Updated Create Promotional Video for 2024

Updated Create Promotional Video for 2024

Chloe Lv12

Create Promotional Video

When it comes to executing video marketing campaigns, there’s an unspoken rule that holds true no matter what your goals are. Ready for it? A great video is only as good as the brand behind it. Branding is a crucial aspect of any successful video marketing campaign because your audience needs to believe in your product or service before they will invest their time and money in you. If you want to make a real impact with your promotional videos, branding should be at the top of your mind.

brand guidelines intro

What is Branding

When you think of branding, what comes to mind? Maybe it’s your favorite pair of shoes or a piece of clothing with a logo on it. Or maybe you think about big companies with catchy slogans and memorable commercials that have been around for years. But branding isn’t just about logos and slogans—it’s so much more than that.

Branding is the process of creating an identity for your product or service that differentiates itself from others in its category. This can be as simple as coming up with a name for your company, or it could mean developing an entire brand strategy that encompasses every aspect of how you present yourself to the world (and potential customers). Branding is all about finding ways to stand out from other businesses in your industry by establishing trust with consumers through consistency across all channels, including social media, websites, advertising campaigns, and more.

Why Branding is Important

Branding is vital for any business. It’s the foundation of your brand and it sets up a strong structure for your business to grow on.

Branding helps to build trust and loyalty with customers, which is crucial to gaining new customers and retaining old ones.

If you want people to remember you, then branding is important because it makes sure people will never forget about you!

With great branding comes great responsibility in terms of communicating clearly who you are as a company, what kind of products/services that you provide or sell, how those products/services will benefit consumers (or clients), etc., so make sure these things are always clear when designing promotional videos meant specifically for marketing purposes.

Branding in Video Marketing

Branding is an important part of video marketing because it helps to create a memorable video.

You should make sure you have a clear understanding of your brand before you start creating promotional videos. Your brand is the personality that people associate with your business or company, and this will help them to remember you.

For example, if you’re selling food products related to health and fitness, then having a healthy lifestyle theme throughout all aspects of the production process will be essential to getting people excited about what they see in their minds when they think about your product or service.

It can be challenging to keep track of all the aspects of your brand, but you can use Brand Guidelines to make sure that everything is aligned with your goals and values.

About Video Brand Guidelines

Video brand guidelines are a set of rules and regulations that govern how your videos should look, feel and sound. By having these in place, you can maintain a consistent style and tone across all your video content, whether that be explainer videos or social media posts.

Why do you need Video Brand Guidelines

1. Keeps your videos on-brand

The most important reason for creating video brand guidelines is to keep all your videos feeling like they come from the same place. This way, no matter what type of video it is, viewers will always know it’s from your brand.

2. Make sure everyone’s on the same page.

With so many people involved in the production of a single video, it can be hard to keep everyone on the same page. By having guidelines in place, you can make sure that everyone knows exactly what your brand’s video style is, and how to stay true to it.

3. Saves time and money.

In the long run, having video brand guidelines will save you both time and money. With a clear understanding of your brand’s video style, you can avoid costly mistakes and re-dos, and produce content faster and more efficiently.

4. Helps with planning

It can be difficult to plan video content without knowing what kind of videos you want to make. By having guidelines in place, you can map out a clear strategy for your video content, helping you to stay on track and hit your goals.

5. Improves creativity

Having video brand guidelines doesn’t mean that your videos have to be boring or formulaic. In fact, it can actually help to improve creativity, as it gives you a clear framework to work within. This way, you can experiment and try new things, safe in the knowledge that you’re still staying true to your brand.

Strong Pillars of Video Brand Guidelines

There are three strong pillars that make up a set of video brand guidelines: aesthetic (how it looks), technical (how it’s made), and messaging (what it says).


The Aesthetic Pillar is all about how your videos look, from the overall style to the specific details like color schemes and fonts. This is usually determined by your company’s branding guidelines.


The Technical Pillar covers the more practical elements of your video, such as file formats and resolution. This ensures that your videos are compatible with all kinds of devices and platforms.


The Messaging Pillar deals with the actual content of your video, such as the script and narration. This is where you decide what message you want to communicate, and how you’re going to do it.

When writing your video brand standards, it’s important to keep all three pillars in mind. Each one plays a vital role in the overall impact of your video, so they should all be given equal attention.

Different Elements of Video Brand

There are several elements that make up a video that reflecting your brand. These include:

When and how should your logo be used? Should it appear at the beginning, end or throughout the video? These are just a few examples of what you might want to include in your guidelines. The important thing is to be as clear and concise as possible so that there’s no confusion about what does and doesn’t represent your brand.

Apple, for example, is a fantastic brand that uses its logo in video advertising. It may always be observed at the end of every video.

add logo to video

Color palette

What fonts best represent your brand and should be used in your videos?

Color has a huge impact on how people perceive your brand, so you want to choose colors that match your message and tone.

color palette

Typography choices

Typography is a key element of branding. It’s more than just picking the right typeface, though that’s important, too. Typography includes the font, size and style of your title, body copy and web copy, as well as how it’s used in your logo and all other graphics.

typograpgy choices


If you want to use images or photos in your videos, what style should they be? And are there any specific colours that need to be used?

imagery specific color


The way you speak to your customers is referred to as brand voice. Your brand’s communication style is what determines your brand voice. Your target audience will hear your brand voice, which can be informal or formal depending on the situation and needs of the client. It may have any tone as long as it feels genuine to your company’s principles and personality—

In terms of brand voice consistency, Apple conveys confidence, quality, and closeness. In terms of distinguishing oneself from the competition, Apple has always been the company to look up to. Many people feel welcomed and overindulged by having their own gadgets.


If you want to use animation in your videos, you must first select a design that best represents your business. Is it going to be more cartoonish or more corporate?

It’s also crucial to provide rules for the use of certain visual components. If you want to include the speaker’s name and job title in the lower thirds, for example, you must state how that should appear.

add title to prompt video


Transitions between shots may boost brand recognition. Consider American sports networks that frequently use a rapid logo reveal! You should decide what your branding standard for transitions will be. Will it be a basic and traditional transition, or will you utilize it to emphasize your brand?


Music and Sounds

Music can play a significant role in how your video is received. It should be used to create the right atmosphere and reinforce the tone of voice. Your brand guidelines should include examples of the types of music that would and wouldn’t be appropriate, as well as any sound effects that could be used.



This section should detail what type of videos you want to produce. For example, do you want interview-style videos, or more dynamic explainer videos? It’s also worth including some general information about length, aspect ratio and file format.

prompt video format

Shooting Style

Do you want your videos to be shot in a particular way? If so, you should include information on that in your guidelines. For example, do you want close-ups or wide shots? Do you want lots of movement or static shots?

Your video brand guidelines should also consider where your videos will be shot. If you have a preferred location or style of location, such as an office or warehouse, make sure that is included.

Lighting is another important aspect of shooting style and can really affect the look and feel of a video. Consider what sort of lighting would work best with your brand - natural light, bright light, low light etc. - and include details in your guidelines.

prompt video shoot style


A tagline is a short phrase or sentence that identifies your brand. It’s often used in conjunction with a logo and other branding elements to create an overall marketing message

Nike recognized the need to appeal to a much wider audience, and transform their brand into more than simply fitness apparel. As a result of this, “Just Do It.” was created. The slogan is easy to understand and conveys the idea effectively. More significantly, it applies to everyone, not just world-class athletes

How to create Video Brand Guidelines?

Now that we’ve gone over why you need video brand guidelines, let’s take a look at how you can create them.

1. Define your brand voice

This is perhaps the most important step in creating your guidelines, as it will determine the tone and style of all your future videos. To do this, you need to think about what makes your brand unique, and how you want it to be perceived by others. Once you have a good understanding of your brand voice, you can start to put together the rest of your guidelines.

2. Choose a video style

Depending on the kind of videos you want to make, you’ll need to choose an appropriate style. This could be anything from animation to live action, so it’s important to pick something that will work well with your brand voice.

3. Decide on a look and feel

Just like with your choice of style, the look and feel of your videos should be in line with your brand identity. This means taking into account things like colour palette, typography and overall aesthetic.

4. Write a script

Once you have all the above elements in place, you can start to write a script for your video. This will act as a blueprint for the rest of the production process, so it’s important to get it right. When writing your script, be sure to keep your brand voice in mind, and make sure that the finished product stays true to your guidelines.

5. Find the right talent

To bring your script to life, you’ll need to find the right talent. This means finding voiceover artists, actors or presenters who fit with your brand identity and can help to sell your message.

6. Record and edit your video

With all the pieces in place, you’re finally ready to record and edit your video. During this process, it’s important to stick to your guidelines, so that the finished product is on-brand and consistent with your other content.

7. Publish and promote your video

Once your video is complete, it’s time to hit publish and start promoting it to your audience. Remember to use all the channels at your disposal, from social media to email marketing, to make sure that as many people as possible see your brand-new video.

Brand Guidelines Consistency

It’s important to be consistent with your brand. One of the biggest mistakes a company can make is trying to brand itself as something it isn’t. If you’re perceived as one thing and then suddenly change, it may do more harm than good for your business or organization.

The most well-known example of a company with a consistent brand is Coca Cola. It is one of the company brands with consistent brand image and a very strong reputation. This can be attributed to the company’s efforts in marketing and advertising to create a distinct brand image. The Coca Cola Company has spent millions of dollars on advertising campaigns that focus on creating a positive image for the product and reinforcing its original taste.

You need to have consistency in all aspects of your brand: logo, voice and tone (including social media), visuals (such as color scheme), and more. Your audience will immediately identify any inconsistencies between these elements - so make sure they match up well!


Creating video brand guidelines may seem like a lot of work, but it’s worth it in the long run. By taking the time to put together a comprehensive guide, you can ensure that all your future videos are on-brand, efficient and effective. So what are you waiting for? Get started today! Do you have any tips for creating video brand guidelines? Let us know in the comments below!

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22 Free Video Editing Software to Save Your Money and Time

Video content creators rely on video editing tools to produce content. This has made video editor tools become common software on the Internet. With several free options available, it can be a challenge to find the right one. However, all it needs is a little research, and bingo you will get one.

So, in this article, we explore the top 22 free video editing software tools available on different platforms such as Android, Windows, and Mac.


01[Things to Consider When to Choose a Free Video Editor ](#Part 1)

02[Free Video Editor for PC and Mac ](#Part 2)

03[Free Video Editor for Mobile Phones](#Part 3)

04[Tips and Tricks for Using Free Video Editing Tools ](#Part 4)

05[Related FAQs about Free Video Editors](#Part 5)

Part 1: Things to Consider When to Choose a Free Video Editor

Before opting for a free video editing software there are many important things, we mostly miss that we should have known. But you don’t have to worry about it anymore let’s begin:

  • What are you planning to use it for: You must know the purpose of video editing software before picking one. You could need a video editing tool for gaming or simply creating ordinary YouTube videos.
  • Learning curve: You need to compare the editing software options that you have to determine which one is complex to learn and which one is easy. This will save you the time and effort you would have spent downloading multiple products to test.
  • Quality: Another important factor to consider in video editing software is the quality and format of the video. There are many formats and quality of video content, and you need to choose the one that supports your video format.
  • Resources: Depending upon the requirements of the editing on your video, you should choose a video editor with all the video effects, music tracks, and other resources that you might need to apply to your video. Be careful not to select one with few resources.
  • Compatability: Check whether your PC, Mac, or Android platform can run the video editor you want to use. Consult the internet for compatibility by checking its minimum specification requirement on its manual or docs.

Part 2: Free Video Editor for PC and Mac

1 - Filmora 2 - Blender 3 - OpenShot
4 - Lightworks 5 - VSDC Free Video Editor 6 - Shotcut
7 - Hitfilm Express 8 - Clipchamp 9 - Avidemux
10 - iMovie 11 - VideoPad 12 - VideoProc
13 - Wevideo 14 - Active Presenter

1Filmora – simple editor with professional visual effects and rich editing tools

Best for: Content Creators

User rating: 4.8/5.0

System compatibility: Windows 7/Windows 8.1/Windows 10/Windows 11 ( 64 bit OS)
macOS V12 (Monterey), macOS v11 (Big Sur), macOS v10.15 (Catalina), macOS v10.14 (Mojave).

Free Video Editor For PC and Mac

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Free Video Editor For PC and Mac

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Wondershare Filmora is a versatile video editing that allows users to make spectacular films utilizing a variety of sophisticated editing features quickly and easily. It has a pleasantly accessible interface that makes it simple for everyone to use.

Reason to Choose:-

  • Simplest Interface for complex tasks
  • A range of AI-powered tools for automated video editing
  • Excellent auto color correction ability
  • Video export and direct YouTube uploads
  • Frequent Software Updates
  • It supports animation keyframing and motion tracking

Reason to Avoid:-

  • Rendering Speed is a little slow
  • The plug-in extension is not supported
  • New Version lacks the auto-edit feature

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

2Blender – 3D computer graphics software for videos

Best for: Graphics Designers, Photographers, and UI/UX Designers.

User rating: 4.5/5.0

System compatibility: Windows 8.1, 10, and 11, MacOS 10.13 Intel · 11.0 Apple Silicon, Linux

blender free video editor

Blender is an amazing 3d creation platform that is open source. The software supports modeling, 3D pipelining, rigging, animation, rendering, video editing, motion tracking, game creation, and composing.

If you are a designer of 3d graphics then this software is best suitable for you. You can also edit your videos with this software for free since it is open source. Blender 3d is a good package for all types of graphics-related activities on computers.

Reason to Choose:-

  • Open-Source
  • Simplest Interface
  • Frequent Updates
  • A vast arsenal of 3d tools.

Reason to Avoid:-

  • Sometimes glitchy but overall good.
  • Laggy Performance on intensive editing.
  • Little Complex to learn.

3OpenShot – a free and open-source video editor for beginners

Best for: Small Business Owners and Freelancers.

User rating: 4.4/5.0

System compatibility: Linux (most distributions are supported), Windows (version 7, 8, and 10+), OS X (version 10.15+)


OpenShot is a cross-platform video editor that trims and slices videos for you. It has an animation framework of a fade, slide, and animate anything in your project. The software has an unlimited number of tracks you can use.

OpenShot comes with a variety of video effects, audio waveforms, a title editor, slow motion, and time effects. It wonderful package for those who are interested in their videos in animated form like small business owners and freelancers, etc.

Reason to Choose:-

  • The very easy graphical interface and navigation.
  • Perfect for quick edits.
  • Multiple languages support.
  • Open-Source.

Reason to Avoid:-

  • Sometimes the software crashes.
  • Poor performance in high-resolution videos.

4Lightworks – free and easy to use a pro video editing tool

Best for: Small business owners, actors, and marketers.

User rating: 3.5/5.0

System compatibility: Windows 8, Windows 8.1, and Windows 10, Mac OS X 10.11 or higher, Linux , Ubuntu / Lubuntu / Xubuntu 20.04 or higher


Lightworks is an editing system for video edits and mastering. It is one of the oldest software developed for early computer-based non-linear editing systems. After 2010, it is also available as an open source however the source code has never been released.

The software became available as an open source in 2020, but the source code has never been released. If you are an actor, content creator, or marketeer then this software is for you.

Reason to Choose:-

  • The abundance of resources for building videos.
  • Free and Open-Source.
  • Better Technical Support and suggestions.

Reason to Avoid:-

  • Basic Editing Features
  • Limited Transitions and font settings

5VSDC Free Video Editor – best multimedia suite for video and audio editing

Best for: Business owners, mid-marketeers, and YouTubers.

User rating: 4.0/5.0

System compatibility: Windows XP/SP3/Vista/7/8/10

vsdc video editor

VSDC is a free non-linear editing tool that can edit your videos in ultra-high definitions. It is developed by Flash-Intergro LLC. VSDC is capable of many other features that video content creators usually need such as motion tracking, liver color correction, and post-production effects.

This product is available in 13 languages which makes it an easy choice for everyone around the world.

Reason to Choose:-

  • Good quality multimedia editing
  • Free and Open-Source
  • Wide acceptance of video and audio formats
  • Direct publishing on social media platforms

Reason to Avoid:-

  • Cannot download animated transitions
  • Hight memory consumption

6Shotcut – Free video editor with high-resolution

Best for: Graphic designers, business owners, and IT marketers.

User rating: 4.2/5.0

System compatibility: Operating system: 64-bit Windows 7 – 11, Apple macOS 10.14 - 12, 64-bit Linux with at least glibc 2.27.

shotcut free video editor

Shotcut is one of the free and open-source video editing platforms that is also a cross-platform editing tool. It is available on all the operating system platforms out there.

Reason to Choose:-

  • Wide-format support
  • Device and transport option
  • Sleek and Intuitive Interface
  • Free and Open Source

Reason to Avoid:-

  • The interface is complex comparatively
  • Crashing is common due to driver problems

7Hitfilm Express – The best choice for students and projects

Best for: Gamers, Youtubers, Small business owners, entrepreneurs, and graphic designers.

User rating: 4.4/5.0

System compatibility: Apple: macOS 11.0 Big Sur, macOS 10.15 Catalina or macOS 10.14 Mojave, Windows: Microsoft Windows 10 (64-bit)

hitfilm express

Hitfilm Express is a free and open-source amazing video editing software with professional grading VF-X tools and many awesome contents such as gaming and films. This video editor is perfect for all beginners, who have just started the editing.

Its tools are industry-rated and the interface is known for its user-friendly feature. The largest VFX toolkit of Hitfilm consists of more powerful libraries and is all available for free at your service.

Reason to Choose:-

  • Supports HD videos.
  • Multiple imports of many audios and their mixing.
  • A broad variety of tools and functions.

Reason to Avoid:-

  • Animation availability is limited and repetitive.
  • No Instructional videos.

8Clipchamp – Low learning curve editor for everyone

Best for: Photographers, Freelancers, and Youtubers.

User rating: 4.0/5.0

System compatibility: Windows

photos app

Microsoft ClipChamp is one of the best video editors for creating amazing movie clips of your pictures. You can create many slideshow pictures and play music behind them.

It comes with various stickers, trimming, merging, multiple trimming and filters, etc. The application is available on the Microsoft store or the official ClipChamp website for download. If you want something authentic on your windows then this app is for you.

Reason to Choose:-

  • Included with Windows 11.
  • Interactive and easy-to-use tools.
  • Generous template selection.

Reason to Avoid:-

  • Requires a subscription for some features.
  • Limited control over effects.

9Avidemux – video editor designed for simple cutting and encoding

Best for: Digital Marketers, web designers, and business owners.

User rating: 4.4/5.0

System compatibility: Windows OS: 98 SE, XP, 2000, Vista, 7, 8, ME, macOS X, and Linux.

avidemux editor

Avidemux is open-source software for video editing such as simple cutting, filtering, and encoding of videos into many formats. The application let you convert to many videos encoding formats like the popular ones MPEG and ASF etc.

Moreover, Avidemux does not provide editing through basic tools only but its automated task capability through queue and power scripts lets you do anything with your video.

Reason to Choose:-

  • Completely free and open-source
  • Sleek user interface
  • Wide support of codecs

Reason to Avoid:-

  • Documentation is not beginner-friendly
  • Confusing options
  • Limited effects and transitions

10iMovie – a most well-known video editor for macOS users

Best for: Apple device users, Marketers, developers, and teachers.

User rating: 4.3/5.0

System compatibility: Microsoft Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10, or Windows 11, All macOS

imovie free editor on mac

IMovie is a pre-installed software by Apple Inc. on their systems. It primarily came in macOS, iOS, and iPadOS devices. The application is known for its editing of any type and resolution of videos.

Reason to Choose:-

  • User friendly
  • Easy to use and available for free
  • Library of sound and visual effects

Reason to Avoid:-

  • Time-consuming export
  • Lacks advanced video editing tools

11VideoPad – editor to create professional-look videos fast

Youtubers, business owners, and cast designers.

User rating: 4.1/5.0

System compatibility: Windows 10, XP, Vista, 7, 8, and 8.1 and Mac versions.


VideoPad is a video editing software tool available for Windows, and Mac to create different movies and edit videos. The application can create great-looking videos with its intuitive interface.

It comes with a lot of effects and transitions including a chroma key for making those unrealistic effects real now. It can even upload your videos on YouTube as well as on DVD.

Reason to Choose:-

  • Easy to use for beginners
  • Better control over transitions and other options.
  • Editing 360 videos with VideoPad is super easy
  • Vast support of video formats.

Reason to Avoid:-

  • Sometimes choppy playback
  • Export and import file issues
  • Lacking 360 pictures edit capability
  • Audio editing is confusing

12VideoProc – stable and powerful video editor

Best for: people who have multiple needs like video converting and recording.

User rating: 4.5/5.0

System compatibility: Microsoft Windows 7, Windows 8/8.1, Windows 10, Windows 11 or later (32-bit and 64-bit versions supported) Mac OS X Snow Leopard, Lion, Mountain Lion, Mavericks, Yosemite, El Capitan, macOS Sierra, High Sierra, Mojave, Catalina (10.15), Big Sur, Monterey or higher

videoproc editor

VideoProc is best known for its capabilities of video converting and processing software. The application lets you convert, resize and process large and high-definition videos such as 4K or HDR videos.

Moreover, this application lets you convert audio and DVDs easily at a fully accelerated speed. The application is very friendly towards the processing capabilities of your PC by utilizing it to the extent it is possible.

Reason to Choose:-

  • The majority of format conversions are available
  • GPU acceleration for fast rendering
  • Fast and simple functional controls

Reason to Avoid:-

  • Unable to deal with long-duration videos (5 hours limit).
  • Some system crashes

13Wevideo – online free and simple video editor

Best for: users who don’t want to download additional programs.

User rating: 4.4/5.0

System compatibility: Macs, PCs, and iOS and Android mobile devices.

wevideo online editor free

WeVideo is a cloud-based collaborative video creation tool that is both strong and simple to use. WeVideo is the primary choice of companies, consumers, instructors, and students, and the video foundation for many third-party media services.

It is accessible from any computer or laptop, whether in the classroom, at residence, at the office, or on the road. Users may simply shoot, modify, watch, and share files, and their material is securely stored in the cloud.

Reason to Choose:-

  • User friendly
  • Rich Libraries
  • Suitable for Green Screen Videos
  • Free Trial Offering

Reason to Avoid:-

  • Outdated Templates
  • Limited control over effects and advanced editing
  • Sometime Glitchy Features

14Active Presenter – Free video editor for eLearning purposes

Best for: Teachers and students for delivering and recording class lectures.

User rating: 4.5/5.0

System compatibility: Windows 7/ Windows 8/8.1, Windows 10, Windows 11 (only 64-bit (x64) is supported), macOS 10.12, macOS 10.13, macOS 10.14, macOS 10.15, macOS 11 (only 64-bit Intel CPU is supported)

active presenter editor

Active Presenter is multi-functional software that edits your video as well as record it. It is equipped with a variety of tools that record screens, edit screencasts videos, and create interactive content in Html5.

Moreover, the all-in-one feature lets you record your PC screen along with audio input. You can also edit your video and voice. The app also provides eLearning authority software guides, games, and simulations.

Reason to Choose:-

  • User-Friendly Interface.
  • Interactive features.
  • Multiple Tools in one package.

Reason to Avoid:-

  • Manual volume control.
  • Need amendments in volume control.

Part 3: Free Video Editor for Mobile Phones

If you want to record your mobile phone’s screen, you need to install a screen recorder app. Here is the list of the best screen video recorders for mobile users.

1 - Splice 2 - GoPro Quik 3 - KineMaster
4 - InShot 5 - Filmora 6 - CapCut
7 - Funimate 8 - Adobe Premiere Rush


Support OS: iOS and Android

Rating: 4.5/5.0

Download Link Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.splice.video.editor

Download Link iOS: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/splice-video-editor-maker/id409838725

splice video editor

Splice is a professional-level video editor optimized for android phones. You can trim, crop, edit music, add music, and create many alluring videos with the Splice android version all through your mobile phone.

The splice application uses its optimized codes to do you video editing for you anywhere with your smartphone. Being a photographer can greatly help you when you needed a quick upload of photographs onto your social page.

Reason to Choose:-

  • Speedy video edits
  • Complete package for movies making
  • Deal with high-quality videos too

Reason to Avoid:-

  • Sometime Crashes
  • Consume a lot of hard drive space

2GoPro Quik

Support OS: iOS and Android

Rating: 4.5/5.0

Download Link Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.gopro.smarty&hl=en&gl=US

Download Link iOS: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/gopro-quik-video-editor/id561350520

quik editing app

Quik is an amazing video editor application for android and iOs to produce cinematic auto-edits. With Quik, you can edit your pictures in a video and put a piece of background music. The Mural feature lets free your shots from the camera roll on your smartphone.

The application comes with a variety of features such as a speed tool, frame grab, filters, beat sync, video editing tools, and much more. If you are the one who loves to get quick shorts and upload them the instant to social media then it is for you.

