Updated How to Color Grade Your Picture in LightRoom for 2024

Updated How to Color Grade Your Picture in LightRoom for 2024

Chloe Lv12

How to Color Grade Your Picture in LightRoom

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Every budding photographer knows what Photoshop is Adobe Lightroom (officially Adobe Photoshop Lightroom) is the newer and more advanced version of Photoshop. Compared with other alternatives of Lightroom , Lightroom helps photographers import, modify, manipulate, find, organize, and manage their images as an image editing software. Lightroom combines photo management and photo editing in one.

One of the most amazing things about Lightroom is its autosave or nondestructive feature. Once you edit your photos, Lightroom instantly saves and stores them in your Lightroom catalog. With its inbuilt-presets, Lightroom makes working on your project so much easy and fun.

You can leverage Lightroom’s unique features to perform different types of tasks. However, in this article, you’ll learn color grading in Lightroom and how to make it work.

In this article

01 What Is Color Grading?

02 Color Grading in LightRoom

03 How To Color Grade Your Picture in LightRoom

What Is Color Grading?

Color grading is one of the essential processes for creating the perfect video and image content. Like with color correction, color grading helps enhance the appearance of your image or video and makes it appealing to viewers. However, unlike color correction, it focuses on creating stylistic or cinematic effects rather than rectifying mistakes in the image.

Color grading enhances an already edited or otherwise perfect image or video. So, in color grading, you are not trying to balance out colors or make your pictures look natural to the human eyes. Color correction does all that. Instead, with color grading, you aim to “paint over” a color-corrected content to evoke specific emotions or moods in the viewers.

Colors carry different emotions or visual tones. So, they’re essential in the post-production process to manipulate viewers into specific moods that tell your story best. In other words, color grading aligns your viewer’s emotions to the central theme in your story.

color grading in lightroom

For example, if your image or video’s theme is passion, power, violence, or danger, red portrays them perfectly. Meanwhile, blue does it when you wish to evoke calmness and melancholy in your viewers.

Other examples include:

  • pink for beauty, innocence, and femininity,
  • Green for nature, darkness, and corruption
  • Purple for fantasies, and the mystical
  • Yellow for obsession, sickness, and naivety
  • Orange for warmth, friendliness, youth, and happiness

Have you noticed that turning your pictures black and white makes them look timeless? That’s color grading in action.

Color Grading in LightRoom

Are you amazed by the thrilling power of color grading to manipulate viewers’ emotions? Are you wondering how you can achieve that effect seamlessly? Then, you don’t need to worry about it. With Adobe Photoshop Lightroom, you too can make magic.

Since Lightroom is an advanced photo editor, it has a lot to offer in features. Unfortunately, this may also mean that it can be complex to understand, especially if you’re new to photo editing. So, first things first, you must understand the color grading panel in Lightroom to appreciate it better.

Lightroom’s color grading panel is right beneath the HSL panel in the Develop Panel. It serves as a replacement for the Split Toning Panel from earlier versions, so it’s pretty easy to find.

The color grading panel comprises five small icons, three color wheels, and a blending/balance slider:

● The Five Small Icons

Lightroom’s small icons are a 3-way default layout, shadows, mid-tones, highlights, and global. With 3-way, you can manipulate the highlights, shadows, and mid-tones. Mid-tones, highlights, and shadows hide all color wheels, excluding the necessary ones that adjust them.

Meanwhile, Global combines and blends the highlights, mid-tones, and shadow adjustments no matter the luminosity. Global ensures that the color wheels work harmoniously.

When adjusting icons, it’s best to use each color wheel one after another one. You’ll get better and more precise outcomes that way compared to using them together.

● Lightroom’s Color Wheels

You can view Lightroom’s three-color wheels through the 3-way default layout. The color wheels help to enhance distinct image parts by providing various color hues. It also allows you to introduce saturation through an adjustable knob.

Each lightroom’s color wheels feature a luminance slide beneath them that adjusts color brightness. Between the luminance slide and the wheel is a visible eye icon that you can use to turn the effects on or off.

● The Blending and Balance Slider

The blending and balance sliders offer you advanced control over how your colors look after introducing them. With the blending slider, you can control the color distinctiveness between highlights and shadows. In other words, this feature helps to merge colors to produce a much more balanced and beautiful result.

The balance slider adjusts altered mid-tones, highlights, and shadows to balance the effects. By default, the slider is set at 0 in the middle and allows you to move it in opposite directions for distinct effects. For example, you can use this tool to balance shadows with over-concentrated colors.

While the above features are visible to everyone in the 3-way view, there are two more hidden sliders. You may only view them when editing highlights, shadows, mid-tones, or the global color wheels. They’re the hue and saturation sliders that you can only uncover by clicking on the arrow below the eye icon.

There’s no idea why the hue and saturation sliders aren’t visible in the 3-way view. That’s especially when you discover that they do the all-important job of making minor but precise changes to final adjustments. This produces an excellent fine-tuned outcome and gives your image a professional finish.

colour grading lightroom

How To Color Grade Your Picture in LightRoom

If you wish to use the color grading Lightroom tool to enhance photos, here’s a comprehensive guide for you. You’ll learn the best practices to apply when using the specific Lightroom features to produce your desired effects:

● Pick Your Color Scheme

What’s color grading without the right colors? Choosing an appropriate color scheme is one of the essential steps in Lightroom color grading. That’s because it sets the tone for the next steps. If you choose the wrong colors, you won’t get the excellent result you desire no matter how hard you try.

First, take a good look at your picture and its visible colors. Then think of the colors that compliment or contrast with them. For example, you should base images with red highlights around red. You can also try colors close to red in the color wheel, like orange.

Once you’ve found the colors that suit your image, you’re ready for the next steps in your color grading process. However, more than just adding colors, you must also pay attention to contrasting colors during processing. If you find such unwanted colors, use the HSL panel to pale them out.

● Prioritize Precision

In earlier paragraphs, you learned that working with the highlights, shadows, and mid-tones individually is best. That’s because individual adjustments are a painstaking process that guarantees the most accurate results. This makes a lot of difference in the final product compared to when you work with the wheel.

Working on the shadows, highlights, and mid-tones individually also connects to the hue and saturation sliders. So you remember how vital these hidden sliders are? You wouldn’t be able to access them by working on the tools one after another. Take that as your reward for being detail-oriented.

● Increase Saturation Values

Sometimes, the effect of one tool tells on another. For example, leaving your saturation values below may render your hue slider ineffective. To avoid that confusion, it’s best to increase your saturation levels to some values higher than your preferred one.

Yes, it wouldn’t look nice initially as you adjust the hue. However, it will ensure that you get the perfect color for your image. You can always go back to adjust the saturation to your choice values later on.

● Use Color Wheels To Find Color, Use Shadows to Refine

When discussing how to choose your color scheme, you must have understood how vital the color wheel is in finding harmonious hues. However, picking your preferred color isn’t the complete process. You must learn to fine-tune your chosen color by using the hue slider. Do this after adjusting the saturation to your preferred level as in the previous step. The result is always mind-blowing.

how to use color grading in lightroom

● Learn the Short Cuts

There are some shortcuts to learn when color grading in Lightroom to enhance accuracy and convenience. For example, option (Mac)/Alt (Windows) gives you better control over your image’s outcomes. Option/Alt + Up will increase saturation by one while the shift key adjusts it. You can use Command (Mac)/Ctrl (Windows) to adjust the hue. Also, the reset button on the right side of your panel takes you back to your initial image.

● Extra Tips

These best practices will help you to achieve excellent results:

  1. Don’t color grade without understanding the psychology of colors. Know what colors convey different moods or emotions.
  2. Be sure to work with high-quality pictures. Color grading isn’t magic; it wouldn’t correct an already lousy image.
  3. Shooting your pictures in RAW gives you more color control.


● Now that you’ve learned how to color grade using Lightroom, there’s no limit to what you can achieve. You can now explore your creative side with so much fun. However, know that you will likely not get it right the first time. Perfection comes with consistent practice or trial and error.

Try It Free Try It Free

Every budding photographer knows what Photoshop is Adobe Lightroom (officially Adobe Photoshop Lightroom) is the newer and more advanced version of Photoshop. Compared with other alternatives of Lightroom , Lightroom helps photographers import, modify, manipulate, find, organize, and manage their images as an image editing software. Lightroom combines photo management and photo editing in one.

One of the most amazing things about Lightroom is its autosave or nondestructive feature. Once you edit your photos, Lightroom instantly saves and stores them in your Lightroom catalog. With its inbuilt-presets, Lightroom makes working on your project so much easy and fun.

You can leverage Lightroom’s unique features to perform different types of tasks. However, in this article, you’ll learn color grading in Lightroom and how to make it work.

In this article

01 What Is Color Grading?

02 Color Grading in LightRoom

03 How To Color Grade Your Picture in LightRoom

What Is Color Grading?

Color grading is one of the essential processes for creating the perfect video and image content. Like with color correction, color grading helps enhance the appearance of your image or video and makes it appealing to viewers. However, unlike color correction, it focuses on creating stylistic or cinematic effects rather than rectifying mistakes in the image.

Color grading enhances an already edited or otherwise perfect image or video. So, in color grading, you are not trying to balance out colors or make your pictures look natural to the human eyes. Color correction does all that. Instead, with color grading, you aim to “paint over” a color-corrected content to evoke specific emotions or moods in the viewers.

Colors carry different emotions or visual tones. So, they’re essential in the post-production process to manipulate viewers into specific moods that tell your story best. In other words, color grading aligns your viewer’s emotions to the central theme in your story.

color grading in lightroom

For example, if your image or video’s theme is passion, power, violence, or danger, red portrays them perfectly. Meanwhile, blue does it when you wish to evoke calmness and melancholy in your viewers.

Other examples include:

  • pink for beauty, innocence, and femininity,
  • Green for nature, darkness, and corruption
  • Purple for fantasies, and the mystical
  • Yellow for obsession, sickness, and naivety
  • Orange for warmth, friendliness, youth, and happiness

Have you noticed that turning your pictures black and white makes them look timeless? That’s color grading in action.

Color Grading in LightRoom

Are you amazed by the thrilling power of color grading to manipulate viewers’ emotions? Are you wondering how you can achieve that effect seamlessly? Then, you don’t need to worry about it. With Adobe Photoshop Lightroom, you too can make magic.

Since Lightroom is an advanced photo editor, it has a lot to offer in features. Unfortunately, this may also mean that it can be complex to understand, especially if you’re new to photo editing. So, first things first, you must understand the color grading panel in Lightroom to appreciate it better.

Lightroom’s color grading panel is right beneath the HSL panel in the Develop Panel. It serves as a replacement for the Split Toning Panel from earlier versions, so it’s pretty easy to find.

The color grading panel comprises five small icons, three color wheels, and a blending/balance slider:

● The Five Small Icons

Lightroom’s small icons are a 3-way default layout, shadows, mid-tones, highlights, and global. With 3-way, you can manipulate the highlights, shadows, and mid-tones. Mid-tones, highlights, and shadows hide all color wheels, excluding the necessary ones that adjust them.

Meanwhile, Global combines and blends the highlights, mid-tones, and shadow adjustments no matter the luminosity. Global ensures that the color wheels work harmoniously.

When adjusting icons, it’s best to use each color wheel one after another one. You’ll get better and more precise outcomes that way compared to using them together.

● Lightroom’s Color Wheels

You can view Lightroom’s three-color wheels through the 3-way default layout. The color wheels help to enhance distinct image parts by providing various color hues. It also allows you to introduce saturation through an adjustable knob.

Each lightroom’s color wheels feature a luminance slide beneath them that adjusts color brightness. Between the luminance slide and the wheel is a visible eye icon that you can use to turn the effects on or off.

● The Blending and Balance Slider

The blending and balance sliders offer you advanced control over how your colors look after introducing them. With the blending slider, you can control the color distinctiveness between highlights and shadows. In other words, this feature helps to merge colors to produce a much more balanced and beautiful result.

The balance slider adjusts altered mid-tones, highlights, and shadows to balance the effects. By default, the slider is set at 0 in the middle and allows you to move it in opposite directions for distinct effects. For example, you can use this tool to balance shadows with over-concentrated colors.

While the above features are visible to everyone in the 3-way view, there are two more hidden sliders. You may only view them when editing highlights, shadows, mid-tones, or the global color wheels. They’re the hue and saturation sliders that you can only uncover by clicking on the arrow below the eye icon.

There’s no idea why the hue and saturation sliders aren’t visible in the 3-way view. That’s especially when you discover that they do the all-important job of making minor but precise changes to final adjustments. This produces an excellent fine-tuned outcome and gives your image a professional finish.

colour grading lightroom

How To Color Grade Your Picture in LightRoom

If you wish to use the color grading Lightroom tool to enhance photos, here’s a comprehensive guide for you. You’ll learn the best practices to apply when using the specific Lightroom features to produce your desired effects:

● Pick Your Color Scheme

What’s color grading without the right colors? Choosing an appropriate color scheme is one of the essential steps in Lightroom color grading. That’s because it sets the tone for the next steps. If you choose the wrong colors, you won’t get the excellent result you desire no matter how hard you try.

First, take a good look at your picture and its visible colors. Then think of the colors that compliment or contrast with them. For example, you should base images with red highlights around red. You can also try colors close to red in the color wheel, like orange.

Once you’ve found the colors that suit your image, you’re ready for the next steps in your color grading process. However, more than just adding colors, you must also pay attention to contrasting colors during processing. If you find such unwanted colors, use the HSL panel to pale them out.

● Prioritize Precision

In earlier paragraphs, you learned that working with the highlights, shadows, and mid-tones individually is best. That’s because individual adjustments are a painstaking process that guarantees the most accurate results. This makes a lot of difference in the final product compared to when you work with the wheel.

Working on the shadows, highlights, and mid-tones individually also connects to the hue and saturation sliders. So you remember how vital these hidden sliders are? You wouldn’t be able to access them by working on the tools one after another. Take that as your reward for being detail-oriented.

● Increase Saturation Values

Sometimes, the effect of one tool tells on another. For example, leaving your saturation values below may render your hue slider ineffective. To avoid that confusion, it’s best to increase your saturation levels to some values higher than your preferred one.

Yes, it wouldn’t look nice initially as you adjust the hue. However, it will ensure that you get the perfect color for your image. You can always go back to adjust the saturation to your choice values later on.

● Use Color Wheels To Find Color, Use Shadows to Refine

When discussing how to choose your color scheme, you must have understood how vital the color wheel is in finding harmonious hues. However, picking your preferred color isn’t the complete process. You must learn to fine-tune your chosen color by using the hue slider. Do this after adjusting the saturation to your preferred level as in the previous step. The result is always mind-blowing.

how to use color grading in lightroom

● Learn the Short Cuts

There are some shortcuts to learn when color grading in Lightroom to enhance accuracy and convenience. For example, option (Mac)/Alt (Windows) gives you better control over your image’s outcomes. Option/Alt + Up will increase saturation by one while the shift key adjusts it. You can use Command (Mac)/Ctrl (Windows) to adjust the hue. Also, the reset button on the right side of your panel takes you back to your initial image.

● Extra Tips

These best practices will help you to achieve excellent results:

  1. Don’t color grade without understanding the psychology of colors. Know what colors convey different moods or emotions.
  2. Be sure to work with high-quality pictures. Color grading isn’t magic; it wouldn’t correct an already lousy image.
  3. Shooting your pictures in RAW gives you more color control.


● Now that you’ve learned how to color grade using Lightroom, there’s no limit to what you can achieve. You can now explore your creative side with so much fun. However, know that you will likely not get it right the first time. Perfection comes with consistent practice or trial and error.

