Step-by-Step Guide | How to Edit A Time Lapse Video on iPhone for 2024

Step-by-Step Guide | How to Edit A Time Lapse Video on iPhone for 2024

Chloe Lv12

Step-by-Step Guide | How to Edit A Time Lapse Video on iPhone

Versatile Video Editor - Wondershare Filmora

An easy and powerful editor

Numerous effects to choose from

Detailed tutorials provided by the official channel

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Do you want to edit a time lapse video on an iPhone or want to know how to shoot a time-lapse video? If so, you’ve come to the right place.

Time-lapses, which show how much something changes over a period of time are some of the coolest videos you can make.

They aren’t exactly easy to make and edit at first, but we’ve put together this guide to take you through the steps. We’ll give you a few time lapse video ideas, steps to shoot them, and good practices for managing your footage after you’ve shot it.

Let’s get started.

What Is A Time Lapse Video?

In its simplest definition, a time lapse video is a cinematography technique where the frequency at which film frames are captured (the frame rate) is much lower than that used to view the sequence.

When played at normal speed, time appears to be moving faster and thus lapsing. For example, an image of a scene may be captured once every second, then played back at 30 frames per second; the result is an apparent 30 times speed increase.

Time-lapse photography can be considered to be the opposite of slow motion.

How to Shoot A Time-Lapse Video?

Subjects to shoot in a time-lapse video

Wondering what can be shot in a time-lapse video? The answer is any subject that moves, grows, decays, or changes. But what’s more important than the subject is the motion and change that it goes through.

When shooting a time-lapse video, you are composing not only the shot but also the movement of the subject. If a subject doesn’t move or change throughout your film, then it is just a regular video. So try to think of subjects that are constantly moving or changing.

Time-Lapse videos are visually appealing and easy to make. When it comes to subjects that can be chosen to shoot in a time-lapse video, the possibilities are endless. But if you’re stuck for ideas, here are 10 suggestions to get you started:

1. Sunset/Sunrise

These are quite possibly the most common subjects for timelapse videos, but there’s a reason for it! Watching the sun go up and down is always mesmerizing.

2. Clouds

Clouds move very slowly most of the time, making them perfect for time-lapse sequences. You can shoot a single cloud passing overhead, or record a passing storm front as it sweeps across the sky. Depending on the weather conditions and movement of clouds, this can look stunning or simply spectacular!

3. Starry sky

Probably one of the most fascinating time lapse videos is the ones with stars on the move. Time-lapses that capture the Milky Way or starry sky are becoming increasingly popular as camera technology improves. There are even some cameras now that have built-in settings specifically for capturing stars and other celestial bodies.

4. Flowers

Flowers blooming is another fantastic subject for time-lapse photography. The change can be incredibly subtle; however, if you shoot a timelapse over several days or weeks, you will be amazed at just how much they grow and change!

5. Season changing

The most obvious example is trees budding and shedding leaves, but all sorts of plants and animals follow seasonal cycles. You can see flowers blooming, grasses growing, and migrating birds. Even if you don’t have a chance to go somewhere exotic for your subject matter, you can find something interesting right outside your own door.

6. Cars or Pedestrians

If you want something a little more exciting then you can choose things like cars passing by or people walking on the street.

7. Cooking dinner

Got a recipe for dinner that has lots of steps? Rather than just snap photos of the process, why not make a time-lapse video instead? It’s easy and fun to do, especially if you have kids who can help you out!

8. DIY projects

Are you building something? Whether it’s a new table, shelves, or whatever else, set up your camera and take photos as you go along in a time lapse mode and you’ll get a fun time lapse video. It works well to show people how it all came together.

9. Construction work in progress

If you’re watching construction work being done on your property or nearby, consider recording its time lapse video. It’s hard to imagine the amount of resources it takes to construct an office building or skyscraper before it’s finished. Time-lapse videos have helped reveal just how much work goes into something like that.

10. A fun art project

Capturing a time lapse video of an art project can make a mesmerizing video. Whether it’s you or someone else doing the artwork, always capture its time lapse video to show to others what goes into completing an art project. All you need to do is to set your camera up on a tripod aimed at the canvas and capture one or two frames per second to get an excellent time lapse video.

Steps to shoot a time-lapse video

Time-lapse videography is something that most photographers and videographers are familiar with. But, shooting a time-lapse video needs more than setting the camera on a tripod and waiting for it to shoot for several hours.

The amazing thing about time-lapse videos is that they can be shot using your smartphone. There are apps and built-in camera settings to capture time lapse videos with just a click of the button.

If you want to create a time-lapse video that is high quality, you have to use professional cameras, and learn some important steps.

1. Decide on a subject

The movement of clouds, a sunrise or sunset, waves crashing at the beach, cars coming and going in your parking lot, people walking around your office building — all of these subjects can yield great time-lapse sequences.

2. Find a place to set up your camera on tripod

While recording a time-lapse video, it’s important to keep the camera as stable as possible. It ensures a smooth video, making it visually appealing and easy to edit post-shooting. Typically, a tripod is needed for stable recording. If you are not using a tripod, find something steady and level to set it upon.

Important tip: Shoot only with manual settings. You don’t want the camera to adjust for you; rather, you should adjust the camera settings so that it takes optimal pictures. Even if you use auto mode, make sure you take control of the camera and push it to its limits to get great shots.

3. Set the camera focus

Use either autofocus or manual focus to make sure the camera is focused on what you want to be the main subject of the video.

4. Set your exposure settings

Depending on how much the light is going to change over time, you may want to use aperture priority or shutter priority so that the camera will automatically adjust for changes in light. Or, if you know exactly how much light will be changing over time, you could set all exposure settings manually.

5. Calculate how many frames and shots are needed

For example, if you are shooting at 10 frames per second and want a total of 30 seconds of video at 24 fps (which is standard), you will need 720 frames/photos (30 seconds x 24 fps = 720 frames).

6. Import and stitch together

Once you’ve captured the images, import them into a video editing software, stitch them together, and perform necessary editing.

How to Edit The Time Lapse on iPhone?

Now that you’ve recorded a time-lapse video, you might watch it and think it’s slower or faster than you want it to be. Fortunately, you can speed up and slow down the time lapse video on iPhone using iMovie.

Let’s see how to slow down time lapse on iPhone iMovie.

1. Speed up The Time Lapse on iPhone

So you’ve taken a time lapse video on your iPhone and now you’re trying to get it to speed up in iMovie but it looks a little jumpy or there is too much footage. Here’s how to do it in iMovie for iOS.

  • Launch iMovie on your iPhone and start a new project to speed up the captured time-lapse video.
  • Now, tap the plus sign visible at the start of the Projects screen, then select Movie.

tap the plus button

  • From the next window, find and select the recorded time-lapse video you want to speed up.

tap Movie in the New Project window

  • Tap Create Movie button at the center-bottom of the screen.

tap Create Movie at the bottom

  • Now move the playhead to the start of the timeline and tap to select the video. At this point, you’ll see the timeline highlighted in yellow color.
  • Look at the bottom of the screen and you’ll find the Speed icon. Tap the Speed icon and a sliding bar will appear with tortoise on its left side and hare on the right side.

tap the Speed icon

  • To speed up the time-lapse video, move the slider to the right side and you’ll see the duration of the video reduced, indicating time-lapse video has been sped up.

Move the slider forward to increase speed

  • Now click the Play button to preview and then tap Done.

Once you’ve increased the speed of time-lapse video, you can share it and post it where you want.

2. Slow Down The Time Lapse on iPhone

Just like you can speed up the time-lapse video on an iPhone, iMovie lets you slow down the time-lapse video.

Here’s how you can do it:

  • Launch iMovie on your iPhone and start a new project to speed up the captured time-lapse video.
  • Now, tap the plus sign visible at the start of the Projects screen, then select Movie.

tap the plus button in the Projects screen

  • From the next window, find and select your recorded time-lapse video you want to speed up.

Select Movie in the New Project screen

  • Tap Create Movie button at the center-bottom of the screen.

tap Create Movie

  • Now move the playhead to the start of the timeline and tap to select the video. At this point, you’ll see the timeline highlighted in yellow color.
  • Look at the bottom of the screen and you’ll find the Speed icon. Tap the Speed icon and a sliding bar will appear with tortoise on its left side and hare on the right side.

tap the Speed icon

  • To slow down the time-lapse video, move the slider to the left side and you’ll see the duration of the video increased, indicating time-lapse video has been slowed down.

Move the slider backward to slow down

  • Now click the Play button to preview and then tap Done.

Advanced Software: Edit A Time Lapse Video in Wondershare Filmora

If you have professionally captured RAW images of the time-lapse video, you need to use advanced software to stitch them together. That’s where Wondershare Filmora comes into play.

Wondershare Filmore is a professional video editing software with a wide variety of basic to advanced-level editing tools. It allows for turning RAW videos into fun, engaging, and professional videos.

If you need to refine your time-lapse video, you can use it and benefit from its capabilities. Similarly, you can use it to speed up or slow down your time-lapse video.

Let’s see how you can do both with Filmora.

Speed up your time-lapse video

Why speed up a time-lapse in the first place? There are a couple of reasons you might want to speed up your time-lapse.

When shooting with a fast lens, you might want to dial down the shutter speed to achieve more motion blur, to make the scenes more interesting. However, doing so can also create motion blur on time-lapse footage when sped up.

Another reason you might want to speed up your time-lapse is when you have too many frames. When you shoot at low frame rate (e.g. 15 FPS), not everyone will experience the same viewing quality if they don’t have high frame rate monitors. Speeding up the footage is one way to reduce the number of frames without compromising the quality of your video.

Follow these steps to speed up the time-lapse video using Filmora:

  • Download and install Wondershare Filmora on your computer.
  • Launch Filmora and click the New project button to open the video editor or drag and drop the file directly.

tap the New Project button and open the Video Editor

  • Once imported, drag the file to the timeline.

drag the media file to the timeline

  • Click the Speed icon and select the Fast option. Select 2x, 4x, 8x, etc, depending on how much you want to speed up.

tap the Speed button

  • Save the file and use it the way you want.

Slow down your time-lapse video

As the speed at which your time-lapse moves increases, so does the amount of motion blur. This can make for an undesirable look, especially in shots where there is already a lot of movement.

The best way to avoid this is to slow down your time-lapse as much as possible while still maintaining an interesting level of movement within your shot.

You can slow down your time-lapse video in Filmora following the same process as you’d do for speeding-up the video (Explained above). However, there’s only one catch; instead of opting for the Fast option choose Slow when you’re at step 4.


Hopefully, this guide has provided a good knowledge of how to put together your own time lapse video – and how to edit it on iPhone and Wondershare Filmora. It’s easier than you may think, and the resulting videos are quite impressive.

Take your time with it, record your movies from different angles, and don’t be afraid to create something unique and experimental.

Try It Free Try It Free

Try It Free Try It Free

Do you want to edit a time lapse video on an iPhone or want to know how to shoot a time-lapse video? If so, you’ve come to the right place.

Time-lapses, which show how much something changes over a period of time are some of the coolest videos you can make.

They aren’t exactly easy to make and edit at first, but we’ve put together this guide to take you through the steps. We’ll give you a few time lapse video ideas, steps to shoot them, and good practices for managing your footage after you’ve shot it.

Let’s get started.

What Is A Time Lapse Video?

In its simplest definition, a time lapse video is a cinematography technique where the frequency at which film frames are captured (the frame rate) is much lower than that used to view the sequence.

When played at normal speed, time appears to be moving faster and thus lapsing. For example, an image of a scene may be captured once every second, then played back at 30 frames per second; the result is an apparent 30 times speed increase.

Time-lapse photography can be considered to be the opposite of slow motion.

How to Shoot A Time-Lapse Video?

Subjects to shoot in a time-lapse video

Wondering what can be shot in a time-lapse video? The answer is any subject that moves, grows, decays, or changes. But what’s more important than the subject is the motion and change that it goes through.

When shooting a time-lapse video, you are composing not only the shot but also the movement of the subject. If a subject doesn’t move or change throughout your film, then it is just a regular video. So try to think of subjects that are constantly moving or changing.

Time-Lapse videos are visually appealing and easy to make. When it comes to subjects that can be chosen to shoot in a time-lapse video, the possibilities are endless. But if you’re stuck for ideas, here are 10 suggestions to get you started:

1. Sunset/Sunrise

These are quite possibly the most common subjects for timelapse videos, but there’s a reason for it! Watching the sun go up and down is always mesmerizing.

2. Clouds

Clouds move very slowly most of the time, making them perfect for time-lapse sequences. You can shoot a single cloud passing overhead, or record a passing storm front as it sweeps across the sky. Depending on the weather conditions and movement of clouds, this can look stunning or simply spectacular!

3. Starry sky

Probably one of the most fascinating time lapse videos is the ones with stars on the move. Time-lapses that capture the Milky Way or starry sky are becoming increasingly popular as camera technology improves. There are even some cameras now that have built-in settings specifically for capturing stars and other celestial bodies.

4. Flowers

Flowers blooming is another fantastic subject for time-lapse photography. The change can be incredibly subtle; however, if you shoot a timelapse over several days or weeks, you will be amazed at just how much they grow and change!

5. Season changing

The most obvious example is trees budding and shedding leaves, but all sorts of plants and animals follow seasonal cycles. You can see flowers blooming, grasses growing, and migrating birds. Even if you don’t have a chance to go somewhere exotic for your subject matter, you can find something interesting right outside your own door.

6. Cars or Pedestrians

If you want something a little more exciting then you can choose things like cars passing by or people walking on the street.

7. Cooking dinner

Got a recipe for dinner that has lots of steps? Rather than just snap photos of the process, why not make a time-lapse video instead? It’s easy and fun to do, especially if you have kids who can help you out!

8. DIY projects

Are you building something? Whether it’s a new table, shelves, or whatever else, set up your camera and take photos as you go along in a time lapse mode and you’ll get a fun time lapse video. It works well to show people how it all came together.

9. Construction work in progress

If you’re watching construction work being done on your property or nearby, consider recording its time lapse video. It’s hard to imagine the amount of resources it takes to construct an office building or skyscraper before it’s finished. Time-lapse videos have helped reveal just how much work goes into something like that.

10. A fun art project

Capturing a time lapse video of an art project can make a mesmerizing video. Whether it’s you or someone else doing the artwork, always capture its time lapse video to show to others what goes into completing an art project. All you need to do is to set your camera up on a tripod aimed at the canvas and capture one or two frames per second to get an excellent time lapse video.

Steps to shoot a time-lapse video

Time-lapse videography is something that most photographers and videographers are familiar with. But, shooting a time-lapse video needs more than setting the camera on a tripod and waiting for it to shoot for several hours.

The amazing thing about time-lapse videos is that they can be shot using your smartphone. There are apps and built-in camera settings to capture time lapse videos with just a click of the button.

If you want to create a time-lapse video that is high quality, you have to use professional cameras, and learn some important steps.

1. Decide on a subject

The movement of clouds, a sunrise or sunset, waves crashing at the beach, cars coming and going in your parking lot, people walking around your office building — all of these subjects can yield great time-lapse sequences.

2. Find a place to set up your camera on tripod

While recording a time-lapse video, it’s important to keep the camera as stable as possible. It ensures a smooth video, making it visually appealing and easy to edit post-shooting. Typically, a tripod is needed for stable recording. If you are not using a tripod, find something steady and level to set it upon.

