Updated 2024 Approved A Guide to Effective Video Marketing

Updated 2024 Approved A Guide to Effective Video Marketing

Chloe Lv12

A Guide to Effective Video Marketing

Video marketing is the process of promoting a product, service, or brand using videos intended to attract audiences’ attention and prompt them to action. With marketers and communicators working increasingly with AI, automation, chatbots, and all sorts of generative technology in 2023 and beyond, video is one of the most common digital mediums for connecting with people.

What exactly does effective video marketing look like today? This guide will take a closer look.

Part 1: How to Create a Video Marketing Campaign

ready to use video templates for marketing

Launching a video marketing campaign requires considerable planning and preparation. Follow these best practices for video campaign success:

1.Set Goals and Identify Your Audience

The aim of video marketing for small businesses or large businesses should be tied to business objectives, such as raising brand awareness, educating consumers, or driving conversions. First and foremost, define these goals.

Who are you trying to reach with video content? You need a clear picture of this. Collect insights about audiences with regard to demographics, interests, values, media habits, and existing brand impressions. With these insights, you can create unique content that appeals to your target viewers.

2.Conduct Market Research

Research what kinds of videos connect with your audiences by accounting for competitors and non-competitors successfully using video. Identify videos with the most hits, shares, subscribers generated, and other metrics through channels like YouTube Analytics, Tubular Labs or SEMrush.

From the data, conclude common themes around video length, preferred formats for content, production methodologies, and so on, which should then serve to guide your own content.

3.Craft a Compelling Story

Every great marketing video is a story. Draw a story plot with rising tension and emotion leading to resolution. The story’s exposition, rising action, climax, and denouement can be outlined by famous storytelling frameworks.

Narratives that keep viewers engaged from beginning to end result in better videos. Early validation for your script ideas can be gathered through focus groups, social listening, surveys, and interviews with members of your target audience.

4.Produce Video/Audio with Quality

Bring your story to life by investing in experienced video producers. Budgets may be wildly divergent, so always aim to achieve the best production quality.

Feature crisp, bright camerawork, professional editing, and transitions. Be sure to use intense music to underscore emotional peaks and simple but eye-catching visual effects where they make sense.

For audio, manage volumes between scenes at the same level; minimize background noise; have clear dialogue and smooth mixing. Good video and audio keep viewers glued to your content.

5. Select Suitable Video Platforms

Research where video marketing is most effective in your niche, and figure out which social platforms and media sites your target audiences use.

Being present on several different platforms is every strategy’s dream. However, the real key is finding out where your audiences are most engaged and directing them there with video content tailored for the individual user experience by the platform.

6.Implement a Strong Call-to-Action

The ending of every video narrative should take the viewer toward an action. Clicks to websites? Subscriptions to YouTube channels? Form fills? App downloads?

Your final message in your video clears CTA. Add supporting calls-to-action in the form of superimposed graphics, cards, or endscreens outside of the video to direct traffic beyond that medium and give more expression to the story.

7.Track and Optimize Performance

After videos are posted, collect data on performance. Such indicators include view counts, average % viewed, changes in viewership over time, referral traffic, subscribers gained (added), conversion rates, and so on.

Feed analytics insights into an optimization road map. To inform new video projects targeting the same KPIs, look at higher versus lower-converting videos. Test repetition of the same content on different media platforms at various time intervals, with varying images of thumbnails and so forth, to improve metrics.

Part 2: 3 Typical Types of Marketing Videos

AI text to speech tool

There are some video formats that particularly suit certain marketing objectives. Let’s explore some of the most versatile, effective genres with real-world examples:

1. Explainer Videos

Knowing how to simplify and explain complex products, services, or concepts is precisely what Seasoned Explainers do. They use motion graphics, cartoons, live action–it’s all good. They express it interestingly and help audiences understand value offerings they may be unfamiliar with.

2. Tutorial Videos

A good video tutorial leads audiences through a process one can use to employ the product, carry out the method, or develop the skill. Hands-on learning material meets user information needs, indirectly promoting brand owners of the know-how.

3. Behind-the-Scenes Content

These videos give audiences an insider’s perspective on making popular products. Getting a peek behind the curtain helps pique viewer curiosity while humanizing brands through interviews, b-roll footage, and more.

Part 3: 6 Tips for making your video effective

Video editor tool on Filmora V13

Creating personalized video marketing strategies that effectively engage your target audience and achieve your marketing goals requires careful planning and execution. You need to grab viewer attention fast, communicate your key messages clearly, and provide strong calls to action.

The key is to keep it concise, optimize for sound-off viewing, build in interactivity, showcase user-generated content, partner with influencers, and more. Apply these best practices for getting your marketing videos noticed and acted upon:

1.Keep It Concise

With a sea of content competing for viewer attention getting longer daily, shorter is better. Videos under 1 minute perform far better for driving clicks, conversions, completes, and shares. Test even 6-second bumper ads on YouTube and Facebook.

2. Capture Attention Early

You have seconds to hook audiences scrolling feeds non-stop. Dynamically edited intros with eye-catching colors, quick cuts, and dramatic questions/facts immediately grab interest versus slow fades or titles.

3.Make Sound Optional

85% of videos are now watched without sound on mobile devices. While strong audio is still important for reeled-in viewers, ensure critical info is communicated visually as well.

4.Incorporate Interactive Elements

Leverage platform tools like YouTube cards, info cards, links, hashtags, Q&As and more to keep audiences actively engaged with video content instead of passively viewing.

5. Spotlight User-Generated Content

User videos reviewing products or demonstrating branded tutorials often outperform corporate studio content now. Repurpose this UGC via reaction videos, contest highlights, and “best of” community compilations.

6.Build Influencer Partnerships

Collaborations with influencers popular with your target demos lend video credibility. Support creators with gear, access, co-promotion, etc., in exchange for branded integration and affiliate sales.

Part 4: Useful Video Editing Tool

Creative video templates on Filmora V13

Video Editing Now For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Video Editing Now For macOS 10.14 or later

In creating marketing videos, the right editing software should help cut together raw material gatherings and integrate graphic elements. It must also permit an easy handling of musical components and the application of effects, among other things. The final step, polishing the product into various forms for export to a multitude of servers, should all be done with minimal effort through intelligent operating interfaces (UI). Among the options used by amateurs and professionals alike, Wondershare’s Filmora is one of the most popular.

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

More advanced video editing for veteran editors yet an easy-to-use, intuitive software for beginners. Key features of Filmora include:

  • Simple Drag-and-Drop Timeline Interface
  • Library Of Visual Effects and Transitions
  • Built-In Title Templates
  • Color Grading and Color Matching Tools
  • Support For Keyframe Animation
  • Background Audio Mixer
  • The Free-Use Audio, Image, Video Library
  • Instant Previews of Edits
  • Export For All Types of Platforms

From planning and carrying out shooting to editing, rendering and output, Filmora speeds up all the steps of bringing video projects to life. For marketing teams constantly producing clips, an intriguing aspect of the software is that its wide appeal to video skill levels combines well with pro-grade tools.


In the future, video marketing will only grow more critical. With virtual reality moving from gaming to experiential e-commerce, it is up to marketers to drive adoption. With these strategies, your brand can get ahead of the curve and use groundbreaking video programs to win over audiences at this time and in the years that follow.

Part 1: How to Create a Video Marketing Campaign

ready to use video templates for marketing

Launching a video marketing campaign requires considerable planning and preparation. Follow these best practices for video campaign success:

1.Set Goals and Identify Your Audience

The aim of video marketing for small businesses or large businesses should be tied to business objectives, such as raising brand awareness, educating consumers, or driving conversions. First and foremost, define these goals.

Who are you trying to reach with video content? You need a clear picture of this. Collect insights about audiences with regard to demographics, interests, values, media habits, and existing brand impressions. With these insights, you can create unique content that appeals to your target viewers.

2.Conduct Market Research

Research what kinds of videos connect with your audiences by accounting for competitors and non-competitors successfully using video. Identify videos with the most hits, shares, subscribers generated, and other metrics through channels like YouTube Analytics, Tubular Labs or SEMrush.

From the data, conclude common themes around video length, preferred formats for content, production methodologies, and so on, which should then serve to guide your own content.

3.Craft a Compelling Story

Every great marketing video is a story. Draw a story plot with rising tension and emotion leading to resolution. The story’s exposition, rising action, climax, and denouement can be outlined by famous storytelling frameworks.

Narratives that keep viewers engaged from beginning to end result in better videos. Early validation for your script ideas can be gathered through focus groups, social listening, surveys, and interviews with members of your target audience.

4.Produce Video/Audio with Quality

Bring your story to life by investing in experienced video producers. Budgets may be wildly divergent, so always aim to achieve the best production quality.

Feature crisp, bright camerawork, professional editing, and transitions. Be sure to use intense music to underscore emotional peaks and simple but eye-catching visual effects where they make sense.

For audio, manage volumes between scenes at the same level; minimize background noise; have clear dialogue and smooth mixing. Good video and audio keep viewers glued to your content.

5. Select Suitable Video Platforms

Research where video marketing is most effective in your niche, and figure out which social platforms and media sites your target audiences use.

Being present on several different platforms is every strategy’s dream. However, the real key is finding out where your audiences are most engaged and directing them there with video content tailored for the individual user experience by the platform.

6.Implement a Strong Call-to-Action

The ending of every video narrative should take the viewer toward an action. Clicks to websites? Subscriptions to YouTube channels? Form fills? App downloads?

Your final message in your video clears CTA. Add supporting calls-to-action in the form of superimposed graphics, cards, or endscreens outside of the video to direct traffic beyond that medium and give more expression to the story.

7.Track and Optimize Performance

After videos are posted, collect data on performance. Such indicators include view counts, average % viewed, changes in viewership over time, referral traffic, subscribers gained (added), conversion rates, and so on.

Feed analytics insights into an optimization road map. To inform new video projects targeting the same KPIs, look at higher versus lower-converting videos. Test repetition of the same content on different media platforms at various time intervals, with varying images of thumbnails and so forth, to improve metrics.

Part 2: 3 Typical Types of Marketing Videos

AI text to speech tool

There are some video formats that particularly suit certain marketing objectives. Let’s explore some of the most versatile, effective genres with real-world examples:

1. Explainer Videos

Knowing how to simplify and explain complex products, services, or concepts is precisely what Seasoned Explainers do. They use motion graphics, cartoons, live action–it’s all good. They express it interestingly and help audiences understand value offerings they may be unfamiliar with.

2. Tutorial Videos

A good video tutorial leads audiences through a process one can use to employ the product, carry out the method, or develop the skill. Hands-on learning material meets user information needs, indirectly promoting brand owners of the know-how.

3. Behind-the-Scenes Content

These videos give audiences an insider’s perspective on making popular products. Getting a peek behind the curtain helps pique viewer curiosity while humanizing brands through interviews, b-roll footage, and more.

Part 3: 6 Tips for making your video effective

Video editor tool on Filmora V13

Creating personalized video marketing strategies that effectively engage your target audience and achieve your marketing goals requires careful planning and execution. You need to grab viewer attention fast, communicate your key messages clearly, and provide strong calls to action.

The key is to keep it concise, optimize for sound-off viewing, build in interactivity, showcase user-generated content, partner with influencers, and more. Apply these best practices for getting your marketing videos noticed and acted upon:

1.Keep It Concise

With a sea of content competing for viewer attention getting longer daily, shorter is better. Videos under 1 minute perform far better for driving clicks, conversions, completes, and shares. Test even 6-second bumper ads on YouTube and Facebook.

2. Capture Attention Early

You have seconds to hook audiences scrolling feeds non-stop. Dynamically edited intros with eye-catching colors, quick cuts, and dramatic questions/facts immediately grab interest versus slow fades or titles.

3.Make Sound Optional

85% of videos are now watched without sound on mobile devices. While strong audio is still important for reeled-in viewers, ensure critical info is communicated visually as well.

4.Incorporate Interactive Elements

Leverage platform tools like YouTube cards, info cards, links, hashtags, Q&As and more to keep audiences actively engaged with video content instead of passively viewing.

5. Spotlight User-Generated Content

User videos reviewing products or demonstrating branded tutorials often outperform corporate studio content now. Repurpose this UGC via reaction videos, contest highlights, and “best of” community compilations.

6.Build Influencer Partnerships

Collaborations with influencers popular with your target demos lend video credibility. Support creators with gear, access, co-promotion, etc., in exchange for branded integration and affiliate sales.

Part 4: Useful Video Editing Tool

Creative video templates on Filmora V13

Video Editing Now For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Video Editing Now For macOS 10.14 or later

In creating marketing videos, the right editing software should help cut together raw material gatherings and integrate graphic elements. It must also permit an easy handling of musical components and the application of effects, among other things. The final step, polishing the product into various forms for export to a multitude of servers, should all be done with minimal effort through intelligent operating interfaces (UI). Among the options used by amateurs and professionals alike, Wondershare’s Filmora is one of the most popular.

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

More advanced video editing for veteran editors yet an easy-to-use, intuitive software for beginners. Key features of Filmora include:

  • Simple Drag-and-Drop Timeline Interface
  • Library Of Visual Effects and Transitions
  • Built-In Title Templates
  • Color Grading and Color Matching Tools
  • Support For Keyframe Animation
  • Background Audio Mixer
  • The Free-Use Audio, Image, Video Library
  • Instant Previews of Edits
  • Export For All Types of Platforms

From planning and carrying out shooting to editing, rendering and output, Filmora speeds up all the steps of bringing video projects to life. For marketing teams constantly producing clips, an intriguing aspect of the software is that its wide appeal to video skill levels combines well with pro-grade tools.


