Turn Your Blog Content Into Audio Podcasts to Reach a Wider Audience and Increase Reader Participation

Turn Your Blog Content Into Audio Podcasts to Reach a Wider Audience and Increase Reader Participation

Chloe Lv12

Turn Your Blog Content Into Audio Podcasts to Reach a Wider Audience and Increase Reader Participation

Being a content creator, either writing or generating videos, requires podcast text-to-speech knowledge. The impact of content depends on how many people see it. It means finding new ways to get it into real and virtual places where customers and users might be.

Depending on the context, podcasting can be a perfect alternative for sharing content.

This article will address your questions about the easiest way to turn a blog into a podcast. Let’s begin with the reasons why you should do a podcast.

Part 1. Why You Should Podcast

Podcasts are one of the simplest and most cost-effective ways. It helps to advertise yourself and your products to a highly targeted audience. Podcasts are also excellent for engaging with potential clients interested in your content. In your field, you can achieve fame and expertise.

effective podcast

Repurposing of Content

Podcasters can maximize their potential for successful episodes and repurposing their podcast into multiple content pieces.

This podcasting strategy can help you reach more people by putting your podcasts on more channels and engaging more people who might be interested.

More Fulfilling than Articles

Unlike music, news, TV, and social media, podcast listeners don’t have to watch the screen like they do with YouTube videos or TV shows. This means they can listen while walking or driving home from work.

Podcasts are the best way to get people to pay attention and make fundamental societal changes. They can keep people interested for a long time, so you can go into detail and get personal without turning off your audience.

Minimal Start-Up Costs

To start a podcast, you can spend a little money. Even some of the most famous podcasts use a microphone, a computer, and software for recording. But it’s common to spend more money on advertising and better hosting.

Starting a podcast doesn’t cost much, as you can get everything you need for about $145.

Expansion of Search Potential

In the past few years, many big brands and small to medium-sized businesses have started using podcasts as a marketing strategy. This is because podcasts are becoming more and more popular and can help raise your company’s profile.

Podcasting is another way to disseminate your study to a broader audience, whether that audience consists of policymakers or interested citizens.

Potential to Monetize

Using an affiliate program podcast, you can earn money. Businesses can increase their income by offering paid advertising sponsorships to monetize podcasts. Suppose you accept an affiliate offer to sell ads. In that case, you become the company’s voice and put recorded ads in your podcast episodes.

The most common way to make money from a podcast is through sponsorship. It’s also the easiest way to make money because you don’t have to make or sell anything. You just have to make a deal with a sponsor.

Part 2. Why Are Writers Hesitant to Start a Podcast?

Even after knowing all these benefits, writers are still hesitant to start a podcast. One of the main reasons a writer may be reluctant to launch a podcast is the cost of the necessary equipment. You will need at least $80 to $500 for this unpromissing business.

However, let me tell you a secret that many podcastors didn’t buy any audio equipment for the launch of their podcast channel on Spotify.

Moreover, many writers don’t want to show their voice through recordings. This is because they couldn’t just make a recording and hand it off to a sound specialist. Besides, finding their voice through the stories they write is the routine.

But we all need to get the truth that many podcastors don’t record a single word of the podcast with their own voice. Due to a solution: text-to-speech, technology like this has been around for a while and continues to improve.

The two important issues have been solved, so what are you waiting for? Platform building has always relied heavily on content marketing. With blog posts and social media, additional support was provided, and now podcasts are becoming more commonplace.

Part 3. How to Turn a Text Into a Podcast?

Text To Speech

To turn your text into audible content, Text-to-speech (TTS) is an assistive technology. With a single click, TTS reads your written text aloud. Many people also use it for writing and editing to maintain audience concentration.

Text-to-speech technology is compatible with all digital devices, including computers, tablets, and smartphones. Increasing numbers of websites and products now have developed this function. For example, you can find it within the trusted video editing software like Filmora. With Filmora’s Text to Speech (TTS) feature , you may add extra aspects to your video by turning your text files into voiceovers.

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Why we regard text to speech as a good

For writers, imagination is the only tool to construct their stories. To bring our stories to life, all we need is a laptop. The same holds for text-to-speech technologies, which can significantly assist writing and editing by allowing the author to hear their words without using their voice.

  • Text-to-speech applications can assist you in repurposing your material.

Your written work can be converted into spoken language or a podcast. A podcast can be converted into a YouTube video with a few alterations. All of these factors can help you reach new audiences.

Repurposing material permits your audience to consume it in a variety of ways. The audience can read, listen to, or view your content.

  • Text-to-speech systems enable authors to create information that is accessible.

As per World Health Organization, there are almost 285 million visually impaired persons and 39 million blind people. We writers can create a more inclusive world by constantly keeping accessibility in mind.

The limitations of text to speech

Text-to-speech software is becoming increasingly lifelike thanks to technological advancements. However, it cannot still express genuine human emotions. However, this should allow you to utilize these tools. The positives significantly exceed the disadvantages, and technology is continually improving.

Easiest Fix: Turn Texts Into Podcasts With TTS in Filmora

So how can you use text-to-speech? Andhow you can turn your texts into audio podcasts in a daily routine? Filmora, a all-in-one video editor, gets you the solution.

Step1 Download and install Filmora on your PC or Mac.

download and install filmora

Step2 Open Filmora and select the video on which you wish to add audio.

add your video file

Step3 After adding your selected video, select the option “Titles” to add text to your video.

select the option titles to add your text

Step4 Select your favorite position for text in the video, like “lower third,” which is used the most in video titles.

go to option custom

Step5 Add text to the timeline and click “Ok.” You can move the red timeline marker if you want your text in a certain spot.

red timeline marker

Click the “+” button marked in the picture below to add text.

add text to the timeline

You can also edit the text by changing its style, color, and font or by animating it.

change text style

Step6 Press the “Text-to-Speech” button in the lower right side and choose your preferred voice. For example, Lilly’s voice resembles Siri.

choose your preferred voice

You can also choose another language other than English.

language of text-to-speech filmora

Click “Ok” once you’ve selected everything according to your requirements.

Step7 Once the transcription is completed, go ahead and test the video and audio to see if it’s synching.

test your video and audio

And that’s done. This is how easy it is to turn your texts into speech using Filmora.

Part 4. Hot FAQs on Podcast Text to Speech

How do I convert podcasts to text?

With the help of the smartphone app Google Recorder you can easily convert podcasts to texts for free.

  • Open the app on your phone, start recording to it, and start recording your podcast simultaneously.
  • The words will be automatically recorded and entered into the application as you talk into your phone’s microphone.
  • After you click stop on the app, you can store and share the files once you finish your recording.

You have an option of sharing the text, the audio, or both. Alternatively, you can save them to your Google Drive if you don’t want to share them.

How to turn my podcast into a sound?

To convert your video podcasts into audio through Filmora. Follow these steps:

  • Drag the imported video from the media library into the video timeline.
  • To extract the audio from the video, right-click the video clip and select “Audio Detach.”
  • After a while, audio and video will be seen on separate tracks.

Can I save the sound after converting text to speech?

Once the text has been converted to speech, you can save the sound. Select your preferred format after clicking the “export” option in Filmora.


Many of us wish to launch a podcast and blog. A productive podcast’s essence is turning writing into audio using various podcasting techniques. AI-powered text-to-speech softwares can quickly convert articles into podcasts. Or, you can invite significant people to your podcast to personalize it. Podcasting can give outdated content a new life.

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Why we regard text to speech as a good

For writers, imagination is the only tool to construct their stories. To bring our stories to life, all we need is a laptop. The same holds for text-to-speech technologies, which can significantly assist writing and editing by allowing the author to hear their words without using their voice.

  • Text-to-speech applications can assist you in repurposing your material.

Your written work can be converted into spoken language or a podcast. A podcast can be converted into a YouTube video with a few alterations. All of these factors can help you reach new audiences.

Repurposing material permits your audience to consume it in a variety of ways. The audience can read, listen to, or view your content.

  • Text-to-speech systems enable authors to create information that is accessible.

As per World Health Organization, there are almost 285 million visually impaired persons and 39 million blind people. We writers can create a more inclusive world by constantly keeping accessibility in mind.

The limitations of text to speech

Text-to-speech software is becoming increasingly lifelike thanks to technological advancements. However, it cannot still express genuine human emotions. However, this should allow you to utilize these tools. The positives significantly exceed the disadvantages, and technology is continually improving.

Easiest Fix: Turn Texts Into Podcasts With TTS in Filmora

So how can you use text-to-speech? Andhow you can turn your texts into audio podcasts in a daily routine? Filmora, a all-in-one video editor, gets you the solution.

Step1 Download and install Filmora on your PC or Mac.

download and install filmora

Step2 Open Filmora and select the video on which you wish to add audio.

add your video file

Step3 After adding your selected video, select the option “Titles” to add text to your video.

select the option titles to add your text

Step4 Select your favorite position for text in the video, like “lower third,” which is used the most in video titles.

go to option custom

Step5 Add text to the timeline and click “Ok.” You can move the red timeline marker if you want your text in a certain spot.

red timeline marker

Click the “+” button marked in the picture below to add text.

add text to the timeline

You can also edit the text by changing its style, color, and font or by animating it.

change text style

Step6 Press the “Text-to-Speech” button in the lower right side and choose your preferred voice. For example, Lilly’s voice resembles Siri.

choose your preferred voice

You can also choose another language other than English.

language of text-to-speech filmora

Click “Ok” once you’ve selected everything according to your requirements.

Step7 Once the transcription is completed, go ahead and test the video and audio to see if it’s synching.

test your video and audio

And that’s done. This is how easy it is to turn your texts into speech using Filmora.

Part 4. Hot FAQs on Podcast Text to Speech

How do I convert podcasts to text?

With the help of the smartphone app Google Recorder you can easily convert podcasts to texts for free.

  • Open the app on your phone, start recording to it, and start recording your podcast simultaneously.
  • The words will be automatically recorded and entered into the application as you talk into your phone’s microphone.
  • After you click stop on the app, you can store and share the files once you finish your recording.

You have an option of sharing the text, the audio, or both. Alternatively, you can save them to your Google Drive if you don’t want to share them.

How to turn my podcast into a sound?

To convert your video podcasts into audio through Filmora. Follow these steps:

  • Drag the imported video from the media library into the video timeline.
  • To extract the audio from the video, right-click the video clip and select “Audio Detach.”
  • After a while, audio and video will be seen on separate tracks.

Can I save the sound after converting text to speech?

Once the text has been converted to speech, you can save the sound. Select your preferred format after clicking the “export” option in Filmora.


Many of us wish to launch a podcast and blog. A productive podcast’s essence is turning writing into audio using various podcasting techniques. AI-powered text-to-speech softwares can quickly convert articles into podcasts. Or, you can invite significant people to your podcast to personalize it. Podcasting can give outdated content a new life.

How to Put Emoji on Mac That Take Less Than 10 Mins

How to Put Emoji on Mac That Take Less Than 10 Mins

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Emojis are expressive graphic elements that backup your content for catering to an engaging information delivery. Be here to know the how’s and why’s!

In this article

01 [The Power of Emojis in Marketing](#Part 1)

02 [How to Add Emoji on MacBook Efficiently?](#Part 2)

03 [How to Enable and Access Emoji Characters on a Mac?](#Part 3)

04 [Putting Emoji on Mac Q&A](#Part 4)

Part 1 The Power of Emojis in Marketing

Emojis are one elusive means to express the feel behind a content that is being presented, regardless of the diversities in the platform and information aspects. While the common beliefs with respect these graphic uplifts are restricted within personal boundaries of fun and entertainment, the professional credibility of emojis is no less.

When the talk is about marketing and business strategies, the significance of these elements cannot be limited within the constraints of domain and time. Entering into the application varieties, you can work with emojis everywhere, from promotional advertisements to promote your brand, to devising strategic video presentations and slideshows to showcase your company utilities in front of a target audience.

Beginning our discussion towards the same, let us look through the different aspects and benefits of including emojis as a compliment to business marketing strategies in the following section:

Merits of Using Emojis as a Marketing Tactic

01Social Media Utility

Considering the fact that social media is turning into a content sharing hub, irrespective of information genres, the business marketing arena is obviously not left untouched. With the revolutionary expansion in the concept and credibility of digital marketing, social media platforms have become a significant space for product advertisement and brand promotion.

Speaking in the light of the above, the fact that emojis have long been a part of social media conversations is something that cannot be ignored. Using a combination of emojis and social media can thus, work to deliver a more effective presentation of your brands, products and company services, while keeping the audience captivated by making them connect with the feel of the utility they are viewing at.

02Making the Brand Come Alive

It is a known fact that a trusted brand name works to earn a hoard of loyal customers in the long run. Adding an emoji in your brand promotion strategies helps to establish a great deal of emotional connection of the same with your target audience, while making them relate to the regular inclusion of these graphic elements in their social media conversations.

Working towards adding emojis in your product or company presentations or ad campaigns caters to convey the product information in a unique style of its own by adding an extra bit of liveliness to your brand.

You should however, be cautious while using emojis to promote your brand, lest these may end up crowding the presentation snippet. It is a wise decision to use a single or couple of emojis at the end of a text based content, rather than stuffing the same with a series of emojis to avoid the distraction of audience.

Another way of making an impressive use of emojis in your promotional media posts is creating engaging feature lists of your brand, or adding the same to the product headlines, while giving them an extra impact. Such graphic creativity will surely put your brand ahead of the numerous counterparts on promotional business sites.

03Enhanced Viewer Engagement

It is a common practice to include emojis within personal chats and social media conversations to ensure an improved peer engagement, while uplifting the degree of fun and entertainment. The same concept can be applied to brand promotion strategies for bringing in an increased number of interested audiences.

Supplementing your promotional content with emojis helps the latter to gain a casual and informal presentation approach that suits the audience in a much better way. Speaking in the light of the current social media and digital market trends, emojis have managed to achieve a universal credibility that is far ahead of video and image centered promotional elements.

As a product or business marketer, you can work with these conveying graphic utilities to initiate thematic conversations with your viewers and potential customers. Care should however be taken to make an intelligent and smart usage of emojis, to ensure that the latter works to uplift and compliment your promotional strategies, lest you would end up distracting your audiences.

04Supplementing the Content With a Cohesive Context

When aiming at creating a brand awareness of your product or company via promotional messaging, emojis can help to convey an emotional exactness that a text based content often falls short of adhering to.

While using emojis alone can make the task a bit difficult, an intelligent combination of the latter with cohesive text elements can effectively cater towards delivering a top rated promotional output, while adding an extra bit of meaning and depth to the same.

When promoting your product across social media platforms that have a restriction on the maximum number of characters within a single post or message, using emojis can compensate for the text you would otherwise prefer to add. The additional benefit of this inclusion lies in supplementing your text with the missing emotional connect and feel that works to build an emphasis of your brand among the viewers.

Part 2 How to Add Emoji on MacBook Efficiently?

As already stated, emojis are an expressive set of graphic elements that work to enhance the context and credibility of the otherwise ordinary text messages. Whether used in casual conversations and personal chats on social media platforms for fun and entertainment, or included in promotional strategies to create brand awareness across the digital market, emojis cater to one and all concerns with the same effectiveness and credibility.

Working with emojis is one aspect, but the latter’s interface compatibility is also of considerable importance. When proceeding to use the elements, you should take care to check the accessibility of these elements with the system you are working on. While most of the emojis are platform independent, some of the latest ones may or may not be available on dated versions of applications and devices.

By now, you must have understood the significance of working with emojis to uplift the promotional content of a brand while ensuring a significant viewer engagement. Let us move ahead with our discussion to talk about the most effective ways of how to add emoji on MacBook in what follows next:

User’s Guide to Include the Emoji Picker Tool on the Menu Bar of a MacBook

Step 1: Access the Apple Icon

For a quick and convenient access to emoji elements on a MacBook, it is advisable to add the ‘Emoji Picker’ utility to the ‘Menu Bar’ of your device’s screen. To do this, start with navigating to the top left corner of the MacBook’s opening screen and clicking on the ‘Apple’ icon.

Adding the Emoji Picker Tool to a MacBook- Clicking on the ‘Apple' icon

Step 2: Open System Preferences

As you click on the ‘Apple’ icon in step 1, proceed to select the ‘System Preferences’ option from the drop down menu that appears next.

Adding the Emoji Picker Tool to a MacBook- Selecting the ‘System
        Preferences' Option

Step 3: Pick the Keyboard Option

Selecting the ‘Preferences’ option caters to display a series of input choice icons on your MacBook screen. From the available options, tap on the ‘Keyboard’ icon to select the same.

Adding the Emoji Picker Tool to a MacBook- Selecting the ‘Keyboard' Option

Step 4: Choose the Show Option

The ‘Keyboard Options’ at the top of the screen now present a list of functions and accessibilities that you can work upon. Click the checkbox beside the ‘Show Keyboard and Emoji Viewer in Menu Bar’ option to add the ‘Emoji Picker’ tool to the ‘Menu Bar’.

Adding the Emoji Picker Tool to a MacBook- Enabling the ‘Show Emoji Picker'

Part 3 How to Enable and Access Emoji Characters on a Mac?

Emoji characters are highly effective in expressing the emotions and feel behind your message that words often fall short of conveying. While these elements are easily accessible across devices working on almost all popular operating systems, addressing the query of how to get emoticons on Mac is many a time an element of surprise.

Diving deep into the means and ways of working with emojis on a MacOS utility, let us try hands at understanding the knowhow of enabling and accessing emoji characters on Mac compatible devices in the following section:

User’s Guide to Enable and Access Emoji Characters on Mac Devices

Step 1: Launch the Application

Start with launching the preferred application in your device in which you want to use the emoji. Within the latter’s text field, drag and point the cursor to the place where the emoji needs to be added.

Step 2: Enter the Command Combination

As you complete the first step, proceed to tap the ‘Command + Ctrl + Spacebar’ key combination on your device’s keyboard to see the ‘Emoji Picker’ overlay window pop up on the screen. If your desired emoji does not seem to find a place within the displayed lists of emoji categories, head to the ‘Search Bar’ at the top and type a relatable keyword to look for the required graphic representation.

Step 3: Select the Emoji

You can now pick a desired emoji from the displayed overlay, followed by double clicking on the same to add the element at the current cursor position.

Enabling and Accessing Emoji Characters on a Mac- Selecting and Adding the

Part 4 Putting Emoji on Mac Q&A

What is the difference between emoticons and emojis?

Graphic smiley faces that involve a keyboard character, like that of a letter, digit or punctuation, are referred to as emoticons; while the caricaturized images that do have a character or punctuation inclusion, belong to the category of emojis.

What does the UwU emoji stand for?

This one is an emoticon that represents a cute looking face. You can use it in your conversations and social media posts to depict a happy, affectionate and warm emotional expression. You can use to this to complement your conversations and uplift the customary text messages.

How can you avail a bank of the latest emojis for free?

When looking for convenient sources to access the latest and most expressive emojis for free, you are offered a series of graphic galleries across the web, from where you can either download the emoji package or even add the elements directly from the site to your conversations.

Why can’t you access some of the emojis on your Mac device?

To access the latest emojis on your Mac device, make sure that the device is updated to the most recent version of the MacOs operating system. You can also opt to restart and update the device by navigating to and launching the ‘Apple Menu’, followed by selecting the ‘System the device in ‘Safe Mode’.

What is the best software alternative access the latest emoji bank?

