New Things You Need to Know About Color Grading in Photography

New Things You Need to Know About Color Grading in Photography

Chloe Lv12

Things You Need to Know About Color Grading in Photography

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Have you recognized how flat your images look when you take them with your camera? While the scenery may be beautiful and your photography skills may be amazing, there’s always something missing. That “thing” is color grading, and that may be why your favorite superstar’s pictures appear better than yours. You can color grade your videos to produce the same effect too.

Color grading photography refers to a post-production process that improves your images by altering their color. The result of an excellent color grading process is an image that looks more appealing and refined. It’s what gives a picture some professional touch.

If you want to learn more about color grading photography, this article will let you in on all you need to know. From essential color grading steps to terms, tools, etc., you can begin your journey to cool and exciting images after reading.

In this article

01 Don’t Confuse Color Grading With Color Correction

02 Color Grading in LightRoom

03 Common Steps To Color Grade a Photo

04 Tips For Color Grading Photography

Don’t Confuse Color Grading With Color Correction

The first way to fully appreciate color grading is by differentiating it from its closest term—color correction. Many people use both of them interchangeably, and that’s wrong. Although color grading and color correction are post-production processes that enhance image colors, they perform different roles.

Here’s how to differentiate color grading from color correction:

Differentiating Factor Color Grading ; Color Correction
Definition Color grading is a process that enhances an image’s color by stylizing or giving it a cinematic appearance. Color correction is a process that adjusts color mistakes in an image by giving it a consistent appearance. This process balances colors by adjusting whites and blacks.
Purpose The primary aim of color grading an image is to evoke specific emotions in the viewers. Color grading leverages the emotional and psychological effects of colors to manipulate the viewers’ moods. You can use color grading to give your images different tones or themes like fear, femininity, youthfulness, passion, anger, sadness, etc. Unlike color grading, the color correction does very little in setting the tone or mood that an image carries. Instead, it corrects specific mistakes in the image to make it look as natural to the human eyes as possible. Generally, camera lenses and the human eyes view pictures differently. Color correction changes a photo’s look to make it more appealing to humans than the camera. It makes black colors appear darker and adds more white to whites to create the desired effect.
Stage in the production process Color grading typically comes after color correction in the post-production process. That’s because the effects of color grading are more appealing on a color-corrected picture. Color correction comes before color grading. This process does the major work of balancing colors and correcting errors. Color grading only fine-tunes what color correction has done, giving it a professional finish.
Example One of the most obvious examples of color grading is in motion pictures. For example, Sci-Fi movies typically have a very saturated blue color. However, you will notice a little redder in romantic movies. Note that filmmakers can use different color grades in movies to draw attention to specific details or represent changes in the storyline. Color grading produces the same effects in pictures. Color correction is most prominent in documentaries to make pictures and videos look more real to the human eye. Other times, color corrections just adjust one color to merge the rest of the image or video.

color grading photography

Terms and Tools Used In Color Grading

These are the most common terminologies photo editors use when color grading an image:

● Hue

Hue is the general name for describing pure color. That means it defines color without alluding to its brightness, vividness, etc. It describes a color’s position in the color wheel.

● Saturation

When a photo editor talks about saturation, they refer to the hue concentration that defines a specific color. Saturation describes color shades and focuses on how colorful they are. Examples of colors with zero saturation are white, black, and grey.

color grading photography - saturation

● Luminance

Luminous describes how bright, well-lighted or dark a color is. Highlights, mids, and shadows can influence luminance.

color grading photography - luminance

● Additive Color

Additive colors are non-primary colors. However, they typically result from mixing primary colors (blue, red, green).

● Color Cast

Color cast means that the image’s coloring doesn’t look as natural as it should be. This usually happens when different light sources get mixed.

● Temperature

Temperature defines how cool or warm a color is. Cool temperatures typically describe blues and purples, while orange and red represent the warmth.

The essential tools for color grading include

● White Balance

White balance helps to make your photos look more natural by correcting color cast issues. After using white balance, the result is that the whites in your pictures would look exactly like the human eye will perceive it. White balance adjusts your image’s color cast to make them look warmer or cooler.

● Brightness and Contrast

Brightness and contrast are essential in color grading and are among the most used photo editing tools. Different sliders control brightness and contrast during editing. It’s important to note that your image’s brightness will affect the contrast and vice-versa. That’s why they usually appear together, even if they refer to different tools.

● The Three-Way Color Corrector

Many photographers refer to the three-way corrector as the color correction’s workhorse. That’s because this tool adjusts hue, saturation, brightness, and contrast in a single interface. The three-way corrector performs the job of three tools in one interface. Using the three-way corrector ensures that you work faster than usual.

● The Fast Color Corrector

The fast color corrector is like the three-way corrector. However, there are many limitations with the number of potential looks you can achieve with this tool. The fast color corrector primarily focuses on adjusting tint and saturation. Its major advantage over the three-way corrector is its user-friendliness and simplicity.

● Curves

While using curves is pretty complicated, the tool offers impressive functionality that you can’t refuse. Curves are very powerful and precise. Their main function is to overhaul or remove your image’s brightness altogether to give it a distinctive look.

● The Unsharp Mask and Sharpening Tools

With the unsharp mask and sharpening tools, you can give your picture’s edges a sharp illusion by modifying the contrast. This is typically useful for images that you shoot in dark conditions.

Sharp pictures are always a lovely sight. However, these tools can’t correct pictures taken out of focus. To get the best results from these tools. Then you can start moving them back till you get your desired sharpness.

● Color Match

As the make implies, color match tools modify a target picture’s colors to fit the reference image. This is an automatic process and helps to save time.

Common Steps To Color Grade a Photo

These are the essential stages for color grading your images:

● Step 1:
The first step in color grading is deciding how warm or cool you want your image to look. Then, modify the white balance to suit your desired warmth or coolness.

● Step 2:
After adjusting the white balance, the next step is to adjust saturation or hue.

● Step 3:
The next step is to focus on the histogram. A histogram is a common feature in many photo editing software that informs you of your image’s tonal values. The goal in this stage is to ensure equal color distribution. Keep adjusting your image till the colors are even.

● Step 4:
Work on your highlights and shadows by modifying the green, red, and blue curves. Also, adjust your vibrancy setting for a good effect.

● Step 5:
Explore split toning. Split toning is a process that involves adding colors to highlight and shadows independently. Learning how to split tone can make a difference in your photo editing.

Tips For Color Grading Photography

The following best practices will enhance your color grading:

  • About oversaturation or under-saturation. Your saturation should be just right to produce the perfect result. So, always be sure to pay maximum attention to this process. This tip is particularly useful when working with portraits.
  • Remember that color grading doesn’t fix a bad shot. So, be sure to improve your photography skills and take the best shots for excellent color grading results.
  • Shoot your images in RAW. Doing this guarantees more control over your pictures’ colors.
  • Always experiment with different looks until you get your precise effect. Lightroom is one of the best color grading apps to use.
  • Exercise maximum caution when manipulating backgrounds. Don’t do too much, especially when you’re taking an indoor shot. That’s because manipulating indoor backgrounds too much can mismatch the foreground and background, making your portrait look weird.


● While your photography skills are essential in influencing your image’s outcome; your color grading skills will take it to another level. It’s one of the fastest ways to make a budding photo editor look like a pro.

● After reading this article, you can be sure that you have the basic information you need to achieve your editing goals. However, you mustn’t stop here. Continuous learning, especially through constant practice, is the way to go. You can visit Filmora today for the best color grading packages and tools.

Try It Free Try It Free

Have you recognized how flat your images look when you take them with your camera? While the scenery may be beautiful and your photography skills may be amazing, there’s always something missing. That “thing” is color grading, and that may be why your favorite superstar’s pictures appear better than yours. You can color grade your videos to produce the same effect too.

Color grading photography refers to a post-production process that improves your images by altering their color. The result of an excellent color grading process is an image that looks more appealing and refined. It’s what gives a picture some professional touch.

If you want to learn more about color grading photography, this article will let you in on all you need to know. From essential color grading steps to terms, tools, etc., you can begin your journey to cool and exciting images after reading.

In this article

01 Don’t Confuse Color Grading With Color Correction

02 Color Grading in LightRoom

03 Common Steps To Color Grade a Photo

04 Tips For Color Grading Photography

Don’t Confuse Color Grading With Color Correction

The first way to fully appreciate color grading is by differentiating it from its closest term—color correction. Many people use both of them interchangeably, and that’s wrong. Although color grading and color correction are post-production processes that enhance image colors, they perform different roles.

Here’s how to differentiate color grading from color correction:

Differentiating Factor Color Grading ; Color Correction
Definition Color grading is a process that enhances an image’s color by stylizing or giving it a cinematic appearance. Color correction is a process that adjusts color mistakes in an image by giving it a consistent appearance. This process balances colors by adjusting whites and blacks.
Purpose The primary aim of color grading an image is to evoke specific emotions in the viewers. Color grading leverages the emotional and psychological effects of colors to manipulate the viewers’ moods. You can use color grading to give your images different tones or themes like fear, femininity, youthfulness, passion, anger, sadness, etc. Unlike color grading, the color correction does very little in setting the tone or mood that an image carries. Instead, it corrects specific mistakes in the image to make it look as natural to the human eyes as possible. Generally, camera lenses and the human eyes view pictures differently. Color correction changes a photo’s look to make it more appealing to humans than the camera. It makes black colors appear darker and adds more white to whites to create the desired effect.
Stage in the production process Color grading typically comes after color correction in the post-production process. That’s because the effects of color grading are more appealing on a color-corrected picture. Color correction comes before color grading. This process does the major work of balancing colors and correcting errors. Color grading only fine-tunes what color correction has done, giving it a professional finish.
Example One of the most obvious examples of color grading is in motion pictures. For example, Sci-Fi movies typically have a very saturated blue color. However, you will notice a little redder in romantic movies. Note that filmmakers can use different color grades in movies to draw attention to specific details or represent changes in the storyline. Color grading produces the same effects in pictures. Color correction is most prominent in documentaries to make pictures and videos look more real to the human eye. Other times, color corrections just adjust one color to merge the rest of the image or video.

color grading photography

Terms and Tools Used In Color Grading

These are the most common terminologies photo editors use when color grading an image:

● Hue

Hue is the general name for describing pure color. That means it defines color without alluding to its brightness, vividness, etc. It describes a color’s position in the color wheel.

