Updated Denoise Video in Adobe Premiere Pro – Audio and Video Noise Removal

Updated Denoise Video in Adobe Premiere Pro – Audio and Video Noise Removal

Chloe Lv12

Denoise Video in Adobe Premiere Pro – Audio and Video Noise Removal

What’s the key to our success? And what’s the process that it takes us? How can we attract audiences and guarantee the viewers’ transition to loyalty? – these are the questions that people in the professions connected to the technology should ask. There is no recipe, but at least, we know what NOT to do – DO NOT create bad content! You will never have a desired amount of listeners for your podcasts if the voice of the actor or noise of the whole track is annoying, you will struggle to have success on Youtube if your shots are unpleasant to watch, and the list goes on – there are just too many things you should not do!

But sometimes bad quality just happens. It happens when you know you have a problem and it happens when you think everything is going well in producing. You might come back from the production and find out that every shot you took had bad lightning, or there was an almost naked guy running on the background, or there is a noise on the background that just makes the whole experience of watching and listening not worthwhile! This might be something that sinks your heart…

But the mistakes we make don’t ensure that there has been a verdict cast for our failure. Nowadays, the will is everything – if you are really willing to make something work, you will just have to find the right tools, and learn a little about them, and, Voila! – Maybe you can turn bad into something good? Unacceptable into something acceptable? Annoying into interesting, and unpleasant into enjoyable?

This is called EDITING. And Editing covers different, almost endless days – too many computer programs, too many tools, too many opportunities to modify almost anything you want to make look and sound better - All of this feels like magic!

Among many instruments and techniques, there is one thing called denoising, with two different meaning. You might find noise in two areas – video and audio. Audio denoising means to remove or reduce the background noise, such as air conditioner hum, someone screaming from far away, birds chirping, the waves, etc. the noise in photo and video terms means that the scene we are looking at is grainy and makes watching the scene a little more difficult, with a less clear picture. And whenever these kind of things appear, mostly out of the blue, – because no one wants to take a bad video or record a bad voice-over, - our magical tools and abilities come to play…

One of those is called Adobe Premiere Pro, using for video editing, viewed as the most sophisticated video editor software. So, in this article, we will learn how to handle bot noise-s – in video as well as audio terms, and how to create a better viewer/listener experience in this very program. Lastly, we’ll touch upon an alternative for background noise removal, so, there’s nothing left but tuning in!

Video denoising in Adobe Premiere Pro

Reducing the noise in the video in this software can be achieved through using effect which is called Median. Before discovering it, without any doubt, we need to add our footage into the Timeline in Premiere Pro. Then, we can proceed to finding the Effects Panel, where our wanted Median can be found – just drag and drop the effect to your clip.


In order to make sure that the Median touches the grainiest parts of the whole clip, we need to use something called masks. In the Effects Control panel, we can select the mask shape for our clip –either choose rectangle, circle, or pen tool. Pen tool is something with which we move the Mask around the screen and resize it to include the desired area and cover it.


Changing Feather setting to 100 will make sure that the effect loses a visible edge and there is some smoothness added to those edges.


There might be the need to repeat this process and create several masks, if that means to have covered all of the grainy area of the scene.

Lastly, tom reduce the noise, adjusting the effect settings is needed.


Technically, what the Median effect does is just blurring the graininess, not exactly “taking it away”. And if we play with the Radius settings there, we can find our desired look!

How to remove background noise in Adobe Premiere Pro

Removing background noise in Adobe Premiere Pro can be a pretty simple process and lead to much better results. First of all, of course, import the desired material into your software so you can see the video and audio in the sequence visually. After having the project set up, you will need to find the Efffects Panel, which might be hidden a little, but it must be on the left and bottom of the program layout; or, you can find it on the top, in the navbar.


After having located the Effects panel, go for the search bar and type: denoise, and you’ll see that DeNoise effect is under Audio Effects.


You hold onto the effect, drag and drop it on the audio track in the timeline itself! Then, you just click on the audio in the sequence and on the top right Effect Controls will appear, which we need to concentrate on. You will scroll down a little there and below Audio notice: fx DeNoise, where you hit on the Edit button. This will open the Clip Fx Editor for the Audio denoising.


Basically, it only has one, Amount scale, and if you drag the slider of it to the right at 100%, it will remove the whole noise, but setting it on 0% will not remove any noise at all. So, you need to choose your preferred percentage! Just listen what is acceptable for you, but the general suggestion here would be that you can choose as high percent as you want, but if the effect starts taking out the voice and actually wanted parts, then you will have to stop and keep it that way. So, that’s actually it!

Bonus tip: how to remove audio noise in video with Wondershare Filmora

What we have promised in the beginning in the video, we like to offer now – the alternative to reduce or remove audio noise in the video is called Wondershare Filmora, which functions in a very simple way. So, we can start using these guides:

Drag and drop your video into the timeline. Right-clicking on the video and hitting Detach Audio will enable us to separate audio and video from one another, getting us a chance to work on them individually.


Double-click on the audio track shows the editing panel, where we see Remove background noise – choosing this option removes the noise!


Though, there is another way to do this too. If you don’t want to detach the audio, then first, double-click on the video clip in the timeline and when the editing panel opens, switch to Audio. If you check the box next to Remove background noise, you will see that there are three levels – weak, mid, and strong, which determine the strength of how toe noise is going to be reduced. Choosing one of them is up to you!

In case you find that the voice sounds a little robotics, you’ll need to make it sound more natural, of course. For it, you will need to click Customize, which will take you into the Customize Equalizer department.


The low tunes are on the left, while the highs are on the right. Background noises are often the low ones, so we better lower them even more, but we would raise the middle ones to achieve a natural sound.


And, that’s it – you are done with audio background noise removal!

So, in this article, we learned how to remove the video noise and grain and audio background noise using the software Adobe Premire Pro, while we also discussed how to do the latter using Wondershare Filmora – hope you can start using your new knowledge and tools very soon and create the content you never thought you could have created!

In order to make sure that the Median touches the grainiest parts of the whole clip, we need to use something called masks. In the Effects Control panel, we can select the mask shape for our clip –either choose rectangle, circle, or pen tool. Pen tool is something with which we move the Mask around the screen and resize it to include the desired area and cover it.


Changing Feather setting to 100 will make sure that the effect loses a visible edge and there is some smoothness added to those edges.


There might be the need to repeat this process and create several masks, if that means to have covered all of the grainy area of the scene.

Lastly, tom reduce the noise, adjusting the effect settings is needed.


Technically, what the Median effect does is just blurring the graininess, not exactly “taking it away”. And if we play with the Radius settings there, we can find our desired look!

How to remove background noise in Adobe Premiere Pro

Removing background noise in Adobe Premiere Pro can be a pretty simple process and lead to much better results. First of all, of course, import the desired material into your software so you can see the video and audio in the sequence visually. After having the project set up, you will need to find the Efffects Panel, which might be hidden a little, but it must be on the left and bottom of the program layout; or, you can find it on the top, in the navbar.


After having located the Effects panel, go for the search bar and type: denoise, and you’ll see that DeNoise effect is under Audio Effects.


You hold onto the effect, drag and drop it on the audio track in the timeline itself! Then, you just click on the audio in the sequence and on the top right Effect Controls will appear, which we need to concentrate on. You will scroll down a little there and below Audio notice: fx DeNoise, where you hit on the Edit button. This will open the Clip Fx Editor for the Audio denoising.


Basically, it only has one, Amount scale, and if you drag the slider of it to the right at 100%, it will remove the whole noise, but setting it on 0% will not remove any noise at all. So, you need to choose your preferred percentage! Just listen what is acceptable for you, but the general suggestion here would be that you can choose as high percent as you want, but if the effect starts taking out the voice and actually wanted parts, then you will have to stop and keep it that way. So, that’s actually it!

Bonus tip: how to remove audio noise in video with Wondershare Filmora

What we have promised in the beginning in the video, we like to offer now – the alternative to reduce or remove audio noise in the video is called Wondershare Filmora, which functions in a very simple way. So, we can start using these guides:

Drag and drop your video into the timeline. Right-clicking on the video and hitting Detach Audio will enable us to separate audio and video from one another, getting us a chance to work on them individually.


Double-click on the audio track shows the editing panel, where we see Remove background noise – choosing this option removes the noise!


Though, there is another way to do this too. If you don’t want to detach the audio, then first, double-click on the video clip in the timeline and when the editing panel opens, switch to Audio. If you check the box next to Remove background noise, you will see that there are three levels – weak, mid, and strong, which determine the strength of how toe noise is going to be reduced. Choosing one of them is up to you!

In case you find that the voice sounds a little robotics, you’ll need to make it sound more natural, of course. For it, you will need to click Customize, which will take you into the Customize Equalizer department.


The low tunes are on the left, while the highs are on the right. Background noises are often the low ones, so we better lower them even more, but we would raise the middle ones to achieve a natural sound.


And, that’s it – you are done with audio background noise removal!

So, in this article, we learned how to remove the video noise and grain and audio background noise using the software Adobe Premire Pro, while we also discussed how to do the latter using Wondershare Filmora – hope you can start using your new knowledge and tools very soon and create the content you never thought you could have created!

In order to make sure that the Median touches the grainiest parts of the whole clip, we need to use something called masks. In the Effects Control panel, we can select the mask shape for our clip –either choose rectangle, circle, or pen tool. Pen tool is something with which we move the Mask around the screen and resize it to include the desired area and cover it.


Changing Feather setting to 100 will make sure that the effect loses a visible edge and there is some smoothness added to those edges.


There might be the need to repeat this process and create several masks, if that means to have covered all of the grainy area of the scene.

Lastly, tom reduce the noise, adjusting the effect settings is needed.


Technically, what the Median effect does is just blurring the graininess, not exactly “taking it away”. And if we play with the Radius settings there, we can find our desired look!

How to remove background noise in Adobe Premiere Pro

Removing background noise in Adobe Premiere Pro can be a pretty simple process and lead to much better results. First of all, of course, import the desired material into your software so you can see the video and audio in the sequence visually. After having the project set up, you will need to find the Efffects Panel, which might be hidden a little, but it must be on the left and bottom of the program layout; or, you can find it on the top, in the navbar.


After having located the Effects panel, go for the search bar and type: denoise, and you’ll see that DeNoise effect is under Audio Effects.


You hold onto the effect, drag and drop it on the audio track in the timeline itself! Then, you just click on the audio in the sequence and on the top right Effect Controls will appear, which we need to concentrate on. You will scroll down a little there and below Audio notice: fx DeNoise, where you hit on the Edit button. This will open the Clip Fx Editor for the Audio denoising.


Basically, it only has one, Amount scale, and if you drag the slider of it to the right at 100%, it will remove the whole noise, but setting it on 0% will not remove any noise at all. So, you need to choose your preferred percentage! Just listen what is acceptable for you, but the general suggestion here would be that you can choose as high percent as you want, but if the effect starts taking out the voice and actually wanted parts, then you will have to stop and keep it that way. So, that’s actually it!

Bonus tip: how to remove audio noise in video with Wondershare Filmora

What we have promised in the beginning in the video, we like to offer now – the alternative to reduce or remove audio noise in the video is called Wondershare Filmora, which functions in a very simple way. So, we can start using these guides:

Drag and drop your video into the timeline. Right-clicking on the video and hitting Detach Audio will enable us to separate audio and video from one another, getting us a chance to work on them individually.


Double-click on the audio track shows the editing panel, where we see Remove background noise – choosing this option removes the noise!


Though, there is another way to do this too. If you don’t want to detach the audio, then first, double-click on the video clip in the timeline and when the editing panel opens, switch to Audio. If you check the box next to Remove background noise, you will see that there are three levels – weak, mid, and strong, which determine the strength of how toe noise is going to be reduced. Choosing one of them is up to you!

In case you find that the voice sounds a little robotics, you’ll need to make it sound more natural, of course. For it, you will need to click Customize, which will take you into the Customize Equalizer department.


The low tunes are on the left, while the highs are on the right. Background noises are often the low ones, so we better lower them even more, but we would raise the middle ones to achieve a natural sound.


And, that’s it – you are done with audio background noise removal!

So, in this article, we learned how to remove the video noise and grain and audio background noise using the software Adobe Premire Pro, while we also discussed how to do the latter using Wondershare Filmora – hope you can start using your new knowledge and tools very soon and create the content you never thought you could have created!

In order to make sure that the Median touches the grainiest parts of the whole clip, we need to use something called masks. In the Effects Control panel, we can select the mask shape for our clip –either choose rectangle, circle, or pen tool. Pen tool is something with which we move the Mask around the screen and resize it to include the desired area and cover it.


Changing Feather setting to 100 will make sure that the effect loses a visible edge and there is some smoothness added to those edges.


There might be the need to repeat this process and create several masks, if that means to have covered all of the grainy area of the scene.

Lastly, tom reduce the noise, adjusting the effect settings is needed.


Technically, what the Median effect does is just blurring the graininess, not exactly “taking it away”. And if we play with the Radius settings there, we can find our desired look!

How to remove background noise in Adobe Premiere Pro

Removing background noise in Adobe Premiere Pro can be a pretty simple process and lead to much better results. First of all, of course, import the desired material into your software so you can see the video and audio in the sequence visually. After having the project set up, you will need to find the Efffects Panel, which might be hidden a little, but it must be on the left and bottom of the program layout; or, you can find it on the top, in the navbar.


After having located the Effects panel, go for the search bar and type: denoise, and you’ll see that DeNoise effect is under Audio Effects.


You hold onto the effect, drag and drop it on the audio track in the timeline itself! Then, you just click on the audio in the sequence and on the top right Effect Controls will appear, which we need to concentrate on. You will scroll down a little there and below Audio notice: fx DeNoise, where you hit on the Edit button. This will open the Clip Fx Editor for the Audio denoising.


Basically, it only has one, Amount scale, and if you drag the slider of it to the right at 100%, it will remove the whole noise, but setting it on 0% will not remove any noise at all. So, you need to choose your preferred percentage! Just listen what is acceptable for you, but the general suggestion here would be that you can choose as high percent as you want, but if the effect starts taking out the voice and actually wanted parts, then you will have to stop and keep it that way. So, that’s actually it!

Bonus tip: how to remove audio noise in video with Wondershare Filmora

What we have promised in the beginning in the video, we like to offer now – the alternative to reduce or remove audio noise in the video is called Wondershare Filmora, which functions in a very simple way. So, we can start using these guides:

Drag and drop your video into the timeline. Right-clicking on the video and hitting Detach Audio will enable us to separate audio and video from one another, getting us a chance to work on them individually.


Double-click on the audio track shows the editing panel, where we see Remove background noise – choosing this option removes the noise!


Though, there is another way to do this too. If you don’t want to detach the audio, then first, double-click on the video clip in the timeline and when the editing panel opens, switch to Audio. If you check the box next to Remove background noise, you will see that there are three levels – weak, mid, and strong, which determine the strength of how toe noise is going to be reduced. Choosing one of them is up to you!

In case you find that the voice sounds a little robotics, you’ll need to make it sound more natural, of course. For it, you will need to click Customize, which will take you into the Customize Equalizer department.


The low tunes are on the left, while the highs are on the right. Background noises are often the low ones, so we better lower them even more, but we would raise the middle ones to achieve a natural sound.


And, that’s it – you are done with audio background noise removal!

So, in this article, we learned how to remove the video noise and grain and audio background noise using the software Adobe Premire Pro, while we also discussed how to do the latter using Wondershare Filmora – hope you can start using your new knowledge and tools very soon and create the content you never thought you could have created!

