Updated 2024 Approved 4K Videos Are the in Thing because of Their Flexibility and High Resolution. Stick Around to Learn How to Choose the Best Frame Rate for 4K Videos

Updated 2024 Approved 4K Videos Are the in Thing because of Their Flexibility and High Resolution. Stick Around to Learn How to Choose the Best Frame Rate for 4K Videos

Chloe Lv12

4K Videos Are the in Thing because of Their Flexibility and High Resolution. Stick Around to Learn How to Choose the Best Frame Rate for 4K Videos

People in the videography ad filmmaking world use complicated terminology like Ultra High Def to describe 4K videos. Even though you are not a complete stranger to the term 4K, you might still be unaware of what it means.

In a nutshell, 4K is the highest resolution you can watch your movies and videos. The details are incredibly crisp, meaning you can see pimples or the pores on an actor’s face through the screen. However, the frame rate will significantly affect how you enjoy a 4K video. Therefore, it would be wise to learn how to choose the ideal frame rate to suit your needs.

Keep reading this article to learn more about frame rates and which is suitable for a 4K video.

4k video frame rate

How Do Frame Rates Affect Video Viewing?

The motion will appear smoother if your video contains more frames per second. Even though your viewers are not tech-savvy, they will definitely notice the difference.

Consider a video of a duck drinking water from a pond. If you film and playback the same video in 24, 30, and 60fps, you will see a noticeable difference, assuming your shutter speed is set according to the 180-degree shutter rule.

If you are filming quicker motions of wildlife and birds, you are better off sticking to higher resolutions to give the viewer a pleasant experience and ensure the motion is fluid.

On the other hand, lower frame rates like 24fps are ideal for human movements, which are not as smooth as wildlife. Suppose you used 60fps for a cinematic film or a TV show. The video would look a bit odd because that is not how we see things in the natural world. In addition, your viewers aren’t used to such smoothness.

Viewing Requirements of 4K Videos

You may have heard about 4K videos and wondered what people mean by that term. In simple terms, a 4K video is a high-resolution video that is four times the usual 1080p HD video. When it comes to 4K videos, there are two standard resolutions. One of them is the standard for Digital Cinema which is 4096*2160 pixels. The other is for television and is 3840*2160 pixels.

To stream 4K content, you need a bandwidth between 10 and 20 Mbps. On the other hand, streaming platforms like Netflix require higher bandwidths of not less than 15 Mbps. In addition to the bandwidth we mentioned earlier, you need a 4KTV or 4K monitor.

This specification was brought up at the UHD Alliance, a union of more than 50 tech companies working together to support 4K content. Tech companies ought to ensure the devices they produce are compatible with 4K videos, which are becoming increasingly popular.

Below is a list of requirements any electronic device should fulfill before being termed a 4KTV or 4K monitor.

requirements of 4k videos

  • A resolution of not less than 3840*2160.
  • A 10-bit color depth that allows for 1,024 shades of red, yellow, and blue.
  • A high dynamic range for color accuracy.
  • An excellent combination of black level and peak brightness. The peak brightness should not exceed 1,000 nits, and the black level shouldn’t go below 0.5 nits. Alternatively, the peak brightness shouldn’t exceed 540 nits; neither should the black level plummet below 0.0005 nits.

Best Frame Rate for 4K Video

We all know that the frame rate you choose for your video will significantly impact the viewer’s experience and the overall style of your video. The frame rate will also affect how the video looks. For instance, a frame rate lower than 24fps will make your video look unprofessional and of poor quality. The content will also flicker because there aren’t many still images per second.

On the other hand, a lower FPS causes the file size to be smaller, causing it to consume a lower bandwidth. The vice versa is also true. Now that you understand these facts, you might wonder which frame rate would be best for your 4K videos.

Research reveals that the most acceptable frame rate is 30fps and 60fps. This is because the motion will appear natural to the human eye without being too fast or unrealistic.

If you are wondering what is the best frame rate for 4k videos, we urge you to select 60fps because it contains more detail. The higher frame rate also makes the motion look very smooth and crisp. Perhaps you want to shoot a slow-motion video. In that case, an even higher frame rate of 120fps would be ideal.

How To Choose The Base Frame Rates for Your Next Video

Choosing a frame rate for your videos is not complicated. However, it is not a straightforward process either. There are numerous moving parts that ought to work harmoniously for your video to turn out perfect and guarantee your audience will have a pleasant viewing experience. Before we dive into choosing the best frame rate for your 4K videos, let’s help you understand the filmmaking process.

Most filmmakers and videographers see it fit to shoot videos in 120p or 4K. This step makes their work easier during the editing process. If the raw footage is in 4K, they can de-emphasize or retain specific plot points that would look great in the final video. However, not everyone is shooting a video for Hollywood. Therefore, shooting in 4K on your laptop for your YouTube channel might be difficult.

Below are some factors you should consider when choosing the best frame rate for a 4k video.

factors for choosing frame rate for videos

File size

Shooting your video at a higher frame rate means more still images are packed into a single second of the video. Therefore, you will end up with a larger file size. If you want to shoot a video for your YouTube channel, it would be wise to stick to a smaller frame rate.


It wouldn’t make sense to shoot a talking head video at more than 24fps. However, a higher frame rate would be ideal for a travel vlog, where the details need to be crisp.

Medium of delivery

The standard frame rate for television is 24fps. On the other hand, it would be best to stick to a higher frame rate of 60fps if you intend to shoot content for the silver screen.

Motion in the video

Lastly, the movement within the video will play a massive role in the frame rate you choose. The faster the motion, the higher the frame rate needs to be. For instance, action movies don’t do well in frame rates of less than 60 fps.

How To Set the Frame Rate of Your Editing Tools

Even though you didn’t use the ideal frame rate for 4k video during filming, you could use an editing tool to tweak the frame rate to where you need it to be. In our opinion, Wondershare Filmora is an excellent editing tool to set the ideal frame rate and take your videos to the next level.

Wondershare Filmora is a feature-rich platform that takes the tedium out of editing your videos and makes the outcome look spectacular. People won’t believe you when you say you edited the video yourself!

The platform is user-friendly, eliminating the need for a learning curve. You also don’t need to be an experienced editor or graphic designer to use this platform. Here is a list of nifty features you might find helpful on this platform.

