New In 2024, How to Create A Freeze Frame Sequence in Video

New In 2024, How to Create A Freeze Frame Sequence in Video

Chloe Lv12

How to Create A Freeze Frame Sequence in Video

Are you considering getting your video editing skills to a new high level? Are you worried about spicing your videos with stylish shots and bringing attention to particular aspects of your video?

Freeze frame sequence is one the most stunning effects that can help you greatly. The freeze frame sequence has been used in many classic and present-day movies. And it will never go out of fashion.

Here, we will guide you on creating freeze frame sequences in your videos using Filmora. It is critical here to know what exactly the freeze frame sequence is. So let’s jump right into it!

Part 1. What Is A Freeze Frame?

A freeze frame is a specific single frame of the video clip shown repeatedly in the video. It gives the illusion of a static picture. It is used to draw the viewers’ attention to the minute details of a specific moment, to set up a powerful narrative, or to introduce your main characters.

freeze frame effect

Content creators can also use the freeze-frame effect on fast-moving objects to draw the viewers’ attention. Have a few examples of the most popular freeze frames used in the movies.

Alfred Hitchcock used the first-ever freeze-frame in his film Champagne (1928). There is a long list of many famous tv shows and movies in which the freeze frame effect has been used since then. But to count a few, three examples are given here.

1. Pulp Fiction (1994)

In the beginning scene of Pulp Fiction, where robbery is about to occur, a freeze-frame effect is used to engage the audience. Later in the movie, it was relieved what would happen next. It was a dramatic pause to draw attention. It is a strong example of the freeze-frame effect.

pulp fiction's freeze frame

2. The Breakfast Club (1985)

The ending of Breakfast Club is an iconic example of the freeze-frame effect. With a powerful narration, the freeze frame conveys the movie’s central idea to the audience.

the breakfast club's freeze frame

3. Suicide Squad (2016)

In the trailer of Suicide Squad, freeze frames were used by the director to introduce the characters. This trailer used stylish animations to give relevant information about the film’s main characters.

suicide squad's freeze frame

Having discussed the famous examples, let’s learn about the power of freeze frames.

The power of freeze frame

The old freeze frames give a retro vibe. However, with the advancement in editing technology, this special effect has proved that there is no end. Furthermore, it has shown that you can do many things with pauses.

Especially when you are a content creator, this effect empowers you by advertising your skills impressively. It also conveys your message convincingly.

Being a content creator, you always want to reach the maximum audience. This special effect will serve this too. It will ultimately get you more viewership, more likes, and more subscriptions. But how to create a freeze frame?

Part 2. How To Create Freeze Frame Sequence? [Step-Wise Guide]

Let’s see how to add a freeze frame sequence in your video step-wise and get started.

Step1 Download Wondershare Filmora

Wondershare Filmora is an all-in-one video editing platform. It is enhanced with multiple practical media resources. You can head to Wondershare Filmora official site to download or upgrade your Filmora.

filmora interface

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Step2 Import your clips and add them to the timeline

Open Filmora and create a new project. Import your clip into the media library. Add your clips to the first video layer on the timeline.

import your video clip and add it to the timeline

Step3 Apply color correction to the footage

Before we start our edit, let’s color correct our footage, so the corrected color is already applied when we take the screenshots.

apply color correction to your clip

Step4 Find your first action frame

Next, scrub through the clip to find your first action frame. For example, in this video, this is our first action frame.

select the first action frame

Step5 Take a screenshot of the action frame

Let’s head to the camera icon under the preview screen and click the icon. It will take a screenshot of the current frame that the playhead is on the timeline.

take a screenshot of the action frame

Make sure to keep the playhead the same after you’ve taken the snapshot. You can find your screenshot in the media tab.

Step6 Add the screenshot to timeline

Let’s drag your screenshot onto video layer 2 and align it on the right side of the playhead. Then extend the screenshot so it lasts as long as your central clip.

extend the screenshot

Step7 Apply masks to the screenshot

Now, double-click on the screenshot. It will open the “Video” menu, then go into the “Mask” menu. Choose a mask shape and edit it so that it only covers where your subject is in the screenshot. For example, we choose the **”**Circle” mask shape in this video.

choose your mask shape

If you need help seeing what you’re masking, hide the main video layer and edit your mask like this.

hide the main video layer

Move the playhead forward and clean up your “mask.” Next, Increase the blur to soften the edges. But not too much because it may become visible on your subject.

editing of the mask

Step8 Hide the first screenshot

Let’s layer a couple more action frames! First, hide the first screenshot so it doesn’t appear in your new screenshot.

hide the first screenshot

Step9 Select your second action frame

Then, pick a new frame.

select a new frame

  • Click the camera icon.
  • Drag the screenshot at the new playhead spot.
  • Extend the clip.

repeat the steps

  • Double-click to mask this frame.
  • And play it back to make sure it looks good.
  • It would help if you did this a couple more times until you have several frames.

Please have a look at the final product and how it looks!

sreeze frame sequence

And that’s how you create a freeze-frame video effect in Filmora.

Part 3. Tips To Use Freeze Frame Sequence

You’ve known how to make the freeze frame sequence. However, don’t miss essential tips to improve your video at the next stage.

Tip 1: Making a steady shot is important

First, ensure a steady shot with no camera shake while filming. You can use a tripod or a stable surface to keep your camera still.

keep your camera still

Why is it necessary to make a steady shot?

  • It helps you to make smooth, fluid shots.
  • It is much more professional.
  • It will take your editing skills to a new level.
  • It grabs the attention of the viewers.
  • It makes your editing easier.

Tip 2: No crossing over

Make sure your subject only crosses the same spot once. Otherwise, you would need help editing the video.

crossing over should be avoided

Why is it necessary to avoid crossing the same spot?

  • It prevents misalignment of the shots, and your print won’t get damaged, primarily when you use pieces of the same image.
  • It helps to create an illusion of holding specific moments.

Final Words

The Freeze Frame Sequence looks professional but much more manageable. The creator’s confidence gets to the next level when they learn how to create it. This step-wise guide using Wondershare Filmora is all for your ease.

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Step2 Import your clips and add them to the timeline

Open Filmora and create a new project. Import your clip into the media library. Add your clips to the first video layer on the timeline.

import your video clip and add it to the timeline

Step3 Apply color correction to the footage

Before we start our edit, let’s color correct our footage, so the corrected color is already applied when we take the screenshots.

apply color correction to your clip

Step4 Find your first action frame

Next, scrub through the clip to find your first action frame. For example, in this video, this is our first action frame.

select the first action frame

Step5 Take a screenshot of the action frame

Let’s head to the camera icon under the preview screen and click the icon. It will take a screenshot of the current frame that the playhead is on the timeline.

take a screenshot of the action frame

Make sure to keep the playhead the same after you’ve taken the snapshot. You can find your screenshot in the media tab.

Step6 Add the screenshot to timeline

Let’s drag your screenshot onto video layer 2 and align it on the right side of the playhead. Then extend the screenshot so it lasts as long as your central clip.

extend the screenshot

Step7 Apply masks to the screenshot

Now, double-click on the screenshot. It will open the “Video” menu, then go into the “Mask” menu. Choose a mask shape and edit it so that it only covers where your subject is in the screenshot. For example, we choose the **”**Circle” mask shape in this video.

choose your mask shape

If you need help seeing what you’re masking, hide the main video layer and edit your mask like this.

hide the main video layer

Move the playhead forward and clean up your “mask.” Next, Increase the blur to soften the edges. But not too much because it may become visible on your subject.

editing of the mask

Step8 Hide the first screenshot

Let’s layer a couple more action frames! First, hide the first screenshot so it doesn’t appear in your new screenshot.

hide the first screenshot

Step9 Select your second action frame

Then, pick a new frame.

select a new frame

  • Click the camera icon.
  • Drag the screenshot at the new playhead spot.
  • Extend the clip.

repeat the steps

  • Double-click to mask this frame.
  • And play it back to make sure it looks good.
  • It would help if you did this a couple more times until you have several frames.

Please have a look at the final product and how it looks!

sreeze frame sequence

And that’s how you create a freeze-frame video effect in Filmora.

Part 3. Tips To Use Freeze Frame Sequence

You’ve known how to make the freeze frame sequence. However, don’t miss essential tips to improve your video at the next stage.

Tip 1: Making a steady shot is important

First, ensure a steady shot with no camera shake while filming. You can use a tripod or a stable surface to keep your camera still.

keep your camera still

Why is it necessary to make a steady shot?

  • It helps you to make smooth, fluid shots.
  • It is much more professional.
  • It will take your editing skills to a new level.
  • It grabs the attention of the viewers.
  • It makes your editing easier.

Tip 2: No crossing over

Make sure your subject only crosses the same spot once. Otherwise, you would need help editing the video.

crossing over should be avoided

Why is it necessary to avoid crossing the same spot?

  • It prevents misalignment of the shots, and your print won’t get damaged, primarily when you use pieces of the same image.
  • It helps to create an illusion of holding specific moments.

Final Words

The Freeze Frame Sequence looks professional but much more manageable. The creator’s confidence gets to the next level when they learn how to create it. This step-wise guide using Wondershare Filmora is all for your ease.

How to Use OBS Chroma Key With/Without Green Screen [Easy Solutions]

Whether you’re someone new to the world of streaming or just seeking to enhance the aesthetic of your existing stream, a green screen is a terrific way to add some quality to your broadcasts. A green screen is a terrific tool for broadcasters and video makers who wish to cover their backdrop or change it with something else completely. Once you have one, it might be tough to understand how to set up a green screen, but once you get the directions down, you’ll be able to seem like you are wherever you desire! The procedure of setting up your chroma key settings in OBS is pretty straightforward and can be done within a few minutes.

