Updated 2024 Approved Mastering OpenCV Object Tracking A Comprehensive Guide for Beginners and Experts

Updated 2024 Approved Mastering OpenCV Object Tracking A Comprehensive Guide for Beginners and Experts

Chloe Lv12

Mastering OpenCV Object Tracking: A Comprehensive Guide for Beginners and Experts

OpenCV Tracking is a popular method used for tracking objects in a video in real-time. OpenCV is a powerful library used for image processing and computer vision applications.

From real-time video analysis to Augmented Reality, OpenCV Tracking has a wide range of uses and can help both private and public sectors to detect and track the desired object in an image or video.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore OpenCV Tracking and its pre-built trackers**.** We will use the OpenCV library and Python to implement this Object Tracking application.

  1. SOT & MOT
  2. The Difference Between Tracking And Detection
  1. Image Tracking
  2. Video Tracking
  1. Stages Of The Object Tracking Process
  2. Methods Of Object Tracking
  1. What Is OpenCV
  2. The Pre-Built Algorithms OpenCV Offers For Object Tracking
  3. Implementation In Python And OpenCV

Part 1. What Is Object Tracking?

Object Tracking determines the location of an object in a video and can be used for a variety of purposes, including surveillance, security, traffic control, digital forensics, anomaly detection, gesture recognition, visual surveillance, human-computer interaction, augmented reality, and robot vision.

Even though it may seem easy for an average person, object tracking is quite complex for computers because they have to analyze a set of frames and estimate the object’s trajectory based on numbers instead of images.

Because of how complicated it is, Object Tracking is considered one of the most difficult tasks in computer vision. Even though it’s a challenge, it’s not impossible to accomplish.

And there are two levels of Object Tracking that you should learn about:

1. SOT & MOT

  1. Single Object Tracking (SOT): SOT is a tracking algorithm that creates advanced appearance models and/or motion models to manage difficult issues like out-of-plane rotations, illumination variations, or scale changes.
  2. Multiple Object Tracking (MOT): MOT tracks every part of a video and is mainly concerned with mid-level tasks and serves as a foundation for high-level tasks.

2. The Difference Between Tracking And Detection

After knowing what Object Tracking is, there is another concept you should also be aware of - Object Detection.

The Object Tracking and Object Detection are two important methods in computer vision. Object Tracking tracks the position of a given object in an image in real-time, while Object Detection identifies and localizes objects in an image or video. That is the difference.

Part 2. Types Of Object Tracking

Image Tracking

Image tracking allows users to interact with digital content more naturally and helps users move and interact with digital objects in the same manner as they will with real-world physical objects.

Image tracking can be used in various augmented reality (AR) applications, such as AR gaming, shopping, and navigation. Moreover, you can also use it for educational purposes, such as teaching anatomy or providing instructions for a difficult task.

Video Tracking

Video tracking is the process of tracking objects in a video sequence and can be used for various applications, such as detecting and counting objects in a scene, understanding their motions, and recognizing activities.

Part 3. What Are The Difficulties Of Object Tracking?

As what has been mentioned above, the use of object tracking is versatile. However, there are some challenges associated with Object Tracking, such as:

Background Clutter: The background can impact extracting an object’s features. If the background is more densely populated, detecting or tracking the object of interest can be more difficult.

Occlusion: This is a phenomenon where the object being tracked is affected by the background or foreground. This causes the tracking algorithm to get confused due to multiple objects coming close together, hence, losing track of the object.

Varying spatial scales: Varying spatial scales refer to the target object being of a different size or shape, which can confuse the algorithm, leading to errors.

Training and Tracking Speed: If the object is moving too fast or is too small, it can be difficult to track. Therefore, the tracking module has to be designed to track, identify, and localize objects in a matter of seconds.

Part 4. Stages Of The Object Tracking Process

After the introduction of object tracking technically, let’s learn about its mechanism of it from two sides: periods of the working process and the way it tracks.

1. Stages Of The Object Tracking Process

Following are the stages of the Object Tracking process:

Target Initialization

Target initialization is the first step in Object Tracking and involves defining the targets or objects of interest and drawing a bounding box around them in the initial frame. After that, the tracker has to detect the position of the object in the frame while drawing the bounding box.

Appearance Modeling

Appearance modeling is important for understanding how an object will look under different circumstances. If the object being tracked changes appearance due to different lighting, angle, or speed, the tracking algorithm may lose its information and the object itself. Therefore, it has to be conducted to let the algorithm detect the changes and distortion.

Motion Estimation

Motion estimation entails the capacity of the model to anticipate an object’s future position with precision.

Target Positioning

Motion estimation is a process of approximating the most likely region where an object could be present. After the object’s location is approximated, a visual model can be used to determine the target’s location more accurately.

2. Methods Of Object Tracking

Here’re some methods of Object Tracking:

OpenCV-Based Object Tracking

OpenCV Object Tracking method is widely used because it offers several built-in functions designed specifically for this purpose, such as GOTURN, MIL, MediandFlow, and CSRT. The tracker type you select will depend on your specific application design. Each tracker has its pros and cons, so there is not a single type of tracker ideal for all applications.


Multi-Domain Convolutional Neural Network Tracker is a convolutional neural-based visual tracker and has won the VOT2015 challenge. Moreover, it is composed of domain-specific layers, branches, and multiple shared layers.

The MDNetT tracker is a deep neural network that is trained on numerous Object Tracking datasets. The tracker is designed to work in multiple domains, including video, text, and images.


DeepSort algorithm can track objects in real-time and uses YOLO v3 to compute the bounding boxes around the objects in a frame.

DeepSort uses Kalman filter from Simple Online and Realtime Tracking algorithm and an identification model, ReID to interlink bounding boxes and object tracks.


ROLO is a novel Object Tracking method that uses recurrent neural networks (RNNs) to learn object-specific Spatio-temporal representations. This method works with YOLO, an object detection algorithm, and an LTSM for determining the trajectory of an object.

Part 5. The powerful backup: OpenCV

We have demonstrated how powerful OpenCV Tracking is and how it works. However, do you wonder what OpenCV is? How it supports the tracking goals being achieved? In this part, we will focus on OpenCV and help you better understand the the underlying mechanisms.

1. What Is OpenCV?

OpenCV is a powerful library that allows you to perform image processing, deep learning, machine learning, and computer vision tasks on live video feeds. Moreover, it can be used to detect objects, track their movements, and recognize faces.

It can help process the data that have videos and images and has been used in various applications, such as object recognition and detection, autonomous cars, robots, medical image analysis, automated surveillance, and anomaly detection.

2. The Pre-Built Algorithms OpenCV Offers For Object Tracking

There are 8 pre-built algorithms that OpenCV offers for Objects Tracking. All of them have their uniquility and here we will present their pros and cons for your better understadning.

Tracker Pros Cons
BOOSTING Tracker Track objects accurately. Relatively slow. Unable to stop when an object is lost.
MIL Tracker Strong resistance to noise. Gives accurate results. Low speed. Unable to stop tracking once the object is lost.
KCF Tracker High speed and accuracy. Stops tracking when the object is lost. Inability to continue tracking objects once lost.
TLD Tracker Resistance to overlapping and object scaling. Unstable in object detection and tracking. Constantly loses object.
MEDIANFLOW Tracker High accuracy and speed. Accurate in determining the object’s loss. Loses object quickly due to high speed.
GOTURN Tracker Shows resistance to obstructions and noise. If the speed of an object is high, it shifts to another object.
MOSSE Tracker Able to continue tracking after the object is lost. High speed. Loses object easily if very high speed.
CSRT Tracker Good resistance to overlapping. High accuracy. Low speed. Unstable when an object is lost.