Important tip: Shoot only with manual settings. You don’t want the camera to adjust for you; rather, you should adjust the camera settings so that it takes optimal pictures. Even if you use auto mode, make sure you take control of the camera and push it to its limits to get great shots.

3. Set the camera focus

Use either autofocus or manual focus to make sure the camera is focused on what you want to be the main subject of the video.

4. Set your exposure settings

Depending on how much the light is going to change over time, you may want to use aperture priority or shutter priority so that the camera will automatically adjust for changes in light. Or, if you know exactly how much light will be changing over time, you could set all exposure settings manually.

5. Calculate how many frames and shots are needed

For example, if you are shooting at 10 frames per second and want a total of 30 seconds of video at 24 fps (which is standard), you will need 720 frames/photos (30 seconds x 24 fps = 720 frames).

6. Import and stitch together

Once you’ve captured the images, import them into a video editing software, stitch them together, and perform necessary editing.

How to Edit The Time Lapse on iPhone?

Now that you’ve recorded a time-lapse video, you might watch it and think it’s slower or faster than you want it to be. Fortunately, you can speed up and slow down the time lapse video on iPhone using iMovie.

Let’s see how to slow down time lapse on iPhone iMovie.

1. Speed up The Time Lapse on iPhone

So you’ve taken a time lapse video on your iPhone and now you’re trying to get it to speed up in iMovie but it looks a little jumpy or there is too much footage. Here’s how to do it in iMovie for iOS.

  • Launch iMovie on your iPhone and start a new project to speed up the captured time-lapse video.
  • Now, tap the plus sign visible at the start of the Projects screen, then select Movie.

tap the plus button

  • From the next window, find and select the recorded time-lapse video you want to speed up.

tap Movie in the New Project window

  • Tap Create Movie button at the center-bottom of the screen.

tap Create Movie at the bottom

  • Now move the playhead to the start of the timeline and tap to select the video. At this point, you’ll see the timeline highlighted in yellow color.
  • Look at the bottom of the screen and you’ll find the Speed icon. Tap the Speed icon and a sliding bar will appear with tortoise on its left side and hare on the right side.

tap the Speed icon

  • To speed up the time-lapse video, move the slider to the right side and you’ll see the duration of the video reduced, indicating time-lapse video has been sped up.

Move the slider forward to increase speed

  • Now click the Play button to preview and then tap Done.

Once you’ve increased the speed of time-lapse video, you can share it and post it where you want.

2. Slow Down The Time Lapse on iPhone

Just like you can speed up the time-lapse video on an iPhone, iMovie lets you slow down the time-lapse video.

Here’s how you can do it:

  • Launch iMovie on your iPhone and start a new project to speed up the captured time-lapse video.
  • Now, tap the plus sign visible at the start of the Projects screen, then select Movie.

tap the plus button in the Projects screen

  • From the next window, find and select your recorded time-lapse video you want to speed up.

Select Movie in the New Project screen

  • Tap Create Movie button at the center-bottom of the screen.

tap Create Movie

  • Now move the playhead to the start of the timeline and tap to select the video. At this point, you’ll see the timeline highlighted in yellow color.
  • Look at the bottom of the screen and you’ll find the Speed icon. Tap the Speed icon and a sliding bar will appear with tortoise on its left side and hare on the right side.

tap the Speed icon

  • To slow down the time-lapse video, move the slider to the left side and you’ll see the duration of the video increased, indicating time-lapse video has been slowed down.

Move the slider backward to slow down

  • Now click the Play button to preview and then tap Done.

Advanced Software: Edit A Time Lapse Video in Wondershare Filmora

If you have professionally captured RAW images of the time-lapse video, you need to use advanced software to stitch them together. That’s where Wondershare Filmora comes into play.

Wondershare Filmore is a professional video editing software with a wide variety of basic to advanced-level editing tools. It allows for turning RAW videos into fun, engaging, and professional videos.

If you need to refine your time-lapse video, you can use it and benefit from its capabilities. Similarly, you can use it to speed up or slow down your time-lapse video.

Let’s see how you can do both with Filmora.

Speed up your time-lapse video

Why speed up a time-lapse in the first place? There are a couple of reasons you might want to speed up your time-lapse.

When shooting with a fast lens, you might want to dial down the shutter speed to achieve more motion blur, to make the scenes more interesting. However, doing so can also create motion blur on time-lapse footage when sped up.

Another reason you might want to speed up your time-lapse is when you have too many frames. When you shoot at low frame rate (e.g. 15 FPS), not everyone will experience the same viewing quality if they don’t have high frame rate monitors. Speeding up the footage is one way to reduce the number of frames without compromising the quality of your video.

Follow these steps to speed up the time-lapse video using Filmora:

  • Download and install Wondershare Filmora on your computer.
  • Launch Filmora and click the New project button to open the video editor or drag and drop the file directly.

tap the New Project button and open the Video Editor

  • Once imported, drag the file to the timeline.

drag the media file to the timeline

  • Click the Speed icon and select the Fast option. Select 2x, 4x, 8x, etc, depending on how much you want to speed up.

tap the Speed button

  • Save the file and use it the way you want.

Slow down your time-lapse video

As the speed at which your time-lapse moves increases, so does the amount of motion blur. This can make for an undesirable look, especially in shots where there is already a lot of movement.

The best way to avoid this is to slow down your time-lapse as much as possible while still maintaining an interesting level of movement within your shot.

You can slow down your time-lapse video in Filmora following the same process as you’d do for speeding-up the video (Explained above). However, there’s only one catch; instead of opting for the Fast option choose Slow when you’re at step 4.


Hopefully, this guide has provided a good knowledge of how to put together your own time lapse video – and how to edit it on iPhone and Wondershare Filmora. It’s easier than you may think, and the resulting videos are quite impressive.

Take your time with it, record your movies from different angles, and don’t be afraid to create something unique and experimental.

Try It Free Try It Free

Try It Free Try It Free

Do you want to edit a time lapse video on an iPhone or want to know how to shoot a time-lapse video? If so, you’ve come to the right place.

Time-lapses, which show how much something changes over a period of time are some of the coolest videos you can make.

They aren’t exactly easy to make and edit at first, but we’ve put together this guide to take you through the steps. We’ll give you a few time lapse video ideas, steps to shoot them, and good practices for managing your footage after you’ve shot it.

Let’s get started.

What Is A Time Lapse Video?

In its simplest definition, a time lapse video is a cinematography technique where the frequency at which film frames are captured (the frame rate) is much lower than that used to view the sequence.

When played at normal speed, time appears to be moving faster and thus lapsing. For example, an image of a scene may be captured once every second, then played back at 30 frames per second; the result is an apparent 30 times speed increase.

Time-lapse photography can be considered to be the opposite of slow motion.

How to Shoot A Time-Lapse Video?

Subjects to shoot in a time-lapse video

Wondering what can be shot in a time-lapse video? The answer is any subject that moves, grows, decays, or changes. But what’s more important than the subject is the motion and change that it goes through.

When shooting a time-lapse video, you are composing not only the shot but also the movement of the subject. If a subject doesn’t move or change throughout your film, then it is just a regular video. So try to think of subjects that are constantly moving or changing.

Time-Lapse videos are visually appealing and easy to make. When it comes to subjects that can be chosen to shoot in a time-lapse video, the possibilities are endless. But if you’re stuck for ideas, here are 10 suggestions to get you started:

1. Sunset/Sunrise

These are quite possibly the most common subjects for timelapse videos, but there’s a reason for it! Watching the sun go up and down is always mesmerizing.

2. Clouds

Clouds move very slowly most of the time, making them perfect for time-lapse sequences. You can shoot a single cloud passing overhead, or record a passing storm front as it sweeps across the sky. Depending on the weather conditions and movement of clouds, this can look stunning or simply spectacular!

3. Starry sky

Probably one of the most fascinating time lapse videos is the ones with stars on the move. Time-lapses that capture the Milky Way or starry sky are becoming increasingly popular as camera technology improves. There are even some cameras now that have built-in settings specifically for capturing stars and other celestial bodies.

4. Flowers

Flowers blooming is another fantastic subject for time-lapse photography. The change can be incredibly subtle; however, if you shoot a timelapse over several days or weeks, you will be amazed at just how much they grow and change!

5. Season changing

The most obvious example is trees budding and shedding leaves, but all sorts of plants and animals follow seasonal cycles. You can see flowers blooming, grasses growing, and migrating birds. Even if you don’t have a chance to go somewhere exotic for your subject matter, you can find something interesting right outside your own door.

6. Cars or Pedestrians

If you want something a little more exciting then you can choose things like cars passing by or people walking on the street.

7. Cooking dinner

Got a recipe for dinner that has lots of steps? Rather than just snap photos of the process, why not make a time-lapse video instead? It’s easy and fun to do, especially if you have kids who can help you out!

8. DIY projects

Are you building something? Whether it’s a new table, shelves, or whatever else, set up your camera and take photos as you go along in a time lapse mode and you’ll get a fun time lapse video. It works well to show people how it all came together.

9. Construction work in progress

If you’re watching construction work being done on your property or nearby, consider recording its time lapse video. It’s hard to imagine the amount of resources it takes to construct an office building or skyscraper before it’s finished. Time-lapse videos have helped reveal just how much work goes into something like that.

10. A fun art project

Capturing a time lapse video of an art project can make a mesmerizing video. Whether it’s you or someone else doing the artwork, always capture its time lapse video to show to others what goes into completing an art project. All you need to do is to set your camera up on a tripod aimed at the canvas and capture one or two frames per second to get an excellent time lapse video.

Steps to shoot a time-lapse video

Time-lapse videography is something that most photographers and videographers are familiar with. But, shooting a time-lapse video needs more than setting the camera on a tripod and waiting for it to shoot for several hours.

The amazing thing about time-lapse videos is that they can be shot using your smartphone. There are apps and built-in camera settings to capture time lapse videos with just a click of the button.

If you want to create a time-lapse video that is high quality, you have to use professional cameras, and learn some important steps.

1. Decide on a subject

The movement of clouds, a sunrise or sunset, waves crashing at the beach, cars coming and going in your parking lot, people walking around your office building — all of these subjects can yield great time-lapse sequences.

2. Find a place to set up your camera on tripod

While recording a time-lapse video, it’s important to keep the camera as stable as possible. It ensures a smooth video, making it visually appealing and easy to edit post-shooting. Typically, a tripod is needed for stable recording. If you are not using a tripod, find something steady and level to set it upon.

Important tip: Shoot only with manual settings. You don’t want the camera to adjust for you; rather, you should adjust the camera settings so that it takes optimal pictures. Even if you use auto mode, make sure you take control of the camera and push it to its limits to get great shots.

3. Set the camera focus

Use either autofocus or manual focus to make sure the camera is focused on what you want to be the main subject of the video.

4. Set your exposure settings

Depending on how much the light is going to change over time, you may want to use aperture priority or shutter priority so that the camera will automatically adjust for changes in light. Or, if you know exactly how much light will be changing over time, you could set all exposure settings manually.

5. Calculate how many frames and shots are needed

For example, if you are shooting at 10 frames per second and want a total of 30 seconds of video at 24 fps (which is standard), you will need 720 frames/photos (30 seconds x 24 fps = 720 frames).

6. Import and stitch together

Once you’ve captured the images, import them into a video editing software, stitch them together, and perform necessary editing.

How to Edit The Time Lapse on iPhone?

Now that you’ve recorded a time-lapse video, you might watch it and think it’s slower or faster than you want it to be. Fortunately, you can speed up and slow down the time lapse video on iPhone using iMovie.

Let’s see how to slow down time lapse on iPhone iMovie.

1. Speed up The Time Lapse on iPhone

So you’ve taken a time lapse video on your iPhone and now you’re trying to get it to speed up in iMovie but it looks a little jumpy or there is too much footage. Here’s how to do it in iMovie for iOS.

  • Launch iMovie on your iPhone and start a new project to speed up the captured time-lapse video.
  • Now, tap the plus sign visible at the start of the Projects screen, then select Movie.

tap the plus button

  • From the next window, find and select the recorded time-lapse video you want to speed up.

tap Movie in the New Project window

  • Tap Create Movie button at the center-bottom of the screen.

tap Create Movie at the bottom

  • Now move the playhead to the start of the timeline and tap to select the video. At this point, you’ll see the timeline highlighted in yellow color.
  • Look at the bottom of the screen and you’ll find the Speed icon. Tap the Speed icon and a sliding bar will appear with tortoise on its left side and hare on the right side.

tap the Speed icon

  • To speed up the time-lapse video, move the slider to the right side and you’ll see the duration of the video reduced, indicating time-lapse video has been sped up.

Move the slider forward to increase speed

  • Now click the Play button to preview and then tap Done.

Once you’ve increased the speed of time-lapse video, you can share it and post it where you want.

2. Slow Down The Time Lapse on iPhone

Just like you can speed up the time-lapse video on an iPhone, iMovie lets you slow down the time-lapse video.

Here’s how you can do it:

  • Launch iMovie on your iPhone and start a new project to speed up the captured time-lapse video.
  • Now, tap the plus sign visible at the start of the Projects screen, then select Movie.

tap the plus button in the Projects screen

  • From the next window, find and select your recorded time-lapse video you want to speed up.

Select Movie in the New Project screen

  • Tap Create Movie button at the center-bottom of the screen.

tap Create Movie

  • Now move the playhead to the start of the timeline and tap to select the video. At this point, you’ll see the timeline highlighted in yellow color.
  • Look at the bottom of the screen and you’ll find the Speed icon. Tap the Speed icon and a sliding bar will appear with tortoise on its left side and hare on the right side.

tap the Speed icon

  • To slow down the time-lapse video, move the slider to the left side and you’ll see the duration of the video increased, indicating time-lapse video has been slowed down.

Move the slider backward to slow down

  • Now click the Play button to preview and then tap Done.

Advanced Software: Edit A Time Lapse Video in Wondershare Filmora

If you have professionally captured RAW images of the time-lapse video, you need to use advanced software to stitch them together. That’s where Wondershare Filmora comes into play.

Wondershare Filmore is a professional video editing software with a wide variety of basic to advanced-level editing tools. It allows for turning RAW videos into fun, engaging, and professional videos.

If you need to refine your time-lapse video, you can use it and benefit from its capabilities. Similarly, you can use it to speed up or slow down your time-lapse video.

Let’s see how you can do both with Filmora.

Speed up your time-lapse video

Why speed up a time-lapse in the first place? There are a couple of reasons you might want to speed up your time-lapse.

When shooting with a fast lens, you might want to dial down the shutter speed to achieve more motion blur, to make the scenes more interesting. However, doing so can also create motion blur on time-lapse footage when sped up.

Another reason you might want to speed up your time-lapse is when you have too many frames. When you shoot at low frame rate (e.g. 15 FPS), not everyone will experience the same viewing quality if they don’t have high frame rate monitors. Speeding up the footage is one way to reduce the number of frames without compromising the quality of your video.

Follow these steps to speed up the time-lapse video using Filmora:

  • Download and install Wondershare Filmora on your computer.
  • Launch Filmora and click the New project button to open the video editor or drag and drop the file directly.

tap the New Project button and open the Video Editor

  • Once imported, drag the file to the timeline.

drag the media file to the timeline

  • Click the Speed icon and select the Fast option. Select 2x, 4x, 8x, etc, depending on how much you want to speed up.

tap the Speed button

  • Save the file and use it the way you want.

