Updated How to Edit A Time Lapse Video on iPhone for 2024

Updated How to Edit A Time Lapse Video on iPhone for 2024

Chloe Lv12

How to Edit A Time Lapse Video on iPhone?

Versatile Video Editor - Wondershare Filmora

An easy and powerful editor

Numerous effects to choose from

Detailed tutorials provided by the official channel

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Do you want to edit a time lapse video on an iPhone or want to know how to shoot a time-lapse video? If so, you’ve come to the right place.

Time-lapses, which show how much something changes over a period of time are some of the coolest videos you can make.

They aren’t exactly easy to make and edit at first, but we’ve put together this guide to take you through the steps. We’ll give you a few time lapse video ideas, steps to shoot them, and good practices for managing your footage after you’ve shot it.

Let’s get started.

What Is A Time Lapse Video?

In its simplest definition, a time lapse video is a cinematography technique where the frequency at which film frames are captured (the frame rate) is much lower than that used to view the sequence.

When played at normal speed, time appears to be moving faster and thus lapsing. For example, an image of a scene may be captured once every second, then played back at 30 frames per second; the result is an apparent 30 times speed increase.

Time-lapse photography can be considered to be the opposite of slow motion.

How to Shoot A Time-Lapse Video?

Subjects to shoot in a time-lapse video

Wondering what can be shot in a time-lapse video? The answer is any subject that moves, grows, decays, or changes. But what’s more important than the subject is the motion and change that it goes through.

When shooting a time-lapse video, you are composing not only the shot but also the movement of the subject. If a subject doesn’t move or change throughout your film, then it is just a regular video. So try to think of subjects that are constantly moving or changing.

Time-Lapse videos are visually appealing and easy to make. When it comes to subjects that can be chosen to shoot in a time-lapse video, the possibilities are endless. But if you’re stuck for ideas, here are 10 suggestions to get you started:

1. Sunset/Sunrise

These are quite possibly the most common subjects for timelapse videos, but there’s a reason for it! Watching the sun go up and down is always mesmerizing.

2. Clouds

Clouds move very slowly most of the time, making them perfect for time-lapse sequences. You can shoot a single cloud passing overhead, or record a passing storm front as it sweeps across the sky. Depending on the weather conditions and movement of clouds, this can look stunning or simply spectacular!

3. Starry sky

Probably one of the most fascinating time lapse videos is the ones with stars on the move. Time-lapses that capture the Milky Way or starry sky are becoming increasingly popular as camera technology improves. There are even some cameras now that have built-in settings specifically for capturing stars and other celestial bodies.

4. Flowers

Flowers blooming is another fantastic subject for time-lapse photography. The change can be incredibly subtle; however, if you shoot a timelapse over several days or weeks, you will be amazed at just how much they grow and change!

5. Season changing

The most obvious example is trees budding and shedding leaves, but all sorts of plants and animals follow seasonal cycles. You can see flowers blooming, grasses growing, and migrating birds. Even if you don’t have a chance to go somewhere exotic for your subject matter, you can find something interesting right outside your own door.

6. Cars or Pedestrians

If you want something a little more exciting then you can choose things like cars passing by or people walking on the street.

7. Cooking dinner

Got a recipe for dinner that has lots of steps? Rather than just snap photos of the process, why not make a time-lapse video instead? It’s easy and fun to do, especially if you have kids who can help you out!

8. DIY projects

Are you building something? Whether it’s a new table, shelves, or whatever else, set up your camera and take photos as you go along in a time lapse mode and you’ll get a fun time lapse video. It works well to show people how it all came together.

9. Construction work in progress

If you’re watching construction work being done on your property or nearby, consider recording its time lapse video. It’s hard to imagine the amount of resources it takes to construct an office building or skyscraper before it’s finished. Time-lapse videos have helped reveal just how much work goes into something like that.

10. A fun art project

Capturing a time lapse video of an art project can make a mesmerizing video. Whether it’s you or someone else doing the artwork, always capture its time lapse video to show to others what goes into completing an art project. All you need to do is to set your camera up on a tripod aimed at the canvas and capture one or two frames per second to get an excellent time lapse video.

Steps to shoot a time-lapse video

Time-lapse videography is something that most photographers and videographers are familiar with. But, shooting a time-lapse video needs more than setting the camera on a tripod and waiting for it to shoot for several hours.

The amazing thing about time-lapse videos is that they can be shot using your smartphone. There are apps and built-in camera settings to capture time lapse videos with just a click of the button.

If you want to create a time-lapse video that is high quality, you have to use professional cameras, and learn some important steps.

1. Decide on a subject

The movement of clouds, a sunrise or sunset, waves crashing at the beach, cars coming and going in your parking lot, people walking around your office building — all of these subjects can yield great time-lapse sequences.

2. Find a place to set up your camera on tripod

While recording a time-lapse video, it’s important to keep the camera as stable as possible. It ensures a smooth video, making it visually appealing and easy to edit post-shooting. Typically, a tripod is needed for stable recording. If you are not using a tripod, find something steady and level to set it upon.

Important tip: Shoot only with manual settings. You don’t want the camera to adjust for you; rather, you should adjust the camera settings so that it takes optimal pictures. Even if you use auto mode, make sure you take control of the camera and push it to its limits to get great shots.

3. Set the camera focus

Use either autofocus or manual focus to make sure the camera is focused on what you want to be the main subject of the video.

4. Set your exposure settings

Depending on how much the light is going to change over time, you may want to use aperture priority or shutter priority so that the camera will automatically adjust for changes in light. Or, if you know exactly how much light will be changing over time, you could set all exposure settings manually.

5. Calculate how many frames and shots are needed

For example, if you are shooting at 10 frames per second and want a total of 30 seconds of video at 24 fps (which is standard), you will need 720 frames/photos (30 seconds x 24 fps = 720 frames).

6. Import and stitch together

Once you’ve captured the images, import them into a video editing software, stitch them together, and perform necessary editing.

How to Edit The Time Lapse on iPhone?

Now that you’ve recorded a time-lapse video, you might watch it and think it’s slower or faster than you want it to be. Fortunately, you can speed up and slow down the time lapse video on iPhone using iMovie.

Let’s see how to slow down time lapse on iPhone iMovie.

1. Speed up The Time Lapse on iPhone

So you’ve taken a time lapse video on your iPhone and now you’re trying to get it to speed up in iMovie but it looks a little jumpy or there is too much footage. Here’s how to do it in iMovie for iOS.

  • Launch iMovie on your iPhone and start a new project to speed up the captured time-lapse video.
  • Now, tap the plus sign visible at the start of the Projects screen, then select Movie.

tap the plus button

  • From the next window, find and select the recorded time-lapse video you want to speed up.

tap Movie in the New Project window

  • Tap Create Movie button at the center-bottom of the screen.

tap Create Movie at the bottom

  • Now move the playhead to the start of the timeline and tap to select the video. At this point, you’ll see the timeline highlighted in yellow color.
  • Look at the bottom of the screen and you’ll find the Speed icon. Tap the Speed icon and a sliding bar will appear with tortoise on its left side and hare on the right side.

tap the Speed icon

  • To speed up the time-lapse video, move the slider to the right side and you’ll see the duration of the video reduced, indicating time-lapse video has been sped up.

Move the slider forward to increase speed

  • Now click the Play button to preview and then tap Done.

Once you’ve increased the speed of time-lapse video, you can share it and post it where you want.

2. Slow Down The Time Lapse on iPhone

Just like you can speed up the time-lapse video on an iPhone, iMovie lets you slow down the time-lapse video.

Here’s how you can do it:

  • Launch iMovie on your iPhone and start a new project to speed up the captured time-lapse video.
  • Now, tap the plus sign visible at the start of the Projects screen, then select Movie.

tap the plus button in the Projects screen

  • From the next window, find and select your recorded time-lapse video you want to speed up.

Select Movie in the New Project screen

  • Tap Create Movie button at the center-bottom of the screen.

tap Create Movie

  • Now move the playhead to the start of the timeline and tap to select the video. At this point, you’ll see the timeline highlighted in yellow color.
  • Look at the bottom of the screen and you’ll find the Speed icon. Tap the Speed icon and a sliding bar will appear with tortoise on its left side and hare on the right side.

tap the Speed icon

  • To slow down the time-lapse video, move the slider to the left side and you’ll see the duration of the video increased, indicating time-lapse video has been slowed down.

Move the slider backward to slow down

  • Now click the Play button to preview and then tap Done.

Advanced Software: Edit A Time Lapse Video in Wondershare Filmora

If you have professionally captured RAW images of the time-lapse video, you need to use advanced software to stitch them together. That’s where Wondershare Filmora comes into play.

Wondershare Filmore is a professional video editing software with a wide variety of basic to advanced-level editing tools. It allows for turning RAW videos into fun, engaging, and professional videos.

If you need to refine your time-lapse video, you can use it and benefit from its capabilities. Similarly, you can use it to speed up or slow down your time-lapse video.

Let’s see how you can do both with Filmora.

Speed up your time-lapse video

Why speed up a time-lapse in the first place? There are a couple of reasons you might want to speed up your time-lapse.

When shooting with a fast lens, you might want to dial down the shutter speed to achieve more motion blur, to make the scenes more interesting. However, doing so can also create motion blur on time-lapse footage when sped up.

Another reason you might want to speed up your time-lapse is when you have too many frames. When you shoot at low frame rate (e.g. 15 FPS), not everyone will experience the same viewing quality if they don’t have high frame rate monitors. Speeding up the footage is one way to reduce the number of frames without compromising the quality of your video.

Follow these steps to speed up the time-lapse video using Filmora:

  • Download and install Wondershare Filmora on your computer.
  • Launch Filmora and click the New project button to open the video editor or drag and drop the file directly.

tap the New Project button and open the Video Editor

  • Once imported, drag the file to the timeline.

drag the media file to the timeline

  • Click the Speed icon and select the Fast option. Select 2x, 4x, 8x, etc, depending on how much you want to speed up.

tap the Speed button

  • Save the file and use it the way you want.

Slow down your time-lapse video

As the speed at which your time-lapse moves increases, so does the amount of motion blur. This can make for an undesirable look, especially in shots where there is already a lot of movement.

The best way to avoid this is to slow down your time-lapse as much as possible while still maintaining an interesting level of movement within your shot.

You can slow down your time-lapse video in Filmora following the same process as you’d do for speeding-up the video (Explained above). However, there’s only one catch; instead of opting for the Fast option choose Slow when you’re at step 4.


Hopefully, this guide has provided a good knowledge of how to put together your own time lapse video – and how to edit it on iPhone and Wondershare Filmora. It’s easier than you may think, and the resulting videos are quite impressive.

Take your time with it, record your movies from different angles, and don’t be afraid to create something unique and experimental.

Try It Free Try It Free

Try It Free Try It Free

Do you want to edit a time lapse video on an iPhone or want to know how to shoot a time-lapse video? If so, you’ve come to the right place.

Time-lapses, which show how much something changes over a period of time are some of the coolest videos you can make.

They aren’t exactly easy to make and edit at first, but we’ve put together this guide to take you through the steps. We’ll give you a few time lapse video ideas, steps to shoot them, and good practices for managing your footage after you’ve shot it.