When looking for a software solution to sort the concern of how to put emoji on Mac, while taking suitable emoji suggestions, you can conveniently rely on the Wondershare Filmora Video Editor graphic editor program, which houses an extensive inventory of various graphic elements, including emojis. You can browse through the same and proceed to search the one that you that you like across a web utility.

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

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For macOS 10.12 or later

Ending Thoughts

Emojis are an expressive element of marketing strategies aiming at brand promotion, along with establishing company credibility among the potential audience.

Working towards the concern of MacOS insert emoji requires the inclusion of the ‘Emoji Picker’ tool on the latter’s menu bar.

If you are in search of an affordable software program to access the latest collection of emojis, Wondershare Filmora can be a smart choice.

Try It Free Try It Free

Emojis are expressive graphic elements that backup your content for catering to an engaging information delivery. Be here to know the how’s and why’s!

In this article

01 [The Power of Emojis in Marketing](#Part 1)

02 [How to Add Emoji on MacBook Efficiently?](#Part 2)

03 [How to Enable and Access Emoji Characters on a Mac?](#Part 3)

04 [Putting Emoji on Mac Q&A](#Part 4)

Part 1 The Power of Emojis in Marketing

Emojis are one elusive means to express the feel behind a content that is being presented, regardless of the diversities in the platform and information aspects. While the common beliefs with respect these graphic uplifts are restricted within personal boundaries of fun and entertainment, the professional credibility of emojis is no less.

When the talk is about marketing and business strategies, the significance of these elements cannot be limited within the constraints of domain and time. Entering into the application varieties, you can work with emojis everywhere, from promotional advertisements to promote your brand, to devising strategic video presentations and slideshows to showcase your company utilities in front of a target audience.

Beginning our discussion towards the same, let us look through the different aspects and benefits of including emojis as a compliment to business marketing strategies in the following section:

Merits of Using Emojis as a Marketing Tactic

01Social Media Utility

Considering the fact that social media is turning into a content sharing hub, irrespective of information genres, the business marketing arena is obviously not left untouched. With the revolutionary expansion in the concept and credibility of digital marketing, social media platforms have become a significant space for product advertisement and brand promotion.

Speaking in the light of the above, the fact that emojis have long been a part of social media conversations is something that cannot be ignored. Using a combination of emojis and social media can thus, work to deliver a more effective presentation of your brands, products and company services, while keeping the audience captivated by making them connect with the feel of the utility they are viewing at.

02Making the Brand Come Alive

It is a known fact that a trusted brand name works to earn a hoard of loyal customers in the long run. Adding an emoji in your brand promotion strategies helps to establish a great deal of emotional connection of the same with your target audience, while making them relate to the regular inclusion of these graphic elements in their social media conversations.

Working towards adding emojis in your product or company presentations or ad campaigns caters to convey the product information in a unique style of its own by adding an extra bit of liveliness to your brand.

You should however, be cautious while using emojis to promote your brand, lest these may end up crowding the presentation snippet. It is a wise decision to use a single or couple of emojis at the end of a text based content, rather than stuffing the same with a series of emojis to avoid the distraction of audience.

Another way of making an impressive use of emojis in your promotional media posts is creating engaging feature lists of your brand, or adding the same to the product headlines, while giving them an extra impact. Such graphic creativity will surely put your brand ahead of the numerous counterparts on promotional business sites.

03Enhanced Viewer Engagement

It is a common practice to include emojis within personal chats and social media conversations to ensure an improved peer engagement, while uplifting the degree of fun and entertainment. The same concept can be applied to brand promotion strategies for bringing in an increased number of interested audiences.

Supplementing your promotional content with emojis helps the latter to gain a casual and informal presentation approach that suits the audience in a much better way. Speaking in the light of the current social media and digital market trends, emojis have managed to achieve a universal credibility that is far ahead of video and image centered promotional elements.

As a product or business marketer, you can work with these conveying graphic utilities to initiate thematic conversations with your viewers and potential customers. Care should however be taken to make an intelligent and smart usage of emojis, to ensure that the latter works to uplift and compliment your promotional strategies, lest you would end up distracting your audiences.

04Supplementing the Content With a Cohesive Context

When aiming at creating a brand awareness of your product or company via promotional messaging, emojis can help to convey an emotional exactness that a text based content often falls short of adhering to.

While using emojis alone can make the task a bit difficult, an intelligent combination of the latter with cohesive text elements can effectively cater towards delivering a top rated promotional output, while adding an extra bit of meaning and depth to the same.

When promoting your product across social media platforms that have a restriction on the maximum number of characters within a single post or message, using emojis can compensate for the text you would otherwise prefer to add. The additional benefit of this inclusion lies in supplementing your text with the missing emotional connect and feel that works to build an emphasis of your brand among the viewers.

Part 2 How to Add Emoji on MacBook Efficiently?

As already stated, emojis are an expressive set of graphic elements that work to enhance the context and credibility of the otherwise ordinary text messages. Whether used in casual conversations and personal chats on social media platforms for fun and entertainment, or included in promotional strategies to create brand awareness across the digital market, emojis cater to one and all concerns with the same effectiveness and credibility.

Working with emojis is one aspect, but the latter’s interface compatibility is also of considerable importance. When proceeding to use the elements, you should take care to check the accessibility of these elements with the system you are working on. While most of the emojis are platform independent, some of the latest ones may or may not be available on dated versions of applications and devices.

By now, you must have understood the significance of working with emojis to uplift the promotional content of a brand while ensuring a significant viewer engagement. Let us move ahead with our discussion to talk about the most effective ways of how to add emoji on MacBook in what follows next:

User’s Guide to Include the Emoji Picker Tool on the Menu Bar of a MacBook

Step 1: Access the Apple Icon

For a quick and convenient access to emoji elements on a MacBook, it is advisable to add the ‘Emoji Picker’ utility to the ‘Menu Bar’ of your device’s screen. To do this, start with navigating to the top left corner of the MacBook’s opening screen and clicking on the ‘Apple’ icon.

Adding the Emoji Picker Tool to a MacBook- Clicking on the ‘Apple' icon

Step 2: Open System Preferences

As you click on the ‘Apple’ icon in step 1, proceed to select the ‘System Preferences’ option from the drop down menu that appears next.

Adding the Emoji Picker Tool to a MacBook- Selecting the ‘System
        Preferences' Option

Step 3: Pick the Keyboard Option

Selecting the ‘Preferences’ option caters to display a series of input choice icons on your MacBook screen. From the available options, tap on the ‘Keyboard’ icon to select the same.

Adding the Emoji Picker Tool to a MacBook- Selecting the ‘Keyboard' Option

Step 4: Choose the Show Option

The ‘Keyboard Options’ at the top of the screen now present a list of functions and accessibilities that you can work upon. Click the checkbox beside the ‘Show Keyboard and Emoji Viewer in Menu Bar’ option to add the ‘Emoji Picker’ tool to the ‘Menu Bar’.

Adding the Emoji Picker Tool to a MacBook- Enabling the ‘Show Emoji Picker'

Part 3 How to Enable and Access Emoji Characters on a Mac?

Emoji characters are highly effective in expressing the emotions and feel behind your message that words often fall short of conveying. While these elements are easily accessible across devices working on almost all popular operating systems, addressing the query of how to get emoticons on Mac is many a time an element of surprise.

Diving deep into the means and ways of working with emojis on a MacOS utility, let us try hands at understanding the knowhow of enabling and accessing emoji characters on Mac compatible devices in the following section:

User’s Guide to Enable and Access Emoji Characters on Mac Devices

Step 1: Launch the Application

Start with launching the preferred application in your device in which you want to use the emoji. Within the latter’s text field, drag and point the cursor to the place where the emoji needs to be added.

Step 2: Enter the Command Combination

As you complete the first step, proceed to tap the ‘Command + Ctrl + Spacebar’ key combination on your device’s keyboard to see the ‘Emoji Picker’ overlay window pop up on the screen. If your desired emoji does not seem to find a place within the displayed lists of emoji categories, head to the ‘Search Bar’ at the top and type a relatable keyword to look for the required graphic representation.

Step 3: Select the Emoji

You can now pick a desired emoji from the displayed overlay, followed by double clicking on the same to add the element at the current cursor position.

Enabling and Accessing Emoji Characters on a Mac- Selecting and Adding the

Part 4 Putting Emoji on Mac Q&A

What is the difference between emoticons and emojis?

Graphic smiley faces that involve a keyboard character, like that of a letter, digit or punctuation, are referred to as emoticons; while the caricaturized images that do have a character or punctuation inclusion, belong to the category of emojis.

What does the UwU emoji stand for?

This one is an emoticon that represents a cute looking face. You can use it in your conversations and social media posts to depict a happy, affectionate and warm emotional expression. You can use to this to complement your conversations and uplift the customary text messages.

How can you avail a bank of the latest emojis for free?

When looking for convenient sources to access the latest and most expressive emojis for free, you are offered a series of graphic galleries across the web, from where you can either download the emoji package or even add the elements directly from the site to your conversations.

Why can’t you access some of the emojis on your Mac device?

To access the latest emojis on your Mac device, make sure that the device is updated to the most recent version of the MacOs operating system. You can also opt to restart and update the device by navigating to and launching the ‘Apple Menu’, followed by selecting the ‘System the device in ‘Safe Mode’.

What is the best software alternative access the latest emoji bank?

When looking for a software solution to sort the concern of how to put emoji on Mac, while taking suitable emoji suggestions, you can conveniently rely on the Wondershare Filmora Video Editor graphic editor program, which houses an extensive inventory of various graphic elements, including emojis. You can browse through the same and proceed to search the one that you that you like across a web utility.

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

Ending Thoughts

Emojis are an expressive element of marketing strategies aiming at brand promotion, along with establishing company credibility among the potential audience.

Working towards the concern of MacOS insert emoji requires the inclusion of the ‘Emoji Picker’ tool on the latter’s menu bar.

If you are in search of an affordable software program to access the latest collection of emojis, Wondershare Filmora can be a smart choice.

Try It Free Try It Free

Emojis are expressive graphic elements that backup your content for catering to an engaging information delivery. Be here to know the how’s and why’s!

In this article

01 [The Power of Emojis in Marketing](#Part 1)

02 [How to Add Emoji on MacBook Efficiently?](#Part 2)

03 [How to Enable and Access Emoji Characters on a Mac?](#Part 3)

04 [Putting Emoji on Mac Q&A](#Part 4)

Part 1 The Power of Emojis in Marketing

Emojis are one elusive means to express the feel behind a content that is being presented, regardless of the diversities in the platform and information aspects. While the common beliefs with respect these graphic uplifts are restricted within personal boundaries of fun and entertainment, the professional credibility of emojis is no less.

When the talk is about marketing and business strategies, the significance of these elements cannot be limited within the constraints of domain and time. Entering into the application varieties, you can work with emojis everywhere, from promotional advertisements to promote your brand, to devising strategic video presentations and slideshows to showcase your company utilities in front of a target audience.

Beginning our discussion towards the same, let us look through the different aspects and benefits of including emojis as a compliment to business marketing strategies in the following section:

Merits of Using Emojis as a Marketing Tactic

01Social Media Utility

Considering the fact that social media is turning into a content sharing hub, irrespective of information genres, the business marketing arena is obviously not left untouched. With the revolutionary expansion in the concept and credibility of digital marketing, social media platforms have become a significant space for product advertisement and brand promotion.

Speaking in the light of the above, the fact that emojis have long been a part of social media conversations is something that cannot be ignored. Using a combination of emojis and social media can thus, work to deliver a more effective presentation of your brands, products and company services, while keeping the audience captivated by making them connect with the feel of the utility they are viewing at.

02Making the Brand Come Alive

It is a known fact that a trusted brand name works to earn a hoard of loyal customers in the long run. Adding an emoji in your brand promotion strategies helps to establish a great deal of emotional connection of the same with your target audience, while making them relate to the regular inclusion of these graphic elements in their social media conversations.

Working towards adding emojis in your product or company presentations or ad campaigns caters to convey the product information in a unique style of its own by adding an extra bit of liveliness to your brand.

You should however, be cautious while using emojis to promote your brand, lest these may end up crowding the presentation snippet. It is a wise decision to use a single or couple of emojis at the end of a text based content, rather than stuffing the same with a series of emojis to avoid the distraction of audience.

Another way of making an impressive use of emojis in your promotional media posts is creating engaging feature lists of your brand, or adding the same to the product headlines, while giving them an extra impact. Such graphic creativity will surely put your brand ahead of the numerous counterparts on promotional business sites.

03Enhanced Viewer Engagement

It is a common practice to include emojis within personal chats and social media conversations to ensure an improved peer engagement, while uplifting the degree of fun and entertainment. The same concept can be applied to brand promotion strategies for bringing in an increased number of interested audiences.

Supplementing your promotional content with emojis helps the latter to gain a casual and informal presentation approach that suits the audience in a much better way. Speaking in the light of the current social media and digital market trends, emojis have managed to achieve a universal credibility that is far ahead of video and image centered promotional elements.

As a product or business marketer, you can work with these conveying graphic utilities to initiate thematic conversations with your viewers and potential customers. Care should however be taken to make an intelligent and smart usage of emojis, to ensure that the latter works to uplift and compliment your promotional strategies, lest you would end up distracting your audiences.

04Supplementing the Content With a Cohesive Context

When aiming at creating a brand awareness of your product or company via promotional messaging, emojis can help to convey an emotional exactness that a text based content often falls short of adhering to.

While using emojis alone can make the task a bit difficult, an intelligent combination of the latter with cohesive text elements can effectively cater towards delivering a top rated promotional output, while adding an extra bit of meaning and depth to the same.

When promoting your product across social media platforms that have a restriction on the maximum number of characters within a single post or message, using emojis can compensate for the text you would otherwise prefer to add. The additional benefit of this inclusion lies in supplementing your text with the missing emotional connect and feel that works to build an emphasis of your brand among the viewers.

Part 2 How to Add Emoji on MacBook Efficiently?

As already stated, emojis are an expressive set of graphic elements that work to enhance the context and credibility of the otherwise ordinary text messages. Whether used in casual conversations and personal chats on social media platforms for fun and entertainment, or included in promotional strategies to create brand awareness across the digital market, emojis cater to one and all concerns with the same effectiveness and credibility.

Working with emojis is one aspect, but the latter’s interface compatibility is also of considerable importance. When proceeding to use the elements, you should take care to check the accessibility of these elements with the system you are working on. While most of the emojis are platform independent, some of the latest ones may or may not be available on dated versions of applications and devices.

By now, you must have understood the significance of working with emojis to uplift the promotional content of a brand while ensuring a significant viewer engagement. Let us move ahead with our discussion to talk about the most effective ways of how to add emoji on MacBook in what follows next:

User’s Guide to Include the Emoji Picker Tool on the Menu Bar of a MacBook

Step 1: Access the Apple Icon

For a quick and convenient access to emoji elements on a MacBook, it is advisable to add the ‘Emoji Picker’ utility to the ‘Menu Bar’ of your device’s screen. To do this, start with navigating to the top left corner of the MacBook’s opening screen and clicking on the ‘Apple’ icon.

Adding the Emoji Picker Tool to a MacBook- Clicking on the ‘Apple' icon

Step 2: Open System Preferences

As you click on the ‘Apple’ icon in step 1, proceed to select the ‘System Preferences’ option from the drop down menu that appears next.

Adding the Emoji Picker Tool to a MacBook- Selecting the ‘System
        Preferences' Option

Step 3: Pick the Keyboard Option

Selecting the ‘Preferences’ option caters to display a series of input choice icons on your MacBook screen. From the available options, tap on the ‘Keyboard’ icon to select the same.

Adding the Emoji Picker Tool to a MacBook- Selecting the ‘Keyboard' Option

Step 4: Choose the Show Option

The ‘Keyboard Options’ at the top of the screen now present a list of functions and accessibilities that you can work upon. Click the checkbox beside the ‘Show Keyboard and Emoji Viewer in Menu Bar’ option to add the ‘Emoji Picker’ tool to the ‘Menu Bar’.

Adding the Emoji Picker Tool to a MacBook- Enabling the ‘Show Emoji Picker'

Part 3 How to Enable and Access Emoji Characters on a Mac?

Emoji characters are highly effective in expressing the emotions and feel behind your message that words often fall short of conveying. While these elements are easily accessible across devices working on almost all popular operating systems, addressing the query of how to get emoticons on Mac is many a time an element of surprise.

Diving deep into the means and ways of working with emojis on a MacOS utility, let us try hands at understanding the knowhow of enabling and accessing emoji characters on Mac compatible devices in the following section:

User’s Guide to Enable and Access Emoji Characters on Mac Devices

Step 1: Launch the Application

Start with launching the preferred application in your device in which you want to use the emoji. Within the latter’s text field, drag and point the cursor to the place where the emoji needs to be added.

Step 2: Enter the Command Combination

As you complete the first step, proceed to tap the ‘Command + Ctrl + Spacebar’ key combination on your device’s keyboard to see the ‘Emoji Picker’ overlay window pop up on the screen. If your desired emoji does not seem to find a place within the displayed lists of emoji categories, head to the ‘Search Bar’ at the top and type a relatable keyword to look for the required graphic representation.

Step 3: Select the Emoji

You can now pick a desired emoji from the displayed overlay, followed by double clicking on the same to add the element at the current cursor position.

Enabling and Accessing Emoji Characters on a Mac- Selecting and Adding the

Part 4 Putting Emoji on Mac Q&A

What is the difference between emoticons and emojis?

Graphic smiley faces that involve a keyboard character, like that of a letter, digit or punctuation, are referred to as emoticons; while the caricaturized images that do have a character or punctuation inclusion, belong to the category of emojis.

What does the UwU emoji stand for?

This one is an emoticon that represents a cute looking face. You can use it in your conversations and social media posts to depict a happy, affectionate and warm emotional expression. You can use to this to complement your conversations and uplift the customary text messages.

How can you avail a bank of the latest emojis for free?

When looking for convenient sources to access the latest and most expressive emojis for free, you are offered a series of graphic galleries across the web, from where you can either download the emoji package or even add the elements directly from the site to your conversations.

Why can’t you access some of the emojis on your Mac device?

To access the latest emojis on your Mac device, make sure that the device is updated to the most recent version of the MacOs operating system. You can also opt to restart and update the device by navigating to and launching the ‘Apple Menu’, followed by selecting the ‘System the device in ‘Safe Mode’.

What is the best software alternative access the latest emoji bank?

When looking for a software solution to sort the concern of how to put emoji on Mac, while taking suitable emoji suggestions, you can conveniently rely on the Wondershare Filmora Video Editor graphic editor program, which houses an extensive inventory of various graphic elements, including emojis. You can browse through the same and proceed to search the one that you that you like across a web utility.

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

Ending Thoughts

Emojis are an expressive element of marketing strategies aiming at brand promotion, along with establishing company credibility among the potential audience.

Working towards the concern of MacOS insert emoji requires the inclusion of the ‘Emoji Picker’ tool on the latter’s menu bar.

If you are in search of an affordable software program to access the latest collection of emojis, Wondershare Filmora can be a smart choice.

Try It Free Try It Free

Emojis are expressive graphic elements that backup your content for catering to an engaging information delivery. Be here to know the how’s and why’s!

