Updated How to Turn Text Into a Podcast for 2024

Updated How to Turn Text Into a Podcast for 2024

Chloe Lv12

How to Turn Text Into a Podcast

Being a content creator, either writing or generating videos, requires podcast text-to-speech knowledge. The impact of content depends on how many people see it. It means finding new ways to get it into real and virtual places where customers and users might be.

Depending on the context, podcasting can be a perfect alternative for sharing content.

This article will address your questions about the easiest way to turn a blog into a podcast. Let’s begin with the reasons why you should do a podcast.

Part 1. Why You Should Podcast

Podcasts are one of the simplest and most cost-effective ways. It helps to advertise yourself and your products to a highly targeted audience. Podcasts are also excellent for engaging with potential clients interested in your content. In your field, you can achieve fame and expertise.

effective podcast

Repurposing of Content

Podcasters can maximize their potential for successful episodes and repurposing their podcast into multiple content pieces.

This podcasting strategy can help you reach more people by putting your podcasts on more channels and engaging more people who might be interested.

More Fulfilling than Articles

Unlike music, news, TV, and social media, podcast listeners don’t have to watch the screen like they do with YouTube videos or TV shows. This means they can listen while walking or driving home from work.

Podcasts are the best way to get people to pay attention and make fundamental societal changes. They can keep people interested for a long time, so you can go into detail and get personal without turning off your audience.

Minimal Start-Up Costs

To start a podcast, you can spend a little money. Even some of the most famous podcasts use a microphone, a computer, and software for recording. But it’s common to spend more money on advertising and better hosting.

Starting a podcast doesn’t cost much, as you can get everything you need for about $145.

Expansion of Search Potential

In the past few years, many big brands and small to medium-sized businesses have started using podcasts as a marketing strategy. This is because podcasts are becoming more and more popular and can help raise your company’s profile.

Podcasting is another way to disseminate your study to a broader audience, whether that audience consists of policymakers or interested citizens.

Potential to Monetize

Using an affiliate program podcast, you can earn money. Businesses can increase their income by offering paid advertising sponsorships to monetize podcasts. Suppose you accept an affiliate offer to sell ads. In that case, you become the company’s voice and put recorded ads in your podcast episodes.

The most common way to make money from a podcast is through sponsorship. It’s also the easiest way to make money because you don’t have to make or sell anything. You just have to make a deal with a sponsor.

Part 2. Why Are Writers Hesitant to Start a Podcast?

Even after knowing all these benefits, writers are still hesitant to start a podcast. One of the main reasons a writer may be reluctant to launch a podcast is the cost of the necessary equipment. You will need at least $80 to $500 for this unpromissing business.

However, let me tell you a secret that many podcastors didn’t buy any audio equipment for the launch of their podcast channel on Spotify.

Moreover, many writers don’t want to show their voice through recordings. This is because they couldn’t just make a recording and hand it off to a sound specialist. Besides, finding their voice through the stories they write is the routine.

But we all need to get the truth that many podcastors don’t record a single word of the podcast with their own voice. Due to a solution: text-to-speech, technology like this has been around for a while and continues to improve.

The two important issues have been solved, so what are you waiting for? Platform building has always relied heavily on content marketing. With blog posts and social media, additional support was provided, and now podcasts are becoming more commonplace.

Part 3. How to Turn a Text Into a Podcast?

Text To Speech

To turn your text into audible content, Text-to-speech (TTS) is an assistive technology. With a single click, TTS reads your written text aloud. Many people also use it for writing and editing to maintain audience concentration.

Text-to-speech technology is compatible with all digital devices, including computers, tablets, and smartphones. Increasing numbers of websites and products now have developed this function. For example, you can find it within the trusted video editing software like Filmora. With Filmora’s Text to Speech (TTS) feature , you may add extra aspects to your video by turning your text files into voiceovers.

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Why we regard text to speech as a good

For writers, imagination is the only tool to construct their stories. To bring our stories to life, all we need is a laptop. The same holds for text-to-speech technologies, which can significantly assist writing and editing by allowing the author to hear their words without using their voice.

  • Text-to-speech applications can assist you in repurposing your material.

Your written work can be converted into spoken language or a podcast. A podcast can be converted into a YouTube video with a few alterations. All of these factors can help you reach new audiences.

Repurposing material permits your audience to consume it in a variety of ways. The audience can read, listen to, or view your content.

  • Text-to-speech systems enable authors to create information that is accessible.

As per World Health Organization, there are almost 285 million visually impaired persons and 39 million blind people. We writers can create a more inclusive world by constantly keeping accessibility in mind.

The limitations of text to speech

Text-to-speech software is becoming increasingly lifelike thanks to technological advancements. However, it cannot still express genuine human emotions. However, this should allow you to utilize these tools. The positives significantly exceed the disadvantages, and technology is continually improving.

Easiest Fix: Turn Texts Into Podcasts With TTS in Filmora

So how can you use text-to-speech? Andhow you can turn your texts into audio podcasts in a daily routine? Filmora, a all-in-one video editor, gets you the solution.

Step1 Download and install Filmora on your PC or Mac.

download and install filmora

Step2 Open Filmora and select the video on which you wish to add audio.

add your video file

Step3 After adding your selected video, select the option “Titles” to add text to your video.

select the option titles to add your text

Step4 Select your favorite position for text in the video, like “lower third,” which is used the most in video titles.

go to option custom

Step5 Add text to the timeline and click “Ok.” You can move the red timeline marker if you want your text in a certain spot.

red timeline marker

Click the “+” button marked in the picture below to add text.

add text to the timeline

You can also edit the text by changing its style, color, and font or by animating it.

change text style

Step6 Press the “Text-to-Speech” button in the lower right side and choose your preferred voice. For example, Lilly’s voice resembles Siri.

choose your preferred voice

You can also choose another language other than English.

language of text-to-speech filmora

Click “Ok” once you’ve selected everything according to your requirements.