● Saturation

When a photo editor talks about saturation, they refer to the hue concentration that defines a specific color. Saturation describes color shades and focuses on how colorful they are. Examples of colors with zero saturation are white, black, and grey.

color grading photography - saturation

● Luminance

Luminous describes how bright, well-lighted or dark a color is. Highlights, mids, and shadows can influence luminance.

color grading photography - luminance

● Additive Color

Additive colors are non-primary colors. However, they typically result from mixing primary colors (blue, red, green).

● Color Cast

Color cast means that the image’s coloring doesn’t look as natural as it should be. This usually happens when different light sources get mixed.

● Temperature

Temperature defines how cool or warm a color is. Cool temperatures typically describe blues and purples, while orange and red represent the warmth.

The essential tools for color grading include

● White Balance

White balance helps to make your photos look more natural by correcting color cast issues. After using white balance, the result is that the whites in your pictures would look exactly like the human eye will perceive it. White balance adjusts your image’s color cast to make them look warmer or cooler.

● Brightness and Contrast

Brightness and contrast are essential in color grading and are among the most used photo editing tools. Different sliders control brightness and contrast during editing. It’s important to note that your image’s brightness will affect the contrast and vice-versa. That’s why they usually appear together, even if they refer to different tools.

● The Three-Way Color Corrector

Many photographers refer to the three-way corrector as the color correction’s workhorse. That’s because this tool adjusts hue, saturation, brightness, and contrast in a single interface. The three-way corrector performs the job of three tools in one interface. Using the three-way corrector ensures that you work faster than usual.

● The Fast Color Corrector

The fast color corrector is like the three-way corrector. However, there are many limitations with the number of potential looks you can achieve with this tool. The fast color corrector primarily focuses on adjusting tint and saturation. Its major advantage over the three-way corrector is its user-friendliness and simplicity.

● Curves

While using curves is pretty complicated, the tool offers impressive functionality that you can’t refuse. Curves are very powerful and precise. Their main function is to overhaul or remove your image’s brightness altogether to give it a distinctive look.

● The Unsharp Mask and Sharpening Tools

With the unsharp mask and sharpening tools, you can give your picture’s edges a sharp illusion by modifying the contrast. This is typically useful for images that you shoot in dark conditions.

Sharp pictures are always a lovely sight. However, these tools can’t correct pictures taken out of focus. To get the best results from these tools. Then you can start moving them back till you get your desired sharpness.

● Color Match

As the make implies, color match tools modify a target picture’s colors to fit the reference image. This is an automatic process and helps to save time.

Common Steps To Color Grade a Photo

These are the essential stages for color grading your images:

● Step 1:
The first step in color grading is deciding how warm or cool you want your image to look. Then, modify the white balance to suit your desired warmth or coolness.

● Step 2:
After adjusting the white balance, the next step is to adjust saturation or hue.

● Step 3:
The next step is to focus on the histogram. A histogram is a common feature in many photo editing software that informs you of your image’s tonal values. The goal in this stage is to ensure equal color distribution. Keep adjusting your image till the colors are even.

● Step 4:
Work on your highlights and shadows by modifying the green, red, and blue curves. Also, adjust your vibrancy setting for a good effect.

● Step 5:
Explore split toning. Split toning is a process that involves adding colors to highlight and shadows independently. Learning how to split tone can make a difference in your photo editing.

Tips For Color Grading Photography

The following best practices will enhance your color grading:

  • About oversaturation or under-saturation. Your saturation should be just right to produce the perfect result. So, always be sure to pay maximum attention to this process. This tip is particularly useful when working with portraits.
  • Remember that color grading doesn’t fix a bad shot. So, be sure to improve your photography skills and take the best shots for excellent color grading results.
  • Shoot your images in RAW. Doing this guarantees more control over your pictures’ colors.
  • Always experiment with different looks until you get your precise effect. Lightroom is one of the best color grading apps to use.
  • Exercise maximum caution when manipulating backgrounds. Don’t do too much, especially when you’re taking an indoor shot. That’s because manipulating indoor backgrounds too much can mismatch the foreground and background, making your portrait look weird.


● While your photography skills are essential in influencing your image’s outcome; your color grading skills will take it to another level. It’s one of the fastest ways to make a budding photo editor look like a pro.

● After reading this article, you can be sure that you have the basic information you need to achieve your editing goals. However, you mustn’t stop here. Continuous learning, especially through constant practice, is the way to go. You can visit Filmora today for the best color grading packages and tools.

Try It Free Try It Free

Have you recognized how flat your images look when you take them with your camera? While the scenery may be beautiful and your photography skills may be amazing, there’s always something missing. That “thing” is color grading, and that may be why your favorite superstar’s pictures appear better than yours. You can color grade your videos to produce the same effect too.

Color grading photography refers to a post-production process that improves your images by altering their color. The result of an excellent color grading process is an image that looks more appealing and refined. It’s what gives a picture some professional touch.

If you want to learn more about color grading photography, this article will let you in on all you need to know. From essential color grading steps to terms, tools, etc., you can begin your journey to cool and exciting images after reading.

In this article

01 Don’t Confuse Color Grading With Color Correction

02 Color Grading in LightRoom

03 Common Steps To Color Grade a Photo

04 Tips For Color Grading Photography

Don’t Confuse Color Grading With Color Correction

The first way to fully appreciate color grading is by differentiating it from its closest term—color correction. Many people use both of them interchangeably, and that’s wrong. Although color grading and color correction are post-production processes that enhance image colors, they perform different roles.

Here’s how to differentiate color grading from color correction:

Differentiating Factor Color Grading ; Color Correction
Definition Color grading is a process that enhances an image’s color by stylizing or giving it a cinematic appearance. Color correction is a process that adjusts color mistakes in an image by giving it a consistent appearance. This process balances colors by adjusting whites and blacks.
Purpose The primary aim of color grading an image is to evoke specific emotions in the viewers. Color grading leverages the emotional and psychological effects of colors to manipulate the viewers’ moods. You can use color grading to give your images different tones or themes like fear, femininity, youthfulness, passion, anger, sadness, etc. Unlike color grading, the color correction does very little in setting the tone or mood that an image carries. Instead, it corrects specific mistakes in the image to make it look as natural to the human eyes as possible. Generally, camera lenses and the human eyes view pictures differently. Color correction changes a photo’s look to make it more appealing to humans than the camera. It makes black colors appear darker and adds more white to whites to create the desired effect.
Stage in the production process Color grading typically comes after color correction in the post-production process. That’s because the effects of color grading are more appealing on a color-corrected picture. Color correction comes before color grading. This process does the major work of balancing colors and correcting errors. Color grading only fine-tunes what color correction has done, giving it a professional finish.
Example One of the most obvious examples of color grading is in motion pictures. For example, Sci-Fi movies typically have a very saturated blue color. However, you will notice a little redder in romantic movies. Note that filmmakers can use different color grades in movies to draw attention to specific details or represent changes in the storyline. Color grading produces the same effects in pictures. Color correction is most prominent in documentaries to make pictures and videos look more real to the human eye. Other times, color corrections just adjust one color to merge the rest of the image or video.

color grading photography

Terms and Tools Used In Color Grading

These are the most common terminologies photo editors use when color grading an image:

● Hue

Hue is the general name for describing pure color. That means it defines color without alluding to its brightness, vividness, etc. It describes a color’s position in the color wheel.

● Saturation

When a photo editor talks about saturation, they refer to the hue concentration that defines a specific color. Saturation describes color shades and focuses on how colorful they are. Examples of colors with zero saturation are white, black, and grey.

color grading photography - saturation

● Luminance

Luminous describes how bright, well-lighted or dark a color is. Highlights, mids, and shadows can influence luminance.

color grading photography - luminance

● Additive Color

Additive colors are non-primary colors. However, they typically result from mixing primary colors (blue, red, green).

● Color Cast

Color cast means that the image’s coloring doesn’t look as natural as it should be. This usually happens when different light sources get mixed.

● Temperature

Temperature defines how cool or warm a color is. Cool temperatures typically describe blues and purples, while orange and red represent the warmth.

The essential tools for color grading include

● White Balance

White balance helps to make your photos look more natural by correcting color cast issues. After using white balance, the result is that the whites in your pictures would look exactly like the human eye will perceive it. White balance adjusts your image’s color cast to make them look warmer or cooler.

● Brightness and Contrast

Brightness and contrast are essential in color grading and are among the most used photo editing tools. Different sliders control brightness and contrast during editing. It’s important to note that your image’s brightness will affect the contrast and vice-versa. That’s why they usually appear together, even if they refer to different tools.

● The Three-Way Color Corrector

Many photographers refer to the three-way corrector as the color correction’s workhorse. That’s because this tool adjusts hue, saturation, brightness, and contrast in a single interface. The three-way corrector performs the job of three tools in one interface. Using the three-way corrector ensures that you work faster than usual.

● The Fast Color Corrector

The fast color corrector is like the three-way corrector. However, there are many limitations with the number of potential looks you can achieve with this tool. The fast color corrector primarily focuses on adjusting tint and saturation. Its major advantage over the three-way corrector is its user-friendliness and simplicity.

