New Learn to Use Montage with These Movies for 2024

New Learn to Use Montage with These Movies for 2024

Chloe Lv12

Learn to Use Montage with These Movies

As with many new things in life, Montage isn’t your best friend right off the bat. So, if you want to learn to use montages with movies, they need to be the right ones. If you don’t know what Montage is, it is a way of compressing an action or series of actions into a short amount of time. We look at movies because they are a common type of entertainment everyone has seen before, which makes them easier to understand as a concept.

Using Montage is a great way to create engaging video content. There are many people interested in the topic of Montage, so if you get that video out there, you can easily find an audience. When used in conjunction with YouTube advertising, creating videos about Montage could be an excellent business idea for you.

Learning how to use Montage properly can be challenging. The process isn’t intuitive, and using it can feel like hiding random pieces around your page. But, when you watch the right movies, they can help you understand how to use this tool effectively. So, take some time, check out these movies, and learn how to get the most out of Montage!

What Is A Montage?

The definition of a montage is a “series of short scenes or episodes forming a unified whole.” That definition can lead to different interpretations of a montage and can be applied to any art medium. A “montage” isn’t just for movies. Music artists use montages to tell stories that often describe their emotions and experiences; writers create poetry and prose contained in such an artistic form, and painters often use this art form. However, many people are most familiar with the term associated with movies: a montage is essentially a collection of images or scenes that populate a movie with music.

If you’ve seen any blockbuster Hollywood films in the last ten years, you’ve probably seen some Montage. The Montage is a sequence that takes place over a set period and shows us how the lead character goes from being an ordinary person to an extraordinary one. The difference between these two states is dramatic, so we see so many montages in movies. They are meant to grab your attention and excitingly introduce a character.

Purpose of Montage

Montage movies are made up of a compilation of short yet powerful scenes put together to make one movie or project. Even though these types of movies have become a common genre, there’s a list of reasons why this is popular in movies today.

  • Montage has several uses in movies. Of course, Montage can be used to show events such as battles or dancing. It can also describe emotions, including sadness, happiness, and sarcasm. These different uses of Montage do come with their styles, but they all share a few common traits.
  • They’re often used to condense periods of storytime into much smaller but more entertaining segments. The word montage is French for “to construct from many parts .”Montages can now be seen everywhere in film and television, from silent films to blockbuster action movies.
  • This is frequently used in narratives when the story needs to advance quickly. The characters are going somewhere or doing something else not within the context of the moment in time that represents them. A great example of a montage was used in Rocky when Rocky was training for his fight with Apollo Creed.
  • A montage allows filmmakers to explore a theme using several sequential shots that can’t be covered in a single shot.

Learn To Use Montage With These Movies

1. Rocky (1976)

The training montage is popular in cinema. A montage like this helps us follow how the protagonist prepares himself for a life-threatening fight and claims honor in society. Sylvester Stallone plays Robert “Rocky” Balboa, going through the rigorous preparations for his fight. A song by Bill Conti called “Gonna Fly Now” is playing in the background, contributing to the scene’s energy.

Rocky (1976)

2. Scarface (1983)

A fictional Cuban Tony (Al Pacino) becomes a gangster in Brian De Palma’s 1983 film Scarface against the backdrop of the cocaine boom of the 1980s. He is portrayed as a criminal rising to the echelons of the underworld and slowly falling. In this montage sequence, Tony becomes the biggest drug lord in Miami and controls nearly all the cocaine that comes through the city.

Scarface (1983)

3. Goodfellas (1990)

Martin Scorsese’s Goodfellas is a gangster film set in 1950s New York City, one of the best. In it, Irish-Italian Henry Hill (Ray Liotta) is portrayed as he rises through the ranks of the crime branch of his Brooklyn neighborhood. As we watch this Montage, we see Henry and his gang members viciously murdering anyone who stands in their path. This edit is beautifully complemented by Eric Clapton’s “Layla.” voice-over.

Goodfellas (1990)

4. Trainspotting (1996)

Ewan McGregor stars in Danny Boyle’s black comedy, which tells the tale of drug addict Mark Renton (Danny Boyle). Mark tries to get clean and get back on his feet. Despite this, drug enticements and friend influence are major deterrents. Through this introductory Montage, we are introduced to the protagonist’s lifestyle. In addition, the film explores the themes of drug abuse, addiction, and nihilism.

Trainspotting (1996)

5. Run Lola Run (1998)

In his movie Run Lola Run (1998), Tom Tykwer tells the story of Lola (Franka Potente) and Mani (Moritz Bleibtreu) as they face the different possibilities that arise from a single event in their lives. This Montage shows Lola bumping into various people as she begins to sprint. Her encounter has a profound impact on their lives. Through Montage, the film is given a sense of exhilarating pace and multi-layered visual design.

Run Lola Run (1998)

6. Requiem for a Dream (2000)

Hubert Selby Jr.’s titular novel is the source material for Darren Aronofsky’s psychological drama. Four people trapped by their addictions are the focus of the narrative. By watching this Montage, a viewer can get a better sense of the world or the film’s characters. As a result of their drug addictions, four ambitious people will eventually have their dreams dashed. As a result, we gain insight into how addiction takes hold of the characters’ minds and bodies.

Requiem for a Dream (2000)

7. Swades (2004)

Songs have played an integral role in bringing the story of the film to life in the hands of some of India’s most thoughtful filmmakers. Among them is Ashutosh Gowariker. Montage techniques are used to create the title song sequence of his film Swades. The fictional Indian village of Charanpur, where the protagonist Mohan Bhargava (Shahrukh Khan) has lived, is a source of great trauma for the protagonist. As he ends up returning to India, the song signifies his development psychologically.

Swades (2004)

8. Whiplash (2014)

Miles Teller plays Andrew Neiman, a promising young drummer who enrolls in a tough music conservatory. Damien Chazelle directs the film. Terence Fletcher (J. K. Simmons) mentors him, and he is determined to see his students’ dreams come true. Neiman pushes himself to his limits in this Montage, suffering a breakdown as a result. Edited shots and tempo match the visual images to accentuate the protagonist’s mental state.

Whiplash (2014)

9. Gone Girl (2014)

Gillian Flynn’s eponymous novel is the basis for David Fincher’s psychological crime drama. On their fifth wedding anniversary, Amy Elliott Dunne (Rosamund Pike) disappears, and Nicholas Dunne (Ben Affleck) becomes the prime suspect. Amy carefully crafts her new identity in this Montage as we learn she is alive. The Montage ends as Amy sets up her cabin and begins purchasing supplies. After hitting herself with a hammer, the sequence ends.

Whiplash (2014)

10. Parasite (2019)

In Bong Joon-ho’s Oscar-winning dark comedy thriller, the Kim family lives on the edge of poverty. They are suddenly thrown into a world of affluence when a family member gets a job at an affluent family. Moon-Gwang (Lee Jung-Eun) is a long-time housekeeper for the Kim family. The family comes up with a cunning plan to exploit her allergy to peaches. In the closing montage, they convince Mrs. Park (Cho Yeo-Jeong) that Moon-Gwang has tuberculosis.

Whiplash (2014)

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If you’re thinking about using Montage, check out movies and trailers in the Action and Comedy genres. Keep in mind that finding material that works well with montages is no accident. They are filled with some of the best soundtracks, action scenes, and comedy routines that can help guide your project through its rough spots. Montage can do amazing things for any movie, so it’s important to learn when and where it should be used.

Rocky (1976)

2. Scarface (1983)

A fictional Cuban Tony (Al Pacino) becomes a gangster in Brian De Palma’s 1983 film Scarface against the backdrop of the cocaine boom of the 1980s. He is portrayed as a criminal rising to the echelons of the underworld and slowly falling. In this montage sequence, Tony becomes the biggest drug lord in Miami and controls nearly all the cocaine that comes through the city.

Scarface (1983)

3. Goodfellas (1990)

Martin Scorsese’s Goodfellas is a gangster film set in 1950s New York City, one of the best. In it, Irish-Italian Henry Hill (Ray Liotta) is portrayed as he rises through the ranks of the crime branch of his Brooklyn neighborhood. As we watch this Montage, we see Henry and his gang members viciously murdering anyone who stands in their path. This edit is beautifully complemented by Eric Clapton’s “Layla.” voice-over.

Goodfellas (1990)

4. Trainspotting (1996)

Ewan McGregor stars in Danny Boyle’s black comedy, which tells the tale of drug addict Mark Renton (Danny Boyle). Mark tries to get clean and get back on his feet. Despite this, drug enticements and friend influence are major deterrents. Through this introductory Montage, we are introduced to the protagonist’s lifestyle. In addition, the film explores the themes of drug abuse, addiction, and nihilism.

Trainspotting (1996)

5. Run Lola Run (1998)

In his movie Run Lola Run (1998), Tom Tykwer tells the story of Lola (Franka Potente) and Mani (Moritz Bleibtreu) as they face the different possibilities that arise from a single event in their lives. This Montage shows Lola bumping into various people as she begins to sprint. Her encounter has a profound impact on their lives. Through Montage, the film is given a sense of exhilarating pace and multi-layered visual design.

