Updated 2024 Approved How to Create A Freeze Frame Sequence in Video

Updated 2024 Approved How to Create A Freeze Frame Sequence in Video

Chloe Lv12

How to Create A Freeze Frame Sequence in Video

Are you considering getting your video editing skills to a new high level? Are you worried about spicing your videos with stylish shots and bringing attention to particular aspects of your video?

Freeze frame sequence is one the most stunning effects that can help you greatly. The freeze frame sequence has been used in many classic and present-day movies. And it will never go out of fashion.

Here, we will guide you on creating freeze frame sequences in your videos using Filmora. It is critical here to know what exactly the freeze frame sequence is. So let’s jump right into it!

Part 1. What Is A Freeze Frame?

A freeze frame is a specific single frame of the video clip shown repeatedly in the video. It gives the illusion of a static picture. It is used to draw the viewers’ attention to the minute details of a specific moment, to set up a powerful narrative, or to introduce your main characters.

freeze frame effect

Content creators can also use the freeze-frame effect on fast-moving objects to draw the viewers’ attention. Have a few examples of the most popular freeze frames used in the movies.

Alfred Hitchcock used the first-ever freeze-frame in his film Champagne (1928). There is a long list of many famous tv shows and movies in which the freeze frame effect has been used since then. But to count a few, three examples are given here.

1. Pulp Fiction (1994)

In the beginning scene of Pulp Fiction, where robbery is about to occur, a freeze-frame effect is used to engage the audience. Later in the movie, it was relieved what would happen next. It was a dramatic pause to draw attention. It is a strong example of the freeze-frame effect.

pulp fiction's freeze frame

2. The Breakfast Club (1985)

The ending of Breakfast Club is an iconic example of the freeze-frame effect. With a powerful narration, the freeze frame conveys the movie’s central idea to the audience.

the breakfast club's freeze frame

3. Suicide Squad (2016)

In the trailer of Suicide Squad, freeze frames were used by the director to introduce the characters. This trailer used stylish animations to give relevant information about the film’s main characters.

suicide squad's freeze frame

Having discussed the famous examples, let’s learn about the power of freeze frames.

The power of freeze frame

The old freeze frames give a retro vibe. However, with the advancement in editing technology, this special effect has proved that there is no end. Furthermore, it has shown that you can do many things with pauses.

Especially when you are a content creator, this effect empowers you by advertising your skills impressively. It also conveys your message convincingly.

Being a content creator, you always want to reach the maximum audience. This special effect will serve this too. It will ultimately get you more viewership, more likes, and more subscriptions. But how to create a freeze frame?

Part 2. How To Create Freeze Frame Sequence? [Step-Wise Guide]

Let’s see how to add a freeze frame sequence in your video step-wise and get started.

Step1 Download Wondershare Filmora

Wondershare Filmora is an all-in-one video editing platform. It is enhanced with multiple practical media resources. You can head to Wondershare Filmora official site to download or upgrade your Filmora.

filmora interface

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Step2 Import your clips and add them to the timeline

Open Filmora and create a new project. Import your clip into the media library. Add your clips to the first video layer on the timeline.

import your video clip and add it to the timeline

Step3 Apply color correction to the footage

Before we start our edit, let’s color correct our footage, so the corrected color is already applied when we take the screenshots.

apply color correction to your clip

Step4 Find your first action frame

Next, scrub through the clip to find your first action frame. For example, in this video, this is our first action frame.

select the first action frame

Step5 Take a screenshot of the action frame

Let’s head to the camera icon under the preview screen and click the icon. It will take a screenshot of the current frame that the playhead is on the timeline.

take a screenshot of the action frame

Make sure to keep the playhead the same after you’ve taken the snapshot. You can find your screenshot in the media tab.

Step6 Add the screenshot to timeline

Let’s drag your screenshot onto video layer 2 and align it on the right side of the playhead. Then extend the screenshot so it lasts as long as your central clip.

extend the screenshot

Step7 Apply masks to the screenshot

Now, double-click on the screenshot. It will open the “Video” menu, then go into the “Mask” menu. Choose a mask shape and edit it so that it only covers where your subject is in the screenshot. For example, we choose the **”**Circle” mask shape in this video.

choose your mask shape

If you need help seeing what you’re masking, hide the main video layer and edit your mask like this.

hide the main video layer

Move the playhead forward and clean up your “mask.” Next, Increase the blur to soften the edges. But not too much because it may become visible on your subject.

editing of the mask

Step8 Hide the first screenshot

Let’s layer a couple more action frames! First, hide the first screenshot so it doesn’t appear in your new screenshot.

hide the first screenshot

Step9 Select your second action frame

Then, pick a new frame.

select a new frame

  • Click the camera icon.
  • Drag the screenshot at the new playhead spot.
  • Extend the clip.

repeat the steps

  • Double-click to mask this frame.
  • And play it back to make sure it looks good.
  • It would help if you did this a couple more times until you have several frames.

Please have a look at the final product and how it looks!

sreeze frame sequence

And that’s how you create a freeze-frame video effect in Filmora.

Part 3. Tips To Use Freeze Frame Sequence

You’ve known how to make the freeze frame sequence. However, don’t miss essential tips to improve your video at the next stage.

Tip 1: Making a steady shot is important

First, ensure a steady shot with no camera shake while filming. You can use a tripod or a stable surface to keep your camera still.

keep your camera still

Why is it necessary to make a steady shot?

  • It helps you to make smooth, fluid shots.
  • It is much more professional.
  • It will take your editing skills to a new level.
  • It grabs the attention of the viewers.
  • It makes your editing easier.

Tip 2: No crossing over

Make sure your subject only crosses the same spot once. Otherwise, you would need help editing the video.

crossing over should be avoided

Why is it necessary to avoid crossing the same spot?

  • It prevents misalignment of the shots, and your print won’t get damaged, primarily when you use pieces of the same image.
  • It helps to create an illusion of holding specific moments.

Final Words

The Freeze Frame Sequence looks professional but much more manageable. The creator’s confidence gets to the next level when they learn how to create it. This step-wise guide using Wondershare Filmora is all for your ease.

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Step2 Import your clips and add them to the timeline

Open Filmora and create a new project. Import your clip into the media library. Add your clips to the first video layer on the timeline.

import your video clip and add it to the timeline

Step3 Apply color correction to the footage

Before we start our edit, let’s color correct our footage, so the corrected color is already applied when we take the screenshots.

apply color correction to your clip

Step4 Find your first action frame

Next, scrub through the clip to find your first action frame. For example, in this video, this is our first action frame.

select the first action frame

Step5 Take a screenshot of the action frame

Let’s head to the camera icon under the preview screen and click the icon. It will take a screenshot of the current frame that the playhead is on the timeline.

take a screenshot of the action frame

Make sure to keep the playhead the same after you’ve taken the snapshot. You can find your screenshot in the media tab.

Step6 Add the screenshot to timeline

Let’s drag your screenshot onto video layer 2 and align it on the right side of the playhead. Then extend the screenshot so it lasts as long as your central clip.

extend the screenshot

Step7 Apply masks to the screenshot

Now, double-click on the screenshot. It will open the “Video” menu, then go into the “Mask” menu. Choose a mask shape and edit it so that it only covers where your subject is in the screenshot. For example, we choose the **”**Circle” mask shape in this video.

choose your mask shape

If you need help seeing what you’re masking, hide the main video layer and edit your mask like this.

hide the main video layer

Move the playhead forward and clean up your “mask.” Next, Increase the blur to soften the edges. But not too much because it may become visible on your subject.

editing of the mask

Step8 Hide the first screenshot

Let’s layer a couple more action frames! First, hide the first screenshot so it doesn’t appear in your new screenshot.

hide the first screenshot

Step9 Select your second action frame

Then, pick a new frame.

select a new frame

  • Click the camera icon.
  • Drag the screenshot at the new playhead spot.
  • Extend the clip.

repeat the steps

  • Double-click to mask this frame.
  • And play it back to make sure it looks good.
  • It would help if you did this a couple more times until you have several frames.

Please have a look at the final product and how it looks!

sreeze frame sequence

And that’s how you create a freeze-frame video effect in Filmora.

Part 3. Tips To Use Freeze Frame Sequence

You’ve known how to make the freeze frame sequence. However, don’t miss essential tips to improve your video at the next stage.

Tip 1: Making a steady shot is important

First, ensure a steady shot with no camera shake while filming. You can use a tripod or a stable surface to keep your camera still.

keep your camera still

Why is it necessary to make a steady shot?

  • It helps you to make smooth, fluid shots.
  • It is much more professional.
  • It will take your editing skills to a new level.
  • It grabs the attention of the viewers.
  • It makes your editing easier.

Tip 2: No crossing over

Make sure your subject only crosses the same spot once. Otherwise, you would need help editing the video.

crossing over should be avoided

Why is it necessary to avoid crossing the same spot?

  • It prevents misalignment of the shots, and your print won’t get damaged, primarily when you use pieces of the same image.
  • It helps to create an illusion of holding specific moments.

Final Words

The Freeze Frame Sequence looks professional but much more manageable. The creator’s confidence gets to the next level when they learn how to create it. This step-wise guide using Wondershare Filmora is all for your ease.

Create a Brand Video to Make Your Business Shine

Brand Video Maker - Wondershare Filmora

Provide abundant video effects - A creative video editor

Powerful color correction and grading

Detailed tutorials provided by the official channel

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Create a Brand Video to Make Your Business Shine

Did you know that 8 out of 10 people go ahead and purchase a product just by watching brand videos?

I’m sure you are looking for similar success when it comes to your brand video.

But you can’t just compel the audience by making any video!

