Updated 2024 Approved Make A Countdown Video

Updated 2024 Approved Make A Countdown Video

Chloe Lv12

How to Make a Countdown Video

Have you ever wanted to use Adobe After Effects to recreate a countdown timer for a rocket launch or simply create a suspenseful moment in a video by displaying how the time runs out? This tutorial will show you how. It is imperative that you become familiar with the process of creating a countdown in After Effects.

In this article, we will demonstrate how to use Adobe After Effects to put together a countdown video. This procedure is a straightforward one, and it will handle expressions as well as plugins. Stay here and read on to find out more about the various methods in which we might accomplish this goal!

Let’s begin!

Part 1. Create a new composition

It’s possible that you only want to show the minutes and seconds. Make a mask around the entire area you intend to use in order to quickly remove undesired information.

1. Create a new Text Layer.

2. Alt + Click (on a PC) or Option + Click (on a Mac) on the stopwatch in the Source Text to display text options.

3. Place the expression “timeToCurrentFormat” within the expression box (). You must set your composition frame rate to 60 frames per second in order to make it appear to be a real digital countdown timer.

4. Everything should be pre-composed, and the composition’s tempo should be reversed to make it count down. Right-click the composition and choose Time > Time Reverse Layer to change its pace.

create new text countdown video

Part 2. Using the timecode plugin

To make a countdown timer, you can use the Timecode plugin rather than the “timeToCurrentFormat()” statement. The timer layout will be immediately created when the plugin is added to a New Solid; use the same steps as before to convert it to a countdown timer.

Here is a quick video that demonstrates how simple it is to set up a countdown timer in this manner:

Step1 Ctrl-click (Windows) or Command-click (Mac OS) the time display to cycle through Timecode Base or Frames/Feet + Frames (depending on whether the “Use Feet + Frames” option is checked in the Project Settings). The Timeline panel’s upper-left corner, as well as the bottoms of the Layer, Composition, and Footage panels, all indicate the current time. Timeline panel (See.)

Step2 A smaller text version of the option that is not selected in the project settings will be seen underneath. Do the following to limit the display to the Timecode or Frames option that was chosen in the Project Settings:

Step3 Choose After Effects > Preferences > Display (Mac OS) or Edit > Preferences > Display to access the display preferences window (Windows). Remove the check mark next to “Show Timecode and Frames in Timeline Panel” (this option is selected by default).

Step4 Change the time display units by selecting File > Project Settings and then selecting a different choice from the list in the Time Display Style section.


Displays the current time as timecode in the time rulers of the Timeline, Layer, and Footage panels. You have the option of utilizing the timecode from the source media (Use Media Source) or beginning at 00:00:00:00. To use timecode rather than frames, select the Timecode option from the menu. It is important to take note that there are no options available for changing the frame rate or whether or not to delete frames, as the source timecode is recognized and used instead.

customize timecode countdown video

Part 3. Source timecode

Support for various file formats for the source timecode QuickTime, DV, AVI, P2, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, H.264, AVCHD, RED, XDCAM EX, XDCAM HD, and WAV image sequence importers are just some of the formats that After Effects is able to read and apply timecode for.

Project panel

The Project panel includes several columns that display the source timecode. These columns are titled as follows: Media Start, Media End, Media Duration, and Tape Name. These are the beginning, ending, and overall length of time for the source. There are columns labeled “In,” “Out,” and “Duration,” which reflect the In and Out points that the user has set in the Footage panel for the footage item or the work area for the composition, respectively. These columns also show the duration of the clip.

Context of the Project

The source timecode feature set can be found in the dialog box that is used to configure the Project. Check out the Options for Time Display Units page for more information.

Box for Configuring Composition Settings

The source timecode feature set is located in the dialog box that is called Composition Settings.

Box for Specifying Preferences

The Import section of the Preferences dialog box is capable of handling source timecode functions.

box preference countdown video

That’s it! You are now familiar with the process of creating a straightforward countdown and a countdown timer in After Effects, and you have three options to choose from. Make use of this information to give your videos an interesting spin and to round out the experience for the audience.

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Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

How to Make A Tattoo Disappear Like A Magic

Do you have any tattoos that you don’t like anymore? Have you ever wished you had the superpower to make unwanted tattoos vanish? Then, keep reading this article since this article will provide you with how to use masking and colour correction to make a tattoo disappear in Filmora .

Part 1: What You’ll Need to Getting ready

Step1 The first thing you need is a video clip of your arm. Next, place the camera on a tripod, and tilt down to show the table from the top.

need a video clip of your arm

Step2 After that, put the arm on the tableand keep it still while filming. Meanwhile, have another hand perform on the other side of the frame and pretend to use magic to remove the tattoo.

put the arm on the tableand

Step3 Next, you need a picture of a tattoo. Indeed, it would be better to have the tattoo in the same position on the arm so it can match the video clip we just filmed.

need a picture of a tattoo

After preparing everything, you need to go to Filmora 11 and start editing. If you haven’t downloaded Filmora already, you can visit filmora.wondershare.com.

go to filmora 11

Part 2: Editing Tutorial

Step1 First, drag and drop the arm video clip onto the first video track and the tattoo picture on the second video track.

drag and drop the arm video clip onto the first video track

Step2 Add a mask around the tattoo part from the picture. You must hide the first video track to see the mask clearly.Then, double-click on the picture on the timeline and go to the setting window on the top left. Find the Mask Section and select the circle shape. Now you can see the mask is applied.