In this article

01 [The Power of Emojis in Marketing](#Part 1)

02 [How to Add Emoji on MacBook Efficiently?](#Part 2)

03 [How to Enable and Access Emoji Characters on a Mac?](#Part 3)

04 [Putting Emoji on Mac Q&A](#Part 4)

Part 1 The Power of Emojis in Marketing

Emojis are one elusive means to express the feel behind a content that is being presented, regardless of the diversities in the platform and information aspects. While the common beliefs with respect these graphic uplifts are restricted within personal boundaries of fun and entertainment, the professional credibility of emojis is no less.

When the talk is about marketing and business strategies, the significance of these elements cannot be limited within the constraints of domain and time. Entering into the application varieties, you can work with emojis everywhere, from promotional advertisements to promote your brand, to devising strategic video presentations and slideshows to showcase your company utilities in front of a target audience.

Beginning our discussion towards the same, let us look through the different aspects and benefits of including emojis as a compliment to business marketing strategies in the following section:

Merits of Using Emojis as a Marketing Tactic

01Social Media Utility

Considering the fact that social media is turning into a content sharing hub, irrespective of information genres, the business marketing arena is obviously not left untouched. With the revolutionary expansion in the concept and credibility of digital marketing, social media platforms have become a significant space for product advertisement and brand promotion.

Speaking in the light of the above, the fact that emojis have long been a part of social media conversations is something that cannot be ignored. Using a combination of emojis and social media can thus, work to deliver a more effective presentation of your brands, products and company services, while keeping the audience captivated by making them connect with the feel of the utility they are viewing at.

02Making the Brand Come Alive

It is a known fact that a trusted brand name works to earn a hoard of loyal customers in the long run. Adding an emoji in your brand promotion strategies helps to establish a great deal of emotional connection of the same with your target audience, while making them relate to the regular inclusion of these graphic elements in their social media conversations.

Working towards adding emojis in your product or company presentations or ad campaigns caters to convey the product information in a unique style of its own by adding an extra bit of liveliness to your brand.

You should however, be cautious while using emojis to promote your brand, lest these may end up crowding the presentation snippet. It is a wise decision to use a single or couple of emojis at the end of a text based content, rather than stuffing the same with a series of emojis to avoid the distraction of audience.

Another way of making an impressive use of emojis in your promotional media posts is creating engaging feature lists of your brand, or adding the same to the product headlines, while giving them an extra impact. Such graphic creativity will surely put your brand ahead of the numerous counterparts on promotional business sites.

03Enhanced Viewer Engagement

It is a common practice to include emojis within personal chats and social media conversations to ensure an improved peer engagement, while uplifting the degree of fun and entertainment. The same concept can be applied to brand promotion strategies for bringing in an increased number of interested audiences.

Supplementing your promotional content with emojis helps the latter to gain a casual and informal presentation approach that suits the audience in a much better way. Speaking in the light of the current social media and digital market trends, emojis have managed to achieve a universal credibility that is far ahead of video and image centered promotional elements.

As a product or business marketer, you can work with these conveying graphic utilities to initiate thematic conversations with your viewers and potential customers. Care should however be taken to make an intelligent and smart usage of emojis, to ensure that the latter works to uplift and compliment your promotional strategies, lest you would end up distracting your audiences.

04Supplementing the Content With a Cohesive Context

When aiming at creating a brand awareness of your product or company via promotional messaging, emojis can help to convey an emotional exactness that a text based content often falls short of adhering to.

While using emojis alone can make the task a bit difficult, an intelligent combination of the latter with cohesive text elements can effectively cater towards delivering a top rated promotional output, while adding an extra bit of meaning and depth to the same.

When promoting your product across social media platforms that have a restriction on the maximum number of characters within a single post or message, using emojis can compensate for the text you would otherwise prefer to add. The additional benefit of this inclusion lies in supplementing your text with the missing emotional connect and feel that works to build an emphasis of your brand among the viewers.

Part 2 How to Add Emoji on MacBook Efficiently?

As already stated, emojis are an expressive set of graphic elements that work to enhance the context and credibility of the otherwise ordinary text messages. Whether used in casual conversations and personal chats on social media platforms for fun and entertainment, or included in promotional strategies to create brand awareness across the digital market, emojis cater to one and all concerns with the same effectiveness and credibility.

Working with emojis is one aspect, but the latter’s interface compatibility is also of considerable importance. When proceeding to use the elements, you should take care to check the accessibility of these elements with the system you are working on. While most of the emojis are platform independent, some of the latest ones may or may not be available on dated versions of applications and devices.

By now, you must have understood the significance of working with emojis to uplift the promotional content of a brand while ensuring a significant viewer engagement. Let us move ahead with our discussion to talk about the most effective ways of how to add emoji on MacBook in what follows next:

User’s Guide to Include the Emoji Picker Tool on the Menu Bar of a MacBook

Step 1: Access the Apple Icon

For a quick and convenient access to emoji elements on a MacBook, it is advisable to add the ‘Emoji Picker’ utility to the ‘Menu Bar’ of your device’s screen. To do this, start with navigating to the top left corner of the MacBook’s opening screen and clicking on the ‘Apple’ icon.

Adding the Emoji Picker Tool to a MacBook- Clicking on the ‘Apple' icon

Step 2: Open System Preferences

As you click on the ‘Apple’ icon in step 1, proceed to select the ‘System Preferences’ option from the drop down menu that appears next.

Adding the Emoji Picker Tool to a MacBook- Selecting the ‘System
        Preferences' Option

Step 3: Pick the Keyboard Option

Selecting the ‘Preferences’ option caters to display a series of input choice icons on your MacBook screen. From the available options, tap on the ‘Keyboard’ icon to select the same.

Adding the Emoji Picker Tool to a MacBook- Selecting the ‘Keyboard' Option

Step 4: Choose the Show Option

The ‘Keyboard Options’ at the top of the screen now present a list of functions and accessibilities that you can work upon. Click the checkbox beside the ‘Show Keyboard and Emoji Viewer in Menu Bar’ option to add the ‘Emoji Picker’ tool to the ‘Menu Bar’.

Adding the Emoji Picker Tool to a MacBook- Enabling the ‘Show Emoji Picker'

Part 3 How to Enable and Access Emoji Characters on a Mac?

Emoji characters are highly effective in expressing the emotions and feel behind your message that words often fall short of conveying. While these elements are easily accessible across devices working on almost all popular operating systems, addressing the query of how to get emoticons on Mac is many a time an element of surprise.

Diving deep into the means and ways of working with emojis on a MacOS utility, let us try hands at understanding the knowhow of enabling and accessing emoji characters on Mac compatible devices in the following section:

User’s Guide to Enable and Access Emoji Characters on Mac Devices

Step 1: Launch the Application

Start with launching the preferred application in your device in which you want to use the emoji. Within the latter’s text field, drag and point the cursor to the place where the emoji needs to be added.

Step 2: Enter the Command Combination

As you complete the first step, proceed to tap the ‘Command + Ctrl + Spacebar’ key combination on your device’s keyboard to see the ‘Emoji Picker’ overlay window pop up on the screen. If your desired emoji does not seem to find a place within the displayed lists of emoji categories, head to the ‘Search Bar’ at the top and type a relatable keyword to look for the required graphic representation.

Step 3: Select the Emoji

You can now pick a desired emoji from the displayed overlay, followed by double clicking on the same to add the element at the current cursor position.

Enabling and Accessing Emoji Characters on a Mac- Selecting and Adding the

Part 4 Putting Emoji on Mac Q&A

What is the difference between emoticons and emojis?

Graphic smiley faces that involve a keyboard character, like that of a letter, digit or punctuation, are referred to as emoticons; while the caricaturized images that do have a character or punctuation inclusion, belong to the category of emojis.

What does the UwU emoji stand for?

This one is an emoticon that represents a cute looking face. You can use it in your conversations and social media posts to depict a happy, affectionate and warm emotional expression. You can use to this to complement your conversations and uplift the customary text messages.

How can you avail a bank of the latest emojis for free?

When looking for convenient sources to access the latest and most expressive emojis for free, you are offered a series of graphic galleries across the web, from where you can either download the emoji package or even add the elements directly from the site to your conversations.

Why can’t you access some of the emojis on your Mac device?

To access the latest emojis on your Mac device, make sure that the device is updated to the most recent version of the MacOs operating system. You can also opt to restart and update the device by navigating to and launching the ‘Apple Menu’, followed by selecting the ‘System the device in ‘Safe Mode’.

What is the best software alternative access the latest emoji bank?

When looking for a software solution to sort the concern of how to put emoji on Mac, while taking suitable emoji suggestions, you can conveniently rely on the Wondershare Filmora Video Editor graphic editor program, which houses an extensive inventory of various graphic elements, including emojis. You can browse through the same and proceed to search the one that you that you like across a web utility.

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

Ending Thoughts

Emojis are an expressive element of marketing strategies aiming at brand promotion, along with establishing company credibility among the potential audience.

Working towards the concern of MacOS insert emoji requires the inclusion of the ‘Emoji Picker’ tool on the latter’s menu bar.

If you are in search of an affordable software program to access the latest collection of emojis, Wondershare Filmora can be a smart choice.

11 Apps To Speed Up A Video On iPhone

As a content creator or a video editor, you may deal with many different aspects of editing. It may go from basic editing to VFX and so on. Speed ramping is also an important feature of editing. Creators who make cinematics or B-rolls often may have used this feature.

Changing the speed of the whole video doesn’t look good in most situations therefore speed ramping feature was created. Speed Ramping means gradually changing the speed of a clip over time. It isn’t a complex thing but doing it correctly in the right amount at the right time can change the feel of the whole video. It catches the attention of viewers through different scenes of a clip.

So, here we have mentioned some iPhone video editing softwares that can at least do basic speed changes. but most of them can also do advanced speed ramping. These are as follows:

Filmora Go:

It is available on IOS and Android both.

Want to do speed ramping? use Filmora Go. But are you a content creator and want to do more than just video editing? I would still recommend “Filmora Go”. Because it is such a versatile and easy-to-use software made by Wondershare. Like its PC software, it is also packed with many cool features such as chroma key, mask, keyframing, blending, e.t.c. It also supports multiple layers. It has built-in effects, transitions, and presets to speed up the editing process.

It is a paid video editor but you can try it for free, free trial includes most of the features but it leaves a watermark on export.


  • Has speed curves for smooth speed ramping.
  • Supports multiple images and video layers.
  • Have many presets and filters for fast pace editing.
  • Have cool features like chroma key, masking, keyframing, e.t.c.
  • Supports “Pixabay’s” stock library.


  • Its UI doesn’t support editing in landscape orientation.
  • It doesn’t support 4k video resolution.




Import: Open Filmora Go, Click “New project” to start a new project, or Choose the previous one from the “Draft” portion. Select videos or images to import to your timeline. Hold and drag the clip to change its arrangement.

Edit: You can add text, effects, stickers, layers, e.t.c. by clicking their icon, present on the bar at the bottom.

Click and Drag a clip from the corner to trim it.

Click the “PiP” icon to add image or video layers, you also can add multiple layers.

Select a clip to edit it. Different editing tools appear on the bottom bar. Here you can change its opacity, its speed, or add animations.

Click the diamond icon above the timeline to add keyframes. Zoom, move, or rotate the clip to add keyframes with the passage of time.

Speed Ramping: To Change the speed of a clip, select it then click the “Speed” icon on the bottom bar of the screen. Move the slider to change the speed of the whole clip. To do speed ramping, click the “curves” option to choose a preset or create your own. Click a preset to apply it, and click again to open its edit menu. drag the beats up and down to change speed or add or delete a beat if you want.

Effects: Click the “Effects” icon to open the effects menu. Select an effect to apply to your clip.

Click the white box between two clips to add transitions.

Export: Click the “Export” button to export your file. Select your desired resolution and frame rate to export your clip.



Some Free Video speeding Softwares for iPhone:

If you are short on budget or don’t want to spend much on video editing softwares then you can try these free softwares. They are free that doesn’t mean that they are useless, they are quite good for beginners or moderate users although some of them are designed for professionals also. If you don’t believe me, go and try it yourself. Apart from just changing the speed, they are good in other editing aspects also.

Adobe Premiere Rush:

It is available on IOS and Android both.

If you are looking for free but good speed ramping software then why go anywhere also when you have an amazing video editor made by a well-known software company “Adobe”. Like premiere pro, they have designed a compact version for phones named “Premiere Rush”.

It is a free video editor that has all the tools needed for video editing, from video effects to color grading and audio editing. Its UI is a bit similar to PC video editors. It is a free video editor with no watermarks. Although it takes some time to understand it. But once mastered, you can do editing quickly.


  • It is a free video editor with no watermark.
  • It supports up to 4K resolution at 60fps.
  • You can extract audio and can do voiceover directly from the software.
  • It has hundreds of filters, overlays, and title designs.
  • It has basic color grading tools.
  • It also has a motion tracking feature. (in Paid version)
  • It supports multiple audio, video, and text layers.




  • It only runs on high-end devices. ( It is not supported in most mid-range phones)
  • Not suitable for beginners. Its UI is quite hard to understand.
  • Doesn’t have common features like the chroma key, masking, e.t.c.




Its Premium version is available for 9.99/month. It includes some premium features. Or you can purchase the “All Apps Bundle” at $54.99/month for the annual plan.


Import: Open “Adobe Premiere Rush”, Click the “+” sign at the bottom to create a new project. in the media location, select the clips, then click the blue “create” button to start editing.

Click the blue “+” button at the bottom-left corner to add clips, audio, or graphics.

Hold and drag the clips upward to add them as a layer.

Edit: Scroll over a clip to select it. Clicking again shows a pop-up above the selected clip. Here you get 4 options: split, duplicate, separate audio, and delete.

A number of edit options appear on the bottom line of the screen:

Graphics: Click the “Graphics” button to add animated titles, transition graphics, and overlays as a layer. Select to customize its design.

Effects: Click the “Effects” button to add transitions or motion effect. Select a clip to apply transition at both ends. or select a corner of the clip to apply on it only. And change the duration of transition if you want.

Color: Here you can color grade your clips, Apply a preset or color grade manually by using sliders. You can also create your presets.

Transform: Here you can resize, rotate, crop, or change the position of the clip.

Audio: Here you can edit the audio, select a clip to edit its audio.

Speed Ramping: Click the “Speed” button to edit its speed. Select the range option to speed ramp a specific part of the clip. Select the ramp option to create a smooth speed curve. Or Set the clip duration to change its speed accordingly.

Export: To Export your clip, click the “Export” icon on top of the screen. Click “Quality Settings” to adjust export settings then click “Export” to save your file.


It is available on IOS and Android both.

If you are looking for a free but good speed ramping software to help you create slo-mo videos easily anywhere, anytime you want, then “CapCut” can be the right choice for you. It is a free mobile video editing software with many interesting features like keyframing, chroma-key, masking e.t.c. It also supports video and image layers. It has one of the best speed ramping features among other mobile video editors. It provides curves to smoothly speed ramp your clips. It can edit landscape, portrait, and even square video formats. It has many amazing effects and filters, it also has some stock clips.




  • It is completely free and has no watermarks.
  • It supports up to 4K video resolution.
  • Has curves for speed ramping.
  • Has keyframes for animation.
  • It has hundreds of effects, overlays, and titles.




  • Its UI doesn’t support editing in landscape orientation.
  • Lacks some common editing tools.


Import: Open Capcut, then click “New Project” to start a new project. Select files then click “Add” to import them. Click the white box with the “+” sign to add more clips. Hold and drag to rearrange the clips.

Click the “Add overlay” button to add photos or videos as layers.

Edit: On the bottom of the screen, you can find a bunch of tools for editing. From here you can add overlays, effects, filters, titles e.t.c to the timeline.

Select a clip to open the edit menu situated at the bottom of the screen. Here you can do the following tasks:

Split the clip; Change its speed, remove background, edit audio, do color correction, apply filters, stabilize the clip, e.t.c.

We have more edit features for the layers only which include: Spice (Blending), Animation, Masking, Chroma key, freeze frame, change opacity e.t.c.

Click the “Keyframe” icon (Diamond shaped) below the playback screen to apply keyframes to the layer. Pinch and zoom or rotate to transform the clip. Use the “Graphs” button in the edit menu to customize the keyframe animation.

Speed Ramping: To Change the speed of a clip, select it then click the “Speed” icon on the bottom bar of the screen. Move the slider to change the speed of the whole clip. To do speed ramping, click the “curves” option to choose a preset or create your own. Click a preset to apply it, and click again to open its edit menu. drag the beats up and down to change speed or add or delete a beat if you want.

Effects: Click the “+” sign between the two clips to add a transition between them, and drag the slider to change its duration.

Select the effects, filters, or titles icon to add them as a layer.

Export: Click the “Export” button on the top-right side of the screen to export your clip. Or click the button, left to the “Export” button to change its resolution and frame rate.


It is available on IOS and Mac.

If you are an Apple fan and own everything Apple then what’s better than getting your hands on a video editor designed by Apple. It is simple and easy to use. It has all the basic editing tools to enhance your video like crop, trim, transitions, effects, e.t.c. It also has a speed ramping feature which let you change the speed at different points of a clip. It’s AI mode “Magic Movie” lets you select clips and a style and software will make the final product for you.

Its “Storyboards” mode is a creative way of learning production and post-production skills. It lets you choose a theme from many famous Genres available, then it will guide you through the production process like capturing footage, arranging your shots, and creating cinematic titles to enhance your story.




  • It is free and easy to use.
  • Let you do speed ramping by changing the speed of different parts of the clip .
  • Supports Raw files.
  • It’s AI mode creates videos for you on its own.
  • The “Storyboarding” feature helps you through the production process.




  • It only works on IOS and Mac.
  • Not suitable for professional projects.


Import: Open “iMovie” then click “Start New Project” and select one of the 3 following modes to start editing:

  • Magic Movie: Select the clips for editing, then click “Create Magic Movie” to let iMovie create a movie for you, which you can customize according to your liking.
  • Storyboard: Click “Storyboard” then select Template and a genre or a style then click “Create” to start the project. iMovie will guide you and let you add the clip or title according to the pattern.
  • Movie: In “Movie” mode, select the clips from the media browser then click “Create Movie” to start editing.

Edit: Select a clip to edit it. A bunch of tools will appear at the bottom of the screen.

Click the “scissors” icon to split, duplicate, delete the clip, or to detach the audio.

Click the “volume” icon to change the volume of the clip.

Click the “Title” icon to add a title design. Click the text (on the playback window) to edit it.

Click the “Filters” icon to apply it to the selected clip and move the slider to change its intensity.

Speed Ramping: Click the “Speed” icon to change its speed. Move the yellow slider to change the speed of the whole clip. Or click the “Add” button to add partitions (in yellow color) to the selected clip. Select a partition to change its speed only. And click the “Freeze” button to add a freeze-frame.

Effects: Select the black box between two clips to add a transition. Select a transition to apply it and change its time duration if you want.

Export: Click the “Done” button on the top-left corner of the screen to save the clip, then click the “Export” icon on the bottom of the screen to save your file.

Some Paid Video speeding Softwares for iPhone:

If you do most of your video editing from your phone and want to invest some money in it then you should check the softwares mentioned below. They are quite affordable and are worthy of investment. As they are packed with many cool features. But if you aren’t sure which software to use then don’t worry as most of these softwares have a free version to try on but they have some limited features and they provide a watermark on export. But it is a great option to get your hands on new software and once you are comfortable with it, you can purchase its premium version.


It is available on IOS and Android both.