  • It has to be entertaining and inspirational.
  • It has to be innovative.
  • It needs to have something that grabs the audience’s attention.

And, with all this, it should also successfully share your brand’s core values.

So, how do you create such a video?

It’s not about simply whipping out a camera and pressing the record button. A lot of thought is involved in creating a brand video, but most importantly, you need a high-quality video editor to refine your video and make it more fun, entertaining, and innovative - A video editor like Wondershare Filmora.

And that’s what this article is about - How to use the various basic and advanced editing tools in Filmora to create a brand video that makes a difference!

But first, let’s have a look at…

Wondershare Filmora’s Brand Video

What’s so special about it, you ask?

For starters, it fits right into the criteria we mentioned above. It’s innovative, entertaining, vibrant, and fun and showcases all the features of Filmora 11.

Here, see for yourself…

From all the new effects to the AR sticker themes and other video editing features like speed ramping, masking, and green screen effect, the video successfully lets the audience know how creative they can get with Filmora.

But did you see that they didn’t put the features out there just like that! They actually used all the basic and advanced video editing features in the video to give us an idea of what it looks like when put in action.

And the video quality, the content, and the flow of the video speak for themselves.

I mean, I watched the video all the way to the end without getting bored for even a single second. And, being a video editor, I might as well get Filmora 11 after watching the highly compelling video!

Now, if you’re also wow-ed by the video and would like to create a similar one, here are some tips on making a successful brand video using Wondershare Filmora.

Tips to Make a Compelling Brand Video

Like I said earlier, making a video is not simply about getting out your camera and starting recording. Many aspects need to be considered for your video to make the desired impact.

Therefore, here are some tips that might come in handy when making your brand video:

1. Define Your Objective and Audience

The very first thing that you need to think about before starting work on your brand video is its objective and audience.

Define your Objective

What are you trying to achieve from the video? Do you want to create brand awareness, or do you wish to promote a certain product?

Secondly, who’s your target audience? Is your video projected toward people who have no idea who you and your company are? Or are you addressing an existing customer base? Also, are the audience kids or adults? Because you certainly can’t make a video with cartoon characters for an audience who’s looking for something calm and relaxing, and vice versa.

Once you have your objective and audience sorted, it’s time to get busy!

2. Video Scripting

Based on what you’re trying to achieve from your brand video and the target audience, you can decide on the video’s script. This includes the content, the length, and the editing requirements.

Video Scripting

Let’s take your video’s content, for instance:

  • If you’re creating a video for an audience that doesn’t know you, you’ll have to start from the basics, explaining who you are, what you do, and the services you offer.
  • If you’re trying to create a video that tells your brand’s story, you can either keep it inspirational or you could create fun content that will be remembered for years to come!
  • If you’re creating something for the kids, you need to keep it short yet interesting, with many effects that help in grabbing their attention.

Once you have decided what to add to the video, how long it will be, and what its content will be like, you can finally record your video!

3. Video Recording

Now, for many people, recording simply means hitting the record button.

Yes, that might work for vlogs, but when it comes to making a brand video, you need to really put in effort when recording.

Record your brand video

For instance, you should have all the video clips and images you want to include in the video at hand. And they should resonate with your brand voice and match with each other as well.

If we take Wondershare Filmora’s brand video as an example, you can see that the whole video has a vibrant and warm feel to it, which can be seen throughout. It’s not that one clip is darker and the other is lighter; the whole thing sort of blends into each other.

That’s what you should take care of when recording your video. Make sure the background, hues, and overall feel of the video clips and images match each other.

Another thing that you should keep in mind when recording is to incorporate your brand colors in the video and throw in your logo. For instance, if your brand colors are red and green, make sure to use them in the text in the video. However, if you’re not using text, you can use the colors in the video frame by having a wall or something in the background of the same colors.

Use colors of your brand in your video

As for the logo, it can be placed anywhere in the video so that the audience learns to recognize it.

But why is using your brand colors and logo so important?

Because your brand colors and logo represent your brand and become its identity in the long run. For example, yellow and red are McDonald’s brand colors and its logo, the yellow ‘M’ in arch form, is recognizable even from a distance.

5. Video Editing

Now comes the most important part of making a brand video: The editing! The part where you refine your video and add final touches to it. If you’ve got a stellar video editing software like Wondershare Filmora, it can do wonders for your video.

Wondershare Filmora at a Glance

Wondershare Filmora |Perfect solution for creating a brand video

Wondershare Filmora has plenty of basic and advanced video editing features to add that wow factor to your video. It can turn a plain boring video into something fun, exciting, and watch-worthy.

For example, the motion tracking feature lets you add an object that follows a certain movement in the video. Then we have the AR stickers that help enhance emotions and add personality to your video. Also, the green screen feature lets you add amazing background to your video to give the desired effect.

Filmora also has many video effects, templates, speed ramping, masking, auto beat sync, voice recording, and other features that can really take your brand video to the next level.

I’m sure you now have the hang of how to make a brand video that makes your business pop. But, you still might be confused about how to make the most of these features using Wondershare Filmora.

Therefore, here are some helpful tips on using these features to make an effective brand video that creates brand awareness and drives sales!

Creative Ideas to Make Brand Videos Using Filmora

If you’re up for making a video just like the video we shared earlier, you’ll need to download Wondershare Filmora from the website. And, once you’re through with this guide, nothing can stop you from making a brand video that sells!

With that sorted, here are some valuable tips and ideas to help you along the way:

1. Level Up Your Motion Tracking

As we mentioned earlier, motion tracking means tracking the movement of an object in the video and then applying the same movement to a newly added object, like text, image, logo, or any clipart.

But that’s quite a common practice, right? I mean, every video editor out there is doing it!

However, there are some ways in which you can get creative with the motion tracking feature using Filmora.


Using Motion-Tracked Texts

While the text in a video looks pretty good itself, you can make it even more impressive by motion tracking it.

For example:

  • Attach a piece of text to your introductory title. If there’s a logo or brand name in the introduction, you can add a tagline, a website address, or your Instagram or Twitter handle to it.
  • If you want to create a context for the audience, add motion-tracked captions in your brand video. This means the captions move with the movement of the subject. It looks stylish, gives relevant information, and helps tell your brand’s story without any narration.

This Fitbit commercial would be an excellent example of motion-tracked captions:

  • If your video has an introductory scene where the frame is moving from one side to the other, you can motion-track the credits so that they move along with the scene and disappear gradually instead of dedicating a single clip to the credits.
  • Highlighting important aspects in a video, like places or names of objects with motion-tracked text, can make your video truly amazing and fun to watch. This would be quite essential if you’re making a video for the real estate or travel business.

Here’s an example:

Hence, when working with Filmora, you can do plenty with the motion tracking feature to make a truly amazing video.

2. Add a Fun Factor with AR Stickers

Now that you know how to use the motion tracking feature in Filmora, let me tell you a secret!

If you incorporate face-tracking AR stickers into your video, you can succeed in creating a brand video that will have the audience glued to the screen!

The purpose of adding AR stickers to your videos is to emphasize reactions, portray enhanced emotions, and add an element of fun. This feature works best if you’re creating a brand video projected toward kids.

AR sticker on face a girl using WonderShare Filmora

So, how can you make the most of these AR stickers?

Create Multiple Characters

If you don’t have people to play different characters, don’t fret! With the AR sticker effect, you can create multiple characters for your video.

For example:

If your video has 3 animal characters, you can use AR stickers depicting a panda, cat, and bunny to show the different characters. Similarly, you can add the sticker with glasses to show a nerdy character. Or, if you’re really getting into the story-telling mode, you can use the pirate sticker to show a pirate.

Magnify Emotions

Sometimes it gets challenging to portray a certain emotion in your video. This is where AR stickers come to the rescue!

If you want to show someone in love, you can use the heart-eyes effect. Or, if you want to show that someone is being good, you can use the angel sticker to put a halo on their head.

There are many options! You just have to use your creative cells and conjure up something that’s unique and stands out from the rest.

3. Ace Your Shoot with the Green Screen Effect

A green-screen effect is quite important when it comes to making an exceptional brand video. It has been used in almost all blockbuster movies, and if you’re looking to make a video of a similar level, we’ve got some tried and tested tips to use the green screen effect to its fullest!

Make Sure the Lighting is Even

When it comes to a green screen, the lighting plays an important part. Make sure the green screen is one shade of green, and the lighting on the screen is even. If parts of the green screen are darker than the rest, the chroma key effect won’t be able to distinguish the different shades.

Contrasting Colors

Make sure the subject in the video isn’t wearing any green clothing, or there aren’t many green objects around, as they might disappear when you apply the green screen effect.

Prevent Motion Blur with High Shutter Speed

When shooting with a green screen background, make sure you keep the shutter speed high to avoid motion blur. Ideally, it should be 2x your frame rate for optimum results. But, at the same time, it shouldn’t be too high, as it can lead to a change in video exposure.

If you keep these tips in mind when shooting a video, you can easily use the chroma key effect in Wondershare Filmora to add your desired background and create an outstanding video.

4. Be Innovative with Effects

A video without effects is as bland as water! So, make your video innovative with the impressive variety of effects available in Wondershare Filmora.

But you can’t just add effects to your video like that! You need to understand when and where to use a certain effect properly.

For example:

Tell Your Story With Split Screen Effect

If you’re telling your brand story from the perspective of different individuals, using the split-screen effect is recommended. You can also use this effect to showcase how one thing is related to another in a cause-and-effect way.

Take this Lexus commercial, for example:

It shows the view from inside the car and from a viewer’s perspective.

Emphasize with Pan and Zoom Effect

As the topic of concern of this article is brand videos, the pan and zoom is an ideal effect for it.