add a mask around the tattoo part

Step3 Adjust the position and size of the mask to reveal only the tattoo part. Then you must change the “Blur Strength” to add more blur to the edge of the mask.

add more blur to the edge of the mask

Step4 With the mask finalized,unhide the first video track with the arm video clip. Next, adjust the position and size of the tattoo and make it fit the arm clip.

adjust the position

Step5 Go to do colour correction on the tattoo image so that it matches better with the arm skin. Double-click on the tattoo on the timeline and go to the setting window on the top left. Find the “Color” Section and open the “Tone” menu. First, you have to adjust the brightness first.

go to do colour correction

Step6 Afterwards, open the “White Balance”menu and adjust the temperature. Indeed, you can also adjust the contrast and saturation if needed. Once done, click “OK.” The tattoo should look like it blends into the arm video.

open the white balance menu

Part 3: Make the tattoo disappear

Step1 Move the play head to where you want the tattoo fades, and adjust the length of the tattoo picture there.

adjust the length of the tattoo picture

Step2 Next, find the “Evaporate 1” from the “Transitions” window. Drag and drop it to the end of the tattoo clip.

find the evaporate 1

Step3 Adjust the length if needed. Finally, Let’s playback and see how it looks!

adjust the length


That’s how to make a tattoo disappear in Filmora 11. With Filmora 11, you can get as many new tattoos as possible. Indeed, you can follow all the steps above carefully to get the perfect result.

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Fast and Easy Method to Match Color in Photoshop

Fast and Easy Method to Match Color in Photoshop

An easy yet powerful editor

Numerous effects to choose from

Detailed tutorials provided by the official channel

Try It Free Try It Free

Photoshop is one such editing tool where we can easily edit our photos and videos. And Photoshop matches can colour in the same image, which is one of the most incredible features of this tool. And in the following discussion, we will be talking about how you can color match photos online with the help of Photoshop.

And lastly, we will be introducing you to another proficient tool that has the perfect feature to help you edit and colour match photos. So, let us get started with our discussion without any further delay.

In this article

01 [What Scene is Photoshop’s Color Matching Generally Used For?](#Part 1)

02 [How to perfectly match colors in Photoshop when combining photos?](#Part 2)

03 [Is There Any Other Ways to Use Color Matching?](#Part 3)

Part 1 What Scene is Photoshop’s Color Matching Generally Used For?

You can match color in Photoshop in just a few simple steps. And as far as the question of what scene can be used for it, you can use any and every photo you want to match the colour for. And the following steps will be noting how you can adjust the color of an image in Photoshop.

Step Open both the images, the one you want to alter and the one you want to change it with. And if it is just one image, open and select that one image.

Step Choose the “Image” and then select the “Adjustment” option. And after you choose the “Adjustment” option, go to the “Match Colour” option. You will be noticing the target photo that you have opted for.

Step You will find the “Image Statistics” portion in the dialogue portion. Opt for the “Source” list and select the image name consisting of the shades and hues you would want your image to be altered. You will notice a thumbnail appearing in the dialogue as you do so. And you will automatically see the colours of the photo have changed.

Step Now use the “Preview” feature to see the photoshop match colour tone, and then you will be done with adjusting the colour!

Part 2 How to perfectly match colors in Photoshop when combining photos

Now, we will be discussing the different steps that will help you match color from photo in Photoshop, with absolute precision and effortlessness. Here is the list of steps that you would need to follow to match skin tone in Photoshop most perfectly.

Step 1 Duplicate the background of the original photo

The first and the most essential step to match lighting photoshop or the colour or any other editing task is to duplicate the background of the original image. The reason for this is that without this step, we might lose out on the original background information, which is essential for the image.

And to duplicate the background of an image in Photoshop, you need to use a few shortcuts of your keyboard. If you are using a Windows device, then the shortcut for this will be “Ctrl+J”, and if you are using Mac, then the shortcut will be “ Command+J”.

photoshop duplicate layer

Step 2 Select the Image whose colour you want to change.

Photoshop has several selection tools. Choose one of the many selection tools. You might choose the “Pen Tool” or the “Lasso Tool” or anything else. Select the image with the tool by drawing along the image with the tool. And when you are done with tracing the image with the selection tool of your choice, you will see a border marching around the image.

selection tool

Step 3 Select the area of the second image

You will need the selection tool again. The second image is the one that consists of the colour you would want the original image to match with. So, use the selection tool again to trace out an area in the second picture with the colour you want.

Ensure that you trace out a substantial area with the colour you need. You need not be highly precise with selecting the area. Instead, focus on covering a large area so that you can cover up the different shades and hues of the colour.

select purple

Step 4 Move back to the original picture

We will proceed with the “Colour Match” feature in Photoshop, but before that, you must make sure that you have the original image selected. The technical term to use here is “Focus”. So, ensure that the original image is in focus.

You can bring the original image into “focus” by clicking anywhere inside the document’s window where the original image is present. And that will automatically bring back the focus to the original image.

Step 5 Bring the “Colour Match” command into function

After selecting the original image, reach out to the “Image” option and click on the “Adjustments” option. You will find the “Match Colour” option; click on it.

There are two sections of the “Color Match” option. One is the “Image Statistics” portion, and the other is the “Destination Image”. The “destination Image” portion consists of the name of the original image and a few image settings as well. The options include “luminescence”, “color intensity”, “fade”, and “neutralize”.