If you want to do more than just trimming and cropping to your videos then you should try Kinemaster. For editors, who want to do some advanced-level video editing on their phone, then you must have Kinemaster on your phone. It is a paid software, which is packed with many useful features. It has many video and audio effects. It also has an amazing audio editor. It also has many title designs and basic color correction tools. It has hundreds of effects and transitions + more can be downloaded from its asset store. Its UI is suitable for beginners and content creators both. It is a paid software, but all its features are completely free to use, but the free version leaves a watermark on export.



  • It supports up to 4K resolution at 60fps. (depending on mobile configuration)
  • Have amazing features like chroma key, keyframing, blend e.t.c
  • Has built-in audio and video recorder.
  • Supports multiple texts and video layers with different resolutions depending on the capability of the mobile phone.
  • Has UI like a PC video editor and supports landscape orientation for editing.
  • Have an asset store with 100s of free effects, transitions, and stock material.




  • Can’t export 4K videos on most devices.
  • Can’t apply keyframes and chroma key to the main video. (can be done on layers only)


Its Premium version is available for $4.9/month or $39.9/year. It also includes all the premium assets.



Import: Open Kinemaster, then click “New Project” to start a new project. Select the desired aspect ratio then click “Create” to start editing. Or click the “import” button on top to import an existing file to continue editing.

Media Browser will be opened. Select the clips to add them to the timeline. Click the “X” button on the top-right corner to close the media browser.

Edit: Drag the clip from the corner to trim it. Select a clip to open its editing menu. Here you can change its speed, add filters, do color correction, edit its audio, e.t.c.

On the right side, you will see a bunch of icons. Click the “Layer” button to add a media file, text, or effect as a layer. Click the “Audio” button to add an audio file. Or click the “Rec” button to do a voice-over.

Click the “+” symbol between two clips to add a transition between them, then adjust its time duration if you want.

Speed Ramping: Select the “Speed” option to change its speed. Here you can only do linear speed change. To create a speed ramp effect, split the clip into different parts and then change their speed according to your liking. Apply a crossfade transition of about 0.1 sec to smooth the jump cut between clips.

Effects: Select a clip then click “Clip Graphics” to apply the effect to your clip. Your clip will be highlighted with a yellow box, adjust it to set the time duration of the effect.

Click the “Shop” icon to visit the Asset store. Here you can find many cool Effects, clip graphics, transitions, and sound effects. Download them to use in your project.

Click the Layer clip to edit it. Here you can do chroma key, keyframing, or apply animation.

Export: Click the “Export” icon on the top-right corner of the app to open the export screen. Select the desired resolution and frame rate then click “Save as video” to export it.

Power Director:

It is available on IOS and Android both.

It is a paid but quite advanced video editor available for androids and IOS both. Like its PC version mobile version is also packed with many great features. It is compact and easy to use. It supports multiple video and audio layers. Have many cool filters and transitions. Can also do basic color corrections. To complete post-production work it also has audio editing tools and effects. It also has hundreds of title designs. Its UI is easy to use and supports both portrait and landscape orientation for editing. Most of its features can be used for free with a watermark on export. To remove the watermark you need to purchase the premium version.




  • It supports up to 4K resolution at 60fps. (compatible on most devices)
  • Supports both Portrait and Landscape orientation for editing.
  • Supports Key framing and video stabilization also.
  • Supports multiple audio and video layers.
  • Can edit videos in different aspect ratios.
  • Have a vast stock library.




  • Can’t export 4K videos on many devices.
  • Can apply keyframing and chroma key to layers only.
  • Software lags sometimes.


Its Premium version is available for $4.9/month or $29.9/year.


Import: Open “Power Director”. Click “New Project” then select Aspect Ratio to start editing. Select clips from the media library Then click the “blue tick” button to add them to the timeline. Click the “+” icon to import more clips. From the bottom bar (in portrait mode), Select the video, image, audio, or effect icon to add them as a layer. In Landscape Mode bar it is situated on the left side of the screen.

Edit: Select and drag the clip from the corner to trim it. Select a clip to open edit tools. From here you can do audio editing, color correction, cropping, stabilization, and speed change.

Here you get more features to edit a layer or an overlay such as chroma key, masking, transform keyframe, e.t.c. To do keyframing, select a layer, then click the “diamond” icon located on the right side above the timeline to add keyframes then rotate, zoom or change the position of the clip with time to add more keyframes. You can also do keyframing for other features like adjustment, mask, blend, and opacity.

Speed Ramping: To Change speed, select a clip or a layer click the “speed” button then move the slider to change its speed. To do speed ramping split the clip into small parts and change their speed respectively. Click the “ease-in” and “ease-out” buttons to smooth the jump between the clips.

Effects: Click the grey box between the clips to add a transition and move the slider to change its duration if you want.

Select a clip, then choose a filter or an effect to apply to the selected clip.

Export: To Export the finished product, click the “export” icon on the top-right side of the screen then click “Produce and Share” to select the video resolution or click the “Settings” icon to change the storage path and frame rate. Then click “Produce”.


It is available on IOS and Mac (with an m1 processor).

As a content creator, have you ever wished for creating your own cinematic masterpiece, but the thing holding you back is that you don’t have a powerful workstation or expensive software then don’t worry. You can do professional-level editing on your iPhone with the software named “LumaFusion. It is one of the most powerful and advanced video editors available for your iPhone or iPad.

It is a multi-track video editor with many useful features like the Chroma key, keyframing, color grading, and color LUTs. Have powerful color grading tools and an audio editor. It also has a lock and load stabilizer. You have to purchase the software before using it. It doesn’t have any free version to try.


Credits: Pic by Luma touch website.


  • It supports up to 4K video resolution at a max of 240 fps.
  • Can also edit and export 360 videos.
  • Have powerful color correction tools. You can also import your own color LUTs.
  • Supports Keyframing on almost all the editing tools within the software.
  • You can add some third-party audio plugins.
  • Supports up to 6 audio and video layers.
  • Have “Storyblock” stock library. (Many of its contents are free to use)
  • Supports external monitor for display.


Credits: Pic by Luma touch website.


  • Not available for Android devices.
  • Being an advanced software, it doesn’t have masking and speed ramping features.
  • Doesn’t have a free version to try on.


It is available for purchase at $29.99.


Import: Click the “+” button on the bottom of the screen to start a new project. A small tab will appear, change the settings if you want, then click the “+” button on the top-right side of the tab to start your project.

Click the “flower icon” on the top-right side of the screen to open the source menu (Its icon changes depending on the present tab), Click “Photos” to open folders and files. Click and drag files to add them to the timeline. Click and drag the clips on the top of the primary clip to add them as a layer.

Edit: Click and drag the clips from the corner to trim them. On the bar at the bottom of the screen, you will find basic tools. Click the clip, to open editing tools on the same bar.

Click the “+” icon on the bottom bar or select “Titles” on the source menu to open the Titles menu. Drag and drop the titles to use them. Double-click the text to open the edit menu.

Double-click the clip to open the edit menu. Here you can transform the clip, change its speed, Stabilize your clips, do color grading, add an effect and perform audio editing.

Speed Ramping: In the edit mode, click the “speed and reverse” button and move the slider back or forth to change the speed of the whole video. To do speed ramping, split the video into parts and apply different speeds to create a speed ramp effect. This method is not perfect but it gets the job done.

Effects: Select the “Transitions” icon on the source menu to open the transition menu. Drag and drop a transition on a clip to use it.

Double click a clip to open the edit menu. Then in the “Color & Effects” tab select any effects and apply them to your clip.

To do keyframing, on the edit menu, click the “circle” icon on the bottom-right side below the display to start keyframing. then change the settings with time to add further keyframes.

Export: To Export your file, click the “Export” icon on the bottom-right corner of the screen to open the export menu then click the “movie” icon to select the file destination. Select the desired export settings then click the “Export” icon on the top of the menu to export your finished product.

Which One Should I Choose Free or Paid iPhone Video speeding Softwares?

It usually depends on your needs. If you just want a speed editor to make slow-mo or timelapse videos for your social media then you should go for free video editors, as they are easy to use and provide better speed ramping features than some paid video editors mentioned here.

But as a content creator if you want more features alongside speed ramping then you should go for paid softwares mentioned above. As mobile video editors are quite affordable and some of them have features like that of some PC softwares.

FAQs about Speed ramping feature and softwares:

  1. Q) What is Speed Ramping and where it is used?

Speed Ramping is different from just changing the speed of the whole clip. It means changing the speed of the video gradually, so the clip doesn’t feel jumpy.

It is done to give viewers a smooth experience between different parts of the clip. like the fast-forward clip is used to show the passage of time. and the slow-mo is used to emphasize something or produce tension, while a mix of both is used in ads and action scenes, e.t.c.

  1. Q) How to do Speed Ramping?

Speed Ramping methods vary from software to software. Either you can do it by adding keyframes and changing speed with time or you can add or adjust curves for speed change. If your software doesn’t support the speed ramping feature, you can split a clip into parts and apply speed change to them differently. For some of the best iPhone softwares, we have mentioned the speed ramping steps above.

  1. Q) What FPS is best for Slo-mo videos?

Shooting at 60 Fps is ideal as it gives a smooth and crisp video and you can make slow motion easily if required, you can slow it down up to 40% of its speed while maintaining the quality. It is supported in almost most devices nowadays. And if you want to create super slo-mo for your cinematics or product video then 120 or 240 fps is preferable. But higher fps often have disadvantages as it is harder to apply visual effects or masks. So choose the frame rate according to your requirements.

  1. Q) Does changing the speed of video affect its audio?

Yes, changing the speed of video affects the audio, It affects its pitch (tempo). Increasing its speed increases the pitch of the audio making it sound shrill while decreasing the speed of the video or making slow-mo decreases the pitch making it sound deep.

Although, some softwares provide the feature to maintain the pitch while changing the speed of the clip.


  • Its UI doesn’t support editing in landscape orientation.
  • It doesn’t support 4k video resolution.




Import: Open Filmora Go, Click “New project” to start a new project, or Choose the previous one from the “Draft” portion. Select videos or images to import to your timeline. Hold and drag the clip to change its arrangement.

Edit: You can add text, effects, stickers, layers, e.t.c. by clicking their icon, present on the bar at the bottom.

Click and Drag a clip from the corner to trim it.

Click the “PiP” icon to add image or video layers, you also can add multiple layers.

Select a clip to edit it. Different editing tools appear on the bottom bar. Here you can change its opacity, its speed, or add animations.

Click the diamond icon above the timeline to add keyframes. Zoom, move, or rotate the clip to add keyframes with the passage of time.

Speed Ramping: To Change the speed of a clip, select it then click the “Speed” icon on the bottom bar of the screen. Move the slider to change the speed of the whole clip. To do speed ramping, click the “curves” option to choose a preset or create your own. Click a preset to apply it, and click again to open its edit menu. drag the beats up and down to change speed or add or delete a beat if you want.

Effects: Click the “Effects” icon to open the effects menu. Select an effect to apply to your clip.

Click the white box between two clips to add transitions.

Export: Click the “Export” button to export your file. Select your desired resolution and frame rate to export your clip.



Some Free Video speeding Softwares for iPhone:

If you are short on budget or don’t want to spend much on video editing softwares then you can try these free softwares. They are free that doesn’t mean that they are useless, they are quite good for beginners or moderate users although some of them are designed for professionals also. If you don’t believe me, go and try it yourself. Apart from just changing the speed, they are good in other editing aspects also.

Adobe Premiere Rush:

It is available on IOS and Android both.

If you are looking for free but good speed ramping software then why go anywhere also when you have an amazing video editor made by a well-known software company “Adobe”. Like premiere pro, they have designed a compact version for phones named “Premiere Rush”.

It is a free video editor that has all the tools needed for video editing, from video effects to color grading and audio editing. Its UI is a bit similar to PC video editors. It is a free video editor with no watermarks. Although it takes some time to understand it. But once mastered, you can do editing quickly.


  • It is a free video editor with no watermark.
  • It supports up to 4K resolution at 60fps.
  • You can extract audio and can do voiceover directly from the software.
  • It has hundreds of filters, overlays, and title designs.
  • It has basic color grading tools.
  • It also has a motion tracking feature. (in Paid version)
  • It supports multiple audio, video, and text layers.




  • It only runs on high-end devices. ( It is not supported in most mid-range phones)
  • Not suitable for beginners. Its UI is quite hard to understand.
  • Doesn’t have common features like the chroma key, masking, e.t.c.




Its Premium version is available for 9.99/month. It includes some premium features. Or you can purchase the “All Apps Bundle” at $54.99/month for the annual plan.


Import: Open “Adobe Premiere Rush”, Click the “+” sign at the bottom to create a new project. in the media location, select the clips, then click the blue “create” button to start editing.

Click the blue “+” button at the bottom-left corner to add clips, audio, or graphics.

Hold and drag the clips upward to add them as a layer.

Edit: Scroll over a clip to select it. Clicking again shows a pop-up above the selected clip. Here you get 4 options: split, duplicate, separate audio, and delete.

A number of edit options appear on the bottom line of the screen:

Graphics: Click the “Graphics” button to add animated titles, transition graphics, and overlays as a layer. Select to customize its design.

Effects: Click the “Effects” button to add transitions or motion effect. Select a clip to apply transition at both ends. or select a corner of the clip to apply on it only. And change the duration of transition if you want.

Color: Here you can color grade your clips, Apply a preset or color grade manually by using sliders. You can also create your presets.

Transform: Here you can resize, rotate, crop, or change the position of the clip.

Audio: Here you can edit the audio, select a clip to edit its audio.

Speed Ramping: Click the “Speed” button to edit its speed. Select the range option to speed ramp a specific part of the clip. Select the ramp option to create a smooth speed curve. Or Set the clip duration to change its speed accordingly.

Export: To Export your clip, click the “Export” icon on top of the screen. Click “Quality Settings” to adjust export settings then click “Export” to save your file.


It is available on IOS and Android both.

If you are looking for a free but good speed ramping software to help you create slo-mo videos easily anywhere, anytime you want, then “CapCut” can be the right choice for you. It is a free mobile video editing software with many interesting features like keyframing, chroma-key, masking e.t.c. It also supports video and image layers. It has one of the best speed ramping features among other mobile video editors. It provides curves to smoothly speed ramp your clips. It can edit landscape, portrait, and even square video formats. It has many amazing effects and filters, it also has some stock clips.




  • It is completely free and has no watermarks.
  • It supports up to 4K video resolution.
  • Has curves for speed ramping.
  • Has keyframes for animation.
  • It has hundreds of effects, overlays, and titles.




  • Its UI doesn’t support editing in landscape orientation.
  • Lacks some common editing tools.


Import: Open Capcut, then click “New Project” to start a new project. Select files then click “Add” to import them. Click the white box with the “+” sign to add more clips. Hold and drag to rearrange the clips.

Click the “Add overlay” button to add photos or videos as layers.

Edit: On the bottom of the screen, you can find a bunch of tools for editing. From here you can add overlays, effects, filters, titles e.t.c to the timeline.

Select a clip to open the edit menu situated at the bottom of the screen. Here you can do the following tasks:

Split the clip; Change its speed, remove background, edit audio, do color correction, apply filters, stabilize the clip, e.t.c.

We have more edit features for the layers only which include: Spice (Blending), Animation, Masking, Chroma key, freeze frame, change opacity e.t.c.

Click the “Keyframe” icon (Diamond shaped) below the playback screen to apply keyframes to the layer. Pinch and zoom or rotate to transform the clip. Use the “Graphs” button in the edit menu to customize the keyframe animation.

Speed Ramping: To Change the speed of a clip, select it then click the “Speed” icon on the bottom bar of the screen. Move the slider to change the speed of the whole clip. To do speed ramping, click the “curves” option to choose a preset or create your own. Click a preset to apply it, and click again to open its edit menu. drag the beats up and down to change speed or add or delete a beat if you want.

Effects: Click the “+” sign between the two clips to add a transition between them, and drag the slider to change its duration.

Select the effects, filters, or titles icon to add them as a layer.

Export: Click the “Export” button on the top-right side of the screen to export your clip. Or click the button, left to the “Export” button to change its resolution and frame rate.


It is available on IOS and Mac.

If you are an Apple fan and own everything Apple then what’s better than getting your hands on a video editor designed by Apple. It is simple and easy to use. It has all the basic editing tools to enhance your video like crop, trim, transitions, effects, e.t.c. It also has a speed ramping feature which let you change the speed at different points of a clip. It’s AI mode “Magic Movie” lets you select clips and a style and software will make the final product for you.

Its “Storyboards” mode is a creative way of learning production and post-production skills. It lets you choose a theme from many famous Genres available, then it will guide you through the production process like capturing footage, arranging your shots, and creating cinematic titles to enhance your story.




  • It is free and easy to use.
  • Let you do speed ramping by changing the speed of different parts of the clip .
  • Supports Raw files.
  • It’s AI mode creates videos for you on its own.
  • The “Storyboarding” feature helps you through the production process.




  • It only works on IOS and Mac.
  • Not suitable for professional projects.


Import: Open “iMovie” then click “Start New Project” and select one of the 3 following modes to start editing:

  • Magic Movie: Select the clips for editing, then click “Create Magic Movie” to let iMovie create a movie for you, which you can customize according to your liking.
  • Storyboard: Click “Storyboard” then select Template and a genre or a style then click “Create” to start the project. iMovie will guide you and let you add the clip or title according to the pattern.
  • Movie: In “Movie” mode, select the clips from the media browser then click “Create Movie” to start editing.

Edit: Select a clip to edit it. A bunch of tools will appear at the bottom of the screen.

Click the “scissors” icon to split, duplicate, delete the clip, or to detach the audio.

Click the “volume” icon to change the volume of the clip.

Click the “Title” icon to add a title design. Click the text (on the playback window) to edit it.

Click the “Filters” icon to apply it to the selected clip and move the slider to change its intensity.

Speed Ramping: Click the “Speed” icon to change its speed. Move the yellow slider to change the speed of the whole clip. Or click the “Add” button to add partitions (in yellow color) to the selected clip. Select a partition to change its speed only. And click the “Freeze” button to add a freeze-frame.

Effects: Select the black box between two clips to add a transition. Select a transition to apply it and change its time duration if you want.

Export: Click the “Done” button on the top-left corner of the screen to save the clip, then click the “Export” icon on the bottom of the screen to save your file.

Some Paid Video speeding Softwares for iPhone:

If you do most of your video editing from your phone and want to invest some money in it then you should check the softwares mentioned below. They are quite affordable and are worthy of investment. As they are packed with many cool features. But if you aren’t sure which software to use then don’t worry as most of these softwares have a free version to try on but they have some limited features and they provide a watermark on export. But it is a great option to get your hands on new software and once you are comfortable with it, you can purchase its premium version.


It is available on IOS and Android both.

If you want to do more than just trimming and cropping to your videos then you should try Kinemaster. For editors, who want to do some advanced-level video editing on their phone, then you must have Kinemaster on your phone. It is a paid software, which is packed with many useful features. It has many video and audio effects. It also has an amazing audio editor. It also has many title designs and basic color correction tools. It has hundreds of effects and transitions + more can be downloaded from its asset store. Its UI is suitable for beginners and content creators both. It is a paid software, but all its features are completely free to use, but the free version leaves a watermark on export.



  • It supports up to 4K resolution at 60fps. (depending on mobile configuration)
  • Have amazing features like chroma key, keyframing, blend e.t.c
  • Has built-in audio and video recorder.
  • Supports multiple texts and video layers with different resolutions depending on the capability of the mobile phone.
  • Has UI like a PC video editor and supports landscape orientation for editing.
  • Have an asset store with 100s of free effects, transitions, and stock material.