These days most live streaming software packages support chroma keying as a feature. The first thing to do with any live broadcast is to arrange your shot. Will the camera stay stationary, or will you be moving it? Once you’ve determined the shot, you can calculate approximately how much green screen you need. It’s recommended to provide for a little additional green screen around the subject to prevent having them clipped outside of the chroma keyed region. When inserting a chroma key OBS will automatically produce certain baseline settings. In most circumstances, you’ll need to fine-adjust these parameters. In this post, we’ll teach you how to accomplish this fantastic look using OBS. You should remember, however, that you will want to set up your equipment and switch on your illumination before modifying the settings in OBS Studio. This way, you won’t have to alter them again after you go live.

1. How to Add Green Screen with OBS

Learning to use chroma key in OBS allows you to remove and change backgrounds, giving your stream a Learning to utilize chroma key in OBS enables you to remove and modify backdrops, giving your broadcast a much better production quality and feel. If you are employing various backgrounds or a sequence of green things behind you. You may utilize the chroma key source more than once to remove various hues, enabling you to obtain better background removal. Not only can OBS Studio erase the backdrop of your live video streams, but you can also remove the backgrounds on pre-recorded movies and still photographs. Chroma keying has become quite popular lately. People utilize it not simply for gaming, but also in Zoom conferences, live interviews, talk shows, etc. Although it may appear hard, at first sight, setting up Chroma Key in OBS Studio is quite straightforward. Let’s look at the easy steps you need to follow to set up a green screen in OBS.

Steps to Add Green Screen with OBS

**Step 1: Install and open OBS. From your main screen, hit the “Plus” symbol situated beneath the sources box. Foremost things first, you need a green screen. If you already have one, skip this step and proceed.

A green screen is merely a backdrop of one single brilliant hue that may be taken off in post-processing. It offers a ‘canvas’ on which a topic may perform and will subsequently display with a translucent backdrop. Add it simply via your webcam.

install and open obs

**Step 2: Select “Video Capture Device from the available choices and then select the Filter as shown below. Name is anything you would want to keep track of your sources. Chroma keying is a visual effects method that eliminates a color backdrop from still or moving pictures and is also included as a filter in OBS.

video capture device

**Step 3: If your camera is installed, it should auto-populate in the forms. If it doesn’t, or you have many cameras, choose the relevant camera manually. Select the color of your screen, then change the similarity and smoothness bars until you settle on the parameters you require. Adjustments will vary from person to person based on light, green screen quality, and the distance you are from the screen.


**Step 4: Ensure that the Video Capture Device is at the top of the Window capture scene. Use the up-down arrow to move it in the Source area after highlighting it. This will place the Video Capture Device scene at the top Save your settings when you’re done. You should be ready to start streaming.

window capture scene

2. Best Green Screen Video Editor to Use

Even while OBS Studio is stable and has a large variety of capabilities and tools, it may be better suitable for game recording. A program that is more comprehensive and supports video editing and chroma keying tools. This program features an easy-to-use interface and a lot more functions. You may also download films and distribute them immediately on social media or email. It provides more than simply a live streaming green screen software tool like OBS Studio. This program is more of a professional-grade green screen recorder and video editor, for both Mac and Windows platforms. Here we propose Filmora. It is a strong and excellent green screen video producer and editor with a professional touch to the animation video creating quality. Studio-quality movement used to be something only large businesses could accomplish. Today, due to Filmora, they’re easy, inexpensive, and enjoyable to produce.

Filmora features a well-designed user interface, a decent balance of control and would provide you high-quality output every time. It is better ideal for professional videographers and those who are online content creators due to its distinctive and professional appearing productions. It can handle all the contemporary video formats, including video editing and output for HD and 4K. It offers a broad selection of easy-to-use capabilities that may assist you to produce lesson films, editing action camera footage and building viral movies like those used on social networking websites, and more. If you have various shades of green, you may chroma key a source many times, each time specifying a distinct shade of green. Without any correction, merely putting on the Chroma Key filter will probably look quite horrible. But happily, there is a variety of options where you may fine-tune the chroma key removal. So, with Filmora, it is better appropriate for short films and it is giving you the most value for its pricing.

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

**Step 1: Import the media document, including the Chroma Video

After the download and installation of this program, now you’re in the software interface. The next procedure is to import your media documents. To accomplish so, press the Import button on the left part of the screen as follows: In the following step, add the files to the timeline as shown above, which will also include them for your media records area.

the chroma video

**Step 2: Editing Video Project File

Presently as you’ve just placed that video clip within the media library of Filmora. You may also adjust the video clips using its convenient editing capabilities. To accomplish so, choose the specific video clip in the timeline and you will see the video changing options available on the interface as follows:

editing video project file

****Step 3:**Edit the Green Screen

Inside the Filmora, once you’ve integrated the green screen video into your project. Select the Chroma key effect as shown here:

edit the green screen

**Step 4: Export the Project

After the successful creation and modification of your preferred video outro, now is the time to export it to your desired place or immediately post it to your YouTube channel, follow the instructions below to achieve so. Click on the Export button inside the Filmora Video Editor and you will see the Export window being launched as follows:

To submit your material straight to YouTube, hit your content directly to YouTube, Hit the YouTube menu at the menu bar of this window which brings you towards the YouTube export window as follow:

export the project


The usage of chroma keying has been increasingly popular in recent years, with various uses of this video effect employed for live streaming. Chroma keying is used to erase the backdrop of a video clip which is then composited over another scene or picture. The most apparent usage of this technology is for weather broadcasts when the presenter is composited over the top of a weather radar picture. In more recent times we’re seeing video game broadcasters chroma keying themselves into their live feeds. There are various sites to explore for streaming backdrops. Most come as overlay packages with distinct themes. A good location to look is Filmora. Else, if you want to add a new backdrop to your broadcast, you may simply add a new picture source to your scene in OBS. So, check out what best fits you and opt for the one.

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

**Step 1: Import the media document, including the Chroma Video

After the download and installation of this program, now you’re in the software interface. The next procedure is to import your media documents. To accomplish so, press the Import button on the left part of the screen as follows: In the following step, add the files to the timeline as shown above, which will also include them for your media records area.

the chroma video

**Step 2: Editing Video Project File

Presently as you’ve just placed that video clip within the media library of Filmora. You may also adjust the video clips using its convenient editing capabilities. To accomplish so, choose the specific video clip in the timeline and you will see the video changing options available on the interface as follows:

editing video project file

****Step 3:**Edit the Green Screen

Inside the Filmora, once you’ve integrated the green screen video into your project. Select the Chroma key effect as shown here:

edit the green screen

**Step 4: Export the Project

After the successful creation and modification of your preferred video outro, now is the time to export it to your desired place or immediately post it to your YouTube channel, follow the instructions below to achieve so. Click on the Export button inside the Filmora Video Editor and you will see the Export window being launched as follows:

To submit your material straight to YouTube, hit your content directly to YouTube, Hit the YouTube menu at the menu bar of this window which brings you towards the YouTube export window as follow:

export the project


The usage of chroma keying has been increasingly popular in recent years, with various uses of this video effect employed for live streaming. Chroma keying is used to erase the backdrop of a video clip which is then composited over another scene or picture. The most apparent usage of this technology is for weather broadcasts when the presenter is composited over the top of a weather radar picture. In more recent times we’re seeing video game broadcasters chroma keying themselves into their live feeds. There are various sites to explore for streaming backdrops. Most come as overlay packages with distinct themes. A good location to look is Filmora. Else, if you want to add a new backdrop to your broadcast, you may simply add a new picture source to your scene in OBS. So, check out what best fits you and opt for the one.

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

**Step 1: Import the media document, including the Chroma Video

After the download and installation of this program, now you’re in the software interface. The next procedure is to import your media documents. To accomplish so, press the Import button on the left part of the screen as follows: In the following step, add the files to the timeline as shown above, which will also include them for your media records area.

the chroma video

**Step 2: Editing Video Project File

Presently as you’ve just placed that video clip within the media library of Filmora. You may also adjust the video clips using its convenient editing capabilities. To accomplish so, choose the specific video clip in the timeline and you will see the video changing options available on the interface as follows:

editing video project file

****Step 3:**Edit the Green Screen

Inside the Filmora, once you’ve integrated the green screen video into your project. Select the Chroma key effect as shown here:

edit the green screen

**Step 4: Export the Project

After the successful creation and modification of your preferred video outro, now is the time to export it to your desired place or immediately post it to your YouTube channel, follow the instructions below to achieve so. Click on the Export button inside the Filmora Video Editor and you will see the Export window being launched as follows:

To submit your material straight to YouTube, hit your content directly to YouTube, Hit the YouTube menu at the menu bar of this window which brings you towards the YouTube export window as follow:

export the project


The usage of chroma keying has been increasingly popular in recent years, with various uses of this video effect employed for live streaming. Chroma keying is used to erase the backdrop of a video clip which is then composited over another scene or picture. The most apparent usage of this technology is for weather broadcasts when the presenter is composited over the top of a weather radar picture. In more recent times we’re seeing video game broadcasters chroma keying themselves into their live feeds. There are various sites to explore for streaming backdrops. Most come as overlay packages with distinct themes. A good location to look is Filmora. Else, if you want to add a new backdrop to your broadcast, you may simply add a new picture source to your scene in OBS. So, check out what best fits you and opt for the one.