● Curves

While using curves is pretty complicated, the tool offers impressive functionality that you can’t refuse. Curves are very powerful and precise. Their main function is to overhaul or remove your image’s brightness altogether to give it a distinctive look.

● The Unsharp Mask and Sharpening Tools

With the unsharp mask and sharpening tools, you can give your picture’s edges a sharp illusion by modifying the contrast. This is typically useful for images that you shoot in dark conditions.

Sharp pictures are always a lovely sight. However, these tools can’t correct pictures taken out of focus. To get the best results from these tools. Then you can start moving them back till you get your desired sharpness.

● Color Match

As the make implies, color match tools modify a target picture’s colors to fit the reference image. This is an automatic process and helps to save time.

Common Steps To Color Grade a Photo

These are the essential stages for color grading your images:

● Step 1:
The first step in color grading is deciding how warm or cool you want your image to look. Then, modify the white balance to suit your desired warmth or coolness.

● Step 2:
After adjusting the white balance, the next step is to adjust saturation or hue.

● Step 3:
The next step is to focus on the histogram. A histogram is a common feature in many photo editing software that informs you of your image’s tonal values. The goal in this stage is to ensure equal color distribution. Keep adjusting your image till the colors are even.

● Step 4:
Work on your highlights and shadows by modifying the green, red, and blue curves. Also, adjust your vibrancy setting for a good effect.

● Step 5:
Explore split toning. Split toning is a process that involves adding colors to highlight and shadows independently. Learning how to split tone can make a difference in your photo editing.

Tips For Color Grading Photography

The following best practices will enhance your color grading:

  • About oversaturation or under-saturation. Your saturation should be just right to produce the perfect result. So, always be sure to pay maximum attention to this process. This tip is particularly useful when working with portraits.
  • Remember that color grading doesn’t fix a bad shot. So, be sure to improve your photography skills and take the best shots for excellent color grading results.
  • Shoot your images in RAW. Doing this guarantees more control over your pictures’ colors.
  • Always experiment with different looks until you get your precise effect. Lightroom is one of the best color grading apps to use.
  • Exercise maximum caution when manipulating backgrounds. Don’t do too much, especially when you’re taking an indoor shot. That’s because manipulating indoor backgrounds too much can mismatch the foreground and background, making your portrait look weird.


● While your photography skills are essential in influencing your image’s outcome; your color grading skills will take it to another level. It’s one of the fastest ways to make a budding photo editor look like a pro.

● After reading this article, you can be sure that you have the basic information you need to achieve your editing goals. However, you mustn’t stop here. Continuous learning, especially through constant practice, is the way to go. You can visit Filmora today for the best color grading packages and tools.

Try It Free Try It Free

Have you recognized how flat your images look when you take them with your camera? While the scenery may be beautiful and your photography skills may be amazing, there’s always something missing. That “thing” is color grading, and that may be why your favorite superstar’s pictures appear better than yours. You can color grade your videos to produce the same effect too.

Color grading photography refers to a post-production process that improves your images by altering their color. The result of an excellent color grading process is an image that looks more appealing and refined. It’s what gives a picture some professional touch.

If you want to learn more about color grading photography, this article will let you in on all you need to know. From essential color grading steps to terms, tools, etc., you can begin your journey to cool and exciting images after reading.

In this article

01 Don’t Confuse Color Grading With Color Correction

02 Color Grading in LightRoom

03 Common Steps To Color Grade a Photo

04 Tips For Color Grading Photography

Don’t Confuse Color Grading With Color Correction

The first way to fully appreciate color grading is by differentiating it from its closest term—color correction. Many people use both of them interchangeably, and that’s wrong. Although color grading and color correction are post-production processes that enhance image colors, they perform different roles.

Here’s how to differentiate color grading from color correction:

Differentiating Factor Color Grading ; Color Correction
Definition Color grading is a process that enhances an image’s color by stylizing or giving it a cinematic appearance. Color correction is a process that adjusts color mistakes in an image by giving it a consistent appearance. This process balances colors by adjusting whites and blacks.
Purpose The primary aim of color grading an image is to evoke specific emotions in the viewers. Color grading leverages the emotional and psychological effects of colors to manipulate the viewers’ moods. You can use color grading to give your images different tones or themes like fear, femininity, youthfulness, passion, anger, sadness, etc. Unlike color grading, the color correction does very little in setting the tone or mood that an image carries. Instead, it corrects specific mistakes in the image to make it look as natural to the human eyes as possible. Generally, camera lenses and the human eyes view pictures differently. Color correction changes a photo’s look to make it more appealing to humans than the camera. It makes black colors appear darker and adds more white to whites to create the desired effect.
Stage in the production process Color grading typically comes after color correction in the post-production process. That’s because the effects of color grading are more appealing on a color-corrected picture. Color correction comes before color grading. This process does the major work of balancing colors and correcting errors. Color grading only fine-tunes what color correction has done, giving it a professional finish.
Example One of the most obvious examples of color grading is in motion pictures. For example, Sci-Fi movies typically have a very saturated blue color. However, you will notice a little redder in romantic movies. Note that filmmakers can use different color grades in movies to draw attention to specific details or represent changes in the storyline. Color grading produces the same effects in pictures. Color correction is most prominent in documentaries to make pictures and videos look more real to the human eye. Other times, color corrections just adjust one color to merge the rest of the image or video.

color grading photography

Terms and Tools Used In Color Grading

These are the most common terminologies photo editors use when color grading an image:

● Hue

Hue is the general name for describing pure color. That means it defines color without alluding to its brightness, vividness, etc. It describes a color’s position in the color wheel.

● Saturation

When a photo editor talks about saturation, they refer to the hue concentration that defines a specific color. Saturation describes color shades and focuses on how colorful they are. Examples of colors with zero saturation are white, black, and grey.

color grading photography - saturation

● Luminance

Luminous describes how bright, well-lighted or dark a color is. Highlights, mids, and shadows can influence luminance.

color grading photography - luminance

● Additive Color

Additive colors are non-primary colors. However, they typically result from mixing primary colors (blue, red, green).

● Color Cast

Color cast means that the image’s coloring doesn’t look as natural as it should be. This usually happens when different light sources get mixed.

● Temperature

Temperature defines how cool or warm a color is. Cool temperatures typically describe blues and purples, while orange and red represent the warmth.

The essential tools for color grading include

● White Balance

White balance helps to make your photos look more natural by correcting color cast issues. After using white balance, the result is that the whites in your pictures would look exactly like the human eye will perceive it. White balance adjusts your image’s color cast to make them look warmer or cooler.

● Brightness and Contrast

Brightness and contrast are essential in color grading and are among the most used photo editing tools. Different sliders control brightness and contrast during editing. It’s important to note that your image’s brightness will affect the contrast and vice-versa. That’s why they usually appear together, even if they refer to different tools.

● The Three-Way Color Corrector

Many photographers refer to the three-way corrector as the color correction’s workhorse. That’s because this tool adjusts hue, saturation, brightness, and contrast in a single interface. The three-way corrector performs the job of three tools in one interface. Using the three-way corrector ensures that you work faster than usual.

● The Fast Color Corrector

The fast color corrector is like the three-way corrector. However, there are many limitations with the number of potential looks you can achieve with this tool. The fast color corrector primarily focuses on adjusting tint and saturation. Its major advantage over the three-way corrector is its user-friendliness and simplicity.

● Curves

While using curves is pretty complicated, the tool offers impressive functionality that you can’t refuse. Curves are very powerful and precise. Their main function is to overhaul or remove your image’s brightness altogether to give it a distinctive look.

● The Unsharp Mask and Sharpening Tools

With the unsharp mask and sharpening tools, you can give your picture’s edges a sharp illusion by modifying the contrast. This is typically useful for images that you shoot in dark conditions.

Sharp pictures are always a lovely sight. However, these tools can’t correct pictures taken out of focus. To get the best results from these tools. Then you can start moving them back till you get your desired sharpness.

● Color Match

As the make implies, color match tools modify a target picture’s colors to fit the reference image. This is an automatic process and helps to save time.

Common Steps To Color Grade a Photo

These are the essential stages for color grading your images:

● Step 1:
The first step in color grading is deciding how warm or cool you want your image to look. Then, modify the white balance to suit your desired warmth or coolness.

● Step 2:
After adjusting the white balance, the next step is to adjust saturation or hue.

● Step 3:
The next step is to focus on the histogram. A histogram is a common feature in many photo editing software that informs you of your image’s tonal values. The goal in this stage is to ensure equal color distribution. Keep adjusting your image till the colors are even.

● Step 4:
Work on your highlights and shadows by modifying the green, red, and blue curves. Also, adjust your vibrancy setting for a good effect.

● Step 5:
Explore split toning. Split toning is a process that involves adding colors to highlight and shadows independently. Learning how to split tone can make a difference in your photo editing.

Tips For Color Grading Photography

The following best practices will enhance your color grading:

  • About oversaturation or under-saturation. Your saturation should be just right to produce the perfect result. So, always be sure to pay maximum attention to this process. This tip is particularly useful when working with portraits.
  • Remember that color grading doesn’t fix a bad shot. So, be sure to improve your photography skills and take the best shots for excellent color grading results.
  • Shoot your images in RAW. Doing this guarantees more control over your pictures’ colors.
  • Always experiment with different looks until you get your precise effect. Lightroom is one of the best color grading apps to use.
  • Exercise maximum caution when manipulating backgrounds. Don’t do too much, especially when you’re taking an indoor shot. That’s because manipulating indoor backgrounds too much can mismatch the foreground and background, making your portrait look weird.


● While your photography skills are essential in influencing your image’s outcome; your color grading skills will take it to another level. It’s one of the fastest ways to make a budding photo editor look like a pro.