Step 6 Head to the “Image Statistics” portion

The “Image Statistics” portion consists of the “Source” option. It is present in the bottom down part of the “Image Statistics” box. It is a drop-down box, and you will have to click on it. Tap on the small downward arrow beside the “Source” option and then choose the second image where you traced out the area of the colour you would want your original image to have.

match color source

Your image might have more than one layer, and if so, you will have to opt for the correct layer from the “Layer” option of Photoshop.

Step 7 Select the correct options in the “Image Statistics” area

In the “Image Statistics” portion, you will find some options, such as “Use Selection in Source to Calculate Colours” and “Use Selection In Target To Calculate Adjustment”. You will have to click on this option and agree to them. It will instruct Photoshop to follow these instructions and colour match photos accordingly.

match color

Click on “OK” after doing the changes mentioned above and exit the dialogue box to proceed with the next step.

Step 8 Add “Adjustment Layer”

Go to the “Layers” option and then opt for the “Layers Palette” present at the bottom. Then select “New Adjustment Layer” and click on the “Levels” option.

choose levels

Step 9 Adjust the Pointers

You will find two pointers, one black and the other white. You will have to bring both the pointers to the centre of the line.

Then click on “OK” and exit the box to proceed with the next step.

level adjustment layer

Step 10 Select “Luminosity”

You will find the “Blend Mode” in the “Layers palette”. Select the “Blend Mode” from there. You will find it reflecting “Normal”, which is the default setting. You need to click on the small drop-down arrow and change the option from “Normal” to “Luminosity”.

luminosity blend mode

Step 11 Deselect

Now, use the keyboard shortcut “Ctrl+D” if you are using windows and “Command+D” working on a Mac device. And this completes the entire process of colour matching in photoshop.

Part 3 Is There Any Other Ways to Use Color Matching?

You will find numerous other tools that give you the opportunity of editing images and videos. But there are only a few that will offer you the quality of precise and proficient features. And if you ask us whether there are any other ways of using colour matching, we would like to introduce to you one of the best photo editing tools- Filmora 11!

It has an incredible feature of “Colour Matching” that will offer you the ease of altering colours of your pictures in the most effortless way, with the quality of original intact and even sometimes enhanced. And now, we will be discussing the “Colour Matching” feature of Filmora 11.

If you want to change the color of a clipping, then Filmora 11’s “Color Matching” allows you to extract the clip and then match colors in just a few steps.

You can use the filters of this tool, and it allows you to match color from to 10as well. So, the efficiency and quality are incomparable.

It has an adaptive scene change, and no matter in which device you use Filmora to edit our images, it will work with equal proficiency.

Key Takeaways from This Episode

In this discussion, we have enveloped the following topics.

We discussed the scene in which you can match colors in Photoshop.

Then we proceeded with the steps to help you use the “Color Match” feature of Photoshop.

And lastly, we introduced o you to Filmora 1the best photo and video editing tool, and its incredible feature of “Color Matching”.

Try It Free Try It Free

Photoshop is one such editing tool where we can easily edit our photos and videos. And Photoshop matches can colour in the same image, which is one of the most incredible features of this tool. And in the following discussion, we will be talking about how you can color match photos online with the help of Photoshop.

And lastly, we will be introducing you to another proficient tool that has the perfect feature to help you edit and colour match photos. So, let us get started with our discussion without any further delay.

In this article

01 [What Scene is Photoshop’s Color Matching Generally Used For?](#Part 1)

02 [How to perfectly match colors in Photoshop when combining photos?](#Part 2)

03 [Is There Any Other Ways to Use Color Matching?](#Part 3)

Part 1 What Scene is Photoshop’s Color Matching Generally Used For?

You can match color in Photoshop in just a few simple steps. And as far as the question of what scene can be used for it, you can use any and every photo you want to match the colour for. And the following steps will be noting how you can adjust the color of an image in Photoshop.

Step Open both the images, the one you want to alter and the one you want to change it with. And if it is just one image, open and select that one image.

Step Choose the “Image” and then select the “Adjustment” option. And after you choose the “Adjustment” option, go to the “Match Colour” option. You will be noticing the target photo that you have opted for.

Step You will find the “Image Statistics” portion in the dialogue portion. Opt for the “Source” list and select the image name consisting of the shades and hues you would want your image to be altered. You will notice a thumbnail appearing in the dialogue as you do so. And you will automatically see the colours of the photo have changed.

Step Now use the “Preview” feature to see the photoshop match colour tone, and then you will be done with adjusting the colour!

Part 2 How to perfectly match colors in Photoshop when combining photos

Now, we will be discussing the different steps that will help you match color from photo in Photoshop, with absolute precision and effortlessness. Here is the list of steps that you would need to follow to match skin tone in Photoshop most perfectly.

Step 1 Duplicate the background of the original photo

The first and the most essential step to match lighting photoshop or the colour or any other editing task is to duplicate the background of the original image. The reason for this is that without this step, we might lose out on the original background information, which is essential for the image.

And to duplicate the background of an image in Photoshop, you need to use a few shortcuts of your keyboard. If you are using a Windows device, then the shortcut for this will be “Ctrl+J”, and if you are using Mac, then the shortcut will be “ Command+J”.

photoshop duplicate layer

Step 2 Select the Image whose colour you want to change.

Photoshop has several selection tools. Choose one of the many selection tools. You might choose the “Pen Tool” or the “Lasso Tool” or anything else. Select the image with the tool by drawing along the image with the tool. And when you are done with tracing the image with the selection tool of your choice, you will see a border marching around the image.

selection tool

Step 3 Select the area of the second image

You will need the selection tool again. The second image is the one that consists of the colour you would want the original image to match with. So, use the selection tool again to trace out an area in the second picture with the colour you want.