Try It Free Try It Free

Every budding photographer knows what Photoshop is Adobe Lightroom (officially Adobe Photoshop Lightroom) is the newer and more advanced version of Photoshop. Compared with other alternatives of Lightroom , Lightroom helps photographers import, modify, manipulate, find, organize, and manage their images as an image editing software. Lightroom combines photo management and photo editing in one.

One of the most amazing things about Lightroom is its autosave or nondestructive feature. Once you edit your photos, Lightroom instantly saves and stores them in your Lightroom catalog. With its inbuilt-presets, Lightroom makes working on your project so much easy and fun.

You can leverage Lightroom’s unique features to perform different types of tasks. However, in this article, you’ll learn color grading in Lightroom and how to make it work.

In this article

01 What Is Color Grading?

02 Color Grading in LightRoom

03 How To Color Grade Your Picture in LightRoom

What Is Color Grading?

Color grading is one of the essential processes for creating the perfect video and image content. Like with color correction, color grading helps enhance the appearance of your image or video and makes it appealing to viewers. However, unlike color correction, it focuses on creating stylistic or cinematic effects rather than rectifying mistakes in the image.

Color grading enhances an already edited or otherwise perfect image or video. So, in color grading, you are not trying to balance out colors or make your pictures look natural to the human eyes. Color correction does all that. Instead, with color grading, you aim to “paint over” a color-corrected content to evoke specific emotions or moods in the viewers.

Colors carry different emotions or visual tones. So, they’re essential in the post-production process to manipulate viewers into specific moods that tell your story best. In other words, color grading aligns your viewer’s emotions to the central theme in your story.

color grading in lightroom

For example, if your image or video’s theme is passion, power, violence, or danger, red portrays them perfectly. Meanwhile, blue does it when you wish to evoke calmness and melancholy in your viewers.

Other examples include:

  • pink for beauty, innocence, and femininity,
  • Green for nature, darkness, and corruption
  • Purple for fantasies, and the mystical
  • Yellow for obsession, sickness, and naivety
  • Orange for warmth, friendliness, youth, and happiness

Have you noticed that turning your pictures black and white makes them look timeless? That’s color grading in action.

Color Grading in LightRoom

Are you amazed by the thrilling power of color grading to manipulate viewers’ emotions? Are you wondering how you can achieve that effect seamlessly? Then, you don’t need to worry about it. With Adobe Photoshop Lightroom, you too can make magic.

Since Lightroom is an advanced photo editor, it has a lot to offer in features. Unfortunately, this may also mean that it can be complex to understand, especially if you’re new to photo editing. So, first things first, you must understand the color grading panel in Lightroom to appreciate it better.

Lightroom’s color grading panel is right beneath the HSL panel in the Develop Panel. It serves as a replacement for the Split Toning Panel from earlier versions, so it’s pretty easy to find.

The color grading panel comprises five small icons, three color wheels, and a blending/balance slider:

● The Five Small Icons

Lightroom’s small icons are a 3-way default layout, shadows, mid-tones, highlights, and global. With 3-way, you can manipulate the highlights, shadows, and mid-tones. Mid-tones, highlights, and shadows hide all color wheels, excluding the necessary ones that adjust them.

Meanwhile, Global combines and blends the highlights, mid-tones, and shadow adjustments no matter the luminosity. Global ensures that the color wheels work harmoniously.

When adjusting icons, it’s best to use each color wheel one after another one. You’ll get better and more precise outcomes that way compared to using them together.

● Lightroom’s Color Wheels

You can view Lightroom’s three-color wheels through the 3-way default layout. The color wheels help to enhance distinct image parts by providing various color hues. It also allows you to introduce saturation through an adjustable knob.

Each lightroom’s color wheels feature a luminance slide beneath them that adjusts color brightness. Between the luminance slide and the wheel is a visible eye icon that you can use to turn the effects on or off.

● The Blending and Balance Slider

The blending and balance sliders offer you advanced control over how your colors look after introducing them. With the blending slider, you can control the color distinctiveness between highlights and shadows. In other words, this feature helps to merge colors to produce a much more balanced and beautiful result.

The balance slider adjusts altered mid-tones, highlights, and shadows to balance the effects. By default, the slider is set at 0 in the middle and allows you to move it in opposite directions for distinct effects. For example, you can use this tool to balance shadows with over-concentrated colors.

While the above features are visible to everyone in the 3-way view, there are two more hidden sliders. You may only view them when editing highlights, shadows, mid-tones, or the global color wheels. They’re the hue and saturation sliders that you can only uncover by clicking on the arrow below the eye icon.

There’s no idea why the hue and saturation sliders aren’t visible in the 3-way view. That’s especially when you discover that they do the all-important job of making minor but precise changes to final adjustments. This produces an excellent fine-tuned outcome and gives your image a professional finish.

colour grading lightroom

How To Color Grade Your Picture in LightRoom

If you wish to use the color grading Lightroom tool to enhance photos, here’s a comprehensive guide for you. You’ll learn the best practices to apply when using the specific Lightroom features to produce your desired effects:

● Pick Your Color Scheme

What’s color grading without the right colors? Choosing an appropriate color scheme is one of the essential steps in Lightroom color grading. That’s because it sets the tone for the next steps. If you choose the wrong colors, you won’t get the excellent result you desire no matter how hard you try.

First, take a good look at your picture and its visible colors. Then think of the colors that compliment or contrast with them. For example, you should base images with red highlights around red. You can also try colors close to red in the color wheel, like orange.

Once you’ve found the colors that suit your image, you’re ready for the next steps in your color grading process. However, more than just adding colors, you must also pay attention to contrasting colors during processing. If you find such unwanted colors, use the HSL panel to pale them out.

● Prioritize Precision

In earlier paragraphs, you learned that working with the highlights, shadows, and mid-tones individually is best. That’s because individual adjustments are a painstaking process that guarantees the most accurate results. This makes a lot of difference in the final product compared to when you work with the wheel.

Working on the shadows, highlights, and mid-tones individually also connects to the hue and saturation sliders. So you remember how vital these hidden sliders are? You wouldn’t be able to access them by working on the tools one after another. Take that as your reward for being detail-oriented.

● Increase Saturation Values

Sometimes, the effect of one tool tells on another. For example, leaving your saturation values below may render your hue slider ineffective. To avoid that confusion, it’s best to increase your saturation levels to some values higher than your preferred one.

Yes, it wouldn’t look nice initially as you adjust the hue. However, it will ensure that you get the perfect color for your image. You can always go back to adjust the saturation to your choice values later on.

● Use Color Wheels To Find Color, Use Shadows to Refine

When discussing how to choose your color scheme, you must have understood how vital the color wheel is in finding harmonious hues. However, picking your preferred color isn’t the complete process. You must learn to fine-tune your chosen color by using the hue slider. Do this after adjusting the saturation to your preferred level as in the previous step. The result is always mind-blowing.

how to use color grading in lightroom

● Learn the Short Cuts

There are some shortcuts to learn when color grading in Lightroom to enhance accuracy and convenience. For example, option (Mac)/Alt (Windows) gives you better control over your image’s outcomes. Option/Alt + Up will increase saturation by one while the shift key adjusts it. You can use Command (Mac)/Ctrl (Windows) to adjust the hue. Also, the reset button on the right side of your panel takes you back to your initial image.

● Extra Tips

These best practices will help you to achieve excellent results:

  1. Don’t color grade without understanding the psychology of colors. Know what colors convey different moods or emotions.
  2. Be sure to work with high-quality pictures. Color grading isn’t magic; it wouldn’t correct an already lousy image.
  3. Shooting your pictures in RAW gives you more color control.


● Now that you’ve learned how to color grade using Lightroom, there’s no limit to what you can achieve. You can now explore your creative side with so much fun. However, know that you will likely not get it right the first time. Perfection comes with consistent practice or trial and error.

Try It Free Try It Free

Every budding photographer knows what Photoshop is Adobe Lightroom (officially Adobe Photoshop Lightroom) is the newer and more advanced version of Photoshop. Compared with other alternatives of Lightroom , Lightroom helps photographers import, modify, manipulate, find, organize, and manage their images as an image editing software. Lightroom combines photo management and photo editing in one.

One of the most amazing things about Lightroom is its autosave or nondestructive feature. Once you edit your photos, Lightroom instantly saves and stores them in your Lightroom catalog. With its inbuilt-presets, Lightroom makes working on your project so much easy and fun.

You can leverage Lightroom’s unique features to perform different types of tasks. However, in this article, you’ll learn color grading in Lightroom and how to make it work.

In this article

01 What Is Color Grading?

02 Color Grading in LightRoom

03 How To Color Grade Your Picture in LightRoom

What Is Color Grading?

Color grading is one of the essential processes for creating the perfect video and image content. Like with color correction, color grading helps enhance the appearance of your image or video and makes it appealing to viewers. However, unlike color correction, it focuses on creating stylistic or cinematic effects rather than rectifying mistakes in the image.

Color grading enhances an already edited or otherwise perfect image or video. So, in color grading, you are not trying to balance out colors or make your pictures look natural to the human eyes. Color correction does all that. Instead, with color grading, you aim to “paint over” a color-corrected content to evoke specific emotions or moods in the viewers.

Colors carry different emotions or visual tones. So, they’re essential in the post-production process to manipulate viewers into specific moods that tell your story best. In other words, color grading aligns your viewer’s emotions to the central theme in your story.

color grading in lightroom

For example, if your image or video’s theme is passion, power, violence, or danger, red portrays them perfectly. Meanwhile, blue does it when you wish to evoke calmness and melancholy in your viewers.

Other examples include:

  • pink for beauty, innocence, and femininity,
  • Green for nature, darkness, and corruption
  • Purple for fantasies, and the mystical
  • Yellow for obsession, sickness, and naivety
  • Orange for warmth, friendliness, youth, and happiness

Have you noticed that turning your pictures black and white makes them look timeless? That’s color grading in action.

Color Grading in LightRoom

Are you amazed by the thrilling power of color grading to manipulate viewers’ emotions? Are you wondering how you can achieve that effect seamlessly? Then, you don’t need to worry about it. With Adobe Photoshop Lightroom, you too can make magic.

Since Lightroom is an advanced photo editor, it has a lot to offer in features. Unfortunately, this may also mean that it can be complex to understand, especially if you’re new to photo editing. So, first things first, you must understand the color grading panel in Lightroom to appreciate it better.

Lightroom’s color grading panel is right beneath the HSL panel in the Develop Panel. It serves as a replacement for the Split Toning Panel from earlier versions, so it’s pretty easy to find.

The color grading panel comprises five small icons, three color wheels, and a blending/balance slider:

● The Five Small Icons

Lightroom’s small icons are a 3-way default layout, shadows, mid-tones, highlights, and global. With 3-way, you can manipulate the highlights, shadows, and mid-tones. Mid-tones, highlights, and shadows hide all color wheels, excluding the necessary ones that adjust them.

Meanwhile, Global combines and blends the highlights, mid-tones, and shadow adjustments no matter the luminosity. Global ensures that the color wheels work harmoniously.

When adjusting icons, it’s best to use each color wheel one after another one. You’ll get better and more precise outcomes that way compared to using them together.

● Lightroom’s Color Wheels

You can view Lightroom’s three-color wheels through the 3-way default layout. The color wheels help to enhance distinct image parts by providing various color hues. It also allows you to introduce saturation through an adjustable knob.

Each lightroom’s color wheels feature a luminance slide beneath them that adjusts color brightness. Between the luminance slide and the wheel is a visible eye icon that you can use to turn the effects on or off.

● The Blending and Balance Slider

The blending and balance sliders offer you advanced control over how your colors look after introducing them. With the blending slider, you can control the color distinctiveness between highlights and shadows. In other words, this feature helps to merge colors to produce a much more balanced and beautiful result.

The balance slider adjusts altered mid-tones, highlights, and shadows to balance the effects. By default, the slider is set at 0 in the middle and allows you to move it in opposite directions for distinct effects. For example, you can use this tool to balance shadows with over-concentrated colors.

While the above features are visible to everyone in the 3-way view, there are two more hidden sliders. You may only view them when editing highlights, shadows, mid-tones, or the global color wheels. They’re the hue and saturation sliders that you can only uncover by clicking on the arrow below the eye icon.

There’s no idea why the hue and saturation sliders aren’t visible in the 3-way view. That’s especially when you discover that they do the all-important job of making minor but precise changes to final adjustments. This produces an excellent fine-tuned outcome and gives your image a professional finish.

colour grading lightroom

How To Color Grade Your Picture in LightRoom

If you wish to use the color grading Lightroom tool to enhance photos, here’s a comprehensive guide for you. You’ll learn the best practices to apply when using the specific Lightroom features to produce your desired effects:

● Pick Your Color Scheme

What’s color grading without the right colors? Choosing an appropriate color scheme is one of the essential steps in Lightroom color grading. That’s because it sets the tone for the next steps. If you choose the wrong colors, you won’t get the excellent result you desire no matter how hard you try.

First, take a good look at your picture and its visible colors. Then think of the colors that compliment or contrast with them. For example, you should base images with red highlights around red. You can also try colors close to red in the color wheel, like orange.

Once you’ve found the colors that suit your image, you’re ready for the next steps in your color grading process. However, more than just adding colors, you must also pay attention to contrasting colors during processing. If you find such unwanted colors, use the HSL panel to pale them out.

● Prioritize Precision

In earlier paragraphs, you learned that working with the highlights, shadows, and mid-tones individually is best. That’s because individual adjustments are a painstaking process that guarantees the most accurate results. This makes a lot of difference in the final product compared to when you work with the wheel.

Working on the shadows, highlights, and mid-tones individually also connects to the hue and saturation sliders. So you remember how vital these hidden sliders are? You wouldn’t be able to access them by working on the tools one after another. Take that as your reward for being detail-oriented.

● Increase Saturation Values

Sometimes, the effect of one tool tells on another. For example, leaving your saturation values below may render your hue slider ineffective. To avoid that confusion, it’s best to increase your saturation levels to some values higher than your preferred one.

Yes, it wouldn’t look nice initially as you adjust the hue. However, it will ensure that you get the perfect color for your image. You can always go back to adjust the saturation to your choice values later on.

● Use Color Wheels To Find Color, Use Shadows to Refine

When discussing how to choose your color scheme, you must have understood how vital the color wheel is in finding harmonious hues. However, picking your preferred color isn’t the complete process. You must learn to fine-tune your chosen color by using the hue slider. Do this after adjusting the saturation to your preferred level as in the previous step. The result is always mind-blowing.

how to use color grading in lightroom

● Learn the Short Cuts

There are some shortcuts to learn when color grading in Lightroom to enhance accuracy and convenience. For example, option (Mac)/Alt (Windows) gives you better control over your image’s outcomes. Option/Alt + Up will increase saturation by one while the shift key adjusts it. You can use Command (Mac)/Ctrl (Windows) to adjust the hue. Also, the reset button on the right side of your panel takes you back to your initial image.

● Extra Tips

These best practices will help you to achieve excellent results:

  1. Don’t color grade without understanding the psychology of colors. Know what colors convey different moods or emotions.
  2. Be sure to work with high-quality pictures. Color grading isn’t magic; it wouldn’t correct an already lousy image.
  3. Shooting your pictures in RAW gives you more color control.


● Now that you’ve learned how to color grade using Lightroom, there’s no limit to what you can achieve. You can now explore your creative side with so much fun. However, know that you will likely not get it right the first time. Perfection comes with consistent practice or trial and error.

Merge MP4 Online? It’s Easy With These 5 Tools

Welcome to the video editing world, where merging multiple MP4 files into one seamless video is a common task. Whether creating a montage or compiling footage from different cameras, merging videos can be time-consuming and challenging. However, it can be done quickly and easily with the right tools.