● After reading this article, you can be sure that you have the basic information you need to achieve your editing goals. However, you mustn’t stop here. Continuous learning, especially through constant practice, is the way to go. You can visit Filmora today for the best color grading packages and tools.

Using AI to Replace Skies: Finding the Right Methods

Digital imagery has seen some ground-breaking revolutions in previous years. The latest AI trends have transformed how we edit and see images. Many creative tools now have integrated features to let users manipulate images as they wish. One of the applications of these AI integrated tools is their ability to replace sky.

You can now use AI to replace the sky in an image, change the background, add or remove elements, and whatnot. If you want to read more about sky replacement and how to do it in photos, the following read is at your service. Discover the leading tools to help you with sky replacement with a bonus tip for this task.

Sky Replacement A cross-platform works like magic for background removal or sky replacement photos!

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Wondershare Filmora

Part 1: AI Sky Replacement with BeFunky: Looking into the Step-by-Step Overview

If you are looking for a smart tool to replace a sky online, you can try BeFunky . BeFunky is a notable image editor and graphic design tool. It offers an all-in-one creative platform to help you easily edit photos, create graphic designs, make collages, and more.

BeFunky previously offered a background remover tool to replace skies. But now, it has a dedicated sky replacement feature that can easily detect the sky and foreground of your image. This allows for precise adjustments and accurate replacements.

Steps for BeFunky’s AI Sky Replacer

Step 1: Open the Sky Replacer feature of BeFunky on your web browser. Tap the “Open” button or drop the images into the interface for sky replacement.

import your image

Step 2: Select the “Change Sky” button once you have uploaded your image.

change the sky background

Step 3: You can now select a new sky from the stock images provided or choose an image from your device. You can also manually adjust the contrast, saturation, and other aspects of the sky or the foreground. Tap on the “Save” button to save the image to your device.

save the sky replaced image

Part 2: Fotor AI: Performing Sky Replacement with Perfection

Another remarkable AI tool that can be used to change the sky from the background is Fotor . It is a free online photo editor that can help enhance images. Fotor is quite useful for bulk-editing images. You can also use it to transform text into images.

Fotor features a free sky replacement option that can be used to swap skies from images. You can easily add starry, sunny, gloomy, cloudy, and rainy skies to your images. The AI sky replacement of Fotor can help personalize skies in no time.

Steps for Sky Replacement in Fotor AI

Step 1: Launch Fotor on your browser and open the “Background Remover” tool. Upload your image to Fotor, and it will automatically remove the image background.

upload an image to remove background

Step 2: From the toolbar at the right, tap “Backgrounds.” Here, you can find lots of sky images that you can use in your picture. You can also generate a custom sky by writing prompts in the built-in AI background generator. Now, replace the sky and download the image to your device.

download the edited image

Part 3: Changing Skies with A Review is a web-based photo editor integrated with AI power. It offers fast and automatic processing to enhance your workflow. offers perspective correction to fix wonky angles in images. It also offers image relighting and HDR merging for better results.

This online platform lets users create the perfect sky effect in their images. Its comprehensive sky packs cover a range of seasons and vibrant views. The tool caters well to business and professional needs. Using this sky replacement online, you can add a vibrant yet natural touch to your images.

Step 1: Go to and toggle the switch next to the “Sky Replacement” option to turn it on. Now, use the dropdown menu below the option to choose a sky preference for your image. Then, upload the images to change the sky online.

enable sky replacement

Step 2: Based on your chosen sky pack, will replace the sky in your image. You can then download your image with the replaced sky.

change sky on autoenhance

Part 4: SnapEdit: Online AI Sky Replacement Made Easy

For a simple and clean online editor to replace a sky, you can try SnapEdit . It is an easy-to-use photo editor with AI technology to bring the best out of your photos. You can use SnapEdit to remove unwanted objects from photos. The tool can also remove watermarks and text from images.

For efficient sky change online, SnapEdit offers an effective solution. Its sky replacement feature can change the sky’s color, feel, and gradient in the background. While changing the sky, SnapEdit automatically adjusts the photo’s overall color for better results.

Steps to Replace Sky Using SnapEdit

Step 1: Open the Sky Changer feature of SnapEdit on your device. Tap the “Upload Image” button or paste the image whose background you wish to remove.

upload an image from your device

Step 2: SnapEdit will offer a range of sky options you can choose to swap with the original. You can tap the “More Sky” option and find further options to choose from. The slider next to the “Color Set” option is available to help blend the image with the background. Once you are satisfied with the results, tap the “Download” button to save your image.

select background and click download

Bonus Part: Make Composed AI Background Replacements with Wondershare Filmora

The above-mentioned tools are wonderful options to help you change sky online. However, online tools require constant internet stability and can crash due to heavy site traffic. To avoid these issues, it is better to choose offline tools that can make the editing process easier. For AI editing, there is no better software solution than Wondershare Filmora .

Filmora is a video editing software designed for professional use. It is an intuitive solution that can create powerful results in no time. With a wide range of resourceful toolsets, Filmora contains everything your videos might need. This multi-platform tool can help users bring the best out of their videos in no time. You can use Filmora to enhance your videos and boost your productivity.

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Key Features of Wondershare Filmora

Filmora offers a wide range of useful features for videos. It is the perfect one-stop solution for video editing. Some of the features offered by Filmora include:

  • Motion Tracking: Filmora lets users track the movement of an object in a video. This helps to pin graphics and media files to follow the motion. You can add text, mosaic, or other elements that move smoothly with the object using Filmora.

motion tracking filmora

  • Preset Templates: To help you start your video editing journey, Filmora offers built-in templates. More than 1000 preset templates are available to give your videos a head-start. You can also create and share your own templates in Filmora.

preset templates filmora

  • Screen Recorder: Filmora acts as an efficient screen recorder. You can record your screen and webcam at the same time for video. You can thus record high-quality gameplay, tutorials, lectures, and other videos.

screen recorder filmora

  • AI Copywriting: Using Filmora, you can now create AI scripts for your videos. The tool uses ChatGPT integration to help you create custom content for videos. This also helps generate creative video titles and descriptions.

ai copywriting filmora

  • Auto Reframe: You can resize your videos automatically using Filmora. The tool enables users to convert horizontal videos to portrait versions. Filmora can also help users adjust the frame ratios manually. Its built-in size templates can help you create videos for all major platforms.

auto reframe filmora

Step-by-Step Guide to Replace Background of Videos using Filmora

Filmora offers a quick and simple process for AI sky replacement. Here is the step-by-step guide to help you replace the background of videos using AI on Filmora:

Step 1Add Tracks in Filmora

Install and launch Wondershare Filmora on your device. From the main interface, tap the “Add” button to import the video whose background you wish to change. Also, add the track with the background you wish to swap with the original one.

import clip and alternative background media

Step 2Replace Background From Media

While keeping the layer with the original video selected, go to the “Video” tab from the right panel and tap “AI Tools”. Toggle the switch next to the “Chroma Key” option if your video features a monochromatic background. If you want to replace a more complex background, enable the “AI Portrait” option. As soon as you toggle the switch, Filmora will automatically replace the background.

enable chroma key and ai portrait

Step 3Export Video After Sky Replacement

Once you are done with the AI sky swapping, tap the “Export” button from the top. In the pop-up window, you can rename your project and select other preferences, such as the resolution and frame rate. Choose a pathway and tap “Export” to save your video with the replaced background.

export the background replaced video

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later


The power of AI has now made it easy to enhance and edit images. Sky replacement is one of the wonders bestowed by AI tools. You can use the wonderful editors mentioned above for AI sky replacement online. If you want a thorough offline solution, you can try Wondershare Filmora. Its remarkable toolset and powerful features make it one of the best tools for replacing skies in images.

Free Download Free Download Learn More

Wondershare Filmora

Part 1: AI Sky Replacement with BeFunky: Looking into the Step-by-Step Overview

If you are looking for a smart tool to replace a sky online, you can try BeFunky . BeFunky is a notable image editor and graphic design tool. It offers an all-in-one creative platform to help you easily edit photos, create graphic designs, make collages, and more.

BeFunky previously offered a background remover tool to replace skies. But now, it has a dedicated sky replacement feature that can easily detect the sky and foreground of your image. This allows for precise adjustments and accurate replacements.

Steps for BeFunky’s AI Sky Replacer

Step 1: Open the Sky Replacer feature of BeFunky on your web browser. Tap the “Open” button or drop the images into the interface for sky replacement.

import your image

Step 2: Select the “Change Sky” button once you have uploaded your image.

change the sky background

Step 3: You can now select a new sky from the stock images provided or choose an image from your device. You can also manually adjust the contrast, saturation, and other aspects of the sky or the foreground. Tap on the “Save” button to save the image to your device.

save the sky replaced image

Part 2: Fotor AI: Performing Sky Replacement with Perfection

Another remarkable AI tool that can be used to change the sky from the background is Fotor . It is a free online photo editor that can help enhance images. Fotor is quite useful for bulk-editing images. You can also use it to transform text into images.

Fotor features a free sky replacement option that can be used to swap skies from images. You can easily add starry, sunny, gloomy, cloudy, and rainy skies to your images. The AI sky replacement of Fotor can help personalize skies in no time.

Steps for Sky Replacement in Fotor AI

Step 1: Launch Fotor on your browser and open the “Background Remover” tool. Upload your image to Fotor, and it will automatically remove the image background.

upload an image to remove background

Step 2: From the toolbar at the right, tap “Backgrounds.” Here, you can find lots of sky images that you can use in your picture. You can also generate a custom sky by writing prompts in the built-in AI background generator. Now, replace the sky and download the image to your device.

download the edited image

Part 3: Changing Skies with A Review is a web-based photo editor integrated with AI power. It offers fast and automatic processing to enhance your workflow. offers perspective correction to fix wonky angles in images. It also offers image relighting and HDR merging for better results.