Ensure that you trace out a substantial area with the colour you need. You need not be highly precise with selecting the area. Instead, focus on covering a large area so that you can cover up the different shades and hues of the colour.

select purple

Step 4 Move back to the original picture

We will proceed with the “Colour Match” feature in Photoshop, but before that, you must make sure that you have the original image selected. The technical term to use here is “Focus”. So, ensure that the original image is in focus.

You can bring the original image into “focus” by clicking anywhere inside the document’s window where the original image is present. And that will automatically bring back the focus to the original image.

Step 5 Bring the “Colour Match” command into function

After selecting the original image, reach out to the “Image” option and click on the “Adjustments” option. You will find the “Match Colour” option; click on it.

There are two sections of the “Color Match” option. One is the “Image Statistics” portion, and the other is the “Destination Image”. The “destination Image” portion consists of the name of the original image and a few image settings as well. The options include “luminescence”, “color intensity”, “fade”, and “neutralize”.

Step 6 Head to the “Image Statistics” portion

The “Image Statistics” portion consists of the “Source” option. It is present in the bottom down part of the “Image Statistics” box. It is a drop-down box, and you will have to click on it. Tap on the small downward arrow beside the “Source” option and then choose the second image where you traced out the area of the colour you would want your original image to have.

match color source

Your image might have more than one layer, and if so, you will have to opt for the correct layer from the “Layer” option of Photoshop.

Step 7 Select the correct options in the “Image Statistics” area

In the “Image Statistics” portion, you will find some options, such as “Use Selection in Source to Calculate Colours” and “Use Selection In Target To Calculate Adjustment”. You will have to click on this option and agree to them. It will instruct Photoshop to follow these instructions and colour match photos accordingly.

match color

Click on “OK” after doing the changes mentioned above and exit the dialogue box to proceed with the next step.

Step 8 Add “Adjustment Layer”

Go to the “Layers” option and then opt for the “Layers Palette” present at the bottom. Then select “New Adjustment Layer” and click on the “Levels” option.

choose levels

Step 9 Adjust the Pointers

You will find two pointers, one black and the other white. You will have to bring both the pointers to the centre of the line.

Then click on “OK” and exit the box to proceed with the next step.

level adjustment layer

Step 10 Select “Luminosity”

You will find the “Blend Mode” in the “Layers palette”. Select the “Blend Mode” from there. You will find it reflecting “Normal”, which is the default setting. You need to click on the small drop-down arrow and change the option from “Normal” to “Luminosity”.

luminosity blend mode

Step 11 Deselect

Now, use the keyboard shortcut “Ctrl+D” if you are using windows and “Command+D” working on a Mac device. And this completes the entire process of colour matching in photoshop.

Part 3 Is There Any Other Ways to Use Color Matching?

You will find numerous other tools that give you the opportunity of editing images and videos. But there are only a few that will offer you the quality of precise and proficient features. And if you ask us whether there are any other ways of using colour matching, we would like to introduce to you one of the best photo editing tools- Filmora 11!

It has an incredible feature of “Colour Matching” that will offer you the ease of altering colours of your pictures in the most effortless way, with the quality of original intact and even sometimes enhanced. And now, we will be discussing the “Colour Matching” feature of Filmora 11.

If you want to change the color of a clipping, then Filmora 11’s “Color Matching” allows you to extract the clip and then match colors in just a few steps.

You can use the filters of this tool, and it allows you to match color from to 10as well. So, the efficiency and quality are incomparable.

It has an adaptive scene change, and no matter in which device you use Filmora to edit our images, it will work with equal proficiency.

Key Takeaways from This Episode

In this discussion, we have enveloped the following topics.

We discussed the scene in which you can match colors in Photoshop.

Then we proceeded with the steps to help you use the “Color Match” feature of Photoshop.

And lastly, we introduced o you to Filmora 1the best photo and video editing tool, and its incredible feature of “Color Matching”.

Try It Free Try It Free

Photoshop is one such editing tool where we can easily edit our photos and videos. And Photoshop matches can colour in the same image, which is one of the most incredible features of this tool. And in the following discussion, we will be talking about how you can color match photos online with the help of Photoshop.

And lastly, we will be introducing you to another proficient tool that has the perfect feature to help you edit and colour match photos. So, let us get started with our discussion without any further delay.

In this article

01 [What Scene is Photoshop’s Color Matching Generally Used For?](#Part 1)

02 [How to perfectly match colors in Photoshop when combining photos?](#Part 2)

03 [Is There Any Other Ways to Use Color Matching?](#Part 3)

Part 1 What Scene is Photoshop’s Color Matching Generally Used For?

You can match color in Photoshop in just a few simple steps. And as far as the question of what scene can be used for it, you can use any and every photo you want to match the colour for. And the following steps will be noting how you can adjust the color of an image in Photoshop.

Step Open both the images, the one you want to alter and the one you want to change it with. And if it is just one image, open and select that one image.

Step Choose the “Image” and then select the “Adjustment” option. And after you choose the “Adjustment” option, go to the “Match Colour” option. You will be noticing the target photo that you have opted for.

Step You will find the “Image Statistics” portion in the dialogue portion. Opt for the “Source” list and select the image name consisting of the shades and hues you would want your image to be altered. You will notice a thumbnail appearing in the dialogue as you do so. And you will automatically see the colours of the photo have changed.