You can easily emphasize its importance and give off an emotional storytelling vibe by zooming in on a person’s face or any other object in the frame. You can also use pan and zoom to add a transition to your video. Here’s an example:

Add Thrill with Transitions

To move from one shot to another, it’s important to add a transition effect in between. You can add different transition styles to link the shots with one another, for instance, the match cut transition to match scenes that are not otherwise linked visually. Or the whip pan transition, which involves a quick rotation of the camera’s axis to give the impression that the scene was shot in one take, although it is two separate clips.

Take Wondershare Filmora’s brand video, for example. You can see how seamlessly it moves from one effect to another. It adds value and makes the video fun to watch.

With the variety of transitions in Filmora’s library, you can add all the effects discussed above to your video for stunning results.

You’ve added motion tracking, used AR stickers, created a mystical background with the green screen effect, and gone innovative with effects. Now, it’s time to wrap up this article with…

5. Energize Your Videos with Speed Ramping

Did you know that speed ramping can actually improve your videos tenfold? Speeding up and slowing down the footage at certain points can have a significant impact. For example, the bullet dodge scene in “Matrix” wouldn’t have been so famous if it wasn’t for the slo-mo effect!

Speed Ramping in WonderShare Filmora

You can’t just randomly add speed ramps to your video. There has to be a purpose behind it! Do you want to emphasize something? Do you want to show a transition? Regardless, you need to time your speed ramping properly.

And here are a few tips for it!

Use Slo-Mo For Action Sequences

If your video has an amazing action scene in it, slow down the speed at that point to emphasize the action and movement. For example, a karate kick in slow motion very clearly shows us how the move is actually performed.

Don’t Use Slo-Mo For Too Long

Another tip is to use the slow-mo only for a few seconds to emphasize something. If you prolong it, it won’t have the desired impact and might even cause the audience to lose focus.

Speed Up Footage for Long Processes

If your video shows a long process, like a time-lapse, it is the perfect time to speed up the footage. Not only do long shots lose the viewer’s attention, but they can also get boring too. A sped up footage on the other hand makes your video aesthetically pleasing and entertaining.

Add Music

Using music in videos is quite a common practice; however, it becomes quite exciting if you speed ramp your video according to the music. For example, time the slo-mo effect with the more silent or riverbed parts of the music, and speed it up when the crescendo comes.

You can do this easily with the auto beat-sync feature in Filmora that matches the music with the footage.

Auto beat sync in WonderShare Filmora

How’s that for a thrilling video?

Speed Ramp for Transitions

Here’s a bonus tip! Use speed ramping at the end of one clip and the beginning of the next one to create a seamless flow between the two. It’ll also give a transition effect and make your brand video look professional.

So you see, you have ample options to add a touch of creativity to your brand videos. The key is to use a good video editor and the right video editing tools.

Wrapping Up

Shooting a brand video is easy, and it’s even easier to edit it. All you need is to let your creativity flow!

With Wondershare Filmora 11’s new and advanced editing features, making watch-worthy brand videos that give out the desired message and compel the audience to take some action has never been easier!

And, with the useful video editing tips that we have shared, you are just a click away from taking your business to new heights!

So, if you also want to create a video successfully, just like Filmora’s brand video, follow our tips, use the tricks, and edit away!

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Create a Brand Video to Make Your Business Shine

Did you know that 8 out of 10 people go ahead and purchase a product just by watching brand videos?

I’m sure you are looking for similar success when it comes to your brand video.

But you can’t just compel the audience by making any video!

  • It has to be entertaining and inspirational.
  • It has to be innovative.
  • It needs to have something that grabs the audience’s attention.

And, with all this, it should also successfully share your brand’s core values.

So, how do you create such a video?

It’s not about simply whipping out a camera and pressing the record button. A lot of thought is involved in creating a brand video, but most importantly, you need a high-quality video editor to refine your video and make it more fun, entertaining, and innovative - A video editor like Wondershare Filmora.

And that’s what this article is about - How to use the various basic and advanced editing tools in Filmora to create a brand video that makes a difference!

But first, let’s have a look at…

Wondershare Filmora’s Brand Video

What’s so special about it, you ask?

For starters, it fits right into the criteria we mentioned above. It’s innovative, entertaining, vibrant, and fun and showcases all the features of Filmora 11.

Here, see for yourself…

From all the new effects to the AR sticker themes and other video editing features like speed ramping, masking, and green screen effect, the video successfully lets the audience know how creative they can get with Filmora.

But did you see that they didn’t put the features out there just like that! They actually used all the basic and advanced video editing features in the video to give us an idea of what it looks like when put in action.

And the video quality, the content, and the flow of the video speak for themselves.

I mean, I watched the video all the way to the end without getting bored for even a single second. And, being a video editor, I might as well get Filmora 11 after watching the highly compelling video!

Now, if you’re also wow-ed by the video and would like to create a similar one, here are some tips on making a successful brand video using Wondershare Filmora.

Tips to Make a Compelling Brand Video

Like I said earlier, making a video is not simply about getting out your camera and starting recording. Many aspects need to be considered for your video to make the desired impact.

Therefore, here are some tips that might come in handy when making your brand video:

1. Define Your Objective and Audience

The very first thing that you need to think about before starting work on your brand video is its objective and audience.

Define your Objective

What are you trying to achieve from the video? Do you want to create brand awareness, or do you wish to promote a certain product?

Secondly, who’s your target audience? Is your video projected toward people who have no idea who you and your company are? Or are you addressing an existing customer base? Also, are the audience kids or adults? Because you certainly can’t make a video with cartoon characters for an audience who’s looking for something calm and relaxing, and vice versa.

Once you have your objective and audience sorted, it’s time to get busy!

2. Video Scripting

Based on what you’re trying to achieve from your brand video and the target audience, you can decide on the video’s script. This includes the content, the length, and the editing requirements.

Video Scripting

Let’s take your video’s content, for instance:

  • If you’re creating a video for an audience that doesn’t know you, you’ll have to start from the basics, explaining who you are, what you do, and the services you offer.
  • If you’re trying to create a video that tells your brand’s story, you can either keep it inspirational or you could create fun content that will be remembered for years to come!
  • If you’re creating something for the kids, you need to keep it short yet interesting, with many effects that help in grabbing their attention.

Once you have decided what to add to the video, how long it will be, and what its content will be like, you can finally record your video!

3. Video Recording

Now, for many people, recording simply means hitting the record button.

Yes, that might work for vlogs, but when it comes to making a brand video, you need to really put in effort when recording.

Record your brand video

For instance, you should have all the video clips and images you want to include in the video at hand. And they should resonate with your brand voice and match with each other as well.

If we take Wondershare Filmora’s brand video as an example, you can see that the whole video has a vibrant and warm feel to it, which can be seen throughout. It’s not that one clip is darker and the other is lighter; the whole thing sort of blends into each other.

That’s what you should take care of when recording your video. Make sure the background, hues, and overall feel of the video clips and images match each other.

4. Using Your Brand Colors and Logo

Another thing that you should keep in mind when recording is to incorporate your brand colors in the video and throw in your logo. For instance, if your brand colors are red and green, make sure to use them in the text in the video. However, if you’re not using text, you can use the colors in the video frame by having a wall or something in the background of the same colors.

Use colors of your brand in your video

As for the logo, it can be placed anywhere in the video so that the audience learns to recognize it.

But why is using your brand colors and logo so important?

Because your brand colors and logo represent your brand and become its identity in the long run. For example, yellow and red are McDonald’s brand colors and its logo, the yellow ‘M’ in arch form, is recognizable even from a distance.

5. Video Editing

Now comes the most important part of making a brand video: The editing! The part where you refine your video and add final touches to it. If you’ve got a stellar video editing software like Wondershare Filmora, it can do wonders for your video.

Wondershare Filmora at a Glance

Wondershare Filmora |Perfect solution for creating a brand video

Wondershare Filmora has plenty of basic and advanced video editing features to add that wow factor to your video. It can turn a plain boring video into something fun, exciting, and watch-worthy.

For example, the motion tracking feature lets you add an object that follows a certain movement in the video. Then we have the AR stickers that help enhance emotions and add personality to your video. Also, the green screen feature lets you add amazing background to your video to give the desired effect.

Filmora also has many video effects, templates, speed ramping, masking, auto beat sync, voice recording, and other features that can really take your brand video to the next level.

I’m sure you now have the hang of how to make a brand video that makes your business pop. But, you still might be confused about how to make the most of these features using Wondershare Filmora.

Therefore, here are some helpful tips on using these features to make an effective brand video that creates brand awareness and drives sales!

Creative Ideas to Make Brand Videos Using Filmora

If you’re up for making a video just like the video we shared earlier, you’ll need to download Wondershare Filmora from the website. And, once you’re through with this guide, nothing can stop you from making a brand video that sells!

With that sorted, here are some valuable tips and ideas to help you along the way:

1. Level Up Your Motion Tracking

As we mentioned earlier, motion tracking means tracking the movement of an object in the video and then applying the same movement to a newly added object, like text, image, logo, or any clipart.

But that’s quite a common practice, right? I mean, every video editor out there is doing it!

However, there are some ways in which you can get creative with the motion tracking feature using Filmora.


Using Motion-Tracked Texts

While the text in a video looks pretty good itself, you can make it even more impressive by motion tracking it.

For example:

  • Attach a piece of text to your introductory title. If there’s a logo or brand name in the introduction, you can add a tagline, a website address, or your Instagram or Twitter handle to it.
  • If you want to create a context for the audience, add motion-tracked captions in your brand video. This means the captions move with the movement of the subject. It looks stylish, gives relevant information, and helps tell your brand’s story without any narration.