This online platform lets users create the perfect sky effect in their images. Its comprehensive sky packs cover a range of seasons and vibrant views. The tool caters well to business and professional needs. Using this sky replacement online, you can add a vibrant yet natural touch to your images.

Step 1: Go to and toggle the switch next to the “Sky Replacement” option to turn it on. Now, use the dropdown menu below the option to choose a sky preference for your image. Then, upload the images to change the sky online.

enable sky replacement

Step 2: Based on your chosen sky pack, will replace the sky in your image. You can then download your image with the replaced sky.

change sky on autoenhance

Part 4: SnapEdit: Online AI Sky Replacement Made Easy

For a simple and clean online editor to replace a sky, you can try SnapEdit . It is an easy-to-use photo editor with AI technology to bring the best out of your photos. You can use SnapEdit to remove unwanted objects from photos. The tool can also remove watermarks and text from images.

For efficient sky change online, SnapEdit offers an effective solution. Its sky replacement feature can change the sky’s color, feel, and gradient in the background. While changing the sky, SnapEdit automatically adjusts the photo’s overall color for better results.

Steps to Replace Sky Using SnapEdit

Step 1: Open the Sky Changer feature of SnapEdit on your device. Tap the “Upload Image” button or paste the image whose background you wish to remove.

upload an image from your device

Step 2: SnapEdit will offer a range of sky options you can choose to swap with the original. You can tap the “More Sky” option and find further options to choose from. The slider next to the “Color Set” option is available to help blend the image with the background. Once you are satisfied with the results, tap the “Download” button to save your image.

select background and click download

Bonus Part: Make Composed AI Background Replacements with Wondershare Filmora

The above-mentioned tools are wonderful options to help you change sky online. However, online tools require constant internet stability and can crash due to heavy site traffic. To avoid these issues, it is better to choose offline tools that can make the editing process easier. For AI editing, there is no better software solution than Wondershare Filmora .

Filmora is a video editing software designed for professional use. It is an intuitive solution that can create powerful results in no time. With a wide range of resourceful toolsets, Filmora contains everything your videos might need. This multi-platform tool can help users bring the best out of their videos in no time. You can use Filmora to enhance your videos and boost your productivity.

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Key Features of Wondershare Filmora

Filmora offers a wide range of useful features for videos. It is the perfect one-stop solution for video editing. Some of the features offered by Filmora include:

  • Motion Tracking: Filmora lets users track the movement of an object in a video. This helps to pin graphics and media files to follow the motion. You can add text, mosaic, or other elements that move smoothly with the object using Filmora.

motion tracking filmora

  • Preset Templates: To help you start your video editing journey, Filmora offers built-in templates. More than 1000 preset templates are available to give your videos a head-start. You can also create and share your own templates in Filmora.

preset templates filmora

  • Screen Recorder: Filmora acts as an efficient screen recorder. You can record your screen and webcam at the same time for video. You can thus record high-quality gameplay, tutorials, lectures, and other videos.

screen recorder filmora

  • AI Copywriting: Using Filmora, you can now create AI scripts for your videos. The tool uses ChatGPT integration to help you create custom content for videos. This also helps generate creative video titles and descriptions.

ai copywriting filmora

  • Auto Reframe: You can resize your videos automatically using Filmora. The tool enables users to convert horizontal videos to portrait versions. Filmora can also help users adjust the frame ratios manually. Its built-in size templates can help you create videos for all major platforms.

auto reframe filmora

Step-by-Step Guide to Replace Background of Videos using Filmora

Filmora offers a quick and simple process for AI sky replacement. Here is the step-by-step guide to help you replace the background of videos using AI on Filmora:

Step 1Add Tracks in Filmora

Install and launch Wondershare Filmora on your device. From the main interface, tap the “Add” button to import the video whose background you wish to change. Also, add the track with the background you wish to swap with the original one.

import clip and alternative background media

Step 2Replace Background From Media

While keeping the layer with the original video selected, go to the “Video” tab from the right panel and tap “AI Tools”. Toggle the switch next to the “Chroma Key” option if your video features a monochromatic background. If you want to replace a more complex background, enable the “AI Portrait” option. As soon as you toggle the switch, Filmora will automatically replace the background.

enable chroma key and ai portrait

Step 3Export Video After Sky Replacement

Once you are done with the AI sky swapping, tap the “Export” button from the top. In the pop-up window, you can rename your project and select other preferences, such as the resolution and frame rate. Choose a pathway and tap “Export” to save your video with the replaced background.

export the background replaced video

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later


The power of AI has now made it easy to enhance and edit images. Sky replacement is one of the wonders bestowed by AI tools. You can use the wonderful editors mentioned above for AI sky replacement online. If you want a thorough offline solution, you can try Wondershare Filmora. Its remarkable toolset and powerful features make it one of the best tools for replacing skies in images.

Quick Answer: What Is a Transparent Logo and Why Do You Need It

Quick Answer: What is a Transparent Logo and Why Do You Need It

An easy yet powerful editor

Numerous effects to choose from

Detailed tutorials provided by the official channel

Try It Free Try It Free

A logo is a brand image of a company, it’s the face of a company and it represents the company out there in the market. In today’s world, the most famous companies are recognized worldwide via their brand image. Be it the “big M” of McDonald’s or the “horses” of Ferrari, we very well know these brands by their respective logos. A company’s logo is hence one of the most essential parts of branding and marketing. Moreover, a logo is one of the first steps towards brand building. Only after deciding on a specific logo can a company begin its commercial operations. Therefore, an attractive transparent logo is highly essential. Wondering what a transparent logo PNG is? Well, today we shall tell you everything about a transparent logo, for instance, the transparent WhatsApp logo!

In this article

01 [What Is a Transparent Format and Where to Use a Transparent Logo](#Part 1)

02 [When Should You Use the PNG or Vector Format?](#Part 2)

03 [7 Popular Transparent Logo Examples You Might Want to Learn](#Part 3)

04 [How to Create One transparent Logo](#Part 4)

05 [How to Insert Transparent Logo in Video](#Part 5)

A transparent logo is just a format of logos. It is generally in PNG format or vector format. So what differentiates a normal logo from a transparent logo? Well, the key differentiator between a regular logo and a transparent logo is that in a transparent logo, the background of the image file is transparent i.e. you cannot see a white or any other background in a transparent logo. This makes the logo more prominent and attractive. Since a logo is a key part of branding, an attractive transparent becomes all the more important for your brand’s success and prosperity!

Part 2 When Should You Use the PNG or Vector Format?

What’s the difference between a white background and a transparent background? Well, a white background tends to outshine the logo and reduces the fanciness of the logo. On the other hand, a transparent background logo goes well with any background. For instance, if the page behind the logo is black, if you were to place a white background logo on a black page, it’d look absurd. On the other hand, if your logo’s background is transparent, the color of the page wouldn’t matter. Your logo would look good irrespective of the background’s color. Since you will use your logo on not just one but multiple platforms, it becomes highly important to have a transparent background for your logo. For instance, if you use your logo on a website with an off white background, a transparent logo would suit much better than a generic white background logo. Using a white background logo would make it look clumsy and would leave a disregarding first impression.

Using PNG files helps you in multiple ways. Firstly, because PNG format files are generally compressed. They occupy very little space on your website. Moreover, a PNG format file supports lossless compression unlike other counterparts such as JPG and JPEG file formats. PNG files facilitate very high quality and occupy minimum space on your disk. PNG files also describe the features of an image very well. This means that it represents intricate details such as gradient, transparency, and other well-defined features very neatly.

01Instagram Logo Transparent

Instagram’s logo is synonymous with its brand image. The logo is one of the most popular logos and the social media platform is recognized by its logo worldwide. The Instagram transparent logo is simple yet conveys the sole purpose of the application. The popular social media application logo is one of the highest regarded logos. If you’re into logo making and looking waiting for an idea to click, you might want to take inspiration from the Instagram logo!

instagram logo

02Nike logo PNG

Nike is a highly popular sports equipment and sportswear brand. The multinational Brand is highly popular for its logo and tagline, “Just Do It”. The logo is represented by a simple tick mark followed by a full stop. It draws parallels with its tagline. The tagline and the logo are the most famous ones and are the driving force behind the success of the brand!

nike logo

03Facebook Logo Transparent

Facebook is another popular social media platform. Currently, in the process of rebranding from Facebook to Meta, the company is parent to several other social media apps such as WhatsApp and Instagram. Facebook is one of the first players in the social media market. Since its inception, the logo has not been changed and that shows the prominence of the logo!

fb logo

04YouTube Logo Transparent

YouTube is the most popular video streaming platform. With a collection of more than a billion videos, YouTube has done an excellent job in establishing a monopoly in the video streaming market! The YouTube logo is indeed one of the smartest logos, it resembles the “play button” and hence explains the functionality of YouTube!

youtube logo

05Twitter Logo Transparent

Twitter is another social media platform that stands alongside its counterparts. Since its inception, Twitter has gained widespread popularity. Today, Twitter has an estimate of 290.5 million users making it one of the most trendy social media platforms. The concept of tweeting was introduced by Twitter. Tweeting means expressing your thoughts in one or two lines. The Twitter logo is a bird that resembles the action of tweeting!

twitter logo

06Snapchat Logo PNG

Snapchat is a social media platform that is highly popular among the younger generation. Snap means picture and chat means texting. Snapchat is an app wherein you can send pictures and text. Snapchat logo PNG is goofy and interesting.

snapchat logo

WhatsApp is indeed one of the most important chatting apps. Most of our conversations happen via WhatsApp, such as the market cap of WhatsApp. The logo is simple yet effective, it represents a telephone within a chat bubble. The transparent WhatsApp logo conveys the entire purpose of the app within one image.

whatsapp logo

Now that you know so much about transparent logos, their usage, and their importance, you must be wondering how to create transparent logos. Well, creating a transparent logo is pretty simple. Here’s how you can make your logo transparent and make it outshine all the other logos.