Run Lola Run (1998)

6. Requiem for a Dream (2000)

Hubert Selby Jr.’s titular novel is the source material for Darren Aronofsky’s psychological drama. Four people trapped by their addictions are the focus of the narrative. By watching this Montage, a viewer can get a better sense of the world or the film’s characters. As a result of their drug addictions, four ambitious people will eventually have their dreams dashed. As a result, we gain insight into how addiction takes hold of the characters’ minds and bodies.

Requiem for a Dream (2000)

7. Swades (2004)

Songs have played an integral role in bringing the story of the film to life in the hands of some of India’s most thoughtful filmmakers. Among them is Ashutosh Gowariker. Montage techniques are used to create the title song sequence of his film Swades. The fictional Indian village of Charanpur, where the protagonist Mohan Bhargava (Shahrukh Khan) has lived, is a source of great trauma for the protagonist. As he ends up returning to India, the song signifies his development psychologically.

Swades (2004)

8. Whiplash (2014)

Miles Teller plays Andrew Neiman, a promising young drummer who enrolls in a tough music conservatory. Damien Chazelle directs the film. Terence Fletcher (J. K. Simmons) mentors him, and he is determined to see his students’ dreams come true. Neiman pushes himself to his limits in this Montage, suffering a breakdown as a result. Edited shots and tempo match the visual images to accentuate the protagonist’s mental state.

Whiplash (2014)

9. Gone Girl (2014)

Gillian Flynn’s eponymous novel is the basis for David Fincher’s psychological crime drama. On their fifth wedding anniversary, Amy Elliott Dunne (Rosamund Pike) disappears, and Nicholas Dunne (Ben Affleck) becomes the prime suspect. Amy carefully crafts her new identity in this Montage as we learn she is alive. The Montage ends as Amy sets up her cabin and begins purchasing supplies. After hitting herself with a hammer, the sequence ends.

Whiplash (2014)

10. Parasite (2019)

In Bong Joon-ho’s Oscar-winning dark comedy thriller, the Kim family lives on the edge of poverty. They are suddenly thrown into a world of affluence when a family member gets a job at an affluent family. Moon-Gwang (Lee Jung-Eun) is a long-time housekeeper for the Kim family. The family comes up with a cunning plan to exploit her allergy to peaches. In the closing montage, they convince Mrs. Park (Cho Yeo-Jeong) that Moon-Gwang has tuberculosis.

Whiplash (2014)

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If you’re thinking about using Montage, check out movies and trailers in the Action and Comedy genres. Keep in mind that finding material that works well with montages is no accident. They are filled with some of the best soundtracks, action scenes, and comedy routines that can help guide your project through its rough spots. Montage can do amazing things for any movie, so it’s important to learn when and where it should be used.

Turn Your Text Into a Podcast Made Possible

Being a content creator, either writing or generating videos, requires podcast text-to-speech knowledge. The impact of content depends on how many people see it. It means finding new ways to get it into real and virtual places where customers and users might be.

Depending on the context, podcasting can be a perfect alternative for sharing content.

This article will address your questions about the easiest way to turn a blog into a podcast. Let’s begin with the reasons why you should do a podcast.

Part 1. Why You Should Podcast

Podcasts are one of the simplest and most cost-effective ways. It helps to advertise yourself and your products to a highly targeted audience. Podcasts are also excellent for engaging with potential clients interested in your content. In your field, you can achieve fame and expertise.

effective podcast

Repurposing of Content

Podcasters can maximize their potential for successful episodes and repurposing their podcast into multiple content pieces.

This podcasting strategy can help you reach more people by putting your podcasts on more channels and engaging more people who might be interested.

More Fulfilling than Articles

Unlike music, news, TV, and social media, podcast listeners don’t have to watch the screen like they do with YouTube videos or TV shows. This means they can listen while walking or driving home from work.

Podcasts are the best way to get people to pay attention and make fundamental societal changes. They can keep people interested for a long time, so you can go into detail and get personal without turning off your audience.

Minimal Start-Up Costs

To start a podcast, you can spend a little money. Even some of the most famous podcasts use a microphone, a computer, and software for recording. But it’s common to spend more money on advertising and better hosting.

Starting a podcast doesn’t cost much, as you can get everything you need for about $145.

Expansion of Search Potential

In the past few years, many big brands and small to medium-sized businesses have started using podcasts as a marketing strategy. This is because podcasts are becoming more and more popular and can help raise your company’s profile.

Podcasting is another way to disseminate your study to a broader audience, whether that audience consists of policymakers or interested citizens.

Potential to Monetize

Using an affiliate program podcast, you can earn money. Businesses can increase their income by offering paid advertising sponsorships to monetize podcasts. Suppose you accept an affiliate offer to sell ads. In that case, you become the company’s voice and put recorded ads in your podcast episodes.

The most common way to make money from a podcast is through sponsorship. It’s also the easiest way to make money because you don’t have to make or sell anything. You just have to make a deal with a sponsor.

Part 2. Why Are Writers Hesitant to Start a Podcast?

Even after knowing all these benefits, writers are still hesitant to start a podcast. One of the main reasons a writer may be reluctant to launch a podcast is the cost of the necessary equipment. You will need at least $80 to $500 for this unpromissing business.

However, let me tell you a secret that many podcastors didn’t buy any audio equipment for the launch of their podcast channel on Spotify.

Moreover, many writers don’t want to show their voice through recordings. This is because they couldn’t just make a recording and hand it off to a sound specialist. Besides, finding their voice through the stories they write is the routine.

But we all need to get the truth that many podcastors don’t record a single word of the podcast with their own voice. Due to a solution: text-to-speech, technology like this has been around for a while and continues to improve.

The two important issues have been solved, so what are you waiting for? Platform building has always relied heavily on content marketing. With blog posts and social media, additional support was provided, and now podcasts are becoming more commonplace.

Part 3. How to Turn a Text Into a Podcast?

Text To Speech

To turn your text into audible content, Text-to-speech (TTS) is an assistive technology. With a single click, TTS reads your written text aloud. Many people also use it for writing and editing to maintain audience concentration.

Text-to-speech technology is compatible with all digital devices, including computers, tablets, and smartphones. Increasing numbers of websites and products now have developed this function. For example, you can find it within the trusted video editing software like Filmora. With Filmora’s Text to Speech (TTS) feature , you may add extra aspects to your video by turning your text files into voiceovers.

Why we regard text to speech as a good

For writers, imagination is the only tool to construct their stories. To bring our stories to life, all we need is a laptop. The same holds for text-to-speech technologies, which can significantly assist writing and editing by allowing the author to hear their words without using their voice.

  • Text-to-speech applications can assist you in repurposing your material.

Your written work can be converted into spoken language or a podcast. A podcast can be converted into a YouTube video with a few alterations. All of these factors can help you reach new audiences.

Repurposing material permits your audience to consume it in a variety of ways. The audience can read, listen to, or view your content.

  • Text-to-speech systems enable authors to create information that is accessible.

As per World Health Organization, there are almost 285 million visually impaired persons and 39 million blind people. We writers can create a more inclusive world by constantly keeping accessibility in mind.

The limitations of text to speech

Text-to-speech software is becoming increasingly lifelike thanks to technological advancements. However, it cannot still express genuine human emotions. However, this should allow you to utilize these tools. The positives significantly exceed the disadvantages, and technology is continually improving.

Easiest Fix: Turn Texts Into Podcasts With TTS in Filmora

So how can you use text-to-speech? Andhow you can turn your texts into audio podcasts in a daily routine? Filmora , a all-in-one video editor, gets you the solution.

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Step1 Download and install Filmora on your PC or Mac.

download and install filmora

Step2 Open Filmora and select the video on which you wish to add audio.

add your video file

Step3 After adding your selected video, select the option “Titles” to add text to your video.

select the option titles to add your text

Step4 Select your favorite position for text in the video, like “lower third,” which is used the most in video titles.

go to option custom

Step5 Add text to the timeline and click “Ok.” You can move the red timeline marker if you want your text in a certain spot.

red timeline marker

Click the “+” button marked in the picture below to add text.

add text to the timeline

You can also edit the text by changing its style, color, and font or by animating it.

change text style

Step6 Press the “Text-to-Speech” button in the lower right side and choose your preferred voice. For example, Lilly’s voice resembles Siri.

choose your preferred voice

You can also choose another language other than English.

language of text to speech filmora

Click “Ok” once you’ve selected everything according to your requirements.

Step7 Once the transcription is completed, go ahead and test the video and audio to see if it’s synching.

test your video and audio

And that’s done. This is how easy it is to turn your texts into speech using Filmora.

Part 4. Hot FAQs on Podcast Text to Speech

How do I convert podcasts to text?

With the help of the smartphone app Google Recorder you can easily convert podcasts to texts for free.

  • Open the app on your phone, start recording to it, and start recording your podcast simultaneously.
  • The words will be automatically recorded and entered into the application as you talk into your phone’s microphone.
  • After you click stop on the app, you can store and share the files once you finish your recording.

You have an option of sharing the text, the audio, or both. Alternatively, you can save them to your Google Drive if you don’t want to share them.

How to turn my podcast into a sound?