Let’s get started.

What Is A Time Lapse Video?

In its simplest definition, a time lapse video is a cinematography technique where the frequency at which film frames are captured (the frame rate) is much lower than that used to view the sequence.

When played at normal speed, time appears to be moving faster and thus lapsing. For example, an image of a scene may be captured once every second, then played back at 30 frames per second; the result is an apparent 30 times speed increase.

Time-lapse photography can be considered to be the opposite of slow motion.

How to Shoot A Time-Lapse Video?

Subjects to shoot in a time-lapse video

Wondering what can be shot in a time-lapse video? The answer is any subject that moves, grows, decays, or changes. But what’s more important than the subject is the motion and change that it goes through.

When shooting a time-lapse video, you are composing not only the shot but also the movement of the subject. If a subject doesn’t move or change throughout your film, then it is just a regular video. So try to think of subjects that are constantly moving or changing.

Time-Lapse videos are visually appealing and easy to make. When it comes to subjects that can be chosen to shoot in a time-lapse video, the possibilities are endless. But if you’re stuck for ideas, here are 10 suggestions to get you started:

1. Sunset/Sunrise

These are quite possibly the most common subjects for timelapse videos, but there’s a reason for it! Watching the sun go up and down is always mesmerizing.

2. Clouds

Clouds move very slowly most of the time, making them perfect for time-lapse sequences. You can shoot a single cloud passing overhead, or record a passing storm front as it sweeps across the sky. Depending on the weather conditions and movement of clouds, this can look stunning or simply spectacular!

3. Starry sky

Probably one of the most fascinating time lapse videos is the ones with stars on the move. Time-lapses that capture the Milky Way or starry sky are becoming increasingly popular as camera technology improves. There are even some cameras now that have built-in settings specifically for capturing stars and other celestial bodies.

4. Flowers

Flowers blooming is another fantastic subject for time-lapse photography. The change can be incredibly subtle; however, if you shoot a timelapse over several days or weeks, you will be amazed at just how much they grow and change!

5. Season changing

The most obvious example is trees budding and shedding leaves, but all sorts of plants and animals follow seasonal cycles. You can see flowers blooming, grasses growing, and migrating birds. Even if you don’t have a chance to go somewhere exotic for your subject matter, you can find something interesting right outside your own door.

6. Cars or Pedestrians

If you want something a little more exciting then you can choose things like cars passing by or people walking on the street.

7. Cooking dinner

Got a recipe for dinner that has lots of steps? Rather than just snap photos of the process, why not make a time-lapse video instead? It’s easy and fun to do, especially if you have kids who can help you out!

8. DIY projects

Are you building something? Whether it’s a new table, shelves, or whatever else, set up your camera and take photos as you go along in a time lapse mode and you’ll get a fun time lapse video. It works well to show people how it all came together.

9. Construction work in progress

If you’re watching construction work being done on your property or nearby, consider recording its time lapse video. It’s hard to imagine the amount of resources it takes to construct an office building or skyscraper before it’s finished. Time-lapse videos have helped reveal just how much work goes into something like that.

10. A fun art project

Capturing a time lapse video of an art project can make a mesmerizing video. Whether it’s you or someone else doing the artwork, always capture its time lapse video to show to others what goes into completing an art project. All you need to do is to set your camera up on a tripod aimed at the canvas and capture one or two frames per second to get an excellent time lapse video.

Steps to shoot a time-lapse video

Time-lapse videography is something that most photographers and videographers are familiar with. But, shooting a time-lapse video needs more than setting the camera on a tripod and waiting for it to shoot for several hours.

The amazing thing about time-lapse videos is that they can be shot using your smartphone. There are apps and built-in camera settings to capture time lapse videos with just a click of the button.

If you want to create a time-lapse video that is high quality, you have to use professional cameras, and learn some important steps.

1. Decide on a subject

The movement of clouds, a sunrise or sunset, waves crashing at the beach, cars coming and going in your parking lot, people walking around your office building — all of these subjects can yield great time-lapse sequences.

2. Find a place to set up your camera on tripod

While recording a time-lapse video, it’s important to keep the camera as stable as possible. It ensures a smooth video, making it visually appealing and easy to edit post-shooting. Typically, a tripod is needed for stable recording. If you are not using a tripod, find something steady and level to set it upon.

Important tip: Shoot only with manual settings. You don’t want the camera to adjust for you; rather, you should adjust the camera settings so that it takes optimal pictures. Even if you use auto mode, make sure you take control of the camera and push it to its limits to get great shots.

3. Set the camera focus

Use either autofocus or manual focus to make sure the camera is focused on what you want to be the main subject of the video.

4. Set your exposure settings

Depending on how much the light is going to change over time, you may want to use aperture priority or shutter priority so that the camera will automatically adjust for changes in light. Or, if you know exactly how much light will be changing over time, you could set all exposure settings manually.

5. Calculate how many frames and shots are needed

For example, if you are shooting at 10 frames per second and want a total of 30 seconds of video at 24 fps (which is standard), you will need 720 frames/photos (30 seconds x 24 fps = 720 frames).

6. Import and stitch together

Once you’ve captured the images, import them into a video editing software, stitch them together, and perform necessary editing.

How to Edit The Time Lapse on iPhone?

Now that you’ve recorded a time-lapse video, you might watch it and think it’s slower or faster than you want it to be. Fortunately, you can speed up and slow down the time lapse video on iPhone using iMovie.

Let’s see how to slow down time lapse on iPhone iMovie.

1. Speed up The Time Lapse on iPhone

So you’ve taken a time lapse video on your iPhone and now you’re trying to get it to speed up in iMovie but it looks a little jumpy or there is too much footage. Here’s how to do it in iMovie for iOS.

  • Launch iMovie on your iPhone and start a new project to speed up the captured time-lapse video.
  • Now, tap the plus sign visible at the start of the Projects screen, then select Movie.

tap the plus button

  • From the next window, find and select the recorded time-lapse video you want to speed up.

tap Movie in the New Project window

  • Tap Create Movie button at the center-bottom of the screen.

tap Create Movie at the bottom

  • Now move the playhead to the start of the timeline and tap to select the video. At this point, you’ll see the timeline highlighted in yellow color.
  • Look at the bottom of the screen and you’ll find the Speed icon. Tap the Speed icon and a sliding bar will appear with tortoise on its left side and hare on the right side.

tap the Speed icon

  • To speed up the time-lapse video, move the slider to the right side and you’ll see the duration of the video reduced, indicating time-lapse video has been sped up.

Move the slider forward to increase speed

  • Now click the Play button to preview and then tap Done.

Once you’ve increased the speed of time-lapse video, you can share it and post it where you want.

2. Slow Down The Time Lapse on iPhone

Just like you can speed up the time-lapse video on an iPhone, iMovie lets you slow down the time-lapse video.

Here’s how you can do it:

  • Launch iMovie on your iPhone and start a new project to speed up the captured time-lapse video.
  • Now, tap the plus sign visible at the start of the Projects screen, then select Movie.

tap the plus button in the Projects screen

  • From the next window, find and select your recorded time-lapse video you want to speed up.

Select Movie in the New Project screen

  • Tap Create Movie button at the center-bottom of the screen.

tap Create Movie

  • Now move the playhead to the start of the timeline and tap to select the video. At this point, you’ll see the timeline highlighted in yellow color.
  • Look at the bottom of the screen and you’ll find the Speed icon. Tap the Speed icon and a sliding bar will appear with tortoise on its left side and hare on the right side.

tap the Speed icon

  • To slow down the time-lapse video, move the slider to the left side and you’ll see the duration of the video increased, indicating time-lapse video has been slowed down.

Move the slider backward to slow down

  • Now click the Play button to preview and then tap Done.

Advanced Software: Edit A Time Lapse Video in Wondershare Filmora

If you have professionally captured RAW images of the time-lapse video, you need to use advanced software to stitch them together. That’s where Wondershare Filmora comes into play.

Wondershare Filmore is a professional video editing software with a wide variety of basic to advanced-level editing tools. It allows for turning RAW videos into fun, engaging, and professional videos.

If you need to refine your time-lapse video, you can use it and benefit from its capabilities. Similarly, you can use it to speed up or slow down your time-lapse video.

Let’s see how you can do both with Filmora.

Speed up your time-lapse video

Why speed up a time-lapse in the first place? There are a couple of reasons you might want to speed up your time-lapse.

When shooting with a fast lens, you might want to dial down the shutter speed to achieve more motion blur, to make the scenes more interesting. However, doing so can also create motion blur on time-lapse footage when sped up.

Another reason you might want to speed up your time-lapse is when you have too many frames. When you shoot at low frame rate (e.g. 15 FPS), not everyone will experience the same viewing quality if they don’t have high frame rate monitors. Speeding up the footage is one way to reduce the number of frames without compromising the quality of your video.

Follow these steps to speed up the time-lapse video using Filmora:

  • Download and install Wondershare Filmora on your computer.
  • Launch Filmora and click the New project button to open the video editor or drag and drop the file directly.

tap the New Project button and open the Video Editor

  • Once imported, drag the file to the timeline.

drag the media file to the timeline

  • Click the Speed icon and select the Fast option. Select 2x, 4x, 8x, etc, depending on how much you want to speed up.

tap the Speed button

  • Save the file and use it the way you want.

Slow down your time-lapse video

As the speed at which your time-lapse moves increases, so does the amount of motion blur. This can make for an undesirable look, especially in shots where there is already a lot of movement.

The best way to avoid this is to slow down your time-lapse as much as possible while still maintaining an interesting level of movement within your shot.

You can slow down your time-lapse video in Filmora following the same process as you’d do for speeding-up the video (Explained above). However, there’s only one catch; instead of opting for the Fast option choose Slow when you’re at step 4.


Hopefully, this guide has provided a good knowledge of how to put together your own time lapse video – and how to edit it on iPhone and Wondershare Filmora. It’s easier than you may think, and the resulting videos are quite impressive.

Take your time with it, record your movies from different angles, and don’t be afraid to create something unique and experimental.

Try It Free Try It Free

Try It Free Try It Free

Do you want to edit a time lapse video on an iPhone or want to know how to shoot a time-lapse video? If so, you’ve come to the right place.

Time-lapses, which show how much something changes over a period of time are some of the coolest videos you can make.

They aren’t exactly easy to make and edit at first, but we’ve put together this guide to take you through the steps. We’ll give you a few time lapse video ideas, steps to shoot them, and good practices for managing your footage after you’ve shot it.

Let’s get started.

What Is A Time Lapse Video?

In its simplest definition, a time lapse video is a cinematography technique where the frequency at which film frames are captured (the frame rate) is much lower than that used to view the sequence.

When played at normal speed, time appears to be moving faster and thus lapsing. For example, an image of a scene may be captured once every second, then played back at 30 frames per second; the result is an apparent 30 times speed increase.

Time-lapse photography can be considered to be the opposite of slow motion.

How to Shoot A Time-Lapse Video?

Subjects to shoot in a time-lapse video

Wondering what can be shot in a time-lapse video? The answer is any subject that moves, grows, decays, or changes. But what’s more important than the subject is the motion and change that it goes through.