  • GIF support
  • Audio equalizer
  • Advanced text editing
  • Noise removal
  • Scene detection
  • Audio mixer
  • Color tuning

Out of all the wonderful features mentioned above, we will zero in on 4K editing support for now. You can use this feature to edit and export videos up to 4K without breaking a sweat.

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Wondershare Filmora allows you to customize your 4K videos by zooming in on a particular scene, tilting the video, or incorporating panning to give it a serene effect. We guarantee you will have fun using this platform and will get better at creating exquisite 4K content for your channel.

Below is a simple guide on using Wondershare Filmora to set the 4k video frame rate.

Step1 Launch the platform on your device and select the “File” tab. After a drop-down menu appears, select “Project Settings.”

filmora project settings

Step2 In the dialogue box, select “Frame Rate” and choose the frame rate you think is ideal for your video.

export video frame rate

Step3 Click “OK” and edit the videos as you like.


4K is the trend of the era, and it would be a shame if you got left behind. The viewer’s expectations are rising steadily, and they would rather skip your video to watch another if the quality is not up to par. In addition to giving you a competitive edge, 4K videos are very crisp and allow you to enjoy deep, vibrant colors.

You can also capture still photos from the video without compromising on quality. We can go on and on about the benefits of adopting 4K resolution in your videos. Therefore, it would be wise to increase your knowledge base and learn everything there is to know about 4K videos and how to set the best frame rates.

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Wondershare Filmora allows you to customize your 4K videos by zooming in on a particular scene, tilting the video, or incorporating panning to give it a serene effect. We guarantee you will have fun using this platform and will get better at creating exquisite 4K content for your channel.

Below is a simple guide on using Wondershare Filmora to set the 4k video frame rate.

Step1 Launch the platform on your device and select the “File” tab. After a drop-down menu appears, select “Project Settings.”

filmora project settings

Step2 In the dialogue box, select “Frame Rate” and choose the frame rate you think is ideal for your video.

export video frame rate

Step3 Click “OK” and edit the videos as you like.


4K is the trend of the era, and it would be a shame if you got left behind. The viewer’s expectations are rising steadily, and they would rather skip your video to watch another if the quality is not up to par. In addition to giving you a competitive edge, 4K videos are very crisp and allow you to enjoy deep, vibrant colors.

You can also capture still photos from the video without compromising on quality. We can go on and on about the benefits of adopting 4K resolution in your videos. Therefore, it would be wise to increase your knowledge base and learn everything there is to know about 4K videos and how to set the best frame rates.

How to Make a Bokeh Effect

There’s a strong chance you’ve heard about bokeh before if you frequently visit photography websites or have friends who are photographers. What exactly is this optical effect that camera aficionados frequently discuss? Bokeh, who is derived from the Japanese word for “blur,” is a term used in photography to describe how a lens presents an out-of-focus background.

  1. Paintshop Pro
  2. Blur n Bokeh
  3. PhotoDirector
  4. Tadaa SLR

Part 1. What is a Bokeh Effect?

The Japanese word boke, which meaning “blur,” “haze,” or “boke-aji,” the “blur quality,” is where the term “bokeh” originates. The pronunciation of bokeh is BOH-K or BOH-kay. You can find a lot of people discussing the beautiful bokeh that their favorite fast lenses allow on any photography website or forum.

Bokeh is characterized by the words “smooth,” “amazing,” “superb,” “good,” “beautiful,” “sweet,” “silky,” and “great.” But what is it exactly? When using a fast lens and the widest aperture possible, such as f/2.8 or wider, you can create bokeh, which is described as “the effect of a fuzzy out-of-focus background.” Bokeh is the appealing or aesthetically pleasant aspect of out-of-focus blur in a shot, to put it simply.

Part 2. What is a Bokeh effect used for?

Most often, bokeh is employed for artistic purposes. You might occasionally desire a little background blur so that the viewer’s attention is drawn to the subject. In other cases, you can want it to completely detract from the subject, as in portraiture when you want to concentrate on the individual’s eyes or mouth while blurring the rest of the image. It’s true that some people use bokeh inadvertently, like looking for photos with excellent bokeh that they may use as free images on their websites or blogs. This isn’t advised, though, as it’s against the law and usually frowned upon in the photographic community as a whole to steal someone else’s image in this manner.

Part 3. How do you create a Bokeh effect?

Bokeh’s smooth, organic texture is among its most lovely features. The major goal in producing this effect is to distinguish the subject from the backdrop by employing a shallow depth of field. You will learn how to create beautiful bokeh for your photos in this video. One of the most alluring photographic effects, particularly for portraits, is bokeh. It can impart a sense of perfection to everything in a photo, making it look lot more appealing and engaging. Bokeh helps to create a dreamy backdrop that gives the image a whole new level of depth and perspective.

Using a camera lens with a shallow depth of focus is one of the many methods for achieving bokeh in photography. You need a short depth of field so that your lens aperture can be opened up as wide as possible to achieve beautiful bokeh. You can take pictures with shallow depth of field, often known as bokeh, with a point and shoot or a DSLR. A common photography technique used to make the subject stand out from the backdrop is called bokeh.

It can be used to draw attention to the topic by blurring or losing focus on the background. Three different kinds of lenses can create beautiful bokeh: prime lenses with a wide aperture The best lenses for bokeh are often wide-aperture prime lenses. Although they are frequently more expensive and heavier than zoom lenses, they offer a wider field of view. Since there is a greater difference in depth between the foreground and background when using a wide-open aperture, wide aperture prime lenses make blurring the background easier.

Part 4. What software do you need for a Bokeh effect?

Bokeh is one of the best techniques for creating a soft out-of-focus background and emphasizing a certain spot in a shot. Utilizing a fast lens and modifying the camera’s aperture settings are the typical methods for obtaining bokeh. Still, using software for both Windows and Mac, even amateur photographers may enhance their photographs with a fantastic bokeh effect.

It might be challenging to determine which photo editing software is ideal for producing high-quality bokeh effects without trying them all out, which isn’t always an option. The top five Bokeh Effect Makers will be discussed in this post in order to improve your photographs’ visual appeal and set them apart from the competition.