To convert your video podcasts into audio through Filmora. Follow these steps:

  • Drag the imported video from the media library into the video timeline.
  • To extract the audio from the video, right-click the video clip and select “Audio Detach.”
  • After a while, audio and video will be seen on separate tracks.

Can I save the sound after converting text to speech?

Once the text has been converted to speech, you can save the sound. Select your preferred format after clicking the “export” option in Filmora.


Many of us wish to launch a podcast and blog. A productive podcast’s essence is turning writing into audio using various podcasting techniques. AI-powered text-to-speech softwares can quickly convert articles into podcasts. Or, you can invite significant people to your podcast to personalize it. Podcasting can give outdated content a new life.

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Step1 Download and install Filmora on your PC or Mac.

download and install filmora

Step2 Open Filmora and select the video on which you wish to add audio.

add your video file

Step3 After adding your selected video, select the option “Titles” to add text to your video.

select the option titles to add your text

Step4 Select your favorite position for text in the video, like “lower third,” which is used the most in video titles.

go to option custom

Step5 Add text to the timeline and click “Ok.” You can move the red timeline marker if you want your text in a certain spot.

red timeline marker

Click the “+” button marked in the picture below to add text.

add text to the timeline

You can also edit the text by changing its style, color, and font or by animating it.

change text style

Step6 Press the “Text-to-Speech” button in the lower right side and choose your preferred voice. For example, Lilly’s voice resembles Siri.

choose your preferred voice

You can also choose another language other than English.

language of text to speech filmora

Click “Ok” once you’ve selected everything according to your requirements.

Step7 Once the transcription is completed, go ahead and test the video and audio to see if it’s synching.

test your video and audio

And that’s done. This is how easy it is to turn your texts into speech using Filmora.

Part 4. Hot FAQs on Podcast Text to Speech

How do I convert podcasts to text?

With the help of the smartphone app Google Recorder you can easily convert podcasts to texts for free.

  • Open the app on your phone, start recording to it, and start recording your podcast simultaneously.
  • The words will be automatically recorded and entered into the application as you talk into your phone’s microphone.
  • After you click stop on the app, you can store and share the files once you finish your recording.

You have an option of sharing the text, the audio, or both. Alternatively, you can save them to your Google Drive if you don’t want to share them.

How to turn my podcast into a sound?

To convert your video podcasts into audio through Filmora. Follow these steps:

  • Drag the imported video from the media library into the video timeline.
  • To extract the audio from the video, right-click the video clip and select “Audio Detach.”
  • After a while, audio and video will be seen on separate tracks.

Can I save the sound after converting text to speech?

Once the text has been converted to speech, you can save the sound. Select your preferred format after clicking the “export” option in Filmora.


Many of us wish to launch a podcast and blog. A productive podcast’s essence is turning writing into audio using various podcasting techniques. AI-powered text-to-speech softwares can quickly convert articles into podcasts. Or, you can invite significant people to your podcast to personalize it. Podcasting can give outdated content a new life.

How to Make A Slideshow Video (+Filmora Techniques)

You have taken photos and videos all over your trip. Showing them to your friends and family can be a hassle if you have a lot of pictures. Viewing them all at once is possible by creating a slideshow video.

The slideshow video combines all the memories in one place. To make one on your own, we prefer just one best UI editing tools, Wondershare Filmora.

Before we create a slideshow, ensure to learn the basics of the slideshow video. Then, scroll below to get more!

Part 1. What Is a Slideshow Video?

A slideshow video is a video that combines your photos and videos to create a montage. This slideshow can be used as a collection of memories you can watch whenever you like.

You might have a photo album lying around somewhere in your house. A slideshow video can act like a modern-day photo album. But instead of photos, you can also add videos and create a monument of your precious memories.

Modern-day content creators on Youtube and other platforms can use a slideshow method to create short recap videos of their travels.

Part 2. What Are Some of the Uses of Slideshow Videos?

A slideshow video can be a great way to summarize all the moments of a marriage ceremony, graduation event, etc. And the list goes on and on.

  • A wedding ceremony
  • Anniversary recording
  • A graduation ceremony
  • A birthday party
  • Your pet
  • Your friends
  • Your family
  • A trip that you went on

Part 3. What Are the Benefits of a Slideshow?

There are many benefits to creating a slideshow video.

A long-lasting memory

Creating a slideshow video can be a digital reminiscent, allowing you to hold a precious video with your friends and family. Apart from physical portraits, a slideshow video will be a digital backup for your memories that you can watch in the future.

Easy to save and share

Since a video slideshow is a digital content, typically with an extension .mp4, .mov, etc., you can watch it whenever and wherever you want. Moreover, you can conveniently send it to the person who spent the time and shares the same memories with you.

Part 4. What Will You Need To Make a Slideshow?

To create an attractive slideshow video, you must fulfill the following requirements.

1. Good Quality Photos

To create a good slideshow, you must have good-quality photos with good resolution. Always take pictures with a good-quality camera or a mobile phone whenever you want to create a slideshow. Using filters in the editing software can disrupt the quality of your slideshow.

2. Video Clips

The slideshow is always combined with videos and photos. After taking good-quality images, remember always to record short video clips you can add between your pictures.

3. A Good Video Editor - Wondershare Filmora

To edit a slideshow video, you will need editing software. There’s no better tool to do the job than Wondershare Filmora . Wondershare Filmora enables you to make creative and appealing videos. It has a very engaging system UI that allows even novice users to get the hang of it quickly. You will learn how to make a slideshow in a few simple steps.

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

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wondershare filmora interface

Let’s start with the step-by-step instructions for making a slideshow video now that you know the requirements for generating a slideshow.

Part 5. Step-by-Step Guide to Creating a Slideshow Video

Utilizing filmora will reduce your workload while producing quality work. Follow the below step-by-step guide to make your slideshow video instantly!

Step1 Download Wondershare Filmora

Wondershare Filmora will provide the working platform. Follow the below steps to download it:

  • First, install the Wondershare Filmora.
  • Then, launch this application on your PC or Mac

Let’s proceed to edit our video after downloading the Wondershare Filmora software. Continue reading to find out how to begin the editing process.

Step2 Import your Photos and Videos

Importing your videos and pictures to Filmora’s media panel is best to have them all in one folder. Therefore, when you open Wondershare Filmora, you will notice the main import window in the top left corner.

  • Click in the center of the import window upon the import icon.
  • Browse from the PC library to where your target Videos and Photos are stored.
  • Please select the required videos and photos and Open

import your videos and photos

Your next step will be to add the imported videos and images to the timeline.

Step3 Add your Photos and Videos to the Timeline

When you have multiple videos and photos, you can add all of them simultaneously. Or you can also add them one by one wherever you need. Follow the steps mentioned:

  • Right-click on the photo or video you want.
  • Keep holding the Right-click and drag it down to the timeline.

add your photos and videos to your timeline

Now that we have imported your photos and videos into the timeline, it is time to align and add text.

Step4 Add the Title

To create an attractive slideshow, you will need to add a title before the start of the video. Doing so will allow you to gain more viewers and audiences.

Add a Black Screen

The black screen will eventually act like a canvas to give your title a good look. To add a black screen, follow the steps mentioned:

  • Click on the media icon from the bar above the import window.
  • You will notice many tabs on the left-hand side under a drop-down bar.
  • Scroll below to find the sample media
  • Download the black color if it is not downloaded already.
  • Click and drag it down below to the start of your video.

adding a black screen

Add a Title Tile

Now that we have our canvas, we will now add the title. Above the import media library, there will be a Title icon.

  • Click on the title icon, and select the title that you want for your video by browsing and scrolling down.
  • For this purpose, we will use a simple title tile called “Title 29.”

Note: You can find the same title by scrolling, browsing, or searching in the search bar above the import library.

  • Click and drag the title onto the black screen that we added.
  • Double-click the title to open its settings.
  • Here you can type in the text that you want.

add a title

You can also change its font. When you click on the font bar, a drop-down option will pop up, and you choose whichever you like.

  • Change the animation of the text title from the top left corner animation

Change The Timing of The Title

You can also adjust the timing of the title by below steps:

  • Click on the advanced option in the bottom right corner, and settings will pop up.
  • Find the title bar and drag it to the right side to increase the timing of the title.

change the timing of the title

After adding the title, it’s time to go with fading effect as shown below!

Step5 Add a Fade effect

You can also add a fade transition to the start of your video. It will blend the title with the first clip. Follow the steps mentioned to add the transition effects:

  • Search the Fade option from the Transitions tab above the import window

Note: A fade transition will allow your title to fade into the first clip creating a visually pleasing effect.

  • Download the Fade transition and drag it between the Black screen and the first clip.

adding a fade effect

Now that we have added a transition, it is time to move on to our music!

Step6 Add The Music

You can add your music to the slideshow from your PC library, but make sure you have the music rights. It is better to use stock audio by following the steps:

  • Click on the Audio icon on the bar above the import window, and the list will pop up.
  • Please browse the library to find music that best suits your video and download it.
  • Then add it to the timeline’s audio track.

Add Beat Detection

To match your video clips properly with the music, so it remains in sync, you can adjust it with the beat of the music. To add beat detection, follow the steps mentioned:

  • Right-Click on the audio that you selected in the audio library.
  • You will see a pop-up list, and in the options, you will see Beat detection.
  • Click on Beat detection.

adding beat detection

  • Then click on the audio and drag it below on the timeline.