Slow down your time-lapse video

As the speed at which your time-lapse moves increases, so does the amount of motion blur. This can make for an undesirable look, especially in shots where there is already a lot of movement.

The best way to avoid this is to slow down your time-lapse as much as possible while still maintaining an interesting level of movement within your shot.

You can slow down your time-lapse video in Filmora following the same process as you’d do for speeding-up the video (Explained above). However, there’s only one catch; instead of opting for the Fast option choose Slow when you’re at step 4.


Hopefully, this guide has provided a good knowledge of how to put together your own time lapse video – and how to edit it on iPhone and Wondershare Filmora. It’s easier than you may think, and the resulting videos are quite impressive.

Take your time with it, record your movies from different angles, and don’t be afraid to create something unique and experimental.

Try It Free Try It Free

Try It Free Try It Free

Do you want to edit a time lapse video on an iPhone or want to know how to shoot a time-lapse video? If so, you’ve come to the right place.

Time-lapses, which show how much something changes over a period of time are some of the coolest videos you can make.

They aren’t exactly easy to make and edit at first, but we’ve put together this guide to take you through the steps. We’ll give you a few time lapse video ideas, steps to shoot them, and good practices for managing your footage after you’ve shot it.

Let’s get started.

What Is A Time Lapse Video?

In its simplest definition, a time lapse video is a cinematography technique where the frequency at which film frames are captured (the frame rate) is much lower than that used to view the sequence.

When played at normal speed, time appears to be moving faster and thus lapsing. For example, an image of a scene may be captured once every second, then played back at 30 frames per second; the result is an apparent 30 times speed increase.

Time-lapse photography can be considered to be the opposite of slow motion.

How to Shoot A Time-Lapse Video?

Subjects to shoot in a time-lapse video

Wondering what can be shot in a time-lapse video? The answer is any subject that moves, grows, decays, or changes. But what’s more important than the subject is the motion and change that it goes through.

When shooting a time-lapse video, you are composing not only the shot but also the movement of the subject. If a subject doesn’t move or change throughout your film, then it is just a regular video. So try to think of subjects that are constantly moving or changing.

Time-Lapse videos are visually appealing and easy to make. When it comes to subjects that can be chosen to shoot in a time-lapse video, the possibilities are endless. But if you’re stuck for ideas, here are 10 suggestions to get you started:

1. Sunset/Sunrise

These are quite possibly the most common subjects for timelapse videos, but there’s a reason for it! Watching the sun go up and down is always mesmerizing.

2. Clouds

Clouds move very slowly most of the time, making them perfect for time-lapse sequences. You can shoot a single cloud passing overhead, or record a passing storm front as it sweeps across the sky. Depending on the weather conditions and movement of clouds, this can look stunning or simply spectacular!

3. Starry sky

Probably one of the most fascinating time lapse videos is the ones with stars on the move. Time-lapses that capture the Milky Way or starry sky are becoming increasingly popular as camera technology improves. There are even some cameras now that have built-in settings specifically for capturing stars and other celestial bodies.

4. Flowers

Flowers blooming is another fantastic subject for time-lapse photography. The change can be incredibly subtle; however, if you shoot a timelapse over several days or weeks, you will be amazed at just how much they grow and change!

5. Season changing

The most obvious example is trees budding and shedding leaves, but all sorts of plants and animals follow seasonal cycles. You can see flowers blooming, grasses growing, and migrating birds. Even if you don’t have a chance to go somewhere exotic for your subject matter, you can find something interesting right outside your own door.

6. Cars or Pedestrians

If you want something a little more exciting then you can choose things like cars passing by or people walking on the street.

7. Cooking dinner

Got a recipe for dinner that has lots of steps? Rather than just snap photos of the process, why not make a time-lapse video instead? It’s easy and fun to do, especially if you have kids who can help you out!

8. DIY projects

Are you building something? Whether it’s a new table, shelves, or whatever else, set up your camera and take photos as you go along in a time lapse mode and you’ll get a fun time lapse video. It works well to show people how it all came together.

9. Construction work in progress

If you’re watching construction work being done on your property or nearby, consider recording its time lapse video. It’s hard to imagine the amount of resources it takes to construct an office building or skyscraper before it’s finished. Time-lapse videos have helped reveal just how much work goes into something like that.

10. A fun art project

Capturing a time lapse video of an art project can make a mesmerizing video. Whether it’s you or someone else doing the artwork, always capture its time lapse video to show to others what goes into completing an art project. All you need to do is to set your camera up on a tripod aimed at the canvas and capture one or two frames per second to get an excellent time lapse video.

Steps to shoot a time-lapse video

Time-lapse videography is something that most photographers and videographers are familiar with. But, shooting a time-lapse video needs more than setting the camera on a tripod and waiting for it to shoot for several hours.

The amazing thing about time-lapse videos is that they can be shot using your smartphone. There are apps and built-in camera settings to capture time lapse videos with just a click of the button.

If you want to create a time-lapse video that is high quality, you have to use professional cameras, and learn some important steps.

1. Decide on a subject

The movement of clouds, a sunrise or sunset, waves crashing at the beach, cars coming and going in your parking lot, people walking around your office building — all of these subjects can yield great time-lapse sequences.

2. Find a place to set up your camera on tripod

While recording a time-lapse video, it’s important to keep the camera as stable as possible. It ensures a smooth video, making it visually appealing and easy to edit post-shooting. Typically, a tripod is needed for stable recording. If you are not using a tripod, find something steady and level to set it upon.

Important tip: Shoot only with manual settings. You don’t want the camera to adjust for you; rather, you should adjust the camera settings so that it takes optimal pictures. Even if you use auto mode, make sure you take control of the camera and push it to its limits to get great shots.

3. Set the camera focus

Use either autofocus or manual focus to make sure the camera is focused on what you want to be the main subject of the video.

4. Set your exposure settings

Depending on how much the light is going to change over time, you may want to use aperture priority or shutter priority so that the camera will automatically adjust for changes in light. Or, if you know exactly how much light will be changing over time, you could set all exposure settings manually.

5. Calculate how many frames and shots are needed

For example, if you are shooting at 10 frames per second and want a total of 30 seconds of video at 24 fps (which is standard), you will need 720 frames/photos (30 seconds x 24 fps = 720 frames).

6. Import and stitch together

Once you’ve captured the images, import them into a video editing software, stitch them together, and perform necessary editing.

How to Edit The Time Lapse on iPhone?

Now that you’ve recorded a time-lapse video, you might watch it and think it’s slower or faster than you want it to be. Fortunately, you can speed up and slow down the time lapse video on iPhone using iMovie.

Let’s see how to slow down time lapse on iPhone iMovie.

1. Speed up The Time Lapse on iPhone

So you’ve taken a time lapse video on your iPhone and now you’re trying to get it to speed up in iMovie but it looks a little jumpy or there is too much footage. Here’s how to do it in iMovie for iOS.

  • Launch iMovie on your iPhone and start a new project to speed up the captured time-lapse video.
  • Now, tap the plus sign visible at the start of the Projects screen, then select Movie.

tap the plus button

  • From the next window, find and select the recorded time-lapse video you want to speed up.

tap Movie in the New Project window

  • Tap Create Movie button at the center-bottom of the screen.

tap Create Movie at the bottom

  • Now move the playhead to the start of the timeline and tap to select the video. At this point, you’ll see the timeline highlighted in yellow color.
  • Look at the bottom of the screen and you’ll find the Speed icon. Tap the Speed icon and a sliding bar will appear with tortoise on its left side and hare on the right side.

tap the Speed icon

  • To speed up the time-lapse video, move the slider to the right side and you’ll see the duration of the video reduced, indicating time-lapse video has been sped up.

Move the slider forward to increase speed

  • Now click the Play button to preview and then tap Done.

Once you’ve increased the speed of time-lapse video, you can share it and post it where you want.

2. Slow Down The Time Lapse on iPhone

Just like you can speed up the time-lapse video on an iPhone, iMovie lets you slow down the time-lapse video.

Here’s how you can do it:

  • Launch iMovie on your iPhone and start a new project to speed up the captured time-lapse video.
  • Now, tap the plus sign visible at the start of the Projects screen, then select Movie.

tap the plus button in the Projects screen

  • From the next window, find and select your recorded time-lapse video you want to speed up.

Select Movie in the New Project screen

  • Tap Create Movie button at the center-bottom of the screen.

tap Create Movie

  • Now move the playhead to the start of the timeline and tap to select the video. At this point, you’ll see the timeline highlighted in yellow color.
  • Look at the bottom of the screen and you’ll find the Speed icon. Tap the Speed icon and a sliding bar will appear with tortoise on its left side and hare on the right side.

tap the Speed icon

  • To slow down the time-lapse video, move the slider to the left side and you’ll see the duration of the video increased, indicating time-lapse video has been slowed down.

Move the slider backward to slow down

  • Now click the Play button to preview and then tap Done.

Advanced Software: Edit A Time Lapse Video in Wondershare Filmora

If you have professionally captured RAW images of the time-lapse video, you need to use advanced software to stitch them together. That’s where Wondershare Filmora comes into play.

Wondershare Filmore is a professional video editing software with a wide variety of basic to advanced-level editing tools. It allows for turning RAW videos into fun, engaging, and professional videos.

If you need to refine your time-lapse video, you can use it and benefit from its capabilities. Similarly, you can use it to speed up or slow down your time-lapse video.

Let’s see how you can do both with Filmora.

Speed up your time-lapse video

Why speed up a time-lapse in the first place? There are a couple of reasons you might want to speed up your time-lapse.

When shooting with a fast lens, you might want to dial down the shutter speed to achieve more motion blur, to make the scenes more interesting. However, doing so can also create motion blur on time-lapse footage when sped up.

Another reason you might want to speed up your time-lapse is when you have too many frames. When you shoot at low frame rate (e.g. 15 FPS), not everyone will experience the same viewing quality if they don’t have high frame rate monitors. Speeding up the footage is one way to reduce the number of frames without compromising the quality of your video.

Follow these steps to speed up the time-lapse video using Filmora:

  • Download and install Wondershare Filmora on your computer.
  • Launch Filmora and click the New project button to open the video editor or drag and drop the file directly.

tap the New Project button and open the Video Editor

  • Once imported, drag the file to the timeline.

drag the media file to the timeline

  • Click the Speed icon and select the Fast option. Select 2x, 4x, 8x, etc, depending on how much you want to speed up.

tap the Speed button

  • Save the file and use it the way you want.

Slow down your time-lapse video

As the speed at which your time-lapse moves increases, so does the amount of motion blur. This can make for an undesirable look, especially in shots where there is already a lot of movement.

The best way to avoid this is to slow down your time-lapse as much as possible while still maintaining an interesting level of movement within your shot.

You can slow down your time-lapse video in Filmora following the same process as you’d do for speeding-up the video (Explained above). However, there’s only one catch; instead of opting for the Fast option choose Slow when you’re at step 4.


Hopefully, this guide has provided a good knowledge of how to put together your own time lapse video – and how to edit it on iPhone and Wondershare Filmora. It’s easier than you may think, and the resulting videos are quite impressive.

Take your time with it, record your movies from different angles, and don’t be afraid to create something unique and experimental.

Try It Free Try It Free

10 Best Free Spanish Text To Speech Converter Websites

Best Text To Speech Converter and Video Editor

Filmora’s Text to Speech (TTS) function allows you to convert your text files to voiceover and bring more elements to enrich your video.

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Text to Speech (TTS) is a technology that basically converts digital text into artificial audio. In this article, we’ll be sharing with you the 10 best Spanish text-to-speech converter websites that you can use for free. But before actually moving to the list, here is a little information on this topic.

When it comes to free text to speech converter websites, there are a lot of them on the internet but not all of them support the Spanish language as the majority of websites only support English. While creating this list of best free Spanish text to speech converter websites, we made sure to include only the trustworthy and legit sites that have positive feedback and don’t misuse your data or information because cybersecurity is a serious issue and today’s internet is full of scams and frauds. So one thing we can assure you is that all the TTS websites listed in this article are not only free but trustworthy as well.

As we all know, free stuff always comes with limitations (in most cases). However, we have tried our very best to provide you with a list of the best TTS converter websites that offer the highest benefits with the lowest limitations for free. Therefore, some websites in this list might be completely free while some might have a free plan to use but whatever they might be, know that they offer the best for something that’s free and includes support for Spanish.



Basic intro: Voicemaker is a professional online Text to Speech converter that converts any text into audio using its realistic AI voices. It supports 90+ different languages along with SSML Tags and a large number of voice options for each of them. Its AI engine uses both Standard TTS and Neural TTS with the most natural-sounding voices. On top of that, they provide many adjustment options for audio like voice effects, pauses, emphasis, speed, pitch, volume, etc. also with the ‘Say as’ option. Plus, they also have advanced audio settings, and voice settings available.

Even though is not completely free as it has various pricing plans, it wouldn’t hurt to say that Voicemaker falls under the list of one of the best free Spanish Text to Speech converter websites.


  • 70+ free voices including Standard & Neural TTS available across 30+ different languages including Spanish.
  • Well-designed and well-optimized interface.
  • Allows up to 100 Text-to-speech conversions per week in the free plan.
  • Allows commercial use on sites like YouTube as long as proper credit is given.
  • Supports SSML tags and neural TTS along with Standard TTS.
  • Advanced options and settings for adjusting the audio along with voice effects.
  • More features like Pronunciation editor, Dark mode, etc. with 50+ fresh new AI voices coming soon.
  • Also has API integration facilities for developers (not free).
  • No login required to try and use.
  • Email support is available even for the free plan.


  • Only allows up to 250 characters per convert.
  • Neural TTS is a bit more limited in the free plan.

2. Kukarella


Basic intro: Kukarella is an amazing online Text-to-Speech software that lets you easily create beautiful voiceovers with realistic AI voices. It is powered by Google, Amazon, Microsoft, and IBM which can be used both as a Text-to-voice software and an Audio-to-text software. Kukarella also provides you with the functionality to narrate books or scripts with multiple voices which is a beta feature. In terms of voices and language options, it has one of the largest libraries of around 670 voices across 100+ different languages and accents which is truly remarkable. Plus, it also has a well-designed UI with advanced features for a better experience.

Kukarella can be your best choice for converting Spanish text into speech for free as it offers a ton of features even in its free plan compared to other similar websites.


  • It allows up to 3000 characters per month for text to speech conversion.
  • It offers one of the largest collections of 159 free voices with many voice options for Spanish.
  • Can be used for audio transcription with 7 minutes of audio transcription per month.
  • It includes the Table Reads feature to narrate books or scripts using multiple voices.
  • 3 free voice effects like Pitch, Pause, and Speed are included in the free plan.
  • Access to Projects and Files for up to 24 hours.


  • Commercial rights are not included in the free plan, so not suitable for commercial purposes.
  • Doesn’t offer any discounts for top-ups like in paid plans.