# Paintshop Pro

With a comprehensive toolkit created for users of all ability levels, Paintshop Pro enables you to edit, enhance, and repair your photos. A touch-friendly photography option with a distinctive split-screen before-and-after function was recently added to the software. Paintshop Pro is a good option if you’re searching for a reasonably priced photo editor that lets you tack on extra premium capabilities as you go.

Depending on your degree of competence, the software offers three distinct workspaces for you to choose from. Essential editing tools and cutting-edge technologies like AI Upsampling and AI Style Transfer can be found in the Photography Workspace, which is intended for beginners or those making short alterations.

All of the common editing and retouching tools are present in the Essentials Workspace, but only a limited number of tools and palettes are visible. You may also change the available settings to display or hide the controls you need. Last but not least, Paintshop Pro’s Complete Workspace shows all of its tools and features.

# Blur n Bokeh

The focus of Blur & Bokeh for Mac is blurring an image’s backdrop and foreground. It has the ability to boost the saturation, brightness, and warmth of the highlighted areas, as well as masking with edge detection. The clever edge-preserving method is one of the software’s strongest components. It offers excellent outcomes for creating realistic-looking image output.

You may modify the foreground and background of your photographs using a variety of filters. Although Blur n Bokeh is excellent at producing bokeh, it’s not the ideal choice if you’re searching for software that provides a variety of additional picture editing features.

# PhotoDirector

All skill levels will benefit greatly from using PhotoDirector, a complete photo editor that is free to download and simple to use. Express Mode, who is great for making quick edits, or Full Mode, which offers preset and manual photo alteration options along with creative effects, overlays, and beauty options, are two ways the program lets you access the editor.

The best part is that there is a special bokeh tool that lets you add bokeh lights and blur a specific section of an image with just one click. PhotoDirector employs an image’s natural light sources to create the bokeh effects, in contrast to other tools. Having said that, you may select a shape from 25 options and even enable live animation.

Both beginning and experienced photographers will find PhotoDirector to be a desirable alternative. PhotoDirector is unquestionably at the top of the list if you’re seeking for reliable post-processing software with a large range of features.

# Tadaa SLR

Although there are many amazing things about your iPhone, its camera will never be able to take pictures with the same wonderfully shallow depth of field as your DSLR. That will always be the case unless Apple manages to get a much, much larger sensor into the phone.

Software, however, may mimic that lavish, shallow depth of field appearance. Tadaa SLR accomplishes this. Actually, Tadaa allows you to alter the photo’s focus point in addition to artificially adjusting the depth of field. Similar to what you can accomplish with the cutting-edge Lytro camera, it does it after you take the picture.

Tadaa is launched in camera mode, and you compose and snap your picture. Alternately, you can pick a picture from your camera roll if you wish to start with an existing image. A few widgets are as follows: Switch between a square or wide shot, show a line of thirds grid, and turn the flash on and off. Even access to the front and back cameras is provided by Tadaa.


Many popular photo editing programs require intermediate-level photo editing knowledge and can be a bit on the expensive side, but there are a few programs out there that cater to all skill levels and have free versions

that don’t cut corners on quality.

While each photo editor comes with various pros and cons, only one strikes a balance between offering a wide range of editing tools and being easy to navigate, and that’s PhotoDirector.

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Part 1. What is a Bokeh Effect?

The Japanese word boke, which meaning “blur,” “haze,” or “boke-aji,” the “blur quality,” is where the term “bokeh” originates. The pronunciation of bokeh is BOH-K or BOH-kay. You can find a lot of people discussing the beautiful bokeh that their favorite fast lenses allow on any photography website or forum.

Bokeh is characterized by the words “smooth,” “amazing,” “superb,” “good,” “beautiful,” “sweet,” “silky,” and “great.” But what is it exactly? When using a fast lens and the widest aperture possible, such as f/2.8 or wider, you can create bokeh, which is described as “the effect of a fuzzy out-of-focus background.” Bokeh is the appealing or aesthetically pleasant aspect of out-of-focus blur in a shot, to put it simply.

Part 2. What is a Bokeh effect used for?

Most often, bokeh is employed for artistic purposes. You might occasionally desire a little background blur so that the viewer’s attention is drawn to the subject. In other cases, you can want it to completely detract from the subject, as in portraiture when you want to concentrate on the individual’s eyes or mouth while blurring the rest of the image. It’s true that some people use bokeh inadvertently, like looking for photos with excellent bokeh that they may use as free images on their websites or blogs. This isn’t advised, though, as it’s against the law and usually frowned upon in the photographic community as a whole to steal someone else’s image in this manner.

Part 3. How do you create a Bokeh effect?

Bokeh’s smooth, organic texture is among its most lovely features. The major goal in producing this effect is to distinguish the subject from the backdrop by employing a shallow depth of field. You will learn how to create beautiful bokeh for your photos in this video. One of the most alluring photographic effects, particularly for portraits, is bokeh. It can impart a sense of perfection to everything in a photo, making it look lot more appealing and engaging. Bokeh helps to create a dreamy backdrop that gives the image a whole new level of depth and perspective.

Using a camera lens with a shallow depth of focus is one of the many methods for achieving bokeh in photography. You need a short depth of field so that your lens aperture can be opened up as wide as possible to achieve beautiful bokeh. You can take pictures with shallow depth of field, often known as bokeh, with a point and shoot or a DSLR. A common photography technique used to make the subject stand out from the backdrop is called bokeh.

It can be used to draw attention to the topic by blurring or losing focus on the background. Three different kinds of lenses can create beautiful bokeh: prime lenses with a wide aperture The best lenses for bokeh are often wide-aperture prime lenses. Although they are frequently more expensive and heavier than zoom lenses, they offer a wider field of view. Since there is a greater difference in depth between the foreground and background when using a wide-open aperture, wide aperture prime lenses make blurring the background easier.

Part 4. What software do you need for a Bokeh effect?

Bokeh is one of the best techniques for creating a soft out-of-focus background and emphasizing a certain spot in a shot. Utilizing a fast lens and modifying the camera’s aperture settings are the typical methods for obtaining bokeh. Still, using software for both Windows and Mac, even amateur photographers may enhance their photographs with a fantastic bokeh effect.

It might be challenging to determine which photo editing software is ideal for producing high-quality bokeh effects without trying them all out, which isn’t always an option. The top five Bokeh Effect Makers will be discussed in this post in order to improve your photographs’ visual appeal and set them apart from the competition.