In this article, we’ll introduce you to 5 best online tools to merge MP4 files. These tools are user-friendly and easy to use, making merging videos a breeze. Whether you’re a professional videographer or a hobbyist, these tools will help you create professional-looking videos in no time. So let’s dive in and explore the options available to you.

  1. Merge MP4 Files Online Using Media.io
  2. Use Flixier To Combine MP4 Files Online
  3. Video Candy To Merge MP4 Files Online for Free
  4. Pixiko mp4 Joiner Online
  5. Join MP4 Files Online With Creatorkit

5 Amazing Tools To Merge MP4 Online

There are many options available when it comes to merging MP4 files online. But to save you time and hassle, we’ve narrowed down the list to the top 5 tools that are easy to use and offer a variety of options. From basic editing to more advanced features, these tools will help you create the perfect video for any occasion.

1. Merge MP4 Files Online Using Media.io

media io

Ratings from G2: 4.5 out of 5


  • Free - $0
  • Basic - $3.95 / monthly
  • Pro - $6.66 / monthly


  • Fast compression speeds
  • No file limits
  • No watermarks
  • Smart output settings


  • Lacks some functionality

Media.io is an all-in-one online tool that allows you to merge multiple videos and photos and convert audio and video formats. It’s easy to use and works on all major browsers, making it a great option for those who want a user-friendly and versatile tool.

This tool offers a wide range of output options, allowing you to export your merged video in your chosen format, making it a perfect solution for those looking for an online tool that’s easy to use and offers a wide range of features.

Merging videos and photos on Media.io is a simple process with just 3 steps:

Step1 Navigate to the Media.io video editor and select the “Upload“ button to add your videos to the media library.

media io upload media

Step2 Utilize the drag-and-drop feature to arrange the videos in the timeline.

media io edit clip

Step3 Press the “Export“ button to download the newly merged video to your device.

media io expert video

2. Use Flixier To Combine MP4 Files Online


Ratings from G2: 4.6 out of 5


  • Free - $0
  • Basic - $14.00 / monthly
  • Business - $30.00 / monthly
  • Enterprise - $55.00 / monthly


  • Unlimited video and audio tracks
  • All future updates are included
  • Video templates
  • Easy for beginners


  • The export hour/dollar ratio could be better
  • Limited storage space

Flixier is another online tool that allows you to merge MP4 files online easily. With its user-friendly interface, you can quickly upload your videos and arrange them in the timeline using the drag-and-drop feature. You can also trim, crop, and adjust the videos to your liking. Once you are satisfied with the final output, you can export the merged video in the format of your choice.

Flixier also offers a wide range of customization options to enhance your video. This tool is a great option for those looking for an easy-to-use and versatile tool for merging MP4 files online.

Here’s how to merge mp4 online using Flixier:

Step1 Upload your videos from a computer, YouTube link, or cloud storage.

flixier upload videos

Step2 Drag videos to the timeline, trim, overlap, and add transitions.

flixier edit videos

Step3 Click the “Export and Download“ button, wait for processing and save to your computer.

flixier export and download

3. Video Candy To Merge MP4 Files Online for Free

video candy

Ratings from G2: No rating


  • Free - $0


  • Free online tool
  • User-friendly interface
  • Provides a variety of output options


  • Limited features
  • Limited storage space
  • Less advanced editing options
  • Limited customer support

If you’re looking for a sweet treat for your video editing needs, look no further than Video Candy! This online tool lets you easily merge multiple MP4 files; it’s completely free to use. With its user-friendly interface, you can upload your videos, drag and drop them into the timeline, and voila! Your videos are now one cohesive masterpiece.

Not only that, but Video Candy also allows you to trim, crop, and adjust the videos to your liking before merging, giving you even more control over the final product. And once you’re happy with your creation, you can export it in various formats to be compatible with any platform. So here’s how to merge videos using Video Candy:

Step1 Upload the videos by clicking the “+Add Files“ button.

video candy add files

Step2 Arrange the videos you want to merge and add some transitions.

video candy arrange videos

Step3 Click the “Export“ button and the “Download File“ to save the video on your device.

video candy export video

4. Pixiko mp4 Joiner Online


Ratings from G2: 4.8 out of 5


  • Free - $0 with a watermark
  • 1 Video - $4.89
  • Monthly - $14.87
  • Annually - $148.00


  • The page has very good quality
  • Easy to use
  • Simple and brilliant


  • With watermark
  • Can’t change the font size

Looking for a tool to help you join your MP4 files with ease and precision? Look no further than Pixiko! This online MP4 Joiner is the perfect tool for merging multiple videos into one smooth, seamless masterpiece. With its easy-to-use interface and advanced editing options, you’ll have complete control over the final product.

To merge videos using Pixiko online tool, follow these steps:

Step1 Upload the videos you want to merge.

pixiko upload video

Step2 Click the “Merge“ button to combine all the videos

pixiko merge videos

Step3 Wait for your video, then clickDownload“ to save your merged video.

pixiko download video

5. Join MP4 Files Online With Creatorkit


Ratings from G2: No Rating Yet


  • Free - $0
  • Pro - $29.00 per month
  • Business - $149 per month


  • User-friendly interface
  • Easy to use
  • Advanced editing options


  • Limited features
  • Limited storage capacity

This powerful platform makes it easy to combine multiple videos into one polished, professional-looking production. With its sleek and intuitive interface, you’ll be able to upload your videos, arrange them on the timeline, and tweak them to perfection with just a few clicks.

Here’s how to merge videos using Creatorkit:

Step1 Upload the videos that you want to merge.

creatorkit upload video

Step2 Arrange the clips and add some transitions.

creatorkit arrange videos

Step3 Click the “Export in HD“ button and input your email. Click the “Get the link to download.”

creatorkit export video

Advantages and Disadvantages of MP4 Combiners Online

Using an online MP4 combiner has several advantages and disadvantages.


  • One of the main advantages is convenience, as you can easily access and use the tool from any device with an internet connection.
  • Additionally, many online MP4 combiners are free to use, which makes them a cost-effective solution for those on a budget.
  • They also provide a wide range of output options so that you can export your merged video in the format of your choice.


  • One of the main disadvantages is that the tool may have limited storage capacity and file upload size, which could be a problem if you have large files to merge.
  • Additionally, online MP4 combiners may have limited features compared to paid alternatives, which could limit the quality and customization of the final product.
  • Some online MP4 combiners may also have a limit on the number of videos you can merge at once.

It May Interest You – Join MP4 Videos Offline With Wondershare Filmora

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

If you prefer to merge MP4 videos offline, Wondershare Filmora is a great option. It is a powerful video editing software that offers a wide range of features to help you create professional-looking videos. One of the features it offers is the ability to merge multiple MP4 files into one cohesive video.

With Wondershare Filmora, you can easily import your MP4 files, drag and drop them into the timeline, and arrange them in the order you want. The software also allows you to trim, crop, and adjust the videos before merging, giving you complete control over the final product. Additionally, it offers a wide range of output options so that you can export your merged video in the format of your choice.

To merge videos using Wondershare Filmora Video Editor, follow these steps:

Step1 Open the software and selectNew Project,” then go toFile“ > “Import Media“ > “Import Media Files“ to add the videos you want to merge.

filmora import media

Step2 Drag the video clips to the timeline and arrange it.

filmora arrange videos

Step3 Press the “Play“ button to preview your video and edit the videos to your liking.

filmora edit videos

Step4 Once you are satisfied with the result, save your merged video.

People Also Ask

Here are some frequently asked questions about merging videos using online tools.

Q1. How To Combine 2 Videos Into 1?

Combining two or more videos into one is a common task for video editing. There are two main ways to do this: online and offline. Online tools such as Media.io, Flixier, Video Candy, Pixiko mp4 Joiner Online, and Creatorkit allow you to upload your videos, arrange them on a timeline, and merge them into one cohesive video. These tools are easy to use and accessible from any device with an internet connection.

On the other hand, offline tools, such as Wondershare Filmora, are powerful video editing software that can be installed on your computer. Additionally, these tools offer advanced video editing features like adding text, effects, and transitions.

Q2. What Is the Best Free App To Combine Videos ?

Some popular free apps to combine videos for Android include Video Joiner, AndroVid Video Editor, VideoShow, Video Merger Free, Video Merge, VidTrim, and InVideo. These apps offer a variety of features, such as the ability to trim, crop, and adjust videos before merging, as well as add text, effects, and transitions.

For iOS, some popular free apps to combine videos include Apple iMovie, Splice, Vimeo, Videorama, Filmmaker, and WeVideo. These apps offer similar features to the Android apps, such as trimming, cropping, and adjusting videos before merging and adding text, effects, and transitions. iMovie is a built-in app for iOS users which is user-friendly and offers a wide range of features.

Q3. How Can I Merge Videos on My Laptop Without Software?

You can use online tools to merge videos on your laptop without using the software. Some of the online tools recommended in the previous part are Media.io, Flixier, Video Candy, Pixiko mp4 Joiner Online, and Creatorkit.

These tools allow you to upload your videos, arrange them on a timeline, and merge them into one cohesive video. They are easy to use and accessible from any device with an internet connection. Additionally, these tools offer a wide range of output options so that you can export your merged video in the format of your choice.


Merging MP4 files is a common task for video editing, and many options are available for both online and offline tools. Online tools such as Media.io, Flixier, Video Candy, Pixiko mp4 Joiner Online, and Creatorkit are easy to use, accessible from any device with an internet connection, and offer a wide range of output options.

Offline tools such as Wondershare Filmora are powerful video editing software that offers advanced video editing features. No matter which tool you choose, you can easily create professional-looking videos.

5 Amazing Tools To Merge MP4 Online

There are many options available when it comes to merging MP4 files online. But to save you time and hassle, we’ve narrowed down the list to the top 5 tools that are easy to use and offer a variety of options. From basic editing to more advanced features, these tools will help you create the perfect video for any occasion.

1. Merge MP4 Files Online Using Media.io

media io

Ratings from G2: 4.5 out of 5


  • Free - $0
  • Basic - $3.95 / monthly
  • Pro - $6.66 / monthly


  • Fast compression speeds
  • No file limits
  • No watermarks
  • Smart output settings


  • Lacks some functionality

Media.io is an all-in-one online tool that allows you to merge multiple videos and photos and convert audio and video formats. It’s easy to use and works on all major browsers, making it a great option for those who want a user-friendly and versatile tool.

This tool offers a wide range of output options, allowing you to export your merged video in your chosen format, making it a perfect solution for those looking for an online tool that’s easy to use and offers a wide range of features.

Merging videos and photos on Media.io is a simple process with just 3 steps:

Step1 Navigate to the Media.io video editor and select the “Upload“ button to add your videos to the media library.

media io upload media

Step2 Utilize the drag-and-drop feature to arrange the videos in the timeline.

media io edit clip

Step3 Press the “Export“ button to download the newly merged video to your device.

media io expert video

2. Use Flixier To Combine MP4 Files Online


Ratings from G2: 4.6 out of 5


  • Free - $0
  • Basic - $14.00 / monthly
  • Business - $30.00 / monthly
  • Enterprise - $55.00 / monthly


  • Unlimited video and audio tracks
  • All future updates are included
  • Video templates
  • Easy for beginners


  • The export hour/dollar ratio could be better
  • Limited storage space

Flixier is another online tool that allows you to merge MP4 files online easily. With its user-friendly interface, you can quickly upload your videos and arrange them in the timeline using the drag-and-drop feature. You can also trim, crop, and adjust the videos to your liking. Once you are satisfied with the final output, you can export the merged video in the format of your choice.

Flixier also offers a wide range of customization options to enhance your video. This tool is a great option for those looking for an easy-to-use and versatile tool for merging MP4 files online.

Here’s how to merge mp4 online using Flixier:

Step1 Upload your videos from a computer, YouTube link, or cloud storage.

flixier upload videos

Step2 Drag videos to the timeline, trim, overlap, and add transitions.

flixier edit videos

Step3 Click the “Export and Download“ button, wait for processing and save to your computer.

flixier export and download

3. Video Candy To Merge MP4 Files Online for Free

video candy

Ratings from G2: No rating


  • Free - $0


  • Free online tool
  • User-friendly interface
  • Provides a variety of output options


  • Limited features
  • Limited storage space
  • Less advanced editing options
  • Limited customer support

If you’re looking for a sweet treat for your video editing needs, look no further than Video Candy! This online tool lets you easily merge multiple MP4 files; it’s completely free to use. With its user-friendly interface, you can upload your videos, drag and drop them into the timeline, and voila! Your videos are now one cohesive masterpiece.

Not only that, but Video Candy also allows you to trim, crop, and adjust the videos to your liking before merging, giving you even more control over the final product. And once you’re happy with your creation, you can export it in various formats to be compatible with any platform. So here’s how to merge videos using Video Candy:

Step1 Upload the videos by clicking the “+Add Files“ button.

video candy add files

Step2 Arrange the videos you want to merge and add some transitions.

video candy arrange videos

Step3 Click the “Export“ button and the “Download File“ to save the video on your device.

video candy export video

4. Pixiko mp4 Joiner Online


Ratings from G2: 4.8 out of 5


  • Free - $0 with a watermark
  • 1 Video - $4.89
  • Monthly - $14.87
  • Annually - $148.00


  • The page has very good quality
  • Easy to use
  • Simple and brilliant


  • With watermark
  • Can’t change the font size

Looking for a tool to help you join your MP4 files with ease and precision? Look no further than Pixiko! This online MP4 Joiner is the perfect tool for merging multiple videos into one smooth, seamless masterpiece. With its easy-to-use interface and advanced editing options, you’ll have complete control over the final product.

To merge videos using Pixiko online tool, follow these steps:

Step1 Upload the videos you want to merge.

pixiko upload video

Step2 Click the “Merge“ button to combine all the videos

pixiko merge videos

Step3 Wait for your video, then clickDownload“ to save your merged video.

pixiko download video

5. Join MP4 Files Online With Creatorkit


Ratings from G2: No Rating Yet


  • Free - $0
  • Pro - $29.00 per month
  • Business - $149 per month


  • User-friendly interface
  • Easy to use
  • Advanced editing options


  • Limited features
  • Limited storage capacity

This powerful platform makes it easy to combine multiple videos into one polished, professional-looking production. With its sleek and intuitive interface, you’ll be able to upload your videos, arrange them on the timeline, and tweak them to perfection with just a few clicks.

Here’s how to merge videos using Creatorkit:

Step1 Upload the videos that you want to merge.

creatorkit upload video

Step2 Arrange the clips and add some transitions.

creatorkit arrange videos

Step3 Click the “Export in HD“ button and input your email. Click the “Get the link to download.”

creatorkit export video

Advantages and Disadvantages of MP4 Combiners Online

Using an online MP4 combiner has several advantages and disadvantages.


  • One of the main advantages is convenience, as you can easily access and use the tool from any device with an internet connection.
  • Additionally, many online MP4 combiners are free to use, which makes them a cost-effective solution for those on a budget.
  • They also provide a wide range of output options so that you can export your merged video in the format of your choice.


  • One of the main disadvantages is that the tool may have limited storage capacity and file upload size, which could be a problem if you have large files to merge.
  • Additionally, online MP4 combiners may have limited features compared to paid alternatives, which could limit the quality and customization of the final product.
  • Some online MP4 combiners may also have a limit on the number of videos you can merge at once.

It May Interest You – Join MP4 Videos Offline With Wondershare Filmora

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

If you prefer to merge MP4 videos offline, Wondershare Filmora is a great option. It is a powerful video editing software that offers a wide range of features to help you create professional-looking videos. One of the features it offers is the ability to merge multiple MP4 files into one cohesive video.