Reason to Choose:-

  • Live Streaming Capabilities
  • Frequent Firmware Updates
  • Unlimited Cloud backup

Reason to Avoid:-

  • Full Features unlock at the paid version
  • Computationally intensive on ordinary smartphones


Support OS: Android and iOS

Rating: 4.7/5.0

Download Link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.nexstreaming.app.kinemasterfree&hl=en&gl=US

kinemaster video editor

When it’s about editing your videos with the device you carry with you such as your iPhone, Android phone, or tablet then KnieMaster is the best choice you got. It makes video editing fun with its interactive layout.

It has a lot of powerful tools and many downloadable contents that you can use in your video editing. It has been the best choice for YouTubers and social media video content creators.

Reason to Choose:-

  • Easily deal with 4k and HD videos
  • Direct connection with social media platforms
  • Completely free to use

Reason to Avoid:-

  • Reported Glitches
  • Laggy on high-resolution videos


Support OS: Android and iOS

Rating: 4.8/5.0

Download Link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.camerasideas.instashot&hl=en&gl=US

inspot editor app

Inshot is a perfect and strong multi-functional video editor and maker with an arsenal of amazing features. Whether it’s the music, effects, emojis, slow motion, background blurring, etc it has got you all covered in your video project.

This is not it, if you are Youtuber, Tiktoker, or using Facebook then you are lucky to enjoy video making with Inshot with its music, background effect, and much more features.

Reason to Choose:-

  • Basic to Advance video editing capabilities
  • Vast music effects and voice-over
  • Support HD/4K videos

Reason to Avoid:-

  • Some features are complex to use
  • Customer Care issues

5Filmora: AI Video Editor, Maker

Support OS: Android

Rating: 4.6/5.0

Download Link Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.wondershare.filmorago&hl=en&gl=US

Download Link iOS: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/filmorago-video-editor-maker/id1019382747

filmora go editor

Filmora is one of the best video editor applications available on android and iOS with a lot of features like emoji, special effects, background, filters, and much more.

Moreover, it is known for its user-friendly interface with powerful tools powered by WonderShare. Create memes, edit videos, and make different video content with just a few steps with this application.

Reason to Choose:-

  • More features than any other editor
  • Music Libraries and Recorder
  • Easy Sharing on social media

Reason to Avoid:-

  • Limited Access in the free version
  • Lacking 4K and 8k support

Free Video Editor For Mobile

Filmora secure download Secure Download

Free Video Editor For Mobile

Filmora secure download Secure Download

iOS Android

Try It Free >>


Try It Free >>


Support OS: iOS/Android

Rating: 4.6/5.0

Download Link Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.magisto&hl=en&gl=US

Download Link iOS: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/magisto-video-editor-maker/id486781045

magisto editing app

Magisto Video Editor finds the greatest sections of your film using sophisticated AI Technologies. Synchronization, object identification, filters, and effects are among the video editing techniques used. The end product is a film that stands out among slideshows and video collages.

If you are more interested in applications powered by AI then this is for you. Thanks to its availability on both android and iOS it’s very easy to use with touch, drag, and drop.

Reason to Choose:-

  • User-Friendly
  • Easily sharable content
  • Support camera roll videos and add audio commentary.
  • AI-powered capabilities make many things much easier

Reason to Avoid:-

  • Limited access in the free version
  • Bugs are common


Support OS: iOS/Android

Rating: 4.7/5.0

Download Link Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.avcrbt.funimate&hl=en&gl=US

Download Link iOS: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/funimate-video-editor-maker/id844570015

funimate video editor

Funimate is the greatest smartphone video content creation app available on the play store and apple store. Become one of the thousands of Funimate customers who can quickly produce complicated video edits.

With different video capabilities like transitions, customized motions, multimedia effects, and filtering, you can make great Audience Edits or liven up your impromptu films.

Reason to Choose:-

  • Amazing Element Libraries
  • AI Effects
  • Interactable Community Help

Reason to Avoid:-

  • Need increase in Effects
  • Longs annoying ads

8Adobe Premiere Rush

Support OS: iOS/Android

Rating: 4.3/5.0

Download Link Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.adobe.premiererush.videoeditor&hl=en&gl=US

Download Link iOS: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/adobe-premiere-rush-edit-video/id1188753863

adobe premiere rush

Need a continuous stream of fantastic videos on your channel? If yes, Try Adobe Premiere Rush the cross-device video editor. With valuable tools, you can easily make professional-looking and sounding videos.

It is free with limitless exporting for as much as you like, or pay to have accessibility to all high-end features and dozens of music, audio effects, swirls, dynamic titles, decorations, and images.

Reason to Choose:-

  • Customizable contents
  • Additional Features for premium users
  • Multi-Track Timeline

Reason to Avoid:-

  • Glitches are reported
  • Annoying Feedback messages

Part 4: Tips and Tricks for Using Free Video Editing Tools

• Watch tutorial videos before starting with any editor for a better experience.

• Check for any keyboard shortcut available for the editor

• Choose appropriate music for your video content.

• Avoid jumpcuts since they put a bad impression on their viewers and use real-looking cuts.

• Be a good storyteller in your video content

Which is the best video editing app for free?

After thorough research of the reviews and feedback, the best video editor application is the Inshot. The ratings of Inshot are the best among the other same applications.

How can I edit my videos for free?

You can edit your video for free with the right video editing tools for your specific platform. Some of the tools like Filmora, it is readily available on Windows, Mac, iOS, and Android.

What is the best free online video maker?

The powerful and free best application for editing and making your videos is Clipchamp. The free version of Clipchamp lets you work on unlimited videos. This plan includes all the basic editing capabilities of the application.

What do YouTubers use to edit videos?

The choice of YouTubers and online video content creators will depend on several factors. However, Wondershare Filmors is a great choice because it is easy to use and comes with a range of AI features that make it super easy to create engaging videos.

Video content creators rely on video editing tools to produce content. This has made video editor tools become common software on the Internet. With several free options available, it can be a challenge to find the right one. However, all it needs is a little research, and bingo you will get one.

So, in this article, we explore the top 22 free video editing software tools available on different platforms such as Android, Windows, and Mac.


01[Things to Consider When to Choose a Free Video Editor ](#Part 1)

02[Free Video Editor for PC and Mac ](#Part 2)

03[Free Video Editor for Mobile Phones](#Part 3)

04[Tips and Tricks for Using Free Video Editing Tools ](#Part 4)

05[Related FAQs about Free Video Editors](#Part 5)

Part 1: Things to Consider When to Choose a Free Video Editor

Before opting for a free video editing software there are many important things, we mostly miss that we should have known. But you don’t have to worry about it anymore let’s begin:

  • What are you planning to use it for: You must know the purpose of video editing software before picking one. You could need a video editing tool for gaming or simply creating ordinary YouTube videos.
  • Learning curve: You need to compare the editing software options that you have to determine which one is complex to learn and which one is easy. This will save you the time and effort you would have spent downloading multiple products to test.
  • Quality: Another important factor to consider in video editing software is the quality and format of the video. There are many formats and quality of video content, and you need to choose the one that supports your video format.
  • Resources: Depending upon the requirements of the editing on your video, you should choose a video editor with all the video effects, music tracks, and other resources that you might need to apply to your video. Be careful not to select one with few resources.
  • Compatability: Check whether your PC, Mac, or Android platform can run the video editor you want to use. Consult the internet for compatibility by checking its minimum specification requirement on its manual or docs.

Part 2: Free Video Editor for PC and Mac

1 - Filmora 2 - Blender 3 - OpenShot
4 - Lightworks 5 - VSDC Free Video Editor 6 - Shotcut
7 - Hitfilm Express 8 - Clipchamp 9 - Avidemux
10 - iMovie 11 - VideoPad 12 - VideoProc
13 - Wevideo 14 - Active Presenter

1Filmora – simple editor with professional visual effects and rich editing tools

Best for: Content Creators

User rating: 4.8/5.0

System compatibility: Windows 7/Windows 8.1/Windows 10/Windows 11 ( 64 bit OS)
macOS V12 (Monterey), macOS v11 (Big Sur), macOS v10.15 (Catalina), macOS v10.14 (Mojave).

Free Video Editor For PC and Mac

Filmora secure download Secure Download

Free Video Editor For PC and Mac

Filmora secure download Secure Download

iOS Android

Try It Free >>


Try It Free >>

Wondershare Filmora is a versatile video editing that allows users to make spectacular films utilizing a variety of sophisticated editing features quickly and easily. It has a pleasantly accessible interface that makes it simple for everyone to use.

Reason to Choose:-

  • Simplest Interface for complex tasks
  • A range of AI-powered tools for automated video editing
  • Excellent auto color correction ability
  • Video export and direct YouTube uploads
  • Frequent Software Updates
  • It supports animation keyframing and motion tracking

Reason to Avoid:-

  • Rendering Speed is a little slow
  • The plug-in extension is not supported
  • New Version lacks the auto-edit feature

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

2Blender – 3D computer graphics software for videos

Best for: Graphics Designers, Photographers, and UI/UX Designers.

User rating: 4.5/5.0

System compatibility: Windows 8.1, 10, and 11, MacOS 10.13 Intel · 11.0 Apple Silicon, Linux

blender free video editor

Blender is an amazing 3d creation platform that is open source. The software supports modeling, 3D pipelining, rigging, animation, rendering, video editing, motion tracking, game creation, and composing.

If you are a designer of 3d graphics then this software is best suitable for you. You can also edit your videos with this software for free since it is open source. Blender 3d is a good package for all types of graphics-related activities on computers.

Reason to Choose:-

  • Open-Source
  • Simplest Interface
  • Frequent Updates
  • A vast arsenal of 3d tools.

Reason to Avoid:-

  • Sometimes glitchy but overall good.
  • Laggy Performance on intensive editing.
  • Little Complex to learn.

3OpenShot – a free and open-source video editor for beginners

Best for: Small Business Owners and Freelancers.

User rating: 4.4/5.0

System compatibility: Linux (most distributions are supported), Windows (version 7, 8, and 10+), OS X (version 10.15+)


OpenShot is a cross-platform video editor that trims and slices videos for you. It has an animation framework of a fade, slide, and animate anything in your project. The software has an unlimited number of tracks you can use.

OpenShot comes with a variety of video effects, audio waveforms, a title editor, slow motion, and time effects. It wonderful package for those who are interested in their videos in animated form like small business owners and freelancers, etc.

Reason to Choose:-

  • The very easy graphical interface and navigation.
  • Perfect for quick edits.
  • Multiple languages support.
  • Open-Source.

Reason to Avoid:-

  • Sometimes the software crashes.
  • Poor performance in high-resolution videos.

4Lightworks – free and easy to use a pro video editing tool

Best for: Small business owners, actors, and marketers.

User rating: 3.5/5.0

System compatibility: Windows 8, Windows 8.1, and Windows 10, Mac OS X 10.11 or higher, Linux , Ubuntu / Lubuntu / Xubuntu 20.04 or higher


Lightworks is an editing system for video edits and mastering. It is one of the oldest software developed for early computer-based non-linear editing systems. After 2010, it is also available as an open source however the source code has never been released.

The software became available as an open source in 2020, but the source code has never been released. If you are an actor, content creator, or marketeer then this software is for you.

Reason to Choose:-

  • The abundance of resources for building videos.
  • Free and Open-Source.
  • Better Technical Support and suggestions.

Reason to Avoid:-

  • Basic Editing Features
  • Limited Transitions and font settings

5VSDC Free Video Editor – best multimedia suite for video and audio editing

Best for: Business owners, mid-marketeers, and YouTubers.

User rating: 4.0/5.0

System compatibility: Windows XP/SP3/Vista/7/8/10

vsdc video editor

VSDC is a free non-linear editing tool that can edit your videos in ultra-high definitions. It is developed by Flash-Intergro LLC. VSDC is capable of many other features that video content creators usually need such as motion tracking, liver color correction, and post-production effects.

This product is available in 13 languages which makes it an easy choice for everyone around the world.

Reason to Choose:-

  • Good quality multimedia editing
  • Free and Open-Source
  • Wide acceptance of video and audio formats
  • Direct publishing on social media platforms

Reason to Avoid:-

  • Cannot download animated transitions
  • Hight memory consumption

6Shotcut – Free video editor with high-resolution

Best for: Graphic designers, business owners, and IT marketers.

User rating: 4.2/5.0

System compatibility: Operating system: 64-bit Windows 7 – 11, Apple macOS 10.14 - 12, 64-bit Linux with at least glibc 2.27.

shotcut free video editor

Shotcut is one of the free and open-source video editing platforms that is also a cross-platform editing tool. It is available on all the operating system platforms out there.

Reason to Choose:-

  • Wide-format support
  • Device and transport option
  • Sleek and Intuitive Interface
  • Free and Open Source

Reason to Avoid:-

  • The interface is complex comparatively
  • Crashing is common due to driver problems

7Hitfilm Express – The best choice for students and projects

Best for: Gamers, Youtubers, Small business owners, entrepreneurs, and graphic designers.

User rating: 4.4/5.0

System compatibility: Apple: macOS 11.0 Big Sur, macOS 10.15 Catalina or macOS 10.14 Mojave, Windows: Microsoft Windows 10 (64-bit)

hitfilm express

Hitfilm Express is a free and open-source amazing video editing software with professional grading VF-X tools and many awesome contents such as gaming and films. This video editor is perfect for all beginners, who have just started the editing.

Its tools are industry-rated and the interface is known for its user-friendly feature. The largest VFX toolkit of Hitfilm consists of more powerful libraries and is all available for free at your service.

Reason to Choose:-

  • Supports HD videos.
  • Multiple imports of many audios and their mixing.
  • A broad variety of tools and functions.

Reason to Avoid:-

  • Animation availability is limited and repetitive.
  • No Instructional videos.

8Clipchamp – Low learning curve editor for everyone

Best for: Photographers, Freelancers, and Youtubers.

User rating: 4.0/5.0

System compatibility: Windows

photos app

Microsoft ClipChamp is one of the best video editors for creating amazing movie clips of your pictures. You can create many slideshow pictures and play music behind them.

It comes with various stickers, trimming, merging, multiple trimming and filters, etc. The application is available on the Microsoft store or the official ClipChamp website for download. If you want something authentic on your windows then this app is for you.

Reason to Choose:-

  • Included with Windows 11.
  • Interactive and easy-to-use tools.
  • Generous template selection.

Reason to Avoid:-

  • Requires a subscription for some features.
  • Limited control over effects.

9Avidemux – video editor designed for simple cutting and encoding

Best for: Digital Marketers, web designers, and business owners.

User rating: 4.4/5.0

System compatibility: Windows OS: 98 SE, XP, 2000, Vista, 7, 8, ME, macOS X, and Linux.

avidemux editor

Avidemux is open-source software for video editing such as simple cutting, filtering, and encoding of videos into many formats. The application let you convert to many videos encoding formats like the popular ones MPEG and ASF etc.

Moreover, Avidemux does not provide editing through basic tools only but its automated task capability through queue and power scripts lets you do anything with your video.

Reason to Choose:-

  • Completely free and open-source
  • Sleek user interface
  • Wide support of codecs

Reason to Avoid:-

  • Documentation is not beginner-friendly
  • Confusing options
  • Limited effects and transitions

10iMovie – a most well-known video editor for macOS users

Best for: Apple device users, Marketers, developers, and teachers.

User rating: 4.3/5.0

System compatibility: Microsoft Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10, or Windows 11, All macOS

imovie free editor on mac

IMovie is a pre-installed software by Apple Inc. on their systems. It primarily came in macOS, iOS, and iPadOS devices. The application is known for its editing of any type and resolution of videos.

Reason to Choose:-

  • User friendly
  • Easy to use and available for free
  • Library of sound and visual effects

Reason to Avoid:-

  • Time-consuming export
  • Lacks advanced video editing tools

11VideoPad – editor to create professional-look videos fast

Youtubers, business owners, and cast designers.

User rating: 4.1/5.0

System compatibility: Windows 10, XP, Vista, 7, 8, and 8.1 and Mac versions.


VideoPad is a video editing software tool available for Windows, and Mac to create different movies and edit videos. The application can create great-looking videos with its intuitive interface.

It comes with a lot of effects and transitions including a chroma key for making those unrealistic effects real now. It can even upload your videos on YouTube as well as on DVD.

Reason to Choose:-

  • Easy to use for beginners
  • Better control over transitions and other options.
  • Editing 360 videos with VideoPad is super easy
  • Vast support of video formats.

Reason to Avoid:-

  • Sometimes choppy playback
  • Export and import file issues
  • Lacking 360 pictures edit capability
  • Audio editing is confusing

12VideoProc – stable and powerful video editor

Best for: people who have multiple needs like video converting and recording.

User rating: 4.5/5.0

System compatibility: Microsoft Windows 7, Windows 8/8.1, Windows 10, Windows 11 or later (32-bit and 64-bit versions supported) Mac OS X Snow Leopard, Lion, Mountain Lion, Mavericks, Yosemite, El Capitan, macOS Sierra, High Sierra, Mojave, Catalina (10.15), Big Sur, Monterey or higher

videoproc editor

VideoProc is best known for its capabilities of video converting and processing software. The application lets you convert, resize and process large and high-definition videos such as 4K or HDR videos.

Moreover, this application lets you convert audio and DVDs easily at a fully accelerated speed. The application is very friendly towards the processing capabilities of your PC by utilizing it to the extent it is possible.

Reason to Choose:-

  • The majority of format conversions are available
  • GPU acceleration for fast rendering
  • Fast and simple functional controls

Reason to Avoid:-

  • Unable to deal with long-duration videos (5 hours limit).
  • Some system crashes

13Wevideo – online free and simple video editor

Best for: users who don’t want to download additional programs.

User rating: 4.4/5.0

System compatibility: Macs, PCs, and iOS and Android mobile devices.

wevideo online editor free

WeVideo is a cloud-based collaborative video creation tool that is both strong and simple to use. WeVideo is the primary choice of companies, consumers, instructors, and students, and the video foundation for many third-party media services.

It is accessible from any computer or laptop, whether in the classroom, at residence, at the office, or on the road. Users may simply shoot, modify, watch, and share files, and their material is securely stored in the cloud.

Reason to Choose:-

  • User friendly
  • Rich Libraries
  • Suitable for Green Screen Videos
  • Free Trial Offering

Reason to Avoid:-

  • Outdated Templates
  • Limited control over effects and advanced editing
  • Sometime Glitchy Features

14Active Presenter – Free video editor for eLearning purposes

Best for: Teachers and students for delivering and recording class lectures.

User rating: 4.5/5.0

System compatibility: Windows 7/ Windows 8/8.1, Windows 10, Windows 11 (only 64-bit (x64) is supported), macOS 10.12, macOS 10.13, macOS 10.14, macOS 10.15, macOS 11 (only 64-bit Intel CPU is supported)

active presenter editor

Active Presenter is multi-functional software that edits your video as well as record it. It is equipped with a variety of tools that record screens, edit screencasts videos, and create interactive content in Html5.

Moreover, the all-in-one feature lets you record your PC screen along with audio input. You can also edit your video and voice. The app also provides eLearning authority software guides, games, and simulations.

Reason to Choose:-

  • User-Friendly Interface.
  • Interactive features.
  • Multiple Tools in one package.

Reason to Avoid:-

  • Manual volume control.
  • Need amendments in volume control.

Part 3: Free Video Editor for Mobile Phones

If you want to record your mobile phone’s screen, you need to install a screen recorder app. Here is the list of the best screen video recorders for mobile users.

1 - Splice 2 - GoPro Quik 3 - KineMaster
4 - InShot 5 - Filmora 6 - CapCut
7 - Funimate 8 - Adobe Premiere Rush


Support OS: iOS and Android

Rating: 4.5/5.0

Download Link Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.splice.video.editor

Download Link iOS: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/splice-video-editor-maker/id409838725

splice video editor

Splice is a professional-level video editor optimized for android phones. You can trim, crop, edit music, add music, and create many alluring videos with the Splice android version all through your mobile phone.

The splice application uses its optimized codes to do you video editing for you anywhere with your smartphone. Being a photographer can greatly help you when you needed a quick upload of photographs onto your social page.

Reason to Choose:-

  • Speedy video edits
  • Complete package for movies making
  • Deal with high-quality videos too

Reason to Avoid:-

  • Sometime Crashes
  • Consume a lot of hard drive space

2GoPro Quik

Support OS: iOS and Android

Rating: 4.5/5.0

Download Link Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.gopro.smarty&hl=en&gl=US

Download Link iOS: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/gopro-quik-video-editor/id561350520

quik editing app

Quik is an amazing video editor application for android and iOs to produce cinematic auto-edits. With Quik, you can edit your pictures in a video and put a piece of background music. The Mural feature lets free your shots from the camera roll on your smartphone.

The application comes with a variety of features such as a speed tool, frame grab, filters, beat sync, video editing tools, and much more. If you are the one who loves to get quick shorts and upload them the instant to social media then it is for you.

Reason to Choose:-

  • Live Streaming Capabilities
  • Frequent Firmware Updates
  • Unlimited Cloud backup

Reason to Avoid:-

  • Full Features unlock at the paid version
  • Computationally intensive on ordinary smartphones


Support OS: Android and iOS

Rating: 4.7/5.0

Download Link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.nexstreaming.app.kinemasterfree&hl=en&gl=US

kinemaster video editor

When it’s about editing your videos with the device you carry with you such as your iPhone, Android phone, or tablet then KnieMaster is the best choice you got. It makes video editing fun with its interactive layout.

It has a lot of powerful tools and many downloadable contents that you can use in your video editing. It has been the best choice for YouTubers and social media video content creators.

Reason to Choose:-

  • Easily deal with 4k and HD videos
  • Direct connection with social media platforms
  • Completely free to use

Reason to Avoid:-

  • Reported Glitches
  • Laggy on high-resolution videos


Support OS: Android and iOS

Rating: 4.8/5.0

Download Link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.camerasideas.instashot&hl=en&gl=US

inspot editor app

Inshot is a perfect and strong multi-functional video editor and maker with an arsenal of amazing features. Whether it’s the music, effects, emojis, slow motion, background blurring, etc it has got you all covered in your video project.

This is not it, if you are Youtuber, Tiktoker, or using Facebook then you are lucky to enjoy video making with Inshot with its music, background effect, and much more features.

Reason to Choose:-

  • Basic to Advance video editing capabilities
  • Vast music effects and voice-over
  • Support HD/4K videos

Reason to Avoid:-

  • Some features are complex to use
  • Customer Care issues

5Filmora: AI Video Editor, Maker

Support OS: Android

Rating: 4.6/5.0

Download Link Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.wondershare.filmorago&hl=en&gl=US

Download Link iOS: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/filmorago-video-editor-maker/id1019382747

filmora go editor

Filmora is one of the best video editor applications available on android and iOS with a lot of features like emoji, special effects, background, filters, and much more.

Moreover, it is known for its user-friendly interface with powerful tools powered by WonderShare. Create memes, edit videos, and make different video content with just a few steps with this application.

Reason to Choose:-

  • More features than any other editor
  • Music Libraries and Recorder
  • Easy Sharing on social media

Reason to Avoid:-

  • Limited Access in the free version
  • Lacking 4K and 8k support

Free Video Editor For Mobile

Filmora secure download Secure Download

Free Video Editor For Mobile

Filmora secure download Secure Download

iOS Android

Try It Free >>


Try It Free >>


Support OS: iOS/Android

Rating: 4.6/5.0

Download Link Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.magisto&hl=en&gl=US

Download Link iOS: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/magisto-video-editor-maker/id486781045

magisto editing app

Magisto Video Editor finds the greatest sections of your film using sophisticated AI Technologies. Synchronization, object identification, filters, and effects are among the video editing techniques used. The end product is a film that stands out among slideshows and video collages.

If you are more interested in applications powered by AI then this is for you. Thanks to its availability on both android and iOS it’s very easy to use with touch, drag, and drop.

Reason to Choose:-

  • User-Friendly
  • Easily sharable content
  • Support camera roll videos and add audio commentary.
  • AI-powered capabilities make many things much easier

Reason to Avoid:-

  • Limited access in the free version
  • Bugs are common


Support OS: iOS/Android

Rating: 4.7/5.0

Download Link Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.avcrbt.funimate&hl=en&gl=US

Download Link iOS: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/funimate-video-editor-maker/id844570015

funimate video editor

Funimate is the greatest smartphone video content creation app available on the play store and apple store. Become one of the thousands of Funimate customers who can quickly produce complicated video edits.

With different video capabilities like transitions, customized motions, multimedia effects, and filtering, you can make great Audience Edits or liven up your impromptu films.

Reason to Choose:-

  • Amazing Element Libraries
  • AI Effects
  • Interactable Community Help

Reason to Avoid:-

  • Need increase in Effects
  • Longs annoying ads

8Adobe Premiere Rush

Support OS: iOS/Android

Rating: 4.3/5.0

Download Link Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.adobe.premiererush.videoeditor&hl=en&gl=US

Download Link iOS: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/adobe-premiere-rush-edit-video/id1188753863

adobe premiere rush

Need a continuous stream of fantastic videos on your channel? If yes, Try Adobe Premiere Rush the cross-device video editor. With valuable tools, you can easily make professional-looking and sounding videos.