In the future, video marketing will only grow more critical. With virtual reality moving from gaming to experiential e-commerce, it is up to marketers to drive adoption. With these strategies, your brand can get ahead of the curve and use groundbreaking video programs to win over audiences at this time and in the years that follow.

Color Match Game Tips for You

Color Match Game Top Tips for You

An easy yet powerful editor

Numerous effects to choose from

Detailed tutorials provided by the official channel

Try It Free Try It Free

A child is like a soft, unmolded clay; how you shape them, they will acquire precisely those features. And so, it is necessary to introduce them to the different and crucial tasks and activities that are beneficial for them.

And one of the various tasks is the Color Match Game which helps them get introduced to and familiar with the different colors. Children need something fun and exciting every time, and so, when you make them learn the color through a game, they learn about the color with enthusiasm and will.

We have put forth the following discussion about this fun activity; including the name of the six best color matching games and the best tool for it as well. So, without any further delay, let us start with our discussion.

In this article

01 [Why is Learning about Colors Useful for Children?](#Part 1)

02 [Top 6 Color Match Games](#Part 2)

03 [Where to Experience Professional Color Match Function?](#Part 3)

Part 1 Why is Learning about Colors Useful for Children?

There is always a reason behind every beneficial or a ‘must-do’ task. So, there are reasons behind introducing your child and making them aware of colours as well. So, we will be starting our discussing by understanding and discussing why it is useful for the children to learn about different colours.

color matching game necessary

The following list points out the importance of learning colours for children.

Integrates basic knowledge

Knowing about the different colours is the basic and the most initial information that every child must have. We need colours in every instance of our lives. Therefore, it is vital for the children to learn about them from the initial stages of their lives.

So, learning about the colours integrates the basic knowledge of colours in their minds which is to stay with them throughout their lives and utilize them as and when the necessity arises.

Offers them a means for verbal communication

When a child learns about colours, they attain a way to describe the world around them. Therefore, it helps in enhancing their method of communication. As a result, it also nurtures and improves their verbal skills to a large extent.

When they know about the colours, it inaugurates a novel hallway of set communicating and knowing about the world around them.

Offers a way of describing the world

For the children, this world is an absolutely new place. They have been introduced to this planet quite recently and are exploring and discovering the different aspects. And one of the major aspects of the world is its colour.

So, when they learn about colours, they tend to find a way to describe the environment. It gives them a better understanding of the world and their surrounding as they learn about the colours.

Learning to classify and sort

When a child learns about colours, they tend to learn about sorting things and classifying the different objects based on colours. For example, they might be able to separate blue balloons from the red ones from a bunch of balloons in front of them.

Though it is based on colours, they learn the process of classification and sorting, which then gets applied to the other factors in life.

Learning about safety and health through colours

The colour red is commonly associated with danger, and the colour danger is associated with safety. And this is generalized across almost all cultures. That is commonly reflected through the traffic lights, where we stop at red colour, get ready to move in the colour tallow and the green colour gives us the signal to move or the message of being out of danger.

Also, the colour blue indicates paleness or bruises in the skin. The colour red indicates rashes or blood. So, the knowledge of colour helps the children learn about safety and health.

Learn about association

The above point of learning about health and safety with the help of colours includes learning another important aspect in life, which is association. If a child is unable to understand that the colour red is associated with danger, green is associated with safety and the like; then the knowledge will be of no use.

So, when the child learns about colours and connects them to the different safety and health measures, they automatically learn how to associate one thing with another. This process is crucial and will benefit them throughout their lives.

Learn about letters

Eventually, as the child learns about colours, they would spell them as well. So, as a result, they will learn how to spell different colours. That will be a way to practice spelling, and this will result in them learning about letters and words a lot more efficiently and excitingly.

Part 2 Top 6 Color Match Games

Now that we have discussed about the importance and benefits of learning colors for the kids, it is important that we know about the top six such Color Match Games that will help your children learn about learn in the most exciting way.

Here is the list of the top 6 color matching games online.


Blendoku is one of the simplest yet most exciting color games for your children. This color matching game was designed based on color principles. The children are provided with a grid and blocks of varied colors in the game. Their task is to put the color blocks in their appropriate location on the grid.

Here, your children have to study the shades of the colors and arrange the color blocks to show lighter shades to the darker shades. The game includes four levels, and you can play each of them whenever you want. The levels are simple, medium, hard and master level.



Pigments is an exciting game that involves creativity and skills as well. In this game, one needs to mix two primary colors to form a secondary color. And then, the secondary color they create is the color of the pigment they need to strike away.

For example, in the game, you can mix yellow and blue colors, which are primary colors, which will form the color blue, a secondary color. And then, you will have to stroke off the blue color. It gives your kids a chance to explore, be creative and learn the vast sphere of colors, hues and shades.


03Color Kids: Coloring Game

Color Kids: Coloring Game is the best coloring video game for kids. The concept of this game is simple. It requires your children to color the different shapes. The design of the game is simple and emphasizes the matching, tracing, and building skills essential for your kids.

color kids

04I Love Hue

I Love Hue is the prettiest color matching game online based on arranging the colour tiles based on their shades, similar to that of Blendoku. You get a specified time limit or a particular number of lives for the game.

So, along with the knowledge of colors, your kids can also gain time management from the very initial levels of their lives.

i love hue


Polyforge has a fantastic outlook, and it deals with it just colors but also geometrical shapes. Thus, one gets to know about the different hues and at the same time about the shapes as well. This game also acts as a way of bringing peace and relaxation. So, this color matching game is a multi-purpose game indeed!



Kami is a Japanese art-styled, origami puzzle game involving colors. Here, adding to the unique art style of the game, there is soothing Japanese zen music that relaxes. The rule of the game is pretty simple. One has to turn the papers into the same color.


Part 3 Where to Experience Professional Color Match Function?

Did you know you too can play with colors, match them and create incredible videos? And that is possible through the most wonderful video editing tool- Wondershare Filmora Video Editor . Its “Color Match” feature enables you to color correct the videos effectively and here are the steps for it.

Drag the photos or the videos you want to edit

Choose the portion of the video you want to edit and select the “Color Match” feature

Opt for a frame as a reference page and then click on the “Match” option.

You can compare and edit the video’s color settings or the image after using the “Color Match” function and make your videos and photos the way you want!

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

Key Takeaways from This Episode

In the above discussion, we have enveloped the following topics.

We discussed why it is necessary for the kids to be introduced to colors, why it is essential to learn about the use of colors, and how this knowledge will benefit them in their lives.

Next, we discussed the top 6 color matching games online that are fun, exciting and interesting to play.

Lastly, we introduced Filmora 1which can help you create beautiful videos and edit them in the most creative and colorful way you want through its color match function!

Try It Free Try It Free

A child is like a soft, unmolded clay; how you shape them, they will acquire precisely those features. And so, it is necessary to introduce them to the different and crucial tasks and activities that are beneficial for them.

And one of the various tasks is the Color Match Game which helps them get introduced to and familiar with the different colors. Children need something fun and exciting every time, and so, when you make them learn the color through a game, they learn about the color with enthusiasm and will.

We have put forth the following discussion about this fun activity; including the name of the six best color matching games and the best tool for it as well. So, without any further delay, let us start with our discussion.

In this article

01 [Why is Learning about Colors Useful for Children?](#Part 1)

02 [Top 6 Color Match Games](#Part 2)

03 [Where to Experience Professional Color Match Function?](#Part 3)

Part 1 Why is Learning about Colors Useful for Children?

There is always a reason behind every beneficial or a ‘must-do’ task. So, there are reasons behind introducing your child and making them aware of colours as well. So, we will be starting our discussing by understanding and discussing why it is useful for the children to learn about different colours.

color matching game necessary

The following list points out the importance of learning colours for children.

Integrates basic knowledge

Knowing about the different colours is the basic and the most initial information that every child must have. We need colours in every instance of our lives. Therefore, it is vital for the children to learn about them from the initial stages of their lives.

So, learning about the colours integrates the basic knowledge of colours in their minds which is to stay with them throughout their lives and utilize them as and when the necessity arises.

Offers them a means for verbal communication

When a child learns about colours, they attain a way to describe the world around them. Therefore, it helps in enhancing their method of communication. As a result, it also nurtures and improves their verbal skills to a large extent.

When they know about the colours, it inaugurates a novel hallway of set communicating and knowing about the world around them.

Offers a way of describing the world

For the children, this world is an absolutely new place. They have been introduced to this planet quite recently and are exploring and discovering the different aspects. And one of the major aspects of the world is its colour.

So, when they learn about colours, they tend to find a way to describe the environment. It gives them a better understanding of the world and their surrounding as they learn about the colours.

Learning to classify and sort

When a child learns about colours, they tend to learn about sorting things and classifying the different objects based on colours. For example, they might be able to separate blue balloons from the red ones from a bunch of balloons in front of them.

Though it is based on colours, they learn the process of classification and sorting, which then gets applied to the other factors in life.

Learning about safety and health through colours

The colour red is commonly associated with danger, and the colour danger is associated with safety. And this is generalized across almost all cultures. That is commonly reflected through the traffic lights, where we stop at red colour, get ready to move in the colour tallow and the green colour gives us the signal to move or the message of being out of danger.

Also, the colour blue indicates paleness or bruises in the skin. The colour red indicates rashes or blood. So, the knowledge of colour helps the children learn about safety and health.

Learn about association

The above point of learning about health and safety with the help of colours includes learning another important aspect in life, which is association. If a child is unable to understand that the colour red is associated with danger, green is associated with safety and the like; then the knowledge will be of no use.

So, when the child learns about colours and connects them to the different safety and health measures, they automatically learn how to associate one thing with another. This process is crucial and will benefit them throughout their lives.

Learn about letters

Eventually, as the child learns about colours, they would spell them as well. So, as a result, they will learn how to spell different colours. That will be a way to practice spelling, and this will result in them learning about letters and words a lot more efficiently and excitingly.

Part 2 Top 6 Color Match Games

Now that we have discussed about the importance and benefits of learning colors for the kids, it is important that we know about the top six such Color Match Games that will help your children learn about learn in the most exciting way.

Here is the list of the top 6 color matching games online.


Blendoku is one of the simplest yet most exciting color games for your children. This color matching game was designed based on color principles. The children are provided with a grid and blocks of varied colors in the game. Their task is to put the color blocks in their appropriate location on the grid.

Here, your children have to study the shades of the colors and arrange the color blocks to show lighter shades to the darker shades. The game includes four levels, and you can play each of them whenever you want. The levels are simple, medium, hard and master level.



Pigments is an exciting game that involves creativity and skills as well. In this game, one needs to mix two primary colors to form a secondary color. And then, the secondary color they create is the color of the pigment they need to strike away.

For example, in the game, you can mix yellow and blue colors, which are primary colors, which will form the color blue, a secondary color. And then, you will have to stroke off the blue color. It gives your kids a chance to explore, be creative and learn the vast sphere of colors, hues and shades.


03Color Kids: Coloring Game

Color Kids: Coloring Game is the best coloring video game for kids. The concept of this game is simple. It requires your children to color the different shapes. The design of the game is simple and emphasizes the matching, tracing, and building skills essential for your kids.

color kids

04I Love Hue

I Love Hue is the prettiest color matching game online based on arranging the colour tiles based on their shades, similar to that of Blendoku. You get a specified time limit or a particular number of lives for the game.

So, along with the knowledge of colors, your kids can also gain time management from the very initial levels of their lives.

i love hue


Polyforge has a fantastic outlook, and it deals with it just colors but also geometrical shapes. Thus, one gets to know about the different hues and at the same time about the shapes as well. This game also acts as a way of bringing peace and relaxation. So, this color matching game is a multi-purpose game indeed!



Kami is a Japanese art-styled, origami puzzle game involving colors. Here, adding to the unique art style of the game, there is soothing Japanese zen music that relaxes. The rule of the game is pretty simple. One has to turn the papers into the same color.


Part 3 Where to Experience Professional Color Match Function?

Did you know you too can play with colors, match them and create incredible videos? And that is possible through the most wonderful video editing tool- Wondershare Filmora Video Editor . Its “Color Match” feature enables you to color correct the videos effectively and here are the steps for it.

Drag the photos or the videos you want to edit

Choose the portion of the video you want to edit and select the “Color Match” feature

Opt for a frame as a reference page and then click on the “Match” option.

You can compare and edit the video’s color settings or the image after using the “Color Match” function and make your videos and photos the way you want!

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

Key Takeaways from This Episode

In the above discussion, we have enveloped the following topics.

We discussed why it is necessary for the kids to be introduced to colors, why it is essential to learn about the use of colors, and how this knowledge will benefit them in their lives.

Next, we discussed the top 6 color matching games online that are fun, exciting and interesting to play.

Lastly, we introduced Filmora 1which can help you create beautiful videos and edit them in the most creative and colorful way you want through its color match function!

Try It Free Try It Free

A child is like a soft, unmolded clay; how you shape them, they will acquire precisely those features. And so, it is necessary to introduce them to the different and crucial tasks and activities that are beneficial for them.

And one of the various tasks is the Color Match Game which helps them get introduced to and familiar with the different colors. Children need something fun and exciting every time, and so, when you make them learn the color through a game, they learn about the color with enthusiasm and will.