Match The Video With The Audio Markers

To have the full advantage of beat detection, you must adjust your videos and photos to the markers. Follow the steps mentioned below to do so:

matching the video with the audio

  • Check that the video clips are in sync with the marker on the audio.
  • For this, drag one video end to a marker or as many videos as you want.
  • Ultimately, you will create a timeline in which your videos sync with the audio beat.

synced video with audio

After syncing your videos and photos to the audio, it is time to move on to the scaling and background blur.

Step7 Scale and Blur The Background

Now, some of the pictures you have added must-have black borders. It usually means that your image is shorter than the aspect ratio.

If you leave the picture/photo as it is, the black borders will make it look shorter and out of proportion. As a result, it gives a generally poor look, as shown below.

unscaled photo in the main play window

To counter this problem, follow some easy steps:

  • Double-click on the picture with black borders, and it will open the settings list.
  • Go into the Transform Here you can see multiple settings.
  • Increase the size of your photo to match the aspect ratio.

scaling of the photo

Add a Background Blur Effect

In some cases where you have taken a portrait photo where the picture is vertical, it ultimately stays out of proportion to the aspect ratio.

Note: Simply scaling the image to match the aspect ratio size is not sensible in this case. Doing so will hide the many pretty features of a portrait.

photo with black borders

To counter this problem, you can add a blur effect. This effect will turn your background blur, matching the aspect ratio. Follow the steps mentioned below:

  • Click on the Effects tab above the import window and search for Blur.
  • Download the blur effect that suits you best and then drag the blur effect above your photo in the timeline.

You will notice the background turn to a blur in the main play screen.

photo with blurred background

Step8 Add a Transition

You can also add a transition effect to spice up things. It can get bland when your video or photo changes from one to another. To create a good slideshow video, you can add a transition effect by following the steps mentioned below:

  • Click on the Transition icon above the import window.
  • Browse the library until you find a transition you like, then download one.
  • Click on the transition and drag it between the clips.

transition effect

Adjust The Duration and Placement of The Transition

Now it’s time to adjust the duration and placement of the transition. For this, you can follow the steps mentioned below:

  • Double-click on the transition effect, and it will open the settings list.
  • You can adjust the duration by setting the timer as per your requirement.

Note: If other transitions are added to the timeline, you can adjust them by clicking Apply to all.

adjusting the duration of the transition

When you have adjusted the slideshow transitions, it is time to move on to the effects and filters.

Step9 Add the Effects and Filters

If you create a slideshow video of your trip to a historical place. You can add a Vintage filter to your video to give it that vintage tint. Follow the steps mentioned below:

  • Head over to the Effects tab, where the effects library will open up
  • Select any effect and download
  • Click on the effect and drag it to drop in the timeline.

adding the vintage effect

Combining a vintage effect with a dreamy glow will make your video pop up even more. To add a nostalgic glow to your video, follow the steps:

  • Click on the effects and search for Glow in the search bar.
  • Click and drag the glow effect above the timeline and ensure the effect is in the separate video timeline.
  • Ensure the effect is applied to every photo and video.
  • Double-click on the effect, and settings will open in the import window.
  • Then, you can adjust the radius and opacity of the video. Adjust as you desire.

adding the glow effect

We are almost done. Let us now move toward our outro!

Step10 Create an Outro

The steps we will do will be similar to the ones we did initially. As we are creating, we will again need a canvas. Follow the steps mentioned below:

  • Head to the media icon on the bar and scroll until you see the sample media tab.
  • In the sample color option, drag and drop the black color at the end of your video.

Add an Outro Transition

To finalize things, add a transition effect at the end of the clip by these steps:

  • In the Transition tab, search for the Fade effect.
  • Drag and drop the Fade effect between your last video clip and the Black screen.

adding a black screen at the end

Fade out The Audio

If the audio suddenly ends at the end of your slideshow, it will create a bitter effect. Therefore, you should always fade out audio at the end of the video. To do this, follow the steps mentioned:

  • Double-click on the audio in the timeline, and the settings list will pop up.
  • On the top section of the import window, you will notice fade options.
  • In the fade-out bar, drag it to the side to set your fade-out timer.

You can show your friends and family the slideshow or upload it to Youtube. Play the Slideshow Video from the beginning to see the changes.

final preview of slideshow


By the steps mentioned above, you can create a slideshow video. Give every moment a chance to align everything on one side! The slideshow will also save your device space by aligning everything in one video.

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

wondershare filmora interface

Let’s start with the step-by-step instructions for making a slideshow video now that you know the requirements for generating a slideshow.

Part 5. Step-by-Step Guide to Creating a Slideshow Video

Utilizing filmora will reduce your workload while producing quality work. Follow the below step-by-step guide to make your slideshow video instantly!

Step1 Download Wondershare Filmora

Wondershare Filmora will provide the working platform. Follow the below steps to download it:

  • First, install the Wondershare Filmora.
  • Then, launch this application on your PC or Mac

Let’s proceed to edit our video after downloading the Wondershare Filmora software. Continue reading to find out how to begin the editing process.

Step2 Import your Photos and Videos

Importing your videos and pictures to Filmora’s media panel is best to have them all in one folder. Therefore, when you open Wondershare Filmora, you will notice the main import window in the top left corner.

  • Click in the center of the import window upon the import icon.
  • Browse from the PC library to where your target Videos and Photos are stored.
  • Please select the required videos and photos and Open

import your videos and photos

Your next step will be to add the imported videos and images to the timeline.

Step3 Add your Photos and Videos to the Timeline

When you have multiple videos and photos, you can add all of them simultaneously. Or you can also add them one by one wherever you need. Follow the steps mentioned:

  • Right-click on the photo or video you want.
  • Keep holding the Right-click and drag it down to the timeline.

add your photos and videos to your timeline

Now that we have imported your photos and videos into the timeline, it is time to align and add text.

Step4 Add the Title

To create an attractive slideshow, you will need to add a title before the start of the video. Doing so will allow you to gain more viewers and audiences.

Add a Black Screen

The black screen will eventually act like a canvas to give your title a good look. To add a black screen, follow the steps mentioned:

  • Click on the media icon from the bar above the import window.
  • You will notice many tabs on the left-hand side under a drop-down bar.
  • Scroll below to find the sample media
  • Download the black color if it is not downloaded already.
  • Click and drag it down below to the start of your video.

adding a black screen

Add a Title Tile

Now that we have our canvas, we will now add the title. Above the import media library, there will be a Title icon.

  • Click on the title icon, and select the title that you want for your video by browsing and scrolling down.
  • For this purpose, we will use a simple title tile called “Title 29.”

Note: You can find the same title by scrolling, browsing, or searching in the search bar above the import library.

  • Click and drag the title onto the black screen that we added.
  • Double-click the title to open its settings.
  • Here you can type in the text that you want.

add a title

You can also change its font. When you click on the font bar, a drop-down option will pop up, and you choose whichever you like.

  • Change the animation of the text title from the top left corner animation

Change The Timing of The Title

You can also adjust the timing of the title by below steps:

  • Click on the advanced option in the bottom right corner, and settings will pop up.
  • Find the title bar and drag it to the right side to increase the timing of the title.

change the timing of the title

After adding the title, it’s time to go with fading effect as shown below!

Step5 Add a Fade effect

You can also add a fade transition to the start of your video. It will blend the title with the first clip. Follow the steps mentioned to add the transition effects:

  • Search the Fade option from the Transitions tab above the import window

Note: A fade transition will allow your title to fade into the first clip creating a visually pleasing effect.

  • Download the Fade transition and drag it between the Black screen and the first clip.

adding a fade effect

Now that we have added a transition, it is time to move on to our music!

Step6 Add The Music

You can add your music to the slideshow from your PC library, but make sure you have the music rights. It is better to use stock audio by following the steps:

  • Click on the Audio icon on the bar above the import window, and the list will pop up.
  • Please browse the library to find music that best suits your video and download it.
  • Then add it to the timeline’s audio track.

Add Beat Detection

To match your video clips properly with the music, so it remains in sync, you can adjust it with the beat of the music. To add beat detection, follow the steps mentioned:

  • Right-Click on the audio that you selected in the audio library.
  • You will see a pop-up list, and in the options, you will see Beat detection.
  • Click on Beat detection.

adding beat detection

  • Then click on the audio and drag it below on the timeline.

Match The Video With The Audio Markers

To have the full advantage of beat detection, you must adjust your videos and photos to the markers. Follow the steps mentioned below to do so:

matching the video with the audio

  • Check that the video clips are in sync with the marker on the audio.
  • For this, drag one video end to a marker or as many videos as you want.
  • Ultimately, you will create a timeline in which your videos sync with the audio beat.

synced video with audio

After syncing your videos and photos to the audio, it is time to move on to the scaling and background blur.

Step7 Scale and Blur The Background

Now, some of the pictures you have added must-have black borders. It usually means that your image is shorter than the aspect ratio.

