Updated Complete Guide to Make an Intro Video for 2024

Updated Complete Guide to Make an Intro Video for 2024

Chloe Lv12

Complete Guide to Make an Intro Video

You scroll through different social media platforms which lead you to different bloggers and content creators who introduce themselves through the precise intro videos. It the point where a viewer either turns towards or turns away from a person presenting a brand or a business. Intro videos are a must, particularly when you are new in business and promotions. Bringing your story to life in your intro video requires a propaganda to ensure that it evokes feelings of trust, confidence, and curiosity among your target viewers.

The pillar on which a striking intro videos stands is not just a monotonous visualization with poor graphics and music. It requires expertise and moreover, it requires a ‘point’. Your boring intro video would be purposeless for the people who’re watching it. Each second, you express something new, yet filled with intricate details about your work and brand. Let’s dig in a little deeper to know how exactly your introduction video will generate leads and connects you with your target audience.

Part 1: Why Intro Video is Important

An intro video, just like it sounds, is an introduction of your brand, your content or anything that you’re promoting. It appears as soon as the viewers are all set to explore your content and brand. To make the viewer’s first glimpse of your work worthwhile, it is crucial that you explain your value preposition through a precise and appealing intro video. It is through the intro videos that your work is noticed and promoted. It is important to create a story highlight for your viewers while you’re setting the decorum of your business, brand or other content.

Additionally, your video must fulfill components of a striking intro video. Whatever you are trying to say should be clear in your video. Besides being clear enough, your intro video must be short, precise and goal-oriented. You are attracting viewers so make their view purposeful with your intro video which should tell your story. The intro video, if presented flawlessly, can captivate the visitors to interact with you and can even inspire them to add into the growth of your business/content. In a nutshell, an intro video brings your business to life, increase your boost and grabs your visitors’ attention.

Part 2: When to Use Intro Video

Apart from a variety of benefits it offers, the intro video basically forms the balusters of your brand or content. Intro videos are commonly used in the following domains:

Boost Sales : Incorporating a precise piece of work in the form of an intro video can help you boost sales magically. It is far the most effective strategy you company or brand can adopt. Your brief intro video can tell your story and convey your message in an emotional and dramatic way, which consequently attracts more viewers and ultimately, results in the boost of your sales. It is just as similar to you playing with the minds of your audience. A higher audience engagement due to your intro video can definitely prove that intro video is an asset which you can offer in addition to your marketing strategies.

boost sales intro video

More Social Shares: Social media is undoubtedly far the most highly competitive space for your brands and businesses to work like magic. It is insane how brands and businesses are promoted on the tip of your fingers by sharing the gist of your work. That gist, is of course what we are talking about here in this article. Intro videos are brief and appealing which can easily by shared over multiple platforms. The more the social shares of your intro video, the more you receive the nectar of your input.

more social shares intro video

Build Personality: If you’re socially awkward or on the contrary, a social freak; the intro video covers you all. Whoever you are and whatever you do, is most creatively presented through a precise intro video. The intricately woven description of your work in an intro video definitely does wonders. People see you through your work and they see your work and you simultaneously through an intro video, then why risk creating it conventionally?

build personality intro video

Increase Brand Awareness: Creating a brand awareness video which narrates your story in a presentable manner is like wining the internet’s mode of lottery. A thoroughly considered and precise piece of your intro video can go viral at an unbelievable pace and before you even know, your marketing has done wonders all over the digital media. What is your brand, what it offers, how it benefits you and who is the target audience; all these queries are explained through a short intro video which would ultimately result in your brand recognition and thus the growth.

increase brand awareness intro video

Part 3: Best Intro Video Maker

Out there, the market is jam-packed with people witnessing millions of videos on different media platforms every day. This only leads to crowded digital market but only your intro video can stand out and flaunt your work charmingly. Filmora is one best choice to professionally craft your intro video which can give your brand a head start in no time.

Wondershare Filmora is a time effective and easy to use video editing software that enable the users to create variety of videos by choosing among some great presets and powerful editing tools. Maintaining and improving the quality of videos, Filmora enables the users to choose across a variety of different video editing features. This video editing software is developed by Wondershare and it includes features for a range of users from beginner to intermediate levels.

add titles win 2

For a composition of your intro video, Filmora is the best go-to software so why wait another minute? Currently, Filmora is compatible with Windows and macOS computers. Some of the features offered by Filmora include the following:

Rich Intro Templates

A wide variety of professionally crafted templates are available on your fingertips so instead of conventionally editing your videos, get your hands on the stunning templates offered by Filmora. Filmora is equipped with multiple templates which provide the users a plethora of options when it comes to customizing videos. These templates are easy to use and your intro videos can turn into a magic movie with presets offered by Filmora so grab your setup today and enjoy the affordable software now.

rich intro templates

Numerous Video Effects

Importing media and editing it on the timeline to create a compelling tale is the first step in a video editor’s post-production process. Following those foundational steps, an editor applies various effects to the video in order to fix issues, improve mood, intensify suspense, and add magic to the video. Filmora offers a great variety of customizable filters, effects, transitions and the best part? You don’t even have to be a pro to use these effects.

effects 1

Title Editing

Filmora enables the intro video makers to adorn the titles of their videos by selecting among multiple text editing options. Both short videos and full-length movies must have opening titles and closing credits. You may catch the audience’s attention from the first frame of your video by coming up with inventive methods to employ text which precisely conveys the tale of your film. You may utilize more than a hundred text settings in Filmora’s Titles tab to add text to the video.

types of titles win1

Text to Speech/STT

Speaking in your videos may increase engagement and make it simpler for viewers to grasp what you’re saying. But how can you add audio without first recording it? Are you considering hiring a voice actor? Don’t worry! Filmora got your back by offering Text to Speech (TTS) function, which enables the users to add voice to your video. Filmora automatically transcripts your text files into speech on the click of a button.

text to speech stt

Audio Editing

Filmora additionally offers an audio panel where the software helps to manipulate audio added to your intro videos. The audio editing feature of Filmora enables users to improve the quality of the audio, to remove unwanted noises, balance pitch or change the length of a particular audio file.

add audio fade in fade out

Part 4: How to Create Intro Videos

To maintain consistency and to provide your brand with a unique identity, it is essential to carefully craft an intro video. Following is a step-by-step guide through which you can get your hands on this effective video editing software:

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Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Step1Download and Install the Software

The first step in creating an intro video requires the user to download and install the Filmora software in Windows or MacOS computers. To download the setup, go to https://filmora.wondershare.com/ and click ‘Download’. Afterwards, when the setup is downloaded, run the setup and install Filmora on your computer:

startup window 01

Step2Add Color Templates

After installing, wait until the installation is finished. Launch Wondershare Filmora and go to MEDIA tab at the top left of the interface and select the best suitable background color for your intro video from the dropdown menu in the MEDIA tab. Drag your cursor over the tile of the color you wish to use as a background and click to add the icon that appears in the center to add it to the timeline.

media for use 01

Additionally, if you don’t prefer the preset backgrounds and colors, Filmora lets you use your own background image or video clip. For this, select PROJECT MEDIA > click anywhere inside the media window > import media file of your choice. After importing the file, click on the imported file to add it to the timeline.

Step3Select and add audio effect to your Intro Video

Your video automatically grasps a lot of viewers’ attention with a spice of some music/audio in the background. To adorn your intro video further, you can add audio/music effect to your intro video using the inbuilt music and sound effects from the library. If you want to listen to a track from the inbuilt library collection of audio and music, double click on the thumbnail.

types of audio win1

Click the AUDIO tab. Choose from Recommended audio files or import your own audio. Once, you find your desired audio/music file, drag and drop it to the audio track below the video.