3. Implementation In Python And OpenCV

Now, after theoretical explanation of OpenCV and OpenCV Tracking, let’s learn Object Tracking OpenCV Python with coding and our simple and step-by-step instructions:

Install The Dependencies

Install the pycharm app on your PC, and launch it. Create a new project and go to Terminal. Install the opencv-contrib-python package by pasting the following command into the Terminal.

Set Up the Trackers

Now, create a Jupyter-notebook and set up the trackers with this code:


  • cv2. version returns the OpenCV library version number.
  • Save the name of the eight trackers.
  • Check the list for the version you are working on and create a tracker object based on the number.

Capture The Video Input

For capturing the video input, write the following lines of code:


  • Use the VideoCapture class to capture a video via the webcam or get a saved one from your PC.
  • In VideoCapture - line 2, give the path to your video.
  • Comment on the second line to use the webcam for tracking and uncomment the third one.

Creating The Bounding Box And Initializing The Tracker

Define an initial random bounding box or select the choices for the object you want to track with the following code:

Start The Tracker And Check The Output

Finally, write the below code lines to start the tracker:


  • Read each video frame.
  • Start the timer and, through the tracker, determine the trajectory of the object.
  • Use the trajectory to draw the bounding box.
  • The program will start tracking. Afterward, press the space bar to stop tracking.

Video – Object Tracking with Opencv and Python


In this article, we’ve discussed Object Tracking in detail and how it compares with Object Detection. Furthermore, we explored the methods used for tracking objects and provided complete guidance on the OpenCV Tracking method and its built-in functionalities.

Hopefully, you find this guide helpful, and you can now track objects in real-time without any issues.

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  1. Stages Of The Object Tracking Process
  2. Methods Of Object Tracking
  1. What Is OpenCV
  2. The Pre-Built Algorithms OpenCV Offers For Object Tracking
  3. Implementation In Python And OpenCV

Part 1. What Is Object Tracking?

Object Tracking determines the location of an object in a video and can be used for a variety of purposes, including surveillance, security, traffic control, digital forensics, anomaly detection, gesture recognition, visual surveillance, human-computer interaction, augmented reality, and robot vision.

Even though it may seem easy for an average person, object tracking is quite complex for computers because they have to analyze a set of frames and estimate the object’s trajectory based on numbers instead of images.

Because of how complicated it is, Object Tracking is considered one of the most difficult tasks in computer vision. Even though it’s a challenge, it’s not impossible to accomplish.

And there are two levels of Object Tracking that you should learn about:

1. SOT & MOT

  1. Single Object Tracking (SOT): SOT is a tracking algorithm that creates advanced appearance models and/or motion models to manage difficult issues like out-of-plane rotations, illumination variations, or scale changes.
  2. Multiple Object Tracking (MOT): MOT tracks every part of a video and is mainly concerned with mid-level tasks and serves as a foundation for high-level tasks.

2. The Difference Between Tracking And Detection

After knowing what Object Tracking is, there is another concept you should also be aware of - Object Detection.

The Object Tracking and Object Detection are two important methods in computer vision. Object Tracking tracks the position of a given object in an image in real-time, while Object Detection identifies and localizes objects in an image or video. That is the difference.

Part 2. Types Of Object Tracking

Image Tracking

Image tracking allows users to interact with digital content more naturally and helps users move and interact with digital objects in the same manner as they will with real-world physical objects.

Image tracking can be used in various augmented reality (AR) applications, such as AR gaming, shopping, and navigation. Moreover, you can also use it for educational purposes, such as teaching anatomy or providing instructions for a difficult task.

Video Tracking

Video tracking is the process of tracking objects in a video sequence and can be used for various applications, such as detecting and counting objects in a scene, understanding their motions, and recognizing activities.

Part 3. What Are The Difficulties Of Object Tracking?

As what has been mentioned above, the use of object tracking is versatile. However, there are some challenges associated with Object Tracking, such as:

Background Clutter: The background can impact extracting an object’s features. If the background is more densely populated, detecting or tracking the object of interest can be more difficult.

Occlusion: This is a phenomenon where the object being tracked is affected by the background or foreground. This causes the tracking algorithm to get confused due to multiple objects coming close together, hence, losing track of the object.

Varying spatial scales: Varying spatial scales refer to the target object being of a different size or shape, which can confuse the algorithm, leading to errors.

Training and Tracking Speed: If the object is moving too fast or is too small, it can be difficult to track. Therefore, the tracking module has to be designed to track, identify, and localize objects in a matter of seconds.

Part 4. Stages Of The Object Tracking Process

After the introduction of object tracking technically, let’s learn about its mechanism of it from two sides: periods of the working process and the way it tracks.

1. Stages Of The Object Tracking Process

Following are the stages of the Object Tracking process:

Target Initialization

Target initialization is the first step in Object Tracking and involves defining the targets or objects of interest and drawing a bounding box around them in the initial frame. After that, the tracker has to detect the position of the object in the frame while drawing the bounding box.

Appearance Modeling

Appearance modeling is important for understanding how an object will look under different circumstances. If the object being tracked changes appearance due to different lighting, angle, or speed, the tracking algorithm may lose its information and the object itself. Therefore, it has to be conducted to let the algorithm detect the changes and distortion.

Motion Estimation

Motion estimation entails the capacity of the model to anticipate an object’s future position with precision.

Target Positioning

Motion estimation is a process of approximating the most likely region where an object could be present. After the object’s location is approximated, a visual model can be used to determine the target’s location more accurately.

2. Methods Of Object Tracking

Here’re some methods of Object Tracking:

OpenCV-Based Object Tracking

OpenCV Object Tracking method is widely used because it offers several built-in functions designed specifically for this purpose, such as GOTURN, MIL, MediandFlow, and CSRT. The tracker type you select will depend on your specific application design. Each tracker has its pros and cons, so there is not a single type of tracker ideal for all applications.


Multi-Domain Convolutional Neural Network Tracker is a convolutional neural-based visual tracker and has won the VOT2015 challenge. Moreover, it is composed of domain-specific layers, branches, and multiple shared layers.

The MDNetT tracker is a deep neural network that is trained on numerous Object Tracking datasets. The tracker is designed to work in multiple domains, including video, text, and images.


DeepSort algorithm can track objects in real-time and uses YOLO v3 to compute the bounding boxes around the objects in a frame.

DeepSort uses Kalman filter from Simple Online and Realtime Tracking algorithm and an identification model, ReID to interlink bounding boxes and object tracks.


ROLO is a novel Object Tracking method that uses recurrent neural networks (RNNs) to learn object-specific Spatio-temporal representations. This method works with YOLO, an object detection algorithm, and an LTSM for determining the trajectory of an object.

Part 5. The powerful backup: OpenCV

We have demonstrated how powerful OpenCV Tracking is and how it works. However, do you wonder what OpenCV is? How it supports the tracking goals being achieved? In this part, we will focus on OpenCV and help you better understand the the underlying mechanisms.