It is free with limitless exporting for as much as you like, or pay to have accessibility to all high-end features and dozens of music, audio effects, swirls, dynamic titles, decorations, and images.

Reason to Choose:-

  • Customizable contents
  • Additional Features for premium users
  • Multi-Track Timeline

Reason to Avoid:-

  • Glitches are reported
  • Annoying Feedback messages

Part 4: Tips and Tricks for Using Free Video Editing Tools

• Watch tutorial videos before starting with any editor for a better experience.

• Check for any keyboard shortcut available for the editor

• Choose appropriate music for your video content.

• Avoid jumpcuts since they put a bad impression on their viewers and use real-looking cuts.

• Be a good storyteller in your video content

Which is the best video editing app for free?

After thorough research of the reviews and feedback, the best video editor application is the Inshot. The ratings of Inshot are the best among the other same applications.

How can I edit my videos for free?

You can edit your video for free with the right video editing tools for your specific platform. Some of the tools like Filmora, it is readily available on Windows, Mac, iOS, and Android.

What is the best free online video maker?

The powerful and free best application for editing and making your videos is Clipchamp. The free version of Clipchamp lets you work on unlimited videos. This plan includes all the basic editing capabilities of the application.

What do YouTubers use to edit videos?

The choice of YouTubers and online video content creators will depend on several factors. However, Wondershare Filmors is a great choice because it is easy to use and comes with a range of AI features that make it super easy to create engaging videos.

Video content creators rely on video editing tools to produce content. This has made video editor tools become common software on the Internet. With several free options available, it can be a challenge to find the right one. However, all it needs is a little research, and bingo you will get one.

So, in this article, we explore the top 22 free video editing software tools available on different platforms such as Android, Windows, and Mac.


01[Things to Consider When to Choose a Free Video Editor ](#Part 1)

02[Free Video Editor for PC and Mac ](#Part 2)

03[Free Video Editor for Mobile Phones](#Part 3)

04[Tips and Tricks for Using Free Video Editing Tools ](#Part 4)

05[Related FAQs about Free Video Editors](#Part 5)

Part 1: Things to Consider When to Choose a Free Video Editor

Before opting for a free video editing software there are many important things, we mostly miss that we should have known. But you don’t have to worry about it anymore let’s begin:

  • What are you planning to use it for: You must know the purpose of video editing software before picking one. You could need a video editing tool for gaming or simply creating ordinary YouTube videos.
  • Learning curve: You need to compare the editing software options that you have to determine which one is complex to learn and which one is easy. This will save you the time and effort you would have spent downloading multiple products to test.
  • Quality: Another important factor to consider in video editing software is the quality and format of the video. There are many formats and quality of video content, and you need to choose the one that supports your video format.
  • Resources: Depending upon the requirements of the editing on your video, you should choose a video editor with all the video effects, music tracks, and other resources that you might need to apply to your video. Be careful not to select one with few resources.
  • Compatability: Check whether your PC, Mac, or Android platform can run the video editor you want to use. Consult the internet for compatibility by checking its minimum specification requirement on its manual or docs.

Part 2: Free Video Editor for PC and Mac

1 - Filmora 2 - Blender 3 - OpenShot
4 - Lightworks 5 - VSDC Free Video Editor 6 - Shotcut
7 - Hitfilm Express 8 - Clipchamp 9 - Avidemux
10 - iMovie 11 - VideoPad 12 - VideoProc
13 - Wevideo 14 - Active Presenter

1Filmora – simple editor with professional visual effects and rich editing tools

Best for: Content Creators

User rating: 4.8/5.0

System compatibility: Windows 7/Windows 8.1/Windows 10/Windows 11 ( 64 bit OS)
macOS V12 (Monterey), macOS v11 (Big Sur), macOS v10.15 (Catalina), macOS v10.14 (Mojave).

Free Video Editor For PC and Mac

Filmora secure download Secure Download

Free Video Editor For PC and Mac

Filmora secure download Secure Download

iOS Android

Try It Free >>


Try It Free >>

Wondershare Filmora is a versatile video editing that allows users to make spectacular films utilizing a variety of sophisticated editing features quickly and easily. It has a pleasantly accessible interface that makes it simple for everyone to use.

Reason to Choose:-

  • Simplest Interface for complex tasks
  • A range of AI-powered tools for automated video editing
  • Excellent auto color correction ability
  • Video export and direct YouTube uploads
  • Frequent Software Updates
  • It supports animation keyframing and motion tracking

Reason to Avoid:-

  • Rendering Speed is a little slow
  • The plug-in extension is not supported
  • New Version lacks the auto-edit feature

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

2Blender – 3D computer graphics software for videos

Best for: Graphics Designers, Photographers, and UI/UX Designers.

User rating: 4.5/5.0

System compatibility: Windows 8.1, 10, and 11, MacOS 10.13 Intel · 11.0 Apple Silicon, Linux

blender free video editor

Blender is an amazing 3d creation platform that is open source. The software supports modeling, 3D pipelining, rigging, animation, rendering, video editing, motion tracking, game creation, and composing.

If you are a designer of 3d graphics then this software is best suitable for you. You can also edit your videos with this software for free since it is open source. Blender 3d is a good package for all types of graphics-related activities on computers.

Reason to Choose:-

  • Open-Source
  • Simplest Interface
  • Frequent Updates
  • A vast arsenal of 3d tools.

Reason to Avoid:-

  • Sometimes glitchy but overall good.
  • Laggy Performance on intensive editing.
  • Little Complex to learn.

3OpenShot – a free and open-source video editor for beginners

Best for: Small Business Owners and Freelancers.

User rating: 4.4/5.0

System compatibility: Linux (most distributions are supported), Windows (version 7, 8, and 10+), OS X (version 10.15+)


OpenShot is a cross-platform video editor that trims and slices videos for you. It has an animation framework of a fade, slide, and animate anything in your project. The software has an unlimited number of tracks you can use.

OpenShot comes with a variety of video effects, audio waveforms, a title editor, slow motion, and time effects. It wonderful package for those who are interested in their videos in animated form like small business owners and freelancers, etc.

Reason to Choose:-

  • The very easy graphical interface and navigation.
  • Perfect for quick edits.
  • Multiple languages support.
  • Open-Source.

Reason to Avoid:-

  • Sometimes the software crashes.
  • Poor performance in high-resolution videos.

4Lightworks – free and easy to use a pro video editing tool

Best for: Small business owners, actors, and marketers.

User rating: 3.5/5.0

System compatibility: Windows 8, Windows 8.1, and Windows 10, Mac OS X 10.11 or higher, Linux , Ubuntu / Lubuntu / Xubuntu 20.04 or higher


Lightworks is an editing system for video edits and mastering. It is one of the oldest software developed for early computer-based non-linear editing systems. After 2010, it is also available as an open source however the source code has never been released.

The software became available as an open source in 2020, but the source code has never been released. If you are an actor, content creator, or marketeer then this software is for you.

Reason to Choose:-

  • The abundance of resources for building videos.
  • Free and Open-Source.
  • Better Technical Support and suggestions.

Reason to Avoid:-

  • Basic Editing Features
  • Limited Transitions and font settings

5VSDC Free Video Editor – best multimedia suite for video and audio editing

Best for: Business owners, mid-marketeers, and YouTubers.

User rating: 4.0/5.0

System compatibility: Windows XP/SP3/Vista/7/8/10

vsdc video editor

VSDC is a free non-linear editing tool that can edit your videos in ultra-high definitions. It is developed by Flash-Intergro LLC. VSDC is capable of many other features that video content creators usually need such as motion tracking, liver color correction, and post-production effects.

This product is available in 13 languages which makes it an easy choice for everyone around the world.

Reason to Choose:-

  • Good quality multimedia editing
  • Free and Open-Source
  • Wide acceptance of video and audio formats
  • Direct publishing on social media platforms

Reason to Avoid:-

  • Cannot download animated transitions
  • Hight memory consumption

6Shotcut – Free video editor with high-resolution

Best for: Graphic designers, business owners, and IT marketers.

User rating: 4.2/5.0

System compatibility: Operating system: 64-bit Windows 7 – 11, Apple macOS 10.14 - 12, 64-bit Linux with at least glibc 2.27.

shotcut free video editor

Shotcut is one of the free and open-source video editing platforms that is also a cross-platform editing tool. It is available on all the operating system platforms out there.

Reason to Choose:-

  • Wide-format support
  • Device and transport option
  • Sleek and Intuitive Interface
  • Free and Open Source

Reason to Avoid:-

  • The interface is complex comparatively
  • Crashing is common due to driver problems

7Hitfilm Express – The best choice for students and projects

Best for: Gamers, Youtubers, Small business owners, entrepreneurs, and graphic designers.

User rating: 4.4/5.0

System compatibility: Apple: macOS 11.0 Big Sur, macOS 10.15 Catalina or macOS 10.14 Mojave, Windows: Microsoft Windows 10 (64-bit)

hitfilm express

Hitfilm Express is a free and open-source amazing video editing software with professional grading VF-X tools and many awesome contents such as gaming and films. This video editor is perfect for all beginners, who have just started the editing.

Its tools are industry-rated and the interface is known for its user-friendly feature. The largest VFX toolkit of Hitfilm consists of more powerful libraries and is all available for free at your service.

Reason to Choose:-

  • Supports HD videos.
  • Multiple imports of many audios and their mixing.
  • A broad variety of tools and functions.

Reason to Avoid:-

  • Animation availability is limited and repetitive.
  • No Instructional videos.

8Clipchamp – Low learning curve editor for everyone

Best for: Photographers, Freelancers, and Youtubers.

User rating: 4.0/5.0

System compatibility: Windows

photos app

Microsoft ClipChamp is one of the best video editors for creating amazing movie clips of your pictures. You can create many slideshow pictures and play music behind them.

It comes with various stickers, trimming, merging, multiple trimming and filters, etc. The application is available on the Microsoft store or the official ClipChamp website for download. If you want something authentic on your windows then this app is for you.

Reason to Choose:-

  • Included with Windows 11.
  • Interactive and easy-to-use tools.
  • Generous template selection.

Reason to Avoid:-

  • Requires a subscription for some features.
  • Limited control over effects.

9Avidemux – video editor designed for simple cutting and encoding

Best for: Digital Marketers, web designers, and business owners.

User rating: 4.4/5.0

System compatibility: Windows OS: 98 SE, XP, 2000, Vista, 7, 8, ME, macOS X, and Linux.

avidemux editor

Avidemux is open-source software for video editing such as simple cutting, filtering, and encoding of videos into many formats. The application let you convert to many videos encoding formats like the popular ones MPEG and ASF etc.

Moreover, Avidemux does not provide editing through basic tools only but its automated task capability through queue and power scripts lets you do anything with your video.

Reason to Choose:-

  • Completely free and open-source
  • Sleek user interface
  • Wide support of codecs

Reason to Avoid:-

  • Documentation is not beginner-friendly
  • Confusing options
  • Limited effects and transitions

10iMovie – a most well-known video editor for macOS users

Best for: Apple device users, Marketers, developers, and teachers.

User rating: 4.3/5.0

System compatibility: Microsoft Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10, or Windows 11, All macOS

imovie free editor on mac

IMovie is a pre-installed software by Apple Inc. on their systems. It primarily came in macOS, iOS, and iPadOS devices. The application is known for its editing of any type and resolution of videos.

Reason to Choose:-

  • User friendly
  • Easy to use and available for free
  • Library of sound and visual effects

Reason to Avoid:-

  • Time-consuming export
  • Lacks advanced video editing tools

11VideoPad – editor to create professional-look videos fast

Youtubers, business owners, and cast designers.

User rating: 4.1/5.0

System compatibility: Windows 10, XP, Vista, 7, 8, and 8.1 and Mac versions.


VideoPad is a video editing software tool available for Windows, and Mac to create different movies and edit videos. The application can create great-looking videos with its intuitive interface.

It comes with a lot of effects and transitions including a chroma key for making those unrealistic effects real now. It can even upload your videos on YouTube as well as on DVD.

Reason to Choose:-

  • Easy to use for beginners
  • Better control over transitions and other options.
  • Editing 360 videos with VideoPad is super easy
  • Vast support of video formats.

Reason to Avoid:-

  • Sometimes choppy playback
  • Export and import file issues
  • Lacking 360 pictures edit capability
  • Audio editing is confusing

12VideoProc – stable and powerful video editor

Best for: people who have multiple needs like video converting and recording.

User rating: 4.5/5.0

System compatibility: Microsoft Windows 7, Windows 8/8.1, Windows 10, Windows 11 or later (32-bit and 64-bit versions supported) Mac OS X Snow Leopard, Lion, Mountain Lion, Mavericks, Yosemite, El Capitan, macOS Sierra, High Sierra, Mojave, Catalina (10.15), Big Sur, Monterey or higher

videoproc editor

VideoProc is best known for its capabilities of video converting and processing software. The application lets you convert, resize and process large and high-definition videos such as 4K or HDR videos.

Moreover, this application lets you convert audio and DVDs easily at a fully accelerated speed. The application is very friendly towards the processing capabilities of your PC by utilizing it to the extent it is possible.

Reason to Choose:-

  • The majority of format conversions are available
  • GPU acceleration for fast rendering
  • Fast and simple functional controls

Reason to Avoid:-

  • Unable to deal with long-duration videos (5 hours limit).
  • Some system crashes

13Wevideo – online free and simple video editor

Best for: users who don’t want to download additional programs.

User rating: 4.4/5.0

System compatibility: Macs, PCs, and iOS and Android mobile devices.

wevideo online editor free

WeVideo is a cloud-based collaborative video creation tool that is both strong and simple to use. WeVideo is the primary choice of companies, consumers, instructors, and students, and the video foundation for many third-party media services.

It is accessible from any computer or laptop, whether in the classroom, at residence, at the office, or on the road. Users may simply shoot, modify, watch, and share files, and their material is securely stored in the cloud.

Reason to Choose:-

  • User friendly
  • Rich Libraries
  • Suitable for Green Screen Videos
  • Free Trial Offering

Reason to Avoid:-

  • Outdated Templates
  • Limited control over effects and advanced editing
  • Sometime Glitchy Features

14Active Presenter – Free video editor for eLearning purposes

Best for: Teachers and students for delivering and recording class lectures.

User rating: 4.5/5.0

System compatibility: Windows 7/ Windows 8/8.1, Windows 10, Windows 11 (only 64-bit (x64) is supported), macOS 10.12, macOS 10.13, macOS 10.14, macOS 10.15, macOS 11 (only 64-bit Intel CPU is supported)

active presenter editor

Active Presenter is multi-functional software that edits your video as well as record it. It is equipped with a variety of tools that record screens, edit screencasts videos, and create interactive content in Html5.

Moreover, the all-in-one feature lets you record your PC screen along with audio input. You can also edit your video and voice. The app also provides eLearning authority software guides, games, and simulations.

Reason to Choose:-

  • User-Friendly Interface.
  • Interactive features.
  • Multiple Tools in one package.

Reason to Avoid:-

  • Manual volume control.
  • Need amendments in volume control.

Part 3: Free Video Editor for Mobile Phones

If you want to record your mobile phone’s screen, you need to install a screen recorder app. Here is the list of the best screen video recorders for mobile users.

1 - Splice 2 - GoPro Quik 3 - KineMaster
4 - InShot 5 - Filmora 6 - CapCut
7 - Funimate 8 - Adobe Premiere Rush


Support OS: iOS and Android

Rating: 4.5/5.0

Download Link Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.splice.video.editor

Download Link iOS: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/splice-video-editor-maker/id409838725

splice video editor

Splice is a professional-level video editor optimized for android phones. You can trim, crop, edit music, add music, and create many alluring videos with the Splice android version all through your mobile phone.

The splice application uses its optimized codes to do you video editing for you anywhere with your smartphone. Being a photographer can greatly help you when you needed a quick upload of photographs onto your social page.

Reason to Choose:-

  • Speedy video edits
  • Complete package for movies making
  • Deal with high-quality videos too

Reason to Avoid:-

  • Sometime Crashes
  • Consume a lot of hard drive space

2GoPro Quik

Support OS: iOS and Android

Rating: 4.5/5.0

Download Link Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.gopro.smarty&hl=en&gl=US

Download Link iOS: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/gopro-quik-video-editor/id561350520

quik editing app

Quik is an amazing video editor application for android and iOs to produce cinematic auto-edits. With Quik, you can edit your pictures in a video and put a piece of background music. The Mural feature lets free your shots from the camera roll on your smartphone.

The application comes with a variety of features such as a speed tool, frame grab, filters, beat sync, video editing tools, and much more. If you are the one who loves to get quick shorts and upload them the instant to social media then it is for you.

Reason to Choose:-

  • Live Streaming Capabilities
  • Frequent Firmware Updates
  • Unlimited Cloud backup

Reason to Avoid:-

  • Full Features unlock at the paid version
  • Computationally intensive on ordinary smartphones


Support OS: Android and iOS

Rating: 4.7/5.0

Download Link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.nexstreaming.app.kinemasterfree&hl=en&gl=US

kinemaster video editor

When it’s about editing your videos with the device you carry with you such as your iPhone, Android phone, or tablet then KnieMaster is the best choice you got. It makes video editing fun with its interactive layout.

It has a lot of powerful tools and many downloadable contents that you can use in your video editing. It has been the best choice for YouTubers and social media video content creators.

Reason to Choose:-

  • Easily deal with 4k and HD videos
  • Direct connection with social media platforms
  • Completely free to use

Reason to Avoid:-

  • Reported Glitches
  • Laggy on high-resolution videos


Support OS: Android and iOS

Rating: 4.8/5.0

Download Link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.camerasideas.instashot&hl=en&gl=US

inspot editor app

Inshot is a perfect and strong multi-functional video editor and maker with an arsenal of amazing features. Whether it’s the music, effects, emojis, slow motion, background blurring, etc it has got you all covered in your video project.

This is not it, if you are Youtuber, Tiktoker, or using Facebook then you are lucky to enjoy video making with Inshot with its music, background effect, and much more features.

Reason to Choose:-

  • Basic to Advance video editing capabilities
  • Vast music effects and voice-over
  • Support HD/4K videos

Reason to Avoid:-

  • Some features are complex to use
  • Customer Care issues

5Filmora: AI Video Editor, Maker

Support OS: Android

Rating: 4.6/5.0

Download Link Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.wondershare.filmorago&hl=en&gl=US

Download Link iOS: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/filmorago-video-editor-maker/id1019382747

filmora go editor

Filmora is one of the best video editor applications available on android and iOS with a lot of features like emoji, special effects, background, filters, and much more.

Moreover, it is known for its user-friendly interface with powerful tools powered by WonderShare. Create memes, edit videos, and make different video content with just a few steps with this application.

Reason to Choose:-

  • More features than any other editor
  • Music Libraries and Recorder
  • Easy Sharing on social media

Reason to Avoid:-

  • Limited Access in the free version
  • Lacking 4K and 8k support

Free Video Editor For Mobile

Filmora secure download Secure Download

Free Video Editor For Mobile

Filmora secure download Secure Download

iOS Android

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Try It Free >>


Support OS: iOS/Android

Rating: 4.6/5.0

Download Link Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.magisto&hl=en&gl=US

Download Link iOS: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/magisto-video-editor-maker/id486781045

magisto editing app

Magisto Video Editor finds the greatest sections of your film using sophisticated AI Technologies. Synchronization, object identification, filters, and effects are among the video editing techniques used. The end product is a film that stands out among slideshows and video collages.

If you are more interested in applications powered by AI then this is for you. Thanks to its availability on both android and iOS it’s very easy to use with touch, drag, and drop.

Reason to Choose:-

  • User-Friendly
  • Easily sharable content
  • Support camera roll videos and add audio commentary.
  • AI-powered capabilities make many things much easier

Reason to Avoid:-

  • Limited access in the free version
  • Bugs are common


Support OS: iOS/Android

Rating: 4.7/5.0

Download Link Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.avcrbt.funimate&hl=en&gl=US

Download Link iOS: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/funimate-video-editor-maker/id844570015

funimate video editor

Funimate is the greatest smartphone video content creation app available on the play store and apple store. Become one of the thousands of Funimate customers who can quickly produce complicated video edits.

With different video capabilities like transitions, customized motions, multimedia effects, and filtering, you can make great Audience Edits or liven up your impromptu films.

Reason to Choose:-

  • Amazing Element Libraries
  • AI Effects
  • Interactable Community Help

Reason to Avoid:-

  • Need increase in Effects
  • Longs annoying ads

8Adobe Premiere Rush

Support OS: iOS/Android

Rating: 4.3/5.0

Download Link Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.adobe.premiererush.videoeditor&hl=en&gl=US

Download Link iOS: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/adobe-premiere-rush-edit-video/id1188753863

adobe premiere rush

Need a continuous stream of fantastic videos on your channel? If yes, Try Adobe Premiere Rush the cross-device video editor. With valuable tools, you can easily make professional-looking and sounding videos.

It is free with limitless exporting for as much as you like, or pay to have accessibility to all high-end features and dozens of music, audio effects, swirls, dynamic titles, decorations, and images.

Reason to Choose:-

  • Customizable contents
  • Additional Features for premium users
  • Multi-Track Timeline

Reason to Avoid:-

  • Glitches are reported
  • Annoying Feedback messages

Part 4: Tips and Tricks for Using Free Video Editing Tools

• Watch tutorial videos before starting with any editor for a better experience.

• Check for any keyboard shortcut available for the editor

• Choose appropriate music for your video content.

• Avoid jumpcuts since they put a bad impression on their viewers and use real-looking cuts.

• Be a good storyteller in your video content

Which is the best video editing app for free?

After thorough research of the reviews and feedback, the best video editor application is the Inshot. The ratings of Inshot are the best among the other same applications.

How can I edit my videos for free?

You can edit your video for free with the right video editing tools for your specific platform. Some of the tools like Filmora, it is readily available on Windows, Mac, iOS, and Android.

What is the best free online video maker?

The powerful and free best application for editing and making your videos is Clipchamp. The free version of Clipchamp lets you work on unlimited videos. This plan includes all the basic editing capabilities of the application.

What do YouTubers use to edit videos?

The choice of YouTubers and online video content creators will depend on several factors. However, Wondershare Filmors is a great choice because it is easy to use and comes with a range of AI features that make it super easy to create engaging videos.

Video content creators rely on video editing tools to produce content. This has made video editor tools become common software on the Internet. With several free options available, it can be a challenge to find the right one. However, all it needs is a little research, and bingo you will get one.

So, in this article, we explore the top 22 free video editing software tools available on different platforms such as Android, Windows, and Mac.


01[Things to Consider When to Choose a Free Video Editor ](#Part 1)

02[Free Video Editor for PC and Mac ](#Part 2)

03[Free Video Editor for Mobile Phones](#Part 3)

04[Tips and Tricks for Using Free Video Editing Tools ](#Part 4)

05[Related FAQs about Free Video Editors](#Part 5)

Part 1: Things to Consider When to Choose a Free Video Editor

Before opting for a free video editing software there are many important things, we mostly miss that we should have known. But you don’t have to worry about it anymore let’s begin:

  • What are you planning to use it for: You must know the purpose of video editing software before picking one. You could need a video editing tool for gaming or simply creating ordinary YouTube videos.
  • Learning curve: You need to compare the editing software options that you have to determine which one is complex to learn and which one is easy. This will save you the time and effort you would have spent downloading multiple products to test.
  • Quality: Another important factor to consider in video editing software is the quality and format of the video. There are many formats and quality of video content, and you need to choose the one that supports your video format.
  • Resources: Depending upon the requirements of the editing on your video, you should choose a video editor with all the video effects, music tracks, and other resources that you might need to apply to your video. Be careful not to select one with few resources.
  • Compatability: Check whether your PC, Mac, or Android platform can run the video editor you want to use. Consult the internet for compatibility by checking its minimum specification requirement on its manual or docs.

Part 2: Free Video Editor for PC and Mac

1 - Filmora 2 - Blender 3 - OpenShot
4 - Lightworks 5 - VSDC Free Video Editor 6 - Shotcut
7 - Hitfilm Express 8 - Clipchamp 9 - Avidemux
10 - iMovie 11 - VideoPad 12 - VideoProc
13 - Wevideo 14 - Active Presenter

1Filmora – simple editor with professional visual effects and rich editing tools

Best for: Content Creators

User rating: 4.8/5.0

System compatibility: Windows 7/Windows 8.1/Windows 10/Windows 11 ( 64 bit OS)
macOS V12 (Monterey), macOS v11 (Big Sur), macOS v10.15 (Catalina), macOS v10.14 (Mojave).

Free Video Editor For PC and Mac

Filmora secure download Secure Download

Free Video Editor For PC and Mac

Filmora secure download Secure Download

iOS Android

Try It Free >>


Try It Free >>

Wondershare Filmora is a versatile video editing that allows users to make spectacular films utilizing a variety of sophisticated editing features quickly and easily. It has a pleasantly accessible interface that makes it simple for everyone to use.

