Updated 2024 Approved How To Be A Successful YouTuber

Updated 2024 Approved How To Be A Successful YouTuber

Chloe Lv12

How To Be A Successful YouTuber

Over the last few years, YouTube has gone from being a small video website containing funny videos, to the world’s second-largest search engine. YouTube currently boasts more than 2 billion video views per week. It can also provide a low-cost to no-cost solution to making a social marketing channel for your hobby or business. Most of the time, success is not achieved overnight.

Creating a YouTube channel that will be successful takes a lot of time, effort, planning, and work to kickstart it from zero. In this article, we will be covering the most important topics you have to remember when becoming a successful YouTube star.

  1. Watch Time
  2. Average view duration
  3. Audience Retention
  • Promotion and Marketing
  1. YouTube’s Community Tab
  2. Social Media Advertisements

With that said, let’s get into it!

Successful YouTuber

Successful YouTuber

1. Understand ‘Success’ Means

YouTube’s success is based on the premise that all visitors need the same thing. Search, find, and leave as fast as possible. Kind of like a store. But YouTube visitors have much more diverse needs than you might think. Some come to watch short clips of cats doing silly things, others to view TV shows or how to learn an instrument, cooking, maintain a car, and so much more.

The way your success is measured is by the number of viewers you get onto your channel. No matter what kind of content you upload, whether it’s about music, education, when you turn viewers into subscribers, dedicated fans, and supporters, that is how you can measure your success and how you can get as many new people through the door and make them stick around because they love what you do and what value you are to them. We are going more in-depth in the other stages of this article about analytics and measurements.

Understanding What 'Success' Means

Understand What ‘Success’ Means

2. Create Your Plan

When it comes to building a successful YouTube channel, consistency is super important. You are more likely to gain success if you have a well-thought-out plan and a strategy for uploading content. Instead of uploading once per month, try once per week if your time schedule allows it so your new viewers know when to expect a new video. Planning is super important because it will allow you to stick to a schedule. If you have a lot of time to create videos, people tend to get used to that schedule. Once you’re planning becomes less structured because of lack of time, it can confuse viewers as consistency is important. People do not like change, or it will take time for them to get used to a new schedule, especially if it changes often.

Creating Your Plan

Create Your Plan

3. Make Your YouTube Videos

After you created your plan, your strategy, and all the preparation, it is time to start filming! We highly recommend working with an upload schedule, so you know which videos to create and when they have to be finished. Try to have a good overall layout and theme for your videos from the start so people know who you are and what you do. Once you started filming you can continue the process and keep producing.

Filmora Note

Note: If you have less time, you can create more videos in one filming session so you have a bulk library you can release over the period when you don’t have time for creating content.

Making Your YouTube Videos

Make Your YouTube Videos

It’s highly recommended to write down a list of topics for videos so you can have your same recording set ready to go for whenever you start shooting. If you are able to keep a dedicated space to keep your set, that’s a huge plus instead of having to tear everything down and setting up again each time you film and it gives your viewers a consistent idea of what they can expect any time new video releases onto your YouTube channel.

4. Use Analytics to Improve

Some marketers could have an unhealthy relationship with analytics. They track too many of the numbers. Maybe we think we can prove any marketing campaign is producing results if there’s an eye-catching percentage. But we all know that some metrics are a lot more revealing than other types of statistics.

We have listed 3 important types of metrics you have to study to truly understand your audience.

❶ Watch Time

The Watch Time is the total amount of minutes viewers have spent watching your content. It’s a key metric because YouTube pushes videos and channels with higher Watch Times in their search results and recommendations section. YouTube does this because the more Watch Time a video has, the more engaging their algorithm knows it is and YouTube like to recommend videos that keep viewers as long as possible on the platform.

Watch Time

Watch Time

In the Watch Time section, you can see the amount of Watch Time your videos have generated. You can also rank each of your videos by Watch Time and group your videos by styles, lengths and themes to determine your most engaging videos.

❷ Average view duration

Your Average view duration is the total Watch Time of your video divided by the total number of video playbacks, also including replays. This metric measures your video’s ability to engage people. If your video can’t engage new visitors, they’ll jump off from your video quite fast, leaving you with an unimpressive average view duration. If you create a high-performing video, your Average view duration and total Watch Time will increase over time and boost your search and recommendations rankings by a lot.

Average view duration

Average View Duration

❸ Audience Retention

Let’s talk about Audience Retention. If your video is longer than five minutes, and Audience Retention is more than 50%, you are going in the right direction. A hook is something that grabs a viewer’s attention and will result in them staying longer on your video or browsing your other content. We recommend regularly reviewing your videos to ensure you aren’t attracting visitors to outdated content. Older videos can turn them away and they may view your YouTube channel as less trustworthy or valuable as a source for the information that they are looking for. Updated videos are high-quality videos.

Audience Retention

Audience Retention

5. Promotion and Marketing

Now it is time to let all your hard work pay off! There is one last thing to focus on so your videos will generate your desired results. Promoting your video is important when it comes to letting it find the target audience. We have listed a few options for promoting and marketing your content.

Promotion and marketing

Promotion and Marketing

❶ YouTube’s Community Tab

Tips for You

1. Make a Post

To create a YouTube Community post on your computer or smartphone, go navigate to your YouTube channel, and look for the tab called “Community.”

2. Tag Content Creators

Now you can make a post and add either an image or a video to it to promote it! You can also tag other content creators by writing an @ symbol in front of the channel’s name.

To create a YouTube Community post on your computer or smartphone, go navigate to your YouTube channel, and look for the tab called “Community.” Now you can make a post and add either an image or a video to it to promote it! You can also tag other content creators by writing an @ symbol in front of the channel’s name.

❷ Social Media Advertisements

Tips for You

1. Targeting Teens at Tiktok

When choosing where to place your advertisements, it’s helpful to understand which networks are most popular with your target audience. Targeting teens? TikTok is where to find them. Older generations love Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, and Instagram.

2. Find Social Networks for Your Brand

Try looking at which social networks perform well organically for your brand. Where does your content naturally strike a chord with fans? This is an obvious choice for your first social ad campaign.

With that said, let’s get into it!

Successful YouTuber

Successful YouTuber

1. Understand ‘Success’ Means

YouTube’s success is based on the premise that all visitors need the same thing. Search, find, and leave as fast as possible. Kind of like a store. But YouTube visitors have much more diverse needs than you might think. Some come to watch short clips of cats doing silly things, others to view TV shows or how to learn an instrument, cooking, maintain a car, and so much more.

The way your success is measured is by the number of viewers you get onto your channel. No matter what kind of content you upload, whether it’s about music, education, when you turn viewers into subscribers, dedicated fans, and supporters, that is how you can measure your success and how you can get as many new people through the door and make them stick around because they love what you do and what value you are to them. We are going more in-depth in the other stages of this article about analytics and measurements.

Understanding What 'Success' Means

Understand What ‘Success’ Means

2. Create Your Plan

When it comes to building a successful YouTube channel, consistency is super important. You are more likely to gain success if you have a well-thought-out plan and a strategy for uploading content. Instead of uploading once per month, try once per week if your time schedule allows it so your new viewers know when to expect a new video. Planning is super important because it will allow you to stick to a schedule. If you have a lot of time to create videos, people tend to get used to that schedule. Once you’re planning becomes less structured because of lack of time, it can confuse viewers as consistency is important. People do not like change, or it will take time for them to get used to a new schedule, especially if it changes often.

Creating Your Plan

Create Your Plan

3. Make Your YouTube Videos

After you created your plan, your strategy, and all the preparation, it is time to start filming! We highly recommend working with an upload schedule, so you know which videos to create and when they have to be finished. Try to have a good overall layout and theme for your videos from the start so people know who you are and what you do. Once you started filming you can continue the process and keep producing.

Filmora Note

Note: If you have less time, you can create more videos in one filming session so you have a bulk library you can release over the period when you don’t have time for creating content.

Making Your YouTube Videos

Make Your YouTube Videos

It’s highly recommended to write down a list of topics for videos so you can have your same recording set ready to go for whenever you start shooting. If you are able to keep a dedicated space to keep your set, that’s a huge plus instead of having to tear everything down and setting up again each time you film and it gives your viewers a consistent idea of what they can expect any time new video releases onto your YouTube channel.

4. Use Analytics to Improve

Some marketers could have an unhealthy relationship with analytics. They track too many of the numbers. Maybe we think we can prove any marketing campaign is producing results if there’s an eye-catching percentage. But we all know that some metrics are a lot more revealing than other types of statistics.

We have listed 3 important types of metrics you have to study to truly understand your audience.

❶ Watch Time

The Watch Time is the total amount of minutes viewers have spent watching your content. It’s a key metric because YouTube pushes videos and channels with higher Watch Times in their search results and recommendations section. YouTube does this because the more Watch Time a video has, the more engaging their algorithm knows it is and YouTube like to recommend videos that keep viewers as long as possible on the platform.

Watch Time

Watch Time

In the Watch Time section, you can see the amount of Watch Time your videos have generated. You can also rank each of your videos by Watch Time and group your videos by styles, lengths and themes to determine your most engaging videos.

❷ Average view duration

Your Average view duration is the total Watch Time of your video divided by the total number of video playbacks, also including replays. This metric measures your video’s ability to engage people. If your video can’t engage new visitors, they’ll jump off from your video quite fast, leaving you with an unimpressive average view duration. If you create a high-performing video, your Average view duration and total Watch Time will increase over time and boost your search and recommendations rankings by a lot.

Average view duration

Average View Duration

❸ Audience Retention

Let’s talk about Audience Retention. If your video is longer than five minutes, and Audience Retention is more than 50%, you are going in the right direction. A hook is something that grabs a viewer’s attention and will result in them staying longer on your video or browsing your other content. We recommend regularly reviewing your videos to ensure you aren’t attracting visitors to outdated content. Older videos can turn them away and they may view your YouTube channel as less trustworthy or valuable as a source for the information that they are looking for. Updated videos are high-quality videos.

Audience Retention

Audience Retention

5. Promotion and Marketing

Now it is time to let all your hard work pay off! There is one last thing to focus on so your videos will generate your desired results. Promoting your video is important when it comes to letting it find the target audience. We have listed a few options for promoting and marketing your content.

Promotion and marketing

Promotion and Marketing

❶ YouTube’s Community Tab

Tips for You

1. Make a Post

To create a YouTube Community post on your computer or smartphone, go navigate to your YouTube channel, and look for the tab called “Community.”