Basic intro: is a free online Text To Speech converter that provides natural voices across Spanish and many other languages in real-time. It is a completely free Text to Speech converter and claims that it will always be free. It has a simple and straightforward interface with a lot of features, especially for something that’s completely free. Aside from Text to Speech, it also provides other services like PDF speaker, Image speaker, Text to MP3, RSS Reader, etc. Plus, you get even more features when you register an account for free. is really one of the best free Spanish Text to Speech converter websites that runs with donations and advertisements. Below are the features of this wonderful TTS website:


  • It has a simple and straightforward interface for easy use.
  • Absolutely free website that runs with the help of donations and advertisements.
  • Has a huge library of voices across many languages.
  • Not only a Text to Speech converter but also a PDF speaker, Image speaker, etc.
  • It reads aloud ebooks, pdfs, or any text files you upload.
  • Advanced options to change the rate, pitch, speed, and volume of the voice.
  • No login is required to use, but additional features available for free when you register an account.
  • Also has the option to download the converted audio as mp3.


  • Has advertisements on the website.
  • May not be the best option for commercial purposes

4. NaturalReader


Basic intro: NaturalReader is a free Text to Speech software that is suitable for any type of needs whether it be for personal use, reading purposes, or commercial purposes. It is one of the best and most popular text-to-speech websites available today that can generate natural-sounding voices in high quality. It also supports OCR technology which helps users to listen to text from scanned documents or images. And there’s even more to it, so NaturalReader can be one of the best choices for free Spanish Text to Speech converter website.

NaturalReader is available online and also as installable software and chrome extensions. It too has various pricing plans but below are the features of the free version of NaturalReader Online:


  • Can read or convert the scanned documents or images into audios with its OCR functionality.
  • It offers over 100 natural-sounding voices available in 16 different languages including Spanish to try.
  • Also includes a Pronunciation editor for additional adjustments.
  • Designed as a reading aid to help dyslexic readers with different viewing settings.
  • Advanced editor to change the speed and volume of the audio along with options for dark mode, hotkeys, etc.
  • It allows conversion up to 20 minutes per day with Premium voices in the free plan.


  • You can try premium voices but does not allow downloading them.
  • Free voices are very limited.

5. TTSReader


Basic intro: TTSReader is one of the very few Text to Speech converter websites that are completely free. Well, it seems to have a commercial plan but it is still completely free for personal and general use. Not just simple text, but it can also instantly read-aloud text, pdfs & ebooks with natural-sounding voices. It is a lightweight online tool that doesn’t require creating accounts and there’s no need for any download as well. Despite being a completely free Text-to-Speech converter, it has some really great features in it. There are various options of natural-sounding voices in Spanish and different languages and accents. Plus, it also has a commercial plan that you can use to create audios for commercial purposes.

TTSReader is a limitless free online Text-to-Speech converter that you can use to convert Spanish text into audio without any worries. Following are the features of this free TTS website:


  • Simple and easy-to-use interface
  • Completely free for personal or general use.
  • It allows you to manually add pauses and alter the speed of the voice.
  • Has many options for voices including male and female, accents, and languages.
  • It reads aloud ebooks, pdfs, or any text files you upload.
  • Also available for mobile devices for instant access.
  • Automatically remembers the preferences of the previous session and also has options for screen recording.
  • Has a ‘Record Audio’ option for saving audio in webm format which is almost like downloading.


  • Has advertisements on the website.
  • May not be the best option for commercial purposes



Basic Intro: is a professional and advanced Text to Speech converter website that uses the latest AI and Machine Learning technologies for generating artificial voice. It is a very popular online tool that is widely known for its ability to make studio-quality voiceovers easily in minutes. Murf is mainly focused on creating realistic natural human voices with AI by getting rid of robotic and unnatural tones. And it is not just a Text to Speech converter. It can also be used for converting speech into editable text (transcription), making high-quality voiceovers for videos, generating AI video from audio, etc.

Even though Murf is free to try and use with its free plan, it also offers various pricing plans with premium features. But still, it can be considered one of the best free Text-to-Speech converters with its awesome features in the free plan:


  • 10 minutes of voice generation & 10 minutes of transcription for free
  • Has different functionalities aside from Text to speech conversion like transcription, making and editing voiceovers, etc.
  • It offers over 120 different types of AI voices for men, and women to try.
  • No login required and no credit card needed for the free plan.
  • It offers the most natural-sounding AI voices in 20 different languages.
  • Advanced options available like pitch adjustment, adding pauses, emphasizing specific words, speed, etc. for extra adjustments.
  • Free grammar and punctuation assistants are available for correction of the text.
  • Free trial allows you to render up to 10 minutes of voice from the text.
  • It provides royalty-free background music to add to videos or voiceovers.


  • Does not allow downloading output audio/video, can only share with its link.
  • Allows only one user without options for collaboration in the free plan.

7. Notevibes


Basic Intro: Notevibes is another free Spanish Text-to-Speech converter website on our list that can instantly convert your text into natural-sounding speech with AI. With around 221 high-quality voices and 25 different languages including the premium ones, they have a huge collection of voice options from the most popular providers like Google, Microsoft, Amazon, and IBM to choose from. Notevibes also comes with great features for additional adjustments along with a well-designed interface, so you will have an overall better experience generating voice from the text without any difficulties.

Notevibes actually is a premium Text-to-Speech software, but it also has a free version which we would say is self-sufficient with many voice options for the Spanish language.


  • It allows up to 2000 characters for text to speech conversion.
  • Large library of free voice options in many languages including Spanish.
  • Advanced editor to add pauses in one click, change speed, and pitch, control volume, etc.
  • It has a simple and straightforward interface for easy use.
  • Ability to emphasize specific words along with unique options of spell-out, cardinal, ordinal, and digits.
  • It grants you intellectual rights to freely use or sell voices (in some paid plans only).
  • Backups are available for 14 days, so your work is safe (only for paid plans).
  • Has options for adding dialogs and downloading the audio as mp3.


  • Very limited on the number of characters
  • Does not provide commercial rights in the free version.

8. Wideo


Basic intro: Wideo can be the simplest Text to Speech converter website that you can use online. It is very simple and straightforward that everybody can use it without any problem. However, Wideo is originally an online video maker that helps you create promo videos, explainer videos, demo videos, presentations, etc. while text to speech conversion is another one of its functionalities. But still, it has got all the basic features that a Text to Speech converter should have. Wideo free Text to Speech software integrates with Google Text-to-Speech API, so the quality of its voices is as good as other paid software. Additionally, this free Text to Speech functionality works even better with Wideo’s video maker.

Wideo Text to Speech software is completely free to use online. It is one of the simplest websites you can use for converting Spanish text into speech for free.


  • Can convert up to 2000 characters per day
  • It offers a large list of voices and languages including Spanish to choose from.
  • Completely free and easy-to-use Text to Speech converter.
  • Professional video maker available along with TTS functionality.
  • Has the ability to adjust the speed of the voice.
  • It allows you to preview the audio and download it as an mp3 file for free.
  • No advertisements and popups on the site and no login and credit card required.


  • Lacks some advanced text-to-speech features
  • Limitations on the number of characters without any specific pricing plan to remove the restriction.

9. IBM Watson Text to Speech


Basic intro: IBM Watson Text to Speech is a popular as well as powerful online Text to Speech converter that converts text into natural-sounding speech in a variety of languages and voices. It uses the latest AI and Machine Learning technology to provide real-time speech synthesis service for multilingual natural-sounding voices. And, IBM Watson Text to Speech also allows the creation of a distinct custom AI voice for a particular brand or business. Plus, one of its strongest points is that it provides end-to-end encryption, so the data are safe and privacy is maintained.

IBM Watson Text to Speech is one of the leaders in the field of TTS with its up-to-date technologies. Despite being so advanced and professional, it is generous enough to offer a free plan ‘Lite’ with the features below:


  • It offers 35 natural-sounding neural voices across 16 different languages including Spanish.
  • Allows a maximum of 10,000 characters per month for conversion.
  • It provides End-to-end encryption even in the free plan.
  • It uses the latest AI and Machine learning technology for real-time speech synthesis.
  • Professional features like the creation of custom neural voices with AI (in paid plans only)
  • Advanced audio adjustment tools available along with options for downloads.


  • Not suitable for beginner and basic use.
  • Cannot get started right away as it requires login and detailed information.

10. Amazon Polly


Basic intro: When it comes to a professional Text to Speech service, Amazon Polly is always on the list. But it is not just advanced and professional, it is also a free Text to Speech converter that you can use to turn text into life-like speech, create applications that talk, etc. Amazon Polly is a cloud-based service by Amazon that uses deep learning technologies and AI technology to synthesize realistic human speech in dozens of voices across many different languages. It offers Neural Text-to-Speech voices in addition to Standard TTS voices that deliver advanced improvements in speech quality through a new machine learning approach. Plus, one of the unique features of Amazon Polly is that it lets you create a custom AI voice for the brand or organization.

Amazon Polly is an advanced text-to-speech service that is almost always up to date with the latest technology. Despite that, it does offer a free plan to try Amazon Polly with its AWS Free Tier.


  • Ability to stream audio in real-time or store & redistribute speech.
  • Customisation & control options available for speech output.
  • It offers 5 million characters free per month for 12 months with the AWS Free Tier.
  • It provides one of the most realistic and natural-sounding voices with its latest technology.
  • A large number of voice options are available across a broad set of languages including Spanish.
  • Supports API integration for applications or any products.
  • It can create a custom voice for the exclusive use of your organization.


  • Not suitable for beginner and basic use.
  • Cannot get started right away as it requires login and detailed information.


Above are the 10 best Spanish Text to Speech converter websites that lets you convert text into audio for free. As you might have already noticed, this article also contains some websites that are not completely free but offer a free plan. We could have managed to research a list of all completely free TTS converter websites but we believe these websites offer even greater value in their free version than the completely free ones. Also, each TTS converter in this list can be used for a specific purpose. For example, NaturalReader might be the best choice for listening to text from documents, for personal use while can be used to learn about new AI TTS technologies.

Therefore, its upto you to decide what you want to use. This is our collection of 10 Best Free Spanish Text to Speech Converter Websites and we hope that this will be helpful to you.


Text to Speech (TTS) is a technology that basically converts digital text into artificial audio. In this article, we’ll be sharing with you the 10 best Spanish text-to-speech converter websites that you can use for free. But before actually moving to the list, here is a little information on this topic.

When it comes to free text to speech converter websites, there are a lot of them on the internet but not all of them support the Spanish language as the majority of websites only support English. While creating this list of best free Spanish text to speech converter websites, we made sure to include only the trustworthy and legit sites that have positive feedback and don’t misuse your data or information because cybersecurity is a serious issue and today’s internet is full of scams and frauds. So one thing we can assure you is that all the TTS websites listed in this article are not only free but trustworthy as well.

As we all know, free stuff always comes with limitations (in most cases). However, we have tried our very best to provide you with a list of the best TTS converter websites that offer the highest benefits with the lowest limitations for free. Therefore, some websites in this list might be completely free while some might have a free plan to use but whatever they might be, know that they offer the best for something that’s free and includes support for Spanish.



Basic intro: Voicemaker is a professional online Text to Speech converter that converts any text into audio using its realistic AI voices. It supports 90+ different languages along with SSML Tags and a large number of voice options for each of them. Its AI engine uses both Standard TTS and Neural TTS with the most natural-sounding voices. On top of that, they provide many adjustment options for audio like voice effects, pauses, emphasis, speed, pitch, volume, etc. also with the ‘Say as’ option. Plus, they also have advanced audio settings, and voice settings available.

Even though is not completely free as it has various pricing plans, it wouldn’t hurt to say that Voicemaker falls under the list of one of the best free Spanish Text to Speech converter websites.


  • 70+ free voices including Standard & Neural TTS available across 30+ different languages including Spanish.
  • Well-designed and well-optimized interface.
  • Allows up to 100 Text-to-speech conversions per week in the free plan.
  • Allows commercial use on sites like YouTube as long as proper credit is given.
  • Supports SSML tags and neural TTS along with Standard TTS.
  • Advanced options and settings for adjusting the audio along with voice effects.
  • More features like Pronunciation editor, Dark mode, etc. with 50+ fresh new AI voices coming soon.
  • Also has API integration facilities for developers (not free).
  • No login required to try and use.
  • Email support is available even for the free plan.


  • Only allows up to 250 characters per convert.
  • Neural TTS is a bit more limited in the free plan.

2. Kukarella


Basic intro: Kukarella is an amazing online Text-to-Speech software that lets you easily create beautiful voiceovers with realistic AI voices. It is powered by Google, Amazon, Microsoft, and IBM which can be used both as a Text-to-voice software and an Audio-to-text software. Kukarella also provides you with the functionality to narrate books or scripts with multiple voices which is a beta feature. In terms of voices and language options, it has one of the largest libraries of around 670 voices across 100+ different languages and accents which is truly remarkable. Plus, it also has a well-designed UI with advanced features for a better experience.

Kukarella can be your best choice for converting Spanish text into speech for free as it offers a ton of features even in its free plan compared to other similar websites.


  • It allows up to 3000 characters per month for text to speech conversion.
  • It offers one of the largest collections of 159 free voices with many voice options for Spanish.
  • Can be used for audio transcription with 7 minutes of audio transcription per month.
  • It includes the Table Reads feature to narrate books or scripts using multiple voices.
  • 3 free voice effects like Pitch, Pause, and Speed are included in the free plan.
  • Access to Projects and Files for up to 24 hours.


  • Commercial rights are not included in the free plan, so not suitable for commercial purposes.
  • Doesn’t offer any discounts for top-ups like in paid plans.



Basic intro: is a free online Text To Speech converter that provides natural voices across Spanish and many other languages in real-time. It is a completely free Text to Speech converter and claims that it will always be free. It has a simple and straightforward interface with a lot of features, especially for something that’s completely free. Aside from Text to Speech, it also provides other services like PDF speaker, Image speaker, Text to MP3, RSS Reader, etc. Plus, you get even more features when you register an account for free. is really one of the best free Spanish Text to Speech converter websites that runs with donations and advertisements. Below are the features of this wonderful TTS website:


  • It has a simple and straightforward interface for easy use.
  • Absolutely free website that runs with the help of donations and advertisements.
  • Has a huge library of voices across many languages.
  • Not only a Text to Speech converter but also a PDF speaker, Image speaker, etc.
  • It reads aloud ebooks, pdfs, or any text files you upload.
  • Advanced options to change the rate, pitch, speed, and volume of the voice.
  • No login is required to use, but additional features available for free when you register an account.
  • Also has the option to download the converted audio as mp3.


  • Has advertisements on the website.
  • May not be the best option for commercial purposes

4. NaturalReader


Basic intro: NaturalReader is a free Text to Speech software that is suitable for any type of needs whether it be for personal use, reading purposes, or commercial purposes. It is one of the best and most popular text-to-speech websites available today that can generate natural-sounding voices in high quality. It also supports OCR technology which helps users to listen to text from scanned documents or images. And there’s even more to it, so NaturalReader can be one of the best choices for free Spanish Text to Speech converter website.

NaturalReader is available online and also as installable software and chrome extensions. It too has various pricing plans but below are the features of the free version of NaturalReader Online:


  • Can read or convert the scanned documents or images into audios with its OCR functionality.
  • It offers over 100 natural-sounding voices available in 16 different languages including Spanish to try.
  • Also includes a Pronunciation editor for additional adjustments.
  • Designed as a reading aid to help dyslexic readers with different viewing settings.
  • Advanced editor to change the speed and volume of the audio along with options for dark mode, hotkeys, etc.
  • It allows conversion up to 20 minutes per day with Premium voices in the free plan.


  • You can try premium voices but does not allow downloading them.
  • Free voices are very limited.