This Fitbit commercial would be an excellent example of motion-tracked captions:

  • If your video has an introductory scene where the frame is moving from one side to the other, you can motion-track the credits so that they move along with the scene and disappear gradually instead of dedicating a single clip to the credits.
  • Highlighting important aspects in a video, like places or names of objects with motion-tracked text, can make your video truly amazing and fun to watch. This would be quite essential if you’re making a video for the real estate or travel business.

Here’s an example:

Hence, when working with Filmora, you can do plenty with the motion tracking feature to make a truly amazing video.

2. Add a Fun Factor with AR Stickers

Now that you know how to use the motion tracking feature in Filmora, let me tell you a secret!

If you incorporate face-tracking AR stickers into your video, you can succeed in creating a brand video that will have the audience glued to the screen!

The purpose of adding AR stickers to your videos is to emphasize reactions, portray enhanced emotions, and add an element of fun. This feature works best if you’re creating a brand video projected toward kids.

AR sticker on face a girl using WonderShare Filmora

So, how can you make the most of these AR stickers?

Create Multiple Characters

If you don’t have people to play different characters, don’t fret! With the AR sticker effect, you can create multiple characters for your video.

For example:

If your video has 3 animal characters, you can use AR stickers depicting a panda, cat, and bunny to show the different characters. Similarly, you can add the sticker with glasses to show a nerdy character. Or, if you’re really getting into the story-telling mode, you can use the pirate sticker to show a pirate.

Magnify Emotions

Sometimes it gets challenging to portray a certain emotion in your video. This is where AR stickers come to the rescue!

If you want to show someone in love, you can use the heart-eyes effect. Or, if you want to show that someone is being good, you can use the angel sticker to put a halo on their head.

There are many options! You just have to use your creative cells and conjure up something that’s unique and stands out from the rest.

3. Ace Your Shoot with the Green Screen Effect

A green-screen effect is quite important when it comes to making an exceptional brand video. It has been used in almost all blockbuster movies, and if you’re looking to make a video of a similar level, we’ve got some tried and tested tips to use the green screen effect to its fullest!

Make Sure the Lighting is Even

When it comes to a green screen, the lighting plays an important part. Make sure the green screen is one shade of green, and the lighting on the screen is even. If parts of the green screen are darker than the rest, the chroma key effect won’t be able to distinguish the different shades.

Contrasting Colors

Make sure the subject in the video isn’t wearing any green clothing, or there aren’t many green objects around, as they might disappear when you apply the green screen effect.

Prevent Motion Blur with High Shutter Speed

When shooting with a green screen background, make sure you keep the shutter speed high to avoid motion blur. Ideally, it should be 2x your frame rate for optimum results. But, at the same time, it shouldn’t be too high, as it can lead to a change in video exposure.

If you keep these tips in mind when shooting a video, you can easily use the chroma key effect in Wondershare Filmora to add your desired background and create an outstanding video.

4. Be Innovative with Effects

A video without effects is as bland as water! So, make your video innovative with the impressive variety of effects available in Wondershare Filmora.

But you can’t just add effects to your video like that! You need to understand when and where to use a certain effect properly.

For example:

Tell Your Story With Split Screen Effect

If you’re telling your brand story from the perspective of different individuals, using the split-screen effect is recommended. You can also use this effect to showcase how one thing is related to another in a cause-and-effect way.

Take this Lexus commercial, for example:

It shows the view from inside the car and from a viewer’s perspective.

Emphasize with Pan and Zoom Effect

As the topic of concern of this article is brand videos, the pan and zoom is an ideal effect for it.

You can easily emphasize its importance and give off an emotional storytelling vibe by zooming in on a person’s face or any other object in the frame. You can also use pan and zoom to add a transition to your video. Here’s an example:

Add Thrill with Transitions

To move from one shot to another, it’s important to add a transition effect in between. You can add different transition styles to link the shots with one another, for instance, the match cut transition to match scenes that are not otherwise linked visually. Or the whip pan transition, which involves a quick rotation of the camera’s axis to give the impression that the scene was shot in one take, although it is two separate clips.

Take Wondershare Filmora’s brand video, for example. You can see how seamlessly it moves from one effect to another. It adds value and makes the video fun to watch.

With the variety of transitions in Filmora’s library, you can add all the effects discussed above to your video for stunning results.

You’ve added motion tracking, used AR stickers, created a mystical background with the green screen effect, and gone innovative with effects. Now, it’s time to wrap up this article with…

5. Energize Your Videos with Speed Ramping

Did you know that speed ramping can actually improve your videos tenfold? Speeding up and slowing down the footage at certain points can have a significant impact. For example, the bullet dodge scene in “Matrix” wouldn’t have been so famous if it wasn’t for the slo-mo effect!

Speed Ramping in WonderShare Filmora

You can’t just randomly add speed ramps to your video. There has to be a purpose behind it! Do you want to emphasize something? Do you want to show a transition? Regardless, you need to time your speed ramping properly.

And here are a few tips for it!

Use Slo-Mo For Action Sequences

If your video has an amazing action scene in it, slow down the speed at that point to emphasize the action and movement. For example, a karate kick in slow motion very clearly shows us how the move is actually performed.

Don’t Use Slo-Mo For Too Long

Another tip is to use the slow-mo only for a few seconds to emphasize something. If you prolong it, it won’t have the desired impact and might even cause the audience to lose focus.

Speed Up Footage for Long Processes

If your video shows a long process, like a time-lapse, it is the perfect time to speed up the footage. Not only do long shots lose the viewer’s attention, but they can also get boring too. A sped up footage on the other hand makes your video aesthetically pleasing and entertaining.

Add Music

Using music in videos is quite a common practice; however, it becomes quite exciting if you speed ramp your video according to the music. For example, time the slo-mo effect with the more silent or riverbed parts of the music, and speed it up when the crescendo comes.

You can do this easily with the auto beat-sync feature in Filmora that matches the music with the footage.

Auto beat sync in WonderShare Filmora

How’s that for a thrilling video?

Speed Ramp for Transitions

Here’s a bonus tip! Use speed ramping at the end of one clip and the beginning of the next one to create a seamless flow between the two. It’ll also give a transition effect and make your brand video look professional.

So you see, you have ample options to add a touch of creativity to your brand videos. The key is to use a good video editor and the right video editing tools.

Wrapping Up

Shooting a brand video is easy, and it’s even easier to edit it. All you need is to let your creativity flow!

With Wondershare Filmora 11’s new and advanced editing features, making watch-worthy brand videos that give out the desired message and compel the audience to take some action has never been easier!

And, with the useful video editing tips that we have shared, you are just a click away from taking your business to new heights!

So, if you also want to create a video successfully, just like Filmora’s brand video, follow our tips, use the tricks, and edit away!

Try It Free Try It Free

Try It Free Try It Free

Create a Brand Video to Make Your Business Shine

Did you know that 8 out of 10 people go ahead and purchase a product just by watching brand videos?

I’m sure you are looking for similar success when it comes to your brand video.

But you can’t just compel the audience by making any video!

  • It has to be entertaining and inspirational.
  • It has to be innovative.
  • It needs to have something that grabs the audience’s attention.

And, with all this, it should also successfully share your brand’s core values.

So, how do you create such a video?

It’s not about simply whipping out a camera and pressing the record button. A lot of thought is involved in creating a brand video, but most importantly, you need a high-quality video editor to refine your video and make it more fun, entertaining, and innovative - A video editor like Wondershare Filmora.

And that’s what this article is about - How to use the various basic and advanced editing tools in Filmora to create a brand video that makes a difference!

But first, let’s have a look at…

Wondershare Filmora’s Brand Video

What’s so special about it, you ask?

For starters, it fits right into the criteria we mentioned above. It’s innovative, entertaining, vibrant, and fun and showcases all the features of Filmora 11.

Here, see for yourself…

From all the new effects to the AR sticker themes and other video editing features like speed ramping, masking, and green screen effect, the video successfully lets the audience know how creative they can get with Filmora.

But did you see that they didn’t put the features out there just like that! They actually used all the basic and advanced video editing features in the video to give us an idea of what it looks like when put in action.

And the video quality, the content, and the flow of the video speak for themselves.

I mean, I watched the video all the way to the end without getting bored for even a single second. And, being a video editor, I might as well get Filmora 11 after watching the highly compelling video!

Now, if you’re also wow-ed by the video and would like to create a similar one, here are some tips on making a successful brand video using Wondershare Filmora.

Tips to Make a Compelling Brand Video

Like I said earlier, making a video is not simply about getting out your camera and starting recording. Many aspects need to be considered for your video to make the desired impact.

Therefore, here are some tips that might come in handy when making your brand video:

1. Define Your Objective and Audience

The very first thing that you need to think about before starting work on your brand video is its objective and audience.

Define your Objective

What are you trying to achieve from the video? Do you want to create brand awareness, or do you wish to promote a certain product?

Secondly, who’s your target audience? Is your video projected toward people who have no idea who you and your company are? Or are you addressing an existing customer base? Also, are the audience kids or adults? Because you certainly can’t make a video with cartoon characters for an audience who’s looking for something calm and relaxing, and vice versa.

Once you have your objective and audience sorted, it’s time to get busy!

2. Video Scripting

Based on what you’re trying to achieve from your brand video and the target audience, you can decide on the video’s script. This includes the content, the length, and the editing requirements.

Video Scripting

Let’s take your video’s content, for instance:

  • If you’re creating a video for an audience that doesn’t know you, you’ll have to start from the basics, explaining who you are, what you do, and the services you offer.
  • If you’re trying to create a video that tells your brand’s story, you can either keep it inspirational or you could create fun content that will be remembered for years to come!
  • If you’re creating something for the kids, you need to keep it short yet interesting, with many effects that help in grabbing their attention.