Firstly, you need to create a regular logo for your brand.

Once you have your regular logo, check whether the file format is PNG or not. If the file format is not PNG, then convert the file format to PNG via an online converter.

Once done, you need to head to a background removal website such as “Removebg.

Now all you need to do is upload your regular logo and click on “Remove Background”.

The background will soon be removed and you’ll have a transparent logo with you!

Part 5 How to Insert Transparent Logo in Video

Now you know everything about transparent logos and how you can make your very own transparent logo. Now you must be thinking about how you can add this transparent logo to a video. Videos are a key part of a marketing campaign, they help creating an impact on the target audience. Well, Wondershare has got you covered. With Wondershare Filmora Video Editor , you can create beautiful explainer videos and marketing videos. Through Wondershare, you can easily add your logo onto your videos and put your brand out there in the market with ease! Apart from this, Wondershare has also got several super cool video editing and making features. It helps you make videos all the more attractive and attention-grabbing! Think marketing video? Think Wondershare.

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

Ending Thoughts

Today, we understood the importance of a transparent logo for a brand. We understood how transparent logos can play a key role in putting your brand out there.

Further, we took a look at 7 of the most popular transparent logos. We also understood the process of making a transparent logo!

To top it off with a cherry, we also took a look at a cool video editing software that can help you create a ton of marketing videos. Using Filmora, you can insert your logo onto a video and make it stand out from all your competitors!

Try It Free Try It Free

A logo is a brand image of a company, it’s the face of a company and it represents the company out there in the market. In today’s world, the most famous companies are recognized worldwide via their brand image. Be it the “big M” of McDonald’s or the “horses” of Ferrari, we very well know these brands by their respective logos. A company’s logo is hence one of the most essential parts of branding and marketing. Moreover, a logo is one of the first steps towards brand building. Only after deciding on a specific logo can a company begin its commercial operations. Therefore, an attractive transparent logo is highly essential. Wondering what a transparent logo PNG is? Well, today we shall tell you everything about a transparent logo, for instance, the transparent WhatsApp logo!

In this article

01 [What Is a Transparent Format and Where to Use a Transparent Logo](#Part 1)

02 [When Should You Use the PNG or Vector Format?](#Part 2)

03 [7 Popular Transparent Logo Examples You Might Want to Learn](#Part 3)

04 [How to Create One transparent Logo](#Part 4)

05 [How to Insert Transparent Logo in Video](#Part 5)

Part 1 What Is a Transparent Format and Where to Use a Transparent Logo

A transparent logo is just a format of logos. It is generally in PNG format or vector format. So what differentiates a normal logo from a transparent logo? Well, the key differentiator between a regular logo and a transparent logo is that in a transparent logo, the background of the image file is transparent i.e. you cannot see a white or any other background in a transparent logo. This makes the logo more prominent and attractive. Since a logo is a key part of branding, an attractive transparent becomes all the more important for your brand’s success and prosperity!

Part 2 When Should You Use the PNG or Vector Format?

What’s the difference between a white background and a transparent background? Well, a white background tends to outshine the logo and reduces the fanciness of the logo. On the other hand, a transparent background logo goes well with any background. For instance, if the page behind the logo is black, if you were to place a white background logo on a black page, it’d look absurd. On the other hand, if your logo’s background is transparent, the color of the page wouldn’t matter. Your logo would look good irrespective of the background’s color. Since you will use your logo on not just one but multiple platforms, it becomes highly important to have a transparent background for your logo. For instance, if you use your logo on a website with an off white background, a transparent logo would suit much better than a generic white background logo. Using a white background logo would make it look clumsy and would leave a disregarding first impression.

Using PNG files helps you in multiple ways. Firstly, because PNG format files are generally compressed. They occupy very little space on your website. Moreover, a PNG format file supports lossless compression unlike other counterparts such as JPG and JPEG file formats. PNG files facilitate very high quality and occupy minimum space on your disk. PNG files also describe the features of an image very well. This means that it represents intricate details such as gradient, transparency, and other well-defined features very neatly.

01Instagram Logo Transparent

Instagram’s logo is synonymous with its brand image. The logo is one of the most popular logos and the social media platform is recognized by its logo worldwide. The Instagram transparent logo is simple yet conveys the sole purpose of the application. The popular social media application logo is one of the highest regarded logos. If you’re into logo making and looking waiting for an idea to click, you might want to take inspiration from the Instagram logo!

instagram logo

02Nike logo PNG

Nike is a highly popular sports equipment and sportswear brand. The multinational Brand is highly popular for its logo and tagline, “Just Do It”. The logo is represented by a simple tick mark followed by a full stop. It draws parallels with its tagline. The tagline and the logo are the most famous ones and are the driving force behind the success of the brand!

nike logo

03Facebook Logo Transparent

Facebook is another popular social media platform. Currently, in the process of rebranding from Facebook to Meta, the company is parent to several other social media apps such as WhatsApp and Instagram. Facebook is one of the first players in the social media market. Since its inception, the logo has not been changed and that shows the prominence of the logo!

fb logo

04YouTube Logo Transparent

YouTube is the most popular video streaming platform. With a collection of more than a billion videos, YouTube has done an excellent job in establishing a monopoly in the video streaming market! The YouTube logo is indeed one of the smartest logos, it resembles the “play button” and hence explains the functionality of YouTube!

youtube logo

05Twitter Logo Transparent

Twitter is another social media platform that stands alongside its counterparts. Since its inception, Twitter has gained widespread popularity. Today, Twitter has an estimate of 290.5 million users making it one of the most trendy social media platforms. The concept of tweeting was introduced by Twitter. Tweeting means expressing your thoughts in one or two lines. The Twitter logo is a bird that resembles the action of tweeting!

twitter logo

06Snapchat Logo PNG

Snapchat is a social media platform that is highly popular among the younger generation. Snap means picture and chat means texting. Snapchat is an app wherein you can send pictures and text. Snapchat logo PNG is goofy and interesting.

snapchat logo

07Transparent Whatsapp Logo

WhatsApp is indeed one of the most important chatting apps. Most of our conversations happen via WhatsApp, such as the market cap of WhatsApp. The logo is simple yet effective, it represents a telephone within a chat bubble. The transparent WhatsApp logo conveys the entire purpose of the app within one image.

whatsapp logo

Part 4 How To Create One Transparent Logo

Now that you know so much about transparent logos, their usage, and their importance, you must be wondering how to create transparent logos. Well, creating a transparent logo is pretty simple. Here’s how you can make your logo transparent and make it outshine all the other logos.

Firstly, you need to create a regular logo for your brand.

Once you have your regular logo, check whether the file format is PNG or not. If the file format is not PNG, then convert the file format to PNG via an online converter.

Once done, you need to head to a background removal website such as “Removebg.

Now all you need to do is upload your regular logo and click on “Remove Background”.

The background will soon be removed and you’ll have a transparent logo with you!

Part 5 How to Insert Transparent Logo in Video

Now you know everything about transparent logos and how you can make your very own transparent logo. Now you must be thinking about how you can add this transparent logo to a video. Videos are a key part of a marketing campaign, they help creating an impact on the target audience. Well, Wondershare has got you covered. With Wondershare Filmora Video Editor , you can create beautiful explainer videos and marketing videos. Through Wondershare, you can easily add your logo onto your videos and put your brand out there in the market with ease! Apart from this, Wondershare has also got several super cool video editing and making features. It helps you make videos all the more attractive and attention-grabbing! Think marketing video? Think Wondershare.

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

Ending Thoughts

Today, we understood the importance of a transparent logo for a brand. We understood how transparent logos can play a key role in putting your brand out there.

Further, we took a look at 7 of the most popular transparent logos. We also understood the process of making a transparent logo!

To top it off with a cherry, we also took a look at a cool video editing software that can help you create a ton of marketing videos. Using Filmora, you can insert your logo onto a video and make it stand out from all your competitors!

Try It Free Try It Free

A logo is a brand image of a company, it’s the face of a company and it represents the company out there in the market. In today’s world, the most famous companies are recognized worldwide via their brand image. Be it the “big M” of McDonald’s or the “horses” of Ferrari, we very well know these brands by their respective logos. A company’s logo is hence one of the most essential parts of branding and marketing. Moreover, a logo is one of the first steps towards brand building. Only after deciding on a specific logo can a company begin its commercial operations. Therefore, an attractive transparent logo is highly essential. Wondering what a transparent logo PNG is? Well, today we shall tell you everything about a transparent logo, for instance, the transparent WhatsApp logo!

In this article

01 [What Is a Transparent Format and Where to Use a Transparent Logo](#Part 1)

02 [When Should You Use the PNG or Vector Format?](#Part 2)

03 [7 Popular Transparent Logo Examples You Might Want to Learn](#Part 3)

04 [How to Create One transparent Logo](#Part 4)

05 [How to Insert Transparent Logo in Video](#Part 5)

Part 1 What Is a Transparent Format and Where to Use a Transparent Logo

A transparent logo is just a format of logos. It is generally in PNG format or vector format. So what differentiates a normal logo from a transparent logo? Well, the key differentiator between a regular logo and a transparent logo is that in a transparent logo, the background of the image file is transparent i.e. you cannot see a white or any other background in a transparent logo. This makes the logo more prominent and attractive. Since a logo is a key part of branding, an attractive transparent becomes all the more important for your brand’s success and prosperity!

Part 2 When Should You Use the PNG or Vector Format?