Step7 Once the transcription is completed, go ahead and test the video and audio to see if it’s synching.

test your video and audio

And that’s done. This is how easy it is to turn your texts into speech using Filmora.

Part 4. Hot FAQs on Podcast Text to Speech

How do I convert podcasts to text?

With the help of the smartphone app Google Recorder you can easily convert podcasts to texts for free.

  • Open the app on your phone, start recording to it, and start recording your podcast simultaneously.
  • The words will be automatically recorded and entered into the application as you talk into your phone’s microphone.
  • After you click stop on the app, you can store and share the files once you finish your recording.

You have an option of sharing the text, the audio, or both. Alternatively, you can save them to your Google Drive if you don’t want to share them.

How to turn my podcast into a sound?

To convert your video podcasts into audio through Filmora. Follow these steps:

  • Drag the imported video from the media library into the video timeline.
  • To extract the audio from the video, right-click the video clip and select “Audio Detach.”
  • After a while, audio and video will be seen on separate tracks.

Can I save the sound after converting text to speech?

Once the text has been converted to speech, you can save the sound. Select your preferred format after clicking the “export” option in Filmora.


Many of us wish to launch a podcast and blog. A productive podcast’s essence is turning writing into audio using various podcasting techniques. AI-powered text-to-speech softwares can quickly convert articles into podcasts. Or, you can invite significant people to your podcast to personalize it. Podcasting can give outdated content a new life.

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Why we regard text to speech as a good

For writers, imagination is the only tool to construct their stories. To bring our stories to life, all we need is a laptop. The same holds for text-to-speech technologies, which can significantly assist writing and editing by allowing the author to hear their words without using their voice.

  • Text-to-speech applications can assist you in repurposing your material.

Your written work can be converted into spoken language or a podcast. A podcast can be converted into a YouTube video with a few alterations. All of these factors can help you reach new audiences.

Repurposing material permits your audience to consume it in a variety of ways. The audience can read, listen to, or view your content.

  • Text-to-speech systems enable authors to create information that is accessible.

As per World Health Organization, there are almost 285 million visually impaired persons and 39 million blind people. We writers can create a more inclusive world by constantly keeping accessibility in mind.

The limitations of text to speech

Text-to-speech software is becoming increasingly lifelike thanks to technological advancements. However, it cannot still express genuine human emotions. However, this should allow you to utilize these tools. The positives significantly exceed the disadvantages, and technology is continually improving.

Easiest Fix: Turn Texts Into Podcasts With TTS in Filmora

So how can you use text-to-speech? Andhow you can turn your texts into audio podcasts in a daily routine? Filmora, a all-in-one video editor, gets you the solution.

Step1 Download and install Filmora on your PC or Mac.

download and install filmora

Step2 Open Filmora and select the video on which you wish to add audio.

add your video file

Step3 After adding your selected video, select the option “Titles” to add text to your video.

select the option titles to add your text

Step4 Select your favorite position for text in the video, like “lower third,” which is used the most in video titles.

go to option custom

Step5 Add text to the timeline and click “Ok.” You can move the red timeline marker if you want your text in a certain spot.

red timeline marker

Click the “+” button marked in the picture below to add text.

add text to the timeline

You can also edit the text by changing its style, color, and font or by animating it.

change text style

Step6 Press the “Text-to-Speech” button in the lower right side and choose your preferred voice. For example, Lilly’s voice resembles Siri.

choose your preferred voice

You can also choose another language other than English.

language of text-to-speech filmora

Click “Ok” once you’ve selected everything according to your requirements.

Step7 Once the transcription is completed, go ahead and test the video and audio to see if it’s synching.

test your video and audio

And that’s done. This is how easy it is to turn your texts into speech using Filmora.

Part 4. Hot FAQs on Podcast Text to Speech

How do I convert podcasts to text?

With the help of the smartphone app Google Recorder you can easily convert podcasts to texts for free.

  • Open the app on your phone, start recording to it, and start recording your podcast simultaneously.
  • The words will be automatically recorded and entered into the application as you talk into your phone’s microphone.
  • After you click stop on the app, you can store and share the files once you finish your recording.

You have an option of sharing the text, the audio, or both. Alternatively, you can save them to your Google Drive if you don’t want to share them.

How to turn my podcast into a sound?

To convert your video podcasts into audio through Filmora. Follow these steps:

  • Drag the imported video from the media library into the video timeline.
  • To extract the audio from the video, right-click the video clip and select “Audio Detach.”
  • After a while, audio and video will be seen on separate tracks.

Can I save the sound after converting text to speech?

Once the text has been converted to speech, you can save the sound. Select your preferred format after clicking the “export” option in Filmora.


Many of us wish to launch a podcast and blog. A productive podcast’s essence is turning writing into audio using various podcasting techniques. AI-powered text-to-speech softwares can quickly convert articles into podcasts. Or, you can invite significant people to your podcast to personalize it. Podcasting can give outdated content a new life.