We have put forth the following discussion about this fun activity; including the name of the six best color matching games and the best tool for it as well. So, without any further delay, let us start with our discussion.

In this article

01 [Why is Learning about Colors Useful for Children?](#Part 1)

02 [Top 6 Color Match Games](#Part 2)

03 [Where to Experience Professional Color Match Function?](#Part 3)

Part 1 Why is Learning about Colors Useful for Children?

There is always a reason behind every beneficial or a ‘must-do’ task. So, there are reasons behind introducing your child and making them aware of colours as well. So, we will be starting our discussing by understanding and discussing why it is useful for the children to learn about different colours.

color matching game necessary

The following list points out the importance of learning colours for children.

Integrates basic knowledge

Knowing about the different colours is the basic and the most initial information that every child must have. We need colours in every instance of our lives. Therefore, it is vital for the children to learn about them from the initial stages of their lives.

So, learning about the colours integrates the basic knowledge of colours in their minds which is to stay with them throughout their lives and utilize them as and when the necessity arises.

Offers them a means for verbal communication

When a child learns about colours, they attain a way to describe the world around them. Therefore, it helps in enhancing their method of communication. As a result, it also nurtures and improves their verbal skills to a large extent.

When they know about the colours, it inaugurates a novel hallway of set communicating and knowing about the world around them.

Offers a way of describing the world

For the children, this world is an absolutely new place. They have been introduced to this planet quite recently and are exploring and discovering the different aspects. And one of the major aspects of the world is its colour.

So, when they learn about colours, they tend to find a way to describe the environment. It gives them a better understanding of the world and their surrounding as they learn about the colours.

Learning to classify and sort

When a child learns about colours, they tend to learn about sorting things and classifying the different objects based on colours. For example, they might be able to separate blue balloons from the red ones from a bunch of balloons in front of them.

Though it is based on colours, they learn the process of classification and sorting, which then gets applied to the other factors in life.

Learning about safety and health through colours

The colour red is commonly associated with danger, and the colour danger is associated with safety. And this is generalized across almost all cultures. That is commonly reflected through the traffic lights, where we stop at red colour, get ready to move in the colour tallow and the green colour gives us the signal to move or the message of being out of danger.

Also, the colour blue indicates paleness or bruises in the skin. The colour red indicates rashes or blood. So, the knowledge of colour helps the children learn about safety and health.

Learn about association

The above point of learning about health and safety with the help of colours includes learning another important aspect in life, which is association. If a child is unable to understand that the colour red is associated with danger, green is associated with safety and the like; then the knowledge will be of no use.

So, when the child learns about colours and connects them to the different safety and health measures, they automatically learn how to associate one thing with another. This process is crucial and will benefit them throughout their lives.

Learn about letters

Eventually, as the child learns about colours, they would spell them as well. So, as a result, they will learn how to spell different colours. That will be a way to practice spelling, and this will result in them learning about letters and words a lot more efficiently and excitingly.

Part 2 Top 6 Color Match Games

Now that we have discussed about the importance and benefits of learning colors for the kids, it is important that we know about the top six such Color Match Games that will help your children learn about learn in the most exciting way.

Here is the list of the top 6 color matching games online.


Blendoku is one of the simplest yet most exciting color games for your children. This color matching game was designed based on color principles. The children are provided with a grid and blocks of varied colors in the game. Their task is to put the color blocks in their appropriate location on the grid.

Here, your children have to study the shades of the colors and arrange the color blocks to show lighter shades to the darker shades. The game includes four levels, and you can play each of them whenever you want. The levels are simple, medium, hard and master level.



Pigments is an exciting game that involves creativity and skills as well. In this game, one needs to mix two primary colors to form a secondary color. And then, the secondary color they create is the color of the pigment they need to strike away.

For example, in the game, you can mix yellow and blue colors, which are primary colors, which will form the color blue, a secondary color. And then, you will have to stroke off the blue color. It gives your kids a chance to explore, be creative and learn the vast sphere of colors, hues and shades.


03Color Kids: Coloring Game

Color Kids: Coloring Game is the best coloring video game for kids. The concept of this game is simple. It requires your children to color the different shapes. The design of the game is simple and emphasizes the matching, tracing, and building skills essential for your kids.

color kids

04I Love Hue

I Love Hue is the prettiest color matching game online based on arranging the colour tiles based on their shades, similar to that of Blendoku. You get a specified time limit or a particular number of lives for the game.

So, along with the knowledge of colors, your kids can also gain time management from the very initial levels of their lives.

i love hue


Polyforge has a fantastic outlook, and it deals with it just colors but also geometrical shapes. Thus, one gets to know about the different hues and at the same time about the shapes as well. This game also acts as a way of bringing peace and relaxation. So, this color matching game is a multi-purpose game indeed!



Kami is a Japanese art-styled, origami puzzle game involving colors. Here, adding to the unique art style of the game, there is soothing Japanese zen music that relaxes. The rule of the game is pretty simple. One has to turn the papers into the same color.


Part 3 Where to Experience Professional Color Match Function?

Did you know you too can play with colors, match them and create incredible videos? And that is possible through the most wonderful video editing tool- Wondershare Filmora Video Editor . Its “Color Match” feature enables you to color correct the videos effectively and here are the steps for it.

Drag the photos or the videos you want to edit

Choose the portion of the video you want to edit and select the “Color Match” feature

Opt for a frame as a reference page and then click on the “Match” option.

You can compare and edit the video’s color settings or the image after using the “Color Match” function and make your videos and photos the way you want!

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

Key Takeaways from This Episode

In the above discussion, we have enveloped the following topics.

We discussed why it is necessary for the kids to be introduced to colors, why it is essential to learn about the use of colors, and how this knowledge will benefit them in their lives.

Next, we discussed the top 6 color matching games online that are fun, exciting and interesting to play.

Lastly, we introduced Filmora 1which can help you create beautiful videos and edit them in the most creative and colorful way you want through its color match function!

Try It Free Try It Free

A child is like a soft, unmolded clay; how you shape them, they will acquire precisely those features. And so, it is necessary to introduce them to the different and crucial tasks and activities that are beneficial for them.

And one of the various tasks is the Color Match Game which helps them get introduced to and familiar with the different colors. Children need something fun and exciting every time, and so, when you make them learn the color through a game, they learn about the color with enthusiasm and will.

We have put forth the following discussion about this fun activity; including the name of the six best color matching games and the best tool for it as well. So, without any further delay, let us start with our discussion.

In this article

01 [Why is Learning about Colors Useful for Children?](#Part 1)

02 [Top 6 Color Match Games](#Part 2)

03 [Where to Experience Professional Color Match Function?](#Part 3)

Part 1 Why is Learning about Colors Useful for Children?

There is always a reason behind every beneficial or a ‘must-do’ task. So, there are reasons behind introducing your child and making them aware of colours as well. So, we will be starting our discussing by understanding and discussing why it is useful for the children to learn about different colours.

color matching game necessary

The following list points out the importance of learning colours for children.

Integrates basic knowledge

Knowing about the different colours is the basic and the most initial information that every child must have. We need colours in every instance of our lives. Therefore, it is vital for the children to learn about them from the initial stages of their lives.

So, learning about the colours integrates the basic knowledge of colours in their minds which is to stay with them throughout their lives and utilize them as and when the necessity arises.

Offers them a means for verbal communication

When a child learns about colours, they attain a way to describe the world around them. Therefore, it helps in enhancing their method of communication. As a result, it also nurtures and improves their verbal skills to a large extent.

When they know about the colours, it inaugurates a novel hallway of set communicating and knowing about the world around them.

Offers a way of describing the world

For the children, this world is an absolutely new place. They have been introduced to this planet quite recently and are exploring and discovering the different aspects. And one of the major aspects of the world is its colour.

So, when they learn about colours, they tend to find a way to describe the environment. It gives them a better understanding of the world and their surrounding as they learn about the colours.

Learning to classify and sort

When a child learns about colours, they tend to learn about sorting things and classifying the different objects based on colours. For example, they might be able to separate blue balloons from the red ones from a bunch of balloons in front of them.

Though it is based on colours, they learn the process of classification and sorting, which then gets applied to the other factors in life.

Learning about safety and health through colours

The colour red is commonly associated with danger, and the colour danger is associated with safety. And this is generalized across almost all cultures. That is commonly reflected through the traffic lights, where we stop at red colour, get ready to move in the colour tallow and the green colour gives us the signal to move or the message of being out of danger.

Also, the colour blue indicates paleness or bruises in the skin. The colour red indicates rashes or blood. So, the knowledge of colour helps the children learn about safety and health.

Learn about association

The above point of learning about health and safety with the help of colours includes learning another important aspect in life, which is association. If a child is unable to understand that the colour red is associated with danger, green is associated with safety and the like; then the knowledge will be of no use.

So, when the child learns about colours and connects them to the different safety and health measures, they automatically learn how to associate one thing with another. This process is crucial and will benefit them throughout their lives.

Learn about letters

Eventually, as the child learns about colours, they would spell them as well. So, as a result, they will learn how to spell different colours. That will be a way to practice spelling, and this will result in them learning about letters and words a lot more efficiently and excitingly.

Part 2 Top 6 Color Match Games

Now that we have discussed about the importance and benefits of learning colors for the kids, it is important that we know about the top six such Color Match Games that will help your children learn about learn in the most exciting way.

Here is the list of the top 6 color matching games online.


Blendoku is one of the simplest yet most exciting color games for your children. This color matching game was designed based on color principles. The children are provided with a grid and blocks of varied colors in the game. Their task is to put the color blocks in their appropriate location on the grid.

Here, your children have to study the shades of the colors and arrange the color blocks to show lighter shades to the darker shades. The game includes four levels, and you can play each of them whenever you want. The levels are simple, medium, hard and master level.



Pigments is an exciting game that involves creativity and skills as well. In this game, one needs to mix two primary colors to form a secondary color. And then, the secondary color they create is the color of the pigment they need to strike away.

For example, in the game, you can mix yellow and blue colors, which are primary colors, which will form the color blue, a secondary color. And then, you will have to stroke off the blue color. It gives your kids a chance to explore, be creative and learn the vast sphere of colors, hues and shades.


03Color Kids: Coloring Game

Color Kids: Coloring Game is the best coloring video game for kids. The concept of this game is simple. It requires your children to color the different shapes. The design of the game is simple and emphasizes the matching, tracing, and building skills essential for your kids.

color kids

04I Love Hue

I Love Hue is the prettiest color matching game online based on arranging the colour tiles based on their shades, similar to that of Blendoku. You get a specified time limit or a particular number of lives for the game.

So, along with the knowledge of colors, your kids can also gain time management from the very initial levels of their lives.

i love hue


Polyforge has a fantastic outlook, and it deals with it just colors but also geometrical shapes. Thus, one gets to know about the different hues and at the same time about the shapes as well. This game also acts as a way of bringing peace and relaxation. So, this color matching game is a multi-purpose game indeed!



Kami is a Japanese art-styled, origami puzzle game involving colors. Here, adding to the unique art style of the game, there is soothing Japanese zen music that relaxes. The rule of the game is pretty simple. One has to turn the papers into the same color.


Part 3 Where to Experience Professional Color Match Function?

Did you know you too can play with colors, match them and create incredible videos? And that is possible through the most wonderful video editing tool- Wondershare Filmora Video Editor . Its “Color Match” feature enables you to color correct the videos effectively and here are the steps for it.

Drag the photos or the videos you want to edit

Choose the portion of the video you want to edit and select the “Color Match” feature

Opt for a frame as a reference page and then click on the “Match” option.

You can compare and edit the video’s color settings or the image after using the “Color Match” function and make your videos and photos the way you want!

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

Key Takeaways from This Episode

In the above discussion, we have enveloped the following topics.

We discussed why it is necessary for the kids to be introduced to colors, why it is essential to learn about the use of colors, and how this knowledge will benefit them in their lives.

Next, we discussed the top 6 color matching games online that are fun, exciting and interesting to play.

Lastly, we introduced Filmora 1which can help you create beautiful videos and edit them in the most creative and colorful way you want through its color match function!

Popular Trends in the creative space engendered the creation of several tools that have reduced the difficulties involved in content creation. A few years ago, executing simple post-production tricks was a huge task. Simple edits like changing video backgrounds needed an expensive light setup and a proper green/blue screen background. In simpler words, it was expensive.

Today, we can utilize a video background changer online without an expensive setup. It has brought out the hidden creativity in thousands of content creators worldwide. Check out TikTok, Instagram, and other social media platforms to verify this claim.

This article covers a list of tools that can edit video backgrounds online. Content creators and anyone who wants to explore creativity can use these tools. Before we jump into the substance of this article, you might be wondering;

What is a Video Background Changer?

A video background changer is a tool that can swap the background of any video. These tools usually work in three simple steps.

  • Analyze the footage.
  • Separate the subject or “subjects” from the background
  • Switch backgrounds.

The process starts when a user uploads a video clip. The tool analyzes the footage and separates the subjects from the background. The user can select other available pre-made backgrounds or upload a preferred one to the platform. After this process, users can share the finished video or save it to their devices. Other kinds of background changers only merge a transparent clip with a background.

How to Remove Background without Green Screen

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

3 Video Background Changers Online



Veed is an online feature-packed video editing platform. It comes with an interface that is suitable for newbies and professionals alike. Like many other competitors, it offers a free and premium version that unlocks more tools for you to play around with.

This tool allows you to edit video background online, transcribe audio, add subtitles, etc. Since this tool is web-based, there is no need to download any storage-intensive application. You can quickly edit your content online and share your videos.