When shooting a time-lapse video, you are composing not only the shot but also the movement of the subject. If a subject doesn’t move or change throughout your film, then it is just a regular video. So try to think of subjects that are constantly moving or changing.

Time-Lapse videos are visually appealing and easy to make. When it comes to subjects that can be chosen to shoot in a time-lapse video, the possibilities are endless. But if you’re stuck for ideas, here are 10 suggestions to get you started:

1. Sunset/Sunrise

These are quite possibly the most common subjects for timelapse videos, but there’s a reason for it! Watching the sun go up and down is always mesmerizing.

2. Clouds

Clouds move very slowly most of the time, making them perfect for time-lapse sequences. You can shoot a single cloud passing overhead, or record a passing storm front as it sweeps across the sky. Depending on the weather conditions and movement of clouds, this can look stunning or simply spectacular!

3. Starry sky

Probably one of the most fascinating time lapse videos is the ones with stars on the move. Time-lapses that capture the Milky Way or starry sky are becoming increasingly popular as camera technology improves. There are even some cameras now that have built-in settings specifically for capturing stars and other celestial bodies.

4. Flowers

Flowers blooming is another fantastic subject for time-lapse photography. The change can be incredibly subtle; however, if you shoot a timelapse over several days or weeks, you will be amazed at just how much they grow and change!

5. Season changing

The most obvious example is trees budding and shedding leaves, but all sorts of plants and animals follow seasonal cycles. You can see flowers blooming, grasses growing, and migrating birds. Even if you don’t have a chance to go somewhere exotic for your subject matter, you can find something interesting right outside your own door.

6. Cars or Pedestrians

If you want something a little more exciting then you can choose things like cars passing by or people walking on the street.

7. Cooking dinner

Got a recipe for dinner that has lots of steps? Rather than just snap photos of the process, why not make a time-lapse video instead? It’s easy and fun to do, especially if you have kids who can help you out!

8. DIY projects

Are you building something? Whether it’s a new table, shelves, or whatever else, set up your camera and take photos as you go along in a time lapse mode and you’ll get a fun time lapse video. It works well to show people how it all came together.

9. Construction work in progress

If you’re watching construction work being done on your property or nearby, consider recording its time lapse video. It’s hard to imagine the amount of resources it takes to construct an office building or skyscraper before it’s finished. Time-lapse videos have helped reveal just how much work goes into something like that.

10. A fun art project

Capturing a time lapse video of an art project can make a mesmerizing video. Whether it’s you or someone else doing the artwork, always capture its time lapse video to show to others what goes into completing an art project. All you need to do is to set your camera up on a tripod aimed at the canvas and capture one or two frames per second to get an excellent time lapse video.

Steps to shoot a time-lapse video

Time-lapse videography is something that most photographers and videographers are familiar with. But, shooting a time-lapse video needs more than setting the camera on a tripod and waiting for it to shoot for several hours.

The amazing thing about time-lapse videos is that they can be shot using your smartphone. There are apps and built-in camera settings to capture time lapse videos with just a click of the button.

If you want to create a time-lapse video that is high quality, you have to use professional cameras, and learn some important steps.

1. Decide on a subject

The movement of clouds, a sunrise or sunset, waves crashing at the beach, cars coming and going in your parking lot, people walking around your office building — all of these subjects can yield great time-lapse sequences.

2. Find a place to set up your camera on tripod

While recording a time-lapse video, it’s important to keep the camera as stable as possible. It ensures a smooth video, making it visually appealing and easy to edit post-shooting. Typically, a tripod is needed for stable recording. If you are not using a tripod, find something steady and level to set it upon.

Important tip: Shoot only with manual settings. You don’t want the camera to adjust for you; rather, you should adjust the camera settings so that it takes optimal pictures. Even if you use auto mode, make sure you take control of the camera and push it to its limits to get great shots.

3. Set the camera focus

Use either autofocus or manual focus to make sure the camera is focused on what you want to be the main subject of the video.

4. Set your exposure settings

Depending on how much the light is going to change over time, you may want to use aperture priority or shutter priority so that the camera will automatically adjust for changes in light. Or, if you know exactly how much light will be changing over time, you could set all exposure settings manually.

5. Calculate how many frames and shots are needed

For example, if you are shooting at 10 frames per second and want a total of 30 seconds of video at 24 fps (which is standard), you will need 720 frames/photos (30 seconds x 24 fps = 720 frames).

6. Import and stitch together

Once you’ve captured the images, import them into a video editing software, stitch them together, and perform necessary editing.

How to Edit The Time Lapse on iPhone?

Now that you’ve recorded a time-lapse video, you might watch it and think it’s slower or faster than you want it to be. Fortunately, you can speed up and slow down the time lapse video on iPhone using iMovie.

Let’s see how to slow down time lapse on iPhone iMovie.

1. Speed up The Time Lapse on iPhone

So you’ve taken a time lapse video on your iPhone and now you’re trying to get it to speed up in iMovie but it looks a little jumpy or there is too much footage. Here’s how to do it in iMovie for iOS.

  • Launch iMovie on your iPhone and start a new project to speed up the captured time-lapse video.
  • Now, tap the plus sign visible at the start of the Projects screen, then select Movie.

tap the plus button

  • From the next window, find and select the recorded time-lapse video you want to speed up.

tap Movie in the New Project window

  • Tap Create Movie button at the center-bottom of the screen.

tap Create Movie at the bottom

  • Now move the playhead to the start of the timeline and tap to select the video. At this point, you’ll see the timeline highlighted in yellow color.
  • Look at the bottom of the screen and you’ll find the Speed icon. Tap the Speed icon and a sliding bar will appear with tortoise on its left side and hare on the right side.

tap the Speed icon

  • To speed up the time-lapse video, move the slider to the right side and you’ll see the duration of the video reduced, indicating time-lapse video has been sped up.

Move the slider forward to increase speed

  • Now click the Play button to preview and then tap Done.

Once you’ve increased the speed of time-lapse video, you can share it and post it where you want.

2. Slow Down The Time Lapse on iPhone

Just like you can speed up the time-lapse video on an iPhone, iMovie lets you slow down the time-lapse video.

Here’s how you can do it:

  • Launch iMovie on your iPhone and start a new project to speed up the captured time-lapse video.
  • Now, tap the plus sign visible at the start of the Projects screen, then select Movie.

tap the plus button in the Projects screen

  • From the next window, find and select your recorded time-lapse video you want to speed up.

Select Movie in the New Project screen

  • Tap Create Movie button at the center-bottom of the screen.

tap Create Movie

  • Now move the playhead to the start of the timeline and tap to select the video. At this point, you’ll see the timeline highlighted in yellow color.
  • Look at the bottom of the screen and you’ll find the Speed icon. Tap the Speed icon and a sliding bar will appear with tortoise on its left side and hare on the right side.

tap the Speed icon

  • To slow down the time-lapse video, move the slider to the left side and you’ll see the duration of the video increased, indicating time-lapse video has been slowed down.

Move the slider backward to slow down

  • Now click the Play button to preview and then tap Done.

Advanced Software: Edit A Time Lapse Video in Wondershare Filmora

If you have professionally captured RAW images of the time-lapse video, you need to use advanced software to stitch them together. That’s where Wondershare Filmora comes into play.

Wondershare Filmore is a professional video editing software with a wide variety of basic to advanced-level editing tools. It allows for turning RAW videos into fun, engaging, and professional videos.

If you need to refine your time-lapse video, you can use it and benefit from its capabilities. Similarly, you can use it to speed up or slow down your time-lapse video.

Let’s see how you can do both with Filmora.

Speed up your time-lapse video

Why speed up a time-lapse in the first place? There are a couple of reasons you might want to speed up your time-lapse.

When shooting with a fast lens, you might want to dial down the shutter speed to achieve more motion blur, to make the scenes more interesting. However, doing so can also create motion blur on time-lapse footage when sped up.

Another reason you might want to speed up your time-lapse is when you have too many frames. When you shoot at low frame rate (e.g. 15 FPS), not everyone will experience the same viewing quality if they don’t have high frame rate monitors. Speeding up the footage is one way to reduce the number of frames without compromising the quality of your video.

Follow these steps to speed up the time-lapse video using Filmora:

  • Download and install Wondershare Filmora on your computer.
  • Launch Filmora and click the New project button to open the video editor or drag and drop the file directly.

tap the New Project button and open the Video Editor

  • Once imported, drag the file to the timeline.

drag the media file to the timeline

  • Click the Speed icon and select the Fast option. Select 2x, 4x, 8x, etc, depending on how much you want to speed up.

tap the Speed button

  • Save the file and use it the way you want.

Slow down your time-lapse video

As the speed at which your time-lapse moves increases, so does the amount of motion blur. This can make for an undesirable look, especially in shots where there is already a lot of movement.

The best way to avoid this is to slow down your time-lapse as much as possible while still maintaining an interesting level of movement within your shot.

You can slow down your time-lapse video in Filmora following the same process as you’d do for speeding-up the video (Explained above). However, there’s only one catch; instead of opting for the Fast option choose Slow when you’re at step 4.


Hopefully, this guide has provided a good knowledge of how to put together your own time lapse video – and how to edit it on iPhone and Wondershare Filmora. It’s easier than you may think, and the resulting videos are quite impressive.

Take your time with it, record your movies from different angles, and don’t be afraid to create something unique and experimental.

Try It Free Try It Free

Try It Free Try It Free

Do you want to edit a time lapse video on an iPhone or want to know how to shoot a time-lapse video? If so, you’ve come to the right place.

Time-lapses, which show how much something changes over a period of time are some of the coolest videos you can make.

They aren’t exactly easy to make and edit at first, but we’ve put together this guide to take you through the steps. We’ll give you a few time lapse video ideas, steps to shoot them, and good practices for managing your footage after you’ve shot it.

Let’s get started.

What Is A Time Lapse Video?

In its simplest definition, a time lapse video is a cinematography technique where the frequency at which film frames are captured (the frame rate) is much lower than that used to view the sequence.

When played at normal speed, time appears to be moving faster and thus lapsing. For example, an image of a scene may be captured once every second, then played back at 30 frames per second; the result is an apparent 30 times speed increase.

Time-lapse photography can be considered to be the opposite of slow motion.

How to Shoot A Time-Lapse Video?

Subjects to shoot in a time-lapse video

Wondering what can be shot in a time-lapse video? The answer is any subject that moves, grows, decays, or changes. But what’s more important than the subject is the motion and change that it goes through.

When shooting a time-lapse video, you are composing not only the shot but also the movement of the subject. If a subject doesn’t move or change throughout your film, then it is just a regular video. So try to think of subjects that are constantly moving or changing.

Time-Lapse videos are visually appealing and easy to make. When it comes to subjects that can be chosen to shoot in a time-lapse video, the possibilities are endless. But if you’re stuck for ideas, here are 10 suggestions to get you started:

1. Sunset/Sunrise

These are quite possibly the most common subjects for timelapse videos, but there’s a reason for it! Watching the sun go up and down is always mesmerizing.

2. Clouds

Clouds move very slowly most of the time, making them perfect for time-lapse sequences. You can shoot a single cloud passing overhead, or record a passing storm front as it sweeps across the sky. Depending on the weather conditions and movement of clouds, this can look stunning or simply spectacular!