2. Tag Content Creators

Now you can make a post and add either an image or a video to it to promote it! You can also tag other content creators by writing an @ symbol in front of the channel’s name.

To create a YouTube Community post on your computer or smartphone, go navigate to your YouTube channel, and look for the tab called “Community.” Now you can make a post and add either an image or a video to it to promote it! You can also tag other content creators by writing an @ symbol in front of the channel’s name.

❷ Social Media Advertisements

Tips for You

1. Targeting Teens at Tiktok

When choosing where to place your advertisements, it’s helpful to understand which networks are most popular with your target audience. Targeting teens? TikTok is where to find them. Older generations love Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, and Instagram.

2. Find Social Networks for Your Brand

Try looking at which social networks perform well organically for your brand. Where does your content naturally strike a chord with fans? This is an obvious choice for your first social ad campaign.

This Article Can Help You Know How to Crop Video in After Effects and on the Alternative by Using Wondershare Filmora. I Know that It May Seem Confusing to Compare These Two at First. But, I’ll Provide an Explanation to Get the Cropped Video that You Want

Cropping a video is part of the process of video edting. Not all video editing software can be obtained freely. There are some that you need to spend to get the professional output that you aim for. After Effects,a member of the Adobe tools that exist can enhance your videos to another level. This article can help you know how to crop video in After Effects and on the alternative by using Wondershare Filmora. I know that it may seem confusing to compare these two at first. But, I’ll provide an explanation to get the cropped video that you want.

Method 1: Cropping a Video using After Effects

After Effects is a professional motion graphics tool that can create outputs that are beyond the limits of reality. Like the other Adobe tools, this comes with a subscription fee to be able to maximize this product. But, is the price worth the risk? The “ Adobe” brand is known for its quality applications and customer’s satisfaction.

Let’s start with using this tool. The situation is that you want to crop your video using Adobe After Effects but you don’t know how to start. Search for the application on your computer. Launch it, then click the New Project. If you have files from your storage then select the New Composition Footage.


Check if the video is already in the interface. Find the Magnifying tab and zoom out the video into 50%. After that, click the Grid icon and Proportional Grid.


Click the Square icon, it is located beside the Pencil icon at the top section. The shape’s purpose is to crop the video section that you want to remain. If you’re done cutting then you should unclick the Proportional grid, and the video’s magnification should be 100%. Afterwards, you can check the pixel aspect ratio correction in the After Effects. You need to go through the video before saving your project. This is to avoid unnecessary errors that will make the process troublesome.


Already satisfied with the cropped video? Then, select File, Export and finally Add to Render Queue. Check on the Render Settings (located bottom of the interface) to ensure high quality output. Following that, hit the Output To part and decide the destination and folder where you want it to be.


Watch your cropped video and go ahead and repeat this with your other videos. After practicing this process many times, this will come to you as easy. If you get lost while following the instructions go back to this guide until it becomes a part of your memory.

Congratulations on making your first cropped video using After Effects! What was your experience while following through the guide? I hope that the information presented here is easy to understand and implement.

Even though it is not a free application, I hope you have experienced the advantages of using this compared to other tools. Did it come as a surprise for you that you can crop a video not just in Adobe Premiere but also in After Effects as well?

I hope that fear will not hinder you from trying this tool to crop your videos.

Method 2: Cropping a Video using Wondershare Filmora

If you didn’t know there is also an awesome video editing software called Wondershare Filmora Video Editor .

You can try it by searching the internet and downloading it on your computer. If simplicity is your priority then this may suit you perfectly. If you’re still hesitant then read the reviews and watch how others are using it.

There is no need to worry if you have a tight budget as downloading this would be free. You just need to go to the official site. Do not be scared of trying with something unfamiliar. I will guide you with using it and utilizing it to get the result that you dream of.

Wondershare Filmora just like the others that exist are video editors that will turn your raw videos into the vision that you like. Thanks to these applications, the gruesome process of manually cutting it by hand and permanently altering the footage are gone. You can make how many changes that you want without damaging the original video.

Free Download

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Free Download

For macOS 10.14 or later

Are you done installing the application? If you have any encountered issues with installing it, you can contact customer support.

Not only does it have a straightforward and simple interface but it is also packed with useful tools that can turn your video into another level. But, you should not be overwhelmed by the number of icons and features that exist. Take a deep breath and proceed to opening it in your computer.


Preparation is a must especially if you have multiple videos on your computer. A good tip would be renaming them by the sequence you plan to have. And, you could also place them in folders to avoid repetition and double copies. Once you’re done, you can drag and drop your video or

click the Import.


Go ahead and select the video clip that you want to crop. Then, click the Crop tool and choose if you want the Crop or Pan & Zoom. Yes, you have options on what kind of crop you want it to be.


An alternative way is by right clicking the video clip .Under the Video tab you can select the Crop and Zoom or Crop to Fit then adjust to your preferred ratio.


You can review the cropped video to think through if this is the portion that you want to be included. Unlike other applications, you can go back and adjust it to your liking.

If you’re finally satisfied then you can export it. Choose the output format and you can also rename the file. Clicking the settings button will offer you additional options of your video output.

After all that, you have the cropped video that you can either upload or repurpose in another content. Did you enjoy the process of cropping it in Wondershare Filmora?

Remember, that you have the option to batch crop multiple video clips on this so no need to manually crop and export it. You can see the big picture and monitor if the flow makes sense to you.

Don’t you think that the subscription is worth it? There is a trial that you could check out to test its capabilities and awesomeness.

The Bottom Line

You are once again done with the process of checking out these two applications. After Effects and Wondershare Filmora have a different process when it comes to cropping videos. I hope that you had a clearer understanding on which of these two would suit your video editing needs. The interface also could change your mind depending if you want simplicity or a challenge. Price is also a factor that can affect your willingness to use these applications. But, this guide clearly shows you that it is worth paying for.

What are your thoughts on both of these tools? Did you find this information to be helpful?

Check if the video is already in the interface. Find the Magnifying tab and zoom out the video into 50%. After that, click the Grid icon and Proportional Grid.


Click the Square icon, it is located beside the Pencil icon at the top section. The shape’s purpose is to crop the video section that you want to remain. If you’re done cutting then you should unclick the Proportional grid, and the video’s magnification should be 100%. Afterwards, you can check the pixel aspect ratio correction in the After Effects. You need to go through the video before saving your project. This is to avoid unnecessary errors that will make the process troublesome.


Already satisfied with the cropped video? Then, select File, Export and finally Add to Render Queue. Check on the Render Settings (located bottom of the interface) to ensure high quality output. Following that, hit the Output To part and decide the destination and folder where you want it to be.


Watch your cropped video and go ahead and repeat this with your other videos. After practicing this process many times, this will come to you as easy. If you get lost while following the instructions go back to this guide until it becomes a part of your memory.

Congratulations on making your first cropped video using After Effects! What was your experience while following through the guide? I hope that the information presented here is easy to understand and implement.

Even though it is not a free application, I hope you have experienced the advantages of using this compared to other tools. Did it come as a surprise for you that you can crop a video not just in Adobe Premiere but also in After Effects as well?

I hope that fear will not hinder you from trying this tool to crop your videos.

Method 2: Cropping a Video using Wondershare Filmora

If you didn’t know there is also an awesome video editing software called Wondershare Filmora Video Editor .

You can try it by searching the internet and downloading it on your computer. If simplicity is your priority then this may suit you perfectly. If you’re still hesitant then read the reviews and watch how others are using it.

There is no need to worry if you have a tight budget as downloading this would be free. You just need to go to the official site. Do not be scared of trying with something unfamiliar. I will guide you with using it and utilizing it to get the result that you dream of.

Wondershare Filmora just like the others that exist are video editors that will turn your raw videos into the vision that you like. Thanks to these applications, the gruesome process of manually cutting it by hand and permanently altering the footage are gone. You can make how many changes that you want without damaging the original video.

Free Download

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Free Download

For macOS 10.14 or later

Are you done installing the application? If you have any encountered issues with installing it, you can contact customer support.

Not only does it have a straightforward and simple interface but it is also packed with useful tools that can turn your video into another level. But, you should not be overwhelmed by the number of icons and features that exist. Take a deep breath and proceed to opening it in your computer.


Preparation is a must especially if you have multiple videos on your computer. A good tip would be renaming them by the sequence you plan to have. And, you could also place them in folders to avoid repetition and double copies. Once you’re done, you can drag and drop your video or

click the Import.


Go ahead and select the video clip that you want to crop. Then, click the Crop tool and choose if you want the Crop or Pan & Zoom. Yes, you have options on what kind of crop you want it to be.


An alternative way is by right clicking the video clip .Under the Video tab you can select the Crop and Zoom or Crop to Fit then adjust to your preferred ratio.


You can review the cropped video to think through if this is the portion that you want to be included. Unlike other applications, you can go back and adjust it to your liking.

If you’re finally satisfied then you can export it. Choose the output format and you can also rename the file. Clicking the settings button will offer you additional options of your video output.

After all that, you have the cropped video that you can either upload or repurpose in another content. Did you enjoy the process of cropping it in Wondershare Filmora?

Remember, that you have the option to batch crop multiple video clips on this so no need to manually crop and export it. You can see the big picture and monitor if the flow makes sense to you.

Don’t you think that the subscription is worth it? There is a trial that you could check out to test its capabilities and awesomeness.

The Bottom Line

You are once again done with the process of checking out these two applications. After Effects and Wondershare Filmora have a different process when it comes to cropping videos. I hope that you had a clearer understanding on which of these two would suit your video editing needs. The interface also could change your mind depending if you want simplicity or a challenge. Price is also a factor that can affect your willingness to use these applications. But, this guide clearly shows you that it is worth paying for.

What are your thoughts on both of these tools? Did you find this information to be helpful?

Check if the video is already in the interface. Find the Magnifying tab and zoom out the video into 50%. After that, click the Grid icon and Proportional Grid.


Click the Square icon, it is located beside the Pencil icon at the top section. The shape’s purpose is to crop the video section that you want to remain. If you’re done cutting then you should unclick the Proportional grid, and the video’s magnification should be 100%. Afterwards, you can check the pixel aspect ratio correction in the After Effects. You need to go through the video before saving your project. This is to avoid unnecessary errors that will make the process troublesome.


Already satisfied with the cropped video? Then, select File, Export and finally Add to Render Queue. Check on the Render Settings (located bottom of the interface) to ensure high quality output. Following that, hit the Output To part and decide the destination and folder where you want it to be.


