New In 2024, How to Add Text Behind Objects in Video

New In 2024, How to Add Text Behind Objects in Video

Chloe Lv12

How to Add Text Behind Objects in Video

Adding text behind objects in your videos can be a great way to start your videos. For example, you can do so to create an attractive intro or startup a video. So, if you hope to make a video like a pro, let’s learn how to add text behind objects in your videos by Filmora.

add text behind objects by filmora

Part 1. What Are The Benefits of Adding Text Behind Objects in Videos?

Your videos must maintain quality to create content worthy of a huge audience. You may have a YouTube channel or be starting down the road. Then you must give this a try because

Give a cool look

Adding text behind an object in a video looks cool! Now, your object could be a silhouette of a person or a huge skyscraper. You can add a text tile behind the object, creating the illusion. Due to this, the text will be flying in real-time.

Show creativity

Blasting your channel with innovative and creative content is the key to building a big audience. But, of course, you can always opt for many ways to create a video showing your creativity. One of those ways is to add text behind your object.

You can create an attractive intro by adding text behind objects that captivate the viewer. It ensures that your subscribers stay tuned to your channel and your content.

Build up a solid audience

Every day can be a real struggle if you are a daily content creator on YouTube. The audience demands good content. But your daily videos can get boring if you do not use new methods to edit your videos.

You can add text behind videos to spice up your intros and hook your daily audience even more. That will show the audience that you are genuinely putting in the effort.

Part 2. What Will You Need To Add Text Behind Videos?

Now there are a few things that you will need to add text behind videos. First, take a look at the basic priorities to perform this feature.

1. A Static Object Video

Adding text behind an object can be tricky if the object isn’t static. For example, the effect will be ruined if an object moves around a lot in a video.

Our goal is to create a smooth text behind the video effect. And this can only be achieved if the target object remains static in the video and does not move about its position.

2. A Video Editing Software - Wondershare Filmora

Once you select a video source, you aim to add it to a video editor. For this purpose, Wondershare Filmora would be your best choice. Wondershare Filmora allows you to create innovative and attractive videos.

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

It has a very engaging system UI, allowing even beginner users to get their hands on it instantly. You will learn how to add text behind your videos with a few simple steps.

wondershare filmora home interface

Now that you know the requirements for the video, let’s move on to the step-by-step guide to add text to your video.

Part 3. Step-by-Step Guide To Add Text Behind Videos

We look at two examples of how to add text behind videos in Wondershare Filmora.

  • A static video with an object that can be easily masked out.
  • A video with high contrast and a clean background.

Add Text behind a Static Video

First, we will go with adding text behind a static object. For this, scroll more to get the step-by-step process.

Step1 Download Wondershare Filmora

If you are a beginner just starting in the video editing business, Wondershare Filmora is the best choice. Follow the steps below to download the free version of Wondershare Filmora:

  • First, download the Wondershare Filmora on your PC or Mac.
  • Open the setup and install the Wondershare Filmora.

After downloading the Wondershare Filmora software, let’s edit the video. Scroll below to learn how to start the editing process!

Step2 Add the Video to the Timeline

We will first look at the static video example. For this, follow the below instructions:

  • You have to start by importing your video in the import library.
  • From the import library, you can click on the video and drag it down below to the timeline.

adding video to the timeline

Note: Adding video to the timelines will allow you to create a workspace to edit your video.

Now let’s move on to how we will add the text tile to our video.

Step3 Add the Text Tile

It is time to add the text tile you will animate behind the object. To do that, follow the steps mentioned as such.:

  • Go to the Titles icon on the bar above the import library.
  • A drop-down option will be available on the left side.
  • Scroll down to the Plain text.
  • Here, you can see many text tiles to add to your video.
  • You can choose anyone you like.
  • The most commonly used tile is the Basic 6.
  • When you add the text tile to the timeline, you must ensure that the text is of equal length to the video.
  • To do that, drag the right corner of the text tile and drag it to the right to match the length of the video.

choose the text tile

Step4 Edit the Text Tile

After you have added the text tile you desire, you need to type in the text. For this article, we will keep it simple. We will be typing a simple statement such as “Hello, World.

  • Double-click the Text tile to open the settings menu.
  • After the settings menu is opened, type in the text box on the import window.

You will notice changes on the main window that your text has changed.

edit the text tile

  • After the text appears, you can make the font look as desired.
  • Look above the text window, and you will see the type of text font selected.
  • Click on the drop-down option and choose whatever you like.

Let’s move on to animate the text tile.

Step5 Animate the text tile

After adding text, it is time to animate it. This animation will decide how your text will appear behind the target object.

  • First, you must open the text settings by double-clicking on the text tile in the timeline.
  • In the settings opened in the import window, you will have to click on the animation tab in the upper left corner, aside from the Preset
  • Now scroll down to where you will see the Right Roll
  • Click on Right Roll and then click on the OK in the bottom right corner of the import window.

animate the text

Note: You may notice now that the text appears in front of our object. Don’t worry now! We are getting there. With a few simple steps, we will see the results.

Now let us move on to the more significant part of the editing, masking the object. Again, look ahead to see how you can mask the object!

Step6 Mask the Object

To mask our object, we will need to be technical. We will begin by adding the same footage of the static object on our timeline. Follow the steps mentioned below:

  • Drag and drop the static object footage above the timeline text. Make sure the text stays in the middle of the sandwich.

add the main video above the text tile

  • We will hide the video in the first track to simplify things. In addition, this will make our editing easier.
  • We will have to look in the effects library to insert the masking effect.
  • You can see the Effects icon on the bar at the top.
  • Click on the Effects.
  • You will see the search bar at the top of the import window.
  • In the search bar, type in Image mask.
  • Drag the Image mask effect on the video above the text tile.

Now the masking effect has been added. But we would have to adjust so that it stays upon our object.

  • Double-click on the video and the settings option will open up.
  • Go into the Effects

Note: You must select your target object’s mask shape exactly as its shape.

  • We have to mask out a building, so that we will need a vertical rectangle.

change the shape of the image mask

  • After you have selected the shape of your object, we will need to convert it to the object’s size so that it only masks the building.
  • To do that, scroll down below the import window to the settings.
  • Here you can see the X, Y, and width settings.
  • First, move the width bar so that it matches the width of the building.

change the width of the mask

  • Now drag the X bar until the mask is confined to the building. You would have created the mask only limited to the building.

change the position of the mask by dragging x

  • Once you complete this step, click OK in the bottom right corner.
  • Now un-hide the original video that you imported in the beginning.

Finally, play the video in the main play window from the beginning.

final result of the static video

You have successfully created a text behind the object effect. Now that you know how to add text behind static objects let us move to learn how to add text to a video that has high contrast and a clean background.

Add text behind a high contrast and clean background

Besides the text can be added behind a static object, it can also be added to a clean background with high contrast. But how is it? Let’s dive into it.

Step1 Import the video into the timeline
  • Import the video from the location in your PC media.
  • When imported, drag and drop it onto the timeline.

add the footage to the timeline

Step2 Add the text tile

To add the text to your video, follow the steps mentioned below.

  • Click on the titles icon on the bar above the import window.
  • On the left drop-down option, scroll down to the titles.
  • Select the Plain text option.
  • You will notice that multiple options will pop up in the import window.
  • Select the text title that suits you best.
  • After you have selected the text style, drag and drop it down above your video in the timeline.

add the text tile above the video

  • Our next step would be to add the text.
  • Double-click on the text tile. Doing so will open the settings menu in the import window.
  • Type in the text that you want. For reference, we will keep it simple such as, “Hello world.”
  • You can also adjust the font of your text.
  • Above the type box, a drop-down option will show you the range of fonts available.
  • Select the font you desire.

type in the text

Now that you have added the text, it is time to animate it.