5 Tried-And-True Ways to GIF Making

5 Tried-And-True Methods to GIF Making

An easy yet powerful editor

Numerous effects to choose from

Detailed tutorials provided by the official channel

Try It Free Try It Free

GIFs are a way for teens to add a bit of fun to their private or group conversations while expressing themselves in a fun and expressive way. GIFs are trendy on sites like Twitter and Tumblr, but more and more people have started using them for their blogs and other content because it helps them connect with their readers. Making gifs is one of those skills that make you look incredible in your friend’s group nowadays.

So, the question is how to make a GIF? Is it hard? We will walk you through the process in this article.

In this article

01 [How to Make a GIF With Photoshop](#Part 1)

02 [How to Make a GIF With Canva](#Part 2)

03 [How to Make a GIF From a YouTube Video](#Part 3)

04 [How to Make a GIF on Mobile](#Part 4)

05 [How to Create Screen-Recording Gifs](#Part 5)

Part 1 How to Make a GIF With Photoshop

Photoshop is probably the best tool for gif-making available in the market right now. They provide you with the essential tools to make the best GIFs out of any video you want.

So here is a step-by-step method to help you make your GIFs in Photoshop and impress your friends.

Step 1: One of the most important steps is to choose the video you want to use in your GIF. GIFs are supposed to be short and express what you want to in that concise sequence, and that’s why choosing a correct sequence of the right length is very important.

Step 2: Now you will have to download the video file to your computer and continue to trim it down to as few frames as possible, and choose the frames that convey the message as accurately as possible.

Step 3: Import the video to Photoshop by going to “File” > “Import” > “Video frames to layers.” Choose the video file you need, and it will appear in the form of separate frames. Now you can select whether you want the entire video or small bits of it; you can also limit the import to any frame to manage the size and time of the video. You can choose different color gradients and many other things according to your preference. And then go to “file” and select “save for web.”

import video to make gif photoshop

Step 4: As the next step, move ahead with selecting color gradients as per your needs and choice. And then go to “file” and select “save for web,” and select the settings for the saved file until you find the one that suits you.

set according to the needs photoshop

Step 5: Save the file, and now you can share it with your friends or upload it to different free image hosting sites.

Part 2 How to Make a GIF With Canva

Making GIFs on Canva is super easy; if you are someone who is not familiar with tools like Photoshop, Canva is a GIF generator that can help you out in that situation and help you make GIFs. So, how do you use a gif maker in Canva? See the steps below to get a comprehensive idea of that.

Step 1: To create your GIF design in Canva, go to Canva and open “new doc.”

open doc in canva

Step 2: Choose the download feature and then continue to the drop-down list and now click on “Animated gif/movie” and “preview animation.”

click preview animation canva

Step 3: Now you will have to select the animation style for your Gif; currently, Canva has around 6 animation styles that you can choose from.

Step 4: Now you will have to download the GIF. After that, simply share and flaunt your skills to your near ones!

Part 3 How to Make a GIF From a YouTube Video

So, how can you make Gif from any YouTube video? It’s not so hard when there are online Gif makersonline that will help you make excellent and funky Gifs easily and in a short time.

You can use Giphy, an online Gif maker, and one can make gif easily over there; you just have to follow a few simple steps mentioned below.

Step 1: First of all, you will have to choose a video that fits your need and is perfect for a gif like short, expressive, and high quality.

giphy interface

Step 2: The next step in the process is to upload the gif to Giphy, which can be done by choosing “choose file” under the gif section to make a gif online. You can also use video links if you haven’t downloaded the video in your system.

choose file giphy

Step 3: Gif has an online gif generator that will generate a perfect gif for you from the video you selected by trimming and other required operations.

trim video giphy

Step 4: Now you will have to click on “upload to giphy,” and the GIF you created will start uploading, and you are ready to use the online gif with your friends.

upload to giphy

Part 4 How to Make a GIF on Mobile

What if you don’t have a pc or laptop and want tomake a gif on your phone? That’s very easy; here, we will share the steps you need to follow to easily make gifs on your iOS or Android device.

01How to create gif on your iOS device?

There are enough third-party apps that one can use to make GIFs on their iOS device. But on iPhones and iPad, some already installed programs can help you make GIFs easily.

You can use a live photos program and add effects to the shots you want to turn into gifs. You will have to go to the Photos app, select the image and click on the gray corner and add different effects as you desire. You can get a gif maker from the app store and turn your life photos into a gif quickly with all the effects you have added previously.

02How to create a gif with android?

Different Android phones offer different options to turn photos and other animations into gifs. For example, in Samsung Galaxy phones, one can use gif-making features already available in the pre-installed gallery app. In addition, Google photos have a ‘motion photos’ feature that can be converted and used to make GIFs easily using third-party apps you can easily find on Play Store.

03You can use a gif making app

Making GIFs from native tools is fantastic, but you can’t get all the features when using a native tool on your phone. However, you can download a gif generator online to help you make GIFs easily with your phone itself.

Part 5 How to Create Screen-Recording Gifs

What if you need to create screen recording gifs? That’s not hard, too. Actually, it’s super easy. So, to begin with, all you need is to get a screen recording application downloaded. It should be compatible to the device you want to record screen of. Also, keep the part of the video you want to turn into GIF.

Now, once you have the video file, things will become easy. All you have to do is upload the video file to Wondershare Filmora Video Editor and trim the video to the desired length and make the perfect gif to share with your friends and family!

Wondershare Filmora - Best Video Editor for Mac/Windows

Try It Free Try It Free

5,481,435 people have downloaded it.

Build unique custom animations without breaking a sweat.

Focus on creating epic stories and leave the details to Filmora’s auto features.

Start a creative adventure with drag & drop effects and endless possibilities.

Filmora simplifies advanced features to save you time and effort.

Filmora cuts out repetition so you can move on to your next creative breakthrough.

Now, you must be wondering about Filmora; you must be aware of Photoshop already, but filmora is an equally appealing tool that one can use to edit videos, make gifs online, and much more. The best part is that it’s super easy to use and doesn’t need you to have any skills at all.

With Filmora, you can do professional editing and use all sorts of tools quickly, and you can also use it to make awesome gifs. Gif making is straightforward, and it’s for you to try tools that make the process fun too.

Key Takeaways from This Episode

So, here are the points we can summarize through this article.

The first and best thing is that you don’t need to have any technical knowledge to make gifs to share with all your friends and have fun. You can easily make a gif online and add all sorts of animations and filters that you like.

You don’t need to have a PC either, you can easily use Gif generators that are available online, and they will be able to make a perfect gif for yourself on your phone itself.

Using and making perfect gifs is an art, and you need to take care of the video you choose, time, lengths, the expression, and other filters while you make a gif online.

Try It Free Try It Free

GIFs are a way for teens to add a bit of fun to their private or group conversations while expressing themselves in a fun and expressive way. GIFs are trendy on sites like Twitter and Tumblr, but more and more people have started using them for their blogs and other content because it helps them connect with their readers. Making gifs is one of those skills that make you look incredible in your friend’s group nowadays.

So, the question is how to make a GIF? Is it hard? We will walk you through the process in this article.

In this article

01 [How to Make a GIF With Photoshop](#Part 1)

02 [How to Make a GIF With Canva](#Part 2)

03 [How to Make a GIF From a YouTube Video](#Part 3)

04 [How to Make a GIF on Mobile](#Part 4)

05 [How to Create Screen-Recording Gifs](#Part 5)

Part 1 How to Make a GIF With Photoshop

Photoshop is probably the best tool for gif-making available in the market right now. They provide you with the essential tools to make the best GIFs out of any video you want.

So here is a step-by-step method to help you make your GIFs in Photoshop and impress your friends.

Step 1: One of the most important steps is to choose the video you want to use in your GIF. GIFs are supposed to be short and express what you want to in that concise sequence, and that’s why choosing a correct sequence of the right length is very important.

Step 2: Now you will have to download the video file to your computer and continue to trim it down to as few frames as possible, and choose the frames that convey the message as accurately as possible.

Step 3: Import the video to Photoshop by going to “File” > “Import” > “Video frames to layers.” Choose the video file you need, and it will appear in the form of separate frames. Now you can select whether you want the entire video or small bits of it; you can also limit the import to any frame to manage the size and time of the video. You can choose different color gradients and many other things according to your preference. And then go to “file” and select “save for web.”

import video to make gif photoshop

Step 4: As the next step, move ahead with selecting color gradients as per your needs and choice. And then go to “file” and select “save for web,” and select the settings for the saved file until you find the one that suits you.

set according to the needs photoshop

Step 5: Save the file, and now you can share it with your friends or upload it to different free image hosting sites.

Part 2 How to Make a GIF With Canva

Making GIFs on Canva is super easy; if you are someone who is not familiar with tools like Photoshop, Canva is a GIF generator that can help you out in that situation and help you make GIFs. So, how do you use a gif maker in Canva? See the steps below to get a comprehensive idea of that.

Step 1: To create your GIF design in Canva, go to Canva and open “new doc.”

open doc in canva

Step 2: Choose the download feature and then continue to the drop-down list and now click on “Animated gif/movie” and “preview animation.”

click preview animation canva

Step 3: Now you will have to select the animation style for your Gif; currently, Canva has around 6 animation styles that you can choose from.

Step 4: Now you will have to download the GIF. After that, simply share and flaunt your skills to your near ones!

Part 3 How to Make a GIF From a YouTube Video

So, how can you make Gif from any YouTube video? It’s not so hard when there are online Gif makersonline that will help you make excellent and funky Gifs easily and in a short time.

You can use Giphy, an online Gif maker, and one can make gif easily over there; you just have to follow a few simple steps mentioned below.

Step 1: First of all, you will have to choose a video that fits your need and is perfect for a gif like short, expressive, and high quality.

giphy interface

Step 2: The next step in the process is to upload the gif to Giphy, which can be done by choosing “choose file” under the gif section to make a gif online. You can also use video links if you haven’t downloaded the video in your system.

choose file giphy

Step 3: Gif has an online gif generator that will generate a perfect gif for you from the video you selected by trimming and other required operations.

trim video giphy

Step 4: Now you will have to click on “upload to giphy,” and the GIF you created will start uploading, and you are ready to use the online gif with your friends.

upload to giphy

Part 4 How to Make a GIF on Mobile

What if you don’t have a pc or laptop and want tomake a gif on your phone? That’s very easy; here, we will share the steps you need to follow to easily make gifs on your iOS or Android device.

01How to create gif on your iOS device?

There are enough third-party apps that one can use to make GIFs on their iOS device. But on iPhones and iPad, some already installed programs can help you make GIFs easily.

You can use a live photos program and add effects to the shots you want to turn into gifs. You will have to go to the Photos app, select the image and click on the gray corner and add different effects as you desire. You can get a gif maker from the app store and turn your life photos into a gif quickly with all the effects you have added previously.

02How to create a gif with android?

Different Android phones offer different options to turn photos and other animations into gifs. For example, in Samsung Galaxy phones, one can use gif-making features already available in the pre-installed gallery app. In addition, Google photos have a ‘motion photos’ feature that can be converted and used to make GIFs easily using third-party apps you can easily find on Play Store.

03You can use a gif making app

Making GIFs from native tools is fantastic, but you can’t get all the features when using a native tool on your phone. However, you can download a gif generator online to help you make GIFs easily with your phone itself.

Part 5 How to Create Screen-Recording Gifs

What if you need to create screen recording gifs? That’s not hard, too. Actually, it’s super easy. So, to begin with, all you need is to get a screen recording application downloaded. It should be compatible to the device you want to record screen of. Also, keep the part of the video you want to turn into GIF.

Now, once you have the video file, things will become easy. All you have to do is upload the video file to Wondershare Filmora Video Editor and trim the video to the desired length and make the perfect gif to share with your friends and family!

Wondershare Filmora - Best Video Editor for Mac/Windows

Try It Free Try It Free

5,481,435 people have downloaded it.

Build unique custom animations without breaking a sweat.

Focus on creating epic stories and leave the details to Filmora’s auto features.

Start a creative adventure with drag & drop effects and endless possibilities.

Filmora simplifies advanced features to save you time and effort.

Filmora cuts out repetition so you can move on to your next creative breakthrough.

Now, you must be wondering about Filmora; you must be aware of Photoshop already, but filmora is an equally appealing tool that one can use to edit videos, make gifs online, and much more. The best part is that it’s super easy to use and doesn’t need you to have any skills at all.

With Filmora, you can do professional editing and use all sorts of tools quickly, and you can also use it to make awesome gifs. Gif making is straightforward, and it’s for you to try tools that make the process fun too.

Key Takeaways from This Episode

So, here are the points we can summarize through this article.

The first and best thing is that you don’t need to have any technical knowledge to make gifs to share with all your friends and have fun. You can easily make a gif online and add all sorts of animations and filters that you like.

You don’t need to have a PC either, you can easily use Gif generators that are available online, and they will be able to make a perfect gif for yourself on your phone itself.

Using and making perfect gifs is an art, and you need to take care of the video you choose, time, lengths, the expression, and other filters while you make a gif online.

Try It Free Try It Free

GIFs are a way for teens to add a bit of fun to their private or group conversations while expressing themselves in a fun and expressive way. GIFs are trendy on sites like Twitter and Tumblr, but more and more people have started using them for their blogs and other content because it helps them connect with their readers. Making gifs is one of those skills that make you look incredible in your friend’s group nowadays.

So, the question is how to make a GIF? Is it hard? We will walk you through the process in this article.

In this article

01 [How to Make a GIF With Photoshop](#Part 1)

02 [How to Make a GIF With Canva](#Part 2)

03 [How to Make a GIF From a YouTube Video](#Part 3)

04 [How to Make a GIF on Mobile](#Part 4)

05 [How to Create Screen-Recording Gifs](#Part 5)

Part 1 How to Make a GIF With Photoshop

Photoshop is probably the best tool for gif-making available in the market right now. They provide you with the essential tools to make the best GIFs out of any video you want.

So here is a step-by-step method to help you make your GIFs in Photoshop and impress your friends.

Step 1: One of the most important steps is to choose the video you want to use in your GIF. GIFs are supposed to be short and express what you want to in that concise sequence, and that’s why choosing a correct sequence of the right length is very important.

Step 2: Now you will have to download the video file to your computer and continue to trim it down to as few frames as possible, and choose the frames that convey the message as accurately as possible.

Step 3: Import the video to Photoshop by going to “File” > “Import” > “Video frames to layers.” Choose the video file you need, and it will appear in the form of separate frames. Now you can select whether you want the entire video or small bits of it; you can also limit the import to any frame to manage the size and time of the video. You can choose different color gradients and many other things according to your preference. And then go to “file” and select “save for web.”

import video to make gif photoshop

Step 4: As the next step, move ahead with selecting color gradients as per your needs and choice. And then go to “file” and select “save for web,” and select the settings for the saved file until you find the one that suits you.

set according to the needs photoshop

Step 5: Save the file, and now you can share it with your friends or upload it to different free image hosting sites.

Part 2 How to Make a GIF With Canva

Making GIFs on Canva is super easy; if you are someone who is not familiar with tools like Photoshop, Canva is a GIF generator that can help you out in that situation and help you make GIFs. So, how do you use a gif maker in Canva? See the steps below to get a comprehensive idea of that.

Step 1: To create your GIF design in Canva, go to Canva and open “new doc.”

open doc in canva

Step 2: Choose the download feature and then continue to the drop-down list and now click on “Animated gif/movie” and “preview animation.”

click preview animation canva

Step 3: Now you will have to select the animation style for your Gif; currently, Canva has around 6 animation styles that you can choose from.

Step 4: Now you will have to download the GIF. After that, simply share and flaunt your skills to your near ones!