Watch your cropped video and go ahead and repeat this with your other videos. After practicing this process many times, this will come to you as easy. If you get lost while following the instructions go back to this guide until it becomes a part of your memory.

Congratulations on making your first cropped video using After Effects! What was your experience while following through the guide? I hope that the information presented here is easy to understand and implement.

Even though it is not a free application, I hope you have experienced the advantages of using this compared to other tools. Did it come as a surprise for you that you can crop a video not just in Adobe Premiere but also in After Effects as well?

I hope that fear will not hinder you from trying this tool to crop your videos.

Method 2: Cropping a Video using Wondershare Filmora

If you didn’t know there is also an awesome video editing software called Wondershare Filmora Video Editor .

You can try it by searching the internet and downloading it on your computer. If simplicity is your priority then this may suit you perfectly. If you’re still hesitant then read the reviews and watch how others are using it.

There is no need to worry if you have a tight budget as downloading this would be free. You just need to go to the official site. Do not be scared of trying with something unfamiliar. I will guide you with using it and utilizing it to get the result that you dream of.

Wondershare Filmora just like the others that exist are video editors that will turn your raw videos into the vision that you like. Thanks to these applications, the gruesome process of manually cutting it by hand and permanently altering the footage are gone. You can make how many changes that you want without damaging the original video.

Free Download

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Free Download

For macOS 10.14 or later

Are you done installing the application? If you have any encountered issues with installing it, you can contact customer support.

Not only does it have a straightforward and simple interface but it is also packed with useful tools that can turn your video into another level. But, you should not be overwhelmed by the number of icons and features that exist. Take a deep breath and proceed to opening it in your computer.


Preparation is a must especially if you have multiple videos on your computer. A good tip would be renaming them by the sequence you plan to have. And, you could also place them in folders to avoid repetition and double copies. Once you’re done, you can drag and drop your video or

click the Import.


Go ahead and select the video clip that you want to crop. Then, click the Crop tool and choose if you want the Crop or Pan & Zoom. Yes, you have options on what kind of crop you want it to be.


An alternative way is by right clicking the video clip .Under the Video tab you can select the Crop and Zoom or Crop to Fit then adjust to your preferred ratio.


You can review the cropped video to think through if this is the portion that you want to be included. Unlike other applications, you can go back and adjust it to your liking.

If you’re finally satisfied then you can export it. Choose the output format and you can also rename the file. Clicking the settings button will offer you additional options of your video output.

After all that, you have the cropped video that you can either upload or repurpose in another content. Did you enjoy the process of cropping it in Wondershare Filmora?

Remember, that you have the option to batch crop multiple video clips on this so no need to manually crop and export it. You can see the big picture and monitor if the flow makes sense to you.

Don’t you think that the subscription is worth it? There is a trial that you could check out to test its capabilities and awesomeness.

The Bottom Line

You are once again done with the process of checking out these two applications. After Effects and Wondershare Filmora have a different process when it comes to cropping videos. I hope that you had a clearer understanding on which of these two would suit your video editing needs. The interface also could change your mind depending if you want simplicity or a challenge. Price is also a factor that can affect your willingness to use these applications. But, this guide clearly shows you that it is worth paying for.

What are your thoughts on both of these tools? Did you find this information to be helpful?

Check if the video is already in the interface. Find the Magnifying tab and zoom out the video into 50%. After that, click the Grid icon and Proportional Grid.


Click the Square icon, it is located beside the Pencil icon at the top section. The shape’s purpose is to crop the video section that you want to remain. If you’re done cutting then you should unclick the Proportional grid, and the video’s magnification should be 100%. Afterwards, you can check the pixel aspect ratio correction in the After Effects. You need to go through the video before saving your project. This is to avoid unnecessary errors that will make the process troublesome.


Already satisfied with the cropped video? Then, select File, Export and finally Add to Render Queue. Check on the Render Settings (located bottom of the interface) to ensure high quality output. Following that, hit the Output To part and decide the destination and folder where you want it to be.


Watch your cropped video and go ahead and repeat this with your other videos. After practicing this process many times, this will come to you as easy. If you get lost while following the instructions go back to this guide until it becomes a part of your memory.

Congratulations on making your first cropped video using After Effects! What was your experience while following through the guide? I hope that the information presented here is easy to understand and implement.

Even though it is not a free application, I hope you have experienced the advantages of using this compared to other tools. Did it come as a surprise for you that you can crop a video not just in Adobe Premiere but also in After Effects as well?

I hope that fear will not hinder you from trying this tool to crop your videos.

Method 2: Cropping a Video using Wondershare Filmora

If you didn’t know there is also an awesome video editing software called Wondershare Filmora Video Editor .

You can try it by searching the internet and downloading it on your computer. If simplicity is your priority then this may suit you perfectly. If you’re still hesitant then read the reviews and watch how others are using it.

There is no need to worry if you have a tight budget as downloading this would be free. You just need to go to the official site. Do not be scared of trying with something unfamiliar. I will guide you with using it and utilizing it to get the result that you dream of.

Wondershare Filmora just like the others that exist are video editors that will turn your raw videos into the vision that you like. Thanks to these applications, the gruesome process of manually cutting it by hand and permanently altering the footage are gone. You can make how many changes that you want without damaging the original video.

Free Download

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Free Download

For macOS 10.14 or later

Are you done installing the application? If you have any encountered issues with installing it, you can contact customer support.

Not only does it have a straightforward and simple interface but it is also packed with useful tools that can turn your video into another level. But, you should not be overwhelmed by the number of icons and features that exist. Take a deep breath and proceed to opening it in your computer.


Preparation is a must especially if you have multiple videos on your computer. A good tip would be renaming them by the sequence you plan to have. And, you could also place them in folders to avoid repetition and double copies. Once you’re done, you can drag and drop your video or

click the Import.


Go ahead and select the video clip that you want to crop. Then, click the Crop tool and choose if you want the Crop or Pan & Zoom. Yes, you have options on what kind of crop you want it to be.


An alternative way is by right clicking the video clip .Under the Video tab you can select the Crop and Zoom or Crop to Fit then adjust to your preferred ratio.


You can review the cropped video to think through if this is the portion that you want to be included. Unlike other applications, you can go back and adjust it to your liking.

If you’re finally satisfied then you can export it. Choose the output format and you can also rename the file. Clicking the settings button will offer you additional options of your video output.

After all that, you have the cropped video that you can either upload or repurpose in another content. Did you enjoy the process of cropping it in Wondershare Filmora?

Remember, that you have the option to batch crop multiple video clips on this so no need to manually crop and export it. You can see the big picture and monitor if the flow makes sense to you.

Don’t you think that the subscription is worth it? There is a trial that you could check out to test its capabilities and awesomeness.

The Bottom Line

You are once again done with the process of checking out these two applications. After Effects and Wondershare Filmora have a different process when it comes to cropping videos. I hope that you had a clearer understanding on which of these two would suit your video editing needs. The interface also could change your mind depending if you want simplicity or a challenge. Price is also a factor that can affect your willingness to use these applications. But, this guide clearly shows you that it is worth paying for.

What are your thoughts on both of these tools? Did you find this information to be helpful?

Figuring Out Proper Ways to Play a Video in Slow Motion on iPhone

Before we dive into how to play a video in slow motion on iPhone, let’s see what they are. In slow motion, the video frame rate is usually manipulated. In manual or automated editing, frame rates increase to add extra seconds to the video. For instance, in normal videos, playback speed is 24, 30, or 60 fps. However, this frame rate can be increased up to 124 or 240 fps in slow motions.

These are the standard values and help achieve accurate and precise slow-motion effects. In this article, the discussion leans toward the making and playing slow-mo. Users will learn how to play videos in slow motion on iPhone. It will introduce tools to create a slow-mo effect and a guide to achieve it.

Part 1:Adding Slow Motion to Video on iPhone (Before & After)

Now that you have an insight into the significance of slow-motion videos, let’s move forward. This section involves a guide on how to play a video in slow motion on iPhone. Here is a guide to adding slow motion in your video before and after recording:

1. Making a Slow Motion Before Recording

This method involves recording a video in slow-motion mode from the start. Apple has already launched this feature in its iPhones and iPads. Here is a step-by-step guide to creating such videos:

Step 1

Open your iPhone and click on the “Camera” application. Once you access it, select “SLO-MO” mode from the bottom.

open camera app

Step 2

Go back and open the “Settings” and select the “Camera” section. In camera settings, select the “Record Slo-mo 1080p at 240 fps.”

change camera settings

2. Making a Slow Motion After Recording

The first method will record your overall video in slow motion. However, you can use the other method to add a slow-mo effect to a specific part. Follow the given instructions to learn how to operate it:

Step 1

Open the “Photos” application from your home screen and click “Albums.” From the featured slider, select the “Slow-mo” option.

access slow mo album

Step 2

Choose a video from this album and go to the “Edit” option at the top right corner.

start editing video

Step 3

Navigate towards the bottom and access the timeline. Choose the specific area for adding the effect and drag the sliders on the vertical lines below. Once satisfied with the slow-motion effect, click the “Done” button.

slow down with slider

Part 2: Some Prominent Third-party Apps Available to Play Video in Slow-Motion

Slow-mo effects enhance the creativity of your videos and let the audience experience new things. Do you still want to learn how to play a video in slow motion on iPhone? Here is a comprehensive guide to creating slow motions:

1. Video Speed: Fast, Slow Motion

This is it if you are looking for an application with advanced features and manual editing. The application offers many video playback options for a suitable slow motion. You can add slow motion to a whole video or a part through timeline editing. The application offers multiple subscriptions with a trial period before use.

video speed fast slow motion

Key Features

  • After editing a video in this application, you can integrate music and text.
  • The speed manipulation doesn’t result in slow-mo but also offers fast speed options.
  • It has an insightful and easy user interface; you can apply color filters after editing.

2. Slo Mo – Speed Up Video Editor

Finding answers about how to play videos in slow motion on iPhone? This is an intuitive application to create slow-mo with a high processing rate. To slow down a video using this application, you can manipulate the video frame to 240 fps. The speed modification is available to apply on specific video parts.

slo mo speed up video editor

Key Features

  • Direct video share options to Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook.
  • The premium version has 170+ music tracks to insert in your edited video.
  • Users can record a live video using this application and apply speed options.

3. Slow Mo & Fast Motion

This video editor is specifically designed for those looking to modify video speed. It enables you to change the whole video speed or the marked area. Whether you want to slow an existing video or record a new one through it, the choice is yours. The video control options are not technical, and anyone can understand them.

slow mo and fast motion

Key Features

  • The tool offers cutting options, and the timeline editing makes it more precise.
  • You can use this application’s built-in features to enhance the visual outlook of video.
  • The application shows support for multiple languages, including Spanish, French, and more.