Step3 Take a snapshot

After typing in the text, you will notice in the main play window that your text still appears in front of your object. Therefore, we want to take it behind the object. To do so, first, you will need to take a snapshot.

Follow the steps mentioned to take a snapshot:

  • Hide the main video. You can see the Eye icon aside from your main video in the edit column on the left side of the timeline.
  • Click on the Eye icon to hide the main video.
  • In the main play window, you will notice that the screen turns black, which leaves only the text on the screen.

taking a snapshot

  • In the main play screen, you can notice a small camera icon.
  • This camera icon is used to take snapshots of your screen.
  • Click on the camera icon to take a snapshot of your screen.
  • Your snapshot will now be saved in the main import window.

snapshot is saved in the import library

Now that we have taken a snapshot, we will need to import it into the timeline. Scroll below for more.

Step4 Add the snapshot

After taking it, your goal is to import it into the timeline. To perform this action, perform the following steps:

  • Before adding the snapshot to the timeline, we must delete the main text tile.
  • Then drag and drop the snapshot from the import library into the timeline above the video.
  • Make sure that the snapshot is aligned well with the length of the video.
  • If it is longer than the video, drag it from the right to match the length of the video.
  • If its length is smaller than the video, drag it to the right to increase its length.

adjust the length of the snapshot

After adding the snapshot, we will have to change its blending mode.

Step5 Change the blending of the snapshot

To create the effect of your text behind the video, you must alter the main text’s blending mode. In this case, it will be the snapshot we took.

Note: Changing the blending mode of the snapshot will allow it to blend with the transparent background and will create the effect of the text behind the object in the video.

Follow the steps mentioned below to change the blending of the snapshot:

  • Double-click the snapshot.
  • If you select the compositing tab, the blending options will pop up.
  • From default, it would be set to Normal. Click on the Normal
  • It will show a drop-down option.
  • Scroll down below until you can see an option labeled Then click on Overlay.

change the blending mode to overlay

  • And press OK in the bottom right corner to confirm your changes.

The text can be blended with the background.

  • Click on the Eye icon to un-hide the video from the timeline.
  • Now play the video from the start from the main play screen to see the final changes.

final preview

Congratulations! The above steps allow you to add text behind objects in your videos.


Modern media is full of creative content. And if you are a content creator that wants to make it through the world of YouTube and video creating, you need to be the best. You can only be the best at what you do if you keep pushing the boundaries of your creativity.

Adding text behind objects could be the first step in making your intros shine with creativity and innovation. It allows you to maintain and build your viewing audience. The more the audience, the more your content gets watched!

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

It has a very engaging system UI, allowing even beginner users to get their hands on it instantly. You will learn how to add text behind your videos with a few simple steps.

wondershare filmora home interface

Now that you know the requirements for the video, let’s move on to the step-by-step guide to add text to your video.

Part 3. Step-by-Step Guide To Add Text Behind Videos

We look at two examples of how to add text behind videos in Wondershare Filmora.

  • A static video with an object that can be easily masked out.
  • A video with high contrast and a clean background.

Add Text behind a Static Video

First, we will go with adding text behind a static object. For this, scroll more to get the step-by-step process.

Step1 Download Wondershare Filmora

If you are a beginner just starting in the video editing business, Wondershare Filmora is the best choice. Follow the steps below to download the free version of Wondershare Filmora:

  • First, download the Wondershare Filmora on your PC or Mac.
  • Open the setup and install the Wondershare Filmora.

After downloading the Wondershare Filmora software, let’s edit the video. Scroll below to learn how to start the editing process!

Step2 Add the Video to the Timeline

We will first look at the static video example. For this, follow the below instructions:

  • You have to start by importing your video in the import library.
  • From the import library, you can click on the video and drag it down below to the timeline.

adding video to the timeline

Note: Adding video to the timelines will allow you to create a workspace to edit your video.

Now let’s move on to how we will add the text tile to our video.

Step3 Add the Text Tile

It is time to add the text tile you will animate behind the object. To do that, follow the steps mentioned as such.:

  • Go to the Titles icon on the bar above the import library.
  • A drop-down option will be available on the left side.
  • Scroll down to the Plain text.
  • Here, you can see many text tiles to add to your video.
  • You can choose anyone you like.
  • The most commonly used tile is the Basic 6.
  • When you add the text tile to the timeline, you must ensure that the text is of equal length to the video.
  • To do that, drag the right corner of the text tile and drag it to the right to match the length of the video.

choose the text tile

Step4 Edit the Text Tile

After you have added the text tile you desire, you need to type in the text. For this article, we will keep it simple. We will be typing a simple statement such as “Hello, World.

  • Double-click the Text tile to open the settings menu.
  • After the settings menu is opened, type in the text box on the import window.

You will notice changes on the main window that your text has changed.

edit the text tile

  • After the text appears, you can make the font look as desired.
  • Look above the text window, and you will see the type of text font selected.
  • Click on the drop-down option and choose whatever you like.

Let’s move on to animate the text tile.

Step5 Animate the text tile

After adding text, it is time to animate it. This animation will decide how your text will appear behind the target object.

  • First, you must open the text settings by double-clicking on the text tile in the timeline.
  • In the settings opened in the import window, you will have to click on the animation tab in the upper left corner, aside from the Preset
  • Now scroll down to where you will see the Right Roll
  • Click on Right Roll and then click on the OK in the bottom right corner of the import window.

animate the text

Note: You may notice now that the text appears in front of our object. Don’t worry now! We are getting there. With a few simple steps, we will see the results.

Now let us move on to the more significant part of the editing, masking the object. Again, look ahead to see how you can mask the object!

Step6 Mask the Object

To mask our object, we will need to be technical. We will begin by adding the same footage of the static object on our timeline. Follow the steps mentioned below:

  • Drag and drop the static object footage above the timeline text. Make sure the text stays in the middle of the sandwich.

add the main video above the text tile

  • We will hide the video in the first track to simplify things. In addition, this will make our editing easier.
  • We will have to look in the effects library to insert the masking effect.
  • You can see the Effects icon on the bar at the top.
  • Click on the Effects.
  • You will see the search bar at the top of the import window.
  • In the search bar, type in Image mask.
  • Drag the Image mask effect on the video above the text tile.

Now the masking effect has been added. But we would have to adjust so that it stays upon our object.

  • Double-click on the video and the settings option will open up.
  • Go into the Effects

Note: You must select your target object’s mask shape exactly as its shape.

  • We have to mask out a building, so that we will need a vertical rectangle.

change the shape of the image mask

  • After you have selected the shape of your object, we will need to convert it to the object’s size so that it only masks the building.
  • To do that, scroll down below the import window to the settings.
  • Here you can see the X, Y, and width settings.
  • First, move the width bar so that it matches the width of the building.

change the width of the mask

  • Now drag the X bar until the mask is confined to the building. You would have created the mask only limited to the building.

change the position of the mask by dragging x

  • Once you complete this step, click OK in the bottom right corner.
  • Now un-hide the original video that you imported in the beginning.

Finally, play the video in the main play window from the beginning.

final result of the static video

You have successfully created a text behind the object effect. Now that you know how to add text behind static objects let us move to learn how to add text to a video that has high contrast and a clean background.