Part 3 How to Make a GIF From a YouTube Video

So, how can you make Gif from any YouTube video? It’s not so hard when there are online Gif makersonline that will help you make excellent and funky Gifs easily and in a short time.

You can use Giphy, an online Gif maker, and one can make gif easily over there; you just have to follow a few simple steps mentioned below.

Step 1: First of all, you will have to choose a video that fits your need and is perfect for a gif like short, expressive, and high quality.

giphy interface

Step 2: The next step in the process is to upload the gif to Giphy, which can be done by choosing “choose file” under the gif section to make a gif online. You can also use video links if you haven’t downloaded the video in your system.

choose file giphy

Step 3: Gif has an online gif generator that will generate a perfect gif for you from the video you selected by trimming and other required operations.

trim video giphy

Step 4: Now you will have to click on “upload to giphy,” and the GIF you created will start uploading, and you are ready to use the online gif with your friends.

upload to giphy

Part 4 How to Make a GIF on Mobile

What if you don’t have a pc or laptop and want tomake a gif on your phone? That’s very easy; here, we will share the steps you need to follow to easily make gifs on your iOS or Android device.

01How to create gif on your iOS device?

There are enough third-party apps that one can use to make GIFs on their iOS device. But on iPhones and iPad, some already installed programs can help you make GIFs easily.

You can use a live photos program and add effects to the shots you want to turn into gifs. You will have to go to the Photos app, select the image and click on the gray corner and add different effects as you desire. You can get a gif maker from the app store and turn your life photos into a gif quickly with all the effects you have added previously.

02How to create a gif with android?

Different Android phones offer different options to turn photos and other animations into gifs. For example, in Samsung Galaxy phones, one can use gif-making features already available in the pre-installed gallery app. In addition, Google photos have a ‘motion photos’ feature that can be converted and used to make GIFs easily using third-party apps you can easily find on Play Store.

03You can use a gif making app

Making GIFs from native tools is fantastic, but you can’t get all the features when using a native tool on your phone. However, you can download a gif generator online to help you make GIFs easily with your phone itself.

Part 5 How to Create Screen-Recording Gifs

What if you need to create screen recording gifs? That’s not hard, too. Actually, it’s super easy. So, to begin with, all you need is to get a screen recording application downloaded. It should be compatible to the device you want to record screen of. Also, keep the part of the video you want to turn into GIF.

Now, once you have the video file, things will become easy. All you have to do is upload the video file to Wondershare Filmora Video Editor and trim the video to the desired length and make the perfect gif to share with your friends and family!

Wondershare Filmora - Best Video Editor for Mac/Windows

Try It Free Try It Free

5,481,435 people have downloaded it.

Build unique custom animations without breaking a sweat.

Focus on creating epic stories and leave the details to Filmora’s auto features.

Start a creative adventure with drag & drop effects and endless possibilities.

Filmora simplifies advanced features to save you time and effort.

Filmora cuts out repetition so you can move on to your next creative breakthrough.

Now, you must be wondering about Filmora; you must be aware of Photoshop already, but filmora is an equally appealing tool that one can use to edit videos, make gifs online, and much more. The best part is that it’s super easy to use and doesn’t need you to have any skills at all.

With Filmora, you can do professional editing and use all sorts of tools quickly, and you can also use it to make awesome gifs. Gif making is straightforward, and it’s for you to try tools that make the process fun too.

Key Takeaways from This Episode

So, here are the points we can summarize through this article.

The first and best thing is that you don’t need to have any technical knowledge to make gifs to share with all your friends and have fun. You can easily make a gif online and add all sorts of animations and filters that you like.

You don’t need to have a PC either, you can easily use Gif generators that are available online, and they will be able to make a perfect gif for yourself on your phone itself.

Using and making perfect gifs is an art, and you need to take care of the video you choose, time, lengths, the expression, and other filters while you make a gif online.

Try It Free Try It Free

GIFs are a way for teens to add a bit of fun to their private or group conversations while expressing themselves in a fun and expressive way. GIFs are trendy on sites like Twitter and Tumblr, but more and more people have started using them for their blogs and other content because it helps them connect with their readers. Making gifs is one of those skills that make you look incredible in your friend’s group nowadays.

So, the question is how to make a GIF? Is it hard? We will walk you through the process in this article.

In this article

01 [How to Make a GIF With Photoshop](#Part 1)

02 [How to Make a GIF With Canva](#Part 2)

03 [How to Make a GIF From a YouTube Video](#Part 3)

04 [How to Make a GIF on Mobile](#Part 4)

05 [How to Create Screen-Recording Gifs](#Part 5)

Part 1 How to Make a GIF With Photoshop

Photoshop is probably the best tool for gif-making available in the market right now. They provide you with the essential tools to make the best GIFs out of any video you want.

So here is a step-by-step method to help you make your GIFs in Photoshop and impress your friends.

Step 1: One of the most important steps is to choose the video you want to use in your GIF. GIFs are supposed to be short and express what you want to in that concise sequence, and that’s why choosing a correct sequence of the right length is very important.

Step 2: Now you will have to download the video file to your computer and continue to trim it down to as few frames as possible, and choose the frames that convey the message as accurately as possible.

Step 3: Import the video to Photoshop by going to “File” > “Import” > “Video frames to layers.” Choose the video file you need, and it will appear in the form of separate frames. Now you can select whether you want the entire video or small bits of it; you can also limit the import to any frame to manage the size and time of the video. You can choose different color gradients and many other things according to your preference. And then go to “file” and select “save for web.”

import video to make gif photoshop

Step 4: As the next step, move ahead with selecting color gradients as per your needs and choice. And then go to “file” and select “save for web,” and select the settings for the saved file until you find the one that suits you.

set according to the needs photoshop

Step 5: Save the file, and now you can share it with your friends or upload it to different free image hosting sites.

Part 2 How to Make a GIF With Canva

Making GIFs on Canva is super easy; if you are someone who is not familiar with tools like Photoshop, Canva is a GIF generator that can help you out in that situation and help you make GIFs. So, how do you use a gif maker in Canva? See the steps below to get a comprehensive idea of that.

Step 1: To create your GIF design in Canva, go to Canva and open “new doc.”

open doc in canva

Step 2: Choose the download feature and then continue to the drop-down list and now click on “Animated gif/movie” and “preview animation.”

click preview animation canva

Step 3: Now you will have to select the animation style for your Gif; currently, Canva has around 6 animation styles that you can choose from.

Step 4: Now you will have to download the GIF. After that, simply share and flaunt your skills to your near ones!

Part 3 How to Make a GIF From a YouTube Video

So, how can you make Gif from any YouTube video? It’s not so hard when there are online Gif makersonline that will help you make excellent and funky Gifs easily and in a short time.

You can use Giphy, an online Gif maker, and one can make gif easily over there; you just have to follow a few simple steps mentioned below.

Step 1: First of all, you will have to choose a video that fits your need and is perfect for a gif like short, expressive, and high quality.

giphy interface

Step 2: The next step in the process is to upload the gif to Giphy, which can be done by choosing “choose file” under the gif section to make a gif online. You can also use video links if you haven’t downloaded the video in your system.

choose file giphy

Step 3: Gif has an online gif generator that will generate a perfect gif for you from the video you selected by trimming and other required operations.

trim video giphy

Step 4: Now you will have to click on “upload to giphy,” and the GIF you created will start uploading, and you are ready to use the online gif with your friends.

upload to giphy

Part 4 How to Make a GIF on Mobile

What if you don’t have a pc or laptop and want tomake a gif on your phone? That’s very easy; here, we will share the steps you need to follow to easily make gifs on your iOS or Android device.

01How to create gif on your iOS device?

There are enough third-party apps that one can use to make GIFs on their iOS device. But on iPhones and iPad, some already installed programs can help you make GIFs easily.

You can use a live photos program and add effects to the shots you want to turn into gifs. You will have to go to the Photos app, select the image and click on the gray corner and add different effects as you desire. You can get a gif maker from the app store and turn your life photos into a gif quickly with all the effects you have added previously.

02How to create a gif with android?

Different Android phones offer different options to turn photos and other animations into gifs. For example, in Samsung Galaxy phones, one can use gif-making features already available in the pre-installed gallery app. In addition, Google photos have a ‘motion photos’ feature that can be converted and used to make GIFs easily using third-party apps you can easily find on Play Store.

03You can use a gif making app

Making GIFs from native tools is fantastic, but you can’t get all the features when using a native tool on your phone. However, you can download a gif generator online to help you make GIFs easily with your phone itself.

Part 5 How to Create Screen-Recording Gifs

What if you need to create screen recording gifs? That’s not hard, too. Actually, it’s super easy. So, to begin with, all you need is to get a screen recording application downloaded. It should be compatible to the device you want to record screen of. Also, keep the part of the video you want to turn into GIF.

Now, once you have the video file, things will become easy. All you have to do is upload the video file to Wondershare Filmora Video Editor and trim the video to the desired length and make the perfect gif to share with your friends and family!

Wondershare Filmora - Best Video Editor for Mac/Windows

Try It Free Try It Free

5,481,435 people have downloaded it.

Build unique custom animations without breaking a sweat.

Focus on creating epic stories and leave the details to Filmora’s auto features.

Start a creative adventure with drag & drop effects and endless possibilities.

Filmora simplifies advanced features to save you time and effort.

Filmora cuts out repetition so you can move on to your next creative breakthrough.

Now, you must be wondering about Filmora; you must be aware of Photoshop already, but filmora is an equally appealing tool that one can use to edit videos, make gifs online, and much more. The best part is that it’s super easy to use and doesn’t need you to have any skills at all.

With Filmora, you can do professional editing and use all sorts of tools quickly, and you can also use it to make awesome gifs. Gif making is straightforward, and it’s for you to try tools that make the process fun too.

Key Takeaways from This Episode

So, here are the points we can summarize through this article.

The first and best thing is that you don’t need to have any technical knowledge to make gifs to share with all your friends and have fun. You can easily make a gif online and add all sorts of animations and filters that you like.

You don’t need to have a PC either, you can easily use Gif generators that are available online, and they will be able to make a perfect gif for yourself on your phone itself.

Using and making perfect gifs is an art, and you need to take care of the video you choose, time, lengths, the expression, and other filters while you make a gif online.

Create a Brand Video to Make Your Business Shine

Brand Video Maker - Wondershare Filmora

Provide abundant video effects - A creative video editor

Powerful color correction and grading

Detailed tutorials provided by the official channel

Try It Free Try It Free

Create a Brand Video to Make Your Business Shine

Did you know that 8 out of 10 people go ahead and purchase a product just by watching brand videos?

I’m sure you are looking for similar success when it comes to your brand video.

But you can’t just compel the audience by making any video!

  • It has to be entertaining and inspirational.
  • It has to be innovative.
  • It needs to have something that grabs the audience’s attention.

And, with all this, it should also successfully share your brand’s core values.

So, how do you create such a video?

It’s not about simply whipping out a camera and pressing the record button. A lot of thought is involved in creating a brand video, but most importantly, you need a high-quality video editor to refine your video and make it more fun, entertaining, and innovative - A video editor like Wondershare Filmora.

And that’s what this article is about - How to use the various basic and advanced editing tools in Filmora to create a brand video that makes a difference!

But first, let’s have a look at…

Wondershare Filmora’s Brand Video

What’s so special about it, you ask?

For starters, it fits right into the criteria we mentioned above. It’s innovative, entertaining, vibrant, and fun and showcases all the features of Filmora 11.

Here, see for yourself…

From all the new effects to the AR sticker themes and other video editing features like speed ramping, masking, and green screen effect, the video successfully lets the audience know how creative they can get with Filmora.

But did you see that they didn’t put the features out there just like that! They actually used all the basic and advanced video editing features in the video to give us an idea of what it looks like when put in action.

And the video quality, the content, and the flow of the video speak for themselves.

I mean, I watched the video all the way to the end without getting bored for even a single second. And, being a video editor, I might as well get Filmora 11 after watching the highly compelling video!

Now, if you’re also wow-ed by the video and would like to create a similar one, here are some tips on making a successful brand video using Wondershare Filmora.

Tips to Make a Compelling Brand Video

Like I said earlier, making a video is not simply about getting out your camera and starting recording. Many aspects need to be considered for your video to make the desired impact.

Therefore, here are some tips that might come in handy when making your brand video:

1. Define Your Objective and Audience

The very first thing that you need to think about before starting work on your brand video is its objective and audience.

Define your Objective

What are you trying to achieve from the video? Do you want to create brand awareness, or do you wish to promote a certain product?

Secondly, who’s your target audience? Is your video projected toward people who have no idea who you and your company are? Or are you addressing an existing customer base? Also, are the audience kids or adults? Because you certainly can’t make a video with cartoon characters for an audience who’s looking for something calm and relaxing, and vice versa.

Once you have your objective and audience sorted, it’s time to get busy!

2. Video Scripting

Based on what you’re trying to achieve from your brand video and the target audience, you can decide on the video’s script. This includes the content, the length, and the editing requirements.

Video Scripting

Let’s take your video’s content, for instance:

  • If you’re creating a video for an audience that doesn’t know you, you’ll have to start from the basics, explaining who you are, what you do, and the services you offer.
  • If you’re trying to create a video that tells your brand’s story, you can either keep it inspirational or you could create fun content that will be remembered for years to come!
  • If you’re creating something for the kids, you need to keep it short yet interesting, with many effects that help in grabbing their attention.

Once you have decided what to add to the video, how long it will be, and what its content will be like, you can finally record your video!

3. Video Recording

Now, for many people, recording simply means hitting the record button.

Yes, that might work for vlogs, but when it comes to making a brand video, you need to really put in effort when recording.

Record your brand video

For instance, you should have all the video clips and images you want to include in the video at hand. And they should resonate with your brand voice and match with each other as well.

If we take Wondershare Filmora’s brand video as an example, you can see that the whole video has a vibrant and warm feel to it, which can be seen throughout. It’s not that one clip is darker and the other is lighter; the whole thing sort of blends into each other.

That’s what you should take care of when recording your video. Make sure the background, hues, and overall feel of the video clips and images match each other.

Another thing that you should keep in mind when recording is to incorporate your brand colors in the video and throw in your logo. For instance, if your brand colors are red and green, make sure to use them in the text in the video. However, if you’re not using text, you can use the colors in the video frame by having a wall or something in the background of the same colors.

Use colors of your brand in your video

As for the logo, it can be placed anywhere in the video so that the audience learns to recognize it.

But why is using your brand colors and logo so important?

Because your brand colors and logo represent your brand and become its identity in the long run. For example, yellow and red are McDonald’s brand colors and its logo, the yellow ‘M’ in arch form, is recognizable even from a distance.

5. Video Editing

Now comes the most important part of making a brand video: The editing! The part where you refine your video and add final touches to it. If you’ve got a stellar video editing software like Wondershare Filmora, it can do wonders for your video.

Wondershare Filmora at a Glance

Wondershare Filmora |Perfect solution for creating a brand video

Wondershare Filmora has plenty of basic and advanced video editing features to add that wow factor to your video. It can turn a plain boring video into something fun, exciting, and watch-worthy.

For example, the motion tracking feature lets you add an object that follows a certain movement in the video. Then we have the AR stickers that help enhance emotions and add personality to your video. Also, the green screen feature lets you add amazing background to your video to give the desired effect.

Filmora also has many video effects, templates, speed ramping, masking, auto beat sync, voice recording, and other features that can really take your brand video to the next level.

I’m sure you now have the hang of how to make a brand video that makes your business pop. But, you still might be confused about how to make the most of these features using Wondershare Filmora.