Ultimate Guide on How to Plan and Storyboard a Music Video

Do you want to bring your music to life on the big screen? Do you want to create something visually striking? Making a music video seems like a big task. Sometimes, the artist you’re working with might not have a clear idea for their music video. It’s your job to help guide the creative process.

But don’t worry! This guide is going to make it easy for you to plan and storyboard your music video step by step with the help of Filmora . So let’s get started and make an amazing music video together!

Plan and develop initial ideas

The first and essential step in creating a music video is planning. This is where you will lay the foundation of your music video. You need to figure out what your video is about and what you want to convey to the audience. It involves a concept or theme for the video, research, and reference material. You can also explore different ideas to make your video unique and engaging.

graphical text of initial ideas

Step1Research and gather information

You can begin by researching and gathering information from other music videos. This will help you to know what has been done before and what is currently popular. You can also figure out how you can do it differently.

Step2Brainstorm and concept development

Once you understand the current trends and styles in the music video. It’s time to start brainstorming ideas. You can do it alone or with the help of your team. But remember that you have to think out of the box to make it creative.

Step3Consider the lyrics and message

In the planning stage, it is also important to consider the lyrics and message of the song. It would be best if you plan according to the feel and vibe of the song. It will help you to create a concept tied to the song and will help enhance its meaning.

Step4Experiment and find the right direction

Once you have a general concept, it’s time to develop it further. You can do it by creating rough sketches or storyboards. You can also film test footage to see how the concept will look on screen.

Step5Effort and attention to detail

Remember, this step is the foundation of your music video. So, take your time and don’t rush through it. By putting in effort and attention to detail, you’ll be able to create a visually stunning and closely tied to the song’s music video.

Choose a style for your music video

While creating ideas for the music video, it’s also important to consider the style of the music video. There are two main styles of music videos:

types of music video style

1.Performance-style music video

If you want to showcase energy and charisma in your music video, go for a performance-style music video. This video style focuses on you and your band performing live in front of an audience. You can shoot a video in a single take with minimal cuts or feature different angles and shots. The key is to capture the raw energy and emotion of the performance.

2.Narrative-style music video

A narrative-style music video tells a story or conveys a message along with the music. The story can be a visual representation of the lyrics or a multi-layered narrative. You can choose this style to convey a deeper message or story.

You can shoot this video in different locations and can include different scenes. The main motive is to create a video that emotionally connects with the audience.

Once you have an idea of what you want your music video to be about, you can put together a treatment to show the artist what your initial plan for the music video is.

treatment of the plan

If the artist approves the direction of the video, it’s time to move on to storyboarding!

Storyboard your music video

Once you are done with the style and concept of the video, the next step is storyboarding! It allows you to break down your music video visually and highlight key visual moments. It can save time and money and convey a clear idea to the team. You can do this on paper, a computer, or a tablet, whatever works best for you. Let’s see how to do it with the help of Filmora .

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graphical text of storyboarding

Step1Draw your ideas

You are supposed to break your video idea into different scenes. For each scene, you should draw a picture of what the shot will look like and draw them within the rectangles.

drawing pictures of the scenes

Step2Take pictures

After doing your storyboarding on paper, take photos of each shot in a sequence and import them to your computer.

take pictures of the sketch

Before going to the next step, make sure to download Wondershare Filmora. It is powerful editing software that can help you easily make a storyboard. With its wide range of features, you can also customize your clips with special effects, transitions, and more.

filmora logo

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Step3Import pictures to Filmora

Now import all the scenes and music to Filmora. You can also create separate folders if you have multiple concepts for a single video.

importing song and scene pictures to filmora

Step4Drop your media onto the timeline

Drag and drop the song to the audio timeline. Then press shift, select all images, and drop them into the picture timeline. If you realize you are missing enough clips to complete the song, you can draw and add more shots.

dropping song and pictures into the timeline

Step5Adjust the frame

You can right-click on the picture’s timeline and select Crop to fit to adjust the image on the screen. You can also adjust the scenes according to the song.

selecting crop to fit

Step6Add effects

You can also simulate transitions and effects in the clips. Let’s suppose you want to show a zoom-in shot. Then you would click on the picture frame and the keyframe option just above the timeline. Now keyframe the position and scale of the clip according to you.

adding keyframe to the pictures

Once you feel like your clips sync with the song, you are ready to start planning for the production of your music video.


We hope this blog has given you a better understanding of how planning and storyboarding can help make your music videos better. You can ensure that your vision is clearly communicated to the audience by planning and storyboarding your music videos properly. Now that you know what to do, it’s time to put that knowledge into action. Take a pencil and paper and start sketching the shots and scenes you want to create.

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

graphical text of storyboarding

Step1Draw your ideas

You are supposed to break your video idea into different scenes. For each scene, you should draw a picture of what the shot will look like and draw them within the rectangles.

drawing pictures of the scenes

Step2Take pictures

After doing your storyboarding on paper, take photos of each shot in a sequence and import them to your computer.

take pictures of the sketch

Before going to the next step, make sure to download Wondershare Filmora. It is powerful editing software that can help you easily make a storyboard. With its wide range of features, you can also customize your clips with special effects, transitions, and more.

filmora logo

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Step3Import pictures to Filmora

Now import all the scenes and music to Filmora. You can also create separate folders if you have multiple concepts for a single video.

importing song and scene pictures to filmora

Step4Drop your media onto the timeline

Drag and drop the song to the audio timeline. Then press shift, select all images, and drop them into the picture timeline. If you realize you are missing enough clips to complete the song, you can draw and add more shots.

dropping song and pictures into the timeline

Step5Adjust the frame

You can right-click on the picture’s timeline and select Crop to fit to adjust the image on the screen. You can also adjust the scenes according to the song.

selecting crop to fit

Step6Add effects

You can also simulate transitions and effects in the clips. Let’s suppose you want to show a zoom-in shot. Then you would click on the picture frame and the keyframe option just above the timeline. Now keyframe the position and scale of the clip according to you.

adding keyframe to the pictures

Once you feel like your clips sync with the song, you are ready to start planning for the production of your music video.