1. What Is OpenCV?

OpenCV is a powerful library that allows you to perform image processing, deep learning, machine learning, and computer vision tasks on live video feeds. Moreover, it can be used to detect objects, track their movements, and recognize faces.

It can help process the data that have videos and images and has been used in various applications, such as object recognition and detection, autonomous cars, robots, medical image analysis, automated surveillance, and anomaly detection.

2. The Pre-Built Algorithms OpenCV Offers For Object Tracking

There are 8 pre-built algorithms that OpenCV offers for Objects Tracking. All of them have their uniquility and here we will present their pros and cons for your better understadning.

Tracker Pros Cons
BOOSTING Tracker Track objects accurately. Relatively slow. Unable to stop when an object is lost.
MIL Tracker Strong resistance to noise. Gives accurate results. Low speed. Unable to stop tracking once the object is lost.
KCF Tracker High speed and accuracy. Stops tracking when the object is lost. Inability to continue tracking objects once lost.
TLD Tracker Resistance to overlapping and object scaling. Unstable in object detection and tracking. Constantly loses object.
MEDIANFLOW Tracker High accuracy and speed. Accurate in determining the object’s loss. Loses object quickly due to high speed.
GOTURN Tracker Shows resistance to obstructions and noise. If the speed of an object is high, it shifts to another object.
MOSSE Tracker Able to continue tracking after the object is lost. High speed. Loses object easily if very high speed.
CSRT Tracker Good resistance to overlapping. High accuracy. Low speed. Unstable when an object is lost.

3. Implementation In Python And OpenCV

Now, after theoretical explanation of OpenCV and OpenCV Tracking, let’s learn Object Tracking OpenCV Python with coding and our simple and step-by-step instructions:

Install The Dependencies

Install the pycharm app on your PC, and launch it. Create a new project and go to Terminal. Install the opencv-contrib-python package by pasting the following command into the Terminal.

Set Up the Trackers

Now, create a Jupyter-notebook and set up the trackers with this code:


  • cv2. version returns the OpenCV library version number.
  • Save the name of the eight trackers.
  • Check the list for the version you are working on and create a tracker object based on the number.

Capture The Video Input

For capturing the video input, write the following lines of code:


  • Use the VideoCapture class to capture a video via the webcam or get a saved one from your PC.
  • In VideoCapture - line 2, give the path to your video.
  • Comment on the second line to use the webcam for tracking and uncomment the third one.

Creating The Bounding Box And Initializing The Tracker

Define an initial random bounding box or select the choices for the object you want to track with the following code:

Start The Tracker And Check The Output

Finally, write the below code lines to start the tracker:


  • Read each video frame.
  • Start the timer and, through the tracker, determine the trajectory of the object.
  • Use the trajectory to draw the bounding box.
  • The program will start tracking. Afterward, press the space bar to stop tracking.

Video – Object Tracking with Opencv and Python


In this article, we’ve discussed Object Tracking in detail and how it compares with Object Detection. Furthermore, we explored the methods used for tracking objects and provided complete guidance on the OpenCV Tracking method and its built-in functionalities.

Hopefully, you find this guide helpful, and you can now track objects in real-time without any issues.

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Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

How To Fix Slow Playback Issues in DaVinci Resolve: Finding the Best Solutions

Davinci Resolve is a well-known video editing software with an intuitive interface. This all-in-all program combines editing, color correction, motion graphics, and visual effects. Video editors don’t need to switch to many apps when DaVinci Resolve can do different tasks. High-quality editing of original camera images can only be done through this tool.

Hollywood films and series use this software to streamline the show. Overall, it’s incredible software, but sometimes DaVinci Resolve slow playback issues arise. To fix this issue, you can read this guide for effective and guaranteed solutions. There, you will also find a trustworthy alternative to avoid DaVinci Resolve slow-down playback.

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Part 1: Finding the Best Resolution for DaVinci Resolve Slow Playback Issue

As Highlighted, DaVinci Resolve is a good video editor for all kinds of use cases. Although it’s a powerful tool, it still shows some errors like choppy and slow playback. Modern problems require modern solutions. Thus, read the given fixes to make DaVinci Resolve faster playback. All the methods are easy and helpful for a smooth playback experience on Windows and macOS.

Solution 1: Lower Playback Resolution

In DaVinci Resolve, full timeline proxy resolution is set by default. To enjoy a smooth playback while editing, you should reduce the playback resolution. Open your project in DaVinci Resolve and press the “Playback” menu from the top. Then, select “Timeline Proxy Resolution” and pick one either “Half” or “Quarter” options. It will reduce the playback resolution and speed up the playback.

lower playback resolution slow playback

Solution 2: Change Timeline Resolution

DaVinci Resolve can work on 4K high-resolution footage that might disrupt the playback. So, cutting down the resolution to speed up your playback is suggested. To do so, click the “Settings” icon from the bottom right side and enter the “Project Settings” window. Expand the “Time Resolution” menu and choose 1920x1080 HD if working on 4K or high resolutions. Now, apply the changes by hitting on “Save.”

Adjust the timeline resolution and right-click on the timeline in the Media Pool. Choose “Timeline” and then “Timeline Settings.” Lastly, check the “Use Project Settings” option and decide a resolution to click on “OK.”

change timeline resolution slow playback

Solution 3: Enable Render Cache

It’s another solution to fix the DaVinci resolve slow playback. Render cache is a file that stores the rendered frames and makes the rendering faster. Start by hitting the “Playback” option and choose “Render Cache.” Then, you’ll see 3 options: None, Smart, and User. You should select “Smart” and let DaVinci Resolve pick one clip to be cached.

enable render cache slow playback

Solution 4: Disable the Live Save Feature

Every change you make gets saved with the Live Save option in DaVinci Resolve. If your remote drive is linked, this feature can drag the playback speed down. You can disable it for a DaVinci resolve faster playback.

Look for the “User Preference” menu and click on the top left side button of DaVinci Resolve. Go to the “Preferences” under the user tab. From the “Project Save and load,” check the “Disable Live Save” option. Now, you should remember to manually save your projects after editing.

disable live save feature slow playback

Solution 5: Use Proxy Media Files

Another solution is to use proxy media during the project editing. Proxy files are small copy files transcoded from a larger, original video file. Get the proxy file to increase the playback and go to your “Media Pool” in DaVinci Resolve. Right-click on the intended file and choose “Generate Proxy Media” from the list.

use proxy files slow playback

Solution 6: Disable Color Grades

If you are still failing to resolve the slow playback issue on Davinci Resolve, try this fix. Disable color grades and other effects in the first place. To do so, head to the DaVinci Resolve Edit Page. After getting there, press the “Bypass Color Grades and Fusion Effects” button from the top right side. This way, you can surely solve the DaVinci Resolve slow-down playback error.

disable color grades slow playback

Part 2: What Makes a Slow-Motion Video Good?

After resolving the DaVinci Resolve slow playback, let’s continue further editing. Create a slow-motion video to emphasize certain information in the video. It involves technical and creative elements for a good-quality video. You can read this section to understand the points that contribute to a good Slow-motion video.