Therefore, here are some helpful tips on using these features to make an effective brand video that creates brand awareness and drives sales!

Creative Ideas to Make Brand Videos Using Filmora

If you’re up for making a video just like the video we shared earlier, you’ll need to download Wondershare Filmora from the website. And, once you’re through with this guide, nothing can stop you from making a brand video that sells!

With that sorted, here are some valuable tips and ideas to help you along the way:

1. Level Up Your Motion Tracking

As we mentioned earlier, motion tracking means tracking the movement of an object in the video and then applying the same movement to a newly added object, like text, image, logo, or any clipart.

But that’s quite a common practice, right? I mean, every video editor out there is doing it!

However, there are some ways in which you can get creative with the motion tracking feature using Filmora.


Using Motion-Tracked Texts

While the text in a video looks pretty good itself, you can make it even more impressive by motion tracking it.

For example:

  • Attach a piece of text to your introductory title. If there’s a logo or brand name in the introduction, you can add a tagline, a website address, or your Instagram or Twitter handle to it.
  • If you want to create a context for the audience, add motion-tracked captions in your brand video. This means the captions move with the movement of the subject. It looks stylish, gives relevant information, and helps tell your brand’s story without any narration.

This Fitbit commercial would be an excellent example of motion-tracked captions:

  • If your video has an introductory scene where the frame is moving from one side to the other, you can motion-track the credits so that they move along with the scene and disappear gradually instead of dedicating a single clip to the credits.
  • Highlighting important aspects in a video, like places or names of objects with motion-tracked text, can make your video truly amazing and fun to watch. This would be quite essential if you’re making a video for the real estate or travel business.

Here’s an example:

Hence, when working with Filmora, you can do plenty with the motion tracking feature to make a truly amazing video.

2. Add a Fun Factor with AR Stickers

Now that you know how to use the motion tracking feature in Filmora, let me tell you a secret!

If you incorporate face-tracking AR stickers into your video, you can succeed in creating a brand video that will have the audience glued to the screen!

The purpose of adding AR stickers to your videos is to emphasize reactions, portray enhanced emotions, and add an element of fun. This feature works best if you’re creating a brand video projected toward kids.

AR sticker on face a girl using WonderShare Filmora

So, how can you make the most of these AR stickers?

Create Multiple Characters

If you don’t have people to play different characters, don’t fret! With the AR sticker effect, you can create multiple characters for your video.

For example:

If your video has 3 animal characters, you can use AR stickers depicting a panda, cat, and bunny to show the different characters. Similarly, you can add the sticker with glasses to show a nerdy character. Or, if you’re really getting into the story-telling mode, you can use the pirate sticker to show a pirate.

Magnify Emotions

Sometimes it gets challenging to portray a certain emotion in your video. This is where AR stickers come to the rescue!

If you want to show someone in love, you can use the heart-eyes effect. Or, if you want to show that someone is being good, you can use the angel sticker to put a halo on their head.

There are many options! You just have to use your creative cells and conjure up something that’s unique and stands out from the rest.

3. Ace Your Shoot with the Green Screen Effect

A green-screen effect is quite important when it comes to making an exceptional brand video. It has been used in almost all blockbuster movies, and if you’re looking to make a video of a similar level, we’ve got some tried and tested tips to use the green screen effect to its fullest!

Make Sure the Lighting is Even

When it comes to a green screen, the lighting plays an important part. Make sure the green screen is one shade of green, and the lighting on the screen is even. If parts of the green screen are darker than the rest, the chroma key effect won’t be able to distinguish the different shades.

Contrasting Colors

Make sure the subject in the video isn’t wearing any green clothing, or there aren’t many green objects around, as they might disappear when you apply the green screen effect.

Prevent Motion Blur with High Shutter Speed

When shooting with a green screen background, make sure you keep the shutter speed high to avoid motion blur. Ideally, it should be 2x your frame rate for optimum results. But, at the same time, it shouldn’t be too high, as it can lead to a change in video exposure.

If you keep these tips in mind when shooting a video, you can easily use the chroma key effect in Wondershare Filmora to add your desired background and create an outstanding video.

4. Be Innovative with Effects

A video without effects is as bland as water! So, make your video innovative with the impressive variety of effects available in Wondershare Filmora.

But you can’t just add effects to your video like that! You need to understand when and where to use a certain effect properly.

For example:

Tell Your Story With Split Screen Effect

If you’re telling your brand story from the perspective of different individuals, using the split-screen effect is recommended. You can also use this effect to showcase how one thing is related to another in a cause-and-effect way.

Take this Lexus commercial, for example:

It shows the view from inside the car and from a viewer’s perspective.

Emphasize with Pan and Zoom Effect

As the topic of concern of this article is brand videos, the pan and zoom is an ideal effect for it.

You can easily emphasize its importance and give off an emotional storytelling vibe by zooming in on a person’s face or any other object in the frame. You can also use pan and zoom to add a transition to your video. Here’s an example:

Add Thrill with Transitions

To move from one shot to another, it’s important to add a transition effect in between. You can add different transition styles to link the shots with one another, for instance, the match cut transition to match scenes that are not otherwise linked visually. Or the whip pan transition, which involves a quick rotation of the camera’s axis to give the impression that the scene was shot in one take, although it is two separate clips.

Take Wondershare Filmora’s brand video, for example. You can see how seamlessly it moves from one effect to another. It adds value and makes the video fun to watch.

With the variety of transitions in Filmora’s library, you can add all the effects discussed above to your video for stunning results.

You’ve added motion tracking, used AR stickers, created a mystical background with the green screen effect, and gone innovative with effects. Now, it’s time to wrap up this article with…

5. Energize Your Videos with Speed Ramping

Did you know that speed ramping can actually improve your videos tenfold? Speeding up and slowing down the footage at certain points can have a significant impact. For example, the bullet dodge scene in “Matrix” wouldn’t have been so famous if it wasn’t for the slo-mo effect!

Speed Ramping in WonderShare Filmora

You can’t just randomly add speed ramps to your video. There has to be a purpose behind it! Do you want to emphasize something? Do you want to show a transition? Regardless, you need to time your speed ramping properly.

And here are a few tips for it!

Use Slo-Mo For Action Sequences

If your video has an amazing action scene in it, slow down the speed at that point to emphasize the action and movement. For example, a karate kick in slow motion very clearly shows us how the move is actually performed.

Don’t Use Slo-Mo For Too Long

Another tip is to use the slow-mo only for a few seconds to emphasize something. If you prolong it, it won’t have the desired impact and might even cause the audience to lose focus.

Speed Up Footage for Long Processes

If your video shows a long process, like a time-lapse, it is the perfect time to speed up the footage. Not only do long shots lose the viewer’s attention, but they can also get boring too. A sped up footage on the other hand makes your video aesthetically pleasing and entertaining.

Add Music

Using music in videos is quite a common practice; however, it becomes quite exciting if you speed ramp your video according to the music. For example, time the slo-mo effect with the more silent or riverbed parts of the music, and speed it up when the crescendo comes.

You can do this easily with the auto beat-sync feature in Filmora that matches the music with the footage.

Auto beat sync in WonderShare Filmora

How’s that for a thrilling video?

Speed Ramp for Transitions

Here’s a bonus tip! Use speed ramping at the end of one clip and the beginning of the next one to create a seamless flow between the two. It’ll also give a transition effect and make your brand video look professional.

So you see, you have ample options to add a touch of creativity to your brand videos. The key is to use a good video editor and the right video editing tools.

Wrapping Up

Shooting a brand video is easy, and it’s even easier to edit it. All you need is to let your creativity flow!

With Wondershare Filmora 11’s new and advanced editing features, making watch-worthy brand videos that give out the desired message and compel the audience to take some action has never been easier!

And, with the useful video editing tips that we have shared, you are just a click away from taking your business to new heights!

So, if you also want to create a video successfully, just like Filmora’s brand video, follow our tips, use the tricks, and edit away!

Try It Free Try It Free

Try It Free Try It Free

Create a Brand Video to Make Your Business Shine

Did you know that 8 out of 10 people go ahead and purchase a product just by watching brand videos?

I’m sure you are looking for similar success when it comes to your brand video.

But you can’t just compel the audience by making any video!

  • It has to be entertaining and inspirational.
  • It has to be innovative.
  • It needs to have something that grabs the audience’s attention.

And, with all this, it should also successfully share your brand’s core values.

So, how do you create such a video?

It’s not about simply whipping out a camera and pressing the record button. A lot of thought is involved in creating a brand video, but most importantly, you need a high-quality video editor to refine your video and make it more fun, entertaining, and innovative - A video editor like Wondershare Filmora.

And that’s what this article is about - How to use the various basic and advanced editing tools in Filmora to create a brand video that makes a difference!

But first, let’s have a look at…

Wondershare Filmora’s Brand Video

What’s so special about it, you ask?

For starters, it fits right into the criteria we mentioned above. It’s innovative, entertaining, vibrant, and fun and showcases all the features of Filmora 11.

Here, see for yourself…

From all the new effects to the AR sticker themes and other video editing features like speed ramping, masking, and green screen effect, the video successfully lets the audience know how creative they can get with Filmora.

But did you see that they didn’t put the features out there just like that! They actually used all the basic and advanced video editing features in the video to give us an idea of what it looks like when put in action.

And the video quality, the content, and the flow of the video speak for themselves.

I mean, I watched the video all the way to the end without getting bored for even a single second. And, being a video editor, I might as well get Filmora 11 after watching the highly compelling video!

Now, if you’re also wow-ed by the video and would like to create a similar one, here are some tips on making a successful brand video using Wondershare Filmora.

Tips to Make a Compelling Brand Video

Like I said earlier, making a video is not simply about getting out your camera and starting recording. Many aspects need to be considered for your video to make the desired impact.

Therefore, here are some tips that might come in handy when making your brand video:

1. Define Your Objective and Audience

The very first thing that you need to think about before starting work on your brand video is its objective and audience.

Define your Objective

What are you trying to achieve from the video? Do you want to create brand awareness, or do you wish to promote a certain product?

Secondly, who’s your target audience? Is your video projected toward people who have no idea who you and your company are? Or are you addressing an existing customer base? Also, are the audience kids or adults? Because you certainly can’t make a video with cartoon characters for an audience who’s looking for something calm and relaxing, and vice versa.

Once you have your objective and audience sorted, it’s time to get busy!

2. Video Scripting

Based on what you’re trying to achieve from your brand video and the target audience, you can decide on the video’s script. This includes the content, the length, and the editing requirements.

Video Scripting

Let’s take your video’s content, for instance:

  • If you’re creating a video for an audience that doesn’t know you, you’ll have to start from the basics, explaining who you are, what you do, and the services you offer.
  • If you’re trying to create a video that tells your brand’s story, you can either keep it inspirational or you could create fun content that will be remembered for years to come!
  • If you’re creating something for the kids, you need to keep it short yet interesting, with many effects that help in grabbing their attention.

Once you have decided what to add to the video, how long it will be, and what its content will be like, you can finally record your video!

3. Video Recording

Now, for many people, recording simply means hitting the record button.

Yes, that might work for vlogs, but when it comes to making a brand video, you need to really put in effort when recording.

Record your brand video

For instance, you should have all the video clips and images you want to include in the video at hand. And they should resonate with your brand voice and match with each other as well.

If we take Wondershare Filmora’s brand video as an example, you can see that the whole video has a vibrant and warm feel to it, which can be seen throughout. It’s not that one clip is darker and the other is lighter; the whole thing sort of blends into each other.

That’s what you should take care of when recording your video. Make sure the background, hues, and overall feel of the video clips and images match each other.

4. Using Your Brand Colors and Logo

Another thing that you should keep in mind when recording is to incorporate your brand colors in the video and throw in your logo. For instance, if your brand colors are red and green, make sure to use them in the text in the video. However, if you’re not using text, you can use the colors in the video frame by having a wall or something in the background of the same colors.

Use colors of your brand in your video

As for the logo, it can be placed anywhere in the video so that the audience learns to recognize it.

But why is using your brand colors and logo so important?

Because your brand colors and logo represent your brand and become its identity in the long run. For example, yellow and red are McDonald’s brand colors and its logo, the yellow ‘M’ in arch form, is recognizable even from a distance.

5. Video Editing

Now comes the most important part of making a brand video: The editing! The part where you refine your video and add final touches to it. If you’ve got a stellar video editing software like Wondershare Filmora, it can do wonders for your video.

Wondershare Filmora at a Glance

Wondershare Filmora |Perfect solution for creating a brand video

Wondershare Filmora has plenty of basic and advanced video editing features to add that wow factor to your video. It can turn a plain boring video into something fun, exciting, and watch-worthy.

For example, the motion tracking feature lets you add an object that follows a certain movement in the video. Then we have the AR stickers that help enhance emotions and add personality to your video. Also, the green screen feature lets you add amazing background to your video to give the desired effect.

Filmora also has many video effects, templates, speed ramping, masking, auto beat sync, voice recording, and other features that can really take your brand video to the next level.

I’m sure you now have the hang of how to make a brand video that makes your business pop. But, you still might be confused about how to make the most of these features using Wondershare Filmora.

Therefore, here are some helpful tips on using these features to make an effective brand video that creates brand awareness and drives sales!

Creative Ideas to Make Brand Videos Using Filmora

If you’re up for making a video just like the video we shared earlier, you’ll need to download Wondershare Filmora from the website. And, once you’re through with this guide, nothing can stop you from making a brand video that sells!

With that sorted, here are some valuable tips and ideas to help you along the way:

1. Level Up Your Motion Tracking

As we mentioned earlier, motion tracking means tracking the movement of an object in the video and then applying the same movement to a newly added object, like text, image, logo, or any clipart.

But that’s quite a common practice, right? I mean, every video editor out there is doing it!

However, there are some ways in which you can get creative with the motion tracking feature using Filmora.


Using Motion-Tracked Texts

While the text in a video looks pretty good itself, you can make it even more impressive by motion tracking it.

For example:

  • Attach a piece of text to your introductory title. If there’s a logo or brand name in the introduction, you can add a tagline, a website address, or your Instagram or Twitter handle to it.
  • If you want to create a context for the audience, add motion-tracked captions in your brand video. This means the captions move with the movement of the subject. It looks stylish, gives relevant information, and helps tell your brand’s story without any narration.

This Fitbit commercial would be an excellent example of motion-tracked captions:

  • If your video has an introductory scene where the frame is moving from one side to the other, you can motion-track the credits so that they move along with the scene and disappear gradually instead of dedicating a single clip to the credits.
  • Highlighting important aspects in a video, like places or names of objects with motion-tracked text, can make your video truly amazing and fun to watch. This would be quite essential if you’re making a video for the real estate or travel business.

Here’s an example:

Hence, when working with Filmora, you can do plenty with the motion tracking feature to make a truly amazing video.

2. Add a Fun Factor with AR Stickers

Now that you know how to use the motion tracking feature in Filmora, let me tell you a secret!

If you incorporate face-tracking AR stickers into your video, you can succeed in creating a brand video that will have the audience glued to the screen!

The purpose of adding AR stickers to your videos is to emphasize reactions, portray enhanced emotions, and add an element of fun. This feature works best if you’re creating a brand video projected toward kids.

AR sticker on face a girl using WonderShare Filmora

So, how can you make the most of these AR stickers?

Create Multiple Characters

If you don’t have people to play different characters, don’t fret! With the AR sticker effect, you can create multiple characters for your video.

For example:

If your video has 3 animal characters, you can use AR stickers depicting a panda, cat, and bunny to show the different characters. Similarly, you can add the sticker with glasses to show a nerdy character. Or, if you’re really getting into the story-telling mode, you can use the pirate sticker to show a pirate.