3. Starry sky

Probably one of the most fascinating time lapse videos is the ones with stars on the move. Time-lapses that capture the Milky Way or starry sky are becoming increasingly popular as camera technology improves. There are even some cameras now that have built-in settings specifically for capturing stars and other celestial bodies.

4. Flowers

Flowers blooming is another fantastic subject for time-lapse photography. The change can be incredibly subtle; however, if you shoot a timelapse over several days or weeks, you will be amazed at just how much they grow and change!

5. Season changing

The most obvious example is trees budding and shedding leaves, but all sorts of plants and animals follow seasonal cycles. You can see flowers blooming, grasses growing, and migrating birds. Even if you don’t have a chance to go somewhere exotic for your subject matter, you can find something interesting right outside your own door.

6. Cars or Pedestrians

If you want something a little more exciting then you can choose things like cars passing by or people walking on the street.

7. Cooking dinner

Got a recipe for dinner that has lots of steps? Rather than just snap photos of the process, why not make a time-lapse video instead? It’s easy and fun to do, especially if you have kids who can help you out!

8. DIY projects

Are you building something? Whether it’s a new table, shelves, or whatever else, set up your camera and take photos as you go along in a time lapse mode and you’ll get a fun time lapse video. It works well to show people how it all came together.

9. Construction work in progress

If you’re watching construction work being done on your property or nearby, consider recording its time lapse video. It’s hard to imagine the amount of resources it takes to construct an office building or skyscraper before it’s finished. Time-lapse videos have helped reveal just how much work goes into something like that.

10. A fun art project

Capturing a time lapse video of an art project can make a mesmerizing video. Whether it’s you or someone else doing the artwork, always capture its time lapse video to show to others what goes into completing an art project. All you need to do is to set your camera up on a tripod aimed at the canvas and capture one or two frames per second to get an excellent time lapse video.

Steps to shoot a time-lapse video

Time-lapse videography is something that most photographers and videographers are familiar with. But, shooting a time-lapse video needs more than setting the camera on a tripod and waiting for it to shoot for several hours.

The amazing thing about time-lapse videos is that they can be shot using your smartphone. There are apps and built-in camera settings to capture time lapse videos with just a click of the button.

If you want to create a time-lapse video that is high quality, you have to use professional cameras, and learn some important steps.

1. Decide on a subject

The movement of clouds, a sunrise or sunset, waves crashing at the beach, cars coming and going in your parking lot, people walking around your office building — all of these subjects can yield great time-lapse sequences.

2. Find a place to set up your camera on tripod

While recording a time-lapse video, it’s important to keep the camera as stable as possible. It ensures a smooth video, making it visually appealing and easy to edit post-shooting. Typically, a tripod is needed for stable recording. If you are not using a tripod, find something steady and level to set it upon.

Important tip: Shoot only with manual settings. You don’t want the camera to adjust for you; rather, you should adjust the camera settings so that it takes optimal pictures. Even if you use auto mode, make sure you take control of the camera and push it to its limits to get great shots.

3. Set the camera focus

Use either autofocus or manual focus to make sure the camera is focused on what you want to be the main subject of the video.

4. Set your exposure settings

Depending on how much the light is going to change over time, you may want to use aperture priority or shutter priority so that the camera will automatically adjust for changes in light. Or, if you know exactly how much light will be changing over time, you could set all exposure settings manually.

5. Calculate how many frames and shots are needed

For example, if you are shooting at 10 frames per second and want a total of 30 seconds of video at 24 fps (which is standard), you will need 720 frames/photos (30 seconds x 24 fps = 720 frames).

6. Import and stitch together

Once you’ve captured the images, import them into a video editing software, stitch them together, and perform necessary editing.

How to Edit The Time Lapse on iPhone?

Now that you’ve recorded a time-lapse video, you might watch it and think it’s slower or faster than you want it to be. Fortunately, you can speed up and slow down the time lapse video on iPhone using iMovie.

Let’s see how to slow down time lapse on iPhone iMovie.

1. Speed up The Time Lapse on iPhone

So you’ve taken a time lapse video on your iPhone and now you’re trying to get it to speed up in iMovie but it looks a little jumpy or there is too much footage. Here’s how to do it in iMovie for iOS.

  • Launch iMovie on your iPhone and start a new project to speed up the captured time-lapse video.
  • Now, tap the plus sign visible at the start of the Projects screen, then select Movie.

tap the plus button

  • From the next window, find and select the recorded time-lapse video you want to speed up.

tap Movie in the New Project window

  • Tap Create Movie button at the center-bottom of the screen.

tap Create Movie at the bottom

  • Now move the playhead to the start of the timeline and tap to select the video. At this point, you’ll see the timeline highlighted in yellow color.
  • Look at the bottom of the screen and you’ll find the Speed icon. Tap the Speed icon and a sliding bar will appear with tortoise on its left side and hare on the right side.

tap the Speed icon

  • To speed up the time-lapse video, move the slider to the right side and you’ll see the duration of the video reduced, indicating time-lapse video has been sped up.

Move the slider forward to increase speed

  • Now click the Play button to preview and then tap Done.

Once you’ve increased the speed of time-lapse video, you can share it and post it where you want.

2. Slow Down The Time Lapse on iPhone

Just like you can speed up the time-lapse video on an iPhone, iMovie lets you slow down the time-lapse video.

Here’s how you can do it:

  • Launch iMovie on your iPhone and start a new project to speed up the captured time-lapse video.
  • Now, tap the plus sign visible at the start of the Projects screen, then select Movie.

tap the plus button in the Projects screen

  • From the next window, find and select your recorded time-lapse video you want to speed up.

Select Movie in the New Project screen

  • Tap Create Movie button at the center-bottom of the screen.

tap Create Movie

  • Now move the playhead to the start of the timeline and tap to select the video. At this point, you’ll see the timeline highlighted in yellow color.
  • Look at the bottom of the screen and you’ll find the Speed icon. Tap the Speed icon and a sliding bar will appear with tortoise on its left side and hare on the right side.

tap the Speed icon

  • To slow down the time-lapse video, move the slider to the left side and you’ll see the duration of the video increased, indicating time-lapse video has been slowed down.

Move the slider backward to slow down

  • Now click the Play button to preview and then tap Done.

Advanced Software: Edit A Time Lapse Video in Wondershare Filmora

If you have professionally captured RAW images of the time-lapse video, you need to use advanced software to stitch them together. That’s where Wondershare Filmora comes into play.

Wondershare Filmore is a professional video editing software with a wide variety of basic to advanced-level editing tools. It allows for turning RAW videos into fun, engaging, and professional videos.

If you need to refine your time-lapse video, you can use it and benefit from its capabilities. Similarly, you can use it to speed up or slow down your time-lapse video.

Let’s see how you can do both with Filmora.

Speed up your time-lapse video

Why speed up a time-lapse in the first place? There are a couple of reasons you might want to speed up your time-lapse.

When shooting with a fast lens, you might want to dial down the shutter speed to achieve more motion blur, to make the scenes more interesting. However, doing so can also create motion blur on time-lapse footage when sped up.

Another reason you might want to speed up your time-lapse is when you have too many frames. When you shoot at low frame rate (e.g. 15 FPS), not everyone will experience the same viewing quality if they don’t have high frame rate monitors. Speeding up the footage is one way to reduce the number of frames without compromising the quality of your video.

Follow these steps to speed up the time-lapse video using Filmora:

  • Download and install Wondershare Filmora on your computer.
  • Launch Filmora and click the New project button to open the video editor or drag and drop the file directly.

tap the New Project button and open the Video Editor

  • Once imported, drag the file to the timeline.

drag the media file to the timeline

  • Click the Speed icon and select the Fast option. Select 2x, 4x, 8x, etc, depending on how much you want to speed up.

tap the Speed button

  • Save the file and use it the way you want.

Slow down your time-lapse video

As the speed at which your time-lapse moves increases, so does the amount of motion blur. This can make for an undesirable look, especially in shots where there is already a lot of movement.

The best way to avoid this is to slow down your time-lapse as much as possible while still maintaining an interesting level of movement within your shot.

You can slow down your time-lapse video in Filmora following the same process as you’d do for speeding-up the video (Explained above). However, there’s only one catch; instead of opting for the Fast option choose Slow when you’re at step 4.


Hopefully, this guide has provided a good knowledge of how to put together your own time lapse video – and how to edit it on iPhone and Wondershare Filmora. It’s easier than you may think, and the resulting videos are quite impressive.

Take your time with it, record your movies from different angles, and don’t be afraid to create something unique and experimental.

Try It Free Try It Free

Full Guide to Funcall Voice Changer and Its Alternatives

Do you want to prank your friends? Everyone can agree that receiving a prank call is one of the world’s most annoying experiences. Still, you must admit that coming up with a great prank is a flex. If you want to make the next big prank film for TikTok or are just looking for something to do during a sleepover with your friends, you’ll need to have a plan before you pick up the phone. In this article, we will tell you how you can make prank calls easily with Funcall apps:

Try AI Voice Changer For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Try AI Voice Changer For macOS 10.14 or later

Part 1: What’s Funcall App, and how to use it?

Making successful prank calls is very challenging. The Funcall - Voice Changer makes it incredibly easy to change your voice on a call and prank your family members and friends. You can call them and get their funny reactions.

You must input the target’s phone number and select whether you want the voice to be feminine, helium balloon, frightening, male, or regular sound. Funcall app also allows you to make international calls in over 150 countries on cell phones and landlines.

voice changer

After installing the app, you will only have 30 seconds to play the prank. You can install other applications, view advertisements, or buy time directly through the app to get additional time. You are free to phone whatever number you like and speak in an artificial voice as long as you have the time. Additionally, you can include humorous sound effects like barking, farts, or gunfire. This voice-changing app is compatible with both Android and iPhone devices.

Follow these easy steps to use the Funcall app:


Go to the official website of Funcall apps and download it on your mobile device. To start the Funcall app, tap on the icon.

Step2Dial the Number

Dial the number of your friend or relative you want to prank and select the country.

Step3Select a Voice

At this point, pick the voice-altering sound you want to use. You can also add a background effect.

Step4Change Voice in Real Time

The call’s recipient will hear your customized voice rather than the original. To make the call more thrilling, you can add sound effects in addition to your altered voice.

add sound effects

Part 2: How to use the app for free?

Funcall is a premium software, and to use it, you must purchase one of its membership plans, which are reasonably priced. The first call on this app is free. You can earn more free minutes for prank calls by completing activities like watching advertising and downloading software.

Another option is to use Funcall MOD APK. It can be your best option if you’re seeking its free version, which allows you to enjoy an infinite number of minutes and an ad-free experience. You can use its hacked version to have free access to all of its paid features.

Part 3: Best alternatives to Funcall Voice Changer

Prank Dial

If you are looking for the best alternative to the Funcall app, you can use Prank Dial. With the help of the Prank Dial app, users can have fun while spending their free time making up to three random prank calls to friends and coworkers each day. You can press a call scenario to hear it and tap the heart to put it in your favourites so you can use it later.

prank dial

The array of situations is sorted by category in the Prank Dial app, including “celebrities,” “angry,” “love,” “family prank calls,” etc. The history area displays all recent calls, including call date, caller id, scenario name, etc.