Once you have decided what to add to the video, how long it will be, and what its content will be like, you can finally record your video!

3. Video Recording

Now, for many people, recording simply means hitting the record button.

Yes, that might work for vlogs, but when it comes to making a brand video, you need to really put in effort when recording.

Record your brand video

For instance, you should have all the video clips and images you want to include in the video at hand. And they should resonate with your brand voice and match with each other as well.

If we take Wondershare Filmora’s brand video as an example, you can see that the whole video has a vibrant and warm feel to it, which can be seen throughout. It’s not that one clip is darker and the other is lighter; the whole thing sort of blends into each other.

That’s what you should take care of when recording your video. Make sure the background, hues, and overall feel of the video clips and images match each other.

4. Using Your Brand Colors and Logo

Another thing that you should keep in mind when recording is to incorporate your brand colors in the video and throw in your logo. For instance, if your brand colors are red and green, make sure to use them in the text in the video. However, if you’re not using text, you can use the colors in the video frame by having a wall or something in the background of the same colors.

Use colors of your brand in your video

As for the logo, it can be placed anywhere in the video so that the audience learns to recognize it.

But why is using your brand colors and logo so important?

Because your brand colors and logo represent your brand and become its identity in the long run. For example, yellow and red are McDonald’s brand colors and its logo, the yellow ‘M’ in arch form, is recognizable even from a distance.

5. Video Editing

Now comes the most important part of making a brand video: The editing! The part where you refine your video and add final touches to it. If you’ve got a stellar video editing software like Wondershare Filmora, it can do wonders for your video.

Wondershare Filmora at a Glance

Wondershare Filmora |Perfect solution for creating a brand video

Wondershare Filmora has plenty of basic and advanced video editing features to add that wow factor to your video. It can turn a plain boring video into something fun, exciting, and watch-worthy.

For example, the motion tracking feature lets you add an object that follows a certain movement in the video. Then we have the AR stickers that help enhance emotions and add personality to your video. Also, the green screen feature lets you add amazing background to your video to give the desired effect.

Filmora also has many video effects, templates, speed ramping, masking, auto beat sync, voice recording, and other features that can really take your brand video to the next level.

I’m sure you now have the hang of how to make a brand video that makes your business pop. But, you still might be confused about how to make the most of these features using Wondershare Filmora.

Therefore, here are some helpful tips on using these features to make an effective brand video that creates brand awareness and drives sales!

Creative Ideas to Make Brand Videos Using Filmora

If you’re up for making a video just like the video we shared earlier, you’ll need to download Wondershare Filmora from the website. And, once you’re through with this guide, nothing can stop you from making a brand video that sells!

With that sorted, here are some valuable tips and ideas to help you along the way:

1. Level Up Your Motion Tracking

As we mentioned earlier, motion tracking means tracking the movement of an object in the video and then applying the same movement to a newly added object, like text, image, logo, or any clipart.

But that’s quite a common practice, right? I mean, every video editor out there is doing it!

However, there are some ways in which you can get creative with the motion tracking feature using Filmora.


Using Motion-Tracked Texts

While the text in a video looks pretty good itself, you can make it even more impressive by motion tracking it.

For example:

  • Attach a piece of text to your introductory title. If there’s a logo or brand name in the introduction, you can add a tagline, a website address, or your Instagram or Twitter handle to it.
  • If you want to create a context for the audience, add motion-tracked captions in your brand video. This means the captions move with the movement of the subject. It looks stylish, gives relevant information, and helps tell your brand’s story without any narration.

This Fitbit commercial would be an excellent example of motion-tracked captions:

  • If your video has an introductory scene where the frame is moving from one side to the other, you can motion-track the credits so that they move along with the scene and disappear gradually instead of dedicating a single clip to the credits.
  • Highlighting important aspects in a video, like places or names of objects with motion-tracked text, can make your video truly amazing and fun to watch. This would be quite essential if you’re making a video for the real estate or travel business.

Here’s an example:

Hence, when working with Filmora, you can do plenty with the motion tracking feature to make a truly amazing video.

2. Add a Fun Factor with AR Stickers

Now that you know how to use the motion tracking feature in Filmora, let me tell you a secret!

If you incorporate face-tracking AR stickers into your video, you can succeed in creating a brand video that will have the audience glued to the screen!

The purpose of adding AR stickers to your videos is to emphasize reactions, portray enhanced emotions, and add an element of fun. This feature works best if you’re creating a brand video projected toward kids.

AR sticker on face a girl using WonderShare Filmora

So, how can you make the most of these AR stickers?

Create Multiple Characters

If you don’t have people to play different characters, don’t fret! With the AR sticker effect, you can create multiple characters for your video.

For example:

If your video has 3 animal characters, you can use AR stickers depicting a panda, cat, and bunny to show the different characters. Similarly, you can add the sticker with glasses to show a nerdy character. Or, if you’re really getting into the story-telling mode, you can use the pirate sticker to show a pirate.

Magnify Emotions

Sometimes it gets challenging to portray a certain emotion in your video. This is where AR stickers come to the rescue!

If you want to show someone in love, you can use the heart-eyes effect. Or, if you want to show that someone is being good, you can use the angel sticker to put a halo on their head.

There are many options! You just have to use your creative cells and conjure up something that’s unique and stands out from the rest.

3. Ace Your Shoot with the Green Screen Effect

A green-screen effect is quite important when it comes to making an exceptional brand video. It has been used in almost all blockbuster movies, and if you’re looking to make a video of a similar level, we’ve got some tried and tested tips to use the green screen effect to its fullest!

Make Sure the Lighting is Even

When it comes to a green screen, the lighting plays an important part. Make sure the green screen is one shade of green, and the lighting on the screen is even. If parts of the green screen are darker than the rest, the chroma key effect won’t be able to distinguish the different shades.

Contrasting Colors

Make sure the subject in the video isn’t wearing any green clothing, or there aren’t many green objects around, as they might disappear when you apply the green screen effect.

Prevent Motion Blur with High Shutter Speed

When shooting with a green screen background, make sure you keep the shutter speed high to avoid motion blur. Ideally, it should be 2x your frame rate for optimum results. But, at the same time, it shouldn’t be too high, as it can lead to a change in video exposure.

If you keep these tips in mind when shooting a video, you can easily use the chroma key effect in Wondershare Filmora to add your desired background and create an outstanding video.

4. Be Innovative with Effects

A video without effects is as bland as water! So, make your video innovative with the impressive variety of effects available in Wondershare Filmora.

But you can’t just add effects to your video like that! You need to understand when and where to use a certain effect properly.

For example:

Tell Your Story With Split Screen Effect

If you’re telling your brand story from the perspective of different individuals, using the split-screen effect is recommended. You can also use this effect to showcase how one thing is related to another in a cause-and-effect way.

Take this Lexus commercial, for example:

It shows the view from inside the car and from a viewer’s perspective.

Emphasize with Pan and Zoom Effect

As the topic of concern of this article is brand videos, the pan and zoom is an ideal effect for it.

You can easily emphasize its importance and give off an emotional storytelling vibe by zooming in on a person’s face or any other object in the frame. You can also use pan and zoom to add a transition to your video. Here’s an example:

Add Thrill with Transitions

To move from one shot to another, it’s important to add a transition effect in between. You can add different transition styles to link the shots with one another, for instance, the match cut transition to match scenes that are not otherwise linked visually. Or the whip pan transition, which involves a quick rotation of the camera’s axis to give the impression that the scene was shot in one take, although it is two separate clips.

Take Wondershare Filmora’s brand video, for example. You can see how seamlessly it moves from one effect to another. It adds value and makes the video fun to watch.

With the variety of transitions in Filmora’s library, you can add all the effects discussed above to your video for stunning results.

You’ve added motion tracking, used AR stickers, created a mystical background with the green screen effect, and gone innovative with effects. Now, it’s time to wrap up this article with…

5. Energize Your Videos with Speed Ramping

Did you know that speed ramping can actually improve your videos tenfold? Speeding up and slowing down the footage at certain points can have a significant impact. For example, the bullet dodge scene in “Matrix” wouldn’t have been so famous if it wasn’t for the slo-mo effect!

Speed Ramping in WonderShare Filmora

You can’t just randomly add speed ramps to your video. There has to be a purpose behind it! Do you want to emphasize something? Do you want to show a transition? Regardless, you need to time your speed ramping properly.

And here are a few tips for it!

Use Slo-Mo For Action Sequences

If your video has an amazing action scene in it, slow down the speed at that point to emphasize the action and movement. For example, a karate kick in slow motion very clearly shows us how the move is actually performed.

Don’t Use Slo-Mo For Too Long

Another tip is to use the slow-mo only for a few seconds to emphasize something. If you prolong it, it won’t have the desired impact and might even cause the audience to lose focus.

Speed Up Footage for Long Processes

If your video shows a long process, like a time-lapse, it is the perfect time to speed up the footage. Not only do long shots lose the viewer’s attention, but they can also get boring too. A sped up footage on the other hand makes your video aesthetically pleasing and entertaining.

Add Music

Using music in videos is quite a common practice; however, it becomes quite exciting if you speed ramp your video according to the music. For example, time the slo-mo effect with the more silent or riverbed parts of the music, and speed it up when the crescendo comes.

You can do this easily with the auto beat-sync feature in Filmora that matches the music with the footage.

Auto beat sync in WonderShare Filmora

How’s that for a thrilling video?