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

**Step 1: Import the media document, including the Chroma Video

After the download and installation of this program, now you’re in the software interface. The next procedure is to import your media documents. To accomplish so, press the Import button on the left part of the screen as follows: In the following step, add the files to the timeline as shown above, which will also include them for your media records area.

the chroma video

**Step 2: Editing Video Project File

Presently as you’ve just placed that video clip within the media library of Filmora. You may also adjust the video clips using its convenient editing capabilities. To accomplish so, choose the specific video clip in the timeline and you will see the video changing options available on the interface as follows:

editing video project file

****Step 3:**Edit the Green Screen

Inside the Filmora, once you’ve integrated the green screen video into your project. Select the Chroma key effect as shown here:

edit the green screen

**Step 4: Export the Project

After the successful creation and modification of your preferred video outro, now is the time to export it to your desired place or immediately post it to your YouTube channel, follow the instructions below to achieve so. Click on the Export button inside the Filmora Video Editor and you will see the Export window being launched as follows:

To submit your material straight to YouTube, hit your content directly to YouTube, Hit the YouTube menu at the menu bar of this window which brings you towards the YouTube export window as follow:

export the project


The usage of chroma keying has been increasingly popular in recent years, with various uses of this video effect employed for live streaming. Chroma keying is used to erase the backdrop of a video clip which is then composited over another scene or picture. The most apparent usage of this technology is for weather broadcasts when the presenter is composited over the top of a weather radar picture. In more recent times we’re seeing video game broadcasters chroma keying themselves into their live feeds. There are various sites to explore for streaming backdrops. Most come as overlay packages with distinct themes. A good location to look is Filmora. Else, if you want to add a new backdrop to your broadcast, you may simply add a new picture source to your scene in OBS. So, check out what best fits you and opt for the one.

How to Create a Slideshow GIF?

How to Make a Slideshow GIF?

An easy yet powerful editor

Numerous effects to choose from

Detailed tutorials provided by the official channel

Try It Free Try It Free

In this world of advanced technology and inventions, nothing is impossible. And we have found different exciting ways of making the world around us a more interesting a fun place to live. And all this is because of the rapidly advancing technology.

The simplest things around us have become more exciting and fun to deal with. The mere mode of communication has shifted to the digital platform and has improved so much than before. We can now express how we feel through the different emotions as precisely as possible.

And adding to that, now, we have the GIFs to make our conversation funnier and more engaging. So, what if we integrate these gifs in slideshows? It will be much more exciting and a huge plus point. So, let us look into what are GIFs, how can we use them and lastly, what tool is the best for creating some fantastic and amazing GIFs and videos.

So, let us now start our discussion without any further delay!

In this article

01 [What Is a GIF and When to Use a GIF?](#Part 1)

02 [How to Edit a GIF in Google Slides?](#Part 2)

03 [How to Make a Slideshow GIF?](#Part 3)

Part 1 What Is a GIF and When to Use a GIF?

It is essential that we discuss what a GIF is? Firstly, GIF is the abbreviation for Graphics Interchange Format. Steve Wilhite, an American computer scantiest, was responsible for developing this bitmap image format with the team at the online services provider CompuServe.

The GIFs are images and animations whose sizes are reduced. The animations are much shorter in duration than the regular animation videos. It makes the animations look more expressive. The message, information, or expression to be portrayed through the animation gets better expressed due to its speed.

Therefore, the GIFs’ animations are much more exciting and engaging. A question might arise t you: Why should you use GIFs in slideshows, or how can they be beneficial. Let us put forth some benefits of GIFs that will help you know and understand their importance. Here are the benefits of using Gifs.

Gifs slideshow slides tend to engage the audience much more. Firstly, they are one of the most unique ways of presenting a slideshow or any other content. So, being unique will automatically positively attract more attention.

Your content and slideshow will stand out among the crowd. Firstly, GIFs are some of the most inimitable components to fit in a slideshow. Additionally, each GIF has its characteristic features different from the others. Each of them is interesting and engaging in their way. So, you always have the chance of being better than the rest when you use GIFs in slideshows.

As google slides spread, a sensation of laughter, which, consequently, prevails in a positive environment. This, in turn, helps make your slideshow more appealing and more enjoyable. The more fun you add to anything, the more attractive it will be. And adding GIFs in slideshows can be the best way of doing so.

Now, let us discuss the next important question about using the GIFs: when should we use them? You must know that gifs on google slides can be used in a limited way. So, here are the different ways you can really and readily integrate GIFs in your slideshows.

Use them in the first slide as a title slide. Whenever you use a GIF in the first or the introductory slide, you automatically initiate your presentation with something unique. And as a result, you successfully grab the audience’ leave a good impression. Additionally, from the first slide itself, you tend to have a comfortable and positive environment to continue your presentation more impeccably.

Use URL GIFs. There are plenty of them; therefore, you can have abundant choices and choose the best among them, especially the more relatable and engaging ones. The URL GIFs are plentily used in chat. So, adding them to your slides makes it more interesting, relatable and praiseworthy. However, it would be best to be careful about the copyright aspect. Ensure not to use URL GIFs that can face you with copyright issues.

You can also use the screengrabs; you can easily pull the attention of your audience to different parts of your content, one after the another, most systematically and effectively. As a result, you can explain and express your content in the most detailed way possible.

Either type of GIF that you can use are charts and graphs. In the first place, putting graphs and charts tend to make your presentation more organised, factual and professional. So, when you include GIFs of charts and graphs, you take the beneficial qualities of your display a notch higher.

Part 2 How to Edit a GIF in Google Slides?

There are numerous ways to edit the GIFs in google slides. If you want to edit a GIF in google slides, you will have to follow specific steps. It is alright if you are unaware of the steps because we will discuss the actions that will help you edit gifs in google slides.

01For cropping the GIFs

Sometimes, you may not want the entire Gif to be in your slideshow. And for that, you need to cut off the unnecessary portion of the GIF. You can ideally do so with the help of cropping the GIF, and it helps attain better focus on the part of the GIF that is relatable and, therefore, makes your slide enhanced and improved.

How to crop a GIF in google slide?

Step 1: Tap on the GIF twice and then pull the black tabs in the size you want your GIF to be.

Step 2: Press “Enter” to crop the GIF in your selected size.

02For cropping GIFs in a particular shape

You might want to make your GIFs into a particular shape, and it can be a triangle, square or even a heart shape. This will make your slideshow look more eye-catching and worked on.

How to crop the GIFs in a particular shape in google slides?

Step 1: Select the arrow present next to the “Crop” option.

Step 2: Select the option “shape”.

Step 3: A list of shapes will be shown. Choose the one you would want your GIF to have.

crop into shape

03For putting borders in the GIFs

To make your gifs more countered, eye-catching and prominent, you can put a border around them. You can readily do so in google slides in the simplest way possible.

How to put borders in GIFs in google slides?

Step 1: Select your GIF. Head to the “Menu Bar”.

Step 2: go to “Border Colour” and select the colour of the border you want to put around your GIF.

Step 3: Go to the “Border Weight” option and select the thickness of the border your GIF would have.


04For formatting your GIFs

GIFs can be readily formatted in google slides, which is in the following ways.

Rotating the GIFs

If you want to rotate your GIFs vertically or horizontally, you have to-

Step 1: Select the GIF and go to the “Format” options in the toolbar.

Step 2: Select the option “Rotate” and select to rotate it vertically or horizontally.

Recolouring the GIFs

You might want to match the colours of your GIFs with your presentation. And you can do so by-.

Step 1: Select the GIF and go to the “Recolour” option.

Step 2: Select the colour that you want.

Part 1 How to Make a Slideshow GIF?

As we had mentioned earlier, we will be introducing you to the best tool that will help you make the most incredible GIFs as well as video edits; it is the Filmora. It includes plenty of features that will help the professionals nurture their skills and the beginners.

But, how can you use Wondershare Filmora Video Editor for making google slides animated gifs? Here are the steps for it.

Wondershare Filmora - Best Video Editor for Mac/Windows

Try It Free Try It Free

5,481,435 people have downloaded it.

Build unique custom animations without breaking a sweat.

Focus on creating epic stories and leave the details to Filmora’s auto features.

Start a creative adventure with drag & drop effects and endless possibilities.

Filmora simplifies advanced features to save you time and effort.

Filmora cuts out repetition so you can move on to your next creative breakthrough.

Step 1: import the media files that you want

Step 2: Drag the media files to the times to edit the animation of it.

add to timeline

Step 3: Edit the media files the way you want. Crop, rotate, recolour the way you want it to appear.

Step 4: You can integrate some texts into it if you want.

add text

Step 5: Save the edit and export it for further use.

save as gif

Key Takeaways from This Episode

Therefore, in the above discussion, we have enveloped numerous important aspects about GIFs and their utility in the google slides. We started with discussing and underrating what a GIF is and why is slider gif essential for us.

Next, discuss the various ways you can edit the GIFs in your slideshows, along with the steps accordingly. Lastly, we introduced and discussed the best tool you can use for editing videos making GIFs and videos.

So, if you are a beginner or a professional who wants to use the more advanced features of editing videos, Filmora is the best platform and tool for you. Access it for free through its free trial options. And once you find how amazing it is, you can readily access its paid features to enjoy the sphere of editing more profoundly!

Try It Free Try It Free

In this world of advanced technology and inventions, nothing is impossible. And we have found different exciting ways of making the world around us a more interesting a fun place to live. And all this is because of the rapidly advancing technology.

The simplest things around us have become more exciting and fun to deal with. The mere mode of communication has shifted to the digital platform and has improved so much than before. We can now express how we feel through the different emotions as precisely as possible.

And adding to that, now, we have the GIFs to make our conversation funnier and more engaging. So, what if we integrate these gifs in slideshows? It will be much more exciting and a huge plus point. So, let us look into what are GIFs, how can we use them and lastly, what tool is the best for creating some fantastic and amazing GIFs and videos.

So, let us now start our discussion without any further delay!

In this article

01 [What Is a GIF and When to Use a GIF?](#Part 1)

02 [How to Edit a GIF in Google Slides?](#Part 2)

03 [How to Make a Slideshow GIF?](#Part 3)

Part 1 What Is a GIF and When to Use a GIF?