We hope this blog has given you a better understanding of how planning and storyboarding can help make your music videos better. You can ensure that your vision is clearly communicated to the audience by planning and storyboarding your music videos properly. Now that you know what to do, it’s time to put that knowledge into action. Take a pencil and paper and start sketching the shots and scenes you want to create.

How to Make a Neon Dance Effect With Filmora

Neon colors in videos are constantly attracting and compelling the scenes. So how it looks if dancing videos have this feature? For sure, it’ll be dreamier and more classy.

After moving toward, the following steps of processing neon effects, you will find different effects to make your video filmier. Wondershare Filmora provides all types of products on one platform. Then try it out and enjoy the rest. Scroll more to learn about the neon effect before editing your video!

Neon Dance Effects in Wondershare Filmora

You often watch viral dance videos or commercials in which a neon highlight of a person dances aside from them in the video. Yes! You can also make that just in a few minutes.

In this case, Wondershare Filmora is considered to be your partner. Filmora is a fantastic tool that you can have at your disposal to edit a range of videos. There are tons of neon effects in Filmora, including neon frames, neon swings, or even multiple neon overlays.

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

neon effects in filmora

Steps to Make a Neon Dance Effect With Filmora

The public is tired now of seeing old video graphics in dancing videos. It’s time to add neon colors to give a fascinating look. Follow the step-by-step guide mentioned below, and let’s get going!

Step1 Import Clips into the Timeline

Before we begin to edit our video, make sure you download Wondershare Filmora. First, you need to create a timeline to edit our dancing clips. For this, take a look at the below steps!

  • Click on the Import icon in the main window when you open Wondershare Filmora.
  • Then, import the video clips you want to edit.
  • Now, drag the Video and drop it in the editing timeline below.

add video to the timeline

Step2 Add the Same Video again

We aim to create a black background for the original video we imported above. To do so, follow the steps mentioned below.

  • Drag and drop the same video on the timeline.
  • Make sure to drag and drop it above the original video.

adding the same video again

Step3 Go into the Compositing Mode

After adding the same video, now convert BG into a black screen. For this, follow the given steps:

  • Double-Click on the video we added later.
  • A video editing panel will open up in the Import
  • Scroll down till you see the compositing tab.
  • Here will have to change the Blending mode.
  • Click on the tab ahead that is labeled “Norma
  • A drop-down option will open up.
  • In this drop-down option, scroll below to “Difference“.

changing the blending mode to difference

  • As soon as you click on the Difference option, you will notice a change in the main play window; it will all turn to a black screen.
Step4 Add the Pixelated Edges effect

Our target is to outline the individual in the video, so we can move on to create the Neon Highlight effect. To do so, follow these steps!

  • First, go into the effects option that you can select from the tab above the import window.
  • In the effects panel, search for the Pixelated edges
  • You will notice a search bar in the top right corner. Type “Pixelated edges,“ and you will see some effects pop up in the import window.

searching for pixelated edges effect

  • Select the Pixelated edges effect. Then, click and drag it below the video that we turned to black using the Difference
  • The edges of the individual dancing in the video will be outlined.

after adding a pixelated effect to the video

Step5 Change the outline color

You may not like the default color with the Pixelated edges effect. But no worries, you can change that to whatever color you desire by following these steps:

  • Double-Click on the video in which you added the effect.
  • An editing panel will pop up.
  • Click on the Effect option below the Video
  • Here, you can see the color option.
  • Click on the color and select whatever suits you the best.

change the color of the outline

Step6 Create Multiple Outlines

It would help if you created multiple outlines to achieve the Neon Dance effect. These multiple outlines will be produced by exporting them multiple times with the color you want. Follow the below points to get it instantly!

  • When you have selected the color for your outline, export the video by clicking on the Export icon in the top right corner.

export the video

  • When you have exported the video, move back to the timeline to edit again.
  • As we had selected the Blue color for reference, now choose another color you wish.
  • After changing the video, export it again.

Note: Export as many times as you want with the color of your choice. E.g., 5 colors = 5 exports.

Step7 Import the exported videos
  • Now you have to import the videos that you exported.
  • Before doing that, first, delete the video in track 2. (The video on which we applied the Difference)
  • Now select all the exports from your library and import them onto the import window.
  • Please select all of them and drag them on the timeline.

Note: You don’t want all the outlines to play simultaneously. Otherwise, the outlines will not appear to be separate.

  • To do so, stack the videos on each other on different tracks.

Tip: The trick here will be to offset the video by a few seconds so that each video plays a little later than the other.

offset the videos by a few seconds

To efficiently blend the outlines with the green screen, you can change the blending mode of each of the exported videos to “Lighten.”

  • Double-click on each video.
  • In the editing panel, choose compositing.
  • From there, select the “Lighten“ option.

change the blending mode to lighten

Step8 Add the Glow effect

To make the outlines glow like Neon lights, we will need to add another effect from the effects library.

  • Go to the effects tab and search for “Glow.”
  • Click and drag the glow effect to each of the exported videos.

add the glow effect

You can make it more fun by going one step further!