Reason to Choose:-

  • Simplest Interface for complex tasks
  • A range of AI-powered tools for automated video editing
  • Excellent auto color correction ability
  • Video export and direct YouTube uploads
  • Frequent Software Updates
  • It supports animation keyframing and motion tracking

Reason to Avoid:-

  • Rendering Speed is a little slow
  • The plug-in extension is not supported
  • New Version lacks the auto-edit feature

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

2Blender – 3D computer graphics software for videos

Best for: Graphics Designers, Photographers, and UI/UX Designers.

User rating: 4.5/5.0

System compatibility: Windows 8.1, 10, and 11, MacOS 10.13 Intel · 11.0 Apple Silicon, Linux

blender free video editor

Blender is an amazing 3d creation platform that is open source. The software supports modeling, 3D pipelining, rigging, animation, rendering, video editing, motion tracking, game creation, and composing.

If you are a designer of 3d graphics then this software is best suitable for you. You can also edit your videos with this software for free since it is open source. Blender 3d is a good package for all types of graphics-related activities on computers.

Reason to Choose:-

  • Open-Source
  • Simplest Interface
  • Frequent Updates
  • A vast arsenal of 3d tools.

Reason to Avoid:-

  • Sometimes glitchy but overall good.
  • Laggy Performance on intensive editing.
  • Little Complex to learn.

3OpenShot – a free and open-source video editor for beginners

Best for: Small Business Owners and Freelancers.

User rating: 4.4/5.0

System compatibility: Linux (most distributions are supported), Windows (version 7, 8, and 10+), OS X (version 10.15+)


OpenShot is a cross-platform video editor that trims and slices videos for you. It has an animation framework of a fade, slide, and animate anything in your project. The software has an unlimited number of tracks you can use.

OpenShot comes with a variety of video effects, audio waveforms, a title editor, slow motion, and time effects. It wonderful package for those who are interested in their videos in animated form like small business owners and freelancers, etc.

Reason to Choose:-

  • The very easy graphical interface and navigation.
  • Perfect for quick edits.
  • Multiple languages support.
  • Open-Source.

Reason to Avoid:-

  • Sometimes the software crashes.
  • Poor performance in high-resolution videos.

4Lightworks – free and easy to use a pro video editing tool

Best for: Small business owners, actors, and marketers.

User rating: 3.5/5.0

System compatibility: Windows 8, Windows 8.1, and Windows 10, Mac OS X 10.11 or higher, Linux , Ubuntu / Lubuntu / Xubuntu 20.04 or higher


Lightworks is an editing system for video edits and mastering. It is one of the oldest software developed for early computer-based non-linear editing systems. After 2010, it is also available as an open source however the source code has never been released.

The software became available as an open source in 2020, but the source code has never been released. If you are an actor, content creator, or marketeer then this software is for you.

Reason to Choose:-

  • The abundance of resources for building videos.
  • Free and Open-Source.
  • Better Technical Support and suggestions.

Reason to Avoid:-

  • Basic Editing Features
  • Limited Transitions and font settings

5VSDC Free Video Editor – best multimedia suite for video and audio editing

Best for: Business owners, mid-marketeers, and YouTubers.

User rating: 4.0/5.0

System compatibility: Windows XP/SP3/Vista/7/8/10

vsdc video editor

VSDC is a free non-linear editing tool that can edit your videos in ultra-high definitions. It is developed by Flash-Intergro LLC. VSDC is capable of many other features that video content creators usually need such as motion tracking, liver color correction, and post-production effects.

This product is available in 13 languages which makes it an easy choice for everyone around the world.

Reason to Choose:-

  • Good quality multimedia editing
  • Free and Open-Source
  • Wide acceptance of video and audio formats
  • Direct publishing on social media platforms

Reason to Avoid:-

  • Cannot download animated transitions
  • Hight memory consumption

6Shotcut – Free video editor with high-resolution

Best for: Graphic designers, business owners, and IT marketers.

User rating: 4.2/5.0

System compatibility: Operating system: 64-bit Windows 7 – 11, Apple macOS 10.14 - 12, 64-bit Linux with at least glibc 2.27.

shotcut free video editor

Shotcut is one of the free and open-source video editing platforms that is also a cross-platform editing tool. It is available on all the operating system platforms out there.

Reason to Choose:-

  • Wide-format support
  • Device and transport option
  • Sleek and Intuitive Interface
  • Free and Open Source

Reason to Avoid:-

  • The interface is complex comparatively
  • Crashing is common due to driver problems

7Hitfilm Express – The best choice for students and projects

Best for: Gamers, Youtubers, Small business owners, entrepreneurs, and graphic designers.

User rating: 4.4/5.0

System compatibility: Apple: macOS 11.0 Big Sur, macOS 10.15 Catalina or macOS 10.14 Mojave, Windows: Microsoft Windows 10 (64-bit)

hitfilm express

Hitfilm Express is a free and open-source amazing video editing software with professional grading VF-X tools and many awesome contents such as gaming and films. This video editor is perfect for all beginners, who have just started the editing.

Its tools are industry-rated and the interface is known for its user-friendly feature. The largest VFX toolkit of Hitfilm consists of more powerful libraries and is all available for free at your service.

Reason to Choose:-

  • Supports HD videos.
  • Multiple imports of many audios and their mixing.
  • A broad variety of tools and functions.

Reason to Avoid:-

  • Animation availability is limited and repetitive.
  • No Instructional videos.

8Clipchamp – Low learning curve editor for everyone

Best for: Photographers, Freelancers, and Youtubers.

User rating: 4.0/5.0

System compatibility: Windows

photos app

Microsoft ClipChamp is one of the best video editors for creating amazing movie clips of your pictures. You can create many slideshow pictures and play music behind them.

It comes with various stickers, trimming, merging, multiple trimming and filters, etc. The application is available on the Microsoft store or the official ClipChamp website for download. If you want something authentic on your windows then this app is for you.

Reason to Choose:-

  • Included with Windows 11.
  • Interactive and easy-to-use tools.
  • Generous template selection.

Reason to Avoid:-

  • Requires a subscription for some features.
  • Limited control over effects.

9Avidemux – video editor designed for simple cutting and encoding

Best for: Digital Marketers, web designers, and business owners.

User rating: 4.4/5.0

System compatibility: Windows OS: 98 SE, XP, 2000, Vista, 7, 8, ME, macOS X, and Linux.

avidemux editor

Avidemux is open-source software for video editing such as simple cutting, filtering, and encoding of videos into many formats. The application let you convert to many videos encoding formats like the popular ones MPEG and ASF etc.

Moreover, Avidemux does not provide editing through basic tools only but its automated task capability through queue and power scripts lets you do anything with your video.

Reason to Choose:-

  • Completely free and open-source
  • Sleek user interface
  • Wide support of codecs

Reason to Avoid:-

  • Documentation is not beginner-friendly
  • Confusing options
  • Limited effects and transitions

10iMovie – a most well-known video editor for macOS users

Best for: Apple device users, Marketers, developers, and teachers.

User rating: 4.3/5.0

System compatibility: Microsoft Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10, or Windows 11, All macOS

imovie free editor on mac

IMovie is a pre-installed software by Apple Inc. on their systems. It primarily came in macOS, iOS, and iPadOS devices. The application is known for its editing of any type and resolution of videos.

Reason to Choose:-

  • User friendly
  • Easy to use and available for free
  • Library of sound and visual effects

Reason to Avoid:-

  • Time-consuming export
  • Lacks advanced video editing tools

11VideoPad – editor to create professional-look videos fast

Youtubers, business owners, and cast designers.

User rating: 4.1/5.0

System compatibility: Windows 10, XP, Vista, 7, 8, and 8.1 and Mac versions.


VideoPad is a video editing software tool available for Windows, and Mac to create different movies and edit videos. The application can create great-looking videos with its intuitive interface.

It comes with a lot of effects and transitions including a chroma key for making those unrealistic effects real now. It can even upload your videos on YouTube as well as on DVD.

Reason to Choose:-

  • Easy to use for beginners
  • Better control over transitions and other options.
  • Editing 360 videos with VideoPad is super easy
  • Vast support of video formats.

Reason to Avoid:-

  • Sometimes choppy playback
  • Export and import file issues
  • Lacking 360 pictures edit capability
  • Audio editing is confusing

12VideoProc – stable and powerful video editor

Best for: people who have multiple needs like video converting and recording.

User rating: 4.5/5.0

System compatibility: Microsoft Windows 7, Windows 8/8.1, Windows 10, Windows 11 or later (32-bit and 64-bit versions supported) Mac OS X Snow Leopard, Lion, Mountain Lion, Mavericks, Yosemite, El Capitan, macOS Sierra, High Sierra, Mojave, Catalina (10.15), Big Sur, Monterey or higher

videoproc editor

VideoProc is best known for its capabilities of video converting and processing software. The application lets you convert, resize and process large and high-definition videos such as 4K or HDR videos.

Moreover, this application lets you convert audio and DVDs easily at a fully accelerated speed. The application is very friendly towards the processing capabilities of your PC by utilizing it to the extent it is possible.

Reason to Choose:-

  • The majority of format conversions are available
  • GPU acceleration for fast rendering
  • Fast and simple functional controls

Reason to Avoid:-

  • Unable to deal with long-duration videos (5 hours limit).
  • Some system crashes

13Wevideo – online free and simple video editor

Best for: users who don’t want to download additional programs.

User rating: 4.4/5.0

System compatibility: Macs, PCs, and iOS and Android mobile devices.

wevideo online editor free

WeVideo is a cloud-based collaborative video creation tool that is both strong and simple to use. WeVideo is the primary choice of companies, consumers, instructors, and students, and the video foundation for many third-party media services.

It is accessible from any computer or laptop, whether in the classroom, at residence, at the office, or on the road. Users may simply shoot, modify, watch, and share files, and their material is securely stored in the cloud.

Reason to Choose:-

  • User friendly
  • Rich Libraries
  • Suitable for Green Screen Videos
  • Free Trial Offering

Reason to Avoid:-

  • Outdated Templates
  • Limited control over effects and advanced editing
  • Sometime Glitchy Features

14Active Presenter – Free video editor for eLearning purposes

Best for: Teachers and students for delivering and recording class lectures.

User rating: 4.5/5.0

System compatibility: Windows 7/ Windows 8/8.1, Windows 10, Windows 11 (only 64-bit (x64) is supported), macOS 10.12, macOS 10.13, macOS 10.14, macOS 10.15, macOS 11 (only 64-bit Intel CPU is supported)

active presenter editor

Active Presenter is multi-functional software that edits your video as well as record it. It is equipped with a variety of tools that record screens, edit screencasts videos, and create interactive content in Html5.

Moreover, the all-in-one feature lets you record your PC screen along with audio input. You can also edit your video and voice. The app also provides eLearning authority software guides, games, and simulations.

Reason to Choose:-

  • User-Friendly Interface.
  • Interactive features.
  • Multiple Tools in one package.

Reason to Avoid:-

  • Manual volume control.
  • Need amendments in volume control.

Part 3: Free Video Editor for Mobile Phones

If you want to record your mobile phone’s screen, you need to install a screen recorder app. Here is the list of the best screen video recorders for mobile users.

1 - Splice 2 - GoPro Quik 3 - KineMaster
4 - InShot 5 - Filmora 6 - CapCut
7 - Funimate 8 - Adobe Premiere Rush


Support OS: iOS and Android

Rating: 4.5/5.0

Download Link Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.splice.video.editor

Download Link iOS: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/splice-video-editor-maker/id409838725

splice video editor

Splice is a professional-level video editor optimized for android phones. You can trim, crop, edit music, add music, and create many alluring videos with the Splice android version all through your mobile phone.

The splice application uses its optimized codes to do you video editing for you anywhere with your smartphone. Being a photographer can greatly help you when you needed a quick upload of photographs onto your social page.

Reason to Choose:-

  • Speedy video edits
  • Complete package for movies making
  • Deal with high-quality videos too

Reason to Avoid:-

  • Sometime Crashes
  • Consume a lot of hard drive space

2GoPro Quik

Support OS: iOS and Android

Rating: 4.5/5.0

Download Link Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.gopro.smarty&hl=en&gl=US

Download Link iOS: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/gopro-quik-video-editor/id561350520

quik editing app

Quik is an amazing video editor application for android and iOs to produce cinematic auto-edits. With Quik, you can edit your pictures in a video and put a piece of background music. The Mural feature lets free your shots from the camera roll on your smartphone.

The application comes with a variety of features such as a speed tool, frame grab, filters, beat sync, video editing tools, and much more. If you are the one who loves to get quick shorts and upload them the instant to social media then it is for you.

Reason to Choose:-

  • Live Streaming Capabilities
  • Frequent Firmware Updates
  • Unlimited Cloud backup

Reason to Avoid:-

  • Full Features unlock at the paid version
  • Computationally intensive on ordinary smartphones


Support OS: Android and iOS

Rating: 4.7/5.0

Download Link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.nexstreaming.app.kinemasterfree&hl=en&gl=US

kinemaster video editor

When it’s about editing your videos with the device you carry with you such as your iPhone, Android phone, or tablet then KnieMaster is the best choice you got. It makes video editing fun with its interactive layout.

It has a lot of powerful tools and many downloadable contents that you can use in your video editing. It has been the best choice for YouTubers and social media video content creators.

Reason to Choose:-

  • Easily deal with 4k and HD videos
  • Direct connection with social media platforms
  • Completely free to use

Reason to Avoid:-

  • Reported Glitches
  • Laggy on high-resolution videos


Support OS: Android and iOS

Rating: 4.8/5.0

Download Link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.camerasideas.instashot&hl=en&gl=US

inspot editor app

Inshot is a perfect and strong multi-functional video editor and maker with an arsenal of amazing features. Whether it’s the music, effects, emojis, slow motion, background blurring, etc it has got you all covered in your video project.

This is not it, if you are Youtuber, Tiktoker, or using Facebook then you are lucky to enjoy video making with Inshot with its music, background effect, and much more features.

Reason to Choose:-

  • Basic to Advance video editing capabilities
  • Vast music effects and voice-over
  • Support HD/4K videos

Reason to Avoid:-

  • Some features are complex to use
  • Customer Care issues

5Filmora: AI Video Editor, Maker

Support OS: Android

Rating: 4.6/5.0

Download Link Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.wondershare.filmorago&hl=en&gl=US

Download Link iOS: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/filmorago-video-editor-maker/id1019382747

filmora go editor

Filmora is one of the best video editor applications available on android and iOS with a lot of features like emoji, special effects, background, filters, and much more.

Moreover, it is known for its user-friendly interface with powerful tools powered by WonderShare. Create memes, edit videos, and make different video content with just a few steps with this application.

Reason to Choose:-

  • More features than any other editor
  • Music Libraries and Recorder
  • Easy Sharing on social media

Reason to Avoid:-

  • Limited Access in the free version
  • Lacking 4K and 8k support

Free Video Editor For Mobile

Filmora secure download Secure Download

Free Video Editor For Mobile

Filmora secure download Secure Download

iOS Android

Try It Free >>


Try It Free >>


Support OS: iOS/Android

Rating: 4.6/5.0

Download Link Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.magisto&hl=en&gl=US

Download Link iOS: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/magisto-video-editor-maker/id486781045

magisto editing app

Magisto Video Editor finds the greatest sections of your film using sophisticated AI Technologies. Synchronization, object identification, filters, and effects are among the video editing techniques used. The end product is a film that stands out among slideshows and video collages.

If you are more interested in applications powered by AI then this is for you. Thanks to its availability on both android and iOS it’s very easy to use with touch, drag, and drop.

Reason to Choose:-

  • User-Friendly
  • Easily sharable content
  • Support camera roll videos and add audio commentary.
  • AI-powered capabilities make many things much easier

Reason to Avoid:-

  • Limited access in the free version
  • Bugs are common


Support OS: iOS/Android

Rating: 4.7/5.0

Download Link Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.avcrbt.funimate&hl=en&gl=US

Download Link iOS: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/funimate-video-editor-maker/id844570015

funimate video editor

Funimate is the greatest smartphone video content creation app available on the play store and apple store. Become one of the thousands of Funimate customers who can quickly produce complicated video edits.

With different video capabilities like transitions, customized motions, multimedia effects, and filtering, you can make great Audience Edits or liven up your impromptu films.

Reason to Choose:-

  • Amazing Element Libraries
  • AI Effects
  • Interactable Community Help

Reason to Avoid:-

  • Need increase in Effects
  • Longs annoying ads

8Adobe Premiere Rush

Support OS: iOS/Android

Rating: 4.3/5.0

Download Link Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.adobe.premiererush.videoeditor&hl=en&gl=US

Download Link iOS: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/adobe-premiere-rush-edit-video/id1188753863

adobe premiere rush

Need a continuous stream of fantastic videos on your channel? If yes, Try Adobe Premiere Rush the cross-device video editor. With valuable tools, you can easily make professional-looking and sounding videos.

It is free with limitless exporting for as much as you like, or pay to have accessibility to all high-end features and dozens of music, audio effects, swirls, dynamic titles, decorations, and images.

Reason to Choose:-

  • Customizable contents
  • Additional Features for premium users
  • Multi-Track Timeline

Reason to Avoid:-

  • Glitches are reported
  • Annoying Feedback messages

Part 4: Tips and Tricks for Using Free Video Editing Tools

• Watch tutorial videos before starting with any editor for a better experience.

• Check for any keyboard shortcut available for the editor

• Choose appropriate music for your video content.

• Avoid jumpcuts since they put a bad impression on their viewers and use real-looking cuts.

• Be a good storyteller in your video content

Which is the best video editing app for free?

After thorough research of the reviews and feedback, the best video editor application is the Inshot. The ratings of Inshot are the best among the other same applications.

How can I edit my videos for free?

You can edit your video for free with the right video editing tools for your specific platform. Some of the tools like Filmora, it is readily available on Windows, Mac, iOS, and Android.

What is the best free online video maker?

The powerful and free best application for editing and making your videos is Clipchamp. The free version of Clipchamp lets you work on unlimited videos. This plan includes all the basic editing capabilities of the application.

What do YouTubers use to edit videos?

The choice of YouTubers and online video content creators will depend on several factors. However, Wondershare Filmors is a great choice because it is easy to use and comes with a range of AI features that make it super easy to create engaging videos.

Ideas That Will Help You Out in Making Transparent Image

Ideas That Will Help You Out in Making Transparent Image

An easy yet powerful editor

Numerous effects to choose from

Detailed tutorials provided by the official channel

Try It Free Try It Free

Want to explore your graphic creativity with transparent images? Stay tuned for the most trending ideas to fill in your social media handles with unlimited likes!

In this article

01 [What Is a Transparent PNG Background?](#Part 1)

02 [Differences Among PNG vs JPG vs GIF](#Part 2)

03 [How to Make an Image Background Transparent](#Part 3)

04 [How to Convert JPG to Transparent PNG](#Part 4)

Part 1 What Is a Transparent PNG Background?

Transparent backgrounds are essentially faded overlays to any graphic content, like, an image or a video, that are useful in emphasizing the main element in the substance. Compatible to a variety of image and video formats, these are the talk of the trend, owing to their excellent content promotion utility. These are the latest and creative examples of information presentation, along with being among the best branding tools that can potentially make your content fresh and unique.

Using a transparent background as a brand promotion tool helps to project forward the major highlights of your product with a supportive background image, like the brand logo. This helps the audience to have a general idea of your brand. Apart from this, you can also assure the authenticity and quality of your brand by using a watermark in the background image.

Images with transparent backgrounds are the current promotion trends, owing to their convenient compatibility with any web design and the flexibility to mix with the most diverse color palettes and different elements on the product webpage. These can further be easily rendered in 3D to present realistic product images.

Part 2 Differences Among PNG vs JPG vs GIF

Diversity in requirement and usage has led to the advent of a variety of image formats, each suited to a specific purpose. On account of this variation, it becomes a confusing task to select the best image format that can fetch the most affordable images results in cohesion with exact user needs.

It is recommenced to use the JPG image format for natural stills that have a smooth variations in intensity and color. If your content requires image transparency, or contains texts and elements that have a sharp contrast image, like a brand logo, you should ideally prefer the PNG image format, while the GIF format is best suited for presenting animated content. As an explanation to the above usage constraints, here’s a comparison of the popular PNG, JPG and GIF image formats in the light of some common credibility parameters.


Image compression facilitates a quick data transmission across different web based platforms, owing to the reduced file size. While compression can be either lossy or lossless, choose an image format that maintains the size credibility in resonance with your data needs. A lossless compression guarantees the retrieval of original image, but a lossy compression fails to do so.


The JPG format is a lossy compressor that plays on your ability to perceive. The format has the credibility of a 1:10 compression ratio, without comprising with the original image quality. However, a further increased compression ratio may generate perceivable differences in image quality.

The JPG compression utilizes the concept of Discrete Cosine Transform, i.e., a color averaging of the image pixels in close proximity. Hence, it is suitable to use this format for natural and scenic stills, having a smooth color and intensity transition. Preferring this image format for a transmission of high contrast and sharpened images is however, not advisable.


This format supports the Deflate Compression technique and neither introduces artefacts, nor cuts down on the image quality. Choose the PNG image format for a lossless and high quality compression in comparison to JPG. This one is a more effective format with higher image quality, sharper image presentation and occupies a larger memory space on your device.

You can rely on PNG images for presenting data with text, shapes and logos with high contrast pixelation. It is however, not a good choice for transferring digital images that have a high resolution.


Working on the LZW Compression Algorithm, this image format was originally used to showcase simple website graphics, when the PNG format was still at a developing stage. However, with the advancement of PNG as a more effective compression format, the use of GIF is now restricted to animated content sharing.


Transparency is tern used to describe some invisible content. This is suitable to use in image backgrounds when you need to lay extra stress on the main content, like the logo of your product with a cohesive brand text, etc. the transparent background used here facilitates the use of a particular image with a series of background and color variations.


The JPG format has a limitation of not being compatible with image transparency, and hence is not suitable for related applications.


The PNG format gives you the liberty to use image transparency in two selective ways. You can either choose to make your image partially transparent by an alpha channel insertion for a smooth edge-background blend, or use index transparency to make the pixels of any particular color as transparent. PNG8 AND PNG24 versions of the format are supportive of index and alpha channel transparencies respectively.


This format inherently supports index transparency and declares a chosen color on the palette as transparent. Owing to the absence of alpha channel transparency, there is an unsatisfactory blend of edges with the image background. The unevenness becomes more prominent in case of highly detailed and rounded images.

While it is possible to mitigate this loss to some extent with the use of image dithering, the GIF format is still not a preferred choice for creating images with transparent backgrounds. The PNG format is instead, more credible on that aspect.


Color is a visibly strong parameter of difference among the JPG, PNG and GIF image formats, with each one supporting as specific number of colors on the palette.


The color palette of JPG images is a huge inventory of 16 million colors, rendering them suitable for storing natural stills having a smooth color transition.


The two versions of PNG format differ on color variance. While PNG8 permits 256 colors, the PNG24 format supports 16 million colors, similar to the JPG format. Consider using the PNG8 format for an image with simple shapes and lesser variations in color. It is, on the other hand better to use the PNG24 format for images with transparent backgrounds, high image quality and complex shapes with detailed edges.


The GIF format is a host to 256 colors, one of which becomes transparent on using index transparency and the other 255 support different color variations.


Animation here, is not necessarily restricted to having frame rates, but refers to a certain periodic movement of specific image sections with time. Out of JPG, PNG and GIF, only the last one is compatible with GIFs. You can use this utility to crate and share eye catching banners and advertisements. The advent of GIF specific content platforms, such as, GIPHY, Tumblr, etc., has further uplifted GIF reach and usage.

A variety of image formats are available to choose from for catering to specific content requirements. However, you can always optimize the format selection in cohesion with the current need.

Part 3 How to Make an Image Background Transparent

Having known enough about the credibility of transparent background images, it sounds quite interesting to try your hands at creating these of your own. The software market offers some over the top tools for creating stunning examples of images with transparent backgrounds. When looking for alternatives on how to make an image with a transparent background, some of your best choices are discussed below:


This one is a top class image creator and editor tool, which you can use to add that extra tint to your website design material, watermark images or even display your image creativity for fun and entertainment purposes. The tool comes with a simple and quick process to make transparent background images.

This tool grants you the liberty to choose from various s transparency levels, image layers and effects to give the perfect professional look to your creation. The tool further promises you of a clean and subtle transparent background image that is bound to attract viewer attention.

This graphic design tool is available for a free usage, if you limit yourself within image design and effect play. However, if you want to experience the fun of creating transparent background images with this tool, you need to take its paid subscription.

How to Make Canva Transparent Background

Here’s the know how to add transparent background in still images with this tool:

Step 1: Account Creation

In order to use this graphic tool for image design, you need to have its official account. Visit the tool’s official site, launch the same on your system, create a Canva account and log in.