Step Now use the “Preview” feature to see the photoshop match colour tone, and then you will be done with adjusting the colour!

Part 2 How to perfectly match colors in Photoshop when combining photos

Now, we will be discussing the different steps that will help you match color from photo in Photoshop, with absolute precision and effortlessness. Here is the list of steps that you would need to follow to match skin tone in Photoshop most perfectly.

Step 1 Duplicate the background of the original photo

The first and the most essential step to match lighting photoshop or the colour or any other editing task is to duplicate the background of the original image. The reason for this is that without this step, we might lose out on the original background information, which is essential for the image.

And to duplicate the background of an image in Photoshop, you need to use a few shortcuts of your keyboard. If you are using a Windows device, then the shortcut for this will be “Ctrl+J”, and if you are using Mac, then the shortcut will be “ Command+J”.

photoshop duplicate layer

Step 2 Select the Image whose colour you want to change.

Photoshop has several selection tools. Choose one of the many selection tools. You might choose the “Pen Tool” or the “Lasso Tool” or anything else. Select the image with the tool by drawing along the image with the tool. And when you are done with tracing the image with the selection tool of your choice, you will see a border marching around the image.

selection tool

Step 3 Select the area of the second image

You will need the selection tool again. The second image is the one that consists of the colour you would want the original image to match with. So, use the selection tool again to trace out an area in the second picture with the colour you want.

Ensure that you trace out a substantial area with the colour you need. You need not be highly precise with selecting the area. Instead, focus on covering a large area so that you can cover up the different shades and hues of the colour.

select purple

Step 4 Move back to the original picture

We will proceed with the “Colour Match” feature in Photoshop, but before that, you must make sure that you have the original image selected. The technical term to use here is “Focus”. So, ensure that the original image is in focus.

You can bring the original image into “focus” by clicking anywhere inside the document’s window where the original image is present. And that will automatically bring back the focus to the original image.

Step 5 Bring the “Colour Match” command into function

After selecting the original image, reach out to the “Image” option and click on the “Adjustments” option. You will find the “Match Colour” option; click on it.

There are two sections of the “Color Match” option. One is the “Image Statistics” portion, and the other is the “Destination Image”. The “destination Image” portion consists of the name of the original image and a few image settings as well. The options include “luminescence”, “color intensity”, “fade”, and “neutralize”.

Step 6 Head to the “Image Statistics” portion

The “Image Statistics” portion consists of the “Source” option. It is present in the bottom down part of the “Image Statistics” box. It is a drop-down box, and you will have to click on it. Tap on the small downward arrow beside the “Source” option and then choose the second image where you traced out the area of the colour you would want your original image to have.

match color source

Your image might have more than one layer, and if so, you will have to opt for the correct layer from the “Layer” option of Photoshop.

Step 7 Select the correct options in the “Image Statistics” area

In the “Image Statistics” portion, you will find some options, such as “Use Selection in Source to Calculate Colours” and “Use Selection In Target To Calculate Adjustment”. You will have to click on this option and agree to them. It will instruct Photoshop to follow these instructions and colour match photos accordingly.

match color

Click on “OK” after doing the changes mentioned above and exit the dialogue box to proceed with the next step.

Step 8 Add “Adjustment Layer”

Go to the “Layers” option and then opt for the “Layers Palette” present at the bottom. Then select “New Adjustment Layer” and click on the “Levels” option.

choose levels

Step 9 Adjust the Pointers

You will find two pointers, one black and the other white. You will have to bring both the pointers to the centre of the line.

Then click on “OK” and exit the box to proceed with the next step.

level adjustment layer

Step 10 Select “Luminosity”

You will find the “Blend Mode” in the “Layers palette”. Select the “Blend Mode” from there. You will find it reflecting “Normal”, which is the default setting. You need to click on the small drop-down arrow and change the option from “Normal” to “Luminosity”.

luminosity blend mode

Step 11 Deselect

Now, use the keyboard shortcut “Ctrl+D” if you are using windows and “Command+D” working on a Mac device. And this completes the entire process of colour matching in photoshop.

Part 3 Is There Any Other Ways to Use Color Matching?

You will find numerous other tools that give you the opportunity of editing images and videos. But there are only a few that will offer you the quality of precise and proficient features. And if you ask us whether there are any other ways of using colour matching, we would like to introduce to you one of the best photo editing tools- Filmora 11!

It has an incredible feature of “Colour Matching” that will offer you the ease of altering colours of your pictures in the most effortless way, with the quality of original intact and even sometimes enhanced. And now, we will be discussing the “Colour Matching” feature of Filmora 11.

If you want to change the color of a clipping, then Filmora 11’s “Color Matching” allows you to extract the clip and then match colors in just a few steps.

You can use the filters of this tool, and it allows you to match color from to 10as well. So, the efficiency and quality are incomparable.

It has an adaptive scene change, and no matter in which device you use Filmora to edit our images, it will work with equal proficiency.

Key Takeaways from This Episode

In this discussion, we have enveloped the following topics.

We discussed the scene in which you can match colors in Photoshop.

Then we proceeded with the steps to help you use the “Color Match” feature of Photoshop.

And lastly, we introduced o you to Filmora 1the best photo and video editing tool, and its incredible feature of “Color Matching”.

Try It Free Try It Free

Photoshop is one such editing tool where we can easily edit our photos and videos. And Photoshop matches can colour in the same image, which is one of the most incredible features of this tool. And in the following discussion, we will be talking about how you can color match photos online with the help of Photoshop.