  • Frame Rate: Keep the frame rate higher for a good slow-motion video. In this regard, you can use common frame rates such as 60fps, 120fps, and 140fps. Moreover, you should pick video clips that are originally captured in a high frame rate.
  • Shutter Speed: Minimize the motion blur in footage and use a faster shutter speed. It is important when you are shooting fast-moving objects. Adjusting the shutter speed can enhance the look of slow-motion videos.
  • Resolution: A good slow motion is only possible when it is captured in high-quality resolution. Better image quality allows more detail in such footage. Moreover, you can optimize the camera settings for the desired resolution.
  • Editing and Timing: Thoughtfully chosen clips, timings, and editing can set the stage. Thus, maintain a cohesive flow and pay more attention to the video pacing. Edit all segments in a way that fits seamlessly to contribute a good slow-motion video.

Part 3: Making Slow Playback Issues Go Away with Perfect Alternative: Wondershare Filmora

Sometimes, issues like DaVinci Resolve slow down playback do not go easily. Resolving them requires a lot of effort that might prove frustrating beyond limits. So, it seems better there to switch towards a better option. In this regard, Wondershare Filmora is the most effective solution in video editing. Professionals can rely on Filmora, which offers AI-integrated features for easy video-making.

Users can use its AI Copilot Editing for assistance if they are new to video editing. Moreover, Filmora can generate AI music, images, and scripts. It can ensure your workflow with the quickest editing. Discover more features of this application to unlock your creativity.

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How to Make a Slow-motion video with Optical Flow

Slow-motion videos with high resolution are not easy to create. Without any playback lagging, this tool can provide you with slow-motion video. Following are those steps that can lead you to easily create such videos:

Step 1Install Filmora and Import Your Project

Launch Filmora’s latest version in your system. Open it and choose the “New Project” option from its main interface. After getting into the editing screen, press the “Ctrl + I” keys to bring the media to Filmora. Drag and drop the file in the timeline section to start editing.

add video to filmora

Step 2Explore the Speed Option and Use Optical Flow Feature

In the Timeline, right-click on the video and choose the “Uniform Speed” option. An extended menu will appear on the right side. Now, turn the video into slow motion with the “Speed” slider. Afterward, head down and extend the “AI Frame Interpolation” menu. From the list, select the “Optical Flow” option for slow but high-quality speed.

set speed with uniform options

Step 3Continue Editing or Export as Desired

Now, you can extend your editing and work on “Reverse Speed” and “Ripple Edit.” If you have nothing to edit more, look for the “Export” option from the top-right corner. Click on it and export with customized parameters.

further edit and export video


In short, there are several ways to fix DaVinci Resolve’s slow playback error. As explained earlier, you can use any solution for a smooth playback experience. If you don’t want to waste time resolving such issues, switch to Wondershare Filmora. It is a reliable, all-in-all tool for video editors that doesn’t cause any playback lagging. So, start creating slow-motion videos with optical flow.

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Wondershare Filmora

Part 1: Finding the Best Resolution for DaVinci Resolve Slow Playback Issue

As Highlighted, DaVinci Resolve is a good video editor for all kinds of use cases. Although it’s a powerful tool, it still shows some errors like choppy and slow playback. Modern problems require modern solutions. Thus, read the given fixes to make DaVinci Resolve faster playback. All the methods are easy and helpful for a smooth playback experience on Windows and macOS.

Solution 1: Lower Playback Resolution

In DaVinci Resolve, full timeline proxy resolution is set by default. To enjoy a smooth playback while editing, you should reduce the playback resolution. Open your project in DaVinci Resolve and press the “Playback” menu from the top. Then, select “Timeline Proxy Resolution” and pick one either “Half” or “Quarter” options. It will reduce the playback resolution and speed up the playback.

lower playback resolution slow playback

Solution 2: Change Timeline Resolution

DaVinci Resolve can work on 4K high-resolution footage that might disrupt the playback. So, cutting down the resolution to speed up your playback is suggested. To do so, click the “Settings” icon from the bottom right side and enter the “Project Settings” window. Expand the “Time Resolution” menu and choose 1920x1080 HD if working on 4K or high resolutions. Now, apply the changes by hitting on “Save.”

Adjust the timeline resolution and right-click on the timeline in the Media Pool. Choose “Timeline” and then “Timeline Settings.” Lastly, check the “Use Project Settings” option and decide a resolution to click on “OK.”

change timeline resolution slow playback

Solution 3: Enable Render Cache

It’s another solution to fix the DaVinci resolve slow playback. Render cache is a file that stores the rendered frames and makes the rendering faster. Start by hitting the “Playback” option and choose “Render Cache.” Then, you’ll see 3 options: None, Smart, and User. You should select “Smart” and let DaVinci Resolve pick one clip to be cached.

enable render cache slow playback

Solution 4: Disable the Live Save Feature

Every change you make gets saved with the Live Save option in DaVinci Resolve. If your remote drive is linked, this feature can drag the playback speed down. You can disable it for a DaVinci resolve faster playback.

Look for the “User Preference” menu and click on the top left side button of DaVinci Resolve. Go to the “Preferences” under the user tab. From the “Project Save and load,” check the “Disable Live Save” option. Now, you should remember to manually save your projects after editing.

disable live save feature slow playback

Solution 5: Use Proxy Media Files

Another solution is to use proxy media during the project editing. Proxy files are small copy files transcoded from a larger, original video file. Get the proxy file to increase the playback and go to your “Media Pool” in DaVinci Resolve. Right-click on the intended file and choose “Generate Proxy Media” from the list.

use proxy files slow playback

Solution 6: Disable Color Grades

If you are still failing to resolve the slow playback issue on Davinci Resolve, try this fix. Disable color grades and other effects in the first place. To do so, head to the DaVinci Resolve Edit Page. After getting there, press the “Bypass Color Grades and Fusion Effects” button from the top right side. This way, you can surely solve the DaVinci Resolve slow-down playback error.

disable color grades slow playback

Part 2: What Makes a Slow-Motion Video Good?

After resolving the DaVinci Resolve slow playback, let’s continue further editing. Create a slow-motion video to emphasize certain information in the video. It involves technical and creative elements for a good-quality video. You can read this section to understand the points that contribute to a good Slow-motion video.

  • Frame Rate: Keep the frame rate higher for a good slow-motion video. In this regard, you can use common frame rates such as 60fps, 120fps, and 140fps. Moreover, you should pick video clips that are originally captured in a high frame rate.
  • Shutter Speed: Minimize the motion blur in footage and use a faster shutter speed. It is important when you are shooting fast-moving objects. Adjusting the shutter speed can enhance the look of slow-motion videos.
  • Resolution: A good slow motion is only possible when it is captured in high-quality resolution. Better image quality allows more detail in such footage. Moreover, you can optimize the camera settings for the desired resolution.
  • Editing and Timing: Thoughtfully chosen clips, timings, and editing can set the stage. Thus, maintain a cohesive flow and pay more attention to the video pacing. Edit all segments in a way that fits seamlessly to contribute a good slow-motion video.

Part 3: Making Slow Playback Issues Go Away with Perfect Alternative: Wondershare Filmora

Sometimes, issues like DaVinci Resolve slow down playback do not go easily. Resolving them requires a lot of effort that might prove frustrating beyond limits. So, it seems better there to switch towards a better option. In this regard, Wondershare Filmora is the most effective solution in video editing. Professionals can rely on Filmora, which offers AI-integrated features for easy video-making.

Users can use its AI Copilot Editing for assistance if they are new to video editing. Moreover, Filmora can generate AI music, images, and scripts. It can ensure your workflow with the quickest editing. Discover more features of this application to unlock your creativity.