Add text behind a high contrast and clean background

Besides the text can be added behind a static object, it can also be added to a clean background with high contrast. But how is it? Let’s dive into it.

Step1 Import the video into the timeline
  • Import the video from the location in your PC media.
  • When imported, drag and drop it onto the timeline.

add the footage to the timeline

Step2 Add the text tile

To add the text to your video, follow the steps mentioned below.

  • Click on the titles icon on the bar above the import window.
  • On the left drop-down option, scroll down to the titles.
  • Select the Plain text option.
  • You will notice that multiple options will pop up in the import window.
  • Select the text title that suits you best.
  • After you have selected the text style, drag and drop it down above your video in the timeline.

add the text tile above the video

  • Our next step would be to add the text.
  • Double-click on the text tile. Doing so will open the settings menu in the import window.
  • Type in the text that you want. For reference, we will keep it simple such as, “Hello world.”
  • You can also adjust the font of your text.
  • Above the type box, a drop-down option will show you the range of fonts available.
  • Select the font you desire.

type in the text

Now that you have added the text, it is time to animate it.

Step3 Take a snapshot

After typing in the text, you will notice in the main play window that your text still appears in front of your object. Therefore, we want to take it behind the object. To do so, first, you will need to take a snapshot.

Follow the steps mentioned to take a snapshot:

  • Hide the main video. You can see the Eye icon aside from your main video in the edit column on the left side of the timeline.
  • Click on the Eye icon to hide the main video.
  • In the main play window, you will notice that the screen turns black, which leaves only the text on the screen.

taking a snapshot

  • In the main play screen, you can notice a small camera icon.
  • This camera icon is used to take snapshots of your screen.
  • Click on the camera icon to take a snapshot of your screen.
  • Your snapshot will now be saved in the main import window.

snapshot is saved in the import library

Now that we have taken a snapshot, we will need to import it into the timeline. Scroll below for more.

Step4 Add the snapshot

After taking it, your goal is to import it into the timeline. To perform this action, perform the following steps:

  • Before adding the snapshot to the timeline, we must delete the main text tile.
  • Then drag and drop the snapshot from the import library into the timeline above the video.
  • Make sure that the snapshot is aligned well with the length of the video.
  • If it is longer than the video, drag it from the right to match the length of the video.
  • If its length is smaller than the video, drag it to the right to increase its length.

adjust the length of the snapshot

After adding the snapshot, we will have to change its blending mode.

Step5 Change the blending of the snapshot

To create the effect of your text behind the video, you must alter the main text’s blending mode. In this case, it will be the snapshot we took.

Note: Changing the blending mode of the snapshot will allow it to blend with the transparent background and will create the effect of the text behind the object in the video.

Follow the steps mentioned below to change the blending of the snapshot:

  • Double-click the snapshot.
  • If you select the compositing tab, the blending options will pop up.
  • From default, it would be set to Normal. Click on the Normal
  • It will show a drop-down option.
  • Scroll down below until you can see an option labeled Then click on Overlay.

change the blending mode to overlay

  • And press OK in the bottom right corner to confirm your changes.

The text can be blended with the background.

  • Click on the Eye icon to un-hide the video from the timeline.
  • Now play the video from the start from the main play screen to see the final changes.

final preview

Congratulations! The above steps allow you to add text behind objects in your videos.


Modern media is full of creative content. And if you are a content creator that wants to make it through the world of YouTube and video creating, you need to be the best. You can only be the best at what you do if you keep pushing the boundaries of your creativity.

Adding text behind objects could be the first step in making your intros shine with creativity and innovation. It allows you to maintain and build your viewing audience. The more the audience, the more your content gets watched!

3GP Video Format: What Is 3GP Format And How To Play It?

Everyone uses the internet nowadays as it is a necessary part of our lives. We exchange multimedia files and texts messages on various apps. The files that we share on the internet have a specific extension for the files. It is essential to know about the different available and widely used formats so that you can use and access the file easily.

The article below will focus on and share great details about the 3GP file format. The multimedia format is popularly used for its great benefits, such as audio and video transfer. Do you want to know more about the 3GP format? Let’s get started!

In this article

01 What Is 3GP Video Format?

02 Advantages and Disadvantages About Video Format?

03 How Can You Open and Play 3GP Video Format?

04 How Edit 3GP Video More Creatively?

Part 1. What Is 3GP Video Format?

The multimedia files that we share on the internet have the extension as ‘.3GP’. It is an audio and video container made under the proprietorship of the 3rd Generation Partnership Project. The 3GP format stores and transmits the data that is shared between 3G-enabled devices. All 3G devices, along with some 2G and 4G devices, support 3GP file format video recording and playback.

what is 3gp format

3GP format needs less broadband demand which makes the phone run fluently. Along with taking less space as compared to other formats, it saves multimedia content efficiently. 3GP file format was designed to match the high speed of data transition between 3G networks.

Part 2. Advantages and Disadvantages About Video Format?

The 3GP format was designed to work at a high level on 3G devices. The above section of this article sheds light on what the 3GP file format is. Now that you have adequate knowledge of the format, let’s proceed and talk about the pros and cons of the file format.

Advantages of 3GP Format

  • The biggest plus point of using the 3GP format is its size. The format is small in size but can store disk space. The small size of the format uses tiny amounts of data.
  • The format is great because it creates an environment for business connections and improves communication. You can share text messages, videos, and multimedia files with your team members.
  • 3GP file format is widely used because it has low bandwidth and also it has decreased mobile storage requirements.
  • 3GP files are transferred and shared very efficiently. Hence, sharing video files has become a lot easier with this format.
  • 3GP files are fast for both streaming and downloading, even if you have a weak or problematic internet connection.

Disadvantages of 3GP Format

  • The quality of the audio file is damaged while compressing the file to reduce its size, as compared to the original file.
  • Not every program supports 3GP file format; hence users face compatibility issues.
  • Compared to the original video, the 3GP video files, after compressing, lose their quality, and the resolution is also compromised.

Part 3. How Can You Open and Play 3GP Video Format?

Do you know there are various file formats and different platforms support different formats? If we specifically talk about the 3GP format, it is supported by VLC Media Player, QuickTime Player, and 5KPlayer. Let’s discuss them:

VLC Media Player

VLC Media Player is a free open-source platform that can play 3GP file format. It is developed by the VideoLAN project. VLC Media Player is a cross-platform media player software and media streamer available for Windows, Mac, Linux, and Unix.

Mobile users can use it irrespective of the device type; Android, iPhone, iPad, and iPod users can use it. VLC can be used to play 3GP format along with any format that you may encounter.

vlc media player interface

QuickTime Player

QuickTime Player was made under Apple Inc. proprietorship. It is an extendible multimedia framework and can only be used on macOS devices because the Windows-supported version was ceased after 2016. It can handle picture and digital video formats, including a 3GP file format. Although, the MOV file extension represents the QuickTime Player. QuickTime Player is pre-installed on all Mac devices.

quicktime player for mac


5KPlayer is developed under the proprietorship of DearMob. It is a music and video player. 5KPlayer has built-in support for AirPlay. You can stream audio and video via AirPlay without any loss in the quality of the media file. It supports different formats for multimedia, including a 3GP file format. 5KPlayer provides you the facility to download videos from 300+ sites, including YouTube, Vimeo, and Dailymotion.

5kplayer 3gp player

3.1. Steps to Open and Play 3GP Format on VLC Media Player

Now that you know about the different platforms that support the 3GP format let us share the steps on how you can open and play 3GP video files on VLC Media Player.