Fake Caller ID

If you want to make prank calls, make false caller ID, and have a good time, download this Fake Caller ID software. It has a very straightforward user interface that is free of any complications. You can easily prank or make fun of your friends by changing your voice pitch and caller ID.

fake caller id

This app gives two free calls each day and allows you to adjust your caller ID before you make the call, alter your voice while on the call, and record calls to listen to them later for fun.


For both Android and iOS, MagicCall is a fantastic tool to use as a voice-changing app when on the phone. It is an excellent app for making prank calls to pals and applying various effects. With multiple voice modifications and appended background effects, Magic Call is straightforward to use.


You can choose between Male, Robot, Female, Elderly Male, and Kid voices in the Voices area.

Prank Caller

With the help of the features in the Prank Caller app, you can access a massive library of prank call scripts directly from your smartphone’s screen and entertain your loved ones by using a different voice.

prank caller

To try a new prank daily, you can browse the top prank call scripts and a list of all the available prank situations ranked by popularity.


Can I use the Funcall app to make international calls?

You can use the Funcall app to make international calls in over 150 countries, including Asian, European, African, Middle Eastern regions, etc.

Can I use the Funcalls app while playing games?

No, you can’t use the Funcalls app while playing games. You can only use this app to change your voice during calls.

Can I change my voice during a call?

Yes, you can change your voice during calls. You can use Funcall apps or any alternatives to change your voice. However, we recommend you use the Funcall app because it is compatible with Android and iPhone.

What are the available voices on the Funcall app?

You can use a feminine, male, scary, helium, or a regular voice. This app also allows you to use various background sounds and effects.

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Try AI Voice Changer For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Try AI Voice Changer For macOS 10.14 or later

Part 1: What’s Funcall App, and how to use it?

Making successful prank calls is very challenging. The Funcall - Voice Changer makes it incredibly easy to change your voice on a call and prank your family members and friends. You can call them and get their funny reactions.

You must input the target’s phone number and select whether you want the voice to be feminine, helium balloon, frightening, male, or regular sound. Funcall app also allows you to make international calls in over 150 countries on cell phones and landlines.

voice changer

After installing the app, you will only have 30 seconds to play the prank. You can install other applications, view advertisements, or buy time directly through the app to get additional time. You are free to phone whatever number you like and speak in an artificial voice as long as you have the time. Additionally, you can include humorous sound effects like barking, farts, or gunfire. This voice-changing app is compatible with both Android and iPhone devices.

Follow these easy steps to use the Funcall app:


Go to the official website of Funcall apps and download it on your mobile device. To start the Funcall app, tap on the icon.

Step2Dial the Number

Dial the number of your friend or relative you want to prank and select the country.

Step3Select a Voice

At this point, pick the voice-altering sound you want to use. You can also add a background effect.

Step4Change Voice in Real Time

The call’s recipient will hear your customized voice rather than the original. To make the call more thrilling, you can add sound effects in addition to your altered voice.

add sound effects

Part 2: How to use the app for free?

Funcall is a premium software, and to use it, you must purchase one of its membership plans, which are reasonably priced. The first call on this app is free. You can earn more free minutes for prank calls by completing activities like watching advertising and downloading software.

Another option is to use Funcall MOD APK. It can be your best option if you’re seeking its free version, which allows you to enjoy an infinite number of minutes and an ad-free experience. You can use its hacked version to have free access to all of its paid features.

Part 3: Best alternatives to Funcall Voice Changer

Prank Dial

If you are looking for the best alternative to the Funcall app, you can use Prank Dial. With the help of the Prank Dial app, users can have fun while spending their free time making up to three random prank calls to friends and coworkers each day. You can press a call scenario to hear it and tap the heart to put it in your favourites so you can use it later.

prank dial

The array of situations is sorted by category in the Prank Dial app, including “celebrities,” “angry,” “love,” “family prank calls,” etc. The history area displays all recent calls, including call date, caller id, scenario name, etc.

Fake Caller ID

If you want to make prank calls, make false caller ID, and have a good time, download this Fake Caller ID software. It has a very straightforward user interface that is free of any complications. You can easily prank or make fun of your friends by changing your voice pitch and caller ID.

fake caller id

This app gives two free calls each day and allows you to adjust your caller ID before you make the call, alter your voice while on the call, and record calls to listen to them later for fun.


For both Android and iOS, MagicCall is a fantastic tool to use as a voice-changing app when on the phone. It is an excellent app for making prank calls to pals and applying various effects. With multiple voice modifications and appended background effects, Magic Call is straightforward to use.


You can choose between Male, Robot, Female, Elderly Male, and Kid voices in the Voices area.

Prank Caller

With the help of the features in the Prank Caller app, you can access a massive library of prank call scripts directly from your smartphone’s screen and entertain your loved ones by using a different voice.

prank caller

To try a new prank daily, you can browse the top prank call scripts and a list of all the available prank situations ranked by popularity.


Can I use the Funcall app to make international calls?

You can use the Funcall app to make international calls in over 150 countries, including Asian, European, African, Middle Eastern regions, etc.

Can I use the Funcalls app while playing games?

No, you can’t use the Funcalls app while playing games. You can only use this app to change your voice during calls.

Can I change my voice during a call?

Yes, you can change your voice during calls. You can use Funcall apps or any alternatives to change your voice. However, we recommend you use the Funcall app because it is compatible with Android and iPhone.

What are the available voices on the Funcall app?

You can use a feminine, male, scary, helium, or a regular voice. This app also allows you to use various background sounds and effects.

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

What If YouTube Zoom to Fill Not Working?

Abundant Video Effects - Wondershare Filmora

Provide abundant video effects - A creative video editor

Powerful color correction and grading

Detailed tutorials are provided by the official channel

Try It Free Try It Free

YouTube is an application that is in demand by millions of users throughout the globe. With such high demands, there are several features that have been enhanced across the platform for the sake of providing users with better functionality. One such feature comes under the zoom characteristic that provides a better cinematic experience to the user upon its use.

This article is a discussion of the issues caused by the zoom to fill YouTube feature. As it hinders the operability of the user, there are several impacts on the complete operation of the tool. However, to counter it, this article turns up different techniques that can be implemented to resolve this problem.

In this article

Part 1: Fix YouTube Zoom to Fill Not Working on Android or iPhone

Part 2: Fix YouTube Zoom to Fill Not Working on Chrome

Part 1: Fix YouTube Zoom to Fill Not Working on Android or iPhone

If the YouTube zoom to fill not working error is present across the smartphone that you own, there are several remedies that can be considered as a proper solution to this issue. Go through these fixes to know more about how you can resolve it without putting yourselves in miserable conditions:

1. Update YouTube Application

The first remedy that may come into your mind related to resolving the zoom to fill YouTube issues on your smartphone is by updating the application. YouTube requires frequent updates, and an outdated application may not work properly, which may lead to such consequences. To counter this issue, you need to go through the following steps:

For Android

Step 1: Initially, you need to direct yourselves into the “Play Store” and click on the “Profile” icon. Across the list of different options, you will find the “Manage apps and device” section.

tap on manage apps and device

Step 2: On the new screen that opens up, select the “Manage” tab and proceed to turn on the “Updates available” filter for your device.

check available updates

Step 3: Find the update of the YouTube app across the provided list. Click on the tool to open it across a new screen. Click on “Update” to successfully update the application on your Android.

update the youtube android app

For iPhone

Step 1: Start by launching the App Store across the iPhone. Click on the “Profile” and locate the applications installed across your iPhone.

launch ios app store

Step 2: Find YouTube in the list of different available updates. Click on “Update” to put your YouTube application in the latest version.

click on app button

2. Re-Launch YouTube Application

Restarting the YouTube application across your device may get you out of such miserable issues with platforms that are mere because of software glitches. To counter this problem, you can consider re-launching your YouTube application on smartphones as required:

For Android

Step 1: You need to tap on the ‘rectangular’ icon present at the bottom of the screen to open the applications that are currently running in the background.

Step 2: To close YouTube, you need to swipe right or left the application from the said screen. Re-launch YouTube by accessing the app from the homepage.

close youtube app android

For iPhone

Step 1: With YouTube turned on across the iPhone, swipe up from the bottom of the screen at a consistent speed smoothly or double press the Home button according to your iPhone model. This will show the running applications in the background.

Step 2: To close YouTube, you need to swipe up the application. Re-launch it from your iPhone’s homepage.

swipe up to close youtube

3. Restart Your Device

This is another extensive zoom to fill YouTube issue solution that can help you recover your device from the illicit software glitches that are preventing it from starting properly. By restarting the devices, you can easily get rid of this problem within no time.

For Android

Step 1: To reboot an Android device, you need to hold the ‘Power’ button of the device until a screen displays on your front.

Step 2: Click on the “Restart” option on your Android to restart your device properly.

select restart option

For iPhone

Step 1: To restart an iPhone, it is best that you proceed to your “Settings” and access the “General” option.

access general settings

Step 2: Click on “Shut Down” from the available list of settings to turn off the iPhone. Re-launch the iPhone by holding the “Power” button of the device.

click on shut down

Part 2: Fix YouTube Zoom to Fill Not Working on Chrome

Users who are using YouTube across their browsers can also face the above-mentioned concerns. As an answer to YouTube zoom to fill malfunctioning across Chrome, this part comes up with a discussion of three impressive solutions that can be adopted right away for effective results.

1. Clear Browser’s Cache

To start with the solutions, the first thing that you can do is to clear your Chrome’s cache. A filled cache usually hinders the flow of the application, which in turn leads to a decreased performance. To clear the browser’s cache, you need to look across the following steps:

Step 1: Launch your Chrome browser and click on the “Three-Dotted” icon on the top-right corner of the screen.

click on three dots option

Step 2: Select “Clear browsing data…” from the ‘More Tools’ option across the drop-down menu. This leads you to a new window.

access clear browsing data option

Step 3: Make sure you have the right time range selected for this purpose. Select the right options that will clear out the cache of your Chrome and hit “Clear Data.”

clear browser cache data

2. Update Your Chrome

While seeking the right zoom to fill YouTube solution, you may come up with the idea of updating your Chrome browser. For this, you have to look into the steps shown below:

Step 1: Open Google Chrome on your desktop and click on the three-dotted icon on the top-right section. Find the option of “Help” in the drop-down menu and proceed by clicking ‘About Google Chrome’ from the next menu.

tap on about google chrome

Step 2: The browser detects an update that is due for Chrome. It will automatically start updating the browser if detected. Once the update is complete, you need to restart your Chrome browser.

google chrome is updating

3. Delete the Extensions

It can be quite surprising to find the extensions across your Chrome being the perpetrator of this problem. With extensions like different ad blockers on your list, the YouTube zoom to fill problem can be caused because of it. To remove these extensions from Chrome, you need to:

Step 1: Lead to the three-dotted icon on the top-right corner of Chrome to open the settings. Direct the cursor to “More Tools” and select “Extensions” in the protruding menu.

access your installed extensions

Step 2: The new window opens up with the list of extensions installed across your Chrome browser. Click on “Remove” to delete the extension from the browser simply. Tap on “Remove” once again when prompted.

tap on remove button


The article has provided you with some comprehensive methods that can be adopted to solve the YouTube zoom to fill problem on your device. With these methods, you can go through all the small glitches that occur on the YouTube app that is hindering your work.