Speed Ramp for Transitions

Here’s a bonus tip! Use speed ramping at the end of one clip and the beginning of the next one to create a seamless flow between the two. It’ll also give a transition effect and make your brand video look professional.

So you see, you have ample options to add a touch of creativity to your brand videos. The key is to use a good video editor and the right video editing tools.

Wrapping Up

Shooting a brand video is easy, and it’s even easier to edit it. All you need is to let your creativity flow!

With Wondershare Filmora 11’s new and advanced editing features, making watch-worthy brand videos that give out the desired message and compel the audience to take some action has never been easier!

And, with the useful video editing tips that we have shared, you are just a click away from taking your business to new heights!

So, if you also want to create a video successfully, just like Filmora’s brand video, follow our tips, use the tricks, and edit away!

Try It Free Try It Free

Try It Free Try It Free

Create a Brand Video to Make Your Business Shine

Did you know that 8 out of 10 people go ahead and purchase a product just by watching brand videos?

I’m sure you are looking for similar success when it comes to your brand video.

But you can’t just compel the audience by making any video!

  • It has to be entertaining and inspirational.
  • It has to be innovative.
  • It needs to have something that grabs the audience’s attention.

And, with all this, it should also successfully share your brand’s core values.

So, how do you create such a video?

It’s not about simply whipping out a camera and pressing the record button. A lot of thought is involved in creating a brand video, but most importantly, you need a high-quality video editor to refine your video and make it more fun, entertaining, and innovative - A video editor like Wondershare Filmora.

And that’s what this article is about - How to use the various basic and advanced editing tools in Filmora to create a brand video that makes a difference!

But first, let’s have a look at…

Wondershare Filmora’s Brand Video

What’s so special about it, you ask?

For starters, it fits right into the criteria we mentioned above. It’s innovative, entertaining, vibrant, and fun and showcases all the features of Filmora 11.

Here, see for yourself…

From all the new effects to the AR sticker themes and other video editing features like speed ramping, masking, and green screen effect, the video successfully lets the audience know how creative they can get with Filmora.

But did you see that they didn’t put the features out there just like that! They actually used all the basic and advanced video editing features in the video to give us an idea of what it looks like when put in action.

And the video quality, the content, and the flow of the video speak for themselves.

I mean, I watched the video all the way to the end without getting bored for even a single second. And, being a video editor, I might as well get Filmora 11 after watching the highly compelling video!

Now, if you’re also wow-ed by the video and would like to create a similar one, here are some tips on making a successful brand video using Wondershare Filmora.

Tips to Make a Compelling Brand Video

Like I said earlier, making a video is not simply about getting out your camera and starting recording. Many aspects need to be considered for your video to make the desired impact.

Therefore, here are some tips that might come in handy when making your brand video:

1. Define Your Objective and Audience

The very first thing that you need to think about before starting work on your brand video is its objective and audience.

Define your Objective

What are you trying to achieve from the video? Do you want to create brand awareness, or do you wish to promote a certain product?

Secondly, who’s your target audience? Is your video projected toward people who have no idea who you and your company are? Or are you addressing an existing customer base? Also, are the audience kids or adults? Because you certainly can’t make a video with cartoon characters for an audience who’s looking for something calm and relaxing, and vice versa.

Once you have your objective and audience sorted, it’s time to get busy!

2. Video Scripting

Based on what you’re trying to achieve from your brand video and the target audience, you can decide on the video’s script. This includes the content, the length, and the editing requirements.

Video Scripting

Let’s take your video’s content, for instance:

  • If you’re creating a video for an audience that doesn’t know you, you’ll have to start from the basics, explaining who you are, what you do, and the services you offer.
  • If you’re trying to create a video that tells your brand’s story, you can either keep it inspirational or you could create fun content that will be remembered for years to come!
  • If you’re creating something for the kids, you need to keep it short yet interesting, with many effects that help in grabbing their attention.

Once you have decided what to add to the video, how long it will be, and what its content will be like, you can finally record your video!

3. Video Recording

Now, for many people, recording simply means hitting the record button.

Yes, that might work for vlogs, but when it comes to making a brand video, you need to really put in effort when recording.

Record your brand video

For instance, you should have all the video clips and images you want to include in the video at hand. And they should resonate with your brand voice and match with each other as well.

If we take Wondershare Filmora’s brand video as an example, you can see that the whole video has a vibrant and warm feel to it, which can be seen throughout. It’s not that one clip is darker and the other is lighter; the whole thing sort of blends into each other.

That’s what you should take care of when recording your video. Make sure the background, hues, and overall feel of the video clips and images match each other.

4. Using Your Brand Colors and Logo

Another thing that you should keep in mind when recording is to incorporate your brand colors in the video and throw in your logo. For instance, if your brand colors are red and green, make sure to use them in the text in the video. However, if you’re not using text, you can use the colors in the video frame by having a wall or something in the background of the same colors.

Use colors of your brand in your video

As for the logo, it can be placed anywhere in the video so that the audience learns to recognize it.

But why is using your brand colors and logo so important?

Because your brand colors and logo represent your brand and become its identity in the long run. For example, yellow and red are McDonald’s brand colors and its logo, the yellow ‘M’ in arch form, is recognizable even from a distance.

5. Video Editing

Now comes the most important part of making a brand video: The editing! The part where you refine your video and add final touches to it. If you’ve got a stellar video editing software like Wondershare Filmora, it can do wonders for your video.

Wondershare Filmora at a Glance

Wondershare Filmora |Perfect solution for creating a brand video

Wondershare Filmora has plenty of basic and advanced video editing features to add that wow factor to your video. It can turn a plain boring video into something fun, exciting, and watch-worthy.

For example, the motion tracking feature lets you add an object that follows a certain movement in the video. Then we have the AR stickers that help enhance emotions and add personality to your video. Also, the green screen feature lets you add amazing background to your video to give the desired effect.

Filmora also has many video effects, templates, speed ramping, masking, auto beat sync, voice recording, and other features that can really take your brand video to the next level.

I’m sure you now have the hang of how to make a brand video that makes your business pop. But, you still might be confused about how to make the most of these features using Wondershare Filmora.

Therefore, here are some helpful tips on using these features to make an effective brand video that creates brand awareness and drives sales!

Creative Ideas to Make Brand Videos Using Filmora

If you’re up for making a video just like the video we shared earlier, you’ll need to download Wondershare Filmora from the website. And, once you’re through with this guide, nothing can stop you from making a brand video that sells!

With that sorted, here are some valuable tips and ideas to help you along the way:

1. Level Up Your Motion Tracking

As we mentioned earlier, motion tracking means tracking the movement of an object in the video and then applying the same movement to a newly added object, like text, image, logo, or any clipart.

But that’s quite a common practice, right? I mean, every video editor out there is doing it!

However, there are some ways in which you can get creative with the motion tracking feature using Filmora.


Using Motion-Tracked Texts

While the text in a video looks pretty good itself, you can make it even more impressive by motion tracking it.

For example:

  • Attach a piece of text to your introductory title. If there’s a logo or brand name in the introduction, you can add a tagline, a website address, or your Instagram or Twitter handle to it.
  • If you want to create a context for the audience, add motion-tracked captions in your brand video. This means the captions move with the movement of the subject. It looks stylish, gives relevant information, and helps tell your brand’s story without any narration.

This Fitbit commercial would be an excellent example of motion-tracked captions:

  • If your video has an introductory scene where the frame is moving from one side to the other, you can motion-track the credits so that they move along with the scene and disappear gradually instead of dedicating a single clip to the credits.
  • Highlighting important aspects in a video, like places or names of objects with motion-tracked text, can make your video truly amazing and fun to watch. This would be quite essential if you’re making a video for the real estate or travel business.

Here’s an example:

Hence, when working with Filmora, you can do plenty with the motion tracking feature to make a truly amazing video.

2. Add a Fun Factor with AR Stickers

Now that you know how to use the motion tracking feature in Filmora, let me tell you a secret!

If you incorporate face-tracking AR stickers into your video, you can succeed in creating a brand video that will have the audience glued to the screen!

The purpose of adding AR stickers to your videos is to emphasize reactions, portray enhanced emotions, and add an element of fun. This feature works best if you’re creating a brand video projected toward kids.

AR sticker on face a girl using WonderShare Filmora

So, how can you make the most of these AR stickers?

Create Multiple Characters

If you don’t have people to play different characters, don’t fret! With the AR sticker effect, you can create multiple characters for your video.

For example:

If your video has 3 animal characters, you can use AR stickers depicting a panda, cat, and bunny to show the different characters. Similarly, you can add the sticker with glasses to show a nerdy character. Or, if you’re really getting into the story-telling mode, you can use the pirate sticker to show a pirate.

Magnify Emotions

Sometimes it gets challenging to portray a certain emotion in your video. This is where AR stickers come to the rescue!

If you want to show someone in love, you can use the heart-eyes effect. Or, if you want to show that someone is being good, you can use the angel sticker to put a halo on their head.

There are many options! You just have to use your creative cells and conjure up something that’s unique and stands out from the rest.

3. Ace Your Shoot with the Green Screen Effect

A green-screen effect is quite important when it comes to making an exceptional brand video. It has been used in almost all blockbuster movies, and if you’re looking to make a video of a similar level, we’ve got some tried and tested tips to use the green screen effect to its fullest!

Make Sure the Lighting is Even

When it comes to a green screen, the lighting plays an important part. Make sure the green screen is one shade of green, and the lighting on the screen is even. If parts of the green screen are darker than the rest, the chroma key effect won’t be able to distinguish the different shades.

Contrasting Colors

Make sure the subject in the video isn’t wearing any green clothing, or there aren’t many green objects around, as they might disappear when you apply the green screen effect.