  • Double-click on each of the glow effects that you added.
  • In effect, the editing panel goes to the video effects.
  • Here, you can change the radius of the Glow effect you added.
  • Similarly, you can do it in all the other videos.
Step9 Apply the Green screen effect

We will change our green screen for the final part. Follow the last steps, and then enjoy!

  • Move the green screen footage below them all to the top track.
  • Double-click the video to enter the editing panel.
  • Go to the chroma key (Green Screen) in the editing panel**.**
  • Click on the arrow aside from the tab.

You will immediately see changes to your video in the main play window. Play the video from the start and notice the changes.

final results of neon dance effect

Congratulations! You have successfully created Neon Dance effects by using the user-friendly Wondershare Filmora.


Wondershare Filmora offers a variety of editing features that you can use to create very innovative videos. You can quickly create Neon effects in your dance videos next time by following the above steps! Add more creativity to attract more audience. Have fun and explore more effects to get unique resultsFree Download For macOS 10.14 or later

neon effects in filmora

Steps to Make a Neon Dance Effect With Filmora

The public is tired now of seeing old video graphics in dancing videos. It’s time to add neon colors to give a fascinating look. Follow the step-by-step guide mentioned below, and let’s get going!

Step1 Import Clips into the Timeline

Before we begin to edit our video, make sure you download Wondershare Filmora. First, you need to create a timeline to edit our dancing clips. For this, take a look at the below steps!

  • Click on the Import icon in the main window when you open Wondershare Filmora.
  • Then, import the video clips you want to edit.
  • Now, drag the Video and drop it in the editing timeline below.

add video to the timeline

Step2 Add the Same Video again

We aim to create a black background for the original video we imported above. To do so, follow the steps mentioned below.

  • Drag and drop the same video on the timeline.
  • Make sure to drag and drop it above the original video.

adding the same video again

Step3 Go into the Compositing Mode

After adding the same video, now convert BG into a black screen. For this, follow the given steps:

  • Double-Click on the video we added later.
  • A video editing panel will open up in the Import
  • Scroll down till you see the compositing tab.
  • Here will have to change the Blending mode.
  • Click on the tab ahead that is labeled “Norma
  • A drop-down option will open up.
  • In this drop-down option, scroll below to “Difference“.

changing the blending mode to difference

  • As soon as you click on the Difference option, you will notice a change in the main play window; it will all turn to a black screen.
Step4 Add the Pixelated Edges effect

Our target is to outline the individual in the video, so we can move on to create the Neon Highlight effect. To do so, follow these steps!

  • First, go into the effects option that you can select from the tab above the import window.
  • In the effects panel, search for the Pixelated edges
  • You will notice a search bar in the top right corner. Type “Pixelated edges,“ and you will see some effects pop up in the import window.

searching for pixelated edges effect

  • Select the Pixelated edges effect. Then, click and drag it below the video that we turned to black using the Difference
  • The edges of the individual dancing in the video will be outlined.

after adding a pixelated effect to the video

Step5 Change the outline color

You may not like the default color with the Pixelated edges effect. But no worries, you can change that to whatever color you desire by following these steps:

  • Double-Click on the video in which you added the effect.
  • An editing panel will pop up.
  • Click on the Effect option below the Video
  • Here, you can see the color option.
  • Click on the color and select whatever suits you the best.

change the color of the outline

Step6 Create Multiple Outlines

It would help if you created multiple outlines to achieve the Neon Dance effect. These multiple outlines will be produced by exporting them multiple times with the color you want. Follow the below points to get it instantly!

  • When you have selected the color for your outline, export the video by clicking on the Export icon in the top right corner.

export the video

  • When you have exported the video, move back to the timeline to edit again.
  • As we had selected the Blue color for reference, now choose another color you wish.
  • After changing the video, export it again.

Note: Export as many times as you want with the color of your choice. E.g., 5 colors = 5 exports.

Step7 Import the exported videos
  • Now you have to import the videos that you exported.
  • Before doing that, first, delete the video in track 2. (The video on which we applied the Difference)
  • Now select all the exports from your library and import them onto the import window.
  • Please select all of them and drag them on the timeline.

Note: You don’t want all the outlines to play simultaneously. Otherwise, the outlines will not appear to be separate.

  • To do so, stack the videos on each other on different tracks.

Tip: The trick here will be to offset the video by a few seconds so that each video plays a little later than the other.

offset the videos by a few seconds

To efficiently blend the outlines with the green screen, you can change the blending mode of each of the exported videos to “Lighten.”

  • Double-click on each video.
  • In the editing panel, choose compositing.
  • From there, select the “Lighten“ option.

change the blending mode to lighten

Step8 Add the Glow effect

To make the outlines glow like Neon lights, we will need to add another effect from the effects library.

  • Go to the effects tab and search for “Glow.”
  • Click and drag the glow effect to each of the exported videos.

add the glow effect

You can make it more fun by going one step further!

  • Double-click on each of the glow effects that you added.
  • In effect, the editing panel goes to the video effects.
  • Here, you can change the radius of the Glow effect you added.
  • Similarly, you can do it in all the other videos.
Step9 Apply the Green screen effect

We will change our green screen for the final part. Follow the last steps, and then enjoy!

  • Move the green screen footage below them all to the top track.
  • Double-click the video to enter the editing panel.
  • Go to the chroma key (Green Screen) in the editing panel**.**
  • Click on the arrow aside from the tab.