Try It Free Try It Free

Try It Free Try It Free

YouTube is an application that is in demand by millions of users throughout the globe. With such high demands, there are several features that have been enhanced across the platform for the sake of providing users with better functionality. One such feature comes under the zoom characteristic that provides a better cinematic experience to the user upon its use.

This article is a discussion of the issues caused by the zoom to fill YouTube feature. As it hinders the operability of the user, there are several impacts on the complete operation of the tool. However, to counter it, this article turns up different techniques that can be implemented to resolve this problem.

In this article

Part 1: Fix YouTube Zoom to Fill Not Working on Android or iPhone

Part 2: Fix YouTube Zoom to Fill Not Working on Chrome

Part 1: Fix YouTube Zoom to Fill Not Working on Android or iPhone

If the YouTube zoom to fill not working error is present across the smartphone that you own, there are several remedies that can be considered as a proper solution to this issue. Go through these fixes to know more about how you can resolve it without putting yourselves in miserable conditions:

1. Update YouTube Application

The first remedy that may come into your mind related to resolving the zoom to fill YouTube issues on your smartphone is by updating the application. YouTube requires frequent updates, and an outdated application may not work properly, which may lead to such consequences. To counter this issue, you need to go through the following steps:

For Android

Step 1: Initially, you need to direct yourselves into the “Play Store” and click on the “Profile” icon. Across the list of different options, you will find the “Manage apps and device” section.

tap on manage apps and device

Step 2: On the new screen that opens up, select the “Manage” tab and proceed to turn on the “Updates available” filter for your device.

check available updates

Step 3: Find the update of the YouTube app across the provided list. Click on the tool to open it across a new screen. Click on “Update” to successfully update the application on your Android.

update the youtube android app

For iPhone

Step 1: Start by launching the App Store across the iPhone. Click on the “Profile” and locate the applications installed across your iPhone.

launch ios app store

Step 2: Find YouTube in the list of different available updates. Click on “Update” to put your YouTube application in the latest version.

click on app button

2. Re-Launch YouTube Application

Restarting the YouTube application across your device may get you out of such miserable issues with platforms that are mere because of software glitches. To counter this problem, you can consider re-launching your YouTube application on smartphones as required:

For Android

Step 1: You need to tap on the ‘rectangular’ icon present at the bottom of the screen to open the applications that are currently running in the background.

Step 2: To close YouTube, you need to swipe right or left the application from the said screen. Re-launch YouTube by accessing the app from the homepage.

close youtube app android

For iPhone

Step 1: With YouTube turned on across the iPhone, swipe up from the bottom of the screen at a consistent speed smoothly or double press the Home button according to your iPhone model. This will show the running applications in the background.

Step 2: To close YouTube, you need to swipe up the application. Re-launch it from your iPhone’s homepage.

swipe up to close youtube

3. Restart Your Device

This is another extensive zoom to fill YouTube issue solution that can help you recover your device from the illicit software glitches that are preventing it from starting properly. By restarting the devices, you can easily get rid of this problem within no time.

For Android

Step 1: To reboot an Android device, you need to hold the ‘Power’ button of the device until a screen displays on your front.

Step 2: Click on the “Restart” option on your Android to restart your device properly.

select restart option

For iPhone

Step 1: To restart an iPhone, it is best that you proceed to your “Settings” and access the “General” option.

access general settings

Step 2: Click on “Shut Down” from the available list of settings to turn off the iPhone. Re-launch the iPhone by holding the “Power” button of the device.

click on shut down

Part 2: Fix YouTube Zoom to Fill Not Working on Chrome

Users who are using YouTube across their browsers can also face the above-mentioned concerns. As an answer to YouTube zoom to fill malfunctioning across Chrome, this part comes up with a discussion of three impressive solutions that can be adopted right away for effective results.

1. Clear Browser’s Cache

To start with the solutions, the first thing that you can do is to clear your Chrome’s cache. A filled cache usually hinders the flow of the application, which in turn leads to a decreased performance. To clear the browser’s cache, you need to look across the following steps:

Step 1: Launch your Chrome browser and click on the “Three-Dotted” icon on the top-right corner of the screen.

click on three dots option

Step 2: Select “Clear browsing data…” from the ‘More Tools’ option across the drop-down menu. This leads you to a new window.

access clear browsing data option

Step 3: Make sure you have the right time range selected for this purpose. Select the right options that will clear out the cache of your Chrome and hit “Clear Data.”

clear browser cache data

2. Update Your Chrome

While seeking the right zoom to fill YouTube solution, you may come up with the idea of updating your Chrome browser. For this, you have to look into the steps shown below:

Step 1: Open Google Chrome on your desktop and click on the three-dotted icon on the top-right section. Find the option of “Help” in the drop-down menu and proceed by clicking ‘About Google Chrome’ from the next menu.

tap on about google chrome

Step 2: The browser detects an update that is due for Chrome. It will automatically start updating the browser if detected. Once the update is complete, you need to restart your Chrome browser.

google chrome is updating

3. Delete the Extensions

It can be quite surprising to find the extensions across your Chrome being the perpetrator of this problem. With extensions like different ad blockers on your list, the YouTube zoom to fill problem can be caused because of it. To remove these extensions from Chrome, you need to:

Step 1: Lead to the three-dotted icon on the top-right corner of Chrome to open the settings. Direct the cursor to “More Tools” and select “Extensions” in the protruding menu.

access your installed extensions

Step 2: The new window opens up with the list of extensions installed across your Chrome browser. Click on “Remove” to delete the extension from the browser simply. Tap on “Remove” once again when prompted.

tap on remove button


The article has provided you with some comprehensive methods that can be adopted to solve the YouTube zoom to fill problem on your device. With these methods, you can go through all the small glitches that occur on the YouTube app that is hindering your work.

Try It Free Try It Free

Try It Free Try It Free

YouTube is an application that is in demand by millions of users throughout the globe. With such high demands, there are several features that have been enhanced across the platform for the sake of providing users with better functionality. One such feature comes under the zoom characteristic that provides a better cinematic experience to the user upon its use.

This article is a discussion of the issues caused by the zoom to fill YouTube feature. As it hinders the operability of the user, there are several impacts on the complete operation of the tool. However, to counter it, this article turns up different techniques that can be implemented to resolve this problem.

In this article

Part 1: Fix YouTube Zoom to Fill Not Working on Android or iPhone

Part 2: Fix YouTube Zoom to Fill Not Working on Chrome

Part 1: Fix YouTube Zoom to Fill Not Working on Android or iPhone

If the YouTube zoom to fill not working error is present across the smartphone that you own, there are several remedies that can be considered as a proper solution to this issue. Go through these fixes to know more about how you can resolve it without putting yourselves in miserable conditions:

1. Update YouTube Application

The first remedy that may come into your mind related to resolving the zoom to fill YouTube issues on your smartphone is by updating the application. YouTube requires frequent updates, and an outdated application may not work properly, which may lead to such consequences. To counter this issue, you need to go through the following steps:

For Android

Step 1: Initially, you need to direct yourselves into the “Play Store” and click on the “Profile” icon. Across the list of different options, you will find the “Manage apps and device” section.

tap on manage apps and device

Step 2: On the new screen that opens up, select the “Manage” tab and proceed to turn on the “Updates available” filter for your device.

check available updates

Step 3: Find the update of the YouTube app across the provided list. Click on the tool to open it across a new screen. Click on “Update” to successfully update the application on your Android.

update the youtube android app

For iPhone

Step 1: Start by launching the App Store across the iPhone. Click on the “Profile” and locate the applications installed across your iPhone.

launch ios app store

Step 2: Find YouTube in the list of different available updates. Click on “Update” to put your YouTube application in the latest version.

click on app button

2. Re-Launch YouTube Application

Restarting the YouTube application across your device may get you out of such miserable issues with platforms that are mere because of software glitches. To counter this problem, you can consider re-launching your YouTube application on smartphones as required:

For Android

Step 1: You need to tap on the ‘rectangular’ icon present at the bottom of the screen to open the applications that are currently running in the background.

Step 2: To close YouTube, you need to swipe right or left the application from the said screen. Re-launch YouTube by accessing the app from the homepage.

close youtube app android

For iPhone

Step 1: With YouTube turned on across the iPhone, swipe up from the bottom of the screen at a consistent speed smoothly or double press the Home button according to your iPhone model. This will show the running applications in the background.

Step 2: To close YouTube, you need to swipe up the application. Re-launch it from your iPhone’s homepage.

swipe up to close youtube

3. Restart Your Device

This is another extensive zoom to fill YouTube issue solution that can help you recover your device from the illicit software glitches that are preventing it from starting properly. By restarting the devices, you can easily get rid of this problem within no time.

For Android

Step 1: To reboot an Android device, you need to hold the ‘Power’ button of the device until a screen displays on your front.

Step 2: Click on the “Restart” option on your Android to restart your device properly.

select restart option

For iPhone

Step 1: To restart an iPhone, it is best that you proceed to your “Settings” and access the “General” option.

access general settings

Step 2: Click on “Shut Down” from the available list of settings to turn off the iPhone. Re-launch the iPhone by holding the “Power” button of the device.

click on shut down

Part 2: Fix YouTube Zoom to Fill Not Working on Chrome

Users who are using YouTube across their browsers can also face the above-mentioned concerns. As an answer to YouTube zoom to fill malfunctioning across Chrome, this part comes up with a discussion of three impressive solutions that can be adopted right away for effective results.

1. Clear Browser’s Cache

To start with the solutions, the first thing that you can do is to clear your Chrome’s cache. A filled cache usually hinders the flow of the application, which in turn leads to a decreased performance. To clear the browser’s cache, you need to look across the following steps:

Step 1: Launch your Chrome browser and click on the “Three-Dotted” icon on the top-right corner of the screen.

click on three dots option

Step 2: Select “Clear browsing data…” from the ‘More Tools’ option across the drop-down menu. This leads you to a new window.

access clear browsing data option

Step 3: Make sure you have the right time range selected for this purpose. Select the right options that will clear out the cache of your Chrome and hit “Clear Data.”

clear browser cache data

2. Update Your Chrome

While seeking the right zoom to fill YouTube solution, you may come up with the idea of updating your Chrome browser. For this, you have to look into the steps shown below:

Step 1: Open Google Chrome on your desktop and click on the three-dotted icon on the top-right section. Find the option of “Help” in the drop-down menu and proceed by clicking ‘About Google Chrome’ from the next menu.

tap on about google chrome

Step 2: The browser detects an update that is due for Chrome. It will automatically start updating the browser if detected. Once the update is complete, you need to restart your Chrome browser.

google chrome is updating

3. Delete the Extensions

It can be quite surprising to find the extensions across your Chrome being the perpetrator of this problem. With extensions like different ad blockers on your list, the YouTube zoom to fill problem can be caused because of it. To remove these extensions from Chrome, you need to:

Step 1: Lead to the three-dotted icon on the top-right corner of Chrome to open the settings. Direct the cursor to “More Tools” and select “Extensions” in the protruding menu.

access your installed extensions

Step 2: The new window opens up with the list of extensions installed across your Chrome browser. Click on “Remove” to delete the extension from the browser simply. Tap on “Remove” once again when prompted.

tap on remove button


The article has provided you with some comprehensive methods that can be adopted to solve the YouTube zoom to fill problem on your device. With these methods, you can go through all the small glitches that occur on the YouTube app that is hindering your work.