Prevent Motion Blur with High Shutter Speed

When shooting with a green screen background, make sure you keep the shutter speed high to avoid motion blur. Ideally, it should be 2x your frame rate for optimum results. But, at the same time, it shouldn’t be too high, as it can lead to a change in video exposure.

If you keep these tips in mind when shooting a video, you can easily use the chroma key effect in Wondershare Filmora to add your desired background and create an outstanding video.

4. Be Innovative with Effects

A video without effects is as bland as water! So, make your video innovative with the impressive variety of effects available in Wondershare Filmora.

But you can’t just add effects to your video like that! You need to understand when and where to use a certain effect properly.

For example:

Tell Your Story With Split Screen Effect

If you’re telling your brand story from the perspective of different individuals, using the split-screen effect is recommended. You can also use this effect to showcase how one thing is related to another in a cause-and-effect way.

Take this Lexus commercial, for example:

It shows the view from inside the car and from a viewer’s perspective.

Emphasize with Pan and Zoom Effect

As the topic of concern of this article is brand videos, the pan and zoom is an ideal effect for it.

You can easily emphasize its importance and give off an emotional storytelling vibe by zooming in on a person’s face or any other object in the frame. You can also use pan and zoom to add a transition to your video. Here’s an example:

Add Thrill with Transitions

To move from one shot to another, it’s important to add a transition effect in between. You can add different transition styles to link the shots with one another, for instance, the match cut transition to match scenes that are not otherwise linked visually. Or the whip pan transition, which involves a quick rotation of the camera’s axis to give the impression that the scene was shot in one take, although it is two separate clips.

Take Wondershare Filmora’s brand video, for example. You can see how seamlessly it moves from one effect to another. It adds value and makes the video fun to watch.

With the variety of transitions in Filmora’s library, you can add all the effects discussed above to your video for stunning results.

You’ve added motion tracking, used AR stickers, created a mystical background with the green screen effect, and gone innovative with effects. Now, it’s time to wrap up this article with…

5. Energize Your Videos with Speed Ramping

Did you know that speed ramping can actually improve your videos tenfold? Speeding up and slowing down the footage at certain points can have a significant impact. For example, the bullet dodge scene in “Matrix” wouldn’t have been so famous if it wasn’t for the slo-mo effect!

Speed Ramping in WonderShare Filmora

You can’t just randomly add speed ramps to your video. There has to be a purpose behind it! Do you want to emphasize something? Do you want to show a transition? Regardless, you need to time your speed ramping properly.

And here are a few tips for it!

Use Slo-Mo For Action Sequences

If your video has an amazing action scene in it, slow down the speed at that point to emphasize the action and movement. For example, a karate kick in slow motion very clearly shows us how the move is actually performed.

Don’t Use Slo-Mo For Too Long

Another tip is to use the slow-mo only for a few seconds to emphasize something. If you prolong it, it won’t have the desired impact and might even cause the audience to lose focus.

Speed Up Footage for Long Processes

If your video shows a long process, like a time-lapse, it is the perfect time to speed up the footage. Not only do long shots lose the viewer’s attention, but they can also get boring too. A sped up footage on the other hand makes your video aesthetically pleasing and entertaining.

Add Music

Using music in videos is quite a common practice; however, it becomes quite exciting if you speed ramp your video according to the music. For example, time the slo-mo effect with the more silent or riverbed parts of the music, and speed it up when the crescendo comes.

You can do this easily with the auto beat-sync feature in Filmora that matches the music with the footage.

Auto beat sync in WonderShare Filmora

How’s that for a thrilling video?

Speed Ramp for Transitions

Here’s a bonus tip! Use speed ramping at the end of one clip and the beginning of the next one to create a seamless flow between the two. It’ll also give a transition effect and make your brand video look professional.

So you see, you have ample options to add a touch of creativity to your brand videos. The key is to use a good video editor and the right video editing tools.

Wrapping Up

Shooting a brand video is easy, and it’s even easier to edit it. All you need is to let your creativity flow!

With Wondershare Filmora 11’s new and advanced editing features, making watch-worthy brand videos that give out the desired message and compel the audience to take some action has never been easier!

And, with the useful video editing tips that we have shared, you are just a click away from taking your business to new heights!

So, if you also want to create a video successfully, just like Filmora’s brand video, follow our tips, use the tricks, and edit away!

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YouTube Algorithm Hacks 2024

Every day, more than 1 billion hours of YouTube videos are seen by users worldwide, including cat videos and videos for cats. The YouTube algorithm determines the videos YouTube recommends to its more than 2 billion human users (and untold numbers of feline users).

youtube algorithm changes

The subject of how to encourage YouTube’s algorithm to promote your videos and give you more likes is crucial for marketers, influencers, and creators alike.

We’ll discuss what the algorithm is (and isn’t), the most recent updates for 2022, and how experts use

YouTube’s search and discovery tools to push their videos in front of viewers in this blog post.

Let’s start!

Part 1. YouTube’s algorithm’s history

The YouTube algorithm: What is it? Let’s take a quick look at how YouTube’s algorithm has evolved through time and how it functions now in order to respond to your question.

2005 to 2011: Click-and-view optimization

In order to crowdsource footage of Janet Jackson and Justin Timberlake’s infamous Superbowl performance, according to YouTube founder Jawed Karim (a.k.a. the star of Me at the Zoo), YouTube was established in 2005. Therefore, it should not be surprising that YouTube’s algorithm for many years displayed suggested videos that had the most views or clicks. Unfortunately, this resulted in an increase in deceptive titles and thumbnails, or clickbait. User experience suffered as a result of videos that made viewers feel duped, dissatisfied, or just plain irritated.

2012: Watch time optimization

YouTube made changes to its recommendation engine in 2012 to account for the amount of time spent watching each video as well as the total amount of time spent on the site. According to theory, when people find videos important and engaging, they watch them for a longer period of time, possibly all the way through. Due to this, some creators tried to make their movies shorter to enhance the likelihood that viewers would watch them through, while others made their videos longer to boost overall viewing time. YouTube maintained the official line—create content your audience wants to watch, and the algorithm will reward you—while refusing to support either of these strategies. However, as anyone who has used the internet for any length of time can attest, not all time spent online is created equal. YouTube has adopted a new strategy.

2015–2016: maximizing fulfillment

In addition to emphasizing direct reaction metrics like Shares, Likes, and Dislikes (and, of course, the extremely cruel “not interested” button), YouTube started monitoring viewer happiness directly using user surveys in 2005. YouTube published a whitepaper titled Deep Neural Networks for YouTube Recommendations in 2016 that detailed some of the inner workings of its AI.

2016-present: demonetization, and brand safety

The size and popularity of YouTube have led to an increase in content moderation difficulties over time, and what the algorithm suggests is now a major topic for news outlets and the government in addition to creators and advertisers.

YouTube has stated that it takes seriously its obligation to promote a variety of viewpoints while limiting the spread of damaging false material. For instance, algorithm modifications implemented in the beginning of 2019 have reduced consumption of questionable content by 70%. (According to YouTube, borderline content is that which is harmful or misleading but doesn’t quite go against community standards. On the other hand, offensive material is taken down right away.)

Creators are impacted by this problem because they worry about unintentionally breaking the constantly evolving community rules and getting punished with strikes, demonetization, or worse. (In fact, enhancing openness for community norms for artists is one of YouTube’s priorities for 2021, according to CEO Susan Wojcicki.) Brands and advertisers are also impacted since they don’t want their name and logo to be associated with white nationalists.

Politicians in America are growing more concerned about the societal impact of social media algorithms like YouTube’s. Democrats introduced the “Protecting Americans from Dangerous Algorithms Act” in early 2021, and YouTube (and other platforms) have been called to testify before Senate committees about their algorithms. Let’s now discuss what is known about this hazardous beast’s mechanism.

Part 2. How will YouTube’s algorithm function in 2022?

The YouTube algorithm chooses videos for users with the intention of finding the most relevant content for them and keeping them interested. When we refer to “the algorithm,” we mean one of three selection or discovery techniques that are related but slightly different: three different algorithms: one that chooses videos for YouTube’s main page, one that ranks the results of any given search, and one that chooses what videos users should watch next are used.

According to YouTube, in 2022 the majority of channels’ top traffic sources would often be their homepage and suggested videos. With the exception of explainer or instructional films, which frequently receive the most traffic via search (e.g., “how to tune up a bicycle”)

Part 3. How is the algorithm set up on YouTube?

What ranking factors does YouTube consider when deciding which videos to display to users? Every traffic source varies a little. But in the end, a combination of factors including customization (the history and preferences of the viewer) performance (the success of the video) external variables (the overall audience or market)

Part 4. How YouTube determines its homepage algorithm

The YouTube algorithm presents a wide selection of videos that it thinks a user might like to view every time they open the YouTube app or type in youtube.com. Because the computer hasn’t yet determined what the viewer wants—acoustic versions of popular songs, for example—this selection is frequently broad. talks that are motivating against procrastination? to watch their preferred possum vlogger? Two categories of ranking signals are used to determine which videos appear on the homepage:


YouTube gauges performance using indicators including the click-through rate, typical viewing time, typical percentage of views, likes, and disapproval ratings from viewers. After you upload a video, the algorithm initially displays it to a small number of users on their homepage. If it appeals to, engages, and satisfies those viewers (i.e., they click on it, watch it through, like it, share it, etc.), then it is then presented to an increasing number of users on their homepages.


However, the trending tab does not include YouTube. According to their past activity, also known as their watch history, or personalization, YouTube suggests videos to users based on what it believes are relevant to their interests. More of the same will be presented to a user if they frequently watch a particular channel or show they have an interest in. This element is also responsive to behavioral alterations throughout time as a person’s affinities and interests change.