4. Video Speed Changer – Editor

Whether it’s about changing speed or doing other types of speed edits, this app fits the best. It resolves your how to play videos in slow motion on iPhone problems. It allows you to change the video playback speed via a simple process. Just upload your video and drag the speed slider backward to create a slow-mo.

video speech changer editor

Key Features

  • The tool offers to import or record media through its built-in recorder option.
  • You can also add fast-motion elements like time-lapse, time warp, or hyper-lapse.
  • The user interface is straightforward and leaves no room for confusion.

Bonus Part: Make and Play Your Video in Slow Motion: Use Wondershare Filmora

You might wonder if something is missing if you see a slow-motion video using these applications. This is where you need a professional editor for a smooth slow-mo. Wondershare Filmora is one of the editors that offers frame interpolation. With its optical flow option and high-resolution export settings, you can rely on it.

This AI video editor has two methods of creating a low-motion effect. One method involves uniform speed, and the other is speed ramping. The uniform speed option allows you to manipulate video playback speed using a slider. Meanwhile, speed ramping is a more precise method of modifying video parts.

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Playing and Adding Slow Motion Effect to Video Using Filmora

After hearing about this amazing software, you might want to create a slow-mo. You might wonder how to play videos in slow motion on iPhone using Filmora. Read the step-by-step guide to find your answer:

Step 1Create a New Project and Access Speed Options

Once you have downloaded this software, access the “New Project” button. Then, use the “Command + I” keys to import media and bring it to the timeline. Select the media clip in the timeline and go to the settings panel. Under the “Speed” tab, choose “Uniform Speed” and drag the slider for speed change.

place media to timeline for slomo

Step 2Activate AI Frame Interpolation Option

Once you finish the speed settings, there is a tip to enhance the slow-mo effect. Find the “AI Frame Interpolation” option in the same section and expand it. Select the “Optical Flow” option at the third to smoothen the video.

enable ai frame interpolation option

Step 3Rendering and Exporting

Once you have activated the optical flow, render it to see the results. For this, navigate towards the timeline toolbar and select the “Render Preview” option. It looks like a player with a doted circle around it. Preview the results, readjust if needed, and select the “Export” option to save the video.

do rendering and save video

Key Features of Wondershare Filmora

Along with speed modification, Filmora features unlimited features in its interface. The methods of accessing them are easy as accessibility is the concept it was built on. Here are some of the game-changing features for amateurs and professionals:

1. Compound Clip

We need to add a similar effect or filter to all videos in multiple situations. Instead of applying effects one by one, you can do it at once. This feature merges all videos into one and speeds up the workflow. It simplifies the complex sequences between clips and gives smooth results.

2. Green Screen

Running low on a budget for a film but want to shoot at beautiful locations. Use Filmora’s green screen or Chroma Key feature to replace backgrounds in an accurate manner. You can do this by shooting before a green screen and applying the chroma key later. Afterward, import the clip or picture you want in the background to add.

3. Motion Tracking

Do you want to blur out a whole person or apply an effect throughout the video? With Filmora’s motion tracking option, you can do these types of edits. You can insert motion graphics, animations, filters, and effects via it. Just select the object or person you want to track and activate the motion track.

4. Screen Recorder

Screen recording is important to content creation, especially in tutorial channels. In addition, the reaction or roasting channels and their owners also use this. Filmora offers an extensive screen recording option, including microphone and camera recording. You can manipulate the screen resolution, system settings, and more.


This article aimed to increase readers’ knowledge to effectively add slow-mo effect. Not only did we answer how to play videos in slow motion on iPhone, but we also guided to it. The article discussed some of the leading applications for slowing down video on iPhone. For precise and flawless slow-mo creation, we recommended Wondershare Filmora.

Step 2

Go back and open the “Settings” and select the “Camera” section. In camera settings, select the “Record Slo-mo 1080p at 240 fps.”

change camera settings

2. Making a Slow Motion After Recording

The first method will record your overall video in slow motion. However, you can use the other method to add a slow-mo effect to a specific part. Follow the given instructions to learn how to operate it:

Step 1

Open the “Photos” application from your home screen and click “Albums.” From the featured slider, select the “Slow-mo” option.

access slow mo album

Step 2

Choose a video from this album and go to the “Edit” option at the top right corner.

start editing video

Step 3

Navigate towards the bottom and access the timeline. Choose the specific area for adding the effect and drag the sliders on the vertical lines below. Once satisfied with the slow-motion effect, click the “Done” button.

slow down with slider

Part 2: Some Prominent Third-party Apps Available to Play Video in Slow-Motion

Slow-mo effects enhance the creativity of your videos and let the audience experience new things. Do you still want to learn how to play a video in slow motion on iPhone? Here is a comprehensive guide to creating slow motions:

1. Video Speed: Fast, Slow Motion

This is it if you are looking for an application with advanced features and manual editing. The application offers many video playback options for a suitable slow motion. You can add slow motion to a whole video or a part through timeline editing. The application offers multiple subscriptions with a trial period before use.

video speed fast slow motion

Key Features

  • After editing a video in this application, you can integrate music and text.
  • The speed manipulation doesn’t result in slow-mo but also offers fast speed options.
  • It has an insightful and easy user interface; you can apply color filters after editing.

2. Slo Mo – Speed Up Video Editor

Finding answers about how to play videos in slow motion on iPhone? This is an intuitive application to create slow-mo with a high processing rate. To slow down a video using this application, you can manipulate the video frame to 240 fps. The speed modification is available to apply on specific video parts.

slo mo speed up video editor

Key Features

  • Direct video share options to Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook.
  • The premium version has 170+ music tracks to insert in your edited video.
  • Users can record a live video using this application and apply speed options.

3. Slow Mo & Fast Motion

This video editor is specifically designed for those looking to modify video speed. It enables you to change the whole video speed or the marked area. Whether you want to slow an existing video or record a new one through it, the choice is yours. The video control options are not technical, and anyone can understand them.

slow mo and fast motion

Key Features

  • The tool offers cutting options, and the timeline editing makes it more precise.
  • You can use this application’s built-in features to enhance the visual outlook of video.
  • The application shows support for multiple languages, including Spanish, French, and more.

4. Video Speed Changer – Editor

Whether it’s about changing speed or doing other types of speed edits, this app fits the best. It resolves your how to play videos in slow motion on iPhone problems. It allows you to change the video playback speed via a simple process. Just upload your video and drag the speed slider backward to create a slow-mo.

video speech changer editor

Key Features

  • The tool offers to import or record media through its built-in recorder option.
  • You can also add fast-motion elements like time-lapse, time warp, or hyper-lapse.
  • The user interface is straightforward and leaves no room for confusion.

Bonus Part: Make and Play Your Video in Slow Motion: Use Wondershare Filmora

You might wonder if something is missing if you see a slow-motion video using these applications. This is where you need a professional editor for a smooth slow-mo. Wondershare Filmora is one of the editors that offers frame interpolation. With its optical flow option and high-resolution export settings, you can rely on it.

This AI video editor has two methods of creating a low-motion effect. One method involves uniform speed, and the other is speed ramping. The uniform speed option allows you to manipulate video playback speed using a slider. Meanwhile, speed ramping is a more precise method of modifying video parts.

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Playing and Adding Slow Motion Effect to Video Using Filmora

After hearing about this amazing software, you might want to create a slow-mo. You might wonder how to play videos in slow motion on iPhone using Filmora. Read the step-by-step guide to find your answer:

Step 1Create a New Project and Access Speed Options

Once you have downloaded this software, access the “New Project” button. Then, use the “Command + I” keys to import media and bring it to the timeline. Select the media clip in the timeline and go to the settings panel. Under the “Speed” tab, choose “Uniform Speed” and drag the slider for speed change.

place media to timeline for slomo

Step 2Activate AI Frame Interpolation Option

Once you finish the speed settings, there is a tip to enhance the slow-mo effect. Find the “AI Frame Interpolation” option in the same section and expand it. Select the “Optical Flow” option at the third to smoothen the video.

enable ai frame interpolation option

Step 3Rendering and Exporting

Once you have activated the optical flow, render it to see the results. For this, navigate towards the timeline toolbar and select the “Render Preview” option. It looks like a player with a doted circle around it. Preview the results, readjust if needed, and select the “Export” option to save the video.

do rendering and save video

Key Features of Wondershare Filmora

Along with speed modification, Filmora features unlimited features in its interface. The methods of accessing them are easy as accessibility is the concept it was built on. Here are some of the game-changing features for amateurs and professionals:

1. Compound Clip

We need to add a similar effect or filter to all videos in multiple situations. Instead of applying effects one by one, you can do it at once. This feature merges all videos into one and speeds up the workflow. It simplifies the complex sequences between clips and gives smooth results.

2. Green Screen

Running low on a budget for a film but want to shoot at beautiful locations. Use Filmora’s green screen or Chroma Key feature to replace backgrounds in an accurate manner. You can do this by shooting before a green screen and applying the chroma key later. Afterward, import the clip or picture you want in the background to add.

3. Motion Tracking

Do you want to blur out a whole person or apply an effect throughout the video? With Filmora’s motion tracking option, you can do these types of edits. You can insert motion graphics, animations, filters, and effects via it. Just select the object or person you want to track and activate the motion track.

4. Screen Recorder

Screen recording is important to content creation, especially in tutorial channels. In addition, the reaction or roasting channels and their owners also use this. Filmora offers an extensive screen recording option, including microphone and camera recording. You can manipulate the screen resolution, system settings, and more.


This article aimed to increase readers’ knowledge to effectively add slow-mo effect. Not only did we answer how to play videos in slow motion on iPhone, but we also guided to it. The article discussed some of the leading applications for slowing down video on iPhone. For precise and flawless slow-mo creation, we recommended Wondershare Filmora.

How to Edit A Time Lapse Video on iPhone?

Versatile Video Editor - Wondershare Filmora

An easy and powerful editor

Numerous effects to choose from

Detailed tutorials provided by the official channel

Try It Free Try It Free

Do you want to edit a time lapse video on an iPhone or want to know how to shoot a time-lapse video? If so, you’ve come to the right place.

Time-lapses, which show how much something changes over a period of time are some of the coolest videos you can make.