If you leave the picture/photo as it is, the black borders will make it look shorter and out of proportion. As a result, it gives a generally poor look, as shown below.

unscaled photo in the main play window

To counter this problem, follow some easy steps:

  • Double-click on the picture with black borders, and it will open the settings list.
  • Go into the Transform Here you can see multiple settings.
  • Increase the size of your photo to match the aspect ratio.

scaling of the photo

Add a Background Blur Effect

In some cases where you have taken a portrait photo where the picture is vertical, it ultimately stays out of proportion to the aspect ratio.

Note: Simply scaling the image to match the aspect ratio size is not sensible in this case. Doing so will hide the many pretty features of a portrait.

photo with black borders

To counter this problem, you can add a blur effect. This effect will turn your background blur, matching the aspect ratio. Follow the steps mentioned below:

  • Click on the Effects tab above the import window and search for Blur.
  • Download the blur effect that suits you best and then drag the blur effect above your photo in the timeline.

You will notice the background turn to a blur in the main play screen.

photo with blurred background

Step8 Add a Transition

You can also add a transition effect to spice up things. It can get bland when your video or photo changes from one to another. To create a good slideshow video, you can add a transition effect by following the steps mentioned below:

  • Click on the Transition icon above the import window.
  • Browse the library until you find a transition you like, then download one.
  • Click on the transition and drag it between the clips.

transition effect

Adjust The Duration and Placement of The Transition

Now it’s time to adjust the duration and placement of the transition. For this, you can follow the steps mentioned below:

  • Double-click on the transition effect, and it will open the settings list.
  • You can adjust the duration by setting the timer as per your requirement.

Note: If other transitions are added to the timeline, you can adjust them by clicking Apply to all.

adjusting the duration of the transition

When you have adjusted the slideshow transitions, it is time to move on to the effects and filters.

Step9 Add the Effects and Filters

If you create a slideshow video of your trip to a historical place. You can add a Vintage filter to your video to give it that vintage tint. Follow the steps mentioned below:

  • Head over to the Effects tab, where the effects library will open up
  • Select any effect and download
  • Click on the effect and drag it to drop in the timeline.

adding the vintage effect

Combining a vintage effect with a dreamy glow will make your video pop up even more. To add a nostalgic glow to your video, follow the steps:

  • Click on the effects and search for Glow in the search bar.
  • Click and drag the glow effect above the timeline and ensure the effect is in the separate video timeline.
  • Ensure the effect is applied to every photo and video.
  • Double-click on the effect, and settings will open in the import window.
  • Then, you can adjust the radius and opacity of the video. Adjust as you desire.

adding the glow effect

We are almost done. Let us now move toward our outro!

Step10 Create an Outro

The steps we will do will be similar to the ones we did initially. As we are creating, we will again need a canvas. Follow the steps mentioned below:

  • Head to the media icon on the bar and scroll until you see the sample media tab.
  • In the sample color option, drag and drop the black color at the end of your video.

Add an Outro Transition

To finalize things, add a transition effect at the end of the clip by these steps:

  • In the Transition tab, search for the Fade effect.
  • Drag and drop the Fade effect between your last video clip and the Black screen.

adding a black screen at the end

Fade out The Audio

If the audio suddenly ends at the end of your slideshow, it will create a bitter effect. Therefore, you should always fade out audio at the end of the video. To do this, follow the steps mentioned:

  • Double-click on the audio in the timeline, and the settings list will pop up.
  • On the top section of the import window, you will notice fade options.
  • In the fade-out bar, drag it to the side to set your fade-out timer.

You can show your friends and family the slideshow or upload it to Youtube. Play the Slideshow Video from the beginning to see the changes.

final preview of slideshow


By the steps mentioned above, you can create a slideshow video. Give every moment a chance to align everything on one side! The slideshow will also save your device space by aligning everything in one video.

How to Record Super Slow Motion Videos on Your Huawei/Samsung/iPhone?

Super Slow Motion has long been among the finest (and most exploited) video effects. The method was initially limited to high-end lenses, but super slo-mo has become increasingly superior as smartphone technology advances.

Super slo-mo is a terrific technique to learn how to use if you want to accentuate a dramatic moment or extend the humiliation of a friend you captured in an embarrassing scenario. This article has stepwise guides and tips for recording super slo-mo on your phone. Let’s get going!

In this article

01 What’s the Difference Between Slow-Mo and Super Slow-Mo?

02 How to Record Super Slo-Mo Videos with Samsung Galaxy S20 and Later models?

03 How to Edit Super Slow Motion Video in Samsung Galaxy S21?

04 How to Record Super Slow Motion Video with Huawei Mate 20 and Later Phones?

05 How to Shoot Slo-Mo Videos on iPhone?

06 Tips for Recording Super Slow Motion Video

Part 1: What’s the Difference Between Slow-Mo and Super Slow-Mo?

Super Slow-Mo (960fps) is a technology that allows users to shoot films at 960fps using a top-speed lens, capturing events that the naked eye cannot ordinarily notice by viewing them 32 times slower than regular videos (30fps) and four times slower than videos produced using the current Slow Motion feature (240fps).

Super Slow-mo movie may be displayed as 6-12 sec long on old smartphones, such as Galaxy S9/S9+ and Note9. However, the newer versions, such as Galaxy S10 Series, can play super slow-mo movies up to 14.8 sec.

You’ll understand the difference between the Slow-Mo and Super Slow-Mo better after reading the below information:

Slow Motion

Video is produced at an 8-times slower rate than usual, equivalent to the speed of a movie, advertisement, or sporting event.

Super Slow Motion

Videos are played 32 times slower than usual, catching minute changes in facial gestures and fast-moving elements.

Part 2: How to Record Super Slo-Mo Videos with Samsung Galaxy S20 and Later models?

Models That Support Super Slow-Mo: Galaxy S20, Galaxy S20+, Galaxy S20+ Ultra, Galaxy Z Flip, and later models.

Slow-motion video is often created by filming at a fast frame per second (fps) speed and then playing back at a far slower pace. This results in intriguing videos with slowed-down motion. The event is captured at 960 frames per second with the Super Slow-mo function, four times quicker than conventional slow motion. When it’s replayed at 30 frames per second, it’s 32 times slower, making mundane moments appear spectacular.

To capture super slow-motion videos with your Samsung Galaxy S20 and later models, follow the instructions below:

Step 1: Launch the camera on your phone by tapping the Camera app.

Step 2: Now, click on the Super Slow-Mo option to proceed.

Step 3: Press the White Circle in the center to start the recording and press it again to stop when you are done.

Note: Make sure that your phone’s video resolution is already on HD because Super Slow-Mo only supports HD resolutions.

Part 3: How to Edit Super Slow Motion Video in Samsung Galaxy S21?

Only capturing the super slow-motion videos is not enough, especially if you are a content creator. Even in the super slow-mo, there might be some unnecessary parts (since it is more detailed) that you need to cut out or the parts that need some enhancements to make the video look captivating.

However, not every phone is eligible to edit super slow-mo videos by not degrading the video resolutions. But Samsung Galaxy S21 allows you to do that by keeping the video resolution intact. You can edit the Super Slow-Mo videos with Galaxy S21 by following these instructions:

Step 1: Open the Camera app and navigate the super slow-mo video you wish to edit.

Step 2: Now, play it and tap the screen. You will see three vertical dots in the right corner. Click on them.

Step 3: Select the Editor option from the dropdown menu that appears.

Step 4: After that, you can adjust the length, crop the video, add effects, add stickers, add music, etc., by selecting from the bottom menu.

Step 5: After you’re done editing, click on the Save option at the top to save the video to your Gallery.

edit slow motion video samsung galaxy phone

Part 4: How to Record Super Slow Motion Video with Huawei Mate 20 and Later Phones?

Models That Support Super Slow-Mo: Huawei Mate 20/20 Pro/20 X and later Mate models.

Before we demonstrate how to capture a super slow-mo with a Huawei Mate 20 and later models, we’ll explain this popular capture mode.

To begin, you should be aware that a camera/camera sensor collects a specific number of frames per second. The movie becomes legible by combining these pictures; the more images there are, the more fluent the video will be. The naked eye is thought to decipher about 60 pictures every second.

The benefit of improved camera sensors is that you can capture a maximum number of photos per second (some smartphones can record up to 960 / second) and slow down the sampling rate to produce a super slow-motion effect on the Huawei Mate 20 or later models.

Now, follow the stepwise guide to record super slow-mo with Huawei Mate 40 or later models:

Step 1: Launch your phone’s Camera go to More to select the Slow-Mo option.

Step 2: By default, you will see 4x on the slow-mo capture mode, which means the video will be recorded at 120FPS. Huawei Mate 40 allows you to capture up to 128X, i.e, 3840FPS for fast moving objects. To enable the Super Slo-Mo feature, select the 32X or 128X in this mode.

Step 3: Click on the Circle in the center to start and stop the recording. The video will be saved in your Gallery.

Part 5: How to Shoot Slo-Mo Videos on iPhone?

Slow-motion film on your iPhone essentially means slowing the fps so that everything appears to move slower inside the video. It is a popular effect employed by artists to produce one-of-a-kind video clips of sports footage, natural scenes, or sequences with a lot of dramatic motion.