And lastly, we will be introducing you to another proficient tool that has the perfect feature to help you edit and colour match photos. So, let us get started with our discussion without any further delay.

In this article

01 [What Scene is Photoshop’s Color Matching Generally Used For?](#Part 1)

02 [How to perfectly match colors in Photoshop when combining photos?](#Part 2)

03 [Is There Any Other Ways to Use Color Matching?](#Part 3)

Part 1 What Scene is Photoshop’s Color Matching Generally Used For?

You can match color in Photoshop in just a few simple steps. And as far as the question of what scene can be used for it, you can use any and every photo you want to match the colour for. And the following steps will be noting how you can adjust the color of an image in Photoshop.

Step Open both the images, the one you want to alter and the one you want to change it with. And if it is just one image, open and select that one image.

Step Choose the “Image” and then select the “Adjustment” option. And after you choose the “Adjustment” option, go to the “Match Colour” option. You will be noticing the target photo that you have opted for.

Step You will find the “Image Statistics” portion in the dialogue portion. Opt for the “Source” list and select the image name consisting of the shades and hues you would want your image to be altered. You will notice a thumbnail appearing in the dialogue as you do so. And you will automatically see the colours of the photo have changed.

Step Now use the “Preview” feature to see the photoshop match colour tone, and then you will be done with adjusting the colour!

Part 2 How to perfectly match colors in Photoshop when combining photos

Now, we will be discussing the different steps that will help you match color from photo in Photoshop, with absolute precision and effortlessness. Here is the list of steps that you would need to follow to match skin tone in Photoshop most perfectly.

Step 1 Duplicate the background of the original photo

The first and the most essential step to match lighting photoshop or the colour or any other editing task is to duplicate the background of the original image. The reason for this is that without this step, we might lose out on the original background information, which is essential for the image.

And to duplicate the background of an image in Photoshop, you need to use a few shortcuts of your keyboard. If you are using a Windows device, then the shortcut for this will be “Ctrl+J”, and if you are using Mac, then the shortcut will be “ Command+J”.

photoshop duplicate layer

Step 2 Select the Image whose colour you want to change.

Photoshop has several selection tools. Choose one of the many selection tools. You might choose the “Pen Tool” or the “Lasso Tool” or anything else. Select the image with the tool by drawing along the image with the tool. And when you are done with tracing the image with the selection tool of your choice, you will see a border marching around the image.

selection tool

Step 3 Select the area of the second image

You will need the selection tool again. The second image is the one that consists of the colour you would want the original image to match with. So, use the selection tool again to trace out an area in the second picture with the colour you want.

Ensure that you trace out a substantial area with the colour you need. You need not be highly precise with selecting the area. Instead, focus on covering a large area so that you can cover up the different shades and hues of the colour.

select purple

Step 4 Move back to the original picture

We will proceed with the “Colour Match” feature in Photoshop, but before that, you must make sure that you have the original image selected. The technical term to use here is “Focus”. So, ensure that the original image is in focus.

You can bring the original image into “focus” by clicking anywhere inside the document’s window where the original image is present. And that will automatically bring back the focus to the original image.

Step 5 Bring the “Colour Match” command into function

After selecting the original image, reach out to the “Image” option and click on the “Adjustments” option. You will find the “Match Colour” option; click on it.

There are two sections of the “Color Match” option. One is the “Image Statistics” portion, and the other is the “Destination Image”. The “destination Image” portion consists of the name of the original image and a few image settings as well. The options include “luminescence”, “color intensity”, “fade”, and “neutralize”.

Step 6 Head to the “Image Statistics” portion

The “Image Statistics” portion consists of the “Source” option. It is present in the bottom down part of the “Image Statistics” box. It is a drop-down box, and you will have to click on it. Tap on the small downward arrow beside the “Source” option and then choose the second image where you traced out the area of the colour you would want your original image to have.

match color source

Your image might have more than one layer, and if so, you will have to opt for the correct layer from the “Layer” option of Photoshop.

Step 7 Select the correct options in the “Image Statistics” area

In the “Image Statistics” portion, you will find some options, such as “Use Selection in Source to Calculate Colours” and “Use Selection In Target To Calculate Adjustment”. You will have to click on this option and agree to them. It will instruct Photoshop to follow these instructions and colour match photos accordingly.

match color

Click on “OK” after doing the changes mentioned above and exit the dialogue box to proceed with the next step.

Step 8 Add “Adjustment Layer”

Go to the “Layers” option and then opt for the “Layers Palette” present at the bottom. Then select “New Adjustment Layer” and click on the “Levels” option.

choose levels

Step 9 Adjust the Pointers

You will find two pointers, one black and the other white. You will have to bring both the pointers to the centre of the line.

Then click on “OK” and exit the box to proceed with the next step.

level adjustment layer

Step 10 Select “Luminosity”

You will find the “Blend Mode” in the “Layers palette”. Select the “Blend Mode” from there. You will find it reflecting “Normal”, which is the default setting. You need to click on the small drop-down arrow and change the option from “Normal” to “Luminosity”.

luminosity blend mode

Step 11 Deselect

Now, use the keyboard shortcut “Ctrl+D” if you are using windows and “Command+D” working on a Mac device. And this completes the entire process of colour matching in photoshop.

Part 3 Is There Any Other Ways to Use Color Matching?

You will find numerous other tools that give you the opportunity of editing images and videos. But there are only a few that will offer you the quality of precise and proficient features. And if you ask us whether there are any other ways of using colour matching, we would like to introduce to you one of the best photo editing tools- Filmora 11!