They aren’t exactly easy to make and edit at first, but we’ve put together this guide to take you through the steps. We’ll give you a few time lapse video ideas, steps to shoot them, and good practices for managing your footage after you’ve shot it.

Let’s get started.

What Is A Time Lapse Video?

In its simplest definition, a time lapse video is a cinematography technique where the frequency at which film frames are captured (the frame rate) is much lower than that used to view the sequence.

When played at normal speed, time appears to be moving faster and thus lapsing. For example, an image of a scene may be captured once every second, then played back at 30 frames per second; the result is an apparent 30 times speed increase.

Time-lapse photography can be considered to be the opposite of slow motion.

How to Shoot A Time-Lapse Video?

Subjects to shoot in a time-lapse video

Wondering what can be shot in a time-lapse video? The answer is any subject that moves, grows, decays, or changes. But what’s more important than the subject is the motion and change that it goes through.

When shooting a time-lapse video, you are composing not only the shot but also the movement of the subject. If a subject doesn’t move or change throughout your film, then it is just a regular video. So try to think of subjects that are constantly moving or changing.

Time-Lapse videos are visually appealing and easy to make. When it comes to subjects that can be chosen to shoot in a time-lapse video, the possibilities are endless. But if you’re stuck for ideas, here are 10 suggestions to get you started:

1. Sunset/Sunrise

These are quite possibly the most common subjects for timelapse videos, but there’s a reason for it! Watching the sun go up and down is always mesmerizing.

2. Clouds

Clouds move very slowly most of the time, making them perfect for time-lapse sequences. You can shoot a single cloud passing overhead, or record a passing storm front as it sweeps across the sky. Depending on the weather conditions and movement of clouds, this can look stunning or simply spectacular!

3. Starry sky

Probably one of the most fascinating time lapse videos is the ones with stars on the move. Time-lapses that capture the Milky Way or starry sky are becoming increasingly popular as camera technology improves. There are even some cameras now that have built-in settings specifically for capturing stars and other celestial bodies.

4. Flowers

Flowers blooming is another fantastic subject for time-lapse photography. The change can be incredibly subtle; however, if you shoot a timelapse over several days or weeks, you will be amazed at just how much they grow and change!

5. Season changing

The most obvious example is trees budding and shedding leaves, but all sorts of plants and animals follow seasonal cycles. You can see flowers blooming, grasses growing, and migrating birds. Even if you don’t have a chance to go somewhere exotic for your subject matter, you can find something interesting right outside your own door.

6. Cars or Pedestrians

If you want something a little more exciting then you can choose things like cars passing by or people walking on the street.

7. Cooking dinner

Got a recipe for dinner that has lots of steps? Rather than just snap photos of the process, why not make a time-lapse video instead? It’s easy and fun to do, especially if you have kids who can help you out!

8. DIY projects

Are you building something? Whether it’s a new table, shelves, or whatever else, set up your camera and take photos as you go along in a time lapse mode and you’ll get a fun time lapse video. It works well to show people how it all came together.

9. Construction work in progress

If you’re watching construction work being done on your property or nearby, consider recording its time lapse video. It’s hard to imagine the amount of resources it takes to construct an office building or skyscraper before it’s finished. Time-lapse videos have helped reveal just how much work goes into something like that.

10. A fun art project

Capturing a time lapse video of an art project can make a mesmerizing video. Whether it’s you or someone else doing the artwork, always capture its time lapse video to show to others what goes into completing an art project. All you need to do is to set your camera up on a tripod aimed at the canvas and capture one or two frames per second to get an excellent time lapse video.

Steps to shoot a time-lapse video

Time-lapse videography is something that most photographers and videographers are familiar with. But, shooting a time-lapse video needs more than setting the camera on a tripod and waiting for it to shoot for several hours.

The amazing thing about time-lapse videos is that they can be shot using your smartphone. There are apps and built-in camera settings to capture time lapse videos with just a click of the button.

If you want to create a time-lapse video that is high quality, you have to use professional cameras, and learn some important steps.

1. Decide on a subject

The movement of clouds, a sunrise or sunset, waves crashing at the beach, cars coming and going in your parking lot, people walking around your office building — all of these subjects can yield great time-lapse sequences.

2. Find a place to set up your camera on tripod

While recording a time-lapse video, it’s important to keep the camera as stable as possible. It ensures a smooth video, making it visually appealing and easy to edit post-shooting. Typically, a tripod is needed for stable recording. If you are not using a tripod, find something steady and level to set it upon.

Important tip: Shoot only with manual settings. You don’t want the camera to adjust for you; rather, you should adjust the camera settings so that it takes optimal pictures. Even if you use auto mode, make sure you take control of the camera and push it to its limits to get great shots.

3. Set the camera focus

Use either autofocus or manual focus to make sure the camera is focused on what you want to be the main subject of the video.

4. Set your exposure settings

Depending on how much the light is going to change over time, you may want to use aperture priority or shutter priority so that the camera will automatically adjust for changes in light. Or, if you know exactly how much light will be changing over time, you could set all exposure settings manually.

5. Calculate how many frames and shots are needed

For example, if you are shooting at 10 frames per second and want a total of 30 seconds of video at 24 fps (which is standard), you will need 720 frames/photos (30 seconds x 24 fps = 720 frames).

6. Import and stitch together

Once you’ve captured the images, import them into a video editing software, stitch them together, and perform necessary editing.

How to Edit The Time Lapse on iPhone?

Now that you’ve recorded a time-lapse video, you might watch it and think it’s slower or faster than you want it to be. Fortunately, you can speed up and slow down the time lapse video on iPhone using iMovie.

Let’s see how to slow down time lapse on iPhone iMovie.

1. Speed up The Time Lapse on iPhone

So you’ve taken a time lapse video on your iPhone and now you’re trying to get it to speed up in iMovie but it looks a little jumpy or there is too much footage. Here’s how to do it in iMovie for iOS.

  • Launch iMovie on your iPhone and start a new project to speed up the captured time-lapse video.
  • Now, tap the plus sign visible at the start of the Projects screen, then select Movie.

tap the plus button

  • From the next window, find and select the recorded time-lapse video you want to speed up.

tap Movie in the New Project window

  • Tap Create Movie button at the center-bottom of the screen.

tap Create Movie at the bottom

  • Now move the playhead to the start of the timeline and tap to select the video. At this point, you’ll see the timeline highlighted in yellow color.
  • Look at the bottom of the screen and you’ll find the Speed icon. Tap the Speed icon and a sliding bar will appear with tortoise on its left side and hare on the right side.

tap the Speed icon

  • To speed up the time-lapse video, move the slider to the right side and you’ll see the duration of the video reduced, indicating time-lapse video has been sped up.

Move the slider forward to increase speed

  • Now click the Play button to preview and then tap Done.

Once you’ve increased the speed of time-lapse video, you can share it and post it where you want.

2. Slow Down The Time Lapse on iPhone

Just like you can speed up the time-lapse video on an iPhone, iMovie lets you slow down the time-lapse video.

Here’s how you can do it:

  • Launch iMovie on your iPhone and start a new project to speed up the captured time-lapse video.
  • Now, tap the plus sign visible at the start of the Projects screen, then select Movie.

tap the plus button in the Projects screen

  • From the next window, find and select your recorded time-lapse video you want to speed up.

Select Movie in the New Project screen

  • Tap Create Movie button at the center-bottom of the screen.

tap Create Movie

  • Now move the playhead to the start of the timeline and tap to select the video. At this point, you’ll see the timeline highlighted in yellow color.
  • Look at the bottom of the screen and you’ll find the Speed icon. Tap the Speed icon and a sliding bar will appear with tortoise on its left side and hare on the right side.

tap the Speed icon

  • To slow down the time-lapse video, move the slider to the left side and you’ll see the duration of the video increased, indicating time-lapse video has been slowed down.

Move the slider backward to slow down

  • Now click the Play button to preview and then tap Done.

Advanced Software: Edit A Time Lapse Video in Wondershare Filmora

If you have professionally captured RAW images of the time-lapse video, you need to use advanced software to stitch them together. That’s where Wondershare Filmora comes into play.

Wondershare Filmore is a professional video editing software with a wide variety of basic to advanced-level editing tools. It allows for turning RAW videos into fun, engaging, and professional videos.

If you need to refine your time-lapse video, you can use it and benefit from its capabilities. Similarly, you can use it to speed up or slow down your time-lapse video.

Let’s see how you can do both with Filmora.

Speed up your time-lapse video

Why speed up a time-lapse in the first place? There are a couple of reasons you might want to speed up your time-lapse.

When shooting with a fast lens, you might want to dial down the shutter speed to achieve more motion blur, to make the scenes more interesting. However, doing so can also create motion blur on time-lapse footage when sped up.

Another reason you might want to speed up your time-lapse is when you have too many frames. When you shoot at low frame rate (e.g. 15 FPS), not everyone will experience the same viewing quality if they don’t have high frame rate monitors. Speeding up the footage is one way to reduce the number of frames without compromising the quality of your video.

Follow these steps to speed up the time-lapse video using Filmora:

  • Download and install Wondershare Filmora on your computer.
  • Launch Filmora and click the New project button to open the video editor or drag and drop the file directly.

tap the New Project button and open the Video Editor

  • Once imported, drag the file to the timeline.

drag the media file to the timeline

  • Click the Speed icon and select the Fast option. Select 2x, 4x, 8x, etc, depending on how much you want to speed up.

tap the Speed button

  • Save the file and use it the way you want.

Slow down your time-lapse video

As the speed at which your time-lapse moves increases, so does the amount of motion blur. This can make for an undesirable look, especially in shots where there is already a lot of movement.

The best way to avoid this is to slow down your time-lapse as much as possible while still maintaining an interesting level of movement within your shot.

You can slow down your time-lapse video in Filmora following the same process as you’d do for speeding-up the video (Explained above). However, there’s only one catch; instead of opting for the Fast option choose Slow when you’re at step 4.


Hopefully, this guide has provided a good knowledge of how to put together your own time lapse video – and how to edit it on iPhone and Wondershare Filmora. It’s easier than you may think, and the resulting videos are quite impressive.

Take your time with it, record your movies from different angles, and don’t be afraid to create something unique and experimental.

Try It Free Try It Free

Try It Free Try It Free

Do you want to edit a time lapse video on an iPhone or want to know how to shoot a time-lapse video? If so, you’ve come to the right place.

Time-lapses, which show how much something changes over a period of time are some of the coolest videos you can make.