5. TTSReader


Basic intro: TTSReader is one of the very few Text to Speech converter websites that are completely free. Well, it seems to have a commercial plan but it is still completely free for personal and general use. Not just simple text, but it can also instantly read-aloud text, pdfs & ebooks with natural-sounding voices. It is a lightweight online tool that doesn’t require creating accounts and there’s no need for any download as well. Despite being a completely free Text-to-Speech converter, it has some really great features in it. There are various options of natural-sounding voices in Spanish and different languages and accents. Plus, it also has a commercial plan that you can use to create audios for commercial purposes.

TTSReader is a limitless free online Text-to-Speech converter that you can use to convert Spanish text into audio without any worries. Following are the features of this free TTS website:


  • Simple and easy-to-use interface
  • Completely free for personal or general use.
  • It allows you to manually add pauses and alter the speed of the voice.
  • Has many options for voices including male and female, accents, and languages.
  • It reads aloud ebooks, pdfs, or any text files you upload.
  • Also available for mobile devices for instant access.
  • Automatically remembers the preferences of the previous session and also has options for screen recording.
  • Has a ‘Record Audio’ option for saving audio in webm format which is almost like downloading.


  • Has advertisements on the website.
  • May not be the best option for commercial purposes



Basic Intro: is a professional and advanced Text to Speech converter website that uses the latest AI and Machine Learning technologies for generating artificial voice. It is a very popular online tool that is widely known for its ability to make studio-quality voiceovers easily in minutes. Murf is mainly focused on creating realistic natural human voices with AI by getting rid of robotic and unnatural tones. And it is not just a Text to Speech converter. It can also be used for converting speech into editable text (transcription), making high-quality voiceovers for videos, generating AI video from audio, etc.

Even though Murf is free to try and use with its free plan, it also offers various pricing plans with premium features. But still, it can be considered one of the best free Text-to-Speech converters with its awesome features in the free plan:


  • 10 minutes of voice generation & 10 minutes of transcription for free
  • Has different functionalities aside from Text to speech conversion like transcription, making and editing voiceovers, etc.
  • It offers over 120 different types of AI voices for men, and women to try.
  • No login required and no credit card needed for the free plan.
  • It offers the most natural-sounding AI voices in 20 different languages.
  • Advanced options available like pitch adjustment, adding pauses, emphasizing specific words, speed, etc. for extra adjustments.
  • Free grammar and punctuation assistants are available for correction of the text.
  • Free trial allows you to render up to 10 minutes of voice from the text.
  • It provides royalty-free background music to add to videos or voiceovers.


  • Does not allow downloading output audio/video, can only share with its link.
  • Allows only one user without options for collaboration in the free plan.

7. Notevibes


Basic Intro: Notevibes is another free Spanish Text-to-Speech converter website on our list that can instantly convert your text into natural-sounding speech with AI. With around 221 high-quality voices and 25 different languages including the premium ones, they have a huge collection of voice options from the most popular providers like Google, Microsoft, Amazon, and IBM to choose from. Notevibes also comes with great features for additional adjustments along with a well-designed interface, so you will have an overall better experience generating voice from the text without any difficulties.

Notevibes actually is a premium Text-to-Speech software, but it also has a free version which we would say is self-sufficient with many voice options for the Spanish language.


  • It allows up to 2000 characters for text to speech conversion.
  • Large library of free voice options in many languages including Spanish.
  • Advanced editor to add pauses in one click, change speed, and pitch, control volume, etc.
  • It has a simple and straightforward interface for easy use.
  • Ability to emphasize specific words along with unique options of spell-out, cardinal, ordinal, and digits.
  • It grants you intellectual rights to freely use or sell voices (in some paid plans only).
  • Backups are available for 14 days, so your work is safe (only for paid plans).
  • Has options for adding dialogs and downloading the audio as mp3.


  • Very limited on the number of characters
  • Does not provide commercial rights in the free version.

8. Wideo


Basic intro: Wideo can be the simplest Text to Speech converter website that you can use online. It is very simple and straightforward that everybody can use it without any problem. However, Wideo is originally an online video maker that helps you create promo videos, explainer videos, demo videos, presentations, etc. while text to speech conversion is another one of its functionalities. But still, it has got all the basic features that a Text to Speech converter should have. Wideo free Text to Speech software integrates with Google Text-to-Speech API, so the quality of its voices is as good as other paid software. Additionally, this free Text to Speech functionality works even better with Wideo’s video maker.

Wideo Text to Speech software is completely free to use online. It is one of the simplest websites you can use for converting Spanish text into speech for free.


  • Can convert up to 2000 characters per day
  • It offers a large list of voices and languages including Spanish to choose from.
  • Completely free and easy-to-use Text to Speech converter.
  • Professional video maker available along with TTS functionality.
  • Has the ability to adjust the speed of the voice.
  • It allows you to preview the audio and download it as an mp3 file for free.
  • No advertisements and popups on the site and no login and credit card required.


  • Lacks some advanced text-to-speech features
  • Limitations on the number of characters without any specific pricing plan to remove the restriction.

9. IBM Watson Text to Speech


Basic intro: IBM Watson Text to Speech is a popular as well as powerful online Text to Speech converter that converts text into natural-sounding speech in a variety of languages and voices. It uses the latest AI and Machine Learning technology to provide real-time speech synthesis service for multilingual natural-sounding voices. And, IBM Watson Text to Speech also allows the creation of a distinct custom AI voice for a particular brand or business. Plus, one of its strongest points is that it provides end-to-end encryption, so the data are safe and privacy is maintained.

IBM Watson Text to Speech is one of the leaders in the field of TTS with its up-to-date technologies. Despite being so advanced and professional, it is generous enough to offer a free plan ‘Lite’ with the features below:


  • It offers 35 natural-sounding neural voices across 16 different languages including Spanish.
  • Allows a maximum of 10,000 characters per month for conversion.
  • It provides End-to-end encryption even in the free plan.
  • It uses the latest AI and Machine learning technology for real-time speech synthesis.
  • Professional features like the creation of custom neural voices with AI (in paid plans only)
  • Advanced audio adjustment tools available along with options for downloads.


  • Not suitable for beginner and basic use.
  • Cannot get started right away as it requires login and detailed information.

10. Amazon Polly


Basic intro: When it comes to a professional Text to Speech service, Amazon Polly is always on the list. But it is not just advanced and professional, it is also a free Text to Speech converter that you can use to turn text into life-like speech, create applications that talk, etc. Amazon Polly is a cloud-based service by Amazon that uses deep learning technologies and AI technology to synthesize realistic human speech in dozens of voices across many different languages. It offers Neural Text-to-Speech voices in addition to Standard TTS voices that deliver advanced improvements in speech quality through a new machine learning approach. Plus, one of the unique features of Amazon Polly is that it lets you create a custom AI voice for the brand or organization.

Amazon Polly is an advanced text-to-speech service that is almost always up to date with the latest technology. Despite that, it does offer a free plan to try Amazon Polly with its AWS Free Tier.


  • Ability to stream audio in real-time or store & redistribute speech.
  • Customisation & control options available for speech output.
  • It offers 5 million characters free per month for 12 months with the AWS Free Tier.
  • It provides one of the most realistic and natural-sounding voices with its latest technology.
  • A large number of voice options are available across a broad set of languages including Spanish.
  • Supports API integration for applications or any products.
  • It can create a custom voice for the exclusive use of your organization.


  • Not suitable for beginner and basic use.
  • Cannot get started right away as it requires login and detailed information.


Above are the 10 best Spanish Text to Speech converter websites that lets you convert text into audio for free. As you might have already noticed, this article also contains some websites that are not completely free but offer a free plan. We could have managed to research a list of all completely free TTS converter websites but we believe these websites offer even greater value in their free version than the completely free ones. Also, each TTS converter in this list can be used for a specific purpose. For example, NaturalReader might be the best choice for listening to text from documents, for personal use while can be used to learn about new AI TTS technologies.

Therefore, its upto you to decide what you want to use. This is our collection of 10 Best Free Spanish Text to Speech Converter Websites and we hope that this will be helpful to you.


Text to Speech (TTS) is a technology that basically converts digital text into artificial audio. In this article, we’ll be sharing with you the 10 best Spanish text-to-speech converter websites that you can use for free. But before actually moving to the list, here is a little information on this topic.

When it comes to free text to speech converter websites, there are a lot of them on the internet but not all of them support the Spanish language as the majority of websites only support English. While creating this list of best free Spanish text to speech converter websites, we made sure to include only the trustworthy and legit sites that have positive feedback and don’t misuse your data or information because cybersecurity is a serious issue and today’s internet is full of scams and frauds. So one thing we can assure you is that all the TTS websites listed in this article are not only free but trustworthy as well.

As we all know, free stuff always comes with limitations (in most cases). However, we have tried our very best to provide you with a list of the best TTS converter websites that offer the highest benefits with the lowest limitations for free. Therefore, some websites in this list might be completely free while some might have a free plan to use but whatever they might be, know that they offer the best for something that’s free and includes support for Spanish.



Basic intro: Voicemaker is a professional online Text to Speech converter that converts any text into audio using its realistic AI voices. It supports 90+ different languages along with SSML Tags and a large number of voice options for each of them. Its AI engine uses both Standard TTS and Neural TTS with the most natural-sounding voices. On top of that, they provide many adjustment options for audio like voice effects, pauses, emphasis, speed, pitch, volume, etc. also with the ‘Say as’ option. Plus, they also have advanced audio settings, and voice settings available.

Even though is not completely free as it has various pricing plans, it wouldn’t hurt to say that Voicemaker falls under the list of one of the best free Spanish Text to Speech converter websites.


  • 70+ free voices including Standard & Neural TTS available across 30+ different languages including Spanish.
  • Well-designed and well-optimized interface.
  • Allows up to 100 Text-to-speech conversions per week in the free plan.
  • Allows commercial use on sites like YouTube as long as proper credit is given.
  • Supports SSML tags and neural TTS along with Standard TTS.
  • Advanced options and settings for adjusting the audio along with voice effects.
  • More features like Pronunciation editor, Dark mode, etc. with 50+ fresh new AI voices coming soon.
  • Also has API integration facilities for developers (not free).
  • No login required to try and use.
  • Email support is available even for the free plan.


  • Only allows up to 250 characters per convert.
  • Neural TTS is a bit more limited in the free plan.

2. Kukarella


Basic intro: Kukarella is an amazing online Text-to-Speech software that lets you easily create beautiful voiceovers with realistic AI voices. It is powered by Google, Amazon, Microsoft, and IBM which can be used both as a Text-to-voice software and an Audio-to-text software. Kukarella also provides you with the functionality to narrate books or scripts with multiple voices which is a beta feature. In terms of voices and language options, it has one of the largest libraries of around 670 voices across 100+ different languages and accents which is truly remarkable. Plus, it also has a well-designed UI with advanced features for a better experience.

Kukarella can be your best choice for converting Spanish text into speech for free as it offers a ton of features even in its free plan compared to other similar websites.


  • It allows up to 3000 characters per month for text to speech conversion.
  • It offers one of the largest collections of 159 free voices with many voice options for Spanish.
  • Can be used for audio transcription with 7 minutes of audio transcription per month.
  • It includes the Table Reads feature to narrate books or scripts using multiple voices.
  • 3 free voice effects like Pitch, Pause, and Speed are included in the free plan.
  • Access to Projects and Files for up to 24 hours.


  • Commercial rights are not included in the free plan, so not suitable for commercial purposes.
  • Doesn’t offer any discounts for top-ups like in paid plans.



Basic intro: is a free online Text To Speech converter that provides natural voices across Spanish and many other languages in real-time. It is a completely free Text to Speech converter and claims that it will always be free. It has a simple and straightforward interface with a lot of features, especially for something that’s completely free. Aside from Text to Speech, it also provides other services like PDF speaker, Image speaker, Text to MP3, RSS Reader, etc. Plus, you get even more features when you register an account for free. is really one of the best free Spanish Text to Speech converter websites that runs with donations and advertisements. Below are the features of this wonderful TTS website:


  • It has a simple and straightforward interface for easy use.
  • Absolutely free website that runs with the help of donations and advertisements.
  • Has a huge library of voices across many languages.
  • Not only a Text to Speech converter but also a PDF speaker, Image speaker, etc.
  • It reads aloud ebooks, pdfs, or any text files you upload.
  • Advanced options to change the rate, pitch, speed, and volume of the voice.
  • No login is required to use, but additional features available for free when you register an account.
  • Also has the option to download the converted audio as mp3.


  • Has advertisements on the website.
  • May not be the best option for commercial purposes

4. NaturalReader


Basic intro: NaturalReader is a free Text to Speech software that is suitable for any type of needs whether it be for personal use, reading purposes, or commercial purposes. It is one of the best and most popular text-to-speech websites available today that can generate natural-sounding voices in high quality. It also supports OCR technology which helps users to listen to text from scanned documents or images. And there’s even more to it, so NaturalReader can be one of the best choices for free Spanish Text to Speech converter website.

NaturalReader is available online and also as installable software and chrome extensions. It too has various pricing plans but below are the features of the free version of NaturalReader Online:


  • Can read or convert the scanned documents or images into audios with its OCR functionality.
  • It offers over 100 natural-sounding voices available in 16 different languages including Spanish to try.
  • Also includes a Pronunciation editor for additional adjustments.
  • Designed as a reading aid to help dyslexic readers with different viewing settings.
  • Advanced editor to change the speed and volume of the audio along with options for dark mode, hotkeys, etc.
  • It allows conversion up to 20 minutes per day with Premium voices in the free plan.


  • You can try premium voices but does not allow downloading them.
  • Free voices are very limited.

5. TTSReader


Basic intro: TTSReader is one of the very few Text to Speech converter websites that are completely free. Well, it seems to have a commercial plan but it is still completely free for personal and general use. Not just simple text, but it can also instantly read-aloud text, pdfs & ebooks with natural-sounding voices. It is a lightweight online tool that doesn’t require creating accounts and there’s no need for any download as well. Despite being a completely free Text-to-Speech converter, it has some really great features in it. There are various options of natural-sounding voices in Spanish and different languages and accents. Plus, it also has a commercial plan that you can use to create audios for commercial purposes.

TTSReader is a limitless free online Text-to-Speech converter that you can use to convert Spanish text into audio without any worries. Following are the features of this free TTS website:


  • Simple and easy-to-use interface
  • Completely free for personal or general use.
  • It allows you to manually add pauses and alter the speed of the voice.
  • Has many options for voices including male and female, accents, and languages.
  • It reads aloud ebooks, pdfs, or any text files you upload.
  • Also available for mobile devices for instant access.
  • Automatically remembers the preferences of the previous session and also has options for screen recording.
  • Has a ‘Record Audio’ option for saving audio in webm format which is almost like downloading.


  • Has advertisements on the website.
  • May not be the best option for commercial purposes



Basic Intro: is a professional and advanced Text to Speech converter website that uses the latest AI and Machine Learning technologies for generating artificial voice. It is a very popular online tool that is widely known for its ability to make studio-quality voiceovers easily in minutes. Murf is mainly focused on creating realistic natural human voices with AI by getting rid of robotic and unnatural tones. And it is not just a Text to Speech converter. It can also be used for converting speech into editable text (transcription), making high-quality voiceovers for videos, generating AI video from audio, etc.