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

How to Make a Slow-motion video with Optical Flow

Slow-motion videos with high resolution are not easy to create. Without any playback lagging, this tool can provide you with slow-motion video. Following are those steps that can lead you to easily create such videos:

Step 1Install Filmora and Import Your Project

Launch Filmora’s latest version in your system. Open it and choose the “New Project” option from its main interface. After getting into the editing screen, press the “Ctrl + I” keys to bring the media to Filmora. Drag and drop the file in the timeline section to start editing.

add video to filmora

Step 2Explore the Speed Option and Use Optical Flow Feature

In the Timeline, right-click on the video and choose the “Uniform Speed” option. An extended menu will appear on the right side. Now, turn the video into slow motion with the “Speed” slider. Afterward, head down and extend the “AI Frame Interpolation” menu. From the list, select the “Optical Flow” option for slow but high-quality speed.

set speed with uniform options

Step 3Continue Editing or Export as Desired

Now, you can extend your editing and work on “Reverse Speed” and “Ripple Edit.” If you have nothing to edit more, look for the “Export” option from the top-right corner. Click on it and export with customized parameters.

further edit and export video


In short, there are several ways to fix DaVinci Resolve’s slow playback error. As explained earlier, you can use any solution for a smooth playback experience. If you don’t want to waste time resolving such issues, switch to Wondershare Filmora. It is a reliable, all-in-all tool for video editors that doesn’t cause any playback lagging. So, start creating slow-motion videos with optical flow.

How to Create a Bokeh Effect

There’s a strong chance you’ve heard about bokeh before if you frequently visit photography websites or have friends who are photographers. What exactly is this optical effect that camera aficionados frequently discuss? Bokeh, who is derived from the Japanese word for “blur,” is a term used in photography to describe how a lens presents an out-of-focus background.

  1. Paintshop Pro
  2. Blur n Bokeh
  3. PhotoDirector
  4. Tadaa SLR

Part 1. What is a Bokeh Effect?

The Japanese word boke, which meaning “blur,” “haze,” or “boke-aji,” the “blur quality,” is where the term “bokeh” originates. The pronunciation of bokeh is BOH-K or BOH-kay. You can find a lot of people discussing the beautiful bokeh that their favorite fast lenses allow on any photography website or forum.

Bokeh is characterized by the words “smooth,” “amazing,” “superb,” “good,” “beautiful,” “sweet,” “silky,” and “great.” But what is it exactly? When using a fast lens and the widest aperture possible, such as f/2.8 or wider, you can create bokeh, which is described as “the effect of a fuzzy out-of-focus background.” Bokeh is the appealing or aesthetically pleasant aspect of out-of-focus blur in a shot, to put it simply.

Part 2. What is a Bokeh effect used for?

Most often, bokeh is employed for artistic purposes. You might occasionally desire a little background blur so that the viewer’s attention is drawn to the subject. In other cases, you can want it to completely detract from the subject, as in portraiture when you want to concentrate on the individual’s eyes or mouth while blurring the rest of the image. It’s true that some people use bokeh inadvertently, like looking for photos with excellent bokeh that they may use as free images on their websites or blogs. This isn’t advised, though, as it’s against the law and usually frowned upon in the photographic community as a whole to steal someone else’s image in this manner.

Part 3. How do you create a Bokeh effect?

Bokeh’s smooth, organic texture is among its most lovely features. The major goal in producing this effect is to distinguish the subject from the backdrop by employing a shallow depth of field. You will learn how to create beautiful bokeh for your photos in this video. One of the most alluring photographic effects, particularly for portraits, is bokeh. It can impart a sense of perfection to everything in a photo, making it look lot more appealing and engaging. Bokeh helps to create a dreamy backdrop that gives the image a whole new level of depth and perspective.

Using a camera lens with a shallow depth of focus is one of the many methods for achieving bokeh in photography. You need a short depth of field so that your lens aperture can be opened up as wide as possible to achieve beautiful bokeh. You can take pictures with shallow depth of field, often known as bokeh, with a point and shoot or a DSLR. A common photography technique used to make the subject stand out from the backdrop is called bokeh.

It can be used to draw attention to the topic by blurring or losing focus on the background. Three different kinds of lenses can create beautiful bokeh: prime lenses with a wide aperture The best lenses for bokeh are often wide-aperture prime lenses. Although they are frequently more expensive and heavier than zoom lenses, they offer a wider field of view. Since there is a greater difference in depth between the foreground and background when using a wide-open aperture, wide aperture prime lenses make blurring the background easier.

Part 4. What software do you need for a Bokeh effect?

Bokeh is one of the best techniques for creating a soft out-of-focus background and emphasizing a certain spot in a shot. Utilizing a fast lens and modifying the camera’s aperture settings are the typical methods for obtaining bokeh. Still, using software for both Windows and Mac, even amateur photographers may enhance their photographs with a fantastic bokeh effect.

It might be challenging to determine which photo editing software is ideal for producing high-quality bokeh effects without trying them all out, which isn’t always an option. The top five Bokeh Effect Makers will be discussed in this post in order to improve your photographs’ visual appeal and set them apart from the competition.

# Paintshop Pro

With a comprehensive toolkit created for users of all ability levels, Paintshop Pro enables you to edit, enhance, and repair your photos. A touch-friendly photography option with a distinctive split-screen before-and-after function was recently added to the software. Paintshop Pro is a good option if you’re searching for a reasonably priced photo editor that lets you tack on extra premium capabilities as you go.

Depending on your degree of competence, the software offers three distinct workspaces for you to choose from. Essential editing tools and cutting-edge technologies like AI Upsampling and AI Style Transfer can be found in the Photography Workspace, which is intended for beginners or those making short alterations.

All of the common editing and retouching tools are present in the Essentials Workspace, but only a limited number of tools and palettes are visible. You may also change the available settings to display or hide the controls you need. Last but not least, Paintshop Pro’s Complete Workspace shows all of its tools and features.

# Blur n Bokeh

The focus of Blur & Bokeh for Mac is blurring an image’s backdrop and foreground. It has the ability to boost the saturation, brightness, and warmth of the highlighted areas, as well as masking with edge detection. The clever edge-preserving method is one of the software’s strongest components. It offers excellent outcomes for creating realistic-looking image output.

You may modify the foreground and background of your photographs using a variety of filters. Although Blur n Bokeh is excellent at producing bokeh, it’s not the ideal choice if you’re searching for software that provides a variety of additional picture editing features.

# PhotoDirector

All skill levels will benefit greatly from using PhotoDirector, a complete photo editor that is free to download and simple to use. Express Mode, who is great for making quick edits, or Full Mode, which offers preset and manual photo alteration options along with creative effects, overlays, and beauty options, are two ways the program lets you access the editor.

The best part is that there is a special bokeh tool that lets you add bokeh lights and blur a specific section of an image with just one click. PhotoDirector employs an image’s natural light sources to create the bokeh effects, in contrast to other tools. Having said that, you may select a shape from 25 options and even enable live animation.

Both beginning and experienced photographers will find PhotoDirector to be a desirable alternative. PhotoDirector is unquestionably at the top of the list if you’re seeking for reliable post-processing software with a large range of features.

# Tadaa SLR

Although there are many amazing things about your iPhone, its camera will never be able to take pictures with the same wonderfully shallow depth of field as your DSLR. That will always be the case unless Apple manages to get a much, much larger sensor into the phone.