Step4Add Text/Logo to your Intro Video

Click the ‘TITLE’ tab. To customize, choose title options from Recommended or add your own custom design. To change, format, and animate the text as needed, click on your desired preset or custom title and double click or drag it to the bottom area of the main library to insert a title.

add titles win

Also, you need to adjust the position and duration of the title to get a better view. In the intro video, it is recommended to add your logo or slogan as well. To add your logo, drag and drop it to the track above the video, and adjust its position and size.

Step5Add Effects to your Intro Video

Go to ‘EFFECTS’ tab, choose a category from the top-left pane, and click and drag your preferred effect from the Effects library to the timeline. Adjust the playback duration by dragging the right handle of the track in the timeline as explained above. Optionally, double-click the Effects track to customize the appearance as needed.

Step6Export the Intro and Add to Shared Media

Once you’re done making your intro video, click on the ‘EXPORT’ tab in the center > go to LOCAL tab on export box > choose your preferred output format (e.g., MP4) > adjust other preferences such as destination location, resolution etc. from the right pane of the box > Click EXPORT.

overview export win3

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Step1Download and Install the Software

The first step in creating an intro video requires the user to download and install the Filmora software in Windows or MacOS computers. To download the setup, go to https://filmora.wondershare.com/ and click ‘Download’. Afterwards, when the setup is downloaded, run the setup and install Filmora on your computer:

startup window 01

Step2Add Color Templates

After installing, wait until the installation is finished. Launch Wondershare Filmora and go to MEDIA tab at the top left of the interface and select the best suitable background color for your intro video from the dropdown menu in the MEDIA tab. Drag your cursor over the tile of the color you wish to use as a background and click to add the icon that appears in the center to add it to the timeline.

media for use 01

Additionally, if you don’t prefer the preset backgrounds and colors, Filmora lets you use your own background image or video clip. For this, select PROJECT MEDIA > click anywhere inside the media window > import media file of your choice. After importing the file, click on the imported file to add it to the timeline.

Step3Select and add audio effect to your Intro Video

Your video automatically grasps a lot of viewers’ attention with a spice of some music/audio in the background. To adorn your intro video further, you can add audio/music effect to your intro video using the inbuilt music and sound effects from the library. If you want to listen to a track from the inbuilt library collection of audio and music, double click on the thumbnail.

types of audio win1

Click the AUDIO tab. Choose from Recommended audio files or import your own audio. Once, you find your desired audio/music file, drag and drop it to the audio track below the video.

Step4Add Text/Logo to your Intro Video

Click the ‘TITLE’ tab. To customize, choose title options from Recommended or add your own custom design. To change, format, and animate the text as needed, click on your desired preset or custom title and double click or drag it to the bottom area of the main library to insert a title.

add titles win

Also, you need to adjust the position and duration of the title to get a better view. In the intro video, it is recommended to add your logo or slogan as well. To add your logo, drag and drop it to the track above the video, and adjust its position and size.

Step5Add Effects to your Intro Video

Go to ‘EFFECTS’ tab, choose a category from the top-left pane, and click and drag your preferred effect from the Effects library to the timeline. Adjust the playback duration by dragging the right handle of the track in the timeline as explained above. Optionally, double-click the Effects track to customize the appearance as needed.

Step6Export the Intro and Add to Shared Media

Once you’re done making your intro video, click on the ‘EXPORT’ tab in the center > go to LOCAL tab on export box > choose your preferred output format (e.g., MP4) > adjust other preferences such as destination location, resolution etc. from the right pane of the box > Click EXPORT.

overview export win3

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Step1Download and Install the Software

The first step in creating an intro video requires the user to download and install the Filmora software in Windows or MacOS computers. To download the setup, go to https://filmora.wondershare.com/ and click ‘Download’. Afterwards, when the setup is downloaded, run the setup and install Filmora on your computer:

startup window 01

Step2Add Color Templates

After installing, wait until the installation is finished. Launch Wondershare Filmora and go to MEDIA tab at the top left of the interface and select the best suitable background color for your intro video from the dropdown menu in the MEDIA tab. Drag your cursor over the tile of the color you wish to use as a background and click to add the icon that appears in the center to add it to the timeline.

media for use 01

Additionally, if you don’t prefer the preset backgrounds and colors, Filmora lets you use your own background image or video clip. For this, select PROJECT MEDIA > click anywhere inside the media window > import media file of your choice. After importing the file, click on the imported file to add it to the timeline.

Step3Select and add audio effect to your Intro Video

Your video automatically grasps a lot of viewers’ attention with a spice of some music/audio in the background. To adorn your intro video further, you can add audio/music effect to your intro video using the inbuilt music and sound effects from the library. If you want to listen to a track from the inbuilt library collection of audio and music, double click on the thumbnail.

types of audio win1

Click the AUDIO tab. Choose from Recommended audio files or import your own audio. Once, you find your desired audio/music file, drag and drop it to the audio track below the video.

Step4Add Text/Logo to your Intro Video

Click the ‘TITLE’ tab. To customize, choose title options from Recommended or add your own custom design. To change, format, and animate the text as needed, click on your desired preset or custom title and double click or drag it to the bottom area of the main library to insert a title.

add titles win

Also, you need to adjust the position and duration of the title to get a better view. In the intro video, it is recommended to add your logo or slogan as well. To add your logo, drag and drop it to the track above the video, and adjust its position and size.

Step5Add Effects to your Intro Video

Go to ‘EFFECTS’ tab, choose a category from the top-left pane, and click and drag your preferred effect from the Effects library to the timeline. Adjust the playback duration by dragging the right handle of the track in the timeline as explained above. Optionally, double-click the Effects track to customize the appearance as needed.

Step6Export the Intro and Add to Shared Media

Once you’re done making your intro video, click on the ‘EXPORT’ tab in the center > go to LOCAL tab on export box > choose your preferred output format (e.g., MP4) > adjust other preferences such as destination location, resolution etc. from the right pane of the box > Click EXPORT.

overview export win3

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Step1Download and Install the Software

The first step in creating an intro video requires the user to download and install the Filmora software in Windows or MacOS computers. To download the setup, go to https://filmora.wondershare.com/ and click ‘Download’. Afterwards, when the setup is downloaded, run the setup and install Filmora on your computer:

startup window 01

Step2Add Color Templates

After installing, wait until the installation is finished. Launch Wondershare Filmora and go to MEDIA tab at the top left of the interface and select the best suitable background color for your intro video from the dropdown menu in the MEDIA tab. Drag your cursor over the tile of the color you wish to use as a background and click to add the icon that appears in the center to add it to the timeline.

media for use 01

Additionally, if you don’t prefer the preset backgrounds and colors, Filmora lets you use your own background image or video clip. For this, select PROJECT MEDIA > click anywhere inside the media window > import media file of your choice. After importing the file, click on the imported file to add it to the timeline.

Step3Select and add audio effect to your Intro Video

Your video automatically grasps a lot of viewers’ attention with a spice of some music/audio in the background. To adorn your intro video further, you can add audio/music effect to your intro video using the inbuilt music and sound effects from the library. If you want to listen to a track from the inbuilt library collection of audio and music, double click on the thumbnail.

types of audio win1

Click the AUDIO tab. Choose from Recommended audio files or import your own audio. Once, you find your desired audio/music file, drag and drop it to the audio track below the video.