Even though Murf is free to try and use with its free plan, it also offers various pricing plans with premium features. But still, it can be considered one of the best free Text-to-Speech converters with its awesome features in the free plan:


  • 10 minutes of voice generation & 10 minutes of transcription for free
  • Has different functionalities aside from Text to speech conversion like transcription, making and editing voiceovers, etc.
  • It offers over 120 different types of AI voices for men, and women to try.
  • No login required and no credit card needed for the free plan.
  • It offers the most natural-sounding AI voices in 20 different languages.
  • Advanced options available like pitch adjustment, adding pauses, emphasizing specific words, speed, etc. for extra adjustments.
  • Free grammar and punctuation assistants are available for correction of the text.
  • Free trial allows you to render up to 10 minutes of voice from the text.
  • It provides royalty-free background music to add to videos or voiceovers.


  • Does not allow downloading output audio/video, can only share with its link.
  • Allows only one user without options for collaboration in the free plan.

7. Notevibes


Basic Intro: Notevibes is another free Spanish Text-to-Speech converter website on our list that can instantly convert your text into natural-sounding speech with AI. With around 221 high-quality voices and 25 different languages including the premium ones, they have a huge collection of voice options from the most popular providers like Google, Microsoft, Amazon, and IBM to choose from. Notevibes also comes with great features for additional adjustments along with a well-designed interface, so you will have an overall better experience generating voice from the text without any difficulties.

Notevibes actually is a premium Text-to-Speech software, but it also has a free version which we would say is self-sufficient with many voice options for the Spanish language.


  • It allows up to 2000 characters for text to speech conversion.
  • Large library of free voice options in many languages including Spanish.
  • Advanced editor to add pauses in one click, change speed, and pitch, control volume, etc.
  • It has a simple and straightforward interface for easy use.
  • Ability to emphasize specific words along with unique options of spell-out, cardinal, ordinal, and digits.
  • It grants you intellectual rights to freely use or sell voices (in some paid plans only).
  • Backups are available for 14 days, so your work is safe (only for paid plans).
  • Has options for adding dialogs and downloading the audio as mp3.


  • Very limited on the number of characters
  • Does not provide commercial rights in the free version.

8. Wideo


Basic intro: Wideo can be the simplest Text to Speech converter website that you can use online. It is very simple and straightforward that everybody can use it without any problem. However, Wideo is originally an online video maker that helps you create promo videos, explainer videos, demo videos, presentations, etc. while text to speech conversion is another one of its functionalities. But still, it has got all the basic features that a Text to Speech converter should have. Wideo free Text to Speech software integrates with Google Text-to-Speech API, so the quality of its voices is as good as other paid software. Additionally, this free Text to Speech functionality works even better with Wideo’s video maker.

Wideo Text to Speech software is completely free to use online. It is one of the simplest websites you can use for converting Spanish text into speech for free.


  • Can convert up to 2000 characters per day
  • It offers a large list of voices and languages including Spanish to choose from.
  • Completely free and easy-to-use Text to Speech converter.
  • Professional video maker available along with TTS functionality.
  • Has the ability to adjust the speed of the voice.
  • It allows you to preview the audio and download it as an mp3 file for free.
  • No advertisements and popups on the site and no login and credit card required.


  • Lacks some advanced text-to-speech features
  • Limitations on the number of characters without any specific pricing plan to remove the restriction.

9. IBM Watson Text to Speech


Basic intro: IBM Watson Text to Speech is a popular as well as powerful online Text to Speech converter that converts text into natural-sounding speech in a variety of languages and voices. It uses the latest AI and Machine Learning technology to provide real-time speech synthesis service for multilingual natural-sounding voices. And, IBM Watson Text to Speech also allows the creation of a distinct custom AI voice for a particular brand or business. Plus, one of its strongest points is that it provides end-to-end encryption, so the data are safe and privacy is maintained.

IBM Watson Text to Speech is one of the leaders in the field of TTS with its up-to-date technologies. Despite being so advanced and professional, it is generous enough to offer a free plan ‘Lite’ with the features below:


  • It offers 35 natural-sounding neural voices across 16 different languages including Spanish.
  • Allows a maximum of 10,000 characters per month for conversion.
  • It provides End-to-end encryption even in the free plan.
  • It uses the latest AI and Machine learning technology for real-time speech synthesis.
  • Professional features like the creation of custom neural voices with AI (in paid plans only)
  • Advanced audio adjustment tools available along with options for downloads.


  • Not suitable for beginner and basic use.
  • Cannot get started right away as it requires login and detailed information.

10. Amazon Polly


Basic intro: When it comes to a professional Text to Speech service, Amazon Polly is always on the list. But it is not just advanced and professional, it is also a free Text to Speech converter that you can use to turn text into life-like speech, create applications that talk, etc. Amazon Polly is a cloud-based service by Amazon that uses deep learning technologies and AI technology to synthesize realistic human speech in dozens of voices across many different languages. It offers Neural Text-to-Speech voices in addition to Standard TTS voices that deliver advanced improvements in speech quality through a new machine learning approach. Plus, one of the unique features of Amazon Polly is that it lets you create a custom AI voice for the brand or organization.

Amazon Polly is an advanced text-to-speech service that is almost always up to date with the latest technology. Despite that, it does offer a free plan to try Amazon Polly with its AWS Free Tier.


  • Ability to stream audio in real-time or store & redistribute speech.
  • Customisation & control options available for speech output.
  • It offers 5 million characters free per month for 12 months with the AWS Free Tier.
  • It provides one of the most realistic and natural-sounding voices with its latest technology.
  • A large number of voice options are available across a broad set of languages including Spanish.
  • Supports API integration for applications or any products.
  • It can create a custom voice for the exclusive use of your organization.


  • Not suitable for beginner and basic use.
  • Cannot get started right away as it requires login and detailed information.


Above are the 10 best Spanish Text to Speech converter websites that lets you convert text into audio for free. As you might have already noticed, this article also contains some websites that are not completely free but offer a free plan. We could have managed to research a list of all completely free TTS converter websites but we believe these websites offer even greater value in their free version than the completely free ones. Also, each TTS converter in this list can be used for a specific purpose. For example, NaturalReader might be the best choice for listening to text from documents, for personal use while can be used to learn about new AI TTS technologies.

Therefore, its upto you to decide what you want to use. This is our collection of 10 Best Free Spanish Text to Speech Converter Websites and we hope that this will be helpful to you.


Text to Speech (TTS) is a technology that basically converts digital text into artificial audio. In this article, we’ll be sharing with you the 10 best Spanish text-to-speech converter websites that you can use for free. But before actually moving to the list, here is a little information on this topic.

When it comes to free text to speech converter websites, there are a lot of them on the internet but not all of them support the Spanish language as the majority of websites only support English. While creating this list of best free Spanish text to speech converter websites, we made sure to include only the trustworthy and legit sites that have positive feedback and don’t misuse your data or information because cybersecurity is a serious issue and today’s internet is full of scams and frauds. So one thing we can assure you is that all the TTS websites listed in this article are not only free but trustworthy as well.

As we all know, free stuff always comes with limitations (in most cases). However, we have tried our very best to provide you with a list of the best TTS converter websites that offer the highest benefits with the lowest limitations for free. Therefore, some websites in this list might be completely free while some might have a free plan to use but whatever they might be, know that they offer the best for something that’s free and includes support for Spanish.



Basic intro: Voicemaker is a professional online Text to Speech converter that converts any text into audio using its realistic AI voices. It supports 90+ different languages along with SSML Tags and a large number of voice options for each of them. Its AI engine uses both Standard TTS and Neural TTS with the most natural-sounding voices. On top of that, they provide many adjustment options for audio like voice effects, pauses, emphasis, speed, pitch, volume, etc. also with the ‘Say as’ option. Plus, they also have advanced audio settings, and voice settings available.

Even though is not completely free as it has various pricing plans, it wouldn’t hurt to say that Voicemaker falls under the list of one of the best free Spanish Text to Speech converter websites.


  • 70+ free voices including Standard & Neural TTS available across 30+ different languages including Spanish.
  • Well-designed and well-optimized interface.
  • Allows up to 100 Text-to-speech conversions per week in the free plan.
  • Allows commercial use on sites like YouTube as long as proper credit is given.
  • Supports SSML tags and neural TTS along with Standard TTS.
  • Advanced options and settings for adjusting the audio along with voice effects.
  • More features like Pronunciation editor, Dark mode, etc. with 50+ fresh new AI voices coming soon.
  • Also has API integration facilities for developers (not free).
  • No login required to try and use.
  • Email support is available even for the free plan.


  • Only allows up to 250 characters per convert.
  • Neural TTS is a bit more limited in the free plan.

2. Kukarella


Basic intro: Kukarella is an amazing online Text-to-Speech software that lets you easily create beautiful voiceovers with realistic AI voices. It is powered by Google, Amazon, Microsoft, and IBM which can be used both as a Text-to-voice software and an Audio-to-text software. Kukarella also provides you with the functionality to narrate books or scripts with multiple voices which is a beta feature. In terms of voices and language options, it has one of the largest libraries of around 670 voices across 100+ different languages and accents which is truly remarkable. Plus, it also has a well-designed UI with advanced features for a better experience.

Kukarella can be your best choice for converting Spanish text into speech for free as it offers a ton of features even in its free plan compared to other similar websites.


  • It allows up to 3000 characters per month for text to speech conversion.
  • It offers one of the largest collections of 159 free voices with many voice options for Spanish.
  • Can be used for audio transcription with 7 minutes of audio transcription per month.
  • It includes the Table Reads feature to narrate books or scripts using multiple voices.
  • 3 free voice effects like Pitch, Pause, and Speed are included in the free plan.
  • Access to Projects and Files for up to 24 hours.


  • Commercial rights are not included in the free plan, so not suitable for commercial purposes.
  • Doesn’t offer any discounts for top-ups like in paid plans.



Basic intro: is a free online Text To Speech converter that provides natural voices across Spanish and many other languages in real-time. It is a completely free Text to Speech converter and claims that it will always be free. It has a simple and straightforward interface with a lot of features, especially for something that’s completely free. Aside from Text to Speech, it also provides other services like PDF speaker, Image speaker, Text to MP3, RSS Reader, etc. Plus, you get even more features when you register an account for free. is really one of the best free Spanish Text to Speech converter websites that runs with donations and advertisements. Below are the features of this wonderful TTS website:


  • It has a simple and straightforward interface for easy use.
  • Absolutely free website that runs with the help of donations and advertisements.
  • Has a huge library of voices across many languages.
  • Not only a Text to Speech converter but also a PDF speaker, Image speaker, etc.
  • It reads aloud ebooks, pdfs, or any text files you upload.
  • Advanced options to change the rate, pitch, speed, and volume of the voice.
  • No login is required to use, but additional features available for free when you register an account.
  • Also has the option to download the converted audio as mp3.


  • Has advertisements on the website.
  • May not be the best option for commercial purposes

4. NaturalReader


Basic intro: NaturalReader is a free Text to Speech software that is suitable for any type of needs whether it be for personal use, reading purposes, or commercial purposes. It is one of the best and most popular text-to-speech websites available today that can generate natural-sounding voices in high quality. It also supports OCR technology which helps users to listen to text from scanned documents or images. And there’s even more to it, so NaturalReader can be one of the best choices for free Spanish Text to Speech converter website.

NaturalReader is available online and also as installable software and chrome extensions. It too has various pricing plans but below are the features of the free version of NaturalReader Online:


  • Can read or convert the scanned documents or images into audios with its OCR functionality.
  • It offers over 100 natural-sounding voices available in 16 different languages including Spanish to try.
  • Also includes a Pronunciation editor for additional adjustments.
  • Designed as a reading aid to help dyslexic readers with different viewing settings.
  • Advanced editor to change the speed and volume of the audio along with options for dark mode, hotkeys, etc.
  • It allows conversion up to 20 minutes per day with Premium voices in the free plan.


  • You can try premium voices but does not allow downloading them.
  • Free voices are very limited.

5. TTSReader


Basic intro: TTSReader is one of the very few Text to Speech converter websites that are completely free. Well, it seems to have a commercial plan but it is still completely free for personal and general use. Not just simple text, but it can also instantly read-aloud text, pdfs & ebooks with natural-sounding voices. It is a lightweight online tool that doesn’t require creating accounts and there’s no need for any download as well. Despite being a completely free Text-to-Speech converter, it has some really great features in it. There are various options of natural-sounding voices in Spanish and different languages and accents. Plus, it also has a commercial plan that you can use to create audios for commercial purposes.

TTSReader is a limitless free online Text-to-Speech converter that you can use to convert Spanish text into audio without any worries. Following are the features of this free TTS website:


  • Simple and easy-to-use interface
  • Completely free for personal or general use.
  • It allows you to manually add pauses and alter the speed of the voice.
  • Has many options for voices including male and female, accents, and languages.
  • It reads aloud ebooks, pdfs, or any text files you upload.
  • Also available for mobile devices for instant access.
  • Automatically remembers the preferences of the previous session and also has options for screen recording.
  • Has a ‘Record Audio’ option for saving audio in webm format which is almost like downloading.


  • Has advertisements on the website.
  • May not be the best option for commercial purposes



Basic Intro: is a professional and advanced Text to Speech converter website that uses the latest AI and Machine Learning technologies for generating artificial voice. It is a very popular online tool that is widely known for its ability to make studio-quality voiceovers easily in minutes. Murf is mainly focused on creating realistic natural human voices with AI by getting rid of robotic and unnatural tones. And it is not just a Text to Speech converter. It can also be used for converting speech into editable text (transcription), making high-quality voiceovers for videos, generating AI video from audio, etc.

Even though Murf is free to try and use with its free plan, it also offers various pricing plans with premium features. But still, it can be considered one of the best free Text-to-Speech converters with its awesome features in the free plan:


  • 10 minutes of voice generation & 10 minutes of transcription for free
  • Has different functionalities aside from Text to speech conversion like transcription, making and editing voiceovers, etc.
  • It offers over 120 different types of AI voices for men, and women to try.
  • No login required and no credit card needed for the free plan.
  • It offers the most natural-sounding AI voices in 20 different languages.
  • Advanced options available like pitch adjustment, adding pauses, emphasizing specific words, speed, etc. for extra adjustments.
  • Free grammar and punctuation assistants are available for correction of the text.
  • Free trial allows you to render up to 10 minutes of voice from the text.
  • It provides royalty-free background music to add to videos or voiceovers.


  • Does not allow downloading output audio/video, can only share with its link.
  • Allows only one user without options for collaboration in the free plan.

7. Notevibes


Basic Intro: Notevibes is another free Spanish Text-to-Speech converter website on our list that can instantly convert your text into natural-sounding speech with AI. With around 221 high-quality voices and 25 different languages including the premium ones, they have a huge collection of voice options from the most popular providers like Google, Microsoft, Amazon, and IBM to choose from. Notevibes also comes with great features for additional adjustments along with a well-designed interface, so you will have an overall better experience generating voice from the text without any difficulties.

Notevibes actually is a premium Text-to-Speech software, but it also has a free version which we would say is self-sufficient with many voice options for the Spanish language.


  • It allows up to 2000 characters for text to speech conversion.
  • Large library of free voice options in many languages including Spanish.
  • Advanced editor to add pauses in one click, change speed, and pitch, control volume, etc.
  • It has a simple and straightforward interface for easy use.
  • Ability to emphasize specific words along with unique options of spell-out, cardinal, ordinal, and digits.
  • It grants you intellectual rights to freely use or sell voices (in some paid plans only).
  • Backups are available for 14 days, so your work is safe (only for paid plans).
  • Has options for adding dialogs and downloading the audio as mp3.