Step 1: After you have installed VLC Media Player on your device, launch it. Head to the ‘Media’ tab from the main screen by accessing the top menu. Or else, simply open VLC Media Player to drag and drop the media file there.

access media tab

Step 2: Select the ‘Open File’ option from the Media section and locate the 3GP video file on your device. Add the file to VLC and enjoy watching it.

open 3gp video file

Part 4. How Edit 3GP Video More Creatively?

What else could be better for editing your videos than Wondershare Filmora ? Whenever you want a good video editor, you will find Filmora on top of the list. The video editor comes with an extensive range of features that you cannot even count. Moreover, it offers endless editing capabilities.

For editing unique and stunning 3GP format videos, try Filmora. It comes with both Basic and also Advanced editing features. Do you want to know more about it? Let us tell you. Filmora offers basic and standard editing tools like cut, trim, split, and join.

If we look at the advanced features, they include Green Screen, Scene Detection, Power Tool, Video Snapshot, and whatnot. Moreover, you also get various AI editing features like Auto Highlight, Auto Reframe, Auto Normalization, and much more than this.

What else does Filmora provide to its users? Let’s share a step-by-step guideline about how to edit 3GP file format videos on Filmora along with its other features.

Step 1: Import 3GP Video File

Start by launching Filmora Video Editor on your device and head to the ‘File’ tab from the top menu bar. There, hover on the ‘Import Media’ option; this will open a sub-menu with an option of ‘Import Media Files’; click on it.

add 3gp video file

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For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

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For macOS 10.12 or later

Step 2: Drag to Timeline

You can locate the video file from the device and import it to the software. After a successful import, the media file will appear on the screen, drag and drop it to the ‘Timeline’ to start the editing.

add video to timeline

Step 3: Add Audio Effects

Start by adding audio effects to your video and making it more captivating. For this, head to the ‘Audio’ tab and select the most suitable sound from the provided options like Travel Vlog, Folk, Young & Bright, etc.

use catchy audio effects

Step 4: Use Interesting Elements

What kind of elements do you like? With Filmora, you get Countdown, Laser Eye, Subscription, Share, and a lot other cooler options are available under the ‘Elements’ section.

add countdown element

Step 5: Add Attractive Titles

Are you looking for title templates? Have you looked at the ‘Titles’ section in Filmora? You will get beautiful templates according to the latest trends and occasions.

use filmora travel titles

Step 6: Export 3GP File

Once you are done, export the 3GP format file. For this, click on the ‘Export’ button, select the output file format and proceed to save the file.

export 3gp edited video

Bottom Line

We hope that the above article has shared sufficient information with you regarding the 3GP file format. We discussed its pros and cons, ways to open it, and also edit it. As we are concluding, let’s talk a little more about Wondershare Filmora. The video editor is an excellent choice for editing and creating mind-blowing videos.

You get various Basic and also Advanced features that can enhance your video. With Filmora, you can efficiently work with features like Silence Detection, Keyframing, Advanced Color Tuning, and much more. If you wish to create fantastic videos, use Wondershare Filmora.

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

02 Advantages and Disadvantages About Video Format?

03 How Can You Open and Play 3GP Video Format?

04 How Edit 3GP Video More Creatively?

Part 1. What Is 3GP Video Format?

The multimedia files that we share on the internet have the extension as ‘.3GP’. It is an audio and video container made under the proprietorship of the 3rd Generation Partnership Project. The 3GP format stores and transmits the data that is shared between 3G-enabled devices. All 3G devices, along with some 2G and 4G devices, support 3GP file format video recording and playback.

what is 3gp format

3GP format needs less broadband demand which makes the phone run fluently. Along with taking less space as compared to other formats, it saves multimedia content efficiently. 3GP file format was designed to match the high speed of data transition between 3G networks.

Part 2. Advantages and Disadvantages About Video Format?

The 3GP format was designed to work at a high level on 3G devices. The above section of this article sheds light on what the 3GP file format is. Now that you have adequate knowledge of the format, let’s proceed and talk about the pros and cons of the file format.

Advantages of 3GP Format

  • The biggest plus point of using the 3GP format is its size. The format is small in size but can store disk space. The small size of the format uses tiny amounts of data.
  • The format is great because it creates an environment for business connections and improves communication. You can share text messages, videos, and multimedia files with your team members.
  • 3GP file format is widely used because it has low bandwidth and also it has decreased mobile storage requirements.
  • 3GP files are transferred and shared very efficiently. Hence, sharing video files has become a lot easier with this format.
  • 3GP files are fast for both streaming and downloading, even if you have a weak or problematic internet connection.

Disadvantages of 3GP Format

  • The quality of the audio file is damaged while compressing the file to reduce its size, as compared to the original file.
  • Not every program supports 3GP file format; hence users face compatibility issues.
  • Compared to the original video, the 3GP video files, after compressing, lose their quality, and the resolution is also compromised.

Part 3. How Can You Open and Play 3GP Video Format?

Do you know there are various file formats and different platforms support different formats? If we specifically talk about the 3GP format, it is supported by VLC Media Player, QuickTime Player, and 5KPlayer. Let’s discuss them:

VLC Media Player

VLC Media Player is a free open-source platform that can play 3GP file format. It is developed by the VideoLAN project. VLC Media Player is a cross-platform media player software and media streamer available for Windows, Mac, Linux, and Unix.

Mobile users can use it irrespective of the device type; Android, iPhone, iPad, and iPod users can use it. VLC can be used to play 3GP format along with any format that you may encounter.

vlc media player interface

QuickTime Player

QuickTime Player was made under Apple Inc. proprietorship. It is an extendible multimedia framework and can only be used on macOS devices because the Windows-supported version was ceased after 2016. It can handle picture and digital video formats, including a 3GP file format. Although, the MOV file extension represents the QuickTime Player. QuickTime Player is pre-installed on all Mac devices.

quicktime player for mac


5KPlayer is developed under the proprietorship of DearMob. It is a music and video player. 5KPlayer has built-in support for AirPlay. You can stream audio and video via AirPlay without any loss in the quality of the media file. It supports different formats for multimedia, including a 3GP file format. 5KPlayer provides you the facility to download videos from 300+ sites, including YouTube, Vimeo, and Dailymotion.

5kplayer 3gp player

3.1. Steps to Open and Play 3GP Format on VLC Media Player

Now that you know about the different platforms that support the 3GP format let us share the steps on how you can open and play 3GP video files on VLC Media Player.

Step 1: After you have installed VLC Media Player on your device, launch it. Head to the ‘Media’ tab from the main screen by accessing the top menu. Or else, simply open VLC Media Player to drag and drop the media file there.

access media tab

Step 2: Select the ‘Open File’ option from the Media section and locate the 3GP video file on your device. Add the file to VLC and enjoy watching it.

open 3gp video file

Part 4. How Edit 3GP Video More Creatively?

What else could be better for editing your videos than Wondershare Filmora ? Whenever you want a good video editor, you will find Filmora on top of the list. The video editor comes with an extensive range of features that you cannot even count. Moreover, it offers endless editing capabilities.

For editing unique and stunning 3GP format videos, try Filmora. It comes with both Basic and also Advanced editing features. Do you want to know more about it? Let us tell you. Filmora offers basic and standard editing tools like cut, trim, split, and join.

If we look at the advanced features, they include Green Screen, Scene Detection, Power Tool, Video Snapshot, and whatnot. Moreover, you also get various AI editing features like Auto Highlight, Auto Reframe, Auto Normalization, and much more than this.

What else does Filmora provide to its users? Let’s share a step-by-step guideline about how to edit 3GP file format videos on Filmora along with its other features.