# Paintshop Pro

With a comprehensive toolkit created for users of all ability levels, Paintshop Pro enables you to edit, enhance, and repair your photos. A touch-friendly photography option with a distinctive split-screen before-and-after function was recently added to the software. Paintshop Pro is a good option if you’re searching for a reasonably priced photo editor that lets you tack on extra premium capabilities as you go.

Depending on your degree of competence, the software offers three distinct workspaces for you to choose from. Essential editing tools and cutting-edge technologies like AI Upsampling and AI Style Transfer can be found in the Photography Workspace, which is intended for beginners or those making short alterations.

All of the common editing and retouching tools are present in the Essentials Workspace, but only a limited number of tools and palettes are visible. You may also change the available settings to display or hide the controls you need. Last but not least, Paintshop Pro’s Complete Workspace shows all of its tools and features.

# Blur n Bokeh

The focus of Blur & Bokeh for Mac is blurring an image’s backdrop and foreground. It has the ability to boost the saturation, brightness, and warmth of the highlighted areas, as well as masking with edge detection. The clever edge-preserving method is one of the software’s strongest components. It offers excellent outcomes for creating realistic-looking image output.

You may modify the foreground and background of your photographs using a variety of filters. Although Blur n Bokeh is excellent at producing bokeh, it’s not the ideal choice if you’re searching for software that provides a variety of additional picture editing features.

# PhotoDirector

All skill levels will benefit greatly from using PhotoDirector, a complete photo editor that is free to download and simple to use. Express Mode, who is great for making quick edits, or Full Mode, which offers preset and manual photo alteration options along with creative effects, overlays, and beauty options, are two ways the program lets you access the editor.

The best part is that there is a special bokeh tool that lets you add bokeh lights and blur a specific section of an image with just one click. PhotoDirector employs an image’s natural light sources to create the bokeh effects, in contrast to other tools. Having said that, you may select a shape from 25 options and even enable live animation.

Both beginning and experienced photographers will find PhotoDirector to be a desirable alternative. PhotoDirector is unquestionably at the top of the list if you’re seeking for reliable post-processing software with a large range of features.

# Tadaa SLR

Although there are many amazing things about your iPhone, its camera will never be able to take pictures with the same wonderfully shallow depth of field as your DSLR. That will always be the case unless Apple manages to get a much, much larger sensor into the phone.

Software, however, may mimic that lavish, shallow depth of field appearance. Tadaa SLR accomplishes this. Actually, Tadaa allows you to alter the photo’s focus point in addition to artificially adjusting the depth of field. Similar to what you can accomplish with the cutting-edge Lytro camera, it does it after you take the picture.

Tadaa is launched in camera mode, and you compose and snap your picture. Alternately, you can pick a picture from your camera roll if you wish to start with an existing image. A few widgets are as follows: Switch between a square or wide shot, show a line of thirds grid, and turn the flash on and off. Even access to the front and back cameras is provided by Tadaa.


Many popular photo editing programs require intermediate-level photo editing knowledge and can be a bit on the expensive side, but there are a few programs out there that cater to all skill levels and have free versions

that don’t cut corners on quality.

While each photo editor comes with various pros and cons, only one strikes a balance between offering a wide range of editing tools and being easy to navigate, and that’s PhotoDirector.

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

After Reading This Article, You Can Add a B-Roll Feature From Filmora and Captivate More Audience. Explanation Video B-Roll and Story-Telling B-Roll Are Well Illustrated

Everyone is bored after watching a simple recorded video in which a character explains or tells a story. No one will watch it for more than 4 minutes!

After looking through this article, you will make your video more fascinating and get more views instantly. It’s all just due to B-roll, which will act as a ninja feature in your video. In this regard, Wondershare Filmora will handle everything.

Scroll more to discover two different types of B-roll videos and get an idea of how to make fascinating B-roll videos.

Part 1. What Is a B-roll?

B-roll is alternative or supplementary video footage that editors can use to intercut in between their main video. In that way, B-roll can add more information to a scene.

An additional footage

It is added as a supplementary video to interact with viewers more closely. This feature helps to give more details of a scene.

Visual representation

When the main explanatory video is too boring, you can add a b-roll to represent the movie’s story visually. It can also add to spice up and beat the energy of the narrative.

Without sound

The B-roll shots are mostly without audio or with little background sound. In most cases, the sound of the primary video is continued while the B-roll footage is just shown.

Act as a filler

The criteria for the B-roll is to provide the situation of the storyline. Additionally, it could be utilized as filler in between scenes in a movie or television program. B-roll may be found almost anywhere!

In this article, you will learn about two main kinds of B-rolls and the steps to edit them on Wondershare Filmora . Stick with us to the end!

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Part 2. Two Types of B-rolls: Explanation Video B-rolls

When recording any explanatory video, the audience may leave it in the middle of a video if a character explains without any visual representation. When explaining something new, showing the object in B-roll can be more effective than just verbally explaining what the audience is seeing.

Let’s take the video we made about microphones as an example. Instead of just verbally introduce the various mics, we inserted B-roll footage to display what they look like and how they can be used. The combination of the visual footage and the background voiceover presents the mic in a more vivid way. Also, it keeps the audience’s attention.

explanation b roll of microphone

Goal of the explanation B-roll video

The main goal of this type of B-roll is to show your audience what you are talking about instead of just telling them in a dull way.

Part 3. How to Edit Explanation B-roll Footage on Filmora?

After getting the footage and recording shots for B-roll videos, you need to edit it on the Wondershare Filmora. For this, follow the below-mentioned steps:

Step1Download the Wondershare Filmora

There is no need to do any complex process for editing on any platform. Because we have one platform on which every tool is available.

  • First of all, you have to download the Wondershare Filmora .
  • Then get access to the entire features.

The premium version has new features and effects plugins that make editing more filmy and fun!

Step2Stock media in Filmora

After downloading, it’s time to edit the B-roll video. If you can’t film your own B-roll, you can use stock footage but make sure you have the license to use them.

Filmora has a unique “stock media” option that enables us to use all these elements and more to boost our videos! To add stock media, follow the below steps:

  • Open the app or window of Filmora, which you have installed.
  • Head towards the tab on the top right side.
  • Then click on the Stock Media option and open it.
  • A long list of stock videos and images will pop up.

stock media of filmora

  • Select whatever you want, and download it.
  • Then drag and drop it in the timeline and insert it between your video.