  • Can’t export 4K videos on most devices.
  • Can’t apply keyframes and chroma key to the main video. (can be done on layers only)


Its Premium version is available for $4.9/month or $39.9/year. It also includes all the premium assets.



Import: Open Kinemaster, then click “New Project” to start a new project. Select the desired aspect ratio then click “Create” to start editing. Or click the “import” button on top to import an existing file to continue editing.

Media Browser will be opened. Select the clips to add them to the timeline. Click the “X” button on the top-right corner to close the media browser.

Edit: Drag the clip from the corner to trim it. Select a clip to open its editing menu. Here you can change its speed, add filters, do color correction, edit its audio, e.t.c.

On the right side, you will see a bunch of icons. Click the “Layer” button to add a media file, text, or effect as a layer. Click the “Audio” button to add an audio file. Or click the “Rec” button to do a voice-over.

Click the “+” symbol between two clips to add a transition between them, then adjust its time duration if you want.

Speed Ramping: Select the “Speed” option to change its speed. Here you can only do linear speed change. To create a speed ramp effect, split the clip into different parts and then change their speed according to your liking. Apply a crossfade transition of about 0.1 sec to smooth the jump cut between clips.

Effects: Select a clip then click “Clip Graphics” to apply the effect to your clip. Your clip will be highlighted with a yellow box, adjust it to set the time duration of the effect.

Click the “Shop” icon to visit the Asset store. Here you can find many cool Effects, clip graphics, transitions, and sound effects. Download them to use in your project.

Click the Layer clip to edit it. Here you can do chroma key, keyframing, or apply animation.

Export: Click the “Export” icon on the top-right corner of the app to open the export screen. Select the desired resolution and frame rate then click “Save as video” to export it.

Power Director:

It is available on IOS and Android both.

It is a paid but quite advanced video editor available for androids and IOS both. Like its PC version mobile version is also packed with many great features. It is compact and easy to use. It supports multiple video and audio layers. Have many cool filters and transitions. Can also do basic color corrections. To complete post-production work it also has audio editing tools and effects. It also has hundreds of title designs. Its UI is easy to use and supports both portrait and landscape orientation for editing. Most of its features can be used for free with a watermark on export. To remove the watermark you need to purchase the premium version.




  • It supports up to 4K resolution at 60fps. (compatible on most devices)
  • Supports both Portrait and Landscape orientation for editing.
  • Supports Key framing and video stabilization also.
  • Supports multiple audio and video layers.
  • Can edit videos in different aspect ratios.
  • Have a vast stock library.




  • Can’t export 4K videos on many devices.
  • Can apply keyframing and chroma key to layers only.
  • Software lags sometimes.


Its Premium version is available for $4.9/month or $29.9/year.


Import: Open “Power Director”. Click “New Project” then select Aspect Ratio to start editing. Select clips from the media library Then click the “blue tick” button to add them to the timeline. Click the “+” icon to import more clips. From the bottom bar (in portrait mode), Select the video, image, audio, or effect icon to add them as a layer. In Landscape Mode bar it is situated on the left side of the screen.

Edit: Select and drag the clip from the corner to trim it. Select a clip to open edit tools. From here you can do audio editing, color correction, cropping, stabilization, and speed change.

Here you get more features to edit a layer or an overlay such as chroma key, masking, transform keyframe, e.t.c. To do keyframing, select a layer, then click the “diamond” icon located on the right side above the timeline to add keyframes then rotate, zoom or change the position of the clip with time to add more keyframes. You can also do keyframing for other features like adjustment, mask, blend, and opacity.

Speed Ramping: To Change speed, select a clip or a layer click the “speed” button then move the slider to change its speed. To do speed ramping split the clip into small parts and change their speed respectively. Click the “ease-in” and “ease-out” buttons to smooth the jump between the clips.

Effects: Click the grey box between the clips to add a transition and move the slider to change its duration if you want.

Select a clip, then choose a filter or an effect to apply to the selected clip.

Export: To Export the finished product, click the “export” icon on the top-right side of the screen then click “Produce and Share” to select the video resolution or click the “Settings” icon to change the storage path and frame rate. Then click “Produce”.


It is available on IOS and Mac (with an m1 processor).

As a content creator, have you ever wished for creating your own cinematic masterpiece, but the thing holding you back is that you don’t have a powerful workstation or expensive software then don’t worry. You can do professional-level editing on your iPhone with the software named “LumaFusion. It is one of the most powerful and advanced video editors available for your iPhone or iPad.

It is a multi-track video editor with many useful features like the Chroma key, keyframing, color grading, and color LUTs. Have powerful color grading tools and an audio editor. It also has a lock and load stabilizer. You have to purchase the software before using it. It doesn’t have any free version to try.


Credits: Pic by Luma touch website.


  • It supports up to 4K video resolution at a max of 240 fps.
  • Can also edit and export 360 videos.
  • Have powerful color correction tools. You can also import your own color LUTs.
  • Supports Keyframing on almost all the editing tools within the software.
  • You can add some third-party audio plugins.
  • Supports up to 6 audio and video layers.
  • Have “Storyblock” stock library. (Many of its contents are free to use)
  • Supports external monitor for display.


Credits: Pic by Luma touch website.


  • Not available for Android devices.
  • Being an advanced software, it doesn’t have masking and speed ramping features.
  • Doesn’t have a free version to try on.


It is available for purchase at $29.99.


Import: Click the “+” button on the bottom of the screen to start a new project. A small tab will appear, change the settings if you want, then click the “+” button on the top-right side of the tab to start your project.

Click the “flower icon” on the top-right side of the screen to open the source menu (Its icon changes depending on the present tab), Click “Photos” to open folders and files. Click and drag files to add them to the timeline. Click and drag the clips on the top of the primary clip to add them as a layer.

Edit: Click and drag the clips from the corner to trim them. On the bar at the bottom of the screen, you will find basic tools. Click the clip, to open editing tools on the same bar.

Click the “+” icon on the bottom bar or select “Titles” on the source menu to open the Titles menu. Drag and drop the titles to use them. Double-click the text to open the edit menu.

Double-click the clip to open the edit menu. Here you can transform the clip, change its speed, Stabilize your clips, do color grading, add an effect and perform audio editing.

Speed Ramping: In the edit mode, click the “speed and reverse” button and move the slider back or forth to change the speed of the whole video. To do speed ramping, split the video into parts and apply different speeds to create a speed ramp effect. This method is not perfect but it gets the job done.

Effects: Select the “Transitions” icon on the source menu to open the transition menu. Drag and drop a transition on a clip to use it.

Double click a clip to open the edit menu. Then in the “Color & Effects” tab select any effects and apply them to your clip.

To do keyframing, on the edit menu, click the “circle” icon on the bottom-right side below the display to start keyframing. then change the settings with time to add further keyframes.

Export: To Export your file, click the “Export” icon on the bottom-right corner of the screen to open the export menu then click the “movie” icon to select the file destination. Select the desired export settings then click the “Export” icon on the top of the menu to export your finished product.

Which One Should I Choose Free or Paid iPhone Video speeding Softwares?

It usually depends on your needs. If you just want a speed editor to make slow-mo or timelapse videos for your social media then you should go for free video editors, as they are easy to use and provide better speed ramping features than some paid video editors mentioned here.

But as a content creator if you want more features alongside speed ramping then you should go for paid softwares mentioned above. As mobile video editors are quite affordable and some of them have features like that of some PC softwares.

FAQs about Speed ramping feature and softwares:

  1. Q) What is Speed Ramping and where it is used?

Speed Ramping is different from just changing the speed of the whole clip. It means changing the speed of the video gradually, so the clip doesn’t feel jumpy.

It is done to give viewers a smooth experience between different parts of the clip. like the fast-forward clip is used to show the passage of time. and the slow-mo is used to emphasize something or produce tension, while a mix of both is used in ads and action scenes, e.t.c.

  1. Q) How to do Speed Ramping?

Speed Ramping methods vary from software to software. Either you can do it by adding keyframes and changing speed with time or you can add or adjust curves for speed change. If your software doesn’t support the speed ramping feature, you can split a clip into parts and apply speed change to them differently. For some of the best iPhone softwares, we have mentioned the speed ramping steps above.

  1. Q) What FPS is best for Slo-mo videos?

Shooting at 60 Fps is ideal as it gives a smooth and crisp video and you can make slow motion easily if required, you can slow it down up to 40% of its speed while maintaining the quality. It is supported in almost most devices nowadays. And if you want to create super slo-mo for your cinematics or product video then 120 or 240 fps is preferable. But higher fps often have disadvantages as it is harder to apply visual effects or masks. So choose the frame rate according to your requirements.

  1. Q) Does changing the speed of video affect its audio?

Yes, changing the speed of video affects the audio, It affects its pitch (tempo). Increasing its speed increases the pitch of the audio making it sound shrill while decreasing the speed of the video or making slow-mo decreases the pitch making it sound deep.

Although, some softwares provide the feature to maintain the pitch while changing the speed of the clip.


  • Its UI doesn’t support editing in landscape orientation.
  • It doesn’t support 4k video resolution.




Import: Open Filmora Go, Click “New project” to start a new project, or Choose the previous one from the “Draft” portion. Select videos or images to import to your timeline. Hold and drag the clip to change its arrangement.

Edit: You can add text, effects, stickers, layers, e.t.c. by clicking their icon, present on the bar at the bottom.

Click and Drag a clip from the corner to trim it.

Click the “PiP” icon to add image or video layers, you also can add multiple layers.

Select a clip to edit it. Different editing tools appear on the bottom bar. Here you can change its opacity, its speed, or add animations.

Click the diamond icon above the timeline to add keyframes. Zoom, move, or rotate the clip to add keyframes with the passage of time.

Speed Ramping: To Change the speed of a clip, select it then click the “Speed” icon on the bottom bar of the screen. Move the slider to change the speed of the whole clip. To do speed ramping, click the “curves” option to choose a preset or create your own. Click a preset to apply it, and click again to open its edit menu. drag the beats up and down to change speed or add or delete a beat if you want.

Effects: Click the “Effects” icon to open the effects menu. Select an effect to apply to your clip.

Click the white box between two clips to add transitions.

Export: Click the “Export” button to export your file. Select your desired resolution and frame rate to export your clip.



Some Free Video speeding Softwares for iPhone:

If you are short on budget or don’t want to spend much on video editing softwares then you can try these free softwares. They are free that doesn’t mean that they are useless, they are quite good for beginners or moderate users although some of them are designed for professionals also. If you don’t believe me, go and try it yourself. Apart from just changing the speed, they are good in other editing aspects also.

Adobe Premiere Rush:

It is available on IOS and Android both.

If you are looking for free but good speed ramping software then why go anywhere also when you have an amazing video editor made by a well-known software company “Adobe”. Like premiere pro, they have designed a compact version for phones named “Premiere Rush”.

It is a free video editor that has all the tools needed for video editing, from video effects to color grading and audio editing. Its UI is a bit similar to PC video editors. It is a free video editor with no watermarks. Although it takes some time to understand it. But once mastered, you can do editing quickly.


  • It is a free video editor with no watermark.
  • It supports up to 4K resolution at 60fps.
  • You can extract audio and can do voiceover directly from the software.
  • It has hundreds of filters, overlays, and title designs.
  • It has basic color grading tools.
  • It also has a motion tracking feature. (in Paid version)
  • It supports multiple audio, video, and text layers.




  • It only runs on high-end devices. ( It is not supported in most mid-range phones)
  • Not suitable for beginners. Its UI is quite hard to understand.
  • Doesn’t have common features like the chroma key, masking, e.t.c.




Its Premium version is available for 9.99/month. It includes some premium features. Or you can purchase the “All Apps Bundle” at $54.99/month for the annual plan.


Import: Open “Adobe Premiere Rush”, Click the “+” sign at the bottom to create a new project. in the media location, select the clips, then click the blue “create” button to start editing.

Click the blue “+” button at the bottom-left corner to add clips, audio, or graphics.

Hold and drag the clips upward to add them as a layer.

Edit: Scroll over a clip to select it. Clicking again shows a pop-up above the selected clip. Here you get 4 options: split, duplicate, separate audio, and delete.

A number of edit options appear on the bottom line of the screen:

Graphics: Click the “Graphics” button to add animated titles, transition graphics, and overlays as a layer. Select to customize its design.

Effects: Click the “Effects” button to add transitions or motion effect. Select a clip to apply transition at both ends. or select a corner of the clip to apply on it only. And change the duration of transition if you want.

Color: Here you can color grade your clips, Apply a preset or color grade manually by using sliders. You can also create your presets.

Transform: Here you can resize, rotate, crop, or change the position of the clip.

Audio: Here you can edit the audio, select a clip to edit its audio.

Speed Ramping: Click the “Speed” button to edit its speed. Select the range option to speed ramp a specific part of the clip. Select the ramp option to create a smooth speed curve. Or Set the clip duration to change its speed accordingly.

Export: To Export your clip, click the “Export” icon on top of the screen. Click “Quality Settings” to adjust export settings then click “Export” to save your file.


It is available on IOS and Android both.

If you are looking for a free but good speed ramping software to help you create slo-mo videos easily anywhere, anytime you want, then “CapCut” can be the right choice for you. It is a free mobile video editing software with many interesting features like keyframing, chroma-key, masking e.t.c. It also supports video and image layers. It has one of the best speed ramping features among other mobile video editors. It provides curves to smoothly speed ramp your clips. It can edit landscape, portrait, and even square video formats. It has many amazing effects and filters, it also has some stock clips.




  • It is completely free and has no watermarks.
  • It supports up to 4K video resolution.
  • Has curves for speed ramping.
  • Has keyframes for animation.
  • It has hundreds of effects, overlays, and titles.




  • Its UI doesn’t support editing in landscape orientation.
  • Lacks some common editing tools.


Import: Open Capcut, then click “New Project” to start a new project. Select files then click “Add” to import them. Click the white box with the “+” sign to add more clips. Hold and drag to rearrange the clips.

Click the “Add overlay” button to add photos or videos as layers.

Edit: On the bottom of the screen, you can find a bunch of tools for editing. From here you can add overlays, effects, filters, titles e.t.c to the timeline.

Select a clip to open the edit menu situated at the bottom of the screen. Here you can do the following tasks:

Split the clip; Change its speed, remove background, edit audio, do color correction, apply filters, stabilize the clip, e.t.c.

We have more edit features for the layers only which include: Spice (Blending), Animation, Masking, Chroma key, freeze frame, change opacity e.t.c.

Click the “Keyframe” icon (Diamond shaped) below the playback screen to apply keyframes to the layer. Pinch and zoom or rotate to transform the clip. Use the “Graphs” button in the edit menu to customize the keyframe animation.

Speed Ramping: To Change the speed of a clip, select it then click the “Speed” icon on the bottom bar of the screen. Move the slider to change the speed of the whole clip. To do speed ramping, click the “curves” option to choose a preset or create your own. Click a preset to apply it, and click again to open its edit menu. drag the beats up and down to change speed or add or delete a beat if you want.

Effects: Click the “+” sign between the two clips to add a transition between them, and drag the slider to change its duration.

Select the effects, filters, or titles icon to add them as a layer.

Export: Click the “Export” button on the top-right side of the screen to export your clip. Or click the button, left to the “Export” button to change its resolution and frame rate.


It is available on IOS and Mac.

If you are an Apple fan and own everything Apple then what’s better than getting your hands on a video editor designed by Apple. It is simple and easy to use. It has all the basic editing tools to enhance your video like crop, trim, transitions, effects, e.t.c. It also has a speed ramping feature which let you change the speed at different points of a clip. It’s AI mode “Magic Movie” lets you select clips and a style and software will make the final product for you.

Its “Storyboards” mode is a creative way of learning production and post-production skills. It lets you choose a theme from many famous Genres available, then it will guide you through the production process like capturing footage, arranging your shots, and creating cinematic titles to enhance your story.




  • It is free and easy to use.
  • Let you do speed ramping by changing the speed of different parts of the clip .
  • Supports Raw files.
  • It’s AI mode creates videos for you on its own.
  • The “Storyboarding” feature helps you through the production process.




  • It only works on IOS and Mac.
  • Not suitable for professional projects.


Import: Open “iMovie” then click “Start New Project” and select one of the 3 following modes to start editing:

  • Magic Movie: Select the clips for editing, then click “Create Magic Movie” to let iMovie create a movie for you, which you can customize according to your liking.
  • Storyboard: Click “Storyboard” then select Template and a genre or a style then click “Create” to start the project. iMovie will guide you and let you add the clip or title according to the pattern.
  • Movie: In “Movie” mode, select the clips from the media browser then click “Create Movie” to start editing.

Edit: Select a clip to edit it. A bunch of tools will appear at the bottom of the screen.

Click the “scissors” icon to split, duplicate, delete the clip, or to detach the audio.

Click the “volume” icon to change the volume of the clip.

Click the “Title” icon to add a title design. Click the text (on the playback window) to edit it.

Click the “Filters” icon to apply it to the selected clip and move the slider to change its intensity.

Speed Ramping: Click the “Speed” icon to change its speed. Move the yellow slider to change the speed of the whole clip. Or click the “Add” button to add partitions (in yellow color) to the selected clip. Select a partition to change its speed only. And click the “Freeze” button to add a freeze-frame.

Effects: Select the black box between two clips to add a transition. Select a transition to apply it and change its time duration if you want.

Export: Click the “Done” button on the top-left corner of the screen to save the clip, then click the “Export” icon on the bottom of the screen to save your file.

Some Paid Video speeding Softwares for iPhone:

If you do most of your video editing from your phone and want to invest some money in it then you should check the softwares mentioned below. They are quite affordable and are worthy of investment. As they are packed with many cool features. But if you aren’t sure which software to use then don’t worry as most of these softwares have a free version to try on but they have some limited features and they provide a watermark on export. But it is a great option to get your hands on new software and once you are comfortable with it, you can purchase its premium version.


It is available on IOS and Android both.

If you want to do more than just trimming and cropping to your videos then you should try Kinemaster. For editors, who want to do some advanced-level video editing on their phone, then you must have Kinemaster on your phone. It is a paid software, which is packed with many useful features. It has many video and audio effects. It also has an amazing audio editor. It also has many title designs and basic color correction tools. It has hundreds of effects and transitions + more can be downloaded from its asset store. Its UI is suitable for beginners and content creators both. It is a paid software, but all its features are completely free to use, but the free version leaves a watermark on export.



  • It supports up to 4K resolution at 60fps. (depending on mobile configuration)
  • Have amazing features like chroma key, keyframing, blend e.t.c
  • Has built-in audio and video recorder.
  • Supports multiple texts and video layers with different resolutions depending on the capability of the mobile phone.
  • Has UI like a PC video editor and supports landscape orientation for editing.
  • Have an asset store with 100s of free effects, transitions, and stock material.




  • Can’t export 4K videos on most devices.
  • Can’t apply keyframes and chroma key to the main video. (can be done on layers only)


Its Premium version is available for $4.9/month or $39.9/year. It also includes all the premium assets.



Import: Open Kinemaster, then click “New Project” to start a new project. Select the desired aspect ratio then click “Create” to start editing. Or click the “import” button on top to import an existing file to continue editing.

Media Browser will be opened. Select the clips to add them to the timeline. Click the “X” button on the top-right corner to close the media browser.