  • Recorder feature for recording tutorials and online meetings
  • Edit feature for creating catchy videos
  • Transcriptions and subtitle module
  • Color grading feature
  • Online video hosting and storage



BeeCut is a video editing software specifically created and designed for simplicity. Quick trims and edits for short videos are the primary focus of the BeeCut online application. A compilation of over 60+ reviews quickly exposes BeeCut as a beginner-friendly editing software. You can acquaint yourself with this platform in less than 24 hours.

You can change your background online for free using the BeeCut online editor. It allows you to Import a background and merge it with the clip that contains your subject. BeeCut has a familiar user interface that feels like it came from mobile editors. This simplicity makes it easy to understand.


  • Trim and cut your footage
  • Add custom video intros and overlays
  • Speech recognition for transcription and subtitling
  • Online and offline versions for different functions
  • Large community of over 1 million users



If you’re searching for one of the fastest background removers, you’re in luck. Unscreen is the “sit tight and relax” version of background changers. You can change the video background online without clicking any buttons or learning how to use the software. You also don’t need to select pixels or use a color picker from an “ultra key” function. You only upload a video, and the platform does the rest.

In simple steps, you can quickly acquaint yourself with Unscreen. It also promises a risk-free money-back guarantee that lasts for 14 days only.


  • Other platforms can integrate it as a tool
  • No watermarks
  • Full HD video upload and download
  • Affordable and more realistic payment structure
  • Specialized background remover

3 Video Background Changers on Desktop

Final Cut Pro

final cut pro

The video editors’ community refers to Final Cut Pro as one of the most professional applications for Mac users. It is a standard editing software that competes with DaVinci Resolve, Premiere Pro, and the rest. It uses the standard ground-to-top layering system to organize a timeline and is easy to learn.

Though it cannot edit background videos online, users can download it and use its chroma key effect. Like Premiere’s ultra-key effect, the chroma key function can select and remove a specific color. This is not the only way to remove backgrounds, but it is the most effective. If done correctly, no bleeding or distorted subject traces will be found.


  • Simple object motion tracking
  • Color grading and cinematic color LUTs
  • Supports 4k - 8k footage editing, rendering, and exporting
  • Text animations
  • Apple’s Neural Engine for speed edits

Adobe Premiere Pro

adobe premiere pro

Adobe Premiere Pro is one of the best-selling products from the Adobe franchise, apart from Acrobat Reader and Photoshop. Professionals worldwide trust Premiere Pro as their go-to editor. With features like cut & trim, animations (using keyframing), an in-built graphics panel, and a lumetri color grading panel. Most beginners start their creative video editing careers using Premiere Pro.

Online change video background features don’t come with this application. To change a video background, you have to use its “Ultra Key” effect, or mask out your subject frame-by-frame. The easiest way to achieve this is to use the color picker from the ultra key effect in your effects control panel. Premier Pro has a wide range of free tutorials on YouTube from various content creators. This makes the learning process a breeze.


  • AI-assisted transcription and subtitling
  • Customizable workspaces
  • Audio effects and dedicated audio editing interface
  • Work seamlessly between After Effects (for complex motion graphics and effects) and Audition (for dedicated audio effects and editing)
  • Large community support base



If you’re searching for easy-to-use video editing software for beginners and professionals, Filmora might be your best choice. With AI-assisted creative features, you can easily add effects and style to your video. Its AI Text-based editing feature makes adding effects enjoyable.

As a perfect alternative to getting a video background changer online, Filmora can save you hours in editing time. With AI assistance, you can separate your subject from your background without needing to do the work. You can add creative texts and colors to your background with a few clicks.


  • AI-assisted editing
  • Hundreds of templates
  • Countless effect templates.

Free Online Background Changer Fantastic tool for effortlessly transforming and enhancing your videos.

Try Filmora’s Background Changer Try Filmora’s Background Changer Explore Background Changer with Filmora

Wondershare Filmora


In finding the right Video background changer online, knowing the description and the features offered is key. We’ve saved you the stress of having to try them all out. With this article, you should be able to pick what works best for you.

Out of these mentioned tools, no one stands out as a better money’s worth like Filmora. With AI assistance, you can save hours in editing time, and get better results. Users worldwide have reviewed this app, and recommend it for easy use, quality exports, and seamless AI-assisted editing.

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

3 Video Background Changers Online



Veed is an online feature-packed video editing platform. It comes with an interface that is suitable for newbies and professionals alike. Like many other competitors, it offers a free and premium version that unlocks more tools for you to play around with.

This tool allows you to edit video background online, transcribe audio, add subtitles, etc. Since this tool is web-based, there is no need to download any storage-intensive application. You can quickly edit your content online and share your videos.


  • Recorder feature for recording tutorials and online meetings
  • Edit feature for creating catchy videos
  • Transcriptions and subtitle module
  • Color grading feature
  • Online video hosting and storage



BeeCut is a video editing software specifically created and designed for simplicity. Quick trims and edits for short videos are the primary focus of the BeeCut online application. A compilation of over 60+ reviews quickly exposes BeeCut as a beginner-friendly editing software. You can acquaint yourself with this platform in less than 24 hours.

You can change your background online for free using the BeeCut online editor. It allows you to Import a background and merge it with the clip that contains your subject. BeeCut has a familiar user interface that feels like it came from mobile editors. This simplicity makes it easy to understand.


  • Trim and cut your footage
  • Add custom video intros and overlays
  • Speech recognition for transcription and subtitling
  • Online and offline versions for different functions
  • Large community of over 1 million users



If you’re searching for one of the fastest background removers, you’re in luck. Unscreen is the “sit tight and relax” version of background changers. You can change the video background online without clicking any buttons or learning how to use the software. You also don’t need to select pixels or use a color picker from an “ultra key” function. You only upload a video, and the platform does the rest.

In simple steps, you can quickly acquaint yourself with Unscreen. It also promises a risk-free money-back guarantee that lasts for 14 days only.


  • Other platforms can integrate it as a tool
  • No watermarks
  • Full HD video upload and download
  • Affordable and more realistic payment structure
  • Specialized background remover

3 Video Background Changers on Desktop

Final Cut Pro

final cut pro

The video editors’ community refers to Final Cut Pro as one of the most professional applications for Mac users. It is a standard editing software that competes with DaVinci Resolve, Premiere Pro, and the rest. It uses the standard ground-to-top layering system to organize a timeline and is easy to learn.

Though it cannot edit background videos online, users can download it and use its chroma key effect. Like Premiere’s ultra-key effect, the chroma key function can select and remove a specific color. This is not the only way to remove backgrounds, but it is the most effective. If done correctly, no bleeding or distorted subject traces will be found.


  • Simple object motion tracking
  • Color grading and cinematic color LUTs
  • Supports 4k - 8k footage editing, rendering, and exporting
  • Text animations
  • Apple’s Neural Engine for speed edits

Adobe Premiere Pro

adobe premiere pro

Adobe Premiere Pro is one of the best-selling products from the Adobe franchise, apart from Acrobat Reader and Photoshop. Professionals worldwide trust Premiere Pro as their go-to editor. With features like cut & trim, animations (using keyframing), an in-built graphics panel, and a lumetri color grading panel. Most beginners start their creative video editing careers using Premiere Pro.

Online change video background features don’t come with this application. To change a video background, you have to use its “Ultra Key” effect, or mask out your subject frame-by-frame. The easiest way to achieve this is to use the color picker from the ultra key effect in your effects control panel. Premier Pro has a wide range of free tutorials on YouTube from various content creators. This makes the learning process a breeze.


  • AI-assisted transcription and subtitling
  • Customizable workspaces
  • Audio effects and dedicated audio editing interface
  • Work seamlessly between After Effects (for complex motion graphics and effects) and Audition (for dedicated audio effects and editing)
  • Large community support base



If you’re searching for easy-to-use video editing software for beginners and professionals, Filmora might be your best choice. With AI-assisted creative features, you can easily add effects and style to your video. Its AI Text-based editing feature makes adding effects enjoyable.

As a perfect alternative to getting a video background changer online, Filmora can save you hours in editing time. With AI assistance, you can separate your subject from your background without needing to do the work. You can add creative texts and colors to your background with a few clicks.


  • AI-assisted editing
  • Hundreds of templates
  • Countless effect templates.

Free Online Background Changer Fantastic tool for effortlessly transforming and enhancing your videos.

Try Filmora’s Background Changer Try Filmora’s Background Changer Explore Background Changer with Filmora

Wondershare Filmora


In finding the right Video background changer online, knowing the description and the features offered is key. We’ve saved you the stress of having to try them all out. With this article, you should be able to pick what works best for you.

Out of these mentioned tools, no one stands out as a better money’s worth like Filmora. With AI assistance, you can save hours in editing time, and get better results. Users worldwide have reviewed this app, and recommend it for easy use, quality exports, and seamless AI-assisted editing.

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

3 Video Background Changers Online



Veed is an online feature-packed video editing platform. It comes with an interface that is suitable for newbies and professionals alike. Like many other competitors, it offers a free and premium version that unlocks more tools for you to play around with.

This tool allows you to edit video background online, transcribe audio, add subtitles, etc. Since this tool is web-based, there is no need to download any storage-intensive application. You can quickly edit your content online and share your videos.


  • Recorder feature for recording tutorials and online meetings
  • Edit feature for creating catchy videos
  • Transcriptions and subtitle module
  • Color grading feature
  • Online video hosting and storage



BeeCut is a video editing software specifically created and designed for simplicity. Quick trims and edits for short videos are the primary focus of the BeeCut online application. A compilation of over 60+ reviews quickly exposes BeeCut as a beginner-friendly editing software. You can acquaint yourself with this platform in less than 24 hours.

You can change your background online for free using the BeeCut online editor. It allows you to Import a background and merge it with the clip that contains your subject. BeeCut has a familiar user interface that feels like it came from mobile editors. This simplicity makes it easy to understand.


  • Trim and cut your footage
  • Add custom video intros and overlays
  • Speech recognition for transcription and subtitling
  • Online and offline versions for different functions
  • Large community of over 1 million users



If you’re searching for one of the fastest background removers, you’re in luck. Unscreen is the “sit tight and relax” version of background changers. You can change the video background online without clicking any buttons or learning how to use the software. You also don’t need to select pixels or use a color picker from an “ultra key” function. You only upload a video, and the platform does the rest.

In simple steps, you can quickly acquaint yourself with Unscreen. It also promises a risk-free money-back guarantee that lasts for 14 days only.


  • Other platforms can integrate it as a tool
  • No watermarks
  • Full HD video upload and download
  • Affordable and more realistic payment structure
  • Specialized background remover

3 Video Background Changers on Desktop

Final Cut Pro

final cut pro

The video editors’ community refers to Final Cut Pro as one of the most professional applications for Mac users. It is a standard editing software that competes with DaVinci Resolve, Premiere Pro, and the rest. It uses the standard ground-to-top layering system to organize a timeline and is easy to learn.

Though it cannot edit background videos online, users can download it and use its chroma key effect. Like Premiere’s ultra-key effect, the chroma key function can select and remove a specific color. This is not the only way to remove backgrounds, but it is the most effective. If done correctly, no bleeding or distorted subject traces will be found.


  • Simple object motion tracking
  • Color grading and cinematic color LUTs
  • Supports 4k - 8k footage editing, rendering, and exporting
  • Text animations
  • Apple’s Neural Engine for speed edits

Adobe Premiere Pro

adobe premiere pro

Adobe Premiere Pro is one of the best-selling products from the Adobe franchise, apart from Acrobat Reader and Photoshop. Professionals worldwide trust Premiere Pro as their go-to editor. With features like cut & trim, animations (using keyframing), an in-built graphics panel, and a lumetri color grading panel. Most beginners start their creative video editing careers using Premiere Pro.

Online change video background features don’t come with this application. To change a video background, you have to use its “Ultra Key” effect, or mask out your subject frame-by-frame. The easiest way to achieve this is to use the color picker from the ultra key effect in your effects control panel. Premier Pro has a wide range of free tutorials on YouTube from various content creators. This makes the learning process a breeze.


  • AI-assisted transcription and subtitling
  • Customizable workspaces
  • Audio effects and dedicated audio editing interface
  • Work seamlessly between After Effects (for complex motion graphics and effects) and Audition (for dedicated audio effects and editing)
  • Large community support base



If you’re searching for easy-to-use video editing software for beginners and professionals, Filmora might be your best choice. With AI-assisted creative features, you can easily add effects and style to your video. Its AI Text-based editing feature makes adding effects enjoyable.

As a perfect alternative to getting a video background changer online, Filmora can save you hours in editing time. With AI assistance, you can separate your subject from your background without needing to do the work. You can add creative texts and colors to your background with a few clicks.


  • AI-assisted editing
  • Hundreds of templates
  • Countless effect templates.

Free Online Background Changer Fantastic tool for effortlessly transforming and enhancing your videos.

Try Filmora’s Background Changer Try Filmora’s Background Changer Explore Background Changer with Filmora

Wondershare Filmora


In finding the right Video background changer online, knowing the description and the features offered is key. We’ve saved you the stress of having to try them all out. With this article, you should be able to pick what works best for you.

Out of these mentioned tools, no one stands out as a better money’s worth like Filmora. With AI assistance, you can save hours in editing time, and get better results. Users worldwide have reviewed this app, and recommend it for easy use, quality exports, and seamless AI-assisted editing.