What’s the difference between a white background and a transparent background? Well, a white background tends to outshine the logo and reduces the fanciness of the logo. On the other hand, a transparent background logo goes well with any background. For instance, if the page behind the logo is black, if you were to place a white background logo on a black page, it’d look absurd. On the other hand, if your logo’s background is transparent, the color of the page wouldn’t matter. Your logo would look good irrespective of the background’s color. Since you will use your logo on not just one but multiple platforms, it becomes highly important to have a transparent background for your logo. For instance, if you use your logo on a website with an off white background, a transparent logo would suit much better than a generic white background logo. Using a white background logo would make it look clumsy and would leave a disregarding first impression.

Using PNG files helps you in multiple ways. Firstly, because PNG format files are generally compressed. They occupy very little space on your website. Moreover, a PNG format file supports lossless compression unlike other counterparts such as JPG and JPEG file formats. PNG files facilitate very high quality and occupy minimum space on your disk. PNG files also describe the features of an image very well. This means that it represents intricate details such as gradient, transparency, and other well-defined features very neatly.

01Instagram Logo Transparent

Instagram’s logo is synonymous with its brand image. The logo is one of the most popular logos and the social media platform is recognized by its logo worldwide. The Instagram transparent logo is simple yet conveys the sole purpose of the application. The popular social media application logo is one of the highest regarded logos. If you’re into logo making and looking waiting for an idea to click, you might want to take inspiration from the Instagram logo!

instagram logo

02Nike logo PNG

Nike is a highly popular sports equipment and sportswear brand. The multinational Brand is highly popular for its logo and tagline, “Just Do It”. The logo is represented by a simple tick mark followed by a full stop. It draws parallels with its tagline. The tagline and the logo are the most famous ones and are the driving force behind the success of the brand!

nike logo

03Facebook Logo Transparent

Facebook is another popular social media platform. Currently, in the process of rebranding from Facebook to Meta, the company is parent to several other social media apps such as WhatsApp and Instagram. Facebook is one of the first players in the social media market. Since its inception, the logo has not been changed and that shows the prominence of the logo!

fb logo

04YouTube Logo Transparent

YouTube is the most popular video streaming platform. With a collection of more than a billion videos, YouTube has done an excellent job in establishing a monopoly in the video streaming market! The YouTube logo is indeed one of the smartest logos, it resembles the “play button” and hence explains the functionality of YouTube!

youtube logo

05Twitter Logo Transparent

Twitter is another social media platform that stands alongside its counterparts. Since its inception, Twitter has gained widespread popularity. Today, Twitter has an estimate of 290.5 million users making it one of the most trendy social media platforms. The concept of tweeting was introduced by Twitter. Tweeting means expressing your thoughts in one or two lines. The Twitter logo is a bird that resembles the action of tweeting!

twitter logo

06Snapchat Logo PNG

Snapchat is a social media platform that is highly popular among the younger generation. Snap means picture and chat means texting. Snapchat is an app wherein you can send pictures and text. Snapchat logo PNG is goofy and interesting.

snapchat logo

07Transparent Whatsapp Logo

WhatsApp is indeed one of the most important chatting apps. Most of our conversations happen via WhatsApp, such as the market cap of WhatsApp. The logo is simple yet effective, it represents a telephone within a chat bubble. The transparent WhatsApp logo conveys the entire purpose of the app within one image.

whatsapp logo

Part 4 How To Create One Transparent Logo

Now that you know so much about transparent logos, their usage, and their importance, you must be wondering how to create transparent logos. Well, creating a transparent logo is pretty simple. Here’s how you can make your logo transparent and make it outshine all the other logos.

Firstly, you need to create a regular logo for your brand.

Once you have your regular logo, check whether the file format is PNG or not. If the file format is not PNG, then convert the file format to PNG via an online converter.

Once done, you need to head to a background removal website such as “Removebg.

Now all you need to do is upload your regular logo and click on “Remove Background”.

The background will soon be removed and you’ll have a transparent logo with you!

Part 5 How to Insert Transparent Logo in Video

Now you know everything about transparent logos and how you can make your very own transparent logo. Now you must be thinking about how you can add this transparent logo to a video. Videos are a key part of a marketing campaign, they help creating an impact on the target audience. Well, Wondershare has got you covered. With Wondershare Filmora Video Editor , you can create beautiful explainer videos and marketing videos. Through Wondershare, you can easily add your logo onto your videos and put your brand out there in the market with ease! Apart from this, Wondershare has also got several super cool video editing and making features. It helps you make videos all the more attractive and attention-grabbing! Think marketing video? Think Wondershare.

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

Ending Thoughts

Today, we understood the importance of a transparent logo for a brand. We understood how transparent logos can play a key role in putting your brand out there.

Further, we took a look at 7 of the most popular transparent logos. We also understood the process of making a transparent logo!

To top it off with a cherry, we also took a look at a cool video editing software that can help you create a ton of marketing videos. Using Filmora, you can insert your logo onto a video and make it stand out from all your competitors!

Try It Free Try It Free

A logo is a brand image of a company, it’s the face of a company and it represents the company out there in the market. In today’s world, the most famous companies are recognized worldwide via their brand image. Be it the “big M” of McDonald’s or the “horses” of Ferrari, we very well know these brands by their respective logos. A company’s logo is hence one of the most essential parts of branding and marketing. Moreover, a logo is one of the first steps towards brand building. Only after deciding on a specific logo can a company begin its commercial operations. Therefore, an attractive transparent logo is highly essential. Wondering what a transparent logo PNG is? Well, today we shall tell you everything about a transparent logo, for instance, the transparent WhatsApp logo!

In this article

01 [What Is a Transparent Format and Where to Use a Transparent Logo](#Part 1)

02 [When Should You Use the PNG or Vector Format?](#Part 2)

03 [7 Popular Transparent Logo Examples You Might Want to Learn](#Part 3)

04 [How to Create One transparent Logo](#Part 4)

05 [How to Insert Transparent Logo in Video](#Part 5)

Part 1 What Is a Transparent Format and Where to Use a Transparent Logo

A transparent logo is just a format of logos. It is generally in PNG format or vector format. So what differentiates a normal logo from a transparent logo? Well, the key differentiator between a regular logo and a transparent logo is that in a transparent logo, the background of the image file is transparent i.e. you cannot see a white or any other background in a transparent logo. This makes the logo more prominent and attractive. Since a logo is a key part of branding, an attractive transparent becomes all the more important for your brand’s success and prosperity!

Part 2 When Should You Use the PNG or Vector Format?

What’s the difference between a white background and a transparent background? Well, a white background tends to outshine the logo and reduces the fanciness of the logo. On the other hand, a transparent background logo goes well with any background. For instance, if the page behind the logo is black, if you were to place a white background logo on a black page, it’d look absurd. On the other hand, if your logo’s background is transparent, the color of the page wouldn’t matter. Your logo would look good irrespective of the background’s color. Since you will use your logo on not just one but multiple platforms, it becomes highly important to have a transparent background for your logo. For instance, if you use your logo on a website with an off white background, a transparent logo would suit much better than a generic white background logo. Using a white background logo would make it look clumsy and would leave a disregarding first impression.

Using PNG files helps you in multiple ways. Firstly, because PNG format files are generally compressed. They occupy very little space on your website. Moreover, a PNG format file supports lossless compression unlike other counterparts such as JPG and JPEG file formats. PNG files facilitate very high quality and occupy minimum space on your disk. PNG files also describe the features of an image very well. This means that it represents intricate details such as gradient, transparency, and other well-defined features very neatly.

01Instagram Logo Transparent

Instagram’s logo is synonymous with its brand image. The logo is one of the most popular logos and the social media platform is recognized by its logo worldwide. The Instagram transparent logo is simple yet conveys the sole purpose of the application. The popular social media application logo is one of the highest regarded logos. If you’re into logo making and looking waiting for an idea to click, you might want to take inspiration from the Instagram logo!

instagram logo

02Nike logo PNG

Nike is a highly popular sports equipment and sportswear brand. The multinational Brand is highly popular for its logo and tagline, “Just Do It”. The logo is represented by a simple tick mark followed by a full stop. It draws parallels with its tagline. The tagline and the logo are the most famous ones and are the driving force behind the success of the brand!

nike logo

03Facebook Logo Transparent

Facebook is another popular social media platform. Currently, in the process of rebranding from Facebook to Meta, the company is parent to several other social media apps such as WhatsApp and Instagram. Facebook is one of the first players in the social media market. Since its inception, the logo has not been changed and that shows the prominence of the logo!

fb logo

04YouTube Logo Transparent

YouTube is the most popular video streaming platform. With a collection of more than a billion videos, YouTube has done an excellent job in establishing a monopoly in the video streaming market! The YouTube logo is indeed one of the smartest logos, it resembles the “play button” and hence explains the functionality of YouTube!

youtube logo

05Twitter Logo Transparent

Twitter is another social media platform that stands alongside its counterparts. Since its inception, Twitter has gained widespread popularity. Today, Twitter has an estimate of 290.5 million users making it one of the most trendy social media platforms. The concept of tweeting was introduced by Twitter. Tweeting means expressing your thoughts in one or two lines. The Twitter logo is a bird that resembles the action of tweeting!

twitter logo

06Snapchat Logo PNG

Snapchat is a social media platform that is highly popular among the younger generation. Snap means picture and chat means texting. Snapchat is an app wherein you can send pictures and text. Snapchat logo PNG is goofy and interesting.

snapchat logo

07Transparent Whatsapp Logo

WhatsApp is indeed one of the most important chatting apps. Most of our conversations happen via WhatsApp, such as the market cap of WhatsApp. The logo is simple yet effective, it represents a telephone within a chat bubble. The transparent WhatsApp logo conveys the entire purpose of the app within one image.

whatsapp logo

Part 4 How To Create One Transparent Logo

Now that you know so much about transparent logos, their usage, and their importance, you must be wondering how to create transparent logos. Well, creating a transparent logo is pretty simple. Here’s how you can make your logo transparent and make it outshine all the other logos.