Step4Add Text/Logo to your Intro Video

Click the ‘TITLE’ tab. To customize, choose title options from Recommended or add your own custom design. To change, format, and animate the text as needed, click on your desired preset or custom title and double click or drag it to the bottom area of the main library to insert a title.

add titles win

Also, you need to adjust the position and duration of the title to get a better view. In the intro video, it is recommended to add your logo or slogan as well. To add your logo, drag and drop it to the track above the video, and adjust its position and size.

Step5Add Effects to your Intro Video

Go to ‘EFFECTS’ tab, choose a category from the top-left pane, and click and drag your preferred effect from the Effects library to the timeline. Adjust the playback duration by dragging the right handle of the track in the timeline as explained above. Optionally, double-click the Effects track to customize the appearance as needed.

Step6Export the Intro and Add to Shared Media

Once you’re done making your intro video, click on the ‘EXPORT’ tab in the center > go to LOCAL tab on export box > choose your preferred output format (e.g., MP4) > adjust other preferences such as destination location, resolution etc. from the right pane of the box > Click EXPORT.

overview export win3

Using the Best Templates to Create Slow Motion Videos on CapCut

Editing from scratch is a time-consuming process, especially when you’re a beginner. Even skilled editors opt for different ways to maintain productivity. One of the means to save time is the use of templates for creating or editing videos. Slow-motion videos require the manipulation of speed or framerate to produce results. Slow-motion CapCut templates prove to be a valuable source.

In this article, readers will learn about slow-mo CapCut templates for crafting slow-motion videos. For those unfamiliar with CapCut, a brief overview of its functions will be provided. In addition, we’ll introduce some remarkable slow-mo CapCut templates. Moreover, you can learn about an extraordinary alternative for fashioning amazing slow-motion videos.

Slow Motion Video Maker Slow your video’s speed with better control of your keyframes to create unique cinematic effects!

Make A Slow Motion Video Make A Slow Motion Video More Features

Wondershare Filmora

Part 1. CapCut Video Editor for Smartphone: Reading Out the Detailed Review

CapCut is a content editing platform that acts as a smartphone application and computing software. The application serves in various video editing tasks while giving professional outcomes. Most of CapCut’s features are free to use; however, there is an affordable subscription plan.

It has AI and manual functioning features to help you edit how you like. In its “Explore” section, you can find various effects, text styles, stickers, and audio tracks. Moreover, you can also introduce subtitles and captions with its “Caption” tool. Plus, it offers camera recording where you can adjust record time, effects, multi-clip options, and more. Here are some of CapCut’s limitless editing features:

capcut video editor dashboard

  • Templates: CapCut enables you to access its pre-built templates for distinct purposes. You can access it all from there, be it fast-motion, cinematic effect, or CapCut slow-mo template. Moreover, when you add the keyword for search, it can show you trending templates and hashtags.
  • Remove Background: If you couldn’t decide on a good background while recording, CapCut has got you covered. This feature not only removes the background but also offers a setting for bringing precision. You can adjust the edge setting or intensity of these settings accordingly.
  • Smart User-Interface: This application has an intuitive, clean, and smart smartphone interface. The themes and the positioning of features are done minimally, where nothing looks stuffed. In addition, you can expand or collapse the display menu accordingly.
  • Image Enhancement: As discussed before, CapCut is a content editing app that offers image enhancements as well. The feature automatically compresses your content quality to 1080p. Moreover, you can resize the image post-enhancement and add an AI background to it.
  • Cloud Storage and Collaboration: You can edit without any prior account information in CapCut. However, signing up comes with various benefits, such as accessing pre-edited projects. In addition, you can connect with other editors on CapCut and take your editing up a notch.

Part 2. Some Top-Rated CapCut Templates to Try for Creating Perfect Slow-Motion Videos

With a wide range of features and effects, CapCut also has the power to turn videos into slow-mos. You can craft a slow-motion video via manual speed change or be smart with its templates. CapCut slow-motion templates are easily accessible in its Template section. While there are hundreds of slow-mo templates CapCut, take a look at these that we’ve compiled for you:

1. Slowmo

This template is reachable via the CapCut slow-mo edit template gallery and is open for access. The template possesses an aspect ratio of 9:16 and is a suitable fit for your Instagram reels and YouTube shorts. It only requires a video of 16 seconds to get started with this trending template. The template slows down your video at specific durations, giving it a majestic resonance.

slowmo capcut template

2. Slowmotion Smooth

With a catchy song and visually striking filter, this is perfect for aesthetic dress-up videos. This CapCut video slow motion template applies to a single clip of 14 seconds duration. With its 9:16 aspect ratio, it is well-fitted for a majority of social platforms. The template has over 316.3K uses, and you can replace its background song using CapCut.

slowmotion smooth capcut template

3. Trend Slowmo

Use this trending slow-motion song CapCut template with over 1.1 million uses to make viral slo-mos. It doesn’t offer a basic Slomo effect but has a trendy background song. In addition, the template is a collaboration between slow motion and blur effect. Users only require a video to employ this effect, offering a 9:16 aspect ratio.

trend slowmo capcut template

4. Slowmo Aesthetic

Make your modeling and dress-up video look aesthetic with this slow-mo CapCut template. It is a beautiful blend of slow-motion effects on specific scenes with an aesthetic filter. The video will start with a black-and-white look with a smooth transition toward colors and slo-mo. With its 9:16 aspect ratio and 6-second duration, it is perfect for showcasing dresses and fashion.

slowmo aesthetic capcut template

5. Healing Slowmo

Craft aesthetic travel videos and capture landscapes using this CapCut slow-mo template. It appears as a combination of slow motion and blur effect at multiple periods. You only require a portrait clip to use this template in an efficient way. You can fashion captivating Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest reels with its 9:16 ratio.

healing slowmo capcut template

Part 3. How to Create Proper Slow-Motion Videos on CapCut Video Editor?

CapCut slow-mo edit not only slows down video but also helps in post-editing. The user interface is self-explanatory, and you can find the features with ease. However, this section will provide you with a detailed guide on using the template CapCut slow-mo. Here is a step-by-step guide to creating a slo-mo in CapCut via its templates collection:

Step 1. After downloading CapCut on your smartphone, launch it to access its main menu. From there, navigate towards the downward bar and click the “Templates” option.

look for templates in capcut

Step 2. In the templates collection, go to the search bar and type slow motion. Multiple options will appear on the screen in the Trending section. From there, select a template to employ it. Once you have selected the template, observe if it is right for your video. Afterward, click the “Use template” button to start editing with it.

select and add a template

Step 3. Once you have selected a video, click the “Preview” button. Notice that you can only select the number of videos the template offers.

preview media for editing

Step 4. Afterward, click on the “Text” option and add text if you want. After all the editing is done, click on the “Export” button to download the video.

add text and export final video

Part 4. Smartphone Alternative: Creating Slow Motion Videos with Wondershare Filmora App

Wondershare Filmora is a versatile platform for creating or editing slow motions with smartphone services. You can access the application from the Play Store or App Store and start editing instantly. The Filmora app displays a clearly laid out interface with easy access to features. Here, you can use advanced and basic speed editing to create a slow motion:

filmora app for smartphones

Method 1. Using the Normal Speed Option

The normal method in this CapCut slow-mo edit alternative uses playback speed. It involves a simple slider positioning and some enhancement options. Here is how to create a slow motion in the Filmora app using the standard approach:

Step 1. After downloading the Filmora application, navigate towards the top tools. From there, select the “Speed” option and choose a clip for import.

open app and access speed section

Step 2. Select the “Normal” section and drag the playback towards the left. This will slow down the video, and you can set the speed up to 0.2x for slo-mo. After speed settings, click the “ü” icon, and if you want, do other settings.