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

3 Video Background Changers Online



Veed is an online feature-packed video editing platform. It comes with an interface that is suitable for newbies and professionals alike. Like many other competitors, it offers a free and premium version that unlocks more tools for you to play around with.

This tool allows you to edit video background online, transcribe audio, add subtitles, etc. Since this tool is web-based, there is no need to download any storage-intensive application. You can quickly edit your content online and share your videos.


  • Recorder feature for recording tutorials and online meetings
  • Edit feature for creating catchy videos
  • Transcriptions and subtitle module
  • Color grading feature
  • Online video hosting and storage



BeeCut is a video editing software specifically created and designed for simplicity. Quick trims and edits for short videos are the primary focus of the BeeCut online application. A compilation of over 60+ reviews quickly exposes BeeCut as a beginner-friendly editing software. You can acquaint yourself with this platform in less than 24 hours.

You can change your background online for free using the BeeCut online editor. It allows you to Import a background and merge it with the clip that contains your subject. BeeCut has a familiar user interface that feels like it came from mobile editors. This simplicity makes it easy to understand.


  • Trim and cut your footage
  • Add custom video intros and overlays
  • Speech recognition for transcription and subtitling
  • Online and offline versions for different functions
  • Large community of over 1 million users



If you’re searching for one of the fastest background removers, you’re in luck. Unscreen is the “sit tight and relax” version of background changers. You can change the video background online without clicking any buttons or learning how to use the software. You also don’t need to select pixels or use a color picker from an “ultra key” function. You only upload a video, and the platform does the rest.

In simple steps, you can quickly acquaint yourself with Unscreen. It also promises a risk-free money-back guarantee that lasts for 14 days only.


  • Other platforms can integrate it as a tool
  • No watermarks
  • Full HD video upload and download
  • Affordable and more realistic payment structure
  • Specialized background remover

3 Video Background Changers on Desktop

Final Cut Pro

final cut pro

The video editors’ community refers to Final Cut Pro as one of the most professional applications for Mac users. It is a standard editing software that competes with DaVinci Resolve, Premiere Pro, and the rest. It uses the standard ground-to-top layering system to organize a timeline and is easy to learn.

Though it cannot edit background videos online, users can download it and use its chroma key effect. Like Premiere’s ultra-key effect, the chroma key function can select and remove a specific color. This is not the only way to remove backgrounds, but it is the most effective. If done correctly, no bleeding or distorted subject traces will be found.


  • Simple object motion tracking
  • Color grading and cinematic color LUTs
  • Supports 4k - 8k footage editing, rendering, and exporting
  • Text animations
  • Apple’s Neural Engine for speed edits

Adobe Premiere Pro

adobe premiere pro

Adobe Premiere Pro is one of the best-selling products from the Adobe franchise, apart from Acrobat Reader and Photoshop. Professionals worldwide trust Premiere Pro as their go-to editor. With features like cut & trim, animations (using keyframing), an in-built graphics panel, and a lumetri color grading panel. Most beginners start their creative video editing careers using Premiere Pro.

Online change video background features don’t come with this application. To change a video background, you have to use its “Ultra Key” effect, or mask out your subject frame-by-frame. The easiest way to achieve this is to use the color picker from the ultra key effect in your effects control panel. Premier Pro has a wide range of free tutorials on YouTube from various content creators. This makes the learning process a breeze.


  • AI-assisted transcription and subtitling
  • Customizable workspaces
  • Audio effects and dedicated audio editing interface
  • Work seamlessly between After Effects (for complex motion graphics and effects) and Audition (for dedicated audio effects and editing)
  • Large community support base



If you’re searching for easy-to-use video editing software for beginners and professionals, Filmora might be your best choice. With AI-assisted creative features, you can easily add effects and style to your video. Its AI Text-based editing feature makes adding effects enjoyable.

As a perfect alternative to getting a video background changer online, Filmora can save you hours in editing time. With AI assistance, you can separate your subject from your background without needing to do the work. You can add creative texts and colors to your background with a few clicks.


  • AI-assisted editing
  • Hundreds of templates
  • Countless effect templates.

Free Online Background Changer Fantastic tool for effortlessly transforming and enhancing your videos.

Try Filmora’s Background Changer Try Filmora’s Background Changer Explore Background Changer with Filmora

Wondershare Filmora


In finding the right Video background changer online, knowing the description and the features offered is key. We’ve saved you the stress of having to try them all out. With this article, you should be able to pick what works best for you.

Out of these mentioned tools, no one stands out as a better money’s worth like Filmora. With AI assistance, you can save hours in editing time, and get better results. Users worldwide have reviewed this app, and recommend it for easy use, quality exports, and seamless AI-assisted editing.

Top 6 MP4 Mergers to Join Videos Easily

Not all software allows you to combine videos in the MP4 format. And even if they do, the quality you get is not satisfying. The reason is pretty basic – overrated and underrated video merging software. Some tools are complicated, while others are extremely user-friendly with the interface and options.

So, after spending several days on the research, finally, here are the 6 best mp4 mergers along with their tutorials to help you understand the process and complexity of each software and pick the best one in terms of simplicity and user-friendliness.

In this article

01 Free Video Joiner

02 Freemake Video Converter

03 Boilsoft Video Joiner

04 Media Cope

05 MP4Joiner by MP4Tools

06 Filmora by Wondershare

Part 1: Free Video Joiner (For Windows Users Only)

Free Video Joiner is a free tool to use for Windows users. You can join multiple videos to turn into a big video file. The software allows you to convert WMV, MPG, MPEG, AVI, and MOV files into MP4, MOV, WMV, and AVI. You can also “Save As” videos in VCD and DVD, iPhone, iPod, Zune, or PSP video formats.

The company claims “no quality loss” when the complete video is out. However, you have to be very picky when selecting the first video in your list to merge with others because the Free Video Joiner keeps the same width and height of the merged file as of the first video.

So, for instance, if you have 10 videos in the list to merge in the MP4 format, the first video has 1280 x 720 dimensions while the rest are 1920 x 1080. Then, the final merged video will be available to you in the same width and height as the first video (1280 x 720).

Merging Videos in Free Video Joiner

Step1: Download Free Video Joiner

Open your browser and go to the Free Video Joiner website. Then, click the “Download” button on the page to save the setup on your computer.


Step 2: Install and Run Free Video Joiner

Now, double-click on the Free Video Joiner set up to install it in your system. It will hardly take a few seconds for the entire software to get into your system’s hard drive.

Once the software is installed, open the software, and you will see the interface like this.


Step 3: Add Files

Click on the “Add Files” button.


And select the clips you want to merge in MP4.


To change the order of the videos, you can use the “Move Up” or “Move Down” button.


Step 4: Select Output Folder

Choose your output directory to save the merged file by clicking on the “Select” button.


Then, click on the “Video” tab to choose the format of your joined video. Also, take your time to choose the “Presets” from the drop-down menu below the video tab.

As you can see, MP4 is selected in the screenshot below.


Step 5: Staring Merging in MP4

Now, click on the “Join Now” button.


You will see that the “Overall Progress” bar will begin to increase.


Once the bar is 100%, click on the “Open Folder” button to directly visit the folder where you will find the merged video. Or click the “Finish” button if you wish to start another project.


Part 2: Freemake Video Converter (For Windows Users Only)

Freemake Video Converter is reliable software to convert videos without registration. The program is free to download with more than 180 million users worldwide. And not just the MP4, but you can convert videos in all the popular formats and use the program to copy and burn DVDs.

Apart from the video conversion feature, you can use Freemake to merge your MP4 videos from your Windows operating system. However, the software is unavailable for MAC users, and it is one of the major drawbacks of this video merger.

Merging Videos in Freemake Video Converter

Step 1: Download Freemake Video Converter

First, go to the Freemake Video Converter website and click on the “Free Download” button.


Then, install the software on your computer and open it. The software appears to be simple like this.


Step 2: Add Videos

Click on the “Video” tab from the top menu to select videos you want to merge.


As you can see below, two videos are uploaded on the software.


Step 3: Rearrange Video Order

If you wish to rearrange the videos, you can do it by simply dragging the video up or down with the help of your mouse.


For example, the “Photo Slideshow” video, which was previously on the top, is now placed beneath the “Intro” video.


That means the merged video will begin from the “Intro” video, and then the “Photo Slideshow” will continue right after the first clip ends. All be done without any break or pause.

Step 4: Join Videos

After rearranging the videos, use your mouse to select clips by clicking once on each video. All selected videos will be highlighted in the “light blue” color.


Then, take the mouse cursor on the top-right side of the software and turn on the “Join Files” button by clicking on it.


You will see that a merged video will be added to the software.

For instance, you can see that a new file has been added to the interface, showing the number of merged files in the red circle.


The above screenshot represents a single merged video that includes two files.

Step 5: Choose Your Output Video Format

Look at the bottom of the software to see different video formats, and click on “MP4.”


Click on the “Preset” menu to choose the format and size of the output video. Then, select the output folder.


Step 6: Save Your Video

Lastly, click on the “Convert” button to allow the software to merge the video in MP4 format and save it on your computer.


Part 3: Boilsoft Video Joiner (For Windows and MAC Users)

Boilsoft Video Joiner is a video merger tool to join MP4, WMA, WMV, ASF, 3GP, RMVB/RM, MPG, MPEG, AVI, VOB, FLV, and MKV clips into one complete single video. You can download the free trial version or buy the full software for your MAC and Windows operating systems.

Boilsoft Video Joiner also offers Encode mode and Direct Stream mode, allowing you to merge clips efficiently into different formats at great speed.

Merging Videos in Boilsoft Video Joiner

Step 1: Download and Install Boilsoft Video Joiner

Visit the Boilsoft Video Joiner website from your computer browser and click on the “Download” tab.


If you want to install the software on Windows OS, then click on the “Windows” tab and then click on the “Download” button next to the “Boilsoft Video Joiner” software.


Contrarily, you can download the program for MAC operating system by clicking on the “Mac” tab and clicking the “Download” button.


Now, run the installer to install the software on your computer and open it.


Note: The screenshots are from the previous version of Boilsoft Video Joiner. However, this tutorial’s steps to merge MP4 videos are workable on the latest version.

Step 2: Add Videos in Boilsoft Video Joiner

Click on the “Add File” icon on the top menu to add the clips you want to join together.


Here you can see that two files have been uploaded. Plus, with the small green “arrow” buttons, you can rearrange the order of the clips.


Step 3: Merge Videos

Find the “Merge” option on the top menu, and click it.


Then, choose the “Direct Stream” mode or “Encode Mode” from the merge mode options, and click on the “OK” button.


Note: It is suggested to choose the “Direct Stream” mode if you want files to be converted in the MP4 format.

Step 4: Save Joined Video

After clicking the “OK” button, choose the folder to save the merged video on your computer. And click the “Save” button.


A green progress bar will start until you see the “Finished” message above the bar, confirming that the video has been merged. So, click the “Open Folder” button to see the joined video in MP4 format.


Part 4: Media Cope (For Windows Users Only)

Media Cope is free software with multiple features, including audio and video joiner. The software is available for Windows users only but does not support the latest Windows versions. So, if you are running XP, Vista, Windows 7, or Windows 8, you can easily install the software on your computer.

Although the software doesn’t support MAC, you can still join and save the videos on your iPhone. Nevertheless, the developers assure that the software supports all major formats, such as MP4, MOV, 3GP, AC3, AMR, WAV, MKV, FLV, DIVX, AVI, and many more.

Merging Videos in Media Cope

Step 1: Download and Install Media Cope

Downloading Media Cope is no big deal. All you need to do is go to the official Media Cope’s website and click on the “Download” tab on the top menu.


Once you are taken to another page, click on the “Download” button to save the setup on your computer.


Double click the “MediaCopeSetup.exe” file to install the software. It will only take a few minutes to install the complete program on your PC.

So, after installing Media Cope, open the program, and you will see a blank screen with several options on the top and bottom of the interface.


Step 2: Add Files

Click on the “Audio/Video Joiner” tab to select your video clips.


Select your clips and click on the “Add” button to transfer files on the software.


As you can see, two video files are added to the platform.


Step 3: Choose Output Format

If you look down in the software, you will find the “Output Format” options. So, choose your format (MP4 recommended) and select the video quality from the drop-down menu.


Step 4: Merge Videos and Save

Now, click on the “Join” button, choose your output folder, and give time to complete the process.


After the process ends, enjoy your merged video in the output folder.

Part 5: MP4Joiner by MP4Tools (For Windows, MAC, and Linux Users)

MP4Joiner is a free software to join MP4 format videos into one single video that comes with an MP4Splitter. This software duo is called MP4Tools. So don’t get confused by the name when downloading the program on your PC.

A good thing about MP4Joiner is that it is developed for multiple platforms, such as Windows, MAC, and Linux. But unfortunately, it only supports “win32,” “Mac 10.10 and Catalina,” and “BZ2” file extension.

Merging Videos in MP4Joiner

Step 1: Download MP4Joiner

The first step requires downloading MP4Joiner on your computer according to your operating system. To do that, go to the MP4Joiner’s site. And click on any one of the following “.exe” files to download the setup.


Then, install the program in your Windows, MAC, or Linux, and run it. The interface is extremely simple, with no confusing options.


Step 2: Add Files in MP4Joiner

Next, click on the “Add Video” tab with a green “+” sign.


Doing so will help you choose videos you want to join together. So, select the videos and click on the “Open” button, as shown in the screenshot below.