Magnify Emotions

Sometimes it gets challenging to portray a certain emotion in your video. This is where AR stickers come to the rescue!

If you want to show someone in love, you can use the heart-eyes effect. Or, if you want to show that someone is being good, you can use the angel sticker to put a halo on their head.

There are many options! You just have to use your creative cells and conjure up something that’s unique and stands out from the rest.

3. Ace Your Shoot with the Green Screen Effect

A green-screen effect is quite important when it comes to making an exceptional brand video. It has been used in almost all blockbuster movies, and if you’re looking to make a video of a similar level, we’ve got some tried and tested tips to use the green screen effect to its fullest!

Make Sure the Lighting is Even

When it comes to a green screen, the lighting plays an important part. Make sure the green screen is one shade of green, and the lighting on the screen is even. If parts of the green screen are darker than the rest, the chroma key effect won’t be able to distinguish the different shades.

Contrasting Colors

Make sure the subject in the video isn’t wearing any green clothing, or there aren’t many green objects around, as they might disappear when you apply the green screen effect.

Prevent Motion Blur with High Shutter Speed

When shooting with a green screen background, make sure you keep the shutter speed high to avoid motion blur. Ideally, it should be 2x your frame rate for optimum results. But, at the same time, it shouldn’t be too high, as it can lead to a change in video exposure.

If you keep these tips in mind when shooting a video, you can easily use the chroma key effect in Wondershare Filmora to add your desired background and create an outstanding video.

4. Be Innovative with Effects

A video without effects is as bland as water! So, make your video innovative with the impressive variety of effects available in Wondershare Filmora.

But you can’t just add effects to your video like that! You need to understand when and where to use a certain effect properly.

For example:

Tell Your Story With Split Screen Effect

If you’re telling your brand story from the perspective of different individuals, using the split-screen effect is recommended. You can also use this effect to showcase how one thing is related to another in a cause-and-effect way.

Take this Lexus commercial, for example:

It shows the view from inside the car and from a viewer’s perspective.

Emphasize with Pan and Zoom Effect

As the topic of concern of this article is brand videos, the pan and zoom is an ideal effect for it.

You can easily emphasize its importance and give off an emotional storytelling vibe by zooming in on a person’s face or any other object in the frame. You can also use pan and zoom to add a transition to your video. Here’s an example:

Add Thrill with Transitions

To move from one shot to another, it’s important to add a transition effect in between. You can add different transition styles to link the shots with one another, for instance, the match cut transition to match scenes that are not otherwise linked visually. Or the whip pan transition, which involves a quick rotation of the camera’s axis to give the impression that the scene was shot in one take, although it is two separate clips.

Take Wondershare Filmora’s brand video, for example. You can see how seamlessly it moves from one effect to another. It adds value and makes the video fun to watch.

With the variety of transitions in Filmora’s library, you can add all the effects discussed above to your video for stunning results.

You’ve added motion tracking, used AR stickers, created a mystical background with the green screen effect, and gone innovative with effects. Now, it’s time to wrap up this article with…

5. Energize Your Videos with Speed Ramping

Did you know that speed ramping can actually improve your videos tenfold? Speeding up and slowing down the footage at certain points can have a significant impact. For example, the bullet dodge scene in “Matrix” wouldn’t have been so famous if it wasn’t for the slo-mo effect!

Speed Ramping in WonderShare Filmora

You can’t just randomly add speed ramps to your video. There has to be a purpose behind it! Do you want to emphasize something? Do you want to show a transition? Regardless, you need to time your speed ramping properly.

And here are a few tips for it!

Use Slo-Mo For Action Sequences

If your video has an amazing action scene in it, slow down the speed at that point to emphasize the action and movement. For example, a karate kick in slow motion very clearly shows us how the move is actually performed.

Don’t Use Slo-Mo For Too Long

Another tip is to use the slow-mo only for a few seconds to emphasize something. If you prolong it, it won’t have the desired impact and might even cause the audience to lose focus.

Speed Up Footage for Long Processes

If your video shows a long process, like a time-lapse, it is the perfect time to speed up the footage. Not only do long shots lose the viewer’s attention, but they can also get boring too. A sped up footage on the other hand makes your video aesthetically pleasing and entertaining.

Add Music

Using music in videos is quite a common practice; however, it becomes quite exciting if you speed ramp your video according to the music. For example, time the slo-mo effect with the more silent or riverbed parts of the music, and speed it up when the crescendo comes.

You can do this easily with the auto beat-sync feature in Filmora that matches the music with the footage.

Auto beat sync in WonderShare Filmora

How’s that for a thrilling video?

Speed Ramp for Transitions

Here’s a bonus tip! Use speed ramping at the end of one clip and the beginning of the next one to create a seamless flow between the two. It’ll also give a transition effect and make your brand video look professional.

So you see, you have ample options to add a touch of creativity to your brand videos. The key is to use a good video editor and the right video editing tools.

Wrapping Up

Shooting a brand video is easy, and it’s even easier to edit it. All you need is to let your creativity flow!

With Wondershare Filmora 11’s new and advanced editing features, making watch-worthy brand videos that give out the desired message and compel the audience to take some action has never been easier!

And, with the useful video editing tips that we have shared, you are just a click away from taking your business to new heights!

So, if you also want to create a video successfully, just like Filmora’s brand video, follow our tips, use the tricks, and edit away!

Try It Free Try It Free

Try It Free Try It Free

Create a Brand Video to Make Your Business Shine

Did you know that 8 out of 10 people go ahead and purchase a product just by watching brand videos?

I’m sure you are looking for similar success when it comes to your brand video.

But you can’t just compel the audience by making any video!

  • It has to be entertaining and inspirational.
  • It has to be innovative.
  • It needs to have something that grabs the audience’s attention.

And, with all this, it should also successfully share your brand’s core values.

So, how do you create such a video?

It’s not about simply whipping out a camera and pressing the record button. A lot of thought is involved in creating a brand video, but most importantly, you need a high-quality video editor to refine your video and make it more fun, entertaining, and innovative - A video editor like Wondershare Filmora.

And that’s what this article is about - How to use the various basic and advanced editing tools in Filmora to create a brand video that makes a difference!

But first, let’s have a look at…

Wondershare Filmora’s Brand Video

What’s so special about it, you ask?

For starters, it fits right into the criteria we mentioned above. It’s innovative, entertaining, vibrant, and fun and showcases all the features of Filmora 11.

Here, see for yourself…

From all the new effects to the AR sticker themes and other video editing features like speed ramping, masking, and green screen effect, the video successfully lets the audience know how creative they can get with Filmora.

But did you see that they didn’t put the features out there just like that! They actually used all the basic and advanced video editing features in the video to give us an idea of what it looks like when put in action.

And the video quality, the content, and the flow of the video speak for themselves.

I mean, I watched the video all the way to the end without getting bored for even a single second. And, being a video editor, I might as well get Filmora 11 after watching the highly compelling video!

Now, if you’re also wow-ed by the video and would like to create a similar one, here are some tips on making a successful brand video using Wondershare Filmora.

Tips to Make a Compelling Brand Video

Like I said earlier, making a video is not simply about getting out your camera and starting recording. Many aspects need to be considered for your video to make the desired impact.

Therefore, here are some tips that might come in handy when making your brand video:

1. Define Your Objective and Audience

The very first thing that you need to think about before starting work on your brand video is its objective and audience.

Define your Objective

What are you trying to achieve from the video? Do you want to create brand awareness, or do you wish to promote a certain product?

Secondly, who’s your target audience? Is your video projected toward people who have no idea who you and your company are? Or are you addressing an existing customer base? Also, are the audience kids or adults? Because you certainly can’t make a video with cartoon characters for an audience who’s looking for something calm and relaxing, and vice versa.

Once you have your objective and audience sorted, it’s time to get busy!

2. Video Scripting

Based on what you’re trying to achieve from your brand video and the target audience, you can decide on the video’s script. This includes the content, the length, and the editing requirements.

Video Scripting

Let’s take your video’s content, for instance:

  • If you’re creating a video for an audience that doesn’t know you, you’ll have to start from the basics, explaining who you are, what you do, and the services you offer.
  • If you’re trying to create a video that tells your brand’s story, you can either keep it inspirational or you could create fun content that will be remembered for years to come!
  • If you’re creating something for the kids, you need to keep it short yet interesting, with many effects that help in grabbing their attention.

Once you have decided what to add to the video, how long it will be, and what its content will be like, you can finally record your video!

3. Video Recording

Now, for many people, recording simply means hitting the record button.

Yes, that might work for vlogs, but when it comes to making a brand video, you need to really put in effort when recording.

Record your brand video

For instance, you should have all the video clips and images you want to include in the video at hand. And they should resonate with your brand voice and match with each other as well.

If we take Wondershare Filmora’s brand video as an example, you can see that the whole video has a vibrant and warm feel to it, which can be seen throughout. It’s not that one clip is darker and the other is lighter; the whole thing sort of blends into each other.

That’s what you should take care of when recording your video. Make sure the background, hues, and overall feel of the video clips and images match each other.

4. Using Your Brand Colors and Logo

Another thing that you should keep in mind when recording is to incorporate your brand colors in the video and throw in your logo. For instance, if your brand colors are red and green, make sure to use them in the text in the video. However, if you’re not using text, you can use the colors in the video frame by having a wall or something in the background of the same colors.

Use colors of your brand in your video

As for the logo, it can be placed anywhere in the video so that the audience learns to recognize it.

But why is using your brand colors and logo so important?

Because your brand colors and logo represent your brand and become its identity in the long run. For example, yellow and red are McDonald’s brand colors and its logo, the yellow ‘M’ in arch form, is recognizable even from a distance.

5. Video Editing

Now comes the most important part of making a brand video: The editing! The part where you refine your video and add final touches to it. If you’ve got a stellar video editing software like Wondershare Filmora, it can do wonders for your video.

Wondershare Filmora at a Glance

Wondershare Filmora |Perfect solution for creating a brand video

Wondershare Filmora has plenty of basic and advanced video editing features to add that wow factor to your video. It can turn a plain boring video into something fun, exciting, and watch-worthy.

For example, the motion tracking feature lets you add an object that follows a certain movement in the video. Then we have the AR stickers that help enhance emotions and add personality to your video. Also, the green screen feature lets you add amazing background to your video to give the desired effect.

Filmora also has many video effects, templates, speed ramping, masking, auto beat sync, voice recording, and other features that can really take your brand video to the next level.

I’m sure you now have the hang of how to make a brand video that makes your business pop. But, you still might be confused about how to make the most of these features using Wondershare Filmora.

Therefore, here are some helpful tips on using these features to make an effective brand video that creates brand awareness and drives sales!

Creative Ideas to Make Brand Videos Using Filmora

If you’re up for making a video just like the video we shared earlier, you’ll need to download Wondershare Filmora from the website. And, once you’re through with this guide, nothing can stop you from making a brand video that sells!

With that sorted, here are some valuable tips and ideas to help you along the way:

1. Level Up Your Motion Tracking

As we mentioned earlier, motion tracking means tracking the movement of an object in the video and then applying the same movement to a newly added object, like text, image, logo, or any clipart.

But that’s quite a common practice, right? I mean, every video editor out there is doing it!

However, there are some ways in which you can get creative with the motion tracking feature using Filmora.


Using Motion-Tracked Texts

While the text in a video looks pretty good itself, you can make it even more impressive by motion tracking it.

For example:

  • Attach a piece of text to your introductory title. If there’s a logo or brand name in the introduction, you can add a tagline, a website address, or your Instagram or Twitter handle to it.
  • If you want to create a context for the audience, add motion-tracked captions in your brand video. This means the captions move with the movement of the subject. It looks stylish, gives relevant information, and helps tell your brand’s story without any narration.

This Fitbit commercial would be an excellent example of motion-tracked captions:

  • If your video has an introductory scene where the frame is moving from one side to the other, you can motion-track the credits so that they move along with the scene and disappear gradually instead of dedicating a single clip to the credits.
  • Highlighting important aspects in a video, like places or names of objects with motion-tracked text, can make your video truly amazing and fun to watch. This would be quite essential if you’re making a video for the real estate or travel business.

Here’s an example:

Hence, when working with Filmora, you can do plenty with the motion tracking feature to make a truly amazing video.

2. Add a Fun Factor with AR Stickers

Now that you know how to use the motion tracking feature in Filmora, let me tell you a secret!

If you incorporate face-tracking AR stickers into your video, you can succeed in creating a brand video that will have the audience glued to the screen!

The purpose of adding AR stickers to your videos is to emphasize reactions, portray enhanced emotions, and add an element of fun. This feature works best if you’re creating a brand video projected toward kids.

AR sticker on face a girl using WonderShare Filmora

So, how can you make the most of these AR stickers?

Create Multiple Characters

If you don’t have people to play different characters, don’t fret! With the AR sticker effect, you can create multiple characters for your video.

For example:

If your video has 3 animal characters, you can use AR stickers depicting a panda, cat, and bunny to show the different characters. Similarly, you can add the sticker with glasses to show a nerdy character. Or, if you’re really getting into the story-telling mode, you can use the pirate sticker to show a pirate.

Magnify Emotions

Sometimes it gets challenging to portray a certain emotion in your video. This is where AR stickers come to the rescue!

If you want to show someone in love, you can use the heart-eyes effect. Or, if you want to show that someone is being good, you can use the angel sticker to put a halo on their head.

There are many options! You just have to use your creative cells and conjure up something that’s unique and stands out from the rest.

3. Ace Your Shoot with the Green Screen Effect

A green-screen effect is quite important when it comes to making an exceptional brand video. It has been used in almost all blockbuster movies, and if you’re looking to make a video of a similar level, we’ve got some tried and tested tips to use the green screen effect to its fullest!

Make Sure the Lighting is Even

When it comes to a green screen, the lighting plays an important part. Make sure the green screen is one shade of green, and the lighting on the screen is even. If parts of the green screen are darker than the rest, the chroma key effect won’t be able to distinguish the different shades.

Contrasting Colors

Make sure the subject in the video isn’t wearing any green clothing, or there aren’t many green objects around, as they might disappear when you apply the green screen effect.

Prevent Motion Blur with High Shutter Speed

When shooting with a green screen background, make sure you keep the shutter speed high to avoid motion blur. Ideally, it should be 2x your frame rate for optimum results. But, at the same time, it shouldn’t be too high, as it can lead to a change in video exposure.

If you keep these tips in mind when shooting a video, you can easily use the chroma key effect in Wondershare Filmora to add your desired background and create an outstanding video.

4. Be Innovative with Effects

A video without effects is as bland as water! So, make your video innovative with the impressive variety of effects available in Wondershare Filmora.

But you can’t just add effects to your video like that! You need to understand when and where to use a certain effect properly.

For example:

Tell Your Story With Split Screen Effect

If you’re telling your brand story from the perspective of different individuals, using the split-screen effect is recommended. You can also use this effect to showcase how one thing is related to another in a cause-and-effect way.

Take this Lexus commercial, for example:

It shows the view from inside the car and from a viewer’s perspective.

Emphasize with Pan and Zoom Effect

As the topic of concern of this article is brand videos, the pan and zoom is an ideal effect for it.

You can easily emphasize its importance and give off an emotional storytelling vibe by zooming in on a person’s face or any other object in the frame. You can also use pan and zoom to add a transition to your video. Here’s an example:

Add Thrill with Transitions

To move from one shot to another, it’s important to add a transition effect in between. You can add different transition styles to link the shots with one another, for instance, the match cut transition to match scenes that are not otherwise linked visually. Or the whip pan transition, which involves a quick rotation of the camera’s axis to give the impression that the scene was shot in one take, although it is two separate clips.