Edit: Drag the clip from the corner to trim it. Select a clip to open its editing menu. Here you can change its speed, add filters, do color correction, edit its audio, e.t.c.

On the right side, you will see a bunch of icons. Click the “Layer” button to add a media file, text, or effect as a layer. Click the “Audio” button to add an audio file. Or click the “Rec” button to do a voice-over.

Click the “+” symbol between two clips to add a transition between them, then adjust its time duration if you want.

Speed Ramping: Select the “Speed” option to change its speed. Here you can only do linear speed change. To create a speed ramp effect, split the clip into different parts and then change their speed according to your liking. Apply a crossfade transition of about 0.1 sec to smooth the jump cut between clips.

Effects: Select a clip then click “Clip Graphics” to apply the effect to your clip. Your clip will be highlighted with a yellow box, adjust it to set the time duration of the effect.

Click the “Shop” icon to visit the Asset store. Here you can find many cool Effects, clip graphics, transitions, and sound effects. Download them to use in your project.

Click the Layer clip to edit it. Here you can do chroma key, keyframing, or apply animation.

Export: Click the “Export” icon on the top-right corner of the app to open the export screen. Select the desired resolution and frame rate then click “Save as video” to export it.

Power Director:

It is available on IOS and Android both.

It is a paid but quite advanced video editor available for androids and IOS both. Like its PC version mobile version is also packed with many great features. It is compact and easy to use. It supports multiple video and audio layers. Have many cool filters and transitions. Can also do basic color corrections. To complete post-production work it also has audio editing tools and effects. It also has hundreds of title designs. Its UI is easy to use and supports both portrait and landscape orientation for editing. Most of its features can be used for free with a watermark on export. To remove the watermark you need to purchase the premium version.




  • It supports up to 4K resolution at 60fps. (compatible on most devices)
  • Supports both Portrait and Landscape orientation for editing.
  • Supports Key framing and video stabilization also.
  • Supports multiple audio and video layers.
  • Can edit videos in different aspect ratios.
  • Have a vast stock library.




  • Can’t export 4K videos on many devices.
  • Can apply keyframing and chroma key to layers only.
  • Software lags sometimes.


Its Premium version is available for $4.9/month or $29.9/year.


Import: Open “Power Director”. Click “New Project” then select Aspect Ratio to start editing. Select clips from the media library Then click the “blue tick” button to add them to the timeline. Click the “+” icon to import more clips. From the bottom bar (in portrait mode), Select the video, image, audio, or effect icon to add them as a layer. In Landscape Mode bar it is situated on the left side of the screen.

Edit: Select and drag the clip from the corner to trim it. Select a clip to open edit tools. From here you can do audio editing, color correction, cropping, stabilization, and speed change.

Here you get more features to edit a layer or an overlay such as chroma key, masking, transform keyframe, e.t.c. To do keyframing, select a layer, then click the “diamond” icon located on the right side above the timeline to add keyframes then rotate, zoom or change the position of the clip with time to add more keyframes. You can also do keyframing for other features like adjustment, mask, blend, and opacity.

Speed Ramping: To Change speed, select a clip or a layer click the “speed” button then move the slider to change its speed. To do speed ramping split the clip into small parts and change their speed respectively. Click the “ease-in” and “ease-out” buttons to smooth the jump between the clips.

Effects: Click the grey box between the clips to add a transition and move the slider to change its duration if you want.

Select a clip, then choose a filter or an effect to apply to the selected clip.

Export: To Export the finished product, click the “export” icon on the top-right side of the screen then click “Produce and Share” to select the video resolution or click the “Settings” icon to change the storage path and frame rate. Then click “Produce”.


It is available on IOS and Mac (with an m1 processor).

As a content creator, have you ever wished for creating your own cinematic masterpiece, but the thing holding you back is that you don’t have a powerful workstation or expensive software then don’t worry. You can do professional-level editing on your iPhone with the software named “LumaFusion. It is one of the most powerful and advanced video editors available for your iPhone or iPad.

It is a multi-track video editor with many useful features like the Chroma key, keyframing, color grading, and color LUTs. Have powerful color grading tools and an audio editor. It also has a lock and load stabilizer. You have to purchase the software before using it. It doesn’t have any free version to try.


Credits: Pic by Luma touch website.


  • It supports up to 4K video resolution at a max of 240 fps.
  • Can also edit and export 360 videos.
  • Have powerful color correction tools. You can also import your own color LUTs.
  • Supports Keyframing on almost all the editing tools within the software.
  • You can add some third-party audio plugins.
  • Supports up to 6 audio and video layers.
  • Have “Storyblock” stock library. (Many of its contents are free to use)
  • Supports external monitor for display.


Credits: Pic by Luma touch website.


  • Not available for Android devices.
  • Being an advanced software, it doesn’t have masking and speed ramping features.
  • Doesn’t have a free version to try on.


It is available for purchase at $29.99.


Import: Click the “+” button on the bottom of the screen to start a new project. A small tab will appear, change the settings if you want, then click the “+” button on the top-right side of the tab to start your project.

Click the “flower icon” on the top-right side of the screen to open the source menu (Its icon changes depending on the present tab), Click “Photos” to open folders and files. Click and drag files to add them to the timeline. Click and drag the clips on the top of the primary clip to add them as a layer.

Edit: Click and drag the clips from the corner to trim them. On the bar at the bottom of the screen, you will find basic tools. Click the clip, to open editing tools on the same bar.

Click the “+” icon on the bottom bar or select “Titles” on the source menu to open the Titles menu. Drag and drop the titles to use them. Double-click the text to open the edit menu.

Double-click the clip to open the edit menu. Here you can transform the clip, change its speed, Stabilize your clips, do color grading, add an effect and perform audio editing.

Speed Ramping: In the edit mode, click the “speed and reverse” button and move the slider back or forth to change the speed of the whole video. To do speed ramping, split the video into parts and apply different speeds to create a speed ramp effect. This method is not perfect but it gets the job done.

Effects: Select the “Transitions” icon on the source menu to open the transition menu. Drag and drop a transition on a clip to use it.

Double click a clip to open the edit menu. Then in the “Color & Effects” tab select any effects and apply them to your clip.

To do keyframing, on the edit menu, click the “circle” icon on the bottom-right side below the display to start keyframing. then change the settings with time to add further keyframes.

Export: To Export your file, click the “Export” icon on the bottom-right corner of the screen to open the export menu then click the “movie” icon to select the file destination. Select the desired export settings then click the “Export” icon on the top of the menu to export your finished product.

Which One Should I Choose Free or Paid iPhone Video speeding Softwares?

It usually depends on your needs. If you just want a speed editor to make slow-mo or timelapse videos for your social media then you should go for free video editors, as they are easy to use and provide better speed ramping features than some paid video editors mentioned here.

But as a content creator if you want more features alongside speed ramping then you should go for paid softwares mentioned above. As mobile video editors are quite affordable and some of them have features like that of some PC softwares.

FAQs about Speed ramping feature and softwares:

  1. Q) What is Speed Ramping and where it is used?

Speed Ramping is different from just changing the speed of the whole clip. It means changing the speed of the video gradually, so the clip doesn’t feel jumpy.

It is done to give viewers a smooth experience between different parts of the clip. like the fast-forward clip is used to show the passage of time. and the slow-mo is used to emphasize something or produce tension, while a mix of both is used in ads and action scenes, e.t.c.

  1. Q) How to do Speed Ramping?

Speed Ramping methods vary from software to software. Either you can do it by adding keyframes and changing speed with time or you can add or adjust curves for speed change. If your software doesn’t support the speed ramping feature, you can split a clip into parts and apply speed change to them differently. For some of the best iPhone softwares, we have mentioned the speed ramping steps above.

  1. Q) What FPS is best for Slo-mo videos?

Shooting at 60 Fps is ideal as it gives a smooth and crisp video and you can make slow motion easily if required, you can slow it down up to 40% of its speed while maintaining the quality. It is supported in almost most devices nowadays. And if you want to create super slo-mo for your cinematics or product video then 120 or 240 fps is preferable. But higher fps often have disadvantages as it is harder to apply visual effects or masks. So choose the frame rate according to your requirements.

  1. Q) Does changing the speed of video affect its audio?

Yes, changing the speed of video affects the audio, It affects its pitch (tempo). Increasing its speed increases the pitch of the audio making it sound shrill while decreasing the speed of the video or making slow-mo decreases the pitch making it sound deep.

Although, some softwares provide the feature to maintain the pitch while changing the speed of the clip.


  • Its UI doesn’t support editing in landscape orientation.
  • It doesn’t support 4k video resolution.




Import: Open Filmora Go, Click “New project” to start a new project, or Choose the previous one from the “Draft” portion. Select videos or images to import to your timeline. Hold and drag the clip to change its arrangement.

Edit: You can add text, effects, stickers, layers, e.t.c. by clicking their icon, present on the bar at the bottom.

Click and Drag a clip from the corner to trim it.

Click the “PiP” icon to add image or video layers, you also can add multiple layers.

Select a clip to edit it. Different editing tools appear on the bottom bar. Here you can change its opacity, its speed, or add animations.

Click the diamond icon above the timeline to add keyframes. Zoom, move, or rotate the clip to add keyframes with the passage of time.

Speed Ramping: To Change the speed of a clip, select it then click the “Speed” icon on the bottom bar of the screen. Move the slider to change the speed of the whole clip. To do speed ramping, click the “curves” option to choose a preset or create your own. Click a preset to apply it, and click again to open its edit menu. drag the beats up and down to change speed or add or delete a beat if you want.

Effects: Click the “Effects” icon to open the effects menu. Select an effect to apply to your clip.

Click the white box between two clips to add transitions.

Export: Click the “Export” button to export your file. Select your desired resolution and frame rate to export your clip.



Some Free Video speeding Softwares for iPhone:

If you are short on budget or don’t want to spend much on video editing softwares then you can try these free softwares. They are free that doesn’t mean that they are useless, they are quite good for beginners or moderate users although some of them are designed for professionals also. If you don’t believe me, go and try it yourself. Apart from just changing the speed, they are good in other editing aspects also.

Adobe Premiere Rush:

It is available on IOS and Android both.

If you are looking for free but good speed ramping software then why go anywhere also when you have an amazing video editor made by a well-known software company “Adobe”. Like premiere pro, they have designed a compact version for phones named “Premiere Rush”.

It is a free video editor that has all the tools needed for video editing, from video effects to color grading and audio editing. Its UI is a bit similar to PC video editors. It is a free video editor with no watermarks. Although it takes some time to understand it. But once mastered, you can do editing quickly.


  • It is a free video editor with no watermark.
  • It supports up to 4K resolution at 60fps.
  • You can extract audio and can do voiceover directly from the software.
  • It has hundreds of filters, overlays, and title designs.
  • It has basic color grading tools.
  • It also has a motion tracking feature. (in Paid version)
  • It supports multiple audio, video, and text layers.




  • It only runs on high-end devices. ( It is not supported in most mid-range phones)
  • Not suitable for beginners. Its UI is quite hard to understand.
  • Doesn’t have common features like the chroma key, masking, e.t.c.




Its Premium version is available for 9.99/month. It includes some premium features. Or you can purchase the “All Apps Bundle” at $54.99/month for the annual plan.


Import: Open “Adobe Premiere Rush”, Click the “+” sign at the bottom to create a new project. in the media location, select the clips, then click the blue “create” button to start editing.

Click the blue “+” button at the bottom-left corner to add clips, audio, or graphics.

Hold and drag the clips upward to add them as a layer.

Edit: Scroll over a clip to select it. Clicking again shows a pop-up above the selected clip. Here you get 4 options: split, duplicate, separate audio, and delete.

A number of edit options appear on the bottom line of the screen:

Graphics: Click the “Graphics” button to add animated titles, transition graphics, and overlays as a layer. Select to customize its design.

Effects: Click the “Effects” button to add transitions or motion effect. Select a clip to apply transition at both ends. or select a corner of the clip to apply on it only. And change the duration of transition if you want.

Color: Here you can color grade your clips, Apply a preset or color grade manually by using sliders. You can also create your presets.

Transform: Here you can resize, rotate, crop, or change the position of the clip.

Audio: Here you can edit the audio, select a clip to edit its audio.

Speed Ramping: Click the “Speed” button to edit its speed. Select the range option to speed ramp a specific part of the clip. Select the ramp option to create a smooth speed curve. Or Set the clip duration to change its speed accordingly.

Export: To Export your clip, click the “Export” icon on top of the screen. Click “Quality Settings” to adjust export settings then click “Export” to save your file.


It is available on IOS and Android both.

If you are looking for a free but good speed ramping software to help you create slo-mo videos easily anywhere, anytime you want, then “CapCut” can be the right choice for you. It is a free mobile video editing software with many interesting features like keyframing, chroma-key, masking e.t.c. It also supports video and image layers. It has one of the best speed ramping features among other mobile video editors. It provides curves to smoothly speed ramp your clips. It can edit landscape, portrait, and even square video formats. It has many amazing effects and filters, it also has some stock clips.




  • It is completely free and has no watermarks.
  • It supports up to 4K video resolution.
  • Has curves for speed ramping.
  • Has keyframes for animation.
  • It has hundreds of effects, overlays, and titles.




  • Its UI doesn’t support editing in landscape orientation.
  • Lacks some common editing tools.


Import: Open Capcut, then click “New Project” to start a new project. Select files then click “Add” to import them. Click the white box with the “+” sign to add more clips. Hold and drag to rearrange the clips.

Click the “Add overlay” button to add photos or videos as layers.

Edit: On the bottom of the screen, you can find a bunch of tools for editing. From here you can add overlays, effects, filters, titles e.t.c to the timeline.

Select a clip to open the edit menu situated at the bottom of the screen. Here you can do the following tasks:

Split the clip; Change its speed, remove background, edit audio, do color correction, apply filters, stabilize the clip, e.t.c.

We have more edit features for the layers only which include: Spice (Blending), Animation, Masking, Chroma key, freeze frame, change opacity e.t.c.

Click the “Keyframe” icon (Diamond shaped) below the playback screen to apply keyframes to the layer. Pinch and zoom or rotate to transform the clip. Use the “Graphs” button in the edit menu to customize the keyframe animation.

Speed Ramping: To Change the speed of a clip, select it then click the “Speed” icon on the bottom bar of the screen. Move the slider to change the speed of the whole clip. To do speed ramping, click the “curves” option to choose a preset or create your own. Click a preset to apply it, and click again to open its edit menu. drag the beats up and down to change speed or add or delete a beat if you want.

Effects: Click the “+” sign between the two clips to add a transition between them, and drag the slider to change its duration.

Select the effects, filters, or titles icon to add them as a layer.

Export: Click the “Export” button on the top-right side of the screen to export your clip. Or click the button, left to the “Export” button to change its resolution and frame rate.


It is available on IOS and Mac.

If you are an Apple fan and own everything Apple then what’s better than getting your hands on a video editor designed by Apple. It is simple and easy to use. It has all the basic editing tools to enhance your video like crop, trim, transitions, effects, e.t.c. It also has a speed ramping feature which let you change the speed at different points of a clip. It’s AI mode “Magic Movie” lets you select clips and a style and software will make the final product for you.

Its “Storyboards” mode is a creative way of learning production and post-production skills. It lets you choose a theme from many famous Genres available, then it will guide you through the production process like capturing footage, arranging your shots, and creating cinematic titles to enhance your story.




  • It is free and easy to use.
  • Let you do speed ramping by changing the speed of different parts of the clip .
  • Supports Raw files.
  • It’s AI mode creates videos for you on its own.
  • The “Storyboarding” feature helps you through the production process.




  • It only works on IOS and Mac.
  • Not suitable for professional projects.


Import: Open “iMovie” then click “Start New Project” and select one of the 3 following modes to start editing:

  • Magic Movie: Select the clips for editing, then click “Create Magic Movie” to let iMovie create a movie for you, which you can customize according to your liking.
  • Storyboard: Click “Storyboard” then select Template and a genre or a style then click “Create” to start the project. iMovie will guide you and let you add the clip or title according to the pattern.
  • Movie: In “Movie” mode, select the clips from the media browser then click “Create Movie” to start editing.

Edit: Select a clip to edit it. A bunch of tools will appear at the bottom of the screen.

Click the “scissors” icon to split, duplicate, delete the clip, or to detach the audio.

Click the “volume” icon to change the volume of the clip.

Click the “Title” icon to add a title design. Click the text (on the playback window) to edit it.

Click the “Filters” icon to apply it to the selected clip and move the slider to change its intensity.

Speed Ramping: Click the “Speed” icon to change its speed. Move the yellow slider to change the speed of the whole clip. Or click the “Add” button to add partitions (in yellow color) to the selected clip. Select a partition to change its speed only. And click the “Freeze” button to add a freeze-frame.

Effects: Select the black box between two clips to add a transition. Select a transition to apply it and change its time duration if you want.

Export: Click the “Done” button on the top-left corner of the screen to save the clip, then click the “Export” icon on the bottom of the screen to save your file.

Some Paid Video speeding Softwares for iPhone:

If you do most of your video editing from your phone and want to invest some money in it then you should check the softwares mentioned below. They are quite affordable and are worthy of investment. As they are packed with many cool features. But if you aren’t sure which software to use then don’t worry as most of these softwares have a free version to try on but they have some limited features and they provide a watermark on export. But it is a great option to get your hands on new software and once you are comfortable with it, you can purchase its premium version.


It is available on IOS and Android both.

If you want to do more than just trimming and cropping to your videos then you should try Kinemaster. For editors, who want to do some advanced-level video editing on their phone, then you must have Kinemaster on your phone. It is a paid software, which is packed with many useful features. It has many video and audio effects. It also has an amazing audio editor. It also has many title designs and basic color correction tools. It has hundreds of effects and transitions + more can be downloaded from its asset store. Its UI is suitable for beginners and content creators both. It is a paid software, but all its features are completely free to use, but the free version leaves a watermark on export.



  • It supports up to 4K resolution at 60fps. (depending on mobile configuration)
  • Have amazing features like chroma key, keyframing, blend e.t.c
  • Has built-in audio and video recorder.
  • Supports multiple texts and video layers with different resolutions depending on the capability of the mobile phone.
  • Has UI like a PC video editor and supports landscape orientation for editing.
  • Have an asset store with 100s of free effects, transitions, and stock material.




  • Can’t export 4K videos on most devices.
  • Can’t apply keyframes and chroma key to the main video. (can be done on layers only)


Its Premium version is available for $4.9/month or $39.9/year. It also includes all the premium assets.



Import: Open Kinemaster, then click “New Project” to start a new project. Select the desired aspect ratio then click “Create” to start editing. Or click the “import” button on top to import an existing file to continue editing.

Media Browser will be opened. Select the clips to add them to the timeline. Click the “X” button on the top-right corner to close the media browser.

Edit: Drag the clip from the corner to trim it. Select a clip to open its editing menu. Here you can change its speed, add filters, do color correction, edit its audio, e.t.c.

On the right side, you will see a bunch of icons. Click the “Layer” button to add a media file, text, or effect as a layer. Click the “Audio” button to add an audio file. Or click the “Rec” button to do a voice-over.

Click the “+” symbol between two clips to add a transition between them, then adjust its time duration if you want.

Speed Ramping: Select the “Speed” option to change its speed. Here you can only do linear speed change. To create a speed ramp effect, split the clip into different parts and then change their speed according to your liking. Apply a crossfade transition of about 0.1 sec to smooth the jump cut between clips.