Note: Only premium customers will get access to the stock media of the Wondershare Filmora.

Step3Add B-roll in between the main video

The most difficult and frequent asking situation is how you know when to cut to B-roll. To get to know when to insert B-roll, follow the following steps:

  • Watch your edits back and check out where you need.
  • Sense about the dull and complex points and cut the main video from there.
  • The points can be easily fixed with visual aids.

complex and dull points in the primary video

Part 4. Two Types of B-rolls: Storytelling Video B-rolls

During the creation of short films or any storytelling videos, if a person sits and speaks without showing any character or anything else, it will turn boring. Due to this, you have more chances to lose your audience and viewers.

In visual storytelling, if you will insert more clips with close shots, it will make the environment cool. The crazy thing is that you can make mimic shots easily at home by utilizing household objects. Let’s check out one of the examples.

Example 1. Film B-roll footage with food

So let’s add some b-roll to give it more context even if you have a master shot of yourself looking off frame alone.

Step1Write a script

Before making any video, the first step is to write a script for the whole video. If you will have more than two characters, then make dialogues for everyone and practice it again and again to give a fascinating look.

Then speak to your audience, make sure that what you are speaking is vivid and make everything simple and crystal clear.

Step2Shot a primary video

First of all, make a primary video according to your script by implementing a camera at one side, or you can also change the angle of the camera lens during shooting to have a look from all sides.

primary footage of a video

As you can see that it’s kind of boring for the audience, but we will make it more unique by implementing closer shots. For this, follow the last step:

Step3Make B-roll shots

Make closer shots of things which the character have to select and pick up. Check out two B-roll shots for the main video:

  • First, make a closer shot of the object (Snacks) that the character is noticing prior.

b roll footage number 1

  • Second, create more intimate footage of the second object (Banana) which the character will select and grab.

b roll footage number 2

Step4Edit both B-roll footages in Main Video

Now, in the last, insert the B-roll footage in between the primary video from the Filmora and get your results. Enjoy it with your viewers!

final video after adding b roll footage

Now experiment at home with more daily life activities and create all on Filmora. Check out one more example to create B-roll footage!

Example 2. Make B-roll shots with a cardboard

Try using readily accessible cardboard to create light effects in different shapes and give the film a fantastical place. These methods frequently produce artistic videos that transmit unique moods to viewers.

Only experienced photographers and videographers understand how to use these fundamental tricks to gain viewers into the photos.

The intriguing thing is that if the light is more shaped, it will more accurately reflect the image’s background, setting, and context. Try it out!

Step1Cut the cardboard

You may shape the cardboard any way you desire. We’ll experiment with this by cutting cardboard into the shape of window shades.

make shapes of the cardboard

Step2Make B-roll footage

Create B-roll footage by moving the cardboard around the light source after giving it shape. The person appears to be seated close to the window and conveys aesthetic vibrancy.

final result of b roll footage

Now, use this B-roll footage in your video and give it a more professional look. The more creative you are, the more audience will attract to you.


Making B-roll shots is creative and fun! You can make all the footage at home by following easy steps. Try out different ones to make your video viral and boost the target audience!

You can easily use Wondershare Filmora during editing and their stock media to save your time in video making. Share your hacks with your audience to get more experience!

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Part 2. Two Types of B-rolls: Explanation Video B-rolls

When recording any explanatory video, the audience may leave it in the middle of a video if a character explains without any visual representation. When explaining something new, showing the object in B-roll can be more effective than just verbally explaining what the audience is seeing.

Let’s take the video we made about microphones as an example. Instead of just verbally introduce the various mics, we inserted B-roll footage to display what they look like and how they can be used. The combination of the visual footage and the background voiceover presents the mic in a more vivid way. Also, it keeps the audience’s attention.

explanation b roll of microphone

Goal of the explanation B-roll video

The main goal of this type of B-roll is to show your audience what you are talking about instead of just telling them in a dull way.

Part 3. How to Edit Explanation B-roll Footage on Filmora?

After getting the footage and recording shots for B-roll videos, you need to edit it on the Wondershare Filmora. For this, follow the below-mentioned steps:

Step1Download the Wondershare Filmora

There is no need to do any complex process for editing on any platform. Because we have one platform on which every tool is available.

  • First of all, you have to download the Wondershare Filmora .
  • Then get access to the entire features.

The premium version has new features and effects plugins that make editing more filmy and fun!

Step2Stock media in Filmora

After downloading, it’s time to edit the B-roll video. If you can’t film your own B-roll, you can use stock footage but make sure you have the license to use them.

Filmora has a unique “stock media” option that enables us to use all these elements and more to boost our videos! To add stock media, follow the below steps:

  • Open the app or window of Filmora, which you have installed.
  • Head towards the tab on the top right side.
  • Then click on the Stock Media option and open it.
  • A long list of stock videos and images will pop up.

stock media of filmora

  • Select whatever you want, and download it.
  • Then drag and drop it in the timeline and insert it between your video.


Note: Only premium customers will get access to the stock media of the Wondershare Filmora.

Step3Add B-roll in between the main video

The most difficult and frequent asking situation is how you know when to cut to B-roll. To get to know when to insert B-roll, follow the following steps:

  • Watch your edits back and check out where you need.
  • Sense about the dull and complex points and cut the main video from there.
  • The points can be easily fixed with visual aids.

complex and dull points in the primary video

Part 4. Two Types of B-rolls: Storytelling Video B-rolls

During the creation of short films or any storytelling videos, if a person sits and speaks without showing any character or anything else, it will turn boring. Due to this, you have more chances to lose your audience and viewers.

In visual storytelling, if you will insert more clips with close shots, it will make the environment cool. The crazy thing is that you can make mimic shots easily at home by utilizing household objects. Let’s check out one of the examples.

Example 1. Film B-roll footage with food

So let’s add some b-roll to give it more context even if you have a master shot of yourself looking off frame alone.

Step1Write a script

Before making any video, the first step is to write a script for the whole video. If you will have more than two characters, then make dialogues for everyone and practice it again and again to give a fascinating look.

Then speak to your audience, make sure that what you are speaking is vivid and make everything simple and crystal clear.