With Wondershare Filmora, you can easily import your MP4 files, drag and drop them into the timeline, and arrange them in the order you want. The software also allows you to trim, crop, and adjust the videos before merging, giving you complete control over the final product. Additionally, it offers a wide range of output options so that you can export your merged video in the format of your choice.

To merge videos using Wondershare Filmora Video Editor, follow these steps:

Step1 Open the software and selectNew Project,” then go toFile“ > “Import Media“ > “Import Media Files“ to add the videos you want to merge.

filmora import media

Step2 Drag the video clips to the timeline and arrange it.

filmora arrange videos

Step3 Press the “Play“ button to preview your video and edit the videos to your liking.

filmora edit videos

Step4 Once you are satisfied with the result, save your merged video.

People Also Ask

Here are some frequently asked questions about merging videos using online tools.

Q1. How To Combine 2 Videos Into 1?

Combining two or more videos into one is a common task for video editing. There are two main ways to do this: online and offline. Online tools such as Media.io, Flixier, Video Candy, Pixiko mp4 Joiner Online, and Creatorkit allow you to upload your videos, arrange them on a timeline, and merge them into one cohesive video. These tools are easy to use and accessible from any device with an internet connection.

On the other hand, offline tools, such as Wondershare Filmora, are powerful video editing software that can be installed on your computer. Additionally, these tools offer advanced video editing features like adding text, effects, and transitions.

Q2. What Is the Best Free App To Combine Videos ?

Some popular free apps to combine videos for Android include Video Joiner, AndroVid Video Editor, VideoShow, Video Merger Free, Video Merge, VidTrim, and InVideo. These apps offer a variety of features, such as the ability to trim, crop, and adjust videos before merging, as well as add text, effects, and transitions.

For iOS, some popular free apps to combine videos include Apple iMovie, Splice, Vimeo, Videorama, Filmmaker, and WeVideo. These apps offer similar features to the Android apps, such as trimming, cropping, and adjusting videos before merging and adding text, effects, and transitions. iMovie is a built-in app for iOS users which is user-friendly and offers a wide range of features.

Q3. How Can I Merge Videos on My Laptop Without Software?

You can use online tools to merge videos on your laptop without using the software. Some of the online tools recommended in the previous part are Media.io, Flixier, Video Candy, Pixiko mp4 Joiner Online, and Creatorkit.

These tools allow you to upload your videos, arrange them on a timeline, and merge them into one cohesive video. They are easy to use and accessible from any device with an internet connection. Additionally, these tools offer a wide range of output options so that you can export your merged video in the format of your choice.


Merging MP4 files is a common task for video editing, and many options are available for both online and offline tools. Online tools such as Media.io, Flixier, Video Candy, Pixiko mp4 Joiner Online, and Creatorkit are easy to use, accessible from any device with an internet connection, and offer a wide range of output options.

Offline tools such as Wondershare Filmora are powerful video editing software that offers advanced video editing features. No matter which tool you choose, you can easily create professional-looking videos.

How to Resize FLV Videos Efficiently[Windows, Mac, Android, iPhone & Online]

FLV Videos are Flash Video files with a .flv file extension. FLV video files were once one of the most popular video file types and the standard video format used for embedding videos on the internet and streaming. Even though video files like mp4 and mkv have gained more popularity today, you can still come across many Flv videos on the internet.

In this article, you’ll be learning How to Resize FLV Videos Efficiently on all the platforms. But wait, what exactly does the resizing mean? When you are working with videos, resizing can mean two things: one is changing the aspect ratio or resolution of the video and another is changing the file size of the video. So let’s see how we can resize the flv videos efficiently on different platforms:

Best FLV Editor to Resize FLV Videos on Windows and Mac – Filmora Video Editor [with steps]

Among many different video editors available today, Filmora Video Editor is the one that climbs up the rank to the top. It is the best FLV editor on Windows and Mac for resizing and editing flv videos. Different social media platforms require videos of different sizes, resolutions, and aspect ratios. For eg: YouTube requires horizontal video, TikTok requires vertical, Emails have a size limit for every file, etc. That’s when the Filmora Video Editor comes into play for fast and easy resizing of any video for different platforms.

Free Download

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Free Download

For macOS 10.14 or later

Why choose Filmora Video Editor for resizing FLV videos, you say?

  • Simple UI and easy interface
  • Easily crop or change the aspect ratio of the video
  • Not all video editors support FLV video format, but the Filmora does
  • Advanced export options to compress or change the file size of video
  • Suitable for beginners as well as professionals
  • Regular software updates and improvements

Plus, Filmora Video Editor has a free version, so you can instantly download the program, install it, and get started on resizing FLV Videos. Below is a step-by-step guide to resize FLV Videos on Windows and Mac with Wondershare Filmora Video Editor, so you can follow along!

Steps to resize FLV videos with Filmora Video Editor:

  1. Launch Filmora and open a new project

Run the Wondershare Filmora application on Windows or Mac after installing it. Then you should automatically be inside a new project. If not, you can manually open a new project by going to File on the top left corner and then clicking on ‘**New Project**’.

resize flv

  1. Import the FLV video and add it to timeline

Click on ‘**Import Media Files**’ and import the flv video into project media from your computer’s file explorer. Then add the video to the timeline by dragging it inside the timeline.

resize flv

  1. Edit and perform desired modifications (Optional)

If you are just looking to resize the FLV video file, then you can skip this step and move to step no. 4. Otherwise, you can do various editings on the video like cropping, muting, trimming, animating, etc. before resizing the video. Filmora provides a wide range of features for editing and adding effects to the video.

resize flv

  1. Resize the video by changing the aspect ratio

Aspect ratio defines the shape of your video like if you want the video to be horizontal, vertical, square, or custom. Generally, the term ‘resizing video’ refers to changing the aspect ratio of the video. For that, go to the File and then to the Project Settings. Then on the Aspect Ratio box, select the one that you prefer or you can try custom scaling. You can choose your preferred resolution of the project too while you’re at it.

resize flv

  1. Resize the video by cropping

When you change the aspect ratio of the project, some parts of your flv video might not fit or it might be shrunk small to fit. So you need to resize the flv video by cropping so that you can crop and focus on the part of the video you like. To crop the video, select the flv video clip in the timeline and click on the crop icon in the timeline toolbar. Now choose the ratio you want to crop and select the part you’d like to keep. Then click OK and your flv video will be resized.

resize flv

  1. Adjust the file size of the video through export settings

After you’ve cropped and resized the Flv video, you need to export it by clicking the Export button on the top center part. There are different settings available for exporting the video. Click on the Settings button near the resolution and you’ll be shown some detailed preferences for exporting. Every setting here like frame rate, resolution, bitrate, etc. can affect the size of the output video.

resize flv

Filmora Video Editor really makes the task of editing and resizing FLV videos easier, simpler, and faster. Since you now know the steps, it’s time you try it and resize your own FLV videos with this best FLV Editor for Windows and Mac.

Alternative Way to Resize FLV Videos on Windows

In case you want to try something different than Filmora, here are two alternative software (one paid and another free) that you can use to resize your FLV Videos on Windows:

  1. Movavi Video Editor Plus

resize flv

Movavi Video Editor Plus is one of the best easy-to-use video editors that can help you to resize FLV videos as well as edit them on Windows. Its interface and functionalities are somewhat similar to that of the Filmora Video Editor. This is a paid software available for download on both Windows and Mac but you can try it for free with their 7 days trial version.

Steps to resize FLV videos on Windows with Movavi Video Editor:

  • Install Movavi Video Editor and run the software on your PC. Then you should automatically be inside a new project in it.

resize flv

  • Import the FLV video file you want to resize through the ‘File Import’ tab on the left and drag it to the timeline.

resize flv

  • To resize the aspect ratio, expand the resolution options near the preview screen above the export button and select the preferred ratio.

resize flv

  • To crop or resize the video, select the clip in the timeline and use the crop tool to make adjustments as you wish. Then hit Apply to save changes.

resize flv

  • After the video is ready, export it with the Export button on the right side of the screen. Then choose your preferred settings for output and click on Start after which your video will be rendered and saved to your PC.

resize flv

  1. VSDC Free Video Editor

resize flv

VSDC Free Video Editor is another alternative to Filmora for resizing FLV videos on Windows. It is a free video editor that packs a wide range of editing features without any restrictions. However, it does have a paid version with some advanced features and hardware acceleration.

Steps to resize FLV videos on Windows with VSDC Free Video Editor:

  • Install and open VSDC video editor on your PC. Then create a new project with preferred settings through the ‘Projects’ tab on the top left corner.

resize flv

  • Import the video file into the project by dragging and dropping it directly into the timeline.

resize flv

  • To resize the aspect ratio, click on the Projects Explorer and click on your project name. Then in the Properties windows on the right, manually adjust width, height, resolution, etc. according to your preferences.

resize flv

  • To crop and reposition your video, select the clip in the timeline and go to the Editor tab on the top. Then use the crop tool and adjust your video accordingly.

resize flv

  • Finally export your design through the Export project tab at the top with preferred settings.

resize flv

Alternative Way to Resize FLV Videos on Mac

Wondershare Filmora Video Editor is also available for Mac operating system which is recommended to resize FLV videos but if you want to try out some other alternatives, then below are the two ways to resize FLV videos on Mac:

  1. VideoProc Converter

resize flv

VideoProc is a powerful video editor/ converter that helps you edit, convert, and resize any kind of video. It also supports a wide range of codecs and video formats including flv. It is a paid software but you can also try their free trial version with some limitations.

Steps to resize FLV videos on Mac with VideoProc:

  • Launch VideoProc on a Mac device and go inside the Video

resize flv

  • Add files in VideoProc by drag and drop method or directly through the ‘Add Video’ option.

resize flv

  • Then click on the Options (codec) on the right side of the video and change the resolutions and aspect ratio of the video as you want. You can also manage export settings like quality, codec, fps, bitrate, etc. from this tab.

resize flv

  • Then go to the Crop section inside the Edit Video tab and crop the video as you like with preview and different other options.

resize flv

  • Finally click Done to go back and hit the Run This’ll start rendering the video and will save it to your Mac device.

resize flv

  1. Shotcut

resize flv

Shotcut is another alternative to Filmora Video Editor for resizing FLV videos on Mac. It is a free, open-source, and cross-platform video editor that has a sleek and intuitive interface with many useful editing features which really makes it suitable for both beginners as well as advanced editors.

Steps to resize FLV videos on Mac with Shotcut:

  • Run the Shotcut program on your Mac after installing it and create a new project.

resize flv

  • Import the Flv video file to the project by drag and drop method into the timeline.

resize flv

  • To change the resolution and aspect ratio of the video, go to the Settings tab, then Video mode, and choose the format you want.

resize flv

  • To crop the video, select the clip in the timeline and go to the Filters Now click on the ‘**+**’ icon and select Size, Position & Rotate under the Favorite section. Then adjust crop settings as you like.

resize flv

  • Finally, go to the Export section at the top and click on Advanced. Then configure the output settings as you like and click on Export File.

resize flv

2 Ways to Resize FLV Videos on Android

Wouldn’t it be great if you could resize FLV videos on your android device rather than having to open your computer for every small task? Previously, this was a major issue due to a lack of good video editors for android with flv support but that’s no longer the case. Below are two ways to resize FLV videos on android:

  1. AndroVid – Video Editor, Video Maker

resize flv

AndroVid is an easy-to-use, full-featured video editor especially developed to edit videos for social media like YouTube, TikTok, Facebook, Instagram, etc. It is not a very popular application with just over 300k+ downloads in Google Play Store, but after testing it out, we thought it deserves to be in this article. It is available for free to download from Google Play Store.

Steps to resize FLV videos on Android with AndroVid Video Editor:

  • Open AndroVid Video Editor on an android phone and go inside the Videos

resize flv

  • Now select the FLV video file that you want to resize.

resize flv

  • Inside editor, tap on the Crop tool in the toolbar at the top.

resize flv

  • Then select the preferred Aspect ratio from the top right, reposition the video area and tap on the tick icon to save the video.

resize flv

  • If you need to change the resolution too, click on the three dots at the top right after the video is saved successfully. Then choose the preferred resolution, quality, and format and click on the tick icon to export.

resize flv

2 Ways to Resize FLV Videos on iPhone

Like Android, you can also resize FLV videos on your iPhone on the go without needing to use your computer. Doing such editing on mobile phones can really save your time and effort, so here are 2 ways for you to resize FLV videos on iPhone:

  1. Cyberlink Powerdirector

resize flv

Cyberlink Powerdirector is one of the most popular as well as powerful video editors for Android and iOS. It is a full-featured mobile video editor with over 130M+ downloads on the App Store which allows you to do an advanced level of editing. It is a paid software but also has a free version available for download.

Steps to resize FLV videos on iPhone with PowerDirector:

  • Launch the PowerDirector app on your iPhone and create a new project. Unlike other apps, you cannot change the aspect ratio later, so you need to set the aspect ratio you want while creating a new project.

resize flv

  • Now add the FLV video file into the timeline by tapping on the ‘**+**’ icon on the video. Then tap on the play button at the top right to enter the editor.

resize flv

  • To resize the video, select the video clip in the timeline and tap on the pencil icon at the bottom left. Then use different crop tools available to resize your video as you want.

resize flv

  • After you resize the video, tap on the export button on the top right to export it. Then tap on Produce and Share, and produce resized video with preferred settings.

resize flv

  1. Splice – Video Editor & Maker

resize flv

Splice – Video Editor & Maker is a simple yet powerful application that makes it easy to create fully customized and professional-looking videos on iPhone. It is another great app for resizing FLV videos on iPhone with over 70M+ downloads on App Store and it is available for free.

Steps to resize FLV videos on iPhone with Splice:

  • Open the Splice app on the iPhone and tap on the ‘**+**’ icon to create a new project.

resize flv

  • Now select the flv video file to add and start the project.

resize flv

  • To resize the video, tap on the gear icon at the top right corner which opens up Project settings from where you can change the aspect ratio.

resize flv

  • To crop the video, select the clip in the timeline and tap on the Crop option in the toolbar. You can crop and reposition the video from there.

resize flv

  • Then click on the Export icon at the top right corner to export the video with preferred configurations.

resize flv

2 Ways to Resize FLV Videos Online

Resizing is not that big of a task and you might just want to quickly resize your Flv video and share it. So why bother installing and running large video editing programs on your computer or even mobile phones when you can easily resize your videos in the web browser? Yes, you read that right, and below are the 2 ways for you to resize FLV videos online:

  1. io

resize flv

Veed is a simple online video editing tool that you can access from any device with the help of a web browser. It can help you resize your Flv videos easily within just a few clicks. It has a clean and beautiful interface with a responsive design which provides you with a good editing experience while using it. It is a paid tool but you can also try it for free before purchasing it.

Steps to resize FLV videos online with Veed.io:

  • Go to veed.io on your web browser and click on ‘Upload Your Video’ to get started without any account.

resize flv

  • Now upload the FLV video or you can directly drag and drop the video there.

resize flv

  • After you upload the video, you’ll be taken inside the Veed editor. To change the aspect ratio, go to the Size section inside Project Settings and choose the size you want to resize to.

resize flv

  • To crop the video, select the clip in the timeline and directly resize the video from the preview area. And you can also use settings like ‘Fill the canvas’ and ‘Fit the canvas’ at the left side for ease.

resize flv

  • Then click on the Export button at the top right corner to open Export settings. Configure the settings as you like and click on ‘Export Video’ to render and download the video.

resize flv

  1. Clideo

resize flv

When it comes to resizing or editing videos online, Clideo is one of the best tools you can rely on. Like Veed.io, it has a clean and responsive interface and supports many video formats including flv. Clideo is free to use but also comes with various subscription plans for extra functionalities.