Step 1: Import 3GP Video File

Start by launching Filmora Video Editor on your device and head to the ‘File’ tab from the top menu bar. There, hover on the ‘Import Media’ option; this will open a sub-menu with an option of ‘Import Media Files’; click on it.

add 3gp video file

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

Step 2: Drag to Timeline

You can locate the video file from the device and import it to the software. After a successful import, the media file will appear on the screen, drag and drop it to the ‘Timeline’ to start the editing.

add video to timeline

Step 3: Add Audio Effects

Start by adding audio effects to your video and making it more captivating. For this, head to the ‘Audio’ tab and select the most suitable sound from the provided options like Travel Vlog, Folk, Young & Bright, etc.

use catchy audio effects

Step 4: Use Interesting Elements

What kind of elements do you like? With Filmora, you get Countdown, Laser Eye, Subscription, Share, and a lot other cooler options are available under the ‘Elements’ section.

add countdown element

Step 5: Add Attractive Titles

Are you looking for title templates? Have you looked at the ‘Titles’ section in Filmora? You will get beautiful templates according to the latest trends and occasions.

use filmora travel titles

Step 6: Export 3GP File

Once you are done, export the 3GP format file. For this, click on the ‘Export’ button, select the output file format and proceed to save the file.

export 3gp edited video

Bottom Line

We hope that the above article has shared sufficient information with you regarding the 3GP file format. We discussed its pros and cons, ways to open it, and also edit it. As we are concluding, let’s talk a little more about Wondershare Filmora. The video editor is an excellent choice for editing and creating mind-blowing videos.

You get various Basic and also Advanced features that can enhance your video. With Filmora, you can efficiently work with features like Silence Detection, Keyframing, Advanced Color Tuning, and much more. If you wish to create fantastic videos, use Wondershare Filmora.

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

02 Advantages and Disadvantages About Video Format?

03 How Can You Open and Play 3GP Video Format?

04 How Edit 3GP Video More Creatively?

Part 1. What Is 3GP Video Format?

The multimedia files that we share on the internet have the extension as ‘.3GP’. It is an audio and video container made under the proprietorship of the 3rd Generation Partnership Project. The 3GP format stores and transmits the data that is shared between 3G-enabled devices. All 3G devices, along with some 2G and 4G devices, support 3GP file format video recording and playback.

what is 3gp format

3GP format needs less broadband demand which makes the phone run fluently. Along with taking less space as compared to other formats, it saves multimedia content efficiently. 3GP file format was designed to match the high speed of data transition between 3G networks.

Part 2. Advantages and Disadvantages About Video Format?

The 3GP format was designed to work at a high level on 3G devices. The above section of this article sheds light on what the 3GP file format is. Now that you have adequate knowledge of the format, let’s proceed and talk about the pros and cons of the file format.

Advantages of 3GP Format

  • The biggest plus point of using the 3GP format is its size. The format is small in size but can store disk space. The small size of the format uses tiny amounts of data.
  • The format is great because it creates an environment for business connections and improves communication. You can share text messages, videos, and multimedia files with your team members.
  • 3GP file format is widely used because it has low bandwidth and also it has decreased mobile storage requirements.
  • 3GP files are transferred and shared very efficiently. Hence, sharing video files has become a lot easier with this format.
  • 3GP files are fast for both streaming and downloading, even if you have a weak or problematic internet connection.

Disadvantages of 3GP Format

  • The quality of the audio file is damaged while compressing the file to reduce its size, as compared to the original file.
  • Not every program supports 3GP file format; hence users face compatibility issues.
  • Compared to the original video, the 3GP video files, after compressing, lose their quality, and the resolution is also compromised.

Part 3. How Can You Open and Play 3GP Video Format?

Do you know there are various file formats and different platforms support different formats? If we specifically talk about the 3GP format, it is supported by VLC Media Player, QuickTime Player, and 5KPlayer. Let’s discuss them:

VLC Media Player

VLC Media Player is a free open-source platform that can play 3GP file format. It is developed by the VideoLAN project. VLC Media Player is a cross-platform media player software and media streamer available for Windows, Mac, Linux, and Unix.

Mobile users can use it irrespective of the device type; Android, iPhone, iPad, and iPod users can use it. VLC can be used to play 3GP format along with any format that you may encounter.

vlc media player interface

QuickTime Player

QuickTime Player was made under Apple Inc. proprietorship. It is an extendible multimedia framework and can only be used on macOS devices because the Windows-supported version was ceased after 2016. It can handle picture and digital video formats, including a 3GP file format. Although, the MOV file extension represents the QuickTime Player. QuickTime Player is pre-installed on all Mac devices.

quicktime player for mac


5KPlayer is developed under the proprietorship of DearMob. It is a music and video player. 5KPlayer has built-in support for AirPlay. You can stream audio and video via AirPlay without any loss in the quality of the media file. It supports different formats for multimedia, including a 3GP file format. 5KPlayer provides you the facility to download videos from 300+ sites, including YouTube, Vimeo, and Dailymotion.

5kplayer 3gp player

3.1. Steps to Open and Play 3GP Format on VLC Media Player

Now that you know about the different platforms that support the 3GP format let us share the steps on how you can open and play 3GP video files on VLC Media Player.

Step 1: After you have installed VLC Media Player on your device, launch it. Head to the ‘Media’ tab from the main screen by accessing the top menu. Or else, simply open VLC Media Player to drag and drop the media file there.

access media tab

Step 2: Select the ‘Open File’ option from the Media section and locate the 3GP video file on your device. Add the file to VLC and enjoy watching it.

open 3gp video file

Part 4. How Edit 3GP Video More Creatively?

What else could be better for editing your videos than Wondershare Filmora ? Whenever you want a good video editor, you will find Filmora on top of the list. The video editor comes with an extensive range of features that you cannot even count. Moreover, it offers endless editing capabilities.

For editing unique and stunning 3GP format videos, try Filmora. It comes with both Basic and also Advanced editing features. Do you want to know more about it? Let us tell you. Filmora offers basic and standard editing tools like cut, trim, split, and join.

If we look at the advanced features, they include Green Screen, Scene Detection, Power Tool, Video Snapshot, and whatnot. Moreover, you also get various AI editing features like Auto Highlight, Auto Reframe, Auto Normalization, and much more than this.

What else does Filmora provide to its users? Let’s share a step-by-step guideline about how to edit 3GP file format videos on Filmora along with its other features.

Step 1: Import 3GP Video File

Start by launching Filmora Video Editor on your device and head to the ‘File’ tab from the top menu bar. There, hover on the ‘Import Media’ option; this will open a sub-menu with an option of ‘Import Media Files’; click on it.

add 3gp video file

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

Step 2: Drag to Timeline

You can locate the video file from the device and import it to the software. After a successful import, the media file will appear on the screen, drag and drop it to the ‘Timeline’ to start the editing.

add video to timeline

Step 3: Add Audio Effects

Start by adding audio effects to your video and making it more captivating. For this, head to the ‘Audio’ tab and select the most suitable sound from the provided options like Travel Vlog, Folk, Young & Bright, etc.

use catchy audio effects

Step 4: Use Interesting Elements

What kind of elements do you like? With Filmora, you get Countdown, Laser Eye, Subscription, Share, and a lot other cooler options are available under the ‘Elements’ section.

add countdown element

Step 5: Add Attractive Titles

Are you looking for title templates? Have you looked at the ‘Titles’ section in Filmora? You will get beautiful templates according to the latest trends and occasions.

use filmora travel titles

Step 6: Export 3GP File

Once you are done, export the 3GP format file. For this, click on the ‘Export’ button, select the output file format and proceed to save the file.

export 3gp edited video

Bottom Line

We hope that the above article has shared sufficient information with you regarding the 3GP file format. We discussed its pros and cons, ways to open it, and also edit it. As we are concluding, let’s talk a little more about Wondershare Filmora. The video editor is an excellent choice for editing and creating mind-blowing videos.