Step2Shot a primary video

First of all, make a primary video according to your script by implementing a camera at one side, or you can also change the angle of the camera lens during shooting to have a look from all sides.

primary footage of a video

As you can see that it’s kind of boring for the audience, but we will make it more unique by implementing closer shots. For this, follow the last step:

Step3Make B-roll shots

Make closer shots of things which the character have to select and pick up. Check out two B-roll shots for the main video:

  • First, make a closer shot of the object (Snacks) that the character is noticing prior.

b roll footage number 1

  • Second, create more intimate footage of the second object (Banana) which the character will select and grab.

b roll footage number 2

Step4Edit both B-roll footages in Main Video

Now, in the last, insert the B-roll footage in between the primary video from the Filmora and get your results. Enjoy it with your viewers!

final video after adding b roll footage

Now experiment at home with more daily life activities and create all on Filmora. Check out one more example to create B-roll footage!

Example 2. Make B-roll shots with a cardboard

Try using readily accessible cardboard to create light effects in different shapes and give the film a fantastical place. These methods frequently produce artistic videos that transmit unique moods to viewers.

Only experienced photographers and videographers understand how to use these fundamental tricks to gain viewers into the photos.

The intriguing thing is that if the light is more shaped, it will more accurately reflect the image’s background, setting, and context. Try it out!

Step1Cut the cardboard

You may shape the cardboard any way you desire. We’ll experiment with this by cutting cardboard into the shape of window shades.

make shapes of the cardboard

Step2Make B-roll footage

Create B-roll footage by moving the cardboard around the light source after giving it shape. The person appears to be seated close to the window and conveys aesthetic vibrancy.

final result of b roll footage

Now, use this B-roll footage in your video and give it a more professional look. The more creative you are, the more audience will attract to you.


Making B-roll shots is creative and fun! You can make all the footage at home by following easy steps. Try out different ones to make your video viral and boost the target audience!

You can easily use Wondershare Filmora during editing and their stock media to save your time in video making. Share your hacks with your audience to get more experience!

Detailed Guide to Resize Your Video in VLC

Videos are one of the most popular types of content on the internet. There are millions of videos uploaded to YouTube, Facebook, and other video-sharing sites each day. Sharing your videos with others is possible when you know how to resize them in VLC. VLC is a free media player that allows you to convert or compress your videos in order to make them smaller for uploading or downloading.

Videos are a great way to showcase your business, company, or product on social media sites like Facebook and Twitter. But what happens when you use the wrong size for your video? The whole thing looks distorted and low quality. It’s not very appealing.

Luckily, resizing videos in VLC is simple. All you need is the right software and the right steps.

This blog post will walk you through how to resize videos using VLC. We’ll cover what the default settings are for video resolutions, how to change them, and why it’s important to know what size of video you’re uploading before uploading it.

So without further ado, let’s get started!

Step by step to resize your video in VLC

Anyone who has a lot of videos on their computer knows how frustrating it can be to find the video you want among the hundreds of ones you have. Well, VLC makes it possible to resize your videos so they’ll fit onto your desktop. Here’s how:

Resizing by converting to a smaller file size

Because some video formats, such as MKV and AVI, take up too much space, it’s a good idea to convert videos to smaller formats, such as FLV, WMV, and so on. To lower the video size, you’ll be pleased to learn that VLC allows you to convert video/audio files without the need to install any other software. The video conversion guide for VLC can be found below.

Step 1: Launch the VLC Media Player.


Step 2: Go to the menu and pick Media > Convert/Save from the drop-down menu, then Add > Convert/Save from the drop-down menu.


Step 3: Choose a profile for the video you wish to convert.


Step 4: Select the Start button to start VLC video compression.

Resizing by cutting unnecessary video segment

Step 1: Launch the VLC Media Player


Step 2: Go to Menu > View Menu > Advanced Controls in VLC Media Player and select it from the menu.


Step 3: Play the video you want to crop and then click the Record button on the scene you want to crop and then the same button to pause the video where you want to crop it.


Step 4: In Windows 7, 8, and XP, the film will automatically save in Library > Videos, and in My Documents > My Videos in Windows 7.

VLC Media Player is unquestionably one of the greatest video players available for free. Nonetheless, it isn’t the finest video reduction because it just reduces the size of videos by using certain simple parameters rather than complex ones. As a result, we offer Fimora, an all-in-one video toolbox that can convert, compress, download, record, edit, burn, and more, as a better video compressor. You can change the video resolution, bit rate, encoder, format, and other settings to compress video and audio files in a variety of formats. Follow the simple steps below to get this VLC compressor replacement on your Windows/Mac for free.

An easier way to resize videos using Filmora

Filmora Video Editor is a powerful, yet easy to use video editor for PC and Mac. With the most intuitive and streamlined editing process out there, Filmora lets you cut and resize videos with just a few clicks of your mouse.

Through this part, we’ll show you how to resize videos using Filmora’s three-step process: import video files, select video clips, and edit them. We’ll also teach you some shortcuts for making the editing process as quick as possible!

A common challenge for beginner video editors is knowing where to start. With Filmora, you begin by importing your video files, selecting the clip you want to cut, and then editing it. It’s a three-step process that takes less than five minutes!

Once you have finished editing your video clip, Filmora will give you the option to share it on social media or export it in MP4 or AVI format.

Keep reading to learn more about how to cut and resize videos using Filmora’s three-step process!

Free Download

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Free Download

For macOS 10.14 or later

Step by Step on How to Resize Videos using Filmora

Resizing videos in Filmora is a quick and easy process. To resize videos, first make sure you have imported your video file into the editor.

Resizing by changing the dimensions

Step 1: To import a video file, either drag and drop the file on the screen or click on “Import Files” in the toolbar.


Step 2: Once you’ve imported your video, select the video clips that you want to resize by clicking on them; then, resizing them is as simple as dragging their borders!


Step 3: You can also use the size fields at the bottom of the frame to change their dimensions.

Step 4: Keep in mind that changing one dimension of a video clip will affect both its width and height proportionally. For example, if you enlarge a 16:9 widescreen clip to 720p (from 480p), it will be double its original proportions (720x480).

Resizing by shrinking video file size.

Step 1: To import a video file, either drag and drop it onto the screen or use the toolbar’s “Import Files” option.


Step 2: Open the video shrinker’s output window by clicking the “Export” button.