Try It Free Try It Free

Try It Free Try It Free

YouTube is an application that is in demand by millions of users throughout the globe. With such high demands, there are several features that have been enhanced across the platform for the sake of providing users with better functionality. One such feature comes under the zoom characteristic that provides a better cinematic experience to the user upon its use.

This article is a discussion of the issues caused by the zoom to fill YouTube feature. As it hinders the operability of the user, there are several impacts on the complete operation of the tool. However, to counter it, this article turns up different techniques that can be implemented to resolve this problem.

In this article

Part 1: Fix YouTube Zoom to Fill Not Working on Android or iPhone

Part 2: Fix YouTube Zoom to Fill Not Working on Chrome

Part 1: Fix YouTube Zoom to Fill Not Working on Android or iPhone

If the YouTube zoom to fill not working error is present across the smartphone that you own, there are several remedies that can be considered as a proper solution to this issue. Go through these fixes to know more about how you can resolve it without putting yourselves in miserable conditions:

1. Update YouTube Application

The first remedy that may come into your mind related to resolving the zoom to fill YouTube issues on your smartphone is by updating the application. YouTube requires frequent updates, and an outdated application may not work properly, which may lead to such consequences. To counter this issue, you need to go through the following steps:

For Android

Step 1: Initially, you need to direct yourselves into the “Play Store” and click on the “Profile” icon. Across the list of different options, you will find the “Manage apps and device” section.

tap on manage apps and device

Step 2: On the new screen that opens up, select the “Manage” tab and proceed to turn on the “Updates available” filter for your device.

check available updates

Step 3: Find the update of the YouTube app across the provided list. Click on the tool to open it across a new screen. Click on “Update” to successfully update the application on your Android.

update the youtube android app

For iPhone

Step 1: Start by launching the App Store across the iPhone. Click on the “Profile” and locate the applications installed across your iPhone.

launch ios app store

Step 2: Find YouTube in the list of different available updates. Click on “Update” to put your YouTube application in the latest version.

click on app button

2. Re-Launch YouTube Application

Restarting the YouTube application across your device may get you out of such miserable issues with platforms that are mere because of software glitches. To counter this problem, you can consider re-launching your YouTube application on smartphones as required:

For Android

Step 1: You need to tap on the ‘rectangular’ icon present at the bottom of the screen to open the applications that are currently running in the background.

Step 2: To close YouTube, you need to swipe right or left the application from the said screen. Re-launch YouTube by accessing the app from the homepage.

close youtube app android

For iPhone

Step 1: With YouTube turned on across the iPhone, swipe up from the bottom of the screen at a consistent speed smoothly or double press the Home button according to your iPhone model. This will show the running applications in the background.

Step 2: To close YouTube, you need to swipe up the application. Re-launch it from your iPhone’s homepage.

swipe up to close youtube

3. Restart Your Device

This is another extensive zoom to fill YouTube issue solution that can help you recover your device from the illicit software glitches that are preventing it from starting properly. By restarting the devices, you can easily get rid of this problem within no time.

For Android

Step 1: To reboot an Android device, you need to hold the ‘Power’ button of the device until a screen displays on your front.

Step 2: Click on the “Restart” option on your Android to restart your device properly.

select restart option

For iPhone

Step 1: To restart an iPhone, it is best that you proceed to your “Settings” and access the “General” option.

access general settings

Step 2: Click on “Shut Down” from the available list of settings to turn off the iPhone. Re-launch the iPhone by holding the “Power” button of the device.

click on shut down

Part 2: Fix YouTube Zoom to Fill Not Working on Chrome

Users who are using YouTube across their browsers can also face the above-mentioned concerns. As an answer to YouTube zoom to fill malfunctioning across Chrome, this part comes up with a discussion of three impressive solutions that can be adopted right away for effective results.

1. Clear Browser’s Cache

To start with the solutions, the first thing that you can do is to clear your Chrome’s cache. A filled cache usually hinders the flow of the application, which in turn leads to a decreased performance. To clear the browser’s cache, you need to look across the following steps:

Step 1: Launch your Chrome browser and click on the “Three-Dotted” icon on the top-right corner of the screen.

click on three dots option

Step 2: Select “Clear browsing data…” from the ‘More Tools’ option across the drop-down menu. This leads you to a new window.

access clear browsing data option

Step 3: Make sure you have the right time range selected for this purpose. Select the right options that will clear out the cache of your Chrome and hit “Clear Data.”

clear browser cache data

2. Update Your Chrome

While seeking the right zoom to fill YouTube solution, you may come up with the idea of updating your Chrome browser. For this, you have to look into the steps shown below:

Step 1: Open Google Chrome on your desktop and click on the three-dotted icon on the top-right section. Find the option of “Help” in the drop-down menu and proceed by clicking ‘About Google Chrome’ from the next menu.

tap on about google chrome

Step 2: The browser detects an update that is due for Chrome. It will automatically start updating the browser if detected. Once the update is complete, you need to restart your Chrome browser.

google chrome is updating

3. Delete the Extensions

It can be quite surprising to find the extensions across your Chrome being the perpetrator of this problem. With extensions like different ad blockers on your list, the YouTube zoom to fill problem can be caused because of it. To remove these extensions from Chrome, you need to:

Step 1: Lead to the three-dotted icon on the top-right corner of Chrome to open the settings. Direct the cursor to “More Tools” and select “Extensions” in the protruding menu.

access your installed extensions

Step 2: The new window opens up with the list of extensions installed across your Chrome browser. Click on “Remove” to delete the extension from the browser simply. Tap on “Remove” once again when prompted.

tap on remove button


The article has provided you with some comprehensive methods that can be adopted to solve the YouTube zoom to fill problem on your device. With these methods, you can go through all the small glitches that occur on the YouTube app that is hindering your work.

Try It Free Try It Free

How to Speed Up Video on Instagram Reels?

Undoubtedly, every social media video creator loves to make use of Instagram Reels for their widespread popularity. If you want to grab your audience’s attention and keep them engaged with your videos, then Instagram Reels should be your destination. On this platform, you can only make short videos maxing out the 90-second time limit. But what if your video content is lengthy? Don’t fret. One simple trick is to speed up the pace of your videos.

instagram reels

There are two scenarios regarding how to increase the speed of the video in Reels. You can speed up the video when recording directly on the Instagram app, or use a third-party editing tool if it is a pre-recorded video. We will illustrate below how to speed up video on Instagram Reels for both scenarios.

Part I. Basic Understanding of Instagram Reels

  1. What are Instagram Reels?

Instagram Reels are short-duration, vertically-oriented videos that are displayed in the dedicated reels tab on the Instagram app. You can compare Instagram Reels with TikTok videos. The maximum duration of Instagram Reels can be of 90 seconds.

Instagram displays the popular Reels on Explore tab so that the Instagram Reels creators get more exposure. Since short-duration videos and apps are in trend, Instagram Reels has become the most popular section on the Instagram app.

Reels can be entertaining videos with popular songs in the background. They can be funny videos as well as gripping slow-motion videos. Brands promote their products and services through Reels. You can add stunning AR effects and change the speed of the video while recording Reels through the Instagram app.

  1. Why Should You Make Instagram Reels?

Instagram Reels have been a game-changer in the social media world. From regular video creators and social media influencers to brands and businesses, Instagram Reels has become everyone’s real deal. Here are the reasons why you should make Instagram Reels:

Reach - The primary reason for making Instagram Reels is to reach out to the target audiences and get more followers. If your videos become popular, your Instagram Reels can get featured in the Explore tab. Once it does happen, there will be an exponential rise in views and followers. Besides, Instagram Reels have better reach to your followers than regular Instagram posts.

Engagement - The world has moved on from photos to videos. People love to check out short videos rather than still images. So naturally, when you start making Instagram reels, your followers’ engagement will increase dramatically. With more engagement, your Reels will get more exposure as people will love to share them with their friends. Of course, the content has to be top-notch so that people start to pay attention to your Reels.

social media engagement

Showcase Personality - Instagram Reels are the best way to showcase your personality on social media. Personality is the magical key that attracts followers on social media platforms. You can create different genres of videos and showcase your talent and personality to get noticed.

Brand Promotion - Brands and businesses use Instagram Reels to promote their products and services. They come up with creative Reels that audiences cannot ignore. Even social media influencers promote brands through Instagram Reels these days. It is a great way to make the target audiences aware of the products and services and build a strong brand image.

You can go through this informative article for more information about Instagram Reels.

Part II. Speed Up Video on Instagram Reels

If you prefer to film videos directly on Instagram Reels, you will find a dedicated option to change video speed on the Instagram app. When you use the option, you get to set the speed of the video even before you start recording.

However, if you are already recorded a video for Instagram Reels, you can jump to the next part to find out the best way to speed up existing videos for Reels. Here, you will illustrate how to speed up video on Instagram Reels directly on the Instagram app without needing any third-party app.

Step-by-step Guide to Speed Up Reels Video

Here are the simple steps to speed up the video in Reels on the Instagram app.

Step1 Open the Instagram app. Tap on the Camera icon at the bottom to film a video.

Step2 Swipe at the bottom to select the Reels option.

Step3 You will find the Speed option on the left panel. Tap on the Speed option.

find speed tab on instagram

Step4 If you want to speed up your video, select a speed preset above 1X. For example, if you want double the speed than usual, you will tap on the 2X preset.

Step5 Tap the Record icon at the bottom to record the Reels video.

Step6 Once you are done recording, tap on the Stop icon.

record speed up video on instagram

Step7 Tap the Preview option to check how the recorded video looks. After that, tap the Next option.

Step8 You can write a caption, add a cover, add a location, and even tag people. Finally, tap on the Share button to post the video under the Reels section.

share recorded videos to reels

Part III. Speed Up Existing Videos for Reels

When you have already recorded the video for Reels, you need to use a third-party tool to change the video speed. Depending on the device you are going to use to edit the speed of your video, you have to select an appropriate video editing application. We have handpicked the best applications to change Instagram Reels video speed for computers, smartphones as well as online users.

  1. Speed Up Video for Instagram Reels on PC

A professional video creator always prefers a computer to edit videos minutely. This is because a computer’s dedicated video editor has far more editing options than a video editor app or even an online video editor. If you have filmed and transferred the video to your computer, you can change its speed easily. Wondershare Filmora is the best video editor to alter video speed precisely as you need.

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

There are various options available to change the speed of a video. You can choose from the speed presets for instant change. You can customize the speed through the Uniform Speed option. Besides, you can use Speed Ramping to vary the speed of the video differently for different sections. Most importantly, Filmora is super easy to use despite being a professional video editing software.