Software, however, may mimic that lavish, shallow depth of field appearance. Tadaa SLR accomplishes this. Actually, Tadaa allows you to alter the photo’s focus point in addition to artificially adjusting the depth of field. Similar to what you can accomplish with the cutting-edge Lytro camera, it does it after you take the picture.

Tadaa is launched in camera mode, and you compose and snap your picture. Alternately, you can pick a picture from your camera roll if you wish to start with an existing image. A few widgets are as follows: Switch between a square or wide shot, show a line of thirds grid, and turn the flash on and off. Even access to the front and back cameras is provided by Tadaa.


Many popular photo editing programs require intermediate-level photo editing knowledge and can be a bit on the expensive side, but there are a few programs out there that cater to all skill levels and have free versions

that don’t cut corners on quality.

While each photo editor comes with various pros and cons, only one strikes a balance between offering a wide range of editing tools and being easy to navigate, and that’s PhotoDirector.

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Part 1. What is a Bokeh Effect?

The Japanese word boke, which meaning “blur,” “haze,” or “boke-aji,” the “blur quality,” is where the term “bokeh” originates. The pronunciation of bokeh is BOH-K or BOH-kay. You can find a lot of people discussing the beautiful bokeh that their favorite fast lenses allow on any photography website or forum.

Bokeh is characterized by the words “smooth,” “amazing,” “superb,” “good,” “beautiful,” “sweet,” “silky,” and “great.” But what is it exactly? When using a fast lens and the widest aperture possible, such as f/2.8 or wider, you can create bokeh, which is described as “the effect of a fuzzy out-of-focus background.” Bokeh is the appealing or aesthetically pleasant aspect of out-of-focus blur in a shot, to put it simply.

Part 2. What is a Bokeh effect used for?

Most often, bokeh is employed for artistic purposes. You might occasionally desire a little background blur so that the viewer’s attention is drawn to the subject. In other cases, you can want it to completely detract from the subject, as in portraiture when you want to concentrate on the individual’s eyes or mouth while blurring the rest of the image. It’s true that some people use bokeh inadvertently, like looking for photos with excellent bokeh that they may use as free images on their websites or blogs. This isn’t advised, though, as it’s against the law and usually frowned upon in the photographic community as a whole to steal someone else’s image in this manner.

Part 3. How do you create a Bokeh effect?

Bokeh’s smooth, organic texture is among its most lovely features. The major goal in producing this effect is to distinguish the subject from the backdrop by employing a shallow depth of field. You will learn how to create beautiful bokeh for your photos in this video. One of the most alluring photographic effects, particularly for portraits, is bokeh. It can impart a sense of perfection to everything in a photo, making it look lot more appealing and engaging. Bokeh helps to create a dreamy backdrop that gives the image a whole new level of depth and perspective.

Using a camera lens with a shallow depth of focus is one of the many methods for achieving bokeh in photography. You need a short depth of field so that your lens aperture can be opened up as wide as possible to achieve beautiful bokeh. You can take pictures with shallow depth of field, often known as bokeh, with a point and shoot or a DSLR. A common photography technique used to make the subject stand out from the backdrop is called bokeh.

It can be used to draw attention to the topic by blurring or losing focus on the background. Three different kinds of lenses can create beautiful bokeh: prime lenses with a wide aperture The best lenses for bokeh are often wide-aperture prime lenses. Although they are frequently more expensive and heavier than zoom lenses, they offer a wider field of view. Since there is a greater difference in depth between the foreground and background when using a wide-open aperture, wide aperture prime lenses make blurring the background easier.

Part 4. What software do you need for a Bokeh effect?

Bokeh is one of the best techniques for creating a soft out-of-focus background and emphasizing a certain spot in a shot. Utilizing a fast lens and modifying the camera’s aperture settings are the typical methods for obtaining bokeh. Still, using software for both Windows and Mac, even amateur photographers may enhance their photographs with a fantastic bokeh effect.

It might be challenging to determine which photo editing software is ideal for producing high-quality bokeh effects without trying them all out, which isn’t always an option. The top five Bokeh Effect Makers will be discussed in this post in order to improve your photographs’ visual appeal and set them apart from the competition.

# Paintshop Pro

With a comprehensive toolkit created for users of all ability levels, Paintshop Pro enables you to edit, enhance, and repair your photos. A touch-friendly photography option with a distinctive split-screen before-and-after function was recently added to the software. Paintshop Pro is a good option if you’re searching for a reasonably priced photo editor that lets you tack on extra premium capabilities as you go.

Depending on your degree of competence, the software offers three distinct workspaces for you to choose from. Essential editing tools and cutting-edge technologies like AI Upsampling and AI Style Transfer can be found in the Photography Workspace, which is intended for beginners or those making short alterations.

All of the common editing and retouching tools are present in the Essentials Workspace, but only a limited number of tools and palettes are visible. You may also change the available settings to display or hide the controls you need. Last but not least, Paintshop Pro’s Complete Workspace shows all of its tools and features.

# Blur n Bokeh

The focus of Blur & Bokeh for Mac is blurring an image’s backdrop and foreground. It has the ability to boost the saturation, brightness, and warmth of the highlighted areas, as well as masking with edge detection. The clever edge-preserving method is one of the software’s strongest components. It offers excellent outcomes for creating realistic-looking image output.

You may modify the foreground and background of your photographs using a variety of filters. Although Blur n Bokeh is excellent at producing bokeh, it’s not the ideal choice if you’re searching for software that provides a variety of additional picture editing features.

# PhotoDirector

All skill levels will benefit greatly from using PhotoDirector, a complete photo editor that is free to download and simple to use. Express Mode, who is great for making quick edits, or Full Mode, which offers preset and manual photo alteration options along with creative effects, overlays, and beauty options, are two ways the program lets you access the editor.

The best part is that there is a special bokeh tool that lets you add bokeh lights and blur a specific section of an image with just one click. PhotoDirector employs an image’s natural light sources to create the bokeh effects, in contrast to other tools. Having said that, you may select a shape from 25 options and even enable live animation.

Both beginning and experienced photographers will find PhotoDirector to be a desirable alternative. PhotoDirector is unquestionably at the top of the list if you’re seeking for reliable post-processing software with a large range of features.

# Tadaa SLR

Although there are many amazing things about your iPhone, its camera will never be able to take pictures with the same wonderfully shallow depth of field as your DSLR. That will always be the case unless Apple manages to get a much, much larger sensor into the phone.

Software, however, may mimic that lavish, shallow depth of field appearance. Tadaa SLR accomplishes this. Actually, Tadaa allows you to alter the photo’s focus point in addition to artificially adjusting the depth of field. Similar to what you can accomplish with the cutting-edge Lytro camera, it does it after you take the picture.

Tadaa is launched in camera mode, and you compose and snap your picture. Alternately, you can pick a picture from your camera roll if you wish to start with an existing image. A few widgets are as follows: Switch between a square or wide shot, show a line of thirds grid, and turn the flash on and off. Even access to the front and back cameras is provided by Tadaa.


Many popular photo editing programs require intermediate-level photo editing knowledge and can be a bit on the expensive side, but there are a few programs out there that cater to all skill levels and have free versions

that don’t cut corners on quality.

While each photo editor comes with various pros and cons, only one strikes a balance between offering a wide range of editing tools and being easy to navigate, and that’s PhotoDirector.