It is essential that we discuss what a GIF is? Firstly, GIF is the abbreviation for Graphics Interchange Format. Steve Wilhite, an American computer scantiest, was responsible for developing this bitmap image format with the team at the online services provider CompuServe.

The GIFs are images and animations whose sizes are reduced. The animations are much shorter in duration than the regular animation videos. It makes the animations look more expressive. The message, information, or expression to be portrayed through the animation gets better expressed due to its speed.

Therefore, the GIFs’ animations are much more exciting and engaging. A question might arise t you: Why should you use GIFs in slideshows, or how can they be beneficial. Let us put forth some benefits of GIFs that will help you know and understand their importance. Here are the benefits of using Gifs.

Gifs slideshow slides tend to engage the audience much more. Firstly, they are one of the most unique ways of presenting a slideshow or any other content. So, being unique will automatically positively attract more attention.

Your content and slideshow will stand out among the crowd. Firstly, GIFs are some of the most inimitable components to fit in a slideshow. Additionally, each GIF has its characteristic features different from the others. Each of them is interesting and engaging in their way. So, you always have the chance of being better than the rest when you use GIFs in slideshows.

As google slides spread, a sensation of laughter, which, consequently, prevails in a positive environment. This, in turn, helps make your slideshow more appealing and more enjoyable. The more fun you add to anything, the more attractive it will be. And adding GIFs in slideshows can be the best way of doing so.

Now, let us discuss the next important question about using the GIFs: when should we use them? You must know that gifs on google slides can be used in a limited way. So, here are the different ways you can really and readily integrate GIFs in your slideshows.

Use them in the first slide as a title slide. Whenever you use a GIF in the first or the introductory slide, you automatically initiate your presentation with something unique. And as a result, you successfully grab the audience’ leave a good impression. Additionally, from the first slide itself, you tend to have a comfortable and positive environment to continue your presentation more impeccably.

Use URL GIFs. There are plenty of them; therefore, you can have abundant choices and choose the best among them, especially the more relatable and engaging ones. The URL GIFs are plentily used in chat. So, adding them to your slides makes it more interesting, relatable and praiseworthy. However, it would be best to be careful about the copyright aspect. Ensure not to use URL GIFs that can face you with copyright issues.

You can also use the screengrabs; you can easily pull the attention of your audience to different parts of your content, one after the another, most systematically and effectively. As a result, you can explain and express your content in the most detailed way possible.

Either type of GIF that you can use are charts and graphs. In the first place, putting graphs and charts tend to make your presentation more organised, factual and professional. So, when you include GIFs of charts and graphs, you take the beneficial qualities of your display a notch higher.

Part 2 How to Edit a GIF in Google Slides?

There are numerous ways to edit the GIFs in google slides. If you want to edit a GIF in google slides, you will have to follow specific steps. It is alright if you are unaware of the steps because we will discuss the actions that will help you edit gifs in google slides.

01For cropping the GIFs

Sometimes, you may not want the entire Gif to be in your slideshow. And for that, you need to cut off the unnecessary portion of the GIF. You can ideally do so with the help of cropping the GIF, and it helps attain better focus on the part of the GIF that is relatable and, therefore, makes your slide enhanced and improved.

How to crop a GIF in google slide?

Step 1: Tap on the GIF twice and then pull the black tabs in the size you want your GIF to be.

Step 2: Press “Enter” to crop the GIF in your selected size.

02For cropping GIFs in a particular shape

You might want to make your GIFs into a particular shape, and it can be a triangle, square or even a heart shape. This will make your slideshow look more eye-catching and worked on.

How to crop the GIFs in a particular shape in google slides?

Step 1: Select the arrow present next to the “Crop” option.

Step 2: Select the option “shape”.

Step 3: A list of shapes will be shown. Choose the one you would want your GIF to have.

crop into shape

03For putting borders in the GIFs

To make your gifs more countered, eye-catching and prominent, you can put a border around them. You can readily do so in google slides in the simplest way possible.

How to put borders in GIFs in google slides?

Step 1: Select your GIF. Head to the “Menu Bar”.

Step 2: go to “Border Colour” and select the colour of the border you want to put around your GIF.

Step 3: Go to the “Border Weight” option and select the thickness of the border your GIF would have.


04For formatting your GIFs

GIFs can be readily formatted in google slides, which is in the following ways.

Rotating the GIFs

If you want to rotate your GIFs vertically or horizontally, you have to-

Step 1: Select the GIF and go to the “Format” options in the toolbar.

Step 2: Select the option “Rotate” and select to rotate it vertically or horizontally.

Recolouring the GIFs

You might want to match the colours of your GIFs with your presentation. And you can do so by-.

Step 1: Select the GIF and go to the “Recolour” option.

Step 2: Select the colour that you want.

Part 1 How to Make a Slideshow GIF?

As we had mentioned earlier, we will be introducing you to the best tool that will help you make the most incredible GIFs as well as video edits; it is the Filmora. It includes plenty of features that will help the professionals nurture their skills and the beginners.

But, how can you use Wondershare Filmora Video Editor for making google slides animated gifs? Here are the steps for it.

Wondershare Filmora - Best Video Editor for Mac/Windows

Try It Free Try It Free

5,481,435 people have downloaded it.

Build unique custom animations without breaking a sweat.

Focus on creating epic stories and leave the details to Filmora’s auto features.

Start a creative adventure with drag & drop effects and endless possibilities.

Filmora simplifies advanced features to save you time and effort.

Filmora cuts out repetition so you can move on to your next creative breakthrough.

Step 1: import the media files that you want

Step 2: Drag the media files to the times to edit the animation of it.

add to timeline

Step 3: Edit the media files the way you want. Crop, rotate, recolour the way you want it to appear.

Step 4: You can integrate some texts into it if you want.

add text

Step 5: Save the edit and export it for further use.

save as gif

Key Takeaways from This Episode

Therefore, in the above discussion, we have enveloped numerous important aspects about GIFs and their utility in the google slides. We started with discussing and underrating what a GIF is and why is slider gif essential for us.

Next, discuss the various ways you can edit the GIFs in your slideshows, along with the steps accordingly. Lastly, we introduced and discussed the best tool you can use for editing videos making GIFs and videos.

So, if you are a beginner or a professional who wants to use the more advanced features of editing videos, Filmora is the best platform and tool for you. Access it for free through its free trial options. And once you find how amazing it is, you can readily access its paid features to enjoy the sphere of editing more profoundly!

Try It Free Try It Free

In this world of advanced technology and inventions, nothing is impossible. And we have found different exciting ways of making the world around us a more interesting a fun place to live. And all this is because of the rapidly advancing technology.

The simplest things around us have become more exciting and fun to deal with. The mere mode of communication has shifted to the digital platform and has improved so much than before. We can now express how we feel through the different emotions as precisely as possible.

And adding to that, now, we have the GIFs to make our conversation funnier and more engaging. So, what if we integrate these gifs in slideshows? It will be much more exciting and a huge plus point. So, let us look into what are GIFs, how can we use them and lastly, what tool is the best for creating some fantastic and amazing GIFs and videos.

So, let us now start our discussion without any further delay!

In this article

01 [What Is a GIF and When to Use a GIF?](#Part 1)

02 [How to Edit a GIF in Google Slides?](#Part 2)

03 [How to Make a Slideshow GIF?](#Part 3)

Part 1 What Is a GIF and When to Use a GIF?

It is essential that we discuss what a GIF is? Firstly, GIF is the abbreviation for Graphics Interchange Format. Steve Wilhite, an American computer scantiest, was responsible for developing this bitmap image format with the team at the online services provider CompuServe.

The GIFs are images and animations whose sizes are reduced. The animations are much shorter in duration than the regular animation videos. It makes the animations look more expressive. The message, information, or expression to be portrayed through the animation gets better expressed due to its speed.

Therefore, the GIFs’ animations are much more exciting and engaging. A question might arise t you: Why should you use GIFs in slideshows, or how can they be beneficial. Let us put forth some benefits of GIFs that will help you know and understand their importance. Here are the benefits of using Gifs.

Gifs slideshow slides tend to engage the audience much more. Firstly, they are one of the most unique ways of presenting a slideshow or any other content. So, being unique will automatically positively attract more attention.

Your content and slideshow will stand out among the crowd. Firstly, GIFs are some of the most inimitable components to fit in a slideshow. Additionally, each GIF has its characteristic features different from the others. Each of them is interesting and engaging in their way. So, you always have the chance of being better than the rest when you use GIFs in slideshows.

As google slides spread, a sensation of laughter, which, consequently, prevails in a positive environment. This, in turn, helps make your slideshow more appealing and more enjoyable. The more fun you add to anything, the more attractive it will be. And adding GIFs in slideshows can be the best way of doing so.

Now, let us discuss the next important question about using the GIFs: when should we use them? You must know that gifs on google slides can be used in a limited way. So, here are the different ways you can really and readily integrate GIFs in your slideshows.

Use them in the first slide as a title slide. Whenever you use a GIF in the first or the introductory slide, you automatically initiate your presentation with something unique. And as a result, you successfully grab the audience’ leave a good impression. Additionally, from the first slide itself, you tend to have a comfortable and positive environment to continue your presentation more impeccably.

Use URL GIFs. There are plenty of them; therefore, you can have abundant choices and choose the best among them, especially the more relatable and engaging ones. The URL GIFs are plentily used in chat. So, adding them to your slides makes it more interesting, relatable and praiseworthy. However, it would be best to be careful about the copyright aspect. Ensure not to use URL GIFs that can face you with copyright issues.

You can also use the screengrabs; you can easily pull the attention of your audience to different parts of your content, one after the another, most systematically and effectively. As a result, you can explain and express your content in the most detailed way possible.