You will immediately see changes to your video in the main play window. Play the video from the start and notice the changes.

final results of neon dance effect

Congratulations! You have successfully created Neon Dance effects by using the user-friendly Wondershare Filmora.


Wondershare Filmora offers a variety of editing features that you can use to create very innovative videos. You can quickly create Neon effects in your dance videos next time by following the above steps! Add more creativity to attract more audience. Have fun and explore more effects to get unique results!

Denoise Video in Adobe Premiere Pro – Audio and Video Noise Removal

What’s the key to our success? And what’s the process that it takes us? How can we attract audiences and guarantee the viewers’ transition to loyalty? – these are the questions that people in the professions connected to the technology should ask. There is no recipe, but at least, we know what NOT to do – DO NOT create bad content! You will never have a desired amount of listeners for your podcasts if the voice of the actor or noise of the whole track is annoying, you will struggle to have success on Youtube if your shots are unpleasant to watch, and the list goes on – there are just too many things you should not do!

But sometimes bad quality just happens. It happens when you know you have a problem and it happens when you think everything is going well in producing. You might come back from the production and find out that every shot you took had bad lightning, or there was an almost naked guy running on the background, or there is a noise on the background that just makes the whole experience of watching and listening not worthwhile! This might be something that sinks your heart…

But the mistakes we make don’t ensure that there has been a verdict cast for our failure. Nowadays, the will is everything – if you are really willing to make something work, you will just have to find the right tools, and learn a little about them, and, Voila! – Maybe you can turn bad into something good? Unacceptable into something acceptable? Annoying into interesting, and unpleasant into enjoyable?

This is called EDITING. And Editing covers different, almost endless days – too many computer programs, too many tools, too many opportunities to modify almost anything you want to make look and sound better - All of this feels like magic!

Among many instruments and techniques, there is one thing called denoising, with two different meaning. You might find noise in two areas – video and audio. Audio denoising means to remove or reduce the background noise, such as air conditioner hum, someone screaming from far away, birds chirping, the waves, etc. the noise in photo and video terms means that the scene we are looking at is grainy and makes watching the scene a little more difficult, with a less clear picture. And whenever these kind of things appear, mostly out of the blue, – because no one wants to take a bad video or record a bad voice-over, - our magical tools and abilities come to play…

One of those is called Adobe Premiere Pro, using for video editing, viewed as the most sophisticated video editor software. So, in this article, we will learn how to handle bot noise-s – in video as well as audio terms, and how to create a better viewer/listener experience in this very program. Lastly, we’ll touch upon an alternative for background noise removal, so, there’s nothing left but tuning in!

Video denoising in Adobe Premiere Pro

Reducing the noise in the video in this software can be achieved through using effect which is called Median. Before discovering it, without any doubt, we need to add our footage into the Timeline in Premiere Pro. Then, we can proceed to finding the Effects Panel, where our wanted Median can be found – just drag and drop the effect to your clip.


In order to make sure that the Median touches the grainiest parts of the whole clip, we need to use something called masks. In the Effects Control panel, we can select the mask shape for our clip –either choose rectangle, circle, or pen tool. Pen tool is something with which we move the Mask around the screen and resize it to include the desired area and cover it.


Changing Feather setting to 100 will make sure that the effect loses a visible edge and there is some smoothness added to those edges.


There might be the need to repeat this process and create several masks, if that means to have covered all of the grainy area of the scene.

Lastly, tom reduce the noise, adjusting the effect settings is needed.


Technically, what the Median effect does is just blurring the graininess, not exactly “taking it away”. And if we play with the Radius settings there, we can find our desired look!

How to remove background noise in Adobe Premiere Pro

Removing background noise in Adobe Premiere Pro can be a pretty simple process and lead to much better results. First of all, of course, import the desired material into your software so you can see the video and audio in the sequence visually. After having the project set up, you will need to find the Efffects Panel, which might be hidden a little, but it must be on the left and bottom of the program layout; or, you can find it on the top, in the navbar.


After having located the Effects panel, go for the search bar and type: denoise, and you’ll see that DeNoise effect is under Audio Effects.


You hold onto the effect, drag and drop it on the audio track in the timeline itself! Then, you just click on the audio in the sequence and on the top right Effect Controls will appear, which we need to concentrate on. You will scroll down a little there and below Audio notice: fx DeNoise, where you hit on the Edit button. This will open the Clip Fx Editor for the Audio denoising.


Basically, it only has one, Amount scale, and if you drag the slider of it to the right at 100%, it will remove the whole noise, but setting it on 0% will not remove any noise at all. So, you need to choose your preferred percentage! Just listen what is acceptable for you, but the general suggestion here would be that you can choose as high percent as you want, but if the effect starts taking out the voice and actually wanted parts, then you will have to stop and keep it that way. So, that’s actually it!

Bonus tip: how to remove audio noise in video with Wondershare Filmora

What we have promised in the beginning in the video, we like to offer now – the alternative to reduce or remove audio noise in the video is called Wondershare Filmora, which functions in a very simple way. So, we can start using these guides:

Drag and drop your video into the timeline. Right-clicking on the video and hitting Detach Audio will enable us to separate audio and video from one another, getting us a chance to work on them individually.


Double-click on the audio track shows the editing panel, where we see Remove background noise – choosing this option removes the noise!


Though, there is another way to do this too. If you don’t want to detach the audio, then first, double-click on the video clip in the timeline and when the editing panel opens, switch to Audio. If you check the box next to Remove background noise, you will see that there are three levels – weak, mid, and strong, which determine the strength of how toe noise is going to be reduced. Choosing one of them is up to you!