select normal speed adjustment

Step 3. Once you are done with post-slow motion settings, click the “Export” button.

export final video filmora

Method 2. Using the Speed Curve Option

This method involves slightly advanced speed settings for slow-motion creation. This method features many templates alternative to CapCut slow-mo templates. Further, you can use the custom setting template to edit as per your taste. Here is how to create a slow motion using Filmora’s speed curve:

Step 1. Repeat the same process of importing the video and go to the “Curve” section. Select a pre-designed speed template if it fits your video. If not, go for the “Customize” template, and a panel will display.

access curve speed section

Step 2. In this panel, adjust the slider position in the downward direction. This will slow down your video at specific durations. You can also enable the “+ Add beat” option for audio adjustments.

adjust speed ramp graph

Step 3. Click the “ü” icon a couple of times in the respective panels to finalize settings. Afterward, export the video by opting for the “Export” button.

export final ramped video

Bonus Part. Make Your Video Editing Perfect with Wondershare Filmora

For beginners, smartphone editing might be satisfactory. However, for a skilled professional with a passion for editing, it’s not enough. For more precise editing and smooth slow motions, we recommend a desktop solution. This CapCut slow-motion edit alternative is Wondershare Filmora’s computing software.

It is an adaptable editing software offering basic as well as advanced video editing features. The features rest on its intuitive interface and are reachable to all. It has a resource library that is filled with transition templates, effects, presets, and more. It has both visual and audio editing options along with AI abilities for production purposes. All in all, the software is an amazing pick for those who prefer high-quality results.

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

AI-Backed Professional Video Editing Features of Filmora

If you are looking to create high-grade slow motions using speed templates, Filmora is for you. There are multiple settings to enhance visuals, audio tracks, and texts. You can do amazing color corrections or add mesmerizing effects to videos. Here are some of its video editing features to consider during editing:

1. AI Copilot Editing

For instance, you are using Filmora for slow motion and don’t know where to start. Employ its copilot assistant and ask it about slo-mo creation. It will direct you towards the speed options with insights on editing. Moreover, the copilot provides one-click access buttons for you to access the feature.

2. AI Text-to-Video

If you are a big fan of AI applications, then Filmora is the right stop for you. Its text-to-video AI allows you to generate videos via prompts or scripts. The function automatically adds graphics and AI voice to videos.

3. Remove Background

The video background remover of Filmora uses high-end AI technology to do the work. It analyzes and cuts out the background with accuracy while providing replacements. You employ three background options: solid color, gradients, and graphics. Users can also add a custom image or video in the timeline to use a background.

4. Instant Mode

If you are not familiar with video and need to start editing videos, this feature is for you. It is an automated video editor for you that uses AI algorithms to edit videos. It color-corrects or enhances any flaws and adds templates and beats to the video. Moreover, it has 115+ multi-contextual templates for diverse video editing.


Slow-motion CapCut templates serve as a powerful resource for creating slo-mos. The con is that with automated templates, there is no room for customizations. However, Wondershare Filmora is a powerful software application with no such limit. It offers visual, audio, and more custom options after some creation. Hence, if you are looking for an editor to broaden your editing game, use Filmora.

Make A Slow Motion Video Make A Slow Motion Video More Features

Wondershare Filmora

Part 1. CapCut Video Editor for Smartphone: Reading Out the Detailed Review

CapCut is a content editing platform that acts as a smartphone application and computing software. The application serves in various video editing tasks while giving professional outcomes. Most of CapCut’s features are free to use; however, there is an affordable subscription plan.

It has AI and manual functioning features to help you edit how you like. In its “Explore” section, you can find various effects, text styles, stickers, and audio tracks. Moreover, you can also introduce subtitles and captions with its “Caption” tool. Plus, it offers camera recording where you can adjust record time, effects, multi-clip options, and more. Here are some of CapCut’s limitless editing features:

capcut video editor dashboard

  • Templates: CapCut enables you to access its pre-built templates for distinct purposes. You can access it all from there, be it fast-motion, cinematic effect, or CapCut slow-mo template. Moreover, when you add the keyword for search, it can show you trending templates and hashtags.
  • Remove Background: If you couldn’t decide on a good background while recording, CapCut has got you covered. This feature not only removes the background but also offers a setting for bringing precision. You can adjust the edge setting or intensity of these settings accordingly.
  • Smart User-Interface: This application has an intuitive, clean, and smart smartphone interface. The themes and the positioning of features are done minimally, where nothing looks stuffed. In addition, you can expand or collapse the display menu accordingly.
  • Image Enhancement: As discussed before, CapCut is a content editing app that offers image enhancements as well. The feature automatically compresses your content quality to 1080p. Moreover, you can resize the image post-enhancement and add an AI background to it.
  • Cloud Storage and Collaboration: You can edit without any prior account information in CapCut. However, signing up comes with various benefits, such as accessing pre-edited projects. In addition, you can connect with other editors on CapCut and take your editing up a notch.

Part 2. Some Top-Rated CapCut Templates to Try for Creating Perfect Slow-Motion Videos

With a wide range of features and effects, CapCut also has the power to turn videos into slow-mos. You can craft a slow-motion video via manual speed change or be smart with its templates. CapCut slow-motion templates are easily accessible in its Template section. While there are hundreds of slow-mo templates CapCut, take a look at these that we’ve compiled for you:

1. Slowmo

This template is reachable via the CapCut slow-mo edit template gallery and is open for access. The template possesses an aspect ratio of 9:16 and is a suitable fit for your Instagram reels and YouTube shorts. It only requires a video of 16 seconds to get started with this trending template. The template slows down your video at specific durations, giving it a majestic resonance.

slowmo capcut template

2. Slowmotion Smooth

With a catchy song and visually striking filter, this is perfect for aesthetic dress-up videos. This CapCut video slow motion template applies to a single clip of 14 seconds duration. With its 9:16 aspect ratio, it is well-fitted for a majority of social platforms. The template has over 316.3K uses, and you can replace its background song using CapCut.

slowmotion smooth capcut template

3. Trend Slowmo

Use this trending slow-motion song CapCut template with over 1.1 million uses to make viral slo-mos. It doesn’t offer a basic Slomo effect but has a trendy background song. In addition, the template is a collaboration between slow motion and blur effect. Users only require a video to employ this effect, offering a 9:16 aspect ratio.

trend slowmo capcut template

4. Slowmo Aesthetic

Make your modeling and dress-up video look aesthetic with this slow-mo CapCut template. It is a beautiful blend of slow-motion effects on specific scenes with an aesthetic filter. The video will start with a black-and-white look with a smooth transition toward colors and slo-mo. With its 9:16 aspect ratio and 6-second duration, it is perfect for showcasing dresses and fashion.

slowmo aesthetic capcut template

5. Healing Slowmo

Craft aesthetic travel videos and capture landscapes using this CapCut slow-mo template. It appears as a combination of slow motion and blur effect at multiple periods. You only require a portrait clip to use this template in an efficient way. You can fashion captivating Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest reels with its 9:16 ratio.

healing slowmo capcut template

Part 3. How to Create Proper Slow-Motion Videos on CapCut Video Editor?