A Step-by-step Guide to speed up a video on Filmora

Instead of choosing from the speed presets, using the Uniform Speed option is always handy to speed up your video. This is because speed presets are limited and may not be suitable for your video. That is why Uniform Speed is effective, as you can set any desired speed up to 100X.

Here are the steps to speed up a Reels video (already recorded) using Filmora

Step1 Download Wondershare Filmora on your computer based on your operating system. Filmora is available for macOS as well as Windows. After successful installation, open Filmora and click on Create New Project button.

create new project on filmora

Step2 Go to the File menu and the Import Media option. Select Import Media Files and browse your computer to import the target video file into the Project Media folder. Now, drop that file into the timeline. Press the Speed (timer) icon that you will find at the top of the timeline.

drag clip to the timeline

Step3 Press the Uniform Speed option from the displayed menu. This will open the Uniform Speed tab.

click the uniform speed icon

Step4 Move the speed slider to the right to speed up the video. Once you have set the desired speed, press the Ok button. Finally, tap Export to save the edited file. Thereafter, you can upload the video file as Instagram Reels.

move speed slider

For more details, you can check out this video where changing video speed in Filmora is fully illustrated.

icon note

Note: We have already mentioned that you can also use the Speed Ramping option to customize speed for different sections of your video. You will customize the visualization graph to set the speed unevenly with smooth transitions for the entire video. You can watch this tutorial video to find out how to change speed with Speed Ramping option in Filmora.

  1. Speed Up Video for Reels Online

If you do not want dedicated video editing software, you can still speed up your recorded video using an online video editor. There are several online video editors available where you can speed up your video for Reels. But Clideo is the most straightforward online video editor where you can speed up videos instantly. All you need is an internet connection and a supporting web browser on your device.

A Step-by-step Guide to speed up a video on Clideo

Step1 Open the web browser on your device. Visit the official website of Clideo.

Step2 Click on the Choose File option. Select the target video from your device storage.

Step3 Once the video gets uploaded on the platform, you will see different speed presets on the right side of the screen.

Step4 You can select from the speed presets. Otherwise, you can use the slider to alter the video’s speed as needed.

use the slider to alter the speed

Step5 Play the video and if everything is perfect, click on the Export button to save the video on your device storage.

  1. Speed up Video for Instagram Reels on iPhone

If you have already recorded a video on your iPhone for Reels Instagram, you can use the VN Video app (VlogNow) to alter its speed before uploading it. Previously, Instagram used to provide Hyperlapse to change video speed. But Instagram has pulled down the app from App Store. VN Video is a complete video editing app where you can instantly change the video speed. It is an extremely popular video editor with a high average rating, proving its usefulness.

A Step-by-step Guide to speed up a video on VN Video

Step1 Install the VN Video app from App Store on your iPhone. Launch the app after installation.

Step2 Tap on the Plus icon located at the bottom. Tap on New Project to get started.

Step3 Select the pre-recorded video from the device storage and tap on the Next arrow icon at the bottom of the screen.

Step4 Tap on the Speed icon at the bottom and select the regular tab at the top.

find the tab on vn video

Step5 Adjust the speed slider as per your need to change the video speed. Once done, tap on the Tick icon at the bottom.

adjust the speed

Step6 Finally, tap on the Export icon to save the video file on the device storage.

  1. Speed up Video for Instagram on Android

Filmora happens to be the easiest video editing app to change the speed of your video for Instagram Reels. Filmora by Wondershare is a complete video editor that is extremely popular among social media video creators. There are trending video effects and stickers available to make short videos engaging. You can speed up as well as slow down videos. Besides, you get the basic as well as some advanced video editing options for Reels.

A Step-by-step Guide to speed up a video on Filmora

Step1 Install the Filmora app on your Android phone from Play Store. Launch the Filmora app and tap on the New Project option. Select the pre-recorded video from your device gallery.

Step2 After the video appears on Filmora, tap on the Trim tab at the bottom of the screen.

Step3 Tap on the Speed option from the bottom. Adjust the speed slider and move it to the right to speed up your video.

adjust the speed on filmorago

Step4 Tap on the Export button at the top-right corner to save the video on your phone.


  1. Why are my Instagram videos slow?

Multiple reasons can explain why is my Instagram slow. First of all, the videos could be in slow-motion. Secondly, your internet speed may not be up to the mark. Thirdly, Instagram cache and storage could be full when your device runs out of free space. Besides, your device RAM could be fully occupied due to several apps running in the background. Moreover, if you have an older Instagram app version, your Instagram videos can be slow.

  1. What’s the difference between Instagram Reels and Instagram Stories?

There are several differences between Reels and Stories. Reels stay forever, while Stories get deleted after 24 hours. You can upload a 15-second video for Instagram Story. You can upload a 90-second video for Instagram Reel. Instagram Reels focus on content and entertainment, while Stories focus on real-time events. You can change the video speed of Reels directly from Instagram while no such option is available for Stories. Stories cannot be saved but you can save Reels.


We have answered your question, “Can you speed up a pre-recorded video on reels?” You can definitely speed up your video through different methods as applicable in your case. If you are going to film the footage through Instagram Reels, you can set the speed beforehand directly on the Instagram app. If you want to change the speed of a pre-recorded video, you can use VN editor on your iPhone and Filmora app on your Android smartphone. If you want to customize the video speed on PC, Wondershare Filmora will be your best video editor.

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

There are various options available to change the speed of a video. You can choose from the speed presets for instant change. You can customize the speed through the Uniform Speed option. Besides, you can use Speed Ramping to vary the speed of the video differently for different sections. Most importantly, Filmora is super easy to use despite being a professional video editing software.

A Step-by-step Guide to speed up a video on Filmora

Instead of choosing from the speed presets, using the Uniform Speed option is always handy to speed up your video. This is because speed presets are limited and may not be suitable for your video. That is why Uniform Speed is effective, as you can set any desired speed up to 100X.

Here are the steps to speed up a Reels video (already recorded) using Filmora

Step1 Download Wondershare Filmora on your computer based on your operating system. Filmora is available for macOS as well as Windows. After successful installation, open Filmora and click on Create New Project button.

create new project on filmora

Step2 Go to the File menu and the Import Media option. Select Import Media Files and browse your computer to import the target video file into the Project Media folder. Now, drop that file into the timeline. Press the Speed (timer) icon that you will find at the top of the timeline.

drag clip to the timeline

Step3 Press the Uniform Speed option from the displayed menu. This will open the Uniform Speed tab.

click the uniform speed icon

Step4 Move the speed slider to the right to speed up the video. Once you have set the desired speed, press the Ok button. Finally, tap Export to save the edited file. Thereafter, you can upload the video file as Instagram Reels.

move speed slider

For more details, you can check out this video where changing video speed in Filmora is fully illustrated.

icon note

Note: We have already mentioned that you can also use the Speed Ramping option to customize speed for different sections of your video. You will customize the visualization graph to set the speed unevenly with smooth transitions for the entire video. You can watch this tutorial video to find out how to change speed with Speed Ramping option in Filmora.

  1. Speed Up Video for Reels Online

If you do not want dedicated video editing software, you can still speed up your recorded video using an online video editor. There are several online video editors available where you can speed up your video for Reels. But Clideo is the most straightforward online video editor where you can speed up videos instantly. All you need is an internet connection and a supporting web browser on your device.

A Step-by-step Guide to speed up a video on Clideo

Step1 Open the web browser on your device. Visit the official website of Clideo.

Step2 Click on the Choose File option. Select the target video from your device storage.

Step3 Once the video gets uploaded on the platform, you will see different speed presets on the right side of the screen.

Step4 You can select from the speed presets. Otherwise, you can use the slider to alter the video’s speed as needed.

use the slider to alter the speed

Step5 Play the video and if everything is perfect, click on the Export button to save the video on your device storage.

  1. Speed up Video for Instagram Reels on iPhone

If you have already recorded a video on your iPhone for Reels Instagram, you can use the VN Video app (VlogNow) to alter its speed before uploading it. Previously, Instagram used to provide Hyperlapse to change video speed. But Instagram has pulled down the app from App Store. VN Video is a complete video editing app where you can instantly change the video speed. It is an extremely popular video editor with a high average rating, proving its usefulness.

A Step-by-step Guide to speed up a video on VN Video

Step1 Install the VN Video app from App Store on your iPhone. Launch the app after installation.

Step2 Tap on the Plus icon located at the bottom. Tap on New Project to get started.

Step3 Select the pre-recorded video from the device storage and tap on the Next arrow icon at the bottom of the screen.

Step4 Tap on the Speed icon at the bottom and select the regular tab at the top.

find the tab on vn video

Step5 Adjust the speed slider as per your need to change the video speed. Once done, tap on the Tick icon at the bottom.

adjust the speed

Step6 Finally, tap on the Export icon to save the video file on the device storage.

  1. Speed up Video for Instagram on Android

Filmora happens to be the easiest video editing app to change the speed of your video for Instagram Reels. Filmora by Wondershare is a complete video editor that is extremely popular among social media video creators. There are trending video effects and stickers available to make short videos engaging. You can speed up as well as slow down videos. Besides, you get the basic as well as some advanced video editing options for Reels.

A Step-by-step Guide to speed up a video on Filmora

Step1 Install the Filmora app on your Android phone from Play Store. Launch the Filmora app and tap on the New Project option. Select the pre-recorded video from your device gallery.

Step2 After the video appears on Filmora, tap on the Trim tab at the bottom of the screen.

Step3 Tap on the Speed option from the bottom. Adjust the speed slider and move it to the right to speed up your video.

adjust the speed on filmorago

Step4 Tap on the Export button at the top-right corner to save the video on your phone.


  1. Why are my Instagram videos slow?

Multiple reasons can explain why is my Instagram slow. First of all, the videos could be in slow-motion. Secondly, your internet speed may not be up to the mark. Thirdly, Instagram cache and storage could be full when your device runs out of free space. Besides, your device RAM could be fully occupied due to several apps running in the background. Moreover, if you have an older Instagram app version, your Instagram videos can be slow.

  1. What’s the difference between Instagram Reels and Instagram Stories?

There are several differences between Reels and Stories. Reels stay forever, while Stories get deleted after 24 hours. You can upload a 15-second video for Instagram Story. You can upload a 90-second video for Instagram Reel. Instagram Reels focus on content and entertainment, while Stories focus on real-time events. You can change the video speed of Reels directly from Instagram while no such option is available for Stories. Stories cannot be saved but you can save Reels.


We have answered your question, “Can you speed up a pre-recorded video on reels?” You can definitely speed up your video through different methods as applicable in your case. If you are going to film the footage through Instagram Reels, you can set the speed beforehand directly on the Instagram app. If you want to change the speed of a pre-recorded video, you can use VN editor on your iPhone and Filmora app on your Android smartphone. If you want to customize the video speed on PC, Wondershare Filmora will be your best video editor.

Also read:

  • Title: Updated How to Edit A Time Lapse Video on iPhone for 2024
  • Author: Chloe
  • Created at : 2024-04-24 07:08:35
  • Updated at : 2024-04-25 07:08:35
  • Link: https://ai-editing-video.techidaily.com/updated-how-to-edit-a-time-lapse-video-on-iphone-for-2024/
  • License: This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.
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Updated How to Edit A Time Lapse Video on iPhone for 2024