  • Very limited on the number of characters
  • Does not provide commercial rights in the free version.

8. Wideo


Basic intro: Wideo can be the simplest Text to Speech converter website that you can use online. It is very simple and straightforward that everybody can use it without any problem. However, Wideo is originally an online video maker that helps you create promo videos, explainer videos, demo videos, presentations, etc. while text to speech conversion is another one of its functionalities. But still, it has got all the basic features that a Text to Speech converter should have. Wideo free Text to Speech software integrates with Google Text-to-Speech API, so the quality of its voices is as good as other paid software. Additionally, this free Text to Speech functionality works even better with Wideo’s video maker.

Wideo Text to Speech software is completely free to use online. It is one of the simplest websites you can use for converting Spanish text into speech for free.


  • Can convert up to 2000 characters per day
  • It offers a large list of voices and languages including Spanish to choose from.
  • Completely free and easy-to-use Text to Speech converter.
  • Professional video maker available along with TTS functionality.
  • Has the ability to adjust the speed of the voice.
  • It allows you to preview the audio and download it as an mp3 file for free.
  • No advertisements and popups on the site and no login and credit card required.


  • Lacks some advanced text-to-speech features
  • Limitations on the number of characters without any specific pricing plan to remove the restriction.

9. IBM Watson Text to Speech


Basic intro: IBM Watson Text to Speech is a popular as well as powerful online Text to Speech converter that converts text into natural-sounding speech in a variety of languages and voices. It uses the latest AI and Machine Learning technology to provide real-time speech synthesis service for multilingual natural-sounding voices. And, IBM Watson Text to Speech also allows the creation of a distinct custom AI voice for a particular brand or business. Plus, one of its strongest points is that it provides end-to-end encryption, so the data are safe and privacy is maintained.

IBM Watson Text to Speech is one of the leaders in the field of TTS with its up-to-date technologies. Despite being so advanced and professional, it is generous enough to offer a free plan ‘Lite’ with the features below:


  • It offers 35 natural-sounding neural voices across 16 different languages including Spanish.
  • Allows a maximum of 10,000 characters per month for conversion.
  • It provides End-to-end encryption even in the free plan.
  • It uses the latest AI and Machine learning technology for real-time speech synthesis.
  • Professional features like the creation of custom neural voices with AI (in paid plans only)
  • Advanced audio adjustment tools available along with options for downloads.


  • Not suitable for beginner and basic use.
  • Cannot get started right away as it requires login and detailed information.

10. Amazon Polly


Basic intro: When it comes to a professional Text to Speech service, Amazon Polly is always on the list. But it is not just advanced and professional, it is also a free Text to Speech converter that you can use to turn text into life-like speech, create applications that talk, etc. Amazon Polly is a cloud-based service by Amazon that uses deep learning technologies and AI technology to synthesize realistic human speech in dozens of voices across many different languages. It offers Neural Text-to-Speech voices in addition to Standard TTS voices that deliver advanced improvements in speech quality through a new machine learning approach. Plus, one of the unique features of Amazon Polly is that it lets you create a custom AI voice for the brand or organization.

Amazon Polly is an advanced text-to-speech service that is almost always up to date with the latest technology. Despite that, it does offer a free plan to try Amazon Polly with its AWS Free Tier.


  • Ability to stream audio in real-time or store & redistribute speech.
  • Customisation & control options available for speech output.
  • It offers 5 million characters free per month for 12 months with the AWS Free Tier.
  • It provides one of the most realistic and natural-sounding voices with its latest technology.
  • A large number of voice options are available across a broad set of languages including Spanish.
  • Supports API integration for applications or any products.
  • It can create a custom voice for the exclusive use of your organization.


  • Not suitable for beginner and basic use.
  • Cannot get started right away as it requires login and detailed information.


Above are the 10 best Spanish Text to Speech converter websites that lets you convert text into audio for free. As you might have already noticed, this article also contains some websites that are not completely free but offer a free plan. We could have managed to research a list of all completely free TTS converter websites but we believe these websites offer even greater value in their free version than the completely free ones. Also, each TTS converter in this list can be used for a specific purpose. For example, NaturalReader might be the best choice for listening to text from documents, for personal use while can be used to learn about new AI TTS technologies.

Therefore, its upto you to decide what you want to use. This is our collection of 10 Best Free Spanish Text to Speech Converter Websites and we hope that this will be helpful to you.

How to Denoise in Final Cut Pro – Reduce Video and Audio Noise

Whenever it comes to the term denoise, we usually get kind of “lost in translation” – does it mean to remove or reduce just the background noise in terms of audio, or does it intend noise effect on the actual scene which we see visually? Anyway, using video editors, denoising is possible in both ways. And why should we denoise at all? – to find out, we will touch upon both issues, and learn how to do those two things in Final Cut Pro.

How to remove background noise in Final Cut Pro?

It doesn’t really matter if you are preparing a video for youtube, a podcast, or any other content with audio in it – for your listeners to be engaged, you need a clear audio, but sometimes that is not the case. You might even find unnecessary background noise after recording the video or audio, and it can be really annoying – that kind of recording gives your audio tracks an unprofessional touch, which can lead to disengaged listeners, the viewers who just don’t want to listen to it anymore. But it’s always possible to turn the tables – and for it, using video editors might really give us a hand. So, Final Cut Pro, which is developed only for Macs (so, you will not be able to use this software on the PC), can solve this problem for you.

So, if you are using Final Cut Pro 10.6, it’s possible to achieve your goal without using any plug-ins. In such a case, there are special effects to use. First of all, let us say that you have an audio file which you want to be corrected because it has some echo, hum, background noise; so you import that one into the programme, namely, timeline.


You will need to first use Equalatization, which is under the Audio Enhancements.


You will need to check the square that opens the equalizer and shows graphics for it. The high frequencies are on the right, and the low ones you will find on the left. Lower the highs and raise the points a little on the left side.


Next step would be to level out the lows and highs of the voice using a Compressor. You will find this effect in Installed Effects, which you need to drag and drop on the audio, and it will raise the whispers and lower the shouts in the audio.


Some background noise will still be there, so you then can find Channel EQ effect you will find in the effects. You need to drag it on the clip, then click on the equalize button in the inspector, and this time, reduce the lower levels on the left, while you also lower the highs on the right.


Lastly, you will need to use the Noise Gate effect. This will cut out all of the sounds between words, so when someone in the audio is not speaking, there will be no background noise at all.


In case this kind of cutting noise out doesn’t sound natural, you can look into Noise Gate Parameters and concentrate on two of them – reduction and release. If you drag the latter right, the noise will raise, and reduction will also raise noise a little, in order to reduce the clipping.

How to denoise a video in Final Cut Pro?

But what is noise in terms of videos? It means that the video is not clear, but instead, the clip has grains on it, which is not so pleasant to see (unless you use noise/grain effect with some purpose!). the noise usually appear when the shot was taken in an environment with not enough white, or, in other cases, when the video was taken with small-sensory equipment, for example, smartphone or action camera.

And Final Cut Pro is one of the video editors where you can remove or reduce the noise and make your footage look clearer than it would have been originally, and it will guarantee that people who are interested and watch your clip will have a better experience. So, let’s learn step by step how to denoise the video in our beloved Final Cut Pro, which added this feature only starting from Final Cut Pro 10.4.4 – it means that before, the task was only done by using some expensive plug-ins, but starting from this version of the program, the software has video noise reduction effect itself.

So, choose the video which has some noise and grain and you wish to edit. Bring it in the program, and click on it in the timeline, in order to select it. The video should appear in the viewer, and you will be able to see the noise right away or whenever you zoom in a little. Then, you will need to find the Effects – you can just use the shortcut and click on Command and 5, or find the panel in the top-right corner of the timeline. Whenever Effects appear, you will need to select the Basic category, and then double-click the icon to apply the noise reduction filter, and close the window. It might take a while to analyze the clip for noise.



In the inspector, you will find the controls for noise reduction, which only include the Amount and Sharpness.


You might as well boost the amount to high, then you can take a look at the image to evaluate the result. One way to do the last step is to uncheck the box next to the Noise Reduction as well, which will disable the filter until you check the box again.

You can also change the Sharpness to Medium, which will compensate for the soft look the effect produces.

And, there is also a noise reduction effect dedicated to 360 viewers, which is called 360 Noise Reduction. As you can see, the effect removes a lot of noise and makes the grainy video look clearer and more enjoyable, besides, if you move around the sphere in the viewer, the effect seems quite seamless!



Bonus tip: how to remove audio noise in video with Filmora

In case you don’t own Mac or just want to operate in another computer program, then Wondershare Filmora would make a great alternative – it’s one of the software that can help you get rid of the background noise. How to do it there? Follow this guideline:

First off, of course, you need to drag and drop the video into the timeline. Then, in order to edit the audio of the video separately, you’ll need to right-click on the video and find Detach Audio.


Double-clicking on the audio track in the sequence will show the editing panel, where you can find – Remove background noise, which, as it is obvious, will remove the noise directly.


So, in this article, we learned how to denoise in Final Cut Pro – both in terms of audio background noise, and noise and grain on the video, and we learned how to get rid of audio noise in Wondershare Filmora in the easiest and fastest way!

You will need to first use Equalatization, which is under the Audio Enhancements.


You will need to check the square that opens the equalizer and shows graphics for it. The high frequencies are on the right, and the low ones you will find on the left. Lower the highs and raise the points a little on the left side.


Next step would be to level out the lows and highs of the voice using a Compressor. You will find this effect in Installed Effects, which you need to drag and drop on the audio, and it will raise the whispers and lower the shouts in the audio.


Some background noise will still be there, so you then can find Channel EQ effect you will find in the effects. You need to drag it on the clip, then click on the equalize button in the inspector, and this time, reduce the lower levels on the left, while you also lower the highs on the right.


Lastly, you will need to use the Noise Gate effect. This will cut out all of the sounds between words, so when someone in the audio is not speaking, there will be no background noise at all.


In case this kind of cutting noise out doesn’t sound natural, you can look into Noise Gate Parameters and concentrate on two of them – reduction and release. If you drag the latter right, the noise will raise, and reduction will also raise noise a little, in order to reduce the clipping.

How to denoise a video in Final Cut Pro?

But what is noise in terms of videos? It means that the video is not clear, but instead, the clip has grains on it, which is not so pleasant to see (unless you use noise/grain effect with some purpose!). the noise usually appear when the shot was taken in an environment with not enough white, or, in other cases, when the video was taken with small-sensory equipment, for example, smartphone or action camera.

And Final Cut Pro is one of the video editors where you can remove or reduce the noise and make your footage look clearer than it would have been originally, and it will guarantee that people who are interested and watch your clip will have a better experience. So, let’s learn step by step how to denoise the video in our beloved Final Cut Pro, which added this feature only starting from Final Cut Pro 10.4.4 – it means that before, the task was only done by using some expensive plug-ins, but starting from this version of the program, the software has video noise reduction effect itself.

So, choose the video which has some noise and grain and you wish to edit. Bring it in the program, and click on it in the timeline, in order to select it. The video should appear in the viewer, and you will be able to see the noise right away or whenever you zoom in a little. Then, you will need to find the Effects – you can just use the shortcut and click on Command and 5, or find the panel in the top-right corner of the timeline. Whenever Effects appear, you will need to select the Basic category, and then double-click the icon to apply the noise reduction filter, and close the window. It might take a while to analyze the clip for noise.



In the inspector, you will find the controls for noise reduction, which only include the Amount and Sharpness.


You might as well boost the amount to high, then you can take a look at the image to evaluate the result. One way to do the last step is to uncheck the box next to the Noise Reduction as well, which will disable the filter until you check the box again.

You can also change the Sharpness to Medium, which will compensate for the soft look the effect produces.

And, there is also a noise reduction effect dedicated to 360 viewers, which is called 360 Noise Reduction. As you can see, the effect removes a lot of noise and makes the grainy video look clearer and more enjoyable, besides, if you move around the sphere in the viewer, the effect seems quite seamless!



Bonus tip: how to remove audio noise in video with Filmora

In case you don’t own Mac or just want to operate in another computer program, then Wondershare Filmora would make a great alternative – it’s one of the software that can help you get rid of the background noise. How to do it there? Follow this guideline:

First off, of course, you need to drag and drop the video into the timeline. Then, in order to edit the audio of the video separately, you’ll need to right-click on the video and find Detach Audio.


Double-clicking on the audio track in the sequence will show the editing panel, where you can find – Remove background noise, which, as it is obvious, will remove the noise directly.


So, in this article, we learned how to denoise in Final Cut Pro – both in terms of audio background noise, and noise and grain on the video, and we learned how to get rid of audio noise in Wondershare Filmora in the easiest and fastest way!

You will need to first use Equalatization, which is under the Audio Enhancements.


You will need to check the square that opens the equalizer and shows graphics for it. The high frequencies are on the right, and the low ones you will find on the left. Lower the highs and raise the points a little on the left side.


Next step would be to level out the lows and highs of the voice using a Compressor. You will find this effect in Installed Effects, which you need to drag and drop on the audio, and it will raise the whispers and lower the shouts in the audio.


Some background noise will still be there, so you then can find Channel EQ effect you will find in the effects. You need to drag it on the clip, then click on the equalize button in the inspector, and this time, reduce the lower levels on the left, while you also lower the highs on the right.


Lastly, you will need to use the Noise Gate effect. This will cut out all of the sounds between words, so when someone in the audio is not speaking, there will be no background noise at all.


In case this kind of cutting noise out doesn’t sound natural, you can look into Noise Gate Parameters and concentrate on two of them – reduction and release. If you drag the latter right, the noise will raise, and reduction will also raise noise a little, in order to reduce the clipping.

How to denoise a video in Final Cut Pro?

But what is noise in terms of videos? It means that the video is not clear, but instead, the clip has grains on it, which is not so pleasant to see (unless you use noise/grain effect with some purpose!). the noise usually appear when the shot was taken in an environment with not enough white, or, in other cases, when the video was taken with small-sensory equipment, for example, smartphone or action camera.

And Final Cut Pro is one of the video editors where you can remove or reduce the noise and make your footage look clearer than it would have been originally, and it will guarantee that people who are interested and watch your clip will have a better experience. So, let’s learn step by step how to denoise the video in our beloved Final Cut Pro, which added this feature only starting from Final Cut Pro 10.4.4 – it means that before, the task was only done by using some expensive plug-ins, but starting from this version of the program, the software has video noise reduction effect itself.

So, choose the video which has some noise and grain and you wish to edit. Bring it in the program, and click on it in the timeline, in order to select it. The video should appear in the viewer, and you will be able to see the noise right away or whenever you zoom in a little. Then, you will need to find the Effects – you can just use the shortcut and click on Command and 5, or find the panel in the top-right corner of the timeline. Whenever Effects appear, you will need to select the Basic category, and then double-click the icon to apply the noise reduction filter, and close the window. It might take a while to analyze the clip for noise.



In the inspector, you will find the controls for noise reduction, which only include the Amount and Sharpness.


You might as well boost the amount to high, then you can take a look at the image to evaluate the result. One way to do the last step is to uncheck the box next to the Noise Reduction as well, which will disable the filter until you check the box again.