They aren’t exactly easy to make and edit at first, but we’ve put together this guide to take you through the steps. We’ll give you a few time lapse video ideas, steps to shoot them, and good practices for managing your footage after you’ve shot it.

Let’s get started.

What Is A Time Lapse Video?

In its simplest definition, a time lapse video is a cinematography technique where the frequency at which film frames are captured (the frame rate) is much lower than that used to view the sequence.

When played at normal speed, time appears to be moving faster and thus lapsing. For example, an image of a scene may be captured once every second, then played back at 30 frames per second; the result is an apparent 30 times speed increase.

Time-lapse photography can be considered to be the opposite of slow motion.

How to Shoot A Time-Lapse Video?

Subjects to shoot in a time-lapse video

Wondering what can be shot in a time-lapse video? The answer is any subject that moves, grows, decays, or changes. But what’s more important than the subject is the motion and change that it goes through.

When shooting a time-lapse video, you are composing not only the shot but also the movement of the subject. If a subject doesn’t move or change throughout your film, then it is just a regular video. So try to think of subjects that are constantly moving or changing.

Time-Lapse videos are visually appealing and easy to make. When it comes to subjects that can be chosen to shoot in a time-lapse video, the possibilities are endless. But if you’re stuck for ideas, here are 10 suggestions to get you started:

1. Sunset/Sunrise

These are quite possibly the most common subjects for timelapse videos, but there’s a reason for it! Watching the sun go up and down is always mesmerizing.

2. Clouds

Clouds move very slowly most of the time, making them perfect for time-lapse sequences. You can shoot a single cloud passing overhead, or record a passing storm front as it sweeps across the sky. Depending on the weather conditions and movement of clouds, this can look stunning or simply spectacular!

3. Starry sky

Probably one of the most fascinating time lapse videos is the ones with stars on the move. Time-lapses that capture the Milky Way or starry sky are becoming increasingly popular as camera technology improves. There are even some cameras now that have built-in settings specifically for capturing stars and other celestial bodies.

4. Flowers

Flowers blooming is another fantastic subject for time-lapse photography. The change can be incredibly subtle; however, if you shoot a timelapse over several days or weeks, you will be amazed at just how much they grow and change!

5. Season changing

The most obvious example is trees budding and shedding leaves, but all sorts of plants and animals follow seasonal cycles. You can see flowers blooming, grasses growing, and migrating birds. Even if you don’t have a chance to go somewhere exotic for your subject matter, you can find something interesting right outside your own door.

6. Cars or Pedestrians

If you want something a little more exciting then you can choose things like cars passing by or people walking on the street.

7. Cooking dinner

Got a recipe for dinner that has lots of steps? Rather than just snap photos of the process, why not make a time-lapse video instead? It’s easy and fun to do, especially if you have kids who can help you out!

8. DIY projects

Are you building something? Whether it’s a new table, shelves, or whatever else, set up your camera and take photos as you go along in a time lapse mode and you’ll get a fun time lapse video. It works well to show people how it all came together.

9. Construction work in progress

If you’re watching construction work being done on your property or nearby, consider recording its time lapse video. It’s hard to imagine the amount of resources it takes to construct an office building or skyscraper before it’s finished. Time-lapse videos have helped reveal just how much work goes into something like that.

10. A fun art project

Capturing a time lapse video of an art project can make a mesmerizing video. Whether it’s you or someone else doing the artwork, always capture its time lapse video to show to others what goes into completing an art project. All you need to do is to set your camera up on a tripod aimed at the canvas and capture one or two frames per second to get an excellent time lapse video.

Steps to shoot a time-lapse video

Time-lapse videography is something that most photographers and videographers are familiar with. But, shooting a time-lapse video needs more than setting the camera on a tripod and waiting for it to shoot for several hours.

The amazing thing about time-lapse videos is that they can be shot using your smartphone. There are apps and built-in camera settings to capture time lapse videos with just a click of the button.

If you want to create a time-lapse video that is high quality, you have to use professional cameras, and learn some important steps.

1. Decide on a subject

The movement of clouds, a sunrise or sunset, waves crashing at the beach, cars coming and going in your parking lot, people walking around your office building — all of these subjects can yield great time-lapse sequences.

2. Find a place to set up your camera on tripod

While recording a time-lapse video, it’s important to keep the camera as stable as possible. It ensures a smooth video, making it visually appealing and easy to edit post-shooting. Typically, a tripod is needed for stable recording. If you are not using a tripod, find something steady and level to set it upon.

Important tip: Shoot only with manual settings. You don’t want the camera to adjust for you; rather, you should adjust the camera settings so that it takes optimal pictures. Even if you use auto mode, make sure you take control of the camera and push it to its limits to get great shots.

3. Set the camera focus

Use either autofocus or manual focus to make sure the camera is focused on what you want to be the main subject of the video.

4. Set your exposure settings

Depending on how much the light is going to change over time, you may want to use aperture priority or shutter priority so that the camera will automatically adjust for changes in light. Or, if you know exactly how much light will be changing over time, you could set all exposure settings manually.

5. Calculate how many frames and shots are needed

For example, if you are shooting at 10 frames per second and want a total of 30 seconds of video at 24 fps (which is standard), you will need 720 frames/photos (30 seconds x 24 fps = 720 frames).

6. Import and stitch together

Once you’ve captured the images, import them into a video editing software, stitch them together, and perform necessary editing.

How to Edit The Time Lapse on iPhone?

Now that you’ve recorded a time-lapse video, you might watch it and think it’s slower or faster than you want it to be. Fortunately, you can speed up and slow down the time lapse video on iPhone using iMovie.

Let’s see how to slow down time lapse on iPhone iMovie.

1. Speed up The Time Lapse on iPhone

So you’ve taken a time lapse video on your iPhone and now you’re trying to get it to speed up in iMovie but it looks a little jumpy or there is too much footage. Here’s how to do it in iMovie for iOS.

  • Launch iMovie on your iPhone and start a new project to speed up the captured time-lapse video.
  • Now, tap the plus sign visible at the start of the Projects screen, then select Movie.

tap the plus button

  • From the next window, find and select the recorded time-lapse video you want to speed up.

tap Movie in the New Project window

  • Tap Create Movie button at the center-bottom of the screen.

tap Create Movie at the bottom

  • Now move the playhead to the start of the timeline and tap to select the video. At this point, you’ll see the timeline highlighted in yellow color.
  • Look at the bottom of the screen and you’ll find the Speed icon. Tap the Speed icon and a sliding bar will appear with tortoise on its left side and hare on the right side.

tap the Speed icon

  • To speed up the time-lapse video, move the slider to the right side and you’ll see the duration of the video reduced, indicating time-lapse video has been sped up.

Move the slider forward to increase speed

  • Now click the Play button to preview and then tap Done.

Once you’ve increased the speed of time-lapse video, you can share it and post it where you want.

2. Slow Down The Time Lapse on iPhone

Just like you can speed up the time-lapse video on an iPhone, iMovie lets you slow down the time-lapse video.

Here’s how you can do it:

  • Launch iMovie on your iPhone and start a new project to speed up the captured time-lapse video.
  • Now, tap the plus sign visible at the start of the Projects screen, then select Movie.

tap the plus button in the Projects screen

  • From the next window, find and select your recorded time-lapse video you want to speed up.

Select Movie in the New Project screen

  • Tap Create Movie button at the center-bottom of the screen.

tap Create Movie

  • Now move the playhead to the start of the timeline and tap to select the video. At this point, you’ll see the timeline highlighted in yellow color.
  • Look at the bottom of the screen and you’ll find the Speed icon. Tap the Speed icon and a sliding bar will appear with tortoise on its left side and hare on the right side.

tap the Speed icon

  • To slow down the time-lapse video, move the slider to the left side and you’ll see the duration of the video increased, indicating time-lapse video has been slowed down.

Move the slider backward to slow down

  • Now click the Play button to preview and then tap Done.

Advanced Software: Edit A Time Lapse Video in Wondershare Filmora

If you have professionally captured RAW images of the time-lapse video, you need to use advanced software to stitch them together. That’s where Wondershare Filmora comes into play.

Wondershare Filmore is a professional video editing software with a wide variety of basic to advanced-level editing tools. It allows for turning RAW videos into fun, engaging, and professional videos.

If you need to refine your time-lapse video, you can use it and benefit from its capabilities. Similarly, you can use it to speed up or slow down your time-lapse video.

Let’s see how you can do both with Filmora.

Speed up your time-lapse video

Why speed up a time-lapse in the first place? There are a couple of reasons you might want to speed up your time-lapse.

When shooting with a fast lens, you might want to dial down the shutter speed to achieve more motion blur, to make the scenes more interesting. However, doing so can also create motion blur on time-lapse footage when sped up.

Another reason you might want to speed up your time-lapse is when you have too many frames. When you shoot at low frame rate (e.g. 15 FPS), not everyone will experience the same viewing quality if they don’t have high frame rate monitors. Speeding up the footage is one way to reduce the number of frames without compromising the quality of your video.

Follow these steps to speed up the time-lapse video using Filmora:

  • Download and install Wondershare Filmora on your computer.
  • Launch Filmora and click the New project button to open the video editor or drag and drop the file directly.

tap the New Project button and open the Video Editor

  • Once imported, drag the file to the timeline.

drag the media file to the timeline

  • Click the Speed icon and select the Fast option. Select 2x, 4x, 8x, etc, depending on how much you want to speed up.

tap the Speed button

  • Save the file and use it the way you want.

Slow down your time-lapse video

As the speed at which your time-lapse moves increases, so does the amount of motion blur. This can make for an undesirable look, especially in shots where there is already a lot of movement.

The best way to avoid this is to slow down your time-lapse as much as possible while still maintaining an interesting level of movement within your shot.

You can slow down your time-lapse video in Filmora following the same process as you’d do for speeding-up the video (Explained above). However, there’s only one catch; instead of opting for the Fast option choose Slow when you’re at step 4.


Hopefully, this guide has provided a good knowledge of how to put together your own time lapse video – and how to edit it on iPhone and Wondershare Filmora. It’s easier than you may think, and the resulting videos are quite impressive.

Take your time with it, record your movies from different angles, and don’t be afraid to create something unique and experimental.

Try It Free Try It Free

Try It Free Try It Free

Do you want to edit a time lapse video on an iPhone or want to know how to shoot a time-lapse video? If so, you’ve come to the right place.

Time-lapses, which show how much something changes over a period of time are some of the coolest videos you can make.

They aren’t exactly easy to make and edit at first, but we’ve put together this guide to take you through the steps. We’ll give you a few time lapse video ideas, steps to shoot them, and good practices for managing your footage after you’ve shot it.