CapCut slow-mo edit not only slows down video but also helps in post-editing. The user interface is self-explanatory, and you can find the features with ease. However, this section will provide you with a detailed guide on using the template CapCut slow-mo. Here is a step-by-step guide to creating a slo-mo in CapCut via its templates collection:

Step 1. After downloading CapCut on your smartphone, launch it to access its main menu. From there, navigate towards the downward bar and click the “Templates” option.

look for templates in capcut

Step 2. In the templates collection, go to the search bar and type slow motion. Multiple options will appear on the screen in the Trending section. From there, select a template to employ it. Once you have selected the template, observe if it is right for your video. Afterward, click the “Use template” button to start editing with it.

select and add a template

Step 3. Once you have selected a video, click the “Preview” button. Notice that you can only select the number of videos the template offers.

preview media for editing

Step 4. Afterward, click on the “Text” option and add text if you want. After all the editing is done, click on the “Export” button to download the video.

add text and export final video

Part 4. Smartphone Alternative: Creating Slow Motion Videos with Wondershare Filmora App

Wondershare Filmora is a versatile platform for creating or editing slow motions with smartphone services. You can access the application from the Play Store or App Store and start editing instantly. The Filmora app displays a clearly laid out interface with easy access to features. Here, you can use advanced and basic speed editing to create a slow motion:

filmora app for smartphones

Method 1. Using the Normal Speed Option

The normal method in this CapCut slow-mo edit alternative uses playback speed. It involves a simple slider positioning and some enhancement options. Here is how to create a slow motion in the Filmora app using the standard approach:

Step 1. After downloading the Filmora application, navigate towards the top tools. From there, select the “Speed” option and choose a clip for import.

open app and access speed section

Step 2. Select the “Normal” section and drag the playback towards the left. This will slow down the video, and you can set the speed up to 0.2x for slo-mo. After speed settings, click the “ü” icon, and if you want, do other settings.

select normal speed adjustment

Step 3. Once you are done with post-slow motion settings, click the “Export” button.

export final video filmora

Method 2. Using the Speed Curve Option

This method involves slightly advanced speed settings for slow-motion creation. This method features many templates alternative to CapCut slow-mo templates. Further, you can use the custom setting template to edit as per your taste. Here is how to create a slow motion using Filmora’s speed curve:

Step 1. Repeat the same process of importing the video and go to the “Curve” section. Select a pre-designed speed template if it fits your video. If not, go for the “Customize” template, and a panel will display.

access curve speed section

Step 2. In this panel, adjust the slider position in the downward direction. This will slow down your video at specific durations. You can also enable the “+ Add beat” option for audio adjustments.

adjust speed ramp graph

Step 3. Click the “ü” icon a couple of times in the respective panels to finalize settings. Afterward, export the video by opting for the “Export” button.

export final ramped video

Bonus Part. Make Your Video Editing Perfect with Wondershare Filmora

For beginners, smartphone editing might be satisfactory. However, for a skilled professional with a passion for editing, it’s not enough. For more precise editing and smooth slow motions, we recommend a desktop solution. This CapCut slow-motion edit alternative is Wondershare Filmora’s computing software.

It is an adaptable editing software offering basic as well as advanced video editing features. The features rest on its intuitive interface and are reachable to all. It has a resource library that is filled with transition templates, effects, presets, and more. It has both visual and audio editing options along with AI abilities for production purposes. All in all, the software is an amazing pick for those who prefer high-quality results.

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

AI-Backed Professional Video Editing Features of Filmora

If you are looking to create high-grade slow motions using speed templates, Filmora is for you. There are multiple settings to enhance visuals, audio tracks, and texts. You can do amazing color corrections or add mesmerizing effects to videos. Here are some of its video editing features to consider during editing:

1. AI Copilot Editing

For instance, you are using Filmora for slow motion and don’t know where to start. Employ its copilot assistant and ask it about slo-mo creation. It will direct you towards the speed options with insights on editing. Moreover, the copilot provides one-click access buttons for you to access the feature.

2. AI Text-to-Video

If you are a big fan of AI applications, then Filmora is the right stop for you. Its text-to-video AI allows you to generate videos via prompts or scripts. The function automatically adds graphics and AI voice to videos.

3. Remove Background

The video background remover of Filmora uses high-end AI technology to do the work. It analyzes and cuts out the background with accuracy while providing replacements. You employ three background options: solid color, gradients, and graphics. Users can also add a custom image or video in the timeline to use a background.

4. Instant Mode

If you are not familiar with video and need to start editing videos, this feature is for you. It is an automated video editor for you that uses AI algorithms to edit videos. It color-corrects or enhances any flaws and adds templates and beats to the video. Moreover, it has 115+ multi-contextual templates for diverse video editing.


Slow-motion CapCut templates serve as a powerful resource for creating slo-mos. The con is that with automated templates, there is no room for customizations. However, Wondershare Filmora is a powerful software application with no such limit. It offers visual, audio, and more custom options after some creation. Hence, if you are looking for an editor to broaden your editing game, use Filmora.

8 Free Photo Collage with Music Video Maker

8 Free Photo Collage with Music Video Maker

An easy yet powerful editor

Numerous effects to choose from

Detailed tutorials provided by the official channel

Try It Free Try It Free

It is definitely possible Usually, people use video collage makers for this reason. But you can also create an actual photo collage with music as well (no need to use actual video clips if you don’t want to.)

In the end, it all depends on the collage maker you’re using to be completely honest. In this case, the collage maker in question would have to have video editing functionalities advanced enough to allow you to create a video consisting of a picture collage with music Learn more about the different tools that you can check out below as we break down some of the best of the best available

01 Wondershare Filmora Video Editor

The first of the video makers that we’re going to be introducing is called Filmora. This is a professional editor that’s equipped with just about everything you need for creating high-quality video content. That includes the things that you will need in order to create a music photo collage

For your reference, that means that you can use it to create a video showing off a picture collage with music. Usually by making use of the templates provided by the software and uploading your own images (although, in the newest version of Filmora, Filmora V11, there is a ‘Stock Media’ option that includes an endless supply of photographs, videos, music, etc. for adding to your content.)

Wondershare Filmora — Create Photo Collage with Music

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

02 Canva

Canva is really more of a photo editor than anything else. But it has a timeline function that you can use for more advanced things. Which, in this case, would be creating a picture collage with music

Note, just like with Filmora, Canva is not an entirely FREE program. But it is free to try. And, just like Filmora, it comes with a stock media library that you can use as a resource for your projects (i.e., images, clip arts, etc.) Canva also comes with a Pro version that you can unlock if you want some of its more advanced features (highly recommended if you’re looking to create content for work or entrepreneurial reasons and not just for posting on social media. Especially since it will allow you to collaborate with others.)

Canva - Make Photo Collage with Music (FREE)

03 Express It

You can say that “Express It” is Adobe’s version of Canva. It is available as an online tool and as a photo collage with music app that you can use for your smartphone or tablet.

Much like with Canva, this program has a built-in stock media library that you can use for your projects. It’s also primarily FREE to use, although you’ll need to pay in order to unlock some of its more advanced resources. It comes with the usual layouts for creating quick templates, but it’s most prized for its ‘free-style’ mode, which will allow you to create a collage that looks exactly how you want it to look.

Express It — Make a Photo Collage with Music App

04 Smilebox

Smilebox is an automatic video collage maker that is capable of turning photographs into a video collage without much input from you It’s the tool to use if all you’re looking for is a quick solution. By that, we of course mean the solution of the ‘upload-and-then-download’ variety

It is also an online tool, so Sign-Up is required. But once you’re signed up, the only thing you really have to do is provide the images that you want to use for your music photo collage

Smilebox - Create Pic Collage with Music

05 Fotojet

Next is ‘Fotojet’, which is an online collage maker that is incredibly popular for those that are looking for an easy solution. It works pretty much how you expect a collage maker to work. You choose from a list of ‘collage layouts’, choose the images that you want to place in the layout that you’ve chosen, pick out your music, maybe decorate the pic collage a bit (for example, you can add text, clipart stickers, etc.) and then you’re done

Much like some of the programs on this list, Fotojet isn’t an entirely free music photo collage tool. However, a FREE trial is available if you want to try it out for a quick project or two.