Canva Graphic Design Tool

Step 2: Image Selection

Consider browsing through your device to choose an image for creating a transparent background artwork.

Canva Graphic Design Tool- Image Selection Interface

Step 3: Background Removal

You now need to remove the background color of the selected image. In the tool’s welcome interface, navigate to ‘Effects’ in the top toolbar and select ‘Background Remover’ from the available options to remove the background layer and make a transparent design.

Canva Graphic Design Tool- Background Removal Interface

Step 4: Save Your Image

After removing the image background, download it into your system. To do this, navigate to the ‘Download’ icon at the top right and click on it.

Canva Graphic Design Tool- Save Image Interface

Step 5: File Format Selection

Here, you need to select the PNG file format to get a transparent background image.

Canva Graphic Design Tool- Format Selection Interface

Step 6: Transparency

It is now time to make your image background transparent. You can do this by clicking the ‘Transparency’ checkbox below the ‘File Format‘selection dialog box.

Canva Graphic Design Tool- Transparency Settings Interface

Step 7: Download Your Creation

When you are happy with setting the above parameters, hit the ‘Download’ tab to import your artwork to your device gallery.

Canva Graphic Design Tool- Download Image Interface


This one is excellent image editor and graphic designer tool that allows you to add diversification and class to your brand images. You can play with a variety of display features to enhance and objectify your image to your heart’s content.

Using Photoshop allows a presentation of your content against a dynamic color background, thus favoring a background interaction selective to the viewer’s serene size. Photoshop can create transparent logos for the products on your site, that are suitable to be placed anywhere on the webpage, regardless of the latter’s background color.

How to Make Photoshop Transparent Background

See through the following section of this article for a guided tutorial to create a transparent background image in Photoshop:

Photoshop Graphic Design Application

Step 1: Download Adobe Photoshop

Navigate to Adobe’s official website and download the Photoshop application in your device. Install and launch the same to reach the app’s welcome interface.

Photoshop Graphic Design Application- Inage Selection

Step 2: Make a Layered Image File

In the main interface, open a selected image and navigate to the ‘Layers Panel’ in the right of the image window. However, if the ‘Layers Panel’ does not show up by default, reach to the top toolbar and hit the ‘Window’ tab. From the drop sown menu that follows, select ‘Layers’.

Photoshop Graphic Design Application- Image Layering Interface

In this panel, double tap the ‘Background‘layer. This causes the ‘Rename Layer’ dialog box to appear. You can either enter a suitable name or continue with the default ‘Layer 0’ name. When you are done, click on ‘OK’.

Photoshop Graphic Design Application- Layer Rename Interface

Step 3: Let’s Get Creating!

In the application interface, navigate to the toolbar at the left and choose the ‘Magic Wand’ tool. Again, reach to the ‘Options’ bar at the top and choose ‘Select Subject’. This will facilitate the selection of the min object of the image, irrespective of its background and the selection will be visible as ‘marching ants’ around the object.

Photoshop Graphic Design Application- Magic Wand Tool Selection

If you find the selection to be improper, use the ‘Magic Wand’ to ward off excessive background portions by choosing the ’Subtract From Selection’ option, or even add some extra product portions, suited to your requirement. While making your selection, take care to include any holes in the product image.

Photoshop Graphic Design Application- Subject Selection

Step 4: Background Deletion

When you are left with only the selected product, navigate to the top toolbar and hit the ’Select’ tab and choose ‘Inverse’ from the drop down menu that follows. You can alternatively use the ‘Shift+Ctrl+I’ command for a Windows device, or enter ‘Shift+Command+I’ command, in case you are using a Mac supported device.

Photoshop Graphic Design Application-Background Inverse Interface

Make a selection of the inverse background and tap ‘Backspace’ or ‘Delete’ in your Windows and Mac devices respectively. This will cause your background to get transparent. In the Photoshop application, a gray-white checkerboard represents a transparent background.

In case you require deselecting any selection, enter ‘Ctrl+D’ in Windows or ‘Command+D’ in a Mac device.

Photoshop Graphic Design Application- Section Deselect

Step 5: Save Your Creation in a Web Compatible Format

When you are done creating the transparent background artwork, it becomes equally important to save your creation in a web compatible format to export them on different media platforms and product websites.

Talking of the preferable image format, it is highly recommended to use the PNG24 one, owing to its flexibility of alpha channel transparency, which permits partially transparent image backgrounds along with layered transparency. This in turn makes it possible to integrate the image with varying color backgrounds on different sites and platforms without hollow pixelation.

To save your artwork in the PNG24 file format, navigate to the application toolbar bat the top and hit the ‘File’ tab and choose the ‘Export’ option from the drop sown menu that appears. Select the ‘Export As’ option from the ‘Export’ popup menu.

For an older Photoshop version, hit the ‘Export’ tab and choose ‘Save for Web’ from the dropdown menu, followed by selecting the PNG24 option. A format dialog box appears where you can set the transparency settings. To do this, navigate to ‘File Settings’ at the right, choose the PNG file format and check the ‘Transparency’ box. Avoid checking the ‘Smaller Size’ box, else the image will get saved in the PNG8 format.

Photoshop Graphic Design Application- Image Export Interface

In the left of the screen, the image file size is displayed. Maintain an affordable file size, preferably within 200 KB, to avoid slower image loading on the sharing platform. You can adjust this in the ‘Image Size’ option at the right.

Photoshop Graphic Design Application- Transparency and Size Settings Interface

Set a conveniently reduced dimension, while taking care not to set an extremely small size, else it will produce a pixelated output on the site. It is preferable to set a 50-100% larger image size for a convenient display across different devices.

Step 6: Final Save

Once you are satisfied with all the image settings, tap ‘Export All’ to save your artwork locally in your device. In the ‘File Save’ dialog box, choose a preferred device location, enter a suitable file name and choose the .png extension. At last, click on ‘Save’.


Launched by Wondershare, this is excellent image editor and creator software that you can rely on to make stunning artworks in a variety of file formats. Talking of background transparency in particular, the software comes with a unique ‘Green Screen’ feature to create high quality, transparent background images in a matter of a few clicks. You can further, give a professional touch to your creation with a storehouse of classic video and image editing effects that are just perfect to stand out in the crowd.

How to Make Filmora Transparent Background

A stepwise tutorial on how to create image with transparent background images using Filmora is discussed below:

Step 1: Download the Software

Visit the official website of Wondershare Filmora Video Editor to download and install the software in any of your Windows or Mac devices.

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

Step 2: Import Media File

Launch the app to reach the main interface, where you will find the ‘Import’ tab. Hit it and choose ‘Import Media File’ from the drop down menu that follows. This will upload your selected image to the software’s media library.

Filmora- Media Import Interface

Step 2: Timeline Dragging

You now need to insert the selected image from Filmora’s media library to the software’s editing timeline. You can do this either by right clicking the selected image, followed by choosing the ‘Insert’ option, or a simple ’Drag and Drop’ method.

Filmora- Image Timeline Dragging

Step 3: Transparency Adjustments

In the editor timeline, double click your selected image to open the ‘Settings’ tab. Scroll down the tab options to locate ‘Chroma Key Settings’. Make a right toggle to enable the ‘Chroma Key’ and you will see the image get transparent with the default ’Green’ background color.

You can alternatively, navigate to the ‘Select Color’ option and choose ‘Color Picker’ at its right, reach the image section you wish to make transparent and make a single click.

Filmora- Image Transparency Adjustments

In case you get a partially transparent background, you can make further adjustments in the ‘Chroma Key’ settings, such as, tolerance, edge thickness, offset, edge feather, etc., to ascertain complete background transparency. When you are satisfied with your work, click on ‘OK’.

Filmora- Additional Chroma Key Settings

Step 4: Media Export

You can now try adding the transparent image to any video or export the same to any media platform. To do this, hit the ‘Export’ tab at the top right corner in the editor timeline.

Filmora- Media Export Interface

Part 4 How to Convert JPG to Transparent PNG

Taking into account the diverse information sharing and content specification requirements, an obvious need to switch between different file formats may arise at a number of instants. One such example is the conversion of images in JPG format into that of a transparent PNG image. When looking through convenient alternatives to set the issue straight, the software market has a pouring flood of choices.

Discussed below are some of the best JPG to transparent PNG converter solutions you can pick to convert color background JPG stills into transparent PNG background images, while sorting the concern of how to save PNG with transparent background:

Filmora JPG to Transparent PNG Converter

Filmora is top rated and highly preferred graphic design software that caters to all of your video and image design and conversion needs in the most convenient manner. Developed by Wondershare, this is the worthiest pick for all graphic editing. While the software is packed with extensive and over the top features to provide a professional elegance to almost and design artwork, the transparent image backgrounds created by Filmora are simply remarkable.

If you are done with those usual and commonplace captures, try hands at creating transparent background images with this software, which promises you of a stand out result on account of the following features:

Filmora comes with a distinguished ‘Green Screen’ feature that is known to create transparent background images in time instants shorter than an eye blink. You just need to upload an image in the software timeline and adjust a few chroma settings, and that’s really the end!

Apart from this, you can play with a diverse inventory of results and image filters, like, graphic and text overlays, subtitles and tons of audio-visual upshots to create an absolute graphic masterpiece.

The software further, is free to use and welcomes you with a clean, cohesive and responsive user interface, guiding you at each step of the design task.

Ending Thoughts

Transparent image backgrounds are the current in house trends of content branding and product promotion alternatives. While there are varieties of requirement specific image file formats, the PNG format is best suited for creating a transparent background image.

The software market is an in depth pool of choices for graphic and image editing tools, Wondershare Filmora happens to be a distinguished name among all to create and convert images with transparent backgrounds.

Try It Free Try It Free

Want to explore your graphic creativity with transparent images? Stay tuned for the most trending ideas to fill in your social media handles with unlimited likes!

In this article

01 [What Is a Transparent PNG Background?](#Part 1)

02 [Differences Among PNG vs JPG vs GIF](#Part 2)

03 [How to Make an Image Background Transparent](#Part 3)

04 [How to Convert JPG to Transparent PNG](#Part 4)

Part 1 What Is a Transparent PNG Background?

Transparent backgrounds are essentially faded overlays to any graphic content, like, an image or a video, that are useful in emphasizing the main element in the substance. Compatible to a variety of image and video formats, these are the talk of the trend, owing to their excellent content promotion utility. These are the latest and creative examples of information presentation, along with being among the best branding tools that can potentially make your content fresh and unique.

Using a transparent background as a brand promotion tool helps to project forward the major highlights of your product with a supportive background image, like the brand logo. This helps the audience to have a general idea of your brand. Apart from this, you can also assure the authenticity and quality of your brand by using a watermark in the background image.

Images with transparent backgrounds are the current promotion trends, owing to their convenient compatibility with any web design and the flexibility to mix with the most diverse color palettes and different elements on the product webpage. These can further be easily rendered in 3D to present realistic product images.

Part 2 Differences Among PNG vs JPG vs GIF

Diversity in requirement and usage has led to the advent of a variety of image formats, each suited to a specific purpose. On account of this variation, it becomes a confusing task to select the best image format that can fetch the most affordable images results in cohesion with exact user needs.

It is recommenced to use the JPG image format for natural stills that have a smooth variations in intensity and color. If your content requires image transparency, or contains texts and elements that have a sharp contrast image, like a brand logo, you should ideally prefer the PNG image format, while the GIF format is best suited for presenting animated content. As an explanation to the above usage constraints, here’s a comparison of the popular PNG, JPG and GIF image formats in the light of some common credibility parameters.


Image compression facilitates a quick data transmission across different web based platforms, owing to the reduced file size. While compression can be either lossy or lossless, choose an image format that maintains the size credibility in resonance with your data needs. A lossless compression guarantees the retrieval of original image, but a lossy compression fails to do so.


The JPG format is a lossy compressor that plays on your ability to perceive. The format has the credibility of a 1:10 compression ratio, without comprising with the original image quality. However, a further increased compression ratio may generate perceivable differences in image quality.

The JPG compression utilizes the concept of Discrete Cosine Transform, i.e., a color averaging of the image pixels in close proximity. Hence, it is suitable to use this format for natural and scenic stills, having a smooth color and intensity transition. Preferring this image format for a transmission of high contrast and sharpened images is however, not advisable.


This format supports the Deflate Compression technique and neither introduces artefacts, nor cuts down on the image quality. Choose the PNG image format for a lossless and high quality compression in comparison to JPG. This one is a more effective format with higher image quality, sharper image presentation and occupies a larger memory space on your device.

You can rely on PNG images for presenting data with text, shapes and logos with high contrast pixelation. It is however, not a good choice for transferring digital images that have a high resolution.


Working on the LZW Compression Algorithm, this image format was originally used to showcase simple website graphics, when the PNG format was still at a developing stage. However, with the advancement of PNG as a more effective compression format, the use of GIF is now restricted to animated content sharing.


Transparency is tern used to describe some invisible content. This is suitable to use in image backgrounds when you need to lay extra stress on the main content, like the logo of your product with a cohesive brand text, etc. the transparent background used here facilitates the use of a particular image with a series of background and color variations.


The JPG format has a limitation of not being compatible with image transparency, and hence is not suitable for related applications.


The PNG format gives you the liberty to use image transparency in two selective ways. You can either choose to make your image partially transparent by an alpha channel insertion for a smooth edge-background blend, or use index transparency to make the pixels of any particular color as transparent. PNG8 AND PNG24 versions of the format are supportive of index and alpha channel transparencies respectively.


This format inherently supports index transparency and declares a chosen color on the palette as transparent. Owing to the absence of alpha channel transparency, there is an unsatisfactory blend of edges with the image background. The unevenness becomes more prominent in case of highly detailed and rounded images.

While it is possible to mitigate this loss to some extent with the use of image dithering, the GIF format is still not a preferred choice for creating images with transparent backgrounds. The PNG format is instead, more credible on that aspect.


Color is a visibly strong parameter of difference among the JPG, PNG and GIF image formats, with each one supporting as specific number of colors on the palette.


The color palette of JPG images is a huge inventory of 16 million colors, rendering them suitable for storing natural stills having a smooth color transition.


The two versions of PNG format differ on color variance. While PNG8 permits 256 colors, the PNG24 format supports 16 million colors, similar to the JPG format. Consider using the PNG8 format for an image with simple shapes and lesser variations in color. It is, on the other hand better to use the PNG24 format for images with transparent backgrounds, high image quality and complex shapes with detailed edges.


The GIF format is a host to 256 colors, one of which becomes transparent on using index transparency and the other 255 support different color variations.


Animation here, is not necessarily restricted to having frame rates, but refers to a certain periodic movement of specific image sections with time. Out of JPG, PNG and GIF, only the last one is compatible with GIFs. You can use this utility to crate and share eye catching banners and advertisements. The advent of GIF specific content platforms, such as, GIPHY, Tumblr, etc., has further uplifted GIF reach and usage.

A variety of image formats are available to choose from for catering to specific content requirements. However, you can always optimize the format selection in cohesion with the current need.

Part 3 How to Make an Image Background Transparent

Having known enough about the credibility of transparent background images, it sounds quite interesting to try your hands at creating these of your own. The software market offers some over the top tools for creating stunning examples of images with transparent backgrounds. When looking for alternatives on how to make an image with a transparent background, some of your best choices are discussed below:


This one is a top class image creator and editor tool, which you can use to add that extra tint to your website design material, watermark images or even display your image creativity for fun and entertainment purposes. The tool comes with a simple and quick process to make transparent background images.

This tool grants you the liberty to choose from various s transparency levels, image layers and effects to give the perfect professional look to your creation. The tool further promises you of a clean and subtle transparent background image that is bound to attract viewer attention.

This graphic design tool is available for a free usage, if you limit yourself within image design and effect play. However, if you want to experience the fun of creating transparent background images with this tool, you need to take its paid subscription.

How to Make Canva Transparent Background

Here’s the know how to add transparent background in still images with this tool:

Step 1: Account Creation

In order to use this graphic tool for image design, you need to have its official account. Visit the tool’s official site, launch the same on your system, create a Canva account and log in.

Canva Graphic Design Tool

Step 2: Image Selection

Consider browsing through your device to choose an image for creating a transparent background artwork.

Canva Graphic Design Tool- Image Selection Interface

Step 3: Background Removal

You now need to remove the background color of the selected image. In the tool’s welcome interface, navigate to ‘Effects’ in the top toolbar and select ‘Background Remover’ from the available options to remove the background layer and make a transparent design.

Canva Graphic Design Tool- Background Removal Interface

Step 4: Save Your Image

After removing the image background, download it into your system. To do this, navigate to the ‘Download’ icon at the top right and click on it.

Canva Graphic Design Tool- Save Image Interface

Step 5: File Format Selection

Here, you need to select the PNG file format to get a transparent background image.

Canva Graphic Design Tool- Format Selection Interface

Step 6: Transparency

It is now time to make your image background transparent. You can do this by clicking the ‘Transparency’ checkbox below the ‘File Format‘selection dialog box.

Canva Graphic Design Tool- Transparency Settings Interface

Step 7: Download Your Creation

When you are happy with setting the above parameters, hit the ‘Download’ tab to import your artwork to your device gallery.

Canva Graphic Design Tool- Download Image Interface


This one is excellent image editor and graphic designer tool that allows you to add diversification and class to your brand images. You can play with a variety of display features to enhance and objectify your image to your heart’s content.

Using Photoshop allows a presentation of your content against a dynamic color background, thus favoring a background interaction selective to the viewer’s serene size. Photoshop can create transparent logos for the products on your site, that are suitable to be placed anywhere on the webpage, regardless of the latter’s background color.

How to Make Photoshop Transparent Background

See through the following section of this article for a guided tutorial to create a transparent background image in Photoshop:

Photoshop Graphic Design Application

Step 1: Download Adobe Photoshop

Navigate to Adobe’s official website and download the Photoshop application in your device. Install and launch the same to reach the app’s welcome interface.

Photoshop Graphic Design Application- Inage Selection

Step 2: Make a Layered Image File

In the main interface, open a selected image and navigate to the ‘Layers Panel’ in the right of the image window. However, if the ‘Layers Panel’ does not show up by default, reach to the top toolbar and hit the ‘Window’ tab. From the drop sown menu that follows, select ‘Layers’.

Photoshop Graphic Design Application- Image Layering Interface

In this panel, double tap the ‘Background‘layer. This causes the ‘Rename Layer’ dialog box to appear. You can either enter a suitable name or continue with the default ‘Layer 0’ name. When you are done, click on ‘OK’.

Photoshop Graphic Design Application- Layer Rename Interface

Step 3: Let’s Get Creating!

In the application interface, navigate to the toolbar at the left and choose the ‘Magic Wand’ tool. Again, reach to the ‘Options’ bar at the top and choose ‘Select Subject’. This will facilitate the selection of the min object of the image, irrespective of its background and the selection will be visible as ‘marching ants’ around the object.

Photoshop Graphic Design Application- Magic Wand Tool Selection

If you find the selection to be improper, use the ‘Magic Wand’ to ward off excessive background portions by choosing the ’Subtract From Selection’ option, or even add some extra product portions, suited to your requirement. While making your selection, take care to include any holes in the product image.

Photoshop Graphic Design Application- Subject Selection

Step 4: Background Deletion

When you are left with only the selected product, navigate to the top toolbar and hit the ’Select’ tab and choose ‘Inverse’ from the drop down menu that follows. You can alternatively use the ‘Shift+Ctrl+I’ command for a Windows device, or enter ‘Shift+Command+I’ command, in case you are using a Mac supported device.

Photoshop Graphic Design Application-Background Inverse Interface

Make a selection of the inverse background and tap ‘Backspace’ or ‘Delete’ in your Windows and Mac devices respectively. This will cause your background to get transparent. In the Photoshop application, a gray-white checkerboard represents a transparent background.

In case you require deselecting any selection, enter ‘Ctrl+D’ in Windows or ‘Command+D’ in a Mac device.

Photoshop Graphic Design Application- Section Deselect

Step 5: Save Your Creation in a Web Compatible Format

When you are done creating the transparent background artwork, it becomes equally important to save your creation in a web compatible format to export them on different media platforms and product websites.

Talking of the preferable image format, it is highly recommended to use the PNG24 one, owing to its flexibility of alpha channel transparency, which permits partially transparent image backgrounds along with layered transparency. This in turn makes it possible to integrate the image with varying color backgrounds on different sites and platforms without hollow pixelation.

To save your artwork in the PNG24 file format, navigate to the application toolbar bat the top and hit the ‘File’ tab and choose the ‘Export’ option from the drop sown menu that appears. Select the ‘Export As’ option from the ‘Export’ popup menu.

For an older Photoshop version, hit the ‘Export’ tab and choose ‘Save for Web’ from the dropdown menu, followed by selecting the PNG24 option. A format dialog box appears where you can set the transparency settings. To do this, navigate to ‘File Settings’ at the right, choose the PNG file format and check the ‘Transparency’ box. Avoid checking the ‘Smaller Size’ box, else the image will get saved in the PNG8 format.

Photoshop Graphic Design Application- Image Export Interface

In the left of the screen, the image file size is displayed. Maintain an affordable file size, preferably within 200 KB, to avoid slower image loading on the sharing platform. You can adjust this in the ‘Image Size’ option at the right.

Photoshop Graphic Design Application- Transparency and Size Settings Interface

Set a conveniently reduced dimension, while taking care not to set an extremely small size, else it will produce a pixelated output on the site. It is preferable to set a 50-100% larger image size for a convenient display across different devices.

Step 6: Final Save

Once you are satisfied with all the image settings, tap ‘Export All’ to save your artwork locally in your device. In the ‘File Save’ dialog box, choose a preferred device location, enter a suitable file name and choose the .png extension. At last, click on ‘Save’.


Launched by Wondershare, this is excellent image editor and creator software that you can rely on to make stunning artworks in a variety of file formats. Talking of background transparency in particular, the software comes with a unique ‘Green Screen’ feature to create high quality, transparent background images in a matter of a few clicks. You can further, give a professional touch to your creation with a storehouse of classic video and image editing effects that are just perfect to stand out in the crowd.

How to Make Filmora Transparent Background

A stepwise tutorial on how to create image with transparent background images using Filmora is discussed below:

Step 1: Download the Software

Visit the official website of Wondershare Filmora Video Editor to download and install the software in any of your Windows or Mac devices.

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

Step 2: Import Media File

Launch the app to reach the main interface, where you will find the ‘Import’ tab. Hit it and choose ‘Import Media File’ from the drop down menu that follows. This will upload your selected image to the software’s media library.

Filmora- Media Import Interface

Step 2: Timeline Dragging

You now need to insert the selected image from Filmora’s media library to the software’s editing timeline. You can do this either by right clicking the selected image, followed by choosing the ‘Insert’ option, or a simple ’Drag and Drop’ method.

Filmora- Image Timeline Dragging

Step 3: Transparency Adjustments

In the editor timeline, double click your selected image to open the ‘Settings’ tab. Scroll down the tab options to locate ‘Chroma Key Settings’. Make a right toggle to enable the ‘Chroma Key’ and you will see the image get transparent with the default ’Green’ background color.

You can alternatively, navigate to the ‘Select Color’ option and choose ‘Color Picker’ at its right, reach the image section you wish to make transparent and make a single click.

Filmora- Image Transparency Adjustments

In case you get a partially transparent background, you can make further adjustments in the ‘Chroma Key’ settings, such as, tolerance, edge thickness, offset, edge feather, etc., to ascertain complete background transparency. When you are satisfied with your work, click on ‘OK’.

Filmora- Additional Chroma Key Settings

Step 4: Media Export

You can now try adding the transparent image to any video or export the same to any media platform. To do this, hit the ‘Export’ tab at the top right corner in the editor timeline.

Filmora- Media Export Interface

Part 4 How to Convert JPG to Transparent PNG

Taking into account the diverse information sharing and content specification requirements, an obvious need to switch between different file formats may arise at a number of instants. One such example is the conversion of images in JPG format into that of a transparent PNG image. When looking through convenient alternatives to set the issue straight, the software market has a pouring flood of choices.

Discussed below are some of the best JPG to transparent PNG converter solutions you can pick to convert color background JPG stills into transparent PNG background images, while sorting the concern of how to save PNG with transparent background:

Filmora JPG to Transparent PNG Converter

Filmora is top rated and highly preferred graphic design software that caters to all of your video and image design and conversion needs in the most convenient manner. Developed by Wondershare, this is the worthiest pick for all graphic editing. While the software is packed with extensive and over the top features to provide a professional elegance to almost and design artwork, the transparent image backgrounds created by Filmora are simply remarkable.

If you are done with those usual and commonplace captures, try hands at creating transparent background images with this software, which promises you of a stand out result on account of the following features:

Filmora comes with a distinguished ‘Green Screen’ feature that is known to create transparent background images in time instants shorter than an eye blink. You just need to upload an image in the software timeline and adjust a few chroma settings, and that’s really the end!