Let’s get started.

What Is A Time Lapse Video?

In its simplest definition, a time lapse video is a cinematography technique where the frequency at which film frames are captured (the frame rate) is much lower than that used to view the sequence.

When played at normal speed, time appears to be moving faster and thus lapsing. For example, an image of a scene may be captured once every second, then played back at 30 frames per second; the result is an apparent 30 times speed increase.

Time-lapse photography can be considered to be the opposite of slow motion.

How to Shoot A Time-Lapse Video?

Subjects to shoot in a time-lapse video

Wondering what can be shot in a time-lapse video? The answer is any subject that moves, grows, decays, or changes. But what’s more important than the subject is the motion and change that it goes through.

When shooting a time-lapse video, you are composing not only the shot but also the movement of the subject. If a subject doesn’t move or change throughout your film, then it is just a regular video. So try to think of subjects that are constantly moving or changing.

Time-Lapse videos are visually appealing and easy to make. When it comes to subjects that can be chosen to shoot in a time-lapse video, the possibilities are endless. But if you’re stuck for ideas, here are 10 suggestions to get you started:

1. Sunset/Sunrise

These are quite possibly the most common subjects for timelapse videos, but there’s a reason for it! Watching the sun go up and down is always mesmerizing.

2. Clouds

Clouds move very slowly most of the time, making them perfect for time-lapse sequences. You can shoot a single cloud passing overhead, or record a passing storm front as it sweeps across the sky. Depending on the weather conditions and movement of clouds, this can look stunning or simply spectacular!

3. Starry sky

Probably one of the most fascinating time lapse videos is the ones with stars on the move. Time-lapses that capture the Milky Way or starry sky are becoming increasingly popular as camera technology improves. There are even some cameras now that have built-in settings specifically for capturing stars and other celestial bodies.

4. Flowers

Flowers blooming is another fantastic subject for time-lapse photography. The change can be incredibly subtle; however, if you shoot a timelapse over several days or weeks, you will be amazed at just how much they grow and change!

5. Season changing

The most obvious example is trees budding and shedding leaves, but all sorts of plants and animals follow seasonal cycles. You can see flowers blooming, grasses growing, and migrating birds. Even if you don’t have a chance to go somewhere exotic for your subject matter, you can find something interesting right outside your own door.

6. Cars or Pedestrians

If you want something a little more exciting then you can choose things like cars passing by or people walking on the street.

7. Cooking dinner

Got a recipe for dinner that has lots of steps? Rather than just snap photos of the process, why not make a time-lapse video instead? It’s easy and fun to do, especially if you have kids who can help you out!

8. DIY projects

Are you building something? Whether it’s a new table, shelves, or whatever else, set up your camera and take photos as you go along in a time lapse mode and you’ll get a fun time lapse video. It works well to show people how it all came together.

9. Construction work in progress

If you’re watching construction work being done on your property or nearby, consider recording its time lapse video. It’s hard to imagine the amount of resources it takes to construct an office building or skyscraper before it’s finished. Time-lapse videos have helped reveal just how much work goes into something like that.

10. A fun art project

Capturing a time lapse video of an art project can make a mesmerizing video. Whether it’s you or someone else doing the artwork, always capture its time lapse video to show to others what goes into completing an art project. All you need to do is to set your camera up on a tripod aimed at the canvas and capture one or two frames per second to get an excellent time lapse video.

Steps to shoot a time-lapse video

Time-lapse videography is something that most photographers and videographers are familiar with. But, shooting a time-lapse video needs more than setting the camera on a tripod and waiting for it to shoot for several hours.

The amazing thing about time-lapse videos is that they can be shot using your smartphone. There are apps and built-in camera settings to capture time lapse videos with just a click of the button.

If you want to create a time-lapse video that is high quality, you have to use professional cameras, and learn some important steps.

1. Decide on a subject

The movement of clouds, a sunrise or sunset, waves crashing at the beach, cars coming and going in your parking lot, people walking around your office building — all of these subjects can yield great time-lapse sequences.

2. Find a place to set up your camera on tripod

While recording a time-lapse video, it’s important to keep the camera as stable as possible. It ensures a smooth video, making it visually appealing and easy to edit post-shooting. Typically, a tripod is needed for stable recording. If you are not using a tripod, find something steady and level to set it upon.

Important tip: Shoot only with manual settings. You don’t want the camera to adjust for you; rather, you should adjust the camera settings so that it takes optimal pictures. Even if you use auto mode, make sure you take control of the camera and push it to its limits to get great shots.

3. Set the camera focus

Use either autofocus or manual focus to make sure the camera is focused on what you want to be the main subject of the video.

4. Set your exposure settings

Depending on how much the light is going to change over time, you may want to use aperture priority or shutter priority so that the camera will automatically adjust for changes in light. Or, if you know exactly how much light will be changing over time, you could set all exposure settings manually.

5. Calculate how many frames and shots are needed

For example, if you are shooting at 10 frames per second and want a total of 30 seconds of video at 24 fps (which is standard), you will need 720 frames/photos (30 seconds x 24 fps = 720 frames).

6. Import and stitch together

Once you’ve captured the images, import them into a video editing software, stitch them together, and perform necessary editing.

How to Edit The Time Lapse on iPhone?

Now that you’ve recorded a time-lapse video, you might watch it and think it’s slower or faster than you want it to be. Fortunately, you can speed up and slow down the time lapse video on iPhone using iMovie.

Let’s see how to slow down time lapse on iPhone iMovie.

1. Speed up The Time Lapse on iPhone

So you’ve taken a time lapse video on your iPhone and now you’re trying to get it to speed up in iMovie but it looks a little jumpy or there is too much footage. Here’s how to do it in iMovie for iOS.

  • Launch iMovie on your iPhone and start a new project to speed up the captured time-lapse video.
  • Now, tap the plus sign visible at the start of the Projects screen, then select Movie.

tap the plus button

  • From the next window, find and select the recorded time-lapse video you want to speed up.

tap Movie in the New Project window

  • Tap Create Movie button at the center-bottom of the screen.

tap Create Movie at the bottom

  • Now move the playhead to the start of the timeline and tap to select the video. At this point, you’ll see the timeline highlighted in yellow color.
  • Look at the bottom of the screen and you’ll find the Speed icon. Tap the Speed icon and a sliding bar will appear with tortoise on its left side and hare on the right side.

tap the Speed icon

  • To speed up the time-lapse video, move the slider to the right side and you’ll see the duration of the video reduced, indicating time-lapse video has been sped up.

Move the slider forward to increase speed

  • Now click the Play button to preview and then tap Done.

Once you’ve increased the speed of time-lapse video, you can share it and post it where you want.

2. Slow Down The Time Lapse on iPhone

Just like you can speed up the time-lapse video on an iPhone, iMovie lets you slow down the time-lapse video.

Here’s how you can do it:

  • Launch iMovie on your iPhone and start a new project to speed up the captured time-lapse video.
  • Now, tap the plus sign visible at the start of the Projects screen, then select Movie.

tap the plus button in the Projects screen

  • From the next window, find and select your recorded time-lapse video you want to speed up.

Select Movie in the New Project screen

  • Tap Create Movie button at the center-bottom of the screen.

tap Create Movie

  • Now move the playhead to the start of the timeline and tap to select the video. At this point, you’ll see the timeline highlighted in yellow color.
  • Look at the bottom of the screen and you’ll find the Speed icon. Tap the Speed icon and a sliding bar will appear with tortoise on its left side and hare on the right side.

tap the Speed icon

  • To slow down the time-lapse video, move the slider to the left side and you’ll see the duration of the video increased, indicating time-lapse video has been slowed down.

Move the slider backward to slow down

  • Now click the Play button to preview and then tap Done.

Advanced Software: Edit A Time Lapse Video in Wondershare Filmora

If you have professionally captured RAW images of the time-lapse video, you need to use advanced software to stitch them together. That’s where Wondershare Filmora comes into play.

Wondershare Filmore is a professional video editing software with a wide variety of basic to advanced-level editing tools. It allows for turning RAW videos into fun, engaging, and professional videos.

If you need to refine your time-lapse video, you can use it and benefit from its capabilities. Similarly, you can use it to speed up or slow down your time-lapse video.

Let’s see how you can do both with Filmora.

Speed up your time-lapse video

Why speed up a time-lapse in the first place? There are a couple of reasons you might want to speed up your time-lapse.

When shooting with a fast lens, you might want to dial down the shutter speed to achieve more motion blur, to make the scenes more interesting. However, doing so can also create motion blur on time-lapse footage when sped up.

Another reason you might want to speed up your time-lapse is when you have too many frames. When you shoot at low frame rate (e.g. 15 FPS), not everyone will experience the same viewing quality if they don’t have high frame rate monitors. Speeding up the footage is one way to reduce the number of frames without compromising the quality of your video.

Follow these steps to speed up the time-lapse video using Filmora:

  • Download and install Wondershare Filmora on your computer.
  • Launch Filmora and click the New project button to open the video editor or drag and drop the file directly.

tap the New Project button and open the Video Editor

  • Once imported, drag the file to the timeline.

drag the media file to the timeline

  • Click the Speed icon and select the Fast option. Select 2x, 4x, 8x, etc, depending on how much you want to speed up.

tap the Speed button

  • Save the file and use it the way you want.

Slow down your time-lapse video

As the speed at which your time-lapse moves increases, so does the amount of motion blur. This can make for an undesirable look, especially in shots where there is already a lot of movement.

The best way to avoid this is to slow down your time-lapse as much as possible while still maintaining an interesting level of movement within your shot.

You can slow down your time-lapse video in Filmora following the same process as you’d do for speeding-up the video (Explained above). However, there’s only one catch; instead of opting for the Fast option choose Slow when you’re at step 4.


Hopefully, this guide has provided a good knowledge of how to put together your own time lapse video – and how to edit it on iPhone and Wondershare Filmora. It’s easier than you may think, and the resulting videos are quite impressive.

Take your time with it, record your movies from different angles, and don’t be afraid to create something unique and experimental.

Try It Free Try It Free

Try It Free Try It Free

Do you want to edit a time lapse video on an iPhone or want to know how to shoot a time-lapse video? If so, you’ve come to the right place.

Time-lapses, which show how much something changes over a period of time are some of the coolest videos you can make.

They aren’t exactly easy to make and edit at first, but we’ve put together this guide to take you through the steps. We’ll give you a few time lapse video ideas, steps to shoot them, and good practices for managing your footage after you’ve shot it.