Either type of GIF that you can use are charts and graphs. In the first place, putting graphs and charts tend to make your presentation more organised, factual and professional. So, when you include GIFs of charts and graphs, you take the beneficial qualities of your display a notch higher.

Part 2 How to Edit a GIF in Google Slides?

There are numerous ways to edit the GIFs in google slides. If you want to edit a GIF in google slides, you will have to follow specific steps. It is alright if you are unaware of the steps because we will discuss the actions that will help you edit gifs in google slides.

01For cropping the GIFs

Sometimes, you may not want the entire Gif to be in your slideshow. And for that, you need to cut off the unnecessary portion of the GIF. You can ideally do so with the help of cropping the GIF, and it helps attain better focus on the part of the GIF that is relatable and, therefore, makes your slide enhanced and improved.

How to crop a GIF in google slide?

Step 1: Tap on the GIF twice and then pull the black tabs in the size you want your GIF to be.

Step 2: Press “Enter” to crop the GIF in your selected size.

02For cropping GIFs in a particular shape

You might want to make your GIFs into a particular shape, and it can be a triangle, square or even a heart shape. This will make your slideshow look more eye-catching and worked on.

How to crop the GIFs in a particular shape in google slides?

Step 1: Select the arrow present next to the “Crop” option.

Step 2: Select the option “shape”.

Step 3: A list of shapes will be shown. Choose the one you would want your GIF to have.

crop into shape

03For putting borders in the GIFs

To make your gifs more countered, eye-catching and prominent, you can put a border around them. You can readily do so in google slides in the simplest way possible.

How to put borders in GIFs in google slides?

Step 1: Select your GIF. Head to the “Menu Bar”.

Step 2: go to “Border Colour” and select the colour of the border you want to put around your GIF.

Step 3: Go to the “Border Weight” option and select the thickness of the border your GIF would have.


04For formatting your GIFs

GIFs can be readily formatted in google slides, which is in the following ways.

Rotating the GIFs

If you want to rotate your GIFs vertically or horizontally, you have to-

Step 1: Select the GIF and go to the “Format” options in the toolbar.

Step 2: Select the option “Rotate” and select to rotate it vertically or horizontally.

Recolouring the GIFs

You might want to match the colours of your GIFs with your presentation. And you can do so by-.

Step 1: Select the GIF and go to the “Recolour” option.

Step 2: Select the colour that you want.

Part 1 How to Make a Slideshow GIF?

As we had mentioned earlier, we will be introducing you to the best tool that will help you make the most incredible GIFs as well as video edits; it is the Filmora. It includes plenty of features that will help the professionals nurture their skills and the beginners.

But, how can you use Wondershare Filmora Video Editor for making google slides animated gifs? Here are the steps for it.

Wondershare Filmora - Best Video Editor for Mac/Windows

Try It Free Try It Free

5,481,435 people have downloaded it.

Build unique custom animations without breaking a sweat.

Focus on creating epic stories and leave the details to Filmora’s auto features.

Start a creative adventure with drag & drop effects and endless possibilities.

Filmora simplifies advanced features to save you time and effort.

Filmora cuts out repetition so you can move on to your next creative breakthrough.

Step 1: import the media files that you want

Step 2: Drag the media files to the times to edit the animation of it.

add to timeline

Step 3: Edit the media files the way you want. Crop, rotate, recolour the way you want it to appear.

Step 4: You can integrate some texts into it if you want.

add text

Step 5: Save the edit and export it for further use.

save as gif

Key Takeaways from This Episode

Therefore, in the above discussion, we have enveloped numerous important aspects about GIFs and their utility in the google slides. We started with discussing and underrating what a GIF is and why is slider gif essential for us.

Next, discuss the various ways you can edit the GIFs in your slideshows, along with the steps accordingly. Lastly, we introduced and discussed the best tool you can use for editing videos making GIFs and videos.

So, if you are a beginner or a professional who wants to use the more advanced features of editing videos, Filmora is the best platform and tool for you. Access it for free through its free trial options. And once you find how amazing it is, you can readily access its paid features to enjoy the sphere of editing more profoundly!

Try It Free Try It Free

In this world of advanced technology and inventions, nothing is impossible. And we have found different exciting ways of making the world around us a more interesting a fun place to live. And all this is because of the rapidly advancing technology.

The simplest things around us have become more exciting and fun to deal with. The mere mode of communication has shifted to the digital platform and has improved so much than before. We can now express how we feel through the different emotions as precisely as possible.

And adding to that, now, we have the GIFs to make our conversation funnier and more engaging. So, what if we integrate these gifs in slideshows? It will be much more exciting and a huge plus point. So, let us look into what are GIFs, how can we use them and lastly, what tool is the best for creating some fantastic and amazing GIFs and videos.

So, let us now start our discussion without any further delay!

In this article

01 [What Is a GIF and When to Use a GIF?](#Part 1)

02 [How to Edit a GIF in Google Slides?](#Part 2)

03 [How to Make a Slideshow GIF?](#Part 3)

Part 1 What Is a GIF and When to Use a GIF?

It is essential that we discuss what a GIF is? Firstly, GIF is the abbreviation for Graphics Interchange Format. Steve Wilhite, an American computer scantiest, was responsible for developing this bitmap image format with the team at the online services provider CompuServe.

The GIFs are images and animations whose sizes are reduced. The animations are much shorter in duration than the regular animation videos. It makes the animations look more expressive. The message, information, or expression to be portrayed through the animation gets better expressed due to its speed.

Therefore, the GIFs’ animations are much more exciting and engaging. A question might arise t you: Why should you use GIFs in slideshows, or how can they be beneficial. Let us put forth some benefits of GIFs that will help you know and understand their importance. Here are the benefits of using Gifs.

Gifs slideshow slides tend to engage the audience much more. Firstly, they are one of the most unique ways of presenting a slideshow or any other content. So, being unique will automatically positively attract more attention.

Your content and slideshow will stand out among the crowd. Firstly, GIFs are some of the most inimitable components to fit in a slideshow. Additionally, each GIF has its characteristic features different from the others. Each of them is interesting and engaging in their way. So, you always have the chance of being better than the rest when you use GIFs in slideshows.

As google slides spread, a sensation of laughter, which, consequently, prevails in a positive environment. This, in turn, helps make your slideshow more appealing and more enjoyable. The more fun you add to anything, the more attractive it will be. And adding GIFs in slideshows can be the best way of doing so.

Now, let us discuss the next important question about using the GIFs: when should we use them? You must know that gifs on google slides can be used in a limited way. So, here are the different ways you can really and readily integrate GIFs in your slideshows.

Use them in the first slide as a title slide. Whenever you use a GIF in the first or the introductory slide, you automatically initiate your presentation with something unique. And as a result, you successfully grab the audience’ leave a good impression. Additionally, from the first slide itself, you tend to have a comfortable and positive environment to continue your presentation more impeccably.

Use URL GIFs. There are plenty of them; therefore, you can have abundant choices and choose the best among them, especially the more relatable and engaging ones. The URL GIFs are plentily used in chat. So, adding them to your slides makes it more interesting, relatable and praiseworthy. However, it would be best to be careful about the copyright aspect. Ensure not to use URL GIFs that can face you with copyright issues.

You can also use the screengrabs; you can easily pull the attention of your audience to different parts of your content, one after the another, most systematically and effectively. As a result, you can explain and express your content in the most detailed way possible.

Either type of GIF that you can use are charts and graphs. In the first place, putting graphs and charts tend to make your presentation more organised, factual and professional. So, when you include GIFs of charts and graphs, you take the beneficial qualities of your display a notch higher.

Part 2 How to Edit a GIF in Google Slides?

There are numerous ways to edit the GIFs in google slides. If you want to edit a GIF in google slides, you will have to follow specific steps. It is alright if you are unaware of the steps because we will discuss the actions that will help you edit gifs in google slides.

01For cropping the GIFs

Sometimes, you may not want the entire Gif to be in your slideshow. And for that, you need to cut off the unnecessary portion of the GIF. You can ideally do so with the help of cropping the GIF, and it helps attain better focus on the part of the GIF that is relatable and, therefore, makes your slide enhanced and improved.

How to crop a GIF in google slide?

Step 1: Tap on the GIF twice and then pull the black tabs in the size you want your GIF to be.

Step 2: Press “Enter” to crop the GIF in your selected size.

02For cropping GIFs in a particular shape

You might want to make your GIFs into a particular shape, and it can be a triangle, square or even a heart shape. This will make your slideshow look more eye-catching and worked on.

How to crop the GIFs in a particular shape in google slides?

Step 1: Select the arrow present next to the “Crop” option.

Step 2: Select the option “shape”.

Step 3: A list of shapes will be shown. Choose the one you would want your GIF to have.

crop into shape

03For putting borders in the GIFs

To make your gifs more countered, eye-catching and prominent, you can put a border around them. You can readily do so in google slides in the simplest way possible.

How to put borders in GIFs in google slides?

Step 1: Select your GIF. Head to the “Menu Bar”.

Step 2: go to “Border Colour” and select the colour of the border you want to put around your GIF.

Step 3: Go to the “Border Weight” option and select the thickness of the border your GIF would have.


04For formatting your GIFs

GIFs can be readily formatted in google slides, which is in the following ways.

Rotating the GIFs

If you want to rotate your GIFs vertically or horizontally, you have to-

Step 1: Select the GIF and go to the “Format” options in the toolbar.

Step 2: Select the option “Rotate” and select to rotate it vertically or horizontally.

Recolouring the GIFs

You might want to match the colours of your GIFs with your presentation. And you can do so by-.

Step 1: Select the GIF and go to the “Recolour” option.

Step 2: Select the colour that you want.

