very efficiently. Hence, sharing video files has become a lot easier with this format.
  • 3GP files are fast for both streaming and downloading, even if you have a weak or problematic internet connection.

Disadvantages of 3GP Format

  • The quality of the audio file is damaged while compressing the file to reduce its size, as compared to the original file.
  • Not every program supports 3GP file format; hence users face compatibility issues.
  • Compared to the original video, the 3GP video files, after compressing, lose their quality, and the resolution is also compromised.

Part 3. How Can You Open and Play 3GP Video Format?

Do you know there are various file formats and different platforms support different formats? If we specifically talk about the 3GP format, it is supported by VLC Media Player, QuickTime Player, and 5KPlayer. Let’s discuss them:

VLC Media Player

VLC Media Player is a free open-source platform that can play 3GP file format. It is developed by the VideoLAN project. VLC Media Player is a cross-platform media player software and media streamer available for Windows, Mac, Linux, and Unix.

Mobile users can use it irrespective of the device type; Android, iPhone, iPad, and iPod users can use it. VLC can be used to play 3GP format along with any format that you may encounter.

vlc media player interface

QuickTime Player

QuickTime Player was made under Apple Inc. proprietorship. It is an extendible multimedia framework and can only be used on macOS devices because the Windows-supported version was ceased after 2016. It can handle picture and digital video formats, including a 3GP file format. Although, the MOV file extension represents the QuickTime Player. QuickTime Player is pre-installed on all Mac devices.

quicktime player for mac


5KPlayer is developed under the proprietorship of DearMob. It is a music and video player. 5KPlayer has built-in support for AirPlay. You can stream audio and video via AirPlay without any loss in the quality of the media file. It supports different formats for multimedia, including a 3GP file format. 5KPlayer provides you the facility to download videos from 300+ sites, including YouTube, Vimeo, and Dailymotion.

5kplayer 3gp player

3.1. Steps to Open and Play 3GP Format on VLC Media Player

Now that you know about the different platforms that support the 3GP format let us share the steps on how you can open and play 3GP video files on VLC Media Player.

Step 1: After you have installed VLC Media Player on your device, launch it. Head to the ‘Media’ tab from the main screen by accessing the top menu. Or else, simply open VLC Media Player to drag and drop the media file there.

access media tab

Step 2: Select the ‘Open File’ option from the Media section and locate the 3GP video file on your device. Add the file to VLC and enjoy watching it.

open 3gp video file

Part 4. How Edit 3GP Video More Creatively?

What else could be better for editing your videos than Wondershare Filmora ? Whenever you want a good video editor, you will find Filmora on top of the list. The video editor comes with an extensive range of features that you cannot even count. Moreover, it offers endless editing capabilities.

For editing unique and stunning 3GP format videos, try Filmora. It comes with both Basic and also Advanced editing features. Do you want to know more about it? Let us tell you. Filmora offers basic and standard editing tools like cut, trim, split, and join.

If we look at the advanced features, they include Green Screen, Scene Detection, Power Tool, Video Snapshot, and whatnot. Moreover, you also get various AI editing features like Auto Highlight, Auto Reframe, Auto Normalization, and much more than this.

What else does Filmora provide to its users? Let’s share a step-by-step guideline about how to edit 3GP file format videos on Filmora along with its other features.

Step 1: Import 3GP Video File

Start by launching Filmora Video Editor on your device and head to the ‘File’ tab from the top menu bar. There, hover on the ‘Import Media’ option; this will open a sub-menu with an option of ‘Import Media Files’; click on it.

add 3gp video file

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

Step 2: Drag to Timeline

You can locate the video file from the device and import it to the software. After a successful import, the media file will appear on the screen, drag and drop it to the ‘Timeline’ to start the editing.

add video to timeline

Step 3: Add Audio Effects

Start by adding audio effects to your video and making it more captivating. For this, head to the ‘Audio’ tab and select the most suitable sound from the provided options like Travel Vlog, Folk, Young & Bright, etc.

use catchy audio effects

Step 4: Use Interesting Elements

What kind of elements do you like? With Filmora, you get Countdown, Laser Eye, Subscription, Share, and a lot other cooler options are available under the ‘Elements’ section.

add countdown element

Step 5: Add Attractive Titles

Are you looking for title templates? Have you looked at the ‘Titles’ section in Filmora? You will get beautiful templates according to the latest trends and occasions.

use filmora travel titles

Step 6: Export 3GP File

Once you are done, export the 3GP format file. For this, click on the ‘Export’ button, select the output file format and proceed to save the file.

export 3gp edited video

Bottom Line

We hope that the above article has shared sufficient information with you regarding the 3GP file format. We discussed its pros and cons, ways to open it, and also edit it. As we are concluding, let’s talk a little more about Wondershare Filmora. The video editor is an excellent choice for editing and creating mind-blowing videos.

You get various Basic and also Advanced features that can enhance your video. With Filmora, you can efficiently work with features like Silence Detection, Keyframing, Advanced Color Tuning, and much more. If you wish to create fantastic videos, use Wondershare Filmora.

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

Also read:

  • Title: New In 2024, A Complete Guide to the Best Brand Story Videos
  • Author: Chloe
  • Created at : 2024-04-24 07:08:28
  • Updated at : 2024-04-25 07:08:28
  • Link:
  • License: This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.
On this page
New In 2024, A Complete Guide to the Best Brand Story Videos