Apart from this, you can play with a diverse inventory of results and image filters, like, graphic and text overlays, subtitles and tons of audio-visual upshots to create an absolute graphic masterpiece.

The software further, is free to use and welcomes you with a clean, cohesive and responsive user interface, guiding you at each step of the design task.

Ending Thoughts

Transparent image backgrounds are the current in house trends of content branding and product promotion alternatives. While there are varieties of requirement specific image file formats, the PNG format is best suited for creating a transparent background image.

The software market is an in depth pool of choices for graphic and image editing tools, Wondershare Filmora happens to be a distinguished name among all to create and convert images with transparent backgrounds.

Try It Free Try It Free

Want to explore your graphic creativity with transparent images? Stay tuned for the most trending ideas to fill in your social media handles with unlimited likes!

In this article

01 [What Is a Transparent PNG Background?](#Part 1)

02 [Differences Among PNG vs JPG vs GIF](#Part 2)

03 [How to Make an Image Background Transparent](#Part 3)

04 [How to Convert JPG to Transparent PNG](#Part 4)

Part 1 What Is a Transparent PNG Background?

Transparent backgrounds are essentially faded overlays to any graphic content, like, an image or a video, that are useful in emphasizing the main element in the substance. Compatible to a variety of image and video formats, these are the talk of the trend, owing to their excellent content promotion utility. These are the latest and creative examples of information presentation, along with being among the best branding tools that can potentially make your content fresh and unique.

Using a transparent background as a brand promotion tool helps to project forward the major highlights of your product with a supportive background image, like the brand logo. This helps the audience to have a general idea of your brand. Apart from this, you can also assure the authenticity and quality of your brand by using a watermark in the background image.

Images with transparent backgrounds are the current promotion trends, owing to their convenient compatibility with any web design and the flexibility to mix with the most diverse color palettes and different elements on the product webpage. These can further be easily rendered in 3D to present realistic product images.

Part 2 Differences Among PNG vs JPG vs GIF

Diversity in requirement and usage has led to the advent of a variety of image formats, each suited to a specific purpose. On account of this variation, it becomes a confusing task to select the best image format that can fetch the most affordable images results in cohesion with exact user needs.

It is recommenced to use the JPG image format for natural stills that have a smooth variations in intensity and color. If your content requires image transparency, or contains texts and elements that have a sharp contrast image, like a brand logo, you should ideally prefer the PNG image format, while the GIF format is best suited for presenting animated content. As an explanation to the above usage constraints, here’s a comparison of the popular PNG, JPG and GIF image formats in the light of some common credibility parameters.


Image compression facilitates a quick data transmission across different web based platforms, owing to the reduced file size. While compression can be either lossy or lossless, choose an image format that maintains the size credibility in resonance with your data needs. A lossless compression guarantees the retrieval of original image, but a lossy compression fails to do so.


The JPG format is a lossy compressor that plays on your ability to perceive. The format has the credibility of a 1:10 compression ratio, without comprising with the original image quality. However, a further increased compression ratio may generate perceivable differences in image quality.

The JPG compression utilizes the concept of Discrete Cosine Transform, i.e., a color averaging of the image pixels in close proximity. Hence, it is suitable to use this format for natural and scenic stills, having a smooth color and intensity transition. Preferring this image format for a transmission of high contrast and sharpened images is however, not advisable.


This format supports the Deflate Compression technique and neither introduces artefacts, nor cuts down on the image quality. Choose the PNG image format for a lossless and high quality compression in comparison to JPG. This one is a more effective format with higher image quality, sharper image presentation and occupies a larger memory space on your device.

You can rely on PNG images for presenting data with text, shapes and logos with high contrast pixelation. It is however, not a good choice for transferring digital images that have a high resolution.


Working on the LZW Compression Algorithm, this image format was originally used to showcase simple website graphics, when the PNG format was still at a developing stage. However, with the advancement of PNG as a more effective compression format, the use of GIF is now restricted to animated content sharing.


Transparency is tern used to describe some invisible content. This is suitable to use in image backgrounds when you need to lay extra stress on the main content, like the logo of your product with a cohesive brand text, etc. the transparent background used here facilitates the use of a particular image with a series of background and color variations.


The JPG format has a limitation of not being compatible with image transparency, and hence is not suitable for related applications.


The PNG format gives you the liberty to use image transparency in two selective ways. You can either choose to make your image partially transparent by an alpha channel insertion for a smooth edge-background blend, or use index transparency to make the pixels of any particular color as transparent. PNG8 AND PNG24 versions of the format are supportive of index and alpha channel transparencies respectively.


This format inherently supports index transparency and declares a chosen color on the palette as transparent. Owing to the absence of alpha channel transparency, there is an unsatisfactory blend of edges with the image background. The unevenness becomes more prominent in case of highly detailed and rounded images.

While it is possible to mitigate this loss to some extent with the use of image dithering, the GIF format is still not a preferred choice for creating images with transparent backgrounds. The PNG format is instead, more credible on that aspect.


Color is a visibly strong parameter of difference among the JPG, PNG and GIF image formats, with each one supporting as specific number of colors on the palette.


The color palette of JPG images is a huge inventory of 16 million colors, rendering them suitable for storing natural stills having a smooth color transition.


The two versions of PNG format differ on color variance. While PNG8 permits 256 colors, the PNG24 format supports 16 million colors, similar to the JPG format. Consider using the PNG8 format for an image with simple shapes and lesser variations in color. It is, on the other hand better to use the PNG24 format for images with transparent backgrounds, high image quality and complex shapes with detailed edges.


The GIF format is a host to 256 colors, one of which becomes transparent on using index transparency and the other 255 support different color variations.


Animation here, is not necessarily restricted to having frame rates, but refers to a certain periodic movement of specific image sections with time. Out of JPG, PNG and GIF, only the last one is compatible with GIFs. You can use this utility to crate and share eye catching banners and advertisements. The advent of GIF specific content platforms, such as, GIPHY, Tumblr, etc., has further uplifted GIF reach and usage.

A variety of image formats are available to choose from for catering to specific content requirements. However, you can always optimize the format selection in cohesion with the current need.

Part 3 How to Make an Image Background Transparent

Having known enough about the credibility of transparent background images, it sounds quite interesting to try your hands at creating these of your own. The software market offers some over the top tools for creating stunning examples of images with transparent backgrounds. When looking for alternatives on how to make an image with a transparent background, some of your best choices are discussed below:


This one is a top class image creator and editor tool, which you can use to add that extra tint to your website design material, watermark images or even display your image creativity for fun and entertainment purposes. The tool comes with a simple and quick process to make transparent background images.

This tool grants you the liberty to choose from various s transparency levels, image layers and effects to give the perfect professional look to your creation. The tool further promises you of a clean and subtle transparent background image that is bound to attract viewer attention.

This graphic design tool is available for a free usage, if you limit yourself within image design and effect play. However, if you want to experience the fun of creating transparent background images with this tool, you need to take its paid subscription.

How to Make Canva Transparent Background

Here’s the know how to add transparent background in still images with this tool:

Step 1: Account Creation

In order to use this graphic tool for image design, you need to have its official account. Visit the tool’s official site, launch the same on your system, create a Canva account and log in.

Canva Graphic Design Tool

Step 2: Image Selection

Consider browsing through your device to choose an image for creating a transparent background artwork.

Canva Graphic Design Tool- Image Selection Interface

Step 3: Background Removal

You now need to remove the background color of the selected image. In the tool’s welcome interface, navigate to ‘Effects’ in the top toolbar and select ‘Background Remover’ from the available options to remove the background layer and make a transparent design.

Canva Graphic Design Tool- Background Removal Interface

Step 4: Save Your Image

After removing the image background, download it into your system. To do this, navigate to the ‘Download’ icon at the top right and click on it.

Canva Graphic Design Tool- Save Image Interface

Step 5: File Format Selection

Here, you need to select the PNG file format to get a transparent background image.

Canva Graphic Design Tool- Format Selection Interface

Step 6: Transparency

It is now time to make your image background transparent. You can do this by clicking the ‘Transparency’ checkbox below the ‘File Format‘selection dialog box.

Canva Graphic Design Tool- Transparency Settings Interface

Step 7: Download Your Creation

When you are happy with setting the above parameters, hit the ‘Download’ tab to import your artwork to your device gallery.

Canva Graphic Design Tool- Download Image Interface


This one is excellent image editor and graphic designer tool that allows you to add diversification and class to your brand images. You can play with a variety of display features to enhance and objectify your image to your heart’s content.

Using Photoshop allows a presentation of your content against a dynamic color background, thus favoring a background interaction selective to the viewer’s serene size. Photoshop can create transparent logos for the products on your site, that are suitable to be placed anywhere on the webpage, regardless of the latter’s background color.

How to Make Photoshop Transparent Background

See through the following section of this article for a guided tutorial to create a transparent background image in Photoshop:

Photoshop Graphic Design Application

Step 1: Download Adobe Photoshop

Navigate to Adobe’s official website and download the Photoshop application in your device. Install and launch the same to reach the app’s welcome interface.

Photoshop Graphic Design Application- Inage Selection

Step 2: Make a Layered Image File

In the main interface, open a selected image and navigate to the ‘Layers Panel’ in the right of the image window. However, if the ‘Layers Panel’ does not show up by default, reach to the top toolbar and hit the ‘Window’ tab. From the drop sown menu that follows, select ‘Layers’.

Photoshop Graphic Design Application- Image Layering Interface

In this panel, double tap the ‘Background‘layer. This causes the ‘Rename Layer’ dialog box to appear. You can either enter a suitable name or continue with the default ‘Layer 0’ name. When you are done, click on ‘OK’.

Photoshop Graphic Design Application- Layer Rename Interface

Step 3: Let’s Get Creating!

In the application interface, navigate to the toolbar at the left and choose the ‘Magic Wand’ tool. Again, reach to the ‘Options’ bar at the top and choose ‘Select Subject’. This will facilitate the selection of the min object of the image, irrespective of its background and the selection will be visible as ‘marching ants’ around the object.

Photoshop Graphic Design Application- Magic Wand Tool Selection

If you find the selection to be improper, use the ‘Magic Wand’ to ward off excessive background portions by choosing the ’Subtract From Selection’ option, or even add some extra product portions, suited to your requirement. While making your selection, take care to include any holes in the product image.

Photoshop Graphic Design Application- Subject Selection

Step 4: Background Deletion

When you are left with only the selected product, navigate to the top toolbar and hit the ’Select’ tab and choose ‘Inverse’ from the drop down menu that follows. You can alternatively use the ‘Shift+Ctrl+I’ command for a Windows device, or enter ‘Shift+Command+I’ command, in case you are using a Mac supported device.

Photoshop Graphic Design Application-Background Inverse Interface

Make a selection of the inverse background and tap ‘Backspace’ or ‘Delete’ in your Windows and Mac devices respectively. This will cause your background to get transparent. In the Photoshop application, a gray-white checkerboard represents a transparent background.

In case you require deselecting any selection, enter ‘Ctrl+D’ in Windows or ‘Command+D’ in a Mac device.

Photoshop Graphic Design Application- Section Deselect

Step 5: Save Your Creation in a Web Compatible Format

When you are done creating the transparent background artwork, it becomes equally important to save your creation in a web compatible format to export them on different media platforms and product websites.

Talking of the preferable image format, it is highly recommended to use the PNG24 one, owing to its flexibility of alpha channel transparency, which permits partially transparent image backgrounds along with layered transparency. This in turn makes it possible to integrate the image with varying color backgrounds on different sites and platforms without hollow pixelation.

To save your artwork in the PNG24 file format, navigate to the application toolbar bat the top and hit the ‘File’ tab and choose the ‘Export’ option from the drop sown menu that appears. Select the ‘Export As’ option from the ‘Export’ popup menu.

For an older Photoshop version, hit the ‘Export’ tab and choose ‘Save for Web’ from the dropdown menu, followed by selecting the PNG24 option. A format dialog box appears where you can set the transparency settings. To do this, navigate to ‘File Settings’ at the right, choose the PNG file format and check the ‘Transparency’ box. Avoid checking the ‘Smaller Size’ box, else the image will get saved in the PNG8 format.

Photoshop Graphic Design Application- Image Export Interface

In the left of the screen, the image file size is displayed. Maintain an affordable file size, preferably within 200 KB, to avoid slower image loading on the sharing platform. You can adjust this in the ‘Image Size’ option at the right.

Photoshop Graphic Design Application- Transparency and Size Settings Interface

Set a conveniently reduced dimension, while taking care not to set an extremely small size, else it will produce a pixelated output on the site. It is preferable to set a 50-100% larger image size for a convenient display across different devices.

Step 6: Final Save

Once you are satisfied with all the image settings, tap ‘Export All’ to save your artwork locally in your device. In the ‘File Save’ dialog box, choose a preferred device location, enter a suitable file name and choose the .png extension. At last, click on ‘Save’.


Launched by Wondershare, this is excellent image editor and creator software that you can rely on to make stunning artworks in a variety of file formats. Talking of background transparency in particular, the software comes with a unique ‘Green Screen’ feature to create high quality, transparent background images in a matter of a few clicks. You can further, give a professional touch to your creation with a storehouse of classic video and image editing effects that are just perfect to stand out in the crowd.

How to Make Filmora Transparent Background

A stepwise tutorial on how to create image with transparent background images using Filmora is discussed below:

Step 1: Download the Software

Visit the official website of Wondershare Filmora Video Editor to download and install the software in any of your Windows or Mac devices.

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

Step 2: Import Media File

Launch the app to reach the main interface, where you will find the ‘Import’ tab. Hit it and choose ‘Import Media File’ from the drop down menu that follows. This will upload your selected image to the software’s media library.

Filmora- Media Import Interface

Step 2: Timeline Dragging

You now need to insert the selected image from Filmora’s media library to the software’s editing timeline. You can do this either by right clicking the selected image, followed by choosing the ‘Insert’ option, or a simple ’Drag and Drop’ method.

Filmora- Image Timeline Dragging

Step 3: Transparency Adjustments

In the editor timeline, double click your selected image to open the ‘Settings’ tab. Scroll down the tab options to locate ‘Chroma Key Settings’. Make a right toggle to enable the ‘Chroma Key’ and you will see the image get transparent with the default ’Green’ background color.

You can alternatively, navigate to the ‘Select Color’ option and choose ‘Color Picker’ at its right, reach the image section you wish to make transparent and make a single click.

Filmora- Image Transparency Adjustments

In case you get a partially transparent background, you can make further adjustments in the ‘Chroma Key’ settings, such as, tolerance, edge thickness, offset, edge feather, etc., to ascertain complete background transparency. When you are satisfied with your work, click on ‘OK’.

Filmora- Additional Chroma Key Settings

Step 4: Media Export

You can now try adding the transparent image to any video or export the same to any media platform. To do this, hit the ‘Export’ tab at the top right corner in the editor timeline.

Filmora- Media Export Interface

Part 4 How to Convert JPG to Transparent PNG

Taking into account the diverse information sharing and content specification requirements, an obvious need to switch between different file formats may arise at a number of instants. One such example is the conversion of images in JPG format into that of a transparent PNG image. When looking through convenient alternatives to set the issue straight, the software market has a pouring flood of choices.

Discussed below are some of the best JPG to transparent PNG converter solutions you can pick to convert color background JPG stills into transparent PNG background images, while sorting the concern of how to save PNG with transparent background:

Filmora JPG to Transparent PNG Converter

Filmora is top rated and highly preferred graphic design software that caters to all of your video and image design and conversion needs in the most convenient manner. Developed by Wondershare, this is the worthiest pick for all graphic editing. While the software is packed with extensive and over the top features to provide a professional elegance to almost and design artwork, the transparent image backgrounds created by Filmora are simply remarkable.

If you are done with those usual and commonplace captures, try hands at creating transparent background images with this software, which promises you of a stand out result on account of the following features:

Filmora comes with a distinguished ‘Green Screen’ feature that is known to create transparent background images in time instants shorter than an eye blink. You just need to upload an image in the software timeline and adjust a few chroma settings, and that’s really the end!

Apart from this, you can play with a diverse inventory of results and image filters, like, graphic and text overlays, subtitles and tons of audio-visual upshots to create an absolute graphic masterpiece.

The software further, is free to use and welcomes you with a clean, cohesive and responsive user interface, guiding you at each step of the design task.

Ending Thoughts

Transparent image backgrounds are the current in house trends of content branding and product promotion alternatives. While there are varieties of requirement specific image file formats, the PNG format is best suited for creating a transparent background image.

The software market is an in depth pool of choices for graphic and image editing tools, Wondershare Filmora happens to be a distinguished name among all to create and convert images with transparent backgrounds.

Try It Free Try It Free

Want to explore your graphic creativity with transparent images? Stay tuned for the most trending ideas to fill in your social media handles with unlimited likes!

In this article

01 [What Is a Transparent PNG Background?](#Part 1)

02 [Differences Among PNG vs JPG vs GIF](#Part 2)

03 [How to Make an Image Background Transparent](#Part 3)

04 [How to Convert JPG to Transparent PNG](#Part 4)

Part 1 What Is a Transparent PNG Background?

Transparent backgrounds are essentially faded overlays to any graphic content, like, an image or a video, that are useful in emphasizing the main element in the substance. Compatible to a variety of image and video formats, these are the talk of the trend, owing to their excellent content promotion utility. These are the latest and creative examples of information presentation, along with being among the best branding tools that can potentially make your content fresh and unique.

Using a transparent background as a brand promotion tool helps to project forward the major highlights of your product with a supportive background image, like the brand logo. This helps the audience to have a general idea of your brand. Apart from this, you can also assure the authenticity and quality of your brand by using a watermark in the background image.

Images with transparent backgrounds are the current promotion trends, owing to their convenient compatibility with any web design and the flexibility to mix with the most diverse color palettes and different elements on the product webpage. These can further be easily rendered in 3D to present realistic product images.

Part 2 Differences Among PNG vs JPG vs GIF

Diversity in requirement and usage has led to the advent of a variety of image formats, each suited to a specific purpose. On account of this variation, it becomes a confusing task to select the best image format that can fetch the most affordable images results in cohesion with exact user needs.

It is recommenced to use the JPG image format for natural stills that have a smooth variations in intensity and color. If your content requires image transparency, or contains texts and elements that have a sharp contrast image, like a brand logo, you should ideally prefer the PNG image format, while the GIF format is best suited for presenting animated content. As an explanation to the above usage constraints, here’s a comparison of the popular PNG, JPG and GIF image formats in the light of some common credibility parameters.


Image compression facilitates a quick data transmission across different web based platforms, owing to the reduced file size. While compression can be either lossy or lossless, choose an image format that maintains the size credibility in resonance with your data needs. A lossless compression guarantees the retrieval of original image, but a lossy compression fails to do so.


The JPG format is a lossy compressor that plays on your ability to perceive. The format has the credibility of a 1:10 compression ratio, without comprising with the original image quality. However, a further increased compression ratio may generate perceivable differences in image quality.

The JPG compression utilizes the concept of Discrete Cosine Transform, i.e., a color averaging of the image pixels in close proximity. Hence, it is suitable to use this format for natural and scenic stills, having a smooth color and intensity transition. Preferring this image format for a transmission of high contrast and sharpened images is however, not advisable.


This format supports the Deflate Compression technique and neither introduces artefacts, nor cuts down on the image quality. Choose the PNG image format for a lossless and high quality compression in comparison to JPG. This one is a more effective format with higher image quality, sharper image presentation and occupies a larger memory space on your device.

You can rely on PNG images for presenting data with text, shapes and logos with high contrast pixelation. It is however, not a good choice for transferring digital images that have a high resolution.


Working on the LZW Compression Algorithm, this image format was originally used to showcase simple website graphics, when the PNG format was still at a developing stage. However, with the advancement of PNG as a more effective compression format, the use of GIF is now restricted to animated content sharing.


Transparency is tern used to describe some invisible content. This is suitable to use in image backgrounds when you need to lay extra stress on the main content, like the logo of your product with a cohesive brand text, etc. the transparent background used here facilitates the use of a particular image with a series of background and color variations.


The JPG format has a limitation of not being compatible with image transparency, and hence is not suitable for related applications.


The PNG format gives you the liberty to use image transparency in two selective ways. You can either choose to make your image partially transparent by an alpha channel insertion for a smooth edge-background blend, or use index transparency to make the pixels of any particular color as transparent. PNG8 AND PNG24 versions of the format are supportive of index and alpha channel transparencies respectively.


This format inherently supports index transparency and declares a chosen color on the palette as transparent. Owing to the absence of alpha channel transparency, there is an unsatisfactory blend of edges with the image background. The unevenness becomes more prominent in case of highly detailed and rounded images.

While it is possible to mitigate this loss to some extent with the use of image dithering, the GIF format is still not a preferred choice for creating images with transparent backgrounds. The PNG format is instead, more credible on that aspect.


Color is a visibly strong parameter of difference among the JPG, PNG and GIF image formats, with each one supporting as specific number of colors on the palette.


The color palette of JPG images is a huge inventory of 16 million colors, rendering them suitable for storing natural stills having a smooth color transition.


The two versions of PNG format differ on color variance. While PNG8 permits 256 colors, the PNG24 format supports 16 million colors, similar to the JPG format. Consider using the PNG8 format for an image with simple shapes and lesser variations in color. It is, on the other hand better to use the PNG24 format for images with transparent backgrounds, high image quality and complex shapes with detailed edges.


The GIF format is a host to 256 colors, one of which becomes transparent on using index transparency and the other 255 support different color variations.


Animation here, is not necessarily restricted to having frame rates, but refers to a certain periodic movement of specific image sections with time. Out of JPG, PNG and GIF, only the last one is compatible with GIFs. You can use this utility to crate and share eye catching banners and advertisements. The advent of GIF specific content platforms, such as, GIPHY, Tumblr, etc., has further uplifted GIF reach and usage.

A variety of image formats are available to choose from for catering to specific content requirements. However, you can always optimize the format selection in cohesion with the current need.

Part 3 How to Make an Image Background Transparent

Having known enough about the credibility of transparent background images, it sounds quite interesting to try your hands at creating these of your own. The software market offers some over the top tools for creating stunning examples of images with transparent backgrounds. When looking for alternatives on how to make an image with a transparent background, some of your best choices are discussed below:


This one is a top class image creator and editor tool, which you can use to add that extra tint to your website design material, watermark images or even display your image creativity for fun and entertainment purposes. The tool comes with a simple and quick process to make transparent background images.

This tool grants you the liberty to choose from various s transparency levels, image layers and effects to give the perfect professional look to your creation. The tool further promises you of a clean and subtle transparent background image that is bound to attract viewer attention.

This graphic design tool is available for a free usage, if you limit yourself within image design and effect play. However, if you want to experience the fun of creating transparent background images with this tool, you need to take its paid subscription.

How to Make Canva Transparent Background

Here’s the know how to add transparent background in still images with this tool:

Step 1: Account Creation

In order to use this graphic tool for image design, you need to have its official account. Visit the tool’s official site, launch the same on your system, create a Canva account and log in.

Canva Graphic Design Tool

Step 2: Image Selection

Consider browsing through your device to choose an image for creating a transparent background artwork.

Canva Graphic Design Tool- Image Selection Interface

Step 3: Background Removal

You now need to remove the background color of the selected image. In the tool’s welcome interface, navigate to ‘Effects’ in the top toolbar and select ‘Background Remover’ from the available options to remove the background layer and make a transparent design.

Canva Graphic Design Tool- Background Removal Interface

Step 4: Save Your Image

After removing the image background, download it into your system. To do this, navigate to the ‘Download’ icon at the top right and click on it.

Canva Graphic Design Tool- Save Image Interface

Step 5: File Format Selection

Here, you need to select the PNG file format to get a transparent background image.

Canva Graphic Design Tool- Format Selection Interface

Step 6: Transparency

It is now time to make your image background transparent. You can do this by clicking the ‘Transparency’ checkbox below the ‘File Format‘selection dialog box.

Canva Graphic Design Tool- Transparency Settings Interface

Step 7: Download Your Creation

When you are happy with setting the above parameters, hit the ‘Download’ tab to import your artwork to your device gallery.

Canva Graphic Design Tool- Download Image Interface


This one is excellent image editor and graphic designer tool that allows you to add diversification and class to your brand images. You can play with a variety of display features to enhance and objectify your image to your heart’s content.

Using Photoshop allows a presentation of your content against a dynamic color background, thus favoring a background interaction selective to the viewer’s serene size. Photoshop can create transparent logos for the products on your site, that are suitable to be placed anywhere on the webpage, regardless of the latter’s background color.

How to Make Photoshop Transparent Background

See through the following section of this article for a guided tutorial to create a transparent background image in Photoshop:

Photoshop Graphic Design Application

Step 1: Download Adobe Photoshop

Navigate to Adobe’s official website and download the Photoshop application in your device. Install and launch the same to reach the app’s welcome interface.