You can also change the Sharpness to Medium, which will compensate for the soft look the effect produces.

And, there is also a noise reduction effect dedicated to 360 viewers, which is called 360 Noise Reduction. As you can see, the effect removes a lot of noise and makes the grainy video look clearer and more enjoyable, besides, if you move around the sphere in the viewer, the effect seems quite seamless!



Bonus tip: how to remove audio noise in video with Filmora

In case you don’t own Mac or just want to operate in another computer program, then Wondershare Filmora would make a great alternative – it’s one of the software that can help you get rid of the background noise. How to do it there? Follow this guideline:

First off, of course, you need to drag and drop the video into the timeline. Then, in order to edit the audio of the video separately, you’ll need to right-click on the video and find Detach Audio.


Double-clicking on the audio track in the sequence will show the editing panel, where you can find – Remove background noise, which, as it is obvious, will remove the noise directly.


So, in this article, we learned how to denoise in Final Cut Pro – both in terms of audio background noise, and noise and grain on the video, and we learned how to get rid of audio noise in Wondershare Filmora in the easiest and fastest way!

You will need to first use Equalatization, which is under the Audio Enhancements.


You will need to check the square that opens the equalizer and shows graphics for it. The high frequencies are on the right, and the low ones you will find on the left. Lower the highs and raise the points a little on the left side.


Next step would be to level out the lows and highs of the voice using a Compressor. You will find this effect in Installed Effects, which you need to drag and drop on the audio, and it will raise the whispers and lower the shouts in the audio.


Some background noise will still be there, so you then can find Channel EQ effect you will find in the effects. You need to drag it on the clip, then click on the equalize button in the inspector, and this time, reduce the lower levels on the left, while you also lower the highs on the right.


Lastly, you will need to use the Noise Gate effect. This will cut out all of the sounds between words, so when someone in the audio is not speaking, there will be no background noise at all.


In case this kind of cutting noise out doesn’t sound natural, you can look into Noise Gate Parameters and concentrate on two of them – reduction and release. If you drag the latter right, the noise will raise, and reduction will also raise noise a little, in order to reduce the clipping.

How to denoise a video in Final Cut Pro?

But what is noise in terms of videos? It means that the video is not clear, but instead, the clip has grains on it, which is not so pleasant to see (unless you use noise/grain effect with some purpose!). the noise usually appear when the shot was taken in an environment with not enough white, or, in other cases, when the video was taken with small-sensory equipment, for example, smartphone or action camera.

And Final Cut Pro is one of the video editors where you can remove or reduce the noise and make your footage look clearer than it would have been originally, and it will guarantee that people who are interested and watch your clip will have a better experience. So, let’s learn step by step how to denoise the video in our beloved Final Cut Pro, which added this feature only starting from Final Cut Pro 10.4.4 – it means that before, the task was only done by using some expensive plug-ins, but starting from this version of the program, the software has video noise reduction effect itself.

So, choose the video which has some noise and grain and you wish to edit. Bring it in the program, and click on it in the timeline, in order to select it. The video should appear in the viewer, and you will be able to see the noise right away or whenever you zoom in a little. Then, you will need to find the Effects – you can just use the shortcut and click on Command and 5, or find the panel in the top-right corner of the timeline. Whenever Effects appear, you will need to select the Basic category, and then double-click the icon to apply the noise reduction filter, and close the window. It might take a while to analyze the clip for noise.



In the inspector, you will find the controls for noise reduction, which only include the Amount and Sharpness.


You might as well boost the amount to high, then you can take a look at the image to evaluate the result. One way to do the last step is to uncheck the box next to the Noise Reduction as well, which will disable the filter until you check the box again.

You can also change the Sharpness to Medium, which will compensate for the soft look the effect produces.

And, there is also a noise reduction effect dedicated to 360 viewers, which is called 360 Noise Reduction. As you can see, the effect removes a lot of noise and makes the grainy video look clearer and more enjoyable, besides, if you move around the sphere in the viewer, the effect seems quite seamless!



Bonus tip: how to remove audio noise in video with Filmora

In case you don’t own Mac or just want to operate in another computer program, then Wondershare Filmora would make a great alternative – it’s one of the software that can help you get rid of the background noise. How to do it there? Follow this guideline:

First off, of course, you need to drag and drop the video into the timeline. Then, in order to edit the audio of the video separately, you’ll need to right-click on the video and find Detach Audio.


Double-clicking on the audio track in the sequence will show the editing panel, where you can find – Remove background noise, which, as it is obvious, will remove the noise directly.


So, in this article, we learned how to denoise in Final Cut Pro – both in terms of audio background noise, and noise and grain on the video, and we learned how to get rid of audio noise in Wondershare Filmora in the easiest and fastest way!

Do You Want to Learn About the iPhone LUT? Have You Used Them on Your iOS Device? Use This Article to Get Valuable Insights on the Same

Are you a photographer? Do you like to capture the best moments as media files? Then, the LUTs app offers you surprising editing options to retain realistic clicks. The iPhone LUT refine the images and videos by color grading and adding filters. It is an exclusive tool applicable to iPhone and iOS gadgets.

Many iPhone devices have a good picture quality, and some users try filming using this gadget. Upgrade the recordings and redefine the images and videos with perfect color matches using the grading techniques. The essence of the picture depends on the combinations of brightness, hue, color, and saturation level. The LUT apps include the correct combinations of these attributes to enhance the overall captures. Connect with this article to discover the best ways to use the LUTs app for optimal image and video clicks.

iphone lut

Useful LUTs app for iPhone

Here, you will explore the best LUTs apps available for download at the app store. Here, you will find only reliable applications that serve your purpose without compromising the quality factors.

• 3D LUT app

In this LUT apo, you can perform high-end color grading techniques and bring out the best in the picture by assigning the correct combination of colors. This app also works on complex images and fixes the issues quickly. It allows you to build your color filter and apply it to the photos and videos on your iPhone. You can either upload the media file into the 3D LUT interface or use the recent clicks to customize the color attributes using this software.


  • Excellent and quality color grading is feasible using this tool.
  • Easy to upload the media files into this editing interface. It does not consume much of your time.


  • Some newbie users find it slightly hard to handle the controls on its interface.

iphone lut - 3D lut


• Video LUT

It is a high-end video editing LUTs app that works on every detail of the videos. This app helps you upload the images even from the virtual storage effortlessly. It supports some of the LUT formats like a 3D cube, Autodesk 3D LUT, and .png files. Use this app to adjust the brightness level, contrast, shadows, and saturation to obtain better looks in the images and videos.

Use this application to set the CMYK curves and insert the desired effects like glow and denoise to improve the visual and audio quality of the videos. The color grading option increases the standards of the videos and photos. The White balance attributes can be set to automatic mode to adapt to the existing levels in the original videos.


  • Allows the users to perform batch processing and enables you to work with multiple files hassle-free.
  • Merging of LUTs to create newer ones is feasible using this tool.


  • Sometimes due to the file size, importing the videos from different sources affects the overall editing time. While accessing the virtual storage space, any unexpected network issues slow down the procedure.

iphone lut - Video LUTs

Video LUts

• LUTs App

This application assists you to edit the LUTs images professionally. It is in-built with features like brightness, saturation, contrast, shadow, light, and tone. Set the precise values for these attributes to enhance the overall appearance of the images and videos. This application allows you to create a filter by customizing it with desired visual settings and implementing it on any uploaded videos and images for future use. This app aids you to share it without friends too.


  • Easy navigation while editing the imported images and videos.
  • Efficiently edit the color and export the photo directly to any destination quickly.


  • Only limited features are available with this LUTs app.

iphone lut - LUTs app

LUTs app

• Filmic Pro

It is a cinematic LUT app and provides you with the essential effects of the uploaded content. You can purchase the professional LUTs pack to add value to your captures. It is a sophisticated tool and it works beyond boundaries. Use this limitless feature of this Cini Kit to bring out the best in the imported video content. There are options to integrate the in-built LUTs into your editing interface and apply the desired ones based on your requirements. It has a comfortable interface and promises you quality results.


  • This app satisfies both beginners and professionals. It is a valuable LUT pack and makes a worthy purchase by purchasing the advanced features at cost-effective price tags.
  • There are options to create a 3D illusion of the imported images using this Filmic Pro LUTs tool.


  • The learning curve is steep and you have to spend extra hours to master all the in-built options available with this software.

iphone lut - Filmic Pro

Filmic Pro

How do you use the LUTs app to edit the videos precisely?

This section is an elaborate discussion on the best ways to use the LUTs app to edit the images or videos on iPhone efficiently. Every image takes a new look after editing with this giant program. The unique feature of this program is that you can create a filter on your own and apply it to obtain awesome outcomes. In the LUTs app, you will find the Export option on every edit page. It helps you to share it with your friends anytime even during the editing period. Any changes can be further included by scrolling the option at its interface.

You can follow up on the below instructions to successfully edit the images and videos using the LUTs app. Carefully watch out for the steps to edit the images or videos on your iPhone precisely.

Step 1Install the LUTs app

Go to the App Store and download this app. You can install the program and launch it to make further edits to the images.

how to use LUTs app - install Luts

Install Luts

Step 2 Create your filter

On the home screen of this app, create a customized filter and upload the images to apply to it. You can also use the in-built filters, LUTs files, and color grading attributes. The onscreen instruction is available to guide you with the respective pages for further edits on the imported files.

how to use LUTs app - Create LUTs

Create LUTs

Select the LUTs and apply, then adjust the color gradings and work with the parameters like brightness, hue, luminescence, and saturation. Make changes with the uploaded file and save the changes by tapping the tick icon at the top corner of the screen on your iPhone device.

Step 3 Export the edited content

Finally, press the export button to share the edited images with your friends at their respective destinations.

how to use LUTs app - Export LUTs


Some of the options integrate for free into this platform. Apply them wisely to make the right changes to the image and videos.

All the above discussed three LUTs application gives you results with high standards. Every image looks great after undergoing the LUT filters. They are precise applications and reveal the flavors of the images and videos efficiently. The LUTs applications are simple and give you more features to personalize the photos and videos for your need. It is high time to select the reliable one from the list.

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Thus, you had an enlightening journey with the iPhone LUT. You can process the images and videos using these LUTs apps and choose the above-discussed programs to make the perfect edits on the media files. They are simple to work with and give you the best outcomes without prior editing skills.

All the editing control are visible, and it is enough if you make the right clicks to include the desired effects on the imported media file. Connect with this article to discover efficient editing with the LUTs app. Stay tuned for further exciting facts about it in detail.

iphone lut - 3D lut


• Video LUT

It is a high-end video editing LUTs app that works on every detail of the videos. This app helps you upload the images even from the virtual storage effortlessly. It supports some of the LUT formats like a 3D cube, Autodesk 3D LUT, and .png files. Use this app to adjust the brightness level, contrast, shadows, and saturation to obtain better looks in the images and videos.

Use this application to set the CMYK curves and insert the desired effects like glow and denoise to improve the visual and audio quality of the videos. The color grading option increases the standards of the videos and photos. The White balance attributes can be set to automatic mode to adapt to the existing levels in the original videos.


  • Allows the users to perform batch processing and enables you to work with multiple files hassle-free.
  • Merging of LUTs to create newer ones is feasible using this tool.


  • Sometimes due to the file size, importing the videos from different sources affects the overall editing time. While accessing the virtual storage space, any unexpected network issues slow down the procedure.

iphone lut - Video LUTs

Video LUts

• LUTs App

This application assists you to edit the LUTs images professionally. It is in-built with features like brightness, saturation, contrast, shadow, light, and tone. Set the precise values for these attributes to enhance the overall appearance of the images and videos. This application allows you to create a filter by customizing it with desired visual settings and implementing it on any uploaded videos and images for future use. This app aids you to share it without friends too.


  • Easy navigation while editing the imported images and videos.
  • Efficiently edit the color and export the photo directly to any destination quickly.


  • Only limited features are available with this LUTs app.

iphone lut - LUTs app

LUTs app

• Filmic Pro

It is a cinematic LUT app and provides you with the essential effects of the uploaded content. You can purchase the professional LUTs pack to add value to your captures. It is a sophisticated tool and it works beyond boundaries. Use this limitless feature of this Cini Kit to bring out the best in the imported video content. There are options to integrate the in-built LUTs into your editing interface and apply the desired ones based on your requirements. It has a comfortable interface and promises you quality results.


  • This app satisfies both beginners and professionals. It is a valuable LUT pack and makes a worthy purchase by purchasing the advanced features at cost-effective price tags.
  • There are options to create a 3D illusion of the imported images using this Filmic Pro LUTs tool.


  • The learning curve is steep and you have to spend extra hours to master all the in-built options available with this software.

iphone lut - Filmic Pro

Filmic Pro

How do you use the LUTs app to edit the videos precisely?

This section is an elaborate discussion on the best ways to use the LUTs app to edit the images or videos on iPhone efficiently. Every image takes a new look after editing with this giant program. The unique feature of this program is that you can create a filter on your own and apply it to obtain awesome outcomes. In the LUTs app, you will find the Export option on every edit page. It helps you to share it with your friends anytime even during the editing period. Any changes can be further included by scrolling the option at its interface.

You can follow up on the below instructions to successfully edit the images and videos using the LUTs app. Carefully watch out for the steps to edit the images or videos on your iPhone precisely.

Step 1Install the LUTs app

Go to the App Store and download this app. You can install the program and launch it to make further edits to the images.

how to use LUTs app - install Luts

Install Luts

Step 2 Create your filter

On the home screen of this app, create a customized filter and upload the images to apply to it. You can also use the in-built filters, LUTs files, and color grading attributes. The onscreen instruction is available to guide you with the respective pages for further edits on the imported files.

how to use LUTs app - Create LUTs

Create LUTs

Select the LUTs and apply, then adjust the color gradings and work with the parameters like brightness, hue, luminescence, and saturation. Make changes with the uploaded file and save the changes by tapping the tick icon at the top corner of the screen on your iPhone device.

Step 3 Export the edited content

Finally, press the export button to share the edited images with your friends at their respective destinations.

how to use LUTs app - Export LUTs


Some of the options integrate for free into this platform. Apply them wisely to make the right changes to the image and videos.

All the above discussed three LUTs application gives you results with high standards. Every image looks great after undergoing the LUT filters. They are precise applications and reveal the flavors of the images and videos efficiently. The LUTs applications are simple and give you more features to personalize the photos and videos for your need. It is high time to select the reliable one from the list.

Wondershare Filmora11 Express Better
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Filmora Windows Filmora Mac


Thus, you had an enlightening journey with the iPhone LUT. You can process the images and videos using these LUTs apps and choose the above-discussed programs to make the perfect edits on the media files. They are simple to work with and give you the best outcomes without prior editing skills.

All the editing control are visible, and it is enough if you make the right clicks to include the desired effects on the imported media file. Connect with this article to discover efficient editing with the LUTs app. Stay tuned for further exciting facts about it in detail.

Also read:

  • Title: Step-by-Step Guide | How to Edit A Time Lapse Video on iPhone for 2024
  • Author: Chloe
  • Created at : 2024-04-24 07:08:14
  • Updated at : 2024-04-25 07:08:14
  • Link:
  • License: This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.
On this page
Step-by-Step Guide | How to Edit A Time Lapse Video on iPhone for 2024