Let’s get started.

What Is A Time Lapse Video?

In its simplest definition, a time lapse video is a cinematography technique where the frequency at which film frames are captured (the frame rate) is much lower than that used to view the sequence.

When played at normal speed, time appears to be moving faster and thus lapsing. For example, an image of a scene may be captured once every second, then played back at 30 frames per second; the result is an apparent 30 times speed increase.

Time-lapse photography can be considered to be the opposite of slow motion.

How to Shoot A Time-Lapse Video?

Subjects to shoot in a time-lapse video

Wondering what can be shot in a time-lapse video? The answer is any subject that moves, grows, decays, or changes. But what’s more important than the subject is the motion and change that it goes through.

When shooting a time-lapse video, you are composing not only the shot but also the movement of the subject. If a subject doesn’t move or change throughout your film, then it is just a regular video. So try to think of subjects that are constantly moving or changing.

Time-Lapse videos are visually appealing and easy to make. When it comes to subjects that can be chosen to shoot in a time-lapse video, the possibilities are endless. But if you’re stuck for ideas, here are 10 suggestions to get you started:

1. Sunset/Sunrise

These are quite possibly the most common subjects for timelapse videos, but there’s a reason for it! Watching the sun go up and down is always mesmerizing.

2. Clouds

Clouds move very slowly most of the time, making them perfect for time-lapse sequences. You can shoot a single cloud passing overhead, or record a passing storm front as it sweeps across the sky. Depending on the weather conditions and movement of clouds, this can look stunning or simply spectacular!

3. Starry sky

Probably one of the most fascinating time lapse videos is the ones with stars on the move. Time-lapses that capture the Milky Way or starry sky are becoming increasingly popular as camera technology improves. There are even some cameras now that have built-in settings specifically for capturing stars and other celestial bodies.

4. Flowers

Flowers blooming is another fantastic subject for time-lapse photography. The change can be incredibly subtle; however, if you shoot a timelapse over several days or weeks, you will be amazed at just how much they grow and change!

5. Season changing

The most obvious example is trees budding and shedding leaves, but all sorts of plants and animals follow seasonal cycles. You can see flowers blooming, grasses growing, and migrating birds. Even if you don’t have a chance to go somewhere exotic for your subject matter, you can find something interesting right outside your own door.

6. Cars or Pedestrians

If you want something a little more exciting then you can choose things like cars passing by or people walking on the street.

7. Cooking dinner

Got a recipe for dinner that has lots of steps? Rather than just snap photos of the process, why not make a time-lapse video instead? It’s easy and fun to do, especially if you have kids who can help you out!

8. DIY projects

Are you building something? Whether it’s a new table, shelves, or whatever else, set up your camera and take photos as you go along in a time lapse mode and you’ll get a fun time lapse video. It works well to show people how it all came together.

9. Construction work in progress

If you’re watching construction work being done on your property or nearby, consider recording its time lapse video. It’s hard to imagine the amount of resources it takes to construct an office building or skyscraper before it’s finished. Time-lapse videos have helped reveal just how much work goes into something like that.

10. A fun art project

Capturing a time lapse video of an art project can make a mesmerizing video. Whether it’s you or someone else doing the artwork, always capture its time lapse video to show to others what goes into completing an art project. All you need to do is to set your camera up on a tripod aimed at the canvas and capture one or two frames per second to get an excellent time lapse video.

Steps to shoot a time-lapse video

Time-lapse videography is something that most photographers and videographers are familiar with. But, shooting a time-lapse video needs more than setting the camera on a tripod and waiting for it to shoot for several hours.

The amazing thing about time-lapse videos is that they can be shot using your smartphone. There are apps and built-in camera settings to capture time lapse videos with just a click of the button.

If you want to create a time-lapse video that is high quality, you have to use professional cameras, and learn some important steps.

1. Decide on a subject

The movement of clouds, a sunrise or sunset, waves crashing at the beach, cars coming and going in your parking lot, people walking around your office building — all of these subjects can yield great time-lapse sequences.

2. Find a place to set up your camera on tripod

While recording a time-lapse video, it’s important to keep the camera as stable as possible. It ensures a smooth video, making it visually appealing and easy to edit post-shooting. Typically, a tripod is needed for stable recording. If you are not using a tripod, find something steady and level to set it upon.

Important tip: Shoot only with manual settings. You don’t want the camera to adjust for you; rather, you should adjust the camera settings so that it takes optimal pictures. Even if you use auto mode, make sure you take control of the camera and push it to its limits to get great shots.

3. Set the camera focus

Use either autofocus or manual focus to make sure the camera is focused on what you want to be the main subject of the video.

4. Set your exposure settings

Depending on how much the light is going to change over time, you may want to use aperture priority or shutter priority so that the camera will automatically adjust for changes in light. Or, if you know exactly how much light will be changing over time, you could set all exposure settings manually.

5. Calculate how many frames and shots are needed

For example, if you are shooting at 10 frames per second and want a total of 30 seconds of video at 24 fps (which is standard), you will need 720 frames/photos (30 seconds x 24 fps = 720 frames).

6. Import and stitch together

Once you’ve captured the images, import them into a video editing software, stitch them together, and perform necessary editing.

How to Edit The Time Lapse on iPhone?

Now that you’ve recorded a time-lapse video, you might watch it and think it’s slower or faster than you want it to be. Fortunately, you can speed up and slow down the time lapse video on iPhone using iMovie.

Let’s see how to slow down time lapse on iPhone iMovie.

1. Speed up The Time Lapse on iPhone

So you’ve taken a time lapse video on your iPhone and now you’re trying to get it to speed up in iMovie but it looks a little jumpy or there is too much footage. Here’s how to do it in iMovie for iOS.

  • Launch iMovie on your iPhone and start a new project to speed up the captured time-lapse video.
  • Now, tap the plus sign visible at the start of the Projects screen, then select Movie.

tap the plus button

  • From the next window, find and select the recorded time-lapse video you want to speed up.

tap Movie in the New Project window

  • Tap Create Movie button at the center-bottom of the screen.

tap Create Movie at the bottom

  • Now move the playhead to the start of the timeline and tap to select the video. At this point, you’ll see the timeline highlighted in yellow color.
  • Look at the bottom of the screen and you’ll find the Speed icon. Tap the Speed icon and a sliding bar will appear with tortoise on its left side and hare on the right side.

tap the Speed icon

  • To speed up the time-lapse video, move the slider to the right side and you’ll see the duration of the video reduced, indicating time-lapse video has been sped up.

Move the slider forward to increase speed

  • Now click the Play button to preview and then tap Done.

Once you’ve increased the speed of time-lapse video, you can share it and post it where you want.

2. Slow Down The Time Lapse on iPhone

Just like you can speed up the time-lapse video on an iPhone, iMovie lets you slow down the time-lapse video.

Here’s how you can do it:

  • Launch iMovie on your iPhone and start a new project to speed up the captured time-lapse video.
  • Now, tap the plus sign visible at the start of the Projects screen, then select Movie.

tap the plus button in the Projects screen

  • From the next window, find and select your recorded time-lapse video you want to speed up.

Select Movie in the New Project screen

  • Tap Create Movie button at the center-bottom of the screen.

tap Create Movie

  • Now move the playhead to the start of the timeline and tap to select the video. At this point, you’ll see the timeline highlighted in yellow color.
  • Look at the bottom of the screen and you’ll find the Speed icon. Tap the Speed icon and a sliding bar will appear with tortoise on its left side and hare on the right side.

tap the Speed icon

  • To slow down the time-lapse video, move the slider to the left side and you’ll see the duration of the video increased, indicating time-lapse video has been slowed down.

Move the slider backward to slow down

  • Now click the Play button to preview and then tap Done.

Advanced Software: Edit A Time Lapse Video in Wondershare Filmora

If you have professionally captured RAW images of the time-lapse video, you need to use advanced software to stitch them together. That’s where Wondershare Filmora comes into play.

Wondershare Filmore is a professional video editing software with a wide variety of basic to advanced-level editing tools. It allows for turning RAW videos into fun, engaging, and professional videos.

If you need to refine your time-lapse video, you can use it and benefit from its capabilities. Similarly, you can use it to speed up or slow down your time-lapse video.

Let’s see how you can do both with Filmora.

Speed up your time-lapse video

Why speed up a time-lapse in the first place? There are a couple of reasons you might want to speed up your time-lapse.

When shooting with a fast lens, you might want to dial down the shutter speed to achieve more motion blur, to make the scenes more interesting. However, doing so can also create motion blur on time-lapse footage when sped up.

Another reason you might want to speed up your time-lapse is when you have too many frames. When you shoot at low frame rate (e.g. 15 FPS), not everyone will experience the same viewing quality if they don’t have high frame rate monitors. Speeding up the footage is one way to reduce the number of frames without compromising the quality of your video.

Follow these steps to speed up the time-lapse video using Filmora:

  • Download and install Wondershare Filmora on your computer.
  • Launch Filmora and click the New project button to open the video editor or drag and drop the file directly.

tap the New Project button and open the Video Editor

  • Once imported, drag the file to the timeline.

drag the media file to the timeline

  • Click the Speed icon and select the Fast option. Select 2x, 4x, 8x, etc, depending on how much you want to speed up.

tap the Speed button

  • Save the file and use it the way you want.

Slow down your time-lapse video

As the speed at which your time-lapse moves increases, so does the amount of motion blur. This can make for an undesirable look, especially in shots where there is already a lot of movement.

The best way to avoid this is to slow down your time-lapse as much as possible while still maintaining an interesting level of movement within your shot.

You can slow down your time-lapse video in Filmora following the same process as you’d do for speeding-up the video (Explained above). However, there’s only one catch; instead of opting for the Fast option choose Slow when you’re at step 4.


Hopefully, this guide has provided a good knowledge of how to put together your own time lapse video – and how to edit it on iPhone and Wondershare Filmora. It’s easier than you may think, and the resulting videos are quite impressive.

Take your time with it, record your movies from different angles, and don’t be afraid to create something unique and experimental.

Try It Free Try It Free

Also read:

  • Title: Updated 2024 Approved How To Be A Successful YouTuber
  • Author: Chloe
  • Created at : 2024-04-24 07:08:43
  • Updated at : 2024-04-25 07:08:43
  • Link: https://ai-editing-video.techidaily.com/updated-2024-approved-how-to-be-a-successful-youtuber/
  • License: This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.
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Updated 2024 Approved How To Be A Successful YouTuber