Step 3: Start Joining Videos

Once all your selected videos are imported on the interface, click on the “Join” tab.


Then, choose the folder where you want the merged video to be saved, and click the “Save” button.


A new window will appear, showing a green progress bar.


Wait until you see the “Successful” note on the top of the progress bar, and then click on the “Close” button.


Go to your output folder to watch the joined video in the MP4 format.

Filmora Video Editor is one of the famous video editing software by Wondershare. It is like a gateway to creativity for beginner and experienced editors. The software offers a wide range of tools and presets, which makes video editing quick and easy.

This video editing tool is for both MAC and Windows users. You can use the software by choosing a suitable pricing plan or downloading the free version if the watermark is not an issue.

Gladly, Filmora can help you merge your videos without destroying a pixel in any format of your choice, including MP4. Also, the process is pretty simple, time-saving, and fun. Furthermore, you can also include flavors to your video merger by adding several transitions and effects to your videos.

Free Download

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Free Download

For macOS 10.14 or later

Merging Videos in MP4Joiner

Step 1: Download Filmora by Wondershare

Enter Filmora’s website in your browser to visit the homepage and click on the blue “Free Download” button.


After downloading the setup, install the software on your device. The process will only take a few minutes. Then, open Filmora, and you will see a modern-designed interface with all the tools and presets right in front of your eyes.


Step 2: Import Videos You Want to Merge

Use your mouse to click the blue “+” icon in the center of the software to import videos from your computer.


Then, drag-and-drop the videos to your timeline. But make sure that you place both clips on the same timeline. As you can see below, there are two clips. The first clip is named “Travel 05,” while the second video is called “Travel 06.”


Step 3: Fill the Gap to Merge

When you will drag-and-drop videos on the timeline, the chances are that there will be a gap or a blank space between the two clips, like this.


If this blank space is left untreated, the merged video will include this empty black space, as you can see on the preview screen.


Therefore, use your right mouse click to hold the second video and drag it to the wall of the first video without leaving any gap in between both clips.


Great! You have already merged the videos. Now, let’s move on to the final step.

Step 4: Export the Joined Video and Save in MP4

Click on the “Export” option on the left of the preview screen to see the settings window.


Under the “Local” tab, select “MP4” and feel free to perform other changes, such as choosing an output folder, renaming the merged video, picking the resolution, and more. Once you are satisfied with the settings, click on the “Export” button (on the right bottom of the screen) to save the video on your computer.


And it’s done!

Bottom Line

Among the 6 best MP4 mergers, Filmora seems to be winning. It’s not just a video editor with plenty of tools, but you can also join two or more videos in MP4 format without sacrificing the video quality.

On the other hand, video merges like Free Video Joiner, Freemake, Media Cope, Boilsoft Video Joiner, and MP4 Joiner have limited options. Plus, they are time-consuming, and some of them even disturb the video and audio quality when clips are merged through them.


Q1. What is the best video merger for MP4?

There are many excellent video mergers to combine MP4 videos. Most users recommend Filmora because it works flawlessly on MAC and Windows operating systems. Besides, it’s a user-friendly software that even non-professional people can use to join MP4 videos.

Q2. What is the fastest video merger for MP4 clips?

Filmora by Wondershare is one of the fastest video mergers. You can merge videos by working on the timeline, which ultimately saves your time. And you can export merged videos in MP4 or any other format without many struggles. The second and third options are Media Cope and Boilsoft Video Joiner. Although they are a bit old-fashioned, you will still find them more accessible and fast than other MP4 mergers.

Q3. How do I merge MP4 videos without losing quality?

Merging MP4 videos without losing the quality depends on your software to combine videos. Filmora never disappoints its users when it comes to quality. As a matter of fact, you can choose your own resolution from the export settings menu when saving the merged MP4 video in your Windows or MAC computer.

02 Freemake Video Converter

03 Boilsoft Video Joiner

04 Media Cope

05 MP4Joiner by MP4Tools

06 Filmora by Wondershare

Part 1: Free Video Joiner (For Windows Users Only)

Free Video Joiner is a free tool to use for Windows users. You can join multiple videos to turn into a big video file. The software allows you to convert WMV, MPG, MPEG, AVI, and MOV files into MP4, MOV, WMV, and AVI. You can also “Save As” videos in VCD and DVD, iPhone, iPod, Zune, or PSP video formats.

The company claims “no quality loss” when the complete video is out. However, you have to be very picky when selecting the first video in your list to merge with others because the Free Video Joiner keeps the same width and height of the merged file as of the first video.

So, for instance, if you have 10 videos in the list to merge in the MP4 format, the first video has 1280 x 720 dimensions while the rest are 1920 x 1080. Then, the final merged video will be available to you in the same width and height as the first video (1280 x 720).

Merging Videos in Free Video Joiner

Step1: Download Free Video Joiner

Open your browser and go to the Free Video Joiner website. Then, click the “Download” button on the page to save the setup on your computer.


Step 2: Install and Run Free Video Joiner

Now, double-click on the Free Video Joiner set up to install it in your system. It will hardly take a few seconds for the entire software to get into your system’s hard drive.

Once the software is installed, open the software, and you will see the interface like this.


Step 3: Add Files

Click on the “Add Files” button.


And select the clips you want to merge in MP4.


To change the order of the videos, you can use the “Move Up” or “Move Down” button.


Step 4: Select Output Folder

Choose your output directory to save the merged file by clicking on the “Select” button.


Then, click on the “Video” tab to choose the format of your joined video. Also, take your time to choose the “Presets” from the drop-down menu below the video tab.

As you can see, MP4 is selected in the screenshot below.


Step 5: Staring Merging in MP4

Now, click on the “Join Now” button.


You will see that the “Overall Progress” bar will begin to increase.


Once the bar is 100%, click on the “Open Folder” button to directly visit the folder where you will find the merged video. Or click the “Finish” button if you wish to start another project.


Part 2: Freemake Video Converter (For Windows Users Only)

Freemake Video Converter is reliable software to convert videos without registration. The program is free to download with more than 180 million users worldwide. And not just the MP4, but you can convert videos in all the popular formats and use the program to copy and burn DVDs.

Apart from the video conversion feature, you can use Freemake to merge your MP4 videos from your Windows operating system. However, the software is unavailable for MAC users, and it is one of the major drawbacks of this video merger.

Merging Videos in Freemake Video Converter

Step 1: Download Freemake Video Converter

First, go to the Freemake Video Converter website and click on the “Free Download” button.


Then, install the software on your computer and open it. The software appears to be simple like this.


Step 2: Add Videos

Click on the “Video” tab from the top menu to select videos you want to merge.


As you can see below, two videos are uploaded on the software.


Step 3: Rearrange Video Order

If you wish to rearrange the videos, you can do it by simply dragging the video up or down with the help of your mouse.


For example, the “Photo Slideshow” video, which was previously on the top, is now placed beneath the “Intro” video.


That means the merged video will begin from the “Intro” video, and then the “Photo Slideshow” will continue right after the first clip ends. All be done without any break or pause.

Step 4: Join Videos

After rearranging the videos, use your mouse to select clips by clicking once on each video. All selected videos will be highlighted in the “light blue” color.


Then, take the mouse cursor on the top-right side of the software and turn on the “Join Files” button by clicking on it.


You will see that a merged video will be added to the software.

For instance, you can see that a new file has been added to the interface, showing the number of merged files in the red circle.


The above screenshot represents a single merged video that includes two files.

Step 5: Choose Your Output Video Format

Look at the bottom of the software to see different video formats, and click on “MP4.”


Click on the “Preset” menu to choose the format and size of the output video. Then, select the output folder.


Step 6: Save Your Video

Lastly, click on the “Convert” button to allow the software to merge the video in MP4 format and save it on your computer.


Part 3: Boilsoft Video Joiner (For Windows and MAC Users)

Boilsoft Video Joiner is a video merger tool to join MP4, WMA, WMV, ASF, 3GP, RMVB/RM, MPG, MPEG, AVI, VOB, FLV, and MKV clips into one complete single video. You can download the free trial version or buy the full software for your MAC and Windows operating systems.

Boilsoft Video Joiner also offers Encode mode and Direct Stream mode, allowing you to merge clips efficiently into different formats at great speed.

Merging Videos in Boilsoft Video Joiner

Step 1: Download and Install Boilsoft Video Joiner

Visit the Boilsoft Video Joiner website from your computer browser and click on the “Download” tab.


If you want to install the software on Windows OS, then click on the “Windows” tab and then click on the “Download” button next to the “Boilsoft Video Joiner” software.


Contrarily, you can download the program for MAC operating system by clicking on the “Mac” tab and clicking the “Download” button.


Now, run the installer to install the software on your computer and open it.


Note: The screenshots are from the previous version of Boilsoft Video Joiner. However, this tutorial’s steps to merge MP4 videos are workable on the latest version.

Step 2: Add Videos in Boilsoft Video Joiner

Click on the “Add File” icon on the top menu to add the clips you want to join together.


Here you can see that two files have been uploaded. Plus, with the small green “arrow” buttons, you can rearrange the order of the clips.


Step 3: Merge Videos

Find the “Merge” option on the top menu, and click it.


Then, choose the “Direct Stream” mode or “Encode Mode” from the merge mode options, and click on the “OK” button.


Note: It is suggested to choose the “Direct Stream” mode if you want files to be converted in the MP4 format.

Step 4: Save Joined Video

After clicking the “OK” button, choose the folder to save the merged video on your computer. And click the “Save” button.


A green progress bar will start until you see the “Finished” message above the bar, confirming that the video has been merged. So, click the “Open Folder” button to see the joined video in MP4 format.


Part 4: Media Cope (For Windows Users Only)

Media Cope is free software with multiple features, including audio and video joiner. The software is available for Windows users only but does not support the latest Windows versions. So, if you are running XP, Vista, Windows 7, or Windows 8, you can easily install the software on your computer.

Although the software doesn’t support MAC, you can still join and save the videos on your iPhone. Nevertheless, the developers assure that the software supports all major formats, such as MP4, MOV, 3GP, AC3, AMR, WAV, MKV, FLV, DIVX, AVI, and many more.

Merging Videos in Media Cope

Step 1: Download and Install Media Cope

Downloading Media Cope is no big deal. All you need to do is go to the official Media Cope’s website and click on the “Download” tab on the top menu.


Once you are taken to another page, click on the “Download” button to save the setup on your computer.


Double click the “MediaCopeSetup.exe” file to install the software. It will only take a few minutes to install the complete program on your PC.

So, after installing Media Cope, open the program, and you will see a blank screen with several options on the top and bottom of the interface.


Step 2: Add Files

Click on the “Audio/Video Joiner” tab to select your video clips.


Select your clips and click on the “Add” button to transfer files on the software.


As you can see, two video files are added to the platform.


Step 3: Choose Output Format

If you look down in the software, you will find the “Output Format” options. So, choose your format (MP4 recommended) and select the video quality from the drop-down menu.


Step 4: Merge Videos and Save

Now, click on the “Join” button, choose your output folder, and give time to complete the process.


After the process ends, enjoy your merged video in the output folder.

Part 5: MP4Joiner by MP4Tools (For Windows, MAC, and Linux Users)

MP4Joiner is a free software to join MP4 format videos into one single video that comes with an MP4Splitter. This software duo is called MP4Tools. So don’t get confused by the name when downloading the program on your PC.

A good thing about MP4Joiner is that it is developed for multiple platforms, such as Windows, MAC, and Linux. But unfortunately, it only supports “win32,” “Mac 10.10 and Catalina,” and “BZ2” file extension.

Merging Videos in MP4Joiner

Step 1: Download MP4Joiner

The first step requires downloading MP4Joiner on your computer according to your operating system. To do that, go to the MP4Joiner’s site. And click on any one of the following “.exe” files to download the setup.


Then, install the program in your Windows, MAC, or Linux, and run it. The interface is extremely simple, with no confusing options.


Step 2: Add Files in MP4Joiner

Next, click on the “Add Video” tab with a green “+” sign.


Doing so will help you choose videos you want to join together. So, select the videos and click on the “Open” button, as shown in the screenshot below.


Step 3: Start Joining Videos

Once all your selected videos are imported on the interface, click on the “Join” tab.


Then, choose the folder where you want the merged video to be saved, and click the “Save” button.


A new window will appear, showing a green progress bar.


Wait until you see the “Successful” note on the top of the progress bar, and then click on the “Close” button.


Go to your output folder to watch the joined video in the MP4 format.

Filmora Video Editor is one of the famous video editing software by Wondershare. It is like a gateway to creativity for beginner and experienced editors. The software offers a wide range of tools and presets, which makes video editing quick and easy.

This video editing tool is for both MAC and Windows users. You can use the software by choosing a suitable pricing plan or downloading the free version if the watermark is not an issue.

Gladly, Filmora can help you merge your videos without destroying a pixel in any format of your choice, including MP4. Also, the process is pretty simple, time-saving, and fun. Furthermore, you can also include flavors to your video merger by adding several transitions and effects to your videos.

Free Download

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Free Download

For macOS 10.14 or later

Merging Videos in MP4Joiner

Step 1: Download Filmora by Wondershare

Enter Filmora’s website in your browser to visit the homepage and click on the blue “Free Download” button.


After downloading the setup, install the software on your device. The process will only take a few minutes. Then, open Filmora, and you will see a modern-designed interface with all the tools and presets right in front of your eyes.


Step 2: Import Videos You Want to Merge

Use your mouse to click the blue “+” icon in the center of the software to import videos from your computer.