Take Wondershare Filmora’s brand video, for example. You can see how seamlessly it moves from one effect to another. It adds value and makes the video fun to watch.

With the variety of transitions in Filmora’s library, you can add all the effects discussed above to your video for stunning results.

You’ve added motion tracking, used AR stickers, created a mystical background with the green screen effect, and gone innovative with effects. Now, it’s time to wrap up this article with…

5. Energize Your Videos with Speed Ramping

Did you know that speed ramping can actually improve your videos tenfold? Speeding up and slowing down the footage at certain points can have a significant impact. For example, the bullet dodge scene in “Matrix” wouldn’t have been so famous if it wasn’t for the slo-mo effect!

Speed Ramping in WonderShare Filmora

You can’t just randomly add speed ramps to your video. There has to be a purpose behind it! Do you want to emphasize something? Do you want to show a transition? Regardless, you need to time your speed ramping properly.

And here are a few tips for it!

Use Slo-Mo For Action Sequences

If your video has an amazing action scene in it, slow down the speed at that point to emphasize the action and movement. For example, a karate kick in slow motion very clearly shows us how the move is actually performed.

Don’t Use Slo-Mo For Too Long

Another tip is to use the slow-mo only for a few seconds to emphasize something. If you prolong it, it won’t have the desired impact and might even cause the audience to lose focus.

Speed Up Footage for Long Processes

If your video shows a long process, like a time-lapse, it is the perfect time to speed up the footage. Not only do long shots lose the viewer’s attention, but they can also get boring too. A sped up footage on the other hand makes your video aesthetically pleasing and entertaining.

Add Music

Using music in videos is quite a common practice; however, it becomes quite exciting if you speed ramp your video according to the music. For example, time the slo-mo effect with the more silent or riverbed parts of the music, and speed it up when the crescendo comes.

You can do this easily with the auto beat-sync feature in Filmora that matches the music with the footage.

Auto beat sync in WonderShare Filmora

How’s that for a thrilling video?

Speed Ramp for Transitions

Here’s a bonus tip! Use speed ramping at the end of one clip and the beginning of the next one to create a seamless flow between the two. It’ll also give a transition effect and make your brand video look professional.

So you see, you have ample options to add a touch of creativity to your brand videos. The key is to use a good video editor and the right video editing tools.

Wrapping Up

Shooting a brand video is easy, and it’s even easier to edit it. All you need is to let your creativity flow!

With Wondershare Filmora 11’s new and advanced editing features, making watch-worthy brand videos that give out the desired message and compel the audience to take some action has never been easier!

And, with the useful video editing tips that we have shared, you are just a click away from taking your business to new heights!

So, if you also want to create a video successfully, just like Filmora’s brand video, follow our tips, use the tricks, and edit away!

Try It Free Try It Free

Try It Free Try It Free

Create a Brand Video to Make Your Business Shine

Did you know that 8 out of 10 people go ahead and purchase a product just by watching brand videos?

I’m sure you are looking for similar success when it comes to your brand video.

But you can’t just compel the audience by making any video!

  • It has to be entertaining and inspirational.
  • It has to be innovative.
  • It needs to have something that grabs the audience’s attention.

And, with all this, it should also successfully share your brand’s core values.

So, how do you create such a video?

It’s not about simply whipping out a camera and pressing the record button. A lot of thought is involved in creating a brand video, but most importantly, you need a high-quality video editor to refine your video and make it more fun, entertaining, and innovative - A video editor like Wondershare Filmora.

And that’s what this article is about - How to use the various basic and advanced editing tools in Filmora to create a brand video that makes a difference!

But first, let’s have a look at…

Wondershare Filmora’s Brand Video

What’s so special about it, you ask?

For starters, it fits right into the criteria we mentioned above. It’s innovative, entertaining, vibrant, and fun and showcases all the features of Filmora 11.

Here, see for yourself…

From all the new effects to the AR sticker themes and other video editing features like speed ramping, masking, and green screen effect, the video successfully lets the audience know how creative they can get with Filmora.

But did you see that they didn’t put the features out there just like that! They actually used all the basic and advanced video editing features in the video to give us an idea of what it looks like when put in action.

And the video quality, the content, and the flow of the video speak for themselves.

I mean, I watched the video all the way to the end without getting bored for even a single second. And, being a video editor, I might as well get Filmora 11 after watching the highly compelling video!

Now, if you’re also wow-ed by the video and would like to create a similar one, here are some tips on making a successful brand video using Wondershare Filmora.

Tips to Make a Compelling Brand Video

Like I said earlier, making a video is not simply about getting out your camera and starting recording. Many aspects need to be considered for your video to make the desired impact.

Therefore, here are some tips that might come in handy when making your brand video:

1. Define Your Objective and Audience

The very first thing that you need to think about before starting work on your brand video is its objective and audience.

Define your Objective

What are you trying to achieve from the video? Do you want to create brand awareness, or do you wish to promote a certain product?

Secondly, who’s your target audience? Is your video projected toward people who have no idea who you and your company are? Or are you addressing an existing customer base? Also, are the audience kids or adults? Because you certainly can’t make a video with cartoon characters for an audience who’s looking for something calm and relaxing, and vice versa.

Once you have your objective and audience sorted, it’s time to get busy!

2. Video Scripting

Based on what you’re trying to achieve from your brand video and the target audience, you can decide on the video’s script. This includes the content, the length, and the editing requirements.

Video Scripting

Let’s take your video’s content, for instance:

  • If you’re creating a video for an audience that doesn’t know you, you’ll have to start from the basics, explaining who you are, what you do, and the services you offer.
  • If you’re trying to create a video that tells your brand’s story, you can either keep it inspirational or you could create fun content that will be remembered for years to come!
  • If you’re creating something for the kids, you need to keep it short yet interesting, with many effects that help in grabbing their attention.

Once you have decided what to add to the video, how long it will be, and what its content will be like, you can finally record your video!

3. Video Recording

Now, for many people, recording simply means hitting the record button.

Yes, that might work for vlogs, but when it comes to making a brand video, you need to really put in effort when recording.

Record your brand video

For instance, you should have all the video clips and images you want to include in the video at hand. And they should resonate with your brand voice and match with each other as well.

If we take Wondershare Filmora’s brand video as an example, you can see that the whole video has a vibrant and warm feel to it, which can be seen throughout. It’s not that one clip is darker and the other is lighter; the whole thing sort of blends into each other.

That’s what you should take care of when recording your video. Make sure the background, hues, and overall feel of the video clips and images match each other.

4. Using Your Brand Colors and Logo

Another thing that you should keep in mind when recording is to incorporate your brand colors in the video and throw in your logo. For instance, if your brand colors are red and green, make sure to use them in the text in the video. However, if you’re not using text, you can use the colors in the video frame by having a wall or something in the background of the same colors.

Use colors of your brand in your video

As for the logo, it can be placed anywhere in the video so that the audience learns to recognize it.

But why is using your brand colors and logo so important?

Because your brand colors and logo represent your brand and become its identity in the long run. For example, yellow and red are McDonald’s brand colors and its logo, the yellow ‘M’ in arch form, is recognizable even from a distance.

5. Video Editing

Now comes the most important part of making a brand video: The editing! The part where you refine your video and add final touches to it. If you’ve got a stellar video editing software like Wondershare Filmora, it can do wonders for your video.

Wondershare Filmora at a Glance

Wondershare Filmora |Perfect solution for creating a brand video

Wondershare Filmora has plenty of basic and advanced video editing features to add that wow factor to your video. It can turn a plain boring video into something fun, exciting, and watch-worthy.

For example, the motion tracking feature lets you add an object that follows a certain movement in the video. Then we have the AR stickers that help enhance emotions and add personality to your video. Also, the green screen feature lets you add amazing background to your video to give the desired effect.

Filmora also has many video effects, templates, speed ramping, masking, auto beat sync, voice recording, and other features that can really take your brand video to the next level.

I’m sure you now have the hang of how to make a brand video that makes your business pop. But, you still might be confused about how to make the most of these features using Wondershare Filmora.

Therefore, here are some helpful tips on using these features to make an effective brand video that creates brand awareness and drives sales!

Creative Ideas to Make Brand Videos Using Filmora

If you’re up for making a video just like the video we shared earlier, you’ll need to download Wondershare Filmora from the website. And, once you’re through with this guide, nothing can stop you from making a brand video that sells!

With that sorted, here are some valuable tips and ideas to help you along the way:

1. Level Up Your Motion Tracking

As we mentioned earlier, motion tracking means tracking the movement of an object in the video and then applying the same movement to a newly added object, like text, image, logo, or any clipart.

But that’s quite a common practice, right? I mean, every video editor out there is doing it!

However, there are some ways in which you can get creative with the motion tracking feature using Filmora.


Using Motion-Tracked Texts

While the text in a video looks pretty good itself, you can make it even more impressive by motion tracking it.

For example:

  • Attach a piece of text to your introductory title. If there’s a logo or brand name in the introduction, you can add a tagline, a website address, or your Instagram or Twitter handle to it.
  • If you want to create a context for the audience, add motion-tracked captions in your brand video. This means the captions move with the movement of the subject. It looks stylish, gives relevant information, and helps tell your brand’s story without any narration.

This Fitbit commercial would be an excellent example of motion-tracked captions:

  • If your video has an introductory scene where the frame is moving from one side to the other, you can motion-track the credits so that they move along with the scene and disappear gradually instead of dedicating a single clip to the credits.
  • Highlighting important aspects in a video, like places or names of objects with motion-tracked text, can make your video truly amazing and fun to watch. This would be quite essential if you’re making a video for the real estate or travel business.

Here’s an example:

Hence, when working with Filmora, you can do plenty with the motion tracking feature to make a truly amazing video.

2. Add a Fun Factor with AR Stickers

Now that you know how to use the motion tracking feature in Filmora, let me tell you a secret!

If you incorporate face-tracking AR stickers into your video, you can succeed in creating a brand video that will have the audience glued to the screen!

The purpose of adding AR stickers to your videos is to emphasize reactions, portray enhanced emotions, and add an element of fun. This feature works best if you’re creating a brand video projected toward kids.

AR sticker on face a girl using WonderShare Filmora

So, how can you make the most of these AR stickers?

Create Multiple Characters

If you don’t have people to play different characters, don’t fret! With the AR sticker effect, you can create multiple characters for your video.

For example:

If your video has 3 animal characters, you can use AR stickers depicting a panda, cat, and bunny to show the different characters. Similarly, you can add the sticker with glasses to show a nerdy character. Or, if you’re really getting into the story-telling mode, you can use the pirate sticker to show a pirate.

Magnify Emotions

Sometimes it gets challenging to portray a certain emotion in your video. This is where AR stickers come to the rescue!

If you want to show someone in love, you can use the heart-eyes effect. Or, if you want to show that someone is being good, you can use the angel sticker to put a halo on their head.

There are many options! You just have to use your creative cells and conjure up something that’s unique and stands out from the rest.

3. Ace Your Shoot with the Green Screen Effect

A green-screen effect is quite important when it comes to making an exceptional brand video. It has been used in almost all blockbuster movies, and if you’re looking to make a video of a similar level, we’ve got some tried and tested tips to use the green screen effect to its fullest!

Make Sure the Lighting is Even

When it comes to a green screen, the lighting plays an important part. Make sure the green screen is one shade of green, and the lighting on the screen is even. If parts of the green screen are darker than the rest, the chroma key effect won’t be able to distinguish the different shades.

Contrasting Colors

Make sure the subject in the video isn’t wearing any green clothing, or there aren’t many green objects around, as they might disappear when you apply the green screen effect.

Prevent Motion Blur with High Shutter Speed

When shooting with a green screen background, make sure you keep the shutter speed high to avoid motion blur. Ideally, it should be 2x your frame rate for optimum results. But, at the same time, it shouldn’t be too high, as it can lead to a change in video exposure.

If you keep these tips in mind when shooting a video, you can easily use the chroma key effect in Wondershare Filmora to add your desired background and create an outstanding video.

4. Be Innovative with Effects

A video without effects is as bland as water! So, make your video innovative with the impressive variety of effects available in Wondershare Filmora.

But you can’t just add effects to your video like that! You need to understand when and where to use a certain effect properly.

For example:

Tell Your Story With Split Screen Effect

If you’re telling your brand story from the perspective of different individuals, using the split-screen effect is recommended. You can also use this effect to showcase how one thing is related to another in a cause-and-effect way.

Take this Lexus commercial, for example:

It shows the view from inside the car and from a viewer’s perspective.

Emphasize with Pan and Zoom Effect

As the topic of concern of this article is brand videos, the pan and zoom is an ideal effect for it.

You can easily emphasize its importance and give off an emotional storytelling vibe by zooming in on a person’s face or any other object in the frame. You can also use pan and zoom to add a transition to your video. Here’s an example:

Add Thrill with Transitions

To move from one shot to another, it’s important to add a transition effect in between. You can add different transition styles to link the shots with one another, for instance, the match cut transition to match scenes that are not otherwise linked visually. Or the whip pan transition, which involves a quick rotation of the camera’s axis to give the impression that the scene was shot in one take, although it is two separate clips.

Take Wondershare Filmora’s brand video, for example. You can see how seamlessly it moves from one effect to another. It adds value and makes the video fun to watch.

With the variety of transitions in Filmora’s library, you can add all the effects discussed above to your video for stunning results.

You’ve added motion tracking, used AR stickers, created a mystical background with the green screen effect, and gone innovative with effects. Now, it’s time to wrap up this article with…

5. Energize Your Videos with Speed Ramping

Did you know that speed ramping can actually improve your videos tenfold? Speeding up and slowing down the footage at certain points can have a significant impact. For example, the bullet dodge scene in “Matrix” wouldn’t have been so famous if it wasn’t for the slo-mo effect!

Speed Ramping in WonderShare Filmora

You can’t just randomly add speed ramps to your video. There has to be a purpose behind it! Do you want to emphasize something? Do you want to show a transition? Regardless, you need to time your speed ramping properly.

And here are a few tips for it!

Use Slo-Mo For Action Sequences

If your video has an amazing action scene in it, slow down the speed at that point to emphasize the action and movement. For example, a karate kick in slow motion very clearly shows us how the move is actually performed.

Don’t Use Slo-Mo For Too Long

Another tip is to use the slow-mo only for a few seconds to emphasize something. If you prolong it, it won’t have the desired impact and might even cause the audience to lose focus.

Speed Up Footage for Long Processes

If your video shows a long process, like a time-lapse, it is the perfect time to speed up the footage. Not only do long shots lose the viewer’s attention, but they can also get boring too. A sped up footage on the other hand makes your video aesthetically pleasing and entertaining.

Add Music

Using music in videos is quite a common practice; however, it becomes quite exciting if you speed ramp your video according to the music. For example, time the slo-mo effect with the more silent or riverbed parts of the music, and speed it up when the crescendo comes.

You can do this easily with the auto beat-sync feature in Filmora that matches the music with the footage.

Auto beat sync in WonderShare Filmora

How’s that for a thrilling video?

Speed Ramp for Transitions

Here’s a bonus tip! Use speed ramping at the end of one clip and the beginning of the next one to create a seamless flow between the two. It’ll also give a transition effect and make your brand video look professional.

So you see, you have ample options to add a touch of creativity to your brand videos. The key is to use a good video editor and the right video editing tools.

Wrapping Up

Shooting a brand video is easy, and it’s even easier to edit it. All you need is to let your creativity flow!