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

How to Add Expression in After Effects

Although After Effects (AE) is a fantastic tool for creating UI animation prototypes, we’re constantly searching for methods to make our process go more quickly. Expressions are supported by AE and allow the designer to animate layers without manually specifying each keyframe by establishing connections between layer parameters or keyframes. We’ll go through the fundamentals of using and defining expressions as well as how to adapt them to your own need.

  1. thisComp
  2. loopOut
  3. random
  4. Wiggle
  5. Time

Part 1. What is After Effects Expression

Expressions are sections of code created in the JavaScript programming languages with the sole objective of changing the layer attributes in After Effects. They can create adaptable rigs and automate repetitive processes. Because of this, developing and modifying the code should be a breeze. There are many phrases that already exist and have for many years, but finding them might be challenging if you aren’t sure what you’re searching for. They may be as small as a single word or integer, or very complicated, including chapters and paragraphs of code.

You may begin forming connections between a property and other layers when you write an expression on that property. By connecting the expressions to the numerical parameters, the expression controllers in the Effects & Presets panel may assist you in better controlling the expressions. Although they are by no means necessary, expressions come in quite handy when attempting to replicate effects like inertia or bouncing without having to specify a ton of extra keyframes. They not only provide many creative possibilities, but they may also streamline your motion design process.

Part 2. Common Expressions in After Effects

An expression is a brief piece of JavaScript code that can be plugged into animated properties in After Effects applications. Expressions evaluate to a single value for a single layer property at a particular instant in time. Below are a few popular expressions.

1. ‘thisComp’

Expressions in After Effects revolve entirely on manipulating values inside an object hierarchy. Objects in this context include the composition, specific layers, and even effects. Values or other things may be contained by an object.

Use thisComp together with some fundamental arithmetic to precisely place things on the screen. This comes in quite helpful when exporting several versions for social media sites and reusing content. To have the logo scale in accordance with the size of the comp, you could even add a similar statement to the Scale option.

2. ‘loopOut’

You can always simply copy and paste keyframes throughout the timeline if you want an animation to repeat. But if you wanted to make adjustments, you’d have to go back and deal with all of those keyframes again. Again, you’d never see Batman using After Effects accomplishing this. You should use the loopOut expression in these circumstances. Even four options may be used to modify how the animation loops.

Again, cycle is the default setting; however, you may also choose from continue, offset, and ping pong. It just requires animating an Ellipse’s Scale and Opacity properties, then adding loopOut to each of them. The two keyframes are immediately cycled; it is plug and play. There are really just four keyframes in total, however the animation lasts the full length of the timeline. Use two keyframes per parameter to keep things simple, or specify which keyframes you want to loop to make things more complicated.

3. ‘random’

As implied by the name, each frame’s value is generated randomly by this expression based on the argument you provide. It will automatically randomize between 0 and 1 if you leave it empty. The parameter will generate a value at random between 0 and the value you provide between the parentheses. It will generate random numbers between the two values you enter.

Another excellent expression for rapidly producing an animation is this one. We often use it to make opacity transitions that flicker. It just takes a few clicks to do this by adding the phrase below to Opacity and keyframing it in and out from 100% Opacity.

4. ‘Wiggle’

One of the few expressions that may be used without keyframes is the Wiggle expression. Watch your shape begin to wiggle by simply adding the phrase to any Transform attribute. It will jiggle between keyframes if you decide to add them.

You will simultaneously move in two dimensions while using this phrase. You may sometimes just need to jiggle one dimension. The After Effects Wiggle expression (also known as AE Wiggle) is an excellent tool for creating erratic item movement, idle character movement, unpredictable camera motion, shaky lettering, and flashing lights.

5. ‘Time’

The greater the value next to “time” below, the quicker your animation will be. Time expression is useful for continuous animation. Utilizing time is one of the fastest and simplest methods to create an animation. Time just creates each second’s numerical value in the timeline. Remember that regardless of the timecode settings, this number begins at zero at the beginning of the comp.

Again, combine this with some simple arithmetic for excellent outcomes. To find a multiplier value that works for the parameter you are animating, play around and explore. Use it to gradually modify a layer’s position or rotation. Time is also very useful for driving animated textures like the Fractal or Turbulent Noise effects. The evolution parameter is increased by a factor of 100 throughout time.

Part 3. How to Add Expressions in After Effects

In Adobe AE, expressions may be added to any kind of layer and any form of layer attribute. Don’t give up; one of the best things about expressions is that you don’t have to be an expert programmer or coder to use them. A variety of transform effects may have expressions applied to them to generate fascinating animation, which might take hours to create from scratch.

While some idioms are brief, simple, and easy to use and comprehend, others are wordy and complex. Even though they can appear difficult, sticking them in their designated spot should work. The process of adding expressions is always the same; the code varies based on your goals. Learning how to apply an Expression effect to your layer is the first step.

Step1 Include your form or image in the timeline. When viewing the layer’s properties, click on the stopwatch of the property you wish to apply the phrase to while holding “Alt” (PC) or “Option” (Mac).

click stopwatch property

Step2 Make two keyframes for the transformation you’ve selected; in our case, we’ve point it Beginning and the End frames as shown below:

make 2 key frames

Step3 Go to the Animation menu and choose the Transform option you keyframed in the timeline. We are choosing Scale since it is what we keyframed. Multiple Transform settings may have expressions added to them, but you should do it sequentially.

choose transform animation

Step4 A box will show up on the timeline after choosing Add Expression from the menu. In the box, paste your expression. The numerical parameters will become red and a text box will show up in the timeline below the layer. The Expressions will be typed or copied here. By adjusting the values in the code, you may fine-tune the expression; experiment with each to find what works for you.

paste expression to box

Part 4. How to Edit Expressions in After Effects

To edit the Expressions in AE, you do need some programming skills to make the most of expressions since they employ JavaScript. However, there are many of excellent starter and expert expression examples, so you can still get a lot done with Premiere Pro without them. When you click the keyframe symbol on the property you wish to apply an expression to, hold down the Alt key to utilize expressions. There will appear an expression box where you may type and amend expressions.

Step1Select the property in the Timeline panel, then choose Animation > Add Expression to add and reveal an expression. To search Expressions and other parts of a property, use the search box in the Timeline panel.

select property from timeline ae

Step2In the Timeline panel or the Effect Controls panel, click the stopwatch button next to the property name using the keyboard shortcut Alt + click for the Windows or Option + click for the MacOS. Four icons are shown under the property while the expression is active, and the value becomes red.

select effects control ae

Step3To open the Expression Editor, click within the text box on the Timeline panel. Wherever you wish to alter the phrase, position the cursor. The pick whip may be moved to the name or cost of a property. The resultant expression shows all the values as one if you drag to the name of a property.

open the expreesion editor

Step4Press Enter on the numeric keyboard to end text editing and start the expression.

press enter start expression


One of the most popular pieces of software for the post-production of movies is called After Effects. The tools and expressions in AE are used by many video editors and motion graphics creators to produce stunning works of art, animated films, video advertising, distinctive video effects, and many other useful things. Expressions are JavaScript lines of code that let you manipulate data in Adobe After Effects. Even though they don’t have the same flashy name as a kryptonite spear, they may be just as powerful in the proper hands. The fact that they’ll save you a ton of time applies to all of them, regardless of size.