You get various Basic and also Advanced features that can enhance your video. With Filmora, you can efficiently work with features like Silence Detection, Keyframing, Advanced Color Tuning, and much more. If you wish to create fantastic videos, use Wondershare Filmora.

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

02 Advantages and Disadvantages About Video Format?

03 How Can You Open and Play 3GP Video Format?

04 How Edit 3GP Video More Creatively?

Part 1. What Is 3GP Video Format?

The multimedia files that we share on the internet have the extension as ‘.3GP’. It is an audio and video container made under the proprietorship of the 3rd Generation Partnership Project. The 3GP format stores and transmits the data that is shared between 3G-enabled devices. All 3G devices, along with some 2G and 4G devices, support 3GP file format video recording and playback.

what is 3gp format

3GP format needs less broadband demand which makes the phone run fluently. Along with taking less space as compared to other formats, it saves multimedia content efficiently. 3GP file format was designed to match the high speed of data transition between 3G networks.

Part 2. Advantages and Disadvantages About Video Format?

The 3GP format was designed to work at a high level on 3G devices. The above section of this article sheds light on what the 3GP file format is. Now that you have adequate knowledge of the format, let’s proceed and talk about the pros and cons of the file format.

Advantages of 3GP Format

  • The biggest plus point of using the 3GP format is its size. The format is small in size but can store disk space. The small size of the format uses tiny amounts of data.
  • The format is great because it creates an environment for business connections and improves communication. You can share text messages, videos, and multimedia files with your team members.
  • 3GP file format is widely used because it has low bandwidth and also it has decreased mobile storage requirements.
  • 3GP files are transferred and shared very efficiently. Hence, sharing video files has become a lot easier with this format.
  • 3GP files are fast for both streaming and downloading, even if you have a weak or problematic internet connection.

Disadvantages of 3GP Format

  • The quality of the audio file is damaged while compressing the file to reduce its size, as compared to the original file.
  • Not every program supports 3GP file format; hence users face compatibility issues.
  • Compared to the original video, the 3GP video files, after compressing, lose their quality, and the resolution is also compromised.

Part 3. How Can You Open and Play 3GP Video Format?

Do you know there are various file formats and different platforms support different formats? If we specifically talk about the 3GP format, it is supported by VLC Media Player, QuickTime Player, and 5KPlayer. Let’s discuss them:

VLC Media Player

VLC Media Player is a free open-source platform that can play 3GP file format. It is developed by the VideoLAN project. VLC Media Player is a cross-platform media player software and media streamer available for Windows, Mac, Linux, and Unix.

Mobile users can use it irrespective of the device type; Android, iPhone, iPad, and iPod users can use it. VLC can be used to play 3GP format along with any format that you may encounter.

vlc media player interface

QuickTime Player

QuickTime Player was made under Apple Inc. proprietorship. It is an extendible multimedia framework and can only be used on macOS devices because the Windows-supported version was ceased after 2016. It can handle picture and digital video formats, including a 3GP file format. Although, the MOV file extension represents the QuickTime Player. QuickTime Player is pre-installed on all Mac devices.

quicktime player for mac


5KPlayer is developed under the proprietorship of DearMob. It is a music and video player. 5KPlayer has built-in support for AirPlay. You can stream audio and video via AirPlay without any loss in the quality of the media file. It supports different formats for multimedia, including a 3GP file format. 5KPlayer provides you the facility to download videos from 300+ sites, including YouTube, Vimeo, and Dailymotion.

5kplayer 3gp player

3.1. Steps to Open and Play 3GP Format on VLC Media Player

Now that you know about the different platforms that support the 3GP format let us share the steps on how you can open and play 3GP video files on VLC Media Player.

Step 1: After you have installed VLC Media Player on your device, launch it. Head to the ‘Media’ tab from the main screen by accessing the top menu. Or else, simply open VLC Media Player to drag and drop the media file there.

access media tab

Step 2: Select the ‘Open File’ option from the Media section and locate the 3GP video file on your device. Add the file to VLC and enjoy watching it.

open 3gp video file

Part 4. How Edit 3GP Video More Creatively?

What else could be better for editing your videos than Wondershare Filmora ? Whenever you want a good video editor, you will find Filmora on top of the list. The video editor comes with an extensive range of features that you cannot even count. Moreover, it offers endless editing capabilities.

For editing unique and stunning 3GP format videos, try Filmora. It comes with both Basic and also Advanced editing features. Do you want to know more about it? Let us tell you. Filmora offers basic and standard editing tools like cut, trim, split, and join.

If we look at the advanced features, they include Green Screen, Scene Detection, Power Tool, Video Snapshot, and whatnot. Moreover, you also get various AI editing features like Auto Highlight, Auto Reframe, Auto Normalization, and much more than this.

What else does Filmora provide to its users? Let’s share a step-by-step guideline about how to edit 3GP file format videos on Filmora along with its other features.

Step 1: Import 3GP Video File

Start by launching Filmora Video Editor on your device and head to the ‘File’ tab from the top menu bar. There, hover on the ‘Import Media’ option; this will open a sub-menu with an option of ‘Import Media Files’; click on it.

add 3gp video file

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

Step 2: Drag to Timeline

You can locate the video file from the device and import it to the software. After a successful import, the media file will appear on the screen, drag and drop it to the ‘Timeline’ to start the editing.

add video to timeline

Step 3: Add Audio Effects

Start by adding audio effects to your video and making it more captivating. For this, head to the ‘Audio’ tab and select the most suitable sound from the provided options like Travel Vlog, Folk, Young & Bright, etc.

use catchy audio effects

Step 4: Use Interesting Elements

What kind of elements do you like? With Filmora, you get Countdown, Laser Eye, Subscription, Share, and a lot other cooler options are available under the ‘Elements’ section.

add countdown element

Step 5: Add Attractive Titles

Are you looking for title templates? Have you looked at the ‘Titles’ section in Filmora? You will get beautiful templates according to the latest trends and occasions.

use filmora travel titles

Step 6: Export 3GP File

Once you are done, export the 3GP format file. For this, click on the ‘Export’ button, select the output file format and proceed to save the file.

export 3gp edited video

Bottom Line

We hope that the above article has shared sufficient information with you regarding the 3GP file format. We discussed its pros and cons, ways to open it, and also edit it. As we are concluding, let’s talk a little more about Wondershare Filmora. The video editor is an excellent choice for editing and creating mind-blowing videos.

You get various Basic and also Advanced features that can enhance your video. With Filmora, you can efficiently work with features like Silence Detection, Keyframing, Advanced Color Tuning, and much more. If you wish to create fantastic videos, use Wondershare Filmora.

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

Discover the Process of Slowing Down Time-Lapse Videos on Your iPhone

There are moments that need highlighting and there are moments that need a flashing speed. You can control both moments if you are just wondering can slow down a time lapse. There are video editing softwares like Filmora if you want to know how to slow down time lapse on iPhone. Let’s discuss some of the best time lapse editing tools and also learn about how to slow down a time lapse

Part1 What Is Time-Lapse?