Effects: Select a clip then click “Clip Graphics” to apply the effect to your clip. Your clip will be highlighted with a yellow box, adjust it to set the time duration of the effect.

Click the “Shop” icon to visit the Asset store. Here you can find many cool Effects, clip graphics, transitions, and sound effects. Download them to use in your project.

Click the Layer clip to edit it. Here you can do chroma key, keyframing, or apply animation.

Export: Click the “Export” icon on the top-right corner of the app to open the export screen. Select the desired resolution and frame rate then click “Save as video” to export it.

Power Director:

It is available on IOS and Android both.

It is a paid but quite advanced video editor available for androids and IOS both. Like its PC version mobile version is also packed with many great features. It is compact and easy to use. It supports multiple video and audio layers. Have many cool filters and transitions. Can also do basic color corrections. To complete post-production work it also has audio editing tools and effects. It also has hundreds of title designs. Its UI is easy to use and supports both portrait and landscape orientation for editing. Most of its features can be used for free with a watermark on export. To remove the watermark you need to purchase the premium version.




  • It supports up to 4K resolution at 60fps. (compatible on most devices)
  • Supports both Portrait and Landscape orientation for editing.
  • Supports Key framing and video stabilization also.
  • Supports multiple audio and video layers.
  • Can edit videos in different aspect ratios.
  • Have a vast stock library.




  • Can’t export 4K videos on many devices.
  • Can apply keyframing and chroma key to layers only.
  • Software lags sometimes.


Its Premium version is available for $4.9/month or $29.9/year.


Import: Open “Power Director”. Click “New Project” then select Aspect Ratio to start editing. Select clips from the media library Then click the “blue tick” button to add them to the timeline. Click the “+” icon to import more clips. From the bottom bar (in portrait mode), Select the video, image, audio, or effect icon to add them as a layer. In Landscape Mode bar it is situated on the left side of the screen.

Edit: Select and drag the clip from the corner to trim it. Select a clip to open edit tools. From here you can do audio editing, color correction, cropping, stabilization, and speed change.

Here you get more features to edit a layer or an overlay such as chroma key, masking, transform keyframe, e.t.c. To do keyframing, select a layer, then click the “diamond” icon located on the right side above the timeline to add keyframes then rotate, zoom or change the position of the clip with time to add more keyframes. You can also do keyframing for other features like adjustment, mask, blend, and opacity.

Speed Ramping: To Change speed, select a clip or a layer click the “speed” button then move the slider to change its speed. To do speed ramping split the clip into small parts and change their speed respectively. Click the “ease-in” and “ease-out” buttons to smooth the jump between the clips.

Effects: Click the grey box between the clips to add a transition and move the slider to change its duration if you want.

Select a clip, then choose a filter or an effect to apply to the selected clip.

Export: To Export the finished product, click the “export” icon on the top-right side of the screen then click “Produce and Share” to select the video resolution or click the “Settings” icon to change the storage path and frame rate. Then click “Produce”.


It is available on IOS and Mac (with an m1 processor).

As a content creator, have you ever wished for creating your own cinematic masterpiece, but the thing holding you back is that you don’t have a powerful workstation or expensive software then don’t worry. You can do professional-level editing on your iPhone with the software named “LumaFusion. It is one of the most powerful and advanced video editors available for your iPhone or iPad.

It is a multi-track video editor with many useful features like the Chroma key, keyframing, color grading, and color LUTs. Have powerful color grading tools and an audio editor. It also has a lock and load stabilizer. You have to purchase the software before using it. It doesn’t have any free version to try.


Credits: Pic by Luma touch website.


  • It supports up to 4K video resolution at a max of 240 fps.
  • Can also edit and export 360 videos.
  • Have powerful color correction tools. You can also import your own color LUTs.
  • Supports Keyframing on almost all the editing tools within the software.
  • You can add some third-party audio plugins.
  • Supports up to 6 audio and video layers.
  • Have “Storyblock” stock library. (Many of its contents are free to use)
  • Supports external monitor for display.


Credits: Pic by Luma touch website.


  • Not available for Android devices.
  • Being an advanced software, it doesn’t have masking and speed ramping features.
  • Doesn’t have a free version to try on.


It is available for purchase at $29.99.


Import: Click the “+” button on the bottom of the screen to start a new project. A small tab will appear, change the settings if you want, then click the “+” button on the top-right side of the tab to start your project.

Click the “flower icon” on the top-right side of the screen to open the source menu (Its icon changes depending on the present tab), Click “Photos” to open folders and files. Click and drag files to add them to the timeline. Click and drag the clips on the top of the primary clip to add them as a layer.

Edit: Click and drag the clips from the corner to trim them. On the bar at the bottom of the screen, you will find basic tools. Click the clip, to open editing tools on the same bar.

Click the “+” icon on the bottom bar or select “Titles” on the source menu to open the Titles menu. Drag and drop the titles to use them. Double-click the text to open the edit menu.

Double-click the clip to open the edit menu. Here you can transform the clip, change its speed, Stabilize your clips, do color grading, add an effect and perform audio editing.

Speed Ramping: In the edit mode, click the “speed and reverse” button and move the slider back or forth to change the speed of the whole video. To do speed ramping, split the video into parts and apply different speeds to create a speed ramp effect. This method is not perfect but it gets the job done.

Effects: Select the “Transitions” icon on the source menu to open the transition menu. Drag and drop a transition on a clip to use it.

Double click a clip to open the edit menu. Then in the “Color & Effects” tab select any effects and apply them to your clip.

To do keyframing, on the edit menu, click the “circle” icon on the bottom-right side below the display to start keyframing. then change the settings with time to add further keyframes.

Export: To Export your file, click the “Export” icon on the bottom-right corner of the screen to open the export menu then click the “movie” icon to select the file destination. Select the desired export settings then click the “Export” icon on the top of the menu to export your finished product.

Which One Should I Choose Free or Paid iPhone Video speeding Softwares?

It usually depends on your needs. If you just want a speed editor to make slow-mo or timelapse videos for your social media then you should go for free video editors, as they are easy to use and provide better speed ramping features than some paid video editors mentioned here.

But as a content creator if you want more features alongside speed ramping then you should go for paid softwares mentioned above. As mobile video editors are quite affordable and some of them have features like that of some PC softwares.

FAQs about Speed ramping feature and softwares:

  1. Q) What is Speed Ramping and where it is used?

Speed Ramping is different from just changing the speed of the whole clip. It means changing the speed of the video gradually, so the clip doesn’t feel jumpy.

It is done to give viewers a smooth experience between different parts of the clip. like the fast-forward clip is used to show the passage of time. and the slow-mo is used to emphasize something or produce tension, while a mix of both is used in ads and action scenes, e.t.c.

  1. Q) How to do Speed Ramping?

Speed Ramping methods vary from software to software. Either you can do it by adding keyframes and changing speed with time or you can add or adjust curves for speed change. If your software doesn’t support the speed ramping feature, you can split a clip into parts and apply speed change to them differently. For some of the best iPhone softwares, we have mentioned the speed ramping steps above.

  1. Q) What FPS is best for Slo-mo videos?

Shooting at 60 Fps is ideal as it gives a smooth and crisp video and you can make slow motion easily if required, you can slow it down up to 40% of its speed while maintaining the quality. It is supported in almost most devices nowadays. And if you want to create super slo-mo for your cinematics or product video then 120 or 240 fps is preferable. But higher fps often have disadvantages as it is harder to apply visual effects or masks. So choose the frame rate according to your requirements.

  1. Q) Does changing the speed of video affect its audio?

Yes, changing the speed of video affects the audio, It affects its pitch (tempo). Increasing its speed increases the pitch of the audio making it sound shrill while decreasing the speed of the video or making slow-mo decreases the pitch making it sound deep.

Although, some softwares provide the feature to maintain the pitch while changing the speed of the clip.

| Best WMV to GIF Converters

Powerful Video Editor - Wondershare Filmora

Provide abundant video effects - A creative video editor

Powerful color correction and grading

Detailed tutorials are provided by the official channel

Try It Free Try It Free

GIFs function as a series of images that seem like an audio-less video and are widely used across numerous platforms. People send GIFs to their friends while chatting and also add them to their photos and videos. Moreover, this image format does not lose its quality during compression. Due to their high popularity, GIF converters are much needed.

If you have a WMV file and want to use it as a GIF, you can easily execute the conversion through GIF converters. You can find tons of GIF converters, but not every tool is reliable. For WMV to GIF conversion, we will provide the best GIF converters that you can utilize confidently.

In this article

Part 1: Best 3 WMV to GIF Converter Software

Part 2: 3 Online WMV to GIF Converters

Part 3: How to Convert WMV to GIF Using Wondershare Filmora?

Part 1: Best 3 WMV to GIF Converter Software

In this following part, we will discuss the best 3 offline GIF converters through which you can easily convert your files from WMV to GIF comfortably.

1. Wondershare Filmora

Compatibility Pricing
Windows/Mac $28.98/Monthly $68.98/Annual $98.98/Perpetual

Wondershare Filmora is a top-notch video editing tool comprising every basic and advanced feature that you would require. It offers smart templates that help beginners in designing their videos along with exceptional effects. Furthermore, people can utilize their royalty-free images and videos to add them to their videos for more dimensions.

Along with its extraordinary video editing features, people can also convert their videos files to numerous formats such as GIFs and other formats. Although the user interface of Filmora is extremely easy to handle, if you still find some difficulties, you can watch the tutorials from their platform to execute the editing process easier. By using this excellent platform, you can not only get rid of the flaws in your videos but can also convert them to GIF format conveniently.

filmora 11 editor


The “Instant Mode” of Filmora enables the users to design and create their videos with great proficiency without spending too much time.

It comprises animated effects that can add an artistic element to your videos.

It has an excellent function of a “Screen Recorder” that can effortlessly capture the on-screen activities of your computer.

You can easily synchronize the audio and soundtracks with the videos through its “Auto Synchronization” feature.


The free version of this platform comprises a watermark that can ruin the actual impression of the video.

2. Adobe Premiere Pro

Compatibility Pricing
Windows/Mac $20.99/Monthly

This tool is an ultimate professional video editor that comprises the ability to transform videos into a high-end project. You can add various transitions to the videos and can portray interesting storytelling through them. You can easily upload the recorded video from either your smartphone or professional camera and can edit the footage in up to 8K high quality.

Furthermore, when people try to export their videos, this tool displays multiple options to convert the current video file into another. Thus, you can easily convert your video file WMV into GIF quickly with a single click. Other amazing features of this tool include Adobe Stock, through which you can import various audio files and can professionally embed them in your video.

adobe premiere pro interface


The “Auto-Reframe” feature allows the users to intelligently reframe their videos in 4K resolution flawlessly.

You can add subtitles to your videos through “Auto Transcriptions” quickly and can edit them further.

You can color fix the videos through its excellent filters, which can give an aesthetic impression.

The export settings of this tool can be customized, and you can easily share your videos to online platforms.


The user interface of Adobe Premiere Pro is a bit complicated, and non-professionals can find it difficult to use for the first time.

Compatibility Pricing
Windows/Mac $19.99/Monthly $69.99/Monthly

This trustworthy tool is widely used for converting video files to GIF format along with various intuitive features. It also functions as a video editor as it includes advanced options to edit multiple video file formats effortlessly. You can use their enhanced “Mask and Blend” option to combine numerous video clips smoothly and professionally. Also, you can replace dull and boring skies from your videos through its “Sky Replacement” feature.

Along with its powerful conversion feature, you can also remove unwanted objects or people from the videos flawlessly with a single click. For a high-quality audio experience, you can use its audio tools to remove unnecessary background noise to make the vocals sound refined. Hence, it works as a trustworthy tool that not only makes the videos appealing but also provides ease to its users.

Cyberlink powerdirector 365


This platform offers motion tracking through which you can precisely synchronize the elements in your video.

It has included various effects and filters ranging in diverse categories that can be used to change the perspective of the videos.

The user interface is well-defined and easy to use for beginners.

It offers fast rendering so that you can export the edited video in high quality.


This tool contains ads and has an expensive subscription plan.

Part 2: 3 Online WMV to GIF Converters

If you want to conduct online conversion of files from WMV to GIF instantly, use any of the following mentioned tools.

1. Adobe Creative Cloud Express

This online tool provides an easy way to convert WMV to GIF in a well-protected environment. You can import your WMV file to this tool easily either from your device or can utilize the drag and drop option. Afterward, you can select the quality type and file size from the displayed options. The conversion process does not take long, and you can easily share the newly converted GIF across online platforms.

adobe creative cloud express


This tool is free to use and offers basic editing options to create unlimited GIFs.<

You can select the file size of the GIF file so that you can easily save it on your device without worrying about space usage.<

You can adjust the aspect ratio of your manually before the conversion process.<

Through its trim option, you can eradicate unwanted parts easily.<


It only offers premium features such as refine, cutout, and resize in the premium plan.<

2. CloudConvert

CloudConvert is an online platform that will assist you in converting video files such as WMV into GIFs conveniently. This tool supports and shows compatibility with more than 200 file formats which depict that you can convert from and to GIFs in the best environment. You just need to upload the video file to this platform, and with a single click, you can get a GIF of the best possible quality.

cloudconvert converter


You can simultaneously convert the videos files into GIFs through its batch processing option.

Apart from being an online tool, the software rendering integrated into this tool allows the users to get high-quality results after the conversion.

The data security in this tool is exceptional as this tool has a strict privacy policy for the users.

Apart from video and image files, you can also convert documents and audio files through this tool efficiently.


This online tool takes plenty amount of time to convert large-sized files.

3. Convertio

Convertio is another good example of an online GIF converter that supports tons of file formats. It has one of the easiest user interfaces among other online converters, as each function is well-displayed on its main interface. After uploading the video file on this online tool, you can easily select the output format, such as GIF, and within no time, you will get the desired result. This free tool also supports batch processing to offer an enhanced ecosystem to the users.

convertio online converter


Beginners can rely on this online platform as it offers security along with tons of supported formats.

For instant conversion of the files, this tool is ideal as it does not demand the users to create accounts for sign-ups.

It does not disturb the users with constant ads and functions as a stable tool.

You can access this online tool from any browser, and it can easily work for converting videos, documents, and images.


For converting large-sized videos, you need to buy its subscription plan.

Part 3: How to Convert WMV to GIF Using Wondershare Filmora?

There are plenty of GIF converters, but to enjoy the best user experience, explore Wondershare Filmora. As we mentioned earlier, this tool includes every basic to advanced feature for both video editing and conversion process. To convert WMV to GIF through Filmora, use the below steps:

Step 1: Import WMV File

Launch Wondershare Filmora on your desktop and click to use its interface. Tap on the “New Project” option that will display a new window on your screen. At the media tab, click on the arrow and import the WMV file from browsing through your computer.

create new filmora project

Step 2: Select GIF Format

Now drag the imported video to the timeline of this tool and tap on the “Export” button displayed on top. From the newly displayed window, select the “GIF” format from the left section.

add video to timeline

Step 3: Click to Export

Along with changing file format, you can also name the file and can set its file location. For more settings, you can adjust its resolution, bit rate, and frame rate displayed on the right side of the screen. Once done, click on the “Export” option.

export as gif


Create your GIFs by converting from the WMV files through powerful GIF converters. To convert WMV to GIF, we have recommended different tools along with their distinct features for your ease. However, to generate instant and best outputs, Wondershare Filmora comes on top as a powerful GIF converter. Through its advanced features, you can edit and create multiple GIFs within a well-defined platform.

Try It Free Try It Free

Try It Free Try It Free

GIFs function as a series of images that seem like an audio-less video and are widely used across numerous platforms. People send GIFs to their friends while chatting and also add them to their photos and videos. Moreover, this image format does not lose its quality during compression. Due to their high popularity, GIF converters are much needed.

If you have a WMV file and want to use it as a GIF, you can easily execute the conversion through GIF converters. You can find tons of GIF converters, but not every tool is reliable. For WMV to GIF conversion, we will provide the best GIF converters that you can utilize confidently.

In this article

Part 1: Best 3 WMV to GIF Converter Software

Part 2: 3 Online WMV to GIF Converters

Part 3: How to Convert WMV to GIF Using Wondershare Filmora?

Part 1: Best 3 WMV to GIF Converter Software

In this following part, we will discuss the best 3 offline GIF converters through which you can easily convert your files from WMV to GIF comfortably.

1. Wondershare Filmora

Compatibility Pricing
Windows/Mac $28.98/Monthly $68.98/Annual $98.98/Perpetual

Wondershare Filmora is a top-notch video editing tool comprising every basic and advanced feature that you would require. It offers smart templates that help beginners in designing their videos along with exceptional effects. Furthermore, people can utilize their royalty-free images and videos to add them to their videos for more dimensions.

Along with its extraordinary video editing features, people can also convert their videos files to numerous formats such as GIFs and other formats. Although the user interface of Filmora is extremely easy to handle, if you still find some difficulties, you can watch the tutorials from their platform to execute the editing process easier. By using this excellent platform, you can not only get rid of the flaws in your videos but can also convert them to GIF format conveniently.

filmora 11 editor


The “Instant Mode” of Filmora enables the users to design and create their videos with great proficiency without spending too much time.

It comprises animated effects that can add an artistic element to your videos.

It has an excellent function of a “Screen Recorder” that can effortlessly capture the on-screen activities of your computer.

You can easily synchronize the audio and soundtracks with the videos through its “Auto Synchronization” feature.


The free version of this platform comprises a watermark that can ruin the actual impression of the video.

2. Adobe Premiere Pro

Compatibility Pricing
Windows/Mac $20.99/Monthly

This tool is an ultimate professional video editor that comprises the ability to transform videos into a high-end project. You can add various transitions to the videos and can portray interesting storytelling through them. You can easily upload the recorded video from either your smartphone or professional camera and can edit the footage in up to 8K high quality.

Furthermore, when people try to export their videos, this tool displays multiple options to convert the current video file into another. Thus, you can easily convert your video file WMV into GIF quickly with a single click. Other amazing features of this tool include Adobe Stock, through which you can import various audio files and can professionally embed them in your video.

adobe premiere pro interface


The “Auto-Reframe” feature allows the users to intelligently reframe their videos in 4K resolution flawlessly.

You can add subtitles to your videos through “Auto Transcriptions” quickly and can edit them further.

You can color fix the videos through its excellent filters, which can give an aesthetic impression.

The export settings of this tool can be customized, and you can easily share your videos to online platforms.


The user interface of Adobe Premiere Pro is a bit complicated, and non-professionals can find it difficult to use for the first time.

Compatibility Pricing
Windows/Mac $19.99/Monthly $69.99/Monthly

This trustworthy tool is widely used for converting video files to GIF format along with various intuitive features. It also functions as a video editor as it includes advanced options to edit multiple video file formats effortlessly. You can use their enhanced “Mask and Blend” option to combine numerous video clips smoothly and professionally. Also, you can replace dull and boring skies from your videos through its “Sky Replacement” feature.

Along with its powerful conversion feature, you can also remove unwanted objects or people from the videos flawlessly with a single click. For a high-quality audio experience, you can use its audio tools to remove unnecessary background noise to make the vocals sound refined. Hence, it works as a trustworthy tool that not only makes the videos appealing but also provides ease to its users.

Cyberlink powerdirector 365


This platform offers motion tracking through which you can precisely synchronize the elements in your video.