Then, drag-and-drop the videos to your timeline. But make sure that you place both clips on the same timeline. As you can see below, there are two clips. The first clip is named “Travel 05,” while the second video is called “Travel 06.”


Step 3: Fill the Gap to Merge

When you will drag-and-drop videos on the timeline, the chances are that there will be a gap or a blank space between the two clips, like this.


If this blank space is left untreated, the merged video will include this empty black space, as you can see on the preview screen.


Therefore, use your right mouse click to hold the second video and drag it to the wall of the first video without leaving any gap in between both clips.


Great! You have already merged the videos. Now, let’s move on to the final step.

Step 4: Export the Joined Video and Save in MP4

Click on the “Export” option on the left of the preview screen to see the settings window.


Under the “Local” tab, select “MP4” and feel free to perform other changes, such as choosing an output folder, renaming the merged video, picking the resolution, and more. Once you are satisfied with the settings, click on the “Export” button (on the right bottom of the screen) to save the video on your computer.


And it’s done!

Bottom Line

Among the 6 best MP4 mergers, Filmora seems to be winning. It’s not just a video editor with plenty of tools, but you can also join two or more videos in MP4 format without sacrificing the video quality.

On the other hand, video merges like Free Video Joiner, Freemake, Media Cope, Boilsoft Video Joiner, and MP4 Joiner have limited options. Plus, they are time-consuming, and some of them even disturb the video and audio quality when clips are merged through them.


Q1. What is the best video merger for MP4?

There are many excellent video mergers to combine MP4 videos. Most users recommend Filmora because it works flawlessly on MAC and Windows operating systems. Besides, it’s a user-friendly software that even non-professional people can use to join MP4 videos.

Q2. What is the fastest video merger for MP4 clips?

Filmora by Wondershare is one of the fastest video mergers. You can merge videos by working on the timeline, which ultimately saves your time. And you can export merged videos in MP4 or any other format without many struggles. The second and third options are Media Cope and Boilsoft Video Joiner. Although they are a bit old-fashioned, you will still find them more accessible and fast than other MP4 mergers.

Q3. How do I merge MP4 videos without losing quality?

Merging MP4 videos without losing the quality depends on your software to combine videos. Filmora never disappoints its users when it comes to quality. As a matter of fact, you can choose your own resolution from the export settings menu when saving the merged MP4 video in your Windows or MAC computer.

02 Freemake Video Converter

03 Boilsoft Video Joiner

04 Media Cope

05 MP4Joiner by MP4Tools

06 Filmora by Wondershare

Part 1: Free Video Joiner (For Windows Users Only)

Free Video Joiner is a free tool to use for Windows users. You can join multiple videos to turn into a big video file. The software allows you to convert WMV, MPG, MPEG, AVI, and MOV files into MP4, MOV, WMV, and AVI. You can also “Save As” videos in VCD and DVD, iPhone, iPod, Zune, or PSP video formats.

The company claims “no quality loss” when the complete video is out. However, you have to be very picky when selecting the first video in your list to merge with others because the Free Video Joiner keeps the same width and height of the merged file as of the first video.

So, for instance, if you have 10 videos in the list to merge in the MP4 format, the first video has 1280 x 720 dimensions while the rest are 1920 x 1080. Then, the final merged video will be available to you in the same width and height as the first video (1280 x 720).

Merging Videos in Free Video Joiner

Step1: Download Free Video Joiner

Open your browser and go to the Free Video Joiner website. Then, click the “Download” button on the page to save the setup on your computer.


Step 2: Install and Run Free Video Joiner

Now, double-click on the Free Video Joiner set up to install it in your system. It will hardly take a few seconds for the entire software to get into your system’s hard drive.

Once the software is installed, open the software, and you will see the interface like this.


Step 3: Add Files

Click on the “Add Files” button.


And select the clips you want to merge in MP4.


To change the order of the videos, you can use the “Move Up” or “Move Down” button.


Step 4: Select Output Folder

Choose your output directory to save the merged file by clicking on the “Select” button.


Then, click on the “Video” tab to choose the format of your joined video. Also, take your time to choose the “Presets” from the drop-down menu below the video tab.

As you can see, MP4 is selected in the screenshot below.


Step 5: Staring Merging in MP4

Now, click on the “Join Now” button.


You will see that the “Overall Progress” bar will begin to increase.


Once the bar is 100%, click on the “Open Folder” button to directly visit the folder where you will find the merged video. Or click the “Finish” button if you wish to start another project.


Part 2: Freemake Video Converter (For Windows Users Only)

Freemake Video Converter is reliable software to convert videos without registration. The program is free to download with more than 180 million users worldwide. And not just the MP4, but you can convert videos in all the popular formats and use the program to copy and burn DVDs.

Apart from the video conversion feature, you can use Freemake to merge your MP4 videos from your Windows operating system. However, the software is unavailable for MAC users, and it is one of the major drawbacks of this video merger.

Merging Videos in Freemake Video Converter

Step 1: Download Freemake Video Converter

First, go to the Freemake Video Converter website and click on the “Free Download” button.


Then, install the software on your computer and open it. The software appears to be simple like this.


Step 2: Add Videos

Click on the “Video” tab from the top menu to select videos you want to merge.


As you can see below, two videos are uploaded on the software.


Step 3: Rearrange Video Order

If you wish to rearrange the videos, you can do it by simply dragging the video up or down with the help of your mouse.


For example, the “Photo Slideshow” video, which was previously on the top, is now placed beneath the “Intro” video.


That means the merged video will begin from the “Intro” video, and then the “Photo Slideshow” will continue right after the first clip ends. All be done without any break or pause.

Step 4: Join Videos

After rearranging the videos, use your mouse to select clips by clicking once on each video. All selected videos will be highlighted in the “light blue” color.


Then, take the mouse cursor on the top-right side of the software and turn on the “Join Files” button by clicking on it.


You will see that a merged video will be added to the software.

For instance, you can see that a new file has been added to the interface, showing the number of merged files in the red circle.


The above screenshot represents a single merged video that includes two files.

Step 5: Choose Your Output Video Format

Look at the bottom of the software to see different video formats, and click on “MP4.”


Click on the “Preset” menu to choose the format and size of the output video. Then, select the output folder.


Step 6: Save Your Video

Lastly, click on the “Convert” button to allow the software to merge the video in MP4 format and save it on your computer.


Part 3: Boilsoft Video Joiner (For Windows and MAC Users)

Boilsoft Video Joiner is a video merger tool to join MP4, WMA, WMV, ASF, 3GP, RMVB/RM, MPG, MPEG, AVI, VOB, FLV, and MKV clips into one complete single video. You can download the free trial version or buy the full software for your MAC and Windows operating systems.

Boilsoft Video Joiner also offers Encode mode and Direct Stream mode, allowing you to merge clips efficiently into different formats at great speed.

Merging Videos in Boilsoft Video Joiner

Step 1: Download and Install Boilsoft Video Joiner

Visit the Boilsoft Video Joiner website from your computer browser and click on the “Download” tab.


If you want to install the software on Windows OS, then click on the “Windows” tab and then click on the “Download” button next to the “Boilsoft Video Joiner” software.


Contrarily, you can download the program for MAC operating system by clicking on the “Mac” tab and clicking the “Download” button.


Now, run the installer to install the software on your computer and open it.


Note: The screenshots are from the previous version of Boilsoft Video Joiner. However, this tutorial’s steps to merge MP4 videos are workable on the latest version.

Step 2: Add Videos in Boilsoft Video Joiner

Click on the “Add File” icon on the top menu to add the clips you want to join together.


Here you can see that two files have been uploaded. Plus, with the small green “arrow” buttons, you can rearrange the order of the clips.


Step 3: Merge Videos

Find the “Merge” option on the top menu, and click it.


Then, choose the “Direct Stream” mode or “Encode Mode” from the merge mode options, and click on the “OK” button.


Note: It is suggested to choose the “Direct Stream” mode if you want files to be converted in the MP4 format.

Step 4: Save Joined Video

After clicking the “OK” button, choose the folder to save the merged video on your computer. And click the “Save” button.


A green progress bar will start until you see the “Finished” message above the bar, confirming that the video has been merged. So, click the “Open Folder” button to see the joined video in MP4 format.


Part 4: Media Cope (For Windows Users Only)

Media Cope is free software with multiple features, including audio and video joiner. The software is available for Windows users only but does not support the latest Windows versions. So, if you are running XP, Vista, Windows 7, or Windows 8, you can easily install the software on your computer.

Although the software doesn’t support MAC, you can still join and save the videos on your iPhone. Nevertheless, the developers assure that the software supports all major formats, such as MP4, MOV, 3GP, AC3, AMR, WAV, MKV, FLV, DIVX, AVI, and many more.

Merging Videos in Media Cope

Step 1: Download and Install Media Cope

Downloading Media Cope is no big deal. All you need to do is go to the official Media Cope’s website and click on the “Download” tab on the top menu.


Once you are taken to another page, click on the “Download” button to save the setup on your computer.


Double click the “MediaCopeSetup.exe” file to install the software. It will only take a few minutes to install the complete program on your PC.

So, after installing Media Cope, open the program, and you will see a blank screen with several options on the top and bottom of the interface.


Step 2: Add Files

Click on the “Audio/Video Joiner” tab to select your video clips.


Select your clips and click on the “Add” button to transfer files on the software.


As you can see, two video files are added to the platform.


Step 3: Choose Output Format

If you look down in the software, you will find the “Output Format” options. So, choose your format (MP4 recommended) and select the video quality from the drop-down menu.


Step 4: Merge Videos and Save

Now, click on the “Join” button, choose your output folder, and give time to complete the process.


After the process ends, enjoy your merged video in the output folder.

Part 5: MP4Joiner by MP4Tools (For Windows, MAC, and Linux Users)

MP4Joiner is a free software to join MP4 format videos into one single video that comes with an MP4Splitter. This software duo is called MP4Tools. So don’t get confused by the name when downloading the program on your PC.

A good thing about MP4Joiner is that it is developed for multiple platforms, such as Windows, MAC, and Linux. But unfortunately, it only supports “win32,” “Mac 10.10 and Catalina,” and “BZ2” file extension.

Merging Videos in MP4Joiner

Step 1: Download MP4Joiner

The first step requires downloading MP4Joiner on your computer according to your operating system. To do that, go to the MP4Joiner’s site. And click on any one of the following “.exe” files to download the setup.


Then, install the program in your Windows, MAC, or Linux, and run it. The interface is extremely simple, with no confusing options.


Step 2: Add Files in MP4Joiner

Next, click on the “Add Video” tab with a green “+” sign.


Doing so will help you choose videos you want to join together. So, select the videos and click on the “Open” button, as shown in the screenshot below.


Step 3: Start Joining Videos

Once all your selected videos are imported on the interface, click on the “Join” tab.


Then, choose the folder where you want the merged video to be saved, and click the “Save” button.


A new window will appear, showing a green progress bar.


Wait until you see the “Successful” note on the top of the progress bar, and then click on the “Close” button.


Go to your output folder to watch the joined video in the MP4 format.

Filmora Video Editor is one of the famous video editing software by Wondershare. It is like a gateway to creativity for beginner and experienced editors. The software offers a wide range of tools and presets, which makes video editing quick and easy.

This video editing tool is for both MAC and Windows users. You can use the software by choosing a suitable pricing plan or downloading the free version if the watermark is not an issue.

Gladly, Filmora can help you merge your videos without destroying a pixel in any format of your choice, including MP4. Also, the process is pretty simple, time-saving, and fun. Furthermore, you can also include flavors to your video merger by adding several transitions and effects to your videos.

Free Download

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Free Download

For macOS 10.14 or later

Merging Videos in MP4Joiner

Step 1: Download Filmora by Wondershare

Enter Filmora’s website in your browser to visit the homepage and click on the blue “Free Download” button.


After downloading the setup, install the software on your device. The process will only take a few minutes. Then, open Filmora, and you will see a modern-designed interface with all the tools and presets right in front of your eyes.


Step 2: Import Videos You Want to Merge

Use your mouse to click the blue “+” icon in the center of the software to import videos from your computer.


Then, drag-and-drop the videos to your timeline. But make sure that you place both clips on the same timeline. As you can see below, there are two clips. The first clip is named “Travel 05,” while the second video is called “Travel 06.”


Step 3: Fill the Gap to Merge

When you will drag-and-drop videos on the timeline, the chances are that there will be a gap or a blank space between the two clips, like this.


If this blank space is left untreated, the merged video will include this empty black space, as you can see on the preview screen.


Therefore, use your right mouse click to hold the second video and drag it to the wall of the first video without leaving any gap in between both clips.


Great! You have already merged the videos. Now, let’s move on to the final step.

Step 4: Export the Joined Video and Save in MP4

Click on the “Export” option on the left of the preview screen to see the settings window.


Under the “Local” tab, select “MP4” and feel free to perform other changes, such as choosing an output folder, renaming the merged video, picking the resolution, and more. Once you are satisfied with the settings, click on the “Export” button (on the right bottom of the screen) to save the video on your computer.


And it’s done!

Bottom Line

Among the 6 best MP4 mergers, Filmora seems to be winning. It’s not just a video editor with plenty of tools, but you can also join two or more videos in MP4 format without sacrificing the video quality.

On the other hand, video merges like Free Video Joiner, Freemake, Media Cope, Boilsoft Video Joiner, and MP4 Joiner have limited options. Plus, they are time-consuming, and some of them even disturb the video and audio quality when clips are merged through them.