It has an incredible feature of “Colour Matching” that will offer you the ease of altering colours of your pictures in the most effortless way, with the quality of original intact and even sometimes enhanced. And now, we will be discussing the “Colour Matching” feature of Filmora 11.

If you want to change the color of a clipping, then Filmora 11’s “Color Matching” allows you to extract the clip and then match colors in just a few steps.

You can use the filters of this tool, and it allows you to match color from to 10as well. So, the efficiency and quality are incomparable.

It has an adaptive scene change, and no matter in which device you use Filmora to edit our images, it will work with equal proficiency.

Key Takeaways from This Episode

In this discussion, we have enveloped the following topics.

We discussed the scene in which you can match colors in Photoshop.

Then we proceeded with the steps to help you use the “Color Match” feature of Photoshop.

And lastly, we introduced o you to Filmora 1the best photo and video editing tool, and its incredible feature of “Color Matching”.

This Article Will Address Your Questions About the Easiest Way to Turn a Blog Into a Podcast. Let’s Begin with the Reasons Why You Should Do a Podcast

Being a content creator, either writing or generating videos, requires podcast text-to-speech knowledge. The impact of content depends on how many people see it. It means finding new ways to get it into real and virtual places where customers and users might be.

Depending on the context, podcasting can be a perfect alternative for sharing content.

This article will address your questions about the easiest way to turn a blog into a podcast. Let’s begin with the reasons why you should do a podcast.

Part 1. Why You Should Podcast

Podcasts are one of the simplest and most cost-effective ways. It helps to advertise yourself and your products to a highly targeted audience. Podcasts are also excellent for engaging with potential clients interested in your content. In your field, you can achieve fame and expertise.

effective podcast

Repurposing of Content

Podcasters can maximize their potential for successful episodes and repurposing their podcast into multiple content pieces.

This podcasting strategy can help you reach more people by putting your podcasts on more channels and engaging more people who might be interested.

More Fulfilling than Articles

Unlike music, news, TV, and social media, podcast listeners don’t have to watch the screen like they do with YouTube videos or TV shows. This means they can listen while walking or driving home from work.

Podcasts are the best way to get people to pay attention and make fundamental societal changes. They can keep people interested for a long time, so you can go into detail and get personal without turning off your audience.

Minimal Start-Up Costs

To start a podcast, you can spend a little money. Even some of the most famous podcasts use a microphone, a computer, and software for recording. But it’s common to spend more money on advertising and better hosting.

Starting a podcast doesn’t cost much, as you can get everything you need for about $145.

Expansion of Search Potential

In the past few years, many big brands and small to medium-sized businesses have started using podcasts as a marketing strategy. This is because podcasts are becoming more and more popular and can help raise your company’s profile.

Podcasting is another way to disseminate your study to a broader audience, whether that audience consists of policymakers or interested citizens.

Potential to Monetize

Using an affiliate program podcast, you can earn money. Businesses can increase their income by offering paid advertising sponsorships to monetize podcasts. Suppose you accept an affiliate offer to sell ads. In that case, you become the company’s voice and put recorded ads in your podcast episodes.

The most common way to make money from a podcast is through sponsorship. It’s also the easiest way to make money because you don’t have to make or sell anything. You just have to make a deal with a sponsor.

Part 2. Why Are Writers Hesitant to Start a Podcast?

Even after knowing all these benefits, writers are still hesitant to start a podcast. One of the main reasons a writer may be reluctant to launch a podcast is the cost of the necessary equipment. You will need at least $80 to $500 for this unpromissing business.

However, let me tell you a secret that many podcastors didn’t buy any audio equipment for the launch of their podcast channel on Spotify.

Moreover, many writers don’t want to show their voice through recordings. This is because they couldn’t just make a recording and hand it off to a sound specialist. Besides, finding their voice through the stories they write is the routine.

But we all need to get the truth that many podcastors don’t record a single word of the podcast with their own voice. Due to a solution: text-to-speech, technology like this has been around for a while and continues to improve.

The two important issues have been solved, so what are you waiting for? Platform building has always relied heavily on content marketing. With blog posts and social media, additional support was provided, and now podcasts are becoming more commonplace.

Part 3. How to Turn a Text Into a Podcast?

Text To Speech

To turn your text into audible content, Text-to-speech (TTS) is an assistive technology. With a single click, TTS reads your written text aloud. Many people also use it for writing and editing to maintain audience concentration.

Text-to-speech technology is compatible with all digital devices, including computers, tablets, and smartphones. Increasing numbers of websites and products now have developed this function. For example, you can find it within the trusted video editing software like Filmora. With Filmora’s Text to Speech (TTS) feature , you may add extra aspects to your video by turning your text files into voiceovers.

Why we regard text to speech as a good

For writers, imagination is the only tool to construct their stories. To bring our stories to life, all we need is a laptop. The same holds for text-to-speech technologies, which can significantly assist writing and editing by allowing the author to hear their words without using their voice.

  • Text-to-speech applications can assist you in repurposing your material.

Your written work can be converted into spoken language or a podcast. A podcast can be converted into a YouTube video with a few alterations. All of these factors can help you reach new audiences.

Repurposing material permits your audience to consume it in a variety of ways. The audience can read, listen to, or view your content.

  • Text-to-speech systems enable authors to create information that is accessible.

As per World Health Organization, there are almost 285 million visually impaired persons and 39 million blind people. We writers can create a more inclusive world by constantly keeping accessibility in mind.