It has included various effects and filters ranging in diverse categories that can be used to change the perspective of the videos.

The user interface is well-defined and easy to use for beginners.

It offers fast rendering so that you can export the edited video in high quality.


This tool contains ads and has an expensive subscription plan.

Part 2: 3 Online WMV to GIF Converters

If you want to conduct online conversion of files from WMV to GIF instantly, use any of the following mentioned tools.

1. Adobe Creative Cloud Express

This online tool provides an easy way to convert WMV to GIF in a well-protected environment. You can import your WMV file to this tool easily either from your device or can utilize the drag and drop option. Afterward, you can select the quality type and file size from the displayed options. The conversion process does not take long, and you can easily share the newly converted GIF across online platforms.

adobe creative cloud express


This tool is free to use and offers basic editing options to create unlimited GIFs.<

You can select the file size of the GIF file so that you can easily save it on your device without worrying about space usage.<

You can adjust the aspect ratio of your manually before the conversion process.<

Through its trim option, you can eradicate unwanted parts easily.<


It only offers premium features such as refine, cutout, and resize in the premium plan.<

2. CloudConvert

CloudConvert is an online platform that will assist you in converting video files such as WMV into GIFs conveniently. This tool supports and shows compatibility with more than 200 file formats which depict that you can convert from and to GIFs in the best environment. You just need to upload the video file to this platform, and with a single click, you can get a GIF of the best possible quality.

cloudconvert converter


You can simultaneously convert the videos files into GIFs through its batch processing option.

Apart from being an online tool, the software rendering integrated into this tool allows the users to get high-quality results after the conversion.

The data security in this tool is exceptional as this tool has a strict privacy policy for the users.

Apart from video and image files, you can also convert documents and audio files through this tool efficiently.


This online tool takes plenty amount of time to convert large-sized files.

3. Convertio

Convertio is another good example of an online GIF converter that supports tons of file formats. It has one of the easiest user interfaces among other online converters, as each function is well-displayed on its main interface. After uploading the video file on this online tool, you can easily select the output format, such as GIF, and within no time, you will get the desired result. This free tool also supports batch processing to offer an enhanced ecosystem to the users.

convertio online converter


Beginners can rely on this online platform as it offers security along with tons of supported formats.

For instant conversion of the files, this tool is ideal as it does not demand the users to create accounts for sign-ups.

It does not disturb the users with constant ads and functions as a stable tool.

You can access this online tool from any browser, and it can easily work for converting videos, documents, and images.


For converting large-sized videos, you need to buy its subscription plan.

Part 3: How to Convert WMV to GIF Using Wondershare Filmora?

There are plenty of GIF converters, but to enjoy the best user experience, explore Wondershare Filmora. As we mentioned earlier, this tool includes every basic to advanced feature for both video editing and conversion process. To convert WMV to GIF through Filmora, use the below steps:

Step 1: Import WMV File

Launch Wondershare Filmora on your desktop and click to use its interface. Tap on the “New Project” option that will display a new window on your screen. At the media tab, click on the arrow and import the WMV file from browsing through your computer.

create new filmora project

Step 2: Select GIF Format

Now drag the imported video to the timeline of this tool and tap on the “Export” button displayed on top. From the newly displayed window, select the “GIF” format from the left section.

add video to timeline

Step 3: Click to Export

Along with changing file format, you can also name the file and can set its file location. For more settings, you can adjust its resolution, bit rate, and frame rate displayed on the right side of the screen. Once done, click on the “Export” option.

export as gif


Create your GIFs by converting from the WMV files through powerful GIF converters. To convert WMV to GIF, we have recommended different tools along with their distinct features for your ease. However, to generate instant and best outputs, Wondershare Filmora comes on top as a powerful GIF converter. Through its advanced features, you can edit and create multiple GIFs within a well-defined platform.

Try It Free Try It Free

Try It Free Try It Free

GIFs function as a series of images that seem like an audio-less video and are widely used across numerous platforms. People send GIFs to their friends while chatting and also add them to their photos and videos. Moreover, this image format does not lose its quality during compression. Due to their high popularity, GIF converters are much needed.

If you have a WMV file and want to use it as a GIF, you can easily execute the conversion through GIF converters. You can find tons of GIF converters, but not every tool is reliable. For WMV to GIF conversion, we will provide the best GIF converters that you can utilize confidently.

In this article

Part 1: Best 3 WMV to GIF Converter Software

Part 2: 3 Online WMV to GIF Converters

Part 3: How to Convert WMV to GIF Using Wondershare Filmora?

Part 1: Best 3 WMV to GIF Converter Software

In this following part, we will discuss the best 3 offline GIF converters through which you can easily convert your files from WMV to GIF comfortably.

1. Wondershare Filmora

Compatibility Pricing
Windows/Mac $28.98/Monthly $68.98/Annual $98.98/Perpetual

Wondershare Filmora is a top-notch video editing tool comprising every basic and advanced feature that you would require. It offers smart templates that help beginners in designing their videos along with exceptional effects. Furthermore, people can utilize their royalty-free images and videos to add them to their videos for more dimensions.

Along with its extraordinary video editing features, people can also convert their videos files to numerous formats such as GIFs and other formats. Although the user interface of Filmora is extremely easy to handle, if you still find some difficulties, you can watch the tutorials from their platform to execute the editing process easier. By using this excellent platform, you can not only get rid of the flaws in your videos but can also convert them to GIF format conveniently.

filmora 11 editor


The “Instant Mode” of Filmora enables the users to design and create their videos with great proficiency without spending too much time.

It comprises animated effects that can add an artistic element to your videos.

It has an excellent function of a “Screen Recorder” that can effortlessly capture the on-screen activities of your computer.

You can easily synchronize the audio and soundtracks with the videos through its “Auto Synchronization” feature.


The free version of this platform comprises a watermark that can ruin the actual impression of the video.

2. Adobe Premiere Pro

Compatibility Pricing
Windows/Mac $20.99/Monthly

This tool is an ultimate professional video editor that comprises the ability to transform videos into a high-end project. You can add various transitions to the videos and can portray interesting storytelling through them. You can easily upload the recorded video from either your smartphone or professional camera and can edit the footage in up to 8K high quality.

Furthermore, when people try to export their videos, this tool displays multiple options to convert the current video file into another. Thus, you can easily convert your video file WMV into GIF quickly with a single click. Other amazing features of this tool include Adobe Stock, through which you can import various audio files and can professionally embed them in your video.

adobe premiere pro interface


The “Auto-Reframe” feature allows the users to intelligently reframe their videos in 4K resolution flawlessly.

You can add subtitles to your videos through “Auto Transcriptions” quickly and can edit them further.

You can color fix the videos through its excellent filters, which can give an aesthetic impression.

The export settings of this tool can be customized, and you can easily share your videos to online platforms.


The user interface of Adobe Premiere Pro is a bit complicated, and non-professionals can find it difficult to use for the first time.

Compatibility Pricing
Windows/Mac $19.99/Monthly $69.99/Monthly

This trustworthy tool is widely used for converting video files to GIF format along with various intuitive features. It also functions as a video editor as it includes advanced options to edit multiple video file formats effortlessly. You can use their enhanced “Mask and Blend” option to combine numerous video clips smoothly and professionally. Also, you can replace dull and boring skies from your videos through its “Sky Replacement” feature.

Along with its powerful conversion feature, you can also remove unwanted objects or people from the videos flawlessly with a single click. For a high-quality audio experience, you can use its audio tools to remove unnecessary background noise to make the vocals sound refined. Hence, it works as a trustworthy tool that not only makes the videos appealing but also provides ease to its users.

Cyberlink powerdirector 365


This platform offers motion tracking through which you can precisely synchronize the elements in your video.

It has included various effects and filters ranging in diverse categories that can be used to change the perspective of the videos.

The user interface is well-defined and easy to use for beginners.

It offers fast rendering so that you can export the edited video in high quality.


This tool contains ads and has an expensive subscription plan.

Part 2: 3 Online WMV to GIF Converters

If you want to conduct online conversion of files from WMV to GIF instantly, use any of the following mentioned tools.

1. Adobe Creative Cloud Express

This online tool provides an easy way to convert WMV to GIF in a well-protected environment. You can import your WMV file to this tool easily either from your device or can utilize the drag and drop option. Afterward, you can select the quality type and file size from the displayed options. The conversion process does not take long, and you can easily share the newly converted GIF across online platforms.

adobe creative cloud express


This tool is free to use and offers basic editing options to create unlimited GIFs.<

You can select the file size of the GIF file so that you can easily save it on your device without worrying about space usage.<

You can adjust the aspect ratio of your manually before the conversion process.<

Through its trim option, you can eradicate unwanted parts easily.<


It only offers premium features such as refine, cutout, and resize in the premium plan.<

2. CloudConvert

CloudConvert is an online platform that will assist you in converting video files such as WMV into GIFs conveniently. This tool supports and shows compatibility with more than 200 file formats which depict that you can convert from and to GIFs in the best environment. You just need to upload the video file to this platform, and with a single click, you can get a GIF of the best possible quality.

cloudconvert converter


You can simultaneously convert the videos files into GIFs through its batch processing option.

Apart from being an online tool, the software rendering integrated into this tool allows the users to get high-quality results after the conversion.

The data security in this tool is exceptional as this tool has a strict privacy policy for the users.

Apart from video and image files, you can also convert documents and audio files through this tool efficiently.


This online tool takes plenty amount of time to convert large-sized files.

3. Convertio

Convertio is another good example of an online GIF converter that supports tons of file formats. It has one of the easiest user interfaces among other online converters, as each function is well-displayed on its main interface. After uploading the video file on this online tool, you can easily select the output format, such as GIF, and within no time, you will get the desired result. This free tool also supports batch processing to offer an enhanced ecosystem to the users.

convertio online converter


Beginners can rely on this online platform as it offers security along with tons of supported formats.

For instant conversion of the files, this tool is ideal as it does not demand the users to create accounts for sign-ups.

It does not disturb the users with constant ads and functions as a stable tool.

You can access this online tool from any browser, and it can easily work for converting videos, documents, and images.


For converting large-sized videos, you need to buy its subscription plan.

Part 3: How to Convert WMV to GIF Using Wondershare Filmora?

There are plenty of GIF converters, but to enjoy the best user experience, explore Wondershare Filmora. As we mentioned earlier, this tool includes every basic to advanced feature for both video editing and conversion process. To convert WMV to GIF through Filmora, use the below steps:

Step 1: Import WMV File

Launch Wondershare Filmora on your desktop and click to use its interface. Tap on the “New Project” option that will display a new window on your screen. At the media tab, click on the arrow and import the WMV file from browsing through your computer.

create new filmora project

Step 2: Select GIF Format

Now drag the imported video to the timeline of this tool and tap on the “Export” button displayed on top. From the newly displayed window, select the “GIF” format from the left section.

add video to timeline

Step 3: Click to Export

Along with changing file format, you can also name the file and can set its file location. For more settings, you can adjust its resolution, bit rate, and frame rate displayed on the right side of the screen. Once done, click on the “Export” option.

export as gif


Create your GIFs by converting from the WMV files through powerful GIF converters. To convert WMV to GIF, we have recommended different tools along with their distinct features for your ease. However, to generate instant and best outputs, Wondershare Filmora comes on top as a powerful GIF converter. Through its advanced features, you can edit and create multiple GIFs within a well-defined platform.

Try It Free Try It Free

Try It Free Try It Free

GIFs function as a series of images that seem like an audio-less video and are widely used across numerous platforms. People send GIFs to their friends while chatting and also add them to their photos and videos. Moreover, this image format does not lose its quality during compression. Due to their high popularity, GIF converters are much needed.

If you have a WMV file and want to use it as a GIF, you can easily execute the conversion through GIF converters. You can find tons of GIF converters, but not every tool is reliable. For WMV to GIF conversion, we will provide the best GIF converters that you can utilize confidently.

In this article

Part 1: Best 3 WMV to GIF Converter Software

Part 2: 3 Online WMV to GIF Converters

Part 3: How to Convert WMV to GIF Using Wondershare Filmora?

Part 1: Best 3 WMV to GIF Converter Software

In this following part, we will discuss the best 3 offline GIF converters through which you can easily convert your files from WMV to GIF comfortably.

1. Wondershare Filmora

Compatibility Pricing
Windows/Mac $28.98/Monthly $68.98/Annual $98.98/Perpetual

Wondershare Filmora is a top-notch video editing tool comprising every basic and advanced feature that you would require. It offers smart templates that help beginners in designing their videos along with exceptional effects. Furthermore, people can utilize their royalty-free images and videos to add them to their videos for more dimensions.

Along with its extraordinary video editing features, people can also convert their videos files to numerous formats such as GIFs and other formats. Although the user interface of Filmora is extremely easy to handle, if you still find some difficulties, you can watch the tutorials from their platform to execute the editing process easier. By using this excellent platform, you can not only get rid of the flaws in your videos but can also convert them to GIF format conveniently.

filmora 11 editor


The “Instant Mode” of Filmora enables the users to design and create their videos with great proficiency without spending too much time.

It comprises animated effects that can add an artistic element to your videos.

It has an excellent function of a “Screen Recorder” that can effortlessly capture the on-screen activities of your computer.

You can easily synchronize the audio and soundtracks with the videos through its “Auto Synchronization” feature.


The free version of this platform comprises a watermark that can ruin the actual impression of the video.

2. Adobe Premiere Pro

Compatibility Pricing
Windows/Mac $20.99/Monthly

This tool is an ultimate professional video editor that comprises the ability to transform videos into a high-end project. You can add various transitions to the videos and can portray interesting storytelling through them. You can easily upload the recorded video from either your smartphone or professional camera and can edit the footage in up to 8K high quality.

Furthermore, when people try to export their videos, this tool displays multiple options to convert the current video file into another. Thus, you can easily convert your video file WMV into GIF quickly with a single click. Other amazing features of this tool include Adobe Stock, through which you can import various audio files and can professionally embed them in your video.

adobe premiere pro interface


The “Auto-Reframe” feature allows the users to intelligently reframe their videos in 4K resolution flawlessly.

You can add subtitles to your videos through “Auto Transcriptions” quickly and can edit them further.

You can color fix the videos through its excellent filters, which can give an aesthetic impression.

The export settings of this tool can be customized, and you can easily share your videos to online platforms.


The user interface of Adobe Premiere Pro is a bit complicated, and non-professionals can find it difficult to use for the first time.

Compatibility Pricing
Windows/Mac $19.99/Monthly $69.99/Monthly

This trustworthy tool is widely used for converting video files to GIF format along with various intuitive features. It also functions as a video editor as it includes advanced options to edit multiple video file formats effortlessly. You can use their enhanced “Mask and Blend” option to combine numerous video clips smoothly and professionally. Also, you can replace dull and boring skies from your videos through its “Sky Replacement” feature.

Along with its powerful conversion feature, you can also remove unwanted objects or people from the videos flawlessly with a single click. For a high-quality audio experience, you can use its audio tools to remove unnecessary background noise to make the vocals sound refined. Hence, it works as a trustworthy tool that not only makes the videos appealing but also provides ease to its users.

Cyberlink powerdirector 365


This platform offers motion tracking through which you can precisely synchronize the elements in your video.

It has included various effects and filters ranging in diverse categories that can be used to change the perspective of the videos.

The user interface is well-defined and easy to use for beginners.

It offers fast rendering so that you can export the edited video in high quality.


This tool contains ads and has an expensive subscription plan.

Part 2: 3 Online WMV to GIF Converters

If you want to conduct online conversion of files from WMV to GIF instantly, use any of the following mentioned tools.

1. Adobe Creative Cloud Express

This online tool provides an easy way to convert WMV to GIF in a well-protected environment. You can import your WMV file to this tool easily either from your device or can utilize the drag and drop option. Afterward, you can select the quality type and file size from the displayed options. The conversion process does not take long, and you can easily share the newly converted GIF across online platforms.

adobe creative cloud express


This tool is free to use and offers basic editing options to create unlimited GIFs.<

You can select the file size of the GIF file so that you can easily save it on your device without worrying about space usage.<

You can adjust the aspect ratio of your manually before the conversion process.<

Through its trim option, you can eradicate unwanted parts easily.<


It only offers premium features such as refine, cutout, and resize in the premium plan.<

2. CloudConvert

CloudConvert is an online platform that will assist you in converting video files such as WMV into GIFs conveniently. This tool supports and shows compatibility with more than 200 file formats which depict that you can convert from and to GIFs in the best environment. You just need to upload the video file to this platform, and with a single click, you can get a GIF of the best possible quality.

cloudconvert converter


You can simultaneously convert the videos files into GIFs through its batch processing option.

Apart from being an online tool, the software rendering integrated into this tool allows the users to get high-quality results after the conversion.

The data security in this tool is exceptional as this tool has a strict privacy policy for the users.

Apart from video and image files, you can also convert documents and audio files through this tool efficiently.


This online tool takes plenty amount of time to convert large-sized files.

3. Convertio

Convertio is another good example of an online GIF converter that supports tons of file formats. It has one of the easiest user interfaces among other online converters, as each function is well-displayed on its main interface. After uploading the video file on this online tool, you can easily select the output format, such as GIF, and within no time, you will get the desired result. This free tool also supports batch processing to offer an enhanced ecosystem to the users.

convertio online converter


Beginners can rely on this online platform as it offers security along with tons of supported formats.

For instant conversion of the files, this tool is ideal as it does not demand the users to create accounts for sign-ups.

It does not disturb the users with constant ads and functions as a stable tool.

You can access this online tool from any browser, and it can easily work for converting videos, documents, and images.


For converting large-sized videos, you need to buy its subscription plan.

Part 3: How to Convert WMV to GIF Using Wondershare Filmora?

There are plenty of GIF converters, but to enjoy the best user experience, explore Wondershare Filmora. As we mentioned earlier, this tool includes every basic to advanced feature for both video editing and conversion process. To convert WMV to GIF through Filmora, use the below steps:

Step 1: Import WMV File

Launch Wondershare Filmora on your desktop and click to use its interface. Tap on the “New Project” option that will display a new window on your screen. At the media tab, click on the arrow and import the WMV file from browsing through your computer.

create new filmora project

Step 2: Select GIF Format

Now drag the imported video to the timeline of this tool and tap on the “Export” button displayed on top. From the newly displayed window, select the “GIF” format from the left section.

add video to timeline

Step 3: Click to Export

Along with changing file format, you can also name the file and can set its file location. For more settings, you can adjust its resolution, bit rate, and frame rate displayed on the right side of the screen. Once done, click on the “Export” option.

export as gif


Create your GIFs by converting from the WMV files through powerful GIF converters. To convert WMV to GIF, we have recommended different tools along with their distinct features for your ease. However, to generate instant and best outputs, Wondershare Filmora comes on top as a powerful GIF converter. Through its advanced features, you can edit and create multiple GIFs within a well-defined platform.

Try It Free Try It Free

Also read:

  • Title: Turn Your Blog Content Into Audio Podcasts to Reach a Wider Audience and Increase Reader Participation
  • Author: Chloe
  • Created at : 2024-05-20 03:37:37
  • Updated at : 2024-05-21 03:37:37
  • Link: https://ai-editing-video.techidaily.com/turn-your-blog-content-into-audio-podcasts-to-reach-a-wider-audience-and-increase-reader-participation/
  • License: This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.
On this page
Turn Your Blog Content Into Audio Podcasts to Reach a Wider Audience and Increase Reader Participation