Slow-motion films are supported by all iPhones, beginning with the 5S model, and the capability gets more robust and more stable with each successive generation. Shooting slow-motion films with your iPhone are addicting and enjoyable, and it adds drama to various settings.

Here is a step-by-step method for filming slow-mo with an iPhone, regardless of model.

Step 1: Launch the Camera app on your iPhone and go to the Slow-Mo effect by sliding from the options above. Change the frame rate on the upper right corner to 120, 240, 720, depending on the iPhone models you’re using.

Step 2: Now, start the recording by clicking the Red Circle in the center or either of the Volume button.

Step 3: After you’re done recording, press the Red Circle again and head towards the Gallery to view the recorded video.

capture slo mo iphone

For more details, check: How to make slo-mo video on your iPhone.

Part 6: Tips for Recording Super Slow Motion Video

Although super slow-motion videos are easy to record, they can be challenging for a content creator. But don’t worry, with the following tips, we have got you covered:

Utilize A Tripod

It’s critical to keep your phone as steady as possible when filming in Super Slow-mo since shaking might conflict with your video and hinder it from recognizing motions when set to auto-record. To get the most out of Super Slow-mo, we recommend using a tripod whenever feasible.

You can check these tripods for iPhone

Transition Between Single and Multi-Takes

To boost your chances of catching the ideal timing in Super Slow-mo, your phone allows you to record in Multi-Take mode, which can capture many bursts of Super Slow-mo in one video.

When combined with an auto record, additional Super Slow-mo videos will be captured as much as the focus box senses activity and will end only when you end filming. The manual record works similarly. However, you’ll have to physically hit the trigger each time you wish to record a picture in Super Slow-mo.

As the name indicates, Single-Take will record a single Super Slow-mo clip and then cease recording a moment or two later. Because Multi-Take clips are often more extensive, this could save a large storage capacity.

Readjust the Focus

The focus or auto-recording is tiny by default. Fortunately, you can enlarge it to improve its odds of recognizing movement. To adjust the size of the box, hold it until only its edges are visible, then move any corner from the others to expand the box’s area. Simply tap anywhere outside the borders to verify the adjustment when you’re happy with the size.

Capture in Natural Light

Because of the large number of frames it collects, Super Slow-mo works the best in natural daylight situations. Though not visible to the human eye, indoor lighting, especially LED bulbs and tiny fluorescents, seems to flash at very high rates. Even if the environment is well-lit, Super Slow-mo detects this and shows your subject in a substantially darker tone.

View the Video at Normal Speed

If you wish to watch your Super Slow-mo movies at regular speed, deactivate Super Slow-mo playing by tapping on the option directly below the video. This will give you a greater understanding of your phone’s incredible capacity to bring the world to a halt.

Learn more about : How to Convert normal video to slo-mo video?

Besides the tips mentioned above, you can also watch this video to get some tips and tricks in recording slo-mo video with iPhone.


Super Slow Motion videos are excellent for showcasing the action and conveying tales, and they are also entertaining and straightforward to create. Your only constraints are time and imagination. However, your Android or iPhone’s camera has many more tricks in its sleeve: Live images, time-lapse, Panoramas, and Portrait mode let you express yourself freely!

02 How to Record Super Slo-Mo Videos with Samsung Galaxy S20 and Later models?

03 How to Edit Super Slow Motion Video in Samsung Galaxy S21?

04 How to Record Super Slow Motion Video with Huawei Mate 20 and Later Phones?

05 How to Shoot Slo-Mo Videos on iPhone?

06 Tips for Recording Super Slow Motion Video

Part 1: What’s the Difference Between Slow-Mo and Super Slow-Mo?

Super Slow-Mo (960fps) is a technology that allows users to shoot films at 960fps using a top-speed lens, capturing events that the naked eye cannot ordinarily notice by viewing them 32 times slower than regular videos (30fps) and four times slower than videos produced using the current Slow Motion feature (240fps).

Super Slow-mo movie may be displayed as 6-12 sec long on old smartphones, such as Galaxy S9/S9+ and Note9. However, the newer versions, such as Galaxy S10 Series, can play super slow-mo movies up to 14.8 sec.

You’ll understand the difference between the Slow-Mo and Super Slow-Mo better after reading the below information:

Slow Motion

Video is produced at an 8-times slower rate than usual, equivalent to the speed of a movie, advertisement, or sporting event.

Super Slow Motion

Videos are played 32 times slower than usual, catching minute changes in facial gestures and fast-moving elements.

Part 2: How to Record Super Slo-Mo Videos with Samsung Galaxy S20 and Later models?

Models That Support Super Slow-Mo: Galaxy S20, Galaxy S20+, Galaxy S20+ Ultra, Galaxy Z Flip, and later models.

Slow-motion video is often created by filming at a fast frame per second (fps) speed and then playing back at a far slower pace. This results in intriguing videos with slowed-down motion. The event is captured at 960 frames per second with the Super Slow-mo function, four times quicker than conventional slow motion. When it’s replayed at 30 frames per second, it’s 32 times slower, making mundane moments appear spectacular.

To capture super slow-motion videos with your Samsung Galaxy S20 and later models, follow the instructions below:

Step 1: Launch the camera on your phone by tapping the Camera app.

Step 2: Now, click on the Super Slow-Mo option to proceed.

Step 3: Press the White Circle in the center to start the recording and press it again to stop when you are done.

Note: Make sure that your phone’s video resolution is already on HD because Super Slow-Mo only supports HD resolutions.

Part 3: How to Edit Super Slow Motion Video in Samsung Galaxy S21?

Only capturing the super slow-motion videos is not enough, especially if you are a content creator. Even in the super slow-mo, there might be some unnecessary parts (since it is more detailed) that you need to cut out or the parts that need some enhancements to make the video look captivating.

However, not every phone is eligible to edit super slow-mo videos by not degrading the video resolutions. But Samsung Galaxy S21 allows you to do that by keeping the video resolution intact. You can edit the Super Slow-Mo videos with Galaxy S21 by following these instructions:

Step 1: Open the Camera app and navigate the super slow-mo video you wish to edit.

Step 2: Now, play it and tap the screen. You will see three vertical dots in the right corner. Click on them.

Step 3: Select the Editor option from the dropdown menu that appears.

Step 4: After that, you can adjust the length, crop the video, add effects, add stickers, add music, etc., by selecting from the bottom menu.

Step 5: After you’re done editing, click on the Save option at the top to save the video to your Gallery.

edit slow motion video samsung galaxy phone

Part 4: How to Record Super Slow Motion Video with Huawei Mate 20 and Later Phones?

Models That Support Super Slow-Mo: Huawei Mate 20/20 Pro/20 X and later Mate models.

Before we demonstrate how to capture a super slow-mo with a Huawei Mate 20 and later models, we’ll explain this popular capture mode.

To begin, you should be aware that a camera/camera sensor collects a specific number of frames per second. The movie becomes legible by combining these pictures; the more images there are, the more fluent the video will be. The naked eye is thought to decipher about 60 pictures every second.

The benefit of improved camera sensors is that you can capture a maximum number of photos per second (some smartphones can record up to 960 / second) and slow down the sampling rate to produce a super slow-motion effect on the Huawei Mate 20 or later models.

Now, follow the stepwise guide to record super slow-mo with Huawei Mate 40 or later models:

Step 1: Launch your phone’s Camera go to More to select the Slow-Mo option.

Step 2: By default, you will see 4x on the slow-mo capture mode, which means the video will be recorded at 120FPS. Huawei Mate 40 allows you to capture up to 128X, i.e, 3840FPS for fast moving objects. To enable the Super Slo-Mo feature, select the 32X or 128X in this mode.

Step 3: Click on the Circle in the center to start and stop the recording. The video will be saved in your Gallery.

Part 5: How to Shoot Slo-Mo Videos on iPhone?

Slow-motion film on your iPhone essentially means slowing the fps so that everything appears to move slower inside the video. It is a popular effect employed by artists to produce one-of-a-kind video clips of sports footage, natural scenes, or sequences with a lot of dramatic motion.

Slow-motion films are supported by all iPhones, beginning with the 5S model, and the capability gets more robust and more stable with each successive generation. Shooting slow-motion films with your iPhone are addicting and enjoyable, and it adds drama to various settings.

Here is a step-by-step method for filming slow-mo with an iPhone, regardless of model.

Step 1: Launch the Camera app on your iPhone and go to the Slow-Mo effect by sliding from the options above. Change the frame rate on the upper right corner to 120, 240, 720, depending on the iPhone models you’re using.

Step 2: Now, start the recording by clicking the Red Circle in the center or either of the Volume button.

Step 3: After you’re done recording, press the Red Circle again and head towards the Gallery to view the recorded video.

capture slo mo iphone

For more details, check: How to make slo-mo video on your iPhone.

Part 6: Tips for Recording Super Slow Motion Video

Although super slow-motion videos are easy to record, they can be challenging for a content creator. But don’t worry, with the following tips, we have got you covered:

Utilize A Tripod

It’s critical to keep your phone as steady as possible when filming in Super Slow-mo since shaking might conflict with your video and hinder it from recognizing motions when set to auto-record. To get the most out of Super Slow-mo, we recommend using a tripod whenever feasible.