Steps to resize FLV videos online with Clideo:

  • Go to clideo.com/resize-video and upload your video through ‘Choose file’ button.

resize flv

  • To resize the aspect ratio, choose your desired formats in the ‘Resize for’ section. You can also manually set the aspect ratio.

resize flv

  • Then just below that, you’ll find various cropping options. Use them to crop or resize the video as you like.

resize flv

  • Finally, click on the Export button at the bottom right corner to export the video. You can download the video or can directly save to cloud storage like Drive, Dropbox, etc.

resize flv

FAQs about Resizing FLV Video

Here are some of the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) related to resizing FLV videos that you might be interested in:

  1. How do I make FLV files smaller?

You can make FLV files smaller with the help of any video editor that supports Flv video format by cutting and cropping out unnecessary parts, decreasing the resolution, and bitrate, and converting flv into another lighter file format.

  1. Which video editors support FLV file format?

There are few video editors like Filmora, Movavi, VSDC, etc. that support the FLV file format. But when it comes to editing FLV videos, Filmora Video Editor is the best choice.

  1. How do I view an FLV file?

FLV is one of the oldest video formats due to which most new and modern video players don’t recognize it or can’t play it. However, there are few programs like VLC media players which can help you view an FLV file. Or you can also convert the FLV file into other supported video formats with the help of a video converter.

  1. Can I convert a horizontal FLV video into a vertical one?

Yes, and that’s a piece of cake when you use Filmora Video Editor or other similar video editors. You just need to change the aspect ratio of the video or the project from horizontal (generally 16:9) to vertical (generally 9:16).

  1. Can I resize FLV video files on my mobile?

Though video editors on mobile are not as powerful as those on PC, there are some that are still capable enough to let you easily resize FLV video files on mobile devices. Some examples are Splice, Powerdirector, etc.

Free Download

For macOS 10.14 or later

Why choose Filmora Video Editor for resizing FLV videos, you say?

  • Simple UI and easy interface
  • Easily crop or change the aspect ratio of the video
  • Not all video editors support FLV video format, but the Filmora does
  • Advanced export options to compress or change the file size of video
  • Suitable for beginners as well as professionals
  • Regular software updates and improvements

Plus, Filmora Video Editor has a free version, so you can instantly download the program, install it, and get started on resizing FLV Videos. Below is a step-by-step guide to resize FLV Videos on Windows and Mac with Wondershare Filmora Video Editor, so you can follow along!

Steps to resize FLV videos with Filmora Video Editor:

  1. Launch Filmora and open a new project

Run the Wondershare Filmora application on Windows or Mac after installing it. Then you should automatically be inside a new project. If not, you can manually open a new project by going to File on the top left corner and then clicking on ‘**New Project**’.

resize flv

  1. Import the FLV video and add it to timeline

Click on ‘**Import Media Files**’ and import the flv video into project media from your computer’s file explorer. Then add the video to the timeline by dragging it inside the timeline.

resize flv

  1. Edit and perform desired modifications (Optional)

If you are just looking to resize the FLV video file, then you can skip this step and move to step no. 4. Otherwise, you can do various editings on the video like cropping, muting, trimming, animating, etc. before resizing the video. Filmora provides a wide range of features for editing and adding effects to the video.

resize flv

  1. Resize the video by changing the aspect ratio

Aspect ratio defines the shape of your video like if you want the video to be horizontal, vertical, square, or custom. Generally, the term ‘resizing video’ refers to changing the aspect ratio of the video. For that, go to the File and then to the Project Settings. Then on the Aspect Ratio box, select the one that you prefer or you can try custom scaling. You can choose your preferred resolution of the project too while you’re at it.

resize flv

  1. Resize the video by cropping

When you change the aspect ratio of the project, some parts of your flv video might not fit or it might be shrunk small to fit. So you need to resize the flv video by cropping so that you can crop and focus on the part of the video you like. To crop the video, select the flv video clip in the timeline and click on the crop icon in the timeline toolbar. Now choose the ratio you want to crop and select the part you’d like to keep. Then click OK and your flv video will be resized.

resize flv

  1. Adjust the file size of the video through export settings

After you’ve cropped and resized the Flv video, you need to export it by clicking the Export button on the top center part. There are different settings available for exporting the video. Click on the Settings button near the resolution and you’ll be shown some detailed preferences for exporting. Every setting here like frame rate, resolution, bitrate, etc. can affect the size of the output video.

resize flv

Filmora Video Editor really makes the task of editing and resizing FLV videos easier, simpler, and faster. Since you now know the steps, it’s time you try it and resize your own FLV videos with this best FLV Editor for Windows and Mac.

Alternative Way to Resize FLV Videos on Windows

In case you want to try something different than Filmora, here are two alternative software (one paid and another free) that you can use to resize your FLV Videos on Windows:

  1. Movavi Video Editor Plus

resize flv

Movavi Video Editor Plus is one of the best easy-to-use video editors that can help you to resize FLV videos as well as edit them on Windows. Its interface and functionalities are somewhat similar to that of the Filmora Video Editor. This is a paid software available for download on both Windows and Mac but you can try it for free with their 7 days trial version.

Steps to resize FLV videos on Windows with Movavi Video Editor:

  • Install Movavi Video Editor and run the software on your PC. Then you should automatically be inside a new project in it.

resize flv

  • Import the FLV video file you want to resize through the ‘File Import’ tab on the left and drag it to the timeline.

resize flv

  • To resize the aspect ratio, expand the resolution options near the preview screen above the export button and select the preferred ratio.

resize flv

  • To crop or resize the video, select the clip in the timeline and use the crop tool to make adjustments as you wish. Then hit Apply to save changes.

resize flv

  • After the video is ready, export it with the Export button on the right side of the screen. Then choose your preferred settings for output and click on Start after which your video will be rendered and saved to your PC.

resize flv

  1. VSDC Free Video Editor

resize flv

VSDC Free Video Editor is another alternative to Filmora for resizing FLV videos on Windows. It is a free video editor that packs a wide range of editing features without any restrictions. However, it does have a paid version with some advanced features and hardware acceleration.

Steps to resize FLV videos on Windows with VSDC Free Video Editor:

  • Install and open VSDC video editor on your PC. Then create a new project with preferred settings through the ‘Projects’ tab on the top left corner.

resize flv

  • Import the video file into the project by dragging and dropping it directly into the timeline.

resize flv

  • To resize the aspect ratio, click on the Projects Explorer and click on your project name. Then in the Properties windows on the right, manually adjust width, height, resolution, etc. according to your preferences.

resize flv

  • To crop and reposition your video, select the clip in the timeline and go to the Editor tab on the top. Then use the crop tool and adjust your video accordingly.

resize flv

  • Finally export your design through the Export project tab at the top with preferred settings.

resize flv

Alternative Way to Resize FLV Videos on Mac

Wondershare Filmora Video Editor is also available for Mac operating system which is recommended to resize FLV videos but if you want to try out some other alternatives, then below are the two ways to resize FLV videos on Mac:

  1. VideoProc Converter

resize flv

VideoProc is a powerful video editor/ converter that helps you edit, convert, and resize any kind of video. It also supports a wide range of codecs and video formats including flv. It is a paid software but you can also try their free trial version with some limitations.

Steps to resize FLV videos on Mac with VideoProc:

  • Launch VideoProc on a Mac device and go inside the Video

resize flv

  • Add files in VideoProc by drag and drop method or directly through the ‘Add Video’ option.

resize flv

  • Then click on the Options (codec) on the right side of the video and change the resolutions and aspect ratio of the video as you want. You can also manage export settings like quality, codec, fps, bitrate, etc. from this tab.

resize flv

  • Then go to the Crop section inside the Edit Video tab and crop the video as you like with preview and different other options.

resize flv

  • Finally click Done to go back and hit the Run This’ll start rendering the video and will save it to your Mac device.

resize flv

  1. Shotcut

resize flv

Shotcut is another alternative to Filmora Video Editor for resizing FLV videos on Mac. It is a free, open-source, and cross-platform video editor that has a sleek and intuitive interface with many useful editing features which really makes it suitable for both beginners as well as advanced editors.

Steps to resize FLV videos on Mac with Shotcut:

  • Run the Shotcut program on your Mac after installing it and create a new project.

resize flv

  • Import the Flv video file to the project by drag and drop method into the timeline.

resize flv

  • To change the resolution and aspect ratio of the video, go to the Settings tab, then Video mode, and choose the format you want.

resize flv

  • To crop the video, select the clip in the timeline and go to the Filters Now click on the ‘**+**’ icon and select Size, Position & Rotate under the Favorite section. Then adjust crop settings as you like.

resize flv

  • Finally, go to the Export section at the top and click on Advanced. Then configure the output settings as you like and click on Export File.

resize flv

2 Ways to Resize FLV Videos on Android

Wouldn’t it be great if you could resize FLV videos on your android device rather than having to open your computer for every small task? Previously, this was a major issue due to a lack of good video editors for android with flv support but that’s no longer the case. Below are two ways to resize FLV videos on android:

  1. AndroVid – Video Editor, Video Maker

resize flv

AndroVid is an easy-to-use, full-featured video editor especially developed to edit videos for social media like YouTube, TikTok, Facebook, Instagram, etc. It is not a very popular application with just over 300k+ downloads in Google Play Store, but after testing it out, we thought it deserves to be in this article. It is available for free to download from Google Play Store.

Steps to resize FLV videos on Android with AndroVid Video Editor:

  • Open AndroVid Video Editor on an android phone and go inside the Videos

resize flv

  • Now select the FLV video file that you want to resize.

resize flv

  • Inside editor, tap on the Crop tool in the toolbar at the top.

resize flv

  • Then select the preferred Aspect ratio from the top right, reposition the video area and tap on the tick icon to save the video.

resize flv

  • If you need to change the resolution too, click on the three dots at the top right after the video is saved successfully. Then choose the preferred resolution, quality, and format and click on the tick icon to export.

resize flv

2 Ways to Resize FLV Videos on iPhone

Like Android, you can also resize FLV videos on your iPhone on the go without needing to use your computer. Doing such editing on mobile phones can really save your time and effort, so here are 2 ways for you to resize FLV videos on iPhone:

  1. Cyberlink Powerdirector

resize flv

Cyberlink Powerdirector is one of the most popular as well as powerful video editors for Android and iOS. It is a full-featured mobile video editor with over 130M+ downloads on the App Store which allows you to do an advanced level of editing. It is a paid software but also has a free version available for download.

Steps to resize FLV videos on iPhone with PowerDirector:

  • Launch the PowerDirector app on your iPhone and create a new project. Unlike other apps, you cannot change the aspect ratio later, so you need to set the aspect ratio you want while creating a new project.

resize flv

  • Now add the FLV video file into the timeline by tapping on the ‘**+**’ icon on the video. Then tap on the play button at the top right to enter the editor.

resize flv

  • To resize the video, select the video clip in the timeline and tap on the pencil icon at the bottom left. Then use different crop tools available to resize your video as you want.

resize flv

  • After you resize the video, tap on the export button on the top right to export it. Then tap on Produce and Share, and produce resized video with preferred settings.

resize flv

  1. Splice – Video Editor & Maker

resize flv

Splice – Video Editor & Maker is a simple yet powerful application that makes it easy to create fully customized and professional-looking videos on iPhone. It is another great app for resizing FLV videos on iPhone with over 70M+ downloads on App Store and it is available for free.

Steps to resize FLV videos on iPhone with Splice:

  • Open the Splice app on the iPhone and tap on the ‘**+**’ icon to create a new project.

resize flv

  • Now select the flv video file to add and start the project.

resize flv

  • To resize the video, tap on the gear icon at the top right corner which opens up Project settings from where you can change the aspect ratio.

resize flv

  • To crop the video, select the clip in the timeline and tap on the Crop option in the toolbar. You can crop and reposition the video from there.

resize flv

  • Then click on the Export icon at the top right corner to export the video with preferred configurations.

resize flv

2 Ways to Resize FLV Videos Online

Resizing is not that big of a task and you might just want to quickly resize your Flv video and share it. So why bother installing and running large video editing programs on your computer or even mobile phones when you can easily resize your videos in the web browser? Yes, you read that right, and below are the 2 ways for you to resize FLV videos online:

  1. io

resize flv

Veed is a simple online video editing tool that you can access from any device with the help of a web browser. It can help you resize your Flv videos easily within just a few clicks. It has a clean and beautiful interface with a responsive design which provides you with a good editing experience while using it. It is a paid tool but you can also try it for free before purchasing it.

Steps to resize FLV videos online with Veed.io:

  • Go to veed.io on your web browser and click on ‘Upload Your Video’ to get started without any account.

resize flv

  • Now upload the FLV video or you can directly drag and drop the video there.

resize flv

  • After you upload the video, you’ll be taken inside the Veed editor. To change the aspect ratio, go to the Size section inside Project Settings and choose the size you want to resize to.

resize flv

  • To crop the video, select the clip in the timeline and directly resize the video from the preview area. And you can also use settings like ‘Fill the canvas’ and ‘Fit the canvas’ at the left side for ease.

resize flv

  • Then click on the Export button at the top right corner to open Export settings. Configure the settings as you like and click on ‘Export Video’ to render and download the video.

resize flv

  1. Clideo

resize flv

When it comes to resizing or editing videos online, Clideo is one of the best tools you can rely on. Like Veed.io, it has a clean and responsive interface and supports many video formats including flv. Clideo is free to use but also comes with various subscription plans for extra functionalities.

Steps to resize FLV videos online with Clideo:

  • Go to clideo.com/resize-video and upload your video through ‘Choose file’ button.

resize flv

  • To resize the aspect ratio, choose your desired formats in the ‘Resize for’ section. You can also manually set the aspect ratio.

resize flv

  • Then just below that, you’ll find various cropping options. Use them to crop or resize the video as you like.

resize flv

  • Finally, click on the Export button at the bottom right corner to export the video. You can download the video or can directly save to cloud storage like Drive, Dropbox, etc.

resize flv

FAQs about Resizing FLV Video

Here are some of the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) related to resizing FLV videos that you might be interested in:

  1. How do I make FLV files smaller?

You can make FLV files smaller with the help of any video editor that supports Flv video format by cutting and cropping out unnecessary parts, decreasing the resolution, and bitrate, and converting flv into another lighter file format.

  1. Which video editors support FLV file format?

There are few video editors like Filmora, Movavi, VSDC, etc. that support the FLV file format. But when it comes to editing FLV videos, Filmora Video Editor is the best choice.

  1. How do I view an FLV file?

FLV is one of the oldest video formats due to which most new and modern video players don’t recognize it or can’t play it. However, there are few programs like VLC media players which can help you view an FLV file. Or you can also convert the FLV file into other supported video formats with the help of a video converter.

  1. Can I convert a horizontal FLV video into a vertical one?

Yes, and that’s a piece of cake when you use Filmora Video Editor or other similar video editors. You just need to change the aspect ratio of the video or the project from horizontal (generally 16:9) to vertical (generally 9:16).

  1. Can I resize FLV video files on my mobile?

Though video editors on mobile are not as powerful as those on PC, there are some that are still capable enough to let you easily resize FLV video files on mobile devices. Some examples are Splice, Powerdirector, etc.

Free Download

For macOS 10.14 or later

Why choose Filmora Video Editor for resizing FLV videos, you say?

  • Simple UI and easy interface
  • Easily crop or change the aspect ratio of the video
  • Not all video editors support FLV video format, but the Filmora does
  • Advanced export options to compress or change the file size of video
  • Suitable for beginners as well as professionals
  • Regular software updates and improvements

Plus, Filmora Video Editor has a free version, so you can instantly download the program, install it, and get started on resizing FLV Videos. Below is a step-by-step guide to resize FLV Videos on Windows and Mac with Wondershare Filmora Video Editor, so you can follow along!