Photoshop Graphic Design Application- Inage Selection

Step 2: Make a Layered Image File

In the main interface, open a selected image and navigate to the ‘Layers Panel’ in the right of the image window. However, if the ‘Layers Panel’ does not show up by default, reach to the top toolbar and hit the ‘Window’ tab. From the drop sown menu that follows, select ‘Layers’.

Photoshop Graphic Design Application- Image Layering Interface

In this panel, double tap the ‘Background‘layer. This causes the ‘Rename Layer’ dialog box to appear. You can either enter a suitable name or continue with the default ‘Layer 0’ name. When you are done, click on ‘OK’.

Photoshop Graphic Design Application- Layer Rename Interface

Step 3: Let’s Get Creating!

In the application interface, navigate to the toolbar at the left and choose the ‘Magic Wand’ tool. Again, reach to the ‘Options’ bar at the top and choose ‘Select Subject’. This will facilitate the selection of the min object of the image, irrespective of its background and the selection will be visible as ‘marching ants’ around the object.

Photoshop Graphic Design Application- Magic Wand Tool Selection

If you find the selection to be improper, use the ‘Magic Wand’ to ward off excessive background portions by choosing the ’Subtract From Selection’ option, or even add some extra product portions, suited to your requirement. While making your selection, take care to include any holes in the product image.

Photoshop Graphic Design Application- Subject Selection

Step 4: Background Deletion

When you are left with only the selected product, navigate to the top toolbar and hit the ’Select’ tab and choose ‘Inverse’ from the drop down menu that follows. You can alternatively use the ‘Shift+Ctrl+I’ command for a Windows device, or enter ‘Shift+Command+I’ command, in case you are using a Mac supported device.

Photoshop Graphic Design Application-Background Inverse Interface

Make a selection of the inverse background and tap ‘Backspace’ or ‘Delete’ in your Windows and Mac devices respectively. This will cause your background to get transparent. In the Photoshop application, a gray-white checkerboard represents a transparent background.

In case you require deselecting any selection, enter ‘Ctrl+D’ in Windows or ‘Command+D’ in a Mac device.

Photoshop Graphic Design Application- Section Deselect

Step 5: Save Your Creation in a Web Compatible Format

When you are done creating the transparent background artwork, it becomes equally important to save your creation in a web compatible format to export them on different media platforms and product websites.

Talking of the preferable image format, it is highly recommended to use the PNG24 one, owing to its flexibility of alpha channel transparency, which permits partially transparent image backgrounds along with layered transparency. This in turn makes it possible to integrate the image with varying color backgrounds on different sites and platforms without hollow pixelation.

To save your artwork in the PNG24 file format, navigate to the application toolbar bat the top and hit the ‘File’ tab and choose the ‘Export’ option from the drop sown menu that appears. Select the ‘Export As’ option from the ‘Export’ popup menu.

For an older Photoshop version, hit the ‘Export’ tab and choose ‘Save for Web’ from the dropdown menu, followed by selecting the PNG24 option. A format dialog box appears where you can set the transparency settings. To do this, navigate to ‘File Settings’ at the right, choose the PNG file format and check the ‘Transparency’ box. Avoid checking the ‘Smaller Size’ box, else the image will get saved in the PNG8 format.

Photoshop Graphic Design Application- Image Export Interface

In the left of the screen, the image file size is displayed. Maintain an affordable file size, preferably within 200 KB, to avoid slower image loading on the sharing platform. You can adjust this in the ‘Image Size’ option at the right.

Photoshop Graphic Design Application- Transparency and Size Settings Interface

Set a conveniently reduced dimension, while taking care not to set an extremely small size, else it will produce a pixelated output on the site. It is preferable to set a 50-100% larger image size for a convenient display across different devices.

Step 6: Final Save

Once you are satisfied with all the image settings, tap ‘Export All’ to save your artwork locally in your device. In the ‘File Save’ dialog box, choose a preferred device location, enter a suitable file name and choose the .png extension. At last, click on ‘Save’.


Launched by Wondershare, this is excellent image editor and creator software that you can rely on to make stunning artworks in a variety of file formats. Talking of background transparency in particular, the software comes with a unique ‘Green Screen’ feature to create high quality, transparent background images in a matter of a few clicks. You can further, give a professional touch to your creation with a storehouse of classic video and image editing effects that are just perfect to stand out in the crowd.

How to Make Filmora Transparent Background

A stepwise tutorial on how to create image with transparent background images using Filmora is discussed below:

Step 1: Download the Software

Visit the official website of Wondershare Filmora Video Editor to download and install the software in any of your Windows or Mac devices.

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

Step 2: Import Media File

Launch the app to reach the main interface, where you will find the ‘Import’ tab. Hit it and choose ‘Import Media File’ from the drop down menu that follows. This will upload your selected image to the software’s media library.

Filmora- Media Import Interface

Step 2: Timeline Dragging

You now need to insert the selected image from Filmora’s media library to the software’s editing timeline. You can do this either by right clicking the selected image, followed by choosing the ‘Insert’ option, or a simple ’Drag and Drop’ method.

Filmora- Image Timeline Dragging

Step 3: Transparency Adjustments

In the editor timeline, double click your selected image to open the ‘Settings’ tab. Scroll down the tab options to locate ‘Chroma Key Settings’. Make a right toggle to enable the ‘Chroma Key’ and you will see the image get transparent with the default ’Green’ background color.

You can alternatively, navigate to the ‘Select Color’ option and choose ‘Color Picker’ at its right, reach the image section you wish to make transparent and make a single click.

Filmora- Image Transparency Adjustments

In case you get a partially transparent background, you can make further adjustments in the ‘Chroma Key’ settings, such as, tolerance, edge thickness, offset, edge feather, etc., to ascertain complete background transparency. When you are satisfied with your work, click on ‘OK’.

Filmora- Additional Chroma Key Settings

Step 4: Media Export

You can now try adding the transparent image to any video or export the same to any media platform. To do this, hit the ‘Export’ tab at the top right corner in the editor timeline.

Filmora- Media Export Interface

Part 4 How to Convert JPG to Transparent PNG

Taking into account the diverse information sharing and content specification requirements, an obvious need to switch between different file formats may arise at a number of instants. One such example is the conversion of images in JPG format into that of a transparent PNG image. When looking through convenient alternatives to set the issue straight, the software market has a pouring flood of choices.

Discussed below are some of the best JPG to transparent PNG converter solutions you can pick to convert color background JPG stills into transparent PNG background images, while sorting the concern of how to save PNG with transparent background:

Filmora JPG to Transparent PNG Converter

Filmora is top rated and highly preferred graphic design software that caters to all of your video and image design and conversion needs in the most convenient manner. Developed by Wondershare, this is the worthiest pick for all graphic editing. While the software is packed with extensive and over the top features to provide a professional elegance to almost and design artwork, the transparent image backgrounds created by Filmora are simply remarkable.

If you are done with those usual and commonplace captures, try hands at creating transparent background images with this software, which promises you of a stand out result on account of the following features:

Filmora comes with a distinguished ‘Green Screen’ feature that is known to create transparent background images in time instants shorter than an eye blink. You just need to upload an image in the software timeline and adjust a few chroma settings, and that’s really the end!

Apart from this, you can play with a diverse inventory of results and image filters, like, graphic and text overlays, subtitles and tons of audio-visual upshots to create an absolute graphic masterpiece.

The software further, is free to use and welcomes you with a clean, cohesive and responsive user interface, guiding you at each step of the design task.

Ending Thoughts

Transparent image backgrounds are the current in house trends of content branding and product promotion alternatives. While there are varieties of requirement specific image file formats, the PNG format is best suited for creating a transparent background image.

The software market is an in depth pool of choices for graphic and image editing tools, Wondershare Filmora happens to be a distinguished name among all to create and convert images with transparent backgrounds.

The Best Jump Cut Editing Tricks [Make Your Videos Snappy!]

The jump cut is more common than ever, from YouTube to movie montages. A jump cut is a method for transitioning from one shot to another without including any interstitial video. A jump cut is a cinematic technique when the editor abruptly cuts from one shot to another without any discernible transition.

When filmmakers wish to display someone’s views or ideas without having to invest time and money in recording them, for example, this may be utilized for creative effects. Learn all there is to know about jump cuts in the next paragraphs, including their history, how to create one, how to edit one, and how to utilize one in your next social media video.

Part 1: What is Jump Cut in Films?

To produce a smooth viewing experience, the director, editor, and cinematographer collaborate. Certain cuts have the power to startle a viewer out of this experience and remind them that they are watching a movie. The term “jump cut” refers to one of these cuts. Jump cuts are often discouraged in cinema, yet there are efficient methods to use them to provide the greatest narrative possible.

In video editing, a jump cut is the transition between two images of the same topic taken from the same or comparable angles and at two distinct times. This gives the impression that the action is ‘jumping’ ahead in time.

Most of the time, you want your videos’ cuts to flow seamlessly. This offers continuity and a nice watching experience for your viewers. Although it’s one of the most fundamental editing procedures, doing it correctly requires a bit more experience and ability. Let’s thus try to make your jump cut technique even better.

Part 2: 10 Most Shocking Jump Cuts in Film History

1. City of God

With the combination of jump cuts, repetitive action, frantic montage, and a final bullet time graphic match wipe, the opening sequence of City of God drives the viewer into the pulse of the music and the violence in Rio. This seems like a prescription for catastrophe, yet it works in City of God. The screen is made electrified.

The chicken forces the characters to cross paths, which causes the two scenes to collide. Rezende now captures Rocket and Liz’s expressions in slow motion, resulting in a dramatic scene. After a circular pan-centering Rocket, which melts into a different moment of ten years ago, the shot comes to a close.


2. The Ring

In the pivotal scenes of “The Ring,” director Gore Verbinski used a jump cut to give the impression that Samara Morgan, the ghost, moves quickly around the room. By deleting or including anything in the frame, which is unsettling for both characters and viewers, this is a tried-and-true method of increasing the number of scares.

Jump cuts may also be distracting if done improperly or inappropriately, even though they are often intended to confuse or surprise the audience. There is a time and place for the method, even if a jump cut is far from the sole tool in the video editor’s toolbox.


3. Juno

In the movie Juno, director Jason Reitman portrays the tale of a young adolescent who becomes pregnant and ultimately gives her kid up. Each leap represents a new stage in the character’s development as a result of this life-changing experience. Jump cuts in Jason Reitman’s comedy-drama Juno depict the youthful heroine’s journey both physically and mentally.

Jump cuts are a technique used by Reitman to convey both the passage of time and the changes in Juno’s life. like visiting the adoptive parents or getting regular checks at the doctor. You might think of each jump cut as one of the five phases of grieving. In the last chapter, “summer,” Juno has a better understanding of what she is giving up and how it will impact both her life and everyone else’s.


4. Samara Kills Noah the Ring

It’s a tremendously imaginative and horrifying conclusion after a whole film’s worth of very subtle build-up that couldn’t be farther from the really low expectations U.S. horror remakes often attract. Gerbinski cleverly arranges for Samara to “jump cut” in front of Noah while still flashing with TV static, shocking him and causing him to trip and fall.

It’s fair to say that American horror films tend to rely on lazy jump scares, created by quick-cut images and loud sound effects, and that typically goes double for cynical state-side remakes of foreign language horror hits. However, Gore Verbinski’s surprisingly stylish and moody 2002 remake of The Ring makes clever use of jump cuts during a crucial climactic scene to fully hammer home the terror of the film’s spectral, black-haired antagonist Sam


5. Dan’s Corpse – The Birds

Instead of using a single cut or even zooming on Dan’s disfigured face, Hitch chooses to use two jump cuts that each bring us a little bit closer to Fawcett’s face.

When seen now, it is a straightforward yet shocking effect, but in 1963, it was unquestionably genuinely horrifying. It was just one more of his many deliberate choices to depart from established cinematic norms. Although the jump cut is a simple editing method by today’s standards, it was far less popular in earlier times, as seen by its skillful and startling use in Alfred Hitchcock’s great 1963 horror film The Birds.


6. Taking A Ride – Breathless

According to the Director Pierre Rissient, the jump cut technique was unplanned and developed out of a pressing necessity to trim Breathless from two and a half hours down to ninety minutes. The best example of this is when Patricia and Michel are driving about in their automobile, and Godard cuts between identical pictures of Patricia to show time passing while also heightening the urgency of the story of the couple on the run in the movie.

The significance of this sequence is that it dismantled rules for how a scene might be put together, despite the fact that it seemed absolutely primitive in retrospect. Not every movie that uses a jump cut in a dramatic or unexpected way must be in the horror category.


7. Charlie’s Head Hereditary

It’s one of the strangest and really unsettling jump cuts we’ve seen in recent memory, and it definitely deserves the surprisingly intricate gore display that it has. One of the most eerie and masterfully orchestrated horror movies of the decade, if not the whole 21st century, is Ari Aster’s Hereditary. Aster turns his attention to Peter, who is gazing out into the horizon, just as Annie can be heard screaming in agony, having found Charlie’s corpse in the garage.

While Annie’s screams can still be heard, the editor jump cuts from Peter’s face to Charlie’s severed, mangled head by the side of the road as it is being eaten by insects. After bringing his sister’s headless corpse-filled automobile home, a terrified Peter parks it and gets into bed.


8. Human Evolution in a Single Cut 2001: A Space Odyssey

This brief clip illustrates how man evolved from the monkey to the contemporary day, where we had been to space. In this brief sequence, which depicts the origins of modern man, new technology that has evolved over millions of years is dramatically upgraded.

The sequence includes a jump cut as the bone, a weapon of prehistoric man, travels through the air. Then, the picture jumps forward by nearly a million years, and the bone is replaced by a spacecraft with a like form.


9. Dr Erin Mears’s Death Contagion

In the masterpiece Contagion, the jump cut clustering that is seen experimentally is produced by the model. Afterward, leap intensities mean-revert until the next jump. But more crucially, Contagion vividly captures the danger of widespread fear, prejudice, and disinformation during a pandemic, particularly when it comes to social media and the internet.

In this shocking edit in film history, the editor made it all feasible by using a jump cut. Regardless of how realistic Contagion seems, it should still be seen as a work of fiction.


10. The Jump Cut as a Special Effect the Haunted Castle

Whether a visual effect is created by hand or with a computer, selling it needs a community. The same is true for editing as well. In some cases, the visual impression is really the cuts. The modest cut is the most basic and traditional visual effect in movie magic. The method really dates back to early filmmakers and cinematic illusionists.

Amazed by the unexpected outcome, using a cut that has been deftly snuck into a whip-pan, two shots may be combined with full-scale sets and miniatures. A progressive makeup effect, such as the notorious metamorphosis in The Haunted Castle, may likewise be covered up using cuts.


Part 3: How do We Use Jump Cuts Today?

The viewing experience is impacted differently by various editing methods. Jump cuts may be helpful for video editing in filmmaking since they highlight just the most important elements of a story while also indicating the passage of time. The jump cut is now often used in music videos, vlogs, and YouTuber material, making it a preferred option for creators of online content.

Today’s movies often use “jump cuts,” particularly as the number of horror movies produced has increased. The use of jump cuts makes the picture highly unsettling. One editing method, the jump cut, is still as effective now as it was back when pictures were stitched together and celluloid was cut with a razor blade. It is a well-liked method of video editing that is often used to indicate the passage of time, highlight an emotion, or heighten tension.

The shots did not quite run in a fluid session in the early phases of filming to provide the audience with a steady view of the screen. Instead, there were “jumps” in the movie, and the forward return was partially omitted. This “jump shot” idea may be compared to the expression. Today, however, despite all of the technological advancements we have at our disposal, movie makers and producers are attempting to recreate the look.

Part 4: Top 9 Editing Tools to Smooth Over Jump Cuts

Even more of a barrier than the difficulty of acquiring a new talent is often the expense of video editing software. Consider using free video editing software to get started if you are unsure of how to spend your money or even whether you want to.


1. Filmora Video Editor

Supported Platforms: Windows and Mac

Description: Both Windows and Mac are compatible with the app. Trimming, transitions, overlays, and other basic video editing features are available. It does not, however, include several cutting-edge capabilities, including as motion tracking and multicam. After launching the software to edit jump cuts, you may also choose the other options that best suits your requirements including the multi-layer effects and elements.


A freemium video editing program largely geared at novices is Wondershare Filmora. There are a ton of filters and over-effects included with it, and they can work true jump cut magic on your films. A considerable number of functions are available in the free edition, however; videos are exported with the Filmora watermark, which must be removed by upgrading to the pro version. A huge library of drag-and-drop transitions, effects, and titles are among the many creative tools and production elements included in the application. Another feature is an intro designer with hundreds of themes.

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Key Features:

  • People who wish to learn jump cuts will find this extremely helpful.
  • Support for 4K editing and GIFs
  • Effects for camera shaking, noise reduction, and reversing the color
  • Free to use elements and transitions to make jump cuts look epic.

2. Windows Movie Maker

Supported Platforms: Windows

Description: For those who want to go back to the fundamentals, Windows Video Editor, a built-in editor from Microsoft, is a useful program. It’s fantastic for quickly editing brief video footage that you need available right away. While it includes the fundamental editing capabilities like cropping, cutting, and adding text or music, Windows Video Editor is more of a picture editor. The free Video Editor program, which comes with Windows 10 and later, is useful for simple video editing.


No editor simplifies the process more, whether trimming home movies or creating YouTube videos that go popular. You won’t have any trouble using this tool, even if you’re a newbie. The user interface is quite simple to use. All the capabilities and resources you need to edit your films are easily accessible.


  • Auto-movie features for cutting your video clips into bespoke lengths
  • Adding music, titles, and credits is simple using the animation tab.
  • portion of 3D effects with little modification


  • Certain playback choices eliminate special effects.
  • Jump Cuts & Picture in Picture may be challenging
  • a resource-intensive program

3. Adobe Premiere Pro

Supported Platforms: Windows and Mac

Description: A timeline-based video editor called Adobe Premiere Pro was created by the renowned Adobe Systems. It features a wide range of video editing tools, including the Ripple Edit, Rolling Edit, and Slip Tools. It’s a wonderful option for YouTubers because of features like Multiple Sequence Support, Multi-Camera Editing, Time Remapping, Color Correction Tools, and Audio Mixer Interface.

The program has a user-friendly interface and runs on both Windows and Mac. Its responsive user interface aids in achieving peak performance. Beginners may find working with it a bit confusing, but the good news is that there are many tutorials available. The timeline-based video editing program in the Creative Cloud is called Adobe Premiere Pro. Programs for web development and graphic design are among the other Adobe CC products. It has several fantastic capabilities, like the capacity to automatically color-correct your video, create multi-camera sequences, include audio effects, and more.



  • Excellent capabilities for editing videos
  • Capable of handling big tasks
  • Renowned color-matching and correcting tools


  • High system specifications
  • Demands a pricey subscription
  • If you are new to video editing, learning Premiere might be difficult.

4. VEGAS Pro

Supported Platforms: Windows

Description: Vegas Pro is a video editing program that is well-liked by seasoned video amateurs since it falls short of being professional software but isn’t the best choice for everyday users.

It provides a variety of tools and features that enable users to produce high-quality films. Vegas Pro may be difficult to learn, and it is not the most affordable video editing program. For it to function properly, a strong computer is also needed. So, Vegas Pro may not be your best choice if you don’t have a more recent PC.



  • Direct YouTube upload
  • Burning CD option available for films
  • Color Rectification for Jump cuts


  • Quite few cutting-edge features
  • Outmoded UI
  • Learning curve is there.

5. iMovie

Supported Platforms: Mac, iOS

Description: Apple-iOS based video editing software is available from iMovie, allowing you to begin editing on an iPhone or iPad and complete it on a Mac. iMovie is straightforward and offers a straightforward drag-and-drop interface to transfer files from your disk to your desktop, as many native Apple products do. It’s a simple approach to create effective films that can help your YouTube marketing efforts.


The basic capabilities of video editing software are included; however, the more complex functions are not very excellent. Any Mac user should check it out however since it is free. Apple makes the video editing program iMovie, which is compatible with iOS, macOS, and iPad OS devices. You may create 4K resolution videos using the program, which is free, straightforward, and simple to use.


  • Choose from a variety of styles to include gorgeously animated titles and credits.
  • Picture-in-picture and split-screen techniques may give your school report a broadcast vibe.
  • Pick from 10 inventive video filters to give your videos a more dramatic feel.


  • iMovie might be difficult to learn. Not “beginner user-friendly” is the layout.
  • Due to its simplicity, iMovie cannot be considered a professional video editing program.
  • Audio may sometimes spill into transitions.

6. Final Cut Pro X

Supported Platforms: Mac Only

Description: A popular editing program for GoPro footage, FINAL CUT PRO X’s desktop video editing software is offered in both a free and a paid version. Despite the free version’s fewer features, it still includes the full video editing suite, including a mask tool and chroma key functionality for green-screen video effects.


Final Cut Pro X is an effective option for small businesses and is best for clip resizing, scaling, trimming, snapping, and rotation. It also provides credit scrolling, frame stepping, time mapping, audio editing, and real-time preview. If you have the money to splash out for the full version, the suite of tools expands to include video stabilization, robust post-production effects, slideshow/presentation capabilities, 3D diagram templates, and direct social media publishing.


  • picture filters that are simple to apply and resemble those on Instagram
  • Masking tools for obscuring, distorting, or emphasizing certain components
  • Tools for color correcting for a more professional appearance


  • accessible for only one platform
  • less settings for background animation

On iPhone

7. iMovie

With iMovie, you may work on your project interchangeably on an iPhone, iPad, or Mac thanks to the fact that data are maintained on Apple’s cloud. Additionally, iMovie is always being updated, so you can always anticipate new features and enhancements.


Key Characteristics:

  • Support for 4K resolution, enabling users to produce movies with a cinematic quality
  • Working on the same project from your iPad, iPhone, and Mac thanks to cloud storage
  • Numerous studio-quality title animations for credits that look professional

8. Jumpcut

Anyone who wants to make high-quality videos without spending any money should consider Jumpcut, which has a ton of straightforward and user-friendly features, including 3D video editing and a sound effects library, to experiment with various video compositions and styles.

You can quickly and easily export your finished video to YouTube, Facebook, Google Drive, and other mobile devices after finishing your video editing with special effects, overlays, texts, and transitions.


Key Characteristics:

  • Online publishing and sharing tools for social media that allow for instant video sharing
  • a sizable collection of visual effects and video transitions for customizing videos
  • Tools for optimizing videos, such stabilizing

9. VlogEasy

VlogEasy is a powerful HD video and photo editor with professional features that is one of the most well-known name brands among mobile video editing apps for creators. The free version grants access to many of the features and effects, but not all, in exchange for having to view in-app advertisements.

This free video editing program offers the simplest way to edit a video; you can cut, merge, and enhance videos on any device — even on your camera or smartphone — through its non-destructive processing, and you can quickly create a high-definition video. VlogEasy is a freemium video editor with all video editing features: cut video, trim video, crop video, merge video, edit video with music, edit video for YouTube, add stickers to video, add text to video,


Key Characteristics:

  • Rapid and simple video trimming and deletion
  • 4K video assistance
  • A variety of video features

Part 5: How is a Jump Cut Used in Social Media Videos

Jump from your lodge to the Subtropical Swimming Paradise to Archery to exploring the forest - the possibilities are endless - using the Jump Cut in social media videos, it’s a unique way to capture all those experiences for you and your family to look back on later.

Jump Cuts on TikTok

Jump cuts are quite simple to master and apply to almost all of the other transitions. After shooting your first clip, change the subject or the action in preparation for shooting your second clip. Try to keep the new action or subject in the same position. The magic will happen in the edit, when you combine the clips.

Jump Cuts on Instagram

You will need a smartphone to film your jump cut and a tool to “edit” your video to help you put it all together. Once all your video clips are in order, the next step is to cut down each video to just your jumps. You need to crop the video as you land in the location and as you jump out. You will need to use Instagram to film your separate clips on your smartphone first, then put them together in Instagram Reels.

Part 6: Creative Ways to Jump Cuts Like a Pro

Jump cuts can enhance your videos’ quality, making them worthwhile to learn for any content creator who wants to use editing as a tool rather than a barrier.

Way 1: Add shots and cutaways

When it comes to integrating jump cuts, think about immersing your audience in the story. Jump cuts are the opposite of continuity editing. instead of a seamless and immersive progression, we create something that feels less natural by chopping up a single clip. If you need even more convincing, keep in mind that boosting your content will also improve the experience of your viewers. And focusing on that will make them keep coming back to your videos for the foreseeable future.

Way 2: Intentionally Using Jump Cuts

While this editing method does serve that purpose, a good jump cut is more of a stylistic choice, and stylistic choices are what make a film stronger as long as they are planned and integrated, rather than thrown together during editing. Of course, the added benefit is that you’ll likely get some advice on other types of cuts you can use in your videos.

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Key Features:

  • People who wish to learn jump cuts will find this extremely helpful.
  • Support for 4K editing and GIFs
  • Effects for camera shaking, noise reduction, and reversing the color
  • Free to use elements and transitions to make jump cuts look epic.