In case you find that the voice sounds a little robotics, you’ll need to make it sound more natural, of course. For it, you will need to click Customize, which will take you into the Customize Equalizer department.


The low tunes are on the left, while the highs are on the right. Background noises are often the low ones, so we better lower them even more, but we would raise the middle ones to achieve a natural sound.


And, that’s it – you are done with audio background noise removal!

So, in this article, we learned how to remove the video noise and grain and audio background noise using the software Adobe Premire Pro, while we also discussed how to do the latter using Wondershare Filmora – hope you can start using your new knowledge and tools very soon and create the content you never thought you could have created!

In order to make sure that the Median touches the grainiest parts of the whole clip, we need to use something called masks. In the Effects Control panel, we can select the mask shape for our clip –either choose rectangle, circle, or pen tool. Pen tool is something with which we move the Mask around the screen and resize it to include the desired area and cover it.


Changing Feather setting to 100 will make sure that the effect loses a visible edge and there is some smoothness added to those edges.


There might be the need to repeat this process and create several masks, if that means to have covered all of the grainy area of the scene.

Lastly, tom reduce the noise, adjusting the effect settings is needed.


Technically, what the Median effect does is just blurring the graininess, not exactly “taking it away”. And if we play with the Radius settings there, we can find our desired look!

How to remove background noise in Adobe Premiere Pro

Removing background noise in Adobe Premiere Pro can be a pretty simple process and lead to much better results. First of all, of course, import the desired material into your software so you can see the video and audio in the sequence visually. After having the project set up, you will need to find the Efffects Panel, which might be hidden a little, but it must be on the left and bottom of the program layout; or, you can find it on the top, in the navbar.


After having located the Effects panel, go for the search bar and type: denoise, and you’ll see that DeNoise effect is under Audio Effects.


You hold onto the effect, drag and drop it on the audio track in the timeline itself! Then, you just click on the audio in the sequence and on the top right Effect Controls will appear, which we need to concentrate on. You will scroll down a little there and below Audio notice: fx DeNoise, where you hit on the Edit button. This will open the Clip Fx Editor for the Audio denoising.


Basically, it only has one, Amount scale, and if you drag the slider of it to the right at 100%, it will remove the whole noise, but setting it on 0% will not remove any noise at all. So, you need to choose your preferred percentage! Just listen what is acceptable for you, but the general suggestion here would be that you can choose as high percent as you want, but if the effect starts taking out the voice and actually wanted parts, then you will have to stop and keep it that way. So, that’s actually it!

Bonus tip: how to remove audio noise in video with Wondershare Filmora

What we have promised in the beginning in the video, we like to offer now – the alternative to reduce or remove audio noise in the video is called Wondershare Filmora, which functions in a very simple way. So, we can start using these guides:

Drag and drop your video into the timeline. Right-clicking on the video and hitting Detach Audio will enable us to separate audio and video from one another, getting us a chance to work on them individually.


Double-click on the audio track shows the editing panel, where we see Remove background noise – choosing this option removes the noise!


Though, there is another way to do this too. If you don’t want to detach the audio, then first, double-click on the video clip in the timeline and when the editing panel opens, switch to Audio. If you check the box next to Remove background noise, you will see that there are three levels – weak, mid, and strong, which determine the strength of how toe noise is going to be reduced. Choosing one of them is up to you!

In case you find that the voice sounds a little robotics, you’ll need to make it sound more natural, of course. For it, you will need to click Customize, which will take you into the Customize Equalizer department.


The low tunes are on the left, while the highs are on the right. Background noises are often the low ones, so we better lower them even more, but we would raise the middle ones to achieve a natural sound.


And, that’s it – you are done with audio background noise removal!

So, in this article, we learned how to remove the video noise and grain and audio background noise using the software Adobe Premire Pro, while we also discussed how to do the latter using Wondershare Filmora – hope you can start using your new knowledge and tools very soon and create the content you never thought you could have created!

In order to make sure that the Median touches the grainiest parts of the whole clip, we need to use something called masks. In the Effects Control panel, we can select the mask shape for our clip –either choose rectangle, circle, or pen tool. Pen tool is something with which we move the Mask around the screen and resize it to include the desired area and cover it.


Changing Feather setting to 100 will make sure that the effect loses a visible edge and there is some smoothness added to those edges.


There might be the need to repeat this process and create several masks, if that means to have covered all of the grainy area of the scene.

Lastly, tom reduce the noise, adjusting the effect settings is needed.


Technically, what the Median effect does is just blurring the graininess, not exactly “taking it away”. And if we play with the Radius settings there, we can find our desired look!

How to remove background noise in Adobe Premiere Pro

Removing background noise in Adobe Premiere Pro can be a pretty simple process and lead to much better results. First of all, of course, import the desired material into your software so you can see the video and audio in the sequence visually. After having the project set up, you will need to find the Efffects Panel, which might be hidden a little, but it must be on the left and bottom of the program layout; or, you can find it on the top, in the navbar.


After having located the Effects panel, go for the search bar and type: denoise, and you’ll see that DeNoise effect is under Audio Effects.


You hold onto the effect, drag and drop it on the audio track in the timeline itself! Then, you just click on the audio in the sequence and on the top right Effect Controls will appear, which we need to concentrate on. You will scroll down a little there and below Audio notice: fx DeNoise, where you hit on the Edit button. This will open the Clip Fx Editor for the Audio denoising.