Part 1 How to Make a Slideshow GIF?

As we had mentioned earlier, we will be introducing you to the best tool that will help you make the most incredible GIFs as well as video edits; it is the Filmora. It includes plenty of features that will help the professionals nurture their skills and the beginners.

But, how can you use Wondershare Filmora Video Editor for making google slides animated gifs? Here are the steps for it.

Wondershare Filmora - Best Video Editor for Mac/Windows

Try It Free Try It Free

5,481,435 people have downloaded it.

Build unique custom animations without breaking a sweat.

Focus on creating epic stories and leave the details to Filmora’s auto features.

Start a creative adventure with drag & drop effects and endless possibilities.

Filmora simplifies advanced features to save you time and effort.

Filmora cuts out repetition so you can move on to your next creative breakthrough.

Step 1: import the media files that you want

Step 2: Drag the media files to the times to edit the animation of it.

add to timeline

Step 3: Edit the media files the way you want. Crop, rotate, recolour the way you want it to appear.

Step 4: You can integrate some texts into it if you want.

add text

Step 5: Save the edit and export it for further use.

save as gif

Key Takeaways from This Episode

Therefore, in the above discussion, we have enveloped numerous important aspects about GIFs and their utility in the google slides. We started with discussing and underrating what a GIF is and why is slider gif essential for us.

Next, discuss the various ways you can edit the GIFs in your slideshows, along with the steps accordingly. Lastly, we introduced and discussed the best tool you can use for editing videos making GIFs and videos.

So, if you are a beginner or a professional who wants to use the more advanced features of editing videos, Filmora is the best platform and tool for you. Access it for free through its free trial options. And once you find how amazing it is, you can readily access its paid features to enjoy the sphere of editing more profoundly!

How to Animate Your Designs With Canva GIF

An easy yet powerful editor

Numerous effects to choose from

Detailed tutorials provided by the official channel

Try It Free Try It Free

If you are using social media daily in 2022, you must come across GIFs and maybe wonder how to make one. GIFs are the most helpful and eye-catching advertisements that can connect you with your followers through your choices. GIFs stand in the middle of images and videos. The biggest reason we use GIFs is that it represents the story or the expression in a flash. Besides, GIFs are smaller files to load and are perfect for your mobile.

In recent years, GIFs have taken the limelight in the market. The web’s most popular GIF database, GIPHY, has taken over 300 million daily active users. In 2018, Google bought the keyboard app and GIF archive to search for GIFs, Tenor. The app Tenor now has over 400 million GIF searches per day. Thus, you can realize the demand for creating GIFs is increasing now. Canva GIF is a great place to design your own GIFs.

After you create a GIF in Canva, you can use it in many fun ways in business, like promoting new sales on your products or a blog post, announcing a new webinar. In addition, you may announce your Instagram or Facebook live, share your point of view, advertise new launches, etc. In this article, we will discuss making GIFs and animating designs with GIF in Canva.

In this article

01 [How to Create a GIF in Canva](#Part 1)

02 [How to Animate Your Designs With Canva GIF](#Part 2)

Part 1 How to Create a GIF in Canva

Canva GIF has made creating your own GIFs very easy. It is one of the best GIF makers online. The plus point of using Canva to make online GIFs is that you do not require creating an account. You can straight get to work. However, if you wish to try out their premium designs and templates, you need a subscription to their premium plan. Let us now talk about making GIF in Canva and some of its tools and features to make your GIF more eye-catching.

Follow the steps below:

Go to the web browser. Navigate to Canva. Open the GIF maker page on Canva. Select the “Make a free GIF” button to get started.

click make a free gif

On the left, go to the “Uploads” tab. Then, click on the “Upload media button” to add images.

upload media canva

After the images are added, they will arrive under the “Images” tab. Now you have to drag and drop the images in the GIF maker.

drag drop images canva

Next, click on the “+” button in the timeline and add the next picture. You have to repeat this step if you want to add more pictures.

add more pictures canva

Now click on the clock icon present in the toolbar at the top. This is for defining the “duration” for how long the image will appear in the GIF. The timer can be set anywhere from 0.1 seconds to 30 seconds.

set duration canva

Adding Elements:

After you add the images, you need to make a GIF in Canva; you can put life into your GIF by adding multiple elements. Follow the steps to know more.

Switch to the “Elements” tab present at the left. Now, you can explore the extensive library of Canva filled with stickers, photos, graphics, charts, etc. In addition, you can check out the “Graphics” tab for GIFs and select designs, stickers, badgers, and more of your choices.

You have to select, drag, and drop the elements you want in your GIF. After you add them, resize, rotate, move and fit them as per your choice.

add elements canva

Adding Texts:

Besides graphics and stickers, you may also add text to your GIF to convey a message and make it more descriptive. Check out how.

Click on the “Text” tab at the left. Next, select the type of texting you want, i.e., heading, sub-heading, or regular text.

Now, you require to choose a “Text style.” Canva has more than a hundred styles and designs. Select any one of them of your choice and add it to your GIF.

After you select the style, you can edit the text inside it. Change the font size, style, color, spacing, position, and more from the toolbar at the top. You may also animate it or add more effects to it and make it eye-catching. Use all the tools and edit accordingly.

add text canva

Preview and download your GIF in Canva

After you have edited the images, preview the GIF using the “Play” button from the timeline. If you are satisfied with the GIF, it’s time to download it.

Click on the “Download button” present at the top right corner. Next, you need to go to the “File type” and select “GIF”. Select all the pages that you wish to include in your GIF. Then click on the “Download” tab. Your GIF will get successfully downloaded.

save and download gif canva

Pro Tips:

Keep it simple- The more clean and simple designs and GIFs you prepare, the more effective it looks. Also, you must focus on the message you want to convey to your audience to connect better.

Design page limit- The limit to animate design is less than ten pages. So, you need to decide and design accordingly.

Posting GIFs to Facebook- For uploading GIFs to Facebook, you have to upload them on a site like to hose the GIF for you.

Part 1 How to Animate Your Designs With Canva GIF

As you have already seen how to make a GIF on Canva, let’s talk about animating GIFs. You can always make your designs and GIFs look more attractive and over the top. You can use Canva to animate your designs with Canva GIFs

Follow the steps to do so:

Select your dimension

Go to your web browser open Canva. Click on “Create a design” and select “Animated Social Media”. Then resize accordingly.

After you select the “Animated Social Media” template, a timer pops up. Here you can select for how long you need the frames to be. Using this function, you change the speed i.e., create faster or slower GIFs.

Design your frames

Now you are about to design the first frame. When you have set everything, duplicate the first frame. In the second frame, you can move, replace or adjust graphics, which you want according to your choice.

Change the speed of the slides

Next, you have to edit the timer and choose how long you want them to be going. It is present at the top of both of the graphics. The graphic will move faster if you shorten the time frame. You can select a slightly slower time frame to make the frameless distracting.


At the end, download the finished images and GIFs by selecting all the pages. Then, you can play it from the Downloads folder by simply pressing the space bar.


Apart from using Canva GIF maker, you can also use Wondershare Filmora Video Editor for making GIFs and videos. Filmora is considered one of the best video editing tools that can turn your videos into GIF images. Moreover, it has fabulous animation effects and texts. Filmora video editor has the following features:

Wondershare Filmora - Best Video Editor for Mac/Windows

Try It Free Try It Free

5,481,435 people have downloaded it.

Build unique custom animations without breaking a sweat.

Focus on creating epic stories and leave the details to Filmora’s auto features.

Start a creative adventure with drag & drop effects and endless possibilities.

Filmora simplifies advanced features to save you time and effort.

Filmora cuts out repetition so you can move on to your next creative breakthrough.

Add texts, titles, and animations in just a few clicks.

Export to GIF format or other trending video formats

More than 300 built-in outstanding visual effects are available.

Benefits of using Filmora to create GIFs and animated videos:

Any technical and non-technical person can handle it. In addition, it is easy to use.

You can create GIFs here on popular video formats such as .wav, .mpeg, .wmv, .mp4, .mkv, .evo, .dat, .avi, and more. There will not be any issues present while saving.

The best part of this software tool is that you can edit .gif files with basic editing tools like color correction, splitting, rotation, cropping, combining two or more frames, speeding up the frame motion, or slowing it down requirement.

You can edit files with interesting elements and graphics.

Filmora is a user-friendly software that is available for installation on their official website. You can turn videos into GIFs, edit them, and download them on your system.

Key Takeaways from This Episode

Canva GIF is a great platform for designing your own GIFs.

There are various features available to create eye-catching GIFs.

Besides, Filmora software can also be used to create GIFs out of videos.

Try It Free Try It Free

If you are using social media daily in 2022, you must come across GIFs and maybe wonder how to make one. GIFs are the most helpful and eye-catching advertisements that can connect you with your followers through your choices. GIFs stand in the middle of images and videos. The biggest reason we use GIFs is that it represents the story or the expression in a flash. Besides, GIFs are smaller files to load and are perfect for your mobile.

In recent years, GIFs have taken the limelight in the market. The web’s most popular GIF database, GIPHY, has taken over 300 million daily active users. In 2018, Google bought the keyboard app and GIF archive to search for GIFs, Tenor. The app Tenor now has over 400 million GIF searches per day. Thus, you can realize the demand for creating GIFs is increasing now. Canva GIF is a great place to design your own GIFs.

After you create a GIF in Canva, you can use it in many fun ways in business, like promoting new sales on your products or a blog post, announcing a new webinar. In addition, you may announce your Instagram or Facebook live, share your point of view, advertise new launches, etc. In this article, we will discuss making GIFs and animating designs with GIF in Canva.