With Wondershare Filmora 11’s new and advanced editing features, making watch-worthy brand videos that give out the desired message and compel the audience to take some action has never been easier!

And, with the useful video editing tips that we have shared, you are just a click away from taking your business to new heights!

So, if you also want to create a video successfully, just like Filmora’s brand video, follow our tips, use the tricks, and edit away!

Try It Free Try It Free

Powerpoint Supported Video Format and Advanced User Tips

It doesn’t matter if you are a student or a working person; you must have made a PowerPoint presentation in your life. It can be a business presentation, educational presentation, or any work-related presentation if you are an employee. The types of presentation may vary, but the way to make a presentation is almost the same.

We are here to share a few tips and tricks to make your presentations unique like, you can add videos, voice-overs, and much more things. Remember one thing; there are certain video formats that PowerPoint supports. The video formats for PowerPoint presentations are discussed below, read ahead, and you’ll know more about them.

In this article

01 Overview of PowerPoint Supported Video Format

02 How to Insert or Embed Video in PowerPoint?

03 How to Turn Your Presentation into A Video with PowerPoint?

04 How to Match Color and Remove Image Background in PowerPoint?

Part 1. Overview of PowerPoint Supported Video Format

The supported video formats for PowerPoint are different for both Windows and macOS. All the supported formats for both types of the operating system are discussed below individually:

powerpoint supported formats


ASF: Advanced System Format (ASF) is a proprietary video and audio container format. It is an extensible file format design.

AVI: AVI is an Audio Video Interleave file. It is a multimedia container format made by Microsoft. It allows synchronous audio with video playback.

MP4, M4V, MOV: MPEG-4 file format is also known as MP4 or M4V. It is a common video file format. In comparison, MOV is developed by Apple Inc. It is the same as MP4 but is made for Apple devices.

MPEG, MPG: It is a famous file format for movies that are distributed over the internet. They use specific compression that makes downloading and steaming easy and fast.

WMV: WMV was introduced by Microsoft, and it stands for Windows Media Video. It is a compressed file container. The format is based on ASF.


AVI, VFW: AVI stands for Audio Video Interleave, and VFW stands for Video for Windows. Both are multimedia container files. AVI is encoded into VFW.

MP4, MPEG-4: MP4 is a digital video file format. MPEG-4 uses compression, but it is less common than the MP4 extension. MPEG encodes audio tracks.

M4V: It is a video container format developed by Apple Inc. It is similar to MP4. MV4 is used to encode video files in iTunes.

MPG, MPEG, MPE, M75, M15: MPG, MPEG, MPE, M75, and M15 are all the different types of formats developed by the Moving Pictures Expert Group.

M2V: It contains only video data and no other files. It is encoded by using MPEG-2 compression. It is mostly used by DVD authorized applications.

TS: It is a Video Transport Stream file and is used to store MPEG-2 compressed video data. It is used by digital broadcasting systems.

MOV, QT: QT and MOV both were developed by Apple Inc. Both the formats can hold multiple types of multimedia formats (audio, video, and subtitles).

DIF: DIF stands for Data Interchange Format. It is a text-based file format and is used for tabular and spreadsheet data. It is also used to transfer data between spreadsheets.

Part 2. How to Insert or Embed Video in PowerPoint?

PowerPoint is the simplest way to make a presentation. You might impress your boss with a good presentation. Do you ever consider adding videos from your computer across your slides? Have you ever embedded a video in PowerPoint? Allow us to help you out with this. The process to insert or embed a video in PowerPoint is not difficult; you can do this in a few simple steps.

How to Insert a Video in PowerPoint

The video format for PowerPoint differs for different versions. The steps to insert a video in PowerPoint do not deviate much. You can follow the following instructions and insert the video:

Step 1: First, you need to select the slide in which the video is supposed to be inserted. Select the video from the device you are using by heading to the ‘Insert’ tab. There, look for the ‘Video’ option and click on it to select the ‘This Device’ option.

tap on this device

Step 2: After you have located and selected the video, click on ‘Insert.’ Adjust the video settings from the ‘Format’ and ‘Playback’ toolbar according to your needs. You can resize the video, add effects, play full screen, etc.

edit your inserted video

Step 3: After all the settings are done, you need to preview the slideshow to check if the video is playing according to your desire or not.

try powerpoint slideshow

How to Embed a Video in PowerPoint

If you are looking to add an online video across PowerPoint, the platform allows you to either embed its code or use its URL for adding it within your slides. To follow this, look into the steps featured below.

Step 1: Access the online video across your browser that you wish to embed in your PowerPoint slides. You can either copy its embed code or simply copy its URL. However, this video can only be from YouTube, SlideShare, Vimeo, Stream, or Flipgrid, as allowed by PowerPoint.

copy url or embed code

Step 2: Once copied, open your slides, and navigate to the “Insert” panel. Select “Video” from the available options and proceed to click on “Online Videos.”

select online video option

Step 3: A new window opens up. Paste the copied code or URL across the provided space and tap “Insert” to add the online video across your slides. You can enhance the video across the “Video Format” and “Playback” sections.

tap on insert button

Part 3. How to Turn Your Presentation into A Video with PowerPoint?

Inserting videos in PowerPoint presentations is normal; now, it’s time to discover something new. Have you ever thought of making a PowerPoint presentation a video itself? It is interesting! Your superior authority might get impressed and give you a promotion; who knows.

How to save your presentation as a video in PowerPoint? It can be done in a few simple steps. These steps are concisely discussed in the section below; follow to help yourself.

Step 1: You need to save the presentation that you made at first. After saving the original file, you need to click on ‘Export’ from the main menu.

access export option

Step 2: From the ‘Export’ menu, click on the ‘Create Video’ option. Select the video quality as per your needs. You can use pre-recorded narrations with the timings. In case no recorded narrations exist, you can record your own.

choose video quality

Step 3: The recorded narration will play over your video. If you don’t want narrations, you can simply skip these settings and move on.

select your narration

Step 4: Next step is to select how much time a single slide will be shown. Keep in mind the longest slide; select an appropriate time so that all the material in the slides can be read easily.

customize per slide time

Step 5: Now, moving towards the final step, click on ‘Create Video.’ This will generate and save the new PowerPoint video on your respective device.

initiate video creation process

Part 4. How to Match Color and Remove Image Background in PowerPoint?

There are two different things that you can do to make your presentation better. These are distinctive concerning video format for PowerPoint. Removal of background in PowerPoint is discussed, followed by Color Matching.

Remove Image Background

A simple way to remove background in PowerPoint is discussed in the following steps, read them for further assistance:

Step 1: Start by opening the PowerPoint software. Afterward, move to the ‘Insert’ tab and hit the ‘Pictures’ option to insert the image you plan to work with. As you click the photo, the ‘Picture Format’ tab will appear on the taskbar. Select the ‘Remove Background’ option on the left-most side below the taskbar.

tap on remove background

Step 2: When you click ‘Remove Background,’ it will give options. Select the ‘Mark Areas to Keep’ option and draw the section that you want to save. You can also select the option ‘Mark Areas to Remove.’ It depends on the type of photo on which the task is being performed.

select remove or keep option

Step 3: Once all the necessary editing is done, click on the option ‘Keep Changes.’ You can save the image separately by clicking on ‘Save as Picture.’

image background removed powerpoint

Match Color in PowerPoint

Eyedropper helps you to match colors in your presentation. This takes a few clicks, and you have done color matching.

Step 1: For this, you need to open PowerPoint and select the image that you want to match the color of its background with the rest of the slide. Navigate to the “Design” panel and select the “Format Background” option.

tap on format background

Step 2: Click on ‘Drawing tool’ from the ribbon. Select the option of ‘Solid Fill’ from the menu bar at the top of the screen. Now, from ‘Solid Fill,’ move the mouse towards the ‘Eyedropper’ option. Tap on the background color that you wish to match within the background.

select eyedropper option

Step 3: Select the area that you want to change the background to its desired color. Access the option of “Solid Fill” after selecting the appropriate section of the document and select the color from the preview window present in the recent colors.

select your color

Closing Words

After reading the above article, you will be able to make incredible PowerPoint presentations. As videos add great information to your presentation so hence, we discussed in detail various video formats for PowerPoint. Now let’s share something new.

Do you know anything about Wondershare Filmora ? The software is a video editor with tons of great features and functionalities. You can create stunning videos with Filmora and its wide list of features. The video editor lets you trim, join, cut, split, and do much more than this. You get so many different effects, transitions, and elements with Filmora.

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

02 How to Insert or Embed Video in PowerPoint?

03 How to Turn Your Presentation into A Video with PowerPoint?

04 How to Match Color and Remove Image Background in PowerPoint?

Part 1. Overview of PowerPoint Supported Video Format

The supported video formats for PowerPoint are different for both Windows and macOS. All the supported formats for both types of the operating system are discussed below individually:

powerpoint supported formats


ASF: Advanced System Format (ASF) is a proprietary video and audio container format. It is an extensible file format design.

AVI: AVI is an Audio Video Interleave file. It is a multimedia container format made by Microsoft. It allows synchronous audio with video playback.

MP4, M4V, MOV: MPEG-4 file format is also known as MP4 or M4V. It is a common video file format. In comparison, MOV is developed by Apple Inc. It is the same as MP4 but is made for Apple devices.

MPEG, MPG: It is a famous file format for movies that are distributed over the internet. They use specific compression that makes downloading and steaming easy and fast.

WMV: WMV was introduced by Microsoft, and it stands for Windows Media Video. It is a compressed file container. The format is based on ASF.


AVI, VFW: AVI stands for Audio Video Interleave, and VFW stands for Video for Windows. Both are multimedia container files. AVI is encoded into VFW.

MP4, MPEG-4: MP4 is a digital video file format. MPEG-4 uses compression, but it is less common than the MP4 extension. MPEG encodes audio tracks.

M4V: It is a video container format developed by Apple Inc. It is similar to MP4. MV4 is used to encode video files in iTunes.

MPG, MPEG, MPE, M75, M15: MPG, MPEG, MPE, M75, and M15 are all the different types of formats developed by the Moving Pictures Expert Group.

M2V: It contains only video data and no other files. It is encoded by using MPEG-2 compression. It is mostly used by DVD authorized applications.

TS: It is a Video Transport Stream file and is used to store MPEG-2 compressed video data. It is used by digital broadcasting systems.

MOV, QT: QT and MOV both were developed by Apple Inc. Both the formats can hold multiple types of multimedia formats (audio, video, and subtitles).

DIF: DIF stands for Data Interchange Format. It is a text-based file format and is used for tabular and spreadsheet data. It is also used to transfer data between spreadsheets.

Part 2. How to Insert or Embed Video in PowerPoint?

PowerPoint is the simplest way to make a presentation. You might impress your boss with a good presentation. Do you ever consider adding videos from your computer across your slides? Have you ever embedded a video in PowerPoint? Allow us to help you out with this. The process to insert or embed a video in PowerPoint is not difficult; you can do this in a few simple steps.

How to Insert a Video in PowerPoint

The video format for PowerPoint differs for different versions. The steps to insert a video in PowerPoint do not deviate much. You can follow the following instructions and insert the video:

Step 1: First, you need to select the slide in which the video is supposed to be inserted. Select the video from the device you are using by heading to the ‘Insert’ tab. There, look for the ‘Video’ option and click on it to select the ‘This Device’ option.

tap on this device

Step 2: After you have located and selected the video, click on ‘Insert.’ Adjust the video settings from the ‘Format’ and ‘Playback’ toolbar according to your needs. You can resize the video, add effects, play full screen, etc.

edit your inserted video

Step 3: After all the settings are done, you need to preview the slideshow to check if the video is playing according to your desire or not.

try powerpoint slideshow

How to Embed a Video in PowerPoint

If you are looking to add an online video across PowerPoint, the platform allows you to either embed its code or use its URL for adding it within your slides. To follow this, look into the steps featured below.

Step 1: Access the online video across your browser that you wish to embed in your PowerPoint slides. You can either copy its embed code or simply copy its URL. However, this video can only be from YouTube, SlideShare, Vimeo, Stream, or Flipgrid, as allowed by PowerPoint.

copy url or embed code

Step 2: Once copied, open your slides, and navigate to the “Insert” panel. Select “Video” from the available options and proceed to click on “Online Videos.”

select online video option

Step 3: A new window opens up. Paste the copied code or URL across the provided space and tap “Insert” to add the online video across your slides. You can enhance the video across the “Video Format” and “Playback” sections.

tap on insert button

Part 3. How to Turn Your Presentation into A Video with PowerPoint?

Inserting videos in PowerPoint presentations is normal; now, it’s time to discover something new. Have you ever thought of making a PowerPoint presentation a video itself? It is interesting! Your superior authority might get impressed and give you a promotion; who knows.

How to save your presentation as a video in PowerPoint? It can be done in a few simple steps. These steps are concisely discussed in the section below; follow to help yourself.

Step 1: You need to save the presentation that you made at first. After saving the original file, you need to click on ‘Export’ from the main menu.

access export option

Step 2: From the ‘Export’ menu, click on the ‘Create Video’ option. Select the video quality as per your needs. You can use pre-recorded narrations with the timings. In case no recorded narrations exist, you can record your own.

choose video quality

Step 3: The recorded narration will play over your video. If you don’t want narrations, you can simply skip these settings and move on.

select your narration

Step 4: Next step is to select how much time a single slide will be shown. Keep in mind the longest slide; select an appropriate time so that all the material in the slides can be read easily.

customize per slide time

Step 5: Now, moving towards the final step, click on ‘Create Video.’ This will generate and save the new PowerPoint video on your respective device.

initiate video creation process

Part 4. How to Match Color and Remove Image Background in PowerPoint?

There are two different things that you can do to make your presentation better. These are distinctive concerning video format for PowerPoint. Removal of background in PowerPoint is discussed, followed by Color Matching.

Remove Image Background

A simple way to remove background in PowerPoint is discussed in the following steps, read them for further assistance:

Step 1: Start by opening the PowerPoint software. Afterward, move to the ‘Insert’ tab and hit the ‘Pictures’ option to insert the image you plan to work with. As you click the photo, the ‘Picture Format’ tab will appear on the taskbar. Select the ‘Remove Background’ option on the left-most side below the taskbar.

tap on remove background

Step 2: When you click ‘Remove Background,’ it will give options. Select the ‘Mark Areas to Keep’ option and draw the section that you want to save. You can also select the option ‘Mark Areas to Remove.’ It depends on the type of photo on which the task is being performed.

select remove or keep option

Step 3: Once all the necessary editing is done, click on the option ‘Keep Changes.’ You can save the image separately by clicking on ‘Save as Picture.’

image background removed powerpoint

Match Color in PowerPoint

Eyedropper helps you to match colors in your presentation. This takes a few clicks, and you have done color matching.

Step 1: For this, you need to open PowerPoint and select the image that you want to match the color of its background with the rest of the slide. Navigate to the “Design” panel and select the “Format Background” option.

tap on format background

Step 2: Click on ‘Drawing tool’ from the ribbon. Select the option of ‘Solid Fill’ from the menu bar at the top of the screen. Now, from ‘Solid Fill,’ move the mouse towards the ‘Eyedropper’ option. Tap on the background color that you wish to match within the background.

select eyedropper option

Step 3: Select the area that you want to change the background to its desired color. Access the option of “Solid Fill” after selecting the appropriate section of the document and select the color from the preview window present in the recent colors.

select your color

Closing Words

After reading the above article, you will be able to make incredible PowerPoint presentations. As videos add great information to your presentation so hence, we discussed in detail various video formats for PowerPoint. Now let’s share something new.