Fotojet - Music Photo Collage Tool

06 Vimeo

Video is a professional online photo editing tool that’s incredibly popular with entrepreneurs. It actually works very similarly with all the other tools that we’ve introduced so far. That means that it comes with templates that you can use in order to create projects, it also comes with a ‘resources’ library that you can take advantage of in order to fill up said projects

As for creating a photo collage with music by using this tool. You will need to sign up to start creating, but it’s FREE to try — with some elements locked under the premium version.

Vimeo — Create Picture Collage with Music

07 Kapwing

KapWing is exactly what it looks like, it’s an online photo editor The best part about it is that it comes with quick collage layouts that you can use and the usual resources library. The layouts in question are customizable, allowing you to control what your music photo collages look like in the end. You also have the choice of creating said collage with photos, videos, GIFs, and music

KapWing — Music Photo Collage Creator


Similar to KapWing, VEED.IO offers a video collage maker that comes with customizable layouts that you can use to easily create a pic collage with music. The program is of course also free to try (though certain elements are locked in the FREE version).

VEED.IO - Video Collage Maker with Music

Key Takeaways from This Episode

Collages are a fun way to preserve memories of a fun event with friends and families Traditionally, of course, photo collages were created with printed still images.

Now, however, not only can you create a moving collage (with images, videos, GIFs, etc.) but you can even add music to it

These types of music photo collages are really fun to share with friends and family online. And, these days, there are even digital picture frames that will allow you to display them in your home (and yes, some of these picture frames do come with speakers for playing music)

Try It Free Try It Free

It is definitely possible Usually, people use video collage makers for this reason. But you can also create an actual photo collage with music as well (no need to use actual video clips if you don’t want to.)

In the end, it all depends on the collage maker you’re using to be completely honest. In this case, the collage maker in question would have to have video editing functionalities advanced enough to allow you to create a video consisting of a picture collage with music Learn more about the different tools that you can check out below as we break down some of the best of the best available

01 Wondershare Filmora Video Editor

The first of the video makers that we’re going to be introducing is called Filmora. This is a professional editor that’s equipped with just about everything you need for creating high-quality video content. That includes the things that you will need in order to create a music photo collage

For your reference, that means that you can use it to create a video showing off a picture collage with music. Usually by making use of the templates provided by the software and uploading your own images (although, in the newest version of Filmora, Filmora V11, there is a ‘Stock Media’ option that includes an endless supply of photographs, videos, music, etc. for adding to your content.)

Wondershare Filmora — Create Photo Collage with Music

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

02 Canva

Canva is really more of a photo editor than anything else. But it has a timeline function that you can use for more advanced things. Which, in this case, would be creating a picture collage with music

Note, just like with Filmora, Canva is not an entirely FREE program. But it is free to try. And, just like Filmora, it comes with a stock media library that you can use as a resource for your projects (i.e., images, clip arts, etc.) Canva also comes with a Pro version that you can unlock if you want some of its more advanced features (highly recommended if you’re looking to create content for work or entrepreneurial reasons and not just for posting on social media. Especially since it will allow you to collaborate with others.)

Canva - Make Photo Collage with Music (FREE)

03 Express It

You can say that “Express It” is Adobe’s version of Canva. It is available as an online tool and as a photo collage with music app that you can use for your smartphone or tablet.

Much like with Canva, this program has a built-in stock media library that you can use for your projects. It’s also primarily FREE to use, although you’ll need to pay in order to unlock some of its more advanced resources. It comes with the usual layouts for creating quick templates, but it’s most prized for its ‘free-style’ mode, which will allow you to create a collage that looks exactly how you want it to look.

Express It — Make a Photo Collage with Music App

04 Smilebox

Smilebox is an automatic video collage maker that is capable of turning photographs into a video collage without much input from you It’s the tool to use if all you’re looking for is a quick solution. By that, we of course mean the solution of the ‘upload-and-then-download’ variety

It is also an online tool, so Sign-Up is required. But once you’re signed up, the only thing you really have to do is provide the images that you want to use for your music photo collage

Smilebox - Create Pic Collage with Music

05 Fotojet

Next is ‘Fotojet’, which is an online collage maker that is incredibly popular for those that are looking for an easy solution. It works pretty much how you expect a collage maker to work. You choose from a list of ‘collage layouts’, choose the images that you want to place in the layout that you’ve chosen, pick out your music, maybe decorate the pic collage a bit (for example, you can add text, clipart stickers, etc.) and then you’re done

Much like some of the programs on this list, Fotojet isn’t an entirely free music photo collage tool. However, a FREE trial is available if you want to try it out for a quick project or two.

Fotojet - Music Photo Collage Tool

06 Vimeo

Video is a professional online photo editing tool that’s incredibly popular with entrepreneurs. It actually works very similarly with all the other tools that we’ve introduced so far. That means that it comes with templates that you can use in order to create projects, it also comes with a ‘resources’ library that you can take advantage of in order to fill up said projects

As for creating a photo collage with music by using this tool. You will need to sign up to start creating, but it’s FREE to try — with some elements locked under the premium version.

Vimeo — Create Picture Collage with Music

07 Kapwing

KapWing is exactly what it looks like, it’s an online photo editor The best part about it is that it comes with quick collage layouts that you can use and the usual resources library. The layouts in question are customizable, allowing you to control what your music photo collages look like in the end. You also have the choice of creating said collage with photos, videos, GIFs, and music

KapWing — Music Photo Collage Creator


Similar to KapWing, VEED.IO offers a video collage maker that comes with customizable layouts that you can use to easily create a pic collage with music. The program is of course also free to try (though certain elements are locked in the FREE version).

VEED.IO - Video Collage Maker with Music

Key Takeaways from This Episode

Collages are a fun way to preserve memories of a fun event with friends and families Traditionally, of course, photo collages were created with printed still images.

Now, however, not only can you create a moving collage (with images, videos, GIFs, etc.) but you can even add music to it

These types of music photo collages are really fun to share with friends and family online. And, these days, there are even digital picture frames that will allow you to display them in your home (and yes, some of these picture frames do come with speakers for playing music)

Try It Free Try It Free

It is definitely possible Usually, people use video collage makers for this reason. But you can also create an actual photo collage with music as well (no need to use actual video clips if you don’t want to.)

In the end, it all depends on the collage maker you’re using to be completely honest. In this case, the collage maker in question would have to have video editing functionalities advanced enough to allow you to create a video consisting of a picture collage with music Learn more about the different tools that you can check out below as we break down some of the best of the best available

01 Wondershare Filmora Video Editor

The first of the video makers that we’re going to be introducing is called Filmora. This is a professional editor that’s equipped with just about everything you need for creating high-quality video content. That includes the things that you will need in order to create a music photo collage

For your reference, that means that you can use it to create a video showing off a picture collage with music. Usually by making use of the templates provided by the software and uploading your own images (although, in the newest version of Filmora, Filmora V11, there is a ‘Stock Media’ option that includes an endless supply of photographs, videos, music, etc. for adding to your content.)