2. Windows Movie Maker

Supported Platforms: Windows

Description: For those who want to go back to the fundamentals, Windows Video Editor, a built-in editor from Microsoft, is a useful program. It’s fantastic for quickly editing brief video footage that you need available right away. While it includes the fundamental editing capabilities like cropping, cutting, and adding text or music, Windows Video Editor is more of a picture editor. The free Video Editor program, which comes with Windows 10 and later, is useful for simple video editing.


No editor simplifies the process more, whether trimming home movies or creating YouTube videos that go popular. You won’t have any trouble using this tool, even if you’re a newbie. The user interface is quite simple to use. All the capabilities and resources you need to edit your films are easily accessible.


  • Auto-movie features for cutting your video clips into bespoke lengths
  • Adding music, titles, and credits is simple using the animation tab.
  • portion of 3D effects with little modification


  • Certain playback choices eliminate special effects.
  • Jump Cuts & Picture in Picture may be challenging
  • a resource-intensive program

3. Adobe Premiere Pro

Supported Platforms: Windows and Mac

Description: A timeline-based video editor called Adobe Premiere Pro was created by the renowned Adobe Systems. It features a wide range of video editing tools, including the Ripple Edit, Rolling Edit, and Slip Tools. It’s a wonderful option for YouTubers because of features like Multiple Sequence Support, Multi-Camera Editing, Time Remapping, Color Correction Tools, and Audio Mixer Interface.

The program has a user-friendly interface and runs on both Windows and Mac. Its responsive user interface aids in achieving peak performance. Beginners may find working with it a bit confusing, but the good news is that there are many tutorials available. The timeline-based video editing program in the Creative Cloud is called Adobe Premiere Pro. Programs for web development and graphic design are among the other Adobe CC products. It has several fantastic capabilities, like the capacity to automatically color-correct your video, create multi-camera sequences, include audio effects, and more.



  • Excellent capabilities for editing videos
  • Capable of handling big tasks
  • Renowned color-matching and correcting tools


  • High system specifications
  • Demands a pricey subscription
  • If you are new to video editing, learning Premiere might be difficult.

4. VEGAS Pro

Supported Platforms: Windows

Description: Vegas Pro is a video editing program that is well-liked by seasoned video amateurs since it falls short of being professional software but isn’t the best choice for everyday users.

It provides a variety of tools and features that enable users to produce high-quality films. Vegas Pro may be difficult to learn, and it is not the most affordable video editing program. For it to function properly, a strong computer is also needed. So, Vegas Pro may not be your best choice if you don’t have a more recent PC.



  • Direct YouTube upload
  • Burning CD option available for films
  • Color Rectification for Jump cuts


  • Quite few cutting-edge features
  • Outmoded UI
  • Learning curve is there.

5. iMovie

Supported Platforms: Mac, iOS

Description: Apple-iOS based video editing software is available from iMovie, allowing you to begin editing on an iPhone or iPad and complete it on a Mac. iMovie is straightforward and offers a straightforward drag-and-drop interface to transfer files from your disk to your desktop, as many native Apple products do. It’s a simple approach to create effective films that can help your YouTube marketing efforts.


The basic capabilities of video editing software are included; however, the more complex functions are not very excellent. Any Mac user should check it out however since it is free. Apple makes the video editing program iMovie, which is compatible with iOS, macOS, and iPad OS devices. You may create 4K resolution videos using the program, which is free, straightforward, and simple to use.


  • Choose from a variety of styles to include gorgeously animated titles and credits.
  • Picture-in-picture and split-screen techniques may give your school report a broadcast vibe.
  • Pick from 10 inventive video filters to give your videos a more dramatic feel.


  • iMovie might be difficult to learn. Not “beginner user-friendly” is the layout.
  • Due to its simplicity, iMovie cannot be considered a professional video editing program.
  • Audio may sometimes spill into transitions.

6. Final Cut Pro X

Supported Platforms: Mac Only

Description: A popular editing program for GoPro footage, FINAL CUT PRO X’s desktop video editing software is offered in both a free and a paid version. Despite the free version’s fewer features, it still includes the full video editing suite, including a mask tool and chroma key functionality for green-screen video effects.


Final Cut Pro X is an effective option for small businesses and is best for clip resizing, scaling, trimming, snapping, and rotation. It also provides credit scrolling, frame stepping, time mapping, audio editing, and real-time preview. If you have the money to splash out for the full version, the suite of tools expands to include video stabilization, robust post-production effects, slideshow/presentation capabilities, 3D diagram templates, and direct social media publishing.


  • picture filters that are simple to apply and resemble those on Instagram
  • Masking tools for obscuring, distorting, or emphasizing certain components
  • Tools for color correcting for a more professional appearance


  • accessible for only one platform
  • less settings for background animation

On iPhone

7. iMovie

With iMovie, you may work on your project interchangeably on an iPhone, iPad, or Mac thanks to the fact that data are maintained on Apple’s cloud. Additionally, iMovie is always being updated, so you can always anticipate new features and enhancements.


Key Characteristics:

  • Support for 4K resolution, enabling users to produce movies with a cinematic quality
  • Working on the same project from your iPad, iPhone, and Mac thanks to cloud storage
  • Numerous studio-quality title animations for credits that look professional

8. Jumpcut

Anyone who wants to make high-quality videos without spending any money should consider Jumpcut, which has a ton of straightforward and user-friendly features, including 3D video editing and a sound effects library, to experiment with various video compositions and styles.

You can quickly and easily export your finished video to YouTube, Facebook, Google Drive, and other mobile devices after finishing your video editing with special effects, overlays, texts, and transitions.


Key Characteristics:

  • Online publishing and sharing tools for social media that allow for instant video sharing
  • a sizable collection of visual effects and video transitions for customizing videos
  • Tools for optimizing videos, such stabilizing

9. VlogEasy

VlogEasy is a powerful HD video and photo editor with professional features that is one of the most well-known name brands among mobile video editing apps for creators. The free version grants access to many of the features and effects, but not all, in exchange for having to view in-app advertisements.

This free video editing program offers the simplest way to edit a video; you can cut, merge, and enhance videos on any device — even on your camera or smartphone — through its non-destructive processing, and you can quickly create a high-definition video. VlogEasy is a freemium video editor with all video editing features: cut video, trim video, crop video, merge video, edit video with music, edit video for YouTube, add stickers to video, add text to video,


Key Characteristics:

  • Rapid and simple video trimming and deletion
  • 4K video assistance
  • A variety of video features

Part 5: How is a Jump Cut Used in Social Media Videos

Jump from your lodge to the Subtropical Swimming Paradise to Archery to exploring the forest - the possibilities are endless - using the Jump Cut in social media videos, it’s a unique way to capture all those experiences for you and your family to look back on later.

Jump Cuts on TikTok

Jump cuts are quite simple to master and apply to almost all of the other transitions. After shooting your first clip, change the subject or the action in preparation for shooting your second clip. Try to keep the new action or subject in the same position. The magic will happen in the edit, when you combine the clips.

Jump Cuts on Instagram

You will need a smartphone to film your jump cut and a tool to “edit” your video to help you put it all together. Once all your video clips are in order, the next step is to cut down each video to just your jumps. You need to crop the video as you land in the location and as you jump out. You will need to use Instagram to film your separate clips on your smartphone first, then put them together in Instagram Reels.

Part 6: Creative Ways to Jump Cuts Like a Pro

Jump cuts can enhance your videos’ quality, making them worthwhile to learn for any content creator who wants to use editing as a tool rather than a barrier.

Way 1: Add shots and cutaways

When it comes to integrating jump cuts, think about immersing your audience in the story. Jump cuts are the opposite of continuity editing. instead of a seamless and immersive progression, we create something that feels less natural by chopping up a single clip. If you need even more convincing, keep in mind that boosting your content will also improve the experience of your viewers. And focusing on that will make them keep coming back to your videos for the foreseeable future.

Way 2: Intentionally Using Jump Cuts

While this editing method does serve that purpose, a good jump cut is more of a stylistic choice, and stylistic choices are what make a film stronger as long as they are planned and integrated, rather than thrown together during editing. Of course, the added benefit is that you’ll likely get some advice on other types of cuts you can use in your videos.

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Key Features:

  • People who wish to learn jump cuts will find this extremely helpful.
  • Support for 4K editing and GIFs
  • Effects for camera shaking, noise reduction, and reversing the color
  • Free to use elements and transitions to make jump cuts look epic.

2. Windows Movie Maker

Supported Platforms: Windows

Description: For those who want to go back to the fundamentals, Windows Video Editor, a built-in editor from Microsoft, is a useful program. It’s fantastic for quickly editing brief video footage that you need available right away. While it includes the fundamental editing capabilities like cropping, cutting, and adding text or music, Windows Video Editor is more of a picture editor. The free Video Editor program, which comes with Windows 10 and later, is useful for simple video editing.


No editor simplifies the process more, whether trimming home movies or creating YouTube videos that go popular. You won’t have any trouble using this tool, even if you’re a newbie. The user interface is quite simple to use. All the capabilities and resources you need to edit your films are easily accessible.


  • Auto-movie features for cutting your video clips into bespoke lengths
  • Adding music, titles, and credits is simple using the animation tab.
  • portion of 3D effects with little modification


  • Certain playback choices eliminate special effects.
  • Jump Cuts & Picture in Picture may be challenging
  • a resource-intensive program

3. Adobe Premiere Pro

Supported Platforms: Windows and Mac

Description: A timeline-based video editor called Adobe Premiere Pro was created by the renowned Adobe Systems. It features a wide range of video editing tools, including the Ripple Edit, Rolling Edit, and Slip Tools. It’s a wonderful option for YouTubers because of features like Multiple Sequence Support, Multi-Camera Editing, Time Remapping, Color Correction Tools, and Audio Mixer Interface.

The program has a user-friendly interface and runs on both Windows and Mac. Its responsive user interface aids in achieving peak performance. Beginners may find working with it a bit confusing, but the good news is that there are many tutorials available. The timeline-based video editing program in the Creative Cloud is called Adobe Premiere Pro. Programs for web development and graphic design are among the other Adobe CC products. It has several fantastic capabilities, like the capacity to automatically color-correct your video, create multi-camera sequences, include audio effects, and more.



  • Excellent capabilities for editing videos
  • Capable of handling big tasks
  • Renowned color-matching and correcting tools


  • High system specifications
  • Demands a pricey subscription
  • If you are new to video editing, learning Premiere might be difficult.

4. VEGAS Pro

Supported Platforms: Windows

Description: Vegas Pro is a video editing program that is well-liked by seasoned video amateurs since it falls short of being professional software but isn’t the best choice for everyday users.

It provides a variety of tools and features that enable users to produce high-quality films. Vegas Pro may be difficult to learn, and it is not the most affordable video editing program. For it to function properly, a strong computer is also needed. So, Vegas Pro may not be your best choice if you don’t have a more recent PC.



  • Direct YouTube upload
  • Burning CD option available for films
  • Color Rectification for Jump cuts


  • Quite few cutting-edge features
  • Outmoded UI
  • Learning curve is there.

5. iMovie

Supported Platforms: Mac, iOS

Description: Apple-iOS based video editing software is available from iMovie, allowing you to begin editing on an iPhone or iPad and complete it on a Mac. iMovie is straightforward and offers a straightforward drag-and-drop interface to transfer files from your disk to your desktop, as many native Apple products do. It’s a simple approach to create effective films that can help your YouTube marketing efforts.


The basic capabilities of video editing software are included; however, the more complex functions are not very excellent. Any Mac user should check it out however since it is free. Apple makes the video editing program iMovie, which is compatible with iOS, macOS, and iPad OS devices. You may create 4K resolution videos using the program, which is free, straightforward, and simple to use.


  • Choose from a variety of styles to include gorgeously animated titles and credits.
  • Picture-in-picture and split-screen techniques may give your school report a broadcast vibe.
  • Pick from 10 inventive video filters to give your videos a more dramatic feel.


  • iMovie might be difficult to learn. Not “beginner user-friendly” is the layout.
  • Due to its simplicity, iMovie cannot be considered a professional video editing program.
  • Audio may sometimes spill into transitions.

6. Final Cut Pro X

Supported Platforms: Mac Only

Description: A popular editing program for GoPro footage, FINAL CUT PRO X’s desktop video editing software is offered in both a free and a paid version. Despite the free version’s fewer features, it still includes the full video editing suite, including a mask tool and chroma key functionality for green-screen video effects.


Final Cut Pro X is an effective option for small businesses and is best for clip resizing, scaling, trimming, snapping, and rotation. It also provides credit scrolling, frame stepping, time mapping, audio editing, and real-time preview. If you have the money to splash out for the full version, the suite of tools expands to include video stabilization, robust post-production effects, slideshow/presentation capabilities, 3D diagram templates, and direct social media publishing.


  • picture filters that are simple to apply and resemble those on Instagram
  • Masking tools for obscuring, distorting, or emphasizing certain components
  • Tools for color correcting for a more professional appearance


  • accessible for only one platform
  • less settings for background animation

On iPhone

7. iMovie

With iMovie, you may work on your project interchangeably on an iPhone, iPad, or Mac thanks to the fact that data are maintained on Apple’s cloud. Additionally, iMovie is always being updated, so you can always anticipate new features and enhancements.


Key Characteristics:

  • Support for 4K resolution, enabling users to produce movies with a cinematic quality
  • Working on the same project from your iPad, iPhone, and Mac thanks to cloud storage
  • Numerous studio-quality title animations for credits that look professional

8. Jumpcut

Anyone who wants to make high-quality videos without spending any money should consider Jumpcut, which has a ton of straightforward and user-friendly features, including 3D video editing and a sound effects library, to experiment with various video compositions and styles.

You can quickly and easily export your finished video to YouTube, Facebook, Google Drive, and other mobile devices after finishing your video editing with special effects, overlays, texts, and transitions.


Key Characteristics:

  • Online publishing and sharing tools for social media that allow for instant video sharing
  • a sizable collection of visual effects and video transitions for customizing videos
  • Tools for optimizing videos, such stabilizing

9. VlogEasy

VlogEasy is a powerful HD video and photo editor with professional features that is one of the most well-known name brands among mobile video editing apps for creators. The free version grants access to many of the features and effects, but not all, in exchange for having to view in-app advertisements.

This free video editing program offers the simplest way to edit a video; you can cut, merge, and enhance videos on any device — even on your camera or smartphone — through its non-destructive processing, and you can quickly create a high-definition video. VlogEasy is a freemium video editor with all video editing features: cut video, trim video, crop video, merge video, edit video with music, edit video for YouTube, add stickers to video, add text to video,


Key Characteristics:

  • Rapid and simple video trimming and deletion
  • 4K video assistance
  • A variety of video features

Part 5: How is a Jump Cut Used in Social Media Videos

Jump from your lodge to the Subtropical Swimming Paradise to Archery to exploring the forest - the possibilities are endless - using the Jump Cut in social media videos, it’s a unique way to capture all those experiences for you and your family to look back on later.

Jump Cuts on TikTok

Jump cuts are quite simple to master and apply to almost all of the other transitions. After shooting your first clip, change the subject or the action in preparation for shooting your second clip. Try to keep the new action or subject in the same position. The magic will happen in the edit, when you combine the clips.

Jump Cuts on Instagram

You will need a smartphone to film your jump cut and a tool to “edit” your video to help you put it all together. Once all your video clips are in order, the next step is to cut down each video to just your jumps. You need to crop the video as you land in the location and as you jump out. You will need to use Instagram to film your separate clips on your smartphone first, then put them together in Instagram Reels.

Part 6: Creative Ways to Jump Cuts Like a Pro

Jump cuts can enhance your videos’ quality, making them worthwhile to learn for any content creator who wants to use editing as a tool rather than a barrier.

Way 1: Add shots and cutaways

When it comes to integrating jump cuts, think about immersing your audience in the story. Jump cuts are the opposite of continuity editing. instead of a seamless and immersive progression, we create something that feels less natural by chopping up a single clip. If you need even more convincing, keep in mind that boosting your content will also improve the experience of your viewers. And focusing on that will make them keep coming back to your videos for the foreseeable future.

Way 2: Intentionally Using Jump Cuts

While this editing method does serve that purpose, a good jump cut is more of a stylistic choice, and stylistic choices are what make a film stronger as long as they are planned and integrated, rather than thrown together during editing. Of course, the added benefit is that you’ll likely get some advice on other types of cuts you can use in your videos.

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Key Features:

  • People who wish to learn jump cuts will find this extremely helpful.
  • Support for 4K editing and GIFs
  • Effects for camera shaking, noise reduction, and reversing the color
  • Free to use elements and transitions to make jump cuts look epic.

2. Windows Movie Maker

Supported Platforms: Windows

Description: For those who want to go back to the fundamentals, Windows Video Editor, a built-in editor from Microsoft, is a useful program. It’s fantastic for quickly editing brief video footage that you need available right away. While it includes the fundamental editing capabilities like cropping, cutting, and adding text or music, Windows Video Editor is more of a picture editor. The free Video Editor program, which comes with Windows 10 and later, is useful for simple video editing.


No editor simplifies the process more, whether trimming home movies or creating YouTube videos that go popular. You won’t have any trouble using this tool, even if you’re a newbie. The user interface is quite simple to use. All the capabilities and resources you need to edit your films are easily accessible.


  • Auto-movie features for cutting your video clips into bespoke lengths
  • Adding music, titles, and credits is simple using the animation tab.
  • portion of 3D effects with little modification


  • Certain playback choices eliminate special effects.
  • Jump Cuts & Picture in Picture may be challenging
  • a resource-intensive program

3. Adobe Premiere Pro

Supported Platforms: Windows and Mac

Description: A timeline-based video editor called Adobe Premiere Pro was created by the renowned Adobe Systems. It features a wide range of video editing tools, including the Ripple Edit, Rolling Edit, and Slip Tools. It’s a wonderful option for YouTubers because of features like Multiple Sequence Support, Multi-Camera Editing, Time Remapping, Color Correction Tools, and Audio Mixer Interface.

The program has a user-friendly interface and runs on both Windows and Mac. Its responsive user interface aids in achieving peak performance. Beginners may find working with it a bit confusing, but the good news is that there are many tutorials available. The timeline-based video editing program in the Creative Cloud is called Adobe Premiere Pro. Programs for web development and graphic design are among the other Adobe CC products. It has several fantastic capabilities, like the capacity to automatically color-correct your video, create multi-camera sequences, include audio effects, and more.



  • Excellent capabilities for editing videos
  • Capable of handling big tasks
  • Renowned color-matching and correcting tools


  • High system specifications
  • Demands a pricey subscription
  • If you are new to video editing, learning Premiere might be difficult.

4. VEGAS Pro

Supported Platforms: Windows

Description: Vegas Pro is a video editing program that is well-liked by seasoned video amateurs since it falls short of being professional software but isn’t the best choice for everyday users.

It provides a variety of tools and features that enable users to produce high-quality films. Vegas Pro may be difficult to learn, and it is not the most affordable video editing program. For it to function properly, a strong computer is also needed. So, Vegas Pro may not be your best choice if you don’t have a more recent PC.



  • Direct YouTube upload
  • Burning CD option available for films
  • Color Rectification for Jump cuts


  • Quite few cutting-edge features
  • Outmoded UI
  • Learning curve is there.

5. iMovie

Supported Platforms: Mac, iOS

Description: Apple-iOS based video editing software is available from iMovie, allowing you to begin editing on an iPhone or iPad and complete it on a Mac. iMovie is straightforward and offers a straightforward drag-and-drop interface to transfer files from your disk to your desktop, as many native Apple products do. It’s a simple approach to create effective films that can help your YouTube marketing efforts.


The basic capabilities of video editing software are included; however, the more complex functions are not very excellent. Any Mac user should check it out however since it is free. Apple makes the video editing program iMovie, which is compatible with iOS, macOS, and iPad OS devices. You may create 4K resolution videos using the program, which is free, straightforward, and simple to use.


  • Choose from a variety of styles to include gorgeously animated titles and credits.
  • Picture-in-picture and split-screen techniques may give your school report a broadcast vibe.
  • Pick from 10 inventive video filters to give your videos a more dramatic feel.


  • iMovie might be difficult to learn. Not “beginner user-friendly” is the layout.
  • Due to its simplicity, iMovie cannot be considered a professional video editing program.
  • Audio may sometimes spill into transitions.

6. Final Cut Pro X

Supported Platforms: Mac Only

Description: A popular editing program for GoPro footage, FINAL CUT PRO X’s desktop video editing software is offered in both a free and a paid version. Despite the free version’s fewer features, it still includes the full video editing suite, including a mask tool and chroma key functionality for green-screen video effects.


Final Cut Pro X is an effective option for small businesses and is best for clip resizing, scaling, trimming, snapping, and rotation. It also provides credit scrolling, frame stepping, time mapping, audio editing, and real-time preview. If you have the money to splash out for the full version, the suite of tools expands to include video stabilization, robust post-production effects, slideshow/presentation capabilities, 3D diagram templates, and direct social media publishing.


  • picture filters that are simple to apply and resemble those on Instagram
  • Masking tools for obscuring, distorting, or emphasizing certain components
  • Tools for color correcting for a more professional appearance


  • accessible for only one platform
  • less settings for background animation

On iPhone

7. iMovie

With iMovie, you may work on your project interchangeably on an iPhone, iPad, or Mac thanks to the fact that data are maintained on Apple’s cloud. Additionally, iMovie is always being updated, so you can always anticipate new features and enhancements.


Key Characteristics:

  • Support for 4K resolution, enabling users to produce movies with a cinematic quality
  • Working on the same project from your iPad, iPhone, and Mac thanks to cloud storage
  • Numerous studio-quality title animations for credits that look professional

8. Jumpcut

Anyone who wants to make high-quality videos without spending any money should consider Jumpcut, which has a ton of straightforward and user-friendly features, including 3D video editing and a sound effects library, to experiment with various video compositions and styles.

You can quickly and easily export your finished video to YouTube, Facebook, Google Drive, and other mobile devices after finishing your video editing with special effects, overlays, texts, and transitions.


Key Characteristics:

  • Online publishing and sharing tools for social media that allow for instant video sharing
  • a sizable collection of visual effects and video transitions for customizing videos
  • Tools for optimizing videos, such stabilizing

9. VlogEasy

VlogEasy is a powerful HD video and photo editor with professional features that is one of the most well-known name brands among mobile video editing apps for creators. The free version grants access to many of the features and effects, but not all, in exchange for having to view in-app advertisements.

This free video editing program offers the simplest way to edit a video; you can cut, merge, and enhance videos on any device — even on your camera or smartphone — through its non-destructive processing, and you can quickly create a high-definition video. VlogEasy is a freemium video editor with all video editing features: cut video, trim video, crop video, merge video, edit video with music, edit video for YouTube, add stickers to video, add text to video,


Key Characteristics:

  • Rapid and simple video trimming and deletion
  • 4K video assistance
  • A variety of video features

Part 5: How is a Jump Cut Used in Social Media Videos

Jump from your lodge to the Subtropical Swimming Paradise to Archery to exploring the forest - the possibilities are endless - using the Jump Cut in social media videos, it’s a unique way to capture all those experiences for you and your family to look back on later.

Jump Cuts on TikTok

Jump cuts are quite simple to master and apply to almost all of the other transitions. After shooting your first clip, change the subject or the action in preparation for shooting your second clip. Try to keep the new action or subject in the same position. The magic will happen in the edit, when you combine the clips.

Jump Cuts on Instagram

You will need a smartphone to film your jump cut and a tool to “edit” your video to help you put it all together. Once all your video clips are in order, the next step is to cut down each video to just your jumps. You need to crop the video as you land in the location and as you jump out. You will need to use Instagram to film your separate clips on your smartphone first, then put them together in Instagram Reels.

Part 6: Creative Ways to Jump Cuts Like a Pro

Jump cuts can enhance your videos’ quality, making them worthwhile to learn for any content creator who wants to use editing as a tool rather than a barrier.

Way 1: Add shots and cutaways

When it comes to integrating jump cuts, think about immersing your audience in the story. Jump cuts are the opposite of continuity editing. instead of a seamless and immersive progression, we create something that feels less natural by chopping up a single clip. If you need even more convincing, keep in mind that boosting your content will also improve the experience of your viewers. And focusing on that will make them keep coming back to your videos for the foreseeable future.

Way 2: Intentionally Using Jump Cuts

While this editing method does serve that purpose, a good jump cut is more of a stylistic choice, and stylistic choices are what make a film stronger as long as they are planned and integrated, rather than thrown together during editing. Of course, the added benefit is that you’ll likely get some advice on other types of cuts you can use in your videos.

Also read:

  • Title: Updated Create Promotional Video for 2024
  • Author: Chloe
  • Created at : 2024-04-24 07:08:32
  • Updated at : 2024-04-25 07:08:32
  • Link: https://ai-editing-video.techidaily.com/updated-create-promotional-video-for-2024/
  • License: This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.
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Updated Create Promotional Video for 2024