Time-lapse is a cinematography and photography technique that captures a series of images or frames at specific intervals over a prolonged period of time and then plays them back at a much faster rate. This creates a visually captivating effect where time appears to be moving faster than in real life.

In a time-lapse video, moments typically occur slowly or over an extended period, such as the movement of clouds, the growth of plants, or construction of buildings are compressed into a short video clip. Time-lapse is a powerful storytelling tool and if you are tempted to learn how to slow down a time lapse video because sometimes they can be faster than we intend them to be. Let’s discuss how you can slow down time lapse video.

Part2 Method 1: Using Filmora To Change Time Lapse Speed

Filmora is one of the best video editing software whose user-friendly interface allows both beginners and professionals to create compelling videos effortlessly. With Filmora, you can cut, trim, slow down time lapse video, and edit videos. You can also apply built-in effects and transitions, and adjust the playback speed to create stunning time-lapse or slow-motion effects.

Filmora also offers advanced color grading tools so that you can correct and enhance the color in your videos to make them visually appealing. Additionally, Filmora supports a wide range of video formats and allows easy exporting of edited videos to various platforms, making the sharing process convenient and straightforward. With its rich library of royalty-free music and sound effects. Let’s discuss how to change time lapse speed on iPhone.

AI Time-Lapse For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

AI Time-Lapse For macOS 10.14 or later

  1. Open Filmora and start a new project.
  2. Import your time-lapse video by either clicking on “Import” or dragging and dropping the file into the media library.
  3. Drag the imported video from the media library to the timeline at the bottom of the screen.
  4. Click on the video in the timeline to select it. You should see editing options appear.
  5. Look for a speed option, often represented as a speedometer icon. Click on it to open the speed settings.
  6. In the speed settings, you can slow down time lapse video. You can make it slower according to your preference.
  7. After adjusting the speed, play the video in the preview window to see if it’s at the desired speed.
  8. Once done with performing time lapse slower, save and export your edited time-lapse video by choosing the “Export” option.
  9. Choose the desired output format and save location, then click “Export” to save the edited video.

Part3 Method 2: Using Imovie To Change Time Lapse Speed

  1. Open iMovie on your iOS device.
  2. Import the time-lapse video you want to edit.
  3. Drag and drop the video onto the timeline.
  4. Select the video clip on the timeline.
  5. Look for the speed adjustment settings; it is usually represented by a turtle or hare icon.
  6. Click on the speed adjustment icon, and a slider or option to change the speed will appear.
  7. Adjust the speed according to your preference by dragging the slider or entering a value.
  8. Play the video to preview the new speed.
  9. Once you are done with the slow down time lapse video, you can save or export the edited video.


Learning how to slow down time lapse videos on iPhone enhances the storytelling power of your cinematography, allowing viewers to engage more deeply with your content. There are video editing tools like Filmora and iMovie which have revolutionized the editing process, making it feasible to slow down time lapse video directly on your iPhone. These tools are user-friendly and equipped with intuitive features that guide you through the process of modifying the speed of your time-lapse creations.

It is easier to master how to slow down a time lapse, so as a filmmaker, content creator and photographer, you can showcase events or phenomena that unfold over a long period of time in a brief span of time. The techniques and tools such as Filmora , available today, make the task simpler and more accessible, even for beginners. Using Filmora, you can effectively slow down time lapse sequences so that your narratives are conveyed compellingly and that every critical detail is highlighted for your audience’s appreciation and understanding.

AI Time-Lapse For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

AI Time-Lapse For macOS 10.14 or later

  1. Open Filmora and start a new project.
  2. Import your time-lapse video by either clicking on “Import” or dragging and dropping the file into the media library.
  3. Drag the imported video from the media library to the timeline at the bottom of the screen.
  4. Click on the video in the timeline to select it. You should see editing options appear.
  5. Look for a speed option, often represented as a speedometer icon. Click on it to open the speed settings.
  6. In the speed settings, you can slow down time lapse video. You can make it slower according to your preference.
  7. After adjusting the speed, play the video in the preview window to see if it’s at the desired speed.
  8. Once done with performing time lapse slower, save and export your edited time-lapse video by choosing the “Export” option.
  9. Choose the desired output format and save location, then click “Export” to save the edited video.

Part3 Method 2: Using Imovie To Change Time Lapse Speed

  1. Open iMovie on your iOS device.
  2. Import the time-lapse video you want to edit.
  3. Drag and drop the video onto the timeline.
  4. Select the video clip on the timeline.
  5. Look for the speed adjustment settings; it is usually represented by a turtle or hare icon.
  6. Click on the speed adjustment icon, and a slider or option to change the speed will appear.
  7. Adjust the speed according to your preference by dragging the slider or entering a value.
  8. Play the video to preview the new speed.
  9. Once you are done with the slow down time lapse video, you can save or export the edited video.


Learning how to slow down time lapse videos on iPhone enhances the storytelling power of your cinematography, allowing viewers to engage more deeply with your content. There are video editing tools like Filmora and iMovie which have revolutionized the editing process, making it feasible to slow down time lapse video directly on your iPhone. These tools are user-friendly and equipped with intuitive features that guide you through the process of modifying the speed of your time-lapse creations.

It is easier to master how to slow down a time lapse, so as a filmmaker, content creator and photographer, you can showcase events or phenomena that unfold over a long period of time in a brief span of time. The techniques and tools such as Filmora , available today, make the task simpler and more accessible, even for beginners. Using Filmora, you can effectively slow down time lapse sequences so that your narratives are conveyed compellingly and that every critical detail is highlighted for your audience’s appreciation and understanding.

3 Ways to Create Motion Text Effects for Your Video

When you think about text effects, you generally refer to the amazing static text styles that will make any text look stunning. But when you talk about any text or title in a video, static text effects do not draw a scratch in the minds of the beholders. You have to get your text in motion and that is where text animations come into the scene.

Motion text effects refer to the text being in motion so that it can go well with any video in the background as well as look visually appealing. Creating text motion graphics is easy these days if you have the right video editor. There are amazing motion text animation templates available that you can apply to the texts and titles in your video and amaze your viewers. We will illustrate the simple steps to create motion text graphics in popular video editors.

Part 1. Create Motion Text Effect with Filmora

Wondershare Filmora is undoubtedly the easiest video editor to create amazing motion text effects thanks to its intuitive user interface. There are different categories of motion text effects available to suit your requirements perfectly as per your video projects. Filmora has the latest collection of text effects that you can use in your video and outshine your competitors.

Apart from text animations, you get different elements to enhance your text effects. You can have animated backgrounds and you can customize the animation in your text minutely to get the desired result. Filmora is available for both Windows and Mac users and you can try out its free trial before purchasing the license. Here are the steps to create Alight Motion text effect using Filmora.

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Step1 Download and install Wondershare Filmora on your computer. Click on New Project on the welcome screen. You can drag and drop your video clip for the background on Project Media folder.

download wondershare filmora

Step2 Drop the video clip onto timeline. If you do not have any background video, you can select background from Stock Media> pexels/Pixabay> Video and drop animated background onto the timeline.

drag motion background timeline filmora

Step3 Go to Titles and search for “animation” and you will get all the motion text effect and animation templates. Select any one of them and drop onto the timeline above the background layer.

select animation title text filmora

Step4 Double-click on the text layer to type in your desired text. Reposition the text layer on the timeline and on the video from Viewer.

customize animation type text filmora

Part 2. Use Premiere Pro to Make Motion Text

Adobe Premiere Pro is one of the most preferred video editors among professionals. Even though Premiere Pro does not come with a vast set of motion text effects, you can download them online and import them to use for the texts in your video. Here are the steps to create text motion graphics on Premiere Pro.