You can check these tripods for iPhone

Transition Between Single and Multi-Takes

To boost your chances of catching the ideal timing in Super Slow-mo, your phone allows you to record in Multi-Take mode, which can capture many bursts of Super Slow-mo in one video.

When combined with an auto record, additional Super Slow-mo videos will be captured as much as the focus box senses activity and will end only when you end filming. The manual record works similarly. However, you’ll have to physically hit the trigger each time you wish to record a picture in Super Slow-mo.

As the name indicates, Single-Take will record a single Super Slow-mo clip and then cease recording a moment or two later. Because Multi-Take clips are often more extensive, this could save a large storage capacity.

Readjust the Focus

The focus or auto-recording is tiny by default. Fortunately, you can enlarge it to improve its odds of recognizing movement. To adjust the size of the box, hold it until only its edges are visible, then move any corner from the others to expand the box’s area. Simply tap anywhere outside the borders to verify the adjustment when you’re happy with the size.

Capture in Natural Light

Because of the large number of frames it collects, Super Slow-mo works the best in natural daylight situations. Though not visible to the human eye, indoor lighting, especially LED bulbs and tiny fluorescents, seems to flash at very high rates. Even if the environment is well-lit, Super Slow-mo detects this and shows your subject in a substantially darker tone.

View the Video at Normal Speed

If you wish to watch your Super Slow-mo movies at regular speed, deactivate Super Slow-mo playing by tapping on the option directly below the video. This will give you a greater understanding of your phone’s incredible capacity to bring the world to a halt.

Learn more about : How to Convert normal video to slo-mo video?

Besides the tips mentioned above, you can also watch this video to get some tips and tricks in recording slo-mo video with iPhone.


Super Slow Motion videos are excellent for showcasing the action and conveying tales, and they are also entertaining and straightforward to create. Your only constraints are time and imagination. However, your Android or iPhone’s camera has many more tricks in its sleeve: Live images, time-lapse, Panoramas, and Portrait mode let you express yourself freely!

02 How to Record Super Slo-Mo Videos with Samsung Galaxy S20 and Later models?

03 How to Edit Super Slow Motion Video in Samsung Galaxy S21?

04 How to Record Super Slow Motion Video with Huawei Mate 20 and Later Phones?

05 How to Shoot Slo-Mo Videos on iPhone?

06 Tips for Recording Super Slow Motion Video

Part 1: What’s the Difference Between Slow-Mo and Super Slow-Mo?

Super Slow-Mo (960fps) is a technology that allows users to shoot films at 960fps using a top-speed lens, capturing events that the naked eye cannot ordinarily notice by viewing them 32 times slower than regular videos (30fps) and four times slower than videos produced using the current Slow Motion feature (240fps).

Super Slow-mo movie may be displayed as 6-12 sec long on old smartphones, such as Galaxy S9/S9+ and Note9. However, the newer versions, such as Galaxy S10 Series, can play super slow-mo movies up to 14.8 sec.

You’ll understand the difference between the Slow-Mo and Super Slow-Mo better after reading the below information:

Slow Motion

Video is produced at an 8-times slower rate than usual, equivalent to the speed of a movie, advertisement, or sporting event.

Super Slow Motion

Videos are played 32 times slower than usual, catching minute changes in facial gestures and fast-moving elements.

Part 2: How to Record Super Slo-Mo Videos with Samsung Galaxy S20 and Later models?

Models That Support Super Slow-Mo: Galaxy S20, Galaxy S20+, Galaxy S20+ Ultra, Galaxy Z Flip, and later models.

Slow-motion video is often created by filming at a fast frame per second (fps) speed and then playing back at a far slower pace. This results in intriguing videos with slowed-down motion. The event is captured at 960 frames per second with the Super Slow-mo function, four times quicker than conventional slow motion. When it’s replayed at 30 frames per second, it’s 32 times slower, making mundane moments appear spectacular.

To capture super slow-motion videos with your Samsung Galaxy S20 and later models, follow the instructions below:

Step 1: Launch the camera on your phone by tapping the Camera app.

Step 2: Now, click on the Super Slow-Mo option to proceed.

Step 3: Press the White Circle in the center to start the recording and press it again to stop when you are done.

Note: Make sure that your phone’s video resolution is already on HD because Super Slow-Mo only supports HD resolutions.

Part 3: How to Edit Super Slow Motion Video in Samsung Galaxy S21?

Only capturing the super slow-motion videos is not enough, especially if you are a content creator. Even in the super slow-mo, there might be some unnecessary parts (since it is more detailed) that you need to cut out or the parts that need some enhancements to make the video look captivating.

However, not every phone is eligible to edit super slow-mo videos by not degrading the video resolutions. But Samsung Galaxy S21 allows you to do that by keeping the video resolution intact. You can edit the Super Slow-Mo videos with Galaxy S21 by following these instructions:

Step 1: Open the Camera app and navigate the super slow-mo video you wish to edit.

Step 2: Now, play it and tap the screen. You will see three vertical dots in the right corner. Click on them.

Step 3: Select the Editor option from the dropdown menu that appears.

Step 4: After that, you can adjust the length, crop the video, add effects, add stickers, add music, etc., by selecting from the bottom menu.

Step 5: After you’re done editing, click on the Save option at the top to save the video to your Gallery.

edit slow motion video samsung galaxy phone

Part 4: How to Record Super Slow Motion Video with Huawei Mate 20 and Later Phones?

Models That Support Super Slow-Mo: Huawei Mate 20/20 Pro/20 X and later Mate models.

Before we demonstrate how to capture a super slow-mo with a Huawei Mate 20 and later models, we’ll explain this popular capture mode.

To begin, you should be aware that a camera/camera sensor collects a specific number of frames per second. The movie becomes legible by combining these pictures; the more images there are, the more fluent the video will be. The naked eye is thought to decipher about 60 pictures every second.

The benefit of improved camera sensors is that you can capture a maximum number of photos per second (some smartphones can record up to 960 / second) and slow down the sampling rate to produce a super slow-motion effect on the Huawei Mate 20 or later models.

Now, follow the stepwise guide to record super slow-mo with Huawei Mate 40 or later models:

Step 1: Launch your phone’s Camera go to More to select the Slow-Mo option.

Step 2: By default, you will see 4x on the slow-mo capture mode, which means the video will be recorded at 120FPS. Huawei Mate 40 allows you to capture up to 128X, i.e, 3840FPS for fast moving objects. To enable the Super Slo-Mo feature, select the 32X or 128X in this mode.

Step 3: Click on the Circle in the center to start and stop the recording. The video will be saved in your Gallery.

Part 5: How to Shoot Slo-Mo Videos on iPhone?

Slow-motion film on your iPhone essentially means slowing the fps so that everything appears to move slower inside the video. It is a popular effect employed by artists to produce one-of-a-kind video clips of sports footage, natural scenes, or sequences with a lot of dramatic motion.

Slow-motion films are supported by all iPhones, beginning with the 5S model, and the capability gets more robust and more stable with each successive generation. Shooting slow-motion films with your iPhone are addicting and enjoyable, and it adds drama to various settings.

Here is a step-by-step method for filming slow-mo with an iPhone, regardless of model.

Step 1: Launch the Camera app on your iPhone and go to the Slow-Mo effect by sliding from the options above. Change the frame rate on the upper right corner to 120, 240, 720, depending on the iPhone models you’re using.

Step 2: Now, start the recording by clicking the Red Circle in the center or either of the Volume button.

Step 3: After you’re done recording, press the Red Circle again and head towards the Gallery to view the recorded video.

capture slo mo iphone

For more details, check: How to make slo-mo video on your iPhone.

Part 6: Tips for Recording Super Slow Motion Video

Although super slow-motion videos are easy to record, they can be challenging for a content creator. But don’t worry, with the following tips, we have got you covered:

Utilize A Tripod

It’s critical to keep your phone as steady as possible when filming in Super Slow-mo since shaking might conflict with your video and hinder it from recognizing motions when set to auto-record. To get the most out of Super Slow-mo, we recommend using a tripod whenever feasible.

You can check these tripods for iPhone

Transition Between Single and Multi-Takes

To boost your chances of catching the ideal timing in Super Slow-mo, your phone allows you to record in Multi-Take mode, which can capture many bursts of Super Slow-mo in one video.

When combined with an auto record, additional Super Slow-mo videos will be captured as much as the focus box senses activity and will end only when you end filming. The manual record works similarly. However, you’ll have to physically hit the trigger each time you wish to record a picture in Super Slow-mo.

As the name indicates, Single-Take will record a single Super Slow-mo clip and then cease recording a moment or two later. Because Multi-Take clips are often more extensive, this could save a large storage capacity.

Readjust the Focus

The focus or auto-recording is tiny by default. Fortunately, you can enlarge it to improve its odds of recognizing movement. To adjust the size of the box, hold it until only its edges are visible, then move any corner from the others to expand the box’s area. Simply tap anywhere outside the borders to verify the adjustment when you’re happy with the size.