Wondershare Filmora — Create Photo Collage with Music

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

02 Canva

Canva is really more of a photo editor than anything else. But it has a timeline function that you can use for more advanced things. Which, in this case, would be creating a picture collage with music

Note, just like with Filmora, Canva is not an entirely FREE program. But it is free to try. And, just like Filmora, it comes with a stock media library that you can use as a resource for your projects (i.e., images, clip arts, etc.) Canva also comes with a Pro version that you can unlock if you want some of its more advanced features (highly recommended if you’re looking to create content for work or entrepreneurial reasons and not just for posting on social media. Especially since it will allow you to collaborate with others.)

Canva - Make Photo Collage with Music (FREE)

03 Express It

You can say that “Express It” is Adobe’s version of Canva. It is available as an online tool and as a photo collage with music app that you can use for your smartphone or tablet.

Much like with Canva, this program has a built-in stock media library that you can use for your projects. It’s also primarily FREE to use, although you’ll need to pay in order to unlock some of its more advanced resources. It comes with the usual layouts for creating quick templates, but it’s most prized for its ‘free-style’ mode, which will allow you to create a collage that looks exactly how you want it to look.

Express It — Make a Photo Collage with Music App

04 Smilebox

Smilebox is an automatic video collage maker that is capable of turning photographs into a video collage without much input from you It’s the tool to use if all you’re looking for is a quick solution. By that, we of course mean the solution of the ‘upload-and-then-download’ variety

It is also an online tool, so Sign-Up is required. But once you’re signed up, the only thing you really have to do is provide the images that you want to use for your music photo collage

Smilebox - Create Pic Collage with Music

05 Fotojet

Next is ‘Fotojet’, which is an online collage maker that is incredibly popular for those that are looking for an easy solution. It works pretty much how you expect a collage maker to work. You choose from a list of ‘collage layouts’, choose the images that you want to place in the layout that you’ve chosen, pick out your music, maybe decorate the pic collage a bit (for example, you can add text, clipart stickers, etc.) and then you’re done

Much like some of the programs on this list, Fotojet isn’t an entirely free music photo collage tool. However, a FREE trial is available if you want to try it out for a quick project or two.

Fotojet - Music Photo Collage Tool

06 Vimeo

Video is a professional online photo editing tool that’s incredibly popular with entrepreneurs. It actually works very similarly with all the other tools that we’ve introduced so far. That means that it comes with templates that you can use in order to create projects, it also comes with a ‘resources’ library that you can take advantage of in order to fill up said projects

As for creating a photo collage with music by using this tool. You will need to sign up to start creating, but it’s FREE to try — with some elements locked under the premium version.

Vimeo — Create Picture Collage with Music

07 Kapwing

KapWing is exactly what it looks like, it’s an online photo editor The best part about it is that it comes with quick collage layouts that you can use and the usual resources library. The layouts in question are customizable, allowing you to control what your music photo collages look like in the end. You also have the choice of creating said collage with photos, videos, GIFs, and music

KapWing — Music Photo Collage Creator


Similar to KapWing, VEED.IO offers a video collage maker that comes with customizable layouts that you can use to easily create a pic collage with music. The program is of course also free to try (though certain elements are locked in the FREE version).

VEED.IO - Video Collage Maker with Music

Key Takeaways from This Episode

Collages are a fun way to preserve memories of a fun event with friends and families Traditionally, of course, photo collages were created with printed still images.

Now, however, not only can you create a moving collage (with images, videos, GIFs, etc.) but you can even add music to it

These types of music photo collages are really fun to share with friends and family online. And, these days, there are even digital picture frames that will allow you to display them in your home (and yes, some of these picture frames do come with speakers for playing music)

Try It Free Try It Free

It is definitely possible Usually, people use video collage makers for this reason. But you can also create an actual photo collage with music as well (no need to use actual video clips if you don’t want to.)

In the end, it all depends on the collage maker you’re using to be completely honest. In this case, the collage maker in question would have to have video editing functionalities advanced enough to allow you to create a video consisting of a picture collage with music Learn more about the different tools that you can check out below as we break down some of the best of the best available

01 Wondershare Filmora Video Editor

The first of the video makers that we’re going to be introducing is called Filmora. This is a professional editor that’s equipped with just about everything you need for creating high-quality video content. That includes the things that you will need in order to create a music photo collage

For your reference, that means that you can use it to create a video showing off a picture collage with music. Usually by making use of the templates provided by the software and uploading your own images (although, in the newest version of Filmora, Filmora V11, there is a ‘Stock Media’ option that includes an endless supply of photographs, videos, music, etc. for adding to your content.)

Wondershare Filmora — Create Photo Collage with Music

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

02 Canva

Canva is really more of a photo editor than anything else. But it has a timeline function that you can use for more advanced things. Which, in this case, would be creating a picture collage with music

Note, just like with Filmora, Canva is not an entirely FREE program. But it is free to try. And, just like Filmora, it comes with a stock media library that you can use as a resource for your projects (i.e., images, clip arts, etc.) Canva also comes with a Pro version that you can unlock if you want some of its more advanced features (highly recommended if you’re looking to create content for work or entrepreneurial reasons and not just for posting on social media. Especially since it will allow you to collaborate with others.)

Canva - Make Photo Collage with Music (FREE)

03 Express It

You can say that “Express It” is Adobe’s version of Canva. It is available as an online tool and as a photo collage with music app that you can use for your smartphone or tablet.

Much like with Canva, this program has a built-in stock media library that you can use for your projects. It’s also primarily FREE to use, although you’ll need to pay in order to unlock some of its more advanced resources. It comes with the usual layouts for creating quick templates, but it’s most prized for its ‘free-style’ mode, which will allow you to create a collage that looks exactly how you want it to look.

Express It — Make a Photo Collage with Music App

04 Smilebox

Smilebox is an automatic video collage maker that is capable of turning photographs into a video collage without much input from you It’s the tool to use if all you’re looking for is a quick solution. By that, we of course mean the solution of the ‘upload-and-then-download’ variety

It is also an online tool, so Sign-Up is required. But once you’re signed up, the only thing you really have to do is provide the images that you want to use for your music photo collage

Smilebox - Create Pic Collage with Music

05 Fotojet

Next is ‘Fotojet’, which is an online collage maker that is incredibly popular for those that are looking for an easy solution. It works pretty much how you expect a collage maker to work. You choose from a list of ‘collage layouts’, choose the images that you want to place in the layout that you’ve chosen, pick out your music, maybe decorate the pic collage a bit (for example, you can add text, clipart stickers, etc.) and then you’re done

Much like some of the programs on this list, Fotojet isn’t an entirely free music photo collage tool. However, a FREE trial is available if you want to try it out for a quick project or two.

Fotojet - Music Photo Collage Tool

06 Vimeo

Video is a professional online photo editing tool that’s incredibly popular with entrepreneurs. It actually works very similarly with all the other tools that we’ve introduced so far. That means that it comes with templates that you can use in order to create projects, it also comes with a ‘resources’ library that you can take advantage of in order to fill up said projects

As for creating a photo collage with music by using this tool. You will need to sign up to start creating, but it’s FREE to try — with some elements locked under the premium version.

Vimeo — Create Picture Collage with Music

07 Kapwing

KapWing is exactly what it looks like, it’s an online photo editor The best part about it is that it comes with quick collage layouts that you can use and the usual resources library. The layouts in question are customizable, allowing you to control what your music photo collages look like in the end. You also have the choice of creating said collage with photos, videos, GIFs, and music

KapWing — Music Photo Collage Creator


Similar to KapWing, VEED.IO offers a video collage maker that comes with customizable layouts that you can use to easily create a pic collage with music. The program is of course also free to try (though certain elements are locked in the FREE version).

VEED.IO - Video Collage Maker with Music

Key Takeaways from This Episode

Collages are a fun way to preserve memories of a fun event with friends and families Traditionally, of course, photo collages were created with printed still images.