The limitations of text to speech

Text-to-speech software is becoming increasingly lifelike thanks to technological advancements. However, it cannot still express genuine human emotions. However, this should allow you to utilize these tools. The positives significantly exceed the disadvantages, and technology is continually improving.

Easiest Fix: Turn Texts Into Podcasts With TTS in Filmora

So how can you use text-to-speech? Andhow you can turn your texts into audio podcasts in a daily routine? Filmora , a all-in-one video editor, gets you the solution.

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Step1 Download and install Filmora on your PC or Mac.

download and install filmora

Step2 Open Filmora and select the video on which you wish to add audio.

add your video file

Step3 After adding your selected video, select the option “Titles” to add text to your video.

select the option titles to add your text

Step4 Select your favorite position for text in the video, like “lower third,” which is used the most in video titles.

go to option custom

Step5 Add text to the timeline and click “Ok.” You can move the red timeline marker if you want your text in a certain spot.

red timeline marker

Click the “+” button marked in the picture below to add text.

add text to the timeline

You can also edit the text by changing its style, color, and font or by animating it.

change text style

Step6 Press the “Text-to-Speech” button in the lower right side and choose your preferred voice. For example, Lilly’s voice resembles Siri.

choose your preferred voice

You can also choose another language other than English.

language of text to speech filmora

Click “Ok” once you’ve selected everything according to your requirements.

Step7 Once the transcription is completed, go ahead and test the video and audio to see if it’s synching.

test your video and audio

And that’s done. This is how easy it is to turn your texts into speech using Filmora.

Part 4. Hot FAQs on Podcast Text to Speech

How do I convert podcasts to text?

With the help of the smartphone app Google Recorder you can easily convert podcasts to texts for free.

  • Open the app on your phone, start recording to it, and start recording your podcast simultaneously.
  • The words will be automatically recorded and entered into the application as you talk into your phone’s microphone.
  • After you click stop on the app, you can store and share the files once you finish your recording.

You have an option of sharing the text, the audio, or both. Alternatively, you can save them to your Google Drive if you don’t want to share them.

How to turn my podcast into a sound?

To convert your video podcasts into audio through Filmora. Follow these steps:

  • Drag the imported video from the media library into the video timeline.
  • To extract the audio from the video, right-click the video clip and select “Audio Detach.”
  • After a while, audio and video will be seen on separate tracks.

Can I save the sound after converting text to speech?

Once the text has been converted to speech, you can save the sound. Select your preferred format after clicking the “export” option in Filmora.


Many of us wish to launch a podcast and blog. A productive podcast’s essence is turning writing into audio using various podcasting techniques. AI-powered text-to-speech softwares can quickly convert articles into podcasts. Or, you can invite significant people to your podcast to personalize it. Podcasting can give outdated content a new life.

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Step1 Download and install Filmora on your PC or Mac.

download and install filmora

Step2 Open Filmora and select the video on which you wish to add audio.

add your video file

Step3 After adding your selected video, select the option “Titles” to add text to your video.

select the option titles to add your text

Step4 Select your favorite position for text in the video, like “lower third,” which is used the most in video titles.

go to option custom

Step5 Add text to the timeline and click “Ok.” You can move the red timeline marker if you want your text in a certain spot.

red timeline marker

Click the “+” button marked in the picture below to add text.

add text to the timeline

You can also edit the text by changing its style, color, and font or by animating it.

change text style

Step6 Press the “Text-to-Speech” button in the lower right side and choose your preferred voice. For example, Lilly’s voice resembles Siri.

choose your preferred voice

You can also choose another language other than English.

language of text to speech filmora

Click “Ok” once you’ve selected everything according to your requirements.

Step7 Once the transcription is completed, go ahead and test the video and audio to see if it’s synching.

test your video and audio

And that’s done. This is how easy it is to turn your texts into speech using Filmora.

Part 4. Hot FAQs on Podcast Text to Speech

How do I convert podcasts to text?

With the help of the smartphone app Google Recorder you can easily convert podcasts to texts for free.

  • Open the app on your phone, start recording to it, and start recording your podcast simultaneously.
  • The words will be automatically recorded and entered into the application as you talk into your phone’s microphone.
  • After you click stop on the app, you can store and share the files once you finish your recording.

You have an option of sharing the text, the audio, or both. Alternatively, you can save them to your Google Drive if you don’t want to share them.

How to turn my podcast into a sound?

To convert your video podcasts into audio through Filmora. Follow these steps:

  • Drag the imported video from the media library into the video timeline.
  • To extract the audio from the video, right-click the video clip and select “Audio Detach.”
  • After a while, audio and video will be seen on separate tracks.

Can I save the sound after converting text to speech?

Once the text has been converted to speech, you can save the sound. Select your preferred format after clicking the “export” option in Filmora.


Many of us wish to launch a podcast and blog. A productive podcast’s essence is turning writing into audio using various podcasting techniques. AI-powered text-to-speech softwares can quickly convert articles into podcasts. Or, you can invite significant people to your podcast to personalize it. Podcasting can give outdated content a new life.

Also read:

  • Title: Updated 2024 Approved Make A Countdown Video
  • Author: Chloe
  • Created at : 2024-04-24 07:08:37
  • Updated at : 2024-04-25 07:08:37
  • Link: https://ai-editing-video.techidaily.com/updated-2024-approved-make-a-countdown-video/
  • License: This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.
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Updated 2024 Approved Make A Countdown Video