It’s a fallacy that the algorithm would penalize you for publishing too regularly or insufficiently frequently, even if YouTube undoubtedly promotes the idea of uploading constantly in order to develop and maintain a relationship with your audience. The growth of the audience is unrelated to the interval between uploads. The zeitgeist can change quickly, but by keeping an eye on Google Trends and giving yourself opportunity to explore, you won’t fall behind.

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The Best Peter McKinnon LUTs for Perfect Video Editing

Peter McKinnon is a highly talented video editor and YouTuber. He gained widespread recognition for his amazing video editing skills. Furthermore, his content always stands out from others for his exceptional color-grading abilities. Additionally, he has a keen eye for choosing the perfect color tones and contrasts to make his videos look impressive.

One of the secrets behind Peter’s impressive color grading is his use of LUTs. Peter McKinnon has developed his collection of LUTs. By using Peter McKinnon LUTs, you can easily apply his signature color grading style to your videos. These LUTs can enhance the colors, add depth and dimension, and give your videos that cinematic feel.

Part 1: Why Should You Use LUTs in Video Editing?

If you need Peter McKinnon LUT packs, you must know how effective LUTs are. Using Look-Up Tables in video editing has several advantages that can make your editing process easier, which are discussed as follows:

Save Time on Color Grading

LUTs offer a quick way to adjust the colors in your videos. Instead of manually tweaking each color parameter, you can apply a LUT with a few clicks. It saves time and lets you easily try different styles. Moreover, it makes the color grading process more convenient for beginners.

Maintain Consistency

Applying the same LUT to multiple clips ensures a consistent look throughout your video. It is constructive when you have different scenes or shots. Furthermore, you don’t need to edit each clip separately. Moreover, you can save time and effort by applying the same LUT to your project.

Professional and Creative Looks

LUTs are created by experts and provide a range of creative styles. They can imitate the look of different films, genres, or specific grading techniques. Additionally, using LUTs helps you achieve a particular mood or style. Furthermore, LUTs enhance your storytelling or align with your creative vision.

Match Footage from Different Sources

When working with footage from different cameras or lighting conditions, LUTs can help. They can help match the color and tone of the clips. Each camera may capture colors; lighting variations can affect the overall look. However, applying a LUT gives you a consistent result throughout.

Preview and Communicate Ideas

Another advantage is that LUTs offer real-time previews of the final look as you edit. Moreover, it helps you visualize the aesthetic and make informed creative decisions. Sharing LUTs with your team or collaborators communicates your creative ideas. Furthermore, it ensures everyone understands the desired look of the project.

Streamline Workflow

LUTs can be integrated into your editing software, allowing you to apply and modify them. They can be combined with other adjustments like exposure, contrast, and saturation. In addition to this, it streamlines your workflow, freeing up time to focus on other editing tasks.

Empower your videos with a new mood using different LUTs. Filmora now offers 100+ top-quality 3D LUTs cover a broad range of scenarios. Transform your videos with Filmora’s powerful 3D LUTs.

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Part 2: Top Peter McKinnon Influenced LUTs for Videos

Peter McKinnon is a great content creator with exceptional video editing skills. Here is a list of Peter McKinnon LUT Pack free and paid ones, which you can download. Make your videos look like Peter McKinnon’s and get the praise you deserve.

1. Cine LUTS V2

Cine LUTS V2 is a pack of 15 cinematic-style LUTs to color grade your videos. With these LUTs, you can achieve various cinematic looks, such as Dawn, Dusk, Elemental, and Ember. Moreover, the Dawn LUT adds a warm and soft color tone to your video. However, the Elemental LUT brings out vibrant colors, making your content appear bold and impactful. Furthermore, each LUT in this pack offers a unique color grading style.

cine luts v2

2. Cine LUTS V1

With the Cine LUTs V1 pack, you’ll have access to 7 unique LUTs. This Peter McKinnon LUT pack gives your videos a cinematic look. Furthermore, this pack has different LUTs, including Orange & Teal and Noir. The Orange & Teal LUT adds a warm orange tone to the highlights and a cool teal tone to the shadows. However, you can use the Noir LUT to add a more dramatic look to your video.

cine luts v1

3. Arctic Shade

Arctic Shade LUT is a color grading tool inspired by Peter McKinnon’s technique. Applying this LUT adjusts the white balance to give your video a balanced white exposure. Furthermore, it increases saturation and enhances contrast to make your colors pop. It’s a great option to experiment with and matches the color grading style of Peter McKinnon.

arctic shade

4. Bleak Galaxy

Bleak Galaxy is a fantastic LUT pack inspired by Peter McKinnon. This LUT is perfect for enhancing your night sky footage. It amplifies the blue tones, making the night sky even more beautiful. Additionally, it boosts saturation, bringing out the vibrant colors in the scene. With Bleak Galaxy, you can capture the details of the stunning night sky in all its beauty.

bleak galaxy

Part 3: Wondershare Filmora: Get Free LUTs on an Alternative Platform

Are you a fan of Peter McKinnon and want to make your content look professional and cinematic? It would be best to use professional video editing software like Wondershare Filmora . Filmora is an excellent tool that helps you in editing videos. Moreover, Filmora offers simple enhancement and adjustment tools for more advanced AI features.

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Besides video editing capabilities, you can color grade your videos like Peter McKinnon. In the same way, this tool offers paid and free LUTs that you can use. Additionally, Filmora has over 200 LUTs, each with a unique set of styles and color tones. You can download similar-looking Peter McKinnon LUTs free LUTs to apply on your digital media using Filmora.

wondershare filmora luts


In conclusion, Peter McKinnon is an impressive content creator and professional. There are many different LUTs inspired by Peter McKinnon LUT packs. Furthermore, these LUTs allow you to experiment and find the perfect color grading for your videos. Moreover, you can use these LUTs pack for a travel vlog, B-roll, or even a short film. With these LUTs, your videos will look better than ever.

Add LUTs on Video For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Add LUTs on Video For macOS 10.14 or later

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Wondershare Filmora 12

Part 2: Top Peter McKinnon Influenced LUTs for Videos

Peter McKinnon is a great content creator with exceptional video editing skills. Here is a list of Peter McKinnon LUT Pack free and paid ones, which you can download. Make your videos look like Peter McKinnon’s and get the praise you deserve.

1. Cine LUTS V2

Cine LUTS V2 is a pack of 15 cinematic-style LUTs to color grade your videos. With these LUTs, you can achieve various cinematic looks, such as Dawn, Dusk, Elemental, and Ember. Moreover, the Dawn LUT adds a warm and soft color tone to your video. However, the Elemental LUT brings out vibrant colors, making your content appear bold and impactful. Furthermore, each LUT in this pack offers a unique color grading style.

cine luts v2

2. Cine LUTS V1

With the Cine LUTs V1 pack, you’ll have access to 7 unique LUTs. This Peter McKinnon LUT pack gives your videos a cinematic look. Furthermore, this pack has different LUTs, including Orange & Teal and Noir. The Orange & Teal LUT adds a warm orange tone to the highlights and a cool teal tone to the shadows. However, you can use the Noir LUT to add a more dramatic look to your video.

cine luts v1

3. Arctic Shade

Arctic Shade LUT is a color grading tool inspired by Peter McKinnon’s technique. Applying this LUT adjusts the white balance to give your video a balanced white exposure. Furthermore, it increases saturation and enhances contrast to make your colors pop. It’s a great option to experiment with and matches the color grading style of Peter McKinnon.

arctic shade

4. Bleak Galaxy

Bleak Galaxy is a fantastic LUT pack inspired by Peter McKinnon. This LUT is perfect for enhancing your night sky footage. It amplifies the blue tones, making the night sky even more beautiful. Additionally, it boosts saturation, bringing out the vibrant colors in the scene. With Bleak Galaxy, you can capture the details of the stunning night sky in all its beauty.

bleak galaxy

Part 3: Wondershare Filmora: Get Free LUTs on an Alternative Platform

Are you a fan of Peter McKinnon and want to make your content look professional and cinematic? It would be best to use professional video editing software like Wondershare Filmora . Filmora is an excellent tool that helps you in editing videos. Moreover, Filmora offers simple enhancement and adjustment tools for more advanced AI features.

Add LUTs on Video For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Add LUTs on Video For macOS 10.14 or later

iOS Android

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Besides video editing capabilities, you can color grade your videos like Peter McKinnon. In the same way, this tool offers paid and free LUTs that you can use. Additionally, Filmora has over 200 LUTs, each with a unique set of styles and color tones. You can download similar-looking Peter McKinnon LUTs free LUTs to apply on your digital media using Filmora.

wondershare filmora luts


In conclusion, Peter McKinnon is an impressive content creator and professional. There are many different LUTs inspired by Peter McKinnon LUT packs. Furthermore, these LUTs allow you to experiment and find the perfect color grading for your videos. Moreover, you can use these LUTs pack for a travel vlog, B-roll, or even a short film. With these LUTs, your videos will look better than ever.

Add LUTs on Video For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Add LUTs on Video For macOS 10.14 or later

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Also read:

  • Title: Updated 2024 Approved How to Create A Freeze Frame Sequence in Video
  • Author: Chloe
  • Created at : 2024-04-24 07:08:43
  • Updated at : 2024-04-25 07:08:43
  • Link: https://ai-editing-video.techidaily.com/updated-2024-approved-how-to-create-a-freeze-frame-sequence-in-video/
  • License: This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.
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Updated 2024 Approved How to Create A Freeze Frame Sequence in Video