Q1. What is the best video merger for MP4?

There are many excellent video mergers to combine MP4 videos. Most users recommend Filmora because it works flawlessly on MAC and Windows operating systems. Besides, it’s a user-friendly software that even non-professional people can use to join MP4 videos.

Q2. What is the fastest video merger for MP4 clips?

Filmora by Wondershare is one of the fastest video mergers. You can merge videos by working on the timeline, which ultimately saves your time. And you can export merged videos in MP4 or any other format without many struggles. The second and third options are Media Cope and Boilsoft Video Joiner. Although they are a bit old-fashioned, you will still find them more accessible and fast than other MP4 mergers.

Q3. How do I merge MP4 videos without losing quality?

Merging MP4 videos without losing the quality depends on your software to combine videos. Filmora never disappoints its users when it comes to quality. As a matter of fact, you can choose your own resolution from the export settings menu when saving the merged MP4 video in your Windows or MAC computer.

02 Freemake Video Converter

03 Boilsoft Video Joiner

04 Media Cope

05 MP4Joiner by MP4Tools

06 Filmora by Wondershare

Part 1: Free Video Joiner (For Windows Users Only)

Free Video Joiner is a free tool to use for Windows users. You can join multiple videos to turn into a big video file. The software allows you to convert WMV, MPG, MPEG, AVI, and MOV files into MP4, MOV, WMV, and AVI. You can also “Save As” videos in VCD and DVD, iPhone, iPod, Zune, or PSP video formats.

The company claims “no quality loss” when the complete video is out. However, you have to be very picky when selecting the first video in your list to merge with others because the Free Video Joiner keeps the same width and height of the merged file as of the first video.

So, for instance, if you have 10 videos in the list to merge in the MP4 format, the first video has 1280 x 720 dimensions while the rest are 1920 x 1080. Then, the final merged video will be available to you in the same width and height as the first video (1280 x 720).

Merging Videos in Free Video Joiner

Step1: Download Free Video Joiner

Open your browser and go to the Free Video Joiner website. Then, click the “Download” button on the page to save the setup on your computer.


Step 2: Install and Run Free Video Joiner

Now, double-click on the Free Video Joiner set up to install it in your system. It will hardly take a few seconds for the entire software to get into your system’s hard drive.

Once the software is installed, open the software, and you will see the interface like this.


Step 3: Add Files

Click on the “Add Files” button.


And select the clips you want to merge in MP4.


To change the order of the videos, you can use the “Move Up” or “Move Down” button.


Step 4: Select Output Folder

Choose your output directory to save the merged file by clicking on the “Select” button.


Then, click on the “Video” tab to choose the format of your joined video. Also, take your time to choose the “Presets” from the drop-down menu below the video tab.

As you can see, MP4 is selected in the screenshot below.


Step 5: Staring Merging in MP4

Now, click on the “Join Now” button.


You will see that the “Overall Progress” bar will begin to increase.


Once the bar is 100%, click on the “Open Folder” button to directly visit the folder where you will find the merged video. Or click the “Finish” button if you wish to start another project.


Part 2: Freemake Video Converter (For Windows Users Only)

Freemake Video Converter is reliable software to convert videos without registration. The program is free to download with more than 180 million users worldwide. And not just the MP4, but you can convert videos in all the popular formats and use the program to copy and burn DVDs.

Apart from the video conversion feature, you can use Freemake to merge your MP4 videos from your Windows operating system. However, the software is unavailable for MAC users, and it is one of the major drawbacks of this video merger.

Merging Videos in Freemake Video Converter

Step 1: Download Freemake Video Converter

First, go to the Freemake Video Converter website and click on the “Free Download” button.


Then, install the software on your computer and open it. The software appears to be simple like this.


Step 2: Add Videos

Click on the “Video” tab from the top menu to select videos you want to merge.


As you can see below, two videos are uploaded on the software.


Step 3: Rearrange Video Order

If you wish to rearrange the videos, you can do it by simply dragging the video up or down with the help of your mouse.


For example, the “Photo Slideshow” video, which was previously on the top, is now placed beneath the “Intro” video.


That means the merged video will begin from the “Intro” video, and then the “Photo Slideshow” will continue right after the first clip ends. All be done without any break or pause.

Step 4: Join Videos

After rearranging the videos, use your mouse to select clips by clicking once on each video. All selected videos will be highlighted in the “light blue” color.


Then, take the mouse cursor on the top-right side of the software and turn on the “Join Files” button by clicking on it.


You will see that a merged video will be added to the software.

For instance, you can see that a new file has been added to the interface, showing the number of merged files in the red circle.


The above screenshot represents a single merged video that includes two files.

Step 5: Choose Your Output Video Format

Look at the bottom of the software to see different video formats, and click on “MP4.”


Click on the “Preset” menu to choose the format and size of the output video. Then, select the output folder.


Step 6: Save Your Video

Lastly, click on the “Convert” button to allow the software to merge the video in MP4 format and save it on your computer.


Part 3: Boilsoft Video Joiner (For Windows and MAC Users)

Boilsoft Video Joiner is a video merger tool to join MP4, WMA, WMV, ASF, 3GP, RMVB/RM, MPG, MPEG, AVI, VOB, FLV, and MKV clips into one complete single video. You can download the free trial version or buy the full software for your MAC and Windows operating systems.

Boilsoft Video Joiner also offers Encode mode and Direct Stream mode, allowing you to merge clips efficiently into different formats at great speed.

Merging Videos in Boilsoft Video Joiner

Step 1: Download and Install Boilsoft Video Joiner

Visit the Boilsoft Video Joiner website from your computer browser and click on the “Download” tab.


If you want to install the software on Windows OS, then click on the “Windows” tab and then click on the “Download” button next to the “Boilsoft Video Joiner” software.


Contrarily, you can download the program for MAC operating system by clicking on the “Mac” tab and clicking the “Download” button.


Now, run the installer to install the software on your computer and open it.


Note: The screenshots are from the previous version of Boilsoft Video Joiner. However, this tutorial’s steps to merge MP4 videos are workable on the latest version.

Step 2: Add Videos in Boilsoft Video Joiner

Click on the “Add File” icon on the top menu to add the clips you want to join together.


Here you can see that two files have been uploaded. Plus, with the small green “arrow” buttons, you can rearrange the order of the clips.


Step 3: Merge Videos

Find the “Merge” option on the top menu, and click it.


Then, choose the “Direct Stream” mode or “Encode Mode” from the merge mode options, and click on the “OK” button.


Note: It is suggested to choose the “Direct Stream” mode if you want files to be converted in the MP4 format.

Step 4: Save Joined Video

After clicking the “OK” button, choose the folder to save the merged video on your computer. And click the “Save” button.


A green progress bar will start until you see the “Finished” message above the bar, confirming that the video has been merged. So, click the “Open Folder” button to see the joined video in MP4 format.


Part 4: Media Cope (For Windows Users Only)

Media Cope is free software with multiple features, including audio and video joiner. The software is available for Windows users only but does not support the latest Windows versions. So, if you are running XP, Vista, Windows 7, or Windows 8, you can easily install the software on your computer.

Although the software doesn’t support MAC, you can still join and save the videos on your iPhone. Nevertheless, the developers assure that the software supports all major formats, such as MP4, MOV, 3GP, AC3, AMR, WAV, MKV, FLV, DIVX, AVI, and many more.

Merging Videos in Media Cope

Step 1: Download and Install Media Cope

Downloading Media Cope is no big deal. All you need to do is go to the official Media Cope’s website and click on the “Download” tab on the top menu.


Once you are taken to another page, click on the “Download” button to save the setup on your computer.


Double click the “MediaCopeSetup.exe” file to install the software. It will only take a few minutes to install the complete program on your PC.

So, after installing Media Cope, open the program, and you will see a blank screen with several options on the top and bottom of the interface.


Step 2: Add Files

Click on the “Audio/Video Joiner” tab to select your video clips.


Select your clips and click on the “Add” button to transfer files on the software.


As you can see, two video files are added to the platform.


Step 3: Choose Output Format

If you look down in the software, you will find the “Output Format” options. So, choose your format (MP4 recommended) and select the video quality from the drop-down menu.


Step 4: Merge Videos and Save

Now, click on the “Join” button, choose your output folder, and give time to complete the process.


After the process ends, enjoy your merged video in the output folder.

Part 5: MP4Joiner by MP4Tools (For Windows, MAC, and Linux Users)

MP4Joiner is a free software to join MP4 format videos into one single video that comes with an MP4Splitter. This software duo is called MP4Tools. So don’t get confused by the name when downloading the program on your PC.

A good thing about MP4Joiner is that it is developed for multiple platforms, such as Windows, MAC, and Linux. But unfortunately, it only supports “win32,” “Mac 10.10 and Catalina,” and “BZ2” file extension.

Merging Videos in MP4Joiner

Step 1: Download MP4Joiner

The first step requires downloading MP4Joiner on your computer according to your operating system. To do that, go to the MP4Joiner’s site. And click on any one of the following “.exe” files to download the setup.


Then, install the program in your Windows, MAC, or Linux, and run it. The interface is extremely simple, with no confusing options.


Step 2: Add Files in MP4Joiner

Next, click on the “Add Video” tab with a green “+” sign.


Doing so will help you choose videos you want to join together. So, select the videos and click on the “Open” button, as shown in the screenshot below.


Step 3: Start Joining Videos

Once all your selected videos are imported on the interface, click on the “Join” tab.


Then, choose the folder where you want the merged video to be saved, and click the “Save” button.


A new window will appear, showing a green progress bar.


Wait until you see the “Successful” note on the top of the progress bar, and then click on the “Close” button.


Go to your output folder to watch the joined video in the MP4 format.

Filmora Video Editor is one of the famous video editing software by Wondershare. It is like a gateway to creativity for beginner and experienced editors. The software offers a wide range of tools and presets, which makes video editing quick and easy.

This video editing tool is for both MAC and Windows users. You can use the software by choosing a suitable pricing plan or downloading the free version if the watermark is not an issue.

Gladly, Filmora can help you merge your videos without destroying a pixel in any format of your choice, including MP4. Also, the process is pretty simple, time-saving, and fun. Furthermore, you can also include flavors to your video merger by adding several transitions and effects to your videos.

Free Download

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Free Download

For macOS 10.14 or later

Merging Videos in MP4Joiner

Step 1: Download Filmora by Wondershare

Enter Filmora’s website in your browser to visit the homepage and click on the blue “Free Download” button.


After downloading the setup, install the software on your device. The process will only take a few minutes. Then, open Filmora, and you will see a modern-designed interface with all the tools and presets right in front of your eyes.


Step 2: Import Videos You Want to Merge

Use your mouse to click the blue “+” icon in the center of the software to import videos from your computer.


Then, drag-and-drop the videos to your timeline. But make sure that you place both clips on the same timeline. As you can see below, there are two clips. The first clip is named “Travel 05,” while the second video is called “Travel 06.”


Step 3: Fill the Gap to Merge

When you will drag-and-drop videos on the timeline, the chances are that there will be a gap or a blank space between the two clips, like this.


If this blank space is left untreated, the merged video will include this empty black space, as you can see on the preview screen.


Therefore, use your right mouse click to hold the second video and drag it to the wall of the first video without leaving any gap in between both clips.


Great! You have already merged the videos. Now, let’s move on to the final step.

Step 4: Export the Joined Video and Save in MP4

Click on the “Export” option on the left of the preview screen to see the settings window.


Under the “Local” tab, select “MP4” and feel free to perform other changes, such as choosing an output folder, renaming the merged video, picking the resolution, and more. Once you are satisfied with the settings, click on the “Export” button (on the right bottom of the screen) to save the video on your computer.


And it’s done!

Bottom Line

Among the 6 best MP4 mergers, Filmora seems to be winning. It’s not just a video editor with plenty of tools, but you can also join two or more videos in MP4 format without sacrificing the video quality.

On the other hand, video merges like Free Video Joiner, Freemake, Media Cope, Boilsoft Video Joiner, and MP4 Joiner have limited options. Plus, they are time-consuming, and some of them even disturb the video and audio quality when clips are merged through them.


Q1. What is the best video merger for MP4?

There are many excellent video mergers to combine MP4 videos. Most users recommend Filmora because it works flawlessly on MAC and Windows operating systems. Besides, it’s a user-friendly software that even non-professional people can use to join MP4 videos.

Q2. What is the fastest video merger for MP4 clips?

Filmora by Wondershare is one of the fastest video mergers. You can merge videos by working on the timeline, which ultimately saves your time. And you can export merged videos in MP4 or any other format without many struggles. The second and third options are Media Cope and Boilsoft Video Joiner. Although they are a bit old-fashioned, you will still find them more accessible and fast than other MP4 mergers.

Q3. How do I merge MP4 videos without losing quality?

Merging MP4 videos without losing the quality depends on your software to combine videos. Filmora never disappoints its users when it comes to quality. As a matter of fact, you can choose your own resolution from the export settings menu when saving the merged MP4 video in your Windows or MAC computer.

Also read:

  • Title: Updated 2024 Approved A Guide to Effective Video Marketing
  • Author: Chloe
  • Created at : 2024-04-24 07:08:28
  • Updated at : 2024-04-25 07:08:28
  • Link: https://ai-editing-video.techidaily.com/updated-2024-approved-a-guide-to-effective-video-marketing/
  • License: This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.
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Updated 2024 Approved A Guide to Effective Video Marketing