Basically, it only has one, Amount scale, and if you drag the slider of it to the right at 100%, it will remove the whole noise, but setting it on 0% will not remove any noise at all. So, you need to choose your preferred percentage! Just listen what is acceptable for you, but the general suggestion here would be that you can choose as high percent as you want, but if the effect starts taking out the voice and actually wanted parts, then you will have to stop and keep it that way. So, that’s actually it!

Bonus tip: how to remove audio noise in video with Wondershare Filmora

What we have promised in the beginning in the video, we like to offer now – the alternative to reduce or remove audio noise in the video is called Wondershare Filmora, which functions in a very simple way. So, we can start using these guides:

Drag and drop your video into the timeline. Right-clicking on the video and hitting Detach Audio will enable us to separate audio and video from one another, getting us a chance to work on them individually.


Double-click on the audio track shows the editing panel, where we see Remove background noise – choosing this option removes the noise!


Though, there is another way to do this too. If you don’t want to detach the audio, then first, double-click on the video clip in the timeline and when the editing panel opens, switch to Audio. If you check the box next to Remove background noise, you will see that there are three levels – weak, mid, and strong, which determine the strength of how toe noise is going to be reduced. Choosing one of them is up to you!

In case you find that the voice sounds a little robotics, you’ll need to make it sound more natural, of course. For it, you will need to click Customize, which will take you into the Customize Equalizer department.


The low tunes are on the left, while the highs are on the right. Background noises are often the low ones, so we better lower them even more, but we would raise the middle ones to achieve a natural sound.


And, that’s it – you are done with audio background noise removal!

So, in this article, we learned how to remove the video noise and grain and audio background noise using the software Adobe Premire Pro, while we also discussed how to do the latter using Wondershare Filmora – hope you can start using your new knowledge and tools very soon and create the content you never thought you could have created!

In order to make sure that the Median touches the grainiest parts of the whole clip, we need to use something called masks. In the Effects Control panel, we can select the mask shape for our clip –either choose rectangle, circle, or pen tool. Pen tool is something with which we move the Mask around the screen and resize it to include the desired area and cover it.


Changing Feather setting to 100 will make sure that the effect loses a visible edge and there is some smoothness added to those edges.


There might be the need to repeat this process and create several masks, if that means to have covered all of the grainy area of the scene.

Lastly, tom reduce the noise, adjusting the effect settings is needed.


Technically, what the Median effect does is just blurring the graininess, not exactly “taking it away”. And if we play with the Radius settings there, we can find our desired look!

How to remove background noise in Adobe Premiere Pro

Removing background noise in Adobe Premiere Pro can be a pretty simple process and lead to much better results. First of all, of course, import the desired material into your software so you can see the video and audio in the sequence visually. After having the project set up, you will need to find the Efffects Panel, which might be hidden a little, but it must be on the left and bottom of the program layout; or, you can find it on the top, in the navbar.


After having located the Effects panel, go for the search bar and type: denoise, and you’ll see that DeNoise effect is under Audio Effects.


You hold onto the effect, drag and drop it on the audio track in the timeline itself! Then, you just click on the audio in the sequence and on the top right Effect Controls will appear, which we need to concentrate on. You will scroll down a little there and below Audio notice: fx DeNoise, where you hit on the Edit button. This will open the Clip Fx Editor for the Audio denoising.


Basically, it only has one, Amount scale, and if you drag the slider of it to the right at 100%, it will remove the whole noise, but setting it on 0% will not remove any noise at all. So, you need to choose your preferred percentage! Just listen what is acceptable for you, but the general suggestion here would be that you can choose as high percent as you want, but if the effect starts taking out the voice and actually wanted parts, then you will have to stop and keep it that way. So, that’s actually it!

Bonus tip: how to remove audio noise in video with Wondershare Filmora

What we have promised in the beginning in the video, we like to offer now – the alternative to reduce or remove audio noise in the video is called Wondershare Filmora, which functions in a very simple way. So, we can start using these guides:

Drag and drop your video into the timeline. Right-clicking on the video and hitting Detach Audio will enable us to separate audio and video from one another, getting us a chance to work on them individually.


Double-click on the audio track shows the editing panel, where we see Remove background noise – choosing this option removes the noise!


Though, there is another way to do this too. If you don’t want to detach the audio, then first, double-click on the video clip in the timeline and when the editing panel opens, switch to Audio. If you check the box next to Remove background noise, you will see that there are three levels – weak, mid, and strong, which determine the strength of how toe noise is going to be reduced. Choosing one of them is up to you!

In case you find that the voice sounds a little robotics, you’ll need to make it sound more natural, of course. For it, you will need to click Customize, which will take you into the Customize Equalizer department.


The low tunes are on the left, while the highs are on the right. Background noises are often the low ones, so we better lower them even more, but we would raise the middle ones to achieve a natural sound.


And, that’s it – you are done with audio background noise removal!

So, in this article, we learned how to remove the video noise and grain and audio background noise using the software Adobe Premire Pro, while we also discussed how to do the latter using Wondershare Filmora – hope you can start using your new knowledge and tools very soon and create the content you never thought you could have created!

Also read:

  • Title: Updated How to Turn Text Into a Podcast for 2024
  • Author: Chloe
  • Created at : 2024-06-18 14:31:13
  • Updated at : 2024-06-19 14:31:13
  • Link: https://ai-editing-video.techidaily.com/updated-how-to-turn-text-into-a-podcast-for-2024/
  • License: This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.