Steps to resize FLV videos with Filmora Video Editor:

  1. Launch Filmora and open a new project

Run the Wondershare Filmora application on Windows or Mac after installing it. Then you should automatically be inside a new project. If not, you can manually open a new project by going to File on the top left corner and then clicking on ‘**New Project**’.

resize flv

  1. Import the FLV video and add it to timeline

Click on ‘**Import Media Files**’ and import the flv video into project media from your computer’s file explorer. Then add the video to the timeline by dragging it inside the timeline.

resize flv

  1. Edit and perform desired modifications (Optional)

If you are just looking to resize the FLV video file, then you can skip this step and move to step no. 4. Otherwise, you can do various editings on the video like cropping, muting, trimming, animating, etc. before resizing the video. Filmora provides a wide range of features for editing and adding effects to the video.

resize flv

  1. Resize the video by changing the aspect ratio

Aspect ratio defines the shape of your video like if you want the video to be horizontal, vertical, square, or custom. Generally, the term ‘resizing video’ refers to changing the aspect ratio of the video. For that, go to the File and then to the Project Settings. Then on the Aspect Ratio box, select the one that you prefer or you can try custom scaling. You can choose your preferred resolution of the project too while you’re at it.

resize flv

  1. Resize the video by cropping

When you change the aspect ratio of the project, some parts of your flv video might not fit or it might be shrunk small to fit. So you need to resize the flv video by cropping so that you can crop and focus on the part of the video you like. To crop the video, select the flv video clip in the timeline and click on the crop icon in the timeline toolbar. Now choose the ratio you want to crop and select the part you’d like to keep. Then click OK and your flv video will be resized.

resize flv

  1. Adjust the file size of the video through export settings

After you’ve cropped and resized the Flv video, you need to export it by clicking the Export button on the top center part. There are different settings available for exporting the video. Click on the Settings button near the resolution and you’ll be shown some detailed preferences for exporting. Every setting here like frame rate, resolution, bitrate, etc. can affect the size of the output video.

resize flv

Filmora Video Editor really makes the task of editing and resizing FLV videos easier, simpler, and faster. Since you now know the steps, it’s time you try it and resize your own FLV videos with this best FLV Editor for Windows and Mac.

Alternative Way to Resize FLV Videos on Windows

In case you want to try something different than Filmora, here are two alternative software (one paid and another free) that you can use to resize your FLV Videos on Windows:

  1. Movavi Video Editor Plus

resize flv

Movavi Video Editor Plus is one of the best easy-to-use video editors that can help you to resize FLV videos as well as edit them on Windows. Its interface and functionalities are somewhat similar to that of the Filmora Video Editor. This is a paid software available for download on both Windows and Mac but you can try it for free with their 7 days trial version.

Steps to resize FLV videos on Windows with Movavi Video Editor:

  • Install Movavi Video Editor and run the software on your PC. Then you should automatically be inside a new project in it.

resize flv

  • Import the FLV video file you want to resize through the ‘File Import’ tab on the left and drag it to the timeline.

resize flv

  • To resize the aspect ratio, expand the resolution options near the preview screen above the export button and select the preferred ratio.

resize flv

  • To crop or resize the video, select the clip in the timeline and use the crop tool to make adjustments as you wish. Then hit Apply to save changes.

resize flv

  • After the video is ready, export it with the Export button on the right side of the screen. Then choose your preferred settings for output and click on Start after which your video will be rendered and saved to your PC.

resize flv

  1. VSDC Free Video Editor

resize flv

VSDC Free Video Editor is another alternative to Filmora for resizing FLV videos on Windows. It is a free video editor that packs a wide range of editing features without any restrictions. However, it does have a paid version with some advanced features and hardware acceleration.

Steps to resize FLV videos on Windows with VSDC Free Video Editor:

  • Install and open VSDC video editor on your PC. Then create a new project with preferred settings through the ‘Projects’ tab on the top left corner.

resize flv

  • Import the video file into the project by dragging and dropping it directly into the timeline.

resize flv

  • To resize the aspect ratio, click on the Projects Explorer and click on your project name. Then in the Properties windows on the right, manually adjust width, height, resolution, etc. according to your preferences.

resize flv

  • To crop and reposition your video, select the clip in the timeline and go to the Editor tab on the top. Then use the crop tool and adjust your video accordingly.

resize flv

  • Finally export your design through the Export project tab at the top with preferred settings.

resize flv

Alternative Way to Resize FLV Videos on Mac

Wondershare Filmora Video Editor is also available for Mac operating system which is recommended to resize FLV videos but if you want to try out some other alternatives, then below are the two ways to resize FLV videos on Mac:

  1. VideoProc Converter

resize flv

VideoProc is a powerful video editor/ converter that helps you edit, convert, and resize any kind of video. It also supports a wide range of codecs and video formats including flv. It is a paid software but you can also try their free trial version with some limitations.

Steps to resize FLV videos on Mac with VideoProc:

  • Launch VideoProc on a Mac device and go inside the Video

resize flv

  • Add files in VideoProc by drag and drop method or directly through the ‘Add Video’ option.

resize flv

  • Then click on the Options (codec) on the right side of the video and change the resolutions and aspect ratio of the video as you want. You can also manage export settings like quality, codec, fps, bitrate, etc. from this tab.

resize flv

  • Then go to the Crop section inside the Edit Video tab and crop the video as you like with preview and different other options.

resize flv

  • Finally click Done to go back and hit the Run This’ll start rendering the video and will save it to your Mac device.

resize flv

  1. Shotcut

resize flv

Shotcut is another alternative to Filmora Video Editor for resizing FLV videos on Mac. It is a free, open-source, and cross-platform video editor that has a sleek and intuitive interface with many useful editing features which really makes it suitable for both beginners as well as advanced editors.

Steps to resize FLV videos on Mac with Shotcut:

  • Run the Shotcut program on your Mac after installing it and create a new project.

resize flv

  • Import the Flv video file to the project by drag and drop method into the timeline.

resize flv

  • To change the resolution and aspect ratio of the video, go to the Settings tab, then Video mode, and choose the format you want.

resize flv

  • To crop the video, select the clip in the timeline and go to the Filters Now click on the ‘**+**’ icon and select Size, Position & Rotate under the Favorite section. Then adjust crop settings as you like.

resize flv

  • Finally, go to the Export section at the top and click on Advanced. Then configure the output settings as you like and click on Export File.

resize flv

2 Ways to Resize FLV Videos on Android

Wouldn’t it be great if you could resize FLV videos on your android device rather than having to open your computer for every small task? Previously, this was a major issue due to a lack of good video editors for android with flv support but that’s no longer the case. Below are two ways to resize FLV videos on android:

  1. AndroVid – Video Editor, Video Maker

resize flv

AndroVid is an easy-to-use, full-featured video editor especially developed to edit videos for social media like YouTube, TikTok, Facebook, Instagram, etc. It is not a very popular application with just over 300k+ downloads in Google Play Store, but after testing it out, we thought it deserves to be in this article. It is available for free to download from Google Play Store.

Steps to resize FLV videos on Android with AndroVid Video Editor:

  • Open AndroVid Video Editor on an android phone and go inside the Videos

resize flv

  • Now select the FLV video file that you want to resize.

resize flv

  • Inside editor, tap on the Crop tool in the toolbar at the top.

resize flv

  • Then select the preferred Aspect ratio from the top right, reposition the video area and tap on the tick icon to save the video.

resize flv

  • If you need to change the resolution too, click on the three dots at the top right after the video is saved successfully. Then choose the preferred resolution, quality, and format and click on the tick icon to export.

resize flv

2 Ways to Resize FLV Videos on iPhone

Like Android, you can also resize FLV videos on your iPhone on the go without needing to use your computer. Doing such editing on mobile phones can really save your time and effort, so here are 2 ways for you to resize FLV videos on iPhone:

  1. Cyberlink Powerdirector

resize flv

Cyberlink Powerdirector is one of the most popular as well as powerful video editors for Android and iOS. It is a full-featured mobile video editor with over 130M+ downloads on the App Store which allows you to do an advanced level of editing. It is a paid software but also has a free version available for download.

Steps to resize FLV videos on iPhone with PowerDirector:

  • Launch the PowerDirector app on your iPhone and create a new project. Unlike other apps, you cannot change the aspect ratio later, so you need to set the aspect ratio you want while creating a new project.

resize flv

  • Now add the FLV video file into the timeline by tapping on the ‘**+**’ icon on the video. Then tap on the play button at the top right to enter the editor.

resize flv

  • To resize the video, select the video clip in the timeline and tap on the pencil icon at the bottom left. Then use different crop tools available to resize your video as you want.

resize flv

  • After you resize the video, tap on the export button on the top right to export it. Then tap on Produce and Share, and produce resized video with preferred settings.

resize flv

  1. Splice – Video Editor & Maker

resize flv

Splice – Video Editor & Maker is a simple yet powerful application that makes it easy to create fully customized and professional-looking videos on iPhone. It is another great app for resizing FLV videos on iPhone with over 70M+ downloads on App Store and it is available for free.

Steps to resize FLV videos on iPhone with Splice:

  • Open the Splice app on the iPhone and tap on the ‘**+**’ icon to create a new project.

resize flv

  • Now select the flv video file to add and start the project.

resize flv

  • To resize the video, tap on the gear icon at the top right corner which opens up Project settings from where you can change the aspect ratio.

resize flv

  • To crop the video, select the clip in the timeline and tap on the Crop option in the toolbar. You can crop and reposition the video from there.

resize flv

  • Then click on the Export icon at the top right corner to export the video with preferred configurations.

resize flv

2 Ways to Resize FLV Videos Online

Resizing is not that big of a task and you might just want to quickly resize your Flv video and share it. So why bother installing and running large video editing programs on your computer or even mobile phones when you can easily resize your videos in the web browser? Yes, you read that right, and below are the 2 ways for you to resize FLV videos online:

  1. io

resize flv

Veed is a simple online video editing tool that you can access from any device with the help of a web browser. It can help you resize your Flv videos easily within just a few clicks. It has a clean and beautiful interface with a responsive design which provides you with a good editing experience while using it. It is a paid tool but you can also try it for free before purchasing it.

Steps to resize FLV videos online with Veed.io:

  • Go to veed.io on your web browser and click on ‘Upload Your Video’ to get started without any account.

resize flv

  • Now upload the FLV video or you can directly drag and drop the video there.

resize flv

  • After you upload the video, you’ll be taken inside the Veed editor. To change the aspect ratio, go to the Size section inside Project Settings and choose the size you want to resize to.

resize flv

  • To crop the video, select the clip in the timeline and directly resize the video from the preview area. And you can also use settings like ‘Fill the canvas’ and ‘Fit the canvas’ at the left side for ease.

resize flv

  • Then click on the Export button at the top right corner to open Export settings. Configure the settings as you like and click on ‘Export Video’ to render and download the video.

resize flv

  1. Clideo

resize flv

When it comes to resizing or editing videos online, Clideo is one of the best tools you can rely on. Like Veed.io, it has a clean and responsive interface and supports many video formats including flv. Clideo is free to use but also comes with various subscription plans for extra functionalities.

Steps to resize FLV videos online with Clideo:

  • Go to clideo.com/resize-video and upload your video through ‘Choose file’ button.

resize flv

  • To resize the aspect ratio, choose your desired formats in the ‘Resize for’ section. You can also manually set the aspect ratio.

resize flv

  • Then just below that, you’ll find various cropping options. Use them to crop or resize the video as you like.

resize flv

  • Finally, click on the Export button at the bottom right corner to export the video. You can download the video or can directly save to cloud storage like Drive, Dropbox, etc.

resize flv

FAQs about Resizing FLV Video

Here are some of the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) related to resizing FLV videos that you might be interested in:

  1. How do I make FLV files smaller?

You can make FLV files smaller with the help of any video editor that supports Flv video format by cutting and cropping out unnecessary parts, decreasing the resolution, and bitrate, and converting flv into another lighter file format.

  1. Which video editors support FLV file format?

There are few video editors like Filmora, Movavi, VSDC, etc. that support the FLV file format. But when it comes to editing FLV videos, Filmora Video Editor is the best choice.

  1. How do I view an FLV file?

FLV is one of the oldest video formats due to which most new and modern video players don’t recognize it or can’t play it. However, there are few programs like VLC media players which can help you view an FLV file. Or you can also convert the FLV file into other supported video formats with the help of a video converter.

  1. Can I convert a horizontal FLV video into a vertical one?

Yes, and that’s a piece of cake when you use Filmora Video Editor or other similar video editors. You just need to change the aspect ratio of the video or the project from horizontal (generally 16:9) to vertical (generally 9:16).

  1. Can I resize FLV video files on my mobile?

Though video editors on mobile are not as powerful as those on PC, there are some that are still capable enough to let you easily resize FLV video files on mobile devices. Some examples are Splice, Powerdirector, etc.

Free Download

For macOS 10.14 or later

Why choose Filmora Video Editor for resizing FLV videos, you say?

  • Simple UI and easy interface
  • Easily crop or change the aspect ratio of the video
  • Not all video editors support FLV video format, but the Filmora does
  • Advanced export options to compress or change the file size of video
  • Suitable for beginners as well as professionals
  • Regular software updates and improvements

Plus, Filmora Video Editor has a free version, so you can instantly download the program, install it, and get started on resizing FLV Videos. Below is a step-by-step guide to resize FLV Videos on Windows and Mac with Wondershare Filmora Video Editor, so you can follow along!

Steps to resize FLV videos with Filmora Video Editor:

  1. Launch Filmora and open a new project

Run the Wondershare Filmora application on Windows or Mac after installing it. Then you should automatically be inside a new project. If not, you can manually open a new project by going to File on the top left corner and then clicking on ‘**New Project**’.

resize flv

  1. Import the FLV video and add it to timeline

Click on ‘**Import Media Files**’ and import the flv video into project media from your computer’s file explorer. Then add the video to the timeline by dragging it inside the timeline.

resize flv

  1. Edit and perform desired modifications (Optional)

If you are just looking to resize the FLV video file, then you can skip this step and move to step no. 4. Otherwise, you can do various editings on the video like cropping, muting, trimming, animating, etc. before resizing the video. Filmora provides a wide range of features for editing and adding effects to the video.

resize flv

  1. Resize the video by changing the aspect ratio

Aspect ratio defines the shape of your video like if you want the video to be horizontal, vertical, square, or custom. Generally, the term ‘resizing video’ refers to changing the aspect ratio of the video. For that, go to the File and then to the Project Settings. Then on the Aspect Ratio box, select the one that you prefer or you can try custom scaling. You can choose your preferred resolution of the project too while you’re at it.

resize flv

  1. Resize the video by cropping

When you change the aspect ratio of the project, some parts of your flv video might not fit or it might be shrunk small to fit. So you need to resize the flv video by cropping so that you can crop and focus on the part of the video you like. To crop the video, select the flv video clip in the timeline and click on the crop icon in the timeline toolbar. Now choose the ratio you want to crop and select the part you’d like to keep. Then click OK and your flv video will be resized.

resize flv

  1. Adjust the file size of the video through export settings

After you’ve cropped and resized the Flv video, you need to export it by clicking the Export button on the top center part. There are different settings available for exporting the video. Click on the Settings button near the resolution and you’ll be shown some detailed preferences for exporting. Every setting here like frame rate, resolution, bitrate, etc. can affect the size of the output video.

resize flv

Filmora Video Editor really makes the task of editing and resizing FLV videos easier, simpler, and faster. Since you now know the steps, it’s time you try it and resize your own FLV videos with this best FLV Editor for Windows and Mac.