In this article

01 [How to Create a GIF in Canva](#Part 1)

02 [How to Animate Your Designs With Canva GIF](#Part 2)

Part 1 How to Create a GIF in Canva

Canva GIF has made creating your own GIFs very easy. It is one of the best GIF makers online. The plus point of using Canva to make online GIFs is that you do not require creating an account. You can straight get to work. However, if you wish to try out their premium designs and templates, you need a subscription to their premium plan. Let us now talk about making GIF in Canva and some of its tools and features to make your GIF more eye-catching.

Follow the steps below:

Go to the web browser. Navigate to Canva. Open the GIF maker page on Canva. Select the “Make a free GIF” button to get started.

click make a free gif

On the left, go to the “Uploads” tab. Then, click on the “Upload media button” to add images.

upload media canva

After the images are added, they will arrive under the “Images” tab. Now you have to drag and drop the images in the GIF maker.

drag drop images canva

Next, click on the “+” button in the timeline and add the next picture. You have to repeat this step if you want to add more pictures.

add more pictures canva

Now click on the clock icon present in the toolbar at the top. This is for defining the “duration” for how long the image will appear in the GIF. The timer can be set anywhere from 0.1 seconds to 30 seconds.

set duration canva

Adding Elements:

After you add the images, you need to make a GIF in Canva; you can put life into your GIF by adding multiple elements. Follow the steps to know more.

Switch to the “Elements” tab present at the left. Now, you can explore the extensive library of Canva filled with stickers, photos, graphics, charts, etc. In addition, you can check out the “Graphics” tab for GIFs and select designs, stickers, badgers, and more of your choices.

You have to select, drag, and drop the elements you want in your GIF. After you add them, resize, rotate, move and fit them as per your choice.

add elements canva

Adding Texts:

Besides graphics and stickers, you may also add text to your GIF to convey a message and make it more descriptive. Check out how.

Click on the “Text” tab at the left. Next, select the type of texting you want, i.e., heading, sub-heading, or regular text.

Now, you require to choose a “Text style.” Canva has more than a hundred styles and designs. Select any one of them of your choice and add it to your GIF.

After you select the style, you can edit the text inside it. Change the font size, style, color, spacing, position, and more from the toolbar at the top. You may also animate it or add more effects to it and make it eye-catching. Use all the tools and edit accordingly.

add text canva

Preview and download your GIF in Canva

After you have edited the images, preview the GIF using the “Play” button from the timeline. If you are satisfied with the GIF, it’s time to download it.

Click on the “Download button” present at the top right corner. Next, you need to go to the “File type” and select “GIF”. Select all the pages that you wish to include in your GIF. Then click on the “Download” tab. Your GIF will get successfully downloaded.

save and download gif canva

Pro Tips:

Keep it simple- The more clean and simple designs and GIFs you prepare, the more effective it looks. Also, you must focus on the message you want to convey to your audience to connect better.

Design page limit- The limit to animate design is less than ten pages. So, you need to decide and design accordingly.

Posting GIFs to Facebook- For uploading GIFs to Facebook, you have to upload them on a site like to hose the GIF for you.

Part 1 How to Animate Your Designs With Canva GIF

As you have already seen how to make a GIF on Canva, let’s talk about animating GIFs. You can always make your designs and GIFs look more attractive and over the top. You can use Canva to animate your designs with Canva GIFs

Follow the steps to do so:

Select your dimension

Go to your web browser open Canva. Click on “Create a design” and select “Animated Social Media”. Then resize accordingly.

After you select the “Animated Social Media” template, a timer pops up. Here you can select for how long you need the frames to be. Using this function, you change the speed i.e., create faster or slower GIFs.

Design your frames

Now you are about to design the first frame. When you have set everything, duplicate the first frame. In the second frame, you can move, replace or adjust graphics, which you want according to your choice.

Change the speed of the slides

Next, you have to edit the timer and choose how long you want them to be going. It is present at the top of both of the graphics. The graphic will move faster if you shorten the time frame. You can select a slightly slower time frame to make the frameless distracting.


At the end, download the finished images and GIFs by selecting all the pages. Then, you can play it from the Downloads folder by simply pressing the space bar.


Apart from using Canva GIF maker, you can also use Wondershare Filmora Video Editor for making GIFs and videos. Filmora is considered one of the best video editing tools that can turn your videos into GIF images. Moreover, it has fabulous animation effects and texts. Filmora video editor has the following features:

Wondershare Filmora - Best Video Editor for Mac/Windows

Try It Free Try It Free

5,481,435 people have downloaded it.

Build unique custom animations without breaking a sweat.

Focus on creating epic stories and leave the details to Filmora’s auto features.

Start a creative adventure with drag & drop effects and endless possibilities.

Filmora simplifies advanced features to save you time and effort.

Filmora cuts out repetition so you can move on to your next creative breakthrough.

Add texts, titles, and animations in just a few clicks.

Export to GIF format or other trending video formats

More than 300 built-in outstanding visual effects are available.

Benefits of using Filmora to create GIFs and animated videos:

Any technical and non-technical person can handle it. In addition, it is easy to use.

You can create GIFs here on popular video formats such as .wav, .mpeg, .wmv, .mp4, .mkv, .evo, .dat, .avi, and more. There will not be any issues present while saving.

The best part of this software tool is that you can edit .gif files with basic editing tools like color correction, splitting, rotation, cropping, combining two or more frames, speeding up the frame motion, or slowing it down requirement.

You can edit files with interesting elements and graphics.

Filmora is a user-friendly software that is available for installation on their official website. You can turn videos into GIFs, edit them, and download them on your system.

Key Takeaways from This Episode

Canva GIF is a great platform for designing your own GIFs.

There are various features available to create eye-catching GIFs.

Besides, Filmora software can also be used to create GIFs out of videos.

Try It Free Try It Free

If you are using social media daily in 2022, you must come across GIFs and maybe wonder how to make one. GIFs are the most helpful and eye-catching advertisements that can connect you with your followers through your choices. GIFs stand in the middle of images and videos. The biggest reason we use GIFs is that it represents the story or the expression in a flash. Besides, GIFs are smaller files to load and are perfect for your mobile.

In recent years, GIFs have taken the limelight in the market. The web’s most popular GIF database, GIPHY, has taken over 300 million daily active users. In 2018, Google bought the keyboard app and GIF archive to search for GIFs, Tenor. The app Tenor now has over 400 million GIF searches per day. Thus, you can realize the demand for creating GIFs is increasing now. Canva GIF is a great place to design your own GIFs.

After you create a GIF in Canva, you can use it in many fun ways in business, like promoting new sales on your products or a blog post, announcing a new webinar. In addition, you may announce your Instagram or Facebook live, share your point of view, advertise new launches, etc. In this article, we will discuss making GIFs and animating designs with GIF in Canva.

In this article

01 [How to Create a GIF in Canva](#Part 1)

02 [How to Animate Your Designs With Canva GIF](#Part 2)

Part 1 How to Create a GIF in Canva

Canva GIF has made creating your own GIFs very easy. It is one of the best GIF makers online. The plus point of using Canva to make online GIFs is that you do not require creating an account. You can straight get to work. However, if you wish to try out their premium designs and templates, you need a subscription to their premium plan. Let us now talk about making GIF in Canva and some of its tools and features to make your GIF more eye-catching.

Follow the steps below:

Go to the web browser. Navigate to Canva. Open the GIF maker page on Canva. Select the “Make a free GIF” button to get started.

click make a free gif

On the left, go to the “Uploads” tab. Then, click on the “Upload media button” to add images.

upload media canva

After the images are added, they will arrive under the “Images” tab. Now you have to drag and drop the images in the GIF maker.

drag drop images canva

Next, click on the “+” button in the timeline and add the next picture. You have to repeat this step if you want to add more pictures.

add more pictures canva

Now click on the clock icon present in the toolbar at the top. This is for defining the “duration” for how long the image will appear in the GIF. The timer can be set anywhere from 0.1 seconds to 30 seconds.

set duration canva

Adding Elements:

After you add the images, you need to make a GIF in Canva; you can put life into your GIF by adding multiple elements. Follow the steps to know more.

Switch to the “Elements” tab present at the left. Now, you can explore the extensive library of Canva filled with stickers, photos, graphics, charts, etc. In addition, you can check out the “Graphics” tab for GIFs and select designs, stickers, badgers, and more of your choices.

You have to select, drag, and drop the elements you want in your GIF. After you add them, resize, rotate, move and fit them as per your choice.

add elements canva

Adding Texts:

Besides graphics and stickers, you may also add text to your GIF to convey a message and make it more descriptive. Check out how.

Click on the “Text” tab at the left. Next, select the type of texting you want, i.e., heading, sub-heading, or regular text.

Now, you require to choose a “Text style.” Canva has more than a hundred styles and designs. Select any one of them of your choice and add it to your GIF.

After you select the style, you can edit the text inside it. Change the font size, style, color, spacing, position, and more from the toolbar at the top. You may also animate it or add more effects to it and make it eye-catching. Use all the tools and edit accordingly.

add text canva

Preview and download your GIF in Canva

After you have edited the images, preview the GIF using the “Play” button from the timeline. If you are satisfied with the GIF, it’s time to download it.

Click on the “Download button” present at the top right corner. Next, you need to go to the “File type” and select “GIF”. Select all the pages that you wish to include in your GIF. Then click on the “Download” tab. Your GIF will get successfully downloaded.

save and download gif canva

Pro Tips:

Keep it simple- The more clean and simple designs and GIFs you prepare, the more effective it looks. Also, you must focus on the message you want to convey to your audience to connect better.

Design page limit- The limit to animate design is less than ten pages. So, you need to decide and design accordingly.

Posting GIFs to Facebook- For uploading GIFs to Facebook, you have to upload them on a site like to hose the GIF for you.