Step 3: Select the Format tab and keep the video in its original format as a result. Then, in the “Settings” panel, click the triangle button below to downsize the video by choosing a lower video resolution, frame rate, or bit rate. When it comes to video formats, you can choose among FLV, MP4, and other similar formats, which normally result in smaller files.


Step 4: The shrunk file should be exported.


So you’ve got this beautiful video you want to post on your social media page or website, but the dimensions are all wrong. No worries! There’s an easy solution to your problem. Filmora is a video editing software that is easy to use and versatile and powerful at the same time. Whether you’re just starting out or are a pro, Filmora is the perfect tool for the job. You don’t need to be an expert to edit videos in Filmora; it’s easy enough for beginners. With Filmora, you can resize your videos in seconds by following these simple steps above.

Step 2: Go to the menu and pick Media > Convert/Save from the drop-down menu, then Add > Convert/Save from the drop-down menu.


Step 3: Choose a profile for the video you wish to convert.


Step 4: Select the Start button to start VLC video compression.

Resizing by cutting unnecessary video segment

Step 1: Launch the VLC Media Player


Step 2: Go to Menu > View Menu > Advanced Controls in VLC Media Player and select it from the menu.


Step 3: Play the video you want to crop and then click the Record button on the scene you want to crop and then the same button to pause the video where you want to crop it.


Step 4: In Windows 7, 8, and XP, the film will automatically save in Library > Videos, and in My Documents > My Videos in Windows 7.

VLC Media Player is unquestionably one of the greatest video players available for free. Nonetheless, it isn’t the finest video reduction because it just reduces the size of videos by using certain simple parameters rather than complex ones. As a result, we offer Fimora, an all-in-one video toolbox that can convert, compress, download, record, edit, burn, and more, as a better video compressor. You can change the video resolution, bit rate, encoder, format, and other settings to compress video and audio files in a variety of formats. Follow the simple steps below to get this VLC compressor replacement on your Windows/Mac for free.

An easier way to resize videos using Filmora

Filmora Video Editor is a powerful, yet easy to use video editor for PC and Mac. With the most intuitive and streamlined editing process out there, Filmora lets you cut and resize videos with just a few clicks of your mouse.

Through this part, we’ll show you how to resize videos using Filmora’s three-step process: import video files, select video clips, and edit them. We’ll also teach you some shortcuts for making the editing process as quick as possible!

A common challenge for beginner video editors is knowing where to start. With Filmora, you begin by importing your video files, selecting the clip you want to cut, and then editing it. It’s a three-step process that takes less than five minutes!

Once you have finished editing your video clip, Filmora will give you the option to share it on social media or export it in MP4 or AVI format.

Keep reading to learn more about how to cut and resize videos using Filmora’s three-step process!

Free Download

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Free Download

For macOS 10.14 or later

Step by Step on How to Resize Videos using Filmora

Resizing videos in Filmora is a quick and easy process. To resize videos, first make sure you have imported your video file into the editor.

Resizing by changing the dimensions

Step 1: To import a video file, either drag and drop the file on the screen or click on “Import Files” in the toolbar.


Step 2: Once you’ve imported your video, select the video clips that you want to resize by clicking on them; then, resizing them is as simple as dragging their borders!


Step 3: You can also use the size fields at the bottom of the frame to change their dimensions.

Step 4: Keep in mind that changing one dimension of a video clip will affect both its width and height proportionally. For example, if you enlarge a 16:9 widescreen clip to 720p (from 480p), it will be double its original proportions (720x480).

Resizing by shrinking video file size.

Step 1: To import a video file, either drag and drop it onto the screen or use the toolbar’s “Import Files” option.


Step 2: Open the video shrinker’s output window by clicking the “Export” button.


Step 3: Select the Format tab and keep the video in its original format as a result. Then, in the “Settings” panel, click the triangle button below to downsize the video by choosing a lower video resolution, frame rate, or bit rate. When it comes to video formats, you can choose among FLV, MP4, and other similar formats, which normally result in smaller files.


Step 4: The shrunk file should be exported.


So you’ve got this beautiful video you want to post on your social media page or website, but the dimensions are all wrong. No worries! There’s an easy solution to your problem. Filmora is a video editing software that is easy to use and versatile and powerful at the same time. Whether you’re just starting out or are a pro, Filmora is the perfect tool for the job. You don’t need to be an expert to edit videos in Filmora; it’s easy enough for beginners. With Filmora, you can resize your videos in seconds by following these simple steps above.

Step 2: Go to the menu and pick Media > Convert/Save from the drop-down menu, then Add > Convert/Save from the drop-down menu.


Step 3: Choose a profile for the video you wish to convert.


Step 4: Select the Start button to start VLC video compression.

Resizing by cutting unnecessary video segment

Step 1: Launch the VLC Media Player


Step 2: Go to Menu > View Menu > Advanced Controls in VLC Media Player and select it from the menu.


Step 3: Play the video you want to crop and then click the Record button on the scene you want to crop and then the same button to pause the video where you want to crop it.


Step 4: In Windows 7, 8, and XP, the film will automatically save in Library > Videos, and in My Documents > My Videos in Windows 7.

VLC Media Player is unquestionably one of the greatest video players available for free. Nonetheless, it isn’t the finest video reduction because it just reduces the size of videos by using certain simple parameters rather than complex ones. As a result, we offer Fimora, an all-in-one video toolbox that can convert, compress, download, record, edit, burn, and more, as a better video compressor. You can change the video resolution, bit rate, encoder, format, and other settings to compress video and audio files in a variety of formats. Follow the simple steps below to get this VLC compressor replacement on your Windows/Mac for free.

An easier way to resize videos using Filmora

Filmora Video Editor is a powerful, yet easy to use video editor for PC and Mac. With the most intuitive and streamlined editing process out there, Filmora lets you cut and resize videos with just a few clicks of your mouse.

Through this part, we’ll show you how to resize videos using Filmora’s three-step process: import video files, select video clips, and edit them. We’ll also teach you some shortcuts for making the editing process as quick as possible!

A common challenge for beginner video editors is knowing where to start. With Filmora, you begin by importing your video files, selecting the clip you want to cut, and then editing it. It’s a three-step process that takes less than five minutes!

Once you have finished editing your video clip, Filmora will give you the option to share it on social media or export it in MP4 or AVI format.