Alternative Way to Resize FLV Videos on Windows

In case you want to try something different than Filmora, here are two alternative software (one paid and another free) that you can use to resize your FLV Videos on Windows:

  1. Movavi Video Editor Plus

resize flv

Movavi Video Editor Plus is one of the best easy-to-use video editors that can help you to resize FLV videos as well as edit them on Windows. Its interface and functionalities are somewhat similar to that of the Filmora Video Editor. This is a paid software available for download on both Windows and Mac but you can try it for free with their 7 days trial version.

Steps to resize FLV videos on Windows with Movavi Video Editor:

  • Install Movavi Video Editor and run the software on your PC. Then you should automatically be inside a new project in it.

resize flv

  • Import the FLV video file you want to resize through the ‘File Import’ tab on the left and drag it to the timeline.

resize flv

  • To resize the aspect ratio, expand the resolution options near the preview screen above the export button and select the preferred ratio.

resize flv

  • To crop or resize the video, select the clip in the timeline and use the crop tool to make adjustments as you wish. Then hit Apply to save changes.

resize flv

  • After the video is ready, export it with the Export button on the right side of the screen. Then choose your preferred settings for output and click on Start after which your video will be rendered and saved to your PC.

resize flv

  1. VSDC Free Video Editor

resize flv

VSDC Free Video Editor is another alternative to Filmora for resizing FLV videos on Windows. It is a free video editor that packs a wide range of editing features without any restrictions. However, it does have a paid version with some advanced features and hardware acceleration.

Steps to resize FLV videos on Windows with VSDC Free Video Editor:

  • Install and open VSDC video editor on your PC. Then create a new project with preferred settings through the ‘Projects’ tab on the top left corner.

resize flv

  • Import the video file into the project by dragging and dropping it directly into the timeline.

resize flv

  • To resize the aspect ratio, click on the Projects Explorer and click on your project name. Then in the Properties windows on the right, manually adjust width, height, resolution, etc. according to your preferences.

resize flv

  • To crop and reposition your video, select the clip in the timeline and go to the Editor tab on the top. Then use the crop tool and adjust your video accordingly.

resize flv

  • Finally export your design through the Export project tab at the top with preferred settings.

resize flv

Alternative Way to Resize FLV Videos on Mac

Wondershare Filmora Video Editor is also available for Mac operating system which is recommended to resize FLV videos but if you want to try out some other alternatives, then below are the two ways to resize FLV videos on Mac:

  1. VideoProc Converter

resize flv

VideoProc is a powerful video editor/ converter that helps you edit, convert, and resize any kind of video. It also supports a wide range of codecs and video formats including flv. It is a paid software but you can also try their free trial version with some limitations.

Steps to resize FLV videos on Mac with VideoProc:

  • Launch VideoProc on a Mac device and go inside the Video

resize flv

  • Add files in VideoProc by drag and drop method or directly through the ‘Add Video’ option.

resize flv

  • Then click on the Options (codec) on the right side of the video and change the resolutions and aspect ratio of the video as you want. You can also manage export settings like quality, codec, fps, bitrate, etc. from this tab.

resize flv

  • Then go to the Crop section inside the Edit Video tab and crop the video as you like with preview and different other options.

resize flv

  • Finally click Done to go back and hit the Run This’ll start rendering the video and will save it to your Mac device.

resize flv

  1. Shotcut

resize flv

Shotcut is another alternative to Filmora Video Editor for resizing FLV videos on Mac. It is a free, open-source, and cross-platform video editor that has a sleek and intuitive interface with many useful editing features which really makes it suitable for both beginners as well as advanced editors.

Steps to resize FLV videos on Mac with Shotcut:

  • Run the Shotcut program on your Mac after installing it and create a new project.

resize flv

  • Import the Flv video file to the project by drag and drop method into the timeline.

resize flv

  • To change the resolution and aspect ratio of the video, go to the Settings tab, then Video mode, and choose the format you want.

resize flv

  • To crop the video, select the clip in the timeline and go to the Filters Now click on the ‘**+**’ icon and select Size, Position & Rotate under the Favorite section. Then adjust crop settings as you like.

resize flv

  • Finally, go to the Export section at the top and click on Advanced. Then configure the output settings as you like and click on Export File.

resize flv

2 Ways to Resize FLV Videos on Android

Wouldn’t it be great if you could resize FLV videos on your android device rather than having to open your computer for every small task? Previously, this was a major issue due to a lack of good video editors for android with flv support but that’s no longer the case. Below are two ways to resize FLV videos on android:

  1. AndroVid – Video Editor, Video Maker

resize flv

AndroVid is an easy-to-use, full-featured video editor especially developed to edit videos for social media like YouTube, TikTok, Facebook, Instagram, etc. It is not a very popular application with just over 300k+ downloads in Google Play Store, but after testing it out, we thought it deserves to be in this article. It is available for free to download from Google Play Store.

Steps to resize FLV videos on Android with AndroVid Video Editor:

  • Open AndroVid Video Editor on an android phone and go inside the Videos

resize flv

  • Now select the FLV video file that you want to resize.

resize flv

  • Inside editor, tap on the Crop tool in the toolbar at the top.

resize flv

  • Then select the preferred Aspect ratio from the top right, reposition the video area and tap on the tick icon to save the video.

resize flv

  • If you need to change the resolution too, click on the three dots at the top right after the video is saved successfully. Then choose the preferred resolution, quality, and format and click on the tick icon to export.

resize flv

2 Ways to Resize FLV Videos on iPhone

Like Android, you can also resize FLV videos on your iPhone on the go without needing to use your computer. Doing such editing on mobile phones can really save your time and effort, so here are 2 ways for you to resize FLV videos on iPhone:

  1. Cyberlink Powerdirector

resize flv

Cyberlink Powerdirector is one of the most popular as well as powerful video editors for Android and iOS. It is a full-featured mobile video editor with over 130M+ downloads on the App Store which allows you to do an advanced level of editing. It is a paid software but also has a free version available for download.

Steps to resize FLV videos on iPhone with PowerDirector:

  • Launch the PowerDirector app on your iPhone and create a new project. Unlike other apps, you cannot change the aspect ratio later, so you need to set the aspect ratio you want while creating a new project.

resize flv

  • Now add the FLV video file into the timeline by tapping on the ‘**+**’ icon on the video. Then tap on the play button at the top right to enter the editor.

resize flv

  • To resize the video, select the video clip in the timeline and tap on the pencil icon at the bottom left. Then use different crop tools available to resize your video as you want.

resize flv

  • After you resize the video, tap on the export button on the top right to export it. Then tap on Produce and Share, and produce resized video with preferred settings.

resize flv

  1. Splice – Video Editor & Maker

resize flv

Splice – Video Editor & Maker is a simple yet powerful application that makes it easy to create fully customized and professional-looking videos on iPhone. It is another great app for resizing FLV videos on iPhone with over 70M+ downloads on App Store and it is available for free.

Steps to resize FLV videos on iPhone with Splice:

  • Open the Splice app on the iPhone and tap on the ‘**+**’ icon to create a new project.

resize flv

  • Now select the flv video file to add and start the project.

resize flv

  • To resize the video, tap on the gear icon at the top right corner which opens up Project settings from where you can change the aspect ratio.

resize flv

  • To crop the video, select the clip in the timeline and tap on the Crop option in the toolbar. You can crop and reposition the video from there.

resize flv

  • Then click on the Export icon at the top right corner to export the video with preferred configurations.

resize flv

2 Ways to Resize FLV Videos Online

Resizing is not that big of a task and you might just want to quickly resize your Flv video and share it. So why bother installing and running large video editing programs on your computer or even mobile phones when you can easily resize your videos in the web browser? Yes, you read that right, and below are the 2 ways for you to resize FLV videos online:

  1. io

resize flv

Veed is a simple online video editing tool that you can access from any device with the help of a web browser. It can help you resize your Flv videos easily within just a few clicks. It has a clean and beautiful interface with a responsive design which provides you with a good editing experience while using it. It is a paid tool but you can also try it for free before purchasing it.

Steps to resize FLV videos online with Veed.io:

  • Go to veed.io on your web browser and click on ‘Upload Your Video’ to get started without any account.

resize flv

  • Now upload the FLV video or you can directly drag and drop the video there.

resize flv

  • After you upload the video, you’ll be taken inside the Veed editor. To change the aspect ratio, go to the Size section inside Project Settings and choose the size you want to resize to.

resize flv

  • To crop the video, select the clip in the timeline and directly resize the video from the preview area. And you can also use settings like ‘Fill the canvas’ and ‘Fit the canvas’ at the left side for ease.

resize flv

  • Then click on the Export button at the top right corner to open Export settings. Configure the settings as you like and click on ‘Export Video’ to render and download the video.

resize flv

  1. Clideo

resize flv

When it comes to resizing or editing videos online, Clideo is one of the best tools you can rely on. Like Veed.io, it has a clean and responsive interface and supports many video formats including flv. Clideo is free to use but also comes with various subscription plans for extra functionalities.

Steps to resize FLV videos online with Clideo:

  • Go to clideo.com/resize-video and upload your video through ‘Choose file’ button.

resize flv

  • To resize the aspect ratio, choose your desired formats in the ‘Resize for’ section. You can also manually set the aspect ratio.

resize flv

  • Then just below that, you’ll find various cropping options. Use them to crop or resize the video as you like.

resize flv

  • Finally, click on the Export button at the bottom right corner to export the video. You can download the video or can directly save to cloud storage like Drive, Dropbox, etc.

resize flv

FAQs about Resizing FLV Video

Here are some of the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) related to resizing FLV videos that you might be interested in:

  1. How do I make FLV files smaller?

You can make FLV files smaller with the help of any video editor that supports Flv video format by cutting and cropping out unnecessary parts, decreasing the resolution, and bitrate, and converting flv into another lighter file format.

  1. Which video editors support FLV file format?

There are few video editors like Filmora, Movavi, VSDC, etc. that support the FLV file format. But when it comes to editing FLV videos, Filmora Video Editor is the best choice.

  1. How do I view an FLV file?

FLV is one of the oldest video formats due to which most new and modern video players don’t recognize it or can’t play it. However, there are few programs like VLC media players which can help you view an FLV file. Or you can also convert the FLV file into other supported video formats with the help of a video converter.

  1. Can I convert a horizontal FLV video into a vertical one?

Yes, and that’s a piece of cake when you use Filmora Video Editor or other similar video editors. You just need to change the aspect ratio of the video or the project from horizontal (generally 16:9) to vertical (generally 9:16).

  1. Can I resize FLV video files on my mobile?

Though video editors on mobile are not as powerful as those on PC, there are some that are still capable enough to let you easily resize FLV video files on mobile devices. Some examples are Splice, Powerdirector, etc.

12 Best Marketing Slideshow Templates

12 Best Marketing Slideshow Templates

An easy yet powerful editor

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For any kind of business or organization, marketing plays a major role in the brand introduction, awareness, driving sales, and other purposes. A good marketing plan involves a good slideshow and for creating one, the help of a template can be taken.

Marketing Slideshow

So, if you too want to create a marketing template for your business or a brand, keep reading the content below to know about the best places to get templates, tools for creating a marketing plan slideshow, and other related content.

In this article

01 [Importance of a good marketing slideshow](#Part 1)

02 [Tips for creating an effective slideshow](#Part 2)

03 [Best places to search for marketing slideshow templates](#Part 3)

04 [Hassle-free tool for creating an impressive marketing slideshow- Wondershare Filmora](#Part 4)

Part 1 Importance of a good marketing slideshow

A good marketing slideshow serves several benefits and some of them are listed below.

01Building brand awareness and reputation

One of the major purposes and benefits of creating a marketing slideshow is creating brand awareness and recognition among prospective buyers and clients. Using a slideshow, you can present your products and services to your clients and buyers in an interesting and attractive manner.

02Helps in boosting sales

Using a good marketing slideshow presentation, a company can better market their products and reach more clients and prospective buyers which in turn helps in boosting the sales and revenues of the company.

03Helps in creating a reputation

Through a good slideshow, a company can market their products effectively, help the client know about their benefits, and also how it is better than the competitors. Moreover, through a slideshow, you can display the caption, images, and the logo of the company which altogether helps in creating a brand reputation.

04Reaching a wider audience

A slideshow is a technical piece of marketing that can be shared with a huge number of people online. So not only the clients and customers in your vicinity, a marketing slideshow can be sent through mails and other online means which all, in turn, help you to reach people all across the country as well as worldwide.

Part 2 Tips for creating an effective slideshow

As discussed above, there are several benefits of a good marketing slideshow. Now, next comes how can one create an impressive slideshow to get the attention of the clients. Below listed are some useful tips.

01Attractive and impressive

The most important aspect of any slideshow is its presentation and thus while creating one ensure that it is impressive to catch the attention of the clients. An effective presentation must be created to stir the client’s and prospective buyers’ interests in the product and services.

02Powerful message

To strongly build your brand and reputation, the slideshow presentation must have a strong message that holds the attention. The message can revolve around the product, services, or any other relevant thing.

03Make the presentation memorable

It is important for a presentation to be memorable in the minds of the clients and prospective buyers so that it can turn into sales. Ensure that even people with a short attention span can relate to your product and services for a long time.

04Reaching out to a wider audience

Depending on the type of product or service you are promoting, the slideshow presentation is created. Still, try to make a slideshow that can reach out to the maximum number of people in the selected community. The slideshow should be targeted to a wider audience.

05Add multiple elements

To make your slideshow interesting, multiple elements like photos, videos, text, and other elements can be used. With the advanced technology these days there are several tools and software available that can help you get this task done in no time.

06Use templates

Readymade templates in different categories are available for creating a slideshow presentation. These templates not only save time and effort but will also help you create a professional-looking presentation with interesting elements. There are several sites from which you can download the templates of your choice.

Marketing Template

Part 3 Best places to search for marketing slideshow templates

There are several sites that have a collection of marketing templates in different styles and designs. Depending on your product, services, and theme, you can choose between these templates and sites. To make your search a little easier, below listed are some of the sites where you can look for a good marketing slideshow presentation template.







Wondershare Filmora

Marketing Template Sites

Part 4 Hassle-free tool for creating an impressive marketing slideshow- Wondershare Filmora

Creating an impressive slideshow can be done in a hassle-free manner using professional software and here we recommend Wondershare Filmora Video Editor as the best choice. This versatile video editing tool is packed in with an array of video customization as well as other functions which also includes creating a slideshow.

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

A marketing, as well as other templates, can be created in a few simple steps using the software that also has a collection of templates in different categories. There is also a huge collection of stock footage with the tool that can be added to your presentation to make it interesting.

Videos, images, audio, text, as well as other elements, can be added to the slideshow using the software. Some other key features of the software include support for all key formats, multiple editing functions, visual effects, and transitions, split-screen function, speed ramping, masking, audio-beat sync, and many more.

Wondersahre Filmora

Steps for creating a slideshow using Wondershare Filmora

Step 1. Download, install and launch the Wondershare Filmora software on your system. Tap on the New Project button for creating a new slideshow.

Step 2. Import and add the images, videos, and music files from your system to the Media Library of the software. These files then need to be added to the timeline. As needed, the order and the duration of the files can be changed at the timeline. You can even rotate, and crop the files.

Step 3. Next, you can add the transitions from the wide range of options available. As needed, add a transition between each slide or between selected ones.

Step 4. Add the music or the sound effect to your slideshow. A file from the built-in library can also be selected.

Step 5. Finally, save and export the slideshow created. You can save the presentation to your system, CD, DVD, or can even share it directly to YouTube or Vimeo.

Ending Thoughts

A marketing slideshow is one of the key elements of an overall marketing campaign or a strategy.

An array of templates is available for creating a marketing slideshow in a hassle-free manner.

Wondershare Filmora is an excellent tool to check out the templates as well as for creating an eye-catchy slideshow.