Capture in Natural Light

Because of the large number of frames it collects, Super Slow-mo works the best in natural daylight situations. Though not visible to the human eye, indoor lighting, especially LED bulbs and tiny fluorescents, seems to flash at very high rates. Even if the environment is well-lit, Super Slow-mo detects this and shows your subject in a substantially darker tone.

View the Video at Normal Speed

If you wish to watch your Super Slow-mo movies at regular speed, deactivate Super Slow-mo playing by tapping on the option directly below the video. This will give you a greater understanding of your phone’s incredible capacity to bring the world to a halt.

Learn more about : How to Convert normal video to slo-mo video?

Besides the tips mentioned above, you can also watch this video to get some tips and tricks in recording slo-mo video with iPhone.


Super Slow Motion videos are excellent for showcasing the action and conveying tales, and they are also entertaining and straightforward to create. Your only constraints are time and imagination. However, your Android or iPhone’s camera has many more tricks in its sleeve: Live images, time-lapse, Panoramas, and Portrait mode let you express yourself freely!

02 How to Record Super Slo-Mo Videos with Samsung Galaxy S20 and Later models?

03 How to Edit Super Slow Motion Video in Samsung Galaxy S21?

04 How to Record Super Slow Motion Video with Huawei Mate 20 and Later Phones?

05 How to Shoot Slo-Mo Videos on iPhone?

06 Tips for Recording Super Slow Motion Video

Part 1: What’s the Difference Between Slow-Mo and Super Slow-Mo?

Super Slow-Mo (960fps) is a technology that allows users to shoot films at 960fps using a top-speed lens, capturing events that the naked eye cannot ordinarily notice by viewing them 32 times slower than regular videos (30fps) and four times slower than videos produced using the current Slow Motion feature (240fps).

Super Slow-mo movie may be displayed as 6-12 sec long on old smartphones, such as Galaxy S9/S9+ and Note9. However, the newer versions, such as Galaxy S10 Series, can play super slow-mo movies up to 14.8 sec.

You’ll understand the difference between the Slow-Mo and Super Slow-Mo better after reading the below information:

Slow Motion

Video is produced at an 8-times slower rate than usual, equivalent to the speed of a movie, advertisement, or sporting event.

Super Slow Motion

Videos are played 32 times slower than usual, catching minute changes in facial gestures and fast-moving elements.

Part 2: How to Record Super Slo-Mo Videos with Samsung Galaxy S20 and Later models?

Models That Support Super Slow-Mo: Galaxy S20, Galaxy S20+, Galaxy S20+ Ultra, Galaxy Z Flip, and later models.

Slow-motion video is often created by filming at a fast frame per second (fps) speed and then playing back at a far slower pace. This results in intriguing videos with slowed-down motion. The event is captured at 960 frames per second with the Super Slow-mo function, four times quicker than conventional slow motion. When it’s replayed at 30 frames per second, it’s 32 times slower, making mundane moments appear spectacular.

To capture super slow-motion videos with your Samsung Galaxy S20 and later models, follow the instructions below:

Step 1: Launch the camera on your phone by tapping the Camera app.

Step 2: Now, click on the Super Slow-Mo option to proceed.

Step 3: Press the White Circle in the center to start the recording and press it again to stop when you are done.

Note: Make sure that your phone’s video resolution is already on HD because Super Slow-Mo only supports HD resolutions.

Part 3: How to Edit Super Slow Motion Video in Samsung Galaxy S21?

Only capturing the super slow-motion videos is not enough, especially if you are a content creator. Even in the super slow-mo, there might be some unnecessary parts (since it is more detailed) that you need to cut out or the parts that need some enhancements to make the video look captivating.

However, not every phone is eligible to edit super slow-mo videos by not degrading the video resolutions. But Samsung Galaxy S21 allows you to do that by keeping the video resolution intact. You can edit the Super Slow-Mo videos with Galaxy S21 by following these instructions:

Step 1: Open the Camera app and navigate the super slow-mo video you wish to edit.

Step 2: Now, play it and tap the screen. You will see three vertical dots in the right corner. Click on them.

Step 3: Select the Editor option from the dropdown menu that appears.

Step 4: After that, you can adjust the length, crop the video, add effects, add stickers, add music, etc., by selecting from the bottom menu.

Step 5: After you’re done editing, click on the Save option at the top to save the video to your Gallery.

edit slow motion video samsung galaxy phone

Part 4: How to Record Super Slow Motion Video with Huawei Mate 20 and Later Phones?

Models That Support Super Slow-Mo: Huawei Mate 20/20 Pro/20 X and later Mate models.

Before we demonstrate how to capture a super slow-mo with a Huawei Mate 20 and later models, we’ll explain this popular capture mode.

To begin, you should be aware that a camera/camera sensor collects a specific number of frames per second. The movie becomes legible by combining these pictures; the more images there are, the more fluent the video will be. The naked eye is thought to decipher about 60 pictures every second.

The benefit of improved camera sensors is that you can capture a maximum number of photos per second (some smartphones can record up to 960 / second) and slow down the sampling rate to produce a super slow-motion effect on the Huawei Mate 20 or later models.

Now, follow the stepwise guide to record super slow-mo with Huawei Mate 40 or later models:

Step 1: Launch your phone’s Camera go to More to select the Slow-Mo option.

Step 2: By default, you will see 4x on the slow-mo capture mode, which means the video will be recorded at 120FPS. Huawei Mate 40 allows you to capture up to 128X, i.e, 3840FPS for fast moving objects. To enable the Super Slo-Mo feature, select the 32X or 128X in this mode.

Step 3: Click on the Circle in the center to start and stop the recording. The video will be saved in your Gallery.

Part 5: How to Shoot Slo-Mo Videos on iPhone?

Slow-motion film on your iPhone essentially means slowing the fps so that everything appears to move slower inside the video. It is a popular effect employed by artists to produce one-of-a-kind video clips of sports footage, natural scenes, or sequences with a lot of dramatic motion.

Slow-motion films are supported by all iPhones, beginning with the 5S model, and the capability gets more robust and more stable with each successive generation. Shooting slow-motion films with your iPhone are addicting and enjoyable, and it adds drama to various settings.

Here is a step-by-step method for filming slow-mo with an iPhone, regardless of model.

Step 1: Launch the Camera app on your iPhone and go to the Slow-Mo effect by sliding from the options above. Change the frame rate on the upper right corner to 120, 240, 720, depending on the iPhone models you’re using.

Step 2: Now, start the recording by clicking the Red Circle in the center or either of the Volume button.

Step 3: After you’re done recording, press the Red Circle again and head towards the Gallery to view the recorded video.

capture slo mo iphone

For more details, check: How to make slo-mo video on your iPhone.

Part 6: Tips for Recording Super Slow Motion Video

Although super slow-motion videos are easy to record, they can be challenging for a content creator. But don’t worry, with the following tips, we have got you covered:

Utilize A Tripod

It’s critical to keep your phone as steady as possible when filming in Super Slow-mo since shaking might conflict with your video and hinder it from recognizing motions when set to auto-record. To get the most out of Super Slow-mo, we recommend using a tripod whenever feasible.

You can check these tripods for iPhone

Transition Between Single and Multi-Takes

To boost your chances of catching the ideal timing in Super Slow-mo, your phone allows you to record in Multi-Take mode, which can capture many bursts of Super Slow-mo in one video.

When combined with an auto record, additional Super Slow-mo videos will be captured as much as the focus box senses activity and will end only when you end filming. The manual record works similarly. However, you’ll have to physically hit the trigger each time you wish to record a picture in Super Slow-mo.

As the name indicates, Single-Take will record a single Super Slow-mo clip and then cease recording a moment or two later. Because Multi-Take clips are often more extensive, this could save a large storage capacity.

Readjust the Focus

The focus or auto-recording is tiny by default. Fortunately, you can enlarge it to improve its odds of recognizing movement. To adjust the size of the box, hold it until only its edges are visible, then move any corner from the others to expand the box’s area. Simply tap anywhere outside the borders to verify the adjustment when you’re happy with the size.

Capture in Natural Light

Because of the large number of frames it collects, Super Slow-mo works the best in natural daylight situations. Though not visible to the human eye, indoor lighting, especially LED bulbs and tiny fluorescents, seems to flash at very high rates. Even if the environment is well-lit, Super Slow-mo detects this and shows your subject in a substantially darker tone.

View the Video at Normal Speed

If you wish to watch your Super Slow-mo movies at regular speed, deactivate Super Slow-mo playing by tapping on the option directly below the video. This will give you a greater understanding of your phone’s incredible capacity to bring the world to a halt.

Learn more about : How to Convert normal video to slo-mo video?

Besides the tips mentioned above, you can also watch this video to get some tips and tricks in recording slo-mo video with iPhone.


Super Slow Motion videos are excellent for showcasing the action and conveying tales, and they are also entertaining and straightforward to create. Your only constraints are time and imagination. However, your Android or iPhone’s camera has many more tricks in its sleeve: Live images, time-lapse, Panoramas, and Portrait mode let you express yourself freely!

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  • Title: New Learn to Use Montage with These Movies for 2024
  • Author: Chloe
  • Created at : 2024-04-24 07:08:37
  • Updated at : 2024-04-25 07:08:37
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  • License: This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.
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New Learn to Use Montage with These Movies for 2024