Part 1 How to Animate Your Designs With Canva GIF

As you have already seen how to make a GIF on Canva, let’s talk about animating GIFs. You can always make your designs and GIFs look more attractive and over the top. You can use Canva to animate your designs with Canva GIFs

Follow the steps to do so:

Select your dimension

Go to your web browser open Canva. Click on “Create a design” and select “Animated Social Media”. Then resize accordingly.

After you select the “Animated Social Media” template, a timer pops up. Here you can select for how long you need the frames to be. Using this function, you change the speed i.e., create faster or slower GIFs.

Design your frames

Now you are about to design the first frame. When you have set everything, duplicate the first frame. In the second frame, you can move, replace or adjust graphics, which you want according to your choice.

Change the speed of the slides

Next, you have to edit the timer and choose how long you want them to be going. It is present at the top of both of the graphics. The graphic will move faster if you shorten the time frame. You can select a slightly slower time frame to make the frameless distracting.


At the end, download the finished images and GIFs by selecting all the pages. Then, you can play it from the Downloads folder by simply pressing the space bar.


Apart from using Canva GIF maker, you can also use Wondershare Filmora Video Editor for making GIFs and videos. Filmora is considered one of the best video editing tools that can turn your videos into GIF images. Moreover, it has fabulous animation effects and texts. Filmora video editor has the following features:

Wondershare Filmora - Best Video Editor for Mac/Windows

Try It Free Try It Free

5,481,435 people have downloaded it.

Build unique custom animations without breaking a sweat.

Focus on creating epic stories and leave the details to Filmora’s auto features.

Start a creative adventure with drag & drop effects and endless possibilities.

Filmora simplifies advanced features to save you time and effort.

Filmora cuts out repetition so you can move on to your next creative breakthrough.

Add texts, titles, and animations in just a few clicks.

Export to GIF format or other trending video formats

More than 300 built-in outstanding visual effects are available.

Benefits of using Filmora to create GIFs and animated videos:

Any technical and non-technical person can handle it. In addition, it is easy to use.

You can create GIFs here on popular video formats such as .wav, .mpeg, .wmv, .mp4, .mkv, .evo, .dat, .avi, and more. There will not be any issues present while saving.

The best part of this software tool is that you can edit .gif files with basic editing tools like color correction, splitting, rotation, cropping, combining two or more frames, speeding up the frame motion, or slowing it down requirement.

You can edit files with interesting elements and graphics.

Filmora is a user-friendly software that is available for installation on their official website. You can turn videos into GIFs, edit them, and download them on your system.

Key Takeaways from This Episode

Canva GIF is a great platform for designing your own GIFs.

There are various features available to create eye-catching GIFs.

Besides, Filmora software can also be used to create GIFs out of videos.

Try It Free Try It Free

If you are using social media daily in 2022, you must come across GIFs and maybe wonder how to make one. GIFs are the most helpful and eye-catching advertisements that can connect you with your followers through your choices. GIFs stand in the middle of images and videos. The biggest reason we use GIFs is that it represents the story or the expression in a flash. Besides, GIFs are smaller files to load and are perfect for your mobile.

In recent years, GIFs have taken the limelight in the market. The web’s most popular GIF database, GIPHY, has taken over 300 million daily active users. In 2018, Google bought the keyboard app and GIF archive to search for GIFs, Tenor. The app Tenor now has over 400 million GIF searches per day. Thus, you can realize the demand for creating GIFs is increasing now. Canva GIF is a great place to design your own GIFs.

After you create a GIF in Canva, you can use it in many fun ways in business, like promoting new sales on your products or a blog post, announcing a new webinar. In addition, you may announce your Instagram or Facebook live, share your point of view, advertise new launches, etc. In this article, we will discuss making GIFs and animating designs with GIF in Canva.

In this article

01 [How to Create a GIF in Canva](#Part 1)

02 [How to Animate Your Designs With Canva GIF](#Part 2)

Part 1 How to Create a GIF in Canva

Canva GIF has made creating your own GIFs very easy. It is one of the best GIF makers online. The plus point of using Canva to make online GIFs is that you do not require creating an account. You can straight get to work. However, if you wish to try out their premium designs and templates, you need a subscription to their premium plan. Let us now talk about making GIF in Canva and some of its tools and features to make your GIF more eye-catching.

Follow the steps below:

Go to the web browser. Navigate to Canva. Open the GIF maker page on Canva. Select the “Make a free GIF” button to get started.

click make a free gif

On the left, go to the “Uploads” tab. Then, click on the “Upload media button” to add images.

upload media canva

After the images are added, they will arrive under the “Images” tab. Now you have to drag and drop the images in the GIF maker.

drag drop images canva

Next, click on the “+” button in the timeline and add the next picture. You have to repeat this step if you want to add more pictures.

add more pictures canva

Now click on the clock icon present in the toolbar at the top. This is for defining the “duration” for how long the image will appear in the GIF. The timer can be set anywhere from 0.1 seconds to 30 seconds.

set duration canva

Adding Elements:

After you add the images, you need to make a GIF in Canva; you can put life into your GIF by adding multiple elements. Follow the steps to know more.

Switch to the “Elements” tab present at the left. Now, you can explore the extensive library of Canva filled with stickers, photos, graphics, charts, etc. In addition, you can check out the “Graphics” tab for GIFs and select designs, stickers, badgers, and more of your choices.

You have to select, drag, and drop the elements you want in your GIF. After you add them, resize, rotate, move and fit them as per your choice.

add elements canva

Adding Texts:

Besides graphics and stickers, you may also add text to your GIF to convey a message and make it more descriptive. Check out how.

Click on the “Text” tab at the left. Next, select the type of texting you want, i.e., heading, sub-heading, or regular text.

Now, you require to choose a “Text style.” Canva has more than a hundred styles and designs. Select any one of them of your choice and add it to your GIF.

After you select the style, you can edit the text inside it. Change the font size, style, color, spacing, position, and more from the toolbar at the top. You may also animate it or add more effects to it and make it eye-catching. Use all the tools and edit accordingly.

add text canva

Preview and download your GIF in Canva

After you have edited the images, preview the GIF using the “Play” button from the timeline. If you are satisfied with the GIF, it’s time to download it.

Click on the “Download button” present at the top right corner. Next, you need to go to the “File type” and select “GIF”. Select all the pages that you wish to include in your GIF. Then click on the “Download” tab. Your GIF will get successfully downloaded.

save and download gif canva

Pro Tips:

Keep it simple- The more clean and simple designs and GIFs you prepare, the more effective it looks. Also, you must focus on the message you want to convey to your audience to connect better.

Design page limit- The limit to animate design is less than ten pages. So, you need to decide and design accordingly.

Posting GIFs to Facebook- For uploading GIFs to Facebook, you have to upload them on a site like to hose the GIF for you.

Part 1 How to Animate Your Designs With Canva GIF

As you have already seen how to make a GIF on Canva, let’s talk about animating GIFs. You can always make your designs and GIFs look more attractive and over the top. You can use Canva to animate your designs with Canva GIFs

Follow the steps to do so:

Select your dimension

Go to your web browser open Canva. Click on “Create a design” and select “Animated Social Media”. Then resize accordingly.

After you select the “Animated Social Media” template, a timer pops up. Here you can select for how long you need the frames to be. Using this function, you change the speed i.e., create faster or slower GIFs.

Design your frames

Now you are about to design the first frame. When you have set everything, duplicate the first frame. In the second frame, you can move, replace or adjust graphics, which you want according to your choice.

Change the speed of the slides

Next, you have to edit the timer and choose how long you want them to be going. It is present at the top of both of the graphics. The graphic will move faster if you shorten the time frame. You can select a slightly slower time frame to make the frameless distracting.


At the end, download the finished images and GIFs by selecting all the pages. Then, you can play it from the Downloads folder by simply pressing the space bar.


Apart from using Canva GIF maker, you can also use Wondershare Filmora Video Editor for making GIFs and videos. Filmora is considered one of the best video editing tools that can turn your videos into GIF images. Moreover, it has fabulous animation effects and texts. Filmora video editor has the following features:

Wondershare Filmora - Best Video Editor for Mac/Windows

Try It Free Try It Free

5,481,435 people have downloaded it.

Build unique custom animations without breaking a sweat.

Focus on creating epic stories and leave the details to Filmora’s auto features.

Start a creative adventure with drag & drop effects and endless possibilities.

Filmora simplifies advanced features to save you time and effort.

Filmora cuts out repetition so you can move on to your next creative breakthrough.

Add texts, titles, and animations in just a few clicks.

Export to GIF format or other trending video formats

More than 300 built-in outstanding visual effects are available.

Benefits of using Filmora to create GIFs and animated videos:

Any technical and non-technical person can handle it. In addition, it is easy to use.

You can create GIFs here on popular video formats such as .wav, .mpeg, .wmv, .mp4, .mkv, .evo, .dat, .avi, and more. There will not be any issues present while saving.

The best part of this software tool is that you can edit .gif files with basic editing tools like color correction, splitting, rotation, cropping, combining two or more frames, speeding up the frame motion, or slowing it down requirement.

You can edit files with interesting elements and graphics.

Filmora is a user-friendly software that is available for installation on their official website. You can turn videos into GIFs, edit them, and download them on your system.

Key Takeaways from This Episode

Canva GIF is a great platform for designing your own GIFs.

There are various features available to create eye-catching GIFs.

Besides, Filmora software can also be used to create GIFs out of videos.

Also read:

  • Title: New In 2024, How to Create A Freeze Frame Sequence in Video
  • Author: Chloe
  • Created at : 2024-04-24 07:08:43
  • Updated at : 2024-04-25 07:08:43
  • Link:
  • License: This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.
On this page
New In 2024, How to Create A Freeze Frame Sequence in Video