Try It Free Try It Free

For any kind of business or organization, marketing plays a major role in the brand introduction, awareness, driving sales, and other purposes. A good marketing plan involves a good slideshow and for creating one, the help of a template can be taken.

Marketing Slideshow

So, if you too want to create a marketing template for your business or a brand, keep reading the content below to know about the best places to get templates, tools for creating a marketing plan slideshow, and other related content.

In this article

01 [Importance of a good marketing slideshow](#Part 1)

02 [Tips for creating an effective slideshow](#Part 2)

03 [Best places to search for marketing slideshow templates](#Part 3)

04 [Hassle-free tool for creating an impressive marketing slideshow- Wondershare Filmora](#Part 4)

Part 1 Importance of a good marketing slideshow

A good marketing slideshow serves several benefits and some of them are listed below.

01Building brand awareness and reputation

One of the major purposes and benefits of creating a marketing slideshow is creating brand awareness and recognition among prospective buyers and clients. Using a slideshow, you can present your products and services to your clients and buyers in an interesting and attractive manner.

02Helps in boosting sales

Using a good marketing slideshow presentation, a company can better market their products and reach more clients and prospective buyers which in turn helps in boosting the sales and revenues of the company.

03Helps in creating a reputation

Through a good slideshow, a company can market their products effectively, help the client know about their benefits, and also how it is better than the competitors. Moreover, through a slideshow, you can display the caption, images, and the logo of the company which altogether helps in creating a brand reputation.

04Reaching a wider audience

A slideshow is a technical piece of marketing that can be shared with a huge number of people online. So not only the clients and customers in your vicinity, a marketing slideshow can be sent through mails and other online means which all, in turn, help you to reach people all across the country as well as worldwide.

Part 2 Tips for creating an effective slideshow

As discussed above, there are several benefits of a good marketing slideshow. Now, next comes how can one create an impressive slideshow to get the attention of the clients. Below listed are some useful tips.

01Attractive and impressive

The most important aspect of any slideshow is its presentation and thus while creating one ensure that it is impressive to catch the attention of the clients. An effective presentation must be created to stir the client’s and prospective buyers’ interests in the product and services.

02Powerful message

To strongly build your brand and reputation, the slideshow presentation must have a strong message that holds the attention. The message can revolve around the product, services, or any other relevant thing.

03Make the presentation memorable

It is important for a presentation to be memorable in the minds of the clients and prospective buyers so that it can turn into sales. Ensure that even people with a short attention span can relate to your product and services for a long time.

04Reaching out to a wider audience

Depending on the type of product or service you are promoting, the slideshow presentation is created. Still, try to make a slideshow that can reach out to the maximum number of people in the selected community. The slideshow should be targeted to a wider audience.

05Add multiple elements

To make your slideshow interesting, multiple elements like photos, videos, text, and other elements can be used. With the advanced technology these days there are several tools and software available that can help you get this task done in no time.

06Use templates

Readymade templates in different categories are available for creating a slideshow presentation. These templates not only save time and effort but will also help you create a professional-looking presentation with interesting elements. There are several sites from which you can download the templates of your choice.

Marketing Template

Part 3 Best places to search for marketing slideshow templates

There are several sites that have a collection of marketing templates in different styles and designs. Depending on your product, services, and theme, you can choose between these templates and sites. To make your search a little easier, below listed are some of the sites where you can look for a good marketing slideshow presentation template.







Wondershare Filmora

Marketing Template Sites

Part 4 Hassle-free tool for creating an impressive marketing slideshow- Wondershare Filmora

Creating an impressive slideshow can be done in a hassle-free manner using professional software and here we recommend Wondershare Filmora Video Editor as the best choice. This versatile video editing tool is packed in with an array of video customization as well as other functions which also includes creating a slideshow.

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

A marketing, as well as other templates, can be created in a few simple steps using the software that also has a collection of templates in different categories. There is also a huge collection of stock footage with the tool that can be added to your presentation to make it interesting.

Videos, images, audio, text, as well as other elements, can be added to the slideshow using the software. Some other key features of the software include support for all key formats, multiple editing functions, visual effects, and transitions, split-screen function, speed ramping, masking, audio-beat sync, and many more.

Wondersahre Filmora

Steps for creating a slideshow using Wondershare Filmora

Step 1. Download, install and launch the Wondershare Filmora software on your system. Tap on the New Project button for creating a new slideshow.

Step 2. Import and add the images, videos, and music files from your system to the Media Library of the software. These files then need to be added to the timeline. As needed, the order and the duration of the files can be changed at the timeline. You can even rotate, and crop the files.

Step 3. Next, you can add the transitions from the wide range of options available. As needed, add a transition between each slide or between selected ones.

Step 4. Add the music or the sound effect to your slideshow. A file from the built-in library can also be selected.

Step 5. Finally, save and export the slideshow created. You can save the presentation to your system, CD, DVD, or can even share it directly to YouTube or Vimeo.

Ending Thoughts

A marketing slideshow is one of the key elements of an overall marketing campaign or a strategy.

An array of templates is available for creating a marketing slideshow in a hassle-free manner.

Wondershare Filmora is an excellent tool to check out the templates as well as for creating an eye-catchy slideshow.

Try It Free Try It Free

For any kind of business or organization, marketing plays a major role in the brand introduction, awareness, driving sales, and other purposes. A good marketing plan involves a good slideshow and for creating one, the help of a template can be taken.

Marketing Slideshow

So, if you too want to create a marketing template for your business or a brand, keep reading the content below to know about the best places to get templates, tools for creating a marketing plan slideshow, and other related content.

In this article

01 [Importance of a good marketing slideshow](#Part 1)

02 [Tips for creating an effective slideshow](#Part 2)

03 [Best places to search for marketing slideshow templates](#Part 3)

04 [Hassle-free tool for creating an impressive marketing slideshow- Wondershare Filmora](#Part 4)

Part 1 Importance of a good marketing slideshow

A good marketing slideshow serves several benefits and some of them are listed below.

01Building brand awareness and reputation

One of the major purposes and benefits of creating a marketing slideshow is creating brand awareness and recognition among prospective buyers and clients. Using a slideshow, you can present your products and services to your clients and buyers in an interesting and attractive manner.

02Helps in boosting sales

Using a good marketing slideshow presentation, a company can better market their products and reach more clients and prospective buyers which in turn helps in boosting the sales and revenues of the company.

03Helps in creating a reputation

Through a good slideshow, a company can market their products effectively, help the client know about their benefits, and also how it is better than the competitors. Moreover, through a slideshow, you can display the caption, images, and the logo of the company which altogether helps in creating a brand reputation.

04Reaching a wider audience

A slideshow is a technical piece of marketing that can be shared with a huge number of people online. So not only the clients and customers in your vicinity, a marketing slideshow can be sent through mails and other online means which all, in turn, help you to reach people all across the country as well as worldwide.

Part 2 Tips for creating an effective slideshow

As discussed above, there are several benefits of a good marketing slideshow. Now, next comes how can one create an impressive slideshow to get the attention of the clients. Below listed are some useful tips.

01Attractive and impressive

The most important aspect of any slideshow is its presentation and thus while creating one ensure that it is impressive to catch the attention of the clients. An effective presentation must be created to stir the client’s and prospective buyers’ interests in the product and services.

02Powerful message

To strongly build your brand and reputation, the slideshow presentation must have a strong message that holds the attention. The message can revolve around the product, services, or any other relevant thing.

03Make the presentation memorable

It is important for a presentation to be memorable in the minds of the clients and prospective buyers so that it can turn into sales. Ensure that even people with a short attention span can relate to your product and services for a long time.

04Reaching out to a wider audience

Depending on the type of product or service you are promoting, the slideshow presentation is created. Still, try to make a slideshow that can reach out to the maximum number of people in the selected community. The slideshow should be targeted to a wider audience.

05Add multiple elements

To make your slideshow interesting, multiple elements like photos, videos, text, and other elements can be used. With the advanced technology these days there are several tools and software available that can help you get this task done in no time.

06Use templates

Readymade templates in different categories are available for creating a slideshow presentation. These templates not only save time and effort but will also help you create a professional-looking presentation with interesting elements. There are several sites from which you can download the templates of your choice.

Marketing Template

Part 3 Best places to search for marketing slideshow templates

There are several sites that have a collection of marketing templates in different styles and designs. Depending on your product, services, and theme, you can choose between these templates and sites. To make your search a little easier, below listed are some of the sites where you can look for a good marketing slideshow presentation template.







Wondershare Filmora

Marketing Template Sites

Part 4 Hassle-free tool for creating an impressive marketing slideshow- Wondershare Filmora

Creating an impressive slideshow can be done in a hassle-free manner using professional software and here we recommend Wondershare Filmora Video Editor as the best choice. This versatile video editing tool is packed in with an array of video customization as well as other functions which also includes creating a slideshow.

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

A marketing, as well as other templates, can be created in a few simple steps using the software that also has a collection of templates in different categories. There is also a huge collection of stock footage with the tool that can be added to your presentation to make it interesting.

Videos, images, audio, text, as well as other elements, can be added to the slideshow using the software. Some other key features of the software include support for all key formats, multiple editing functions, visual effects, and transitions, split-screen function, speed ramping, masking, audio-beat sync, and many more.

Wondersahre Filmora

Steps for creating a slideshow using Wondershare Filmora

Step 1. Download, install and launch the Wondershare Filmora software on your system. Tap on the New Project button for creating a new slideshow.

Step 2. Import and add the images, videos, and music files from your system to the Media Library of the software. These files then need to be added to the timeline. As needed, the order and the duration of the files can be changed at the timeline. You can even rotate, and crop the files.

Step 3. Next, you can add the transitions from the wide range of options available. As needed, add a transition between each slide or between selected ones.

Step 4. Add the music or the sound effect to your slideshow. A file from the built-in library can also be selected.

Step 5. Finally, save and export the slideshow created. You can save the presentation to your system, CD, DVD, or can even share it directly to YouTube or Vimeo.

Ending Thoughts

A marketing slideshow is one of the key elements of an overall marketing campaign or a strategy.

An array of templates is available for creating a marketing slideshow in a hassle-free manner.

Wondershare Filmora is an excellent tool to check out the templates as well as for creating an eye-catchy slideshow.

Try It Free Try It Free

For any kind of business or organization, marketing plays a major role in the brand introduction, awareness, driving sales, and other purposes. A good marketing plan involves a good slideshow and for creating one, the help of a template can be taken.

Marketing Slideshow

So, if you too want to create a marketing template for your business or a brand, keep reading the content below to know about the best places to get templates, tools for creating a marketing plan slideshow, and other related content.

In this article

01 [Importance of a good marketing slideshow](#Part 1)

02 [Tips for creating an effective slideshow](#Part 2)

03 [Best places to search for marketing slideshow templates](#Part 3)

04 [Hassle-free tool for creating an impressive marketing slideshow- Wondershare Filmora](#Part 4)

Part 1 Importance of a good marketing slideshow

A good marketing slideshow serves several benefits and some of them are listed below.

01Building brand awareness and reputation

One of the major purposes and benefits of creating a marketing slideshow is creating brand awareness and recognition among prospective buyers and clients. Using a slideshow, you can present your products and services to your clients and buyers in an interesting and attractive manner.

02Helps in boosting sales

Using a good marketing slideshow presentation, a company can better market their products and reach more clients and prospective buyers which in turn helps in boosting the sales and revenues of the company.

03Helps in creating a reputation

Through a good slideshow, a company can market their products effectively, help the client know about their benefits, and also how it is better than the competitors. Moreover, through a slideshow, you can display the caption, images, and the logo of the company which altogether helps in creating a brand reputation.

04Reaching a wider audience

A slideshow is a technical piece of marketing that can be shared with a huge number of people online. So not only the clients and customers in your vicinity, a marketing slideshow can be sent through mails and other online means which all, in turn, help you to reach people all across the country as well as worldwide.

Part 2 Tips for creating an effective slideshow

As discussed above, there are several benefits of a good marketing slideshow. Now, next comes how can one create an impressive slideshow to get the attention of the clients. Below listed are some useful tips.

01Attractive and impressive

The most important aspect of any slideshow is its presentation and thus while creating one ensure that it is impressive to catch the attention of the clients. An effective presentation must be created to stir the client’s and prospective buyers’ interests in the product and services.

02Powerful message

To strongly build your brand and reputation, the slideshow presentation must have a strong message that holds the attention. The message can revolve around the product, services, or any other relevant thing.

03Make the presentation memorable

It is important for a presentation to be memorable in the minds of the clients and prospective buyers so that it can turn into sales. Ensure that even people with a short attention span can relate to your product and services for a long time.

04Reaching out to a wider audience

Depending on the type of product or service you are promoting, the slideshow presentation is created. Still, try to make a slideshow that can reach out to the maximum number of people in the selected community. The slideshow should be targeted to a wider audience.

05Add multiple elements

To make your slideshow interesting, multiple elements like photos, videos, text, and other elements can be used. With the advanced technology these days there are several tools and software available that can help you get this task done in no time.

06Use templates

Readymade templates in different categories are available for creating a slideshow presentation. These templates not only save time and effort but will also help you create a professional-looking presentation with interesting elements. There are several sites from which you can download the templates of your choice.

Marketing Template

Part 3 Best places to search for marketing slideshow templates

There are several sites that have a collection of marketing templates in different styles and designs. Depending on your product, services, and theme, you can choose between these templates and sites. To make your search a little easier, below listed are some of the sites where you can look for a good marketing slideshow presentation template.







Wondershare Filmora

Marketing Template Sites

Part 4 Hassle-free tool for creating an impressive marketing slideshow- Wondershare Filmora

Creating an impressive slideshow can be done in a hassle-free manner using professional software and here we recommend Wondershare Filmora Video Editor as the best choice. This versatile video editing tool is packed in with an array of video customization as well as other functions which also includes creating a slideshow.

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

A marketing, as well as other templates, can be created in a few simple steps using the software that also has a collection of templates in different categories. There is also a huge collection of stock footage with the tool that can be added to your presentation to make it interesting.

Videos, images, audio, text, as well as other elements, can be added to the slideshow using the software. Some other key features of the software include support for all key formats, multiple editing functions, visual effects, and transitions, split-screen function, speed ramping, masking, audio-beat sync, and many more.

Wondersahre Filmora

Steps for creating a slideshow using Wondershare Filmora

Step 1. Download, install and launch the Wondershare Filmora software on your system. Tap on the New Project button for creating a new slideshow.

Step 2. Import and add the images, videos, and music files from your system to the Media Library of the software. These files then need to be added to the timeline. As needed, the order and the duration of the files can be changed at the timeline. You can even rotate, and crop the files.

Step 3. Next, you can add the transitions from the wide range of options available. As needed, add a transition between each slide or between selected ones.

Step 4. Add the music or the sound effect to your slideshow. A file from the built-in library can also be selected.

Step 5. Finally, save and export the slideshow created. You can save the presentation to your system, CD, DVD, or can even share it directly to YouTube or Vimeo.

Ending Thoughts

A marketing slideshow is one of the key elements of an overall marketing campaign or a strategy.

An array of templates is available for creating a marketing slideshow in a hassle-free manner.

Wondershare Filmora is an excellent tool to check out the templates as well as for creating an eye-catchy slideshow.

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  • Title: Updated How to Color Grade Your Picture in LightRoom for 2024
  • Author: Chloe
  • Created at : 2024-04-24 07:08:34
  • Updated at : 2024-04-25 07:08:34
  • Link: https://ai-editing-video.techidaily.com/updated-how-to-color-grade-your-picture-in-lightroom-for-2024/
  • License: This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.
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Updated How to Color Grade Your Picture in LightRoom for 2024