Firstly, you need to create a regular logo for your brand.

Once you have your regular logo, check whether the file format is PNG or not. If the file format is not PNG, then convert the file format to PNG via an online converter.

Once done, you need to head to a background removal website such as “Removebg.

Now all you need to do is upload your regular logo and click on “Remove Background”.

The background will soon be removed and you’ll have a transparent logo with you!

Part 5 How to Insert Transparent Logo in Video

Now you know everything about transparent logos and how you can make your very own transparent logo. Now you must be thinking about how you can add this transparent logo to a video. Videos are a key part of a marketing campaign, they help creating an impact on the target audience. Well, Wondershare has got you covered. With Wondershare Filmora Video Editor , you can create beautiful explainer videos and marketing videos. Through Wondershare, you can easily add your logo onto your videos and put your brand out there in the market with ease! Apart from this, Wondershare has also got several super cool video editing and making features. It helps you make videos all the more attractive and attention-grabbing! Think marketing video? Think Wondershare.

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

Ending Thoughts

Today, we understood the importance of a transparent logo for a brand. We understood how transparent logos can play a key role in putting your brand out there.

Further, we took a look at 7 of the most popular transparent logos. We also understood the process of making a transparent logo!

To top it off with a cherry, we also took a look at a cool video editing software that can help you create a ton of marketing videos. Using Filmora, you can insert your logo onto a video and make it stand out from all your competitors!

Easy Steps to Make Glitch Effect with Filmora

You don’t need outdated VCRs or any other broken technology to produce glitch effects. Instead, you can use a video editing program for Mac and PCs, such as Filmora , to transform your videos into glitch-effect masterpieces. You can also use the glitch effects to provide striking shot transitions or opening titles. Keep reading this article on how to apply various glitch video effects in Filmora 11:

Part 1: What is a Glitch Effect?

A glitch effect occurs when a section of your video temporarily changes look or “glitches” for a short while. Although transient glitches are typical, they can occasionally linger for a few seconds or more.

what is a glitch effect

You can use a glitch effect to temporarily change the appearance of the image in the video to give the impression that a machine is processing it. Additionally, it gives your finished piece a fantastic, dreamlike aspect.

Part 2: When Should you Apply a Glitch Effect?

A few years back, we had no choice but to watch glitchy movies on rusty VCR devices. Nowadays, retro video effects are very popular in TV movies and even games. You can use these effects in many ways, like making fake vintage footage or emulating a glitching computer.

Filmmakers frequently employ glitching in their videos to give the impression that a character has been affected by a technical abnormality, is having a flashback, or is being watched by someone else via a digital camera system. Something happens when the person or image flashes, often without their knowledge. In addition, you can apply the glitch effect to a composition to evoke a feeling of dramatic irony.

Part 3: Tutorial to Chromatic Aberration Effect

Chromatic aberration refers to how old lenses tend to split colors. This effect is very common in Old media like VHS or LaserDisc.

chromatic aberration

Here is a complete breakdown of each component of the Retro look and how you can make your glitch effects in Filmora 11:

Step1 Download Wondersshare Filmora 11 on your Pc by visiting

download wondersshare filmora 11

Step2 Open Filmora and click on the Effects tab.

Step3 Search Chromatic aberration and drag the effect right onto your clip. It will give you a fantastic pre-made version of the effect.

Part 4: How to Customize Glitch Effect with Filmora

You can add final touches to your video clips by customizing Filmora’s effects to take your glitch effect to the next level. You can mix and match different effects in your video to create your custom glitch effect in Filmora 11.

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Step1 Once you have your clip on the timeline, select your clip and click on Edit. Now choose Duplicate to create two more copies.

select your clip and click on edit

Step2 Put the new copies on the layer above the others and make sure everything is lined up exactly. To create the glitch effect, separate the color channels on your Clips into the primary colors red, green, and blue.

put the new copies on the layer

Step3 Double-click on the top clip.

double-click on the top clip

Go to Color and open the White Balance option to make this layer completely red. Next, drag both Temperature and Tint sliders to a hundred.

open the white balance option

Step4 Now click the little eye icon on the timeline to hide the top layer and move on to the middle layer.

Step5 Double-click on your middle clip and go to Color, then select White Balance and set your Temperature to -100 and your Tint to 100.

go to color

Step6 Finally, hide this layer just like before. Repeat the same steps for the last clip but make this clip the blue layer by leaving the Temperature at zero and setting the Tint to -100.

setting the tint to -100

Step7 Double-click the clip in the top layer, click the Video Tab, and open the Compositing options. Set the Blending Mode of this top layer to Soft Light.

click the video tab

Now click on the clip in your preview window and move the image over by pressing the left Arrow key on your keyboard a few times. Once you’re happy with the top clip, hide that layer by clicking the eye icon.

click on the clip in your preview window

Step8 To make the middle layer visible, double-click the clip in your mid layer and set the Blending Mode of this layer to Screen.

double-click the clip in your mid layer

Now click on your clip in the preview window and press the Right key as many times as you did before. Finally, make all the layers visible by clicking the eye icon.

press the right key


A vignette is a dark border that fades around the frame’s edges in Filmora. You can easily add a vignette effect to your video by using these steps:

Step1 First, click the Effects Tab and type in Vignette.

Step2 Next, drag the Vignette Radius effect to a layer above your previous three layers.

Step3 Now adjust the length to match the other clips.

VHS static effects

A VHS effect is a grainy distortion that resembles an old analog video cassette recording. To apply the VHS static effects:

Step1 Click the Effects tab.

Step2 Search for the VHS static and drag it to a new layer above everything else.

Step3 Extend one of the effects to match the length of your previous clips.

VCR Distortion

VCR Distortion effect will make your video look highly glitched. To apply this effect:

Step1 Click on the Effects tab.

Step2 Search for VCR Distortion, then drag and drop this effect over your previous layer.

Part 5: Tips to Create Awesome Glitch Effects

  1. One of the best ways to use the VCR Distortion effect is to cut it short and intersperse it around your video in random parts.
  2. The glitch Distortion effect is very intense, so we recommend cutting this effect very short and dropping it at random parts of your video.
  3. You can also use these effects as a sneaky way to hide Cuts in your video.


You can use glitch effects created or inspired by faulty video equipment as a powerful storytelling tool. These effects can help you change the tone of the entire video by adding a specific visual aesthetic and making the narrative simpler to convey and more approachable for the audience.

We recommend using Filmora 11 for adding built-in glitch effects. You can also use this app to create custom glitch effects within a few minutes.

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Step1 Once you have your clip on the timeline, select your clip and click on Edit. Now choose Duplicate to create two more copies.

select your clip and click on edit

Step2 Put the new copies on the layer above the others and make sure everything is lined up exactly. To create the glitch effect, separate the color channels on your Clips into the primary colors red, green, and blue.

put the new copies on the layer

Step3 Double-click on the top clip.

double-click on the top clip

Go to Color and open the White Balance option to make this layer completely red. Next, drag both Temperature and Tint sliders to a hundred.

open the white balance option

Step4 Now click the little eye icon on the timeline to hide the top layer and move on to the middle layer.

Step5 Double-click on your middle clip and go to Color, then select White Balance and set your Temperature to -100 and your Tint to 100.

go to color

Step6 Finally, hide this layer just like before. Repeat the same steps for the last clip but make this clip the blue layer by leaving the Temperature at zero and setting the Tint to -100.

setting the tint to -100

Step7 Double-click the clip in the top layer, click the Video Tab, and open the Compositing options. Set the Blending Mode of this top layer to Soft Light.

click the video tab

Now click on the clip in your preview window and move the image over by pressing the left Arrow key on your keyboard a few times. Once you’re happy with the top clip, hide that layer by clicking the eye icon.

click on the clip in your preview window

Step8 To make the middle layer visible, double-click the clip in your mid layer and set the Blending Mode of this layer to Screen.

double-click the clip in your mid layer

Now click on your clip in the preview window and press the Right key as many times as you did before. Finally, make all the layers visible by clicking the eye icon.

press the right key


A vignette is a dark border that fades around the frame’s edges in Filmora. You can easily add a vignette effect to your video by using these steps:

Step1 First, click the Effects Tab and type in Vignette.

Step2 Next, drag the Vignette Radius effect to a layer above your previous three layers.

Step3 Now adjust the length to match the other clips.

VHS static effects

A VHS effect is a grainy distortion that resembles an old analog video cassette recording. To apply the VHS static effects:

Step1 Click the Effects tab.

Step2 Search for the VHS static and drag it to a new layer above everything else.

Step3 Extend one of the effects to match the length of your previous clips.

VCR Distortion

VCR Distortion effect will make your video look highly glitched. To apply this effect:

Step1 Click on the Effects tab.

Step2 Search for VCR Distortion, then drag and drop this effect over your previous layer.

Part 5: Tips to Create Awesome Glitch Effects

  1. One of the best ways to use the VCR Distortion effect is to cut it short and intersperse it around your video in random parts.
  2. The glitch Distortion effect is very intense, so we recommend cutting this effect very short and dropping it at random parts of your video.
  3. You can also use these effects as a sneaky way to hide Cuts in your video.


You can use glitch effects created or inspired by faulty video equipment as a powerful storytelling tool. These effects can help you change the tone of the entire video by adding a specific visual aesthetic and making the narrative simpler to convey and more approachable for the audience.

We recommend using Filmora 11 for adding built-in glitch effects. You can also use this app to create custom glitch effects within a few minutes.

Also read:

  • Title: New Things You Need to Know About Color Grading in Photography
  • Author: Chloe
  • Created at : 2024-04-24 07:08:15
  • Updated at : 2024-04-25 07:08:15
  • Link:
  • License: This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.
On this page
New Things You Need to Know About Color Grading in Photography