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Expressions are sections of code created in the JavaScript programming languages with the sole objective of changing the layer attributes in After Effects. They can create adaptable rigs and automate repetitive processes. Because of this, developing and modifying the code should be a breeze. There are many phrases that already exist and have for many years, but finding them might be challenging if you aren’t sure what you’re searching for. They may be as small as a single word or integer, or very complicated, including chapters and paragraphs of code.

You may begin forming connections between a property and other layers when you write an expression on that property. By connecting the expressions to the numerical parameters, the expression controllers in the Effects & Presets panel may assist you in better controlling the expressions. Although they are by no means necessary, expressions come in quite handy when attempting to replicate effects like inertia or bouncing without having to specify a ton of extra keyframes. They not only provide many creative possibilities, but they may also streamline your motion design process.

Part 2. Common Expressions in After Effects

An expression is a brief piece of JavaScript code that can be plugged into animated properties in After Effects applications. Expressions evaluate to a single value for a single layer property at a particular instant in time. Below are a few popular expressions.

1. ‘thisComp’

Expressions in After Effects revolve entirely on manipulating values inside an object hierarchy. Objects in this context include the composition, specific layers, and even effects. Values or other things may be contained by an object.

Use thisComp together with some fundamental arithmetic to precisely place things on the screen. This comes in quite helpful when exporting several versions for social media sites and reusing content. To have the logo scale in accordance with the size of the comp, you could even add a similar statement to the Scale option.

2. ‘loopOut’

You can always simply copy and paste keyframes throughout the timeline if you want an animation to repeat. But if you wanted to make adjustments, you’d have to go back and deal with all of those keyframes again. Again, you’d never see Batman using After Effects accomplishing this. You should use the loopOut expression in these circumstances. Even four options may be used to modify how the animation loops.

Again, cycle is the default setting; however, you may also choose from continue, offset, and ping pong. It just requires animating an Ellipse’s Scale and Opacity properties, then adding loopOut to each of them. The two keyframes are immediately cycled; it is plug and play. There are really just four keyframes in total, however the animation lasts the full length of the timeline. Use two keyframes per parameter to keep things simple, or specify which keyframes you want to loop to make things more complicated.

3. ‘random’

As implied by the name, each frame’s value is generated randomly by this expression based on the argument you provide. It will automatically randomize between 0 and 1 if you leave it empty. The parameter will generate a value at random between 0 and the value you provide between the parentheses. It will generate random numbers between the two values you enter.

Another excellent expression for rapidly producing an animation is this one. We often use it to make opacity transitions that flicker. It just takes a few clicks to do this by adding the phrase below to Opacity and keyframing it in and out from 100% Opacity.

4. ‘Wiggle’

One of the few expressions that may be used without keyframes is the Wiggle expression. Watch your shape begin to wiggle by simply adding the phrase to any Transform attribute. It will jiggle between keyframes if you decide to add them.

You will simultaneously move in two dimensions while using this phrase. You may sometimes just need to jiggle one dimension. The After Effects Wiggle expression (also known as AE Wiggle) is an excellent tool for creating erratic item movement, idle character movement, unpredictable camera motion, shaky lettering, and flashing lights.

5. ‘Time’

The greater the value next to “time” below, the quicker your animation will be. Time expression is useful for continuous animation. Utilizing time is one of the fastest and simplest methods to create an animation. Time just creates each second’s numerical value in the timeline. Remember that regardless of the timecode settings, this number begins at zero at the beginning of the comp.

Again, combine this with some simple arithmetic for excellent outcomes. To find a multiplier value that works for the parameter you are animating, play around and explore. Use it to gradually modify a layer’s position or rotation. Time is also very useful for driving animated textures like the Fractal or Turbulent Noise effects. The evolution parameter is increased by a factor of 100 throughout time.

Part 3. How to Add Expressions in After Effects

In Adobe AE, expressions may be added to any kind of layer and any form of layer attribute. Don’t give up; one of the best things about expressions is that you don’t have to be an expert programmer or coder to use them. A variety of transform effects may have expressions applied to them to generate fascinating animation, which might take hours to create from scratch.

While some idioms are brief, simple, and easy to use and comprehend, others are wordy and complex. Even though they can appear difficult, sticking them in their designated spot should work. The process of adding expressions is always the same; the code varies based on your goals. Learning how to apply an Expression effect to your layer is the first step.

Step1 Include your form or image in the timeline. When viewing the layer’s properties, click on the stopwatch of the property you wish to apply the phrase to while holding “Alt” (PC) or “Option” (Mac).

click stopwatch property

Step2 Make two keyframes for the transformation you’ve selected; in our case, we’ve point it Beginning and the End frames as shown below:

make 2 key frames

Step3 Go to the Animation menu and choose the Transform option you keyframed in the timeline. We are choosing Scale since it is what we keyframed. Multiple Transform settings may have expressions added to them, but you should do it sequentially.

choose transform animation

Step4 A box will show up on the timeline after choosing Add Expression from the menu. In the box, paste your expression. The numerical parameters will become red and a text box will show up in the timeline below the layer. The Expressions will be typed or copied here. By adjusting the values in the code, you may fine-tune the expression; experiment with each to find what works for you.

paste expression to box

Part 4. How to Edit Expressions in After Effects

To edit the Expressions in AE, you do need some programming skills to make the most of expressions since they employ JavaScript. However, there are many of excellent starter and expert expression examples, so you can still get a lot done with Premiere Pro without them. When you click the keyframe symbol on the property you wish to apply an expression to, hold down the Alt key to utilize expressions. There will appear an expression box where you may type and amend expressions.

Step1Select the property in the Timeline panel, then choose Animation > Add Expression to add and reveal an expression. To search Expressions and other parts of a property, use the search box in the Timeline panel.

select property from timeline ae

Step2In the Timeline panel or the Effect Controls panel, click the stopwatch button next to the property name using the keyboard shortcut Alt + click for the Windows or Option + click for the MacOS. Four icons are shown under the property while the expression is active, and the value becomes red.

select effects control ae

Step3To open the Expression Editor, click within the text box on the Timeline panel. Wherever you wish to alter the phrase, position the cursor. The pick whip may be moved to the name or cost of a property. The resultant expression shows all the values as one if you drag to the name of a property.

open the expreesion editor

Step4Press Enter on the numeric keyboard to end text editing and start the expression.

press enter start expression


One of the most popular pieces of software for the post-production of movies is called After Effects. The tools and expressions in AE are used by many video editors and motion graphics creators to produce stunning works of art, animated films, video advertising, distinctive video effects, and many other useful things. Expressions are JavaScript lines of code that let you manipulate data in Adobe After Effects. Even though they don’t have the same flashy name as a kryptonite spear, they may be just as powerful in the proper hands. The fact that they’ll save you a ton of time applies to all of them, regardless of size.

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Also read:

  • Title: Updated 2024 Approved Mastering OpenCV Object Tracking A Comprehensive Guide for Beginners and Experts
  • Author: Chloe
  • Created at : 2024-04-24 07:08:37
  • Updated at : 2024-04-25 07:08:37
  • Link: https://ai-editing-video.techidaily.com/updated-2024-approved-mastering-opencv-object-tracking-a-comprehensive-guide-for-beginners-and-experts/
  • License: This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.
On this page
Updated 2024 Approved Mastering OpenCV Object Tracking A Comprehensive Guide for Beginners and Experts