Do you know anything about Wondershare Filmora ? The software is a video editor with tons of great features and functionalities. You can create stunning videos with Filmora and its wide list of features. The video editor lets you trim, join, cut, split, and do much more than this. You get so many different effects, transitions, and elements with Filmora.

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

02 How to Insert or Embed Video in PowerPoint?

03 How to Turn Your Presentation into A Video with PowerPoint?

04 How to Match Color and Remove Image Background in PowerPoint?

Part 1. Overview of PowerPoint Supported Video Format

The supported video formats for PowerPoint are different for both Windows and macOS. All the supported formats for both types of the operating system are discussed below individually:

powerpoint supported formats


ASF: Advanced System Format (ASF) is a proprietary video and audio container format. It is an extensible file format design.

AVI: AVI is an Audio Video Interleave file. It is a multimedia container format made by Microsoft. It allows synchronous audio with video playback.

MP4, M4V, MOV: MPEG-4 file format is also known as MP4 or M4V. It is a common video file format. In comparison, MOV is developed by Apple Inc. It is the same as MP4 but is made for Apple devices.

MPEG, MPG: It is a famous file format for movies that are distributed over the internet. They use specific compression that makes downloading and steaming easy and fast.

WMV: WMV was introduced by Microsoft, and it stands for Windows Media Video. It is a compressed file container. The format is based on ASF.


AVI, VFW: AVI stands for Audio Video Interleave, and VFW stands for Video for Windows. Both are multimedia container files. AVI is encoded into VFW.

MP4, MPEG-4: MP4 is a digital video file format. MPEG-4 uses compression, but it is less common than the MP4 extension. MPEG encodes audio tracks.

M4V: It is a video container format developed by Apple Inc. It is similar to MP4. MV4 is used to encode video files in iTunes.

MPG, MPEG, MPE, M75, M15: MPG, MPEG, MPE, M75, and M15 are all the different types of formats developed by the Moving Pictures Expert Group.

M2V: It contains only video data and no other files. It is encoded by using MPEG-2 compression. It is mostly used by DVD authorized applications.

TS: It is a Video Transport Stream file and is used to store MPEG-2 compressed video data. It is used by digital broadcasting systems.

MOV, QT: QT and MOV both were developed by Apple Inc. Both the formats can hold multiple types of multimedia formats (audio, video, and subtitles).

DIF: DIF stands for Data Interchange Format. It is a text-based file format and is used for tabular and spreadsheet data. It is also used to transfer data between spreadsheets.

Part 2. How to Insert or Embed Video in PowerPoint?

PowerPoint is the simplest way to make a presentation. You might impress your boss with a good presentation. Do you ever consider adding videos from your computer across your slides? Have you ever embedded a video in PowerPoint? Allow us to help you out with this. The process to insert or embed a video in PowerPoint is not difficult; you can do this in a few simple steps.

How to Insert a Video in PowerPoint

The video format for PowerPoint differs for different versions. The steps to insert a video in PowerPoint do not deviate much. You can follow the following instructions and insert the video:

Step 1: First, you need to select the slide in which the video is supposed to be inserted. Select the video from the device you are using by heading to the ‘Insert’ tab. There, look for the ‘Video’ option and click on it to select the ‘This Device’ option.

tap on this device

Step 2: After you have located and selected the video, click on ‘Insert.’ Adjust the video settings from the ‘Format’ and ‘Playback’ toolbar according to your needs. You can resize the video, add effects, play full screen, etc.

edit your inserted video

Step 3: After all the settings are done, you need to preview the slideshow to check if the video is playing according to your desire or not.

try powerpoint slideshow

How to Embed a Video in PowerPoint

If you are looking to add an online video across PowerPoint, the platform allows you to either embed its code or use its URL for adding it within your slides. To follow this, look into the steps featured below.

Step 1: Access the online video across your browser that you wish to embed in your PowerPoint slides. You can either copy its embed code or simply copy its URL. However, this video can only be from YouTube, SlideShare, Vimeo, Stream, or Flipgrid, as allowed by PowerPoint.

copy url or embed code

Step 2: Once copied, open your slides, and navigate to the “Insert” panel. Select “Video” from the available options and proceed to click on “Online Videos.”

select online video option

Step 3: A new window opens up. Paste the copied code or URL across the provided space and tap “Insert” to add the online video across your slides. You can enhance the video across the “Video Format” and “Playback” sections.

tap on insert button

Part 3. How to Turn Your Presentation into A Video with PowerPoint?

Inserting videos in PowerPoint presentations is normal; now, it’s time to discover something new. Have you ever thought of making a PowerPoint presentation a video itself? It is interesting! Your superior authority might get impressed and give you a promotion; who knows.

How to save your presentation as a video in PowerPoint? It can be done in a few simple steps. These steps are concisely discussed in the section below; follow to help yourself.

Step 1: You need to save the presentation that you made at first. After saving the original file, you need to click on ‘Export’ from the main menu.

access export option

Step 2: From the ‘Export’ menu, click on the ‘Create Video’ option. Select the video quality as per your needs. You can use pre-recorded narrations with the timings. In case no recorded narrations exist, you can record your own.

choose video quality

Step 3: The recorded narration will play over your video. If you don’t want narrations, you can simply skip these settings and move on.

select your narration

Step 4: Next step is to select how much time a single slide will be shown. Keep in mind the longest slide; select an appropriate time so that all the material in the slides can be read easily.

customize per slide time

Step 5: Now, moving towards the final step, click on ‘Create Video.’ This will generate and save the new PowerPoint video on your respective device.

initiate video creation process

Part 4. How to Match Color and Remove Image Background in PowerPoint?

There are two different things that you can do to make your presentation better. These are distinctive concerning video format for PowerPoint. Removal of background in PowerPoint is discussed, followed by Color Matching.

Remove Image Background

A simple way to remove background in PowerPoint is discussed in the following steps, read them for further assistance:

Step 1: Start by opening the PowerPoint software. Afterward, move to the ‘Insert’ tab and hit the ‘Pictures’ option to insert the image you plan to work with. As you click the photo, the ‘Picture Format’ tab will appear on the taskbar. Select the ‘Remove Background’ option on the left-most side below the taskbar.

tap on remove background

Step 2: When you click ‘Remove Background,’ it will give options. Select the ‘Mark Areas to Keep’ option and draw the section that you want to save. You can also select the option ‘Mark Areas to Remove.’ It depends on the type of photo on which the task is being performed.

select remove or keep option

Step 3: Once all the necessary editing is done, click on the option ‘Keep Changes.’ You can save the image separately by clicking on ‘Save as Picture.’

image background removed powerpoint

Match Color in PowerPoint

Eyedropper helps you to match colors in your presentation. This takes a few clicks, and you have done color matching.

Step 1: For this, you need to open PowerPoint and select the image that you want to match the color of its background with the rest of the slide. Navigate to the “Design” panel and select the “Format Background” option.

tap on format background

Step 2: Click on ‘Drawing tool’ from the ribbon. Select the option of ‘Solid Fill’ from the menu bar at the top of the screen. Now, from ‘Solid Fill,’ move the mouse towards the ‘Eyedropper’ option. Tap on the background color that you wish to match within the background.

select eyedropper option

Step 3: Select the area that you want to change the background to its desired color. Access the option of “Solid Fill” after selecting the appropriate section of the document and select the color from the preview window present in the recent colors.

select your color

Closing Words

After reading the above article, you will be able to make incredible PowerPoint presentations. As videos add great information to your presentation so hence, we discussed in detail various video formats for PowerPoint. Now let’s share something new.

Do you know anything about Wondershare Filmora ? The software is a video editor with tons of great features and functionalities. You can create stunning videos with Filmora and its wide list of features. The video editor lets you trim, join, cut, split, and do much more than this. You get so many different effects, transitions, and elements with Filmora.

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

02 How to Insert or Embed Video in PowerPoint?

03 How to Turn Your Presentation into A Video with PowerPoint?

04 How to Match Color and Remove Image Background in PowerPoint?

Part 1. Overview of PowerPoint Supported Video Format

The supported video formats for PowerPoint are different for both Windows and macOS. All the supported formats for both types of the operating system are discussed below individually:

powerpoint supported formats


ASF: Advanced System Format (ASF) is a proprietary video and audio container format. It is an extensible file format design.

AVI: AVI is an Audio Video Interleave file. It is a multimedia container format made by Microsoft. It allows synchronous audio with video playback.

MP4, M4V, MOV: MPEG-4 file format is also known as MP4 or M4V. It is a common video file format. In comparison, MOV is developed by Apple Inc. It is the same as MP4 but is made for Apple devices.

MPEG, MPG: It is a famous file format for movies that are distributed over the internet. They use specific compression that makes downloading and steaming easy and fast.

WMV: WMV was introduced by Microsoft, and it stands for Windows Media Video. It is a compressed file container. The format is based on ASF.


AVI, VFW: AVI stands for Audio Video Interleave, and VFW stands for Video for Windows. Both are multimedia container files. AVI is encoded into VFW.

MP4, MPEG-4: MP4 is a digital video file format. MPEG-4 uses compression, but it is less common than the MP4 extension. MPEG encodes audio tracks.

M4V: It is a video container format developed by Apple Inc. It is similar to MP4. MV4 is used to encode video files in iTunes.

MPG, MPEG, MPE, M75, M15: MPG, MPEG, MPE, M75, and M15 are all the different types of formats developed by the Moving Pictures Expert Group.

M2V: It contains only video data and no other files. It is encoded by using MPEG-2 compression. It is mostly used by DVD authorized applications.

TS: It is a Video Transport Stream file and is used to store MPEG-2 compressed video data. It is used by digital broadcasting systems.

MOV, QT: QT and MOV both were developed by Apple Inc. Both the formats can hold multiple types of multimedia formats (audio, video, and subtitles).

DIF: DIF stands for Data Interchange Format. It is a text-based file format and is used for tabular and spreadsheet data. It is also used to transfer data between spreadsheets.

Part 2. How to Insert or Embed Video in PowerPoint?

PowerPoint is the simplest way to make a presentation. You might impress your boss with a good presentation. Do you ever consider adding videos from your computer across your slides? Have you ever embedded a video in PowerPoint? Allow us to help you out with this. The process to insert or embed a video in PowerPoint is not difficult; you can do this in a few simple steps.

How to Insert a Video in PowerPoint

The video format for PowerPoint differs for different versions. The steps to insert a video in PowerPoint do not deviate much. You can follow the following instructions and insert the video:

Step 1: First, you need to select the slide in which the video is supposed to be inserted. Select the video from the device you are using by heading to the ‘Insert’ tab. There, look for the ‘Video’ option and click on it to select the ‘This Device’ option.

tap on this device

Step 2: After you have located and selected the video, click on ‘Insert.’ Adjust the video settings from the ‘Format’ and ‘Playback’ toolbar according to your needs. You can resize the video, add effects, play full screen, etc.

edit your inserted video

Step 3: After all the settings are done, you need to preview the slideshow to check if the video is playing according to your desire or not.

try powerpoint slideshow

How to Embed a Video in PowerPoint

If you are looking to add an online video across PowerPoint, the platform allows you to either embed its code or use its URL for adding it within your slides. To follow this, look into the steps featured below.

Step 1: Access the online video across your browser that you wish to embed in your PowerPoint slides. You can either copy its embed code or simply copy its URL. However, this video can only be from YouTube, SlideShare, Vimeo, Stream, or Flipgrid, as allowed by PowerPoint.

copy url or embed code

Step 2: Once copied, open your slides, and navigate to the “Insert” panel. Select “Video” from the available options and proceed to click on “Online Videos.”

select online video option

Step 3: A new window opens up. Paste the copied code or URL across the provided space and tap “Insert” to add the online video across your slides. You can enhance the video across the “Video Format” and “Playback” sections.

tap on insert button

Part 3. How to Turn Your Presentation into A Video with PowerPoint?

Inserting videos in PowerPoint presentations is normal; now, it’s time to discover something new. Have you ever thought of making a PowerPoint presentation a video itself? It is interesting! Your superior authority might get impressed and give you a promotion; who knows.

How to save your presentation as a video in PowerPoint? It can be done in a few simple steps. These steps are concisely discussed in the section below; follow to help yourself.

Step 1: You need to save the presentation that you made at first. After saving the original file, you need to click on ‘Export’ from the main menu.

access export option

Step 2: From the ‘Export’ menu, click on the ‘Create Video’ option. Select the video quality as per your needs. You can use pre-recorded narrations with the timings. In case no recorded narrations exist, you can record your own.

choose video quality

Step 3: The recorded narration will play over your video. If you don’t want narrations, you can simply skip these settings and move on.

select your narration

Step 4: Next step is to select how much time a single slide will be shown. Keep in mind the longest slide; select an appropriate time so that all the material in the slides can be read easily.

customize per slide time

Step 5: Now, moving towards the final step, click on ‘Create Video.’ This will generate and save the new PowerPoint video on your respective device.

initiate video creation process

Part 4. How to Match Color and Remove Image Background in PowerPoint?

There are two different things that you can do to make your presentation better. These are distinctive concerning video format for PowerPoint. Removal of background in PowerPoint is discussed, followed by Color Matching.

Remove Image Background

A simple way to remove background in PowerPoint is discussed in the following steps, read them for further assistance:

Step 1: Start by opening the PowerPoint software. Afterward, move to the ‘Insert’ tab and hit the ‘Pictures’ option to insert the image you plan to work with. As you click the photo, the ‘Picture Format’ tab will appear on the taskbar. Select the ‘Remove Background’ option on the left-most side below the taskbar.

tap on remove background

Step 2: When you click ‘Remove Background,’ it will give options. Select the ‘Mark Areas to Keep’ option and draw the section that you want to save. You can also select the option ‘Mark Areas to Remove.’ It depends on the type of photo on which the task is being performed.

select remove or keep option

Step 3: Once all the necessary editing is done, click on the option ‘Keep Changes.’ You can save the image separately by clicking on ‘Save as Picture.’

image background removed powerpoint

Match Color in PowerPoint

Eyedropper helps you to match colors in your presentation. This takes a few clicks, and you have done color matching.

Step 1: For this, you need to open PowerPoint and select the image that you want to match the color of its background with the rest of the slide. Navigate to the “Design” panel and select the “Format Background” option.

tap on format background

Step 2: Click on ‘Drawing tool’ from the ribbon. Select the option of ‘Solid Fill’ from the menu bar at the top of the screen. Now, from ‘Solid Fill,’ move the mouse towards the ‘Eyedropper’ option. Tap on the background color that you wish to match within the background.

select eyedropper option

Step 3: Select the area that you want to change the background to its desired color. Access the option of “Solid Fill” after selecting the appropriate section of the document and select the color from the preview window present in the recent colors.

select your color

Closing Words

After reading the above article, you will be able to make incredible PowerPoint presentations. As videos add great information to your presentation so hence, we discussed in detail various video formats for PowerPoint. Now let’s share something new.

Do you know anything about Wondershare Filmora ? The software is a video editor with tons of great features and functionalities. You can create stunning videos with Filmora and its wide list of features. The video editor lets you trim, join, cut, split, and do much more than this. You get so many different effects, transitions, and elements with Filmora.

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

Also read:

  • Title: Updated Denoise Video in Adobe Premiere Pro – Audio and Video Noise Removal
  • Author: Chloe
  • Created at : 2024-05-20 03:38:28
  • Updated at : 2024-05-21 03:38:28
  • Link: https://ai-editing-video.techidaily.com/updated-denoise-video-in-adobe-premiere-pro-audio-and-video-noise-removal/
  • License: This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.
On this page
Updated Denoise Video in Adobe Premiere Pro – Audio and Video Noise Removal