Keep reading to learn more about how to cut and resize videos using Filmora’s three-step process!

Free Download

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Free Download

For macOS 10.14 or later

Step by Step on How to Resize Videos using Filmora

Resizing videos in Filmora is a quick and easy process. To resize videos, first make sure you have imported your video file into the editor.

Resizing by changing the dimensions

Step 1: To import a video file, either drag and drop the file on the screen or click on “Import Files” in the toolbar.


Step 2: Once you’ve imported your video, select the video clips that you want to resize by clicking on them; then, resizing them is as simple as dragging their borders!


Step 3: You can also use the size fields at the bottom of the frame to change their dimensions.

Step 4: Keep in mind that changing one dimension of a video clip will affect both its width and height proportionally. For example, if you enlarge a 16:9 widescreen clip to 720p (from 480p), it will be double its original proportions (720x480).

Resizing by shrinking video file size.

Step 1: To import a video file, either drag and drop it onto the screen or use the toolbar’s “Import Files” option.


Step 2: Open the video shrinker’s output window by clicking the “Export” button.


Step 3: Select the Format tab and keep the video in its original format as a result. Then, in the “Settings” panel, click the triangle button below to downsize the video by choosing a lower video resolution, frame rate, or bit rate. When it comes to video formats, you can choose among FLV, MP4, and other similar formats, which normally result in smaller files.


Step 4: The shrunk file should be exported.


So you’ve got this beautiful video you want to post on your social media page or website, but the dimensions are all wrong. No worries! There’s an easy solution to your problem. Filmora is a video editing software that is easy to use and versatile and powerful at the same time. Whether you’re just starting out or are a pro, Filmora is the perfect tool for the job. You don’t need to be an expert to edit videos in Filmora; it’s easy enough for beginners. With Filmora, you can resize your videos in seconds by following these simple steps above.

Step 2: Go to the menu and pick Media > Convert/Save from the drop-down menu, then Add > Convert/Save from the drop-down menu.


Step 3: Choose a profile for the video you wish to convert.


Step 4: Select the Start button to start VLC video compression.

Resizing by cutting unnecessary video segment

Step 1: Launch the VLC Media Player


Step 2: Go to Menu > View Menu > Advanced Controls in VLC Media Player and select it from the menu.


Step 3: Play the video you want to crop and then click the Record button on the scene you want to crop and then the same button to pause the video where you want to crop it.


Step 4: In Windows 7, 8, and XP, the film will automatically save in Library > Videos, and in My Documents > My Videos in Windows 7.

VLC Media Player is unquestionably one of the greatest video players available for free. Nonetheless, it isn’t the finest video reduction because it just reduces the size of videos by using certain simple parameters rather than complex ones. As a result, we offer Fimora, an all-in-one video toolbox that can convert, compress, download, record, edit, burn, and more, as a better video compressor. You can change the video resolution, bit rate, encoder, format, and other settings to compress video and audio files in a variety of formats. Follow the simple steps below to get this VLC compressor replacement on your Windows/Mac for free.

An easier way to resize videos using Filmora

Filmora Video Editor is a powerful, yet easy to use video editor for PC and Mac. With the most intuitive and streamlined editing process out there, Filmora lets you cut and resize videos with just a few clicks of your mouse.

Through this part, we’ll show you how to resize videos using Filmora’s three-step process: import video files, select video clips, and edit them. We’ll also teach you some shortcuts for making the editing process as quick as possible!

A common challenge for beginner video editors is knowing where to start. With Filmora, you begin by importing your video files, selecting the clip you want to cut, and then editing it. It’s a three-step process that takes less than five minutes!

Once you have finished editing your video clip, Filmora will give you the option to share it on social media or export it in MP4 or AVI format.

Keep reading to learn more about how to cut and resize videos using Filmora’s three-step process!

Free Download

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Free Download

For macOS 10.14 or later

Step by Step on How to Resize Videos using Filmora

Resizing videos in Filmora is a quick and easy process. To resize videos, first make sure you have imported your video file into the editor.

Resizing by changing the dimensions

Step 1: To import a video file, either drag and drop the file on the screen or click on “Import Files” in the toolbar.


Step 2: Once you’ve imported your video, select the video clips that you want to resize by clicking on them; then, resizing them is as simple as dragging their borders!


Step 3: You can also use the size fields at the bottom of the frame to change their dimensions.

Step 4: Keep in mind that changing one dimension of a video clip will affect both its width and height proportionally. For example, if you enlarge a 16:9 widescreen clip to 720p (from 480p), it will be double its original proportions (720x480).

Resizing by shrinking video file size.

Step 1: To import a video file, either drag and drop it onto the screen or use the toolbar’s “Import Files” option.


Step 2: Open the video shrinker’s output window by clicking the “Export” button.


Step 3: Select the Format tab and keep the video in its original format as a result. Then, in the “Settings” panel, click the triangle button below to downsize the video by choosing a lower video resolution, frame rate, or bit rate. When it comes to video formats, you can choose among FLV, MP4, and other similar formats, which normally result in smaller files.


Step 4: The shrunk file should be exported.


So you’ve got this beautiful video you want to post on your social media page or website, but the dimensions are all wrong. No worries! There’s an easy solution to your problem. Filmora is a video editing software that is easy to use and versatile and powerful at the same time. Whether you’re just starting out or are a pro, Filmora is the perfect tool for the job. You don’t need to be an expert to edit videos in Filmora; it’s easy enough for beginners. With Filmora, you can resize your videos in seconds by following these simple steps above.

Also read:

  • Title: Updated 2024 Approved 4K Videos Are the in Thing because of Their Flexibility and High Resolution. Stick Around to Learn How to Choose the Best Frame Rate for 4K Videos
  • Author: Chloe
  • Created at : 2024-04-24 07:08:27
  • Updated at : 2024-04-25 07:08:27
  • Link: https://ai-editing-video.techidaily.com/updated-2024-approved-4k-videos-are-the-in-thing-because-of-their-flexibility-and-high-resolution-stick-around-to-learn-how-to-choose-the-best-frame-rate-fo/
  • License: This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.
On this page
Updated 2024 Approved 4K Videos Are the in Thing because of Their Flexibility and High Resolution. Stick Around to Learn How to Choose the Best Frame Rate for 4K Videos