Now, however, not only can you create a moving collage (with images, videos, GIFs, etc.) but you can even add music to it

These types of music photo collages are really fun to share with friends and family online. And, these days, there are even digital picture frames that will allow you to display them in your home (and yes, some of these picture frames do come with speakers for playing music)

How To Create Quiz Videos: Detailed Guide

Quiz videos are becoming popular on YouTube but creating good content takes work. You’ll have to spend time on it, find the right questions and spend resources on powerful video editing software. In this guide, we’ll show you what a quiz video is, its advantages, and how you can use Filmora to make interactive video quizzes.

So, what are you waiting for? Read on to learn how to create quiz videos for Youtube!

Part 1. What Is A Quiz Video?

A quiz video is a type of content that provides viewers with a series of questions that are typically about a particular topic or subject matter and may also provide additional information about the topic. You can use the video for various purposes, including educational, entertainment, and marketing.

what is a quiz video

To make an appealing video quiz, you have to look at it from various angles, such as its purpose, type, and relevancy.

Moreover, a well-made quiz video will demand the viewer’s attention and encourage them to take action without being intrusive or annoying. One of the best ways is to provide visual captions that can explain the point being made in an engaging, fast-paced, and entertaining way.

Part 2. What Are The Advantages Of A Quiz And How To Use It?

Quizzing is a great way to engage your audience and encourage them to interact with your content. They can be used to create thought-provoking content, impart knowledge, and improve learning outcomes.

When used correctly, a quiz can be a powerful learning tool. But how do you use it effectively? And what are some of the advantages?

To answer these questions, we’ve provided some advantages of creating video quizzes and some scenarios where you can use them.


Here are some advantages of video quizzes:

Draw Attention

A quiz can draw the viewer’s attention to the topic under discussion. Specifically, if you are a teacher, you can use GK question videos in your classroom to emphasize the content you are teaching and can better assess your students’ knowledge.

Increase Interactivity

Quizzes are a great way to increase engagement and interaction with your audience. By incorporating video into your questions, you can add an element of excitement and increase the likelihood that people will want to participate.

interactive quiz

A Good Way To Introduce A Topic

Quizzes are an excellent way to introduce a new topic or subject matter. They can help you provide context and background information to help people understand the concepts you’re trying to teach or introduce.

Increase One’s Impressions Of Your Content

By adding a quiz, you can increase the time that someone spends on your page or channel as they work to answer the questions. This is valuable because it allows you to introduce a new topic in a fun and interactive way, along with getting more impressions on your content.


Here are some scenes where you can use the quizzes:


You can use quizzes in any educational setting, such as a classroom, online course, or YouTube video, to provide knowledge to others and assess their understanding.


Quizzes can also be used in speeches to add interest and engagement. For instance, a motivational speaker can play a quiz during their talks to the audience to help them understand his point better and get their response.


Adding a fun quiz to your presentation can help to break the monotony and keep your audience engaged throughout the session.

Social media

Quizzes can aid in generating engagement on your social media page. For example, you can use them to drive traffic to your website or blog or simply to get people talking about your brand.

Part 3. How To Make An Interactive Quiz Video In Filmora?

Suppose the above advantages have compelled you to create an interactive quiz video to engage your audience and get them involved in your content. In that case, you can use Filmora software which makes it easy to make quiz videos with its built-in interactive video editing tools.

Here’s how you can make an interactive quiz video using Filmora :

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Step1 Upload Your Materials

In the first step, it is essential that you complete in-depth research and find reliable information for your quiz video. Afterward, go to the Filmora website and download the software that is compatible with your system. Install the program on your PC/laptop and launch it.

On the homepage, select the “Create New Project” option, and choose “Click here to upload a media file” to upload your video. Alternatively, you can drag and drop the background video from your system to the Filmora interface.

Finally, drag and drop the background video into the timeline.

creating quiz video in filmora

Step2 Make An Intro

Now, start by creating an introduction. You can do this by opening the “Media” tab, selecting a template, and dropping it in the timeline once it is downloaded.

Then, go to the “Titles” tab, choose a text style you like, and drop it in the timeline. Finally, align both the template and your video file.

To add text to your intro, click on the text track in the timeline. Enter the intro text, ideally the quiz topic, then customize the text color and style as desired. The Advanced option also lets you animate your text. Save the changes by clicking “OK.”

Step3 Add A Quiz To The Timeline

Next, add the GK questions and answers to your video using the “Titles” tab. You should adjust the display time and text on the timeline as needed.

adding quiz media to the timeline

Step4 Increase Interactivity In Your Quiz Video

To make your video more engaging, go to the “Transition” tab and add an interesting transition effect. You can also add effects or countdown elements between questions or reveal the answer.

Step5 Repeat The Process And Export Your Final Video

After completing the previous steps, you can now create the entire quiz video by repeating the above steps.

Once you are done, click the “Play” icon to preview your work, and select the “Export” icon to either save the clip to your device or upload it directly to your YouTube channel.


In this detailed guide, we’ve explored what a video quiz is, its advantages, and scenes where you can use them. We’ve also walked you through the step-by-step process of making an interactive video quiz using the Wondershare Filmora software.

Hopefully, you’ve enjoyed reading this article and can now create quiz videos for your presentation, classroom, or YouTube videos.

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Step1 Upload Your Materials

In the first step, it is essential that you complete in-depth research and find reliable information for your quiz video. Afterward, go to the Filmora website and download the software that is compatible with your system. Install the program on your PC/laptop and launch it.

On the homepage, select the “Create New Project” option, and choose “Click here to upload a media file” to upload your video. Alternatively, you can drag and drop the background video from your system to the Filmora interface.

Finally, drag and drop the background video into the timeline.

creating quiz video in filmora

Step2 Make An Intro

Now, start by creating an introduction. You can do this by opening the “Media” tab, selecting a template, and dropping it in the timeline once it is downloaded.

Then, go to the “Titles” tab, choose a text style you like, and drop it in the timeline. Finally, align both the template and your video file.

To add text to your intro, click on the text track in the timeline. Enter the intro text, ideally the quiz topic, then customize the text color and style as desired. The Advanced option also lets you animate your text. Save the changes by clicking “OK.”

Step3 Add A Quiz To The Timeline

Next, add the GK questions and answers to your video using the “Titles” tab. You should adjust the display time and text on the timeline as needed.

adding quiz media to the timeline

Step4 Increase Interactivity In Your Quiz Video

To make your video more engaging, go to the “Transition” tab and add an interesting transition effect. You can also add effects or countdown elements between questions or reveal the answer.

Step5 Repeat The Process And Export Your Final Video

After completing the previous steps, you can now create the entire quiz video by repeating the above steps.

Once you are done, click the “Play” icon to preview your work, and select the “Export” icon to either save the clip to your device or upload it directly to your YouTube channel.


In this detailed guide, we’ve explored what a video quiz is, its advantages, and scenes where you can use them. We’ve also walked you through the step-by-step process of making an interactive video quiz using the Wondershare Filmora software.

Hopefully, you’ve enjoyed reading this article and can now create quiz videos for your presentation, classroom, or YouTube videos.

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  • Title: Updated Complete Guide to Make an Intro Video for 2024
  • Author: Chloe
  • Created at : 2024-04-24 07:08:32
  • Updated at : 2024-04-25 07:08:32
  • Link: https://ai-editing-video.techidaily.com/updated-complete-guide-to-make-an-intro-video-for-2024/
  • License: This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.
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Updated Complete Guide to Make an Intro Video for 2024