Step1 Go to Graphics> Essential Graphics and select a motion text effect template as per your preference. Drag and drop it into your timeline above your video or background clip.

select motion text template premiere

Step2 Double-click on the text to edit the words and type in your text. Go to Essential Graphics panel to customize the text effect parameters as per your requirements.

customize text premiere pro

Step3 If you want to edit the animation, select the text layer and go to Effects Control panel. Open up Keyframe box by dragging it to the right. Adjust the keyframe as per your animation requirements.

adjust key frame premiere pro

Bring the keyframes closer or spread them apart to speed up or slow down. Tweak parameters like? Velocity Controls under different text properties to edit the animation effectively.

Part 3. How to Make Motion Text in After Effects

After Effects is the most popular video editor when it comes to motion text effects. This is because there are different categories of motion text animation templates and presets available like Filmora. Even though the user interface is slightly complicated like Premiere Pro, most professionals use the tool for video editing and adding text effects. Here are the steps to add motion text effect Alight Motion like using After Effects.

Step1 From Tool panel, click on Type tool and click on Composition panel to type in your text. From Characters and Paragraph section, adjust the text styles and textures.

adjust text style after effects

Step2 Go to Effects and Presets panel, go through and search for the desired motion text effect preset. Drag and drop the selected preset on the text layer directly.

drag preset text layer after effects

Step3 From Current Time Indicator, slide the keyframes to adjust the animation. Click on the text layer to expand it and adjust different parameters to get the desired text animation.

adjust desired text animation after effects

Part 4. Best Motion Effects Ideas to Try

There are several text motions effects available that make your text look stunning and grab the attention of the viewers instantly. If you are confused which text motion effects you should try out, there are some of the best text motion effects you can try out on After Effects and Filmora.

Data Stream – You get the motion effect on After Effects where the characters come on the screen in a scrambled fashion. Thereafter, the characters organize them to form meaning words and sentences. Then the words disperse in a scrambled fashion before the next words and sentences follow the same pattern.

Abstract Motion Intro – You can get the motion effect on Filmora where there are multiple animations are put together in one effect. There are 3d effect, slide in motion as well as zoom in effect to display the desired texts and titles colourfully.

Random Spike Tumble – This is another motion effect on After Effects where the characters appear on the screen with spike in size along with blur effect and flipping animation. Finally, they settle on the screen and the meaning word or sentence appears perfectly. The effect helps to hold the attention of the viewers throughout.

Comic and Life Effect – You get this motion effect on Filmora where the large texts are shown and they have a comical typography. The words keep on zooming in and out to add to the comical factor.

Corporate Title Effect – This comes as a pack on After Effects whereby you get amazing text motion effects that you mostly see in professional videos. Starting from oblique stripe and emerge effect to slide in and out with modern touches and objects, you get stunning text motion to enhance your video content.?

The Bottom Line

If there are texts and titles in your video, you have to use motion text effect to make your video content interesting. We have illustrated the simple steps to create and edit motion text effects. We recommend Wondershare Filmora as the best video editor for creating motion text effects as the user interface is intuitive and there are unlimited motion text effects to choose from.

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Step1 Download and install Wondershare Filmora on your computer. Click on New Project on the welcome screen. You can drag and drop your video clip for the background on Project Media folder.

download wondershare filmora

Step2 Drop the video clip onto timeline. If you do not have any background video, you can select background from Stock Media> pexels/Pixabay> Video and drop animated background onto the timeline.

drag motion background timeline filmora

Step3 Go to Titles and search for “animation” and you will get all the motion text effect and animation templates. Select any one of them and drop onto the timeline above the background layer.

select animation title text filmora

Step4 Double-click on the text layer to type in your desired text. Reposition the text layer on the timeline and on the video from Viewer.

customize animation type text filmora

Part 2. Use Premiere Pro to Make Motion Text

Adobe Premiere Pro is one of the most preferred video editors among professionals. Even though Premiere Pro does not come with a vast set of motion text effects, you can download them online and import them to use for the texts in your video. Here are the steps to create text motion graphics on Premiere Pro.

Step1 Go to Graphics> Essential Graphics and select a motion text effect template as per your preference. Drag and drop it into your timeline above your video or background clip.

select motion text template premiere

Step2 Double-click on the text to edit the words and type in your text. Go to Essential Graphics panel to customize the text effect parameters as per your requirements.

customize text premiere pro

Step3 If you want to edit the animation, select the text layer and go to Effects Control panel. Open up Keyframe box by dragging it to the right. Adjust the keyframe as per your animation requirements.

adjust key frame premiere pro

Bring the keyframes closer or spread them apart to speed up or slow down. Tweak parameters like? Velocity Controls under different text properties to edit the animation effectively.

Part 3. How to Make Motion Text in After Effects

After Effects is the most popular video editor when it comes to motion text effects. This is because there are different categories of motion text animation templates and presets available like Filmora. Even though the user interface is slightly complicated like Premiere Pro, most professionals use the tool for video editing and adding text effects. Here are the steps to add motion text effect Alight Motion like using After Effects.

Step1 From Tool panel, click on Type tool and click on Composition panel to type in your text. From Characters and Paragraph section, adjust the text styles and textures.

adjust text style after effects

Step2 Go to Effects and Presets panel, go through and search for the desired motion text effect preset. Drag and drop the selected preset on the text layer directly.

drag preset text layer after effects

Step3 From Current Time Indicator, slide the keyframes to adjust the animation. Click on the text layer to expand it and adjust different parameters to get the desired text animation.

adjust desired text animation after effects

Part 4. Best Motion Effects Ideas to Try

There are several text motions effects available that make your text look stunning and grab the attention of the viewers instantly. If you are confused which text motion effects you should try out, there are some of the best text motion effects you can try out on After Effects and Filmora.

Data Stream – You get the motion effect on After Effects where the characters come on the screen in a scrambled fashion. Thereafter, the characters organize them to form meaning words and sentences. Then the words disperse in a scrambled fashion before the next words and sentences follow the same pattern.

Abstract Motion Intro – You can get the motion effect on Filmora where there are multiple animations are put together in one effect. There are 3d effect, slide in motion as well as zoom in effect to display the desired texts and titles colourfully.

Random Spike Tumble – This is another motion effect on After Effects where the characters appear on the screen with spike in size along with blur effect and flipping animation. Finally, they settle on the screen and the meaning word or sentence appears perfectly. The effect helps to hold the attention of the viewers throughout.

Comic and Life Effect – You get this motion effect on Filmora where the large texts are shown and they have a comical typography. The words keep on zooming in and out to add to the comical factor.

Corporate Title Effect – This comes as a pack on After Effects whereby you get amazing text motion effects that you mostly see in professional videos. Starting from oblique stripe and emerge effect to slide in and out with modern touches and objects, you get stunning text motion to enhance your video content.?

The Bottom Line

If there are texts and titles in your video, you have to use motion text effect to make your video content interesting. We have illustrated the simple steps to create and edit motion text effects. We recommend Wondershare Filmora as the best video editor for creating motion text effects as the user interface is intuitive and there are unlimited motion text effects to choose from.

Also read:

  • Title: New In 2024, How to Add Text Behind Objects in Video
  • Author: Chloe
  • Created at : 2024-04-24 07:08:34
  • Updated at : 2024-04-25 07:08:34
  • Link:
  • License: This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.
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New In 2024, How to Add Text Behind Objects in Video